What Is Painting

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What is painting?

- A painting is an image artwork created using pigments color on a surface ground such as paper
or canvas. The pigment may be in a wet form, such as paint, or a dry form, such as pastels.
- Painting can also be a verb, the action of creating such an artwork.

What are the mediums of painting?

There are different mediums in paintings that are used today. Artist's uses different kinds
of mediums, they includes acrylic, pastels, fresco, gouache, oil tempura, water color and water
miscible oil paint.
Acrylic is a fast drying paint. It contains pigments suspended in polymer emulsion. Acrylic paints
are usually diluted with waters.
Another medium that is being used is the Pastel. Pastel comes in three different types, the
soft pastels, the hard pastels and the pastel pencils. The soft pastels are the most widely used; it
has a higher portion of pigments and less binder. The hard pastel has a higher portion of binder
and less pigment. The pastel pencils are pencils with pastel leads.
Fresco paintings can often be seen on walls and ceilings. The word fresco came from the
Italian word fresco (fresh). There are three types of fresco, the Buon fresco, which consist of
painting pigments mixed with water on a thin layer of plaster. Secco, which done in dry plaster.
The pigment requires a binding medium such as egg (tempura, glue or oil to attach pigments).
The Mezzo-fresco. In this type, the pigment should only penetrate slightly on the plaster.
Gouache, derived from Italian guazzo, water pan, splash or body color. This medium is also
dilute in water. It differs from water color considering that its particles are larger, the ratio of
pigment to water is much bigger and white pigment such as chalk is present on it.
Oil, oil is a type of slow drying paint. It consists of particular pigments suspended in a drying oil.
This kind of medium does not dry quickly. It blends into the surroundings and allow the blending

of color. It produces vivid colors with a natural sheen and distinct context. It provides a surface
translucency similar to human skin making it an ideal for portrait painting.
Tempura, another medium is the Tempura. It is a permanent fast drying painting medium
consisting of colored pigment mixed with water soluble binder. Tempura paints dries rapidly and
it allows for great precision. When dry it produces smooth matte finish. Tempura painting has
been found on early Egyptian sarcophagi decorating many of the Fayum mummy portraits
sometimes in combination with encaustic.
Water Color, in water color the pigments are suspended in a water soluble vehicle. The art
of water color extremely began in the cave paintings of the Paleolithic Europe, used in the
manuscript illumination by the Egyptians and continuous to flourish in the renaissance. Water
color paint consist of four principal ingredients; colorant (commonly pigment), binder, the
substance that holds the pigment in suspension and fixes the pigment to the painting surface,
additives, substance that alter the viscosity, hiding, durability or color of the pigment and vehicle
mixture, lastly, the solvent, the substance use to thin or dilute the paint for application and that
evaporates when the paint hardens or dry.
Another medium is the Water Miscible Oil Paint; this is a modern variety of oil paint. One of its
features is that it can be thinned and cleaned up with water. The water solubility comes from the
use of oil medium in which one end of the molecule has been altered to bind loosely to water

Types of painting
A landscape - is an outdoor scene. A landscape artist uses paint to create not only land, water,
and clouds but air, wind, and sunlight.
A portrait - is an image of a person or animal. Besides showing what someone looks like, a
portrait often captures a mood or personality.
A still life - shows objects, such as flowers, food, or musical instruments. A still life reveals an
artist's skill in painting shapes, light, and shadow.
A real life - scene captures life in action. It could show a busy street, a beach party, a dinner
gathering, or anyplace where living goes on.

A religious - work of art shares a religious message. It might portray a sacred story or express an
artist's faith.

Styles of painting
1. Abstract Art
Abstract art refers to a style of painting that does not use figurative reality as a reference.
Instead, the artist alludes to his or her subject and reduces it to a simplified form. Colors and
shapes are used to portray emotions and the landscape of ones inner world. Listed below are
the various kinds of abstract art styles that have emerged.
Abstract expressionism, color field, cubism, and lyrical abstraction are just some of the
abstract art paintings available out there. Choosing among these styles depends on ones
personal preference as well as the type of environment the painting will occupy, whether a
bedroom, living area, or office space.

2. Surrealism
Surrealism is a modern painting style that juxtaposes various images together to give a
startling effect. The images in these paintings are often illogical and have a dream-like quality
about them. Surrealist paintings emphasize the subconscious. Among the popular Surrealist
painters are Salvador Dali, Max Ernst, Valentine Hugo, Joan Miro, and Toyen.

3. Conceptual Art
Conceptual art is a modern art style where the artist believes that concept is more
important than artwork itself. Many conceptual artists believed that while they conceived the
work, it is completed by the viewer. In fact, many types of conceptual art are only a set of
instructions. It is rare to find this type of art to just be a painting, as it often incorporates

elements of sculpture and installation. Marcel DuChamp, Yoko Ono,Yves Klein, and Robert
Rauschenberg are some of the famous conceptual artists.

4. Pop Art
Pop Art paintings occurred as a reaction to abstract expressionism, which mid-1950s
British artists believed was art that was far-removed from daily life. Pop Art revolved around
mundane subjects like comic books, advertising, celebrities, and other objects found in the
everyday. It was a return to realism and representation in art. Prominent artists in this field
include Jasper Johns, Andy Warhol, Tom Wesselmann, and Wayne Thiebaud, among others.

5. Photorealism
From the name itself, a photorealist painting is one that looks as realistic as a
photograph. This is done by taking a picture of the subject and then painting it. Photorealism
is an art movement influenced by pop art, and it ran counter as a reaction to abstract
expressionism. Unlike abstract art or conceptual art, photorealist painting has to be done by
an artist who possesses advanced technical ability to capture the realism of the photograph
onto canvas. Famous photorealist painters include the following: Glennray Tutor, Robert
Bechtle, Tom Blackwell, Don Eddy, and Cindy Wright, among others.

6. Hyperrealism
Hyperrealism is an advancement of the photorealism art movement. Artists use highresolution cameras to take photographs and paint them on canvas. Compared to photorealism,
however, hyperrealist paintings have exaggerated shadows and inanimate objects display
lifelikeness, even though they do not normally possess these qualities. Hyperrealism focuses
on a false "super" reality. The following are some of the popular hyperrealist painters: Robert
Bechtle, Richard Estes, Bert Monroy, Duane Hanson, and Charles Bell, among others.

7. Minimalism
Minimalism is an art movement that is, as expected, characterized by
simplicity.Minimalist paintings strip down the subject to its very essence. Instead of energyfilled self-expression as is the hallmark of abstract expressionism, minimalist art, on the other
hand, paints only what the artist believes is necessary. Some of the more famous minimalist
painters are Barnett Newman, Kazimir Malevich, Piet Mondrian, and Frank Stellas.

8. Futurism
Futurism is a painting style that concerns itself with subjects like the technology, speed,
violence, and the future of the world. It concerns itself with the depiction of mans triumph
over nature. This movement rejects the establishment and praises originality. To recreate this
level of emotional dynamism on canvas, futurist paintings adopted the cubist style of painting
where they deconstruct subjects into geometric figures to show movement. David Burlyuk,
Aristarkh Lentulov, Fortunato Depero, and Gerardo Dottori are just some of the well-known
Futurist painters.

9. Impressionism
Impressionism is one of the earliest modern painting styles that originated in Paris,
France. It is characterized by thin brushstrokes and an emphasis on the depiction of light.
Impressionist artists often painted outdoors to capture sunlight and color of their subjects. In
the 1870s, Impressionist paintings were considered radical because they did not paint
according to the rules. Famous impressionist painters include Claude Monet,Pierre - Auguste
Renoir, Camille Pissarro, and Armand Guillaumin, among others.

10. Fauvism
Fauvism is an art movement that occurred sometime after impressionism. While
impressionism retains a somewhat realistic representation of the subjects, Fauvist
paintings focus on strong color. Artists employing this style have wild brush strokes and highly

simplified subjects. Among the popular Fauvism painters are Andre Derain,Henry Matisse,
Charles Camoin, and Maurice Marinot.

Five famous artist local/foregn

1. Mona Lisa Leonardo da Vinci. The most famous painting in the world is the main
attraction of the Louvre museum in Paris, where it is seen by six million people every year!
Leonardo da Vinci painted it from the year 1503 or 1504 till shortly before he died in 1519.

2. The Last Supper Leonardo da Vinci. This world famous painting is not shown in a
museum, but rather covers the back wall of the dining hall at Santa Maria delle Grazie
monastery in Milan, Italy. It was painted by the most famous artist of all time, Leonardo da Vinci
in the late 15th-century. The painting depicts the scene of The Last Supper of Jesus with his

disciples. Seeing this masterpiece in the small monastery is truly one of the best attractions
Milan has to offer.

3. Starry Night Vincent van Gogh. Painted by Dutch artist Vincent van Gogh in 1889,
Starry Night is one of the most well known paintings in modern culture. The painting is part of
the permanent collection of the Museum of Modern Art in New York. The painting was the
inspiration for the song Vincent (also known as starry starry night) by Don McLean. McLeans
song reference the painting as well as other paintings by the famous artist

4.Elito Villaflor Circa, better known as "Amangpintor", is a Filipino painter and was
recognized in his hometown as a folk painter. He has been noted as "first blood and hair painter
of his generation of Filipino folk artists" and known for his signature subject of Legend of

5.Federico Aguilar Alcuaz was an award winning Filipino painter who exhibited
extensively Internationally and whose work earned him recognition both in the Philippines and
abroad. Alcuaz was conferred the title of National Artist for Visual Arts, Painting, Sculpture and
Mixed Media in 2009. However, four nominees for the award other than Alcuaz became
embroiled in the 2009 National Artist of the Philippines Controversy, which led the Supreme
Court of the Philippines.

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