Aegis + Soulknife

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Armorist Archetype: Soulknife

Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: Loses proficiency with Martial Weapons,

Gains Proficiency with all Bound Weapons.
Class Skills: Acrobatics (Dex), Autohypnosis (Wis), Climb (Str), Craft (Int),
Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (Psionics) (Int), Perception (Wis), Profession
(Wis), Psicraft (Int), Stealth (Dex), Swim (Str), and Use Psionic Device (Cha)
Psionic Manifester: You gain the [Psionic] Subtype. All spells you cast gain
the [Psionic] descripter. - Alters Casting
Psionic Focus: A soulknife as a Full-Round action, or may spend 1 spell point
as a free action to acquire its psionic focus.
Covert Training (Ex): A soulknife gains 4 skill points + a number of skill
points equal to her Intelligence modifier at each level, instead of the normal 2
skill points + Intelligence modifier at each level. In addition, the soulknife has
High Reflex and Will Saves, instead of the normal High Fort Saves. This ability
replaces the medium armor proficiency and shield proficiency normally
gained by armorists.
Call Mind Armaments (Su): A Soulknife may spend a spell point as a move
action to call a weapon, shield, or armor equipped upon her person, which
stays for 1 minute per level before returning from where it was called. The
soulknife must be proficient with the weapon, armor, or shield to call it, and
in the case of exotic equipment, she must have studied a pre-existing version
of the weapon or armor for at least 1 week. This weapon or armor is
masterwork quality, and while antimagic/psionic barriers may prevent the
soulknife from calling these items, the items themselves are not considered
magical creations and so may not be dispelled. Ranged weapons come with
50 pieces of basic ammunition. Dismissing called equipment is a free action.
Called equipment gain a +1 enhancement bonus for every 3 Soulknife levels
the creator possesses, up to a maximum of +6 at 18th level. These bonuses
may be traded for special qualities according to Table: Bound Equipment. An
individual piece of called equipment cannot have higher than a +5
enhancement bonus; enhancement bonuses beyond this amount must be
traded for special qualities. - Call Mind Armaments replaces Summoned
Equipment but qualifies for Form Mind Armaments, Form Mind Shield and
Summoned Equipment for purposes of meeting prerequisites for Blade Skills,
Feats and Prestige Classes.
Bound Weapon (Ex): A soulknife gains a bond with a specific weapon that is
far greater than with her other called armaments. A soulknife is always
proficient with her bound weapon regardless of form. A bound melee weapon
is called a mind blade where as a bound ranged weapon is called a mind bolt.

Bound weapons are created instead of called, though are treated like called
armaments except that it does not cost a spell point to create, cannot be
used by anyone other than the soulknife herself (the items magic doesnt
function in another's hands), comes with limitless ammunition, and
disappears 1 round after leaving the soulknifes hands. A soulknife cannot
bind advanced technological weapons such as firearms. She gains another
bound weapon at 5th level, 10th level, 15th level, and 20th level. Bound
weapons are masterwork quality, and gain a cumulative +1 enhancement
bonus for every odd soulknife level possessed beyond 1st, increasing to +10
at 20th level. A bound weapon's enhancement bonus cannot exceed +1 per 3
levels (minimum: +1, maximum +5); all enhancement bonus beyond this
must be traded for special qualities. A soulknife may give her bound weapon
special enhancement properties from any found in the pathfinder srd, trading
enhancement bonus for other benefits. Bound weapons cannot be enchanted
through any other means than gaining soulknife levels and must retain at
least a +1 enhancement bonus. Once a bound weapon has been selected, or
once its special qualities have been chosen, they may only be changed if the
soulknife spends 8 hours (1 day) meditating to dismiss the old bound weapon
from her memory to create a new bound weapon to take its place. The
soulknife's bound weapon can be damaged and sundered, but can simply be
reformed in the next round as a move action. A bound double-weapon must
divide its enhancement bonuses and weapon qualities between the two ends
(for example, a +5 bound quarterstaff could have a +3 bonus on one end and
a +2 bonus on the other) Alternately, the soulknife may bind each end of the
double weapon as a separate bound weapon, thus granting full bonuses to
each half. If one end of the double weapon has no bonuses, it is still
considered masterwork. Bound Weapon alters but does not replace the Bound
Equipment class feature and counts has having the following class features
for purposes of meeting the prerequisites for feats and blade skills: Bound
Equipment, Form Mind Bolt and Form Mind Blade.
Blade Skills: Beginning at 2nd level and every even soulknife level
thereafter, a soulknife may choose one of a number of abilities to add to his
repertoire. Some blade skills have prerequisites that must be met before they
can be chosen. All blade skills may only be chosen once and require the
soulknife to be using a mind blade, mind bolt or mind armaments, unless
otherwise stated in the skills description. Blade Skills replace the Arsenal
Trick class feature.
Psychic Strike (Su): As a move action, a soulknife of 3rd level or higher can
imbue his bound weapon with destructive psychic energy. This effect deals
an extra 1d8 points of damage on any attack he wishes to activate it on (as
long as the attack is made with his bound weapon). A soulknife may hold the
charge as long as he likes without discharging. It does not go off on any
attack unless he chooses to use it, and the charge is not wasted if an attack
misses. Mindless creatures are immune to this damage, although non-

mindless creatures immune to mind-affecting effects are affected by this

damage as normal. (Unlike the rogue's sneak attack, the psychic strike is not
pricision damage and can affect creatures otherwise immune to extra
damage from critical hits or more than 30 feet away.) A bound weapon deals
this extra damage only once when this ability is called upon, but a soulknife
can imbue his bound weapon with psychic energy again by taking another
move action. Additionally, he may recharge it as a swift action by expending
his psionic focus. Once a soulknife has prepared his bound weapon for a
psychic strike, it holds the extra energy until it is used (whether the attack is
successful or not). Even if the soulknife drops the bound weapon (or it
otherwise dissipates, such as when it is thrown), it is still imbued with psychic
energy when the soulknife next materializes it. If the soulknife has formed
two bound weapons, he may imbue each bound weapon with psychic strike
as normal. If he later forms a single bound weapon, the psychic strike imbued
into the additional weapon is lost. At every four levels thereafter (7th, 11th,
etc), the extra damage from a soulknife's psychic strike increases by 1d8.
Psychic Strike replaces the Armorist Armor Training class feature.
Quick Draw: A 5th level soulknife may manifest a bound weapon or called
armament as a free action, though he may still only attempt to do so only
once per round (unless throwing the weapon multiple times using the Multiple
Throw blade skill). You may instead draw a weapon once per round as a free
action. This counts as having the Quick Draw feat for the purposes of meeting
feat and/or prestige class prerequisites. Quick Draw replaces the quick
summons armorist class feature Gained at 15th level.
Adaptive Form: At 10th level, a soulknife has learned how to rapidly alter
his use of his bound weapons to adapt to any particular situation. By
expending his psionic focus as a free action, the soulknife can select any one
blade skill whose requirements he meet and be treated as having that blade
skill. The effect of the blade skill selected lasts until he uses the Adaptive
Form ability again to change it. Adaptive Form replaces the ability for Bind
Armor , Shields, and Staffs.
Infinite Armaments (Su): At level 20, you no longer need to spend a spell
point to call weapons, shields, or armor.
Armorist Archetype: Aegis
Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: Loses proficiency with Medium Armor and
shields, Gains Proficiency with all Bound Armor and Shields.
Psionic Manifester: You gain the [Psionic] Subtype. All spells you cast gain
the [Psionic] descripter. - Alters Casting
Invigorating Suit (Ex): An aegis gains 4 skill points + a number of skill
points equal to her Intelligence modifier at each level, instead of the normal 2
skill points + Intelligence modifier at each level. In addition, the aegis has
High Fortitude and Will Saves, instead of the normal only High Fort Saves. In

addition as long as you remain psionically focused, you gain the benefits of
the Endurance Feat. This ability replaces the martial weapon proficiency.
Psionic Focus: An Aegis as a Full-Round action, or may spend 1 spell point
as a free action to acquire its psionic focus.
Summon Equipment (Su): An Aegis may spend a spell point as a move
action to conjure a weapon or shield into her hands, which stays for 1 minute
per level before disappearing. The aegis must be proficient with the weapon
or type of shield to summon it, and in the case of exotic weapons, she must
have studied a pre-existing version of the weapon for at least 1 week. This
weapon or shield is masterwork quality, and while antimagic/psionic barriers
may prevent the aegis from summoning these items, the items themselves
are not considered magical creations and so may not be dispelled. Ranged
weapons come with 50 pieces of basic ammunition. At 5th level, the aegis
may conjure any type of armor she is proficient with, either on her own body
as a move action or on a touched willing target's body as a standard action.
This causes any armor the target is wearing to disappear in favor of the new
armor until the duration is over and the old armor returns. Dismissing
summoned equipment is a free action. Summoned equipment gains a +1
enhancement bonus for every 3 aegis levels the creator possesses, up to a
maximum of +6 at 18th level. These bonuses may be traded for special
qualities according to Table: Bound Equipment. An individual piece of called
equipment cannot have higher than a +5 enhancement bonus; enhancement
bonuses beyond this amount must be traded for special qualities.
Bound Armor (Ex): An Aegis gains a bond with a specific armor or shield
that is far greater than with her other summoned equipment. An Aegis is
always proficient with her bound Armor or Shield regardless of form. A bound
armor is called an Astral Suit where as a bound shield is called a mind shield.
Bound Armor and Shields are created instead of summoned, though are
treated like summoned equipment except that it does not cost a spell point to
create, cannot be used by anyone other than the aegis herself (the items
magic doesnt function in another's hands), and disappears 1 round after
leaving the aegis hands. A aegis cannot bind advanced technological armor
or shields such as ___________. She gains another bound armor or shield at
5th level, 10th level, 15th level, and 20th level. Bound armor and shields are
masterwork quality, and gain a cumulative +1 enhancement bonus for every
odd aegis level possessed beyond 1st, increasing to +10 at 20th level. A
bound armor or shield's enhancement bonus cannot exceed +1 per 3 levels
(minimum: +1, maximum +5); all enhancement bonus beyond this must be
traded for special qualities. An aegis may give her bound armor or shield
special enhancement properties from any found in the pathfinder srd, trading
enhancement bonus for other benefits. Bound armor or shields cannot be
enchanted through any other means than gaining aegis levels and must

retain at least a +1 enhancement bonus. Once a bound armor or shield has

been selected, or once its special qualities have been chosen, they may only
be changed if the aegis spends 8 hours (1 day) meditating to dismiss the old
bound armor or shield from her memory to create a new bound armor or
shield to take its place. The aegis's bound armor or shield can be damaged
and sundered, but can simply be reformed in the next round as a move
action. Bound Armor alters but does not replace the Bound Equipment class
feature and counts has having the following class features for purposes of
meeting the prerequisites for feats and blade skills: Bound Equipment, Form
Astral Suit and Form Mind Shield.
Customization Points: An Aegis gains a pool of points that he can use to
customize his astral suit, molding it to suit his needs. He gains a number of
customization points each day equal to his max spell point pool.
Customization points may be spent once per round as an immediate action
and the effect lasts until customization points are spent again. An aegis is
limited to 1 point customizations at 1st level, 2 point customization total at
6th level, 3 point customization total at 9th level, 4 point customization total
at 12th, and 5 point customization total at 15th level. For example a 6th level
aegis may in a single round either grant his astral suit a single 2 point
customization or two 1 point costomizations. An aegis still must meet the
prerequisites for the customizations used. Unless otherwise noted, a
customization may not be taken more then once. Customization Points
replace the Bind Staff Armorist class feature.
Arsenal Trick: At second level and every even-numbered level thereafter the
aegis gains an arsenal trick, representing the ways she has chosen to focus
her study of equipment and its uses. Unless otherwise specified, an individual
arsenal trick can only be gained once. Instead of an arsenal trick, an aegis
may choose a blade skill from which it meets its pre-requisites. An aegis
counts half its levels as soulknife levels when meeting blade skill
prerequisites. This alters but does not replace the arsenal trick armorist class
Reconfigure: An Aegis at 3rd level may a number of times per day equal to
their Wisdom modifier (minimum 1) replace as an immediate action, one
bound armor or shield with another allowing all armor or shield
enhancements and even type of armor or shield to be traded out with
another. A shield may be replaced with armor and vice versa. An aegis may
target a bound armor or shield currently equipped. The changes last until
either the ability is used again, or until the aegis spends 8 hours to change its
configurations. Reconfigure replaces the Quick Summons Armorist class
Armor Training: Starting at 3rd level, an aegis learns to be more

maneuverable while wearing armor. Whenever she is wearing armor, she

reduces the armor check penalty by 1 (to a minimum of 0) and increases the
maximum Dexterity bonus allowed by her armor by 1. Every four levels
thereafter (7th, 11th, 15th, and 19) these bonuses increase by +1, to a
maximum of -5 reduction of the armor check penalty and +5 increase of the
maximum Dexterity bonus allowed. In addition, an aegis can also move at her
normal speed while wearing medium armor. At 7th level, an armorist can
move at her normal speed while wearing heavy armor.
Infinite Arsenal (Su): At level 20, you no longer need to spend a spell
point to summon equipment.

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