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GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Table of Contents







Purposes of the Manual
Overview of the Manual.








History and Economic Contribution of Mining in South Africa ....
2.2.1 Copper.
2.2.2 Diamonds
2.2.3 Gold..
2.2.4 Coal..
2.2.5 Iron and Steel
2.2.6 Tin.
2.2.7 Chromium...
2.2.8 Fluorspar
2.2.9 Manganese.
2.2.10 Platinum Group Metals...
2.2.11 Vanadium
Recent Trends in Mining in South Africa.
Constraints on Future Growth in the South African Mining Industry..





Mining Activity.
Mine Water Decant Points
Contaminated Wetland Sediments





River Systems..
Conservation Areas
Dolomitic Land
Erodible Soil.
Archaeological and Cultural Sites.


Cover page Kennecott Copper Mine, Utach, U.S.A (Source: Touring Machine, 2006)

GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide






Geophysical Methods
5.2.1 Magnetic Methods
5.2.2 Electromagnetic Methods..
5.2.3 Gravity Method..
5.2.4 Seismic Methods..
5.2.5 Radiometric Methods..
Geochemical Sampling.
Delineation and Evaluation..
5.5.1 Resource Calculations
5.5.2 Reserve Calculations..
Feasibility Studies..
Environmental Impacts of Exploration.
5.7.1 Water Impacts
5.7.2 Soil and Vegetation Impacts.
5.7.3 Visual, Noise and Dust Impacts
5.7.4 Socio-Economic Impacts and Consultation with Interested and
Affected Parties










Surface Mining.
6.2.1 Open-pit Mining
6.2.2 Quarrying
6.2.3 Borrow Pits
6.2.4 Strip Mining
6.2.5 Dump Reclamation..
Underground Mining..
6.3.1 Bord-and-pillar Mining
6.3.2 Other Shallow Underground Mining
6.3.3 Longwall Mining
6.3.4 Wits Gold Mining..
Planning and Rehabilitation of Mining Operations...
6.4.1 Planning of Mine Infrastructure
6.4.2 Rehabilitation of Disturbed Area..
6.4.3 Mine Waste Management Plans...



Table of Contents



Aggregate (sand and crushed stone)
7.2.1 Uses and specifications.
7.2.2 Prospecting
7.2.3 Mining..
7.2.4 Environmental Impact and Rehabilitation.
7.2.5 Gauteng Resources.
Brick Clay..
7.3.1 Uses and Specifications.
7.3.2 Prospecting
7.3.3 Mining..
7.3.4 Environmental Impact and Rehabilitation.
7.3.5 Gauteng Resources.
Fire Clay....
7.4.1 Uses and Specifications.



GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide








7.4.2 Prospecting
7.4.3 Environmental Impact and Rehabilitation
7.4.4 Gauteng Resources.
7.5.1 Uses and Specifications.
7.5.2 Prospecting
7.5.3 Mining..
7.5.4 Environmental Impact and Rehabilitation.
7.5.5 Gauteng Resources.
7.6.1 Uses and Specifications.
7.6.2 Prospecting
7.6.3 Mining..
7.6.4 Environmental Impact and Rehabilitation.
7.6.5 Gauteng Resources.
Dolomite and Limestone...
7.7.1 Uses and Specifications.
7.7.2 Prospecting
7.7.3 Mining..
7.7.4 Environmental Impact and Rehabilitation.
7.7.5 Gauteng Resources.
7.8.1 Uses and Specifications.
7.8.2 Mining..
7.8.3 Environmental Impact and Rehabilitation.
7.8.4 Gauteng Resources.
7.9.1 Uses and Specifications.
7.9.2 Prospecting
7.9.3 Mining..
7.9.4 Environmental Impact and Rehabilitation.
7.9.5 Gauteng Resources.
7.10.1 Uses and Specifications.
7.10.2 Prospecting
7.10.3 Mining..
7.10.4 Environmental Impact and Rehabilitation.
7.10.5 Gauteng Resources.
7.11.1 Uses and Specifications.
7.11.2 Prospecting
7.11.3 Mining..
7.11.4 Gauteng Resources.


Table of Contents







GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide















Table of Contents




Aim of this Chapter
Principles and Process of Environmental Planning in Mining...
9.3.1 Evolution of the environmental assessment and planning
framework in mining
9.3.2 Authority consultation process
Approaches to Environmental Description and Planning...
9.4.1 Environmental Management Systems (EMS)
9.4.2 Environmental Management Programme (EMP)..
9.4.3 Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)..
9.4.4 Standard Environmental Management Programme (SEMP).
9.4.5 Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA)
Scope of Environmental Assessment Criteria to be covered in an
Environmental Management Programme (EMP)....
9.5.1 Phases of Development during Life-of-Mine
9.5.2 Assessment criteria and significance rating scales...
9.5.3 Minimum levels of description detail..
Background information for environmental assessment categories...
9.7.1 Theoretical Considerations...
9.7.2 Common Impacts.
9.7.3 Data Requirements..
Climate or Meteorology.
9.8.1 Theoretical Considerations...
9.8.2 Data Requirements..
9.9.1 Theoretical Considerations...
9.9.2 Common Impacts.
9.9.3 Mitigation and Rehabilitation
9.9.4 Data Requirements..
9.10.1 Theoretical Considerations...
9.10.2 Common Impacts.
9.10.3 Mitigation and Rehabilitation
9.10.4 Data Requirements..
Pre-Mining Land Capability..
9.11.1 Theoretical Considerations...
9.11.2 Common Impacts.
9.11.3 Data Requirements..
Land Use...
Natural Vegetation / Plant Life..
9.13.1 Theoretical Considerations...
9.13.2 Mitigation and Rehabilitation
Animal Life
Surface Water..
9.15.1 Theoretical Considerations...
9.15.2 Common Impacts.
9.15.3 Mitigation and Rehabilitation
9.15.4 Data Requirements..
9.16.1 Theoretical Considerations...




GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Table of Contents

9.16.2 Common Impacts.

9.16.3 Mitigation and Rehabilitation
9.16.4 Impacts on Wetlands..
Air Quality.
9.17.1 Theoretical Considerations...
9.17.2 Common Impacts.
9.17.3 Mitigation and Rehabilitation
9.18.1 Theoretical Considerations...
9.18.2 Common Impacts.
Sites of Archaeological and Cultural Interest.
Visual Aspects
Regional Socio-economic Structure.
9.21.1 Broad Based Socio-Economic Empowerment (BBSEE) Charter and
Scorecard for the South African Mining Industry
9.21.2 Social and Labour Plan..
Interested and Affected Parties..
9.22.1 Public Participation.
Financial Provision for Rehabilitation..
Explorations or Prospecting Operations.
9.24.1 Theoretical Considerations...
9.24.2 Common Impacts.
9.24.3 Mitigation and Rehabilitation
Mine Waste and Residue..
9.25.1 Theoretical Considerations...
9.25.2 Mitigation and Rehabilitation
9.25.3 Benefits of Waste Minimisation
9.25.4 Domestic Waste
9.25.5 Industrial Waste
9.25.6 Mineral and Rock Residue.
9.25.7 Common Impacts.
9.25.8 Decommissioning and Closure of residue dams and dumps..
9.25.9 Rehabilitation
9.25.10 Remediation of Contaminated Soils
9.25.11 Disposal of Slimes...
Mineral Extraction Processes.
9.26.1 General Impacts
9.26.2 Air Quality..
9.26.3 Groundwater Pollution
9.26.4 Acid Mine Drainage..
9.26.5 Cyanide Contamination..
9.26.6 Toxicity of Underlying Soils..
9.26.7 Spontaneous Combustion.
9.26.8 Radioactivity..














Climate Change in Gauteng.

10.1.1 Current Climate.
10.1.2 Driving Forces...
10.1.3 Sectoral Driving Forces..
10.1.4 Impacts
Effects of Climate Change in Mining.
10.2.1 What is Climate Risk
10.2.2 Assessing Climate Risk..
10.2.3 Incorporating Climate Knowledge into Mine Management...
10.2.4 Considering Climate Change at Each Step of the Project Life
Changes in Natural Resource Use.



GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide




Table of Contents

10.3.1 Energy Resources

10.3.2 Water Resources..
10.3.3 Agricultural Resources...
Changes in Land Use.
10.4.1 Current Land Use.
10.4.2 Driving Forces...
Social and Demographic Changes.
Responses to Environmental Change in Gauteng
10.6.1 Responses to Climate Change.
10.6.2 Responses to Energy Resources Use
Blue IQ Projects..









The Historical Development of Mineral and Mining Legislation in South
The Role of the Department of Minerals and Energy (DME)...
11.3.1 Legal process at the DME..
11.3.2 Legislation administered by the DME.
11.3.3 Applicable Regulations..
11.3.4 Transitional provisions and the effects on EMPs when converting
old order rights to new rights...
Consultation Process by the DME and Appeal Process for GDACE to



Environmental Laws Related to Mining
12.2.1 Minerals Act (Act 50 of 1991)
12.2.2 Minerals Act (Act 50 of 1991), Regulations GN R992 (GG 2741 of 26
June 1970)..
12.2.3 Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Act (Act 29 of
12.2.4 MPRDA Regulations GN R527 (GG 26275 of 23 April 2004).
12.2.5 Environmental Conservation Act (Act 73 of 1989) ECA.
12.2.6 National Environmental Management Act (Act 107 of 1998)
12.2.7 NEMA Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Regulations GN
R385 (GG 28753 of 21 April 2006)
12.2.8 The National Environmental Management: Air Quality Act (Act 39
of 2004) - NEM: Air Quality Act.
12.2.9 Atmospheric Pollution Prevention Act (Act 45 of 1965) - APPA
12.2.10 National Water Act (Act 36 of 1998).
12.2.11 NWA Regulation GN R1191 of 1999 as revised by GN R399 (GG
26187 of 26 March 2004).




GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide




Table of Contents

12.2.12 NWA Regulation GN R398 (GG 26187 of 26 March 2004)..

12.2.13 NWA Regulations on Use of Water for Mining and Related
Activities Aimed at the Protection of Water Resources GN R704
(GG 20119 of 4 June 1999).
12.2.14 Conservation of Agricultural Resources Act (Act 43 of 1983)
12.2.15 CARA Regulations GN R1048 (GG 9238 of 25 May 1984)..
12.2.16 Interim Protection of Informal Land Rights Act (Act 109 of 1996)..
12.2.17 Communal Land Rights Act (Act 11 of 2004)
12.2.18 Restitution of Land Rights Act (Act 22 of 1994)..
GDACE policies and guidelines..
12.3.1 Ridges Guidelines (September 2001, reviewed and updated in
January 2004 and April 2006)
12.3.2 Background Document to Red List Guidelines (September 2001,
reviewed and amended in January 2004 and June 2006)..
12.3.3 Red List Plant Species Guidelines (26 June 2006)..
12.3.4 Development on Dolomite, Conservation and Environment
Presentation by Dr Sue Taylor, Malcolm Roods and Frans
Scheepers February 2005...
12.3.5 Protection of Agricultural Land in Gauteng, Revised Policy (June
12.3.6 Gauteng Provincial Integrated Waste Management Policy (IWM
Policy) (GDACE, September 2006)..
12.3.7 Gauteng Strategy for Sustainable Development (GSSD) (July 2007,
Version 5)
12.3.8 Addendum to the Gauteng Strategy for Sustainable Development
(GSSD): Targets and Reporting Requirements
International guidelines
12.4.1 Equator Principles
12.4.2 IFC Performance Standards..
12.4.3 IFC Guidelines...
Functions of GDACE..
Aspects GDACE has to comment on
12.6.1 Environmental report to be compiled for the application of a
reconnaissance permission, prospecting right or mining permit..
12.6.2 Environmental reports to be compiled for the application of a
mining right









Reconnaissance Permit
Prospecting Right...
Progress Report..
Retention Permit.
Mining Permit..
Mining Right.
Performance Assessment Report..


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide


Table of Contents

Closure Certificate and Plan






What is a GIS?
Mapping Requirements for an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) ..
14.4.1 Regional Setting...
14.4.2 Local Setting..
14.4.3 Site Plan..
14.4.4 Land Tenure...
14.4.5 Topography
14.4.6 Sensitive areas..
14.4.7 Fauna and flora ....
14.4.8 Technical Issues..
GIS Layers....
14.5.1 Layer 1: Mineral Deposit Locations in Gauteng..
14.5.2 Layer 2: Outline Position of Gold, Silver and Uranium Deposits in
14.5.3 Layer 3: Outline Position of Coal Deposits in Gauteng.
14.5.4 Layer 4: Outline Position of Alluvial Diamond Deposits in
14.5.5 Layer 5: Outline Position of the Kimberlite Diamond Deposits in
14.5.6 Layer 6: Outline Position of the Iron Deposits in Gauteng...
14.5.7 Layer 7: Outline Position of Manganese Deposits in Gauteng
14.5.8 Layer 8: The Malmani Subgroup..
14.5.9 Layer 9: Mining Hot Spots in Gauteng
14.5.10 Layer 10: Geology of Gauteng..
14.5.11 Layer 11: Tectonic Lines
Sensitivity Mapping
14.7.1 Vegetation..
14.7.2 Red & Orange List plants...
14.7.3 Red List mammals
14.7.4 Red List birds
14.7.5 Red List amphibians (Giant Bullfrog)
14.7.6 Red List reptiles
14.7.7 Red List invertebrates.
14.7.8 Wetlands.
14.7.9 Rivers (non-perennial / perennial) ..
14.7.10 Ridges.
14.7.11 Caves ..








General terms and definitions.



GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide


Table of Contents

Definitions in terms of the Minerals Act 35 of 1991 .

Definitions in terms of the Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development
Act 28 of 2002 .
Regulations of the Minerals Act (2002) Regulations
Vegetation types
Red List & Orange List plants
Red list mammals ..
Red List birds .
Red List amphibians .
Red List reptiles .
Red List invertebrates ..
Protected Areas .






GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Table of Contents

Figure 2-1:
Figure 2-2:
Figure 2-3:
Figure 2-4:

Figure 3-1:
Figure 3-2:
Figure 3-3:

Figure 3-4:

Figure 4-1:
Figure 4-2:
Figure 4-3:
Figure 4-4:
Figure 4-5:
Figure 4-6:

Figure 5-1:

Figure 6-1:
Figure 6-2:
Figure 6-3:
Figure 6-4:
Figure 6-5:
Figure 6-6:
Figure 6-7:
Figure 6-8:
Figure 6-9:
Figure 6-10:
Figure 6-11:

Distribution of major geological formations in South Africa...

Overview of the Witwatersrand Geological Formation (Source:
West Wits Mining, 2008)
Estimated World gold production in tons (1990-2006) (Source: Gold
News, 2008)....
Mines in the Bushveld Igneous Complex (Source: Jubilee
Platinum, 2008).
Mineral Hot Spots in Gauteng...
Mineral Commodities and Mine Openings in Gauteng .....
Iron compounds and suspended solids precipitate in water
clarifying tanks at the Grootvlei Mine on the Blesbokspruit (Source:
SAWCP, 1998)...
Water pollution in the Wonderfonteinspruit, resulting from effluent
discharge from nearby mines (Source: Beeld, 2007).




Partially treated mine water from the Grootvlei Dam enters the
Blesbokspruit (Source: SAWCP, 1998)...
Environmentally sensitive areas in Gauteng
The Roodepoort Botanical Gardens
Conservation Areas in Gauteng (Source: ENPAT, 2000).......
Soil erosion potential categories (Source: GDACE, 2004)....
Aerial view of old gold mine dumps in Johannesburg (Source,
Shields & Shields, 2000)...


Example of an aeromagnetic map showing different mineral

deposits with different magnetic properties (Source: Griesel, 1999)


Aerial view of an open pit coal mine showing disruption of the

earth surface
A modern open-pit mine with benches (Source: Wells et al., 1992).
Map and cross section of an open-pit mine (Source: Terezepoulos,
Photograph of a granite quarry in South Africa (Source: Trade
International, 2008)....
Emerging wetland formed from an old borrow pit (Source:
Biebighauser, 2008)...
Strip mining with concurrent rehabilitation (Source: Wells et al.,
A typical slimes monitoring operation (Source: Wells et al.,
Ikonos satellite image of an East Rand tailings dam undergoing
Idealised cross-section of a mine (Source: Scoble, 1993)..
Typical bord-and-pillar layout (Source: Wells et al., 1992).
Cross section of typical bord-and-pillar layout (Source: Scoble,



GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Figure 6-12:
Figure 6-13:
Figure 6-14:
Figure 6-15:
Figure 6-16:
Figure 6-17:

Figure 7-1:
Figure 7-2:
Figure 7-3:
Figure 7-4:
Figure 7-5:

Figure 7-6:

Figure 7-7:

Table of Contents

Collapse in old shallow bord-and-pillar workings (Source: Wells et

al., 1992)..
Collapsed old bord-and-pillar workings near Witbank (Source:
Wells et al., 1992)..
Longwall mining...
Retreat longwall mining..
An example of undulating topography that could result following
longwall mining (Source: Wells et al., 1992)...
Idealised layout of a typical West Wits gold mine (Source:
Whiteside et. al., 1976)
Aggregate quarry in Muldersdrift, Gauteng (Source: Buildworks,
Clay-brick wall (Source: GreenbuildlingElements, 2008)..
Fire clay bricks.
Idealised kimberlite pipe
The distribution of mines in relation to the principal geological
features of the West Rand, Central Rand and East Rand gold fields
(Source: Robb & Robb, 1998)..
The distribution of mines in relation to the principal geological
features of the West Wits Line (Carletonville) gold field (Source:
Robb & Robb, 1998).
The distribution of mines in relation to the principal geological
features of the South Rand and Evander gold fields (Source: Robb
& Robb, 1998)






Figure 8-1:
Figure 8-2:
Figure 8-3:
Figure 8-4:
Figure 8-5:
Figure 8-6:
Figure 8-7:
Figure 8-8:
Figure 8-9:
Figure 8-10:
Figure 8-11:
Figure 8-12:
Figure 8-13:
Figure 8-14:
Figure 8-15:
Figure 8-16:
Figure 8-17:

Asbestos (Source: California Geological Survey, 2008)....

Baryte (Source: James Madison University, 2008).....
Copper (Source: Weinrich, 2008)...
Smoky quartz (Source: Mineral, 2008)....
Iron ore (Source: Brazil Brand, 2008)....
Galena (Source: Veevaert, 2008)...
Manganese ore (Source: Recon Industries, 2008)..
Cinnabar gossan (Source: Alden, 2008)..
Klip River Wetland (Source: SANBI, 2008).
Rietvlei Spruit (Source: City of Tshwane, 2008).
Argentiferous tetrahedrite (Source: Thames Valley Minerals, 2008).
The Pretoria salt pan (Tswaing) crater (Source: HartRAO, 2008).
Pyrite (Source: 3DChem, 2008)..
Talc (Source: MII, 2008)
Cassiterite (Source: Fabre Minerals, 2008)..
Magnetite (Source: Rutnik, 2008)...
Sphalerite (Source: Carnegie Mellon, 2005)..


Figure 9-1:
Figure 9-2:

Overview of an Environmental Management System.

Quartzite of the Witwatersrand Supergroup (Source: UCT Geology,
Archaean granites in the core of the Vredefort Dome (Source: UCT
Geology, 2000)...
Calcareous dolomites of the Malmani Subgroup (Source: South


Figure 9-3:
Figure 9-4:



GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Figure 9-5:
Figure 9-6:
Figure 9-7:
Figure 9-8:
Figure 9-9:
Figure 9-10:
Figure 9-11:
Figure 10-1:

Figure 10-2:
Figure 10-3:
Figure 10-4:

Figure 10-6:
Figure 10-7:
Figure 11-1:
Figure 11-2:

Table of Contents

African Tours and Travels, 2008).

Resource Protection and Waste Management Hierarchy.
Sinkhole formation, where a tailings dam has collapsed into old
surface mine workings (note the leachate visible on the surface).
Oxidation of pyrite in an underground exposure in a Witwatersrand
gold mine
Procedure for assessing the acidity of mine waters in the field
View across Robinson Lake (Randfontein) from the point where pH
neutralised acid mine water is discharged...
Decay series of U.....
Decay series of 232Th...


Grasslands plant species. From top left clockwise: Aloe marlothii,

Erythrina lysistemon, Grewia flava and C. apiculatum (Sources:
Bushveld, 2004; Van Wyk & Van Wyk, 2007; Kyffhuser, 2008; and
Bushveld, 2004) .
Future distribution of malaria (Source: Rogers & Randolph, 2005)..
Land Use in Gauteng (Source: ENPAT, 2000)...
Skull of Mrs. Ples (Austrolapithecus africanus) discovered in 1947
by Dr. Robert Broom and John T. Robinson (Source: Maropeng,
Kliptown to the south of Johannesburg (Source: Joburg, 2008a)....
The Old Johannesburg Fort (Source: Joburg, 2008b)..
Mary Fitzgerald Square in Newtown (Source: Newtown, 2008)...


Department of Minerals and Energy Organic Structure highlighting

the Mineral Development Branch.
Mining Right Application Process...




GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Table of Contents

Table 5-1:

General Prospecting Timeline..


Table 7-1:
Table 7-2:

Brick-clay Masonry Classification...

Description of variables for the classification of coal


Table 9-1:
Table 9-2:
Table 9-3:
Table 9-4:


Table 9-10:
Table 9-11:
Table 9-12:
Table 9-13:

Environmental assessment criteria.

Other environmental assessment criteria.
DWAF Classification system for mines.
DWAF Best Practice Guidelines for the South African Mining
DWAF classification of aquifer types.
Classification of dust..
DEAT guidelines for dust fall-out.
Seven pillars of the BBSEE Charter
Factors to be included in the assessment of the schedule of
financial provision
Methods for clean-up and rehabilitation of contaminated sites..
Groundwater contaminants..
Toxicity variation of three different cyanide-species.
Redioelement concentrations of some common rock types

Table 11-1:

Legislation administered by the DME.


Table 14-1:
Table 14-2:
Table 14-3:
Table 14-4:
Table 14-5:
Table 14-6:
Table 14-7:
Table 14-8:
Table 14-9:
Table 14-10:
Table 14-11:
Table 14-12:
Table 14-13:
Table 14-14:
Table 14-15:

Commodity Codes and Descriptions..

Deposit Status Codes.
Layer 1 Field Descriptions.
Layer 2 Field Descriptions.
Layer 3 Field Descriptions.
Layer 4 Field Descriptions.
Layer 5 Field Descriptions.
Layer 6 Field Descriptions.....
Layer 7 Field Descriptions.
Layer 8 Field Descriptions.
Layer 9 Field Descriptions.
Geological Codes and Descriptions
Layer 10 Field Descriptions...
Layer 11 Field Descriptions...
Red list birds Buffer delineation...


Table 9-5:
Table 9-6:
Table 9-7:
Table 9-8:
Table 9-9:



GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Table of Contents

Box 1-1:

Overview of Part One of the Mining and Environmental Impact

Overview of Part Two of the Mining and Environmental Impact


Box 2-1:

History of early mining operations in South Africa


Box 4-1:

The Blesbokspruit RAMSAR site.


Box 5-1:
Box 5-2:

Requirements of a Feasibility Study...

General Impact Description of Different Exploration Methods


Box 6-1:
Box 6-2:

Quarrying Equipment and Methods

Waste Management Legislation in South Africa.


Box 7-1:

Types of Brick Kilns


Box 9-1:
Box 9-2:
Box 9-3:
Box 9-4:
Box 9-5:
Box 9-6:
Box 9-7:
Box 9-8:
Box 9-9:

Requirements for a Scoping Report

Requirements for an Environmental Impact Assessment Report..
Requirements for an Environmental Management Programme..
Requirements for an Environmental Management Plan
Rock types and associated mineral commodities in South Africa.
Topographic Rehabilitation - Closure of Surface Openings....
Closure of Underground Mine Voids..
DWAF Best Practice Guidelines...
Summary of the Methods for Financial Provision as per the Mineral
and Petroleum Resources Development Act
Mineral and rock residues from different mining operations..
Methods for the rehabilitation of tailings..
Major Sources of Air Pollution from Mining Operations in
Mechanisms for the attenuation of Cyanide.
Legal requirements for the disposal of radioactive waste


Box 1-2:

Box 9-10:
Box 9-11:
Box 9-12:
Box 9-13:
Box 9-14:
Box 9-15:




GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Table of Contents

Appendix 6.1: Checklist for the evaluation of mine residue deposit management
Appendix 6.2: Checklist for the evaluation of solid mine waste management
Appendix 6.3: Generic management measures for solid waste.....
Appendix 6.4: Generic management measures for liquid waste....
Appendix 6.5: Checklist for the evaluation of waste atmospheric emissions..
Appendix 9.1: Standard environmental management programme for crushing
operations at waste rock dumps.
Appendix 9.2: Standard environmental management programme for the mining of
sand from a river, stream, dam or pan...
Appendix 9.3: Standard environmental management programme for prospecting
and mine permits
Appendix 9.4: Standard environmental management programme for provincial
administrations and the South African roads board with regard to
gravel, sand, soil and clay quarries for road building purposes:
Section 39 of the minerals act, 1991 (Act 50 OF 1991)...
Appendix 9.5: Minimum information standards for environmental descriptions of
mining development; published, public-domain and internet-based
Appendix 9.6.1:
Appendix 9.6.2:
Appendix 9.6.3:
Appendix 9.6.4:
Appendix 9.6.5:
Appendix 9.6.6:
Appendix 9.6.7:
Appendix 9.6.8:
Appendix 9.6.9:

Impact and mitigation table; sand winning from river,

stream, dam or pan
Impact and mitigation table; alluvial diamond mining
Impact and mitigation table; mining of sand on slopes
away from rivers, streams, pans or dams...
Impact and mitigation table; opencast mining of clay
including brick making kilns..
Impact and mitigation table; mining of Witwatersrand
gold/uranium deposits.
Impact and mitigation tables; mining of kimberlite-hosted
diamond deposits..
Impact and mitigation table; opencast mining of
Impact and mitigation table; opencast mining of hard rock
and rock crushing operations producing aggregate...
Impact and assessment table; opencast mining of coal

Schematic layout of a typical fine tailings or slimes residue dam

showing the pollution control dams around the toe of the
Appendix 9.8:
Integrated water & waste management plan.
Appendix 9.9:
Explanation of the lithostratigraphy and groundwater chemistry
for units shown on the 1:500 000 general hydrological map of
Appendix 9.10: Representations of geological controls on groundwater and
aquifer types..






Appendix 9.7:




GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 9.11:

Table of Contents

Three cover designs used in the Uranium Mine Tailings

Rehabilitation Action (UMTRA) undertaken by the United States
Department of Energy.

Comparison of the Scoping and EIA Procedures contained in the

Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Act 29 of 2002
and the National Environmental Management Act 107 of 1998
and Relevant Regulations..
Appendix 12.2: Ridges Guidelines (September 2001, reviewed and updated in
January 2004 and April 2006)
Appendix 12.3: Background Document to Red List Guidelines (September 2001,
reviewed and amended in January 2004 and June 2006)..
Appendix 12.4: Red List Plant Species Guidelines (26 June 2006)..
Appendix 12.5: Development on Dolomite, Conservation and Environment Presentation by Dr Sue Taylor, Malcolm Roods and Frans
Scheepers February 2005
Appendix 12.6: Protection of Agricultural Land in Gauteng, Revised Policy (June
Appendix 12.7: Gauteng Provincial Integrated Waste Management Policy (IWM
Policy) (GDACE, September 2006)..
Appendix 12.8: Gauteng Strategy for Sustainable Development (GSSD) (July
2007, Version 5)
Appendix 12.9: Addendum to the Gauteng Strategy for Sustainable Development
(GSSD): Targets and Reporting Requirements
Appendix 12.10: GDACE Procedural Checklist
Appendix 12.11: Equator Principles and IFC Standards and Guidelines..


Appendix 12.1:

Appendix 13.1:
Appendix 13.2:
Appendix 13.3:
Appendix 13.4:
Appendix 13.5
Appendix 13.6
Appendix 13.7
Appendix 13.8
Appendix 13.9:
Appendix 13.10:

Reconnaissance applications...
Prospecting Applications...
Retention Permits.
Mining Permit Applications
Mine Right Applications..
Performance Assessment Reports..
Progress Reports..
Closure Applications...
Notification of Decisions
Templates A to O..




GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Terms and Abbreviations



Acid Mine Drainage

Best Available Technology Not Entailing Excessive Cost
Broad Based Socio-Economic Empowerment
Best Practical Environmental Option
Best Practical Means


Department of Agriculture
Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism
Digital Elevation Models
Department of Minerals and Energy
Digital Terrain Models
Department of Water Affairs and Forestry
Environmental Impact Assessment
Environmental Management Framework
Environmental Management Programme
Environmental Management Programme Report
Environmental Management System
Environmental Officer
Gauteng Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Environment


Geographic Information Systems

Gauteng Provincial Government
Historically Disadvantaged South Africans
Interested and Affected Parties
Integrated Development Plan
Industrial Development Zone
Integrated Environmental Management
Land Development Objective
Mining Environmental Management
Minerals and Petroleum Resources Development Act 28 of 2002
Mine Residue Disposal


Council for Scientific and Industrial Research

Gross Geographic Product

National Committee on Climate Change

National Environmental Management Act 107 of 1998
National Environmental Management: Air Quality Act 39 of 2004
Non-governmental organisation


Regional Mining Development and Environmental Committees

South African National Standard
Spatial Development Framework
Strategic Environmental Assessment
Standard Environmental Management Programme
Stream Flow Reduction Activities
Standard Operating Procedure
Scoping Report


Visual Absorption Capacity

Volatile Organic Compound

United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change


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GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 1: Introduction




Early in 2003, the Gauteng Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Environment

(GDACE) commissioned the Council for Geosciences with the compilation of the Mining
Environmental Impact Guide. The aim of the manual was to provide important information
regarding the environmental issues and impacts of the mining industry in Gauteng, thereby
helping their Environmental Officers (EOs) to evaluate mining license applications. However,
since the release of the manual much information has become outdated. Consequently, in
July 2008 GDACE appointed Digby Wells and Associates to update the manual.
The new Mining and Environmental Impact Guide aims to maximise the effectiveness of the
manual, reflect changes to legislation and policies at all levels of government and to provide
recent information regarding the impacts of the mining industry on the environment.*

Purpose of the Manual

The role of GDACE reviewers in the mining licence application and approval process is to
ensure that the environmental rights of the inhabitants of the Gauteng Province are protected.
This Manual is designed to assist the GDACE Environmental Officers to fulfil this role by:

Providing them with significant background information on the occurrence and

distribution of mineral deposits within Gauteng, how these deposits are prospected and
evaluated, as well as the principal methods of mining and exploiting them;


Alerting them to the environmentally sensitive areas and mining hot spots in Gauteng;


Informing them of both the current and the upcoming legislative framework in which the
minerals industry has to operate;


Introducing them to all the potential environmental aspects that are associated with the
evaluation and exploitation of minerals;


Guiding them through the entire review process; and


Alerting them to biodiversity issues and sensitive areas.


Overview of the Manual

For ease of use and at the request of GDACE, the manual has been divided into two sections:
Part One is essentially where the Environmental Officer will find substantial
background information on prospecting and mining methods. There is also a review of
the importance of the mining industry, the minerals that occur in Gauteng and those that are
currently mined. This part also highlights some of the hot spots and sensitive areas (Chapters
3 and 4). There are guides to numerous sources of additional relevant information. All of this
is very useful in empowering the EO to make informed and balanced assessments and carry
Cover page Train hauling coal (Source: Energy and Oil, 2008)


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 1: Introduction

out his/her duties in a responsible and comprehensive manner. A detailed overview of the
chapters included in Part One is shown in Box 1-1.
Part Two is the procedural section of the manual. Chapter 11 explains the regulatory
framework within which the mining industry operates. Chapter 12 outlines the role of GDACE
and gives the framework within which the environmental impacts of mining must be judged.
Chapter 13 contains a simple yet detailed step-by-step procedural guideline as to how the EO
should go about making his/her various assessments and even indicates which questions
need to be addressed and points out precisely which templates, letters and forms need to be
used in each case. Chapter 14 familiarises the EO with the GIS layers that have been
provided as part of this project and which will be loaded onto the GDACE Geographical
Information Systems (GIS). To further assist the EO a comprehensive glossary of relevant
technical terms is provided in the manual. This glossary can be found at the end of the
manual. A detailed overview of the chapters in Part Two is shown in Box 1-2.


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 1: Introduction

Box 1-1: Overview of Part One of the Mining and Environmental Impact Guide
The manual begins with this introductory chapter which describes the background to and
objectives of the document as well as helping the EO to find his/her way through the manual
by indicating the layout and giving a brief summary of the contents of each chapter.
This chapter introduces the EO to South Africas amazing variety of mineralization which has
served as the catalyst in transforming the country from an agricultural to a mining and
industrial-based economy. A brief history of the development of the mining industry in South
Africa is given, along with the production statistics of the most significant minerals exploited.
This summary also emphasises which types of mineralization occur in Gauteng.
Chapter 3 highlights some of the particularly environmentally sensitive areas in the province
that are actively being mined or under threat of mining and which are termed hot spots. By
reading Chapters 5, 6, 7 and 8, the EO will gain far more insight into exactly where and what
type of mining activity is taking place in Gauteng and will be able to decide for him/herself
which additional areas should be considered hot spots. The hot spots mentioned in this
chapter are also shown on a layer in the GDACE GIS.
This chapter draws the EOs attention to the environmentally sensitive areas in Gauteng
where mining and other types of development are undesirable. This information is also shown
as a layer in the GDACE GIS.
The various methods used for the prospecting and exploration of mineral deposits are
discussed in Chapter 5. These range from remote methods such as the use of aerial
photography, satellite imagery and airborne geophysics through the use of ground-based
geophysical methods to pitting and trenching which locally disturb the surface in order to
expose suitable samples of the mineralization for examination and analysis. Once a mineral
deposit has been located, drilling or trial mining is used to ascertain its depth extent. The
environmental impacts associated with exploration and prospecting activities are mentioned.
This chapter discusses, in generic terms, the various types of mining, both surface and
underground, that are used to extract minerals from the earth. The environmental impacts of
each of the types of mining are stated and dump reclamation activities are discussed.


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 1: Introduction


This chapter introduces the EO to the various minerals that are currently being mined in
Gauteng. Where appropriate, the uses and specifications of the various mineral commodities
are mentioned, as are the relevant prospecting and mining methods, the environmental
impacts and aspects of rehabilitation. By the time the EO has read and digested Chapters 2,
5, 6 and 7 he/she should have a good understanding of the mineral commodities that occur
and are exploited in Gauteng, as well as their uses and importance to the overall economy of
both the province and South Africa. The EO should then be in a position to objectively weigh
up the benefits of a specific mining venture against the inevitable environmental impacts of
mining and suggest ways to mitigate and reduce the negative impacts. More detail on the
environmental impacts of the various prospecting and mining activities is given in both
chapter 9 and in the relevant appendices.
The information contained in this chapter is background information on minerals that are
known to occur in Gauteng but which are not currently being mined nor are considered likely
to be mined in the near future. Because this information is included for interest and
completeness sake only and is not likely to be directly relevant to the EO, significantly less
detail is given.



This chapter, with its related appendices, aims to provide the EO with sufficient background
information to assist in making a value judgement regarding the impact of the proposed
activity in the context of the affected environment. Established regulatory frameworks and
different approaches to environmental assessments are discussed. Environmental
assessment guidelines and impact categories are listed according to the format of the various
guideline documents. Additional categories described relate to prospecting, residue dumps
and mineral beneficiation processes. This general background information covers the
description of the environment, common impacts and mitigation techniques and will assist the
EO by ensuring that all environment criteria are addressed in the context of regulatory
The process of assessing a scoping document, environmental impact assessment (EIA) or
environmental management programme or plan (EMP) is facilitated by providing reference
tables that outline the common environmental impacts of mining in Gauteng and the
mitigation techniques to minimise these impacts. A resource document incorporating
references or links to readily available, published or internet-based documents and data is
included to set the standard for the minimum level of environmental description that should be
acceptable as background information. Checklists that guide the EO through the process of
assessing the level of detail and content of the environmental description, impact identification
and appropriate mitigation measures are provided for the main environmental categories.


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 1: Introduction


The environmental description and impact assessment background resource should be used
in conjunction with Chapters 5, 6 and 7. This combination of baseline description and
interpreted impacts should empower the EO with a good understanding of the prospecting
and mining methods and the ability to make a value judgement on the validity of the reported
extent, duration, magnitude and significance of impacts in each environmental category. The
decision whether to permit mining depends on this judgement and on the extent to which
measures can be taken to mitigate the environmental impacts.
Chapter 10 was included into the Mining and Environmental Impact Guide with the objective
of providing the EO with information on the driving forces, potential impacts and
consequently, the environmental changes that are expected to arise due to current and future
mining operations in Gauteng. This information should aid the EO in assessing the cumulative
impacts of mining operations in the province.
This chapter covers a wide range of topics, including climate change, changes in natural
resource use, land use, the social environment and demography. Numerous international,
national and local responses to environmental change are also discussed.


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 1: Introduction

Box 1-2: Overview of Part Two of the Mining and Environmental Impact Guide
This chapter deals with the structure of the Department of Minerals and Energy (DME), the
laws it administers and introduces the regulatory process that applicants must go through to
obtain reconnaissance, prospecting or mining permits and rights. This process, specifically as
it should be applied by the EO, is outlined in more detail in Chapter 13.
This chapter outlines the role of GDACE and, along with Chapter 11, should give the EO an
understanding of the regulatory framework which both empowers him/her and within which
he/she needs to operate. It also sets the scene for the more detailed procedures which need
to be followed and which are discussed in more detail in Chapter 13.
After reading the above and familiarising him/herself with:
The methods used in prospecting for and mining mineral deposits and their impacts
on the environment;
The mineral commodities that occur and are extracted in Gauteng;
The role of the DME and the regulations it administers;
The role of the Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Environment (DA);
The legislation controlling the mining licence application and approval process
The EO should use Chapter 13 to guide him/her through the process of assessing the various
applications to prospect and mine. Of particular value are the checklists which lists the
various types of permits and rights that can be applied for and clearly shows which steps are
required for each particular application. The diagrams also directly link each permit and
application type to relevant templates thereby offering the EO a comprehensive, step-by-step
guide through the entire process.
This chapter outlines what layers are to be loaded, as part of this project, onto the GDACE
GIS system.
This is a comprehensive alphabetical list of terms and definitions the EO is likely to encounter
in assessing the environmental impacts of mining and their mitigation.



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GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 2: The History and Economic Contribution of Mining





South Africa has an amazing variety of mineralization which has served as the catalyst in
transforming the country from an agricultural to a mining and industrial-based economy. The
EO needs to understand this history in order to pass comment on the importance of the
mining industry and how its benefits need to be weighed against its environmental impacts.
South Africas array of mineral resources is due to its long and complex geological history
which dates back some 3.7 billion years. With some 55 different minerals mined during 2001
(Makwhinza et al., 2002) South Africa ranks second to the United States for having the
greatest variety of major mineral commodities being produced by any country in the world.
There are only two strategic minerals that are not available in adequate amounts in this
country and these are crude oil and commercially viable bauxite, the principal ore of
aluminium. More than 65 mineral commodities are known to occur within South Africa. For
more detailed information on these the interested reader is referred to The Mineral Resources
of South Africa (Wilson, 1998).
Figure 2-1 indicates the distribution of the various major geological formations in South Africa.
From the perspective of mineral wealth, the most interesting geological formations in South
Africa include:
The Witwatersrand basin and its sediments, which is the largest known repository of gold
on earth but which also yields uranium, silver, pyrite and osmiridium;
The Bushveld Igneous Complex (BIC) with a suite of mafic and ultramafic rocks that hosts
more than half of the earths chrome ore and platinum group metals, as well as significant
deposits of vanadium, iron, titanium, copper and nickel. Its acidic rocks contain fluorspar,
tin and copper mineralization whilst the alumina-rich rocks adjacent to the Complex that
were heated up and metamorphosed during its intrusion host vast quantities of andalusite;
The Transvaal Supergroup which contains enormous resources of dolomite and limestone
together with more than three quarters of the worlds exploitable manganese and some
lead/zinc deposits;
The Karoo Supergroup sediments which contains extensive coal resources used in the
generation of the bulk of the countrys electricity;
Kimberlite intrusions of various ages that have yielded and continue to yield significant
quantities of diamonds;
The Phalaborwa Complex which hosts the worlds largest deposits of high-grade
vermiculite as well as significant quantities of phosphates, copper, iron, titanium and
zirconium, and
Recent coastal dunes and sands, some of which host high-grade alluvial diamonds as well
as vast quantities of titanium, iron and zirconium.

Cover page Komati Power Station, Mpumalanga Province, South Africa (Source: Platinum
Today, 2008)


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 2: The History and Economic Contribution of Mining

Figure 2-1: Distribution of major geological formations in South Africa


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 2: The History and Economic Contribution of Mining

The history of early mining operations in South Africa is recounted in Box 2-1 below in
chronological sequence and is limited to the major minerals produced in South Africa.
Box 2-1: History of early mining operations in South Africa
The countrys mining and mineral beneficiation
industry can be traced back to iron and copper
mining and smelting operations, some believed
to be as old as 750 AD, in the Phalaborwa
District. The extraction of iron pigments for
decorative and cosmetic purposes commenced
even before this time with one of the most
famous sites being at Blinkklipkop, near
Postmasburg in the Northern Cape Province. As
early as 1445 AD tin was being mined by the
local inhabitants of the Rooiberg area, west of the present-day Bela-Bela (Warmbaths).
The first metallic mineral deposits to be brought to the attention of the European settlers
were the copper deposits in the Ookiep District of Namaqualand that were visited by
Simon van der Stel in 1685.
Metal working and mining were important elements in the social, economical and
technological development in South Africa in pre-colonial times. There are three main
mining methods associated with mining in pre-colonial or prehistorical South Africa:
scavenging, open mining and underground mining. These activities were often used by
the same group of people at the same time and place and cannot be separated or
divided. There are numerous archaeological sites in South Africa that display significant
mining heritage, one of the most prominent sites being located in the Limpopo Province
called, Mapungubwe.
This World Heritage Site maintained a wealthy ancient kingdom and produced artefacts
for both the local and international market (trade). Metals and mining contributed
significantly to the prosperity of the kingdom and blacksmiths created objects from iron,
copper and gold for practical and decorative purposes. The most spectacular of the gold
discoveries at this site is a little gold rhinoceros, as illustrated in the figure above, which
also symbolizes the prosperous evolution of mining in South Africa.
Minerals produced in South Africa were traded to a number of countries in North and
East Africa, the middle East and the far east for centuries before European settlers
South Africas mineral wealth has had a number of secondary effects such as influencing
the size and location of urban centres such as Johannesburg, Rustenburg, Witbank,
Vereeniging and Welkom. The countrys settlement patterns and economic development
would have been very different if it did not have minerals or if they were distributed in a
different fashion. Even though primary mining activity has declined in Gauteng the area
still exports materials and skills to all parts of the earth in this field. Engineering
companies, marketing companies, banks, suppliers of materials and equipment all
continue to earn their living from the mining industry, creating a sustainable economy in
an area which was originally just made up of farms.


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 2: The History and Economic Contribution of Mining

Did you know?

During 2006 the South African Mining Industry

Accounted for 7% of GDP directly, although the indirect multiplier effects take the
contribution to about 18.4% of GDP in total.
Directly accounted for 6.5% of total fixed investment and for 9.1% of the total private
sector investment.
Continues to act as a magnet for investment in South Africa. As at 29 December 2006
the mining sector accounted for R1.6 trillion, or 31.2% of the value of the Johannesburg
Securities Exchange (JSE).
About R15.6-billion was paid to investors in the form of dividends.
Contributed R140 billion to South African exports, representing 32.3% of the countrys
total merchandise exports and accounting for 25.2% of the countrys total foreign
exchange earnings.
Concluded R24 billion worth of empowerment deals making the resources sector the
largest contributor to black economic empowerment (BEE) deals
Directly employed an average of 458 600 workers in 2006. Around five million people
are directly dependent for their daily subsistence on mine employees
Paid R40 billion in wages and benefits to employees, which accounted for about 5.4% of
the total compensation paid to all employed people in the country in 2006. This
contributed substantially to domestic demand in the economy
Paid R16.2-billion in direct taxes and a major portion of indirect taxes to the fiscus in
2006. Mining direct taxes accounted for about 12.4% of total company tax (and
secondary tax on companies) paid to government
Was the worlds largest producer of platinum group metals (PGMs), gold, chromium,
ferrochrome, vanadium, manganese and vermiculite.
The industry was also a major supplier of aluminium (world rank 9), antimony (7), coal
(5), ferromanganese (4), ferrosilicon (6), iron ore (7), manganese ore (2), nickel (9),
phosphate rock (10), silicon (8), titanium minerals (2), uranium (11) and zirconium (2)
(Source: Chamber of Mines, 2007)


History and Economic Contribution of Mining in South Africa



Modern mining of the Okiep copper deposits commenced on a limited scale in 1846.
Following a favourable assessment of the prospects in 1854, there was a short-lived boom
with up to 22 companies operating for a short while. Mining has continued in the area up to
the present time with the exception of a short break in operations between the first and
second world wars. It is estimated that the field hosted more than 2 million tonnes of copper
metal, the bulk of which has already been extracted, in a multitude of basic intrusive bodies,
making it the second most productive copper field in the country. The numerous mines in the
area have ranged in size from very small operations to larger mines, such as Carolusberg,
close to the original site investigated by van der Stel, which has yielded 37 million tonnes of
copper ore. Whilst limited mining continues, the operations concentrate on re-working dumps,


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 2: The History and Economic Contribution of Mining

as most of the viable known reserves have been extracted.

The copper deposit at Phalaborwa that operated as an open-pit mine until 2002, produced
over 3 Mt of copper metal, as well as vast quantities of magnetite (iron ore) and significant
amounts of uranium, zirconium, gold and sulphides from which sulphuric acid was made. The
same geological intrusive is also the source of most of South Africas vermiculite and
phosphate. The copper mine now operates as an underground operation producing
significantly less ore.

Did you know?

The Big Hole, remnants of an open-pit
copper mine in Phalaborwa, is the planet's
largest man-made hole. It is visible from
space and can be viewed daily from a
special lookout point.
(Source:, 2008)

Modern mining in the third major copper-producing district in South Africa at Musina, in the
extreme north of the country, commenced in 1906, deepening and extending so-called
ancient workings, and continued until 1991, by which time three quarters of a million tonnes
of copper metal had been extracted.
Although there are several hundred copper occurrences in South Africa, with the exception of
the large fields and deposits discussed above, very few have been exploited. There are no
primary copper mines in Gauteng, though copper has been produced as a by-product from
time to time.


The discovery of diamonds in 1866 and a large-scale exploitation from 1870 onwards in
initially the Kimberley area triggered the transformation of South Africa from an agricultural to
a mining- and industrial-based economy. The diamond rush, which made South Africa the
worlds dominant producer of diamonds for 70 years, established a local need for technology
and specialised equipment, thereby triggering the development of supporting industries, whilst
the money it generated created the first pool of capital in the country. South Africa continues
to produce significant quantities of mainly high-quality gem diamonds and ranks 5th overall in
terms of world production.
The principal diamond resource in Gauteng is the well-known Premier Mine near Cullinan
which produced the worlds largest and most famous diamond, the Cullinan diamond and
which has continued to produce over a quarter of all diamonds over 400 carats. Exploitation
of the Premier kimberlite pipe, which was discovered by following up a localised alluvial
diamond run, commenced in 1902 and this pipe is the largest and most significant of a cluster
of 12 pipes in the area. Some other pipes in the cluster were prospected but only limited
production has resulted. One hundred years later, Premier remains an important mine and
was ranked the third largest producer of diamonds in South Africa in 2001.


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 2: The History and Economic Contribution of Mining

South Africa has the most diverse range of diamond deposits in the world. Deposits include
open pit and underground kimberlite pipe/dyke/fissure mining, alluvial mining as well as on
and offshore marine mining. South Africas diamond industry produces a stable 10 Mct
annually of which 90% is exported. South Africa produces 9% of global production and is
ranked 4th in the world in terms of rough diamond production. The industry employs some 14
500 people.
Most production is sourced from kimberlite mines (9 Mct), followed by alluvials (920 000ct)
and then marine (64 000 ct). South Africas kimberlite mines are located mainly in the central
northern parts of the country. Over the last 100 million years most kimberlites have had a
significant amount of erosion taking place, resulting in several billion carats being eroded and
transported fluvially. This has resulted in numerous alluvial diamond deposits along the
Orange and Vaal rivers. Finally, ancient beach terraces and marine deposits located along
the west coast constitute an enormous resource.
Alluvial gravels, extending from the Lichtenburg to Barkly West districts along the Orange and
Vaal Rivers and on the Northern and Western Cape coasts, yield diamonds commonly of a
better quality than those found in the original kimberlite. The early diamond rushes at
Hopetown and near Kimberley, were followed by a succession of rushes to the alluvial
diamond fields of the Northern Cape and what is now the North West Province. Examples
were those in the 1920s and 1930s at Lichtenburg, Bakerville and the Mafikeng district.
Although there are still 1500 alluvial diggers in the North West, Northern Cape and Free State
provinces, the prospects for new labour-intensive small-scale diamond mines have been
greatly reduced.
Global Diamond Resources operate the Grasdrif and Caerwinning alluvial deposits as well as
have an option on the Montrose kimberlite pipe located near Pretoria. The Grasdrif prospect
is located on the Orange River, along the border with Namibia in the Northern Cape.
Caerwinning is located near Kimberley. Production in 2000 from Caerwinning was lower due
to thicker overburden, with the operation producing 7 500 carats and Grasdrif managing 1 400
carats. Resources at Grasdrif are estimated to contain 82 Mt of diamondiferous gravel that is
expected to yield more than 1 million carats.


The first profitable concentrations of gold in the country were discovered and mined at
Eersteling, just south of Polokwane (Pietersburg) in the Limpopo Province, in 1871 by
prospectors who came to South Africa for the diamond rush. From there, prospectors
searched the areas to the south and east and it was not long before the Transvaal gold field
was discovered near Pilgrims Rest and Sabie. This was followed by the discovery of the
Kaapsehoop gold field and in 1883, the Barberton gold field, the latter having subsequently
produced over 340 tonnes of gold. In 1888 there was a gold rush further north, around
Leydsdorp in the Murchison Range. Gold is still produced from this area, principally as a coproduct of antimony mining.
On the highveld, gold was discovered near Malmani in the North West Province in 1875 and
at Kromdraai in 1881 and Wilgespruit in 1884 in the Gauteng Province (Ward and Wilson,
1998). This set the scene for the discovery, also in Gauteng, in 1886, of one of the principal
reefs of the Witwatersrand.


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 2: The History and Economic Contribution of Mining

The Witwatersrand is by far the largest known repository of gold on earth, having yielded over
47 000 tonnes of gold between 1886 and 2002 (Figure 2.3), which represents between 33%
and 40% of all gold ever produced, depending on what historical estimates of global
production are used. Even more remarkable is the fact that the remaining resources in the
basin are calculated at an additional 36 000 tonnes of gold or 45.7% of all the known
remaining gold resources on earth. How much of this can still be extracted economically
depends on numerous factors, including the price of gold, cost of labour, technological
breakthroughs, etc. The revenue, employment and development of support industries
generated by the exploitation of the Witwatersrand gold mines have been the biggest catalyst
in sustaining the development of the South African economy and the growth of its impressive
infrastructure. The Witwatersrand mines have also yielded significant quantities of silver,
pyrite and uranium.
The Witwatersrand is a low, sedimentary range of hills, at an elevation of 1700m to 1800m
above sea-level, which runs in an east-west direction through Gauteng in South Africa. The
word in Afrikaans means the ridge of white waters. Geologically it is complex, but the
principal formations are quartzites, conglomerates and shales of the Witwatersrand Super
Group, as illustrated in Figure 2-2. It forms a continental divide with run-off to the north
draining into the Limpopo River and Indian Ocean and to the south draining into the Orange
River and Atlantic. The Witwatersrand lies within the province of Gauteng, formerly called the
PWV area, an acronym for Pretoria, Witwatersrand, and Vereeniging.

Did you know?

The Rand or Reef, as the Witwatersrand is sometimes known, is famous for being
the source of 40% of the gold ever mined from the earth. It extends for 280 km
from Klerksdorp in the west to Bethal in the east and is 3.6km (12 000 feet) deep
in places. The South African currency was named after it. The reef's most northerly
tip was discovered only a few kilometers from the present day town of
Magaliesburg, at Blaauwbank, in 1874.

Witwatersrand also denotes the Greater Johannesburg Metropolitan Area, which spans the
length of the gold-bearing reef. The metropolitan area is oblong in shape and runs from the
area of Randfontein and Carletonville in the west to Springs in the east. It includes the vast
urban areas of the East and West Rand, and Soweto.
The Central Rand, where Witwatersrand gold mining commenced, East Rand, West Rand
and West Wits Line gold fields all fall within Gauteng and this makes this province the largest
producer of gold in South Africa. When gold mining started, very high gold grades, of up to
310g/ton, were recovered within the oxidised near-surface ores. Gold in the upper oxidised
zone was easily extracted by passing the crushed ore over copper plates coated in mercury,
a process known as the amalgam extraction process, which yielded recoveries of between 75
and 80% (Cowey, 1994).


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 2: The History and Economic Contribution of Mining

Figure 2-2: Overview of the Witwatersrand Geological Formation

(Source: West Wits Mining, 2008)

By the end of 1888 there were some 44 mines operating with a market capitalisation of over
seven million pounds. The capital pool generated earlier by diamond mining, along with the
local stock exchange, went a long way towards kick-starting the development of these mines.
In the following year, as the mines deepened to below 40m and fresh sulphidic ores were
encountered, both the grades and recoveries dropped significantly and the future of the
industry was seriously threatened. By March 1890 the value of the share market had dropped


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 2: The History and Economic Contribution of Mining

by more than 60% and about one third of the residents left. Some companies turned to the
only proven alternative process available, which was a chlorination process to win gold from
the fresh sulphidic ore; however, this was both difficult and expensive to operate. A newly
developed and largely untested process, the MacArthur Forrest process which leached the
gold from the ores using a dilute cyanide solution and allowed its re-precipitation using zinc,
proved to be successful when tested in 1890 and this helped return the industry to
South Africas peak annual gold production of close to 1 000 tonnes occurred in 1970. As
illustrated in
Figure 2-3, there has been an overall decline since then to a low of 394 tonne in 2002 and
below 250 tonne in 2007. This decline is mainly the result of the increasing cost of extracting
gold ores from deeper levels, the increasing cost of labour and the steady overall decline in
the US$ price of gold. China has recently overtaken South Africa as the worlds largest gold

Figure 2-3: Estimated World gold production in tons (1990-2006)

(Source: Gold News, 2008)



It is believed that the Zulu people had been using limited amounts of coal for iron smelting for
some time before white settlers arrived (Cowey, 1994). The first small-scale production by
settlers for domestic use was that of coal marketed in Pietermaritzburg in 1842. By 1852
mines in what was then the Natal Colony had started supplying steamships with bunker coal.
From 1870, coal was extracted from the Molteno coal field, south of Aliwal North in the
Eastern Cape and used to supply the newly discovered diamond fields at Kimberley. Thomas
Baines noted the presence of coal in the Witbank area in 1872 and this was initially exploited
on a small scale and carted by ox-wagon to the developing gold mines of the Witwatersrand.
In 1887 lower grade coal was discovered during gold exploration near Boksburg and Springs
on the East Rand and these low-grade deposits were exploited for some years. Large-scale
mining of coal in the Witbank area commenced in 1895 and this area developed into the most


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 2: The History and Economic Contribution of Mining

important coal-mining area in South Africa hosting 37 collieries in 1995.

The extreme western portion of the Witbank coal field extends into parts of the East Rand
gold field within Gauteng and coal has been extracted from these fields from time to time.
Further south, an extension of the South Rand coal field extends into Gauteng and along the
Vaal River near Vereeniging is an extension of the VereenigingSasolburg coal field.
The Waterberg Coalfield is one of South Africa's major coal resources, holding approximately
60% of the countrys remaining coal reserves. The total 50 billion tons of coal reserves in the
Waterber Coalfield are located in 11 zones, which consist of bright coal with interbedded
shale and dull coal, sandstone and carbonaceous shale. The Grootegeluk Colliery is the first
and only coal mine in the area and boasts with the largest open cast coal pit in the world.
In 2006, South African mines produced 246 million tons (Mt) of coal, of which 177 Mt was
used domestically. Approximately 68.8 Mt was exported at a value of R21.2 billion. South
Africa currently has approximately 31 billion tons of recoverable coal reserves, making it the
sixth largest holder of coal reserves in the world (GCIS, 2008).

Iron and Steel

The modern exploitation of iron and the production of steel in South Africa dates back to 1901
when two tonnes of pig iron was produced from a primitive blast furnace near
Pietermaritzburg (Cowey, 1994). Larger scale steel production in the country began with the
establishment of the Union Steel Corporation (Usko) in 1911 by Sammy Marks who, amongst
other things, had developed the coal fields near Vereeniging. Uskos steel assets were
acquired by its major shareholder, ISCOR, in 1991. In 1916 Cornelius Delfos obtained the
rights to mine the low-grade iron ore in the Pretoria area and the first industrial-scale smelting
of Transvaal iron ores commenced in 1918. The smelting process requires the addition of
silica (quartz) and dolomite, both of which were extracted locally. In 1928 ISCOR, the Iron and
Steel Corporation of South Africa came into being and developed into a major producer of
iron and steel products.
In 2007, South Africa produced a total of 5.357 Mt of pig iron and liquid iron, 1.736 Mt of direct
reduced iron and 8.986 Mt of crude steel. South Africa is currently a major exporter of
stainless steel and other ferro-alloys, exports amounting to 1.987 Mt in 2007 (SAISI, 2008).
Though large-scale iron ore mining started in Gauteng, the vast bulk of iron ore is now
produced in the Northern Cape and Limpopo Provinces at the Sishen and Thabazimbi Mines


The pre-colonial tin workings at Rooiberg, 60 km west of Bela-Bela (Warmbaths) were rediscovered in 1905 and modern mining commenced in 1907 and continued until 1993. The
other major tin mining producers in the area, namely Union Tin Mines, Zaaiplaats Tin,
Stavoren-Mutue Fides Tin and Elands Tin started up from 1908. Between these major mines
they produced in excess of 110 000 tonne of tin metal, two thirds of which came from
Rooiberg, before they were forced to close by declining prices which followed the collapse of
the International Tin Council. The last operating underground tin mine was Rooiberg, which
closed in 1993. Re-treatment of some of the dumps is currently taking place. There are no
significant tin mines in Gauteng, though several prospects are known.


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide


Chapter 2: The History and Economic Contribution of Mining


The famous German explorer Karl Mauch was the first person to record the occurrence of
chromium in the Hex River near Rustenburg in 1865. Thereafter there were various official
reports made of chromite occurring on both the western and eastern limbs of the Bushveld
Complex. In 1917 some 200 tonne of chromite was removed by a farmer in the Lydenburg
District and sent to the British Munitions Board, who turned it down because of its high iron to
chromium ratio. Sustained mining of Bushveld chromites began in 1921, however, and by the
start of the Second World War production had reached 180 000 tonne per year (Cowey,
1994). By the 1960s South Africa had become a major exporter of chromite ore and this
continued to be the case into the 1970s when local industries gave increasing attention to the
manufacture of chromium ferro-alloys.
South Africa is currently the worlds biggest production of chromite, accounting for 41% of
world chromite production. The country further holds approximately 71% of the worlds
chromite reserves. In 2006, the country produced a total of 7.418 Mt of chromite of which 30%
is exported (USGS, 2007). Much of the remainder is converted to chromium ferro-alloys, the
bulk of which is used in the production of stainless and specialised steels. There are no
chrome occurrences within Gauteng.


South Africa has been an important producer of fluorspar since 1917 when the exploitation of
deposits in the Zeerust District of the North West Province commenced (Crocker et al., 1988).
The Vergenoeg Fluorspar Mine situated in the extreme north of Gauteng was discovered in
the mid 1950s. The Witkop Fluorspar Mine south of Zeerust commenced its operations in
1972. Mining was stimulated by a dramatic increase in the demand for fluorspar in the USA,
principally for the production of hydrofluoric acid and its derivatives. Initially the bulk of the
production was exported but as South Africas steel industry grew, so did the local
consumption of fluorspar. Local production increased as new deposits were discovered and
exploited. The more important producers included the Buffalo Fluorspar Mine near
Naboomspruit in the Limpopo Province. South Africas is the worlds 3rd largest producer and
4th biggest exporter of fluorspar with a production of 270 000 t in 2006.

Did you know?

The Buffalo Fluorspar Mine was opened in
1955 and was at one time the largest producer
of acid-grade fluorspar in the world.


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide


Chapter 2: The History and Economic Contribution of Mining


Manganese is used largely to add specialised properties to steels and other alloys. Small
quantities of manganese ore were mined at Hout Bay near Cape Town in the early 1900s.
The economic value of the manganese deposits in the Postmasburg District of the Northern
Cape was recognised during prospecting that took place between 1923 and 1926, but it was
not until the completion of a rail link in 1930 that major production commenced. A short time
later, larger resources were located in what has become known as the Kalahari Manganese
Field, further to the north.
Mining in this new field started near the surface outcrop at Black Rock in 1940. Subsequent
geological and geophysical mapping revealed the largest known land-based repository of
manganese on earth. In 2006 South Africa was the largest producer of manganese in the
world, with 80% of the worlds known reserves (USGS, 2007). Several small, but high-grade
manganese deposits have been exploited in western Gauteng where the deposits fall within a
belt of dolomites running north-easterly from north of Carletonville to Kromdraai. These mines
operate from time to time and have produced good, battery grade manganese.
2.2.10. Platinum Group Metals
Platinum is the most well-known element of a group of six elements that are together referred
to as the platinum group metals (PGM) or platinum group elements (PGE). The others are
palladium, rhodium, ruthenium, osmium and iridium. In 1906, a sample of chrome-iron ore
from the Bushveld Complex was found to contain PGMs. Other chromite horizons were later
found to contain PGMs but there were no viable means of extracting it at the time. In fact, the
first platinum produced in South Africa in 1919, was as a by-product of Witwatersrand gold
mining. At that time platinum was eight times as valuable as gold. An unusual hydrothermal
PGM deposit was discovered by Adolph Erasmus in 1923 when he was prospecting for tin in
the Waterberg Mountains near Naboomspruit. This deposit was mined between 1924 and
1926 and though very small, was very well mineralised.
In 1924, a farmer named Andries Lombaard sent a sample of a greyish-white concentrate he
had panned on his farm Maandagshoek, north of Lydenburg in the eastern Bushveld, to the
famous geologist Hans Merensky who identified it as platinum. This initial prospecting soon
led to the discovery of what became known as the Merensky Reef which has provided the
bulk of the worlds PGMs since then. This reef was soon located in the western Bushveld,
near Brits, in 1925, then closer to Rustenburg and it was at this latter site where the sustained
mining of PGMs began in 1929. More recent exploration has shown that the Merensky Reef
can be traced for a distance of 145 km on the western lobe of the Bushveld Complex and for
138 km along its eastern lobe. In 1925 platinum was also found on the farm Sandsloot 236
KR, north of Makopane (Potgietersrus) in what has become known as the Platreef, but as the
grades of PGMs were significantly lower than those on the western limb of the Bushveld
Complex, mining was terminated on Sandsloot and production only started again in 1990.
Though the Merensky and some of the other reefs are known to extend into northern
Gauteng, as far as the Bon Accord Dam north of Pretoria, they are heavily faulted and
reasonably deep and as a result have not yet been exploited.


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 2: The History and Economic Contribution of Mining

Did you know?

South Africa is the worlds largest producer of PGMs and contributed towards 51% of the
production in 2001. This was also the second year in a row that the countrys income from
PGMs (R33.4 billion), exceeded that from gold. South Africa also has 56% of the worlds
known PGM resources and will thus continue to dominate production for some time.
Significant quantities of nickel and copper are produced as by-products of PGM mining,
along with lesser amounts of gold.

South Africa has more than 80 per cent of the worlds known platinum reserves. These vast
resources occur together with the worlds largest reserves of chromium and vanadium ore in
the unique Bushveld Igneous Complex (BIC). South Africas PGM output is derived almost
exclusively from the BIC, with only about 0.1% coming from the gold deposits of the
Witwatersrand and Free State, and the Phalaborwa copper deposit. The BIC is a large
circular structure in the north of South Africa and mines occur in a wide arc where this
outcrops near surface. The outcrops are referred to as the Northern, Eastern and Western
Limbs depending on their position on this arc.
The currently exploitable South African reserves of PGMs are concentrated in narrow but
extensive strata known as the Merensky Reef, the Platreef, and the UG2 chromitite layer.
These three layers in the BIC each have their own distinctive mineralogy, and have been well
described. The Platreef is mined only at Potgietersrus Platinum (Anglo Platinum), but
Merensky and UG2 ores are mined by all the large producers. These ores are quite different
from each other, and require different approaches to metallurgical processing. For example,
UG2 ore has a lower nickel and copper sulphides content, and contains much more chromite
than Merensky ore. Within the last decade the problem of extracting PGMs from chromite
ores has been overcome, meaning the UG2 seam will provide increasing amounts of
PGMs.The Platreef can be considered as metallurgically similar to Merensky ore, although
somewhat enriched in palladium.
There are currently twelve active, or very soon to be active, platinum mines in the BIC, eleven
exploiting the Merensky Reef and UG2 Chromitite Layer, and one, Potgietersrus (an opencast mine), mining the Platreef of the Northern Limb of the Bushveld Complex. There are two
active mines on the Eastern Limb, namely the Brakfontein Merensky Project and the
Middelpunt Hill Mine of Lebowa Platinum (belonging to Anglo Platinum). The other mines are
all on the Western Limb. Anglo Platinum has the Rustenburg, Union, and Amandelbult
Sections of Rustenburg Platinum, as well as the Bafokeng-Rasimone Mine. Impala Platinum
is supplied by its own Impala Mine, as well as by Kroondal Mine (owned by Aquarius
Platinum), among others. Lonmin has Western Platinum, Eastern Platinum, and Karee Mine.
Northam Platinum has the Northam Zondereinde Platinum Mine. The location of these mines
are shown in Figure 2-4.


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 2: The History and Economic Contribution of Mining

Figure 2-4: Mines in the Bushveld Igneous Complex (Source: Jubilee Platinum, 2008)


The bulk of South Africas vanadium resources, which constitute 44% of the worlds vanadium
resources, are hosted in titaniferous magnetite layers within the Upper Zone of the Bushveld
Complex. These ores were known as early as the turn of the last century and efforts to smelt
and use these ores as a source of iron in 1921 failed when they choked the iron furnaces. As
a result, they were not exploited until 1957 when an American-owned company established a
mine at Kennedys Vale near Steelpoort in Mpumalanga. Anglo American took over these
operations in 1959 after developing a processing and smelting plant near Witbank that
successfully produced both steel and vanadium. They extended their mining activities to the
Mapochs area near Roossenekal. Since then, these Bushveld magnetite layers have been
exploited in several other areas, including an operation near Brits, just outside Gauteng.
Though these magnetite-rich horizons extend into northern Gauteng they are not yet being
mined within the province. In 2006, South Africa produced approximately 23 Kt of vanadium
as the worlds largest producer and exporter. The country also has 44.4% of the worlds
known vanadium resources (USGS, 2007).
The above-mentioned minerals earn the bulk of South Africas mineral export revenue.
Numerous other important industrial and construction materials have also played a vital role in
the development of the country and have assisted in turning it into the economic powerhouse
of the continent.


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 2: The History and Economic Contribution of Mining

Other important minerals in Gauteng are clay, sand and aggregate (building and
construction), as well as limestones and dolomites (manufacture of cement and agricultural
supplements). These minerals will be discussed in Chapter 7.

Recent Trends in Mining in South Africa

Gold mining has been in decline for a number of years in South Africa due to the ore bodies
becoming more difficult and costly to access. Coal has recently overtaken gold in terms of
earnings for the country but both of these have been dwarfed by the enormous growth in the
mining and beneficiation of Platinum Group Metals. It is likely that this sector will represent
the largest future growth area for minerals in South Africa. There are abundant resources and
a large demand for the products as the major demand stems from applications linked to the
improvement of emission quality.

Constraints on Future Growth in the South African Mining Industry

There are several constraints on the future growth of the South African mining industry. This
includes constraints on electrical energy and water availability.

Electrical Energy

Electrical energy has been highlighted as a major constraint for development in the mining
industry in South Africa. Whilst it is possible that additional generation capacity can be
constructed, it is highly likely that this will represent a constraint to development for the next
few decades. It is thus essential that available resources be used more efficiently.
These shortages are expected to continue for a number of decades if current economic
growth rates are maintained. The cost of hydrocarbon based fuels has also recently
dramatically increased over the past few years. The improvement in energy efficiency by the
mining industry is thus essential, not only to maintain and improve profitability but also to
ensure that sufficient energy supplies exist for new projects and developments.
The value of these projects and the implied multiplier effect on South Africa is enormous. The
costs of providing alternative energy using on site generation is extremely expensive and will
limit the life of the projects.

Water Availability

South Africa is a dry country and the availability of water for consumptive use is finite. In order
to meet the expected growth rates of the economy and the expectations of the people for a
better life it is imperative that this scarce resource is used in an efficient and effective manner.


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GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 3: Mining Hot Spots in Gauteng


This chapter focuses on areas considered to be particularly environmentally sensitive, which

are currently being mined or are about to be impacted by mining. These are shown in Figure
3-1 and in a GIS layer loaded onto GDACEs GIS.
The general environmental impacts of various types of mining are discussed in Chapters 5
and 6 and the types of mining taking place in the province in Chapter 7. The EO is referred to
these chapters and the detailed environmental impact tables in Appendices in Chapter 9.

Figure 3-1: Mineral Hotspots in Gauteng



Mining hot spots can be broadly categorized in three types:

Areas directly affected by mining activity

Mine water decant points
Contaminated wetland sediments.*

Cover page Gold mine dump to the south of Johannesburg, Gauteng Province, South Africa
(Source:, 2006)


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide


Chapter 3: Mining Hot Spots in Gauteng

Mining Activity

The various mined commodities are shown in different colours in Figure 3-2 below for ease of
reference. The level of impact is not shown but clay, sand and gold mining probably have the
biggest environmental impact within the province. The mining hot spots must be viewed in
conjunction with the mineral occurrences layer as this provides information on the specific
type of mineral and the status of the mine, as discussed in Chapters 7 and 8.

Figure 3-2: Mineral Commodities and Mine Openings in Gauteng

Gold mining

Gold mining has taken place in a continuous arc in the mid-southern portion of Gauteng, just
south of Johannesburg and even though many of the mines are not operational anymore, the
environmental impacts are severe and the area is still considered to be a mining hot spot. See
chapter 6 for more detailed information. The gold price has recently improved significantly and
new mining projects are being developed and some of the currently closed mines may
become operational again. Numerous older waste deposits are being reprocessed. The
impact of the slimes dams and sand dumps, particularly dust emissions and acid mine
drainage, are significant.
Older rock dumps have now mostly been reclaimed and used as building rubble. As part of


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 3: Mining Hot Spots in Gauteng

the mining hot spots, a separate layer containing old mine openings in the Witwatersrand is
also provided and shown in Figure 3-2. These localities represent the known positions of mine
openings and include shafts, vent holes, sinkholes and near surface stope breakthroughs.
This layer is not complete and is based on a study currently being funded by DME to find
similar holes.
For more information on the environmental impacts of gold mining see the section on acid
mine drainage in Chapter 9.

Coal Mining

Coal mining in the Gauteng Province ceased in the previous century but there is the potential
for small-scale operators to rework some of the deposits to exploit coal with clays. Shallow
undermined areas are prone to break-through and settlement of ground which could damage
surface structures or even harm humans and animals falling into these holes. If the coal mine
is burning, the escaping gases could be harmful to humans and animals.

Diamond Mining

Diamond mining is essentially concentrated around the Premier Mine in the north-east of the
Province. This mine exploits a kimberlite pipe but some alluvial mining also took place near
the Vaal River in the south-west. The farm Kameelfontein north of Pretoria is being studied for
alluvial diamond mining which, if developed, could have impacts including dust and
scarification of the land. Severe disturbance of vegetation and animal habitat would be
expected if mining gets underway.

Clay Mining

Clay mining in Gauteng is concentrated on the Karoo and Transvaal sediments occurring
around Pretoria and to the east of Johannesburg. Clay quarries are typically medium size
open-pit operations with severe scarification of the land taking place. Often bricks are made
on site with subsequent air pollution. See Chapter 6 for more information. In the Bronberg
area, the Golden Mole is at risk of extinction because of nearby clay mining operations. The
layer for Red Data Species available at the GDACE offices gives specific reference to this
and other species at risk.

Mine Water Decant Points

Currently the groundwater levels in most operating gold mines in Gauteng are kept well below
ground level to allow for the effective operation of the mines and to allow access to the gold
reefs. When mining ceases, pumping of the water will stop and groundwater levels will rise
(Scott, 1995). If the mines are re-flooded to an uncontrolled level, this will result in the
discharge of untreated acid mine water into surface streams and wetlands, leading to the
contamination of these sensitive areas. It may also affect groundwater aquifers below surface
particularly if they are dolomitic.
This process is already happening in two parts of the Witwatersrand:

In the Randfontein area, water is decanting from an abandoned shaft and flowing
northwards towards the Krugersdorp Game Reserve and the Cradle of Humankind World


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 3: Mining Hot Spots in Gauteng

Heritage Site. There is also evidence of ground water contamination in this area,
extending at least into the Game Reserve; and

In the Natalspruit area in south-east of Johannesburg, water is decanting from abandoned

near-surface mining operations.

The water pumped to surface needs to be treated to remove iron, some heavy metals and
dissolved salts. Simple treatment technologies use lime and air which correct the pH, but still
produce an effluent which is high in salinity and potentially other elements such as
radioactivity and heavy metals. Large discharge points include Grootvlei mine on the
Blesbokspruit (See Figure 3-3), ERPM on the Elsburgspruit and Randfontein in the west.
This discharged water maintains perennial stream flow but affects the whole Vaal river

Figure 3-3: Iron compounds and suspended solids precipitate in water clarifying tanks
at the Grootvlei Mine on the Blesbokspruit (Source: SAWCP, 1998)


Contaminated Wetland Sediments

Wetlands throughout the Witwatersrand accumulate pollutants, including heavy metal and
radionuclides. This phenomenon has been observed using airborne radiometric surveying
(survey date: September 1991). Follow-up studies in the Wonderfonteinspruit catchment
(Wade et al., 2001; Coetzee et al., 2004) have detailed the degree and nature of this
contamination. Uranium concentrations in excess of 1 000 ppm have been measured in a
dam near Krugersdorp, while concentrations in excess of 500 ppm have been recorded in the
Carletonville area. See Chapter 9 for additional information.


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 3: Mining Hot Spots in Gauteng

Figure 3-4: Water pollution in the Wonderfonteinspruit, resulting from effluent

discharge from nearby mines (Source: Beeld, 2007)


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GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 4: Environmentally Sensitive Areas in Gauteng




In the context of this document, the term sensitive areas refers to areas where mining
operations would have a greater than normal impact on the environment, probably of a
permanent nature. The purpose of this chapter is to highlight the types of sensitive areas
identified for Gauteng. This includes wetlands, ridges, river systems, conservation areas,
dolomitic land, erodible soil and archaeological sites. Figure 4-2 shows the environmentally
sensitive areas in Gauteng that could be negatively influenced by mining.


Wetlands occur in many parts of Gauteng and range from relatively small features to large
features such as the Blesbokspruit RAMSAR site on the East Rand, as described in Box 4-1.
Although many of these features are natural, water discharges from mining, industrial and
urban developments have greatly increased the flow in to local river systems, leading, in
some cases, to the development of new wetlands or the growth of existing wetlands. Because
of their enormous value as filtering systems for rivers and streams, wetlands are protected by
environmental laws, which seek to prevent or minimise impact on them. Mining activities can
impact on wetlands either in a physical manner or on a chemical level.
The physical impacts of mining on wetlands include inundation and indirectly, siltation. When
a wetland is inundated throughout the year, its effectiveness as a natural filter is inhibited
since the natural dormant period and regeneration period cannot occur. Water discharged or
runoff from a mine often carries high sediment loads, which may result in siltation of rivers
and streams. This can lead to blockage of the channels and can eventually lead to the death
of the wetlands due to large quantities of poor-quality non-fertile silt being introduced into the
system, thereby altering the drainage patterns and stunting vegetation growth. If such
wetlands are not cleaned on a regular basis, their ability to handle flood events and to filter
water is diminished.
Wetlands often have a large capacity to attenuate pollution. In the case of mine water,
wetlands are often cited as a means of pollution control. It should, however, be noted that the
removal of pollutants from water results in the build-up of contamination in the solid material
of the wetland. The primary processes of pollution attenuation are the adsorption of pollutant
ions onto reactive surfaces within the wetland. Many of these reactions are most efficient
under reducing conditions, with sulphate-reducing bacteria playing an important role. These
bacteria are generally abundant in natural wetland systems, producing sulphides, including
pyrite and hydrogen sulphide (H2S), which gives wetlands their characteristic sulphurous
The size and shape of some of Gauteng wetlands have been influenced by discharges from
mines, as illustrated in Figure 4-1 showing partially treated mine water entering the
Blesbokspruit RAMSAR site in Gauteng. Some subsidence from old workings may have
caused new wetlands, siltation of the river systems from slime discharged from mines and
Cover page Ridge and waterfall at the Walter Sisulu National Botanical Gardens,
Roodepoort, Gauteng Province, South Africa (Source: Mogale City, 2005)


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 4: Environmentally Sensitive Areas in Gauteng

eroded off waste deposits has added to wetlands. There have been numerous attempts to
reclaim gold bearing material from these wetland areas.

Figure 4-1: Partially treated mine water from the Grootvlei Dam enters the
Blesbokspruit (Source: SAWCP, 1998)
Water discharged from mining sites often has a high salt load and, in the case of gold and
coal mining, will be high in iron (II) and sulphate. Within wetland systems, oxidation of iron (II)
to iron (III) will result in the precipitation of ferric hydroxide, typically as a gel, which can coat
the reactive surfaces of the plants and sediment, thereby greatly reducing the ability of the
wetland to remove pollutants by adsorption. In addition the high salt load is often toxic to
aquatic life. High loads of heavy metals and especially uranium are a specific problem
associated with gold mining in Gauteng and concentrations can exceed accepted levels.
Cyanide is used in the process of gold extraction and it either finds its way into wetlands
through direct contamination by process water or through leakage of water from slimes dams
into nearby wetlands. Aspects of radioactivity and cyanide pollution are discussed in more
detail in Chapter 9.


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 4: Environmentally Sensitive Areas in Gauteng

Figure 4-2: Environmentally sensitive areas in Gauteng


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 4: Environmentally Sensitive Areas in Gauteng

Box 4-1: The Blesbokspruit RAMSAR site

The Blesbokspruit RAMSAR site

Blesbokspruit is one of the few permanent water bodies in the Gauteng Region. It was
formed during the 1930 construction of road and pipeline embankments for the mining
industry. It is seasonally important for several species of locally migrant waterbirds and
various notable mammals. Mining activities take place upstream. The site was placed on
the Montreaux Record in May 1996 in response to contamination by large quantities of
polluted water discharged from adjacent mines. It is RAMSAR site no. 343.
The site is approximately 3km east of town of springs on the East Rand of Gauteng
Province. The towns of Boksburg, Benoni and Brakpan lie in the North West while Nigel
is located south of the site.

(Source: DEAT, 2004)



Ridges are considered sensitive areas because any developments, industries or mines on
ridges would be highly visible. In addition, ridges often form greenbelts in urban areas
providing safe harbour for varied species of fauna and flora. The conservation of ridges for
human recreational activities is promoted and mining activity or other development will reduce
or completely destroy the human-nature interaction.
Mining activities can impact negatively on ridges by changing the shape of the ridge, or by
accelerating erosion and allowing pollutants into the drainage channels originating on the
ridges. Mining and other forms of disturbance of ridges will negatively impact biodiversity by
the clearing of grass and other natural vegetation which provides a habitat for fauna.


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 4: Environmentally Sensitive Areas in Gauteng

Ridges such as the Magaliesberg area in Pretoria, the Botanical Gardens in both Pretoria and
Roodepoort (See Figure 4-3) and the Melville Koppies in Johannesburg are examples of ridge
areas actively being used and conserved for human recreation.

Figure 4-3: The Roodepoort Botanical Gardens


River Systems

The impact of mining on river systems has been discussed in the section on wetlands, but
includes siltation, the introduction of salts and toxic chemicals and inundation throughout the
year covering areas where riparian growth occurs, thereby causing a change in the original
vegetation structure.

Conservation Areas

Conservation areas are set aside for the conservation of pristine land, as mining activities in
or nearby nature reserves or animal habitats is considered undesirable. The conservation
areas in Gauteng are shown in Figure 4-4. Some conservation areas such as Dinokeng are
at risk due to sand-winning operations and proposed alluvial diamond mining. The habitat of
the golden mole south-east of Pretoria is also at risk due to clay mining operations in the
Bronberg area.

Dolomitic Land

Dolomitic land occurs in a ring around the Halfway House granite dome in the centre of
Gauteng. Little mining occurs in the portions directly south of Pretoria but the dolomite
occurring to the south, east and west of Johannesburg is affected by deep level gold mining.
This mining necessitates the extraction of water causing lowering of the water table in the
overlying dolomite.


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 4: Environmentally Sensitive Areas in Gauteng

Figure 4-4: Conservation Areas in Gauteng (Source: ENPAT, 2000)


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 4: Environmentally Sensitive Areas in Gauteng

Land underlain by dolomite is at risk of sinkhole and doline formations even in a natural state
and this situation can be aggravated by dewatering. This can lead to damage to
infrastructure, buildings and even to loss of life. The process of sinkhole formation is
accelerated by urban development. All dolomitic land should be considered an
environmentally sensitive area and water usage, both surface and groundwater, should be
monitored and where possible controlled.

Did you know?

The West Rand area of Gauteng is underlain by dolomite of the Transvaal Supergroup. The
Sterkfontein Caves that formed within this dolomitic rock was declared a UNESCO World
Heritage Site in 1999 and have delivered many anthropological finds. The most important
and of these finds are Mrs Ples, a 2.1-million-year-old Australopithecus skull, and Little
Foot, an almost complete Australopithecus skeleton dating back more 3 million years.

(Source: South African Tours and Travels, 2008)

The current database shows only a limited number of known sinkholes south of Pretoria but it
must be accepted that a similar density of sinkholes is likely to occur in the other dolomitc
areas in Gauteng.

Erodible Soil

Certain soil types are particularly susceptible to soil erosion, the process by which soil
particles are transported away by wind or water. Characteristically, these soils are sodium rich
and deflocculate easily when in contact with water.
As illustrated in Figure 4-5, approximately 1.1% of soils in Gauteng show a very high
susceptibility to soil erosion and a further 4.4% of soils show high susceptibility to soil erosion.
The potential for soil erosion from these soils can be reduced by covering the soil with
vegetation. With regard to mining, the ideal is to run a parallel process of rehabilitation and revegetation of natural soil surfaces as mining proceeds. This will be discussed in more detail in
Chapter 6.
4, 4%1, 1%

Very Low (<5 ton/ha/yr)

7, 7%

Low (5 - 12 ton/ha/yr)
Moderate (12 - 25 ton/ha/yr)
High (25 - 60 ton/ha/yr)

11, 11%

Very High (> 60 ton/ha/yr)

77, 77%


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide


Chapter 4: Environmentally Sensitive Areas in Gauteng

Figure 4-5: Soil erosion potential categories (Source: GDACE, 2004)

Archaeological and Cultural Sites

Numerous sites of archaeological and cultural importance occur in Gauteng of which those
constituting the Cradle of Humankind at Sterkfontein are the most well known. Some of the
old gold mine workings could also be considered archaeological or at least cultural historical
sites with some buildings dating back to the late 1800s. Specific mention is made of the old
stamp mills and outcrop mining areas at the George Harrison Park in Florida. Another site
that may be considered is the tall smelter smoke stack at the Van Rhyn Gold Mine which was
built in the early 1900s. The aim of any environmental assessment should be to minimise, if
not completely prevent, impacts on such sites of cultural and archaeological interest.
Issues regarding the status of old gold mine dumps in Johannesburg, as shown in Figure 4-6,
has not been clarified. A number of these dumps are older than 60 years and thus enjoy
statutory protection. To some people they are symbols of South African history and should be
preserved and to others they are unsightly dumps which need to be removed to promote
development. The more visible sights, such as old headgears, are protected.

Figure 4-6: Aerial view of old gold mine dumps in Johannesburg

(Source, Shields & Shields, 2000)



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GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 5: Prospecting and Exploration Methods




In this chapter an overview is given of the most common prospecting and exploration
methods utilized to prospect for the mineral commodities present in Gauteng. Mention is
made of possible environmental impacts of these prospecting and exploration methods and
their rehabilitation, however the reader is referred to Chapter 9 for a more detailed description
of environmental impacts. To better understand the temporal scale of prospecting and
exploration activities, a general prospecting timeline is provided in Table 5-1.
Table 5-1: General Prospecting Timeline




Preliminary airborne surveys of the land and the

surrounding geology
Land purchase / Land owners consent
preliminary environmental studies
Preliminary closure plan
Bulk sampling
Underground exploration
Ore estimates and feasibility studies, including
Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and
Environmental Management Plan (EMP)
Mine and plant design

Building of infrastructure
Mine development (facilities for milling, smelting
and ore refinement, as well as roads, generators
and accommodation for miners)


Hire employees
Begin extraction, milling, smelting and refining
Mine expansion
Monitor environnemental impact


Site rehabilitation
Closure monitoring


Time frame

1 -2 years

5 - 6 years

1 - 3 years

Up to 75 years


Prospecting and exploration begins with mapping and surface prospecting. Images taken by
satellites or aircraft, known as remote sensing, can be used to pinpoint large geological
structures such as faults or geological contacts that may host minerals. A prospector
searches for trace quantities of ore minerals, certain rock types, and evidence of mineralising
solutions. One positive sign of mineralization is a gossan. When a gossan is found, it is
sampled and sent to a laboratory for analysis.

Cover page Prospecting for Platinum Group Metals (PGM) in the Eastern Limb of the
Bushveld Complex, Limpopo Province, South Africa (Source: Lesego Platinum, 2008)


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 5: Prospecting and Exploration Methods

In all surveys, prospectors look for geological anomalies. In a typical geophysical survey, a
physical property like the gravitational or magnetic field is measured on a grid. The value
found at each grid position is plotted on a plan view of the property. This map allows the
prospector to pick out areas with anomalous geophysical characteristics that may hint at

Did you know?

A gossan is an oxidized, eroded rock and is characteristic of the exposed part of a mineral

Most exploration programmes use several methods of prospecting and exploration. The
decision of whether to employ a geochemical or geophysical prospecting method is based on
the kind of deposit being sought.
This section summarises the four main methods of exploration, namely geophysical methods,
geochemical sampling, drilling, as well as delineation and evaluation. This is followed by a
description of the impacts of exploration and suitable mitigatory measures.

Geophysical Methods


Magnetic Methods

Although magnetic methods detect conductive bodies, they will not necessarily find
mineralization. Magnetic methods often locate metal sulphides, but may also find non target
In magnetic surveying, the geophysicist measures the strength of the earths magnetic field.
The higher the rocks magnetic susceptibility, the stronger the local magnetic field will be. This
method will detect deposits with magnetic minerals, such as iron and nickel ore, but it can
also be used for geological mapping.
Magnetic surveys can be done on the ground and from the air. An aerial magnetometer is an
ultra-sensitive instrument either trailed below an airplane or helicopter or fastened onto the
aircraft. By combining these magnetic readings with steady aerial photography, prospectors
can outline a magnetic map of a large area. An example of such an aeromagnetic map is
shown in Figure 5-1.

Electromagnetic Methods (EM)

In this method, an alternating current is fed into a wire coil held in a prescribed direction to the
ground surface. This current produces an alternating magnetic field that awakens nearby
underground electrical conductors, creating an alternating magnetic field that can be


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 5: Prospecting and Exploration Methods

measured. New methods have increased the depth penetration of EM prospecting. One
effective EM technique is very low frequency (VLF), which harnesses signals from marinenavigation radio stations. EM surveys are among the most useful techniques in airborne

Figure 5-1: Example of an aeromagnetic map showing different mineral deposits with
different magnetic properties (Source: Griesel, 1999)


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide


Chapter 5: Prospecting and Exploration Methods

Gravity Method

The force of gravity is slightly stronger where underlying rocks are dense and weaker where
they are less dense. Sensitive balances are used to detect the density variance of underlying
rocks, and can be used to conduct a rapid survey of an area to pinpoint major rock types. The
information gleaned from this method helps indicate areas favourable to other methods of
exploration. This method can also be used to detect mineral deposits, which are generally
denser than surrounding rocks.

Seismic Methods

Shock waves, similar to sound waves, travel faster in dense bodies. They also reflect from the
boundaries between different rock types, allowing a geophysicist to measure how long they
take to travel and to determine the structure of the rocks below.
Seismic prospecting is most prevalent in petroleum exploration, although it is also used in
Witwatersrand gold exploration. Tiny artificial shock waves are generated at a selected point
by detonating explosives in a shallow hole or dropping a heavy weight. The speed of the
shock waves is measured by timing their arrival at sensitive receivers along the survey line.

Radiometric Methods

In this method a geiger counter or scintillometer is used to determine the presence of

radioactive elements. The instrument measures the energy released during radioactive
Gamma-ray spectrometers are an even more advanced version of the scintillometers. They
can distinguish between radiation from the three main radioactive elements occurring in
nature, uranium, potassium and thorium, by measuring the energy of the radiation.

Geochemical Sampling

After pinpointing a promising area, the prospector takes grab samples from outcrops, road
cuttings, river beds and trenches. Once these samples are gathered, the crew carefully
records the original location of each sample, labels each rock, and sends the most promising
ones to a laboratory for analysis. If a grab sample looks particularly good, a crew may expose
the sampled bedrock.
Chip samples knocked off the outcrop with a hammer and chisel are sometimes taken in
order to quickly estimate the mineral value. In certain instances, one may collect a bulk
sample, which may range from a few hundred kilogrammes to several tonnes in weight,
depending on the commodity.
Throughout the exploration process, the most promising mineral samples are taken to an
assay laboratory, where the specific constituents of the rock are measured and catalogued.
There are a number of assay methods, including fire assaying, wet assaying and instrumental
analysis. The choice of an assay method is based on the method that best determines the
concentration of the sought-after metal.


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide


Chapter 5: Prospecting and Exploration Methods


If surface sampling indicates a promising mineral concentration, there are a number of drilling
options. There is diamond drilling, where a circular cut is made into the rock with a diamond
drill bit to extract a core sample from the centre of the cut, underground diamond drills are
smaller and lighter, and allow for more drilling flexibility. The most ubiquitous method is
wireline drilling. After the core of rock is removed, the inner tube is put back into the outer
core barrel to resume drilling. Promising sections are split into two, with one half sent to an
assay laboratory and the other half being kept in a core box for future reference.
Reverse-circulation drilling is becoming more prevalent in areas where rocks are weathered.
In reverse-circulation drilling, drilling fluid and/or air is pumped down between dual tubing and
returned up an inner tube, thereby transporting cuttings from a tri-cone bit to the surface.

Delineation and Evaluation

Resource Calculations

The volume of a deposit can be measured by the width and depth of drill hole intersections of
mineralization and the distance between them. If this is known, it is possible to calculate the
tonnage of mineralised material. By multiplying the volume with the average density of the
mineralization the tonnage of the deposit can be calculated.

Reserve Calculations

A resource estimate gives a quantitative indication of mineralised material in the ground, but
gives little clue as to the economics of the deposit. A reserve estimate refines the resource
estimate by imposing economic constraints on the size and grade of the material brought into
the calculation.

Feasibility Studies

Once samples have been assayed and deemed to be promising, a company must evaluate
the viability of a deposit. The mine's annual profits must cover the investment in the
exploration and the mine. The study must determine the most expedient way to mine the
optimum amount of the desired mineral, thereby determining the payback period. Box 5-1
provides a summary of all the requirements of a feasibility study.
Box 5-1: Requirements of a Feasibility Study
A feasibility study must take into account the geology, metallurgy and economics, as well
as political developments, regulations, the availability of labour and environmental issues
or concerns. One of the nagging geological considerations is finding a way of getting at
the deposit some promising discoveries are left unattended for years because it was
impossible to find an expedient mining method. The study must also determine mine
operating costs, which include labour, electricity, supplies and shipping, as well as
determining at what rate (daily tonnage) mining will occur.


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide


Chapter 5: Prospecting and Exploration Methods

Environmental Impacts of Exploration

In general exploration has minimal short term and insignificant long term impact on the
environment if precautions are taken and responsible exploration methodology is practiced.
Noise, dust, tracks, rubbish and waste are the most common short term impacts. Planning
access routes and restricting vehicle movement to these routes are effective mitigation
measures for these impacts. Further restriction of the camp and drill sites to specific areas,
restricting the collection of fire wood and the removal of rubbish and waste ameliorates long
term effects.
It should be ensured that land owners are contacted and informed of the proposed plans and
that suitable access is obtained in agreement with the owner. An acrimonious relationship
could develop if the surface owner does not allow reasonable access or the prospecting
company does not act reasonably.
A general impact description of the different exploration methods are provided in Box 5-2. The
key environmental impacts associated with the exploration projects are described below.
Box 5-2: General Impact Description of Different Exploration Methods
Geophysical exploration
Airborne surveys have minimal effects, but may cause short-term annoyance through the
use of low-flying aircraft. Ground surveys are conducted using small portable instruments
and have negligible effects.
Geochemical sampling
Grab and stream sediment sampling remove samples of less than 1 kg and as long as
the sample pits and trenches are refilled, there is minimal long-term impact.
Grid sampling necessitates the laying out of a regular grid pattern with identification
markers and may involve trimming of vegetation for access and line-of-sight along grid
lines. The introduction of GPS often renders the surveying of a grid and cutting of lines
unnecessary as readings can be taken at each sample point.
Exploration drilling
Access by large drilling equipment, drill pad construction and sump construction all have
short term effects, but these can be reduced through careful planning and rehabilitation.
Care should be taken that fuel and lubricants are not spilled. Drilling very deep holes
may take weeks or months and thus drill rigs could be on site for a fair length of time.


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide


Chapter 5: Prospecting and Exploration Methods

Water impacts

Prospecting could impact on water quality through the release of small quantities (a few
hundred litres per day) of contaminated water into the environment. The most common
contaminants include silt, oil and fuel.
A further issue could arise in cases where water supply in the prospecting area is limited. This
could become an issue when the project moves into the mining phase. A number of water
supply options exist and include well fields, as well as the use of sewage effluent and joint
schemes with other mines in the area. It is important that the planning and development of a
suitable water supply is initiated at an early stage as a long lead-time can be expected,
particularly if new infrastructure is required. Water supply is also expected to be a major
capital expenditure item.

Soil and vegetation impacts

Small areas of land (generally not more than 1 to 2 ha each) will need to be cleared for drilling
sites, campsites and roads. The significance of this impact is expected to be low if properly

Visual, noise and dust impacts

If the proximity of the prospecting area is close to residential and tourist areas, the potential
for visual, noise and dust impacts will need to be carefully managed. Before mining
commences, the locality of infrastructure will need careful planning to minimize the potential
for such impacts. These impacts are likely to be of low/medium significance during the
exploration phase.

Socio-Economic Impacts and Consultation with Interested and Affected Parties

Public participation is a principle entrenched in South African environmental legislation

through the EIA Regulations under the Environmental Conservation Act (72 of 1989) and
NEMA (Act 107 of 1998).
The principles of public participation outlined in these acts should be followed when informing
the owners and lessees of surface rights of the intent to conduct prospecting operations. As
part of the prospecting application, the applicant must prove that all relevant stakeholders and
interested and affected parties (IAPs) have been consulted.


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GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 6: Mining Methods




In the previous chapter, an overview was given of the most common prospecting and
exploration methods utilized to prospect for the mineral commodities present in Gauteng.
This chapter contains a description of the mining methods currently employed in Gauteng.
Mention is made of possible environmental impacts of these mining methods and their
rehabilitation; however the reader is referred to Chapter 9 for a more detailed description of
the impacts.
The next chapters, Chapter 7 and 8, contain descriptions of the currently mined, economic
mineral deposits and other uneconomic mineral commodities respectively.
Mining is the process of extracting mineral resources from the earth. The mining method used
depends on the physical and chemical properties of the mineral, the physical form in which it
occurs, as well as the geometry and depth of the ore body.

Surface Mining

When a mineral occurs fairly close to the surface in a massive or wide tabular body, or where
the mineral itself is part of the surface soil or rock, it is generally more economic to mine it by
means of surface mining methods.
Strip mining, open-pit, opencast mining and quarrying are the most common mining methods
that start from the earth's surface and maintain exposure to the surface throughout the
extraction period. For both access and safety, the excavation usually has stepped or benched
side slopes and can reach depths exceeding 600m.
Complete disruption of the surface always occurs, which affects the soil, fauna, flora and
surface water, thereby influencing all types of land use (See Figure 6-1). If the operation
extends to depths below the water table, it will affect the near-surface groundwater. An
understanding of the pre-mining environment is therefore essential. It is also important to
understand the mining method employed so that surface rehabilitation, where possible, can
be meaningfully planned.

Open-pit mining

This method of mining is used if the near-surface ore body is massive and when it occurs in a
steeply dipping seam or seams, or a pipe, or makes up the country rock. Here, the whole ore
body is mined with no overburden being put back into the void. The Premier Diamond Mine at
Cullinan and crusher stone quarries are good examples. A modern open-pit mine is shown in
Figure 6-2.
In open-pit mining the barren rock material covering the ore body normally requires drilling
and blasting to break it up for removal. A typical mining cycle consists of drilling holes into the
Cover page Infrastructure and open cast operations at the Finsch Diamond Mine, Northern
Cape Province, South Africa (Source: Bateman Engineering, 2008)


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 6: Mining Methods

rock in a pattern, loading the holes with explosives, or blasting agents, and blasting the rock
in order to break it into a size suitable for loading and hauling to the mill, concentrator, or
treatment plant. There the metals or other desired substances are extracted from the rocks.

Figure 6-1: Aerial view of an open pit coal mine showing disruption of the earth surface

Figure 6-2: A modern open-pit mine with benches (Source: Wells et al., 1992)


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 6: Mining Methods

The ore body is traced deeper and deeper into the ground using a series of benches for both
access and safety (Figure 6-3). Sometimes rock surrounding the ore has to be removed so
that the sides of the pit do not become dangerously steep. The waste rock and waste that is
separated from the ore during processing, is dumped away from the pit onto a surface waste
The opportunities for land use following open-pit mining are often limited, because it is often
very expensive to fill the pit. The main objective is usually to make the pit walls safe and to
landscape the waste rock dumps, but many innovative solutions have been used, such as
using the pit as a waste disposal site, filling it with water with the intention of creating an
ultimate recreation/water supply/nature conservation end use or simply fencing it in and
leaving it as a tourist attraction.

Figure 6-3: Map and cross section of an open-pit mine (Source: Terezepoulos, 1993)


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 6: Mining Methods

The residual impact of open-pit mining is usually a completely different land use. With few
exceptions (coal, sulphidic ore), ore bodies that lend themselves to open-pit mining are not
usually prone to causing water pollution (although the tailings resulting from subsequent
mineral processing may be) and therefore water accumulating in the rehabilitated pit can
usually be used for a number of purposes.
Open cast mining is used when the ore bodies are horizontally contiguous. As mining
progresses, the waste rock is replaced in the voids where ore has been removed. Soil can
then be replaced, facilitating progressive rehabilitation. See the description for strip mines.


Quarrying is the open, or surface excavation of rock to be used for various purposes,
including construction, ornamentation, road building or as an industrial raw material.
Quarrying methods depend mainly on the desired size and shape of the stone and its physical
characteristics. A typical granite quarry is shown in Figure 6-4.

Figure 6-4: Photograph of a granite quarry in South Africa

(Source: Trade International, 2008)
In some cases (e.g. clays) the material is soft enough to be removed by mechanical means.
However, when the rock is solid and hard (as in the case of stone aggregates and limestone
for cement), drill and blast techniques are used. The rock is shattered using explosives
positioned in a series of holes drilled in the rock in a pattern designed to yield the greatest
amount of fracturing. Processing is usually limited to a further reduction in size by crushing
and sorting according to size by screening.
For building or dimension stone, where the rock needs to be extracted in large homogeneous
rectangular blocks, blasting cannot be used. Several methods are used to break out the
blocks, including splitting, diamond saws and diamond wire cutting. These methods are
described in Box 6-1.


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 6: Mining Methods

Box 6-1: Quarrying Equipment and Methods


Splitting a line of holes

This method entails the drilling of a line of holes perpendicular to the joints or cleavage
planes in the rock, inserting wedges into the holes and hammering the wedges until the
stone splits off. Much quarrying of ornamental stone today is done by using pneumatically
operated splitters. After the vertical cuts have been made, horizontal cuts are made
working on the same principle. Wedges are then used to split off the long blocks, which
are subdivided and removed.

Diamond saws

Diamond saws are large diamond-impregnated circular blades up to 2 m in diameter that

are used to form vertical cuts in the rock by moving the machine along a guideline or rail.
Extremely accurate cuts can be made in this way.

Wire saws

Wire saws are also used. These consist of several pulleys over which passes an endless
carborundum or diamond-impregnated steel wire. Holes are drilled in the rock, each hole
being made large enough to accommodate a pulley and the shaft to which it is attached.
The wire, extending from one pulley to another, presses down against the rock between
them. As the cut is deepened by the constantly moving wire the pulleys are continuously
lowered into the holes. Diamond dust or fine silica sand, depending on rock hardness, is
often introduced along the cutting surface to aid penetration.


Borrow Pits

A borrow pit refers to an open pit where material (soil, sand or gravel rock) is
removed for use at another location. Borrow pits are usually used in earthworks
operations, which involves the movement of large quantities of soil, sand or gravel for
use in the construction of roads, dams, embankments, bundings, berms, dikes and
other structures, or the manufacture of bricks and concrete.
A borrow pit differs from conventional quarries in that they are generally shallower
and located in close proximity to the area where the material will be used. Therefore,
a borrow pit has the advantage of eliminating the potential adverse effects brought
about by the transportation of the excavated materials along public roads. This
includes the loss of materials during transportation, vehicle entrainment of material
on roads and resultant emissions of the material into the atmosphere.


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 6: Mining Methods

There are several potential negative environmental impacts associated with borrow
pits. Firstly, the establishment of a borrow pit results in the loss of land that could be
used for other land uses such as agriculture, human settlements, or recreation. This
impact is usually temporary, however if not adequately rehabilitated, the impact could
be long term. Secondly, soil erosion and deposition of the eroded material into
nearby water bodies could occur, thereby having an adverse impact on water quality.
Thirdly, in cases where the borrow pit is not properly cordoned off, people could
accidentally fall into the pit, or dump general and toxic waste into the pit. If illegal
dumping occurs and the water table is exposed, a potential risk of groundwater
contamination exists. Fourthly, borrow pits could have negative impacts on the
biological environment in that the natural habitat is destroyed and an artificial habitat
is created that attracts unwanted plant and animal species, including weeds and
Suitable mitigation measures exist to manage the negative environmental impacts of
borrow pits. The potential for other land uses should be carefully assessed before a
borrow pit is established at any given location. In order to reduce potential effects of
sedimentation, it should be ensured that borrow pits are not located in close proximity
to surface water bodies. In order to ensure the health and safety of the environment
and persons living close to the borrow pit, the site should be cordoned off and access
to the site should be controlled.
Mitigation measures that can be implemented after the decommissioning of a borrow
pit include the backfilling of the borrow pit with soil, sand and gravel, followed by revegetation; the establishment of a pond or small dam for recreational use; or the use
of the decommissioned pit for landfill or waste disposal, including necessary liners
and waste management principles. A rehabilitated borrow pit is shown in Figure 6-5.

Figure 6-5: Emerging wetland formed from an old borrow pit

(Source: Biebighauser, 2008)


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide


Chapter 6: Mining Methods

Strip mining

Strip mining is mostly used when the deposit is horizontal or gently dipping and within about
60 m of the surface, such as shallow-lying South African coal seams.
The method, shown in Figure 6-6, involves removing and stockpiling the top soil, drilling and
blasting the rock (overburden) above the coal seam, removing the blasted overburden by
draglines in long parallel strips (hence strip mining) to uncover the coal. Then, depending on
the coals hardness, either scraping or drilling and blasting are used to remove the coal. The
removed overburden is placed in rows of spoil piles in the preceding strip from which the coal
has been removed.

Figure 6-6: Strip mining with concurrent rehabilitation (Source: Wells et al., 1992)
As soon as the mining strip (or pit) has been moved out of the way, the spoil piles can be
landscaped the start of the rehabilitation process. Once the desired shape and slope have
been achieved, top soil previously stockpiled or sometimes brought directly from the unmined
side, is replaced. The new ground is then treated as with conventional agricultural, by
fertilising, liming and sowing to pastures. Sowing to pastures, as the first step in revegetating,
is very important. It contributes significantly to erosion control and it allows the reestablishment of the soils micro-organisms, which are required for nutrient cycling.
During the mining operation, considerable volumes of groundwater may be encountered and
rainwater also falls onto the pit and spoil piles; therefore there is considerable potential for
water pollution. This potential is controlled by installing separate clean and dirty water
collection circuits. Clean water running off unmined and rehabilitated land is channelled,
where possible, into nearby streams. Dirty water from the pit, haul roads and plant areas is
collected and re-used for activities that do not require good-quality water, such as dust control
and coal washing.
The most important residual impacts remaining after rehabilitation are:

The box-cut spoil mound (the overburden from the first strip which does not have a
mined-out strip to go into) which forms a low hill in the new topography;


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 6: Mining Methods

The final strip (called the final void) becomes a depression because there is no
overburden to fill it. This can become a lake or vlei area which, depending on the water
quality in it, can be of benefit to the ultimate land user;

The ramps, which can be rehabilitated only at the end of the mines life because they
continue to be used to remove coal from the pit, also become low-lying areas. They can
serve as storm water runoff control drains, directing runoff from rehabilitated areas into
the final void. If these ramps can be filled during the mining period, the residual impact is
no different from other rehabilitated areas;

The whole of the new landscape could be higher in altitude than the surrounding unmined
land due to the volume of overburden after blasting being greater than the thickness of
the coal seam removed;

The groundwater table in the new landscape will eventually recover to a level dictated by
the surrounding unmined rock types and topography. Depending on what type of
overburden there was in the mine, there is a potential for this groundwater to be more
saline than before mining. This residual impact is not yet fully understood and is the
subject of current research.

If the shovel-and-truck method of strip mining is used, the box-cut spoil can sometimes be
placed economically in the final void and the ramps can be progressively filled, obviating all
residual topographic impacts. Unfortunately, this flexibility is not possible using a large
dragline because of its mode of operation.

Did you know?

Because most of South Africas coal suitable for strip mining occurs in Mpumalanga,
about 50% of which is high-potential farm land, the main objective of rehabilitation is to
return the land to productive agriculture. Considerable success has been achieved during
the rehabilitation of strip-mined land both overseas and in South Africa. High-yielding
pastures are an immediate result and they can be used for hay production or grazing.
After a number of years under pasture, those areas rehabilitated to an arable standard
can be, and have been, returned to cropland.


Dump reclamation

The mineral extraction processes from past mining eras were not as efficient as those used
today and often mineral prices have increased dramatically from the time the orebody was
first mined. Therefore the tailings generated at these old mines often still contain payable
values of mineral, especially the sand and slimes dumps at old Witwatersrand gold mines.


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 6: Mining Methods

Dump reclamation refers to the reprocessing of these dumps. Typically, the material in the
old dump is monitored (sprayed with a very high-pressure jet of water which erodes the dump
material away into a sluice). The sluice gravitates the dump material to a low point where it is
collected and pumped, via a pipeline, to the treatment plant which could be located some
distance away. Figure 6-7 shows a typical monitoring operation. The main environmental
protection activities during reclamation are to keep storm water away from the working areas,
to prevent rainwater and the process water used for the monitoring that has fallen on the site
from leaving it in an uncontrolled fashion and to prevent dust pollution during dry, windy
conditions. In the Witwatersrand, monitoring is the primary method of dump reclamation. In
many cases, water control practices are not well adhered to, resulting in pollution of the local
surface water environment (Figure 6-8).

Figure 6-7: A typical slimes monitoring operation (Source: Wells et al., 1992)
A practice of concern in the Witwatersrand is the partial reclamation of slimes dams and the
subsequent sale to another operator to avoid responsibility for final rehabilitation. This
process can be effectively countered by realistic estimation of the rehabilitation liability before
such a sale is allowed to proceed.
If the old dump material is coarser than slime, such as found on a sand or coal dump, it is
often recovered by a front-end loader and transported to the plant by conveyor. Once the
whole dump has been reclaimed down to the original soil level under the dump, reclamation
stops and rehabilitation of the site begins. The options available for different land uses on
these sites are varied. In an urban area they are usually earmarked for urban development,
office and industrial parks, residential, etc. In a rural area they can be returned to agriculture.


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 6: Mining Methods



W ater












W ater








Figure 6-8: Ikonos satellite image of an East Rand tailings dam undergoing reclamation
(Note the high levels of contamination recorded in water and sediment samples collected
outside the paddocks and across the road from the dump).

In many cases the top part of the soil profile at these sites has been contaminated with acid
water seepage from the dump. This has to be ameliorated with agricultural lime. Radium is
often transported into the soil immediately below the dump. The radium will decay to radon, a
radioactive inert gas, which can pose a hazard to living beings. Rehabilitation must reduce the
radium activity to acceptable levels and action should be taken to prevent the emanation of
radon from the soil. If buildings are constructed on these sites, special ventilated foundations
are required to prevent high levels of radon gas accumulating within the closed buildings.
Radium contamination is likely in the zone below any Witwatersrand dump, even where the
ore mined had a relatively low uranium concentration, as it is concentrated at the redox and
pH boundary in the near surface soil. In all these cases, a site-specific investigation is called
for. The most common method of reducing radioactivity at reclaimed dump sites is to
transport the material containing the elevated radiation levels away from the site for
processing through a gold treatment plant, deposit it on a slimes dam or use it in an area
where it is safe to do so.
The main residual impact of reclaiming precious-metal dumps is not at the site of the
reclaimed dump but rather impacts related to the slimes dam which has to take the same
volume of material that was in the original dump. This could be on a new dump or on a
recommissioned old dump. When coal dumps are reclaimed, a much smaller volume of
material has to be redumped, but this waste may be more offensive due to an increased
pyrite concentration. Extra precautions against acid seepage and spontaneous combustion
may have to be taken to minimise the residual impact from this type of dump.


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide


Chapter 6: Mining Methods

Underground mining

Under certain circumstances surface mining can become prohibitively expensive and underground mining may be considered. A major factor in the decision to operate by means of
underground mining rather than surface mining is the strip ratio or the number of units of
waste material in a surface mine that must be removed in order to extract one unit of ore.
Once this ratio becomes large, surface mining is no longer attractive. The objective of
underground mining is to extract the ore below the surface of the earth safely, economically,
and with the removal of as little waste as possible. These cost need to be weighed against
the extraction of the ore. In open pit mine up to 90-95% of the ore body can be removed. In
underground mining generally more ore has to be left behind as it is used to support the mine
The entry from the surface to an underground mine may be through an adit, or horizontal
tunnel, a shaft or an inclined shaft (Figure 6-9). A typical underground mine has a number of
roughly horizontal levels at various depths below the surface and these spread out from the
access to the surface. Ore is mined in stopes, or rooms. Material left in place to support the
ceiling is called a pillar and can sometimes be recovered afterward. A vertical internal
connection between two levels of a mine is called a winze if it was made by driving downward
and a raise if it was made by driving upward.

Figure 6-9: Idealised cross-section of a mine (Source: Scoble, 1993)

A modern underground mine is a highly mechanised operation requiring little work with pick
and shovel. Rubber-tired vehicles, rail haulage and multiple drill units are commonplace. In
order to protect miners and their equipment much attention is paid to mine safety. Mine
ventilation provides fresh air underground and at the same time removes noxious gases as
well as dangerous dusts that might cause lung disease, e.g. silicosis. Roof support is
accomplished with timber, concrete or steel supports or, most commonly, with roof bolts,
which are long steel rods used to bind the exposed roof surface to the rock behind it.
Shafts, which are generally vertical, but may be inclined depending on the orientation of the
ore body, can be distinguished from adits and tunnels, which are horizontal. Shafts and adits
are the main access routes through which men, supplies, ore and waste are transported.
They are the chief service openings during the development and operation of a mine, and
provide space for compressed-air pipes or electric cables. By law at least two access points
to the ore body are required for adequate ventilation and safety concerns.


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 6: Mining Methods

Did you know?

AngloGold Ashantis Mponeng Gold Mine in
Carletonville is currently South Africas deepest
underground mining operation, at a depth of over
3.777km below ground level.

(Source: AngloGold Ashanti, 2008)

High-productivity deep mines usually sink vertical shafts. As a rule, the shafts have big crosssectional areas in order for large quantities of air to be supplied underground, as well as to
provide a cage with enough space to carry large pieces of equipment and a big workforce into
and out of the mine. The ore skips are usually large and travel at high speeds in the shaft. To
provide this capacity, these shafts are often circular in shape and up to 10 m in diameter,
though rectangular shafts are also used. Shafts are usually reinforced with steel and lined
with concrete.
Little difficulty is experienced in shaft sinking through solid rock, which contains little water.
When loose, water-bearing strata, such as dolomites in western Gauteng gold mines have to
be contended with, careful sealing of the shaft lining becomes necessary, and pumping
facilities are needed.
When there is an excessive quantity of water, cast-iron tubing is sometimes used. This tubing
consists of heavy cast-iron rings made in segments, with flanges for connecting, and bolted
together in place. Cement grout is forced into the space between the outside of the tubing and
the surrounding earth to form a seal. In the grouting method, liquid cement is forced into the
water-bearing earth under very high pressure. On mixing with the water, the cement solidifies
the adjacent area, and it is removed by drilling and blasting as with rock.
In general, the only direct environmental effects of deep underground mining methods are on
groundwater. These impacts may be highly significant, both during mining when dewatering
decreases the amount of available groundwater for other activities, and after mining, when the
water table rebounds and may be recharged by highly polluted minewater. Indirectly,
environmental impacts are associated with mine residue deposits, surface subsidence as a
result of dewatering and the disposal of water pumped from underground to enable mining to
take place safely.

Bord-and-pillar mining

This method is sometimes called room-and-pillar mining. It is commonly used for flat or gently
dipping bedded ores or coal seams. Pillars are left in place in a regular pattern while the
rooms are mined out. In many bord-and-pillar mines that are nearing closure, the pillars are
taken out, starting at the farthest point from the mine haulage exit, retreating, and letting the
roof come down upon the floor. Room-and pillar-methods are well adapted to mechanisation


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 6: Mining Methods

This mining method is employed in near-surface Gauteng and Mpumalanga coal mines.
Figure 6-10 and Figure 6-11 show typical layouts.

Figure 6-10: Typical bord-and-pillar layout (Source: Wells et al., 1992)

Figure 6-11: Cross section of typical bord-and-pillar layout (Source: Scoble, 1993)
Before the advent of modern pillar design in 1967, or the adoption of special precautions
when mining at depths shallower than about 40 m, little was known about what size of pillars
to leave behind. Sometimes, in their eagerness to extract the maximum amount of coal, the
old miners left pillars too small to support the roof indefinitely. In addition, they sometimes
robbed the pillars on their retreat from the exhausted coal faces.
The result of this was that, some time after the mines closed down, certain areas of the roof
collapsed into the bords and into underground roadways and intersections. In places, this
collapse continued right to the surface. This allowed air to enter the old workings and to start
a spontaneous combustion reaction in the residual coal (Figure 6-12). Underground
fires resulted which often further weakened the pillars, causing even more collapses to take


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 6: Mining Methods

Figure 6-12: Collapse in old shallow bord-and-pillar workings

(Source: Wells et al., 1992)
The environmental and residual impacts are significant and numerous. For instance, in the
Witbank area these fires are still burning. Random and unplanned surface subsidence occurs,
rendering the land unsafe. Dangerous ground results where collapse has not yet taken place
but may do at any time. Near-surface aquifers may also break, draining water into the
collapsed workings. Rain falling on these areas goes straight into the workings, adding to the
water load. This water often becomes acidic and has a high concentration of salts. Because
many of these workings occur in places where the coal seam outcrops on the surface, acidic
seepage emerges along the outcrop or from adits, causing severe water pollution in streams
draining the area. Also, significant air pollution occurs due to the sulphurous fumes.
Rehabilitation of these old workings is difficult (Figure 6-13), because of the danger of
collapse and because rehabilitation was not planned as part of the original mining operation.
In some cases it is not possible until the fires have burned out. Many attempts have
nevertheless been made. These include filling the collapsed areas with rubble, bulldozing the
sides of the collapses to safe slopes, backfilling the workings with non-combustible material
such as gravel, soil or ash and flooding the workings. None of these methods has yet solved
the water pollution problem, although some have been partly effective in stopping the fires.
Trenching around the burning areas and backfilling the trench has been attempted to stop the
fires spreading with only limited success, since the fire often jumps to the other side of the
trench. Forced collapsing of the roof of the old mine by blasting has also been attempted, but
was proved unsuccessful due to the unpredictable outcome of the blast.
Remining these old areas, if at all possible, before collapse or burning occurs, is undoubtedly
the best overall solution, since it removes the source of both combustible material and water
pollution. Unfortunately this is often not economically feasible. Another option is to fill the
whole area with power station ash.
Most coal contains pyrite, leading to the potential for the formation of acid mine drainage. This
can contaminate both ground water and surface water. Many coal deposits have high sulphur
contents, leading to a significant hazard. Coal dumps are also important acid generators and
sites of spontaneous combustion if not constructed properly.


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 6: Mining Methods

Figure 6-13: Collapsed old bord-and-pillar workings near Witbank

(Source: Wells et al., 1992)


Other shallow underground mining

Shallow mining has taken place in many parts of the country, mainly in pursuit of gold and
other metals. In Gauteng this has been limited to small gold prospects in the
Magaliesberg/Krugersdorp area and silver/lead mines at The Willows, Edendale and Union
Mine, east of Silverton. At these sites, a number of open shafts have been identified, some of
which have been used as a water source. While galena (lead sulphide) does not have as high
an acid generation potential as pyrite, its oxidation will cause some acid mine drainage and
lead poisoning.
In the case of the small gold mines, although they are small, they can have large impacts, for
example the Chinese Shaft on Harmony Golds Randfontein Estates property appears to have
become the first decant point for mine water from the Western Basin of the Witwatersrand. In
most cases however, the miners who made these early excavations were usually in search of
oxidised ore and visible gold, neither of which is usually associated with pyritic material.
Significant acid pollution is therefore unlikely where isolated near-surface gold mining may
have happened in the past. The main environmental impacts of these operations are the
residual shafts, pits and rock dumps and mercury contamination where gold was extracted by

Longwall mining

A limitation of bord-and-pillar coal mining is that a significant quantity (up to 40%) of coal is
left behind in the pillars that support the roof. Various methods of pillar extraction have

been developed to remove these pillars so as to optimise coal recovery. Other mining
methods, such as rib pillar extraction, shortwall mining and longwall mining (Figure 6-14)


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 6: Mining Methods

have been developed with the aim of directly recovering the maximum amount of

Figure 6-14: Longwall mining

The predominant method of longwall mining is the longwall retreat system (Figure 6-15). In
retreat longwall mining, two sets of entries are driven between 100 to 250 m apart.
When the entries have been driven a predetermined length, say two kilometres, they
are connected and a rectangular longwall block is outlined. The longwall face is then
installed and as mining continues into the panel, back to the original development, the entries
are allowed to collapse behind the face line. Generally the main gate contains the belt
conveyor and the pantechnicon for facilitating power and logistics to the longwall face.
The main environmental concerns with longwall mining relate to the lack of roof support
following mining. The impacts include subsidence of the surface, the cracking of the strata
between the coal seam and the surface, and the subsequent dewatering of aquifers in this
zone. However, the subsidence in this case is predictable both in time and extent. It is thus
possible to design rehabilitation of the surface in advance, divert streams around areas that
will subside, and provide alternative supplies to landowners dependent on near-surface
aquifers for their water supply. Roads, houses and, indeed, water reservoirs have been
successfully undermined using these methods.


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 6: Mining Methods

Figure 6-15: Retreat longwall mining

The water from the overlying aquifers flows into the mine and, depending on its quality, can
often be pumped out and discharged to surface streams. Where the water is naturally saline
or becomes polluted in the mine, it can usually be used as mine service water and may
involve a certain amount of treatment.
The residual impacts may include all or some of the following:

A change in agricultural cropping practice in subsided areas if they become waterlogged;

An undulating topography, resulting from subsided land over the mining panels and nonsubsided land over the barrier pillars and roadways which are left between panels as
shown in Figure 6-16. Theoretically it is possible to mine out this coal to allow the whole
surface to settle evenly. However, there are many practical difficulties which are being
investigated by the industry to minimize this residual impact and increase coal recovery;

When this method is used to mine below a depth of about 60 m, the weight of the strata
above the coal seam may be sufficient to close the cracks in the strata overlying the seam
and thus allow recharge of near-surface aquifers, enabling them to be used again. This is
dependent on the geology (presence of faults, dykes, sills, etc.) but if the cracks do not
reseal, a residual impact would occur.


Wits gold mining

The methods used to mine the conglomerates of the Witwatersrand basin are varied and
depend largely on the mining depth, reef geometry, reef dip, degree of folding and faulting,
rock hardness and temperature gradients. The generally consistent nature of the ore bodies,
and the continuity of the narrow, tabular reefs around a large proportion of the basin rim, has
made it possible to optimise mining operations by standardising many of the procedures
across the entire region. Mining takes place from the surface to depths of more than 4 700 m


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 6: Mining Methods

and several gold-mine lease areas include reefs whose reserves have been extended beyond
this depth.

Figure 6-16: An example of undulating topography that could (Source: Wells et al., 1992)
result following longwall mining
Capital-intensive mining has made the extraction of such deep ore possible in recent years,
but there are many factors, including rock stability, degree of faulting and rock temperature
that increase the costs of operation and place real limits on the depths of operation. Virginrock temperatures increase almost linearly with depth as a result of the heat which flows from
the earth's interior. At surface, virgin-rock temperature is around 20 C compared to 52 C at
4 km depth in the Central Rand. The extreme hardness and abrasiveness of the quartz
arenites and conglomerates severely restrict the cost-effective use of mechanical methods of
rock breaking and place a finite life on rock handling and transportation equipment.
The surface effects of deep gold mining are generally very little with effect on surface being
almost negligible if the depth to surface is more than a few hundred metres. With the
shallower mining occurring near the outcrops there may be limitations to development on the
surface unless geotechnical stability can be guaranteed. A typical layout of a West Wits gold
mine is shown in Figure 6-17.

Planning and Rehabilitation of Mining Operations

The ultimate aim of planning prior to the commencing of mining operations is to make certain
that environmental impacts are minimised and to ensure that rehabilitation and closure of the
mine site is carried out in such a manner that the effects of mining will not adversely affect the
surrounding environment in the long term. Mining is generally different from other activities in
that the impacts can last for centuries.


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 6: Mining Methods

Several possible environmental impacts have been mentioned in the description of specific
surface and underground mining methods above. The discussion below is a more generalised
overview of the environmental impact and rehabilitation of mining operations. More detailed
explanations are given in chapter 9.

Planning of Mine Infrastructure

A number of environmental considerations should be taken into account in planning and

designing a mineral processing plant, waste disposal area and other surface infrastructure,
including. This includes the following:

Identification of the best location for the surface storage facilities. This should take into
account the status of the land with respect to ownership, geology, archaeological
features, as well as flora and fauna;

Planning of activities in order to avoid, remediate and mitigate impacts such as noise,
dust, visual effects, acid drainage and cyanide contamination;

Ensuring that surface and subsurface drainage systems are designed to collect and
manage potentially contaminated water;

Design of water management and water treatment facilities to ensure that there are no
significant adverse effects on the surrounding rivers and streams; and

Defining the requirements for rehabilitation and closure of the site.


Rehabilitation of disturbed areas

Progressive rehabilitation of disturbed areas should be undertaken as this offers a number of

advantages such as:

Reducing the mines environmental liability at closure; and

Reducing costs at closure, as rehabilitation is included in the operational activities of the


Progressive rehabilitation measures to be implemented include:

Improving the visual appearance of the disturbed areas;

Establishing a cover to provide erosion control;

Improving runoff water quality by minimising silt loads; and

Controlling dust.

While some disturbed areas can be rehabilitated on a progressive basis during operation,
others cannot be rehabilitated until mining is complete. For this reason, some rehabilitation is
generally still required during and after closure.


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 6: Mining Methods

A Dolomite
B Black Reef
C Ventersdorp Lava
D Ventersdorp Contact Reef
E Kimberley Shale
F Main Reef
G Carbon Leader
H Jeppestown Quartzite
1 Reduction plant
2 Head gear
3 Waste dump
4 Stoped-out areas with mat packs
5 Ventilation shaft
6 Footwall cross-cut with box holes
7 Cross-cut to reef
8 Stope box holes
9 Footwall haulage
10 Cross-cut to VCR
11 Shaft station
12 Main vertical shaft
13 Cross-cut to Carbon Leader
14 Cross-cut to VCR
15 Cross-cut to VCR
16 Settlers and water pumps
17 Subvertical hoist chamber
18 Subvertical shaft
19 Ore passes
20 Cross-cut to Carbon Leader
21 Cross-cut to Carbon Leader
22 Raise to Carbon Leader

Figure 6-17: Idealised layout of a typical West Wits gold mine (Source: Whiteside et. al., 1976)


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 6: Mining Methods

Remedial initiatives to minimise environmental impact during and after mining include:

Containment and treatment of contaminated water;

Correct storage and removal of hazardous materials;

Removal of surface infrastructure (buildings, plant, etc.);

Earthworks and contouring the mine area to as close as possible to the pre-mining
landscape. This includes filling pits, trenches and small excavations; making pit sides safe
and covering the surface area with subsoil and topsoil as necessary; and

Revegetation of the pit slopes, slimes dams and waste rock dumps.


Mine Waste Management Plans

The mining operations create different types of mining waste materials, depending on their
mining methods, as well as other waste products associated with generic mining related
activities. Each waste product requires a unique strategy and disposal facilities suitable for
the classification of that waste.
The management of waste generated and the disposal of this waste is regulated under the
following legislation:
Box 6-2: Waste Management Legislation in South Africa

The Environment Conservation Act, 1989 (Act No. 73 of 1989 and its amendments);

The National Water Act, 1998 (Act No. 36 of 1998);

The National Environmental Management Act, 1998 (Act No. 107 of 1998);

The Minerals and Petroleum Resource Development Act, 2002 (Act No. 28 of 2002);

The White Paper on Integrated Pollution Control and Waste Management;

Hazardous Substances Act, 1973 (Act No. 15 of 1973); and

Health Act, 1977 (Act No. 63 of 1977).

General Waste Management

The practice of mining generates wastes, residues, polluted waters and air emissions. The
waste and residues from various mines falls into a number of categories, and these can


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 6: Mining Methods

Waste that is collected within the settling, slimes and slurry dams;
Waste rock from the mining process;
Overburden, cover, and / or soft material;
Other non specification waste such as discard, parting (coal) and sub-economic
lower grade ore;
Industrial waste (i.e. including hazardous wastes and oils and greases);
Domestic waste (i.e. waste that is generated from the plant offices and
Waste water (i.e. including process water and water from sanitation processes, as
well as sewage sludge); and
Air emissions, including dust, particulate matter, gaseous emissions and even

Did you know?

There is also the potential waste in the form of radioactivity as there are background
levels of radiation that naturally occur in minerals such as coal, coal ash and granite.
DME are developing a policy for the management of all radioactive wastes that
originate in the mining sector as well as the associated management measures,
however, this is not yet available.

Regardless of the mineral being mined, when reviewing a waste management plan,
authorities should ensure that they can extract the following data from the waste management

What is the source of the mine waste?

What are the volumes of the mine waste?
What is the quality and hazardous nature of the mine waste?
How long does the waste remain on site? If it remains on site for longer than three
months, it is necessary to have the storage facility licensed with the DWAF;
Can, and is any of, this waste being recycled? If so, how?
Are there Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) for products requiring these, stored
on the site?
What is the proposed handling/disposal option for each waste stream?
Where will the safe disposal certificates be kept on site?
How will each of the mine residue sites and waste storage facilities be managed?

Although it is not possible to provide all information required for the management of all waste
products generated by the mining industry, a basic outline of the management of mine related
waste is given in this section. For the purpose of this manual, waste management guidelines
have been provided for mine residue deposits, solid waste, liquid waste and air emissions.


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 6: Mining Methods

Mine Residue Deposits

Mine Residue Deposits (MRDs) are legislated in terms of the Regulations 527 of the Minerals
and Petroleum Resources Development Act, Act No. 28 of 2002 (MPRDA). These
regulations have been based upon the SABS Code of Practice for Mine Residue and the
Chamber of Mines Guidelines for Environmental Protection.
In order to ensure that a waste management plan covers all aspects applicable to the
management of mine residue, an example of a checklist has been generated which the
authorities can use to evaluate Mine Residue Waste Management Plans. Appendix 6.1
provides the checklist. When utilising this checklist, it is important to note that many of the
aspects will also consider the safety of the residue deposit. Although this report focuses on
Best Practice for environmental management, ensuring the safety of a mine residue facility
will often reduce the potential for environmental impacts. Therefore, it is important to ensure
safety requirements are outlined in a waste management plan for mine residue deposits.

Solid Waste

In order to ensure that a waste management plan covers all aspects applicable to the
management of solid waste, an example of a checklist has been generated which the
authorities can use to evaluate Solid Waste Management Plans (Appendix 6.2). An outline
applicable to the management of typical / generic solid waste products generated by mining
industries has been provided as Appendix 6.3.

Liquid wastes

In order to ensure that a waste management plan covers all aspects applicable to the
management of liquid waste, an outline applicable to the management of typical / generic
liquid waste products generated by mining industries, has been provided in Appendix 6.4.

Air emissions

The management of air quality in South Africa is legislated under the National Environmental
Management: Air Quality Act, Act No. 39 of 2004 (NEM:AQA), with the applicable South
African National Standards (SANS) for common air pollutants and monitoring guidelines being
published in SANS 1929:2004. Section 32(b) of the NEM:AQA states that the minister may
prescribe steps to be undertaken to prevent nuisance dust. Although the minister has not yet
prescribed these steps, the spirit of the legislation indicates that dust emissions are not
desirable and must be controlled.


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GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 6: Mining Methods

Cover page Top of the crushing tower at Karee Platinum Mine, Northwest Province, South
Africa (Source: GeoMine Info, 2004)


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 6.1

Appendix 6.1
Checklist for the evaluation of Mine Residues Deposit Waste Management Plans
63 (a)

63 (b)

63 (c)
73 (1)
73 (2) (a)

73 (2) (b) (i) (aa-gg)

73 (2) (b) (ii) (aa-ff)


Will any attempt been made at source to prevent the generation of a mine residue,
production of pollution or waste?
Where production of waste cannot be avoided, will any attempt been made at source
to minimise, re-use or recycle waste?
Where possible will the disposal of mine residues take place in a sustainable manner?
Is there a comprehensive impact assessment of the residue stockpiles and deposits?
Has the mine residue been characterised in terms of its health, safety and
environmental impact?
Have the physical characteristics been determined (this is applicable for tailings
- Size distribution of the principal constituents;
- Permeability of the compaction material;
- Void ratios of the compacted material;
- Consolidation and settling characteristics;
- Strength of the compacted material;
- Specific gravity of the solid constituents;
- The water content of the material at time of deposition, after compaction and at
other phases of the life cycle.
Have the chemical characteristics been determined that could include(this is applicable
for tailings facilities):
- Toxicity;
- Potential to oxidise and decompose;
- Potential to undergo spontaneous combustion;
- pH and chemical composition of the water leaving the solids;

Regulations to the Minerals and Petroleum Resource Development Act, 2002 (Act No. 28 of 2002).


P/ O


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide


Appendix 6.1


- Stability and reactivity;

- Neutralising potential.
Has the mineral content been determined?

Has the stockpile/residue been classified by a competent person?

73 (3) (a) (i-ii)

73 (3) (b) (i)

73 (3) (b) (ii)

73 (3) (b) (iii)

73 (3) (c)

73 (3) (d)

73 (3) (e) (i-iv)

Has the residue stockpile / deposit been classified according to safety and
environmental categories?
Has the classification determined the assessment and level of investigation required?
Has the classification determined the requirements for design, construction, operation,
decommissioning, closure, post closure maintenance?
Has the classification determined the qualifications and the expertise required of the
persons undertaking the investigations, assessments, design and construction
Has the classification of the residue stockpile and deposits been based on the criteria
within the regulations (of the MPRDA)?
Is this a high hazard residue stockpile or deposit and has the mandatory risk
assessment been carried out?
Has the environmental classification of the residue stockpiles and deposits been
undertaken on the basis of;
- The characteristics of the residue,
- The location and the dimensions of the deposit,
- The importance and the vulnerability of the environmental components that are at
- The spatial extent, duration and intensity of the potential impacts.
Does the assessment of the impacts and the analyses of the risks occur in the EIA,
EMP or EMPlan
Has the site selection for these residue stockpiles taken into account;
- Sufficient alternative sites;

73 (2) (b) (iii)

73 (2) (c)

73 (3) (f)
73 (4) (a)


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GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide


Appendix 6.1



73 (4) (b)

73 (4) (c)

73 (4) (d)
73 (4) (e)

73 (4) (f)

73 (5) (a)

73 (5) (b) (i-ii)

Qualitative evaluation and ranking of the sites;

Qualitative evaluation of the top ranking site;
Has the evaluation of the top ranking site considered;
A preliminary safety classification,
An environmental classification,
Geotechnical investigations,
Groundwater investigations
- Has the geotechnical investigation included;
Characterisation of the soil profile of the area to be sterilised,
The engineering qualities of the soils i.e. permeability and strength.
Does the groundwater investigation account for;
- Potential seepage rate from the residue facility,
- Quality of the seepage,
- The geohydrological properties of the strata within the zone of influence of the
facility i.e. that will be influenced by the quality of the seepage,
- The vulnerability and the existing potential use of the groundwater in the zone of
influence that could be affected by the residue facility.
Has the best site been selected?
Have the following investigations been carried out on the preferred alternative site:
- Land use;
- Topography and surface drainage;
- Infrastructure and man-made features;
- Climate;
- Fauna and flora
- Soils;
- Groundwater morphology, flow, quality and usage; and
- Surface water.
Has the site selection work and all the scientific testing and lab work been carried out
by a competent person?
Has the design of the residue stockpile and deposit been carried out by a competent
Has a soil profile assessment been carried out for the site of the residue stockpile and


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GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide



73 (5) (c) (i-v)

73 (5) (d) (i-iv)

73 (6) (a) (i-vii)

Appendix 6.1

deposits that have low hazard potential and no significant impact on the environment?
Has the design of the residue stockpile and deposit taken into account all phases of
the life cycle from construction to closure and included:
- Characteristics of the mine residue,
- The characteristics of the site and the receiving environment;
- The general layout of the stockpile,
- Is there a natural valley, a dyke, an impoundment in the vicinity of the lifespan of
the deposit,
- What is the type of deposition method being used,
- What is the rate of rise of the stockpile?
Has storm water control been taken into account and provision made for the maximum
precipitation over a 24 hour period that of a 100 year storm?
Is there a free board of 0.5 m allowed in the design to prevent overtopping?
Will he plans prevent the water from pooling at the walls?
Are there controls in place to control the decanting of excess water under both normal
and storm water conditions?
- Have provisions been made in terms of GN R991 (9) to prevent water leaving the
residue management system,
- Has provision been made for the design of the water management system at this
- Is the structure being constructed correctly?
- How will the wind and water erosion be controlled on the side slopes?
- What is the potential for pollution?
Are there operating catchment paddocks in place that have been assessed in the EIA
and management measures referred to in the EMP or EMPlan (this is only applicable
to tailings facilities)?
Note that if the residue deposit design changes, these changes must be approved by
the Regional Manager.
Has testing taken place of all the residues deposited on the site (only applicable for
tailings facilities) as well as of the surplus water leaving the site.
Is the site secured?
What plans are in place to detect and remedy pollution?


P/ O


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide


Appendix 6.1


73 (6) (b)

73 (7) (a-b)

What plans are in place to remedy dust pollution and erosion of the side slopes?
Are details of the rehabilitation of the residue deposits detailed in the EMP and
Is there a system of routine maintenance and repair planned? Will this suffice for the
ongoing control of pollution at the site, the rehabilitation of the site as well as health
and safety matters?
Has a monitoring system been put in place to monitor significant impacts?
Has the monitoring system taken into account:
- The baseline conditions;
- The air, soil, surface and groundwater quality objectives;
- The residue characteristics;
- The degree and nature of the residue containment;
- The nature of the receiving environment;
- The potential migration pathways;
- The potential leachate impacts;
- The location of the monitoring points and the monitoring protocols;
- Has the reporting frequency been specified?


P/ O


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GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 6.2

Appendix 6.2
Checklist for the evaluation of Solid Waste Management Plans
69 (1)



69 (2)

69 (3)

69 (4)

69 (5)

P/ O


Will the mine comply with all the waste

management legislation? The list of
applicable legislation must be listed in the
waste management plan in order to ensure
the mine is aware of the legislation that
applies to them.
Has a comprehensive impact assessment on
the waste management practices been
undertaken? Have the results been used to
determine practical management practices
and are these included in the waste
management plan of the EMP?
Is there sufficient financial provision set
aside for waste management?
Are wastes from the processing plants being
disposed of according to the
recommendations of the management plan?
(This is only applicable if processing takes
place on-site.)
Are all the waste management sites
demarcated on the site layout?
Do any waste management sites occur in
any sensitive areas?
No sand dump / slimes dam may be sited
within 100m of a dam, river bank, pan,
wetland, lake, stream without DWAF
ministerial permission.

Regulations to the Minerals and Petroleum Resource Development Act, 2002 (Act No. 28 of


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GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 6.3

Appendix 6.3
Generic management measures for solid waste


Scrap metal

Sell to a scrap metal dealer for smelting and re-use.


Return to supplier or a company that uses old tyres for making door
mats, shoes, swings, etc.


Return to supplier or dispose at a permitted hazardous waste facility.


Collected in sealed containers (stored on concrete slabs) and removed

from site for disposal at a permitted hazardous waste facility.


Returned to supplier or disposed of at a legal, permitted facility that is

capable of disposing of the waste.
DO NOT sell chemical containers to workers or communities.


Returned to supplier or disposed of at a permitted facility that is

capable of disposing of the waste. Guidance can be obtained from the
Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS).


Collected in sealed containers (stored on concrete slabs) and removed

from site for disposal at a permitted hazardous waste facility.


Removed, transported, and disposed by the supplier after obtaining

permission for the Department of Health.

Medical waste
(only applicable
for on-site clinic)

Stored in a locked clinic before being removed from site for disposal at
a permitted hazardous waste facility.

Domestic waste

Separated at source into recyclable products. These must then be

removed and recycled by recognised contractors. (Note that the mine
is responsible for the waste from cradle to grave).
Non-recyclable waste must be stored in contained suitable for
collection by a recognised contractor who will dispose of the waste at
a permitted domestic waste facility.


If there are large enough quantities of vegetable material collected,

this can be used for rehabilitation purposes.


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GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 6.4

Appendix 6.4
Generic management measures for liquid waste


Used oils /

Used hydrocarbon fuels / liquids are to be collected in sealed

containers (stored on concrete slabs) and removed from site for
recycling by a reputable company.

(collected in oil

Removed from the oil traps by a permitted contractor and removed

from site for recycling (if possible) or disposal at a suitably permitted

Transformer oils

Transformer oils often contain PCBs which results in the oil having to
be disposed of, rather than recycled. Therefore, all oils removed from
transformers must be tested for PCB contamination. If PCBs are
present, the oil must be disposed of as hazardous waste. However, if
the oil is PCB free, it most be removed from site for recycling (as
indicated above).


No sewage outfall may be located within 100m of a water feature.

A responsible person must be appointed to monitor the level of waste
in the tank, with monitoring being undertaken according to a schedule
(minimum of monthly inspections).
When the tank is 75% full, it must be emptied within 5 days, by a
permitted contractor.
NO sewage may be discharge into a water body.
If sufficient quantities of sewage remain on-site at the end of life of
mine, this sludge can be used during rehabilitation, provided the mine
has the necessary permission from DWAF. (Generation of the
sewage sludge is usually continuous during the life of the mine i.e. a
continual source of cheap fertiliser.)


Returned to supplier or disposed of at a permitted facility that is

capable of disposing of the waste. Guidance can be obtained from the
Unless specified differently in the MSDS, these liquid wastes can not
be disposed of on the tailings dams or residue deposits.


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GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 6.5

Appendix 6.5
Checklist for the evaluation of Waste Atmospheric Emissions
64 (1)

64 (2)




Does this EMPlan/EMP comply with the provisions of

the Mine Health and Safety Act, 1996 (Act 29 of 1996)
as well as Second Schedule of the Atmospheric
Pollution Prevention Act, 1965 (Act No. 45 of 1965).
Has an air quality impact assessment been carried out
and have management measures been
If so, have these measures been implemented and the
success determined through monitoring?
Also consider the NEM:AQA and the SANS

Regulations to the Minerals and Petroleum Resource Development Act, 2002 (Act No. 28 of


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GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 7: Current Mining in Gauteng




In the previous two chapters, the most common exploration and mining methods utilized to
prospect for and mine the mineral commodities present in Gauteng were described. This
chapter contains a description of the types of mineral deposits currently mined in Gauteng.
Mention is made of possible environmental impacts of these mining operations and their
rehabilitation; however the reader is referred to Chapter 9 for a more detailed description of
the environmental impacts.
The following types of economic mineral deposits in Gauteng are described:

Aggregates (sand and crushed stone);

Brick clay;
Fire clay;
Dolomite and limestone;
Silica; and

Other economic mineral deposits in Gauteng, such as mentioned in the above list,
manganese and platinum group metals (PGMs) were discussed in Chapter 2 and Chapter 6
of the mining guide.

Aggregate (sand and crushed stone)

Aggregate can be subdivided into fine (sand) and coarse (stone), where at least 90% of the
former will pass through a square sieve with an aperture size of 75 mm whilst at least 90% of
the latter would be retained by such a sieve.

Uses and specifications

The raw materials for the construction industry are supplied mainly by the quarry industry.
The term quarry industry is defined as the industry operating gravel, sand, stone and clay
borrow pits and quarries and associated plants, whose products are used in concrete, mortar,
bricks, road construction and for railway-ballast purposes. Quarrying activities tend to be
found near principal centres that are surrounded by developing areas. The quarry-industry
materials have a low unit value and transport plays a vital role in the economics of supply. It is
therefore important that these basic materials are in regular supply at affordable prices, close
to the point of consumption.

Cover page Tau Tona Gold Mine near Carletonville, Gauteng Province, South Africa
(Source: Anglo Gold-Ashanti, 2008a)


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide


Chapter 7: Current Mining in Gauteng


Quartz is more resistant to weathering than other common minerals and that is why it has
outlasted the other minerals in the natural weathering cycle to remain as the primary
constituent of residual deposits of quartz sand. However, other minerals such as feldspar,
pyroxene and amphibole do at times also occur in nature in the same size range and can also
be referred to by the term sand, which refers only to the size range of particles and not to the
mineral composition or hardness. In general, any construction sand can be classified as either
natural sand or manufactured sand.
Natural sand is formed by the disintegration of rock as a result of weathering. The
mineralogical composition and grading are determined by the source rock and the conditions
of transport and deposition. Although natural sands tend to be well graded, they often contain
an excessive amount of silt and clay that need to be washed out to make them suitable for
use in construction.
Granites, sandstones and quartzites are rock types known to produce appreciable amounts of
silica sand upon weathering and can be regarded as the primary source of many naturally
occurring quartz sands. Natural deposits of good-quality building sands are rapidly being
exhausted in and around many major centres due to population development pressures which
result in increased utilisation and sterilisation of deposits.
Manufactured sand is produced by the mechanical crushing or milling of rock and gravel.
Crusher sand is the product obtained when a rock or gravel is crushed, washed and graded
with the specific aim of producing sand sized material. This is only economically viable in
areas with limited remaining sources of natural sand. The process must be properly controlled
and excess silt and clay material, if present, must be washed out of the manufactured
product. An additional class of sand is artificial sand, e.g. clinker, breeze and slag. These
materials are often used to manufacture cement bricks and building blocks.
Sand accumulates in rivers, on beaches, in dunes and in valleys. Natural sands, used for
building purposes, include alluvial and eluvial sands (river and pit sands), aeolian (windblown) sands and marine (mostly beach) sands. Each of these sand varieties has its own
characteristic properties which are determined by its origin and mode of transport.
River sand contributes the bulk of the sand used for building purposes. The demand for
material in rural areas is relatively low and therefore many of these operations are sustainable
due to natural replenishment of the resource. River sands are generally clean and free of silt
and clay. The composition and quality of the sand is determined by the source rock. It is
known that sands derived from the Karoo Supergroup are generally less suitable for use as
building sands due to the high shrinkage which results from the presence of clays. Even
sands that originate outside the Karoo Supergroup often prove unsatisfactory also as a result
of high shrinkage.
Wind blown (aeolian) desert sand is generally clean and well rounded, but poorly graded,
consisting mainly of fine material of a single size and lacking silt and clay fractions. The grains
may also be coated with a thin layer of iron oxide, resulting in a reddish colour. The wellknown Kalahari sands are not all of aeolian origin and range from white, single-sized sand to
reddish or yellowish sands.


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 7: Current Mining in Gauteng

Manufactured or crusher sand is produced in some of the larger centres, especially where
there is a dearth of natural sand. This crusher sand is used by building contractors as a
construction-material resource. More and more crusher operators are becoming aware that
crusher dust, which has been regarded as waste material in the past, can be converted into a
quality product by crushing under carefully controlled conditions. Since weathered materials
such as clays tend to concentrate in the fine material during crushing, the crusher sand
should be washed to remove any potentially deleterious fine material.

Did you know?

Mine dump sand is occasionally used in the Gauteng area for building purposes. It is a
fine sand which may contain minerals such as pyrite (which is undesirable) and also
sulphuric acid and soluble sulphate salts. Mine-dump sand is classified as manufactured

Sand can be classified on the basis of various properties such as origin, source material,
grading, shape, roundness, sphericity, water absorption and water demand. These properties,
as well as the presence of contaminants, play an important role in the behaviour of the
material in the mix, and influence the quality and performance of the manufactured concrete,
mortar or plaster. The following are important characteristics:

Grading requirements;
Maximum allowable dust, silt and clay;
Presence of deleterious minerals, e.g. mica, pyrite and opaline silica;
Presence of deleterious matter, e.g. sugar and organic matter, and shell content;
Physical properties, e.g. shape, surface texture, shrinkage and durability; and
Test methods and quality assurance.

Fresh and unweathered crushed rock is used extensively to satisfy the demand for coarse
aggregate in the concrete, road and other pavement construction industries, as well as for
railway ballast. It is convenient to classify the variety of rocks used to produce coarse
aggregate in South Africa according to the geological processes by which they have been
formed. Three main groups are found:

Igneous Rocks - Andesite, basalt, dolerite, felsite, gabbro, granite, granodiorite, norite,
rhyolite and syenite;
Metamorphic Rocks - Granite-gneiss, granulite, hornfels, quartzite and slate and
Sedimentary Rocks - Dolomite, dolomitic limestone, sandstone, greywacke, shale and

Prospecting for aggregates follows the usual techniques to determine the size and quality of a
mineral resource, namely: geological mapping to delineate the surface extent. For sand
reserve determinations, trenching and pitting are undertaken to establish the deposit depth
and to obtain samples. For crushed stone, drilling and/or trial quarrying is carried out to obtain
similar information. Laboratory testing to determine the physical and chemical properties of
the aggregate is sometimes conducted.


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide


Chapter 7: Current Mining in Gauteng


In the case of fine aggregate, mining usually takes place as a mechanised earthmoving
operation where the unconsolidated material is moved in bulk. The exception is manufactured
or crusher sand that is formed as a by-product of coarse aggregate production. Coarse
aggregate is typically mined using opencast drill and blast methods.

Environmental impact and rehabilitation

One of the most prominent environmental impacts of aggregate mining is the loss of visual
integrity, as these operations are developed close to their urban markets to reduce transport
costs. Dedicated aggregate quarries are usually too shallow to affect groundwater. River
sand extraction needs to be closely monitored as, by definition, mining takes place in old and
existing river channels. As with all open-pit operations the stability and rehabilitation of pit
walls both during and after mine life needs to be planned.

Gauteng resources

Over 90% of the stone used for concrete in the Johannesburg Metropolitan area is derived
from the Witwatersrand quartzites brought to the surface during mining operations and
dumped as waste rock. Andesite from the Ventersdorp Supergroup is also used south of
Johannesburg. In Pretoria, the predominant coarse aggregates are norite and gabbro from
the Bushveld Complex and quartzite from the Transvaal Supergroup. North of Pretoria at
Hammanskraal, granite from the Bushveld Complex is available for future use. Dolomite from
the Transvaal Supergroup is also commonly used as aggregate in the PretoriaJohannesburg
area. Granite from the Johannesburg Dome is quarried at Midrand and used as aggregate.
Figure 7-1 shows an aggregate quarry in Gauteng.

Figure 7-1: Aggregate quarry in Muldersdrift, Gauteng (Source: Buildworks, 2008)


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide


Brick clay


Uses and specifications

Chapter 7: Current Mining in Gauteng

Clay is the common name for a number of fine-grained, earthy materials that become plastic
when wet. Chemically, clays are hydrous aluminium silicates, ordinarily containing impurities,
e.g. potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, or iron, in small amounts. Properties of the
clays include plasticity, shrinkage under firing and under air drying, fineness of grain, colour
after firing, hardness, cohesion and capacity of the surface to take decoration. Individual clay
particles are always smaller than 0.004 mm. Clays often form colloidal suspensions when
immersed in water, but the clay particles generally flocculate (clump) and settle quickly in
saline water. Clays are easily moulded into a form that is retained when dry, and they become
hard and lose their plasticity when subjected to heat. The best-quality clays are used for highvalue ceramics and tiles. Slightly less pure clays are used to make good-quality bricks.
Brick clays (See Figure 7-2) consist predominantly of the clay minerals kaolinite and illite.
Bentonitic clays are important for metallurgical purposes in kilns and for sealing things such
as dams. Bentonite is however unsuitable for use in bricks. Koalinite and illite impart desirable
properties that are important in forming and firing the brick. Quantity and particle size of the
quartz (silica) component of the clay are also critical in determining forming and firing
behaviour as well as final strength. Carbon and sulphur can have a major influence on firing
performance, with low levels preferred. The familiar red/brown colours of most bricks are due
to the presence of iron minerals in almost all clays. However, the presence of carbonate
minerals such as calcite and dolomite can produce paler coloured bricks. Production of very
pale buff/cream through-colour bricks is presently only made possible by using fireclays with
low iron contents. Fully durable yellow bricks are made from a mixture of clay and calcium
carbonate (chalk).

Figure 7-2: Clay-brick wall (Source: GreenbuildlingElements, 2008)


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 7: Current Mining in Gauteng

Clay-brick buildings with exposed, face-brick masonry have the lowest maintenance costs.
Fired clays for brick-making purposes are amongst the most important materials used for
construction in developing countries. There is a misconception that brick-making clays are
widespread, and of ordinary occurrence and quality. It is true that brick clays are not
subjected to the fine tolerance required for a china clay used for the manufacture of white or
fine ceramics, but it is fallacious to assume that the brick manufacturer has a wide choice of
freely available material for any particular product. Fired clay bricks can be divided into two
categories according to compressive strengths, namely masonry units and engineering units.
The brick-clay masonry classification is summarised in Table 7-1.
Table 7-1: Brick-clay Masonry Classification
CLASS 1: Masonry units
FBS (Face-brick standard)
FBX (Face-brick extra)
FBA (Face-brick aesthetic)

NFP (Non-facing plastered)

NFX (Non-facing extra)

CLASS: 2 Engineering units


Units are selected or produced for their durability and
uniformity of size and shape
Units are selected or produced for their durability and high
degree of uniformity of size, shape and colour
Units are selected or produced for durability and aesthetic
effect derived from non-uniformity of size, shape and
Units suitable for general building work that is to be
Units suitable for plastered or unplastered general
building work below damp-proof course, or under damp
conditions, or below ground level where durability rather
than aesthetics is the criterion for selection
Any class of masonry unit produced for structural or loadbearing purposes in face or non-face work, where the
manufacturer supplies to an agreed compressive strength.
An engineering unit is designated by the addition of the
letter E, followed by the number equal to the nominal
compressive strength in megapascals.


Clay minerals are a product of rock weathering. Mechanical and chemical weathering causes
disintegration and decomposition of rocks. This results in the formation of secondary
minerals, including clay minerals. Normally clays consist of a mixture of minerals derived from
decomposition, weathering and breakdown of the parent rock. The main constituent of clays
is indeed clay minerals, but many other non-clay minerals may also be present. The severity
of weathering depends on the geographic relief, climate, exposure time and vegetation.
Clays are divided into two classes: residual clay, found in the place of origin, and transported
clay, also known as sedimentary clay, removed from the place of origin by an agent of erosion
and deposited in a new and possibly distant position.
Clay raw material for brick making comes from a wide variety of sources including bedded
shale/mudstone formations, weathered hydrothermally altered igneous and metamorphic
rocks, as well as alluvial and colluvial soils.


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 7: Current Mining in Gauteng

The particle-size distribution has a decisive influence on the technological behaviour of clay
materials for brick making, the less than 0.002mm grain-size fraction being especially
The mineralogy and chemistry of brick clays are relevant in so far as they influence the
technical behaviour of the bricks. The minerals and other clay components are categorised as
essential or non-essential (subordinate) minerals or admixtures. The non-essential
(subordinate) minerals can have favourable, neutral or detrimental effects.
Essential minerals for brick making include kaolinite, quartz and illite. High-quality clay bricks
can be manufactured from either one or a mixture of clay minerals, plus quartz with a suitable
grain-size distribution. Kaolinite has good sintering characteristics, while quartz acts as a
stabiliser and illite produces plasticity.
Non-essential (subordinate) minerals and admixtures for brick making:

Chlorite and muscovite result in the early occurrence of a liquid (glass) phase in the
ceramic body which strengthens the brick. However, if coarse grained, they may possibly
cause troublesome laminations in extrusion;

Montmorillonite, present in small quantities, can be a favourable component. However, if

present in large quantities it encourages susceptibility to drying failure;

Feldspars have a neutral effect and do not generally act as fluxes at the firing
temperatures normally used in the brick industry;

Micas (coarse grained) promote lamination of the green (non-fired) product during

Rock residues in the sand fraction, providing they are free from carbonates, usually act as

Carbonates, particularly in the coarse-grained fraction, result in lime popping with a

detrimental effect on the brick; and

Hydrocarbons in small quantities can aid by reducing the fuel required for firing.

The mineral association influences colour, drying, shaping, firing, the behaviour of the green
or non-fired products and the quality of the bricks. Knowledge of the mineral association,
together with grain-size distribution and chemical composition, permits evaluation of the
suitability of the clay for brick making.
Prospecting for brick clays follows the normal techniques for determining the size and quality
of mineral resources, namely: geological mapping to delineate the surficial extent;
trenching/pitting/auger drilling to establish the deposit depth and to obtain samples; and
laboratory testing to determine the physical and chemical properties of the clays mentioned


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide


Chapter 7: Current Mining in Gauteng


Clays are low-value, high-volume products, with the result that production and transportation
costs play a critical role in determining the viability of a deposit. Mining methods have to be
adapted accordingly and are generally restricted to low-cost opencast methods for which
factors such as the overburden to ore ratios, dip of the ore body, nature of the overburden
and host rock, ore grade or thickness variations, ore beneficiation and transport costs,
ecological and environmental aspects, and mine rehabilitation costs are all crucial in
determining the viability of a mine.
Optimising the potential of an ore body is therefore crucial and requires the following:

The identification and characterisation of the clay types occurring in a deposit;

The delineation of different clay grades within the deposit, and the selective mining of
various grades to allow them to be used in different applications; and

Value addition through beneficiation which should result in clay products of different
grades being produced that will satisfy a wider range of needs in industry.


Environmental impact and rehabilitation

One of the most prominent environmental impacts of aggregate mining is the loss of visual
integrity, as these operations are developed close to their urban markets to reduce transport
costs. They are generally too shallow to affect groundwater. As with all open-pit operations
the stability and rehabilitation of pit walls both during and after mine life needs to be planned
through the stockpiling and replacement of topsoil.

Gauteng resources

Gauteng has more clay-brick operations producing in excess of four million bricks per month
than any other province. According to age, the deposits can be divided into two broad
classes, namely those derived from ArchaeanProterozoic age rocks and those derived from
PermianCarboniferous (Ecca) age rocks.
The ArchaeanProterozoic rocks that are possible sources of clays belong to the
Witwatersrand, Ventersdorp and Transvaal Supergroups. In the vicinity of Pretoria, shales
from the Silverton and Timeball Hill Formations of the Pretoria Group (Transvaal Supergroup)
are the primary constituents for clay bricks (e.g. the Moot area, north-west of Pretoria).
Proterozoic intrusives and lavas, varying from basic to andesitic in composition, are also used
as primary constituents for brick making. Transvaal-age diabase, if highly weathered to clayrich assemblages of smectite and chlorite-illite, interlain with minor kaolinite and quartz, is
used to produce low- to medium-quality bricks. The resources are blended to produce bricks
of better quality.
The PermianCarboniferous (Ecca)-age outliers of clay-rich rocks belonging to the Vryheid
Formation of the Ecca Group (Karoo Supergroup) are exploited for brick-making purposes in
Gauteng (e.g. VanderbijlparkVereeniging area and East Rand). These shales are
acknowledged for providing some of the best brick-making material in the Province. Care
should be taken not to sterilise these deposits through urban development.


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 7: Current Mining in Gauteng

The different types of brick kilns used in the manufacturing of bricks are summarised in Box
Box 7-1: Types of Brick Kilns
The designs of traditional brick kilns have been refined over many hundreds of years but
there are other types of brick kiln in use which have been subject in recent years to
systematic experiment to improve them. They are the Brazilian beehive kilns, the
Argentine half-orange kiln, the European Schwartz kiln and the Missouri kiln of the U.S.A.
The first, second and fourth examples burn part of the charged wood within the kiln to
carbonise the remainder. The Schwartz kiln uses the hot flue gases from an external fire
grate, passed through the kiln to supply heat for drying and heating the wood to start
The Schwartz kiln requires considerable amounts of steel for buckstays on the kiln
chamber, and steel grates and doors for the furnace. Since its yield (when the firewood is
counted) is not in practice superior to the others, it cannot be recommended for wide use
in the developing world. The fourth type of kiln, well proven in practice, is the Missouri kiln
developed and still in use in the United States. It is usually made of reinforced concrete
or concrete breeze blocks and has steel chimneys and doors. Its yield is similar to the
Argentine and Brazilian furnaces. It is fitted with large steel doors which allow mechanical
equipment to be used for loading and unloading. It has two disadvantages for developing
world use: it requires a lot of steel and cement for its construction, both costly and usually
imported items, and it is not as easy to cool as the other furnaces. It is thus more suited
for use in temperate cooler climates where the materials and skills for steel and
reinforced concrete construction are at hand and low air temperatures permit easy
cooling. It is attractive where labour, front end loaders etc., are readily available.
The advantages of the Argentine and Brazilian kilns are:

They can be built in medium and large sizes;

They are built entirely of soft-burned, locally made clay/sand bricks and mud
mortar. They require no steel except a few bars of flat steel over doors and as
reinforcement at the base of the dome in the case of the Brazilian furnace;

They are robust and are not easily damaged. They cannot be easily harmed by
overheating; they can stand unprotected in the sun and rain without corrosion or ill
effects and have a useful life of from 5 to 8 years;

The bricks set in mud can be recycled and used again when the kilns are

Control of burning is relatively simple particularly in the case of the Argentine kiln;

The kilns are easy to cool using clay slurry and are easily sealed hermetically
during cooling. A recent development in fast cooling involves water injection;


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 7: Current Mining in Gauteng


The operating systems for groups (batteries) of kilns have been well researched
and standardized so that labour and raw material efficiency is maximised;

The charcoal produced is suitable for all uses including household, metallurgical,
and production of activated carbon.

The major disadvantage of these two kiln types is that they are not adapted for the
recovery or recycle burning of and by-product tar or gas. This increases air pollution and
slightly lowers the possible thermal efficiency. It must, however be added that there are
no industrially proven brick kilns which are capable of simple recovery of tar without
requiring steel components which add greatly to the cost and complexity of the kiln.


Fire clay


Uses and specifications

Fire clays are also of great industrial importance, e.g. in the manufacture of tiles for wall and
floor coverings, of porcelain, china, and earthenware, and of pipes for drainage and sewage.
Fire clay has a high degree of resistance to heat. By the best standards it should have a
fusion point higher than 1 600C. Fire clay should contain high percentages of silica and
alumina, with as little as possible impurities such as lime, magnesia, soda and potash, which
lower the fusion point of the clay. Fire clay often forms the bed layer of earth under seams of
coal. Two types are recognised: flint clay, exceedingly hard, non-plastic and resembling flint in
appearance, and plastic fire clay. Fire clay is principally used in the manufacture of firebrick
and various accessory utensils, such as crucibles, retorts and glass pots used in the
metalworking industries. Originally valued as refractory materials, fire clay is now primarily the
essential raw product for the manufacture of light-coloured bricks (See Figure 7-3), clay pipes
and ceramics (tableware, sanitary ware, etc.). Different types of brick kilns are described in
Box 7-1.

Figure 7-3: Fire clay bricks


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 7: Current Mining in Gauteng

The chief value of clay for ceramic products lies in the fact that, when wet, it can be easily
moulded into any desired shape, which, when heated to drive off the water, forms a hard,
durable substance.
Some clays are suitable for use with minimal processing and beneficiation. However, the
residual kaolin which formed as a result of in situ weathering and hydrothermal alteration of
granitic parent rock often needs to be beneficiated before being marketed. Two beneficiation
processes are normally used, the choice of which depends largely on the qualities of the ore
and on economic aspects. Kaolin is usually separated from the residual quartz and
micaceous minerals by using a dry process of air flotation or a combination of differential
sedimentation techniques and chemical treatment in wet methods. Though simple, the former
is not particularly suited to the preparation of high grade products which require the more
costly, wet methods.


The methods employed to evaluate a clay deposit are largely dependent on the applications
for which it is intended. However, the properties that are normally investigated are those that
characterise the clay in terms of (1) its mineralogical nature; (2) its geochemical character,
and most importantly, (3) its physical properties. See brick clay section for more detail.

Environmental impact and rehabilitation

The main environmental impact of fine clay mining is visual as these operations are
developed close to their urban markets to reduce transport costs. As with all open-pit
operations the stability and rehabilitation of pit walls and the extent of the surface disturbance
both during and after mine life needs to be planned through the stockpiling and replacement
of topsoil.

Gauteng resources

East Rand Area

An important deposit occurs on the farm Modderfontein 76 IR (Portion 1), about 6 km due
east of Benoni on the New Modder gold-mining lease area. The thickness of the clay varies
between 1.1 and 10 m, with an average thickness of 4.5 m. The clay is directly overlain by
lateritic soil over much of the area, and to a lesser extent by a soft shale cover with the
thickness of the overburden varying between 8.4 and 18.6 m and averaging 11.5 m. The clay
was apparently deposited on an undulating floor of Dwyka tillite and it consists mainly of
kaolinite with accessory illite, montmorillonite, sericite and alunite. Quartz is invariably present
in rather high proportions of between 9 and 20%.
The Modderfontein deposit is divided into:

Semi-flint, semi-plastic and plastic clay of good refractory properties;

Semi-plastic and plastic clay of low refractoriness; and
Ferruginous, non-refractory plastic clay.

Another deposit occurs on the farm Daggafontein 125 IR, portions 101, 112 and 113, within
the old Daggafontein and Vogelstruisbult gold-mining lease area, about 7 km southeast of


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Chapter 7: Current Mining in Gauteng

Springs (near Daggafontein siding). The thickness of the clay, excluding a lower layer which
occurs only in the southwest, varies from 1.2 to a maximum of 10.7 m in the southeast, with
an average of 3.6 m. The overburden consists predominantly of soil and soft weathered
shale; part of the deposit is overlain by an old slimes dam. The thickness of the total
overburden varies from 3.5 to 15.9 m with an average of 8.8 m.
The Rietfontein deposit occurs on portion 3 of the farm Rietfontein 276 IR and farm
Rietfontein 280 IR, about 12 km due east of Springs and 3 km northwest of Endicott station.
The thickness of the intersected clay zone varies between 0.7 and 7.4 m with an average of
3.5 m. The entire deposit is overlain by soft weathered shale which is covered by a relatively
thin layer of mainly clayey to sandy soil. The overburden varies in thickness from 7.0 to 11.3
m with an average of 9.2 m. This deposit contains a high proportion of clay with a good
refractoriness and the grade of the material, based on the alumina content, is generally higher
than that of similar clays at Modderfontein and Daggafontein.
At present Corobrik is exploiting brick clay from two quarries on the East Rand, the one on the
farm Rietfontein 280 IR and the other on the farm Rietfontein 276 IR, while Vereeniging
Refractories also exploits the clay deposit on the farm Rietfontein 276 IR as a source of
refractory clay. To date neither the deposit on Daggafontein 125 IR, nor the one on
Modderfontein 76 IR have been exploited. Since both fall on gold-mining lease areas, they
are effectively sterilised, which amounts to a loss of a valuable material resource.

West Rand Area

The clay-bearing Karoo Supergroup outcrops on the West Rand as outliers overlying dolomite
of the Transvaal Supergroup, situated in a belt between Bank Station in the west, through
Westonaria to Lawley in the east. A sound knowledge of the distribution of Karoo outliers has
a two-fold practical application in this area:

Islands of safety: dewatering of the different ground-water compartments in the

dolomite to allow exploitation of the gold deposits had serious implications concerning
sinkhole formation. Depending on their thickness, Karoo remnants overlying the
dolomite may constitute stable areas for construction and habitation. Future
expansion of towns or other surface developments in the area will therefore depend
to a large extent on the distribution and nature of these safe islands;

Their direct economic value: the Karoo Supergroup in this area has been known to
host two commodities of economic significance, namely coal and clay. The potential
for these low-grade coals is not great whilst better grade material is still available
nearby, but the Karoo clays have supported a thriving brick-making industry on the
West Rand for many years. Some of the clay, which is currently being used for facebrick manufacture, constitute plastic to semi-flint clay with a good refractoriness.
These clays would be suitable for the manufacture of ceramic products, with higher
specifications and of higher value.

The topography of the pre-Karoo surface had a definite bearing on the distribution of clay in
these outliers. The thickest accumulations of clay are located in pre-Karoo valleys and around
their perimeters that have a total thickness of Karoo sediments of up to 120 m. The general
succession of the Karoo outliers in the West Rand area is as follows, from top to bottom:


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 7: Current Mining in Gauteng

Soil overburden varying between 2.5 and 12.5 m and consisting predominantly of
reddish brown lateritic soil;

A layer of chert and quartzite pebbles in a matrix of clay and soil (0.21.1 m);

A clay zone varying between 15.4 and 40.6 m in thickness and consisting of lightcoloured kaolinitic clay, predominantly plastic, with local red or yellow iron-oxide
staining along palaeojoints. Subordinate interbeds of sandstone, conglomerate or
shale are developed near the middle of the succession;

A sandstone or grit bed, with an average thickness of 0.2 m in places; and

Black carbonaceous clay with a thickness of 5.7 m at the base of the succession.

Did you know?

The clay zones in the West Rand outliers are up to five times thicker than any other known
refractory clay deposits in South Africa. This phenomenon can best be explained in terms
of a gradual subsidence of the depressions in which the clays were deposited, a condition
which evidently did not prevail during deposition of the clays on the dolomite areas of the
East Rand.

PretoriaHammanskraal Area

The entire production of flint clay and a large proportion of the semi-flint clays produced in
South Africa have come from small outliers and tongues of Karoo Supergroup sediments in
the area between Pretoria and Belfast in the north-eastern parts of Gauteng and the western
parts of Mpumalanga Province. From an economic point of view, this area is the most
important region in the country that produces refractory clay.
A small outlier of the Karoo Supergroup occurs on the farm Kloppersbos 128 JR, about 40 km
northeast of Pretoria and 11 km southeast of Hammanskraal. The deepest part of the outlier
seems to be located near its centre where the clay-bearing Ecca Group attains a maximum
thickness of about 27 m, whilst the total thickness of Karoo Supergroup sediments is of the
order of 40 m. All the boreholes intersected refractory clay below an overburden of between
1.6 and 13.2 m, followed by carbonaceous clay and dull coal.


According to DME there are currently no active coal mines in Gauteng. This section is
provided because coal mining has occurred in the Gauteng Province in the past and there is a
possibility of small-scale mining occurring in the near future.


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide


Chapter 7: Current Mining in Gauteng

Uses and Specifications

Coal is one of the major primary energy sources in the world. In South Africa, more than 88%
of electricity is generated from coal. Coal is the backbone of the metallurgical industry where
it is used both for heating and as a reducing agent in the manufacture of iron and steel, ferroalloys and many non-ferrous metals. It also constitutes a major feedstock for the chemical


Coal is the most complex natural raw material and more than 20 variables must be
determined in order to completely characterise a coal, e.g. moisture, ash, volatile matter,
carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, sulphur and nitrogen contents, specific heat content (calorific
value), several coking parameters, ash composition, ash fusion characteristics, etc. However,
most of the inherent properties of the organic substance of coal are interrelated and
consequently, any coal can be classified in terms of three independent variables, viz. grade,
type and rank, as summarised in Table 7-2.
Table 7-2: Description of variables for the classification of coal




The grade of the coal is inversely related to the percentage of
inorganic material in the coal and is largely determined during the
depositional stage of coal formation when clastic minerals (mainly
quartz and clay minerals) were deposited together with the plant
material. However, some of the minerals in coal precipitated from
percolating solutions at some later stage. The ash content of a coal is
the most convenient measure of its grade.
The type of coal is determined by the nature of the original plant
material and its degree of alteration during the diagenetic stage of
coal formation.
The rank of a coal is its degree of metamorphism, which resulted from
increases in temperature and pressure after the burial of the original
organic material by younger sediments. With increasing rank, coal is
described in general terms as high-volatile bituminous, mediumvolatile bituminous, low-volatile bituminous, semi-anthracitic and

Prospecting for coal involves both the determination of the physical and chemical properties
of the coal as well as those of the host rock. Exploration work would involve geological
mapping of surface features and either trenching or drilling (depending on depth) to
determine the depth and thickness of the coal seams. Geophysical methods may be used to
detect dolerite dykes and sills. Drill samples are used to conduct some preliminary testing
(grade and rank); however, a bulk sample is usually required for beneficiation tests.


The major underground coal mining methods used in South Africa are bord-and-pillar and
longwall and shortwall mining (See Chapter 6 for more detail). In bord-and-pillar mining coal


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Chapter 7: Current Mining in Gauteng

pillars are left as support, although they may be extracted at a later stage. In longwall mining
two sets of roads are developed by means of bord-and-pillar mining at right angles to the
longwall face which is generally about 200 m wide. One of the roads is used for the conveyor.
As the longwall face retreats, the roof is allowed to cave. In shortwall mining pre-developed
coal pillars (about 50 m wide) are extracted by means of continuous miners, shuttle cars and
self-advancing hydraulic supports.
Two opencast methods are generally used, viz. open-pit and strip mining. In open-pit mining a
large hole is excavated to expose the coal. The hole is enlarged in whatever direction is
necessary to expose more coal as the coal itself is extracted. The overburden is dumped at a
suitable spot that is not underlain by coal. To ensure the stability of the sides of the pit the
overburden is removed in a series of benches, the width and height of which depend on the
properties of the overburden.
In strip mining overburden is removed in the form of a long, narrow trench, up to thousands of
metres long and some 50 to 80 m wide. Once the coal has been extracted a slice of
overburden immediately adjacent to the first trench (or box cut) is removed and put into the
first trench, so that a new strip of coal is exposed. The undisturbed or blasted overburden is
called the high wall, and the low wall is the broken overburden dumped into the previously
mined strip. The low-wall area therefore consists of spoil heaps that will eventually be levelled
and covered by topsoil as part of the rehabilitation process.
Coal seams at a depth of more than about 50 m and with a stripping ratio of overburden to
coal of more than 7:1 are close to the limit of economic viability under South African
conditions. The choice of mining method is primarily a function of seam thickness and mining
depth, but geological factors play a very important role, e.g. a badly faulted and disturbed field
with fairly shallow coal could render even opencast mining uneconomic.

Environmental Impact and Rehabilitation

The main environmental impacts of coal mining are the disturbance of the water table, acid
mine water, spontaneous combustion and visual effects. For opencast operations the
rehabilitation of the surface by replacement of overburden and topsoil is vital, while the effects
of subsidence need to be ameliorated for underground operations. This topic is dealt with in
detail in the relevant sections of Chapter 9.

Gauteng Resources

The western edge of the Witbank coal field lies within Gauteng, east of Springs and Nigel
while the South Rand Coal Fields western extremity lies south of Heidelberg. Along the Vaal
River near Vereeniging, the Sasolburg coal field extends slightly into Gauteng.
Both the Witbank and South Rand coal fields that lie within Gauteng are on the extremities of
their respective basins. This means that the pre-Karoo topography disrupted the
development of the major coal seams both in extent and thickness. In addition faulting and
dolerite intrusions have disrupted the coal formations.
There are currently no operating collieries within Gauteng, although there is potential for
small low cost operations on the Witbank and South Rand coal fields. The Sasolburg coal
field in Gauteng has been sterilised by development.


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 7: Current Mining in Gauteng

Witbank Coal Field

Five coal seams are contained in a 70-m-thick succession, consisting predominantly of

sandstone with subordinate siltstone and mudstone. The partings between seams are
remarkably constant. However, seam splits are fairly common, with the parting between the
splits in places up to about 8 m in thickness. The distribution and attitude of the Nos. 1 and 2
Seams are largely determined by the pre-Karoo topography, and the distribution of the Nos.
4 and 5 Seams is controlled by the present-day surface, parts of these seams having been
eroded away. The No. 3 Seam is usually less than 0.5 m thick and is generally considered as
uneconomic. Dykes and sills of dolerite are ubiquitous. Both of these devolatilise the coal and
displace the seams where they are transgressed by the sills.
The No. 1 Seam is patchily developed and represents about 2% of the in situ demonstrated
resources in the coal field. It consists mainly of dull coal. The No. 2 Seam contains some
69% of the in situ demonstrated resources in the coal field. In the central part of the field it
averages 6.8 m in thickness, and may consist of up to five benches of different appearance
and quality, so that the lowest three benches can be mined separately for the production of
low-ash metallurgical coal and steam coal for export. Elsewhere the benches are less
conspicuous, but in underground operations selective mining of the lower benches is
normally practised. The No. 4 Seam varies in thickness between 2.5 and about 6.5 m, and
contributes about 26% of the in situ demonstrated resources. The coal is predominantly dull.
The No. 5 Seam accounts for about 4% of the in situ demonstrated resources in the field. It
consists predominantly of bright coal, and has an average thickness of about 1.8 m.

South Rand Coal Field

The geology of this coal field was first described in 1898. Initially coal was recovered from
adits in the shallower parts of the coal field, but later the South Rand Colliery exploited the
exceptionally thick 25 m composite seam in an area now surrounded by the workings of the
Springfield Colliery, which supplied some 3.5 Mt of coal annually to the Grootvlei Power
Station until the latter was closed down in 1988.
The South Rand coal field occurs within a deep, southward-trending valley which starts north
of Springs and extends towards the Vaal Dam. It is effectively isolated from the Highveld coal
field by inliers of pre-Karoo formations. A significant feature is the presence of large granite
domes that form palaeo highs in the centre of the basin. The coal field is also affected by
severe faulting with throws of up to 35 m, the presence of a dolerite sill of about 100 m in
thickness and numerous dolerite dykes, up to 10 m thick and of variable orientation.
The No. 1 Seam occurs in the central and north-eastern parts of the coal field. Its distribution
is affected by the topography of the pre-Karoo floor and it may reach a thickness of more
than 3 m. It consists mainly of dull coal. The No. 2 or Main Seam varies from a 20-m-thick
composite seam in the northern and central parts of the field to a 2-m-thick seam in the
southwest, averaging some 10 m in thickness. It is composed mainly of dull coal. The No. 3
Seam is widespread and in places it coalesces with the No. 2 seam. The Ryder Seam has an
average thickness of 2.3 m but it is of low grade.
These coals are intimately associated with the mineral matter. Consequently they are not
amenable to beneficiation. On account of the low rank (inherent moisture above 6.3 on an


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Chapter 7: Current Mining in Gauteng

ash-free basis) the coal is very prone to spontaneous combustion and, on several occasions,
this has forced cessation of underground mining activities for more than a week.



Uses and Specifications

Diamond is considered the most important gemstone due to its hardness, brilliance and
fire. High-quality gem diamonds are ranked according to the four Cs colour, clarity
(absence of flaws), cut and carats (size).
Industrial diamonds are used to cut and polish glass, other gemstones and gem diamonds.
Wheels impregnated with diamond powder are used to cut rock and other hard materials.
Steel bits set with diamonds are used for diamond exploration drilling.


Diamond deposits can be classified as primary (kimberlite), alluvial gravel or marine. The
dispersal of diamonds from their primary sources into streams and rivers, and ultimately to
the sea, is generally accompanied by an increase in average value per carat because flawed
stones are progressively destroyed with increasing transport distance.
Diamonds are known to occur in a variety of rocks; however, to date the only known
economically significant primary sources of diamond are kimberlite and lamproite. No
examples of significantly diamondiferous lamproites are known in South Africa; here all
mining of primary sources is from kimberlite pipes and dykes.
Diamonds are formed deep within the earth under conditions of very high temperature and
pressure, usually at depths of 150200 km, in peridotite or eclogite source rocks. The
diamond-bearing source rocks are then transported to the surface, most commonly by
relatively rare kimberlite, which occurs at the surface in the form of pipes or dykes.
Kimberlites are on average 50 m in diameter (though they can be as wide as 1 500 m) on the
surface, and can reach a vertical dimension of over two kilometres. Kimberlite bodies often
occur in clusters of as many as 40 pipes.
An uneroded kimberlite pipe consists of three zones: root, diatreme and crater (Figure 7-4).
The crater zone occupies the upper part of the pipe. Pipes with preserved crater zones are
rare, most are at least partly eroded. The diatreme zone usually contains the bulk of the
kimberlite ore and therefore, most of the diamonds. The vertical extent of a medium to large
kimberlite can be more than two kilometres. Dykes or fissures are horizontal, usually narrow
bands of kimberlite rock extending from the kimberlite pipes.


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Chapter 7: Current Mining in Gauteng

Figure 7-4: Idealised kimberlite pipe

Only a small proportion of known kimberlites carry diamonds. Over 800 kimberlite
occurrences are known in South Africa, but only about 50 carry significant quantities of
diamonds. Of these, many are considered subeconomic, either because the quantity or
quality of diamonds, or the quantity of ore is insufficient. The presence and quality of
diamonds in a kimberlite can only be determined by the collection and processing of a large
and representative sample.
Geophysical surveying is widely used in exploration for kimberlite/lamproite pipes. These
pipes generally show little surface expression and often do not outcrop. As a volcanic
intrusion into the host rock, a kimberlite pipe is significantly different from the host rock, and
as a result, its responses to various geophysical surveys will be different. The purpose of the
initial survey should be to detect a cluster of kimberlite pipes.
Along with diamonds that kimberlites transport to the surface come other minerals from deep
within the earth. These minerals, because they are unique to kimberlite, are important in
kimberlite exploration programmes and are called the kimberlitic indicator minerals.
The use of indicator minerals is a powerful tool for providing a preliminary evaluation of the
presence of diamonds and the potential grade of a kimberlite. The underlying rationale for this


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Chapter 7: Current Mining in Gauteng

approach is based on the fact that certain minerals of unique composition, including garnets
and chromites, are found only as inclusions in diamonds. This indicates that they are formed
at the same time and in the same stability field as diamonds. Therefore, the presence of these
minerals should indicate the presence of diamonds in the source kimberlite.
Two primary (mantle) source rocks for diamonds are recognised, namely peridotite and
eclogite. Garnets from a peridotitic source are referred to as G.9 and G.10. Calcium-poor
G10 garnets, in particular, are an important indicator of potential peridotitic diamond grades.
Garnets from eclogitic sources are chrome poor in contrast to the peridotitic garnets and are
referred to as G.1 and G.2. Eclogitic garnets with trace enrichments of sodium and titanium
are considered important indicators of eclogitic diamond potential.
A successful exploration programme will result in the discovery of kimberlite pipe(s). In the
case where the pipes are buried under either water or sand, the discovery is made through
drilling into the targets. In areas where the overburden is shallow, trenching with a backhoe or
other earth-moving machine could be utilised to locate the kimberlite.
When a kimberlite is found, the first stage in the evaluation of the kimberlite is the processing
of rock samples for macrodiamonds. Typically, 20 to 1 000 kg samples of the kimberlite from
different depths are processed using different methods. These techniques include
combinations of various physical, gravity, magnetic and chemical procedures, the purpose of
which is to liberate the diamonds from the rock. Great care must be taken at this stage in the
processing, as microdiamonds are very small and any loss could greatly alter interpretive
data, and thus the outcome.
Microdiamonds are between 0.2 and 1.0 millimetres in size. The purpose of identifying micros
in this procedure is to determine the presence or absence of diamonds in the kimberlite. Due
to the very small size of the rock being processed, it is impossible to predict grade and
diamond character. One merely sees a snapshot of a very small sample of the diamonds.
At this stage, other samples of the kimberlite will be processed for microprobing of the garnets
and other minerals within the kimberlite. These results are then compared to the mineral
chemistry of all the producing kimberlite pipes in the world to find comparisons. This analysis,
together with the microdiamond results, provides the information necessary to make the
decision whether to continue with the evaluation of the pipe or not.
The next phase of evaluation could be called diamond character sampling. A bulk sample of
between 100 and 500 t of kimberlite should be processed to recover diamonds. Usually the
kimberlite is gathered through large diameter drilling programmes, which can also provide
preliminary delineation data, such as the boundaries of the kimberlite, etc.
This is still a relatively small sample of kimberlite, but the results will provide additional
information on the character and approximate grade of the deposit. Good or interesting
results at this stage provide the necessary information to make the decision to move on to the
far more expensive stage of full bulk sampling.
Bulk sampling is similar to mini-bulk sampling, but on a much larger scale. At this stage, it is
necessary to recover a minimum of 2 000 carats so that a representative idea of the size,
colour and clarity can be obtained. The actual size of the sample is determined by the
geology, shape and grade of the pipe. Sample sizes can range from 10 000 to 100 000


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 7: Current Mining in Gauteng

tonnes. The process is similar to commissioning a small-scale mining operation. With

success, this stage of exploration will expand straight into a full-scale operation. The purpose
of this stage is to obtain enough information to proceed to pre-feasibility and feasibility study


During early exploitation of a diamondiferous kimberlite pipe, standard opencast surface

mining techniques are used (See Chapter 6). Once the waste to ore ratio makes surface
mining uneconomical, mining switches to underground operations. Kimberlite dykes are
generally mined underground from the start.
As alluvial diamond deposits are recent, unconsolidated sediments, their mining is generally
low technology involving overburden removal, if any, followed by transport of the gravels to
an onsite rotary pan for the initial concentration.

Environmental Impacts and Rehabilitation

The main environmental impacts of kimberlite diamond mining are the open pits and the
waste dumps. As with all open-pit operations, the stability and rehabilitation of pit walls and
dump slopes both during and after mine life needs to be planned.
Alluvial diamond mining can have a negative visual impact if not properly managed, as by
their nature, these deposits occur in or near river systems and can affect the riparian belt and
the groundwater table.

Gauteng Resources

Premier Kimberlite Cluster

The Premier kimberlite, situated in the town of Cullinan some 25 km east-northeast of

Pretoria, is the most important pipe in a cluster of 12 kimberlites that includes the National,
Schuller, Montrose and Franspoort pipes.
The Premier Mine is situated on the farm Elandsfontein 480 JR. The pipe originally measured
32 ha at surface, making it the largest diamondiferous kimberlite in South Africa. At
1 180 Ma, Premier is the oldest economically viable kimberlite in the world. The pipe has an
elongate oval shape.
The Schuller, Schuller Annexe and National kimberlite pipes are situated on the eastern
margin of the farm Rietfontein 366 JR, about 4 km south of Rayton in the Cullinan District.
The pipes were discovered in 1897 and measure 1.12, 0.15 and 0.47 ha, with reported
grades of about 10, 0.5 and 2 cpht respectively. Three kimberlites, known as the Montrose
pipes, are situated on the farm Elandsfontein 337 JR, about 6 km south of Premier. A small
pipe measuring 0.4 ha occurs on the farm Franspoort 332 JR, 3 km east of Mamelodi. The
pipe has been mined to shallow levels in the past, but is reportedly subeconomic. It has now
been effectively sterilised by the spread of urban development.


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 7: Current Mining in Gauteng

Premier Alluvials

Alluvial diamonds, which are thought to be derived from kimberlites in the Premier cluster,
have been recovered close to some of the pipes on the Elands River and the
Premiermynloop, a tributary of the Pienaars River. Most of the diamonds have been
recovered in the present drainage from recent basal gravels occurring beneath several
metres of unconsolidated sands and silts. The largest alluvial diamond ever found in South
Africa was recovered only 5 km from Premier Mine; the 726 carat Jonker diamond was found
on the farm Beynespoort 335 JR. Alluvial diamonds have also been recovered from a stream
adjacent to the Franspoort kimberlite.

Vaal River Alluvials

Diamondiferous gravels have been worked in the past along the Vaal River between
Vanderbijlpark and Parys, where the Witwatersrand rocks have created suitable trap sites.
Alluvial diamonds are also known west of Vanderbijlpark. However these resources are
limited and many have been sterilised by development in the area.

Dolomite Alluvials

Alluvial diamonds have been mined in the past from the dolomites north of Carletonville on
the farm Holfontein 49 IQ. These are thought to form the easternmost extent of the
Ventersdorp diamond field.

Dolomite and Limestone


Uses and Specifications

An important requirement of any modern industrial community is a good supply of limestone,

conveniently situated and of suitable quality. Limestone (CaCO3) and its derivative, lime,
probably find more applications in industry than any other natural product. The most
important use of limestone is for the manufacture of Portland cement, which is made by
sintering about 78% limestone with various compounds or suitable rocks containing silica,
alumina and iron oxide. Limestone, when pure, is composed entirely of calcium carbonate,
but it usually contains variable amounts of other minerals such as dolomite, quartz, silicates
and iron oxides. The magnesium-carbonate content of limestone varies from 0 to 46%, at
which level the molecular proportions are equal and the rock is commonly called dolomite,
although this name actually refers to the mineral CaMg(CO3)2. The term dolomitic limestone
is applied when the minerals dolomite and calcite are both present in the rock in appreciable
quantities. Limestone and dolomite are discussed together here because they form in similar
geological environments and are often associated in the field.
In 2001, some 80% of South Africas limestone was used in the cement industry, 4% in
agriculture, 2% in the metallurgical industry, with much of the remaining 14% being used as a
filler and extender in various manufacturing industries. Of South African dolomite production
83% was used by the metallurgical industry and 11% for agriculture. Because of the
countrys large resources, production is controlled rather by local demand than by the
availability of resources and reflects the general economic health of the country.


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 7: Current Mining in Gauteng

Limestone suitable for cement making needs a calcium-carbonate content of 80% or more.
The magnesia content must not exceed 5% and should preferably be below 3%.
Specifications require less than 1% chloride, manganese, titanium and phosphorus, and less
than 0.6% combined alkalis. Phosphorus at levels above 1% can cause problems in the rate
of setting of cement. Portland cements are by far the most important cements though other
cements, such as high alumina cement, are also limestone based. Limestone and dolomite
also make good stone aggregate, as they tend to enhance the hydration processes in
concretes and produce a particularly good cement-paste aggregate bond.
The second most important use of limestone and dolomite is as a flux for the production of
pig iron and non-ferrous metals. Limestone and dolomite used as a flux must be of a high
grade, with silica and alumina contents of less than 2% and a very low sulphur content. For
fluxing purposes the iron content may be high, but the material must be lumpy and finely
crystallised, so that it does not decrepitate. Carbonate can also be used in a powder form,
mixed with ore and pressed as self-fluxing pellets. Largely crystallised calcite is the best form
of calcium carbonate for the flux coating of electric welding rods.
The third most important use of dolomite and limestone is in agriculture, where it is used
primarily as a fertiliser and to neutralise acid soils. Dolomitic material is suitable for use on
acid soils, whereas calcitic material is used on alkaline soils. Calcitic limestone has up to
15% MgCO3, and when the magnesium-carbonate contents are higher the rock is referred to
as dolomitic limestone. Most agricultural lime is natural unburned, pulverised limestone.
When it is burned, however, calcium oxide forms and this is more soluble and reactive. Small
quantities of dolomite and limestone are used as a mineral supplement in cattle feed. This
material must be low in silica and alumina, extremely low in fluorine and contain no arsenic.
Limestone in a suitable form, such as shells, is excellent poultry grit.
Before the invention of Portland cement, lime was the main binding material used in
construction. Building lime is still used today in the form of quicklime (CaO) or, after water
has been added, as slaked lime (Ca(OH)2). Lime is also used as a stabiliser in road
construction and as a substitute in plaster, where it replaces burnt gypsum. Soft calcrete and
dolomite are excellent materials for covering roads as they slowly harden when exposed to
the air. Sand-lime bricks and blocks are made from a mixture of lime and sand which are
moulded under steam pressure for several hours in an autoclave. Cellular concrete is made
in a similar manner by adding aluminium powder to the mixture. Where limestone or dolomite
is abundant close to urban areas, it can be used directly as a building material. Attractively
patterned metamorphic limestone and dolomite, commonly known as marble, are much
sought after as ornamental or dimension stone.
Limestone is also used in water treatment and purification, as well as for sewage treatment,
as it precipitates humic acids and other suspended matter. Lime is used to purify acidic liquid
effluents by precipitating metals and neutralising the pH, as well as to remove sulphur dioxide
and nitric acid from fumes. Limestone or dolomite, together with soda ash, is added to silica
sand in the manufacture of glass. The specifications require an iron content of less than
0.2%, as this metal confers a green or brown colour on the glass, and nickel, cobalt, chrome
and titanium should also be present in no more than trace amounts. Dolomite is used to
manufacture basic refractory bricks and, for this application, must be of a high grade with low
silica, iron and aluminium contents. Finely pulverised limestone is widely used as a filler in
paper, rubber, paint, linoleum, asphalt, vinyl tiles and wood putty, and as a carrier in


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 7: Current Mining in Gauteng

insecticides. It is the main constituent of tooth paste and scouring powders. In coal mines
powdered limestone and dolomite are used for stone dusting, thereby inhibiting coal-dust
explosions. Lime is used in large quantities for the purification of juices in the sugar industry.
Argillaceous limestone or dolomite is the base material for certain rock wools which are light,
fibrous substances, used for insulation. Dolomite may also be used in the production of
magnesium metal, and limestone is employed in wire drawing and the manufacture of
explosives and adhesives, as well as in the tanning process.


Limestone is a sedimentary rock that is either completely or predominantly composed of

calcium carbonate. It is ordinarily white but may be coloured by impurities, iron oxide making
it brown, yellow, or red and carbon making it blue, black, or grey. The texture varies from
coarse to fine. Most limestones are formed by the deposition and consolidation of the
skeletons of marine invertebrates; a few originate in chemical precipitation from solution. The
action of organic acids on underground deposits causes such formations as caves and
Limestone is a widespread rock consisting of the mineral calcite. Its identification is easily
determined as it reacts with hydrochloric acid. Limestone has an organic or chemical origin.
Dolomite (CaMg(CO3)2 is commonly crystalline and is white, grey, brown, or reddish in colour
with a vitreous to pearly lustre. The magnesium is sometimes replaced in part by iron or
manganese. Dolomite forms a carbonate rock composed chiefly of the mineral dolomite,
similar to limestone but somewhat harder and heavier. The rock may be metamorphosed into
dolomitic marble. Most dolomites probably originated from the partial replacement of the
calcium in limestone by magnesium.
Due to South Africas large limestone and dolomite resources, exploration for these
commodities is usually limited to sampling a potential deposit using drilling to determine its
suitability i.e. analysis to detect unwanted impurities. Initial consideration is given to the
proximity of the occurrence to existing infrastructure and markets before determining the
reserves. A huge deposit far from markets is unlikely to be exploited unless it is coupled to a
cement production facility.


Limestone and dolomite are generally mined using open-pit, drill and blast techniques. These
operations can be on a large scale when the resource is being used to supply a cement
factory or as raw material for the steel industry and agricultural sector. See Chapter 5 on
mining methods for more detail.

Environmental Impact and Rehabilitation

The main environmental impact of dolomite and limestone mining is the open pit. As with all
open-pit operations, the stability and rehabilitation of pit walls and dump slopes both during
and after mine life needs to be planned. Suppression of dust is important during mining.


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide


Chapter 7: Current Mining in Gauteng

Gauteng Resources

The economically significant resources of limestone and dolomite in Gauteng are generally
hosted within the metamorphosed Malmani Subgroup sedimentary carbonates of the
Transvaal Supergroup and are restricted to the chert-free horizons, whether lime rich or
dolomitic. Figure 7.2 shows the distribution of dolomitic rocks in Gauteng.
The chert-free dolomites of the Malmani Subgroup have been quarried in the past at several
places close to urban centres for the manufacture of blue lime used in construction.
Examples include quarries on the farms Knopjeslaagte 385 JR, Olifantsfontein 402 JR and
410 JR, as well as others exploiting deposits in the Lyttelton Formation at Mooiplaats on
Schurweplaats 353 JR, Sterkfontein 401 JR and Witkoppie 373 IR, and one in the Centurion
Townlands east of Lyttelton Manor. The material, which is used mainly for metallurgical
purposes, is of a high grade, containing not more than 12% combined silica and alumina
and the resources are considerable.
Minor deposits, including superficial calcrete and dolocrete have formed over the Malmani
dolomites in western Gauteng and these provide local resources of low-grade material for
road building and agriculture. Small deposits of cave limestone have been exploited from
rocks of the Malmani Subgroup, between Krugersdorp and Pretoria.



Uses and Specifications

Fluorite is used mainly as a flux in the making of steels, in the manufacture of opalescent
glass, in enamelling cooking utensils and for making hydrofluoric acid. It is also used in the
manufacture of fluorocarbons and in the prevention of dental cavities.
Fluorspar is the ore of the mineral fluorite CaF 2. At present fluorite is the most important
source of the element fluorine. The fluorocarbon chemical industry and certain stages in the
production of steel and aluminium depend heavily on the mineral. Fluorspar is marketed as
metallurgical, acid and ceramic grades; a small quantity of optical quality is also produced in
South Africa.
Metallurgical-grade fluorspar (metspar) is used as a flux, especially in the iron and steel
industry. The fluorite forms a liquid slag with silica, alumina, calcium, barium and other
impurities. One to 10 kg of fluorspar is required per tonne of steel. Coarse-grained ore (1 to
5 cm in diameter) is required. More recently pellets and briquettes made from fines and
flotation concentrates are being used to replace lump or metspar.
The new basic oxygen furnace that is now utilised for half of the worlds steel production
consumes three times more fluorite than the old open-hearth furnace. Metspar is also used in
the ferro-, nickel- and magnesium-alloy industries, as well as in the smelting of precious and
other non-ferrous metals. A small addition of fluorspar to the Portland cement raw mix lowers
the temperature of klinker formation, thus helping to save fuel. It is also used as a flux in the
manufacture of cyanamide and is added to the coating of welding rods. Nearly 55% of all
fluorite produced is consumed as metspar, with between 30 and 35% being used in the steel


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 7: Current Mining in Gauteng

Acid-grade fluorspar is used for the production of hydrofluoric acid, HF. The unique ability of
fluorine to react with almost all other elements has made it one of the most important
elements in modern chemistry.
Chemical industries consume 3036% of all hydrofluoric acid for the synthesis of
fluorocarbon compounds. Fluorine, substituted for hydrogen in organic molecules, is the
basis of fluorinated hydrocarbon inert plastics, resins, aerosols and lubricants. Such
materials comprise the teflon range of plastics, which find applications where heat, wear and
chemical corrosion are problems.
The remaining hydrofluoric acid consumption goes into the preparation of a diverse range of
products such as fluorocarbon gases for refrigeration and air conditioning, aerosol
propellants, fluorosilicates for food preservation, the fluorination of drinking water and special
aviation and uranium fuels. The wide use of fluorocarbon gases is being progressively
phased out due to the detrimental effect they have on the ozone layer. Another major
application of hydrofluoric acid is in stainless steel pickling, after rolling operations. Silicon
tetrafluoride is used in sealing unwanted permeable zones encountered during drilling.
Ceramic-grade fluorspar, accounting for 510% of the demand for fluorite, is used in the
manufacture of enamels and opalescent, coloured and opaque glasses.
Optical-grade fluorspar. The low index of refraction, low dispersion, isotropic nature and
transparency to a wide range of wave lengths (from infrared to ultraviolet) place fluorite in a
unique position for special optical uses. Specimens must be water clear, perfectly
transparent and free of cracks, incipient cleavages, striations and inclusions.
Fluorspar usually exists in grain mass and rarely cube or octahedral crystals. The colour can
vary from no colour to white, yellow, red, brown, green, green-blue, violet-blue, grey, purple,
blue-black, pink and crimson.
Due to the erratic distribution of fluorspar in its host rock, prospecting for fluorspar is fairly
intense so that the economic portions of the occurrence can be delineated accurately.
Commonly geological mapping would be followed by a geophysical survey to obtain an
understanding of the local geology and possibly geochemical sampling on a grid to highlight
any fluorine anomalies. This information would be used to plan a drilling programme to
investigate potential anomalies. The intensity of the drilling will increase as the mineralised
zones are outlined. A final drilling phase or trial mining would be undertaken to provide a bulk
sample for geochemical and metallurgical testing.


Fluorspar is mined using selective mining, generally in an opencast pit. The layout of the pit
is totally dependent on the geometry of the ore body. See section on mining methods in
chapter 6 for more detail.

Environmental impact and rehabilitation

The main environmental impacts of fluorspar mining are the open pit and the waste dumps.
As with all open pit operations, the stability and rehabilitation of pit walls and dump slopes
both during and after mine life needs to be planned.


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 7: Current Mining in Gauteng

Dust suppression is important during mining. Consideration should be given to the location of
waste dumps as seepage of fluorine leached from the dumps into groundwater needs to be
It should be noted that high levels of fluorine occur naturally in areas containing fluorspar
mineralization and whilst these levels may be increased by poor waste water retention during
mining, the mining itself is usually not the cause of raised fluorine levels in groundwater.

Gauteng resources

The most important producer of fluorspar in Gauteng is the Vergenoeg Fluorspar Mine in the
extreme north of the Province. It has the capacity to produce 120 kt of acid spar per annum.
Several other large deposits of fluorspar occur on Kromdraai 209 JR and Naauwpoort 208
JR, 8 km southwest of Rust de Winter. These are not exploited at present.
At Vergenoeg, the main ore body is a volcanic vent emplaced into Rooiberg Group rhyolite.
The deposit is a funnel-shaped pipe, and has a diameter of 900 m (north-northwest) to 700 m
(east-northeast) at the surface, shrinking to about 400 m at a depth of 400 m. The unoxidised
ore consists of an assemblage of magnetite, pyrite, siderite, fluorite and grunerite, capped by
about 50 m of gossanous haematite and fluorite. The ore averages between 2040% CaF 2
and 5060% Fe2O3, but locally purer zones with up to 65% CaF2 are present. The deposit
was mined for haematite in the past and, at present, it is one of the most important fluorspar
deposits in the world and vast reserves exist. The ore is crushed and milled, upgraded by a
preliminary cyclone and floated to an acid grade with 97% purity.
A 20-m-thick layer of fluorspar-haematite ore occurs immediately south of the Vergenoeg
Mine. It forms a 400 by 200 m plateau, capping Plattekop Hill, and represents the relic of a
more extensive tuff layer. The ore is bedded to finely laminated and rests conformably on
welded tuffs. In places, high-grade specularite lenses are interstratified with the acid
pyroclastic rocks.
Actinolite-haematite-quartz rock, with some fluorspar, occurs on Welgevonden 124 JR. The
deposit is of interest because it may contain substantial low-grade fluorspar resources, and it
may be indicative of other poorly exposed or blind ore bodies in this area.
A number of fluorspar deposits occur in the alkaline intrusions of the Pienaars River
Complex, northeast of Pretoria. The most important is a vertical, kidney-shaped body (270 by
100 m) of high-grade ore, intrusive into trachyte on Wallmannsthal 278 JR. The ore consists
of 6070% dark-purple fluorspar, intergrown with apatite and minor pyrite and chalcopyrite. It
is fine grained and often brecciated in a matrix of coarsely crystallised dark-purple fluorspar
of a second generation. A borehole drilled by GENCOR in the 1960s proved the continuity of
the ore down to 160 m. Beneficiation experiments showed that it is not possible to separate
the apatite from fluorspar economically, and therefore the deposit remains unexploited. On
Zeekoeigat 296 JR, lenses of fluorspar-apatite rocks are developed at the periphery of a
small foyaite plug intrusive into quartzite of the Rayton Formation. Fluorite and apatite also
occur disseminated in the alkali syenite. The deposit has been prospected, but not mined
and contains 12 kt of CaF 2 in high-grade ore.
On Zeekoegat 296 JR, to the north of the above-mentioned foyaite-hosted fluorspar-apatite
body, a 2-m-thick, eastwest-trending bed of dolomite in the Rayton Formation has been


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 7: Current Mining in Gauteng

metasomatically mineralised with fluorspar, which is linked to the subvolcanic, alkaline

Leeuwfontein Suite, exposed to the south of the occurrence. The intensity of the carbonate
replacement is highly variable, and the grade reaches 30% CaF2 in places, along a strike
length of 500 m. The inferred resources are estimated at 9 kt CaF2.
In the south-western portion of the Roodeplaat volcano, from Buffelsdrif 281 JR to the
southern corner of Roodeplaat 293 JR, a trachyte flow contains low-grade fluorspar in
amygdales, breccia voids, and joints, over a strike length of 9 km. On the latter farm, a vein
occurs in trachytic tuff. It is nearly vertical, up to 2 m wide, and has been traced over a length
of 400 m. This vein, as well as the other hydrothermal mineralization of the Roodeplaat Suite,
is ascribed to late-volcanic fluids. The deposit has been mined on a small scale, with a
production of only a few tonnes of fluorspar, and the remaining resources are negligible.
Fluorite occurs in recent clay and silt at Tswaing (Pretoria salt pan), 40 km north of Pretoria,
which is now known to be a meteorite-impact crater. It is finely dispersed in the pan
sediment, associated with halite and hydrous carbonate salts, and can constitute more than
10 mass per cent of the sediments in places. As the crater bottom is depressed below the
surrounding terrain, ground water converges towards the pan, where it evaporates. Fluorspar
probably originates from leaching of the granite country rock, and is precipitated by



Uses and specifications

The principal use of gold is as a monetary standard. Other uses include jewellery, scientific
instruments, electroplating, gold leaf and dental appliances.


Gold production in South Africa is declining. Despite this trend, which is related to rapid
depletion of high-grade ore reserves, a static gold price and increased mining costs, South
Africas remaining known gold resources of around 36 000 t still constitute some 45% of the
worlds total resources.
Exploration has, and will probably continue, to focus on the gap areas between the major
existing gold fields.
The principal areas that have been targeted during the past few years are summarised as
Potchefstroom Gap
This is the area between the Klerksdorp and Carletonville gold fields where extensions of the
Carbon Leader Reef in the northern portion and the Vaal Reef towards the south are being
targeted. Reef intersections in the area are deep, complicated by severe structural
disturbances and have generally yielded disappointing gold grades.


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 7: Current Mining in Gauteng

Central and East Rand areas

Sporadic exploration for distal down-dip portions of the Main and South Reefs has been
undertaken. The Durban Roodepoort Deep Argonaut project proposes the development of a
new deep-level gold mine exploiting the gold resource that lies beneath Johannesburgs
southern suburbs, down dip of the old Central Rand mines.
South Rand area
Extensions of the Kimberley Reef in this area will be mined as part of the Burnstone Project,
east of Balfour. Results from prospecting activities estimate gold reserves in the project area
at 15.1 million tonnes.
West Rand area
The development of the ultradeep South Deep Mine as a southerly extension to the Western
Area Gold Mine is being carried out jointly by Western Areas and Placer Dome. Anglo Gold is
using deep-level mining technology to investigate the development of the Ultra Deeps ore
body, situated at 5 km depth, down dip from Harmony Golds Elandsrand Mine.
Exploration to determine grade and tonnage on these deep level prospects is by its very
nature expensive. Traditionally large drill rigs positioned at surface would intersect the reefs
at depths of 3 000 m or more, with several deflections being done on each hole. However,
this method is time consuming, expensive and only samples pin pricks of the ore horizon.
An alternative is to drill multiple underground exploration holes from development drives
extended from existing mining operations. If results are promising the same development
drives can be used to conduct standard reef development.
Several junior mining/exploration companies are currently exploiting a quirk in the
Witwatersrand gold mining history initial mining on the Central Rand mined the top oxide
zone, then, once the cyanide process was perfected, the deeper sulphide zones. As the
West and East Rand was opened up, mining went directly to the sulphide zone as the oxide
zone ore caused problems in the cyanide processing plants. These overlooked/ignored
surface and near-surface oxide zone gold deposits are currently being explored and mined
albeit on a limited scale. Such prospecting is reasonably straight forward geological
mapping and geochemical sampling of surface outcrops and old workings, geophysical
surveys (if warranted), followed by infill trenching and drilling with possible bulk sampling.


The methods used to mine the conglomerates of the Witwatersrand basin are varied and
depend largely on the mining depth, reef geometry, reef dip, degree of folding and faulting,
rock hardness and temperature gradients. The generally consistent nature of the
Witwatersrand ore bodies, and the continuity of the narrow, tabular reefs around a large
proportion of the basin rim, has made it possible to optimise mining operations by
standardising many of the procedures across the entire region. Mining takes place from the
surface to depths of more than 3 700 m at present and several gold-mine lease areas include
reefs whose reserves have been extended beyond this depth. Capital-intensive mining has
made the extraction of such deep ore possible in recent years, but there are many factors,


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 7: Current Mining in Gauteng

including rock stability, degree of faulting and rock temperature that increase the costs of
operation as well as placing real limits on the depths of operation. Virgin-rock temperatures
increase almost linearly with depth as a result of the heat which flows from the earth's
interior. At surface, virgin-rock temperature is around 20 C compared to 52 C at 4 km depth
in the Central Rand. The extreme hardness and abrasiveness of the quartz arenites and
conglomerates severely restrict the cost-effective use of mechanical methods of rock
breaking and places a finite life on rock handling and transportation equipment.

Environmental impact and rehabilitation

The major environment problems associated with the Witwatersrand gold mines relate to the
mining method used, the nature of minerals present in the ore body and the management of
solid-waste mine residue. In particular, mine dewatering, the presence of pyrite and uraninite
with the gold and their contamination of both groundwater and slimes dams that are formed
as a result of ore processing, are regarded as the major environment problems of the
The main environmental impacts of gold mining are the waste dumps, dust, disturbance of
the water table, acid mine water and visual effects. For opencast operations the stability and
rehabilitation of pit walls both during and after mine life needs to be planned, while the effects
of subsidence need to be ameliorated for underground operations below dolomitic terrains.
This topic is dealt with in detail in the relevant sections of Chapter 9.

Gauteng resources

The gold and uranium deposits of the Witwatersrand basin form one of the great
metallogenic provinces of the world. The industries that have developed around the
exploitation of this phenomenal mineral resource have made South Africa the dominant gold
producer in the world over the past century and will continue to do so for some time to come.
Although production is declining and the difficulties and challenges facing the gold-mining
industry in the future are considerable, the Witwatersrand basin will continue to fuel the
countrys economy, and provide employment and revenue for a substantial proportion of
South Africas people.
A total of nine discrete gold fields, some rich and others marginal, are recognised
throughout the Witwatersrand basin and six of these fall, completely or in part, within
Gauteng. These are the Central Rand, West Rand, East Rand and West Wits Line
(Carletonville) gold fields.

Central Rand Gold Field

The Central Rand gold field is located around Johannesburg and extends for a distance of
40 km from Roodepoort in the west to Boksburg in the east (Figure 7-5). The gold field is now
largely worked out down to a depth of 3 000 m and current production represents a very small
proportion of the total from the basin, mainly from slimes retreatment and sporadic
underground operations.
Below the gold-bearing reef and forming the base of the Witwatersrand Supergroup is the
West Rand Group that is deposited unconformably on a well-exposed window of Archaean


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 7: Current Mining in Gauteng

granite-greenstone basement referred to as the Johannesburg dome (Figure 7-5). The

sequence dips consistently to the south and comprises the lowermost Hospital Hill Subgroup
(1 500 m), overlain by the Government Subgroup (1 900 m thick) and the Jeppestown
Subgroup (1 100 m thick). Three conglomerate horizons, the Promise, Coronation and
Government Reefs, all occur in the Government Subgroup, but none has any major
importance as a gold producer.
The Central Rand Group in the Central Rand region comprises the lower Johannesburg
Subgroup (1 000 m thick), which is conformably overlain by the Turffontein Subgroup
(1 800 m). Numerous conglomerate bands occur throughout the Central Rand Group
sequence, but the most important of these are the three conglomerate units at the base of the
Johannesburg Subgroup, namely the Main Reef, Main Reef Leader and South Reef. The
Central Rand Group is conformably overlain to the south of Johannesburg by the mafic and
ultramafic lavas of the 2 714 Ma Klipriviersberg Group. Towards the west of the Central Rand
these lavas transgress onto lower units in the Turffontein Subgroup. In the east, a graben
structure preserves lavas and sediments of the Ventersdorp Supergroup (Figure 7-5). These
rocks transgress over the entire Witwatersrand sequence and were deposited directly onto
the basement granites in places.
The three principal auriferous conglomerates of the Central Rand are well developed in the
west, where they are characterised by partings of about 1 m between the Main Reef and the
Main Reef Leader, and 30 m between the Main Reef Leader and the South Reef. Towards
the east, the reefs merge progressively and at ERPM the lower two reefs are completely cut
out by the South Reef. The Main Reef Leader is the most prolific gold producer on the
Central Rand. The South Reef is the most persistent of the conglomerate layers but is of
slightly lower grade than the Main Reef Leader.


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 7: Current Mining in Gauteng



28 30


Johannesburg dome

Pa a

r de


pla a

8 5

Kempton Park
ts fa


u lt


Witpo o

tjie fau























in fa


16 17



n te



ie t














26 30

26 30


20 km
28 30


Exposed Central Rand Group

Covered Central Rand Group (0 2 000 m)
Covered Central Rand Group (2 4 000 m)
Covered Central Rand Group (4 6 000 m)
Covered Central Rand Group (> 6 000 m)

Exposed West Rand Group

Covered West Rand Group
Exposed granites and greenstones



South Deep
Western Areas
Cooke Section
Doornkop Section
Randfontein Section
South Roodepoort
First Westgold
West Wits
Durban Roodepoort Deep
Rand Leases
Simmer and Jack


Rose Deep
SA Land & Exploration (ERGO)
Consolidated Modderfontein

Covered granites and greenstones


6 Luipaardsvlei

East Champ Dor

Crown Mines
Robinson Deep


Village Main Reef

City Deep
Van Dyk
New Kleinfontein
Modder East
West Vlakfontein

37 Wit Nigel
Currently operating as LINDUM REEFS (mining BLACK REEF FORMATION)
Currently operating as KNIGHTS

Figure 7-5: The distribution of mines in relation to the principal geological features of
the West Rand, Central Rand and East Rand gold fields (Source: Robb & Robb, 1998)


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 7: Current Mining in Gauteng

West Rand Gold Field

The West Rand gold field lies 25 km west of Johannesburg and extends from Roodepoort, in
the east, to Krugersdorp in the north and south towards Westonaria (Figure 7-5). The West
Rand gold field is unique in the Witwatersrand basin, in that economically viable
conglomerates occur throughout the Central Rand Group, with at least 20 horizons having
been exploited for either gold or uranium, or both. Conglomerates within the Johannesburg
Subgroup provide most of the production in the area north of the Witpoortjie gap, whereas
those in the Turffontein Subgroup are more important to the south.
Four reef zones, each containing up to six individual conglomerate beds, are mined from the
Central Rand Group in the northern part of the West Rand gold field. Most of the original
mines of the West Rand gold field have been exhausted. Cooke Section currently derives its
ore from the Composite Reef, which represents at least two conglomeratic horizons (E9 and
UE1). The Western Areas Gold Mine exploits ore from three conglomerate reef horizons - the
Composite Reef, the Massives and the Ventersdorp Contact Reef. On Randfontein Estates
Gold Mine the Kimberley and South Reefs are mined in the Doornkop Section while the
White Reef was exploited in the past, mainly for uranium.

West Wits Line (Carletonville Gold Field)

The West Wits Line, also known as the Carletonville gold field, lies on the north-western
edge of the Witwatersrand basin, 35 km west of Johannesburg. The gold field can be divided
into two sections along geological lines: the section east of the Bank fault represents a
natural sedimentological extension of the West Rand gold field and comprises the three
mines centred around the town of Westonaria (Figure 7-6), whereas the western section is
sedimentologically distinct and lies between Carletonville and Fochville. It is the western
section which is more correctly referred to as the Carletonville gold field, whilst the entire
region is referred to as the West Wits Line.
The Carbon Leader is the principal gold producer in the western section (i.e. the Carletonville
gold field), whereas the Middelvlei Reef is the most important unit east of the Bank fault. The
Ventersdorp Supergroup overlying the Witwatersrand Supergroup, contains the auriferous
placer conglomerates of the Ventersdorp Contact Reef at the base.

East Rand Gold Field

The East Rand gold field has produced more gold than any other gold field in the
Witwatersrand and it extends from the towns of Benoni and Brakpan southeast towards Nigel
and Heidelberg (Figure 7-5). At the present time, with the exception of slimes retreatment,
selective small-scale underground mining and some open-pit mining of near-surface oxidised
ore, the gold field is largely worked out.
Geologically, the East Rand gold field is an extension of the Central Rand and contains all
the units described therein, except that the thickness of the Central Rand Group is markedly
The Nigel Reef was by far the most-important gold producer in the East Rand, extending
throughout the gold field. The presence of viable gold values in the upper conglomerates of


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 7: Current Mining in Gauteng

the Kimberley Reef zone (specifically the UK9A or May Reef), was a valuable bonus to many
of the East Rand mines, especially in their declining years. Significant quantities of uranium
were also extracted from the UK9A reef. Gold has also been extracted from conglomerates
at the base of the Transvaal Supergroup, in the Black Reef Quartzite Formation.

27 30

Vreysrus dome


(West Wits Line)




u lt


in fa





26 30





26 30


room faul



20 km


27 30

Covered Central Rand Group (0 2 000 m)

Covered Central Rand Group (2 4 000 m)

1 Doornfontein

Covered Central Rand Group (4 6 000 m)

2 Deelkraal

Covered Central Rand Group (> 6 000 m)

3 Blyvooruitzicht
4 Elandsrand

Exposed West Rand Group

5 West Driefontein
6 East Driefontein

Covered West Rand Group

7 Western Deep Levels

Exposed Dominion Group

7a Western Ultra-Deeps

Covered Dominion Group

8a Leeudoorn Section

8 Kloof
9 Libanon
Exposed granites and greenstones


Covered granites and greenstones

Figure 7-6: The distribution of mines in relation to the principal geological features of
the West Wits Line (Carletonville) gold field (Source: Robb & Robb, 1998)


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 7: Current Mining in Gauteng

South Rand Gold Field

The South Rand gold field occurs on the south-eastern edge of the Witwatersrand basin,
some 80 km southeast of Johannesburg. The South Rand gold field is defined as a small
30 km area that included four small mines south of Greylingstad, all of which are now
dormant. A broader definition includes the entire area south of the Sugarbush fault (Figure
7-7), including a fifth defunct mine.
The Witwatersrand strata in the South Rand gold field are considerably thinner than
sequences in other parts of the basin and the conglomerates are substantially less well
developed compared to other gold fields. The only viable horizon worked in all of the defunct
mines was the Kimberley Reef.

Transvaal Supergroup
The basal conglomerate of the Black Reef Quartzite Formation in Gauteng contains
substantial deposits of detrital gold derived from the underlying and sub-outcropping
Witwatersrand reefs. The Black Reef is an alluvial gravel or scree that was deposited at the
base of the Transvaal Supergroup on an erosional surface cutting across Archaean
basement and Witwatersrand Triad lithologies. In addition to placer gold deposits hosted in
the matrix of the Black Reef basal conglomerate, strata of the Transvaal Supergroup
underlying Gauteng host small, erratic hydrothermal lode gold deposits in both concordant
and discordant quartz veins.
The oldest known gold producer in Gauteng is the Blaaubank Gold Mine on Blaaubank 505
JQ, some 3 km south of the village of Magaliesberg, discovered in 1874. The mineralization
occurs in concordant quartz veins hosted in shales of the Pretoria Group just above the main
Timeball Hill quartzite horizon. In 1881 gold was discovered on the farm Kromdraai 520 JQ.
The Kromdraai Gold Mine was established on a concordant and composite quartz vein
intruded along a thin shale horizon within quartzites of the Black Reef Quartzite Formation.
The mineralization extends along a strike of 3.5 km on which more than 1 000 m of
underground workings have been established at different levels. Other lode gold occurrences
in Gauteng include mineralised quartz veins in Daspoort shale on Broederstroom 481 JQ,
and in Daspoort quartzite on Scheerpoort 477 JQ. In the vicinity of Pretoria, a ferruginous
sandstone bed in shale underlying the Daspoort quartzite was worked for gold on
Elandsfontein 352 JR. At The Willows 340 JR, east of Silverton, gold is associated with silver
and copper mineralization in quartz-carbonate veins in diabase and within shale of the
Magaliesberg Quartzite Formation. A palaeosol developed on Hekpoort basalt and an
overlying ferruginous quartzite horizon at the base of the Strubenkop Formation have been
prospected for gold mineralization which is hosted erratically in pyrite-magnetite-haematitesiderite nodules.
The Black Reef has been mined for gold in both the West Rand and East Rand gold fields of
the Witwatersrand, and to a much lesser extent in the southern part of the Central Rand gold
field near Natalspruit. The Black Reef contains payable gold deposits in proximity to
underlying auriferous Witwatersrand conglomerates.


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 7: Current Mining in Gauteng






Devon dome

Evander f


M eyerskop


r bu






fa u

fau lt



Cedarmont dome





Bergsig fault

8 9
Grootdraai Dam

R ive



i ve

Va a






20 km

Covered felsic rocks

Covered basic rocks



Exposed Central Rand Group

Covered Central Rand Group (0 2 000 m)


Currently operating
as Evander
Gold Mines

Covered Central Rand Group (2 4 000 m)


Exposed West Rand Group


Covered West Rand Group


Heidelberg Roodepoort
Hex River
South East Witwatersrand

Exposed granites and greenstones

Covered granites and greenstones


Figure 7-7: The distribution of mines in relation to the principal geological features of
the South Rand and Evander gold fields (Source: Robb & Robb, 1998)


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 7: Current Mining in Gauteng

At the Randfontein Estates Gold Mine, the Black Reef basal conglomerate was mined
underground prior to 1964. In the East Rand gold field, the Black Reef was mined in the
Government Gold Mining Areas and to a lesser extent the Geduld Gold Mine on
Modderfontein 76 IR. Along the northern rim of the Mapleton basin, in the vicinity of
Natalspruit station, the Black Reef has been mined for gold on Roodekop 139 IR and
Rooikop 140 IR.
An eastwest-striking and southerly dipping auriferous quartz vein, which intrudes both the
Johannesburg dome and adjacent Black Reef Formation rocks, occurs on the farm
Brakfontein 390 JR, a few hundred metres east of the South African Mint. A portion of this
vein, which is mineralised for at least 226 m and extends along strike for some 1.6 km, has
been exploited to a limited extent by means of an open pit and three shallow shafts. This
deposit will soon be sterilised by urban development.
Gold is also present within quartz veins hosted by Black Reef quartzite, Malmani dolomite and
syenite sills on the farms Vlakplaats 354 JR, Knopjeslaagte 385 JR, Mooiplaats 355 JR and
Hoekplaats 384 JR, north of the Johannesburg dome and west of the Brakfontein deposit.

Bushveld Igneous Complex

A shear zone along the contact of Bushveld granite and Rooiberg felsite has been
sporadically mineralised with up to 20 g/t of gold on Hartebeestspruit 434 JR, Cullinan


7.10.1. Uses and specifications

Silica occurs most commonly in nature as quartz in rocks and as sand weathered from rocks.
Silica is used as filler for paint and rubber; in making ordinary glass; in ceramics; in
construction, and in the preparation of other substances, e.g. silicon carbide. Fused quartz is
pure amorphous silica; it is used in special chemical and optical apparatus. Because it has a
low thermal coefficient of expansion, it withstands sudden changes in temperature and can
be used in parts that are subjected to wide ranges of heat and cold. Unlike ordinary glass, it
does not absorb infrared and ultraviolet light.
The silicon market can be divided into three main sectors: the chemical, metallurgical and
electronic industries. Silicon is classified on the basis of its quality as metallurgical grade,
chemical grade and high grade. Naturally occurring quartz is converted to chemical-grade
silicon, which is then converted to a halide or halosilane. These intermediate products are
then reduced to high-grade silicon, suitable for the electronic industry. Quartz, quartzite or
well-cemented sandstone with at least 99.5% SiO2 and not more than 0.040.08% Fe2O3 are
required for this process. The quartz needs to be between 2 and 15 cm in diameter
depending on the type of reduction furnace used in the manufacturing process. Impurities
such as lime, magnesium and aluminium are kept as low as possible to reduce the slag
volume to a minimum. Arsenic and phosphorus are not tolerated, because they result in the
formation of unstable compounds that cause deterioration and disintegration of the finished


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 7: Current Mining in Gauteng

Silicon is widely used in the iron, steel and non-ferrous metal industries in the form of
ferrosilicon and silicon metal. The largest use is as ferrosilicon, which acts as a deoxidiser in
the production of cast iron and steel. Comparatively small quantities of ferrosilicon are used
for other purposes, such as in the heavy media separation of ores and coal. The principal
use of silicon metal is in the aluminium industry, where it is added to aluminium to produce
aluminium-based alloy castings. Silicone manufacturers have also become large users of the
metal. Silicon has the property of acting as a semiconductor, with its electrical conductivity
between that of an insulator and a conductor. For this purpose high-purity silicon is produced
in polycrystalline form and converted to single-crystal material, since most semiconductor
devices require it in this form. This behaviour can be modified by adding minute amounts of
certain impurities after the silicon has been brought to a high state of purity.
The various applications of silica require feedstocks with different particle sizes, such as
lump silica which is 2 or 3 mm to 15 cm in size, silica sand (75 m to 2 mm) and silica flour
(minus 75 m).
Lump silica is used mainly as a flux in the manufacture of silicon and ferrosilicon, as well as
in the manufacture of silica bricks for high-temperature refractory furnace linings and as
linings in ball and tube mills.
Silica sand is used in the manufacture of glass and glass fibre, as well as for the manufacture
of silicon carbide, for mouldings in the foundry industry, for the manufacture of sodium
silicate and other chemicals, for sandblasting and the manufacture of abrasive papers, and
as a filtering medium in water-filtration plants. The sand should have a uniform grain size, a
silica content of 99% and low iron, alumina, lime and magnesia contents. Foundry sands
include those that are used to make the forms for casting metals. If the sands are used for
making moulds they are known as moulding sands and when used to fill the cores or hollow
spaces in the castings they are known as core sands. Naturally bonded sands are those
containing a variable, though generally not very large amount of clay, which acts as a
bonding agent. Synthetic sands, which are an artificial mixture of sand with fine clay or
bentonite, are being increasingly used in the foundry industry. The grains of foundry sand
range from about 3 mm in diameter to particles small enough to be called clay. The sand
grains are usually sub-angular to angular in shape. The fineness of the grains influences the
permeability and strength of the mould and core, and also the smoothness of the casting. In
general, a foundry sand should possess both plasticity (especially when wet) and strength,
and should not contain elements liable to adversely affect the casting. In order to attain the
first two properties the sand should generally contain between 20 and 30% clay.
Silica flour is used in the ceramic industry for enamel and pottery flint. It is also used in the
manufacture of asbestos cement, as inert filler in rubber and paints and as an abrasive
ingredient in soap and scouring powders.
Quartz crystal is used as the starting material in the production of synthetic crystals that are
mainly used in the electronic industry.
7.10.2. Prospecting
Silica (SiO2), which occurs naturally as the mineral quartz, exists in five forms, namely sand,
quartzites and sandstones, massive quartz derived from veins or pegmatites, quartz crystals
from vugs or cavities and silcrete and are the principal source of the element silicon. It also


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 7: Current Mining in Gauteng

exists as quartz in oversaturated igneous and metamorphic rocks. Microcrystalline varieties

of silica include opal, flint, chalcedony, tripoli and kieselguhr.
Silica sand is defined as naturally occurring or poorly consolidated particles of silica that pass
through a No. 4 mesh US standard sieve and are retained on a 200 mesh US standard sieve.
Sand is the largest source of silica, but it needs to be concentrated near large urban or
industrial areas to be of use (see Fine Aggregates). Glass quality or medium-quality sand
can, however, be transported depending on the regional supply and demand situation.
Quartzites are classified as either orthoquartzites or metaquartzites. A metaquartzite is a
granoblastic metamorphic rock consisting mainly of quartz and formed by recrystallisation of
sandstone or chert, or by regional or thermal metamorphism. An orthoquartzite is a clastic
sedimentary rock consisting of quartz sand that lacks a fine-grained matrix and is derived by
secondary silicification. An orthoquartzite generally has a quartz content of 90 to 95%.
Massive quartz occurs in hydrothermal veins (quartz veins) and in pegmatites.
Quartz crystals, in their natural form, have largely been replaced by a stable supply of
synthetic crystals with consistent properties. Large crystals can be grown under hydrothermal
conditions (quartz being stable and soluble in water at temperatures of 400 C and a
pressure of 1 600 bar). Standard Telephone Cables (STC), in Boksburg, are the only
manufacturers of synthetic quartz crystals in South Africa.
Silcrete consists of a mixture of crystalline, cryptocrystalline and amorphous silica varieties.
The silcrete occurrences in South Africa can be grouped into non-weathering profile types
(e.g. the silicified calcretes, playa sediments and silicified evaporite pan deposits of the
Kalahari basin), and weathering profile types, such as the silcretes of the Cape coastal zone.
Silica mined for its silicon content needs to be almost pure (99.9%) in the raw, natural state.
The first step in exploration for such deposits is therefore grab sampling of outcrops and
subsequent analysis to determine the silica content and the presence of any other
contaminants. Once the grade of a resource has been determined, the usual prospecting
sequence of geological mapping, pitting, trenching and drilling is undertaken to determine the
extent of the deposit.
7.10.3. Mining
Sand deposits mined for silica are extracted in a similar manner to sand which is to be used
as aggregate. Loose quartz cobbles, pebbles and vein quartz scree are usually bulldozed
into heaps and then removed using earth-moving equipment. Massive quartz vein deposits
are mined using standard open-pit drill and blast techniques (See Chapter 5).
7.10.4. Environmental impact and rehabilitation
One of the environmental impacts of silicon mining is the loss of visual integrity, as these
operations often extend along sand deposits close to rivers, along the base of quartzite
ridges or along quartz veins, all of which can run for hundreds of meters. As with all open-pit
operations the stability and rehabilitation of pit walls both during and after mine life needs to
be planned.


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 7: Current Mining in Gauteng

7.10.5. Gauteng resources

Ferrosilicon and silicomanganese are produced locally by Metalloys Ltd in Vereeniging using
quartzite from the farm Moabsvelden 248 IR, Mpumalanga Province. Ferrometals and Rand
Carbide in Witbank produce ferrosilicon using quartzite from the farm Spitskop 533 JR near
Bronkhorstspruit, Gauteng Province.
In the Bronkhorstspruit District, on the farms Witfontein 521 JR, Vlakfontein 523 JR,
Nooitgedacht 525 JR and Spitskop 533 JR, deposits are associated with, or derived from
quartzites in the Magaliesberg and Daspoort Formations of the Pretoria Group. The Spitskop
quarry produces approximately 200 000 t of metallurgical-grade quartz annually for the iron,
steel and ferro-alloy industries and 70 000 t of by-product material used in the construction
industry. The quartzite grades at 98% SiO2, 1% Al 2O3 and 0.3% Fe2O3.
Acelor Mittal has an opencast quartzite quarry at Donkerhoek 365 JR (Ptn 114, 115, 116), 20
km east of Pretoria, in the lower portion of the Magaliesberg Formation. The quartzite, added
during the iron smelting process to form a slag, allows impurities to float off and be removed.
The quartzite dips 10 to 14 northeast, strikes northwest and consists of a pure, medium- to
coarse-grained orthoquartzite. The estimated reserves are in the region of 36 Mt. The
quartzite grades more than 95% SiO2, less than 0.18% K2O+Na2O and less than 1.7% Al2O3.
Foundry sand occurs in the Moot Valley of Pretoria, at various places from Hercules in the
east to the Hartbeespoort Dam in the west. At Fortsig on Zandfontein 317 JR, an estimated
1.5 to 2 Mt of sand are available for foundry and blast-furnace use. This sand contains from 5
to 9% Al2O3 and is divided into three types according to the Al2O3 content. By mixing the
different types and adding clay, it is possible to use most of the product. This deposit
supplies sand to the ISCOR foundries.
Other known deposits include those on the farms Bultfontein 533 JQ (northeast of
Krugersdorp), Witfontein 15 IR (Kempton Park) and Firolaz 485 JR (north of
The South African Railways used foundry sand from Vlakdrift 163 IQ in the Krugersdorp


7.11.1. Uses and specifications

Uranium is a hard, dense, malleable, ductile, silver-white, radioactive metal. It is a highly
reactive metal and reacts with almost all the non-metallic elements and their compounds,
especially at elevated temperatures. Uranium is primarily used as a nuclear fuel.
7.11.2. Prospecting
Naturally occurring uranium consists of a mixture of three isotopes. The most abundant
(greater than 99%) and most stable is uranium-238 (half-life 4.5109 years); also present are
uranium-235 (half-life 710 years) and uranium-234 (half-life 2.510 years). Uranium-238 is
the parent substance of the 18-member radioactive decay series known as the uranium
series. Some relatively long-lived members of this series include uranium-234, thorium-230


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 7: Current Mining in Gauteng

and radium-226; the final stable member of the series is lead-206. Uranium-235, also called
actino-uranium, is the parent substance of the so-called actinium series, a 15-member
radioactive decay series ending in stable lead-207; protactinium-231 and actinium-227 are
the relatively stable members of this series.
Uranium is widely distributed in its ores but is not found uncombined in nature. It is a fairly
abundant element in the earths crust, being about 40 times as abundant as silver. Several
hundred uranium-containing minerals have been found but only a few are commercially
Uraninite (UO2) is the most important uranium ore mineral found in the Witwatersrand; minor
carnotite (K2(UO2) 2 (VO4) 2-3H2O) also occurs.
All of Gautengs uranium occurs in association with Witwatersrand gold and is mined as a byproduct of gold.
7.11.3. Mining
In Gauteng, uranium is mined as a by-product of gold. See sections on gold and mining
methods for more detail.
7.11.4. Gauteng resources
Uranium occurs with gold in quartz-pebble conglomerates of the Central Rand Group in the
southern part of Gauteng, and the first uranium production plant was established at West
Rand Consolidated Mine. A portion of the uraniferous Springbok Flats coal field falls within
the extreme north of Gauteng.
The uraniferous quartz-pebble conglomerates of the Witwatersrand basin occur principally
within the Central Rand Group and are by far the most important uranium host rocks in South
Africa. These deposits, which contain gold as the principal commodity, have always been the
major source of South Africas uranium.

Central Rand Group

In the Carletonville gold field, uranium has only been exploited from the Carbon Leader Reef.
The other main gold-producing conglomerate, the Middelvlei Reef averages only 51 ppm U at
Venterspost Mine. The Doornfontein Reef with up to 340 ppm U tends to have low gold
values and is not exploited.
The Main, White, Monarch, Composite, Elsburg and Upper Elsburg Reefs are the principal
uraniferous, quartz-pebble conglomerates of the West Rand gold field. The Monarch and
White Reefs tend to be deficient in gold, whereas the Composite Reef is both auriferous (14
ppm Au) and uraniferous (120 ppm U) and is currently the most important ore body on the
West Rand gold field.
In the Central Rand gold field, the Main Reef, Main Reef Leader and South Reef contain
insufficient grades of uranium to be economically viable. The Elsburg reefs also contain
some uranium.


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 7: Current Mining in Gauteng

In the East Rand gold field, only the Kimberley and May Reefs have been exploited for
uranium, together with the slimes dumps by East Rand Gold Operations (ERGO).

Ventersdorp Contact Reef

Significant gold mineralization occurs where the conglomerate overlies mineralised reefs of
the Central Rand Group, such as the Ventersdorp Contact Reef, but the concentration of
detrital uraninite is low compared to that of the Central Rand Group.

Other Deposits

Thin, auriferous-uraniferous, quartz-pebble conglomerates up to 4.5 m thick, in the basal part

of the Early Proterozoic Black Reef Formation, are present in the Klerksdorp, Carletonville,
West Rand, Central Rand and East Rand gold fields, but the low uranium grades precluded
any uranium exploitation. The highest uranium and gold concentrations occur in areas where
the Black Reef Formation unconformably overlies mineralised conglomerates of the Central
Rand Group.


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GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 8: Other Mineral Occurrences in Gauteng




In the previous chapter, a detailed description was given of the currently mined economic
deposits in Gauteng. In order to give a complete overview, this chapter contains short
descriptions of the other sub-economic mineral commodities present in Gauteng. Their
location geology and, where relevant, mining history is described. Reasons are given for their
uneconomic status. Brief mention is made of possible environmental impacts from mining
these minerals and their rehabilitation if previously exploited. No detailed environmental
impact information is however given for the exploitation of these deposits, as they are not
currently being mined.
The following uneconomic mineral occurrences in Gauteng are described: asbestos, barite,
copper, gemstones, iron, lead, manganese, mercury, peat, silver, soda, sulphur, talc, tin,
vanadium and zinc.
The mineral resources are uneconomic for several reasons, including:

Grade too low;

Tonnage too low;
Metallurgical complexities;
Sterilized by development; and
Environmentally sensitive.

The possibility of their mining/development is remote and they are included only for
completeness and to create awareness of their existence and possible impacts on the
environment and human expansion/development.


The Muldersdrif Ultramafic Complex on the farms Honingklip 178 IQ, Driefontein 179 IQ and
Van Wyks Restant 182 IQ is located in an Archaean greenstone remnant approximately
10 km north of Krugersdorp and contains chrysotile asbestos mineralization in association
with serpentinised dunites. Prior to the Second World War, three asbestos mines, the Gelden,
Scott and West Rand Mines were established. However, all three had rather limited lives and
mining was reported to have ceased in the early 1940s.
The international aversion to asbestos (See Figure 8-1) for health reasons has curtailed all
development of the mineral. This, together with the small size of deposits makes mining
uneconomic. As urban spread and development in the area is progressing rapidly, the
rehabilitation of the old mine workings and dumps needs to be assessed.

Cover page Mponeng Gold Mine near Carletonville, Gauteng Province, South Africa
(Source: Anglo Gold-Ashanti, 2008b)


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 8: Other Mineral Occurrences in Gauteng

Figure 8-1: Asbestos (Source: California Geological Survey, 2008)



On the farms Welgevonden 124 JR, Klipdrift 90 JR and Rooi Bank 88 JR in the Pretoria
District, 13 km northeast of Hammanskraal, barite is found in a quartz vein which runs parallel
to the contact between Bushveld granophyre and granite. The vein can be followed for over 3
km, and has a width of 30 cm and a steep north-westerly dip. The baryte (See Figure 8-2)
forms large crystals, as well as intergrowths with quartz. The most promising occurrence is on
Welgevonden, where 5 000 to 6 000 t are estimated to be present in the vein to a depth of
30 m. It may contain 40 to 50% baryte, but this percentage varies widely from place to place.
The deposit is, however, sub-economic because of the relatively low-grade tenor of the ore,
the restricted width of the vein, limited markets and the difficulty of processing the ore.

Figure 8-2: Baryte (Source: James Madison University, 2008)


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 8: Other Mineral Occurrences in Gauteng

As the baryte deposits have not been disturbed by human activity, their environmental impact
is minimal.


Southwest of Pretoria minor copper mineralization is hosted in Malmani dolomites. The

deposits are small and consist of irregular disseminations of bornite, chalcocite and
chalcopyrite, in brecciated pockets and black shale bodies within the dolomites. Some of the
mineralization is hosted in quartz veins, though gangue minerals are not common. Examples
of this mineralization include the deposits on the farms Knopjeslaagte 385 JR, Vlakplaats 354
JR, Hennopsrivier 489 JQ, Roodekrans 492 JQ and Kalkheuwel 493 JQ. In some cases the
copper is associated with lead. There is also evidence of old workings in places.
Copper (See Figure 8-3) is also associated with other sulphides in silver deposits, such as
those at The Willows 340 JR. On Boschkop 543 JR and Oude Zwaans Kraal 542 JR, copper
mineralization occurs in easterly trending siderite veins. There are three parallel veins, up to 6
m thick on Boschkop.

Figure 8-3: Copper (Source: Weinrich, 2008)

The copper showings mentioned above are of academic interest only such occurrences with
their characteristic green staining are common, as copper is a mobile element in the natural
environment. In addition, urban sprawl will shortly sterilize these deposits. Environmental
impacts are restricted to the safety of the old workings and the associated lead and sulphides
(these are dealt with below).


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide


Chapter 8: Other Mineral Occurrences in Gauteng


Smoky quartz (cairngorm) (See Figure 8-4) has a colourless to black (morion) colour due to a
possible combination of natural irradiation and heat. Large crystals occur in vugs in granite
and pegmatite at the Hennops River near Pretoria and can be transparent to opaque. This is
a common semi-precious stone that has been exploited by rock collectors in the past who
have removed the better quality material. This informal extraction has left several small waste
heaps of low visual impact.

Figure 8-4: Smoky quartz (Source: Mineral, 2008)

Poor-quality amethyst crystals are found between Pretoria and Johannesburg in pegmatitic
veins. The suburbs of Hurlingham Gardens and Bryanston have been developed over most
occurrences although a few are still visible on isolated kopjes.


Significant iron mineralization occurs on the farms Kromdraai 209 JR, Naauwpoort 208 JR
and Rhenosterfontein 210 JR situated some 60 km northeast of Pretoria. These deposits
have long been known and were exploited for red pigment in prehistoric times, having been
re-assessed as a source of iron during the 1960s. The country rock is Rooiberg rhyolite and
pyroclastic rocks, mainly various tuffs and bedded agglomerates. The ore bodies (See Figure
8-5) consist of stratiform iron-rich horizons and isolated bodies of high-grade ore within
agglomerate beds. The most important deposit is on the farm Kromdraai, immediately north of
the Vergenoeg Fluorspar Mine and near the border with Naauwpoort to the south. Recent
investigations by ISCOR have revealed a pipe-like ore body composed of magnetite, fluorspar
and fayalite with reserves estimated to be in the order of 180 Mt.
Minor easterly extensions of the western limb of the Bushveld Complex lie within Gauteng
north of Pretoria. Titaniferous magnetite layers stretch from north of Pretoria westwards (see


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 8: Other Mineral Occurrences in Gauteng

vanadium). The magnetite grades at 5067% Fe, 822% TiO2 and 02% V2O5. Titaniferous
magnetite also occurs in the Kaffirskraal Complex 16 km southwest of Heidelberg.

Figure 8-5: Iron ore (Source: Brazil Brand, 2008)

The Main Iron Horizon or Magnetic Quartzite is a persistent bed of recrystallised arenaceous
oolitic iron formation, conformably interbedded in the lower quartzite of the Timeball Hill
Formation. It is best developed on Pretoria Townlands, where about 1.5 Mt of ore averaging
46% Fe were produced between 1934 and 1944, most of the production being from the
original iron-ore mine of ISCOR at Delfos. Subsequent urbanisation has sterilised these
deposits. In Pretoria a bed of arenaceous pisolitic iron ore, 36 m higher up in the succession,
has a maximum thickness of 1.8 m on Muckleneuk Hill and averages 4045% Fe. The
so-called Clay Band, which occurs still higher up in the Timeball Hill Formation, is a thin
persistent bed of oolitic iron ore composed of magnetite, chamosite and siderite; it has an iron
content of 5056% and yields limonitic clayey material on weathering.
Iron deposits of the Timeball Hill Formation also occur on Elandsfontein 308 IQ, southeast of
Westonaria, and on Faroasfontein 372 IQ and Nooitgedacht 177 IR, a further 20 km to the
southeast. Outcrops of Clay Band-type iron ore are found over strike distances of 2.4 and
3 km respectively. The deposits are 0.60.9 m thick and the grade of the ore, much of which
is exposed on dip slopes, averages 5355% Fe.
The most important iron ores in the Pretoria Group are probably those of the Strubenkop
Formation. These consist of one or two beds of oolites or pisolites composed of haematite
and limonite, set in a sandy ferruginous matrix and interbedded with shale. The ore is present
as lenses ranging in length from a few hundred metres to more than 20 km. Several
exposures are known in Pretoria, for instance on the southern slopes of Strubenkop, Pretoria
Townlands, and on Elandsfontein 352 JR. About 35 km southeast of Pretoria it can be traced
for 3 km on Rietfontein 395 JR and Onbekend 398 JR, where it averages 0.75 m in thickness.
A representative sample from the latter locality reportedly contained 57% Fe. West of
Pretoria, on Welgegund 491 JQ, it is 1.2 m thick and averages 5558% Fe.


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 8: Other Mineral Occurrences in Gauteng

While vast reserves of iron ore remain unexploited in the Sishen area of the Northern Cape
and in the Bushveld Complex magnetites in Limpopo Province, these Gauteng resources will
remain uneconomic due to their erratic grade and human development. As a result, there is
no environmental impact.


Galena (See Figure 8-6) occurs in siliciclastic sedimentary rocks of the Black Reef Formation,
Transvaal Supergroup, in a portion of the old gold mine on Kromdraai 520 IQ, in the
Krugersdorp District, where it is associated with some siderite and barite. Although not
significant as such, the occurrence is of interest because of its possible relationship with
nearby lead deposits in the Oaktree Formation.

Figure 8-6: Galena (Source: Veevaert, 2008)

The Malmani Subgroup of the HennopsCrocodile River area southwest of Pretoria hosts a
number of small lead deposits. The occurrences on Broederstroom 481 JQ, Kalkheuvel
493 JQ and Leeuwenkloof 480 JQ are in the Eccles Formation, whereas those on
Doornrandje 386 IR, Roodekrans 492 JQ and Rhenosterspruit 495 JQ are lower down in the
succession. They are associated with quartz veins, and the deposit on Rhenosterspruit 495
JQ is close to the contact with the underlying Black Reef Formation. Production from the
various prospects was invariably very small and sporadic.
In the PretoriaWitbank area, galena was successfully worked on Nooitgedacht 333 JR. Here
two abandoned workings were excavated on the same quartz vein, which trends almost due
east and dips 60 to 85 south. Galena, sphalerite and chalcopyrite were found at the old No. 1
shaft, whereas galena predominated at the No. 2 shaft. Considerable amounts of silver were
also produced. A feature of this mine is a limestone band, about 3 m thick, intercalated in


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 8: Other Mineral Occurrences in Gauteng

quartzite of the Magaliesberg Formation. A similar occurrence of galena, though smaller, is

reported from the adjoining farm Franspoort 332 JR.
Galena, associated with vuggy quartz and oxidised sphalerite, occurs in an eastwest-striking
vein in Archaean granites of the Johannesburg Dome on the farm Brakfontein 290 JR, 8 km
southwest of Centurion. The vein, which also carries gold mineralization, could be traced for
over 300 m in prospecting pits and lies immediately adjacent to a 1-m-wide mafic dyke.
The small size of the deposits, patchy mineralization, difficult mining conditions and low
commodity price make them uneconomic. The old mine workings and dumps present a
safety and potential acid mine drainage hazard and these impacts should be considered and
addressed if necessary.


There are several occurrences of crystalline manganese ore and manganiferous earth or wad
in the region west and northwest of Krugersdorp. These occurrences are the result of
weathering of the manganese-rich dolomites and the subsequent accumulation of residual
manganese-rich material. The soil colour above manganese-rich zones is chocolate brown
whereas that which develops above dolomite devoid of manganese is a reddish colour. Most
of the manganese in these types of deposits occurs as the MnO2 minerals nsutite, pyrolusite
and psilomelane. Grades are generally between 10 and 40% MnO2. In an unrefined form this
material is used in the extraction of uranium, while beneficiation may yield a product with
MnO2 in excess of 80%, which is suitable for the chemical industry.
Manganese ore (See Figure 8-7) consisting essentially of braunite and polianite was mined
from a mineralised fault zone in Magaliesberg quartzite on the farm Derdepoort 326 JR
northeast of Pretoria.

Figure 8-7: Manganese ore (Source: Recon Industries, 2008)

Metorex (Pty) Ltd previously mined manganese ore from opencast mines on the farms
Luipardsvlei 243 IQ, Elandsfontein 277 IQ and Brandvlei 261 IQ around Krugersdorp, but
were closed because of declining demand. Declining demand for high grade manganese


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 8: Other Mineral Occurrences in Gauteng

oxide by the uranium producers, the main users of the product, resulted in the Gauteng
manganese deposits being closed. The recent opening of new mines in the Mpumalanga and
North West Provinces of higher tonnage and better grade will ensure that the Gauteng mines
remain closed for the foreseeable future.
The vast low grade manganese mines in the Northern Cape preclude competition from any
other southern African low grade resource.
As the Gauteng manganese mines were essentially earth moving operations, environmental
impacts are restricted to pit safety and visual effects that are currently being addressed by
Metorex (Pty) Ltd.


Witwatersrand gold ore, sampled in 11 gold mines from all the main gold fields and from eight
different reefs, contains highly anomalous values of up to 4.5% of mercury. The mercury
content of gold ore from the Carletonville area increased (up to 3% Hg) with increasing depth
into the basin. This is ascribed to mobilisation of mercury from the Witwatersrand sediments
as a result of increasing metamorphic gradient and amalgamation with gold. The possibility of
commercial extraction of mercury as a by-product of gold seems improbable, however,
because of its low value and a decrease in demand. The mercury remains in the gold during
the cyanidation process and, as a result, there needs to be no concern about the toxicological
effects of the mercury.
Mercury amalgamation of gold was undertaken during the early years of Witwatersrand
Central Rand gold mining, prior to the cyanide process being introduced, when the upper
oxidized portions of the reefs were being exploited (see history in Chapter 2 and gold
processing in Chapter 9). There is, therefore, a strong likelihood of mercury contamination in
the old dumps and underlying soils in the Central Rand area.
On the farms Beynespoort 335 JR and Kameelfontein 297 JR, northeast of Pretoria,
disseminated specks of cinnabar are found in a quartz-gossan stockwork (See Figure 8-8) in
hornfels and quartzite, probably related to volcanic activity of the Roodeplaat Complex. The
occurrence is of academic interest and, as it is still in its natural, undisturbed state and falls
within a conservancy area, has negligible environmental impact.


Central Highveld peat resource area

The Klip River wetland (See Figure 8-9) that covers 2 457 ha extends from just south of
Soweto and Brackenhurst for about 35 km from the farm Doornkop 239 IQ in a south-easterly
to easterly direction to the farm Zwartkopjes 143 IR. It is covered by dense reed beds and
hydrophilic grasses. The peat deposit is elongated and lens shaped in cross-section with a
maximum thickness of 3.5 m. It acts as an important natural filter of sediment and untreated
sewerage effluent from townships such as Soweto.


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 8: Other Mineral Occurrences in Gauteng

Figure 8-8: Cinnabar gossan (Source: Alden, 2008)

Figure 8-9: Klip River Wetland (Source: SANBI, 2008)

The peat land on the farm Witfontein 262 IQ southwest of Randfontein has a thickness of 2 m.
It is covered by reeds, sedges and grasses, and has been exploited for horticultural purposes.
Peat has been produced on a small scale on Elandsfontein 334 IQ near Vereeniging. This
deposit covers between 1.2 and 1.6 ha. Its thickness is unknown. Peat extracted from this
deposit was used for horticultural purposes.


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 8: Other Mineral Occurrences in Gauteng

Pretoria peat resource area

Three peat lands, with a combined area of about 210 ha, are known in the Rietvlei Spruit (See
Figure 8-10), upstream of the Rietvlei Dam in the Van Riebeeck Game Reserve. The peat has
been derived mainly from reeds and forms part of the Bankenveld False Grassveld. In the
past some of the peat has been utilised for horticultural purposes. However, tapping of
dolomite fountains in the drainage area of the Rietvlei Dam and the draining of the peat lands
has resulted in the drying out and burning of most parts of these deposits. Thicknesses of up
to 5 m have been reported in the past.

Figure 8-10: Rietvlei Spruit (Source: City of Tshwane, 2008)

It is vital that these peat resources be kept intact as they act as natural filters for water
contaminated by the nearby human development. The removing of the peat for horticultural
purposes or the continued wasteful burning will result in a destruction of the wetlands, putting
an added burden on waste treatment in Gauteng.


The Willows Silver Mine, which underlies the farm The Willows 340 JR, just east of Pretoria in
Gauteng, was reportedly mined out in the 1890s. The deposits consist of a swarm of
mineralised subvertical quartz-carbonate veins hosted in Magaliesberg shale. The
mineralization comprises argentiferous tetrahedrite (See Figure 8-11) in a magnesian siderite
gangue. Urban sprawl will soon envelop the old mine workings. Consideration should be
given to making the area safe prior to development taking place.
Silver is an important by-product of Witwatersrand gold mining. As it is recovered during the
normal recovery process, there is no environmental impact.


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 8: Other Mineral Occurrences in Gauteng

Figure 8-11: Argentiferous tetrahedrite (Source: Thames Valley Minerals, 2008)



The only known deposit of natural soda ash in South Africa accumulated in the Pretoria salt
pan and, although the resource has been commercially exploited on a relatively small scale
from time to time, all activities were suspended in 1956. In 1993 the salt pan was declared a
national heritage site, under the auspices of the National Cultural History Museum, effectively
sterilising the remaining mineral resources from further exploitation.
The Pretoria salt pan (also known as Tswaing) (See Figure 8-12), situated 42 km northnorthwest of Pretoria on the farms Zoutpan 104 JR and Uitspan 98 JR, formed within a clearly
defined crater in Nebo granite. Originally, the crater acted as a rainwater trap forming a
shallow seasonal lake that evaporated to dryness every year. There is no doubt that these
evaporitic deposits must have served as an important source of salt during both the prehistoric and pioneering eras.

Figure 8-12: The Pretoria salt pan (Tswaing) crater (Source: HartRAO, 2008)


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 8: Other Mineral Occurrences in Gauteng

The salt pan crater is an almost circular structure with a rim diameter of 1 130 m. Maximum
rim elevation is 119 m above the level of the salt pan, but only 60 m above the surrounding
plains. Initially the crater was much deeper than at present, but it has been partially filled by
coarse clastic debris resulting from slumping of the inner walls and by a 90 m thickness of
lacustrine sediments.
The origin of the Pretoria salt pan crater has long been debated. Although many features
suggestive of a meteorite impact are known, it was realised that conclusive evidence could
only be provided by drilling into the crater. Drill core from a borehole that successfully
penetrated the crater floor provided firm evidence of mineral and textural features
characteristic of a meteorite impact. Furthermore, a late Pleistocene age of 200 000 years for
the crater was estimated through extrapolation of accumulation rates based on 14C dating of
upper lacustrine sediments.
The uppermost 34 m of the lacustrine deposits of the Pretoria salt pan consist of terrigenous
muds and evaporites. Halite (NaCl) is restricted to this unit, while trona
(NaHCO3Na2CO32H2O) is confined to the upper 24 m and gaylussite (Na2CO3CaCO35H2O)
to the upper 15 m. From a depth of 30 m to the base of the lacustrine sequence the nonclastic component is dominated by CaCO3. As a whole the systematic change in the
mineralogy of the chemical sediments conforms to a classic evaporite sequence.
Because the crater floor lies below the ground-water table, at least one of the exploratory
boreholes, drilled in about 1920, still acts as an artesian spring and subsequent flooding of
the pan floor has created a permanent lake. Evaporation of the slightly saline (3%) spring
water since 1920 has given rise to the present hypersaline solution. The lake waters have a
pH of between 9.2 and 10.4, and are rich in dissolved carbonates and bicarbonates including
halite and trona. The composition of the lake is thus consistent with evaporative enrichment of
local granite groundwater, the chemistry of which was the subject of comprehensive analysis.
Recovery of the upper layer of trona (raw material of soda ash) proceeded successfully but,
as the excavations became deeper, contamination of the trona by brines became a major
problem and this venture was finally abandoned in 1916.
At that stage it was realised that the soda-rich mud layers overlying, and interbedded with the
trona layers were really the principal repository of the mineral wealth of the pan. However,
extraction of soda ash and halite from this source was problematic and unsuccessful.
Subsequently a number of exploration boreholes were drilled into the lacustrine sediments
underlying the pan. Apart from valuable information regarding probable reserves, it was
established that the mud zone is underlain by a permeable gaylussite-rich layer saturated with
pure concentrated soda-salt liquor (10%) and NaCl (18%). Although the extraction process
was initially very ineffective it was eventually streamlined to an almost 100% recovery with
respect to soda ash and table salt.
The salt pan now forms an integral part of the Tswaing Meteorite Crater Museum. Most of the
infrastructure from the previous mining has already been removed, all that is left are a few
ruins that form part of a tourism hiking route.


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide


Chapter 8: Other Mineral Occurrences in Gauteng


Pyrite iron sulphide FeS2 - is the classic Fools Gold. There are other shiny brassy yellow
minerals, but pyrite is by far the most common and the most often mistaken for gold. It is so
common in the earths crust that it is found in almost every possible environment.
Although pyrite (See Figure 8-13) is readily available and contains a high percentage of iron,
it has never been used as a significant source of iron, but has been mined for its sulphur
content. Sulphur is used in the production of sulphuric acid, an important chemical for
industrial purposes.

Figure 8-13: Pyrite (Source: 3DChem, 2008)

South Africa has no commercial resources of native sulphur and is dependent on pyrite for its
sulphur requirements. Fortunately, large resources of pyrite are associated with the
Witwatersrand basin and are recovered as a by-product of the gold-mining industry.
Pyrite is also a common constituent of coal deposits and carbonaceous shales. The
gasification plants of SASOL 1 and 2 produce sulphur as a useful by-product. High levels of
sulphur concentration in the atmosphere result in acid rain (due to the reactive nature of
sulphur and moisture), a very corrosive substance that constitutes a serious environmental
hazard. Should lower sulphur-emission levels be enforced on all the role players in the
industry, substantial additional quantities of sulphuric acid will become available.
Pyrite is concentrated from the ore by flotation, followed by roasting of the concentrates to
produce sulphuric acid. The acid is used mainly for uranium extraction, the production of
fertiliser, chemical companies and mining/metallurgical processing plants for metallurgical use
and mineral recovery. The oxidation of pyrite is the main source of acid mine drainage.


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide


Chapter 8: Other Mineral Occurrences in Gauteng


Numerous small talc (See Figure 8-14) deposits have formed as a result of various igneous
rocks intruding dolomites of the Chuniespoort Group (Transvaal Supergroup). The intrusive
rocks are predominantly Bushveld diabases, in both dyke and sill form. The talc forms at or
near the intrusive contacts, as a result of both the contact metamorphic and metasomatic
effects of magmatic fluids. In the Pretoria District talc of this type occurs on Hennopsrivier 489
JQ, Schurveberg 488 JQ, Vlakplaats 354 JR, Mooiplaats 355 JR, Roodekrans 492 JQ and
Rhenosterspruit 495 JQ. The prospect of finding more occurrences is good, as the required
conditions are met in a number of as yet unexplored localities.

Figure 8-14: Talc (Source: MII, 2008)

The only deposit to have been exploited thus far in Gauteng is that on Hennopsrivier, where
talc was extracted from two separate quarries, both of which ceased mining decades ago, as
the limited reserves were exhausted. The talc, which was of a high quality, was used as paper
filler. The above deposits occur in a dolomitic terrain and probably result from the alteration of
On Honingklip 178 IQ alteration of serpentinite has produced industrial-grade talc. The
serpentinite originated from ultramafic lithologies of the Muldersdrif Complex. The deposit was
mined by Metalloys Ltd and used in the manufacture of fertiliser, and as a flux for ferrochrome
and ferromanganese production.
Unless talc is of a high grade and exceptionally white in colour, the commodity prices
obtained do not warrant exploitation. The remaining unmined talc resources in Gauteng
contain contaminants of other minerals and are of inferior colour, often being stained by metal
oxides. Environmental impacts are limited to the rehabilitation of the old workings.


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide


Chapter 8: Other Mineral Occurrences in Gauteng


On Rietfontein 446 JR and Zusterstroom 447 JR, in the Moloto tin field, cassiterite is
associated with brecciated zones along four different directions in red granite. The richer
occurrences are hosted in granite in the immediate vicinity of brecciated zones in unaltered
granite, with some mineralization in breccia. Cassiterite (See Figure 8-15) crystals of up to 5
cm occur in places associated with fluorite, pyrite, chalcopyrite and tourmaline.

Figure 8-15: Cassiterite (Source: Fabre Minerals, 2008)

On Zustershoek 246 JR, some 64 km northeast of Pretoria, the cassiterite occurs in
brecciated zones striking approximately north that are developed in granophyre. Four lodes
that contain cassiterite associated with some pyrite and copper sulphides have been
The last operating tin mines in South Africa closed down in the early 1990s as the cost of
extracting the tin from the hard rock could not complete against the then newly developed
mines in Malaysia that literally use water jets to mine the deeply weathered ore. There is
very limited environmental damage from old, shallow prospecting pits in the Moloto tin field.


In the western Bushveld the nature of the Main Magnetite Layer that contains vanadium is not
well known due to the poor exposure and the limited amount of published data. In Gauteng,
the lower magnetite layers, which contain the Main Magnetite Layer, extend from north of
Pretoria westwards towards Rustenburg. The moderately thick, but discontinuous magnetite
layer in the western Bushveld contains grades of 1.8 to 2.1% V2O5.
The Kaffirskraal intrusion is situated 16 km southeast of Heidelberg and is intrusive into
andesitic lavas of the Klipriviersberg Group. The intrusion, which has dimensions of 1.5 by
1 km, consists of a porphyritic norite margin around a central layered magnetite-pyroxenite
zone, within which a lenticular layer of magnetite (See Figure 8-16) is developed. The


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 8: Other Mineral Occurrences in Gauteng

magnetite zone is 8 m thick and occupies the central part of the intrusion. A southerly
extension is 50 m wide and 300 m in length. Other lenticular, magnetite-rich bodies in the
layered zone have been revealed by drilling. The magnetite ore consists of massive, closely
packed, polygonal titaniferous magnetite grains, together with minor amounts of ilmenite and
augite. The magnetite crystals range between 1 and 2 mm in size. Chemical analyses of the
Kaffirskraal ore show values similar to the titaniferous iron ores of subzone C of the Bushveld
Complex, but contain less TiO2. The V2O5 contents range between 0.7 and 0.59%.

Figure 8-16: Magnetite (Source: Rutnik, 2008)

The Bushveld-hosted magnetite layers are uneconomic in Gauteng as they have been
sterilized by development between Ga-Rankuwa and Sphinx. The vanadium grades of the
Kaffirskraal intrusion magnetites compare unfavourably with the vast Bushveld magnetites in
the Mpumalanga and North West Provinces. As the occurrences are still in their natural,
undisturbed state, they have negligible environmental impact


Sphalerite (See Figure 8-17), grading at up to 9% Zn over a width of 9 m, and some minor
galena occur in association with solution cavities and collapse breccia in rocks of the Eccles
Formation between 10 and 100 m below the post-Chuniespoort Group chert breccia, on the
Western Deep Levels Gold Mine property. The coarse-crystalline sphalerite commonly
replaces ooids and occupies early intergranular pore spaces. The zinc mineralization was
followed by a later precipitation of pyrite, chalcopyrite and galena. The mineral occurrence is
sub-economic due to the low tonnages available.
As the occurrence is still in its natural, undisturbed state, it has negligible environmental


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 8: Other Mineral Occurrences in Gauteng

Figure 8-17: Sphalerite (Source: Carnegie Mellon, 2005)


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Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts





The role of the GDACE Environmental Officer (EO) in the mining licence application and
approval process is to ensure that the broad environmental rights of the inhabitants of the
Province are protected. Although the authority and responsibility of licensing of prospecting
and mining operations does not fall primarily on GDACE (Chapter 11) there are legislated
requirements for all government agencies involved with administration of environmental
matters to play a role in the review and assessment of applications for mining (Chapters 12
and 13). In terms of the Constitution all laws and matters pertaining to mineral and energy
affairs are administered at a national level under the control of the Minister of Minerals and
Energy. Licensing of prospecting and mining and mine safety issues are regulated by the
Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Act 28 of 2002 (MPRDA) and the Mine
Health and Safety Act 29 of 1996. The changeover from the Minerals Act 50 of 1991 to the
Minerals and Petroleum Resources Development Act 28 of 2002 has heralded in a new
approach to mine licensing, environmental evaluation, performance assessment and
Efficient assessment of environmental documentation by EOs is reliant on a broad,
multidisciplinary competency and appropriate experience in the wide spectrum of biophysical
and socio-economic factors appropriate to each region within the Gauteng Province. It is the
responsibility of the applicant or mining proponent and their environmental officers or
consultants to provide an adequate level of environmental description detail relevant to the
size, scale or longevity of the mining operation and the range and magnitude of potential,
anticipated or likely impacts.
Through critical analysis and review the EO must assess whether the scope and level of
baseline environmental description, detail of mining methods and mineral extraction or
processing technology and interpretation of potential environmental impacts is adequate.
Making a value judgement of the extent, duration, magnitude and significance of each
environmental impact must be based on adequate description of the biophysical and socioeconomic environmental context. The decision whether to permit mining will be determined to
a large extent by the measures that can be implemented in mitigation of the environmental
impacts and the long-term effects of the mining on the environment.
Whereas any Environmental Scoping Report (SR), Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)
or Environmental Management Programme Report (EMPR) will probably be compiled by a
number of scientists with specialised technical knowledge, the judgement as to the desirability
of the development in the context of the receiving environment must be made by the
individual EO who represents the interests of the inhabitants and environment in Gauteng.
Apart from the critical need for objectivity and honesty, the EO can rely on support from the
framework of legislation and officials of other national, provincial and local government
authorities who also have a vested interest in the efficient integration of the various Acts and
regulations pertaining to environmental protection.
Cover page Air pollution over Witbank, Mpumalanga Province, South Africa (Source:
Wikimedia, 2008)

GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide


Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts

Aim of this chapter

This chapter aims to provide the EO with generalised descriptions of the potential
environmental impacts associated with the mining methods employed across the range of
mineral commodities that are presently mined or could be developed within the Gauteng
Background description or baseline data for the range of environmental criteria addressed in
mining environmental assessments follows the old Aide-Mmoire format and is provided by
way of introduction to the theoretical considerations, common impacts and mitigations of
rehabilitation measures. This approach could be applied generically to the environmental
description and planning requirements of the new mining legislation.
Where additional or more specific detail and diagrams or data tables are available this has
been included as a series of Appendices. Impact and mitigation tables are included as
Appendices 9.6.1 to 9.6.9 to provide more specific detail and a realistic range of typical
impacts, mitigations and rehabilitation measures commonly associated with the spectrum of
mineral commodities mined in the province. The scale and magnitude of impacts is specific to
the mining methods employed and is reflected by the different impact mitigation techniques
and approaches to rehabilitation.
In each case specific environmental impacts are identified in relation to their initiation and/or
extension through the mining from construction activities ( C), through the operational
phase (O), cessation of mining or decommissioning activities (D) and the post-mining period
(P). Generic thematic checklists for each of the environmental assessment criteria over the
life-of-mine phases are included in Appendix 9.6.1 to 9.6.9. These serve as a means of
assessing whether the environmental assessment covers the range of typical impacts. The
checklists also lead the EO to assess whether prescribed mitigations or rehabilitative
techniques commonly associated with each of the environmental criteria have been included
in the EMP.
This chapter must be read in conjunction with background regarding the regulatory framework
provided by other chapters (e.g. Chapters 11 and 12) to empower the GDACE EO with
sufficient background information to assist in making a value judgement regarding the
potential impacts of proposed prospecting or mining activities in the context of the receiving

Principles and Process of Environmental Planning in Mining

The acceptance of Integrated Environmental Management (IEM) principles embodied in the

National Environmental Management Act 108 of 1998 (NEMA) brings the mining legislation
closer to the ambit of other environmental planning legislation used to control activities that
could potentially have a negative impact on the environment. Specific obligations are placed
on the Department of Minerals and Energy (DME) (Schedule 2, section 11(2)) to ensure
harmonisation of environmental policies, plans and programmes. As custodian of the
countrys mineral and petroleum resources, the Minister of the DME must ensure sustainable
development of these resources within the framework of national environmental policy,
including NEMA and the National Water Act 36 of 1998.


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts

The development of the MPRDA Regulations GN R527 (GG 26275 of 23/04/2004) concerning
mineral prospecting and mining shows a strong integration of environmental management
principles in the requirements of documents to be submitted as part of the application
process. The regulations of the Minerals Act 50 of 1991 contained limited details, prescribing
the format and processes associated with the environmental requirements of the Act. A
separate document, the Aide-Mmoire, therefore provided the format guidelines and outlined
the required information. There were subsequent attempts to introduce changes or
requirements for additional information as required to meet the integrated environmental
management standards set by other legislation (Environment Conservation Act 73 of 1989, as
amended) or by the amended and revised regulations of the Minerals Act 50 of 1991.

Evolution of the environmental assessment and planning framework in mining

The Aide-Mmoire for the Preparation of Environmental Management Programme Reports for
Prospecting and Mining was compiled after a consultative process involving the various
government departments that have an interest in protecting the environment. This guideline
document for the preparation of the Environmental Management Programme Reports
required by Section 39 of the Minerals Act 50 of 1991 was complied through negotiations, cooperation and consensus in order to simplify the mining proponents compliance with a wide
range of legal obligations. Although the format of the EMPR document was prescribed, this
did not constrain the range of environmental investigations or impact assessment processes.
The EIA process is currently regulated in terms of NEMA and the NEMA Environmental
Impact Assessment (EIA) Regulations GN R385 (GG 28753 of 21 April 2006), GN R386 and
GN R387. These regulations came into operation on 1 July 2006 with the exception of the
mining provisions which were intended to come into operation on 1 April 2007. This has,
however, been delayed as before this can happen, a law reform process must be undertaken
to ensure that the provisions of the MPRDA and NEMA are aligned. The Regulations regulate
procedures and criteria for the submission, processing, consideration and decision of
applications for environmental authorisation of activities and for matters pertaining thereto.
The Regulations repealed the existing ECA Regulations (GN R1182, GN R1183 and GN
R1184 published under the ECA) subject to the transitional arrangements set out in Chapter 9
of the Regulations.
Perhaps the most obvious changes in the MPRDA and MPRDA Regulations GN R527 are the
more robust definitions of different activities that must be addressed through separate
application processes. The detailed requirements for each application process are outlined in
the regulations and the comprehensive application documents (Forms) that include much of
the detail or alternatives relating to the specific process. There is no guideline document
currently available as an aide to meeting the requirements of the Act and Regulations. It is,
however, possible to utilise the Regulations to provide the necessary content framework. The
DME is in the process of developing guidelines for the compilation of environmental reports to
meet the requirements of the new legislation called the MEM series of Guidelines (Mining
Environmental Management).
The content of any Environmental Management Programme Report (EMPR) or EIA/EMP will
vary according to the mineral or commodity and is determined by the spatial, temporal and
socio-economic aspects of the locality and landscape, type of mining and mineral extraction
or beneficiation techniques, transport and communication networks, the extent, duration, and
significance of impacts, mitigation measures and rehabilitation goals. The licensing


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts

requirements for abstraction or discharge of water as outlined in the National Water Act 36 of
1998 should also be followed and reported in the relevant section of the EMPR required by
the Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Act 28 of 2002.

Authority consultation process

Any mining project is reliant to some degree on transport and communication networks, water
and power and occupies land that might be controlled or zoned for a specific purpose. These
developments can create impacts beyond the mining area and are now regulated by NEMA
and the NEMA EIA Regulations GN R385, GN R386 and GN R387. The regulations
pertaining to water in the mining environment and the water licensing requirements of the
National Water Act 36 of 1998 must also be accommodated in the mining licensing process. It
is for this reason that it has been necessary for the Regional Directors of the DME to create
formal networks with other national, provincial and local government departments and officials
to co-ordinate the review, comment and approval process associated with the licensing of
mining operations. Through consensus achieved during the authority consultation and public
participation process a simplified approach can be approved that addresses the issues to be
covered by the different environmental assessments and reports required.
It is a requirement that before the Regional Director of the DME approves any Environmental
Management Programme (EMP) or EMP amendment, or any exemption or extension of time,
each department charged with the administration of any law that relates to any matter
affecting the environment, be consulted (Section 39 (1) to 39 (4); Minerals Act 50 of 1991).
Section 40 of the MPRDA continues that requirement and requires the Minister to consult with
State departments and request, in writing; comments on any environmental management plan
or environmental management programme (Section 39 of the MPRDA) within 60 days.
Furthermore, the MPRDA adheres to the principles of environmental management set out in
section 2 of NEMA and binds applicants to the objectives or considerations in Chapter 5 and
section 24(7) of the Act. Specific mention is also made of the requirements of the National
Water Act 36 of 1998 and National Heritage Resources Act 25 of 1999.
In terms of the MPRDA, this authority consultation process is achieved through the Regional
Mining Development and Environmental Committees (REMDEC) contemplated in section
64(1) of the Act. In every region it is necessary to include representatives with a wide range of
knowledge and experience so these committees will include not only representatives of State
departments but organised labour, -business, NGOs and community-based organisations.
This is in line with the concept of competent authority evaluation of environmental impact
evaluation and environmental authorisation as defined in NEMA. The reviewers from
government departments perform a critical function in the permitting and environmental
planning process in that their input is required in order to contribute to the informed decisionmaking process. GDACE would be included on a Gauteng committee by virtue of its status as
an organ of State. These committees have 30 days to consult.


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide


Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts

Approaches to Environmental Description and Planning

In order to make a value judgement regarding specific impacts or activities that must be
controlled during mining, the EO must assess the proposed operation relative to best practice

Although there are prescribed formal procedures adhered to during an application process
through the MPRDA, the EO can suggest an alternative approach or wider consultation with
other government departments to embrace other environmental evaluation principles should
these be necessary to address a specific activity or impact.

Environmental Management Systems (EMS)

Although and EMS is not a legal requirement, it is a formal approach to managing the aspects
of an organisations activities, products and services that could have a detrimental impact on
the environment. It can be used to prioritize actions and resources, increase efficiency,
minimise costs and lead to a better, more informed decision making. One of the most
important aspects of a successful EMS is commitment from top management to making it
work. Figure 9-1 below gives an indication of EMS process which aims for continual

Figure 9-1: Overview of an Environmental Management System


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts

An organisation may choose to implement an EMS for a variety of reasons, for example to:

Manage legal compliance;

Demonstrate environmental commitment and achieve environmental improvements;
Satisfy customer expectations;
Reduce risks with regard to the environment; and
Improve commercial performance and enhance reputation.

From the regulators point of view the first of these reasons is the most important and a well
implemented EMS can be appreciably useful to an organisation in managing compliance. The
same system can, however, also offer benefits to the regulator in terms of assessing and
evaluating compliance. Regulators expect organisations to take responsibility for the
environmental impacts of their activities, products and services. They consider management
and maintenance of legal compliance to be a fundamental deliverable for an EMS.
Compliance with legal requirements regarding environmental protection should result in
appropriate environmental control measures and better environmental performance.
Regulators recognise that the task of managing legal compliance is not easy. There are an
ever-increasing number of environmental legal requirements placed on organisations, which
are often complex both individually and collectively. In the regulators view, consistent and
continuing management of environmental impacts requires a structured approach, such as
that provided by an EMS. A number of academic studies have indicated that an EMS does
not in itself guarantee legal compliance and good environmental performance. The regulatory
approach to any organisation will always be informed by the observed standards of
environmental protection and management, including the results of environmental and
compliance monitoring, permit breaches, incidents and complaints from the public.

Environmental Management Programme (EMP)

Section 39(3) of the MPRDA provides that the environmental management programme and
environmental management plan must inter alia include:

A baseline assessment of the relevant mining area;

An assessment of the environmental, socio-economic and heritage impact of the
mining operations;
An environmental awareness plan and describe the manner in which the applicant
intends to deal with the action, activity or process which causes pollution or
environmental degradation in order to contain or remedy the cause of pollution or
degradation and migration of pollutants; and
Compliance with any prescribed waste standard or management standards or

The requirements of an EMP in terms of Regulation 51 of the MPRDA Regulations GN

R527 are summarised in
Box 9-3. The need for other approaches may be necessitated if the scope of the project, its
location in a sensitive area or requirements of associated infrastructure developments
dictates modification of the content outlines in the EMP guidelines.


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide


Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts

Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)

Under the current legislative framework it is necessary to apply to the Department of

Environmental Affairs and Tourism for approval for activities that might have a substantial
detrimental effect on the environment. This is now regulated by NEMA and the NEMA EIA
Regulations GN R385, GN R386 and GN R386. These incorporate scheduled processes
under the Atmospheric Pollution Prevention Act 45 of 1965 and other legislation governing the
release of emissions, pollution, effluent or waste such as the Environment Conservation Act
73 of 1989 and the National Water Act 36 of 1998.
The more specific requirements regarding public participation and advertising of the
environmental assessment process is also now regulated by NEMA and the NEMA EIA
Regulations GN R385, GN R386 and GN R386. This approach is routinely incorporated in the
scope of EMP investigations by responsible mining proponents and consultants.

Standard Environmental Management Programme (SEMP)

Situations have been identified where the nature of the activity-specific circumstances and
predictable magnitude of the impacts require a slightly different approach from the established
EMP procedure.
Specific management guidelines have been established and defined by the regulating
authorities as a Standard Environmental Management Programme (SEMP) for the following
operations with limitations outlined:

SEMP for crushing operations at waste rock dumps (Appendix 9.1): May not be used if
river diversions are required or sensitive environments are impacted;

SEMP for the mining of sand from a river, stream, dam or pan (Appendix 9.2): Not
applicable when mining in an area of tidal influence, sensitive environments or any other
area as determined by the Director: Mineral Development;

SEMP for prospecting (Appendix 9.3): May not be used for bulk sampling >125m3 or area
more than 25m2, prospecting in the sea or if a river diversion is planned or in
sensitive/designated/demarcated areas or features; and

SEMP for provincial administrations and SA Roads Board (Appendix 9.4): Applies
specifically to borrow pits for road base or aggregate for road building purposes.


Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA)

Another approach is that of Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) which does not have
any legal status or formal legislated context but is a pro-active management tool that can be
used by the decision-maker, government or proponent, equally at a policy level or even at an
early stage in the project planning level.
The application of SEA is at a level where the outcome of the investigation could influence
policy or programmes at the level of provincial or local government.


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts

The relevance of a particular land use such as mining from a land use-, town- and regional
planning perspective could be investigated as part of Land Development Objectives (LDOs)
or Integrated Development Plans (IDPs). In this context SEA could be implemented to test
whether the proposed development compliments or clashes with the environmental-, socialand economic sustainability of the community where it is proposed. The suitability of heavy
mineral sand mining at Wavecrest on the Eastern Cape Wild Coast was addressed initially
following generic SEA guidelines (Coastal and Environmental Services, 2000). This approach
was not registered through the Department of Minerals and Energy and thus has no official
status although the findings can be applied in an EIA project or EMPR compilation at a later

Scope of Environmental Assessment Criteria

Environmental Management Programme (EMP)






The description of the pre-mining environment uses categories outlined in the old AideMmoire and listed below. The new MPRDA has not replaced the old Aide-Memoire and thus
references to it have been included in this chapter. There is a danger that consultants will only
address these factors and ignore other potentially damaging aspects such as impacts related
specifically to prospecting or residue and waste disposal. The success of rehabilitation in the
event that a mine defaults or closes prematurely rests on the provision of funds for
rehabilitation and the accuracy of the calculation of the quantum of funding required to
implement the rehabilitation programme. This aspect is not specified in sufficient detail by the
Aide-Mmoire guidelines. Although somewhat prescriptive, the guidelines are only a
framework and can be modified to accommodate developments across the spectrum of
The Aide-Memoire Guidelines are applicable to EMPRs compiled in terms of the Minerals Act
50 of 1991. There are currently no similar guidelines that have been compiled under the
MPRDA that are applicable to EMPRs and environmental impacts assessments. While not a
legal requirement, the Aide-Memoire Guidelines can still be referred to for information
purposes taking into account the requirements of the new legislation.
In terms of section 39(1) of the MPRDA, applicants for mining rights are required to conduct
an environmental impact assessment (EIA) and submit an environmental management
programme within 180 days of the date on which they are notified by the Regional Manager to
do so. An EIA includes the compilation of a scoping report and an environmental impact
assessment report (EIAR) (Regulation 48 of the MPRDA Regulations GN R527). The
requirements for a scoping report, Environmental Impact Assessment Report (EIAR) and an
Environmental Management Programme are summarised in Box 9-1, Box 9-2 and Box 9-3.
In terms of section 39(2) of the MPRDA, applicants for reconnaissance permissions,
prospecting rights or mining permits are required to submit an Environmental Management
Plan (EMP) as prescribed. The Environmental Management Plan must be submitted to the
relevant Regional Manager within 60 days of being notified by the Regional Manager to do so
(Regulation 52(1) of the MPRDA Regulations GN R527). The requirements for an
Environmental Management Plan are summarised in Box 9-4.


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts

Box 9-1: Requirements for a Scoping Report

In terms of Regulation 49(1) of the MPRDA Regulations GN 527, as scoping report should
include the following information:

A description of the methodology applied to conduct scoping;

A description of the existing status of the environment prior to the mining operation;

Identification and description of the anticipated environmental, social and cultural

impacts, including the cumulative effects, where applicable;

Identification and description of reasonable land use or development alternatives to

the proposed operation, alternative means of carrying out the proposed operation and
the consequences of not proceeding with the proposed operation;

A description of the most appropriate procedure to plan and develop the proposed
mining operation;

A description of the process of engagement of identified interested and affected

persons, including their views and concerns; and

A description of the nature and extent of further investigations required in the

environmental impact assessment report.

Box 9-2: Requirements for an Environmental Impact Assessment Report

In terms of Regulation 50(1) of the MPRDA Regulations GN R527, an EIAR should include
the following information:

an assessment of the environment likely to be affected by the proposed mining

operation, including cumulative environmental impacts;

an assessment of the environment likely to be affected by the identified alternative

land use or developments, including cumulative environmental impacts;

an assessment of the nature, extent, duration, probability and significance of the

identified potential environmental, social and cultural impacts of the proposed mining
operation, including the cumulative environmental impacts;

a comparative assessment of the identified land use and development alternatives

and their potential environmental, social and cultural impacts;

determine the appropriate mitigatory measures for each significant impact of the
proposed mining operation;


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts


details of the engagement process of interested and affected persons followed during
the course of the assessment and an indication of how the issues raised by interested
and affected persons have been addressed;

identify knowledge gaps and report on the adequacy of predictive methods,

underlying assumptions and uncertainties encountered in compiling the required

description of the arrangements for monitoring and management of environmental

impacts; and

inclusion of technical and supporting information as appendices, if any.

Box 9-3: Requirements for an Environmental Management Programme

In terms of Regulation 51 of the MPRDA Regulations GN R527, an Environmental
Management Programme should include the following information:


A description of the environmental objectives and specific goals for(i)

mine closure;


the management of identified environmental impacts emanating from the

proposed mining operation;


the socio-economic conditions as identified in the social and labour plan;



historical and cultural aspects, if applicable;

an outline of the implementation programme which must include (i)

a description of the appropriate technical and management options

chosen for each environmental impact, socio-economic condition and
historical and cultural aspects for each phase of the mining operation;


action plans to achieve the objectives and specific goals contemplated in

paragraph (a) which must include a time schedule of actions to be
undertaken to implement mitigatory measures for the prevention,
management and remediation of each environmental impact, socioeconomic condition and historical and cultural aspects for each phase of
the mining operation;


procedures for environmental related emergencies and remediation;


planned monitoring and environmental management programme


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts


performance assessment;


financial provision in relation to the execution of the environmental

management programme which must include(aa)

the determination of the quantum of the financial provision

contemplated in regulation 54; and


details of the method providing for financial provision contemplated

in regulation 53;

an environmental awareness plan contemplated in section 39(3)(c) of the


(vii) all supporting information and specialist reports that must be attached as
appendices to the environmental management programme; and
(viii) an undertaking by the applicant to comply with the provisions of the Act and
regulations thereto.

Box 9-4: Requirements for an Environmental Management Plan

In terms of Regulation 52(2) of the MPRDA Regulations GN R527, an Environmental
Management Plan (EMP) should include the following information:

a description of the environment likely to be affected by the proposed prospecting or

mining operation;

an assessment of the potential impacts of the proposed prospecting or mining

operation on the environment, socio-economic conditions and cultural heritage, if any;

a summary of the assessment of the significance of the potential impacts, and the
proposed mitigation and management measures to minimise adverse impacts and

financial provision which must include-


the determination of the quantum of the financial provision contemplated in

regulation 54; and


details of the method providing for the financial provision contemplated in

regulation 53;

planned monitoring and performance assessment of the environmental management



GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts


closure and environmental objectives;

a record of the public participation undertaken and the results thereof; and

an undertaking by the applicant regarding the execution of the environmental

management plan.


Phases of development during life-of-mine

The Aide-Mmoire document also prescribes assessment of environmental impacts relative to

the different phases of activity during the life-of-mine.

Construction, including the planning and implementation phases, creation of

infrastructure, mine or pit footprint, access ramps and haul roads, waste, residue and
product stockpiles, handling areas, water reticulation and electrical power;

Operation, including daily activities, mine development and expansion;

Decommissioning, including scaling down of activities ahead of temporary or

permanent closure, cessation of mining or production, implementation of rehabilitation
programme, monitoring and maintenance for prescribed period after cessation of
operations; and

Closure, including completion of rehabilitation goals, application for closure, transfer

of liability to the State and agreed post-closure monitoring or maintenance.


Assessment criteria and significance rating scales

The impacts associated with each of these phases will be specific to the mineral commodity,
environmental context, mining method, spatial and temporal aspects of the operation and
stated rehabilitation goals.
The assessment criteria must permit the reporting of both positive and negative impacts as
the environmental planning process should aim to minimise the negative impacts and
maximise the beneficial or positive aspects.
In order to adequately assess the potential impacts of any mining development the temporal
scale or duration, likelihood or degree of certainty, extent, duration, intensity or magnitude
and unmitigated significance of the impact should be assessed. The definitions outlined below
draw from those described in the EIA regulations guideline document (Department of
Environmental Affairs and Tourism, 1998) (now regulated under NEMA and the NEMA EIA
Regulations GN R385, GN R386 and GN R387 as noted above) but can be redefined or
augmented in the context of a specific environmental assessment.


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Extent or spatial scale


Impact affects the whole, or measurable part of the mining area

Site and immediate surrounds, adjacent households/village
Geographic area or municipal scale
Provincial scale or impacts across provincial borders
South Africa
Neighbouring countries with respect to shared borders or resources


Short term
Medium term
Long term

Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts

Impact will disappear with mitigation or will be mitigated through natural

processes in less than 5 years
Impact will last for 5 to 15 years whereafter it will be entirely negated
Impact will last for the entire operational life-of-mine but will be mitigated
by human intervention or natural processes thereafter
Non-transitory impacts that cannot be mitigated by man or natural

Degree of certainty/risk

This is the subjective assessment of the likelihood of an impact but can be based on
precedents from similar mining methods.

Impact will occur if the mining method is implemented (90% sure of a

particular fact)
Strong likelihood or risk of a specific impact given the environmental
context (over 70% sure of a particular fact)
Reasonable expectancy of an impact based on similar operations or
sensitivity of the environment (only 40% sure)
Uncertainty or slight risk of impact occurring (<40% sure of the


This is a relative evaluation of all activities that describe the degree of destructiveness of an
impact, whether it destroys the impacted environment or alters its functioning.
No effect

Neither systems nor parties not affected or may not be possible to

Impact alters the environment in such a way that the natural processes
or functions are not affected
Affected environment is altered but function and process continue albeit
in a modified way
Function or process of the affected environment is disturbed to the
extent that it temporarily or permanently ceases or constitutes a safety


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts


This is a subjective indication of the importance of the unmitigated impact in terms of physical
extent and time scale and indicates the level of mitigation required. This can be applied as a
qualifier to both negative and beneficial impact.


A short duration, site-specific impact of low intensity would be of low

A medium-term impact or site-specific impact and high intensity may
have a medium severity in the unmitigated state
Long-term or permanent impacts, those with regional influence or high
intensity would create highly significant impacts

Minimum levels of description detail

Unless the mining company or consultants acting on behalf of the organisation have provided
adequate and appropriate levels of detail concerning the pre-mining environmental
description, it will be impossible to accurately classify the severity/intensity of unmitigated
impacts or to draw any reasonable conclusions regarding beneficial aspects. Under these
circumstances it will be difficult for a reviewer to assess the probable impacts associated with
specific aspects of any mining development.
The minimum biophysical environmental data should be based on that which is regarded as
basic public-domain information. This level of environmental description or data represents
the essential baseline data required in order to provide a broad description of the pre-mining
environment. At the lowest level this data may be adequate for a scoping level environmental
description or to serve as the baseline from which site-specific investigations can be planned.
Dependent on the complexity and degree of disturbance of the site this generalised
information may prove adequate for some small-scale, short-lived or low-impact prospecting
or mining operations.
This level of detail is usually published by government or parastatal organisations and is
freely available or can be sourced at low cost from government department offices or off the
internet. A list of published literature or Internet-based resources that are available to the
proponent and reviewer is provided in Appendix 9.5.
This spatial data, long time-series data or species list information should be regarded as the
minimum standard and any application that does not reference this level of data as an
introduction to site-specific detail should be deemed inadequate.
Aspects of the list of Internet web sites where basic information can be obtained relatively
quickly can be relayed to mining proponents or their consultants, should the information
provided not meet minimum requirements.
It is necessary to provide site-specific and detailed information on the basis of investigations
by registered specialists in most situations where permanent or significant impacts will arise
from mining.


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide


Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts

Background information for environmental assessment categories

The EO must ensure that the full range of impacts is identified and addressed under each
environmental impact category listed below in Table 9-1. The list of environmental impact
categories is based on the categories listed in the Aide-Mmoire document. This list is not
necessarily exhaustive or applicable to all mining situations. In particular the creation of large
opencast voids or residue dumps creates an environment that must be assessed as an entity
which has impacts on many different environmental aspects. In some provinces the DME or
DWAF have compiled lists of conditions that form part of the final approval document to
ensure that all possibilities are covered in the event that the EIA/EMP document does not
adequately specify all likely impacts or reasonable mitigatory actions. In the case of lowimpact mining methods these details form part of the SEMP.
Table 9-1: Environmental assessment criteria
Assessment criteria

Relevant section

Climate and meteorology
Pre-mining land capability
Land use
Natural vegetation/plant life
Animal life
Surface water
Ground water
Air quality
Site of archaeological and cultural interest
Visual aspects
Regional socio-economic structures
Interested and affected parties

Section 9.7
Section 9.8
Section 9.9
Section 9.10
Section 9.11
Section 9.12
Section 9.13
Section 9.14
Section 9.15
Section 9.16
Section 9.17
Section 9.18
Section 9.19
Section 9.20
Section 9.21
Section 9.22

Other environmental impact criteria that must be addressed which are either not specified or
which relate to a range of these criteria but are not specifically addressed or adequately
explained in the Aide-Mmoire document are listed in Table 9-2.
Table 9-2: Other environmental assessment criteria
Assessment criteria

Relevant section

Financial provision for rehabilitation

Exploration or prospecting operations
Mine waste and residue
Mineral extraction processes

Section 9.23
Section 9.24
Section 9.25
Section 9.26

Tables outlining the influence of these environmental criteria in the context of specific mineral
commodities and commonly practiced, generic mining methods are included as Appendices
9.6.1 to 9.6.9. In each case the table lists the conceptual or theoretical background
considerations, describes a range of likely impacts associated with the Construction (C),


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts

Operational (O), Decommissioning (D) and post-mining (P) phases of generic developments
for the range of mineral commodities exploited in Gauteng. In many cases the minimum
standards or requirements for general environmental description content and sources of data
are listed in Appendix 9.5. Where there are influences between environmental categories
these are cross-referenced in the impact/mitigation tables. An indication of the range of
legislation that pertains to a specific environmental category or impact is also listed.
The introductory comments included for each of the environmental criteria outlined below
serve to compare or contrast the characteristics of some of the range of environments in the
Gauteng area.



Theoretical Considerations

In the context of mining-related environmental impacts, geology includes different types of

hard bedrock as well as unconsolidated weathering profiles and transported sediments
forming the near-surface cover or regolith. The intrinsic character of the rock, context of
mineralization or occurrence plays an important part in determining the mining method,
beneficiation technologies, amount and the nature of waste materials and geochemical risk.
Geological factors also play an important part of the risk assessment process due to the direct
influence of rock type and strength on slope stability and groundwater.
The rock structure and mineralogy determine the rock hardness and strength characteristics.
In most rock types the porosity or groundwater aquifer potential is a function of the secondary
voids created by structures cross-cutting the rock texture. These influence the weathering
potential and physical nature or stability of the weathering products that will have an impact
on the topographic situation when these rocks are mined. The specific association of some
mineral commodities with certain rock types also provides an indication of current mining hot
spots or potential future areas of development. Box 9-5 provides a summary of these
Box 9-5: Rock types and associated mineral commodities in South Africa

Quartzitic sandstones

Hard quartzitic sandstones of the Witwatersrand Supergroup, Transvaal Supergroup and

Waterberg Group are resistant to weathering and the horizontal attitude of the latter as
opposed to the steeply dipping attitude of the former determines the topographic relief
and terrain morphology of the natural outcrop.
The Witwatersrand quartzites (See Figure 9-2) contain gold, abundant pyrite and
associated uranium-bearing minerals that result in the higher natural radioactivity levels
and acid mine drainage that impacts surface and groundwater production potential than
is the case with the lithologically similar Transvaal quartzites. Both rock groups form
rugged, steep ridges with infertile soils that favour specific vegetation types.


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts


The Witwatersrand rocks must be crushed to very fine powder during beneficiation to
release the gold content, resulting in secondary problems due to the high reactivity of the
sulphur-bearing pyrite minerals that contaminate groundwater and produce acid rock
drainage (ARD). The younger Karoo Supergroup sandstones have calcitic cement that
offers some buffering potential against acid groundwaters emanating from the coal
deposits interbedded with shale and sandstone.

Figure 9-2: Quartzite of the Witwatersrand Supergroup

(Source: UCT Geology, 2000)
The resistant quartzitic or siliceous sandstones in the Witwatersrand and Transvaal
Supergroup formations are commonly interbedded with less resistant shales or phyllites
that weather preferentially and tend to underlie the lower relief areas of valleys or
lowlands. The mining of clays for brick making is commonly associated with low
topographic relief and bottomland positions where the topographic context results in a
higher potential for impact on surface water.

Archaean granites

The Archaean granites forming the broad domical area north of the Witwatersrand
Supergroup outcrop tend to be more easily weathered than the quartzites with the
resultant undulating topography and variability in soil profiles that accommodates a wider
range of agricultural practices and hence higher land capability and land use options.
This contrast is also obvious between the siliceous granitoids of the Bushveld Complex
and the mafic rocks with the latter generally being less resistant to weathering and
underlying areas of low relief. The distinctive ferro-magnesian mineral assemblage of the
mafic gabbro, norite and ultramafic rock types is readily weatherable and forms active
(swell/shrink) smectite-rich, generally calcareous soils with fine texture that is susceptible
to dust generation.


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts


Calcareous dolomites

The soluble nature of the calcareous dolomite of the Malmani Subgroup results in karstic
topography and solution cavities that form the important groundwater aquifer potential of
this rock group. The mineralogy is also reflected in the negative weathering character and
sinkhole development is characteristic of areas underlain by dolomite. The naturally hard
groundwater has a high acid buffering potential. Groundwater compartmentalisation by
diabase dykes restricts groundwater migration to some extent but can be negatively
impacted by undermining or breaking through compartment boundaries.

Figure 9-3: Archaean granites in the core of the Vredefort Dome

(Source: UCT Geology. 2000)

Figure 9-4: Calcareous dolomites of the Malmani Subgroup

(Source: South African Tours and Travels, 2008)


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide


Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts

Common Impacts

Mining operations commonly have a permanent impact on rock masses that influences the
groundwater and topography on the site and can impact post-mining slope stability. The
influence on topography can only be partially mitigated during rehabilitation. Opencast pits
intercept shallow groundwater table zones and the resulting water-make in the pit requires
pumping and storage in order to reduce inundation of active areas. Bedrock geology
influences the nature and thickness of the weathered zone and soil type, texture and
thickness. Apart from specific rock types or outcrops which are of scientific interest or cultural
significance, the direct impact of mining on geology is seldom highly significant unless the
long-term effects on groundwater or topography have important ramifications.
In most excavations or underground mines the stability of the rock mass is determined by the
three-dimensional orientation and spacing of joint planes, shear zones or faults and fracture
planes and their intersection with the natural structural grain of the rock or landforms.
Accurate description of these structural features is necessary in order to define the
geotechnical stability of steep or high slopes or highwalls.

Data Requirements

The most basic geological data takes the form of maps showing the surficial or sub-outcrop
extent of rock units or mineral commodities and is published on regional scales (1:1 000 000
or 1:250 000). For large-scale development or those targeting high value commodities larger
scale maps should be provided. Cross-sections or three-dimensional mapping are commonly
used to portray the form and extent of the rock strata or mineralized zones. Geological
mapping is usually supported by drilling of a grid of boreholes yielding rock chips or rock core.
Regional geophysical data includes gravity surveys, shallow seismic profiling, ground- or
airborne resistivity or radiometric mapping, and borehole geophysical logs. Surface sampling
on a grid pattern or from trenched profiles is used for geochemical analysis of major oxides
and trace elements (Chapter 5).

Climate or meteorology


Theoretical Considerations

The climatic context of any proposed mining operation has a direct bearing on the volumes of
storm water runoff that must be accommodated through design of stormwater diversion berms
to separate clean and contaminated water systems, flood attenuation dams, the holding
capacity of pollution control dams and the form of residue disposal structures. Long-term daily
rainfall records form the basis of accurate assessment of the catchment hydrology, runoff and
shallow groundwater baseflow characteristics of small catchments. Accurate rainfall and
evaporation data are essential for the calculation of the water balance model for a mining
Legal constraints on the location of infrastructure close to watercourses are also determined
by extreme storm events of 1:50 to 1:100 year return frequency. The rainfall deficit caused by
seasonally high evaporation rates influences the design capacity of polluted water control
structures and slimes dams. The seasonal distribution of rainfall determines when dust
suppression activities are most necessary. Wind and temperature data are critical for
determining the most likely distribution pattern of nuisance or fugitive dust plumes or


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts

potentially harmful gaseous or radiogenic emissions. Temperature inversion effects must be

ascertained for the design of emission standards and structures. This is important from the
point of trapping of smoke emissions or exacerbating natural morning mist or fog in valley
bottoms and the impact this will have on adjacent roads or aircraft flight paths.

Data Requirements

Climatic data is readily available from the South African Weather Bureau or has been
compiled in less detail for other uses such as characterisation of surface water resources
(Midgley et al., 1994a & b). The appendices presented in these reports group rainfall stations
in Quaternary sub-catchments and provide a concise reference source of monthly and longterm average rainfall data. Evaporation data is presented for zones where climatic conditions
are similar. Apart from long-term data measured at stations across the country there is a high
density of shorter term records available from farms or other less formal stations.



Theoretical Considerations

Topography is controlled to a large extent by the strength characteristics of bedrock and the
age and weathering history of land surfaces of various ages. The presence of thick kaolinitic
clay deposits on the East and West Rand areas owes its origin to the effect of weathering
over many millions of years of the Karoo Supergroup shales, Witwatersrand Supergroup
shales/phyllites, or granite bedrock. The low relief and undulating topography of the areas
north of the quartzite ridges are underlain by relatively homogeneous granitoids that weather

Common Impacts

High relief or steep slopes can influence local rainfall and wind patterns, creating rain shadow
effects that result in sharp rainfall gradients that cannot be adequately characterised by
records from nearby or remote stations. Terrain morphology plays a critical role in defining the
visual envelope of mining developments and can either reduce or enhance visual impact. The
flow paths of surface water must be accurately ascertained to reduce the negative effects of
concentration that results in flooding or reduction of the natural runoff contribution to sensitive
wetland environments. Rehabilitation should strive to replicate the pre-mining topography,
wherever possible, or at least not to increase overall slope gradients without emplacement of
adequately designed erosion control or runoff diversion structures.
Large opencast mines have a permanent impact on slope form and surface drainage,
although the significance differs in respect to position on the slope and the proportion of
extracted waste material available as backfill during rehabilitation. Aggregate quarries cannot
be completely refilled and form permanent depressions that must be accommodated through
imaginative utilisation during the post-closure period. Near-surface coal mining resulting in
subsidence can alter the drainage of large areas and capture surface runoff. Similarly, miningrelated sinkholes in undermined dolomite areas, small adits or shafts can divert clean surface
runoff into contaminated groundwater environments of underground voids.


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide


Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts

Mitigation and rehabilitation

The focus of topographic rehabilitation must consider the above scenarios which may not be
obvious at the time of mine planning and must be addressed as the mine develops and the
EMP must be reviewed periodically for continued relevance in the light of changed mine path
or long-term plans. Topographic rehabilitation includes the closure of surface openings and
underground mine voids which is described in Box 9-6 and Box 9-7.

Box 9-6: Topographic Rehabilitation - Closure of Surface Openings

Surface openings as a result of mining may be divided into three groups, viz. old mine
shafts, open pits and collapse features where old mine voids open at the surface. These
all have a number of impacts. The first and most obvious is the safety aspect of open
holes in the environment. Small openings may be particularly dangerous as they are
easily hidden by vegetation. Studies in the Witwatersrand have found areas where
stoping from below extended from great depths to within a few metres of the surface.
Where these openings have collapsed, they represent a significant hazard.
Secondly, surface openings may provide pathways through which contaminated water
from underground voids may decant to surface, polluting rivers and streams.
Finally, they may act as ingress points, channelling water into active mine voids, limiting
the economic viability of marginal mines and/or contaminating surface water which could
otherwise be utilised.
It is therefore prudent that all surface openings be closed, using appropriate fill materials.
Fill materials should be selected such that the fill material does not create its own
environmental hazard. For example, chemically leachable and acid-producing tailings,
although they are in abundant supply, may not be suitable materials for infilling.


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts

Box 9-7: Closure of Underground Mine Voids

Mining voids are expected to all close over time. Some areas may take days or weeks
and some may take centuries depending on depth and geotechnical conditions.
Underground gold workings generally close at depths due to the extreme pressure on the
rock. The shallower workings get, the less the pressure and the less likely they are to
close quickly. Where ore bodies are more vertical closure is also slower.
Some mines deposit tailings underground which aids in keeping workings open and in
getting rid of tailings. It is not possible to place all tailings underground as the bulk density
has generally been increased due to the crushing and milling which has occurred.
Water ingresses into almost all mines to a greater or lesser extent. This needs to be
removed to have access to workings and for safety.


Dewatering can refer to actions where the inflow to the mine is reduced by removing
water that is in storage in dolomites. Once compartments are dewatered there is a
continuous inflow. It can also refer to the emptying of previously flooded mine workings.
Dewatering is achieved when pumping rate equals the recharge rate
The advantage of dewatering is that under steady state conditions the water inflow to the
mines is controlled and predictable and sudden catastrophic inflows are unlikely to occur.


Backfilling is practised by some mines, it is advantageous in increasing the stability and

hence the safety of a mines, helping to improve air flows and cooling in active areas.
Backfilling reduces the open volume underground. Sometimes only the coarser fraction of
tailings is placed underground and sometimes the whole tailings stream can be used.
Backfilling with waste rock also reduces the degree of surface disturbance from waste
storage facilities.


Data Requirements

Topographic information is available from topocadastral maps at various scales from

1:1 000 000 to 1:50 000, digital elevation data (Appendix 9.5) or can be measured in detail for
small-scale developments by site-specific topographic surveys. Without adequate topographic
control it is not possible to plan mine developments precisely, ascertain slope gradients for
storm water control or model catchment hydrology. The most detailed topographic information
readily available at low cost is the 1:10 000 orthophoto map series that represents terrain
form with 5 m contour intervals (Appendix 9.5). However, this is seldom adequate for detailed
assessment of runoff flow paths or for positioning runoff control structures.


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide


Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts


9.10.1. Theoretical Considerations

The thickness, texture and nature of soil cover are strongly related to bedrock type and terrain
morphology. The Minerals Act defines topsoil as the upper 0.5 m whereas, in reality, many
shallow soils have much thinner topsoils where organic enrichment and biogenic activity is
critical to sustain plant and animal life. Excavation and stockpiling of a thicker layer during site
preparation results in dilution of the highly fertile organic component.
The fertility of soil must be accurately assessed in order to design post-rehabilitation
treatments that will restore the nutrient status of stockpiled topsoil. Sandy soils with low clay
contents of predominantly kaolinitic or micaceous fines have low nutrient status relative to
heavy, smectitic clay-rich soils formed from in situ weathering of mafic bedrock. Both soil
types are highly erodible and topsoil stockpiles must be designed to counter this erosion. The
rainfall intensity and erosion potential of the topsoil and overburden materials must be
considered in the design of stormwater control structures and stable gradients for residue
deposits. Choice of the correct texture of soil material for use in capping and sealing waste
deposits is critical to exclude air that can cause oxidation of fine rock waste or combustion of
waste coal residue.
9.10.2. Common Impacts
The impact of mining on soils relates mainly to the excavation and stockpiling of the soil
profile ahead of mining or infrastructure developments and restoration to the modified or
levelled terrain during rehabilitation. Other impacts on in situ and stockpiled soil include
erosion by concentrated stormwater runoff, compaction and contamination by infiltrating
runoff or leachate. The footprint beneath many old tailings and coarse residue dams and
dumps is commonly highly polluted by heavy metals and trace elements. Unless rehabilitated
soils are correctly restored and prepared, this can become a long-lived impact that does not
support future sustainable development.
9.10.3. Mitigation and Rehabilitation
Although soil cover can be restored to most mine sites during rehabilitation, the thickness,
structure and horizonation of the restored profile seldom replicates the original profile. To
ensure long-term stability, the restored soil cover should attempt to mimic the pre-mining
distribution of soil texture and thickness. Unless slope drainage conditions are similar to the
pre-mining environment, the nature and functioning of soil processes in some restored
materials may not approximate the pre-mining situation.
Topsoil, leaf and plant litter as well as subsoil must be stockpiled separately in low heaps.
Microbial activity, seed viability and soil fertility are adversely affected by long periods of
stockpiling when high temperatures can be generated in thick deposits, therefore the topsoil
should be restored as soon as possible. An alternative is to turn or aerate the stockpiled
topsoil regularly or plant legume crops that can restore some fertility to the soil.
Soil removal creates permanent impacts that can be mitigated through restoration of soil
cover, although the significance of the impact remains high. This is most apparent in steep
rocky slopes where there is thin soil cover of limited areal extent which is seldom removed


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts

and stockpiled ahead of mining. However, rocky post-mining slopes can usually be
rehabilitated with fine waste rock or tailings to provide the ecological niche provided by the
thin patchy lithosol (rocky soil). Subsoil, fine overburden, crusher dust or fine aggregate can
often be substituted for soil provided that organic matter and nutrients are added. The
Chamber of Mines (1996) guidelines for residue dump rehabilitation state that the thickness of
restored soil cover will dictate the possible post-closure land-use options. For arable land 0.75
m of topsoil must be restored, and for grazing use a minimum of 0.35 m topsoil. Thin topsoil
cover on steep dump slopes reduces the use options of the rehabilitated surfaces.
9.10.4. Data Requirements
Adequate characterization of the natural soil catena (downslope change in relation to slope
and drainage) through detailed mapping, soil classification and profile descriptions is
necessary to provide the background data required for restoration of ecological gradients and
surface drainage characteristics during rehabilitation. This data is available as regional land
type mapping and terrain unit soil inventories (see Appendix 9.5 for URL).
Design of contour banks or terraces intended to slow or divert surface runoff and reduce soil
erosion on slopes requires calculation on the basis of slope gradient, soil type and rainfall
conditions. Erosion control structures are provided in the soil conservation primer by Matthee
and Van Schalkwyk (1984).

Pre-mining land capability

9.11.1. Theoretical Considerations

A combination of terrain form, soil types and thickness, slope gradients, rainfall and surface
water hydrology, in association with broad agricultural potential, socio-economic and
development planning criteria, define the land capability of an area.
9.11.2. Common Impacts
Mining is a destructive land use option that has a permanent effect on the site and
surrounding land capability options of varying intensity and significance. Subdivision of land
and restoration to a non-natural condition by rehabilitation may not sustain pre-mining land
capability during the post-mining period. Even where the proposed mining area is small, the
cumulative impact when seen in the context of other operations or long-term mining
development can reduce sustainable land-use options.
9.11.3. Data Requirements
In general, land capability must be assessed at an early stage in the planning process
through consultation with provincial and local government agencies responsible for Integrated
Development Plans (IDP) or policy frameworks. The assessment of land capability is
important from the point of view of the Conservation of Agricultural Resources Act 43 of 1983
(section 2(1)) and the amended activities listed under Section 21 of the Environment
Conservation Act, 1989 which refer to the disturbance of virgin soil or ground respectively.
Section 2 of the latter legislation also restricts the change of land use associated with
agricultural- or nature-conservation- zoned land.


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide


Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts

Land use

This aspect is very similar to the broad concept of land capability. Land use in urban and periurban areas may be zoned as part of a development framework outlined in the Integrated
Development Plan (IDP). Change in land use requires an environmental planning process in
terms of the NEMA EIA regulations or registration in terms of the Conservation of Agricultural
Resources Act 43 of 1983. Post-mining land-use options must be assessed as part of the
range of alternatives presented in the EMPR document and must be assessed by the review
authorities relative to development priority frameworks or environmental conservation
potential or goals.

Natural vegetation/plant life

9.13.1. Theoretical Considerations

Indigenous vegetation patterns and biodiversity have been altered through long-term
disturbance in agricultural and developed urban areas and by invasion of alien plants that
compete for nutrients and water. Specialised vegetation types are commonly associated with
relatively undisturbed areas of shallow, rocky soils or steep slopes where they have evolved
to cope with low nutrient status and high drought stress levels. Rocky areas are commonly
sites of higher biodiversity than the surrounding land as the outcrop offers some protection
against fire and extreme cold or winds.
The conservation status of any vegetation type must be assessed relative to the extent of
undisturbed areas of this vegetation type in the surrounding area in order to reduce the
possibility of cumulative impacts. Regional vegetation characterization and mapping provides
only general detail concerning species diversity and site-specific investigations are necessary
in most cases. Certain vegetation types have been afforded legal protection status if they
contain Protected, Rare, Threatened or Endangered Red Data species. These plants are
often found only in small populations and will be missed if only superficial site investigations
are undertaken.
The quartzite ridge environments of Gauteng enjoy special protection status. Riparian zone
vegetation performs a critical function in maintaining riverbank stability and must not be
impacted. The Highveld grasslands are a highly impacted vegetation type and the small size
and fragmented nature of relatively intact or well-preserved areas must be considered from
the point of view of further cumulative effects.
9.13.2. Mitigation and restoration
Rehabilitation should strive to restore indigenous vegetation using locally sourced species
and specimens, if possible. Monitoring and management during the life of a mine is critical to
ensure that undisturbed areas are not impacted by the mining activities that disturb adjacent
land and that plants from these areas are not illegally removed and utilised. It is necessary to
distinguish between rehabilitation and restoration, the latter striving to restore ecosystem
functioning rather than merely replacing plants to replicate the pre-mining environment. Revegetation using diverse grass cover is commonly utilised and the choice of whether to use
sod strips, hand sow-grass, hydroseed or create patches of climax grass species with
speedlings, will be dictated by the size of the area, slope aspect and gradients and cost.


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts

Mixtures of species including stoloniferous and bunch grasses vary according to climate and
site-specific advice is necessary before deciding on which species to use. In every case the
success of revegetation will depend on soil preparation, correct liming and fertilisation,
preferably using organic fertilisers, mulching, irrigation, maintenance fertilisation and
supplementary seeding where necessary.
Vegetation of residue deposits to prevent water and wind erosion, thereby reducing wetland
sedimentation and nuisance dust levels has received much publicity in Gauteng. A handbook
published by the Chamber of Mines (1979) provides comprehensive information on
revegetation of gold mine slimes and sand residues and coal wastes. Information is provided
on the salinity levels, pH, fertility, liming and fertilisation, cropping and erosion control for a
range of residue types. Revegetation is site and residue specific, therefore it is necessary for
a mine to establish re-vegetation trials early during the operational phase to ensure that
rehabilitation procedures are well established by the decommissioning phase.

Animal life

The focus of conservation efforts and planning in

reptiles, amphibians and invertebrates in favour of
relatively inaccessible areas or conserved land,
industrial, road and housing construction and
populations and restricted habitats.

mining areas should not ignore birds,

small and large mammals. Apart from
the long-term impacts of agriculture,
over-utilisation have reduced animal

The focus of assessment of the impact of mining developments should place the pre-mining
populations or conditions in the context of historical data and regional conservation areas.
The description of pre-mining animal populations is inadequate if there is no outline of the
habitat requirements of each species and identification of critical migration routes that link
populations, different feeding areas or access to water. Developments such as raised roads
often create significant obstacles to migration of some species and traffic road kill can
compound the effects of habitat reduction or population isolation significantly. Establishing
whether a development will impact rare or threatened populations, by destroying habitat,
restricting movement between populations, reducing breeding success, or whether it will
create a cumulative impact relative to other developments or over time, are the key questions
to be answered by the environmental description and interpretation of likely impact status.

Surface water

9.15.1. Theoretical Considerations

The sphere of management and protection of water resources in the mining environment is
the responsibility of the Department of Water Affairs and Forestry (DWAF), Water Quality
Management section. Under a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the DME and
DWAF there is co-operation and co-ordination between the departments regarding the DWAF
involvement in the evaluation of EIA/EMP. Operational guidelines (No. M5.0) have been
published (Department of Water Affairs and Forestry, 1998).
GDACE EOs should become acquainted with the classification system for mines outlined by
DWAF (See Table 9-3) and the relevant recommendation responsibilities for the purposes of
this process (see Appendix 9.5 for URL).


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts

Table 9-3: DWAF Classification system for mines


Category A

Category B

Category C

Potentially significant and/or permanent impact on water quality
including gold and coal mines, mines where pyrite occurs in the
mineral deposit and mines with extractive metallurgical
Mines with potentially significant and/or permanent impact only
on other aspects of the water environment, e.g. yield, river
dynamics, riparian rights.
Either big mines with no significant impact and zero impact on
water quality/quantity commitments and small/low-impact mines
or prospecting operations using a Standard Environmental
Management Programme (SEMP).

9.15.2. Common Impacts

All developments impact surface water through modification of infiltration rates by increasing
the extent of hardened surfaces. Apart from reducing natural recharge to the shallow and
deep groundwater zones, the increased runoff and altered storm hydrograph will also impact
areas downstream or downslope where the flow is concentrated. Destabilisation of
watercourses due to increased flow causes erosion and change in channel character or
dimensions, destroys riparian vegetation, raises the floodplain water table, alters bed
roughness and causes eroded sediment to be deposited downstream. Any change in
sediment type or water depth can result in significant changes in the vegetation type and
growth form within the channel that will impact the flow of floodwaters and probably cause
more regular overbank flooding. River diversions also change the overall gradient and
therefore the flow rates and impact flood discharge and erosion/sedimentation patterns at the
site and downstream. Abstraction or discharge of water for use in the mining environment and
creation of water storage dams must be assessed in terms of the DWAF requirements for
Stream Flow Reduction Activities (SFRA) under the water licensing policy framework.
The converse is also true of areas where pollution control dams are created or where surface
water is dammed for industrial use. The resultant degradation of the channel through invasion
by different vegetation types will increase the flood risk and erosion potential of irregular flood
9.15.3. Mitigation and Restoration
Comprehensive manuals outlining mine water treatment and management, including surface
water from the storm water runoff and residue deposits, underground water, groundwater,
water reclamation and water and salt balances have been published by the DWAF as their
best practise guidelines BPGs and are summarised in Table 9-4 and described in Box 9-8.
These documents review current water management and treatment practices, and sources of
contaminants including acid mine drainage, chemical and microbiological contaminants. In
addition state-of-the-art systems that can be used to define Best Available Technology Not
Entailing Excessive Cost (BATNEEC) for treatment of a range of contaminants are reviewed.
The DWAF BPGs include hierarchy (H), general (G) and activity (A) guidelines that provide
information on the sound management of water resources in mining.


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts

Table 9-4: DWAF Best Practice Guidelines for the South African Mining Industry
Pollution Prevention
Hierarchy guidelines
Minimisation of Impacts
(Deals with DWAFs water
Water Reuse and Reclamation
management hierarchy)
Water Treatment
Storm Water Management
General guidelines
(Deals with general water
Water and salt balances
management strategies,
Water Monitoring Systems
techniques and tools)
Impact Prediction
Small-scale mining
Water Management for Mine Residue Deposits
Activity guidelines
Water Management in Hydrometallurgical Plants
(Deals with specific mining
Pollution Control Dams
activities and aspects)
Water Management for Surface Mines
Water Management for Underground Mines
Note: * Guideline not yet available.
The DWAF takes a precautionary approach to managing the impacts of mining operations on
water resources. This is done through the implementation of a Resource Protection and
Waste Management Hierarchy, which is outlined in Figure 9-5. According to this hierarchy,
the ultimate aim of any water management system should be to prevent pollution.
If pollution cannot be prevented, consequent actions are taken to minimise the potential
impacts through water reuse, reclamation and treatment and if necessary, discharge and
dispose of any waste water.



Water reuse and reclamation

Water treatment



Site-specific risk based approach

Polluter pays principle

Figure 9-5: Resource Protection and Waste Management Hierarchy


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts

The BPGs are intended for use by the mining industry as input for compiling Water Use
License Applications, Environmental Management Plans (EMPs), Environmental Impact
Assessments (EIAs), Closure Plans and other documents. A brief discussion on all of the
available BPGs for water use in the mining industry is provided in Box 9-8 below.
Box 9-8: DWAF Best Practice Guidelines

BPG H1/H2: Pollution Prevention and Minimisation of Impacts

The BPG H1/H2 addresses the first and second steps of the Resource protection and
Waste Management Hierarchy illustrated in Figure 9-5. The BPGs aims to promote
pollution prevention and the minimization of potential impacts through the following

By ensuring that pollution risks and pollution prevention opportunities have been
identified, optimized and implemented during the entire life cycle of the mine;

By establishing processes that aid in identifying the remaining pollution risks and
pollution prevention opportunities in order to minimise impacts;

By defining procedures that aid in identifying and assessing pollution prevention

and impact minimisation management actions; and

By promoting a holistic approach in which all impacts are viewed across the full life
cycle of the mine.

BPG H3: Water Reuse and Reclamation

The BPG H3 was developed to encourage

the reuse and reclamation of water at mines
in order to ensure that scarce water
resources are used in an effective way that
is beneficial to the environment.
One of the ways in which water reuse and
reclamation is facilitated, is through the
development of a Water Reuse and
Reclamation Plans (WRRPs). The aims and objectives of WRRPs include the following:

To prevent pollution and deterioration in water quality;

To conserve water resources by reducing consumption and minimising losses;
To maximise water reuse opportunities; and
To ensure the sustainability of water usage across the mines life cycle.


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts


BPG H4: Water Treatment

The BPG H4 aims to facilitate the choice of
methodologies that are used to identify
water treatment priorities and the choice of
which water treatment technology to
employ. The guideline should be used in
combination with BPG G3 (Water and Salt
Balances) as to determine whether water
treatment is necessary.

Key considerations that should be taken into account during the selection, design and
implementation of water treatment options include the following:

Areas or streams to be treated in terms of water quantity and quality;

Requirements of the water user with regard to water quality;
Desirable future situation to be achieved after water treatment;
Water treatment requirements with regard to flow patterns and volumes, as well as
the key constituents of concern;
Waste streams in terms of quantity and quality;
Operational, maintenance and funding requirements;
Consequences of failure or incomplete functioning of water treatment;
Sustainability of the water treatment plant over the mines life cycle; and the
Performance of the identified water treatment technology.
BPG G1: Storm Water Management

The objectives of the BPG G1 are to aid in the drafting of Integrated Water and Waste
Management Plans (IWWMPs) and more specifically, Storm Water Management Plans
(SWMPs). A SWMP aims to address all impacts of the mines operation on the
hydrological cycle and vice versa, during the entire life cycle of the mine. The SWMP is
base on four main principles, which are:
- PRINCIPLE 1: Keep water clean;
- PRINCIPLE 2: Collect and contain dirty
- PRINCIPLE 3: Sustainability over mine
life cycle; and
regulations and stakeholders.


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts


BPG G2: Water and Salt Balances

The BPG G2 is aimed at guiding the

development of Water and Salt Balances at
mines. These Water and Salt Balances
provide information that helps mines to
identify and quantify potential points of
pollution, high water consumption, seepage
and leakage. Water and Salt Balances further
facilitate the development of effective water
management strategies, thereby reducing the
potential risks that mining operations pose to
human and environmental health.
Water and Salt Balances are developed according to several procedural and technical
principles. The technical principles that should be taken into account during the
development of Water and Salt Balances are explained in detail in the guideline itself.
Some of the procedural principles include:

Definition of clear objectives catering for current and future situations;

Division of large complex mines into smaller management units;
Development of standard formats and procedures in order to facilitate the
exchange of information between management units;
Regular updating of balances; and
Ensuring flexibility of the balance.
BPG G3: Water Monitoring Systems

The BPG G3 is aimed at assisting the

design, implementation, interpretation and
management of Water Monitoring Systems.
These monitoring systems form an integral
part of any environmental management
initiative in that it facilitates the:

Development of EMPs and Water Management Plans (WMPs);

Generation of baseline and background data before the project is implemented;
Identification of the sources and extent of pollution;
Control of water consumption costs and the maximization of water reuse;
Planning for water management during the decommissioning and closure phases
of the mine;
Identification and design of water treatment technologies;


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts



Control of water treatment and process plants;

Compliance monitoring of ISO 14000, relevant standards and legislation; and the
Assessment of potential environmental impacts on water resources.

The BPG G3 should be consulted at the onset of any Water Monitoring System in order
to ensure that the system will function effectively and that the correct monitoring tools will
be used.

BPG A3: Water Management in Hydrometallurgical Plants

The BPG A3 was developed with specific reference to hydrometallurgical processing

plants at mines. Here the raw ore from the mine is converted to saleable products. Other
outputs of these plants include solid waste and liquid effluent. The hydrometallurgical
processing plant requires large amounts of water and is therefore identified as a key
priority for water management at a mine.
The BPG A3 addresses the water
hydrometallurgical processing plant only.
The water management requirements of the
broader mining environment should be
determined with close consideration of the
hierarchy and general guidelines.

BPG A4: Pollution Control Dams

The BPG A4 was developed in order to ensure the effective design and management
Pollution Control Dams (PCDs) at mines. A mine can have several different PCDs,
including process water dams, stormwater dams, evaporation dams, excess mine water
dams and natural pans. PCDs are aimed at minimising potential impacts of polluted water
on clean water resources at the mine and in the surrounding areas, by capturing the dirty
water and redistributing it to water treatment plants for recycling and reuse.
PCDs are therefore integral components to
the water management system at the mine.
The design, successful operation and
closure of PCDs has to be undertaken with
close consideration to the following:


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts



In cases of uncertainty regarding the quality of the water to be stored in the PCD,
worst-case conservative assumption should be made;
PCDs should be designed, located and operated to ensure maximum opportunity
for the reuse and reclamation of water, and to minimize potential negative impacts
on water resources;
Designs should adhere to all applicable national legislation and aim to fulfill the
requirements of generally accepted standards;
The design and planning of PCDs should be done by suitably qualified personnel;
The design of the PCD should follow a holistic approach that considers
sustainability, the full life cycle of the PCD, water quantity, water quality, surface
water and groundwater.

The BPG A4 addresses the water management requirements of the PCD only. The water
management requirements of the broader mining environment should be determined with
close consideration of the hierarchy and general guidelines.

Another comprehensive manual concerning the assessment and management of the impact
of gold mining operations on the surface water environment (Pulles et al., 1996) provides a
flow chart which outlines the processes of data collection and assessment, water and salt
balance calculation, impact assessment and management strategies (Appendix 9.8).
The reports on site visits to mines (many of the examples being from the Gauteng area)
described in Pulles et al. (1995b), provide valuable schematic outlines of the underground
and surface water reticulation systems and water quality data that could be used as the basis
for compiling the water balance diagrams required by the EMPR document.
The Water Quality Management Series operational guidelines include the checklist used by
DWAF officials to assess the EMP against the impacts and mitigatory measures described for
the construction, operational, decommissioning and post-closure phases. The focus is on the
Impact Assessment Management Plan for water pollution prevention, storm water
management, groundwater management and minimisation and re-use of mine water as well
as the monitoring system. Other aspects addressed are the residual impact on the water
environment, financial provision and residual risk (see Appendix 9.5 or URL).
The GDACE EO should review the surface- and groundwater-related aspects of the EMP
from basic principles and be in a position to ensure that the design, implementation,
monitoring, maintenance and reporting mechanisms can be integrated holistically with the
other aspects of the EMP. The Chamber of Mines (1996) guidelines on the engineering
design, operation and closure of residue deposits provide generalised detail of typical residue
characteristics and schematic diagrams of residue dam, impoundment and paddock dam
design and development (Appendix 9.7). Where necessary, there should be communication
with the DWAF reviewer to ensure that the document meets the requirements of all review


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts

9.15.4. Data Requirements

All of the abovementioned factors must be addressed in the EMP. The Minerals Act 50 of
1991 and Regulations include some sections and clauses designed to restrict activities in
river channels and floodplains and the diversion of river courses. The National Water Act 36
of 1998 has provided regulations that require the monitoring, measurement and recording of
water use, protect a water resource or in-stream and riparian habitat and prescribe the
treatment of water and quality of water discharged into any system. The use of water in
mining and related activities was the focus of regulations published in Government Notice No.
704 under the National Water Act 36 of 1998. These regulations are aimed specifically at
mining and were published by the Department of Water Affairs as their experience of the EMP
process had shown some flaws and it was not always appropriate or possible to enforce the
requirements of the National Water Act 36 of 1998 through the Minerals Act 50 of 1991 where
the Department of Minerals and Energy (DME) is the lead agent. A guideline document
published by the Department of Water Affairs and Forestry (2000) entitled, Operational
Guideline No. M6.1 Guideline document for the implementation of regulations on the use of
water for mining and related activities aimed at the protection of water resources. Second
edition, provides explanations of each regulation in Government Notice No. 704 (see
Appendix 9.5 for URL). Interpretation of the G.N. No. 704 Regulations concerning water in
mining is aided considerably by the discussion and examples quoted in the document.
The success of planning of mine water storage, use, reticulation and disposal is dependent to
a large degree on the level of detail that is contained in the mine water balance calculation. It
is necessary to incorporate precipitation, runoff, evaporation and model catchment
contributions accurately, incorporating temperature, wind, slope, vegetation and abstraction
data. Unless the volumes have been characterised accurately it is not possible to design dam
capacity to meet the operating volume during extreme rainfall contributions and maintain
freeboard as stipulated by regulations.
The accurate delineation of the 1:100 year flood-line by a suitably qualified hydrologist or
engineer (who can be held responsible for the calculation) is critical to the implementation of
several regulations in both the Minerals Act 50 of 1991 and the National Water Act 36 of 1998
(NWA, regulation 4). The capacity requirement and the operating levels and minimum
freeboard of clean and dirty water systems or pollution control dams is another area where
the regulations stipulate design and construction supervision by a suitably qualified person
(regulation 6).
It is critical that the mine planning process and environmental planning also link with the other
requirements of the National Water Act 36 of 1998 in terms of water use licensing or
exemption from the GN704 regulations.
It is necessary in terms of the Environment Conservation Act, 1989 to conduct scoping and
EIA investigations for any dams, weirs, levees, river diversions, canal or channels or water
transfer schemes. This is now regulated under the NEMA and the NEMA EIA Regulations GN
R385, GN R386 and GN R387. Water use including storage, discharge, disposal, diversion or
altering watercourses or stream flow reduction activities all require a licence from DWAF
which is issued subject to the necessary investigations concerning resource quality objectives
and the ecological and basic human need reserve requirements.


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide


Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts


9.16.1. Theoretical Considerations

The sphere of mining use or impacts on the groundwater environment is the responsibility of
DWAF and is addressed through the review process undertaken by officials from DWAF. The
departmental policy and strategy are outlined in the Water Quality: Waste Management
Subseries document W.1.0 Policy and strategy for groundwater quality management in South
Africa (2000). The impact of mining on groundwater is one of the considerations assessed
during the EMP review process described above. This is assessed relative to the
Groundwater Quality Management Strategy guidelines pertaining to abstraction control,
impact permitting, aquifer management and impact management as well as remediation
strategies for mines and disposal sites.
For the purposes of groundwater quality management, DWAF (1998) recognises five different
categories of aquifer class, as summarised in Table 9-5.
Table 9-5: DWAF classification of aquifer types
Sole-source aquifer
Major aquifer
Minor aquifer
Poor aquifer
Special aquifer

Used to supply 50% or more of urban domestic water with no
reasonable alternative source available
High-yield aquifer system with good quality water
Moderate-yield aquifer system of variable water quality
Low- to negligible-yield aquifer system of moderate to poor quality
Designated by the Minister of Water Affairs and Forestry

The GDACE EO must understand the nature of the groundwater regime in the mining
environment under consideration. This requires knowledge of the geology, bedrock and
unconsolidated surficial deposits, the nature of the groundwater zone and the aquifer-type
and aquifer potential and yield (Appendix 9.10). The risk of groundwater contamination
beyond the point source or mining area relates to the transmissivity and storativity of the
aquifer. A summary of the groundwater chemistry associated with different lithostratigraphic
groupings and rock types in the Gauteng region is provided in Appendix 9.9.
9.16.2. Common Impacts
Dense or hard unweathered rock is generally a poor primary aquifer. The potential to store
water is increased through secondary brittle fracturing, weathering or mineral dissolution to
create secondary void space. A combination of different rock types can generate discrete
groundwater compartments such as those within soluble dolomite confined by intersecting
sub-vertical diabase dykes, the narrow fracture zones confined by fresh, impermeable rock, or
porous horizontal strata confined above and below by impermeable strata.
Seepage at the surface is often related to a porous or fractured rock overlying a relatively
impermeable rock mass. Mine dewatering to reduce the threat of inundation by migrating
groundwater can lead to changes in the near surface environment and catastrophic surface
subsidence or sinkhole formation in dolomitic terrains. Sinkholes create conduits for clean or
potentially contaminated surface water to mix with groundwater. Draining wetlands reduces
the natural groundwater recharge. Where surface or underground mine development
intersects different aquifer types the nature and extent of contamination plumes will be

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Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts

dictated by the aquifer conditions which influence the impact mitigation or rehabilitation
techniques applied. One of the most common impacts is through borehole drilling during
prospecting and mine operation where inadequate capping or sealing of the borehole leads to
infiltration of potentially contaminated surface water leading to chemical or biological
contamination of groundwater.
9.16.3. Mitigation and Restoration
In their review process, DWAF officials take a precautionary approach to the groundwater
environment. Groundwater impacts are inevitable and DWAF will object to the approval of an
EIA/EMP under the following circumstances (DWAF, 1998):

Reduction or loss of the groundwater baseflow component necessary to sustain

sensitive surface water environments
Reduction, loss or contamination of an aquifer that does/could sustain land use and
land capability on adjacent land
Permanent loss of groundwater that will impact post-mining land use.

Best Practice guidelines are perhaps the most suitable means of ensuring that over-utilisation
and groundwater contamination risk is reduced. Land-use planning should ensure that
potentially polluting processes and facilities are placed where the aquifers are least
vulnerable. Wellhead zoning to ensure setback of potential pollution sources based on aquifer
transmission and pollutant travel times can be effective in protecting water sources. These
approaches should be reflected in the catchment management strategies of local and
provincial authorities.
Establishment of a network of monitoring boreholes placed in the mining area as well as
upslope and downslope is required as part of the monitoring programme that must be
reported to DWAF and DME in terms of any commitment to monitoring made in the EMPR.
9.16.4. Impacts on Wetlands
Commonly associated with mining is acid mine drainage (AMD) which may be particularly
devastating in hydrologically sensitive areas. The rocks associated with coal, gold or other
minerals contain sulphide minerals such as iron pyrites (fools gold), which reacts with water
and oxygen during and after mining to produce several undesirable chemicals, including
sulphuric acid and iron sulphate.
According to Working for Wetlands (2007) the acidified water also leaches out heavy metals
such as manganese, copper and zinc and becomes enriched with aluminium and these
elements can enter surface and ground water. The AMD can displace fresh groundwater in
the surrounding area and result in acidic and saline soils, making conditions unsuitable for
plant growth. This may result in a loss of wetland areas and as a result, a loss of ecological
services provided for by the wetlands.
Once started, the process of sulphide oxidation could take centuries to complete (Working for
Wetlands, 2007). Any pollution entering wetland areas (i.e. pans) may become trapped there,
accumulating over time and eventually destroying all aquatic life.


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts

The River Health Programme

The River Health Programme (RHP) was initiated by the Department of Water Affairs and
Forestry (DWAF) in 1994. The primary purpose of this programme is to serve as a source of
information regarding the overall ecological status of river ecosystems in South Africa. In
order to characterize the response of the aquatic environment to multiple disturbances, the
RHP primarily makes use of in-stream and riparian biological communities health
assessments (e.g. fish, invertebrates, vegetation). The rationale is that the integrity or health
of the biota inhabiting the river ecosystems provides a direct and integrated measure of the
health of the river as a whole.
In addition to this, the South African National Water Act 36 of 1998 (NWA) came into effect in
1998, four years after the initiation of the RHP. The importance of protecting aquatic
ecosystems is recognized by the NWA so as to maintain the full suite of goods and services
that people rely on for their livelihoods, and requires that a national aquatic ecosystem health
monitoring system be established.
The objectives of the RHP are to:

Measure, assess and report on the ecological state of aquatic ecosystems;

Detect and report on spatial and temporal trends in the ecological state of aquatic
Identify and report on emerging problems regarding aquatic ecosystems; and
Ensure that all reports provide scientifically and managerially relevant information for
national aquatic ecosystem management.
Tools to Evaluate Wetland Services

The overall goal of the wetland services evaluation tool, WET-Ecoservices, is to assist
decision makers, government officials, planners, consultants and educators in undertakinig
quick assessments of wetlands, specifically in order to reveal the ecosystem services that
they supply. This allows for more informed planning and decision making (Kotze et al., 2007).
Users of WET-EcoServices should have good general experience and training, with a
minimum of a diploma or degree in the biophysical sciences, hydrology or agriculture. Further,
they should have attended at least a basic introductory course on wetland functioning and
values and should have had at least eight weeks experience in field assessment of wetlands.
In addition, input is required from someone (e.g. a local extension worker or farmer) with
specific local knowledge of the geographical area to which WET-EcoServices is to be applied.
WET-Ecoservices is designed for palustrine wetlands. The term palustrine refers to non-tidal
wetlands dominated by emergent plants (e.g. reeds), shrubs or trees and includes a variety of
systems commonly described as marsh, floodplain, vlei or seep. WET-Ecoservices includes
the assessment of several ecosystem services which are benefits provided to people by the
ecosystem (Kotze et al., 2007). According to Howe et al. (1991) these benefits may derive
from outputs that can be consumed directly, indirect uses which arise from the functions or
attributes occurring within the ecosystem or possible future direct outputs or indirect uses.


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts

The specific purposes for which the results of the assessments are intended include the

Prioritise for the allocation of management and rehabilitation resources across a set
of wetlands (especially for large landholders such as forestry companies);
Assess potential and actual ecosystem service outcomes of wetland rehabilitation
projects by applying the assessment to with rehabilitation and without rehabilitation
situations and comparing the difference between the two situations;
Plan catchment management to determine the relative importance of individual
wetlands in a catchment context;
Flag important ecosystem services in a basic assessment or in the scoping stage of a
full Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) that would need to be considered when
assessing and planning different development options;
Educate and raise awareness (influence perceptions about the values of wetlands
and to substantiate why wetlands are important); and
Flag important ecosystem services that need to be considered when managing an
individual wetland.

It is perhaps just as important to emphasize what WET-EcoServices is not designed to do,

because users of the system must be fully aware of the limitations of the system:

Although the system assists in identifying key issues to be considered in a scoping

report, it is not designed to quantify in detail the specific level of impact of a current or
proposed development. This requires specialist input and a much more detailed
investigation than that undertaken at the rapid assessment level of this procedure;
The system is not designed to provide a single overall measure of value or
importance of a wetland, nor is it designed to quantify (in monetary or other terms)
the benefits supplied by a wetland. WET-EcoServices only goes as far as to assist in
assigning indices to these benefits for comparative purposes;
The system is not designed to assess the integrity (health) of a wetland. Although
WET-EcoServices includes a few descriptors relating to integrity in the assessment of
the biodiversity value of a wetland, integrity is dealt with very superficially and WETEcoServices does not yield a health score. If the purpose is to assess wetland health,
readers are referred to WET-Health (Macfarlane et al. 2007) which provides a general
assessment procedure at two levels of detail. Both levels generate a score for the
present ecological state of the wetland according to the DWAF categories;
Although the system can assist in identifying suitable candidate wetlands for
rehabilitation, the system cannot be used as a guide for designing management and
rehabilitation systems. For this, users are directed to other tools in this series as
described in WET-RehabPlan;
The system does not give a detailed description of a wetland site, including the direct
description of hydro-geomorphic processes; and
The system assists in assessing individual wetlands for comparative purposes and
does not account for the cumulative value of a group of wetlands.


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide


Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts

Air quality

The impact of mining on air quality is through the release of noxious gases or wind transport ,
suspension and fallout of fine particulate matter as dust. Metallurgical, ceramic or industrial
processes that produce noxious gases, odours or dust are addressed in NEMA and the
NEMA EIA Regulations GN R385, GN R386 and GN R387. Scheduled processes as set out
in the Second Schedule of the Atmospheric Pollution Prevention Act 45 of 1965 (APPA) are
listed and regarded as having a substantial detrimental effect on the environment. The
National Environmental Management: Air Quality Act 39 of 2004 came into effect on 11
September 2005 (GN 898 in GG 28016 of 9 September 2005), with the exception of sections
21, 22, 36 to 49, 51(1)(e), 51(1)(f), 51(3), 60 and 61, which will only come into effect on a date
to be proclaimed by the Minister in the Government Gazette. Section 60 and 61 of the Act
deal with the repeal of the Atmospheric Pollution Prevention Act and the transitional
arrangements in respect of registration certificates issued in terms of the Atmospheric
Pollution Prevention Act. The whole of Chapter 5 of the Act which deals with the licensing of
listed activities has also not come into operation. Until section 60 is enacted the provisions of
the Atmospheric Pollution Prevention Act remain applicable and air pollution control will be
governed by both Acts in the interim. The concept of licensing listed processes in Schedule II
of APPA has been retained in the Air Quality Act. Section 21 of the Act has not come into
operation yet and will only come into effect on a date to be proclaimed by the Minister in the
Government Gazette. Section 21 provides that either the Minister or the MEC may publish a
"list of activities", which may result in atmospheric emissions, which have or are likely to have
a significant detrimental effect on the environment, including health, social conditions,
economic conditions or cultural heritage. The Second Schedule of APPA has been retained
as the current listed activities applicable to the new Act.
9.17.1. Theoretical Considerations
Noxious gases produced by combustion include sulphur dioxide, hydrogen sulphide, carbon
dioxide and carbon monoxide. Burning of coal residues by spontaneous combustion due to
natural oxidation of carbon and pyrite is one of the most widespread and uncontrolled
contributors to poor air quality in mining areas. Dust is almost inevitable from all forms of
mining and forms one of the most visible, invasive, irritating and potentially harmful forms of
pollution. Dust containing toxic metals such as arsenic, antimony, cadmium, chromium,
cobalt, lead, manganese, mercury, nickel, selenium, vanadium, zinc and their compounds are
particularly hazardous. Dust in surface environments represents a health risk with respect to
radiation, dust-borne diseases, respiratory diseases silicosis and asbestosis, and has a high
nuisance impact, lowering the quality of life in surrounding communities. Dust retards
vegetation growth and reduces the palatability to animals. The broad subject of mining-related
air pollution is described in more detail by Petrie et al. (1992).
Dust terminology describing different classes of dust is outlined in the Dust control manual
by Environment Australia (see Appendix 9.5 for URL) and is summarised in Table 9-6.


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Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts

Table 9-6: Classification of dust


Nuisance dust

Fugitive dust

Inhalable dust

Respirable dust

Reduces environmental amenity without
necessarily being harmful and comprises
particles in the 50 m to 1 mm size range
and equates to the total suspended particles
Derived from non-point, mixed sources.
Particles commonly less than 10 m size
range (PM10) (80% from 2.510 m size
range) and inhaled into the trachea and
bronchia section of the lungs.
Dust less than 2.5 m (PM2.5) that
penetrates the lungs uncilliated airways and
lodges in the alveolar region.

9.17.2. Common Impacts

Dust generation is a problem related to the nature of the bedrock in both surface and
underground mines. Land clearing, drilling, blasting, crushing and milling during beneficiation,
the transport of the ore or beneficiated product on haul roads and creation of residue dumps
all generate dust. Blasting, loading and dumping of rock generates dust, particularly in rock
types with fine grain size or weak cementation such as shale, siltstone or banded iron
formation. Where crushing or milling to a fine product is required to mould a product such as
bricks or to expose the ore to extractive chemical leach processes, both the crushing process
and disposal of the waste expose highly erodible fine sediment to wind transport.
Storage and distribution of fines by conveyor, road or rail transport can lead to dust
generation and dispersal. Vehicles should be washed regularly to reduce the amount of fines
dispersed onto roads. Fine product must be covered by tarpaulin during transport and, where
possible, the bulk product stored in a shelter that will reduce exposure to the elements. Dust
accumulation in underground coal mines represents a significant safety hazard as the very
fine dust can ignite explosively.
9.17.3. Mitigation and Restoration
Dust suppression must be undertaken in conjunction with a dust monitoring programme that
places dust deposition gauges or receiving buckets, directional dust collection receptacles,
high volume active air samplers or continuous particle monitors or even personal exposure
samplers at generation sites, around the mine and in adjacent areas. An air quality
management programme must be implemented to ensure compliance with the Atmospheric
Pollution Prevention Act 45 of 1965 and the National Environmental Management: Air Quality
Act 39 of 2004. These should be monitored regularly to ascertain the dust load and emission
rates and particle size distribution. Mine health and safety requirements for the use of dust
masks must be followed and compliance audited regularly.
Section 32 of the National Environmental Management: Air Quality Act 39 of 2004 provides
that the Minister or MEC may prescribe:


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts

measures for dust control in specified places or areas, either in general or by

specified machinery or in specified instances;
steps that must be taken to prevent dust nuisance;
other measures to control dust.

DEAT have formulated guidelines for dust fall-out (deposition) and these are summarised in
Table 9-7.
Table 9-7: DEAT guidelines for dust fall-out
Very heavy


< 0.25 g/m2/day
0.25 to 0.5 g/m2/day
0.5 to 1.2 g/m2/day
> 1.2 g/m2/day


9.18.1. Theoretical Considerations

The holder of the mining authorisation must comply with the following Regulations GN R992
promulgated in terms of the Minerals Act 50 of 1991. Regulation 4.17.1 stipulates that When
the equivalent noise exposure (as defined in the South African Bureau of Standards Code of
Practice for the Measurement and Assessment of Occupational Noise for Hearing
Conservation Purposes, SABS 083 as amended) in any place at, or in any mine works where
persons may travel or work, exceeds 85dB(A), the manager shall take the necessary steps to
reduce the noise to below this level. In terms of Regulation 66 of the MPRDA Regulations
GN R527, a holder of a permit or right in terms of the Act must comply with the provisions of
the Mine Health And Safety Act 29 of 1996 as well as other applicable law regarding noise
management and control. The assessment of impacts relating to noise pollution management
and control, where appropriate must form part of the EIA report and EM Plan and EM
Programme as the case may be.
Section 34 of the National Environmental Management: Air Quality Act 39 of 2004 provides
that the Minister may prescribe essential national standards for the control of noise or for
determining a definition of noise and the maximum noise levels. The provincial and local
government spheres are bound by any prescribed national standards.
9.18.2. Common Impacts
Many aspects of mining operations lead to an increase in noise levels over the ambient
environmental levels. This can be temporarily enhanced or the regional impact increased in
any direction under the influence of specific climatic factors such as wind direction, cloud
cover and temperature inversion layers.
The impacts of noise levels can be both physical and physiological at the high end of the
spectrum but more commonly impact on communication or create psychological effects at the
lower end of the spectrum. The negative community response even to relatively low noise
levels is one of the most common environmental considerations. A useful review of noise from


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts

an environmental perspective is that by Johnson (1992). Noise measurement is reported

according to the frequency-weighted scale, known as A-weighting, and reported in dB(A) or
dBA. According to Johnson (1992) communities will accept differences of 5dB but will
complain about elevated noise of more than 10dB and vigorous response can be expected to
noise differences of 20dB above residual levels.
The highest magnitude noise impacts are commonly the high intensity, short duration noise
levels created by blasting in surface or opencast mines. Blasting should not be carried out
under very overcast conditions or low level cloud cover as this increases the noise and
vibration transmission. This impact can be reduced through selection of explosives,
sequencing of the blasts, deflection by structures and timing of the blast to coincide with
periods of high activity or increased ambient noise levels. Drilling and blasting contractors
must monitor the blast noise, shock and vibration felt at the boundary of the mine.
In terms of Regulation 67 of the MPRDA Regulations GN R527, a holder of a permit or right in
terms of the Act must comply with the provisions of the Mine Health And Safety Act 29 of
1996 as well as other applicable law regarding blasting, vibration and shock management and
control. An assessment of the impacts relating to blasting, vibration and shock control and
management, must form part of the EIA report and EM Programme or EM Plan as the case
may be.
The repetitive operation of machinery also creates a range of noise levels. Although of low
intensity these have an impact due to long periods of operation e.g., crushing plant and mills.
The mineral legislation requires these operations to be effectively screened to reduce or
deflect noise and stipulates that cladding on structures be adequately fastened and separated
with soft spacers/washers. Vehicle engine or loading noise and even reverse warning alarms
on trucks and loaders can impact communities near a mine. Machinery such as compressors,
generators, metal workshop tools such as angle grinders, pneumatic drills and jackhammers
create high noise levels that are difficult to screen.

Sites of archaeological and cultural interest

The National Heritage Resources Act 25 of 1999 and Provisional Declaration of Types of
Heritage Objects (General Notice No. 630 of 2000) are concerned with the protection of
national heritage, heritage management, protection of oral and living heritage and indigenous
knowledge systems and promotion of history and culture. Heritage objects include any
archaeological artefacts, palaeontological or geological specimens, antiques, furniture, items
of dress, coins, stamps, etc. that have been in the country for more than 100 years. Items of
artistic interest, archives, films, maps, etc. that have been in the country for 50 years or more
are also classified.
Protection of archaeological sites and cultural heritage is an important factor in mine planning,
both in the context of greenfield and brownfield developments. Whereas previously
undeveloped sites require archaeological investigations of areas to be disturbed many of the
old mines preserve buildings or other cultural sites that are either protected or worthy of
conservation. In many cases, old mine buildings represent well-preserved architectural
heritage sites or may have a particular historical significance, particularly where pre-industrial
mining activities with important archaeological significance have taken place. These sites can
be put to cultural use after the closure of a mine. A cultural resource management
investigation is a necessary part of any mine development and closure plan to ensure that the


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts

developer is aware of the range of cultural issues that could constrain the development or
post-closure land-use options.
Mine beneficiation plants, however, often contain significant contamination, particularly in
areas where uranium was extracted or uranium-rich ores were processed, or in areas where
mercury was used in gold extraction. Therefore, the re-use of mine infrastructure should be
approached on a site-specific basis.

Visual aspects

The visual impact of a mining development is influenced by the terrain morphological context,
relief of surrounding areas as well as by the population density, transport routes or other
development nodes. It is possible that a mine could impact on the genus loci or Sense of
Place, being that quality imparted by the aspects of scale, colour, texture, landform,
exposure or land use that make the place unique or distinct with a character of its own. Visual
quality or aesthetic appeal might also be affected if the degree of visual diversity or
complexity, discernible textures or patterns or striking features and the landscape character
are impacted. Landscapes have different visual absorption capacity (VAC) with regard to
accommodating a development. The distance from which a mining development can be
viewed relates to the visibility or viewshed and the critical impact of the view is assessed in
terms of the number of people passing that can see the development.
Careful design can reduce the visual intrusion or restrict the visual envelope of the
development. Attention to colour or textural contrast can also be used to reduce the visual
impact. The use of digital elevation models (DEM) or digital terrain models (DTM) with
geographic information systems (GIS) can assist in the delineation of the areas where visual
impact may occur.

Regional socio-economic structure

Integration of mining with the community and local government structures should be
addressed at two levels. The Integrated Development Plan (IDP) of the local authority should
recognise mining as an important, often strategic, development and ensure that land-use
planning and zonation makes provision for the demarcation of current mining areas and
possible future expansion. This will reduce the potential for negative impacts on sensitive
developments such as housing, roads and health care facilities.
There is an increasing awareness that the established migrant labour practice has created
socio-economic problems in the labour source areas in South Africa and surrounding
countries as well as within the mine and adjacent urban communities. The single-sex hostels
of large mines have been a specific source of social problems and political unrest. The
resultant disruption of social patterns in the mine and source community is reflected in the
spread of diseases linked to lowered socio-economic conditions.
9.21.1. Broad Based Socio-Economic Empowerment (BBSEE) Charter and Scorecard
for the South Africa Mining Industry
The Charter has been developed to provide a framework for progressing the empowerment of
historically disadvantaged South Africans in the Mining and Minerals Industry. The scorecard
gives effect to the provisions contained in the Mining Charter and is intended to reflect the


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Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts

"spirit" of the Mining Charter for the Mining Industry. The scorecard is designed to facilitate
the application of the Mining Charter in terms of the requirements of the Mineral and
Petroleum Resources Development Act for the conversion of all the "old order rights" into new
rights within a five year conversion window period, but taking cognisance of the full 10 year
period. The Minister of Minerals and Energy will need to consider the entire scorecard when
assessing the progress of stakeholders.
The fourteen pillars of the BBSEE Charter are summarised in Table 9-8.
Table 9-8: Fourteen pillars of the BBSEE Charter
Human Resource Development

Employment Equity

Migrant Labour
Mine Community and Rural

Housing and living conditions

Ownership and Joint Ventures

Exploration and Prospecting

State Assets


Financing Mechanism

Focus on increased functional literacy and numeracy,
learnerships and mentorship to employees and
empowerment groups.
Fast track development of talent pool through high
quality operational exposure leading to baseline
participation of 40% Historically Disadvantaged South
Africans (HDSA) participation in management and 10%
baseline for women in 5 years.
Stakeholders should ensure non-discrimination against
foreign migrant labour.
Integrated development plans for mining communities
and labour-sending areas to ameliorate effects of
migrant labour and creation of unsustainable
Improved nutrition and standard of housing, upgrading
of hostels to family units and promotion of home
HDSA preferred supplier status and develop their
procurement capacity.
Aim to increase final consumer products and
development of high value goods.
Achieve 26% HDSA ownership of the mining industry
assets within 10 years and achieve R100 billion
participation within 5 years at active and passive levels.
Government supports HDSA companies in exploration
and prospecting endeavours by, inter alia, providing
institutional support.
Government ensures compliance with the provisions of
the Charter and deals with state assets in an exemplary
Evaluation of licensing applications according to a
scorecard that recognises the commitment of the
stakeholder at the levels of ownership, management,
employment equity, human resource development,
procurement and beneficiation.
The industry agrees to assist HDSA companies in
securing finance to fund participation in an amount of


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Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts


R100 billion within the first 5-years.

Regulatory Framework and

Industry Agreement

Government's regulatory framework and industry

agreements should strive to facilitate the objectives of
the Charter.

Consultation, Monitoring,
Evaluation and Reporting

Companies should report on an annual basis their

progress towards achieving their commitments, with
these annual reports verified by their external auditors.

9.21.2. Social and labour plan

The social and labour plan required by MPRDA and MPRDA Regulations GN R527 (Part II,
Regulations 40 to 46) for all applications for a mining right aims to address these issues
during the mine planning and licensing process and throughout the life of mine. The triple
bottom line considerations of social-, economic- and environmental factors must be
addressed. A key issue is that of economic stability and reducing the impact of large-scale
retrenchments and job losses. The plan requires an assessment of the socio-economic
background of the local government environment, mine and labour source areas and
workforce. A human resource development strategy must be developed within the framework
of the social and labour plan.
The Aide-Mmoire document requires an indication of the multiplier effect of the mine on the
local economy. This is based nominally on the direct expenditure of the mine but is expanded
beyond the borders of the community through regional communication and supply networks.
In some cases it might be appropriate to conduct a strategic environmental assessment
(SEA) to assess the social and economic costs or benefits of a proposed mine. Where there
is potential for environmental impacts on the biophysical or socio-economic environment a full
cost-benefit analysis might be necessary to assess the long-term risks of the development.
Mining developments commonly result in significant local economic opportunities for support
industries as well as direct job opportunities. In rural areas there is a strong possibility that
ribbon development will occur in response to the increased socio-economic opportunities
offered by the mine. Community outreach programmes by mining companies also improve
basic services, schooling and health care, attracting immigrants to the area.

Interested and Affected Parties

The concept of broadening the social involvement in mining to all sectors of the population
encourages wider consultation and involvement beyond the borders of the mining area. The
requirement for wide consultation as part of the IEM process of mine planning and inclusion of
mining areas within the realm of areas controlled by local government has irrevocably drawn
mines into the surrounding areas and communities.
The Minerals Act 50 of 1991 and the Aide-Mmoire guidelines were not explicit in terms of
public participation requirements or records. There was a requirement to provide detail of
adjacent landowners and provide a list of potentially interested and/or affected parties.
However, responsible mining proponents and environmental consultants will implement a

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Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts

broad authority and public consultation process using the guidelines established by the
environmental process and the EIA requirements of NEMA and the NEMA EIA Regulations
GN R385, GN R386 and GN R387. This is more explicit in terms of public participation in the
environmental planning process and requires advertising as part of a transparent public
consultation process. The MPRDA follows the integrated environmental management
approach to planning and stipulates that interested and affected parties be given 30 days
within which to submit their comments and conditions regarding an application (section 10).
There is reference to a 180 day period within which a proponent must consult with I&APs in
the application process for a mining right (section 22(4)(b)).
The attention to broad social issues in mining is addressed through the Social and Labour
Plan described in the MPRDA Regulations GN R527, which requires socio-economic studies,
monitoring and reporting mechanisms in the areas or community from which labour will be
sourced as well as through the local authority. The regulatory requirements for public
participation are summarized in Appendix 3 of the guidelines by Consultative Forum on
Mining and the Environment (2002).
9.22.1. Public participation
The poor public perception of mining is based on actual and perceived negative impacts,
mainly in rural and urban areas where dust, gaseous pollutants, noise, traffic and impacts on
biodiversity, surface- and groundwater are prevalent. Opposition to opening new mines or
extending existing operations is often expressed as highly publicised and emotional
responses reported in the mass media. The importance of involving stakeholders including
the broad public, NGOs, and authorities during the planning stages, and throughout the life of
the mine, is an important facet of the environmental planning process. A broad consultative
process is entrenched in the integrated environmental management principles followed by
recent environmental legislation.
Comprehensive guidelines for public participation by stakeholders in the mining industry were
recently published by the Consultative Forum on Mining and the Environment (2002) (see
Appendix 9.5 for URL). In this context, public participation is defined as a process leading to
a joint effort by stakeholders (including the authorities and project proponents) and technical
specialists, who by working together produce better decisions than if they had acted
independently. Stakeholders are that part of the public whose interests could be positively or
negatively affected by a proposed development or activity.
There is a comprehensive public participation process provided for in the MPRDA
Regulations GN R527 and the NEMA EIA Regulations GN R385. A comparative table of the
scoping and EIA procedures, including the public participation process contained in MPRDA
and NEMA and the relevant Regulations has been included as an annexure to Chapter 12.

Financial provision for rehabilitation

The Minerals Act 50 of 1991 introduced more stringent requirements for mines to make
financial provision for rehabilitation. The funds must be managed and accessible to the DME
should the mine be unable to meet their obligations to rehabilitate as stipulated in the EMP
document. Financial provision can be made available as a bank guarantee or funds
committed to a trust administered jointly by government departments and the mining
proponent. In practice the system has failed to address the considerable financial risk


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Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts

represented by most mines, particularly those that have been in existence from before the
promulgation of the Minerals Act 50 of 1991.
Box 9-9 provides a summary of the different regulations and methods for financial provision
as stipulated in the MPRDA.
Box 9-9: Summary of the Methods for Financial Provision as per the Mineral and
Petroleum Resources Development Act
Section 41 of the MPRDA deals with financial provision for remediation of environmental
damage. Section 41(1) of the MPRDA provides that an applicant for a mining right or
mining permit must make the prescribed financial provision for the rehabilitation or
management of negative environmental impacts before the Minister approves the
environmental management programme or environmental management plan.
The mining right or mining permit holder is also required to assess environmental liability
on an annual basis and provide the DME with an indication of the environmental liability
at the time of the assessment and the estimated environmental liability at the time of
closure. This is referred to as the "snapshot in time approach" as it provides an estimate
of environmental liability at that time only. The annual assessment must be submitted to
the DME for review and approval and the financial provision may have to be increased
after consideration by the DME of the environmental liability, the current stage of mining
operations and the current market value of the financial provision (section 41(3)).
In terms of section 41(5) of the MPRDA, the financial provision must be maintained and
retained by the mining right/permit holder until a closure certificate is issued by the
Minister in terms of section 43 of the MPRDA. After the issue of a closure certificate, the
Minister may retain a portion of the financial provision as may be required to rehabilitate
the closed mining or prospecting operation in respect of latent or residual environmental
impacts that may occur in the future.
In terms of section 43(6) of the MPRDA when the Minister issues a closure certificate,
such portion of the financial provision provided in accordance with section 41 as deemed
appropriate by the Minister must be returned to the holder of the mining right/permit in
question, however the Minister may retain any portion of such financial provision for
latent and/or residual environmental impact that may occur in the future.
Regulation 53 of the MPRDA Regulations GN R527 sets out the methods for financial
provision and can take the form of contributions to a trust fund, a financial guarantee from
a South African Bank or a bank or financial institution approved by the Director-General,
a deposit into an account specified by the Director General or any other method
determined by the Director-General.
In addition guidance on rehabilitation standards can also be sought from the DME
Guideline Document for the Evaluation of the Quantum of Closure-Related Financial
Provision Provided by a Mine, January 2005. Section C of this guideline sets out
generally accepted closure methods for various components of mining operations.


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts

Successful rehabilitation should be integrated with the operational phase activities and not left
to the decommissioning phase. There should at least be rehabilitation trials conducted during
the period of operation to ensure that the scope of mitigations, activities or measures are
adequate and costing is accurate. This will reduce the cost of implementing the final
rehabilitation prior to closure and could be used to reduce the financial risk in terms of
pecuniary provision for rehabilitation.
The approach to financial provision should be from the perspective of the DME who will be
required to contract an outside organisation, on public tender, to undertake the rehabilitation
on behalf of the department. The funds should be sufficient to ensure that adequate planning,
implementation, monitoring and maintenance take place for the period specified by the EMP.
The EO must accept that the initial financial projections for rehabilitation of a new mine will
have to be based on short-term development targets. The provision for annual review of the
quantum of financial provision for rehabilitation must project the rate of development of the
mine and provide sufficient funds to rectify the impacts of this development.
In the event of a mine closing prematurely or being declared insolvent, the guaranteed funds
must meet the requirements of the rehabilitation programme and mitigation measures outlined
in section 6 of the EMP. Professional consultants must be engaged to plan the
implementation of the rehabilitation programme and monitoring or maintenance programme
for the post-mining period as stipulated in the EMP. In general a major cost factor of all
rehabilitation operations is a major programme of earthworks including drilling and blasting to
reduce highwall step height or reduce slope gradients or heavy mechanisation to move
overburden, shape residue stockpiles or redistribute topsoil. Demolition of structures and
disposal of the waste material also involve earthworks. Civil engineering design is necessary
to meet the legal requirements in terms of the design and long-term stability of storm water
control and water pollution control structures. Topsoil sourcing and restoration, revegetation,
irrigation and labour intensive activities such as alien plant control must be costed accurately.
The EO should assess the schedule of financial provision critically to ensure that all of the
factors summarised in Table 9-9 are addressed.
Table 9-9: Factors to be included in the assessment of the schedule of financial


Planning and implementation

Drilling and blasting

The cost of engaging professional consultants to plan the

rehabilitation and foremen to ensure effective
These fees should incorporate all phases of the
operation, including public participation and authority
consultation, and ensure that monitoring and
maintenance occur for the full post-mining period
stipulated in the EMPR.
Include all additional earthworks to create access to the
Cost drilling and blasting separately and obtain regular
updates on the costs for the volumes required to create
the slopes or wreck remnant benches or highwall steps.


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts



Earthworks and construction


Demolition of infrastructure


Secondary rock breaking may be required and is a time

consuming operation using hydraulic, excavator-mounted
rock breakers.
Ensure that the costing is based on quotes for the
volumes of overburden, waste material, and stockpiled
topsoil to be moved, including an accurate assessment
of potential double handling.
Unless the quote is generated by an outside plant hire or
contract mining company it is likely that the cost estimate
will be inadequate.
Costing based on speculative figures such as the oft
quoted R10.00 to R30.00 /m3 earth moved can only be
used as an initial estimate.
There must be an expert assessment of the capacity and
productivity of the excavators, loaders, graders and
trucks that takes into account cycling times and ensures
optimal use of equipment by reducing idle time.
All costs must be based on wet rates which are the
vehicle hire costs including fuel costs and drivers. The
cost of flat-bed truck transport of heavy machinery to site
must be included.
Diverse small equipment such as water bowsers,
trenchers, compactors, generators or compressors must
be costed for specific aspects of the job.
It is necessary to remove all buildings and equipment
with excavation of foundations and floor slabs.
The cost of this demolition can be reduced by the
contractor removing and selling waste for the scrap
It is useful for the mine to compile an inventory of resale
or residual scrap value of all plant, equipment and
However, the practice of discounting the rehabilitation
fund provision on the basis of this residual value is not
acceptable to DME who will not engage in sale or
recovery of inherent value of any buildings, product or
scrap in the event of the mine not being in a position to
implement their rehabilitation obligations.
The restoration of grass cover or indigenous trees and
shrubs as well as installation of erosion control hedges,
stormwater control structures and possibly water
reticulation and irrigation must be costed by expert
The choice of whether to hand seed or hydro seed will be
dictated by cost and the topography of the site.
The latter is more costly but the success of both rely on
substrate preparation, soil fertility and irrigation.


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts





Liming, fertilisation and surface mulching costs should be

based on soil analysis and recommendations for the
specific cover crop.
There must be provision for regular irrigation during the
initial growth period, follow-up inspections, monitoring,
maintenance and re-seeding if necessary.
Detail of the approach to revegetation of specific residue
deposits is outlined in the Chamber of Mines (1979)
The finishing touches of any rehabilitation programme
and maintenance are likely to be highly labour intensive.
A realistic estimation of manpower time costs is essential
and must include wages, transport, subsistence and
accommodation costs.
Labour-intensive, specialist investigations such as
cultural heritage resource management and alien plant
control should be included under these costs.

Exploration or prospecting operations

Exploration for minerals includes a wide range of remote and field-based activities that
include prospecting activities that result in the disturbance of the surface of the earth or
residue deposits (see Chapter 5).
9.24.1. Theoretical Considerations
In many cases the prospecting activities occur outside of mining areas, on virgin land that is
relatively undisturbed or is currently zoned for other land uses. Much of this land may be used
for agricultural or conservation purposes by the landowner or tenant. Although the
environmental impacts include those commonly associated with the construction and
operational phases of mine development, the distinction must be based on the premise that
mine development might not take place. Mitigation of impacts and rehabilitation must take
place as soon as the activity ceases or the site is abandoned.
Prospecting activities are typically very localised and often represent minor short term
operations of drilling, trenching, surface soil or stream sediment sampling or geophysical
measurements on transects or grids. The most significant impacts could be related to access
track development, vegetation disturbance related to cut-lines along sampling or geophysical
traverses and levelling or drilling pads or camp sites and waste/sewage disposal systems.
Recognising that the environmental impacts are small and localised, the Standard
Environmental Management Programme (SEMP) for prospecting, which does not include bulk
sampling exceeding 125m3 or an area of 25m2, places much of the emphasis for permission
on consensus or a signed agreement with the landowner or tenant (Appendix 9.3). This
document only applies to areas that are not designated sensitive areas or features, as listed
in the SEMP document.


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts

9.24.2. Common Impacts

Bulk sampling or prospecting operations that create disturbance of areas larger than 25m2
should be undertaken on the basis of an EMPR document utilising the Aide-Mmoire format
and addressing the environmental categories listed. Under these circumstances the impacts
and their mitigation can be assessed relative to the Summary of Environmental Impacts and
Mitigatory Measures outlined for each mineral commodity or generic mining methods listed in
Appendices 9.6.1 to 9.6.9 and include all mitigatory or rehabilitative actions dictated by the
prospecting SEMP.
9.24.3. Mitigation and Restoration
Regional exploration or prospecting activities including a large number of widely spaced
drilling or sampling sites should adhere to the infrastructural requirements and operating
procedures listed in the SEMP for prospecting. Where necessary additional environmental
criteria must be investigated in accordance with the scale, extent or longer duration of the

Mine waste and residue

9.25.1. Theoretical Considerations

The characteristics of mineralisation or the relationship between the host rock surrounding the
ore and the mineral commodity is highly variable across the spectrum of construction
material, industrial minerals, base- and precious metals and minerals. The value of the
commodity determines the ratio of waste rock to mineral commodity in the ore and
overburden that can be mined, handled, stockpiled and dumped cost effectively. Because of
their inherently higher values, precious metal (e.g. Au and Pt) and mineral (e.g. diamond)
mines can afford the removal of much larger quantities of waste rock than can low commodity
value operations such as clay or stone aggregate.
All mines produce domestic, industrial and mineral waste products. The ratio of waste
produced and the potential for production of saleable waste from the products depends on the
commodity and demand. Reprocessing of gold tailings and kimberlitic or alluvial diamond ore
is an established industry that relies on the improved efficiency of recovery techniques to
cover the cost of removing and relocating the tailings. There is a growing trend of utilization of
coarse waste rock as construction material.
9.25.2. Mitigation and Restoration
The focus of the EMP with regard to all waste and rock residue should be to reduce, recover,
recycle and reuse waste in all categories. Every effort must be made to minimise waste.
Waste minimisation is about preventing and reducing waste at source through the efficient
use of raw materials, energy and water. This is achieved by understanding and changing
processes to reduce and prevent waste. This is also known as process or resource efficiency.
Waste minimisation includes the substitution of less environmentally harmful materials in
production processes and the design of products that have less environmental impact during
their manufacture and use.


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts

9.25.3. Benefits of Waste Minimisation

Waste minimisation can provide competitive advantage to business in four ways (Waste
Minimisation, 2001):

Cost savings

Material resources leave a company either as product or waste. Improving resource efficiency
by implementing a waste minimisation programme can improve productivity and quality to
give a lower unit production cost. Waste minimisation can result in increased output, reduced
processing time and less waste, all of which benefit the bottom line of a business.


The number of laws and regulations to protect the workforce, the public and the environment
has increased dramatically over recent years. Failure to comply with these can lead to
prosecution and large fines and/or imprisonment. In addition, the adverse publicity can have
negative effects on business performance.
By adopting a systematic approach to the identification of the environmental impacts of a
business and checking these against legislation, peace of mind and reduced risk of
prosecution can be obtained. A proactive approach ensures that the company minimises the
possibility of litigation.

Risk reduction

Pertinent questions in assessing waste management risks include:


Is there an undue risk from the use and storage of particular materials (for example
oil, chemicals or foodstuffs)?
Are there health and safety implications associated with the use of resources,
operation of processes or generation and handling of waste?
Can health and safety risks from handling raw materials be reduced?

Control and reduction of risks and liabilities not only reduce the likelihood of fines and bad
publicity but can also boost investor confidence.

Market positioning

Traditionally, the interests of shareholders were the prime driving force behind business
activities. This is now recognised as a rather limited view, and it is recognised that the
interests of a wider group of people, so-called stakeholders, can be equally important for
business success. Stakeholders include employees, customers, neighbours, shareholders,
banks, insurers, local authorities and regulators. Considerable market advantages can result
from a proactive approach to environmental management. Pertinent questions related to
market positioning include:

Are stakeholders pressing for improvements in the business such as cost savings,
improved environmental image or reduced risk of pollution incidents?
Would customers prefer a greener product? This neednt mean higher prices?


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts

Can market share be increased or new markets targeted by going green?

Can the reputation of the business be enhanced in the sector, getting first mover
advantage over competitors, by going green?

Many businesses have enhanced their relationship with customers through environmental
initiatives such as reusable transit packaging, end-of-life takeback schemes (giving access to
the customer when they need a new product) and other projects. These benefit both business
and the environment. Eco-friendly products can give supply chain confidence and improve
customer relations.
9.25.4. Domestic waste
The establishment of a waste disposal site meeting the Minimum Requirements for Waste
Disposal by Landfill (Department of Water Affairs and Forestry, 1998) requires environmental
investigations under the Environmental Management Act 73 of 1989 and the National Water
Act 36 of 1998 and is a costly operation to establish and maintain. The EMP must include
details of the management of domestic waste from the prospecting camp or mine. Disposal at
a registered and officially permitted commercial or municipal landfill site is the most cost
effective option for materials that cannot be recycled.
It is imperative that the EMP incorporates detail of how sewage and domestic water or grey
water is to be processed and recycled. Depending on the scale of the operation this could
involve serviced chemical toilets, septic tank digesters linked to soakaway drains or French
drains, sewage package plants, new, more sustainable treatment technologies, or large
sewage treatment facilities for communities. Adequately engineered design must
accommodate the required capacity with provision for additional capacity or enlargement to
accommodate growth of the mine. Inadequate design results in discharge of unprocessed
sludge or water into the near surface environment with chemical or microbiological impact on
the vadose and phreatic groundwater zones (Appendix 9.10).
Disposal of processed sewage sludge and processed waste water by evaporation or irrigation
must be assessed in order to ensure that the chemical and microbiological nature of the water
does not have a negative impact on soil structure and chemical or pathogen composition
(Department of Water Affairs and Forestry, 1998c).
9.25.5. Industrial waste
Apart from producing large quantities of waste raw material which can be effectively recycled,
the service and support functions associated with mines and the beneficiation process
produce hazardous industrial waste. Hazardous chemicals and petrochemicals require
special storage, transport and disposal facilities. High bulk industrial wastes including
metallurgical slag, power station ash and phospho-gypsum can be deposited using the same
principles as waste rock deposits.
The adoption of the polluter pays principle has forced industries to adopt measures to avoid
waste generation, correctly classify waste and adopt minimum requirements for the safe
handling, treatment and disposal of hazardous waste. The minimum requirements for the
handling, classification and disposal of hazardous waste are outlined in the guidelines
published by the Department of Water Affairs and Forestry (1998a).


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts

The mine EMP should provide a list of the processes and waste product streams, classify the
waste materials, include details of collection facilities and transport strategy as well as
information pertaining to the disposal of various hazardous materials at a recognized
commercial or municipal facility. This aspect can be facilitated by an environmental
management system (EMS) incorporating the Best Practicable Environmental Option (BPEO).
Unless managed according to Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) and controlled or
audited internally and by the authorities, it is likely that an accidental discharge or emission
will impact the air, soil or water around the mine.
9.25.6. Mineral and rock residue
Handling of the large volumes of barren interstitial rock after the process of beneficiation
which concentrates the product is a costly aspect of the mining process and includes a high
level of inherent environmental and cost risk. The volumes of such material generally
preclude use of commercial or municipal waste disposal sites and must be managed by the
mine. The types of mineral and rock residues from different mining operations are
summarised in Box 9-10.
Box 9-10: Mineral and rock residues from different mining operations

Dimension stone quarries

Produce very large volumes of large blocks and bouldery rubble that requires large
dumping areas. This material can be subjected to secondary processing by cutting into
smaller blocks but can also be restored to the opencast pit as backfill during rehabilitation.

Alluvial and slope sand deposits

Can be screened into a range of products and the residue is limited to small volumes of clay
balls or oversize pebbles to boulders. This residue is a saleable product but can be used as
access road construction material or bulk fill during rehabilitation.

Aggregate quarries

Produce varying proportions of coarse waste rock which is discarded at the working face
due to weathering or characteristics that will impact the quality of the crushed stone
product. This coarse residue is commonly stockpiled for the life-of-mine and accumulates
into large deposits. Reject crushed stone or product is commonly added to these stockpiles
which can be sold as bulk fill or used as opencast pit backfill during rehabilitation. In many
cases these deposits must be shaped and rehabilitated in situ due to the cost of restoration
to the opencast pit.

Opencast and underground coal mines

Produce a range of different rock residues including the sandstone and shale partings
mined and processed with the coal. Fine waste coal or duff is deposited as a dry residue.
Coal washing plants produce highly carbonaceous slurry and other aqueous residue that
requires lined settling dams with adequate capacity to accommodate high volume and


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts


intensity precipitation events and maintain minimum freeboard levels. The high potential for
production of acid rock drainage due to oxidation of sulphur-bearing minerals requires coal
residues to be deposited and rehabilitated concurrently with mining. Compaction and
capping of deposits to reduce infiltration of rainwater and air is necessary to prevent
spontaneous combustion and acid leachates. The dump footprint must be prepared to
reduce infiltration of leachates and facilities must be created to intercept runoff around the
toe of the dump (Appendix 9.7).

Underground gold/diamond mines

Produce very large volumes of coarse waste rock and fine tailings residue due to the very
low gold content and the necessity to crush and mill the rock very finely during
beneficiation. Apart from being widely redistributed as wind-borne dust, this residue also
contains highly reactive sulphide minerals that oxidize to produce acid leachates. The
mechanics of acid formation are described in detail in section of this document, but
basically, the oxidation of sulphides leads to the formation of sulphuric acid, which
contaminates the environment in itself, as well as leaching metals out of the waste pile and
underlying strata. Oxidation occurs due to reactions with oxygen, either in air or dissolved in
water percolating through the tailings pile. The limitation of oxygen ingress should be a key
feature in the rehabilitation of old tailings and should be dealt with in EMPs from the
planning stage of any new mine.

The environmental impacts of waste rock or mine residue extend across a wide range of
socio-economic and environmental issues and are addressed by several Acts and
regulations. The National Water Act 36 of 1998 Regulations R.704 for use of water for mining
defines residue as any debris, discard, tailings, slimes, screenings, slurry, waste rock, foundry
sand, beneficiation plant waste, ash or any product incidental to the operation of a mine.
These Regulations are specific and preclude the location of residue deposits, dams,
reservoirs within the 1:100 year flood-line or within 100m of any watercourse or borehole.
There is also a limitation on the disposal of residue within any underground or opencast mine
excavation. Residue that is likely to contaminate surface or ground water may not be used for
construction of dams or embankments.
Also applicable to the disposal of slimes or fine tailings residue mixed with water are the
explicit requirements for the design, construction, maintenance and operation of dirty water
systems. Full details of these regulations with comment on their interpretation and application
can be gleaned from the Department of Water Affairs and Forestry (2000a) Operational
Guideline No. M6.1; Guideline document for the implementation of regulations on the use of
water for mining and related activities aimed at the protection of water resources (see
Appendix 9.5 for URL).
Bearing in mind that a new mine or greenfields operation will not have produced significant
volumes of waste rock residue, the characterization of the likely waste will be based on trial
processing of bulk samples. The properties of some typical residues have been published by
the Chamber of Mines (1996) but these numerical values are intended for preliminary design
and stability assessment only. The compilation of an environmental management programme


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts

or environmental management plan in terms of the Minerals and Petroleum Resources

Development Act (2002) requires significant detail of residue characterization and
classification of residue deposits into hazard categories that determine the level of
investigation and environmental assessment required (regulation 58). The hazard
classification is based on depth to underground workings, value of property potentially
affected as well as numbers of resident/workers in this zone.
9.25.7. Common Impacts
The most important environmental impacts associated with mineral and rock residue is the
formation of acid mine drainage and the release of heavy metals into the environment. These
impacts will be discussed in more detail in Section 9.26.4. Other impacts involve
contaminants contained within gold mine. Chemicals, such as cyanide, are used in the
refining process to leach and separate valuable minerals from other unwanted minerals.
Cyanide and other toxic chemicals such as oil, petroleum products, solvents, acids, and
reagents used for processing can be released into the environment and can subsequently
affect water, soil, aquatic organisms, wildlife, waterfowl, and humans. The cyanidecontaminated solution left after valuable minerals have been removed is placed in a tailings
pond or solution retention basin. These ponds and basins have proven to attract unsuspecting
waterfowl and wildlife that suffer both acute and chronic poisoning as a result of direct contact
with and ingestion of cyanide-contaminated solution.
Impacts related to waste rock and tailings can further be divided into two broad classes: acute
failure and chronic environmental damage. While acute failures often have disastrous
consequences, long-term environmental damage may be more difficult to detect and to

Acute failures

The engineered structure which contains the residue fails, leading to rock and mudslides,
which may destroy surrounding infrastructure and settlements. The Bafokeng and
Merriespruit disasters are examples of such failures. In these cases several days of heavy
rain exceeded the freeboard capacity, causing overtopping and subsequent erosion of the
walls of the tailings dams, leading to structural failure, and the flooding of adjacent
watercourses, residential areas and dams. It is important that the design of such an
impoundment allow not only for normal rainfall but climatic extremes, and that operational
practices remain within design specifications (Appendix 9.7). Liquifaction under high shear
stress caused by seismic or shock loading can also cause failure of fine tailings dams. There
is a requirement for suitably qualified professionals to assess the safety of these residue
deposits and the EO should ensure that this is undertaken and that recommendations are
being acted upon.

Chronic environmental damage

Chronic environmental damage is a more insidious problem. The primary pathways for
environmental contamination are windblown dust and waterborne contaminants. Airborne
radon may be a problem, collecting in nearby low-lying areas during winter temperature
inversions. Waterborne radon can be concentrated by surface or storm water run-off or
seepage into the groundwater.


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts

International best practice now requires that potentially hazardous mine waste impoundments
are sealed at the base, and that leachate is collected and treated. Appendix 9.7 shows a
typical fine tailings of slimes dam layout and the pollution control dams collecting
contaminated storm water runoff and leachate around the toe of the residue dump (after
Chamber of Mines,1996) . Historically it was common practice to site tailings impoundments
on permeable ground, to encourage drainage into the subsurface and thereby into the
groundwater, to prevent acute failure. This practice was particularly prevalent on the Far West
Rand, where a number of tailings dams were sited over known sinkholes in dolomite. In
remediation, it is essential that the subsurface geology of residue deposits is known, and is
taken into account both with respect to long-term stability and prevention of groundwater
9.25.8. Decommissioning and closure of residue dams and dumps
Cost effective closure of a residue deposit is possible if the dump or dam has been well
planned and operated throughout its life. Seepage points and penstock outlets must be
examined for surface erosion, seepage, sediment in the water and subsidence. The geometry
of the embankments must be those originally designed. The residue must be compacted and
not subject to slope failure due to infiltration of water or formation of subsurface piping.
Generally accepted closure methods (accepted by the DME) allows for a dedicated cover to
be provided on the modified outer slopes of the tailings dams. This cover has to fulfil the
following primary functions (DME, 2004) and include:

Protection of the integrity / stability of the modified outer slope.

Limiting the ingress of air and water into the residue material that has the potential to
contaminate the local groundwater by means of contaminated seepage arising from
the footprint area of the deposit.
Separation of the deposited residue from uncontaminated surface run-off arising from
the outer slopes of the residue deposit.
Contribution to the aesthetic appeal of the rehabilitated residue deposit.

Covers fulfilling the above functions should be of varying nature, comprising of natural and /
or synthetic material:

If natural materials are used, current practice allows for an evaporative cover (varying
in thickness between 750mm and 1 000mm) with an outer layer of armouring or
topsoil (minimum 300mm) with vegetation. (Armouring also requires vegetation, but
this is not essential for the long-term integrity of the outer cover layer.)
Depending on the nature of the waste material being covered, capillary breaker layers
between the evaporative cover and the waste material could also be required.
Seepage modelling is normally required to optimise cover thickness.

9.25.9. Rehabilitation
Different players in the mining industry understand the aims of rehabilitation differently. To the
mine operator, the aim of rehabilitation is to obtain a closure certificate, essentially
transferring future environmental liability to the State. Different regulators have different
agendas, but primarily they should be concerned with minimising any long-term liability that
would have to be borne by the state, and ultimately the public. While the return of mining land


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts

to a pristine natural environment may appear desirable, it is generally not feasible and in a
populous area such as Gauteng, may not necessarily best serve the interests of society. Past
mining activities in Gauteng have generally not been well rehabilitated, although significant
progress has been made towards the rehabilitation of mine dump footprints to make them
suitable for future industrial or residential use.
Rehabilitation of a mine can be divided into three main categories: Firstly, the removal of
surface infrastructure that can not be used for other purposes. Secondly, the relocation,
plugging and rehabilitation of old shafts or pits to remove the hazard they present to people
and animals. Lastly, the removal and isolation of potential pollutants from the environment.
Tailings and waste rock present specific problems, as they are often unsuitable for other
uses, due to their physico-chemical nature or due to contamination with heavy metals and
radioactivity. For this reason, a large proportion of the mine tailings produced are destined to
remain in the environment. Different rehabilitation methods for tailings are summarised in
Box 9-11.

Box 9-11: Methods for the rehabilitation of tailings



To date, the relocation of tailings has only been applied in South Africa where it is part of
the reclamation process. This removes the visual impact and minimises the source of dust
and AMD formation, but rehabilitation would have to include attention to the remaining
footprint, making it stable and suitable for some future use. Since many tailings dams
generate acid, the soil immediately below the tailings dam may become a zone where
metals including radionuclides are concentrated, leaving a potentially hazardous footprint.


Revegetation is widely practiced, with varying degrees of success. It is necessary to find

suitable plants and suitable cultivation methods for revegetation to be successful. The
chemistry and slopes in some tailings deposits make this extremely difficult. Unfortunately,
revegetation does not address all the environmental problems arising from mine tailings.
While plants soften the visual impact of mine wastes, tend to limit the windblown dust
problems and help control erosion by runoff, they do not address the problem of infiltration
of water into mine residues, in fact by slowing runoff they encourage infiltration.
Revegetation may play an important role in rehabilitation, but it should not be thought of as
the total process.

Rock cladding

Cladding of the slopes of sand dumps and tailings dams with waste rock has been applied
as a solution to surface erosion and dust generation. Once again, this does not address
water infiltration.


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts


Backfilling of surface mining operations

In some cases, tailings are used to fill surface mining operations after mining activities have
ceased. The attraction of doing this is that it removes the risk of catastrophic failure which
exists for conventional tailings dams. Two problems exist:

The introduction of oxidisable material into the vadose zone could lead to
groundwater contamination. Even below the water table, oxygenated water could lead
to oxidation of sulphides and acid production.

The dumping process tends to lead to separation of the material into a coarse
proximal zone close to the point where the slurry is introduced into the pit and finer
material in the more distal areas. This fine material is difficult to stabilise and may
lead to the formation of quicksand-like deposits in the centre of a filled pit.

Liners may be installed underneath tailings deposits. It is usually not feasible to retro-fit
liners. The long-term performance of liners is also not well known, and liners which have
failed are generally inaccessible. In wet deposits, liners may result in the collection of
moisture and possible tailings dam failure.


The other approach is to cap tailings or other wastes with an impermeable layer, usually
clay, in conjunction with drainage layers. Capping prevents the inflow of water and
oxygen into wastes, thereby preventing acid formation and groundwater contamination.
Figures 9A to 9C (Appendix 9.11) show three cover designs used in the Uranium Mine
Tailings Rehabilitation Action (UMTRA) undertaken by the United States Department of
Energy. It is interesting to note that only one of these includes a vegetated cover, as
concern was expressed during this project that roots may compromise the sealing layers.

The aims of rehabilitation should therefore look at limiting the long-term liabilities that will be
borne by future generations. The aim of most engineered structures is to withstand the
ravages of nature. A school of thought that is currently developing is to design with nature,
rather than against it. Long term predictive models may be used to predict the behaviour of a
site over time. These, as well as lessons learned from old mining activities should be used to
plan rehabilitation in such a way that natural processes such as erosion do not result in
significant pollution. Where possible, natural systems such as wetlands should be used to
control water pollution and vegetation cover should limit windblown dust pollution. Gradients
should be reduced to levels where erosion is minimal, and potentially polluting wastes should
be capped to prevent infiltration.


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts

A final aspect to consider is cost. While thick clay cover layers may be an attractive
environmental option, they are expensive. In the choice of a rehabilitation method, site
specific conditions, available materials and economic factors need to be taken into account.

Remediation of contaminated soils

A contaminated site is a site that has received substances that were either not previously
present in that site or, as a result of some activity, are at significantly higher concentrations
than were normal for that site. These sites should be restored to a more acceptable condition,
but the definitions of contaminated, restored and acceptable condition are by no means clearcut, nor universally agreed upon. There is also no agreement in terms of policy concerning
the restoration of contaminated sites.
Most methods that have been applied to clean up or rehabilitate contaminated sites involve
the expertise of engineering combined with geochemistry, hydrology, ecology, and human
and environmental toxicology. These methods are categorised and described in Table 9-10.
Table 9-10: Methods for clean-up and rehabilitation of contaminated sites


Removal of the source of


This method for clean-up and rehabilitation involves establishing the

cause-and-effect relationship between the source of contamination
and the contamination itself. It is based on the assumption that the site
is not already irreversibly damaged. Removing the source of
contamination should therefore allow the system to recover without
further cleanup required.
Restricting future use of the site is required where limited or no cleanup is possible. This may be for technical reasons, such as high costs.
Another reason is that current methods may simply not be effective in
the remediation of certain types of contaminants and sites.

Restriction of site use

Examples of this method in South Africa involve cases where the

original owner who was responsible for contaminating the site cannot
be traced. In these cases, the municipality or the DME inherits the
problem. These sites are often left untreated and restriction plased on
the future use of the sites. This presents a security problem, and often
the decision needs to be revisited at a later stage.
In situ treatment could involve the complete destruction of the
contaminant, through techniques such as incineration or
bioremediation. These techniques are highly effective for treating
organic contaminants, although the availability and toxicity of inorganic
contaminants can also be reduced.

In situ treatment
The first in situ treatment method is incineration. This method,
however, has the disadvantages of involving high costs, causing air
pollution and being unpopular with the public. The most promising
techniques for in situ treatment involve bioremediation. Bioremediation
involves the use of microorganisms to destroy hazardous
contaminants. The earliest engineering application of the metabolism


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Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts


of microbial decomposers was in sewage treatment. More recently,
treatments for other organic wastes, such as petroleum wastes, have
been developed using similar microbial principles.
The last method of clean-up and remediation of contaminated sites is
the reconstruction of physical and biological features on the site. This
includes the construction of physical infrastructure, such as barriers
and impermeable clay covers, to divert the flow of surface or
groundwater and prevent its infiltration of soil.

Reconstruction of the sites


If necessary, entire ecosystems can be constructed. For example,

mine tailings areas are usually devoid of vegetation and soils are
characteristically acidic and nutrient-poor. These areas can be
revegated by planting a grass cover. Natural succession usually
follows and native flora and fauna returns to the area, forming a new
ecosystem. Another example is the construction of wetlands in water
contaminated sites, which would then attract a diverse ecosystem.

Disposal of slimes

There are three main methods for disposing of slimes, namely wet disposal, dry porous
disposal and paste disposal.

Wet disposal

Wet disposal of tailings involves the transportation of a mixture of tailings and water, also
known as slurry, via a pipeline to a tailings dam. In the tailings dam the tailings settle out and
some of the water is treated and returned to the processing plant for reuse.
The tailings dam must be lined so as not to leak. Clay, plastic, asphalt and concrete linings
have however all been found to be unreliable for certain applications. Internationally, the best
practice for the long-term disposal of slimes and other mine residues has focused on
cappings, to prevent the ingress of water and oxygen. These caps are typically designed to
suit local conditions, and may include impermeable (usually clay) layers, rock layers to divert
water away from tailings and prevent intrusion by burrowing animals, topsoil and vegetative
covers. The capping approach is often used as liners were often not installed (this is the case
for most, if not all, gold residues in Gauteng) and a surface cap is easier to monitor over time
than a liner, which may deteriorate.
Until recently, it was considered acceptable practice in South Africa to locate mine residue
deposits on well-drained ground. The rationale was to promote drainage to prevent failure due
to excessive water in tailings. Unfortunately, this means that mine tailings and the leachates
they produce often have a direct pathway into the local groundwater, either through solution
features in dolomite or through abandoned mine workings (Figure 9-6). In these cases,
suitable stabilisation to prevent sinkhole formation and capping with impermeable material is


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Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts

Figure 9-6: Sinkhole formation, where a tailings dam has collapsed into old surface
mine workings (note the leachate visible on the surface)

Dry porous disposal

Dry porous disposal of tailings involves the complete dewatering of tailings using vacuum or
pressure filters, allowing the tailings to be stacked in stock and waste piles. This method of
tailings disposal has the advantage over wet disposal in that it eliminates the risk associated
with dam failure and the consequent contamination of soil, surface water and groundwater.
Dry disposal does, however, have the disadvantage of containing leachable materials,
chemicals or reagents (e.g. cyanide in gold metallurgical plant tailings). Seepage of these
contaminants could result in groundwater pollution.
Methods to reduce pollution from dry disposal piles include:

Reducing water infiltration through natural or synthetic capping;

Constructing capping so as to encourage surface runoff;
Using hydrophyllic vegetation to reduce soil moisture; and
Constructing underdrains and/or wicks to drain water from within.

Paste Tailings

A third method, paste tailings, involves the dewatering of tailings to a point where the tailings
do not have a critical flow velocity when pumped or segregate when deposited. The paste
tailings are generally deposited to form a conical pile, with typical slope angles of 3 10. As
the paste dewaters further, the tailings produces crack which locks the layers together,
forming a more stable structure.
This method of tailings disposal has the advantage over wet disposal in that it eliminates the
risk associated with dam failure and the consequent contamination of soil, surface water and
groundwater. Paste tailings also allow higher slop angles than dry porous tailings, thereby


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts

reducing the footprint of the tailings disposal facility, while storing the same volume of
material. There is also no or very little risk for seepage from paste disposal facilities.

Mineral extraction processes

9.26.1. General impacts

The general environmental impacts associated with mineral extraction refer to the effects of
processing chemicals on the environment and to a lesser extent, on air pollution and noise
pollution during mechanical extraction processes. The most important impact of mineral
processing on the environment is water pollution due to spillages and incorrect storage of
processing chemicals and waste products. Water used for washing these materials contain
high levels of dissolved solids and can have a negative impact on surface and groundwater if
not properly contained.
Dust pollution and noise pollution can occur during the screening and crushing of clay and
aggregates. In many cases, the extraction of minerals includes the use of heavy machinery
such as ball mills and jaw crushers which generate high noise levels. Other forms of air
pollution can also occur during metallurgical processes where heavy metals and other toxic
elements are introduced into the atmosphere.
9.26.2. Air Quality
The air quality of any region is controlled by the climate, topography, natural and
anthropogenic activities that occur in that area and surrounding regions. Air movement is an
important means of dispersing airborne matter, such as seeds, gas and dust particles. It is
also capable of transporting pollutants, thus the effects of pollution in one area may be felt in
another area hundreds of kilometers away.
A deterioration in air quality results from the emission of gaseous and particulate matter into
the atmosphere. Depending on the levels and nature of emissions, polluted air has the
potential to impact negatively on the environment. Air pollution may result in disturbances to
ecosystems, climatic conditions, biogeochemical cycles and human health.
The major sources of air pollution arising from mining operations are described in Box 9-12.


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts

Box 9-12: Major Sources of Air Pollution from Mining Operations in Gauteng

Dust emissions from abandoned mine dumps and operational tailings dams

Although primary mining activity is on the decline in Gauteng, historical mining activities
have left a host of mine dumps scattered around the province. A number of these dumps
are in the process of being reclaimed thus exposing their surfaces to windblown erosion.
In addition, operational mines also operate tailings dams, waste rock dumps and ore
stockpiles. These are a major source of dust emissions in areas where they occur,
especially during the late winter and early spring months, when wind speeds peak over
Gauteng. These dust emissions pose a nuisance and health risk to nearby receptor
communities. The number of abandoned mine dumps are decreasing as a result of
reworking and reclamation of the land for other land uses. As a result of negotiations
initiated by GDACE, the major dust problem around mine tailings in Boksburg has been
significantly reduced following re-vegetation of the major dams in the area. Dust from
mine tailings on the west rand remain problematic. Completion of reclamation operations
in Springs and the far East Rand over the next 2 years should see a substantial reduction
in wind blown dust in these areas.
Historically, dust from gold slimes dams and sand dumps used to be terrible until it was
learnt how to grow vegetation on these deposits. Some were clad with rock to prevent
dust. These interventions allowed property development to take place adjacent to, and
on, these deposits.

Gaseous and particulate emissions from domestic fuel usage

The pressures of human settlements on air quality are mainly due to the use of coal as a
domestic energy source in low-income townships and informal settlements. This has long
been an issue of concern in Gauteng. A source apportionment study in Soweto indicated
that domestic coal combustion contributed approximately 70% of the ambient total
particulate matter (TSP) loading (Annegarn et al., 1998).

Energy from coal based power generation

Although Gauteng is a significant consumer of electrical energy, the province imports

most of its electricity needs from the national power supply grid. Most of the electricity
generation occurs in Eskoms coal fired power stations located on the Mpumalanga
Highveld. However, numerous industries generate their own energy using coal as a
primary energy source. Emissions from these operations add to the total pollution load in
the form of particulate matter and greenhouse gases.

Climate and local regional/national/ global atmospheric movements

The diffusion and dispersion of pollutants is dependent upon climatic, weather conditions
and local atmospheric stability, which varies on a daily and seasonal basis. During winter,
the Highveld is dominated by a high-pressure system, which is characterised by air
subsidence that results in clear skies, light winds, and temperature inversions. These
conditions are unfavourable for pollution dispersion and diffusion. During summer, moist
unstable conditions dominate, resulting in conditions that are conducive to rapid pollution
dispersion, air mixing and wet deposition by rainfall.


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts


Occurrence of veld fires

Veld fires are widespread across the province, occurring in autumn, winter and early
spring. In addition to controlled burning for fire-breaks and veld management, many fires
are due to arson. Some are accidental, notably those started by motorists throwing
cigarettes out of car windows. Emissions from veld fires are similar to those generated by
coal and wood combustion. Whilst veld fire smoke primarily impacts visibility and
landscape aesthetic quality, it also contributes to the degradation of regional scale air


Air pollution has a generally negative impact on the environment: There is evidence that both
indoor and ambient air pollution increases the risk of respiratory disease. The World Health
Organisation estimates that indoor air pollution as a result of the use of coal and wood for
heating and cooking is responsible for 2.7 % of the global disease burden (WHO, 2004). This
is the most serious air quality issue in the province in terms of health related impacts.
Poor air quality results in deterioration of visibility and aesthetic landscape quality of the
region, particularly in winter due to atmospheric inversions. Poor air quality causes a nuisance
to people living in proximity to the sources, particularly odours, eye, nose and throat irritations
and cleanliness issues (due to particulates, in the latter case).
Depletion of stratospheric ozone results in an increase in UV radiation, which in turn
increases the risk of skin cancer. There is however no evidence for the increase in
atmospheric UV level over South Africa (DEAT, 1999). Examples of negative ecological
impacts include changes in soil and water chemistry (increased salt loading, acidification),
resulting in a reduction in crop yields, destruction of sensitive biomes and loss of biodiversity.
Destruction of property as a result of corrosion, due to wet deposition of gaseous and
particulate air pollutants.


The best form of control is not to allow emissions to occur. From a particulate perspective this
will entail having a cover on the dumps or preventing dust from being picked up on exposed
surfaces. The only long term sustainable solution is to have a vegetation cover preventing
dust pickup. This could also include a mixture with rock to roughen up the surface. Dump
reclamation has to occur from the downwind side, south or south east in Gauteng. This allows
a protective outer shell to be left and is the biggest single way of reducing dust. Side slopes of
residue deposits must be made stable otherwise they will continue eroding and generating
new surfaces, which could be a continual source of dust. These sides should be shaped to a
stable slope and vegetated. Any traffic such as footpaths or motorbikes should be prevented
to reduce erosion from occurring.


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Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts

Exposed areas such as roads can be sprayed with water. This works effectively for a while
but dries out and thus needs to be continually applied to be effective. Dust binders can be
sprayed on these exposed areas to give longer term protection. The wind velocity on the
surfaces of large areas areas needs to be reduced to prevent dust pickup. This can be done
by ploughing the area perpendicular to the prevailing wind direction using a deep plough.
This is known as ridge ploughing. Other techniques include the installation of netting or
other barriers in rows perpendicular to the prevailing wind.
Watering or spraying effectiveness is enhanced if applied ahead of the time when strong
winds are expected. The SA weather bureau can give advanced warning of high winds. The
effects of dust can be reduced by not having receptor sites near to tailings facilities. Housing
should be kept away at a safe distance depending on the site and impact (generally at least
500m is recommended). A line of trees around the base of residue deposits can help to
reduce wind effects on dumps which are not very high and have the added benefit of reducing
groundwater seepage.

Legal context

Air quality in South Africa used to be regulated by the Atmospheric Pollution Prevention Act of
1965 (APPA) and is now regulated by the NEMA Air Quality Act (NEM: AQA). According to
the NEM: AQA, the implementation of air quality management should be done within the
national air quality framework, which allows for the setting of national, provincial and local
standards for air quality. Other mitigation measures stipulated within the NEM: AQA include:

The declaration of priority areas, which are areas of high pollution, and the
formulation of air quality management plans for these priority areas;
The obtaining of Atmospheric Emission Licences for a set of listed activities;
The declaration, setting of standards and prohibition of use of controlled emitters and
controlled fuels;
The development and implementation of Pollution Prevention Plans;
The compilation of Atmospheric Impact Reports; and
Specific measures for the control of dust, the rehabilitation of mined areas and the
control of noise and offensive odours.

In terms of the Environment Conservation Act of 1989, now replaced by the new
Environmental Management Act of 1998 all significant new developments in South Africa are
required to undertake Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA's) before they are approved
These assessments invariably include air quality studies, where appropriate. To prevent
creeping loss of air quality due to the incremental effect of lots of individually-small impacts,
Strategic Environmental Assessments of the entire air bubble' of major regions have
increasingly become standard practice.
9.26.3. Groundwater pollution
Disposal of waste is the major cause of water pollution and in the past this happened directly
since wastes were dumped directly into a river or the sea. Many polluted surface waters in
turn polluted the associated groundwater. To contaminate groundwater some form of liquid
must be disposed of, or solid materials must be able to generate a liquid that contains
dissolved toxic substances or acids.


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Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts

Wastes can be separated into two main categories, namely organic and inorganic
contaminants, as summarised in Table 9-11. Inorganic heavy metal ions in solution are toxic
and their solubility is predominantly pH related. Sulphates are fairly common in some mining
situations where they are associated with lower pH and heavy metals in solution, as a
leachate from mine dumps. Many organic contaminants resist biological degradation and are
not easily removed in sewage treatment plants having a low solubility in water. Many have a
lower density than water and float on water while the chlorinated hydrocarbons used in the
dry cleaning industry and as metal degreasers, have a higher density than water. Organic
compounds that pose the greatest threat are those that are relatively soluble, non-volatile and
refractory and which resist biological degradation. Some common examples include benzene,
chloroform, trichloro-ethylene, methyl benzene, dichloro-ethane and tetrachloro-ethylene.
Table 9-11: Groundwater contaminants


Chromium and nickel rich effluent from

precious metal recovery

Leakage from buried waste and storage

Disposal in sanitary landfills which produce
leachates from a variety of sources, some of
which are organic e.g. domestic disposal of
used solvents or oils
Disposal of organic liquids such as dry
cleaning fluids or solvents
Pesticides and herbicides
Sewage irrigation and disposal

Acid rock drainage and the resultant heavy

metal leaching from stockpiles and mining
waste dumps
Raw sewage and chemically charged
irrigation waters
Fertilisers and pesticides
Diffuse runoff from built up areas

The pollution potential of unconfined aquifers is directly linked to the mechanisms of

groundwater recharge and the prevailing rock and soil types. Rapidly draining soils are
usually sandy soils and they may be shallow and will allow rapid transfer of the recharging
water into the local groundwater. Poorly drained soils usually have high clay contents, which
restrict water passage into the local groundwater and encourage runoff thereby protecting the
groundwater from leachate infiltration (See Box 9-13). This in turn means that surface runoff
occurs and poorly drained soils are therefore a threat to surface water bodies. Water entering
poorly drained soils has a long residence time. Deep soil cover allows greater contact and
time for recharging water to be acted on by beneficial processes. Beneficial processes can
chemically change, retard and attenuate pollutants. Natural attenuation can, however, result
in the deposition and concentration of pollutants in the soil. In the case of mine residue
disposal, this can lead to the creation of contaminated footprints, which remain in place after
dumps have been removed for processing.


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Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts

Box 9-13: Leachate

Leachate develops due to the accumulation of moisture or rainfall at a solid waste disposal
site. It results when water percolates through decomposing waste. Organic matter may
generate humic acids, which encourage the metals go into solution. Where wet mine
tailings are deposited, the water used for the deposition may react with the tailings, forming
a contaminated leachate. In the case of the gold or coal tailings found in Gauteng, the water
may also bring oxygen into contact with the tailings, allowing sulphides to oxidise and form
acid. This acid may then mobilise other contaminants within the tailings piles.

Confined aquifers are protected from pollution by the confining layers but often an extensive
network of open fractures and/or solution voids (karstic aquifers) exist and these will transmit
pollutants better and faster than aquifers dominated by porous medium type flow.
Groundwater has areas of active recharge and discharge, usually related to the rock or soil
type and the topography. Pollution in recharge areas will have a greater effect on the
groundwater than pollution in discharge (river valley, spring, swamp) areas.
Topography plays an important role in groundwater pollution; in some situations steep
topography encourages runoff thus preventing recharge (though the reverse is also true).
Topography also controls direction and rate of groundwater flow, since groundwater flows
from areas of high elevation to low elevation. Distribution of pollutants in the groundwater is
controlled by groundwater movement; if there is little movement as in flat areas, the
distribution will be very limited. If there is high potential for movement (gradient created by
topography or pumping), a much larger volume of groundwater will be contaminated.
To determine the above-mentioned parameters, such as the rate of recharge and direction of
groundwater movement, it is important to have a rainfall record and several observation
boreholes both up and down gradient of the mining area. These boreholes can also be used
for sampling purposes to check on water quality.
9.26.4. Acid Mine Drainage
The soil and rock (overburden) excavated to expose the materials of interest (i.e. coal, metal
ores, non-metallic ores), in addition to the waste rock and tailings formed during the
processing of valuable minerals, often contain sulfide minerals such a pyrite (FeS2) that when
exposed to air and water, will oxidize and release large quantities of iron and sulfate into
solution. In addition, H+ ions are liberated during the oxidation process producing an acidic
solution that readily weathers and releases other trace minerals (i.e. copper and zinc) into
solution. The acidic solution formed, characteristic of high metals and sulfate and low pH, is
generally termed acid mine drainage (AMD).
Many ore deposits, including the gold ores of the Witwatersrand contain a significant
proportion of sulphide minerals such as pyrite (FeS2). At depth, these minerals are chemically
stable over long periods of time; however when exposed to oxidising conditions either by
exposure to air in mines or in mining residues, they will oxidise and generate sulphuric acid.
The production of acid mine drainage is described by four chemical equations:


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Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts

Pyrite reacts with oxygen in the air and water to form a solution of ferrous iron,
sulphate and free hydrogen ions (in effect a solution of ferrous iron in sulphuric
2FeS2 + 702 + 2H2O 2Fe2+ + 4SO42- + 4H+


The ferrous iron is then converted to ferric iron by the action of acid water in the
presence of oxygen. This is the rate determining step for acid mine water
4Fe2+ + O2 + 4H+ 4 Fe3+ + 2H2O


The ferric iron may then react with water to form ferric hydroxide, further
acidifying the water. This reaction is pH dependent. At pH values below about
3.5, the ferric iron will remain in solution, while at higher values it will precipitate,
forming a solid phase, known as yellowboy. The formation of this precipitate is
shown in Figure 9-7.
4Fe3+ + 12H2O 4Fe(OH)3 + 12H+


Finally, the ferric iron acts as an oxidant, oxidising further ferrous iron or pyrite,
generating additional acidity. This cyclic generation of acid will continue until the
source of ferric iron or pyrite is exhausted. In acidic environments, microbes such
as Acidithiobacillus ferroxidans, further accelerates the oxidation of pyrite by
increasing the amount of Fe3+ in solution.It is important to note that this process
can take place in an anoxic environment.
FeS2 + 14Fe3+ + 8H2O 15Fe2+ +2SO42- + 16H+

This also illustrates the importance of understanding acidity as well as pH. The pH of water
provides a measure of the concentration of hydrogen ions in a solution. Acidity, sometimes
referred to as mineral acidity, on the other hand defines the ability of the solution to consume
alkalinity, and is expressed in the same units as alkalinity, namely the concentration of
calcium carbonate. Acidity is the capacity of a solution to neutralise a strong base (e.g. 0.1N
NaOH) to a specified end point (usually pH 8.3). The procedure for assessing the acidity of
mine waters in the field is illustrated in Figure 9-8.


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Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts

Figure 9-7: Oxidation of pyrite in an underground exposure in a Witwatersrand

gold mine


Add dilute

Hydrogen peroxide is an oxidant, and

will accelerate the oxidation of Fe2+ to
Fe3+. Contact lens fluid contains
sufficient hydrogen peroxide

Water is
net alkaline

Water is
net acidic

Figure 9-8: Procedure for assessing the acidity of mine waters in the field


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Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts

If the concentrations of the relevant cations are known for a solution, the acidity can be
calculated using the formula:
Aciditycalc = 50[2Fe2+/56 + 3Fe3+/56 + 3Al/27 + 2Mn/55 + 1000(10-pH)]
Net acidity = (total acidity) (total alkalinity)

It is important to remember that mine waters which have been in anoxic conditions may be
net acid, without necessarily having a low pH. When these become aerated, the oxidation of
Fe2+ to Fe3+ and the subsequent H+ releasing hydrolysis of Fe3+ will lower the pH, as has
happened in Robinson Lake (See Figure 9-10). Another important factor to remember is that
rainwater and some surface waters contain significant dissolved oxygen, and that if this water
enters submerged underground workings, that oxygen can lead to the oxidation of sulphides
and the production of acid mine drainage.

pH 3.06
Inflow from acid
mine water, pH
neutralised to 6.9

Mixing Zone

Figure 9-10: View across Robinson Lake (Randfontein) from the point where pH
neutralised acid mine water is discharged (Note the colour changes related to the mixing
of the mine water and aerated dam water.)

Acid mine water allows the dissolution and transport of a number of metals, including most of
the toxic heavy metals and Radionuclides. The mineral acidity described here also explains
the ability that acid mine drainage displays to neutralisation based merely on pH
Within Gauteng, a number of mineral deposits have an appreciable sulphide content. The
most notable are the Witwatersrand Gold and Karoo Coal deposits. Any mining or mineral
processing of these ores or their waste products is likely to result in significant acid
generation. A number of smaller deposits also contain significant concentrations of sulphide.
The lead-zinc-silver deposits located east of Pretoria contain sulphides, although the


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Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts

dominant ore minerals are galena and sphalerite, which tend to be less acid producing than
9.26.5. Cyanide contamination
The dominant chemical used in the gold industry has for many decades been cyanide in
aqueous solution. This has been used for the initial leaching process to dissolve the gold,
forming the aurocyanide ion Au(CN)2- under basic conditions. Cyanide is also used
throughout the subsequent process of purification to the elution of the gold from loaded
activated carbon and its subsequent electrowinning (Swaminathan et. al., 1993).
In mine waste disposal environments, cyanide can occur as free cyanide - its most
chemically active and toxic form - as various metal-cyanide complexes, cyanates, and as
thiocyanates (Hoye, 1987). The metal-cyanide complexes vary from strongly bonded (e.g.
iron and cobalt) to weakly-bonded (e.g. copper, zinc and cadmium) compounds.


The toxicity of metal-cyanide complexes varies inversely with the strength of the bond. The
stronger complexed cyanides, e.g. ferro- and ferricyanides are less toxic than free cyanides,
can remain stable for long periods (tens of years) and will dissociate slowly, if at all. Weak
Acid Dissociable (WAD) cyanide consists of both free cyanide and weakly-bound metalcyanide complexes. The toxicity variation of three different cyanide species is measured by
the 96-hour mean acute LC50 (lethal concentration for 50 percent mortality) and is
summarised in Table 9-12.

Table 9-12: Toxicity variation of three different cyanide-species



LD50 for trout

Free cyanide
SCNSource: Smith and Mudder, 1991

0.045 mg/L
13 - 45 mg/L
140 - 250 mg/L

Impact on the environment

Cyanides are generally not persistent when released to water or soil, and are not likely to
accumulate in aquatic organisms. They rapidly evaporate and are broken down by microbes.
They do not bind to soils and may leach to ground water.

Degradation processes of cyanide

Free cyanide is not a persistent ion in nature because it will eventually complex or dissociate
to non-toxic forms. One can however not rely on natural degradation because estimates of
time and migration distances cannot always be accurate. Quantitative estimates of the
potential for free cyanide attenuation must be determined on a detailed, site-specific basis.
Free cyanide can be attenuated by five mechanisms, as summarised in Box 9-14.


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts

Box 9-14: Mechanisms for the attenuation of Cyanide



Volatilisation will occur if the soil acts to buffer the high pH process solutions to below
about 8. It is potentially important in free cyanide removal due to the equilibrium between
the cyanide ion (CN-) and undissociated hydrocyanic acid (HCN) which is highly volatile.
Below pH of 8 the reaction is forced in the direction of HCN formation. The limiting factor
to this process will be the rate at which air migrates through the soil pores to remove the
vaporized HCN gas.


Oxidation of cyanide reduces its toxicity by the formation of cyanate. Cyanate is proven to
be 2 to 7 times less toxic than cyanide (Craig, 1989). Cyanate can hydrolyse to carbon
dioxide and ammonia.


Biodegradation is a process where biological organisms modify chemicals into basic

oxidation products such as carbon dioxide, water and nitrogen. The reactions are
catalyzed by enzymes excreted by bacteria. Biodegradation rates depend on amount of
oxygen, nutrients and bacteria available in the soil.

Aerobic conditions

Cyanide is catalytically oxidized to cyanate under oxidizing conditions by enzymes

excreted by bacteria (Hutchison and Ellison, 1992). The cyanate is then catalytically
hydrolysed to carbon dioxide and water.
HCN + O2 -Enzymes HCNO
HCNO + H2O-Enzymes CO2 + NH3
Ammonia is then oxidised to nitrate by the chemolithotropic bacteria, nitrifying
organisms such as Nitrosomonas and Nitrobacter:
NH4+ + 2O2 NO3- + H2O + 2H+

Anaerobic conditions

Biological decomposition of cyanides is very slow under anaerobic conditions. There

are reports that cyanide is reduced to nitrogen and carbon dioxide at the bottom of
stagnant ponds. However, the bacteria are not tolerant to high levels of cyanide and will
only work below a concentration of about 2 mg/L (Fuller, 1984).


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts


The iron cyanide complex is very stable in the soil system and mechanisms applicable to
free and weakly complexed cyanide, such as volatilization or hydrolysis, will not apply.
However, it can be adsorbed on soil minerals to form insoluble salts such as ferric ferro
cyanide or zinc ferro cyanides and precipitate out.

Legal limits of concentration

The United States Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA) has set a maximum
contaminant level (MCL) of cyanide in drinking water of 0.2 milligrams cyanide per litre of
water (0.2 mg/L or ppm).
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and the American Conference of
Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH) have set a permissible exposure limit of 5
milligrams of cyanide per cubic meter of air (5 mg/m3) in the workplace during an 8-hour
workday, 40-hour workweek.

The World Bank guideline for cyanide in discharged water is 1 mg/l and 50 mg/l of WAD
cyanide in tailings ponds. The SANS guideline for the maximum allowable concentration of
recoverable cyanide in water is 300 g/l. The Department of Water Affairs and Forestrys
guideline for water for domestic use (DWAF, 1996) contains no guideline for cyanide.

Health effects

The U.S. EPA has found cyanide to potentially cause the following health effects when people
are exposed to it at levels above the MCL for relatively short periods of time: rapid breathing,
tremors and other neurological effects. Exposure to high levels of cyanide harms the brain
and heart, and may cause coma and death.
In the long-term cyanide has the potential to cause the following effects from a lifetime
exposure at levels above the MCL: weight loss, thyroid effects, nerve damage. Exposure to
lower levels may result in breathing difficulties, heart pains, vomiting, blood changes,
headaches, and enlargement of the thyroid gland.
9.26.6. Toxicity of underlying soils
A problem occurring beneath slimes dams, which is often not recognised or reported on, is
the toxicity of the underlying soils. The underlying soils can become contaminated during the
process of water percolating through the slimes dam. The water often has an extremely low
pH value, and then heavy metals are taken up into solution and transported to the underlying
soils. These heavy metals include selenium, arsenic, cobalt and many more, which are toxic
to humans even in small quantities. In many cases the problem is only uncovered once a
slimes dam has been removed by reprocessing or rehabilitation. The high concentrations of
heavy metals in the footprint necessitate a proper investigation into the suitability of the
footprint area for future development.


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts

The possibility of removing the soil or covering the area by inert soils does exist.
9.26.7. Spontaneous combustion
This particular problem is typically associated with colliery residues and dumps. South African
coal generally has a high sulphur and pyrite content. On exposure to air and oxidation by
water, these elements react with the oxygen and the reaction temperature can rise sufficiently
high to cause spontaneous combustion of the coal in the dump or underground workings. This
results in significant air pollution. The gas and dust particles released in this way can then
lead to what is commonly known as acid rain. A further problem associated with burning
dumps is that of instability of the dump and also the safety of persons that need to enter the
dumps. Underground coal workings, which are not sealed off, can begin to burn in this way
and as the supports that were left burn away, there is the danger of collapse of the workings
and the overlying ground. This causes a physical hazard on surface.
9.26.8. Radioactivity
The idea that all matter is composed of some sort of fundamental particles dates back to the
ancient Greeks, who believed that all matter was composed of tiny indivisible particles called
atoms. Research during the late 19th and early 20th Centuries showed that atoms were not
indivisible, but consisted of a positively charged nucleus, surrounded by a negatively charged
electron cloud. During this time, radioactivity was also discovered, and it was identified that
radioactivity was the result of the decay of an unstable atomic nucleus.
The nucleus of an atom is made up largely of protons and neutrons, with the number of
protons giving the atomic number, usually referred to as Z. The atomic number determines
the chemical properties of the element, for example all atoms with one proton in the nucleus
are hydrogen atoms, and will behave the same way chemically. The number of neutrons
determines the mass of the nucleus essentially the mass of the atom as well as the
nuclear stability. Isotopes of an element are forms of the element with the same atomic
number (number of protons), but different mass numbers (number of protons + number of
neutrons). The isotopes of an element have the same chemical properties, but may have
widely differing nuclear properties. It is normal to express the isotope of an element using the
following symbology:


For example,

M = mass number
Z = atomic number
X = chemical symbol for the element in question.

U , denotes the isotope uranium-238, an atom of uranium with 92 protons

and 146 neutrons, giving a mass number of 92+146=238. Since all uranium atoms have 92
protons, it is customary to simply write 238U.


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts

The function of the neutrons in the nucleus is to hold the nucleus together. The number of
neutrons will determine the stability of a nucleus. Unstable nuclei decay by the emission of
alpha ( ) or beta ( ) radiation.

Alpha radiation

Alpha decay involves the release of an alpha particle two protons and two neutrons, which
is the same as a helium nucleus (4He2+) from the nucleus. This decreases the atomic
number by 2 and the mass number by 4. An example of an alpha decay is the decay of
uranium-238 to thorium-234 (


U 23490Th + ). The emitted alpha particle also has

significant kinetic energy.

Beta radiation

Beta decay involves the release of an electron or positron (positively charged anti-particle to
the electron), from the nucleus. The mass number remains the same in these transitions,
while the atomic number changes by one for example, the decay of potassium-40 to stable
calcium-40 by emission ( 19 K 18 Ar + ). Beta decays often leave the resultant nucleus



in an excited state. The excess energy is released in one or more gamma ( ) rays. These
are photons with extremely high energy. (Other radiation transported as photons include light,
ultraviolet and x-rays, in order of increasing energy. Gamma rays have higher energy than
any of these.) Gamma rays have clearly defined energies, depending on the isotope which is
emitting them, and may be used to identify and quantify the isotope which is emitting them.
The likelihood of decay of a radioactive nucleus is a property of the specific nucleus, leading
to a characteristic decay rate for any radioactive substance. Half-life is therefore the time
lapse during which a radioactive mass loses one half of its radioactivity.
This means that during one half-life, one half of the radioactivity in a mass will decay. During
the next half life, one half of the remaining radioactivity will decay, leaving one quarter of the
initial radioactivity. The decay is therefore exponential, with many half-lives needed before all
the radioactivity in a radioactive body has decayed. Half-lives of naturally occurring
substances vary from less than a second to billions of years depending on the substance.


The details of the measurement of radioactivity are beyond the scope of this document.
Instruments are available to measure alpha, beta and gamma radiation, or some combination
of these. In order to provide meaningful data, the instruments need to be operated by properly
qualified personnel and must be properly calibrated. Richards (1976) gives a good description
of the procedures and instrumentation for ground surveying, while airborne surveying is well
described in the IAEA Technical Report No. 323 (IAEA, 1991).
Alpha and beta radiation have extremely short ranges, so instrumentation is largely geared
towards the measurement of surface activity. Gamma rays, on the other hand, are detectable
up to several hundred metres from their source, allowing the rapid scanning of large areas on
foot, from vehicles or from low-flying aircraft.


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts

Units and doses

Radioactivity is commonly expressed in three types of units. The standard way of expressing
radioactivity is in a specific activity as decays per unit mass for solid materials and decays per
unit volume for liquids and gases. The SI unit for the activity is the Becquerel (Bq), which is
defined as one decay per second. The legally defined limit above which activities are subject
to regulation by the National Nuclear Regulator is set at 0.2 Bq/g. Radiation may also be
expressed in terms of exposure rate. This is commonly used for gamma radiation. Finally, the
concentration of the element in question, uranium, thorium or potassium, may be expressed
in concentration units such as parts per million, micrograms per litre etc. It is also customary
in geology to express the concentration as the concentration of the oxide of the element
(U3O8, ThO2 or K2O).
Dose refers to the amount of radiation absorbed by a human body, and is expressed in units
of Sieverts (Sv). Environmental doses are typically expressed in microsieverts (Sv) or
millisieverts (mSv). Dose units are related to the probability of developing cancer from an
absorbed dose, with the lifetime risk of developing a fatal cancer calculated as 5*10-2 per
Sievert. The global average annual dose due to background radiation is approximately
2.4 mSv and the National Nuclear Regulator prescribes a maximum exposure for the public at
1 mSv for all industrial sources. Often a limit is prescribed at 0.25 mSv for a specific source.
The Sievert is a derived unit, based on a dose model and a dose calculation. For regulatory
purposes, the dose model, calculation method and measured quantities should also be

Radioactivity in the environment

The earths crust contains a number of radioactive substances. Environmentally, uranium and
thorium and their decay products and potassium-40 are the only significant ones. Potassium40 decays to argon-40 and calcium-40, emitting gamma rays in the process. Since the
potassium content of the human body is maintained at a constant level, and potassium-40 is a
component of all potassium, these decays are not seen as having a significant negative
health impact. In the natural environment, only uranium and thorium and their decay series
have a significant impact. Table 9-13 shows the potassium, uranium and thorium
concentrations (as oxides) for typical natural rocks. By contrast, gold ores in the
Witwatersrand may contain up to several hundred ppm of uranium.
Table 9-13: Redioelement concentrations of some common rock types
Rock Type
K2O (%)
Continental crustal average
Acid rocks (granites, granodiorites, etc.)
Intermediate rocks (diorites, andesites, etc.)
Basic rocks (basalts, gabbros, norites, etc.)
Ultrabasic rocks (peridotites, pyroxenites, komatiites, etc.)
(Source: Kogan et al., 1972)

In mining environments, uranium and thorium and their decay products may be present at
elevated levels. In the Witwatersrand, uranium occurs as an accessory mineral in the gold
ores. In gold-mining areas, uranium and uranium decay series pollution may be problematic.


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts

It is important to remember that uranium and its decay products are all metals, and that their
environmental behaviour is governed by their chemical properties.
A number of artificial radionuclides have also been created as by-products of the nuclear
industry and for industrial applications. Some of these are found in the environment worldwide
as a result of fallout from nuclear weapons tests and nuclear accidents, while some industrial
isotopes may be released to the environment through the irresponsible handling and disposal
of radioactive sources. This type of pollution is beyond the scope of this manual. It should be
borne in mind, however, that radioactive sources may be used in mineral exploration. Any
application for permission for exploration or prospecting should include a statement regarding
the use of radioactive sources, as well as documentation regarding the use and storage of
these sources. These sources are regulated by the Department of Health.

Decay series

In many cases, the product of radioactive decay is stable (non-radioactive), for example the
decay of potassium-40 to calcium-40. In some cases, however, the decay products
themselves are radioactive. In such cases, the decay products then decay, with their own
half-lives through series referred to as decay series, with a number of intermediate decay
products, before finally decaying to a stable end product. Both uranium and thorium decay
through series of radioactive isotopes before finally producing stable isotopes of lead. The
decay series of 235U, 238U and 232Th are shown below in Figure 9-11 and Figure 9-12.


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts

Figure 9-11: Decay series of 238U


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts

Figure 9-12: Decay series of 232Th

Witwatersrand gold ores contain significant (in some cases economic) concentrations of
uranium. In the undisturbed ores, all of the decay products are present in a condition known
as secular equilibrium, where the activities of all of the radionuclides are equal. Note that the
concentrations differ, as much less material with a short half-life is needed to produce the
same activity as material with a longer half-life. Since the radiological impact of radionuclides

GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts

is due to their activity, rather than concentration, the activity is significant. (It should be
remembered that uranium is chemically toxic, so the concentration of uranium is also of
environmental significance.) In the mining and milling processes and when mine residues are
exposed to the elements, the chemical differences between the different isotopes in the decay
series cause significant disequilibrium, with some isotopes being concentrated in different
environmental media.
A particular concern is the emanation of radon (Rn). Radon is a chemically inert radioactive
gas. It is heavier than air, and therefore tends to concentrate in low-lying areas or indoors,
where buildings are built on radium-rich soils, or built from radium-rich material. Radon-222, a
decay product of uranium-238 is of particular environmental significance as it has a long
enough half-life (~4 days) to migrate from the material where it is produced into the
atmosphere. The health risks due to radon lie in the decay of radon itself in the lungs, and
more significantly in the inhalation of radon progeny on aerosols, and the deposition of these
radioactive particles in the lungs. These may then irradiate the lungs, potentially causing lung

Disposal and storage of radioactive waste

Radioactive waste and materials that are potential radioactive waste are continuously
generated during the execution of regulated activities. Radioactive waste may also exist due
to previous activities and / or historic processing of radioactive materials. During the
generation of radioactive waste the emphasis shall be on the control of waste generation and
minimisation at source. Unavoidable radioactive waste must be classified to enable category
specific waste management. The options for management disposal of each waste category
must be evaluated in a systematic way as a multi attribute analysis. The legal requirements
for the disposal of radioactive wastes are summarised in Box 9-15.
Box 9-15: Legal requirements for the disposal of radioactive waste
The disposal and storage of radioactive waste is regulated by Nuclaer Energy Act, 1993
(Act No. 131 of 1993) under regulation 46. The regulation states that:


Except where authorised by a ministerial authority issued under the Hazardous

Substances Act, 1973 (Act No. 15 of 1973), no person may, without the written
permission of the Minister, discard radioactive waste in any manner or cause it to
be so discarded;
Except with the written permission of the Minister, no person may store any
irradiated nuclear fuel or cause it to be stored;
A permission in terms of subsection (1) or (2) may be granted subject to any
conditions that the Minister, in concurrence with the Minister of Environmental
Affairs and Tourism and the Minister of Water Affairs and Forestry, deem fit to
impose. The conditions so imposed will be additional to any conditions contained in
a nuclear authorisation as defined in section 1 of the National Nuclear Regulator
Act, 1999.


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GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 9: Environmental Impacts

Cover page Acid mine drainage affecting surface water quality (Source: CWAC, 2008)


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 9.1

Appendix 9.1
Standard environmental management programme for crushing operations at
waste rock dumps
Guidelines for the compilation of environmental management programme reports for
prospecting and mining projects have been compiled to assist applicants for, and
holders of prospecting permits and mining authorizations to draw up environmental
management programmes (EMPs) in accordance with an established approached,
which is acceptable to all the regulating authorities concerned and to secure the
approval thereof, as required in terms of section 39 of the Minerals Act, 1991, (Act
50 of 1991).
This guideline document has been prepared specifically for the purpose of
establishing a dedicated Standard Environmental Management Programme (SEMP)
for crushing operations at waste rock dumps.
The crushing of rock at waste rock dumps has been identified as a mining activity
which requires a different approach than the established environmental management
programme report (EMPR) procedures which make use of the Aide-Mmoire for the
preparation of EMPs for prospecting and mining to guide proponents in developing an
EMP. The rational behind the need for a different approach is due to the nature of the
activity and the magnitude of the impacts. The approach is based on the provision of
specific and detailed management requirements in the SEMP which aims at
prevention or pro-active minimisation of the risks. Thus a common standard in
environmental management which acknowledges activity-specific circumstances, is
A consultative process was followed to ensure involvement of the various roleplayers during the development of this SEMP.
NOTE: This dedicated SEMP for crushing operations at waste rock dumps should not
be viewed as a guideline which is isolated from other accepted guidelines for the
compilation of EMPs for the mining industry. It is indeed based on the same
objectives and principles as, inter alia the Aide-Mmoire, and forms part of a set of
guidelines for the preparation, compilation and implementation of EMPs for the
mining industry.
This document may be used for the purposes of section 38(1) of the Minerals Act,
1991 (Act 50 of 1991) for crushing operations at waste rock dumps.
This document may not be used in the following instances unless specifically
agreed thereto by the Director: Mineral Development:
If a river diversion is envisaged.
Mining in a sensitive environment.


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 9.1

In such cases an EMP compiled on the basis of the Aide-Mmoire, Abridged AideMmoire or other dedicated documents, as determined by the Director: Mineral
Development, shall be used.
This Standard EMP consists of two parts:
Part A: General information, project description, description of the environment,
environmental impact assessment and exemptions/amendments.
Part B: Environmental Management Programme.
Part A of this Standard EMP is to be fully completed in block letters (print) by
the holder of a prospecting permit or mining authorization (hereafter referred to as
the holder) by using a black pen and submitted to the Director: Mineral
Development, Minerals and Energy. The holder must answer Part A in full and failure
to spend time to complete this part of the programme will delay the processing and
approval of the standard EMP.
Part B of the Standard EMP contains guidelines and operating procedures which will
be binding on the holder after approval has been obtained. It is essential that this
portion be carefully studied and understood.
At the time of application, prior to approval of the Standard EMP and if in the opinion
of the holder the nature of the site or any other circumstances dictate deviation from
the guidelines in Part B, an amendment or amendments must be applied for under
Part A (A.9) of the Standard EMP. These requested amendments must be fully
motivated. After approval of the Standard EMP, no amendments may be made or
implemented prior to obtaining the written approval from the Director: Mineral
Development, Minerals and Energy.
During the mining operations, the holder must ensure that the provisions of Part A
and B and any conditions imposed by the Director: Mineral Development at the time
the EMP is approved, is strictly adhered to at all times. Failure to comply with the
provisions of Part A or B of this Standard EMP may result in suspension or
cancellation of the authorization in terms of section 14 of the Minerals Act, 1991 (Act
50 of 1991).
The following documentation must be appended to Part A:
(a) A locality map making use of a 1 in 50 000 South African Topocadastral Sheet
which clearly identifies the locality of the mining area.
(b) A layout plan inclusive of all the required information.
(c) Other agreements / legal requirements, i.e. permits for the abstraction of water.


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 9.1

For the purpose of this SEMP:
"High flood zone" means all areas within the 1:50 year retention flood line.
"Magnitude of impact" means the combination of the intensity, duration and
extent of an impact occurring.
"Mining area" means the area comprising the subject of any prospecting permit or
mining authorization, including(a) any adjacent surface of land;
(b) any non-adjacent surface of land, if it is connected to such area by means of any
road, railway line, power line, pipe line, cable way or conveyer belt; and
(c) any surface of land on which such road, railway line, power line, pipe line,
cableway or conveyer belt is located,
under the control of the holder of such permit or authorization and which he is
entitled to use in Connection with the operations performed or to be performed
under such permit or authorization.
"Registered / licensed disposal facility" means a facility as determined by the
Director: Mineral Development after consultation with the Department of Water
Affairs and Forestry, for the disposal of waste.
"Sensitive environments" are the following:
1. Limited development areas (section 23 of the Environment Conservation Act, 1989
(Act 73 of 1989).
2. Protected natural environments and national heritage sites.
3. National, provincial, municipal and private nature reserves.
4. Conservation areas and sites of conservation significance.
5. National monuments and gardens of remembrance.
6. Archaeological and palaeontological sites.
7. Graves and burial sites
8. Lake areas, offshore islands and the admiralty reserve.
9. Estuaries, lagoons, wetlands and lakes.


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 9.1

10. Streams and river channels, and their banks.

11. Dunes and beaches.
12. Caves and sites of geological significance.
13. Battle and burial sites.
14. Habitat of Red Data Book species.
15. Areas or sites of outstanding natural beauty.
16. Areas or sites of special scientific interest.
17. Areas or sites of special social, cultural or historical interest.
"Subsoil" means those layers of soil and weathered rock immediately beneath the
topsoil that overlay the hard rock formation.
"Topsoil" means the layer of soil covering the earth and which provides a suitable
environment for the germination of seed, allows the penetration of water, is a source
of micro-organisms, plant nutrients and in some cases seed, and of a depth of 0,5
metre or any other depth as may be determined by the Director: Mineral
Development for each mining area.
Name and address of mining company / person:

Tel Number:

Name and address of holder of mining authorization:

Tel Number:

ID Number / Company Registration Number:

Street / Physical Address:

Fax number:

Postal Address:

Number of authorization:
Date of issue:
Date of expiry:


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 9.1






Tel number(s):


Fax number:


Tel number(s):


Fax number:

Registered name(s):

Extent of mining area (ha)


Magisterial District:
Name of the nearest town:
Distance to the nearest town :


A locality map showing the location of the mining site in relation to farm
boundaries and nearby towns is required. National or provincial roads which are to
be used to gain access to the mining site are to be clearly marked on the locality


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 9.1

plan. A copy of a 1:50 000 topocadastral map may be used for this purpose. If
only a portion of the sheet is used, the name and reference number of the map
must clearly be printed at the top and also entered into the space provided below.
From the sheet, the longitude and latitude of the approximate centre of the mining
area must be established and entered into the space provided below. The locality
map must be appended to Part A on application for a mining authorization.
Please provide the following information:
Name of 1:50 000 sheet:

Sheet Number:

Longitude of approximate centre of mining Degrees:



Latitude of approximate centre of mining Degrees:




A layout plan drawn to a reasonable, practical scale (e.g. 1:1000), indicating the
main infrastructural features of the operation, must be appended to Part A of the
programme. The plan must be neatly drawn and must show contours and
Indicate with a Y (for Yes) or NA (for Nor Applicable) if the following is
included on the layout plan which is attached.
North point and scale

Stockpiles, dumps, dams,


Mining area

Office, camp site and other


Full description of property,

adjacent property and position
of boundaries.

Power lines, roads and other


Sequence of mining

Adjacent housing and other


Access roads to site

immediate vicinity
mining area


Rivers, streams or other

water bodies in the area

Placement of topsoil

Placement of overburden




Particulars are to be provided regarding the method of mining to be
Estimated Rate of Production
Indicate below the estimated production rates and reserves which will be


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 9.1

Monthly: m3

Yearly: m3

Total reserves:
Particulars are to be provided regarding the transport of recovered and
finished material. Refer to the method of transport:
1. To the dump
2. To the crusher
3. To the customer
Indicate the extent of the mining area (in m2 or ha):



Area of coarse discard, if applicable m


Area of tailings disposal e.g. slimes m

dams, if applicable:


Extent of proposed mining area

Product handling/processing areas




of Abstraction


Storage facilities


Indicate source of supply

Size: 1/m

Indicate labour strength at maximum
Mark with an X, the infrastructure that will be provided and indicate, in the
space provided, the number and size of each:
Site offices:




Camp Sites:




French drains:






Chemical toilets:



Secured storage area:















GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 9.1

Used oil receptacle drums:




Fire extinguishers:




Service/Mine roads:




Storm water drains:





River crossing:



State below the intended operating hours:
Mining operations:
Monday to Friday: between hours
Saturday: between hours
Hauling operations, if applicable:
Monday to Friday: between hours
Saturday: between hours
Are there any servitudes, power lines, railway lines, dams, pipelines,
canals or other infrastructure on or within 500m of the mining area? If so,

What is the distance from the mining area to the nearest dwelling(s)?
What is the length of access road from the mining site to the public road?
Length in meters/kilometres:
Is the access road wholly or partly used on a permanent basis by others?


If yes, state by whom:

Will any materials be used for the construction of the access road?


If yes, state the materials to be used for construction of the access road:
Has an agreement with the surface owner(s) been reached with regard to
the use of road(s)?



Give a brief description of the following environmental aspects and also indicate the


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 9.1

magnitude of the possible impact, where required:

Depth of water table in summer:

In winter:

Location of existing boreholes:

Location of known aquifers:
Water quality:
Status of existing air quality with special reference to existing pollution
sources and prevailing wind directions.
A.5.8.1 STATUS
State the status of existing noise levels and with specific reference to
current sources of noise pollution.


Note: The future land use must be determined in consultation with the land
owner and the relevant authorities.


Fill in below, the names of particulars of persons, organisations or other


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 9.1

instances which will be affected by the crushing operations and who have
been consulted:

Name of person

How are they affected (e.g. neighbour

affected by noise or dust) . Also indicate
existing complaints.

Method of provision of financial guarantee for rehabilitation:
Bank guarantee:


Trust fund:

Estimated cost of rehabilitation.

Total amount available for rehabilitation.

Is proof of available capital for rehabilitation attached?


Is proof of trust fund attached (if applicable)?


Describe detail of guarantee:

Financial provision:
Regulation 5.16.1 promulgated in terms of the Minerals Act, 1991 (Act 50 of 1991)
provides as follows:
"The holder of a prospecting permit or mining authorization shall demonstrate in his
environmental management programme that he has the financial means and has
made sufficient and acceptable pecuniary provision to the satisfaction of the
Director: Mineral Development to carry out such programme."




GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 9.1

NOTE: The restrictions, operating procedures and guidelines contained in Part B will
be binding on the applicant after this Standard EMP has been approved. Any
deviation from the requirements of Part B will be deemed to be a contravention of
the Minerals Act, 1991. Should site specific conditions or the planned mining
operation be such that it will be necessary to deviate from the guidelines contained
in Part B, the applicant must apply for amendment of or exemption from such
guidelines in the space provided below. In support of the requested amendment or
exemption the applicant must attach separate motivation detailing the full
circumstances surrounding the requested amendments, additional environmental
impacts which may occur, additional rehabilitation measures which will be required
and any other information that will be necessary to approve the requested
amendment/s. Failure to attach suitable detailed motivation will delay the processing
of this application.
A.9.2 The applicant/holder may apply for alternatives or amendments to
Part B. These must be need to be approved by the Director: Mineral
of Motivation attached
section in Part B alternatives/amendments
provisions/guidelines in Part B that Yes/No
are required

I,.......................................................................... in my capacity of Director :

Mineral Development ..............................Region of the Department of Minerals and



This part (Part B) of the Standard EMP contains guidelines, operating procedures
and rehabilitation/pollution control requirements which will be binding on the mining
operator after approval of the Standard EMP. It is essential that this part be carefully


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 9.1

studied, understood, implemented and adhered to at all times. Failure to comply with
the provisions of Part B may result in suspension or cancellation of the mining
authorization in terms of section 14 of the Minerals Act, 1991.
A map similar to the one required in Part A2.1, illustrating the locality of the
operation, must be available at the mining site for scrutiny when required.
One copy of the layout plan referred to in A 2.2 must be appended to Part A of the
programme on application and a second copy of the plan must be available at the
mining site for scrutiny when required.
The plan must be updated on a regular basis with regard to the actual progress of
the establishment of surface infrastructure, mining operations and rehabilitation (a
copy of the updated plan shall be forwarded to the Director : Mineral Development
on a regular basis).
The mining area must be clearly demarcated along its boundaries.
Permanent beacons as indicated on the layout plan or as prescribed by the Director :
Mineral Development must be erected and maintained in their correct position
throughout the life of the mine.
The mining and resultant operations shall only take place within this demarcated
B.2.1.1 Establishing the access road on the mining area
The access road to a crusher site in the mining area is to be established in
consultation with the landowner/tenant.
The applicant/holder shall, as far as practicable, make use of existing tracks or
Should the access road or a portion thereof have to be newly constructed, the
following must be adhered to:


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 9.1

The route shall be selected so that no trees, or a minimum number of trees, are
felled and fence lines shall be followed as far as possible.
Water courses and steep gradients shall be avoided as far as is practicable.
Adequate drainage and erosion protection in the form of cut-off berms or trenches
shall be provided where necessary.
In cases where a road needs to cross a water course, the crossing must be designed
to the satisfaction of the Director: Mineral Development and in consultation with the
The erection of gates in fence lines and the open or closed status of gates in new and
existing positions shall be clarified with the land owner/tenant and maintained
throughout the operational period.
Reasonable speeds must be observed to avoid accidents, excessive noise, dust and
injury to livestock.
Design, construction and location of access to provincial roads must be in accordance
with the requirements of, and to the standards laid down by the Provincial or
controlling authority.
B.2.1.2 Maintenance
Newly constructed access roads on the mining site, shall be maintained adequately in
order to minimise dust, erosion or undue surface damage.
B.2.1.3 Rehabilitation
Whenever a mining authorization is suspended, cancelled or abandoned or if it lapses
and the holder does not wish to renew the mining authorization, any access road or
portion thereof, constructed or upgraded by the holder and which will no longer be
required by the landowner/tenant, shall be rehabilitated to the satisfaction of the
Director: Mineral Development.
Roads shall be ripped or ploughed and if necessary appropriately fertilised (based on
a soil analysis) to ensure the regrowth of vegetation. Imported road construction
materials which may hamper regrowth of vegetation must be removed and disposed
of in an approved manner, prior to rehabilitation.
The site shall be seeded with a local, adapted, indigenous vegetation seedmix.
If a reasonable assessment indicates that the re-establishment of vegetation is
unacceptably slow, the Director: Mineral Development may require that the soil be
analysed and any deleterious effects on the soil arising from the crushing operation,
be corrected and the area be seeded with a seedmix to his specification.


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 9.1

Any gate or fence made or erected by the applicant/holder, which is not required by
the landowner, shall be removed.
B.2.2.1 Establishing the office/camp site
Office and camp sites shall be sited and fenced (where necessary) in consultation
with the landowner/tenant.
No camp or office site shall be located closer than 100 metres from a stream, spring,
dam or pan.
The area required for the camp and office site shall be the minimum required and
which will involve the least disturbance to vegetation..
The office/camp site will be established outside the flood plain, above the flood level
mark within the boundaries of the mining area.
Vegetation shall not be unnecessarily disturbed and trees or shrubs shall, as far as is
practicable, not be felled or damaged.
No trees or shrubs will be felled or damaged for the purpose of obtaining firewood,
unless agreed to by the landowner/tenant.
Fires will only be allowed in facilities or equipment specially constructed for this
purpose. If required by applicable legislation, a fire break shall be cleared around the
perimeter of the camp and office sites.
Lighting and noise disturbance or any other form of disturbance that may have an
effect on the landowner/tenant/persons lawfully living in the vicinity shall be kept to
a minimum.
B.2.2.2 Toilet facilities, waste water and refuse disposal
Chemical toilet facilities (preferred) or other approved toilet facilities such as a septic
drain shall be used and sited on the camp site in such a way that they do not cause
water or other pollution.
The use of existing facilities must be done in consultation with the landowner/tenant.
In cases where facilities are linked to existing sewerage structures, all necessary
regulatory requirements concerning construction and maintenance should be
adhered to.
All effluent water from the camp washing facility shall be disposed of in a properly
constructed french drain, situated as far as possible, but not less than 200 metres,
from a stream, river, pan, dam or borehole.


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 9.1

Only domestic type wash water shall be allowed to enter this drain and any effluents
containing oil, grease or other industrial substances must be collected in a suitable
receptacle and removed from the site, either for resale or for appropriate disposal at
a recognised facility.
Spills should be cleaned up immediately to the satisfaction of the Director: Mineral
Development by removing the spillage together with the polluted soil and by
disposing at a recognised facility.
Non-biodegradable refuse such as glass bottles, plastic bags, metal scrap, etc., shall
be stored in a container at a collecting point and collected on a regular basis and
disposed of at a recognised disposal facility. Specific precautions shall be taken to
prevent refuse from being dumped on or in the vicinity of the camp site.
Biodegradable refuse generated from the office/camp site, crusher site, vehicle yard,
storage area or any other area shall either be handled as indicated above or be
buried in a pit excavated for that purpose and by covering it with layers of soil,
incorporating a final 0,5 meter thick layer of topsoil (where practicable).
Provision should be made for future subsidence.
B.2.2.3 Rehabilitation of the office/camp site
On completion of operations, all buildings, structures or objects on the camp/office
site shall be dealt with in accordance with section 40 of the Minerals Act, 1991, which
Section 40 :
Whenever a prospecting permit or mining authorization which is held is suspended,
cancelled or terminated or lapses, and the prospecting for/or exploitation of any
mineral which was authorized under such permit or authorization finally ceases, the
person who was the holder of such permit or authorization immediately prior to such
suspension, cancellation, termination or lapsing, as the case may be, shall demolish
all buildings, structures or any other thing which was erected or constructed in
Connection with prospecting or mining operations on the surface of the land
concerned and shall remove all debris as well as any other object which the Director:
Mineral Development concerned may require and, as far as is practicable, restore
any such surface to its natural state to the satisfaction of and within a period
determined by such Director: Mineral Development : Provided that such demolition
or removal shall not be applicable in respect of buildings structures or objects(a) which shall, in terms of any other law, not be demolished or removed;
(b) as may determined by such Director: Mineral Development , or in respect of
which he has granted exemption subject to such conditions as may determined by
him; or
(c) which the owner of the land wishes to retain and which has been agreed upon
accordingly in writing with such former holder of such permit or authorization.


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 9.1

Where office/camp sites have been devoided of vegetation/grass or where soils have
been compacted due to traffic, the surface shall be scarified or ripped.
French drains shall be compacted and covered with a final layer of topsoil to a height
of 10cm above the surrounding ground surface.
A laboratory soil analysis shall be done in order to determine if it is necessary to
apply a specific fertiliser to allow vegetation to establish rapidly. The site shall be
seeded with a local, adapted, indigenous seedmix.
If a reasonable assessment indicates that the re-establishment of vegetation is
unacceptably slow, the Director: Mineral Development may require that the soil be
analysed and any deleterious effects on the soil arising from the crushing operation,
be corrected and the area be seeded with a vegetation seedmix to his specification.
Photographs of the camp and office sites, before and during the crushing operation
and after rehabilitation, shall be taken at selected fixed points and kept on record for
the Director: Mineral Development's information.
B.2.3.1 Establishing the vehicle maintenance yard and secured storage
The vehicle maintenance yard and secured storage area will be established outside
the flood plain, above the 1 in 50 year flood level mark within the boundaries of the
mining area.
The area chosen for these purposes shall be the minimum reasonably required and
which will involve the least disturbance of vegetation.
Prior to development of the approved area, topsoil to a depth of 50 cm shall be
removed and stored in a bund wall, in such a way and at such a place that it will not
cause damming up of water or washaways, or be eroded, on the terrain. The height
of this bund wall shall not exceed 2 metres.
The storage areas/buildings shall be securely fenced and all hazardous substances
and stocks such as diesel, oils, detergents etc. shall be stored therein. Drip pans, a
thin concrete slab or with a PVC lining with a view to prevent soil and water
pollution, shall be installed in such storage areas/buildings.
B.2.3.2 The maintenance of vehicles and equipment
The maintenance of vehicles and equipment used for any purpose during the
crushing operation will only take place within the maintenance yard area.
Equipment used in the crushing operation must be adequately maintained, so that
during operation they do not spill oil, diesel, grease or hydraulic fluid.
Machinery or equipment used in the mining area must not pose a pollution hazard in


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 9.1

respect of the above substances. The Director: Mineral Development shall order that
such equipment be repaired or withdrawn from use if in he considers the equipment
or machinery to be polluting and irreparable.
B.2.3.3 Waste disposal
Suitable covered receptacles shall be available at all times and conveniently placed.
All used oils, grease or hydraulic fluids shall be placed therein and these receptacles
will be removed from the site on a regular basis for disposal at a registered or
licensed disposal facility.
B.2.3.4 Rehabilitation of the vehicle maintenance yard and secured storage
On completion of the crushing operation, the above areas shall be cleared of any
remaining contaminated soil.
All buildings, structures or objects on the vehicle maintenance yard and secured
storage areas shall be dealt with in accordance with section 40 of the Minerals Act,
1991 (Refer to par. 2.2.3).
The surface shall then be ripped or ploughed to a depth of at least 300 mm and the
topsoil, previously stored adjacent the site, spreaded evenly to its original depth over
the whole area. The area shall then be fertilised if necessary (based on a soil
The site shall be seeded with a vegetation seedmix adapted to reflect the local
indigenous flora.
If a reasonable assessment indicates that the re-establishment of vegetation is
unacceptably slow, the Director: Mineral Development may require that the soil be
re-analysed and any deleterious effects on the soil arising from the crusher
operations, be corrected and the area be re-seeded with a seedmix to his
B.2.4.1 Establishing the crusher site
The crusher site, including the stockpile areas, shall be sited on a practical basis
after consultation with the landowner/tenant.
Noise abatement and aesthetic acceptability of the site shall be taken into
No crusher site shall be located closer than 100 metres from a stream, spring, dam
or pan.


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 9.1

The crusher site will be established outside of the flood plain, above the 1 in 50 year
flood level mark and within the boundaries of the mining area. The area chosen shall
be the minimum reasonable required and which will involve the least disturbance to
Where necessary, the site shall be fenced and the crushing operations shall only take
place within the approved demarcated mining area.
Prior to the development of the approved area, the topsoil to a depth of 500 mm
shall be removed and stored in a bund wall, in such a way and at such a place that it
will not cause damming of water, or be eroded. The height of this bund wall shall not
exceed 2 metres.
In the case of excavations, the top- and subsoil shall be removed and stored
separately in such a way and at such a place that it will not cause damming of water,
or be eroded. The bund wall will not exceed a height of 2 metres.
In areas of steep gradients, appropriate erosion control measures must be taken.
Vegetation shall not be unnecessarily disturbed and trees or shrubs shall , as far is
practicable, not be damaged or felled.
Oil and fuel spills shall be contained by either drip pans or in a shallow excavation
with a thin concrete and/or a PVC lining or an appropriately designed oil and grease
trap, before stationary oil or fuel using equipment is erected.
In the case of a need for water supply pipelines to be constructed, installation shall
be done in consultation with the landowner/tenant and in such a manner that natural
vegetation is not unduly disturbed. Pipelines shall at all times be kept in good repair
to prevent the loss of water.
No channelisation or impediment to water flow shall be allowed to take place in a
river, stream or flood plain.
B.2.4.2 Waste disposal
B. Oil, grease, hydraulic fluids, diesel
Suitable covered receptacles shall be provided, be available at all times and be
conveniently placed.
All used oil, grease or hydraulic fluids shall be dumped therein.
The content of receptacles will be removed from the site on a regular basis for
disposal at a recognised land disposal facility.
Oil, grease, hydraulic fluid and diesel spills which occur in these areas, must be
cleaned up immediately by removing all contaminated soil and disposing thereof in
the waste disposal receptacle.


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 9.1

B. Refuse disposal

As described in section 2.2.2
B.2.4.3 Tailings dam(s)
B. Establishing tailings dam(s)
1. These guidelines will be applicable until appropriate regulations regarding tailings
dams and mine residue deposits have been promulgated.
2. Although crushing operations do not produce extensive volumes of tailings, certain
minimum requirements must be met.
3. In the case of the use of existing tailings dams, the owner of the tailings
dam(s) will be responsible for every action conducted on the tailings dam or as
otherwise agreed to in writing with the holder of the mining authorization for the
waste rock dumps.
A tailings dam shall be established for three basic purposes:
To serve as a method of depositing finely grained mine residue.
To allow drainage of tailings when pumped from the crusher plant.
As clarification dams in order to serve as a facility to settle fines (suspended solids)
emanating from the crusher plant (washing screen).
The following requirements shall be adhered to prior to the tailings being deposited:
Environmental Impact Study and residue characterisation:
No tailings disposal design should be embarked on without an environmental
impact study having been done.
The impacts incurred on each environmental component must be identified,
quantified and qualified in terms of probability and significance both before and after
Alternative sites must be considered as well as the proposed end uses of the
rehabilitated deposit (dam).
The residue must be characterised to determine the physical and chemical
The potential seepage and leachates must be characterised in terms of quantity and


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 9.1

The potential for long term deterioration in water quality shall be considered in the
assessment of the impact.
In instances where the seepage quality is such that it will pose a significant threat to
groundwater, a full impact assessment shall be undertaken in order to ascertain the
nature and scope of impact management measures which will be required.
Environmental objectives
Acceptable environmental objectives (targets, norms and standards) to be achieved,
shall be established for all potentially significant impacts.
These objectives must be achieved within the zone of potential influence of the
residue deposit.
Surface and groundwater quality objectives shall be established in consultation with
the Department of Water Affairs and Forestry (all facilities shall, however, be
designed with an objective of zero discharge to the surface water environment)
Planning and design
This is a highly specialised activity and must be performed by suitably qualified
personnel and engineers, especially in the case of medium to high hazard tailings
The achievement of the environmental objectives shall be ensured by the design.
Risk of failure shall be minimised by the design.
All components of the water management system shall be designed to retain runoff
from a 24 hour duration storm event with a 100 year recurrence interval plus
freeboard. The capacity to retain the event shall be over and above the normal
operating facility.
The minimum freeboard which is required to accommodate water on top of the
tailings dam, shall be 0,5 metres over and above the normal water deposition with
the tailings and the 1:100 year 24 hour rainfall event.
Site selection
The most appropriate site for the development of a residue disposal facility must be
determined on the basis of :
Economic considerations.
Environmental considerations.
Hazard to safety, health, property and infrastructure.


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 9.1

Resource utilisation.
The tailings dam and the surrounding barrier and control water dams, shall not be
located within 200 metres of the edge of a river channel or within a flood plain and
will be sighted in such a manner so as to cause the least disturbance to vegetation
as well as visual appearance.
NOTE : The position of the dams, their size, depth and distance from the edge of the
river channel shall be indicated on the layout plan.
Hazard classification
Each tailings dam must be classified for safety purposes, which includes the stability,
according to hazard criteria to indicate the potential harm as a consequence of
From such a classification each deposit will be classified as either a high, medium or
low hazard.
B Operating tailings dams
Construction of dams
After the position of the dam(s), its size and the design have been approved, the
area is to be stripped of the topsoil to a depth of 0,5 metres.
This soil shall be stored in the form of a bund wall, not higher than 2 metres.
The predeposition works must be completed before actual deposition starts.
The size of tailings / slimes dam shall depend on that required by the crusher facility
for dumping and to cater for the expected tailings yield, provided that the freeboard
is maintained at all times.
The tailings pipeline shall be laid in consultation with the landowner / tenant and in
such a manner that the surface and natural vegetation are not unduly disturbed.
Operating plan
In the case of medium and high hazard classified dams, an operating plan /
operational manual shall be produced from the design by a professional engineer for
the residue deposit which shall include:
Process circuit operational requirements.
Water management, including water balance plan.
Method and procedure of operation.


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 9.1

Monitoring and auditing requirements.

Emergency response and contingency plans.
Decommissioning requirements.
The persons responsible for the operation of the tailings dam, need to have an
understanding of the tailings dam design, as safety and stability of the dam depend
on it being operated in accordance with the assumptions made during its design.
Durability and maintenance
The durability of all components of a residue deposit shall be such that each
component remains fit for its intended use for the design life of the residue deposit.
All structures










Erosion damage to the dam walls due to rain or spills will be repaired and filled in on
a regular basis.
The tailings distribution pipeline will be frequently maintained in order to prevent
Slope stability
Slope stability assessment shall be undertaken for each of the following situations:
Overall stability.
Local instability.
Internal erosion / piping.
Surface erosion.
Water management
Rainwater from tailings dams and the appurtenant barrier dams as well as water
used in any process at a mine or works, shall be recycled wherever possible.
A system of storm water drains shall be provided to divert runoff from the peak
precipitation event of 1 : 100 year recurrence interval around the residue deposit.
Storm water shall not be stored on the tailings dam.
Water emanating from the slimes dam must be used again in the washing screen


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 9.1

B Rehabilitation of tailings dam
Decommissioning shall be done in accordance with the operational manual.
The health and safety of human lives and the ecological environment must be
safeguarded from continuing, residual and latent impacts and risks. For this purpose,
a method of access control must be implemented if the deposit is not completely
removed or rehabilitated to a self-sustaining and safe land capability.
Adverse existing and residual impacts must be addressed satisfactorily.
An effective method of preventing the dispersal of air-borne dust must be applied if
not completely rehabilitated.
The integrity of property and infrastructure on and around the residue deposit must
be safeguarded and the final land use and capability should be achieved in a
sustainable manner.
The risk of structural failure be minimises and migration of the residue must be
If possible, the hazard must be eliminated completely.
B.2.4.4 Dust control
All dust created from the crushing and screening of rock must be controlled by either
a dust collecting unit, spraying of water or a other environmentally friendly dust
allaying agent. The release of dust into the atmosphere must be limited as far as
All roads must be sprayed with water or an environmentally friendly dust allaying
agent at regular intervals to ensure that dust is adequately suppressed.
The holder of the mining authorization must comply with the following regulations
promulgated in terms of the Minerals Act, 1991:
Regulation 10.2.1
Where rock, ore, coal or other mineral compound is reduced in size, screened,
moved, handled or otherwise subjected to any process which may produce dust (a) the liberation of dust into the atmosphere shall be effectively controlled by the
use of water or other dust allaying agent or by a dust extraction system, and
(b) every building in which any of these processes takes place shall be adequately
ventilated and the floor and other surfaces as well as the machinery, shall be
regularly cleaned so as to prevent the accumulation of dust.


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 9.1

Regulation 10.2.2:
Any bag, box, carton, drum or other similar container for transporting crushed or
screened rock, ore, coal or other mineral or mineral compound shall be of such
material and so closed that, as far as practicable, no harmful amount of dust can
escape therefrom during handling or transport.
B.2.4.5 Noise, shock, vibration and lighting
The objective shall be to reduce any level of noise, shock and lighting that may have
an effect on persons or animals, both inside the mining area and that which may
migrate outside the mining area, to an acceptable minimum level.
Lighting and noise disturbance, or any other form of disturbance that may have an
effect on the landowner/tenant/persons lawfully living in the vicinity, shall be kept to
a minimum.
Special terrain specific measures may be needed. Such measures shall be described
in Part A and a copy thereof attach to Part B.
Noise levels must comply with Regulation R154 promulgated on 10 January 1992 in
terms of the Environment Conservation Act, 1989 (Government Notice 13717) which
is based on the ambient residual noise level with a 7dBA buffer.
NOTE: These regulations are in the process of adaptation and will be superseded by
new regulations.
If not done during a previous impact assessment, the noise levels that the project
generates will be assessed against existing noise levels and zones of existing and
potential impact will be established.
Noise levels will be recorded on a regular basis at identified receptor sites which will
include the residences of immediate neighbours and the borders of the mining area.
A noise reduction plan must be drafted for all significant noise impacts which must
include both the control at source, migration control (screening) and other
management strategies for each zone of impact. Such a noise reduction plan will
form part of the EMP of the mine and shall as a minimum contain the requirements
contained herein.
The best method of controlling noise is at the source and the following operating
procedures and mitigatory measures shall be implemented:
Mechanical equipment:
All mechanical equipment will be in good working order and vehicles will adhere to
the relevant noise requirements of the Road Traffic Act.
All vehicles in operation will be equipped with a silencer on their exhaust system.


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 9.1

Where necessary appropriate lubricants will be applied to ensure that surfaces which
interact during mechanical movement do not generate undesirable noise levels.
Safety measures which generate noise such as reverse gear alarms on large vehicles
will be appropriately calibrated/adjusted.
Screening/Migration control:
If possible, screens, walls or berms will be constructed at the mining and crushing
operations to screen or reflect any noise originating from the operation.
Appropriate measures will specifically be installed and or employed at the crushing
operations/plant to act as screen and to reflect/reduce the noise.
Appropriate non-metallic washers/isolation will be used with any joining apparatus to
join screens such as corrugated iron to other structures and to each other. Such
screens must be maintained in a fixed position.
Blasting (if any):
Blasting operations will be so designed and executed to ensure that minimum shock
and noise are generated. This may be done by employing appropriate drilling
patterns, explosives, shot blasting and delay techniques.
The time at which blasting will take place will be determined in consultation with the
Director : Mineral Development after consultation with affected parties in the vicinity
of the mining area.
The holder of the mining authorisation must also comply with the following
regulations promulgated in terms of the Minerals Act, 1991:
Regulation 4.17.1:
When the equivalent noise exposure , as defined in the South African Bureau of
Standards Code of Practice for the Measurement and Assessment of Occupational
Noise for Hearing Conservation Purposes, SABS 083 as amended, in any place at or
in any mine or works where persons may travel or work, exceeds 85 dB(A), the
Manager shall take the necessary steps to reduce the noise below this level.
No person shall damage or render ineffective any of the measures above unless
authorised thereto.
B.2.4.6 Rehabilitation of crusher site
On completion of the crushing operation, the site shall be rehabilitated in
consultation with the surface owner and to the satisfaction of the Director: Mineral


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 9.1

All buildings, structures, or other objects shall be dealt with in accordance with
section 40 of the Minerals Act, 1991 (As spelled out in section 2.2.3.)
French drains shall be compacted and covered with a final layer of topsoil to a height
of 10cm above the surrounding ground surface.
Unless otherwise required by the Director : Mineral Development, water boreholes
shall be protected, covered and made safe by means of a concrete cap. No foreign
matter such as rubble or waste material shall be introduced into the hole.
Where sites have been devoided of vegetation/grass or where soils have been
compacted or where crusts are formed, the surface shall be ripped or ploughed. The
topsoil, previously stored in a bund wall, shall be spread evenly to its original depth
over the area and if necessary, appropriately fertilised (based on a soil analysis) to
allow vegetation to grow rapidly.
The site shall be seeded with a vegetation seedmix adapted to reflect the local
indigenous flora..
If a reasonable assessment indicates that establishment of vegetation is
unacceptably slow, the Director: Mineral Development may require that the soil be
re-analysed and any deleterious effects on the soil arising from the crusher
operations, be corrected and the area be re-seeded with a seedmix to his
Appropriate erosion control measures (e.g. contour banks) must be installed where
All foreign matter shall be removed from the site.
Remaining aggregate and waste rock shall be returned to the original rock dump
which must be left in a condition that pollution is prevented and cannot develop.
Appropriate pollution control measures shall be taken as described in the Water Act,
1956 (Act 54 of 1956), Government Notice No. R287.
Excavations shall be backfilled with subsoil, compacted and levelled with previously
stored topsoil. No foreign matter such as cement or other rubble shall be introduced
into such backfilling.
Photographs of the crusher site, before and during operation and after rehabilitation,
shall be taken at selected fixed points and kept on record for the Director: Mineral
Development's information.
On completion of the crushing operation, the various surfaces, including the access
road or portion thereof, office/camp site, vehicle maintenance yard and storage
areas and the crusher site, shall be finally rehabilitated as described in this


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 9.1

All infrastructure, equipment, plant, temporary housing and other items used during
the operational period will be removed from the site.
Waste material of all description inclusive of receptacles, scrap, rubble and tyres will
be removed entirely from the mining area and disposed of at a recognised landfill
facility. It will not be permitted to be buried or burned on the site.
Final rehabilitation shall be completed within a period as specified to by the Director:
Mineral Development.
Regular monitoring of all the environmental management measures shall be done by
the holder of the mining authorization in order to ensure that the provisions of this
programme are adhered to.
It is also the duty of the holder of the prospecting permit or mining authorization to
ensure that ongoing and regular reporting of the progress of implementation of this
programme is done.
Various points of compliance must be identified with regard to the various impacts
that the operations will have on the environment.
Inspections and monitoring shall be done on both the implementation of the
programme and the impact on plant and animal life .
Visual inspections on erosion and physical pollution will be done on a regular basis.
Lay-out plans will be updated on a regular basis and updated copies will be
submitted on a yearly basis to the Director: Mineral Development.
Reports confirming compliance to various points identified in the environmental
management programme must be submitted to the Director: Mineral Development
on a regular basis as decided by the said Director.
Any emergency or unforeseen impact will be reported as soon as possible.
It is therefore essential that an assessment of environmental impacts that were not
properly addressed or were unknown when the programme was compiled, be done
and added as a corrective action.
The holder of a mining authorization shall remain liable for complying with the
relevant provisions of the Minerals Act, 1991, until the Director: Mineral


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 9.1

Development concerned issues a certificate in terms of section 12 of the Minerals

Act, 1991 to the effect that the said provisions have been complied with.
The holder of a mining authorization must also take cognisance of the provisions of
other Acts dealing with matters relating to the conservation of the environment and
which include, inter alia, the following:
Mine Health and Safety Act, 1996 (Act No 29 of 1996)
The Environment Conservation Act ,1989 (Act 73 of 1989).
The Conservation of Agricultural Resources Act, 1983 (Act 43 of 1983).
The Water Act, 1956. (Act 54 of 1956). Government notice R287.
Atmospheric Pollution Prevention Act, 1965 (Act 45 of 1965)
Nuclear Energy Act, 1993 (Act 131 of 1993)
I ....................................................................
the undersigned and duly authorised thereto by
Corporation/Municipality (delete whichever is not applicable) have studied and
understand the contents of Part A (application) and Part B (Standard Environmental
Management Programme for Crushing Operations at Waste Rock Dumps) and duly
undertake to adhere to the conditions as set out therein with the exception of the
exemption and amendments agreed to by the Director : Mineral Development as
issued on....................................



................................... .........................
Signature of applicant Designation
Approved in terms of section 39 of the Minerals Act, 1991 (Act 50 of 1991).



GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 9.1





An original copy of this document (consisting of Parts A & B) will be filed with the
Director: Mineral Development and a copy will be held at the mine that must be
available during inspections of the mining area.


Page left blank for printing

GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 9.2

Appendix 9.2
Standard environmental management programme for the mining of sand from a river,
stream, dam or pan
Guidelines for the preparation of environmental management
programme reports for prospecting and mining projects have been
compiled to assist applicants for, and holders of prospecting permits
and mining authorizations to draw up environmental management
programmes (EMPs) in accordance with an established approach,
which is acceptable to all the regulating authorities concerned and to
secure the approval thereof, as required in terms of section 39 of the
Minerals Act, 1991 (Act 50 of 1991).
This guideline document has been prepared specifically for the
purpose of establishing a dedicated Standard Environmental
Management Programme (SEMP) for the mining of sand from a river,
stream, dam or pan.
The mining of sand from a river, stream, dam or pan has been
identified as a mining activity which requires a different approach than
the establishes environmental management programme report (EMPR)
procedure which make use of the Aide-Mmoire for the preparation of
EMPs for prospecting and mining to guide proponents in developing an
EMP. The rationale behind the need for a different approach is due to
the nature of the activity and the magnitude of the impacts. The
approach is based on the provision of specific and detailed
management requirements in the SEMP which aims at the prevention
or pro-active minimisation of the risks. Thus a common standard in
environmental management which acknowledges activity-specific
circumstances, is ensured.
A consultative process was followed to ensure involvement of the
various role-players during the development of this SEMP.
NOTE : This dedicated SEMP for the mining of sand from rivers,
streams, dams or pans should not be viewed as a guideline which is
isolated from other accepted guidelines for the preparation of EMPs for
the mining industry. It is indeed based on the same objectives and
principals as, inter alia, the Aide-Mmoire, and forms part of a set of
guidelines for the preparation, compilation and implementation of
EMPs for the mining industry.
This document is applicable for the purposes of section 38(1) of the
Minerals Act, 1991 (Act 50 of 1991) for the mining of sand from or
within a river, stream, dam or pan or as defined in terms of regulation


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 9.2

5.11 (d) of the Minerals Act, 1991.

This document is not applicable:
When mining sand from a river or stream within the
tidal influence of the sea.
Mining of sand in sensitive environments.
Any other area as determined by the Director : Mineral
In such cases an EMP compiled in accordance with the Aide-Memoire, Abridged AideMmoire or other dedicated documents, as determined by the Director : Mineral
Development, shall be used.
This Standard EMP for the mining of sand from a river, stream, dam or pan consists
of two parts:
PART A - General information, project description, description of the
PART B - Environmental Management Programme.
Part A of this Standard EMP is to be fully completed in block
letters (print) by the holder of a prospecting permit or mining
authorization (hereafter referred as the holder) by using black ink
and submitted to the Director: Mineral Development, Minerals and
Energy. The holder must answer part A in full and failure to spend
time to complete this part of at the programme will delay the
processing and approval of the standard EMP.
PART B of the Standard EMP contains guidelines and operating
procedures which will be binding on the holder after approval has been
obtained. It is essential that this portion be carefully studied and
At the time of application, prior to approval of the Standard EMP and if
in the opinion of the applicant the nature of the site or any other
circumstance dictate deviation from the guidelines of Part B, an
amendment or amendments must be applied for under Part A (A6) of
the Standard EMP. These requested amendments must be fully
motivated. After approval of the Standard EMP, no amendments may
be made or implemented prior to obtaining the written approval from
the Director : Mineral Development, Minerals and Energy.
During the mining of sand from a river, stream, dam or pan, the
applicant must ensure that the provisions of Part A and B and any
conditions imposed by the Director: Mineral Development at the time


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 9.2

the Standard EMP is approved, is strictly adhered to at all times.

Failure to comply with the provisions of Part A or B of this Standard
EMP may result in suspension or cancellation of the mining
authorization in terms of section 14 of the Minerals Act, 1991 (Act 50
of 1991).
The following documentation must be appended to Part A:
A locality map making use of a 1 in 50 000 South African
Topocadastral Sheet which clearly identifies the locality of the mining
A layout plan inclusive of all the required information.
Other agreements/legal requirements, i.e. permits for the abstraction
of water.
For the purpose of this SEMP:
Bank - (i) in the case of a stream or river, means the ground
bordering upon and within the high flood zone of the stream or river
or 100 metres from either side of the channel referred to in stream or
river above, whichever area is the wider, and (ii) in the case of a
dam, means the ground bordering upon the high-water mark of the
dam and all ground within 100 metres of such high-watermark in an
outward direction.
Stream or river means a natural stream of water which flows in a
defined channel, whether or not such a channel is dry during any
period of a year and whether or not its conformation has been
changed by artificial means.
Top soil means that layer of soil covering the earth and which
provides a suitable environment for the germination of seeds, allows
the penetration of water, i.e. a source of micro-organisms plant
nutritions and in some cases seed, and of a depth of 0,5 metres or
any other depth as may be determined by the Director: Mineral
Development for each mining area.
"Recognised / licensed disposal facility" means a facility as
determined by the Director : Mineral Development after consultation
with the Department of Water Affairs and Forestry, for the disposal of
Sensitive environments are the following:


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 9.2

1. Limited development areas. (Section 23 of the Environment

Conservation Act, 1989 (Act 73 of 1989).
2. Protected natural environments and national heritage sites.
3. National, Provincial, municipal and private nature reserves.
4. Conservation areas and sites of conservation significance.
5. National monuments and gardens of remembrance.
6. Archaeological and palaeontological sites.
7. Graves and burial sites.
8. Lake areas, offshore islands and the admiralty reserve.
9. MOSS.
10. Estuaries, lagoons. wetlands and lakes.
11. Riverbanks.
12. Dunes and beaches.
13. Battle and burial sites
14. Caves and sites of geological significance
15. Habitat of Red Data Book species.
16. Areas or sites of outstanding natural beauty.
17. Areas or sites of special scientific interest.
18. Areas or sites of special social, cultural or historical interest.








GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 9.2




Reg. No. :

Area Code:

Date of Reg. :










Area Code:











Area Code:











Certificate No:
Cession No:

Area Code:





GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 9.2

Municipal Area(s):


Deed No.:
Extent = ha
Indicate with a Y (for Yes) or NA (for Not Applicable) if the following is
indicated on the
A locality map showing the location of the mining area in relation to farm
boundaries and nearby towns is required. National or provincial roads which are
being used to gain access to the mining area are to be clearly marked on the
locality map. A copy of a 1 : 50 000 topocadastral map may be used for this
purpose. If only a portion of the sheet is used, the name and reference number
of the map must clearly be printed at the top and also entered into the space
provided below. From the sheet, the longitude and latitude of the approximate
centre of the mining area must be established and entered into the space
provided. The locality map must be appended to Part A.
Name of 1 in 50 000 sheet:

Sheet No:

L Longitude of approximate centre of mining Deg. Min.

site =
Latitude of approximate centre of mining site Deg. Min.
A layout plan drawn to a reasonable, practical scale (e.g. 1 : 1000), indicating
the main infrastructural features of the operation, must be appended to Part A
of the programme. The plan must be neatly drawn and must show contours and
Indicate with a Y (for Yes) or NA (for Not Applicable) if the following is
layout plan which is attached:
A North Point

handling areas




Name of national/ provincial road

and number

roads and their respective Nos.


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 9.2

Layout plan drawn to a scale of 1

in 1000





Full description of property and


Power lines,




property land use and zoning.

The name of the river and direction
of flow

Sand extraction area in river

Estimated high flood level (1 in 50


Adjacent housing,
other developments

Access roads to site and into the


Layout plan fully dimensioned

Topography of the immediate

vicinity of the mining area

Position and land use of adjacent



Position of toilets




Distance = km



Distance = km



Distance = km




Describe present land use and zoning:
Describe the proposed land-use(s) after mining if different from above:
Mark with an X below the basic mining method/s which will be employed to win
sand from the river, stream, dam or pan


of sand

Specify back
up system,
vehicles and



GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 9.2

If other method, please specify:

Provide detail pertaining to back-up equipment, if any:
For what period has the mining authorization been granted (This information
can be obtained from the mining authorization). months/years
Indicate the extent of the mining area and the number of reference beacons
which will be used to demarcate the area
Extent of the mining area

m2 or ha

Product handling areas

m2 or ha

Extraction area in river

m2 or ha

Width of river


Length of river in mining area


Depth of sand


Height of river bank


Type of beacon? Describe :

Number of beacons:
Indicate below the estimated production rates and reserves which will be mined
during the validity of the permit
Monthly = m

Yearly = m

Average daily = m

Total reserves available at this time: m

Type of vehicles to be used:
Estimated tonnage:
How many trucks per day?
Mark with an X below the type of sand which is to mined

Plaster sand


Mark with an X below the type of sand processing which will be undertaken on
the site


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Washing of

Appendix 9.2

Screening of

Blending of

Indicate if other type/s or none:



of Abstraction


Indicate source of supply:
Number of people employed
Where does labour force come from?
How will labour force benefit from operation?
Mark with an X the infrastructure that will be provided & indicate in the space
provided the size and number of each
Campsite/ site office Size =

( m2)


Chemical Toilets

Vehicle Maintenance Size =


(m )


River pumps





storage Size =

and No

refuse No

Stockpile area

Size =



Used oil receptacle No


Tailings dump

Size =



Fire extinguishers



mining area


Settling ponds

(Private Road)

Size =

road Length =

(m )




Are all the items marked above indicated on the Yes

layout plan?



GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 9.2


What is the length of the access road from the Length = m or km *
mining site to the public road
* Delete that which is not applicable
Is the access road wholly or partially used on a permanent Yes
basis by others?


If YES state by whom:

Who is responsible







Will any foreign materials be used for construction of the YES

access road?



If YES, state what MATERIAL :

Where will it be obtained from :
State below the hours between which operations will be conducted:
For sand winning from the Monday
Stream, dam or pan


For hauling of sand












Systematically describe in your own words the mining method to be used in
relation to the following :
How will the sand be removed from the river, stream, dam or pan? (also
describe the type and number of machines):
How will sand be stockpiled and for what length of time?
(a) Outside the river (floodplain and/or bank of river)
(b) In the river (channel of river), if applicable:
How will sand be processed?


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 9.2

How will sand be loaded?

How will sand be transported from the site and how frequently?
A.3.11 REHABILITATION PROGRAMME (Refer also to Part B)
With reference to the infrastructure and facilities referred to in section A.3.7 on
page 13 together
with the riverbed and other areas used for the purpose of mining sand, indicate
which of these
elements or areas will be rehabilitated simultaneously and which elements after
cessation of the mining operation and describe how this will be achieved.
After cessation
Are there any servitudes power lines, railway lines, dams, pipelines, canals,
national or provincial roads or other infrastructure on or within 100m of the
mining area?


If Yes - indicate detail on layout plan

What is the distance to bridges within 2 Distance m or km *
km upstream or downstream from the
mining area?
* Delete that which is not applicable
Are there any weirs, pump installations or other Yes
extraction worked within 2 km on the site


If YES describe in full and state the distance from the site:
What is the distance from the mining Distance= m or km *
* Delete that which is not applicable
Has there been previous mining activity in the mining Yes
area or over a portion of the mining area ?


If YES, how long ago?

Are there any other mining operations within 1 km of Yes
the proposed mining operation?



GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 9.2

If YES - specify type and name and indicate on layout plan

Name of river or stream:
Does the mining area contain any of the following


Riverbed vegetation
Reeds (Wetland vegetation)
Riverbank vegetation
Riverine bush
If yes, specify and describe how the proposed activity will affect it:
Does the mining area contain any :


Other water animals
Other animals
If yes, specify and describe how the proposed activity will affect it:
Indicate the existence of boreholes within 1 km radius of the mining area on the
layout plan and describe the impact, if applicable.
Is the river flowing in a definable channel?



If NO, indicate the most likely position of the river channel on the layout plan
(this position will be confirmed later.
If YES, describe how the proposed activity will affect the river channel:
Is the river dry at any time of the year?



Are there any tributaries entering the river within YES

500 m on either side of the mining area? If YES,
indicate on layout plan.



A 4.4.1 Name of dam or pan:
A 4.4.2 Primary catchment area:


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 9.2

A 4.4.3 Give a brief description of the following environmental aspects and

indicate the possible
impact , where required:
VISUAL ASPECTS : (Can site be seen from any road, railway or lookout point)?
Fill in below the names and available particulars of persons or other instances
which will be affected by mining or the hauling of sand.

Name of person/institution

neighbour affected by noise or dust)
Also indicate existing complaints.

Indicate the requested information in the space below
Expected capital investment for
the mining of sand

Capital available for the mining of



GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 9.2

Estimated working costs for the

mining of sand

R p.m. or p.y. *

* Delete that which is not applicable

mining of sand



R p.m. or p.y. *

* Delete that which is not applicable






Is proof of pecuniary provision for rehabilitation in terms of

regulation 15.16.1 attached?





NOTE: If in the opinion of the applicant/holder the nature of the site or any
other circumstance dictate deviation from the provisions, guidelines contained
in Part B he must apply in writing to the Director : Mineral Development,
describing the suggested alternatives/amendments in the space provided below.
In support of the suggested alternatives/amendments, the applicant/holder
must attach a separate motivation to this document. In it the applicant/holder
alternatives/amendments, describe additional environmental impacts which will
or may occur and indicate additional rehabilitation measures which will be
required and provide any other information which may be required by the
Director : Mineral Development.
After approval, no amendments may be made to this EMP without prior written
approval of the Director : Mineral Development.
The Director: Mineral Development, after consultation with
alternatives/amendments in Part B using the space provided below.

Particulars of alternatives/amendments to

section in Part guidelines in Part B that are required.



the other

Motivation attached

GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 9.2






I,........................ in my capacity of Director : Mineral Development,

....................................Region of the Department of Minerals and Energy,
hereby approve the above amendments / exemptions requested by
This part (Part B) of the Standard EMP contains guidelines, operating
procedures and rehabilitation / pollution control requirements which will be
binding on the mining operator after approval of the Standard EMP. It is
essential that this part be carefully studied, understood, implemented and
adhered to at all times. Failure to comply with the provisions of Part B may
result in suspension or cancellation of the mining authorization in terms of
section 14 of the Minerals Act, 1991.
A map similar to the one required in Part A, (A.2.1)
illustrating the locality of the operation, must be
available at the mining site for scrutiny when


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 9.2

One copy of the layout plan referred to in A.2.2 must be

appended to Part A of the programme and a second copy of the
plan must be available at the mining site for scrutiny when
The plan must be updated on a regular basis with regard to the
actual progress of the establishment of surface infrastructure,
mining operations and rehabilitation.
A copy of the updated plan shall be forwarded to the Director :
Mineral Development on a regular basis.
The mining area must be clearly demarcated along its boundaries.
Permanent beacons as indicated on the layout plan or as
described by the Director : Mineral Development must be erected
and maintained in their correct position throughout the life of the
The mining and resultant operations shall only take place within
this demarcated area.
It is the responsibility of the holder to assure that the manager of
the mine and the employees are capable of complying with all the
statutory requirements which must be met in order to mine,
which includes the completion and implementation of this EMP.
2.1.1 Establishing the access road to the site
The access road to the mining area and the campsite/site office
are to be established in consultation with the surface
owner/tenant and existing tracks or roads shall be used as far as
Should a portion of the access road be newly constructed, the
following must be adhered to:
The route shall be so selected that vegetation is not
unnecessary disturbed
The position of existing fence lines shall as far as
possible be followed.


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 9.2

Water courses and steep gradients shall be avoided

as far as possible.
Adequate drainage and erosion protection in the
form of contour humps or cut-off shall be provided
where necessary (With guidance from the
Department of transport).
Material on site used in the construction or upgrading of the
access road must be listed in part A.3.8
The erection of gates in fence lines and the open or closed status
of gates in new and existing positions shall be clarified in
consultation with the surface owner/tenant and maintained
throughout the mining period.
No other routes will be used by haul trucks or personnel for the
purpose of gaining access to the site.
Reasonable speeds must be observed to
excessive noise, dust and injury to livestock.



2.1.2 Provincial or controlling authority

The Provincial Transport Department may designate or authorise
an access to be a provincial road, and shall specify in any such
authorization any condition relating to the access and at any time
impose new conditions, amend or cancel such authorization.
2.1.3 Maintenance of access road on the mining area
If trucks hauling sand or other traffic which is associated with this
mining operation are the only user of access roads, then
maintenance of the access road will be the sole responsibility of
the holder of the mining authorization.
Regular maintenance of the access road shall be to the
satisfaction of the Director: Mineral Development and the road
shall have an acceptable surface, be free from erosion damage
and have effective drainage, preventing the impounding/ponding
of water.
2.1.4 Dust control on the access road
Where sand is transported, the liberation of dust into the
atmosphere shall be controlled by spraying water or other nontoxic dust allaying agents, by limiting the speed of haul trucks or
by other suitable approved means.
2.1.5 Rehabilitation of the access road


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 9.2

Whenever a mining authorization is suspended, cancelled or

abandoned or if it lapses and the holder does not wish to renew
the permit, any access road or portion thereof, constructed or
upgraded by the applicant for their purpose and which will no
longer be required by the surface owner/tenant shall be
rehabilitated to the satisfaction on the Director: Mineral
Development in consultation with other departments.
Roads shall be ripped or ploughed and if necessary appropriately
prepared to ensure the regrowth of vegetation.
Materials which may hamper regrowth of vegetation must be
removed prior to rehabilitation and disposed of in an approved
If a reasonable assessment indicates that the re-establishment of
vegetation is unacceptably slow, the Director: Mineral
Development may require that the soil be re-analysed and any
deleterious effects on the soil arising from the mining operation,
be corrected and the area be re-seeded with a seedmix with
guidance from the Department of Agriculture or the local
authority, if applicable.
Any gate or fence made or erected by the applicant/holder, which
is not required by the surface owner, shall be removed.
2.2.1 Establishing the campsite / office sites
Camp and office sites shall be sited and fenced (where necessary)
in consultation with the surface owner / tenant and personnel will
be restricted to these fenced area.
No camp or office site shall be located closer than 100 metres
from a stream, spring, dam or pan.
The area required for the camp and office site must be kept to a
Vegetation shall not be unnecessarily disturbed and trees or
shrubs shall as far as is practical not be felled/damaged.
No hunting or harassment of animals shall be allowed.
Any impact such as noise, dust, bright lights, etc. which may
cause a disturbance or nuisance to the surface owner/tenant or
any person lawfully living in the vicinity, shall be kept to a limit.
Accommodation for personnel must include both kitchen and


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 9.2

sanitary facilities.
Fires will only be allowed in facilities specially constructed for this
If required by applicable legislation, a fire break shall be cleared
around the perimeter of the camp and office sites.
2.2.2 Toilet facilities, waste water and refuse disposal
Chemical toilet facilities(preferred) or other approved toilet
facilities such as a septic drain, shall be used and sited on the
camp site in such a way that they do not cause water or other
Existing facilities may be used in consultation with the surface
In cases where facilities are linked to existing sewerage
structures, all necessary regulatory requirements concerning
construction and maintenance shall be adhered to.
All effluent water from the camp washing facility shall be disposed
of in a properly constructed french drain, situated as far as
possible, but not less than 100 metres, from a stream, river pan,
dam or borehole.
Only domestic type water shall be allowed to enter this drain and
any effluents containing oil, grease or other industrial substances
shall be collected in a suitable receptacle and removed from the
site, either for resale or for appropriate disposal at a recognised
Spills should be cleaned up immediately by removing the spills
together with the polluted soil and disposing thereof at a
recognised facility to the satisfaction of the Director: Mineral
Non-biodegradable refuse (such as glass bottles, plastic bags
metal, scrap, etc.) shall be stored in a container at a collecting
point and collected on a regular basis and disposed of at a
recognised disposal facility. Precautions shall be taken to
prevent any refuse from spreading on and from the camp site.
Biodegradable refuse generated from the camp site, vehicle
yard, storage area or any other area shall either be handled as
above or be buried in a pit excavated for that purpose and by
covering it with layers of soil, incorporating a final 0,5 metre thick
layer of topsoil (if practical) or as specified by the local authority,
if applicable.


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 9.2

Burning of refuse shall not be allowed.

2.2.3 Rehabilitation on the campsite/office sites
On completion of mining, all buildings, structures or objects on
the camp/office sites, shall be dealt with in accordance with
section 40 of the Minerals Act, 1991.
On completion of mining, the campsite/office site will be
rehabilitated through the removal of all facilities, waste and any
other feature constructed or established during use of the
All areas, devoid of vegetation/grass or where soils have been
compacted due to traffic, shall be scarified or ripped and, if
necessary appropriately ensure the regrowth of vegetation.
French drains shall be compacted and covered with a final layer of
topsoil to a height of 10 cm above the surrounding ground
If a reasonable assessment indicates that the re-establishment of
vegetation is unacceptably slow, the Director: Mineral
Development may require that the soil be re-analysed and any
deleterious effects on the soil arising from the mining operation
be corrected and the area be re-seeded with a seedmix with
guidance from the Department of Agriculture or the local
authority, if applicable.
Photographs of the camp and office sites shall be taken at
selected points before and during mining operations and after
rehabilitation and kept on record for the Director: Mineral
Developments information.
2.3.1 Establishing the vehicle maintenance yard and secured storage areas
The vehicle maintenance yard and secured storage area will be
established outside of the flood plain, above the high flood level
mark within the boundaries of the mining area.
The area chosen for these purposes shall be the minimum
reasonably required for the purpose and which will involve the
least disturbance to the vegetation.
Prior to development of the approved area, the top seed bearing
layer of soil to a depth of 500 mm shall be removed and stored in
a bund wall on the high ground side of the area.


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 9.2

The height of this bund wall shall not exceed 1,5 metres.
The storage areas / buildings shall be securely fenced and all
hazardous substances and stocks such as diesel, oils, detergents
etc. shall be stored therein.
Drip pans, a thin concrete slab or with a PVC lining shall be
installed in such storage areas/ buildings.
2.3.2 The maintenance of vehicles and equipment
The maintenance of vehicles and equipment used for any purpose
during the mining operation will only take place within the
maintenance yard area.
Equipment used in the mining process, particularly in the bed of
the river, must be adequately maintained, such that during
operation they do not spill oil, diesel, fuel or hydraulic fluid.
If in the opinion on the Director: Mineral Development, machinery
or equipment used in the mining area are in a state of disrepair
and pose a pollution hazard in respect of the above substances,
he shall order that such equipment immediately be repaired or
withdrawn from use if he considers the equipment or machinery
to be polluting and irreparable.
2.3.3 Waste disposal
Suitable covered receptacles shall be provided and conveniently
All used oils, grease or hydraulic fluid shall be placed therein and
these receptacles will be removed from the site on a regular basis
for disposal at a recognised or licensed disposal facility.
Oils, grease and hydraulic fluid spills which occur in these areas
will be cleaned up immediately be removing all contaminated soil
and disposing of this in the waste disposal receptacle referred to
in section 2.2.2 above.
2.3.4 Rehabilitation of the vehicle maintenance yard and secured storage areas
On completion of mining, the above areas shall be cleared of any
remaining contaminated soil and shall be handled with as
described in section 2.2.2 above.
The surface shall be ripped or ploughed to a depth of at least 300
mm and the topsoil previously stored adjacent to the site returned
to its original depth over the whole area.


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 9.2

The area shall then be fertilised if necessary.

If a reasonable assessment indicates that the re-establishment of
vegetation is unacceptably slow, the Director: Mineral
Development may require that the soil be re-analysed and any
deleterious effects on the soil arising from the mining operation,
be corrected and the area be re-seeded with a seedmix with
guidance from the Department of Agriculture or the local
authority, if applicable.
All buildings, structures or objects shall be dealt with in
accordance with section 40 of the Minerals Act, 1991 (Act 50 of
2.4.1 Establishing stockpile and sand processing areas
Stockpile and sand processing areas for the mined
sand products shall not be established within 20
metres of the edge of the river channel.
The areas chosen for this purpose shall be the
minimum reasonably required and that which will
involve the least disturbance to vegetation.
Prior to development of the approved area, the top
seed bearing layer of the soil shall be removed to a
depth of 500 mm and stored in a bund wall on the
high ground side of the area.
The height of this stockpile wall shall not exceed
1,5 metres. (Stockpile must be protected and not
The location and dimensions of the area are to be
indicated on the layout plan and once established,
all stockpiling and further processing of sand will be
confined to these areas and no stockpiling or
processing will be permitted in areas not correctly
2.4.2 Stockpiling material and further handling
The river bed may serve as a stockpile area for sand products or
for products awaiting further treatment, provided such stockpiles
are at least 10 metres away from water flowing within the river
The stockpiles in the river bed shall further be limited to no more
than 24 hours average production, and placed in such manner


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 9.2

that the least impedance of flow will be experienced should the

level of the river rise. If the mining of sand is temporarily
suspended for any reason, the stockpiles within the bed of the
river must be flattened until operations are resumed.
Any waste material generated from the mining of sand in the river
bed will be dealt with as described in section 2.3.3 above.

2.4.3 Rehabilitation of stockpile and processing areas

On completion of mining, the surface of the stockpile and
processing areas outside the riverbed shall be scarified to a depth
of at least 500 mm, graded even and the topsoil previously stored
adjacent the site in a bund wall returned to its original depth over
the area.
The area shall be appropriately prepared if necessary, to ensure
the regrowth of vegetation.
If the area is very large and if reasonable assessment indicates
that the establishment of vegetation will be to slow, then the
Director may instruct that the area be re-seeded with a seedmix
with guidance from the Department of Agriculture or the local
authority, if applicable.


2.5.1 Establishing settling ponds
Settling ponds shall be established for two basic purposes, viz.:
Settling ponds: As primary facility to allow drainage
of sand when pumped from the bed of the river.
Clarification ponds: To serve as a facility to settle
fines (suspended to standard as determined by the
Department of Water Affairs and Forestry) which
will allow the effluent to be returned to the river.
Monitoring and quality testing of this water will be
required on a regular basis as determined by the
Department of Water Affairs and Forestry.
Construction of one pond will only be allowed if in the opinion of
the Director: Mineral Development or his representative, in
consultation with the Department of Water Affairs and Forestry,
the overflow from this pond has been clarified and that the level
of suspended matter is within the local catchment standard


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 9.2

allowing the water to be returned to the river. (In considering the

above two basic uses, it is very seldom that the construction of
only one pond will suffice. In virtually all cases one pond is
required for processing or drainage and the second to clarify).
The settling ponds shall not be located within the flood plain and
will be sited in such a manner so as to cause the least disturbance
to vegetation.
The position of the ponds, their size, depth and distance from the
edge of the river channel shall be indicate on the layout plan.
After the position of the ponds and their size have been approved,
the area is to be stripped of top seed bearing layer of soil to a
depth of 500 mm. This soil thus removed shall be stored on the
high ground boundary of the area in the form of a bund wall.

2.5.2 Construction of ponds

Construction of the pond walls shall be from material excavated
from within the area of the pond.
The walls of the pond shall be constructed level and be given an
overflow consisting of sized pipes installed a minimum of 500 mm
down from the top of the wall (i.e. 500 mm freeboard) and of
length to discharge fully into the next pond.
In the case of the final clarification pond, the overflow pipes will
be of such length that they discharge not less than 1,5 metres
into the river.
Sizing of the overflow pipes will be based on twice the capacity of
the main pump supplying the pond.
Under no circumstances will the overflow from one pond to
another, or from the final clarification pond to the river be allowed
to flow across the ground or in excavated earth trenches.
The size of processing pond shall depend on that required by the
mine for processing and to cater for the expected yield, provided
that the freeboard of 500 mm is maintained at all times.
The final clarification pond shall be sized such that water
discharged conforms to the general water standards in terms of
the Water Act.
Erosion damage to the pond walls from rain or spills will be
repaired and filled in on a regular basis.


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 9.2

2.5.3 Screen tailings

Tailings from screens used at the settling ponds shall be collected
and may be used as road fill.
2.5.4 Rehabilitation of settling ponds
Settling ponds will be rehabilitated after first spreading tailings
from the tailings dump evenly over the floor of the ponds, should
this be the method chosen to rehabilitate tailings.
The tailings will then be covered through spreading the previously
excavated material from the ponds wall evenly over the area.
The topsoil previously stored adjacent the site shall then be
returned to its original depth over the area.
The area shall be appropriately prepared if necessary, to ensure
the regrowth of.
If the area is very large and if reasonable assessment indicates
that the establishment of vegetation will be too slow, the
Director: Mineral Development may instruct that the area be
seeded with a seedmix with guidance from the Department of
Agriculture or the local authority, if applicable.
2.6.1 Limitation on the mining of sand
The mining of sand shall only take place within the approved
demarcated mining area.
The mining of the banks of the river will not be permitted unless
exemption is requested under A6 of Part A.
Mining will not be conducted closer than 1,5 times the height of
the bank from the edge of the river channel and in such a manner
that the stability of the bank of the river is not effected.
Adequate precaution shall also be taken that the effected section
of the bank of the river is adequately protected from scour or
If riverine vegetation is present in the form of reeds or wetland
vegetation, the presence of these areas must be entered in Part
A.4.3 of the programme and indicated on the layout plan.









GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 9.2

Development may limit the mining of sand in these vegetated

areas or other portions of these areas as a special condition of the
mining authorization.
In the case of areas which exclude mining through a special
condition, no mining shall take place in these areas and mining
shall not be conducted within 100m of these areas.
The holder of the mining authorization will also be required to
permanently demarcate these areas as part of the boundary of
the area from which sand may be mined as described section
1.1.3 above.
2.6.2 Canalisation/redirection of the river
The canalisation/redirection of the flow of the river over different
parts of the river bed shall be made in such a manner that the
following is adhered to at all times.
That the flow of the river is not impeded in anyway
and that damming upstream does not occur.
That the redirection of the flow does not result in
scour or erosion of the river.
That well points or extraction pumps in use by other
riparian users are not interfered with or that
canalisation does not impede the extraction of
water from these points.
2.6.3 Access to the river bed, dams, or pans
Access to the river bed or for the purpose of launching pump
rafts, shall be through the use of only one access at a time.
The location of the access to the river channel across the river
bank shall be at a point of the river bank where the least
excavation and damage to vegetation will occur, and shall not be
wider than that which is reasonably required.
The position of the river access together with all planned future
access points must be indicated on the layout plan.
When constructing the access across the bank of the river, the top
seed bearing layer of soil will be removed to a depth of 400 mm
and stored in a soil dump not less than 20 m away from the
channel of the river.
When rehabilitating the access point, the original profile of the
river bank will be re-established through backfilling the access


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 9.2

point with the original material excavated or other suitable

The top seed bearing layer of soil shall then be returned over the
whole area to its original depth and if necessary prepared and the
vegetation allowed to grow.
If reasonable assessment indicates that the establishment of
vegetation will be too slow, the Director: Mineral Development
may instruct that the areas be prepared and seeded with a
seedmix with guidance from the Department of Agriculture or the
local authority, if applicable.
Damage may occur from an occurrence where high flood waters
scour and erode access points in the process of rehabilitation over
the riverbank or an access point presently in use. In these events,
repair of such damage shall be the sole responsibility of the
holder of the mining authorization. Repairs to the river bank
should ensure the reinstatement to its original profile immediately
after such event has occurred and the river has subsided to a
point where repairs can be undertaken.
Final acceptance of the rehabilitated river access points will only
be awarded after the vegetation has re-established to a point
where the Director: Mineral Development is satisfied that the river
bank is stable and able to withstand high river flow conditions.
2.6.4 Rehabilitation programme for mining area
Rehabilitation of the mining area shall as far as is practically
possible be concurrent with the mining process.
A full description of the mining process and the rehabilitation
thereof must be given in the space provided under A.3.11 of part
A of this Standard EMP.
2.6.5 Rehabilitation of the sand mining area within the bed of the river dam
The goal or rehabilitation with respect to the area from which the
sand has been extracted, is to leave the area level and even,
containing no foreign debris or other materials.
All scrap, and other foreign materials shall be removed from the
bed of the river and disposed of as per other refuse (see section
2.2.2 above), whether these accrue from the mining operation or
are washed on to the site from upstream.
Removal of these materials shall be on a continuous basis and not
only at the start of rehabilitation.
Tailings in the form of boulders, rocks or oversized gravel


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 9.2

screened out during the mining of sand will be spread over as

wide a portion of the mined river bed as possible or, if buried,
shall be covered by a minimum of 500 mm of sand, if at all
practically possible.
Where reeds or other riverine vegetation has been removed from
areas for the mining of sand, these shall be systematically reestablished in the approximate areas they occurred before mining.
An effective control programme for the eradication of invader
species and other alien plants, may be required as directed by the
Director: Mineral Development
2.6.6 Noise, shock and lighting
The objective shall be to reduce any level of noise, shock and
lighting that may have an effect on persons or animals, both
inside the mining area and that which may migrate outside the
mining area, to an acceptable minimum level.
Lighting and noise disturbance, or any other form of disturbance
that may have an effect on the landowner/tenant/persons lawfully
living in the vicinity, shall be kept to a minimum.
Special terrain specific measures may be needed. Such measures
shall be described in Part A and a copy thereof attach to Part B.
Noise levels must comply with Regulation R154 promulgated on
10 January 1998 in terms of the Environment Conservation Act
1989 (Government Notice 13177) which is based on the ambient
residual noise level with a 7 dBA buffer. (These regulations are in
the process of adaptation and will be superseded by new
If not done during a previous impact assessment, the noise levels
that the project generates will be assessed against existing noise
levels and zones of existing and potential impact will be
Noise levels will be recorded on a regular basis at identified
receptor sites which will include the residences of immediate
neighbours and the borders of the mining area.
A noise reduction plan must be drafted for all significant noise
impacts which must include both the control at source, migration
control (screening) and other management strategies for each
zone of impact. Such a noise reduction plan will form part of the
EMP of the mine and shall as a minimum contain the requirements
contained herein.
The best method of controlling noise is at the source and the


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 9.2

following operating procedures and mitigatory measures shall be

Mechanical equipment:
All mechanical equipment will be in good working order and
vehicles will adhere to the relevant noise requirements of the
Road Traffic Act.
All vehicles in operation will be equipped with a silencer on their
exhaust system.
Where necessary appropriate lubricants will be applied to ensure
that surfaces which interact during mechanical movement do not
generate undesirable noise levels.
Safety measures which generate noise such as reverse gear
alarms on large vehicles will be appropriately calibrated/adjusted.
Screening/Migration control:
If possible, screens, walls or berms will be constructed at the
mining operations to screen or reflect any noise originating from
the operation.
Appropriate measures will specifically be installed and or
employed at the operations to act as screen and to reflect/reduce
the noise.
Appropriate non-metallic washers/isolation will be used with any
joining apparatus to join screens such as corrugated iron to other
structures and to each other.
Such screens must be maintained in a fixed position.
The holder of the mining authorisation must also comply with the following
regulations promulgated in terms of the Minerals Act, 1991:
Regulation 4.17.1:
When the equivalent noise exposure, as defined in the South African Bureau of
Standards Code of Practice for the Measurement and Assessment of
Occupational Noise for Hearing Conservation Purposes, SABS 083 as amended,
in any place at or in any mine or works where persons may travel or work,
exceeds 85 dB(A), the Manager shall take the necessary to reduce the noise
below this level.
No person shall damage or render ineffective any of the measures
above unless authorised thereto.


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 9.2

2.7.1 Final rehabilitation

On the completion of mining, the various surfaces in use by the
mine (including the access road or portion thereof) shall be finally
rehabilitated as described in this document.
All infrastructure, equipment, plant, temporary housing and other
items used during the mining period will be removed from the
Waste material of all description inclusive of receptacles, scrap,
rubble and tyres shall be removed entirely from the mining site
and it will not be permitted to bury or burn any foreign material
on the site.
Final rehabilitation of the surface and entire mining area shall be
done immediately after cessation of operations or as directed by
the Director: Mineral Development and should be completed
within six months or as determined by the Director: Mineral
Regular monitoring of and reporting on all the environmental
management measures shall be done every 6 months or as
determined by the Director: Mineral Development by the holder of
the mining authorization, in order to ensure that the
provisions/guidelines contained in this Standard EMP and other
relevant legislation are being adhered to.
The holder of a mining authorization shall remain liable for
complying with the relevant provisions of the Minerals Act, 1991,
until the Director: Mineral Development concerned issues a
certificate in terms of section 12 of the Minerals Act, 1991 to the
effect that the said provisions have been complied with.
The holder of a mining authorization must also take
cognisance of the provisions of other Acts dealing
with matters relating to the conservation and
protection of the environment and which include,
inter alia, the following:
* The Environment Conservation Act, 1989 (Act 73 of 1989)
* The Conservation of Agricultural Resources Act 1983 (Act 43 of 1983)
* The Water Act, 1956 (Act 54 of 1956). Government notice R287
* Atmospheric Pollution Prevention Act, 1965 (Act 45 of 1965)


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 9.2

* Nuclear Energy Act, 1993 (Act 131 of 1993)

I, ............................................the undersigned and duly authorised thereto
Corporation/Municipality (delete whichever is not applicable) have studied the
contents of Part A (application) and Part B (Environmental Management
Programme for the mining of sand from a river/stream/dam/pan (delete
whichever is not applicable) and duly undertake to adhere to the conditions as
set out therein with the exception of the exemptions/amendments agreed to by
of................19.. .

Signature of applicant Designation

Approved in terms of section 39 of the Minerals Act (Act 50 of 1991).
DATE: ...........................................



Page left blank for printing

GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 9.3

Appendix 9.3
Standard environmental management programme for prospecting and mine permits



This document aims to provide a simplified national standard for applicants for prospecting rights
and mining permits to comply with the relevant legislation and environmental regulations as apply
to their respective applications in terms of the Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Act,
2002 (Act 28 of 2002)(MPRDA).
Applicants in this sector of the mining industry typically disturb smaller surface areas of land,
whether drilling boreholes, small trenches, or mining on a small area, less than 1,5 hectares of
land, under a mining permit as contemplated in Section 27 of the Mineral and Petroleum
Resources Development Act, 2002 (Act 28 of 2002)


This document is intended for use by applicants for mining permits and prospecting rights.
Typically, operations in this sector of the mining industry:


Use little or no chemicals to extract mineral from ore,

Work on portions of land of 1,5 hectares in size or smaller,
Disturb the topography of an area somewhat but have no significant impact on the geology

This document aims to :

Provide a national standard for the submission of Environmental Management Plans for
the types of applications mentioned above.
Ensure compliance with Regulation 52 of the MPRDA.
Assist applicants by providing the information that the Department of Minerals and Energy
(DME) requires in a simple language and in a structured, prescribed format, as
contemplated in Regulation 52 (2) of the (MPRDA).
Assist regional offices of the DME to obtain enough information about a proposed
prospecting/ reconnaissance or mining permit operation to assess the possible
environmental impacts from that operation and to determine corrective action even before
such right is granted and the operation commences.

This document aims both to provide the DME regional offices with enough information about
applicants for mining permits and applicants with guidance on environmental management matters
pertaining to the mitigation of environmental impacts arising from their operations. Given this dual
focus and the generic nature of the document, it might not be sufficient for all types of operations
under various circumstances.

GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 9.3

The document may therefore be altered or added to as the particular circumstances of the
application in question may require.


This document is designed for use by non-professionals and newcomers to the environmental
management industry and it incorporates a very simple Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA).
The EIA is contained in Section C of this document and was designed specifically with the target
sectors of the mining industry (described in A.2 above) in mind.
The aim is ultimately to (a) gather information from applicants themselves; (b) to assess the impact
of the operation based on that information and then (c) to guide the applicant to mitigate
environmental impacts to limit damage to the environment.
Section B of the document gathers demographic information about the applicant. Section C gathers
the information that will be used in the Environmental Impact Assessment. The applicant must
complete the relevant sections of this document, but the regional office of the DME will do the
scoring of these for the impact assessment rating in Section D.
Section F (the Environmental Management Plan) of the document is prescriptive and gives
guidance to the miner or prospector on how to limit the damage of the operation on the
environment. This part may be added to by the regional manager, who has the prerogative to
decide whether this Environmental Management Plan will adequately address the environmental
impacts expected from the operation or whether additional requirements for proper environmental
management need to be set. Where these additional requirements are set, they will appear in
Section G of this document. The Environmental Management Plan (Section F) of the document is
legally binding once approved and, in the undertaking contained in Section H, the applicant
effectively agrees to implement all the measures outlined in this Environmental Management Plan.


The relevant sections of Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Act and its supporting
Regulations are summarised below for the information of applicants. The onus is on the applicant
to familiarise him/herself with the provisions of the full version of the Mineral and Petroleum
Resources Development Act and its Regulations.
of Act

Legislated Activity/ Instruction/ Responsibility or failure to Penalty in terms of

Section 99


No person may prospect, mine, or undertake reconnaissance

operations or any other activity without an approved EMP, right,
permit or permission or without notifying land owner
Holder of a Prospecting right must: lodge right with Mining Titles
Office within 30 days; commence with prospecting within 120 days,
comply with terms and conditions of prospecting right, continuously



R 100 000 or two years

imprisonment or both
R 100 000 or two years
imprisonment or both

GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

of Act



Appendix 9.3

and actively conduct prospecting operations; comply with

requirements of approved EMP, pay prospecting fees and royalties
Holder of prospecting right must obtain Ministers permission to
remove any mineral or bulk samples
Legislated Activity/ Instruction/ Responsibility or failure to
A person who intends to beneficiate any mineral mined in SA
outside the borders of SA may only do so after notifying the
Minister in writing and after consultation with the Minister.
Holder of a mining right or permit must keep records of operations
and financial records AND must submit to the DG: monthly returns,
annual financial report and a report detailing compliance with social
& labour plan and charter
Minister may direct owner of land or holder/applicant of permit/right
to submit data or information
Holder of permission/permit/right MUST manage environmental
impacts according to EMP and as ongoing part of the operations
Residue stockpiles must be managed in prescribed manner on a
site demarcated in the EMP
No person may temporarily or permanently deposit residue on any
other site than that demarcated and indicated in the EMP
When any permit/right/permission lapses, the holder may not
remove or demolish buildings, which may not be demolished in
terms of any other law, which has been identified by the Minister or
which is to be retained by agreement with the landowner.
Authorised persons may enter mining sites and require holder of
permit to produce documents/ reports/ or any material deemed
necessary for inspection
No person may obstruct or hinder an authorised person in the
performance of their duties or powers under the Act.
Holder of a permit/right may not subject employees to occupational
detriment on account of employee disclosing evidence or
information to authorised person (official)
Inaccurate, incorrect or misleading information

R 100 000 or two years

imprisonment or both
Penalty in terms of
Section 99
R 500 000 for each day of
R 100 000 or two years
imprisonment or both
R 10 000
R 500 000 or ten years
imprisonment or both.
A fine or imprisonment of
up to six months or both
A fine or imprisonment of
up to six months or both
Penalty that may be
imposed by Magistrates
Court for similar offence
Penalty as may
imposed for perjury


Penalty as may
imposed for perjury
Penalty as may
imposed for perjury


A fine or imprisonment of
up to six months or both
Failure to comply with any directive, notice, suspension, order, A fine or imprisonment of
instruction, or condition issued
up to six months or both


Compliance with the provisions of the Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Act, 2002
(Act 28 of 2002) and its Regulations does not necessarily guarantee that the applicant is in
compliance with other Regulations and legislation. Other legislation that may be immediately
applicable includes, but are not limited to:


National Monuments Act, 1969 (Act 28 of 1969).


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide


Appendix 9.3

National Parks Act, 1976 (Act 57 of 1976)

Environmental Conservation Act, 1989 (Act 73 of 1989)
National Environmental Management Act, 1998 (Act No. 107 of 1998)
Atmospheric Pollution Prevention Act, 1965 (Act 45 of 1965)
The National Water Act, 1998 (Act 36 of 1998)
Mine Safety and Health Act, 1996 (Act 29 of 1996)
The Conservation of Agricultural Resources Act, 1983 (Act 43 of 1983).

In this document, unless otherwise indicated, the following words will have the meanings as
indicated here:
Act (The Act)


Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Act, 2002 (Act 28 of 2002)

A hole drilled for the purposes of prospecting i.e. extracting a sample of soil or rock chips
by pneumatic, reverse air circulation percussion drilling, or any other type of probe
entering the surface of the soil.
The Conservation of Agricultural Resources Act
An Environmental Impact Assessment as contemplated in Section 38(1) (b)of the Act
an Environmental Management Plan as contemplated in Section 39 of the Act
All living biological creatures, usually capable of motion, including insects and
predominantly of protein-based consistency.
All living plants, grasses, shrubs, trees, etc., usually incapable of easy natural motion and
capable of photosynthesis.
A physical barrier in the form of posts and barbed wire and/or Silex or any other
concrete construction, (palisade- type fencing included), constructed with the purpose of
keeping humans and animals within or out of defined boundaries.
any residential dwelling of any type, style or description that is used as a residence by any
human being
National Department of Agriculture
National Water Act, Act 36 of 1998
Any open excavation
The term used for the sludge created at alluvial diamond diggings where the alluvial
gravels are washed and the diamonds separated in a water-and-sand medium.
The layer of soil covering the earth which(a)
provides a suitable environment for the germination of seed;
allows the penetration of water;
is a source of micro-organisms, plant nutrients and in some cases seed; and
is not of a depth of more than 0,5 metres or such depth as the Minister may
prescribe for a specific prospecting or exploration area or mining area.
A type of excavation usually made by digging in a line towards a mechanical excavator
and not pivoting the boom a large, U-shaped hole in the ground, with vertical sides and
about 6 8 metres in length. Also a prospecting trench.
Any and all forms of plants, see also Fauna
The Department of Water Affairs and Forestry both national office and their various
regional offices, which are divided across the country on the basis of water catchment
the Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Act, 2002 (Act 28 of 2002)
An Environmental Management Plan as contemplated in Regulation 52 of the Mineral and
Petroleum Resources Development Act, 2002 (Act 28 of 2002) this document.

GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide


Appendix 9.3


B 1.1 Full name (and surname) of person or company applying

for permit or right
B 1.2 ID number of person or company/ CC registration
B 1.3 Postal address

B 1.4 Physical/ residential address

B 1.5 Applicants telephone number

B 1.6 Applicants cellular phone number
B 1.7 Alternative contacts name
B 1.8 Alternative contacts telephone/cell phone numbers

B 2.1 Full name of the property on which mining/ prospecting

operations will be conducted
B 2.2 Name of the subdivision
B 2.3 Approximate center of mining/prospecting area:
B 2.4 Magisterial district
B 2.5 Name of the registered owner of the property
B 2.6 His/her Telephone number








GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 9.3

B 2.7 His/ her Postal address

B 2.8 Current uses of surrounding areas

B 2.9 Are there any other, existing land uses that impact on the environment in the proposed
mining/ prospecting area?

B 2.10 What is the name of the nearest town?



The information provided in this section will enable officials to determine how serious the impact of
the prospecting/mining operation will be.






C 1.1 What does the landscape surrounding the proposed operation look like? (Open veldt/ valley/
flowing landscape/ steep slopes)

C 1.2 Describe the type of soil found on the surface of the


C 1.3 How deep is the topsoil?

0 300mm
300 600mm
600mm +

C 1.4 What plants, trees and grasses grow naturally in the area around the site?





GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 9.3


C 1.5 What animals naturally occur in the area?


C 1.6 Are there any protected areas (game parks/nature

reserves, monuments, etc) close to the proposed





C 1.7 What mineral are you going to prospect or mine for?

C 1.8 Describe the type of equipment that will be used:



(REGULATION 52(2)(b))

C 2.1 What will the ultimate depth of the proposed

prospecting/mining operations be?




0 5m

6 10m
10 25m
25m +


C 2.2 How large will the total area of all excavations be?
C 2.3 How large will each excavation be before it is filled

C 2.4 How many prospecting boreholes or trenches will

there be?

<10 X 10m

<20 X 20m
>20 X 20m


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 9.3


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 9.3


C 2.5 Will employees prepare food on the site and collect

C 2.6 Will water be extracted from a river, stream, dam or
pan for use by the proposed operation?







C 2.7 If so, what is the name of this water body?

C 2.8 If water will not be extracted from an open surface
source, where will it be obtained?

C 2.9 How much water per day will the mineral processing
operation require?

C 2.10 How far is the proposed operation from open water

(dam, river, pan, lake)?


1000 10 000 Liters

20 000 40 000 L
40 000 60 000 L
60 000 100 000L


0 15m

16 30m
31 60m
More than 60 metres


C 2.11 What is the estimate depth of the water table/



C 2.12 How much water per day will the proposed

operation utilize for employees?
C 2.13 What toilet facilities will be made available to

C 2.14 Would it be necessary to construct roads to access

the proposed operations?


Pit latrine (longdrop)

Chemical toilet








GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 9.3


C 2.15 How long will these access road(s) be (from a

public road to the proposed operations)

0 0,5 km

0,6 1,5 km
1,6 3 km






C 2.16 Will trees be uprooted to construct these access

C 2.17 Will any foreign material, like crushed stone,
limestone, or any material other than the naturally
occurring topsoil be placed on the road surface?
C 3.1 For what time period will prospecting/mining
operations be conducted on this particular site?

0 6 months

6 12 months
12 18 months
18 24 months
>24 months






C 4.1 How many people will be employed?

C 4.2 How many men?

C 4.3 How many women?

C 4.4 Where will employees be obtained?

employed from local communities?)


(Own or Own

C 4.5 How many hours per day will employees work?


Sunrise Sunset







GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 9.3

C 4.6 Will operations be conducted within 1 kilometer from

a residential area



C 4.7 How far will the proposed operation be from the 0 50 metres
nearest fence/windmill/house/dam/built structure?
51 100 metres
150 or more metres




C 5.1 Are there any graveyards or old houses or sites of

historic significance within 1 kilometer of the area?







C.6.1 Air quality Management and Control (Regulation 64)

Describe how the operation will impact on the quality of the air, taking into account predominant wind
direction and other affected parties in the downwind zone:

C.6.2 Fire Prevention (Regulation 65)

Applicants for permits, rights or permissions involving coal or bituminous rock must:
Indicate on a plan where the coal or rock discard dump will be located
(If applied for a permit to mine or prospect for coal or bituminous rock, indicate the
exact location of the discard dump on the plan and write EMPlan C6.2 next to it)
C.6.3 Noise control (Regulation 66)
Indicate how much noise the operation will generate, and how it will impact on the surrounding
environment, who might be influenced by noise from your operation.

C.6.4 Blasting, vibration and shock (Regulation 67)

Please indicate whether any blasting operations will be conducted.

GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide


Yes/ No

Appendix 9.3

How often?

C.6.5 Disposal of waste material (Regulation 69)

Indicate on your plan where waste will be dumped in relation to the beneficiation works/ washing
pans Also indicate below how domestic waste material will be managed.


Soil pollution and erosion control (Regulation 70)

Indicate how topsoil will be handled on the area.

6.6.2 Describe how spills of oil, grease, diesel, acid or hydraulic fluid will be dealt with.
6.6.3 Briefly describe the storage facilities available for the above fluids:


Example: I will mitigate the impact of my blasting operations on the Interested Parties
by limiting blasting operations to school hours, when no one in the affected area is at

Example: Section C 6.4 Blasting. I have identified that the people living on the neighbouring
property are sensitive to loud noises as they have children that must study during the

C.6.7 If significant impacts on any element of the environment C.6.8 How will the negative impacts on the environment be
mentioned in Section C 1 to C 6.6 above have been identified, mitigated or managed (as described in C 6.11 to the left?
summarise all of them here: (Regulation 52(2)(c))
(Regulation 57(2)(c))

GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 9.3


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide


Appendix 9.3

Financial provision: (Regulation 54)

The amount that is necessary for the rehabilitation of damage caused by the operation, both
sudden closure during the normal operation of the project and at final, planned closure will be
estimated by the regional office of the DME, based on the information supplied in this document.
This amount will reflect how much will it cost the Department to rehabilitate the area disturbed in
case of liquidation or abscondence.
Enter the amount of financial provision required here: R
What method will be used to furnish DME with this financial provision?
Cash deposit
Bank guarantee
Trust Fund
Other: (specify) (Note: other methods must be approved by the Minister)
The standard formats for each of these types of guarantees are available from your regional office
of the DME.
C.8.1 Monitoring and performance assessment.
Regulation 55 of the Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Act, 2002 (Act 28 of 2002)
clearly describes the process and procedure as well as requirements for monitoring and auditing of
the performance of this plan to adequately address environmental impacts from the operation. The
following information must be provided:

Please describe how the adequacy of this programme will be assessed and how any
inadequacies will be addressed. (Regulations 55(1) and 52(2)(e))

Example: I will, on a bi-monthly basis, check every aspect of my operation against the prescriptions given in Section F
of this document and, if I find that certain aspects are not addressed or impacts on the environment are not mitigated
properly, I will rectify the identified inadequacies immediately.

Closure and Environmental objectives: (Regulation 52(2)(f))
Clearly state the intended end use for the area prospected/mined after closing of operations
C.9.1 Describe, in brief terms, what the environment will look like after a closure
certificate has been obtained.
Note: The proposed end-state of your area must be consulted with interested and affected parties
in terms of Regulation 52(2)(g). Details of the acceptability of the end-state must appear in the
section below.


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 9.3

Regulations 56 to 62 outline the entire process of mine closure, and these are copied in Section F
of this document, both as a guide to applicants on the process to be followed for mine closure, and
also to address the legal responsibility of the applicant with regard to the proper closure of his
operation. In terms of Section 37 of the Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Act, 2002
(Act 28 of 2002), the holder of a permit is liable for any and all environmental damage or
degradation emanating from his/her operation, until a closure certificate is issued in terms of
Section 43 of the Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Act, 2002 (Act 28 of 2002).

Public Participation: (Regulation 52(2)(g))

In terms of the above regulation consultation with interested and affected person or persons must
take place prior to the approval of the environmental management plan. This regulation is quoted
below for ease of reference.
"a record of the public participation undertaken and the results thereof"
C 11.1 Any comments lodged by an interested and affected person or persons in terms of section
10(1)(b) of the Act, must be in writing and addressed to the relevant Regional Manager.
C 11.2 Any objections lodged by an interested and affected person or persons against the
application for a right or permit in terms of the Act, must set out clearly and concisely the
facts upon which it is based and must be addressed to the relevant Regional Manager in
C 11.3 The Regional Manager must make known by way of publication in a local newspaper or at
the office of the Regional Manager, that an application for a right or permit in terms of the
Act has been received.
In the table below, please list the names of people or organisations likely to be influenced by the
proposed operations (these might include neighbours, other water users, etc.) Kindly indicate how
these people were consulted (eg. By letter or by phone) and provide proof of that consultation.
What were the main concerns/ objections raised by the interested and affected parties to the
proposed operation?
Name of Interested/
affected party

Contact details:
Address &
telephone number

How did
consultation take


What were his/her

main concern about
the operation?

GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 9.3


Instructions for officials:

In this table, complete the totals of each section indicated below and do the calculation.
Remember to first add all the values of sections C 1,2,4 and 5 and then to multiply it by the
time factor in Section C 3
Note that the value for the time factor element of the impact rating appears in Section C3. This is
the total amount of time that the operation is expected to impact on the environment and all other
factors are MULTIPLIED by this value. Compare the score (Impact rating) with the table below to
help you make a decision on the total impact of the operation and also on the sufficiency of this
programme to address all expected impacts from the operation on the environment.




Time Factor
Section C 3



GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 9.3





46 300


No additional objectives needed this programme is sufficient

Some specific additional objectives to address focal areas of
concern may be set.
Major revision of Environmental Management Plan for
adequacy and full revision of objectives.

301 - 800
801 - 1160


Additional Objectives:
Based on the information provided by the applicant and the regional offices assessment thereof,
combined with the interpretation of the scoring and impact rating attained for the particular
operation above, the Regional Manager of the regional office of the DME may now determine
additional objectives /requirements for the mine owner/manager to comply with. These measures
will be specific and will address specific issues of concern that are not adequately covered in the
standard version of this document. These requirements are not listed here, but are specified under
Section G of this document, so as to form part of the legally binding part of this Environmental
Management Plan.


I, , the applicant for a permit/ right

hereby declare that the above information is true, complete and correct. I undertake to implement
the measures as described in Sections F and G hereof. I understand that this undertaking is legally
binding and that failure to give effect hereto will render me liable for prosecution in terms of Section
98 (b) and 99 (1)(g) of the Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Act, 2002 (Act 28 of
2002). I am also aware that the Regional Manager may, at any time but after consultation with me,
make such changes to this plan as he/she may deem necessary.

Signed on this .day of .. ...(Place)

Signature of applicant


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide


Appendix 9.3


This Environmental Management Plan contains guidelines, operating procedures and
rehabilitation/pollution control requirements which will be binding on the holder of the mining
permit/ prospecting permission/ reconnaissance permission after approval of the
Environmental Management Plan. It is essential that this portion be carefully studied,
understood, implemented and adhered to at all times.



F 1.1



A copy of the layout plan as provided for in Regulation 2.2 must be available at the
prospecting/mining site for scrutiny when required.
The plan must be updated on a regular basis with regard to the actual progress of
the establishment of surface infrastructure, mining operations and rehabilitation (a
copy of the updated plan shall be forwarded to the Regional Manager on a regular
A final layout plan must be submitted at closure of the mine or when operations
have ceased.

NOTE: Regulation 2.2 of the regulations promulgated in terms of the Act requires:
"An application contemplated in sub-regulation (1) must be accompanied by a plan that must
the co-ordinates of the land or area applied for;
the north point;
the scale to which the plan has been drawn;
the name, number and location of the land or area covered by the application;
in relation to farm boundaries and surveyed points(i)
the size and shape of the proposed area;
the boundaries of the land or area comprising the subject of the
application concerned;
the layout of the proposed reconnaissance, prospecting, exploration,
mining or production operations;
surface structures and servitudes;
the topography of the land or area; "


The mining/ prospecting area must be clearly demarcated by means of beacons at its
corners, and along its boundaries if there is no visibility between the corner beacons.
Permanent beacons as indicated on the layout plan or as prescribed by the Regional
Manager must be firmly erected and maintained in their correct position throughout the
life of the operation.


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 9.3

Mining/ prospecting and resultant operations shall only take place within this
demarcated area.


The following is applicable if operations are conducted within the riverine environment
(See F 3.2):

F 1.2


F 1.3

Beacons as indicated on the layout plan or as prescribed by the Regional Manager

must be erected and maintained in their correct position throughout the life of the
These beacons must be of a permanent nature during the operations and must not
be easily removable, especially those in a river channel. The beacons must, however,
be removed at the end of the operations.
The mining of and prospecting for any mineral shall only take place within this
demarcated mining area.
If riverine vegetation is present in the form of reeds or wetland vegetation, the
presence of these areas must be entered in Part C 1.45 of the EMPlan and indicated
on the layout plan.
The holder of the mining permit/ prospecting right will also be required to permanently
demarcate the areas as specified in F 1.1.2.

On assessment of the application, the Regional Manager may prohibit the conducting
of mining or prospecting operations in vegetated areas or over portions of these
In the case of areas that are excluded from mining or prospecting, no operations shall
be conducted within 5 m of these areas.


The environment affected by the mining/ prospecting operations shall be

rehabilitated by the holder, as far as is practicable, to its natural state or to a
predetermined and agreed to standard or land use which conforms with the
concept of sustainable development. The affected environment shall be
maintained in a stable condition that will not be detrimental to the safety and health
of humans and animals and that will not pollute the environment or lead to the
degradation thereof.
It is the responsibility of the holder of the mining permit/ prospecting right to ensure
that the manager on the site and the employees are capable of complying with all
the statutory requirements which must be met in order to mine, which includes the
implementation of this EMP.
If operations are to be conducted in an area that has already been disturbed, the
holder must reach specific agreement with the Regional Manager concerning the
responsibilities imposed upon himself/herself pertaining to the rehabilitation of the
area and the pollution control measures to be implemented.

GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 9.3



F 2.1


F 2.2

Topsoil shall be removed from all areas where physical disturbance of the surface
will occur.
All available topsoil shall be removed after consultation with the Regional Manager
prior to the commencement of any operations.
The topsoil removed, shall be stored in a bund wall on the high ground side of the
mining/prospecting area outside the 1:50 flood level within the boundaries of the
mining area/ prospecting.
Topsoil shall be kept separate from overburden and shall not be used for building
or maintenance of access roads.
The topsoil stored in the bund wall shall be adequately protected from being blown
away or being eroded.


F 2.2.1 Establishing access roads on the site

The access road to the mining/prospecting area and the camp-site/site office must
be established in consultation with the landowner/tenant and existing roads shall
be used as far as practicable.
Should a portion of the access road be newly constructed the following must be
adhered to:

The route shall be selected that a minimum number of bushes or trees are
felled and existing fence lines shall be followed as far as possible.
Water courses and steep gradients shall be avoided as far as is
Adequate drainage and erosion protection in the form of cut-off berms or
trenches shall be provided where necessary.

If imported material is used in the construction or upgrading of the access road this
must be listed in C 2.17
The erection of gates in fence lines and the open or closed status of gates in new
and existing positions shall be clarified in consultation with the landowner/tenant
and maintained throughout the operational period.
No other routes will be used by vehicles or personnel for the purpose of gaining
access to the site.

NOTE: The design, construction and location of access to provincial roads must be
in accordance with the requirements laid down by the Provincial or controlling


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 9.3

F 2.2.2 Maintenance of access roads

In the case of dual or multiple use of access roads by other users, arrangements
for multiple responsibility must be made with the other users. If not, the
maintenance of access roads will be the responsibility of the holder of the mining
permit/ prospecting right.
Newly constructed access roads shall be adequately maintained so as to minimise
dust, erosion or undue surface damage.

F 2.2.3 Dust control on the access and haul roads

The liberation of dust into the surrounding environment shall be effectively

controlled by the use of, inter alia, water spraying and/or other dust-allaying
agents. The speed of haul trucks and other vehicles must be strictly controlled to
avoid dangerous conditions, excessive dust or excessive deterioration of the road
being used.

F 2.2.4 Rehabilitation of access roads

F 2.3

Whenever a mining permit/ prospecting right is suspended, cancelled or

abandoned or if it lapses and the holder does not wish to renew the permit or right,
any access road or portions thereof, constructed by the holder and which will no
longer be required by the landowner/tenant, shall be removed and/or rehabilitated
to the satisfaction of the Regional Manager.
Any gate or fence erected by the holder which is not required by the
landowner/tenant, shall be removed and the situation restored to the pre mining/
prospecting situation.
Roads shall be ripped or ploughed, and if necessary, appropriately fertilised
(based on a soil analysis) to ensure the regrowth of vegetation. Imported road
construction materials which may hamper regrowth of vegetation must be removed
and disposed of in an approved manner prior to rehabilitation.
If a reasonable assessment indicates that the re-establishment of vegetation is
unacceptably slow, the Regional Manager may require that the soil be analysed
and any deleterious effects on the soil arising from the mining/prospecting
operation, be corrected and the area be seeded with a seed mix to the Regional
Managers specification.


F 2.3.1 Establishing office / camp sites

Office and camp sites shall be established, as far as is practicable, outside the
flood plain, above the 1 in 50 flood level mark within the boundaries of the mining/
prospecting area.
The area chosen for these purposes shall be the minimum reasonably required
and which will involve the least disturbance to vegetation. Topsoil shall be
handled as described in F 2.1 above

GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 9.3

No camp or office site shall be located closer than 100 metres from a stream, river,
spring, dam or pan.
No trees or shrubs will be felled or damaged for the purpose of obtaining firewood,
unless agreed to by the landowner/tenant.
Fires will only be allowed in facilities or equipment specially constructed for this
purpose. If required by applicable legislation, a fire-break shall be cleared around
the perimeter of the camp and office sites.
Lighting and noise disturbance or any other form of disturbance that may have an
effect on the landowner/tenant/persons lawfully living in the vicinity shall be kept to
a minimum.

F 2.3.2 Toilet facilities, waste water and refuse disposal

As a minimum requirement, the holder of a mining permit/ prospecting right shall,

at least, provide pit latrines for employees and proper hygiene measures shall be
Chemical toilet facilities or other approved toilet facilities such as a septic drain
shall preferably be used and sited on the camp site in such a way that they do not
cause water or other pollution.
The use of existing facilities must take place in consultation with the
In cases where facilities are linked to existing sewerage structures, all necessary
regulatory requirements concerning construction and maintenance should be
adhered to.
All effluent water from the camp washing facility shall be disposed of in a properly
constructed French drain, situated as far as possible, but not less than 200
metres, from any stream, river, pan, dam or borehole.
Only domestic type wash water shall be allowed to enter this drain and any
effluents containing oil, grease or other industrial substances must be collected in
a suitable receptacle and removed from the site, either for resale or for appropriate
disposal at a recognised facility.
Spills should be cleaned up immediately to the satisfaction of the Regional
Manager by removing the spillage together with the polluted soil and by disposing
of them at a recognised facility.
Non-biodegradable refuse such as glass bottles, plastic bags, metal scrap, etc.,
shall be stored in a container at a collecting point and collected on a regular basis
and disposed of at a recognised disposal facility. Specific precautions shall be
taken to prevent refuse from being dumped on or in the vicinity of the camp site.
Biodegradable refuse generated from the office/camp site, processing areas
vehicle yard, storage area or any other area shall either be handled as indicated
above or be buried in a pit excavated for that purpose and covered with layers of
soil, incorporating a final 0,5 metre thick layer of topsoil (where practicable).
Provision should be made for future subsidence of the covering.


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 9.3

F 2.3.3 Rehabilitation of the office/camp site

On completion of operations, all buildings, structures or objects on the camp/office

site shall be dealt with in accordance with section 44 of the Mineral and Petroleum
Resources Development Act, 2002 (Act 28 of 2002), which states:

When a prospecting right, mining right, retention permit or mining permit

lapses, is cancelled or is abandoned or when any prospecting or mining
operation comes to an end, the holder of any such right or permit may not
demolish or remove any building, structure, object (a)

which may not be demolished in terms of any other law;

which has been identified in writing by the Minister for purposes of this
section; or
(c) which is to be retained in terms of an agreement between the holder
and the owner or occupier of the land, which agreement has been
approved by the Minister in writing.
The provision of subsection (1) does not apply to bona fide mining
equipment which may be removed

F 2.4

Where office/camp sites have been rendered devoid of vegetation/grass or where

soils have been compacted owing to traffic, the surface shall be scarified or ripped.
Areas containing French drains shall be compacted and covered with a final layer
of topsoil to a height of 10cm above the surrounding ground surface.
The site shall be seeded with a vegetation seed mix adapted to reflect the local
indigenous flora.
If a reasonable assessment indicates that the re-establishment of vegetation is
unacceptably slow, the Regional Manager may require that the soil be analysed
and any deleterious effects on the soil arising from the mining/prospecting
operation be corrected and the area be seeded with a vegetation seed mix to his
or her specification.
Photographs of the camp and office sites, before and during the mining/
prospecting operation and after rehabilitation, shall be taken at selected fixed
points and kept on record for the information of the Regional Manager.


F 2.4.1 Establishing the vehicle maintenance yard and secured storage areas

The vehicle maintenance yard and secured storage area will be established as far
as is practicable, outside the flood plain, above the 1 in 50 flood level mark within
the boundaries of the mining/prospecting area.
The area chosen for these purposes shall be the minimum reasonably required
and involve the least disturbance to tree and plant life. Topsoil shall be handled
as described in F 2.1 above.


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 9.3

The storage area shall be securely fenced and all hazardous substances and
stocks such as diesel, oils, detergents, etc., shall be stored therein. Drip pans, a
thin concrete slab or a facility with PVC lining, shall be installed in such storage
areas with a view to prevent soil and water pollution.
The location of both the vehicle maintenance yard and the storage areas are to be
indicated on the layout plan.
No vehicle may be extensively repaired in any place other than in the maintenance

F 2.4.2 Maintenance of vehicles and equipment

The maintenance of vehicles and equipment used for any purpose during the
mining/prospecting operation will take place only in the maintenance yard area.
Equipment used in the mining/prospecting process must be adequately maintained
so that during operations it does not spill oil, diesel, fuel, or hydraulic fluid.
Machinery or equipment used on the mining/prospecting area must not constitute
a pollution hazard in respect of the above substances. The Regional Manager
shall order such equipment to be repaired or withdrawn from use if he or she
considers the equipment or machinery to be polluting and irreparable.

F 2.4.3 Waste disposal

Suitable covered receptacles shall be available at all times and conveniently

placed for the disposal of waste.
All used oils, grease or hydraulic fluids shall be placed therein and these
receptacles will be removed from the site on a regular basis for disposal at a
registered or licensed disposal facility.
All spills should be cleaned up immediately to the satisfaction of the Regional
Manager by removing the spillage together with the polluted soil and by disposing
of them at a recognised facility.

F 2.4.4 Rehabilitation of vehicle maintenance yard and secured storages areas

On completion of mining/prospecting operations, the above areas shall be cleared

of any contaminated soil, which must be dumped as referred to in section F 2.4.3
All buildings, structures or objects on the vehicle maintenance yard and secured
storage areas shall be dealt with in accordance with section 44 of the Mineral and
Petroleum Resources Development Act, 2002.
The surface shall then be ripped or ploughed to a depth of at least 300mm and the
topsoil previously stored adjacent the site, shall be spread evenly to its original
depth over the whole area. The area shall then be fertilised if necessary (based
on a soil analysis).
The site shall be seeded with a vegetation seed mix adapted to reflect the local
indigenous flora.


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 9.3

If a reasonable assessment indicates that the re-establishment of vegetation is

unacceptably slow, the Regional Manager may require that the soil be analysed
and any deleterious effects on the soil arising from the mining/prospecting
operation be corrected and the area be seeded with a seed mix to his or her



F 3.1

Limitations on mining/prospecting

F 3.2

The mining of or prospecting for precious stones shall take place only within the
approved demarcated mining or prospecting area.
Mining/ prospecting may be limited to the areas indicated by the Regional
Manager on assessment of the application.
The holder of the mining permit/ prospecting right shall ensure that operations take
place only in the demarcated areas as described in section F 1.1.2 above.
Operations will not be conducted closer than one and a half times the height of the
bank from the edge of the river channel and in such manner that the stability of the
bank of the river is effected.
Precautions shall also be taken to ensure that the bank of the river is adequately
protected from scouring or erosion. Damage to the bank of the river caused by the
operations, shall be rehabilitated to a condition acceptable to the Regional
Manager at the expense of the holder.
Restrictions on the disturbance of riverine vegetation in the form of reeds or
wetland vegetation must be adhered to. The presence of these areas must be
entered in Part of the programme and indicated on the layout plan.

Mining/ prospecting operations within the riverine environment

NOTE: The Department of Water Affairs and Forestry may impose additional
conditions which must be attached to this EMP. In this regard, please see the Best
Practice Guideline for small scale mining developed by DWAF (BPG 2.1)
(available from

The mining of or prospecting for precious stones in the river or the banks of the
river will be undertaken only after the Regional Manager has consulted with the
Department of Water Affairs and Forestry.
The canalisation of a river will not be undertaken unless the necessary permission
has been obtained from the Department of Water Affairs and Forestry. Over and
above the conditions imposed by the said Department, which conditions shall form
part of this EMPlan, the following will also apply:

The canalisation of the flow of the river over different parts of the river bed
shall be constructed in such a manner that the following are adhered to at
all times:


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 9.3

The flow of the river may not be impeded in any way and
damming upstream may not occur.
The canalisation of the flow may not result in scouring or erosion
of the river-bank.
Well points or extraction pumps in use by other riparian users
may not be interfered with and canalisation may not impede the
extraction of water at these points.

Access to the riverbed for the purpose of conducting excavations in the river-bed,
shall be through the use of only one access at a time. The location of the access
to the river channel across the river-bank shall be at a point of the river-bank
where the least excavation and damage to vegetation will occur and shall not be
wider than is reasonably required. The position of the river access together with
all planned future access points, must be indicated on the layout plan.

F 3.2.1 Rehabilitation of access to river-bed

When rehabilitating the access point, the original profile of the river-bank will be reestablished by backfilling the access point with the original material excavated or
other suitable material.
The topsoil shall then be returned over the whole area to its original depth and if
necessary fertilised and the vegetation allowed to grow.
If a reasonable assessment indicates that the re-establishment of vegetation is
unacceptably slow, the Regional Manager may require that the soil be analysed
and any deleterious effects on the soil arising from the mining/prospecting
operation be corrected and the area be seeded with a seed mix to his or her
In the event of damage from an occurrence where high flood waters scour and
erode access points in the process of rehabilitation over the river-bank or an
access point currently in use, repair of such damage shall be the sole
responsibility of the holder of the mining permit or prospecting right.
Repair to the river-bank to reinstate its original profile to the satisfaction of the
Regional Manager must take place immediately after such event has occurred and
the river has subsided to a point where repairs can be undertaken.
Final acceptance of rehabilitated river access points will be awarded only after the
vegetation has re-established to a point where the Regional Manager is satisfied
that the river-bank is stable and that the measures installed are of durable nature
and able to withstand high river-flow conditions.

F 3.2.2 Rehabilitation of mining/prospecting area in the bed of the river

The goal of rehabilitation with respect to the area where mining/prospecting has
taken place in the river-bed is to leave the area level and even, and in a natural
state containing no foreign debris or other materials and to ensure the hydrological
integrity of the river by not attenuating or diverting any of the natural flow.
All scrap and other foreign materials will be removed from the bed of the river and
disposed of as in the case of other refuse (see section F 2.3.2 above), whether

GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 9.3

these accrue directly from the mining/prospecting operation or are washed on to

the site from upstream.
Removal of these materials shall be done on a continuous basis and not only at
the start of rehabilitation.
Where reeds or other riverine vegetation have been removed from areas, these
shall be re-established systematically in the approximate areas where they
occurred before mining/prospecting.
An effective control programme for the eradication of invader species and other
exotic plants, shall be instituted on a regular basis over the entire
mining/prospecting area under the control of the holder of the mining permit/
prospecting right, both during mining/prospecting and at the stage of final


The National Water Act, (Act 36 of 1998), is based on the principles of sustainability, efficiency and
equity, meaning that the protection of water resources must be balanced with their development
and use.
In addition to being issued with a prospecting right or mining permit a small-scale miner may also
need to get a water use licence for the proposed water uses that will take place, except in certain
NOTE: The Department of Water Affairs and Forestry (DWAF) developed specific Best Practice
Guideline for small scale mining that relates to stormwater management, erosion and sediment
control and waste management. Copies of these guidelines can be obtained from the regional
office of DME or DWAF.
Applications for a water use licence must be made in good time, such that approval can be granted
before a water use activity can begin. The appropriate licence forms for each kind of expected
water use should be completed together with supporting documentation. The main supporting
document required is a technical report. To make the technical report easier, you can refer to
sections in this EMPlan, as most of what the technical report requires has already been done in
the EMPlan. If you refer to the EMPlan it must be attached to the technical report.
F 3.3


F 3.3.1 Establishing the excavation areas

Whenever any excavation is undertaken for the purpose of locating and/or

extracting ore bodies of all types of minerals, including precious stonebearing gravels, the following operating procedures shall be adhered to:

Topsoil shall, in all cases (except when excavations are made in

the river-bed), be handled as described in F 2.1 above.
Excavations shall take place only within the approved demarcated
mining/prospecting area.
Overburden rocks and coarse material shall be placed
concurrently in the excavations or stored adjacent to the


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 9.3

excavation, if practicable, to be used as backfill material once the

ore or gravel has been excavated.
Trenches shall be backfilled immediately if no ore or precious
stone-bearing gravel can be located.

F 3.3.2 Rehabilitation of excavation areas

The following operating procedures shall be adhered to:

F 3.4

The excavated area must serve as a final depositing area for the
placement of tailings during processing.
Rocks and coarse material removed from the excavation must be dumped
into the excavation simultaneously with the tailings.
Waste, as described in paragraph F 2.3.2 above, will not be permitted to
be deposited in the excavations.
Once excavations have been refilled with overburden, rocks and coarse
natural materials and profiled with acceptable contours and erosion
control measures, the topsoil previously stored, shall be returned to its
original depth over the area.
The area shall be fertilised if necessary to allow vegetation to establish
rapidly. The site shall be seeded with a local or adapted indigenous seed
mix in order to propagate the locally or regionally occurring flora.
If a reasonable assessment indicates that the re-establishment of
vegetation is unacceptably slow, the Regional Manager may require that
the soil be analysed and any deleterious effects on the soil arising from
the mining/ prospecting operation, be corrected and the area be seeded
with a vegetation seed mix to his or her specification.


F 3.4.1 Establishing processing areas and waste piles

Processing areas and waste piles shall not be established within 100 metres of the
edge of any river channel or other water bodies.
Processing areas should be established, as far as practicable, near the edge of
excavations to allow the waste, gravel and coarse material to be processed
The areas chosen for this purpose shall be the minimum reasonably required and
involve the least disturbance to vegetation.
Prior to development of these areas, the topsoil shall be removed and stored as
described in paragraph F 2.1 above.
The location and dimensions of the areas are to be indicated on the layout plan
and once established, the processing of ore containing precious stones shall be
confined to these areas and no stockpiling or processing will be permitted on
areas not correctly prepared.
Tailings from the extraction process must be so treated and/or deposited that it will
in no way prevent or delay the rehabilitation process.

GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 9.3

F 3.4.2 Rehabilitation of processing areas

F 3.5

Coarse natural material used for the construction of ramps must be removed and
dumped into the excavations.
On completion of mining/prospecting operations, the surface of the processing
areas especially if compacted due to hauling and dumping operations, shall be
scarified to a depth of at least 300mm and graded to an even surface condition
and the previously stored topsoil will be returned to its original depth over the area.
Prior to replacing the topsoil the material that was removed from the processing
area will be replaced in the same order as it originally occurred.
The area shall then be fertilised if necessary to allow vegetation to establish
rapidly. The site shall be seeded with a local, adapted indigenous seed mix.
If a reasonable assessment indicates that the re-establishment of vegetation is
unacceptably slow, the Regional Manager may require that the soil be analysed
and any deleterious effects on the soil arising from the mining/prospecting
operation be corrected and the area be seeded with a seed mix to his or her


The permission of the Regional Manager must be obtained should a tailings dam be
constructed for the purpose of handling the tailings of the mining/prospecting operations.
The construction, care and maintenance of tailings dams have been regulated and the
relevant regulation is copied herwith , both for your information and as a guideline to the
commisioning, management, operation, closing and aftercare of a tailings deposition

Regulation 73 promulgated under the Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Act,
2002 (Act 28 of 2002) requires the following:
Management of residue stockpiles and deposits


The assessment of impacts relating to the management of residue stockpiles and deposits,
where appropriate, must form part of the environmental impact assessment report and
environmental management programme or the environmental management plan.


Residue characterisation
Mine residue must be characterised to identify any potentially significant health and
safety hazard and environmental impact that may be associated with the residue when
stockpiled or deposited at the site(s) under consideration.

Residue stockpiles and deposits must be characterised in terms of its

physical characteristics, which may include (aa) the size distribution of the principal constituents;
(bb) the permeability of the compacted material;
(cc) void ratios of the compacted material;
(dd) the consolidation or settling characteristics of the material under its own
weight and that of any overburden;
(ee) the strength of compacted material;
the specific gravity of the solid constituents; and


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide



Appendix 9.3

the water content of the material at the time of deposition, after compaction,
and at other phases in the life of the deposit.


chemical characteristics, which may include (aa) the toxicity;

(bb) the propensity to oxidize and /or decompose;
(cc) the propensity to undergo spontaneous combustion;
(dd) the pH and chemical composition of the water separated from the solids;
(ee) stability and reactivity and the rate thereof; and
neutralising potential.


mineral content, which include the specific gravity of the residue particles and its
impact on particle segregation and consolidation;

Classification of residue stockpiles and deposits

All residue stockpiles and deposits must be classified into one or a combination of the
following categories
the safety classification to differentiate between residue stockpiles and deposits of
high, medium and low hazard on the basis of their potential to cause harm to life or
property; and
(ii) the environmental classification to differentiate between residue stockpiles and
deposits with (aa) a potentially significant impact on the environment due to its spatial extent,
duration and intensity of potential impacts; or
(bb) no potentially significant impact on the environment.

All mine residue stockpiles and deposits must be classified by a suitably qualified


The classification of residue stockpiles and deposits shall determine the

level of investigation and assessment required;
(ii) requirements for design, construction, operation, decommissioning, closure and
post closure maintenance; and
(iii) qualifications and expertise required of persons undertaking the investigations,
assessments, design, construction thereof.


The safety classification of residue stockpiles and deposits shall be based on the
following criteria

residents in zone
of influence
1 10
> 10

Number of workers
in zone of influence
< 10
11 100
> 100

Value of third party

propert in zone of
0 R2 m
R 2 m R20 m
> R20 m

underground mine
> 200m
50 m 200 m
< 50 m

Low hazard
Medium hazard
High hazard


A risk analysis must be carried out and documented on all high hazard residue stockpiles
and deposits.


The environmental classification of residue stockpiles and deposits must be undertaken

on the basis of
the characteritics of the residue;
the location and dimensions of the deposit (height, surface area);
the importance and vulnerability of the environmental components that are at
risk; and
the spatial extent, duration and intensity of potential impacts.

GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide


Appendix 9.3


An assessment of the environmental impacts shall be done on all environmental

components which are significantly affected.


The assessment of impacts and analyses of risks shall form part of the environmental
assessment and management programme.

Site selection and investigation:


The process of investigation and selection of a site must entail (i) the identification of a sufficient number of possible candidate sites to ensure
adequate consideration of alternative sites;
(ii) qualitative evaluation and ranking of all alternative sites;
(iii) qualitative investigation of the top ranking sites to review the ranking done in (ii);
(iv) a feasibility study to be carried out on the highest ranking site(s), involving (aa) a prelimenary safety classification;
(bb) an environmental classification;
(cc) geotechnical investigations; and
(dd) groundwater investigations.


The geotechnical investigations may include(i) the characterization of the soil profile over the entire area to be covered by the
residue facility and associated infrastructure to define the spatial extent and depth
of the different soil horizons;
(ii) the characterization of the relevant engineering properties of foundations soils and
the assessment of strength and drainage characteristics.


The groundwater investigations may include(i) the potential rate of seepage from the residue facility;
(ii) the quality of such seepage;
(iii) the geohydrological properties of the strata within the zone that could potentially be
affected by the quality of seepage;
(iv) the vulnerability and existing potential use of the groundwater resource within the
zone that could potentially be affected by the residue facility.


From these investigations, a preferred site must be identified.


Further investigation on the preferred site, shall include

(i) land use;
(ii) topography and surface drainage;
(iii) infrastructure and man-made features;
(iv) climate;
(v) flora and fauna;
(vi) soils;
(vii) ground water morphology, flow, quality and usage; and
(viii) surface water.


The investigations, laboratory test work, interpretation of data and recommendations for
the identification and selection of the most appropriate and suitable site for the disposal
of all residue that have the potential to generate leachate that could have a significant
impact on the environment and groundwater must be carried out by a suitably qualified


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide


Appendix 9.3

Design of residue stockpile and deposit


The design of the residue stockpile and deposit shall be undertaken by a suitably
qualified person.


An assessment of the typical soil profile on the site is required for residue stockpiles and
deposits which (i)
have a low hazard potential; and
have no significant impact on the environment.


The design of the residue stockpile and deposit must take into account all phases of the
life cycle of the stockpile and deposit, from construction through to closure and must
the characteristics of the mine residue;
(ii) the characteristics of the site and the receiving environment;
(iii) the general layout of the stockpile or deposit, whether it is a natural valley, ring
dyke, impoundment or a combination thereof and its 3-dimensional geometry at
appropriate intervals throughout the planned incremental growth of the stockpile or
(iv) the type of deposition method used; and
(v) the rate of rise of the stockpile or deposit.


Other design considerations, as appropriate to the particular type of stockpile and

deposit must be incrporated
the control of storm water on and around the residue stockpile or deposit by
making provision for the maximum precipitation to be expected over a period of 24
hours with a frequency of once in a 100 years, in accordance with the regulations
made under section 8 of the National Water Act, 1998;
(ii) the provision, throughout the system, of a freeboard of at least 0.5 m above the
expected maximum water level, in accordance with regulations made under the
National Water Act, 1998, to prevent overtopping;
(iii) keeping the pool away from the walls; where there are valid technical reasons for
deviating from this, adequate motivation must be provided and the design must be
reviewed by a qualified person as required in terms of sections 9(6) or 9(7) of the
Mine Health and Safety Act, 1996;
(iv) the control of decanting of excess water under normal and storm conditions;
the retension of polluted water in terms of polluted water in terms of GN
R991(9), where measures may be required to prevent water from the
residue deposit from leaving the residue management system unless it
meets prescribed requirements;
the design of the penstock, outfall pipe, under-drainage system and
return water dams;
the height of the phreatic surface, slope angles and method of
construction of the outer walls and their effects on shear stability;
the erosion of slopes by wind and water, and its control by (ee)
vegetation, berms or carchment paddocks; and
the potential for pollution.


A design report and operating manual shall be drawn up for all residue stockpiles and
deposits which
have a medium to high hazard; and
(ii) have a potentially significant impact on the environment.


Relevant information must be included in the draft environmental management

programme or environmental management plan.


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide


Construction and operation of residue deposits:





Appendix 9.3

The holder of any right or permit in terms of the Act, must ensure that(i)
the residue deposits, including any surrounding catchment paddocks, is
constructed and operated in accordance with the approved environmental
management programme or environmental management plan;
(ii) the design of the residue deposit is followed implicitly throughout the construction
thereof, and that any deviations from the design be approved by the Regional
Manager and the environmental manage programme and environmental
management plan be amended accordingly;
(iii) as part of the monitoring system, measurements of all residues transported to the
site and of all surplus water removed from the site are recorded;
(iv) the provision for appropriate security measures be implemented to limit
unauthorised access to the site and inrusion into the residue deposit;
(v) specific action be taken in respect of any sign of pollution;
(vi) adequate measures be implemented to control dust pollution and erosion of the
slopes; and
(vii) details of rehabilitation of the residue deposit be provided in the draft
environmental management programme or environmental management plan.
A system of routine maintenance and repair in respect of the residue deposit must be
imlemented to ensure the ongoing control of pollution, the integrity of rehabilitation and
health and safety maters at the site.

Monitoring of residue stockpiles and deposits:


A monitoring system for residue stockpiles and deposits with respect to potentially
significant impacts as identified in the environmental assessment must be included in the
environmental management programme or environmental management plan.


In the design of a monitoring system for a residue stockpile or deposit, consideration

must be given to
baseline and background conditions with regard to air, surface and groundwater
quality ;
the air, surface and groundwater quality objectives;
residue characteristics;
(iv) the degree and nature of residue containment;
the receiving environment and secifically the climatic, local geological,
hydrogeological and geochemical conditions;
(vi) potential migration pathways;
(vii) potential impacts of leachate;
(viii) the location of monitoring points and the prescribed monitoring protocols; and
(ix) the reporting frequency and procedures.

Decommissioning, closure and after care:


The decommissioning, closure and post closure management of residue deposits must
be addressed in the closure plan, which must contain the following (i)
the environmental classification, including assumptions on which the classification
were based;
the closure objectives, final land use or capability;
conceptual descrption and details for closure and post closure management;
(iv) cost estimates and financial provision for closure and post-closure management;
residual impacts, monitoring and requirements to obtain mine closure in terms of
the Act.


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

F 3.6

Appendix 9.3


All infrastructure, equipment, plant, temporary housing and other items used
during the mining period will be removed from the site (section 44 of the MPRDA)
Waste material of any description, including receptacles, scrap, rubble and tyres,
will be removed entirely from the mining area and disposed of at a recognised
landfill facility. It will not be permitted to be buried or burned on the site.
Final rehabilitation shall be completed within a period specified by the Regional



F 4.1

Inspections and monitoring

Regular monitoring of all the environmental management measures and components

shall be carried out by the holder of the prospecting right, mining permit or
reconnaissance permission in order to ensure that the provisions of this programme
are adhered to.
Ongoing and regular reporting of the progress of implementation of this programme
will be done.
Various points of compliance will be identified with regard to the various impacts that
the operations will have on the environment.
Inspections and monitoring shall be carried out on both the implementation of the
programme and the impact on plant and animal life.
Visual inspections on erosion and physical pollution shall be carried out on a regular

Regulation 55 promulgated in terms of the MPRDA requires the following:

Monitoring and performance assessments of environmental management programme or plan

As part of the general terms and conditions for a prospecting right, mining right or mining
permit and in order to ensure compliance with the approved environmental management
programme or plan and to assess the continued appropriateness and adequacy of the
environmental management programme or plan, the holder of such right must(a)
conduct monitoring on a continuous basis;
conduct performance assessments of the environmental management
programme or plan as required; and
compile and submit a performance assessment report to the Minister to
demonstrate adherence to sub-regulation (b).


The frequency of performance assessment reporting shall be(a)

in accordance with the period specified in the approved environmental
management programme or plan , or, if not so specified;
as agreed to in writing by the Minister; or
biennially (every two years).


The performance assessment report, shall be in the format provided in guidelines that will
from time to time be published by the Department and shall as a minimum contain(a)
information regarding the period that applies to the performance assessment;
the scope of the assessment;


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide


Appendix 9.3

the procedure used for the assessment;

the interpreted information gained from monitoring the approved environmental
management programme or plan;
the evaluation criteria used during the assessment;
the results of the assessment; and
recommendations on how and when deficiencies that are identified and/or
aspects of non-compliance will be rectified.


The holder of a prospecting right, mining right or mining permit may appoint an
independent qualified person(s) to conduct the performance assessment and compile the
performance assessment report provided that no such appointment shall relieve the
holder of the responsibilities in terms of these regulations.


Subject to section 30(2) of the Act, the performance assessment report submitted by the
holder shall be made available by the Minister to any person on request.


If upon consideration by the Minister, the performance assessment executed by the holder
is not satisfactory or the report submitted by the holder is found to be unacceptable, the
holder must(a)
repeat the whole or relevant parts of the performance assessment and revise
and resubmit the report; and/or
submit relevant supporting information; and/or
appoint an independent competent person(s) to conduct the whole or part of the
performance assessment and to compile the report.


If a reasonable assessment indicates that the performance assessment cannot be

executed satisfactorily by the holder or a competent person(s) appointed by the holder,
the Minister may appoint an independent performance assessment person(s) to conduct
such performance accessment. Such appointment and execution shall be for the cost of
the holder.


When the holder of a prospecting right, mining right or mining permit intends closing such
operation, a final performance assessment shall be conducted and a report submitted to
the Minister to ensure that (a)
the requirements of the relevant legislation have been complied with;
the closure objectives as described in the environmental management
programme or plan have been met; and
all residual environmental impacts resulting from the holders operations have
been identified and the risks of latent impacts which may occur have been
identified, quantified and arrangements for the management thereof have been

(9) The final performance assessment report shall either precede or accompany the application
for a closure certificate in terms of the Act.

F 4.2

Compliance reporting / submission of information

Layout plans will be updated on a regular basis and updated copies will be submitted
on a biennial basis to the Regional Manager
Reports confirming compliance with various points identified in the environmental
management programme will be submitted to the Regional Manager on a regular
basis and as decided by the said manager .
Any emergency or unforeseen impact will be reported as soon as possible.
An assessment of environmental impacts that were not properly addressed or were
unknown when the programme was compiled shall be carried out and added as a
corrective action.


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 9.3

When the holder of a prospecting right, mining permit or reconnaissance permission intends
closing down his/her operations, an environmental risk report shall accompany the application for
closure. The requirements of such a risk report is contained in Regulation 60 of the Regulations
promulgated in terms of the Act and is quoted below :
F 5.1


"An application for a closure certificate must be accompanied by an environmental risk report
which must include(a)
the undertaking of a screening level environmental risk assessment where(i) all possible environmental risks are identified, including those which appear to be
(ii) the process is based on the input from existing data;
(iii) the issues that are considered are qualitatively ranked as
(aa) a potential significant risk; and/or
(bb) a uncertain risk; and/or
(cc) an insignificant risk.
the undertaking of a second level risk assessment on issues classified as potential
significant risks where(i) appropriate sampling, data collection and monitoring be carried out;
(ii) more realistic assumptions and actual measurements be made; and
(iii) a more quantitative risk assessment is undertaken, again classifying issues as posing
a potential significant risk or insignificant risk.
assessing whether issues classified as posing potential significant risks are acceptable
without further mitigation;
issues classified as uncertain risks be re-evaluated and re-classified as either posing
potential significant risks or insignificant risks;
documenting the status of insignificant risks and agree with interested and affected
identifying alternative risk prevention or management strategies for potential significant
risks which have been identified, quantified and qualified in the second level risk
agreeing on management measures to be implemented for the potential significant risks
which must include(i) a description of the management measures to be applied;
(ii) a predicted long-term result of the applied management measures;
(iii)the residual and latent impact after successful implementation of the
management measures;
(iv) time frames and schedule for the implementation of the management
(v) responsibilities for implementation and long-term maintenance of the
management measures;
(vi) financial provision for long-term maintenance; and
(vii) monitoring programmes to be implemented."

F 5.2


Closure objectives form part of this EMPlan and must(a)


identify the key objectives for mine closure to guide the project design,
development and management of environmental objectives;
provide broad future land use objective(s) for the site; and
provide proposed closure cost

GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

F 5.3

Appendix 9.3


A closure plan forms part of the EMP and must include the following:
F 5.4

a description of the closure objectives and how these relate to the prospecting or
mine operation and its environmental and social setting;
a plan contemplated in Regulation 2(2), coordinated according to generally
accepted standards, showing the land or area under closure;
a summary of the regulatory requirements and conditions for closure negotiated
and documented in the environmental management programme or plan;
a summary of the results of the environmental risk report and details of identified
residual and latent impacts;
a summary of the results of progressive rehabilitation undertaken;
a description of the methods to decommission each prospecting or mining
component and the mitigation or management strategy proposed to avoid,
minimize and manage residual or latent impacts;
details of any long-term management and maintenance expected;
details of financial provision for monitoring, maintenance and post closure
management, if required;
a plan or sketch at an appropriate scale describing the final land use proposal and
arrangements for the site;
a record of interested and affected persons consulted; and
technical appendices, if any.


Should the holder of a prospecting right, mining permit or reconnaissance permission wish to
transfer any environmental liabilities and responsibilities to another person or persons, the
following will pertain:



An application to transfer environmental liabilities to a competent person in terms

of section 48) of the Act, must be completed on Form O as set out in Annexure 1
to the Regulations and be lodged to the Minister for consideration.
The holder of a prospecting right, mining right or mining permit may transfer
liabilities and responsibilities as identified in the environmental management plan
and the required closure plan to a competent person as contemplated in
Regulation 58.
When considering the transfer of environmental liabilities and responsibilities in
terms of section 48) of the Act, the Minister must consult with any State
department which administers any law relating to matters affecting the
No transfer of environmental liabilities and responsibilities to a competent person
may be made unless the Chief Inspector of Mines and the Department of Water
Affairs and Forestry have confirmed in writing that the person to whom the
liabilities and responsibilities is transferred to, have the necessary qualifications
pertaining to health and safety and management of potential pollution of water

GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

F 5.5




Appendix 9.3

The holder of a prospecting right, mining permit or reconnaissance permission

must also take cognisance of the provisions of other legislation dealing with
matters relating to conservation, and which include, inter alia, the following:
National Monuments Act, 1969 (Act 28 of 1969).
National Parks Act, 1976 (Act 57 of 1976)
Environmental Conservation Act, 1989 (Act 73 of 1989)
National Environmental Management Act, 1998 (Act No. 107 of 1998)
Atmospheric Pollution Prevention Act, 1965 (Act 45 of 1965)
The National Water Act, 1998 (Act 36 of 1998)
Mine Safety and Health Act, 1996 (Act 29 of 1996)
The Conservation of Agricultural Resources Act, 1983 (Act 43 of 1983).


Officials in regional offices may use the following matrix to determine the necessity for
additional objectives to be included in this Section of the document:

Soil Flora Fauna



Water Air


Topsoil removal
Overburden removal
Mineral Extraction
Tailings disposal
Water Abstraction
Pipeline route
Waste Disposal
Hydrocarbon storage

Please indicate VL, L, M, H, and VH for Very Low, Low, Medium, high and Very High in each column to
determine the main area and severity of impact.


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 9.3

G. This section outlines the specific additional requirements that may be set for the operation by the
Regional Manager. Additional requirements will only have been set if the Regional Manager is of the
opinion that there are specific impacts on the environment which will not be adequately mitigated by
the provisions set within the standard version of the Environmental Management Plan. These
requirements form part of the Environmental Management Plan and all elements and instructions
contained herein must be complied with by the applicant.

undersigned and duly authorised thereto by..............................................................................
Company/Close Corporation/Municipality (Delete that which is not applicable) have studied and
understand the contents of this document in its entirety and hereby duly undertake to adhere to the
conditions as set out therein including the amendment(s) agreed to by the Regional Manager in
Section G and approved on
Signed at ........................... of...................20......

Signature of applicant
Agency declaration:

This document was completed by ..on behalf

Approved in terms of Section 39(4) of the Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Act,
2002 (Act 29 of 2002)
Signed of..............20......


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 9.3


This document has been compiled by the Directorate: Mine Environmental Management of the
Department of Minerals and Energy at their Head Office in Pretoria. Any comments, suggestions or
inputs will be sincerely appreciated. If you have any comments or suggestions regarding this
document or its application, please forward your contribution to:
The Director: Mine Environmental Management
Private Bag X 59


Tel : 012 317 9288

Fax: 012 320 6786

GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 9.4

Appendix 9.4
Standard environmental management programme for provincial administrations and the
South African roads board with regard to gravel, sand, soil and clay quarries for road
building purposes : Section 39 of the minerals act, 1991 (Act 50 OF 1991)
Topsoil means that layer of soil covering the earth and which provides
a suitable environment for the germination of seed, allows the
penetration of water, is a source of micro-organisms, plant nutrients
and in some cases seed, and of a depth of 0,5 metre or any other
depth as may be determined by the regional Director for each mining
area. It must be stored separately at a suitable place so that it can be
placed on the exposed subsoil as soon as the mining of the excavation
or the relevant section of it has been completed and its slopes have
been finished off to the acceptable gradient.
The topsoil will be stored in such a way and at such a place that it will
not cause damming up of water or washaways, or wash away itself.
Piles will not exceed a height of 2 metres, and if left stored for longer
than 6 months, will be upgraded before replacement. Piles may also
be protected against erosion and weeds by means of hydro-seeding.
The overburden, i.e., that layer of soil immediately beneath the
topsoil, will be removed and stored separately from the topsoil.
The excavation will not be left in a way to deteriorate into an illegal
dumping-site. A permit must be obtained from the Department of
Water Affairs and Forestry, should the excavation be utilized for the
dumping of solid waste.
The surface of the mining area that will be disturbed by mining
activities will be restored/rehabilitated in such a way that, as far as it
is practically feasible, it will regain its original production potential.
Grass and vegetation of the immediate environment, or adapted
grass/vegetation will be re-established. In woody areas indigenous
trees will be re-established so that the area blends with the landscape.
Advice in this regard can be obtained from the Directorate: Nature and
Environment Conservation of the Provincial Administration concerned,
and re-establishment will be carried out in consultation with the
surface owner.


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 9.4

All animal life, vegetation, firewood, etc., will remain the property of
the surface owner/lessee and will not be disturbed, upset or used
The Directorate: Nature and Environment Conservation will be
approached for advice if endangered species whose habitat is
underground and endangered plant species encountered in the mining
area, will be affected.
(i) Before a quarry is opened or before old
workings are expanded or redeveloped, it
will be established how the area drains
and how the drainage will be changed by
the excavation or the expansion or redevelopment thereof.
(ii) Rehabilitation of the quarry will be
planned and completed in such a way that
run-off water will not cause erosion. The
Department of Water Affairs and Forestry
will be consulted with regard to river-bank
stability and precautionary measures
concerning erosion, should quarries be
developed within 100 metres of rivers.
(iii) Where a depression in the ground in
which water can gather has formed,
attention will be given to the outflow of
water to prevent concentration of run-off
and thus prevent erosion.
(iv) Quarries must not be constructed for
the usage thereof as dams. The
Department of Water Affairs and Forestry
must be notified in cases where the
surface owner request the embankment
of storm-water in the quarry.
(v) The applicable provisions of the Water
Act, 1956 (Act 54 of 1956), will at all
times be observed.


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 9.4

(i) To prevent soil pollution, precautionary

measures must be taken in the handling
of grease and oil-polluted fluid.
(ii) Visual inspections will be done on a
regular basis with regard to the following:
Stability of water control
Erosion and siltation
Clarity of water canalized to
rivers by means of stormwater
(iii) If any doubt should occur concerning
water pollution, the problem will be
addressed in consultation with the
Department of Water Affairs and Forestry.
The applicable provisions of the Water
Act, 1956, will be observed.
The applicable provisions of the Water Act, 1956, will be observed.
Quarries will be located in such a way that fountains and other ground
water are not affected. Care will be taken that ground water will not
be affected significantly by quarries.
Air pollution will be limited according to the provisions of the
Atmospheric Pollution Prevention Act, 1965 (Act 45 of 1965), and the
Minerals Act, 1991 (Act 50 of 1991).
Identified sensitive areas and sensitive landscapes protected by means
of statutory requirements will be controlled and particulars thereof will
be provided in writing to the regional director. The approval of the
regional director must be obtained before the commencement of any
mining operations on such landscapes and area.
The exposure of soil through the removal of vegetation before


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 9.4

commencement of excavation will be limited to that which is essential.

In order to lessen the visual impact of quarries to the minimum from
scenic points, tourism routes and existing residential areas, project
sites must as far as practical, be located away from them.
After closure, roads will be obliterated by breaking the surface crust
and erecting earth embankments to prevent erosion, and adapted
vegetation will be re-established, unless the landowner requests that
the roads be retained for his personal use.
The remains of site huts and other temporary buildings that had been
erected at the quarries will be demolished and removed.
Care will be taken that all rehabilitated land will merge with the
immediate environment, and any negative visual impacts will be
rectified to the satisfaction of the regional director.
In order to minimize the impact, interested and affected parties such
as Telkom, Eskom, Spoornet, etc., whose existing rights are affected
through the placing of the quarries, must be consulted beforehand.
As regards affected parties such as landowners, the following will
(i) Access roads
In consultation with the landowner/lessee or the relevant authority,
access roads will within reason and with the object of minimizing
disturbances of the environment be selected and established, and will
be fenced off if the landowner/lessee so wishes. Access roads will be
maintained in a satisfactory condition and in such a way that air
pollution and erosion are limited. Field personnel will not be allowed to
move on any other road so as to limit unnecessary disturbance of the
surface, natural vegetation, game, birds, plants or livestock.
Additional access roads not required by the landowner, will be
rehabilitated to prevent soil erosion.
Reasonable speeds will be maintained at all times in order to prevent
accidents, excessive noise and dust and to prevent injuries to
Gates that may be found open or closed will be left in the same state
as they were found, subject to the requirements of the


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 9.4

Under no circumstances will fences be cut or disturbed without an

agreement with the landowner/lessee.
(ii) Camp site
Accommodation for field personnel will have sufficient kitchen and
sanitary facilities. Toilets will be provided and will be situated in such a
way as not to pollute water.
Natural vegetation will not be disturbed unnecessarily.
Making of fires will only be allowed in properly structured facilities.
Biodegradable (decomposable) waste will be burnt in an excavation
constructed for this purpose, and non-biodegradable (nondecomposable) waste such as glass bottles, plastic bags and waste
material will be stored at properly fenced collection points and will be
removed periodically. These dumping sites will be located in
consultation with the landowner concerned and in accordance with the
applicable legislation, and precautions will be taken to ensure that
loose debris does not spread.
All waste material will be disposed of in such a way that the pollution
of natural water sources and the formation of unpleasant bacterial
odours are avoided.
Camp sites will be kept in a neat and tidy condition at all times.
The gradient of the slopes of the excavations and the waste dumps, if
any, will be planned in such a way that the run-off water will not
cause washaways after rehabilitation of the mining area. Sufficient
contour walls, weirs and waterways will be constructed and vegetation
established to prevent soil erosion.
Prospecting holes and trenches will be located within reason in
consultation with the owner/lessee of the land concerned.
The dimensions of such holes and trenches will be kept to the
minimum for still obtaining the desired results with a realistic attempt.
The topsoil and subsoil of all excavations will be stored separately as
described in paragraph 2 above.
All unsafe excavations will be fenced off while they are open, and
danger notices will be fixed to the fencing at prominent places to


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 9.4

prevent unintentional entry.

Adapted vegetation which blends with the surrounding landscape will
as far as it is practically feasible, be re-established on such site.
The demolishing or disposal of structures and buildings, removal of
foundations and the rehabilitation of the surface at closure, will be
done in accordance with Section 40 of the Minerals Act, 1991.
REFERENCE ...............
ROAD AUTHORITY: ...............
SECTION 54(1) OF THE MINERALS ACT, 1991 (ACT 50 OF 1991)
Complete only question 2 and 3 and confirm compliance with
paragraph 6 if operations are ceased temporarily/permanently.
2.1 Component: ................
2.2 Address: ................
2.3 Tel. No.: .................
2.4 Name and quarry manager: .................
3.1 Magisterial District: ...............
3.2 Name of farm and No.: ..................
3.3 Name of landowner: ..................
3.4 Road number: ..................
3.5 Number of river catchment area: ..................
3.6 Location and infrastructure such as roads, railways,
buildings, power lines, etc., are indicated on the
attached locality and structure plan.


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 9.4

4.1 Quarry number: ..........

4.2 Quarry type: ..........
4.3 New quarry? Yes/No* If no, complete questions 4.11 to 4.17
4.4 Estimated surface area of new quarry: ...
4.5 Estimated average depth of quarry: ....
*Delete where applicable
4.6 Average geological horizons of the test holes:
(a) 0,0m to 0,3m: .........
(b) 0,3m to 3,0m: .........
(c) m to m: ..........
(d) m to m: .........
4.7 Mining method: Blasting operations/Dig with implements.*
4.8 Estimated rate of mining:
4.9 Estimated duration of quarry:
4.10 The placing of topsoil and overburden are shown on the structure
Complete the following 7 questions in case of an existing quarry:
4.11 Surface area of existing quarry: ...
4.12 Depth of existing quarry: .................
4.13 Estimated surface area of quarry after mining: .................
4.14 Estimated new depth of quarry after mining: .
4.15 Estimated rate of mining: ..........
4.16 Estimated duration of quarry: ........
4.17 Mining method: Blasting operation. Dig with implements.*


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 9.4

4.18 This information as well as the contemplated camping site, are

indicated on the structure plan.
5.1 Land use: (e.g. cultivated land, grazing, etc.)
5.2 Existing






5.3 Topography: (e.g. slopes, valleys, etc.) ..................

5.4 Proposed land use after rehabilitation: ...............
5.5 Is the quarry visible from a road/roads: Yes/No*
5.6 Are there any structures within 100 m? Yes/No*
If YES show on structure plan/locality plan and give
reasons on a separate paper why mining cannot take
place further away from structures. Refer to safety
aspects as well.
5.7 Groundwater: Visible? Yes/No* If Yes, Depth .......
Boreholes/fountains nearby? Yes/No* If Yes, show on
plans mentioned in 3.6 and 4.18.
*Delete where applicable
Rehabilitation of
accordance with -








6.1 Approved standard environment management programme of the

Department of Minerals and Energy;
6.2 "Handleiding vir die hervestiging van plantegroei in padreserwes"
from the Department of Transport;
6.3 Standard specifications for road and bridge work of the Committee
of State Road Authorities.
Delete where applicable.


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 9.4






Page left blank for printing

GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 9.5

Appendix 9.5
Minimum information standards for environmental descriptions of mining
development; published, public-domain and internet-based resources
The change from the Minerals Act, 1991 to the Minerals and Petroleum Resources
Development Act, 2002 has heralded in a new approach to environmental evaluation, control
and rehabilitation of mineral prospecting and development.
The acceptance of the Integrated Environmental Management (IEM) principles embodied in
the National Environmental Management Act, 108 of 1998 (NEMA) brings the mining
legislation closer to the ambit of environmental planning legislation used to control activities
that have a negative impact on the environment. Specific obligations are placed on the
Department of Minerals and Energy (Schedule 2, section 11(2)) to ensure harmonisation of
environmental policies, plans and programmes. As custodian of the countries mineral and
petroleum resources the Minister of DME must ensure sustainable development of these
resources within the framework of national environmental policy including NEMA and the
National Water Act, 1998 (Act No. 36 of 1998).
The development of the draft regulations of the covering mineral- and environmental
regulation (Government Notice No. 1520, 6 December 2002) shows a strong integration of
integrated environmental management principles in the requirements of documents to be
submitted as part of the application process.
Whereas the regulations of the Minerals Act, 1991 contained limited framework details
prescribing the format and processes associated with the environmental requirements of the
Act, a separate document, the Aide Memoire provided the format and outlined the required
information. There were subsequent reviews of the Aide Memoire and attempts to introduce
changes or requirements for additional information as required to meet the integrated
environmental management oriented standards set by other legislation (Environment
Conservation Act, 1989, as amended) or revised regulations of the Minerals Act, 1991.
Perhaps the most obvious changes in the new Minerals and Petroleum Resources
Development Act, 2002, and draft regulations, is the more robust definitions of different
activities that must be addressed through separate application processes. The detailed
requirements for each process are outlined in the regulations and the comprehensive
application documents (Forms) that include much of the detail or alternatives relating to the
specific process. There is no guideline document available as an aide to meeting the
requirements of the Act and regulations and it is possible to utilise the regulations to provide
the necessary content framework.
The reviewers from government departments perform a critical function in the permitting and
environmental planning process in that their input is required in the context of the Regional
Mining Development and Environmental Committees that must be established for each
region. In order to contribute to the informed decision making process it is necessary to
include persons with a wide range of knowledge and experience. DACE would be included
on a Gauteng committee by virtue of its status as an organ of State. These committees have
30 days to consider any application.
In order to make a value judgement that could lead to identification of specific impacts or
activities that must be controlled during mining, the reviewer must provide an evaluation of the
proposed operation relative to best practice principles. Unless the mining company or
consultants acting on behalf of the organisation have provided adequate and appropriate
levels of detail concerning the environmental description, it will be difficult for a reviewer to
assess the probable impacts associated with specific aspects of any mining development.
The text below outlines a list of essential environmental aspects, based broadly on the

GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 9.5

framework of the Aide Memoire document, but augmented with additional requirements
defined by other legislation or the draft regulations of the Minerals and Petroleum Resources
Development Act, 2002.
The basic information listed is usually published by government or parastatal organisations, is
published and freely available or at low cost, and represents the essential baseline data
required in order to provide a broad description of the pre-mining environment. Any
application that does not reference this data could be deemed inadequate unless there is
more detailed information provided on the basis of site specific investigations by registered
specialists. A list of Internet web sites where basic information can be obtained relatively
quickly is provided so that this information can be relayed to mining proponents or their
consultants should the information provided not meet minimum requirements.
The host rock containing precious or industrial minerals is a critical aspect of any mining
related development. Apart from controlling the distribution and grade of mineral deposits,
the rock structure, texture and mineralogy can impact the terrain morphology, drainage
development and type of channels, groundwater flow and chemistry and the nature of solid,
fluid or gaseous emanations that can affect the environment.
Published geological maps of the Gauteng area can be obtained from;
Council for Geoscience, Private Bag X112, Pretoria, 0001; Tel: 012-8411018
A List of Publications of the Geological Society of South Africa is now available on CD-ROM.
The price is ZAR 50.00 + VAT and can be ordered by contacting Roger Price by e-mail, or by
telephone at +27 12 841-1071. Updates are free of charge, provided you return the original
A list of maps, explanation booklets and research publications can be accessed at the
following web address:
The Gauteng area is covered by four 1:250 000 geological series maps; namely
Geological Survey, 1981. 2526 Rustenburg
Geological Survey, 1991. 2528 Pretoria
Geological Survey, 1986. 2626 Wes-Rand
Geological Survey, 1986. 2628 East Rand
There is a 1:250 000 series metallogenic map for the Pretoria sheet.
Geological Survey, 1991. 2528 Pretoria
A mineralogical map of the Gauteng area shows the geological units, mineral commodities
and mineralised provinces or fields;


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Council for Geoscience. 2001.

Samindaba; 1:250 000.

Appendix 9.5

Mineral map of Gauteng, mineral data extracted from

Simplified digital geological maps can be derived from the Enpat database;

General climatic data is necessary to provide information regarding the temperature range
and monthly distribution, long-term rainfall and evaporation statistics, flood event frequency
and wind records as these can affect the design parameters for capacity and necessary
freeboard in slimes dams, pollution control dams and drainage canals.


Forum Building (5th Floor), 159 Struben Street, Pretoria
Private Bag X097, Pretoria 0001
Telephone: 082 233 8686 Fax: +27 12 309 3989 E-mail:
Publication sales lists
Long term data sets for recording stations around the country are published in;
Weather Bureau, 1995. Air temperature and Precipitation data, Climate of South Africa, WB
42, Climate Statistics
Climate statistics can be obtained from the South African Weather Bureau website where
there is long-term data for some large urban areas.
Additional climatic data is obtainable on the Agis GIS website;$WEB_HOME?MIval=mapping_frames.html&tag=box_aoi&t
Various map layers, including climate data can be accessed at;
The magnitude of storm events with return periodicities of 1:20, 1:50 and 1:100 years is
presented in;
Adamson, P.T. (1981). Southern African storm rainfall. Technical Report 102. Dept. of
Environmental Affairs.
Generalised rainfall data for catchments can be derived from;


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 9.5

Midgley, D.C., Pitman, W.V. and Middleton, B.J. 1994. Surface water resources of South
Africa 1990. Volume II, Drainage region C, Book of Maps. WRC Report No. 298/2.2/94, Water
Research Commission.
Midgley, D.C., Pitman, W.V. and Middleton, B.J. (1994). Surface water resources of South
Africa 1990; Volume II Appendices, Drainage Region C. WRC Report No. 298/2.1/94 Water
Research Commission.

An accurate description of the mining area is necessary to determine likely slope stability
characteristics and stormwater runoff flow directions. Accurate definition of slope gradients
and relief is necessary to assess visibility of the operation. The most common source of
topographic detail including spot heights, contours and terrain detail is the published 1:50 000
topocadastral map series, the 1:10 000 orthophoto maps. Most of the contour and landfrom
map data is now available in digital form from the following site;
Generalised terrain data can be accessed at the following web site;
The Department of Land Affairs, Surveys and mapping produces paper and digital map,
orthophoto, aerial photographs products;
Surveys and mapping homepage;
Products for sale; and Charts Photos Products Products elevation model maps topographical information orthophoto images
The new regulations covering the Minerals and Petroleum resources Development Act, 2002
require all maps to be compiled using the WGS 84 or Hartbeesthoek 94 co-ordinate system;

Detail of soil cover in a mining area is critical for planning stockpiling of topsoil and
subsoil/weathered overburden ahead of mining. The basic data required is the typical soil
association characterised by changes in the bedrock, slope gradient, drainage, texture,
thickness and soil chemistry of soil profiles across the terrain. Soil classification systems can
provide useful data regarding the susceptibility to erosion of different soil types, the soil
fertility or nutrient status and drainage regime.

GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 9.5

The Agricultural Research Council and its Institutes produce publications on soils;
Various Maps can be ordered from:
ARC-ISCW Publications
Attention: Tinkie du Toit
Private Bag X79
South Africa
Tel: +27 (0) 12 310-2538

Soils are classified according to the Binomial System and more recently adopted Taxonomic
System that are closely related. These publications can be purchased on CD from;
MacVicar, C.N., De Villiers, J.M., Loxton, R.F., Verster, E., Lambrechts, J.J.N., Merryweather,
F.R., Le Roux, J., Van Rooyen, T.H. AND Von M. Harmse, H.J. 1977. Soil Classification: A
binomial system for South Africa. The Soil and Irrigation Research Institute, Department of
Agricultural Technical Services, 150 pp.
Soil Classification Working Group. 1991. Soil Classification: A taxonomic system for South
Africa. Memoirs on the Agricultural Natural Resources of South Africa No. 15, Soil and
Irrigation Research Institute, Department of Agricultural Development, Pretoria, 257 pp.
The Binomial System forms the basis for soil mapping units or landtypes depicted on the
1:250 000 Landtype map series that shows the changes in soil types down typical terrain
profiles and provides information on soil thickness, texture etc.
The Soil and Irrigation Research Institute has published 1:250 000 landtype series maps for
the following sheets covering Gauteng;
2526 Rustenburg
2528 Pretoria
2626 Wes-Rand
2628 East Rand


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 9.5

These maps can be purchased from;
General soil maps can be downloaded from the following web sites;$WEB_HOME?MIval=soils_n.html
NO=7014459 (WR90 data)
A recent assessment of the erodibility and soil delivery potential of soil types and sediment
yield from catchments is;
Rooseboom, A., Verster, E., Zietsman, H.L. and Lotriet, H.H. (1992). The development of the
new sediment yield map of southern Africa. WRC Report No. 297/2/92, Water Research
Maps showing sediment yield and erodibility can be downloaded from;


The National Land Cover (NLC) 2000 project provides generalised maps showing land use;

Establishing whether a development will impact rare or threatened populations, by destroying
habitat, restricting movement between populations, reducing breeding success or create a
cumulative impact relative to other developments or over time are the key questions to be
answered by the environmental description. Some sources of data that can assist in deciding
if there is a potential problem are;
Branch, W.R (ed). 1988. South African Red Data Book: Reptiles & Amphibians,
South African National Scientific Programmes Report No. 151, 241pp.
Brooke, R.K. 1984. South African Red Data Book: Birds, South African national
Scientific Programmes Report No. 97, 213pp.
Smithers, R.H.N. 1986. South African Red Data Book: Mammals, South African
National Scientific Programmes Report No. 125, 216pp.


A standard reference concerning vegetation types and distribution and consisting of species
lists of typical vegetation communities is;


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 9.5

Acocks, J.P.H. (1988). Veld types of South Africa. Mem. Bot. Surv. SA., 57, 146pp.
A more recent classification and map of the vegetation of South Africa is by;
Low, A. B. and Rebelo, A.G. (Eds.).1996. Vegetation of South Africa, Lesotho and Swaziland.
Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism, Pretoria.
Maps showing the distribution of vegetation types and other environmental characteristics as
compiled on the Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism website under the
Environmental Potential Atlas (Enpat), located at;
A generalised vegetation map can be downloaded from;
A list of vegetation-related publications can be found on the National Botanical Institute site
The importance of identifying alien and invasive weeds and shrubs must form part of a mining
environmental assessment;
Recent publications concerning alien plant control and rehabilitation of cleared areas are;
Campbell, P.L. 2000. Rehabilitation recommendations after alien plant control. Plant
protection Research Institute Handbook No. 12, Agricultural Research Council, Hilton. 124pp.
Versveld, D.B., Le Maitre, D.C. and Chapman, R.A. 1998. Alien invading plants and water
resources in South Africa: a preliminary assessment. WRC Report No. TT 99/98, Water
Research Commission.

One of the most widespread and far-reaching impacts of mining is on the surface water
environment, impacting both quantity and quality of runoff or impoundments. The river
systems of South Africa are classified into Primary, Secondary, Tertiary, Quaternary
catchments that can be downloaded from;
The surface water and Quaternary catchments of Gauteng are shown at;
The data from the most comprehensive study of the surface water resources of South Africa,
named the AWR90" programme can be accessed at;
Midgley, D.C., Pitman, W.V. and Middleton, B.J. 1994. Surface water resources of South
Africa 1990. Volume II, Drainage region C, Book of Maps. WRC Report No. 298/2.2/94, Water
Research Commission.
Midgley, D.C., Pitman, W.V. and Middleton, B.J. (1994). Surface water resources of South
Africa 1990; Volume II Appendices, Drainage Region C. WRC Report No. 298/2.1/94 Water
Research Commission.


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 9.5

General hydrological data can be accessed at;
River flows, dam levels etc are stored on the following website;
Water quality issues are addressed by the web site of the Institute for Water Quality Studies;
There are regulations governing activities that abstract surface water or impact the flow in
watercourses and cause stream flow reduction. An outline of the policy and requirements is
listed at;
Water licensing forms
Regional reps

Deep mining can have direct impacts on aquifer rocks or permit links between isolated
aquifers. Siting of mining areas should take into account the aquifer status of the bedrock
and the location of highly transmissive zones such as faults and dykes that can convey
contaminated groundwater beyond the mine.
Maps and publications can be purchased from;
Ms M. van Wyk
Department Water Affairs and Forestry
Directorate: Geohydrology
Emanzini Building R310
173 Schoeman Street, Pretoria, 0001
Tel: 012-3367849; Fax: 012-3286397

A source of generalised groundwater data is the following report and maps;

Vegter, J.R. 1995. An explanation of a set of National Groundwater Maps. Water Resource
Water Research Commission (1995). Groundwater resources of the Republic of South Africa.
Maps 1 and 2, First edition.
A new map series by the Department of Water Affairs and Forestry is the 1:500 000
hydrogeological series that provides more specific data than the report/map above;
Department of Water Affairs and Forestry (1998) Johannesburg 2526, 1:500 000
Hydrolgeological map series.
Requests for data from the National Groundwater database can be addressed to;
A list of Department of Water Affairs and Forestry publications is accessible at;


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 9.5

Comprehensive manual on dust in mining by Environment Australia

SANS 10083 / SABS 083:1996; The measurement and assessment of occupational noise for
hearing conservation purposes

other data
Environmental indicators


Details of population statistics based on regular Census and research projects are published
by Statistics SA
Chamber of Mines, Women in Mining
Chamber of Mines HIV/Aids fact sheet
Chamber of Mines Environmental Management in Mining


A range of interest groups and data sources concerning the environment can be accessed on
the Environmental Potential Atlas (ENPAT);
Chamber of Mines, Public participation guidelines for stakeholders in the mining industry
International Association for Public Participation
International Association for Impact Assessment


The website of the Department of Minerals and Energy hosts much useful information
concerning the mining policy and regulatory environment. Under the menu for Mineral


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 9.5

Development, mine rehabilitation there are many documents outlining the policy, legislation
and regulations concerning mining;
Under the Minerals Act, 1991, the Aide Memoire guideline document was used as the basis
for providing the environmental assessment data require to obtain mining authorisation.
Some specific mining operations were deemed specialised and could be addressed through a
simplified AStandard Environmental Management Programme@ or SEMP. These operations
include a prospecting EMP document, mining sand from a river, pan or dam, crushing waste
rock dumps, road material borrow pit.
The recently published Minerals and Petroleum Resources Development Act, 2002 can be
downloaded from;
The recently published draft regulations of the above Act are at;
The issue of Broad Based Socio-economic Empowerment Charter in the mining industry is
addressed by the following;


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 9.6.1

Appendix 9.6.1
Impact and mitigation table; sand winning from river, stream, dam or pan
Impacts and mitigation shown relative to the Construction (C), Operational (O), Decommissioning (D) and Post-mining (P) phases.
Copyright 8 Council for Geosciences, 2003
Environmental description and planning should utilise the Standard Environmental Management Programme (SEMP) for the mining of sand from a river, stream or pan
or meet the content requirements stipulated in the regulations for the Scoping Report, Environmental Impact Assessment Report (EIAR), Social and Labour Plan (SLP), Environmental
Management Programme (EMP), Monitoring and Performance Assessment, Mine Decommissioning and Closure Plan, Environmental Risk Report (ERR) the relevant application forms
and requirements defined by the regulations of the Mineral and Petroleum Resource Development Act, 2002





(Relevant to Part 6 of EMPR)


Sandwinning or mining of unconsolidated

alluvium from an active river channel, pan
or dam.
Necessary to distinguish
relatively mobile deposits from flood
deposits on floodplain, older alluvial
terrace deposits and alluvium exposed by
the river bank.
Impacts relate to both the rock type
underlying the deposit and the location of
the operation within an environment that
represents an active geomorphological/geological process.

(C) Excavation of access ramp through old alluvium forming

stable river bank or unstabilized sandbars or sidebar deposits
forming temporary river bank during low flow.


(C) Site ramp where least excavation is

required. Limit width of ramp and align
downstream. Reinforce and protect cut banks
with pole revetments or gabions backed by
geofabric liner.

environments have characteristics suiting
various construction activities. Coarse
channel sands are used for concrete
aggregate, fine floodplain sands are used
as mortar- or general building sand whilst
some can serve as plaster sand.
Altered landuse patterns such as urban
developments or damming of the channel
upstream can reduce sand sources and
prevent replenishment of sand in the
channel affecting future channel

(C) Alignment of access ramp can divert floodwaters causing

erosion of river bank or channel incision across floodplain.
(C) Preparation of temporary product stockpile area,
screening area, temporary dump for screened discard
material, settling pond, clarification pond.
(O) Excavation of sand by pumping from pool alters depth,
river bed roughness and can modify >thalweg= or route of
maximum water flow.
(O) Excavation of emergent sand bars can divert low flow
channel and cause potential river bank erosion.
(O) Excavation of deep trench in river bed can result in a
sand trap that starves river reaches downstream of sand
supply, affecting downstream operations or altering the
ecological balance.
(O) Stockpiles on river bank within high level flood zone can
be eroded and redeposited downstream burying inaccessible
river reaches or infrastructure such as bridges which can
increase the extent of flood damage.
(D) Abandoned access ramps can divert high level flows or
cause erosive eddy currents.
(D) Damaged banks or riparian zone vegetation can result in
undercutting or erosion and collapse of river banks causing
channel migration.
(D) Un-rehabilitated or inadequately closed access ramps
encourage illegal small scale operations or access to the
channel for other potentially harmful activities such as
(P) Altered channel bed roughness can cause changes in
water flow and potential increases in bed erosion downstream
or from river banks.


Surface Water

(C) Restrict intrusion into channel and keep

alignment downstream and close to the bank.
(C) Remove topsoil and stockpile in low heaps
or screening berm

(O) Do not excavate from areas close to river

(C, O, D, P) Unstable in-channel sand bars
will reform after the next flood. No mitigation
(O) Creation of a sediment trap at downstream
limit of operations can reduce the amount of
suspended sediment transported downslope.
(O) Sand winning excluded from zone within
100m of infrastructure

(D) Backfill cut ramps with local material and

remove platforms
(D) Reduce impact on banks by maintaining
distance of 2.5 times bank height from bank
(D) Backfill ramps or remove platforms and
restrict access on haul roads.

(P) Post-closure effects due to bed lowering,

reduced replenishment downstream are
difficult to predict but seldom outweigh the site
specific impacts


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide



Appendix 9.6.1

Legislation prescribes no mining from

river banks without adequate
interpretation of the geomorphological
processes associated with different
types of channels, river banks or
dam/pan banks. Channels can be
divided into low-flow, temporary banks
and channels, >bank-full= flow
channels, floodplains and valley sides.
These banks can coincide in some river
reaches. Knowledge of river channel
morphology is necessary to identify
situations where temporary banks can
be mined from low flow channels.

(C) Excavation of access ramp or construction of platform

for dragline or excavator can cause flow deflection or
erosive eddy currents.

(D, P) Rough bed surface or irregular rocky bedform can

alter flow characteristics and increase bed and bank scour
(D, P) Abandoned excavator/dragline platform can cause
erosion or divert high flood flow.

(D) Smooth river bed form and use screened

discard to infill depressions to create a low
surface roughness
(D, P) Backfill access ramps, remove
excavator platforms to create smooth bank
morphology and ensure protection by
compatible river bank or riparian vegetation
with deep root system.

Unstabilised in-channel sands are not

soils, stabilised older alluvium exposed
in river banks and adjacent floodplains
represent variable periods of soil
formation and hence different textural,
horizon differentiation and soil structural
and drainage characteristics. Most
floodplain soils are fertile agricultural
resources. Sandy flood sand deposits
are low potential agricultural soils and
their removal can exhume higher
potential soils buried below.

(C) Disturbance or burial of soils by access or haul roads,

temporary stockpile areas, screening and product
stockpiles areas, settling/clarification dams.
(C) Excavation or burial of river bank alluvial soil profiles by
access ramps or excavator platforms.

(C) Remove and stockpile topsoil

Surface water

(O) Excavation of sand close to bank can cause slumping

or permit undercutting.
(O) Removal of sand can cause channel migration,
increase flow rates or bed gradient resulting in channel
scour downstream or directed against river bank.

(O) Potential mining of flood sand deposits or immature soil

forms with specific textural characteristics developed in
young floodplain alluvium.

(O) Do not remove sand within distance of

2.5 times height of adjacent river bank.

(C) Limit width of ramp excavation and

stockpile the original material for use in
capability /
Land use

(D) Inadequate topsoil restoration or creation of un-natural

surface form.
(D) Compaction in vehicle loading or stockpile areas can
alter rain infiltration and cause ponding.

Floodplains are fertile agricultural

resources and river channels have
recreational and conservation value

(C, O, D, P) Disturbance or reduction of agriculture on

floodplain along access track or haul road.

Land use

(C, O) Disturbance of in-channel sands or bank erosion

can result in deposition of fine sediment downstream or
increase turbidity in areas of the channel where water
abstraction for irrigation or pumping of water for purification
(D, P) Altered channel form or diverted flow path can
impact pumping installations downstream.
(D, P) Inadequately rehabilitated areas on river bank can
reduce agricultural potential through soil compaction or
altered drainage.
Land Use

Use of the river and floodplain are

dictated by the flow characteristics and
depth of the river channel, land use
zonation of adjacent areas, designated

(C, O, D, P) Keep access roads narrow and

reduce the size of temporary stockpile
(C, O) Create sediment trap or sump at
downstream end of mining area and do not
mine close to river bank.

(D, P) Only create deep channels though

excavation in central part of channel to
reduce channel migration close to river
(D, P) Scarify compacted areas and restore

(C, O, D) Disturbance of agriculture or recreational

potential due to vehicle traffic.


(D, P) Impact on productivity or long-term utilisation of

Animal life


(O, D) Removal of thin recent flood sands or

young alluvial terrace cover can expose
more productive alluvial soils below.
(D) Scarify access roads and stockpile areas
to a depth of 500mm and restore topsoil
(P) Integrate disturbed area to most
appropriate landuse. Riparian zone should
be rehabilitated to indigenous vegetation
within 25m of the river

(P) Compaction or altered drainage can inhibit future

agricultural production.

(C) Align access ramp in downstream

direction and protect fill with rip rap of local
boulders or blocks or rock-filled >mattress=

(C, O) Agriculture should not occur within

riparian zone. Upgrade existing roads
across agricultural land rather than create
new roads.

GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide


conservation areas or habitats

favouring protected or rare species

environment due to altered river bank or channel form or

inadequate rehabilitation.


Riparian zones have been severely

impacted by removal of indigenous
species or invasion by alien species,
particularly in areas around
infrastructure developments eg bridges,

(C, O, D, P) Destruction of Red Data Species

Animal life

Changes in channel form, flow

characteristics, channel migration can
lead to sediment scour or deposition
that favours colonisation by species that
can constrict flows.

Animal life

Appendix 9.6.1

Disturbance to aquatic ecosystem and

adjacent habitats. Impacts include
reduced feeding, resting, shelter and
nesting areas. Alteration of sand bed
ecosystem can be long-term in areas of
diminished sand supply.

Sand winning from a channel occurs in

an environment characterised by
seasonal flux in flows. Channel
morphology is either defined by
permanent valley sides or channel
banks incised into floodplain alluvium.
The channel substrate is controlled by
width, depth, gradient and channel
Localised surface water interrelationships between floodplain and
channel are related to the drainage
density, extent of development and
stormwater drainage systems, condition
of the natural vegetation and soil cover

(C, O, D, P) Vegetation survey required if on

Red Data Farm or close to Red Data Farm.

(C, O, D) Disturbance of riparian zone in temporary sand

stockpile area and access ramp.
(C, O, D) Limit development area and isolate
workings through placement of low berms
(O) Do not remove sand within 2.5 times the
river bank height from the river bank and
riparian vegetation.
(O) On straight river reaches ensure
preservation of >welded side bars= that can
be colonised by riparian vegetation.
(O, D, P) Clear invasive alien vegetation and
re-establish indigenous riparian zone trees
during ongoing rehabilitation. Site specific
consideration must be given to removing
alien species such as Salix that have a root
structure which can stabilise river banks and
reduce erosion and scour by floodwaters.
Identify and establish suitable indigenous
species before removing alien species with
positive characteristics.

(O, D, P) Alteration of channel width and depth, removal of

in-channel sand bars or islands, channel migration through
deflection or diversion can erode river bank and riparian
(O, D, P) Sediment scour or deposition can result in
changes in vegetation communities that can constrict flow.

(C, O, D) Disturbance of remnant terrestrial wild mammal,

avian, amphibian and insect fauna through physical habitat
destruction, noise, traffic and movement of people.


(C, O, D) Previous agricultural activity,

human presence and utilisation and
devastating floods have impacted riparian
habitat and already displaced wild animals
along many river reaches.
(O) Control vermin and reduce poaching
through staff education and law enforcement
(O) Cumulative effects only become critical if
there are no other suitable habitats in the
adjacent areas.
(P) Rehabilitation must restore predevelopment indigenous species not only
rehabilitate to the pre-mining state. Decide
on suitable species on the basis of well
preserved areas, not necessarily current

(C) Altered flow along the river bank due to access ramp or
platform construction causing turbulent flow or current


(C) Reduce the effect of ramps or platforms

by aligning them downstream and keeping
them narrow.

(C, O, D) Potential contamination of river channel, banks

and floodplain from chemical or fuel spillages
(C, O, D) erosion of stockpiles by rising floodwaters
(C, O, D) Increased turbidity and suspended fine sediment
concentration due to disturbance of fine sediment, erosion
of river banks or return of water from settling/clarification


(O) Potential increase in feral animals and impact on

indigenous fauna eg cats, rats.
(O) Illegal hunting or disturbance of nesting sites.
(O) Operation during breeding season can precipitate longterm cumulative effect on populations.
(P) Potential permanent change in habitats due to
inadequate monitoring and maintenance of rehabilitated

Surface water

( D, P) Follow guidelines that require

minimum distance between excavation and
river bank.

(O) Mining of point bars on the inner bend of meandering

rivers enhances channel volume and capacity to
accommodate low flood events.



Animal life

(C, O, D) Limit vehicle servicing in riparian

zone to emergency repairs and have a drip
tray and drum on site. Large accidental
spillages require
(C, O, D) No stockpiles closer than 20m
from edge of river.
(C, O, D) Create deeper water at
downstream end of mining area to act as a
temporary sediment trap.
(O) Sediment is replenished by high level
floods and main flow channel is not

Red Data Plant Policy for EIA (24 Aug

Development Guidelines for Ridges (April

The Conservation of Agricultural Resources

Act (Act No 43 of 1983), sections 15 and 16

GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

in the sub-catchment, rainfall infiltration

on the floodplain and baseflow.
The impact of surface water on inchannel sandwinning is related to the
nature of the sandbodies in the channel
which is governed by discharge from
the catchment causing seasonal
changes in river flow regime. Channel
morphology has an impact on the
location, stability, movement and
sustainability of sand deposits.

Ground water

Appendix 9.6.1

(O) Mining of emergent sand bars in a braided stream

utilises sand bodies which have a different form and
distribution during high level flows. These sands occur in
rivers where there is dynamic bedform migration and
replenishment during floods.

(O) Mine over a wide area down to saturated
zone which permits river flow to re-establish
equilibrium more quickly.

(O, D, P) Redirected flow path in channel due to change in

bedforms or excavation of preferred flowpath resulting in
damage to banks during high discharge events.

(O, D, P) Restrict deep excavations and

major alterations of channel bedform.
Excavate from pits within sand bars rather
than widening channels by excavating from
margins of sand bars. Removal of sandbars
can restrict the sediment supply to bars
downstream causing erosion.

(D) Increased surface roughness can have an impact on

rising river flow in some river reaches.

The movement, distribution and

replenishment of sand bodies in
meandering-, straight-, sinuous-, and
braided river reaches will impact the
extent and periodicity of mining and
sediment .

(P) Altered river bank alignment can influence downstream

bank stability by causing undercutting or erosion.

Influence of groundwater can be related

to areas where rivers contribute to
recharge of aquifers such as alluvium
infill, wide floodplains, porous
sandstone or dolomite or cross highly
transmissive strata such as faults or
dykes. Groundwater flow to the river is
mainly as baseflow that sustains winter
low flow levels.

(C, O, D) Disturbance of groundwater flow path and


(D) Do not excavate down to gravel bed or

bedrock but leave a layer of sand
(P) Restore access ramp to pre-mining

(C, O, D, P) Surficial impacts of land

preparations limit vadose and phreatic zone
impacts. No groundwater in river sands
other than saturated sand below river level.
(C, O, D) Keep a drip tray and container on
site to remove contaminated sand and
dispose of at a recognised facility.
(C, O, D) Provide chemical toilets or a septic
tank and covered french drain or soakaway
to process human waste and grey water,
sited 100m or more from any watercourse.
O) Do not excavate below saturated zone
over a wide area close to the river bank

(C, O, D) Impact of chemical spillages on floodplain

(C, O, D) Potential contamination of groundwater by septic
(O) Lowering of dry river bed can increase groundwater low
and drain floodplain aquifer or impact riparian vegetation

Air Quality

Valley bottom position of sand winning

operations is generally a secluded
environment but can lead to wind

(C, O, D) Dust generated during transport, screening and

sand winning.
(P) Dust generation from un-rehabilitated areas


(C, O, D) Dust suppression along access by

reducing speed and spraying route. River
sand has low clay content which can be
suppressed at the screens.
(P) Correct choice of grass cover and
riparian trees for rehabilitation will ensure
year round cover and limit dust.
(C,O,D) Ensure that sand is covered by
tarpaulins during transport.


Noise generated by large plant and

machines during excavation, loading,
power screening and transport. Open
location precludes effective screening
and valley sides can project noise to
surrounding areas.

(C, O, D) Noise generated by mining, loading and



(C, O, D) Prepare a noise reduction plan to

cover all significant impacts at source and
outlining screening measures such as
berms. Sand excavation and transport in
trucks is generally intermittent and limited to
daylight hours when ambient noise levels
are highest. Noise levels must not be more
than 7dB(A) above ambient residual noise
levels and a hearing conservation
programme must be implemented where
noise exceeds 85dB(A).

/ Cultural

Apart from historic bridges, river

crossing points or drifts there may be
cultural sites on river banks

(C, O, D) Disturbance of archaeological sites, cultural

heritage sites or graves
(O) Excavation of sand can change river flow dynamics
and result in scour around bridge supports or deposition of


(C, O, D) Conduct cultural heritage resource

assessment through existing databases and
a site specific search in areas of know



Environment Conservation Act 1989

(Regulation R154, Government Notice
Minerals Act 1991
Regulation 4.17.1
SABS 083

GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 9.6.1

sand that diverts the current against buttresses.

(O) No excavation within 100m of a river


River banks, floodplains, wetlands, river

channels and associated habitats are
considered sensitive environments and
afforded protection under a variety of

(C, O, D, P) Damage to riparian vegetation, river bank and

channel with possible downstream effects


Low landscape position relative to

surrounding valley sides has wide
visual envelope and can create visual
impact over long distances. Some river
reaches have scenic beauty or are
close to areas with tourist appeal.

(C, O, D) Visual intrusion impact of mining activity on

nearby roads, homesteads, settlements, tourist sites


(C, O, D) Visibility must be limited by parking

large machines and debris excavated from
the sand on the floodplain and away from
the river bank when not in use.


Alluvial sand is an essential part of the

socio-economic environment due to its
use in concrete block products and
aggregate in construction concrete,
mortar and plaster, pipeline bedding.
Gauteng has few course alluvial sand
sources for a material with high
demand. A relatively small, low impact
sand winning operation can influence
many service industries potentially
employing hundreds of people.

(C, O, D) Increased employment and training opportunities

with improved standard of living for local community


(C, O, D) Small scale operations with

intermittent operation are a critical link in the
construction material supply chain that
influences employment in the service sector.

Site specific criteria will determine the

impact on I&APs and the need for
public participation at all stages of the

(C, O, D) Communities concerned with limiting negative

environmental impacts
(O) Downstream water users impacted by flow diversion
and increased suspended sediment concentrations.


(C, O, D) Authorities and I&APs have

support of legislation and regulations to
ensure compliance with, and enforce
implementation of the EMP to ensure
successful rehabilitation.


Interested and
affected parties

Animal life

(O) Considerable multiplier effect through downstream

service industries such as construction, plant hire,
mechanical repair and suppliers

(C, O, D, P) Sensitive riparian vegetation

must be restored through control of alien
vegetation and replanting of indigenous
trees and suitable grasses in remnant
riparian zone.

Regular monitoring and reporting every 6

Submission of

Legislated requirements and

commitment by proponent in the EMPR
or the Scoping Report, Environmental
Impact Assessment Report (EIAR),
Social and Labour Plan (SLP),
Environmental Management
Programme (EMP), Monitoring and
Performance Assessment, Mine
Decommissioning and Closure Plan,
Environmental Risk Report (ERR) to
provide monitoring of a variety of
outputs, discharges and effluents

(O, D, P) Discharges which must meet standards laid down

in regulations; e.g. water chemistry,



noise, EMPR audit, review of financial provision for


Annually review financial provision

for rehabilitation
Ongoing monitoring of EMPR,
performance assessments and
report every two years or as directed
by Director: Mineral Development

National Water Act, 1998

Minerals Act 1991

section 12; mine closure certificate
National Water Act, 1998 (Act 36 of 1998)
Atmospheric Pollution Prevention Act, 1965
(Act 45 of 1965)
Environment Conservation Act 1989
The Conservation of Agricultural Resources
Act (Act No 43 of 1983)
Minerals Act, 1991; reg. 5.16.1
Regulation 5.18.1 to 5.18.5

Notice No. 704, Regulations on use of water for

mining and related activities (Govt. Gazette, No. 408)


Report emergency incident

regarding water resource asap and
report corrective measures within 14
notify of new mine or new activity,
submit a copy of the EMP or
cessation or resumption of
operations within 14 days
Minister may request technical
investigation or inspection and
implement compliance monitoring
network and submit monitoring

regulation 2(c), 2(d)

regulation 1
regulation 2(a)
regulation 2(b)
regulation 12 (1) and (2)

reg. 12(5)

GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 9.6.1

Mineral and Petroleum Resources

Development Act, 2002


a) Element - the element or issue being impacted on.
b) Extent
site:- the whole or a portion of the mining site.
region:- the area including the mine, the surrounding neighbours and or towns.
c) Duration
short term:- dissipation of impact through active or natural mitigation in a time span shorter than 5 years or life of the mine.
medium term:- impact will last for 5-10 years, whereafter it can be entirely negated.
long term:- the impact will last for the entire operational life of the mine, but will be mitigated thereafter.
permanent:- impact will be non-transitory.
d) Intensity
low:- natural processes or functions are not affected
medium:- affected environment is altered but function and process continue in a modified manner
high:- function or process of the affected environment is disturbed to the extent where it temporarily or permanently ceases.
e) Significance of unmitigated impacts
low:- eg site specific, low intensity
medium:- e.g site specific, high intensity
high:- e.g. regional, high intensi


compile and submit a performance

assessment report on frequency
defined in EMP, Minister or
application for closure and
submission of an environmental risk
monitoring of residue stockpiles and

regulation 41 (1) and (2), monitoring and

performance assessments
regulation 42, 43 46(1), mine closure and
environmental risk report
regulation 58 (7)(a) and (b); monitoring of
residue stockpiles and deposits

GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 9.6.2

Appendix 9.6.2
Impact and mitigation table; alluvial diamond mining
Impacts and mitigation shown relative to the Construction (C), Operational (O), Decommissioning (D) and Post-mining (P) phases.
Environmental description and planning should utilise the Standard Environmental Management Programme (SEMP) for the mining of sand from a river, stream or pan
or meet the content requirements stipulated in the regulations for the Scoping Report, Environmental Impact Assessment Report (EIAR), Social and Labour Plan (SLP), Environmental Management Programme (EMP),
Monitoring and Performance Assessment, Mine Decommissioning and Closure Plan, Environmental Risk Report (ERR), the relevant application forms and requirements defined by the regulations of the Mineral and
Petroleum Resource Development Act, 2002








Diamond mining or mining of unconsolidated alluvium from or near an active

river channel, pan or dam. Necessary to
distinguish relatively mobile deposits from
flood deposits on floodplain, older alluvial
terrace deposits and alluvium exposed by
the river bank.

(C, O) Excavation of access ramp through old alluvium

terraces could be unstable


(C, O) Site ramp where least excavation is

required. Limit width of ramp. Reinforce and
protect cut banks with pole revetments or
gabions backed by geofabric liner.

National Water Act, 1998

Notice 704
Regulation 10
Regulation 10(1)(a)(iii)

Impacts relate to the underlying rock type

and the location of the operation within
an environment that represents an active
geomorphological/geological process.

Alluvial diamonds occur in palaeo-river

channels, often far away from current
river systems. In many cases in South
Africa, these palaeo-rivers occur over
dolomite where the karst topography of
the bedrock provided pockets and traps
for diamonds.

Surface Water

(C, O, D)) Preparation of temporary product stockpile area,

screening area, temporary dump for screened discard
material, settling pond, clarification pond.

(C, O, D) Remove topsoil and stockpile in low

heaps or screening berm.

(C, O, D, P) Excavation of soils developed in transported

sands and creation of a pit with steep highwalls.

(C, O, D, P) Excavation down to bedrock,

inadequate topsoil stockpiles and creation of
side slopes steeper than 25o must be avoided.
(C, O, D, P) Do not create vertical slopes and
rehabilitate sidewalls and pit floor behind
progress of mining face

(C, O, D, P) Unconsolidated nature of sands and gravels and

low clay contents of suitable sands for construction material
forms naturally unstable slope conditions along bounding
highwalls that persist until after closure.


(C,O,D) Creation of sediment traps at

downstream limit of operation can reduce the
suspended load transfer.

Conservation of Agricultural Resources Act,

1983; regulations, R.1048
Regulation 3(1) (b) restricts cultivation of
land on slopes steeper than 12% if underlain
by certain soil types. This could be applied
to slope sand mining for the same reasons.

GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide


Excessive scarification of land and

alteration of topography takes place
during alluvial diamond mining.
Old previously worked dumps are often
still viewed as stockpiles for smaller and
poorer quality diamonds and are often
sold several times and reworked by
different operators.

Appendix 9.6.2

(C, O, D, P) Excessive disturbance of landform can lead to

change in habitat and future land-use.
(C, O, D, P) Flood events may divert current river systems
to enter and flood old depressions created by diamond

Surface water

(C) Situation of deposit in landscape can influence the

impacts related to wind, run-off and visibility.

(C, O, D, P) Prevent breaches in river banks

which could allow flood water to enter old
diggings. Create berm where necessary.

National Water Act, 1998

Notice 704
Regulation 10(1)(a)(ii)

(C) Difficult to shield opencast diamond

gravel from adjacent residential or
agricultural developments. Plant screening
hedges of non-invasive trees or create berm
using topsoil.
(C, O, D, P) Create run-off diversion contour
berm or terraces upslope to separate clean
water and dirty water systems. Pump
rainwater and groundwater that collects in
the pit and store for use as process water or
in dust suppression.

(C, O, D, P) Opencast pit creates area of lowered

topography that collects stormwater run-off, intersects
groundwater seepage and can decant onto lower slopes.
(O, D, P) Steep highwalls or side slopes are potentially
unstable and slumping or gully erosion caused by run-off
water flowing into the pit can lead to migration of erosion
features and impact areas away from the opencast pit rim.

(O, D, P) Do not mine from slopes steeper

than 12%. Reduce height of highwalls and
mine benches of less than 2m high to
ensure stability. Grade slopes to less than
25o contour drains on the slope above to
divert run-off.


Unstabilised in-channel sands and

gravel are not soils, stabilised older
alluvium exposed in river banks and
adjacent floodplains represent variable
periods of soil formation and hence
different textural, horizon differentiation
and soil structural and drainage
characteristics. Most floodplain soils
are fertile agricultural resources. Sandy
flood sand deposits are low-potential
agricultural soils and their removal can
exhume higher potential soils buried

(C) Disturbance or burial of soils by access or haul roads,

temporary stockpile areas, screening and product
stockpiles areas, settling/clarification dams.
(C) Excavation or burial of river bank alluvial soil profiles by
access ramps or excavator platforms.

In general floodplains are fertile

agricultural resources and river
channels have recreational and
conservation value. However
diamondiferous gravel deposits cannot
generally be used for agriculture.

(C, O, D, P) Disturbance or reduction of agriculture on

floodplain along access track or haul road.

capability /
Land use

(D) Inadequate topsoil restoration or creation of un-natural

surface form.
(D) Compaction in vehicle loading or stockpile areas can
alter rain infiltration and cause ponding.

(D, P) Altered channel form or diverted flow path can

impact pumping installations downstream.
(D, P) Inadequately rehabilitated areas on river bank can
reduce agricultural potential through soil compaction or
altered drainage.
(P) Inadequately rehabilitated land will have low agricultural
potential due to removal of soil. Hummocky ground with
high gravel and boulder content could make the area
unsuitable for grazing.
(O, D, P) Waste disposal sites negatively impact


(C) Limit width of ramp excavation and

stockpile the original material for use in
(D) Scarify access roads and stockpile areas
to a depth of 500 mm and restore topsoil
(P) Integrate disturbed area to most
appropriate land use. Riparian zone should
be rehabilitated to indigenous vegetation
within 25 m of the river.

(P) Compaction or altered drainage can inhibit future

agricultural production.

(C, O) Disturbance of in-channel sands or bank erosion

can result in deposition of fine sediment downstream or
increase turbidity in areas of the channel where water
abstraction for irrigation or pumping of water for purification

(C) Remove and stockpile topsoil

Land use

(C, O, D, P) Keep access roads narrow and

reduce the size of temporary stockpile
(C, O) Create sediment trap or sump at
downstream end of mining area and do not
mine close to river bank.
(D, P) Only create deep channels through
excavation in central part of channel to
reduce channel migration close to river
(D, P) Scarify compacted areas and restore
(P) Recreate pre-mining surface or level
area to enhance future land capability.

Mineral and Petroleum Resources

Development Act, 2002
Regulation 56

GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 9.6.2

development in surrounding areas.

Land Use


Use of the river and floodplain are

dictated by the flow characteristics and
depth of the river channel, land use
zonation of adjacent areas, designated
conservation areas or habitats
favouring protected or rare species

(C, O, D) Disturbance of agriculture or recreational

potential due to vehicle traffic.


(D, P) Impact on productivity or long-term utilisation of

environment due to altered river bank or channel form or
inadequate rehabilitation.

Animal life

Riparian zones have been severely

impacted by removal of indigenous
species or invasion by alien species,
particular in areas around infrastructure
developments e.g. bridges, weirs.

(C, O, D, P) Destruction of Red Data Species.

Animal life


(C, O, D) Disturbance of riparian zone in temporary gravel

stockpile area and access ramp.

(C, O) Agriculture should not occur within

riparian zone or within 10 m of the edge of
the flood zone. Upgrade existing roads
across agricultural land rather than create
new roads.
( D, P) Follow guidelines that require
minimum distance between excavation and
river bank.

Conservation of Agricultural Resources Act,

1983; regulations R.1048
Regulation 7(3b)

(C, O, D, P) Vegetation survey required if on

Red Data Farm or close to Red Data Farm.

Red Data Plant Policy for EIA (24 Aug 2001)

Development Guidelines for Ridges (April

(C, O, D) Limit development area and isolate

workings through placement of low berms.

(O, D, P) Alteration of channel width and depth, removal of

in-channel sand bars or islands, channel migration through
deflection or diversion can erode river bank and riparian

The Conservation of Agricultural Resources

Act (Act No. 43 of 1983), sections 15 and 16

(O) Do not remove sand or gravel within 2.5

times the river bank height from the river
bank and riparian vegetation.

(O, D, P) Sediment scour or deposition can result in

changes in vegetation communities that can constrict flow.

(O) On straight river reaches ensure

preservation of welded side bars that can
be colonised by riparian vegetation.
(O, D, P) Clear invasive alien vegetation and
re-establish indigenous riparian zone trees
during ongoing rehabilitation. Site-specific
consideration must be given to removing
alien species such as Salix that have root
structure which can stabilise river banks and
reduce erosion and scour by floodwaters.
Identify and establish suitable indigenous
species before removing alien species with
positive characteristics.

Animal Life

Disturbance to aquatic ecosystem and

adjacent habitats. Impacts include
reduced feeding, resting, shelter and
nesting areas. Alteration of river bed
ecosystem can be long term in areas of
diminished sand supply.

(C, O, D) Disturbance of remnant terrestrial wild mammal,

avian, amphibian and insect fauna through physical habitat
destruction, noise, traffic and movement of people.


(O) Potential increase in feral animals and impact on

indigenous fauna, e.g. cats, rats.
(O) Illegal hunting or disturbance of nesting sites.
(O) Operation during breeding season can precipitate longterm cumulative effect on populations.

(C, O, D) Previous agricultural activity,

human presence and utilisation, and
devastating floods have impacted riparian
habitat and already-displaced wild animals
along many river reaches.

Red Data Plant Policy for EIA (24 Aug 2001)

(O) Control vermin and reduce poaching

through staff education and law

(P) Potential permanent change in habitats due to

inadequate monitoring and maintenance of rehabilitated

(O) Cumulative effects only become critical if

there are no other suitable habitats in the
adjacent areas.
(P) Rehabilitation must restore predevelopment indigenous species, not only
rehabilitate to the pre-mining state. Decide
on suitable species on the basis of wellpreserved areas, not necessarily current

Surface Water

Diamond mining from an active river

channel occurs in an environment
characterised by seasonal flux in flows.
Channel morphology is either defined
by permanent valley sides or channel
banks incised into floodplain alluvium.

(C, O, D, P) Permanent impact on catchment by capturing

surface run-off or diverting drainage. Cumulative loss of
wetlands that are a threatened resource.



(C, O, D, P) Initiate catchment management

to control and reduce erosive run-off
containing suspended sediment. Create and
maintain clean water drainage systems to
isolate contaminated areas and separate
clean and dirty water systems so that neither

National Water Act, 1998

Notice 704
Regulation 10
Regulation 10(2)(c)
Mineral and Petroleum Resources

GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 9.6.2

The channel substrate is controlled by

width, depth, and gradient and channel

(C) Altered flow along the river bank due to access ramp or
platform construction causing turbulent flow or current

Localised surface water interrelationships between floodplain and

channel are related to the drainage
density, extent of development and
stormwater drainage systems, condition
of the natural vegetation and soil cover
in the subcatchment, rainfall infiltration
on the floodplain and base flow.

(C, O, D) Potential contamination of river channel, banks

and floodplain from chemical or fuel spillages, or sewage.

Surface run-off is severely restricted in

areas of alluvial diamond mining.
Operations range from one-man
operations to large scale intensively
mechanised mining.

Animal life

can interact more than once in 50 years.

Development Act, 2002; Regulation 57

Regulation 10(2)(b)

(C) Reduce the effect of ramps or platforms

by aligning them downstream and keeping
them narrow.
(C, O, D) Limit vehicle servicing in riparian
zone to emergency repairs and have a drip
tray and drum on site. Do not site sanitary
conveniences on the river floodplain.

(C, O, D) Erosion of stockpiles by rising floodwaters.

(C, O, D) Increased turbidity and suspended fine-sediment
concentration due to disturbance of fine sediment, erosion
of river banks or return of water from settling/clarification
ponds. Also as a result of wet-screening processes.

(C, O, D) Limit stockpiles on bank to two

days production. All other stockpiles outside
1:50 years flood line or more than 100 m
from watercourse.

(D) Increased surface roughness can have an impact on

rising river flow in some river reaches. This will also impact
infiltration of surface water.

(C, O, D) Create deeper water at

downstream end of mining area to act as a
temporary sediment trap.

(P) Altered river bank alignment can influence downstream

bank stability by causing undercutting or erosion.

(O, D, P) Restrict deep excavations and

major alterations of channel bedform.
Excavate from pits within sand bars rather
than widening channels by excavating from
margins of sand bars. Removal of sandbars
can restrict the sediment supply to bars
downstream causing erosion.
(D) Restore land surface to pre-mining
(P) Restore access ramp to pre-mining
Ground Water

Influence on groundwater can be

related to areas where rivers contribute
to recharge of aquifers such as alluvium
infill, wide floodplains, porous
sandstone or dolomite; or cross highly
transmissive strata such as faults or
dykes. Groundwater flow into the river
is mainly as base flow that sustains
winter low-flow levels.

(C, O, D) Disturbance of groundwater flow path and base



(C, O, D) Impact of chemical or fuel spillages on floodplain


(C, O, D, P) Surficial impacts of land

preparations limit vadose and phreatic zone
impacts. No groundwater in river sands
other than saturated sand below river level.

NWA, 1998; Regulation 10(2)(c)

Regulation 4(d)

(C, O, D) Keep a drip tray and container on

site to remove contaminated sand and
dispose of at a recognised facility.

(C, O, D) Potential contamination of groundwater by septic

(O) Lowering of dry river bed can increase groundwater low
and drain floodplain aquifer or impact riparian vegetation.

(C, O, D) Provide chemical toilets or a septic

tank and covered french drain or soakaway
to process human waste and grey water,
sited 100 m or more from any watercourse.
O) Do not excavate below saturated zone
over a wide area close to the river bank

Air Quality


Dust is generated by excavation,

loading, transport, screening and
stockpiling. Different sizes of dust
represent specific health risks or
nuisance threats. Dust can retard
vegetation growth and reduce the
palatability of vegetation. In urban
areas dust represents a health hazard,
lowers quality of life through impacts to
houses, washing etc.

(C, O, D) Dust generated during transport and screening is

a health risk.

Noise generated by large plant and

machines during excavation, loading,

(C, O, D) Noise generated by mining, loading and



(P) Dust generation from un-rehabilitated areas.


(C, O, D) Dust suppression along access by

reducing speed and spraying route.
(P) Correct choice of grass cover and
riparian trees for rehabilitation will ensure
year-round cover and limit dust.


(C, O, D) Prepare a noise reduction plan to

cover all significant impacts at source and

Environment Conservation Act 1989

(Regulation R154, Government Notice

GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 9.6.2

power screening and transport. Open

location precludes effective screening
and valley sides can project noise to
surrounding areas.

outlining screening measures such as

berms. Sand excavation and transport in
trucks is generally intermittent and limited to
daylight hours when ambient noise levels
are highest. Noise levels must not be more
than 7dB (A) above ambient residual noise
levels and a hearing conservation
programme must be implemented where
noise exceeds 85dB (A).
(C, O, D) Disturbance of archaeological sites, cultural
heritage sites or graves.


(O) Excavation of sand can change river flow dynamics

and result in scour around bridge supports or deposition of
sand that diverts the current against buttresses.


River banks, floodplains, wetlands, river

channels and associated habitats are
considered sensitive environments and
afforded protection under a variety of

(C, O, D, P) Damage to riparian vegetation, river bank and

channel with possible downstream effects.



Low landscape position relative to

surrounding valley sides has wide
visual envelope and can create visual
impact over long distances. Some river
reaches have scenic beauty or are
close to areas with tourist appeal.

(C, O, D) Visual intrusion impact of mining activity on

nearby roads, homesteads, settlements, tourist sites.


(C, O, D) Visibility must be limited by parking

large machines and debris excavated from
the sand on the floodplain and away from
the river bank when not in use.


Gravel and sand are potential byproducts of alluvial diamond mining that
can be used in urban development.
Alluvial sand is an essential part of the
socio-economic environment due to its
use in concrete block products and
aggregate in construction concrete,
mortar and plaster and pipeline
bedding. Gauteng has few coarse
alluvial sand sources for a material with
high demand. A relatively small, lowimpact operation can influence many
service industries potentially employing
hundreds of people.

(C, O, D) Increased employment and training opportunities

with improved standard of living for local community.


(C, O, D) Small-scale operations with

intermittent operation are a critical link in the
construction material supply chain that
influences employment in the service sector.

Site-specific criteria will determine the

impact on I&APs and the need for
public participation at all stages of the

(C, O, D) Communities concerned with limiting negative

environmental impacts.
(O) Downstream water users impacted by flow diversion
and increased suspended sediment concentrations.


(C, O, D) Authorities and I&APs have

support of legislation and regulations to
ensure compliance with, and enforce
implementation of the EMP to ensure
successful rehabilitation.



Interested and

Many of the alluvial diamond workings

date back to the late 1800s and as such
have cultural value. Many of the old
buildings are, or can be considered to
be historical monuments.

(C, O, D) Conduct cultural heritage resource

assessment through existing databases and
a site-specific search in areas of known
(O) No excavation within 100 m of a bridge.

Animal life

(O) Considerable multiplier effect through downstream

service industries such as construction, plant hire,
mechanical repair and suppliers.

(C, O, D, P) Sensitive riparian vegetation

must be restored through control of alien
vegetation and replanting of indigenous
trees and suitable grasses in remnant
riparian zone.

Regular monitoring and reporting every 6

Submission of

Legislated requirements and

commitment by proponent in the EMPR
or the Scoping Report, Environmental
Impact Assessment Report (EIAR),
Social and Labour Plan (SLP),
Environmental Management
Programme (EMP), Monitoring and
Performance Assessment, Mine
Decommissioning and Closure Plan,

(O, D, P) Discharges which must meet standards laid down

in regulations, e.g. water chemistry, noise, EMPR audit,
review of financial provision for rehabilitation.



Annually review financial provision

for rehabilitation
Ongoing monitoring of EMPR,
performance assessments and report
every two years or as directed by
Director: Mineral Development

National Water Act, 1998


Minerals Act 1991
Regulation 4.17.1
SABS 083
Mineral and Petroleum Resources
Development Act, 2002; Regulation 52

Minerals Act 1991

section 12; mine closure certificate
National Water Act, 1998 (Act 36 of 1998)
Atmospheric Pollution Prevention Act, 1965
(Act 45 of 1965)
Environment Conservation Act 1989
The Conservation of Agricultural Resources
Act (Act No. 43 of 1983)
Minerals Act, 1991; reg. 5.16.1
Regulation 5.18.1 to 5.18.5

Notice No. 704, Regulations on use of water

for mining and related activities (Govt.

GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 9.6.2

Environmental Risk Report (ERR) to

provide monitoring of a variety of
outputs, discharges and effluents.


Report emergency incident

regarding water resource as soon as
possible and report corrective measures
within 14 days.
Notify of new mine or new activity,
submit a copy of the EMP or cessation
or resumption of operations within 14
Minister may request technical
investigation or inspection and report
Implement compliance monitoring
network and submit monitoring

Gazette, No. 408)

regulation 2(c), 2(d)
regulation 1
regulation 2(a)
regulation 2(b)
regulation 12(1) and (2)

regulation 12(5)

Mineral and Petroleum Resources

Development Act, 2002


Compile and submit a performance

assessment report on frequency defined
in EMP, Minister or biennially
Application for closure and
submission of an environmental risk
Monitoring of residue stockpiles and

regulation 41(1) and (2), monitoring and

performance assessments
regulation 42, 43 46(1), mine closure and
environmental risk report
regulation 58(7)(a) and (b); monitoring of
residue stockpiles and deposits

GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 9.6.2


a) Element - the element or issue being impacted on.
b) Extent
site:- the whole or a portion of the mining site.
region:- the area including the mine, the surrounding neighbours and/or towns.
c) Duration
short term:- dissipation of impact through active or natural mitigation in a time span shorter than 5 years or life of the mine.
medium term:- impact will last for 510 years, whereafter it can be entirely negated.
long term:- the impact will last for the entire operational life of the mine, but will be mitigated thereafter.
permanent:- impact will be non-transitory.
d) Intensity
low:- natural processes or functions are not affected.
medium:- affected environment is altered but function and process continue in a modified manner.
high:- function or process of the affected environment is disturbed to the extent where it temporarily or permanently ceases.
e) Significance of unmitigated impacts
low:- e.g. site specific, low intensity
medium:- e.g. site specific, high intensity
high:- e.g. regional, high intensity


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GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 9.6.3

Appendix 9.6.3
Impact and mitigation table; mining of sand on slopes away from rivers, streams, pans or dams
Impacts and mitigation shown relative to the Construction (C), Operational (O), Decommissioning (D) and Post-mining (P) phases.
Environmental description and planning should meet the content requirements stipulated in the regulations for the Scoping Report, Environmental Impact Assessment Report (EIAR), Social and Labour Plan (SLP),
Environmental Management Programme (EMP), Monitoring and Performance Assessment, Mine Decommissioning and Closure Plan, Environmental Risk Report (ERR)








Sand on hill slopes is derived from the in

situ weathering processes acting on
bedrock. Siliceous bedrock is resistant to
weathering and under the action of soil
forming processes and through long-term
erosion and colluvial sediment transport
on hill slopes thick deposits can
accumulate on lower slopes.
deposits are commonly moderately well
sorted and contain gravel layers or clay
enriched horizons. These sands usually
form the soil profile on hill slopes and the
colour relates to the drainage conditions
at any point on the slope.

(C, O, D, P) Excavation of soils developed in transported

sands and creation of a pit with steep highwalls.


(C, O, D, P) Excavation down to bedrock,

inadequate topsoil stockpiles and creation of
side slopes steeper than 25o must be avoided.

Conservation of Agricultural Resources

Act, 1983; regulations, R.1048

The topographic from and gradient of

hill slopes impacts stormwater run-off
quantities and erosivity. Most sand
deposits in the Gauteng area are on the
lower colluvial foot slopes of monoclinal
ridges or linear ridges underlain by
quartzitic sandstone bedrock. Most
deposits are less than 5m thick and are
mined from a single bench.

(C) Situation of deposit in landscape can influence the

impacts related to wind, run-off and visibility.


Most hill slope sand mining operations

do not backfill the pit or recreate the
pre-mining land surface form.

(C, O, D, P) Unconsolidated nature of sands and low clay
content of suitable sands for construction material forms
naturally unstable slope conditions along bounding
highwalls that persist until after closure.

Surface water

(C, O, D, P) Do not create vertical slopes and

rehabilitate sidewalls and pit floor behind
progress of mining face.

(C, O, D) Some sands represent hydromorphic conditions

on mid- to lower slopes.

(C, O, D) Mining in vadose or phreatic

groundwater seepage zones must be avoided.

(C, O, D) Sandy textured profiles including Cartref and

Fernwood Forms suitable for building and plaster sand
are generally erodible causing contamination of
stormwater run-off and potential wind erosion problems.

(C, O, D, P) Control stormwater run-off within

the pit and divert clean water run-off away from
pit. Reduce the gradient and length of pit
sidewalls to minimise the erosivity of run-off.
Surface water

(C, O, D, P) Opencast pit creates area of lowered

topography that collects stormwater run-off, intersects
groundwater seepage and can decant onto lower slopes.

Visual aspects

(O, D, P) Steep highwalls or side slopes are potentially

unstable and slumping or gully erosion caused by run-off
water flowing into the pit can lead to migration of erosion
features and impact areas away from the opencast pit rim.

(C) Difficult to shield opencast sand pits from

adjacent residential or agricultural
developments. Plant screening hedges of noninvasive trees or create berms using topsoil.
(C, O, D, P) Create run-off diversion contour
berms or terraces upslope to separate clean
water and dirty water systems. Pump rainwater
and groundwater that collects in the pit and
store for use as process water or in dust
(O, D, P) Do not mine sand from slopes steeper
than 12%. Reduce height of highwalls and mine
benches of less than 2m high to ensure stability.
Grade slopes to less than 25o contour drains on
the slope above to divert run-off.


Regulation 3(1) (b) restricts cultivation of

land on slopes steeper than 12% if
underlain by certain soil types. This could
be applied to slope sand mining for the
same reasons.

GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide


Soil cover thickness, texture,

horizonation, drainage status vary
across and down the slope in response
to bedrock type, slope gradient, climate
and organic inputs.
The topsoil is regarded as the upper
500 mm of the soil profile. The subsoil
sand deposits are commonly reddish
brown or grey depending on the
position on the slope. These sediments
vary from well-drained to poorly-drained
in sites where seasonal seepage
Apart from supporting vegetation cover
the topsoil encourages infiltration of
rainwater. In many soil profiles there is
a thin soft plinthic horizon above the
bedrock that indicates seasonal water
table above the bedrock.

Appendix 9.6.3

(C) Excavation of topsoil and subsoil down to bedrock.

(C) Disturbance or burial of soils by access or haul roads,
infrastructure, stockpiles and pollution control dams.

capability /
Land use

(C, O) Topsoil stockpiles tend to degrade during long-term

stockpiling and lose the organic components, soil
structure and fertility during medium- to long-tem

(C, O) Compile accurate soil map showing

classification, thickness, fertility status. Remove
and stockpile 500 mm topsoil in berms or heaps
less than 1.5m high and turn soil every six
months. Do not use as stormwater control
feature. Vegetate with diverse grass mix to
control erosion.
(C, O) Remove and stockpile topsoil from roads,
building and stockpile sites prior to construction.

(C, O) Petrochemical spillages contaminate the soil


Mineral and Petroleum Development

Resources Development Act, 2002
(Act No. 28 of 2002)
regulation 56(1) to (8); soil pollution and
erosion control
The Conservation of Agricultural
Resources Act (Act No. 43 of 1983)
regulations 4(1) and 6(1)

(O) Petrochemical spillages to be collected in a

drip tray and drum to store excavated spill
affected soil for disposal at a registered facility.
(C, O) Stormwater diversion and erosion control
contour berms separate clean and contaminated
water systems around the pit and infrastructure
areas. Design erosion control and diversion
berms, terraces or drains based on the site runoff and the specific soil type and slope gradient.

(C, O) Concentrated storm run-off from the pit surrounds

and infrastructure areas is erosive, causing sheet, rill and
donga erosion features.
(D, P) Inadequate topsoil restoration or creation of unnatural surface topography or slope form, which
concentrates run-off.
(O, D, P) Steep or long pit side slopes increase the
erosive potential of run-off.

(D, P) Restore overburden to recreate slope

form or grade side slopes. Scarify roads and
stockpile areas to a depth of 500 mm and
infrastructure areas and restore topsoil cover.

(D, P) Erosion of restored topsoil due to inadequate

erosion control measures.

(D, P) Restore and grade topsoil with optimal

fertilisation based on soil analysis. Implement
irrigation and soil conservation measures.

(D, P) Low productivity of rehabilitated soils due to

inadequate soil fertility or high erosion rates.

(P) Integrate disturbed area to most appropriate

land use to ensure long-term stability of restored

The land capability is a function of the

soil thickness and fertility status, slope,
drainage, climatic regime and
vegetation types which are influenced
by prior land use. The limited
definitions provided in the Aide
Memoire provide some guidance and
land must be classified into a
wilderness that should be expanded to
virgin ground, wetland, grazing or

(C, O, D) Disturbance of agricultural potential and

subdivision of high potential arable land into uneconomic
farming units.
(O, D, P) Backfilled areas could be too unstable to
support post-mining land use objectives compatible with
surrounding areas.
(O, D, P) Waste disposal sites negatively impact
development in surrounding areas.

The post-mining rehabilitation goals and

targets must consider municipal land
use planning and zonation in urban
areas to re-integrate the mined land.
The end use options may change in
relation to surrounding land use over


Land use

(C, O) Focus developments and avoid unnecessary subdivision of land and activities that
could be sited on already disturbed land.
(C, O, D, P) Integrate available land with
activities in adjacent areas and ensure public
access to land with unique characteristics or
high conservation status.
(D, P) Rehabilitation must ensure long-term
stability and not compromise post-mining land
use objectives.

The Conservation of Agricultural

Resources Act (Act No. 43 of 1983),
regulation 4(1) and 5(1)
regulation 9(1) and 11(1)
regulations 15 and 16;

GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Land Use


Appendix 9.6.3

Land use zonation of adjacent areas is

defined by Integrated Development
Plans. Mine development often places
pressure on productive agricultural land
through development of secondary or
support industries. Human and traffic
pressures or polluted discharge can
threaten adjacent or downstream land
designated as conservation areas or
habitats favouring protected or rare

(C, O, D) Inadequate planning or loose development can

subdivide high potential land or habitats into unviable
small areas.


(D, P) Unsuccessful rehabilitation can reduce the postmining land use options.


( D, P) Take into account developments in

surrounding areas and design post-mining land
use options to support and enhance long-term
development options.

Detailed assessment of the pre-mining

vegetation status and characterisation
relative to well-preserved areas of the
same habitat is essential for mine
development planning options and postmining land use. Opencast mining and
related infrastructure is a permanent
destruction and rehabilitation cannot
restore all pre-mining habitats. Longterm cumulative impacts can lead to
degradation of even well conserved

(C, O, D, P) Loss of Red Data Species

Animal life

(C, O, D, P) Vegetation survey required if on

Red Data Farm or close to Red Data Farm.

Animal life

(C, O, D) Disturbance of indigenous vegetation types and

negative impacts of dust or polluted run-off beyond the
mining area boundaries.

(C, O, D) Effective pollution control to reduce

the spread of impacts.

(C, O, D) Fragmentation of habitats or isolation of small

areas that results in degradation or changes in
populations reliant on movement or interchange between
habitats or scattered populations.

(C, O) Consolidate development areas and

develop multi-use options or infrastructure
corridors for roads, pipelines, and power and
communication links.

(O, D) Cumulative impact of illegal collecting or land use

during long-term or life of mine can degrade areas and
reduce the viability of adjacent areas.

(O, D, P) Clear invasive alien weeds and plants

and re-establish diverse indigenous species
during ongoing rehabilitation.

(O, D) Inadequate control of alien species can result in

establishment of populations or seed sources that
threaten adjacent areas.

(D, P) Develop post-mining environments in

conjunction with regional development plans.
Recreate habitats where possible or structure
altered landscapes to be compatible with
regional habitat mosaics to resist water and
wind erosion of soils.

(O, D) Restore vegetation structure and composition as

close to original composition as possible unless
alternative vegetation rehabilitation is defined in EMP.

Disturbance of populations,
fragmentation of habitats or ecosystems
and isolation of small non-viable
communities results in cumulative

(C, O, D, P) Loss of Red Data Species


(C, O, D) Disturbance of remnant terrestrial wild mammal,

avian, amphibian and insect fauna through physical
habitat destruction, noise, traffic and movement of people.
(C, O, D) Large developments can threaten migration
routes or flight paths. Cumulative impact of illegal
collecting, road kills or powerline related deaths can
reduce population viability in the long-term. Some mining
related habitats may also favour species leading to unnatural competition with endemic fauna.
(O, D) Potential increase in feral animals and impact on
indigenous fauna e.g. cats, rats.
(O) Illegal hunting or disturbance.
(O) Operation or disturbance during breeding season can
precipitate long-term cumulative effect on populations.
(P) Potential permanent change in habitats due to

Red Data Plant Policy for EIA (24 Aug

Development Guidelines for Ridges (April
The Conservation of Agricultural
Resources Act (Act No. 43 of 1983),
regulations 15 and 16; regulation 5(1)
The Conservation of Agricultural
Resources Act (Act No. 43 of 1983)
regulation 4(1) and 5(1)
The Conservation of Agricultural
Resources Act (Act No. 43 of 1983)
regulation 9(1) and 11(1)

(D, P) Avoid overstocking or irrigation with water

that will cause salinisation, mineralization or
acidification of restored soil. Implement soil
conservation measures to protect rehabilitated
areas and vegetation cover

(D, P) Utilisation of rehabilitated ground must be

compatible with carrying capacity or soil conditions.

Animal Life

(C, O) Plan to focus developments through

multi-use options and avoid splitting land and
habitats. Integrate the mining area with regional
land use planning objectives where possible.

(C) Specialist study required on Red Data

Species farms.
(C, O, D, P) Habitat reduction and fragmentation
is not limited to mining-related developments but
mine sites are committed to rehabilitation which
is not the case with normal urban or agricultural
(O) Control vermin and reduce poaching
through staff education and law enforcement.
(O) Cumulative effects only become critical if
there are no other suitable habitats in the
adjacent areas. Support conservation efforts in
areas of similar habitat to ensure potential
sources for restocking.
(P) Rehabilitation must restore pre-development
indigenous species not only rehabilitate to the
pre-mining state. Decide on suitable species on
the basis of well-preserved areas not

Development Guidelines for Ridges (April


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 9.6.3

inadequate monitoring and degradation of rehabilitated

areas due to inadequate maintenance.
Surface Water

Surface water effects of shallow

opencast sand pits and related
infrastructure can be characterised as
altered or diverted natural slope
drainage lines and stormwater run-off,
concentration of run-off, mixing of clean
run-off with contaminated water and
creation of large open water bodies.
Degradation of vegetation in
surrounding catchment, creation of
large impermeable areas and
concentrated run-off in stormwater
systems leads to highly modified flood
responses in small catchments that can
threaten channels, habitats and
infrastructure downstream.
Erosion by concentrated run-off can
create long-term instability in natural
channels and spread of incision into
adjacent areas.
Impacts to surface water must be
judged against changes to both quality
and quantity.

necessarily current species.

(C, O, D, P) Permanent impact on catchment by capturing

surface run-off or diverting drainage. Cumulative loss of
wetlands that are a threatened resource.


(C, O, D) Altered storm water run-off response due to

removal of soil cover and exposure of bedrock over large
areas. Concentration of run-off into pit depression.


Storm water run-off and drainage

(C, O, D) Increased erosion, dust generation and potential
chemical contaminants reduce surface water quality or
result in run-off or discharge / decant from pit that
exceeds the maximum concentrations permitted by the
National Water Act.


(C, O, D) Vehicle wash bays and workshop facilities

produce petrochemical and solvent contaminated run-off.
(C, O, D) Sanitary conveniences, fuel depots or storage
facilities of potentially polluting substances can
contaminate surface water.
Tailings and pollution control dams
(C, O, D, P) Run-off water collects in sump at lowest level
of shallow pit. Sloping bedrock pit floor and shallow sides
limit capacity and extreme events generate decant of
sediment laden run-off.
Beneficiation processes
(C, O, D) Some operations use a wet screening method,
washing the sand to separate the clay and silt fines or
produce sized sand products.
Opencast pit sump
(O, D, P) Pumping of water from the pit sump can lead to
discharge poor quality water exceeding minimum


Animal life

(C, O, D, P) Initiate catchment management to

control and reduce erosive run-off containing
suspended sediment. Create and maintain
clean water drainage systems to isolate
contaminated areas and separate clean and
dirty water systems so that neither can interact
more than once in 50 years.
(C, O, D) Detailed catchment hydrological
modelling is required to define run-off
characteristics, model extreme event discharge
and design stormwater and tailings
management facilities.
C, O D) No prospecting, drilling, mining within
greater distance of 100m or 1:50 year flood line
from watercourse.
(C, O, D, P) Create stormwater discharge stilling
dams or artificial wetlands on drainage lines to
absorb extreme run-off events, settle entrained
solids, passively treat water and control

Mineral and Petroleum Development

Resources Development Act, 2002
(Act No. 28 of 2002)
regulation 54(1) and (2); water
management and pollution control
Mineral and Petroleum Development
Resources Development Act, 2002
(Act No. 28 of 2002)
regulation 55(1) to (6); disposal or waste
regulation 58(1) to (8); management of
residue stockpiles and deposits
NWA, 1998, Reg. 6(b)(d)(e)
NWA, 1998; Reg. 10(a)

(C, O, D, P) Assess storage capacity and

discharge in EIA, comply with norms and
manage in accordance with the EMP. Design
tailings dam, settling pond and clarifications
ponds and return water system with adequate
capacity. Dont discharge water unless treated
to the standard prescribed.
(C, O, D, P) Design residue and fine tailings
dams to withstand rainfall from a storm event
with a 1:100 year return periodicity and maintain
0.8m freeboard. Do not locate within 1:100 year
flood line on any watercourse or dam or 100m
from a watercourse or borehole.
(O, D, P) Before irrigating land with accumulated
water obtain permission from DWAF to reduce
risk of acidification, salinisation or mineralization
of soils.


National Water Act, 1998

Notice No. 704, Regulations on use of
water for mining and related activities
(Govt Gazette, No. 408)
regulations 4(b)(d)

NWA, 1998; Reg. 4(c)

MPRDA, 2002; regulation 56(7)
The Conservation of Agricultural
Resources Act (Act No. 43 of 1983)
regulation 6(1)

GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Ground Water

The potential impact of shallow

opencast sand mining and related
surface processes and infrastructure is
defined by the aquifer potential of the
host bedrock, the density of structural
discontinuities or zones of preferential
groundwater movement. The chemical
characteristics of groundwater relate to
the mineralogy, grain-size, natural rock
cement, porosity and weathering.
The shallow sand mining occurs within
the vadose zone above the saturated
phreatic zone.
The potential for groundwater
contamination is restricted to
contamination of spring seepage or
unlikely contamination of bedrock
aquifers by transmission along
transmissive zones.

Air Quality

Dust is generated by excavation,

loading, transport, screening and
stockpiling. Different sizes of dust
represent specific health risks or
nuisance threats. Dust can retard
vegetation growth and reduce the
palatability of vegetation. In urban
areas dust represents a health hazard,
lowers quality of life through impacts to
houses, washing etc.

Appendix 9.6.3

Shallow opencast pit

(C, O, D) Slight possibility of increased recharge along
porous groundwater zones in footwall due to increased
head of contaminated water collecting in the pit.


(C, O, D) Limited storage capacity and high

evaporation losses reduce the permanence of
standing water.
(C, O, D) Ensure that drip tray and drum is
available and excavates spill contaminated soil
for disposal at a registered waste disposal

(C, O, D) Impact of chemical spillages, sewage discharge,

natural leachates and acid rock drainage on shallow
Residue stockpiles and deposits
Coarse discard or fines produced by washing process
must be stored separately.

(C, O, D, P) Fines must accumulate in a

contained tailings dam which allows settling and
clarification before recycling as process water.
Discharge only water that meets norms.

Failure of residue deposits, stockpiles or pollution control

structures can discharge poor quality leachates on to soil
and infiltration will contaminate the vadose and phreatic
groundwater tables.

(C, O, D) Dust generated from pit and on haul is a threat

to public areas beyond the mining area.


(C, O, D) Dust suppression by spraying water or

non-contaminating palliative liquids on pit haul
roads during drilling and after blasting and
loading, spraying haul roads, crusher and
screening plant. Implement dust monitoring
programme, classify dust fall-out and report to

Mineral and Petroleum Development

Resources Development Act, 2002
(Act No. 28 of 2002)
regulation 50(1) and (2)
Department of Health and Population
Development; dust fall-out classification

(C, O, D, P) Prevent dust from transported

product by washing vehicles and covering loads.
(O, D, P) Rehabilitate behind production with
adequate top soiling, fertilisation, irrigation and
correct choice of grasses to ensure year-round



Noise at different levels and

periodicities is generated by large plant
and machines during excavation,
loading, power screening and transport.
The cumulative effect is to raise the
ambient noise levels in the mining area
and in some localities there are high
noise levels that exceed specified levels
and require screening or noise

(C, O, D) Noise generated by mining, loading, transport

and beneficiation.

Extensive shallow opencast mining

operations destroy large areas where
there may be archaeological sites,
historic buildings, graveyards or cultural

(C, O, D) Progressive development can encroach upon or

disturb archaeological sites, cultural heritage sites or
graves. Mine upgrading can threaten historical farm
buildings or facilities with cultural heritage status.



(C, O, D) Prepare a noise reduction plan to

cover all significant impacts at source and
implement noise reduction and screening to limit
exposure. Drilling and blasting is generally
intermittent and should be limited to daylight
hours when ambient noise levels are highest. A
hearing conservation programme must be
implemented where noise exceeds 85dB (A) in
the mine. Noise levels must not be more than
7dB (A) above ambient residual noise levels
beyond mine boundary or nearest residential

Environment Conservation Act 1989

(Regulation R154, Government Notice
Minerals Act 1991
Regulation 4.17.1
SABS 083

(C, O, D) Conduct cultural heritage resource

assessment through existing databases and a
site-specific search in areas to be disturbed or
sites of known occurrences. Excavation,
cataloguing and preservation and relocation
may be required and can only be undertaken by
qualified persons under the necessary permits.

National Environmental Management Act,

1998 (Act No. 107 of 1998), section 4 (iii)

Removal of graves is subject to their age and is

controlled by different legislation and different

Mineral and Petroleum Development

Resources Development Act, 2002
(Act No. 28 of 2002)
regulation 52(1) to (11); noise control
regulation 53(1) to (2); blast, vibration and

National Heritage Resources Act, 1999

(Act No. 25 of 1999) South African
Heritage Resources Agency (SAHRA)
Removal of Graves and Dead Bodies
Ordinance (Ordinance No. 7 of 1925)
Human Tissues Act (Act 65 of 1983)

GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 9.6.3


National and Provincial Department of


Depending on the situation of the mine

relative to sites of historical or
conservation value, urban areas,
wetlands or rivers, high potential
agricultural land, transport infrastructure
and power transmission lines could
constitute sensitive environments or be
afforded protection under a variety of

(C, O, D, P) Encroachment or direct impacts of opencast

pits, remote impact such as noise, dust or cumulative
impacts such as loss of wetlands that are a threatened
resource, reduced breeding success or slow continuous
damage to habitat or populations are typical impacts on
adjacent areas. Long-term impacts can alter the status of
adjacent ground over the life of the mine if impacts are not
managed and mitigated.



Position in landscape relative to

surrounding topography can lead to a
wide visual envelope or possibly
effective screening from large parts of
the surrounding area. The impact can
relate to active machinery, colour
contrast of disturbed areas against
adjacent veld, dust plumes. Apart from
visual intrusion the impact can be one
of reduced sense of place.

(C, O, D) Visual intrusion impact of mining activity on

nearby roads, homesteads, settlements, tourist sites.


(C, O, D, P) Effective use of vegetation screens

can limit long distance visibility. A well
vegetated end-use rehabilitation scenario
adjacent to an urban area can reduce the
perceived impact of visual intrusion.


Building sand is an essential part of the

construction industry supply chain.
Legislation imposes the same
rehabilitation requirements on high bulk,
low value product industries as precious
mineral industries with much higher

(C, O, D, P) Social and labour issues pertaining to job

creation, job security, creation of unsustainable
settlements, human resource development strategy.


(C, O, D, P) Developments must be sustainable

and recognise people as an element of the
environment. Implement social and labour plan
with mining right.

Mineral and Petroleum Development

Resources Development Act, 2002
(Act No. 28 of 2002)
regulations 26 to 29

(C, O, D) Additional positive socio-economic

benefits to communities, particularly in rural
areas, can be generated though projects to
create new products from waste rock, employ
labour intensive rehabilitation practices.

National Environmental Management Act,

1998 (Act No. 107 of 1998), section 2, 4


(C, O, D) Increased direct and indirect employment and

training opportunities with improved standard of living for
local community.
(O) Considerable multiplier effect through downstream
service industries such as construction, plant hire,
mechanical repair and suppliers.
(C, D, P) Mine closure can have devastating effects on
communities that are reliant on mine-based income.


Animal life

(C, O, D, P) Monitoring of a wide range of

impacts and regular implementation of
mitigatory measures based on established
codes of practice can reduce cumulative
impacts. Negotiation with I&APs can identify
areas of concern and reduce the perceived
sensitivity or address the actual impacts.

(C, D, P) Mine closure must be planned from

inception through adequate social planning and
infrastructure development that can be
maintained by the communities after closure.
Opportunities to redirect skills must be sought
and alternatives to demolition of mine
infrastructure that can be redeveloped must be

GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Interested and

Site-specific criteria will determine the

impact on I&APs and the need for
public participation at all stages of the

Appendix 9.6.3

(C, O, D) Communities and officials are concerned with

limiting negative environmental impacts and maximising


(C, O, D) Authorities and I&APs have support of

legislation and regulations to ensure compliance
with, and enforce implementation of the EMP to
ensure successful rehabilitation.
Regular monitoring and reporting every 6

Submission of

Legislated requirements and

commitment by proponent in the EMPR
or the Scoping Report, Environmental
Impact Assessment Report (EIAR),
Social and Labour Plan (SLP),
Environmental Management
Programme (EMP), Monitoring and
Performance Assessment, Mine
Decommissioning and Closure Plan,
Environmental Risk Report (ERR) to
provide monitoring of a variety of
outputs, discharges and effluents.

(O, D, P) Discharges which must meet standards laid

down in regulations; e.g. water chemistry, noise, EMPR
audit, review of financial provision for rehabilitation.



Annually review financial provision for

Ongoing monitoring of EMPR,
performance assessments and report every
two years or as directed by Director: Mineral

National Water Act, 1998



Report emergency incident regarding

water resource ASAP and report corrective
measures within 14 days.
Notify of new mine or new activity,
submit a copy of the EMP or cessation or
resumption of operations within 14 days
Minister may request technical
investigation or inspection and report
Implement compliance monitoring
network and submit monitoring information

Mineral and Petroleum Resources

Development Act, 2002



Compile and submit a performance

assessment report on frequency defined in
EMP, Minister or biennially
Application for closure and submission
of an environmental risk report
Monitoring of residue stockpiles and

National Environmental Management Act,

1998 (Act No. 107 of 1998), section 2, 4
National Water Act, 1998 (Act 36 of 1998)
Atmospheric Pollution Prevention Act,
1965 (Act 45 of 1965)
Environment Conservation Act 1989
The Conservation of Agricultural
Resources Act (Act No. 43 of 1983)
Minerals Act, 1991; reg. 5.16.1
Regulation 5.18.1 to 5.18.5

Notice No. 704, Regulations on use of

water for mining and related activities
(Govt. Gazette, No. 408)
regulation 2(c), 2(d)
regulation 1
regulation 2(a)
regulation 2(b)
regulation 12(1) and (2)
reg. 12(5)
regulation 41(1) and (2), monitoring and
performance assessments
regulation 42, 43 46(1), mine closure and
environmental risk report
regulation 58(7)(a) and (b); monitoring of
residue stockpiles and deposits

GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 9.6.3


a) Element - the element or issue being impacted on.
b) Extent
site:- the whole or a portion of the mining site.
region:- the area including the mine, the surrounding neighbours and or towns.
c) Duration
short term:- dissipation of impact through active or natural mitigation in a time span shorter than 5 years or life of the mine.
medium term:- impact will last for 510 years, where after it can be entirely negated.
long term:- the impact will last for the entire operational life of the mine, but will be mitigated thereafter.
permanent:- impact will be non-transitory.
d) Intensity
low:- natural processes or functions are not affected
medium:- affected environment is altered but function and process continue in a modified manner
high:- function or process of the affected environment is disturbed to the extent where it temporarily or permanently ceases.
e) Significance of unmitigated impacts
low:- e.g. site specific, low intensity
medium:- e.g. site specific, high intensity
high:- e.g. regional, high intensity.


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 9.6.4

Appendix 9.6.4
Impact and mitigation table; opencast mining of clay including brick making kilns
Impacts and mitigation shown relative to the Construction (C), Operational (O), Decommissioning (D) and Post-mining (P) phases.
Copyright 8 Council for Geoscience, 2003
Environmental description and planning should meet the content requirements stipulated in the regulations for the Scoping Report, Environmental Impact Assessment Report (EIAR),
Social and Labour Plan (SLP), Environmental Management Programme (EMP), Monitoring and Performance Assessment, Mine Decommissioning and Closure





(relevant to Part 6 of EMPR)


Rocks such as shale and mudrock have

the specific mineralogical and physical
characteristics required for production of
a range of clay materials used for brick

(C, O, D, P) Excavation of clay material and creation of a

void with steep gradient or stepped highwalls.


(C, O, D, P) Final use of mining void is

determined by the rock structural
characteristics, permeability.

The attitude of the natural layering in the

rock and the rock strength characteristics
determine the morphology of the
opencast mining pit and the development
of a benched highwalls using drilling and
blasting techniques and/or ripping and
Steeply dipping strata or intersecting joint
patterns can impose slope stability
problems and require a different
approach to bench and highwalls design
in opencast pit development.
The environmental impacts associated
with opencast pit development are similar
for different clay source rocks.
Conditions associated with particular rock
types may require specific mitigatory

(C, O, D, P) Dipping attitude of strata and/or intersecting
joint patterns can create naturally unstable slope conditions
that persist until after closure in un-backfilled mines.


(C, O, D) Drilling and blasting patterns and explosive types

based on strength characteristics of the rock. Airblast
shockwave and fly rock potential linked to rock type and
blast design, i.e. Layout of blast holes.

(C, O, D, P) Cross-cutting or intrusive rocks or faults can

create planar brecciated porous zones that conduct

(C, O, D) Optimal fragmentation blast design

and correct explosives will reduce fly rock. No
blasting on very overcast days.

(C, O, D) Rocks containing high quantities of weatherable

minerals are likely to produce thicker soil profiles and
deeper weathered overburden that must be stripped and

(C, O, D) Overburden stockpiles must be

designed to meet minimum slope stability and
safety standards and vegetated with reduce
erosion and runoff.

(C, O, D, P) Coarse or fine waste rock dumps and

tailings/slimes dams can generate dust, release poor
quality leachates or are highly erodible by rainfall and
contaminate surface- and groundwater.

(D, P) Restore waste rock to pit wherever

possible to reduce highwall height and provide
surface for rehabilitation
(D, P) Remnant waste rock or overburden
stockpiles must be covered with layered
covering to exclude infiltrating rainwater and
topsoiled to ensure permanent vegetation

In some instances, coal and clay are

associated or occur in close proximity
leading to the construction and operation
of brick making kilns.


The topographic impact of natural

slopes on opencast mining influences
pit design, surface water, visual aspects
and slope stability.

(C, O, D, P) Geotechnical investigations will

identify unstable rock conditions, slopes that
require support in the short-, medium- and
long-term. Geotechnical slope stabilisation
methods including concreting (gunnite), rock
bolting, wire mesh restraint, bench wrecking to
lower highwalls, rehabilitative blasting etc must
be investigated and implemented during

(C) Situation in landscape can impact on wind, runoff, and

visual envelope.

Surface water

(C, O, D, P) Opencast pit creates area of lowered

topography that can act as a sump for stormwater runoff
and could intersect shallow groundwater.


Visual aspects

(C) Use terrain form to shield opencast pit from

developed or sensitive areas. Hilltop sites or
ridge crests should be avoided as they impact
adjacent catchments and have wider visual
(C, O, D, P) Pump rainwater and groundwater
that collects in the pit and store for use as
process water or dust suppression. Prevent the
formation of shallow dams in rehabilitated


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide


Soil cover thickness, texture,

horizonation, drainage status vary
across and down the slope in response
to bedrock type, slope gradient, climate
and organic inputs. The topsoil is
regarded as the upper 500mm of the
soil profile. Apart from supporting
vegetation cover the topsoil encourages
infiltration of rainwater. The subsoil and
weathered rock that constitutes the
overburden must be removed and
stockpiled for the life of the mine in
most opencast mining situations.
Topsoil stockpiles tend to degrade
during long-term stockpiling and lose
the organic components and fertility
Waste materials from brick making kilns
are inert and not suitable for topsoil.

Appendix 9.6.4

(O, D, P) Steep highwalls are potentially unstable and

failure can impact areas away from the opencast pit rim.

(O, D, P) Reduce height of highwalls

separating benches to increase stability.

(D, P) Optimal post-mining slope stability requires

departure from operational bench and highwall design
during decommissioning phase

(D, P) Maximum 5m highwall remnant with >2

steps separating highwalls.

(C, O) Excavation of topsoil and weathered rock

overburden during clearing of opencast pit and bench
(C, O) Disturbance or burial of soils by access or haul
roads, beneficiation plant infrastructure, stockpiles and
pollution control dams.
(C, O) Degradation of soil characteristics during mediumto long-tem stockpiling.

(C, O) Compile accurate soil map showing

classification, thickness, fertility status.
Remove and stockpile 500mm topsoil in berms
or heaps less than 1.5m high and turn soil
every six months. Do not use as stormwater
control feature. Vegetate with diverse grass
mix to control erosion.
(C, O) Remove and stockpile topsoil from
roads, building platforms, stockpile and dam
areas prior to construction.

capability /
Land use

(C, O) Chemical or fuel spillages contaminate the soil


(O) Drip tray and drum to store excavated spill

affected soil for disposal at a registered facility.

(C, O) Concentrated storm runoff from the pit surrounds

and infrastructure areas is erosive, causing sheet, rill and
donga erosion features.

(C, O) Stormwater diversion and contour berms

separate clean and contaminated water
systems around the pit and infrastructure
areas. Design with the runoff for a particular
soil type and slope gradient.

(O, D) Salinisation, mineralisation and toxic contamination

of soils beneath and surrounding residue deposits and
tailings dams.
(D, P) Inadequate topsoil restoration or creation of unnatural surface topography or slope form which could
impact lower or adjacent slopes due to increased runoff

(D, P) Erosion of restored topsoil due to inadequate

erosion control measures.
(D, P) Low productivity of rehabilitated soils due to
inadequate soil fertility or high erosion rates.

(O, D) Analyse soils, treat to ameliorate salinity

or contamination and dispose of untreatable
soil at an approved disposal site.
(D, P) Restore overburden to recreate slope
form and topsoil with optimal fertilisation based
on soil analysis. Scarify roads, sites of
removed infrastructure and former stockpile
areas to a depth of 500mm restore topsoil
(D, P) Implement irrigation and soil
conservation measures.
(P) Integrate disturbed area to most
appropriate landuse to ensure long-term
stability of restored topsoil.
(O, D, P) Implement strategy for removal of
broken bricks and inert burnt soil from brick kiln


Mineral and Petroleum Development

Resources Development Act, 2002
(Act No. 28 of 2002)
regulation 56 (1) to (8); soil pollution and
erosion control

The Conservation of Agricultural

Resources Act (Act No 43 of 1983)
section 4(1) and regulation 6(1)

GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide


The land capability is a function of the

soil thickness and fertility status, slope,
drainage, climatic regime, indigenous
animals and vegetation types which are
influenced by prior landuse. The limited
definitions provided in the Aide
Mmoire provide some guidance and
land must be classified into A
wilderness@ that should be expanded to
>virgin= ground, wetland, grazing or

Appendix 9.6.4

(C, O, D) Disturbance of agricultural potential and

subdivision of high potential arable land into uneconomic
farming units.

Land use

(C, O) Focus developments and avoid unnecessary subdivision of land and activities
that could be sited on already disturbed land.
(C, O, D, P) Integrate available land with
activities in adjacent areas and ensure public
access to land with unique characteristics or
high conservation status.

(O, D, P) Backfilled areas could be too unstable to support

post-mining land use objectives compatible with
surrounding areas.
(O, D, P) Waste disposal sites negatively impact
development in surrounding areas.

(D, P) Rehabilitation must ensure long-term

stability and not compromise post-mining land
use objectives.

This relates to the post-mining

rehabilitation goals and targets. The
conservation status and land use
planning zonation must be considered
in urban areas to integrate the mined
land and the end use options may
change in relation to surrounding land
use over time.
Land Use


Animal life

Land use zonation of adjacent areas is

defined by Integrated Development
Plans. Mine development often places
pressure on productive agricultural land
through development of secondary or
support industries. Human and traffic
pressures or polluted discharge can
threaten adjacent or downstream land
designated as conservation areas or
habitats favouring protected or rare

(C, O, D) Inadequate planning or uncontrolled development

can subdivide high potential land or fragment habitats into
non-viable small areas.

Detailed assessment of the pre-mining

vegetation status and characterisation
relative to well preserved areas of the
same habitat is essential for mine
development planning options and postmining land use. Opencast mining and
related infrastructure is a permanent
destruction and rehabilitation cannot
restore all pre-mining habitats. Longterm cumulative impacts due to
extensive mining or numerous closelyspaced mines in a particular resource
area can lead to degradation of even
well conserved areas between.

(C, O, D, P) Loss of Red Data Species

Disturbance of populations,
fragmentation of habitats or ecosystems
and isolation of small non-viable
communities results in cumulative

Animal life

(D, P) Unsuccessful rehabilitation can reduce the postmining land use options.

(C, O) Plan to focus developments through

multi-use options and avoid splitting land and
fragmenting habitats. Integrate the mining area
with regional land use planning objectives
where possible.

( D, P) Take into account developments in
surrounding areas and design post-mining land
use options to support and enhance long-term
development options. Prevent overly deep
excavations which are difficult to rehabilitate.
Animal life

(C, O, D) Disturbance of indigenous vegetation types and

negative impacts of dust or polluted runoff beyond the
mining area boundaries.

(C, O, D, P) Vegetation survey required if on

Red Data Farm or close to Red Data Farm.
(C, O, D) Effective pollution control to reduce
the spread of impacts.
(C, O) Consolidate development areas and
develop multi-use options or infrastructure
corridors for roads, pipelines, power and
communication links.

(C, O, D) Fragmentation of habitats or isolation of

communities in small areas that results in degradation or
changes in populations reliant on minimum habitat size,
movement or interchange between habitats or scattered
(O, D) Cumulative impact of illegal collecting or land use
during long-term or life of mine can degrade areas and
reduce the viability of adjacent areas.

(O, D, P) Clear invasive alien vegetation and

re-establish diverse indigenous species during
ongoing rehabilitation.

(O, D) Inadequate control of alien species can result in

establishment of populations or seed sources that threaten
adjacent areas.

(D, P) Develop post-mining environments in

conjunction with regional development plans.
Recreate habitats where possible or structure
altered landscapes to be compatible with
regional habitat mosaics.

(C, O, D, P) Loss of Red Data Species.


(C, O, D) Disturbance of remnant terrestrial wild mammal,

avian, amphibian and insect fauna through physical habitat

Red Data Plant Policy for EIA (24 Aug

Development Guidelines for Ridges (April

(C, O, D, P) Vegetation survey required if on

Red Data Farm or close to Red Data Farm.
(C, O, D, P) Habitat reduction and
fragmentation is not limited to mining-related

The Conservation of Agricultural

Resources Act (Act No 43 of 1983),
sections 15 and 16

GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 9.6.4

destruction, noise, traffic and movement of people.

developments but mine sites are committed to

rehabilitation which is not the case with normal
urban or agricultural developments.

(C, O, D) Large developments can threaten migration

routes or flight paths. Cumulative impact of illegal
collecting, road kills or powerline related deaths reduce
population viability in the long-term. Some mining related
habitats also favour certain species leading to un-natural
competition with endemic fauna.

(C, O, D) Design road and powerline routes to

avoid cutting across migration routes. Install
features to increase visibility of powerlines.
Ensure adequate culverts to permit migration of
species between areas.

(O, D) Potential increase in feral animals and impact on

indigenous fauna e.g. cats, rats.

(O) Control vermin and reduce poaching

through staff education and law enforcement

(O) Illegal hunting or disturbance.

(O) Cumulative effects only become critical if
there are no other suitable habitats in the
adjacent areas. Support conservation efforts in
areas of similar habitat to ensure potential
sources for restocking.

(O) Operation or disturbance during breeding season can

precipitate long-term cumulative effect on populations.
(P) Potential permanent change in habitats due to
inadequate monitoring and degradation of rehabilitated
areas due to inadequate maintenance.

Surface water

Surface water effects of opencast

mining and related infrastructure can be
characterised as altered or diverted
natural drainage lines, reduced natural
runoff, concentration of runoff, mixing of
clean runoff with contaminated runoff
and creation of large open water
Net losses to surface runoff are
increased by creation of large bodies of
open water with increased evaporation.
Degradation of vegetation in
surrounding catchment, creation of
large impermeable areas and
concentrated runoff in stormwater
systems leads to highly modified flood
responses in small catchment that can
threaten channels, habitats and
infrastructure downstream.
Erosion by concentrated runoff can
create long-term instability in natural
channels and spread of incision into
adjacent areas.
Impacts to surface water must be
judged against changes to both quality
and quantity.

(P) Rehabilitation must restore predevelopment indigenous species not only

rehabilitate to the pre-mining state. Decide on
suitable species on the basis of well preserved
areas not necessarily current species.

(C, O, D, P) Permanent impact on catchment by capturing

surface runoff and >beheading= or diverting drainage
systems. Degradation of stream channels through longterm reduced runoff and periodic discharge of very high
volumes destabilises the system.


(C, O, D) Altered storm water runoff response due to large

impervious areas and concentrated runoff in drainage

Animal life

Storm water runoff and drainage

(C, O, D) Increased erosion, dust generation and potential
chemical contaminants reduce surface water quality or
result in discharge that exceeds the maximum
concentrations permitted by the National Water Act.
(C, O, D) Vehicle wash bays and workshop facilities
produce petrochemical and solvent contaminated runoff.
(C, O, D) Sanitary conveniences, fuel depots or storage
facilities of potentially polluting substances can
contaminate surface water.

Tailings and pollution control dams

(C, O, D, P) Mineralogical and chemical characteristics of
specific rock types, especially the fine crushed product,
produce highly reactive material that oxidises readily to
produce poor quality leachates from residue stockpiles.
(C, O, D, P) Contaminated runoff or leachate concentrated
in pollution control dams can decant or contaminate


(O, D, P) Disturbance of catchment or

reduction in catchment discharge requires a
licence from DWAF and is subject to
investigation of the 'human needs reserve' and
the 'ecological reserve' to sustain the water
needs of these populations. Discharge only
treated water meeting legal standards into
watercourse to supplement clean runoff.
Remain within catchment discharge
parameters determined from pre-mining

National Water Act, 1998

Notice No. 704, Regulations on use of
water for mining and related activities
(Govt. Gazette, No. 408)
Mineral and Petroleum Development
Resources Development Act, 2002
(Act No. 28 of 2002)
regulation 54 (1) and (2); water
management and pollution control

(C, O, D) Detailed catchment hydrological

modelling is required to define runoff
characteristics, model extreme event discharge
and design stormwater and tailings
management facilities.
NWA, 1998; regs 4 (b) (d)
(C, O, D) Install oil traps on drainage from
service areas.
(C, O, D) Implement minimum distance of
100m from any water body or borehole, design
adequate pollution control structures around
sites and ensure effective reaction measures to
control emergency spills.

(C, O, D, P) Initiate catchment management to

control and reduce erosive runoff containing
suspended sediment. Create and maintain
clean water drainage systems to isolate
contaminated areas and separate clean and
dirty water systems so that neither can interact
more than one in 50 years.

GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 9.6.4

(O, D, P) Create stormwater discharge stilling

dams or artificial wetlands on drainage lines to
absorb extreme runoff events, settle entrained
solids, passively treat water and control
(C, O, D) No prospecting, drilling, mining within
greater distance of 100m or 1:50 year flood line
from watercourse.

through controlled discharge of partially treated water into

natural systems.
(C, O, D, P) Failure of tailings treatment and storage dams
due to inadequate design or exceeding capacity.

NWA, 1998, reg 6(b)(d)(e)

NWA, 1998; reg 10(a)

(C, O, D, P) Geochemical analysis of crushed

waste must identify acid rock drainage
production potential.

(C, O, D, P) Design tailings dam catchment

paddock dams and toe cut-off trench, siltation
dam and return water system with adequate
capacity, impervious lining or subsurface
drainage blanket to ensure efficient functioning.
Don=t discharge water unless treated to the
standard prescribed.
(C, O, D, P) Optimise residue stockpile and
deposit slope length and gradient to reduce
erosion effect of storm runoff.
(C, O, D, P) Design residue and fine tailings
dams to withstand rainfall from a storm event
with a 1:100 year return periodicity and
maintain 0.8m freeboard. Do not locate within
1:100 year flood line on any watercourse or
dam or 100m from a watercourse or borehole.
(C, O, D) Ensure coolant water meets
standards before discharge into other systems
or recycle for other process purposes.

Beneficiation processes
(C, O, D) Coolant water can become contaminated and
must be cooled, recycled and discharged.
Opencast pit sump
(O, D, P) Drainage of benches and concentration of rainfall
leads to creation of large volume open water bodies in
worked out pit and can lead to increased groundwater
recharge and potential regional impact of low quality water.
(O, D) Pumping of process water from the pit sump can
discharge poor quality water exceeding minimum

(O, D, P) Before dumping waste rock in worked

out pit levels that may be submerged ensure
that it will not pollute or degrade over time to
produce poor quality leachates.
Ground water

The potential impact of opencast mining

and related surface processes and
infrastructure is defined by the aquifer
potential of the host bedrock, and the
density of structural discontinuities or
zones of preferential groundwater
movement. The chemical
characteristics of groundwater relate to
the mineralogy, grain-size, natural rock
cement, porosity and weathering.
In situ the natural rates of chemical
reaction that affect groundwater
chemistry are reduced by low flow rates
or anoxic conditions. However, the
same rock crushed at the surface to
produce fine material with a significantly
higher surface area and oxidising
environment can produce poor quality
Drilling and blasting enhances porosity
and can increase weathering rates.

Opencast pit
(C, O, D) Disturbance of groundwater flow path through
physical disruption or increased recharge along porous
zones due to increased head of open water collecting in
the pit.

(C, O, D) Impact of chemical spillages, sewage discharge,

natural leachates and acid rock drainage on aquifer.

Residue stockpiles and deposits

(C, O, D, P) Creation of waste rock residue deposits or
stockpiles with infiltration of leachate due to inadequate
basal sealing or leakage from sealed pollution control
(C, O, D, P) Failure of residue deposits, stockpiles or
pollution control structures can discharge poor quality
leachates on soil and infiltration will contaminate the
vadose and phreatic groundwater tables.

(C, O, D) Limit development to target rocks and
reduce exposure of aquifer rocks. Isolate
porous or highly transmissive groundwater
zones through capping or grouting to prevent
clean groundwater ingress or recharge of
contaminated water.
(C, O, D) Implement environmental
management system and reporting structure
with codes of practice and staff training to
report and address chemical spills.

(C, O, D, P) Ensure that site preparation

includes sealing of substrate before developing
waste rock and tailings facilities. Implement
minimum design flood specifications.
(C, O, D, P) Rehabilitate, seal, drain and
revegetate old waste rock and tailings deposits
to meet minimum standards to reduce
groundwater recharge below dump. Implement
low maintenance passive pollution control

NWA, 1998; reg 4(c)

GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 9.6.4

facilities or artificial wetlands.

Under some circumstances there can

be links between different aquifer types
that cross-contaminate different
groundwater types.
Air Quality


/ Cultural

Dust is generated by drilling and

blasting, excavating, loading, transport,
crushing and waste product dumping
and storage. Different sizes of dust
represent specific health risks or
nuisance threats.

(C, O, D) Dust generated during opencast mining



(C, O, D) Dust generation from primary and secondary

crushing and screening, further beneficiation processes,
product and waste transport routes, residue stockpiles or
deposits and un-rehabilitated areas.

Apart from direct dust generation there

is a threat from dust carried into public
areas beyond the mining area by
vehicles transporting waste materials or

(C, O, D) Production of fine particles and gases from

beneficiation processes, firing kilns and through

Smoke would be generated during firing

of brick kilns negatively affecting air

(C, O) High output of smoke and heat is compounded by

temperature inversions or settlement of smoke haze in
depressions during winter.

Noise at different levels and

periodicities is generated by drilling and
blasting, large plant and machines
during excavation, loading, crushing,
power screening and transport. The
cumulative effect is to raise the ambient
noise levels in the mining area and in
some localities there are high noise
levels that exceed specified levels and
require screening or noise reduction.

(C, O, D) Noise generated by mining, loading, transport

and beneficiation.

Extensive opencast mining and

crushing operations destroy or cover
large areas where there may be
archaeological sites, historic buildings,
graveyards or cultural sites.

(C, O, D) Progressive development can encroach upon or

disturb archaeological sites, cultural heritage sites or
graves. Mine upgrading can threaten historical mine
buildings or facilities with cultural heritage status.
(O) Excavation of sand can change river flow dynamics
and result in scour around bridge supports or deposition of
sand that diverts the current against buttresses.

(C, O, D) Dust suppression by spraying water

or non-contaminating liquids in pit during
drilling and after blasting and loading, spraying
haul roads, crusher and screening plan.
(C, O, D, P) Prevent dust from transported
product by washing vehicles and covering
(O, D, P) Rehabilitate behind production with
adequate topsoiling, fertilisation, irrigation and
correct choice of grasses to ensure year-round
(C, O) Ensure that site is not protected from
prevailing winds and take measures to reduce
smoke output.




Depending on the situation of the mine

relative to sites of historical or
conservation value, urban areas,
wetlands or rivers, high potential
agricultural land, transport
infrastructure, power transmission lines
could constitute sensitive environments
or be afforded protection under a
variety of legislation.

(C, O, D, P) Encroachment or direct impacts of opencast

pits, remote impact such as noise, dust, discharge or
leachates or cumulative impacts such as reduced breeding
success or slow continuous damage to habitat or
populations are typical impacts on adjacent areas. Longterm impacts can alter the status of adjacent over the life of
the mine if impacts are not managed and mitigated.


Position in landscape position relative

to surrounding topography can lead to a
wide visual envelope or possibly

(C, O, D) Visual intrusion impact of mining activity on

nearby roads, homesteads, settlements, tourist sites.



Animal life

Environment Conservation Act 1989;

Ceramic industry is scheduled activity
requiring EIA
Atmospheric Pollution Prevention Act,
1965 scheduled activity

(C, O, D) Prepare a noise reduction plan to

cover all significant impacts at source and
implement noise reduction and screening to
limit exposure. Drilling and blasting is
generally intermittent and should be limited to
daylight hours when ambient noise levels are
highest. Noise levels must not be more than
7dB(A) above ambient residual noise levels
and a hearing conservation programme must
be implemented where noise exceeds 85dB(A).

Environment Conservation Act 1989

(Regulation R154, Government Notice
Minerals Act 1991
Regulation 4.17.1
SABS 083

(C, O, D) Conduct cultural heritage resource

assessment through existing databases and a
site specific search in areas to be disturbed or
sites of known occurrences. Excavation,
cataloguing and preservation and relocation
may be required and can only be undertaken
by qualified persons under the necessary

National Heritage Resources Act, 1999

(Act No. 25 of 1999) South African
Heritage Resources Agency (SAHRA)

Removal of graves is subject to the age and

controlled by different legislation and different

Mineral and Petroleum Development

Resources Development Act, 2002
(Act No. 28 of 2002)
regulation 50 (1) and (2)

(C, O, D, P) Monitoring of a wide range of

impacts and regular implementation of
mitigatory measures based on established
codes of practice can reduce cumulative
impacts. Negotiation with I&APs can identify
areas of concern and reduce the perceived
sensitivity or address the actual impacts.

(C, O, D, P) Effective use of topography,

architectural design and vegetation screens
can limit long distance visibility. Residue

Mineral and Petroleum Development

Resources Development Act, 2002
(Act No. 28 of 2002)
regulation 52 (1) to (11); noise control
regulation 53 (1) to (2); blast, vibration and

Removal of Graves and Dead Bodies

Ordinance (Ordinance No. 7 of 1925)
Human Tissues Act (Act 65 of 1983)
National and Provincial Department of

GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 9.6.4

dumps can be designed to lower the profile and

silhouette and reduce colour contrast and dust
plumes through rehabilitation. Indirect impacts
like smoke contribution to haze and winter
smog can be reduced by smokestack designs
and particulate separators. Well- vegetated
residue stockpiles during operation and enduse rehabilitation scenario adjacent to an urban
area can reduce the perceived impact of visual

effective screening from large parts of

the surrounding area. The impact can
relate to large buildings, colour contrast
of disturbed areas against adjacent
veld, dust or smoke emission plumes.
Apart from visual intrusion the impact
can be one of reduced >sense of


Interested and
affected parties

Brick making clay is an essential part of

the construction industry supply chain.
Legislation imposes the same
rehabilitation requirements on high bulk,
low value product industries as precious
mineral industries with much higher
returns. The high mechanisation of lag
mines also results in a significant
multiplier effect from the opencast
operation with many employed by
service industries. Direct negative
impacts on communities are the harmful
minerals, chemical emissions and poor
quality surface and groundwater

(C, O, D) Increased direct and indirect employment and

training opportunities with improved standard of living for
local community.

Site specific criteria will determine the

impact on I&APs and the need for
public participation at all stages of the

(C, O, D) Communities officials and concerned with limiting

negative environmental impacts and maximising benefits.


(O) Considerable multiplier effect through downstream

service industries such as construction, plant hire,
mechanical repair and suppliers.

(C, O, D) Additional positive socio-economic

benefits to communities, particularly in rural
areas, can be generated though projects to
create new products from waste rock employ
labour intensive rehabilitation practices.
(C, D, P) Mine closure must be planned from
inception though adequate social planning and
infrastructure development that can be
maintained by the communities after closure.
Opportunities to redirect skills must be sought
and alternatives to demolition of mine
infrastructure that can be redeveloped must be

(C, D, P) Mine closure can have devastating effects on

communities that are reliant on mine-based income.


(C, O, D) Authorities and I&APs have support

of legislation and regulations to ensure
compliance with, and enforce implementation
of the EMP to ensure successful rehabilitation.
Regular monitoring and reporting every 6

Submission of

Legislated requirements and

commitment by proponent in the EMPR
or the Scoping Report, Environmental
Impact Assessment Report (EIAR),
Social and Labour Plan (SLP),
Environmental Management
Programme (EMP), Monitoring and
Performance Assessment, Mine
Decommissioning and Closure Plan,
Environmental Risk Report (ERR) to
provide monitoring of a variety of
outputs, discharges and effluents

(O, D, P) Discharges which must meet standards laid down

in regulations; e.g. water chemistry,



noise, EMPR audit, review of financial provision for


Annually review financial provision for

Ongoing monitoring of EMPR,
performance assessments and report
every two years or as directed by
Director: Mineral Development

National Water Act, 1998



Report emergency incident regarding

water resource ASAP and report
corrective measures within 14 days.
notify of new mine or new activity,
submit a copy of the EMP or cessation
or resumption of operations within 14
Minister may request technical
investigation or inspection and report
implement compliance monitoring
network and submit monitoring

Minerals Act 1991

section 12; mine closure certificate
National Water Act, 1998 (Act 36 of 1998)
Atmospheric Pollution Prevention Act,
1965 (Act 45 of 1965)
Environment Conservation Act 1989
The Conservation of Agricultural
Resources Act (Act No 43 of 1983)
Minerals Act, 1991; reg. 5.16.1
Regulation 5.18.1 to 5.18.5

Notice No. 704, Regulations on use of water for

mining and related activities (Govt. Gazette, No.

regulation 2(c), 2(d)

regulation 1
regulation 2(a)
regulation 2(b)
regulation 12 (1) and (2)

reg. 12(5)

Mineral and Petroleum Resources

Development Act, 2002

compile and submit a performance

assessment report on frequency

regulation 41 (1) and (2), monitoring and

performance assessments

GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 9.6.4



a) Element - the element or issue being impacted on.
b) Extent
site:- the whole or a portion of the mining site.
region:- the area including the mine, the surrounding neighbours and or towns.
c) Duration
short term:- dissipation of impact through active or natural mitigation in a time span shorter than 5 years or life of the mine.
medium term:- impact will last for 5-10 years, whereafter it can be entirely negated.
long term:- the impact will last for the entire operational life of the mine, but will be mitigated thereafter.
permanent:- impact will be non-transitory.
d) Intensity
low:- natural processes or functions are not affected
medium:- affected environment is altered but function and process continue in a modified manner
high:- function or process of the affected environment is disturbed to the extent where it temporarily or permanently ceases.
e) Significance of unmitigated impacts
low:- e.g. site specific, low intensity
medium:- e.g. site specific, high intensity
high:- e.g. regional, high intensity.


defined in EMP, Minister or biennially

application for closure and submission
of an environmental risk report
monitoring of residue stockpiles and

regulation 42, 43 46(1), mine closure and

environmental risk report
regulation 58 (7)(a) and (b); monitoring of
residue stockpiles and deposits

GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 9.6.5

Appendix 9.6.5
Impact and mitigation table; mining of Witwatersrand gold/uranium deposits
Impacts and mitigation shown relative to the Construction (C), Operational (O), Decommissioning (D) and Post-mining (P) phases.
Environmental description and planning should meet the content requirements stipulated in the regulations for the Scoping Report, Environmental Impact Assessment Report (EIAR), Social and Labour Plan (SLP),
Environmental Management Programme (EMP), Monitoring and Performance Assessment, Mine Decommissioning and Closure Plan, Environmental Risk Report (ERR)







Gold in the Witwatersrand Supergroup

and Black Reef Formation occurs in
pyritic quartz pebble conglomerates,
together with sub-economic to economic
quantities of uranium as uraninite.

(C, O, D, P) Cross-cutting or intrusive rocks or faults can

create planar brecciated porous zones that conduct
groundwater into underground workings. This is
particularly significant in areas where near-surface mining
was undertaken in the gold-rush period of the late 19th
and early 20th Centuries. These zones allow ingress of
water into underground mine-voids. Dolomitic bedrock is
a high potential aquifer due to its chemical characteristics
that result in formation of solution cavities. Collapse of
near-surface cavities forms sinkholes that can conduct
contaminated surface water into the groundwater aquifer.


(C, O, D, P) Detailed geological and geophysical

mapping must be provided that shows the
extent of different rock types relative to the
proposed mining area developments. The
position of old adits, shafts or inclines,
boreholes, sinkholes or near-surface cavities
must be shown. Where developments, dams or
pipelines capable of generating contaminated
run-off, decant or discharge of effluent are
situated close to dolomitic areas, their siting
must take into account the threat of subsidence
or collapse.

A number of other potentially hazardous

metals occur together with the economic

Surface water
Air quality

(O, D, P) During underground mining activities, large

volumes of water are extracted from mine voids. This
water is often highly acidic, and contains a cocktail of
iron, sulphate, heavy metals and radionuclides.

(O, D, P) Create settling dams underground and

recycle water wherever possible. Backfill and
seal mined-out areas. Reduce or seal linkages
between different aquifer rock bodies.
(O, D, P) Monitor for sinkhole formation in
dolomitic areas.

(O, D, P) Dewatering or extraction of water from a

saturated aquifer rock can result in instability and collapse
or failure.
(O, D, P) Mineral processing, waste rock or residue
disposal generates contaminated wastewater or run-off,
which may be released to the environment.


Mine residues have created a

characteristic, highly visible, artificial
landscape in Johannesburg and the
surrounding Highveld areas naturally
dominated by low relief, undulating
topography separated by steep ridges.
The residue dumps have resulted in
modified topography and diverted
drainage and run-off patterns.
Collapse of near-surface underground
mining areas creates a modified surface


Soil thickness, texture, horizonation and

drainage status vary across and down
the slope in response to bedrock type,
slope gradient, climate and organic
inputs. The topsoil is regarded as the
upper 500mm of the soil profile. Apart

(C) Mine surface infrastructure rises above the

surroundings and has a wide visual envelope.
(C, O, D, P) Mineral beneficiation creates coarse waste
rock, sand and slime residue that is dumped or disposed
of on large stockpiles, rising high above the surroundings.

(O, D, P) Contain, recycle and treat

contaminated waters depending on use as
process water or for discharge into surface
water bodies.
Surface water
Visual aspects

(C, O, D, P) Alteration of the groundwater table through

dewatering or physical disturbance through mining
developments or activities causes sinkhole formation.
(D, P) Residue stockpiles or deposits, slimes dams, rockor sand dumps will create long-term topographic impacts
if not recycled or used to back-fill mining voids.
(C, O, D, P) The topsoil, subsoil and weathered rock
constitute the overburden and must be removed and
stockpiled separately for the life of the mine in most large
underground mining situations with extensive surface
infrastructure. Topsoil degrades during long-term
stockpiling and loses the organic components and fertility


Land capability
/ Land use

(C, O, D, P) Implement re-vegetation as levels

are abandoned to break the form, reduce colour
contrast, dust generation or contaminated runoff.

National Water Act (NWA), 1998

Notice No. 704, Regulations on use of
water for mining and related activities
(Govt Gazette, No. 408)
Regulation 7(a)

(C, O, D, P) Do not site residue dumps or

associated pollution control dams on dolomite
bedrock areas. Ensure adequate sub-dump
drainage, sealing layer and run-off reducing
(D, P) Recycle dumps or use as backfill with
appropriate permission.
(C, O, D, P) Stockpile topsoil in low structures
and turn every six months. Vegetate to ensure
cover that reduces wind and water erosion.
(O, D, P) Do not use contaminated soil or waste
material for constructing roads.

National Water Act (NWA), 1998

Notice No. 704, Regulation 5

GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

from supporting vegetation cover the

topsoil encourages infiltration of
Large scale mining results in reduction
in productive agricultural soils and
fragmentation of farming areas. Wind
and water erosion distributes mining
residues into surrounding soil. Removal
of mine residues for reprocessing
leaves footprints, where sand and
tailings are mixed with soil. Leachates
and other contaminated waters interact
with natural soils, leaving hazardous
precipitates, adsorbed metals and other

Land Use

The land capability is a function of the

soil thickness and fertility status, slope,
drainage, climatic regime and
vegetation types which are influenced
by prior land use. The limited definitions
provided in the Aide Memoire provide
some guidance and land must be
classified into Awilderness@ (should be
expanded to >virgin= land), wetland,
grazing or arable.
This relates to the post-mining
rehabilitation goals and targets. The
land use planning zonation must be
considered in urban areas to integrate
the mined land and the end use options
may changes in relation to surrounding
land use over time.
Land use zonation of adjacent areas is
defined by town planning guidelines or
Integrated Development Plans. Mine
development often places pressure on
adjacent productive agricultural land
through development of secondary or
support industries. Human and traffic
pressures or polluted discharge can
threaten adjacent or downstream land
designated as conservation areas or
habitats favouring protected or rare

Appendix 9.6.5


Surface Water

(O, D, P) Transported mine residue material creates

contaminated soil haloes around mining areas.
(O, D, P) Contaminated soils and river, dam and wetland
sediments act as stores of pollution. Under
environmentally plausible conditions, these contaminants
may be re-released into the environment, polluting ground
and surface water.


(O, D, P) Establish a monitoring programme and

identify sites with contaminated soils that must
be isolated and protected with cut-off drains to
intercept shallow groundwater seepage and runoff.
(D, P) Implement a radiation monitoring
programme and establish means of isolating
radiogenic materials.

(D, P) Residue deposit or stockpile footprints contain

significant contamination, often at levels concentrated
above those in the original residues. Radium precipitates
in these zones as a sulphate, potentially leading to
problems with radon emanation.
(C, O, D, P) Loss of Red Data Species

Land use

(C, O, D) Disturbance of agricultural potential and

subdivision of high potential arable land into uneconomic
farming units.

(C, O, D, P) Vegetation survey required if on

Red Data Farm or close to Red Data Farm.

(C, O) Focus developments and avoid unnecessary subdivision of land and activities that
could be sited on already disturbed land.

(O, D, P) Backfilled areas could be too unstable to

support post-mining land use objectives compatible with
surrounding areas.

(C, O, D, P) Integrate available land with

activities in adjacent areas and ensure public
access to land with unique characteristics or
high conservation status.

(O, D, P) Waste and residue disposal sites negatively

impact development in surrounding areas.

Red Data Plant Policy for EIA (24 Aug

Development Guidelines for Ridges (April
The Conservation of Agricultural
Resources Act (Act No 43 of 1983)
Regulation 4(1) and 5(1)
Regulation 9(1) and 11(1)
Regulation 15 and 16; regulations 5 and 6

(D, P) Rehabilitation must ensure long-term

stability and not compromise post-mining land
use objectives.

(C, O, D) Inadequate planning for development can

subdivide high potential land or habitats into un-viable
small areas.

Land capability

(D, P) Unsuccessful rehabilitation can reduce the postmining land use options.


(D, P) Radioactive footprints may emanate radon, making

them unsuitable for residential developments.

Animal life

Surface Water

(O, D, P) Contaminated soil and water both on and off

site may compromise other and neighbouring land-uses.

Mine infrastructure and residue

stockpile and disposal site footprints
may effectively sterilise land indefinitely.
Residual soil contamination can
compromise future land uses through
unacceptable contaminant levels in soil
as well as existing and potential
groundwater pollution.


(C, O) Plan to focus developments through

multi-use options and avoid splitting land and
habitats. Create infrastructure corridors for
pipelines, roads, powerlines etc. Integrate the
mining area with regional land use planning
objectives where possible.


(D, P) Take into account developments in

surrounding areas and design post-mining land
use options to support and enhance long-term
development options.

Environment Conservation Act, 1989

Regulations R670; regulations 2(C) and

GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide


Detailed assessment of the pre-mining

vegetation status and characterisation
relative to well-preserved areas of the
same habitat is essential for mine
development planning options and postmining land use. Opencast mining and
related infrastructure is a permanent
destruction and rehabilitation cannot
restore all pre-mining habitats. Longterm cumulative impacts can lead to
degradation of even well conserved

Appendix 9.6.5

(C, O, D, P) Loss of Red Data Species

(C, O, D) Disturbance of indigenous vegetation types and
negative impacts of dust or polluted run-off beyond the
mining area boundaries.

Animal life

(C, O, D) Effective pollution control to reduce

the spread of impacts.

(C, O, D) Fragmentation of habitats or isolation of small

areas that results in degradation or changes in
populations reliant on movement or interchange between
habitats or scattered populations.

(C, O) Consolidate development areas and

develop multi-use options or infrastructure
corridors for roads, pipelines, power and
communication links.

(O, D) Cumulative impact of illegal collecting or land use

during long-term or life of mine can degrade areas and
reduce the viability of adjacent areas.

(O, D, P) Clear invasive alien weeds and plants

and re-establish diverse indigenous species
during ongoing rehabilitation.

(O, D) Inadequate control of alien species can result in

establishment of populations or seed sources that
threaten adjacent areas.

(D, P) Develop post-mining environments in

conjunction with regional development plans.
Recreate habitats where possible or structure
altered landscapes to be compatible with
regional habitat mosaics to resist water and
wind erosion of soils.

(O, D) Restore vegetation structure and composition as

close to original composition as possible unless
alternative vegetation rehabilitation is defined in EMP.

Disturbance of populations, subdivision

of habitats or ecosystems and isolation
of small unviable communities results in
cumulative impacts. Discharge of
contaminated water into wetlands over
the long-term can have a cumulative
impact on animal populations through
heavy metal accumulation.


(C, O, D, P) Loss of Red Data Species

(C, O, D) Disturbance of remnant terrestrial wild mammal,
avian, amphibian and insect fauna through physical
habitat destruction, accumulation of contaminants, noise,
traffic and movement of people.
(C, O, D) Large developments can threaten migration
routes or flight paths. Cumulative impact of pollution,
illegal collecting, road kills or powerline related deaths
reduce population viability in the long-term. Some mining
related habitats also favour certain species leading to unnatural competition with endemic fauna.

(O) Illegal hunting or disturbance.

(P) Potential permanent change in habitats due to

inadequate monitoring and degradation of rehabilitated
areas due to inadequate maintenance.
Storm water run-off and drainage
(C, O, D, P) Permanent impact on catchment by capturing
surface run-off and diverting drainage systems.
Cumulative loss of wetlands that are a threatened
resource or cumulative pollution impacts on vegetation or
animals. Degradation of stream channels through longterm reduced run-off and periodic discharge of very high

The Conservation of Agricultural

Resources Act (Act No. 43 of 1983)
Regulation 4(1) and 5(1)
The Conservation of Agricultural
Resources Act (Act No. 43 of 1983)
Regulation 9(1) and 11(1)

(C, O, D, P) Potential impact on Red data

Species, habitat reduction and fragmentation is
not limited to mining-related developments but
mine sites are committed to rehabilitation which
is not the case with normal urban or agricultural
developments. Establish a biological monitoring
programme through bio-surveys to detect
possible bio-accumulation of metals by fish and
plants through regular toxicity testing.

Red Data Plant Policy for EIA (24 Aug

Development Guidelines for Ridges (April

(P) Rehabilitation must restore pre-development

indigenous species not only rehabilitate to the
pre-mining state. Decide on suitable species on
the basis of well-preserved areas, not
necessarily current species.

(O) Operation or disturbance during breeding season can

precipitate long-term cumulative effect on populations.

Large scale underground mining

requires extensive surface
infrastructure. Degradation of
vegetation in surrounding catchment,
creation of large impermeable areas
and concentrated run-off in stormwater
systems leads to highly modified flood
responses in small catchments that can

The Conservation of Agricultural

Resources Act (Act No. 43 of 1983),
Regulation 15 and 16; regulation 5(1)

(O, D) Control vermin and reduce poaching

through staff education and law enforcement
(O) Cumulative effects become critical if there
are no other suitable habitats in the adjacent
areas. Support conservation efforts in areas of
similar habitat to ensure potential sources for

(O, D) Potential increase in feral animals and impact on

indigenous fauna e.g. cats, rats.

Surface Water

Red Data Plant Policy for EIA (24 Aug

Development Guidelines for Ridges (April
Environment Conservation Act, 1989
Regulations R670; regulations 2(C) and

(D, P) Avoid overstocking or irrigation with water

that will cause salinisation, mineralisation or
acidification of restored soil. Implement soil
conservation measures to protect rehabilitated
areas and vegetation cover

(D, P) Utilisation of rehabilitated ground must be

compatible with carrying capacity or soil conditions.

Animal Life

(C, O, D, P) Vegetation survey required if on

Red Data Farm or close to a Red Data Farm.

Animal life

Evaluation of mitigation strategies relies on an

accurate assessment of the volume of water in
all parts of the system. Measure and model to
prepare a water balance model and mine water
reticulation system diagram showing the
following separate systems; underground water
circuits, metallurgical plant water, waste deposit
water, domestic and environmental circuits.

National Water Act (NWA), 1998

Section 19
National Water Act (NWA), 1998
Notice No. 704, Regulations on use of
water for mining and related activities
(Govt Gazette, No. 408)

GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

threaten channels, habitats and

infrastructure downstream. This
compounds the effects of diverted
natural drainage lines, increased runoff, concentration of run-off, mixing of
clean run-off with contaminated run-off
and creation of large open water bodies
with increased evaporation.
Erosion by concentrated run-off can
create long-term instability in natural
channels and spread of incision into
adjacent areas.
Impacts to surface water must be
judged against changes to both quality
and quantity and the effects on
downstream users.
Typical sources of pollution from
underground sources are pyrite
oxidation in stopes, inadequate
underground settling, groundwater flow
from fissures, waste explosives and
faecal contamination
On surface the sources are dumps,
rock-, sand- and slimes-materials,
neutralisation chemicals, sewage and

Appendix 9.6.5

volumes destabilises the system.

(C, O, D) Altered storm water run-off response due to
large impervious areas and concentrated run-off in
drainage systems.
(C, O, D) Increased erosion, dust generation and
potential chemical contaminants reduce surface water
quality or result in discharge that exceeds the maximum
concentrations permitted by the National Water Act.
(C, O, D) Vehicle wash bays and workshop facilities
produce petrochemical and solvent contaminated run-off.
(C, O, D) Sanitary conveniences, fuel depots or storage
facilities of potentially polluting substances can
contaminate surface water.
(O, D, P) Contaminated surface water may recharge
aquifers, leading to a long term degradation of local water
(O, D, P) Sediments contaminated by interaction with
surface water pose a long-term, threat due to the
possibility of remobilisation of pollutants.
Tailings and pollution control dams
(C, O, D, P) Mineralogical and chemical characteristics of
specific rock types, especially the fine crushed product,
produces highly reactive material that oxidises readily to
produce poor quality leachates from residue stockpiles.
(C, O, D, P) Contaminated run-off or leachate
concentrated in pollution control dams can decant or
contaminate through controlled discharge of partially
treated water into natural systems.
(C, O, D, P) Failure of tailings treatment and storage
dams due to inadequate design or exceeding capacity.
(O, D, P) Contaminated surface water may impact on
downstream communities and ecosystems.
Underground workings
(C, O, D, P) Underground excavations intercept natural
groundwater flow paths and divert flow or concentrate
water collecting underground in a sump.
(O, D, P) Backfilling with finely crushed rock creates
reservoirs of highly reactive, polluting material
underground that may react with groundwater
(D, P) Underground workings form a secondary, high
volume aquifer during decommissioning when active
pumping ceases.
(D, P) Decant water may only appear years after mine
closure and will intermix with and degrade surface water.

Land use

(O, D, P) Discharge only treated water meeting

legal standards into watercourse to supplement
clean run-off. Remain within catchment
discharge parameters determined from premining analysis.

NWA, 1998; regulations 4(b)(d)


(C, O, D) Detailed catchment hydrological

modelling is required to define run-off
characteristics, model extreme event discharge
and design stormwater and tailings
management facilities.
(C, O, D, P) Initiate catchment management to
control and reduce erosive run-off containing
suspended sediment. Create and maintain clean
water drainage systems to isolate contaminated
areas and separate clean and dirty water
systems so that neither can interact more than
once in 50 years.
(O, D, P) Create stormwater discharge stilling
dams or artificial wetlands on drainage lines to
absorb extreme run-off events, settle entrained
solids, passively treat water and control
(C, O, D) No prospecting, drilling, mining within
greater distance of 100m or 1:50 year flood line
from watercourse.
(C, O, D, P) Geochemical analysis of crushed
waste must identify acid rock drainage
production potential.
(C, O, D, P) Assess in accordance with EIA,
comply with norms and manage in accordance
with the EMP. Design tailings dam catchment
paddock dams and toe cut-off trench, siltation
dam and return water systems with adequate
capacity, impervious lining or subsurface
drainage blanket to ensure efficient functioning.
Don=t discharge water unless treated to the
standard prescribed.
(C, O, D, P) Optimise residue stockpile and
deposit slope length and gradient to reduce
erosional effect of storm run-off.
(C, O, D, P) Design residue and fine tailings
dams to withstand rainfall from a storm event
with a 1:100 year return periodicity and maintain
0.8m freeboard. Do not locate within 1:100 year
flood line on any watercourse or dam or 100m
from a watercourse or borehole.

(C, O, D) Ensure coolant water meets standards

before discharge into other systems or recycle
for other process purposes.
(O, D, P) Before dumping waste rock in worked
out underground levels that may be submerged


Mineral and Petroleum Development

Resources Development Act, 2002
(Act No. 28 of 2002)
regulation 54(1) and (2); water
management and pollution control

Mineral and Petroleum Development

Resources Development Act, 2002
(Act No. 28 of 2002)
regulation 55(1) to (6); disposal or waste
regulation 58(1) to (8); management of
residue stockpiles and deposits
NWA, 1998, regulation 6(b)(d)(e)
NWA, 1998; regulation 10(a)
NWA, 1998; Regulation 4(c)
MPRDA, 2002; regulation 56(7)
The Conservation of Agricultural
Resources Act (Act No. 43 of 1983)
Regulation 6(1)

GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 9.6.5

ensure that it will not pollute or degrade over

time to produce poor quality leachates.
(O, D, P) Before irrigating land with accumulated
water obtain permission from DWAF to reduce
risk of acidification, salinisation or mineralisation
of soils.
Implement the following effluent treatment
strategies according to the chemical
characteristics of the discharge, decant or
seepage; neutralise acidic water using chemical
treatments such as lime, soda ash or caustic
soda or passive treatment such as an anoxic
limestone drain, install chlorine based
disinfection plant or alternatives such as plants
using bromine compounds, ozone or ultraviolet
radiation or maturation ponds, desalinisation
plant to reduce dissolved solute concentrations,
evaporation facility, cyanide-, phosphate- and
sulphate-removal plants, softening plant to
reduce scaling, precipitate metals chemically or
in a passive wetland system, denitrification of
sewage, nutrient removal in a passive wetland
system, settling dams or clarifiers, filtration plant
Ground Water

The potential groundwater impact of

underground mining and related surface
processes and infrastructure is defined
by the aquifer potential of the bedrock
and the density of structural
discontinuities or zones of preferential
groundwater movement. The chemical
characteristics of groundwater relate to
the mineralogy, grain-size, natural rock
cement, porosity and weathering of the

Underground workings
(C, O, D) Disturbance of groundwater flow path through
physical disruption, passages linking different aquifers or
saturation of fine waste, dust or backfilled material along
underground stopes and drives with possible increased
recharge along high transmission groundwater zones or
high capacity aquifers.

The natural rates of chemical reaction

that affect groundwater chemistry are
increased when the rock is blasted or
crushed to produce fine material with a
significantly higher surface area occurs
in an oxidising environment.
Development of underground mines on
numerous levels can create links
between different aquifer types leading
to cross-contamination of different
groundwater types. Old mine workings
and solution cavities in dolomite provide
a direct connection between surface
and groundwater. Water in mine voids
may contaminate the local groundwater
system. Even in deep mines,
convection and u-tube effects can
force mine water up into overlying

(D, P) Groundwater rebounding in an abandoned mine

will result in interactions with the local groundwater. Acid
mine drainage may have a serious impact on water in
dolomitic aquifers. Acid water will dissolve dolomite, but
the neutralisation reactions can result in the armouring of
the dolomite in the aquifer with insoluble mineral
precipitates. These will prevent the natural pollution
attenuation reactions from taking place and will allow the
horizontal development of a plume of polluted
groundwater away from the pollution source.

Surface operations, particularly residue

dumps may generate leachate, which
can directly infiltrate into the local
aquifer. In the past, well-drained areas

(C, O, D) Impact of chemical or fuel spillages, sewage

discharge, natural leachates and acid rock drainage on

Residue stockpiles and deposits

(C, O, D, P) Creation of waste rock residue deposits or
stockpiles with infiltration of leachate due to inadequate
basal sealing or leakage from sealed pollution control
(C, O, D, P) Failure of residue deposits, stockpiles or
pollution control structures can discharge poor quality
leachates onto soil and infiltration will contaminate the
vadose and phreatic groundwater tables.


Surface water
Land capability

(C, O, D) Isolate porous or highly transmissive

groundwater zones through capping or grouting
to prevent clean groundwater ingress or
recharge of contaminated water. Backfill with
approved fine material to reduce groundwater
flow rates and exclude air void space in old

Land use

(C, O, D) Implement an environmental

management system and reporting structure
with codes of practice and staff training to report
and address chemical spills.
(D, P) Isolate connections between different
strata or aquifer types through sealing of drives
and shafts.
(C, O, D, P) Ensure that site preparation
includes sealing of substrate before developing
waste rock and tailings facilities. Implement
minimum design flood specifications.
(C, O, D, P) Rehabilitate, seal, drain and
revegetate old waste rock and tailings deposits
to meet minimum standards to reduce
groundwater recharge below dump. Implement
low maintenance passive pollution control
facilities or artificial wetlands.

National Water Act (NWA), 1998

Regulation 7(C)

GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 9.6.5

were selected for the placement of

tailings dams, as the drainage of
leachate into the ground improved the
physical stability of the dams.
In a number of cases, particularly on
the Far West Rand, large aquifers have
been dewatered to allow for mining to
continue below.
Air Quality

Dust produced in Witwatersrand gold

mining contains a high percentage of
silica and often contains radionuclides.

(C, O, D, P) Dust blown off inadequately rehabilitated

residue dumps and stockpiles poses a nuisance and
health risk. Silica dust may lead to silicosis at high levels
of exposure.
(C, O, D, P) Radioactive dust may have a health impact
on workers and surrounding communities.

Land Use

(C, O, D) Suppress dust by spraying water or

non-contaminating palliative liquids on roads,
crusher and screening plant, mills and vehicles.
Implement dust monitoring programme, classify
dust fall-out and report to authorities.
(C, O, D, P) Prevent dust blowing off
transported materials by washing vehicles,
wheels and covering loads.
(O, D, P) Rehabilitate behind production with
adequate top soiling, fertilisation, irrigation and
correct choice of grasses to ensure year-round




Noise at different levels and

periodicities is generated by large plant
and machines during excavation,
loading, crushing, power screening and
transport. The cumulative effect is to
raise the ambient noise levels in the
mining area and in some localities there
are high noise levels that exceed
specified levels and require screening
or noise reduction.

(C, O, D) Noise generated by mining, loading, transport

and beneficiation.

Extensive surface infrastructure of large

underground mining areas or linkages
between shafts can destroy or cover
large areas where there may be
archaeological sites, historic mining
workings or buildings, graveyards or
cultural sites. Several new opencast
mining areas for gold were started in
recent years with its associated impacts
on the surrounding areas. The age of
some of the old mine workings make
them a natural attraction for visitors
interested in SA mining history.

(C, O, D) Progressive development can encroach upon or

disturb archaeological sites, cultural heritage sites or
graves. Mine upgrading can threaten historical mine
buildings or facilities with cultural heritage status.

Depending on the situation of the mine

(C, O, D, P) Encroachment or direct impacts



(O) Excavation of sand can change river flow dynamics

and result in scour around bridge supports or deposition
of sand that diverts the current against buttresses.

Department of Health and Population

Development; dust fall-out classification
Atmospheric Pollution Prevention Act,
1965 (Act No. 45 of 1965)
Smoke pollution; local authority list,
sections 14(1)14(5), sections 1820
Dust control, section 27(1), 28(1)
Dust generation from mining or
prospecting activities (section 30(5)
Vehicle emissions section 39(1)
Schedule of local authorities in which part
III of the Atmospheric Pollution Prevention
Act, 1965 is applicable, dust control areas,
smoke control areas.

(C, O, D) Prepare a noise reduction plan to

cover all significant impacts at source and
implement noise reduction and screening to limit
exposure. Drilling and blasting is generally
intermittent and should be limited to daylight
hours when ambient noise levels are highest. A
hearing conservation programme must be
implemented where noise exceeds 85dB(A) in
the mine or must not be more than 7dB(A)
above ambient residual noise levels beyond
mine boundary or nearest residential

Environment Conservation Act 1989

(Regulation R154, Government Notice
Minerals Act 1991
Regulation 4.17.1
SABS 083

(C, O, D) Conduct cultural heritage resource

assessment through existing databases and a
site-specific search in areas to be disturbed or
sites of known occurrences. Excavation,
cataloguing and preservation and relocation
may be required and can only be undertaken by
qualified persons under the necessary permits.

National Environmental Management Act,

1998 (Act No. 107 of 1998), section 4 (iii)

Removal of graves is subject to the age and

controlled by different legislation and different


Mineral and Petroleum Development

Resources Development Act, 2002
(Act No. 28 of 2002)
regulation 50(1) and (2)

(C, O, D, P) Monitoring of a wide range of

Mineral and Petroleum Development

Resources Development Act, 2002
(Act No. 28 of 2002)
regulation 52(1) to (11); noise control
regulation 53(1) to (2); blast, vibration and

National Heritage Resources Act, 1999

(Act No. 25 of 1999) South African
Heritage Resources Agency (SAHRA)
Removal of Graves and Dead Bodies
Ordinance (Ordinance No. 7 of 1925)
Human Tissues Act (Act 65 of 1983)
National and Provincial Department of

GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide



Appendix 9.6.5

the following sites could constitute

sensitive areas; developments of
historical or conservation value, urban
areas, wetlands or rivers, high potential
agricultural land, transport
infrastructure, power transmission lines
could constitute sensitive environments
or be afforded protection under a
variety of legislation.

infrastructure areas, remote impact such as noise, dust,

discharge or leachates or cumulative impacts such as
loss of wetlands that are a threatened resource,
cumulative heavy metal contamination, reduced breeding
success or slow continuous damage to habitat or
populations are typical impacts on adjacent areas. Longterm impacts can alter the status of adjacent over the life
of the mine if impacts are not managed and mitigated.

Position in landscape position relative

to surrounding topography can lead to a
wide visual envelope or possibly
effective screening from large parts of
the surrounding area. The impact can
relate to large buildings, headgear,
colour contrast of disturbed areas
against adjacent veld, dust or smoke
emission plumes. Apart from visual
intrusion the impact can be one of
reduced sense of place.

(C, O, D) Visual intrusion impact of mining activity on

nearby roads, homesteads, settlements, tourist sites.


(C, O, D, P) Effective use of topography,

architectural design and vegetation screens can
limit long distance visibility. Residue dumps can
be designed to lower the profile and silhouette
and reduce colour contrast and dust plumes
through rehabilitation. Indirect impacts like
smoke contribution to haze and winter smog can
be reduced by chimney design and particulate
separators. Well-vegetated residue stockpiles
and end-use rehabilitation scenario adjacent to
an urban area can reduce the perceived impact
of visual intrusion.

(C, O, D, P) Social and labour issues pertaining to job

creation, job security, creation of unsustainable
settlements, human resource development strategy.


(C, O, D, P) Developments must be sustainable

and recognise people as an element of the
environment. Implement social and labour plan
with mining right.

Animal life

impacts and regular implementation of

mitigation measures based on established
codes of practice can reduce cumulative
impacts. Negotiation with I&APs can identify
areas of concern and reduce the perceived
sensitivity or address the actual impacts.

Light pollution from 24 hour operations

can also occur.

Large underground gold mines are

huge industrial complexes which
produce high value products suing
labour and mechanically intensive
processes. The high mechanisation of
mines also results in a significant
multiplier effect from the opencast
operation with many employed by
service industries. The gold mining
industry created a large number of
direct and indirect jobs. Closure of
mines due to poor environmental
management will have a large impact
on min employees, their families as well
as the surrounding community. Direct
negative impacts on communities are
the harmful minerals, chemical
emissions and poor quality surface and
groundwater discharges.

(C, O, D) Increased direct and indirect employment and

training opportunities with improved standard of living for
the local community.

(C, O, D) Additional positive socio-economic

benefits to communities, particularly in rural
areas, can be generated through projects to
create new products from waste rock and the
employment of labour intensive rehabilitation

(O) Considerable multiplier effects through downstream

service industries such as construction, plant hire,
mechanical repair and suppliers.
(C, D, P) Mine closure can have devastating effects on
communities that are reliant on mine-based income.

(C, D, P) Mine closure must be planned from

inception though adequate social planning and
infrastructure development that can be
maintained by the communities after closure.
Opportunities to redirect skills must be sought
and alternatives to demolition of mine
infrastructure that can be redeveloped must be
(C, O, D, P) Institute effective environmental
training for employees considering illiteracy
(C, O, D, P) Institute a well designed gender
equality strategy on the mine.

Interested and

Site-specific criteria will determine the

impact on I&APs and the need for
public participation at all stages of the

(C, O, D) Communities and officials are concerned with

limiting negative environmental impacts and maximising


(C, O, D) Authorities and I&APs have support of

legislation and regulations to ensure compliance
with, and enforce implementation of the EMP to
ensure successful rehabilitation.
Regular monitoring and reporting every 6


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Submission of

Legislated requirements and

commitment by proponent in the EMPR
or the Scoping Report, Environmental
Impact Assessment Report (EIAR),
Social and Labour Plan (SLP),
Environmental Management
Programme (EMP), Monitoring and
Performance Assessment, Mine
Decommissioning and Closure Plan,
Environmental Risk Report (ERR) to
provide monitoring of a variety of
outputs, discharges and effluents

Appendix 9.6.5

(O, D, P) Discharges which must meet standards laid

down in regulations; e.g. water chemistry, noise, EMPR
audit, review of financial provision for rehabilitation



Annually review financial provision for

Ongoing monitoring of EMP,
performance assessments and report every
two years or as directed by Director: Mineral

National Water Act, 1998



Report emergency incident regarding

water resource ASAP and report corrective
measures within 14 days.
notify of new mine or new activity,
submit a copy of the EMP or cessation or
resumption of operations within 14 days
Minister may request technical
investigation or inspection and report
implement compliance monitoring
network and submit monitoring information
submit plans, designs and reports by
professional engineer concerning dams and
pollution control structures.

Mineral and Petroleum Resources

Development Act, 2002

compile and submit a performance

assessment report on frequency defined in
EMP, Minister or biennially
application for closure and submission
of an environmental risk report monitoring of
residue stockpiles and deposits

Nuclear Energy Act, 1993 (Act No. 131 of 1993)

Report radioactive source material

within 30 days
Compulsory licensing when radioactive material
has >100 becquerals per gram


Minerals Act, 1991; reg. 5.16.1

Regulation 5.18.1 to 5.18.5

Notice No. 704, Regulations on use of

water for mining and related activities
(Govt Gazette, No. 408)
regulation 2(c), 2(d)
regulation 1
regulation 2(a)
regulation 2(b)
regulation 12(1) and (2)
regulation 12(5)
regulation 12(6)
regulation 41 (1) and (2), monitoring and
performance assessments
regulation 42, 43 46(1), mine closure and
environmental risk report
regulation 58 (7)(a) and (b); monitoring of
residue stockpiles and deposits
Section 31(1)

GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 9.6.5


a) Element - the element or issue being impacted on.
b) Extent
site:- the whole or a portion of the mining site.
region:- the area including the mine, the surrounding neighbours and or
c) Duration
short term:- dissipation of impact through active or natural mitigation in a
time span shorter than 5 years or life of the mine.
medium term:- impact will last for 5-10 years, where after it can be entirely
long term:- the impact will last for the entire operational life of the mine,
but will be mitigated thereafter.
permanent:- impact will be non-transitory.
d) Intensity
low:- natural processes or functions are not affected
medium:- affected environment is altered but function and process
continue in a modified manner
high:- function or process of the affected environment is disturbed to the
extent where it temporarily or permanently ceases.
e) Significance of unmitigated impacts
low:- e.g. site specific, low intensity
medium:- e.g. site specific, high intensity
high:- e.g. regional, high intensity.


Page left blank for printing

GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 9.6.6

Appendix 9.6.6
Impact and mitigation table; mining of kimberlite-hosted diamond deposits
Impacts and mitigation shown relative to the Construction (C), Operational (O), Decommissioning (D) and Post-mining (P) phases.
Environmental description and planning should meet the content requirements stipulated in the regulations for the Scoping Report, Environmental Impact Assessment Report (EIAR), Social and Labour Plan (SLP),
Environmental Management Programme (EMP), Monitoring and Performance Assessment, Mine Decommissioning and Closure Plan, Environmental Risk Report (ERR)








Diamonds associated with kimberlite pipe

intrusions are mined in several areas
throughout South Africa but in Gauteng
occurrences around Cullinan.

(C, O, D, P) Cross-cutting or intrusive rocks or faults can

create planar brecciated porous zones that conduct
groundwater into underground workings. These zones
allow ingress of water into underground mine-voids.
Kimberlite pipes typically have a thick weathered zone
near surface which could be unstable. The more
competent unweathered kimberlite occurs at depth.


(C, O, D, P) Detailed geological and geophysical

mapping must be provided that shows the
extent of different rock types relative to the
proposed mining area developments. The
position of old adits, shafts or inclines,
boreholes, sinkholes or near-surface cavities
must be shown
(O, D, P) Create settling dams underground and
recycle water wherever possible. Reduce or
seal linkages between different aquifer rock

Diamond Act
Explosives Act.

A number of other potentially hazardous

metals occur together with the economic
Only a small portion of kimberlite pipes
are diamondiferous.
Note that the Diamond Act does not
require detailed geological mapping as
part of the prospecting programme
though this is usually carried out.

Mine residues create a characteristic,

highly visible, artificial landscape. The
residue dumps have resulted in
modified topography and diverted
drainage and run-off patterns.

(O, D, P) Dry drilling is employed during mining in

kimberlite resulting in dust problems and requiring dust
allaying sprays which could be toxic.

Surface water
Air quality

(O, D, P) Mineral processing or residue disposal

generates contaminated wastewater or run-off, which
may be released to the environment.

(O, D, P) Contain, recycle and treat

contaminated waters depending on use as
process water or for discharge into surface
water bodies.
Surface water

(C) Mine surface infrastructure rises above the

surroundings and has a wide visual envelope.


(C, O, D, P) Mineral beneficiation creates coarse waste

rock and slime residue that is dumped or disposed of on
large stockpiles, rising high above the surroundings.

Tall headgear is visible from afar.

(D, P) Residue stockpiles or deposits, slimes dams and
rock dumps will create long-term topographic impacts if
not recycled.


(C, O, D, P) Implement re-vegetation to break

the form, reduce colour contrast, dust
generation or contaminated run-off. Vegetate
slimes dam walls.
(D, P) Recycle dumps or use as backfill with
appropriate permission.

Visual aspects

National Water Act (NWA), 1998

Notice No. 704, Regulations on use of
water for mining and related activities
(Govt Gazette, No. 408)
Regulation 7(a)
The Conservation of Agricultural
Resources Act (Act No 43 of 1983)


Due to the limited surface extent of

kimberlite pipes, the impact on soil is
less problematic than for instance large
scale alluvial diamond mining.
Gypsum is used to stabilise tailings
from kimberlite mining but the gypsum
from Chloorkop is radioactive.
Kimberlite slimes are highly alkaline
with a pH of 9.1.

(C, O, D, P) The topsoil, subsoil and weathered rock

constitute the overburden and must be removed and
stockpiled separately for the life of the mine in most large
underground mining situations with extensive surface
infrastructure. Topsoil degrades during long-term
stockpiling and loses the organic components and fertility
(O, D, P) Slimes dams create contaminated soil
haloes/pollution plumes around mining areas.

Land capability
/ Land use

(O, D, P) Toxic additives used to stabilize slimes could be


(O, D, P) Do not use contaminated soil or waste

material for constructing roads.

Surface Water

(O, D, P) Contaminated soils and river, dam and wetland

sediments act as stores of pollutants. Under
environmentally plausible conditions, such as a flood
event, these contaminants may be re-released into the
environment, polluting ground and surface water.

(C, O, D, P) Stockpile topsoil in low structures

and turn every six months. Vegetate to ensure
cover that reduces wind and water erosion.


(O, D, P) Establish a monitoring programme and

identify sites with contaminated soils that must
be isolated and protected with cut-off drains to
intercept shallow groundwater seepage and runoff.
(C, O, D, P) Decomposed kimberlite forms the
basis of good topsoil. Mixing with dry sewerage
sludge increase the soil potential. Do not irrigate
with toxic process water.

National Water Act (NWA), 1998

Notice No. 704, Regulation 5
The Conservation of Agricultural
Resources Act (Act No 43 of 1983)

GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 9.6.6

detrimental and/or radioactive.


Land Use

The land capability is a function of the

soil thickness and fertility status, slope,
drainage, climatic regime and
vegetation types which are influenced
by prior land use. The limited definitions
provided in the Aide Memoire provide
some guidance and land must be
classified into Awilderness@ (should be
expanded to >virgin= land), wetland,
grazing or arable.
This relates to the post-mining
rehabilitation goals and targets. The
land use planning zonation must be
considered in urban areas to integrate
the mined land and the end use options
may change in relation to surrounding
land use over time.
Land use zonation of adjacent areas is
defined by town planning guidelines or
Integrated Development Plans. Mine
development often places pressure on
adjacent productive agricultural land
through development of secondary or
support industries. Human and traffic
pressures or polluted discharge can
threaten adjacent or downstream land
designated as conservation areas or
habitats favouring protected or rare

(C, O, D, P) Loss of Red Data Species

Land use

(C, O, D) Disturbance of agricultural potential and

subdivision of high potential arable land into uneconomic
farming units.

(C, O, D, P) Vegetation survey required if on

Red Data Farm or close to Red Data Farm.

(C, O) Focus developments and avoid unnecessary subdivision of land and activities that
could be sited on already disturbed land.

(O, D, P) Waste and residue disposal sites negatively

impact development in surrounding areas.

(C, O, D, P) Integrate available land with

activities in adjacent areas and ensure public
access to land with unique characteristics or
high conservation status. The restrictions of the
Diamond act must be allowed for.

Red Data Plant Policy for EIA (24 Aug

Development Guidelines for Ridges (April
The Conservation of Agricultural
Resources Act (Act No 43 of 1983)
Regulation 4(1) and 5(1)
Regulation 9(1) and 11(1)
Regulation 15 and 16; regulations 5 and 6
The Diamond Act.

(D, P) Rehabilitation must ensure long-term

stability and not compromise post-mining land
use objectives.
(C, O, D) Inadequate planning for development can
subdivide high potential land or habitats into un-viable
small areas although in a pipe mining situation
consolidation of land often takes place.
(D, P) Unsuccessful rehabilitation can reduce the postmining land use options.

Land capability
Animal life

(C, O) Plan to focus developments through

multi-use options and avoid splitting land and
habitats. Create infrastructure corridors for
pipelines, roads, powerlines etc. Integrate the
mining area with regional land use planning
objectives where possible.

Environment Conservation Act, 1989

Regulations R670; regulations 2(C) and

Surface Water
(O, D, P) Contaminated water both on and off site may
compromise other and neighbouring land-uses.


(D, P) Take into account developments in

surrounding areas and design post-mining land
use options to support and enhance long-term
development options.



Mine infrastructure and residue

stockpile and disposal site footprints
may effectively sterilise land indefinitely.
Residual soil contamination can
compromise future land uses through
unacceptable contaminant levels in soil
as well as existing and potential
groundwater pollution.
Detailed assessment of the pre-mining
vegetation status and characterisation
relative to well-preserved areas of the
same habitat is essential for mine
development planning options and postmining land use. Opencast mining and
related infrastructure is a permanent
destruction and rehabilitation cannot
restore all pre-mining habitats. Longterm cumulative impacts can lead to
degradation of even well conserved

(C, O, D, P) Provision must be made for the

resultant town that typically follow the onset of
diamond mine operations. Most likely provision
will have to be made for informal settlements as
well. Provide for sustainable existence of towns
after mine closure or provision needs to be
made for the resettlement of employees.
(C, O, D, P) Loss of Red Data Species
(C, O, D) Disturbance of indigenous vegetation types and
negative impacts of polluted run-off beyond the mining
area boundaries.
(C, O, D) Fragmentation of habitats or isolation of small
areas that results in degradation or changes in
populations reliant on movement or interchange between
habitats or scattered populations.
(O, D) Cumulative impact of illegal collecting or land use
during long-term or life of mine can degrade areas and
reduce the viability of adjacent areas.
(O, D) Inadequate control of alien species can result in
establishment of populations or seed sources that
threaten adjacent areas.
(O, D) Restore vegetation structure and composition as

Animal life

(C, O, D, P) Vegetation survey required if on

Red Data Farm or close to a Red Data Farm.
(C, O, D) Effective pollution control to reduce
the spread of impacts.
(C, O) Consolidate development areas and
develop multi-use options or infrastructure
corridors for roads, pipelines, power and
communication links.
(O, D, P) Clear invasive alien weeds and plants
and re-establish diverse indigenous species
during ongoing rehabilitation.
(D, P) Develop post-mining environments in
conjunction with regional development plans.
Recreate habitats where possible or structure
altered landscapes to be compatible with

Red Data Plant Policy for EIA (24 Aug

Development Guidelines for Ridges (April
Environment Conservation Act, 1989
Regulations R670; regulations 2(C) and
The Conservation of Agricultural
Resources Act (Act No. 43 of 1983),
Regulation 15 and 16; regulation 5(1)
The Conservation of Agricultural
Resources Act (Act No. 43 of 1983)
Regulation 4(1) and 5(1)
The Conservation of Agricultural
Resources Act (Act No. 43 of 1983)
Regulation 9(1) and 11(1)

GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Animal Life

Disturbance of populations, subdivision

of habitats or ecosystems and isolation
of small unviable communities results in
cumulative impacts. Discharge of
contaminated water into wetlands over
the long-term can have a cumulative
impact on animal populations through
heavy metal accumulation.
High Total Dissolved Salts (TDS) typical
in kimberlite pipe mining situations.

Appendix 9.6.6

close to original composition as possible unless

alternative vegetation rehabilitation is defined in EMP.

regional habitat mosaics to resist water and

wind erosion of soils.

(D, P) Utilisation of rehabilitated ground must be

compatible with carrying capacity or soil conditions.

(D, P) Avoid overstocking or irrigation with water

that will cause salinisation or mineralisation of
restored soil. Implement soil conservation
measures to protect rehabilitated areas and
vegetation cover. Consider pH of 9.1 as being
typical for slimes resulting from kimberlite

(C, O, D, P) Loss of Red Data Species

(C, O, D) Disturbance of remnant terrestrial wild mammal,
avian, amphibian and insect fauna through physical
habitat destruction, accumulation of contaminants, noise,
traffic and movement of people.
(C, O, D) Large developments can threaten migration
routes or flight paths. Cumulative impact of pollution,
illegal collecting, road kills or powerline related deaths
reduce population viability in the long-term. Some mining
related habitats also favour certain species leading to unnatural competition with endemic fauna.

(O) Illegal hunting or disturbance.

(P) Rehabilitation must restore pre-development

indigenous species not only rehabilitate to the
pre-mining state. Decide on suitable species on
the basis of well-preserved areas, not
necessarily current species.

(O) Operation or disturbance during breeding season can

precipitate long-term cumulative effect on populations.
(P) Potential permanent change in habitats due to
inadequate monitoring and degradation of rehabilitated
areas due to inadequate maintenance.
Large scale underground mining
requires extensive surface
infrastructure. Degradation of
vegetation in surrounding catchment,
creation of large impermeable areas
and concentrated run-off in stormwater
systems leads to highly modified flood
responses in small catchments that can
threaten channels, habitats and
infrastructure downstream. This
compounds the effects of diverted
natural drainage lines, increased runoff, concentration of run-off, mixing of
clean run-off with contaminated run-off
and creation of large open water bodies
with increased evaporation.
Impacts to surface water must be
judged against changes to both quality
and quantity and the effects on the
catchment, riparian environement and
downstream users.
Typical sources of pollution from
underground sources are pyrite
oxidation in stopes, inadequate

Storm water run-off and drainage

(C, O, D, P) Permanent impact on catchment by capturing
surface run-off and diverting drainage systems.
Cumulative loss of wetlands that are a threatened
resource or cumulative pollution impacts on vegetation or
animals. Degradation of stream channels through longterm reduced run-off and periodic discharge of very high
volumes destabilises the system.

Animal life
Land use

(C, O, D) Altered storm water run-off response due to

large impervious areas and concentrated run-off in
drainage systems.


(C, O, D) Increased erosion, dust generation and

potential chemical contaminants reduce surface water
quality or result in discharge that exceeds the maximum
concentrations permitted by the National Water Act.
(C, O, D) Vehicle wash bays and workshop facilities
produce petrochemical and solvent contaminated run-off.
(C, O, D) Sanitary conveniences, fuel depots or storage
facilities of potentially polluting substances can
contaminate surface water.
(O, D, P) Contaminated surface water may recharge

Red Data Plant Policy for EIA (24 Aug

Development Guidelines for Ridges (April
Hunting Act.

(O, D) Control vermin and reduce poaching

through staff education and law enforcement
(O) Cumulative effects become critical if there
are no other suitable habitats in the adjacent
areas. Support conservation efforts in areas of
similar habitat to ensure potential sources for

(O, D) Potential increase in feral animals and impact on

indigenous fauna e.g. cats, rats.

Surface Water

(C, O, D, P) Potential impact on Red data

Species, habitat reduction and fragmentation is
not limited to mining-related developments but
mine sites are committed to rehabilitation which
is not the case with normal urban or agricultural
developments. Establish a biological monitoring
programme through bio-surveys to detect
possible bio-accumulation of metals by fish and
plants through regular toxicity testing.


Evaluation of mitigation strategies relies on an

accurate assessment of the volume of water in
all parts of the system. Measure and model to
prepare a water balance model and mine water
reticulation system diagram showing the
following separate systems; underground water
circuits, metallurgical plant water, waste deposit
water, domestic and environmental circuits.
(O, D, P) Discharge only treated water meeting
legal standards into watercourse to supplement
clean run-off. Remain within catchment
discharge parameters determined from premining analysis.

National Water Act (NWA), 1998

Section 19
National Water Act (NWA), 1998
Notice No. 704, Regulations on use of
water for mining and related activities
(Govt Gazette, No. 408)
Mineral and Petroleum Development
Resources Development Act, 2002
(Act No. 28 of 2002)
regulation 54(1) and (2); water
management and pollution control
NWA, 1998; regulations 4(b)(d)

(C, O, D) Detailed catchment hydrological

modelling is required to define run-off
characteristics, model extreme event discharge
and design stormwater and slimes management
(C, O, D, P) Initiate catchment management to
control and reduce erosive run-off containing
suspended sediment. Create and maintain clean
water drainage systems to isolate contaminated
areas and separate clean and dirty water

Mineral and Petroleum Development

Resources Development Act, 2002
(Act No. 28 of 2002)
regulation 55(1) to (6); disposal or waste
regulation 58(1) to (8); management of
residue stockpiles and deposits
NWA, 1998, regulation 6(b)(d)(e)

GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

underground settling, groundwater flow

from fissures, waste explosives and
faecal contamination.
On surface the sources are:





Cleaning chemicals

Neutralisation chemicals (BCH,

chlorination, dust additives,
emulsions, grease)

Appendix 9.6.6

aquifers, leading to a long term degradation of local water

(O, D, P) Sediments contaminated by interaction with
surface water pose a long-term threat due to the
possibility of remobilisation of pollutants.
Tailings and pollution control dams
(C, O, D, P) Mineralogical and chemical characteristics of
specific rock types, especially the fine crushed product,
produces highly reactive material that oxidises readily to
produce poor quality leachates and TDS from residue
(C, O, D, P) Contaminated run-off or leachate
concentrated in pollution control dams can decant or
contaminate through controlled discharge of partially
treated water into natural systems.

systems so that neither can interact more than

once in 50 years.
(O, D, P) Create stormwater discharge stilling
dams or artificial wetlands on drainage lines to
absorb extreme run-off events, settle entrained
solids, passively treat water and control
(C, O, D) No prospecting, drilling, mining within
greater distance of 100m or 1:50 year flood line
from watercourse.
C, O) Do not construct slimes dams in water

Concrete chemicals

Workshop chemicals

Radio-active materials (density, weight-sensors, x-ray


(C, O, D, P) Failure of tailings treatment and storage

dams due to inadequate design or exceeding capacity.

Stores (batteries, fluorescent

tubes, cutting & welding
materials, paints, etc)

(O, D, P) Contaminated surface water may impact on

downstream staekholders and ecosystems.

(C, O, D, P) Assess in accordance EIA, comply

with norms and manage in accordance with the
EMPR. Design tailings dam catchment paddock
dams and toe cut-off trench, siltation or control
dams and return water systems with adequate
capacity, impervious lining or subsurface
drainage blanket to ensure efficient functioning.
Don=t discharge water unless treated to the
standard prescribed.


(C, O, D, P) Seepage of slimes dams are almost always


(O, D) Construct effective silt traps. Schedule

regular dredging of silt traps.

(D, P) Pollution control dams and wetlands may be

considered a mineral resource but mining of this could
have negative impacts on effective treatment of pollution.
Underground workings
(C, O, D, P) Underground excavations intercept natural
groundwater flow paths and divert flow or concentrate
water collecting underground in a sump.
(C, O, D, P) Water may seep from the underground
workings into the ground water system.

(D, P) Do not allow prospecting or mining of

pollution control dams and wetlands created to
act as pollution control.
(C, O, D, P) Optimise residue stockpile and
deposit slope length and gradient to reduce
erosional effect of storm run-off.
(C, O, D, P) Do not allow overtopping of slimes
dam walls. Construct lined spillway.
(C, O, D, P) Design residue and fine tailings
dams to withstand rainfall from a storm event
with a 1:100 year return periodicity and maintain
0.8m freeboard. Do not locate within 1:100 year
flood line on any watercourse or dam or 100m
from a watercourse or borehole.
(O, D, P) Before irrigating land with accumulated
water obtain permission from DWAF to reduce
risk of salinisation or mineralisation of soils.
(C, O, D, P) Implement the following effluent
treatment strategies according to the chemical
characteristics of the discharge, decant or
seepage; install chlorine based disinfection plant
or alternatives such as plants using bromine
compounds, ozone or ultraviolet radiation or
maturation ponds, desalinisation plant to reduce
dissolved solute concentrations, evaporation
facility, phosphate- and sulphate-removal plants,
softening plant to reduce scaling, precipitate
metals chemically or in a passive wetland
system, denitrification of sewage, nutrient


NWA, 1998; regulation 10(a)

NWA, 1998; Regulation 4(c)
MPRDA, 2002; regulation 56(7)
The Conservation of Agricultural
Resources Act (Act No. 43 of 1983)
Regulation 6(1)

GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 9.6.6

removal in a passive wetland system, settling

dams or clarifiers, filtration plant.
(C, O, D, P) When utilising bio-engineered
solutions to pollution ensure that alien species
that could affect the environment negatively
later not be introduced.
Ground Water

The potential groundwater impact of

underground mining and related surface
processes and infrastructure is defined
by the aquifer potential of the bedrock
and the density of structural
discontinuities or zones of preferential
groundwater movement. The chemical
characteristics of groundwater relate to
the mineralogy, grain-size, natural rock
cement, porosity and weathering of the
The natural rates of chemical reaction
that affect groundwater chemistry are
increased when the rock blasted or
crushed to produce fine material with a
significantly higher surface area occurs
in an oxidising environment.
Water in mine voids may contaminate
the local groundwater system

Underground workings
(C, O, D) Impact of chemical or fuel spillages, sewage
discharge, natural leachates and acid rock drainage on


(D, P) Groundwater rebounding in an abandoned mine

will result in interactions with the local groundwater.

Land capability

Residue stockpiles and deposits

(C, O, D, P) Creation of waste rock residue deposits or
stockpiles with infiltration of leachate due to inadequate
basal sealing or leakage from sealed pollution control
(C, O, D, P) Failure of residue deposits, stockpiles or
pollution control structures can discharge poor quality
leachates onto soil and infiltration will contaminate the
vadose and phreatic groundwater tables.

Surface water

Land use

Dust is produced during crushing and

transporting operations and from wind
blowing across unvegetated dumps.
Large volumes of dust emanate from
vent shafts.


Boiler making


Rubber smelting

(C, O, D, P) Ensure that site preparation

includes sealing of substrate before developing
waste rock and tailings facilities. Implement
minimum design flood specifications.
(C, O, D, P) Rehabilitate, seal, drain and
revegetate old waste rock and tailings deposits
to meet minimum standards to reduce
groundwater recharge below dump. Implement
low maintenance passive pollution control
facilities or artificial wetlands. Sustainability of
300 years could be required.

(C, O, D) Construct oil and fuel traps.

(C, O) Allow for waste and fuel bunding during
mining activities.

(C, O, D, P) Dust blown off inadequately rehabilitated

residue dumps and stockpiles poses a nuisance and
health risk. Silica dust may lead to silicosis at high levels
of exposure.
(C, O, D) Large volumes of dust are generated by
travelling vehicles on site.

Land Use

Workshops generate dust by means of:

National Water Act (NWA), 1998

Regulation 7(C)

(C, O, D, P) Apply a maintenance schedule for

all vehicles to control oil leakages, hydraulic

Surface operations, particularly residue

dumps may generate leachate, which
can directly infiltrate into the local
aquifer. In the past, well-drained areas
were selected for the placement of
tailings dams, as the drainage of
leachate into the ground improved the
physical stability of the dams.

Air Quality

(C, O, D) Implement an environmental

management system and reporting structure
with codes of practice and staff training to report
and address chemical spills.

(C, O, D) Suppress dust by spraying water or

non-contaminating palliative liquids on roads,
crusher and screening plant, mills and vehicles.
Implement dust monitoring programme, classify
dust fall-out and report to authorities.
(C, O, D, P) Prevent dust blowing off
transported materials by washing vehicles,
wheels and covering loads.
(O, D, P) Rehabilitate behind production with
adequate top soiling, fertilisation, irrigation and
correct choice of grasses to ensure year-round

Uncontrolled burning of explosive

packaging is allowed by the explosives
Heavy machinery is a source of dust.

Mineral and Petroleum Development

Resources Development Act, 2002
(Act No. 28 of 2002)
regulation 50(1) and (2)
Department of Health and Population
Development; dust fall-out classification
Atmospheric Pollution Prevention Act,
1965 (Act No. 45 of 1965)
Explosives Act.
Smoke pollution; local authority list,
sections 14(1)14(5), sections 1820
Dust control, section 27(1), 28(1)
Dust generation from mining or
prospecting activities (section 30(5)
Vehicle emissions section 39(1)
Schedule of local authorities in which part
III of the Atmospheric Pollution Prevention

GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 9.6.6

Act, 1965 is applicable, dust control areas,

smoke control areas.

Noise at different levels and

periodicities is generated by large plant
and machines during excavation,
loading, crushing, power screening and
transport. The cumulative effect is to
raise the ambient noise levels in the
mining area and in some localities there
are high noise levels that exceed
specified levels and require screening
or noise reduction.

(C, O, D) Noise generated by mining, loading, transport

and beneficiation.


Considerable vibrations are caused

during mining activities and many result
in noise. The potential sources include
sirens, blasting, moving trucks, headgear, pumps and even the alarm of
vehicles backing up.



Extensive surface infrastructure of large

underground mining areas or linkages
between shafts can destroy or cover
large areas where there may be
archaeological sites, historic mining
workings or buildings, graveyards or
cultural sites. The age of some of the
old mine workings make them a natural
attraction for visitors interested in SA
mining history. The town of Cullinan
with its association with the worlds
largest diamond can be viewed as a
cultural hotspot.

(C, O, D) Progressive development can encroach upon or

disturb archaeological sites, cultural heritage sites or
graves. Mine extensions or upgrading can threaten
historical mine buildings or facilities with cultural heritage

Depending on the situation of the mine

the following sites could constitute
sensitive areas; developments of
historical or conservation value, urban
areas, wetlands or rivers, high potential
agricultural land, ridges, transport
infrastructure, power transmission lines
could constitute sensitive environments
or be afforded protection under a
variety of legislation.

(C, O, D, P) Encroachment or direct impacts

infrastructure areas, remote impacts such as noise, dust,
discharge or leachates or cumulative impacts such as
loss of wetlands that are a threatened resource,
cumulative heavy metal contamination, reduced breeding
success or slow continuous damage to habitat or
populations are typical impacts on adjacent areas. Longterm impacts can alter the status of adjacent areas over
the life of the mine if impacts are not managed and


Position in landscape position relative

to surrounding topography can lead to a
wide visual envelope or possibly
effective screening from large parts of
the surrounding area. The impact can
relate to large buildings, headgear,
colour contrast of disturbed areas
against adjacent veld, dust or smoke
emission plumes. Apart from visual
intrusion the impact can be one of
reduced sense of place.

(C, O, D) Visual intrusion impact of mining activity on

nearby roads, homesteads, settlements, tourist sites.



(C, O, D) Prepare a noise reduction plan to

cover all significant impacts at source and
implement noise reduction and screening to limit
exposure. Drilling and blasting is generally
intermittent and should be limited to daylight
hours when ambient noise levels are highest. A
hearing conservation programme must be
implemented where noise exceeds 85dB(A) in
the mine or must not be more than 7dB(A)
above ambient residual noise levels beyond
mine boundary or nearest residential

Environment Conservation Act 1989

(Regulation R154, Government Notice
Minerals Act 1991
Regulation 4.17.1
SABS 083

(C, O, D) Conduct cultural heritage resource

assessment through existing databases and a
site-specific search in areas to be disturbed or
sites of known occurrences. Excavation,
cataloguing and preservation and relocation
may be required and can only be undertaken by
qualified persons under the necessary permits.

National Environmental Management Act,

1998 (Act No. 107 of 1998), section 4 (iii)

Removal of graves is subject to the age and

controlled by different legislation and different

Because many operations ore

conducted on a 24 hour basis, light

Animal life

(C, O, D, P) Monitoring of a wide range of

impacts and regular implementation of
mitigation measures based on established
codes of practice or effective procedures can
reduce cumulative impacts. Negotiation with
I&APs can identify areas of concern and reduce
the perceived sensitivity or address the actual
(C, O, D, P) Ensure that procedures actually
contribute to improving the environment.
(C, O, D, P) Effective use of topography,
architectural design and vegetation screens can
limit long distance visibility. Residue dumps can
be designed to lower the profile and silhouette
and reduce colour contrast through
rehabilitation. Indirect impacts like smoke
contribution to haze and winter smog can be
reduced by chimney design and particulate
separators. Well-vegetated residue stockpiles
and end-use rehabilitation scenario adjacent to
an urban area can reduce the perceived impact
of visual intrusion.
(C, O, D) Placement of lights must be so that it


Mineral and Petroleum Development

Resources Development Act, 2002
(Act No. 28 of 2002)
regulation 52(1) to (11); noise control
regulation 53(1) to (2); blast, vibration and

National Heritage Resources Act, 1999

(Act No. 25 of 1999) South African
Heritage Resources Agency (SAHRA)
Removal of Graves and Dead Bodies
Ordinance (Ordinance No. 7 of 1925)
Human Tissues Act (Act 65 of 1983)
National and Provincial Department of

GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 9.6.6

pollution is typically associated with

large mining activities

Large underground mines are huge

industrial complexes which produce
high value products using labour and
mechanically intensive processes. The
high mechanisation of mines also
results in a significant multiplier effect
from the opencast operation with many
employed by service industries. The
diamond mining industry has created a
large number of direct and indirect jobs.
Closure of mines due to poor
environmental management will have a
devastating impact on mine employees,
their families as well as the surrounding
community. Direct negative impacts on
communities are the harmful minerals,
chemical emissions and poor quality
surface and groundwater discharges.

does not detract from adjacent tourist areas or

become a hazard by pointing directly into traffic
(C, O, D, P) Social and labour issues pertaining to job
creation, job security, creation of unsustainable
settlements, human resource development strategy.


(C, O, D) Increased direct and indirect employment and

training opportunities with improved standard of living for
the local community.

(C, O, D, P) Developments must be sustainable

and recognise people as an element of the
environment. Implement social and labour plan
with mining right.
(C, O, D) Additional positive socio-economic
benefits to communities, particularly in rural
areas, can be generated through projects to
create new products from waste rock and the
employment of labour intensive rehabilitation

(O) Considerable multiplier effects through downstream

service industries such as construction, plant hire,
mechanical repair and suppliers.
(C, D, P) Mine closure can have devastating effects on
communities that are reliant on mine-based income.

(C, D, P) Mine closure must be planned from

inception through adequate social planning,
soicial support structures and infrastructure
development that can be maintained by the
stakeholders after closure. Opportunities to
redirect skills/multi-skilling must be sought and
alternatives to demolition of mine infrastructure
that can be redeveloped must be investigated.

(C, O, D, P) Inadequate environmental training can lead

to unnecessary environmental pollution such as
uncontrolled spillages, illegal dumping, etc.
(C, O, D, P) Gender issues are still a problem on most
South African mines. These include change rooms,
differences in thermal stress handling, health issues, etc

(C, O, D, P) Institute effective environmental

training for employees considering illiteracy
issues and adult baseic education and training
(C, O, D, P) Institute a well designed gender
equality strategy on the mine.

Interested and

Site-specific criteria will determine the

impact on stakeholders and I&APs and
the need for public participation at all
stages of the project.

(C, O, D) Stakeholders and officials are concerned with

limiting negative environmental impacts and maximising


(C, O, D) Authorities and I&APs have support of

legislation and regulations to ensure compliance
with, and enforce implementation of the EMP to
ensure successful rehabilitation.
Establish a monitoring committee with regular
monitoring and reporting every 6 months.
Reports must include risk assessment.

Submission of

Legislated requirements and

commitment by proponent in the EMPR
or the Scoping Report, Environmental
Impact Assessment Report (EIAR),
Social and Labour Plan (SLP),
Environmental Management
Programme (EMP), Monitoring and
Performance Assessment, Mine
Decommissioning and Closure Plan,
Environmental Risk Report (ERR) to
provide monitoring of a variety of
outputs, discharges and effluents.

(O, D, P) Discharges which must meet standards laid

down in regulations; e.g. water chemistry, noise, EMPR
audit, review of financial provision for rehabilitation.

(C, O, D, P) Legal audit will point out risks to be

addressed during mining activities.



Legal compliance report is required.

Annually review financial provision for

Ongoing monitoring of EMP,
performance assessments and report every
two years or as directed by Director: Mineral
Establish budget for environmental
protection and clean-up actions during the
active life of mine.
Environmental officers should have
enough authority to enforce protection and
clean-up actions.
SHE department should have adequate
resources and qualified staff to function
effectively and not just act as windowdressing.

National Water Act, 1998


Report emergency incident regarding

water resource ASAP and report corrective

Minerals Act, 1991; reg. 5.16.1

Regulation 5.18.1 to 5.18.5

Notice No. 704, Regulations on use of

water for mining and related activities
(Govt Gazette, No. 408)
regulation 2(c), 2(d)
regulation 1
regulation 2(a)
regulation 2(b)
regulation 12(1) and (2)
regulation 12(5)
regulation 12(6)
regulation 41 (1) and (2), monitoring and

GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 9.6.6


measures within 14 days.

notify of new mine or new activity,
submit a copy of the EMP or cessation or
resumption of operations within 14 days
Minister may request technical
investigation or inspection and report
implement compliance monitoring
network and submit monitoring information
submit plans, designs and reports by
professional engineer concerning dams and
pollution control structures.

Mineral and Petroleum Resources

Development Act, 2002

compile and submit a performance

assessment report on frequency defined in
EMP, Minister or biennially
application for closure and submission
of an environmental risk report monitoring of
residue stockpiles and deposits

Nuclear Energy Act, 1993 (Act No. 131 of 1993)

Report radioactive source material

within 30 days
Compulsory licensing when radioactive material
has >100 becquerals per gram


a) Element - the element or issue being impacted on.
b) Extent
site:- the whole or a portion of the mining site.
region:- the area including the mine, the surrounding neighbours and or towns.
c) Duration
short term:- dissipation of impact through active or natural mitigation in a time span shorter than 5 years or life of the mine.
medium term:- impact will last for 5-10 years, where after it can be entirely negated.
long term:- the impact will last for the entire operational life of the mine, but will be mitigated thereafter.
permanent:- impact will be non-transitory.
d) Intensity
low:- natural processes or functions are not affected
medium:- affected environment is altered but function and process continue in a modified manner
high:- function or process of the affected environment is disturbed to the extent where it temporarily or permanently ceases.
e) Significance of unmitigated impacts
low:- e.g. site specific, low intensity
medium:- e.g. site specific, high intensity
high:- e.g. regional, high intensity.


performance assessments
regulation 42, 43 46(1), mine closure and
environmental risk report
regulation 58 (7)(a) and (b); monitoring of
residue stockpiles and deposits
Section 31(1)

GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 9.6.7

Appendix 9.6.7
Impact and mitigation table; opencast mining of fluorspar
Impacts and mitigation shown relative to the Construction (C), Operational (O), Decommissioning (D) and Post-mining (P) phases.
Copyright 8 Council for Geoscience, 2003
Environmental description and planning should meet the content requirements stipulated in the regulations for the Scoping Report, Environmental Impact Assessment Report (EIAR),
Social and Labour Plan (SLP), Environmental Management Programme (EMP), Monitoring and Performance Assessment, Mine Decommissioning and Closure Plan, Environmental
Risk Report (ERR)





(relevant to Part 6 of EMPR)


Fluorspar is typically mined from intrusive

pipes. The specific association of
minerals allow for the extraction of
fluorspar of different grades suitable for
use in the chemical industry as flux, HF
production, etc.

(C, O, D, P) Excavation of rock and creation of a void with

steep gradient or stepped highwalls.


(C, O, D, P) Final use of mining void is

determined by the rock structure and

The attitude of the natural layering in the

rock and the rock strength characteristics
determine the morphology of opencast
mining and the development of a
benched highwall using drilling and
blasting techniques.
Steeply dipping strata or intersecting joint
patterns can impose slope stability
problems and require a different
approach to bench and highwall design in
opencast pit development.
The environmental impacts associated
with drilling and blasting opencast pit
development are similar for different rock
types whether mined in bulk for crushed
aggregate or crushed for beneficiation
and extraction of mineral phases.

(C, O, D, P) Dipping attitude of strata and/or intersecting
joint patterns can create naturally unstable slope
conditions that persist until after closure in un-backfilled

(C, O, D, P) Geotechnical investigations will
identify unstable rock conditions, slopes that
require support in the short-, medium- and longterm. Geotechnical slope stabilisation methods
including concreting (gunnite), rock bolting, wire
mesh restraint, bench wrecking to lower
highwalls, rehabilitative blasting etc must be
investigated and implemented during

(C, O, D) Drilling and blasting layouts and explosive types

used are based on the strength characteristics of the rock.
Airblast shockwave and fly rock potential are linked to
rock type and blast design.

(C, O, D) Optimal fragmentation blast whole

layout and correct explosives will reduce fly
rock. No blasting on very overcast days.
(C, O, D) Overburden stockpiles must be
designed to meet minimum slope stability and
safety standards and vegetated to reduce
erosion and runoff.

(C, O, D, P) Cross-cutting or intrusive rocks or faults can

create planar brecciated porous zones that conduct
(C, O, D, P) Coarse or fine waste rock dumps and
tailings/slimes dams can generate dust, release poor
quality leachates, contaminate surface and groundwater

(D, P) Restore waste rock to pit wherever

possible to reduce highwall height and provide
surface for rehabilitation

Conditions associated with particular rock

types may require specific mitigatory


The topographic impact of opencast

mining influences pit design, surface
water, visual aspects and slope
Objective is to reduce disturbance of
natural features to the absolute
minimum. Restrict mining to the area
on, and adjacent to the ore body.

(D, P) Remnant waste rock or overburden

stockpiles must be covered with layered
covering to exclude infiltrating rainwater and
topsoiled to ensure permanent vegetation cover.
(C) Situation in landscape can impact on wind, runoff, and
visual envelope.

Surface water

(C, O, D, P) Opencast pit creates area of lowered

topography that can act as a sump for stormwater runoff
and intersect groundwater table.

Visual aspects

(C) Use terrain form to shield opencast pit from

developed or sensitive areas. Hilltop sites or
ridge crests should be avoided as they impact
adjacent catchments and have wider visual

(O, D, P) Steep highwalls are potentially unstable and

failure can impact areas away from the opencast pit rim.

(C, O, D, P) Pump rainwater and groundwater

that collects in the pit and store for use as
process water or for dust suppression.

(D, P) Optimal post-mining slope stability requires

departure from operational bench and highwall design

(O, D, P) Reduce height of highwalls separating

benches to increase stability.



GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 9.6.7

during decommissioning phase

(D, P) Maximum 5m highwall remnant with >2
steps separating highwalls.


Soil cover thickness, texture,

horizonation, drainage status vary
across and down the slope in response
to bedrock type, slope gradient, climate
and organic inputs. The topsoil is
regarded as the upper 500mm of the
soil profile. Apart from supporting
vegetation cover the topsoil encourages
infiltration of rainwater. The subsoil and
weathered rock that constitutes the
overburden must be removed and
stockpiled for the life of the mine in
most opencast mining situations.
Topsoil stockpiles tend to degrade
during long-term stockpiling and lose
the organic components and fertility


The land capability is a function of the

soil thickness and fertility status, slope,
drainage, climatic regime and
vegetation types which are influenced
by prior landuse. The limited definitions
provided in the Aide Mmoire provide
some guidance and land must be
classified into Awilderness@ (should be
expanded to >virgin= land), wetland,
grazing or arable.
This relates to the post-mining
rehabilitation goals and targets. The
land use planning zonation must be
considered in urban areas to integrate
the mined land and the end use options
may change in relation to surrounding
land use over time.

Land Use

Land use zonation of adjacent areas is

defined by Integrated Development

(C) Excavation of topsoil and weathered rock overburden

during clearing of opencast pit and bench extensions.
(C) Disturbance or burial of soils by access or haul roads,
beneficiation plant infrastructure, stockpiles and pollution
control dams.
(C, O) Degradation of soil characteristics during mediumto long-tem stockpiling.
(C, O) Chemical or fuel spillages contaminate the soil
(C, O) Concentrated storm runoff from the pit surrounds
and infrastructure areas is erosive, causing sheet, rill and
donga erosion features.
(O, D) Salinisation, mineralisation and toxic contamination
of soils beneath and surrounding residue deposits and
tailings dams
(D, P) Inadequate topsoil restoration or creation of unnatural surface topography or slope form which could
impact lower or adjacent slopes due to increased runoff
(D, P) Erosion of restored topsoil due to inadequate
erosion control measures
(D, P) Low productivity of rehabilitated soils due to
inadequate soil fertility or high erosion rates.

(C, O, D, P) Loss of Red Data Species

capability /
Land use

Land use

(C, O, D) Disturbance of agricultural potential and

subdivision of high potential arable land into uneconomic
farming units.

(C, O) Compile accurate soil map showing

classification, thickness, fertility status. Remove
and stockpile 500mm topsoil in berms or heaps
less than 1.5m high and turn soil every six
months. Do not use as stormwater control
feature. Vegetate with diverse grass mix to
control erosion.
(C, O) Remove and stockpile topsoil from roads,
building platforms, stockpile and dam areas
prior to construction.
(O) Petrochemical spillages to be collected in a
drip tray and drum to store excavated spill
affected soil for disposal at a registered facility.
(C, O) Stormwater diversion and erosion control
contour berms separate clean and contaminated
water systems around the pit and infrastructure
areas. Design erosion control and diversion
berms, terraces or drains with the runoff for a
particular soil type and slope gradient.
(O, D) Analyse soils, treat to ameliorate salinity
or contamination and dispose of untreatable soil
at an approved disposal site.
(D, P) Restore overburden to recreate slope
form and topsoil with optimal fertilisation based
on soil analysis.
(D) Scarify roads and stockpile areas to a depth
of 500mm and infrastructure areas and restore
topsoil cover
(D, P) Implement irrigation and soil conservation
(P) Integrate disturbed area to most appropriate
landuse to ensure long-term stability of restored
(C, O, D, P) Vegetation survey required if on
Red Data Farm or close to a Red Data Farm.

(C, O) Focus developments and avoid unnecessary subdivision of land and activities that
could be sited on already disturbed land.

(O, D, P) Backfilled areas could be too unstable to

support post-mining land use objectives compatible with
surrounding areas.

(C, O, D, P) Integrate available land with

activities in adjacent areas and ensure public
access to land with unique characteristics or
high conservation status.

(O, D, P) Waste disposal sites negatively impact

development in surrounding areas.

(D, P) Rehabilitation must ensure long-term

stability and not compromise post-mining land
use objectives.

(C, O, D) Inadequate planning or loose development can

subdivide high potential land or habitats into un-viable


(C, O) Plan to focus developments through

multi-use options and avoid splitting land and

Mineral and Petroleum Development

Resources Development Act, 2002
(Act No. 28 of 2002)
regulation 56 (1) to (8); soil pollution and
erosion control

The Conservation of Agricultural

Resources Act (Act No 43 of 1983)
section 4(1) and regulation 6(1)

Red Data Plant Policy for EIA (24 Aug

Development Guidelines for Ridges (April
The Conservation of Agricultural
Resources Act (Act No 43 of 1983),
section 4(1) and 5(1)
section 9 (1) and 11(1)
sections 15 and 16; regulations 5 and 6

GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide


Appendix 9.6.7

habitats. Integrate the mining area with regional

land use planning objectives where possible.

Plans. Mine development often places

pressure on productive agricultural land
through development of secondary or
support industries. Human and traffic
pressures or polluted discharge can
threaten adjacent or downstream land
designated as conservation areas or
habitats favouring protected or rare

small areas.
(D, P) Unsuccessful rehabilitation can reduce the postmining land use options.


( D, P) Take into account developments in

surrounding areas and design post-mining land
use options to support and enhance long-term
development options.

Detailed assessment of the pre-mining

vegetation status and characterisation
relative to well preserved areas of the
same habitat is essential for mine
development planning options and postmining land use. Opencast mining and
related infrastructure is a permanent
destruction and rehabilitation cannot
restore all pre-mining habitats. Longterm cumulative impacts can lead to
degradation of even well conserved

(C, O, D, P) Loss of Red Data Species

Animal life

(C, O, D, P) Vegetation survey required if on

Red Data Farm or close to Red Data Farm.

Animal life

(C, O, D) Disturbance of indigenous vegetation types and

negative impacts of dust or polluted runoff beyond the
mining area boundaries.

(C, O, D) Effective pollution control to reduce

the spread of impacts.

(C, O, D) Fragmentation of habitats or isolation of small

areas that results in degradation or changes in
populations reliant on movement or interchange between
habitats or scattered populations.

Red Data Plant Policy for EIA (24 Aug

Development Guidelines for Ridges (April

(C, O) Consolidate development areas and

develop multi-use options or infrastructure
corridors for roads, pipelines, power and
communication links.

(O, D) Cumulative impact of illegal collecting or land use

during long-term or life of mine can degrade areas and
reduce the viability of adjacent areas.

(O, D, P) Clear invasive alien weeds and plants

and re-establish diverse indigenous species
during ongoing rehabilitation.

The Conservation of Agricultural

Resources Act (Act No 43 of 1983),
sections 15 and 16; regulation 5 (1)

(D, P) Develop post-mining environments in

conjunction with regional development plans.
Recreate habitats where possible or structure
altered landscapes to be compatible with
regional habitat mosaics to resist water and
wind erosion of soils.

The Conservation of Agricultural

Resources Act (Act No 43 of 1983)
section 4(1) and 5(1)

(D, P) Avoid overstocking or irrigation with water

that will cause salinisation, mineralisation or
acidification of restored soil. Implement soil
conservation measures to protect rehabilitated
areas and vegetation cover

The Conservation of Agricultural

Resources Act (Act No 43 of 1983)
section 9 (1) and 11(1)

(C, O, D, P) Potential impact on Red data

Species, habitat reduction and fragmentation is
not limited to mining-related developments but
mine sites are committed to rehabilitation which
is not the case with normal urban or agricultural
(O) Control vermin and reduce poaching
through staff education and law enforcement
(O) Cumulative effects only become critical if
there are no other suitable habitats in the
adjacent areas. Support conservation efforts in
areas of similar habitat to ensure potential
sources for restocking.
(P) Rehabilitation must restore pre-development
indigenous species not only rehabilitate to the
pre-mining state. Decide on suitable species on
the basis of well-preserved areas not
necessarily current species.

Red Data Plant Policy for EIA (24 Aug

Development Guidelines for Ridges (April

(O, D) Inadequate control of alien species can result in

establishment of populations or seed sources that
threaten adjacent areas.
(O, D) Restore vegetation structure and composition as
close to original composition as possible unless
alternative vegetation rehabilitation is defined in EMP.

(D, P) Utilisation of rehabilitated ground must be

compatible with carrying capacity or soil conditions.

Animal life

Disturbance of populations, subdivision

of habitats or ecosystems and isolation
of small unviable communities results in
cumulative impacts.

(C, O, D, P) Loss of Red Data Species


C, O, D) Disturbance of remnant terrestrial wild mammal,

avian, amphibian and insect fauna through physical
habitat destruction, noise, traffic and movement of people.
(C, O, D) Large developments can threaten migration
routes or flight paths. Cumulative impact of illegal
collecting, road kills or powerline related deaths reduce
population viability in the long-term. Some mining related
habitats also favour species leading to un-natural
competition with endemic fauna.
(O, D) Potential increase in feral animals and impact on
indigenous fauna e.g. cats, rats.
(O) Illegal hunting or disturbance.
(O) Operation or disturbance during breeding season can
precipitate long-term cumulative effect on populations.
(P) Potential permanent change in habitats due to
inadequate monitoring and degradation of rehabilitated
areas due to inadequate maintenance.

GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Surface water

High Fe content of surface water is

expected and clearly demonstrated at
Vergenoeg mine. This impact should be
considered and mitigated during mine
operation and closure.
Surface water effects of opencast
mining and related infrastructure can be
characterised as altered or diverted
natural drainage lines, reduced natural
runoff, concentration of runoff, mixing of
clean runoff with contaminated runoff
and creation of large open water
Net losses to surface runoff are
increased by creation of large bodies of
open water through increased
Degradation of vegetation in
surrounding catchment, creation of
large impermeable areas and
concentrated runoff in stormwater
systems leads to highly modified flood
responses in small catchments that can
threaten channels, habitats and
infrastructure downstream.
Erosion by concentrated runoff can
create long-term instability in natural
channels and spread of incision into
adjacent areas.
Impacts to surface water must be
judged against changes to both quality
and quantity.
High fluorine content is expected in the
vicinity of fluorspar deposits with
negative impact on the groundwater.
Groundwater is typically not suitable for
domestic use and can also negatively
influence metallurgical processes.

Appendix 9.6.7

(C, O, D, P) Permanent impact on catchment by capturing

surface runoff and >beheading= or diverting drainage
systems. Cumulative loss of wetlands that are a
threatened resource. Degradation of stream channels
through long-term reduced runoff and periodic discharge
of very high volumes destabilises the system.

Animal life

(C, O, D) Altered storm water runoff response due to large

impervious areas and concentrated runoff in drainage

Storm water runoff and drainage

(C, O, D) Increased erosion, dust generation and potential
chemical contaminants reduce surface water quality or
result in discharge that exceeds the maximum
concentrations permitted by the National Water Act.
(C, O, D) Vehicle wash bays and workshop facilities
produce petrochemical and solvent contaminated runoff.
(C, O, D) Sanitary conveniences, fuel depots or storage
facilities of potentially polluting substances can
contaminate surface water.

Tailings and pollution control dams

(C, O, D, P) Mineralogical and chemical characteristics of
specific rock types, especially the fine crushed product,
produce highly reactive material that oxidises readily to
produce poor quality leachates from residue stockpiles.
Fluorspar mines have high iron and fluorine content which
could result in downstream impacts and pollution.
(C, O, D, P) Contaminated runoff or leachate
concentrated in pollution control dams can decant or
contaminate through controlled discharge of partially
treated water into natural systems.
(C, O, D, P) Failure of tailings treatment and storage
dams due to inadequate design or exceeding capacity.

Chemicals used during the treatment of

high fluorine water should be carefully
Imported water must not impact the
groundwater or surface water.
Beneficiation processes
(C, O, D) Coolant water can become contaminated and
must be cooled, recycled and discharged.
Opencast pit sump


(O, D, P) Discharge treated water meeting legal

standards into watercourse to supplement clean
runoff. Remain within catchment discharge
parameters determined from pre-mining
(C, O, D) Detailed catchment hydrological
modelling is required to define runoff
characteristics, model extreme event discharge
and design stormwater and tailings
management facilities.
(C, O, D, P) Initiate catchment management to
control and reduce erosive runoff containing
suspended sediment. Create and maintain
clean water drainage systems to isolate
contaminated areas and separate clean and
dirty water systems so that neither can interact
more than once in 50 years.
(O, D, P) Create stormwater discharge stilling
dams or artificial wetlands on drainage lines to
absorb extreme runoff events, settle entrained
solids, passively treat water and control
discharge. Prevent high inflow and overtopping
of contaminated water ponds high in iron.
(C, O, D) No prospecting, drilling, mining within
greater distance of 100m or 1:50 year flood line
from watercourse.

National Water Act (NWA), 1998

Notice No. 704, Regulations on use of
water for mining and related activities
(Govt. Gazette, No. 408)
Mineral and Petroleum Development
Resources Development Act, 2002
(Act No. 28 of 2002)
regulation 54 (1) and (2); water
management and pollution control

NWA, 1998; regs 4 (b) (d)

(C, O, D, P) Geochemical analysis of crushed

waste must identify acid rock drainage
production potential.
(C, O, D, P) Assessments in accordance with
EIA comply with norms and manage in
accordance with the EMP. Design tailings dam
catchment paddock dams and toe cut-off trench,
siltation dam and return water system with
adequate capacity, impervious lining or
subsurface drainage blanket to ensure efficient
functioning. Don=t discharge water unless
treated to the standard prescribed.
(C, O, D, P) Optimise residue stockpile and
deposit slope length and gradient to reduce
erosional effect of storm runoff. Create toe
paddocks and evaporation ponds to catch
surface run-off from tailings.

Mineral and Petroleum Development

Resources Development Act, 2002
(Act No. 28 of 2002)
regulation 55 (1) to (6); disposal or waste
regulation 58 (1) to (8); management of
residue stockpiles and deposits

NWA, 1998, reg 6(b)(d)(e)

NWA, 1998; reg 10(a)

(C, O, D, P) Design residue and fine tailings

dams to withstand rainfall from a storm event
with a 1:100 year return periodicity and maintain
0.8m freeboard. Do not locate within 1:100 year
flood line on any watercourse or dam or 100m
from a watercourse or borehole.
(C, O, D) Ensure coolant water meets standards
before discharge into other systems or recycle
for other process purposes.
NWA, 1998; reg 4(c)

(O, D, P) Drainage of benches and concentration of

rainfall leads to creation of large volume open water
bodies in worked out pit and can lead to increased
groundwater recharge and potential regional impact of low
quality water.

(O, D, P) Before dumping waste rock in worked

out pit levels that may be submerged ensure
that it will not pollute or degrade over time to

MPRDA, 2002; regulation 56 (7)

GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 9.6.7

produce poor quality leachates.

(O, D) Pumping of process water from the pit sump can
discharge poor quality water exceeding minimum

(O, D, P) Before irrigating land with accumulated

water obtain permission from DWAF to reduce
risk of acidification, salinisation or mineralisation
of soils

The Conservation of Agricultural

Resources Act (Act No 43 of 1983)
section 6(1)

(O, D, P) Where possible, pump seepage water

back into process by installing sump below
contaminated water pond.
Ground water

The potential impact of opencast mining

and related surface processes and
infrastructure is defined by the aquifer
potential of the host bedrock and the
density of structural discontinuities or
zones of preferential groundwater
movement. The chemical
characteristics of groundwater relate to
the mineralogy, grain-size, natural rock
cement, porosity and weathering.
In situ the natural rates of chemical
reaction that affect groundwater
chemistry are reduced by low flow rates
or anoxic conditions. However, the
same rock crushed at the surface to
produce fine material with a significantly
higher surface area and in an oxidising
environment can produce poor quality
Drilling and blasting enhances porosity
and can increase weathering rates.
Under some circumstances there can
be links between different aquifer types
that cross-contaminate different
groundwater types.

Air Quality

Dust is generated by drilling and

blasting, loading, transport, crushing
and waste products dumping and
storage. Different sizes of dust
represent specific health risks or
nuisance threats. Dust can retard
vegetation growth and reduce the
palatability of vegetation. In urban
areas dust represents a health hazard,
lowers quality of life through impacts to
houses, washing

Opencast pit

(C, O, D) Limit development to target rocks and
reduce exposure of aquifer rocks. Isolate
porous or highly transmissive groundwater
zones through capping or grouting to prevent
clean groundwater ingress or recharge of
contaminated water.
(C, O, D) Implement an environmental
management system and reporting structure
with codes of practice and staff training to report
and address chemical spills.

(C, O, D) Disturbance of groundwater flow path through

physical disruption or saturation of backfilled material
along path of opencast pit development. Possible
increased recharge along porous groundwater zones due
in footwall due to an increased head of open water
collecting in the pit.
(C, O, D) Impact of chemical spillages, sewage discharge,
natural leachates and acid rock drainage on aquifer.

(C, O, D, P) Ensure that site preparation

includes sealing of substrate before developing
waste rock and tailings facilities. Implement
minimum design flood specifications.

Residue stockpiles and deposits

(C, O, D, P) Creation of waste rock residue deposits or
stockpiles with infiltration of leachate due to inadequate
basal sealing or leakage from sealed pollution control

(C, O, D, P) Rehabilitate, seal, drain and

revegetate old waste rock and tailings deposits
to meet minimum standards to reduce
groundwater recharge below dump. Implement
low maintenance passive pollution control
facilities or artificial wetlands. Create toe
paddocks and evaporation ponds to catch
surface run-off from tailings.

(C, O, D, P) Failure of residue deposits, stockpiles or

pollution control structures can discharge poor quality
leachates on soil and infiltration will contaminate the
vadose and phreatic groundwater tables.

(C, O, D) Dust generated on haul roads reduces visibility

in opencast pit, representing a safety hazard.

(C, O, D) Dust generation from primary and secondary

crushing and screening, further beneficiation processes,
product and waste transport routes, residue stockpiles or
deposits and un-rehabilitated areas.
(C, O, D) Production of fine particles and gases from
beneficiation processes through smokestacks.

Fall-out dust generated during opencast

mining operations could be of >50m
size, known as nuisance dust.


(C, O, D) Dust suppression by spraying water or

non-contaminating palliative liquids on pit haul
roads during drilling and after blasting and
loading, spraying haul roads, crusher and
screening plan. Implement dust monitoring
programme, classify dust fall-out and report to
authorities. Due to the fineness of fluorspar it is
recommended that truck be covered during road
and rail transport. Addition of chemical additives
to bind fine product during long haulages is also
(C, O, D, P) Prevent dust from transported
product by washing vehicles and covering loads.
(O, D, P) Rehabilitate behind production with
adequate topsoiling, fertilisation, irrigation and
correct choice of grasses to ensure year-round

High concentrations of Fl in dust and

water is toxic to humans and special
precautions need to be taken to not
expose humans to Fl dust or water
contaminated with Fl.

(O, D, P) Regularly monitor stockpiles to ensure

vegetation is well establish so as not to create
open areas where dust can be generated.

Apart from direct dust generation there


Mineral and Petroleum Development

Resources Development Act, 2002
(Act No. 28 of 2002)
regulation 50 (1) and (2)
Department of Health and Population
Development; dust fall-out classification

GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 9.6.7

is a threat from dust carried into public

areas beyond the mining area by
vehicles transporting waste materials or

/ Cultural

Noise at different levels and

periodicities is generated by drilling and
blasting, large plant and machines
during excavation, loading, crushing,
power screening and transport. The
cumulative effect is to raise the ambient
noise levels in the mining area and in
some localities there are high noise
levels that exceed specified levels and
require screening or noise reduction.

(C, O, D) Noise generated by mining, loading, transport

and beneficiation.

Extensive opencast mining and

crushing operations destroy or cover
large areas where there may be
archaeological sites, historic buildings,
graveyards or cultural sites.

(C, O, D) Progressive development can encroach upon or

disturb archaeological sites, cultural heritage sites or
graves. Mine upgrading can threaten historical mine
buildings or facilities with cultural heritage status.
(O) Excavation of sand can change river flow dynamics
and result in scour around bridge supports or deposition
of sand that diverts the current against buttresses.



(C, O, D) Prepare a noise reduction plan to

cover all significant impacts at source and
implement noise reduction and screening to limit
exposure. Drilling and blasting is generally
intermittent and should be limited to daylight
hours when ambient noise levels are highest. A
hearing conservation programme must be
implemented where noise exceeds 85dB (A) in
the mine or must not be more than 7dB (A)
above ambient residual noise levels beyond
mine boundary or nearest residential

Environment Conservation Act 1989

(Regulation R154, Government Notice
Minerals Act 1991
Regulation 4.17.1
SABS 083

(C, O, D) Conduct cultural heritage resource

assessment through existing databases and a
site specific search in areas to be disturbed or
sites of known occurrences. Excavation,
cataloguing and preservation and relocation
may be required and can only be undertaken by
qualified persons under the necessary permits.

National Environmental Management Act,

1998 (Act No. 107 of 1998), section 4 (iii)

Removal of graves is subject to the age and

controlled by different legislation and different

Removal of Graves and Dead Bodies

Ordinance (Ordinance No. 7 of 1925)
Human Tissues Act (Act 65 of 1983)
National and Provincial Department of

Depending on the situation of the mine

relative to sites of historical or
conservation value, urban areas,
wetlands or rivers, high potential
agricultural land, transport
infrastructure, power transmission lines
could constitute sensitive environments
or be afforded protection under a
variety of legislation.

(C, O, D, P) Encroachment or direct impacts of opencast

pits occur in infrastructure areas whilst remote impact
such as noise, dust, discharge or leachates or cumulative
impacts such as loss of wetlands that are a threatened
resource reduced breeding success or slow continuous
damage to habitat or populations are typical impacts on
adjacent areas. Long-term impacts can alter the status of
adjacent areas over the life of the mine if impacts are not
managed and mitigated.



Position in landscape position relative

to surrounding topography can lead to a
wide visual envelope or possibly
effective screening from large parts of
the surrounding area. The impact can
relate to large buildings, colour contrast
of disturbed areas against adjacent
veld, dust or smoke emission plumes.
Apart from visual intrusion the impact
can be one of reduced >sense of

(C, O, D) Visual intrusion impact of mining activity on

nearby roads, homesteads, settlements, tourist sites.


(C, O, D, P) Effective use of topography,

architectural design and vegetation screens can
limit long distance visibility. Residue dumps can
be designed to lower the profile and silhouette
and reduce colour contrast and dust plumes
through rehabilitation. Indirect impacts like
smoke contribution to haze and winter smog can
be reduced by smokestack designs and
particulate separators. Well-vegetated residue
stockpiles and end-use rehabilitation scenario
adjacent to an urban area can reduce the
perceived impact of visual intrusion.


Fluorspar is an important chemical used

in industrial applications.
Legislation imposes the same
rehabilitation requirements on high bulk,
low value product industries as precious
mineral industries with much higher
returns. The high mechanisation of
fluorspar mines also results in a

(C, O, D, P) Social and labour issues pertaining to job

creation, job security, creation of unsustainable
settlements, human resource development strategy.


(C, O, D, P) Developments must be sustainable

and recognise people as an element of the
environment. Implement social and labour plan
with mining right.


Animal life

National Heritage Resources Act, 1999

(Act No. 25 of 1999) South African
Heritage Resources Agency (SAHRA)

(C, O, D, P) Monitoring of a wide range of

impacts and regular implementation of
mitigatory measures based on established
codes of practice can reduce cumulative
impacts. Negotiation with I&APs can identify
areas of concern and reduce the perceived
sensitivity or address the actual impacts.

(C, O, D) Increased direct and indirect employment and

training opportunities with improved standard of living for
local community.

Mineral and Petroleum Development

Resources Development Act, 2002
(Act No. 28 of 2002)
regulations 26 to 29
National Environmental Management Act,
1998 (Act No. 107 of 1998), section 2, 4

(C, O, D) Additional positive socio-economic


Mineral and Petroleum Development

Resources Development Act, 2002
(Act No. 28 of 2002)
regulation 52 (1) to (11); noise control
regulation 53 (1) to (2); blast, vibration and

GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Interested and
affected parties

Appendix 9.6.7

significant multiplier effect from the

opencast operation with many
employed by service industries. Direct
negative impacts on communities are
the harmful minerals, chemical
emissions and poor quality surface and
groundwater discharges.

(O) Considerable multiplier effects through downstream

service industries such as construction, plant hire
mechanical repair and suppliers.

Site specific criteria will determine the

impact on I&APs and the need for
public participation at all stages of the

(C, O, D) Communities officials and concerned with

limiting negative environmental impacts and maximising

benefits to communities, particularly in rural

areas, can be generated though projects to
create new products from waste rock employ
labour intensive rehabilitation practices.

(C, D, P) Mine closure can have devastating effects on

communities that are reliant on mine-based income.

(C, D, P) Mine closure must be planned from

inception through adequate social planning and
infrastructure development that can be
maintained by the communities after closure.
Opportunities to redirect skills must be sought
and alternatives to demolition of mine
infrastructure that can be redeveloped must be

(C, O, D) Authorities and I&APs have support of

legislation and regulations to ensure compliance
with, and enforce implementation of the EMP to
ensure successful rehabilitation.
Regular monitoring and reporting every 6

Submission of

Legislated requirements and

commitment by proponent in the EMPR
or the Scoping Report, Environmental
Impact Assessment Report (EIAR),
Social and Labour Plan (SLP),
Environmental Management
Programme (EMP), Monitoring and
Performance Assessment, Mine
Decommissioning and Closure Plan,
Environmental Risk Report (ERR) to
provide monitoring of a variety of
outputs, discharges and effluents

(O, D, P) Discharges which must meet standards laid

down in regulations; e.g. water chemistry,



noise, EMPR audit, review of financial provision for


Annually review financial provision for

Ongoing monitoring of EMPR,
performance assessments and report
every two years or as directed by
Director: Mineral Development

National Water Act, 1998



Report emergency incident regarding

water resource ASAP and report
corrective measures within 14 days.
notify of new mine or new activity,
submit a copy of the EMP or cessation
or resumption of operations within 14
Minister may request technical
investigation or inspection and report
implement compliance monitoring
network and submit monitoring

National Environmental Management Act,

1998 (Act No. 107 of 1998), section 2, 4
National Water Act, 1998 (Act 36 of 1998)
Atmospheric Pollution Prevention Act,
1965 (Act 45 of 1965)
Environment Conservation Act 1989
The Conservation of Agricultural
Resources Act (Act No 43 of 1983)
Minerals Act, 1991; reg. 5.16.1
Regulation 5.18.1 to 5.18.5

Notice No. 704, Regulations on use of water for

mining and related activities (Govt. Gazette, No.

regulation 2(c), 2(d)

regulation 1
regulation 2(a)
regulation 2(b)
regulation 12 (1) and (2)

reg. 12(5)

Mineral and Petroleum Resources

Development Act, 2002



compile and submit a performance

assessment report on frequency defined
in EMP, Minister or biennially
application for closure and submission
of an environmental risk report
monitoring of residue stockpiles and

regulation 41 (1) and (2), monitoring and

performance assessments
regulation 42, 43 46(1), mine closure and
environmental risk report
regulation 58 (7)(a) and (b); monitoring of
residue stockpiles and deposits

GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 9.6.7


a) Element - the element or issue being impacted on.
b) Extent
site:- the whole or a portion of the mining site.
region:- the area including the mine, the surrounding neighbours and or towns.
c) Duration
short term:- dissipation of impact through active or natural mitigation in a time span shorter than 5 years or life of the mine.
medium term:- impact will last for 5-10 years, whereafter it can be entirely negated.
long term:- the impact will last for the entire operational life of the mine, but will be mitigated thereafter.
permanent:- impact will be non-transitory.
d) Intensity
low:- natural processes or functions are not affected
medium:- affected environment is altered but function and process continue in a modified manner
high:- function or process of the affected environment is disturbed to the extent where it temporarily or permanently ceases.
e) Significance of unmitigated impacts
low:- e.g. site specific, low intensity
medium:- e.g. site specific, high intensity
high:- e.g. regional, high intensity.


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 9.6.8

Appendix 9.6.8
Impact and mitigation table; opencast mining of hard rock and rock crushing operations producing aggregate
Impacts and mitigation shown relative to the Construction (C), Operational (O), Decommissioning (D) and Post-mining (P) phases.
Copyright 8 Council for Geoscience, 2003
Environmental description and planning should meet the content requirements stipulated in the regulations for the Scoping Report, Environmental Impact Assessment Report (EIAR),
Social and Labour Plan (SLP), Environmental Management Programme (EMP), Monitoring and Performance Assessment, Mine Decommissioning and Closure Plan, Environmental Risk
Report (ERR)





(relevant to Part 6 of EMPR)


Hard rock with specific mineralogical and

physical characteristics is suitable for
production of a range of crushed and
screened stone aggregate products.
These are used as raw material for
cement manufacture, a range of
readymixed concrete or production of
graded industrial minerals.

(C, O, D, P) Excavation of rock and creation of a void with

steep gradient or stepped highwalls.


(C, O, D, P) Final use of mining void is

determined by the rock structure, permeability.

The attitude of the natural layering in the

rock and the rock strength characteristics
determine the morphology of opencast
mining and the development of a
benched highwall using drilling and
blasting techniques.
Steeply dipping strata or intersecting joint
patterns can impose slope stability
problems and require a different
approach to bench and highwall design in
opencast pit development.
The environmental impacts associated
with drilling and blasting opencast pit
development are similar for different rock
types whether mined in bulk for crushed
aggregate or crushed for beneficiation
and extraction of mineral phases.
Conditions associated with particular rock
types may require specific mitigatory


The topographic impact of opencast

mining influences pit design, surface
water, visual aspects and slope stability

(C, O, D, P) Dipping attitude of strata and/or intersecting
joint patterns can create naturally unstable slope
conditions that persist until after closure in un-backfilled


(C, O, D) Optimal fragmentation blast design

and correct explosives will reduce fly rock. No
blasting on very overcast days.

(C, O, D) Drilling and blasting patterns and explosive

types based on strength characteristics of the rock.
Airblast shockwave and fly rock potential linked to rock
type and blast design.

(C, O, D) Overburden stockpiles must be

designed to meet minimum slope stability and
safety standards and vegetated with reduce
erosion and runoff.

(C, O, D, P) Cross-cutting or intrusive rocks or faults can

create planar brecciated porous zones that conduct

(D, P) Restore waste rock to pit wherever

possible to reduce highwall height and provide
surface for rehabilitation

(C, O, D) Rocks containing high quantities of weatherable

minerals are likely to produce thicker soil profiles and
deeper weathered overburden that must be stripped and

(D, P) Remnant waste rock or overburden

stockpiles must be covered with layered
covering to exclude infiltrating rainwater and
topsoiled to ensure permanent vegetation cover.

(C, O, D, P) Coarse or fine waste rock dumps and

tailings/slimes dams can generate dust, release poor
quality leachates, contaminate surface and groundwater

(C) Situation in landscape can impact on wind, runoff, and

visual envelope.

Surface water


(C, O, D, P) Geotechnical investigations will

identify unstable rock conditions, slopes that
require support in the short-, medium- and longterm. Geotechnical slope stabilisation methods
including concreting (gunnite), rock bolting, wire
mesh restraint, bench wrecking to lower
highwalls, rehabilitative blasting etc must be
investigated and implemented during

(C) Use terrain form to shield opencast pit from

developed o sensitive areas. Hilltop sites or
ridge crest should be avoided as they impact


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 9.6.8

(C, O, D, P) Opencast pit creates area of lowered

topography that can act as a sump for stormwater runoff
and intersects groundwater.

Visual aspects

(O, D, P) Steep highwalls are potentially unstable and

failure can impact areas away from the opencast pit rim.

adjacent catchments and have wider visual

(C, O, D, P) Pump rainwater and groundwater
that collects in the pit and store for use as
process water or dust suppression.
(O, D, P) Reduce height of highwalls separating
benches to increase stability.

(D, P) Optimal post-mining slope stability requires

departure from operational bench and highwall design
during decommissioning phase

(D, P) Maximum 5m highwall remnant with >2

steps separating highwalls.


Soil cover thickness, texture,

horizonation, drainage status vary
across and down the slope in response
to bedrock type, slope gradient, climate
and organic inputs. The topsoil is
regarded as the upper 500mm of the
soil profile. Apart from supporting
vegetation cover the topsoil encourages
infiltration of rainwater. The subsoil and
weathered rock that constitutes the
overburden must be removed and
stockpiled for the life of the mine in
most opencast mining situations.
Topsoil stockpiles tend to degrade
during long-term stockpiling and lose
the organic components and fertility


The land capability is a function of the

soil thickness and fertility status, slope,
drainage, climatic regime and
vegetation types which are influenced
by prior landuse. The limited definitions
provided in the Aide Mmoire provide
some guidance and land must be
classified into Awilderness@ (should be

(C) Excavation of topsoil and weathered rock overburden

during clearing of opencast pit and bench extensions.
(C) Disturbance or burial of soils by access or haul roads,
beneficiation plant infrastructure, stockpiles and pollution
control dams.
(C, O) Degradation of soil characteristics during mediumto long-tem stockpiling.
(C, O) Chemical spillages contaminate the soil profile.
(C, O) Concentrated storm runoff from the pit surrounds
and infrastructure areas is erosive, causing sheet, rill and
donga erosion features.
(O, D) Salinisation, mineralisation and toxic contamination
of soils beneath and surrounding residue deposits and
tailings dams
(D, P) Inadequate topsoil restoration or creation of unnatural surface topography or slope form which could
impact lower or adjacent slopes due to increased runoff
(D, P) Erosion of restored topsoil due to inadequate
erosion control measures
(D, P) Low productivity of rehabilitated soils due to
inadequate soil fertility or high erosion rates.

(C, O, D, P) Loss of Red Data Species

capability /
Land use

Land use

(C, O, D) Disturbance of agricultural potential and

subdivision of high potential arable land into uneconomic
farming units.
(O, D, P) Backfilled areas could be too unstable to
support post-mining land use objectives compatible with


(C, O) Compile accurate soil map showing

classification, thickness, fertility status. Remove
and stockpile 500mm topsoil in berms or heaps
less than 1.5m high and turn soil every six
months. Do not use as stormwater control
feature. Vegetate with diverse grass mix to
control erosion.
(C, O) Remove and stockpile topsoil from roads,
building platforms, stockpile and dam areas
prior to construction.
(O) Petrochemical spillages to be collected in a
drip tray and drum to store excavated spill
affected soil for disposal at a registered facility.
(C, O) Stormwater diversion and erosion control
contour berms separate clean and contaminated
water systems around the pit and infrastructure
areas. Design erosion control and diversion
berms, terraces or drains with the runoff for a
particular soil type and slope gradient.
(O, D) Analyse soils, treat to ameliorate salinity
or contamination and dispose of untreatable soil
at an approved disposal site.
(D, P) Restore overburden to recreate slope
form and topsoil with optimal fertilisation based
on soil analysis.
(D) Scarify roads and stockpile areas to a depth
of 500mm and infrastructure areas and restore
topsoil cover
(D, P) Implement irrigation and soil conservation
(P) Integrate disturbed area to most appropriate
landuse to ensure long-term stability of restored
(C, O, D, P) Vegetation survey required if on
Red Data Farm or close to Red Data Farm.

(C, O) Focus developments and avoid unnecessary subdivision of land and activities that
could be sited on already disturbed land.

Mineral and Petroleum Development

Resources Development Act, 2002
(Act No. 28 of 2002)
regulation 56 (1) to (8); soil pollution and
erosion control

The Conservation of Agricultural

Resources Act (Act No 43 of 1983)
section 4(1) and regulation 6(1)

Red Data Plant Policy for EIA (24 Aug

Development Guidelines for Ridges (April
The Conservation of Agricultural
Resources Act (Act No 43 of 1983),
section 4(1) and 5(1)

GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

expanded to >virgin= land), wetland,

grazing or arable.
This relates to the post-mining
rehabilitation goals and targets. The
land use planning zonation must be
considered in urban areas to integrate
the mined land and the end use options
may changes in relation to surrounding
land use over time.
Land Use


Appendix 9.6.8

(C, O, D, P) Integrate available land with

activities in adjacent areas and ensure public
access to land with unique characteristics or
high conservation status.

surrounding areas.
(O, D, P) Waste disposal sites negatively impact
development in surrounding areas.

section 9 (1) and 11(1)

sections 15 and 16; regulations 5 and 6

(D, P) Rehabilitation must ensure long-term

stability and not compromise post-mining land
use objectives.

Land use zonation of adjacent areas is

defined by Integrated Development
Plans. Mine development often places
pressure on productive agricultural land
through development of secondary or
support industries. Human and traffic
pressures or polluted discharge can
threaten adjacent or downstream land
designated as conservation areas or
habitats favouring protected or rare

(C, O, D) Inadequate planning or loose development can

subdivide high potential land or habitats into un-viable
small areas.


(D, P) Unsuccessful rehabilitation can reduce the postmining land use options.


( D, P) Take into account developments in

surrounding areas and design post-mining land
use options to support and enhance long-term
development options.

Detailed assessment of the pre-mining

vegetation status and characterisation
relative to well preserved areas of the
same habitat is essential for mine
development planning options and postmining land use. Opencast mining and
related infrastructure is a permanent
destruction and rehabilitation cannot
restore all pre-mining habitats. Longterm cumulative impacts can lead to
degradation of even well conserved

(C, O, D, P) Loss of Red Data Species

Animal life

(C, O, D, P) Vegetation survey required if on

Red Data Farm or close to Red Data Farm.

Animal life

(C, O, D) Disturbance of indigenous vegetation types and

negative impacts of dust or polluted runoff beyond the
mining area boundaries.

(C, O) Plan to focus developments through

multi-use options and avoid splitting land and
habitats. Integrate the mining area with regional
land use planning objectives where possible.

(C, O, D) Effective pollution control to reduce

the spread of impacts.

(C, O, D) Fragmentation of habitats or isolation of small

areas that results in degradation or changes in
populations reliant on movement or interchange between
habitats or scattered populations.

Red Data Plant Policy for EIA (24 Aug

Development Guidelines for Ridges (April

(C, O) Consolidate development areas and

develop multi-use options or infrastructure
corridors for roads, pipelines, power and
communication links.

(O, D) Cumulative impact of illegal collecting or land use

during long-term or life of mine can degrade areas and
reduce the viability of adjacent areas.

(O, D, P) Clear invasive alien weeds and plants

and re-establish diverse indigenous species
during ongoing rehabilitation.

The Conservation of Agricultural

Resources Act (Act No 43 of 1983),
sections 15 and 16; regulation 5 (1)

(D, P) Develop post-mining environments in

conjunction with regional development plans.
Recreate habitats where possible or structure
altered landscapes to be compatible with
regional habitat mosaics to resist water and
wind erosion of soils.

The Conservation of Agricultural

Resources Act (Act No 43 of 1983)
section 4(1) and 5(1)

(D, P) Avoid overstocking or irrigation with water

that will cause salinisation, mineralisation or
acidification of restored soil. Implement soil
conservation measures to protect rehabilitated
areas and vegetation cover

The Conservation of Agricultural

Resources Act (Act No 43 of 1983)
section 9 (1) and 11(1)

(C, O, D, P) Potential impact on Red data

Species, habitat reduction and fragmentation is
not limited to mining-related developments but
mine sites are committed to rehabilitation which

Red Data Plant Policy for EIA (24 Aug

Development Guidelines for Ridges (April

(O, D) Inadequate control of alien species can result in

establishment of populations or seed sources that
threaten adjacent areas.
(O, D) Restore vegetation structure and composition as
close to original composition as possible unless
alternative vegetation rehabilitation is defined in EMP.

(D, P) Utilisation of rehabilitated ground must be

compatible with carrying capacity or soil conditions.

Animal life

Disturbance of populations, subdivision

of habitats or ecosystems and isolation
of small unviable communities results in

(C, O, D, P) Loss of Red Data Species


C, O, D) Disturbance of remnant terrestrial wild mammal,

avian, amphibian and insect fauna through physical


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

cumulative impacts.

Appendix 9.6.8

is not the case with normal urban or agricultural

(O) Control vermin and reduce poaching
through staff education and law enforcement
(O) Cumulative effects only become critical if
there are no other suitable habitats in the
adjacent areas. Support conservation efforts in
areas of similar habitat to ensure potential
sources for restocking.
(P) Rehabilitation must restore pre-development
indigenous species not only rehabilitate to the
pre-mining state. Decide on suitable species on
the basis of well-preserved areas not
necessarily current species.

habitat destruction, noise, traffic and movement of people.

(C, O, D) Large developments can threaten migration
routes or flight paths. Cumulative impact of illegal
collecting, road kills or powerline related deaths reduce
population viability in the long-term. Some mining related
habitats also favour species leading to un-natural
competition with endemic fauna.
(O, D) Potential increase in feral animals and impact on
indigenous fauna e.g. cats, rats.
(O) Illegal hunting or disturbance.
(O) Operation or disturbance during breeding season can
precipitate long-term cumulative effect on populations.
(P) Potential permanent change in habitats due to
inadequate monitoring and degradation of rehabilitated
areas due to inadequate maintenance.

Surface water

Surface water effects of opencast

mining and related infrastructure can be
characterised as altered or diverted
natural drainage lines, reduced natural
runoff, concentration of runoff, mixing of
clean runoff with contaminated runoff
and creation of large open water
Net losses to surface runoff are
increased by creation of large bodies of
open water through increased
Degradation of vegetation in
surrounding catchment, creation of
large impermeable areas and
concentrated runoff in stormwater
systems leads to highly modified flood
responses in small catchment that can
threaten channels, habitats and
infrastructure downstream.
Erosion by concentrated runoff can
create long-term instability in natural
channels and spread of incision into
adjacent areas.
Impacts to surface water must be
judged against changes to both quality
and quantity.

(C, O, D, P) Permanent impact on catchment by capturing

surface runoff and >beheading= or diverting drainage
systems. Cumulative loss of wetlands that are a
threatened resource. Degradation of stream channels
through long-term reduced runoff and periodic discharge
of very high volumes destabilises the system.

Animal life

(C, O, D) Altered storm water runoff response due to large

impervious areas and concentrated runoff in drainage

Storm water runoff and drainage

(C, O, D) Increased erosion, dust generation and potential
chemical contaminants reduce surface water quality or
result in discharge that exceeds the maximum
concentrations permitted by the National Water Act.
(C, O, D) Vehicle wash bays and workshop facilities
produce petrochemical and solvent contaminated runoff.
(C, O, D) Sanitary conveniences, fuel depots or storage
facilities of potentially polluting substances can
contaminate surface water.

Tailings and pollution control dams

(C, O, D, P) Mineralogical and chemical characteristics of
specific rock types, especially the fine crushed product,
produce highly reactive material that oxidises readily to
produce poor quality leachates from residue stockpiles.
(C, O, D, P) Contaminated runoff or leachate
concentrated in pollution control dams can decant or
contaminate through controlled discharge of partially
treated water into natural systems.
(C, O, D, P) Failure of tailings treatment and storage
dams due to inadequate design or exceeding capacity.



(O, D, P) Discharge treated water meeting legal

standards into watercourse to supplement clean
runoff. Remain within catchment discharge
parameters determined from pre-mining
(C, O, D) Detailed catchment hydrological
modelling is required to define runoff
characteristics, model extreme event discharge
and design stormwater and tailings
management facilities.
(C, O, D, P) Initiate catchment management to
control and reduce erosive runoff containing
suspended sediment. Create and maintain
clean water drainage systems to isolate
contaminated areas and separate clean and
dirty water systems so that neither can interact
more than one in 50 years.
(O, D, P) Create stormwater discharge stilling
dams or artificial wetlands on drainage lines to
absorb extreme runoff events, settle entrained
solids, passively treat water and control
(C, O, D) No prospecting, drilling, mining within
greater distance of 100m or 1:50 year flood line
from watercourse.

National Water Act (NWA), 1998

Notice No. 704, Regulations on use of
water for mining and related activities
(Govt. Gazette, No. 408)
Mineral and Petroleum Development
Resources Development Act, 2002
(Act No. 28 of 2002)
regulation 54 (1) and (2); water
management and pollution control

NWA, 1998; regs 4 (b) (d)

(C, O, D, P) Geochemical analysis of crushed

waste must identify acid rock drainage
production potential.
(C, O, D, P) Assess in EIA, comply with norms
and manage in accordance with the EMP.
Design tailings dam catchment paddock dams
and toe cut-off trench, siltation dam and return
water system with adequate capacity,
impervious lining or subsurface drainage blanket
to ensure efficient functioning. Don=t discharge
water unless treated to the standard prescribed.
(C, O, D, P) Optimise residue stockpile and
deposit slope length and gradient to reduce

Mineral and Petroleum Development

Resources Development Act, 2002
(Act No. 28 of 2002)
regulation 55 (1) to (6); disposal or waste
regulation 58 (1) to (8); management of
residue stockpiles and deposits

GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 9.6.8

erosional effect of storm runoff.

(C, O, D, P) Design residue and fine tailings
dams to withstand rainfall from a storm event
with a 1:100 year return periodicity and maintain
0.8m freeboard. Do not locate within 1:100 year
flood line on any watercourse or dam or 100m
from a watercourse or borehole.

NWA, 1998, reg 6(b)(d)(e)

NWA, 1998; reg 10(a)

(C, O, D) Ensure coolant water meets standards

before discharge into other systems or recycle
for other process purposes.

Beneficiation processes
(C, O, D) Coolant water can become contaminated and
must be cooled, recycled and discharged.
Opencast pit sump

(O, D, P) Before dumping waste rock in worked

out pit levels that may be submerged ensure
that it will not pollute or degrade over time to
produce poor quality leachates.

(O, D, P) Drainage of benches and concentration of

rainfall leads to creation of large volume open water
bodies in worked out pit and can lead to increased
groundwater recharge and potential regional impact of low
quality water.

(O, D, P) Before irrigating land with accumulated

water obtain permission from DWAF to reduce
risk of acidification, salinisation or mineralisation
of soils

(O, D) Pumping of process water from the pit sump can

discharge poor quality water exceeding minimum
Ground water

The potential impact of opencast mining

and related surface processes and
infrastructure is defined by the aquifer
potential of the host bedrock, the
density of structural discontinuities or
zones of preferential groundwater
movement. The chemical
characteristics of groundwater relate to
the mineralogy, rain-size, natural rock
cement, porosity and weathering.
In situ the natural rates of chemical
reaction that affect groundwater
chemistry are reduced by low flow rates
or anoxic conditions. However, the
same rock crushed at the surface to
produce fine material with a significantly
higher surface area and oxidising
environment can produce poor quality
Drilling and blasting enhances porosity
and can increase weathering rates.
Under some circumstances there can
be links between different aquifer types
that cross-contaminate different
groundwater types.

Air Quality

Dust is generated by drilling and

blasting, loading, transport, crushing
and waste products dumping and
storage. Different sizes of dust
represent specific health risks or
nuisance threats. Dust can retard

NWA, 1998; reg 4(c)

MPRDA, 2002; regulation 56 (7)

The Conservation of Agricultural
Resources Act (Act No 43 of 1983)
section 6(1)


Opencast pit

(C, O, D) Limit development to target rocks and

reduce exposure of aquifer rocks. Isolate
porous or highly transmissive groundwater
zones through capping or grouting to prevent
clean groundwater ingress or recharge of
contaminated water.
(C, O, D) Implement environmental
management system and reporting structure
with codes of practice and staff training to report
and address chemical spills.

(C, O, D) Disturbance of groundwater flow path through

physical disruption or saturation of backfilled material
along path of opencast pit development. Possible
increased recharge along porous groundwater zones due
in footwall due to increased head of open water collecting
in the pit.
(C, O, D) Impact of chemical spillages, sewage discharge,
natural leachates and acid rock drainage on aquifer.

(C, O, D, P) Ensure that site preparation

includes sealing of substrate before developing
waste rock and tailings facilities. Implement
minimum design flood specifications.

Residue stockpiles and deposits

(C, O, D, P) Creation of waste rock residue deposits or
stockpiles with infiltration of leachate due to inadequate
basal sealing or leakage from sealed pollution control

(C, O, D, P) Rehabilitate, seal, drain and

revegetate old waste rock and tailings deposits
to meet minimum standards to reduce
groundwater recharge below dump. Implement
low maintenance passive pollution control
facilities or artificial wetlands.

(C, O, D, P) Failure of residue deposits, stockpiles or

pollution control structures can discharge poor quality
leachates on soil and infiltration will contaminate the
vadose and phreatic groundwater tables.
(C, O, D) Dust generated on haul roads reduces visibility
in opencast pit, representing a safety hazard.

(C, O, D) Dust generation from primary and secondary



(C, O, D) Dust suppression by spraying water or

non-contaminating palliative liquids on pit haul
roads during drilling and after blasting and
loading, spraying haul roads, crusher and
screening plan. Implement dust monitoring
programme, classify dust fall-out and report to

Mineral and Petroleum Development

Resources Development Act, 2002
(Act No. 28 of 2002)
regulation 50 (1) and (2)
Department of Health and Population

GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

vegetation growth and reduce the

palatability of vegetation. In urban
areas dust represents a health hazard,
lowers quality of life through impacts to
houses, washing

Appendix 9.6.8


crushing and screening, further beneficiation processes,

product and waste transport routes, residue stockpiles or
deposits and un-rehabilitated areas.

Development; dust fall-out classification

(C, O, D, P) Prevent dust from transported

product by washing vehicles and covering loads.

(C, O, D) Production of fine particles and gases from

beneficiation processes through smokestacks.

(O, D, P) Rehabilitate behind production with

adequate topsoiling, fertilisation, irrigation and
correct choice of grasses to ensure year-round

Fall-out dust generated during opencast

mining operations is xxxxx or >50m
size >nuisance dust=
Apart from direct dust generation there
is a threat from dust carried into public
areas beyond the mining area by
vehicles transporting waste materials or

/ Cultural



Noise at different levels and

periodicities is generated by drilling and
blasting, large plant and machines
during excavation, loading, crushing,
power screening and transport. The
cumulative effect is to raise the ambient
noise levels in the mining area and in
some localities there are high noise
levels that exceed specified levels and
require screening or noise reduction.

(C, O, D) Noise generated by mining, loading, transport

and beneficiation.

Extensive opencast mining and

crushing operations destroy or cover
large areas where there may be
archaeological sites, historic buildings,
graveyards or cultural sites.

(C, O, D) Progressive development can encroach upon or

disturb archaeological sites, cultural heritage sites or
graves. Mine upgrading can threaten historical mine
buildings or facilities with cultural heritage status.
(O) Excavation of sand can change river flow dynamics
and result in scour around bridge supports or deposition
of sand that diverts the current against buttresses.



Depending on the situation of the mine

relative to sites of historical or
conservation value, urban areas,
wetlands or rivers, high potential
agricultural land, transport
infrastructure, power transmission lines
could constitute sensitive environments
or be afforded protection under a
variety of legislation.

(C, O, D, P) Encroachment or direct impacts of opencast

pits, remote impact such as noise, dust, discharge or
leachates or cumulative impacts such as loss of wetlands
that are a threatened resource, reduced breeding success
or slow continuous damage to habitat or populations are
typical impacts on adjacent areas. Long-term impacts can
alter the status of adjacent over the life of the mine if
impacts are not managed and mitigated.


Position in landscape position relative

to surrounding topography can lead to a
wide visual envelope or possibly
effective screening from large parts of
the surrounding area. The impact can
relate to large buildings, colour contrast

(C, O, D) Visual intrusion impact of mining activity on

nearby roads, homesteads, settlements, tourist sites.



Animal life

(C, O, D) Prepare a noise reduction plan to

cover all significant impacts at source and
implement noise reduction and screening to limit
exposure. Drilling and blasting is generally
intermittent and should be limited to daylight
hours when ambient noise levels are highest. A
hearing conservation programme must be
implemented where noise exceeds 85dB (A) in
the mine or must not be more than 7dB (A)
above ambient residual noise levels beyond
mine boundary or nearest residential

Environment Conservation Act 1989

(Regulation R154, Government Notice
Minerals Act 1991
Regulation 4.17.1
SABS 083

(C, O, D) Conduct cultural heritage resource

assessment through existing databases and a
site specific search in areas to be disturbed or
sites of known occurrences. Excavation,
cataloguing and preservation and relocation
may be required and can only be undertaken by
qualified persons under the necessary permits.

National Environmental Management Act,

1998 (Act No. 107 of 1998), section 4 (iii)

Removal of graves is subject to the age and

controlled by different legislation and different

Removal of Graves and Dead Bodies

Ordinance (Ordinance No. 7 of 1925)
Human Tissues Act (Act 65 of 1983)
National and Provincial Department of

(C, O, D, P) Monitoring of a wide range of

impacts and regular implementation of
mitigatory measures based on established
codes of practice can reduce cumulative
impacts. Negotiation with I&APs can identify
areas of concern and reduce the perceived
sensitivity or address the actual impacts.

(C, O, D, P) Effective use of topography,

architectural design and vegetation screens can
limit long distance visibility. Residue dumps can
be designed to lower the profile and silhouette
and reduce colour contrast and dust plumes
through rehabilitation. Indirect impacts like

Mineral and Petroleum Development

Resources Development Act, 2002
(Act No. 28 of 2002)
regulation 52 (1) to (11); noise control
regulation 53 (1) to (2); blast, vibration and

National Heritage Resources Act, 1999

(Act No. 25 of 1999) South African
Heritage Resources Agency (SAHRA)

GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 9.6.8

of disturbed areas against adjacent

veld, dust or smoke emission plumes.
Apart from visual intrusion the impact
can be one of reduced >sense of

Interested and
affected parties

smoke contribution to haze and winter smog can

be reduced by smokestack designs and
particulate separators. Well-vegetated residue
stockpiles and end-use rehabilitation scenario
adjacent to an urban area can reduce the
perceived impact of visual intrusion.

Stone aggregate is an essential part of

the construction industry supply chain.
Legislation imposes the same
rehabilitation requirements on high bulk,
low value product industries as precious
mineral industries with much higher
returns. The high mechanisation of lag
mines also results in a significant
multiplier effect from the opencast
operation with many employed by
service industries. Direct negative
impacts on communities are the harmful
minerals, chemical emissions and poor
quality surface and groundwater

(C, O, D, P) Social and labour issues pertaining to job

creation, job security, creation of unsustainable
settlements, human resource development strategy.

Site specific criteria will determine the

impact on I&APs and the need for
public participation at all stages of the

(C, O, D) Communities officials and concerned with

limiting negative environmental impacts and maximising


(C, O, D, P) Developments must be sustainable

and recognise people as an element of the
environment. Implement social and labour plan
with mining right.

(C, O, D) Increased direct and indirect employment and

training opportunities with improved standard of living for
local community.

National Environmental Management Act,

1998 (Act No. 107 of 1998), section 2, 4
(C, O, D) Additional positive socio-economic
benefits to communities, particularly in rural
areas, can be generated though projects to
create new products from waste rock employ
labour intensive rehabilitation practices.

(O) Considerable multiplier effect through downstream

service industries such as construction, plant hire,
mechanical repair and suppliers.
(C, D, P) Mine closure can have devastating effects on
communities that are reliant on mine-based income.

(C, D, P) Mine closure must be planned from

inception though adequate social planning and
infrastructure development that can be
maintained by the communities after closure.
Opportunities to redirect skills must be sought
and alternatives to demolition of mine
infrastructure that can be redeveloped must be

(C, O, D) Authorities and I&APs have support of

legislation and regulations to ensure compliance
with, and enforce implementation of the EMP to
ensure successful rehabilitation.
Regular monitoring and reporting every 6

Submission of

Legislated requirements and

commitment by proponent in the EMPR
or the Scoping Report, Environmental
Impact Assessment Report (EIAR),
Social and Labour Plan (SLP),
Environmental Management
Programme (EMP), Monitoring and
Performance Assessment, Mine
Decommissioning and Closure Plan,
Environmental Risk Report (ERR) to
provide monitoring of a variety of
outputs, discharges and effluents

(O, D, P) Discharges which must meet standards laid

down in regulations; e.g. water chemistry,



noise, EMPR audit, review of financial provision for


Annually review financial provision for

Ongoing monitoring of EMPR,
performance assessments and report
every two years or as directed by
Director: Mineral Development

National Water Act, 1998




Mineral and Petroleum Development

Resources Development Act, 2002
(Act No. 28 of 2002)
regulations 26 to 29

Report emergency incident regarding

water resource ASAP and report
corrective measures within 14 days.
notify of new mine or new activity,
submit a copy of the EMP or cessation
or resumption of operations within 14
Minister may request technical
investigation or inspection and report
implement compliance monitoring
network and submit monitoring

National Environmental Management Act,

1998 (Act No. 107 of 1998), section 2, 4
National Water Act, 1998 (Act 36 of 1998)
Atmospheric Pollution Prevention Act,
1965 (Act 45 of 1965)
Environment Conservation Act 1989
The Conservation of Agricultural
Resources Act (Act No 43 of 1983)
Minerals Act, 1991; reg. 5.16.1
Regulation 5.18.1 to 5.18.5

Notice No. 704, Regulations on use of water for

mining and related activities (Govt. Gazette, No.

regulation 2(c), 2(d)

regulation 1
regulation 2(a)
regulation 2(b)
regulation 12 (1) and (2)

reg. 12(5)

GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 9.6.8

Mineral and Petroleum Resources

Development Act, 2002



a) Element - the element or issue being impacted on.
b) Extent
site:- the whole or a portion of the mining site.
region:- the area including the mine, the surrounding neighbours and or towns.
c) Duration
short term:- dissipation of impact through active or natural mitigation in a time span shorter than 5 years or life of the mine.
medium term:- impact will last for 5-10 years, whereafter it can be entirely negated.
long term:- the impact will last for the entire operational life of the mine, but will be mitigated thereafter.
permanent:- impact will be non-transitory.
d) Intensity
low:- natural processes or functions are not affected
medium:- affected environment is altered but function and process continue in a modified manner
high:- function or process of the affected environment is disturbed to the extent where it temporarily or permanently ceases.
e) Significance of unmitigated impacts
low:- e.g. site specific, low intensity
medium:- e.g. site specific, high intensity
high:- e.g. regional, high intensity.


compile and submit a performance

assessment report on frequency defined
in EMP, Minister or biennially
application for closure and submission
of an environmental risk report
monitoring of residue stockpiles and

regulation 41 (1) and (2), monitoring and

performance assessments
regulation 42, 43 46(1), mine closure and
environmental risk report
regulation 58 (7)(a) and (b); monitoring of
residue stockpiles and deposits

GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 9.6.9

Appendix 9.6.9
Impact and assessments table; opencast mining of coal
Impacts and mitigation shown relative to the Construction (C), Operational (O), Decommissioning (D) and Post-mining (P) phases.
Copyright 8 Council for Geoscience, 2003
Environmental description and planning should meet the content requirements stipulated in the regulations for the Scoping Report, Environmental Impact Assessment Report (EIAR),
Social and Labour Plan (SLP), Environmental Management Programme (EMP), Monitoring and Performance Assessment, Mine Decommissioning and Closure Plan, Environmental Risk
Report (ERR)





(relevant to Part 6 of EMPR)


Various grades of coal occur associated

with carbonaceous shale and sandstone
horizons of Karoo aged rocks of South
Africa. The coal is used as raw material
for the steel industry, coal fired power
stations and for domestic heating and

(C, O, D, P) Excavation of rock and creation of a void with

steep gradient or stepped highwalls.


(C, O, D, P) Final use of mining void is

determined by the rock structure and

(C, O, D, P) Dipping attitude of strata and/or intersecting
joint patterns can create naturally unstable slope
conditions that persist until after closure in un-backfilled

(C, O, D, P) Geotechnical investigations will
identify unstable rock conditions, slopes that
require support in the short-, medium- and longterm. Geotechnical slope stabilisation methods
including concreting (gunnite), rock bolting, wire
mesh restraint, bench wrecking to lower
highwalls, rehabilitative blasting etc must be
investigated and implemented during

The attitude of the natural layering in the

rock and the rock strength characteristics
determine the morphology of opencast
mining and the development of a
benched highwall using drilling and
blasting techniques.
Steeply dipping strata or intersecting joint
patterns, and intrusive dykes or sills. can
impose slope stability problems and
require a different approach to bench and
highwall design in opencast pit
The environmental impacts associated
with drilling and blasting opencast pit
development are similar for different rock
types whether mined in bulk for crushed
aggregate or crushed for beneficiation
and extraction of mineral phases.
Conditions associated with particular rock
types may require specific mitigatory
The high pyrite content of South African
coal leads to acid mine drainage
problems in the pit and also stockpiles.

(C, O, D) Drilling and blasting patterns and explosive

types used depend on strength characteristics of the rock.
Airblast shockwave and fly rock potential is linked to rock
type and blast whole layout.

(C, O, D) Optimal fragmentation blast whole

layout and correct explosives will reduce fly
rock. No blasting on very overcast days.
(C, O, D) Overburden stockpiles must be
designed to meet minimum slope stability and
safety standards and vegetated with appropriate
grasses to reduce erosion and runoff.

(C, O, D, P) Cross-cutting or intrusive rocks or faults can

create planar brecciated porous zones that conduct
(C, O, D) Rocks containing high quantities of weatherable
minerals are likely to produce thicker soil profiles and
deeper weathered overburden that must be stripped and

(D, P) Restore waste rock to pit wherever

possible to reduce highwall height and provide
surface for rehabilitation. Continuous
rehabilitation of the pit during operation is

(C, O, D, P) Coarse or fine waste rock dumps and

tailings/slimes dams can generate dust, release poor
quality leachates, contaminate surface and groundwater

(D, P) Remnant waste rock or overburden

stockpiles must be covered with layered
covering to exclude infiltrating rainwater and
topsoiled to ensure permanent vegetation cover.

(O, D, P) Coal stockpiles can combust spontaneously

releasing toxic fumes to the atmosphere.

(O, D, P) Stockpiles of coal need regular

inspection and monitoring to prevent and/or
monitor burning stockpiles.

Because of the pyrite, coal stockpiles are

prone to spontaneous combustion.

The topographic impact of opencast

mining influences pit design, surface
water, visual aspects and slope stability

(C) Situation in landscape can impact on wind, runoff, and

visual envelope.

Surface water

(C, O, D, P) Opencast pit creates area of lowered

topography that can act as a sump for stormwater runoff


(C) Use terrain form to shield opencast pit from

developed or sensitive areas. Hilltop sites or
ridge crests should be avoided as they impact
adjacent catchments and have wider visual


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 9.6.9

and intersect the groundwater table.

Visual aspects
(O, D, P) Steep highwalls are potentially unstable and
failure can impact areas away from the opencast pit rim.

(C, O, D, P) Pump rainwater and groundwater

that collects in the pit and store for use as
process water or for dust suppression.
(O, D, P) Reduce height of highwalls separating
benches to increase stability.

(D, P) Optimal post-mining slope stability requires

departure from operational bench and highwall design
during decommissioning phase

(D, P) Maximum 5m highwall remnant with >2

steps separating highwalls.


Soil cover thickness, texture,

horizonation, drainage status vary
across and down the slope in response
to bedrock type, slope gradient, climate
and organic inputs. The topsoil is
regarded as the upper 500mm of the
soil profile. Apart from supporting
vegetation cover the topsoil encourages
infiltration of rainwater. The subsoil and
weathered rock that constitutes the
overburden must be removed and
stockpiled for the life of the mine in
most opencast mining situations.
Topsoil stockpiles tend to degrade
during long-term stockpiling and lose
the organic components and fertility

(C) Excavation of topsoil and weathered rock overburden

during clearing of opencast pit and bench extensions.
(C) Disturbance or burial of soils by access or haul roads,
beneficiation plant infrastructure, stockpiles and pollution
control dams.
(C, O) Degradation of soil characteristics during mediumto long-tem stockpiling.
(C, O) Chemical and fuel spillages contaminate the soil
(C, O) Concentrated storm runoff from the pit surrounds
and infrastructure areas is erosive, causing sheet, rill and
donga erosion features.
(O, D) Salinisation, mineralisation and toxic contamination
of soils beneath and surrounding residue deposits and
tailings dams
(D, P) Inadequate topsoil restoration or creation of unnatural surface topography or slope form which could
impact lower or adjacent slopes due to increased runoff
(D, P) Erosion of restored topsoil due to inadequate
erosion control measures
(D, P) Low productivity of rehabilitated soils due to
inadequate soil fertility or high erosion rates.


capability /
Land use

(C, O) Compile accurate soil map showing

classification, thickness, fertility status. Remove
and stockpile 500mm topsoil in berms or heaps
less than 1.5m high and turn soil every six
months. Do not use as stormwater control
feature. Vegetate with diverse grass mix to
control erosion.
(C, O) Remove and stockpile topsoil from roads,
building platforms, stockpile and dam areas
prior to construction.
(O) Petrochemical spillages to be collected in a
drip tray and drum to store excavated spill
affected soil for disposal at a registered facility.
(C, O) Stormwater diversion and erosion control
contour berms separate clean and contaminated
water systems around the pit and infrastructure
areas. Design erosion control and diversion
berms, terraces or drains with the runoff for a
particular soil type and slope gradient.
(O, D) Analyse soils, treat to ameliorate salinity
or contamination and dispose of untreatable soil
at an approved disposal site.
(D, P) Restore overburden to recreate slope
form and topsoil with optimal fertilisation based
on soil analysis.
(D) Scarify roads and stockpile areas to a depth
of 500mm and infrastructure areas and restore
topsoil cover
(D, P) Implement irrigation and soil conservation
(P) Integrate disturbed area to most appropriate
landuse to ensure long-term stability of restored

Mineral and Petroleum Development

Resources Development Act, 2002
(Act No. 28 of 2002)
regulation 56 (1) to (8); soil pollution and
erosion control

The Conservation of Agricultural

Resources Act (Act No 43 of 1983)
section 4(1) and regulation 6(1)

GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide


The land capability is a function of the

soil thickness and fertility status, slope,
drainage, climatic regime and
vegetation types which are influenced
by prior landuse. The limited definitions
provided in the Aide Mmoire provide
some guidance and land must be
classified into Awilderness@ (should be
expanded to >virgin= land), wetland,
grazing or arable.
This relates to the post-mining
rehabilitation goals and targets. The
land use planning zonation must be
considered in urban areas to integrate
the mined land and the end use options
may change in relation to surrounding
land use over time.

Land Use


Appendix 9.6.9

(C, O, D, P) Potential loss of Red Data Species

Land use

(C, O, D) Disturbance of agricultural potential and

subdivision of high potential arable land into uneconomic
farming units.

(C, O, D, P) Vegetation survey required if on

Red Data Farm or close to a Red Data Farm.

(C, O) Focus developments and avoid unnecessary subdivision of land and activities that
could be sited on already disturbed land.

(O, D, P) Backfilled areas could be too unstable to

support post-mining land use objectives compatible with
surrounding areas.

(C, O, D, P) Integrate available land with

activities in adjacent areas and ensure public
access to land with unique characteristics or
high conservation status.

(O, D, P) Waste disposal sites negatively impact

development in surrounding areas.

Red Data Plant Policy for EIA (24 Aug

Development Guidelines for Ridges (April
The Conservation of Agricultural
Resources Act (Act No 43 of 1983),
section 4(1) and 5(1)
section 9 (1) and 11(1)
sections 15 and 16; regulations 5 and 6

(D, P) Rehabilitation must ensure long-term

stability and not compromise post-mining land
use objectives.

Land use zonation of adjacent areas is

defined by Integrated Development
Plans. Mine development often places
pressure on productive agricultural land
through development of secondary or
support industries. Human and traffic
pressures or polluted discharge can
threaten adjacent or downstream land
designated as conservation areas or
habitats favouring protected or rare

(C, O, D) Inadequate planning or loose development can

subdivide high potential land or habitats into un-viable
small areas.
(D, P) Unsuccessful rehabilitation can reduce the postmining land use options.


( D, P) Take into account developments in

surrounding areas and design post-mining land
use options to support and enhance long-term
development options.

Detailed assessment of the pre-mining

vegetation status and characterisation
relative to well preserved areas of the
same habitat is essential for mine
development planning options and postmining land use. Opencast mining and
related infrastructure is a permanent
destruction and rehabilitation cannot
restore all pre-mining habitats. Longterm cumulative impacts can lead to
degradation of even well conserved

(C, O, D, P) Loss of Red Data Species

Animal life

(C, O, D, P) Vegetation survey required if on

Red Data Farm or close to Red Data Farm.

Animal life

(C, O, D) Disturbance of indigenous vegetation types and

negative impacts of dust or polluted runoff beyond the
mining area boundaries.
(C, O, D) Fragmentation of habitats or isolation of small
areas that results in degradation or changes in
populations reliant on movement or interchange between
habitats or scattered populations.
(O, D) Cumulative impact of illegal collecting or land use
during long-term or life of mine can degrade areas and
reduce the viability of adjacent areas.

(C, O) Plan to focus developments through

multi-use options and avoid splitting land and
habitats. Integrate the mining area with regional
land use planning objectives where possible.

(C, O, D) Effective pollution control to reduce

the spread of impacts.

Red Data Plant Policy for EIA (24 Aug

Development Guidelines for Ridges (April

(C, O) Consolidate development areas and

develop multi-use options or infrastructure
corridors for roads, pipelines, power and
communication links.
(O, D, P) Clear invasive alien weeds and plants
and re-establish diverse indigenous species
during ongoing rehabilitation.

The Conservation of Agricultural

Resources Act (Act No 43 of 1983),
sections 15 and 16; regulation 5 (1)

(D, P) Develop post-mining environments in

conjunction with regional development plans.
Recreate habitats where possible or structure
altered landscapes to be compatible with
regional habitat mosaics to resist water and
wind erosion of soils.

The Conservation of Agricultural

Resources Act (Act No 43 of 1983)
section 4(1) and 5(1)

(D, P) Avoid overstocking or irrigation with water

that will cause salinisation, mineralisation or
acidification of restored soil. Implement soil
conservation measures to protect rehabilitated
areas and vegetation cover

The Conservation of Agricultural

Resources Act (Act No 43 of 1983)
section 9 (1) and 11(1)

(O, D) Inadequate control of alien species can result in

establishment of populations or seed sources that
threaten adjacent areas.
(O, D) Restore vegetation structure and composition as
close to original composition as possible unless
alternative vegetation rehabilitation is defined in EMP.

(D, P) Utilisation of rehabilitated ground must be

compatible with carrying capacity or soil conditions.


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Animal life

Disturbance of populations, subdivision

of habitats or ecosystems and isolation
of small unviable communities results in
cumulative impacts.

Appendix 9.6.9

(C, O, D, P) Loss of Red Data Species


(C, O, D, P) Potential impact on Red data

Species, habitat reduction and fragmentation is
not limited to mining-related developments but
mine sites are committed to rehabilitation which
is not the case with normal urban or agricultural
(O) Control vermin and reduce poaching
through staff education and law enforcement
(O) Cumulative effects only become critical if
there are no other suitable habitats in the
adjacent areas. Support conservation efforts in
areas of similar habitat to ensure potential
sources for restocking.
(P) Rehabilitation must restore pre-development
indigenous species not only rehabilitate to the
pre-mining state. Decide on suitable species on
the basis of well-preserved areas not
necessarily current species.

Red Data Plant Policy for EIA (24 Aug

Development Guidelines for Ridges (April


(O, D, P) Discharge treated water meeting legal

standards into watercourse to supplement clean
runoff. Remain within catchment discharge
parameters determined from pre-mining

National Water Act (NWA), 1998

Notice No. 704, Regulations on use of
water for mining and related activities
(Govt. Gazette, No. 408)

C, O, D) Disturbance of remnant terrestrial wild mammal,

avian, amphibian and insect fauna through physical
habitat destruction, noise, traffic and movement of people.
(C, O, D) Large developments can threaten migration
routes or flight paths. Cumulative impact of illegal
collecting, road kills or powerline related deaths reduce
population viability in the long-term. Some mining related
habitats also favour species leading to un-natural
competition with endemic fauna.
(O, D) Potential increase in feral animals and impact on
indigenous fauna e.g. cats, rats.
(O) Illegal hunting or disturbance.
(O) Operation or disturbance during breeding season can
precipitate long-term cumulative effect on populations.
(P) Potential permanent change in habitats due to
inadequate monitoring and degradation of rehabilitated
areas due to inadequate maintenance.

Surface water

Surface water effects of opencast

mining and related infrastructure can be
characterised as altered or diverted
natural drainage lines, reduced natural
runoff, concentration of runoff, mixing of
clean runoff with contaminated runoff
and creation of large open water
Net losses to surface runoff are
increased by creation of large bodies of
open water through increased
Degradation of vegetation in
surrounding catchment, creation of
large impermeable areas and
concentrated runoff in stormwater
systems leads to highly modified flood
responses in small catchments that can
threaten channels, habitats and
infrastructure downstream.
Erosion by concentrated runoff can
create long-term instability in natural
channels and spread of incision into
adjacent areas.
Impacts to surface water must be
judged against changes to both quality
and quantity.

(C, O, D, P) Permanent impact on catchment by capturing

surface runoff and >beheading= or diverting drainage
systems. Cumulative loss of wetlands that are a
threatened resource. Degradation of stream channels
through long-term reduced runoff and periodic discharge
of very high volumes destabilises the system.

Animal life

(C, O, D) Altered storm water runoff response due to large

impervious areas and concentrated runoff in drainage

Storm water runoff and drainage

(C, O, D) Increased erosion, dust generation and potential
chemical contaminants reduce surface water quality or
result in discharge that exceeds the maximum
concentrations permitted by the National Water Act.
(C, O, D) Vehicle wash bays and workshop facilities
produce petrochemical and solvent contaminated runoff.
(C, O, D) Sanitary conveniences, fuel depots or storage
facilities of potentially polluting substances can
contaminate surface water.

Tailings and pollution control dams

(C, O, D, P) Mineralogical and chemical characteristics of
specific rock types, especially the fine crushed product,
produce highly reactive material that oxidises readily to
produce poor quality leachates from residue stockpiles.
(C, O, D, P) Contaminated runoff or leachate
concentrated in pollution control dams can decant or
contaminate through controlled discharge of partially
treated water into natural systems.
(C, O, D, P) Failure of tailings treatment and storage
dams due to inadequate design or exceeding capacity.



(C, O, D) Detailed catchment hydrological

modelling is required to define runoff
characteristics, model extreme event discharge
and design stormwater and tailings
management facilities.
(C, O, D, P) Initiate catchment management to
control and reduce erosive runoff containing
suspended sediment. Create and maintain
clean water drainage systems to isolate
contaminated areas and separate clean and
dirty water systems so that neither can interact
more than once in 50 years.
(O, D, P) Create stormwater discharge stilling
dams or artificial wetlands on drainage lines to
absorb extreme runoff events, settle entrained
solids, passively treat water and control
(C, O, D) No prospecting, drilling, mining within
greater distance of 100m or 1:50 year flood line
from watercourse.

Mineral and Petroleum Development

Resources Development Act, 2002
(Act No. 28 of 2002)
regulation 54 (1) and (2); water
management and pollution control

NWA, 1998; regs 4 (b) (d)

(C, O, D, P) Geochemical analysis of crushed

waste must identify acid rock drainage
production potential.
(C, O, D, P) Assessment in accordance with
EIA, comply with norms and manage in
accordance with the EMP. Design tailings dam
catchment paddock dams and toe cut-off trench,
siltation dam and return water system with
adequate capacity, impervious lining or
subsurface drainage blanket to ensure efficient
functioning. Don=t discharge water unless
treated to the standard prescribed.
(C, O, D, P) Optimise residue stockpile and

Mineral and Petroleum Development

Resources Development Act, 2002
(Act No. 28 of 2002)
regulation 55 (1) to (6); disposal or waste
regulation 58 (1) to (8); management of
residue stockpiles and deposits

GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 9.6.9

deposit slope length and gradient to reduce

erosional effect of storm runoff.
(C, O, D, P) Design residue and fine tailings
dams to withstand rainfall from a storm event
with a 1:100 year return periodicity and maintain
0.8m freeboard. Do not locate within 1:100 year
flood line on any watercourse or dam or 100m
from a watercourse or borehole.

NWA, 1998, reg 6(b)(d)(e)

NWA, 1998; reg 10(a)

(C, O, D) Ensure coolant water meets standards

before discharge into other systems or recycle
for other process purposes.

Beneficiation processes
(C, O, D) Coolant water can become contaminated and
must be cooled, recycled and discharged.
Opencast pit sump

(O, D, P) Before dumping waste rock in worked

out pit levels that may be submerged ensure
that it will not pollute or degrade over time to
produce poor quality leachates.

(O, D, P) Drainage of benches and concentration of

rainfall leads to creation of large volume open water
bodies in worked out pit and can lead to increased
groundwater recharge and potential regional impact of low
quality water.

(O, D, P) Before irrigating land with accumulated

water obtain permission from DWAF to reduce
risk of acidification, salinisation or mineralisation
of soils

(O, D) Pumping of process water from the pit sump can

discharge poor quality water exceeding minimum
Ground water

The potential impact of opencast mining

and related surface processes and
infrastructure is defined by the aquifer
potential of the host bedrock and the
density of structural discontinuities or
zones of preferential groundwater
movement. The chemical
characteristics of groundwater relate to
the mineralogy, grain-size, natural rock
cement, porosity and weathering.
In situ the natural rates of chemical
reaction that affect groundwater
chemistry are reduced by low flow rates
or anoxic conditions. However, the
same rock crushed at the surface to
produce fine material with a significantly
higher surface area in an oxidising
environment can produce poor quality

Air Quality

NWA, 1998; reg 4(c)

MPRDA, 2002; regulation 56 (7)

The Conservation of Agricultural
Resources Act (Act No 43 of 1983)
section 6(1)


Opencast pit

(C, O, D) Limit development to target rocks and

reduce exposure of aquifer rocks. Isolate
porous or highly transmissive groundwater
zones through capping or grouting to prevent
clean groundwater ingress or recharge of
contaminated water.
(C, O, D) Implement environmental
management system and reporting structure
with codes of practice and staff training to report
and address chemical spills.

(C, O, D) Disturbance of groundwater flow path through

physical disruption or saturation of backfilled material
along path of opencast pit development. Possible
increased recharge along porous groundwater zones due
to an increased head of open water collecting in the pit.
(C, O, D) Impact of chemical spillages, sewage discharge,
natural leachates and acid rock drainage on aquifer.

(C, O, D, P) Ensure that site preparation

includes sealing of substrate before developing
waste rock and tailings facilities. Implement
minimum design flood specifications.

Residue stockpiles and deposits

(C, O, D, P) Creation of waste rock residue deposits or
stockpiles with infiltration of leachate due to inadequate
basal sealing or leakage from sealed pollution control

Drilling and blasting enhances porosity

and can increase weathering rates.
Under some circumstances there can
be links between different aquifer types
that cross-contaminate different
groundwater types.

(C, O, D, P) Failure of residue deposits, stockpiles or

pollution control structures can discharge poor quality
leachates on soil and infiltration will contaminate the
vadose and phreatic groundwater tables.

Dust is generated by drilling and

blasting, loading, transport, crushing
and waste products dumping and
storage. Different sizes of dust
represent specific health risks or
nuisance threats. Dust can retard
vegetation growth and reduce the
palatability of vegetation. In urban
areas dust represents a health hazard,
lowers quality of life through impacts to

(C, O, D) Dust generated on haul roads reduces visibility

in opencast pit, representing a safety hazard.

(C, O, D) Dust generation from primary and secondary

crushing and screening, further beneficiation processes,
product and waste transport routes, residue stockpiles or
deposits and un-rehabilitated areas.

(C, O, D, P) Rehabilitate, seal, drain and

revegetate old waste rock and tailings deposits
to meet minimum standards to reduce
groundwater recharge below dump. Implement
low maintenance passive pollution control
facilities or artificial wetlands.


(C, O, D) Dust suppression by spraying water or

non-contaminating palliative liquids on pit haul
roads during drilling and after blasting and
loading, spraying haul roads, crusher and
screening plan. Implement dust monitoring
programme, classify dust fall-out and report to
(C, O, D, P) Prevent dust from transported
product by washing vehicles and covering loads.

Mineral and Petroleum Development

Resources Development Act, 2002
(Act No. 28 of 2002)
regulation 50 (1) and (2)
Department of Health and Population
Development; dust fall-out classification

GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

houses, washing, etc.

Fall-out dust generated during opencast
mining operations is of >50m size
also know as >nuisance dust=

Appendix 9.6.9

(C, O, D) Production of fine particles and gases from

beneficiation processes through smokestacks.

Add chemical binder which will not affect

processes where possible.

(C,O,D) Production of smoke from burning stockpiles.

(O, D, P) Rehabilitate behind production with

adequate topsoiling, fertilisation, irrigation and
correct choice of grasses to ensure year-round

Apart from direct dust generation there

is a threat from dust carried into public
areas beyond the mining area by
vehicles transporting waste materials or

(O,D, P) Monitoring of stockpiles on a regular

interval is required to prevent or monitor
spontaneous combustion.

Spontaneous combustion of stockpiles

of coal is common and the resultant
smoke can be deleterious to humans
and fauna and flora alike.

/ Cultural



Noise at different levels and

periodicities is generated by drilling and
blasting, large plant and machines
during excavation, loading, crushing,
power screening and transport. The
cumulative effect is to raise the ambient
noise levels in the mining area and in
some localities there are high noise
levels that exceed specified levels and
require screening or noise reduction.

(C, O, D) Noise generated by mining, loading, transport

and beneficiation.

Extensive opencast mining and

crushing operations destroy or cover
large areas where there may be
archaeological sites, historic buildings,
graveyards or cultural sites.

(C, O, D) Progressive development can encroach upon or

disturb archaeological sites, cultural heritage sites or
graves. Mine upgrading can threaten historical mine
buildings or facilities with cultural heritage status.
(O) Excavation of sand can change river flow dynamics
and result in scour around bridge supports or deposition
of sand that diverts the current against buttresses.



Depending on the situation of the mine

relative to sites of historical or
conservation value, urban areas,
wetlands or rivers, high potential
agricultural land, transport
infrastructure, power transmission lines
could constitute sensitive environments
or be afforded protection under a
variety of legislation.

(C, O, D, P) Encroachment or direct impacts of opencast

pits occur in infrastructure areas whilst remote impact
such as noise, dust, discharge or leachates or cumulative
impacts such as loss of wetlands that are a threatened
resource reduced breeding success or slow continuous
damage to habitat or populations are typical impacts on
adjacent areas. Long-term impacts can alter the status of
over the life of the mine if impacts are not managed and


Position in landscape position relative

to surrounding topography can lead to a
wide visual envelope or possibly
effective screening from large parts of
the surrounding area. The impact can
relate to large buildings, colour contrast
of disturbed areas against adjacent
veld, dust or smoke emission plumes.
Apart from visual intrusion the impact

(C, O, D) Visual intrusion impact of mining activity on

nearby roads, homesteads, settlements, tourist sites.



Animal life

(C, O, D) Prepare a noise reduction plan to

cover all significant impacts at source and
implement noise reduction and screening to limit
exposure. Drilling and blasting is generally
intermittent and should be limited to daylight
hours when ambient noise levels are highest. A
hearing conservation programme must be
implemented where noise exceeds 85dB (A) in
the mine or must not be more than 7dB (A)
above ambient residual noise levels beyond
mine boundary or nearest residential

Environment Conservation Act 1989

(Regulation R154, Government Notice
Minerals Act 1991
Regulation 4.17.1
SABS 083

(C, O, D) Conduct cultural heritage resource

assessment through existing databases and a
site specific search in areas to be disturbed or
sites of known occurrences. Excavation,
cataloguing and preservation and relocation
may be required and can only be undertaken by
qualified persons under the necessary permits.

National Environmental Management Act,

1998 (Act No. 107 of 1998), section 4 (iii)

Removal of graves is subject to the age and

controlled by different legislation and different

Removal of Graves and Dead Bodies

Ordinance (Ordinance No. 7 of 1925)
Human Tissues Act (Act 65 of 1983)
National and Provincial Department of

(C, O, D, P) Monitoring of a wide range of

impacts and regular implementation of
mitigatory measures based on established
codes of practice can reduce cumulative
impacts. Negotiation with I&APs can identify
areas of concern and reduce the perceived
sensitivity or address the actual impacts.

(C, O, D, P) Effective use of topography,

architectural design and vegetation screens can
limit long distance visibility. Residue dumps can
be designed to lower the profile and silhouette
and reduce colour contrast and dust plumes
through rehabilitation. Indirect impacts like
smoke contribution to haze and winter smog can
be reduced by smokestack designs and
particulate separators. Well-vegetated residue

Mineral and Petroleum Development

Resources Development Act, 2002
(Act No. 28 of 2002)
regulation 52 (1) to (11); noise control
regulation 53 (1) to (2); blast, vibration and

National Heritage Resources Act, 1999

(Act No. 25 of 1999) South African
Heritage Resources Agency (SAHRA)

GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 9.6.9

can be one of reduced >sense of


Interested and
affected parties

Coal is the major source of electricity

generation and heat in South Africa.
Legislation imposes the same
rehabilitation requirements on high bulk,
low value product industries as precious
mineral industries with much higher
returns. The high mechanisation of lag
mines also results in a significant
multiplier effect from the opencast
operation with many employed by
service industries. Direct negative
impacts on communities are the harmful
minerals, chemical emissions and poor
quality surface and groundwater

Site specific criteria will determine the

impact on I&APs and the need for
public participation at all stages of the

stockpiles and end-use rehabilitation scenario

adjacent to an urban area can reduce the
perceived impact of visual intrusion.
(C, O, D, P) Social and labour issues pertaining to job
creation, job security, creation of unsustainable
settlements, human resource development strategy.


(C, O, D, P) Developments must be sustainable

and recognise people as an element of the
environment. Implement social and labour plan
with mining right.

(C, O, D) Increased direct and indirect employment and

training opportunities with improved standard of living for
local community.

National Environmental Management Act,

1998 (Act No. 107 of 1998), section 2, 4
(C, O, D) Additional positive socio-economic
benefits to communities, particularly in rural
areas, can be generated through projects to
create new products from waste rock, employ
labour intensive rehabilitation practices.

(O) Considerable multiplier effects through downstream

service industries such as construction, plant hire
mechanical repair and suppliers.
(C, D, P) Mine closure can have devastating effects on
communities that are reliant on mine-based income.

(C, O, D) Communities officials and concerned with

limiting negative environmental impacts and maximising

(C, D, P) Mine closure must be planned from

inception though adequate social planning and
infrastructure development that can be
maintained by the communities after closure.
Opportunities to redirect skills must be sought
and alternatives to demolition of mine
infrastructure that can be redeveloped must be

(C, O, D) Authorities and I&APs have support of

legislation and regulations to ensure compliance
with, and enforce implementation of the EMP to
ensure successful rehabilitation.
Regular monitoring and reporting every 6

Submission of

Legislated requirements and

commitment by proponent in the EMPR
or the Scoping Report, Environmental
Impact Assessment Report (EIAR),
Social and Labour Plan (SLP),
Environmental Management
Programme (EMP), Monitoring and
Performance Assessment, Mine
Decommissioning and Closure Plan,
Environmental Risk Report (ERR) to
provide monitoring of a variety of
outputs, discharges and effluents

(O, D, P) Discharges which must meet standards laid

down in regulations; e.g. water chemistry,

Mineral and Petroleum Development

Resources Development Act, 2002
(Act No. 28 of 2002)
regulations 26 to 29



noise, EMPR audit, review of financial provision for


Annually review financial provision for

Ongoing monitoring of EMPR,
performance assessments and report
every two years or as directed by
Director: Mineral Development

National Water Act, 1998



Report emergency incident regarding

water resource ASAP and report
corrective measures within 14 days.
notify of new mine or new activity,
submit a copy of the EMP or cessation
or resumption of operations within 14
Minister may request technical
investigation or inspection and report
implement compliance monitoring
network and submit monitoring

National Environmental Management Act,

1998 (Act No. 107 of 1998), section 2, 4
National Water Act, 1998 (Act 36 of 1998)
Atmospheric Pollution Prevention Act,
1965 (Act 45 of 1965)
Environment Conservation Act 1989
The Conservation of Agricultural
Resources Act (Act No 43 of 1983)
Minerals Act, 1991; reg. 5.16.1
Regulation 5.18.1 to 5.18.5

Notice No. 704, Regulations on use of water for

mining and related activities (Govt. Gazette, No.

regulation 2(c), 2(d)

regulation 1
regulation 2(a)
regulation 2(b)
regulation 12 (1) and (2)

reg. 12(5)

Mineral and Petroleum Resources

Development Act, 2002


compile and submit a performance

assessment report on frequency defined
in EMP, Minister or biennially
application for closure and submission

regulation 41 (1) and (2), monitoring and

performance assessments
regulation 42, 43 46(1), mine closure and

GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 9.6.9


a) Element - the element or issue being impacted on.
b) Extent
site:- the whole or a portion of the mining site.
region:- the area including the mine, the surrounding neighbours and or towns.
c) Duration
short term:- dissipation of impact through active or natural mitigation in a time span shorter than 5 years or life of the mine.
medium term:- impact will last for 5-10 years, whereafter it can be entirely negated.
long term:- the impact will last for the entire operational life of the mine, but will be mitigated thereafter.
permanent:- impact will be non-transitory.
d) Intensity
low:- natural processes or functions are not affected
medium:- affected environment is altered but function and process continue in a modified manner
high:- function or process of the affected environment is disturbed to the extent where it temporarily or permanently ceases.
e) Significance of unmitigated impacts
low:- e.g. site specific, low intensity
medium:- e.g. site specific, high intensity
high:- e.g. regional, high intensity.


of an environmental risk report

monitoring of residue stockpiles and

environmental risk report

regulation 58 (7)(a) and (b); monitoring of
residue stockpiles and deposits

GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 9.7

Appendix 9.7
Schematic layout of a typical fine tailings or slimes residue dam showing the pollution control dams around the toe of the dump


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 9.7

Figure after Chamber of Mines, 1996, The Engineering Design, Operation and Closure of Metalliferous, Diamond and Coal Residue Deposits. Guidelines for
Environmental Protection, Vol 1/1979, Figure XII.1, pp. 169.


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 9.8

Appendix 9.8
Integrated water & waste management plan

Figure after Best Practise Guidelines for Water Resource Protection in the South African Mining
Industry by DWAF, 2007


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GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 9.9

Appendix 9.9
Explanation of the lithostratigraphy and groundwater chemistry for units shown on the
1:500 000 general hydrological map of Gauteng

shale, coal
norite, gabbro
Gabro, norite,
Andesite, basalt
Dolomite, chert
Andesite, tuff
reddish, and
magmatic rocks


Group site complex


Alluvium, sand, calcrete

Volksrust Formation
Ecca Group
Vryheid Formation
Karoo Supergroup
Dwyka Group

Losberg Complex
Rusteburg Layered
Dullstroom Formation

Basic Complexes

Pretoria Group

Black Reef Formation

Klipriviersberg Group


Central Rand Group

West Rand Group


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 9.9

Chemistry of groundwater
1. West Rand Rand Group
Element /
Salts (mg/l)
(mg/l Ca)
(mg/l Mg)
(mg/l Na)
(mg/l K)
(mg/l Cl)
Sulphate (mg/l
SO4 )
Total Alkanity
(mg/l CaCo3 )
(mg/l N)
(mg/l F)
Index (LSI)
Ratio (SAR)

Statistics drawn from a population of 81 samples

Mean Value
of Variation





























































GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 9.9

2. Central Rand Group

Element /
Salts (mg/l)
(mg/l Ca)
(mg/l Mg)
Sodium (mg/l
(mg/l K)
(mg/l Cl)
(mg/l SO4 )
Total Alkanity
(mg/l CaCo3 )
(mg/l N)
(mg/l F)
Index (LSI)
Ratio (SAR)

Statistics drawn from a population of 81 samples

Mean Value
of Variation





























































GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 9.9

3. Back Reef Formation

Element /
Salts (mg/l)
(mg/l Ca)
(mg/l Mg)
(mg/l Na)
(mg/l K)
(mg/l Cl)
(mg/l SO4 )
Total Alkanity
(mg/l CaCo3 )
(mg/l N)
(mg/l F)
Index (LSI)
Ratio (SAR)

Statistics drawn from a population of 81 samples

Mean Value
of Variation





























































GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 9.9

4. Chuniespoort Group

Element /
Salts (mg/l)
(mg/l Ca)
(mg/l Mg)
(mg/l Na)
(mg/l K)
(mg/l Cl)
(mg/l SO4 )
Total Alkanity
(mg/l CaCo3 )
(mg/l N)
(mg/l F)
Index (LSI)
Ratio (SAR)

Statistics drawn from a population of 81 samples

Mean Value
of Variation





























































GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 9.9

5. Kilpriviersberg Group
Element /
Salts (mg/l)
(mg/l Ca)
(mg/l Mg)
(mg/l Na)
(mg/l K)
(mg/l Cl)
(mg/l SO4 )
Total Alkanity
(mg/l CaCo3 )
(mg/l N)
(mg/l F)
Index (LSI)
Ratio (SAR)

Statistics drawn from a population of 81 samples

Mean Value
of Variation





























































GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 9.9

6. Rustenburg Layered Suite

Element /
Salts (mg/l)
(mg/l Ca)
(mg/l Mg)
(mg/l Na)
(mg/l K)
(mg/l Cl)
(mg/l SO4 )
Total Alkanity
(mg/l CaCo3 )
(mg/l N)
(mg/l F)
Index (LSI)
Ratio (SAR)

Statistics drawn from a population of 81 samples

Mean Value
of Variation





























































GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 9.9

7. Dwyka Group
Element /
Salts (mg/l)
(mg/l Ca)
(mg/l Mg)
(mg/l Na)
(mg/l K)
(mg/l Cl)
(mg/l SO4 )
Total Alkanity
(mg/l CaCo3 )
(mg/l N)
(mg/l F)
Index (LSI)
Ratio (SAR)

Statistics drawn from a population of 81 samples

Mean Value
of Variation





























































GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 9.9

8. Vryheid Formation
Element /
Salts (mg/l)
(mg/l Ca)
(mg/l Mg)
(mg/l Na)
(mg/l K)
(mg/l Cl)
(mg/l SO4 )
Total Alkanity
(mg/l CaCo3 )
(mg/l N)
Flouride (mg/l
Index (LSI)
Ratio (SAR)

Statistics drawn from a population of 81 samples

Mean Value
of Variation





























































GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 9.9

9. Ecca Group
Element /
Salts (mg/l)
(mg/l Ca)
(mg/l Mg)
(mg/l Na)
(mg/l K)
(mg/l Cl)
(mg/l SO4 )
Total Alkanity
(mg/l CaCo3 )
(mg/l N)
(mg/l F)
Index (LSI)
Ratio (SAR)

Statistics drawn from a population of 81 samples

Mean Value
of Variation





























































GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 9.10

Appendix 9.10
Representations of geological controls on groundwater and aquifer types

Figure 1: A pumping borehole in unconfined and confined aquifers. Pumping borehole,

W, draws down the water table, t, in the unconfined aquifer from Rest Water Level to
Pumped Water Level (distance d). The effect on the aquifer is monitored in observation
borehole O1. Pumping also depresses the piezometric surface, p, of the confined
aquifer by amount s. Effect on the aquifer is monitored in observation borehole O2. The
pumping borehole has solid lining near the surface to prevent surface pollution
entering the borehole. It is perforated towards the base of the unconfined aquifer and
for the whole of the confined aquifer which is not dewatered (Source: Duff, 1978).


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 9.10

Figure 2: Groundwater related features and terminology. Ground water elevation along
the stream corridor can vary significantly over short distances, depending on
subsurface characteristics (Source: Vegter, 1995).

Figure 3: Regolith developed on sedimentary rocks. Note different modes of

weathering exhibited by the different rock types. Shale (A) weathers easily with a
gradual transition to fresh rock. The shale is not exposed on the surface. Sandstone
(B) is more resistant, but joint weathering has broken the formation into residual
blocks below the soil surface, so that the sandstone is only exposed as rubble at B.
Quartzite (C) is highly resistant to weathering so that, although there is a slight
opening of joints below the soil surface, this formation is exposed in situ at C (Source:
Federal Interagency Stream Restoration Working Group, 1998)


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 9.11

Appendix 9.11
Three cover designs used in the Uranium Mine Tailings Rehabilitation Action (UMTRA)
undertaken by the United States Department of Energy

Figure 1: Cover design for the UMTRA Project Shiprock disposal structure, New
Mexico (Source: IAEA, in preparation).


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 9.11

Figure 2: Cover design for the UMTRA Estes Gulch containment structure, Colorado
(Source: IAEA, in preparation).


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 9.11

Figure 3: Cover design for the UMTRA Monticello containment structure, Utah (Source:
IAEA, in preparation).


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GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 10: Future Trends in Gauteng


The aim of Chapter 9 was to provide the EO with generalised descriptions of the potential
environmental impacts associated with mining in the Gauteng region. These environmental
impacts could result in long-term environmental change, whether to the local climate,
topography, hydrology, or ecology. Chapter 10 was included into the Mining and
Environmental Impact Guide with the objective to provide the EO with information on the
driving forces, potential impacts and consequently, the future trends that are expected to arise
due to current and future mining operations in Gauteng. This information should aid the EO in
assessing the cumulative impacts of mining operations in the province.
This chapter covers a wide range of topics, including climate change, changes in natural
resource use, land use, blue IQ projects, the social environment and demography.

Climate Change in Gauteng

10.1.1. Current Climate

The climate of Gauteng is characterised by warm, moist summers and cool dry winters. Mean
daily temperatures vary between 21.2C in the summer and 9.8C in the winter (Schulze,
1997). Most rainfall occurs during the warmer months between October and March,
amounting to 900mm in the high-lying central areas and 556mm in the low-lying north and
south (Dent et al., 1989). The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), however,
has predicted that by 2050, climate change in Southern Africa could result in a 1C to 3C
increase in mean temperatures and a 5-10% decrease in rainfall over the summer rainfall
region (Boko et al., 2007).
These changes will have a wide array of impacts on the social, economic and natural
environment in Gauteng. In order to minimise and mitigate the impacts of climate change in
Gauteng, it is necessary to understand the primary driving forces that lead to climate change
in the province.

Did you know?

Global climate change could result in increased instances of climatic extremes, such as
droughts, floods, storms and tropical cyclones.

(Source: Boko et al., 2007)

Cover page Aerial view of old gold mine dumps to the south of Johannesburg, Gauteng
Province, South Africa


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 10: Future Trends in Gauteng

10.1.2. Driving forces

Climate change in Gauteng is driven by a combination of social, economical and
environmental driving forces. These driving forces result in the emission of greenhouse gases
(GHGs), especially carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), ozone (O3) and nitrogen oxides
(NOx) into the atmosphere, thereby exacerbating climate change. They include the following:

High concentration of mining activities (1.8% of the provinces total area);

High concentration of industries (1.7% of the provinces total area);

High population density (517 people per km);

Large vehicle population (37% of the countrys vehicles);

High energy consumption by the mining, industrial, transport and residential sectors; and

A defined inversion layer during winter months.

10.1.3. Sectoral Driving Forces


The energy sector is the single largest source of Carbon dioxide (CO2) and sulphur dioxide
(SO2) emissions in South Africa, as it is in most countries This includes electricity generation,
emissions resulting from oil and coal refining to produce petroleum products, coal mining and
gas extraction, wood burning and the burning of coal and oil to produce heat for industrial and
other purposes.
The total emissions of SO2 from the energy sector were fairly stable during the 1990s and
remained at about 1.7 kilotons from 1989 to 1993, despite the overall increase in energy
production. This is due to management of coal quality and a small degree of sulphur dioxide
removal from the stack emissions. Greater efficiencies have also been achieved in primary
industrial combustion processes, particularly the power sector.


The transport sector, (including aeroplanes, ships, trains and road vehicles) contribute 44% of
the total national nitric oxide emissions and 45% of the total national volatile organic carbon
(VOC) emissions. VOCs are not inherently toxic, but combine with nitric oxide and carbon
monoxide, in the presence of sunlight, to form photochemical smog, which contains ozone
and other gases toxic to plants and animals. This is particularly a problem in urban areas.
Road vehicles, rather than trains or aircraft, contribute the most to the total carbon dioxide,
nitric oxide and volatile organic carbon emissions (VOC). Emissions from the transport sector
(94%, 53% and 89% respectively). Road vehicles also contribute to lead emissions,
especially in urban areas.


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 10: Future Trends in Gauteng


Agricultural activities contribute the most to methane emissions (48% of the national total) and
nitrous oxide emissions (78% of the national total). The main sources of methane emissions
are cattle and sheep. Livestock numbers are driven by agricultural economics and population
changes (for instance, the meat consumption per capita in a wealthy, urban area is larger
than in a poor or rural area), but have been fairly stable for several decades, at what is
thought to be close to the grazing carrying capacity of the veld. Livestock raising technology
is, however, changing, towards the greater use of feedlots for animal fattening. The methane
emissions from manure handling of animals in feedlots are greater than from manure
deposited on a rangeland, due to the anaerobic conditions typically associated with the
former. The main source of nitrous oxide emissions is the use of nitrogen fertilisers.
10.1.4. Impacts
This section provides a brief description of the different impacts of climate change on the
social, economic and natural environments of Gauteng. It should be noted that very little
information exists on the impacts of climate change on Gauteng as a province, current
research concentrates on the larger climatic, hydrological, geological and ecological regions.
Also, the field of climate change research in South Africa is relatively new and therefore, there
is a lack of quantitative information on the extent and severity of the expected impacts.
The different impacts that will be described relate to water, air quality, agriculture, biodiversity
and health. These impacts should be viewed in entirety, as they interact with and influence
each other within a complex environmental system.


As mentioned previously, Gauteng has a very high population density (517 people per km)
and a very large concentration of mining and industrial activities. This results in a high
dependency on water resources for domestic, mining and industrial use. This dependency is
expected to increase due to population growth and economic development.
Several South African climate change studies concur that global climate change will have a
serious impact on water supply in the Gauteng Province, leading to water scarcity and other
negative impacts. This includes:

An estimated 5-10% decrease in annual rainfall over the province;

Increased incidence of climatic extremes, including droughts and floods, which could
damage infrastructure and lead to an increase in the number of environmental refugees;

A 10% decrease in surface run-off, also resulting in decreased stream flow and
groundwater replenishment; and

An increase in evaporation from surface water bodies and soil, as well as evapotranspiration from plants (Kiker, 2000; Schulze et al., 2001).


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 10: Future Trends in Gauteng

Did you know?

The provinces high dependency on the Lesotho Highlands Water Scheme further
increases the risk for water-related conflicts, which could have serious social

(Source: Ashton, 2000)

Air Quality

Climate change is expected to result in the enhancement of the inversion layer which is
dominant over the Highveld during winter months. The inversion layer reduces the
atmospheres ability to disperse pollutants, resulting in poor air quality (Kiker, 2000). In turn,
poor air quality has an impact on human and environmental health, and reduces atmospheric


Gauteng has a very small agricultural sector with only 28.7% of the land having moderate or
high potential for agricultural production. The direct impact of climate change is not expected
to have a significant influence on the provinces agricultural sector, however several indirect
social impacts could result from climate change.
Gauteng has a high population density and consequently, the population depends on food
produced in and imported from other provinces. The negative impacts of global climate
change on South Africas agricultural sector are therefore believed to have a significant
impact on the availability of food in general. Some of the impacts include:

A 10-20% decrease in maize yields, especially in the white maize producing regions (Du
Toit et al., 2000);

A reduction in the suitable area for the production of specialty crops (Du Toit et al., 2000);

A reduction in the number of livestock that can be kept in a sustainable way (Scholes et
al., 2000).

These impacts pose a serious threat to food security and could have far reaching effects on
social welfare, health and nutrition.


One of the most prominent effects of climate change will be the movement of biomes.
Research has shown that climate change, characterized by increased temperature and a
decrease in annual precipitation, could lead to the movement of the Savanna and Grassland
Biomes. In Gauteng, this would result in the contraction of the Savanna Biome from its


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 10: Future Trends in Gauteng

northern boundaries and its encroachment on the Grassland Biome located in the southern
half of the province. Plant species such as Aloe marlothii, Erythrina lysistemon, C. apiculatum,
and Grewia flava (See Figure 10-1) are expected to invade deep into the Grassland Biome
(Rutherford et al., 2000).

Figure 10-1: Grasslands plant species. From top left clockwise: Aloe marlothii,
Erythrina lysistemon, Grewia flava and C. apiculatum (Sources: Bushveld, 2004; Van
Wyk & Van Wyk, 2007; Kyffhuser, 2008; and Bushveld, 2004)
Impacts on animal species include a general contraction in the ranges of sensitive species,
such as reptiles and amphibians. It is further expected that the ranges of sensitive species will
shift in a westerly direction, with the biggest loss of species in the western parts of South
Africa. These changes will have a marked influence on land use in the Gauteng Province and
the functioning of conservation areas (Van Jaarsveld et al., 2000).


Climate change is expected to have the following impacts on the health of humans in


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 10: Future Trends in Gauteng

As illustrated in Figure 10-2, a general southwards shift in the ranges of malaria and
schistosomiasis (not necessarily to include Gauteng);

An increase in the number of people that is potentially at risk to malaria;

Stress and additional vulnerability on HIV/Aids affected populations (Craig & Sharp,
2000); and

More deaths, especially among the elderly, due to heat waves (Terblanche, 1994).

Increased ozone levels in the lower atmosphere (resulting from nitrous oxides and
hydrocarbons reacting in the sunlight) could lead to respiratory health effects. This is hard to
document since these are not diseases for which national statistics are maintained, and
respiratory effects can have many causes (Terblanche, 1994).
Depletion of upper atmosphere stratospheric ozone will result in more of the harmful ultraviolet B radiation reaching ground level. This could lead to increases in skin cancer and
cataracts, and possibly reduction in the effectiveness of the immune system (Terblanche,

Effects of climate change in mining

Climate is naturally variable, with seasonal, annual and longer-term fluctuations in the
averages and extremes of temperature, rainfall, evaporation and wind, among numerous
other climate parameters. The long design life of mines and supporting infrastructure mean
that they will be challenged repeatedly by climate extremes over their life cycle, from initial
construction through to decommissioning.
Natural variability in climate poses a significant challenge in the management of climate risk.
Naturally occurring modes of climate variability such as the El Nio Southern Oscillation
(ENSO) and other, lower frequency modes, result in sequences of droughts and floods that
can last from several years to decades (Mouton, 2001). Failure to take these into account can
result in the likelihood of extreme climate and weather events being underestimated. The
recent flooding of coal mines in the Bowen Basin in Queensland, Australia, highlights both the
potentially significant damages faced by the mining sector from climate hazards and the need
for adequate planning and preparation (Botkin, 2004).
In recent years, human-induced climate change has posed an additional challenge to the
assessment and management of climate risks, since the assumption that future climate will
mirror past climate may no longer apply. This will significantly add to the uncertainty in mine
planning and operation, and will require new approaches that account for these likely future
changes. The long design life of many mining operations means that the effective
management of these risks will need to be considered early in the mine life cycle.
10.2.1. What is climate risk?
Climate risk refers to the extent to which an organisations infrastructure, operations and
markets are affected by variability and long term shifts in the averages and extremes of
climate. In mining operations, climate risk may be manifested in areas as diverse as:


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 10: Future Trends in Gauteng

Threats to mine water supply security;

Damage to mines and associated transport infrastructure from flooding, cyclones and
other extreme storm events;
Threats to port operations and shipping from sea level rise and storm surges;
Delays in construction of mine infrastructure or in production and shipping of product;
Human health threats for mine staff from changes in working conditions or disease
Climate-related social dislocation and security concerns in communities around
mining operations;
Changes in surface water and groundwater interactions, with implications for acid
mine drainage or movement of contaminants, and
Threats to vulnerable ecosystems in areas within mining operations from direct
climate impacts or via climate sensitive agents, such as fire, pests, weeds or

The effects of climate risks might include: operational delays, revenue losses, increased
production costs, labour shortages and adverse mine legacies. If properly understood and
managed at the right time in the mine life cycle, these risks can be accounted for in planning,
investment and operational decisions.
10.2.2. Assessing climate risk
The sources of climate risk, its importance and management responses vary with the phase
of a mines life cycle. For example, when developing a construction program for a mine site or
transport infrastructure it would be useful to know the projected number of rain days or the
likelihood of flooding over the coming wet season. By contrast, a long-term water supply
strategy could involve establishing water security from a number of supply sources over the
mines design life. Such an analysis would need to include an evaluation of the influence of
natural climate modes, as well as longer term climate change projections. Finally, a mine
rehabilitation strategy is concerned with the likely climate beyond the end of the mine design
life, and therefore would need to consider long-term climate change projections.
10.2.3. Incorporating climate knowledge into mine management
The assessment of risks and opportunities associated with climate variability and change
should be an integral part of all mining projects from the initial planning all the way through to
mine decommissioning. This assessment could simply consist of asking some questions to
assess risk and vulnerability as part of the design scoping discussion, or it could be a more
specific and comprehensive plan tailored to specific aspects of a project.
The fundamental question is how does climate variability and change affect the mining
project? This involves an assessment of:

The projects sensitivity to climate: the degree in which change in climate will affect
the project. For example, what would be the effect of a 20% increase in flooding from
a nearby river or decreased inflows to a mine water storage of 20%?
The projects exposure to climate: the magnitude of natural variability and/or extent of
projected human-induced changes in temperature, water availability, likelihood of
floods and storms, and/or sea levels;


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 10: Future Trends in Gauteng

The capacity to adapt to change: the capacity planned or unplanned of the mine
operator, local communities and/or natural environment to adapt to change in climate.

10.2.4. Considering climate change at each step of the project life cycle
An alternative framework for assessing and managing risk considers the likely climate
impacts at all stages of the project life cycle. This will involve asking additional questions to
what is normally considered, with the aim of embedding an appreciation of climate risk and
opportunity in project vision, goals and delivery methods.
Climate variability and change contain risks and opportunities that will manifest at all stages of
the mine lifecycle, at a range of geographic locations and over a range of planning horizons.
This requires a robust understanding of how the climate currently operates and of how this
might change in the future. It also requires an understanding of the design and operational
flexibility to manage this risk. Although uncertainty will always be part of any assessment or
risk, the tools are now available to assess and adapt to climate risk throughout the mine life

Changes in Natural Resource Use

10.3.1. Energy Resources

South Africa is endowed with rich deposits of minerals and fossil fuel in the form of coal. It is
no surprise, therefore, that the economic development of our country has historically been
focused upon the extraction and processing of these resources. This has led to the
development of a national economy heavily dependent upon energy as its driving-force, and
has resulted in the core of our industries being those concerned with energy-intensive
activities, such as iron and steel production and other raw materials processing. Furthermore,
coal has inevitably emerged as the major source of primary energy to meet the demands of
industry and the country as a whole. In 2000 the total primary energy supply to the nation was
nearly 4,300 Petajoules, of which 79% was attributable to coal. These facts have led to the
development of the White Paper on Renewable Energy Policy (DME, 2004) which has the
overall objective ofAn energy economy in which modern renewable energy increases its
share of energy consumed and provides affordable access to energy throughout South Africa,
thus contributing to sustainable development and environmental conservation.
Our abundant coal reserves have partially contributed towards an economic environment
wherein the unit price of electricity is amongst the cheapest in the world. One of the
undesirable side effects of this has been that energy efficiency has been demoted to make
way for priority considerations, such as plant expansions and increases in production
throughput. Indeed, by international standards the South African economy uses a relatively
high amount of energy per unit of national economic output, or GDP (8.1 PJ per billion US$ in


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Chapter 10: Future Trends in Gauteng

Figure 10-2: Future distribution of malaria (Source: Rogers & Randolph, 2005)


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 10: Future Trends in Gauteng

In South Africa we take energy for granted, with the consequence that our energy efficiency is
not as good as it should be. Indeed, our countrys economy is largely based on minerals
extraction and processing which is by its nature very energy intensive. Whilst our historically
low electricity price has contributed towards a competitive position, it has also meant that
there has been little incentive to save electricity. The Industrial and Mining Sectors are the
heaviest users of energy, accounting for more than two-thirds of our national electricity usage.
Here lies the potential for the largest savings by replacing old technologies with new, and by
employing best energy management practices (Beacock & Ingham, 2005).
10.3.2. Water Resources
Although an estimated 4.3 million households still do not have water services, the increase in
demand for domestic and industrial water provision over the last four decades has been four
times greater than that of the agricultural sector, which is currently still the largest consumer
of water. The demand for domestic water is projected to increase from 11% of the total in
1996, to 23% of the total by the year 2030, an increase of more than 200%. Current
projections estimate that serious shortfalls in water provision will occur within the next ten to
twenty years. An urgent need for empirical research on the nature and extent of the impact of
population growth on specific resources still exists.
10.3.3. Agricultural Resources
The loss of high potential agricultural land due to urban sprawl was one of the identified key
environmental issues in Gauteng in the Gauteng Environmental Implementation Plan (GPG,
2002). Estimates by the National Department of Agriculture indicate that only 12 % of South
Africas land surface is arable and 13% is suitable for irrigation. Furthermore, only 4 % of the
countrys land area is high or moderate potential land. Gauteng falls within this area.
Approximately 28.7% of Gauteng has been identified as land that needs to be protected for
agricultural use (NDA, 2007). The emphasis of this is on areas with potential for irrigated crop
production. This is made up of 15.1% high potential and 13.6% moderate-high potential land.
These areas lie mainly within the West Rand District Municipality, with smaller, more
fragmented portions in the north and the East Rand, as well as south and east of Heidelberg.
In 2002, 16.4% of land was cultivated.
Although it was not possible to report on the loss of high potential lands by different land
cover classes due to the scale differences in land cover data mentioned above. Only 28.2% of
this land is currently cultivated, while a large proportion is undeveloped (40.7%). It should be
noted that significant portions of this high potential, undeveloped land is regarded as being of
high conservation importance

Changes in Land Use

10.4.1. Current Land Use

Gauteng is the smallest but most densely populated and urbanised province. The 1995
census recorded more than 7 million people living in an area of 18 810 km . In most of the
districts, population densities exceed 100 people per km . A map showing the land use of
Gauteng is shown as Figure 10-3.


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Chapter 10: Future Trends in Gauteng

Figure 10-3: Land Use in Gauteng (Source: ENPAT, 2000)


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 10: Future Trends in Gauteng

Gauteng was previously part of the Transvaal and incorporates no former homelands or selfgoverning states. Mining, industry and commerce dominate the economy of Gauteng, and the
province is a major employer of migrant labour. 16.6% of the population of Gauteng lives in
poverty, this being the lowest poverty rate of the nine provinces. The natural vegetation of the
northern half of Gauteng is savanna and the southern half is grassland. The whole province
has a semi-arid climate. Approximately 50% of Gauteng is settlement area and 8% is used for
purposes such as mining, while 22% of the province is used to produce crops such as maize,
sorghum, sunflowers, beans and deciduous fruit. Only 19% is grazing land for dairy cattle and
sheep. There is no commercial forestry and only 1% of land is set aside for conservation.
Land is an important resource in Gauteng. Gautengs urban form primarily evolved from the
mining industries and inequitable land and development policies. Many of the towns and cities
in Gauteng, particularly on the East and West Rands, developed primarily as a result of the
presence of exploitable mineral resources. The subsequent spatial segregation of urban
areas along racial and income lines resulted in the urban poor being located far away from
the areas of industrial activity within the province.
This led to an urban form characterized by fragmented development and urban sprawl.
Unsustainable land use patterns have implications for the condition of the land. Land
condition is defined as the state, suitability and nature of the land resource. Changes in land
condition are described by type and geographic location. These may include physical soil
condition, diversity or density of vegetation cover, thickness of topsoil, alkalinity conditions,
etc. Land degradation can limit the capacity of land and water resources to support
agriculture, forestry, fisheries, and human settlements.
There is a relative unavailability of developable land in Gauteng, when conflicting
development objectives are considered. The need for the development of land in response to
increasing population as well as for economic growth, on the one hand, needs to be weighed
up against its protection for maintaining healthy ecosystems and natural resources, on the
other. The need for Strategic Environmental Assessments (SEAs), Environmental
Management Frameworks (EMFs) and Spatial Development Frameworks (SDFs) is
emphasised if sustainable use is to be made of the land resources in Gauteng. Importantly,
the principle of opportunity cost of land in the interests of the broader society needs to be
considered against the instrumental costs, when considering appropriate land uses in the
above processes.
10.4.2. Driving Forces

Pressures related to human settlements and demographics

There are many individual pressures relating to human settlements and population growth.
Migration has contributed to the increased population growth and expansion of human
settlements, with a consequent unequal distribution of wealth and high population density.
Pressures are therefore exerted on resources and the capacity of government to provide

Growth in the industrial/ manufacturing sector

The past growth in the industrial/manufacturing sector has resulted in increased release of
discharges and emissions, with a consequent negative impact on the air, water and land
resources of the province.


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 10: Future Trends in Gauteng

Poor and unsustainable agricultural practices

The increasing demands for agricultural products cause various pressures, such as overutilisation of fertilisers and chemicals, improper pesticide disposal, increased use of
machinery, inappropriate crop rotations and improper farming on marginal lands i.e. the
mismatch of land use and land suitability.

Unutilised and un-rehabilitated mining land

Gauteng has an abundance of unutilised (rehabilitated but sterilised or only wildlife potential)
and un-rehabilitated mining land including tailings dams and waste rock dumps. Also
undermining has left large tracts of land fallow and subject to development constraints. It is
estimated that 15 000 to 16 000 ha of land has been sterilised by 160 tailings dams and
cannot be used for human settlement development (GPG, 2002).

Transport routes increase susceptibility to degradation

The construction of transport routes fragments land, causing potential biodiversity and habitat
destruction and increasing the susceptibility of land to degradation. Furthermore, the
construction of roads requires excavation of minerals such as gravel. The development of
transport corridors, encouraged by spatial planning, also contributes to mobile pollution.

Social and demographic changes

People are dependent on the natural environment for meeting all their needs, and therefore
the interactions between people and the environment cannot be separated. This section
provides a description of several social trends that have resulted in environmental change in
South Africa.

Population growth

One of the major social trends causing environmental change is the rapidly growing South
African population. More people mean greater demands on the natural resources and
environmental services, as well as increasing the amount of waste and pollution that is
generated. Rapid population growth is very often viewed to be the most important threat to
the environment as more people means an intensification of the demands made on the finite
resources of the earth.


Another social trend is the high rate of urbanisation from both rural areas and other countries.
The significance of migration for the environment is in the changes brought about in the
spatial distribution of people. Urban migration may help reduce pressure on the rural
environment although it brings a new set of pressures on the urban environment associated
with the demand for land and services (Pebley, 1998). It has been found, for instance, that
urbanisation and particularly unplanned informal settlement negatively impacts runoff from
stormwater, concentrating flows and causing land degradation and erosion. Assessing the
impact of urbanisation on the environment is complicated, however, as the ecological
footprints of urban areas may cross even international boundaries.


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Chapter 10: Future Trends in Gauteng

Political, Economic and Social Inequity

The political, economic and social inequities of the past have led to environmental change in
South Africa. These inequities have resulted in high poverty rates, high levels of illiteracy and
unemployment, and distorted patterns of resource use and waste generation. For example,
fourteen million of the total South African population of 40.58 million people live in the former
homelands on soil that is to a large extent unsuitable for farming. According to Huntley et al.
(1989) both the high population density in the former homelands and the unbalanced
distribution of land, rather than farming methods, have contributed to massive soil erosion. An
estimated 1.2 million hectares of pasture in marginal areas are viewed to be lost to production
because of overgrazing.
Differences in wealth among the people of South Africa have also pressurised natural
resources. The more affluent people tend to consume more resources and generate more
waste, on a commercial and domestic level. Wealthier people, for example, tend to use more
resources such as energy and water, and commercial agricultural and industrial development
transforms natural habitats, and generates wastes and pollution. Poor people are both agents
and victims of environmental change. Most of South Africas poor live in rural areas where
they lack resources and technology and do not have access to the infrastructure that provides
economic opportunities and safeguards health. The urgent short-term needs of the poor
prompt them to cultivate erosion-prone hillsides, clear natural vegetation and trees to make
space for houses and crops, exploiting the soil without replacing nutrients. In rural areas, the
direct impact of poverty on the environment includes the cultivation of marginal lands, the
depletion of water resources, the overexploitation of trees and other plants for firewood,
medicinal herbs and food.

Cultural and ethical changes

Changes in values and beliefs have also contributed to environmental change in South Africa.
As people move away from rural areas into an urban, often consumerist setting, they lose the
connection with nature, and forget the importance of maintaining environmental services such
as water resources. A rise in income and standard of living of the poor may lead to increased
pressure on the environment in other ways, as it may lead to increased demand for consumer
goods. The production of consumer goods not only utilises material directly or indirectly taken
from the environment, but the production process itself generates waste and pollutants.
Certain consumer goods, such as motor cars and electrical appliances, utilise energy sources
that contribute to greenhouse gases.
Illustrative of this point is the increase in the number of motor cars on South African roads.
Although the overall sales of new cars have dropped in recent years, the number of cars on
South Africa's roads has increased (because older cars are not being taken off the roads).
More cars on the roads mean an increase in fuel emissions into the atmosphere. As the
average age of South African motor vehicles is estimated to be around 12 years, the country
does not share in the benefits of greater fuel efficiency of new motor vehicles.


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide


Chapter 10: Future Trends in Gauteng

Responses to Environmental Change in Gauteng

10.6.1. Reponses to Climate Change

Since South Africa is a climatically-sensitive region, the issue of climate variability and
potential climate change is taken seriously at the national level. An interdepartmental
committee on climate change commissioned reviews on the subject (Shackleton et al., 1996).
South Africa signed the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
(UNFCCC) in 1994, and ratified it in 1997. South Africa has established a National Committee
on Climate Change (NCCC), comprising of representatives from a number of affected sectors
and government departments as well as non-governmental organisations (NGOs), to advise
the Minister of Environmental Affairs and Tourism on the issue. The NCCC is overseeing a
process whereby studies are being undertaken on the emission of gases which contribute to
global warming by South Africa (this study is completed but data have not been published
yet); the impacts which climate change may have on agriculture, water resources,
biodiversity, human health and other sectors (completion in 1999); and the options for
adaptation to, and mitigation of these impacts (completion in 2000). It is also overseeing a
process of climate change policy development and public communication policy process,
which has delivered a Discussion Paper, with a policy document currently in preparation.
10.6.2. Responses to Energy Resources Use
In recent years the issue of energy efficiency has attracted more interest in South Africa, and
a number of initiatives and projects have proven the merits of enhanced energy performance.
The 2002 World Summit on Sustainable Development, held in Johannesburg, recognised
energy efficiency as a key tool to enhance clean energy development and to mitigate the
negative effects of energy use upon the environment. A further development is Eskoms
Demand Side Management programme, which is aimed at reducing the national peak power
demand, thereby deferring the immediate need for additional power generation capacity.
The benefits of energy efficiency upon the environment are self-evident. These benefits are of
particular relevance, as South Africa remains one of the highest emitters of the Greenhouse
gas CO2 per capita in the world. At a local level the problems of SO2 and smoke emissions
have been the focus of concern for many communities living adjacent to heavily industrialised
areas. Energy efficiency can address both the macroscopic and microscopic aspects of
atmospheric pollution.
The economic benefits of improving energy efficiency have been well documented since the
first Oil Crisis in the early 1970s. Many forward-thinking industrial and commercial concerns
have already adopted energy efficiency as a key policy towards maximising profits. The
national electricity utility, Eskom, has itself embarked upon a Demand Side Management
programme to help reduce the requirements for investment in new power generation capacity.
Such positive contributions to both our physical and economic environments will inevitably
also benefit our social well-being; the alleviation of fuel poverty, job creation, improvements to
human health, better working conditions - the list goes on. All of these factors will significantly
contribute towards the aims of sustainable social development
In short, energy efficiency is fast gaining ground as a cost-effective means to approach all
aspects of sustainability. It is generally accepted that South Africa holds numerous
opportunities for energy savings, together with pollution mitigation measures of international


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 10: Future Trends in Gauteng

significance. This Strategy offers a consolidated approach in order to capture these

opportunities in the best interests of our nation.

Blue IQ Projects

Blue IQ is a multi billion rand initiative aimed at developing economic infrastructure for specific
areas in the technology sector, high value-added manufacturing and tourism. It has been set
up by the Gauteng Provincial Government (GPG) and it partners with business and
government departments to promote strategic private sector investment in key growth sectors
of the regional economy.
It aims to establish a significantly higher economic growth in the Gauteng Province and to
shift the mix of Gross Geographic Product (GGP) towards sunrise industries such as
technology, manufacturing and tourism. There is a future trend in Gauteng to develop Blue IQ
projects and thus there may be times where mining projects may clash with Blue IQ projects
and GDACE must decide which land use is preferable.

The Cradle of Humankind World Heritage Site

The Cradle of Humankind is one of the seven World Heritage Sites in South Africa, and is the
only one in Gauteng. Due to the preservation of archaeological finds, such as the cranium of
an Austrolapithecus africanus illustrated in Figure 10-4, it is the richest source of information
on the history of human kind on the planet. It is a 47 000 hectare site and has unearthed the
best evidence of the complex journey which our species has taken to make us what we are.

Figure 10-4: Skull of Mrs. Ples (Austrolapithecus africanus) discovered in 1947 by Dr.
Robert Broom and John T. Robinson (Source: Maropeng, 2008)


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Chapter 10: Future Trends in Gauteng


Kliptown is historically important as the place where the Congress of the people was held in
1955 (See Figure 10-5). The meeting adopted the Freedom Charter on which the present
South African Constitution is based. It is located between the residential areas of Eldorado
Park, Pimville, Dlamini and Klipspruit West in Soweto. For the development of Kliptown into a
major national heritage site and tourist destination, Blue IQ has contributed R299 million to
this project.

Figure 10-5: Kliptown to the south of Johannesburg

(Source: Joburg, 2008a)

Constitution Hill

Developments for this site, where political prisoners such as Nelson Mandela and Mahatma
Gandhi were once imprisoned include the construction of South Africas first Constitutional
Court, offices for constitutional commission, hotels, libraries, restaurants and sports fields.
The Constitution hill is located at the site of the Old Fort in Hillbrow (See Figure 10-6 and
Blue IQ is contributing a total of R375 million to develop this area into an attractive tourist


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 10: Future Trends in Gauteng

Figure 10-6: The Old Johannesburg Fort

(Source: Joburg, 2008b)

Dinokeng Game Park

The project aims to promote economic growth and social upliftment by boosting tourism in the
Gauteng area. The establishment of the game reserve, which will be managed by a non-profit
company, comes after six years of negotiations between landowners and governments. A
contribution of R140 million will help to turn this area into a nature-based tourist attraction.

Gautrain Rapid Rail Link

Gautengs public transport system will significantly improve with the introduction of the
Gautrain Rapid Rail link, covering 79km with more than eight stations between Pretoria and
Johannesburg International airport. Projects benefits include job creation, reduced pollution
and less traffic jams on major roads between Pretoria and Johannesburg.


Newtown is the centre of arts, music, crafts and culture. Blue IQ is spending R300 million to
improve this area to make it attractive, accessible and safe for visitors and people who live in
that area. Improvements include the building of houses, the upgrade of the Mary Fitzgerald
Square (See Figure 10-7), the Nelson Mandela Bridge and construction of roads connecting
Newtown to the Highway, making it easier for both motorists and pedestrians to reach that

OR Tambo International Airport Industrial Development Zone (IDZ)

OR Tambo International Airport is the busiest airport in the country, which makes the
surrounding area an ideal location for companies that rely on rapid transport for their exports
and imports.
The IDZ will attract businesses involved in industries such as information technology,
electronics, defence and aerospace as well as light manufacturing. Blue IQ is investing R190
million in this project.


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 10: Future Trends in Gauteng

Figure 10-7: Mary Fitzgerald Square in Newtown

(Source: Newtown, 2008)

Wadeville Alrode Industrial Corridor

The towns of Wadeville and Alrode in Ekurhuleni form a well established manufacturing area
in Gauteng and therefore the Blue IQ aims to revive this industrial area and encourage new
firms to locate inside the corridor. Blue IQ is contributing R72 million for the upgrade of roads,
taxi ranks, improvement of road signs and access controls into the area.

Gauteng Automotive Cluster

Gauteng is the leading producer of cars in South Africa, with brands such as BMW, Fiat,
Nissan and Ford being manufactured in the province. Through the Gauteng Auto Cluster
project, Blue IQ has entered into partnership with leading manufacturers as well as research
and academic institutions to assist in the training of manpower, skills and technology transfer
and the development of automotive industry. Blue IQ is contributing R30 million to this project.

The Innovation Hub

The innovation hub is a centre intended to encourage the start-up and grow knowledgeintensive hi tech industries. On completion it will provide an excellent environment for
knowledge sharing, training, marketing and human resource development. It is located in
Pretoria between the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) and the University
of Pretoria. Blue IQ is contributing R258 million.


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GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 11: The Role of the DME


This Chapter is designed to provide information to the environmental officer on the structure
of the Department of Minerals and Energy (DME) and the laws it administers.


The following issues are discussed:


The historical development of the legislation regarding the mineral and mining
industry in South Africa;
The functions of the Department of Minerals and Energy (DME) are discussed,
- The legal process at the DME;
- Legislation administered by the DME;
- The Minerals Act 50 of 1991, and the Mineral and Petroleum Resources
Development Act 28 of 2002 (MPRDA) and MPRDA Regulations GN R527 (GG
26275 of 23 April 2004) promulgated there under; and
- Transitional provisions and the effects on EMPs of converting old order rights to
new order rights; and
The consultation process administered by the DME and the appeal process for
The Historical Development of Mineral and Mining Legislation in South Africa

The following paragraph is largely a summary of Part II of the Handbook on The Minerals Act
1991 (Act 50 of 1991) and the Regulations, by J.S. Houston.
In South Africa the rights to minerals and the right to mine were established first and the
safety requirements were determined later. The first law drafted with the purpose of providing
for the safety of persons working in mines, works, or in connection with machinery was the
Mines, Works and Machinery Ordinance 54 of 1903, which was amended by Ordinance 31 of
1905. The basic provisions of the Ordinance were very similar to the legislation of today. Later
legislation was based on this Ordinance, which was promulgated in the Transvaal Colony
under British rule. In 1909 the Mines, Works, Machinery and Certificates Act 32 of 1909 was
promulgated. The Amendment Act 8 of 1910 was the last of the laws relating to safety in
mines and works or to machinery to be promulgated in the Transvaal Colony. After the Union
was formed in 1910, the Mines and Works Act 12 of 1911 came into force. This Act was
replaced in 1956 when the Mines and Works Act 27 of 1956 was promulgated. The health
and welfare of people working in factories were provided for in the Factories Act 28 of 1918,
but the supervision and control of the safe operation of machinery used in factories was still
provided for in the Mines and Works Act 12 of 1911. In 1941 the Department of Labour took
control of factories in the Union with the promulgation of the Factories, Machinery and
Building Work Act 22 of 1941.
The Minerals Act 50 of 1991 replaced the Mining Rights Act 20 of 1967, as well as the Mines
and Works Act 27 of 1956. There were certain specific changes from the Mines and Works
Act of 1956, and some new concepts were introduced in the Minerals Act of 1991. The
Minerals Act of 1991 was designed to simplify the granting and operation of mineral rights.


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 11: The Role of the DME

The review of the mining and mineral policy commenced in April 1995 and involved
representatives from the executive and legislative branches of Government, as well as
organised businesses, the small-mining sector, labour, communities and environmental
groups. This comprehensive consultative process culminated in the promulgation of the
Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Act 28 of 2002.
The Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Act 28 of 2002 (MPRDA) was assented
to on the 3 October 2002 and came into operation on 1 May 2004 together with the MPRDA
Regulations GN R 527 promulgated there under (refer to Section 11.3.3). Although the
MPRDA repeals the Minerals Act 50 of 1991 in its entirety, a transitional period will exist in
terms of which the holder of a used or unused old order right is given an opportunity to
comply with the provisions of the MPRDA. Schedule II of the MPRDA sets out the time
periods that are relevant to each category of used and unused old order rights for such rights
to be converted.
Until the transitional period has expired or once a new right is granted in terms of the MPRDA,
the provisions of the Minerals Act 50 of 1991 and Regulations GN 992 (GG2741 of 26/6/1970)
will remain applicable to the existing prospecting and mining operations. Correspondingly, the
applicable health and safety regulations included in GN 992 (GG2741 of 26/6/1970) will
remain applicable under the Mine Health and Safety Act 29 of 1996 in terms of Schedule 4 of
that Act. Schedule 4 provides that Any regulation made or deemed to be made under the
Minerals Act that relates to health and safety issues that can be regulated under this Act, may
be amended under this Act and remains in force until repealed under this Act. For this
reason the requirements which remain relevant in terms of the Minerals Act 50 of 1991, the
Mine Health and Safety Act 29 of 1996 and GN R992 are included in the Impact Guide in
addition to the provisions of the MPRDA and MPRDA Regulations GN R527 (GG 26275 of
Before 1996, mine health and safety matters were regulated by the Minerals Act 50 of 1991.
A new stand-alone act, the Mine Health and Safety Act 29 of 1996 has since replaced this in
order to promote tighter health and safety standards in the mining industry.

The Role of the Department of Minerals and Energy (DME)

The role of the Department of Minerals and Energy in respect of mining and minerals is to
effectively promote, manage, transform and regulate South Africas mining and mineral
resource industry to achieve equitable and sustainable development. This role is performed
through both the Mineral Development Branch and the Mine Health and Safety Branch of the
Department (see Figure 10.1).
The Mineral Development Branch is responsible for the issuing of mining and prospecting
rights. The branch is subdivided into three programmes, headed by four Chief Directors:

Mineral Policy and Investment (1 Chief Director)

Mineral Resource Management (1 Chief Director)
Mineral Development and Administration (2 Chief Directors)

To facilitate the provision of services, the Department has established a regional office,
headed by a Regional Manager, in each of the nine provinces. Their position in regard to the
DME structure is also shown in Figure 11-1.


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 11: The Role of the DME





Chief Financial

Chief Director:
Human Resource

Chief Director:

Chief Director:
Internal Audit

Deputy Director
General: Mineral

Deputy Director

Deputy Director

Chief Inspector
of Mines

Chief Director:
Mineral Policy and

Chief Director:
Mineral Resource

Chief Director:
Mineral Dev. and

Chief Director:
Mineral Dev. and

North West


Social Plan

Small Scale

Mining Rights

Northern Cape
Western Cape



Eastern Cape


Free State

Figure 11-1: Department of Minerals and Energy Organic Structure highlighting the
Mineral Development Branch


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 11: The Role of the DME

The key functions of the DME with regard to mining and minerals can be summarised as

To effectively manage and control mineral resource utilisation in order to

contribute to the sustainable socio-economic development of South Africa;
To provide information that will enhance global competitiveness and attract new
investment into South Africas mining and beneficiation industries;
To regulate the mining industry;
To issue prospecting and mining rights, as well as mining and retention permits;
To manage, monitor and regulate health and safety within the mining industry;
To approve and monitor the implementation of Social Plans in the mining
industry. This must be done in collaboration with local governments and the
Department of Labour;
In collaboration with provincial environmental departments, the Department of
Environmental Affairs and Tourism, Department of Water Affairs and other
government departments, monitor and regulate the mining and minerals industry
in respect of matters pertaining to the environment.

11.3.1. Legal process at the DME

Mining applications in Gauteng are handled entirely by the Regional Office in Braamfontein,
except when an appeal is lodged. It then becomes necessary for the Regional Mining
Development and Environmental Committee (RMDEC) to advise the Minister on the matter.
All correspondence must be addressed to the Regional Manager, Gauteng. The person
responsible for the applications at the Regional Office is the Mine Environmental Manager.
The applicant must identify all the relevant State Departments and all other interested and
affected parties involved. Usually the applicant will set up a meeting with the identified State
Departments to discuss their intention to apply for a mining or prospecting right. The identified
departments should include the Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism (DEAT),
the DME, GDACE (in the case of Gauteng), the Department of Agriculture (NDA), the
Department of Water Affairs and Forestry (DWAF), the National Department of Arts and
Culture (for Cultural Heritage, but this falls under Integrated Environment and Conservation in
GDACE), as well as all relevant Local Governments. This meeting is, however, not a
requirement in terms of the MPRDA.
The applicant must hand in an application to the Regional Office of the Department of
Minerals and Energy. The application must include inter alia a mining work programme (GN
R527 Regulation 11), a social and labour plan including a local economic development plan
(GN R527 Regulation 46), documentary proof of financial and technical ability to mitigate,
manage and rehabilitate environmental impacts and a financial plan. Once the DME has
accepted the application, the applicant will be notified within 14 days. The applicant is then
required to complete the entire environmental impact assessment (EIA) process, including the
public participation process and submission of the Environmental Management Programme
(EMP) within 180 days of the date of the notice (MPRDA Section 22(4)). These documents
should take all provincial, national and international guidelines and standards, such as the
Equator Principles, IFC Performance Standards and the IFC Guidelines into account, as
discussed in Chapter 12.


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 11: The Role of the DME

It should be emphasised that the DME needs to consult with other departments and consider
their comments and conditions, but since the DME is the lead agent in the environmental
management of mines, no other department can veto a decision on whether or not an
application may be approved. However, there is an appeal process included in the Act and
anyone can lodge an appeal against a decision. The appeal process is discussed in Section
It should be clear then that in Gauteng, GDACE should be consulted by the applicant even
before an application is formally lodged, and again before the completion of the EIA process
and submission of the EMP to the Regional Office of the DME. Through this consultation
process, GDACE must raise their concerns and give comments and conditions, but GDACE
can only appeal a decision after the Regional Manager of the DME has approved or rejected
the decision. As stated in Section 10.4 of the Impact Guide, the appeal process involves an
appeal to the Director-General of the DME, then, if the issue is still not resolved satisfactorily,
to the Minister of Minerals and Energy, and only then can court action be considered.
General flow sheets of the internal procedure at the DME are included as Figure 11-3.
11.3.2. Legislation administered by the DME
The legislation administered by the DME are summarised in Table 11-1.
Table 11-1: Legislation administered by the DME

Mine Health and Safety

Mineral Development


Central Energy Fund Act, 1977 (Act No. 38 of 1977)

Petroleum Products Act, 1977 (Act No. 120 of 1977)
Electricity Act, 1987 (Act No. 41 of 1987)
Nuclear Energy Act, 1993 (Act No. 131 of 1993)
Mines and Works Act, 1956 (Act No. 27 of 1956) (Section 9)
Mine Health and Safety Act, 1996 (Act No. 29 of 1996)

Mining Title Registration Act, 1967 (Act No. 16 of 1967)

Venda Land Control Act, 1986 (Section 16(1))
Bophuthatswana Land Control Act, 1979 (Act No. 39 of 1979)
(Section 16(1))
Diamonds Act, 1986 (Act No. 56 of 1986)
Lebowa Minerals Trust Act, 1987 (Act No. 9 of 1987)
Rural Areas Act (House of Representatives), 1987 (Act No. 9
of 1987) (Section 51(3))
Mineral Technology Act, 1989 (Act No. 30 of 1989)
Minerals Act, 1991 (Act No. 50 of 1991)
Geoscience Act, 1993 (Act No. 100 of 1993)


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 11: The Role of the DME

Figure 11-2: Mining Right Application Process


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 11: The Role of the DME

11.3.3. Applicable Regulations

As noted above under section 10.2, until the transitional period has expired or once a new
right is granted in terms of the MPRDA, the provisions of the Minerals Act 50 of 1991 and
Regulations GN 992 (GG2741 of 26/6/1970) will remain applicable to existing prospecting and
mining operations. Correspondingly, the applicable health and safety regulations included in
GN 992 (GG2741 of 26/6/1970) will remain applicable under the Mine Health and Safety Act
29 of 1996 in terms of Schedule 4 of that Act. Schedule 4 provides that Any regulation made
or deemed to be made under the Minerals Act that relates to health and safety issues that can
be regulated under this Act, may be amended under this Act and remains in force until
repealed under this Act. For this reason the requirements which remain relevant in terms of
the Minerals Act 50 of 1991, the Mine Health and Safety Act 29 of 1996 and GN R992 are
included in the Impact Guide in addition to the provisions of the MPRDA and MPRDA
Regulations GN R527 (GG 26275 of 23/04/2004).

Minerals Act 50 of 1991, Regulations GN R992 (GG 2741 of 26 June 1970)

Regulation 3.14
Regulation 5.16.1
Regulation 5.16.3

Safety measures relating to environmental management not to be

removed or damaged
Director Mineral Development may order applicant to provide proof
that pecuniary provisions have been made
Annually in consultation with an expert determine the quantum of
pecuniary provision required by 5.16.1

Some regulations applicable to planning surface mining are outlined below:

Regulation 2
Regulation 5.11
Regulation 5.13.2
Regulation 5.14.1

Regulation 5.14.3

Appointment of responsible persons and manager (see Regulations

2.5.5 & 2.6.1)
River bank is high flood zone or within 100 metres of channel
Vegetation disturbed must be re-established
No sand may be extracted from the bank of any stream, river, dam,
pan or lake, except with the written permission of the Director:
Mineral Development
No sand dump or slimes dam shall be established on a stream, river ,
dam, pan or lake, except with the written permission of the Director:
Mineral Development

Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Act 28 of 2002, Regulations GN

R527 (GG 26275 of 23 April 2004)

Regulation 2:
Regulation 3:
Regulations 5 to 13:
Regulations 14 to 17:
Regulations 40 to 46 (Part II):
Regulations 47 to 62 (Part III):
Regulations 63 to 73:

Manner of lodging applications and plan to be submitted

Consultation with interested and affected parties
Applications for prospecting right and mining right
Applications for mining permit and retention permit
Social and labour plan
Environmental regulations
Pollution control and waste management regulation


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Chapter 11: The Role of the DME

11.3.4. Transitional provisions and the effects on EMPs when converting old order
rights to new rights
In terms of the transitional provisions contained in Schedule II of the MPRDA, existing mines
have five years calculated from 1 May 2004 in which to convert an existing "old order mining
right" into a mining right in terms of the MPRDA. The "old order mining right remains valid
subject to the terms and conditions under which it was issued until conversion and a failure to
convert will render the old order mining right null and void (Section 7 of Schedule II).
The validity of EMPs authorised under the Minerals Act 50 of 1991 are not affected by the
enactment of the MPRDA, the Minister may however direct the amendment of an EMP in
order to bring it in line with the requirements of the MPRDA (Section 10 of Schedule 11).
EMPs for pending prospecting and mining applications that were submitted for and awaiting
approval under the Minerals Act 50 of 1991 when the MPRDA came into effect must be
regarded as having been lodged in terms of Section 39 of the MPRDA (Section 3(3) of
Schedule II).
Applications for conversions of old order prospecting and mining rights to new order rights
must include all of the prescribed information including a prospecting/mining work programme
and, for mining rights, a social and labour plan. The Minister must approve the conversion of
the old order prospecting/mining right if the applicant has an approved EMP and has complied
with all of the prescribed requirements (Section 6 and 7 of Schedule II).

Consultation Process by the DME and Appeal Process for GDACE to DME

In terms of Section 10(1)(a) of the MPRDA, the Regional Manager (DME) must make known
within 14 days after receiving an application for a prospecting right, mining right, mining right
conversion, or mining permit, that an application has been received.
The Regional Manager must then call on the interested and affected parties to submit their
comments and conditions within 30 days from the date of the notice (Section 10(1)(b) of the
MPRDA). This would be the first formal step for GDACE to give input or raise concerns
regarding an application.
According to Regulation 3 of the MPRDA Regulations GN R527, any comments lodged or
conditions made by an interested and affected party in terms of Section 10(1)(b) of the Act
must be in writing and addressed to the relevant Regional Manager. Any objections lodged by
an interested and affected party against the application for a right or permit in terms of the
Act, must set out clearly and concisely the facts upon which it is based and must be
addressed to the relevant Regional Manager in writing.
If an application is accepted or in the case of a prospecting right, the applicant is requested by
the Regional Manager to:


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 11: The Role of the DME

Submit an environmental management plan;

Notify in writing and consult with the land owner or lawful occupier and any other
affected party and to submit the result of the consultation within 30 days from the date
of the notice. (In the case of Gauteng, the applicant should identify GDACE as one of
the interested and affected parties, and therefore consult with them during these 30
days) (Section 16(4) of the MPRDA).

Once the environmental management plan has been submitted to the Regional Manager, the
Minister of Minerals and Energy must consult with all State Departments that administer any
law pertaining to the environment (Section 40(1) of the MPRDA).
In the case of an application for a mining right, the Regional Manager must notify the
applicant in writing to:

Conduct an environmental impact assessment and submit an environmental

management programme; and
Notify and consult with the interested and affected parties within 180 days from the
date of the notice. (GDACE should again be identified as an interested and affected
party, and could make an input at this stage) (Section 22(4) of the MPRDA).

The Minister is again required to consult with the relevant State Departments, and the
departments have 60 days to submit their comments on and conditions of the EIA, EMP and
environmental management plan. It is at this stage, in particular, that GDACE is expected and
required to raise concerns if they feel there is a need to do so (Section 40 of the MPRDA).
The consultation process would entail submitting the comments and conditions with explanations/reasons on the appropriate template to the Regional Manager (DME). The Regional
Manager would then consult with GDACE to resolve the matter.
If no solution can be found, the matter should be referred to the Regional Mining
Development and Environmental Committee (RMDEC). This committee will then advise the
Minister, who will make a decision to accept or reject the application.
If GDACE is unhappy with the decision, court action against the Minister of Minerals and
Energy would be the last resort.
According to Section 96(1) of the MPRDA, any person whose rights or legitimate expectations
have been materially and adversely affected or who is aggrieved by any administrative
decision in terms of this Act, may appeal to:
(a) The Director-General (DME), if it is an administrative decision by a Regional
Manager or an officer, or
(b) The Minister, if it is an administrative decision by the Director-General or the
designated agency.
The appeal process is outlined in Chapter 3, Regulation 74 of the MPRDA Regulations GN
R527, and is summarised below:
Any person who appeals under Section 96 of the MPRDA against an administrative decision,
must lodge a written notice of appeal with the Director-General or Minister, as the case may


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 11: The Role of the DME

be, within 30 days of that person becoming aware of the administrative decision concerned.
The notice of appeal must state clearly the actions appealed against and the grounds for the
The specified appeal fee (Regulation 76(1)(f)) must accompany the notice of appeal. The
Director-General or Minister, as the case may be, must send copies of the notice of appeal to
the person responsible for the administrative decision concerned and any other affected
party, whose rights may be affected by the outcome of the appeal.
The person responsible for the decision concerned must, within 21 days from receipt of the
notice of appeal, submit reasons for the administrative action in writing to the DirectorGeneral or Minister, as the case may be.
Identified affected parties must, within 21 days of receipt of the notice of appeal, submit to the
Director-General or Minister, as the case may be, in writing, the extent and nature of their
rights, how the outcome of the appeal may affect those rights and any other information
pertaining to the grounds as set out in the notice of appeal.
The Director-General or Minister, as the case may be, must send these abovementioned
documents to the appellant by registered post and request the appellant to reply in writing
within 21 days from receipt thereof.
After receipt of the appellants comments and conditions, the Director-General or Minister, as
the case may be, must (within 30 days) either confirm, set aside, amend the administrative
decision concerned, or substitute any other administrative decision for the administrative
decision concerned.



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Chapter 12: The Role of the GDACE





The role of GDACE in the mining application process is to ensure that the basic
environmental rights of the inhabitants in Gauteng are protected. In terms of the Constitution,
all laws and matters pertaining to mineral and energy matters are administered at National
level under the control of the Minister of Minerals and Energy. The GDACE reviewers must
therefore have a good knowledge regarding the different laws dealing with the environment
and the rights of the inhabitants.
This chapter aims to provide the Environmental Officer (EO) of GDACE with a breakdown of
the relevant legislation, as well as the role GDACE must play in the processing of applications
related to mining from DME.

Environmental Laws Related to Mining

As already discussed in Chapter 11 of the Impact Guide, the Mineral and Petroleum
Resources Development Act 28 of 2002 (MPRDA) was assented to on the 3 October 2002
and came into operation on 1 May 2004 together with the MPRDA Regulations GN R 527
promulgated there under. Although the MPRDA repeals the Minerals Act 50 of 1991 in its
entirety, a transitional period will exist in terms of which the holder of a used or unused old
order right is given an opportunity to comply with the provisions of the MPRDA. Schedule II of
the MPRDA sets out the time periods which are relevant to each category of used and
unused old order rights for such rights to be converted. Until the transitional period has
expired or once a new right is granted in terms of the MPRDA, the provisions of the Minerals
Act 50 of 1991 and Regulations GN 992 (GG2741 of 26/6/1970) will remain applicable to the
existing prospecting and mining operations. Correspondingly, the applicable health and
safety regulations included in GN 992 (GG2741 of 26/6/1970) will remain applicable under the
Mine Health and Safety Act 29 of 1996 in terms of Schedule 4 of that Act. Schedule 4
provides that Any regulation made or deemed to be made under the Minerals Act that relates
to health and safety issues that can be regulated under this Act, may be amended under this
Act and remains in force until repealed under this Act. For this reason the requirements
which remain relevant in terms of the Minerals Act 50 of 1991, the Mine Health and Safety Act
29 of 1996 and GN R992 are included in the Impact Guide in addition to the provisions of the
MPRDA and MPRDA Regulations GN R527 (GG 26275 of 23/04/2004).
12.2.1. Minerals Act (Act 50 of 1991)
Lead Authority: Department of Minerals and Energy
The important sections of the Minerals Act are listed below:
Section 5(2):
No person to prospect or mine for minerals without the necessary authority
in terms of the Act.
Section 6(1):
Director: Mineral Development will issue a prospecting permit, subject to
Section 7:
Prohibition or restriction on prospecting on certain land.


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Section 9:
Section 12:
Section 38:
Section 39(1):

Section 39(3):

Section 39(5):

Section 63:

Chapter 12: The Role of the GDACE

Director: Mineral Development will issue mining authorisation, subject to

Permit holder liable for compliance with Act until closure certificate is
Rehabilitation of the surface of the land to be carried out by the holder of
the prospecting permit or mining authorisation.
Environmental Management Programme (EMP) must be submitted to the
Director: Mineral Development for approval and no operations shall
commence prior to obtaining such approval.
Before the EMP is approved or a temporary mining authorisation is
granted, each department charged with the administration of any law which
relates to any matter affecting the environment must be consulted.
The Director-General may require an environmental impact assessment be
carried out in respect of intended prospecting or mining operations,
pending approval of the environmental management programme.
Provision for Regulations to be made on various matters affecting the

Although the Department of Minerals and Energy is the approval authority, consultation with
other government departments is necessary and these departments may enforce Acts which
provide for the protection of specific environments or require environmental impact
12.2.2. Minerals Act (Act 50 of 1991), Regulations GN R992 (GG 2741 of 26 June 1970)
Regulation 3.14:
Regulation 5.16.1:
Regulation 5.16.3:

Safety measures relating to environmental management not to be

removed or damaged.
Director Mineral Development may order applicant to provide proof that
pecuniary provisions have been made.
Annually in consultation with an expert determine the quantum of
pecuniary provision required by 5.16.1.

Some regulations applicable to planning surface mining are outlined below:

Regulation 2:
Appointment of responsible persons and manager (see Regulations
2.5.5 & 2.6.1).
Regulation 5.11:
River bank is high flood zone or within 100 metres of channel.
Regulation 5.13.2: Vegetation disturbed must be re-established.
Regulation 5.14.1: No sand may be extracted from the bank of any stream, river, dam, pan
or lake, except with the written permission of the Director: Mineral
Regulation 5.14.3: No sand dump or slimes dam shall be established on a stream, river ,
dam, pan or lake, except with the written permission of the Director:
Mineral Development.


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 12: The Role of the GDACE

12.2.3. Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Act (Act 29 of 2002)

Lead Authority: Department of Minerals and Energy
Section 9:

Section 10(1)(a):
Section 10(1)(b):

Section 10(2):

Section 11:
Section 16(1)(a):
Section 16(3):

Section 16(4):

Section 22(1):
Section 22(3):

Section 22(4):

Section 27(1):

Section 27(2):
Section 27(4):

If more than one application is received on the same date for a

prospecting right, mining right or mining permit in respect of the same
mineral and land, then the Minister must give preference to applications
from historically disadvantaged persons.
The Regional Manager must make known within 14 days after accepting
an application that an application has been received.
The Regional Manager must then give interested and affected persons 30
days from the date of the notice to submit their comments and conditions
regarding the proposed application.
If a person objects to the granting of a prospecting right, mining right or
mining permit, the Regional Manager must refer the objection to the
Regional Mining Development and Environmental Committee (REMDEC).
A prospecting right or mining right may not be ceded, transferred, etc.
without Ministerial consent.
Applications for prospecting rights must be submitted at the office of the
Regional Manager in whose region the land is situated.
If the application does not comply with the prescribed requirements, the
Regional Manager must inform the applicant in writing within 14 days of
receipt of the application.
If the Regional Manager accepts the application, the Regional Manager
must inform the applicant within 14 days to submit an environmental
management plan, and to consult with the land owner or lawful occupier
and any other affected party and submit the results of consultation within
30 days from the date of the notice.
Applications for mining rights must be submitted at the office of the
Regional Manager in whose region the land is situated.
If the application does not comply with the prescribed requirements, the
Regional Manager must inform the applicant in writing within 14 days of
receipt of the application.
If the Regional Manager accepts the application, the Regional Manager
must notify the applicant in writing within 14 days of the date of
acceptance to conduct an EIA and submit an EMP in terms of section 39,
and to notify and consult with interested and affected parties within 180
days from the date of notice.
Mining permits will only be issued if the mineral in question can be mined
optimally within 2 years and the mining area does not exceed 1.5 hectares
in extent.
Applications for mining permits must be lodged at the office of the
Regional Manager in whose region the land is situated.
If the mining permit application does not comply with the prescribed
requirements, the Regional Manager must inform the applicant in writing
within 14 days.


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Section 27(5):

Section 37:

Section 39(1):

Section 39(2):

Section 39(3):

Section 40:

Section 41:

Chapter 12: The Role of the GDACE

If the Regional Manager accepts the application, the Regional Manager

must inform the applicant within 14 days to submit an environmental
management plan, and to consult with the land owner or lawful occupier
and any other affected party and submit the results of consultation within
30 days from the date of the notice.
The principles set out in the National Environmental Management Act 107
of 1998 apply to all prospecting and mining operations and serve as
guidelines for the interpretation, administration and implementation of the
environmental requirements of the MPRDA. Prospecting and mining
operations must be conducted in accordance with the generally accepted
principles of sustainable development by integrating social, economic and
environmental factors.
Every person who has applied for a mining right in terms of section 22
must conduct an environmental impact assessment and submit an
environmental management programme within 180 days of the notification
from the Regional Manager.
Any person who applies for a reconnaissance permission, prospecting
right or mining permit must submit an environmental management plan as
The environmental management programme and environmental
management plan must inter alia include a baseline assessment of the
relevant mining area; an assessment of the environmental, socioeconomic and heritage impact of the mining operations; an environmental
awareness plan and describe the manner in which he intends to deal with
the action, activity or process which causes pollution or environmental
degradation in order to contain or remedy the cause of pollution or
degradation and migration of pollutants; and comply with any prescribed
waste standard or management standards or practices.
When considering an environmental management plan or environmental
management programme submitted in terms of section 39(3), the Minister
must consult with any State department which administer any law
pertaining to the matters that affect environment. The Minister must
request the head of the departments consulted, in writing, to submit their
comments and conditions within 60 days from the date of the request.
The applicant for a prospecting right, mining right or mining permit must,
before the Minister approves the environmental management plan or
environmental management programme in terms of section 39(4), make
the prescribed financial provision for the rehabilitation or management of
negative environmental impacts and must annually assess the adequacy
of such financial provision to cover the current environmental liability and
increase the provision accordingly and to the satisfaction of the Minister.

12.2.4. MPRDA Regulations GN R527 (GG 26275 of 23 April 2004)

Regulation 2:
Regulation 3:
Regulations 5 to 13:
Regulations 14 to 17:
Regulations 40 to 46 (Part II):

Manner of lodging applications and plan to be submitted.

Consultation with interested and affected parties.
Applications for prospecting right and mining right.
Applications for mining permit and retention permit.
Social and labour plan.


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Regulations 47 to 62 (Part III):

Regulations 63 to 73:

Chapter 12: The Role of the GDACE

Environmental regulations.
Pollution control and waste management regulation.

12.2.5. Environmental Conservation Act (Act 73 of 1989) - ECA

Lead authority: Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism (DEAT)
Section 20:

Waste management. A permit is required from DEAT in order to establish,

provide or operate any waste disposal site unless an exemption has been
obtained. A waste disposal site is defined as any site used for the
accumulation of waste with the purpose of disposing or treatment of such
waste and therefore includes the temporary storage of hazardous waste.
Mining waste is excluded from the definition of waste and therefore a permit
in terms of section 20 of the ECA is not currently required for mining waste,
however, any potential tailings facility would then need to be properly
covered in an environmental management programme or plan under the
MPRDA and a water use license in terms of the National Water Act 36 of
1998 must be applied for.

12.2.6. National Environmental Management Act (Act 107 of 1998) - NEMA

Lead authority: Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism (DEAT)
Section 2:

Section 11:
Section 14:
Chapter 5:

Section 24(1):

Section 24(2):

Serves as the general framework within which environmental

management and implementation plans must be formulated.
Developments must be socially, environmentally and economically
sustainable. Sustainable development requires that the use and
exploitation of non-renewable natural resources is responsible and
equitable, and takes into account the consequences of the depletion of
the resource; and that the development, use and exploitation of renewable
resources and the ecosystems of which they are part do not exceed the
level beyond which their integrity is jeopardised.
National departments and provinces must prepare an environmental
implementation plan every 4 years.
Describes the content of environmental management plans.
The purpose of this Chapter is to promote the application of the
appropriate environmental management tools to ensure the integrated
environmental management of activities.
The potential impact on the environment of listed activities must be
considered, investigated, assessed and reported to the competent
authority authorised to grant the relevant environmental authorisation.
This section allows the Minister and relevant MEC to identify:

activities that will be subject to environmental impact

activities within defined geographical areas, which will also be
subject to environmental impact assessment;
geographical areas in which specified activities will be excluded;
individual or generic existing activities.


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Section 24D:

Section 24F(1):

Section 28:

Chapter 12: The Role of the GDACE

The Minister or MEC must publish in the relevant Gazette a notice listing
identified activities and areas, the relevant competent authorities and the
date on which the list would come into effect.
A person may not commence a listed activity unless a competent authority
has granted an environmental authorisation for the activity. A person may
also not continue a listed "existing activity" if an application for an
environmental authorisation is refused.
Duty of care to prevent environmental pollution and degradation and
responsibility for remediation of environmental damage.

12.2.7. NEMA Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Regulations GN R385 (GG

28753 of 21 April 2006)
These Regulations came into operation on 1 July 2006. On 21 April 2006, together with the
NEMA EIA Regulations GN R385, the Minister also published the following two Regulations in
terms of sections 24 and 24D of NEMA:

Regulation GN R386 which sets out a list of identified activities which may not
commence without environmental authorisation from the competent authority and
which must follow the basic assessment procedure as provided for in regulations 22
to 26 of the NEMA EIA Regulations GN R385;

Regulation GN R387 which sets out a list of identified activities which may not
commence without environmental authorisation from the competent authority and
which must follow the scoping and EIA procedure as provided for in regulations 27 to
36 of the NEMA EIA Regulations GN R385.

Regulations GN R386 and GN R387 also came into operation on 1 July 2006, with the
exception of the activities pertaining to mining which will only come into operation on a date to
be proclaimed by the Minister in the Government Gazette. The mining activities were
originally intended to come into operation on 1 April 2007. This has however been delayed as,
before this can happen, a law reform process must be undertaken to ensure the alignment
between the provisions of the MPRDA and NEMA. A comparison table has been drawn up in
order to illustrate the differences between the MPRDA and NEMA. This is included in
Appendix 12.1.
The implications for new mines is that should any of the proposed mining and ancillary
activities fall within the other activities listed in Regulations GN R386 and GN R387, either a
basic assessment or scoping and environmental impact assessment will be required by
DEAT. These activities need to be registered with DEAT as part of the EMP process. This
will also be the case for existing mines that plan any new activities not covered by the
approved EMP.
The law reform process pertaining to the management and governance of environmental
impact assessments is currently underway and reflected in Bill 36 of 2007 which proposes to
amend NEMA and Bill B10 of 2007 which proposes to amend the MPRDA.
Bill B10 proposes to harmonise the EIA requirements in the MPRDA with the requirements of
NEMA, and it does so by making several changes to existing wording and including
definitions of environmental authorisation, basic assessment report and environmental


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 12: The Role of the GDACE

management plan. Although the terminology and report requirements have been modelled
on NEMA, the ultimate approval of the environmental authorisation for mining activities
remains with the DME.
On 14 February 2008, Ms Joanne Yawich in a briefing to Parliaments environmental affairs
and tourism committee indicated that officials of the DME and DEAT had worked out a
proposal for the aligning of the EIA processes that would be presented to their respective
ministers for approval. In essence it was proposed that the environmental impact provisions
of the MPRDA be removed, and the DME implement the NEMA EIA/EMP according to
national norms and standards.
This decision was reached on 14 March 2008 between Minerals and Energy Minister Buyelwa
Sonjica and Environmental Affairs and Tourism Minister Marthinus van Schalkwyk (Cape
Argus, March 2008). In terms of the new agreement, which has reportedly been ratified by
the ANC's political desk, the Minerals and Energy Department will manage prospecting and
mining applications under general environmental impact assessment (EIA) regulations
promulgated under the National Environmental Management Act (NEMA), but the appeal
authority will be Environment Minister Marthinus van Schalkwyk. This will be an interim
arrangement until the respective legislation of both departments is changed to allow DEAT to
take over completely.
Similar issues were raised in a recent presentation by Amanda Britz of DEAT entitled
Implications of the Amendments to NEMA & EIA Regulations on Mining and Biodiversity,
September 2008. The contents of this presentation are summarised below:

The Ministers of DME and DEAT are in agreement that different environmental
management systems for different activities are an unsuitable situation. It is agreed that
there should be one system and this system should be prescribed by the environmental
authority. The existing mandate of the Minister of Minerals and Energy regarding the
environmental management of mining should be retained. Likewise, the Minister of
Environmental Affairs and Tourism, as the custodian of the environment, must be able to
fulfil this function, also regarding mining.

The following agreements has been reached in principle by the Ministers:


Agreement 1 There will be one system prescribed by NEMA. The Minister of

Minerals and Energy will retain mandate as designated competent authority to
implement the system relating to mining. The Minister of Environmental Affairs and
Tourism will be the appeal authority for the mining environmental management
process. This function will be exercised as custodian. This agreement is to be
expanded in Parliament and after three years the whole function is to be transferred
to the environmental authority.

Agreement 2 To give effect to the above, in terms of one system the MPRDA will
be amended by repealing all provisions related to environmental management and
prospecting/mining/reconnaissance to be subject to environmental authorisation (one
of the granting conditions).

Agreement 3 NEMA to be amended by the inclusion of environmental management

provisions of the MPRDA currently not adequately covered by NEMA (e.g. financial
provisions for rehabilitation, closure etc.); allowing for the combination of applications


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 12: The Role of the GDACE

and accommodating stricter time frames for mining related processes. The result of
this will be that environmental management to be regulated by NEMA only.

Agreement 4 In terms of competent authority: NEMA to be amended by assigning

competence to the Minister of Minerals and Energy for the implementation of
environmental management system (Minister of Minerals and Energy cannot
regulate environmental management, develop policy or guidelines or norms and
standards in this regard, but must implement these). The result will be environmental
management regulated by NEMA only, but for mining, implemented by DME.

Agreement 5 In terms of appeal authority, NEMA is to be amended by assigning the

Minister of Environmental Affairs and Tourism as the appeal authority for all
environmental authorisations issued for mining related activities by the Minister of
Minerals and Energy.

Agreement 6 In terms of the transition, NEMA and the MPRDA to be amended by

the inclusion of transitional arrangements of an 18 month period where the DME will
implement NEMA and the NEMA EIA Regulations (act as competent authority).
Biodiversity aspects dealt with in the EIA process will also be for listed mining
activities. NEMA to be amended further through a schedule providing that after a
further 18 months, the entire function will revert to the environmental authorities.

Amendments to the EIA Regime as a result of the Agreement:


NEMA and MPRDA: various amendments;

EIA regulations: definitions, financial and rehabilitation provisions, powers to Minister

of Minerals and Energy;

Listing Notices:
a. making DME competent authority for mining and related activities in a mining
b. include prospecting and small scale mining in basic assessment list;

include mining, exploration and production in scoping and environmental

impact assessment list.

Implications for Provinces in implementation of Phase 1 of agreement:


Provinces currently commenting authority on mining EMPs & EMPRs in terms of

MPRDA will now just be commenting authority in terms of NEMA there will be no
additional requirements;

Provinces will however be requested to participate in the development of the

implementation plan for phase 2;

As mining now part of NEMA, EMI activities may (on Provinces discretion) be
expanded to mining.


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Chapter 12: The Role of the GDACE

Implications to Provinces in implementation of Phase 2 of agreement:


Implementation of phase 2 is still being conceptualised and the mining task team will
need to derive an implementation plan;

Partners will need to agree whether function will revert to DEAT National or to
Provinces ;

The regional offices, currently responsible for EMP & EMPR review and decision
making in terms of the MPRDA and Environmental Authorisations in terms of NEMA,
would need to be transferred to environmental authority;

Enforcement will be through environmental management inspectorate.

Proposed amendments to the NEMA EIA Regulations, 2006 were out for public comment until
12 July 2008. In the interim, changes are being drafted to the MPRDA to give effect to the
agreement between DEAT and DME, however until such time that any of these proposed
changes are promulgated by way of a Government Notice in the Government Gazette; the
status quo for any new project applies. Environmental applications will therefore be required
to be submitted to both DME and DEAT.
A comparative table of the scoping and EIA procedures contained in the MPRDA and NEMA
and the relevant Regulations has been included as an annexure to this Chapter, see below.
It must be noted that once the amendments to the NEMA EIA Regulations, 2006 and the
changes to the MPRDA as noted above, are promulgated and come into operation, it will be
necessary to amend and revise this Impact Guide accordingly.

12.2.8. The National Environmental Management: Air Quality Act (Act 39 of 2004) NEM: Air Quality Act
Lead authority: Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism (DEAT)
The Act came into effect on 11 September 2005 (GN 898 in GG 28016 of 9 September 2005),
with the exception of sections 21, 22, 36 to 49, 51(1)(e), 51(1)(f), 51(3), 60 and 61, which will
only come into effect on a date to be proclaimed by the Minister in the Government Gazette.
Section 60 and 61 of the Act deal with the repeal of the Atmospheric Pollution Prevention Act
and the transitional arrangements in respect of registration certificates issued in terms of the
Atmospheric Pollution Prevention Act (APPA). Valid provisional registration certificates
granted in terms of APPA will be valid for a period of two years and valid registration
certificates will be valid for four years, after sections 60 and 61 of the NEM: Air Quality Act
come into effect. Holders of registration certificates must lodge a renewal application with the
licensing authority for the area concerned within the first three years of the four year period.
Failure to do so will result in the expiry of the registration certificate at the end of the three
The whole of Chapter 5 of the Act which deals with the licensing of listed activities has also
not come into operation. The concept of licensing listed processes in Schedule II of APPA has
been retained in the NEM: Air Quality Act. Section 21 of the Act has not come into operation


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Chapter 12: The Role of the GDACE

yet and will only come into effect on a date to be proclaimed by the Minister in the
Government Gazette. Section 21 provides that either the Minister or the MEC may publish a
"list of activities", which may result in atmospheric emissions, which have or are likely to have
a significant detrimental effect on the environment, including health, social conditions,
economic conditions or cultural heritage. Schedule 2 of APPA has been retained as the
current listed activities applicable to the new Act.
Until section 60 is enacted the provisions of the Atmospheric Pollution Prevention Act remain
applicable and air pollution control will be governed by both Acts in the interim.
12.2.9. Atmospheric Pollution Prevention Act (Act 45 of 1965) - APPA
Lead authority: Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism (DEAT)
Part II:
Section 9:
Second Schedule :

Part III:
Part IV:
Section 27:
Section 28:
Section 29:
Section 31:

Part V:

Control of noxious or offensive gases.

Operators of scheduled processes require Air Pollution Registration
Certificates to operate issued by the Chief Air Pollution Control Officer.
The Second Schedule to the Act sets out a list of 72 scheduled
processes that require registration and must be considered in assessing
whether the process undertaken fall within the list to which the
provisions of Part II of the Act apply.
Atmospheric pollution by smoke.
Dust control.
The Minister may declare any area to be a dust control area,
whereafter the provisions of Part IV of the Act will apply.
Steps to be taken by certain persons for preventing atmospheric
pollution by dust.
Prevention of atmospheric pollution by dust by owners or occupiers of
land in certain circumstances.
Establishment of a Dust Control Levy Account to which persons must
contribute where steps are necessary for preventing atmospheric
pollution by dust.
Air pollution by fumes emitted by vehicles.

National Water Act (Act 36 of 1998)

Lead authority: Department of Water Affairs and Forestry (DWAF)

The objective of the legislation is to ensure that the Nations water resources are protected,
used, developed, conserved, managed and controlled in a sustainable and equitable manner.
Section 4.4:
Section 9:
Section 8(1):
Section 12(1):

The Act replaces any prior right to divert, take, process and use water.
Describes the contents of a catchment management strategy.
A catchment management agency (CMA) must develop a strategy for
water resources in its water management area.
The Minister must prescribe a system for classifying water resources,
determining the Reserve (quantity and quality required to ensure
sustainable human and ecological requirements).


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Section 13(1):

Sections 12-16:

Section 17(1):

Section 19(1):

Section 19(2):
Section 20:
Section 21:

Section 22:

Section 23:

Chapter 12: The Role of the GDACE

Resource quality objectives (RQO) relating to the Reserve, instream flow,

water level, chemical nature, characteristics and quality of instream /
riparian habitats, aquatic biota, regulation of activities.
These sections require a system for resource classification and
preliminary determination of the reserve to ensure that the ecological
integrity which gives a water resource its resilience is protected in order to
meet human requirements and ecological processes.
Until systems of classification, etc. are in place, the Minister must make a
preliminary determination of the Reserve, prior to authorising the use of
water under section 22(5).
Introduces the polluter pays principle. There is a duty of care on a
person who owns, controls, occupies or uses land, on which a pollution
incident occurs, to take all reasonable measures to prevent such pollution
from occurring, continuing or recurring. Where the required measures are
not taken, the catchment management agency concerned may itself take
such measures which it deems necessary to prevent the pollution or to
remedy its effects, and may recover all reasonable costs from the persons
responsible for the pollution.
Possible water pollution prevention measures.
Control of emergency incidents.
All water uses listed in Section 21 must be licensed unless the water use
is permissible in terms of Section 22. A water use includes
(a) taking water from a water resource;
(b) storing water;
(c) impeding or diverting the flow of water in a watercourse;
(d) engaging in a stream flow reduction activity contemplated in section
(e) engaging in a controlled activity identified as such in section 37 (1)
or declared under section 38 (1);
(f) discharging waste or water containing waste into a water resource
through a pipe, canal, sewer, sea outfall or other conduit;
(g) disposing of waste in a manner which may detrimentally impact on a
water resource;
(h) disposing in any manner of water which contains waste from, or
which has been heated in, any industrial or power generation
(i) altering the bed, banks, course or characteristics of a watercourse;
(j) removing, discharging or disposing of water found underground if it is
necessary for the efficient continuation of an activity or for the safety
of people; and
(k) using water for recreational purposes.
Permissible water use. A person may only use water without a licence if
that water use is permissible under Schedule 1 to the Act, is permissible
as a continuation of an existing lawful use as defined in Section 32; or falls
within a general authorisation issued under Section 39.
Determination of quantity of water which may be allocated by responsible
authority. The Minister is authorised to determine the quantity of water
available in a water management area in respect of which a responsible
authority may issue a general authorisation and a licence.


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Section 24:
Section 25:
Section 26:
Section 28:
Section 32:

Section 39:

Section 40:

Section 41:

Chapter 12: The Role of the GDACE

Licences for use of water found underground on property of another

Transfer of water use authorisations.
The Minister may make regulations with regards to the use of water.
Requirements of licences (Licence period of review less than 5 years).
The definition of an "existing lawful water use", which includes a water use
that was authorised by or under any law which was in force immediately
before the date of commencement of the National Water Act.
This section establishes a procedure to enable a responsible authority to
permit the use of water by publishing general authorisations in the
Gazette. The use of water under a general authorisation does not require
a licence until the general authorisation is revoked, in which case licensing
will be necessary. A general authorisation does not replace or limit an
entitlement to use water, such as an existing lawful water use or a licence,
which a person may otherwise have under the Act.
Application for licence. A person who is required or wishes to obtain a
licence to use water must apply to the relevant responsible authority for a
licence. All new water uses must be licensed with the Department.
Procedure for licence applications. This section sets out the procedure for
licence applications. An application for a licence for water use must be
made in the form; contain the information; and be accompanied by the
processing fee, determined by the responsible authority. In considering
an application a responsible authority may require additional information
from the applicant, and may also require that an environmental impact
assessment in terms of NEMA be conducted.

12.2.11. NWA Regulation GN R1191 of 1999 as revised by GN R399 (GG 26187 of 26

March 2004)
These regulations set out general authorisations in terms of section 39(1) of the NWA and
replace the need for licence applications for inter alia the taking of water from a water
resource and the storage of water in terms of Sections 21(a), (b), (e), (f), (g) and (h) of the
NWA, subject to certain exclusions from the general authorisations and restrictions and
conditions attached to the use of water in terms of the general authorisations.
12.2.12. NWA Regulation GN R398 (GG 26187 of 26 March 2004)
These regulations set out general authorisations in terms of section 39(1) of the NWA and
replace the need for licence applications for inter alia impeding or diverting the flow of water in
a watercourse and altering the bed, banks, course or characteristics of a watercourse in terms
of Sections 21(c), (i) and (j) of the NWA, subject to certain exclusions from the general
authorisations and restrictions and conditions attached to the use of water in terms of the
general authorisations.


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Chapter 12: The Role of the GDACE

12.2.13. NWA Regulations on Use of Water for Mining and Related Activities Aimed at
the Protection of Water Resources GN R704 (GG 20119 of 4 June 1999)
The requirements of these Regulations are applicable to new and existing mining operations
and must be complied with in the planning and operation of any mining activity which may
impact on a water resource.
12.2.14. Conservation of Agricultural Resources Act (Act 43 of 1983) - CARA
The aim of the CARA is to provide for the control over the utilization of the natural agricultural
resources in South Africa in order to promote the conservation of soil, water sources and
vegetation, as well as to combat the spreading of weeds and invader plants.
Lead Authority: Department of Agriculture
Section 2:

Section 3:

Section 6:

Application - The entire Act, except for the provisions relating to weeds and
invader plants, does not apply to land situated in an urban area. Most of the
regulations under the Act that introduce control measures to implement the
Act relate to "land users". The definition of "land user" for the purposes of
the Act includes inter alia the owner of land and other land users but
specifically excludes "a person who carries on prospecting or mining
The objects of the Act - To provide for the conservation of the natural
agricultural resources of the Republic by the maintenance of the production
potential of land, by the combating and prevention of erosion and weakening
or destruction of the water sources, and by the protection of the vegetation
and the combating of weeds and invader plants.
Control measures - For the protection of virgin soil and cultivated land.

12.2.15. CARA Regulations GN R1048 (GG 9238 of 25 May 1984)

Part I:

Part II:

Control measures including inter alia the cultivation of virgin soil; the
protection of cultivated land against erosion through the action of water and
wind; utilisation and protection of veld and restoration and reclamation of
eroded, disturbed or denuded land.
Weeds and invader plants, including the declaration thereof and the
combating of category 1, 2 and 3 plants.

12.2.16. Interim Protection of Informal Land Rights Act (Act 109 of 1996)
Lead authority: Department of Land Affairs
The aim of the Act is to provide for the temporary protection of certain rights to and interests
in land which are not otherwise adequately protected by law; and to provide for matters
connected therewith.
Section 1:

An informal right to land means

(a) the use of, occupation of, or access to land in terms of (i) any tribal, customary or indigenous law or practice of a tribe;
(ii) the custom, usage or administrative practice in a particular area or
community, where the land in question at any time vested in -


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Chapter 12: The Role of the GDACE

(aa) the South African Development Trust established by section 4

of the Development Trust and Land Act, 1936 (Act No. 18 of

Section 2(1):

Section 5(1):


(bb) the government of any area for which a legislative assembly

was established in terms of the Self-Governing Territories
Constitution Act, 1971 (Act No. 21 of 1971); or
(cc) the governments of the former Republics of Transkei,
Bophuthatswana, Venda and Ciskei;
(b) the right or interest in land of a beneficiary under a trust arrangement in
terms of which the trustee is a body or functionary established or
appointed by or under an Act of Parliament or the holder of a public
(c) beneficial occupation of land for a continuous period of not less than five
years prior to 31 December 1997; or
(d) the use or occupation by any person of an erf as if he or she is, in respect
of that erf, the holder of a right mentioned in Schedule 1 or 2 of the
Upgrading of Land Tenure Rights Act, 1991 (Act No. 112 of 1991),
although he or she is not formally recorded in a register of land rights as
the holder of the right in question,
But does not include (e) any right or interest of a tenant, labour tenant, sharecropper or employee
if such right or interest is purely of a contractual nature; and
(f) any right or interest based purely on temporary permission granted by the
owner or lawful occupier of the land in question, on the basis that such
permission may at any time be withdrawn by such owner or lawful
No person may be deprived of any informal right to land without their consent,
subject to the provisions of the Expropriation Act 63 of 1975 and legal status is
accorded for informal use of State land by communities.
The Act is binding on the State and communities affected by mining activities
will be entitled to compensation if mining activities interfere with their informal
rights to use the land.

Communal Land Rights Act (Act 11 of 2004)

Lead authority: Department of Land Affairs

This Act has not come into operation yet and will only commence on a date to be proclaimed
by the Minister in the Government Gazette.
The aim of the Act is to provide:
enabling legislation for communities or individual households, families or persons to
obtain legally secure tenure;
to give legal recognition to customary and other communal land tenure systems;
to provide for the administration of communal land;
to provide for the eviction of persons whose land tenure rights have lawfully been
to provide for leases of communal land for commercial and development purposes.


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Chapter 12: The Role of the GDACE

Restitution of Land Rights Act (Act 22 of 1994)

Lead authority: Department of Land Affairs

The aim of the Act is to provide for the restitution of rights in land to persons or communities
dispossessed of such rights after 19 June 1913 as a result of past racially discriminatory laws
or practices; to establish a Commission on Restitution of Land Rights and a Land Claims
Court; and to provide for matters connected therewith.

GDACE policies and guidelines

GDACE has implemented the policies and guidelines set out below to further assist the
Department with the evaluation of mining licence applications and related aspects affecting
the environment. The policies and guidelines have been included as annexure to the Impact
Guide for easy reference.
12.3.1. Ridges Guidelines (September 2001, reviewed and updated in January 2004 and
April 2006)
The quartzite ridges of Gauteng are one of the most important natural assets in the northern
provinces of South Africa.
The purpose of this guideline (see Appendix 12.2) is to set out the Departments policy on the
conservation, development and use of the ridges with a view to ensuring that:

the use of the ridges is sustainable;

members of the public are able to make informed decisions regarding proposals for
development on ridges and the use of ridges;
officials make consistent decisions in respect of planning and environmental
applications that involve negative impacts on ridges; and
the Departments responsibility in respect of the protection of the environment is
carried out in an efficient and considered manner.

12.3.2. Background Document to Red List Guidelines (September 2001, reviewed and
amended in January 2004 and June 2006)
The purpose of this document (see Appendix 12.3) is to assist the Department with the
evaluation of development applications that affect Red List Plant Species and to inform other
administrative decisions affecting such species.
12.3.3. Red List Plant Species Guidelines (26 June 2006)
The purpose of this guideline (see Appendix 12.4) is to promote the conservation of Red List
Plant Species in Gauteng, which are species of flora that face the risk of extinction in the wild.
These guidelines must be considered by the competent authority assessing environmental
impact assessments in terms of the applicable legislation.


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Chapter 12: The Role of the GDACE

12.3.4. Development on Dolomite, Conservation and Environment - Presentation by Dr

Sue Taylor, Malcolm Roods and Frans Scheepers February 2005
This presentation (see Appendix 12.5) sets out the problems associated with developments
on land containing dolomitic rock, such as sinkholes and pollution of underground water and
the need for a policy on dolomite for the Gauteng Province.
12.3.5. Protection of Agricultural Land in Gauteng, Revised Policy (June 2006)
A study was conducted in 2005 2006 on the current land cover / use and the capability of
the land in the Gauteng Province. The outcome of the study indicated that only 17.3% of land
in the Gauteng Province can still be regarded as high potential agricultural land, whilst 46.8%
has a moderate potential, 17.34% has a low agricultural potential and 18.48% is regarded as
built-up areas (Land Capability report, 2006). The policy is attached as Appendix 12.6.
In light of the importance of high potential agricultural land for agricultural production to:

Feed the nation;

Provide upcoming farmers with access to productive land; and
Meet national targets set in this regard;

The approach of the Department is to protect land that has been identified as high agricultural
potential from development, for the exclusive use of agricultural production. This policy sets
out the tools, criteria and processes that the Department is required to follow and apply when
assessing an application pertaining to a development on high potential agricultural land.
12.3.6. Gauteng Provincial Integrated Waste Management Policy (IWM Policy) (GDACE,
September 2006)
The Gauteng IWM Policy (see Appendix 12.7) forms the foundation for addressing the waste
issues, problems and needs of the Gauteng Province and serves to inform the Gauteng public
and government agencies (in the provincial sphere) of the objectives that the Gauteng
Provincial Government (GPG) has identified for integrated waste management.
The Gauteng IWM Policy further serves as a means by which the objectives of the
Constitution Act 108 of 1996, the National Environmental Management Act 107 of 1998, the
National Water Act 36 of 1998, the National Waste Management Strategy 1999, the National
Environmental Management: Air Quality Act, 39 of 2004 and the National Integrated Waste
Management Bill etc. can be enabled in Gauteng.
12.3.7. Gauteng Strategy for Sustainable Development (GSSD) (July 2007, Version 5)
The GSSD (see Appendix 12.8) is a comprehensive, yet concise strategy that outlines a
desired state for sustainable development for the Gauteng Province. The strategy is a
Gauteng Provincial Government (GPG) initiative that outlines the path on which the public
sector, private sector and the civil society sector will work together in ensuring that Gauteng
Province prospers on a more sustainable basis. The strategy defines clear targets for the
GPG to achieve in order to become an economically productive, socially just, globally
competitive region that manages and utilises resources sustainably.


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Chapter 12: The Role of the GDACE

The priorities of the GSSD are:

Priority 1: Promote capacity building and human resource development for

sustainable development;
Priority 2: Strengthen intergovernmental and societal relations;
Priority 3: Promote economic development for sustainable development;
Priority 4: Promote sustainable human settlements and resource use.

12.3.8. Addendum to the Gauteng Strategy for Sustainable Development (GSSD):

Targets and Reporting Requirements
This Addendum (see Appendix 12.9) sets out targets which the Gauteng Provincial
Government (GPG) should aim to meet in order to achieve sustainable development within
the Province as well as specifying reporting requirements for each GPG Department for the
2009/2010 financial year.

International guidelines

There are a number of international standards and principles which can be applied to
projects. Where these standards apply to a project, the GDACE EO should make themselves
familiar with the standards. More detail has been included in Appendix 12.11.
12.4.1. Equator Principles
The Equator Principles are intended to serve as a baseline and framework according to which
projects that require funding can be evaluated. The principles are not legally binding, but can
be used by GDACE in the evaluation of potential environmental, social and health impacts
associated with mining in Gauteng. A complete discussion on the Equator Principles is
provided in Appendix 12.11.
12.4.2. IFC Performance Standards
The International Finance Corporation (IFC) has launched a new set of business standards
for managing environmental and social risks for project finance. The IFC Performance
Standards are not legally binding, but can be used by GDACE in the evaluation of potential
environmental, social and health impacts associated with mining in Gauteng. A complete
discussion on the IFC Performance Standards is provided in Appendix 12.11.
12.4.3. IFC Guidelines
The IFC has formulated a series of guidelines in order to minimize resource consumption,

including energy use, and to eliminate or reduce pollutants at the source. The IFC
Guidelines are not legally binding, but can be used by GDACE in the evaluation of potential
environmental, social and health impacts associated with mining in Gauteng. A complete
discussion on the IFC Guidelines is provided in Appendix 12.11.

Functions of GDACE

GDACE has several roles to play with respect to the environmental impact of prospecting and


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 12: The Role of the GDACE

Within Gauteng, the applicant must identify GDACE as an Interested and Affected Party.
During the consultation process the applicant must then find out from GDACE what their
requirements and concerns are and ensure these are incorporated into the
documentation which is then submitted to DME.
It is also the responsibility of the DME, through the MPRDA process, to consult with
GDACE as part of their consultation process with all the relevant national and provincial
GDACE will also form part of the Regional Mining Development and Environmental
Committee (RMDEC) which has to advise the Minister if there is an objection to granting a
prospecting right, mining right or mining permit. GDACE will form part of this committee
even if an objection is from other interested and affected parties.


Aspects GDACE has to comment on

The lead authority for mining applications in terms of the MPRDA is the DME, however
GDACE is required to give comments, conditions and input on the process as is set out more
fully in Chapter 13 of this Impact Guide. In order to get an overview of which laws and
regulations are applicable to mining and development project, a procedural checklist has
been compiled and included as Appendix 12.10. The checklist is a summary of the
information laid out below.
12.6.1. Environmental report to be compiled for the application of a reconnaissance
permission, prospecting right or mining permit
According to Section 16(4) and Section 27(5) of the MPRDA, as well as Regulation 52(1) of
the MPRDA Regulations GN R527, an applicant who has applied for a prospecting right or
mining permit, must submit an environmental management plan within 60 days from the date
of the notice by the Regional Manager.
The environmental management plan must be in the standard format provided by the
Department, and must contain the following (Regulation 52(2) of the MPRDA Regulations GN



a description of the environment likely to be affected by the proposed prospecting or

mining operation;
an assessment of the potential impacts of the proposed prospecting or mining operation
on the environment, socio-economic conditions and cultural heritage, if any;
a summary of the assessment of the significance of the potential impacts, and the
proposed mitigation and management measures to minimise adverse impacts and
financial provision which must include(i) the determination of the quantum of the financial provision contemplated in
regulation 54; and
(ii) details of the method providing for the financial provision contemplated in regulation
planned monitoring and performance assessment of the environmental management
closure and environmental objectives;
a record of the public participation undertaken and the results thereof; and


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide


Chapter 12: The Role of the GDACE

an undertaking by the applicant regarding the execution of the environmental

management plan.

The following sections of Part IV: Pollution Control and Waste Management Regulation of the
MPRDA Regulations GN R527 are also of significance:
Regulation 63:
Regulation 64:
Regulation 65:
Regulation 66:
Regulation 67:
Regulation 68:
Regulation 69:
Regulation 70:
Regulation 71:
Regulation 73:

Describes the principles of pollution control and waste management.

Deals with air quality management and control.
Deals with fire prevention at residue stockpiles.
Regulations for noise management and control.
Deals with blasting, vibration and shock management and control at mining
Refers to water management and pollution control in the National Water Act
36 of 1998.
Describes how disposal of waste material should be conducted.
Describes the regulations regarding soil pollution and erosion control.
Deals with the sanitation at mines and works.
Describes the manner in which residue stockpiles and deposits should be

12.6.2. Environmental reports to be compiled for the application of a mining right

In terms of Section 39(1) of the MPRDA, an applicant who has applied for a mining right in
terms of Section 22 of the MPRDA, must conduct an environmental impact assessment and
submit an environmental management programme within 180 days of the date of notification
by the Regional Manager.
The environmental impact assessment as mentioned in Section 39(1) of the Act includes the
compilation of a scoping report and an environmental impact assessment report (Regulation
48 of the MPRDA Regulations GN R527).
Regulation 49(1) of the MPRDA Regulations GN R527 stipulates that the scoping report must:
(a) describe the methodology applied to conduct scoping;
(b) describe the existing status of the environment prior to the mining operation;
(c) identify and describe the anticipated environmental, social and cultural impacts, including
the cumulative effects, where applicable;
(d) identify and describe reasonable land use or development alternatives to the proposed
operation, alternative means of carrying out the proposed operation and the
consequences of not proceeding with the proposed operation;
(e) describe the most appropriate procedure to plan and develop the proposed mining
(f) describe the process of engagement of identified interested and affected persons,
including their views and concerns; and
(g) describe the nature and extent of further investigations required in the environmental
impact assessment report.
Regulation 50 of the MPRDA Regulations, GN R527 stipulates that an environmental impact
assessment report must include the following:


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 12: The Role of the GDACE

(a) an assessment of the environment likely to be affected by the proposed mining operation,
including cumulative environmental impacts;
(b) an assessment of the environment likely to be affected by the identified alternative land
use or developments, including cumulative environmental impacts;
(c) an assessment of the nature, extent, duration, probability and significance of the identified
potential environmental, social and cultural impacts of the proposed mining operation,
including the cumulative environmental impacts;
(d) a comparative assessment of the identified land use and development alternatives and
their potential environmental, social and cultural impacts;
(e) determine the appropriate mitigatory measures for each significant impact of the
proposed mining operation;
(f) details of the engagement process of interested and affected persons followed during the
course of the assessment and an indication of how the issues raised by interested and
affected persons have been addressed;
(g) identify knowledge gaps and report on the adequacy of predictive methods, underlying
assumptions and uncertainties encountered in compiling the required information;
(h) description of the arrangements for monitoring and management of environmental
impacts; and
(i) inclusion of technical and supporting information as appendices, if any.
Regulation 51 of the MPRDA Regulations GN R527 stipulates that an environmental
management programme must include the following:
(a) a description of the environmental objectives and specific goals for(i)
mine closure;
the management of identified environmental impacts emanating from the proposed
mining operation;
(iii) the socio-economic conditions as identified in the social and labour plan; and
(iv) historical and cultural aspects, if applicable;
(b) an outline of the implementation programme which must include (i)
a description of the appropriate technical and management options chosen for each
environmental impact, socio-economic condition and historical and cultural aspects
for each phase of the mining operation;
action plans to achieve the objectives and specific goals contemplated in paragraph
(a) which must include a time schedule of actions to be undertaken to implement
mitigatory measures for the prevention, management and remediation of each
environmental impact, socio-economic condition and historical and cultural aspects
for each phase of the mining operation;
(iii) procedures for environmental related emergencies and remediation;
(iv) planned monitoring and environmental management programme performance
financial provision in relation to the execution of the environmental management
programme which must include(aa) the determination of the quantum of the financial provision contemplated in
regulation 54; and
(bb) details of the method providing for financial provision contemplated in
regulation 53;
(vi) an environmental awareness plan contemplated in section 39(3)(c) of the Act;
(vii) all supporting information and specialist reports that must be attached as
appendices to the environmental management programme; and


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 12: The Role of the GDACE

(viii) an undertaking by the applicant to comply with the provisions of the Act and
regulations thereto.
This Impact Guide deals with mining activities and the primary legislation is the MPRDA and
MPRDA Regulations GN R527. However it will also be necessary to refer to other legislation
where relevant and GDACE will also need to consider and provide input on the following:

Minerals Act 50 of 1991

Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Act 28 of 2002
National Water Act 36 of 1998
National Environmental Management Act 107 of 1998
Environmental Conservation Act 73 of 1989
Atmospheric Pollution Prevention Act 45 of 1965
Conservation of Agricultural Resources Act 43 of 1983


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GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 12

Cover page Mine workers leaving a mine shaft at Harmony Gold Mine, Randfontein,
Gauteng Province, South Africa (Source:


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 12.1

Appendix 12.1
Comparison of the scoping and EIA procedures contained in the Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Act, 2002 (Act 28 of 2002) and
the National Environmental Management Act, 1998 (Act 107 of 1998) and relevant regulations
EIA REGULATIONS GN R 385 (GG 28753 OF 21.04.2006) regulation 6 provides that where an application in respect of any activity
requiring environmental authorization in terms of these Regulations must also be made in terms of other legislation and that other
legislation requires that information be submitted or processes must be carried out that are substantially similar to the information or
processes required in terms of these Regulations, the Minister or MEC, in giving effect to Chapter 3 of the Constitution and Section
24(4) (g) of the Act, must take steps to enter into an agreement with the authority responsible for administering the legislation in
respect of the co-ordination of the requirements of the legislation and these Regulations to avoid duplication in the submission of such
information or the carrying out of such processes.
28 OF 2002


OF 1998


ACT, REGULATIONS GN R 527 (GG26275 OF 23.04.2004)





(Regulation 27)

Application Form D (GN R.527 Reg 10)

Submit together with:

Complete the application form

Submit together with:

Mining Work Programme (GN R.527 Reg 11);

Social and Labour Plan (GN R.527 Reg 41-46)
Documentary proof of financial and technical ability to
mitigate, manage and rehabilitate environmental impacts

Declaration of interest form completed by EAP

Written consent of landowner to undertake the proposed
activity[Regulation 16(1)]
application fee

Financial Plan (GN R.527 Reg 11(g))




Commence PPP immediately

The Proponent must:
fix notice in at least one of the following:
o applicable Provincial Gazette; or


The EAP must
fix a notice board at a conspicuous place, at the boundary
or on the fence of the proposed site to be developed and

GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide


Magistrates Court; or
Advertisement in local or national newspaper.

Appendix 12.1




advertisements in:
one local newspaper; and
any official Gazette; or
one provincial newspaper or national newspaper if
the activity may extend beyond the boundaries of
the metropolitan or local municipality. (does not
apply if advert placed in official Gazette)
The REGISTER OF I&APs must include:(regulation 57)
All persons who submitted written comments or attended
meetings during the PPP
All persons who after PPP completed requested the EAP in
writing for their names to be placed on the register;
All authorities who have jurisdiction in respect of the
activity to which the application relates.

The SCOPING REPORT must contain sufficient information to

ensure a proper understanding of the nature of the issues
Describe the scoping methodology;
identified during scoping and must include inter alia the following
Pre-mining environmental status;
Identify and describe environmental, social and cultural impacts
details of the EAP and their expertise to carry out scoping
& cumulative impacts;
Identify and describe reasonable land use or development
a description of the proposed activity and alternatives
alternatives to the proposed operation, alternative means of
a description of the property on which the proposed
12- 28


any alternative site mentioned in the application;

give written notice to
o the owners and occupiers of land adjacent to the
proposed site to be developed and any alternative
o the owners and occupiers of the land within 100
meters of the boundary of the site or alternative
o municipal councilor of the ward in which the site or
alternatives are situated;
o any organization or ratepayers association that
represents the community
o municipality council
o organ of state that has jurisdiction in respect of any
aspect of the activity

GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 12.1

carrying out the operations and the consequences of not

proceeding with the proposed operations;

Describe the most appropriate procedure to plan and develop the

proposed mining operations;

Describe PPP, including their views and concerns;

Describe the nature and extent of further investigations required

in the EIAR.

Describe the nature and extent of further investigations required

in the EIAR



activity is to be undertaken;
a description of the environment that may be affected by
the proposed activity; the manner in which physical,
biological, social, economic and cultural aspects of the
environment may be affected;
an identification of all legislation and guidelines that have
been considered in the preparation of the scoping report;
a description of environmental issues and potential
impacts, including cumulative impacts;
information on the methodology, specialist studies and or
specialized processes
details of the public participation process that has been
followed; and
Plan of study for EIA
The scoping report must also take into account any guidelines
applicable to the proposed activity.
Details of the PUBLIC PARTICIPATION PROCESS that has to
be included in the Scoping report includes the following:
I&AP notification strategy;
Proof of notice boards, advertisements and notices were
displayed, placed or given;
I&AP register
Summary of issues raised, date of receipt and response
Plan of study for EIA
PLAN OF STUDY FOR EIA included in the Scoping Report
Details of the PLAN OF STUDY FOR EIA include:
Description of tasks to be undertaken as part of EIA
including any specialist reports and methods;
Stages of consultations with competent authority;
Methodology of assessing environmental issues and
alternatives, including no go option;
Particulars of the public participation process to be
conducted during the EIA;
Any additional information required by the authority.
Amend scoping report in terms of comments received by I&APs
AUTHORITIES (Regulation 30)

12- 29

GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 12.1




The EAP must submit the scoping report and the plan of study for
EIA together with:
Copies of any representations, objections and comments
from I&APs;
Copies of minutes of meetings held with I&APs, and role
EAP responses to comments and conditions
DME to collate and forward all comments from the authorities to
the applicant.






Once comments and conditions have been received, address and

incorporate all comments and conditions in the EIA and EMP.

Should the competent authority request amendments, additional

work will have to be completed and the report resubmitted for
public review, incorporate all I&AP changes and resubmit to DEAT
for acceptance, rejection or amendment. A report that has been
rejected may be amended and resubmitted.

Conduct EIA phase and PPP and prepare EIA Report.

Commence EIA phase and Public Participation Process


An EIAR must include the following:

An assessment of the environment likely to be affected by the

proposed mining operation, including cumulative impacts;

An assessment of the likely to be affected by the identified

alternative land use or developments, including cumulative

An assessment of:
o Nature;
o Extent;
o Duration
o Probability; and

EIA REPORT (Regulation 32)

An EIAR must contain all the necessary information to enable the

competent authority to consider the application and make a
decision and must include inter alia the following information:
details of the EAP and their expertise to carry out EIAs;
a description of the proposed activity and the property on
which the proposed activity is to be undertaken;
a description of the environment that may be affected by
the proposed activity;
details of the public participation process that has been
12- 30

GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 12.1

Significance of the identified potential environmental,

social and cultural impacts.

Comparative assessment of the identified land use and

development alternatives and their potential environmental,
social and cultural impacts;
Mitigatory measures;
Details of PPP, indication of how the issues raised by I&APs have
been addressed;
Identify knowledge gaps and report on the adequacy of predictive
methods, assumptions and uncertainties;
Monitoring and management of environmental impacts
Inclusion of technical and supporting information.

a description of the need and desirability of the proposed

activity and identified potential alternatives to the
proposed activity;
methodology used in determining the significance;
comparative assessment of alternatives
summary of findings and recommendations of specialist
a description of all environmental issues that have been
identified during the EIA process; assessment of the
significance of each issue, mitigation measures;
impact assessment including:
o cumulative impacts,
o nature,
o extent and duration;
o probability,
o degree to which the impact can be reversed;
o degree to which impact may cause irreplaceable
loss of resources; and
o the degree to which the impact can be mitigated;
description of assumptions, uncertainties and gaps in
opinion as to whether the activity should or should
not be authorized, and if the opinion is that it should
be authorized any conditions that should be made in
respect of that authorization;
Environmental Impact Statement which contains
o Summary of key findings of the EIA and
o A comparative assessment of the positive and
negative implications of the proposed activity and
identified alternatives;
a draft environmental management plan
copies of any specialist reports and reports on specialised

Details of the public participation process that has been followed

must include:
o Steps undertaken in accordance with the plan of
o I&AP register;
o Summary of comments and conditions received
from, and issues raised by registered I&APs, the
12- 31

GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 12.1


(MPRDA s39 and GN R.527 Regulation 51)
An Environmental Management Programme must include the

A description of the environmental objective and specific goals for

o Mine closure;
o The management of identified environmental impacts;
o The socio-economic conditions as identified in the social
and labour plan;and
o Historical or cultural aspects.

An outline of the implementation programme must include:

o Description of appropriate management options for each
phase of mining operation;
o Action plans to achieve the objectives, including a time
o Environmental emergency & remediation procedure;
o Planned monitoring and environmental management
programme performance assessment;
o Financial provision in relation to the execution of the EMP
which must include:

Determination of the quantum of the financial

provision contemplated in regulation 54;

Details of the method providing financial

provision contemplated in regulation 53.

date of receipt of commence and RESPONSE of the

EAP to those comments and conditions;
Copies of any representations; objections and
comments and conditions received from registered


(EMP) (Regulation 34)
A draft Environmental Management Plan must include details of:

Details of person who prepared the EMP and expertise of that


Information on any proposed management or mitigation

that will be taken to address the environmental
impacts in respect of
o Planning and design;
o Pre-construction and construction activities;
o Operation or undertaking of the activity;
o Rehabilitation of the environment; and
o Closure, where relevant

A detailed description of the aspects of the activity that are

covered by the draft EMP;
Identification of persons responsible for implementation of
management and mitigation measures;
Time periods within which the management measures must be
carried out;
Mechanisms for monitoring compliance

Environmental awareness plan;

Supporting information and specialist reports attached as
Undertaking of the applicant to comply with the
provisions of the Act and regulations.




Amend EIA Report in terms of comments and conditions received
by I&APs

12- 32

GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 12.1


Should the competent authority request amendment to the EIAR, the
report must be revised and made available to I&APs for comment
prior to being resubmitted.
An EIAR report that has been rejected may be amended and
resubmitted by the EAP



DME to collate and forward all comments and conditions from the
authorities to the applicant.
The competent authority may call for additional information from
the applicant, and direct that the EMP be adjusted as required by
the authority.





Applicant appealing:

Draft and submit notice of intention to appeal within 10 days

of being notified of the decision
Provide a copy of the notice to all registered I&APs

Any other party appealing:

Draft and submit notice of intention to appeal within 10 days of

being notified of the decision;

Provide copy of the notice to the applicant

Provide information indicating where and for what period the

appeal submission will be available for inspection by the I&APs
Appeal must be submitted within 30 days of lodging the notice of
intention to appeal on an official form published by the competent
Submit Responding Statement to the Minster or MEC within 30 days
from the date that the appeal was made available for inspection
Answering Statement to be submitted within 30 days of receipt of the
Responding Statement.

26 February 2007
12- 33

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1. Introduction
The quartzite ridges of Gauteng are one of the most important natural assets in the northern
provinces of South Africa. This is because these ridges, and the area immediately
surrounding the ridges, provide habitat for a wide variety of fauna and flora, some of which
are Red List, rare or endemic species or, in the case of certain of the plant species, are
found nowhere else in South Africa or the world. The ridges also fulfill functions that are
necessary for the sustainability of ecosystems such as the recharging of groundwater,
wetlands and rivers, wildlife dispersal and providing essential habitat for pollinators. Ridges
also have a socio-cultural role in that they provide aesthetically pleasing environments that
are valued by residents, tourists and recreational users. Human activities such as
urbanization, mining and the planting of alien vegetation may undermine the contribution that
ridges make to the environment.
The environmental right, which is set out in section 24 of the Constitution, requires
government to take .reasonable legislative and other measures that (i)
prevent pollution and ecological degradation;
promote conservation; and
secure ecologically sustainable development and use of natural
resources while promoting justifiable economic and social
The conservation of ridges therefore falls within the ambit of the environmental right and this
document comprises one of the measures that the Department of Agriculture, Conservation
and Environment (the Department) has taken to give effect to the environmental right in
respect of ridges.

2. Purpose of this document

The purpose of this guideline is to set out the Departments policy on the conservation,
development and use of ridges with a view to ensuring that

the use of ridges is sustainable;

members of the public are able to make informed decisions regarding proposals for
development on ridges and the use of ridges;
officials make consistent decisions in respect of planning and environmental
applications that involve negative impacts on ridges; and
the Departments responsibility in respect of the protection of the environment is
carried out in an efficient and considered manner.

The guidelines set out in this document are also intended to assist applicants who are
required to undertake an environmental impact assessment and to facilitate the quicker
administration of such applications.

In developing the guideline, the Department has considered international approaches, the
views of stakeholders, the Departments legislative obligations and its experience in the
processing of applications. The way in which these issues were considered have been
summarised in a separate document titled Background to the Development of a Ridge Policy
Guideline for Gauteng.
It should be noted that this document is a guideline and that the Department
accordingly reserves the right to deviate from the guideline where appropriate.
Furthermore, this document is current as of the April 2006 above and may be changed
from time to time. Any person who needs to consider the relevance of the guideline
to their activities is advised to ensure that they are in possession with the most up to
date version.

3. Scope of the policy

This guideline applies to all ridges in Gauteng. For the purposes of this document, a ridge
includes hills, koppies, mountains, kloofs and gorges and/or a landscape type or topographic
feature that is characterized by two or more of the following features - a crest, plateau, cliff or
footslope. In addition, ridges are characterized by slopes of 5 or more (that is equivalent to
slopes of > 8.8% or > 1: 11 gradient) when modeled in a Geographic Information System
digital elevation model that is based on 20m contour intervals at a scale of 1:50 000.
Most ridges which fall within the scope of this guideline have been mapped by the
Department in an ArcView shapefile. Ridges that have been identified by the Department
include the Bronberg, Daspoortrant, Gatsrant, Klipriviersberg, Kwaggasrant, Linksfield
Ridge, Magaliesberg, Meintjeskop, Melville Koppies, Perdeberg, Pyramind Koppies,
Roodepoort Ridge, Silverton Ridge, Skurweberg, Smuts Koppie, Suikerbosrand, Swartkop
and Witwatersberg.
Information on these ridges or other ridges mapped within the shape file may be requested
from the Department by e-mailing It should be noted, however, that
this guideline applies to all ridges in Gauteng, irrespective of whether a ridge is mapped in
the shapefile or not. The Department may also be contacted for verification as to whether a
landscape type or topographic feature falls within the scope of the guideline.

4. General objective in respect of ridges

The general objective of the Department is that the ecological and socio-cultural value of
ridges must be conserved. The ridges have, however, undergone different degrees of
habitat loss due to human activities such as urban development and quarrying. The
approach which the Department has adopted to realizing its general objective is to provide
for the maximum feasible conservation of a ridge within the existing constraints of the habitat
loss that has already taken place.
In order to give practical effect to this policy, the Department has classified all ridges in
Gauteng into one of four classes, based on the existing extent and percentage of area
converted to urban development or other human activities. The classes are as follows 1)

Class 1 ridges include ridges of which 5% or less of their surface area has been
converted to urban development, quarries and/or alien vegetation.
(Approximately 51% of ridges currently fall within Class 1, including the
Suikerbosrand and parts of the Magaliesberg.)




Class 2 ridges include ridges of which more than 5%, but less than 35%, of their
surface area has been converted to urban development, quarries and/or alien
vegetation. (Approximately 28% of ridges currently fall within Class 2, including
parts of the Magaliesberg, ridges falling within the Cradle of Humankind World
Heritage Site, the Klipriviersberg, the Bronberg and the Skurweberg.)
Class 3 ridges include ridges of which 35% or more, but less than 65%, of their
surface area has been converted to urban development, quarries and/or alien
vegetation. (Approximately 9% of ridges currently fall within Class 3, including
the ridge that traverses the Northcliff, Roodepoort and Krugersdorp areas).
Class 4 ridges include ridges of which 65% or more of their surface area has
been converted to urban development, quarries and/or alien vegetation.
(Approximately 11% of ridges currently fall within Class 4, including the Melville
Koppies and the Linksfield Ridge).

5. General guidelines on ridges

The guidelines which are applicable to the use and development of the different classes of
ridges are set out below.
1) Class 1 ridges

The consolidation of properties on Class 1 ridges is supported.

Further development activities and subdivisions will not be permitted on Class 1
Only low impact activities with an ecological footprint of 5% or less will be
permitted in the 200 metre buffer zone of the ridge.

2) Class 2 ridges


The consolidation of properties on Class 2 ridges is supported.

The subdivision of property on Class 2 ridges will not be permitted.
Development activities and uses that have a high environmental impact on a
Class 2 ridge will not be permitted.
Low impact development activities, such as tourism facilities, which comprise of
an ecological footprint of 5% or less of the property may be permitted. (The
ecological footprint includes all areas directly impacted on by a development
activity, including all paved surfaces, landscaping, property access and service
Low impact development activities on a ridge will not be supported where it is
feasible to undertake the development on a portion of the property abutting the

3) Class 3 ridges

The consolidation of properties on Class 3 ridges is supported.

The guidelines for Class 2 ridges will be applied to areas of the ridge that have
not been significantly impacted on by human activity.
The guidelines for Class 4 ridges will be applied to areas of the ridge that have
been significantly impacted on by human activity.

4) Class 4 ridges

The consolidation of properties on Class 4 ridges is supported.


The subdivision of property on Class 4 ridges will not be permitted in areas of the
ridge where the remaining contiguous extent of natural habitat is 4ha or more.
Further development activities will not be permitted in areas of the ridge where
the remaining contiguous extent of natural habitat is 4ha or more.


6. Requirements for applications that must follow an environmental impact

assessment process

Applications involving activities on a ridge that must be subjected to an

environmental impact assessment in any form must, in addition to any other
requirements of law, be supported by a study or studies which, as a minimum,
(a) the ecological conditions including the functional, hydrological and
compositional aspects of the ridge,
(b) flora and fauna including any mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians and
invertebrates - that are present on the ridge,
(c) the impacts of the proposed activity on a) and b),
(d) the stability of the slope and any implications thereof for the application, and
(e) the cultural, historical, open space and visual value aspects as well as the current
use and value of the ridge for social purposes and the extent to which the
proposed activity will impact on these uses or values


Applications involving developments on a ridge falling within Class 1, 2 or 3 must

also be supported by a study on service provision and access. The study on service
provision and access must, as a minimum, describe the location of access roads to
the site; what services are available; and - if no services are available - how the site
will be serviced and the impact that any new infrastructure contemplated may have
on the ridge.


An ecological management plan must accompany an application which sets out the
measures and responsibilities in respect of the management the ecological integrity
of the property, other than the specific area where the development activity is

7. Interpretation

Geographic Information

a collar of land that filters detrimental edge effects, extending

from the edge of the ridge
a system for the input, storage, retrieval, analysis and display of
geographic data
South African term for gorge or ravine.


South African term for hill.

Red List

The Red List published by the IUCN classifies all those species
threatened with extinction within a particular threat category of,
in order of decreasing risk of extinction, Critically Endangered,
Endangered or Vulnerable.

Buffer zone



1. Introduction
The Gauteng Provincial Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Environment
(the Department) exercises executive and legislative power over matters relating to
the environment and conservation. In terms of Schedule 4 Part A of the Constitution
of the Republic of South Africa, 1996 (Act No. 108 of 1996) concurrent legislative
competence is given to the provinces in relation to functional areas such as
Environment and Nature Conservation. In line with this, the Department is the
responsible authority in Gauteng for administering the environmental impact
assessment (EIA) regulations as set out in GNR 386 and GNR 387 issued in terms
of Section 24 and 24D of the National Environmental Management Act, No. 107 of
1998 (NEMA). In accordance with these regulations, application must be made to
the Department for authorisation in respect of certain listed activities.
To assist the Department with the evaluation of development applications that affect
Red List Plant Species and to inform other administrative decisions affecting such
species, the Department compiled this policy. The Department had already been
using a ranking scheme for other purposes that prioritised Red List Plant Species in
Gauteng from the most important to the least important. This ranking scheme was
revised as a basis to develop the required Red List Plant Species policy. The
essential details of the ranking scheme are briefly described in section 2 of this
document. For more detail, please refer to Pfab & Victor (2002) and Pfab (2002).
2. Priority ranking of Red List Plant Species in Gauteng
Since 1997 locality information for all Red List Plant Species occurring in Gauteng
has been collected from five sources:

Transvaal Provincial Administration (TPA) records.

The Pretoria National Herbarium Computerized Information System (PRECIS).
Herbaria at the Universities of Witwatersrand and Pretoria.
Professional and amateur botanists.
Data recorded in the field by the Technological Services division of the Gauteng
Directorate of Nature Conservation.

This information was collated to form a provincial Red List Plant database,
comprising an extensive list of all known localities within Gauteng for each Red List
Plant Species. The information in this database is updated on a regular basis.

June 2006

Page 1 of 25

Using the Red Data List of Southern African Plants (Hilton-Taylor, 1996), the
completed provincial Red List Plant Species database, trade information supplied by
TRAFFIC (Trade Records Analysis of Flora and Fauna in Commerce) and general
distribution records from general botanical literature (Fabian & Germishuizen, 1997;
Retief & Herman, 1997), each species was assessed in terms of eight criteria (Table
1). Criterion A considers endemism, criteria B, D and E consider species
distributions at decreasing spatial scales, criterion C considers IUCN listings of taxa
evaluated at the national (South Africa) level (Pfab & Victor, 2002), criterion F
considers the protection of each taxon within conservation areas and criteria G and
H represent the factors of threat that are specifically important within Gauteng.
Due to the problems associated with linear ranking schemes (Given & Norton, 1993),
a hierarchical approach to priority setting was adopted, where the most important
criterion, endemism (Table 1), was used for the initial species sorting. Each group
was then sorted progressively using the next important criterion. This was
continually repeated, each subsequent group being sorted progressively until all the
criteria had been used, following the order indicated below and in Table 1, until the
final priority list was produced (Table 2).
A. Endemism was deemed the most important criterion in terms of conserving
biodiversity, a taxon restricted to southern Africa would be of a higher priority
than those occurring elsewhere.
B. Similarly, in terms of distribution, taxa restricted to Gauteng or to the northern
provinces of South Africa (Gauteng, Mpumalanga, Limpopo and North West
provinces, i.e. the former Transvaal province) would be of a higher priority for the
Gauteng Directorate of Nature Conservation than those taxa more widely
C. Red List status was based on national (South Africa) evaluations completed
under the SABONET Red Listing project according to the new IUCN categories
and criteria (IUCN, 2000) and using the RAMAS Red Listing software (Pfab &
Victor, 2002).
All taxa listed in the threatened categories of Critically
Endangered, Endangered and Vulnerable are included as well as those listed as
Data Deficient. As it is possible that a Data Deficient taxon may qualify for a
threatened category, it is important to follow the precautionary approach and
ensure that conservation action is also targeted at these taxa (IUCN, 2000).
D. Taxa having a narrow distribution within the northern provinces would be of a
higher priority than those taxa with a wider distribution in these provinces. Taxa
restricted to subregions falling predominantly over Gauteng (central and south,
Figure 1) should receive higher priority than those taxa falling into one or more
subregions that do not fall over Gauteng (north, east and west, Figure 1).
E. Similarly, taxa recorded at fewer localities should receive higher priority than
F. After considering distributions, it was then necessary to sort those taxa with
populations protected within conservation areas from those taxa that essentially
remain unprotected. Conservation areas include provincial, private and municipal
June 2006

Page 2 of 25

nature reserves as well as the Magaliesberg Protected Natural Environment, the

Sterkfontein, Kromdraai, Swartkranz & Environs Cradle of Humankind World
G. Urbanization is the greatest threat to species in Gauteng (Pfab & Victor, 2002),
and therefore constituted the next level of sorting. Urbanization threat to taxa
with populations occurring in all major urban areas in the province is expected to
be higher than to those taxa with populations occurring in fewer urban areas, with
taxa restricted to rural areas being the least threatened. Since most major
development and urban expansion is expected in Johannesburg and Pretoria,
populations occurring in these areas are considered to be at a higher risk than
H Utilization data (Newton & Chan, 1998) were incorporated into eighth-level
sorting. A taxon collected from the wild for either its medicinal, food or for other
values (Mander et al., 1997, van Wyk et al., 1997, van Wyk & Gericke, 2000) or
advertised for sale on nursery catalogues on Internet sites was considered to be
a higher priority than those taxa not collected at all. Taxa related to, i.e.
belonging to the same genera as, known medicinals or plants collected and/or
traded were assumed to be at a higher risk, due to possible future utilization
related to potential genetic and/or collector value of the taxa.
Table 1. Criteria used for the priority setting exercise for the Red List Plant Species
occurring within Gauteng. Criteria are ranked from the most important to the least,
with criteria scores arranged in descending order of importance.
A. Endemic to southern Africa?*
B. Distribution within southern Africa
Gauteng + one other province/country*
Gauteng + two or more other provinces/countries*
C. Red List status in South Africa (see Pfab and Victor 2002)
Critically Endangered
Data Deficient
D. Distribution within the Northern Provinces (Retief and Herman 1997, Figure 1)
One subregion
Two subregions, two over Gauteng
Two subregions, one over Gauteng
Three subregions, two over Gauteng
Three subregions, one over Gauteng
Four/five subregions
E. Distribution within Gauteng
One recorded locality
2-4 recorded localities
5-9 recorded localities
10 or more recorded localities
F. Occurrence in conservation areas
No recorded localities inside conservation areas
One or more localities inside conservation areas
G. Urbanization threat
June 2006


Page 3 of 25

Recorded localities in Johannesburg, Pretoria and other large towns

Recorded localities in Johannesburg and Pretoria
Recorded localities in Johannesburg or Pretoria and other large towns
Recorded localities in Johannesburg or Pretoria
Recorded localities in other large towns
Recorded localities outside of urban areas
H. Utilization
Traded/collected/utilized taxon
Potentially traded/collected/utilized taxon
No known or potential trade/collection/utilization


*Including former Transvaal province (now includes Gauteng, North West province, Limpopo and Mpumalanga), former Cape province, Free State and KwaZulu-Natal
and the countries Lesotho, Swaziland, Namibia, Botswana and Zimbabwe

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Figure 1. The five subregions of the northern provinces of South Africa (from Retief & Herman, 1997).

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Table 2. Priority ranking of Red List Plant Species for the province of Gauteng. The
priority profile for each species is indicated in terms of the scoring of all species against
eight criteria (Table 1). A1, A2, A3 and B refer to groupings of species used as a basis for
the Red List policy.
Khadia beswickii
Delosperma macellum
Ceropegia decidua subsp. pretoriensis
Delosperma purpureum
Delosperma gautengense
Holothrix micrantha
Cineraria longipes
Lotononis adpressa subsp. leptantha
Melolobium subspicatum
Habenaria mossii
Delosperma vogtsii
Delosperma framesii
Dicoma pretoriensis
Agrostis eriantha var. planifolia
Lithops lesliei subsp. lesliei var.
Delosperma davyi





1 1 4 1 2 2 5 1
1 1 4 2 3 2 3 1


Encephalartos middelburgensis
Eulophia coddii
Aloe peglerae
Frithia pulchra
Frithia humilis
Nerine gracilis
Lepidium mossii
Delosperma leendertziae





A2 Species
endemic to
Gauteng + one
other province/

Cleome conrathii
Brachystelma discoideum
Trachyandra erythrorrhiza


1 3 2 4 2 2 4 2
1 3 3 1 1 2 6 1
1 3 3 4 4 2 2 2


Holothrix randii
Cucumis humifructus
Eulophia leachii


2 2 3 2 4 2 2 2
2 3 2 1 1 1 6 2
2 3 3 3 1 1 4 2


A3 Species
endemic to
Gauteng + two
or more other













*Information and ranking in this table are subject to change as more information and data are collated and generated
and as IUCN Red List listings are revised

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A1 Species
endemic to

B Species not
endemic to
southern Africa

3. Red List Plant Species policy principles

The Red List Plant Species policy is based on the following basic principles.
3.1. Goal 1 of the White Paper on the Conservation and Sustainable Use of South
Africa's Biological Diversity:
"Conserve the diversity of landscapes,
ecosystems, habitats, communities, populations, species and genes in South
Africa". As the relevant provincial authority, this Department is obliged to
ensure that this goal is achieved. By conserving representative landscape units
and communities (higher hierarchical levels), 85-90% of species can be
targeted (Noss, 1987). The 10-15% of species neglected in higher level
considerations are essentially the rare and threatened or Red List species. As
such, this Department is obliged to ensure that the Red List plant species of the
province are conserved, currently totalling 30 out of the approximately 3300
plant species recorded in Gauteng. (This is subject to change as IUCN Red List
listings are revised).
3.2. Species endemic to the province of Gauteng must be afforded the utmost
protection, as they occur nowhere else in the world. As the relevant provincial
authority, this Department's responsibility towards Gauteng endemics is
3.3. Conservation of only one population essentially ignores the lowest level of
biodiversity, viz. genetic diversity. It is therefore imperative that all populations
3.4. In situ conservation is preferable to ex situ conservation. Removing a
population from its natural habitat and placing it under artificial conditions
results in the erosion of the inherent genetic diversity and characteristics of that
3.5. In order to ensure the persistence of a population it is imperative that the
ecological processes maintaining that population persist.
3.6. In order to ensure the persistence of a plant population, it is vital that pollinators
are conserved (Tepedino et al., 1997). If the isolation of fragmented plant
populations becomes greater than the foraging range of pollinators, if the local
pollinator population becomes small enough or if wide-ranging pollinators avoid
small populations, the outcome may be reduced pollination services (Kearns et
al., 1998) and local extinction of plant populations. To conserve pollinators, the
habitat must be managed to provide appropriate nest sites for pollinators and a
seasonal succession of suitable forage and host plants. Pollinators must be
protected from herbicide and pesticide application (Kearns et al., 1998) and soil
disturbance must be prevented. This is particularly important considering the
current global pollination crisis, i.e. the worldwide declines in pollinator
populations caused by habitat fragmentation and other changes in land use,
agriculture and grazing, pesticide and herbicide use and the introduction of
non-native species (Kearns et al., 1998).

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3.7. Translocation of Red List Plant Species is an unacceptable conservation

measure since the translocated species may have undesirable ecological
effects. For example, alterations to habitat by translocated species may be
harmful to other species and translocations may lead to transmission of
pathogens or parasites (Hodder & Bullock, 1997). Translocation may result in
rapid changes in the species itself (Conant, 1988). Translocations are
expensive and rarely successful (Griffith et al., 1989). Success entails not only
survival of the translocated individuals but also establishment of a selfsustaining, viable population able to reproduce and adapt to changing
environmental conditions (Milton et al., 1999). Adequate research into habitat
requirements and availability is essential as well as good integration with
habitat management (Hodder & Bullock, 1997).
3.8. Rural parts of the province should be protected from insensitive developments
and urban sprawl/encroachment should be discouraged. Policy guiding
developments should therefore be less lenient in rural areas. In terms of this
policy, urban areas are those areas contained within the urban edge defined in
the "Gauteng Spatial Development Framework, Phase III", dated July 1999 and
prepared for the Gauteng Department of Development Planning and Local
Government, as well as areas incorporated due to future official amendments to
the urban boundary.
3.9. Red List Plant Species historically recorded on a site, but not located during
searches within species flowering seasons (Table 3) may be dormant (as a
seed bank or subterranean structures such as bulbs/tubers/etc.) due to
unfavourable environmental conditions. A species would only be assumed
locally extinct when surveys over a time frame appropriate to the taxons life
cycle and growth form have failed to record an individual (IUCN, 2000). Many
of the species in Gauteng would exhibit some type of dormancy as grassland is
characterized by disturbance events such as fire, frost, grazing and drought.
Using Raunkiaers classification of life forms as a basis (Crawley, 1986), herbs,
grasses and geophytes could generally be grouped as those species exhibiting
dormancy or becoming inconspicuous during unfavourable conditions, while
trees and shrubs are conspicuous if they are present (Table 3).
3.10. Suitable habitat (Table 3) adjacent to known populations of Red List Plant
Species has a high probability of being colonized.
3.11. In order to protect a plant population that occurs in a fragmented landscape
from edge effects, it is necessary to protect it with a buffer zone that extends
from the edge of the population (see section 4 of this document).
3.12. The transformation of natural vegetation to crops is considered as permanent
as urbanization and may cause the extinction of Red List plant populations and
their pollinators. As such, the conversion of natural land to crops must be
considered for authorization by this Department (listed activity 2(d) and 10, EIA

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Table 3. A description of suitable habitat for Gauteng Red List Plant Species. **Indicates species that are inconspicuous during
unfavourable environmental conditions. Those species not marked with ** are considered conspicuous outside of their flowering
Agrostis eriantha var. planifolia**


Aloe peglerae


Brachystelma discoideum**
Ceropegia decidua subsp.


Cineraria longipes


Cleome conrathii**


Cucumis humifructus**
Delosperma davyi
Delosperma framesii
Delosperma gautengense
Delosperma leendertziae
Delosperma macellum
Delosperma purpureum

January & April


Delosperma vogtsii
Dicoma pretoriensis**
Encephalartos middelburgensis
Eulophia coddii**
Eulophia leachii**
Frithia humilis**
Frithia pulchra**

Early December

Habenaria mossii**


June 2006

Plants grow in typical bankenveld grassveld on flat or undulating plains. The grass grows in
amongst other grass species often in full sunlight.
Rocky places, often on gravelly quartzite, confined mainly to the Magaliesberg range, usually on
the northern slopes and summit; scanty grassland, very little soil.
Savanna in gravelly sandy soil.
Direct sunshine or shaded situations, rocky outcrops of the quartzitic Magaliesberg mountain
series, in pockets of soil among rocks, in shade of shrubs and low trees, can be seen twining
around grass spikes.
Koppies to the south of Johannesburg, amongst rocks and along seep lines in association with
On stony slopes, usually on sandy soil, open to closed deciduous woodland, quartzites, red sandy
soil, all aspects, 1515m.
Woodland and grassland, on deep sand.
On dolomite rocks at the edge of dense, shady scrub above rivers.
Ridges, hills.
Among rocks of Magaliesberg quartzite in grassland in transition to sour grassveld.
Rocky ridges.
In loose gravel in open places near trees
Quartzite slopes: S aspect, usually on steep dipping rock strata forming slabs/sheets; skeletal soil
associated with "sheet rock mat formation" typified by the sedge Coleochloa setifera.
On rather steep south facing slopes of quartzite in mountain grassveld.
Open and grassy with rather sparse bush and tree cover in sheltered valleys, steep rocky slopes.
Steep hillsides on soil derived from sandstone, grassland or mixed bush.
Bushveld on stony, black and heavy soils.
Sandy flat areas associated with rough rocky outcrops.
Shallow soil pockets between small, gravelly quartzite stones on large flat slabs of rock. On
summits and top of Magaliesberg.
Open grassland on dolomite or in black sandy soil.
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Table 3. continued
Holothrix micrantha**
Holothrix randii**
Khadia beswickii
Lepidium mossii**
Lithops lesliei subsp. lesliei var.
Lotononis adpressa subsp.
Melolobium subspicatum
Nerine gracilis**
Trachyandra erythrorrhiza**


June 2006


Terrestrial on grassy cliffs, recorded from 1500 to 1800 m.

Grassy slopes & rocky ledges.
Open areas on shallow surfaces above rocks in grassland.
Grassland with dark pinkish-red ferruginous shaly siltstone.


Open grassland.


Undulating grasslands in damp, moist areas; the plants grow in full sun in damp depressions, near
pans or on the edges of streams; grassland, riverbanks, vleis.
Marshy areas, grassland, usually in black turf marshes.

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4. Setting of buffer zone widths

A buffer zone is a collar of land that filters out inappropriate influences from
surrounding activities (Shafer, 1999), also known as edge effects, including the
effects of invasive plant and animal species, physical damage and soil compaction
caused through trampling and harvesting, abiotic habitat alterations and pollution.
Buffer zones can also provide more landscape needed for ecological processes such
as fire (Shafer, 1999).
There is much debate on the width of the buffer zone required to protect a
threatened plant population as evidenced by the range of opinions received (Table 4)
in response to a request for recommendations on buffer zone widths that this office
posted on the listserve of the Ecological Society of America, to which scientists from
all over the world are subscribed. Using these responses (Table 4) and information
from the literature (Table 5), it is accepted that a minimum buffer zone of 200 meters
is required for a Red List plant population in grassland, which is predominant in
However, as described in principle 3.8, rural parts of the province should be given
more protection from fragmentation, habitat transformation and urban sprawl. Thus,
in order to encourage the preservation of larger habitat fragments and the
maintenance of natural habitat connectivity, it is accepted that larger buffer zone
widths are required in rural areas. Furthermore, higher priority species will be
allowed larger buffer zones in rural areas.

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Table 4. Responses received from ecologists subscribing mainly to the listserve of the Ecological Society of America regarding
buffer zone widths required for the protection of threatened plant populations.
Daniel Press, Associate Professor,
Environmental Studies Department,
University of Santa Cruz, USA
William Null, Wetlands Biologist,
Washington State Department of
Transportation, USA

No widely applicable formulas for buffer zones; varies from species to species and case to case.

No known established widths for threatened plant populations.

Wetland buffer zones recommended in USA range from 8m to 530m.
Riparian buffer zones recommended in USA range from 3.5m to 305m.
Buffer zones for endangered/threatened species recommended at 50m by Ontario Ministry of Natural
Buffer zone needs of fish and wildlife range between 9m (for muskrat feeding and denning) to 183m (for some
bird species)
Depends on ecological processes that need to be maintained.

The conservation of pollinator species must be considered

Reluctant to set standard buffer zones.

Depends on autecology of species.
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service opt for a rough (and rather liberal) buffer zone of 4.8km around plant populations
based on maximum distance a bee may fly from nest-site to foraging area and based on distances that crop
growers clear around some crops to prevent unwanted hybridizations with wild conspecifics or congenerics
estimate not based on reliable data.
Depends on habitat, type of pollinator, nest site availability, density of flowering plants, etc.
Recommends a minimum buffer of 1.6km.
Resources for pollinators must be provided, e.g. a variety of nesting sites (e.g. dead wood, south-facing semibare partially compacted soil, vertical embankments), a source of water and/or mud if none is readily available,
alternative blooming plants, sources of leaf, resin, plant hairs, etc. Developers should be required to include
open spaces for such pollinator amenities.
Is also looking for information on buffer requirements for endangered or threatened plant species.

Maintenance of ecosystem processes must be ensured.

Depends on what one is trying to buffer against.
Ecosystem processes must be maintained.

David Le Maitre, Environmentek

CSIR, South Africa
David Inouye, ECOLOG Listserve
Carlo Popolizio, U.S. Fish and Wildlife
Biologist, USA
Vincent Tepedino, USDA ARS Bee
Biology & Systematics Lab, Utah
State University, USA

Patricia Gordon-Reedy, Senior

Botanist, Conservation Biology
Institute, California, USA
Karen Holl
Anna Ballance, Environmentek, CSIR,
South Africa
June 2006

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Table 4. continued
Ingrid Parker, Assistant Professor,
University of California, USA
Dan Doak

Macolm Hodges, Stewardship

Ecologist, the Nature Conservancy of

As long as pollinators are available, small patches of plants can be self-sustaining without a huge buffer, but
patch itself must be completely protected.
Fence in the impact rather than fencing in the rare species.
Abiotic changes in forest can extend up to at least 200-300m from the edge.
Abiotic effects likely to decline much more rapidly in grassland.
A buffer zone of 200m in grassland seems reasonable since abiotic effects are going to be low at this distance, it
is beyond the normal home range size of most pollinators, it is far enough to give some warning of important
exotic invasions.
Buffer needs will vary according to the species.
Ecological processes need to be considered.
Fire may require a fairly large buffer while the maintenance of hydrological processes will require a smaller

Table 5. Information obtained from the literature useful for setting buffer zone widths for the protection of threatened plant
Saunders & Hobbs, 1991
In Ecological Principles of Nature

Burger et al., 2000

Carvalho & Vasconcelos, 1999

Dawson, 1994

June 2006

Edge effects in forests have been found to penetrate 250m from the edge.
Forest-interior birds avoid the 50m nearest to the forest edge.
Forest microclimate is affected up to 100m into the forest stand.
Nest predation occurs up to 200m from surrounding agricultural landscapes.
Light-loving butterflies can be found up to 300m into a forest stand.
Airborne dust is predicted to exceed DEAT (Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism) daily air quality
guidelines up to 100m to 300m away from a road construction site.
Oxides of nitrogen are expected to exceed DEAT air quality guidelines up to 20m to 250m away from a road edge.
Carbon monoxide emissions are expected to exceed DEAT air quality guidelines up to 15m to 30m away from a
road edge and up to 65m using World Health Organization standards.
Diesel Particulate Matter is predicted to exceed World Health standards up to 65m away from a road edge.
Lead is expected to exceed World Health standards up to 15m to 28m away from a road edge.
Significant impacts of particulate matter can be expected up to 20m from a road edge.
Ant community composition within 200m from edges differs from that in forest interiors.
Plots of less than 0.2ha (an edge of 25m) are considered entirely edge for some forest bird species.
Core species are outnumbered by edge species in forest patches in Germany of less than 2 to 5ha (edge of 75m
to 125m) for carabid beetles and less than 10ha (edge of 175m) for wandering spiders.
Page 13 of 25

Table 5. continued
Shafer, 1999

Wood et al. 1994

Conservation Biology Institute, 2000

Marrs et al., 1993

June 2006

95% of all human trampling and firewood gathering in suburban forest fragments has been recorded at 83m and
130m respectively.
Dry pollutants such as heavy metals and salt can extend 120m from roads.
With intensive management, ecological processes necessary for species survival can be maintained in natural
areas as small as 6ha (edge 125m).
Alien plant species have been found to extend up to about 99m into natural habitat from primary roads, secondary
roads and backcountry trails.
Invasive plants have been found to be abundant within 198m from forest edges and lower (but still elevated) levels
of invasive plants 500m from the edges.
In sclerophyll forests in Australia, most invasive species occur within 31m from the edge.
Domestic dogs and cats (that may affect populations of seed dispersal agents such as rodents) are active within
reserves at a distance of more than 99m and within 30-61m from the urban-wildland interface respectively.
Reduced recruitment in a herbaceous perennial plant species (Trillium ovatum) has been recorded within 61m of a
forest edge.
Activity of the invasive Argentine ants, which displace native ant species (crucial to the life history of many
butterflies) that may act as pollinating or seed dispersing agents, has been found to be highest within 99m of the
nearest urban edge, whereas areas sampled beyond 198m have been found to contain few or no Argentine ants.
However, Argentine ants have also been found at distances of approximately 396-1000m from the edge in other
urban reserves in California.
A number of empirical studies have concluded that detrimental effects to biological resources can extend up to 46183m from the edge of the urban-wildland interface.
Seedlings are sensitive to glyphosate spray drift up to 20m downwind, some species show a small effect on
seedling mortality between 20m and 40m.

Page 14 of 25

5. Policy guidelines
1. If environmental assessment falls within an urban area, please follow flow chart
on page 16.
2. If environmental assessment falls outside an urban area, please follow flow chart
on page 17.
3. For Red List plant policy rules referred to in flow charts on pages 16 and 17, see
Table 6 on page 18.
4. For priority profiles of Red List Plant Species, see Table 2 on page 6.
5. For information on the suitable habitat and flowering seasons of Red List Plant
6. For Figure 2, see page 21.
Note: Figures 3 and 4 referred to in flow charts cannot be published as they contain
confidential information. This information, however, can be obtained on a site-by-site
basis by contacting the Gauteng Directorate of Nature Conservation.

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Table 6. Red List policy rules applicable to flow charts on pages 16 and 17
Rules 5.1a.: Rules for in situ conservation of Red List Plant Species within urban areas
Development to be fenced off. Mitigatory measures are required to prevent access of people and vehicles to area containing species; however,
movement of all fauna must be allowed.
A buffer zone of at least 200m from the edge of the population must be allowed.
Connectivity of area containing species with adjacent natural urban open spaces must be ensured.
EIA/scoping report must contain specialist botanical report by a suitably qualified person (at least a BSc(Hons) in Plant Ecology / Botany) or
equivalent as approved by department.
A management plan for the area containing species must be compiled by a suitably qualified ecologist (at least a BSc(Hons) in Plant Ecology) or
equivalent as approved by department. The implementation of this management plan is the responsibility of the developer and must be stated as
such in the record of decision. The management plan must:
Ensure the persistence of the population
Include a monitoring programme
Facilitate/augment natural ecological processes
Provide for the habitat and life history needs of important pollinators
Minimize artificial edge effects (e.g. water runoff from developed areas & application of chemicals)
Include an ongoing eradication programme for non-indigenous species
Result in a report back to DACEL on an annual basis
Mitigatory measures are required to protect the population during construction.
The use of non-indigenous species in landscaping associated with the development must be prohibited.
Landscaping associated with development must include forage and host plants required by pollinators.
If the development is predicted to cause a decline in the population, the development may not be approved and alternative sites / development
options should be proposed.
Where there is a lack of information to predict the effect of the development on the population, the precautionary principle must be used and the
development may not be approved and alternative sites / development options should be proposed.
Rules 5.1b.: Rules for in situ conservation of Red List Plant Species outside urban areas
Buffer zone required (see below).
Mitigatory measures are required to prevent access of people and vehicles to area containing species; however, movement of all fauna must be
Development outside of buffer should be low impact; development structures may not be placed on any area of suitable Red List habitat and
should be clustered to retain as much undisturbed land as possible; urban development should not be permitted.
Connectivity with the landscape matrix (i.e. adjacent natural vegetation) must be ensured.
EIA/scoping report must contain specialist botanical report by a suitably qualified person (at least a BSc(Hons) in Plant Ecology / Botany or
equivalent as approved by department).
A management plan must be compiled by a suitably qualified ecologist (at least a BSc(Hons) in Plant Ecology or equivalent as approved by
department). The implementation of this management plan is the responsibility of the developer and must be stated as such in the record of
June 2006

Page 18 of 25


decision. The management plan must:

Ensure the persistence of the population
Include a monitoring programme
Facilitate/augment natural ecological processes
Provide for the habitat and life history needs of important pollinators
Minimize artificial edge effects (e.g. water runoff from developed areas & application of chemicals)
Include an ongoing eradication programme for non-indigenous species
Result in a report back to DACEL on an annual basis
Mitigatory measures are required to protect the population during construction.
The use of non-indigenous species in landscaping associated with the development must be prohibited.
If the development is predicted to cause a decline in the population, the development may not be approved and alternative sites / development
options should be proposed.
Where there is a lack of information to predict the effect of the development on the population, the precautionary principle must be used and the
development may not be approved and alternative sites / development options should be proposed.
A buffer zone of at least 600m from the edge of the population must be allowed.
A buffer zone of at least 500m from the edge of the population must be allowed.
A buffer zone of at least 400m from the edge of the population must be allowed.
A buffer zone of at least 300m from the edge of the population must be allowed.

Rules 5.2a.: Rules for protection of suitable habitat (Table 3) within urban areas
Site must be mapped indicating location of suitable habitat (Table 3).
Development structures may not be placed on any area of suitable habitat (Table 3).
An area of suitable habitat (Table 3) and of sufficient size must be set aside and managed as an urban open space; connectivity of area with
adjacent natural open spaces must be ensured; and a management plan must be compiled by a suitably qualified ecologist (at least a BSc(Hons)
in Plant Ecology or equivalent as approved by department). The implementation of this management plan is the responsibility of the developer and
must be stated as such in the record of decision. The management plan must:
Facilitate/augment natural ecological processes
Provide for the habitat and life history needs of important pollinators
Minimize artificial edge effects (e.g. water runoff from developed areas & application of chemicals)
Include an ongoing eradication programme for non-indigenous species
Result in a report back to DACEL on an annual basis
The use of non-indigenous species in landscaping associated with the development must be prohibited.
If the species is not recorded from a conservation area (assigned a value of 1 for criterion F) or species is narrowly distributed in Gauteng (1 or 2
for criterion E) or narrowly distributed in the northern provinces (3 or less for criterion D), then apply rules as for A1 species.
If species does not comply with these conditions, then mitigate against impacts on suitable habitat (Table 3).
If the species is narrowly distributed in Gauteng (1 or 2 for criterion E) and narrowly distributed in the northern provinces (3 or less for criterion D),
then apply rules as for A1 species.
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If species does not comply with these conditions, then mitigate against impacts on suitable habitat (Table 3).
If the species is not protected in a conservation area (assigned a value of 1 for criterion F) and the species is narrowly distributed in Gauteng (1 or
2 for criterion E) and narrowly distributed in the northern provinces (3 or less for criterion D), mitigate against impacts on suitable habitat (Table 3).

Rules 5.2b.: Rules for protection of suitable habitat (Table 3) outside urban areas
Site must be mapped indicating location of suitable habitat (Table 3).
Development structures may not be placed on any area of suitable habitat (Table 3) and should be clustered to retain as much undisturbed land as
A management plan must be compiled by a suitably qualified ecologist (at least a BSc(Hons) in Plant Ecology or equivalent as approved by
department). The implementation of this management plan is the responsibility of the developer and must be stated as such in the record of
decision. The management plan must:
Facilitate/augment natural ecological processes
Provide for the habitat and life history needs of important pollinators
Minimize artificial edge effects (e.g. water runoff from developed areas & application of chemicals)
Include an ongoing eradication programme for non-indigenous species
Result in a report back to DACEL on an annual basis
Urban development should not be permitted.
The use of non-indigenous species in landscaping associated with the development must be prohibited.
Connectivity with the landscape matrix (i.e. adjacent natural vegetation) must be ensured.
If the species is narrowly distributed in Gauteng (1 or 2 for criterion E) or narrowly distributed in the northern provinces (3 or less for criterion D),
then apply rules as for A1/A2 species.
If species does not comply with these conditions, then mitigate against impacts on suitable habitat (Table 3).
If the species is not protected in a conservation area (assigned a value of 1 for criterion F) and the species is narrowly distributed in Gauteng (1 or
2 for criterion E) and narrowly distributed in the northern provinces (3 or less for criterion D), then apply rules as for A1/A2 species.
If species does not comply with these conditions, then mitigate against impacts on suitable habitat (Table 3).
Rules 5.3.: Rules for searching neighbouring sites
If the species flowering time coincides with the environmental assessment, suitable habitat (Table 3) must be searched.
If the species is narrowly distributed in Gauteng (1 or 2 for criterion E) or narrowly distributed in the northern provinces (3 or less for criterion D),
suitable habitat must be searched during the flowering season (Table 3).
If the species is narrowly distributed in the northern provinces (3 or less for criterion D), suitable habitat must be searched during the flowering
season (Table 3).
If the species is narrowly distributed in Gauteng (1 or 2 for criterion E) and narrowly distributed in the northern provinces (3 or less for criterion D),
suitable habitat must be searched during the flowering season (Table 3).
June 2006

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Figure 2: Urban (darkly shaded areas) and rural areas (lightly shaded areas) of
Gauteng as defined in the Gauteng Spatial Development Framework, Phase III (July
1999) prepared for the Gauteng Department of Development Planning and Local

June 2006

Page 21 of 25

6. Glossary

Non-living; usually applied to the physical and chemical

aspects of an organisms environment.


The biotic and abiotic conditions which influence the

distribution, survival and reproduction of a particular species.


The sum of all species of animals, plants, fungi and microorganisms.

Buffer zone

A collar of land that filters out inappropriate influences from

surrounding activities.


The species that occur together in space and time.


Belonging to the same genus.


Belonging to the same species.

Critically Endangered The best available evidence indicates that a taxon is facing
an extremely high risk of extinction in the wild.
Data Deficient

There is inadequate information to make a direct, or indirect,

assessment of a taxons risk of extinction based on its
distribution and/or population status.


An extended period of suspended or greatly reduced activity.

Edge effects

Inappropriate influences from surrounding activities,

including, for example, the effects of invasive plant and
animal species, physical damage and soil compaction
caused through trampling and harvesting, abiotic habitat
alterations and pollution.


The best available evidence indicates that a taxon is facing a

very high risk of extinction in the wild.


Having their habitat in a specified district or area.

Ex situ conservation

Conservation outside a taxons wild/natural habitat, e.g.

usually involving propagation or seed banking.

In situ conservation

Conservation within a taxons wild habitat where the

populations occur naturally.


The removal of a population to an alternative site.

June 2006

Page 22 of 25


The best available evidence indicates that a taxon is facing a

high risk of extinction in the wild.

classification of life

A system in which plants are classified according to their

adaptations for surviving the unfavourable season.

Red List Plant


A species included on a Red List, which classifies all those

species threatened with extinction within a particular threat
category of, in order of decreasing risk of extinction, Critically
Endangered, Endangered or Vulnerable.


Could refer to a species or any other taxonomic level below

that of species.


Geographic Information System a system for the input,

storage, retrieval, analysis and display of geographic data.


World Conservation Union


Trade Records Analysis of Flora and Fauna in Commerce

June 2006

Page 23 of 25

7. References
Burger, L.W., Coetzee, L.A. & Enslin, H. (2000). Air pollution characterisation and
preliminary health risk assessment of the proposed Platinum Highway (WarmbathsPretoria-Skilpadhek). Environmental Management Services cc, Wierda Park.
Carvalho, K.S. & Vasconcelos, H.L. (1999). Forest fragmentation in central
Amazonia and its effects on litter-dwelling ants. Biological Conservation, 91, 151157.
Conant, S. (1988). Saving Endangered Species by Translocation. Are we tinkering
with evolution? BioScience, 38, 254-257.
Conservation Biology Institute (2000). Review of potential edge effects on the San
Fernando Valley Spineflower (Chorizanthe parryi var. fernandina). Prepared for
Ahmanson Land Company, West Covina, California & Beveridge & Diamond, LLP,
San Francisco, California.
Crawley, M.J. (1986). The structure of plant communities. In Plant Ecology. M.J.
Crawley (ed.). Blackwell Scientific Publications, Oxford.
Dawson, D. (1994). Are habitat corridors conduits for animals and plants in a
fragmented landscape? English Nature Research Report 94, London.
Fabian, A. & Germishuizen, G. (1997). Wild Flowers of Northern South Africa.
Fernwood Press, Vlaeberg.
Given, D.R. & Norton, D.A. (1993). A multivariate approach to assessing threat and
for priority setting in threatened species conservation. Biological Conservation, 64,
Griffith, B., Scott, J.M., Carpenter, J.W. & Reed, C. (1989). Translocation as a
species conservation tool: Status and strategy. Science, 245, 477 - 480.
Hilton-Taylor, C. (1996). Red Data List of Southern African Plants. Strelitzia 4.
National Botanical Institute, Pretoria.
Hodder, K.H. & Bullock, J.M. (1997). Translocations of native species in the UK:
implications for biodiversity. Journal of Applied Ecology, 34, 547-565.
IUCN (2000). IUCN Red List Categories. Prepared by the IUCN Species Survival
Commission. Gland, Switzerland.
Kearns, C.A., Inouye, D.W. & Waser, N.M. (1998). Endangered Mutualisms: The
Conservation of Plant-Pollinator Interactions. Annu. Rev. Ecol. Syst. 29, 83-112.
Mander, J., Quinn, N. & Mander, M. (1997). Trade in Wildlife Medicinals in South
Africa. Investigational Report No 154. Institute of Natural Resources.

June 2006

Page 24 of 25

Marrs, R.H., Frost, A.J., Plant, R.A. & Lunnis, P. (1993). Determination of buffer
zones to protect seedlings of non-target plants from the effects of glyphosate spray
drift. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 45, 283-293.
Milton, S.J., Bond, W.J., Du Plessis, M.A., Gibbs, D., Hilton-Taylor, C., Linder, H.P.,
Raitt, L., Wood, J. & Donaldson, J.S. (1999). A protocol for plant conservation by
translocation in threatened lowland fynbos. Conservation in Practice, 13, 735-743.
Newton, D.J. & Chan, J. (1998). South Africas trade in southern African succulent
plants. TRAFFIC East/southern Africa, Johannesburg.
Noss, R.F. (1987). From plant communities to landscapes in conservation
inventories: A look at the Nature Conservancy. Biological Conservation, 41, 11
Pfab, M.F. (2002). Priority ranking scheme for Red Data plants in Gauteng, South
Africa. South African Journal of Botany, 68, 299-303.
Pfab, M.F. and Victor, J.E. (2002). Threatened plants Gauteng, South Africa. South
African Journal of Botany, 68, 370-375.
Rebelo, A.G. & Tansley, S.A. (1993). Using rare plant species to identify priority
conservation areas in the Cape Floristic Region: the need to standardize for total
species richness. South African Journal of Science, 89, 156-161.
Retief, E. & Herman, P.P.J. (1997). Plants of the northern provinces of South Africa:
keys and diagnostic characters. National Botanical Institute, Pretoria.
Saunders, D.A. & Hobbs, R.J. (1991). Management of vegetation corridors:
maintenance, rehabilitation and establishment. In Nature Conservation 2: The role
of corridors. Saunders, D.A. & Hobbs, R.J. (eds). Pages 299-311. Surrey Beatty &
Sons Pty Limited, Australia.
Shafer, C.L. (1999). US National Park buffer zones: Historical, scientific, social and
legal apsects. Environmental Management, 23, 49-73.
Tepedino, V.J., Sipes, S.D., Barnes, J.L. & Hickerson, L.L. (1997). The need for
extended care in conservation: Examples from studies of rare plants in the western
United States. Proc. International Symposium on Pollination.
van Wyk, B-E., van Oudtshoorn, B. & Gericke, N. (1997). Medicinal plants of South
Africa. Briza Publications, Pretoria.
van Wyk, B-E. & Gericke, N. (2000). Peoples plants. A guide to useful plants of
southern Africa. Briza Publications, Pretoria.
Wood, J., Low, A.B., Donaldson, J.S. & Rebelo, A.G. (1994). Threats to plant
species diversity through urbanization and habitat fragmentation in the Cape
Metropolitan Area, South Africa. Strelitzia 1, 259-274.

June 2006

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Red List Plant Species Guidelines



These Guidelines aim to facilitate the conservation of the Red List Plant Species
of Gauteng and are to be used by the Department, applicants and any other person or
organisation that is responsible for managing, or whose actions affect, areas in Gauteng
where populations of Red List Plant Species grow.
The Guidelines are based on a number of source documents as set out
(i) Pfab, M. F. (2002). Priority ranking scheme for Red Data plants in Gauteng,
South Africa. South African Journal of Botany, 68, 299-303.
(ii) Pfab, M.F. & Victor, J.E. (2002). Threatened plants of Gauteng, South Africa.
South African Journal of Botany, 68, 370-375.
(iii) Current list of Threatened and Near Threatened plant species on GDACE
Website (
(iv) Pfab, M. F. Application of Buffer Zone Concept to The Protection of Threatened
Plant Species Populations in Gauteng, August 2005 as amended from time to


Purpose of the guidelines

The purpose of these guidelines is to promote the conservation of Red List Plant
Species in Gauteng, which are species of flora that face risk of extinction in the wild.
By protecting Red List Plant Species, conservation of diverse landscapes is
promoted which forms part of the overall environmental preservation of diverse
ecosystems, habitats, communities, populations, species and genes in Gauteng.
These Guidelines are intended to provide a decision-making support tool to any
person or organisation that is responsible for managing, or whose actions affect, areas
in Gauteng where populations of Red List Plant Species grow, whether such person or
organisation be an organ of state or private entity or individual; thereby enabling the
conservation of the Red List Plant Species that occur in Gauteng.


Scope of the guidelines


These guidelines are to be taken into account by a competent authority

considering environmental impact assessments in terms of the applicable legislation
and, in addition, must be taken into account by other decision making bodies on issues
affecting Red List Plant Species.
It should be noted that this document is a guideline and that the Department
accordingly reserves the right to deviate from the guideline where appropriate.
Furthermore, this document is current as of 30 June 2006 and may be changed from
time to time. Any person who needs to consider the relevance of the guideline to their
actions is advised to ensure that they are in possession of the most up to date version.

26th June 2006


Guiding Principles

The principles that inform these Guidelines are as set out hereunder.
In accordance with the objectives of the Convention on Biological Diversity
(1992), the Department must ensure that the diversity of landscapes, ecosystems,
habitats, communities, populations, species and genes in Gauteng are conserved.
As Red List Plant Species face an extremely high, very high or high risk of
extinction in the wild, or are close to facing a risk of extinction in the wild, the Department
must ensure that these species are afforded special conservation attention.
Species endemic to Gauteng must be afforded the maximum protection as they
occur nowhere else in the world.
Conservation of only a single population of a Red List Plant Species will intensify
the taxons extinction risk and also neglects the lowest level of biodiversity, which is
genetic diversity; consequently all populations of Red List Plant Species must be
In situ conservation of Red List Plant Species is preferable to ex situ
conservation: removing a population from its natural habitat and placing it under artificial
conditions will result in the erosion of the inherent genetic diversity and characteristics of
that species.
In order to ensure the persistence of a population of a Red List Plant Species, it
is imperative that the ecological processes maintaining that population persist.
In order to ensure the persistence of a population of a Red List Plant Species,
pollinators must be conserved in accordance with the following measures
(i) the habitat must be managed to provide appropriate nest sites for
pollinators and a seasonal succession of suitable forage and host
(ii) pollinators must be protected from herbicide and pesticide
application and soil disturbance must be prevented; and
(iii) habitat fragmentation must be avoided and connectivity promoted.
Translocation of Red List Plant Species is an unacceptable conservation
measure because
(i) the translocated species may harm other species;
(ii) the translocated species may transmit pathogens and/ or parasites;
(iii) translocation may result in rapid changes in the species itself;
(iv) translocations are expensive; and
(v) translocations are rarely successful: in order to be successful, the translocated
individuals must survive and result in the establishment of a self-sustaining,
viable population able to reproduce and adapt to changing environmental

Rural parts of Gauteng should be protected from insensitive development and -

26th June 2006

(i) urban sprawl/encroachment should be avoided;

(ii) policy guiding developers should be more strictly applied in rural areas.
A species can only be assumed to be locally extinct when surveys over a time
frame appropriate to the taxons life cycle and growth form have failed to record an
individual; surveys should
(i) only be undertaken within the taxons flowering season
(ii) discount the possibility that the population is dormant due to unfavourable
environmental conditions.
Suitable habitat adjacent to known populations of Red List Plant Species has a
high probability of being colonised by new individuals of that Red List Plant Species and
may ultimately result in a new population.
In order to protect a plant population from detrimental edge effects associated
with a fragmented landscape, it is necessary to protect it with a buffer zone.


Application of the guidelines

These Guidelines apply to any development/construction or any other action that may
result in the ecological degradation or destruction of an area supporting a population of a
Red List Plant Species.
The applicant must consult the Departments website in order to determine which
Red List Plant Species may require conservation in the area, and which priority grouping
the species belongs to.
The priority grouping will determine the buffer zone width that must be applied as
set out under 6b below. The following priority groupings exist
(i) A1 taxa are endemic to Gauteng;
(ii) A2 taxa are endemic to Gauteng and one other province;
(iii) A3 taxa are endemic to Gauteng and two or more other provinces;
(iv) B taxa are not endemic to South Africa.



Red List Plant Species Conservation

Three basic rules of conservation apply to populations of Red List Plant Species,
as set out hereunder.
(i) All populations of Near Threatened and Threatened plant taxa must be
conserved in situ.
(ii) All populations of Near Threatened and Threatened plant taxa must be protected
with a buffer zone in accordance with guidelines as set out in 6b below.

26th June 2006

(iii) An Ecological Management Plan must be compiled in respect of all actions that
affect populations of Red List Plant Species, and such Ecological Management
Plans must conform with the Guidelines set out in 6c below.
Setting of buffer zone widths

Buffer zone widths are set out hereunder.

(i) In urban areas, a minimum buffer zone of 200 (two hundred) meters is required
from the edge of a Red List Plant Species population.
(ii) In rural areas, a larger buffer zone width is required to protect populations of Red
List Plant Species from detrimental edge effects that are active over distances
greater than 200 metres, in accordance with their priority grouping, as defined in
section 5b above, as follows

in respect of an A1 priority grouping, a buffer zone of at least 600 (six hundred)

meters from the edge of the Red List Plant Species population must be allowed;
in respect of an A2 priority grouping, a buffer zone of at least 500 (five hundred)
meters from the edge of the Red List Plant Species population must be allowed;
in respect of an A3 priority grouping, a buffer zone of at least 400 (four hundred)
meters from the edge of the Red List Plant Species population must be allowed;
in respect of a B priority grouping, a buffer zone of at least 300 (three hundred)
meters from the edge of the Red List Plant Species population must be allowed.

Ecological Management Plans

A person/organization/applicant wishing to undertake any action that affects a
population of a Red List Plant Species must prepare an Ecological Management Plan.
(i) An Ecological Management Plan must be compiled by a suitably qualified
ecologist (at least a BSc (Hons) in Plant Ecology or equivalent) as approved by
the Department.
(ii) The implementation of the Ecological Management Plan is the responsibility of
an appropriate management authority, such as a body corporate or section 21
company, vested with the authority to ensure the correct ecological management
of the area where the Red List Plant Species population is growing.
(iii) The Ecological Management Plan must

Ensure the persistence of the Red List Plant Species population;

Include a monitoring programme that monitors the size, stage structure and
vigour of the Red List Plant Species population as well as threats to the
Facilitate/augment natural ecological processes such as fire and herbivory;
Provide for the habitat and life history needs of important pollinators;
Minimise artificial edge effects (e.g. water runoff from developed areas and
application of chemicals);

26th June 2006

Include an ongoing monitoring and eradication programme for non-indigenous

species with specific emphasis on invasive and weedy species;
Result in a report back to the Department on an annual basis.

(iv) Mitigatory measures are required to protect the Red List Plant Species
population during construction.
(v) Only species indigenous to South Africa may be used for landscaping, with plant
species locally indigenous to the region or found naturally growing in areas
authorized for development being preferred.
(vi) Landscaping must include forage and host plants required by pollinators.
(vii)Before construction is initiated, all areas earmarked for an authorized
development must be fenced off from those areas to be retained as an open
space system, and all construction-related impacts (including service roads) must
be contained within the fenced-off development areas.



In these Guidelines any word or expression to which a meaning has been assigned in
the Act has that meaning, unless the context requires otherwise
abiotic means non-living, usually applied to the physical and chemical aspects of an
organisms environment;
Act means the National Environmental Management Act 107 of 1998, including any
schedules and regulations and any notice issued under the Act;
applicant means a person who has submitted or intends to submit an application;
application means an application for
an environmental authorisation in terms of Chapter 2 of the Regulations;
an amendment to an environmental authorisation in terms of Chapter 4 of the
Regulations; or
an exemption from a provision of these Regulations in terms of Chapter 5 of the
biodiversity means the variety and variability among living organisms and the
ecological complexes in which they occur;
biota means the fauna and flora together, being all living organisms at a location;
buffer zone means a collar of land that filters edge effects;
Critically Endangered means a taxon is facing an extremely high risk of extinction in
the wild, as indicated by the best available evidence;
Department means the Gauteng Department of Agriculture, Conservation and

26th June 2006

edge effects means inappropriate influences from surrounding activities, which

physically degrade habitat, endanger resident biota and reduce the functional size of
remnant fragments including, for example, the effects of invasive plant and animal
species, physical damage and soil compaction caused through trampling and harvesting,
abiotic habitat alterations and pollution;
Endangered means a taxon is facing a very high risk of extinction in the wild, as
indicated by the best available evidence;
endemic means, with reference to a taxon, that the taxon has its habitat in a specified
district or area;
ex situ conservation means conservation outside a taxons wild/natural habitat, usually
involving propagation or seed banking;
in situ conservation means conservation within a taxons wild habitat where the
populations occur naturally;
invasive and weedy species means plants which are declared to be weeds and invader
plants in terms of the amended regulations of the Conservation of Agricultural
Resources Act No. 43 of 1983;
Near Threatened means a taxon that is not Critically Endangered, Endangered or
Vulnerable currently, but is close to qualifying for, or is likely to qualify for, one of these
categories in the near future;
population means a group of individuals of one species in an area;
Red List Plant Species means a plant taxon considered to be threatened, or close to
becoming threatened with extinction and therefore classified as Critically Endangered,
Endangered, Vulnerable or Near Threatened;
Regulations means the Government Notice R. 385 of 21st April, 2006;
remnant fragments means the remaining fragments of a habitat after a landscape has
undergone a process of fragmentation and habitat loss due to human activities such as
urban development, aforestation and agriculture;
rural areas means all areas in Gauteng that are not urban areas;
taxa means the plural of taxon;
taxon means a species or any other taxonomic level below that of a species;
translocation means the removal of a population to an alternative site;
Threatened means a taxon that is Critically Endangered, Endangered or Vulnerable;
urban areas means all built up areas in Gauteng, including residential, commercial,
retail, institutional, educational, industrial and mixed use developments, where proposed
26th June 2006

developments are 50 percent abutted by urban development and which can be readily
connected to municipal bulk infrastructure services;
Vulnerable means a taxon is facing a high risk of extinction in the wild, as indicated by
the best available evidence.

26th June 2006

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Development on Dolomite
Conservation and Environment
Dr Sue Taylor, Malcolm Roods and
Frans Scheepers

Feb 2005

What is the problem?

Gauteng is a dolomitic province
A crescent of dolomitic rock extends from the
Far West Rand, WHS, Centurian around to
Larger municipalities such as Tshwane,
Ekurhuleni and Merafong biggest problem
Caves, karst landscapes and underground
water/ecosystems have become an issue
through the WHS project and monitoring
There have been some recent sinkholes (eg.
Bapsfontein) near settlements

Dolomitic municipalities
Do they have disaster management
strategies, and what do these strategies
deal with?
Are the disaster management
strategies appropriate (eg. Sinkholes,
pollution of underground water dealt
Have we reviewed them?

Development activities on
GDACE policy of densification and conflict
between golf estates and low densification on
dolomite areas
Townships and cemeteries already on dolomite
eg. Townships near Springs
EIA/scoping report reviewed recently on
cemetery development in Krugersdorp area
How do we (not experts) interpret a
geohydrological report in a Scoping Report ?

Development issues in Gauteng

Development needs have grown tremendously
over the last 10 years and Gauteng is running
out of prime land from a geological perspective
Government prohibits residential development
where underground mine works are shallower
than 240 m from the surface,
Yet dolomitic land, which often reveals openings
much closer to surface, is developed without
much objection.

Development and the Council

for Geosciences (CGS)
The CGS is required to give recommendations
on dolomite before townships are established
Recommendations do not only consider whether
buildings would be at undue risk, but also
consider open areas where people will walk
(presumably where they would drive are
considered as well?)
Geohydrological and geotechnical reports are
currently required for any development planned
on these types of rock substrata

CGS Approach to Development

on Dolomite
Council for Geoscience (CGS) document Approach to Residential Development on
Dolomite Oct 2004 document
CGS guidelines for engineering-geological
characterisation and development of dolomitic
land and
National Dept of Housing Generic Specifications
for Geotechnical Site Investigations for Housing
Development where Government housing
projects are being considered.

Development on Dolomite
Provincial and local authoritiess, as well as
National Home Builders Registration
Council must use the approach set out in
CGS Oct 2004 document

Development on dolomite
The CGS Oct 2004 document states that
the Developer must obtain a Record of Decision
from CGS before the scoping report required in
the EIA process is drafted, and before such
document is submitted to GDACE
The CGS ROD is a prerequisite for the issuing of
the ROD by GDACE.
A developer that proceeds with the EIA process
ahead of the CGS process does so at risk.

Land risk classes

Risk classes have been designated by the CGS
Recommendations on maximum densities for residential
type are linked to the Risk class
Development on risk classes 1 and 2 land supported by
When Development is considered on higher risk classes,
every effort is required to fully understand the geological
setting and apply conservative judgement throughout.
Each Local Authority affected by dolomite is mean to
have a functioning Risk Management System.

Densification on land risk

The higher the risk class, the less dense the
development must be
Eg. Risk class 1 and 2 allowed residential,
cluster, high rise (40 - 60 units/ha)
Risk class 3 (a) = up to 18 u/ha
Risk class 3 (b) = up to 10 u/ha
Risk classes 5, 6,7,8 no residential

GDACE Development on Dolomite

Do we need a Development on Dolomite
policy? CGS approach sufficient?
Develop GDACE Development Checklist
to determine whether the CGS survey and
ROD was completed?
What about other dolomite issues?

Other items to include in a GDACE

Development on Dolomite Policy
Recommendations for development near caves
and bat roosts (and set buffer zones)
Recommendations for informal settlements
(ie. Those that have never gone through an
EIA process or been reviewed by the CGS)?
Recs for development near known or new
sinkholes (and set buffer zones) and guidelines
for further development in these areas

Other Problems with Dolomite

Ground water pollution
Decrease in surface water
infiltration/increased runoff
Over abstraction of ground water for
Illegal abstraction of ground water for

Other problematic activities on dolomite

Farming - (GDACE High Potential Agricultural
Land Atlas) to include impact of dolomite on
farming/impact of farming on dolomite
HIV epidemic (increasing the need for) and
cemeteries on dolomite.
Sewage works future sewage works if inward
migration in Gauteng continues. DWAF and
CGS would play a role here.

Other problematic activities on

Farming - (GDACE High Potential Agricultural
Land Atlas) to include impact of dolomite on
farming/impact of farming on dolomite
HIV epidemic (increase in need for) and
cemeteries on dolomite.
Sewage works future sewage works if inward
migration in Gauteng continues. DWAF and
CGS would play a role here.

Other key problems

Mining activities leading to Acid Mine
Draining (horse has already bolted but
how to deal with future problems).
Rehabilitation of AMD polluted areas?
Boksburg mine dump (reclamation) half
of this is situated on top of dolomite. How
was this allowed?

Include in Gauteng Dolomite

Policy .
Policy to include GIS mapping of unacceptable
land-uses in dolomitic areas/buffering
Same for acceptable land uses (zoning)
Number of boreholes allowed and water
abstraction/hour rates (with DWAF)
Statements about the protection of the various
dolomitic water eyes (eg. Maloneys Eye in the

Policy process
Policy ineffective
If not well thought
through and role of other
regulators not understood
Local Authorities)
Need to know contents of
disaster management
policy in Local Authorities
that have dolomite lands
so dont duplicate

Policy effective
If need is clearly
elucidated and
appropriate guidelines
If guidelines are useful in
guiding decision making
If fully referenced with
stakeholders, role players

Policy effective if ..
Policy needs to be
mandated as a
decision making tool
in terms of EIA regs
Needs to be gazetted
(stakeholders need
chance to comment)
Local Authority buy-in

Buy in from DWAF (or

developed with
Incorporates best
practise from

Conflict with other policies?

Conflict of mandate
and roles between
Council for

We should know what

the other roles are,
and perhaps develop
a checklist instead to
make sure everyone
has played their part.

A Dolomite Conservation and

Protection policy?
Perhaps as well as/
instead of a
Development on
Dolomite policy ..
A Dolomite
Conservation and
Protection Policy which
would include
statements, guidelines
and recommendations
about protecting the
dolomite itself and
underground water and

What is the international

best practice for
protecting Gautengs
dolomite and karst
system, underground
ecosystems, aquifers,
underground water
dependent ecosystems,
Deans presentation to
look at this further with
reference to caves.

Monitoring of effectiveness of Dolomite

Other provinces with development, dolomite and
caves (Limpopo, Western Cape, Eastern Cape)
anything of interest here in terms of
monitoring, policy or regulations?
Investigate international methodology for
Develop indicators, database, carry out
What monitoring does CGS do?

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GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 12.6



JUNE 2006

GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 12.6


Classification of high potential agricultural land
Sub-division of Agricultural land
GIS classification as per GAPA Version 3 2006
Annexure 1: Legend of Soil and Slope Map of the Gauteng Province
Annexure 2: Agricultural potential of the Gauteng province based on the
suitability of the climate, soil and slope features for selected land uses
Annexure 3: Agricultural Specialist study
Annexure 4: GIS Classification

GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 12.6

In South Africa only 4% of the land surface has a high and moderate to high land potential in
terms of agriculture. In the Gauteng province a study conducted in 2002 (Gauteng Agricultural
Potential Atlas 2002) initially indicated that approximately 28.7% of the land in the province
has a high and moderate to high agricultural potential (GAPA, 2002). This is made up of
15.1% high agricultural potential and 13.6% moderate-high agricultural potential land (28.7%).
However, in light of the pressure experienced on the availability of land, a more detailed and
through study on the current land cover / use and the capability of the land was conducted in
2005 2006.
Land capability is regarded as the extent to which land can meet the needs of one or more
uses, under defined conditions of management, without permanent damage. Land capability
is an expression of the effect of physical factors (e.g. terrain form and soil), including climate,
on the total suitability and potential for use for crops that require regular tillage, for grazing, for
forestry and wildlife, without damage. Land capability involves consideration of (i) the risk of
damage from erosion and other causes, (ii) the difficulties in land use caused by physical
factors, including climate and (iii) the production potential (Land Capability report, 2006).
High potential agricultural land is defined as: Having the soil and terrain quality, growing
season and available moisture supply needed to produce sustained high yields of crops
economically when treated and managed according to best possible farming practices (Land
Capability report, 2006).
The outcome of the study indicated that only 17.3% of land in this province can still be
regarded as high potential agricultural land, whilst 46.8% has a moderate potential, 17.34%
has a low agricultural potential and 18.48% is regarded as built-up areas (Land Capability
report, 2006).
In light of the importance of high potential agricultural land for agricultural production to:
feed the nation
provide upcoming farmers with access to productive land
meet national targets set in this regard,
the approach of the Department is to protect land that has been identified as high agricultural
potential from development, for the exclusive use of agricultural production.
The Department views land with a high agricultural potential as a scarce non-renewable
resource and accordingly applies a risk averse and cautious approach when development of
such land for purposes other than agricultural production is proposed. This risk averse and
cautious approach should be the basis of decision-making on the transformation of high
potential agricultural land and land deemed as irreplaceable in terms of meeting Agri-BBBEE
and national food security targets and thus legally protected from transformation.
As far as soil potential is concerned, it must be noted that agricultural production here would
be limited to those types of agricultural activities that are dependent on soil and some

GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 12.6

agricultural activities, such as hydroponics (artificial growth medium), concentration of

livestock or animal housing may not be deemed an appropriate form of agriculture on high
potential agricultural soils.
It is the view of the Department that there is sufficient alternative agricultural land available for
these non-soil dependent agricultural activities and that a scarce non-renewable resource
should not be compromised.
Based on the GIS modelling undertaken as part of the E-land project in 2003-2004, it is the
Departments contention that there is sufficient land available for commercial, residential,
industrial and other non-agricultural and non-conservation based land developments. In order
to protect both high potential agricultural land (from unrealistic increases in land value due to
commercial / development value attached there to) and scarce ecological resources, urban
sprawl is not supported. It is important to consider the impacts of urban sprawl and the
resultant impact on property value on the governments ability to facilitate equitable access to
agricultural land when Environmental Impact Assessment decisions are made.


It is the Departments mandate to inter alia:

Protect and ensure sustainable use of scarce, non-renewable natural resources land
with high agricultural potential is one such resource;
Promote optimal utilization of agricultural resources; and
Provide equitable access to productive agricultural land.
Various pieces of legislation and regulations assist in exercising this mandate. For the
purpose of this document, focus will be on the mandates and responsibilities emanating
from the Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations.
The EIA Regulations stipulate that the transformation of agricultural or virgin land to any
other land use must be preceded by an EIA investigation and must be authorized by the
Department before allowed. The Department is, based on the Regulations, obliged to
assess whether such transformation would result in substantial (site specific or
cumulative) impacts on the environment, whether such impacts can be avoided and only
if it cannot be avoided, whether such impacts can be mitigated to acceptable levels.
Based on the outcome of such assessment, the Department must decide whether such
transformation should be allowed or not.
In order to inform the Department of this decision, the following tools are utilized:
1. GIS or spatial information: Of particular importance here is the Gauteng
Agriculture Potential Atlas (GAPA) developed in 2002 and updated in 2006
(version 3). The agricultural potential of the land was derived from the land
capability classification using soil, climate and terrain as factors as well as the

GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 12.6

current land use / cover. GAPA 3 maps indicate all areas of built-up, low,
moderate and high potential agricultural land.
2. Soil surveys / Field verification of GAPA information / information contained within
the application, Scoping report or Agricultural specialist study
3. Agricultural specialist studies
4. Departmental information systems re information of the site and surrounding


Although generally following a precautionary and reservation-based approach in as far
as high potential agricultural land is concerned, the Department has to consider each
application on its individual merits and variance from this basic / principle position can
be considered in circumstances where:

Rights accrued and decisions made prior to the implementation of the updated
GAPA in 2004 resulted in fragmentation of pockets of high potential agricultural land
to such an extent that remaining areas would not be viable for agricultural
A negative decision would be inconsistent with decisions made in the vicinity since
the implementation of the 2004 GAPA;
Soil samples taken on site contradicts the GIS information;
Site specific agricultural specialist studies prove the site to not be of high agricultural
potential, and
On rare occasions, specific benefits associated with the development outweigh the
loss of agricultural land.

In view of the above and based on the outcome of the revised Gauteng Agricultural Potential
Atlas (version 3, 2006) GIS decision support tool, the following classification is used in the
evaluation of the identified high potential agricultural land:

High potential agricultural land located outside the urban edge:

Agriculture is not in support of development on high potential agricultural land that resides outside
the urban edge
1. Agricultural hubs (HP_AH)
Seven (7) Agricultural Hubs have been identified in the Gauteng province. All the identified
hubs are located outside the urban edge (2002). These hubs are regarded as areas with a
large amount of high agricultural potential land that should be preserved for agricultural use
and will accordingly be planned and managed as a holistic agricultural unit. Each of the hubs
will be developed to align with its agricultural potential and preferred land use and will be
supported by current economic indicators.

GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 12.6

As such, land that has been identified as having a high agricultural potential but also
including the moderate and low agricultural potential land within a demarcated Agricultural
hub will be evaluated and reviewed should a change of land use (other than agriculture) be
proposed within the hub. This is to ensure that land use within a demarcated Agricultural hub
is compatible with the strategic objectives of the specific hub.
Therefore, should a change of land use be proposed within an identified and classified
Agricultural hub a complete Agricultural specialist study (as indicated in Annexure 3 of this
document) will be required.
The Agricultural study and supporting documentation will be reviewed by the Branch:
Agriculture where after a recommendation will be made pertaining to the supported land use
of the affected portion of land. The evaluation will be based on the criteria as specified under
Section 4 of this document.
It is the Departments opinion that agricultural land within these hubs should be protected at
all costs and be effectively utilised for agricultural production.

2. Important Agricultural sites (HP_IAS)

All land identified as high agricultural potential land and located outside the urban edge but
not within an identified Agricultural hub is regarded and classified as an Important agricultural
Should a change of land use be proposed for such an identified and classified portion of land
a complete Agricultural specialist study (as indicated in Annexure 3 of this document) will be
The Agricultural study and supporting documentation will be reviewed by the Branch:
Agriculture where after a recommendation will be made pertaining to the supported land use
of the affected portion of land. The evaluation will be based on the criteria as specified under
Section 4 of this document.

High potential agricultural land located within the urban edge:

3. Incorporated within the urban edge (HP_IUE)
The Department acknowledges the importance of effective land use especially within
urbanised areas supported by the pressure that is experienced for development.
In view of this acknowledgement, all land identified and classified as high potential
agricultural land but incorporated completely within the boundaries of the urban edge
(2002), will not be regarded as viable agricultural land for future agricultural production. In

GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 12.6

view of this, Agriculture does not have an objection to a proposed change of land use to
any other land use / zoning, from land currently zoned as Agricultural land but located
completely within the 2002 provincial urban boundaries.

4. Overlapping the urban edge (HP_OUE)

Land that has been identified and classified as high potential agricultural land but located in
close proximity and / or overlapping the urban edge boundary (2002) is regarded as
agricultural land that could be utilised for agricultural production purposes.
Agriculture as land use should form part of the vision of integrated and mixed land use
envisaged for the City Region of Gauteng. The urban edge should also be seen as a
guideline for development and not as a continuous movable line to suit the requirements of
development as this places a huge strain on high potential agricultural land and the
subsequent utilization thereof.
Therefore, should a change of land use be proposed for such an identified and classified
portion of land, a complete Agricultural specialist study (as indicated in Annexure 3 of this
document) will be required.
The Agricultural study and supporting documentation will be reviewed by the Branch:
Agriculture where after a recommendation will be made pertaining to the supported land
use of the affected portion of land. The evaluation will be based on the criteria as specified
under Section 4 of this document.

High potential agricultural land located within a Protected area:

5. Protected area (HP_PA)
The C-plan Decision support tool has identified Level 1 and 2 Protected Areas that need to
be conserved in order to reach the required conservation targets.
Identified high potential agricultural land located within Level 1 and 2 Protected Areas has
been classified as such. This land will be managed as per the management plan of the
relevant Protected Area and will thus not be utilised for agricultural purposes.

The following factors will be taken into account when evaluating the potential of the land for
agricultural purposes and should be read in conjunction with another:

GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 12.6

1. Agricultural potential
The Agricultural potential has been defined as: Having the soil and terrain quality,
growing season and available moisture supply needed to produce sustained high yields
of crops economically when treated and managed according to best possible farming
Land that has been identified and classified as high potential agricultural land as per GAPA
Version 3, 2006 can be regarded as land that is suited for dry land cultivation under the
correct management practices.
2. Soils

Soil and the potential thereof form the basis in evaluating the agricultural potential of
a specific piece of land.
An Agricultural Specialist study (please refer to Annexure 3 for the requirements of
such a study) is required for every application as indicated under Section 3:
Classification of high potential agricultural land, in this document. Agriculture
reserves the right to verify information contained within any Agricultural study
A site visit will thus be conducted by Agriculture with each application received. The
purpose of the site is to verify the data recorded of the specific soils for the site in
The soil classification used by Agriculture is based on the Soil Classification A
taxonomic System for South Africa compiled by the Soil classification Work group in
1991 (Blue Book)
In capturing data on soils per site the following is taken into consideration:
o Soil type
o Effective soil depth
o Clay content (A and B Horizon)
o Slope
o Soil colour
o Terrain
The soil data identified on each site is referenced to the soil classification contained
within Annexure 1 of this document and published within GAPA Version 2 i.e.
Legend of soil and slope map of Gauteng. This legend is based on a 1:50 000
scale for the old PWV region and on a 1:250 000 (Land types) for the remainder of
Gauteng. Within this legend soil descriptions were re-grouped into new soil
descriptions using covariant properties of soils forms resulting in soil-slope units.
The resulting soil-slope units are ranked from best to worst, per soil group, using
surface texture in accordance with the Soil Classification Working group (1991). The
soil descriptions for the 1:250 000 land type categories were simplified for
consistency as for the 1:50 000 PWV soils.

GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 12.6

The qualities (slope, soil, climate) of each resource unit (soil-slope unit + limiting
factor) were matched with the requirements of each land utilization type as indicated
in Annexure 2. The agricultural suitability1 classes used is:
o 1 = Highly suitable
o 2 = Moderate highly suitable
The above two classes are both regarded as a high agricultural potential under
GAPA Version 3 2006 and have been classified as such.
o 3 = Moderately suitable
o 4 = Low suitability and
o 5 = Very low none
The above three classes are regarded as either a moderate or low agricultural
potential under GAPA Version 3 and has been classified as such.

The potential of the soil as indicated above is derived on the basis that cultivation will
take place under dry land conditions or where indicated also under general irrigation
(depended on the specific crop requirements).
Any other additional resources available and scientifically verified (such as the
measured depth and yield of an on-site borehole) are regarded as an added potential
and therefore increases the agricultural potential of the site.

3. Water

Even though water availability may be important for certain production practices,
the upgraded GAPA Version 3 is based on the potential of the land under dry land
production practices and the issue pertaining to the availability of water is seen as a
variable. This comment is based on the following:
o The current data available on water availability from the Department of Water
Affairs and Forestry (DWAF) is on a 1:500 000 scale. This data only gives an
indication of possible water availability that is not sufficient to base a
recommendation upon in the absence of detailed hydrological studies.
o In the absence of non-detailed / scientific / site-specific water data on water
availability, it is accepted that there is thus sufficient moisture available in the
soil based on the Land capability classification. It must be reiterated that the
potential of the soil is based on its dry land potential and supported by correct
crop selection.
Water rights: Currently the unavailability of water rights for a specific site is not
regarded as a limiting factor pertaining to agricultural potential of the site. Water
rights are being reviewed, amended and re-allocated by DWAF

This takes into account all the land attributes (soil/climate/slope) and the crop requirements combining them into an
easily understood and simplified picture of suitability of the land

GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 12.6

4. Size and surrounding land use

The size of the site and surrounding land use as well as the availability thereof will
be evaluated as part of the Agricultural specialist study.
The above statement is supported by the classification descriptions of the high
potential agricultural land as indicated in Section 3 of this document.


The Department does not support the sub-division of agricultural land with a high
agricultural potential and is supported by the classification descriptions of the high
potential agricultural land as indicated in Section 3 of this document.
A division of high potential agricultural land may result in the creation of uneconomical
and non-viable agricultural units. Farming units should be retained to a land size that will
render agricultural production as a viable enterprise.


Part A

The following diagramme illustrates the process an application will follow once submitted
to the Department pertaining to a development on high potential agricultural land
EIA project manager receives application

EIA project manager conduct GIS scan and establish the

agricultural potential of the site as well as the relevant
classification as describe in Section 3 of this document

EIA Manager determines whether input is required from

the Branch: Agriculture as per the Policy on the protection
of high potential agricultural land

EIA Manager determines whether the supporting

documentation (Agricultural specialist study) is submitted
should it be required

EIA project manager prepare Memo requesting input from

Agric Branch

Memo and supporting information sent to Agric

Agric conduct Field Survey of site and surrounding area

and review the Agric specialist study

If documentation is outstanding the EIA

project manager will request it from the


Part B

GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 12.6

Agric prepare Memo and forward to EIA Project Manager

EIA project manager collate all inputs and prepare

response if specific requirements stemming from Agric
input, a copy of this letter is forwarded to Agric once
relevant delegated manager signed the letter

EIA Project Manager receives appeal where major issues

relate to Agric arguments. Appeal forwarded to Agric to
provide response on Agric related issues

Agric provide response to relates issue in Appeal

EIA project Manager collates Agric inputs into overall

Appeal response.

EIA project Manager ensure Agric attendance at Appeal

Panel meeting should Agric be main ground of appeal

EIA project Manager provide Agric with copy of appeal



The GIS classification, abbreviations, field names and file naming (shp file ArcView /
ArcGIS) is indicated in Annexure 4 of this document.


Signed on ________ day of ______________ 20______________ in ______________

Dr. S. Cornelius
Head of Department: Agriculture, Conservation and Environment


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 12.6

Annexure 1
Legend of Soil and Slope Map of the Gauteng Province.

General description of soil groups

Well-drained, red, apedal soils of the
Hutton form (Hu) overlying weathering
and hard rock and various other
unconsolidated materials

(Combination of
old symbol and
soil slope)

Slope class

Soil-Slope Unit

Old symbol


Brief description of dominant soils,
association of soils and rock




Deep (>1000 mm), dystrophic to

mesotrophic loam




Deep (>1000 mm), mesotrophic loam

to clay




Deep (>1000 mm), dystrophic to

mesotrophic medium sand




Deep (>1000 mm), eutrophic medium





Deep (>1000 mm), eutrophic loam




Moderately deep (500 - 1000 mm),

dystrophic to mesotrophic loam




Moderately deep (500 - 1000 mm),

mesotrophic loam to clay




Moderately deep (500 - 1000 mm),

dystrophic to mesotrophic medium




Moderately deep (500 - 1000 mm),

eutrophic medium sand




Shallow (300 - 500 mm), dystrophic to

mesotrophic loam



5 - 15

Mesotrophic fine/medium sand to loam

of variable depth in complex
association with dolomite and chert



5 - 15
15 - 45

Dystrophic to mesotrophic medium

sand to loam of variable depth in
complex association with rock outcrops


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Well-drained, yellow-brown, apedal soils

overlying either weathering rock of the
Clovelly (Cv) form or hard plinthite of the
Glencoe (Gc) form

Moderately well-drained, yellow-brown,

apedal on soft plinthite soils of the Avalon
(Av) form usually overlying hydromorphic,
weathering rock or unconsolidated
(Soils are wet in the deep subsoil for
short periods during the year.)

Appendix 12.6



5 - 15

Dystrophic to mesotrophic loam of

variable depth in complex association
with rock outcrops




Deep (>1000 mm), dystrophic to

mesotrophic, medium sand




Moderately deep (500 - 1000 mm),

dystrophic to mesotrophic medium
sand to loam




Moderately deep (500 - 1000 mm),

dystrophic to mesotrophic loam




Moderately deep (500 - 1000 mm),

mesotrophic clay




Moderately deep (500 - 1000 mm),

eutrophic loam to clay in association
with similar soils overlying soft plinthite
of the Avalon form




Shallow (300 - 500 mm), eutrophic

loam in association with similar soils
overlying soft plinthite of the Avalon




Deep (>1000 mm), dystrophic to

mesotrophic medium sand




Deep (>1000 mm), dystrophic to

mesotrophic coarse sand




Deep (>1000 mm), dystrophic to

mesotrophic loam




Deep (>1000 mm), dystrophic to

mesotrophic loam to clay




Moderately deep (500 - 1000 mm),

dystrophic to mesotrophic medium




Moderately deep (500 - 1000 mm),

dystrophic to mesotrophic loam




Moderately deep (500 - 1000 mm),

dystrophic to mesotrophic loam to clay




Moderately deep (500 - 1000 mm),

eutrophic loam to clay




Shallow (300 - 500 mm), dystrophic to

mesotrophic loam in association with
similar soils of the Glencoe form and
other shallow, brown, coarse sand on
weathering rock of the Glenrosa form


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Hydromorphic, plinthic soils: somewhat

poorly drained, grey, structureless topsoil
on soft plinthite of the Westleigh (We)
form, on soft plinthite of the Longlands
(Lo) form and on hard plinthite of the
Wasbank (Wa) form; all profiles overlying
gleyed, weathering rock or
unconsolidated materials
(Soils are wet throughout most of the
profile for long periods during the year.)

Hydromorphic, duplex soils: somewhat

poorly drained, grey, structureless topsoil
overlying, with an abrupt transition, either
gleyed, structured subsoil of the
Kroonstad (Kd) form or yellowish subsoil
with strongly developed prismatic
structure of the Estcourt (Es) form
(Soils are wet throughout most of the
profile for long periods during the year.)

Well-drained, red, structured soils of the

Shortlands (Sd) form mainly overlying
weathering, basic rocks or materials
colluviated from the weathering of similar

Appendix 12.6




Moderately deep (300 - 700 mm), sand

to loam on soft plinthite, gravelly in
places, in association with moderately
deep, mesotrophic loam of the Avalon




Shallow to moderately deep (300 1000 mm), medium sand overlying

sand to loam plinthite in the subsoil




Shallow to moderately deep (300 1000 mm), coarse sand overlying sand
to loam plinthite in the subsoil




Shallow to moderately deep (300 1000 mm), medium sand overlying

hard plinthite




Shallow to moderately deep (300 1000 mm), coarse sand overlying hard




Deep (>1000 mm), medium sand

overlying grey, moderate blocky clay in
the deep subsoil




Shallow to moderately deep (300 1000 mm), coarse sand overlying

moderate blocky clay in the deep




Shallow (<500 mm), medium sand on

strong prismatic clay




Moderately deep (500 - 1000 mm),

medium sand on strong prismatic clay




Moderately deep (500 - 1000 mm)

loam on strong prismatic clay




Deep (>1000 mm), mesotrophic clay




Deep (>1000 mm), mesotrophic clay in

association with non-red, moderate
blocky clay of the Swartland form




Deep (>1000 mm), eutrophic clay




Moderately deep (500 - 1000 mm),

mesotrophic clay




Moderately deep (500 - 1000 mm),

eutrophic clay


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Non-hydromorphic paraduplex soils: dark

coloured, weak blocky topsoil on
moderate subangular blocky, cutanic
subsoil overlying either weathering rock
of the Swartland (Sw) form or
unconsolidated materials of the Valsrivier
(Va) form

Non-hydromorphic high base status

(melanic) soils with dark coloured,
moderate to strong blocky structured
topsoil overlying either strongly
structured, cutanic subsoil of the
Bonheim (Bo) form, or weathering rock of
the Mayo (My) form, or hard rock of the
Milkwood (Mw) form

Black, vertic, clay soils with high base

status overlying weathering rock of the
Arcadia (Ar) form
(Soils swell and shrink in response to

Appendix 12.6



5 - 15

Shallow to moderately deep (300 1000 mm), mesotrophic clay in

complex association with rock outcrops



5 - 15

Shallow to moderately deep (300 1000 mm), eutrophic loam to clay in

complex association with rock outcrops




Moderately deep to deep (>500 mm),

dark brown to yellow-brown, loam to
clay on clay subsoil; mainly noncalcareous




As for mSw1, but mainly calcareous



5 - 15

Shallow to moderately deep (300 1000 mm), dark brown, loam to clay on
clay subsoil; mainly non-calcareous; in
complex association with rock outcrops




Deep (>1000 mm), red loam to clay on

calcareous clay




Deep (>1000 mm), dark brown loam to

clay on clay; mainly non-calcareous




As for dVa2, but mainly calcareous




Deep (>1000 mm) clay overlying dark

brown to yellow-brown clay; noncalcareous




As for dBo1, but mainly calcareous




Moderately deep (500 - 1000 mm), clay

overlying dark brown to yellow-brown
clay; non-calcareous; in places
associated with vertic clays of the
Arcadia form



5 - 15

Dark brown clay with variable soil

depth; non-calcareous; in complex
association with rock outcrops



5 - 15

Shallow to moderately deep (300 1000 mm) clay in complex association

with rock outcrops



5 - 15

Shallow (<500 mm) clay in complex

association with rock outcrops




Moderately deep to shallow (300 1000 mm); mainly non-calcareous




As for mAr1, but mainly calcareous


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

water content changes.)

Hydromorphic, dark coloured, valley

bottom soils of the Katspruit (Ka),
Willowbrook (Wo) and Rensburg (Rg)
(If not eroded, soils are wet for most of
the year.)

Well-drained, valley bottom soils of the

Oakleaf (Oa) en Dundee (Du) forms

Usually shallow, brown, structureless

soils with low base status overlying either
weathering rock of the Glenrosa (Gs)
form, or hard rock and hard plinthite of
the Mispah (Ms) form

Appendix 12.6



5 - 15

Shallow to moderately deep (300 1000 mm); mainly non-calcareous; in

complex association with rock outcrops



5 - 15

As for sAr3R, but mainly calcareous




Deep (>1000 mm), weakly structured

clay overlying gleyed, structured clay;
mainly calcareous




Deep (>1000 mm), moderate blocky

loam to clay on gleyed, structured clay;
mainly non-calcareous




As for dWo1, but mainly calcareous




Deep (>1000 mm), structured, vertic

clay on gleyed, structured, calcareous




Deep (>1000 mm), dark brown, weakly

structured, cutanic , medium sand
overlying permeable, alluvial materials




Deep (>1000 mm), brown/grey,

structureless, medium sand with
stratifications of variable texture



5 - 15

Shallow (<500 mm), coarse sand to




5 - 15

Shallow (<500 mm), medium sand to




5 - 15

As for sGs2, but in association with

moderately deep (500 - 1000 mm),
yellow-brown, apedal, mesotrophic,
loam soils of the Avalon form



5 - 15

Shallow (<500 mm), coarse sand to

loam in complex association with rock



5 -15

Shallow (<500 mm), medium sand to

loam in complex association with rock



5 - 15

Shallow (<500 mm), coarse sand to

loam on hard rock



5 - 15

Very shallow (<300 mm), medium sand

to loam on hard plinthite and rock; in
places associated with ferricrete and
rock outcrops


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Miscellaneous land classes

Appendix 12.6




Shallow (<500 mm), medium sand to

loam on hard rock in association with
shallow, red, apedal, mesotrophic,
loam soils of the Hutton form



15 - 45

Very shallow (<300 mm), sand on hard

rock in complex association with rock
outcrops; mainly steep land







Urban areas

Mine dumps and excavations



Slime dams

SCALE 1:250 000 (LAND TYPE SURVEY- 2626 WES-RAND (1984), 2628 EAST RAND
(1985), 2526 RUSTENBURG (1987) AND 2528 PRETORIA (1987))
General description of soil groups

Soil-Slope Unit

Dominant slope
class (%)

Brief description of dominant soils,

association of soils and rock

Well-drained, red, apedal soils of the

Hutton form; mainly dystrophic and
mesotrophic (low to medium base status)



Deep (>1000 mm), medium sand to




Deep (>1000 mm), loam to clay in

association with deep, loam and clay of
the Avalon form and deep, melanic
clay of the Bonheim form



Moderately deep (500 - 1000 mm),

medium sand to loam

Well-drained, red, apedal soils of the

Hutton form; mainly eutrophic (high base



Moderately deep to deep (>500 mm),

medium/fine sand to loam

Plinthic catena: well-drained, red, apedal

soils of the Hutton form and well-drained,
yellow-brown, apedal soils of the Clovelly
and Glencoe forms are widespread;
mainly dystrophic and mesotrophic



Deep (>1000 mm) loam in association

with deep loam soils of the Avalon form



Moderately deep to deep (>500 mm)

medium sand to loam in association
with shallow soils of the Glenrosa and
Mispah forms



Moderately deep to deep (>500 mm)

loam in association with moderately
deep to deep, loam soils of the Avalon



Moderately deep to deep (>500 mm)

loam in association with shallow soils
of the Glenrosa and Mispah forms


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Plinthic catena: well-drained to

moderately well-drained, yellow-brown,
apedal soils of the Clovelly, Glencoe and
Avalon forms and somewhat poorly
drained, mainly shallow, grey soils of the
Longlands, Cartref, Wasbank, Westleigh
and Kroonstad forms are widespread;
yellow-brown soils are mainly dystrophic
to mesotrophic

Appendix 12.6



Moderately deep to deep (>500 mm)

loam to clay in association with nonhydromorphic, paraduplex loam on clay
soils of the Valsrivier form


5 - 15

Moderately deep to deep (>500 mm)

medium/coarse sand to loam in
association with shallow soils of the
Mispah and Glenrosa forms


5 -15

Moderately deep to deep (>500 mm)

medium sand to loam in association
with shallow soils overlying hard
plinthite of the Mispah form


5 - 15

Moderately deep to deep (>500 mm)

loam in association with shallow soils
of the Glenrosa and Mispah forms


5 - 15

Shallow to moderately deep (<1000

mm) loam to clay in association with
moderately deep, loam to clay soils of
the Avalon form, shallow soils of the
Glenrosa and Mispah forms and rock


5 - 15
15 - 45

Moderately deep to deep (>500 mm)

medium sand to loam in association
with shallow soils of the Glenrosa and
Mispah forms and rock outcrops



Moderately deep to deep (>500 mm)

medium/coarse sand to loam in
association with moderately deep to
deep, sand to loam soil of the Hutton



Moderately deep to deep (>500 mm)

loam in association with shallow, loam
soils of the Westleigh form



Moderately deep to deep (>500 mm)

loam in association with moderately
deep to deep, loam soils of the Hutton
form and, in places, with shallow soils
of the Glenrosa and Mispah forms



Moderately deep to deep (>500 mm)

loam in association with shallow soils
of the Mispah form on hard plinthite



Moderately deep (500 - 1000 mm)

medium/coarse sand to loam in
association with moderately deep to
deep, sand to loam soils of the Hutton


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 12.6



Moderately deep (500 - 1000 mm)

medium/coarse sand to loam in
association with shallow soils of the
Glenrosa and Mispah forms



Moderately deep (500 - 1000 mm)

loam in association with shallow, loam
soils of the Westleigh form


5 - 15

Shallow to moderately deep (<1000

mm) medium/coarse sand to loam in
association with miscellaneous shallow
soils and rock outcrops


5 - 15

Shallow to moderately deep (<1000

mm) medium/coarse sand to loam in
association with shallow soils of the
Glenrosa and Mispah forms

Plinthic catena: well-drained, red, apedal

soils of the Hutton form and well-drained,
yellow-brown, apedal soils of the Clovelly
and Glencoe forms are widespread;
mainly eutrophic


0 -5
5 - 15

Moderately deep to deep (>500 mm)

loam in association with shallow soils
of the Glenrosa and Mispah forms as
well as rock outcrops; various
paraduplex soils of the Valsrivier and
Swartland forms; and vertic clay soils
of the Arcadia and Rensburg forms

Plinthic catena: well-drained to

moderately well-drained, yellow-brown,
apedal soils of the Clovelly, Glencoe and
Avalon forms and somewhat poorly
drained, mainly shallow, grey soils of the
Cartref and Wasbank forms are
widespread; yellow-brown soils are
mainly eutrophic



Moderately deep (500 - 1000 mm)

coarse sand to loam in association with
shallow soils of the Glenrosa and
Mispah forms

Plinthic catena: moderately well-drained,

yellow-brown, apedal soils of the Avalon
form and somewhat poorly drained, grey
soils of the Longlands form in association
with duplex soils occurring in upland sites



Moderately deep to deep (>500 mm)

pure sand in association with grey,
structureless, pure sand overlying, with
an abrupt transition, structured, gleyed
loam to clay of the Kroonstad form

Non-hydromorphic, brown, duplex and

paraduplex soils



Deep (>1000 mm), structureless, loam

topsoil on structured (blocky and
prismatic), calcareous clay subsoil
overlying unconsolidated materials of
the Valsrivier and Sterkspruit forms in
association with deep, black, vertic
calcareous, clay soils of the Arcadia
form; located in valley bottom sites


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 12.6



Shallow to moderately deep (<1000

mm), weakly structured, loam topsoil
on structured (prismatic and blocky),
mainly calcareous, clay subsoil
overlying unconsolidated materials and
weathering rock of the Sterkspruit,
Swartland and Valsrivier forms in
association with hydromorphic, duplex
soils of the Estcourt form; located in
upland sites

Well-drained, red, structured soils; mainly



5 - 15

Moderately deep (500 - 1000 mm),

loam to clay soils of the Shortlands
form in association with shallow soils of
the Glenrosa and Mispah forms and
rock outcrops

Vertic, high base status soils


5 - 15

Shallow to moderately deep (<1000

mm), black, mainly non-calcareous,
clay soils of the Arcadia form in upland
sites and hydromorphic, dark coloured,
clay topsoil on gleyed, structured,
calcareous, clay subsoil of the
Rensburg form in lower footslope and
bottomland sites


5 - 15

Shallow to moderately deep (<1000

mm), black, calcareous and noncalcareous, clay soils of the Arcadia
form in association with shallow (<500
mm), dark coloured, weakly structured
loam and clay on structured clay of the
Swartland form, melanic loam to clay
soils overlying weathering rock or hard
rock of the Mayo and Milkwood forms
and soils of the Glenrosa form



Moderately deep to deep (>500 mm),

dark coloured, clay topsoil on gleyed,
structured, calcareous, clay subsoil of
the Rensburg form; mainly of valley
bottom sites



Brown coarse sand in association with

shallow, yellow-brown, apedal, coarse
sand of the Glencoe and Clovelly forms
as well as rock outcrops



Brown medium sand to loam in places

overlying hard plinthite in association
with shallow, grey, medium sand on
hard plinthite of the Wasbank form and
moderately deep (>500 mm), red and
yellow-brown, apedal, dystrophic to
mesotrophic loam of the Hutton,
Glencoe and Avalon forms

Soils with minimal development: usually

shallow (<500 mm) overlying weathering
rock of the Glenrosa form and/or hard
rock of the Mispah form in association
with miscellaneous soils; lime rare or
absent in the landscape


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Soils with minimal development: usually

shallow (<500 mm) overlying weathering
rock of the Glenrosa form and/or hard
rock of the Mispah form in association
with miscellaneous soils; lime generally
present in low-lying soils

Rock outcrops covering more than 60%

of area in association with very shallow
and stony soils

Appendix 12.6


5 - 15

Brown loam in places overlying hard

plinthite in association with shallow, red
and yellow-brown, apedal, dystrophic
to mesotrophic loam of the Hutton,
Clovelly, Glencoe and Avalon forms as
well as rock outcrops



Brown medium sand to loam in

association with red, apedal, dystrophic
to mesotrophic medium sand to loam
with variable depth of the Hutton form
as well as dolomite and chert outcrops


5 - 15

Brown fine/medium sand to loam in

association with red, apedal, mainly
eutrophic loam of variable depth of the
Hutton form as well as dolomite and
chert outcrops


5 - 15

Brown loam in association with

moderately deep to deep (>500 mm),
red, apedal, mainly eutrophic, loam to
clay of the Hutton form and rock


0 -5
5 - 15
15 - 45

Brown loam in association with red,

structured, eutrophic loam to clay of
variable depth of the Shortlands form
and rock outcrops


5 - 15

Rock with mainly sloping land


15 - 45

Rock with mainly steep land


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 12.6

Annexure 2
Agricultural Potential Of The Gauteng Province Based On The Suitability Of The Climate,
Soil And Slope Features For Selected Land Uses (Source Of Climatic Data: Institute For
Soil, Climate And Water, 2002)




Dominant limitation influencing

the suitability for selected land


Land suitability

Dry land






High clay content



Low clay content



Rainfall efficiency, low clay




Rainfall efficiency



Limiting soil depth



Limiting soil depth, high clay



Limiting soil depth, low clay



Rainfall efficiency, limiting soil

depth, low clay content



Limiting soil depth



Rock outcrops, limiting soil depth


Rock outcrops, limiting soil depth,




Rock outcrops, limiting soil depth


Low clay content



Limiting soil depth



Limiting soil depth



Limiting soil depth, high clay



Rainfall efficiency, limiting soil



Rainfall efficiency, limiting soil







GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide


Appendix 12.6

Low clay content, impeded internal

drainage in deep subsoil


Low clay content, impeded internal

drainage in deep subsoil


Impeded internal drainage in deep


High clay content, impeded internal

drainage in deep subsoil


Limiting soil depth, impeded

internal drainage in subsoil


Limiting soil depth, impeded

internal drainage in subsoil


Limiting soil depth, impeded

internal drainage in subsoil


Rainfall efficiency, limiting soil

depth, impeded internal drainage in


Limiting soil depth, impeded

internal drainage in subsoil


Impeded internal drainage, limiting

soil depth


Impeded internal drainage, limiting

soil depth

Impeded internal drainage, limiting

soil depth

Impeded internal drainage, limiting

soil depth

Impeded internal drainage, limiting

soil depth

Impeded internal drainage, low clay




Impeded internal drainage, limiting

soil depth, low clay content,
difference in clay content between
topsoil and subsoil


Impeded internal drainage, limiting

soil depth, difference in clay
content between topsoil and
subsoil, water erosion hazard



Impeded internal drainage,

difference in clay content between
topsoil and subsoil, water erosion


Impeded internal drainage,

difference in clay content between
topsoil and subsoil, water erosion


Moderate to strong structure, high

clay content













GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 12.6


Limiting soil depth, moderate to

strong structure, high clay content



Moderate to strong structure, high

clay content, rainfall efficiency



Limiting soil depth, moderate to

strong structure, high clay content



Limiting soil depth, moderate to

strong structure, rainfall efficiency



Limiting soil depth, moderate to

strong structure, rock outcrops


Limiting soil depth, rainfall

efficiency, rock outcrops


Limiting soil depth, moderate to

strong structure, high clay content



Limiting soil depth, moderate to

strong structure, rainfall efficiency



Limiting soil depth, moderate to

strong structure, rock outcrops


Moderate to strong structure, high

clay content



Moderate to strong structure, high

clay content



Moderate to strong structure, high

clay content, water erosion hazard



Moderate to strong structure, high

clay content



Moderate to strong structure, high

clay content



Limiting soil depth, moderate to

strong structure, high clay content



Limiting soil depth, moderate to

strong structure, rock outcrops


Limiting soil depth, moderate to

strong structure, rock outcrops


Limiting soil depth, moderate to

strong structure, rock outcrops


Limiting soil depth, moderate to

strong structure, high clay content



Limiting soil depth, moderate to

strong structure, high clay content



Limiting soil depth, moderate to

strong structure, rock outcrops


Limiting soil depth, moderate to

strong structure, rock outcrops


Impeded internal drainage, flood



GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 12.6


Impeded internal drainage, flood



Impeded internal drainage, flood



Impeded internal drainage, flood



Low clay content, flood hazard



Low clay content, flood hazard,

textural variations



Limiting soil depth



Limiting soil depth



Limiting soil depth



Limiting soil depth, rock outcrops



Limiting soil depth, rock outcrops



Limiting soil depth



Limiting soil depth



Limiting soil depth



Limiting soil depth, rock outcrops,



Disturbed sites


Disturbed sites


Not suitable


Not suitable

SCALE 1:250 000 (LAND TYPE SURVEY- 2626 WES-RAND (1984), 2628 EAST RAND
(1985), 2526 RUSTENBURG (1987) AND 2528 PRETORIA (1987))

Dominant limitation influencing

the suitability for selected land


Land suitability

Dry land






Low clay content



High clay content



Limiting soil depth, low clay



Limiting soil depth, low clay

content, rainfall efficiency






GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Ba5 Ba6

Appendix 12.6

Limiting soil depth, low clay




Limiting soil depth



Limiting soil depth


Limiting soil depth, high clay

content, moderate to strong
structure in subsoil


Limiting soil depth, low clay



Limiting soil depth, low clay



Ba1 Ba3

Limiting soil depth



Limiting soil depth, high clay

content, rock outcrops


Limiting soil depth, rock outcrops,



Limiting soil depth, low clay

content, impeded internal drainage


Limiting soil depth, impeded

internal drainage



Limiting soil depth, impeded

internal drainage



Limiting soil depth, impeded

internal drainage


Limiting soil depth, impeded

internal drainage


Limiting soil depth, low clay

content, impeded internal drainage


Limiting soil depth, impeded

internal drainage



Limiting soil depth, impeded

internal drainage, rock outcrops



Limiting soil depth, low clay

content, impeded internal drainage



Limiting soil depth



Limiting soil depth, impeded

internal drainage, rainfall efficiency


Low clay content, impeded internal



Difference in clay content,

moderate to strong structure in








Bb9 Bb18




GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 12.6

Difference in clay content,

moderate to strong structure in
subsoil, limiting soil depth


Limiting soil depth, moderate to

strong structure in subsoil, rock



Limiting soil depth, moderate to

strong structure, high clay content



Limiting soil depth, moderate to

strong structure, high clay content



Impeded internal drainage, flood



Limiting soil depth

Fa5 Fa6



Limiting soil depth



Limiting soil depth, rock outcrops



Limiting soil depth, rock outcrops


Fa16 Fa18

Limiting soil depth, rock outcrops,

rainfall efficiency



Limiting soil depth, rock outcrops,

rainfall efficiency



Limiting soil depth, rock outcrops,

rainfall efficiency


Rock outcrops, limiting soil depth


Rock outcrops, steepness



Ib7 Ib41
Ib42 Ib44
Ib3 Ib6
Ib7 Ib8
Ib15 Ib16
Ib17 Ib37
Ib41 Ib42



GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 12.6

Annexure 3
(To be conducted by a qualified agricultural specialist)

Detailed soil assessment of the site in question as well as incorporating a radius of 50 m

surrounding the site on a scale of 1:10 000 or finer. The soil assessment should include the
o Identification of the soils present on site,
o The size of the area where a particular soil is found
o GPS readings of soil survey points (WGS 84)
o The depth of the soil,
o Soil colour
o Limiting factors,
o Clay content,
o Slope of the site
o A detailed map indicating the locality of the soils within the specified area
Size of the site
Exact locality of the site
Current activities on the site / developments / buildings
Surrounding developments / land uses and activities in a radius of 200 m of the site
Access routes and condition thereof
Current status of the land (including erosion, vegetation, degradation assessment etc.)
Possible Land use options for the site
Water availability, source and quality (if available)
Detailed descriptions as to why agriculture should not be the land use of choice
Impact of the change of land use on the surrounding area


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 12.6

Annexure 4

The GIS Decision support tool is available in the following format:

Geographic format
WGS 84
Shp file format (File name: GAPA3)
o Attribute data Field names:
Zone (high, moderate, low, built-up) to be used as initial classification
of the agricultural potential of the land
AZone (Agricultural Zone for use by Agriculture Branch only)
FZone (Final Zone) To be use by all users for determination of the final
classification of the high potential agricultural land see explanation of
classes in policy document
HP_IAS = High potential Important Agricultural site
HP-AH= High potential Agricultural hub
HP_IUE= High potential Inside urban edge
HP_OUE= High potential Overlapping urban edge
HP_PA= High potential Protected area
Moderate = Moderate agricultural potential
Low = Low agricultural potential
Built-up = Built up area


Page left blank for printing

GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 12.7

Gauteng Provincial Integrated Waste

Management Policy

Gauteng Department of Agriculture, Conservation and


September 2006

GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 12.7

Table of Contents
List of Abbreviations .................................................................................................................... iii
Definitions..................................................................................................................................... iv
Introduction.................................................................................................................................... 1
Gauteng Provincial Government Vision.......................................................................................2
GDACE Mission and Vision .......................................................................................................... 3
Co-operative Governance ............................................................................................................. 3
Goal of the Gauteng IWM Policy................................................................................................... 3
Objective 1: Integrated Waste Management Planning ................................................................4
Objective 2: Roles and Responsibilities ......................................................................................5
Objective 3: Waste Information Management..............................................................................5
3.1 Waste information .................................................................................................................5
3.2 Definition of waste.................................................................................................................6
3.3 Waste manifest system .........................................................................................................7
Objective 4: Institutional Development ........................................................................................7
4.1 Lead agent for IWM...............................................................................................................7
4.2 Organisational design............................................................................................................8
4.3 Best practice models.............................................................................................................8
Objective 5: Capacity Building ..................................................................................................... 9
5.1 Job creation ..........................................................................................................................9
5.2 Technical recruitment and training.........................................................................................9
5.2.1 Government ....................................................................................................................9
5.2.2 Other sectors...................................................................................................................9
5.2.3 Education ......................................................................................................................10
5.2.4 Awareness ....................................................................................................................10
5.2.5 Participation ..................................................................................................................10
Objective 6: Alignment with National Legislation .....................................................................10
6.1 Supporting legislation ..........................................................................................................10
6.2 Enabling legislation .............................................................................................................11
Objective 7: Funding ................................................................................................................... 11
7.1 Investment and financing ....................................................................................................11
7.2 Polluter pays principle .........................................................................................................11
7.3 Incentives, rewards, promotions and penalties....................................................................11

Objective 8: Avoidance and Substitution...................................................................................12

GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 12.7

Objective 9: Waste Reduction and Minimisation.......................................................................12

Objective 10: Waste Recovery and Recycling ...........................................................................12
Objective 11: Waste Collection and Transportation..................................................................13
11.1 Regulations of the collection and transportation of waste ..................................................13
11.2 Alternative waste transportation ........................................................................................13
Objective 12: Waste Processing................................................................................................. 13
Objective 13: Waste Treatment and Disposal............................................................................13
13.1 Waste treatment and disposal ...........................................................................................13
13.2 Illegal waste dumps...........................................................................................................14
13.3 Illegal waste dumping........................................................................................................14
13.4 Energy recovery ................................................................................................................14
Objective 14: Environmental Management ................................................................................14
14.1 Environmental process......................................................................................................14
14.2 Waste management facility environmental control.............................................................14
14.3 Brownfield site rehabilitation and cleanup..........................................................................15
Objective 15: Selected Waste Streams ......................................................................................15
15.1 Health care risk waste .......................................................................................................15
15.2 Hazardous domestic waste ...............................................................................................15
15.3 Hazardous industrial and agricultural Waste......................................................................15
15.4 Mining and power generation waste ..................................................................................16
15.5 Military waste ....................................................................................................................16
15.6 Radioactive waste .............................................................................................................16
15.7 Waterborne waste .............................................................................................................17
15.8 Airborne waste ..................................................................................................................17

GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 12.7

List of Abbreviations

Best Practicable Environmental Option


Best Value Performance Indicators


Catchment Management Agencies


Department of Minerals and Energy


Department of Health


Department of Transport


Department of Provincial and Local Government


Department of Water Affairs and Forestry


Gauteng Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Environment


Gauteng Provincial Government


Health Care Risk Waste


Interested and Affected Parties


Integrated Waste Management


Logical Framework Approach


Non-Governmental Organisations


National Waste Management Strategy, published by DEAT in 1999


National Environmental Management Act, 1998 (Act 107 of 1998)


South African National Standards


State of the Environment Reports


Small, medium and micro enterprises


Waste Discharge Charge System


Waste Information System

GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 12.7

Best Practicable Environmental Option: The outcome of a systematic and consultative decision-making
procedure. The option that provides the most benefit and the least damage to the environment (across air,
water and land) as a whole, at acceptable cost, in the long term as well as in the short term.

Best Practice: Process, technique, or innovative use of technology, equipment or resources that has a proven
record of success in providing significant improvement in cost, schedule, quality, performance, safety,
environment, or other measurable factors which impact on an organisation.
Best Value Performance Indicators: A set of performance measures that can be used to analyse a range of
services within the application of waste management. It provides the public and local and central government
with a means of monitoring, analysing and comparing the achievements of role players in terms of waste
management principles.
Best Value Services: The concept of best value provides a framework for the planning, delivery and
continuous improvement of services. The overriding purpose is to establish a culture of good management
for the delivery of efficient, effective and economical services that meet the users needs. It is based on
applying the four Cs to all services. These are to:

challenge how, why and by whom they provide a service

compare performance with other councils

consult those using the service; and

use competition to ensure the best service possible

Co-mingled collection programmes: Co-mingled waste is unsorted waste. Collection programmes that
involve this are kerbside collection schemes where all the dry recyclable materials from a household are
collected mixed.
Cleaner Production: A tool to get waste avoidance, e.g. through product design, engineering and processes.
Duty-of-care principle: Any person handling or managing hazardous substances or related equipment is
ethically responsible for applying the utmost care.
Full cost accounting: A tool to identify, quantify and allocate the direct and indirect environmental costs of
ongoing company operations. Full cost accounting helps identify and qualify the following four types of
costs for a product, process or project: direct costs, hidden costs, contingent liability costs, and less tangible
Green Procurement: The selection by an organisation of products and services that have reduced
environmental impacts.

GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 12.7

Illegal waste dumps: Waste sites that are not formalised and permitted according to local and/or provincial
or national legislation.
Integrated Environmental Management: Aims to ensure efficient and effective:

administration, implementation and enforcement of constitutional and statutory environmental

obligations to ensure that development is environmentally sustainable

develop, implement, enforce and improve systems, projects and programmes, which support the
exercise of statutory obligations; and

policies, directives and manuals in support of environmental planning are in place.

Landfill: Area of land set aside for the deposition of general waste, whether it be by filling in of excavations
or the creation of a landfill above ground, where the word fill is used in the engineering sense.
Logical Framework Approach: A structured 3-tier approach towards strategic planning that includes the
listing of aims, objectives and action plans, along with measurable and verifiable indicators, responsibilities,
resource requirements, and assumptions and limitations.
Minimum Requirements: Refers to the Minimum Requirements series of documents relating to the
handling, classification, treatment and disposal of general and hazardous waste, published by DWAF in 1998
and updated from time to time.
Policy: Provides guidance for legislation and administration. does not refer to the development of
implementation plans; does not refer to operational issues; does not define roles and responsibilities.
Polluter Pays Principle: The Polluter Pays Principle is a principle in international environmental law where
the polluting party pays for the damage done to the natural environment.
Precautionary Principle: The precautionary principle permits a lower level of proof of harm to be used in
policy-making whenever the consequences of waiting for higher levels of proof may be very costly and/or

Where a risk is unknown; the assumption of the worst case situation and the making of a provision for
such a situation; and

Principle adopted by the United Nations Conference on the Environment and Development (1992)
that, in order to protect the environment, a precautionary approach should be widely applied, meaning
that where there are threats of serious or irreversible damage to the environment, lack of full scientific
certainty should not be used as a reason for postponing cost-effective measures to prevent
environmental degradation.

Risk: The scientific judgement of probability of harm, while taking into account the hazard, vulnerability
and manageability.
Significant: Factors or considerations are termed significant when they are important, because they are of
consequence. For example, they will have a detectable influence on a process, the environment or the end

GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 12.7

Sustainable Consumption: The use of goods and services that satisfy basic needs and improve quality of
life while minimising the use of irreplaceable natural resources and the by-products of toxic materials, waste
and pollution.
Waste: According to the Environment Conservation Act, 1989 (Act 73 of 1989), waste is defined as:
Any matter, whether gaseous, liquid or solid or any combination thereof, which is from time to time
designated by the Minister by notice in the Gazette as an undesirable or superfluous by-product, emission,
residue or remainder of any process or activity.
In Government Notice No. 1986 (in Government Gazette No. 12703 of 24 August 1990), as amended by
Government Notice No. 292 (in Government Gazette No. 24983 of 28 February 2003), the following are
defined by the Minister as waste:
Any matter, gaseous, liquid or solid or any combination thereof, originating from any residential,
commercial or industrial area, which:

is discarded by any person; or


is accumulated and stored by any person with the purpose of eventually discarding it with or
without prior treatment connected with the discarding thereof; or


is building rubble used for filling or levelling purposes; or


is stored by any person with the purpose of recycling, re-using or extracting a usable product
from such matter

Certain matter is excluded from the above, as per Government Notice No. 1986 and Government Notice No.
In future, this definition will be superseded by definitions prescribed by relevant national legislation.
Waste Classification: The classification of waste as per the National Waste Management Strategy of South
Africa. Regulations on waste classification are to be drafted in terms of Section 24 of the Environment
Conservation Act, or within new IP&WM/WIS legislation based on inter alia the DWAF Minimum
Waste Discharge Charge System: This does not necessarily refer to the system as implemented through
catchment management principles in terms of the National Water Act, 1998 (Act 36 of 1998), and can be
applied to air quality and land-based waste streams as well.
Waste Exchange: The activity that takes place when waste is exchanged between waste management
organisations or authorities, in order for it to be of mutual benefit to both parties. Waste from one could even
be raw materials for the other.
Waste Generator: Please refer to the definition in the National Waste Management Strategy.

GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 12.7

Waste Generation: The weight or volume of materials and products that enter any given waste stream
before recycling, composting, land filling or combustion takes place. Can also represent the amount of waste
generated by a given source or category of sources.
Waste Hierarchy:

Avoidance: Preventing waste generation altogether (i.e. zero waste generation);

Recycle: The process of collecting, sorting, cleansing, treating, and reconstituting materials that would
otherwise become solid waste, and returning them to the economic mainstream in the form of raw
material for new, reused, or reconstituted products which meet the quality standards necessary for
them to be used in the marketplace;

Reduce: Source reduction, often called waste minimisation, means consuming and throwing away
less. It encompasses any action undertaken by an individual or organization to eliminate or reduce the
amount or toxicity of materials before they enter the municipal solid waste stream. This action is
intended to conserve resources, promote efficiency and reduce pollution. Source reduction includes
composting, purchasing durable, long-lasting goods, and seeking products and packaging that are as
free of toxic compounds as possible. It can be as complex as redesigning a product to use fewer raw
materials in production, have a longer life, or be used again after its original use is completed.
Because source reduction actually prevents the generation of waste in the first place, it is the most
preferred method of waste management and goes a long way toward protecting the environment and
supporting sustainable development;

Reuse / recover: The recovery or reapplication of a package or product for uses similar or identical to
its originally intended application, without manufacturing or preparation processes that significantly
alter the original package or product. Recovery can also refer to the recovery of energy from waste;

Minimisation: Simple strategic reduction of waste at source, through improved manufacturing

methodologies, more careful work procedures, and revised and improved product specifications .
Waste minimisation is a broader term than prevention. Waste prevention covers prevention,
reduction at source and re-use of products. Waste minimisation, however, also includes the waste
management measures quality improvements and recycling.

Waste Information System: A computerised database containing information about waste management
organisations and agencies, as directed to be established as part of the implementation of the National Waste
Management Strategy of South Africa.
Waste Manifest System: A formalised process of waste management, and can include programmes that are
used to store, edit and report on waste handling and transportation. It is a set of forms, reports, and
procedures designed to seamlessly track waste from the time it leaves the generator facility where it was
produced, until it reaches the off-site waste management facility that will store, treat, or dispose of the waste.
The system should allow the waste generator to verify that its waste has been properly delivered, and that no
waste has been lost or unaccounted for in the process.

GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 12.7

Waste Minimisation Club: A Waste Minimisation Club is where businesses in a particular geographic area,
group together to negotiate better terms/services from waste contractors. The Club may also share facilities,
and equipment and exchange waste items that may be of use to another business. The focus should
eventually lead to waste minimisation efforts being put in place by the businesses.
Waste Transporter: Refer to the definition as per the National Road Traffic Act, 1996 (Act 93 of 1996).
Waste Stream: The total flow of waste falling under a particular waste category from activity areas,
businesses units, and operations that is recovered, recycled, reused, or disposed of in landfills e.g. domestic
waste, hydrocarbon waste, etc.

GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 12.7

Integrated Waste Management Policy
Gauteng IWM Policy Motivating Imperatives
Everyone has the right to an environment that is not harmful to
their health and well being
(The Constitution, 1996),
Everyone has the right to have the environment protected, for the
benefit of present and future generations, through reasonable
legislative and other measures
(The National Environmental Management Act, 1998).
Recognising that inadequate or inappropriate waste management presents a threat to both human health
and environmental protection, Government published, in 1999, a National Waste Management Strategy
(NWMS) which presents a long-term plan for addressing key issues, needs and problems experienced
with waste management in South Africa. The NWMS translates into action Governments policy on
waste as set out in the White Paper on Integrated Pollution and Waste Management for South Africa
The objective of Government is to move away from fragmented and uncoordinated waste management
to integrated waste management (IWM). Such a holistic and integrated approach extends over the entire
waste cycle, from cradle to grave, covering the avoidance, reduction, generation, collection, transport,
recovery, recycling, reuse, treatment and final disposal of waste, with an emphasis on waste avoidance
and minimisation.
Stricter national environmental legislation, complimenting the international drive towards increased
environmental awareness during the last decade, has resulted in a need for the adoption of improved
waste management practices. Environmentally sound and sustainable waste management is recognised
as essential to minimise and manage the risk to human health, and the risks of environmental pollution
and the depletion of South Africas valuable non-renewable resources. An environmentally sound and
sustainable waste management approach would include the preparation and implementation of
environmental instruments, waste management principles and requirements in national and provincial
legislation, the Polluter Pays Principle, and appropriate incentives and penalties.

GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 12.7

The National Environmental Management Act, 1998 (Act 107 of 1998) (NEMA), replacing the
Environmental Conservation Act, 1989 (Act 73 of 1989), is the principal mechanism through which
environmental management will be practiced and regulated in South Africa, in association with the
White Paper on Integrated Pollution and Waste Management (2000), the National Water Act, 1998 (Act
36 of 1998), the National Environmental Management: Air Quality Act, 2004 (Act 39 of 2004), the
forthcoming National IWM Bill, and associated Acts and regulations incorporating aspects of
environmental management.
The forthcoming National IWM Bill will provide an overarching framework for the management of
both general and hazardous waste in a manner that both reduces the scale of the countrys waste
problem, as well as ensuring that health and safety issues are satisfactorily addressed.
Gauteng, as the Province with the greatest industrial and population density, inherently generates the
greatest amount of waste, including hazardous waste, and consequently has a significant need to
develop, and apply, an appropriate IWM policy that will ensure that waste is recognised as a serious
problem and is managed in an effective and integrated manner to preserve human health and the
environment, both presently and for the generations to come.
A process to develop such a policy was therefore initiated. During the stakeholder consultation phase of
the process which took place in 2005 and 2006, it was clear that waste issues, problems and needs
which were identified as part of the Situation/Baseline Analysis Phase of the NWMS were considered
by stakeholders to still be relevant in Gauteng.
The Gauteng IWM Policy which resulted from this process forms the foundation for addressing the
waste issues, problems and needs of the Province and serves to inform the Gauteng public and
government agencies (in the provincial sphere) of the objectives that the Gauteng Provincial
Government (GPG) has identified for integrated waste management.
The Gauteng IWM Policy further serves as a means by which the objectives of the Constitution, 1996
(Act 108 of 1996), the NEMA, the National Water Act, the NWMS, the National Environmental
Management: Air Quality Act, the forthcoming National IWM Bill etc. can be enabled in Gauteng.

Gauteng Provincial Government Vision

The vision of the GPG for 2014 is a commitment to contributing to the national effort to:

halve unemployment through ensuring high levels of labour absorption, and economic growth
contributing to reduced inequality and the development of our Province, nation and continent;

halve poverty through growing secure and prosperous communities with jobs, schools, clinics
and other services in a safe and healthy environment which supports active social, cultural and
volunteer activities.

The GPG is committed to building a Province where:

GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

the people are healthy, skilled and productive;

the government is caring and responsive to the needs of its citizens; and

citizenship and democracy is deepened.

Appendix 12.7

These statements form the basis of the mission and vision of the Gauteng Department of Agriculture,
Conservation and Environment (GDACE) and of the Gauteng IWM Policy which is presented in this

GDACE Vision and Mission

The vision and mission of GDACE, as per the Strategic Plan for 2004 2009, is as follows:

Vision: Leaders in natural resource management

Mission: To provide an integrated provincial management system for sustainable utilisation of

natural resources towards quality of life for all

Co-operative governance
As per the GDACE Strategic Plan for 2004 - 2009, the functional responsibilities of the Department
include a range of responsibilities that are concurrent with those of National and Local Government.
The Department attaches great importance to the harmonisation of relationships and the management of
potentially conflicting mandates with other organs of state at national, provincial and local level.

Goal of the Gauteng IWM Policy

Goal of the Gauteng IWM Policy
The overall goal of the development of an IWM Policy for Gauteng is to
set out the vision, principles and strategic goals and objectives that the
GPG will apply to achieve integrated and environmentally-sustainable
waste management in the Province, thereby ensuring that its obligations
and duties in terms of the South African Constitution and other relevant
requirements are effected.
The Gauteng IWM Policy therefore provides the foundation for meeting the objectives of the NEMA at
provincial level and to provide for co-operative environmental governance by establishing decisionmaking principles on matters affecting the environment including the following:

Sustainable Development;

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Appendix 12.7

Integrated Environmental Management using the Best Practicable Environmental Option


the Polluter Pays Principle;

the Cradle to Grave Responsibility;

the Precautionary Principle; and

the involvement of Interested and Affected Parties (IAPs) and stakeholders in environmental

The Gauteng IWM Policy embraces all sectors of society of Gauteng and each objective is to be applied
to all waste generators, waste managers and waste service providers in all sectors, including, but not
limited to, (i) Provincial and Local Government, (ii) industry and commerce, (iii) agriculture, (iv)
mining and power generation, (v) the military, and (vi) residents of, and visitors to, Gauteng.
The Gauteng IWM Policy is seen as part of a series of co-ordinated efforts by the GPG to improve the
management of waste in the Province. The Policy will be implemented in part through action plans and
business plans developed by the GPG.
The objectives of the GPG for IWM are presented below.

Objective 1: Integrated Waste Management

The NWMS presents a long-term plan for addressing key issues, needs and problems experienced with
waste management in South Africa. It also identifies the roles and responsibilities of National,
Provincial and Local Government that arise out of the adoption of an integrated waste management
Local Government is already obliged industry will shortly have the same obligations too to develop
IWM Plans for consideration by Provincial Government. This is in order to ensure the effective
integration and optimisation across Provinces of appropriate waste management services to address
needs and problems holistically.
The GPG embraces an integrated approach to waste management planning, which will provide the
desired move away from fragmented and uncoordinated waste management to coordinated, effective
and appropriate waste management. This approach provides for integrated planning over the entire
waste life-cycle, from cradle to grave, whilst applying the Precautionary and Polluter Pays Principles.
This includes but is not limited to the generation, avoidance, reduction, collection, transport,
recovery, recycling, reuse, treatment and final disposal of waste (including waste facility siting), with an
emphasis on waste avoidance and minimisation.

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Appendix 12.7

The GPG recognises that one cannot manage something that is not measured. The starting point of
effective IWM is therefore the identification of the key issues, needs and problems being experienced,
and the prioritisation of waste streams. This includes the collection, collation and interpretation of
adequate and representative information on the amounts of waste being generated and managed in the
Province (as well as entering and leaving the Province), the type (classification) of the waste, the level
of waste management service and environmental protection provided, according to prioritised waste
streams. The research should also identify instances of inappropriate waste management practices and
calculate the risk that this imparts. The above-mentioned activities need to take place according to
agreed national and provincial requirements.
It is further recognised that the above-mentioned activities require appropriate resources in manpower
and economics, supported by appropriate enabling and supporting legislation, close co-operation
between Provincial and Local Government, and stakeholder participation.

Objective 2: Roles and Responsibilities

The GPG recognises the need for a clear definition of the roles and responsibilities of National,
Provincial and Local Government, and industry and other stakeholders. These roles and responsibilities
are directly linked to those that are defined for each of these role players in the Constitution and other
relevant legislation. In essence the GPG is committed to providing leadership, guidelines and support to
Local Government, industry and other waste role players with regards to waste management.
In particular, all waste role players, particularly Local Government and industry, are expected to
accommodate necessary capacity-building, education and awareness-training, as well as job creation
initiatives and associated funding thereof, within their own IWM Plans.
In line with the fact that the predominant responsibility for waste service provision lies with Local
Government, it is expected that the enforcement of aspects such as the Polluter Pays Principle will be
undertaken primarily by Local Government, as far as is practicable, for which contingency should be
made in Local Government IWM Plans and financing.
The GPG encourages partnerships between all spheres of government to coordinate national, provincial,
and local planning efforts and to find the best practicable, environmentally safe and equitable solutions
to waste management problems.

Objective 3: Waste Information Management


Waste information

The GPG recognises the need for the collection and dissemination of accurate waste information by
each Local Government in the Province and all waste role players, for purposes of the National Waste
Information System (WIS) that is being implemented in terms of the NWMS. Minimum reporting

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Appendix 12.7

requirements have been established for Provincial and Local Government and it is the responsibility of
Provincial Government to ensure that these are applied.
The National WIS Framework Document was approved by the Director General of the Department of
Environmental Affairs and Tourism on 2 June 2005. This document details the requirements of the
National WIS, in particular the data requirements of Local Government, private waste contractors, their
roles and responsibilities, and expected time frames for implementation.
The GPG promulgated Waste Information Regulations in 2004 for the development of a Provincial WIS
(a) enable GDACE to compile and make available to the public and other organs of state data
and information regarding waste in the Province, so as to further the protection of the
environment and the continuous improvement of integrated waste management throughout the
(b) make information available to organs of state and the public regarding waste for:
i) education, research and development
ii) spatial planning and environmental impact assessment
iii) public safety and disaster management
iv) the development of waste streaming and the assessment of the quantities of various waste
streams for monitoring government strategies with regard to waste management and
v) state of the environment reporting; and
(c) to create a uniform reporting method which incorporates secure internet reporting formats and
monitoring intervals.
In terms of national policy, all waste is required to be reused, recovered or disposed of at a registered
landfill or other registered waste disposal, treatment or recycling facility. Waste must be managed
according to the principles of international treaties to which South Africa is signatory, including the
Basel Convention with respect to the trans-boundary transportation of hazardous waste.
Ultimately, waste information management will be applied to the entire waste hierarchy.


Definition of waste

For the purposes of the Gauteng IWM Policy, the definition of waste as found in the Environment
Conservation Act, 1989 (Act 73 of 1989) and the relevant Government Gazette is to be used. In future,
the definition prescribed by relevant national legislation will prevail for the purposes of this policy. The
National Waste Classification System will be used as the foundation for all waste classification in the
Recognising that, in some cases, a waste stream may be considered as a resource for recovery and reuse
or recycling purposes, including the generation of energy, the GPG embraces a system of classification
of waste that facilitates the separation at source of different waste types.

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Appendix 12.7

Waste manifest system

The GPG embraces the implementation of a Waste Manifest System, on the basis of the requirements of
a Provincial WIS, to track waste from the time it leaves the generator where it was produced, until it is
recovered and reaches the waste management facility that will store, reuse, recycle, treat or dispose of
the waste. The manifest system should also be used within all on-site waste management facilities to
ensure proof of safe disposal for auditing and verification purposes. Thresholds will be set for use with
the manifest system.
The Waste Manifest System will require the registration of all waste generators and transporters, as per
action plans to be developed at provincial level. The GPG will develop these action plans based on
prioritised waste streams, in conjunction with other legislation and regulations. This system should
consist of appropriate standardised manifest forms, reports and procedures that allow the waste
generator to verify that its waste has been properly delivered, processed and ultimately disposed of or
recycled, and that no waste has been lost or unaccounted for in the process.

Objective 4: Institutional Development


Lead agent for IWM

The GPG recognises the role of GDACE as the lead agent, with the close cooperation of, but not limited

the Department of Minerals and Energy (DME), especially with respect to mining and power
generation waste aspects;

the Department of Water Affairs and Forestry (DWAF) in terms of water resources
environmental issues;

the Department of Health (DoH) in terms of health care risk waste (HCRW);

the Department of Provincial and Local Government (DPLG) with regards to the provision of
basic services; and

the Department of Transport (DoT) with respect to waste transportation.

GDACE is mandated responsibility to facilitate sustainable waste management for the Province, and to
facilitate the implementation of national policies at the Provincial and Local Government and industry


Organisational design

The GPG embraces the formalisation of organisational design by GDACE as well as by Local
Government. The organisational designs of each should follow a similar model to promote uniformity
and ease of use, and to ensure that managers can co-operate with each other effectively.

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Appendix 12.7

The broad framework for IWM service provision is provided at the level of Local Government in an
IWM Plan. The GPG embraces effective waste management planning through close working
relationships and a full exchange of information between Local Governments in the Province, and
between Departments at the provincial and national levels.


Best practice models

The GPG requires the implementation of appropriate best practice models by Local Government for the
management and functioning of all waste management service-related issues in an effective, coordinated and integrated manner to foster cost-effective, appropriate and sustainable service provision to
the residents of the Province, including the public, and industrial and institutional entities.
The GPG recognises the adoption of planning principles such as that of the Logical Framework
Approach (LFA) as applied in the development of the NWMS for waste management planning,
service provision, needs assessments, and the encouragement of effective IWM for the Province. The
adoption of such common decision-making tools in all spheres of government will provide
standardisation in approach, support equity in decision-making, and ensure that targets can be easily
In line with international practice, it is the intention that the GPG will establish appropriate and
achievable targets for improved waste management service provision, and will work with Local
Government and all waste role-players to ensure that appropriate best-value services can be provided,
that failure to deliver best-value services is minimised, and that interventions will be the exception.
In the enabling of the Gauteng IWM Policy, appropriate Best Value Performance Indicators (BVPIs) for
non-municipal waste service provision will be developed to monitor the performance of industries and
agriculture with respect to IWM.
The GPG recognises the need for the setting of targets for waste minimisation, recovery, reuse and
recycling taking account of the NWMS and recognising that waste minimisation and recycling will
be a priority wherever practicable. The targets should also take into account associated waste
management initiatives and regulations as may become necessary.
BVPIs will be monitored and reviewed predominantly to achieve improvements in service delivery, as
opposed to tackling procedural failures. Similarly, in line with international practices, BVPIs will be
applied in the development of appropriate environmental and service indicators such as those utilised in
the drafting of State of the Environment Reports (SoERs) by Local, Provincial and National

Objective 5: Capacity-building
This policy item should be read in conjunction with policy item 2, regarding Provincial Government
support to Local Government.

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Appendix 12.7

Job creation

The GPG recognises the need for the implementation of waste management systems and services by
Local Government, waste service providers, industry and the private sector, with the intention of
creating jobs for unemployed members of their communities, and also because they may provide
opportunities for small, medium and micro enterprises (SMMEs) in waste management service
The intention is to create jobs by design, that is, to promote the implementation of waste management
practices, procedures and processes that increase job creation potential.
It is furthermore recognised that jobs are not created only through recovery and recycling processes, but
also within other elements of the waste hierarchy, such as waste minimisation, waste avoidance and
waste collection.


Technical recruitment and training

5.2.1 Government
The GPG recognises the need for the recruitment, training and selection of staff to positions identified in
the NWMS Action Plan for Capacity Building, Education, Awareness and Communication (1999). The
GPG recognises that the recruitment of additional staff or the development of additional skills may be
necessary at local and provincial level if the implementation of the NWMS is to be successful. The GPG
will, where possible, assist Local Government in this regard.
Training should include, but not be limited to, waste management principles, waste management
technological options, pollution control and cleaner technology, recovery, recycling and reuse
initiatives, best value services and BVPIs.

5.2.2 Other sectors

The GPG encourages capacity-building and education on IWM within primary, secondary and tertiary
education, non-governmental organisations (NGOs), communities and industry, whether presently
affected by poor waste management service provision or not. This is aimed at improving appreciation of
the GPGs waste management objectives and policies, and of the National Governments strategy with
respect to the waste management hierarchy and environmental commitments.

5.2.3 Education
The GPG recognises the need for comprehensive education programmes on the need for IWM and
public responsibility to encourage waste avoidance, substitution, minimisation, recovery, reuse and
recycling. These programmes should involve, for example, the media, industry, business, labour
organisations, government, schools and tertiary education institutions,. These programmes will be
developed through cooperation between the GPG and relevant educators.

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Appendix 12.7

5.2.4 Awareness
The GPG recognises the need for the implementation of comprehensive awareness campaigns to
encourage and maintain positive change in public awareness, attitudes and behaviour towards waste
generation and management.
Awareness campaigns should aim to encourage people to adopt more responsible attitudes towards
waste and to deal with it in ways that are more sustainable. These campaigns should focus on the
problem of litter, promoting the avoidance and minimisation of waste and pollution, greening the
environment of communities to enhance the aesthetic beauty of their areas and to build a culture of
cleanliness in the Province, and promoting recovery and recycling at source. These campaigns should
use all relevant forms of media, challenge complacency and misconceptions, and avoid blame or
allocation of guilt.

5.2.5 Participation
The GPG is committed to ensuring broad public and industry involvement as well as participation by
Local and Provincial Government in its decision-making processes.

Objective 6: Alignment with National Legislation


Supporting legislation

The GPG recognises the need to implement relevant law reform initiatives with regards to waste
The GPG embraces the adoption and enforcement of all legislation dealing with the safe management,
handling and transportation, treatment and disposal of waste, as well as the adoption of appropriate
waste management standards and performance indicators with respect to all aspects of IWM to improve
waste management service delivery.


Enabling legislation

The GPG will develop appropriate legislation and regulations to support and enable the Gauteng IWM
Policy, and to foster consistency between national, provincial and local waste management
requirements, capacity building and filling of gaps in existing waste management regulations and

Objective 7: Funding


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Appendix 12.7

Investment and financing

The GPG confirms the principle of funding of waste management at the level of Local Government.
This means that the management of waste must be fully accounted for. This should be done through full
cost accounting of payments for services rendered. The waste management services that Local
Government provides include refuse collection, waste disposal at landfills and associated services
provided to the public and industry, subject to best value performance principles. The rollout of such
services must recognise and mitigate the impact of the historical discrepancy in waste management
service standard provision at all levels.
The GPG recognises the need for the development of appropriate funding mechanisms that can ensure
the effective implementation of the Provincial IWM Policy.


Polluter Pays Principle

The GPG recognises the need for the development and implementation of a practical Polluter Pays
Principle system for all forms of waste generated, whether solid, liquid or gaseous.


Incentives, rewards, promotions and penalties

The GPG recognises the need to promote incentives and and other means of creating an economic and
social environment wherein the principles of the waste hierarchy are promoted. This could include the
provision of recognition for good practices followed, according to the waste hierarchy.
A programme of financial penalties is supported where best practice is not being followed and is
resulting in unacceptable waste management service provision and/or detrimental impacts on human
health or the environment, or where compliance with national and international waste management
agreements and protocols is not being achieved. These incentives and penalties will be defined in the
action plans that flow from the Gauteng IWM Policy.
The GPG recognises the need for legislation and incentives that encourage the use of reused, recovered
and recycled materials, and the development of strategies and targets appropriate to the effective
management of each prioritised recoverable or recyclable waste stream.
The GPG confirms the need for procurement strategies that promote the implementation of the
principles of the waste hierarchy.

Objective 8: Avoidance and Substitution

The GPG embraces the principles of Cleaner Production or Sustainable Consumption and Production,
which is aimed at avoiding the generation of waste traditionally associated with industrial and public
activities and processes.


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Waste avoidance and substitution initiatives should apply to all waste. The GPG promotes the utilisation
of waste above the use of new or raw materials for production purposes, subject to compliance with
relevant legal requirements.
Cleaner Production and Sustainable Consumption and Production compliant with international protocols
and associated initiatives should be considered as a means of reducing the negative effects of waste
generation and/or treatment, whilst optimising the use of energy in production processes and
encouraging Green Procurement initiatives.

Objective 9: Waste Reduction and Minimisation

The GPG endorses the development and adoption of appropriate and realistic targets requiring reduction
and minimisation in waste generation of all forms of waste. This includes the implementation of waste
minimisation options at source (also see policy item 10 in this regard).
The GPG recognises the need for the development and implementation of waste exchange and waste
minimisation clubs to facilitate the avoidance, substitution, recovery, reuse and recycling of waste
between different industries and organisations.
The GPG recognises the need to supply Local Government, industries and other waste role players with
information and guidance on, for example, waste reduction and minimisation initiatives as well as other
waste databases available to the GPG.

Objective 10: Waste Recovery and Recycling

The GPG confirms the need for laws for the recovery, reuse and recycling of all waste as well as
guidance for and encouragement of the recovery, reuse and recycling of all waste. This can take place
through source-separation or co-mingled collection programmes, manual or mechanical separation, or
waste exchange, to provide recovery and recycling of appropriate prioritised waste streams.
The GPG confirms that increased waste separation at source, recovery and recycling are necessary. The
GPG encourages actions that lead to the expansion and stabilisation of the economic base for recovery
and recycling in the local, provincial, and national economy, including the support of existing and new
laws designed to encourage the manufacture and purchase of products made from recovered and
recycled materials.

Objective 11: Waste Collection and



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Appendix 12.7

11.1 Regulation of the collection and transportation of waste

The GPG endorses the development of collection and transportation requirements that are compatible
with national, provincial and local legislation.
The GPG embraces the development and implementation of legislation that governs the transport of
waste material in line with the principles of the National Road Traffic Act, 1996 (Act 93 of 1996),
relevant South African National Standards (SANS) codes of conduct, and relevant international codes of
conduct. This legislation should ensure that any person(s) transporting waste without a license to do so,
or transferring custody of waste to a transporter who is not registered, will be prosecuted.

11.2 Alternative waste transportation

The GPG recognises the need for the use of forms of transport other than road haulage for the
transportation of waste in line with environmental best practices. These forms of transport should be
considered by planning authorities when preparing waste management plans, taking into account
economic principles and the practicality thereof.

Objective 12: Waste Processing

The GPG recognises that alternative waste processing options exist for circumstances in which it is not
possible or economically viable to recycle certain waste. These provide for the recovery of waste or
components of waste (e.g. energy, minerals) and should be considered as long as legal requirements are

Objective 13: Waste Treatment and Disposal

13.1 Waste treatment and disposal
The GPG recognises the need for the safe treatment and disposal of waste only as a last option in terms
of the waste management hierarchy.

13.2 Illegal waste dumps

The GPG recognises the need to close and remediate illegal waste dumps, including redundant and
abandoned mine tailings and slimes dams, in accordance with national legislation.

13.3 Illegal waste dumping

The GPG recognises the need for the removal of illegally dumped waste (including but not limited to
abandoned cars and construction and demolition debris), not expressly covered by permitting policies,
to safe disposal facilities. The GPG also recognises the need for the implementation of legislation to

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Appendix 12.7

trace and prosecute illegal waste disposers for the costs incurred in the management of such wastes and
the environmental and human health damage caused by such activities, according to the Duty-of-care

13.4 Energy recovery

The GPG recognises the need for the use of waste treatment and recovery technologies that can generate
or replace energy using waste resources, with the recognition that energy recovery from waste should
not compromise South Africas standing as a signatory to international treaties and policies such as the
Montreal and Kyoto Protocols.

Objective 14: Environmental Management

14.1 Environmental process
The GPG recognises the need for the preparation of environmental instruments and the inclusion of
waste management principles and requirements in national and provincial legislation to guide
environmental processes. These must lay down the procedures to be followed and the institutional
arrangements that are required for such processes.
It is recognised that, where applicable, all environmental process reports should address the waste
hierarchy and define a waste management plan.
This policy item should be read in conjunction with policy item 7.2 that pertains to the Polluter Pays
Principle, and policy item 7.3 that refers to incentives and penalties.

14.2 Waste management facility environmental control

The GPG recognises the need for strategic planning and guidelines for the planning and operation of
waste buy-back stations, water-care works, landfills and associated waste management facilities, to
prevent or reduce as far as possible the negative effects of the handling and transportation of wastes on
the environment and on human health.
The GPG recognises the need for procedures that ensure that waste handling and management facilities,
landfills, incinerators or water-care works (including industrial effluent and sewage treatment works)
meet existing and, where practical, new standards, and operate in an environmentally-safe way in
accordance with the principles of the relevant regulations and their specific certification requirements.

14.3 Brownfield site rehabilitation and clean-up

The GPG recognises the need for strategic intervention and the development of soil and related
contamination remediation guidelines to complement the Minimum Requirements, based on the
practical risk posed by soil contaminants to the environment and human health.

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Appendix 12.7

The GPG recognises the need for the assessment and clean-up of historically industrialised, mined or
contaminated (brownfield) sites with appropriate assurances, so that sites may be returned to productive
use to the community, and/or at least be rendered safe, in accordance with the acceptable risk for a
particular land use. Unless proven to represent an unacceptable risk to existing and future site users, it is
preferred that contaminated sites be remediated on-site as far as possible and practical, rather than
occupying available landfill space.
The Polluter Pays Principle will be applicable to brownfield site rehabilitation and clean-up activities.

Objective 15: Selected Waste Streams

The waste streams that are listed below have been selected to serve as examples of the possible waste
streams that could be listed in this policy document. The selected waste streams are not the only ones
that are relevant to the Gauteng IWM Policy and this policy item can be amended to include more
selected waste streams, as and when required.

15.1 Health care risk waste

The GPG recognises the need for the safe handling, storage, transport, treatment and disposal of HCRW
according to the Gauteng HCRW Regulations (2004).

15.2 Hazardous domestic waste

The GPG recognises the need for the segregation and separate collection of hazardous domestic waste
from the general waste stream for safe removal and disposal in accordance with a prioritisation of waste
streams, such as batteries, paints, solvents, engine oils, old refrigerators, asbestos sheeting/lagging,
fluorescent tubes, etc.

15.3 Hazardous industrial and agricultural waste

The GPG recognises the need for the responsible handling, storage, transport, treatment and disposal of
hazardous industrial, agricultural and chemical waste, including industrial slag, as well as the need for
on-site hazardous waste management facilities and practices at industry level and off-site regional
hazardous waste handling and management facilities.
All hazardous waste facilities, whether on-site or off-site, should comply with the principles of the
Gauteng IWM Policy and associated legislation.
The GPG recognises the need for adequate and competent facilities to accommodate hazardous waste
generated within the Province and on a national basis, where coordinated hazardous waste management
is warranted.


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Appendix 12.7

The GPG recognises the need for the development of a provincial profile on chemicals and industrial
slag management, to determine the status of compliance with national policies and legislation.
The GPG recognises the need for the development of IWM Plans at generator level (industrial, mining,
power generation, etc.), as well as at the level of Local Government, to support the co-ordinated
implementation of the principles of the Gauteng IWM Policy.

15.4 Mining and power generation waste

The GPG recognises the need for the development of guidelines to complement the Minimum
Requirements. The GPG also emphasises the application of Acts such as the National Environmental
Management: Air Quality Act, based on the practical risk posed to the environment and human health
by mining and power generation wastes, and the future decommissioning and closure of mining and
power generation sites and residues, to include appropriate consideration of nuisance issues associated
with such residues.

15.5 Military waste

The GPG recognises the need for the development and implementation of regulations that clarify when
conventional and chemical military munitions become a hazardous waste and make provision for the
safe storage and transportation of such waste. Categories of military waste that should be defined in
such waste management regulations include, but are not limited to: (i) unused munitions, (ii) munitions
being used for their intended purpose, and (iii) used or fired munitions.

15.6 Radioactive waste

The GPG recognises the need for the management of radioactive waste in a manner that protects the
environment and human health, in accordance with the following principles and requirements (in
addition to the general principles of the waste management hierarchy):

the Hazardous Substances Act, 1973 (Act 15 of 1973) and regulations pertaining to it;

regulations and guidelines as specified by the regulatory national bodies, such as DME and

the requirement that no unlicensed person or organisation may be in possession of radioactive


radioactive waste will be managed in a way that secures an acceptable level of protection for
human health, the environment (including natural resources), protection beyond South Africas
borders, and protection of future generations; and

radioactive waste will be managed within the national legal framework, which will include clear
the allocation of responsibilities and provision for independent regulatory functions.


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Appendix 12.7

15.7 Waterborne waste

The GPG embraces the establishment of Catchment Management Agencies (CMAs) and the adoption of
a Waste Discharge Charge System (WDCS), as per the National Water Act, 1998.

15.8 Airborne waste

The GPG supports the implementation of the National Environmental Management: Air Quality Act
and compliance to international air quality treaties, protocols and initiatives for example, the Kyoto
and Montreal Protocols and the participation of Gauteng industry in international programmes to
reduce world-wide carbon emissions. Existing air quality permits will be reviewed, amended and
implemented as appropriate.


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Appendix 12.8





July 2007

Version 5

GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 12.8

Table of Contents
SUMMARY ...............................................................................................115

INTRODUCTION ................................................................................ 1

Why do we need a Strategy for Sustainable Development for Gauteng? 1


The GSSD Development Process ...................................................... 4




VISION, MISSION, GOALS AND OBJECTIVES ........................................ 9


Vision ........................................................................................... 9


Mission Statement ......................................................................... 9


TARGETS AND INDICATORS ............................................................. 12


PRIORITIES AND INITIATIVES .......................................................... 13


Priority 1: Promote Capacity Building and Human Resource Development

for Sustainable Development ................................................................... 14


Key issues and challenges ...................................................... 14


Goals and Objectives ............................................................. 16


Initiatives............................................................................. 16


Action Plan ........................................................................... 19


Priority 2: Strengthen Intergovernmental and societal relations......... 19


Key issues and challenges ...................................................... 20


Goals and Objectives ............................................................. 21


Initiatives............................................................................. 21


Action Plan ........................................................................... 29


Priority 3: Promote Economic Development for Sustainable Development



Key issues and challenges ...................................................... 31


Goals and Objectives ............................................................. 31


Initiatives............................................................................. 33


Action Plan ........................................................................... 38


Priority 4: Promote Sustainable Human Settlements and Resource Use



Key issues and challenges ...................................................... 40


Goals and Objectives ............................................................. 42


Initiatives............................................................................. 42


Action Plan ........................................................................... 50


IMPLEMENTATION FRAMEWORK ........................................................ 54


Proposals for Achieving Sustainable Development Objectives, Indicators

and Targets ........................................................................................... 59


Implementation of sustainable development by provincial sectoral

departments....................................................................................... 59

Implementation of sustainable development by local government 60


WAY FORWARD............................................................................... 64


REFERENCES .................................................................................. 65

GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 12.8

ANNEXURE A: DECLARATION OF THE GSSD IMBIZO.................................... A67

ANNEXURE B: TARGETS & REPORTING REQUIREMENTS............................... A70
List of Acronyms

Accelerated and Shared Growth Initiative for South Africa


Broad Based Black Economic Empowerment


Community Based Organisations


Capacity Building and Human Resource Development


Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism


Department of Minerals and Energy


Department of Water Affairs and Forestry


Economic Development for Sustainable Development


Environmental Impact Assessment


Environmental Implementation Plan


Environmental Management Inspectors


Expanded Public Works Programme


Global City Region


Gauteng Department of Agriculture, Conservation & Environment


Gauteng Department of Local Government


Gauteng Department of Education


Gross Domestic Product


Growth and Development Strategy


Gauteng Economic Development Agency


Gauteng Provincial Government


Gauteng Intergovernmental Forum


Gauteng Strategy for Sustainable Development


Integrated Development Plan


Intergovernmental Relations


Integrated Waste Management Plan


Johannesburg Plan of Implementation


Millennium Development Goals


Multi-Purpose Community Centre


National Environmental Management Act, Act 107 of 1998


Non-governmental Organisations


Premiers Coordinating Forum


Provincial Growth and Development Strategy


Peoples Housing Process


Public Private Partnerships


Provincial Spatial Development Perspective


Sustainable Human Settlements


Small/Medium/Micro Enterprise


State of the Environment Report


State of Play

GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 12.8


United Nations


United Nations Education, Scientific and Cultural Organisation


World Summit on Sustainable Development

GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 12.8

The Gauteng Strategy for Sustainable Development (GSSD) is a comprehensive,
yet concise strategy that outlines a desired state for sustainable development for
Gauteng Province.

This GSSD is a Gauteng Provincial Government (GPG)

initiative that outlines the path on which the public sector, private sector and the
civil society sector will work together in ensuring that Gauteng Province prospers
on a more sustainable basis.
The GSSD provides a common definition for sustainable development for
Gauteng, thus providing a basis for common understanding and the starting point
for sustainable development initiatives (Section 2).

Based on a broad

consultative process, the desired state of sustainable development has been

defined in the provincial vision and mission statement (outlined in Section 3),
providing an end point towards which the GPG must work in order to achieve
sustainable development for the Province, and the benefits associated with it.
Based on this desired state, clear targets have been defined for the GPG to
achieve in order to become an economically productive, socially just, globally
competitive region that manages and utilises resources sustainably (detailed in
Section 4).
The GSSD sets the initiatives for achieving these targets.

These strategies are

grouped into four strategic priority areas identified through a broad stakeholder
participation process.
GSSD Priorities:
Priority 1:







development for sustainable development

Priority 2:

Strengthen intergovernmental and societal relations

Priority 3:






Priority 4:

Promote sustainable human settlements and resource use

The priorities address the overarching concerns of sustainable development

(economic growth and efficiency, good governance, resource and eco-system
protection, and social justice, economic opportunity and income equity) and are
relevant to the development context of Gauteng. Importantly, these priorities are
linked to the priorities of the Gauteng Province as defined in the 2014 planning

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Appendix 12.8

Gauteng Provincial Priorities:

Enabling faster economic growth and job creation










Developing healthy, skilled and productive people









constitutional rights of our people

Building an effective and caring government.

The strategies focus on identifying actions that the GPG departments must
implement in order to facilitate Gautengs development along a sustainable path.




implementing the strategy.






Wherever possible, existing programmes and

projects are identified as an implementation vehicle.

As a critical step in the

success of the GSSD, the strategy details the implementation framework, which
provides guidance as to how the GSSD must be implemented and monitored
(detailed in Section 6).

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Appendix 12.8


Since the advent of democracy in 1994, South Africa has made a decisive break
with the past.

Gauteng Province has been at the fore-front of many of South

Africas achievements in this regard, and has experienced considerable change in

its economic outlook, stabilisation of its socio-political position and diversification
of its people. An increasing commitment to sustainable development at both a
provincial and local level within the Province has accompanied these changes.
Sustainable development focuses on improving the quality of life for all of the
people without increasing the use of natural resources beyond the capacity of the
environment to supply them indefinitely.

It requires an understanding that the

failure to act has consequences, and that we must find innovative ways to change
institutional structures and influence individual behaviour.

It is about taking

action, changing policy and practice at all levels, from the individual to the
international level.

Why do we need a Strategy for Sustainable Development for


The World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD) held in September 2002

saw key global role-players and stakeholders coming together in Johannesburg
where the Johannesburg Plan of Implementation (JPOI) was adopted. The JPOI,
amongst other things, set out the key targets for meeting the Millennium
Development Goals (MDGs). The need for the development of national and local










development into decision-making and governance processes was emphasized at

the WSSD.
It has been widely recognised that Sustainable Development (SD) is, amongst








patterns, and protecting and managing the natural resource base for economic
and social development.
Gauteng is home to approximately 9 million people (Stats SA, 2005), almost 20%
of South Africas population (Department of Local Government, 2005) and is the
economic powerhouse of the country. The people, and their social capital, are a
key resource for the Province. Building on the Provinces strengths, the Gauteng
Provincial Government (GPG) aims to develop Gauteng into an integrated and
globally competitive Global City Region1.

A Global City Region (GCR) is a functional area that consists of a group of urban nodes (such as

Johannesburg, Tshwane and Ekurhuleni) and hinterlands (such as Sedibeng, West Rand and
Metsweding), which have a common goal, beyond their administrative boundaries. Characteristics of

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Appendix 12.8

Current economic growth within Gauteng is firmly linked to energy-intensive

resource consumption. To achieve sustainable development in the long-term, it is









development, social development, and environmental management in decisionmaking and planning. However, the primary developmental focus within Gauteng
has historically been on the promotion of economic growth and social equity, with
environmental issues and concerns largely being secondary.

Integration of all

elements of sustainable development within the Gauteng Province is still in the

early stages in most cases. This is evident from many of the strategies, policies
and initiatives which are currently in place within the Province at the various
levels of government.
As long as this remains the case, economic performance will be unsustainable,
becoming hampered as key resource thresholds begin to be reached. Poverty will
persist as employment opportunities decrease and limited funds get redirected
into effectively subsidising energy inefficiencies and resource constraints. Thus,
in order to ensure the socio-economic sustainability and global competitiveness of
Gauteng, as well as the protection of its natural resources, it imperative for us to
go beyond thinking in terms of trade-offs and the simplicity of the triple bottom
line. Concrete steps need to be taken in the short-term to decouple growth from
rising natural resource consumption and continued degradation of ecosystem
services. The way we view and approach growth and development in particular
must be placed in the context of limits to growth. This requires deep structural
changes at all levels of society, as well as integrated ways of working in all areas
of economic, social and political life in order to achieve sustainable development.
Gauteng faces several critical challenges over the next ten years, including
extreme poverty and unemployment, intergovernmental co-operation, socioeconomic sustainability and global competitiveness, environmental deterioration,
population growth, and health issues such as HIV/AIDS. How Gauteng Province
deals with these challenges over this period will determine to a large extent its
ability to take its place as a Global City Region. The GPG cannot address these
challenges in an ad hoc manner, and recognise that a strategic approach which
considers the trends of globalisation and localisation is required.
A strategic approach to sustainable development implies new ways of thinking
and working so as to:

a GCR include a large population, diverse, functional region, and global sphere of influence and

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Appendix 12.8

Move from developing and implementing fixed plans, ideas and solutions
towards operating an adaptive system that can continuously improve
governance to promote coherence between responses to different challenges.

Move from a view that it is the state alone which is responsible for
development towards one that sees responsibility with society as a whole.

Move from centralised and controlled decision-making towards sharing results

and opportunities, transparent negotiation, co-operation and concerted

Move from a focus on outputs (e.g. projects and laws) towards a focus on
outcomes (e.g. impacts of projects and legal changes).

Move from sectoral towards integrated planning.

Move from a dependence on external assistance towards domestically-driven

and financed development.

Move towards a process which can accommodate monitoring, learning and


Thus, the GPG has taken the initiative to develop the Gauteng Strategy for
Sustainable Development (GSSD).

The GSSD is an action-oriented strategy

aimed at fostering a common sustainable development vision for the Gauteng

Province, and guiding programmes at various levels of government and civil
society to ensure that sustainability issues are considered in the implementation
of existing and new programmes. The GSSD aims to build on existing strategies
and policies, as well as on the use of existing mechanisms and reporting
structures to monitor and report on sustainable development within the province.
For the GPG in particular, the GSSD will assist the GPG departments in
participating more effectively in sustainable development initiatives, providing
opportunities to consider the adverse social and environmental effects of
development and identifying ways in which they can reap its benefits. It should
also enable improved dialogue between departments, corporations and NGOs to
negotiate new ways of working towards and supporting sustainable development.
The GSSD provides a framework for the GPG to ensure that:

There is a common understanding of sustainable development within the












understanding and approach to sustainable development.

Initiatives within the Province which are related to sustainable development

are co-ordinated and integrated in order to maximise opportunities to achieve
sustainable development.

Priority interventions are conceived and contextualised within Gautengs

sustainable development priorities.

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Appendix 12.8

Responsibilities of the various stakeholders are clearly defined and cooperative governance and strategic partnerships with regards to sustainable
development are realised.

Progress made in terms of sustainable development targets are monitored,

reported and evaluated on a regular on-going basis.

Through the GSSD, the GPG commits to an integrated approach to development

that will manage the broad portfolio of economic, social and environmental assets
that Gauteng has at its disposal in order to sustain growth and development. The
GSSD reflects the GPGs commitment to ensuring sustainable development which
can be monitored and evaluated in the long-term.

Importantly, it starts a

process of refocusing Gautengs production and consumption patterns towards

better resource management.

Broad implementation of this strategy will also

result in greater equity and job creation and bring benefits to the economy of
The successful implementation of the GSSD, as a system and mechanism for
addressing various needs and development challenges, and for achieving
sustainable development within Gauteng Province will require sound and bold
governance reforms and assertive measures towards ensuring consensus around
a common goal.

The GSSD Development Process

The success of the GSSD in the long-term relies on stakeholder commitment and
ownership from all sectors of society such that the targets for its implementation
are not compromised. Thus, in developing the GSSD, a multi-faceted and broad
consultation process was undertaken.

Through this process a thorough

understanding of the status quo of sustainable development in Gauteng was

developed, and it was ensured that the varied mandates, needs and resources of
the various Gauteng Organs of State and other stakeholders, as well as efforts
already initiated towards sustainable development within the Province were
recognised and considered in the development of this strategy.
The GSSD development process was undertaken in three phases as follows:

Phase 1: State of Play Assessment.

The status quo of sustainable

development within Gauteng Province was assessed through the review of

existing information and targeted stakeholder consultation. Following this, a
gap analysis was undertaken in order to determine the challenges to
sustainable development facing the Province.

A State of Play Report was

compiled and formed the basis of the GSSD Imbizo held in May 2006.

Phase 2: Vision, principles and priorities identification. A framework of the

GSSD was compiled based on a common understanding of issues to be

GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 12.8

addressed, the vision for sustainable development within Gauteng, principles

and priorities.

Targeted consultation was undertaken within this phase in

order to reach this common understanding.

Phase 3: Development of the GSSD. A draft GSSD was compiled and made
available to all stakeholders for review and comment prior to finalisation.

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Appendix 12.8

What did stakeholders say about the GSSD?

The following key issues were raised by stakeholders regarding the

Practical implementation of this strategy - ensure that there is a link

between what is drafted on paper and what happens on the ground

Monitoring of systems you cannot manage what you dont


Education is needed at all levels of society

Integration of all efforts of Government and the public sector. Cooperative governance between the three spheres of Government is
viewed as critical

Implementation of the existing good legislation

Focussed approach to dealing with issues

Mainstreaming of the GSSD in the Province needs to be considered

Commitment to the GSSD is needed by all provincial departments

and municipalities, civil society and business

The implementation of sustainable development initiatives within

departments will be important for the GSSD

A bias in the Growth and Development Strategy towards economic


GSSD must focus on resources, people and production

Sustainable development must be achieved at all levels of society

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Appendix 12.8


In presenting a definition of sustainable development it is important to briefly

consider the evolution of thinking around sustainable development.




the most

commonly used)




development is that drafted by the World Commission on Environment and

Development (1987), called Our Common Future.
Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the
present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet
their own needs. World Commission on Environment and Development
(1987), p43
There is a growing worldwide focus on the prevention of environmental
deterioration and emphasis on the intricate linkages between the natural
environment, economic stability and development and social well-being.


concept of sustainable development integrates these inter-dependent components

and first became the focus of international policy-making with the publication of
Our Common Future in 1987, a report that presents the outcome of the World
Commission on Environment and Development and that served as the foundation
for the 1992 UN Earth Summit. The report defines sustainable development as
development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the
ability of future generations to meet their own needs (Brundtland Commission,
Sustainable development focuses on improving the quality of life for all of the
Earth's citizens without increasing the use of natural resources beyond the
capacity of the environment to supply them indefinitely.

It requires an

understanding that inaction has consequences, and that we must find innovative
ways to change institutional structures and influence individual behaviour. It is
about taking action, changing policy and practice at all levels, from the individual
to the international level.










It is now recognised that without effective governance (i.e.

management, control and policing) achieving a proper management regime is


Therefore, the concept of governance as the foundation of

sustainable development has been adopted at a global level.

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Appendix 12.8

South Africas statutory definition of sustainable development (as contained in the

National Environmental Management Act, and defined in the Framework for
Sustainable Development for South Africa (previously known as the National
Strategy for Sustainable Development)), reflects the global consensus on equity
now and in the future:
Sustainable development means the integration of social, economic and
environmental factors into planning, implementation and decisionmaking so as to ensure that development serves present and future
The GPG adopts this definition of sustainable development. The GPG recognises
that at the Gauteng Provincial level, governance is a cross cutting issue which
gives support to the economic viability, social equity and ecological integrity of
Gauteng Province. This concept is illustrated in the figure below.




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Appendix 12.8





The sustainable development vision for Gauteng reflects where the Gauteng
Province should be in 15-20 years time if sustainable development targets are

In formulating this vision key provincial policy documents were

Sustainable Development Vision of Gauteng:
By 2020 Gauteng will be an economically productive, socially just,









The vision captures the following elements:

That the future economic prosperity and global competitiveness of Gauteng

rests on its ability to utilise resources efficiently and manage consumption and
production in a manner which is in balance with its ecological footprint.

The changes to economic production and consumption patterns so as to be

resource efficient depend on, and are supported by, greater social equity.
This implies better distribution of resources, better re-use and management of
existing resources and creating a culture and value system of mutual support
and co-operation.

Production and consumption linked to carrying capacities of Gauteng.


more Gauteng is able to use resources efficiently, the better insulated it will
become from global shocks and vagaries of the economic market.
The role of Gauteng as a Global City Region will be greatly enhanced by the
vision, since social equity implies greater stability and justice and efficient
resource management implies a better quality environment.

Mission Statement

The mission statement reflects what the Gauteng Provincial Government needs to
achieve in order to bring about the realisation of the vision.

GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 12.8

Sustainable Development Mission Statement of Gauteng:

The vision for the sustainable development of the Gauteng Province will
be achieved through:

Reducing consumption of non-renewable resources and improving

the reuse and recycling of these resources;

Bringing consumption of renewable resources into balance with their

rate of replacement; and

Reducing waste (energy oil and coal-based, water, solid waste,

atmospheric and water borne pollutants)

In achieving this, it must do so in a manner that:

Grows the economy and contributes to Gautengs place as a Global

City Region

Improves social and economy equality.

As a facilitator and leader in the Province, the Gauteng Government


Ensure the establishment of effective intergovernmental and societal

relations based on the principle of caring for each other and the

Promote the awareness, understanding and importance of achieving

this as the basis for the long-term welfare and balanced development
of the region.

Linked to this Mission Statement are the priorities identified for Gauteng (refer to
Section 5) and key objectives (these in turn are linked to the targets detailed in
Section 4), namely:
GSSD Priority 1: Promote capacity building and human resource development
for sustainable development

Improved human resource potential and capital

GSSD Priority 2: Strengthen intergovernmental and societal relations


Strengthening inter-governmental relations and integrating sustainability

into key GPG development programmes

GSSD Priority 3: Promote economic development for sustainable development


Linking sustainable resource use and economic development


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 12.8

GSSD Priority 4: Promote sustainable human settlements and resource use


Efficient and sustainable utilisation of land


Sustaining ecosystem functioning and using resources efficiently


Provide efficient and reliable public transport


Improved Environmental Health Management

The goals, objectives withy targets and indicators as set out in the GSSD are well
placed within the context of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).


MDGs are eight goals agreed to by 189 nations and 147 heads of state at the UN
Millennium Summit in September 2000 to be achieved by 2015. The MDGs are
summarised as follows;

Goal 1: Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger

Goal 2: Achieve universal primary education

Goal 3: Promote gender equality and empower women

Goal 4: Reduce child mortality

Goal 5: Improve maternal health

Goal 6: Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases

Goal 7: Ensure environmental sustainability

Goal 8: Develop a Global Partnership for Development

Given the fundamental change in outlook required to achieve the MDGs as well as
the GSSD objectives, the role of communication, awareness and information
sharing is of central importance.


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Appendix 12.8


Current national and provincial legislation in South Africa is weak on quantifiable

targets that address sustainable development. It is uncommon to find legislation
which contains measurable targets which need to be achieved within a set time
period. Certain standards have, however, been published in terms of legislation
or by SABS.

These standards define certain quantifiable thresholds of

environmental conditions (e.g. what a clean river should not contain, or what is
polluted air is etc), and generally commit various stakeholders to achieving these
standards (and therefore setting targets).

On the basis of these standards,

various policies and strategies have been developed by all levels of government
within Gauteng Province.

Many of these strategies and policies set goals,

objectives and targets, but have historically been largely focused on socioeconomic development. Indicators of strategy progress and systems to monitor
strategy development and implementation have, to some extent, been omitted
from these strategies and policies.
Therefore the GSSD would have to build on the existing goals, objectives and
targets of the GPGs policies and strategies in setting appropriate and measurable
goals and targets for sustainable development within Gauteng Province.
Please refer to Annexure B for targets which the GPG should aim to meet in
achieving sustainable development within the Province as well as specifying
reporting requirements for each GPG Department for the 2009/2010 financial


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Appendix 12.8


The GSSD provides guidance as to how these targets (Section 4) can be achieved
through the implementation of a number of initiatives.

These initiatives are

grouped into four strategic priority areas identified through a stakeholder

participation process, as well as through a review of sustainable development
challenges facing Gauteng.
GSSD Priorities:
Priority 1:

Promote capacity building and human resource development

for sustainable development

Priority 2:

Strengthen intergovernmental and societal relations

Priority 3:






Priority 4:

Promote sustainable human settlements and resource use

The priorities address the overarching concerns of sustainable development

(economic growth and efficiency, good governance, resource and eco-system
protection, and social justice, economic opportunity and income equity) and are
relevant to the development context of Gauteng. Importantly, these priorities are
linked to the priorities of the Gauteng Province, as defined in the 2014 planning
Gauteng Provincial Priorities:

Enabling faster economic growth and job creation










Developing healthy, skilled and productive people









constitutional rights of our people

Building an effective and caring government.

Addressing the four GSSD priorities is crucial in achieving the long-term goal of
an economically productive, socially just, globally competitive region that
manages and utilises resources sustainably.

The strategies defined for each

priority focus on identifying actions that the GPG departments must implement in
order to facilitate Gautengs development along a sustainable path.


are linked with key provincial department/s responsible for implementing the


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide






Appendix 12.8

Building and



Development for Sustainable Development

The Gauteng Province is the most densely populated and economically developed
province in South Africa (GDACE, 2004). As a result, the people of Gauteng (and
their associated social capital) are the key resource of the Gauteng Province. In
addition, social well-being and economic stability is a key component of
sustainable development.

Capacity building refers to the support programmes

and services required to reduce levels of environmental riskand develop human

5.1.1. Key issues and challenges
Capacity and human development within Gauteng are impacted by various
challenges, i.e.:

Poorly resourced districts in contrast to well-resourced metropolitan areas.

Mismatch between available skills and economy within the Gauteng economy.

Uneven distribution of wealth, education, health care, energy, waste services,

housing, water and sanitation facilities in the Province.

Poor skills levels and social instability as a result of poverty, which impacts
negatively on the economys ability to perform.

Inconsistent understanding of the principle of sustainable development at

different levels of government and civil society.

In essence, three key areas affect capacity and human development, namely,
health, education and skills, and poverty. Health, in many instances, underpins
peoples ability to attain an education and skills and participate in a globally
competitive economy, and can indirectly contribute to poverty. Similarly, living
below the breadline, often in poor living conditions in marginalised parts of the
city, is a key contributor to poor health.

At the same time, people living in

poverty often lack the resources to access the education and skills which could
improve their living conditions.
The issues and challenges associated with these three aspects of human resource
and capacity development are depicted in the figure overleaf, and are discussed
in the sections which follow.


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Appendix 12.8


The HIV/AIDS pandemic and the associated threat to the economy and social
processes has been identified as a key threat to social well-being within Gauteng.
HIV/AIDS prevalence within the Gauteng population has increased from 23,9% in
1995 to over 30% in 2005. Poor health impacts negatively on human well-being,
and local economic conditions, as people with ill-health are often unable to work
and earn an income.

The impact of HIV/AIDS has yet to be felt in terms of

economic indicators (such as the Gauteng Development Plan (GDP)) due to the
surplus of labour.

However, human capital is not infinite, and the potential

economic impact is significant. In addition, the poor suffer from greater ill-health
due to a number of factors including inadequate housing, water supply and
sanitation, and poor nutrition, creating a cycle which locks people into poverty.
Historically there has been a strong bias towards secondary and tertiary health
care, with little to no primary health care system. The challenge is to provide the
skills, and infrastructure (see section 5.4 - sustainable human settlements), to
address the gap in primary health care, particularly to poor communities.

Education and Skills

8% of Gautengs population have no education (GPG, 2005).

Low levels of

education limit peoples potential to access employment opportunities, which in

turn impacts on their social well-being, and ultimately has the potential to
constrain economic growth. Gauteng faces a number of challenges in terms of
addressing sustainability:

The tertiary sector of Gautengs economy is growing, shifting the economy

towards a high-skills economy, and limiting its capacity to absorb low and
medium-skilled labour. This is resulting in a limitation in terms of the skills
required and those which are available within the Province.


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Environmental education and sustainable resource use criteria are not

sufficiently integrated into the formal education curriculum

Lack of capacity and skills to improve service delivery



Poverty is the outcome of a lack of investment in human capital. The number of

households living in poverty (income less than R1200 per month) increased by
8% between 1999 and 2000. Similarly, the wealth gap between rich and poor
increased over the period 1995 to 2000.

Increasing poverty and a widening

poverty gap are largely associated with increasing marginalisation of the poor.
5.1.2. Goals and Objectives
Capacity building aims to grow and develop human resources to facilitate
sustainable development through improving human well-being and quality of life,
and prospects for work and labour mobility.
Key objectives:

Improve the human resource potential and capital

Integrate sustainability into key programmes

5.1.3. Initiatives
Capacity building is not about education, training or technology transfer alone, it
is about giving people the skills to develop and improve themselves and creating
a policy and institutional environment in which they can develop and grow. To
this end, two key initiatives are proposed:

Capacity Building and Human Resource Development: Initiative 1

(CB&HRD 12): Improving the foundations for human development
The GPG has the ability create the preconditions necessary to foster human
development. Three programmes are proposed (or are existing) to improve the
foundations for human development.

Communication Strategy

A communication strategy must be implemented to achieve the following:

Abbreviation of Priority linked to Initiative number.


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Appendix 12.8

Improve access to information to create awareness around sustainable

development in order to mainstream sustainable development principles,

Facilitate access to government programmes so as to ensure that people can

access the relevant programmes, and

Provide people with information about which are the skills shortages/high
demand sectors needed to grow Gautengs economy, in order to provide
them with the tools to make decision regarding skills development and
education programmes.

The communications strategy must latch on to existing programmes, such as

Gauteng on-line, to achieve implementation.

Business management and support

The GPG must create an enabling environment for the establishment, growth and
development of business, particularly SMMEs, through financial and non-financial
support mechanisms. Such mechanisms will include:

Facilitating procurement and networking opportunities

Providing funding opportunities,

Facilitating access to relevant information, through programmes such as

Gauteng on-line, and

Minimising regulatory red tape.

Any business management and support initiatives should be lead by the Gauteng
Enterprise Propeller (GEP), the provincial government agency responsible for
providing non-financial and financial support and co-ordinate for Small Medium
and Micro Entrepreneurs (SMMEs) in Gauteng.

GEP initiatives should be

streamlined with the above mentioned communications strategy to ensure









programmes reach their audience.


Broad Based Black Economic Empowerment (BBBEE)

BBBEE is a key mechanism to achieve transformation and equal representation at

all levels of business.

BBBEE is an integrated and coherent socio-economic

process that directly contributes to the economic transformation of South Africa

and brings about significant increases in the numbers of black people that
manage, own and control the countrys economy, as well as significant decreases
in income inequalities.

Key elements of BBBEE include human resource

development, employment equity, enterprise development and preferential

procurement, as well as investment, ownership and control of enterprises and
economic assets. The BBBEE Strategy binds all departments within GPG, as well


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Appendix 12.8

as all agencies and institutions of the GPG, and will help to create an equitable
socio-economic base for future development.









Education and skills development are key tools for improving the supply of highquality










environmental, societal and economic needs. Education and skills provide people
with the tools to secure employment and ultimately secure a sustainable future
for the Province.

Mainstreaming environmental education

Curriculum 2005 integrated environmental education into the formal education

curriculum. However, environmental capacity building projects often do not have
long-term reliable funding streams


they are largely donor operated.

Environmental education in the formal education system is key in mainstreaming

the principles of sustainable development.

As such the National Education for

Sustainable Development Strategy (currently being developed in line with

UNESCO requirements) should be incorporated into the curriculum at Gauteng
In the absence of a national strategy, the GPG should develop an environmental
education programme promoting sustainable development principles, which can
be modified once the national strategy becomes available.

Skills development and learnerships for sustainable development

Skills development is chiefly concerned with industry-based training and

improving the intermediate level skills3. Skills development is primarily delivered
through the learnership programmes, which form a link between structured or
theoretical learning and work experience in order to facilitate work readiness.
Learnerships and skills development programmes must pursue three key areas to
address sustainable development concerns:

Target low skill and high demand sectors (as identified by the Joint Initiative
for Priority Skills Acquisition (JIPSA) Task Team) needed to grow our
economy sustainably (see section 5.3).

Develop a skills sector plan addressing skills required for health-care

professionals to tackle the challenges created by the HIV/AIDS pandemic.

Green Paper on Skills Development


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Appendix 12.8

Provide in-house or on the job training in sustainable development to

incorporate sustainable development principles in decision-making principles
in the GPG.

5.1.4. Action Plan

Table 5.1:

Summary of roles and responsibilities of GPG Departments


Capacity Building and Human Resource Development


CB&HRD 1:Identify funding opportunities for SMME




CB&HRD 1:Facilitate procurement and networking opportunities for

CB&HRD 2: Identify target industries

Local Government

CB&HRD 2: In-house training in sustainable development principles.









communications strategy
CB&HRD 2: Develop a communication strategy
CB&HRD 2: Develop Environmental Education, specific to Gauteng

All Departments

CB&HRD 1: Develop a BBEEE strategy


CB&HRD 2: HIV/AIDS skills sector plan


CB&HRD 1:Minimise red tape for SMMEs


Priority 2: Strengthen Intergovernmental and societal relations

This priority is identified as response to the strategic objectives and common

threads within the GDS for the Gauteng Province, sustainable development
challenges facing Gauteng, as well as, by necessity, the constitution and relevant
legislation. In particular, the GSSD strives toward contributing to:

Strengthening co-operative and intergovernmental relations in a manner

that reduces competition and reinforces combined efforts towards our
provincial goal of creating a better life for all people within Gauteng, and

Building relationships and partnerships between all sectors of society.

Intergovernmental and societal relations are critical to the implementation of the

GSSD. This is because while the GSSD is a provincially driven initiative, and its
implementation will rely on the various departments within the province, national
government and also local government.

By prioritising intergovernmental and

societal relations change in patterns of production, consumption and resource

allocation can be achieved so as to support sustainable outcomes. In particular,
through developing or tapping into platforms and networks between role players,
with a clear sustainable development agenda, the GSSD can guide the behaviour
of government, business and individuals toward achieving its goals.


focusing on developing these relations and linkages, the risk is run that the
strategy becomes isolated and limited, rather than active, guiding and broader


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 12.8

direction-giving initiative. This component of the GSSD thus focuses firstly on

mainstreaming the sustainable development agenda into policy, planning and
decision-making in the Gauteng Province.

Secondly, it furthers the agenda

through strengthening its government relation business, civil society and

individuals, focussing on key resource related sustainability issues.
5.2.1. Key issues and challenges
A number of intergovernmental relations challenges exist with regards to
achieving the sustainable development vision of Gauteng:

There has been no coherent and holistic development of a single sustainable










departments as well a local government can feed from, when designing their
development programs.

Policies within the Province do not form a sound, coherent basis from which
to champion the sustainability agenda.

There is a lack of integration of

policies and initiatives in general and, a specific lack in the degree to which
sustainable development objectives are been mainstreamed into these
policies and related initiatives.

Planning within the local sphere of government (reflected by IDPs) has not
always prioritised the sustainability agenda.

Further, the sustainable

development priorities that have evolved at provincial and national level

have yet to find effective reflection in development priorities at local level.

There has been a lack in nuance to the approach to institutional relations

with local government in the Province.

The recognition needs to be made

that a one size fits all approach to dealing with initiatives to foster
sustainable outcomes in the Province will not succeed. Initiatives need to be
measured and informed by diversities in potentials and challenges and
divergent capacities to act amongst municipalities.

Communication between departments and spheres of government with

regard to provincial sustainable development priorities has not been
adequate, despite efforts to foster intergovernmental alignment through
coordinating structures.

There has been a lack of a regular and collective monitoring and assessment
of the levels of achievement of sustainable development across provincial
and local government.

There are financial

constraints to the implementation of sustainable

development initiatives and the meeting of sustainable development targets.

Concurrently, relations with stakeholders outside of government have presented a
challenge to achieving the vision of the GSSD:


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 12.8

Production and consumption patterns amongst business and individuals have

not reflected a change towards more sustainable development;

Limited mechanisms are in place to foster practices which will contribute to

reducing consumption of resources and production of waste; and









mechanisms to support it, are limited.

5.2.2. Goals and Objectives
In broad terms, the goal of this priority is the establishment of effective
intergovernmental and societal relations in a manner that will enhance the
possibilities for sustainable development of the Gauteng Province.
Key objectives:

The creation of a coherent and holistic strategy for sustainable development

in the Province, which will serve as the common basis to feed into the various
developmental programs created both at provincial and local government








priorities can be effectively incorporated into various sectoral department

plans and programmes within the Province.

Establish mechanisms through which IDPs can adequately reflect the

established sustainable development priorities within their programs.









provincial sustainable development with provincial sectoral departments and

local government.

Create a periodic system of provincial

monitoring and evaluation of

sustainable development that incorporates regular feedback from policies and

programs developed among various provincial sectoral departments and local
5.2.3. Initiatives
Within a spirit of cooperative governance, the first set of initiatives reflects a
focus on governmental relations and initiatives that are necessary to promote
sustainable development in Gauteng.

Intergovernmental Relations: Initiative 1 (IGR 1): Promote the Internal

(Provincial) Alignment of Policy for Sustainable Development
Ensuring that the Provinces approach to sustainable development is multisectoral and consistent is critical.

The GPG, as champion of the GSSD will

actively promote the furthering of the sustainability agenda for the Province as


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 12.8

part of the Gauteng Growth and Development Strategy (GDS), as well as

strategic plans of sector departments within the provincial government. As such
a number of initiatives are proposed to strengthen alignment of policies and
strategies within the Province:

Entrench the GSSD agenda at the level of the GDS

The GDS for the Gauteng Province identifies a range of resource challenges facing
the province.

Using the GSSD, it is necessary to bring to the fore strategies

aimed at changing patterns of resource consumption and production to support

sustainable development through the Gauteng GDS. Relevant strategies must be
elevated to and entrenched within the PGDS and emerging Gauteng Spatial
Development Framework Plan (SDF), as they will form a key point of departure
for all sector planning initiatives within the province as well as local government
integrated development planning. To reinforce the sustainability agenda at this
level the following mechanisms must be explored:

The inclusion of sustainable resource use criteria into the GDS.

The opportunity for building on the GDS strategies and implementation

strategy as a result of the GSSD process.
These initiatives must be pursued through existing platforms linked to the
Premiers office.

It should be emphasised that the aim is not to dilute the

growth objectives of the GDS, but rather to create new opportunities in sectors
such as renewable energy and waste recycling and ensure that initiative
emanating from the GDS are implemented within the principles of sustainable

The GDS has identified 5 strategic objectives towards achieving its vision, namely:

a. Provision of social and economic infrastructure and services that will build
sustainable communities and contribute to halving poverty,
b. Accelerated , labour absorbing economic growth that increases per annum and
that will create long-term sustainable jobs and contribute to halving
c. Sustainable Development
d. Enhanced government efficiency and cooperative governance
e. Deepening

participatory democracy, provincial



unity and


Final Gauteng Growth and Development Strategy dated 4th April 2005


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 12.8

There is a direct link between the GSSD priorities and GDS strategic objectives as
indicated in the table below:
GSSD Priorities:



GDS Strategic Objectives







GDS Objective (b.)

sustainable development.
2. Strengthen intergovernmental and

GDS Objective (d.); (e.)

societal relations.
3. Promote economic development for

GDS Objective (c.);

sustainable development.




GDS Objective (a.)

settlements and resource use.


Ensure that Sustainability Concerns Permeate Sector Strategic


Sector planning across a range of functional arenas such as transport, the

economy and housing have implications for how resources will be consumed,
allocated and wastes produced.

As such, the GPG, as champion of the GSSD,

should engage relevant departments, through the appropriate mechanisms and

forums, to ensure that the strategy (and sustainability concerns) permeates this
level of planning and thus forms the point of departure in devising sectoral
programmes and projects.

Efforts should focus on moving away from broad

statements within sector plans to ensuring that sustainability principles inform

decision-making and resource allocation as part of action plans.
This initiative must be pursued through the appropriate structures within the

Certain processes and mechanism must be utilised to heighten the

sustainability agenda within the provincial policy environment:

The provincial Environmental Implementation Plan (EIP) must be the key

mechanism used to create, revise and source sustainable development for all
GPG Departments.

Departmental sector budgets must contain the measurable indicators of

sustainable development.

This creates the crucial expenditure-sustainable

development link.

IGR 2: Foster Intergovernmental Harmonisation of the GSSD


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 12.8

Sustainable development is a concern that both has an influence on and is

impacted by the actions of all spheres of government. The various departments
of the GPG will foster the harmonisation of this strategy across the spheres of
government in order to promote sustainable development of the Gauteng
Province. In this regard, national strategies have provided direction to the GSSD.
Further alignment will be sought between provincial and local government bearing
in mind the key realisation that local government is the implementing arm for
many national and provincial programmes.

To ensure this harmonisation and

alignment, a number of initiatives are proposed.


Promote sustainable development as a Key Priority Area for

Improved Coordination in the Context of the Global City Region

The promotion of Gauteng as a Global City Region reflects a recognition that

functional linkages within the Province are deep-seated and complex, and cut
across administrative boundaries. These functional linkages include the systems
of production and consumption of resources and outputs of waste, which are
critical aspects influencing sustainability.

If Gauteng is to become a globally

competitive city region, sustainable development must be prioritised and systems

understood at the city region level. As such, a number of points of departure
will inform initiatives and action within the province:

Less emphasis should be placed on administrative boundaries.

Rather, the

fostering of a harmonious approach to addressing the resource issues should

be adopted.

Increased focus will thus be placed on addressing and understanding










programmes developed by Government within Gauteng.

A heightened awareness of differences in resource availability, consumption

patterns, waste production and levels of institutional capacity will ensure that
strategies developed for enhancing the sustainability of the City Region are
responsive to contextual variation.


Utilise existing strategies to prioritise sustainable development

concerns and priorities within the Province

The PGDS and PSDS are the primary mechanisms within the province through
which harmonisation and alignment in strategy and policy direction between the
spheres will be achieved. The prioritisation of a sustainable development agenda
in the Province thus requires its entrenchment within the PGDS and PSDS, as
noted. This will contribute to the alignment of planning within local government
regarding concerns around resources and sustainability at the provincial (and
national) level.


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide


Appendix 12.8

Promote the sustainable development Agenda in the Province

through IDPs






development planning.











Integrated Development Plans (IDPs) should provide a

framework for decision-making and making tradeoffs linked to an understanding

of short- and long-term resource implications.

The furthering of the GSSD

agenda within IDPs should be reinforced by a number of mechanisms:

GDACE along with the Gauteng Department of Local Government (GDLG)

and local government should identify means to incorporate sustainability
concerns into each of the stages of the IDP process.

IDPs compiled at local level should be complimentary to each other and that
of the Province, rather than contradictory.

The inclusion of sustainability criteria in IDPs should be promoted.


together with the results of the previous initiative, could be reflected in or

contribute to provincial guidelines for IDPs building on the DEAT Guidelines
on Greening IDPs and Integrated Waste Management Plans (IWMPs).

The monitoring of inclusion of sustainability criteria and principles should be

incorporated into IDP evaluation processes that exist.

IDPs should be the vehicle through which projects and programmes of all
spheres of government find expression at the local level.

As such, the GSSD

identifies the need to utilise IDPs as the key means of harmonising delivery to
ensure that the priority of developing sustainable integrated human settlements
is achieved. A key priority in this regard is to ensure concurrency in delivery of
infrastructure and services to ensure that environments are developed in a
holistic, integrated and sustainable manner.

The GSSD thus proposes that all

provincial programmes and projects find expression in the local government IDP


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide


Appendix 12.8

Utilise Existing Structures, Platforms and Networks to Achieve

Harmonisation of Strategy around Sustainability

Every effort must be made to utilise existing intergovernmental structures to

promote the sustainable development agenda within the Province. The Gauteng
Intergovernmental Forum (GIF) should be utilised to reinforce the priority of
sustainable development for the Province and its municipalities.

The Premiers

Coordinating Forum (PCF) should be used as the mechanism to co-ordinate

service delivery and the establishment of synergy between programmes related
to the sustainable development agendas of provincial and local government.
Particularly in the context of the Global City Region concept, certain clusters of
departments across the spheres of government may need to form working groups
or bilateral arrangements to promote the sustainable development agenda. The
GSSD supports the creation of these mechanisms as a means to foster greater
alignment and cross-sectoral thinking around specific concerns related to
The second set of initiatives focus more broadly on societal relations (between
government and business, parastatals, civil society and individuals). Developing
these relations is critical as the GSSD requires action outside of government if its
agenda is to be implemented.




The focus is on the leadership role that








Societal Relations: Initiative 1 (SR 1): Support the Private Sector in

Developing Sustainable Technologies, and Services
The private sector can further the goals of sustainable development through

The way in which government relates to the private sector

(specifically the sector of the economy involved in environmental technology) is

critical to nurturing and supporting its growth. A number of initiatives should be
explored to develop relations between government and the private sector.

Create an enabling regulatory environment with a specific focus on

the environmental economy sector

To further the priority of economic development for sustainable development,

government needs to foster an enabling environment for the development of
private sector enterprise that will further the goals of the GSSD.

Examples of

such enterprises include recycling processors and developers, or suppliers of

energy efficient technologies. Regulatory mechanisms, including tax incentives,
to promote these industries should be investigated (which should be taken up
with the National Treasury).


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Appendix 12.8

Actively promote Gauteng as a focus of sustainable technology and


Apart from regulatory mechanisms, the GPG should, in the context of the key
sectors identified in the GDS, identify initiatives to support the green cluster of
industries and service providers. This may include hosting conferences or trade
fairs centred on this cluster.

Initiatives may be promoted by the Gauteng

Department of Economic Development and Finance and its agencies (e.g. through
the Blue IQ Programme which focuses amongst others on smart industries).

SR 2: Strengthen Regulatory, Compliance and Monitoring Mechanisms to

Reduce Negative Environmental Consequences
Gauteng is home to a range of polluting activities including heavy industry, as
well as mining and the residual impacts of past mining activity.

exists aimed

A plethora of

at regulating and enforcing standards aimed

safeguarding the environment and human health.


GDACE will give effect to

legislation though a range of mechanisms to ensure compliance, including:

The deployment of the Gauteng Environmental Management Inspectors

(EMIs) or Green Scorpions to monitor and enforce legislation and regulation.

Working with the Department of Minerals and Energy (DME), the Department
of Environmental Affairs and Tourism (DEAT), the Department of Water
Affairs and Forestry (DWAF) and other relevant authorities to strengthen
regulatory systems and monitoring and compliance mechanisms.

SR 3: Ensure Sound, Transparent and Streamlined Procedures to Regulate

GDACE holds responsibility for issuing Environmental Authorisations in terms of
the National Environmental Management Act (NEMA; Act No 107 of 1998).
Through enhancing levels of service in this regard, the sustainable development
agenda can be supported, particularly as it relates to achieving resource balance.
This will occur through the following initiatives:







streamlining the procedures for environmental authorisation



work to


mechanisms to

enable development are

streamlined, clarified and simplified to ensure that appropriate development is not

unnecessarily delayed. This includes:


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide



Appendix 12.8







harmonisation of processes of land use and environmental approval.

Prioritising Basic Assessment and pre-application services to ensure that

responses are rapid and effective.

Exploring, in conjunction with the other spheres of government and relevant

stakeholders, the allocation of authority for environmental authorisation to
certain capacitated municipalities.


Strengthening mechanisms to improve transparency, due process

and accountability with regard to regulatory processes

GDACE should strive to improve levels of transparency in the EIA process by

focusing on communication initiatives to assist applicants in understanding the
process and related requirements, as well as tracking applications whilst they are
being processed. GDACE should ensure that due process is followed during the
Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) process and that administrative integrity
is maintained. In addition, GDACE should strive to maintain the highest level of
performance with regard to internal administrative processes.

Ensuring appropriate resources are allocated to the regulatory


Investment in human capacity to administer regulatory requirements such as the

EIA process can enhance the prospects for economic growth and development as
well as enhance the quality of the environment. As such, the Gauteng Province
will strive to prioritise allocation of appropriate levels of resources to the function.

SR 4: Enhance Communication of the sustainable development Agenda to

all Role Players
Encouraging practices which will lead to sustainable development will rely to a
large extent on targeted communication efforts.

As such, the Province, in

conjunction with partners in government, the private sector and civil society will
promote awareness and communication initiatives to further the sustainable
development agenda. This will include a range of initiatives:









communicate the agenda

Government has a number of platforms and networks which must be used to
communicate and heighten awareness around sustainable development.


should be exploited, particularly with regards to encouraging wise resource use

and include:


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 12.8

MPCCs as a platform for launching awareness initiatives, events, services

and businesses related to sustainable development.





public awareness




In this regard, efforts should be made to ensure that the

Gauteng on-line initiative is used to promote awareness of the sustainable

development agenda, particularly amongst learners.

Linked to the above, education of the youth around sustainable development

should be prioritised and efforts should be made by GDACE to partner with
Gauteng Department of Education (GDoE) to explore joint initiatives to
further this priority.


Explore Partnerships with the Private Sector and Civil Society to

Stimulate a Change in Patterns of Resource Use

Various initiatives are underway, championed by the private sector/parastals and

civil society that promote the sustainable development agenda, and particularly
the cause of wise resource use (e.g. Rand Waters water wise programme, the
eco-schools programme).

The Gauteng Province should strive to support these

initiatives. In particular, it will promote awareness of these initiatives though

existing government platforms and networks as identified.
5.2.4. Action Plan
Table 5.2:

Summary of roles and responsibilities of GPG Departments


Intergovernmental and societal relations


IGR 1: Promote the internal (provincial) alignment of Policy for

sustainable development




SR 2 Strengthening Regulatory, Compliance and Monitoring to

Reduce Negative Environmental Consequences (Green Ants)
SR 3: Ensure Sound Transparent and Streamlined Procedures to
Regulate Development


SR 1 Support the Private Sector in Developing Sustainable



Technologies, and Services

IGR 1: Promote the internal (provincial) alignment of Policy for
Local Government

sustainable development
IGR 2: Foster Intergovernmental Harmonisation of Strategy for

sustainable development
SR 4: Enhance Communication of the sustainable development


Agenda to all Role Players


and Culture

SR 4: Enhance Communication of the sustainable development

Agenda to all Role Players
SR 4: Enhance Communication of the sustainable development
Agenda to all Role Players


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide


Appendix 12.8

Intergovernmental and societal relations


SR 1 Support the Private Sector in Developing Sustainable

Technologies, and Services


SR 2 Strengthening Regulatory, Compliance and Monitoring to

Reduce Negative Environmental Consequences
IGR 2: foster Intergovernmental Harmonisation of Strategy for

Premiers Office

sustainable development
IGR 2: Foster Intergovernmental Harmonisation of Strategy for

sustainable development

Other agencies



Gauteng Intergovernmental Forum

Premiers Coordinating Forum







Gauteng is the economic backbone of South Africa and Africa. It is South Africas
smallest province, but it is also the wealthiest (contributing 34% of GDP) and
most densely populated (19,2% of South Africas population).

Gauteng alone

accounts for 50% of all employee remuneration in the country.

Gauteng has achieved increasing levels of economic growth, but many Gauteng
residents continue to live in poverty which is exacerbated by ongoing high levels
of unemployment (a lack of job opportunities) and increasing population levels.
Gauteng already has many well-established strategies and programmes aimed at
economic development, addressing unemployment and poverty alleviation. The
purpose of this section is not to repeat these. The aim here is to highlight the
key components and targets of these and then to explore how the GSSD can
contribute to these. In doing so, the initiatives for this priority consider how the
environmental economy5 can be stimulated and developed so that the process of
resource management can contribute to economic development.

Environmental Economics is embedded in the philosophy of resources management. It provides a

link between environmental concerns with economic concerns by balancing the opportunity cost
associated with utilising a resource.

It is a market based approach to achieving a sustainable

economy that integrates long term economic growth, environmental quality and social fairness
through market based incentives, such as innovative taxes, tax incentives, and auctioned permits.


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 12.8

The Environmental Economy

The term Environmental Economy has been used to describe all those
components within the economy that contribute to sustainable patterns
of consumption and production be it the waste stream, energy
utilisation, water management, agriculture and, of course, construction.
The Environmental Economy subsists in all sectors of the economy. It is
thus not defined as a specific sector (in terms of the Standard Industrial
Classification), but by the technology, approaches, production and
consumption patterns that it utilises and promotes and which, in turn,
ensure sustainable utilisation of resources.
The environment also has worth which can be developed to contribute to
the environmental economy (e.g. eco-tourism).

In addition, products

are harvested from the environment for their aesthetic, medicinal and/or
nutritional benefits. South Africa has a whole has not explored these in
terms of their contribution to the environmental economy.

5.3.1. Key issues and challenges

There are two key challenges to sustainable development in Gauteng from an
economic development perspective.

The first is poverty and unemployment

(approximately 22,8% unemployment in 2005).

Poverty results in poor

development (e.g. skills development, social instability, access to information)

which impacts negatively on the economys ability to perform. The second is the
current patterns of production (i.e. jobless growth, high waste levels and energy
loss as pertaining to industrial/commercial production and settlement formation
and patterns) and consumption (water, energy, land, transport).
In order to address these to key challenges simultaneously new production and
consumption technologies and approaches which can contribute directly to
poverty alleviation and employment creation must be considered.
5.3.2. Goals and Objectives
The GPG has indicated an economic growth target of 6% nationally, widely seen
as the level at which the countrys unemployment problem can be addressed in a
more structured manner.

However, in order for this national average to be

achieved, places such as Gauteng will need to grow at a higher level.

The overall economic development goal for sustainable development is to
contribute to Gautengs development as a Global City Region through strategies


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 12.8

that promote better resource consumption and production patterns that support
job creation and equity.
These include:
1. Provision of social and economic infrastructure and services that will build
sustainable communities and contribute to halving poverty

Economic development, comprehensive social security, land reform and

improved household and community assets

2. Accelerated, labour absorbing economic growth that increases per annum and
that will create long-term sustainable jobs and contribute to halving

Through new jobs, skills development, assistance to small businesses,

opportunities for self-employment and sustainable community livelihoods
by 2014

3. Sustainable socio-economic development/environmental economy

Develop and expand the environmental economy - specifically those

components that contribute to job creation.

This should promote both

import substitution and export led growth in components of the

environmental economy such that it contributes to Gauteng development
as a Global City Region with positive trade relations within South Africa
and its regional neighbours. Specific aspects include:

Trade developing its environmental economy early could help to

position Gauteng as a provider of these services throughout South
Africa and the region. Potentials also exist for global positioning (for
example, the manufacture of solar panels invested by the University
of Johannesburg; one component of the manufacture has been
earmarked for South Africa):

Choose strategic trade partners on the basis of criteria such as

long-term export potential of the country and convergence of
interests; and

South Africa needs to diversify its trading partners and expand

to other countries in the South, such as Brazil and India.

Agriculture specifically promote the development of commercial

black farmers and support black farmers to enhance access to
markets and farm inputs. The role of sustainable production and the
emergence of key niche markets must also be assessed, including
organic farming and aquaculture.

Key objectives:

Energy efficiency and sustainable use

Manage water quantity and quality wisely

Reduced solid waste generation and improve pollution control

Provide efficient and reliable transport


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 12.8

Linking sustainable resource use and economic development

5.3.3. Initiatives
The key challenges to how the environmental economy can contribute to the
existing strategies and programmes are:

Achieving ASGI-SA growth targets while utilising energy and water efficiently
and reducing waste/pollution; and
Reducing Gautengs large ecological footprint6, thus reducing the vulnerability

of the economy to changes in the external environment and relations.

Linked to these overarching goals are specific objectives relating to:

Job creation, SMME development and poverty alleviation;

Market-based instruments to support environmental fiscal reform (supporting

trade, agriculture and other components of the environmental economy)

Economic Development for Sustainable Development: Initiative 1

(EDSD 1)): Job creation, SMME development and the environmental









conventional technologies.
Studies investigating job creation potential in the energy sector show that
sustainable production approaches in the energy sector has great job creation
potential (Austin, 2006).








production in the Environmental Economy

As Eskoms energy production capacity has increased, so to have the job
creation/potential decreased almost in direct proportion (see Figure 1 below
red and black lines).

Against this is the assessment of the alternative and

renewable energy sector which conversely has much high job creation ability and
potentials (see Figure 2 below). These job creation figures are not unique to the
energy sector.

Waste management also offers high levels of job creation and

SMME development potential.

The bio-productive space used for producing the resources consumed in the Province and absorbing

the waste produced


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 12.8

















Output (GWh)

Employment trends in the SA electricity sector

consumption: coal-generated electricity



electricity-related mining jobs

Eskom jobs



total jobs























Source: EPRESA report, Earthlife Africa, 2003

Comparison of all generation technologies: gross direct jobs/TWh-equivalent




d ir e c t jo b s















Source: EPRESA report, Earthlife Africa, 2003

SMME development is also a natural off-shoot of the environmental economy.

With the appropriate incentives and outsourcing, there is an opportunity for
SMME development in the supply chain of new industry.
Job creation and SMME development potential exist in the waste sector, water
demand management, tourism, agriculture, housing and transport, etc.
GDACE and the Gauteng Department of Economic Development and Finance
should undertake an assessment of the environmental economy in Gauteng. This
would include an overview of the environmental economy (definitions, key areas
of opportunity and possible size), identification of key opportunities (economic
growth, employment expansion, BBBEE) and intervention sectors (energy, waste,
agriculture, etc) and associated strategies and recommendations. For each key
intervention sector, the following should be identified:


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 12.8

Supply chain linkages (assessment of the existing capacities in the Gauteng

economy to develop and implement the necessary technologies)

Associated government support and incentives

Associated training and skills development

Associated SMME and BBBEE opportunities

Associated infrastructure requirements

Associated communications and marketing strategy

In addition to specific areas of opportunity and intervention, the assessment

should also include a general assessment of the environmental economy in terms

Constraints and Inhibiting factors (including infrastructure, intergovernmental

blockages, institutional capacity, lack of adequate legislative/regulatory
support and other enabling mechanisms).

The potential to develop new export and local markets (opportunities), with
associated investment promotion and marketing requirements, LED and
SMME opportunities.

Existing sector agencies that are playing a role

Linkages with key Gauteng Economic Development Strategies


Market-based instruments to support environmental fiscal

The South African National Treasury recently published a draft policy report titled
A framework for considering market-based instruments to support environmental
fiscal reform in South Africa (April 2006).

The purpose of National Treasurys

report was to outline the role that market-based instruments could play in
supporting sustainable development in South Africa, and to outline a framework
for considering their potential application.
Through the price mechanism, markets provide strong incentives for participants
in the economy to optimise the use of resources and encourage efficient
There are a number of different ways in which government can intervene in an
attempt to correct for environmental market failures, as shown in Table 5.3.


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Table 5.3:

Appendix 12.8

Policy matrix of potential government interventions to control for

market failure

Using Markets




Creating Markets







(Utilise command-and-


marketable goods)

control type measures)

Property rights and


perverse subsidies





related taxes

and rights


International offset




and quotas


User charges



Bans or prohibitions


Public participation


Targeted subsidies



performance bonds

The following procedure is recommended to determine the appropriateness of a

fiscal measure to correct market-based failures pertaining to the environmental

Identification of the environmental problem and, where relevant, fiscal


A clear analysis of the source of market failure or policy failure.

Decision as to whether the government should intervene or not.

Justification of the need for government intervention, and a clear, early signal
of governments intention to address the environmental concerns.

A clear assessment of the different policy options taking into consideration

design and administrative aspects, potential distributional impacts, potential
competitiveness impacts, the appropriate sphere of government intervention,
and compatibility with broader government policy objectives.

Given the above concerns, it is suggested that the following fiscal measures
should be considered by the Gauteng Province for further investigation:

The use of vehicle licensing fees to incentivise, amongst others:

the scrapping of older vehicles

the use of more fuel efficient vehicles

The use of a tax on water usage to encourage sensible water use

The use of waste water effluent taxes

Exploring the possibility of implementing an emissions levy

Exploring the possibility of implementing a fuel levy


Existing strategies and programmes

The following are existing strategies and programmes that are seen as a priority
in terms of the Environmental Economy approach:


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide


Appendix 12.8

Investment and support to targeted economic growth sectors:

Smart industries (including ICT, Pharmaceuticals);

Trade and Services (including Finance and Film);


Agriculture (agri-processing and bio-tech);

Manufacturing (steel related industries, automotive parts and components,

beer and malt specifically those components that promote better production
methodologies); and

Infrastructure expansion and investment (particularly in line with the creation

of sustainable human settlements).


SMME support

GPG should develop smart partnerships with successful SMME support initiatives
and should establish a one stop support and access service.

Expanded Public Works Programme

Contribution to employment and skills development, which increases job

opportunities and enterprise development.

Integration of the Second Economy

To include the participation of a large part of South Africas poor in the economy.
Examples include employment policies on EPWPs, policies focused on BEE and
PPPs in service delivery and labour market reform.

The use of supply chain

linkages in the context of developing the Environmental Economy should

contribute directly to this.
At the GSSD Imbizo, the difficulties facing the informal sector and second
economy in general were highlighted.

The hawkers and informal traders are

creators of hundreds of jobs in Gauteng, but there are few (if any) programmes
to work with them and their representatives.

There are currently guidelines to

formalise informal trade as part of the Johannesburg 2030 Vision.

However, there is still an ambiguous relationship between informal traders and
government and the formal private sector (1st Economy).

Key challenges

identified include:

Shortage of skills development programmes

Youth are ill-equipped to compete within the Gauteng and South African


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 12.8

Financial constraints facing informal operators

In spite of this, the informal sector represents a huge asset to the Gauteng
economy and to the lives of the many people who work it and rely on it for their
economic well-being. From a GSSD perspective there is a need to:

Find innovative ways to change institutional arrangements so that effective

communication and arrangement are developed between government, formal
business and the informal traders.

Create programmes for hawkers and informal traders that assist them in
business development and accessing opportunities to work with the 1 st

Inform traders about how to create sustainable businesses (e.g. how to

purchase goods directly from farmers and thus make more profit).

There is a need for consultation and co-operation with organisations representing

traders and the informal economy. By-laws at Metropolitan level need to have a
level of flexibility for people to have access to local economic development
opportunities. Consideration should also be given to creating business incubators
to be adopted by cooperate companies from who they can learn business skills. A
key opportunity is also the advancement of BBEE in the tourism industry.
5.3.4. Action Plan
Table 5.4:

Summary of roles and responsibilities of GPG Departments


Economic Development for Sustainable Development


Expanded public works programme: Jobs created in provincial

nature reserves and by NRM work

Agriculture, Conservation

and Environment

Assessment and strategy for the development of the Environmental

Economy with GEDF

Assess appropriate measures for environmental fiscal reform in

Gauteng with GEDF



and finance


Assessment and strategy for the development of the Environmental

Economy with GDACE.

Assess appropriate measures for environmental fiscal reform in

Gauteng with GDACE

Local Government

Environmental Economy.



Investigate and support Municipal LED initiatives linked to the

Gauteng On-line programme

Expanded public works programme: Jobs created in provincial


nature reserves and by NRM work

Support the expansion and better management of the transport

sector so as to support greater utilisation of public transport.


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide


Appendix 12.8

Priority 4: Promote Sustainable Human Settlements and Resource


It is estimated that by 2007 the majority of the worlds population will live in
cities (Tibaijuka, 2006). Cities can be the engines for growth and development,
while conversely, poorly planned and managed cities can also deepen poverty,
erode social capital, and undermine ecosystems and available resources.
Currently, approximately 9 million




approximately 20% of South Africas

population, at an estimated annual
growth rate of 4,1% per annum.
Approximately 97% of the current
population live in urban areas in the




receives more migrants than any

other province in South Africa (about
5% of the total population).

As a

result, human settlements, or urban

Figure 5.1: Low density housing typology

areas are a key area of intervention

exacerbating sprawl. (Source:





ecological goals necessary to attain

long term sustainable development.
In addressing the challenge of creating sustainable human settlements three
inter-related areas should be addressed:

The potential impact of human settlements on natural resources

and ecosystems

Human settlements (urban land use) are dependant, and impact on natural
resources and ecosystems. Natural resources and ecosystems form the basis for
the growth and development of Gautengs economy and society.


provide functional services to people (soils support agriculture, wetlands control

floods). In addition, the ecosystem has economic value (agriculture, tourism),
and psychological value (culture, spiritual).
The ecosystem consists of four core resources (land, water, air, and biodiversity).
Natural resources are finite in their capacity to absorb waste, and/or have a
carrying capacity in terms of their utilisation. Gautengs land resource has many
competing uses (agriculture (29% of land in Gauteng needs to be protected for
agricultural purposes), conservation, mining (1,8% of land is currently mined or


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 12.8

quarried), residential (9% of land in Gauteng is under residential use),

manufacturing, transport, industrial) competing for a finite amount of land.


addition, the type and form of human settlement has the potential to impact on
water, air quality and biodiversity.

Bulk infrastructure services provision and sustainability




population growth is 4.1% per


translates into










energy, potable water, transport,






This, in turn, puts

pressure on the natural resources








Appropriate services



Figure 5.2: Informal settlements requiring

bulk infrastructure (source:

quality of life, reduce health risks

and limit or improve the impact on
the natural environment7. Providing infrastructure using sustainable technologies
will result in the incremental evolution towards sustainable settlements and a
sustainable economy.

Spatial Integration

Gautengs urban form has been influenced by the mining industry and inequitable
policies, as a result, many of the towns and settlements in Gauteng are
characterised by:

inappropriately located settlements (i.e. locating the urban poor on the

periphery of the town/city or outside the town/city),

unsuitable housing form (low density, one house one plot),

fragmented and spatially segregated urban areas, and

poorly located social facilities with excessive space standards.

5.4.1. Key issues and challenges

Sowman M, and Urquhart P 1998: A Place Called Home: Environmental issues and low-cost housing,

UCT Press


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 12.8

The poor form of housing at a town/city scale, and at a household scale impacts
on the sustainability of the settlement. The issues and challenges facing Gauteng

The potential impact of human settlements on natural resources

and ecosystems

Growing demand for fossil fuels and escalating carbon dioxide (CO2)
emissions per capita as a result of distances travelled.

Loss of productive land and biodiversity due to urbanisation and sprawling

settlement form.

Legacy issues in terms of mining, including land use issues, pollution, and
safety issues.

Threats to the conservation of natural resources within the Province.

The viability of land for agricultural crop production is being compromised

through soil contamination and degradation as a result of effluents from the
industrial and manufacturing sector.


Air pollution (with Johannesburg being rated fifth worst in the world).
Bulk infrastructure services provision
High rate of in-migration into Gauteng.

In-migration is associated with

increasing informalisation and growing service delivery backlogs (social


Current housing provision process does not take into account the long-term
resources thresholds (such as oil peaks, water shortage, climate change,

Increasing electricity consumption (household scale).

Raising water consumption (household scale).

Reliance on private modes of transport (i.e. motor vehicles) and the need to
improve accessibility to and affordable, integrated public transport system.

Integrated planning.

The effects of conflict between the roll out of new

infrastructure and the maintenance of existing infrastructure (e.g. electricity)

are being experienced.

Pollution levels and high volumes of waste produced within the Province.

High demand for water within the Province and future water resource

Reliance on non-renewable resources for energy production and the lack of

viable energy alternatives.


Significant backlogs in basic service provision, housing and public amenities.

Fragmentation and segregation


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 12.8

Apartheid settlement patterns have not been significantly altered since the
onset of democracy and, in many cases, new settlements continue to be built
on the peripheries of towns and cities far from employment and other

There is tension between the duty of the state to deliver maximum number of
houses as fast as possible to the largest number of poor people (quantity
focus) and the slower and often more financially costly project innovation
needed to deliver sustainable human settlements.

Appropriate zoning and sustainability of use of land and buildings.

The current simplistic focus on housing ignores the link between livelihoods,
local economies, affordability, subsidies, welfare mechanisms, and on-going
operation and maintenance costs.

Reducing dependencies and empowering communities.

Need to balance the demand for land by various land uses: housing vs.
agriculture vs. biodiversity vs. open space vs. infrastructure (such as roads).

High level of informal settlement within the Province, with approximately

30% of the population residing in such areas.

Uneven distribution of wealth, education, health care, energy, waste services,

housing, water and sanitation facilities in the Province, coupled with the
proximity of many residential areas to unhealthy/hazardous areas which has
resulted in health and safety risks to communities and potential degradation
and pollution risks to sensitive environments.

5.4.2. Goals and Objectives

Goal 1: Sustainably utilise natural resources and ecosystems
Goal 2: Reduce consumption of resources through investing in sustainable
infrastructure; and
Goal 3: Creating sustainable, integrated human settlements.

Energy efficiency and sustainable use

Manage water quantity and quality wisely

Reduce solid waste and improve solid waste management

Provide efficient and reliable public transport

Efficient and sustainable utilisation of land

Sustaining ecosystem functioning and using resources efficiently

Improving environmental health

5.4.3. Initiatives
Ten (10) strategic initiatives have been identified to achieve the three goals
relating to the creation of sustainable human settlements.


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 12.8

Goal 1: Sustainable use of natural resources and ecosystems

Sustainable Human Settlements Initiative 1 (SHS 1): Rehabilitation and

reclamation of strategically located land
Mining and tailings dams are a contributor to pollution and sterilisation of land in

Historically mining activities were developed away from residential

areas; however, communities have encroached on the buffer zones surrounding

mines and now live in close proximity to mined areas. Mine dumps and tailings
dams are associated with a number of environmental and health problems,
including air (dust) pollution (associated with respiratory disease), surface and









(carcinogenic), soil pollution, and the sterilisation of land. The rehabilitation and
reclamation of mine dumps and tailings dams is costly.

The Minerals and

Petroleum Resources Development Act (MPRDA; Act No 28 of 2002) places the

onus on the mining companies to rehabilitate a mine once it has closed.
However, many mines in Gauteng are left abandoned after mining companies
liquidated or left the country, and the onus is on government has to pay for the
rehabilitation of these mines.

Nonetheless, the long-term benefits out weigh

short-term costs of rehabilitation. In order to maximise the opportunity cost of

rehabilitating land, reclamation and rehabilitation should focus on strategically
located land that can be released for alternative urban uses.
There initiatives currently under way focusing on

the rehabilitation


reclamation of old mines, such as the Phepafatso strategy launched by the DME in
2003), and an initiative spear headed by the Gauteng Mining Pollution Forum
(under GDACE) to reclaim lower-grade and non-viable mine dumps. The GSSD
does not institute new initiatives, but rather latches onto and refines current
initiatives in order to achieve a strategic and targeted focus.

Two key action

projects are proposed:

Identify and map all mines suitable for rehabilitation in consultation with DME

Identify which of these sites are strategic (in terms of local and provincial









GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 12.8

SHS 2: Develop housing at higher densities

Land in Gauteng is a scarce resource.

Currently 17% of land in Gauteng is

utilised for urban development, 10% of which is residential development. There

is an increasing demand for residential property across all income groups, driven
by factors such as in-migration, population growth, and decreasing household
size. Residential development is characterised by low density development which
is an inefficient and unsustainable urban development pattern that consumes
large tracts of land.
Within the Gautengs urban edge there is currently 95,012 hectares of
developable land available. If developed at a low density, available land will only
satisfy the current housing backlog in the short-term and leave very little land
available for other urban uses. Simply increasing the gross density of housing
developments can greatly reduce the amount of land consumed to meet the
subsidy housing backlog, and retain developable land within the urban for
alternative residential uses.
Densification and integration are key strategies of the Breaking New Ground
policy, and the social housing programme is the basic mechanism for the delivery
of this form of housing. Three key action projects are proposed:

Land audit and identification of strategically located government and private

sector owned land,

Develop guideline document/primer on appropriate housing typologies to

achieve higher density development, and

Establish a Gauteng densification strategy

SHS 3: Conservation of land

The natural vegetation of Gauteng consists of two of South Africas biomes,
namely, savannah and grassland biomes.

The savannah biome underpins the

eco-tourism, meat production and wildlife industries in the Province, while the
grassland biome is one of the most endangered biomes in South Africa.
In order to protect and grow the industries and economic opportunities supported
by the two biomes, areas containing good quality remnant vegetation should be
protected and conserved.

SHS 4: Rehabilitation of water resources

Gauteng lies on the upper reaches of three water management areas.

Due to

high demand for water, Gauteng also imports water from outside its borders. The


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 12.8

quality and quantity of the water resource within Gauteng remains important for
three strategic reasons:

Pollution from within Gauteng impacts on the quality of water source outside

Gauteng citizens without access to basic services rely on natural resources

The amenity and recreational value of surface water and surrounding riparian

Currently, many of Gautengs water resources are polluted, as such, these

environments should be rehabilitated.

SHS 5: Improvement of air quality

Poor air quality has the potential to impact on the ecosystem, climatic conditions,
and human health.
Human settlements impact on air quality in four ways:

Emissions from vehicles (the largest contributor to air pollution). This impact
can be minimised by improving public transport (c.f. SHS (S8)).

Gaseous and particulate emissions from industry. Improve monitoring and

policing of emissions from industries should be improved in order to mitigate
the negative impact on the environment. In addition, special care should be
taken to ensure compatible uses are located in close proximity, and areas of
impact, of polluting industries.

Dust emissions from abandoned mine dumps and operational tailings dams.
It is proposed that abandoned mine dumps are rehabilitated (c.f. SHS (S1)).

Gaseous and particulate emissions from domestic fuel usage.

The impact

from domestic coal usage can be mitigated through improving access to basic
services and investing in safe alternative energy sources (c.f. SHS (S6)).









sustainable infrastructure

SHS 6: Invest in sustainable infrastructure technology

Although Gauteng has the highest service level in South Africa, about there are
people who do not have access to sanitation, electricity and potable water. The
estimated cost to address the current backlog is estimated at more than
R1 billion for water and approximately R1,9 billion for basic sanitation.

As a

result of a growing population, demand for bulk infrastructure services is

increasing, and as Gauteng develops people expect raised levels of infrastructure.
The increasing and changing demand for bulk services puts pressure on the
capacity of the natural resources (water, coal, air, oil) needed to provide theses


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide


Appendix 12.8

For example, if Gauteng continues to utilise water in its current

manner, the Provinces water resources could be fully utilised by 2016 (WRC,

Therefore it is imperative that investment in infrastructure takes into

consideration environmental imperatives and invest in sustainable/alternative

technologies to provide services. Interventions include investment in:

Energy efficiency and renewable energy (passive thermal design, i.e.

orienting housing north, solar water heating, energy efficient lighting and

Water conservation and sanitation alternatives (service levels for water,

water conservation, rain water harvesting, alternative sanitation)

Material efficiency (innovative and environmentally-conserving materials,










construction materials).
One of the core focus areas of AsgiSA is to increase public sector investment in
order to improve the availability and reliability of infrastructure in order to
respond to rapidly growing demand associated with accelerated growth.


areas of government expenditure are:

provincial and local roads,

bulk water infrastructure and water supply networks,

energy distribution,


schools and clinics,

business support centres,

sports facilities, and

multi-purpose government service centres.

The GSSD strategy aims at enhancing sustainability by fine tuning AsgiSA to

consider sustainability objectives when planning and implementing infrastructure
projects within the Gauteng Province. Key action projects could include:

Establish guidelines to establish how to maximise passive solar gains, with a

particular emphasis on government funded (subsidy) housing developments.

Implementation of a Solar Challenge aimed at the introduction of solar

photovoltaic systems as a viable option/alternative, or as a supplement,
electrical energy in new housing developments. The Solar Challenge should
be accompanied by incentives and financing options in order to promote
these systems.

In order to further entrench the use of alternative energy supply, solar water
heating by-laws should be introduced.

One of the key objective and responsibilities of Government is to provide for

the basic needs of its citizens. Access to safer and reliable forms of energy is


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 12.8

a basic need, and has the opportunity to improve the quality of life and wellbeing of citizens.

In conjunction with the national programme, the GPG

should introduce a province-wide safer energy plan, which focuses on

providing safe, alternative (gelfuel, LPG, etc) energy sources for households.

Retrofit National, Provincial and Local Government buildings through a water

audit and retrofit programme. Government has the opportunity to provide a
leadership role in this respect.

Water Efficient Fittings Programme: In order to make the use of appropriate

technology (such as dual flush toilets, flow control taps, rainwater harvesting)
standard in housing construction and delivery (with a particular emphasis on
government funded housing developments).

Develop water efficiency guidelines and practices to be included in all new









government level.

Establish a Green Architecture and Engineering Design Programme for new

buildings and property developments.

The programme should include

guidelines on the re-use and recycling of building materials, and the

utilisation of local and vernacular materials.

SHS 7: Minimise waste production

Gauteng produces 80% of South Africas total waste stream, and has the highest
volume of waste per capita (WRC, 2006).

Solid waste production is increasing

due to

and improved service delivery to

economic growth, urbanisation

historically disadvantaged communities (refuse removal has historically been

poorly provided or not at all to many settlements).

Interventions to influence

solid waste disposal through sustainable human settlements can occur at the
scale of the household, the community and the metropolitan/municipal level, in
line with the national imperative to reduce, reuse, and recycle, while aiming to
achieve the national goal/target to reduce waste generation by 50% and disposal
by 25% (Polokwane Declaration).
The Polokwane Declaration places an onerous task on government to reduce, and
ultimately cease, waste production. Key action projects include:

explore mechanisms to promote recycling at source,

create an enabling environment for SMMEs and CBOs to enter into the waste
recycling industry,

Develop a policy for Green Building for new developments to guide the
design and materials utilised in construction.

The design of a building,

particularly commercial, industrial and office developments should include a

waste sorting area and twin bin infrastructure to facilitate recycling at source,

Set the financial incentives and penalties for waste minimisation.


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 12.8

SHS 8: Promote public transport

Gauteng has 37% of the countrys motor vehicles, the highest live vehicle
population in South Africa which contributes to CO2 emission levels. In addition,
this form of transport is reliant on a finite resource, oil, which leaves citizens of
Gauteng vulnerable to changes in international oil prices. In order to facilitate a
shift from a reliance on private vehicles, a viable and reliable public transport
systems needs to be available.
Traffic congestion on the N1 Freeway is currently estimated to cost more than
R300 million per year.8 In addition, due to increasing vehicle emissions resulting
in increasing pollution, traffic congestion impacts negatively on quality of life.
Viable and efficient public transport is a strategic instrument in addressing traffic
Key action projects include:

Gautrain Rapid Rail Link

Establishing pilot project for alternative modes of motorised (tuk-tuks) and







including the roll out of the Hamba Lula Pedal Cab pilot project : introduction
of pedi-cabs in Johannesburg Central Business District.

Higher densities: Appropriate densities along movement and activity routes

and in nodes (as identified in local and provincial spatial development
frameworks, and Gauteng Spatial Development Perspective) to create
thresholds to support public transport.

Fuel tax: Promote a switch from the utilisation of private motor vehicles to
public transport through incentives and deterrents. To this effect a fuel tax
can be implemented, once a sufficient level public transport infrastructure is
in place. (Gautrain website)


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 12.8

Figure 5.4: Traffic congestion on the N1 (Source:

Goal 3: Creating sustainable, integrated human settlements

SHS 9: Promote mixed use development

Sustainable human settlements consist of a number of physical elements (natural








education facilities, social and community facilities, health facilities, welfare

facilities, sports and recreation facilities, and economic opportunities). However,
until recently, the focus of settlement creation has been on the provision of
housing, largely ignoring the other elements of a sustainable settlement.
Breaking New Ground reflects a policy shift away from this approach towards a
more holistic approach to settlement creation. The focus of settlement creation
should be on the public element.

All housing developments need to integrate

different uses (economic, community and housing)


create sustainable

settlements. In addition, the physical integration of racial, social and economic

groups should be promoted.

SHS 10: Creating quality environments through investment in the public

The quality of environments between established (formally white) suburbs and
newly established (formally black) townships vary greatly. The former are often
characterised by tarred roads, street lights, and landscaped streets and avenues,
while new townships are characterised by sterile environments that often lack any


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 12.8

investment in the public environment. Investment in the public environment, in

elements such as tree planting and landscaping and street furniture in one way to
improve property values in an area, and helps to encourage private investment in
an area.

Some of the benefits associated with tree planting and landscaping


Improving thermal efficiency of houses through shading the house in summer

Improve air quality through CO2 absorption

Provide shade, absorb noise and help settle dust

Improve aesthetics and enhance property values

Assist in drainage and improve run-off

Contribute to food security (fruit trees), and

Improve biodiversity

Investing in the public environment is equally as important as investing in

housing units and basic services in terms of improving the quality of life of the
citizens of Gauteng.
Mixed use, and mixed socio-economic, development is a strategic tool in creating
integrated, sustainable human settlements. Key action projects include:

Concurrency in delivery (see section 4.2 IGR & SR)

Gauteng Department of housing programmes:

Incremental housing programme PHP

Social Housing Programme (Rental Housing Estates (New Built and Inner
City Upgrade); Co-operative Owned Housing (New Built and Inner City
Upgrade); Instalment Sale Cluster Housing (New Built and Inner City
Upgrade); Transitional Housing (Starter products catering for temporary
needs); Special Needs Social Housing (Disabled; HIV/Aids; aged; women
and youth))

Housing development unit

Urban regeneration unit (Alexandra Regeneration and Bekkersdal)

5.4.4. Action Plan

Table 5.5:

Summary of roles and responsibilities of GPG Departments

Department of Housing

Sustainable integrated human settlements

SHS 2: Develop housing at higher densities

Land audit,

Primer on high density housing typologies, and

Gauteng densification strategy

SHS 6: Invest in sustainable infrastructure technology


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide


Appendix 12.8

Sustainable integrated human settlements


Passive solar gains guidelines

Solar Challenge

Water Efficient Fittings Programme

Water efficiency guidelines

Green Architecture and Engineering Design Programme

SHS 9:Promote mixed use development

Concurrency in delivery

Gauteng Housing Department existing programmes:

Strategic Intervention

Housing Unit Development

Urban Regeneration

SHS 10: Creating Quality Environments through investment in

the public environment

Gauteng Housing Department existing programmes:

Strategic Intervention

Housing Unit Development

Urban Regeneration

In partnership with agencies such as Food and Trees for


GDACE to develop Greening Project to be rolled out in

conjunction with Department of Housing and Department of
Transport and Public Works


SHS 1: Rehabilitation and reclamation of strategically located



Identify and map all mines suitable fro rehabilitation

Identify strategic sites (Gauteng Mining Pollution Forum

(reclaim lower-grade and non-viable mine dumps))

SHS 3: Conservation of Land

SHS 4: Rehabilitation of water resource
SHS 5: Improvement of air quality
SHS 6: Invest in sustainable infrastructure technology

Guidelines on maximising passive solar gains,

Solar Challenge

Lobby for alternative energy supply, solar water heating bylaws.

Develop safer energy plan.

Lead water audit and retrofit programme

Establish Water Efficient Fittings Programme in conjunction

with the Department of Housing

Establish a Green Architecture and Engineering Design

Programme in conjunction with the Department of Housing


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide


Appendix 12.8

Sustainable integrated human settlements


SHS 10: Creating Quality Environments through investment in

the public environment

Develop Greening Project to be rolled out in conjunction

with Department of Housing and Department of Transport
and Public Works

Economic development

SHS 9:Promote mixed use development

and finance

Concurrency in delivery of housing and facilities to create

sustainable, integrated human settlements

Local Government

SHS 6: Invest in sustainable infrastructure technology

Lobby for alternative energy supply, solar water heating bylaws.


SHS 9:Promote mixed use development

Concurrency in delivery of housing and facilities to create

sustainable, integrated human settlements




SHS 9:Promote mixed use development



Concurrency in delivery of housing and facilities to create

sustainable, integrated human settlements



SHS 5: Promote public transport

Gautrain Rapid Rail Link

Establishing pilot project for alternative modes of motorised

Lobby for fuel tax

SHS 10: Creating Quality Environments through investment in

the public environment

GDACE to develop Greening Project to be rolled out in

conjunction with Department of Housing and Department of
Transport and Public Works

Sports, Recreation and

SHS 6:Promote mixed use development


Concurrency in delivery of housing and facilities to create

sustainable, integrated human settlements


SHS 6:Promote mixed use development

Concurrency in delivery of housing and facilities to create

sustainable, integrated human settlements


SHS 4: Minimise waste production

Incentives for waste minimisation and recycling

SHS 5: Promote public transport

Other agencies

Lobby for fuel tax

SHS 1:

National Department of Minerals and Energy Phepafatso

Strategy: rehabilitation and reclamation of old mines

SHS 5: Promote public transport

Blue IQ Gautrain Rapid Rail Link

SHS 3: Invest in sustainable infrastructure technology


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide


Appendix 12.8

Sustainable integrated human settlements

The Presidency - AsgiSA

SHS 10: Creating Quality Environments through investment in

the public environment

Food and Trees for Africa (Trees for Homes project)


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide


Appendix 12.8


The key to ensuring successful implementation of the GSSD will be to look for
mechanisms that have a combination of the following characteristics:

firm legislative grounding;

are based on already established practice;

are based or contained in instruments or policies that are already periodically

and frequently used, assessed or enforced;

have proved successful in the past or provide potential as levers for policy

have the potential to attract high level political commitment; and

provide opportunity for successful integration of various sectoral priorities.

The Gauteng Department of Agriculture Conservation and Environment (GDACE)

regularly produces two key documents that can support the implementation of
sustainable development in Gauteng and be used as a barometer to measure the
impact of the GSSD through the tracking of the indicators. They are:

Environmental Implementation Plans (EIP); and

State of the Environment Reports (SoER).

Environmental Management Frameworks (EMFs) relating to specific parts of the

province could also be used as an effective reporting mechanism.
Currently these are neither well integrated nor aligned with each other.
Significant improvement in implementation of sustainable development will arise











implementation of sustainable development is expanded to the entire Province, it

is necessary to look at the possibility of linking these with the annual expenditure
budgets of each provincial department.

In terms of the Public Finance

Management Act (PFMA), Act No 1 of 1999, all provincial departments are

required to submit expenditure estimates at the beginning of the financial year to
the provincial treasury for subsequent tabling before the provincial legislature
(S.27 (2-4) read with S.40 (4)). These estimates have to be accompanied by a
detailed set of strategic priorities for each department.
The table overleaf describes these three mechanisms the annual budget
reporting, the EIP and the SoER, with subsequent proposals for implementing
their alignment.


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Table 6.1:

Appendix 12.8

Reporting mechanisms and proposals for implementing their alignment with the GSSD

Frequency and



Legal mandate

Legal enforceability


According to the PFMA,

Legally binding. They are




Provincial budgets generally contain





for Finance in the

estimates of all revenue, current and


accounting officers are


accounting officer

Province must table

capital expenditure for the financial

required to each year,

can only be deviated from



year. When the annual budget is

before the beginning of

with provincial legislative

estimates to the

annual budgets for a




financial year in the

legislature, the accounting officer for


provincial legislature


not later than two


prescribed format, with




main division within the departments




vote10 .




provide the








budgets which














anticipated revenue and





budget (In practice







objectives for each department are







are considered in the












break down of, among others, the

respective departments:











Strategic objectives

this (PFMA, S 27(4).

Review of the previous financial

annual budgets tabled








departmental programs to be
implemented, including medium






Financial year means the year ending 31 March


A vote among others specifies the total amount which is usually appropriated per department


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 12.8

Legal mandate

Legal enforceability


Frequency and



performance measures and set








Provincial Government, 2006).
















Provincial Cabinet has




In terms of NEMA, every

All EIPs must be

At least every four

The content of EIPs under NEMA is


submitted to the

years. The Minister


exercise every function it



may extend the date


may have in accordance

Environmental Co-

for the submission











implementation plan or the



the date to set by


management plan (S 16





behalf of the Province.








and programmes will







function departments will



Every organ of state






recommends that that line




the way its own policies, plans







the way other organs of state

and persons will comply with its



the extent of compliance with

implementing activities to




annually within four


recommendations relevant

months of the end

policies by other organs of state

to their line functions.

of its financial year

and persons.













describe among others:











preparation of EIPs issued by the




The CEC consists of national department Director Generals as well as provincial heads of Department appointed by the Minister with the concurrence of the MEC (S 8).


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 12.8

Legal mandate

Legal enforceability


Frequency and




management plan or

Environmental Affairs and Tourism



implementation plan
(NEMA, S 16(1)(b)).





In practice, the Gauteng EIP 2002


















Gauteng, to identify which ones have










and thus require further investigation

(GDACE, 2002).


GADCE in respect of


within two months

of the end of the
financial year.



























In practice, the first

According to DEAT the reports are


preliminary SoER for

intended to be environmental report

Gauteng was


presented to the

produced in 1998,

framework - the


with an update and

reports. In this format, the report


extension of this

analyses in the following with regard

preliminary report in

to the environment:






DPSIR - for the

2004. It is intended
that the 2004 report

- Drivers, described as the human

1992 at national level.

will be updated

activities that when combined with


every two years,


with major

environmental change;




de Janeiro in








GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Legal mandate





Appendix 12.8

Legal enforceability


Frequency and





indicators updated

- Pressures, which are exerted on


on a 5 yearly basis

the environment as a result of the

(GDACE, 2004).

above human activities or driving


as well, even though


this is not prescribed by

- State, which is the condition or


quality of the environment;





consequences of the pressures (i.e.

the environmental responses); and
- Responses, meaning the societal






In practice the Gauteng SoER 2004
follows the above format.

A key

feature of the report is the creation

of indicators to enable it to correctly
assess the state and possible future
impacts to the environment.


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide





Appendix 12.8




Indicators and Targets

6.1.1. Implementation of sustainable development by provincial sectoral
The annual provincial budgetary cycle has the potential of providing useful
implementation mechanism for sustainable development priorities, identified by
GDACE. This is because:

It is a legal requirement. Departments within the Province have to feed their

expenditure estimates to the provincial treasury, which estimates shall form
the basis for the provincial budget, tabled before the legislature.

It has a frequent (annual) periodic cycle.

There is a legal requirement for measurable objectives which the individual

departments have to provide accompanying the estimates.

The annual departmental expenditure break down is transmitted to the provincial

treasury for ultimate inclusion into the provincial budget. Consensus will have to
be sought among all Provincial Departments so that sustainable development
targets can be included in the measurable estimates. This will ensure that there
is linkage to the annual budgetary expenditure.
GDACE, according to NEMA, must report to DEAT annually within four months of
the end of its financial year on the implementation of its adopted environmental
implementation plan.

The current EIP also recommends that all the line

departments will be responsible for implementing activities that address EIP

recommendations relevant to their functions.

Further, the same provincial

departments, as well as local governments, must provide annual updates in

respect of their compliance to the EIP within two months of the end of the
financial year.

None of these additional requirements recommended by the

current EIP are legally binding and thus implementation cannot be legally
enforced. Nevertheless the reasoning behind this is apparent, i.e. to link GDACEs
report back to the national department with individual department report backs.
There is scope for the individual departments annual compliance assessments on
EIPs to be used as a basis for assessing compliance with the measurable
indicators for sustainable development in the yearly budgets.


GDACE can provide each provincial department with sustainable development

targets, derived from the EIP, for inclusion into annual budgets.
consequently serve as benchmarks on expenditure performance.

These can
Although the

precise modalities and mechanisms of this need to be better worked out, the
strong possibility of linkages between these two cycles exists.

There is a

precondition, however, that provincial departments pay sufficient attention to the


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 12.8

EIP, and the sustainable development targets therein are adopted as a guide to
all their developmental programs.
The GSSD process can kick start a virtuous cycle of sustainable development
implementation in the Province of Gauteng by setting the priorities against which
all the assessments may done. The priorities can be included in the provincial
EIPs and channelled to the budgets as measurable estimates. The targets derived
from these priorities can be used as benchmarks in the various assessments by
the provincial treasury, GDACE and DEAT. GDACEs EIP is over-due for revision
(having been last published in 2002).

The findings of the GSSD process fit in

well with a revised version, which will be published after the finalisation of the
6.1.2. Implementation of sustainable development by local government
The need to promote a sustainable development agenda in the Province through
the municipal IDPs has been identified as an important strategy in fostering
intergovernmental harmonisation. This is because local government is involved in
many key aspects of service delivery, making it an important agent in ensuring
sustainable development compliance in the Province. Through its constitutionally
provided mandate, local government has competency in areas including air
pollution, water and sanitation, planning related functions including municipal
planning and building regulations, municipal health services12, electricity and gas




regulation, refuse removal and so on.




Further, national


and provincial

government can assign to a municipality, through agency agreements for

instance, the administration of matters that are not municipal competencies13. In
practice, some of these have included vehicle licensing and the provision of
ambulance and emergency services.
The key to the inclusion and implementation of sustainability criteria in
municipalities is consensus building between both province and local government.
This is a long-term process of negotiation that can be facilitated by the structures
of IGR. These include the Premiers Intergovernmental Forum, which is intended
to promote and facilitate intergovernmental relations between the Province and
local governments. Since local government enjoys considerable autonomy in its
operations, it will be necessary for Province to impress upon it to incorporate
provincial sustainable development priorities in its IDPs, as well as provide

There is no definite definition of what municipal health is. The Johannesburg Metropolitan Council

for instance provides community and primary health services like maternal and child health,
immunisation, health promotion activities, community outreach, and minor surgical theatre. These
may necessarily overlap with some services provided by Province.

In terms of S 156(4) of the Constitution, the matter has to be potentially more effectively

administered locally and the municipality has to have the capacity to administer it.


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 12.8

regular assessments on their implementation. Through the current mechanisms

for IDP comment from Provincial government under the Municipal Systems Act,
feedback can be provided by province on the level of compliance.
Whenever functions are assigned to municipalities through agency agreements,
province can have, as one of the conditions to the agreement, the requirement
that the municipality in its implementation includes sustainable development

Future reviews of agency agreements should include this requirement.

Monitoring and evaluations clauses in the agreements should further include the
use of sustainable development as an evaluation benchmark.
In summation, the following is recommended:
1. The annual budget reporting format should be revised to include measurable
indicators based on sustainable development objectives.
2. The GSSD and EIP should be aligned.

Sustainable development indicators

developed in the GSSD process should be included, and further developed in

any revised versions of the EIP.
3. The SoER and EIP should be aligned, with the content of the most recent
SoER feeding into the current EIP. The SoER process should be used as a
barometer to measure the impact of the GSSD through the tracking of the
4. Departmental

scorecards based on

their achievements on


developments should be included in the budgets. Scoring will be based on the

sustainable development indicators and reporting on achievement of these
scores will be part of the annual budget reporting cycle to the legislature, via
the Provincial Treasury.
5. Sustainable development indicators should be incorporated into


Structures of intergovernmental relations as well as agency agreements

where relevant should be used to negotiate the implementation of this


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 12.8


Provincial Depts e.g. Transport

back on

Cycle 1


budget with

Possible link of two cycles


Feedback on

National Dept.


report back
on EIP


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 12.8


Premiers intergovernmental fourm


Annual report bank on EIP compliance


Comments on
IDP including

Cycle 3

IDP with



GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide


Appendix 12.8


In order to ensure that sustainable development targets and indicators are

relevant to the present day and are aimed at meeting the current needs without
compromising the needs of future generations, it will be necessary to review this
GSSD on a regular basis. As such, this GSSD should be reviewed and updated
every two years. This timeframe will ensure that the updated GSSD will inform
the MTF, which is done every three years.


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide


Appendix 12.8


Austin, G (2006) Increasing Sustainable Local Government Services: Concepts

supporting more sustainable service and energy deliveries. Cape Town:
Agama Energy (
Blottnitz, H Dr 2005: Background Briefing Paper for the National Sustainable
Development Strategy: Solid Waste
CASE 2005 Development and Update of Common Baseline Data for Identified Key
Performance Indicators. Researched for Gauteng Office of the Premier by
the Community Agency for Social Enquiry. Final Report, March 2005









Environment, 2004: Gauteng State of Environment Report 2004: Using

indicators to track environmental change
Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism 22 September 2005, Discussion
Document: A South African National Strategy for Sustainable Development
Rationale, Vision Mission and Principles, Revised Draft, 22 September 2005
De Wit, Dr. M. P. 28 October 2005, Are the trends in the South African economy
sustainable? Report prepared for Palmer Development Group as part of the
National Sustainable Development Strategy Report No. SO 5006
Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism, 21 April 2006, People-PlanetProsperity.

A Framework for Sustainable Development in South Africa.

Draft Integrated Framework for Review. August 2006.

Gauteng Provincial Government, 18 April 2006, Growing a Shared Economy for
Gauteng: A Strategy for Broad- Based Black Economic Empowerment
Gauteng Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Environment, 2004:
Gauteng State of Environment Report 2004: Using indicators to track
environmental change
Gauteng Provincial Government April 2005: A Growth and Development Strategy
(GDS) for the Gauteng Province
Gauteng Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Environment, 2006:
Gauteng Strategy for Sustainable Development: SOP report
Gauteng Provincial Government: Department of Local Government n/d, Local
government Performance Review: Reflecting on the first five years of
Democratic Local Government in Gauteng (2000 2005), Moving towards
sustainable local government by 2010
Gauteng Provincial Government, Strategic Plan 2004 to 2009
Gauteng Land Use Task Team u/p: Issues Report on Identification of Available
and Suitable Land for Housing Development and Affordability
Gauteng Land Use Task Team: Premiers Co-ordinating Forum 22 October 2004:
PowerPoint Presentation on cost Benefit Analysis Study Low Income
Gauteng Provincial Government: A Growth and Development Strategy (GDS) for
the Gauteng Province, April 2005


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 12.8

Gauteng Provincial Government. (2006). Budget Statement 2006/07 MTEF,

Department of Gauteng Treasury, South Africa.
Gauteng Provincial Government (2006).

A Strategy for Broad-Based Black

Economic Empowerment. Strategy v 16, final document.

Gauteng Department for Agriculture Conservation and Environmental Affairs,

(2002). Gauteng Environmental Implementation Plan 2001

2004, GDACE, South Africa.









Development, 2003, JPOI Response Strategy

MEC Nomvula Mokonyane Press Conference on the 2006/07 Provincial Housing
Budget 9 June 2006
Republic of South Africa: The Presidency, June 2005, Overview of South Africas
Approach to the Development of a National Strategy for Sustainable
Republic of South Africa, n/d, Human Resource Development Strategy for South
Africa: A Nation at Work for a Better Life for All
Republic of South Africa: Department of Labour, 2003, No 97 of 1998: skills
Development Act as amended by Skills Development Levies Act, No 9 of
1999, skills Development Amendment Act, No 31 of 2003
Republic of South Africa, 21 April 2006, South Africas National Strategy for
Sustainable Development: Draft Integrated Strategy for Review
Republic of South Africa, June 2001 First Edition: Environmental Implementation
Republic of South Africa, The Presidency 2006: South Africas National Strategy
for Sustainable Development: Draft Integrated Strategy for Review, 21st
April 2006
Statistics South Africa, 2005, Mid-Year Population Estimates
Statistics South Africa, September 2005, Labour Force Survey
Sowman M, and Urquhart P 1998: A Place Called Home: Environmental issues
and low-cost housing, UCT Press
South African Water Research Commission January/February 2006: The Water
Wheel, volume 3, Chapter 10: Water Resource Management
Tibaijuka, A. K. 2006: Keynote Address to the Plenary Session of the World
Planners Congress: The Importance of Urban Planning in Urban Poverty
Reduction and Sustainable Development
Western Cape Sustainable Development Implementation Plan 2006: Sustainable
Waste Management Cluster Briefing Note
Websites: (Gautrain website)
GPG 5 July 2006: Possible solution for traffic congestion explored (PGP website)
City of Johannesburg website (, Quick Facts about Gauteng


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 12.8


Declaration of the GSSD Imbizo
(The Constitution Hill Declaration on the
Sustainable Development of the Gauteng Province)
18 May, 2006
Constitution Hill, Old Fort Courtyard

We, the representatives of various spheres of government, organs of civil society,

private sector and general citizens within the Gauteng Province gathered here
today at Constitution Hill, Gauteng:
Noting, the critical issues that must be addressed in achieving sustainable
development, including but not limited to the following:

The need to address inequalities within the province, particularly with regard
to access to basic services, housing, amenities, job opportunities and the
right to a dignified existence

The need to address poverty and marginalisation

The need to create employment and development opportunities

The need to improve intergovernmental coordination of actions that reinforce

sustainable resource utilisation

The need to ensure environmental degradation is prevented

The need to ensure effective and coordinated resource management,

planning and budgeting

The need to address health, education, safety and security so as to create a

platform for positive social development and social cohesion

Recognising, that many plans, protocols and policies already exist which
contribute to sustainable development, including:

The Johannesburg Plan of Implementation (JPOI);

Local Agenda 21 (LA 21);

The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs);

The New Partnership for Africas Development (NEPAD);

The Accelerated Shared Growth Initiative for South Africa (ASGI-SA);

The National Strategy for Sustainable Development (NSSD);

The National Environmental Management Act (NEMA);

The Gauteng Development Strategy (GDS); and

The many associated provincial

and departmental

policies and plans

contributing to this.
Believing, that the path towards achieving long-term economic growth, equity
and effective resource management is through choosing a path that puts in place
the necessary cultural, economic, social and political mandates necessary for
future generations to grow and prosper.

GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 12.8

Hereby we declare as follows:

We, endorse, the initiatives of the Gauteng Provincial Government (GPG) in
undertaking the Gauteng Strategy for Sustainable Development (GSSD) and its
We, dedicate ourselves to working together, and with the Gauteng Provincial
Government, to tackle the challenges of creating a sustainable future for Gauteng
and the country.
We accept our responsibility, along with others, to future generations for
custodianship of this Province and its habitats, and to those within our own
generation who are marginalised, especially the poor.
We stand for development driven by sustainability considerations so that the
Gauteng Community can realise the aspirations of ASGI-SA, the Provincial Growth









Johannesburg Plan of Implementation (amongst the many initiatives and plans for
sustainable development).
We stand for sustainable development as an inclusive process, embracing
cultural diversity and rooted in concerns for equity.
We will mobilise, share and develop the knowledge and skills of our Province
to build the capacity for creating safe, healthy and sustainable communities.
We advocate


sustainable development, its values




fundamental to good governance and as a means to deliver equal access to the

benefits of the Province.
We will promote this Declaration as the Gauteng Provincial Government
(including all spheres of government), the development organisations, the civil
society, the business community, and various stakeholders and as the citizens of
the Province in a spirit of partnership.
We request, that the issues, vision, definition and principles discussed and
identified at this Imbizo be acknowledged by all, especially the MEC for
Agriculture, Conservation and Environment and carried through by DACE into the
development of the GSSD.
In conclusion


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 12.8

We dedicate ourselves to this declaration and to seeing the spirit and intent of
this declaration carried through.


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 12.8


The following tables provide targets which the GPG should aim to meet in
achieving sustainable development within the Province as well as
specifying reporting requirements for each GPG Department for the
2009/2010 financial year.
Indicators to measure progress towards meeting these targets are also provided.
These targets and indicators provide a guide to the GPG departments in working
towards achieving sustainable development. Targets and indicators are based on
existing targets and indicators set within the Province (i.e. those contained within
existing documentation such as the State of the Environment Report (SoER) and
the indicators approved by the GPG).
Targets and indicators are linked to the priorities identified for Gauteng Province,
and are presented as such below. It must be noted that priorities, targets and
indicators are not listed in any order of importance. In terms of timeframes, the
following is applicable:
Short-term priority: 0 5 years; Medium-term priority: 5 10 years; Long-term
priority: 10 15 years
GSSD Priority 1: Promote capacity building and human resource development
for sustainable development
Objective: Improved human resource potential and capital
Gauteng is South Africas most highly populated Province, and as such the people
of Gauteng are the Provinces key resource. To make sure that sustainable
development becomes a practical reality in everyday life, new capacities and skills
will be required across society. There is a mismatch between the current skills
base and the skills needed to be globally competitive. As such, the skills required
to address the major sustainable development issues facing Gauteng are largely

The changing structure of the economy, with many more jobs now

available or potentially available in the service sectors than in the traditional

sectors such as agriculture, mining and construction requires a labour force with
different skills by those available to the bulk of the unemployed labour force.
Currently, the greatest skills shortages are within the technical and associated











GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide


Appendix 12.8


Target and Indicators











into formal education curricula by 2010

Develop skills and sector specific plans


(SETA) to address HIV/AIDS by 2015

to Long

Increase in overall employment and an








employed in the tertiary sector


Level of sustainable development issues






Level of consideration of sustainable

development criteria in decision-making
processes of GPG Departments








Change in





Percentage change in employment per



GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 12.8

GSSD Priority 2: Strengthen intergovernmental and societal relations







sustainability into key GPG development programmes

It is necessary to strengthen and improve current intergovernmental relations
mechanisms, and if necessary establish new ones where required to address
sustainable development issues (e.g. appropriate co-governance, signed cooperation agreements and pooling of resources and information between all
spheres of government; ensuring that integrated infrastructure development is
discussed at all necessary inter-governmental structures on a regular basis;
integrate sustainable development into the annual provincial budgetary cycles as
well as municipal IDPs).

Reporting GPG

Targets and Indicators




Mainstreaming sustainable development





Premiers Office


decision-making processes














Premiers Office




linking these to the annual budgets







Premiers Office

assessments of sustainable development









Creating consensus within forums for

Premiers Office

intergovernmental governance, e.g. the

Premiers Intergovernmental Forum, on
how sustainable development will be
included in municipal IDPs.





criteria in all IDPs in the Province

Premiers Office &







indicators in departmental budgets per

financial year

Performance of sustainable development

in terms of the EIP review cycle





issues and priorities within IDPs


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 12.8

GSSD Priority 3: Promote economic development for sustainable development

Objective: Linking sustainable resource use and economic development
An important component of creating sustainable communities entails tackling the
critical questions of poverty and unemployment. The number of households living
in poverty within Gauteng is on the increase. Unemployment in Gauteng has
almost doubled in the last decade, and exceeds the levels for the country as a
whole. Poverty is closely associated with other socio-economic and environmental
variables, such as high mortality rates and unhealthy environmental conditions
and environmental degradation/ transformation.
There are also high levels of crime, and this has had significant influence on
businesses not locating within Gauteng.
Gauteng has launched its initiative to position the Gauteng Province as a Global
City region. Key challenges in this regard are improving service delivery, aligning
the first and second economies, improving planning and creating jobs. A critical
component of the success of this strategy will also be positioning Gauteng as a
safe and aesthetically pleasant place to live and do business.
Economic growth within Gauteng is firmly linked to energy-intensive resource
consumption, mainly derived from coal. As long as this remains the case,
economic performance will be hampered as key resource thresholds start to be
reached, and poverty will persist as scarce funds get redirected into effectively
subsidising these energy inefficiencies. Thus, in order to ensure the economic
sustainability and competitiveness of Gauteng, concrete steps will need to be
taken to decouple growth from rising natural resource consumption and continued
degradation of ecosystem services.

Reporting GPG

Targets and Indicators


Targets Employment & job creation:

Short to


Improve the operating environment of


the informal sector (effective by-laws)


Improve service delivery and cooperative

All Departments



Create jobs through the development of



and Finance




contribution to new jobs by 2015)










and Finance

environmental economy (20% of all new


SMMEs by 2015)


Reduce unemployment by half by 2014

and Finance

GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide


Appendix 12.8

Reporting GPG

Targets and Indicators


through promoting high levels of labour

absorbing economic growth, contributing










Create the necessary fiscal incentives and



development of the Province

and Finance


environmental functioning of the Gauteng




Reduce poverty by half through growing

and Finance

secure and prosperous communities with

jobs, schools, clinics and other services in
a safe and healthy environment which





volunteer activities

Percentage change in number of job

opportunities created

Percentage change in SMMEs established







unemployment rate

Percentage change in employment per


Contribution of informal sector to the

Gross Domestic Product (GDP)










Gauteng and foreign direct investment

Contribution to ASGI-SA growth targets

for Gauteng





households living in poverty

Poverty gap ratio

Targets Energy efficiency and sustainable








All Departments

energy sources


Increase use of alternative fuel sources

All Departments


Promote efficient energy use

All Departments


10% renewable energy use by 2015

All Departments


CO2 levels

Percentage change in use of alternative

energy sources

GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide


Appendix 12.8

Reporting GPG

Targets and Indicators



GSSD Priority 4: Promote sustainable human settlements and resource use

Objective: Efficient and sustainable utilisation of land
Unsustainable land use patterns have implications for the condition of the land,
which can limit the capacity of land and water resources to support agriculture,
forestry, fisheries and human settlements.

Gauteng has a far higher average

population density than any other province in South Africa, largely due to the
high population levels and relatively small land area. The need for development of
land in response to increasing population as well as for economic growth needs to
be weighed up against its protection for maintaining healthy ecosystems and
natural resources. Urban expansion and unregulated development is seen to be










environmentally sensitive areas. The manner in which development takes shape

in Gauteng will require the Province to play a major co-ordination role.
Providing sustainable settlements and housing opportunities to the increasing








unsustainable pressures on infrastructure and resources and results in negative

human health impacts. However, low density residential development places
pressure on natural resources, provides the potential for urban sprawl, and is not
considered to be economically sustainable. Approximately 30% of the population
are currently housed within informal settlements.


Targets and Indicators





Diversity in housing typologies



Increase current rate of housing


delivery by 20% by 2015



Promote rehabilitation of



and tailings dams



settlements by 2020



Decrease in housing backlog

Percentage change of number of






Percentage change in land use per

land use category

GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide



Appendix 12.8



developed on strategically located


Percentage level of rehabilitation

of strategically located mines and
tailings dams

Objective: Sustaining ecosystem functioning and using resources efficiently

Ecosystems are the basis of society and economy. Healthy ecosystems provide
vital services to people and ecosystem services are of great value to society.
Degraded ecosystems cease to function optimally, and this can represent
significant losses to society. In general, biodiversity and ecosystem health within
Gauteng are declining, largely as a result of increasing human pressure through
urbanisation, industrialisation and pollution.


Targets and Indicators





Increase the amount of land under


conservation by 20% by 2015












Improve river and riparian vegetation



Percentage change in land use per land

use category

Percentage change in amount of land

under conservation

Vegetation condition of areas under

conservation and within riparian areas

Level of implementation of stewardship





dams and


Change in level of sulphate:chloride






nutrients and microbiology

Change in abundance of aquatic microinvertebrates

Fish assemblage integrity index (FAII)

in rivers/dams

Percentage change in the Riparian

Vegetation Index

GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide


Appendix 12.8






Objective: Provide efficient and reliable public transport

As Gauteng is highly urbanised, with a concentration of industrial activity, there is
consequently a high level of commercial road transport activity. This is also
partially due to the government policy which has favoured road transport over rail
transport. Commuter transport is also a major issue in Gauteng, with limited
public transport having resulted in private vehicle use and minibus taxi use being
the dominant forms of commuter transport. Gauteng has the highest live vehicle
population in South Africa, accounting for more than a third of the countrys
vehicles. A consistent commitment to investing in public transport will, over the












Targets and Indicators





Transport and Public

Taxi recapitalisation





Develop an efficient and affordable

Transport and Public

public transport system by 2015


Shift transport modal split to 80

Transport and Public

public transport: 20 private transport


Rationalise freight transport with a

Transport and Public

greater emphasis on rail transit













Level of accessible and affordable

integrated public transport facilities

Condition and functioning of public

transport facilities

Adequate functioning of an integrated

ticketing system





transport by road and rail

Objective: Improve Environmental Health Management

All factors within the environment impact on human health and well-being.
Physical health is dependent on many environmental factors, including the

GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 12.8

conditions in which people live and the services which are provided to them (such
as housing, power, water, sanitation and waste removal). Currently the
environment within Gauteng is impacted by various pollution sources as well as
by large quantities of liquid and solid, hazardous, and non-hazardous waste.
Gauteng generates the highest volume of general waste in South Africa and has
the highest per capita waste generation (general, hazardous and sanitary waste)
of all the provinces. This is due to greater commercial, business and industrial
development. Limited refuse removal in poorer areas, the general lack of
enforcement of the national and municipal by-laws and littering in residential
areas are some of the challenges facing waste management within Gauteng.
Illegal dumping is also an increasing issue, with consequent impacts on the
Pollution impacts on water, land and air. Quality of water resources is impacted
by human activities, particularly industry and mining, increased urbanisation,
agricultural drainage, waste disposal and land use. Decreasing water quality
highlights the need for improved regulatory capacity regarding discharges.
Urgent attention needs to be given to water

conservation and demand

management, given the potential water shortages in the future, particularly

affecting Gauteng. With increasing populations and economic growth, increases in
water requirements in the future will essentially be in the urban domestic and
industrial sector. This highlights the connection between economic growth,
poverty eradication and sustainable resource use.
Gauteng is exposed to high levels of crime leading to high levels of trauma,
inefficient access to basic services (water, waste collection, waste), changing
lifestyles and the increased diversity of the population. Poor levels of public health
place immense pressure on human well-being.

Poor health often results in an

inability to work, which often results in these people turning to natural resources
to sustain themselves. Poor public health increases the risk of poor environmental
quality and increased deterioration of public health. Access to health care
facilities, particularly for the poor, is vital in order to reduce this risk.

Targets and Indicators




Targets manage water quantity and

quality wisely:





Reduction of waste or loss of water in



piping systems


Promote Recycling


Improvement of quality of surface




60% reduction in pollution by 2015



GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide


Appendix 12.8


Targets and Indicators




Percentage change in water losses in

piping systems

Discharge to surface water per sector

Percentage change in water recycling

per sector

Percentage change in the quality of

surface water

Targets reduce solid waste generation

and improve solid waste management:


Increase resource recovery (reduces,


recycle, reuse, etc.)











disposal to landfill sites







disposal methods

Percentage change in total waste

reused or recycled per waste type
(glass, paper)






disposal of general, hazardous and

medical waste to landfill sites

Available landfill space for general

and hazardous waste

Percentage of households with access

to refuse removal services

Targets air quality management:











standards and limits




vehicle exhaust emissions


Percentage change in air quality at

selected sites

Change in trends in levels of SO2,

Percentage change in the number of

NO2, PM10
daily exceedances




the 24 hrs







GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide


Appendix 12.8


Targets and Indicators



Targets human health:








initiatives to achieve the target of


reducing the mortality rate of children


under 5 years of age by 2015


Implement the JPOI commitments on


HIV/AIDS with particular emphasis on








among young people between the





ages of 15 and 25 by 25%


Decrease respiratory disease



Improvement in service delivery and


basic services to meet the physical

Local Government &

and social needs of Gautengs poor

Social Services and

communities in rural and urban areas


by 2015





Change in infant mortality rate

Change in mortality rate in children

under 5 years of age

Change in maternal mortality rate

Change in the life expectancy of

Gauteng residents

Percentage change in immunisation

coverage for children under 1 year of






Change in Antenatal HIV rate in

Gauteng per age






access to an intermediate level of

water and sanitation within the urban

Percentage of people with access to

basic level of water and sanitation






unplanned settlements







Percentage change in the accessibility

of health facilities accessible within 5
km radius of communities


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 12.9

Appendix 12.9
Gauteng Strategy for Sustainable Development: Targets & Reporting Requirements
The following tables provide targets which the GPG should aim to meet in
achieving sustainable development within the Province as well as specifying
reporting requirements for each GPG Department for the 2009/2010 financial
Indicators to measure progress towards meeting these targets are also provided. These
targets and indicators provide a guide to the GPG departments in working towards
achieving sustainable development. Targets and indicators are based on existing targets
and indicators set within the Province (i.e. those contained within existing documentation
such as the State of the Environment Report (SoER) and the indicators approved by the
Targets and indicators are linked to the priorities identified for Gauteng Province, and are
presented as such below. It must be noted that priorities, targets and indicators are not
listed in any order of importance. In terms of timeframes, the following is applicable:
Short-term priority: 0 5 years; Medium-term priority: 5 10 years; Long-term priority:
10 15 years
GSSD Priority 1: Promote capacity building and human resource development for
sustainable development
Objective: Improved human resource potential and capital
Gauteng is South Africas most highly populated Province, and as such the people of
Gauteng are the Provinces key resource. To make sure that sustainable development
becomes a practical reality in everyday life, new capacities and skills will be required
across society. There is a mismatch between the current skills base and the skills needed
to be globally competitive. As such, the skills required to address the major sustainable
development issues facing Gauteng are largely lacking.

The changing structure of the

economy, with many more jobs now available or potentially available in the service
sectors than in the traditional sectors such as agriculture, mining and construction
requires a labour force with different skills by those available to the bulk of the
unemployed labour force. Currently, the greatest skills shortages are within the technical
and associated professional categories followed by the professional and skilled workers


Target and Indicators










GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 12.9

into formal education curricula by 2010


Develop skills and sector specific plans


(SETA) to address HIV/AIDS by 2015


to Long

Increase in overall employment and an







employed in the tertiary sector


Level of sustainable development issues






Level of consideration of sustainable

development criteria in decision-making
processes of GPG Departments














Percentage change in employment per




GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 12.9

GSSD Priority 2: Strengthen intergovernmental and societal relations

Objective: Strengthening inter-governmental relations and integrating sustainability into
key GPG development programmes



to strengthen






mechanisms, and if necessary establish new ones where required to address sustainable
development issues (e.g. appropriate co-governance, signed co-operation agreements
and pooling of resources and information between all spheres of government; ensuring










governmental structures on a regular basis; integrate sustainable development into the

annual provincial budgetary cycles as well as municipal IDPs).

Reporting GPG

Targets and Indicators




Mainstreaming sustainable development





Premiers Office


decision-making processes














Premiers Office




linking these to the annual budgets







Premiers Office

assessments of sustainable development









Creating consensus within forums for

Premiers Office

intergovernmental governance, e.g. the

Premiers Intergovernmental Forum, on





included in municipal IDPs.





criteria in all IDPs in the Province

Premiers Office &







indicators in departmental budgets per

financial year

Performance of sustainable development

in terms of the EIP review cycle





issues and priorities within IDPs


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 12.9

GSSD Priority 3: Promote economic development for sustainable development

Objective: Linking sustainable resource use and economic development
An important component of creating sustainable communities entails tackling the critical
questions of poverty and unemployment. The number of households living in poverty
within Gauteng is on the increase. Unemployment in Gauteng has almost doubled in the
last decade, and exceeds the levels for the country as a whole. Poverty is closely
associated with other socio-economic and environmental variables, such as high
mortality rates and unhealthy environmental conditions and environmental degradation/
There are also high levels of crime, and this has had significant influence on businesses
not locating within Gauteng.
Gauteng has launched its initiative to position the Gauteng Province as a Global City
region. Key challenges in this regard are improving service delivery, aligning the first and
second economies, improving planning and creating jobs. A critical component of the
success of this strategy will also be positioning Gauteng as a safe and aesthetically
pleasant place to live and do business.










consumption, mainly derived from coal. As long as this remains the case, economic
performance will be hampered as key resource thresholds start to be reached, and
poverty will persist as scarce funds get redirected into effectively subsidising these
energy inefficiencies. Thus, in order to ensure the economic sustainability and
competitiveness of Gauteng, concrete steps will need to be taken to decouple growth
from rising natural resource consumption and continued degradation of ecosystem

Reporting GPG

Targets and Indicators


Targets Employment & job creation:


Short to


Improve the operating environment of


the informal sector (effective by-laws)


Improve service delivery and cooperative

All Departments



Create jobs through the development of



and Finance




contribution to new jobs by 2015)










and Finance

environmental economy (20% of all new


SMMEs by 2015)


Reduce unemployment by half by 2014

and Finance


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide


Appendix 12.9

Reporting GPG

Targets and Indicators


through promoting high levels of labour

absorbing economic growth, contributing







development of the Province


Create the necessary fiscal incentives and

and Finance







environmental functioning of the Gauteng




Reduce poverty by half through growing

and Finance

secure and prosperous communities with

jobs, schools, clinics and other services in
a safe and healthy environment which





volunteer activities

Percentage change in number of job

opportunities created

Percentage change in SMMEs established







unemployment rate

Percentage change in employment per


Contribution of informal sector to the

Gross Domestic Product (GDP)










Gauteng and foreign direct investment

Contribution to ASGI-SA growth targets

for Gauteng





households living in poverty

Poverty gap ratio

Targets Energy efficiency and sustainable









Increase use of alternative fuel sources

All Departments


Promote efficient energy use

All Departments


10% renewable energy use by 2015

All Departments

All Departments

energy sources


CO2 levels

Percentage change in use of alternative

energy sources


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide


Appendix 12.9

Reporting GPG

Targets and Indicators


GSSD Priority 4: Promote sustainable human settlements and resource use

Objective: Efficient and sustainable utilisation of land
Unsustainable land use patterns have implications for the condition of the land, which
can limit the capacity of land and water resources to support agriculture, forestry,
fisheries and human settlements. Gauteng has a far higher average population density
than any other province in South Africa, largely due to the high population levels and
relatively small land area. The need for development of land in response to increasing
population as well as for economic growth needs to be weighed up against its protection
for maintaining healthy ecosystems and natural resources. Urban expansion and
unregulated development is seen to be causing the loss of high potential agricultural land
and threatening environmentally sensitive areas. The manner in which development
takes shape in Gauteng will require the Province to play a major co-ordination role.
Providing sustainable settlements and housing opportunities to the increasing population
remains a challenge. Overcrowding potentially gives rise to unsustainable pressures on
infrastructure and resources and results in negative human health impacts. However, low
density residential development places pressure on natural resources, provides the
potential for urban sprawl, and is not considered to be economically sustainable.
Approximately 30% of the population are currently housed within informal settlements.


Targets and Indicators




Diversity in housing typologies



Increase current rate of housing


delivery by 20% by 2015


Promote rehabilitation of



and tailings dams




settlements by 2020

Decrease in housing backlog

Percentage change of number of






Percentage change in land use per

land use category





developed on strategically located



GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 12.9


Percentage level of rehabilitation

of strategically located mines and
tailings dams

Objective: Sustaining ecosystem functioning and using resources efficiently

Ecosystems are the basis of society and economy. Healthy ecosystems provide vital
services to people and ecosystem services are of great value to society. Degraded
ecosystems cease to function optimally, and this can represent significant losses to
society. In general, biodiversity and ecosystem health within Gauteng are declining,
largely as a result of increasing human pressure through urbanisation, industrialisation
and pollution.


Targets and Indicators




Increase the amount of land under


conservation by 20% by 2015












Improve river and riparian vegetation



Percentage change in land use per land

use category

Percentage change in amount of land

under conservation

Vegetation condition of areas under

conservation and within riparian areas

Level of implementation of stewardship








Change in level of sulphate:chloride






nutrients and microbiology

Change in abundance of aquatic microinvertebrates

Fish assemblage integrity index (FAII)

in rivers/dams






Vegetation Index










GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 12.9

Objective: Provide efficient and reliable public transport

As Gauteng is highly urbanised, with a concentration of industrial activity, there is
consequently a high level of commercial road transport activity. This is also partially due
to the government policy which has favoured road transport over rail transport.
Commuter transport is also a major issue in Gauteng, with limited public transport
having resulted in private vehicle use and minibus taxi use being the dominant forms of
commuter transport. Gauteng has the highest live vehicle population in South Africa,
accounting for more than a third of the countrys vehicles. A consistent commitment to
investing in public transport will, over the medium- and long-term, contribute
significantly to all three areas of sustainability.


Targets and Indicators





Taxi recapitalisation

Transport and Public


Develop an efficient and affordable

Transport and Public

public transport system by 2015


Shift transport modal split to 80

Transport and Public

public transport: 20 private transport


Rationalise freight transport with a

Transport and Public

greater emphasis on rail transit















Level of accessible and affordable

integrated public transport facilities

Condition and functioning of public

transport facilities

Adequate functioning of an integrated

ticketing system





transport by road and rail

Objective: Improve Environmental Health Management

All factors within the environment impact on human health and well-being. Physical
health is dependent on many environmental factors, including the conditions in which
people live and the services which are provided to them (such as housing, power, water,
sanitation and waste removal). Currently the environment within Gauteng is impacted by

GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 12.9

various pollution sources as well as by large quantities of liquid and solid, hazardous, and
non-hazardous waste.
Gauteng generates the highest volume of general waste in South Africa and has the
highest per capita waste generation (general, hazardous and sanitary waste) of all the
provinces. This is due to greater commercial, business and industrial development.
Limited refuse removal in poorer areas, the general lack of enforcement of the national
and municipal by-laws and littering in residential areas are some of the challenges facing
waste management within Gauteng. Illegal dumping is also an increasing issue, with
consequent impacts on the environment.
Pollution impacts on water, land and air. Quality of water resources is impacted by
human activities, particularly industry and mining, increased urbanisation, agricultural
drainage, waste disposal and land use. Decreasing water quality highlights the need for
improved regulatory capacity regarding discharges.
Urgent attention needs to be given to water conservation and demand management,
given the potential water shortages in the future, particularly affecting Gauteng. With
increasing populations and economic growth, increases in water requirements in the
future will essentially be in the urban domestic and industrial sector. This highlights the
connection between economic growth, poverty eradication and sustainable resource use.
Gauteng is exposed to high levels of crime leading to high levels of trauma, inefficient
access to basic services (water, waste collection, waste), changing lifestyles and the
increased diversity of the population. Poor levels of public health place immense pressure
on human well-being.

Poor health often results in an inability to work, which often

results in these people turning to natural resources to sustain themselves. Poor public
health increases the risk of poor environmental quality and increased deterioration of
public health. Access to health care facilities, particularly for the poor, is vital in order to
reduce this risk.


Targets and Indicators



Targets manage water quantity and

quality wisely:


Reduction of waste or loss of water in


piping systems



Promote Recycling



Improvement of quality of surface




60% reduction in pollution by 2015


Percentage change in water losses in

piping systems

Discharge to surface water per sector

Percentage change in water recycling





GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide


Appendix 12.9


Targets and Indicators



per sector

Percentage change in the quality of

surface water

Targets reduce solid waste generation

and improve solid waste management:



Increase resource recovery (reduces,


recycle, reuse, etc.)










disposal to landfill sites







disposal methods


change in total


reused or recycled per waste type

(glass, paper)






disposal of general, hazardous and

medical waste to landfill sites

Available landfill space for general

and hazardous waste

Percentage of households with access

to refuse removal services

Targets air quality management:











standards and limits




vehicle exhaust emissions


Percentage change in air quality at

selected sites

Change in trends in levels of SO2,

Percentage change in the number of

NO2, PM10

















Targets human health:





initiatives to achieve the target of


reducing the mortality rate of children




GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide



Appendix 12.9


Targets and Indicators

under 5 years of age by 2015


Implement the JPOI commitments on


HIV/AIDS with particular emphasis on










among young people between the




ages of 15 and 25 by 25%


Decrease respiratory disease



Improvement in service delivery and


basic services to meet the physical

Local Government &

and social needs of Gautengs poor

Social Services and

communities in rural and urban areas


by 2015



Change in infant mortality rate

Change in mortality rate in children

under 5 years of age

Change in maternal mortality rate

Change in the life expectancy of

Gauteng residents

Percentage change in immunisation

coverage for children under 1 year of












Gauteng per age






access to an intermediate level of

water and sanitation within the urban

Percentage of people with access to

basic level of water and sanitation






unplanned settlements







Percentage change in the accessibility

of health facilities accessible within 5
km radius of communities




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GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 12.10

Appendix 12.10
Procedural Checklist for environmental legal authorizations, permitting and licensing requirements relevant to planning and development, operations
and decommissioning, closure and post-closure of mines




Atmospheric Pollution Prevention Act 45 of 1965


Chief Air Pollution Control Officer


Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism


Department of Minerals and Energy


Department of Water Affairs and Forestry


Environmental Assessment Practitioner


Environment Conservation Act 73 of 1989


Environmental Impact Assessment


Environmental Impact Assessment Report


Environmental Management

EM Plan

Environmental Management Plan

EM Programme

Environmental Management Programme


Gauteng Department of Agriculture Conservation and



Government Notice


Regulations in terms of the Hazardous Substances Act 15 of


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide


Appendix 12.10



Interested and Affected Parties


Issues and Response Report


Integrated Water Use Licence


Integrated Water Use Licence Application


Local Economic Development


Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Act 28 of 2002


National Environmental Management Act 107 of 1998


National Environmental Management


National Heritage Resources Act 25 of 1999


National Water Act 36 of 1998


Public Participation Process


Regional Manager


South African Heritage Resources Agency


Social and Labour Plan


Water Use Licence Application










GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 12.10





Phase I
Application and
Mineral and
Development Act
28 of 2002,
Sections 13 -15


The responsible authority is the DME.

Application Form A (GN R527 Regulation 4).

Reconnaissance Work
Regulation 4(g)].

Documentary proof of financial and technical ability

to mitigate, manage and rehabilitate environmental

Applicant must also complete a prescribed EM Plan

for reconnaissance permission and submit within 60
days from the date of notice.

consultation 60 days
comments on and conditions for EM Plan.




GN R527
Regulation 4

Phase II
EM Plan
GN R527
Regulation 52



Intergovernmental consultation includes

consultation with GDACE, DEAT and DWAF.

GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 12.10







DME has 120 days from the time of lodgement to

approve EM Plan.

Phase III
Duration and
other conditions

Reconnaissance permission is only valid for two

years and is not renewable.

Phase I
Application and

Application Form B (GN R527 Regulation 5).

Prospecting Work Programme (GN R527 Regulation


Documentary proof of financial and technical ability

to mitigate, manage and rehabilitate environmental

No timeframe is indicated as to how long DME will

consider the prospecting application.

Phase II

Duration and
other conditions

Once DME has accepted the application, will notify

the applicant within 14 days.

Applicant must then conduct a public participation

process and provide results within 30 days from
date of notice.

The applicant must consult with the land

owner/occupier and any other affected party
and these results together with the
submitted in the form of an Environmental
Management Plan, which must also be
approved before the prospecting right
becomes effective.

Phase III

Applicant must also complete a prescribed EM Plan

for Prospecting and submit within 60 days from the

The prospecting right is only granted on the

date the EM Plan has been approved.

Mineral and
Development Act
28 of 2002,
Sections 16 -19
GN R527
Regulation 5-7


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 12.10





date of notice.

EM Plan

60 days
comments on and conditions for EM Plan.

DME has 120 days from the time of lodgment to

approve EM Plan.

A Prospecting right is only valid for a maximum of

five years.

Register the right at the Mining Titles Office within

30 days from the date on which the right becomes
effective (i.e. approval of the EM Plan).

Prospecting must commence within 120 days from

the date on which the right becomes effective.

Phase V

Application Form C (GN R527 Regulation 9).

Renewal of
Prospecting right

A Prospecting right can only be renewed once.

Renewal application must include period for renewal,

results of prospecting and costs incurred, compliance
with EM Plan.

Prospecting Work Programme for renewal period.

Phase VI
Duration and
other conditions

Register the renewed right at the Mining Titles Office

within 30 days from the date on which the right was

A renewed prospecting right is only valid for

an additional three years.

Mineral and

The holder of a prospecting right may only remove and

Where the holder seeks to remove bulk

GN R527
Regulation 52

Phase IV
Duration and
other conditions

GN R527
Regulation 9





Once the prospecting right is granted the

holder is required to submit a progress report
and relevant information regarding the
prospecting operations to the Regional

GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 12.10






sample of minerals found in the course of

prospecting the written permission of the
Minister is required.


Development Act
28 of 2002,
Section 20.

dispose of any mineral in the course of prospecting

operations conducted before a prospecting right is granted in
such quantities as may be required to conduct tests on it or
to identify or analyze it.


Mineral and
Development Act
28 of 2002,
Section 54

Notify the Director: Mineral Development and the Chief

Inspector in writing of the intention to commence
prospecting operations at least 14 days before such
operations commences, and provide particulars in connection
with the location, nature and extent of such prospecting


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 12.10






Mining Right Application

Regulation 10).

Mining Work Programme (GN R527 Regulation 11).

Social and Labour Plan including Local Economic

Regulations 41-46).

Documentary proof of financial and technical ability

to mitigate, manage and rehabilitate environmental

Financial Plan [GN R527 Regulation 11(g)].

The RM may send the S&LP back to the applicant

requesting amendments thereto and must be relodged within a period specified by the RM.

MPRDA Section

Once the DME has accepted the application, will

notify the applicant within 14 days [MPRDA Section

Applicant must then ensure that the entire EIA

process, including the PPP and submission of the EM
Programme is completed within 180 days from the
date of the notice [MPRDA Section 22(4)].

Phase II

The DME notification letter provides that a scoping

report and the results of the public participation

Phase I
Application and
Mineral and
Development Act
28 of 2002,
Section 22
GN R527
Regulations 10 &
Submission of
Social and
Labour Plan




An application for a mining right must include

inter alia, a mining work programme,
evidence to prove the applicants technical
ability and financial resources, a prescribed
social plan, an
environmental impact
assessment report reflecting the expected
environmental impacts; the identification of
interested and affected parties; and details of
consultation with affected and interested
parties and the results thereof. An approved
environmental management programme is
required before the mining right becomes

GN R527
Regulation 42
Acceptance of


Take note that the public participation

process may only commence after the RM

GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 12.10







process must be submitted to the RM within 30 days

from the date of the notification letter [GN R527
Regulation 49(2)];

Process, and

GN R527
Regulation 49(2)

Applicant must then conduct a scoping exercise and

public participation process;

Complete Scoping report (GN R527 Regulation 49);

Provide the results of the PPP within the scoping

document [GN R527 Regulation 49(1)];

The PPP must be undertaken in compliance with GN

R527 Regulation 3;

The scoping report must contain the information

prescribed in GN R527 Regulation 49(1);

Applicant must submit scoping report within 30

days from the date of notification;

30 days
comments on and conditions for scoping report;

No timeframe is stipulated as to when DME will

provide the applicant with comments on and
conditions for the Scoping Report.

Applicant must also conduct EIA and submit EM

Programme for approval within 180 days from date
of notice [MPRDA section 39(1)].

The mining right is only granted on the date the EM

Programme has been approved

Phase III
EIA and EM
Mineral and



has accepted the mining right application.

Take note that the 30 day timeframe is part

of the greater 180 day period for submission
of the EIA/EM Programme.
Take note that the 30 day timeframe for
intergovernmental consultation is also part of
the greater 180 day period for submission of
the EIA/EM Programme.

Every person who has applied for a mining

right in terms of section 22 must conduct an
environmental impact assessment and submit
an environmental management programme.
The mining right only becomes effective once
the environmental management programme

GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 12.10





Development Act
28 of 2002,
Section 39(1)

GN R527
Regulations 48 -51

EIA Phase (GN R527 Regulation 48-51)

Scoping Report approved by RM;

Conduct EIA and prepare report (MPRDA

section 39 and GN R527 Regulation 50);

Include all RM comments on and conditions

for scoping report within the EIA/EM
Programme [GN R527 Regulation 49(5)]

Environmental Awareness Plan; Financial
Provision and Emergency Response Plan) and
submit (MPRDA section 39 and GN R527
Regulation 51);

Submit final EIA/EM Programme within 180

days of notification [MPRDA section 39(1)];

Intergovernmental consultation 60 days for

comments on and conditions for EM
Programme [MPRDA section 40(2)];

DME has 120 days from the time of

lodgment to approve EM Programme [MPRDA
section 39(4)];

The mining right is only granted on the date

the EM Programme has been approved; and

If not accepted DME will notify the

application within 30 days of the decision.



is approved.

GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 12.10






Phase IV
Duration and
other conditions

A mining right is only valid for a maximum of 30


Register the right at the Mining Titles Office within

30 days from the date on which the right becomes
effective (i.e. approval of the EM Programme).

Phase V

Application Form E (GN R527 Regulation 13).

Renewal of
Mining right

A Mining right may be renewed for further periods,

each not exceeding 30 years.

Renewal application must include mining work

programme, financial provision, social and labour
plan, report on extent of rehabilitation, period for
rehabilitation still required and associated costs.

Phase VI
Duration and
other conditions

A renewed mining right is valid for an additional 30


Register the renewed right at the Mining Titles Office

within 30 days from the date on which the right was

Mineral and
Development Act
28 of 2002,
Section 54

Notify the Director: Mineral Development and the Chief

Inspector in writing of the intention to commence mining
operations at least 14 days before any such operations
commences, and provide particulars in connection with the
location, nature and extent of such operations.



Mining must commence within one year

from the date on which the right becomes

GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 12.10





Application Form F (GN R527 Regulation 14)

Documentary proof of financial and technical ability

to mitigate, manage and rehabilitate environmental

Phase II


Once DME has accepted the application, will notify

the applicant within 14 days.

Applicant must then conduct a public participation

process and provide results within 30 days from
date of notice.

Phase III

Applicant must also complete a prescribed EM Plan

for mining permit and submit within 60 days from
the date of notice.

60 days
comments on and conditions for EM Plan.

The DME has 120 days from the time of lodgment to

approve EM Plan.

The mining permit is only granted if the mineral can

be mined within two years, or the mineral area is
less than 1.5 hectares, and the EM Plan has been

Phase I
Application and
GN R527
Regulation 14



EM Plan
Mineral and
Development Act
28 of 2002,
Section 39(2)
GN R527
Regulation 52



No timeframe is indicated as to how long

DME will consider the mining permit

Any person who applies for a reconnaissance

permission, prospecting right or mining
permit must submit an environmental
management plan as prescribed. The
reconnaissance permission, prospecting right
or mining permit only becomes effective once
the environmental management plan is
(NB: No scoping or EIA is required for
the compilation of the EM Plan.)

GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 12.10






Phase IV

Duration and

A mining permit is only valid for a maximum of two


A mining permit can be renewed three times, each

for a maximum of a year.

Application Form G (GN R527 Regulation 16).

Proof of prospecting and reasons why it would be

uneconomical to mine the resource due to prevailing
market conditions.

No timeframe is indicated as to how long the DME

will consider the retention permit application.

Phase II
Duration and
other conditions

A retention permit is only valid for a maximum of

three years.

Phase III
Renewal of
retention permit

Application Form H (GN R527 Regulation 17).

A retention permit can only be renewed once

GN R527
Regulation 17

Updated report stating reasons why it would still be

uneconomical to mine the resource due to prevailing
market conditions.

Phase IV
Duration and
other conditions

A renewed retention permit is valid for a maximum

of two years.

Phase I
Application and
GN R527
Regulation 16



There do not seem to be forms for the

renewal; it is assumed one must use the
original Form F.

No timeframe is indicated as to how long

DME will consider the retention permit

GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 12.10





Minerals Act 50 of
1991, GN R992,
Regulation 5.18

EM Programme performance assessment is required every

two years or at such intervals as required by DME.

Mineral and
Development Act
28 of 2002

The mine is required to monitor compliance conduct periodic

performance assessments of all approved EM Programmess
and compile and submit a report of the performance
assessment to the Minister in accordance with the period
specified in the Environmental Management Programme,
every two years or as agreed to in writing by the Minister.

In practice DME are requiring EM Programme

Performance Assessments to be undertaken

The holder of a prospecting permit or mining authorisation

shall demonstrate in his environmental management
programme that he has the financial means and has made
sufficient and acceptable pecuniary provision to the
satisfaction of the Regional Director to carry out such

Schedule annual
provision with the assistance of a specialist.
Keep audited financial statements of closure
rehabilitation fund on file.

GN R527,
Regulation 55


Minerals Act 50 of
GN R992,
Regulation 5.16.1
and Regulation
Mineral and
Development Act
28 of 2002
GN R527,
Regulation 41

The applicant for a prospecting right, mining right or mining

permit must, before the Minister approves the EM Plan or EM
Programme in terms of section 39(4), make the prescribed
financial provision for the rehabilitation or management of
negative environmental impacts and must annually assess
the adequacy of such financial provision to cover its current
environmental liability and increase the provision accordingly
and to the satisfaction of the Minister.


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 12.10








Management Act
No 107 of 1998,
Section 24(1)

Environmental impact assessments must be carried out for

listed activities and reported to the competent authority
When a new activity is planned on the mining area, consult
the listed activities in GN R386 & 387 for which a basic
assessment and a scoping and EIA process respectively, will
be required and consider whether the activity falls within the
definitions provided or not. (Exemptions may also be applied
for see EIA EXEMPTIONS below)

The responsible authority is DEAT.

Since the promulgation of the new listed
activities for which an environmental
authorisation is required by the competent
authority of DEAT, in GN R386 and 387 the
application of the regulations to the mining
and associated activities on the mining area,
has once again come under scrutiny.
Although on a strict interpretation of the
regulations, by inclusion of prospecting and
mining as well as related activities within the
mining area (8 & 9 in GN R386 and activity
7& 8 in GN R387 - which have not come into
operation yet) it would appear that the rest
of the activities do not apply to mining or the
mining area.
However, in practice the EIA Regulations are
being applied by consultants to prospecting
and mining operations and mining companies
are obtaining EIA authorisations from DEAT
for listed activities on the mining area.


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 12.10





Management Act
No 107 of 1998,
GN R385 (GG
28753 of

These Regulations were published on 21 April 2006 and

came into operation on 1 July 2006 with the exception of the
mining provisions which are expected to come into operation
in 2008. The Regulations regulate procedures and criteria for
the submission, processing, consideration and decision of
applications for environmental authorisation of activities and
for matters pertaining thereto.

The Regulations (GN R385, 386 & 387

repealed the existing ECA Regulations (GN
R1182, GN R1183 and GN R1184 published
under the ECA) subject to the transitional
arrangements set out in Chapter 9 of the

Management Act
No 107 of 1998,
GN R386 (GG
28753 of

These Regulations published on 21 April 2006 contain a list

of identified activities which may not commence without
environmental authorisation from the competent authority
and which must follow the basic assessment procedure as
provided for in regulations 22 to 26 of the NEMA EIA
Regulations GN R385. The Regulations came into operation
on 1 July 2006 with the exception of activities 8 and 9
pertaining to mining and related activities which is expected
to come into operation in 2008.

Management Act
No 107 of 1998,
GN R387 (GG
28753 of

These Regulations published on 21 April 2006 contain a list

of identified activities which may not commence without
environmental authorisation from the competent authority
and which must follow the scoping and EIA procedure as
provided for in regulations 27 to 36 of the NEMA EIA
Regulations GN R385. The Regulations came into operation
on 1 July 2006 with the exception of activity 7 & 8 pertaining
to mining and related activities which is expected to come
into operation in 2008.

Phase I
Application and


Complete the prescribed application form (Regulation



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Appendix 12.10





Management Act
No 107 of 1998,
GN R 385,
Regulation 27

Submit together with:

Phase II

The EAP must

Declaration of interest form completed by EAP;

Written consent of landowner to undertake the

proposed activity [Regulation 16(1)];

Application fee.

Scoping and PPP

Management Act
No 107 of 1998,
GN R385,
Regulation 56

fix a notice board at a conspicuous place, at the

boundary or on the fence of the proposed site to be
developed and any alternative site mentioned in the
give written notice to
o the owners and occupiers of land adjacent to
the proposed site to be developed and any
alternative site;
o the owners and occupiers of the land within
100 meters of the boundary of the site or
alternative sites;
o municipal councillor of the ward in which the
site or alternatives are situated;
o any organisation or ratepayers association
that represents the community;
o municipality council;
o organ of state that has jurisdiction in respect
of any aspect of the activity.
place advertisements in:
o one local newspaper; and
o any official Gazette; or



Only once the application has been accepted

by the competent authority and a registration
number for the project provided, should
advertisements and notice boards be drafted,
since they require the inclusion of the project
registration number.

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Appendix 12.10





one provincial newspaper or national

newspaper if the activity may extend beyond
the boundaries of the metropolitan or local
municipality. (does not apply if advert is
placed in official Gazette).
The SCOPING REPORT must contain sufficient information
to ensure a proper understanding of the nature of the issues
identified during scoping and must include inter alia the
following information:
details of the EAP and their expertise to carry out
scoping procedures;
a description of the proposed activity and
a description of the property on which the proposed
activity is to be undertaken;
a description of the environment that may be
affected by the proposed activity; the manner in
which physical, biological, social, economic and
cultural aspects of the environment may be affected;
an identification of all legislation and guidelines that
have been considered in the preparation of the
scoping report;
a description of environmental issues and potential
impacts, including cumulative impacts;
information on the methodology, specialist studies
and or specialized processes;
details of the public participation process that has
been followed; and
Plan of study for EIA.
The scoping report must also take into account any
guidelines applicable to the proposed activity.


Phase II
Scoping Report
Management Act
No 107 of 1998,
GN R385,
Regulation 29


The scoping report must be submitted for

public review before submission to competent
authority for approval. Although the
regulations do not provide timeframes in
respect of public review, in practice 21
calendar days are deemed sufficient.
Calendar days are calculated by excluding the
first day and including the last day, unless if
falls on a Saturday, Sunday or Public Holiday,
then the subsequent day is considered as the
last day.

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Appendix 12.10




Phase II
Scoping Report
Management Act
No 107 of 1998,
GN R385,
Regulation 29




to be included in the Scoping report includes the following:
I&AP notification strategy;
Proof of notice boards, advertisements and notices
were displayed, placed or given;
I&AP register;
Summary of issues raised, date of receipt and
response; and
Plan of study for EIA.

The EAP must submit the Scoping Report and

Plan of Study for the EIA together with the
Issues and Response Report (IRR). The IRR
must contain:

Copies of any representations,

objections and comments from

Copies of minutes of meetings held

with I&APs, and role players;

EAP responses to comments.

Details of the PLAN OF STUDY FOR EIA include:

Description of tasks to be undertaken as part of EIA
including any specialist reports and methods;
Stages of consultations with competent authority;
Methodology of assessing environmental issues and
alternatives, including no go option;
Particulars of the public participation process to be
conducted during the EIA; and
Any additional information required by the authority.

Phase III
Management Act

The competent authority has 30 days of receipt of the

Scoping Report to consider the Report and in writing accept,
reject or request amendments (Regulation 31).
An EIAR must contain all the necessary information to enable
the competent authority to consider the application and
make a decision and must include inter alia the following
details of the EAP and their expertise to carry out
a description of the proposed activity and the


The EIA report and EM Plan must be

submitted for public review before submission
to competent authority for approval.
Although the regulations do not provide
timeframes in respect of public review, in
practice 21 calendar days are deemed

GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 12.10





No 107 of 1998,
GN R385,
Regulation 32

property on which the proposed activity is to be

a description of the environment that may be
affected by the proposed activity;
details of the public participation process that has
been followed;
a description of the need and desirability of the
proposed activity and identified potential alternatives
to the proposed activity;
methodology used in determining the significance;
comparative assessment of alternatives
summary of findings and recommendations of
specialist reports;
a description of all environmental issues that have
been identified during the EIA process; assessment
of the significance of each issue, mitigation
impact assessment including:
o cumulative impacts,
o nature,
o extent and duration;
o probability,
o degree to which the impact can be reversed;
o degree to which impact may cause
irreplaceable loss of resources; and
o the degree to which the impact can be
description of assumptions, uncertainties and gaps in
opinion as to whether the activity should or
should not be authorised, and if the opinion is



Calendar days are calculated by excluding the

first day and including the last day, unless if
falls on a Saturday, Sunday or Public Holiday,
then the subsequent day is considered as the
last day.

The EIA Report must be amended to

reflect the comments received by I&APs,
before final submission to the competent
authority for approval.

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Appendix 12.10





Phase III
EM Plan
Management Act
No 107 of 1998,
GN R385,
Regulation 34

that it should be authorised any conditions that

should be made in respect of that
Environmental Impact Statement which contains
o Summary of key findings of the EIA and
o A comparative assessment of the positive
and negative implications of the proposed
activity and identified alternatives;
a draft environmental management plan; and
copies of any specialist reports and reports on
specialised processes.
A draft Environmental Management Plan must include
details of:
Details of person who prepared the EM Plan and
expertise of that person;
Information on any proposed management or
mitigation measures that will be taken to address
the environmental impacts in respect of
o Planning and design;
o Pre-construction and construction activities;
o Operation or undertaking of the activity;
o Rehabilitation of the environment; and
o Closure, where relevant.

A detailed description of the aspects of the activity

that are covered by the draft EM Plan;
implementation of management and mitigation
Time periods within which the management
measures must be carried out;



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Appendix 12.10





Phase III

Mechanisms for monitoring compliance; and


The competent authority must within 60 days of

receipt of an EIA Report in writing accept, refer to
specialist review, requests amendments or reject the

The competent authority must within 45 days of the

acceptance of the EIA Report, or if the report went
for specialist review, within 45 days of receipt of the
findings of the specialist reviewer, in writing grant or
refuse an authorisation.

Management Act
No 107 of 1998,
GN R385,
Regulation 35


Take note that there are two distinct aspects

with respect to the approval process. First
the EIA Report is reviewed and finally
approved and second the authorisation is
Should the competent authority request an
amendment to the EIA Report, the report
must be revised and made available to I&APs
for comment prior to being resubmitted.
An EIA Report that has been rejected may
be amended and resubmitted by the EAP.

Phase IV
Management Act
No 107 of 1998,
GN R385,
Regulation 35

Applicant appealing:

Draft and submit notice of intention to appeal

within 10 days of being notified of the decision;
Provide a copy of the notice to all registered I&APs.

Any other party appealing:

Draft and submit notice of intention to appeal within

10 days of being notified of the decision;
Provide copy of the notice to the applicant.

Provide information indicating where and for what


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 12.10






period the appeal submission will be available for

inspection by the I&APs;

Appeal must be submitted within 30 days of

lodging the notice of intention to appeal on an official
form published by the competent authority.

Submit Responding Statement to the Minster or

MEC within 30 days from the date that the appeal
was made available for inspection;

Answering Statement to be submitted within 30

days of receipt of the Responding Statement.

National Water Act

36 of 1998,
Section 41

The responsible DWAF authority is empowered by this

section to request in a water license application that the
applicant undertakes an assessment by a competent person
of the likely effects of the proposed license on the resource
quality. The authority may in addition, require that the
assessment comply with the EIA regulations under the
Environment Conservation Act.

National Heritage
Resources Act 25
of 1999, Section

The provincial heritage resources authority needs to be

notified of the proposed development at the initial stage of
the development and given information regarding the
location, nature and extent of the proposed development.


This section provides for EIAs, which is

already covered under NEMA and the MPRDA,
but the provincial heritage resources
authorities must be consulted during the EIA

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Appendix 12.10







Management Act
No 107 of 1998,
GN R385, Chapter
5, Regulation 5155

These sections of the EIA regulations provide that any

person who is required to undertake a basic assessment or
EIA may apply for exemptions from any provisions in respect
of such activity, from the relevant competent authority.

Exemptions may be sought from the

competent authority in circumstances where
the mine can demonstrate that the proposed
activity would be comprehensively dealt with
in the scoping and EIA undertaken during the
authorisation process, or will be covered by
an WUL application, for example.

A person may also be exempted from a provision of these

Regulations requiring or regulating a public participation
process, only if the rights or interests of other parties are not
likely to be affected by the exemption.
The exemptions must be in writing addressed to the
competent authority and reasons must be furnished, and
supplemented with the applicable supporting documentation
and prescribed application fee.




National Water Act

36 of 1998,
Sections 21 & 40

Identify what water use licenses are necessary in

terms of the type of project.

Identify specialist studies required for completion of

technical document.

Commence the Public Participation Process.

Complete necessary WULA forms and obtain

necessary documentation like title deeds, permission
from land owners, etc.


Once all specialist studies have been completed the

technical document can be drawn up.









The responsible authority is DWAF.

Licenses are required for all water uses listed
in section 21 unless the water use is
permissible in terms of Schedule 1 to the Act
or falls within the general authorisations in
terms of section 39 of the Act.

Take note that the 100 day process only

commences once DWAF has received all
information necessary to process the WULA.
Once the regional department requests
information to supplement the WULA, the
100 day period stops and commences once

GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 12.10





documentation to DWAF.

There is a guideline approval date of 100 days.


the outstanding




It is also important to note that DWAF will

not approve a WULA without an approved EM
Plan/EM Programme.

Identify what water use licenses are necessary in

terms of the type of project.

There is an overlap between information required for

the EMP and WULA, thus there should be no need to
duplicate specialist studies, or conduct additional
specialist studies.

Ensure the Public Participation Process covers the

WULA as well.

Complete necessary WULA forms and obtain

necessary documentation like title deeds, permission
from land owners, etc.

Once all specialist studies have been completed for

both application processes (EMP and WULA) the
technical document can be drawn up at the same
time as the EMP is being completed.

The WULA can be submitted to DWAF at the same

time that the EMP is submitted to DME.

There is a guideline approval date of 100 days.

Water uses that may require licensing include the following:


Take note that DWAF will not approve a

WULA without an approved EM Plan/EM

This section covers both surface water, for

example extractions directly from a water

GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 12.10






Section 21(a): Taking water from a water resource;

resource, and ground water use (although it

excludes the pumping of underground water
for mining).

Section 21(b): storing water;

This section requires the licensing of dams

and impoundments in which clean water is

Section 21(c): impeding or diverting the flow of water

in a watercourse;

This is only likely if an activity will take place

within the 1:100 year flood line or within a
horizontal distance of 100m from a

Section 21(d): engaging in a stream flow reduction

activity contemplated in section 36;

Section 21(e): engaging in a controlled activity

identified as such in section 31(1) or declared under
section 38(1);

Section 21(f): discharging waste or water containing

waste into a water resource through a pipe, canal,
sewer, sea outfall or other conduit;


This includes activities such as irrigating with

wastewater, recharging of an aquifer with
waste or wastewater; modification of
atmospheric precipitation etc.
A license will only be required in terms of this
sub-section if polluted water is discharged
into a river or another watercourse.

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Appendix 12.10






National Water Act

36 of 1998,
Schedule 1

Section 21(g): disposing of waste1 in a manner which

may detrimentally impact on a water resource;

Section 21 (h) disposing of effluent in any manner

which contains waste from, or which has been heated
in, any industrial or power generation process, for
example effluent from a processing plant;

Section 21(i): altering the bed, banks, course or

characteristics of a watercourse;

Section 21(j) removing, discharging or disposing of

water found underground if it is necessary for the
efficient continuation of an activity or for the safety of


All buffer dams, evaporations dams, return

water dams and tailings facilities proposed for
the storage of dirty water must be licensed
in terms of this section.

In the instances where groundwater will need

to be pumped for the purposes of
establishing a mine and for the continuation
of mining operations, a water use license will
be required in terms of this sub-section.

Permissible water uses listed in Schedule I to the Act and for

which licenses are not required include:

reasonable domestic use;

For example in offices, administration

buildings, ablution facilities, hostels etc. at
the mine.

small gardening not for commercial purposes;

In garden areas at the mine, for example

around offices, administration buildings etc.

The National Water Act defines waste to include any solid material or material suspended, dissolve, transported in water (including sediment) and which is spilled or deposited on land or into a water
resource I such volume, composition or manner as to cause, or be reasonably likely to cause, the water resource to be polluted.


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Appendix 12.10






the watering of animals (excluding feedlots);

store and use run-off water from a roof;

in emergency situations, take water from any water

resource for human consumption or fire fighting;

for recreational purposes a person may use the

water or the water surface of a water resource to
which that person has lawful access;

or portage any boat or canoe on any land adjacent

to a watercourse in order to continue boating on that

discharge, waste or water containing waste; or runoff water, including storm water from any
residential, recreational, commercial or industrial
site, into a canal, sea outfall or other conduit
controlled by another person authorised to
undertake the purification, treatment or disposal of
waste or water containing waste, subject to the
approval of the person controlling the canal, sea
outfall or other conduit.

Regulation GN1191
under the NWA

These regulations set out general authorisations in terms of

section 39(1) of the NWA which will replace the need for
license applications for certain water uses provided for in
section 21 of the NWA.

Regulation GN
1191 (GG 20526 of
8 October 1999)

Regulation GN 1191 (GG 20526 of 8 October 1999)

promulgated in terms of the NWA, has been revised and
amended by GN R399 (GG26187 of 26 March 2004) and



Although licensing requirements have been

dispensed with, water uses which are covered
in terms of these general authorisations must

GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 12.10





amended by GN
R399 (GG26187 of
26 March 2004)

provides for general authorisations in terms of section 39 (1)

of the NWA and replaces the need for license applications for
the following water uses:

Taking of water from a water resource and the

storage of water in terms of sections 21(a) and (b),


Engaging in a controlled activity identified as such in

section 37(1) or declared under section 38(1) in
terms of section 21(e);


Discharging waste or water containing waste into a

water resource through a pipe, canal, sewer, sea
outfall or other conduit; disposing in any manner of
water which contains waste from, or which has been
heated in, any industrial or power generation process
in terms of sections 21(f) and (h);


Disposing of waste in a manner which may

detrimentally impact on a water resource in terms of
section 21(g).


still be registered with DWAF.

Provided that the water use is within the limits and

conditions set out in this authorisation.
GN R398
(GG26187) of 26
March 2004

New General Authorisations for sections 21(c), (i) and (j)

were also published in GN R398 (GG26187) of 26 March
2004 which replaces licensing requirements for1.

Impeding or diverting the flow of water in a water

course in terms of section 21(c),


Altering the bed, banks or characteristics of a


Although licensing requirements have been

dispensed with, water uses which are covered
in terms of these general authorisations must
still be registered with DWAF.

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Appendix 12.10






watercourse in terms of section 21(i), and


Removing, discharging or disposing of water found

underground if it is necessary for the efficient
continuation of an activity of for the safety of
people, respectively in terms of section 21(j).

Provided that the water use is within the limits and

conditions set out in this authorisation.


Water Services Act

108 of 1997,
Section 6

Access to water services includes the abstraction,

conveyance, treatment and distribution of potable water or
water intended to be converted into potable water and must
be through a nominated water services provider.

Water Services Act

108 of 1997,
Section 7

Water for industrial use must be obtained through a

nominated water services provider and no person may
dispose of industrial effluent in any manner other than that
approved by the water services provider nominated by the
water services authority having jurisdiction in the area in

National Water Act

36 of 1998, GN

All of the requirements under Regulation 704 must be

complied with or written exemptions must be obtained. On
application one may be exempted from the requirements of
sections 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10 or 11 of Regulation 704.

National Water Act

36 of 1998, GN R

DWAF must be notified of the intention to commence mining

activities not less than 14 days before the start of such


The exemptions from GN R704 must be

included in the IWUL applications submitted
to DWAF for approval.

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Appendix 12.10




704, Regulation 2



National Water Act

36 of 1998,
Section 120

All dams with a safety risk must be registered in terms of

section 120 of the NWA and must also be licensed as a water
use in terms of sections 21 and 40-43 of the NWA. A dam
with a safety risk is defined as a dam which can contain,
store or dam more than 50 000 cubic metres of water,
whether that water contains any substance or not, and has a
wall of a vertical height of more than five metres.

An application for registration for all new

dams with a safety risk must be lodged with
the Department of Water Affairs and Forestry
within 120 days after the date on which the
dam becomes capable of containing, storing
or impounding water. All tailings facilities
which fall within the definition must be
registered with a dam with a safety risk.


GN R2834:
Operation and
registration of
water care works
(27 December

Regulation GN R2834 provides that the owner of a water

care work is required to apply for a registration certificate
from DWAF before it is commissioned. The application must
contain information regarding the class of work and the
person/s to be employed for the operation of the work.
Regulation 3 requires a permit to erect, enlarge or alter a
water care work from DWAF.

The registration certificate provided by DWAF

generally contains the classification of the
relevant water care work in terms of
Schedule I and II and may contain conditions
maintenance of such work.



Water care works includes works used for the purification,

treatment and disposal of effluent as well as works used for
the purification and treatment of water for human


displayed in a prominent place at the relevant
water care works and the owner of any water
care work is required to notify the DirectorGeneral in writing, during January of each
year of the employment or termination of
employment on such work during the past
year of any person referred to in Schedule

GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 12.10








Prevention Act 45
of 1965 (APPA),
Section 9

Operators of scheduled processes require Air Pollution

Registration Certificates to operate issued by the Chief Air
Pollution Control Officer.

The National
Management: Air
Quality Act 39 of

The NEM:Air Quality Act 39 of 2004 came into effect on 11

September 2005 in terms of GN R 898 (GG 28016 of 9
September 2005), with the exclusion of sections 21, 22, 36
to 49, 51(1)(e), 51(1)(f), 51(3), 60 and 61. Section 60 and
61 of the Act deals with the repeal of the Atmospheric
Pollution Prevention Act and the transitional arrangements in
respect of registration certificates issued in terms of
Atmospheric Pollution Prevention Act. The whole of Chapter
5 of the Act which deals with licensing of listed activities has
also not come into operation.

The Second Schedule to the Act set out a list of 72 scheduled

processes that require registration and must be considered in
assessing whether the process undertaken fall within the list
to which the provisions of Part II of the Act apply.

Valid provisional registration certificates granted in terms of

APPA will be valid for a period of two years and valid
registration certificates will be valid for four years, after
sections 60 and 61 of the Air Quality Act comes into effect.
Holders of registration certificates must lodge a renewal
application with the licensing authority for the area
concerned within the first three years of the four year period.
Failure to do so will result in the expiry of the registration


The responsible authority is DEAT.

Registration certificate will only be granted if
the Chief Air Pollution Control Officer is
satisfied that the best practicable means are
being adopted for preventing or reducing
offensive gases produced or likely to be
produced by the scheduled process in
The concept of licensing listed processes in
Schedule II of APPA has been retained in the
Air Quality Act. Section 21 of the Act has not
come into operation yet and will only come
into effect on a date to be proclaimed by the
Minister in the Government Gazette. Section
21 provides that either the Minister or the
MEC may publish a "list of activities", which
may result in atmospheric emissions, which
have or are likely to have a significant
detrimental effect on the environment,
including health, social conditions, economic
conditions or cultural heritage. Schedule 2 of
APPA has been retained as the current listed
activities applicable to the new Act.

GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 12.10






certificate at the end of the three years.





Conservation Act
73 of 1989,
Section 20(1)

In order to establish, provide or operate any non-mining

waste i.e. general/domestic or industrial waste disposal site
a permit is required from DEAT, unless an exemption is
granted. Mining waste is excluded from the definition of
waste and therefore a section 20(1) permit is not currently
required for mining waste, however, any potential tailings
facility would then need to be properly covered in an
environmental management programme or plan under the
Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Act 28 of
2002 and a water use license must be applied for.

The Minimum
Documents for the
Classification and
Disposal of
Hazardous Waste
and the Disposal of
Waste by Landfill

The Minimum Requirements Documents for the Handling,

Classification and Disposal of Hazardous Waste and the
Disposal of Waste by Landfill require that waste streams are
adequately identified and separated before disposal by
landfill. Hazardous waste may not be disposed of at a
domestic or general mining waste site. Hazardous waste
needs to be classified in terms of the SANS 10228 into the
nine classes of hazardous waste and disposed of at
appropriate hazardous waste disposal facilities.

Conservation Act
73 of 1989,
Section 20

A permit is required from DEAT in order to establish, provide

or operate any waste disposal site unless an exemption has
been obtained.


The responsible authority is DEAT.

A waste disposal site is defined as any site

used for the accumulation of waste with
the purpose of disposing or treatment of
such waste and therefore includes the
temporary storage of hazardous waste in a
hazardous waste storage facility. E.g.
temporary oil stores for the recycling of oils.

GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 12.10








Documents for the
Classification and
Disposal of
Hazardous Waste
and the Disposal of
Waste by Landfill

A Generator may accumulate the following quantities of

Hazardous Waste on site for 90 days or less without a permit
for a waste disposal site:

The Generator who accumulates more than

the specified quantities or who intends to
accumulate Hazardous Wastes for more than
90 days is subject to the requirements of
Conservation Act unless he has been
exempted from obtaining a permit by the

Conservation Act
73 of 1989,
Section 28A

This section of the ECA provides for exemptions from the

application of any provision of any regulation, notice or
direction, which has been promulgated or issued in terms of
the Act. This includes an exemption from obtaining a permit
for hazardous waste storage facilities.

The application for an exemption must be in

writing addressed to the Minister or a
competent authority and reasons must be

Hazard Rating 1 = 10 kgs

Hazard Rating 2 = 100 kgs
Hazard Rating 3 = 1 000 kgs
Hazard Rating 4 = 10 000 kgs



Substances Act 15
of 1973 and
Section 3A

Group III hazardous substances encompass mostly electronic

goods such as x-ray units, sunlamps; microwave ovens;
ultrasound appliances; infusion pumps; any syringe pump;
any infant incubator etc. Where a mine manages a clinic on
its premises; which makes use of an x-ray unit; a license is
required in terms of section 3 of the Act.

The responsible authority is the Department

of Health


Section 2

Written authority is required from the Director General for

the purposes of using, being in possession of, conveying or
disposing of Group IV hazardous substances. The permit
holder is required to undertake the following:

The permit holder is generally responsible for

the entire extent of radiation protection with
regard to a Group IV hazardous substance.
This general responsibility includes efficient
organisation for protection of workers; that
worker be fully informed of the health and

compile internal rules in writing relevant to the


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 12.10





operational conditions of the company and should

enforce such internal rules.


Section 17

keep a daily record or logbook of each Group IV

hazardous substance and to undertake monthly
inspections of such record. Annual stocktaking of all
sealed radioactive sources has to be done in
December of each year. A copy of the stocktaking
record must be sent to the Director General together
with a statement from the radiation protection

keep a record of every patient exposed to radiation.

arrange for testing of radiation worker and record the


Group IV hazardous substances must be transported in

accordance with specific directives that are determined by
the DG. The holder or public conveyor must request and
obtain such directive from the Director-General before
transportation commences.

RN526 - Application to dispose (sell), acquire, convey

and cause to convey radioactive nuclides

RN781 - Application to import, dispose (sell), possess,

convey and cause to convey radioactive nuclides

RN782 - Application to export, convey and cause to

convey radioactive nuclides



safety measures and user guidelines that are

applicable to such substance; and that
emergency response services and personnel,
are fully informed in the case of an
emergency of the dangers associated with
the Group IV hazardous substance that is
under the control of the holder and be
advised accordingly.

GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 12.10







RN785 - Application for the transfer of sealed

radioactive nuclides by a radiation protection officer
to his successor

RN787 - Application to acquire, possess, use, convey

and cause to convey radioactive nuclides

RN788 - Application for the temporary use, possession

and transport of equipment containing radionuclides

RN789 nuclides

RN855 - Application to do maintenance work on

apparatus containing radioactive material (sealed








National Heritage
Resources Act 25
of 1999, Section

No person may alter or demolish any structure or part of a

structure, which is older than 60 years without a permit
issued by the relevant provincial heritage resources

The responsible authority is SAHRA.


National Heritage
Resources Act 25
of 1999, Section

No person may, without a permit issued by the responsible

heritage resources authority destroy, damage, excavate,
alter, deface or otherwise disturb any archaeological or
palaeontological site.

palaeontological sites and material is the
responsibility of
a provincial heritage
resources authority and all archaeological
meteorites are the property of the State. Any
person who discovers archaeological or
palaeontological objects or material or a


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 12.10






meteorite in the course of development must

immediately report the find to the responsible
heritage resources authority, or to the
nearest local authority offices or museum,
which must immediately notify such heritage
resources authority.


National Heritage
Resources Act 25
of 1999, Section

No person may, without a permit issued by the South African

Heritage Resource Agency (SAHRA) or a provincial heritage
resources authority destroy, damage, alter, exhume, remove
from its original position or otherwise disturb any grave or
burial ground older than 60 years which is situated outside a
formal cemetery administered by a local authority. Grave is
widely defined in the Act to include the contents, headstone
or other marker of such a place, and any other structure on
or associated with such place.


Removal of Graves
and Dead Bodies
Ordinance 7 of

Authorisation for exhumation and re-internment of human

remains must be obtained from the relevant local and
regional council where the grave is situated, as well as the
relevant local or regional council where the grave is being





Provincial Nature
Ordinances or Acts

Provincial Ordinances or Acts generally include Schedules of

protected plants and animals which require permits to be
moved, disturbed etc.


Fertilizers, Farm
feeds, Agricultural

Registration of fertilizers, farm feeds, agricultural remedies,

stock remedies, sterilizing plants and pest control operators.


The responsible authority is DEAT

GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 12.10






Remedies and
Stock Remedies
Act 36 of1947,
Section 3


Biodiversity Act 10
of 2004, Section

A person may not carry out a restricted activity involving a

specimen of a listed threatened or protected species without
a permit issued in terms of Chapter 7.


Biodiversity Act 10
of 2004, Section

A permit is required to carry out a restricted activity

involving a specimen of an alien species and such a permit
may only be issued after a prescribed assessment of risks
and potential impacts on biodiversity is carried out.


Biodiversity Act 10
of 2004, Section

A permit is required to carry out a restricted activity

involving a specimen of a listed invasive species and such a
permit may only be issued after a prescribed assessment of
risks and potential impacts on biodiversity is carried out.

Refer to section 1 of the Act for a comprehensive definition

of "restricted activity.

Refer to section 1 of the Act for a comprehensive definition

of "restricted activity.



The NEM:Biodiversity Act 10 of 2004 was

enacted in GG 26436 of 4 June 2004 and
came into effect on 1 September 2004.
Sections 57 (prohibition and permitting of
restricted activities regarding protected or
threatened species), 65, 66, 71 and the
whole of Chapter 7 (regarding permitting)
came into effect on 1 April 2005. The Act
repeals the Forest Act of 1984

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Appendix 12.10








Mineral and
Development Act
28 of 2002,
Sections 43-44

The holder of a prospecting right, mining right, retention

permit or mining permit or must apply for an closure
certificate when the right or permit in question either lapses,
is abandoned or cancelled; prospecting or mining ceases; the
relinquishment of any portion of the prospecting of the land
to which a right, permit or permission relate; or completing
the prescribed closing plan to which a right, permit or
permission relate.

Mineral and
Development Act
28 of 2002

Application Form P (GN R527, Annexure II)

A closure plan (GN R527 Regulation 62)

Environmental risk report (GN R527 Regulation 60)

Final performance assessment report (GN R527

Regulation 55(9); and

Application form to transfer environmental liabilities

and responsibilities (GN R527 Regulation 58(1)).

GN R527
Regulation 57

Phase I

Participation and
Mineral and

A Public Participation Process must be undertaken to notify

the surrounding land owners of the intention to rehabilitate
and close the mine and to obtain the land owners views and
concerns. During this time the end land use must also be
decided with both DME and the final land users involvement.
The Chief Inspector and DWAF must be consulted during the
closure process in order to obtain approval in writing from
the departments to facilitate the provision of a closure
certificate from DME.


An application for a closure certificate must

be made to the Regional Manager in whose
region the land in question is situated within
180 days of the occurrence of the lapsing,
abandonment, cancellation, cessation, and
relinquishment and must be accompanied by
the prescribed environmental risk report.

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Appendix 12.10





Development Act,
Section 43(5)
Phase II

An application for a closure certificate in terms of the MPRDA

must be preceded or accompanied by a final performance
assessment report.

GN R527
Regulation 55(9)



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Appendix 12.10





Phase III
Closure Plan
Mineral and
Development Act,
Section 43(3)

A closure plan must be drawn up detailing the prescribed

requirements in terms of the regulations and include, but is
not be restricted to, the following:

Closure objectives


Impacts expected during the rehabilitation

closure phase


Actions to be taken

GN R527
Regulation 62

Phase IV

Risk Assessment
and Risk Report




To carry out the rehabilitation


to reduce the impacts of rehabilitation and

residual impacts


Monitoring programmes


Sketch plan


Summaries of additional studies conducted through

the closure phase.

Screening level risk assessment

The risk assessment report must include:

Second level risk assessment

Risk Assessment Report including management

measures for potential significant risks.

a description of the management

measures to be applied;

a predicted long-term result of the

applied management measures;

the residual and latent impact after

successful implementation of the
management measures;

Mineral and
Development Act,


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Appendix 12.10





Section 43(4)


time frames and schedule for the

implementation of the management

responsibilities for implementation

and long-term maintenance of the
management measures;

financial provision

and monitoring programmes to be


GN R527
Regulation 60


Mineral and
Development Act
28 of 2002,
Section 54

Notify the Director: Mineral Development and the Chief

Inspector in writing of the intention to cease prospecting or
mining operations, temporarily or permanently, at least 14
days before such operations ceases, and provide particulars
in connection with the location, nature and extent of such

GN R527
Regulation 2(2)(b)




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GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 12.11

Appendix 12.11
Requirements in Compliance with the Equator Principles, IFC Performance Standards
and World Bank Guidelines
Where funding is required from international financiers for proposed new mining operations in
South Africa, it will be necessary to demonstrate that the mining project concerned (the
borrower) has identified all potential environmental, social and health impacts associated with
the mining project and that these impacts will be managed and monitored in accordance with
the Equator Principles (July, 2006).
Proposed new mining operations will be categorised in accordance with the environmental
and social screening criteria of the International Finance Corporations (IFC) Exhibit I as
Category A, B or C projects and based on this categorisation will be required to conduct a
Social and Environmental Impact Assessment (SEIA) together with the development of
Management Plans and Action Plans which address the relevant findings and draw on the
conclusions of the SEIA.
The SEIA documentation including the Action Plans must be made available to the public for
a reasonable minimum period in the relevant local language. A Social and Environmental
Management System must be developed and implemented and a grievance mechanism must
form part of this system to ensure that community engagement continues throughout
construction and operation of the project. A Decommissioning and Closure Plan must be
developed and the borrower is required to submit as a minimum annual audit reports to the
Equator Principles Financial Institution (EPFI).
A key element of the Equator Principles is the requirement that the SEIA must address
compliance with applicable host country laws, regulations and permits required by the project.
Accordingly, the borrower must ensure that all environmental legal requirements including
applicable permits, licences and environmental authorisations relevant to the project are
identified and complied with.
In addition to compliance with host country laws, the SEIA must be in compliance with the
International Finance Corporations (IFCs) Performance Standards on Environmental and
Social Sustainability (30 April, 2006), IFCs Industry-Specific Environmental, Health and
Safety (EHS) Guidelines which include the environmental guidelines contained in Part III of
the World Banks Pollution Prevention and Abatement Handbook (PPAH, 1 July 1998) and a
series of environmental, health and safety guidelines published on the IFC website
Equator Principles
The Equator Principles are a set of voluntary guidelines which a number of financial
institutions have adopted with the intention of creating an industry standard for assessing and
managing environmental and social issues in the project finance sector.
The Equator Principles are based on the policies and guidelines of the International Finance
Corporation (IFC) which is the private sector development arm of the World Bank. The SEIA


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Appendix 12.11

must therefore comply with the following requirements:

Applicable IFC environmental, social and disclosure policies;

World Bank Group environmental, health and safety guidelines which are contained
in the World Bank Pollution Prevention and Abatement Handbook (PPAH);
IFC Safeguard Policies for environmental and social issues; as well as
Sectoral guidelines (environmental, health and safety guidelines specific to particular
industries, sectors, or types of projects); and
Host country laws, regulations and permits required by the project.

The requirements as set out in the policies and guidelines listed above are discussed in more
detail in the body of this report. First, the main requirements applicable to Category A projects
as contained in principles 1 to 10 of the Equator Principles are discussed in the Box 1 below.
Box 1: Equator Principles

Principle 1: Review and Categorisation

When a project is proposed for financing, the relevant Equator Principles Financial
Institution (EPFI) will, as part of its internal social and environmental review and due
diligence, categorise such project based on the magnitude of its potential impacts and
risks in accordance with the environmental and social screening criteria of the IFC
(Exhibit I).
Proposed projects may be categorised as one of the following:
- Category A: Projects with potential significant adverse social or environmental impacts
that is diverse, irreversible or unprecedented;
- Category B: Projects with potential limited adverse social or environmental impacts that
are few in number, generally site-specific, largely reversible and readily addressed
through mitigation measures; and
- Category C: Projects with minimal or no social or environmental impacts.
All commitments relevant to Category A projects as set out in principles 2 throughout 10
must be complied with.

Principle 2: Social and Environmental Assessment

A Social and Environmental Impact Assessment (SEIA) process must be completed to

address the relevant social and environmental impacts and risks of the project
concerned. The SEIA must include all relevant issues included in Exhibit II of the
Equator Principles. The SEIA must also propose mitigation and management measures
relevant and appropriate to the nature and scale of the proposed project.

Principle 3: Applicable Social and Environmental Standards

The SEIA for the project concerned must make reference to and comply with the
applicable IFC Performance Standards and the applicable Industry Specific EHS
Guidelines (EHS Guidelines). The relevant IFC Performance Standards are:


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 12.11


Performance Standard 1: Social and Environmental Assessment and Management

Performance Standard 2: Labour and Working Conditions
Performance Standard 3: Pollution Prevention and Abatement
Performance Standard 4: Community Health, Safety and Security
Performance Standard 5: Land Acquisition and Involuntary Resettlement
Performance Standard 6: Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Natural
Resource Management
Performance Standard 7: Indigenous Peoples
Performance Standard 8: Cultural Heritage

The relevant World Bank Guidelines contained in the Pollution Prevention and Abatement
Handbook (PPAH, 1998) are:
- General Environmental Guidelines
- Mining and Milling Underground (Not contained in the PPAH and currently in
The relevant IFC Guidelines, 1991-2003 ( are:
- Hazardous Materials Management
- Life and Fire Security
- Occupational Health and Safety
The SEIA must establish the project's overall compliance with, or justified deviation from,
the respective Performance Standards and EHS Guidelines.
The SEIA must address compliance with relevant host country laws, regulations and
permits that are applicable to social and environmental aspects of the project concerned.

Principle 4: Action Plan and Management System

The outcome of the SEIA must be the development of Management Plans and Action
Plan (AP) which addresses the relevant findings, and draws on the conclusions of the
Assessment. The Action Plan must describe and prioritise the actions needed to
implement mitigation measures, corrective actions and monitoring measures necessary
to manage the impacts and risks identified in the Assessment.
The developer will be required to establish a Social and Environmental Management
System (SEMS) that addresses the management of these impacts, risks, and corrective
actions required to comply with applicable host country social and environmental laws
and regulations, and requirements of the applicable Performance Standards and EHS
Guidelines, as defined in the Action Plan.

Principle 5: Consultation and Disclosure

Consultations with project affected communities by the government, the developer or

third party expert will be undertaken in a structured and culturally appropriate manner.
The public participation process will ensure that project affected communities are
provided free, prior and informed consultation and will facilitate their informed
participation as a means to establish, to the satisfaction of the EPFI, whether a project


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 12.11

has adequately incorporated affected communities concerns.
In order to accomplish this, the SEIA documentation and Action Plan, or non-technical
summaries thereof, will be made available to the public by the developer for a reasonable
minimum period in the relevant local language and in a culturally appropriate manner.
The results of the public participation process will be documented; including any actions
agreed resulting from the consultations. Disclosure will occur early in the SEIA process,
before the project construction commences, and on an ongoing basis.

Principle 6: Grievance Mechanism

To ensure that consultation, disclosure and community engagement continues

throughout construction and operation of the project, the borrower must establish a
grievance mechanism as part of the Social and Environmental Management System
(SEMS) which will be scaled to the risks and adverse impacts of the project. This will
allow the borrower to receive and facilitate resolution of concerns and grievances about
the projects social and environmental performance raised by individuals or groups from
among project-affected communities.
The borrower must inform the affected communities about the mechanism in the course
of its community engagement process and ensure that the mechanism addresses
concerns promptly and transparently, in a culturally appropriate manner, and is readily
accessible to all segments of the affected communities.

Principle 7: Independent Review

The SEIA, AP and consultation process documentation for the project concerned will be
reviewed by an independent social or environmental expert not directly associated with
the borrower, in order to assist EPFI's due diligence, and assess the borrowers
compliance with the Equator Principles.

Principle 8: Covenants

The following covenants must be included in the financing documentation:

a) to comply with all relevant host country social and environmental laws, regulations
and permits in all material respects;
b) to comply with the Action Plan (where applicable) during the construction and
operation of the project in all material respects;
c) to provide periodic reports in a format agreed with EPFIs (with the frequency of these
reports proportionate to the severity of impacts, or as required by law, but not less
than annually), prepared by in-house staff or third party experts, that i) document compliance with the Action Plan (where applicable), and
ii) provide representation of compliance with relevant local, state and host country
social and environmental laws, regulations and permits; and
d) to decommission the facilities, where applicable and appropriate, in accordance with
an agreed decommissioning plan.


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Appendix 12.11


Where a borrower is not in compliance with its social and environmental covenants,
EPFIs will work with the borrower to bring it back into compliance to the extent feasible,
and if the borrower fails to re-establish compliance within an agreed grace period, EPFIs
reserve the right to exercise remedies, as they consider appropriate.

Principle 9: Independent Monitoring and Reporting

To ensure ongoing monitoring and reporting over the life of the loan, EPFIs will require
the appointment of an independent environmental and/or social expert, or require that the
borrower retain qualified and experienced external experts to verify its monitoring
information which would be shared with EPFIs.

Principle 10: EPFI Reporting

Each EPFI adopting the Equator Principles commits to report publicly at least annually
about its Equator Principles implementation processes and experience, taking into
account appropriate confidentiality considerations.
As mentioned above under Principle 3 the EP requires that the SEIA for the project
concerned makes reference to and complies with the applicable IFC Performance
Standards and the applicable Industry Specific EHS Guidelines (EHS Guidelines).

IFC Performance Standards

The International Finance Corporation (IFC) has launched a new set of business standards
for managing environmental and social risks for project finance. The IFC Performance
Standards comprise a collection of eight quality standards which the borrower is required to
meet throughout the life of an investment by the EPFI. These Performance Standards include
the following:

Performance Standard 1: Social and Environmental Assessment and Management

System (Box 2);
Performance Standard 2: Labour and Working Conditions (Box 3);
Performance Standard 3: Pollution Prevention and Abatement (Box 4);
Performance Standard 4: Community Health, Safety and Security (Box 5);
Performance Standard 5: Land Acquisition and Involuntary Resettlement (


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 12.11

Box 6);
Performance Standard 6: Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Natural
Resource Management (Box 7);
Performance Standard 7: Indigenous Peoples (Box 8); and
Performance Standard 8: Cultural Heritage (Box 9).

Of particular importance is the introduction of Performance Standard 1, the Social and

Environmental Management System (SEMS), which requires the project proponent not only to
assess the social and environmental impacts of the proposed project but in addition ensure
the continued management of social and environmental performance throughout the lifecycle
of the project. Performance Standards 2 to 8 establish requirements to avoid, reduce,
mitigate and compensate for impacts on people and the environment and to improve
conditions where appropriate.
Box 2: IFC Performance Standard 1
In terms of Performance Standard 1 the findings of the SEIA must be used to establish
and maintain a Management Programme and Action Plans must be compiled to deal with
specific mitigation measures and actions necessary for the project to comply with
applicable laws and regulations and to meet the requirements of the IFC Performance
Standards. The mining project concerned may require a number of Plans and Action
Plans in order the meet the IFC Performance Standards which are listed below:

Public Consultation and Disclosure Plan

Social and Labour Development Plan
Training and Localisation Plan
Resettlement Action Plan
Indigenous Peoples or Community Development Plan
Decommissioning, Closure and Rehabilitation Plan
Social and Environmental Awareness and Training Plan
Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan
Community Health and Safety Action Plan
Hazardous Waste Management Plan
Hazardous Materials Management Plan
Retrenchment Plan
Biodiversity Action Plan

Several Policy documents are also required in order to meet compliance, namely:

HIV/Aids Policy
Occupational Health and Safety Policy
Environmental, Social and Heritage Policy
Organisational Structure

The developer is required to establish, maintain and strengthen as necessary an

organisational structure that defines, roles and responsibilities and authority to implement
the Management Programme, including the Action Plans. Sufficient human and financial
resources must be provided on an ongoing basis to achieve the effectiveness and


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 12.11


continuous social and environmental performance.


In order to ensure compliance with the IFC Performance Standard 1 requirements

relevant to training, it would be necessary to undertake a training needs analysis and
compile a Social and Environmental Awareness and Training Plan (SEATP). The aim of
the SEATP is to ensure that all personnel and contractors/agents doing work for or on
behalf of the borrower, that have or can have a significant environmental and/or social
impact, are competent on the basis of appropriate education, training or experience. In
addition, the SEATP provides for the identification of training needs to ensure that
employees and contractors with direct responsibility for activities relevant to the social
and environmental performance of the project concerned have the knowledge and skills
necessary to perform their work, are made aware of the significant impact associated
with their activities/work; the importance of conforming to host countrys regulatory
requirements and the applicable requirements of the IFC Performance Standards. The
benefits of improved environmental performance and the consequences of departure
from applicable environmental management requirements should also be highlighted in
the training programme.
Training must also address the specific measures and actions required in respect of the
SEIA and in particular the Management Plans and Action Plans and the methods
required performing the action items in a competent and efficient manner.

Community Engagement - Grievance Mechanism

The borrower is required to respond to the communities concerns related to the mining
project concerned and must establish a mechanism whereby affected communities
concerns and grievances can be received and resolutions facilitated. The borrower must
inform the affected communities about the mechanism in the course of the community
engagement process.


A SEMS requires the borrower to establish procedures to monitor and measure the
effectiveness of the Management Programme. For example, monitoring programmes for
surface and ground water, vegetation and soil, air quality and noise impacts must be
established to provide baseline information and ongoing monitoring of the aspects during
both the construction and operational phases of the project.
In addition to recording the information to track performance and establishing relevant
operational controls, the developer must use dynamic systems such as inspections and
audits to verify compliance and progress. An audit schedule applicable to the
construction phase and operational phase of the project must be compiled identifying the
types of audits, intervals of audits, auditor competencies, audit methodologies and scope
of audits required. Audits may include SEIA management plans audits; SEIA action
plans audits; Environmental Management Systems (EMS) audits; legal compliance audits


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 12.11


and audits of monitoring programmes.


Senior management of the developer must receive periodic assessments of the

effectiveness of the Management Programme. The developer must disclose the Action
Plans to the affected communities. In addition the developer must provide periodic
progress reports on the implementation of the Action Plans on issues that involve
ongoing risks to or impacts on affected communities.

Box 3: IFC Performance Standard 2

This Performance Standard includes the following main features with which the mining
project concerned must comply:

Development and adoption of a Human Resources Policy;

Provide terms of employment to all employees of the mining project concerned that
at a minimum comply with the requirements of the Basic Conditions of Employment
Act 75 of 1997 and Labour Relations Act 66 of 1995;
Comply with the national laws of South Africa relevant to workers organisations
including the Labour Relations Act 66 of 1995 which recognises workers right to
join and form workers organisations of their choosing without interference and to
bargain collectively;
Development of a Retrenchment Plan to mitigate the adverse impact of
retrenchment on employees and such plan must comply with South African
legislation relevant to retrenchment ;
Setting up a grievance mechanism for workers to raise workplace concerns;
Undertake detailed Hazard and Operability Study (HAZOP);
Develop and implement an Occupational Health and Safety Management System
Provide a safe and healthy working environment in compliance with the Mine
Health and Safety Act 29 of 1996;
Develop an Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan.
Use commercially reasonable efforts to apply the requirements of Performance
Standard 2 to contractors and subcontractors;
Review supply chain for potential adverse impact and identify any risks to the
project in instances where low labour costs is a factor in the competitiveness of
items supplied. In particular inquire about and address child labour and forced

Box 4: IFC Performance Standard 3

The mining project concerned must compile the following Plans to ensure compliance:


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Appendix 12.11



Hazardous Waste Management Plan;

Hazardous Materials Safety Management Plan; and
Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan.

The mining project concerned must avoid the release of pollutants or, when avoidance is
not feasible, minimise or control the intensity or load of their release. This applies to the
release of pollutants due to routine, non-routine or accidental circumstances with the
potential for local, regional, and trans-boundary impacts. In addition, the mining project
concerned should examine and incorporate in its operations resource conservation and
energy efficiency measures, consistent with the principles of cleaner production.

Waste Management

Waste management during the project lifecycle must be based on the principles of waste
prevention, waste minimisation, re-use and recycling, treatment and finally disposal of
waste in an environmentally sound manner.
A Hazardous Waste Management Plan must be developed in order to identify all
potential sources of hazardous waste and quantities generated as a result of project
processes and activities. Waste management options, including recycling, treatment and
the safe disposal options must be identified for each hazardous waste stream, hazardous
waste disposal landfill sites must be identified and reputable and licensed contractors

Hazardous Materials

The developer must avoid or, when avoidance is not feasible, minimise or control the
release of hazardous materials resulting from their production, transportation, handling,
storage and use for project activities. The developer must avoid the manufacture, trade,
and use of chemicals and hazardous materials subject to international bans or phaseouts due to their high toxicity to living organisms, environmental persistence, potential for
bioaccumulation, or potential for depletion of the ozone layer, and consider the use of
less hazardous substitutes for such chemicals and materials.

Emergency Preparedness and Response

The mining project concerned must be prepared to respond to process upset, accidental,
and emergency situations in a manner appropriate to the operational risks and the need
to prevent their potential negative consequences. This preparation must include an
Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan that addresses the training, resources,
responsibilities, communication, procedures, and other aspects required to effectively
respond to emergencies associated with project hazards. Such plan is also required in
terms of South African mining legislation.

Technical Guidance


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 12.11


The mining project concerned must refer to the current version of the EHS Guidelines
when evaluating and selecting pollution prevention and control techniques for the project.
These Guidelines contain the performance levels and measures that are normally
acceptable and applicable to projects. These emission guidelines must be considered in
light of the host legislation and should the emission limits differ from the levels and
measures presented in the EHS Guidelines, the mining project concerned must achieve
whichever is more stringent.
It will be beneficial to develop a Standards Manual which sets out the relevant ambient
air and emissions standards, liquid effluent and water quality guidelines, noise standards,
waste management including hazardous waste guidelines, relevant flood line and other
environmental legal design criteria relevant to the mining project concerned.

Such a Standards Manual would be beneficial to all project engineers and other relevant
stakeholder involved in the design process of the mining project concerned.

Ambient Considerations

To address adverse project impacts on existing ambient conditions, the mining project
concerned must:

consider a number of factors, including the finite assimilative capacity of the

environment, existing and future land use, existing ambient conditions, the projects
proximity to ecologically sensitive or protected areas, and the potential for
cumulative impacts with uncertain and irreversible consequences; and


promote strategies that avoid or, where avoidance is not feasible, minimise or
reduce the release of pollutants, including strategies that contribute to the
improvement of ambient conditions when the project has the potential to constitute
a significant source of emissions in an already degraded area. These strategies
include, but are not limited to, evaluation of project location alternatives and
emissions offsets.

Greenhouse Gas Emissions

The mining project concerned is required to promote the reduction of project-related

greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in a manner appropriate to the nature and scale of
project operations and impacts.

Box 5: IFC Performance Standard 4

This Performance Standard includes the following main features with which the mining
project concerned must comply:

Undertake a community health baseline study;

Development of a Community Health and Safety Action Plan;


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 12.11

Undertake a risk assessment of mine infrastructure including tailings dams and

other structural elements which may pose a significant risk to nearby communities;
Control the safety of deliveries of hazardous raw materials and transportation of
hazardous wastes;
The establishment of an HIV/Aids policy;
The implementation of an HIV/AIDS programme; and
Undertake a risk assessment of security arrangements.


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 12.11

Box 6: IFC Performance Standard 5

Involuntary resettlement according to Performance Standard 5 refers to both:

Physical displacement (relocation or loss of shelter); and

Economic displacement (loss of assets or access to assets that leads to loss of
income sources or means of livelihood) as a result of project related land

Land acquisition includes both:


Outright purchase of property; and

Purchase of access rights, such as rights of way.

Resettlement is considered involuntary when affected individuals or communities do not

have the right to refuse land acquisition that result in displacement. This occurs in the
case of:

Lawful expropriation or restrictions on land use based on eminent domain; and

Negotiated settlements in which the buyer can resort to expropriation or impose
legal restrictions on land use if negotiations with the seller fail.

This Performance Standard applies to physical or economic displacement resulting from

the following types of land transactions:

Type I: Land rights for a private sector project acquired through expropriation or
other compulsory procedures;
Type II: Land rights for a private sector project acquired through negotiated
settlements with property owners or those with legal rights to land, including
customary or traditional rights recognised or recognised under the laws of the
country, if expropriation or other compulsory process would have resulted upon the
failure of negotiation.

In the case of Type I and Type II transactions that require physical displacement of
people, the developer is required to develop a Resettlement Action Plan or a
resettlement framework.
In the case of Type II transactions involving economic but not physical displacement of
people, the developer is required to develop procedures to offer the affected persons and
communities compensation and other assistance that meet the objectives of the
Performance Standard.
In order to assess whether the involuntary resettlement results in physical dislocation or
economic displacement it will be necessary during the SEIA process to undertake an
Involuntary Resettlement Census once the exact land requirements have been identified
and finalised.


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 12.11


The Involuntary Resettlement Census must identify all individuals and communities
displaced by the project, identify the land tenure or rights to land of displaced persons;
include an inventory of affected assets and identify the compensation likely to be paid to
the affected persons in terms of relevant South African legislation and policy and/or
guideline documents.

Box 7: IFC Performance Standard 6

In accordance with the requirements of this Performance Standard the SEIA process
must include the assessment of the significance of the project impacts on all levels of
The services of a qualified and experienced external expert must be
obtained to assist in conducting an ecological assessment of the proposed mining
projects area of influence.
The assessment must take into account the differing values attached to biodiversity by
local communities and other interested parties and will identify impacts on ecosystem
services and must focus on major threats to biodiversity which include habitat destruction
and invasive alien species.
Once it has been identified that the proposed mining projects area of influence includes
critical habitats or species or legally protected areas a Biodiversity Action Plan will be
required for the project area. The ecological assessment will in any event culminate in
the development of Management Plans relevant to the protection of fauna and flora, the
management of alien invasive species and the introduction of indigenous species for
rehabilitation and soil stabilisation purposes in line with the host legislative requirements.
Management plans must also consider the remedial measures required to deal with loss
of biodiversity in the form of provisioning services and cultural services, such as the loss
of grazing, use of firewood and building materials and the use of medicinal plants.

Box 8: IFC Performance Standard 7

The applicability of this Performance Standard is established during the SEIA process,
while implementation of the actions necessary to meet the requirements must be
managed through the SEMS of the mining project concerned.
In this Performance Standard, the term Indigenous Peoples is used in a generic sense
to refer to a distinct social and cultural group possessing the following characteristics in
varying degrees:

Self-identification as members of a distinct indigenous cultural group and

recognition of this identity by others;


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 12.11



Collective attachment to geographically distinct habitats or ancestral territories in

the project area and to the natural resources in these habitats and territories;
Customary cultural, economic, social, or political institutions that are separate from
those of the dominant society or culture; and
An indigenous language, often different from the official language of the country or

It will also be necessary during the Social Impact Assessment process to establish further
clarity on the presence and status of indigenous peoples and other affected communities
within the project area and the nature and degree of cultural, social and environmental
impacts on them.
Where the avoidance of the above mentioned impacts is not feasible, the mining project
concerned will be required to include the proposed actions to minimise, mitigate or
compensate for these impacts in a time-bound plan, such as an Indigenous Peoples
Development Plan, or a broader community development plan with separate components
for Indigenous Peoples. The precise application of this performance standard as
mentioned above will only become apparent during the course of the SEIA process.

Box 9: IFC Performance Standard 8

This Performance Standard includes the following main features with which the mining
project concerned must comply:

Host country legislation applicable to archaeological and cultural heritage;

Compile an Archaeological and Cultural Management Procedure which covers
chance finds during construction or operational activities;
Chance finds may not be disturbed until an assessment by a competent specialist
is made and actions consistent with the procedure and legislative requirements are
met; and
Ensure that an archaeologist is present during the bush clearing phase to provide
guidance in terms of already identified cultural sites as well as to identify any
additional archaeological or cultural sites and to stipulate mitigatory measures
dependent on their level of importance, should any be identified at this phase of the

IFC Guidelines
A complete list of the IFC standards and guidelines are summarised in
Table Error! No text of specified style in document.-1. These standards and guidelines are
available for viewing and downloading on the IFC website at


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 12.11

Table Error! No text of specified style in document.-1: IFC Guidelines


Air Emissions & Ambient Air Quality
Energy Conservation
Wastewater & Ambient Water Quality
Water Conservation
Hazardous Materials Management
Waste Management
Contaminated Land

Occupational Health and Safety

General Facility Design & Operation

Communication & Training
Physical Hazards
Chemical Hazards
Biological Hazards
Radiological Hazards
Special Hazard Environments

Community Health and Safety

Water Quality
Structural Safety & Project Infrastructure
Life & Fire Safety
Traffic Safety
Transport Safety
Transport of HazMat
Disease Prevention
Emergency Preparedness & Response

Construction and Decommissioning

Occupational Health & Safety
Community & Health and Safety

Industry Sector Guidelines



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GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 13: The GDACE Review Process





In the previous two chapters the roles of DME and GDACE were laid out with regard to
environmental management of the minerals industry. In this chapter the physical steps that
an EO must undertake to review mineral licence applications and related documents
forwarded to GDACE by the regional DME office is described.
In order to understand the review process, the following points need to be understood by the
1. In terms of the MPRDA, the DME is the lead agent for mining rights, social aspects,
safety, and environment pertaining to mineral matters.
2. However, the DME cannot make decisions without consulting various Governmental
Departments (at all levels) and interested and affected parties (I&APs). This forms part of
the new consultation decision making process implemented at DME. Nevertheless, the
final decision to grant or reject an application rests solely with DME.
3. It is the responsibility of the DME to consult with GDACE as part of their consultation
process with all the relevant national and provincial departments.
4. GDACE will also form part of the Regional Committee (RMDEC) which has to advise the
Minister if there is an objection to granting a prospecting right, mining right or mining
permit. GDACE will form part of this committee even if the objection is from other
interested and affected parties.
5. Within Gauteng, the applicant must identify GDACE as an I&AP. During the consultation
process the applicant must then find out from GDACE what their requirements and
concerns are.
The types of mineral applications for review are:

Reconnaissance Permit
Prospecting Right
Progress Report
Retention Permit
Mining Permit
Mining Right
Performance Assessment Report
Closure Certificate.

Chapter 13 includes a number of appendices which relate to the above application types.
When the EO receives an application, they need to go to the appendix related to that
application type and follow the flow diagram and checklist. There are a number of Templates
which are also applicable which must be used. All steps are to be recorded as per GDACEs
internal routing structure.

Cover page Aerial view of Johannesburg, Gauteng Province, South Africa (Source:, 2008)


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide


Chapter 13: The GDACE Review Process

Reconnaissance Permit

A reconnaissance permit is required for any reconnaissance operation. Reconnaissance

operations are carried out for, or in connection with, the search for a mineral or petroleum by
geological, geophysical and photogeological surveys and includes any remote sensing
techniques, but does not include any prospecting or exploration operation. DME currently
does not involve GDACE in the review of reconnaissance permits. Template associated with
reconnaissance permits have been included in Appendix 13.1.

Prospecting Right

A Prospecting right is required for prospecting activities entailing the intentional search for any
mineral by means of any method. This includes methods that results in the disturbing of the
surface or sub-surface of the earth, any residue stockpile or residue deposits, or any water
body. DME currently involves GDACE in the review of prospecting rights. Templates
associated with prospecting are included in Appendix 13.2.

Progress Report

Routine progress reports should be submitted to the DME by the holder of the prospecting
right or reconnaissance permit. The frequency and format of the progress report is
determined by the applicable Regional Manager of the DME. Templates for progress reports
are included in Appendix 13.7.

Retention Permit

A retention permit is issued to the holder of a prospecting right who has:

Established the existence of a mineral reserve which has mining potential

Studied the market and found that the mining of the mineral in question would be
uneconomical due to prevailing market conditions

DME currently involves GDACE in the review of prospecting rights. Templates for retention
permits are included in Appendix 13.3.

Mining Permit

A mining permit may only be issued if:

the mineral in question can be mined optimally within a period of two years, and if
the mining area in question does not exceed 1,5 hectares

Templates for Mining Permits are included in Appendix 13.4.


Mining Right

Although a formal process is laid out above, in practice a more informal approach is adopted
by DME, the formal process only being reverted to if the applicant transgresses.


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 13: The GDACE Review Process

In practice the applicant should approach GDACE as one of the I&APs during the compilation
of their scoping report. This can include an informal site visit where I&APs can raise concerns
that should be addressed by the applicant in the EMP.
The submission of the EMP by the applicant to DME makes the application official. From
then on the Regional DME Office distributes all correspondence and sets up formal meetings
between the applicant, their consultants and all I&APs. This must take place within 60 days of
the application being lodged. GDACE would be expected to attend all such meetings to give
their official input, comments and conditions.
The applicant is then given time to resubmit the revised, final EMP, which should address all
the formal comments, conditions and concerns of the I&APs. On receipt of this final EMP,
GDACE has 60 days to submit written support for, or opposition to (with substantive reasons),
the application.
Templates associated with Mining Rights are included in Appendix 13.5.

Performance Assessment Report

A Performance Assessment Report should be submitted after the closure of the relevant
mining or prospecting activity. Templates associated with Performance assessment reports
are included in Appendix 13.6.

Closure Certificate and Plan

The holder of any prospecting right, mining right, retention permit or mining permit must apply
for a closure certificate upon:

the lapsing, abandonment or cancellation of the right or permit;

cessation of the prospecting or mining operation;
the relinquishment of any portion of prospecting to which the right or permit relates;
completion of the prescribed mine closure plan.

Templates associated with closure certificates are included in Appendix 13.8.

GDACE also have to deal with notification of decisions which have been included in Appendix


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GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 13

Cover page Mine workers walking towards a mine shaft (Source: ABC News, 2008)

GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 13.1

Appendix 13.1
GDACE procedural checklist for evaluating and commenting on

Reconnaissance operation means any operation carried out for or in connection with the
search for a mineral or petroleum by geological, geophysical and photogeological surveys
and includes any remote sensing techniques, but does not include any prospecting or
exploration operation

Receive letter with EMP requesting I&APs to comment on Reconnaissance Permit

Application (See Figure 1)

Receive Reconnaissance Permit (RP) application and Environmental Management

Plan (EMP) from DME.


Admin unit captures RP application in mining register and issues RP with a reference


RP application referred to Assistant Director (AD).


AD assigns RP application to EO.


EO opens new project box file for application.


Project record sheet (Template A) started.


Log project on personal Project Status / Progress register and review internal


Acknowledgement of receipt letter drafted to Department: Minerals and Energy as per

the Template B.


Read through submitted application, proposed reconnaissance programme and EMP.


Compile GIS Sensitivity Map at pool computer using ArcView and Guidelines in
Template C.


Assess the need for specialist review.

Complete the Request for Technological Services Review form (Template D) *
If a conservation issue is identified, submit form, copy of map of location of
activity and application / notification to DD: Conservation


Review submitted application and reports including GDACE comments and

conditions, specialist reviews and history of the application (if applicable).


Compile draft evaluation report.

Evaluate application and any reports submitted therewith
Obtain comments and conditions from specialist review (if applicable)
If acceptance of application is supported, draft letter to DME in the format
indicated in Template J and submit to AD within departmental timeframes
If acceptance of application is not supported, draft letter to DME in the format
indicated in Template I.1 and submit to AD within departmental timeframes
Amend draft report (if necessary), formalise on letterhead and perform quality
control of file using checklist in Template H
Resubmit to AD or DD
Update project record sheet (Template A).


Receive signed letter back from HOD.


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide


Appendix 13.1

Verify faxed status of letter to all recipients send back to registry if fax
confirmation unsuccessful
Photocopy signed letter and file in the project box file
Place original in an envelope and send to registry for posting
Update project record sheet (Template A)

Follow-up with DME regarding decision or action requested.

* Depending on the proposed reconnaissance programme, specialist review or a site investigation may not be
necessary. For example, if the reconnaissance only involves desktop geological mapping.


Deputy Director (DD)

Receive Reconnaissance Permit (RP) application

from DME

Assistant Director (AD)

See Template B


Reference number issued

Draft letter for acknowledgement

of receipt to DME

Admin Unit

RP assigned to AD
RP assigned to PEO, SEO and EO

Open new project box file

RP recorded in mining register

Log project on personal Project

Status register

Start project record sheet

Review internal

See Template A

Read through application, RP programme and EMP

Compile GIS Sensitivity Map

Assess the need for
specialist review

Request for Technological

Services Review form

See Template C

Are there any issues?

(E.g. conservation issues)

See Template D

Submit form, map and application

to DD (E.g. DD: Conservation)




Is a site visit required?

Contact consultant/mine
manager to arrange site visit
Prepare site visit checklist
Conduct site visit
See Template E

Compile site visit report to be

attached to on the file when routing
See Template F
Review application

Obtain comments from

specialist review

Is acceptance of the
RP supported?

Draft comments to DME

See Template J

See Template I1 & I2

Draft comments to DME

Comments to AD for review

Comments to HOC for review
Comments to HOB for review
See Template H
Comments to DDG for review
Comments to HOD for signing
Signed letter to Admin Unit
See Template A
Update project
record sheet

Original posted to DME

Original faxed to DME

Copy to project box file


Figure 1: GDACE procedural flow diagram for evaluating and commenting on Reconnaissance Permits

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GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 13.2

Appendix 13.2
GDACE procedural checklist for evaluating and commenting on

Prospecting means intentionally searching for any mineral by means of any method:
Which disturbs the surface or sub-surface of the earth including any portion of the earth
that is under the sea or under other water; or
In or on any residue stockpile or residue deposit, in order to establish the existence of any
mineral and to determine the extent and economic value thereof, or
In the sea or other water on land.
Phase 2.1: Receive letter requesting I&APs to comment on Prospecting Right
Application (See Figure 2.1)


Receive notification of Prospecting Right (PR) application from DME.


Admin unit captures PR application in mining register and issues PR application with
a reference number.


PR referred to Assistant Director (AD).


AD assigns PR to EO.


EO retrieves project box file from central storage (if applicable)* or creates new
project box file.


Project record sheet (Template A) updated / started.


Log project on personal Project Status / Progress register and review internal


Acknowledgement of receipt letter drafted to Department: Minerals and Energy as per

Template B.


Read submitted application and accompanying reports and become familiar with
history of the application and GDACE comments and conditions (if applicable).

2.1.10 Compile GIS Sensitivity Map at pool computer using ArcView and Guidelines in
Template C**.
2.1.11 Assess the need for specialist review.
Complete the Request for Technological Services Review form (Template D)
If a conservation issue is identified, submit form, copy of map of location of
activity and application / notification to DD: Conservation
2.1.12 Contact consultant and /or mine manager and arrange for site investigation***, ****.
Template E
Inform conservation representative of date of site investigation.
Develop list of questions for site investigation (if applicable)
Conduct site investigation (if applicable) Template F
2.1.13 Draft initial letter to DME based on findings of GIS, site investigation, comments and
conditions from specialist review and EO review of report.
If acceptance of application is supported, draft initial letter to DME in the format
indicated in Template J and submit to AD within departmental timeframes


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 13.2

If acceptance of application is not supported, draft initial letter to DME in the

format indicated in Template I.1 and submit to AD within departmental
Amend draft initial letter (if necessary), formalise on letterhead and perform
quality control of file using checklist in Template H
Resubmit to AD or DD for rechecking and forwarding to HOD for signature
Update project record sheet (Template A)

2.1.14 Receive signed letter back from HOD.

Verify faxed status of letter to all recipients send back to registry if fax
confirmation unsuccessful
Photocopy signed letter and file in the project box file
Place original in an envelope and send to registry for posting
Update project record sheet (Template A)
Timeframe to comment within: 30 days from DME notice

* For example: renewal of prospecting right, mining permit or mining right

** If a GIS Map has not been compiled previously
*** If possible, timeframe may not allow for site investigation at this point
**** Generally, every MA or N commented on by GDACE should involve a site investigation. It may occur that a site
has been investigated recently for another application or notification. The decision on the necessity of conducting
a further site investigation of a site investigated within the last 3 months will depend on the history of the project.

Phase 2.2: Receive EMP in support of Prospecting Right application from DME (See
Figure 2.2)


Receive Environmental Management Plan (EMP) and Prospecting Work Programme

(PWP) from DME *.


Admin Unit updates PR application in mining register and issues EMP and PWP with
a reference number.


EMP and PWP referred to AD.


AD assigns EMP and PWP to EO.


EO retrieves project box file from central storage.


Project record sheet updated (Template A).


Log project on personal Project Status / Progress register and review internal


Acknowledgement of receipt letter drafted to Department: Minerals and Energy as per

Template B.


Read submitted application and accompanying reports (EMP and PWP) and become
familiar with history of the application and GDACE comments and conditions (if

2.2.10 Assess the need for specialist review.

Complete the Request for Technological Services Review form (Template D)
If a conservation issue is identified, submit form, copy of map of location of
activity and application / notification to DD: Conservation
2.2.11 Contact consultant and /or mine manager and arrange for site investigation **.
Inform conservation representative of date of site investigation.
Develop list of questions for site investigation (if applicable)
Conduct site investigation (if applicable)
2.2.12 Compile draft evaluation report.


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 13.2

Evaluate EMP and PWP using checklists in Template G1

Obtain comments and conditions from specialist review
If acceptance of the EMP and PWP is supported, draft evaluation report including
comments and conditions from specialist review and site investigation in the
format indicated in Template J and submit to AD within departmental timeframes
If acceptance of the EMP and PWP is not supported / objection to project raised,
draft evaluation report including comments and conditions from specialist review
and site investigation in the format indicated in Template I and submit to AD
within departmental timeframes
If reports indicate application will potentially cause significant environmental
degradation, draft evaluation report supporting Ministerial refusal of application,
including comments and conditions from specialist review and site investigation in
the format indicated in Template L and submit to AD within departmental
Amend draft report (if necessary), formalise on letterhead and perform quality
control of file using checklist in Template H
Resubmit to AD or DD for rechecking and forwarding to HOD for signature
Update project record sheet (Template A)

2.2.13 Receive signed letter back from HOD.

Verify faxed status of letter to all recipients send back to registry if fax
confirmation unsuccessful
Photocopy signed letter and file in the project box file
Place original in an envelope and send to registry for posting
Update project record sheet (Template A)
2.2.14 Follow-up with DME regarding decision or action requested.
Timeframe to comment within: 60 days from date of notice of EMP

* Applicant must submit EMP within 180 days of notice of acceptance of application
** Generally, every MA or N commented on by GDACE should involve a site investigation. It may occur that a site
has been investigated recently for another application or notification. The decision on the necessity of conducting a
further site investigation of a site investigated within the last 3 months will depend on the history of the project.



Receive Prospecting Right (PR) application from

See Template B
Deputy Director (DD)

Reference number issued

Draft letter for acknowledgement

of receipt to DME

Assistant Director (AD)


PR assigned to AD

Admin Unit
PR assigned to PEO, SEO and EO

Retrieve project box file or

open new

PR recorded in mining register

Log project on personal Project

Status register

Start project record sheet

Review internal

See Template A

Read through application, PR programme and EMP

Compile GIS Sensitivity Map

Assess the need for

specialist review

Request for Technological

Services Review form

See Template C


Are there any issues?

(E.g. conservation issues)

See Template D

Submit form, map and application

to DD (E.g. DD: Conservation)




Is a site visit required?

Contact consultant/mine
manager to arrange site visit
Prepare site visit checklist
Conduct site visit
See Template E

Compile site visit report to be

attached to on the file when routing
See Template F
Review application

Obtain comments from

specialist review

Is acceptance of the
PR supported?

See Template G1

Draft comments to DME

See Template J

See Template I1 & I2


Draft comments to DME

Comments to AD for review

Comments to HOC for review
Comments to HOB for review
See Template H
Comments to DDG for review
Comments to HOD for signing
Signed letter to Admin Unit
See Template A
Update project
record sheet

Original posted to DME

Original faxed to DME

Copy to project box file


Figure 2.1: GDACE procedural flow diagram for Phase 2.1 of evaluating and commenting on Prospecting Rights

Within 180 days of notice of
acceptance of application

Receive Environmental Management Plan (EMP)

from DME

See Template B
Deputy Director (DD)
Assistant Director (AD)

Reference number issued

Draft letter for acknowledgement

of receipt to DME


Admin Unit

EMP assigned to AD
EMP assigned to PEO, SEO and EO

Retrieve project box file

Update project record sheet

EMP recorded in mining register

Log project on personal Project

Status register

Review internal

See Template A

Read through application and EMP

Assess the need for
specialist review

Request for Technological

Services Review form

Are there any issues?

(E.g. conservation issues)

See Template D


Submit form, map and application

to DD (E.g. DD: Conservation)



Is a site visit required?


Contact consultant/mine
manager to arrange site visit
Prepare site visit checklist
Conduct site visit
See Template E

Compile site visit report to be

attached to on the file when routing
See Template F
Review application

Obtain comments from

specialist review

Is acceptance of the
EMP supported?

See Template G1

Draft comments to DME

See Template J

See Template I1 & I2

Draft comments to DME

Comments to AD for review

Comments to HOC for review
Comments to HOB for review
See Template H
Comments to DDG for review

Comments to HOD for signing

Signed letter to Admin Unit
See Template A
Update project
record sheet

Original posted to DME

Original faxed to DME

Copy to project box file


Figure 2.2: GDACE procedural flow diagram for Phase 2.2 of evaluating and commenting on Prospecting Rights

Page left blank for printing

GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 13.3

Appendix 13.3
GDACE procedural checklist for commenting on


A retention permit is issued to the holder of a prospecting right who has:

Established the existence of a mineral reserve which has mining potential
Studied the market and found that the mining of the mineral in question would be
uneconomical due to prevailing market conditions


Receive retention permit (RP) application from DME (Refer to Figure 3)


Admin unit captures RP in mining register and issues RP with a reference number.


RP referred to Assistant Director (AD).


AD assigns RP to EO.


EO retrieves project box file from central storage (if applicable) or creates new project
box file.


Project record sheet (Template A) updated / started.


Log project on Project Status / Progress register and review internal timeframes.


Acknowledgement of receipt letter drafted to Department: Minerals and Energy as per

Template B.


Read submitted application and accompanying reports and become familiar with
history of the application and GDACE comments (if applicable).


Compile GIS Sensitivity Map at pool computer using ArcView and Guidelines in
Template C*.


Assess the need for specialist review.

Complete the Request for Technological Services Review form (Template D)
If a conservation issue is identified, submit form, copy of map of location of
activity and application / notification to DD: Conservation


Contact consultant and / or mine manager and arrange for site investigation**.
Template E
Inform conservation representative of date of site investigation.
Develop list of questions for site investigation (if applicable)
Conduct site investigation (if applicable) Template E & F


Compile draft evaluation report.

Evaluate application using checklists in Template G3
Obtain comments from specialist review Template D
If acceptance of the application is supported, draft evaluation report including
comments from specialist review and site investigation in the format indicated in
Template N and submit to AD within departmental timeframes
If acceptance of the application is not supported / objection to project raised, draft
evaluation report including comments from specialist review and site investigation
in the format indicated in Template I and submit to AD within departmental
Amend draft report (if necessary), formalise on letterhead and perform quality
control of file using checklist in Template H
Resubmit to AD or DD for rechecking and forwarding to HOD for signature


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 13.3

Update project record sheet (Template A)


Receive signed comments letter back from HOD.

Verify faxed status of signed comments letter to all recipients send back to
registry if fax confirmation unsuccessful
Photocopy signed letter and file in the project box file
Place original in an envelope and send to registry for posting
Update project record sheet (Template A)


Follow-up with DME regarding decision or action requested

* If a GIS Map has not been compiled previously.

** Generally, every MA or N commented on by GDACE should involve a site investigation. It may occur that a site
has been investigated recently for another application or notification. The decision on the necessity of conducting
a further site investigation to a site investigated within the last 3 months will depend on the history of the project.


Receive Retention Permit (RP) application from

See Template B
Reference number issued

Draft letter for acknowledgement

of receipt to DME

Deputy Director (DD)

Assistant Director (AD)
RP assigned to AD
Admin Unit

RP assigned to PEO, SEO and EO

Retrieve project box file or

create new

RP recorded in mining register

Log project on personal Project

Status register

Update project record sheet

Review internal

See Template A

Read through RP and other reports

Compile GIS Sensitivity Map

Assess the need for

specialist review

Request for Technological

Services Review form


Are there any issues?

(E.g. conservation issues)

See Template D

See Template C

Submit form, map and application

to DD (E.g. DD: Conservation)


Is a site visit required?

Contact consultant/mine
manager to arrange site visit
Prepare site visit checklist
Conduct site visit

See Template E

Compile site visit report to be

attached to on the file when routing
See Template F
Review application

Obtain comments from

specialist review

Is acceptance of the
RP supported?


Draft comments to DME

See Template N

See Template I1 & I2

Draft comments to DME

Comments to AD for review

Comments to HOC for review
Comments to HOB for review
See Template J
Comments to DDG for review
Comments to HOD for signing
Signed letter to Admin Unit
See Template A
Update project
record sheet

Original posted to DME

Original faxed to DME

Copy to project box file


Figure 3: GDACE procedural flow diagram for evaluating and commenting on Retention Permits

Page left blank for printing

GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 13.4

Appendix 13.4
GDACE procedural checklist for evaluating and commenting on


A mining permit may only be issued if:

the mineral in question can be mined optimally within a period of two years, and if
the mining area in question does not exceed 1,5 hectares
Phase 4.1: Acceptance of Mining Permit Application (See Figure 4.1)


Receive notification of Mining Permit (MP) application from DME.


Admin unit captures MP application in mining register and issues MP application with
a reference number.


MP referred to Assistant Director (AD).


AD assigns MP to EO.


EO retrieves project box file from central storage (if applicable)* or creates new
project box file.


Project record sheet (Template A) updated / started.


Log project on personal Project Status / Progress register and review internal


Acknowledgement of receipt letter drafted to Department: Minerals and Energy as per

Template B.


Read submitted application and accompanying reports and become familiar with
history of the application and GDACE comments (if applicable).

4.1.10 Compile GIS Sensitivity Map at pool computer using ArcView and Guidelines in
Template C**.
4.1.11 Assess the need for specialist review.
Complete the Request for Technological Services Review form (Template D)
If a conservation issue is identified, submit form, copy of map of location of
activity and application / notification to DD: Conservation
Depending on issue, consider requesting an extension on commenting period
from DME in the format indicated in Template K
4.1.12 Contact consultant and / or mine manager and arrange for site investigation. Inform
conservation representative of date of site investigation.(Template E)
Develop list of questions for site investigation (if applicable)
Conduct site investigation (if applicable) (Template E)
4.1.13 Draft initial letter to DME based on findings of GIS, site investigation, comments from
specialist review and EO review of report (Template F & D).
If acceptance of application is supported, draft initial letter to DME in the format
indicated in Template J and submit to AD within departmental timeframes
If acceptance of application is not supported, draft initial letter to DME in the
format indicated in Template I and submit to AD within departmental timeframes
Amend draft initial letter (if necessary), formalise on letterhead and perform
quality control of file using checklist in Template H
Resubmit to AD or DD for rechecking and forwarding to HOD for signature


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 13.4

Update project record sheet (Template A)

4.1.14 Receive signed letter back from HOD.

Verify faxed status of letter to all recipients send back to registry if fax
confirmation unsuccessful
Photocopy signed letter and file in the project box file
Place original in an envelope and send to registry for posting
Update project record sheet (Template A)
Timeframe to comment within: 30 days from DME notice

* For example: renewal of prospecting right, mining permit or mining right

** If a GIS Map has not been compiled previously
*** If possible, timeframe may not allow for site investigation at this point
**** Generally, every MA or N commented on by GDACE should involve a site investigation. It may occur that a site
has been investigated recently for another application or notification. The decision on the necessity of conducting
a further site investigation of a site investigated within the last 3 months will depend on the history of the project.

Phase 4.2: Receive EMP in support of Mining Permit application from DME (See
Figure 4.2)

Applicant must submit EMP within 180 days of notice of acceptance of application


Receive Environmental Management Plan (EMP) from DME.


Admin unit updates MP application in mining register and issues EMP with a
reference number.


EMP referred to AD.


AD assigns EMP to EO.


EO retrieves project box file from central storage (if applicable) or creates new project
box file.


Project record sheet updated (Template A).


Log project on Project Status / Progress register and review internal timeframes.


Acknowledgement of receipt letter drafted to Department: Minerals and Energy as per

Template B.


Read submitted application and accompanying reports and become familiar with
history of the application and GDACE comments (if applicable).

4.2.10 Assess the need for specialist review.

Complete the Request for Technological Services Review form (Template D)
If a conservation issue is identified, submit form, copy of map of location of
activity and application / notification to DD: Conservation
Depending on issue, consider requesting an extension on commenting period
from DME in the format indicated in Template K
4.2.11 Contact consultant and / or mine manager and arrange for site investigation
*Template E.
Inform conservation representative of date of site investigation.
Develop list of questions for site investigation (if applicable)
Conduct site investigation (if applicable) Template F
4.2.12 Compile draft evaluation report.
Evaluate application using checklists in Template G7
Obtain comments from specialist review


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 13.4

If acceptance of the application is supported, draft evaluation report including

comments from specialist review and site investigation in the format indicated in
Template J and submit to AD within departmental timeframes
If acceptance of the application is not supported/ objection to project raised, draft
evaluation report including comments from specialist review and site investigation
in the format indicated in Template I and submit to AD within departmental
If reports indicate application will potentially cause significant environmental
degradation, draft evaluation report supporting Ministerial refusal of application,
including comments from specialist review and site investigation in the format
indicated in Template L and submit to AD within departmental timeframes
Amend draft report (if necessary), formalise on letterhead and perform quality
control of file using checklist in Template H
Resubmit to AD or DD for rechecking and forwarding to HOD for signature
Update project record sheet (Template A)

4.2.13 Receive signed letter back from HOD.

Verify faxed status of letter to all recipients send back to registry if fax
confirmation unsuccessful
Photocopy signed letter and file in the project box file
Place original in an envelope and send to registry for posting
Update project record sheet (Template A)
4.2.14 Follow-up with DME regarding decision or action requested.
Timeframe to comment within: 60 days from date of notice of EMP

* Generally, every MA or N commented on by GDACE should involve a site investigation. It may occur that a site has
been investigated recently for another application or notification. The decision on the necessity of conducting a
further site investigation of a site investigated within the last 3 months will depend on the history of the project.



Receive notification of the intention to issue a

Mining Permit (MP) from DME
See Template B
Deputy Director (DD)
Reference number issued

Draft letter for acknowledgement

of receipt to DME

Assistant Director (AD)

MP assigned to AD
Admin Unit
MP assigned to PEO, SEO and EO

Retrieve project box file or

open new

EMP recorded in mining register

Log project on personal Project

Status register

Start project record sheet

Review internal

See Template A
See Template K
Read through MP application and other reports

Consider requesting an extension

on commenting period

See Template C

Assess the need for

specialist review

Request for Technological

Services Review form
See Template D


Are there any issues?

(E.g. conservation issues)

Submit form, map and application

to DD (E.g. DD: Conservation)


Is a site visit required?

Contact consultant/mine
manager to arrange site visit
Prepare site visit checklist
Conduct site visit

See Template E

Compile site visit report to be

attached to on the file when routing
See Template F
Review application

Obtain comments from

specialist review

Is acceptance of the
MP supported?

See Template G4

Draft comments to DME

See Template J

See Template I1 & I2


Draft comments to DME

Comments to AD for review

Comments to HOC for review
Comments to HOB for review
See Template H
Comments to DDG for review
Comments to HOD for signing
Signed letter to Admin Unit
See Template A
Update project
record sheet

Original posted to DME

Original faxed to DME

Copy to project box file


Figure 4.1: GDACE procedural flow diagram for Phase 4.1 of evaluating and commenting on Mining Permits


Receive Environmental Managem ent Programme (EMP)

from DME
See Template B
Deputy Director (DD)
Reference number issued

Draft letter for acknowledgement

of receipt to DME

Assistant Director (AD)

EMP assigned to AD
and EO
EMP assigned to PEO, SEO and EO

Retrieve project box file or

open new

EMP recorded in mining register

Log project on personal Project

Status register

Start project record sheet

Review internal

See Template A
See Template K
Read through EMP and other reports and compile GIS maps

Consider requesting an extension

on commenting period

See Template C

Assess the need for

specialist review

Request for Technological

Services Review form

Are there any issues?

(E.g. conservation issues)

See Template D


Submit form, map and application

to DD (E.g. DD: Conservation)

Is a site visit required?


See Template F

Contact consultant/mine
manager to arrange site visit
Prepare site visit checklist
Conduct site visit
See Template E

Compile site visit report to be

attached to on the file when routing
Evaluate application

Obtain comments from

specialist review

Is acceptance of the EMP


See Template G4
Draft comments to DME

See Template J

See Template I1 & I2

Draft comments to DME

Comments to AD for review

Comments to HOC for review
Comments to HOB for review
See Template H
Comments to DDG for review
Comments to HOD for signing
Signed letter to Admin Unit
See Template A
Update project
record sheet

Original posted to DME

Original faxed to DME

Copy to project box file


Figure 4.2: GDACE procedural flow diagram for Phase 4.2 of evaluating and commenting on Mining Permits

Page left blank for printing

GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 13.5

Appendix 13.5
GDACE procedural checklist for evaluating and commenting on



A Mining Right is issued in cases where:

the mineral in question cannot be mined optimally within two years or
the mining area in question exceeds 1,5 hectares
Phase 5.1: Acceptance of Mining Right Application (See Figure 5.1)


Receive notification of Mining Right (MR) application from DME.


Admin unit captures MR application in mining register and issues MR application with a
reference number.


MR referred to Assistant Director (AD).


AD assigns MR to EO.


EO retrieves project box file from central storage (if applicable)* or creates new project
box file.


Project record sheet (Template A) updated / started.


Log project on Project Status / Progress register and review internal timeframes.


Acknowledgement of receipt letter drafted to Department: Minerals and Energy as per the
Template B.


Read submitted application and accompanying reports and become familiar with history of
the application and GDACE comments (if applicable).

5.1.10 Compile GIS Sensitivity Map at pool computer using ArcView and Guidelines in Template
5.1.11 Assess the need for specialist review.
Complete the Request for Technological Services Review form (Template D)
If a conservation issue is identified, submit form, copy of map of location of activity
and application / notification to DD: Conservation
Depending on issue, consider requesting an extension on commenting period from
DME in the format indicated in Template E
5.1.12 Contact consultant and /or mine manager and arrange for site investigation***, ****.
Inform conservation representative of date of site investigation.
Develop list of questions for site investigation (if applicable)
Conduct site investigation (if applicable) Template F
5.1.13 Draft initial letter to DME based on findings of GIS, site investigation, comments from
specialist review and EO review of report.
If acceptance of application is supported, draft initial letter to DME in the format
indicated in Template J and submit to AD within departmental timeframes
If acceptance of application is not supported, draft initial letter to DME in the format
indicated in Template I and submit to AD within departmental timeframes
Amend draft initial letter (if necessary), formalise on letterhead and perform quality
control of file using checklist in Template H


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 13.5

Resubmit to AD or DD for rechecking and forwarding to HOD for signature

Update project record sheet (Template A)

5.1.14 Receive signed letter back from HOD.

Verify faxed status of letter to all recipients send back to registry if fax confirmation
Photocopy signed letter and file in the project box file
Place original in an envelope and send to registry for posting
Update project record sheet (Template A)
* For example: renewal of prospecting right, mining permit or mining right
** If a GIS Map has not been compiled previously
*** If possible, timeframe may not allow for site investigation at this point
**** Generally, every MA or N commented on by GDACE should involve a site investigation. It may occur that a site has
been investigated recently for another application or notification. The decision on the necessity of conducting a
further site investigation of a site investigated within the last 3 months will depend on the history of the project.

Phase 5.2: Receive Scoping Report in support of MR Application from DME (See Figure 5.2)


Receive Scoping Report (SR) from DME.


Admin unit updates MR application in mining register and issues SR with a reference


SR referred to AD.


AD assigns SR to EO.


EO retrieves project box file from central storage.


Project record sheet updated (Template A).


Log project on Project Status / Progress register and review internal timeframes.


Acknowledgement of receipt letter drafted to Department: Minerals and Energy as per

Template B.


Read submitted SR and review history of MR application, including GIS analysis of site
undertaken during Phase 1 and accompanying reports and become familiar with history of
the application and GDACE comments (if applicable).

5.2.10 Assess the need for specialist review.

Complete the Request for Technological Services Review form (Template D).
If a conservation issue is identified, submit form, copy of map of location of activity
and application / notification to DD: Conservation.
5.2.11 Contact consultant and /or mine manager and arrange for site investigation *. Template E
Inform conservation representative of date of site investigation.
Develop list of questions for site investigation (if applicable)
Conduct site investigation (if applicable) Template F
5.2.12 Compile draft evaluation report.
Evaluate application using checklists in Template I
Obtain comments from specialist review
If acceptance of the application is supported, draft evaluation report including
comments from specialist review and site investigation in the format indicated in
Template J and submit to AD within departmental timeframes
If acceptance of the application is not supported / objection to project raised, draft
evaluation report including comments from specialist review and site investigation in
the format indicated in Template I and submit to AD within departmental timeframes.
If reports indicate application will potentially cause significant environmental
degradation, draft evaluation report supporting Ministerial refusal of application,


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 13.5

including comments from specialist review and site investigation in the format
indicated in Template L and submit to AD within departmental timeframes
Amend draft report (if necessary), formalise on letterhead and perform quality control
of file using checklist in Template H
Resubmit to AD or DD for rechecking and forwarding to HOD for signature
Update project record sheet (Template A)

5.2.13 Receive signed letter back from HOD.

Verify faxed status of letter to all recipients send back to registry if fax confirmation
Photocopy signed letter and file in the project box file
Place original in an envelope and send to registry for posting
Update project record sheet (Template A)
5.2.14 Follow-up with DME regarding decision or action requested.

* If a site investigation was not conducted in the acceptance of application phase and the history of the project suggests no
value in conducting a further site investigation.

Phase 5.3: Receive EIA Report and Draft EMP in support of Application from DME (See
Figure 5.3)


Receive Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) report, Environmental Management

Plan (EMP) and Mining Work Programme (MWP) from DME.


Admin unit updates MR application in mining register and issues reports with a reference


Reports referred to AD.


AD assigns reports to EO.


EO retrieves project box file from central storage.


Project record sheet updated (Template A).


Log project on Project Status / Progress register and review internal timeframes.


Acknowledgement of receipt letter drafted to Department: Minerals and Energy as per the
Template B.


Read submitted SR and review history of MR application, including GIS analysis of site
undertaken during Phase 1 and accompanying reports and become familiar with history
of the application and GDACE comments (if applicable).

5.3.10 Assess the need for specialist review.

Complete the Request for Technological Services Review form (Template D)
If a conservation issue is identified, submit form, copy of map of location of activity
and application / notification to DD: Conservation
5.3.11 Contact consultant and / or mine manager and arrange for site investigation *. Template
Inform conservation representative of date of site investigation.
Develop list of questions for site investigation (if applicable)
Conduct site investigation (if applicable) Template F
5.3.12 Compile draft evaluation report.
Evaluate application using checklists in Template G5
Obtain comments from specialist review
If acceptance of the application is supported, draft evaluation report including
comments from specialist review and site investigation in the format indicated in
Template J and submit to AD within departmental timeframes


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 13.5

If acceptance of the application is not supported / objection to project raised, draft

evaluation report including comments from specialist review and site investigation in
the format indicated in Template I and submit to AD within departmental timeframes
If reports indicate application will potentially cause significant environmental
degradation, draft evaluation report supporting Ministerial refusal of application,
including comments from specialist review and site investigation in the format
indicated in Template L and submit to AD within departmental timeframes
Amend draft report (if necessary), formalise on letterhead and perform quality control
of file using checklist in Template H
Resubmit to AD or DD for rechecking and forwarding to HOD for signature
Update project record sheet (Template A)

5.3.13 Receive signed letter back from HOD.

Verify faxed status of letter to all recipients send back to registry if fax confirmation
Photocopy signed letter and file in the project box file
Place original in an envelope and send to registry for posting
Update project record sheet (Template A)
5.3.14 Follow-up with DME regarding decision or action requested.

* If a site investigation was not conducted in the previous phases and the history of the project suggests no value in
conducting a further site investigation.



Receive Mining Right (MR) application from DME
See Template B

Deputy Director (DD)

Reference number issued

Draft letter for acknowledgement

of receipt to DME

Assistant Director (AD)


MR assigned to AD

Admin Unit
MR assigned to PEO, SEO and EO

Retrieve project box file or

open new

Start project record sheet

MR recorded in mining register

Log project on personal Project

Status register

Review internal

See Template A
See Template C
See Template K
Read MR application and other reports and compile GIS maps
Consider requesting an extension
on commenting period

Assess the need for

specialist review

Request for Technological

Services Review form


Are there any issues?

(E.g. conservation issues)

See Template D

Submit form, map and application

to DD (E.g. DD: Conservation)




Is a site visit required?

Contact consultant/mine
manager to arrange site visit
Prepare site visit checklist
Conduct site visit
See Template E

Compile site visit report to be

attached to on the file when routing
See Template F
Review application

Obtain comments from

specialist review

Is acceptance of the
MR supported?

See Template G5

Draft comments to DME

See Template J

See Template I1 & I2


Draft comments to DME

Comments to AD for review

Comments to HOC for review
Comments to HOB for review
See Template H
Comments to DDG for review
Comments to HOD for signing
Signed letter to Admin Unit
See Template A
Update project
record sheet

Original posted to DME

Original faxed to DME

Copy to project box file


Figure 5.1: GDACE procedural flow diagram for Phase 5.1 of evaluating and commenting on Mining Rights


Receive Scoping Report (SR) from DME
See Template B
Deputy Director (DD)
Assistant Director (AD)

Reference number issued

Draft letter for acknowledgement

of receipt to DME


Admin Unit

SR assigned to AD
SR assigned to PEO, SEO and EO

Retrieve project box file or

open new

SR recorded in mining register

Log project on personal Project

Status register

Start project record sheet

Review internal

See Template A

Draft letter for acknowledgement of receipt to DME

See Template B

Read SR and other reports

Assess the need for

specialist review

Request for Technological

Services Review form

Are there any

conservation issues?

See Template D


Submit form, map and application

to DD: Conservation


Is a site visit required?



Contact consultant/mine
manager to arrange site visit
Prepare site visit checklist
Conduct site visit
See Template E

Compile site visit report to be

attached to on the file when routing
See Template F
Review application

Obtain comments from

specialist review

Is acceptance of the
RP supported?

See Template G5

Draft comments to DME

See Template J

See Template I1 & I2

Draft comments to DME

Comments to AD for review

Comments to HOC for review
Comments to HOB for review
See Template H
Comments to DDG for review
Comments to HOD for signing
Signed letter to Admin Unit
See Template A
Update project
record sheet

Original posted to DME

Original faxed to DME

Copy to project box file


Figure 5.2: GDACE procedural flow diagram for Phase 5.2 of evaluating and commenting on Mining Rights

Receive EIA, EMP from DME
See Template B
Deputy Director (DD)
Reference number issued

Draft letter for acknowledgement

of receipt to DME

Assistant Director (AD)

Documents assigned to AD
Admin Unit

Documents recorded in mining


Documents assigned to PEO, SEO and EO

Retrieve project box file or

open new

Log project on personal Project

Status register

Start project record sheet

Review internal

See Template A

Read reports and any other reports

Assess the need for

specialist review

Request for Technological

Services Review form

Are there any issues?

(E.g. conservation issues)

See Template D


Submit form, map and application

to DD (E.g. DD: Conservation)



Is a site visit required?


Contact consultant/mine
manager to arrange site visit
Prepare site visit checklist
Conduct site visit
See Template E

Compile site visit report to be

attached to on the file when routing
See Template F
Review application

Obtain comments from

specialist review

Is acceptance of the
documents supported?

See Template G5
Draft comments to DME

See Template J

See Template I! & I2

Draft comments to DME

Comments to AD for review

Comments to HOC for review
Comments to HOB for review
See Template H
Comments to DDG for review
Comments to HOD for signing
Signed letter to Admin Unit
See Template A
Update project
record sheet

Original posted to DME

Original faxed to DME

Copy to project box file


Figure 5.3: GDACE procedural flow diagram for Phase 5.3 of evaluating and commenting on Mining Rights


left blank for printing

GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 13.6

Appendix 13.6
GDACE procedural checklist for evaluating and commenting on



Receive Performance Assessment Report (PAR) from DME (See Figure 6)


Admin unit captures PAR in mining register and issues PAR with a reference number.


PAR referred to Assistant Director (AD).


AD assigns PAR to EO.


EO retrieves project box file from central storage (if applicable) or creates new project
box file.


Project record sheet (Template A) updated / started.


Log project on personal Project Status / Progress register and review internal


Acknowledgement of receipt letter drafted to Department: Minerals and Energy as per

Template B.


Read submitted application and accompanying reports and become familiar with
history of the application and GDACE comments (if applicable).


Compile GIS Sensitivity Map at pool computer using ArcView and Guidelines in
Template C*.


Assess the need for specialist review.

Complete the Request for Technological Services Review form (Template D)
If a conservation issue is identified, submit form, copy of map of location of
activity and application / notification to DD: Conservation


Contact consultant and / or mine manager and arrange for site investigation**.
Template E
Inform conservation representative of date of site investigation.
Develop list of questions for site investigation (if applicable)
Conduct site investigation (if applicable) Template F


Compile draft evaluation report.

Evaluate application using checklists in Template G6
Obtain comments from specialist review Template D
If acceptance of the application is supported, draft evaluation report including
comments from specialist review and site investigation in the format indicated in
Template N and submit to AD within departmental timeframes
If acceptance of the application is not supported / objection to project raised, draft
evaluation report including comments from specialist review and site investigation
in the format indicated in Template I and submit to AD within departmental
Amend draft report (if necessary), formalise on letterhead and perform quality
control of file using checklist in Template H
Resubmit to AD or DD for rechecking and forwarding to HOD for signature
Update project record sheet (Template A)


Receive signed letter back from HOD.

Verify faxed status of signed evaluation report to all recipients send back to
registry if fax confirmation unsuccessful
Photocopy signed letter and file in the project box file


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide


Appendix 13.6

Place original in an envelope and send to registry for posting

Update project record sheet (Template A)

Follow-up with DME regarding action requested.

* If a GIS Map has not been compiled previously

** Generally, every MA or N commented on by GDACE should involve a site investigation. It may occur that a site
has been investigated recently for another application or notification. The decision on the necessity of conducting
a further site investigation to a site investigated within the last 3 months will depend on the history of the project.


Receive Performance Assessment Report (PAR)

from DME
See Template B
Reference number issued

Deputy Director (DD)

Draft letter for acknowledgement

of receipt to DME

Assistant Director (AD)


PAR assigned to AD

Admin Unit
PAR assigned to PEO, SEO and EO

Retrieve project box file or

open new

PAR recorded in mining register

Log project on personal Project

Status register

Start project record sheet

Review internal

See Template A

Read reports and any other reports

Compile GIS Sensitivity Map

Assess the need for
specialist review

Request for Technological

Services Review form

See Template C

Are there any issues?

(E.g. conservation issues)

See Template D

Submit form, map and application

to DD (E.g. DD: Conservation)




Is a site visit required?

Contact consultant/mine
manager to arrange site visit
Prepare site visit checklist
Conduct site visit
See Template E

Compile site visit report to be

attached to on the file when routing
See Template F
Review application

Obtain comments from

specialist review

Is acceptance of the
PAR supported?

See Template G6

Draft comments to DME

See Template N

See Template I1 & I2

Draft comments to DME

Comments to AD for review

Comments to HOC for review
Comments to HOB for review
See Template H
Comments to DDG for review
Comments to HOD for signing
Signed letter to Admin Unit
See Template A
Update project
record sheet

Original posted to DME

Original faxed to DME

Copy to project box file


Figure 6: GDACE procedural flow diagram for evaluating and commenting on Performance Assessment Reports

Page left blank for printing

GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 13.7

Appendix 13.7
GDACE procedural checklist for evaluating and commenting on



Submitted by holders of prospecting right or reconnaissance permission at a frequency and in

a format determined by the Regional Manager DME


Receive Progress Report (PR) from DME (See Figure 7)


Admin unit captures PR in mining register and issues PR with a reference number.


PR referred to Assistant Director (AD).


AD assigns PR to EO.


EO retrieves project box file from central storage (if applicable) or creates new project
box file.


Project record sheet (Template A) updated / started.


Log project on Project Status/ Progress register and review internal timeframes.


Acknowledgement of receipt letter drafted to Department: Minerals and Energy as per

the Template B.


Read submitted application and accompanying reports including GIS analysis

conducted during the prospecting / reconnaissance application process and become
familiar with history of the application and GDACE comments (if applicable).


Compile GIS Sensitivity Map at pool computer using ArcView and Guidelines in
Template C*.


Assess the need for specialist review.

Complete the Request for Technological Services Review form (Template D)
If a conservation issue is identified, submit form, copy of map of location of
activity and application / notification to DD: Conservation


Contact consultant and / or mine manager and arrange for site investigation**.
Template E
Inform conservation representative of date of site investigation.
Develop list of questions for site investigation (if applicable)
Conduct site investigation (if applicable) Template F


Compile draft evaluation report.

Evaluate application using checklists in Template G2
Obtain comments from specialist review Template D
If acceptance of the application is supported, draft evaluation report including
comments from specialist review and site investigation in the format indicated in
Template N and submit to AD within departmental timeframes
If acceptance of the application is not supported / objection to project raised, draft
evaluation report including comments from specialist review and site investigation
in the format indicated in Template I and submit to AD within departmental
Amend draft report (if necessary), formalise on letterhead and perform quality
control of file using checklist in Template H
Resubmit to AD or DD for rechecking and forwarding to HOD for signature


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 13.7

Update project record sheet (Template A)


Receive signed letter back from HOD.

Verify faxed status of signed evaluation report to all recipients send back to
registry if fax confirmation unsuccessful
Photocopy signed letter and file in the project box file
Place original in an envelope and send to registry for posting
Update project record sheet (Template A)


Follow-up with DME regarding action requested.

* If a GIS Map has not been compiled previously

** Generally, every MA or N commented on by GDACE should involve a site investigation. It may occur that a site
has been investigated recently for another application or notification. The decision on the necessity of conducting a
further site investigation of a site investigated within the last 3 months will depend on the history of the project.


Receive Progress Report (PR) from DME

See Template B
Deputy Director (DD)
Assistant Director (AD)

Reference number issued

Draft letter for acknowledgement

of receipt to DME


Admin Unit

PR assigned to AD

PR assigned to PEO, SEO and EO

Retrieve project box file or

create new

Update project record sheet

PR recorded in mining register

Log project on personal Project

Status register

Review internal

See Template A

Read through PR and other reports

Compile GIS Sensitivity Map

Assess the need for
specialist review

Request for Technological

Services Review form

Are there any issues?

(E.g. conservation issues)

See Template D

See Template C

Submit form, map and application

to DD (E.g. DD: Conservation)


Is a site visit required?


Contact consultant/mine
manager to arrange site visit
Prepare site visit checklist
Conduct site visit
See Template E

Compile site visit report to be

attached to on the file when routing
See Template F
Review application

Obtain comments from

specialist review

Is acceptance of the
PR supported?

See Template G2
Draft comments to DME

See Template N

See Template I1 & I2

Draft comments to DME

Comments to AD for review

Comments to HOC for review
Comments to HOB for review
See Template J
Comments to DDG for review
Comments to HOD for signing
Signed letter to Admin Unit
See Template A
Update project
record sheet

Original posted to DME

Original faxed to DME

Copy to project box file


Figure 7: GDACE procedural flow diagram for evaluating and commenting on Progress Reports

Page left blank for printing

GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 13.8

Appendix 13.8
GDACE procedural checklist for commenting on



Receive notification of the intention to issue a closure certificate (CC) from DME
(See Figure 8)


Admin unit captures CC in mining register and issues CC with a reference number.


CC referred to Assistant Director (AD).


AD assigns CC to EO.


EO retrieves project box file from central storage (if applicable) or creates new project
box file.


Project record sheet (Template A) updated.


Log project on personal Project Status / Progress register and review internal


Acknowledgement of receipt letter drafted to Department: Minerals and Energy as per

Template B.


Read submitted application and accompanying reports and become familiar with
history of the application and GDACE comments (if applicable).


Compile GIS Sensitivity Map at pool computer using ArcView and Guidelines in
Template C *.


Assess the need for specialist review.

Complete the Request for Technological Services Review form (Template D)
If a conservation issue is identified, submit form, copy of map of location of activity
and application / notification to DD: Conservation


Contact consultant and / or mine manager and arrange for site investigation
**(Template E and F).
Inform conservation representative of date of site investigation.
Develop list of questions for site investigation (if applicable)
Conduct site investigation (if applicable)


Compile draft evaluation report.

Evaluate application using checklists in Template G7
Obtain comments from specialist review
If acceptance of the application is supported, draft evaluation report including
comments from specialist review and site investigation in the format indicated in
Template J and submit to AD within departmental timeframes
If acceptance of the application is not supported / objection to project raised, draft
evaluation report including comments from specialist review and site investigation
in the format indicated in Template I and submit to AD within departmental
Amend draft report (if necessary), formalise on letterhead and perform quality
control of file using checklist in Template H
Resubmit to AD or DD for rechecking and forwarding to HOD for signature
Update project record sheet (Template A)


Receive signed comments letter back from HOD.

Verify faxed status of signed comments letter to all recipients send back to
registry if fax confirmation unsuccessful


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide


Appendix 13.8

Photocopy signed letter and file in the project box file

Place original in an envelope and send to registry for posting
Update project record sheet (Template A)

Follow-up with DME regarding decision or action requested (Template O)

* If a GIS Map has not been compiled previously.

** Generally, every MA or N commented on by GDACE should involve a site investigation. It may occur that a site
has been investigated recently for another application or notification. The decision on the necessity of conducting
a further site investigation to a site investigated within the last 3 months will depend on the history of the project.


Receive notification of the intention to issue a

Closure Certificate (CC) from DME
See Template B
Deputy Director (DD)
Reference number issued

Draft letter for acknowledgement

of receipt to DME

Assistant Director (AD)

CC assigned to AD
Admin Unit
CC assigned to PEO, SEO and EO

Retrieve project box file or

open new

CC recorded in mining register

Log project on personal Project

Status register

Start project record sheet

Review internal

See Template A

Read CC application and any other reports and compile GIS maps

Assess the need for

specialist review

Request for Technological

Services Review form


Are there any issues?

(E.g. conservation issues)

See Template D

See Template C

Submit form, map and application

to DD (E.g. DD: Conservation)




Is a site visit required?

Contact consultant/mine
manager to arrange site visit
Prepare site visit checklist
Conduct site visit

Compile site visit report to be

attached to on the file when routing

See Template E

See Template F
Review application

Obtain comments from

specialist review

Is acceptance of the CC

See Template G7
Draft comments to DME

See Template J

See Template I1 & I2

Draft comments to DME

Comments to AD for review

Comments to HOC for review
Comments to HOB for review
See Template H
Comments to DDG for review
Comments to HOD for signing
Signed letter to Admin Unit
See Template A
Update project
record sheet

Original posted to DME

Original faxed to DME

Copy to project box file


Figure 8: GDACE procedural flow diagram for evaluating and commenting on Closure Certificates

Page left blank for printing

GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 13.9

Appendix 13.9
GDACE procedural checklist for evaluating and commenting on



Receive Notification of Decision (NoD)* from DME.


Admin unit updates application in mining register.


NoD referred to Assistant Director (AD).


AD assigns NoD notification to EO.


EO retrieves project box file from central storage (if applicable) or creates new project
box file.


Project record sheet updated (Template A).


Log project on personal Project Status / Progress register and review internal


Acknowledgement of receipt letter drafted to Department: Minerals and Energy as per

Template B.


Read submitted application and accompanying reports and become familiar with
history of the application and GDACE comments (if applicable).


Compile GIS Sensitivity Map at pool computer using ArcView and Guidelines in
Template C **.


Compile response.
If GDACE did not object to the application, draft acknowledgement letter to DME
confirming GDACEs support for approval / acceptability of application / report, as
per Template M
If GDACE objected / did not support acceptance / approval of the application,
follow-up with DME on REMDEC decision. If REMDEC could not resolve
objection, discuss possible legal action with GDACE legal services
Submit to AD or DD for checking and forwarding to HOD for signature
Update project record sheet (Template A)


Receive signed response letter back from HOD.

Verify faxed status of signed response letter to all recipients send back to
registry if fax confirmation unsuccessful
Photocopy signed letter and file in the project box file
Place original in an envelope and send to registry for posting
Update project record sheet (Template A)


Follow-up with DME regarding action requested.

* A Notification of Decision would include the following:

Notification of DME issuance of a reconnaissance permission
Notification of DME acceptance of a prospecting right application
Notification of DME acceptance of an EIA or EMP
Notification of DME issuance of a prospecting right
Notification of DME acceptance of a mining permit application
Notification of DME issuance of a mining permit
Notification of DME acceptance of mining right application
Notification of DME acceptance of a scoping report
Notification of DME issuance of a mining right
Notification of DME issuance of a closure certificate
** If a GIS Map has not been compiled previously.


Receive Notification of Decision (NoD) from DME

See Template B

Deputy Director (DD)

Reference number issued

Draft letter for acknowledgement

of receipt to DME

Assistant Director (AD)


NoD assigned to AD

Admin Unit
NoD assigned to PEO, SEO and EO

Retrieve project box file or

open new

Start project record sheet

NoD recorded in mining register

Log project on personal Project

Status register

Review internal

See Template A

Read NoD and any other reports

Compile GIS Sensitivity Map

See Template C

Compile response

Did GDACE object to the application?

Draft acknowledgem ent letter to

DME confirming GDACEs approval

Follow up with DME on REMDEC

decision. If REMDEC could not
resolve objection, discuss
possible legal action with GDACE
legal services.
Comments to AD for review
Comments to HOC for review
Comments to HOB for review

See Template H

Comments to DDG for review

Comments to HOD for signing
Signed letter to Admin Unit

See Template A
Update project
record sheet

Original posted to DME

Original faxed to DME

Copy to project box file


Figure 9: GDACE procedural flow diagram for evaluating and commenting on Notification of Decision

GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 13.10: Template A

Appendix 13.10
Template A
(All applications)

Project Record Sheet

Reference No:
Name of Project: ______________________________________




GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 13.10: Template B

Appendix 13.10
Template B
(All applications)


Diamond Corner Building, 68 Eloff Street, Johannesburg
P O Box 8769, Johannesburg, 2000
Telephone: (011) 355-1900
Fax: (011) 337-2292


[insert GDACE Reference No.]

[insert EO name]
[insert EO direct phone number]
[insert EO email address]

The Director: Mineral Development - Gauteng

Department of Minerals and Energy
Private Bag X5
DME Reference:

[insert DME officials name]

Sub-Directorate: Mine Environmental Management
[insert DME Reference No.]
[insert relevant DME fax number]

Dear Sir/Madam
RE: REQUEST TO COMMENT ON APPLICATION FOR [select type of application
commodity e.g. CLAY / GOLD / etc.] ON THE FARM[s] [insert farm names],
DISTRICT OF [insert district]: [insert applicants name]
The above application has reference.
This letter serves to acknowledge receipt of the [select all applicable options - Scoping
Report / Environmental Impact Assessment / Environmental Management Plan /
Prospecting EMP / Progress Report / Performance Assessment Report / Closure Plan /
Notification of Decision] dated [insert date].
The application has been issued with reference number [insert GDACE reference
number]. Please quote this number on all future correspondence in this regard.


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 13.10: Template B

The staff member from our Directorate who will be handling this matter is [insert EO
name], and all communications with regard to this project should be directed to [select him / her]. This Department will be formally compiling comments on and conditions for
the above-mentioned [select application / report] and these will be forwarded to you by
the [insert date - day, month and year].
Yours faithfully

[insert - AD name]
Assistant Director: Waste Management and Pollution Abatement


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 13.10: Template C

Appendix 13.10
Template C
(GIS Compilation Guidelines)

The application of GIS within GDACE will be used as follows:

To monitor the environmental impact of mining in Gauteng, and to identify

natural hazards and environmentally sensitive areas
There will be a connection to an external access database to facilitate the
integration of mining applications
The production of small map products.

By using GIS various thematic layers can be overlayed to assist the user with
environmental impact assessments. Integrating thematic layers such as topography,
land ownership, land use and geology can facilitate the objective selection of
economically and environmentally preferable alternatives. Buffers can be created around
selected features to identify zones of no interference or development. Other factors that
play a role in the process of a mining application such as property ownership, lease
holdings and mineral rights can also be successfully managed within GIS.
For all mineral applications, the EO must either generate a map themselves, using the
C-plan information available, or request the GIS department to generate the relevant CPlan map so that an assessment can be made of the application, based on its location,
surrounding activities and degree of sensitivity.
All applications need to be reviewed with a GIS map that is generated for the area in


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 13.10: Template D.1

Appendix 13.10
Template D.1
(all applications)
The following template is required when GDACE requests a review of the application from one of
the technical services. The Requirements for specialist studies has also been included for
reference purposes when the review is being undertaken.


Attention: [insert relevant persons name]
Requested by (name & extension): .
Date: .
Project name:........................
Project reference number: .
Date application received by GDACE:.....
Review due date:
Approximate position of site: (please mark map clearly with x)
GPS reading for site: ..
Issue identified in conservation GIS sensitivity analysis:


RD Plants / sensitive vegetation (on site or within 500 m)
RD Mammals (on site or within 500 m)
RD Birds, reptiles or amphibians (on site or within 500 m)
RD Invertebrates (on site or within 500 m)
Wetland* (on site or within 500 m)
Pan* (on site or within 500 m)
River or perennial / non-perennial stream (on site or within 500 m)
Ridges (site within ridge boundary or within 200 m of ridge boundary)
Caves* (on site or within 500 m)
Protected area (site within protected area or within 2 km of protected area)
World Heritage Site
Conservation plan sensitive area

GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 13.10: Template D.1

High ecological PEI

Specific conservation/ecological/biodiversity issue identified/raised in SR (describe):
* Please refer to SR/EIA and relevant topocadastral map as well as the GIS




1.1 Plants
1.2 Mammals
1.3 Birds
1.4 Amphibians
1.5 Reptiles
1.6 Invertebrates
1.7 Wetlands
1.8 Rivers
1.9 Ridges
1.10 Vegetation

Survey details


Report details

of At least a B.Sc. Honour in Plant Ecology/Botany

Flowering season of the relevant species confirmed or

historically occurring on site
Must encompass the site and all relevant adjacent
properties (minimum of 200m radius)
- For the species confirmed on site (or within 200m) by the
Directorate of Nature Conservation (DNC), as well as
those located by the specialist during surveys, the entire
extent of the population must be accurately mapped out
with a GPS (geographic , WGS84 datum), augmenting
with data already collected by he DNC. Please contact
Michle Pfab for the relevant shape file and/or
- Populations of Red and Orange List plant species and

GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 13.10: Template D.1

protective buffer zones must be designated as sensitive

in a sensitivity map.
Buffer zone widths must be
consistent with the Red List plant policy for environmental
impact evaluations (can be obtained from Michle Pfab;
A list of potential Red and Orange List plant species can be



1.1 Plants
1.2 Mammals
1.3 Birds
1.4 Amphibians
1.5 Reptiles
1.6 Invertebrates
1.7 Wetlands
1.8 Rivers
1.9 Ridges
1.10 Vegetation

Survey details

Report details


of Minimum M.Sc. in Zoology or relevant vertebrate field and

preferably an expert in the area of concern, e.g. a mole
specialist for any mole-related issues.
All wetland habitat must be surveyed for the following
- Aonyx capensis;
- Atilax paludinosus;
- Chrysospalax villosus;
- Dasymys incomtus;
- Lutra maculicollis;
- Otomys angoniensis; and
- Otomys irroratus
GPS co-ordinates indicating the confirmed presence of Red
List mammal species and suitable Red List mammal habitat,
both of which should be designated as sensitive in a
sensitivity map.
- A detailed description of the habitat, i.e. vegetation types,
soil types and any aquatic habitat.
- The season and date on which the study was

GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 13.10: Template D.1

- Information on surrounding land uses and connectivity
with other open spaces.
- The full names of the specialist appointed, qualifications
and field of expertise.


1.1 Plants
1.2 Mammals
1.3 Birds
1.4 Amphibians
1.5 Reptiles
1.6 Invertebrates
1.7 Wetlands
1.8 Rivers
1.9 Ridges
1.10 Vegetation



Minimum M.Sc. in Zoology or relevant vertebrate field.

Relevant research projects and/or supporting

publications in the scientific literature.
Public recognition of expertise (both in terms of species
identification and ecological requirements). Specialists
wishing to be considered for this category are subject to
independent verification by GDACE Directorate of
Scientific publications on relevant aspects of the
ecology of the target taxa/taxon.

Survey details

Surveys for terrestrial birds must be conducted in summer,

but only once the vegetation layer has recovered sufficiently
from winter fires to allow for assessment of available
Surveys for aquatic birds must be conducted in summer.
- For species associated with rivers, the assessment
must coincide with average flow conditions (i.e. not dry
and not in flood) and preferably within the breeding
- For species associated with wetlands, the assessment
must follow good summer rains i.e. once standing water
is present and the vegetation has recovered sufficiently
from winter fires to allow for the assessment of
available habitat.

GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide



Report details

Specialist assessments must encompass the site and all

relevant adjacent properties (minimum of 500m radius).
Where suitable foraging and roosting habitat occurs on site,
the nearest suitable breeding habitat must be identified for
those species that breed in Gauteng.


Appendix 13.10: Template D.1

A map showing the location of the proposed

development site and the area that was covered by the
A sensitivity map demarcating areas of suitable habitat
(differentiating between breeding, foraging, roosting
etc.) for each Red List species, together with
appropriate buffers and corridors. All sensitive habitats
(e.g. wetlands) must be clearly demarcated using the
appropriate techniques, even where the probability of
Red List species utilizing them is considered small.
The date and hours spent on site.
GPS coordinates (decimal degrees (WGS 84)) for all
confirmed sightings of Red List species.
An assessment of the availability of suitable habitat
(breeding, foraging, roosting etc.) on site and within a
minimum of 500m of the site. A larger area may be
appropriate for wide-ranging species and the specialist
must use his/her discretion to determine this.
The size and location of buffers must be motivated in
terms of the latest research and publications. All
references must be listed at the end of the report.
Where mitigation measures are appropriate, these must
be detailed together with the relevant problem
A comprehensive, site-specific ecological management
plan for all proposed open spaces, buffers and corridors
that are relevant to the species and/or habitats under


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 13.10: Template D.1


1.1 Plants
1.2 Mammals
1.3 Birds
1.4 Amphibians
1.5 Reptiles
1.6 Invertebrates
1.7 Wetlands
1.8 Rivers
1.9 Ridges
1.10 Vegetation


- Minimum MSc. in Zoology or relevant vertebrate field

- With relevant research projects and/or supporting
publications in the scientific literature
- Public recognition of expertise (both in terms of species
identification and ecological requirements). Specialists
wishing to be considered for this category are subject to
independent verification by GDACE (Directorate of
- Scientific publications on relevant aspects of the ecology
of the target taxa/taxon.
Survey details



Report details


Survey must be conducted after good summer rains have

fallen within the area under investigation (i.e. >60mm over a
day or two and limited to the period November-April).
Specialist assessments must encompass the site and all
relevant adjacent properties (minimum of 500m radius).
Where suitable foraging and aestivation habitat occurs on
site, the nearest suitable breeding habitat must be identified
for those species that breed in Gauteng.
- A map showing the location of the proposed development
site and the area that was covered by the survey
- A sensitivity map demarcating areas of suitable habitat
(differentiating between breeding, foraging, aestivation
etc.) for each Red List species, together with appropriate
buffers and corridors.
All sensitive habitats (e.g.
wetlands) must be clearly demarcated using the
appropriate techniques, even where the probability of
Red List species utilizing them is considered small.
- All specialists are required to provide a copy of their
curriculum vitae detailing qualifications as well as
relevant work experience, publications in scientific and
popular literature and research projects.
- The date and hours spent on site.
- An assessment of the availability of suitable habitat
(breeding, foraging, aestivation etc.) on site and within a
minimum of 500m of the site. A larger area may be

GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 13.10: Template D.1

appropriate for wide-ranging species and the specialist

must use his/her discretion to determine this.
GPS coordinates (decimal degrees (WGS 84)) for all
confirmed sightings of Red List species.
The size and location of buffers must be motivated in
terms of the latest research and publications.
references must be listed at the end of the report.
Where mitigation measures are appropriate, these must
be detailed together with the relevant problem statement.
A comprehensive, site-specific ecological management
plan for all proposed open spaces, buffers and corridors
that are relevant to the species and/or habitats under


1.1 Plants
1.2 Mammals
1.3 Birds
1.4 Amphibians
1.5 Reptiles
1.6 Invertebrates
1.7 Wetlands
1.8 Rivers
1.9 Ridges
1.10 Vegetation



- Minimum MSc. in Zoology or relevant vertebrate field

- With relevant research projects and/or supporting
publications in the scientific literature
- Public recognition of expertise (both in terms of species
identification and ecological requirements). Specialists
wishing to be considered for this category are subject to
independent verification by GDACE (Directorate of
- Scientific publications on relevant aspects of the ecology
of the target taxa/taxon.

Survey details


- Survey must be conducted in summer following good

rains once the vegetation on site has recovered
sufficiently from winter fires to allow for assessment of
available habitat.
- For predatory reptiles, relevant prey species must be
Specialist assessments must encompass the site and all
relevant adjacent properties (minimum of 500m radius).

GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide


Report details


Appendix 13.10: Template D.1

Where suitable foraging and aestivation habitat occurs on

site, the nearest suitable breeding habitat must be identified
for those species that breed in Gauteng.
- A map showing the location of the proposed development
site and the area that was covered by the survey
- A sensitivity map demarcating areas of suitable habitat
(differentiating between breeding, foraging, aestivation
etc.) for each Red List species, together with appropriate
buffers and corridors.
All sensitive habitats (e.g.
wetlands) must be clearly demarcated using the
appropriate techniques, even where the probability of
Red List species utilizing them is considered small.
- All specialists are required to provide a copy of their
curriculum vitae detailing qualifications as well as
relevant work experience, publications in scientific and
popular literature and research projects.
- The date and hours spent on site.
- An assessment of the availability of suitable habitat
(breeding, foraging, aestivation etc.) on site and within a
minimum of 500m of the site. A larger area may be
appropriate for wide-ranging species and the specialist
must use his/her discretion to determine this.
- GPS coordinates (decimal degrees (WGS 84)) for all
confirmed sightings of Red List species.
- The size and location of buffers must be motivated in
terms of the latest research and publications.
references must be listed at the end of the report.
- Where mitigation measures are appropriate, these must
be detailed together with the relevant problem statement.
- A comprehensive, site-specific ecological management
plan for all proposed open spaces, buffers and corridors
that are relevant to the species and/or habitats under


1.1 Plants
1.2 Mammals
1.3 Birds
1.4 Amphibians
1.5 Reptiles
1.6 Invertebrates
1.7 Wetlands
1.8 Rivers
1.9 Ridges
1.10 Vegetation


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Survey details


Appendix 13.10: Template D.1

Recognized specialist or at least a BSc.(Hons) in Zoology

with Invertebrate/Entomology focus.
Survey must take place during the flying season for flying
invertebrates and during peak activity periods for non-flying
invertebrates. In all cases, the flying season and peak
activity period is during the summer months, usually after
the first spring rains.
Given the nature of invertebrates and the influence of the
environment, surveys must be carried out over a minimum
period of 4 weeks to ensure a comprehensive invertebrate
survey, including trapping, mark-recapture and population


Report details

- For those species confirmed on the study site by the

Directorate of Nature Conservation, as well as those
located by the specialist during surveys, the entire extent
of the population must be accurately mapped out and
designated as sensitive in a sensitivity map.
- The size and location of buffers must be motivated in
terms of the latest research and publications.
references must be listed at the end of the report.
- Where mitigation measures are appropriate, these must
be detailed together with the relevant problem statement.
- A comprehensive, site-specific ecological management
plan for all proposed open spaces, buffers and corridors
that are relevant to the species and/or habitats under


1.1 Plants
1.2 Mammals
1.3 Birds
1.4 Amphibians
1.5 Reptiles
1.6 Invertebrates
1.7 Wetlands
1.8 Rivers
1.9 Ridges
1.10 Vegetation



Minimum of a diploma or degree in the natural

sciences, hydrology or agriculture.
Should have attended a basic introductory course on
wetland functioning and values and have had, at the

GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Survey details

Appendix 13.10: Template D.1

very least, three weeks experience in the field

assessment of wetlands.
The person must have undertaken at least one wetland
assessment and must also be (but not restricted to) a
member of SWAG (South African Wetland Action

Survey must take place during the flying season for flying
invertebrates and during peak activity periods for non-flying
invertebrates. In all cases, the flying season and peak
activity period is during the summer months, usually after
the first spring rains.
- A delineation procedure must identify the outer edge of
the temporary zone of the wetland, which marks the
boundary between the wetland and adjacent terrestrial
areas and is that part of the wetland that remains
flooded or saturated close to the soil surface for only a
few weeks in the year, but long enough to develop
anaerobic conditions and determine the nature of the
plants growing in the soil.
- Locating the outer edge of the temporary zone must
make use of four specific indicators including the terrain
unit indicator, the soil form indicator, the soil wetness
indicator and the vegetative indicator.


Report details

The wetland and a protective buffer zone, beginning from

the outer edge of the wetland temporary zone, must be
designated as sensitive in a sensitivity map.


1.1 Plants
1.2 Mammals
1.3 Birds
1.4 Amphibians
1.5 Reptiles
1.6 Invertebrates
1.7 Wetlands
1.8 Rivers
1.9 Ridges
1.10 Vegetation
Report details


At least a B.Sc. Hons in Aquatic Science with SASS5

accredited through DWAF
Flood lines, riparian zones and buffer zones must be
designated as sensitive in a sensitivity map.

GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide


Appendix 13.10: Template D.1

An ecological study, with specific emphasis on

ecological processes and connectivity at the landscape
Assessment of the current ecological state of the river
or stream, based on the River Health Programme
biomonitoring protocol (FAII, SASS5, IHI and RVI) and
Delineation of the 1:100 year and 1:50 year flood lines.
Delineation of the riparian zone according to DWAF,
A Practical Guideline Procedure for the
Identification and Delineation of Wetlands and Riparian
Delineation of a 100m buffer zone from the edge of the
riparian zone for rivers/streams outside the urban edge
and a 32m buffer zone from the edge of the riparian
zone for rivers/streams within the urban edge.
Impact assessment of the proposed development on
the hydrological regime and the change thereof,
including the effect of that change on the downstream
habitat and integrity of the system.
Surface runoff and stormwater management plan
indicating the management of all surface runoff
generated as a result of the development prior to
entering any natural drainage system (i.e. stormwater
and flood retention ponds). This must also consider the
possible alteration of run-off rate, possible volume of
debris and siltation problems.


1.1 Plants
1.2 Mammals
1.3 Birds
1.4 Amphibians
1.5 Reptiles
1.6 Invertebrates
1.7 Wetlands
1.8 Rivers
1.9 Ridges
1.10 Vegetation

Report details

An ecological study, including both functional

(ecological processes including connectivity function of
ridge at a landscape level perspective) and
compositional (biodiversity) aspects.

GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 13.10: Template D.1

A survey for Red List fauna and flora.

An invertebrate study.
A hydrological / geohydrological study, including the
possible impacts of surface runoff and stormwater
A geotechnical study.
A social study, including cultural, historical and open
space value aspects.
A visual study.
A study of service provision and access.
All specialist studies must examine cumulative impacts
and edge effects. The applicant must obtain standard
requirements for fauna and flora studies from the


1.1 Plants
1.2 Mammals
1.3 Birds
1.4 Amphibians
1.5 Reptiles
1.6 Invertebrates
1.7 Wetlands
1.8 Rivers
1.9 Ridges
1.10 Vegetation

Survey details
Report details

of At least a BSc.(Hons) in Plant Ecology/Botany).

Survey must take place during the summer season.

If the site is smaller than 12ha, then the site as well as
adjacent properties within 200m must be assessed.


The location and extent of all plant communities on the

study site must be mapped.
The area (in hectares) and ecological sensitivity of each
plant community must be indicated.
All good condition natural vegetation must be
designated as ecologically sensitive.
Results must be incorporated into a sensitivity map.
A general Red List plant survey must be undertaken.
Lists of potential species can be obtained from Lorraine
Mills (

GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 13.10: Template D.1

A plant species list must be provided for each plant

community with medicinal and invasive/exotic species
indicated. The number of forb/herb, grass, shrub and
tree species must be indicated for each plant
The condition of any grassland on site must be
assessed and the location and extent of primary
grassland mapped. All primary grassland must be
designated as ecologically sensitive.


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 13.10: Template D.2

Appendix 13.10
Template D.2
(all applications)



[insert EOs name]


[insert EOs direct telephone no.]

[insert EOs direct fax no.]

Project name:
Project reference no:
Date requested:
Date of response form:

[select relevant feature(s)/issue(s) investigated]
The following Red Data List plants species and/or sensitive vegetation were identified:
[Insert species name] encountered [select on site/within 500m];
The following conditions will apply to the applicant:
The following Red Data List mammal species were identified:
[Insert species name] encountered [select on site/within 500m];

The following conditions will apply to the applicant:

The following Red Data List bird, reptile or amphibian species were identified:
[Insert species name] encountered [select on site/within 500m];

The following conditions will apply to the applicant:

The following Red Data List invertebrate species were identified:
[Insert species name] encountered [select on site/within 500m];


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 13.10: Template D.2

The following conditions will apply to the applicant:

A wetland [insert wetland name if known] is located [select on site/within 500m of the site].
The following conditions will apply to the applicant:
A pan [insert pan name if known] is located [select on site/within 500m of the site].
The following conditions will apply to the applicant:
A [select river/perennial stream/ non-perennial stream] [insert river/stream name if known] is
located [select on site/within 500m of the site].
The following conditions will apply to the applicant:
The site is located [select within a ridge boundary/within 200m of a ridge boundary].
The following conditions will apply to the applicant:
A cave is located [select on site/within 500m of the site].
The following conditions will apply to the applicant:
The site is located [select within/within 2km of] a protected area [insert name of protected
area if known].
The following conditions will apply to the applicant:
The site is located [select within/in close proximity to] the [insert name] World Heritage Site.
The following conditions will apply to the applicant:
The site is located [select within/in close proximity to] the Dinokeng Tourism Region.

GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 13.10: Template D.2

The following conditions will apply to the applicant:


The site is located [select within/in close proximity to] the [insert name if known]
The following conditions will apply to the applicant:
The site is located [select within/in close proximity to] a sensitive area.
The following conditions will apply to the applicant:
The site has a [select low/medium/high] ecological PEI.
The following conditions will apply to the applicant:
The following conservation, ecological or biodiversity issues were identified:
[List any other issues encountered, but not mentioned above];

The following conditions will apply to the applicant:

Other issues that were identified include:
The following conditions will apply to the applicant:



GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 13.10: Template E.1

Appendix 13.10
Template E.1
(Site Visit Preparation Checklist)


Email or phone the applicant to arrange site visit:

Confirm location and directions to the site.

Confirm time of site visit.

Arrange with applicant to provide a site escort.

Arrange with applicant to provide ALL relevant

documentation on the day of the site visit. This may include
existing permits, rights and environmental management



Confirm the necessary Personal Protective Equipment

(PPE) that you require, if any, for your site visit.
Arrange with applicant to provide you with PPE that is
required, but not supplied by GDACE.
Follow up with applicant and confirm site visit one day prior to visit.
Collect all available project information that might be of use during
the site visit. This may include aerial photographs, maps and site
Familiarise yourself with all available project information.
Remember to take along:
Directions to the site.


Applicant or site escorts contact information.

Useful project information, including maps and site plans.
Site visit checklist (Template E2).
PPE (if not supplied by the applicant or site escort).

GPS (if necessary).

If you have observed any impacts during the site visit that result in
non-compliance with relevant legislation, list the non-compliance in
the site visit report and report it to your senior officer.


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 13.10: Template E.2

Appendix 13.10
Template E.2
(Site Visit Checklist)

1. GDACE application information

GDACE reference number:
Application type:
Project applicant:
Project name:
Physical address:
Date of site visit:
Name of EO:
2. Background information from Application
Mineral resource?
Size of mining operation?
Year of mining operation?
Underground or aboveground mining?
Status of activities?
Shafts and portals?
Transport routes?
Construction camp?
Water or power lines?
Sewage works?
Are any aerial photographs, maps or site plans
Are all the permits, authorisations and licenses in
Are the activities compliant with the approved EMP
and other licenses?



GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

3. Land use



Issues to
check on site

Site visit comments

Issues to
check on site

Site visit comments

Issues to
check on site

Site visit comments

Issues to
check on site

Site visit comments

Virgin land or disturbed land?

Sensitive, red data, endangered or exotic
Disruption of migratory routes or
reproductive patterns?

8. Geology and soils


Site visit comments

Sources of noise on site?

Time of day noise is generated?
Cumulative noise from surrounding sites?

7. Biodiversity

Issues to
check on site

Sources of air pollution

Vegetation burning?
Vehicle tailpipe emissions?
Dust fall-out?
Industrial activities?
Energy generation?
Agricultural activities?

6. Noise

Site visit comments

General topography?
Significant topographical features?
Surface disturbances?

5. Air quality

Issues to
check on site

Current land use?

Surrounding land use?

4. Topography

Appendix 13.10: Template E.2

Rock outcrops?
Signs of erosion?

GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide


Signs of soil contamination?

Topsoil removal and stockpiles?
In or close to a ridge?

9. Hydrology



Issues to
check on site

Site visit comments

Issues to
check on site

Site visit comments

Issues to
check on site

Site visit comments

Issues to
check on site

Site visit comments

Source of supply?
Water pollution
Waste water generated?
Treatment facility?
Any reuse or recycling of water?

12. Energy

Site visit comments

Archaeological, historic or cultural

Graves or burial sites?

11. Water Use


Issues to
check on site

Rivers, streams, channels or dams,

stream crossings?
Distance to water source?
Boreholes on site?

10. Cultural Characteristics


Appendix 13.10: Template E.2

Energy source?
Renewable energy?

13. Waste
General, solid or hazardous wastes?
Sources of waste?
Means of disposal?
Recycling or reusing?
Burning of waste?
14. Mine residue

Issues to

Site visit comments


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 13.10: Template E.2

check on site

Type of residue?
Residue stockpiles?
Sediment ponds?
Tailings dam?

15. Housing

Issues to
check on site

Site visit comments

Issues to
check on site

Site visit comments

Issues to
check on site

Site visit comments

Reclamation works?

19. Security

Site visit comments

Dirt or surfaced roads?

Light, medium or heavy traffic?
Traffic calming measures?

18. Reclamation

Issues to
check on site

Adequate ablution facilities?

Personal protective equipment?
Adequate heating, cooling and

17. Roads and traffic


Site visit comments

Physical scale?
Potable water, electricity, sewage and

16. Health and safety


Issues to
check on site

Controlled access?


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 13.10: Template F

Appendix 13.10
Template F
(Site Visit Report)


A. Background Information
Responsible Official:
Date of Inspection:
Attendees and Contact Details:

Directions to Site:

Description of Activity:

Farm, portions and ERF:


B. GIS Observations
C-plan Version 2


Yes No


Irreplaceable Site
Important Site
Protected Area

Red Listed


Sensitive Feature

Ridge (Class)
Sensitive Vegetation

C. Issues of Concern or of Non -Compliance

If any issues of non-compliance related to a mining activity please complete Template
P and send to the DME

D. Potential Impacts on GIS sensitive features

Will any GIS features, indicated above be
negatively impacted upon?



E. General Observations (Surrounding land uses, cultural sites, alien vegetation, dumping,
surface disturbances)





GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 13.10: Template G.1

Appendix 13.10
Template G.1
(Checklist to be applied when reviewing prospecting applications and EMPs)
The following template is to be used when evaluating prospecting applications and EMPs dealing with
mining related projects, as detailed in the MRPDA and its regulation 6 and 7. Colours have been used in
order to assist in assessing whether the question asked will generate a response or not. Where the
answer to the question posed falls within an orange block, the response / comment/action column should
be consulted. If the answer to the question falls within a green block, the application can proceed.
This checklist can be used in conjunction with the mining manual in order to understand terms, impacts
and mitigation measures for each type of application.


Prospecting Application and Prospecting EMP



Does the application or EMP include a map

clearly indicating the location of the area of
interest and surrounding land uses?

If co-ordinates are available generate a map using C-plan
(Template C). If the map is not adequate and no-coordinates are available, request a more detailed map from
the applicant in order to effectively evaluate the application.
Use Standard Template I.
Prospecting not supported as subsequent mining activities
will have a detrimental and irreversible impact on
biodiversity. Use Standard Response Sheet Template I
Prospecting not supported as subsequent mining activities
will have a detrimental and irreversible impact on
biodiversity. Use Standard Response Sheet Template I
Prospecting not supported as subsequent mining activities
will have a detrimental and irreversible impact on
biodiversity. Use Standard Response Sheet Template I
Prospecting not supported as it will negatively impact Red
List or Orange List species [list applicable species and
describe]. Use standard Response Sheet Template I.
Prospecting boreholes / pits and any other activities
associated with prospecting must be restricted to areas
already disturbed and avoid all these sensitive areas [insert
buffer zone requirements for protected areas, wetlands and
rivers if relevant] and any caves (inclusive of a 500m buffer
zone) [only include the latter if dolomite occurs on site].
Include in standard response Template J.
Request additional information from applicant indicating
methods, timing and mitigation measures for closure.
Standard Template J to be used.
Request further consultation and responses to IAP
concerns. If information is acceptable, application can
proceed. Standard Template J to be used.
If mitigation is not acceptable, request more detail for
mitigation of identified impacts. Once mitigation is
acceptable, application can proceed. Refer to Template J.

Is the entire prospecting area situated within

an irreplaceable site / important site /
ecological process site ?(C-Plan 2)
Is the entire prospecting area situated within
a protected site (C-Plan 2) or within 1km of
such a site
Is the entire prospecting area situated within
an area of sensitive vegetation
Is the entire prospecting area situated within
a new area of little known data
Prospecting area associated with one/more
irreplaceable sites / important sites /
reserved sites / C-plan 2 ecological
processes / sensitive vegetation / new data

Has the prospecting EMP dealt adequately

with closure of the site once prospecting is
Has the applicant consulted with IAPs and
land owners and has their concerns been
taken into account and addressed?
Are the prospecting methods understood
and are the mitigation measures appropriate
for the type of prospecting (see Chapter 5
for further reference)
Is the site associated with a remnant patch
of primary highveld grassland situated
adjacent to a ridge/river/wetland/cave
[please select applicable]

Should authorization be granted, appropriate mitigation is

essential; grassland patch must be incorporated into an
open space system along with ridge/river/wetland/cave.
Incorporate comments and conditions into Template J.


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 13.10: Template G.1

Does the development include a

road/powerline/pipeline line that will transect
or affect a wetland?

Avoid through route re-alignment; should authorization be

granted in the event that no viable alternative route exists,
no excavation of the wetland or any stream passing through
the wetland may be permitted and appropriate mitigation is
essential. Incorporate comments and conditions into
Template J.
If not adequately addressed, include appropriate mitigation
in response to DME via Template J.
If water volumes have not been adequately addressed,
request additional information. Make use of Template J.
Ensure mitigation and rehabilitation is appropriate, if
necessary request more detailed mitigation. Attach
comments and conditions to Template J.
Request that adequate waste management practices be
implemented in order to prevent contamination to soil and
water. Include comments and conditions with Template J.
Unless otherwise arranged, boreholes must be sealed for
safety reasons and to reduce contamination of the
groundwater. EOs to add this requirement in comments and
conditions to Template J.

Have dust and noise impacts been identified

and adequately addressed?
Have volumes and sources of water been
Are any extensive excavations or bulk
samplings planned?
Are adequate waste management facilities
put in place?
Will prospecting Boreholes to capped and


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 13.10: Template G.2

Appendix 13.10
Template G.2
(Checklist to be applied when reviewing progress reports for prospecting operations)
The following template is to be used when evaluating progress reports for holders of a prospecting right
or reconnaissance permit as defined in the MPRDA and its regulation 8. Colours have been used in order
to assist in assessing whether the question asked will generate a response or not. Where the answer to
the question posed falls within an orange block, the response / comment/action column should be
consulted. If the answer to the question falls within a green block, the application can proceed.
This checklist can be used in conjunction with the mining manual in order to understand terms, impacts
and mitigation measures for each type of application.
Progress Reports



Does the progress report include a plan

indicating the extent of the prospecting to
date in terms of surface disturbance?
Has the map and report indicated that the
prospecting has disturbed any rivers, pans,
wetlands, ridges, ecological processes or
sensitive vegetation?

Request an up to date plan indicating location of
disturbed sites and areas where prospecting has
taken place. Attach to Template N.
If possible, undertake a site visit. Use Template E
and F and report findings to DME using template I
or J and P, depending on outcomes of site visit. If
a site visit is not possible, evaluate the significance
of the disturbance using C-plan and prepare a
response to DME requesting proposed mitigation
measures and closure plan. Use Template N.
Compile comments requesting that adequate
mitigation and rehabilitation is undertaken once
prospecting is complete. If mining were to
proceed, specialist geochemical studies will be
required as part of the EIA. Template N to be
Request that the applicant proves that concerns or
complaints from IAPs and communities have been
adequately addressed. Attach the Template N.
Request that the impacts and mitigation of the
deviations are submitted for review. Use Template

Has any testing been completed for bulk

samples or cores? If so do the results
indicate potential for Acid Mine Drainage or
pollution from exposure of the mineral to air
or oxygen?
Does the progress report indicate any
complaints from IAPs or local communities?
Are there any deviations from the original
prospecting EMP?


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 13.10: Template G.3

Appendix 13.10
Template G.3
(Checklist to be applied when reviewing retention permits for mining operations)
The following template is to be used when evaluating retention permits dealing with prospecting. A
retention permit is issued to the holder of a prospecting right who has:

Established the existence of a mineral reserve which has mining potential

Studied the market and found that the mining of the mineral in question would be uneconomical
due to prevailing market conditions

Colours have been used in order to assist in assessing whether the question asked will generate a
response or not. Where the answer to the question posed falls within an orange block, the response /
comment/action column should be consulted. If the answer to the question falls within a green block, the
application can proceed.
This checklist can be used in conjunction with the mining manual in order to understand terms, impacts
and mitigation measures for each type of application.
Retention Permits



Will the applicant continue with prospecting

through the duration of the retention permit?

Include a response to DME in terms of Template N
that the applicant is to continue to abide by the
prospecting EMP, as was compiled when seeking
approval to prospect. The EMP will include
mitigation measures which should apply if the
applicant wishes to continue with prospecting.
Request that the site is rehabilitated as per the
EMP. Include comments and conditions in
Template N.
It may be necessary to discuss with DME what the
best alternative is for the land in question. The
principle of sustainable development should be
applied in order to determine the most appropriate
land use option. Formulate concerns into a
response to attach to Template N.

Does the applicant intend to stop

prospecting until the market conditions
prove viable?
Is the land in question suitable for an
alternative land use in the near future?


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 13.10: Template G.4

Appendix 13.10
Template G.4
(Checklist to be applied when reviewing mining permits)
The following template is to be used when evaluating prospecting mining permits dealing with mining
related projects. No Scoping report is required for mining permits, however an Environmental
Management Plan is required and this documentation will be sent to GDACE for review. The EMP should
be in the prescribed format as per the relevant Appendix in Chapter 9.
A mining permit is for applicants who meet the following conditions:

Use little or no chemicals to extract mineral from ore,

Work on portions of land of 1,5 hectares in size or smaller,
Disturb the topography of an area somewhat but have no significant impact on the geology

Colours have been used in order to assist in assessing whether the question asked will generate a
response or not. Where the answer to the question posed falls within an orange block, the response /
comment/action column should be consulted. If the answer to the question falls within a green block, the
application can proceed.
This checklist can be used in conjunction with the mining manual in order to understand terms, impacts
and mitigation measures for each type of application. The checklist for evaluation of an EMP has been
broken down into each aspect (eg geology, groundwater etc) as well as a general evaluation checklist
which includes aspects such as GDACE policies and Gauteng hot spots.


Yes No
Is the mine located in a geologically sensitive area
or in a dolomitic area?

EO to ensure the report includes an assessment of

the local geology and where there are risks from the
underlying geology these are to be adequately
addressed in the mitigation plan. If the risks are not
well managed, include comments and conditions
with Template J.

Is there a significant risk of acid rock drainage
(ARD) or acid mine drainage (AMD)?

If yes then have satisfactory management plans

been proposed to address this in the short and long
term? If the long term risk is not acceptable then
the project should not be supported and Template I
should be used. If the mitigation measures result in
an acceptable risk, then Template J should be used,
with additional comments and conditions if


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 13.10: Template G.4


Yes No
Is geotechnical evaluation of excavations or pit
EO to include comment and conditions that
highwalls part of the management system?
geotechnical evaluation should form part of the
management plan. Attach comments and conditions
to Template J.
Does the document outline the rehabilitation goals
Rehabilitation objectives, principle and costs are to
for opencast and underground voids with respect
included in the EMP. EO to request additional detail
to backfilling?
for the rehabilitation plan. Attach comments and
conditions to Template J.
Is there detail of measures to seal open surface
Request that the rehabilitation plan is revised to
areas and adits to prevent accidents and surface
ensure adequate management of the pits and adits
water ingress?
during closure. Attach comments and conditions to
Template J.
Has capping or sealing of waste rock dumps to
If material is acid generating, then capping and
exclude rainwater and air been addressed
sealing is necessary to prevent contamination. EO
to request additional management measures to be
included. Attach comments and conditions in
Template J.
Is there a plan for long-term monitoring of
Commitment must be included in the monitoring
groundwater? Does the plan cover remedial
plan and should include remedial actions. Include
action if monitoring shows that there is a problem!
comments and conditions in Template J.
Is there a possibility of subsidence or sinkholes
Has the applicant committed to long term monitoring
forming due to dewatering or mining?
of subsidence? If the surface is not stable post
mining, the land must be declared as such and
appropriate post mining land use should be
recommended. Attach comments and conditions to
Template J.


Yes No
Does the report include climatic data including
rainfall, evaporation, wind data, temperatures and
extreme weather events?

Climatic Information is important in order to predict

impacts and include appropriate mitigation
measures. A lack or gap in data could affect project
planning. EO to request information is included in
EIA. Include comments and conditions to Template

Does the construction activity take into account
seasonal storm water runoff and prescribe runoff
diversion structures and erosion control

Request that seasonal rainfall is taken into account

and appropriate mitigation measures included. If this
is not done, the result is soil erosion and potential
contamination from exposed bedrock and siltation of
streams. Include comments and conditions in
Template J.

Is there a commitment to establishment of a dust
monitoring network?

Applicant to establish a dust monitoring network and

monitor dust levels regularly. Use of a wind
directional dust buckets to be recommended.
Include comments and conditions in Template J.
Climate can play a major role in the input and output
of water on a mine. EO to recommend that the
climatic data is used in order to ensure the water
balance is accurate and hence mitigation is
appropriate. Include comments and conditions in
Template J.

Has climatic data been taken into account in the

water balance model for the mining area and


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 13.10: Template G.4


Yes No
Opencast pits: is there adequate modelling of
Severe weather can result in flooding and drought
seasonal average rainfall and extreme rainfall
thus modelling is required in order plan
events to ensure minimum freeboard for the
appropriately for decommissioning and closure.
capacity of large excavations?
Attach comments and conditions to Template J.
Is there a commitment to monitoring and
Ongoing monitoring is a requirement and if chosen
maintenance of rehabilitated areas to ensure
plant species in not adequate, applicant to re-design
correct species choice and sustainability of
rehabilitation plans until the sustainable objective
vegetation cover?
has been met. Include comments and conditions in
Template J.


Yes No
Does the report include regional and local locality
maps showing surrounding landforms and

Map is important in order to determine impacts on

local topography such as catchments, ridges etc.
EO to request amp from applicant in comments and
conditions attached to Template J.
Map is important in order to understand the layout of
the mine with regards to the local topography. EO to
request amp from applicant in comments and
conditions attached to Template J.

Is the mine layout with excavations, residue

dumps, infrastructure shown on a plan of at least
Have the slopes of excavations been assessed for
geotechnical stability?

Use terrain form to shield opencast pit from

developed or sensitive areas. Hilltop sites or ridge
crests should be avoided as they impact adjacent
catchments and have wider visual impact. If slopes
pose a risk or threat to mining or adjacent
operations, geotechnical investigations are required.
Include comments and conditions in Template J.

Have road and excavation cut and fill

embankments been stabilised with adequate
storm water cutoff drains, erosion control
structures and vegetation cover?
Have the stability of the slopes in the opencast
pits or benches been designed based on the
parent materials and the physical characteristics
of the area?

Request that EMP is modified to include appropriate

mitigation measures around areas where excavation
or construction is taking place. Include comments
and conditions in Template J.
Slope stability must be stated and the motivation
given in order to ensure safety on the mine. If slope
stability is an issue and has not been discussed EO
to include comment that slope stability is to be
determined based on parent material and physical
characteristics of the site. Human and animal safety
needs to be guaranteed for uppermost bench of the
highwall. Attach comments and conditions to
Template J.
Applicant to determine appropriate slope in order to
ensure growth of vegetation and limited erosion.
Include comments and conditions in Template J.

Are the slopes of overburden and waste dumps

adequate to provide stability for vegetation
Is there adequate commitment to landscaping and
removal of structures or screening to reduce visual

Where possible, the applicant will need to reduce

the long term impact by removal of structures and
rehabilitation of the area. Where screening can be
undertaken this should be encouraged, particularly if
the mien is visible to surrounding land users.
Include comments and conditions in Template J.

Is there a commitment to monitoring and
maintenance of rehabilitated slope and surfaces to
ensure long-term stability?

Monitoring and maintenance must be ongoing even

after closure. EO to ensure applicant includes this
commitment. Include comments and conditions in


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 13.10: Template G.4


Yes No
Template J.
Is the site deemed stable and safe for humans
Where the site is not safe, it must have appropriate
and animals post closure?
mitigation such as fencing. Include comments and
conditions in template J.
Yes No
Is there an adequate soil map and table showing
distribution of soil land types, soil associations,
characteristics or complexes?
Are soil thickness classes shown for topsoil and
subsoil as well as their suitability for rehabilitation

If there is no soil map, one must be requested using

a comments and conditions sheet in Template J.
Soil is a vital component to ensure adequate
rehabilitation. The applicant must indicate a good
knowledge of the existing soil types as well as their
potential use post mining for rehabilitation, and if not
suitable, a viable alternative. If this information is not
available, it should be requested using Template J.

Is there detail of contingencies to prevent soil
contamination from hydrocarbon leaks and

Hydrocarbon spillages to be collected in a drip tray

and storage of hydrocarbons in bunded areas.
Contaminated soils to be removed and disposed at
a registered facility. Include comments and
conditions in Template J.

Has soil erosion been addressed so as to prevent

erosion or mitigate it where it is unavoidable?

If soil erosion is not adequately addressed,

applicant to improve mitigation measures.
Monitoring should also take place to check for
areas of erosion. Include comments and
conditions in Template J.

Does the document describe monitoring,
maintenance and augmentation of soil
conservation works?
Has the risk of soil contamination been described
and addressed so as to minimise the risk and
mitigate it where necessary?

Request further information on the monitoring,

maintenance and augmentation of soil at site.
Include comments and conditions in Template J.
Request applicant to detail the risk of soil
contamination and provide adequate management
plans. Include comments and conditions in
Template J.

Has the issue of soil contamination by heavy
metals, acidification and salinization been
addressed at residue dump sites?

The risk of soil contamination must be adequately

addressed and prevented at all costs. Applicant to
ensure risk of contamination is outlined and
management measures proposed. Include
comments and conditions in Template J.
If measures not adequately detailed, EO to request
additional information in template J.

Are measures described to remove and dispose of

contaminated soil at registered waste disposal
Is a programme of regular monitoring and
maintenance of restored soil cover and erosion
control structures prescribed?

To be included in monitoring programme. Request

that the monitoring programme includes soil and
erosion monitoring and action plans for where
erosion is taking place. Include comments and
conditions in Template J.


Yes No
Does the report include detailed mapping and
quantification of the different land use and land
capability classes i.e. arable land, grazing land,
wetlands, wilderness/virgin land?

Report must include this information so as to be

able to assess impact of the activity on the land use
and capability. Request information using Template


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 13.10: Template G.4


Yes No
Are details of pre-mining land use and capability
Report must include this information so as to be
able to assess impact of the activity on the land use
and capability. Request information using Template
Have area of misuse or degraded land been
Report must include this information so as to be
able to assess impact of the activity on the land use
and capability. Request information using Template
Has the consultation process included discussions
Applicant should engage with local authority so as
with the local authority so as to establish potential
to establish any land use plans for the area.
local economic development plans for the area?
Request information using Template J.
Is the soil stockpiling methodology sound and is
If there is inadequate soil, alternative mechanisms
there sufficient stockpiled material to facilitate
should be described detailing source of additional
post-mining land use goals?
material and management of process so as to
facilitate post mining land use goals. Include
comments and conditions in Template J.
Where rehabilitation is possible concurrently with
Request that mining programme is designed so as
mining, is the programme designed to meet preto facilitate concurrent rehabilitation and
mining land use or land capability goals?
implementation of post mining land use. Include
comments and conditions in Template J.
Are alternative land use options adequately
Ensure alternative land use options are feasible and
researched and implemented? Are the goal
have been adequately motivated. Is the proposed
supported by landform, soils and restored
alternative land use suitable for the area in terms of
market conditions and climate? Include comments
and conditions in Template J.
Is the landscaping, soil restoration, fertilisation,
Ensure adequate measures have been included to
irrigation, re-vegetation adequate to ensure longas to facilitate successful post mining land use. Onterm stability?
going monitoring should be a requirement. Include
comments and conditions in Template J.
Have alternative land uses such a historical or
Ensure land use options post closure take into
theme park developments been explored to
account the necessary structures that remain post
preserve historical buildings or use existing water
closure i.e evaporation ponds, as well as alternative
storage dams?
options raised by local authorities and IAPs. Include
comments and conditions in Template J.
Does the rehabilitation programme include a
If information is not available, request the applicant
detailed land capability assessment and land use
to provide it using Template J.
scenario goals?
Have IAPs and stakeholders been engaged with
Ensure views of IAPs have been considered and
regards to land use options at closure?
motivate provided as to decision of final land use.
Make use of Template J for comments and
Is there a commitment by the landowner or tenant
Monitoring and maintenance is to be a condition of
to implementing the monitoring and maintenance
sale. Include comments and conditions in Template


Yes No
In relation to a mining EIA, is the area proposed
for mining and related activities
entirely confined within an irreplaceable site /
important site / reserved site / ecological process /
sensitive vegetation

Activity is not supported as mining activities will

have a detrimental and irreversible impact on
biodiversity. EO to use Template I and insert
motivation relevant to an irreplaceable site /
important site / reserved site / ecological process /
sensitive vegetation.
Mining activities must avoid all sensitive areas
[insert buffer zone requirements for
protected areas, wetlands and rivers if relevant] and

Is part of area proposed for mining and related

activities located within an irreplaceable /
important / reserved area or is associated with C-


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 13.10: Template G.4


Yes No
plan 2 ecological processes / sensitive vegetation
any caves (inclusive of a 500m buffer zone) [only
/ new data
include the latter if dolomite occurs on site].
Incorporate comments and conditions into Template
Is the area proposed for mining and related
Mining activities must avoid all sensitive areas
activities extensive and contains one/more
[insert buffer zone requirements for
irreplaceable sites / important sites / reserved
protected areas, wetlands and rivers if relevant] and
sites or sites associated with C-plan 2 ecological
any caves (inclusive of a 500m buffer zone) [only
processes / sensitive vegetation / new data
include the latter if dolomite occurs on site].
Incorporate comments and conditions into Template
Is the information insufficient to assess the impact
Request additional specialist studies to be
of the proposed mining activities on the sensitive
undertaken in order to understand the baseline
environment, and hence the impacts. Include
comments in and conditions Template J.


Yes No
Is the proposed site associated with a wetland
AND the site is within an urban edge?

Wetland and 30m buffer zone (beginning at the

outer edge of wetland temporary zone) must be
incorporated into an open space system; should
authorization be granted, appropriate mitigation is
essential. EO to incorporate comments and
conditions into Template J.
Wetland and 50m buffer zone (beginning at the
outer edge of wetland temporary zone) must be
incorporated into an open space system; should
authorization be granted, appropriate mitigation is
essential. EO to incorporate comments and
conditions into Template J.
If the wetland is inadequately delineated, specialist
studies are required (as per Template D). On
receipt of outstanding information, application must
be re-submitted to Technological services for
evaluation (Template D). EO to incorporate
comments and conditions into Template J.
No development may take place within the 1:100
year flood line or within a 100m buffer zone from the
edge of the riparian zone, whichever is greater.
Should authorization be granted, appropriate
mitigation is essential. Comments and conditions to
be incorporated into Template J.
No development may take place within the 1:50
year flood line or within a 32m buffer zone from the
edge of the riparian zone, whichever is greater.
Should authorization be granted, appropriate
mitigation is essential. Comments and conditions to
be incorporated into Template J.
Protecting site through GDACEs ridges policy
would not confer any conservation benefit; should
authorization be granted, development must be
fenced off from any adjacent natural areas and all
construction-related impacts must be contained
within fence. An ongoing monitoring and eradication
programme for invasive and weedy species must be
implemented within the adjacent natural areas to a
distance of 200m. Incorporate comments and
conditions into Template J.
Development can be considered on transformed
areas. Should authorization be granted, appropriate

Is the proposed site associated with a wetland

AND the site is outside of an urban edge?

Is the proposed site associated with a wetland

AND the location of the outer edge of wetland
temporary zone unknown

Is the proposed site associated with a river AND

outside the urban edge

Is the proposed site associated with a river AND

within the urban ledge

Is the proposed site associated with a ridge AND

the proposed development site is transformed and
is situated on the edge of the ridge

Is the proposed site associated with a ridge AND

>50% of the site is transformed and situated on


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 13.10: Template G.4


Yes No
the edge of the ridge
mitigation is essential. EO to incorporate comments
and conditions into Template J.
Is the development located within a Class 1
The proposed development will impact on a Class 1
Ridge, as per the Ridge Policy?
ridge. Ridges are regarded as sensitive ecological
systems, due to the variety of ecological and
biodiversity values with which they are attributed. In
order to protect these sensitive ecosystems,
development must be consistent with GDACEs
ridges policy, which contains strict no-go / lowimpact development guidelines.
Authorisation not supported by GDACE due to
potential impacts on ridge. EO to use Template I
and insert motivation relevant to protected site.
Should authorization be granted, appropriate
mitigation is essential. EO to incorporate comments
and conditions into Template J.

Is the development located within a Class 2

Ridge, as per the Ridge Policy, and does the
development have an ecological footprint of
development <5%
Is the development located within a Class 2
Ridge, as per the Ridge Policy, and does the
development have an ecological footprint of
development >5%

The proposed development will impact on a Class 2

ridge. Ridges are regarded as sensitive ecological
systems, due to the variety of ecological and
biodiversity values with which they are attributed. In
order to protect these sensitive ecosystems,
development must be consistent with GDACEs
ridges policy, which contains strict no-go / lowimpact development guidelines.
Authorisation not supported by GDACE due to
potential impacts on ridge. EO to use Template I
and insert motivation relevant to protected site deny
Should authorization be granted, appropriate
mitigation is essential to ensure ridge is preserved.
EO to incorporate comments and conditions into
Template J.
The proposed development will impact on a Class 3
ridge. Ridges are regarded as sensitive ecological
systems, due to the variety of ecological and
biodiversity values with which they are attributed. In
order to protect these sensitive ecosystems,
development must be consistent with GDACEs
ridges policy, which contains strict no-go / lowimpact development guidelines.

Is the development located within a Class 3

Ridge, as per the Ridge Policy and is the
development of a Low impact with an ecological
footprint of < 5%?
Is the development located within a Class 3
Ridge, as per the Ridge Policy and is the
development of a Low impact with an ecological
footprint of > 5%?

Authorisation not supported by GDACE due to

potential impacts on ridge. EO to use Template I
and insert motivation relevant to protected site
If ecological footprint <5% development can
continue but mitigation is essential. EO to use
Template J.

Is the development located within a Class 3

Ridge, as per the Ridge Policy and is the
development of a high impact in a space greater
than 4ha?

If ecological footprint >5% development proposal is

inconsistent with ridges policy and GDACE cannot
support the authorisation. Template I to be used.
Protecting site through GDACEs ridges policy
would not confer any conservation benefit; a rescue
operation for medicinal plants required; the Gauteng
Directorate of Nature Conservation must be
contacted with regard to the co-ordination of such
an operation. Surface runoff and stormwater
management plan required. EO to incorporate
comments and conditions into Template J.
Should authorization be granted, appropriate
mitigation is essential. EO to incorporate comments
and conditions into Template J.

Is the development located within a Class 3

Ridge, as per the Ridge Policy and is the
development of a high impact and in a space <

Is the development located within a Class 4

Ridge, as per the Ridge Policy and is in a space
greater than 4ha with a ecological footprint of


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 13.10: Template G.4


Yes No
Is the development located within a Class 4
Ridge, as per the Ridge Policy and is in a space of
less than 4ha?

Protecting site through GDACEs ridges policy

would not confer any conservation benefit; a rescue
operation for medicinal plants required; the Gauteng
Directorate of Nature Conservation must be
contacted with regard to the co-ordination of such
an operation. Surface runoff and stormwater
management plan required. EO to incorporate
comments and conditions into Template J.
Class 1, 2 & 3a Ridge: road: with the exception of
upgrades to existing roads, avoid through route realignment or tunnel construction.

Does the development include the construction of

a road/powerline/pipeline/railway that traverses or
affects a ridge?

Powerline & telephone lines: avoid through route

Railway & pipeline: avoid through route realignment or construct along existing road;
mitigation required
Class 3B and 4: Mitigation measures required
EO to incorporate comments and conditions into
Template J.
If GIS indicates that known caves occur along
the route or within 500m thereof, or caves
have been located during site investigations
by consultant (with the exception of upgrades to
existing roads or alignment of other linear structures
along existing roads), all caves and a buffer zone of
500m from all caves must be avoided

Does the development include the construction of

a road/powerline/pipeline/railway that traverses or
affects a dolomitic area?

If the consultant has not specifically specified that

there are no caves along the route or within 500m
thereof the consultant must determine whether
caves occur along the route or within 500m thereof;
(with the exception of upgrades to existing roads or
alignment of other linear structures along existing
roads), all caves (inclusive of a 500m buffer zone)
must be avoided.
EO to incorporate comments and conditions into
Template J.
Subject to comments and conditions from DWAF
and the Council for Geosciences, any activities
which pose a threat to groundwater pollution should
not be permitted, i.e. waste water treatment plants,
noxious industries, dump sites, abattoirs, intensive
agricultural activities such as chicken houses,
feedlots and piggeries etc.

Is the proposed site associated with a dolomite


Any activities that could lead to excessive ground

water abstraction should also not be permitted in
dolomitic areas as this can lead to structural
instability and sinkhole formation. [Please
determine whether specialist studies are required
and insert instructions if necessary.]
EO to complete Template I or J, depending on
outcomes of specialist studies.
Development will compromise ecological integrity of
rivers sourcing in priority quaternary catchment

Is the proposed site associated with a quaternary

catchment AND the ecological footprint of
development >5%
of property

Authorisation not supported by GDACE due to

potential impacts on catchment. EO to use


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 13.10: Template G.4


Yes No
Template I and insert motivation relevant to
protected site
Site is adjacent to or associated with C-plan 2
Advise detailed specialist studies to be undertaken
ecological process
to confirm presence of sensitive vegetation.
Template D to be used and following outcomes from
technical services Template I or J to be used.


Yes No
Is the proposed activity associated with primary
vegetation, Red or Orange listed plants
(confirmed / historical locality / metapopulation)

If no specialist studies have been undertaken, EO to

request that specialist studies are undertaken in
order to predict the impacts and management plan.
If specialist reports are compiled, Technical
Services to review and give comment and
conditions (use Template D). EO to include
comments and conditions into Template J.
If no specialist studies have been undertaken, EO to
request that specialist studies are undertaken in
order to predict the impacts and management plan.
If specialist reports are compiled, Technical
Services to review and give comment and
conditions (use Template D). EO to include
comments and conditions into Template J.
EO to request applicant to provide map indicating
vegetation communities and their characteristics.
Include comments and conditions into Template J.
Should authorization be granted, appropriate
mitigation is essential. Grassland patch must be
incorporated into an open space system. Include
comments and conditions into Template J.

Is the proposed activity associated with a red list

mammal/ bird (confirmed / habitat) / reptile / frog
breeding site / invertebrate?

Has the mining area been adequately mapped,

the vegetation communities characterised and the
areas quantified?
Is the proposed development site associated with
a patch of primary grassland of 12ha or more
AND the patch of primary grassland occupies a
portion of the proposed development site (as
indicated by the submitted specialist report
Is the application site associated with a remnant
patch of primary highveld grassland situated
adjacent to a ridge/river/wetland/cave

Should authorization be granted, appropriate

mitigation is essential. Grassland patch must be
incorporated into an open space system along with
ridge/river/wetland/cave. Incorporate comments and
conditions into Template J.
No further studies required, a rescue operation for
medicinal plants is required. The Gauteng
Directorate of Nature Conservation must be
contacted with regard to the co-ordination of such
an operation. Surface runoff and stormwater
management plan required. Incorporate comments
into Template J.
Authorisation not supported by GDACE due to
potential impacts on loss of biodiversity. EO to use
Template I and insert motivation relevant to site.

Is the proposed site of development <100m from

the edge of an existing development and is not
adjacent to an ecological process?

Will the proposed development result in the

permanent loss of sensitive biodiversity elements
(please list and describe applicable biodiversity
features e.g. Melolobium subspicatum, a Red List
plant species), as demonstrated by a sensitivity
mapping exercise
Is there a commitment to maintaining a plant
nursery or propagation facility for rehabilitation?

Where possible, local plant species should be

stored so that they are available for use during
rehabilitation. The storage of the plants must ensure
there is sufficient maintenance and monitoring so as
to preserve the local flora until such time as they are
required for rehabilitation. Use Template J for
comments and conditions.


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 13.10: Template G.4


Yes No
Where rehabilitation is possible concurrently with
mining is the restoration, seedbed preparation,
soil fertility and irrigation adequate to support the
restored vegetation type, composition and

Rehabilitation will not be successful unless there

are adequate resources and monitoring and
maintenance. The EMP must include a commitment
to ongoing monitoring to ensure effectiveness of
rehabilitation. Include comments and conditions into
Template J.
EMP must include commitment to ongoing
monitoring and eradication of alien invasive species
on site. Monitoring should extend to post mining,
until effective rehabilitation has been established.
Include comments and conditions into Template J.

Is there a monitoring programme to ensure that

alien invasive weeds and plants are identified and
Is there a commitment to ongoing assessment of
the re-vegetation programme and substitution or
supplementary seeding/replanting where

EMP must include commitment to ongoing

monitoring and maintenance of rehabilitation
programme. Monitoring should extend to post
mining, until effective rehabilitation has been
established. Include comments and conditions into
Template J.

Is there a prescribed monitoring and maintenance
programme to ensure that re-vegetated areas
meet the requirements of reducing dust and soil
erosion or meeting predefined land use or
productivity goals?

EMP must include commitment to ongoing

monitoring and maintenance of rehabilitation
programme. Monitoring should extend to post
mining, until effective rehabilitation has been
established. Include comments and conditions into
Template J.


Yes No
Is there a wetland, pan, large dam on proposed
development site within 1km of confirmed Giant
Bullfrog record (Red List frog confirmed locality)

EO to ensure that wetland, mammal and amphibian

specialist studies have been undertaken and if not,
applicant to undertake studies. Technical Services
to undergo a review (template D) and EO to
incorporate comments and conditions into
Template J.
EO to ensure that wetland, mammal and amphibian
specialist studies have been undertaken and if not,
applicant to undertake studies. Technical Services
to undergo a review (template D) and EO to
incorporate comments and conditions into
Template J.
EO to ensure that river, mammal and amphibian
specialist studies have been undertaken and if not,
applicant to undertake studies. Technical Services
to undergo a review (template D) and EO to
incorporate comments and conditions into
Template J.
EO to ensure that wetland, mammal and amphibian
specialist studies have been undertaken and if not,
applicant to undertake studies. Technical Services
to undergo a review (template D) and EO to
incorporate comments and conditions into
Template J.
Site investigation and recommendations required
and information to be included in the EIA report.
Include comments and recommendations into
Template J.
Specialist studies to include assessment of local
biodiversity in order to interpret impacts and
mitigation. Include comments and conditions into
Template J.

Is the closest confirmed Giant Bullfrog record

(Red List frog confirmed locality) >1km away from
wetland, pan, large dam on proposed
development site
Is a perennial / non-perennial river on the
proposed development site located within 1km of
confirmed Giant Bullfrog record (Red List frog
confirmed locality

Is the closest confirmed Giant Bullfrog record

(Red List frog confirmed locality) >1km away from
perennial / non-perennial river on proposed
development site
Does the GIS indicate that known caves occur on
site or within 500m of proposed development

Does the EIA document describe the biodiversity

of the mining area environment relative to the
surrounding populations?


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 13.10: Template G.4


Yes No
Have habitats or preferences been defined and
Specialist studies to include assessment of habitats
characterised and for each population or species?
and population species in order to interpret impacts
and mitigation. Include comments and conditions
into Template J.
Is the level of investigation adequate to have
Where information is not adequate, additional
identified rare, threatened or endangered
studies are required in order to ensure adequate
knowledge of any rare, threatened and endangered
species that may occur on site. Include comments
and conditions into Template J.
Does the mining area include habitats, resting,
Additional studies require in order to determine if
feeding or breeding preferences for any rare,
the habitat supports any rare, threatened or
threatened or endangered species?
endangered species. Where possible, habitats are
to be protected from mining activities and
adequately fenced. Request Technical Services
review (Template D) and include comments and
conditions into template J or I, whichever is
Is there an assessment of existing seasonal or
Specialist studies to include information relating to
breeding migration routes?
migration routes of local fauna in order to determine
potential impacts from mining activities. Include
comments and conditions into Template J.
Have local authorities, wildlife groups, farmers
Specialists to undertake consultation with local
and communities been consulted with regards to
communities, farmers, wildlife groups and
identification of species and local populations,
authorities in order to ensure local knowledge has
both seasonal and permanent?
been incorporated into the studies. Include
comments and conditions in Template J.


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 13.10: Template G.4


Yes No
Is there provision for species rescue or relocation
to the satisfaction of conservation authorities?

A protocol for a rescue operation for important and

medicinal plants is required. The Gauteng
Directorate of Nature Conservation must be
contacted with regard to the co-ordination of such
an operation. Incorporate comments and conditions
into Template J.
Erosion berms and catchment areas should be set
up so as to prevent sedimentation of local streams
and wetlands. EMP to include mitigation measures
to prevent and reduce erosion. Include comments
and conditions in Template J.
Where there is a risk of alien or feral populations
impacting on local fauna, the EMP must include
mitigation measures to ensure that the local
populations are preserved. If required, request that
technical Services review the EMP to check if the
mitigation is adequate (Template D). Include
comments and conditions into Template J.
EMP to make provision for monitoring and
management of poaching on site. To be part of the
fauna management and monitoring plan. Include
comments and conditions into Template J.
Avoidance of all irreplaceable and important sites
essential and route re-alignment required.

Will diverted storm water runoff or increased

sedimentation impact wetland or surrounding

Is there a commitment to controlling alien or feral

species that could impact natural populations?

Is there detail of monitoring of possible illegal

poaching or utilisation of animal populations?

Does the mining development include

construction of roads/powerlines/pipelines/railway
line which will traverse any
irreplaceable/important/reserved site (or within
300m thereof)?

Route re-alignment required to avoid all level 1 and

2 protected areas and a 300m minimal use buffer
Routes along roads must avoid any confirmed
populations of Red List / Orange List species of
plants or invertebrates; no new overhead lines may
be constructed unless the GDACE ornithologist can
be convinced by clearly motivated arguments that
there is no risk of collision or electrocution-related
mortality for Greater Flamingo, Lesser Flamingo,
Secretarybird, Cape Vulture, Martial Eagle, Blue
Crane, Black Stork and White-bellied Korhaan.
Should authorization be granted subsequent to
route re-alignment, appropriate mitigation is
essential. Incorporate comments and conditions into
Template J.
Specialist study required to identify patches of
primary Egoli Granite Grassland and Tsakane Clay
Grassland, which, with the exception of upgrades to
existing roads, or alignment with existing roads,
must be avoided through route re-alignment.

Does the development include construction of

roads/powerlines/pipelines/railway line which will
traverse any areas of sensitive vegetation

Should authorization be granted subsequent to

route re-alignment, appropriate mitigation is
essential. Incorporate comments and conditions into
Template J.
Are hydrocarbons and chemicals stored
appropriately so as not to affect soil, vegetation
and water sources and thus impact on local fauna.

EMP must include mitigation measures for the

storage and disposal of hydrocarbons and
chemicals. Include comments and conditions into
template J.

Has a long-term monitoring programme been

EMP must include commitment to ongoing

monitoring and maintenance of rehabilitation
programme. Monitoring should extend to post
mining, until effective rehabilitation has been


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 13.10: Template G.4


Yes No
established and local fauna populations
established. Include comments and conditions into
Template J.
Does the rehabilitation programme include regular
monitoring or animal population recovery?

EMP must include commitment to ongoing

monitoring of populations. Monitoring should extend
to post mining, until effective rehabilitation has been
established and local fauna populations
established. Include comments and conditions into
Template J.


Yes No
Does the locality map, mining area map and
site/infrastructure maps include detail of the
catchment area and sub-catchments, including
affected watercourses?
Has the issue of water quantity and quality and
established water users in the pre-mining
environment been described or quantified?
Have sources of water been described and the
storage facilities designed to meet specifications?

Request that information is supplied. Use Template

This information is required in order to identify
impacts and management plans. Request that
information is supplied. Use Template J.
This information is required in order to identify
impacts and management plans. Request that
information is supplied. Use Template J.
This information is required in order to identify
impacts and management plans. Request that
information is supplied. Use Template J.
This information is required in order to identify
impacts and management plans. Request that
information is supplied. Use Template J.
Request that the applicant undertake consultation
with the necessary authorities such as DWAF and
the CMA. Outcomes should be included in the
revised report. Include comments and conditions in
Template J.
Information is to be captured in a water balance
diagram or described in the report so as to
understand the water use at the mine. Request
information using Template J.

Is there an accurate assessment of mean annual

runoff from the catchment upstream of the mining
Have the maximum flood peaks been determined
for flood discharge related to rainfall events with
1:20, 1:50 and 1:100 year return periodicity?
Has the regional water authority or catchment
management agency (CMA) been identified and
consulted during the planning phase?

Is there accurate definition of water circuits

including rainfall, evaporation, mine dewatering
volumes, storm water runoff, industrial or
metallurgical plants, sewage processing plant
intake and outflow, potable and process water?
Has a protocol for water monitoring, analysis and
interpretation been included?

Request that a protocol is drawn up in accordance

with DWAF best practise guidelines. Use Template
J for comments and conditions.
A water monitoring programme is required in order
to ensure impacts on water sources are identified
and remediated as soon as possible. Applicant to
outline a detailed water monitoring programme as
part of the EMP. Include comments and conditions
in Template J.

Is there a monitoring programme for sampling and

analysis of all water on site including process
water, concentrated flow or seepages/discharges
over the entire mining area and downstream of
potential point sources of contaminants?


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 13.10: Template G.4


Yes No
Construction and Operation
Surface infrastructure
Does the development include the construction of
The crossing of natural drainage systems must be
a new road/powerline/pipeline/railway line that will
minimized as far as possible. Road/ powerline/
traverse a river or stream?
railway/ pipeline crossings may only be constructed
at the shortest possible route, perpendicular to the
natural drainage system.
The construction of any bridge inside the
stream/river channel is not supported as this may
alter the natural flow regime of the river.
Bridge crossings must instead span the entire
stretch of the flood line or buffer zone and no
parallel road development may take place within the
flood line or buffer zone [select relevant flood line
and buffer zone requirements from below]. Should
authorization be granted, appropriate mitigation is
essential. Include mitigation and conditions in
template J.
[Within the urban edge:1:50 year flood line or 32m
buffer zone from the edge of the riparian zone,
whichever is greater.
Outside the urban edge or within priority quaternary
catchment:1:100 year flood line or 100m buffer zone
from the edge of the riparian zone, whichever is
If there is inadequate delineation of flood
lines / buffer zones / riparian zones: specialist study
required; on receipt of outstanding information,
application must be re-submitted to Technological
Services for evaluation. Make use of Template D.
Do the site plans provide detail of the position and
layout of potable plant location, design and
capacity, as well as water pollution management
facilities including sewage, pollution control dams
and polluted water treatment facilities?
If dust suppression uses recycled water are there
adequate provisions for the volumes required?

Information is required in order to adequately

identify impacts and management plans. Request
applicant to provide plans indicating water
infrastructure and layout. Use Template J.
Report should indicate volumes of water required
and sources of water for the mine. A water balance
should indicate how water is to be recycled within
the mine and volumes of water required for dust
suppression. Incorporate comments and conditions
into Template J.
Report must include a water management plan
outlining the mitigation measures for use and
storage of hazardous materials on site. Request
information using Template J.
As per DWAF requirements, regulation 704 of the
National Water Act should be adhered to and there
should be no placement of infrastructure within
100m or 1:100 floodline, whichever is greater.
Incorporate comments and conditions into Template

Are potentially hazardous hydrocarbons and raw

materials or consumables adequately contained or
protected from the elements to reduce
contamination of surrounding areas?
Are there any boreholes, residue dams, dumps or
sewage works either within 100m from a
watercourse or dam or within the 1:100 year flood
Opencast mines
Does the EMP outline dewatering procedures,
receiving water bodies or use of this potentially
contaminated water?

This information is required in order to understand

potential impacts and management plans. Request
applicant to provide the information using Template

Underground mines
Are there contingency plans for dewatering
following inundation or working areas or

Should form part of the emergency response plan.

EO to request that applicant ensures management


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 13.10: Template G.4


Yes No
plans cater for dewatering in cases of flooding.
Include comments and conditions in Template J.
Is there a process of storage, management,
Dirty water cannot be returned to the catchment.
recycling and treatment prior to discharge of
Water quality must comply with the catchment
underground water in the surface environment?
objectives before it can be released into the surface
water environment. If necessary, the water must
undergo treatment. Applicant to ensure compliance
with DWAF requirements. Incorporate comments
and conditions into Template J.
Residue or waste disposal facilities
Is there effective control and interception of
Information is required in order to adequately
contaminated runoff from the residue dump
identify impacts and management plans. Request
applicant to provide water control methods. Use
Template J
Has the footprint of the residue dump area been
If no preventative measures have been detailed,
adequately prepared and sealed to prevent
applicant must either provide a motivation as to why
seepage into groundwater aquifers by providing
no mitigation is necessary, or incorporate
an under-blanket or drainage zone inside the
preventative designs to minimise infiltration of
contaminated water. Comments and conditions to
be incorporated into Template J.
Are seepage discharge points around the
Information is required in order to adequately
perimeter of the residue dump addressed?
identify impacts and management plans. Request
applicant to identify seepage points and provide
adequate mitigation if seepage were to occur. Use
Template J.
Surface infrastructure
After removal of structures, foundations and
Applicant to include a monitoring programme that
equipment is there a programme of sampling and
extends to post closure. Monitoring to include
analysis of substrates for potential contamination?
analysis of water points, and substrate. Results to
be submitted to DWAF and GDACE annually.
Incorporate comments and conditions using
Template J.
Does the rehabilitation and monitoring plan
Where ongoing water treatment is required,
include installation of passive water processing
applicant to provide for ongoing treatment so as not
to result in contamination of water resources.
Comments and conditions to be incorporated into
Template J.
Opencast mines
Could partial rehabilitation of the upper benches
Applicant to consider alternative uses of opencast
compliment flooding of the lower levels with rainpit post mining and include motivation for preferred
and groundwater to create habitats that would
choice. Include comments and conditions in
benefit wildlife conservation?
Template J.
Have pumping facilities been preserved or
Applicant to ensure post mining water management
emergency discharge structures to facilitate
where necessary so as not to result in water
decanting or drainage been provided?
contamination. Include comments and conditions in
Template J.
Underground mines
Has provision been made for closure of all surface
Management plan must include mitigation measures
holings, adits, shafts or capping of ventilation
for sealing of underground workings and ensure that
shafts to exclude surface water from entering the
clean water is returned to the catchment post
underground environment?
closure. Incorporate comments and conditions into
Template J.
In dolomitic terrains has there been an
Investigation required in order to ensure water
assessment of karst subsurface weathering
management during decommissioning. Applicant
features or sinkholes and a plan to install cutoff
must prove that adequate measures have been put
drains or plug these features?
in pale to ensure safety on the surface and
preservation of water quality. Include comments and
conditions in template J.
Have adits or shafts been sealed to prevent
Adits and shafts are to be sealed and the applicant
decant of water from the mine?
is to predict where surface decant will take place so
as to be able to mitigate the release of
contaminated water. Incorporate comments and
conditions into Template J.


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 13.10: Template G.4


Yes No
Residue or waste disposal facilities
If the dams or dumps are to be capped and sealed
Mitigation is required in order to minimise infiltration
prior to re-vegetation, have details of the acid
and neutralise acid generating potential. Where no
amelioration layers, clay capping and topsoil layer
information is available, the applicant is to provide
been defined?
mitigation measures indicating how the residue and
waste disposal facilities will be rehabilitated so as to
minimise impacts on water quality and quantity.
Incorporate comments and conditions into Template
Is there a long-term monitoring and maintenance
Applicant to include a monitoring programme that
plan to ensure functioning of seepage control or
extends to post closure. Monitoring to include
leachate interception structures?
analysis of water points, and effectiveness of
mitigation measures. Results to be submitted to
DWAF and GDACE annually. Incorporate comments
and conditions using Template J.
Can any water storage or purification facilities be
Where possible, the applicant should investigate the
used to benefit the surrounding communities?
potential to provide water to local communities and
farmers on the condition that water quality and
quantity are not negatively affected. EO to include
recommendations into Template J.
Have low maintenance passive water treatment
Applicant to ensure long term sustainable
been used where possible?
maintenance programme for surface water post
mining. Ongoing monitoring is required and where
necessary an ongoing passive treatment plant
should be used. Incorporate comments and
conditions into Template J.


Yes No
Does the description of bedrock and regolith or
overburden geology include sufficient detail to
define the aquifers, aquicludes, confined- or
perched aquifers and groundwater zones?
The minimum level of detail provided should be
the regional hydrogeological map data published
by DWAF. Is this information included in the EIA?
Are there linear structures such as dykes, faults or
sills that could extend beyond the borders of the
mining area?

This information is required in order to identify impacts

and management plans. Request that information is
supplied. Use Template J.
This information is required in order to identify impacts
and management plans. Request that information is
supplied. Use Template J.
There structures should be taken into account in the
EIA in terms of cumulative and regional impacts.
Ensure that they are well defined and understood in
the groundwater report. Include comments and
conditions into Template J.
Specialists to undertake groundwater hydrocensus in
order to understand local groundwater conditions.
Local boreholes must be surveyed and information
included in the EIA report. Include comments and
conditions into template J.
This information is required in order to identify impacts
and management plans. Request that information is
supplied. Use Template J.

Are hydrocensus details presented from the

National Groundwater database or from a survey
of groundwater use in the surrounding area?

Is a map included showing borehole positions and

springs and their yields in the mining area relative
to watercourses and proposed developments such
as residue dams?
Have any analyses of groundwater quality been
provided including detail of pH, total dissolved
solids, conductivity, microbiological content?
Has the groundwater influx and recharge
component been incorporated in the water
balance model for opencast and underground
mines producing high levels of contaminants?

This information is required in order to identify impacts

and management plans. Request that information is
supplied. Use Template J.
This information is required in order to identify impacts
and management plans. Request that information is
supplied. Use Template J.


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 13.10: Template G.4


Yes No
Is groundwater monitoring from boreholes within
the bedrock around the pit or residue dumps part
of the management plan?

EMP must include monitoring of groundwater from

boreholes located both within the mining area, and
around it in order to pick up any potential impacts
from the mining operations. Where no boreholes are
present, the applicant must commit to drilling of
boreholes for monitoring purposes. Include comments
and conditions into Template J.
Groundwater studies to ensure effects of opencast
mining on the groundwater regime are understood
and the impacts defined. Mitigation measures are
required where impacts are identified. Incorporate
comments and conditions into Template J.
Essential that clean and dirty water are kept separate
and that as much clean water as possible is returned
to the catchment. Applicant must include adequate
designs of stormwater diversions and separation of
clean and dirty water. Include comments and
conditions in Template J
There must be adequate preparation of the base of
the structures, which must include an impermeable
layer to ensure no infiltration into the groundwater. EO
to ensure EMP includes such a commitment. Include
comments and conditions into Template J.

Has the groundwater regime of the opencast mine

been adequately defined to interpret inflow and
possible recharge rates from the pit?

Is storm water separated from contaminated water

in opencast to reduce the potential for
contaminated recharge of shallow groundwater?

Have the sites or footprint areas of raw material or

mineral handling areas, residue- and waste
disposal sites and pollution control structures been
adequately prepared and sealed to prevent
infiltration of contaminated water?


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 13.10: Template G.4


Yes No
If there are large volume users of groundwater in
Where local groundwater users are affected, the EMP
the region will they be affected by drawdown of
must include methods of compensation. The
water tables due to use or dewatering, or
compensation methods must be acceptable by the
interception and storage of surface water?
individuals who are affected. Include comments and
conditions into Template J.
Is there a commitment to establish a grid of
Monitoring programme is essential to be able to
monitoring boreholes downslope and upslope or
determine impacts and thus mitigate effectively. EO to
close to other groundwater users?
check for a groundwater monitoring plan and if it has
been adequately designed to monitor both upstream
and downstream of the project. Include comments
and conditions into Template J.
Is the effect of dewatering of groundwater
Specialist study must include description of impact on
compartments assessed from the point of view of
groundwater levels and potential for subsidence.
lowering of the water table or creation of surface
Include comments and conditions in Template J.
Where necessary, is discharge from underground
No dirty water should be allowed to leave the site.
into the surface water environment measured,
Where seepage or decant from underground workings
analysed and contained for treatment?
is predicted, this water must be contained, analysed
and where necessary, treated. It can be re-used on
site but it is preferable to release it into the catchment,
if it meets the catchment water quality objectives.
Include comments and conditions into Template J.
Does the management plan include details of
EMP must include a groundwater monitoring plan.
monitoring, sampling and reporting of groundwater
Include comments and conditions on any missing data
quantity and quality to the authorities according to
into Template J.
Is the long-term effect of undermining or breaching
Groundwater model must be included to indicate
of linear structures or compartments modelled to
impacts. There must be a commitment to update the
show the long-term effects on groundwater flow?
model regularly with new data. Include comments and
conditions into Template J.
Will all boreholes, shafts, adits and ventilation
EMP must include mitigation measures for closure of
shafts be sealed to prevent ingress of surface
the mine. Where boreholes can be used safety by a
water into underground mines?
third party, this agreement can take place.
Alternatively all boreholes must be adequately sealed
while some must remain as long term monitoring
boreholes. Ensure EMP addresses this issue. Include
comments and conditions into Template J.
Does the management plan include details of
Monitoring programme must be included in the EMP
monitoring, sampling and reporting of groundwater
and extend beyond decommissioning. Applicant to
quantity and quality to the authorities?
submit results regularly to authorities. Include
comments and conditions in Template J.
If the rehabilitated landuse requires use of
This commitment must be included where post mining
groundwater for irrigation is there a commitment to
land use includes the use of local boreholes for water.
ongoing analysis of water quality to ensure that
Applicant to submit results regularly to authorities.
restored soil does not become salinised?
Include comments and conditions in Template J.
Is there potential for Acid Rock Drainage post
Applicant needs to prove no long term effects of ARD
/ AMD. Where there is potential for ARD, monitoring
must be ongoing and effective mitigation measures
proposed. Include comments and conditions in
Template J.
Does the management plan cater for containing
No dirty water should be allowed to leave the site.
any decant water or polluted water emanating
Where seepage or decant from underground workings
from the mine site post closure?
is predicted, this water must be contained, analysed
and where necessary, treated. It can be re-used on
site but it is preferable to release it into the catchment,
if it meets the catchment water quality objectives.
Include comments and conditions into Template J.


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 13.10: Template G.4


Yes No
Does the general environmental and infrastructure
development description allude to potential sources
of gaseous emissions or dust generation?
Is the wind data adequate to predict general dust or
gas transport directions?

Management plan required for mitigation of sources

of gaseous emissions and dust. EO to include
comments and conditions in Template J.
Applicant to source wind direction data in order to
accurately predict impacts of dust on local
receptors. EO to include comments and conditions
in Template J.
Applicant to provide more detail pertaining to the
mining method and infrastructure required, as well
as sources of dust and gaseous emissions. Include
comments and conditions in Template J.

Is the description of the mining method or

beneficiation of sufficient detail to permit prediction
of gaseous emissions or dust generation sources?
Construction and Operation
Are mitigation actions described for dust
suppression during the site clearing and soil
stockpiling activities?

Dust suppression is required during operations as

dust will be generated from earth clearing and
stockpiling. Report must describe types of dust
suppression techniques that will be implemented
throughout construction and operation. These could
be watering of areas, use of dust binding agent, or
sealing of surfaces. Include comments and
conditions into Template J.
Applicant to identify affected parties and receptors
and locate them on a map relative to the source of
dust / gases. Include comment and conditions in
template J.
As part of the dust monitoring plan, dust buckets
are to be located on site and on adjacent properties
to monitor levels of fallout. Where necessary,
instruments to measure gaseous emissions must
also be deployed. Include comments and
conditions in Template J.
EMP to provide for the wearing of PPE in areas
where dust and gaseous levels exceed the
standards set by DEAT. Comments and conditions
to be included in Template J.
EIA to provide sources of gaseous emissions if
applicable to the mine site. Include comment and
conditions in Template J.
Recommended that rehabilitation is ongoing in
order to both reduce dust levels as well as potential
for spontaneous combustion (applicable to coal
mines only). EMP to include process of ongoing
rehabilitation methods and EO to include comments
and conditions in Template J.
EMP to include list of chemicals and incorporate the
mitigation measures into an Emergency response
plan. EO to include comments and conditions in
Template J.

Have potential affected parties/ receptors been

identified or their properties marked on the maps?

Are dust monitoring devices deployed on the

property boundary or neighbouring areas?

Is there adequate PPE in areas where dust and

gaseous levels are excessive?
Have likely emission sources been identified in the
Will management of residue dumps aim to
rehabilitate concurrently with operation to reduce
the risk of oxidation and spontaneous combustion?

Does the EMP include a list of processes where

hazardous chemicals are used with emergency
response and hazmat cleanup plans?
Are there contingency measures to extinguish
burning coal dumps?

EMP to include mitigation measures and

emergency response plans to fires on site and
burning coal dumps. Include comments and
conditions into Template J.

Is long-term monitoring of rehabilitated dumps a
commitment by the mining proponent?

EMP to include a monitoring plan that extends post

closure. Include comments and conditions into
template J.


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 13.10: Template G.4


Yes No
Have ambient noise and vibration levels in the premining environment been measured?

Applicant to undertake noise measurements on site in

order to establish pre-mining baseline noise levels.
EO to include comments and conditions in Template
Noise levels to adhere to applicable standards, such
as SBBS 083. Where this is not possible, applicant to
give a motivation, as well as management plan.
Comments and conditions to be incorporated into
Template J.
Where surrounding land uses are sensitive, natural or
manufactured screening should be erected on site to
reduce noise levels beyond the site boundary.
Include comments and conditions in Template J.
Applicant to develop a management plan to address
impacts from noise and vibration. Plan must include
expected noise levels, appropriate mitigation and
monitoring techniques and frequency. EO to include
comments and conditions into Template J.

Is there a commitment to implement the standards

outlined in SABS 083?

Has screening been proposed as a measure to

reduce noise levels beyond the site boundary?
Has a noise and vibration monitoring plan been

Where noise cannot be reduced to within
acceptable levels, has adequate or alternative
mitigation measures been proposed

Applicant to ensure that noise and vibration impacts

do not negatively affect surrounding land users. If
noise levels cannot be effectively mitigated, an
agreement with surrounding land users must be
made or additional mitigation measures implemented
and included in the EMP. Use Template J to
incorporate comments and conditions.

Are there any surrounding activities that are
sensitive to noise?

Blasting should only take place during work hours

and additional mitigation must be implemented to
ensure the sensitive activity is not affected. In the
event of the surrounding land use being negative
impacted, no further blasting is to take place until
adequate mitigation is implemented. Include
comments and conditions into Template J.
Applicant to take into consideration concerns of
neighbouring land users. Operating times must be in
line with normal working hours unless an agreement
with surrounding land users has been made. Include
comments and conditions into Template J.
Noise and vibration must be measured and recorded
before and during blasting. Management plans must
include protocols for informing neighbours of blasting
times and complaints. Include comments and
conditions into Template J.

Does the mine commit to operating within normal

working hours if close to an urban community?

Do drilling and blasting contractors undertake to

maintain records of noise and vibration
Will removal of structure result in an increase in
noise during decommissioning?

Applicant to apply additional measures to help reduce

noise levels and activities which generate noise are
to take place during working hours. Include
comments and conditions into Template J.


Yes No
Has the archaeological or historical records of the
Applicant to appoint an accredited archaeologist to
site and surrounding areas been described in the
undertake a survey to determine if any sites of
archaeological importance are found within the area.
Incorporate comments and conditions into Template
Was an inspection of the entire development area
Applicant to appoint an accredited archaeologist to


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 13.10: Template G.4


Yes No
undertaken by a recognised cultural heritage
undertake a survey to determine if any sites of
resource management consultant?
archaeological importance are found within the area
of development. Incorporate comments and
conditions into Template J.
Has the existence of cemeteries or graves been
Consultants to undertake survey with land owners
checked with the landowners or former occupants?
and occupants to determine potential burial sites on
the property. Incorporate comments and conditions
into Template J.
Have old buildings been assessed for historical or
Where old buildings occur on site, applicant to
archaeological heritage significance?
appoint an accredited heritage specialist to survey
the building and determine the status. Building is not
to be demolished without necessary permission.
Incorporate comments and conditions into Template
Is there a commitment to appoint a watching brief
Archaeological management plan is required in order
and implement a management plan for
to ensure commitment to undertaking the necessary
archaeological sites or heritage structures ahead of
studies and mitigation measures in the event of mine
mine expansion?
expansion. SAHRA to approve EMP for archaeology.
Incorporate comments and conditions into Template
Is there a register of heritage objects on the mine
A register of heritage objects is to be drawn up and
kept on the mine following the archaeological
assessment that was carried out for the EIA. Where
necessary, sites should be fenced and secured.
Incorporate comments and conditions into Template
Can the site be re-developed as a cultural heritage
If the area includes many archaeological and heritage
site or development that will maintain the historical
sites, applicant to consider development of site for
integrity and sustainable development of the area?
preservation and tourism development. Include
comments and conditions into Template J.
Can heritage items be rescued or donated to a
Where possible, heritage items must be removed off
museum collection?
site and donated to the local museum or university.
Incorporate comments and conditions into Template
Where applicable, is there a commitment from the
If applicable, applicant should seek advise fro the
provincial heritage management agency to
local heritage authority in terms of potential post
maintain the site?
mining land use options and preservation of sites of
importance. Incorporate comments and conditions
into Template J.
Yes No
Does the description of the development provide a
clear picture of the scale of developments relative
to surrounding landscape features and has a map
been used to identify local visual features?

Request additional information relating to the local

visual environment so that the EO can understand
the potential impact of the mining operations on the
local environment. Contours and line of site maps can
be used. Incorporate comments and conditions into
Template J.


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 13.10: Template G.4


Yes No
Has the visibility of the development been
assessed from nearby developments or sensitive
landscape areas?

Applicant to provide information on the scale of

development, including a description or visual
interpretation of the buildings, operations and visual
characteristics of the development as well as
surrounding sensitive landscapes. Incorporate
comments and conditions into Template J.
Applicant to prove how the issues raised in terms of
loss of sense of place have been addressed and
what mitigation measures were applied. Incorporate
comments and conditions into Template J.

Did the scoping process reveal any opposition to

the development on the basis of visual impact or
altered sense of place?
Can the buildings be designed or given facades
that clash less with the architecture of surrounding
Can screening berms, lighting, hedges or trees be
used to reduce visibility?

Applicant to apply designs so as to minimise impact

of project on local visual environment. Incorporate
comments and conditions into Template J.
As far as possible, natural screening should be used
to reduce visibility. Lighting must be directed
downwards and low lighting to be used at night,
where possible. EMP to include mitigation measures
to reduce the visual impact. Incorporate comments
and conditions into Template J.

Is there a commitment to remove large structures?

Where large structures are no longer required by the

mine, or a third party, they are to be removed in order
to restore the area back to its previous state, as far
as possible. Incorporate comments and conditions
into Template J.

Is there a commitment from the proponent to carry
out monitoring and maintenance of the screens for
a period after decommissioning?

Applicant to maintain screening material until such

time as the site is converted to post mining land use.
Incorporate comments and conditions into Template


Yes No
Does the scale of the mining operation represent a
significant input to the economy of the area?

Mining operation must prove there is a benefit to the

local economy so as to assist in the development of
the area. Comments and conditions to be included
into Template J.
Ensure that secondary problems are not created if
these could have been prevented by adequate
planning. Applicant to have informed local authorities
and incorporated potential issues or solutions into the
report. Where local planning is inadequate, EMP
must include mitigation measures to ensure
development is not detrimental to local services.
Incorporate comments and conditions into Template
Report to include impact of development on local
economy using the multiplier effect. Request
information with template J.
Where the development is likely to have a significant
impact on influx of workers and job seekers, the
applicant should have undertaken appropriate
consultation with local municipalities and authorities
in order to ensure that local services will be adequate
and if there is a need to increase services, how will
the mining development contribute? Ensure this
information has been taken into account. Include
comments and conditions into Template J.

Have the local authorities adequately catered for

increased traffic, people, water and electricity
usage, accommodation etc

Has the multiplier effect been assessed in the

context of the local economy?
Will it be necessary to create significant new
housing, electricity, sewage, access routes,
hospitals, schools etc to cater for an influx of


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 13.10: Template G.4


Yes No
Does the EIA outline the positive impacts on the
local economy in terms of job creation?

EIA must include information on job creation in order

to determine the potential benefits of the project.
Include comments and conditions in Template J.
EIA to address the significance of this impact and
EMP to include appropriate mitigation measures to
address the impact. Where information is not
sufficient, EO to request the applicant to investigate
further. Include comments and conditions into
Template J.

Does the EMP cater for situations where informal

settlements may develop due to influx of job

Has the employee and local community health and
safety been taken into consideration?

Where there are health and safety risks to employees

and local communities, these risks must be outlined
in the EIA and a framework action plan outlined in
order to address how the risks can be managed.
Include comments and conditions into Template J.
Report must include consultation with local authorities
and information relating to the local IDP and whether
the development forms part of the IDP, or at least is
in line with the objectives set out in the IDP.
Comments and conditions to be included into
Template J.

Has the mine development been integrated into

local government IDP?

Can the mine property be rehabilitated to provide
social upliftment in the area or sustainable
development initiatives?

Alternative post mining land uses to be investigated

taking into account potential social development
initiatives for the area. Where sustainable post mining
land uses can benefit the local communities and
area, these should be detailed. Use template J for
comments and conditions.
Applicant to liaise with local authorities and
communities during decommissioning to determine
potential use of infrastructure post mining. Where
infrastructure can be used, a formal agreement will
be required which includes commitment to
maintenance of structures and applicant to ensure
third party has sustainable use of infrastructure. . Use
template J for comments and conditions.

Could the mine housing be utilised by the local

authority for community housing?

Does the land owner or occupier give a
commitment to long-term monitoring and

Applicant has to ensure land is continued to be

monitored. These costs must be borne by the
developer, unless an agreement has been made in a
sale of the land. The commitments in the EMP still
stand if the land is sold. Use template J for comments
and conditions.


Yes No
Does the public participation and authority
consultation during the scoping process meet the
requirements of the MPRDA guidelines?

As a minimum, the PPP must meet the requirements

of the MPRDA. The applicant must be able to prove
that IAPs were afforded the opportunity to be
informed of the development and give input in terms
of their issues and concerns. The applicant must also
prove that these concerns have been addressed.
Incorporate comments and conditions into Template
Applicant to undertake additional public participation
where gaps in the process exist. Any further issues
raised should be addressed in the EIA and EMP.
Incorporate comments and conditions into Template
Applicant to ensure concerns and comments have

Have the public and authorities been presented

with an opportunity to hear about the development
and raise issues and concerns?

Have IAP concerns and comments raised during


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 13.10: Template G.4


Yes No
scoping and micro-consultation been addressed in
been adequately addressed in the EMP. Where this
the EIA and EMP?
has not occurred, EO to mention specific concerns
that are not addressed. Incorporate comments and
conditions into Template J.
Is there a grievance mechanism for IAPs to record
Applicant to outline grievance mechanism procedure
their concerns during mining operations?
that will be implemented upon approval of the mining
right application. IAPs to be made aware of the
procedure. Include comments and conditions into
Template J.
Is there a commitment that the developer will
EMP to state that compensation issues will be
discuss the development with each land owner
discussed and agreed to prior to construction taking
prior to mining taking place and ensure that
place. EO to incorporate comments and conditions
compensation issues will be resolved to the
into Template J.
satisfaction of both parties.
Is there an indication that the developers have
If there no reason for the developer to change their
made changes to their plans on the basis of public
plans, then the application can proceed. If concerns
and issues were raised which required a change in
mine plan, the applicant must demonstrate how the
concerns were taken into account and applied to the
process. Incorporate comments and conditions into
Template J.
Are sufficient regular communications or public
Applicant to hold regular public meetings to keep the
consultation meetings planned?
public informed of ongoing operations or changes to
the mine plan. Include comments and conditions into
Template J.
Does the EMP include mechanisms for warning
EMP to include a stakeholder engagement plan for
local communities of accidents or emergencies at
alerting local communities to any emergencies or
the mine?
incidents at the mine that may impact on the local
communities i.e spillages into local streams. Include
comments and conditions into Template J.
Does the EMP allow for public and authorities
Applicant to hold regular public meetings to keep the
consultation regarding the rehabilitation goals for
public informed of ongoing operations or changes to
the mining area?
the mine plan. Include comments and conditions into
Template J.
Does the post-closure land use reflect insight
PPP to include input from IAPs on post mining land
regarding the sustainable development of the
use options and preferences. Preferred post mining
surrounding area?
land use to include contribution to sustainable
development. Include comments and conditions into
Template J.
Can any buildings or structures be retained for
Applicant to reach an agreement with third party in
community recreational use and managed in an
terms of maintenance of buildings post mining and
adequate and sustainable manner?
purchase / donation of mining infrastructure in a
manner that ensures long term sustainability of the
infrastructure. Include comments and conditions into
Template J.
Does the rehabilitation plan include adequate
EMP must ensure monitoring and management of
provision for assessment of long-term impacts of
long term impacts so as not to impact on local
communities. Where impacts are detected, action
plans should be described to ensure mitigation of
potential impacts. Include comments and conditions
into Template J.
Does the change in ownership of the mine property
EMP must ensure person responsible for
include a commitment to long-term monitoring and
development undertakes monitoring and
management of long term impacts so as not to impact
on local communities. Where impacts are detected,
action plans should be described to ensure mitigation
of potential impacts. If land ownership changes,
agreement must take place where by responsibility is
well defined. Include comments and conditions into
Template J.


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 13.10: Template G.4


Yes No
Does the rehabilitation programme reflect the input of
Specialist input required for rehabilitation plant to
experts in the fields of structural stability of slopes
ensure the success of the plan. Where necessary,
and structures, landscaping, re-vegetation, water
engineering input and input from soil, vegetation
and water specialists required. Where there is
insufficient data in the rehabilitation plan, EO to
request additional information using Template J.
Has each specific management plan and mitigation
EMP to include costs for mitigation and
measure been costed so as to outline the
management plans to ensure applicant
environmental and social costs involved in the
incorporates costs into financial planning. EO to
implementation of the project.
include comments and conditions into Template J.
Is there a commitment to establishing an acceptable
The applicant must make a commitment to provide
trust fund or is financial provision on the basis of a
the funds for closure upfront. If no provision is
financial guarantee?
made, EO must request applicant to provide
commitment. Include comments and conditions in
Template J.
Is the siting and form of soil stockpiles conducive to
Location of soil stockpiles must be designed with
cost effective replacement during rehabilitation?
closure in mind. Soil stockpiles must not be
consistently moved throughout operations. The
initial placement of the soil stockpiles must be
sited to ensure effective mitigation at closure.
Include comments and conditions into Template J.
Can the storm water and erosion control structures
Where possible, stormwater and erosion control
be preserved into the post-mining period?
structures should be preserved for long term use
post mining to ensure separation of clean and dirty
water and to minimise erosion. These should be
rehabilitated early on to minimise erosion. Include
comments and conditions into Template J.
Has a plant and animal rescue programme been
Where possible, a plant and animal rescue
outlined if required?
operation should be undertaken to preserve seed
banks and local plants (preferably in a nursery)
and to relocate animals to safe areas. The nursery
can then be used during closure for rehabilitation.
Include comments and conditions into Template J.
Is there a commitment to rehabilitation concurrently
This is to be encouraged to ensure ongoing
with mining from operational budgets wherever
rehabilitation which will result in minimising dust
and erosion and promoting restoration of habitats.
Include comments and conditions in Template J.


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 13.10: Template G.4


Yes No
Will rehabilitation trials be funded from operational
So long as costs have been catered for
costs or are they catered for elsewhere?
somewhere and are not omitted. Include
comments and conditions in Template J.
If residue disposal sites are permanent structures
Rehabilitation needs to take place concurrently
has there been adequate provision for in situ
thus as more material is mined, these waste
rehabilitation as the dump grows?
facilities will continue to grow and thus
rehabilitation will be ongoing. Final rehabilitation
will take place at closure Include comments and
conditions in Template J.
Has premature closure due to unexpected
Report to include detail on requirements and costs
circumstances been planned for and will the
involved in the case of pre-mature closure. These
necessary funds be available?
costs must be made available in the event of
closure. The costs must be able to cover costs
involved with management plans post-mining.
Include comments and conditions in Template J.
Does the closure plan consider all the feedback from
Consideration must be given to comments and
interested and affected parties?
concerns raised by IAPs, authorities and
communities with regards to closure options and
post mining land use. Where suggestions have
been made, applicant must take these into
consideration and motivation must be given for
preferred alternative of post mining land use.
Include comments and conditions in Template J.
Can the rehabilitation funds be accessed by the lead
authority in the case of the mine being liquidated or
defaulting on rehabilitation obligations?
Has a closure plan been compiled detailing degree of
rehabilitation undertaken during operations and
remaining rehabilitation programme to be

DME to ensure funds have been provided for and

are available. Include comments and conditions in
Template J.
Closure plan should include how much
rehabilitation has been undertaken during
operations and what percent is remaining during
closure. The plan should also include timeframes
and costs involved. Include comments and
conditions in Template J.
EO to state that consultation with communities and
authorities is essential prior to finalisation of
closure plan. Include comments and conditions in
Template J.
Applicant to include motivation for choice of final
land use, as well as include alternatives that were
considered but not chosen. If an alternative land
use is preferable to GDACE, EO to request
applicant to reconsider where possible. Include
comments and conditions in Template J.
PPP to include input from IAPs on post mining
land use options and preferences. Applicant to
prove that final land use is sustainable and
suitable in terms of surrounding land uses. Include
comments and conditions in Template J.
Applicant to reach an agreement with third party in
terms of maintenance of buildings post mining and
purchase / donation of mining infrastructure in a
manner that ensures long term sustainability of the
infrastructure. Include comments and conditions
into Template J.
EMP must include monitoring plans that extend
beyond post closure. Monitoring must continue to
ensure there are no residual impacts and if such
impacts occur, they are mitigated. Include
comments and conditions in Template J.
Monitoring to continue and EMP to detail methods
of reducing the risk of contamination from
remaining material or ore body. If EO feels there is
insufficient information, applicant to undertake
additional studies and provide adequate mitigation

Will consultation with the community or local

authority take place to ensure integration of the
rehabilitated land with local planning?
Has the closure plan considered alternative land
uses and was the most suitable land use justified?

Does the post-closure land use reflect insight

regarding the sustainable development of the
surrounding area?
Can any buildings or structures be retained for
community recreational use and managed in an
adequate and sustainable manner?

Does the rehabilitation plan include adequate

provision for assessment of long-term impacts of

Is there a risk of the remaining material left at closure

generating pollution to the environment?


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 13.10: Template G.4


Yes No
for long term management of the site. Include
comments and conditions in Template J.
Have the dryland production potential and the
Important to undertake studies in order to
irrigation potential been assessed?
determine potential land use capability post
closure. Where land can be used for food
production, this should be pursued. Include
comments and conditions in Template J.
Is there a commitment to monitoring and
Ongoing monitoring is a requirement and if chosen
maintenance of rehabilitated areas to ensure correct
plant species in not adequate, applicant to respecies choice and sustainability of vegetation
design rehabilitation plans until the sustainable
objective has been met. Include comments and
conditions in Template J.
Are there unsafe areas post mining? Is there a
Where there is potential for subsidence, sinkholes
commitment to fence them or otherwise ensure
or unstable ground, applicant to secure areas and
ensure adequate safety signs are erected.
Monitoring must be ongoing to assess the stability
or formation of new sinkholes/subsidence. EMP
must adequately cater for post mining safety.
Include comments and conditions in Template J.
If there is a change in land ownership is there a
EMP must ensure person responsible for
commitment to continuation of monitoring and
development undertakes monitoring and
management of long term impacts so as not to
impact on local communities. Where impacts are
detected, action plans should be described to
ensure mitigation of potential impacts. If the land is
handed over, an agreement must be undertaken
handing over responsibility or alternatively for the
developer to continue with monitoring and
management. Include comments and conditions
into Template J.


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix: Template G.5

Appendix 13.10
Template G.5
(Checklist to be applied when reviewing mining right applications and EMPs)
The following template is to be used when evaluating mining right applications and EMPs dealing with
mining related projects. Colours have been used in order to assist in assessing whether the question
asked will generate a response or not. Where the answer to the question posed falls within an orange
block, the response / comment/ action column should be consulted. If the answer to the question falls
within a green block, the application can proceed.
This checklist can be used in conjunction with the mining manual in order to understand terms, impacts
and mitigation measures for each type of application. The checklist for evaluation of a mining right
application and environmental reports (EIA/ EMP) has been broken down into each aspect (eg geology,
groundwater etc) as well as a general evaluation checklist which includes aspects such as GDACE
policies and Gauteng hot spots.


Yes No
Is there a commitment to backfill and topsoil
excavations and borrow pits?

This should form part of the rehabilitation objectives

and the EO should include a comment and condition
for the applicant to do this. Comments and
conditions should be attached to Template J.
Where there is a risk of contamination from acid
generating material, there should be adequate
mitigation to ensure no seepage into the soil and
groundwater. EO to request applicant to include
appropriate mitigation measures in the EMP. Attach
comments and conditions to Template J.
EO to ensure the report includes an assessment of
the local geology and where there are risks from the
underlying geology these are to be adequately
addressed in the mitigation plan. If the risks are not
well managed, include comments and conditions
with Template J.

For rock/ore containing acid generating mineral

phases, is there adequate stockpile and residue
dump site preparation or footprint sealing to
prevent soil and groundwater contamination?

Is the mine located in a geologically sensitive area

or in a dolomitic area?

Is there a significant risk of acid rock drainage
(ARD) or acid mine drainage (AMD)?

If yes then have satisfactory management plans

been proposed to address this in the short and long
term? If the long term risk is not acceptable then
the project should not be supported and Template I
should be used. If the mitigation measures result in
an acceptable risk, then Template J should be used,
with additional comments and conditions if
EO to include comment that geotechnical evaluation
should form part of the management plan. Attach
comments and conditions and conditions to
Template J.
Ensure the significance of this impact is reduced
after proposed mitigation measures in the report. If
mitigation is not adequate, EO to include a comment
that additional management measures are required
to reduce erosion and risk of slope instability. Attach
comments and conditions in Template J.

Is geotechnical evaluation of excavations or pit

highwalls part of the management system?
Is there a significant risk of slope instability or
increased erosion and will it affect areas around
the site if it had to occur?


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix: Template G.5


Yes No
Is there a commitment for adequate
EO to request that applicant undertake appropriate
characterisation of residue to support waste
analysis to determine characteristics of waste so as
disposal and residue dump operation?
to mitigate effectively. Attach comments and
conditions to Template J.
Does the document outline the rehabilitation goals
Rehabilitation objectives, principle and costs are to
for opencast and underground voids with respect
included in the EMP. EO to request additional detail
to backfilling?
for the rehabilitation plan. Attach comments and
conditions to Template J.
Is there detail of measures to seal open surface
Request that the rehabilitation plan is revised to
areas and adits to prevent accidents and surface
ensure adequate management of the pits and adits
water ingress?
during closure. Attach comments and conditions to
Template J.
Has capping or sealing of waste rock dumps to
If material is acid generating, then capping and
exclude rainwater and air been addressed
sealing is necessary to prevent contamination. EO
to request additional management measures to be
included. Attach comments and conditions in
Template J.
Is there a commitment to monitoring and
Commitment must be included in the monitoring
maintenance of slopes of all dumps and
plan. Attach comments and conditions to Template
Is there a plan for long-term monitoring of
Commitment must be included in the monitoring
groundwater? Does the plan cover remedial
plan and should include remedial actions. Include
action if monitoring shows that there is a problem!
comments and conditions in Template J.
Is there a possibility of subsidence or sinkholes
Has the applicant committed to long term monitoring
forming due to dewatering or mining?
of subsidence? If the surface is not stable post
mining, the land must be declared as such and
appropriate post mining land use should be
recommended. Attach comments and conditions to
Template J.


Yes No
Does the report include climatic data including
rainfall, evaporation, wind data, temperatures and
extreme weather events?

Climatic Information is important in order to predict

impacts and include appropriate mitigation
measures. A lack or gap in data could affect project
planning. EO to request information is included in
EIA. Include comments and conditions to Template

Does the report include the latest climatic data
and an interpretation of trends and climatic
Does the construction activity take into account
seasonal storm water runoff and prescribe runoff
diversion structures and erosion control

EO to request that climatic data is included in order

for the potential impacts to be identified. Include
comments and conditions in Template J.
Request that seasonal rainfall is taken into account
and appropriate mitigation measures included. If this
is not done, the result is soil erosion and potential
contamination from exposed bedrock and siltation of
streams. Include comments and conditions in
Template J.

Is there a commitment to establishment of a dust
monitoring network?

Applicant to establish a dust monitoring network and

monitor dust levels regularly. Use of a wind
directional dust buckets to be recommended.
Include comments and conditions in Template J.
Climate can play a major role in the input and output
of water on a mine. EO to recommend that the
climatic data is used in order to ensure the water
balance is accurate and hence mitigation is
appropriate. Include comments and conditions in
Template J.

Has climatic data been taken into account in the

water balance model for the mining area and


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix: Template G.5


Yes No
Opencast pits: is there adequate modelling of
Severe weather can result in flooding and drought
seasonal average rainfall and extreme rainfall
thus modelling is required in order plan
events to ensure minimum freeboard for the
appropriately for decommissioning and closure.
capacity of large excavations?
Attach comments and conditions to Template J.
Have planted vegetation cover on residue dumps
The appropriate choice of vegetation for
and rehabilitated surfaces been specifically
rehabilitation is necessary in order to ensure the
selected to survive the climate with a low level of
vegetation will survive and propagate thus reducing
maintenance after establishment?
erosion and increasing infiltration of rainfall. If
necessary request technical services to check plant
species choice (use template D). Include comments
and conditions in Template J.
Is there a commitment to monitoring and
Ongoing monitoring is a requirement and if chosen
maintenance of rehabilitated areas to ensure
plant species in not adequate, applicant to re-design
correct species choice and sustainability of
rehabilitation plans until the sustainable objective
vegetation cover?
has been met. Include comments and conditions in
Template J.
Are controls in place to cater for risks of
If climatic conditions will result in potential
contamination from long term climatic events such
contamination then appropriate mitigation measures
as drought or periods of long term rainfall?
are required. If no mitigation is given, EO to request
applicant to revise EMP accordingly. Include
comments and conditions in Template J.


Yes No
Does the report include regional and local locality
maps showing surrounding landforms and

Map is important in order to determine impacts on

local topography such as catchments, ridges etc.
EO to request amp from applicant in comments and
conditions attached to Template J.
Map is important in order to understand the layout of
the mine with regards to the local topography. EO to
request amp from applicant in comments and
conditions attached to Template J.

Is the mine layout with excavations, residue

dumps, infrastructure shown on a plan of at least
Have the slopes of excavations been assessed for
geotechnical stability?

Use terrain form to shield opencast pit from

developed or sensitive areas. Hilltop sites or ridge
crests should be avoided as they impact adjacent
catchments and have wider visual impact. If slopes
pose a risk or threat to mining or adjacent
operations, geotechnical investigations are required.
Include comments and conditions in Template J.

Have road and excavation cut and fill

embankments been stabilised with adequate
storm water cutoff drains, erosion control
structures and vegetation cover?
Have the stability of the slopes in the opencast
pits or benches been designed based on the
parent materials and the physical characteristics
of the area?

Request that EMP is modified to include appropriate

mitigation measures around areas where excavation
or construction is taking place. Include comments
and conditions I Template J.
Slope stability must be stated and the motivation
given in order to ensure safety on the mine. If slope
stability is an issue and has not been discussed EO
to include comment that slope stability is to be
determined based on parent material and physical
characteristics of the site. Human and animal safety
needs to be guaranteed for uppermost bench of the
highwall. Attach comments and conditions to
Template J.


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix: Template G.5


Yes No
Are the slopes of overburden and waste dumps
Applicant to determine appropriate slope in order to
adequate to provide stability for vegetation
ensure growth of vegetation and limited erosion.
Include comments and conditions in Template J.
Are old excavations backfilled with waste rock
This should be encouraged wherever possible in
from new excavations?
order to ensure ongoing rehabilitation. If the material
is acid generating, then appropriate mitigation
measures are required.
Has the rehabilitation plan taken into account long
The long term slope stability should be based on the
term slope stability and safety?
physical characteristics of the material but a long
term plan is required to ensure conditions will
remain safe. Include comments and conditions in
Template J.
Are the residue dump slopes, rehabilitated
Designs of these structure must take into
surfaces, stormwater diversion and erosion control
consideration the stormwater runoff to ensure
structures on rehabilitated surfaces designed to
maximum return of clean water to the catchment.
convey expected storm water runoff volumes?
Include comments and conditions in Template J.
Is there adequate commitment to landscaping and
Where possible, the applicant will need to reduce
removal of structures or screening to reduce visual
the long term impact by removal of structures and
rehabilitation of the area. Where screening can be
undertaken this should be encouraged, particularly if
the mien is visible to surrounding land users.
Include comments and conditions in Template J.
Have alternative and higher land uses for the pits
EO to request applicant to consider alternative land
been investigated?
uses for the mine area, with particular focus on
sustainable land uses. Include comments and
conditions in Template J.
Is there a commitment to monitoring and
Monitoring and maintenance must be ongoing even
maintenance of rehabilitated slope and surfaces to
after closure. EO to ensure applicant includes this
ensure long-term stability?
commitment. Include comments and conditions in
Template J.
Is the site deemed stable and safe for humans
Where the site is not safe, it must have appropriate
and animals post closure?
mitigation such as fencing. Include comments and
conditions in template J.
Yes No
Is there an adequate soil map and table showing
distribution of soil land types, soil associations,
characteristics or complexes?
Are soil thickness classes shown for topsoil and
subsoil as well as their suitability for rehabilitation

If there is no soil map, one must be requested using

a comments and conditions sheet in Template J.
Soil is a vital component to ensure adequate
rehabilitation. The applicant must indicate a good
knowledge of the existing soil types as well as their
potential use post mining for rehabilitation, and if not
suitable, a viable alternative. If this information is not
available, it should be requested using Template J.


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix: Template G.5


Yes No
Is there a commitment to remove and stockpile
the usable topsoil dependant on the soil profile.
Topsoil and subsoil should not be mixed.

Soil should be removed and stockpiled from roads,

building platforms, stockpile and dam areas prior to
construction. This topsoil should not be mixed with
subsoil and there should be a management plan
indicating the separation and use of each stockpile.
Include comments and conditions in Template J.
The ideal is to strip and replace topsoil in a single
operation. However where this is not possible, soils
should be stockpiled loose. There should be
minimal movement of the soil stockpiles until such
time as they are to be used for rehabilitation.
Request an adequate soil management plan if one
is lacking. Include comments and conditions in
Template J.
Hydrocarbon spillages to be collected in a drip tray
and storage of hydrocarbons in bunded areas.
Contaminated soils to be removed and disposed at
a registered facility. Include comments and
conditions in Template J.

Does the report include a soil management plan

for the stripping, storage and use of topsoil around
the site?

Is there detail of contingencies to prevent soil

contamination from hydrocarbon leaks and

Has soil erosion been addressed so as to prevent

erosion or mitigate it where it is unavoidable?

If soil erosion is not adequately addressed,

applicant to improve mitigation measures.
Monitoring should also take place to check for
areas of erosion. Include comments and
conditions in Template J.

Does the document describe monitoring,
maintenance and augmentation of soil
conservation works?
Has the risk of soil contamination been described
and addressed so as to minimise the risk and
mitigate it where necessary?

Request further information on the monitoring,

maintenance and augmentation of soil at site.
Include comments and conditions in Template J.
Request applicant to detail the risk of soil
contamination and provide adequate management
plans. Include comments and conditions in
Template J.
Request further studies so as to determine impact
on soil and suitable mitigation measures. Include
comments and conditions in Template J.

If industrial waste water is to be used for irrigation,

has the chemistry and salinity of the water and the
texture of the receiving soil environment been
assessed to ensure that soil structure and
drainage status is not degraded?
Is there a commitment to restoring soil to worked
out areas and rehabilitation concurrently with
mining where possible?

Rehabilitation should be concurrent so as to

minimise the impact footprint at any one time.
Recommendations should be made to request the
applicant to rehabilitate continuously, unless a
motivation against such a recommendation has
been included. Attach comments and conditions to
Template J.

Is the texture and drainage status of the restored
topsoil/subsoil compatible with the slope and
drainage regime of the area to which it has been
restored i.e. dont restore hydromorphic clays on
well drained hillslope positions!
Have the erosion control contour
drains/berms/terraces been designed and spaced
according to the soil texture, erodibility and slope
Has the issue of soil contamination by heavy
metals, acidification and salinization been
addressed at residue dump sites?

Ensure soil report has adequately addressed the

issue of post mining land use and that the soils are
suited to both the proposed land use and the area.
Include comments and conditions in Template J.
Soil report to address the issue for control contour
berms and the motivation for the design. Request
information through Template J.
The risk of soil contamination must be adequately
addressed and prevented at all costs. Applicant to
ensure risk of contamination is outlined and
management measures proposed. Include
comments and conditions in Template J.
If measures not adequately detailed, EO to request
additional information in template J.

Are measures described to remove and dispose of

contaminated soil at registered waste disposal


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix: Template G.5


Yes No
Are other soil amelioration methods described e.g.
If measures not adequately detailed, EO to request
liming, leaching?
additional information in template J.
Is a programme of regular monitoring and
To be included in monitoring programme. Request
maintenance of restored soil cover and erosion
that the monitoring programme includes soil and
control structures prescribed?
erosion monitoring and action plans for where
erosion is taking place. Include comments and
conditions in Template J.


Yes No
Does the report include detailed mapping and
quantification of the different land use and land
capability classes i.e. arable land, grazing land,
wetlands, wilderness/virgin land?
Has the mine plan and infrastructure layout been
done so as to minimise disturbance of high value

Report must include this information so as to be

able to assess impact of the activity on the land use
and capability. Request information using Template
High value land should be preserved as far as
possible. If necessary, the mine plan should be reassessed so as to minimise disturbance to the high
value land. Include comments and conditions in
Template J.
Report must include this information so as to be
able to assess impact of the activity on the land use
and capability. Request information using Template
Report must include this information so as to be
able to assess impact of the activity on the land use
and capability. Request information using Template
Applicant should engage with local authority so as
to establish any land use plans for the area.
Request information using Template J.

Are details of pre-mining land use and capability


Have area of misuse or degraded land been


Has the consultation process included discussions

with the local authority so as to establish potential
local economic development plans for the area?
Has a rescue or relocation programme been
defined for plants and animals?

Where plants and animals can be rescued, this

should be detailed in the management plan. If land
is already disturbed, this will not apply. If necessary,
check with technical services using Template D.
Include comments and conditions and conditions in
Template J or I, depending on outcome of technical
services review.
If there is inadequate soil, alternative mechanisms
should be described detailing source of additional
material and management of process so as to
facilitate post mining land use goals. Include
comments and conditions in Template J.

Is the soil stockpiling methodology sound and is

there sufficient stockpiled material to facilitate
post-mining land use goals?
Is the surrounding land that is not use for mining
managed effectively so as to prevent land

Request that surrounding land use is monitored so

as to prevent land degradation or alternatively use
surrounding land for an alternative land use that will
yield an output or provide jobs. Include comments
and conditions in Template J.


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix: Template G.5


Yes No
Where rehabilitation is possible concurrently with
Request that mining programme is designed so as
mining, is the programme designed to meet preto facilitate concurrent rehabilitation and
mining land use or land capability goals?
implementation of post mining land use. Include
comments and conditions in Template J.
Are alternative land use options adequately
Ensure alternative land use options are feasible and
researched and implemented? Are the goal
have been adequately motivated. Is the proposed
supported by landform, soils and restored
alternative land use suitable for the area in terms of
market conditions and climate? Include comments
and conditions in Template J.
Is the landscaping, soil restoration, fertilisation,
Ensure adequate measures have been included to
irrigation, re-vegetation adequate to ensure longas to facilitate successful post mining land use. Onterm stability?
going monitoring should be a requirement. Include
comments and conditions in Template J.
Have alternative land uses such a historical or
Ensure land use options post closure take into
theme park developments been explored to
account the necessary structures that remain post
preserve historical buildings or use existing water
closure i.e evaporation ponds, as well as alternative
storage dams?
options raised by local authorities and IAPs. Include
comments and conditions in Template J.
Does the rehabilitation programme include a
If information is not available, request the applicant
detailed land capability assessment and land use
to provide it using Template J.
scenario goals?
Have IAPs and stakeholders been engaged with
Ensure views of IAPs have been considered and
regards to land use options at closure?
motivate provided as to decision of final land use.
Make use of Template J for comments and
Is there a commitment by the landowner or tenant
Monitoring and maintenance is to be a condition of
to implementing the monitoring and maintenance
sale. Include comments and conditions in Template


Yes No
Scoping Report
Is the proposed site associated with an
Irreplaceable / Important site AND the proposed
development will result in the permanent loss of
sensitive biodiversity elements, as demonstrated
by a sensitivity mapping exercise (Template C)?

Authorisation not supported by GDACE due to

potential impacts on sensitive site and biodiversity.
EO to use Template I and insert motivation relevant
to irreplaceable / important site.

Is the proposed site associated with an

Irreplaceable / Important site AND sensitivity map
indicates that proposed development is
compatible with biodiversity sensitivities of site

Should authorization be granted, appropriate

mitigation is required to minimise impacts on the
important and irreplaceable site. EO to include
comments and conditions in Template J.

Is the proposed site associated with an

Irreplaceable / Important site AND proposed
development could be compatible with
biodiversity sensitivities of site if development
layout is amended to avoid all sensitive areas as
indicated by a sensitivity map

Applicant to amend development layout in

accordance with sensitivity mapping rules; mitigation
required should authorization be granted
subsequent to amendment of development layout;
amended layout plan and sensitivity map must be
submitted to Technological Services for approval via
Template D. EO to include comments and
conditions into Template J.
A rescue operation for medicinal plants is required;
the Gauteng Directorate of Nature Conservation
must be contacted with regard to the co-ordination
of such an operation. Surface runoff and stormwater
management plan is required. EO to incorporate
comments and conditions into Template J.

Is the proposed site associated with an

Irreplaceable / Important site AND Sensitivity map
indicates that no sensitive biodiversity features
occur on the proposed development site


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix: Template G.5


Yes No
Is the proposed site associated with an
Additional studies or sensitivity map is required. On
receipt of outstanding information, application must
Irreplaceable / Important site AND information
be re-submitted to Technological Services for
provided with application is insufficient to assess
evaluation using Template D. EO to incorporate
the impact of the proposed development
comments and conditions into Template J.
Is the proposed site associated with a reserved
Authorisation not supported by GDACE due to
site AND Proposed development is inappropriate
potential impacts on protected site. EO to use
for a protected area
Template I and insert motivation relevant to
protected site.
Is the proposed development located
Should authorization be granted, appropriate
within 1km of a reserved site (C-plan 2) AND
mitigation is required to minimise impacts on the
proposed development is located within 300m of a
important and irreplaceable site. EO to include
level 1 or 2 protected area; footprint <5% of
comments and conditions in Template J
property and development is appropriate for the
300m minimal use buffer zone
Is the proposed development located
Authorisation not supported by GDACE due to
within 1km of a reserved site (C-plan 2) AND
potential impacts on protected site. EO to use
proposed development is located within 300m of a
Template I and insert motivation relevant to
level 1 or 2 protected area; footprint >5% of
protected site.
property or inappropriate for minimal use buffer
Is the proposed development located
Should authorization be granted, appropriate
within 1km of a reserved site (C-plan 2) AND
mitigation is required to minimise impacts on the
important and irreplaceable site. EO to include
proposed development is located within 1km of
comments and conditions in Template J
but >300m away from a level 1 or 2 protected
area; development is appropriate for the medium
use buffer zone
Is the proposed development located
Authorisation not supported by GDACE due to
within 1km of a reserved site (C-plan 2) AND
potential impacts on protected site. EO to use
proposed development is located within 1km of
Template I and insert motivation relevant to
but >300m away from a level 1 or 2 protected
protected site.
area; development is inappropriate for the medium
buffer zone
EIA Application
In relation to a mining EIA, is the area proposed
Activity is not supported as mining activities will
for mining and related activities
have a detrimental and irreversible impact on
entirely confined within an irreplaceable site /
biodiversity. EO to use Template I and insert
important site / reserved site / ecological process /
motivation relevant to an irreplaceable site /
sensitive vegetation
important site / reserved site / ecological process /
sensitive vegetation.
Is part of area proposed for mining and related
Mining activities must avoid all sensitive areas
activities located within an irreplaceable /
[insert buffer zone requirements for
important / reserved area or is associated with Cprotected areas, wetlands and rivers if relevant] and
plan 2 ecological processes / sensitive vegetation
any caves (inclusive of a 500m buffer zone) [only
/ new data
include the latter if dolomite occurs on site].
Incorporate comments and conditions into Template
Is the area proposed for mining and related
Mining activities must avoid all sensitive areas
activities extensive and contains one/more
[insert buffer zone requirements for
irreplaceable sites / important sites / reserved
protected areas, wetlands and rivers if relevant] and
sites or sites associated with C-plan 2 ecological
any caves (inclusive of a 500m buffer zone) [only
processes / sensitive vegetation / new data
include the latter if dolomite occurs on site].
Incorporate comments and conditions into Template
Is the information insufficient to assess the impact
Request additional specialist studies to be
of the proposed mining activities on the sensitive
undertaken in order to understand the baseline
environment, and hence the impacts. Include
comments and conditions in Template J.


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix: Template G.5


Yes No
Is the proposed site associated with a wetland
AND the site is within an urban edge?

Wetland and 30m buffer zone (beginning at the

outer edge of wetland temporary zone) must be
incorporated into an open space system; should
authorization be granted, appropriate mitigation is
essential. EO to incorporate comments and
conditions into Template J.
Wetland and 50m buffer zone (beginning at the
outer edge of wetland temporary zone) must be
incorporated into an open space system; should
authorization be granted, appropriate mitigation is
essential. EO to incorporate comments and
conditions into Template J.
If the wetland is inadequately delineated, specialist
studies are required (as per Template D). On
receipt of outstanding information, application must
be re-submitted to Technological services for
evaluation (Template D). EO to incorporate
comments and conditions into Template J.
No development may take place within the 1:100
year flood line or within a 100m buffer zone from the
edge of the riparian zone, whichever is greater.
Should authorization be granted, appropriate
mitigation is essential. Comments and conditions to
be incorporated into Template J.
No development may take place within the 1:50
year flood line or within a 32m buffer zone from the
edge of the riparian zone, whichever is greater.
Should authorization be granted, appropriate
mitigation is essential. Comments and conditions to
be incorporated into Template J.
Protecting site through GDACEs ridges policy
would not confer any conservation benefit; should
authorization be granted, development must be
fenced off from any adjacent natural areas and all
construction-related impacts must be contained
within fence. An ongoing monitoring and eradication
programme for invasive and weedy species must be
implemented within the adjacent natural areas to a
distance of 200m. Incorporate comments and
conditions into Template J.
Development can be considered on transformed
areas. Should authorization be granted, appropriate
mitigation is essential. EO to incorporate comments
and conditions into Template J.
The proposed development will impact on a Class 1
ridge. Ridges are regarded as sensitive ecological
systems, due to the variety of ecological and
biodiversity values with which they are attributed. In
order to protect these sensitive ecosystems,
development must be consistent with GDACEs
ridges policy, which contains strict no-go / lowimpact development guidelines.

Is the proposed site associated with a wetland

AND the site is outside of an urban edge?

Is the proposed site associated with a wetland

AND the location of the outer edge of wetland
temporary zone unknown

Is the proposed site associated with a river AND

outside the urban edge

Is the proposed site associated with a river AND

within the urban ledge

Is the proposed site associated with a ridge AND

the proposed development site is transformed and
is situated on the edge of the ridge

Is the proposed site associated with a ridge AND

>50% of the site is transformed and situated on
the edge of the ridge
Is the development located within a Class 1
Ridge, as per the Ridge Policy?

Authorisation not supported by GDACE due to

potential impacts on ridge. EO to use Template I
and insert motivation relevant to protected site.
Should authorization be granted, appropriate
mitigation is essential. EO to incorporate comments
and conditions into Template J.

Is the development located within a Class 2

Ridge, as per the Ridge Policy, and does the
development have an ecological footprint of
development <5%


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix: Template G.5


Yes No
Is the development located within a Class 2
The proposed development will impact on a Class 2
Ridge, as per the Ridge Policy, and does the
ridge. Ridges are regarded as sensitive ecological
development have an ecological footprint of
systems, due to the variety of ecological and
development >5%
biodiversity values with which they are attributed. In
order to protect these sensitive ecosystems,
development must be consistent with GDACEs
ridges policy, which contains strict no-go / lowimpact development guidelines.
Authorisation not supported by GDACE due to
potential impacts on ridge. EO to use Template I
and insert motivation relevant to protected site deny
Should authorization be granted, appropriate
mitigation is essential to ensure ridge is preserved.
EO to incorporate comments and conditions into
Template J.
The proposed development will impact on a Class 3
ridge. Ridges are regarded as sensitive ecological
systems, due to the variety of ecological and
biodiversity values with which they are attributed. In
order to protect these sensitive ecosystems,
development must be consistent with GDACEs
ridges policy, which contains strict no-go / lowimpact development guidelines.

Is the development located within a Class 3

Ridge, as per the Ridge Policy and is the
development of a Low impact with an ecological
footprint of < 5%?
Is the development located within a Class 3
Ridge, as per the Ridge Policy and is the
development of a Low impact with an ecological
footprint of > 5%?

Authorisation not supported by GDACE due to

potential impacts on ridge. EO to use Template I
and insert motivation relevant to protected site
If ecological footprint <5% development can
continue but mitigation is essential. EO to use
Template J.

Is the development located within a Class 3

Ridge, as per the Ridge Policy and is the
development of a high impact in a space greater
than 4ha?

If ecological footprint >5% development proposal is

inconsistent with ridges policy and GDACE cannot
support the authorisation. Template I to be used.
Protecting site through GDACEs ridges policy
would not confer any conservation benefit; a rescue
operation for medicinal plants required; the Gauteng
Directorate of Nature Conservation must be
contacted with regard to the co-ordination of such
an operation. Surface runoff and stormwater
management plan required. EO to incorporate
comments and conditions into Template J.
Should authorization be granted, appropriate
mitigation is essential. EO to incorporate comments
and conditions into Template J.

Is the development located within a Class 3

Ridge, as per the Ridge Policy and is the
development of a high impact and in a space <

Is the development located within a Class 4

Ridge, as per the Ridge Policy and is in a space
greater than 4ha with a ecological footprint of
Is the development located within a Class 4
Ridge, as per the Ridge Policy and is in a space of
less than 4ha?

Protecting site through GDACEs ridges policy

would not confer any conservation benefit; a rescue
operation for medicinal plants required; the Gauteng
Directorate of Nature Conservation must be
contacted with regard to the co-ordination of such
an operation. Surface runoff and stormwater
management plan required. EO to incorporate
comments and conditions into Template J.
Class 1, 2 & 3a Ridge: road: with the exception of
upgrades to existing roads, avoid through route realignment or tunnel construction.

Does the development include the construction of

a road/powerline/pipeline/railway that traverses or
affects a ridge?

Powerline & telephone lines: avoid through route

Railway & pipeline: avoid through route realignment or construct along existing road;


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix: Template G.5


Yes No
mitigation required
Class 3B and 4: Mitigation measures required
EO to incorporate comments and conditions into
Template J.
If GIS indicates that known caves occur along
the route or within 500m thereof, or caves
have been located during site investigations
by consultant (with the exception of upgrades to
existing roads or alignment of other linear structures
along existing roads), all caves and a buffer zone of
500m from all caves must be avoided

Does the development include the construction of

a road/powerline/pipeline/railway that traverses or
affects a dolomitic area?

If the consultant has not specifically specified that

there are no caves along the route or within 500m
thereof the consultant must determine whether
caves occur along the route or within 500m thereof;
(with the exception of upgrades to existing roads or
alignment of other linear structures along existing
roads), all caves (inclusive of a 500m buffer zone)
must be avoided.
EO to incorporate comments and conditions into
Template J.
Subject to comments and conditions from DWAF
and the Council for Geosciences, any activities
which pose a threat to groundwater pollution should
not be permitted, i.e. waste water treatment plants,
noxious industries, dump sites, abattoirs, intensive
agricultural activities such as chicken houses,
feedlots and piggeries etc.

Is the proposed site associated with a dolomite


Any activities that could lead to excessive ground

water abstraction should also not be permitted in
dolomitic areas as this can lead to structural
instability and sinkhole formation. [Please
determine whether specialist studies are required
and insert instructions if necessary.]
EO to complete Template I or J, depending on
outcomes of specialist studies.
Development will compromise ecological integrity of
rivers sourcing in priority quaternary catchment

Is the proposed site associated with a quaternary

catchment AND the ecological footprint of
development >5%
of property

Authorisation not supported by GDACE due to

potential impacts on catchment. EO to use
Template I and insert motivation relevant to
protected site
Advise detailed specialist studies to be undertaken
to confirm presence of sensitive vegetation.
Template D to be used and following outcomes from
technical services Template I or J to be used.

Site is adjacent to or associated with C-plan 2

ecological process


Yes No
Is the proposed activity associated with primary
vegetation, Red or Orange listed plants
(confirmed / historical locality / metapopulation)

If no specialist studies have been undertaken, EO to

request that specialist studies are undertaken in
order to predict the impacts and management plan.
If specialist reports are compiled, Technical
Services to review and give comment (use


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix: Template G.5


Yes No
Template D). EO to include comments and
conditions and conditions into Template J.
Is the proposed activity associated with a red list
If no specialist studies have been undertaken, EO to
mammal/ bird (confirmed / habitat) / reptile / frog
request that specialist studies are undertaken in
breeding site / invertebrate?
order to predict the impacts and management plan.
If specialist reports are compiled, Technical
Services to review and give comment (use
Template D). EO to include comments and
conditions and conditions into Template J.
Is the proposed activity associated with a
Need to notify the Gauteng conservancy
Association and include their comments and
conditions into Template J.
Has the mining area been adequately mapped,
EO to request applicant to provide map indicating
the vegetation communities characterised and the
vegetation communities and their characteristics.
areas quantified?
Include comments and conditions into Template J.
Is the proposed development site associated with
Authorisation not supported by GDACE due to
a patch of primary grassland of 12ha or more
potential impacts on primary grassland. EO to use
AND the primary grassland occupies the entire
Template I and insert motivation relevant to
proposed development site (as indicated by the
protected site.
submitted specialist report)
Is the proposed development site associated with
Should authorization be granted, appropriate
a patch of primary grassland of 12ha or more
mitigation is essential. Grassland patch must be
AND the patch of primary grassland occupies a
incorporated into an open space system. Include
portion of the proposed development site (as
comments and conditions and conditions into
indicated by the submitted specialist report
Template J.
Is the application site associated with a remnant
Should authorization be granted, appropriate
patch of primary highveld grassland situated
mitigation is essential. Grassland patch must be
adjacent to a ridge/river/wetland/cave
incorporated into an open space system along with
ridge/river/wetland/cave. Incorporate comments and
conditions and conditions into Template J.
Is the proposed site of development <100m from
No further studies required, a rescue operation for
the edge of an existing development and is not
medicinal plants is required. The Gauteng
adjacent to an ecological process?
Directorate of Nature Conservation must be
contacted with regard to the co-ordination of such
an operation. Surface runoff and stormwater
management plan required. Incorporate comments
and conditions into Template J.
Will the proposed development result in the
Authorisation not supported by GDACE due to
permanent loss of sensitive biodiversity elements
potential impacts on loss of biodiversity. EO to use
(please list and describe applicable biodiversity
Template I and insert motivation relevant to site.
features e.g. Melolobium subspicatum, a Red List
plant species), as demonstrated by a sensitivity
mapping exercise
Impacts from surrounding land use activities has the
Has the investigation taken into account the
potential to impact cumulatively on local conditions.
potential cumulative impacts?
EIA report to include potential cumulative impacts,
and their significance, with regards to local flora.
Include comments and conditions into Template J.
Are the red / orange list species historical locality
Where information is lacking, request additional
sufficiently investigated?
Specialist Studies to be undertaken and include
comments and conditions into Template J.
Have the costs of the re-vegetation programme
EO to request costs for rehabilitation are taken into
been accurately assessed by professionals for the
account and proof of financial provision is provided
purposes of financial provision for rehabilitation
prior to mining taking place. Incorporate comments
and a method of financial provision outlined?
and conditions into Template J.
Have areas been set aside to preserve local plant
Where plant species have been designated to be
diversity or potential seed sources?
preserved, the applicant must prove the method of
preserving the plant and potential seed sources. If
inadequate information, the applicant must include
more detail to as to ensure the plant diversity will be
protected. Include comments and conditions into
Template J.
Is there a commitment to maintaining a plant
Where possible, local plant species should be


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix: Template G.5


Yes No
nursery or propagation facility for rehabilitation?
stored so that they are available for use during
rehabilitation. The storage of the plants must ensure
there is sufficient maintenance and monitoring so as
to preserve the local flora until such time as they are
required for rehabilitation. Use Template J for
comments and conditions.
Does the development include a
The wetland must be avoided through route reroad/powerline/pipeline/railway line that will
alignment. Should authorization be granted in the
transect or affect a wetland?
event that no viable alternative route exists, no
excavation of the wetland or any stream passing
through the wetland may be permitted and
appropriate mitigation is essential. If necessary,
request a Technical Services review (Template D).
incorporate comments and conditions and
conditions into Template J.
Where possible is there effective re-vegetation of
Rehabilitation should be ongoing in order to
topsoil and overburden stockpiles and residue
stabilize slopes, increase infiltration and reduce
dump or dam slopes to suppress dust and reduce
erosion and dust. EO to recommend that
rehabilitation is ongoing with suitable vegetation.
Include comments and conditions into Template J.
Where rehabilitation is possible concurrently with
Rehabilitation will not be successful unless there
mining is the restoration, seedbed preparation,
are adequate resources and monitoring and
soil fertility and irrigation adequate to support the
maintenance. The EMP must include a commitment
restored vegetation type, composition and
to ongoing monitoring to ensure effectiveness of
rehabilitation. Include comments and conditions into
Template J.
Does the document outline the reasons for grass
Species selected for rehabilitation should be
species selection relative to seasonal vegetation
motivated and should be in line with post mining
cover or land use goals?
land use objectives. Incorporate comments and
conditions into Template J.
Is there a monitoring programme to ensure that
EMP must include commitment to ongoing
alien invasive weeds and plants are identified and
monitoring and eradication of alien invasive species
on site. Monitoring should extend to post mining,
until effective rehabilitation has been established.
Include comments and conditions into Template J.
Is there a commitment to ongoing assessment of
EMP must include commitment to ongoing
the re-vegetation programme and substitution or
monitoring and maintenance of rehabilitation
supplementary seeding/replanting where
programme. Monitoring should extend to post
mining, until effective rehabilitation has been
established. Include comments and conditions into
Template J.
Is there a prescribed monitoring and maintenance
EMP must include commitment to ongoing
programme to ensure that re-vegetated areas
monitoring and maintenance of rehabilitation
meet the requirements of reducing dust and soil
programme. Monitoring should extend to post
erosion or meeting predefined land use or
mining, until effective rehabilitation has been
productivity goals?
established. Include comments and conditions into
Template J.
Is there a commitment by landowner, tenants or
Post mining land use must be in line with objective
lessees to implement conservation or land use
set in the closure plan. If post mining land use
objectives change from those outlined in the EMP,
the relevant governmental departments must be
informed. Use Template J for comments and


Yes No
Is there a wetland, pan, large dam on proposed
development site within 1km of confirmed Giant

EO to ensure that wetland, mammal and amphibian

specialist studies have been undertaken and if not,


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix: Template G.5


Yes No
Bullfrog record (Red List frog confirmed locality)
applicant to undertake studies. Technical Services
to undergo a review (template D) and EO to
incorporate comments and conditions and
conditions into Template J.
Is the closest confirmed Giant Bullfrog record
EO to ensure that wetland, mammal and amphibian
(Red List frog confirmed locality) >1km away from
specialist studies have been undertaken and if not,
wetland, pan, large dam on proposed
applicant to undertake studies. Technical Services
development site
to undergo a review (template D) and EO to
incorporate comments and conditions and
conditions into Template J.
Is a perennial / non-perennial river on the
EO to ensure that river, mammal and amphibian
proposed development site located within 1km of
specialist studies have been undertaken and if not,
confirmed Giant Bullfrog record (Red List frog
applicant to undertake studies. Technical Services
confirmed locality
to undergo a review (template D) and EO to
incorporate comments and conditions and
conditions into Template J.
EO to ensure that wetland, mammal and amphibian
Is the closest confirmed Giant Bullfrog record
specialist studies have been undertaken and if not,
(Red List frog confirmed locality) >1km away from
applicant to undertake studies. Technical Services
perennial / non-perennial river on proposed
to undergo a review (template D) and EO to
development site
incorporate comments and conditions and
conditions into Template J.
Does the GIS indicate that known caves occur on
Site investigation and recommendations required
site or within 500m of proposed development
and information to be included in the EIA report.
Include comments and conditions and
recommendations into Template J.
Does the EIA document describe the biodiversity
Specialist studies to include assessment of local
of the mining area environment relative to the
biodiversity in order to interpret impacts and
surrounding populations?
mitigation. Include comments and conditions into
Template J.
Have habitats or preferences been defined and
Specialist studies to include assessment of habitats
characterised and for each population or species?
and population species in order to interpret impacts
and mitigation. Include comments and conditions
into Template J.
Is the level of investigation adequate to have
Where information is not adequate, additional
identified rare, threatened or endangered
studies are required in order to ensure adequate
knowledge of any rare, threatened and endangered
species that may occur on site. Include comments
and conditions into Template J.
Does the mining area include habitats, resting,
Additional studies require in order to determine if
feeding or breeding preferences for any rare,
the habitat supports any rare, threatened or
threatened or endangered species?
endangered species. Where possible, habitats are
to be protected from mining activities and
adequately fenced. Request Technical Services
review (Template D) and include comments and
conditions and conditions into template J or I,
whichever is applicable.
Is there an assessment of existing seasonal or
Specialist studies to include information relating to
breeding migration routes?
migration routes of local fauna in order to determine
potential impacts from mining activities. Include
comments and conditions into Template J.
Have local authorities, wildlife groups, farmers
Specialists to undertake consultation with local
and communities been consulted with regards to
communities, farmers, wildlife groups and
identification of species and local populations,
authorities in order to ensure local knowledge has
both seasonal and permanent?
been incorporated into the studies. Include
comments and conditions in Template J.


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix: Template G.5


Yes No
Is there provision for species rescue or relocation
to the satisfaction of conservation authorities?

A protocol for a rescue operation for important and

medicinal plants is required. The Gauteng
Directorate of Nature Conservation must be
contacted with regard to the co-ordination of such
an operation. Incorporate comments and conditions
into Template J.
Erosion berms and catchment areas should be set
up so as to prevent sedimentation of local streams
and wetlands. EMP to include mitigation measures
to prevent and reduce erosion. Include comments
and conditions in Template J.
Where there is a risk of alien or feral populations
impacting on local fauna, the EMP must include
mitigation measures to ensure that the local
populations are preserved. If required, request that
technical Services review the EMP to check if the
mitigation is adequate (Template D). Include
comments and conditions into Template J.
EMP to make provision for monitoring and
management of poaching on site. To be part of the
fauna management and monitoring plan. Include
comments and conditions into Template J.
Avoidance of all irreplaceable and important sites
essential and route re-alignment required.

Will diverted storm water runoff or increased

sedimentation impact wetland or surrounding

Is there a commitment to controlling alien or feral

species that could impact natural populations?

Is there detail of monitoring of possible illegal

poaching or utilisation of animal populations?

Does the mining development include

construction of roads/powerlines/pipelines/railway
line which will traverse any
irreplaceable/important/reserved site (or within
300m thereof)?

Route re-alignment required to avoid all level 1 and

2 protected areas and a 300m minimal use buffer
Routes along roads must avoid any confirmed
populations of Red List / Orange List species of
plants or invertebrates; no new overhead lines may
be constructed unless the GDACE ornithologist can
be convinced by clearly motivated arguments that
there is no risk of collision or electrocution-related
mortality for Greater Flamingo, Lesser Flamingo,
Secretarybird, Cape Vulture, Martial Eagle, Blue
Crane, Black Stork and White-bellied Korhaan.
Should authorization be granted subsequent to
route re-alignment, appropriate mitigation is
essential. Incorporate comments and conditions into
Template J.
Specialist study required to identify patches of
primary Egoli Granite Grassland and Tsakane Clay
Grassland, which, with the exception of upgrades to
existing roads, or alignment with existing roads,
must be avoided through route re-alignment.

Does the development include construction of

roads/powerlines/pipelines/railway line which will
traverse any areas of sensitive vegetation

Should authorization be granted subsequent to

route re-alignment, appropriate mitigation is
essential. Incorporate comments and conditions into
Template J.
Is there detail of monitoring of possible illegal
poaching or utilisation of animal populations?

EMP to make provision for monitoring and

management of poaching on site. To be part of the
fauna management and monitoring plan. Include
comments and conditions into Template J.


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix: Template G.5


Yes No
Is the effect of the development quantified in
EIA and EMP to predict impacts of development
terms of progressive habitat destruction or loss
over the life of the mine. Total impact, including
due to displacement of animals, migration away
cumulative impacts, must be quantified and
from disturbed areas or road kill/poaching etc?
appropriate mitigation measures and management
plans included, as per the predicted impacts.
Include comments and conditions into Template J.
Will the positive impacts or benefits of increased
Where positive impacts occur, they should be
conservation or creation of new habitats such as
managed so as to ensure their full benefit is felt.
storage dams be monitored and quantified?
Include comments and conditions into Template J.
Are hydrocarbons and chemicals stored
EMP must include mitigation measures for the
appropriately so as not to affect soil, vegetation
storage and disposal of hydrocarbons and
and water sources and thus impact on local fauna.
chemicals. Include comments and conditions into
template J.
Is there recognition of the importance of providing
Where linear developments occur during mining,
migration pathways unobstructed by linear road,
migration pathways are vital to ensure survival of a
pipeline or transmission line routes?
species. If no provision has been made, specialists
to investigate migration pathways and include
appropriate mitigation in the EMP. Use Template J
for comments and conditions.
Does the re-vegetation programme benefit animal
Where possible, re-vegetation of the area should
populations across the spectrum?
cater for all species that the area can support.
Purpose built mitigation measures should be
incorporated into the rehabilitation programme i.e
planting of tall grass by storage dams to provide
nesting areas for birds. Where this has not been
included, applicant to re-investigate mitigation
measures. Include comments and conditions into
Template J.
Has a long-term monitoring programme been
EMP must include commitment to ongoing
monitoring and maintenance of rehabilitation
programme. Monitoring should extend to post
mining, until effective rehabilitation has been
established and local fauna populations
established. Include comments and conditions into
Template J.
Is there a commitment to reintroduction of
Where possible, reintroduction of species should
take place. Monitoring will be required to monitor for
success rate. Include comments and conditions into
Template J.
Does the rehabilitation programme include regular
EMP must include commitment to ongoing
monitoring or animal population recovery?
monitoring of populations. Monitoring should extend
to post mining, until effective rehabilitation has been
established and local fauna populations
established. Include comments and conditions into
Template J.


Yes No
Does the locality map, mining area map and
site/infrastructure maps include detail of the
catchment area and sub-catchments, including
affected watercourses?
Has the issue of water quantity and quality and
established water users in the pre-mining
environment been described or quantified?
Have sources of water been described and the
storage facilities designed to meet specifications?

Request that information is supplied. Use Template

This information is required in order to identify
impacts and management plans. Request that
information is supplied. Use Template J.
This information is required in order to identify
impacts and management plans. Request that
information is supplied. Use Template J.
This information is required in order to identify

Is there an accurate assessment of mean annual


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix: Template G.5


Yes No
runoff from the catchment upstream of the mining
impacts and management plans. Request that
information is supplied. Use Template J.
Have the maximum flood peaks been determined
This information is required in order to identify
for flood discharge related to rainfall events with
impacts and management plans. Request that
1:20, 1:50 and 1:100 year return periodicity?
information is supplied. Use Template J.
Has the regional water authority or catchment
Request that the applicant undertake consultation
management agency (CMA) been identified and
with the necessary authorities such as DWAF and
consulted during the planning phase?
the CMA. Outcomes should be included in the
revised report. Include comments and conditions in
Template J.
Is there accurate definition of water circuits
Information is to be captured in a water balance
including rainfall, evaporation, mine dewatering
diagram or described in the report so as to
volumes, storm water runoff, industrial or
understand the water use at the mine. Request
metallurgical plants, sewage processing plant
information using Template J.
intake and outflow, potable and process water?
Has a protocol for water monitoring, analysis and
Request that a protocol is drawn up in accordance
interpretation been included?
with DWAF best practise guidelines. Use Template
J for comments and conditions.
Is there a monitoring programme for sampling and
A water monitoring programme is required in order
analysis of all water on site including process
to ensure impacts on water sources are identified
water, concentrated flow or seepages/discharges
and remediated as soon as possible. Applicant to
over the entire mining area and downstream of
outline a detailed water monitoring programme as
potential point sources of contaminants?
part of the EMP. Include comments and conditions
in Template J.


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix: Template G.5


Yes No
Construction and Operation
Surface infrastructure
Does the development include the construction of
The crossing of natural drainage systems must be
a new road/powerline/pipeline/railway line that will
minimized as far as possible. Road/ powerline/
traverse a river or stream?
railway/ pipeline crossings may only be constructed
at the shortest possible route, perpendicular to the
natural drainage system.
The construction of any bridge inside the
stream/river channel is not supported as this may
alter the natural flow regime of the river.
Bridge crossings must instead span the entire
stretch of the flood line or buffer zone and no
parallel road development may take place within the
flood line or buffer zone [select relevant flood line
and buffer zone requirements from below]. Should
authorization be granted, appropriate mitigation is
essential. Include mitigation and conditions in
template J.
[Within the urban edge:1:50 year flood line or 32m
buffer zone from the edge of the riparian zone,
whichever is greater.
Outside the urban edge or within priority quaternary
catchment:1:100 year flood line or 100m buffer zone
from the edge of the riparian zone, whichever is
If there is inadequate delineation of flood
lines / buffer zones / riparian zones: specialist study
required; on receipt of outstanding information,
application must be re-submitted to Technological
Services for evaluation. Make use of Template D.
Do storm water diversion and control structures
ensure separation of clean runoff from disturbed
or potentially contaminated mining or construction

Essential that clean and dirty water are kept

separate and that as much clean water as possible
is returned to the catchment. Applicant must include
adequate designs of stormwater diversions and
separation of clean and dirty water. Include
comments and conditions in Template J.
Information is required in order to adequately
identify impacts and management plans. Request
applicant to provide plans indicating water
infrastructure and layout. Use Template J.

Do the site plans provide detail of the position and

layout of potable plant location, design and
capacity, as well as water pollution management
facilities including sewage, pollution control dams
and polluted water treatment facilities?
Is the mineral processing plant, process water
system supply, design capacity and process

Information is required in order to adequately

identify impacts and management plans. Request
applicant to provide plans indicating the
infrastructure and layout. Use Template J.
Report should indicate volumes of water required
and sources of water for the mine. A water balance
should indicate how water is to be recycled within
the mine and volumes of water required for dust
suppression. Incorporate comments and conditions
into Template J.
Report must include a water management plan
outlining the mitigation measures for use and
storage of hazardous materials on site. Request
information using Template J.
If there is a potential for contaminants to leave the
site via vehicles, then recommendations should be
made that the vehicles are washed prior to leaving
the property. Include recommendation in Template

If dust suppression uses recycled water are there

adequate provisions for the volumes required?

Are potentially hazardous hydrocarbons and raw

materials or consumables adequately contained or
protected from the elements to reduce
contamination of surrounding areas?
Is there a requirement for vehicles to be washed
prior to leaving the property?


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix: Template G.5


Yes No
Are there any boreholes, residue dams, dumps or
As per DWAF requirements, regulation 704 of the
sewage works either within 100m from a
National Water Act should be adhered to and there
watercourse or dam or within the 1:100 year flood
should be no placement of infrastructure within
100m or 1:100 floodline, whichever is greater.
Incorporate comments and conditions into Template
Opencast mines
Is runoff from benches in the pit controlled and
All dirty water on site must be contained. Make
contained within the opencast area?
recommendations in Template J.
Does the EMP outline dewatering procedures,
This information is required in order to understand
receiving water bodies or use of this potentially
potential impacts and management plans. Request
contaminated water?
applicant to provide the information using Template
Underground mines
Are there contingency plans for dewatering
Should form part of the emergency response plan.
following inundation or working areas or
EO to request that applicant ensures management
plans cater for dewatering in cases of flooding.
Include comments and conditions in Template J.
Is there a process of storage, management,
Dirty water cannot be returned to the catchment.
recycling and treatment prior to discharge of
Water quality must comply with the catchment
underground water in the surface environment?
objectives before it can be released into the surface
water environment. If necessary, the water must
undergo treatment. Applicant to ensure compliance
with DWAF requirements. Incorporate comments
and conditions into Template J.
Residue or waste disposal facilities
Does the document demonstrate that the design
Storage of waste must ensure spillages are
of water storage, slurry ponds, pollution control
prevented. Where necessary, engineering designs
dams or wet tailings disposal structures can
should accompany the report. Include comments
accommodate normal rainfall and the 1:100 year
and conditions in Template J.
storm rainfall?
Is there effective control and interception of
Information is required in order to adequately
contaminated runoff from the residue dump
identify impacts and management plans. Request
applicant to provide water control methods. Use
Template J
Has the footprint of the residue dump area been
If no preventative measures have been detailed,
adequately prepared and sealed to prevent
applicant must either provide a motivation as to why
seepage into groundwater aquifers by providing
no mitigation is necessary, or incorporate
an under-blanket or drainage zone inside the
preventative designs to minimise infiltration of
contaminated water. Comments and conditions to
be incorporated into Template J.
Are seepage discharge points around the
Information is required in order to adequately
perimeter of the residue dump addressed?
identify impacts and management plans. Request
applicant to identify seepage points and provide
adequate mitigation if seepage were to occur. Use
Template J.
River diversions
Has the application for a river diversion been
Applicant to apply for a Water Use License from
addressed according to the DWAF requirements
DWAF for the River Diversion. Incorporate
in terms of the National Water Act?
comments and conditions into Template J.
Have topographic plans covering the original
Applicant to provide plans indicating the original and
alignment and the new alignment, showing
new alignment of the river. Incorporate comments
upstream and downstream reaches, been
and conditions into Template J.
Have the floodlines associated with 1:20, 1:50 and
Applicant to indicate floodlines on a map for both
1:100 year return events for the catchment been
the original and diverted course. Include comments
shown for the original and diverted courses.
and conditions in Template J.
Is any prediction made as to the likely change of
EO to request that investigations are undertaken
course of flow paths of water in the diverted river
into the likely change of course of flow paths of
water in the diverted rivers reach. Include comments
and conditions in Template J.
Surface infrastructure
After removal of structures, foundations and
Applicant to include a monitoring programme that


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix: Template G.5


Yes No
equipment is there a programme of sampling and
extends to post closure. Monitoring to include
analysis of substrates for potential contamination?
analysis of water points, and substrate. Results to
be submitted to DWAF and GDACE annually.
Incorporate comments and conditions using
Template J.
Does the rehabilitation and monitoring plan
Where ongoing water treatment is required,
include installation of passive water processing
applicant to provide for ongoing treatment so as not
to result in contamination of water resources.
Comments and conditions to be incorporated into
Template J.
Opencast mines
Could partial rehabilitation of the upper benches
Applicant to consider alternative uses of opencast
compliment flooding of the lower levels with rainpit post mining and include motivation for preferred
and groundwater to create habitats that would
choice. Include comments and conditions in
benefit wildlife conservation?
Template J.
Have pumping facilities been preserved or
Applicant to ensure post mining water management
emergency discharge structures to facilitate
where necessary so as not to result in water
decanting or drainage been provided?
contamination. Include comments and conditions in
Template J.
Underground mines
Has provision been made for closure of all surface
Management plan must include mitigation measures
holings, adits, shafts or capping of ventilation
for sealing of underground workings and ensure that
shafts to exclude surface water from entering the
clean water is returned to the catchment post
underground environment?
closure. Incorporate comments and conditions into
Template J.
In dolomitic terrains has there been an
Investigation required in order to ensure water
assessment of karst subsurface weathering
management during decommissioning. Applicant
features or sinkholes and a plan to install cutoff
must prove that adequate measures have been put
drains or plug these features?
in pale to ensure safety on the surface and
preservation of water quality. Include comments and
conditions in template J.
Have adits or shafts been sealed to prevent
Adits and shafts are to be sealed and the applicant
decant of water from the mine?
is to predict where surface decant will take place so
as to be able to mitigate the release of
contaminated water. Incorporate comments and
conditions into Template J.
Residue or waste disposal facilities
If the dams or dumps are to be capped and sealed
Mitigation is required in order to minimise infiltration
prior to re-vegetation, have details of the acid
and neutralise acid generating potential. Where no
amelioration layers, clay capping and topsoil layer
information is available, the applicant is to provide
been defined?
mitigation measures indicating how the residue and
waste disposal facilities will be rehabilitated so as to
minimise impacts on water quality and quantity.
Incorporate comments and conditions into Template
Is there a long-term monitoring and maintenance
Applicant to include a monitoring programme that
plan to ensure functioning of seepage control or
extends to post closure. Monitoring to include
leachate interception structures?
analysis of water points, and effectiveness of
mitigation measures. Results to be submitted to
DWAF and GDACE annually. Incorporate comments
and conditions using Template J.
River diversions
Is the long-term stability of the channel and linings
EMP to address the long term stability of the
diversion channel and incorporate the monitoring of
the functioning of the diversion channel into the
water monitoring plan. Use Template J.
Can any water storage or purification facilities be
Where possible, the applicant should investigate the
used to benefit the surrounding communities?
potential to provide water to local communities and
farmers on the condition that water quality and
quantity are not negatively affected. EO to include
recommendations into Template J.
Have low maintenance passive water treatment
Applicant to ensure long term sustainable
been used where possible?
maintenance programme for surface water post


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix: Template G.5


Yes No
mining. Ongoing monitoring is required and where
necessary an ongoing passive treatment plant
should be used. Incorporate comments and
conditions into Template J.


Yes No
Does the description of bedrock and regolith or
overburden geology include sufficient detail to
define the aquifers, aquicludes, confined- or
perched aquifers and groundwater zones?
The minimum level of detail provided should be
the regional hydrogeological map data published
by DWAF. Is this information included in the EIA?
Are there linear structures such as dykes, faults or
sills that could extend beyond the borders of the
mining area?

This information is required in order to identify impacts

and management plans. Request that information is
supplied. Use Template J.
This information is required in order to identify impacts
and management plans. Request that information is
supplied. Use Template J.
There structures should be taken into account in the
EIA in terms of cumulative and regional impacts.
Ensure that they are well defined and understood in
the groundwater report. Include comments and
conditions into Template J.
Specialists to undertake groundwater hydrocensus in
order to understand local groundwater conditions.
Local boreholes must be surveyed and information
included in the EIA report. Include comments and
conditions into template J.
This information is required in order to identify impacts
and management plans. Request that information is
supplied. Use Template J.

Are hydrocensus details presented from the

National Groundwater database or from a survey
of groundwater use in the surrounding area?
Is a map included showing borehole positions and
springs and their yields in the mining area relative
to watercourses and proposed developments such
as residue dams?
Have any analyses of groundwater quality been
provided including detail of pH, total dissolved
solids, conductivity, microbiological content?
Has the groundwater influx and recharge
component been incorporated in the water
balance model for opencast and underground
mines producing high levels of contaminants?
Is groundwater monitoring from boreholes within
the bedrock around the pit or residue dumps part
of the management plan?

This information is required in order to identify impacts

and management plans. Request that information is
supplied. Use Template J.
This information is required in order to identify impacts
and management plans. Request that information is
supplied. Use Template J.

EMP must include monitoring of groundwater from

boreholes located both within the mining area, and
around it in order to pick up any potential impacts
from the mining operations. Where no boreholes are
present, the applicant must commit to drilling of
boreholes for monitoring purposes. Include comments
and conditions into Template J.
Groundwater studies to ensure effects of opencast
mining on the groundwater regime are understood
and the impacts defined. Mitigation measures are
required where impacts are identified. Incorporate
comments and conditions into Template J.
Essential that clean and dirty water are kept separate
and that as much clean water as possible is returned
to the catchment. Applicant must include adequate
designs of stormwater diversions and separation of
clean and dirty water. Include comments and
conditions in Template J
There must be adequate preparation of the base of
the structures, which must include an impermeable
layer to ensure no infiltration into the groundwater. EO
to ensure EMP includes such a commitment. Include
comments and conditions into Template J.

Has the groundwater regime of the opencast mine

been adequately defined to interpret inflow and
possible recharge rates from the pit?
Is storm water separated from contaminated water
in opencast to reduce the potential for
contaminated recharge of shallow groundwater?

Have the sites or footprint areas of raw material or

mineral handling areas, residue- and waste
disposal sites and pollution control structures been
adequately prepared and sealed to prevent
infiltration of contaminated water?


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix: Template G.5


Yes No
If there are large volume users of groundwater in
Where local groundwater users are affected, the EMP
the region will they be affected by drawdown of
must include methods of compensation. The
water tables due to use or dewatering, or
compensation methods must be acceptable by the
interception and storage of surface water?
individuals who are affected. Include comments and
conditions into Template J.
Is there a commitment to establish a grid of
Monitoring programme is essential to be able to
monitoring boreholes downslope and upslope or
determine impacts and thus mitigate effectively. EO to
close to other groundwater users?
check for a groundwater monitoring plan and if it has
been adequately designed to monitor both upstream
and downstream of the project. Include comments
and conditions into Template J.
Is the effect of dewatering of groundwater
Specialist study must include description of impact on
compartments assessed from the point of view of
groundwater levels and potential for subsidence.
lowering of the water table or creation of surface
Include comments and conditions in Template J.
Where necessary, is discharge from underground
No dirty water should be allowed to leave the site.
into the surface water environment measured,
Where seepage or decant from underground workings
analysed and contained for treatment?
is predicted, this water must be contained, analysed
and where necessary, treated. It can be re-used on
site but it is preferable to release it into the catchment,
if it meets the catchment water quality objectives.
Include comments and conditions into Template J.
Are appropriate methods prescribed to assess
The groundwater specialist study should include
groundwater flow paths and spread of
methods to monitor groundwater impacts on site,
contaminant plumes around residue and waste
particularly around areas of potential contamination.
disposal sites?
Results are to be reported annually to DWAF and
GDACE. Include comments and conditions in
template J.
Is the extraction and use of groundwater on site
Where groundwater is to be used on site, a Water
well defined in terms of a water balance?
Use License Application must be applied for from
DWAF and an impact assessment must include the
impacts of using local water resources, on the
surrounding water users. Include comments and
conditions into Template J.
Does the management plan include details of
EMP must include a groundwater monitoring plan.
monitoring, sampling and reporting of groundwater
Include comments and conditions on any missing data
quantity and quality to the authorities according to
into Template J.
Is the long-term effect of undermining or breaching
Groundwater model must be included to indicate
of linear structures or compartments modelled to
impacts. There must be a commitment to update the
show the long-term effects on groundwater flow?
model regularly with new data. Include comments and
conditions into Template J.
Will all boreholes, shafts, adits and ventilation
EMP must include mitigation measures for closure of
shafts be sealed to prevent ingress of surface
the mine. Where boreholes can be used safety by a
water into underground mines?
third party, this agreement can take place.
Alternatively all boreholes must be adequately sealed
while some must remain as long term monitoring
boreholes. Ensure EMP addresses this issue. Include
comments and conditions into Template J.
Does the management plan include details of
Monitoring programme must be included in the EMP
monitoring, sampling and reporting of groundwater
and extend beyond decommissioning. Applicant to
quantity and quality to the authorities?
submit results regularly to authorities. Include
comments and conditions in Template J.
If the rehabilitated landuse requires use of
This commitment must be included where post mining
groundwater for irrigation is there a commitment to
land use includes the use of local boreholes for water.
ongoing analysis of water quality to ensure that
Applicant to submit results regularly to authorities.
restored soil does not become salinised?
Include comments and conditions in Template J.
Is there potential for Acid Rock Drainage post
Applicant needs to prove no long term effects of ARD
/ AMD. Where there is potential for ARD, monitoring
must be ongoing and effective mitigation measures
proposed. Include comments and conditions in


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix: Template G.5


Yes No
Template J.
Does the management plan cater for containing
No dirty water should be allowed to leave the site.
any decant water or polluted water emanating
Where seepage or decant from underground workings
from the mine site post closure?
is predicted, this water must be contained, analysed
and where necessary, treated. It can be re-used on
site but it is preferable to release it into the catchment,
if it meets the catchment water quality objectives.
Include comments and conditions into Template J.


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix: Template G.5


Yes No
Does the general environmental and infrastructure
development description allude to potential sources
of gaseous emissions or dust generation?
Is the wind data adequate to predict general dust or
gas transport directions?

Management plan required for mitigation of sources

of gaseous emissions and dust. EO to include
comments and conditions in Template J.
Applicant to source wind direction data in order to
accurately predict impacts of dust on local
receptors. EO to include comments and conditions
in Template J.
Applicant to provide more detail pertaining to the
mining method and infrastructure required, as well
as sources of dust and gaseous emissions. Include
comments and conditions in Template J.

Is the description of the mining method or

beneficiation of sufficient detail to permit prediction
of gaseous emissions or dust generation sources?
Construction and Operation
Are mitigation actions described for dust
suppression during the site clearing and soil
stockpiling activities?

Dust suppression is required during operations as

dust will be generated from earth clearing and
stockpiling. Report must describe types of dust
suppression techniques that will be implemented
throughout construction and operation. These could
be watering of areas, use of dust binding agent, or
sealing of surfaces. Include comments and
conditions into Template J.
Applicant to identify affected parties and receptors
and locate them on a map relative to the source of
dust / gases. Include comment in template J.
As part of the dust monitoring plan, dust buckets
are to be located on site and on adjacent properties
to monitor levels of fallout. Where necessary,
instruments to measure gaseous emissions must
also be deployed. Include comments and conditions
in Template J.
EMP to provide for the wearing of PPE in areas
where dust and gaseous levels exceed the
standards set by DEAT. Comments and conditions
to be included in Template J.
EIA to provide sources of gaseous emissions if
applicable to the mine site. Include comment in
Template J.
Recommended that rehabilitation is ongoing in
order to both reduce dust levels as well as potential
for spontaneous combustion (applicable to coal
mines only). EMP to include process of ongoing
rehabilitation methods and EO to include comments
and conditions in Template J.
EMP to include list of chemicals and incorporate the
mitigation measures into an Emergency response
plan. EO to include comments and conditions in
Template J.

Have potential affected parties/ receptors been

identified or their properties marked on the maps?
Are dust monitoring devices deployed on the
property boundary or neighbouring areas?

Is there adequate PPE in areas where dust and

gaseous levels are excessive?
Have likely emission sources been identified in the
Will management of residue dumps aim to
rehabilitate concurrently with operation to reduce
the risk of oxidation and spontaneous combustion?

Does the EMP include a list of processes where

hazardous chemicals are used with emergency
response and hazmat cleanup plans?
Are there contingency measures to extinguish
burning coal dumps?

EMP to include mitigation measures and

emergency response plans to fires on site and
burning coal dumps. Include comments and
conditions into Template J.

Is long-term monitoring of rehabilitated dumps a
commitment by the mining proponent?

EMP to include a monitoring plan that extends post

closure. Include comments and conditions into
template J.


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix: Template G.5


Yes No
Have ambient noise and vibration levels in the premining environment been measured?

Applicant to undertake noise measurements on site in

order to establish pre-mining baseline noise levels.
EO to include comments and conditions in Template
Noise levels to adhere to applicable standards, such
as SBBS 083. Where this is not possible, applicant to
give a motivation, as well as management plan.
Comments and conditions to be incorporated into
Template J.
Where surrounding land uses are sensitive, natural or
manufactured screening should be erected on site to
reduce noise levels beyond the site boundary.
Include comments and conditions in Template J.
Applicant to develop a management plan to address
impacts from noise and vibration. Plan must include
expected noise levels, appropriate mitigation and
monitoring techniques and frequency. EO to include
comments and conditions into Template J.

Is there a commitment to implement the standards

outlined in SABS 083?

Has screening been proposed as a measure to

reduce noise levels beyond the site boundary?
Has a noise and vibration monitoring plan been

Where noise cannot be reduced to within
acceptable levels, has adequate or alternative
mitigation measures been proposed

Applicant to ensure that noise and vibration impacts

do not negatively affect surrounding land users. If
noise levels cannot be effectively mitigated, an
agreement with surrounding land users must be
made or additional mitigation measures implemented
and included in the EMP. Use Template J to
incorporate comments and conditions.

Are there any surrounding activities that are
sensitive to noise?

Blasting should only take place during work hours

and additional mitigation must be implemented to
ensure the sensitive activity is not affected. In the
event of the surrounding land use being negative
impacted, no further blasting is to take place until
adequate mitigation is implemented. Include
comments and conditions into Template J.
Applicant to take into consideration concerns of
neighbouring land users. Operating times must be in
line with normal working hours unless an agreement
with surrounding land users has been made. Include
comments and conditions into Template J.
Noise and vibration must be measured and recorded
before and during blasting. Management plans must
include protocols for informing neighbours of blasting
times and complaints. Include comments and
conditions into Template J.

Does the mine commit to operating within normal

working hours if close to an urban community?

Do drilling and blasting contractors undertake to

maintain records of noise and vibration
Will removal of structure result in an increase in
noise during decommissioning?

Applicant to apply additional measures to help reduce

noise levels and activities which generate noise are
to take place during working hours. Include
comments and conditions into Template J.


Yes No
Has the archaeological or historical records of the
Applicant to appoint an accredited archaeologist to
site and surrounding areas been described in the
undertake a survey to determine if any sites of
archaeological importance are found within the area.
Incorporate comments and conditions into Template
Was an inspection of the entire development area
Applicant to appoint an accredited archaeologist to


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix: Template G.5


Yes No
undertaken by a recognised cultural heritage
undertake a survey to determine if any sites of
resource management consultant?
archaeological importance are found within the area
of development. Incorporate comments and
conditions into Template J.
Has the existence of cemeteries or graves been
Consultants to undertake survey with land owners
checked with the landowners or former occupants?
and occupants to determine potential burial sites on
the property. Incorporate comments and conditions
into Template J.
Have old buildings been assessed for historical or
Where old buildings occur on site, applicant to
archaeological heritage significance?
appoint an accredited heritage specialist to survey
the building and determine the status. Building is not
to be demolished without necessary permission.
Incorporate comments and conditions into Template
Is there a commitment to appoint a watching brief
Archaeological management plan is required in order
and implement a management plan for
to ensure commitment to undertaking the necessary
archaeological sites or heritage structures ahead of
studies and mitigation measures in the event of mine
mine expansion?
expansion. SAHRA to approve EMP for archaeology.
Incorporate comments and conditions into Template
Is there a register of heritage objects on the mine
A register of heritage objects is to be drawn up and
kept on the mine following the archaeological
assessment that was carried out for the EIA. Where
necessary, sites should be fenced and secured.
Incorporate comments and conditions into Template
Can the site be re-developed as a cultural heritage
If the area includes many archaeological and heritage
site or development that will maintain the historical
sites, applicant to consider development of site for
integrity and sustainable development of the area?
preservation and tourism development. Include
comments and conditions into Template J.
Can heritage items be rescued or donated to a
Where possible, heritage items must be removed off
museum collection?
site and donated to the local museum or university.
Incorporate comments and conditions into Template
Where applicable, is there a commitment from the
If applicable, applicant should seek advise fro the
provincial heritage management agency to
local heritage authority in terms of potential post
maintain the site?
mining land use options and preservation of sites of
importance. Incorporate comments and conditions
into Template J.
Yes No
Does the description of the development provide a
clear picture of the scale of developments relative
to surrounding landscape features and has a map
been used to identify local visual features?

Request additional information relating to the local

visual environment so that the EO can understand
the potential impact of the mining operations on the
local environment. Contours and line of site maps can
be used. Incorporate comments and conditions into
Template J.


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix: Template G.5


Yes No
Has the visibility of the development been
assessed from nearby developments or sensitive
landscape areas?

Applicant to provide information on the scale of

development, including a description or visual
interpretation of the buildings, operations and visual
characteristics of the development as well as
surrounding sensitive landscapes. Incorporate
comments and conditions into Template J.
Applicant to prove how the issues raised in terms of
loss of sense of place have been addressed and
what mitigation measures were applied. Incorporate
comments and conditions into Template J.

Did the scoping process reveal any opposition to

the development on the basis of visual impact or
altered sense of place?
Can the buildings be designed or given facades
that clash less with the architecture of surrounding
Can screening berms, lighting, hedges or trees be
used to reduce visibility?

Applicant to apply designs so as to minimise impact

of project on local visual environment. Incorporate
comments and conditions into Template J.
As far as possible, natural screening should be used
to reduce visibility. Lighting must be directed
downwards and low lighting to be used at night,
where possible. EMP to include mitigation measures
to reduce the visual impact. Incorporate comments
and conditions into Template J.

Is there a commitment to remove large structures?

Where large structures are no longer required by the

mine, or a third party, they are to be removed in order
to restore the area back to its previous state, as far
as possible. Incorporate comments and conditions
into Template J.

Is there a commitment from the proponent to carry
out monitoring and maintenance of the screens for
a period after decommissioning?

Applicant to maintain screening material until such

time as the site is converted to post mining land use.
Incorporate comments and conditions into Template


Yes No
Does the scale of the mining operation represent a
significant input to the economy of the area?

Mining operation must prove there is a benefit to the

local economy so as to assist in the development of
the area. Comments and conditions to be included
into Template J.
Ensure that secondary problems are not created if
these could have been prevented by adequate
planning. Applicant to have informed local authorities
and incorporated potential issues or solutions into the
report. Where local planning is inadequate, EMP
must include mitigation measures to ensure
development is not detrimental to local services.
Incorporate comments and conditions into Template
Report to include impact of development on local
economy using the multiplier effect. Request
information with template J.
Where the development is likely to have a significant
impact on influx of workers and job seekers, the
applicant should have undertaken appropriate
consultation with local municipalities and authorities
in order to ensure that local services will be adequate
and if there is a need to increase services, how will
the mining development contribute? Ensure this
information has been taken into account. Include
comments and conditions into Template J.

Have the local authorities adequately catered for

increased traffic, people, water and electricity
usage, accommodation etc

Has the multiplier effect been assessed in the

context of the local economy?
Will it be necessary to create significant new
housing, electricity, sewage, access routes,
hospitals, schools etc to cater for an influx of


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix: Template G.5


Yes No
Does the EIA outline the positive impacts on the
local economy in terms of job creation?

EIA must include information on job creation in order

to determine the potential benefits of the project.
Include comments and conditions in Template J.
EIA to address the significance of this impact and
EMP to include appropriate mitigation measures to
address the impact. Where information is not
sufficient, EO to request the applicant to investigate
further. Include comments and conditions into
Template J.

Does the EMP cater for situations where informal

settlements may develop due to influx of job

Has the employee and local community health and
safety been taken into consideration?

Where there are health and safety risks to employees

and local communities, these risks must be outlined
in the EIA and a framework action plan outlined in
order to address how the risks can be managed.
Include comments and conditions into Template J.
Report must include consultation with local authorities
and information relating to the local IDP and whether
the development forms part of the IDP, or at least is
in line with the objectives set out in the IDP.
Comments and conditions to be included into
Template J.

Has the mine development been integrated into

local government IDP?

Can the mine property be rehabilitated to provide
social upliftment in the area or sustainable
development initiatives?

Alternative post mining land uses to be investigated

taking into account potential social development
initiatives for the area. Where sustainable post mining
land uses can benefit the local communities and
area, these should be detailed. Use template J for
comments and conditions.
Applicant to liaise with local authorities and
communities during decommissioning to determine
potential use of infrastructure post mining. Where
infrastructure can be used, a formal agreement will
be required which includes commitment to
maintenance of structures and applicant to ensure
third party has sustainable use of infrastructure. . Use
template J for comments and conditions.

Could the mine housing be utilised by the local

authority for community housing?

Does the land owner or occupier give a
commitment to long-term monitoring and

Applicant has to ensure land is continued to be

monitored. These costs must be borne by the
developer, unless an agreement has been made in a
sale of the land. The commitments in the EMP still
stand if the land is sold. . Use template J for
comments and conditions.


Yes No
Does the public participation and authority
consultation during the scoping process meet the
requirements of the MPRDA guidelines?

As a minimum, the PPP must meet the requirements

of the MPRDA. The applicant must be able to prove
that IAPs were afforded the opportunity to be
informed of the development and give input in terms
of their issues and concerns. The applicant must also
prove that these concerns have been addressed.
Incorporate comments and conditions into Template
Applicant to undertake additional public participation
where gaps in the process exist. Any further issues
raised should be addressed in the EIA and EMP.
Incorporate comments and conditions into Template
Applicant to ensure concerns and comments and

Have the public and authorities been presented

with an opportunity to hear about the development
and raise issues and concerns?

Have IAP concerns and comments raised during


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix: Template G.5


Yes No
scoping and micro-consultation been addressed in
conditions have been adequately addressed in the
the EIA and EMP?
EMP. Where this has not occurred, EO to mention
specific concerns that are not addressed. Incorporate
comments and conditions into Template J.
Is there a grievance mechanism for IAPs to record
Applicant to outline grievance mechanism procedure
their concerns during mining operations?
that will be implemented upon approval of the mining
right application. IAPs to be made aware of the
procedure. Include comments and conditions into
Template J.
Is there a commitment that the developer will
EMP to state that compensation issues will be
discuss the development with each land owner
discussed and agreed to prior to construction taking
prior to mining taking place and ensure that
place. EO to incorporate comments and conditions
compensation issues will be resolved to the
into Template J.
satisfaction of both parties.
Is there an indication that the developers have
If there no reason for the developer to change their
made changes to their plans on the basis of public
plans, then the application can proceed. If concerns
and issues were raised which required a change in
mine plan, the applicant must demonstrate how the
concerns were taken into account and applied to the
process. Incorporate comments and conditions into
Template J.
Are sufficient regular communications or public
Applicant to hold regular public meetings to keep the
consultation meetings planned?
public informed of ongoing operations or changes to
the mine plan. Include comments and conditions into
Template J.
Does the EMP include mechanisms for warning
EMP to include a stakeholder engagement plan for
local communities of accidents or emergencies at
alerting local communities to any emergencies or
the mine?
incidents at the mine that may impact on the local
communities i.e spillages into local streams. Include
comments and conditions into Template J.
Does the EMP allow for public and authorities
Applicant to hold regular public meetings to keep the
consultation regarding the rehabilitation goals for
public informed of ongoing operations or changes to
the mining area?
the mine plan. Include comments and conditions into
Template J.
Does the post-closure land use reflect insight
PPP to include input from IAPs on post mining land
regarding the sustainable development of the
use options and preferences. Preferred post mining
surrounding area?
land use to include contribution to sustainable
development. Include comments and conditions into
Template J.
Can any buildings or structures be retained for
Applicant to reach an agreement with third party in
community recreational use and managed in an
terms of maintenance of buildings post mining and
adequate and sustainable manner?
purchase / donation of mining infrastructure in a
manner that ensures long term sustainability of the
infrastructure. Include comments and conditions into
Template J.
Does the rehabilitation plan include adequate
EMP must ensure monitoring and management of
provision for assessment of long-term impacts of
long term impacts so as not to impact on local
communities. Where impacts are detected, action
plans should be described to ensure mitigation of
potential impacts. Include comments and conditions
into Template J.
Does the change in ownership of the mine property
EMP must ensure person responsible for
include a commitment to long-term monitoring and
development undertakes monitoring and
management of long term impacts so as not to impact
on local communities. Where impacts are detected,
action plans should be described to ensure mitigation
of potential impacts. If land ownership changes,
agreement must take place where by responsibility is
well defined. Include comments and conditions into
Template J.


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix: Template G.5


Yes No
Does the rehabilitation programme reflect the input of
Specialist input required for rehabilitation plant to
experts in the fields of structural stability of slopes
ensure the success of the plan. Where necessary,
and structures, landscaping, re-vegetation, water
engineering input and input from soil, vegetation
and water specialists required. Where there is
insufficient data in the rehabilitation plan, EO to
request additional information using Template J.
Has each specific management plan and mitigation
EMP to include costs for mitigation and
measure been costed so as to outline the
management plans to ensure applicant
environmental and social costs involved in the
incorporates costs into financial planning. EO to
implementation of the project.
include comments and conditions into Template J.
Is there a commitment to establishing an acceptable
The applicant must make a commitment to provide
trust fund or is financial provision on the basis of a
the funds for closure upfront. If no provision is
financial guarantee?
made, EO must request applicant to provide
commitment. Include comments and conditions in
Template J.
Is the siting and form of soil stockpiles conducive to
Location of soil stockpiles must be designed with
cost effective replacement during rehabilitation?
closure in mind. Soil stockpiles must not be
consistently moved throughout operations. The
initial placement of the soil stockpiles must be
sited to ensure effective mitigation at closure.
Include comments and conditions into Template J.
Can the storm water and erosion control structures
Where possible, stormwater and erosion control
be preserved into the post-mining period?
structures should be preserved for long term use
post mining to ensure separation of clean and dirty
water and to minimise erosion. These should be
rehabilitated early on to minimise erosion. Include
comments and conditions into Template J.
Has a plant and animal rescue programme been
Where possible, a plant and animal rescue
outlined if required?
operation should be undertaken to preserve seed
banks and local plants (preferably in a nursery)
and to relocate animals to safe areas. The nursery
can then be used during closure for rehabilitation.
Include comments and conditions into Template J.
Is there a commitment to rehabilitation concurrently
This is to be encouraged to ensure ongoing
with mining from operational budgets wherever
rehabilitation which will result in minimising dust
and erosion and promoting restoration of habitats.
Include comments and conditions in Template J.


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix: Template G.5


Yes No
Will rehabilitation trials be funded from operational
So long as costs have been catered for
costs or are they catered for elsewhere?
somewhere and are not omitted. Include
comments and conditions in Template J.
If residue disposal sites are permanent structures
Rehabilitation needs to take place concurrently
has there been adequate provision for in situ
thus as more material is mined, these waste
rehabilitation as the dump grows?
facilities will continue to grow and thus
rehabilitation will be ongoing. Final rehabilitation
will take place at closure Include comments and
conditions in Template J.
Has premature closure due to unexpected
Report to include detail on requirements and costs
circumstances been planned for and will the
involved in the case of pre-mature closure. These
necessary funds be available?
costs must be made available in the event of
closure. The costs must be able to cover costs
involved with management plans post-mining.
Include comments and conditions in Template J.
Does the closure plan consider all the feedback from
Consideration must be given to comments and
interested and affected parties?
conditions and concerns raised by IAPs,
authorities and communities with regards to
closure options and post mining land use. Where
suggestions have been made, applicant must take
these into consideration and motivation must be
given for preferred alternative of post mining land
use. Include comments and conditions in Template
Can the rehabilitation funds be accessed by the lead
authority in the case of the mine being liquidated or
defaulting on rehabilitation obligations?
Has a closure plan been compiled detailing degree of
rehabilitation undertaken during operations and
remaining rehabilitation programme to be

DME to ensure funds have been provided for and

are available. Include comments and conditions in
Template J.
Closure plan should include how much
rehabilitation has been undertaken during
operations and what percent is remaining during
closure. The plan should also include timeframes
and costs involved. Include comments and
conditions in Template J.
EO to state that consultation with communities and
authorities is essential prior to finalisation of
closure plan. Include comments and conditions in
Template J.
Applicant to include motivation for choice of final
land use, as well as include alternatives that were
considered but not chosen. If an alternative land
use is preferable to GDACE, EO to request
applicant to reconsider where possible. Include
comments and conditions in Template J.
PPP to include input from IAPs on post mining
land use options and preferences. Applicant to
prove that final land use is sustainable and
suitable in terms of surrounding land uses. Include
comments and conditions in Template J.
Applicant to reach an agreement with third party in
terms of maintenance of buildings post mining and
purchase / donation of mining infrastructure in a
manner that ensures long term sustainability of the
infrastructure. Include comments and conditions
into Template J.
EMP must include monitoring plans that extend
beyond post closure. Monitoring must continue to
ensure there are no residual impacts and if such
impacts occur, they are mitigated. Include
comments and conditions in Template J.
Monitoring to continue and EMP to detail methods
of reducing the risk of contamination from
remaining material or ore body. If EO feels there is
insufficient information, applicant to undertake

Will consultation with the community or local

authority take place to ensure integration of the
rehabilitated land with local planning?
Has the closure plan considered alternative land
uses and was the most suitable land use justified?

Does the post-closure land use reflect insight

regarding the sustainable development of the
surrounding area?
Can any buildings or structures be retained for
community recreational use and managed in an
adequate and sustainable manner?

Does the rehabilitation plan include adequate

provision for assessment of long-term impacts of

Is there a risk of the remaining material left at closure

generating pollution to the environment?


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix: Template G.5


Yes No
additional studies and provide adequate mitigation
for long term management of the site. Include
comments and conditions in Template J.
Have the dryland production potential and the
Important to undertake studies in order to
irrigation potential been assessed?
determine potential land use capability post
closure. Where land can be used for food
production, this should be pursued. Include
comments and conditions in Template J.
Is there a commitment to monitoring and
Ongoing monitoring is a requirement and if chosen
maintenance of rehabilitated areas to ensure correct
plant species in not adequate, applicant to respecies choice and sustainability of vegetation
design rehabilitation plans until the sustainable
objective has been met. Include comments and
conditions in Template J.
Are there unsafe areas post mining? Is there a
Where there is potential for subsidence, sinkholes
commitment to fence them or otherwise ensure
or unstable ground, applicant to secure areas and
ensure adequate safety signs are erected.
Monitoring must be ongoing to assess the stability
or formation of new sinkholes/subsidence. EMP
must adequately cater for post mining safety.
Include comments and conditions in Template J.
If there is a change in land ownership is there a
EMP must ensure person responsible for
commitment to continuation of monitoring and
development undertakes monitoring and
management of long term impacts so as not to
impact on local communities. Where impacts are
detected, action plans should be described to
ensure mitigation of potential impacts. If the land is
handed over, an agreement must be undertaken
handing over responsibility or alternatively for the
developer to continue with monitoring and
management. Include comments and conditions
into Template J.


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 13.10: Template G.6

Appendix 13.10
Template G.6
(Checklist to be applied when reviewing performance assessments for mining operations)
The following template is to be used when evaluating performance assessments for mining related
projects. Performance assessments are used to monitor compliance with the mines EMP and to report
back on monitoring programmes. DME are requesting annual performance assessments from mining
Colours have been used in order to assist in assessing whether the question asked will generate a
response or not. Where the answer to the question posed falls within an orange block, the response /
comment / action column should be consulted. If the answer to the question falls within a green block, the
application can proceed.
This checklist can be used in conjunction with the mining manual in order to understand terms, impacts
and mitigation measures for each type of application.


Performance Assessments

Are adequate maps included that indicate

surface disturbance and scale of

Request that the applicant include maps indicating

extent of disturbance, scale of operations, location
of monitoring points etc. Attach comments and
conditions and conditions to Template N.
Request that monitoring is undertaken at least
quarterly in order to establish potential impacts on
the environment from the activity. The results of
which are to be included in the performance
assessment reports and send to GDACE for
review. Attach comments and conditions and
conditions to Template N.
Request that the applicant apply mitigation
measures to reduce the impact and ensure
compliance with DEAT guidelines. Attach
comments and conditions and conditions to
Template N.
If audits have taken place, the results should be
attached to the report. If no results are available,
request the applicant to send the audit reports to
GDACE for review. If audit reports are included,
review for any non-compliance. Use Template N.
Request applicant to undertake studies of the
impact and implement adequate mitigation
measures. The outcomes of the impact are to be
sent to GDACE for review.
Request applicant to update IAPs regularly
through letters, meetings or micro-consultation.
Send comments and conditions and conditions
through to DME using Template N.
If no justification provided as to why rehabilitation
is not ongoing, request applicant to commence
with rehabilitation as soon as disturbance/mining is
an area is completed. Include comments and
conditions in Template N.

Is the applicant undertaking regular

monitoring in terms of water quality, dust
levels, noise levels, extent of erosion,
rehabilitation success rate etc

Does the monitoring data indicate any

exceedances with DEAT guidelines in terms
of air, noise or water?
Have the results of external audits been
attached to the performance assessment?

Does the Performance Assessment include

any unforeseen impacts on the environment
that were not addressed in the EMP?
Have IAPs and stakeholders been kept up to
date of the applicants activities through
regular feedback?
Is rehabilitation ongoing?


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 13.10: Template G.6

Are any red data species present on site?

If red data species are on site, ensure they are

protected or removed prior to mining commencing
in that area.
Include comments and conditions that buffer
zones as per GDACE policies, are to be strictly
adhered to. Include more detail from the GDACE
policies. Use Template N to attach comments and
conditions to.
EO to check if comments and conditions raised
have been addressed and if not, applicant should
be required to respond to the issue raised by
either addressing the concern or responding to the
IAP. Use Template N.
Request that the activity cease until all permits are
awarded. If this is not possible, alert the
compliance department and include in your
response to DME that the applicant must urgently
address all non-compliance aspects. Use
Template N and P.
If possible, undertake a site visit. Use Template E
and F and report findings to DME using template I
or J or P, depending on outcomes of site visit. If a
site visit is not possible, evaluate the significance
of the disturbance using C-plan and prepare a
response to DME requesting proposed mitigation
measures and closure plan. Use Template N.

Are applicable buffer zones being adhered


Have any complaints / issues been raised by

IAPs or community members?

Have all the necessary approvals, permits

and licenses been awarded i.e Water Use
License, Air Emission Permit?

Does the performance assessment indicate

impacts which could cause a detrimental
impact on the environment?


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 13.10: Template G.7

Appendix 13.10
Template G.7
(Checklist to be applied when reviewing closure plans and risk reports for mining operations)
The following template is to be used when evaluating closure plans and risk reports for mining related
projects. Colours have been used in order to assist in assessing whether the question asked will generate
a response or not. Where the answer to the question posed falls within an orange block, the response /
comment/action column should be consulted. If the answer to the question falls within a green block, the
application can proceed.
This checklist can be used in conjunction with the mining manual in order to understand terms, impacts
and mitigation measures for each type of application.
Yes No
Does the rehabilitation programme reflect the input of
Specialist input required for rehabilitation plant to
experts in the fields of structural stability of slopes
ensure the success of the plan. Where necessary,
and structures, landscaping, re-vegetation, water
engineering input and input from soil, vegetation
and water specialists required. Where there is
insufficient data in the rehabilitation plan, EO to
request additional information using Template J.
Has each specific management plan and mitigation
EMP to include costs for mitigation and
measure been costed so as to outline the
management plans to ensure applicant
environmental and social costs involved in the
incorporates costs into financial planning. EO to
implementation of the project.
include comments and conditions into Template J.
Is there a commitment to establishing an acceptable
The applicant must make a commitment to provide
trust fund or is financial provision on the basis of a
the funds for closure upfront. If no provision is
financial guarantee?
made, EO must request applicant to provide
commitment. Include comments and conditions in
Template J.
Is the siting and form of soil stockpiles conducive to
Location of soil stockpiles must be designed with
cost effective replacement during rehabilitation?
closure in mind. Soil stockpiles must not be
consistently moved throughout operations. The
initial placement of the soil stockpiles must be
sited to ensure effective mitigation at closure.
Include comments and conditions into Template J.
Can the storm water and erosion control structures
Where possible, stormwater and erosion control
be preserved into the post-mining period?
structures should be preserved for long term use
post mining to ensure separation of clean and dirty
water and to minimise erosion. These should be
rehabilitated early on to minimise erosion. Include
comments and conditions into Template J.
Has a plant and animal rescue programme been
Where possible, a plant and animal rescue
outlined if required?
operation should be undertaken to preserve seed
banks and local plants (preferably in a nursery)
and to relocate animals to safe areas. The nursery
can then be used during closure for rehabilitation.
Include comments and conditions into Template J.
Is there a commitment to rehabilitation concurrently
This is to be encouraged to ensure ongoing
with mining from operational budgets wherever
rehabilitation which will result in minimising dust
and erosion and promoting restoration of habitats.
Include comments and conditions in Template J.


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 13.10: Template G.7


Yes No
Will rehabilitation trials be funded from operational
So long as costs have been catered for
costs or are they catered for elsewhere?
somewhere and are not omitted. Include
comments and conditions in Template J.
If residue disposal sites are permanent structures
Rehabilitation needs to take place concurrently
has there been adequate provision for in situ
thus as more material is mined, these waste
rehabilitation as the dump grows?
facilities will continue to grow and thus
rehabilitation will be ongoing. Final rehabilitation
will take place at closure Include comments and
conditions in Template J.
Has premature closure due to unexpected
Report to include detail on requirements and costs
circumstances been planned for and will the
involved in the case of pre-mature closure. These
necessary funds be available?
costs must be made available in the event of
closure. The costs must be able to cover costs
involved with management plans post-mining.
Include comments and conditions in Template J.
Does the closure plan consider all the feedback from
Consideration must be given to comments and
interested and affected parties?
conditions and concerns raised by IAPs,
authorities and communities with regards to
closure options and post mining land use. Where
suggestions have been made, applicant must take
these into consideration and motivation must be
given for preferred alternative of post mining land
use. Include comments and conditions in Template
Can the rehabilitation funds be accessed by the lead
authority in the case of the mine being liquidated or
defaulting on rehabilitation obligations?
Has a closure plan been compiled detailing degree of
rehabilitation undertaken during operations and
remaining rehabilitation programme to be

DME to ensure funds have been provided for and

are available. Include comments and conditions in
Template J.
Closure plan should include how much
rehabilitation has been undertaken during
operations and what percent is remaining during
closure. The plan should also include timeframes
and costs involved. Include comments and
conditions in Template J.
EO to state that consultation with communities and
authorities is essential prior to finalisation of
closure plan. Include comments and conditions in
Template J.
Applicant to include motivation for choice of final
land use, as well as include alternatives that were
considered but not chosen. If an alternative land
use is preferable to GDACE, EO to request
applicant to reconsider where possible. Include
comments and conditions in Template J.
PPP to include input from IAPs on post mining
land use options and preferences. Applicant to
prove that final land use is sustainable and
suitable in terms of surrounding land uses. Include
comments and conditions in Template J.
Applicant to reach an agreement with third party in
terms of maintenance of buildings post mining and
purchase / donation of mining infrastructure in a
manner that ensures long term sustainability of the
infrastructure. Include comments and conditions
into Template J.
EMP must include monitoring plans that extend
beyond post closure. Monitoring must continue to
ensure there are no residual impacts and if such
impacts occur, they are mitigated. Include
comments and conditions in Template J.
Monitoring to continue and EMP to detail methods
of reducing the risk of contamination from
remaining material or ore body. If EO feels there is
insufficient information, applicant to undertake

Will consultation with the community or local

authority take place to ensure integration of the
rehabilitated land with local planning?
Has the closure plan considered alternative land
uses and was the most suitable land use justified?

Does the post-closure land use reflect insight

regarding the sustainable development of the
surrounding area?
Can any buildings or structures be retained for
community recreational use and managed in an
adequate and sustainable manner?

Does the rehabilitation plan include adequate

provision for assessment of long-term impacts of

Is there a risk of the remaining material left at closure

generating pollution to the environment?


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 13.10: Template G.7


Yes No
additional studies and provide adequate mitigation
for long term management of the site. Include
comments and conditions in Template J.
Have the dryland production potential and the
Important to undertake studies in order to
irrigation potential been assessed?
determine potential land use capability post
closure. Where land can be used for food
production, this should be pursued. Include
comments and conditions in Template J.
Is there a commitment to monitoring and
Ongoing monitoring is a requirement and if chosen
maintenance of rehabilitated areas to ensure correct
plant species in not adequate, applicant to respecies choice and sustainability of vegetation
design rehabilitation plans until the sustainable
objective has been met. Include comments and
conditions in Template J.
Are there unsafe areas post mining? Is there a
Where there is potential for subsidence, sinkholes
commitment to fence them or otherwise ensure
or unstable ground, applicant to secure areas and
ensure adequate safety signs are erected.
Monitoring must be ongoing to assess the stability
or formation of new sinkholes/subsidence. EMP
must adequately cater for post mining safety.
Include comments and conditions in Template J.
If there is a change in land ownership is there a
EMP must ensure person responsible for
commitment to continuation of monitoring and
development undertakes monitoring and
management of long term impacts so as not to
impact on local communities. Where impacts are
detected, action plans should be described to
ensure mitigation of potential impacts. If the land is
handed over, an agreement must be undertaken
handing over responsibility or alternatively for the
developer to continue with monitoring and
management. Include comments and conditions
into Template J.
Is there a monitoring programme to ensure that alien
EMP must include commitment to ongoing
invasive weeds and plants are identified and
monitoring and eradication of alien invasive
species on site. Monitoring should extend to post
mining, until effective rehabilitation has been
established. Include comments and conditions into
Template J.
Is there a possibility of subsidence or sinkholes
Has the applicant committed to long term
forming due to dewatering or mining and has this
monitoring of subsidence? If the surface is not
been catered for in the EMP?
stable post mining, the land must be declared as
such and appropriate post mining land use should
be recommended. Attach comments and
conditions to Template J.


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 13.10: Template G.7


Yes No
Is there a commitment to reintroduction of fauna and
Where possible, reintroduction of species should
flora species?
take place. Monitoring will be required to monitor
for success rate. Include comments and conditions
into Template J.
Have pumping facilities been preserved or
Applicant to ensure post mining water
emergency discharge structures to facilitate
management where necessary so as not to result
decanting or drainage been provided?
in water contamination. Include comments and
conditions in Template J.
Has provision been made for closure of all surface
Management plan must include mitigation
holings, adits, shafts or capping of ventilation shafts
measures for sealing of underground workings and
to exclude surface water from entering the
ensure that clean water is returned to the
underground environment?
catchment post closure. Incorporate comments
and conditions into Template J.
In dolomitic terrains has there been an assessment
Investigation required in order to ensure water
of karst subsurface weathering features or sinkholes
management during decommissioning. Applicant
and a plan to install cutoff drains or plug these
must prove that adequate measures have been
put in pale to ensure safety on the surface and
preservation of water quality. Include comments
and conditions in template J.
Have adits or shafts been sealed to prevent decant
Adits and shafts are to be sealed and the applicant
of water from the mine?
is to predict where surface decant will take place
so as to be able to mitigate the release of
contaminated water. Incorporate comments and
conditions into Template J.
If the dams or dumps are to be capped and sealed
Mitigation is required in order to minimise
prior to re-vegetation, have details of the acid
infiltration and neutralise acid generating potential.
amelioration layers, clay capping and topsoil layer
Where no information is available, the applicant is
been defined?
to provide mitigation measures indicating how the
residue and waste disposal facilities will be
rehabilitated so as to minimise impacts on water
quality and quantity. Incorporate comments and
conditions into Template J.
Is there a long-term monitoring and maintenance
Applicant to include a monitoring programme that
plan to ensure functioning of seepage control or
extends to post closure. Monitoring to include
leachate interception structures?
analysis of water points, and effectiveness of
mitigation measures. Results to be submitted to
DWAF and GDACE annually. Incorporate
comments and conditions using Template J.
Have low maintenance passive water treatment been
Applicant to ensure long term sustainable
used where possible?
maintenance programme for surface water post
mining. Ongoing monitoring is required and where
necessary an ongoing passive treatment plant
should be used. Incorporate comments and
conditions into Template J.
Is the long-term effect of undermining or breaching of
Groundwater model must be included to indicate
linear structures or compartments modelled to show
impacts. There must be a commitment to update
the long-term effects on groundwater flow?
the model regularly with new data. Include
comments and conditions into Template J.
If the rehabilitated landuse requires use of
This commitment must be included where post
groundwater for irrigation is there a commitment to
mining land use includes the use of local
ongoing analysis of water quality to ensure that
boreholes for water. Applicant to submit results
restored soil does not become salinised?
regularly to authorities. Include comments and
conditions in Template J.
Is there potential for Acid Rock Drainage post
Applicant needs to prove no long term effects of
ARD / AMD. Where there is potential for ARD,
monitoring must be ongoing and effective
mitigation measures proposed. Include comments
and conditions in Template J.


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 13.10: Template G.7


Yes No
Are there contingency measures to extinguish
EMP to include mitigation measures and
burning coal dumps?
emergency response plans to fires on site and
burning coal dumps. Include comments and
conditions into Template J.
Can the site be re-developed as a cultural heritage
If the area includes many archaeological and
site or development that will maintain the historical
heritage sites, applicant to consider development
integrity and sustainable development of the area?
of site for preservation and tourism development.
Include comments and conditions into Template J.
Where applicable, is there a commitment from the
If applicable, applicant should seek advise fro the
provincial heritage management agency to maintain
local heritage authority in terms of potential post
the site?
mining land use options and preservation of sites
of importance. Incorporate comments and
conditions into Template J.
Can the mine property be rehabilitated to provide
Alternative post mining land uses to be
social upliftment in the area or sustainable
investigated taking into account potential social
development initiatives?
development initiatives for the area. Where
sustainable post mining land uses can benefit the
local communities and area, these should be
detailed. Use template J for comments and
Could the mine housing be utilised by the local
Applicant to liaise with local authorities and
authority for community housing?
communities during decommissioning to determine
potential use of infrastructure post mining. Where
infrastructure can be used, a formal agreement will
be required which includes commitment to
maintenance of structures and applicant to ensure
third party has sustainable use of infrastructure. .
Use template J for comments and conditions.
Does the EMP allow for public and authorities
Applicant to hold regular public meetings to keep
consultation regarding the rehabilitation goals for the
the public informed of ongoing operations or
mining area?
changes to the mine plan. Include comments and
conditions into Template J.


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 13.10: Template H

Appendix 13.10
Template H
(Route Checklist and Route Form)

In order to reduce the time constraints from receiving files back from your AD, as well as
the HOD, this checklist has been devised to assist you in ensuring that the minimum
requirements prior to routing files are accomplished. The route checklist and route form
are attached to this document.
Reference number:
Project name:
Type of document:
Name of peer reviewer:


Aspects for consideration


Are the peer reviewers comments attached?
Is this checklist completed thoroughly?
Is the project included on the project
managers register?
Has a box file and arch lever file been created
according to the correct standards?
Is all relevant information filed in the project
box file, arch lever file or brown folder?
Is a route form attached to the front page of
the brown folder?
Is the route form neat and legible?
Does the route form indicate reference
Does the route form indicate all relevant
persons (e.g. LECT)?
Is a project progress sheet attached to inside
page of the brown folder?
Is the project progress sheet up to date (e.g.
meetings, telephone calls and e-mails)?
Is a fax cover included?
Does the fax cover indicate relevant person
and ccs?
Are all the details on the fax cover correct and
has this been confirmed?
Have all staples been removed from
documents that need to be faxed?
Is a site visit report included in accordance
with the site visit report template?
Are any photos available for the site?
Are GIS maps and notes included?
Is a conservation checklist which lists the
relevant layers that have been considered
Was the historic information for this project
Is a short explanation of the project history

manager reviewer

GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide


Appendix 13.10: Template H

included on the back of this checklist or on a

separate page?
Are the relevant historic and/or current
information included (e.g. letters and reports)?
Was the newest template used (on network or
as agreed with supervisor)?
Were previous examples consulted? (to be
listed on the back of this checklist)
Are these examples listed on the back of this
Were relevant policies, strategies, guidelines
and checklists consulted?
Are these policies, strategies, guidelines and
checklists listed on the back of this checklist?
Was any other information consulted?
Are all the information consulted listed on the
back of this checklist?


Aspects for consideration


Are the details in the top right-hand corner of

the document correct?
Is the document addressed to the right person
and are these details correct?
Is a footnote with project name, project
reference and number of pages included
(must be same as top right-hand corner)?
Are enclosures and ccs indicated at the
bottom of the document and are the referred
to enclosures attached?
Are all supporting or referenced documents
and attachments referred to in the letter?
Was the document checked for spelling?
Was the document checked for grammar?
Does the document have a well defined
Are the numbering and bullets consistent in
terms of following on each other and
Did the review of the project take all available
information into account (i.e. reports &
Do the technical aspects of the document
appear to be adequate (e.g. ROD conditions)?
Was the document routed to supervisor per email?








manager reviewer

GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 13.10: Template H

Due date for DME: [insert date required by DME]
REFERENCE: [insert GDACE reference no]

FILES No: [insert file no]

RE: EVALUATION OF THE [select all applicable PROSPECTING RIGHT and EMP /
MINING / CLOSURE] OF [insert commodity e.g. CLAY / GOLD / etc.] ON THE FARM[s] [insert
farm names], DISTRICT OF [insert district]: [insert applicants name].



Nyasi Munakisi
Dineo Mokolo
Admin Unit:
18 floor GC
Boniswa Belot
Dr D. Rama
John Nesidoni
Dr ST Cornelias
Dr D. Rama
Admin Unit:
Document Man
Admin Unit Support:






GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 13.10: Template I.1

Appendix 13.10
Template I.1
(all applications)


Diamond Corner Building, 68 Eloff Street, Johannesburg
P 0 Box 8769, Johannesburg, 2000
Telephone: (011) 355-1900
Fax: (011) 337-2292


[insert GDACE Reference No.]

[insert EO name]
[insert EO direct phone number]
[insert EO email address]

The Director: Mineral Development - Gauteng

Department of Minerals and Energy
Private Bag X5
DME Reference:

[insert DME officials name]

Sub-Directorate: Mine Environmental Management
[insert DME Reference No.]
[insert relevant DME fax number]

Dear Sir/Madam
PROSPECTING / MINING / CLOSURE] OF [insert commodity e.g. CLAY / GOLD /
etc.] ON THE FARM[s] [insert farm names], DISTRICT OF [insert district]: [insert
applicants name]
1. Introduction
With reference to the above GDACE and DME reference numbers, the findings, comments and conditions are relevant.
This letter serves to inform you that the Department of Agriculture, Conservation, and
Environment (the Department) has reviewed the above-mentioned [select applicable
option Scoping Report / Environmental Impact Assessment / Environmental Management Plan / Prospecting EMP / Progress Report / Performance Assessment Report /


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 13.10: Template I.1

Closure Plan / Notification of Decision] dated [insert date] and hereby submits comments. In its review of the document[s] the Department took the following into account:
[Select and complete if applicable]
1.1 The information contained in the documents for the relevant application submitted to
GDACE, including:
[insert application or report type] received on [insert date];
[insert application or report type] received on [insert date];
1.2 A site visit undertaken by [insert names of EO / applicant / other relevant persons] on
[insert date];
1.3 Relevant information contained in the Departments Geographical Information System
(GIS) database, including:
[insert database, e.g. - Red Data List plants, Wetlands, Ridges, etc.]
1.4 The objectives and requirements of relevant government legislation, policies and
guidelines, including Section 2 of the National Environmental Management Act, 1998
(NEMA); and
1.5 The Departments Mining Environmental Management Impact Guide, 2008.
Based on the above, the Departments comments concerning this application are as
This Department does not support the proposed activity due to the following reasons:
[To be completed by EO]
For our records, the Department requests a copy of the final Department of Minerals and
Energy authorisation issued for this application, faxed to the fax number above, made for
attention of the Environmental Officer handling this application.
Should you have any queries regarding this letter you are welcome to contact [insert
name of EO] of the Department.


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 13.10: Template I.1

Yours faithfully

HOD: Gauteng Department of Agriculture, Conservation, and Environment



GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 13.10: Template I.1

Appendix 13.10
Template I.1
(all applications)


Diamond Corner Building, 68 Eloff Street, Johannesburg
P 0 Box 8769, Johannesburg, 2000
Telephone: (011) 355-1900
Fax: (011) 337-2292


[insert GDACE Reference No.]

[insert EO name]
[insert EO direct phone number]
[insert EO email address]

The Director: Mineral Development - Gauteng

Department of Minerals and Energy
Private Bag X5
DME Reference:

[insert DME officials name]

Sub-Directorate: Mine Environmental Management
[insert DME Reference No.]
[insert relevant DME fax number]

Dear Sir/Madam
PROSPECTING / MINING / CLOSURE] OF [insert commodity e.g. CLAY / GOLD /
etc.] ON THE FARM[s] [insert farm names], DISTRICT OF [insert district]: [insert
applicants name]
1. Introduction
With reference to the above GDACE and DME reference numbers, the findings, comments and conditions are relevant.
This letter serves to inform you that the Department of Agriculture, Conservation, and
Environment (the Department) has reviewed the above-mentioned [select applicable
option Scoping Report / Environmental Impact Assessment / Environmental Management Plan / Prospecting EMP / Progress Report / Performance Assessment Report /


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 13.10: Template I.1

Closure Plan / Notification of Decision] dated [insert date] and hereby submits comments. In its review of the document[s] the Department took the following into account:
[Select and complete if applicable]
1.1 The information contained in the documents for the relevant application submitted to
GDACE, including:
[insert application or report type] received on [insert date];
[insert application or report type] received on [insert date];
1.2 A site visit undertaken by [insert names of EO / applicant / other relevant persons] on
[insert date];
1.3 Relevant information contained in the Departments Geographical Information System
(GIS) database, including:
[insert database, e.g. - Red Data List plants, Wetlands, Ridges, etc.]
1.4 The objectives and requirements of relevant government legislation, policies and
guidelines, including Section 2 of the National Environmental Management Act, 1998
(NEMA); and
1.5 The Departments Mining Environmental Management Impact Guide, 2008.
Based on the above, the Departments comments concerning this application are as
This Department does not support the proposed activity due to the following reasons:
[To be completed by EO]
For our records, the Department requests a copy of the final Department of Minerals and
Energy authorisation issued for this application, faxed to the fax number above, made for
attention of the Environmental Officer handling this application.
Should you have any queries regarding this letter you are welcome to contact [insert
name of EO] of the Department.


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 13.10: Template I.1

Yours faithfully

HOD: Gauteng Department of Agriculture, Conservation, and Environment



GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 13.10: Template I.2

Appendix 13.10
Template I.2
(GDACE comments for negative record of decision)



Irreplaceable sites

Sites designated as irreplaceable in terms of C-plan 2 analyses, are highly sensitive areas
that are essential for the conservation of biodiversity in Gauteng and therefore, must be
protected from transforming land uses, such as [insert activity applied for], or the impacts
associated with the construction of [select appropriate activity if relevant: mine / pipelines /
railways / powerlines / roads]. The site under consideration for the proposed activity
contributes towards the conservation of the following biodiversity features [please list and
describe applicable biodiversity features, e.g. Melolobium subspicatum, a Red List plant
species]. One/more of these sensitive biodiversity features will [replace will with may for
proposed subdivisions / prospecting activities] be detrimentally affected or permanently lost
from the site should the proposed activity be allowed.

Important sites

Sites designated as important in terms of C-plan 2 analyses are sensitive areas that are
important for the conservation of biodiversity in Gauteng. Land uses incompatible with
biodiversity, such as [insert activity applied for], must be avoided in these areas. The site
under consideration for the proposed activity contributes towards the conservation of [please
list and describe applicable biodiversity features, e.g. Melolobium subspicatum, a Red List
plant species]. One/more of these sensitive biodiversity features will [replace will with may
for proposed subdivisions / prospecting activities] be detrimentally affected or permanently
lost from the site should the proposed activity be allowed.

Ecological processes

The proposed prospecting/mining/development activities will affect [list applicable landscape

feature(s)], which is/are associated with ecological processes such as [list applicable
processes]. Unless appropriately managed, mining/development will detrimentally affect the
natural functioning of these ecological processes, which are essential for the maintenance
and generation of biodiversity. Road, railway, powerline and pipeline crossings may
potentially greatly modify local water flow patterns in wetlands, damming or draining water
upstream of the crossing and drying out the wetland and increasing the erosion hazard
downstream of the crossing [only include last sentence for wetlands that will be affected by
roads/ railways/ pipelines/ powerlines].
Wetlands, rivers, ridges, dolomitic areas and quaternary catchments are regarded as
ecologically sensitive for a variety of reasons and therefore must be protected from
crossings/powerline, crossings/pipeline crossings.


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide


Appendix 13.10: Template I.2

Protected Areas

Protected areas provide for the protection and conservation of ecologically viable areas
representative of South Africas biological diversity and its natural landscapes. In addition,
protected areas provide essential ecosystem services such as water purification, flood control
and climate regulation and, through the protection of numerous species that drive ecological
processes, deliver services such as pollination, nutrient cycling and regulation of pest
populations. Protected areas also provide opportunities for sustainable utilization of natural
landscapes and wildlife species and are associated with natural heritage and cultural values.
Within the Gauteng context, [insert name of applicable protected area] is the only protected
area contributing towards the conservation of [list applicable biodiversity features and
describe]. In addition, this protected area contributes significantly towards the conservation of
a further [list number of biodiversity features] sensitive biodiversity features.

Activities appropriate for protected areas

a. Eco-tourism related activities / developments

The coverage of which should not exceed 1% of the total area protected, i.e. if this maximum
has already been reached, then no further development should be allowed.
b. Educational / research activities / developments
The coverage of which should not exceed 1% of the total area protected, i.e. if this maximum
has already been reached, then no further development should be allowed.

The combination of the above

These and all existing developments (transformed land like management roads, staff housing,
airstrips, nurseries, parking lots, etc.) should not exceed 5% of the total area protected, i.e. if
this maximum has already been reached, then no further development should be allowed.

Buffer zones for Protected Areas

Protected areas provide for the protection and conservation of ecologically viable areas
representative of South Africas biological diversity and its natural landscapes. In addition,
protected areas provide essential ecosystem services such as water purification, flood control
and climate regulation and, through the protection of numerous species that drive ecological
processes, deliver services such as pollination, nutrient cycling and regulation of pest
populations. Protected areas also provide opportunities for sustainable utilization of natural
landscapes and wildlife species and are associated with natural heritage and cultural values.
Within the Gauteng context, [insert name of applicable protected area] is the only protected
area contributing towards the conservation of [list applicable biodiversity features and
describe]. In addition, this protected area contributes significantly towards the conservation of
a further [list number of biodiversity features] sensitive biodiversity features.
A protected area in a human-impacted landscape will be affected by a variety of inappropriate
influences from surrounding activities, collectively known as edge effects. Edge effects can


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 13.10: Template I.2

physically degrade habitat, endanger resident biota and reduce the functional size of
protected areas and may include the effects of invasive plant and animal species, physical
damage and soil compaction caused through trampling and harvesting, abiotic habitat
alterations and pollution. All level 1 and 2 protected areas in Gauteng must therefore be
protected by a 1km buffer zone to filter out these deleterious edge effects. Buffer zones are
also valuable in providing more landscape needed for ecological processes such as fire.
The first 300m of this buffer zone must be protected from transformation and is designated as
a minimal use zone. Only grazing (wildlife and livestock) and low-impact tourism and
residential developments (footprint <5% of the property) are considered appropriate land uses
in the minimal use zone. Subdivision should not be allowed in the minimal use zone.
The remaining 700m of the buffer zone (i.e. up to 1km away from the protected area) is
designated as a medium use zone. Appropriate land uses in the medium use zone include
agriculture (excluding piggeries, chicken batteries and feedlots), game farms, residential and
tourism-related developments associated with 80% open space, roads, railways, powerlines,
pipelines and cemeteries. Inappropriate land uses include industry, open cast mining,
landfills and sewerage farms.





Ridges form biodiversity hotspots. As they provide resources needed for survival,
reproduction and movement, they are also ideal refuges for wildlife in an urbanized
In a landscape affected by climate change, chances of species survival will be higher on
Ridges provide vital habitat for many threatened, rare and endemic species of fauna and
Ridges, and the interface between the lower slopes and the flat ground adjoining a ridge,
provide important habitat required for the completion of the life cycles of many
invertebrates, many of which provide essential ecosystem services (e.g. pollination).
Ridges form naturally existing corridors that can functionally interconnect isolated natural
areas and therefore play an important role in wildlife dispersal.
Other ecological processes associated with ridges, which are important for the
maintenance and generation of biodiversity, include evolutionary processes, hydrological
processes and pollination.
Primary grassland

Egoli Granite Grassland is a severely transformed, highly fragmented and degraded highveld
grassland vegetation type. Since it is endemic to Gauteng (i.e. it occurs nowhere else in the
world), its protection is both a provincial and national priority. At least 61% of Egoli Granite
Grassland has been permanently transformed. Taking degradation into account, it is
estimated that only 22% of this vegetation type remains in its primary/original state. This is
especially concerning since the proposed national target for this vegetation type is 25%, and
therefore may never be realized. Furthermore, highveld grassland is one of the two richest
primary grasslands in the world. It is therefore essential that any remnant patch of primary


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 13.10: Template I.2

Egoli Granite Grassland is protected from transforming land uses, especially if it is >12ha in
size or is associated with a river, wetland or ridge.
Tsakane Clay Grassland is a severely transformed, highly fragmented and degraded highveld
grassland vegetation type. Since 84% of this vegetation type occurs in Gauteng, its
protection is both a provincial and national priority. At least 63% of Tsakane Clay Grassland
has been permanently transformed. Taking degradation into account, it is estimated that only
21% of this vegetation type remains in its primary/original state. This is especially concerning
since the proposed national target for this vegetation type is 25%, and therefore may never be
realized. Furthermore, highveld grassland is one of the two richest primary grasslands in the
world. It is therefore essential that any remnant patch of primary Tsakane Clay Grassland is
protected from transforming land uses, especially if it is >12ha in size or is associated with a
river, wetland or ridge.


Wetlands are sensitive ecological systems important for the maintenance of biodiversity and
for the ecosystem services they provide to society. Besides a source of water, wetlands
reduce the severity of droughts and floods by regulating streamflow, they purify water by
trapping pollutants and control soil erosion. Wetlands also function as carbon sinks. This is
especially important in the current context of elevated atmospheric carbon dioxide levels and
related global warming. Wetlands may also have an important influence on the recharge or
discharge of groundwater. Wetlands are rich in biodiversity, providing essential habitat for a
wide diversity of fauna and flora, some of which are threatened with extinction. Use values
associated with wetlands include fibre for construction and handcraft production, grazing
lands for domestic and wild grazers particularly in the dry season or during droughts, bird
watching and hunting.

Dolomitic areas

Internationally karst is recognized as a highly valuable, non-renewable resource that can be

especially vulnerable to disturbance and therefore requires sensitive management. Karst or
dolomitic areas contain some of South Africas largest aquifers, which have particularly high
storage capacities and high transmissivity values, but are also more vulnerable to
contamination / ground water pollution than any other types of aquifers. The numerous caves
found in dolomitic areas are also extremely sensitive environments which are of important
ecological, scientific, heritage, educational, cultural and recreational value. These caves
frequently contain spectacular crystal and limestone formations that have developed over
thousands of years and are also important repositories of paleontological and archeological
relics. Many are important tourist attractions while others are of cultural and historical
significance. These caves also provide essential refuges to a wide range of animals,
including rare and threatened bats, and they support a unique and poorly studied group of
animals known as troglobytes or cave dwellers i.e. various specialized worms, salamanders,
snails, crayfish, isopods, amphipods, spiders, crickets, beetles and fish that have adapted to
life in a dark, nutrient poor environment.


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide


Appendix 13.10: Template I.2

Quaternary catchments

The rivers that source in the identified priority quaternary catchments are still in a relatively
good to natural ecological state (in terms of the River Health Classification system), meaning
that basic ecological processes are still functional. To maintain the current ecological state,
development must be minimized within these catchments and be of low impact in nature with
intensive environmental management. Subdivision of land must also be avoided as it will lead
to the intensification of infrastructure development and urban sprawl, consequently
compromising the ecological integrity of rivers sourcing in the catchment. Although lowimpact mining could be considered through a comprehensive EIA, mining is also an
undesirable form of land use within the identified priority catchments as it impacts severely on
aquatic ecosystems.


River ecosystems (perennial and non-perennial) contribute to the conservation of biodiversity

and provide ecosystem services such as clean water. Rivers provide a habitat to many
species, both inside of the water body and the river channel as well as within the riparian
zone and larger floodplains. Rivers and streams are linear ecosystems and are therefore
extremely sensitive to any disturbance that may occur within the entire catchment of the river
or stream. As rivers are affected along their entire lengths downstream of impacts, stringent
measures are required to prevent degradation at the point of impact as well as downstream.




All areas designated as sensitive in a sensitivity mapping exercise must be incorporated

into an open space system and registered against the title deeds as a conservation
servitude. Development must be located on the areas of lowest sensitivity.
Edge must be reduced by clustering development structures on the edge of the proposed
development site closest to existing development.
An independent, suitably qualified individual (at least a B.Sc. Hons in the natural
sciences) must act as the environmental control officer.
Monthly audit reports are required for the duration of the construction and rehabilitation
An appropriate management authority (e.g. the body corporate) that is contractually
bound to implement the EMP and ROD during the operational phase must be identified.
An ecological management plan for the open space system incorporating all sensitive
areas must be compiled by a suitably qualified specialist for implementation by the
appropriate management authority. This ecological management must:

Include a fire management programme to ensure persistence of grassland;

Include an ongoing monitoring and eradication programme for all non-indigenous
species, with specific emphasis on invasive and weedy species;
Ensure the persistence of all Red and Orange List species;
Include a monitoring programme for all Red and Orange List species;
Facilitate/augment natural ecological processes;
Provide for the habitat and life history needs of important pollinators;


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 13.10: Template I.2

Minimize artificial edge effects (e.g. water runoff from developed areas & application
of chemicals); and
Result in a report back to GDACE on an annual basis.

All areas earmarked for development must be fenced off from the open space system
before construction is initiated. All construction-related impacts (including service roads)
must be contained within the fenced-off development areas. Mitigatory measures are
required to prevent access of vehicles to the open space system and access of people
must be controlled, both during the construction and operational phases. Movement of all
indigenous fauna must however be allowed (i.e. no solid walls, e.g. through the erection
of palisade fencing). [NB But see specific requirements should Giant Bullfrogs occur on
Compacting of soil must be avoided in areas to be included in the open space system.
Connectivity between the open space system and adjacent natural vegetation / open
space systems must be ensured.
Lighting used in the development must adhere to environmentally friendly standards i.e.
minimum lighting and sodium lights (yellow lights) where possible.
The use of insecticides, herbicides and other chemicals should not be permitted within
200m of the open space system.
Only species indigenous to South Africa may be used for landscaping. Plant species
locally indigenous to the area are preferred. As far as possible, plants naturally growing
on the development site, but would otherwise be destroyed during clearing for
development purposes, should be incorporated into landscaped areas. Forage and host
plants required by pollinators should also be planted in landscaped areas.
Where possible, trees naturally growing on the site should be retained as part of the
landscaping, with specific emphasis on the following species: [please select from the
following list only those species that occur on site: Acacia erioloba, Boscia albitrunca,
Combretum imberbe, Pittosporum viridiflorum, Prunus africana, Sclerocarya birrea subsp.
caffra]. Measures to ensure that these trees survive the physical disturbance from the
development must be implemented. A tree surgeon should be consulted in this regard.
In order to minimize artificially generated surface stormwater runoff, total sealing of paved
areas such as parking lots, driveways, pavements and walkways should not be permitted.
Permeable material should rather be utilized for these purposes. In addition, runoff rain
water from all roofs should be collected in underground water tanks.

[Only insert the following when a river/stream and/or wetland occurs on site]
No surface stormwater generated as a result of the development may be directed directly
into any natural drainage system or wetland. A comprehensive surface runoff and
stormwater management plan, indicating the management of all surface runoff generated
as a result of the development (during both the construction and operational phases) prior
to entering any natural drainage system or wetland, must be submitted (e.g. stormwater
and flood retention ponds). This surface stormwater management plan must indicate how
surface runoff will be retained outside of the demarcated buffer/flood zone, and how the
natural release of retained surface runoff will be simulated so as not to impact on the
natural hydrology and morphology of the river and the riparian zone.
Special care needs to be taken during the construction phase to prevent surface
stormwater rich in sediments and other pollutants from entering the natural drainage
systems / wetlands. In order to prevent erosion, mechanisms are required for dissipating
water energy.


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 13.10: Template I.2

A comprehensive plan for limited recreational development (trails, bird hides etc.) within
any riparian zone on the development site must be included in the EMP to be submitted
for approval.
No activity such as temporary housing, temporary ablution, disturbance of natural habitat,
storing of equipment or any other use of the buffer/flood zone whatsoever, may be
permitted during the construction phase. The demarcated buffer/flood zone must be
fenced during the construction phase to prevent any misinterpretation of the demarcated
no-go zone.
The crossing of natural drainage systems must be minimized and may only be
constructed at the shortest possible route, perpendicular to the natural drainage system.
Bridge crossings must span the entire stretch of the flood line or buffer zone [include
relevant flood lines buffer zones].

[Only insert the following when Giant Bullfrogs occur or potentially occur on site.]
[Only insert when Giant Bullfrogs / Giant Bullfrog habitat will be retained in an open space
system of a development situated outside the urban edge] Permeable fencing should be
erected around the open space system.
[Only insert when Giant Bullfrogs / Giant Bullfrog habitat will be retained in an open space
system of a development situated within the urban edge] Giant Bullfrogs must be
prevented from leaving the site and entering unsuitable habitat through the construction
of an impermeable wall or appropriately designed fence.
[Only insert when Giant Bullfrogs / Giant Bullfrog habitat will be retained in an open space
system of a development situated in a peri-urban area within the urban edge] The
specialist must advise on the desirability of an impermeable versus permeable wall or
fence that would allow limited dispersal into surrounding open spaces.
[Only insert when a development impacts on confirmed or potential Giant Bullfrog habitat
and no suitable habitat will be conserved within the development] A rescue and recovery
operation for Giant Bullfrogs is required within the development footprint and must comply
with the following:
- Site to be cleared to a depth of 30cm using spades rather than automated excavation
- A qualified herpetologist must be on site to oversee the ground clearing phase;
- A protocol for the rescue of Giant Bullfrogs must be submitted prior to any
construction activity on site. Mr Vincent Carruthers has developed a comprehensive
protocol that could, with his permission, be used as a guide;
- The GDACE herpetologist must be consulted as to the most appropriate release site;
- The GDACE herpetologist must be informed if any Giant Bullfrogs are unearthed on
Construction activities must be limited to the dry season.
[Only insert when a development impacts on confirmed or potential Giant Bullfrog habitat
and no suitable habitat will be conserved within the development] The entire property
must be fenced so that no Giant Bullfrogs can gain access. Fencing or at least a suitable
temporary barrier must be erected around the site before construction is initiated.
[Only insert the following additional mitigation measures when Giant Bullfrogs / Giant
Bullfrog habitat will be retained in an open space system, the specialist is of the opinion
that sufficient good quality habitat will be conserved on site and/or that connectivity
between the site and surroundings areas should be maintained]


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 13.10: Template I.2

A comprehensive, site-specific plan for the ecological management of suitable habitat

is required.
The owner/managing agent must commit in writing to the long-term implementation of
the plan and must be audited by GDACE annually.
The plan must include a monitoring component and must make provision for at least
two residents to be appointed as Giant Bullfrog monitors. These individuals must
receive training from a Giant Bullfrog expert (to be arranged at the expense of the
owner/managing agent) on the identification, biology, handling and habitat
requirements of the Giant Bullfrog. The Giant Bullfrog monitors are then responsible
for reporting breeding emergences of this species to the GDACE herpetologist as well
as any other problems that might arise.
Information boards must be erected within the development informing residents of the
presence of Giant Bullfrogs, their identification, conservation status and importance,
biology, habitat requirements and the requirements of the plan in terms of
Domestic pets must be excluded from areas of good quality Giant Bullfrog habitat and
human access must be restricted to maintenance activities stipulated in the plan.
No trees may be planted in areas of good quality Giant Bullfrog habitat.
Giant Bullfrogs must be excluded (by means of a wall or reverse kerbing) from
accessing areas of unsuitable habitat. A suitable barrier must be erected around the
site before construction is initiated.
The speed of vehicles around a breeding site must be restricted (by traffic calming
measures etc.) to max. of 60km/h.

[Only insert the following when Red List reptiles occur or potentially occur on site.]

[Only insert when a development impacts on confirmed or potential habitat for Red List
reptiles and no suitable habitat will be conserved within the development] A rescue and
recovery operation for all Red List reptiles is required within the development footprint.
Within the range of the Striped Harlequin Snake this includes the careful excavation of all
termite mounds. A qualified herpetologist must be on site to oversee the ground clearing
phase. The GDACE herpetologist must be consulted as to the most appropriate release
site. The GDACE herpetologist must be informed if any Red List reptiles are found on
[Only insert when a development impacts on confirmed or potential habitat for Red List
reptiles and no suitable habitat will be conserved within the development] The entire
property must be fenced so that any Red List reptiles confirmed or potentially occurring
on site cannot gain access. Fencing or at least a suitable temporary barrier must be
erected around the site before construction is initiated.
[Only insert the following additional mitigation measures when confirmed or potential Red
List reptile habitat will be retained in an open space system, the specialist is of the
opinion that sufficient good quality habitat will be conserved on site and/or that
connectivity between the site and surroundings areas should be maintained.]

A plan for the ecological management of suitable habitat is required.

The owner/managing agent must commit in writing to the long-term implementation of
the plan and must be audited by DACE annually.
Domestic pets must be excluded from areas of good quality Red List reptile habitat.


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 13.10: Template I.2

Red List reptiles must be excluded (by means of a wall) from accessing areas of
unsuitable habitat. A suitable barrier must be erected around the site before
construction is initiated.
Information boards must be erected within the development informing residents of the
presence of Red List reptiles, their identification, conservation status and importance,
biology, habitat requirements and the requirements of the plan in terms of

[Only insert the following when Red List birds occur or potentially occur on site.]
Construction activities must be timed to coincide with the period when the Red List bird
species that could potentially occur on site are unlikely to be breeding.
[Only insert the following additional mitigation measures when confirmed or potential Red
List bird habitat will be retained in an open space system, the specialist is of the opinion
that sufficient good quality habitat will be conserved on site and/or that connectivity
between the site and surroundings areas should be maintained.]


A plan for the ecological management of suitable habitat is required.

The owner/managing agent must commit in writing to the long-term implementation of
the plan and must be audited by DACE annually.
Domestic pets must be excluded from areas of good quality bird habitat.
Information boards must be erected within the development informing residents of the
presence of Red List birds, their identification, conservation status and importance,
biology, habitat requirements and the requirements of the plan in terms of
[Only insert when Red-billed Oxpecker has been recorded on site] Large trees must
be retained on site and the use of chemicals for the removal of eco-parasites from
livestock and game is not permitted.
Roads/ Railways / Pipelines / Powerlines

The appropriate agency must implement an ongoing monitoring and eradication

programme for all invasive and weedy plant species growing within 200m of the route.
Any post-development re-vegetation or landscaping exercise may only use species
indigenous to South Africa. Plant species locally indigenous to the area are preferred.
As far as possible, plants naturally growing along the route, but would otherwise be
destroyed during construction, should be used for re-vegetation / landscaping purposes.
Where a road /railway / pipeline/ powerline is to traverse a wetland, measures are
required to ensure that the road /railway / pipeline/ powerline has minimal effect on the
flow of water through the wetland, e.g. [only insert for roads & railways] by using a high
level clearspan bridge or box culverts rather than pipes. During construction, the
disturbance of the wetland at and adjacent to the crossing site must be minimized. A plan
for the rehabilitation of damage during construction must be submitted for approval by
GDACE. The rehabilitation plan must be implemented immediately upon completion of
No activity such as temporary housing, temporary ablution, disturbance of natural habitat,
storing of equipment or any other use of the buffer/flood zone whatsoever, may be
permitted during the construction phase. The demarcated buffer/flood zone must be
fenced during the construction phase to prevent any misinterpretation of the demarcated
no-go zone.
No sealing of surfaces under a bridge or gabion construction is allowed.


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 13.10: Template I.2

[Only insert the following for roads]

Appropriate road design and traffic control measures are required to reduce air pollution
and animal mortality.
An impermeable barrier, either in the form of a wall or reverse kerbing to physically block
access of animals to the road surface, must be installed. All stormwater structures must
be designed so as to block Giant Bullfrog and reptile access to the road surface.
Where natural migration routes along perennial and non-perennial streams are impacted
by a road, an underpass must provide for the movement of aquatic as well as terrestrial
species through the inclusion of relevant buffer zones and flood lines within the
underpass (i.e. 1:50 year flood line or 32m buffer zone from the edge of the riparian zone
(whichever is greater) within the urban edge or 1:100 year flood line or 100m buffer zone
from the edge of the riparian zone (whichever is greater) outside the urban edge).
Suitable terrestrial underpasses must also be provided to facilitate safe movement of
animals, with specific emphasis where roads traverse ridges, Giant Bullfrog habitat and
Red List bird, reptile or mammal habitat. The number and spacing of underpasses will
need to be determined on a case-by-case basis depending on the type of fragmentation
and a motivated recommendation by an appropriate faunal specialist is required. All
underpasses must be dressed with a layer of sand (minimum 10cm) and must be a
minimum of 1.5m x 1.0m so as to facilitate maintenance access. Underpasses must be
accessible to maintenance staff and must be cleared of accumulated material at least at
the start of each rainy season.
Fencing / vegetation along the middle of highways is preferred over solid barriers.
Where Grass Owls have been confirmed or are expected, a maximum speed limit of
60km/h should be enforced through the introduction of speed traps, rumble strips and
speed bumps. Where a road-related mortality problem is encountered with other priority
species, similar measures may be required.
Where roads traverse natural corridors such as streams and ridges, traffic control
measures are required (e.g. 60km/h speed limits, speed traps, rumble strips and speed
Vehicles transporting grain must be fully enclosed to reduce the incidence of accidental
spillage that may attract foraging rodents to the road surface. The provincial roads
agency must take responsibility for enforcing this.
Road margins must be mowed and/or burned to prevent the accumulation of grass cover
that could provide refuge for small mammals.
Within the grassland biome, road alignments should, where possible, avoid areas where
powerlines and telephone lines provide an attraction for species that hunt from perches.
No surface stormwater generated as a result of the road development may be directed
directly into any natural drainage system. A comprehensive surface runoff and
stormwater management plan, indicating the management of all surface runoff generated
as a result of the road development (during both the construction and operational phases)
prior to entering any natural drainage system or wetland, must be submitted (e.g.
stormwater and flood retention ponds). This surface stormwater management plan must
indicate how surface runoff will be retained outside of the demarcated buffer/flood zone,
and how the natural release of retained surface runoff will be simulated so as not to
impact on the natural hydrology and morphology of the river and the riparian zone.
Special care needs to be taken during the construction phase to prevent surface
stormwater rich in sediments and other pollutants from entering the natural drainage
systems / wetlands.


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 13.10: Template I.2

In order to prevent concentration of surface water runoff and dissipate the volume and
velocity of the surface runoff, sufficient road surface water runoff zones are required.
Flood retention structures must be constructed at all surface runoff gabions on the edge
of the road surface (i.e. where surface water is directed off the road surface).
No activity may take place outside of the demarcated road reserve.

[Only insert the following for powerlines]

Where a development involves overhead lines (powerlines or telephone lines), Mr Chris
van Rooyen of the Eskom-EWT strategic partnership must provide specialist input into
the management plan.


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 13.10: Template J

Appendix 13.10
Template J
(all applications)


Diamond Corner Building, 68 Eloff Street, Johannesburg
P O Box 8769, Johannesburg, 2000
Telephone: (011) 355-1900
Fax: (011) 337-2292


[insert GDACE Reference No.]

[insert EO name]
[insert EO direct phone number]
[insert EO email address]

The Director: Mineral Development - Gauteng

Department of Minerals and Energy
Private Bag X5
DME Reference:

[insert DME officials name]

Sub-Directorate: Mine Environmental Management
[insert DME Reference No.]
[insert relevant DME fax number]

Dear Sir/Madam
PROSPECTING / MINING / CLOSURE] OF [insert commodity e.g. CLAY / GOLD /
etc.] ON THE FARM[s] [insert farm names], DISTRICT OF [insert district]: [insert
applicants name]
1. Introduction
With reference to the above GDACE and DME reference numbers, the findings, comments and conditions are relevant.
This letter serves to inform you that the Department of Agriculture, Conservation, and
Environment (the Department) has reviewed the above-mentioned [select applicable
option Scoping Report / Environmental Impact Assessment / Environmental Management Plan / Prospecting EMP / Progress Report / Performance Assessment Report /
Closure Plan / Notification of Decision] dated [insert date] and hereby submits comments. In its review of the document[s] the Department took the following into account:


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 13.10: Template J

[Select and complete if applicable]


The information contained in the documents for the relevant application

submitted to GDACE, including:
[insert application or report type] received on [insert date];
[insert application or report type] received on [insert date];


A site visit undertaken by [insert names of EO / applicant / other relevant

persons] on [insert date];


Relevant information contained in the Departments Geographical Information

System (GIS) database, including:
[insert database, e.g. - Red Data List plants, Wetlands, Ridges, etc.];


The objectives and requirements of relevant government legislation, policies

and guidelines, including Section 2 of the National Environmental
Management Act, 1998 (NEMA); and


The Departments Mining Environmental Management Impact Guide, 2008.

Section 2 below sets out the Departments findings relating to specific project components. Section 3 sets out the specific conditions to be included in the [select applicable Prospecting Right and EMP / Mining Permit / Mining Right / Closure Plan]. Section 4
provides the Departments recommendations on the proposed development.
2. Findings
[To be completed by EO]
3. Specific conditions to be complied with
The following conditions should be included in the [select applicable - prospecting right
and EMP / Mining Permit / Mining Right / Closure Plan] should you grant approval:
[To be completed by EO]
4. Conclusion


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 13.10: Template J

The Department has no objection to the proposed activity and therefore recommends
the approval of the [select applicable - Prospecting Right and EMP / Mining Permit /
Mining Right / Closure Plan], subject to compliance with conditions outlined in Section 3
of this letter.
For our records, the Department requests a copy of the final Department of Minerals and
Energy authorisation issued for this application, faxed to the fax number above, made for
attention of the Environmental Officer handling this application.
Should you have any queries regarding this letter you are welcome to contact [insert
name of EO] of the Department.
Yours faithfully

HOD: Gauteng Department of Agriculture, Conservation, and Environment



GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 13.10: Template K

Appendix 13.10
Template K
(all applications)


Diamond Corner Building, 68 Eloff Street, Johannesburg
P O Box 8769, Johannesburg, 2000
Telephone: (011) 355-1900
Fax: (011) 337-2292


[insert GDACE Reference No.]

[insert EO name]
[insert EO direct phone number]
[insert EO email address]

The Director: Mineral Development - Gauteng

Department of Minerals and Energy
Private Bag X5
DME Reference:

[insert DME officials name]

Sub-Directorate: Mine Environmental Management
[insert DME Reference No.]
[insert relevant DME fax number]

Dear Sir/Madam
RE: EVALUATION OF THE APPLICATION FOR [select type of application
commodity e.g. CLAY / GOLD / etc.] ON THE FARM[s] [insert farm names],
DISTRICT OF [insert district]: [insert applicants name]
With reference to the above GDACE and DME reference numbers, the findings, comments and conditions are relevant.
This Department respectfully requests an extension of the commenting period from 60
days to [insert number of days requested 90 / 120] for the above- mentioned
application for the following reasons:
[EO to give key reasons why the period should be extended]
1) ;
2) ;


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide


Appendix 13.10: Template K

Kindly contact [insert EO name], of this Department, should you have any queries
regarding this request.
Yours faithfully

HOD: Gauteng Department of Agriculture, Conservation, and Environment



GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 13.10: Template L

Appendix 13.10
Template L
(all applications)

Diamond Corner Building, 68 Eloff Street, Johannesburg
P O Box 8769, Johannesburg, 2000
Telephone: (011) 355-1900
Fax: (011) 337-2292


[insert GDACE Reference No.]

[insert EO name]
[insert EO direct phone number]
[insert EO email address]

The Director: Mineral Development - Gauteng

Department of Minerals and Energy
Private Bag X5
DME Reference:

[insert DME officials name]

Sub-Directorate: Mine Environmental Management
[insert DME Reference No.]
[insert relevant DME fax number]

Dear Sir/Madam
PROSPECTING / MINING / CLOSURE] OF [insert commodity e.g. CLAY / GOLD /
etc.] ON THE FARM[s] [insert farm names], DISTRICT OF [insert district]: [insert
applicants name]
With reference to the above GDACE and DME reference numbers, the findings, comments and conditions are relevant.
This Department supports Ministerial refusal of the application for a [select applicable
option Scoping Report / Environmental Impact Assessment / Environmental
Management Plan / Prospecting EMP / Progress Report / Performance Assessment
Report / Closure Plan / Notification of Decision] dated [insert date] in any form for the
following reasons:
[EO to summarise key negative points from site investigation and/or specialist


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide


Appendix 13.10: Template L


Should your Department hold a different view and support the application, please ensure
that the matter is further discussed with this Department prior to approving the above
mentioned application.
Kindly contact [insert EO name], of this Department, should you have any queries
regarding this report.
Yours faithfully

HOD: Gauteng Department of Agriculture, Conservation, and Environment.



GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 13.10: Template M

Appendix 13.10
Template M
(Notification of Decision)


Diamond Corner Building, 68 Eloff Street, Johannesburg
P O Box 8769, Johannesburg, 2000
Telephone: (011) 355-1900
Fax: (011) 337-2292


[insert GDACE Reference No.]

[insert EO name]
[insert EO direct phone number]
[insert EO email address]

The Director: Mineral Development - Gauteng

Department of Minerals and Energy
Private Bag X5
DME Reference:

[insert DME officials name]

Sub-Directorate: Mine Environmental Management
[insert DME Reference No.]
[insert relevant DME fax number]

Dear Sir/Madam
RE: NOTIFICATION OF DECISION - [select type of application PROSPECTING
PLAN] FOR [select PROSPECTING / MINING / CLOSURE] OF [insert commodity
e.g. CLAY / GOLD / etc.] ON THE FARM[s] [insert farm names], DISTRICT OF
[insert district]: [insert applicants name]
With reference to the above GDACE and DME reference numbers, the findings, comments and conditions are relevant.
This letter serves to acknowledge receipt of the Notification of Decision dated [insert
date] and to confirm that the Department [select applicable supports / does not
support] the decision. The application has been issued with reference number [insert
GDACE reference number]. Please quote this number on all future correspondence in
this regard.
The staff member from our Directorate who will be handling this matter is [insert EO


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 13.10: Template M

name], and all communications with regard to this project should be directed to [select him / her]. GDACE would like to be kept informed of any changes to the application and
any further reports generated by the applicant in terms of progress reports, monitoring
reports and amendments to the application.
Yours faithfully

HOD: Gauteng Department of Agriculture, Conservation, and Environment



GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 13.10: Template N

Appendix 13.10
Template N
(Progress Reports, Retention Permits and Performance Assessments)


Diamond Corner Building, 68 Eloff Street, Johannesburg
P O Box 8769, Johannesburg, 2000
Telephone: (011) 355-1900
Fax: (011) 337-2292


[insert GDACE Reference No.]

[insert EO name]
[insert EO direct phone number]
[insert EO email address]

The Director: Mineral Development - Gauteng

Department of Minerals and Energy
Private Bag X5
DME Reference:

[insert DME officials name]

Sub-Directorate: Mine Environmental Management
[insert DME Reference No.]
[insert relevant DME fax number]

Dear Sir/Madam
[select PROSPECTING / MINING] OF [insert commodity e.g. CLAY / GOLD /
etc.] ON THE FARM[s] [insert farm names], DISTRICT OF [insert district]: [insert
applicants name]
With reference to the above GDACE and DME reference numbers, the findings, comments and conditions are relevant.
This department has reviewed the above mentioned report and has the following
comments and conditions:
[include comments and conditions here]
GDACE request that any further decision made or comments received for the above
mentioned activity are forwarded to the EO responsible at GDACE for reference


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 13.10: Template N

Kindly contact [insert EO name], of this Department, should you have any queries
regarding this report. For our records, the Department requests a copy of the final
Department of Minerals and Energy authorisation issued for this application, faxed to the
fax number above, made for attention of the Environmental Officer handling this application.

Yours faithfully

HOD: Gauteng Department of Agriculture, Conservation, and Environment



GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 13.10: Template O

Appendix 13.10
Template O
(all applications)


Diamond Corner Building, 68 Eloff Street, Johannesburg
P O Box 8769, Johannesburg, 2000
Telephone: (011) 355-1900
Fax: (011) 337-2292


[insert GDACE Reference No.]

[insert EO name]
[insert EO direct phone number]
[insert EO email address]

The Director: Mineral Development - Gauteng

Department of Minerals and Energy
Private Bag X5
DME Reference:

[insert DME officials name]

Sub-Directorate: Mine Environmental Management
[insert DME Reference No.]
[insert relevant DME fax number]

Dear Sir/Madam
PLAN] FOR [select PROSPECTING / MINING / CLOSURE] OF [insert commodity
e.g. CLAY / GOLD / etc.] ON THE FARM[s] [insert farm names], DISTRICT OF
[insert district] - [insert applicants name]
This letter serves as notification of non-compliance with the [select Mineral and
Petroleum Resources Development Act 28 of 2002 / National Environmental
Management Act 107 of 1998 / insert applicable Act].
The following observations were made during a site visit to the above mentioned site on
[insert date of site visit] and it is of the Departments view that these issues result in noncompliance with the abovementioned legislation:
[EO to summarise issues of concern]


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Appendix 13.10: Template O

In view of the above mentioned issues, the Department advises the DME to issue a
directive in terms of Section 45 of the MPRDA that compels the applicant to take
immediate remedial measures to ensure that ecological degradation, pollution and
environmental damage is minimised. If a directive is issued, it is requested that the DME
advise the Department of the outcome.
The Department reserves the right to take further action against the applicant if noncompliance measures are not addressed promptly by both the DME and the applicant.
GDACE request that any further decisions made or comments received for the above
mentioned application are forwarded to the EO responsible at GDACE for reference
Kindly contact [insert EO name], of this Department, should you have any queries
regarding this letter.
Yours faithfully

HOD: Gauteng Department of Agriculture, Conservation, and Environment



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Page left blank for printing

GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 14: Geographic Information Systems




GIS today creates a versatile new way of managing and analysing data. By adding a spatial
dimension to data, GIS has the potential to affect the day-to-day decision-making process in
any organisation.
The purpose of this chapter is to discuss the basic principles of GIS and to expand on its
application within GDACE. The layers described in this chapter only deal with the layers
prepared by the Council for Geoscience.

What is a GIS?

GIS is computer-based software which combines mapping, database management and

analytical functions. All spatial data is recorded either as points, lines or polygons in space.
GIS enables the user to overlay different layers/themes of spatial data in order to analyse the
relationship between the various themes. It can also display new themes based on the preselection of tabular data such as displaying a map of all the gold deposits in the Gauteng


The application of GIS within GDACE will be used as follows:

To monitor the environmental impact of mining in Gauteng, and to identify natural

hazards and environmentally sensitive areas
There will be a connection to an external access database to facilitate the integration
of mining applications
The production of small map products.

By using GIS various thematic layers can be overlaid to assist the user with environmental
impact assessments. Integrating thematic layers such as topography, land ownership, land
use and geology can facilitate the objective selection of economically and environmentally
preferable alternatives. Buffers can be created around selected features to identify zones of
no interference or development. Other factors that play a role in the process of a mining
application such as property ownership, lease holdings and mineral rights can also be
successfully managed within GIS.


Mapping Requirements for an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)

The use of mapping in EIAs is integral, as maps provide the means through which the
proposed development can be viewed within a spatial context. This means that data gathered
in the field as well as existing data available for the study area can be visualised and
assessed in a holistic manner. A result of this process often reveals spatial relationships and
Cover page Map showing conservation areas in Gauteng Province, South Africa (Source:


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 14: Geographic Information Systems

interactions which are often undetected. The most progressive means of mapping is through
the use of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) as it enables sound cartography as well as
a holistic analysis of an area. GIS is a digital cartographic tool capable of creating, integrating,
storing, editing, analysing, sharing, and displaying geographically referenced information. It
allows users to create queries, analyse spatial information as well as editing and managing
data with a final product being the creation of maps to aid in visual interpretation.
Data is available in many different forms, ranging from simple point co-ordinates to advanced
remote sensing performed on satellite imagery. Each data type holds specific information
concerning a feature on the surface of the earth; these different data types are termed layers.
It is the combination of these layers that holds value to potential developers, government
officials, environmental managers etc. The combination of specific layers relative to the study
area reveal the functionality of that specific environment and this is the purpose of an EIA, to
assess the current state of environment and to determine the possible impacts an activity
could have on the study area as well as the surrounding environments.
For this reasoning the following maps should possibly be included into environmental
documentation, such as an EIA:
14.4.1. Regional Setting
This map is generally larger than a scale of 1:100,000 and includes relevant aspects such as,
municipal boundaries, main roads, main rivers, towns, suburbs, and the project site. The
purpose of this map is to describe the location of the proposed project relative to the
surrounding area within a regional context.
14.4.2. Local Setting
This map is at a smaller scale (1:50,000) and should focus more on the project site and the
immediate surrounding areas. This map should include aspects such as roads,
rivers/streams, farm boundaries, dams/pans, wetlands, protected areas, land use and urban
areas. The purpose of this map is to show what geographic features are within the proposed
developments immediate surrounds.
14.4.3. Site Plan
This map should describe the proposed plan for the site in combination with roads,
rivers/streams, farm boundaries, dams/pans, flood plain, wetlands, protected areas, urban
areas occurring within the proposed site boundary. This map should highlight any
environmental feature which could be impacted on by the proposed development. The site
plan should also be overlaid on an aerial photograph / satellite image of a resolution higher
than 0.3m and plotted at a scale of 1:1000 (or smaller) on large format paper. The image
should also be no older than 1 year.
14.4.4. Land Tenure
This map focuses on the surrounding farms and farm portions (or erfs in an urban area) and
is utilised in the public participation process in identifying the relevant and effected parties.
The land tenure map should depict relevant land owner information such as ownership and
parcel size).


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 14: Geographic Information Systems

14.4.5. Topography
This map focuses on the shape and relative elevations of the surface and plays an import role
in looking at which direction water runoff from a site as well as aspects such as flora, slope
stability and slope direction. Aspects such as contour lines, rivers/streams, dams/pans etc
should be included on this map. Preferably a digital terrain model (DTM) should be included
to evaluate the topography.
14.4.6. Sensitive areas
This map focuses on the Gauteng C-Plan and identifies sensitive areas which need to be
considered. The proposed site needs to be superimposed onto the C-Plan to evaluate if the
site is located in a sensitive area or if it is located nearby a sensitive area.
14.4.7. Fauna and flora
This map identifies locations of fauna and flora present within the proposed site area and
highlights sensitive fauna / flora such as red data species, endangered / threatened
Other Maps need to be included and should depict the site infrastructure relative to the theme
of the map; these include:

Soil (Check for unstable soil types and other geotechnical issues);
Geology (check for dolomite and other unstable lithologies and faults etc);
Population Density (highlight where people live);
Groundwater / Geohydrology (to support Groundwater Analysis); and
Surface Water (to display quality and possibility of pollution from the proposed

14.4.8. Technical Issues

All Maps need the following:

North Arrow;
Scale Bar;
Scale in ratio format (eg 1:50,000);
Scales to be rounded off to a workable number (e.g. 1:47,373 should be rounded to
The map projection used needs to be specified;
Data sources and credits needs to be stated;
The plan/ map/ figure number needs to be clearly typed;
The map needs to have a reference grid with co-ordinates; and
The location of the proposed site.

Maps should adequately describe the content of what is being displayed. The C-plan is only
an indication and where a site is located in a sensitive area, the EO should undertake a site
visit to confirm sites that indicate a sensitive/ irreplaceable or important site.


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide


Chapter 14: Geographic Information Systems

GIS Layers

All the layers supplied are graphical representations of the spatial data in real-world
coordinates. Each feature is recorded as a series of coordinates in the WGS84 coordinate
system. All the files are available as shapefiles (.shp). The shapefiles store the geometric
location and attribute information of these features and are made up of three underlying files
(.shp, .shx, .dbf) that must be kept together in the same folder. The accompanying data
dictionary covers aspects such as the file names, origin, features, field types and attribute
values and codes. Each data set contains the applicable attribute codes and descriptions and
has full topological structuring.
The functions that the user will perform on the data set include:

Zooming in to a specific area and displaying specific information

Database searches
Measuring distances
Creating buffer zones around specific features

14.5.1. Layer 1: Mineral Deposit Locations in Gauteng

A mineral deposit, which is located at the approximate centre of a deposit area, can be
described as a mineral occurrence where exploratory work has proven that the quality and
quantity of the commodity(ies) are such that exploitation has been, or is currently feasible, or
is likely to become feasible in future. This term automatically applies to all producing mines,
past and present.



Council for Geoscience


The most significant mineral data within Gauteng (626 records) were
extracted from SAMINDABA (South African Mineral Deposits Database). The
dataset contains information such as the name of each deposit, the mining
status, morphology, size classification and principal commodities (See Table


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 14: Geographic Information Systems

Table 14-1: Commodity Codes and Descriptions


Chrysotile (Asbestos)
Bentonite (clay)
Refractory clay (flint)
Kaolin (clay)
Nontronite/Saponite (clay)
Refractory Clay (Semi Flint and
Vermiculite-Chlorite Group (clay)
Clay (general)
Diamond (Alluvium)
Diamond (in kimberlite)
Dolomitic Limestone
Dimension Stone (general)
Granite/Quartz Porphyry/Syenite
(dimension stone)
Gabbro/Dolerite/Norite (dimension
Quartzite/Sandstone (dimension




Quartzite/Sandstone (dimension stone)

Platinum Group Metals
Silica (general)
Building Sand (silica)
Crusher Sand (silica)
Silica Sand (silica)


Foundry Sand (silica)

Glass Sand (silica)
Metallurgical Silica
Plaster sand
Stone Aggregate, gravel





Table 14-2: Deposit Status Codes


Mine, continuously producing

Mine, continuously producing
Mine, dormant
Mine, abandoned
Deposit, exploited
Deposit, never exploited


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 14: Geographic Information Systems

Table 14-3: Layer 1 Field Descriptions







GDACE application reference number



Longitude in decimal degrees



Latitude in decimal degrees







1 commodity present in deposit


2 commodity present in deposit


3 commodity present in deposit


4 commodity present in deposit






5 commodity present in deposit




Present status of deposit or mine



Size of the deposit





Record name for deposit used in literature

and which could facilitate searches or the
production of maps
Registered nam e


The type of mining operation





The official name of the farm on which the

reference point is located. If a deposit spans
more than one farm, see FARM_NAME2
The official number of the farm on which the
reference point is located. If deposit spans
more than one farm, see NO2
The registration district as defined on the
most recent 1:250 000 topocadastral sheet
e.g. JR. If a deposit spans more than one
farm, see REG_DIST2
Owner details as on 31 March 2003


Postal address as on 31 March 2003



Telephone number as on 31 March 2003



Fax number as on 31 March 2003

































GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 14: Geographic Information Systems

14.5.2. Layer 2: Outline Position of Gold, Silver and Uranium Deposits in Gauteng

au, ag, u outline.shp


Council for Geoscience


Outline position of the gold, silver and uranium regions in Gauteng, including
the West Wits Line (Carletonville), West Rand South, West Rand North,
Central Rand and East Rand gold fields. Outline position of field/layer
approximately (See Table 14-4).

Table 14-4: Layer 2 Field Descriptions






Internal number
Internal number
Commodity type


14.5.3. Layer 3: Outline Position of Coal Deposits in Gauteng

Layer 3 is a field indicating areas of more or less continuous coal occurrences including both
economic and sub-economic deposits.

c outline.shp


Council for Geoscience


Outline position of the coal region in Gauteng where coal occurs, including
the South Rand, Witbank and the Vereening/Sasolburg areas (See Table 145).

Table 14-5: Layer 3 Field Descriptions




Internal number
Internal number
Identification number
Commodity type





14.5.4. Layer 4: Outline Position of Alluvial Diamond Deposits in Gauteng

Layer 4 is a field outlining more or less continuous alluvial diamond deposits.



Council for Geoscience


Outline position of the alluvial diamond regions in Gauteng (See Table 14-6).


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 14: Geographic Information Systems

Table 14-6: Layer 4 Field Descriptions




Internal number
Internal number
Identification number
Commodity type





14.5.5. Layer 5: Outline Position of the Kimberlite Diamond Deposits in Gauteng

Layer 5 is a field outlining known kimberlite pipes and dykes.



Council for Geoscience


Outline position of the diamondiferous kimberlites in Gauteng (See Table 147).

Table 14-7: Layer 5 Field Descriptions




Internal number
Internal number
Identification number
Commodity type





14.5.6. Layer 6: Outline Position of the Iron Deposits in Gauteng




Council for Geoscience


Mineralised iron layer with depth extension (See Table 14-8).

Table 14-8: Layer 6 Field Descriptions




Internal number
Internal number
Identification number
Commodity type






GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 14: Geographic Information Systems

14.5.7. Layer 7: Outline Position of Manganese Deposits in Gauteng

Layer 7 is a field outlining numerous discrete or discontinuous deposits of manganese.



Council for Geoscience


Outline position of the manganese regions in Gauteng (See Table 14-9).

Table 14-9: Layer 7 Field Descriptions




Internal number
Internal number
Identification number
Commodity type






14.5.8. Layer 8: The Malmani Subgroup

The Malmani Subgroup is part of the Chuniespoort Group (Transvaal Supergroup) and is one
of the main sedimentary carbonate units in Gauteng. It consists of a thick succession of
dolomite with interbedded cherts.



Council for Geoscience


Outlining the position of the Malmani Subgroup in Gauteng (See Table 1410).

Table 14-10: Layer 8 Field Descriptions







Unique stratigraphic key

Long integer



Long integer


Stratigraphic name



Chronostratigraphic unit name



Lithological description



Environmental class



GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 14: Geographic Information Systems

14.5.9. Layer 9: Mining Hot Spots in Gauteng

Mining hotspots refer to those areas where active mining is occurring as on 31 March 2003.



Council for Geoscience


Polygon outline of areas where active mining is occurring in the Gauteng


Table 14-11: Layer 9 Field Descriptions









Layer 10: Geology of Gauteng


Geology conveys information about the structure and stratigraphy of the earths surface, the
location and type of geological hazards and earth resources. The user can use geology to
understand and solve problems relating to earth resources, hazard assessment and land-use
planning. See Table 14-12 for codes and descriptions.
Table 14-12: Geological Codes and Descriptions


Diamictite with varved shale, mudstone with dropstones and fluvioglacial gravel
C-Pd common in the north

Network of dolerite sills, sheets and dykes, mainly intrusive into the Karoo




Rv Conglomerate, grit, quartzite


Rv Boulder conglomerate




Vrh Quartzite


Vrh Shale


Shale, with sandstone-rich units present towards the south, west and coal
seams in the northeast


Vh Shale


Vry Quartzite, shale, subordinate sub-greywacke


Vsb Quartzite, minor shale


Vkn Sandstone, quartzite


Vsf Fine-grained, flow-banded, porphyritic and spherulitic felsite


Vsf Tuff, rhyolite, agglomerate, quartzite


Vlo Mudrock, sandstone, conglomerate, volcanic rocks


Vlo Granophyre


Vrw Porphyritic rhyolite


K*wg Medium- to coarse-grained sandstone, subordinate conglomerate, minor shale


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide


Chapter 14: Geographic Information Systems



Vb Hortonolite dunite


Vra Granite granophyre




N*r Tuff


N*r Agglomerate, breccia, carbonatite


N*r Syenite


N*r Foyaite


N*r Syenodiorite

Trachyte, trachyandesite, bedded tuff, volcanic breccia and nepheline syenite



Vvl Norite


Vkb Norite, quartz norite


Vpy Gabbro and norite with interlayered anorthosite


Vbi Magnetite gabbro with layers of magnetite and anorthosite


Vbi Diorite, syenite




Amphibolite, serpentinite, talc, schist, diorite, gabbro, pyroxenite


Syenite, syenite dyke


Hybrid and metasomatised and fenitised rocks


Rw Quartzite, shale, conglomerate, minor lava and diamictite


Rd Basaltic andesite, acid lava (quartz-feldspar porphyry), subordinate quartzite


Rpl Lava (mainly andesite and quartz porphyry), shale, quartzite, conglomerate


Pe *


Rh Subequal shale and quartzite, minor conglomerate


Rg Quartzite, shale, minor/subordinate conglomerate



Shale, quartzite, subordinate lava, minor conglomerate

Rjo Quartzite, subordinate conglomerate, shale and amygdaloidal lava


Quartzite, conglomerate


Vma Chert


Ror Fine- to medium-grained quartzite, shale (in middle of formation)


Rbo Shale, subordinate quartzite


Rwe Basalt, tuff


Ral Basaltic lava (porphyritic), tuff (amygdaloidal in places)


Rrg Chert and tuff


Vrh Chert breccia, conglomerate


Vti Mudrock, quartzite, minor diamictite


Vdm Rhyolite with subordinate pyroclastic rocks and minor sandstone




Vlo Pyroclasts, lava


Pv Fine- to coarse-grained sandstone, shale, coal seams

Massive, generally red, porphyritic felsite, minor pyroclastic rocks and


Micronorite, magnetite dunite, websterite, wehrlite, clinopyroxenite, magnetitite,





K*li Syenodiorite, albite syenite, lamprophyres


Vle Granite


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 14: Geographic Information Systems



K*dw Pyroxenite, gabbro, anorthosite


Gneiss, migmatite, porphyritic granodiorite


Grey, medium-grained, porphyritic granodiorite


Grey, medium-grained granodiorite


Migmatite, banded gneiss, porphyritic granodiorite


Pinkish grey, medium to coarse-grained granodiorite


Ultramafic rocks, granitic rocks, dioritic gneiss, hornblende gneiss biotite

gneiss, hybrid mafic rocks


Mafic and ultramafic rocks





Volcanic rocks (basalt) and sedimentary rocks (conglomerate, shale,



Rk Tholeiitic basalt



Dolomite, subordinate chert, minor carbonaceous shale, limestone and



Vbr Quartzite, subordinate conglomerate and shale


Voa Dark-coloured dolomite


Vly Chert-free dolomite


Ve Chert-rich dolomite


Vbo Arkosic quartzite, sub-greywacke, siltstone, shale, conglomerate (in places)



Andesitic lava, subordinate pyroclastic rocks, minor quartzite, shale and



Vdw Quartzitic sandstone, mudrock and (in the west) conglomerate


Vst Shale, subordinate siltstone, minor quartzite


Vdp Quartzite with minor shale and siltstone


Vsi Shale, minor limestone/dolomite, basalt and tuff


Vmg Quartzite, minor shale


Vkp Quartzite (ferruginous in places), wacke, siltstone, shale, magnetic ironstone


Undifferentiated granite and gneiss




Soil cover


Gravel, diamondiferous in places


Surface deposits

River sand, alluvium


Vmo Chert-rich dolomite



Medium- to coarse-grained, grey and red granite, red granophyric granite,



Aeolian sand




Council for Geoscience

Associated table:



GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide


Chapter 14: Geographic Information Systems

The polygons depict information about geological features in the

Gauteng Province and contain various attribute codes describing the
geology. All the features were mapped at a scale of 1:50 000 and
compiled on a 1:250 000 scale.

Table 14-13: Layer 10 Field Descriptions








Unique geological identification

number on GEODE
identification number in SACS
Lithostratigraphic unit name


Rank of the lithostratigraphic unit

Chronostratigraphic unit name
Rank of chronostratigraphic unit
subdivision of lithological unit
Geological description


chronological Unit. Composed of
the Group and Formation name




Layer 11: Tectonic Lines




Council for Geoscience

Topological associated file:



The lines depict information on the contacts or structure

between two stratigraphic units (See Table 14-14).

Table 14-14: Layer 11 Field Descriptions








Code 1 = Geological contact, observed

Code 2 = Geological contact, inferred
Code 4 = Perennial-waterbody edge
Code 10 = Fault, observed
Code 13 = Fault, thrust, observed
Code 15 = Fault inferred
Code 69 = Shear zone

Long Integer


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide


Chapter 14: Geographic Information Systems


Metalite was used to design the Metadata. The objective of the Metadata is to provide the
user with background information on the applicable digital data sets i.e. origin, availability and
means of accessing. The Metadata are available as TXT, HTML and SGML and can be used
by all levels of government and the private sector should the need arise.
The following subset of the FGDC Metadata standard was used to describe the data sets:

Identification Information
Spatial Data Organisation Information
Spatial Reference Information
Distribution Information
Metadata Reference Information
Sensitivity Mapping

The objective of a sensitivity mapping exercise is to determine the location and extent of all
sensitive areas that must be protected from transforming land uses. A development proposal
is only considered compatible with the biodiversity sensitivities of the site if all sensitive areas
are avoided and are incorporated into an open space system.
14.7.1. Vegetation
All good condition natural vegetation and primary grassland must be mapped and designated
as sensitive.
14.7.2. Red & Orange List plants
The entire area occupied by all Red and Orange List plant populations must be mapped and
buffer zones provided to mitigate deleterious edge effects. Plant populations and protective
buffer zones must be designated as sensitive. Rules for buffer zones are as follows:

200m for Red and Orange List plant populations occurring within the urban edge
(applicant to refer to GDACEs Red List plant policy for more details).
For Red and Orange List plant populations occurring outside the urban edge:
- A1 species 600m
- A2 species 500m
- A3 species 400m
- B species 300m

Suitable habitat for expected Red and Orange List plant species (i.e. those species
historically recorded in the area but not located during surveys due to unfavourable
environmental conditions) must be mapped and designated as sensitive.
14.7.3. Red List mammals

The location of confirmed Red List mammal species must be designated as sensitive.
Suitable habitat for Red List mammal species must be designated as sensitive.


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 14: Geographic Information Systems

14.7.4. Red List birds

Areas of suitable habitat (differentiate between breeding, foraging, roosting etc.) for each Red
List species must be demarcated on a map of the site, together with appropriate buffers and
corridors, and designated sensitive.
Species-specific buffers, as specified in Table 14-15, must be designated as sensitive.
Table 14-15: Red list birds Buffer delineation

Cape Vulture

Blue Crane

Lesser Kestrel
Grass Owl
African Marsh Harrier

White-backed Night-Heron
White-bellied Korhaan
Martial Eagle

African Finfoot

Melodious Lark

Lesser Flamingo


Half-collared Kingfisher

Buffer delineation
800m buffer around the Nooitgedacht breeding colony on the
Magaliesberg and 800m around each of the vulture
restaurants (i.e. Nooitgedacht and the Rhino and Lion Nature
Buffer confirmed breeding sites within the Modderfontein
Conservation Area, the Rhino and Lion Nature Reserve and
on the farm De Wagensdrift 417JR with the total extent of
grassland and wetland habitat available on each site.
100m buffer around each roost (Vereeniging and Heidelberg
confirmed so far).
570m buffer around each confirmed point.
Buffer all confirmed points and the wetland with which the
birds are associated. Wetlands in turn to be buffered by
Buffer stretches of suitable habitat with 350m along rivers
where sightings have been confirmed.
570m buffer around each confirmed point outside of the urban
6750m buffer around each confirmed point outside of the
urban edge.
Buffer 2200m upstream and downstream of all confirmed
points. Entire 4400m stretch of river to be buffered with 350m
of terrestrial habitat on either side. Where the nearest dam is
greater than 2200m upstream of the confirmed sighting, the
upstream buffer must be extended to nearest dam (river to be
buffered by only 60m of terrestrial habitat on either side for
this additional portion).
For clusters of confirmed points (i.e. on the Suikerbosrand
Nature Reserve Extension and the Vaal Dam Nature
Reserve) buffer the extent of occurrence polygon with 200m.
For isolated points within protected areas and conservancies,
buffer the points with 200m.
60m buffer comprising terrestrial habitat around all confirmed
5150m buffer around each confirmed point (i.e. 8350ha)
outside of the urban edge and excluding Agricultural
Buffer 1000m upstream and downstream of all confirmed
points. Entire 2000m stretch to be buffered with 60m of


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 14: Geographic Information Systems


Greater Flamingo
Red-billed Oxpecker

Buffer delineation
terrestrial habitat on either side. Where the nearest dam is
greater than 1000m upstream of the confirmed sighting, the
upstream buffer must be extended to nearest dam (river to be
buffered by 60m of terrestrial habitat on either side for this
additional portion).
60m buffer comprising terrestrial habitat around all confirmed
Buffer confirmed points with farms on which confirmed points

14.7.5. Red List amphibians (Giant Bullfrog)

Areas of suitable habitat (differentiate between breeding, foraging, aestivation etc.) for each
Red List species must be demarcated on a map of the site, together with appropriate buffers
and corridors, and designated sensitive.
For pans and wetlands where breeding has been confirmed or is highly probable, the
following buffers are required:

Within urban areas within the urban edge: Minimum 60m terrestrial buffer around the
outer edge of the wetland temporary zone to conserve basic wetland functions and
provide limited foraging habitat.
Within peri-urban areas within the urban edge: Minimum of 60m terrestrial buffer around
the outer edge of the wetland temporary zone to conserve basic wetland functions and
provide limited foraging habitat.
Outside the urban edge: Minimum 500m terrestrial buffer around the outer edge of the
wetland temporary zone to conserve basic wetland functions and provide more extensive
foraging habitat.
All buffer zones must be designated sensitive.

14.7.6. Red List reptiles

Areas of suitable habitat (differentiate between breeding, foraging, aestivation etc.) for
each Red List species must be demarcated on a map of the site, together with
appropriate buffers and corridors, and designated sensitive.
A 1260m buffer (i.e. 500ha) around confirmed localities of the Southern African Python is

14.7.7. Red List invertebrates

The entire extent of all located populations of Red List, rare and endemic invertebrates
must be mapped and a 200m buffer zone added around the population extent. Both the
population and buffer zone must be designated as sensitive.
Suitable habitat for expected Red List, rare and endemic invertebrate species (i.e. those
species historically recorded in the area but not located during surveys due to


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 14: Geographic Information Systems

unfavourable environmental conditions or other factors) must be mapped and designated

as sensitive.
14.7.8. Wetlands
The wetland and a protective buffer zone, beginning from the outer edge of the wetland
temporary zone, must be designated as sensitive. Rules for buffer zone widths are as

30m for wetlands occurring inside the urban edge

50m for wetlands occurring outside the urban edge

Note that these buffer zones are essential to ensure healthy functioning and maintenance of
wetland ecosystems. Buffer zone widths will increase for wetlands supporting sensitive
14.7.9. Rivers (non-perennial / perennial)
Flood lines, riparian zones and buffer zones must be designated as sensitive according to the
following mapping rules:

1:100 year flood line for rivers/streams outside the urban edge.
1:50 year flood line for rivers/streams within the urban edge.
The riparian zone must be delineated according to DWAF, 2003: A Practical Guideline
Procedure for the Identification and Delineation of Wetlands and Riparian Zones.
A 100m buffer zone from the edge of the riparian zone for rivers/streams outside the
urban edge.
A 32m buffer zone from the edge of the riparian zone for rivers/streams within the urban



All ridges must be mapped and designated as sensitive. Already transformed areas can be
ascribed a low sensitivity. Where the interface between the lower slopes and adjacent land is
deemed important for certain species (e.g. low density herbivores recorded on site and
important/rare invertebrates), a buffer zone of 200m must be mapped and designated as


All caves and a 500m buffer zone must be designated as sensitive.


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GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 15: Glossary



General terms and definitions1


Acid mine drainage

Acidic precipitation
Acidic rocks

Aerial magnetometer
Aerial photography

Aeromagnetic survey


Airborne survey

Acidic run-off water from mine waste dumps and tailings
containing sulphide minerals. Also refers to ground water pumped
to surface from mines. Such drainage often requires treatment to
buffer acidity before it can be released into the natural
Rain that has a low pH, caused by sulphur dioxide and nitric oxide
gases from industrial activity released into the atmosphere.
Usually refers to an igneous rock carrying a high (greater than
65%) proportion of silica.
An opening driven horizontally into the side of a mountain or hill
for providing access to a mineral deposit, usually slightly inclined
to allow drainage. Strictly speaking, an adit is open to the
atmosphere at one end, a tunnel at both ends.
Sediment that was deposited by wind.
An instrument used to measure magnetic field strength from an
Successive photographs taken in the visible and very near
infrared bands with a downward-pointing camera mounted on an
aircraft. Three-dimensional topography can be studied by
observing sequential overlapping pairs of photographs through a
geomorphology, vegetation, etc.
A survey conducted from the air to determine the natural magnetic
characteristics of rocks on and below the earths surface.
A breccia composed largely or entirely of fragments of volcanic
A method of concentrating valuable minerals based on their
adhesion properties.
The sediment build-up that results from deposits transported by
wind or water.
A mass of rock fragments and/or mineral grains. Also, any
granular solid material used alone, e.g. ballast; or mixed with a
binding material, e.g. concrete.
In metallurgy, the act or state of being stirred or shaken
mechanically, some times accomplished by the introduction of
compressed air or by mechanical stirrers.
A survey made from an air craft to obtain photographs, or
measure magnetic properties, radioactivity, etc.
Applied to igneous rocks containing mostly sodium or potassium
rich feldspar.
A metal produced by combining two or more metals, mixed

Cover page Kennecott Copper Mine, Utach, U.S.A (Source: Touring Machine, 2006)


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 15: Glossary


Alluvial Deposits

Alpha meter
Alpha ray





together at the molecular level, in their molten state. Examples of
alloys are brass, bronze, and steel.
An alluvial deposit is an ancient river-washed rock and gravel bar
that may be thousands of feet from the nearest stream, creek, or
river. Relatively recent deposits of sedimentary material laid down
in river beds, flood plains, lakes, or at the base of mountain
slopes. Alluvial deposits contain untapped potential for finding
gold because such areas have never been worked before.
An instrument used to measure positively charged particles
emitted by radio active materials.
A positively charged particle emitted by certain radioactive
Any physical or chemical change in a rock or mineral subsequent
to its formation. Milder and more localised than metamorphism.
The common term for potassium aluminium sulphate
dodecahydrate, or potash alum, a colourless-to-white, crystalline
compound. Alum is used in water purification, leather tanning,
mordant dyeing, as an astringent, and in baking powder; it occurs
in nature as the mineral kalunite.
An oxide of aluminium (Al2O3).
An alloy or union of mercury with another metal; gold or other
metal that has been coated with mercury by adhesion.
The technique of using mercury to attract small particles of
crushed gold and join with them in an amalgam, or alloy. Gold
may be recovered by distilling off the mercury.
A term applied to rocks or minerals that possess no definite
crystal structure or form, such as amorphous carbon.
Gas bubbles in lavas subsequently filled by a mineral.
The determination of the contents in any substance.
Acronym for ammonium nitrate and fuel oil, a mixture used as a
blasting agent in many mines.
Refers to compounds having no water in their composition.
Heating and cooling metals to make them harder and stronger
A rectangular plate of metal cast in a shape suitable for refining by
the electrolytic process.
Any departure from the norm which may indicate the presence of
mineralization in the underlying bedrock. In geophysics and
geochemistry, an area where the property being measured is
significantly higher or lower than the larger, surrounding area. An
area having different geophysical -- or chemical -- properties than
the host region. Identifying an anomaly does not necessarily
herald a find of commercial interest.
A hard, black coal containing a high percentage of fixed carbon
and a low percentage of volatile matter.
Made by people or resulting from human activities. Usually used
in the context of emissions that are produced as a result of human
activities that impact on nature.
An arch or fold in the layers of rock shaped like the crest of a


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 15: Glossary


Aqua Regia



Assay boundary
Assay map
Assay Value
Atomic Weight
Autoclave system

wave, as opposed to a syncline, which is similar to the trough of a
The top or terminal edge of a vein on surface or its nearest point
to the surface.
Acid mixture of three parts hydrochloric and one part nitric acid.
Containing water or related to material deposited by water.
A rock formation or basin containing water.
Denoting or pertaining to rocks of the Archeozoic portion of the
Precambrian era (formed over 2.5 billion years ago).
Pertains to silver-bearing rocks.
A silver sulphide mineral.
Consisting of clays or having a clayey nature.
Pertaining to or containing arsenic.
An aquifer or water bearing zone where the piezometric surface
(pressure level) is above ground surface.
A term used to describe small-scale mining, whether by hand or
with mechanical tools. It can also be used to describe the work of
persons outside a registered commercial mining operation. Also
known as subsistence mining.
Common name for any of a variety of silicate minerals within the
amphibole and serpentine groups that are fibrous in structure and
more or less resistant to acid and fire. Varieties of amphibole
asbestos are amosite, used in insulating materials; crocidolite, or
blue asbestos, used for making asbestos-cement products; and
tremolite, used in laboratories for filtering chemicals.
Asbestos is usually found comprising veins in other rock.
Inhalation of airborne asbestos fibres has been established as a
serious health hazard, and this has slowed both production and
use of the mineral.
The inorganic residue remaining after ignition of coal. Finely
pulverised lava thrown out by a volcano in eruption. Also called
volcanic ash.
A chemical test performed on a sample of ores or minerals to
determine the amount of valuable metals contained.
The boundary of economic mineral concentration of an ore body.
Also known as cut-off limit or economic basement.
Plan view of an area indicating assay values and locations of all
samples taken on the property.
The value of an ore as determined by assay results; the amount
and worth of metals or minerals in a sample.
The relative weight of an atom of an element as compared to the
most stable isotope of carbon (At. Wt. 12.01115).
Loss of material through friction and abrasion.
A pyroxene mineral found in ultrabasic and basic igneous rocks.
Refers to gold-bearing rocks and gravels.
A process in which oxygen, high temperatures and pressures are
applied to convert refractory sulphide ore into oxide ore, thereby


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 15: Glossary


Autogenous grinding




Ball Mill

Banded iron formation

Barren Pond
Base camp
Base metal
Basement rocks
Basic research

Basic rocks

making it amenable to subsequent treatment by cyanide solutions
in order to dissolve the gold as a part of the recovery process.
The process of grinding ore in a rotating cylinder, using as a
grinding medium large pieces or pebbles of the ore being ground,
instead of conventional steel balls or rods.
The process of controlling industrial production processes by
computers or programmable "logic-controllers" with a minimum of
human involvement.
Waste material used to fill the void created by mining an orebody.
Minor amounts of radioactivity that are due not to abnormal
amounts of radioactive minerals nearby, but to cosmic rays and
minor residual radioactivity in the vicinity. The average regional
geochemical concentration of an element in nature.
Water movement against the primary direction of flow.
A barren or extremely rough terrain, a landscape produced by the
extensive incision and erosion of weakly cohesive rocks
consisting of deep gullies and ravines separated by steep ridges.
Thanks to erosion, badlands are usually devoid of vegetation.
A partition or grating in a furnace, container or channel.
Device for removing sludge and water from a drill hole or mine.
A steel cylinder filled with steel balls into which crushed ore is fed.
The ball mill is rotated, causing the balls to cascade and grind the
Crushed rock used for road beds or on railway tracks.
Rock composed of bands or layers of iron minerals differing in
colour and texture.
A common mineral, barium sulphate, occurring in white, yellow, or
colourless tabular crystals. It is the principal ore of barium and is
also called heavy spar.
A holding containing a chemical solution from which the gold and
silver has been removed.
An extrusive volcanic rock composed primarily of plagioclase,
pyroxene and minor olivine.
Any compound that will combine with an acid and neutralise it,
forming a salt; also bottom or support for any structure.
Centre of operations from which exploration activity is conducted.
Any non-precious metal (e.g. copper, lead, zinc, nickel, etc.).
The underlying or older rock mass. Often refers to rocks of
Precambrian age which may be covered by younger rocks.
Underlying fundamental; rocks with little silica; also the opposite
of acidic.
Fundamental scientific research concerned solely with scientific
principles as opposed to applied scientific research which is
concerned with the commercial application of those principles.
An igneous rock, relatively low in silica and composed mostly of
dark-coloured minerals.
A large mass of igneous rock extending to great depth with its
upper portion dome-like in shape. It has crystallised below


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 15: Glossary



Beach placer


Beta particles
Black gold
Blast furnace

surface, but may be exposed as a result of erosion of the
overlying rock.
Smaller masses of igneous rocks are known as bosses or plugs.
A mass of intrusive igneous rock, that is, rock made of oncemolten material that has solidified below the earth's surface.
Batholiths are usually granitic in composition, have steeply
inclined walls, have no visible floors, and commonly extend over
areas of thousands of square miles.
Initially thought to be a mineral, bauxite is in fact a clay-like
mixture of hydrous aluminium oxides and other impurities like
quartz, clay minerals, and iron and titanium hydroxides. An
important economic source of aluminium, bauxite ranges in colour
from white to deep brown depending on the nature of its
components. About 90 percent of world bauxite production is used
to manufacture aluminium metal. The other major uses of bauxite
are in refractories, abrasives, chemicals, and aluminous cements.
A placer deposit of valuable heavy minerals on a contemporary or
ancient beach or along a coastline.
Refers to rock formations deposited in successive layers.
The arrangement of sedimentary rocks in layers.
Solid unweathered rock forming the Earth's crust, frequently
covered by soil or water.
One of the successively lower steps or stages created in mining
an open pit ore body under one system of open pit mining.
To concentrate or enrich; often applied to the preparation of iron
ore for smelting, through such processes as sintering, magnetic
concentration, washing, etc.
Clay which has great ability to absorb water and which swells
(a) A relatively narrow, horizontal man-made shelf, ledge, or
bench built along an embankment, situated part way up and
breaking the continuity of a slope. (b) The bank of a canal
opposing the towing path. (c) The margin or shoulder of a road,
adjacent to and outside the paved portion. In the context of this
document it generally refers to an embankment, typically made
from local soil to contain water or prevent water from flowing into
certain areas such as a shaft or sinkhole, etc.
An elementary particle emitted from the nucleus of an element
during radioactive decay.
A process for recovering metals from low-grade ores by dissolving
them in solution, the dissolution being aided by bacterial action.
That part of the Earth which contains living things.
Platy magnesium-iron mica, common in igneous rocks.
The cutting end of a drill frequently made of an ultra-hard material
such as industrial diamonds or tungsten carbide.
Placer gold that is coated with black manganese oxides.
A reaction vessel in which mixed charges of oxide ores, fluxes
and fuels are blown with a continuous blast of hot air and oxygen-


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 15: Glossary


Blasthole drilling
Blister copper

Block caving

Boiling Point

Boulder clay
Box hole

Broken reserves

enriched air for the chemical reduction of metals to their metallic
Iron ore is most commonly treated in this way, and so are some
ores of copper, lead, etc.
A mine employee responsible for loading, priming and detonating
blast holes.
A hole drilled for purposes of blasting rather than for exploration
or geological information.
The drilling of holes in the rock to insert an explosive charge.
Detonating explosives to loosen rock for excavation.
The product of the Bessemer converter furnace used in copper
smelting. It is a crude form of copper, assaying about 99%
copper, and requires further refining before being used for
industrial purposes.
An inexpensive method of mining in which large blocks of ore are
undercut, causing the ore to break or cave under its own weight in
a controlled fashion into chutes. Block caving is usually used to
mine large ore bodies that have consistent grade throughout.
A small enlargement of a kimberlite fissure at the earths surface.
The point at which a substance boils; for water, 212 F or 100 C.
A telescoping, hydraulically powered steel arm on which drifters,
man baskets and hydraulic hammers are mounted.
Common term for a drill hole.
Common term for rock-cutting drill.
A diamond that is impure or discoloured and thus useless as a
gem; bort still has industrial purposes and is used for hardening
drill bits; an abrasive.
Refers to mineral occurring in globular forms.
An unstratified deposit of clay in which are embedded rock
particles up to the size of boulders; usually of glacial origin.
A short raise or opening driven above a drift for the purpose of
drawing ore from a stope, or to permit access.
Mine timber; also platform over mouth of vertical shaft.
A bright yellow or golden alloy of copper and zinc.
A loose term used to describe a large scale regional shear zone
or structural fault.
A working face, usually restricted to a stope.
A type of rock composed of angular fragments of older rocks and
surrounded by a mass of fine-grained minerals, as distinguished
from a conglomerate, whose components are water- worn into a
rounded shape.
Easily fractured or broken.
The amount of ore in a mine which has been broken by blasting
but which has not yet been transported to surface.
An alloy of copper, tin, zinc, phosphorus, and sometimes small
amounts of other elements. Most bronze is produced by melting
the copper and adding the desired amounts of tin, zinc, and other


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 15: Glossary

Brunton compass
Bucket line dredge
Bulk mining

Bulk sample

Cable bolt
Caesium magnetometer
Cap rock
Captive stope
Carat (ct)
Carbon column circuit

Carbon steel

Carbon-in-leach (C-I-L)

A pocket compass equipped with sights and a reflector, useful for
sighting lines, measuring dip and carrying out preliminary surveys.
A large dredge that utilises a chain of buckets to excavate and lift
gravels for processing.
Any large-scale, mechanised method of mining involving many
thousands of tonnes of ore being brought to surface per day by a
relatively few number of miners.
A large sample of mineralization, frequently involving hundreds of
tonnes, selected in such a manner as to be representative of the
potential orebody being sampled. Used to determine metallurgical
characteristics and for engineering studies.
Partition erected to seal off certain portions of mines.
Moving material with mechanised equipment.
An isolated hill or mountain with steep sides.
Refers to precious metal globule produced by fire assaying.
A secondary metal or additional mineral product recovered from
the mining of other minerals in the milling process.
A steel cable, capable of withstanding tens of tonnes, cemented
into a drillhole to lend support in blocky ground.
A place where supplies are stored or hidden.
An instrument used in geophysics which measures magnetic field
strength in terms of vertical gradient and total field.
The conveyance used to transport men and equipment in a mine
A metal casing or cylinder used to sink shafts in unstable or wet
placer ground.
Like limestone or calcium carbonate, or composed of same.
Name given to concentrate that is ready for smelting (i.e. the
sulphur has been driven off by oxidation).
A cemented conglomerate, usually occurring in desert climates.
Projection on a shaft that impart irregular motion or reciprocating
action to another part; also the shaft itself.
A layer of rock lying on top of another type of rock.
The property of liquids allowing them to rise through solids.
A stope that is accessible only through a manway.
The unit of measurement for gems; equal to 200 milligrams (0.2
grams). For smaller gems, 100 points is equal to 1 carat.
A process to recover soluble gold and silver values from a
sodium-cyanide leaching solution by adsorption onto activated
carbon particles.
Steel hardened by the addition of carbon; used in drill rod.
Refers to rocks containing carbon.
A chemical compound containing the carbonate radical or ion.
Most familiar carbonates are salts that are formed by reacting an
inorganic base (e.g., a metal hydroxide) with carbonic acid.
A geological time period.
A recovery process in which a slurry of gold ore, free carbon
particles and cyanide are mixed together. The cyanide dissolves


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 15: Glossary



Casing head

Cast blasting

Cave In

Cement copper

Central Selling
Organisation (CSO)

Change house

the gold from the ore into a solution, and simultaneously the gold
is adsorbed onto the carbon.
The carbon is subsequently separated from the slurry to recover
the gold.
A method of recovering gold and silver from pregnant cyanide
solutions by adsorbing the precious metals to granules of
activated carbon, which are typically ground up coconut shells.
Similar to carbon-in-leach process, but initially the slurry is
subjected to cyanide leaching in separate tanks followed by
carbon-in-pulp. Carbon-in-leach is a simultaneous process.
Silicon carbide used as an abrasive.
Hardened fitting on top of casing, used for driving casing.
A brown or black mineral, tin dioxide; the principal ore of tin.
Cassiterite is found as short prismatic crystals and as irregular
masses, usually in veins and replacement deposits associated
with granites. Since it is hard, heavy, and resistant to weathering,
it often becomes concentrated in alluvial deposits derived from
cassiterite-bearing rocks.
Where the muck pile is cast in a particular direction, and deck
blasting, where holes are loaded once but blasted in successive
blasts days apart, are examples.
A plate of metal, produced by electrolytic refining, which is melted
into commercial shapes such as wirebars, billets, ingots, etc.
Corrosive chemical substance.
Collapse of mine workings.
A mining method where or is purposely caved.
Binding material used in construction and engineering, often
called hydraulic cement, typically made by heating a mixture of
limestone and clay until it almost fuses, and then grinding it to a
fine powder.
Copper that has been salvaged from its solution in groundwater or
mine drainage water by precipitating on scrap iron, a process
commonly used in the U.S.
A system for measuring temperature.
A group of companies associated with De Beers Consolidated
Mines and De Beers Centenary AG to purchase, sort, evaluate,
and market rough diamonds. Gem quality diamonds are sold
through the Diamond Trading Company and industrial-grade
material through De Beers Industrial Diamond Division. The CSO
is also known as the Diamond Cartel. Image at right shows
diamond sorting at the CSO, London, England.
Refers to clays hardened by roasting.
Survey measure equal to 66 feet.
A sulphide mineral of copper common in the zone of secondary
A sulphide mineral of copper and iron. A common ore mineral of
A special building, constructed at a mine site, where the miner


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 15: Glossary

Channel sample

Check valve
Chemical Analysis
Chilean mill
Chip sample

Circular slip

Circulating load

Clastic rock


changes into work clothes; also known as the "dry".
The main section of a watercourse.
A sample composed of pieces of vein or mineral deposit that have
been cut out of a small trench or channel, usually about 10 cm
wide and 2 cm or so deep.
Device for controlling flow of liquids or gases.
Refers to substances involved in reaction between the elements.
Determination of content by chemistry.
A compact rock consisting essentially of microcrystalline quartz.
A machine, somewhat like the arrastra, in which heavy stone
wheels turn about a central shaft and crush ore.
A method of sampling a rock exposure whereby a regular series
of small chips of rock is broken off along a line across the face.
A dark-brown to black mineral that is an iron-chromium oxide,
FeCr2O4, with traces of magnesium and aluminium.
The only commercial source of chromium and its compounds,
chromite is used in the manufacture of refractory materials and
stainless steel.
An opening, usually constructed of timber and equipped with a
gate, through which ore is drawn from a stope into mine cars.
A vermilion-coloured ore mineral of mercury.
A circular slip or slide is a landslide of which the slip surface
follows the arc of a circle and generally occurs in a body with little
or no planar features such as bedding planes or joint planes.
Over-sized chunks of ore returned to the head of a closed
grinding circuit before going on to the next stage of treatment.
Mining right that gives the holder the exclusive right to explore or
mine a given area for mineral deposits.
Process of clearing dirty water by removing suspended material.
The measurement of a diamond's purity. Every diamond has
imperfections known as "inclusions," which influence its brilliance
and subsequently its value. The fewer and tinier the inclusions,
the more valuable the diamond.
There are at least six clarity grades that cannot be determined
without a diamond loupe or another magnifier. SI1 is a very good
clarity, but observing its inclusions almost always necessitates a
loupe. Some diamonds with an I1-rating could be acceptable for
an engagement ring.
A mineral-processing machine which separates minerals
according to size and density.
A sedimentary rock composed principally of fragments derived
from pre-existing rocks and transported mechanically to their
place of deposition.
Common name for a number of fine-grained, earthy materials that
become plastic when wet. Chemically, clays are hydrous
aluminium silicates, ordinarily containing impurities, e.g.,


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Chapter 15: Glossary


Closed circuit

Co product

Coarse gold

Colloidal gold

potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, or iron, in small
A property of many minerals which may be easily split along
crystallographic planes.
A loop in the milling process wherein a selected portion of the
product of a machine is returned to the head of the machine for
finishing to required specification; commonly used examples in
milling plants include grinding mills in closed circuit with
One of two commodities that must be produced to make a mine
economic. Both products influence output.
A fuel substance of plant origin, largely composed of carbon with
varying amounts of mineral matter. Carbonaceous fuels differ
from each other in the relative amounts of moisture, volatile
matter, and fixed carbon they contain. Those containing the
largest amounts of fixed carbon and the smallest amounts of
moisture and volatile matter are the most useful to humans. The
lowest in carbon content, peat, is followed in ascending order by
lignite and the various forms of coal - sub bituminous coal or black
lignite, bituminous coal, semi bituminous (a high-grade bituminous
coal), semi anthracite (a low-grade anthracite), and anthracite.
Bituminous coal burns readily and is used extensively as fuel in
industries and on railroads and in the making of coke. Anthracite,
which is nearly pure carbon, is very hard, black, and lustrous, and
is extensively used as a domestic fuel.
The metamorphic processes of forming coal.
General term applied to rough or angular gold particles as well as
to larger pieces or nuggets.
A hard, grey, massive, porous fuel prepared by the distillation of
bituminous coal, much used when a porous fuel with few
impurities and high carbon content is desired, as in the blast
furnace. Coke bears the same relation to coal as does charcoal to
wood. For industrial purposes, coke is prepared in retorts or
furnaces of silica brick, and the by-products (chiefly ammonia,
coal tar, and gaseous compounds) are saved. Petroleum coke is
the solid residue left by the cracking process of oil refining.
Natural coke, or carbonate, is formed by metamorphism from
bituminous coal when intrusive igneous rock cuts across a vein of
The term applied to the timbering or concrete around the mouth of
a shaft; also used to describe the top of a drill hole.
Extremely fine gold particles that can remain suspended in
Weathered material transported by gravity, e.g. scree slopes.
A characteristic of a diamond that is one of four determinants of
value. The overriding rule is that the closer to colourless the more
valuable the gem. Most diamonds seem colourless to the naked
eye, but myriad subtle shades do exist, occurring as a result of


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Chapter 15: Glossary



Column flotation

Commercially Mineable
Ore Body
Competent person

Complex ore



Cone Crusher
Confined aquifer
Contact metamorphism
Continental crust
Continental drilling

extreme temperatures and pressures when the diamond was
initially formed.
Subtle variations in colour, discerned by expert examination, can
greatly affect a diamond's value. Some diamonds come out of the
ground in different colours, including green colour, blue, pink, and
red. Coloured diamonds are extremely rare.
A black, crystalline mineral, iron niobate; the principal ore of
niobium, an end member of a series of solid solutions in which
manganese and tantalum combine to form tantalite.
A milling process, carried out in a tall cylindrical column, whereby
valuable minerals are separated from gangue minerals based on
their wetability properties.
A mineral deposit that contains ore reserves that may be mined
The SAMREC Code defines a Competent Person as a person
who is registered with any one of SACNASP, ECSA, PLATO or
any other statutory South African or international body that is
recognised by SAMREC. A Competent Person should have a
minimum of five years experience relevant to the style of
mineralization and type of deposit under consideration and to the
activity, which that person is undertaking.
An ore containing a number of minerals of economic value.
Usually implies there are metallurgical difficulties in liberating and
separating the valuable metals.
A machine for compressing air to a pressure sufficient to actuate
mine machinery.
A fine, powdery product of the milling process containing valuable
metal and from which most of the waste material in the ore has
been eliminated and discarded as tailings.
A milling plant that produces a concentrate of the valuable
minerals or metals.
Further treatment is required to recover the pure metal.
A machine which crushes ore between a gyrating cone or
crushing head and an inverted, truncated cone known as a bowl.
A measure of the capacity of a substance to carry electricity.
An aquifer (or water bearing zone) where the pressure (or
generically the water) level is above the top of the aquifer.
A sequence of rocks is conformable when they represent an
unbroken period of deposition.
A sedimentary rock consisting of rounded, water-worn pebbles or
boulders cemented into a solid mass.
A geological term used to describe the line or plane along which
two different rock formations meet.
Metamorphism of country rocks adjacent to an intrusion, caused
by heat from the intrusion.
The thick, solid part of the Earth's crust underlying the continents.
Deep drilling projects up to 5 km deep, conducted by scientific


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Chapter 15: Glossary


Continuous miner
Controlled blasting
Core barrel
Country rock




Crystalline rock

Custom smelter


research institutions worldwide to learn more about the deep
structure of the continental crust.
A piece of mining equipment which produces a continuous flow of
ore from the working face.
Blasting patterns and sequences designed to achieve a particular
In copper smelting, a Bessemer furnace is used to separate
copper metal from matte; also used in steelmaking.
The long cylindrical piece of rock, about 2 cm or more in diameter,
recovered by diamond drilling.
That part of a string of tools in a diamond drill hole in which the
core specimen is collected.
A loose term to describe the general mass of rock adjacent to an
orebody, as distinguished from the vein or ore deposit itself.
Also known as the host rock.
Refers to a gold rocker.
The area of the earths crust that has been stable for the last
billion years, i.e. it is no longer affected by mountain-building
The cleaning of cracks and crevices in the bedrock beneath a
watercourse for the gold particles lodged therein. Also called
Timbering used to support shafts in wet or loose gravels.
A horizontal opening driven from a shaft and (or near) right angles
to the strike of a vein or other orebody.
A machine for crushing rock, such as a gyratory crusher, jaw
crusher or cone crusher.
The process by which ore is broken into small pieces to prepare it
for further processing.
The solid part of the Earth's crust com posed of continental and
oceanic crust.
A mineral, sodium aluminium fluoride that occurs in white masses
and is used as a flux in the electrolytic production of aluminium.
Also called Greenland spar.
A very finely crystalline rock crystals can only be distinguished
under magnification.
An imprecise term for an igneous or metamorphic rock composed
of interlocking crystalline minerals, used in contrast to a
sedimentary rock.
The degree to which a rock exhibits crystal development.
A very small, often imperfect crystal. Also, a minute inclusion in a
glassy rock, indicative of imminent crystallisation.
A smelter which processes concentrates from independent mines.
Concentrates may be purchased or the smelter may be
contracted to do the processing for the independent company.
The characteristic of a diamond that gives it its unique brilliance.
The better the cut, the more brilliant the gem.


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Chapter 15: Glossary


Cut value


Cut-off grade




Delineation drilling
Dense Media Separation


Cut is not related to the shape of the diamond.
Applies to assays that have been reduced to some arbitrary
maximum - thus high erratic values are reduced in order not to
have an undue influence on the overall average.
A method of stoping in which ore is removed in slices, or lifts,
following which the excavation is filled with rock or other waste
material known as backfill, before the subsequent slice is mined;
the backfill sup- ports the walls of the stope.
The grade at which the ore-body is mined with no profit or loss,
i.e. the breakeven grade. The lowest grade of mineralized
material which is deemed to be economical to mine.
A method of extracting exposed gold or silver grains from crushed
or ground ore by dissolving it in a weak solution of sodiumpotassium- or calcium-cyanide. The precious metals are then
obtained by precipitation from solution with zinc, or by adsorption
on activated carbon.
May be carried out in tanks inside a mill or in heaps of ore out of
A chemical compound containing the cyano group. Cyanides are
salts or esters of hydrogen cyanide (hydrocyanic acid, HCN)
formed by replacing the hydrogen with a metal (e.g., sodium or
potassium) or a radical (e.g., ammonium or ethyl). The most
common and widely used cyanides are those of sodium and
potassium; they are often referred to simply as cyanide.
Both are white, crystalline, and chemically active compounds.
They are used as insecticides, in making pigments, in metallurgy
(e.g., electroplating and case hardening), and in refining gold and
silver by the cyanide process.
The area around the shaft collar where men and materials enter
the cage to be lowered underground
An underground passageway connecting one or more levels in a
mine, providing adequate traction for heavy, self-propelled
Such underground openings are often driven in an upward or
downward spiral, much the same as a spiral staircase.
Drilling that creates a drill hole density sufficient to define a
mineralized structure.
A method of mineral extraction that uses a specially developed
medium (other than water) to exploit the varying densities within a
heavy mineral concentrate, separating heavier minerals (like
diamonds) from lighter ones.
The decrease in quantity of ore in a deposit or property resulting
from extraction or production.
A term applied to mineral particles or rocks that have been


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Chapter 15: Glossary



Development drilling


Diamond drill

Diamond driller
Diamond grade

Diamond Stability Field


Dip needle

derived from pre-existing rock through the process of weathering
and erosion.
A general term covering all unconsolidated sediments.
Underground work carried out for the purpose of opening up a
mineral deposit. Activities (including shaft sinking and on-reef
tunnelling) required preparing for mining activities and maintaining
a planned production level and those costs to enable the
conversion of mineralized material to reserves.
Drilling to establish accurate estimates of mineral reserves.
Natural process whereby the volatiles and water are driven off
coal by increases in temperature and pressure. In the case of
burial, this can be a positive effect in that it can increase the coals
rank, however in the case of too great a depth or intrusion of
dykes and sills, this can be detrimental.
A common basic igneous rock usually occurring in dykes or sills.
The crystallised form of carbon. It is the worlds hardest naturally
occurring substance, formed within the earths core under very
high temperature (900 to 1,400 degrees Celsius) and pressure
(greater than 50 kilobar pressure, 120 to 150 km below the earths
surface). May or may not be of gem quality. Low-quality diamonds
are used to make bits for diamond drilling in rock.
A rotary type of rock drill in which the cutting is done by abrasion
rather than percussion. The cutting bit is a hollow, cylindrical bit
set with diamonds and is attached to the end of long hollow rods
through which water is pumped to the cutting face. The drill cuts a
core of rock that is recovered in long cylindrical sections, two
centimetres or more in diameter.
A person who operates a diamond drill.
Measured in carats per tonne (cpt) and dollar value per carat
(dvpc). Carats per tonne quantify the number of diamonds present
in the deposit. Dollar value per carat measures the weightedaverage value of the entire diamond population in a sample.
The area within the earths core that has the suitable temperature
and pressure for the formation of diamonds; above or below the
Diamond Stability Field, carbon will crystallise as graphite.
Any structure containing diamonds.
The middle section of a kimberlite pipe that is the main emplaced
kimberlite body of rock.
Waste or low-grade rock that is unavoidably removed along with
the ore in the mining process, subsequently lowering the grade of
the ore.
An intrusive igneous rock composed chiefly of sodic plagioclase,
hornblende, biotite or pyroxene.
The angle at which a vein, structure or rock bed is inclined from
the horizontal as measured at right angles to the strike.
A compass with the needle mounted so as to swing in a vertical
plane, used for prospecting to determine the magnetic attraction
of rocks.


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Chapter 15: Glossary

Directional drilling
Disseminated ore

Dollar value per tonne


Dolomitic area

A method of drilling involving the use of stabilisers and wedges to
direct the orientation of the hole.
Ore carrying small particles of valuable minerals sp
less uniformly through the gangue matter; distinct from massive
ore wherein the valuable minerals occur in almost solid form with
very little waste material included.
A measure used to determine the economic potential of the
A medium grained basic igneous rock, usually intruded into
country rock along faults and fissures to form dykes and sills.
Carbonate rock composed chiefly of the mineral dolomite, similar
to limestone but somewhat harder and heavier. The rock may be
metamorphosed into dolomitic marble. Most dolomite originated
from the partial replacement of the calcium in limestone by
magnesium. Its chief uses are as a building stone, for the
manufacture of refractory furnace linings, and as basic
magnesium carbonate for pipe coverings.
Internationally karst is recognized as a highly valuable, nonrenewable resource that can be especially vulnerable to
disturbance and therefore requires sensitive management. Karst
or dolomitic areas contain some of South Africas largest aquifers,
which have particularly high storage capacities and high
transmissivity values, but are also more vulnerable to
contamination / ground water pollution than any other types of
aquifers. The numerous caves found in dolomitic areas are also
extremely sensitive environments which are of important
ecological, scientific, heritage, educational, cultural and
recreational value.
These caves frequently contain spectacular crystal and limestone
formations that have developed over thousands of years and are
also important repositories of paleontological and archeological
relics. Many are important tourist attractions while others are of
cultural and historical significance.


These caves also provide essential refuges to a wide range of

animals, including rare and threatened bats, and they support a
unique and poorly studied group of animals known as troglobytes
or cave dwellers i.e. various specialized worms, salamanders,
snails, crayfish, isopods, amphipods, spiders, crickets, beetles
and fish that have adapted to life in a dark, nutrient poor
An uplifted structure with an inverted bowl shape.
Unparted gold and silver consisting of approximately 90%
precious metals poured into moulds when molten to form buttons
or bars.
Further refining is necessary to separate the gold and silver.


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Chapter 15: Glossary

Dore bar
Drag fold

Dressing Floor


Drill log
Drill-indicated reserves

Dry washing


Due Diligence

The final saleable product of a gold mine. Usually consisting of
gold and silver.
The result of the plastic deformation of a rock unit where it has
been folded or bent back on itself.
Equipment with a long boom and large digging bucket that is cast
outward and dragged back toward the machine.
An underground opening at the bottom of a stope through which
broken ore is extracted from the stope.
Equipment used to excavate materials under water. Dredges are
used for mining alluvial mineral deposits, including heavy
minerals, tin, gold, and diamonds.
An (often extensive) area at surface on a mine where the various
processes of concentration of ore took place - these consisted of
crushing or stamping to attain a uniform size range, sizing
(particularly on later mines), separation of waste rock,
concentration (generally mechanically and hydraulically on tin
mines, manually on copper mines), the removal of contaminant
minerals (by calcination, flotation, magnetic separation), and
finally drying and bagging for transportation to the smelter. Tin
floors in particular were generally laid out down a slope to reduce
mechanical or manual handling between stages in the process.
In mining, a drift is defined as a horizontal passageway that is
excavated along a rich vein of ore. Hard rock mines usually use
drifts to obtain the rich ore, though, some hard rock mines are
open pit.
A hydraulic rock drill used to drill small-diameter holes for blasting
or for installing rock bolts.
A record of drilling results compiled as the work progresses.
The size and quality of a potential orebody as suggested by
widely spaced drillholes; more work is required before reserves
can be classified as probable or proven.
A tunnel excavated on the line of a lode as the first stage of the
development of a stope.
Extracting gold from dry gravels, usually by equipment which uses
air bellows for separating lighter from heavier material.
A common desert mining tool. The drywasher is like a highbanker
but does not need water. A drywasher operates by the use of
The light junk material is blown off the top of the sluice and the
gold stays on the bottom. The sluice riffles in a drywasher are
backwards for better recovery.
Capable of being bent, drawn into wire, or pounded into sheets.
The ability of a metal to plastically deform without breaking or
fracturing, with the cohesion between the molecules remaining
sufficient to hold them together. Ductility is important in wire
drawing and sheet stamping.
The degree of care and caution required before making a


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Chapter 15: Glossary




Economic geology

Electrolytic refining

Electrostatic separator

EM survey
En echelon
Environmental impact

decision; loosely, a financial and technical investigation to
determine whether an investment is sound.
Refers to a mineral's lustre; not colourful or shiny.
A pile of waste material, usually from a mine or quarry. May
contain primary waste or waste from various stages in the
dressing process.
A long and relatively thin body of igneous rock that, while in the
molten state, intruded along a fissure into older rocks.
A rock consisting of a granular aggregate of green pyroxene and
red garnet, often containing kyanite, silvery mica, quartz, and
Geological studies for the exploration and exploitation of materials
for the profitable use by man.
The Engineering Council of South Africa.
Forming and breaking gas bubbles by chemical reaction.
An electric current is passed through a solution containing
dissolved metals, causing the metals to be deposited on to a
The process of purifying metal ingots that are suspended as
anodes in an electrolytic bath, alternated with refined sheets of
the same metal which act as starters or cathodes.
Machine employing static electrical charges to separate heavy
mineral concentrates.
Recovery of a metal from an ore by means of electrochemical
An electric current is passed through a solution containing
dissolved metals, which causes the metals to be deposited on a
Native gold containing a large amount of alloyed silver.
Substance composed of atoms that cannot be broken down by
ordinary chemical means; metals, non-metals and certain gasses.
Sediment formed by the weathering of underlying rocks in situ.
Material produced by decomposing rock formations where water
movement and abrasion are not present.
A geophysical survey method which measures the
electromagnetic properties of rocks.
Environmental Management Programme Report.
A mixture of water and oily substances.
A geological term used to describe the geometric structure of
minerals found in a roughly parallel but staggered fashion.
Refers to mining location; also opening to underground workings.
A written report, compiled prior to a production decision that
examines the effects proposed mining activities will have on the
natural surroundings of an exploration property.
Orebodies formed by hydrothermal fluids and gases that were
introduced into the host rocks from elsewhere, filling cavities in
the host rock.


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Chapter 15: Glossary


Epithermal deposit



False set


Fine gold

Mineral deposits that have been formed in hydrothermal systems
related to volcanic activity.
These systems, while active, discharge at the surface as hot
springs or fumaroles.
A mineral deposit consisting of veins and replacement bodies,
usually in volcanic or sedimentary rocks, containing precious
metals, or, more rarely, base metals.
A large division of geologic time - the Precambrian era, for
The breaking down and subsequent removal of either rock or
surface material by wind, rain, wave action, freezing and thawing
and other processes.
Refers to either a piece of visible gold (or gold nugget in a core
sample) or a large glacial boulder.
Drying out; also refers to the dry product.
Sediments formed through the evaporation of saline water leaving
a residue of salts.
Activities associated with ascertaining the existence, location,
extent or quality of mineralized material, including economic and
technical evaluation of mineralized material.
sampling, mapping, diamond drilling and other work involved in
searching for ore.
An outcrop of ore or a rock; sand and gravel laid down by water
Igneous rocks that cooled at or above the earth's surface.
The end of a drift, crosscut or stope in which work is progressing.
A system of temperature measurement.
Temporary timbering in a mine.
A break in the Earth's crust caused by tectonic forces which have
moved the rock on one side with respect to the other; faults may
extend for many kilometres, or be only a few centimetres in
length; similarly, the movement or displacement along the fault
may vary widely.
The process of fracturing that produces a displacement of rock.
An olivine mafic mineral Fe2SiO4
An abundant group of rock-forming minerals that constitute 60
percent of the earth's crust. The feldspars are silicates of
aluminium and contain sodium, potassium, iron, calcium, barium,
or combinations of these elements. They are found in association
with all rock types and are essential constituents of most igneous
rocks. Pure feldspar is colourless and transparent, but the mineral
is commonly opaque and found in a variety of colours. Includes microcline, orthoclase, plagioclase and anorthoclase.
Term used to describe light-coloured rocks containing feldspar,
feldspathoids and silica.
Containing iron.
Fineness is the proportion of pure gold or silver in jewellery or
bullion expressed in parts per thousand. Thus, 925 fine gold


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Chapter 15: Glossary


Fire assay
Fissure system







Fluxgate magnetometer

indicates 925 parts out of 1,000, or 92.5%, is pure gold. A fine
ounce is a troy ounce of 99.5% gold and 0.5% silver.
Gold content expressed in parts per thousand.
The assaying of metallic minerals by use of a miniature smelting
procedure with various fluxing agents.
Capable of being split or removed in sheets, as slate and mica.
An extensive crack, break or fracture in rocks. A term used in
South African diamond mining to describe kimberlite dykes.
A grouping of fissures.
Pieces of rock outcrop that have been broken off and moved from
their original location by natural forces such as frost or glacial
The bottom of a mining level in underground mines.
A milling process by which some mineral particles are induced to
become attached to bubbles and float, and others to sink. In this
way the valuable minerals are concentrated and separated from
the worth less gangue.
Extremely fine gold particles; also finely-ground ore, that it looks
and feels like flour or dust. "The bread and butter of prospecting."
Nuggets are just a bonus.
An illustration showing the sequence of operations, step by step,
by which ore is treated in a milling, concentration, or smelting
Flumes are like sluice boxes, they do not have riffles though and
are used solely to transport water in areas where a ditch would be
impossible (cliff sides, rocky hillsides). Two flumes were built in
the construction of the China Ditch.
A common mineral, calcium fluoride, appearing in various colours
(green, blue, purple, yellow-brown, red and colourless). Fluorspar
is found in various parts of the world; its chief use is as a flux in
metallurgy, but it is also employed in the preparation of
hydrofluoric acid and in the manufacture of opal glass and
enamel. Some of fluorspar's colourless crystals are used in
making lenses and prisms.
Sand and gravel laid down by water movement.
A chemical substance used in metallurgy to react with gangue
minerals to form slags, which are liquid at furnace temperature
and low enough in density to float on the molten bath of metal or
matte; examples range in scale from large tonnages of limestone,
silica, etc., in large furnaces, to small quantities of borax, soda,
etc., used in laboratory assay ovens.
An instrument used in geophysics to measure total magnetic field.
Any bending or wrinkling of rock strata.
Leaf-like formations of minerals.
The underlying side of a fault, ore-body or stope.
Denotes a particular rock structure; also the processes by which a
mineral deposit is formed.
A break in the rock, the opening of which affords the opportunity


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Chapter 15: Glossary


for entry of mineral-bearing solutions.

Free milling

Friction hoist



Geiger counter


Geochemical survey
Geologic Timescale

A "cross fracture" is a minor break extending at more-or-less right

angles to the direction of the principal fractures.
Ores of gold or silver from which the precious metals can be
recovered by concentrating methods without resort to pressure
leaching or other chemical treatment.
A mine hoist in which conveyances are suspended from both
sides of a simple friction pulley which imparts the desired motion;
it is distinct from a drum hoist, in which the ropes are wound on to
their individual drums.
A site where fumes are expelled in a volcanic area.
Equipment for roasting or smelting ores.
The melting of a substance.
Gram per ton
A coarse-grained, dark, igneous rock.
A sulphide mineral of lead, being a common lead ore mineral.
A drift which has been enlarged into an underground room by the
extraction of ore.
The process of coating a metal, usually iron or steel, with a
protective covering of zinc.
A unit of measurement of magnetic intensity.
The worthless minerals within the ore body, unassociated with the
major ore deposit being mined, and having no economic value in
its present state and time.
Name applied to a group of isomorphic minerals crystallising in
the cubic system. They are used chiefly as gems and as
abrasives (as in garnet paper). The garnets are double silicates;
one of the metallic elements is calcium, magnesium, ferrous iron,
or manganese, and the other aluminium, ferric iron, or chromium.
The most popular variety of garnet is the ruby-red pyrope from
South Africa, sold as Cape ruby. Garnet occurs in many different
kinds of rocks in metamorphosed impure limestones, in basic
igneous rocks, in granite rocks, in schists and other metamorphic
rocks, and in serpentine.
An instrument used to measure radioactivity that emanates from
certain minerals by means of a Geiger- Mueller tube. It detects the
gamma rays and indicates the frequency or intensity either
visually (by dial or flashing light), audibly (by earphones) or both.
A mineral free of flaws as discerned by a trained observer with a
10-power magnifying glass, having a colour and other properties
that do not adversely affect its value for use in ornamental
A sampling of rocks, stream sediment, and soils in order to
identify abnormal concentrations of metallic elements or minerals.
The study of the chemical properties of rocks.
A table detailing the major divisions of geologic time.


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Chapter 15: Glossary

Geophysical survey

Glacial drift
Glacial striations
Glory hole


Grab sample

Graduated cylinder


The science concerned with the study of the rocks which
compose the Earth.
An indirect scientific method of prospecting that measures the
physical properties of rock formations and the subsurface geology
using the applications of physics including electric, gravimetric,
magnetic, electromagnetic, seismic, and radiometric principles.
Common properties investigated include magnetism, specific
gravity, electrical conductivity and radioactivity.
A scientist who practises geophysics
The study of the physical properties of rocks and minerals.
Pertains to the heat of the Earth's interior.
Sedimentary material, consisting of clay and boulders that has
been transported by glaciers.
Lines or scratches on a smooth rock surface caused by glacial
An open pit from which ore is extracted, especially where broken
ore is passed to underground workings before being hoisted.
A layered or banded crystalline metamorphic rock the grains of
which are aligned or elongated into a roughly parallel
A very common mineral, iron hydroxide, occurring in crystals, but
more commonly in yellow or brown earthy masses; an ore of iron.
Prospecting by means of hand-dug holes.
The rust-coloured oxidised capping or staining of a mineral
deposit, generally formed by the oxidation or alteration of iron
Fine, putty-like material composed of ground-up rock found along
a fault.
A sample taken at random; it is assayed to determine if valuable
elements are contained in the rock. A grab sample is not intended
to be representative of the deposit, and usually the best-looking
material is selected.
A downfaulted block of rock.
The quantity of metal per unit mass or ore expressed as a
percentage as ounces or grammes per tonne of ore.
Flask marked with lines to indicate measured volumes.
Metric unit of weight. There are 31.103 grams in a troy ounce.
A coarse-grained (intrusive) igneous rock consisting mainly of
quartz, feldspar and mica.
Metamorphic rocks with grains ore crystals of equal size.
Fine grained granite that contains an intergrowth of quartz and
feldspar crystals.
Composed of compacted mineral grains.
A common mineral, soft native carbon, occurring in black to darkgrey foliated masses, with metallic lustre and a greasy feel.
Graphite is used for pencil leads, as a lubricant, and for making
crucibles and other refractories.
Containing carbon or graphite.


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Chapter 15: Glossary

Grass roots exploration

Gravity circuit
Gravity meter,
Grease tables



Gross value


Exploration for ore in an area that has the correct geologic setting,
although no ore has been previously found in that setting.
Particles of rock, i.e., stones and pebbles, usually round and
intermediate in size between sand grains and boulders. Gravel is
composed of various kinds of rock, the most common constituent
being the mineral quartz. Deposits of gravel are formed as a result
of the weathering of rocks and the erosive and concentrating
action of rivers and waves. Gravel is used extensively in building
roads and in making concrete. Commercially, it is classified
according to size of particles. In areas where natural deposits are
inadequate, gravel is produced by quarrying and crushing durable
rocks, such as sandstone, limestone, or basalt.
A process of recovering gold from crushed rock or gravel using
golds high specific gravity to separate it from lighter material.
An instrument for measuring the gravitational attraction of the
Earth; gravitational attraction varies with the density of the rocks
in the vicinity.
A method of diamond extraction whereby a sample is run down a
gently sloping table covered in grease. Because diamonds are
hydrophobic (water repellent), any present in the sample will
adhere to the grease.
Any of various altered basaltic rocks having a dark-green colour
caused by the presence of chlorite, epidote, etc.
Hydrothermally altered rock of granitic texture, composed chiefly
of quartz and mica.
The process by which surface material is removed from an object,
usually metal, by the abrasive action of a rotating wheel or a
moving belt that contains abrasive grains. A grinding wheel can
be made by mixing a bonding material, usually clay, with abrasive
grains of such substances as silicon carbide or aluminium oxide.
The mixture is then shaped into a wheel and hardened. A
grindstone is a grinding wheel made by shaping naturally
occurring sandstone, which contains abrasive quartz grains.
Grinding is used in many manufacturing processes to produce a
fine surface finish on an object and to bring the size of an object
to within very fine tolerances.
A grating (usually constructed of steel rails) placed over the top of
a chute or ore pass for the purpose of stopping large pieces of
rock or ore that may hang up in the pass.
The theoretical value of ore deter mined simply by applying the
assay of metal or metals and the current market price; it
represents the total value of the contained metals before
deduction for dilution, mill recovery losses, mining and smelting
costs, etc.; it must be used only with caution and severe
The process of sealing off a water flow in rocks by forcing thin
cement slurry, or other chemicals, into the crevices; usually done
through a diamond drill hole.


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Chapter 15: Glossary


Gyratory crusher

Hand sorting

Hanging wall
Hard rock mine
Head grade

Heap leach pad

Heap leaching

Heavy Media Separation

High Grade

The timber rails installed along the walls of a shaft for steadying,
or guiding, the cage or conveyance.
A narrow or deep ravine or canyon.
A small ravine.
Very sticky or clayey mud.
The lowest depression in the bottom of a stream channel.
A very common mineral (hydrated calcium sulphate,
CaSO42H2O) occurring in crystals and masses, soft enough to
be scratched by the fingernail. Gypsum is used to make plaster of
Paris, as an ornamental material, and as a fertiliser.
A machine that crushes ore between an eccentrically mounted
crushing cone and a fixed crushing throat. Typically has a higher
capacity than a jaw crusher.
A mineral of one of the halogen elements (fluorine, chlorine,
bromide or iodine).
Rock salt, sodium chloride.
A salt of one of the halogen elements (fluorine, chlorine, bromide
or iodine).
A method of upgrading ore by removing pieces of waste by hand,
also used in diamond extraction that relies on visual identification
of the diamonds by individuals.
The rock on the upper side of a vein or ore structure.
Mining taking place in rock that requires drilling and blasting in
order to extract the ore.
The average grade of the ore as delivered to the metallurgical
The tall construction set over a winding shaft which carried the
sheave wheels over which the winding ropes ran. Headframes
usually contained ore bins or ore chutes to allow the broken rock
in the skips or kibbles to be tipped into trams at surface.
A large, impermeable foundation or pad used as a base for ore
during heap leaching. The leach solution is collected for
recirculation or disposal and does not escape form the circuit.
A process whereby valuable metals are leached from a heap of
coarsely crushed ore by solutions percolating down through the
heap. The solutions are collected from a sloping, impermeable
liner under the leach pad.
A physical process used to separate the mineral being recovered
from other minerals using differences in specific gravity.
A common mineral, iron oxide, occurring in steel-grey to black
crystals and in red earthy masses; the principal ore of iron.
Rich ore. As a verb, it refers to selective mining of the best ore in
a deposit.
A highbanker is a sluice box with mobility. Instead of being put
right in the creek like a sluice, the highbanker uses a water pump
to transport the water into higher and sometimes richer placer
reserves. In addition to the ability to go just about anywhere, the
highbanker also is able to run more material in less time than the


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Chapter 15: Glossary


Host rock
Hydraulic "Giant" or
Hydro Metallurgy


In situ
Incline Plane
Indicated Mineral

sluice. These characteristics make the highbanker a common
modern day mining tool.
A medium to fine grained rock produced by thermal
metamorphism of country rock.
The body of rock surrounding a metal/mineral deposit.
The fire hose-type nozzles that sprayed huge amounts of water
on loose slopes thereby creating slurry from which valuable
minerals can be extracted.
The treatment of ore by wet processes (e.g., leaching) resulting in
the solution of a metal and its subsequent recovery.
Formed beneath the earth's surface, as granite (opposed to
epigene); formed by ascending solutions, as mineral or ore
deposits (opposed to supergene).
Produced under conditions involving intense heat, as rocks of
volcanic origin or rocks crystallised from molten magma.
An iron-black opaque mineral with a composition of iron titanium
trioxide. It is the principal ore of titanium. Ilmentite occurs as a
common accessory mineral in basic igneous rocks and is also
concentrated in mineral sands.
Rocks or minerals saturated with some other substance.
In the natural or original position. Applied to rock and soils mined
in the place they were originally formed.
A rising slope.
Inclined mine level.
A coating or crust on a rock.
The estimated quantity and grade of part of a deposit for which
the continuity of grade, together with the extent and shape, are so
established that a reliable grade and tonnage estimate can be
The part of a Mineral Resource for which tonnage; densities,
shape, physical characteristics, grade and mineral content can be
estimated with a reasonable level of confidence. It is based on
exploration, sampling and testing information gathered through
appropriate techniques from locations such as outcrops, trenches,
pits, workings and drill holes.
The locations are too widely or inappropriately spaced to confirm
geological and/or grade continuity but are spaced closely enough
for continuity to be assumed.

Indicated value
Indicator mineral

Means the estimated quantity and grade of that part of a deposit

for which the continuity of grade, together with the extent and
shape, are so established that a reliable estimate of grade and
tonnage can be made.
The initial value determined for a sample, before it is adjusted or
corrected for known variables.
Because kimberlite pipes often transport other minerals to the


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Chapter 15: Glossary


Indicator minerals
Induced Polarisation (IP)

Industrial diamonds
Industrial minerals

Inferred Mineral

Infill (delineation) holes

In-fill drilling
In situ
Instrumental analysis
Intermediate rock

surface, it is worth identifying other minerals in the search for
The identification of these minerals is a good indication of the
rocks potential to host diamonds.
Minerals formed together with diamonds and carried to the
surface by the same kimberlites.
A method of magnetic surveying in which an electric current is
sent through the ground and the surfaces of metallic minerals
become charged. An over voltage is added to push the current
across these barriers. When the current is switched off, the over
voltage subsides, leaving a brief storage of energy that can be
measured. IP is useful in detecting sulphide minerals, which may
be economic or may point to other deposits. Resistivity and
induced polarisation (IP) are usually conducted as one survey.
A general term for diamonds used in drilling and as abrasives.
Non-metallic, non-fuel minerals used in their natural state in the
chemical and manufacturing industries; they require some
beneficiation. Examples - asbestos, gypsum, salt, graphite, mica,
gravel, building stone and talc.
An estimate of the quantity, grade, and quality of a resource
based on an assumed continuity for which there is geological
evidence. Inferred resources may or may not be supported by
samples or measurements. That part of a Mineral Resource for
which tonnage, grade and mineral content can be estimated with
a low level of confidence. It is inferred from geological evidence
and assumed but not verified geological and/or grade continuity. It
is based on information gathered through appropriate techniques
from locations such as outcrops, trenches, pits, workings and drill
holes that may be limited or of uncertain quality and reliability.
Means the estimated quantity and grade of a deposit, or a part
thereof, that is determined on the basis of limited sampling, but for
which there is sufficient geological information and a reasonable
understanding of the continuity and distribution of metal values to
outline a deposit of potential economic merit.
Drill holes added to a pattern of earlier drilling in order to better
define the characteristics (geometry, size, grade, mineralogy, etc.)
of a mineral deposit.
Drilling at shorter intervals between holes, used to provide greater
geological detail and to help establish reserve estimates.
A limited area of older rocks completely surrounded by younger
rocks, produced by erosion, faulting or folding.
In place, geological formation still in their original position.
The assaying of metallic minerals by using instruments to detect
their atomic properties.
A non-conductor of electricity or heat.
Occurring between distinct rock layers or strata.
An igneous rock containing 52% to 66% quartz.
A mass of rock that has been forced into or between other rocks.


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Chapter 15: Glossary



Ion exchange

Jaw crusher

Junior Resource




A volume of igneous (molten) rock that was injected into older
A body of igneous rock formed by the consolidation of magma
intruded into other rocks, in contrast to lavas, which are extruded
upon the surface.
An exchange of ions in a crystal with ions in a solution. Used as a
method for recovering valuable metals, such as uranium, from
Display of colours by diffraction of light.
Term for rock-breaking pneumatic hammer or rock drill.
A machine in which rock is broken by the action of steel plates.
Device for spraying water, also the water spray itself.
A piece of milling equipment used to concentrate ore on a screen
submerged in water, either by the reciprocating motion of the
screen or by the pulsation of water through it.
A large
mechanically or hand-operated sieve set in a tank of water using
which ore could be separated by waste. Sometimes constructed
in groups within jigging houses.
Johannesburg Securities Exchange
While there is no official definition for this term, it is generally
thought to refer to a small company in the mineral resource
industry, primarily involved in exploration. Junior resource
companies differ from mining companies in that the latter have
revenues from sales of a mined product, while the former spend
capital to discover a resource that will increase asset value per
Fine white clay used in the manufacture of porcelain. Usage of the
terms china clay and kaolin is not well defined; sometimes they
are used synonymously for a group of similar clays. Some
authorities consider china clays the more plastic of the kaolins.
China clays have long been used in the ceramic industry,
especially in fine porcelains, because they can be easily moulded,
have a fine texture, and are white when fired.
Topographical term used to describe the weathering and erosion
of limestone and dolomite terrains to form sinkholes, pillars, caves
etc from the dissolution of the carbonate rock by groundwaters.
A large, strongly-constructed, egg-shaped, iron container used for
ore and rock haulage in earlier shafts. Superseded by Skips.
Same as diatomite (silica clay).
A high-potassium rock recognised as a primary source for
diamonds. Kimberlites contain fragments of near surface, lower
crustal, and mantle rocks (xenoliths) that are broken off and
incorporated into the magma during its ascent to the surface.
Diamond, which is the stable form of carbon in the deeper mantle
rocks (eclogites and peridotites) sampled by the kimberlite, can
also be carried to the surface.


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 15: Glossary

Kimberlite pipe

Lacustrine deposit




Leach pad

An igneous rock structure, typically cylindrical in shape, which
transports diamonds to the earths surface.
Kimberlites are on average 50 m in diameter (though they can be
as wide as 1,500 m) on the surface, and can reach a vertical
dimension of over two kilometres. These pipes are formed when
gas-rich magmas passing through the Diamond Stability Field
carry the diamonds to the surface, where they cool down and
preserve their original form. Kimberlite bodies often occur in
clusters of as many as 40 separate pipes.
An isolated, projecting hill or butte.
Sediments deposited on the bottom of lakes.
Planks or small timbers placed between steel ribs along the roof
of a stope or drift to prevent rocks from falling, rather than to
support the main weight of the overlying rocks.
The development of thin, discrete layers of rock.
Hybrid rocks consisting of mantle rocks. Along with kimberlite,
lamproite is a primary source for diamonds, though the exact
chemistry of the rocks differs from kimberlites. Unlike kimberlites,
lamproites do not form diatremes and root zones, but rather their
vents are shallow and wide.
An igneous rock, composed of dark minerals that occurs in the
form of dykes.
A residual soil developed in tropical countries, out of which the
silica has been leached. May form orebodies of iron, nickel,
bauxite and manganese.
A chute or trough for conveying pulp, water or powdered ore in a
mill. A wooden or steel trough used to carry water or other
liquids; often used to feed water or finely-divided material in
suspension around a dressing floor.
A general name for the molten rock ejected by volcanoes on the
earths surface.
The general direction or slope of a device or ground surface.
The amount of material which must be mined for the slope of a pit
wall to be at a safe angle.
Site prepared with an impermeable base for the piling of ore that
will be treated with solutions to extract valuable metals.
Extractable by chemical solvents.
A chemical process for the extraction of valuable minerals from
ore; also, a natural process by which ground waters dissolve
minerals, thus leaving the rock with a smaller proportion of some
of the minerals than it contained originally. Method of extraction in
which a solvent is passed through a mixture to remove some
desired substance from it.
Leaching is used to remove metals from their ores. In one
procedure certain crushed ores of copper are placed into a series
of tanks. As a solvent, such as sulphuric acid, is pumped into the
first tank, it dissolves the copper from the ore. Eventually


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Chapter 15: Glossary



Lignite (also Brown coal)


Line cutting

Long-hole mining

Longwall mining

overflowing the first tank, the solution passes into the second,
where more copper is dissolved.
When this tank overflows, the process is repeated in the third
tank, and so on. The copper is ultimately removed from the
solution by chemical or other treatment.
The bottom portion of gold-bearing channel gravels, particularly in
buried placers.
A horizontal layer of rock.
Generally used to describe a body of ore that is thick in the middle
and tapers towards the ends.
A lens-shaped deposit having roughly the form of a double convex
The horizontal openings on a working horizon in a mine; it is
customary to work mines from a shaft, establishing levels at
regular intervals, generally about 50 m or more apart.
A soft coal, usually dark brown, often having a distinct wood like
texture, and intermediate in density and carbon content between
peat and bituminous coal. Lignite contains more moisture than
coal and tends to dry and crumble when exposed to air; the flame
is long and smoky and the heating power low.
Oxide of calcium.
A bedded, sedimentary deposit consisting chiefly of calcium
A yellowish to dark brown mineral, a hydrated oxide of iron,
occurring commonly in deposits of secondary origin, i.e., those
formed by the alteration of minerals containing iron. Both iron rust
and bog iron ore are limonite. It serves as a pigment and as an
ore of iron.
Straight clearings through the bush to permit sightings for
geophysical and other surveys.
Along the length of an object or area.
Any solution used to wash or leach a soluble mineral from a solid.
A linear area of mineralization underground. A vein or seam.
Generally vertical or near-vertical, and often extending for
considerable distances along its strike.
The process of recording geological observations of drill core
either on paper or on computer disk.
A method of mining involving the drilling of holes up to 90 feet
long into an ore body and then blasting a slice of rock which falls
into an open space.
The broken rock is extracted and the resulting open chamber is
not filled with supporting material.
A method of mining coal in narrow vertical slices cut by
mechanical means along long straight faces or walls.
Any of several varieties of magnifying glasses, used by jewellers
and watchmakers, of from two to 20 power and intended to fit in
the eye socket, to be attached to spectacles, or to be held in the


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Chapter 15: Glossary


Magmatic Ore Deposit
Magmatic segregation

Magnetic gradient
Magnetic separation

Magnetic survey
Magnetic susceptibility



The character of light reflected by minerals.
The organic constituents that comprise the coal mass. Macerals
are to coal what minerals are to rocks.
This issue remains cloudy because there is no uniform standard
on what size determines macro- and micro-diamonds. Diamond
cartel De Beers considers a micro-diamond less than or equal to 1
mm in diameter, and a macro-diamond larger than 1 mm.
Visible to the unaided eye.
Igneous rocks composed mostly of dark, iron- and magnesiumrich minerals.
Molten material beneath or within the earth's crust, from which
igneous rock is formed.
Formed by differentiation of mineral in magma.
An ore-forming process whereby valuable minerals are
concentrated by settling out of a cooling magma.
Oxide of magnesium.
A mineral - magnesium carbonate - white, yellow, or grey in
colour. Magnesite is used in the manufacture of oxychloride
cement (used for floorings and as stucco), firebrick, Epsom salts,
face powder, boiler wrappings, and disinfectants.
A geophysical survey using a pair of magnetometers a fixed
distance apart, to measure the difference in the magnetic field
with height above the ground.
A process in which a magnetically susceptible mineral is
separated from gangue minerals by applying a strong magnetic
field; ores of iron are commonly treated in this way.
A geophysical survey that measures the intensity of the Earth's
magnetic field.
A measure of the degree to which a rock is attracted to a magnet.
A lustrous black, magnetic mineral (Fe3O4). Magnetite is one of
the important ores of iron (magnetic iron ore) and is a common
constituent of igneous and metamorphic rocks. A variety of
magnetite, lodestone exhibits polarity and is especially interesting
for its natural magnetism.
An instrument used to measure the magnetic attraction of
underlying rocks.
The property of a metal describing the ease with which it can be
hammered, forged, pressed, or rolled into thin sheets. Metals vary
in this respect; pure gold is the most malleable. Silver, copper,
aluminium, lead, tin, zinc, and iron are also very malleable.
The portion of the earth's interior lying beneath the crust and
above the core. No direct observation of the mantle, or its upper
boundary, has been made; its boundaries have been determined
solely by abrupt changes in the velocities and character of seismic
waves passing through the earth's interior. The entire mantle
constitutes about 84 percent of the earth by volume. Its


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Chapter 15: Glossary


Marginal deposit
Marine deposits
Measured Mineral

Metallogenic province

Metallurgical coal
Metallurgical plant
Metamorphic rocks

Meteoric water

composition is thought to be similar to peridotite, an igneous rock
of mostly magnesium-rich silicate.
A metamorphic rock derived from the re-crystallisation of
limestone by the application of heat and pressure.
An orebody of minimal profitability.
Similar to alluvial deposits, except that minerals are deposited in
the ocean.
The rock or gangue material containing ore minerals.
A product of a smelter, containing metal and some sulphur which
must be refined further to obtain pure metal.
The estimated quantity and grade of that part of a deposit for
which the size, configuration and grade have been very well
established by observation and sampling of outcrops, drill holes
trenches and mine workings. That part of a Mineral Resource for
which tonnage, densities, shape, physical characteristics, grade
and mineral content can be estimated with a high level of
It is based on detailed and reliable exploration, sampling and
testing information gathered through appropriate techniques from
locations such as outcrops, trenches, pits, workings and drill
holes. The locations are spaced closely enough to confirm
geological continuity. Means the estimated quantity and grade of
that part of a deposit for which the size, configuration and grade
have been well established by observation and sampling of
outcrops, drill holes, trenches and mine workings.
A term used to describe small, round-faceted diamonds - such as
those used in jewellery - often cut from a larger stone.
Related to the openings in a sieve or screen.
An area defined by an ore type that is conspicuously concentrated
in a particular geological and geographical environment at certain
times in the geological record.
Coal used to make steel
Processing plant used to treat ore and extract the contained
The process of extracting metals from their ores.
Rocks which have undergone a change in texture or composition
as the result of heat and pressure.
The process by which the form or structure of rocks is changed by
heat and pressure. A pronounced change in the constitution of
rock effected by pressure, heat, and waters that result in a more
compact and more highly crystalline condition.
Quartzite that has been metamorphosed to a degree that
recrystallisation occurs.
Surface water that sinks into cracks and fissures.
An explosive mine gas composed of hydrogen and carbon.
Any member of a group of minerals of hydrous silicates of
aluminium with other bases (chiefly potassium, magnesium, iron,


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Chapter 15: Glossary



Mill head grade


Milling ore
Mine Call Factor (MCF)
Mineable reserves


Mineral Reserve

and lithium), that separates readily into thin, tough, often
transparent, and usually elastic laminate; is in glass.
Rock consisting of thin, alternating layers of granite and schist.
A piece of milling equipment consisting of a revolving drum, for
the fine-grinding of ores as a preparation for treatment. A plant in
which ore is treated for the recovery of valuable metals, or the
concentration of valuable minerals into a smaller volume for
shipment to a smelter or refinery. A processing plant that
produces a concentrate of the valuable minerals or metals
contained in an ore. The concentrate must then be treated in
some other type of plant, such as a smelter, to affect recovery of
the pure metal.
Metal content of mined ore going into a mill for processing.
The comminution of the ore, although the terms have come to
cover the broad range of machinery inside the treatment plant
where the mineral is separated from the ore.
Ore that contains sufficient valuable mineral to be treated by
milling process.
A measure of the voltage of an electric current, specifically, onethousandth of a volt.
The ratio of the grade of material received at the mill to the grade
of the ore calculated by sampling in stopes.
That portion of a mineralized deposit for which extraction is
technically and economically feasible.
Ore reserves that are known to be extractable using a given
mining plan. A natural aggregate of one or more minerals that
can be mined and sold for profit.
A naturally occurring homogeneous substance having definite
physical properties and chemical composition and, if formed
under favourable conditions, a definite crystal form. An inorganic
substance occurring in nature, having a characteristic and
homogeneous chemical composition, definite physical properties,
and, usually, a definite crystalline form. A few of the minerals
(e.g., carbon, arsenic, bismuth, antimony, gold, silver, copper,
lead, mercury, platinum, and iron) are elements, but the vast
majority are chemical compounds.
Minerals combine with each other to make up rocks. Many
minerals, especially the metals, are of great economic importance
to a highly industrialised civilisation, entering into the composition
of many manufactured articles. Some minerals, which would
otherwise be of no economic significance, are highly-valued as
gems. A substance which may, or may not, be of economic value
that occurs naturally in the earth. It is homogenous, has certain
chemical makeup and usually appears in crystal or grain form.
A Mineral Reserve is the economically mineable material
derived from a Measured and/or Indicated Mineral Resource. It is
inclusive of diluting materials and allows for losses that may occur


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Chapter 15: Glossary


when the material is mined.
Appropriate assessments, which may include feasibility studies,
have been carried out, including consideration of, and
modification by, realistically assumed mining, metallurgical,
economic, marketing, legal, environmental, social and
governmental factors.

Mineral Resource


Mineralized Material or

These assessments demonstrate at the time of reporting that

extraction is reasonably justified. Mineral reserves (mineable) are
divided into two categories - probable and proven, with the latter
having the highest degree of confidence. A reserve is that part of
a resource which can be legally mined at a profit under specified
economic conditions that are generally accepted by the mining
industry as reasonable under current economic conditions,
demonstrated by at least a preliminary feasibility study based on
measured resources and indicated resources only.
A deposit or concentration of natural, solid, inorganic or fossilised
organic substance in such quantity and at such grade or quality
that extraction of the material at a profit is currently or potentially
possible. A concentration (or occurrence) of material of economic
interest in or on the Earths crust in such form, quality and quantity
that there are reasonable and realistic prospects for eventual
economic extraction. The location, quantity, grade, continuity and
other geological characteristics of a Mineral Resource are known,
estimated from specific geological evidence and knowledge, or
interpreted from a well-constrained and portrayed geological
Mineral Resources are subdivided, in order of increasing
confidence in respect of geoscientific evidence, into Inferred,
Indicated and Measured categories. Mineral resources (in situ)
are divided into three categories - inferred, indicated and
measured. According to this classification, the measured resource
carries the highest level of confidence; inferred, the lowest. A
resource is classified as a deposit or concentration of a natural,
solid inorganic or fossilised organic substance in such quantity
and at such grade or quality that extraction of the material at a
profit is currently or potentially possible. The classifications of
resources are defined on the basis of the degree of confidence in
the estimate of quantity and grade of the deposit.
The presence of economic minerals in a specific area or
geological formation, rock containing an undetermined amount of
minerals or metals.
A mineralized body which has been delineated by appropriate
drilling and/or underground sampling to support a sufficient
tonnage and average grade of metal(s).
Such a deposit does not qualify as a reserve until a


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Chapter 15: Glossary


Mini bulk sampling

Mining claim

Mother Lode

Muck sample
Native gold
Native metal
Ocean crust
Open pit

comprehensive evaluation, based upon unit cost, grade,
recoveries, and other factors, conclude economic feasibility.
A phase in diamond deposit evaluation in which 100-500 tons of
kimberlite is processed to recover diamonds. This is a relatively
small sample of kimberlite, but the results provide additional
information on the character and approximate grade of the
deposit. Good or interesting results at this stage give on the
necessary information to make the decision to move on to the far
more expensive stage of full bulk sampling.
A portion of the public lands claimed for the valuable minerals
occurring in those lands; obtaining mineral rights under mining
Smallest atomic combination that comprises a certain compound.
Device for measuring equipment or processing operations.
A tabular sheet having a single kink or warp similar to an open
S or Z .
A single, large block of stone.
An object placed or erected to mark boundaries of a mining claim.
Every miner hopes of finding their own "mother lode" or source of
the gold that's laden in the rivers. A mother lode is where the gold
is trapped inside veins of quartz on mountain sides. The erosion
of land causes the gold to break away from this source and
eventually wash down into the river. The larger the pieces of gold
being found in the river, the closer one is to the mother lode.
Mother lode also refers to the vast area in Central California
where gold was found. It was called the mother lode, because the
whole area was a source, not just a small target area.
Million tonnes
Ore or rock that has been broken by blasting.
A representative piece of ore that is taken from a muck pile and
then assayed to determine the grade of the pile.
A fine grained sedimentary rock consisting mainly of clays, similar
to shales, but lacking bedding planes.
The international unit for measuring magnetic flux density.
Metallic gold in its free or uncombined state. Placer gold.
A metal occurring in nature in pure form, uncombined with other
A rounded lump or mass of mineral.
Containing little or no metal; industrial mineral.
A coarse-grained igneous rock.
A small mass of precious metal, found free in nature.
Existence or how a mineral is deposited.
The relatively thin, solid portion of the Earth's surface underlying
the oceans.
A carbonate rock containing small spherical rock particles.
A surface mine, open to daylight, such as a quarry. Also referred
to as open-cut or open-cast mine. A type of surface mining in
which massive, usually metallic mineral deposits are removed by


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Chapter 15: Glossary



cutting benches in the walls of a broad, deep, funnel-shaped
An assemblage of mafic igneous rocks representing remnants of
former oceanic crust.
A mixture of mineralized material from which at least one of the
contained minerals can be mined and processed at an economic
Any natural combination of minerals. Especially one from which a
metal or metals can be profitably extracted. Commonly a mixture
of one or more of the following - quartz, gold, copper, silver,
sulphur, iron, and nickel.
Material that contains one or more minerals, at least one of which
has commercial value and can be recovered at a profit. Nearly all
rock deposits contain some metallic minerals, but in many cases
the concentration of metal is too low to justify mining the ore.
Important ores of aluminium, iron, manganese, and tin are oxides;
important ores of antimony, copper, lead, mercury, nickel, silver,
and zinc are sulphides.


The recovery of metals from their ores is one area in the field of
The process of cleaning ore, removing waste material and
preparing it for smelting.
Vertical or inclined passage for the downward transfer of ore
connecting a level with the hoisting shaft or a lower level.
The calculated tonnage and grade of mineralization which can be
extracted profitably; classified as possible, probable and proven
according to the level of confidence that can be placed in the
A natural concentration of valuable material that can be extracted
and sold at a profit.
The portion, or length, of the vein, or other ore structure, that
carries sufficient valuable mineral to be extracted profitably.
Of plant or animal origin.
The process of turning peat into coal.
The process of mountain-building by folding of the Earth's crust.
Quartzite contains more than 90 percent silica.
Troy ounces of a fineness of 999.9 parts per 1,000 parts, which
equals 31.1034 grams per ounce.
An exposure of rock or mineral deposit that can be seen on
surface, i.e., that is not covered by overburden or water.
Surface waste materials covering a mineral deposit.


The topsoil and subsoil removed in the process of opening or

extending a quarry, stream works or mine.
Sedimentary beds that have been deformed in such a way that

Ore dressing
Ore pass
Ore Reserves

Organic maturation


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the oldest beds are lying on top of younger beds.


Oxide material/ore

Oxidised zone



Pay streak



Pentlandite Percussion drill

A chemical reaction caused by exposure to oxygen that results in

a change in the chemical composition of a mineral.
Any chemical combination with oxygen. The portion of a mineral
deposit wherein sulphide materials have been oxidised, usually by
surface weathering processes.
Mineralized rock in which some of the original minerals have been
oxidised. Oxidation tends to make the ore more porous and
permits a more complete permeation of cyanide solutions so that
minute particles of gold in the interior of the minerals will be
readily dissolved.
To combine with oxygen.
Portion of ore deposit where oxygen has displaced other nonmetallic elements in chemical combination with metals.
Past stream channels cut into the bedrock, which may be
accompanied by remnant alluvial deposits.
Characteristic of the cultures of the late Pliocene and the
Pleistocene epochs, or early phase of the Stone Age, which
appeared first in Africa. These cultures are marked by the steady
development of stone tools and later antler and bone artefacts,
engravings on bone and stone, sculpted figures, and paintings
and engravings on the walls of caves and rock-shelters.
A secondary mineral deposit formed in ancient times by the
mechanical concentration of mineral particles from weathered
debris usually by water action.
A lustrous silver-white metal; one of the Platinum Group Metals.
To wash (in a metal, bowl-like pan) gravel and sand or rock
samples that have been ground to small particles, in order to
separate gold or other valuable metals. A shallow metal dish used
for washing earth and stones to separate the gold.
Fire assay procedure for separating gold from other metals.
A layer or channel within a gravel deposit that contains a much
higher average gold content that the surrounding gravels.
The break-even grade at which the ore-body can be mined
without profit or loss, calculated using forecast commodity prices,
working costs and recovery factors.
An unconsolidated deposit of plant material in a water-saturated
environment. Peat is an early stage in the development of coal.
When dried, peat burns freely.
A coarse-grained, igneous rock, usually irregular in texture and
composition, similar to a granite in composition; it usually occurs
in dykes or veins and sometimes contains valuable minerals.
A marble-sized ball of iron ore bonded by clay and fused for
An iron and nickel sulphide mineral.
A drilling machine that usually uses compressed air to drive a
piston that delivers a series of rapid impacts to the drill rod or


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steel and attached bit.


Pig iron


Placer mining

Plate tectonics



A coarsely granular igneous rock composed chiefly of olivine with

an admixture of various other minerals.
A volcanic glass used as a plant-growth medium.
The hydrogen ion concentration in solution, used to measure
acidity pH=log10 1/H
A term used to describe the coarse grained texture of some
igneous rocks.
A porphyritic crystal inclusion.
A salt or ester of phosphoric acid. Inorganic phosphates include
calcium phosphate, ammonium phosphate (important as a
fertiliser), trisodium phosphate (used in detergents and for
softening water), and disodium phosphate (used to some extent in
medicine and in preparing baking powders). Organic phosphates
play an important role in metabolism.
Groundwater that occurs below the water table i.e. the saturated
Common term for an ingot of cast metal.
Crude cast iron from a blast furnace.
A block of solid ore or rock left in place to structurally support the
shaft, walls or roof in a mine.
Refers to the relative angle of slope or dip of an ore deposit.
An important uranium ore mineral, containing a high percentage
of uranium oxide. It is black in colour, possesses a characteristic
pitch like or greasy lustre and is highly radioactive.
Digging test pits for sampling gravels.
An alluvial deposit of sand and gravel containing valuable metals
such as gold, tin, etc. A surfacial mineral deposit formed by the
mechanical concentration of mineral particles from weathered
Mining sand and gravel deposits for their mineral content.
A building or group of buildings, and their contained equipment, in
which a process or function is carried out; on a mine it will include
warehouses, hoisting equipment, compressors, maintenance
shops, offices, mill or concentrator.
A geological theory which postulates that the Earth's crust is
made up of a number of rigid plates which collide, rub up against
and spread out from one another.
The South African Council for Professional Land Surveyors and
Technical Surveyors.
A common name for a small offshoot from a larger batholith.
The vertical angle an orebody makes between the horizontal
plane and the direction along which it extends, longitudinally to
Refers to rocks of igneous origin that have come from great
In mining, a pocket is defined as a cavity filled with ore, or a rich


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deposit of precious metal.


Polishing pond
Porphyry copper
Possible reserve

Potash (Potassium


Precious (or noble)


Pregnant pond

Primary deposits

The unit of measurement for diamonds less than one carat in size.
(A one-carat diamond is equivalent to 100 points; a 10-point
diamond is equivalent to 0.1 carat.)
The last in a series of settling ponds through which mill effluent
flows before being discharged into the natural environment.
The relative quantity of holes or opening in a substance.
Any igneous rock in which relatively large, conspicuous crystals
(called phenocrysts) are set in a fine-grained groundmass.
A deposit of disseminated copper minerals in a large body of
The surface entrance to a tunnel or adit.
The estimated quantity and grade of that part of an inferred
resource that is determined from limited sample data and for
which geology, grade continuity and operating parameters are
based to a large extent on reasonable extrapolations,
assumptions and interpretations.
Valuable mineralization not sampled enough to accurately
estimate its tonnage and grade, or even verify its existence. Also
called "inferred reserves".
A chemical compound (K2CO3) that is available commercially as a
white, granular powder. Potash was originally obtained from wood
ashes or from the residue left in pots after certain plants -- e.g.
kelp -- were burned in them.
It is used in the manufacture of soft soaps and glass, for washing
wool, and in the production of other potassium compounds.
A major division of geologic time, from circa five billion to 570
million years ago, during which the earth's crust formed and life
first appeared in the seas.
Often divided into the Archeozoic and Proterozoic eras,
Precambrian time comprises 80 percent of the earth's history.
Gold, silver, and the six metals comprising the Platinum Group
Metals (platinum, palladium, rhodium, ruthenium, iridium, and
osmium). Precious metals are also called "noble" because of their
ability to withstand severe heat and corrosive environments, to
resist oxidation in air or water, and to resist acidic solutions.
The material that settles from a liquid solution when a particular
substance is added to the solute.
Pond containing solution which has percolated though the ore on
a heap leach. The solution is impregnated with the gold and silver
removed from the ore.
The original or unaltered form.
Ore minerals deposited during the original period or periods of
metallisation as opposed to those deposited as a result of


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alteration or weathering.

Primary grassland

Egoli Granite Grassland is a severely transformed, highly

fragmented and degraded highveld grassland vegetation type.
Since it is endemic to Gauteng (i.e. it occurs nowhere else in the
world), its protection is both a provincial and national priority. At
least 61% of Egoli Granite Grassland has been permanently
transformed. Taking degradation into account, it is estimated that
only 22% of this vegetation type remains in its primary/original
This is especially concerning since the proposed national target
for this vegetation type is 25%, and therefore may never be
realized. Furthermore, highveld grassland is one of the two
richest primary grasslands in the world. It is therefore essential
that any remnant patch of primary Egoli Granite Grassland is
protected from transforming land uses, especially if it is >12ha in
size or is associated with a river, wetland or ridge.
Tsakane Clay Grassland is a severely transformed, highly
fragmented and degraded highveld grassland vegetation type.
Since 84% of this vegetation type occurs in Gauteng, its
protection is both a provincial and national priority. At least 63%
of Tsakane Clay Grassland has been permanently transformed.
Taking degradation into account, it is estimated that only 21% of
this vegetation type remains in its primary/original state.

Probable Mineral

This is especially concerning since the proposed national target

for this vegetation type is 25%, and therefore may never be
realized. Furthermore, highveld grassland is one of the two
richest primary grasslands in the world. It is therefore essential
that any remnant patch of primary Tsakane Clay Grassland is
protected from transforming land uses, especially if it is >12ha in
size or is associated with a river, wetland or ridge.
The estimated quantity and grade of that part of an indicated
resource for which estimated viability has been demonstrated by
adequate information or engineering, operating, economic and
legal factors, at a confidence level that will allow positive
decisions on major expenditures. The mineable material derived
from a Measured and/or Indicated Mineral Resource. It is
estimated with a lower level of confidence than a Proved Mineral
It is inclusive of diluting materials and allows for losses that may
occur when the material is mined. Appropriate assessments,
which may include feasibility studies, have been carried out,
including consideration of, and modification by, realistically
assumed mining, metallurgical, economic, marketing, legal,
environmental, social and governmental factors. These


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Proton precession
Proved Mineral Reserve

assessments demonstrate at the time of reporting that extraction
is reasonably justified.
Resources for which tonnage and grade and/or quality are
computed primarily from information similar to that used for
proven reserves, but the sites for inspection, sampling and
measurement are farther apart or are otherwise less adequately
spaced. The degree of assurance, although lower than that for
proven reserves, is high enough to assume continuity between
points of observation. Means the estimated quantity and grade of
that part of a measured or indicated resource for which the
economic viability has been demonstrated by adequate
information on engineering, operating and economic factors, with
sufficient accuracy to be used as a basis for decisions on further
development and significant capital expenditures.
The day-to-day activities directed to obtaining saleable product
from the Mineral Resource on a commercial scale. It includes
extraction and other processing prior to sale.
A mining property, the value of which has not been proven by
The search for valuable mineral deposits.
Pertaining to the latter half of the Precambrian Era, from about 2.5
billion to 570 million years ago, characterised by the appearance
of bacteria and marine algae.
A geophysical instrument which measures magnetic field intensity
in terms of vertical gradient and total field.
The primary subeconomic material which may be enriched
elsewhere to ore grade.
Reserves that reflect estimates of the quantities and grades of
mineralized material at a mine which the Company believes could
be recovered and sold at prices in excess of the cash cost of
production. The estimates are based largely on current costs and
on projected prices and demand for such mineralized material.
Mineral reserves are stated separately for each such mine, based
upon factors relevant to each mine. Proven and probable mineral
reserves are based on calculations of reserves provided by the
operator of a property that have been reviewed but not
independently confirmed by the Company.
Changes in reserves represent general indicators of the results of
efforts to develop additional reserves as existing reserves are
depleted through production. Grades of ore fed to process may be
different from stated reserve grades because of variation in
grades in areas mined from time to time, mining dilution and other
factors. Reserves should not be interpreted as assurances of
mine life or of the profitability of current or future operations. The
economically mineable material derived from a Measured Mineral
Reserve. It is estimated with a high level of confidence. It is
inclusive of diluting materials and allows for losses that may occur


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when the material is mined.
Appropriate assessments, which may include feasibility studies,
19 have been carried out, including consideration or and
modification by, realistically assumed mining, metallurgical,
economic, marketing, legal, environmental, social and
governmental factors. These assessments demonstrate at the
time of reporting that extraction is reasonably justified.
The estimated quantity and grade of that part of a measured
resource for which the size, grade and distribution of values,
together with technical and economic factors, are so well
established that there is the highest degree of confidence in the
estimate. The term should be restricted to that part of the deposit
being mined or being developed for which there is a mining plan.
Reserves that have been sampled extensively by closely spaced
diamond drill holes and developed by underground workings in
sufficient detail to render an accurate estimation of grade and
tonnage. Also called "measured reserves". Resources for which
tonnage is computed from dimensions revealed in outcrops,
trenches, workings or drill holes and for which the grade and/or
quality is computed from the results of detailed sampling. The
sites for inspection, sampling and measurement are spaced so
closely and the geologic character is so well defined that size,
shape, depth and mineral content of reserves are well


The computed tonnage and grade are judged to be accurate,

within limits which are stated, and no such limit is judged to be
different from the computed tonnage or grade by more than 20%.
Means, for that part of a deposit which is being mined or
developed or which is the subject of a mining plan, the estimated
quantity and grade of that part of a measured resource for which
the size, grade and distribution of values, together with technical
and economic factors, are so well established that there is the
highest degree of confidence in the estimate.
Pulverised or ground ore in solution.
The most common sulphide in the earth's crust, occurring over a
wide range of environments. It is composed essentially of iron
sulphide, and has been at the centre of many legal battles due to
damage caused by acid-mine drainage from mine tailings. The
name pyrite is derived from the Greek work "pyrites" (striking fire),
an allusion to the sparks emitted by the mineral when struck by
iron. Iron pyrite is a synonym for pyrite and has often been called
"fools gold."
For the investor, the presence and amount of pyrite is important to
the economics of a deposit. The less pyrite in a deposit the less
sulphuric acid generated and the easier to dispose of mine


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Pyrrhotite (magnetic

Qualitative analysis
Quantitative analysis

Quaternary catchment

A bronze-yellow to bronze-red sulphide of iron, sometimes

containing nickel. Pyrrhotite tarnishes easily, is somewhat
magnetic, and occurs chiefly in basic igneous rocks. In some
areas, like Sudbury, Ontario, Canada, it is associated with
pentlandite, an important ore of nickel. It is found also in the
United States, Europe, and South America.
Determining which metals are present in a sample.
Determining how much of a metal is present.
Open, or surface, excavation of rock used for various purposes,
including construction, ornamentation, road building, and as an
industrial raw material. Rock that has been quarried is commonly
called stone. Quarrying methods depend chiefly on the desired
size and shape of the stone and its physical characteristics. For
industrial use (e.g., limestone for preparing cement), as the
aggregate in concrete, or for road beds, the rock is shattered. For
building stone, rocks that do not shatter are separated by blasting;
for softer rocks or when explosives cannot be used (e.g., because
they would disturb adjacent workings), a process known as
broaching, or channelling, is used.
The rivers that source in the identified priority quaternary
catchments are still in a relatively good to natural ecological state
(in terms of the River Health Classification system), meaning that
basic ecological processes are still functional. To maintain the
current ecological state, development must be minimized within
these catchments and be of low impact in nature with intensive
environmental management.
Subdivision of land must also be avoided as it will lead to the
intensification of infrastructure development and urban sprawl,
consequently compromising the ecological integrity of rivers
sourcing in the catchment.

Quartz carbonate ore
Quartz porphyry

Although low-impact mining could be considered through a

comprehensive EIA, mining is also an undesirable form of land
use within the identified priority catchments as it impacts severely
on aquatic ecosystems.
Common rock-forming mineral consisting of silicon and oxygen.
Ore containing a considerable proportion of quartz and carbonate
vein material with precious and/or sulphide minerals.
Common gold mine lithology.
A metamorphic rock formed by the transformation of a sandstone
rock by heat and pressure.
A term used to describe the emission and transmission of energy
through space or through a material medium, and also the
radiated energy itself. In its widest sense the term includes
electromagnetic, acoustic, and particle radiation, and all forms of


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ionising radiation.

Radon survey
Rare earth element

Reaming shell


Recovered grade
Recovery grade
Recovery rate


Commonly radiation refers to the electromagnetic spectrum,

which, in order of decreasing wavelength, includes radio,
microwave, infrared, visible-light, ultraviolet, X-ray, and gammaray emissions. The sun is the source of much radiant energy in
the form of sunlight and heat. Heat radiation is infrared radiation.
The property of spontaneously emitting alpha, beta or gamma
rays by the decay of the nuclei of atoms.
A geochemical survey technique which detects traces of radon
gas, a product of radioactivity.
A vertical or inclined underground working that has been
excavated from the bottom upward.
An inclined underground tunnel which provides access for
exploration or a connection between levels of a mine.
The percentage of carbon in dry mineral free coal.
Any of a group of closely related metallic elements, comprising
the lanthanides, scandium, and yttrium that are chemically similar
by virtue of having the same number of valence electrons.
Enlarging the diameter of a hole.
A component of a string of rods used in diamond drilling, it is set
with diamonds and placed between the bit and the core barrel to
maintain the gauge (or diameter) of the hole.
The process by which lands disturbed as a result of mining activity
are reclaimed back to a beneficial land use. Reclamation activity
includes the removal of buildings, equipment, machinery and
other physical remnants of mining, closure of tailings
impoundments, leach pads and other mine features, and
contouring, covering and revegetation of waste rock piles and
other disturbed areas.
A preliminary survey of ground.
Actual metal content of ore determined after mining.
The percentage of valuable metal in the ore that is recovered by
metallurgical treatment.
The actual grade or ore realised after the mining and treatment
A term used in process metallurgy to indicate the proportion of
valuable material obtained in the processing of an ore. It is
generally stated as a percentage of the material recovered
compared to the total material present.
- The percentage of
metals recovered in a mineral separation process. Recovery rates
vary depending on physical, metallurgical, and economic
A chemical reaction in which an oxidising agent is reduced and a
reducing agent is oxidised, thus involving the transfer of electrons.
A mineralized horizon containing economic levels of metal.
Extracting and purifying metals and minerals, the final stages of
metal production in which impurities are removed from the molten


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material/refractory ore

Replacement ore


Reserve grade

Resistivity survey

Reverbatory furnace
Reverse circulation

Refers to an ore from which it is difficult or expensive to recover

valuable constituents. Refractory gold ore is, by convention,
defined as that not amenable to conventional methods of
leaching, namely cyanidation.
Mineralized material in which the economic metal is not amenable
to recovery by conventional methods without any pre-treatment.
The refractory nature can be either sulphide encapsulation of the
metal or the presence of naturally occurring carbons which mask
recovery. Ore that resists the action of chemical reagents in the
normal treatment processes and which may require pressure
leaching or other means to effect the full recovery of the valuable
The process of restoring mined land to a condition approximating
its original state.
Ore formed by a process during which certain minerals have
passed into solution and have been carried away, while valuable
minerals from the solution have been deposited in the place of
those removed.
That part of a resource that can be mined at a profit under current
or reasonably anticipated economic conditions which are
specified. In addition to the information required for a resource
estimate, the technical, operating, legal and financial factors must
be considered in a reserve estimate.
The estimated metal content of an ore body, based on reserve
Left over; eroded in place.
A method of magnetic surveying in which the resistance of rock to
electrical current is measured. An electric current is fed into the
ground, flowing through the earth to complete the circuit. The
rock's electrical resistance can be measured by probing the
ground with electrodes - a conductive ore body containing
economic metallic sulphides will cause low resistance, presenting
an anomaly. Results from this method, however, must be
tempered with what is known geologically about the area.
A geophysical technique used to measure the resistance of a rock
formation to an electric current.
A deposit or concentration of a natural, solid, inorganic or
fossilised organic substance, other than natural ground water,
petroleum, natural gas, bitumen or related hydrocarbons, in such
quantity and at such a grade or quality that extraction of the
material at a profit is currently or potentially possible.
A method of stoping in narrow-vein deposits whereby the wall
rock on one side of the vein is blasted first and then the ore.
A long, flat furnace used to slag gangue minerals and produce a
A drilling method employing double-walled drill rods. The drilling


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drilling -

Rib samples





fluid (usually water) is pushed down the shaft around the rods and
the cuttings are blown up the middle.
A type of rotary drilling that uses a double-walled drill pipe.
Compressed air, water or other drilling medium is forced down the
space between the two pipes to the drill bit and the drilled chips
are flushed back up to the surface through the centre tube of the
drill pipe.
A fine-grained (extrusive) igneous rock which has the same
chemical composition as granite.
Ore taken from rib pillars in a mine to determine metal content.
Ridges form biodiversity hotspots. As they provide resources
needed for survival, reproduction and movement, they are also
ideal refuges for wildlife in an urbanized landscape. In a
landscape affected by climate change, chances of species
survival will be higher on ridges.
Ridges provide vital habitat for many threatened, rare and
endemic species of fauna and flora. Ridges, and the interface
between the lower slopes and the flat ground adjoining a ridge,
provide important habitat required for the completion of the life
cycles of many invertebrates, many of which provide essential
ecosystem services (e.g. pollination). Ridges form naturally
existing corridors that can functionally interconnect isolated
natural areas and therefore play an important role in wildlife
dispersal. Other ecological processes associated with ridges,
which are important for the maintenance and generation of
biodiversity, include evolutionary processes, hydrological
processes and pollination.
A groove or ridge in the bottom of a stream channel; a slat or
block of wood or metal placed across a sluice box or other placer
River ecosystems (perennial and non-perennial) contribute to the
conservation of biodiversity and provide ecosystem services such
as clean water. Rivers provide a habitat to many species, both
inside of the water body and the river channel as well as within
the riparian zone and larger floodplains. Rivers and streams are
linear ecosystems and are therefore extremely sensitive to any
disturbance that may occur within the entire catchment of the river
or stream. As rivers are affected along their entire lengths
downstream of impacts, stringent measures are required to
prevent degradation at the point of impact as well as downstream.
To heat an ore to drive off volatile substances or oxidise the ore.
The treatment of ore by heat and air, or oxygen enriched air, in
order to remove sulphur, carbon, antimony and arsenic.
Aggregation of solid matter composed of one or more of the
minerals forming the earth's crust. The scientific study of rocks is
called petrology. Rocks are commonly divided, according to their
origin, into three major classes - igneous, sedimentary, and


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Rock factor

Rock Mechanics


Rocker Box or Cradle

Rod mill
Room-and-pillar mining

Rotary drilling





The number of cubic metres of a particular rock type required to

make up one tonne of the material. One tonne of a highly
siliceous ore may occupy 0.40 cu m while a tonne of dense
sulphide ore may occupy only 0.25 cu m.
The study of the mechanical properties of rocks, which includes
stress conditions around mine openings and the ability of rocks
and underground structures to withstand these stresses.
The act of supporting openings in rock with steel bolts anchored in
holes drilled especially for this purpose.
A violent release of energy resulting in the sudden failure of walls
or pillars in a mine, caused by the weight or pressure of the
surrounding rocks.
Like a sluice box the rocker box has riffles and a carpet in it to
trap the gold. It was designed to be used in areas with less water
than a sluice box. The process involves pouring water out of a
small cup and then rocking the small sluice box like a cradle, thus
the name rocker box or cradle.
A rotating steel cylinder that uses steel rods as a means of
grinding ore.
A method of mining flat-lying ore deposits in which the mined- out
area, or rooms, are separated by pillars of approximately the
same size.
Drilling with a bit that breaks the rock into chips rather than core.
Faster and cheaper than diamond drilling, the chips are forced by
water and air to the surface for examination. - A machine that
drills holes by rotating a rigid, tubular string of drill rods to which is
attached a bit. Commonly used for drilling large-diameter
blastholes in open pit mines.
Industry term for uncut diamonds.
An amount of money paid at regular intervals by the lessee or
operator of an exploration or mining property to the owner of the
ground. Generally based on a certain amount per ton or a
percentage of the total production or profits. Also, the fee paid for
the right to use a patented process.
The raw material in its natural, unprocessed state, as delivered by
a mine. It can also mean the average grade of ore produced from
a mine.
The South African Council for Natural Scientific Professions.
Formation shaped like a saddle or anticline.
A chemical compound (other than water) formed by a chemical
reaction between an acid and a base.
The act of introducing metals or minerals into a deposit or
samples, resulting in false assays - done either by accident or
with the intent of defrauding the public.
A small portion of rock or a mineral deposit, taken so that the
metal content can be determined by assaying.


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Scintillation counter
Secondary enrichment


Sedimentary rocks

Selecting a fractional but representative part of a mineral deposit
for analysis.
The South African Code for Reporting of Mineral Resources and
Mineral Reserves including the guidelines contained therein.
Rock material occurring in the form of loose, rounded or angular
grains, varying in size from .06 mm to 2 mm in diameter, the
particles being smaller than those of gravel and larger than those
of silt or clay. Sand is formed as a result of the weathering and
decomposition of igneous, sedimentary, or metamorphic rocks. Its
most abundant mineral constituent is silica, usually in the form of
quartz, and many deposits are composed almost exclusively of
quartz grains. Sand is used extensively in the manufacture of
bricks, mortar, cement, concrete, plasters, paving materials, and
refractory materials. It is also used in the metallurgical industry, in
the filtration of water, in pottery making, in glass making, in the
manufacture of explosives, and as an abrasive. Other industrial
uses are numerous.
Sedimentary rock formed by the cementing together of grains of
sand. The usual cementing material in sandstone is calcium
carbonate, iron oxides, or silica, and the hardness of sandstone
varies according to the character of the cementing material.
Quartz sandstones cemented with quartz are the hardest.
Sandstones are widely used in construction and industry.
The act of removing loose slabs of rock from the back and walls of
an underground opening, usually done with a hand-held scaling
bar or with a boom-mounted scaling hammer.
An escarpment, cliff or steep slope along the margin of a plateau,
mesa or terrace.
A foliated metamorphic rock the grains of which have a roughly
parallel arrangement; generally developed by shearing.
An instrument used to detect and measure radioactivity by
detecting gamma rays; more sensitive than a Geiger counter.
A machine for loading broken rock (ore or waste) at a working
place in a mine.
A layer of coal.
An alteration of an original formation or deposit.
Enrichment of a vein or mineral deposit by minerals that have
been taken into solution from one part of the vein or adjacent
rocks and redeposited in another.
A class of deposits defined as sediment-hosted massive sulphide
deposits that formed from the discharge of hydrothermal fluids
onto the seafloor. Not included in this type are volcanogenic
massive sulphides, sediment-hosted copper ores, or Mississippi
valley-type sediment-hosted deposits.
Secondary rocks formed from material derived from other rocks
and laid down under water. Examples are lime stone, shale and
Formed by the deposition of eroded material.
Pertaining to sediments laid down by rivers and streams.


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Chapter 15: Glossary

Seismic prospecting

grinding (SAG)

Shaker Table

Shear or shearing

Shear zone
Sheave wheel
Shrinkage Stoping



Sillimanite minerals

A geophysical method of prospecting, utilising knowledge of the
speed of reflected sound waves in rock.
A technique, used in geophysical prospecting, which recognises
and measures the minute electric currents generated by sulphide
A method of grinding rock into fine powder whereby the grinding
media consist of larger chunks of rocks and steel balls.
An electrical conductor whose resistance decreases with rising
A greenish, metamorphic mineral consisting of magnesium
A shaft provides principal access to the underground workings for
transporting personnel, equipment, supplies, ore and waste. A
shaft is also used for ventilation and as an auxiliary exit. It is
equipped with a hoist system that lowers and raises conveyances
for men, material and ore in the shaft.
Shaker tables are like giant gold pans. An engine drives a belt
that vibrates a huge bucket. Instead of the junk material being
separated from the gold, the gold is separated from the junk. The
vibration of the bucket causes the gold to settle to the bottom, the
junk goes into a small classifier and is dumped out into a tailing
Sedimentary rock formed by the consolidation of mud or silt.
The deformation of rocks by lateral movement along innumerable
parallel planes, generally resulting from pressure and producing
such metamorphic structures as cleavage and schistosity.
A zone in which shearing has occurred on a large scale
A large grooved wheel in the top of a headframe over which the
hoisting rope passes.
Common term for a pulley.
A concentration of mineral values; that part of a vein or zone
carrying values of ore grade.
A stoping method which uses part of the broken ore as a working
platform and as support for the walls of the stope.
Iron carbonate, which when pure, contains 48.2% iron; must be
roasted to drive off carbon dioxide before it can be used in a blast
furnace. (Roasted product is called sinter).
The dioxide form of silicon, occurring especially as quartz sand,
flint, and agate; usually used in the form of its prepared white
powder in the manufacture of glass, water glass, ceramics, and
abrasives. Also called silicon dioxide.
A rock containing an abundance of quartz.
Sedimentary rocks containing a predominance of quartz.
An intrusive sheet of igneous rock of roughly uniform thickness,
generally extending over considerable lateral extent that has been
forced between the bedding planes of existing rock.
A group of aluminium-rich silicate minerals including sillimanite,
kyanite and andalusite, dumortierite, topaz and mullite.


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Chapter 15: Glossary

Single jack



Slimes dam

Sluice Box


Soda ash (sodium


Muddy deposits of fine sediment usually found on the bottoms of
Fine grained sedimentary rocks that consist mainly of silt-grade
A light hammer used for drilling holes by hand.
Fine particles of iron ore that have been treated by heat to
produce blast furnace feed.
A term used to describe the metamorphic rocks surrounding an
igneous intrusive where it comes in contact with a limestone or
dolomite rock formation.
A (generally elongated) iron or steel container equipped with small
wheels or brackets running on the shaft guides (buntings) and
used for rock and ore haulage in later mines.
The vitreous mass separated from the fused metals in the
smelting process.
The process of blasting rock from the side of an underground
opening to widen the opening.
A metamorphic rock; the metamorphic equivalent of shale.
The striated, polished surface of a fault caused by one wall
rubbing against the other.
Extremely fine clayey material derived from ore, associated rock,
or altered rock by a process of natural weathering, infiltration or
non-selective severance.
Impoundment of slimes by hydraulic deposition as a landfill. In
principle walls are constructed with the slimes to contain the
newly deposited slurry to allow for evaporation of excess water.
Typically limited to 30 m height.
Refers to displacement along a fault.
An inclined entry to underground workings.
Rock cuttings from a diamond drill hole, sometimes used for
A long, narrow, wood or metal artificial channel that water passes
through when put in a creek or stream. Nineteenth century miners
used and twentieth century miners still use sluice boxes to
separate the dirt and junk material away from the gold. Gold, the
most dense metal known to man, stays in the sluice box because
of its heavy weight.
Any process of melting or fusion, especially to extract a metal
from its ore. Smelting processes vary depending on the nature of
the ore and the metal involved, but they typically use a blast
furnace. A metallurgical operation in which metal is separated
from impurities by a process that includes fusion.
A chemical compound, soluble in water and very slightly soluble in
alcohol. Pure sodium carbonate is a white, odourless powder that
absorbs moisture from the air, has an alkaline taste, and forms a
strongly alkaline water solution. It is one of the most basic
industrial chemicals. Because seaweed ashes were an early
source of sodium carbonate, it is often called soda ash or, simply,


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Chapter 15: Glossary



Sodium cyanide
Solvent extractionElectrowinning (SX-EW)
Sortex machine

Specific gravity
Spiral concentrator

Stainless steel
Stamp Mill

Soda ash is found in large natural deposits and is mined in

Wyoming; it is also recovered (with other chemicals) from lake
brines in California. The principal uses of sodium carbonate are in
the manufacture of glass and the production of chemicals. It is
also used in processing wood pulp to make paper, in making
soaps and detergents, in refining aluminium, in water softening,
and in many other applications. The Leblanc process, the first
successful commercial process for making soda, is no longer
used in the United States but played a major role in the Industrial
A chemical used in the mill of gold ores to dissolve gold and
A metallurgical technique, so far applied only to copper ores, in
which metal is dissolved from the rock by organic solvents and
recovered from solution by electrolysis.
Equipment used to separate diamonds from concentrates.
Diamond-bearing gravel, bombarded by x-rays, passes over a
photomultiplier. Diamonds fluoresce under x-ray.
The photomultiplier detects this burst of fluorescence, and a jet of
air blasts the diamond from the gravel.
A highly experienced miner who has prospected for many years.
The relative weight of a mineral as compared to the weight of an
equal volume of water.
A selected piece of rock or ore taken for examination or display.
The zinc of commerce, more or less impure, cast from molten
metal into slabs or ingots.
A sulphide mineral of zinc; a common ore mineral of zinc.
A revolving drum or pan with an interior section made of spiral
riffles, used for gravity concentration of heavy minerals.
A term in coal mining used to describe lenses of sedimentary rock
within the coal seam.
A method of magnetic surveying that is used if a magnetic ore
body is shaped in such a way that it is both above and below the
water table. By creating an electric current in the rocks and soils
surrounding it, the ore body can act as a weak natural electric
Using a voltmeter, it is possible to detect voltage differential along
the flow of the current, which may indicate the location of
conductive minerals.
Alloy steel containing 12 percent or more chromium, so as to be
resistant to rust and attack from various chemicals.
A machine for crushing ore by the weight of constantly falling
pieces of iron, stone, or wood. The action approximates the
pulverising of material with a mortar and pestle. A mechanical


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Chapter 15: Glossary


device for crushing ore-bearing rock to fine sand.


Step-out drilling


Strategic materials

Strike length

Heavy vertically-mounted beams (or later iron rods) carrying cast

or forged iron heads were sequentially lifted and dropped onto the
prepared ore beneath them by a series of cams mounted on a
rotating drum; this usually being driven by a water-wheel or
rotative steam engine.
An enlargement of a shaft made for the storage and handling of
equipment and for driving drifts at that elevation.
An alloy of iron, carbon, and small proportions of other elements.
Iron contains impurities in the form of silicon, phosphorus,
sulphur, and manganese; steelmaking involves the removal of
these impurities, known as slag, and the addition of desirable
alloying elements.
Holes drilled to intersect a mineralization horizon or structure
along strike or down dip.
Broken ore heaped on surface, pending treatment or shipment.
A interlocking network of veins containing ore minerals within a
host rock, usually emplaced by hydrothermal solutions along
fissure and fracture systems.
The hard substance, formed of mineral matter, of which rocks
consist. Rock that has been quarried is commonly called stone.
Excavated area produced during the extraction of ore-bearing
rock. Often narrow, deep and elongated, reflecting the former
position of the lode.
The underground excavation within the ore-body where the main
production takes place.
Materials that are vital to the security of a nation, but that must be
procured entirely or in large part from foreign sources because
available domestic production will not meet the nation's
requirements in time of war.
A formation having banded layers, or beds.
Occurring as a bed or beds of sedimentary rock, arranged in
strata (layers of material often parallel to another).
Strictly, the description of bedded rock sequences; used loosely,
the sequence of bedded rocks in a particular area.
A physical characteristic of minerals determined by scratching a
sample of the mineral on a piece of unglazed porcelain.
Prominent scratches left on bedrock by advancing glaciers.
The direction, or bearing, from true north of a vein or rock
formation measured on a horizontal surface.
The longest horizontal dimension of an ore body or zone of
A narrow vein or irregular filament of a mineral or minerals
traversing a rock mass.
To remove the overburden or waste rock overlying an orebody in
preparation for mining by open pit methods.


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Chapter 15: Glossary

Strip (or stripping) ratio
Strip mine

Stripping ratio


Sulphide dust explosions

material/sulphide ore

Sulphide zones
Sulphur dioxide


Surf washer

The tonnage of waste material removed to allow the mining of one
tonne of ore in an open-pit.
An open pit mine, usually a coal mine, mined by removing
overburden, excavating the coal seam, and then returning the
The ratio of tonnes removed as waste relative to the number of
tonnes of ore removed from an open pit mine.
The general form and type of rock formation.
A black coal, intermediate between lignite and bituminous.
A level or working horizon in a mine between main working levels.
The layer of partly weathered and broken rock between the
unaltered bedrock and the topsoil.
A chemical compound containing the sulphate (SO4) radical.
Sulphates are salts or esters of sulphuric acid, H2SO4, formed by
replacing one or both of the hydrogens with a metal (e.g., sodium)
or a radical (e.g., ammonium or ethyl). Sulphates are widely
distributed in nature. Barium sulphate occurs as barite; calcium
sulphate is found as gypsum, alabaster, and selenite; Epsom salts
is magnesium sulphate; sodium sulphate occurs as its
decahydrate, Glauber's salt; and strontium sulphate occurs as
A compound of sulphur and some other element. Example - iron
A mineral compound characterised by the linkage of sulphur with
a metal. Some examples of sulphides include galena (with lead),
chalcopyrite (with copper), or pyrite (with iron).
An underground mining hazard involving the spontaneous
combustion of airborne dust containing sulphide minerals.
A sub-group of refractory ore - mineralized rock in which much of
the gold is encapsulated in sulphides and is not readily amenable
to dissolution by cyanide solutions.
Some sulphide ore may require autoclave treatment prior to
That part of a lode or vein not yet oxidised by the air or surface
water and containing sulphide minerals.
A gas liberated during the smelting of most sulphide ores; either
converted into sulphuric acid or released into the atmosphere in
the form or a gas.
An underground excavation where water accumulates before
being pumped to surface
An alloy, often with a nickel, nickel-iron, or cobalt base, capable of
withstanding very high temperatures; used in jet engines, rockets,
Formed by descending waters, as mineral or ore deposits
(opposed to hypogene).
A small sluice that is placed so that the incoming surf can run up
and down the trough, washing material from a hopper down over


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Chapter 15: Glossary



Synthetic diamonds

Tailing dam

Tailings pond



An intrusive igneous rock composed chiefly of orthoclase
A mineral, gold silver telluride, silver-white with metallic lustre,
often occurring in crystals so arranged as to resemble written
characters; an ore of gold.
The principal ore of potassium.
A down-arching fold in bedded rocks.
A term used to describe when mineralization in a deposit was
formed relative to the host rocks in which it is found. In this case,
the mineralization was formed at the same time as the host rocks.
(The opposite is epigenetic).
Diamonds that are man-made rather than found in a natural state.
A plate-like structure in certain minerals.
Low-grade iron ore, a flint like rock usually containing less than 30
percent iron. Because taconite is resistant to drilling and to the
extraction of its contained metal, the rock was long considered
worthless. This changed with the introduction of the pelletising
method for upgrading the ore and by the development of the jet
piercer (a high-temperature flame thrower) which provided
penetration speeds of up to 40 ft (12 m) an hour for blasting holes
in the rock.
Dams or dumps created from waste material from processed ore
after the economically recoverable metal has been extracted. A
natural or man-made confined area suitable for depositing the
material that remains after the treatment of ore.
Material rejected from a mill after most of the recoverable valuable
minerals have been extracted.
A low-lying depression used to confine tailings, the prime function
of which is to allow enough time for heavy metals to settle out or
for cyanide to be destroyed before water is discharged into the
receiving watershed.
A mineral ranging in colour from white through various shades of
grey and green, to the red and brown of impure specimens. Talc
is translucent to opaque and has a greasy, soapy feel. It is a
hydrous silicate of magnesium, and usually contains small
quantities of nickel, iron, and aluminium as impurities. Talc is used
in making paper (as a filler), paints, face and talcum powder,
soap, fireproof roofing, foundry facings, lubricants, linoleum and
oilcloth, electrical insulation, and pottery.
A heap of broken, coarse rock found at the base of a cliff or
Compacting material over an explosive charge.
A chemical compound consisting of tellurium and another
element, often gold or silver.
The relative value or mineral content of an ore.
A relatively fiat area lying between the various levels of bench
Any rock formation, series of formations, or area in which a


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particular formation or group of rocks is predominant.

Thermal coal


Troy ounce

Tube mill

Type metal

Ultra basic

Coal burned to generate the steam that drives turbines to

generate electricity.
Sediments formed on land
A large, round tank used in milling operations to separate solids
from liquids; clear fluid overflows from the tank and rock particles
sink to the bottom.
The measure of the vertical displacement between the two sides
of a fault.
Unstratified and unconsolidated sediment deposited by glaciers.
A titnaiferous variety of magnetite (an iron oxide).
The physical features of the surface in an area.
The top most layer of a soil profile, closest to surface containing
the most weathered and organically rich portion of the soil profile.
Tons per annum.
Tons per month.
Tons per cubic metre.
Fine grained alkali igneous rock.
To haul cars of ore or waste in a mine.
The overlapping of younger rocks over older counterparts.
A long, narrow excavation dug through overburden, or blasted out
of rock, to expose a vein or ore structure.
Making elongated open-air excavations for the purposes of
mapping and sampling
The direction, in the horizontal plane, or a linear geological feature
(for example, an ore zone), measured from true north.
A variety of diatomite (silica clay) containing radiolarian (plankton
A heavy-duty revolving drum and screen, utilised for washing,
breaking up, and removing larger rocks and retrieving the sands
and pebbles for processing in other placer recovery equipment.
The most common unit of weight used to measure quantities of
precious metals. One troy ounce equals 1.09714 avoirdupois
An apparatus consisting of a revolving cylinder about half-filled
with steel rods or balls and into which crushed ore is fed for fine
Rock composed of fine volcanic ash.
A horizontal underground opening, open to the atmosphere at
both ends.
A machine used to excavate a tunnel through soil or rock by
mechanical means as opposed to drilling and blasting.
Alloy of lead with antimony, tin, and sometimes copper; so named
because of its use at one time for making printing type. Expanding
upon solidification, the alloy takes a fine and clear impression of
the mould in which it hardens. It has a low melting point.
Igneous rocks containing less than 35% silica.


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Chapter 15: Glossary

Umpire sample or assay

Uncut value
Underground mining

Upper lead


Vein stockworks

Visible gold
Volcanic rocks
Volume factor

Containing iron and magnesium, with little or no silica. Also,
An assay made by a third party to provide a basis for settling
disputes between buyers and sellers of ore.
A sequence of rocks is unconformable to another when the
contact between them represents a broken period of deposition
due to time, erosion or structure.
The actual assay value of a core sample as opposed to a cut
value which has been reduced by some arbitrary formula.
The extraction of minerals from below the surface of the earth.
This material is then brought to the surface by means of
connected tunnels, passages, and openings.
A vertical raise to the ground surface form an underground mine.
Pay gravel of pay streak in a gravel deposit that lies in strata well
above bedrock.
A uranium mineral with a high uranium oxide content. Frequently
found in pegmatite dykes.
Water that occurs in the zone between the ground water and the
water table i.e. the unsaturated zone.
The valuable minerals contained in a deposit, usually refers to the
precious metal content.
A rare element occurring in certain minerals and obtained as a
light-grey powder with a silvery lustre, or as a ductile metal. Used
as an ingredient of steel to toughen it and increase its shock
A fissure, fault or crack in a rock filled by minerals that have
travelled upwards from some deep source. Vertical or nearly
vertical fissure or fault in the rock filled with mineral.
mineralized zone having a more or less regular development in
length, width and depth which clearly separates it from
neighbouring rock.
A mineral deposit consisting of a network of planar to irregular
veinlets spaced close enough that the whole mass can be mined.
A network or assemblage of veins confined to a particular area.
Any of a group of platy minerals, hydrous silicates of aluminium,
magnesium, and iron that expand markedly on being heated.
Vermiculite is used in the expanded state for heat insulation and
as a plant-growth medium.
Native gold which is discernable in a hand specimen by the
unaided eye.
Igneous rocks formed from magma that has flowed out or has
been violently ejected from a volcano.
A term used to describe the volcanic origin of mineralization.
A measurement of the amount of material in a placer, usually
stated in cubic outwards.
A factor which takes into account the swell of loosened gravels
after the material has been excavated. Most intact gravels swell at
least 25 percent when they have been loosened.


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Chapter 15: Glossary

Wall rocks

Water management

Water table
Wet assaying

Wireline drilling

X-ray sorting

A small cavity in a rock, frequently lined with well-formed crystals.
Amethyst commonly forms in these cavities.
The sides of a mine working; rock on either side of an ore body.
Rock units on either side of an orebody. The hangingwall and
footwall rocks of an orebody.
Barren rock in a mine, or mineralized material that is too low in
grade to be mined and milled at a profit.
Mineralized or unmineralized rock that is not ore. Barren rock in a
mine, or mineralized material that is too low in grade to be mined
and milled at a profit. Rock lacking sufficient grade and/or other
characteristics of ore to be commercially exploited.
The process whereby the groundwater table in a mining area is
lowered by pumping water from wells and the water is conveyed
and used or recharged to the groundwater system through
infiltration, reinjection, or irrigation return.
The underground level at which the ground is saturated with
water. The level at which water will stand in an excavation.
A technique of directing a diamond drill hole in a desired direction
away from its current orientation.
The assaying of metallic minerals by dissolving and recovering
them through use of chemical reagents.
Wetlands are sensitive ecological systems important for the
maintenance of biodiversity and for the ecosystem services they
provide to society. Besides a source of water, wetlands reduce
the severity of droughts and floods by regulating streamflow, they
purify water by trapping pollutants and control soil erosion.
Wetlands also function as carbon sinks. This is especially
important in the current context of elevated atmospheric carbon
dioxide levels and related global warming. Wetlands may also
have an important influence on the recharge or discharge of
Wetlands are rich in biodiversity, providing
essential habitat for a wide diversity of fauna and flora, some of
which are threatened with extinction. Use values associated with
wetlands include fibre for construction and handcraft production,
grazing lands for domestic and wild grazers particularly in the dry
season or during droughts, bird watching and hunting.
A vertical or inclined opening sunk form a point inside a mine.
A mineral drilling method in which an inner tube containing core is
detached, and then the tube, with the core caught in it, is brought
to the surface by a wire.
A mineral, calcium silicate, occurring usually in fibrous white
Any mine excavation or operating areas.
A rock fragment of different composition enclosed in an igneous
A method of diamond extraction that uses a Sortex machine,
which exploits diamonds x-ray fluorescence to create a jet of air
that will separate the diamonds from the rest of a heavy mineral


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Chapter 15: Glossary



Yield/Recovered grade
Zone of Oxidation


The actual grade of ore realised after the mining and treatment
process. Also called recovered grade.
The actual grade of ore realised after the mining treatment
A durable, crystalline form of zirconium silicate that is commonly
found in placer deposits.
An area of distinct mineralization.
The portion of an orebody that has been oxidised, usually in the
upper portion of the ore zone.

Definitions in terms of the Minerals Act 35 of 1991



Chair lift


(a) Any apparatus adapted to convert continuously any liquid

into steam, vapour or gas at a pressure higher than that due
to the atmosphere, where the heat is derived from a source
other than steam or the ambient temperature of the
atmosphere, including any super-heater or economizer
comprising an integral part thereof; or
(b) any economizer or separately fired super-heater not
comprising an integral part of such apparatus, and includes
every fitting and appurtenance pertaining to any such
apparatus, economizer or super-heater: Provided that if any
apparatus consists of a combination of two or more parts
each of which is capable of adaption for use as a separate
boiler by the closing of one or more stop valves or stop
cocks, each of the said parts shall be deemed to be a boiler:
Provided further that
(i) a steam generator fitted with a standpipe or riser which is
vented directly to the atmosphere and the vent of which
is of such dimensions as to prevent the development of
any pressure exceeding 35 kPa within the vessel, and
provided that no valve or other obstruction is inserted in
the standpipe or riser to prevent the vessel from freely
venting to the atmosphere; or
(ii) any apparatus of which the product of the manufacturer's
intended maximum working pressure in kilopascal and
the volume in cubic meters does not exceed the figure
10, shall not be deemed to be a boiler.
Means to be the holder of an appropriate certificate of
competency issued in terms of a regulation
Means any appliance or combination of appliances used or
intended to be used for the conveyance of persons or material by
means of conveyance suspended from an endless hauling rope or
with chairs or carriers running in or on a rope or rail circuit and


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Chapter 15: Glossary





Investigating officer



provided with a hauling rope or chain

Means the Department of Mineral and Energy Affairs
Means the Director-General: Mineral and Energy Affairs
Means any lift, hoist or other appliance used or intended to be
used for the conveyance of persons, material or minerals by
means of a car in a hatchway on guides where the control system
of the driving machinery is not normally operated manually from
the motor or engine room
Means any person employed or working at a mine or works,
including an independent contractor
Means any appliance or combination of appliances whereby
power, excluding man or animal power, can be applied to do
mechanical work
Means, in relation to(a) the right to a mineral in respect of land or any undivided
share therein; the owner of such land: Provided that(i) if the right to such mineral or an undivided share therein
has been severed from the ownership of the land
concerned, the person in whose name such right or an
undivided share therein is registered in the deeds office
concerned, either by means of a separate deed or by
means of a reservation in the title deed of the land
concerned; or
(ii) if the right to such mineral or an undivided share therein
vests in any other manner in a person, that person, shall
be the older;
(b) the right to a mineral which occurs in or on tailings, the
person who is the holder of the mining right (in respect of the
land) from which such tailings have been produced, provided
that if such mining right has lapsed or did not exist or if such
tailings or such mining right has been so alienated that the
ownership thereof vests in different persons
(i) the person who at common law has a claim to such
tailings; or
(ii) if no such person as referred to in subparagraph (i)
exists, or if he/she is unknown or cannot be readily
traced, the owner of the land on which the tailings dump
is situated,
shall be the first-mentioned holder; and
(c) any permit, licence, permission, certificate, authorization or
any other document issued, granted or in force in terms of
this Act, the person in whose name it has been issued,
granted or is in force.
Means any regional mining engineer or any officer designated by
the Director-General in accordance with section 28(1) or (3)
Means any engine, boiler or appliance or a combination thereof
which is situated at a mine or works and which is used or intended


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Chapter 15: Glossary



to be used-



Mine safety committee

Mining area

Mining authorisation

(a) for generating, developing, receiving, storing, converting,

transforming, transmitting or distributing any form of power or
energy; or
(b) for
in connection with operations falling under the control of the
manager of such mine or works.
Means any competent person as defined in the regulations,
appointed in terms of section 31(1)(a).
Means, when(a) used as a noun(i) any excavation in the earth, including the portion under
the sea or under other water or in any tailings, as well as
any borehole, whether being worked or not, made for the
purpose of searching for or winning a mineral; or
(ii) any other place where a mineral deposit is being
exploited, including the mining area and all buildings,
structures, machinery, mine dumps, access roads or
objects situated on such area and which are used or
intended to be used in connection with such searching,
winning or exploitation or for the processing of such
mineral, provided that if two or more such excavations,
boreholes or places, or excavations, boreholes and
places, are being worked in conjunction with one another,
they shall be deemed to comprise one mine unless the
regional director notifies the owner thereof in writing that
such excavations, boreholes or places, or excavations,
boreholes and places, comprise two or more mines; and
(b) used as a verb, the making of any excavation or borehole
referred to in paragraph (a)(i) or the exploitation of any
mineral deposit in any other manner, for the purpose of
winning a mineral, including any prospecting in connection
with the winning of such mineral.
Means any substance, whether in solid, liquid or gaseous form,
occurring naturally in or on the earth, in or under water or in
tailings and having been formed by or subjected to a geological
process, excluding water, but including sand, stone, rock, gravel
and clay, as well as soil, other than topsoil
Means the committee established by section 26(1)(a)
Means the area comprising the subject of any prospecting permit
or mining authorization, including any adjacent surface of land
under the control of the holder of such permit or authorization and
which he is entitled to use in connection with the operations
performed or to be performed under such permit or authorization.
Means any authorization granted under a mining permit or a
mining licence.


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Chapter 15: Glossary


Mining licence
Mining permit
Mining right

Nomination agreement



Means any authorization issued in terms of section 9 for any

period exceeding two years.
Means any authorization issued in terms of section 9 for a period
not exceeding two years.
Means any right or any share therein acquired under any section
mentioned in section 47(1) or (5) or any right to dig or to mine
acquired under a tributing agreement as defined in section 1 of
the Mining Titles Registration Act, 1967 (Act No. 16 of 1967), or
any other subgrant acquired by virtue of the first-mentioned right
or any share therein.
Means the Minister of Mineral and Energy Affairs and Public
Means a nomination agreement as defined in section 1 of the
Mining Titles Registration Act, 1967 (Act No. 16 of 1967).
Means any officer or other person in the service of the State in
accordance with the Public Service Act, 1984 (Act No. 111 of
Means, in relation to(a) land(i) other than unsurveyed and unregistered State land, the
owner as defined in section 102 of the Deeds Registries
(ii) comprising a rural area, the Minister of Local
Government and Agriculture in the House of
(b) a mine(i) the holder of the prospecting permit or mining

Peace officer



(ii) if such prospecting permit or mining authorization does

not exist, the last person who worked the mine or his
successor in title; or
(c) a works, also the lessee of any works or part thereof.
Means any officer in the service of the Department who has been
declared a peace officer under section 334 of the Criminal
Procedure Act, 1977 (Act No. 51 of 1977 ).
Means any person as defined in section 2 of the Interpretation
Act, 1957 (Act No. 33 of 1957), including the State and a trust.
Means prescribed by regulation.
Means, in relation to any mineral, the recovering, extracting,
concentrating, refining, calcining, classifying, crushing, screening,
washing, reduction, smelting or gasification thereof.
Means intentionally searching for any mineral by means which
disturb the surface of the earth, including the portion under the
sea or under other water or of any tailings, by means of
excavation or drilling necessary for that purpose, but does not
include mine as a verb.


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 15: Glossary



Prospecting permit

Means any authorization issued in terms of section 6.


Includes information contained in or on a computer printout, tape

or disc or any other computer storage medium.
Means any officer appointed in terms of section 4.
Means any officer in the service of the Department who is a
certified mine manager in respect of mining matters or a
certificated mechanical or electrical engineer (mines) in respect of
mining equipment, respectively, appointed to such post in the
office of a regional director.
Means any regulation made under section 63 or in force in terms
of section 68 (2).
Means, in relation to the surface of land and the environment, the
execution by the holder of a prospecting permit or mining
authorization of the rehabilitation programme referred to in section
39 to the satisfaction of the regional director.
Means any rural area as defined in section 1 of the Rural Areas
Act (House of Representatives), 1987 (Act No. 9 of 1987).
Means any injury which is likely to be fatal or where there is loss
of a joint or permanent disability.
Means any waste rock, slimes or residue derived from any mining
operation or processing of any mineral.
Includes the regulations and any condition to which any permit
licence, permission, consent, exemption, approval, notice or
authorization issued, given or granted or deemed to be issued,
given or granted in terms of this Act, is subject.
Means, in relation to a mine, any place in a mine under the natural
surface of the earth which is solely connected to the surface by
means of a shaft, incline shaft, adit, raise, winze, tunnel or decline
or a combination thereof, including such shaft, incline shaft, adit
raise, winze, tunnel or decline.
Means any hoist or other appliance used or intended to be used
for the conveyance of persons, material or minerals by means of a
cage, skip or other means of conveyance in any shaft or winze
where the control system of the driving machinery can normally
be operated manually from the motor or engine room, but
excluding any lifting machine, endless rope haulage and scraper
winch installation.
Means any place, excluding a mine, where one or more of the
following operations and any operation necessary or in connection
therewith are carried out, namely(a) the transmitting and distributing to any other consumer of any
form of power from a mine, by the owner thereof, to the
terminal point of bulk supply or, where the supply is not in
bulk, to the power supply meter on any such other
consumer's premises; or
(b) training at any central rescue station.

Regional director
Regional mining


Rural area
Serious bodily harm
This Act


Winding plant



GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide


Chapter 15: Glossary

Definitions in terms of the Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Act

28 of 2002

CEF (Proprietary) Limited
Chief Inspector



Development programme

management programme
Exclusionary act

Exploration right
Exploration area
Exploration operation

Exploration work


Means the Minerals and Mining Development Board established

by section 54.
Means CEF (Proprietary) Limited referred to in section 1 of the
Central Energy Fund Act, 1977 (Act No. 38 of 1977).
Means the Chief Inspector of Mines appointed in terms of
section 48(1) of the Mine Health and Safety Act, 1996 (Act No.
29 of 1996).
Means a coherent, social group of persons with interests or
rights in a particular area of land which the members have or
exercise communally in terms of an agreement, custom or law.
Means a calendar day and when any particular number of days
are prescribed for the doing of any act, those days shall be
reckoned by excluding the first and including the last day,
unless the last day falls on a Saturday, a Sunday or any public
holiday, in which case the number of days shall be reckoned by
excluding the first day and also any such Saturday, Sunday or
public holiday.
Means the Department of Minerals and Energy.
Means the development programme approved under the terms
and conditions of the production right.
Means the Director-General of the Department
Means any person who works for the holder of a prospecting
right, mining right, mining permit or retention permit and who is
entitled to receive any remuneration, but does not include an
independent contractor, professional advisor or any agent of
such holder.
Means the environment as defined in the National
Environmental Management Act, 1998 (Act No. 107 of 1998)
Means an approved environmental management programme
contemplated in section 36.
Means any act or practice which impedes or prevents any
person from entering the mineral and mining industry, or from
entering any market connected with that industry, or from
making progress within such industry or market.
Means the right granted in terms of section 75.
Means the area comprising the block or blocks depicted in an
exploration or production right.
Means the re-processing of existing seismic data, acquisition
and processing of new seismic data or any other related activity
to define a trap to be tested by drilling, logging and testing,
including extended well testing, of a well with the intention of
locating a discovery.
Means the approved exploration work programme indicating the
petroleum operations to be conducted on the exploration area


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 15: Glossary


Financial guarantee

Financial provision
Historically disadvantaged


Initial environmental
impact assessment

Mine, when used as a verb



during the validity of the exploration right, including the details

regarding the exploration activities, phases, equipment to be
used and estimated expenditures for the different exploration
activities and phases.
Means the surety that applicants for, or holders of, exploration
and production rights must provide to the Petroleum Agency in
terms of section 84 guaranteeing the availability of sufficient
funds to undertake the agreed work programmes and to
rehabilitate exploration or production areas.
Means the financial provision contemplated in section 38.
(a) any person or category of persons disadvantaged by unfair
discrimination before the Constitution took effect;
(b) any association, a majority of whose members are persons
contemplated in paragraph (a);
(c) any juristic person other than an association, in which
persons contemplated in paragraph (a) own and control a
majority of the issued capital or member's interest and are
able to control a majority of the members' votes.
(In relation to a prospecting right, mining right, mining permit,
retention permit, exploration right, production right,
reconnaissance permit or technical co-operation permit) Means
the person to whom such right or permit has been granted or
such person's successor in title.
Means the document resulting from a preliminary assessment
undertaken in order to(a) assimilate information concerning the status of the
environment prior to prospecting or mining;
(b) identify the extent of the anticipated impacts and their
consequences on the environment, taking into
consideration any sensitivity or limitations that may exist on
or in respect of the area;
(c) identify alternatives and to propose the most appropriate
approach and procedure to plan and develop the proposed
prospecting or mining project and its environmental
management requirements;
(d) record the initial views and concerns of relevant authorities
affected and other parties; and
(e) identify the extent of any further investigation required;
Means any operation or activity directed at extracting any
mineral from any mineral resource on, in or under the earth,
water or any residue deposit, whether by underground or open
working or otherwise, and includes any operation or activity
incidental thereto.
Means any substance, whether in solid, liquid or gaseous form,
occurring naturally in or on the earth or in or under water and
which was formed by or subjected to a geological process, and
includes sand, stone, rock, gravel, clay, soil and any mineral


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 15: Glossary


Mining area

Mining operation
Mining permit
Mining right
Mining Titles Office
Mining work programme
Money bill



Petroleum Agency


occurring in residue stockpiles or in residue deposits, but

excludes(a) water, other than water taken from land or sea for the
extraction of any mineral from such water;
(b) petroleum; or
(c) topsoil and peat.
Means the area which comprises the subject of a mining right or
mining permit, including(a) any adjacent surface of land;
(b) any non-adjacent surface of land, if it is connected to such
area by means of any road, railway line, power line,
pipeline, cableway or conveyor belt; and
(c) any surface of land on which such road, railway line, power
line, pipeline, cableway or conveyor belt is located, under
the control of the holder of such mining right or mining
permit and which he or she is entitled to use in connection
with such mining operations under such right or permit until
an exoneration certificate is issued under section 40.
Means any operation associated with or connected to the act of
Means a permit issued in terms of section 24(5)
Means a right to mine granted in terms of section 20(1).
Means the Mining Titles Office contemplated in section 2 of the
Mining Titles Registration Act, 1967 (Act No. 16 of 1967).
Means the planned mining work programme to be followed in
order to mine a mineral resource optimally.
Means the Minister of Minerals and Energy.
Means a Bill, enacted into law by Parliament after this Act,
which provides for the payment of royalties in respect of
minerals and petroleum.
Means any officer of the Department appointed under the Public
Service Act, 1994 (Proclamation No. 103 of 1994).
In relation to(a) land(i) Means the person in whose name the land is
(ii) if it is land owned by the State, means the State
together with the occupant thereof; or
(b) the sea, means the State.
Means any liquid, solid hydrocarbon or combustible gas existing
in a natural condition in the earth's crust and includes any such
liquid or solid hydrocarbon or combustible gas which gas has in
any manner been returned to such natural condition, but does
not include coal, bituminous shale or other stratified deposits
from which oil can be obtained by destructive distillation or gas
arising from a marsh or other surface deposit.
Means the South African Agency for Promotion of Petroleum


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 15: Glossary


Petroleum reservoir
Processing (in relation to
any mineral)
Production right
Production operation

Production area

Prospecting area
Prospecting operations
Prospecting right
Prospecting work
Reconnaissance permit
Reconnaissance operation

Regional Manager
Regional Mining
Development and
Environmental Committee
Residue deposit

Residue stockpile

Retention area


Exploration and Exploitation (Propriety) Limited

Means a geological formation containing petroleum
Means prescribed by regulation in terms of this Act
Means winning, extracting, concentrating, refining, calcining,
classifying, crushing, screening, washing, reduction,
smelting or gasification thereof
Means a right granted in terms of section 79
Means any operation, activity or matter that relates to the
exploration, appraisal, development and production of
Means any area which is subject to a production right
Means intentionally searching for any mineral by means of any
method(a) which disturbs the surface or subsurface of the earth,
including any portion of the earth that is under the sea or
under other water; or
(b) in or on any residue stockpile or residue deposit, in order to
establish the existence of any mineral and to determine the
extent and economic value thereof;
Means the area of land which is the subject of any prospecting
Means any activity carried on in connection with prospecting
Means the right to prospect granted in terms of section 14(1).
Means the planned prospecting work programme to be followed
in order to establish the occurrence of any mineral resource in
the prospecting area during the period applied for.
Means the permit issued in terms of section 70(1).
Means any operation carried out for or in connection with the
search for petroleum by geological, geophysical and
photogeological surveys and includes any remote sensing
techniques, but does not include any exploration operation.
Means recorded information regardless of form or medium
Means the regulations made under section 99
Means the officer designated by the Minister in terms of section
8 as regional manager for a specified region
Means the Regional Mining Development and Environmental
Committee established in terms of section 60.
Means any residue stockpile remaining at the termination,
cancellation or expiry of a prospecting right, mining right, mining
permit or production right.
Means any debris, discard, tailings, slimes, screening, slurry,
waste rock, foundry sand, beneficiation plant waste, ash or any
other product derived from or incidental to a mining operation
and which is stockpiled, stored or accumulated for potential reuse, or which is disposed of, by the holder of a mining right,
mining permit or production right.
Means the area of land which comprises the subject of a


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 15: Glossary


Retention permit
Sustainable development

Technical co-operation
This Act




retention permit
Means a permit issued in terms of section 29
Means the integration of social, economic and environmental
factors into planning, implementation and decision making so as
to ensure that mineral and petroleum resources development
serves present and future generations
Means the technical co-operation permit issued in terms of
section 72(1).
Includes the regulations and any term or condition to which any
permit, right, consent, exemption, approval, notice, exonerating
certificate, environmental management programme or directive
issued, given, granted or approved in terms of this Act, are
Means the layer of soil covering the earth which(a) provides a suitable environment for the germination of
(b) allows the penetration of water;
(c) is a source of micro-organisms, plant nutrients and in some
cases seed; and
(d) covers a depth of 0.5 metres or such other depth as the
Minister may prescribe for a specific prospecting or mining

Regulations of the Minerals Act (2002) Regulations



Environmental impact

management programme
performance assessment

management programme

Means any natural or juristic person who applies for a
reconnaissance permission, prospecting right, mining right,
mining permit, retention permit, exploration right, production
right, reconnaissance permit or technical co-operation permit or
renewal thereof in terms of the Act.
Means a process applied to assess the environmental
consequences of applications for a mining or production right in
terms of the Act and include the compilation of a scoping and
environmental impact assessment report concerning such
Means a systematic, periodic, objective and documented
evaluation of compliance with the environmental management
programme approved in terms of the Act and the continued
appropriateness and adequacy of the approved environmental
management programme.
Means the use of quantitative and qualitative data gathering
techniques in order to ascertain whether the requirements of an
approved environmental management programme are being
complied with and to supply supporting information for the


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 15: Glossary

Closure certificate
Social and Labour Plan
Integrated environmental

Interested and affected


Latent environmental
Optimal prospecting
Optimal mining
Post-closure management

Produced water

Regional mining
development and
environmental committee
Regional office
Residual environmental
Risk assessment

Risk management

Means a certificate issued in terms of section 43(1) of the Act.
Means a document or standard form attached to the
Regulations and which forms part of the Annexure hereto.
Means a forum established in terms of the Regulations.
Means a source of or exposure to danger.
Means installation as defined in the Mine Health and Safety Act,
1996, (Act No. 29 of 1996), as amended.
Means a philosophy that prescribes an approach for ensuring
that environmental considerations are fully integrated into all
stages of the reconnaissance, prospecting, exploration, mining
and production process in order to achieve a desirable balance
between conservation and development.
Means a natural or juristic person or an association of persons
with a direct interest in the proposed or existing operation or
who will be directly affected by the proposed or existing
Means environmental impacts that may occur due to natural
events or disasters.
Means prospecting conducted by the holder of a prospecting
right in accordance with the prospecting work programme.
Means mining conducted by the holder of a mining right or
mining permit in accordance with the mining work programme.
Means the ongoing management of residual environmental
impacts for a specified period as determined after closure in
terms of section 43(1) of the Act has been obtained.
Means water produced with petroleum from the sub-surface in
the course of production operations, and separated from the
petroleum with the intention of discharging it into the
Means the committee established in terms of section 64 of the
Act and as contemplated in Regulations.
Means an office of the Department situated within each region
as contemplated in section 8 of the Act.
Means the environmental impacts remaining after mitigation.
Means a process of gathering data and making assumptions to
estimate short- and long-term harmful effects on human health
and the environment from exposure to hazards associated with
the use of a particular product or technology; or establishing the
probability of an event occurring, the factors that could bring
about that event, likely exposure levels and the acceptability of
the impact resulting from exposure.
Means the probability that injury or harm to persons and
environmental degradation will occur.
Means using the information from the risk assessment to make
and implement decisions about risk based on the balance


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 15: Glossary


Qualified person


between cost and benefits, for a range of options that mitigate
or eliminate risk.
Means a person who(i) is qualified by virtue of his or her knowledge, training,
skills and experience to organise the work and its
performance; and
(ii) is familiar with the provisions of the Act and other
related legislation which apply to the work to be
performed; and
(iii) has been trained to recognise any potential or actual
problem in the performance.

Vegetation types
Vegetation type

Andesite Mountain Bushveld

Carletonville Dolomite Grassland
Central Free State Grassland
Central Sandy Bushveld
Eastern Highveld Grassland
Eastern Temperate Freshwater
Egoli Granite Grassland

Gauteng Shale Mountain Bushveld

Gold Reef Mountain Bushveld

Loskop Mountain Bushveld
Marikana Thornveld
Moot Plains Bushveld
Norite Koppies Bushveld
Rand Highveld Grassland
Soweto Highveld Grassland
Springbokvlakte Thornveld

A vegetation type that is moderately transformed
and inadequately conserved in Gauteng.
A vegetation type that is severely transformed and
poorly conserved in Gauteng.
A vegetation type that is severely transformed and
extremely poorly conserved in Gauteng.
A vegetation type that is moderately transformed in
A vegetation type that is severely transformed and
extremely poorly conserved in Gauteng.
A vegetation type that is moderately transformed
and poorly conserved in Gauteng.
A severely transformed and extremely poorly
conserved vegetation type that is endemic to
A vegetation type that is moderately transformed
and extremely poorly conserved in Gauteng and
>60% of which occurs in Gauteng.
A vegetation type that is moderately transformed
and poorly conserved in Gauteng.
A vegetation type that is severely transformed and
poorly conserved in Gauteng.
A vegetation type that is severely transformed and
extremely poorly conserved in Gauteng.
A vegetation type that is severely transformed and
poorly conserved in Gauteng.
A vegetation type that is severely transformed and
extremely poorly conserved in Gauteng.
A vegetation type that is moderately transformed in


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 15: Glossary

Vegetation type


Subtropical Freshwater Wetlands

Tsakane Clay Grassland

Waterberg-Magaliesberg Summit

A vegetation type that is moderately transformed

and extremely poorly conserved in Gauteng.
A vegetation type that is severely transformed and
poorly conserved in Gauteng and >80% of which
occurs in Gauteng.
A vegetation type that is extremely poorly
conserved in Gauteng.

Red List & Orange List plants


Species name


Agrostis eriantha var.

Alepidea amatymbica

Species removed please ignore.

Aloe peglerae


Anacampseros sp.

Barleria rehmannii
Bonatea speciosa var.
Bowiea volubilis


Not included in C-plan 2 analyses information to

be added later.
A Red List plant species currently considered
Endangered and confined mainly to the Magaliesberg
range in Gauteng and North West Province.
Not included in C-plan 2 analyses information to
be added later.
Not evaluated.
Not included in C-plan 2 analyses information to
be added later.
A plant species currently listed in the Declining
category of the Orange List.
Species removed please ignore.
Not evaluated.
Species removed please ignore.

Brachiaria subulifolia
Brachystelma discoideum
Calamagrostis epigeios
var. capensis
Ceropegia decidua subsp.


Ceropegia turricula
Cineraria longipes


Cleome conrathii


Cucumis humifructus
Cyathea dregei


Delosperma davyi
Delosperma framesii




A Red List plant endemic to the hills and ridges in and

around Pretoria and currently considered Vulnerable
due to habitat loss and degradation through urban
Not evaluated.
Not included in C-plan 2 analyses information to
be added later.
A Red List plant species endemic to the southern
parts of Gauteng and currently considered Vulnerable
due to habitat loss and degradation through urban
A Near Threatened plant species endemic to South
Not evaluated.
Not included in C-plan 2 analyses information to
be added later.
Species removed please ignore.
A Data Deficient plant species only known from


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 15: Glossary


Species name

Delosperma gautengense


Delosperma leendertziae


Delosperma macellum


Delosperma purpureum


Disperis concinna

Delosperma vogtsii

Encephalartos lanatus


Eucomis autumnalis
subsp. clavata
Eulophia coddii


Eulophia leachii

Frithia humilis


Frithia pulchra


Gladiolus pole-evansii

Gladiolus robertsoniae


Habenaria barbertoni

Habenaria bicolor
Habenaria kraenzliniana


Habenaria mossii


Heteranthera callifolia
Holothrix micrantha



A Red List plant species endemic to the northern
parts of Gauteng and currently considered Vulnerable
due to habitat loss and degradation through urban
A Near Threatened plant species endemic to
A Red List plant species known from only a single
population and currently considered Endangered.
A Red List plant species endemic to Johannesburg
and currently considered Endangered due to habitat
loss and degradation through urban development.
Not included in C-plan 2 analyses information to
be added later.
Species now considered same as D. leendertziae
please change species name and use information
relevant to D. leendertziae.
A Near Threatened plant species endemic to South
A Red List plant species endemic to South Africa and
currently considered Critically Endangered.
Not included in C-plan 2 analyses information to
be added later.
A Red List plant species endemic to South Africa and
currently considered Vulnerable.
A plant species currently listed in the Declining
category of the Orange List.
A Red List plant species endemic to South Africa and
currently considered Vulnerable.
A Near Threatened plant species confined to the
Magaliesberg range in Gauteng and North West
Not included in C-plan 2 analyses information to
be added later.
A Near Threatened plant species endemic to South
Not included in C-plan 2 analyses information to
be added later.
A Near Threatened plant species.
Not included in C-plan 2 analyses information to
be added later.
A Red List plant species endemic to Gauteng and
currently considered Endangered due to habitat loss
and degradation through urban development.
Not evaluated.
A Red List plant species endemic to Gauteng and
currently considered Endangered due to habitat loss


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide


Species name

Holothrix randii
Hypoxis hemerocallidea


Khadia beswickii


Kniphofia typhoides


Lepidium mossii


Lithops lesliei subsp. lesliei

var. rubrobrunnea


Lithops lesliei subsp. lesliei

Lotononis adpressa subsp.

Macledium pretoriense


Melolobium subspicatum


Nerine gracilis


Nuxia glomerulata

Trachyandra erythrorrhiza



Chapter 15: Glossary


and degradation through urban development.
A Near Threatened plant species.
Not included in C-plan 2 analyses information to
be added later.
A Red List plant species endemic to the southern
parts of Gauteng and currently considered Vulnerable
due to habitat loss and degradation through urban
A Near Threatened plant species endemic to South
A Data Deficient plant species known from only two
sites in Gauteng and the Free State.
A plant endemic to the Randfontein area that qualifies
for the Red List category of Endangered due to
urbanization threats.
Not included in C-plan 2 analyses information to
be added later.
A Data Deficient plant known only from the western
parts of Gauteng.
A plant species historically known only from Gauteng
and possibly now Extinct.
A Red List plant species endemic to the western parts
of Gauteng and currently considered Vulnerable due
to habitat loss and degradation through urban
A Near Threatened plant species endemic to South
Species removed please ignore.
A plant species endemic to South Africa and currently
listed as declining on the Orange List due to urban
development, agriculture and mining.
A Near Threatened plant species endemic to South

Red list mammals

Species name

Julianas Golden Mole

(Neamblysomus julianae)

Rough-haired Golden Mole

(Chrysospalax villosus)

White-tailed Rat

A Red List mammal species currently considered Critically
Endangered and known from only three localities in South
Africa, including the Bronberg where habitat loss has been
significant. Genetic studies indicate that the Bronberg
population may be taxonomically unique.
A Red List mammal species endemic to South Africa, where it
is currently considered Critically Endangered. It is now
thought to be extinct throughout large parts of its former
range due to wetland draining and urbanization.
A Red List mammal species endemic to South Africa, where it


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 15: Glossary

Species name
(Mystromys albicaudatus)
Peak-saddle Horseshoe Bat
(Rhinolophus blasii)

Short-eared Trident Bat

(Cleotis percivalli)

Temmincks Hairy Bat

(Myotis tricolor)

Welwitschs Hairy Bat

(Myotis welwitschii)

Schreibers Long-fingered
(Miniopterus schreibersii)
Geoffrys Horseshoe Bat
(Rhinolophus clivosus)

Hildebrandts Horseshoe Bat

(Rhinolophus hildebrandtii)

Darlingis Horseshoe Bat

(Rhinolophus darlingi)

Bushveld Horseshoe Bat

(Rhinolophus simulator)

is currently considered Endangered.
A Red List mammal species currently considered Vulnerable
in South Africa. Even minor disturbances to roost sites,
which are also used for hibernating, mating and rearing of
young, can have dramatic effects on the overall bat
A Red List mammal species currently considered Critically
Endangered in South Africa, the roost sites of which are
extremely important and sensitive as they are focal areas of
activity. Even minor disturbances to roost sites can have
dramatic effects on the overall bat population.
Currently considered Near Threatened in South Africa. Even
minor disturbances to roost sites, which are focal areas of
activity, can have dramatic effects on the overall bat
Currently considered Near Threatened in South Africa. Even
minor disturbances to roost sites, which are focal areas of
activity, can have dramatic effects on the overall bat
Currently considered Near Threatened in South Africa. Even
minor disturbances to roost sites, which are focal areas of
activity, can have dramatic effects on the overall bat
Currently considered Near Threatened in South Africa. Even
minor disturbances to roost sites, which are focal areas of
activity, can have dramatic effects on the overall bat
Currently considered Near Threatened in South Africa. Even
minor disturbances to roost sites, which are focal areas of
activity, can have dramatic effects on the overall bat
Currently considered Near Threatened in South Africa. Even
minor disturbances to roost sites, which are focal areas of
activity, can have dramatic effects on the overall bat
Although listed as Least Concern, caves harbouring this
species warrant protection as they are focal areas of activity.

Red List birds

Species name

Cape Vulture
(Gyps coprotheres)
Blue Crane
(Anthropoides paradiseus)
Lesser Kestrel

A Red List bird species currently considered Vulnerable in
South Africa and threatened by electrocution, poisoning,
shooting, drowning, medicinal use and disturbance of nests.
A Red List bird species currently considered Vulnerable in
South Africa and threatened by habitat loss and disturbance of
A Red List bird species threatened by habitat loss and currently


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 15: Glossary

Species name
(Falco naumanni)
Grass Owl
(Tyto capensis)
African Marsh Harrier
(Circus ranivorous)

White-backed Night Heron

(Gorsachius leuconotus)
White-bellied Korhaan
(Eupodotis cafra)
Martial Eagle
(Polemaetus bellicosus)
African Finfoot
(Podica senegalensis)

Melodious Lark
(Mirafra cheniana)
Lesser Flamingo
(Phoeniconaias minor)
(Saggitarius serpentarius)

Black Stork
(Ciconia nigra)
Halfcollared Kingfisher
(Alcedo semitorquata)
Greater Flamingo
(Phoenicopterus ruber)

Red-billed Oxpecker

considered Vulnerable in South Africa.
A Red List bird species currently considered Vulnerable in
South Africa and threatened by habitat loss, disturbance of
nests and road mortalities.
A Red List bird species currently considered Vulnerable in
South Africa and threatened by habitat degradation and
fragmentation. Only 10 pairs of African Marsh Harrier occur in
A Red List bird species currently considered Vulnerable in
South Africa and threatened by the destruction of riverine
vegetation and poor river management.
A Red List bird species currently considered Vulnerable in
South Africa and threatened by habitat loss and degradation.
A Red List bird species currently considered Vulnerable in
South Africa and threatened by persecution from humans.
Only 5 pairs of Martial Eagle occur in Gauteng.
A Red List bird species currently considered Vulnerable in
South Africa and threatened by habitat destruction and
degradation. Less than 20 pairs of African Finfoot occur in
Currently considered Near Threatened in South Africa.
Predominant threats to this bird species include habitat loss,
fragmentation and degradation.
Currently considered Near Threatened in South Africa.
Predominant threats to this bird species include habitat
degradation and collisions with fences and powerlines.
Currently considered Near Threatened in South Africa.
Predominant threats to this bird species include habitat loss
and degradation as well as persecution from humans. Less
than 75 pairs of Secretarybird are estimated to occur in
Currently considered Near Threatened in South Africa. Habitat
degradation is the predominant threat to this bird species. It is
estimated that only 2-3 pairs of Black Stork occur in Gauteng.
Currently considered Near Threatened in South Africa. Habitat
destruction and degradation are the predominant threats to this
bird species.
Currently considered Near Threatened in South Africa.
Predominant threats to this bird species include habitat loss
and degradation as well as collisions with fences and
Currently considered Near Threatened in South Africa and
threatened by poisoning associated with the dipping of cattle
and game.


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide


Chapter 15: Glossary

Red List amphibians

Species name

Giant Bullfrog
(Pyxicephalus adspersus)

Currently considered Near Threatened in South Africa and
threatened by habitat destruction, degradation and
fragmentation as well as road mortalities. At least 5 breeding
populations occur in Gauteng.

15.10. Red List reptiles

Species name
Southern African Python
(Python natalensis)
Striped Harlequin Snake
(Homoroselaps dorsalis)

A Red List reptile species currently considered Vulnerable in
South Africa and threatened by collection, persecution from
humans and habitat loss.
A Data Deficient reptile species threatened by habitat loss and

15.11. Red List invertebrates

Species name


Aloeides dentatis dentatis

(Roodepoort Copper Butterfly)

A Red List butterfly endemic to Gauteng and currently

considered Vulnerable. The species is confined to
grassland habitat.
A Gauteng near-endemic Red List butterfly currently
considered Vulnerable and confined to grassland on ridges.
A Red List butterfly (Vulnerable) endemic to the Highveld,
where it is confined to grassland habitat on ridges.
A Red List butterfly (Vulnerable) endemic to the Highveld,
where it is confined to grassland habitat.
A Red List butterfly (Vulnerable) endemic to the Highveld,
where it is confined to grassland habitat on dolomite rocky
A Red List butterfly that is confined to wetland habitat and is
currently considered Vulnerable.

Chrysoritis aureus
(Heidelberg Copper Butterfly)
Lepidochrysops praeterita
(Highveld Blue Butterfly)
Orachrysops mijburghi
Platylesches dolomitica
(Dolomite hopper)
Metisella meninx
(Marsh sylph)

Species name


Ichnestoma stobbiai
(Stobbias Fruit chafer)
Trichocephala brincki (Brincks
Fruit chafer)

A Red List beetle that qualifies for the Critically Endangered

category and is endemic to Gauteng.
A Red List beetle that qualifies for the Vulnerable category
and is a Gauteng near-endemic.
Baboon spiders

Species name
Harpactira hamiltoni
(Golden starburst baboon

A Red List species that qualifies for the Vulnerable category
and is confined to highveld grassland predominantly in


GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Chapter 15: Glossary

Species name
Hadogenes gunningi
(Gunnings rock scorpion)

A Red List scorpion that qualifies for the Vulnerable
category and is confined to rocky ridges.
Trapdoor spiders

Species name


Calommata simoni
(Purse web trapdoor spider)
Brachionopus pretoriae
(Pretoria lesser baboon spider)
Stasimopus suffuscus
(Cork lid trapdoor spider)
Ancylotrypa rufescens
(Wafer lid trapdoor spider)
Galeosoma hirsutum
(Shield bum trapdoor spider)
Galeosoma pallidum
(Shield bum trapdoor spider)
Galeosoma pilosum
(Shield bum trapdoor spider)
Galeosoma robertsi
(Shield bum trapdoor spider)
Galeosoma scutatum
(Shield bum trapdoor spider)
Gorgyrella schreineri
(Front eyed trapdoor spider)
Idiops pretoriae
(Front eyed trapdoor spider)
Segregara monticola
(Front eyed trapdoor spider)

A Red List spider endemic to Gauteng and qualifying for

either the Critically Endangered or Endangered category.
A Red List spider endemic to Gauteng and qualifying for the
Vulnerable category.
A Red List spider endemic to Gauteng and qualifying for the
Vulnerable category.
A Red List spider endemic to Gauteng and qualifying for the
Vulnerable category.
A Red List spider endemic to Gauteng and qualifying for the
Vulnerable category.
A Red List spider endemic to Gauteng and qualifying for the
Vulnerable category.
A Red List spider endemic to Gauteng and qualifying for the
Vulnerable category.
A Red List spider endemic to Gauteng and qualifying for the
Vulnerable category.
A Red List spider endemic to Gauteng and qualifying for the
Vulnerable category.
A Red List spider endemic to Gauteng and qualifying for the
Vulnerable category.
A Red List spider endemic to Gauteng and qualifying for the
Vulnerable category.
A Red List spider endemic to Gauteng and qualifying for the
Vulnerable category.

15.12. Protected Areas

Protected Area (Levels 1 & 2)

Abe Bailey Nature Reserve

Alice Glockner Nature Reserve
De Onderstepoort Nature Reserve
Ezemvelo Nature Reserve
Faerie Glen Nature Reserve
Glen Austin Bird Sanctuary
Heidelberg Military Natural
Heritage Site

Number of

Unique biodiversity features

Mystromys albicaudatus
Delosperma macellum
Hadogenes gunningi
Norite Koppies Bushveld
Springbokvlakte Thornveld
Frithia humilis
Neamblysomus julianae
Pyxicephalus adspersus



GDACE Mining and Environmental Impact Guide

Protected Area (Levels 1 & 2)

Klipriviersberg Nature Reserve

Korsman Bird Sanctuary
Krugersdorp Nature Reserve
Leeuwfontein Nature Reserve
Litsitsirupa Nature Reserve
Marievale Bird Sanctuary
Melville Koppies Nature Reserve
Plovers Lake Nature Reserve
Rhenosterpoort Nature Reserve
Rietvlei Nature Reserve
Rondebult Bird Sanctuary
Roodeplaat Dam Nature Reserve
Ruimsig Nature Reserve
Suikerbosrand Nature Reserve

Tswaing Nature Reserve

Voortrekker Monument Nature
Wallmansthal SANDF property
Walter Sisulu Botanical Garden
Wonderboom Nature Reserve

Zwartkop Nature Reserve

Chapter 15: Glossary

Number of

Unique biodiversity features

Lotononis adpressa subsp.
Buphagus erythrorhynchus
Holothrix randii
Encephalartos lanatus
Habenaria bicolor
Calommata simoni
Aloeides dentatis dentatis
Delosperma leendertziae
Metisella meninx
Mirafra cheniana
Orachrysops mijburghi
Trachyandra erythrorrhiza
Tsakane Clay Grassland
Python sebae
Galeosoma pallidum
Gauteng Shale Mountain
Eupodotis cafra
Cleotis percivalli
Delosperma leendertziae
Moot Plains Bushveld
Segregara monticola
Miniopterus schreibersii




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