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uk Spring 2010


Artificial Eye ‘Phantoms’ fight cancer Interfacial pressure sensors

Page 10 Page 5 Page 3
Editor’s introduction

The National Physical Laboratory (NPL) is the UK’s National of Clinical Chemistry for Enzyme
Spring 2010

Measurement Institute and is a world-leading centre of Linked Immunoassays (ELISA). The

excellence in developing and applying the most accurate NPL also carries out research Health
measurement standards, science and technology. and development in the areas Issue
of Regenerative Medicines,
Measurement plays an important and often overlooked Medical Devices, Diagnostic
role in society. It affects us on a personal level when Assay Development, Personal
we receive a medical diagnosis or treatment - receiving Care, Acoustics and Ultrasound
the correct dosage of a drug is dependent on all the and in 2009 spun out its first
measurements made in its production and distribution. To Medical Device Company;
give a clear example of the impact this has, nearly 200,000 Argento Diagnostics. Artificial Eye
Page 10 ‘Phantoms’
Page 5
fight cancer
Interfacial pressur
Page 3
e sensors

people a year are treated using radiotherapy, where NPL’s

work with UK hospitals ensures that each dose is measured In this issue, the first under the Metromnia
and targeted effectively. banner, we focus upon what measurement challenges in
healthcare NPL is currently addressing, and where NPL
NPL’s role in the healthcare industry has seen the plans to develop this key area of research in future.
installation of a state of the art Clinical Linac facility to
support radiation dosimetry for cancer therapy, and the The Editor,
development of standards for the International Federation Metromnia

Viral infections of cells can

now be watched in real time
NPL, working with the Left: Infected cell imaged
University of Edinburgh, has with CARS microscopy
developed a technique that showing lipid droplets
and membranes.
makes it possible to watch the
infection of individual cells by
Right: Two-photon
viruses in real time. fluorescence image
of the same cell. The
It is hoped that by observing how fluorescent protein
visualised by this
different properties of the cells are

NPL Photo
technique confirms viral
affected at different stages of an infection.
infection, it will be possible to monitor
the effects of new treatments. The virus in this study (a cell are recruited as part of the viral
cytomegalovirus) was altered infection and replication cycle.
This imaging works on a molecular to express a fluorescent protein,
level, revealing the spread of the which is visible when using this The research is now progressing to
virus through the cell by imaging technique. This protein could be investigate this technique using live
the viral proteins (using a technique seen in a higher concentration in cells, rather than fixed samples.
called ‘two-photon fluorescence’). the nucleus of the infected cell,
The changes in the cell’s membrane compared to the surrounding This work has been published in
are also observed (using a technique cytosol. The nucleus of the cell the Journal of Biophotonics:
called ‘Coherent Anti-Stokes Raman expanded, and the cell itself
Scattering’), giving a high resolution became more rounded. journal/122540362/abstract
image of the cell’s shape, and For further information,
showing how this is altered by the Researchers are particularly interested please contact:
virus. These two techniques are used in the effect the virus has on the host Jason Crain
together and allow these changes to cell’s metabolic functions. These
T: 020 8943 6107
be observed simultaneously in a cell, results have shown how the lipid
in real time. storage mechanisms of the host 2
Interfacial pressure sensors
come under scrutiny
With 4% of NHS spending going on remedial treatment of pressure sores, preventative measures are
a focus for research. NPL is examining the performance of interfacial pressure sensors, used in the
development of pressure relieving mattresses and compression bandages.

NPL is undertaking work to financial burden of expensive remedial surfaces between which the sensor is
characterise the performance treatment of pressure sores. The total mounted and the compliance of the
of interfacial pressure sensors. cost in the UK has been estimated to material covering the surfaces. Tests
These sensors are widely used in be £1.4-£2.1bn annually (4% of the have also been performed to assess
the healthcare industry for the total NHS expenditure). the response of shear force sensors to
development and evaluation of a range of loading conditions.
pressure relieving mattresses and Interfacial pressure measurement
support surfaces, and in the testing instruments can take the form of The initial results show a wide
and use of compression bandages. stand-alone single sensors or multi- variation in the performance of
Unrelieved pressure, shear or sensor pressure mapping systems. The sensors under different loading
frictional forces between a patient aim of NPL’s work is to design a series conditions, and that the performance
and mattress or cushion can cause of tests by which the performance is closely linked with the design of the
pressure sores. The effective design of all available sensors can be sensing element of the device.
of support surfaces helps to reduce characterised and compared.
the occurrence of pressure sores in The next step will be a detailed
long-term hospital patients and care The tests performed so far have investigation of the performance
home residents. This has a major mainly concentrated on stand alone of multi-sensor pressure mapping
impact both in terms of improving sensors and involved loading several systems which will additionally
patient comfort and reducing the sensors of different designs under a include tests for spatial resolution and
range of conditions, varying interaction of the individual sensors.
both the geometry The results of this investigation will
of the be published in a good practice guide
on the design and use of interfacial
pressure sensors.

For further information,

please contact:
Laurence Brice
T: 020 8943 7054

NPL Photo
Characterising hydrogels
for regenerative medicine
Hydrogels are being used more and more in areas such as and into clinical use. Both are
regenerative medicine, where they help rebuild blood vessels, currently constrained by the need to
nerves and cartilage. A new ASTM International guide is being develop an appropriate regulatory
developed to help assess the safety and effectiveness of hydrogels, and metrological framework under
and NPL is looking for contributors to aid this development. which products will be assessed. In
response, a new ASTM International
Hydrogels are water-swollen liquid state, and through application guide is under development that
polymeric networks. They generally of stimuli (e.g. temperature, pH) will assist in developing strategies to
contain 60% to 99% water, yet will gel in situ. Thus, they can be assess the safety and effectiveness
maintain the structural integrity of injected into wound sites together of hydrogels used in regenerative
a solid. This high water content, with cells and growth factors to medicine. Specifically, the guide will
coupled with their soft, rubbery form self-assembled structures for describe current techniques that are
nature, typically high permeability use in regenerative medicine (e.g. in used to characterise hydrogels, taking
and biocompatibility makes hydrogels angiogenesis, re-building of nerves into consideration the assessment
attractive biomaterials. Traditionally, and cartilage repair). Additionally, of structure, biocompatibility and
hydrogels have been widely used hydrogels can also be produced that sterilisation. Whilst the document
in medicine for sight correction, as exhibit bio-mimetic behaviours that is targeted at the multidisciplinary
coupling agents, barrier coatings respond to enzymatic action or to readership within the field of
and vehicles for drug delivery. Such the presence of specific biomolecules regenerative medicine, the content
materials are relatively simple in terms (e.g. antigens, oligonucleotides). Such will also be relevant to people working
of their design and performance. materials can modulate the cellular in other branches of medicine and the
This situation, however, is rapidly microenvironment by presenting both food industry for example.
changing as hydrogels begin to biophysical and biochemical signals to
For further information,
find use in emerging healthcare regulate gene and protein expression. please contact:
solutions, particularly in regenerative
Melissa Mather
medicine, owing to improvements The challenge for companies
T: 020 8943 6778
in hydrogel synthesis. Hydrogels can now is to get these new hydrogel
now be injected into the body in a therapies successfully to market 4
New measurement technique
will help in fight against cancer
NPL ‘phantoms’ will validate a This will help speed the route superiority of our scanners and giving
new technique which monitors to market of products using this us the edge over our competitors.
changes in cell structures. important new technology, and assure We expect that this validation will
hospitals of their ongoing reliability. give OCT technology the backing it
A new technique to catch cancer needs to become standard in hospitals
early has taken an important step Michelson Diagnostics is the first UK around the world, and thereby make
forward thanks to the National company to use NPL’s phantoms an important progression in the battle
Physical Laboratory. NPL’s to validate the accuracy of their against cancer”.
‘phantoms’ will ensure an exciting machines. CEO Jon Holmes said:
new screening technique can be NPL recently completed
relied upon by hospitals to identify “We developed breakthrough laboratory tests and are now
early signs of cancer. technology for imaging living tissue running trials with companies
and for detecting diseases, but we before bringing the product to
market. Anyone interested in
The technique, Optical Coherence needed to validate our performance
more information or trialling the
Tomography (OCT), is an increasingly claims, to provide customers with new technology should contact:
popular technique for looking beneath greater confidence in them. NPL’s
Pete Tomlins
the surface of certain materials, phantoms and analysis have enabled
T: 020 8943 6165
notably human tissue. It is higher us to validate our claims beyond
resolution and much quicker than doubt, thereby demonstrating the
techniques such as MRI or ultrasound,
with no ionising radiation, making it
ideal for detecting changes in tissue
structure which can indicate the early
stages of cancer.

However creating such images

requires high precision, and any
inaccuracy can lead to incorrect
assumptions about cell disruption.
This can mean missing
opportunities for early, potentially
life-saving treatment.

A new NPL product, called a ‘point-

spread phantom’, will eliminate the
risk of such errors. The phantoms
are translucent cylinders of resin
containing specially arranged
particles designed to reflect light
in a very specific way. By viewing
the phantom with an OCT machine
and analysing the image with NPL
software, users can be certain the
machine is producing accurate
images, which they can rely on for
important medical decisions.

These ‘phantoms’ will also allow

manufacturers of OCT technology
to meet the necessary standards
NPL Photo

to guarantee to hospitals that their

machines are sufficiently accurate.

NPL helps precision engineering
SME win funding for training
Darron-SBO is a leading precision engineering SME based in
Rotherham. It provides specialist parts to the oil and gas industry Fundamental
where tight tolerances and accuracy are essential. Good Practice
in Dimensional
NPL helped Darron-SBO identify and are considering the advantages Metrology -
funding from Yorkshire Forward’s of all the manufacturing personnel Guide No 80
Enhancement Fund in order to going through Level 1, some 60
put 21 members of staff through additional employees.”
This Dimensional Measurement
Level 1, and five through Level 2
Good Practice Guide underpins the
of NPL’s Dimensional Measurement NPL is uniquely placed to help
training modules contained within
Training course. companies understand measurement
The NPL Training Framework. It is
issues better and make the most of
written for those who need to make
Denis Smith, Post Production their manufacturing process. NPL
dimensional measurements but are
Supervisor at the firm is already seeing Training’s Dimensional Measurement
not necessarily trained in this area.
the benefits: Programme is made up of four levels
An introduction to length units and
and is validated by The National Skills
key issues such as traceability and
“Staff are now thinking more carefully Academy for Manufacturing (NSAM).
uncertainty is followed by some
about which measurement method
examples of typical sources of error
is appropriate for a particular task.
in length measurement. Checking
The decision making process with A list of all of NPL’s training
to specification, accreditation and
regards to quality and inspection courses and events, customer
feedback and training deliverers’ measurement techniques are also
has improved. We can now prove
details can be found at: covered along with an introduction
our competency to our customers. to optical measurement techniques.
NPL Training provides us with that
unquestionable credibility.” For further information,
please contact: This guide can be downloaded
“We are confident we will see a
Tom Ashby
for free or paper copies
reduction in wastage and real business ordered from
T: 020 8943 8672
benefits. We will definitely be putting publications/guides/
more employees through the course,

Medical test results in minutes

NPL has helped Vivacta, a laboratory for testing, and allows for parameters in their system were vital
healthcare diagnostics company, quicker diagnosis and treatment of to performance and which parameters
to develop their point-of-care the patient’s health conditions. had little effect.
testing technology with a
bespoke software analysis tool. NPL helped Vivacta investigate a For further information,
number of different sensor setups please contact:
Vivacta’s point-of-care test uses quickly, saving them considerable Markys Cain
innovative sensor technology to development time. NPL’s analysis T: 020 8943 6599
collect and analyse a patient’s tool also helped Vivacta understand
blood sample, and diagnose certain their system better, and provided
health conditions, all in the space an analysis tool that they could use To read the full case study,
please visit:
of a few minutes. This saves in future to optimise their sensor
considerable time as the sample technology. In particular, the software
doesn’t have to be sent off to a allowed Vivacta to understand which services/case-studies 6
Having Graham Machin working
hands-on with us has allowed us
to appreciate the complexities of
using thermometry instruments
correctly and the importance
this has in the interpretation of
clinical results. This has led us to be
confident that the measurements
we are making are reliable.

Charmaine Childs, Senior Research Fellow,

Brain Injury Research Group, Salford Royal
NHS Foundation Trust

Brain temperature sensor

performance validated
Small changes in brain temperature in patients with brain injuries can indicate the need for medical
intervention. NPL and the University of Manchester have undertaken an assessment of the limitations
of two brain temperature sensors, to study the accuracy of brain temperature measurement and its
impact on patient recovery.

Temperature measurement is an Research Group undertook a critical reading of the two in-vivo sensors
essential base measurement in clinical assessment of the limitations of two was within 0.1 °C. This result
care. In particular the measurement in-vivo brain temperature sensors, and provides a firm foundation for further
of brain temperature, using small a reference rectal temperature sensor. in-vivo studies of brain temperature
contact thermometry probes, is a key Understanding the performance measurement and its influence on
indicator of brain health in patients limitations of these type of sensors recovery from traumatic brain injury.
who have experienced serious brain is an essential first step in building
trauma. In these patients subtle robust clinical protocols for improving A summary of this work has been
changes in brain temperature may care, and hence maintaining optimum published in the journal Critical
be a significant clinical indicator, brain function, for these very Care available at:
triggering medical intervention. vulnerable patients.
However, the measured effects are The assessment of the accuracy of the For further information,
small, typically ~0.1 °C to 0.2 °C so temperature was performed using two please contact:
the actual temperature measurement fixed-point references at nominally Graham Machin
performance of the in-vivo brain 26 °C and 36 °C with an uncertainty
T: 020 8943 6742
sensors is critical. NPL and the of ±0.005 °C. It was shown that at
University of Manchester’s Brain Injury the 36 °C fixed-point reference the

NPL is opening its doors,
come and be amazed
On Thursday 20 May 2010 the National Physical Laboratory will be
holding an open day for the first time in over twenty years so you
can see for yourselves the amazing research we do.

As the UK’s National Measurement On Thursday 20 May 2010 (World

Institute NPL develops and maintains Measurement Day) we will have a
the nation’s primary measurement variety of science laboratories open
standards, to ensure accuracy and as well as a programme of short
consistency around the world. As talks and an exhibition to showcase
well as being the home of the metre, our world-leading science. Come
the kilogram and the second, our along, meet our scientists and prepare
scientists use measurement to solve to be amazed!
all sorts of problems in all sorts of
places - from cancer treatment, Earth You and your colleagues
observation, farming, mobile phones, are welcome to come to our
GPS, electronics, and countless others. Open Day, but you must
pre-register at:

NPL Photo
Wherever measurement is needed,
NPL is there.

Spinning out for success

NPL’s expertise often manifests itself in technology products, software or processes from its government
research programmes. We are keen to share this expertise and actively exploit our intellectual property.
Many companies have benefited from the sale or licence of our products, software or processes. Two of
the most recent products are the NPL CaviMeter and Argento Diagnostics:

The NPL CaviMeter Argento Diagnostics

The NPL CaviMeter™ is the world’s first instrument capable NPL have developed a truly revolutionary product that will
of measuring localised ultrasonic cavitation (the implosion hopefully save many lives by allowing rapid diagnosis of
of bubbles in a liquid when a high frequency sound wave is virtually any health problem. The product, being marketed
applied), and will transform the way hospitals clean medical by Argento Diagnostics, an NPL spin out company, is the first
instruments prior to surgery by providing a new measurement fully portable diagnostic device capable of quickly measuring
capability. The CaviMeter™ was designed in response to biomarkers in blood, urine, saliva etc. to reveal what a patient
a longstanding user need, and the novel spatially-sensitive is suffering from. It could also be used in veterinary practice,
cavitation sensor it uses was conceived and developed at NPL. military applications (for battlefield medicine, as well as
The NPL CaviMeter™ won the Ultrasonic Industry Association detecting problems with fuel in aircraft/marine vessels), sports
(UIA) Outstanding Product Award in 2009. medicine, and police roadside testing. 8

Reduced uncertainties for dielectric

RF & microwave reference liquids
A number of liquids are used as tissue equivalents when calculating the Specific Absorption Rate
of power produced by radiating devices such as mobile phones. A new NPL report gives the
permittivity data (the measure of how much a material reduces an electric field) for these liquids,
with reduced uncertainties.
Gregory, A. P. and Clarke, R. N.
Liquids can be readily purchased power, in human tissues, produced Tables of the Complex Permittivity
from chemical suppliers with a high- by radiating devices such as mobile of Dielectric Reference Liquids at
purity certification. This makes them phones. Relaxation models have Frequencies up to 5 GHz. NPL Report
MAT 23, March 2009.
useful for calibrating instruments been fitted to the data to allow the
for dielectric measurements. A new ‘best-fit’ permittivity to be computed [2]
Gregory, A. P., Clarke R. N. and Cox M.
NPL Report [1] provides traceable as a function of frequency. The G. Traceable measurement of dielectric
accurate data for a number of report supersedes an earlier NPL reference liquids over the temperature
interval 10–50 °C using coaxial-line
liquids, including methanol, ethanol, report (CETM 33, 2001). While the methods, Meas. Sci. Tech., Vol 20, 2009,
dimethyl sulphoxide and ethanediol permittivity data in the new report pp. 75106.
at frequencies up to 5 GHz. These are little changed, an extensive
polar liquids have comparable study has allowed uncertainties to
properties to biological materials be reduced significantly in many
(i.e. high permittivity and loss). cases. Uncertainties in ‘best-fit’ data
Applications include measurements were evaluated using a Monte Carlo For further information,
on foodstuffs to study microwave Modelling process that accounts for please contact:
heating, and measurements on the fact that measurement errors Andrew Gregory
tissue-equivalent materials that are have a systematic dependence on
T: 020 8943 6430
used in the measurement of the frequency. A paper on this work has
Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) of been published [2].

Building an
artificial eye
NPL have built an artificial eye
that accurately mimics the way
human eyes view light.
The eye will lead to a better understanding
of how new lighting technologies and
display systems such as projection TVs and low
energy lighting, affect eyesight. The eye will allow For further information,
manufacturers of these products to test and, where please contact:
necessary, modify their products and so end the debate on Simon Hall
the safety of these new light sources. This will help ensure that
T: 020 8943 6758
innovation in this exciting area continues unhindered, and will help

NPL Photo
ensure that the vision of future generations is safeguarded.

Thumbs up
NPL has verified new computer system performance for Government industry - it is fast, accurate and
technology that can identify and industry. eliminates the ‘buddy punching’
partial, smudged or ‘warped’ problems of older card-based
fingerprints in seconds. The technology, developed by the access systems.
University of Warwick and verified
Worn and ravaged hands have for a by NPL, is able to identify partial, Warwick Warp’s fingerprint
long time been a stumbling block for distorted, scratched, smudged, or technology gave the best overall
fingerprint access control readers. This otherwise warped fingerprints in just accuracy in NPL’s benchmark
is a particular issue in the construction a few seconds. The technology is tests, and a test of 36 fingerprint
industry. NPL has recently verified now being rapidly taken up by the technologies by the National Institute
new computer technology developed UK building trade who are delighted of Standards and Technology (NIST)
by the University of Warwick that can to have fingerprint technology in the US ranked it third overall.
identify partial, smudged or ‘warped’ which can cope with often worn and
fingerprints in seconds. The new ravaged builders’ thumbprints.
system came out top for accuracy Find out more about NPL’s
Biometric research at:
when tested by NPL and is already in This technology has been taken
use at six major building sites. forward by University of Warwick spin
out company, Warwick Warp, and has
NPL has world-class expertise just deployed it for security and staff For further information,
in developing and improving management on six building sites. please contact:
methodologies for evaluating the Tony Mansfield
performance of biometric systems, This biometrics system works reliably
T: 020 8943 7029
conducting evaluations, and with poor quality fingerprints, the
technical consultancy on biometric type routinely seen in the construction 10

New guide on the assessment of

surface texture in two dimensions
NPL has prepared a new ASTM the broader range of roughness metrology requirements for
International guide that aims parameters that exist, and the pros understanding cell-surface interactions
to increase the biomaterials and cons of techniques for measuring in a project funded by the European
community’s awareness of surface texture. Metrology Research Programme
the different methods and (EMRP) and the UK’s National
approaches for quantifying It also describes the methods Measurement Office.
surface texture. commonly employed to analyse
roughness data, which includes the
It is well known that the behaviour of use of filters and levelling. Further details are available at
cells on biomaterial surfaces is strongly the EMRP project site:
dependent on the chemistry, and NPL is currently working with a
hence energy of the surface, as well as consortium of European standards regenerative_medicine
its topography. The latter is typically laboratories to underpin the
For further information,
characterised by a single parameter, please contact:
Ra (an averaging parameter) that, To obtain copies of the new
standard, ASTM 22802 09 Paul Tomlins
although widely used in engineering,
please visit: T: 020 8943 6778
is not always a sensitive measure of
roughness. The new guide describes

Watch an ‘Electron Tree’ being made
NPL makes Electron Trees onsite, using
a machine called an Electron Linear
Accelerator or ‘Linac’ for short. The tree-
like structures in these Perspex blocks
are created by electrons fracturing them
from within.

The Linac’s day job is to deliver beams

NPL Photo
of electrons to a fixed point, which
is currently one of the most effective
treatments used to kill cancerous cells in
the human body. Part of NPL’s role is to What is the National
ensure that hospitals’ Linacs deliver an

NPL Photo
accurate and consistent radiation dose Physical Laboratory?
for all patients. Hospitals using Linacs The National Physical Laboratory (NPL) is one of
ensure their machines are accurate and To find out how this effect is the UK’s leading science facilities and research
achieved you can view a video of an centres. It is a world-leading centre of excellence
consistent by measuring their output
in developing and applying the most accurate
with a small measurement device called Electron Tree being made at:
standards, science and technology available.
an ionisation chamber, which is traceable
electron-trees NPL occupies a unique position as the UK’s
back to NPL’s national standards. National Measurement Institute and sits at the
intersection between scientific discovery and
real world application. Its expertise and original
Packet switching research have underpinned quality of life,
innovation and competitiveness for UK citizens
and business for more than a century.
In the 1960s, NPL began developing
a technique for transmitting long
messages of data by splitting them into
chunks and temporarily storing them
at computer nodes. This technique
still forms the basis of the complex If you would like further information on any
computer communications systems we aspect of Metromnia, please contact:
use today. The technique, called ‘packet
Metromnia Editor
switching’, was developed by Donald National Physical Laboratory
Davies (pictured) and, by the early Teddington
NPL Photo

1970s, the first practical networks using Middlesex

packet switching were introduced to the UK TW11 0LW
NPL local network, providing a range of
Helpline: 020 8943 6880
on-line services to some 200 users. This To find out more about the
Fax: 020 8614 0446
demonstration provided a much-needed development of packet switching,
you can view NPL’s collection of
steer to the development of the Arpanet,
historic videos:
which would evolve into the Internet we
know today. The National Physical Laboratory is operated on behalf of
the National Measurement Office by NPL Management
Limited, a wholly owned subsidiary of Serco Group plc

The Little Big Book of Metrology

Available free to Metromnia subscribers
To receive your free copy, please
is a copy of NPL’s ‘The little big book of fill in and return the freepost
metrology’ (RRP £6.99), which details feedback form included with your
the history and subscription issue.
development of If you do not receive a paper copy
measurement of Metromnia, but would like to The National Measurement System delivers
and measuring, receive a free copy of ‘The little big world-class measurement for science and
book of metrology’ please e-mail technology through these organisations
and explains
your name and postal address to
the units and with
techniques used ‘Little big book’ in the subject line.
in research and
Offer open to UK and Northern
everyday life. Ireland residents only. Available
while stocks last.

© Queen’s Printer and Controller of HMSO, 2010. 8845/AAR/7K/0210 Spring 2010

Metromnia Extra + Events, Training & News

Research funding opportunities

NPL is in a privileged position to provide world-leading expertise For further information,
in a number of different areas. Collaboration is vitally important please contact:
for us to maintain this level of expertise and help UK businesses. Peter Benson
We invite readers to browse through the list of research T: 020 8943 8746
opportunities below – please contact us if any are of interest or
you have any questions.

European Metrology Research National Institute of Health FP7 (

Programme ( Research ( The Seventh Framework Programme
The EMRP Call 2010 for proposals for A couple of the areas open for (FP7) from the European Commission
potential metrology research topics competition: is the main instrument for funding
(PRTs) and followed by a call for • Research for Patient Benefit (RfPB): The research across the continent. FP7
proposals for related Joint Research RfPB programme is for high quality research will fund research that meets the
Projects (JRPs) and associated EMRP projects that address issues of importance requirements of their selected priority
Researcher Grants will be launched to the NHS. It funds research into everyday areas, such as:
within the following research areas: practice in the health service. • Health
• Metrology for Industry • Programme Grants for Applied Research: • ICT
• Metrology for Environment Aimed at those with a solid track record in • Nanosciences, Nanotechnologies, Materials
The indicative call budget per the research industry. and New Production Techniques
research area is €41.28m, of which The NIHR research opportunities are • Energy
approximately 47% is funded by not restricted to those highlighted here,
• People
the European Commission with the please check the website above for more
remaining funding provided by the information and funding opportunities. • Nuclear Fission and Radiation Protection
participating National Metrology (Euratom)
Institutes (NMIs) and Designated • Science in Society
Institutes (DIs). • Joint Technology Initiatives
The Technology Strategy Board
Additionally a further €9.6m is available
(jointly funded by the European
Commission and the participating The Technology Strategy Board has a
NMIs) for the EMRP Researcher Grant number of competitions open: MoD ( -
schemes. • Integrated Delivery Programme open all year round
Competition 4 – opens 8 February 2010 The MoD will accept applications
• Helicopter Rotor Blade Scintillation (MoD) – that fall within its remit all year
opens 11 February 2010 round through their Centre for
European Research Council Grant Defence Enterprise (CDE) as well as
( • Energy Efficient Whitehall – opens 22
offering specific calls for research and
February 2010
• Advanced Grant for Life Sciences - competitions.
deadline 17 March 2010 • Technology Strategy Board also offers the
Small Business Research Initiative (SBRI) –
• Advanced Grant for Social Sciences and
competitions for ideas that result in short-
Humanities- deadline 7 April 2010
term development contracts.
NPL’s snowman c
The ‘world’s smallest snowman’, Dr Cox took just a couple of hours to
created at NPL by David Cox make the snowman, using techniques
(and featured on NPL’s 2009 that NPL normally uses:
Christmas card) has appeared in
the news all over the world in • To make and fine tune Atomic
December 2009 / January 2010. Force Microscope cantilevers for
measuring surface topography
In the UK, the snowman appeared
in the vast majority of the national • To manufacture nano scale SQUIDs
newspapers including The Sun, The (Superconducting Quantum
Daily Mail, The Times, The Daily Interference Devices) for a wide
Telegraph, and The Daily Mirror. range of future measurement
Internationally, he attracted press applications including spintronics,
attention across Europe, Australia, single particle detection, NEMS and
China, and the US. He was even quantum information processing
featured on a CNN television news
programme which reportedly has a • To measure magnetic properties of
potential audience of 2 billion people very small magnetic systems using
in over 200 countries. quantum hall probes

The snowman is just 10 μm wide,

which is approximately 1/5th the
width of a human hair, and is built
not from snow but from two tin beads For further information,
used to calibrate electron microscope please contact:
astigmatism. His tiny eyes and smile David Cox
were milled using a focused ion
beam, and his nose (which is under
1 μm wide, or 0.001 mm), is not a At time of writing, NPL’s
nano-carrot but is in fact ion beam explanatory video featuring the
deposited platinum. Dr Cox used a snowman had been watched
nanomanipulation system to assemble by over 400,000 people from all
the parts of the snowman ‘by hand’ over the world. You can watch it
yourself at:
and platinum deposition welded all
parts together.

10–24 10–21 10–18 10–15 10–12 10–9 10–6

Prefixes yocto zepto atto femto pico nano µ (micro)
charms the world

10–3 103 106 109 1012 1015 1018 1021 1024

milli kilo Mega Giga Tera Peta Exa Zetta Yotta
Events NPL Training events Available courses
A Testing Challenge - Digital 8 - 10 March 2010: Developing Advanced Scientific
Communications Knowledge Transfer Dimensional Measurement Training: Engineering Spreadsheet Applications
Network and the Testing Special Level 1 A two day training course on developing
Interest Group WMMMC, Coventry advanced spreadsheet applications

© Queen’s Printer and Controller of HMSO, 2010.

25 February 2010
NPL, Teddington 8 - 11 March 2010: Dimensional Measurement Training: Dimensional Measurement Training: Level 1 - Measurement User
challenge Level 2 A three day training course introducing
WMMMC, Coventry measurement knowledge focusing upon
Applications of Micro and Nanosensors dimensional techniques
in Security, Health and Environmental 9 - 11 March 2010:
Monitoring Dimensional Measurement Training: Dimensional Measurement Training:
4 March 2010 Level 1 Level 2 - Measurement Applier
NPL, Teddington Mitutoyo, Coventry A four day training course for those who have a good basic understanding of measurement
16 - 18 March 2010: principles gained through the Level 1 training
Commercial R&D with Research Dimensional Measurement Training: course
Facilities - Access Skills, Technology and Level 1
Hexagon Metrology, Swindon Foundation Degree in Metrology
Coventry University, with NPL’s assistance,
11 March 2010
22 - 24 March 2010: has launched the UK’s first ever Foundation
Hamilton House Meeting & Conference
Dimensional Measurement Training: Degree in Metrology
Centre, London Level 1
WMMMC, Coventry Humidity Measurement & Calibration
A two day course on humidity measurement
Measurement & Characterisation
22 - 25 March 2010: and calibration covering dew point,
of Structured Surfaces: Information
Dimensional Measurement Training: relative humidity and many other humidity
Exchange Day
Level 2 quantities, it will concentrate on methods
15 March 2010
WMMMC, Coventry of measurement which are of greatest
NPL, Teddington
technological relevance to attendees
6 - 8 April 2010:
events/ Laser Safety Workshop
Dimensional Measurement Training:
Level 1 A one day workshop covering applications in
MCNEG 2010 - 16th UK Monte Carlo safe laser use and laser product design
Mitutoyo, Coventry
User Group Meeting
12 - 13 April 2010 Metrology Data Analysis
6 - 9 Apr 2010:
NPL, Teddington A one day course on extracting quantitative
Dimensional Measurement Training: information from data
Level 2
Mitutoyo, Coventry
Measurement Systems and Process Practical Course in
Improvement (MSPI) 2010 - ENBIS- 13 - 15 April 2010: Reference Dosimetry
IMEKO TC21 Workshop Dimensional Measurement Training: This course is primarily aimed at trainee
19 - 20 April 2010 Level 1 radiotherapy physicists but would also benefit
NPL, Teddington Hexagon Metrology, Telford anyone wishing to improve their practical dosimetry techniques
13 - 16 April 2010:
Computational Science in Metrology - Dimensional Measurement Training: Simulation of Experiments
Software Support for Metrology Level 2 A two day training course on simulating
21 April 2010 Mitutoyo, Coventry experiments
NPL, Teddington Temperature Measurement
26 - 29 April 2010:
science-in-metrology & Calibration
Dimensional Measurement Training:
Option of a two or three day course
Level 2
AMUM 2010 - Advanced Metrology for covering temperature measurement
Hexagon Metrology, Swindon
Ultrasound in Medicine in association and calibration, covering measurement
with Precision Acoustics Ltd techniques; thermodynamic background and
12 - 14 May 2010 temperature scales; calibration techniques;
NPL, Teddington traceability and accreditation; and hands-on laboratory sessions

Joint International Symposium on

Temperature, Humidity, Moisture & If you would like further information
Thermal Measurements in Industry & on any aspect of Metromnia, please
Science contact:
31 May - 4 June 2010
Metromnia Editor
Portorož, Slovenia
National Physical Laboratory
MANSA - Metrology of Airborne Middlesex
Nanoparticles, Standardisation and UK TW11 0LW
Applications Helpline: 020 8943 6880
8 - 10 Jun 2010
NPL, Teddington For further information, please visit: Fax: 020 8614 0446

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