Fuel Cell Bulletin - 2015 - Issue 4

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ISSN 1464-2859 April


Toshiba starts H2One independent energy supply

n Japan, Toshiba has commenced

demonstration operation of H2One, an
independent energy supply system based
on renewable energy and the use of
hydrogen as a fuel for power generation.
Kawasaki City and Toshiba have installed
the system at the Kawasaki Marien public
facility and Higashi-Ogishima-Naka Park
in the Kawasaki Port area.
The H2One project, which runs to March
2021, combines a 30 kW solar photovoltaic
(PV) installation, storage batteries, water
electrolysis equipment, hydrogen and water
tanks, and 3.5 kW fuel cells [FCB, December
2014, p6]. Electricity generated from the PV
installations is used to electrolyse water and
produce hydrogen, which is stored in tanks
and used in fuel cells to produce electricity
and hot water. The system can produce up to
1 m3/h of hydrogen, and store up to 33 m3 at
low pressure (8 bar, 116 psi), with an electricity
storage capacity of 350 kWh.
H2One can independently provide electricity
and hot water in times of emergency, even
when lifelines are cut. Kawasaki Marien and

Higashi-Ogishima-Naka Park, a municipal

facility to promote Kawasaki Port, is a
designated emergency evacuation area. In times
of disaster, H2One will use stored hydrogen to
provide 300 evacuees to the site with electricity
and hot water for about a week. The system is
housed in a container, and can be transported
to disaster-hit areas on trailers.
In normal, non-emergency operation, H2Ones
hydrogen energy management system is used to
contribute to peak-shifting, which reduces demand
for grid power at times of high demand, through
optimised control of hydrogen production, power
generation, and storage. Toshiba is working to
enhance its hydrogen storage capabilities, to realise a
self-contained solution for local energy production
for local consumption.
Toshiba is also participating in the
Levenmouth project in Scotland, which is using
solar and wind energy to produce hydrogen for
buildings and vehicles [see page 11].
Toshiba, Hydrogen Economy:
Video of H2One installation:

HES solid-fuel system for small electric UAVs

ingapore-based Horizon Energy

Systems is launching an on-demand
hydrogen generation technology based
on a compact solid fuel system, which
will further improve the flight endurance
of small fuel cell powered unmanned
aerial vehicles (UAVs). HES is unveiling
the new solid chemical AEROPAK-S at
the AUVSI trade show, taking place 37
May in Atlanta, Georgia.
Compared to 200 Wh/kg lithium batteries
and previous fuel cell designs, the new 700 Wh/
kg solid fuel AEROPAK-S eliminates the need
for a complex catalytic reactor, which reduces
size, weight and complexity, while offering a selfcontained, plug-and-play fuel cartridge system. The
new technology uses special software algorithms to
produce hydrogen through a controlled chemical

reaction onboard the UAV, rather than utilising

hydrogen stored as a high-pressure gas.
The new technology is ideal for powering
small electric UAVs on long-endurance missions
in border patrol, infrastructure surveillance,
exploration, and critical asset and environmental
monitoring [see the feature on military UAVs in
FCB, December 2007]. The AEROPAK-S powered
a commercial mini-UAV flight earlier this year, and
custom versions have been in stealth development
with several leading aerospace OEMs, ahead of
imminent serial production.
Horizons visibility has mostly been in the
fixed-wing segment [FCB, March 2014, p3],
although it expects to set a new flight duration
record in the multirotor segment in the coming
weeks [see the EnergyOr item on page 5].
Horizon Energy Systems: www.hes.sg

Toshiba starts H2One independent energy supply
HES solid-fuel system for small electric UAVs


UK consortium targets range-extended van fleets
Symbio FCell powers DHL fleet of vans in Lyon
Hydrogenics in projects for fuel cell truck, bus
PowerCell to cut diesel use at Norway grocery
Intelligent Energy high-performance architecture


Plugs GenKey for FreezPak freezer warehouse
Alstom, German district to develop fuel cell train
China produces first fuel cell tram, Ballard power
EnergyOrs world-first fuel cell multirotor UAV


Altergy units in Caribbean telecom deployment
Convion C50 validated in distributed generation
SFC EFOY Pro 12000 Duo for industrial power


SA Chamber of Mines installs 100 kW fuel cell
Bloom units for IKEA, ASP, and Japan market
Doosan, ABB extend production partnership
FCE MCFCs in large-scale carbon reduction role
Implats deploys 1.8 MW at refinery, 20 MW plan



Neah, Tectonica partner for military portables

UK funds new hydrogen stations, upgrades
Air Liquide station for forklifts at FM Logistic
CEP partner Shell opens new Hamburg station
Air Products dispenser first at UK supermarket


Scottish community project with green hydrogen


UQM first order for new fuel cell compressor
Greenlight robotic automated parts production
JCB takes strategic stake in ITM Power


DOE awards for hydrogen production, FCEVs
German project on SOFC degradation processes
SiEnergy wins Massachusetts follow-up grant


Study on commercialisation of energy storage
in European market to 2030 and beyond


2015 Fuel Cell Seminar: Call for Abstracts
News In Brief
Events Calendar

11, 13

ISSN 1464-2859/15
1464-2859/10 2015
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Fuel Cells Bulletin

UK consortium targets
range-extended van
fleets using fuel cells

ntelligent Energy is leading a UK

industry consortium that aims
to develop a new class of rangeextended, zero-emission light
commercial vehicles (LCVs, i.e. vans),
with members drawn from driveline
technology and vehicle integration
specialists as well as large fleet
users. By integrating hydrogen fuel
cell technology into battery electric
vehicles (BEVs), the consortium will
deliver the capability to provide
low-carbon LCVs with significantly
improved range and rapid refueling.
The three-year project, utilising Intelligent
Energys advanced PEM fuel cell technology,
will develop validated systems and vehicle
conversion expertise ready for volume
manufacture. The goal is also to provide fleet
operators with a zero-emissions solution that
enables vehicle operation for extended periods.
The consortium will receive a 6.3 million
(US$9.6 million) grant, as part of the 12.7
million ($19 million) project, from the Advanced
Propulsion Centre. The APC is a governmentindustry partnership that aims to position the
UK as a global centre of excellence for lowcarbon powertrain development and production.
The other partners are low-carbon electrical
technology experts Frost EV Systems and
Frost Electronics, Millbrook Proving Ground,
the Cenex centre of excellence for low carbon
and fuel cell technologies, energy and services
supplier British Gas, and courier giant DHL.
The collaborative project will minimise
technical and commercial risk by initially
targeting captive and commercial fleet
operators, providing a package that can be
integrated into vehicles as an end-of-line
fitment at an OEM, through a new-vehicle
conversion facility, or by retrofitting at
approved centres.
Fuel cell systems can be used to increase
battery electric vehicle range while maintaining
zero emissions. The LCV systems developed
during this programme will offer operational
advantages through increased access to
restricted emission zones, combined with faster
refueling times than battery pack recharging
alternatives. The consortium will work in
conjunction with a steering group that includes
vehicle manufacturers, government agencies,
and major fleet operators.

By the end of the project, vehicles will

be delivered using Intelligent Energys classleading fuel cell technology built to automotive
standards, ready for extensive fleet use, says
James Batchelor, MD of Intelligent Energys
Motive Division. The relationships formed as a
result of this programme will help to develop a
mature supply chain and commercial framework,
in turn supporting the expansion of hydrogen
infrastructure, with the expectation that this will
lead to the availability of fuel cells at scale.
Intelligent Energy is developing hydrogen
PEM fuel cell systems for global markets such as
automotive [see page 4 ], consumer electronics
[FCB, March 2015, p6], and distributed
generation [FCB, February 2015, p4, and see the
Intelligent Energy feature in FCB, August 2009].
Intelligent Energy, Loughborough, UK.
Tel: +44 1509 271271, www.intelligent-energy.com
Advanced Propulsion Centre: www.apcuk.co.uk
Cenex: www.cenex.co.uk
Frost EV Systems: www.frostevsystems.co.uk

Symbio FCell powers

DHL fleet of hydrogen
delivery vans in Lyon

HL Express in Lyon, France has

taken delivery of Renault Kangoo
ZE-H2 light commercial vehicles (LCVs,
i.e. small vans) powered by Symbio
FCells hydrogen fuel cell rangeextender, in a major step towards
the commercial deployment of zeroemission electric vehicles.
DHL is operating the vehicles as part of the
French HyWay project, coordinated by the
Grenoble-based Tenerrdis energy cluster. Since the
beginning of March, DHL Express has been using
the Renault Kangoo ZE-H2 vans for deliveries
in central Lyon, and will run them for the next
18 months. The combination of electricity and
hydrogen will increase battery range from 120 km
(75 miles) to over 300 km (190 miles).
The Renault Kangoo ZE-H2 vehicles are
fitted with a 5 kW PEM fuel cell range-extender,
which doubles energy capacity and battery life.
The vehicle, once fully charged with 1.7 kg of
hydrogen, offers a total range of 300 km, three
times further than a regular electric model.
The vehicles will only need refueling every 34
days, using one of the two hydrogen stations
constructed for this project in Lyon and Grenoble
[FCB, November 2014, p4]. The vehicles will
drive around 400 km (250 miles) each week.
Symbio FCell provides mobility solutions based
on hydrogen PEM fuel cell systems, integrated

April 2015

into a wide range of applications for passenger or
goods transportation. The companys hydrogen
fuel cell range-extender offers a significant increase
in battery capacity, as well as maximum reduction
of the carbon footprint.
Symbio FCell recently delivered five Renault
Kangoo ZE-H2 vans as part of a fleet of 40
vehicles for the Conseil Gnral de la Manche
(Manche regional council) in northwestern
France [FCB, February 2015, p2]. And La Poste
(the French postal service) has been testing these
vehicles in the Franche-Comt region in eastern
France for more than a year [FCB, December
2013, p1]. The Symbio FCell fuel cell rangeextender is also being demonstrated with La Poste
in a Renault electric truck [FCB, March 2015, p2].
Symbio FCell, Grenoble, France. Tel: +33 1 5679 1506,
Tenerrdis energy cluster, HyWay project:

Hydrogenics wins
California projects for
fuel cell truck, bus

anadian-based Hydrogenics has

been awarded two projects by the
California Energy Commission, under
its Medium and Heavy-Duty Vehicle
Technology Demonstration programme.
The projects, with a total value of
US$4.4 million, will demonstrate
zero-emission medium- and heavyduty vehicles utilising the companys
CelerityPlus hydrogen PEM fuel cell
drive system [FCB, November 2014, p3].
The California Energy Commissions
Alternative & Renewable Fuel & Vehicle
Technology Program aims to develop and
deploy alternative and renewable fuels and
advanced transportation technologies, to help
meet the states goals for reducing greenhouse
gas emissions and petroleum dependence in the
transportation sector.
For the first project, Advanced Fuel Cell
Vehicle Technology Demonstration for Drayage
Truck, Hydrogenics with technical support
from Siemens will integrate its drop-in
CelerityPlus fuel cell drive system into a Class
8 drayage truck. Total Transportation Services
Inc (TTSI) will demonstrate the hydrogen fuel
cell-powered drayage truck on the Alameda
Corridor freight rail expressway and in the
ports of Long Beach and Los Angeles.
In the second project, New Flyer Advanced
Fuel Cell Vehicle Technology Demonstration
for Bus, heavy-duty bus manufacturer New
Flyer will integrate the CelerityPlus system into

April 2015

its Xcelsior 40 ft (12 m) battery electric transit

bus platform, for a 12-month demonstration.
Siemens will again provide technical support.
SunLine Transit will operate the bus over its
regular route in the Coachella Valley, to validate
the viability and market acceptance of this precommercial fuel cell propulsion technology.
Celerity is a fuel cell system purposely
developed for medium- and heavy-duty buses
and trucks, providing a distinct solution which
will help accelerate the commercialisation of
zero-emission vehicles, says Daryl Wilson,
CEO of Hydrogenics. By reducing the time
and cost needed to integrate fuel cells into a
vehicles drive train, we expect to see increasing
demand in the quarters to come.
TTSI had previously been working with
Vision Industries to demonstrate hybrid
electric/hydrogen fuel cell powered Class 8
trucks [FCB, June 2012, p3], but last autumn
Vision filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy
protection [FCB, October 2014, p5], with no
further news on any of its projects.
Hydrogenics Corporation, Mississauga, Ontario,
Canada. Tel: +1 905 361 3660, www.hydrogenics.com
California Energy Commission, Alternative &
Renewable Fuel & Vehicle Technology Program:
Total Transportation Services Inc: www.tts-i.com

PowerCell PowerPac
to cut diesel use at
Norway grocery firm

owerCell Sweden is collaborating

in a Norwegian project that aims
to reduce diesel consumption for
electricity generation during vehicle
loading and unloading at a major
grocery company by up to 90%. The
project will utilise PowerCells PowerPac
generator, which combines a diesel
reformer with a PEM fuel cell, as an
auxiliary power unit that offers reduced
emissions from distribution vehicles
that are idling during deliveries.
The Distrocell project will see PowerCell
working with Norways largest grocery
distributor ASKO, mobile refrigeration
technology provider ThermoKing Norge, and
the research institute SINTEF. ASKO is the
project manager, while ThermoKing Norway
will assist with integration, and SINTEF will
focus on computing and communications.
The project, which began in March, is partly
financed by Transnova, which promotes more
efficient energy consumption and increased
renewable energy production in Norway.


nergy storage is an increasingly

important topic in the renewable
energy sector, as grid operators and
other stakeholders try to work out
how to cope with the intermittent
power supply from renewable energy
In Europe, the Fuel Cells and Hydrogen
Joint Undertaking (FCH JU) has just published
a comprehensive analysis of the implications of
projected development of the European electric
power system up to 2030, in terms of the role
and commercial viability of energy storage.
The article in this issue [pages 1416] outlines
the Executive Summary from the report,
Commercialisation of Energy Storage in Europe.
The report was created to ensure a deeper
understanding of the role and commercial
viability of energy storage in enabling increasing
levels of variable renewable power generation.
It was prepared by a broad coalition of energy
storage technology developers, utilities, energy
companies, research institutions, regulatory
authorities, and European institutions.
The share of renewable energy sources in
the European electric power generation mix is
expected to grow considerably in the coming
decades, making a significant contribution
to the European Commissions challenging
targets to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
System flexibility needs, which have historically
been driven by variable demand patterns, will
increasingly be driven by supply variability
as renewable energy penetration increases
to 50% and more. The large intermittent
power flows will strain the transmission &
distribution (T&D) network, and make it
more challenging to ensure that the electricity
supply matches demand at all times.
Therefore new systems and tools are required
to ensure that renewable energy is effectively
integrated into the power system. There are
four main options for providing the required
flexibility to the power system: dispatchable
generation, T&D expansion, demand-side
management, and energy storage. The FCH JU
report focuses on to what extent current and new
energy storage technologies can contribute to the
integration of renewables in the long term, and
play additional roles in the short term.
If youre interested in the wider topic, i.e.
beyond hydrogen and fuel cells, Ive recently
written an online article for Renewable Energy
Focus (http://ow.ly/L8pZe) about the E30
million Nice Grid project in France (www.
nicegrid.fr). This project brings together a broad
range of stakeholders in the countrys first smart
solar-energy district demonstration project,
and features integrated energy storage based on
advanced lithium-ion battery technology.
Steve Barrett

Fuel Cells Bulletin

A pilot project showed that use of a PowerPac
reduced CO2 emissions by up to 90%, while
emissions of CO, NOx, volatile organic
compounds (VOCs), and particulate matter smaller
than 10 m (PM10) were almost eliminated.
As PowerPac for transportation is not part of
our development and product realisation today,
this project will give us invaluable information
about the benefits, which then could be the
basis for future product development decisions,
says Andreas Bodn, marketing and sales
manager for PowerCell.
ASKO has currently got 600 distribution
vehicles on the road every day, so the phasing of
a PowerPac on our vehicles will be an important
part to be able to reduce our emissions, adds
Jrn Arvid Endresen, director of ASKO Midt
Norway. We look forward to start the project
and we see several great opportunities to use fuel
cell technology in our operations in the future.
PowerCell a spinout from the Volvo
Group [FCB, July 2005, p1] has combined
its PEM fuel cell and autothermal reactor
(ATR) reforming technology to develop
a fuel cell system that converts diesel fuel
to electricity in an energy-efficient and
environmentally friendly manner, with
minimal emissions and quiet operation. The
fuel cell system is initially adapted to supply
electric power to the telecom industry [FCB,
February 2015, p5], with the transport
industry another focus.
PowerCell Sweden AB, Gothenburg, Sweden.
Tel: +46 31 720 3620, www.powercell.se
SINTEF, Renewable Energy:
ASKO: www.asko.no (in Norwegian)
ThermoKing Norge:
www.thermoking.no (in Norwegian)

Intelligent Energy
for high-performance
100 kW automotive
fuel cell architecture

Intelligent Energys Motive Division. The 100

kW platform takes full advantage of Intelligent
Energys advanced stack technology, which
offers an exceptional power density of 3.5 kW/l
(volumetric) and 3.0 kW/kg (gravimetric),
while being engineered for low-cost, highvolume series production.
Designed to deliver primary motive power
within an advanced electric driveline, the 100
kW fuel cell architecture and core technology
will be available to vehicle manufacturers
through technology licensing programmes
and joint development agreements. Intelligent
Energy already has non-exclusive, collaborative
commercial relationships in place with a
number of global vehicle manufacturers.
The key enabler for such a high power
density is Intelligent Energys proprietary
evaporatively cooled (EC) technology.
Compared to conventional liquid-cooled fuel
cell stacks, the EC design removes the need for
individual cooling channels between each cell.
This delivers a considerable advantage in terms
of stack mass and volume, which translates into
in-vehicle packaging and weight advantages.
Our capability and proven technology
provide a cost-effective opportunity for any
vehicle manufacturer without a presence in
this fuel cell power-band to jump ahead of
its competitors, says James Batchelor, MD of
Intelligent Energys Motive Division.
Intelligent Energy has a long association with
the automotive industry [see the IE feature in
FCB, August 2009], and is now leading a UK
industry consortium to develop range-extended,
zero-emission light commercial vehicles for
fleet users [see page 2]. The company also
has an eight-year collaboration with Suzuki
Motor Corporation in Japan [FCB, June 2014,
p4], which introduced the worlds first typeapproved fuel cell powered scooter, powered
by 4 kW systems based on Intelligent Energys
air-cooled technology [FCB, February 2010,
p1]. The partners have also established a joint
venture that manufactures stacks and fuel
cell systems from a ready-to-scale production
facility in Japan [FCB, March 2013, p8].
Intelligent Energy, Loughborough, UK.
Tel: +44 1509 271271, www.intelligent-energy.com

K-based Intelligent Energy has

unveiled an innovative 100 kW
automotive PEM fuel cell architecture,
which is designed to provide primary
motive power for the next generation
of premium and high-performance fuel
cell electric vehicles.
The novel architecture has been developed in
response to increasing market demand for nextgeneration, high-power automotive fuel cell
solutions, and is the result of extensive research,
engineering, cost reduction and test activities by

Fuel Cells Bulletin


Plug Power GenKey for

FreezPak Logistics NJ
freezer warehouse

reezPak Logistics has selected the

full-service GenKey solution from

New York-based Plug Power, for its

new cold storage distribution centre
freezer warehouse currently under
construction in Carteret, New Jersey.
The GenKey deployment includes 25
GenDrive PEM fuel cells for materials handling
vehicles, a GenFuel outdoor hydrogen storage
infrastructure with two indoor GenFuel
dispensers, and complete GenCare service.
The contract also includes a 10-year hydrogen
supply agreement.
Plug Power is focusing on its GenFuel
hydrogen dispensing business in 2015 as
a path to expanding its total addressable
market within materials handling [see the Plug
Power feature in FCB, December 2011]. For
this greenfield site in New Jersey, Plug Power
developed a downsized fueling infrastructure
that is scaled to economically meet FreezPaks
The GenDrive-powered fleet mix consists
of Class 3 units for pallet jacks and Class 2
units for reach trucks. Plug Power has already
manufactured and shipped the entire order,
which will begin supporting FreezPaks facility
when it opens, planned for the second quarter
of 2015. The GenFuel installation is also
targeted for completion during Q2.
Cold storage applications represent a
sweet spot for Plug Powers GenDrive units.
Unlike lead-acid batteries, which display
significant performance degradation at
very low temperatures, GenDrive fuel cells
maintain full operation in environments as
low as 30C (22F), and their performance
does not diminish over a full operating shift.
Battery changes are eliminated, and FreezPak
operators will refuel the units themselves in just
minutes at strategically placed onsite GenFuel
dispensers, improving productivity and output
for each shift.
FreezPaks state-of-the-art centre will
feature a pallet freezer and loading dock that
is larger because there is no need for a battery
room. The facility is conveniently located
within 5 miles (8 km) of the New York and
New Jersey ports.
Newark Farmers Market in New Jersey
recently integrated a full GenKey solution at
its new food distribution building in Newark
[FCB, December 2014, p3]. That followed
a deployment of GenDrive fuel cells for the
materials handling fleet at Golden State Foods
new food distribution centre in Illinois [FCB,
November 2014, p5], and orders from WalMart Stores for a site in Illinois and from Ace
Hardware in Ohio [FCB, August 2014, p2].
Plug Power, Latham, New York, USA.
Tel: +1 518 782 7700, www.plugpower.com
FreezPak Logistics: www.freezpak.com

April 2015


Alstom working with

German district to
develop fuel cell train

rench-based train manufacturer

Alstom has signed a Letter of Intent
with the Calw district in southwestern
Germany, for the planned use of
new fuel cell powered trains on the
Hermann Hesse scenic railway line,
which aims to improve access to the
Black Forest.
This new-generation train is based on
the Alstom Coradia platform, with Alstom
planning to begin testing two prototypes in
2018. The zero-emission train consumes less
energy, through the use of a smart energy
management system, and it is much less noisy
than conventional diesel trains. The trains are
being developed and will be manufactured
in Salzgitter, Alstoms competence centre
in Germany for electric and diesel powered
regional trains, although there is no word yet
on whose fuel cells will be used.
Last September, Alstom signed letters of
intent with the German states of Lower Saxony,
North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW) and BadenWrttemberg, and the Hesse public transport
authority, for the use of this new generation of
zero-emission trains [FCB, October 2014, p11].
China recently unveiled what is claimed to
be the worlds first hydrogen fuel cell-powered
tram, built by CSR Sifang, and powered by a
PEM fuel cell module supplied by Canadianbased Ballard Power Systems [see the next item].

Alstom Rail Systems: www.alstom.com/transport

China produces first

hydrogen fuel cell
tram, with Ballard unit

hat is claimed to be the worlds

first hydrogen fuel cell-powered
fixed rail electric tram has rolled
off the assembly line in Qingdao,
Shandong province in China. The
inaugural tramcar was built by CSR
Qingdao Sifang Company (CSR Sifang),
a Chinese rolling stock manufacturer
and subsidiary of China South Rail
Corporation, and features a PEM fuel
cell module supplied by Canadianbased Ballard Power Systems.
CSR Sifangs chief engineer Liang Jianying
claims that the new tram is the only such

April 2015

hydrogen powered vehicle in the field, with

China the first country to master the necessary
technology, according to the Xinhua News
Agency. The rollout of fuel cells in rail transit
is lagging well behind the automotive industry
[but see the above item].
It took two years for Sifang to solve key
technological problems, with the help of
research institutions, says Liang. The average
distance of tramcar lines in China is about 15
km (10 miles), which means one refill for our
tram is enough for three round trips.
Liang adds that the overall running costs will
be greatly reduced for the new tram, which has
more than 60 seats and can carry more than
380 passengers. The tram can be refueled with
hydrogen in three minutes, and run for 100 km
(62 miles) at up to 70 km/h (43 mph).
Additional testing of the fuel cellpowered tram is being completed at CSR
Sifangs facility in Qingdao. A likely early
customer is the southern city of Foshan, in
Guangdong province, which is keen to build
up hydrogen powered transit. Last year the
city invested US$72 million in a plan with
Sifang to manufacture the trams locally
for nationwide distribution, and the two
sides also have agreed to create a national
hydrogen power research centre, according
to a Bloomberg report.
Ballards FCvelocity PEM fuel cell module
is integrated into the low-floor tram design.
Clean urban transportation is a high priority
in China, and this zero-emission prototype fuel
cell tram is an important step in demonstrating
one solution, says the companys president and
CEO, Randy MacEwen.
Ballard is also collaborating with Rigas
Satiksme and koda Electric to develop and
deploy hydrogen fuel cell-powered trolley buses
for the Latvian capital, Riga [FCB, November
2014, p2]. Ballard recently terminated two
licensing deals with Azure Hydrogen in China
[FCB, February 2015, p9].
Ballard Power Systems, Burnaby, BC, Canada.
Tel: +1 604 454 0900, www.ballard.com
CSR Qingdao Sifang Company:

EnergyOr shows off

worlds first fuel cell
multirotor UAV

anadian-based EnergyOr
Technologies, a leading developer
of advanced PEM fuel cell systems,
recently demonstrated what it believes
is the first flight of a fuel cell powered

2015 Fuel Cell Seminar &

Energy Exposition
The 2015 Fuel Cell Seminar & Energy
Exposition will take place 1619 November at
the Westin Bonaventure Hotel in downtown
Los Angeles, California.
This years event will bring together more
than 1000 delegates from around the world
and representing the entire global fuel cell
industry supply chain.
Call for Abstracts
The Call for Abstracts is now open, as the
organisers seek abstracts for session speakers
and poster presentations from academics,
industry, and government professionals to be
featured during the conference. Abstracts must
be submitted online via the website, with the
submission deadline of Friday 29 May.
The topic areas (and sub-topics) for the
2015 Fuel Cell Seminar Call for Abstracts are:
U Fuels and Renewable Energy: hydrogen
production & storage; renewable energy fuel
generation; hydrocarbon fuel processing,
conversion, handling, and utilisation by fuel
cells; fuel safety & training.
U Fuel Cell Industry Status & Analysis: fuel
cell industry status & forecasts; fuel cell
commercialisation, trends, new markets,
scale-up and cost analysis; application
market economics, value propositions,
financing and customers; industry, academic
and public partnerships; public involvement,
investment or promotion of fuel cell and
related energy industries, government policy.
U Fuel Cell Applications: automotive, bus and
other motive applications; emerging market
applications (including materials handling
equipment, telecom backup power, ground
support equipment); stationary (primary
and backup distributed generation, CHP,
trigeneration, micro and smart grids,
renewable energy/fuel cell hybrid systems);
auxiliary power units (terrestrial, aviation,
maritime); military; and portable.
U Fuel Cell Technology Development:
PEM, alkaline exchange membrane,
molten carbonate and phosphoric acid,
solid oxide, other fuel cell technology,
balance of plant, and advancements in
manufacturing and assembly.
U Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Related Technologies
for Energy Storage: reversible fuel cells;
flow batteries; and technology validation
(demonstrations, cost analysis, market
U Fuel Cell Education & Training: fuel cell
and energy curriculum development; and
student and general public outreach.
More information:

Fuel Cells Bulletin

multirotor vertical takeoff and landing
(VTOL) unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV).
This demonstration which lasted for 2 h,
12 min, 46 s was performed to highlight
EnergyOrs improvements in overall fuel
cell system specific power (W/kg), a critical
requirement for multirotor UAVs, while
maintaining an exceptional specific energy
(Wh/kg), allowing flight times that are two
to three times longer than those possible with
state-of-the-art, rechargeable lithium polymer
(LiPo) batteries.
A conventional, commercial heavy lifting
Quadrotor airframe was used to ensure versatility
for a wide range of applications, with an
aircraft gross (total) weight of 9.5 kg and with
payloads up to 1 kg. Further optimisation will be
performed in the coming months, and EnergyOr
expects to extend the flight endurance with
similar payloads to as long as 4 h.
The commercial market for multirotor UAVs
used in civil applications is expected to increase
dramatically in the coming years, for applications
such as hydroelectric and rail line inspections,
precision agriculture, search and rescue missions,
and film production. Battery-powered multirotor
UAVs have very limited flight times with existing
rechargeable battery technologies.
Montreal-based EnergyOr Technologies is
developing lightweight, compact PEM fuel
cell systems for high value-added premium
niche markets. Its proprietary technology is
well suited for aerospace, portable, and mobile
power applications. The company first flew a
fuel cell powered UAV in Canada in May 2007,
and in Israel that December. In March 2009,
EnergyOr integrated a fuel cell system into the
Bird Eye 650 developed by Israel Aerospace
Industries (IAI), and demonstrated longendurance flight. In Canada in 2011, EnergyOr
achieved a flight of more than 10 h with its fuel
cell powered operational UAV, the FAUCON
H2, followed by an autonomous landing [FCB,
September 2011, p4].
In late 2009 researchers at the United
Technologies Research Center in Connecticut
flew a remote-controlled model electric
helicopter powered by a custom-made PEM
fuel cell, with at least one flight lasting for
20 minutes [FCB, January 2010, p4]. Several
companies are working on aircraft-shaped fuel
cell powered UAVs [see the feature on military
UAVs in FCB, December 2007], including Neah
Power Systems [FCB, November 2014, p6],
Horizon Fuel Cell Technologies [FCB, March
2014, p3, and see page 1], Ultra Electronics
AMI [FCB, July 2013, p4], and Protonex
Technology [FCB, June 2013, p5].
EnergyOr Technologies Inc, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
Tel: +1 514 744 6122, www.energyor.com

Fuel Cells Bulletin


Altergy units replace

batteries in Caribbean
telecom deployment

alifornia-based Altergy Systems

has delivered and deployed
hydrogen PEM fuel cell Freedom
Power systems to a major regional
telecom customer in the Caribbean, up
and running ahead of the hurricane
season. Altergy has also launched its
new Freedom Power Nacelle, a small,
lightweight packaging of its rugged
and reliable fuel cell system.
The companys 5 kW Freedom Power
systems are replacing batteries as the backup
power source in telecom applications. For
the Caribbean customer the systems utilise a
methanol reformer to provide the hydrogen for
the fuel cell, and provide more than 100 h of
backup power runtime on a single fuel fill-up.
This Caribbean island customer suffers
from the normal power outages that disrupt
communications capability around the world,
but with the added threat of frequent hurricanes,
which have the potential to disrupt power for
days at a time. Altergys fuel cell systems bridge
these interruptions, ensuring customers have
continuous communications capability.
Altergys fuel cell generators provide power at
the point-of-use, offering high reliability, long
runtime, small footprint, low weight, long life,
low maintenance requirements, and low noise.
The company adds that the systems offer the
lowest upfront capital cost and lowest total cost of
ownership over traditional backup power solutions.
Altergy has also recently introduced the
Freedom Power Nacelle version of its proven
system, available in 1, 2.5 and 5 kW variants,
and with numerous mounting options. The
Nacelle has almost half the system footprint,
volume and weight, and the price is reduced
by more than 26%. The long-runtime solution
is convertible to unlimited runtime via the
Altergy Freedom Fuel service.
While customers have already benefited from
the more modern, reliable, and green features
offered by Altergys Freedom Power systems, the
new Nacelle breaks the final barrier to wide-scale
adoption: cost, says CEO Eric S. Mettler.
Altergy has been participating in a project
led by Sandia National Laboratories, to develop
mobile lighting systems powered by fuel cells
[FCB, October 2014, p5]. The company has
also been working with hydrogen generation and
purification specialist Hy9 in Massachusetts, to
develop and market an integrated methanol fuel

processor for use in Altergys Freedom Power

systems [FCB, December 2012, p10].
Altergy Systems, Folsom, California, USA.
Tel: +1 916 458 8590, www.altergy.com

Convion C50 product

being validated for
distributed generation

innish company Convion has begun

validation of its innovative Convion
C50 solid oxide fuel cell product
for distributed power generation.
Manufacturing of the product has
been finalised and validation has been
started at 20 kW net power, as Convion
aims to bring the new product to
market with interested partners.
The C50 product is designed for premium
energy efficiency, reliability, and easy integration
in the built environment at customer premises.
The product is capable of combined heat and
power generation, and can operate on natural
gas or biogas. The Convion product may operate
parallel to the grid or in island mode, securing
critical loads during power outages.
The new product has a nominal power output
of 58 kW, with electrical efficiency above 53% and
total energy efficiency above 85%. It is suitable
for outdoor installations, and does not require a
water connection. The C50 power modules can
be installed in a parallel configuration, facilitating
installations requiring a higher power output. The
modular approach also makes maintenance easy,
with minimal disturbance to other functions.
Convion is developing and commercialising
SOFC products in the power range above 50 kW
for distributed power generation. The company
was established in late 2012 when Wrtsil spun
off its fuel cell activities [FCB, January 2013, p1],
and is continuing SOFC system development and
commercialisation work originating from Wrtsils
fuel cell programme. Since 2000 the core team has
been developing and operating several generations
of 20 and 50 kW SOFC units fueled by natural
gas, biogas, and methanol. Commercialisation of
the first 50 kW units is planned for this year.
Convion Ltd, Espoo, Finland. Tel: +358 10 328 7370,

SFC launches 500 W

EFOY Pro 12000 Duo
for industrial power

he latest addition to SFC Energys

portfolio of reliable off-grid power

April 2015

generators is the companys most
powerful fuel cell to date. The EFOY Pro
12000 Duo is a 500 W direct methanol
fuel cell for professional and industrial
applications, and is available now for
beta testing, with sales starting in Q4.
The EFOY Pro 12000 Duo integrates the
German-based companys proven DMFC
technology with maximum scalability and
application flexibility, offering a nominal power of
500 W and power capacity of 12 kWh per day. If
required, several units can be clustered to satisfy
higher energy demands; up to five units can be
integrated into one cabinet to deliver 60 kWh per
day, and cabinets can be combined if required.
The new product offers fully automatic, remotecontrolled, maintenance-free power 24/7, in any
weather and season, requiring no user intervention
over very long periods of time. One or two 28 litre
fuel cartridges can be connected, which would
allow a 500 W application to run continuously
for five days fully autonomously. The EFOY Pro
12000 Duo is already in trials for several wind
energy and oil & gas applications.
In EFOY fuel cell generators the fuel cell is
connected to the batteries, whose charge state is
continuously monitored. As soon as this drops below
a predefined level, the fuel cell automatically switches
into operating mode and recharges the batteries.
When they are fully charged, the fuel cell returns to
standby mode, in which no fuel is consumed.
The EFOY Pro 12000 Duo was specifically
developed for easy integration into weatherproof
cabinets as a robust off-grid and backup power
source for industrial applications in demanding
environmental scenarios. It will reliably operate
from 20C to +40C. Development of the
EFOY Pro 12000 Duo was in part funded by
the German National Organisation Hydrogen
and Fuel Cell Technology (NOW GmbH).
SFC Energy is a leading provider of hybrid
stationary and portable power solutions [see the
SFC feature in FCB, January 2013], serving a
range of applications in the oil & gas [FCB, July
2014, p4], security and industry [FCB, March
2015, p1], military [FCB, April 2014, p7], and
consumer markets [FCB, May 2013, p3].
SFC Energy, Brunnthal/Munich, Germany.
Tel: +49 89 673 5920, www.sfc.com or www.efoy-pro.com
NOW GmbH: www.now-gmbh.de


SA Chamber of Mines
installs 100 kW fuel
cell at HQ building

he Chamber of Mines of South

Africa (COMSA) has partnered

April 2015

with Mitochondria Energy to deploy

what they say is Africas first building
baseload fuel cell system running on
natural gas. The 100 kW Platinum Power
Fuel Cell using a phosphoric acid
system manufactured by Fuji Electric in
Japan was inaugurated recently at the
COMSA offices in Johannesburg.
The venture began four years ago, when the
Chamber in partnership with the Department
of Trade & Industry (DTI), Industrial
Development Corporation (IDC), Egoli Gas,
and Mitochondria Energy embarked on a
project to demonstrate the applicability of fuel
cell technology to South Africa. The Platinum
Power Fuel Cell project was funded through
a financial injection from the DTI of R7.5
million (US$620 000) for feasibility work,
and Mitochondria received R3.25 million
($270 000) in loan financing from the IDC.
The Chambers primary goal in this project
is to demonstrate to large Japanese fabrication
companies the market potential for utilisation
of one of South Africas core commodities, in
this instance platinum, in power generation. It
will also encourage the localisation of fuel cell
technology production for the South African and
African markets through effective beneficiation.
We have been looking at ways we can add
value to our resources as a driver of industrial
development in our country, says trade &
industry minister Dr Rob Davies. He adds
that the Platinum Power Fuel Cell technology
has taken the country to the top of the value
chain, where we would be able to establish
small plants like this one, providing power in
outlying areas and areas where it is difficult to
connect people to the grid.
South Africa is one of the worlds primary
suppliers of platinum group metals (PGM), and
aims to significantly accelerate beneficiation, i.e.
adding value to these raw materials by turning
them into fuel cell catalysts, components and
systems [see the Hydrogen South Africa features
in FCB in June, October and November 2013].
Last autumn the Department of Science &
Technology unveiled a prototype 2.5 kW fuel
cell generator developed by HySA Systems
[FCB, December 2014, p5].
Mitochondria Energy is also working with
mining giant Impala Platinum on a large-scale
deployment of Fuji Electric PAFC systems
at one of its PGM refineries [see page 8],
and recently signed a Letter of Intent with
PowerCell Sweden to collaborate on developing
diesel-fueled power solutions for African
telecom towers [FCB, February 2015, p5].
Platinum Power Fuel Cell project:
Mitochondria Energy: www.mitochondria.co.za

Chamber of Mines of South Africa:

Fuji Electric Solutions:

Bloom units for IKEA

and ASP in California,
and market in Japan

S-based Bloom Energy has

announced several new
installations of its solid oxide fuel cell
power plants. Home furnishings retailer
IKEA plans to install a Bloom Energy
Server at its Emeryville, California store.
Completed installations now include
systems at Advanced Sterilization
Products (ASP) in Irvine, California,
and a system at the Osaka Prefectural
Central Wholesale Market in Japan.
IKEA plans to install a 300 kW Bloom
Energy system at its location in Emeryville, one
of two San Francisco-area stores for the Swedish
company. This project represents the first IKEA
endeavour to convert biogas into electricity
through a clean electrochemical process. The fuel
cell system will be installed, commissioned, and
in operation by the summer. The SOFC unit, in
combination with the rooftop solar energy system,
will generate most of the stores power onsite.
Emeryville is something of a fuel cell hot
spot: last year Pixar Animation Studios installed
a 1 MW fuel cell power plant apparently a
Bloom Energy system at its campus there,
according to the Disney Citizenship Performance
Summary 2014. (Pixar is also in the process
of installing a fuel cell at its Burbank Studio
Lot campus.) And AC Transit is operating a
Linde solar-powered hydrogen production and
dispensing station in Emeryville, to refuel its
fleet of fuel cell buses [FCB, May 2012, p13].
In southern California, Advanced
Sterilization Products in Irvine has installed
the first Bloom Energy project for a Johnson &
Johnson franchise. Reduced carbon emissions
and improved resiliency against grid outages
were important factors for ASP, which designs
and manufactures medical device processing
products and solutions for hospitals and
healthcare facilities worldwide.
The 500 kW Bloom Energy Servers installed
with uninterruptible power modules (UPMs)
will provide 25% of the ASP facilitys daily
energy consumption, and generate an estimated
$10 million over the 20-year project life.
Meanwhile, Bloom Energy Japan has
installed a Bloom Energy Server at the Osaka
Prefectural Central Wholesale Market in

Fuel Cells Bulletin

Ibaraki City, Osaka Prefecture. This 1.2 MW
power plant can provide 50% of the buildings
overall electricity needs.
This is the first Bloom Energy Server
installation in the Kansai region, and also the
first commercialised SOFC generating system
over 1 MW in Japan. To contribute to Osaka
Prefectures disaster preparedness policy, Bloom
Energy Japan will supply electricity generated by
Bloom Energy Servers to the important facilities
of the Osaka Prefectural Central Wholesale
Market. Osaka Prefecture and Bloom Energy
Japan will also report on resulting CO2 emission
reductions as an advanced model case.
Bloom and Japanese telecom/internet
company SoftBank established their Bloom
Energy Japan joint venture in 2013 [FCB,
August 2013, p4], with 200 kW Bloom Energy
Servers now installed at SoftBanks M-Tower
facility in Fukuoka City [FCB, December
2013, p6] and at the Tokyo Shiodome Building
[FCB, July 2014, p6].
Bloom Energy Corporation, Sunnyvale, California, USA.
Tel: +1 408 543 1500, www.bloomenergy.com
IKEA in the US: www.IKEA-USA.com
Advanced Sterilization Products: www.aspjj.com/us
Bloom Energy Japan: www.bloomenergy.co.jp

Doosan, ABB extend

fuel cell production
partnership for 2016

onnecticut-based Doosan Fuel

Cell and power and automation
engineering giant ABB in Switzerland
have extended their partnership
agreement through 2016.
The agreement will see continuing
production of Doosans 400 kW PureCell
Model 400 phosphoric acid fuel cell power
plants for clean energy commercial sites.
ABB supplies specialised electrical modules
that serve as the control system for Doosans
fuel cell systems. The ABB system harnesses and
controls the power created in the fuel cell stacks,
and makes it usable for providing energy to
buildings such as universities, hospitals, telecom
facilities, and data centres. With power resiliency
as a core product feature, Doosan fuel cells have
provided customers with continuous combined
cooling, heat and power (CCHP) during major
outages, ranging from Hurricane Sandy in 2012
[FCB, December 2012, p5] to the recent winter
storms along the Eastern Seaboard of the US.
With assistance from ABBs superior power
and automation technologies, the PureCell
System delivers low-cost fuel cells that generate
electrical power quietly and without pollution,

Fuel Cells Bulletin

says Jeff Chung, president and CEO of

Doosan Fuel Cell. More and more businesses
around the globe are utilising sustainable fuel
cell energy, and Doosan intends to be at the
heart of this expanding energy movement by
providing secure, cost-effective, clean energy.
Doosan Fuel Cell America has significantly
expanded its workforce in recent months, with
its factory in South Windsor targeting full
manufacturing capacity in the spring [FCB,
February 2015, p5]. Doosan FC came into
existence last summer [FCB, August 2014, p1], as
a new subsidiary of the Korean-based industrial
conglomerate Doosan Corporation following its
acquisition of ClearEdge Power in July [FCB, July
2014, p5]. The company is focusing primarily on
the PureCell Model 400 stationary products that
ClearEdge Power acquired from UTC Power in
early 2013 [FCB, January 2013, p8].
ABB has been supplying electric modules for
PureCell systems since 2007, and weve worked
with three different owners during that time, says
Derek Monk, ABB general manager for power
conversion. We recognise that Doosan Fuel Cell
is a well grounded company, backed by one of
the most successful corporations in Asia, and they
have the right technology and dedication to take
the fuel cell industry to the next level.
Doosan Fuel Cell America, South Windsor, Connecticut,
USA. Tel: +1 860 727 2200, www.doosanfuelcell.com
ABB, Power Convertors:

FuelCell Energy using

MCFCs in large-scale
carbon reduction role

onnecticut-based FuelCell Energy

is continuing to make progress on
the commercialisation of an affordable
and efficient carbon capture solution
utilising its molten carbonate fuel
cells, following thousands of hours of
testing with simulated flue gas of a
coal-fired power plant.
In addition to this evaluation under a
US Department of Energy contract [FCB,
September 2014, p6], the programme includes
a detailed design and cost analysis for fuel cell
applications capturing CO2 from large-scale
coal-fired power plants. Results of this study
support cost targets below the DOE threshold
of $40/ton. An additional benefit demonstrated
is tolerance levels and cleanup requirements
for the impurities in coal plant exhaust, as well
as the ability to destroy approximately 70% of
smog-producing nitrogen oxide (NOx).
Testing is also being conducted with private

funding to evaluate fuel cells for capturing CO2

from natural gas-fired power plants. Results
so far support the viability and cost targets for
gas-fired power plants and exhaust sources.
Discussions are currently under way with
multiple parties to scale the technology from
the current sub-MW level to a multi-MW fuel
cell demonstration project at an operating coalor gas-fired power plant.
Our fuel cell power generation and carbon
capture solutions are scalable, enabling an
initial installation that can begin with capturing
6% of carbon output, consistent with firststep reductions recommended by US EPA rule
111(d), says Tony Leo, VP of applications &
advanced technology development for FuelCell
Energy. Beginning with 5% or 6% carbon
capture, additional fuel cell power plants can
then be added incrementally to reach the
ultimate goal of 90% capture.
The FuelCell Energy technology efficiently
separates and concentrates CO2 as a sidereaction during the power generation process.
In a typical application, clean natural gas is
combined with ambient air to the fuel cells
for power generation. For the carbon capture
fuel cell solution, the exhaust flue gas from a
coal- or gas-fired power plant is directed to the
air intake of the fuel cell plant, replacing the
use of ambient air. The CO2 in the flue gas
is separated and concentrated within the fuel
cells, enabling cost-effective capture.
Additional benefits include destruction of
70% of the smog-producing NOx emissions
from coal- and gas-fired power plant exhaust
in the electrochemical fuel cell reaction, and
reduced water usage compared to the current
water-intensive carbon capture technologies.
FuelCell Energy, Danbury, Connecticut, USA.
Tel: +1 203 825 6000, www.fuelcellenergy.com

Implats rolling out 1.8

MW deployment at
refinery, plans 20 MW

mpala Platinum (Implats) in South

Africa is beginning a large-scale
deployment of stationary fuel cell
systems at its platinum group metals
(PGM) refinery in Springs, east of
Johannesburg, from early 2016. The fuel
cells will supply an initial 1.8 MW of
power, and will also produce heat that
will be integrated into plant operation.
Implats is partnering with local company
Mitochondria Energy to develop and deliver
fuel cell solutions which provide sustainable
economic returns. The first phase of this project

April 2015

will see the mining company install systems
using phosphoric acid fuel cell technology
from Fuji Electric in Japan, running on excess
hydrogen piped in for the metal reduction
process by Sasol and Air Products. The only
emissions will be pure water, which can be
utilised within the plant.
The second phase is expected to deliver
8 MW of fuel cell power from a natural gas
source, with the final phase delivering in excess
of 10 MW, enabling Implats refineries to
operate off the increasingly unreliable national
electricity grid.
Implats is also working to convert its
underground load, haul, dump (LHD)
machines from diesel to fuel cell hybrid
configurations [and see the Anglo American
news feature in FCB, May 2012, p12]. This
collaboration with local mobile mining
equipment manufacturers, Mitochondria, and
its Danish fuel cell partner SerEnergy, aims to
integrate solutions that offer a superior cost
and carbon solution for underground mining.
Implats is also working with the Department of
Trade & Industry and international technology
partners to understand the potential of
downstream beneficiation in the market [FCB,
November 2012, p10].
Mitochondria Energy is also partnering with
the SA Chamber of Mines, to deploy what
they say is Africas first building baseload fuel
cell system running on natural gas [see page
7], and recently signed a Letter of Intent with
PowerCell Sweden to collaborate on developing
diesel-fueled power solutions for African
telecom towers [FCB, February 2015, p5].
Impala Platinum: www.implats.co.za
Mitochondria Energy Company:


Neah partners with

Tectonica on business,
product development

S-based Neah Power Systems

and Tectonica Australia have
announced an international
partnership agreement to integrate
Neahs formic acid reformer platform
(Formira Hydrogen on Demand,
HOD) with Tectonicas Bantam
soldier-worn power management
system. This also includes new
products developed using Tectonicas
system integration expertise to
offer integrated, robust, off-grid

April 2015

and on-demand power generation

solutions for a variety of markets.
In addition to product integration, since
Neah and Tectonica have marketing presence
in different geographic regions, the agreement
allows each company to market their new
partners products in areas where they already
have a strong client base. This joint marketing
relationship offers strong economic possibilities
to both companies, with no capital investment.
Dr Chris DCouto, president and CEO
of Neah Power, says that Tectonicas system
integration expertise allows Neah to integrate the
Formira HOD platform into a seamless, userfocused, power-on-demand system for defence,
commercial, and other off-grid requirements.
With the user-friendly, intuitive design of
Tectonicas Bantam power management system,
even in the heat of battle, the powering of
mission-critical devices such as night vision
goggles or satellite telephones can be managed
from a single power source, says DCouto.
Our business relationships in the US and India
can further our common business interests to
meet the critical power needs of our customers.
Neah Powers core solutions have a small formfactor, recharge instantly, and can be operated
in air and non-air (anaerobic) environments,
providing a longer life with lower total cost of
ownership. The company offers the BuzzBar
Suite of handheld device charging products
[FCB, September 2014, p7], and recently
completed testing of its PowerChip units with
the Indian Defence Research and Development
Organisation [FCB, February 2015, p7].
Tectonica Australia is a leading defence and
security systems integrator, developing fully
integrated systems for armoured vehicles,
ground stations, and soldiers. The company
serves customers in Australia and internationally,
including the UK and South East Asia.
Neah Power Systems, Bothell, Washington, USA.
Tel: +1 425 424 3324, www.neahpower.com
Tectonica Australia: www.tectonica.net


UK government funds
new hydrogen stations,

he UK government has announced

6.6 million (US$9.6 million) in
funding for three new hydrogen fueling
projects and nine station upgrades,
representing a significant step in
enabling the use of hydrogen fuel cell
electric vehicles in the UK. The awards

cover new stations built in Brentford

and Croydon in the London area, a
new mobile station to serve the south
of England, and upgrades to existing
hydrogen demonstrator stations.
The 6.6 million investment by the Hydrogen
Refueling Stations (HRS) Infrastructure Grants
Scheme, managed by Ricardo-AEA and E4tech
for the Office of Low Emission Vehicles (OLEV)
[FCB, March 2015, p11], will establish an initial
network of 12 hydrogen refueling stations by
the end of 2016. These awards represent the first
stage in the rollout of hydrogen stations resulting
from the UK H2Mobility initiative [FCB,
February 2013, p1].
Sheffield-based ITM Power has been awarded
1.89 million ($2.76 million), to build two new
hydrogen stations in Brentford and Croydon,
sited with strategic partners, plus 1 million
($1.5 million) to upgrade four existing ITM
refueling stations in Sheffield and London.
Both of the new ITM stations will
incorporate onsite hydrogen generation
using the companys HGas PEM electrolyser
platform. This project will also receive 1.7
million ($2.5 million) from the European Fuel
Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking (FCH
JU), to support operation of these stations in
the early years. One of the new stations will
be built on the forecourt of a major global
fuel retailer, with which ITM Power recently
signed a Memorandum of Understanding to
build initially up to three hydrogen stations in
London; ITM will be seeking funding support
for at least one more station. The MOU
also allows for further development of the
collaboration in the UK.
ITM Power is also upgrading three existing
hydrogen stations in London under development
as part of the European HyFive project, and
one in Rotherham, just off the M1 motorway.
The latter will be upgraded from 350 to 700 bar
refueling capability, in a strategic location that
will allow FCEV users to travel between London
and the North of England.
Air Products has also won two awards, to
upgrade existing stations in Hatton Cross and
Hendon [see page 10] as part of the London
Hydrogen Network Upgrade (LHNU), and to
upgrade a mobile refueling station to support
conferences and FCEV test drives.
The other awards are to Fuel Cell Systems Ltd
in Berkshire, which will establish a new mobile
hydrogen refueling station based in the southern
UK; the University of South Wales in Glamorgan,
which will upgrade an existing station on the
Hydrogen M4 West at the Baglan Hydrogen
Centre in Port Talbot [FCB, March 2010, p8]; and
Honda of the UK Manufacturing Ltd, which
will upgrade its existing station in Swindon [FCB,
November 2014, p8].

Fuel Cells Bulletin

UK H2Mobility: www.ukh2mobility.co.uk
HyFive project: www.hyfive.eu
Ricardo-AEA, hydrogen refueling stations grants:
ITM Power: www.itm-power.com
Air Products, Hydrogen Energy:
Fuel Cell Systems Ltd: www.fuelcellsystems.co.uk
University of South Wales, Baglan Hydrogen Centre:
Honda of the UK Manufacturing:
Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking: www.fch-ju.eu

Air Liquide hydrogen

station for forklifts at
FM Logistic in France

n France, Air Liquide has been chosen

by FM Logistic to provide support for
its projected deployment of hydrogenpowered forklift (pallet) trucks at
its large 85 000 m2 (915 000 sq ft)
Neuville-aux-Bois logistics platform,
located near the city of Orlans.
Air Liquide has installed a hydrogen refueling
station that will initially service 10 fuel cell
powered forklifts at the busy Neuville-aux-Bois
logistics platform. Eventually, the facilitys 84
forklifts could be switched to hydrogen, which
would make it the first logistics hub in Europe
to convert its entire fleet of forklift trucks to
hydrogen. The use of hydrogen at logistics hubs
was first developed in the US and Canada, where
more than 6000 materials handling vehicles are
now running on hydrogen [see the fuel cell forklift
features in FCB, September and October 2010].
FM Logistic anticipates gradually introducing
hydrogen fuel cell materials handling vehicles at
its other facilities, in particular at new sites with
more than 50 pallet trucks.
The fuel cell units for the forklifts are supplied
by HyPulsion, a joint venture between Air
Liquide subsidiary Axane and US-based Plug
Power, which is developing, manufacturing and
marketing a range of fuel cells for forklifts in the
European market [FCB, November 2011, p3].
The fuel cells replace electric batteries, and offer
flexibility and improved productivity due to the
greater autonomy resulting from their use in
forklifts. Air Liquides hydrogen station can fully
refuel a forklift in just 3 minutes, for 910 hours
of continuous operation.
This project for the large-scale deployment
of hydrogen fuel cells demonstrates the
competitiveness of this solution for forklifts. It


Fuel Cells Bulletin

is the result of a cooperative effort involving the

partners of the HAWL (Hydrogen And Warehouse
Logistics) project, financed in part by the European
Union. The HAWL project aims to support the
launch of a European market for hydrogen fuel
cell powered forklifts in logistics hubs. The project
partners are forklift manufacturers Crown and
Toyota Material Handling Europe, fuel cell module
manufacturer HyPulsion, Air Liquide for the
hydrogen station and the hydrogen, supply chain
management services company Diagma, and enduser FM Logistic.
Air Liquide, Hydrogen Filling Station:
HyPulsion: www.hypulsion.com
FM Logistic: http://corporate.fmlogistic.com/eng-gb
HAWL project: www.hawlproject.eu

CEP partner Shell

opens new hydrogen
station in Hamburg

hell Deutschland has boosted

the growing hydrogen refueling
infrastructure in Germany by opening
a new hydrogen station in Hamburg,
based on H2Station technology from
Danish company H2 Logic. The station is
the latest addition to the Clean Energy
Partnership (CEP), which has expanded
to 20 member companies with the
addition of OMV Deutschland GmbH,
part of the Austrian oil & gas company.
The station on Schnackenburgallee in
west Hamburg is Shells third hydrogencapable service station in Germany, and the
first with hydrogen produced onsite. The
station is supported with funding from the
National Organisation Hydrogen and Fuel
Cell Technology (NOW GmbH). Other Shell
hydrogen stations will follow soon in Frankfurt,
Wuppertal, Geisingen, and Wendingen.
As a member of the E350 million H2
Mobility Initiative in Germany alongside
Air Liquide, Daimler, Linde, OMV, and Total
Shell will help grow the public hydrogen
infrastructure, which currently comprises 17
hydrogen stations. The goal is a nationwide
network of 400 hydrogen stations by 2023,
allowing fuel cell electric vehicles to refuel all
over Germany [FCB, October 2013, p6].
Last autumn CEP reported continuing
progress on its plan to roll out 50 new hydrogen
stations across Germany by the end of 2015 [see
the CEP feature in FCB, June 2011], with six
additional stations announced for NordrheinWestfalen (NRW) and eight for Baden-

Wrttemberg [FCB, December 2014, p9].

The new 700 bar Hamburg station is the
first in Germany to achieve CEP approval
in accordance with the latest version of the
SAE J2601 standard [FCB, August 2014, p7],
following extensive third-party acceptance and
verification tests. The station features onsite
hydrogen production, which enables gridbalancing and storage by turning electricity
production on/off as required, to help integrate
the increasing share of fluctuating renewable
electricity in Germany.
In other news, CEP has added OMV
Deutschland GmbH as a strong new partner for
infrastructure development in Germany. In 2009
OMV opened the first public hydrogen station
in Baden-Wrttemberg, at Stuttgart Airport,
allowing fuel cell cars and buses to refuel with
gaseous hydrogen at 350 and 700 bar [FCB,
August 2009, p9]. This station is now part of the
CEP hydrogen station network, and OMV plans
to build three more stations in southern Germany.
OMV is also planning to build a basic
hydrogen mobility infrastructure in Austria.
In addition to its existing hydrogen station in
Vienna [FCB, November 2012, p5], between
three and five additional stations will go into
operation in the next few years, including one
that will open shortly in Innsbruck.
Clean Energy Partnership:
NOW GmbH: www.now-gmbh.de/en
Shell, Hydrogen and Electrification:
Shell Deutschland: www.shell.de (in German)
H2 Logic: h2logic.com
OMV Group: www.omv.com

Air Products hydrogen

dispenser first on UK
supermarket forecourt

he UKs first supermarket hosted

hydrogen station has opened,
to kickstart a public hydrogen
refueling network in London as part
of the London Hydrogen Network
Expansion (LHNE) project. The flagship
Air Products SmartFuel hydrogen
dispenser is hosted by Sainsburys at its
Hendon store.
Owned and operated by Air Products, this
latest addition strengthens an existing network
of hydrogen stations in London, including a
newly upgraded, publicly accessible dispenser at
Heathrow [FCB, August 2014, p7]. Together these
stations meet demand from a burgeoning number

April 2015

of hydrogen-powered fleets, ranging from taxis
to delivery vans operated by Commercial Group
[FCB, June 2014, p11], and a number of Hyundai
ix35 Fuel Cell cars [FCB, November 2014, p2].
Encouraging people to consider and
ultimately choose hydrogen as a transport fuel
is an important part of Londons progression
towards a low-carbon future, says Diana
Raine, LHNE coordinator and Air Products
hydrogen energy business manager. By working
with responsible partners such as Sainsburys
and providing networks of fueling stations in
convenient locations, we will be able to offer
the public a real alternative to petrol.
Hydrogen fueling technology can play an
integral role in reducing CO2 emissions, as well
as improving air quality and combating climate
change. Drivers benefit from a quieter and more
comfortable driving experience, because of the
quiet operation and smooth acceleration of
hydrogen fuel cell electric vehicles. Refueling takes
less than three minutes, and FCEVs offer the
same range and speed as conventional vehicles.
The 700 bar (10 000 psi) SmartFuel station at
Hendon is being delivered as part of the London
Hydrogen Network Expansion (LHNE) project,
which aims to create the UKs initial hydrogen
transport system. The project is backed by the
UK government, and co-funded by Innovate UK
(formerly the Technology Strategy Board).
The LHNE consortium, led by Air Products,
is delivering a publicly accessible, state-of-the-art,
fast-fill 350 and 700 bar hydrogen fueling station
network over a three-year period. The creation of
this network is particularly important, because the
hydrogen FCEVs now coming to market require
a 700 bar fueling system.
Air Products has recently won two funding
awards, to upgrade the Hendon and Heathrow
stations as part of the London Hydrogen
Network Upgrade, and to upgrade a mobile
refueling station to support conferences and
FCEV test drives [see page 9].
Air Products, Hydrogen Energy:
Cenex, LHNE project:
Innovate UK: www.innovateuk.org


Scottish community
energy project targets
use of green hydrogen

he Levenmouth Community Energy

Project in Fife, eastern Scotland will
investigate the potential of hydrogen

April 2015

as a future fuel, with 4 million (US$6

million) in Scottish government funding
through the Local Energy Challenge
Fund. This pioneering industry
development aims to shape the future
prosperity of local communities through
a number of green hydrogen projects in
a redevelopment area of Methil.
The Methil Docks site already has a 750
kW wind turbine and 30 kW water electrolysis
system; the new project will install a 200 kW
solar photovoltaic (PV) power generation facility,
60 kW and 250 kW water electrolysis systems,
hydrogen storage tanks, hydrogen stations, and
fuel cells. Renewable energy generated by the
wind and solar systems will be used to power the
facility, and also to electrolyse water to produce
hydrogen. Stored hydrogen will be supplied
via hydrogen stations to 25 hybrid commercial
vehicles powered by fuel cells and diesel engines,
and also reconverted to electricity by fuel cells
for use in the projects facilities.
The project is led by Bright Green
Hydrogen, along with Fife Council (project
support and provision of some vehicles),
Toshiba, Leven Valley Development Trust, Fife
College, BOC (for hydrogen transport), Green
Business Fife, Community Energy Scotland,
and the Scottish Hydrogen and Fuel Cell
Association (SHFCA).
The project, which will run from April
2015 to March 2020, is based at the Hydrogen
Office in Methil and run by Bright Green
Hydrogen, which was previously known as
The Hydrogen Office [FCB, February 2011,
p9]. The new scheme involves the facility
being developed into a leading demonstration
of innovative applications of hydrogen
derived from renewable sources. This includes
Levenmouth becoming the home of Europes
largest fleet of hydrogen dual-fuel vehicles,
including 10 Ford Transits, 10 Renault Kangoo
vans, and two refuse collection vehicles.
Hydrogen refueling will be installed at both
the Hydrogen Office and at the Fife Council
vehicle depot at Bankhead in Glenrothes.
Toshiba will deploy its hydrogen energy
management system (H2 EMS), which is
designed for optimal production and storage
of hydrogen based on electricity supply and
demand forecasts. Toshiba will also handle
overall system control, allowing it to collect
operating data from the entire system
including the H2 EMS, water electrolysis
systems, and vehicles for use in future projects
[and see page 1].
Bright Green Hydrogen Ltd, Methil, Fife, Scotland, UK.
Tel: +44 1333 439321, www.brightgreenhydrogen.org.uk
Toshiba, Hydrogen Economy:

World added 17 hydrogen stations in 2014
The seventh annual assessment by www.
H2stations.org, a website of Ludwig-BlkowSystemtechnik (LBST) and TV SD in
Germany, reports that 17 new hydrogen refueling
stations were opened throughout the world in
2014. About one-third of the newly operational
stations are supplied by green hydrogen, i.e.
hydrogen produced using renewable energy.
As of March 2015, the total number of
hydrogen stations in operation is 184. Several
countries are prioritising hydrogen refueling
infrastructure development, which will see a
rapid increase in the number of public stations.
In North America two stations were
inaugurated in 2014, three in Asia, and 12 in
Europe. Based on information available to LBST,
a total of 82 stations are currently operated in
Europe, 63 in North America, one in South
America, and 38 in Asia. Worldwide, 74 of
these have public access, including 17 of the 29
stations in Germany.
Some older stations, operated within specific
projects which came to an end, were taken out
of service last year. But Germany, California and
Japan have ambitious programmes to extend
their hydrogen infrastructure, so some of the
currently closed stations will be reopened with
upgraded technology. There are 129 planned
stations with already determined locations: 55
in North America, two in South America, one
in Australia, 18 in Asia, and 53 in Europe (34
of which are in Germany).
Distributed generation fuel cells: FCH JU
A new study (http://tinyurl.com/fchju-DGreport) published by the Fuel Cells and Hydrogen
Joint Undertaking (FCH JU, www.fch-ju.
eu) outlines a pathway for commercialising
stationary fuel cells in Europe. It analyses the
current and future market potential for fuel
cell distributed energy generation in Europe,
benchmarks stationary fuel cell technologies
against competing conventional technologies in
a variety of applications, and assesses potential
business models for commercialisation.
The study, Advancing Europes energy systems:
Stationary fuel cells in distributed generation,
was sponsored by FCH JU and compiled
by Roland Berger Strategy Consultants. It
builds on an interactive approach involving
more than 30 companies, institutions and
associations from the stakeholder community
of the European stationary fuel cell industry. By
considering the results of the technological and
commercial analysis, the study pinpoints focus
areas for further R&D to sustain innovation,
and provides recommendations for supportive
policy frameworks.
The FCH JU has also just published a report on
the commercialisation of energy storage in Europe
[summarised in this issues feature, on pages 1416].

Fuel Cells Bulletin



UQM wins first order

for its new fuel cell
compressor system

olorado-based UQM Technologies

has received its first fuel cell
compressor module purchase order,
from PEM fuel cell manufacturer
Ballard Power Systems in Canada.
These compressor modules are an
integral component of hydrogen
powered fuel cell electric vehicles.
The UQM R410 fuel cell compressor system
is designed for medium-duty automotive and
commercial bus applications for up to 150
kW fuel cell stacks. The purchase order calls
for shipments of product to Ballard over the
next four months, and will generate revenue in
excess of US$600 000, with follow-on orders
expected from Ballard.
We are excited to be working directly with
Ballard on their fuel cell bus programmes,
says Eric R. Ridenour, president and CEO of
UQM Technologies. Our expansion directly
into the fuel cell compressor business is already
paying off for UQM, and we believe that the
advantages our system offers will allow further
growth with Ballard and additional customers.
UQM Technologies is a developer and
manufacturer of power-dense, high-efficiency
electric motors, generators, and power
electronic controllers for the commercial
truck, bus, automotive, marine, military, and
industrial markets. A major emphasis for UQM
is developing propulsion systems for electric,
hybrid electric, plug-in hybrid electric, and fuel
cell electric vehicles.

UQM Technologies, Longmont, Colorado, USA.

Tel: +1 303 682 4900, www.uqm.com
Ballard Power Systems, Burnaby, BC, Canada.
Tel: +1 604 454 0900, www.ballard.com

Greenlight using robot

for automated fuel cell
component production

anadian-based Greenlight Innovation

has taken delivery of an integrated
robotic assembly system specific to fuel
cell manufacturing, which it will use
in the automated hydrogen fuel cell
component production systems it offers.
The automated system was developed for a
leading automotive manufacturer, to support its


Fuel Cells Bulletin

advance into PEM fuel cell mass production.

The custom Greenlight solution features a
turntable with three stations: operator load/
unload, robotic applicator, and infrared curing.
The robotic station can be programmed
to apply sealant, primer, adhesive, or gasket
material in a rapid and precise manner. For
this task, Greenlight selected a KUKA sixaxis Agilus robot with a 700 mm reach, and
integrated a Nordson piezoelectric metering
head for precision dispensing. The robotic
solution has proven to be much more efficient,
accurate, and cost-effective than alternative
material application methods. The end result
is a more repeatable process that virtually
eliminates component rejects.
In addition to fuel cell manufacturing, this
automated solution can be configured for a
wide variety of applications, such as electronics
manufacturing, product assembly etc. The
robotic arm can also be easily reprogrammed to
accommodate new parts as designs evolve.
Greenlights Industrial Automation division
specialises in robotics and custom automation
machinery for the hydrogen fuel cell, battery,
solar, chemical, and automotive industries.
Last summer Greenlight supplied its 200th
PEM fuel cell test station to an automotive
OEM [FCB, July 2014, p5], and before that it
acquired Commonwealth Automation, a leading
supplier of automated equipment for fuel cell
manufacturing [FCB, April 2014, p11].
Greenlight Innovation, Burnaby, BC, Canada.
Tel: +1 604 676 4000, www.greenlightinnovation.com
KUKA Robotics: www.kuka-robotics.com

JCB takes strategic

stake in ITM Power

n the UK, ITM Power reports

that JCB Research and Valebond
Consultants Ltd which is wholly
owned by Jo Bamford, director of
the JCB excavators manufacturer
have together acquired a strategic
shareholding in ITM Power through a
subscription for new ordinary shares,
making them ITMs largest shareholder.
The new investors paid nearly 4.9 million
(US$7.3 million) for 16.1 million new shares,
representing 9.1% of ITM Powers enlarged
share capital. ITM will use the proceeds as
additional working capital as it continues to
scale up its business. JCB Research also has the
right to appoint a person it nominates to the
board of ITM Power.
In addition to the new funds that this
investment brings to ITM Power, we are

delighted to have on board a strategic investor

who can potentially add significant value to
our business, says Dr Graham Cooley, CEO of
ITM Power. I look forward to working with
JCB as we scale up our business and seek to
enter new markets with our product offering.
We are excited by the prospects of hydrogen
technology, adds Lord Bamford, chairman of
JCB Research. We expect to be an actively
supportive shareholder in ITM Power, and
look forward to working with the board and
management team and to sharing some of our
expertise in manufacturing and engineering.
Sheffield-based ITM Power has just been
awarded funding to build new hydrogen vehicle
fueling stations in London, and upgrade four
existing stations in Sheffield and London [see
page 9]. The company is also commercialising
PEM electrolysers for applications such as
Power-to-Gas (P2G) [FCB, March 2015, p9],
and developing its hydrocarbon membrane
technology for fuel cell applications [see the ITM
Power features in FCB, January and June 2012].
ITM Power, Sheffield, UK. Tel: +44 114 244 5111,


US DOE awards for

hydrogen production
and FCEV systems

he US Department of Energy has

announced the 2015 Small Business
Innovation Research and Small Business
Technology Transfer (SBIR/STTR) Phase 2
Release 1 Awards, which include three
projects focusing on hydrogen production
from electrolysis and hydrogen systems
supporting fuel cell electric vehicles.
DOEs key hydrogen objectives are to reduce
the cost of producing and delivering hydrogen
to less than $4 per gallon of gasoline equivalent
(gge), to enable FCEVs to be competitive with
gasoline vehicles. Key fuel cell objectives are
to reduce fuel cell system cost to $40/kW and
improve durability to 5000 h (equivalent to
150 000 miles, 240 000 km of driving) for
automotive fuel cell systems by 2020.
The SBIR/STTR projects selected for
negotiation build on Phase 1 awards last year
[FCB, March 2014, p11], and include:
U Tetramer Technologies (www.tetramer.com)
in Pendleton, South Carolina will improve
PEM electrolyser ion-exchange membranes
to develop a lower-cost, higher-performance
method of commercially generating onsite
hydrogen by water electrolysis.

April 2015

U 6
> (www.gvdcorp.com)
in Cambridge, Massachusetts will develop
improved plastic and elastomer seal coatings
to enable reliable performance of hydrogen
systems to support FCEVs.
U i (www.ginerinc.com) of Newton,
Massachusetts will address the high capital
and operating costs of electrolysis, by working
to commercialise advanced water electrolysis
catalysts that are more active and require significantly less precious metal than those used
in conventional PEM electrolysers.
DOE Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable
Energy, Hydrogen and Fuel Cells Program:

German joint research

project studying SOFC
degradation processes

everal German research groups and

industry partners are collaborating
in the SOFC Degradation joint research
project, supported by the federal ministry
of education and research (BMBF), to
develop a deeper understanding of the
degradation processes occurring in solid
oxide fuel cells.
Optimising the long-term stability of
operational SOFC systems is a significant issue,
so reducing degradation which leads to a
continuous loss of capability during operation
has an important role. Previous analysis and
experience show that these losses in performance
mean that existing SOFC components are not yet
qualified for long-term and reliable operation.
One of the industrial partners in this
German project is FuelCon, a manufacturer
of fuel cell and battery test stations. Working
with the project partners, the company aims
to significantly increase the life cycle of SOFC
systems compared to existing durability. In a
first step, several sub-projects will investigate
in detail how different parameters (e.g.
temperature, partial pressure, current) influence
the degradation process and life cycle. The
project partners will then use these results to
draft appropriate countermeasures. FuelCon
is providing its extensive experience in
electrochemical impedance analysis of SOFCs,
testing environments for evaluation of long-term
behaviour, and accelerated test procedures.
FuelCon is also working with the Fraunhofer
Institute for Solar Energy Systems ISE to
develop a testing station for analysing start-stop
cycles in PEM fuel cells, as part of the threeyear Stress project funded by the German
federal ministry for economic affairs and
energy (BMWi) [FCB, February 2015, p11].

April 2015

Several other groups are focused on

reducing SOFC degradation, including the
Technical University of Denmark (DTU),
where researchers are monitoring nanoscale
reactions in operating SOFCs and electrolysis
cells, observing weak spots as they evolve
[FCB, November 2014, p12]. And the recently
completed European SOFC-Life project,
coordinated by the Forschungszentrum Jlich in
Germany, found that processes at the cathodeinterconnect interface are major contributors to
the overall degradation [FCB, May 2014, p11].
FuelCon AG, Magdeburg-Barleben, Germany.
Tel: +49 39203 514400, www.fuelcon.com

SiEnergy wins grant

from Massachusetts
Clean Energy Center

S-based SiEnergy Systems, which

is commercialising intermediatetemperature thin-film solid oxide fuel
cell (IT-SOFC) technology from Harvard
University, has been awarded a
$300 000 grant from the Massachusetts
Clean Energy Center (MassCEC) under
its AmplifyMass program.
AmplifyMass offers awards to Massachusettsbased clean technology companies and
university research projects that have already
been given funding by the US Department
of Energys ARPA-E (Advanced Research
Projects Agency Energy) programme,
which SiEnergy Systems achieved last year
[FCB, July 2014, p9].
SiEnergy Systems is developing a thinfilm SOFC for the portable and small power
generation markets [FCB, May 2011, p10].
The technology is designed to reduce fuel cell
cost, and allow fast startup and load-following
capability by responding rapidly to changes
in power demand. The resulting practical,
affordable, and energy-efficient system will be
able to use convenient fuels, yet significantly
reduce fossil fuel consumption and greenhouse
gas emissions.
SiEnergys technology uses common highthroughput solar/LED manufacturing processes
to create SOFCs with nm-scale electrolytes
that operate at lower temperature, use less
material, and are scalable to meet various power
requirements. The company is a subsidiary
of Allied Minds, a Boston-based science &
technology development and commercialisation

SiEnergy Systems LLC, Cambridge, Massachusetts,

USA. Tel: +1 617 830 2080, www.sienergysystems.com
Allied Minds Inc: www.alliedminds.com

Tokyo opens first mobile hydrogen station
The first commercial-use mobile hydrogen
refueling station for fuel cell electric vehicles in
Japan has entered service in Tokyo. The new
station, based on a truck carrying a hydrogen
tank, is operated by Nippon Mobile Hydrogen
Station Services LLC, a joint venture between
Toyota Tsusho, Iwatani and Taiyo Nippon Sanso.
The operator anticipates opening a second
mobile station in Tokyo and two in the central
Aichi Prefecture this summer. It says that
the mobile station costs 200300 million
(US$1.72.5 million), about half the 500
million ($4.2 million) cost of setting up a
fixed station.
The mobile station, located in Tokyos
Chiyoda ward, is open weekdays from 9am
to 1pm. Japan Real Time reported that there
was only one customer on the opening day.
The mobile unit carries sufficient hydrogen to
refuel about five FCEVs, taking about 3 min
to fill a tank, with 1 kg of hydrogen retailing
for 1200 ($10).
Mercedes-Benz plant focuses on fuel cells
Daimler is comprehensively modernising
the huge Mercedes-Benz plant in StuttgartUntertrkheim, Germany, and transforming
the location into a centre of competence for
production technologies ranging from highly
efficient conventional engines to alternative
drive systems, including fuel cells.
From 1 June, Untertrkheim will assume
responsibility for a facility in Nabern, about
25 km (16 miles) to the southeast, where
assembly of the fuel cell systems will take
place. The Nabern facility will remain the
centre of competence for overall development
of fuel cell drive systems under the direction of
Daimler AG. Nabern is the base of NuCellSys
GmbH, originally part of the Fuel Cell
Alliance between Daimler, Ford and AFCC
(Automotive Fuel Cell Cooperation), which
became a 100% subsidiary of Daimler in 2009
[FCB, August 2009, p10].
Alternative drive systems are an important
element of our future mobility, says Markus
Schfer, member of the divisional board for
Mercedes-Benz Cars, Manufacturing and
Supply Chain Management. Their share of
automotive production is set to steadily rise
over the next few years, complementing our
highly efficient engines within the portfolio.
Daimler (http://tinyurl.com/daimler-fcevs)
already offers a wide range of battery-electric
vehicles and hybrids around the world, and is
developing a fuel cell drivetrain in cooperation
with Ford and Nissan [FCB, February
2013, p2]. Last autumn it announced that a
Mercedes-Benz B-Class F-CELL car from its
current fleet had been driven continuously for
more than 300 000 km (186 000 miles).

Fuel Cells Bulletin



Study on commercialisation
of energy storage in European
market to 2030 and beyond
/i i>i
`iiivi i>iiVVii>`>`Li`]
ii iVi->vii]Commercialisation of Energy
Storage in Europe]VV`ivV>i>`}>>

Scope of the study

The new report, Commercialisation of
Energy Storage in Europe, is focused on the
European electric power market towards the
2050 horizon. Cost reduction and improved
technologies were only considered until 2030,
because of the limited availability of sources
and the difficulty of estimating longer-term
technology evolution.
It also investigates other energy markets
(gas, heat, hydrogen) where they are connected
with the electric power sector and relevant to
the topic of storing electricity produced from
often variable renewable energy sources.
The study primarily aims to assess the
suitability of storage to integrate large
amounts (on the order of GWh and above)
of variable renewable energy production
into the energy system. The storage services
under consideration are electricity timeshifting, conversion of electricity to other
energy carriers (such as heat and hydrogen),
frequency reserve, and deferral of transmission
& distribution (T&D) investment. (The
study does not consider power storage-type
applications such as power quality/voltage
control, or backup power applications.)
The study investigates three categories of
energy storage technologies in the time frame
to 2030:

U *i*i**>}i]V>
batteries (lead-acid, lithium-ion, flow and
NaS), pumped hydroelectric, compressed
air energy storage, liquid air energy storage,
and electrolytic hydrogen production and
re-electrification (e.g. in gas turbines).
storage of heat for later use.
outside the electric power sector, e.g. Power14

Fuel Cells Bulletin

to-Gas (P2G), for mobility or in industry,

using proton-exchange membrane (PEM),
alkaline and solid oxide electrolysers.

Europe-wide input
The compilation of the report has been
supported by the European Commission,
with financial support by the Fuel Cells and
Hydrogen Joint Undertaking (FCH JU),
and analytical support from management
consultancy McKinsey & Company.
It incorporates contributions from Abengoa
Hidrogeno, Air Liquide, AkzoNobel,
Alstom, ECN Energy research Centre of the
Netherlands, Element Energy, Eurogas industry
association, GERG (European Gas Research
Group), HEDNO (Hellenic Electricity
Distribution Network Operator), Hellenic
Petroleum, HIA (Hydrogen Implementing
Agreement of the International Energy
Agency), Hydrogenics, Inabensa SA (Abengoa
business unit), ITM Power, The Linde
Group, Moixa Technology, NEL Hydrogen,
Northern Power Grid, NOW GmbH (National
Organisation Hydrogen and Fuel Cell
Technology), Proton OnSite, PAE RAE (Greek
Regulatory Authority for Energy), REDT
Energy Storage, RES Americas (Renewable
Energy Systems Ltd), Shell, Siemens, Statkraft,
Statoil, sunfire gmbh, Tata Chemicals, Vanadis
Power, Vattenfall, and Voith.

Renewables variability
The report aims to provide a deeper
understanding of the role and commercial
viability of energy storage, in enabling increasing
levels of intermittent renewable power
generation. It also highlights the actions required
to ensure that energy storage is allowed to
compete fairly with the other flexibility options.

The share of renewable energy sources in

the European electric power generation mix
is expected to grow considerably, constituting a significant contribution to the European
Commissions challenging targets to reduce
greenhouse gas emissions. Its share in meeting
electricity demand should reach about 36%
by 2020, 4560% by 2030, and over 80% in
2050. In some scenarios, up to 65% of power
generation across the European Union will be
covered by solar photovoltaic (PV) and onshore
and offshore wind. However, their power production is subject to hourly as well as seasonal
weather variability.
The regional and national power systems
have not previously had to cope with such
variability. The need for system flexibility has
historically been driven by variable demand
patterns, but in future it will increasingly
be driven by supply variability, as variable
renewable energy penetration increases to 50%
and more.
Significant amounts of excess renewable
energy (on the order of TWh) will start
to emerge in countries across the EU,
with surpluses characterised by periods
of high power output (GW) far in excess
of demand. These periods will alternate
with times when solar PV and wind are
only generating at a fraction of their
capacity, and non-renewable generation
capacity will be required. In addition, the
large intermittent power flows will strain
the T&D network, and make it more
challenging to ensure that electricity supply
matches demand at all times.
New systems and tools are required to
ensure that renewable energy is effectively
integrated into the power system. There are
four main options for providing the required
flexibility to the power system: dispatchable
generation, transmission & distribution
expansion, demand-side management, and
energy storage [Figure 1]. All of these have
limitations and costs, and none of them
on their own can solve the challenge of

April 2015

integrating renewable energy sources. The
new report therefore focuses on the question:
to what extent can current and new energy
storage technologies contribute to better
integration of renewables in the long term,
and play additional roles in the short term?

Storage technologies
Energy storage fulfils three functions: to charge,
hold, and discharge energy. The FCH JU
study considers Power-to-Power (P2P) storage,
where the energy carrier that is charged and
discharged is electricity, as well as conversion
to other carriers (heat and hydrogen), where
electricity is charged and the energy is released
from storage outside the electric power system
in the form of hydrogen or heat. In particular,
as highlighted in the Scope section above,
three types of energy storage technologies are
considered: Power-to-Power (P2), conversion of
power to heat and heat storage, and conversion
of power to hydrogen for use outside the power

Preparation of the study

The study was prepared by a broad coalition
of organisations, including storage technology
developers, utilities, energy companies, research
institutions, regulatory authorities, and
European institutions.
The power systems of four European
countries or regions (Germany, Spain,
Sweden, and the Greek island of Crete) were
chosen for modelling, based on their differing
characteristics. For each country, the electric
power supply/demand balance was modelled in
high temporal resolution for three years with
successively increasing penetration of renewable
energy (2014, 2030, and 2050). These
penetrations were treated as an external input
from scenarios developed by the European
Commission, and cover the whole spectrum of
renewable energy penetration targets for 2030
and 2050.
The key outputs were the amount of
excess electricity, the required non-renewable
power generation and capacity, as well as
the costs of the non-renewable generation,
including CO2 costs. Based on this model,
the decrease in non-renewable generation
costs was studied at different installed
storage capacities. In addition, the ability of
conversion to heat and hydrogen to utilise
excess renewable energy was examined.
The model extensively tested the
sensitivity of storage demand to three T&D
grid constraint scenarios: no international
constraints, no internal constraints, and severe
internal T&D and must-run constraints.

Figure 1. The FCH JU study focuses on energy storage, one of the four main technological options
for the integration of variable renewable energy (VRE). RES = renewable energy source.

In determining the cost trajectory of the

individual storage technologies, the study
relied on previously published and widely
accepted literature. It did not conduct an
independent review of technology cost
forecasts, nor were sources prioritised to allow
for cherry-picking between technologies. The
analysis focused on a purely techno-economic
evaluation: it did not take into account
additional barriers for implementation (such
as safety and societal acceptance), or the effect
of non-economic decision-making.
Although the report already includes
aggressive cost reduction targets for the storage
technologies, more aggressive cost reductions
and performance improvements would further
improve the business case and penetration of
energy storage. For example, a further 75%
reduction in storage costs compared to the
low range of estimates could lead to a fourfold increase in demand for storage in some
scenarios. Thus the realised performance
and costs of the technologies will have to be
monitored on an ongoing basis.

Energy storage overall

While other reports have focused on individual
aspects of energy storage (e.g. technology cost
improvements, integration of home solar PV),
this FCH JU report covers the topic end-toend, taking into consideration the development
of the electric power system, advances in
storage technologies, business cases for storage
deployment, and the regulation of energy
The new study doesnt only consider the electric power sector, but also examines the conversion of electricity to other energy carriers, and

the role it can play in the integration of different parts of the broader energy sector (electric
power, heating, gas grid).

The studys key findings

The study shows that both Power-to-Power
(P2P) storage and conversion to other carriers
have the potential to play an important role
in providing flexibility to the power system.
They will make it possible to ensure that large
amounts of renewable energy are not wasted,
but are instead used to reduce the amount of
non-renewable generation required, and to
decarbonise heating, transportation, and the gas
grid. However, in order for storage technologies
to develop, regulators need to create a level
playing field on which energy storage can
compete with other flexibility options.
1. Demand for P2P storage will grow up to
10 times.
In the high-renewables scenario (60% and
more penetration of variable renewable energy
sources by 2050), there will be economic
potential for very large amounts of P2P storage
for the integration of intermittent renewable
energy, perhaps up to 10 times the currently
installed capacity, or about 400 GW across the
EU. Storage demand in the 2030 time frame
will depend on country-specific characteristics,
in particular on the level of interconnectivity.
2. Ability of P2P storage to integrate variable
renewable energy: P2P storage will neither fully
eliminate the need for non-renewable generation, nor be able to utilise all excess renewable

April 2015

Fuel Cells Bulletin

Even with a 10-fold increase in installed
P2P storage capacities, a significant amount
of backup non-renewable generation and large
installed non-renewable power plant capacity
would still be required for prolonged periods
(several days) with low wind and sunshine. At
the same time, in the high-renewables scenario,
there would still be periods with large amounts
of excess renewable energy that could not be
used in the electric power system directly or
through P2P storage.
3. Demand for storage is largest in island systems,
and smallest in countries with large reservoir
hydroelectric capacity.
Demand for energy storage differs significantly between countries with different generation profiles. In particular, large reservoir
hydroelectric capacity such as in Sweden is a
carbon-free option to integrate renewables and
eliminate the need for further storage. By contrast, non-interconnected islands, or markets
that behave as such, are a suitable early market
for storage driven by emerging renewable curtailment and very high fossil generation costs.
Depending on the island characteristics, there
may already be economic demand for storage
reaching tens of percent of installed power generation capacity.
4. Ability of conversion of power to heat to integrate variable renewable energy: conversion of
power to heat can contribute to its integration,
but its potential is limited by heating-related
electricity demand.
Conversion of electricity to heat and heat
storage is a proven and relatively low-cost option
for providing flexibility in the power system.
As increasing penetration of variable renewable
energy sources and higher fuel and CO2 costs
will drive higher volatility in electricity prices,
the business case for and penetration of heat
storage will improve further. Conversion to heat
and heat storage will be able to utilise some
of the excess renewable energy, and reduce the
required non-renewable generation. However,
the potential of conversion to heat to integrate
variable renewable energy is limited by the share
of electricity demand used for heating and by its
5. Ability of conversion to hydrogen to integrate
variable renewable energy: conversion of electricity to hydrogen for use outside the power
sector has the potential to productively utilise
nearly all excess renewable electricity that would
be curtailed.
Conversion of electricity to hydrogen
through water electrolysis, and use of this

Fuel Cells Bulletin

hydrogen in the gas grid (Power-to-Gas, P2G),

mobility or industry e.g. in fuel cells or
hydrogen internal combustion engines can
productively utilise nearly all excess renewable
energy in the high-renewables scenario,
contributing to the decarbonisation of these
sectors. The European potential for installed
electrolyser capacity in 2050 high-renewables
scenarios would be in the hundreds of GW.
This requires that there is either local demand
for hydrogen at the production site, or that
the hydrogen can be economically transported
to a demand centre.
6. Energy storage can create value in the short
run, but reviewing regulation is key to unlocking this opportunity.
Proven and emerging energy storage
technologies have economically viable uses
in the short term, and can contribute to
meeting the flexibility needs of the power
system while creating value for society.
These applications include time-shifting in
island systems, deferral of T&D upgrades,
provision of frequency reserve, and home
storage coupled with solar PV. Accessing these
markets will require a review of the regulations
that currently prevent energy storage from
participating in the market on a level playing
field with the other flexibility options. The
overall impact of storage with large energy
capacities substituting non-renewable
generation in variable renewable energy-based
energy systems needs to be assessed in more
depth in further studies.
7. Key regulatory obstacles to energy storage can be
lifted by fair consideration of the role of storage
in the electric power value chain.
There is a low degree of regulatory
acknowledgment of energy storage as a specific component of the electric power value
chain and hence a lack of storage-specific
rules, and insufficient consideration of the
impact of regulation on energy storage. The
key obstacles to storage identified by the new
study are:
U >VvV>ii`iV
energy storage can access markets. In particular, this refers to the inability of transmission
system operators (TSOs) and distribution
system operators (DSOs) to own and operate storage or purchase T&D deferral as a
service in some countries, or the lack of rules
concerning the access of energy storage to the
ancillary services market.
U V>vv>Vvii
storage (including P2G), even though
storage does not constitute final use of
the energy.

U *>ivV>iii>Li
energy producers, removing an incentive for
productive use of the curtailed electricity.

What happens next

The FCH JU study recommends that the next
steps should focus on assessing the holistic implications on a country level for the various flexibility options, including energy storage, realising the
projected cost trajectories, and making progress
on solving the regulatory barriers.
The study shows that the role that P2P
storage and conversion to other energy carriers
will play in the future will differ greatly from
country to country, based on factors such as
the electricity generation fleet, level of T&D
interconnectedness, or heating demand. This
role will be further shaped by the extent
to which demand-side management is able
to economically adapt demand patterns to
electricity supply (the study has not researched
this variable). To obtain a more precise
picture of future energy storage needs, holistic
individual country analyses would be required,
fully taking into account local specifics
of (flexible) power generation, demand,
T&D, and the opportunity for demand-side
This study assumes significant energy
storage technology cost reductions between
now and 2030. In order for these cost
reductions to materialise, concerted action
is required by all stakeholders OEMs,
utilities, system integrators, regulators etc.
to enable energy storage deployment in the
early markets identified in the study. Also,
these stakeholders need to work together to
overcome the technical, safety, and societal
acceptance hurdles of large-scale energy
storage deployment.
Most of the key regulatory obstacles to the
participation of energy storage in the market,
and directions to remove them, have been
identified. Governments and regulators need
to conduct further detailed analysis of the
necessary regulatory changes, and their impact
on the various stakeholders, in order to make
further progress.

This article has been compiled from the
Executive Summary of the report, the full
version of which can be downloaded from
the FCH JU website.
Full report (4.2 MB):
European Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking:

April 2015


Nanoporous Pt-based (PtNi)
catalysts with high specific surface
area for ORR in PEMFC cathodes
Assignee: 1i]1-
Inventors: J.D. Erlebacher et al.
Patent number: US 8895206
Published: 25 Nov. 2014 (Filed: 5 Oct. 2009)

Materials comprising solid support,

linker arms and metalorganic
complexes, for electrocatalytic
production and oxidation of H2 on
PEMFC or electrolyser electrodes
Inventors: V. Artero et al.
Patent number: US 8895207
Published: 25 Nov. 2014 (Filed: 20 Oct. 2009)

Manufacture and calibration

process for SOFC interconnect, also
for PEM or DMFC
Assignee: /ii
i-] i>
Inventors: C.B. Frederiksen et al.
Patent number: US 8895208
Published: 25 Nov. 2014 (Filed: 8 Dec. 2010)

Ag/MnyOx/C catalyst, preparation

and application for cathode in
alkali anion-exchange membrane
fuel cell
Assignee: >>i
Inventors: G. Sun et al.
Patent number: US 8895467
Published: 25 Nov. 2014 (Filed: 30 Nov. 2010)

Stainless steel composition

for PEMFC separator with high
durability, low contact resistance
Assignee:  -ii
Inventors: S. Ishikawa et al.
Patent number: US 8900379
Published: 2 Dec. 2014 (Filed: 9 June 2004)

ZrO2-promoted porous clusters of

Ag powder as cathode catalyst in
e.g. alkaline fuel cells and metal
hydride anode alkaline fuel cells
Assignee: >>1i]>i
Inventors: E. Khasin et al.
Patent number: US 8900750
Published: 2 Dec. 2014 (Filed: 27 Jan. 2012)

SOFC stack with microtubular cell

bundles for 400650C operation,
thin metallic wire current collector
Assignee: National Institute of Advanced
Inventors: T. Suzuki et al.
Patent number: US 8900759
Published: 2 Dec. 2014 (Filed: 27 Feb. 2009)

DMFC with recycling of product

water and unreacted fuel, valve to
prevent fuel mix entering generator
or evaporating via discharge pipe
Assignee: ->}- 
Inventors: J.K. Park et al.
Patent number: US 8900762
Published: 2 Dec. 2014 (Filed: 28 Feb. 2007)

Electrochemically actuated valve

for use with hydrogen pump and/or
electrolyser, e.g. in planar PEMFC
Inventors: A. Lundblad et al.
Patent number: US 8900763
Published: 2 Dec. 2014 (Filed: 17 June 2011)

Smooth transition from startup to

SOFC power generation, by control
of fuel flow rate in steam reformer
Assignee: /`]>>
Inventors: K. Tsuchiya et al.
Patent number: US 8900764
Published: 2 Dec. 2014 (Filed: 27 May 2010)

Motorbike DMFC with reduced

cell deterioration by monitoring
ambient air temperature, humidity

Uniformly forming oxidation layer

over surface of internal flow-field
on manifold block in PEMFC stack

Assignee: 9>>>
Inventor: Y. Muramatsu
Patent number: US 8900765
Published: 2 Dec. 2014 (Filed: 24 Apr. 2009)

Assignees: `>
>]i>] and
Inventors: D.W. Kim et al.
Patent number: US 8900437
Published: 2 Dec. 2014 (Filed: 22 Nov. 2011)

Automated cold storage protection

for automotive PEMFC system, by
determining whether to perform
freeze purge at shutdown

April 2015

Assignee: ii>]1-
Inventors: A. Rogahn et al.
Patent number: US 8900766
Published: 2 Dec. 2014 (Filed: 28 Sep. 2012)

Algorithm for in situ quantification

of PEMFC membrane health over its
life, from crossover parasitic current
and shorting resistance
Assignee: ii>]1-
Inventors: P.K. Sinha et al.
Patent number: US 8900767
Published: 2 Dec. 2014 (Filed: 26 Apr. 2011)

Method for judging electrode

catalyst degradation in automotive
PEMFC system
Assignee: />
Inventors: H. Noto et al.
Patent number: US 8900768
Published: 2 Dec. 2014 (Filed: 29 Feb. 2008)

Counter-freeze control method

for automotive PEMFC system, by
preventing valves being frozen and
avoiding inability to restart fuel cell
Assignee: `>
Inventors: N. Takagi et al.
Patent number: US 8900769
Published: 2 Dec. 2014 (Filed: 15 Nov. 2012)

Operation of automotive PEMFC

system, determining total
generated electrical energy since
startup to estimate residual water
Assignee: >
Inventors: T. Kaito et al.
Patent number: US 8900770
Published: 2 Dec. 2014 (Filed: 18 June 2008)

Inexpensive non-noble metal

conductive coatings for PEMFC
bipolar plates, by depositing
graphitic/conductive carbon film
Assignee: ii>]1-
Inventors: G. Vyas et al.
Patent number: US 8900771
Published: 2 Dec. 2014 (Filed: 17 Aug. 2006)

Thin PEMFC electrode fabrication,

by maintaining constant vacuum
volume in catalyst layer while
decreasing amount of catalyst

Fuel Cells Bulletin


Inventors: R. Vincent et al.
Patent number: US 8900773
Published: 2 Dec. 2014 (Filed: 28 Mar. 2011)

Fuel cell layer (e.g. PEM, DMFC)

comprising multiple MEAs in planar
arrangement, for use in portable
devices, and fabrication
Assignees: -> iVV
and -Vjj V]>Vi
Inventors: S. Imura et al.
Patent number: US 8900774
Published: 2 Dec. 2014 (Filed: 25 Mar. 2010)

PEM with high proton conductivity
and reduced methanol crossover in
DMFCs, manufacturing method
Assignee: `]>>
Inventors: N.F. Cooray et al.
Patent number: US 8906526
Published: 9 Dec. 2014 (Filed: 11 Nov. 2010)

Organic/inorganic complex proton

conductors with high proton
conductivity over wide temperature
range, for HT-PEMFC (>150C)

Monitoring operational state of

unit cells in automotive PEMFC
stack, for real-time detection of
performance deterioration
Assignees: `>
Korea and >}>1i]i>
Inventors: K.S. Jeong et al.
Patent number: US 8906568
Published: 9 Dec. 2014 (Filed: 17 May 2011)

Heat-exchanger to recover all heat

from cogeneration SOFC exhaust,
gas flow circuits and combustion
chamber immersed in same coolant
Assignee: -iV>-]>Vi
Inventors: C. Loevenbruck et al.
Patent number: US 8906569
Published: 9 Dec. 2014 (Filed: 13 Dec. 2010)

Observing anode fluid composition

during PEMFC startup, maximises
efficiency, durability and reliability
Assignee: ii>]1-
Inventors: P. Frost et al.
Patent number: US 8906570
Published: 9 Dec. 2014 (Filed: 28 Jan. 2009)

Assignee: ->} iVV]i>

Inventors: M.-J. Lee et al.
Patent number: US 8906560
Published: 9 Dec. 2014 (Filed: 12 Oct. 2010)

PEMFC separator with coating

comprising graphite islands
in amorphous carbon layer, to
suppress metal substrate corrosion

Method for load-following

operation of SOFC (or MCFC) with
catalytic reformer running on
hydrocarbon fuel, e.g. kerosene

Assignee: />
Inventors: T. Sato et al.
Patent number: US 8906571
Published: 9 Dec. 2014 (Filed: 12 Feb. 2008)

Assignee: 8 "E i}]>>

Inventor: S. Hatada
Patent number: US 8906565
Published: 9 Dec. 2014 (Filed: 26 Aug. 2010)

HT-PEM contains acid-functional

polymer with high-boiling-point
fluorinated and/or hydrophobic
cycloaliphatic additive(s)

Automotive (PEMFC) stack

shutdown, controlling anode
pressure using discharge fuel
consumption estimate

Assignee: ii> iVV

Inventors: L. Krishnan et al.
Patent number: US 8906572
Published: 9 Dec. 2014 (Filed: 30 Nov. 2012)

Assignee: ii>]1-
Inventors: K. Mallavarapu et al.
Patent number: US 8906566
Published: 9 Dec. 2014 (Filed: 3 Mar. 2010)

Reinforced composite PEM with

porous reinforcing sheet containing
peroxide decomposition catalyst for
long-term operational stability

Method and apparatus for

detecting failure in DC/DC converter
for automotive PEMFC system

Assignee: 7iEV>i]>>
Inventors: M. Ishikawa et al.
Patent number: US 8906573
Published: 9 Dec. 2014 (Filed: 8 Aug. 2008)

Assignee: />
Inventors: T. Hasegawa et al.
Patent number: US 8906567
Published: 9 Dec. 2014 (Filed: 8 June 2009)

Fuel Cells Bulletin

PEMFC MEA with ultrathin

unsupported metal nanoparticle

catalyst layer for improved catalyst

utilisation and durability
Assignee: />
Inventors: H. Naohara et al.
Patent number: US 8906574
Published: 9 Dec. 2014 (Filed: 22 Mar. 2007)

Reduced PEM or DMFC electrode

contamination, using getters to
trap components leached from
Assignee: Los Alamos National Security

]1-Q> >>>LR
Inventors: Y.S. Kim et al.
Patent number: US 8906575
Published: 9 Dec. 2014 (Filed: 5 Mar. 2012)

Anode-supported SOFC system for

generation of heat and electricity
from flame using hydrocarbon/air
mixture as fuel source
Assignee: ->Vi1i]1-
Inventor: J. Ahn
Patent number: US 8906577
Published: 9 Dec. 2014 (Filed: 29 June 2012)

PEMFC flow-field plate with

catalyst disposed in microreaction
chambers, high catalyst utilisation
Assignee: ,Li VL]i>
Inventors: N. Krings et al.
Patent number: US 8906578
Published: 9 Dec. 2014 (Filed: 26 Dec. 2012)

PEMFC with low contact resistance,

coated stainless steel bipolar plates
Assignee: ii>]1-
Inventors: M.H. Abd Elhamid et al.
Patent number: US 8906579
Published: 9 Dec. 2014 (Filed: 14 May 2009)

De-alloyed MEA comprising PtCu

nanoparticle catalyst with high Pt
mass activity, for PEMFC cathodes
Assignee: 1iv]1-
Inventors: P. Strasser et al.
Patent number: US 8906580
Published: 9 Dec. 2014 (Filed: 14 Oct. 2008)

Corrosion-resistant PEMFC
electrode by carbonising sugar on
layer supporting metal oxide and
electron-conducting material
Assignee: -> i]>>
Inventor: T. Kurozumi
Patent number: US 8906581
Published: 9 Dec. 2014 (Filed: 6 Oct. 2009)

April 2015

Electrolyte-impregnated MCFC
cathodes, with substrate and
pressure plate surface-treated to
control bending and cracking
Assignee: >i>`i
Inventors: J.Y. Yoo et al.
Patent number: US 8911820
Published: 16 Dec. 2014 (Filed: 23 June 2010)

Membrane humidifier with control

of air flow and humidification
based on amount of product water
in automotive PEMFC stack
Assignees: `>
and >
Inventor: J.W. Koo
Patent number: US 8911911
Published: 16 Dec. 2014 (Filed: 15 Apr. 2010)

Operation of PEMFC/reformer
system to minimise flow channel
clogging by condensed water
Assignee: *>>V]>>
Inventors: A. Yukimasa et al.
Patent number: US 8911912
Published: 16 Dec. 2014 (Filed: 17 Mar. 2011)

Recovering automotive PEMFC

performance, oxidising impurities
adsorbed on electrode to prevent
PEM degradation, catalyst elution
Assignee: >
Inventor: Y. Nagahara
Patent number: US 8911913
Published: 16 Dec. 2014 (Filed: 5 Aug. 2009)

Manifold assembly for controlling

gas flow and flow distribution in
(MCFC) stack
Assignee: i
i i}]1-
Inventors: J.P. McInerney et al.
Patent number: US 8911914
Published: 16 Dec. 2014 (Filed: 28 Jan. 2011)

Low-cost hydrocarbon composite

electrolyte membrane impregnated

April 2015

with graphene nanostructures, for

automotive fuel cell
Assignees: `>
and >
Inventor: H.H. Lee
Patent number: US 8911915
Published: 16 Dec. 2014 (Filed: 7 Dec. 2011)

Automotive PEMFC MEA with

power generation and stepped
sections, for required power output
and preventing membrane damage
Assignee: `>
Inventors: S. Sugiura et al.
Patent number: US 8911916
Published: 16 Dec. 2014 (Filed: 17 Oct. 2012)

Automotive PEMFC with uniform

and reliable supply of reactants to
entire flow-fields through buffers
Assignee: `>
Inventors: M. Sato et al.
Patent number: US 8911917
Published: 16 Dec. 2014 (Filed: 17 Nov. 2011)

Hybrid seal application process,

to create formed-in-place seal on
PEMFC bipolar plate
Assignee: ii>]1-
Inventor: M.W. Keyser
Patent number: US 8911918
Published: 16 Dec. 2014 (Filed: 8 Feb. 2010)

Locally hydrophilic gas diffusion

layer configured to enhance water
removal in automotive PEMFC
Assignees: `>
and >
Inventors: H.J. Ko et al.
Patent number: US 8911919
Published: 16 Dec. 2014 (Filed: 17 July 2013)

DMFC metal catalyst modified by

nitrogen-containing compound,
reduces cathode catalyst
Assignee: Industrial Technology

Inventors: L.-D. Tsai et al.
Patent number: US 8912112
Published: 16 Dec. 2014 (Filed: 24 Sep. 2011)

Pt alloy catalyst with enhanced

anion poisoning resistance for
PEM and PAFCs, microemulsion
Assignee: i>i1i]1-
Inventor: S. Mukerjee
Patent number: US 8912114
Published: 16 Dec. 2014 (Filed: 18 Sep. 2009)

Rigid, leak-free, resin-impregnated

graphite substrates with channels
or grooves, for PEMFC MEAs
Assignee: >v/iVi>>]1-
Inventors: Z. Brunovska et al.
Patent number: US 8916269
Published: 23 Dec. 2014 (Filed: 25 Oct. 2011)

Ammonia-fueled SOFC system with

stack exhaust recycled to fuel inlet,
also with MCFC and/or Sabatier
reactor to condition fuel
Assignee: i}
Inventors: J. McElroy et al.
Patent number: US 8916300
Published: 23 Dec. 2014 (Filed: 7 Sep. 2012)

PEMFC inlet humidification using

short length of shallow channel,
for lower resistance to moist
gas phase mass transfer
Assignee: >>`*i-i]
Inventor: R.M. Darling
Patent number: US 8916301
Published: 23 Dec. 2014 (Filed: 1 Mar. 2010)

Improving water balance in steam

reformer/PEMFC power plant
Assignee: >iii>i]1-
Q*>VvV i >>>LR
Inventors: G.A. Whyatt et al.
Patent number: US 8916302
Published: 23 Dec. 2014 (Filed: 31 July 2007)

Fuel Cells Bulletin


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