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Qalb mifruda minn Alla bid-dnub the balloon man just couldn’t do that.

the balloon man just couldn’t do that. He had seen some crackers and
cheese on the upper deck earlier, so he went back and ate that instead.
• Nitkelmu fuq il-bziezaq It was good. Maybe not as good as the chef’s dinner, but it was good
Everywhere he went, the man carried brightly colored balloons. He enough. Besides, he had his balloons. That night the sunset was
enjoyed watching them float above his head. And it was easy to hold beautiful and it was exciting to walk along the deck. But it sure got
the string in his hand or wrap it around his wrist and take his colorful cold quickly after that. Sea air not only made him hungry, it made him
balloons wherever he went. The other people where he worked were tired as well. He asked one of the ship’s crew where his room was,
accustomed to seeing them. They didn’t mind; it brightened the office and the crewman took him down a wide hall and opened the door of
a little. Even at night the balloons would float above the man as he his cabin.
slept. It was beautiful. They had given him one of the classiest rooms on the
One day he went to the fair and had a great time. At the fair he could ship. He could see that the interior decorating was the best. And the
blend into the atmosphere of the rides and lights and noise. Oh, bed looked inviting. Unfortunately, the door to the cabin was so
sometimes people tried to buy his balloons, thinking he was a vendor, designed that he couldn’t get all the balloons in without breaking
but of course he wouldn’t sell even one. some. He tried, but it just wouldn’t work.
At one of the booths he filled in a ticket to see if he could win a free Back on deck he found some blankets and a deck chair. He tied the
ocean cruise. He certainly didn’t plan on winning, but it wouldn’t hurt balloons around his wrist and the arm of the chair and tried to sleep.
to try. Yet two weeks later a telegram came—he had won! He would The next morning he was still tired. All that day he ate crackers and
enjoy great entertainment and the world’s finest chef providing his cheese and that night he slept on deck again.
meals. Talk about excited! The man started packing immediately. He The next morning the balloon man received an engraved invitation
was ready to go days before it was time to leave. from the captain of the ship. He had been invited to sit at the captain’s
On the morning of the big day, he called a taxi and had the driver take table and enjoy the specialty of the world famous chef. He would
him to the dock very slowly. He had to go slowly because the balloons prepare it especially for the balloon man. All that day the man
wouldn’t all fit in the taxi and he had to hold some of them out the watched as the crew made preparations for the evening banquet, and at
window. At the dock he unloaded his luggage, went aboard ship, and 8:00 p.m. the ship’s bell rang and the passengers began to go to the
was welcomed by the officials who had planned his trip. They even dining room. The man watched them go. Soon he could hear the
had someone take his suitcases down to his cabin while he stayed on murmur of voices, the sound of silverware, and the clink of glasses.
deck and enjoyed the activity. The ship was crowded. Many people The aroma of the food became even more enticing.
were aboard just to say goodbye to friends. Confetti, horns, streamers He stood at the end of the passageway for some time. Finally he
—and lots of balloons. He felt right at home. walked to the back of the ship. He could still hear the dinner in
Eventually the visitors left and the voyage was begun. It was great! progress. He reached in his pocket and felt the engraved invitation. He
Sailing on a big ocean liner was really refreshing. It also made him knew there was a special place reserved for him at the captain’s table.
very hungry. Someone told the balloon man that the evening meal was Then he looked up at his balloons. It was hard to do, but slowly—
in just one hour—a welcome relief! very, very slowly (he hadn’t unclenched his hand for years)—one at a
time he uncurled his fingers. One by one the balloons began to drift
When they rang the bell, he started to walk toward the dining room on away.
the second deck. The aroma of the food was so enticing. There was
one problem, though. Whoever had designed the ship hadn’t left As he watched, the wind caught them and blew them out of sight. The
enough room for a man with a handful of balloons to get down the man turned and walked down the passageway. That night, as a guest at
passageway. He could do it if he released some of the balloons, but
the captain’s table, he enjoyed the finest meal and the best Na]seb li smajtu b’xi ver\joni tal-istorja ta’
companionship he’d ever known. Leonardo da Vinci, li pitter il-famu\a ‘L-a]]ar `ena’.
Jing]ad li meta [ie biex ipitter il-wi`` ta’ Ġuda
• Le mhux ezatt fuq il-bziezaq ha nitkelmu imma fuq dak li qed g]azel pittur g]adu tieg]u, peress li xtaq li n-nies
jirraprezentaw tibqa’ t]ares lejn dan ir-rivali tieg]u b’mod ta’
○ X’inhi dik il-haga li izommok marbut maghha? disprezz b]ala dak li `a]ad lil Ġesu’. Wara li lesta
○ Ma thallikx titlaqa ghax toghgbok imma dan il-wi``, bosta drabi, waqt li kien qed ipitter
tkun qed itelliflek xi haga ikbar? dan ix-xog]ol kbir tieg]u, ipprova jpin[i il-wi`` ta’
○ U li igelghelek tghix ilsir taghha bla ma tkun Ġesu’ imma ma rnexxilux. Wara ]afna xhur
taf? rrealizza li hu ma setg]ax ipitter il-wi`` ta Ġesu’
min]abba li f’qalbu kellhu mibeg]da lejn dak il-
pittur li mieg]u kien mi[[ieled. Jing]ad g]alhekk li
Nahseb wasaltu li ha nitkellem fuq id-dnub! Leonardo dde`ida li jmur jag]mel pa`i mieg]u.
Hekk g]amel, u wara din il-laqg]a biddel il-wi`` ta’
Ġuda u b’hekk seta jpitter il-wi`` ta’ Ġesu’.
• L-kliem li jintuza ghal dnub fil-bibbja huma bosta: ra,
hazin; rasha, hzunija; asham, htija; chata, tidneb; O]rajn jirrankontaw din il-[rajja b’mod kemm xejn
shagag, tizbalja; taah, tizvija; pasha, tirribella pero l- differenti. Din il-ġrajja tgħid illi Leonardo kien sab
iktar kelma uzata hija hamartia -> titlef il-mira. persuna li fuqha pitter il-wiċċ ta’ Ġesu pero’ ma setgha
issib lil ħadd biex fuqu jpitter lil Ġuda. Wara seba’ snin
• Ghaliex jien mahluq? Biex naghraf, inhobb u nservi lil Leonardo għa\el raġel li kien kundannat għall-mewt
Alla! Kull meta naghmel id-dnub qed imur kontra dak li bħala l-mudell għal Ġuda. Wara li pitter il-wiċċ ta’ dan il-
jien mahluq biex naghmel. ħabsi, il-ħabsi qallu “Mintiex tgħarafni! Jien l-istess
persuna li fuqha pittirt lil Ġesu seba’ snin ilu.”
• Dnub offiza lil Alla, lil ohrajn imma l-iktar lili innifsi!
Kemm dawn ir-rakkonti huma tassew minnhom
• Id-dnub huwa l-[enn ta’ min ifittex sodisfazzjon ’l hinn ma nafx. Anzi nistg]u ng]idu li ma g]andniex
minn Alla evidenza dokumentata li turi li xi wie]ed minn
dawn ir-rakkonti huwa tassew minnhu. I\da ta’
Dnub huwa bhal meta tixtri oggett ikollok l-instructions u min nixtarru dak li qed jippruvaw jg]idulna dawn
int tghid le ..jien irrid nuzah b’mod differenti ir-rakkonti.
• Is-sigra taghrafha mil-frotta taghha - X’inhuwa ir-rizultat tad- •
• Iwwahlek
• Biza, Inkwiet u Tbatija
• L-istorja ta kif jaqbdu ix-xadini …
• In some regions of India, more and more jungle has be
• Id-dnub ibbidlek:
to make room for new villages because of the growing it with a
population. burlap bag. Now the monkey lets go, is fed a banana,
Most animals that used to live in those forests have and all the
withdrawn or monkeys caught that day are brought by truck deep into
disappeared, except the monkeys. They enter those a forest
villages and from where they don't return to the village.
instead of picking fruit from trees, they look for leftovers. • kultant ghax trid… kultant mhux ghax trid ….
are smart and observe when people are away from
home, then enter • Joqtlok:
the kitchen and help themselves. If the door is locked,
they break • Storja tal-Ajkla li taqbad huta
open a window and ransack the kitchen to look for food. • National Geographic aired a television special about how
eagles catch fish in lakes. They fly high above the water but
Because the people in those areas believe in their eyesight is so good they can spot fish in the water below.
reincarnation, When they see one they fold back their wings and aim directly
they do not want to hurt or kill any animal, because they for the water, going as fast as 130 mph. When they reach the
believe water they spread their wings, reach out their talons, grab the
that a monkey might be a deceased relative. But they do fish, and begin flying back to the shore.
not like • On this show they ran film of a very unusual occurrence. An
monkeys to burglarize their homes either. So someone eagle made a dive for a fish and grabbed it in its talons. But the
came up with fish was much larger than the eagle realized. As it began to fly
to the shore you could see the strain on the eagle’s face. It was
a brilliant, humane way to catch those monkeys. They
not going to make it to the shore with this huge fish. It then
make metal
tried to drop the fish, to let go of it. But the talons of the eagle
vases with a wide body and a narrow opening at the top,
had dug into the flesh of the fish so deeply that it could not
screw them
pull them out. It struggled but to no avail.
onto a window sill, and drop a banana inside. A monkey
• Slowly the eagle descended into the lake and drowned, unable
can smell
to let loose of its catch.
and see the banana, puts his hand into the vase and
grabs the
banana, trying to pull it out. But the clenched fist with the
fruit is too wide to come out through the narrow neck of Titqarrqux; Alla ma jidħak bih ħadd. Dak li bniedem jiżra',
the vase. dak huwa jaħsad.[Gal:6:8] Min jiżra' f'ġismu jaħsad mill-
And those monkeys are stubborn, they never let go of a ġisem it-taħsir; min jiżra' fl-ispirtu, jaħsad mill-ispirtu l-ħajja
fruit once ta' dejjem.[Gal:6:9]
they have found it. So they are stuck there for hours,
with their Araw, kulħadd huwa tiegħi; bħall-ħajja tal-missier hekk dik
hand inside the vase. Twice a day, an animal control ta' l-iben tiegħi huma. Min jagħmel id-dnub, ikun hu li jmut.
officer [Eżek:18:5]
patrols the village, and when he sees a monkey, covers
After a while both men came back to Imam having
L-uniku ghadu tal-bniedem huwa id-dnub ghax id-dnub brought what they were asked to bring.
joqtolna. “Ahjar imut milli naghmel id-dnub” Domenico Imam now asked both of them to put back every stone in
Savio it’s place. The man with the two large boulders found it
difficult to carry them back in their original place but
• Allura ghalxiex il-bniedem dejjem ingibed lejn id- eventually he managed. The man with the many small
Dnub? Ghaliex baqa jaghmel u jibqa jaghmel id-dnub? pebbles could not rememberwhere he had picked all of
Ghaliex ? them so he could not put them all back in their original
1. Ghaliex il-bniedem wara il-waqgha tal-ewwel place.
bnedmin baqa debboli It is very difficult to do Tawba for the sins which seem
2. Ghax id-dnub jingannak – iggellek tahseb li wara li
small because we forget and take them for granted.
taghmlu ser tkun kuntent! Imam Ali (A.S.) has said: “The biggest sin is that which
the doer considers the smallest.”
• Tipi ta dnubiet
• “Huwa dnub mejjet kull dnub li bħala oġġett tiegħu
• Fl-Azzjoni—dak li nag]mlu u ng]idu. għandu materja gravi, min jaħgmlu jkun jaf sewwa
x’qiegħed jgħamel, u jagħmlu b’rieda sħiħa”
• Fl-Attitudni—dak li na]sbu u n]ossu.
• “id-dnubiet tal-ohrajn qedghin quddiem ghajnejna,
• Fl-Aptiti—dak li nixxenqu imma id-dnubiet taghna qedghin wara dahrna!”
Dnub ta kommisjoni vs ta’ ommisjoni
“Other men's sins are before our eyes; our own are
• Dnub mejjet u venjal
behind our backs” Seleca – filosfu
Two men came to Imam Ja’fer As-Sadiq (A.S.) and said
that they would like to do Tawba (ask for forgiveness
and put right) for their sins. The first man said that he
had done a lot of small sins whilst the second said that
he had committed two big sins. Imam told the first man
to pick one small pebble for each small sin that he had
committed. He told the second man to bring a large
boulder for each of his big sins.

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