Signal and System Lecture 14

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Signals and Systems

Fall 2003
Lecture #14
23 October 2003

1. Review/Examples of Sampling/Aliasing
2. DT Processing of CT Signals
Sampling Review

Demo: Effect of aliasing on music.

Strobe Demo

∆ > 0, strobed image moves forward, but at a slower pace

∆ = 0, strobed image still
∆ < 0, strobed image moves backward.

Applications of the strobe effect (aliasing can be useful sometimes):

— E.g., Sampling oscilloscope
DT Processing of Band-Limited CT Signals

Why do this?
— Inexpensive, versatile, and higher noise margin.

How do we analyze this system?

— We will need to do it in the frequency domain in both CT and DT
— In order to avoid confusion about notations, specify
ω — CT frequency variable
Ω — DT frequency variable (Ω = ωΤ)
Step 1: Find the relation between xc(t) and xd[n], or Xc(jω) and Xd(ejΩ)
Time-Domain Interpretation of C/D Conversion

Note: Not full

(A/D) conversion
– not quantizing
the x[n] values
Frequency-Domain Interpretation of C/D Conversion

Note: ωs ⇔ 2π
Illustration of C/D Conversion in the Frequency-Domain

X d (e ) X d (e jΩ )

Ω = ωT1 Ω = ωT2
D/C Conversion yd[n] → yc(t)
Reverse of the process of C/D conversion
Now the whole picture

• Overall system is time-varying if sampling theorem is not satisfied

• It is LTI if the sampling theorem is satisfied, i.e. for bandlimited
inputs xc(t), with ωs
ωM <
• When the input xc(t) is band-limited (X(jω) = 0 at |ω| > ωΜ) and the
sampling theorem is satisfied (ωs > 2ωM), then

DT omege needs to changed

Frequency-Domain Illustration of DT Processing of CT Signals
DT filter

Sampling DT freq → CT freq

CT freq → DT freq (LPF)

CT filter
Assuming No Aliasing

In practice, first specify the desired Hc(jω), then design Hd(ejΩ).

Example: Digital Differentiator
Applications: Edge Enhancement

Courtesy of Jason Oppenheim.

Used with permission.

Courtesy of Jason Oppenheim.

Used with permission.
Construction of Digital Differentiator

Bandlimited Differentiator
Band-Limited Digital Differentiator (continued)


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