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Form: 4
Theme: People
No. of students:
Topic: Knowing Me, Knowing You!
Time: 2 Periods (70 Minutes)
Proficiency level: Intermediate
Lesson summary: Teacher greets the class. Asks the students to take out a piece of paper, and to
write about their biodata. The students folded the papers and give them to the teacher to scramble.
Students will pick one of the paper. Rather than introducing themselves, they introduce their
friends on the paper to teacher and class. Whenever teacher wants to know additional information
about their friend, the one who introduces will ask WH questions to their respective friends.


1.2 Take part in social interaction by:

1.2 Level 2

(b) participating in conversations and


vii) Using wh questions to ask further

information about their friends.

2.3 Presenting information to different audience

2.3 Level 1


(ii) Giving a simple recount orally

(b) Giving instructions, describing, and

narrating orally
Learning outcomes:
1. Obtain information for different purposes
2. Present information to different audiences
Behavioural Objectives:
Good Student: Should be able to deliver information fluently with minimal errors and
mistakes. Able to generate wh questions with correct form and function.
Average: Should be able to deliver information with few errors and mistakes. Able to
generate wh questions.
Weak: Had difficulty to deliver information. Errors and mistakes are obvious. Unable
to generate question using wh questions.
Objectives: At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
1. Write a biodata about themselves.
2. Introduce their friends.
3. Ask questions by using WH questions.
Content: Vocabulary
Students previous knowledge: WH questions, basic knowledge of themselves.
Teaching aid(s):
1. Marker pen.

2. Papers.
Moral Values:
1. Honesty
2. Politeness
Thinking skills:
Multiple intelligences (Intrapersonal, Interpersonal)
Future studies: Students will learn to take part in conversations (asking polite questions by using
WH questions, and know how to introduce new people).
Thinking skills/Moral
Set Induction
1. Teacher greets the class.
Activity 1
1. Teacher writes on the whiteboard:
a) Name:
b) Race:
c) Hobbies:
d) Ambitions:
2. Teacher asks students to take out a piece of paper,
and to fill up the items.

Activity 2
1. Teacher asks students to fold their papers.
2. Students have to pick the papers.
3. Students will be introducing their friends to
4. Teacher asks the particular student to ask their
friends about his family (siblings, fathers and
mothers name) by using WH questions.



1. Teacher restates the moral values, and ends the lesson.
Follow-up activity: Write an essay about their best friend
100-120 words.



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