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Part I

Background of the study

A healthy nutrition means a balanced mixture of

all food nutrients such as proteins, carbohydrates, facts,
vitamins and some minerals. Fiber is needed to keep the
bowel healthy.Nutrition appear to be important for
optimum intellectual decelopment.The nutritional status is
the result of the application of healthy nutrition
knowledge gainef from birth.
We have learned that government tries to meet
the needs of children, adapting to particular situation and
priorities. Under its basic services strategy teachers assist
government in developing child health and applied
nutrition. Particular attention is paid to the nutrition
among children.
Malnutrition has been factor in the low
academic performance of children in school and loss and
nearly all young lives. Based on the finding that
malnutrition is affecting millions of our people and that
there is a close interlinking relationship between food,
education, nutrition. Clearly,there is a need for a survey
on the nutritional status of children.
Childhood malnutrition remains a common
problem in much of the developing world. A recent
comprehensive report on the global nutritional situation,
which was prepared by the World Health Organization
using data collected from 1980 to 1992, indicates that
more than one- third of children less than five years of age

is developing countries have a heights for age less than 2

standard deviations (SD) with respect to international
references data(de Onis el al, 19930). Malnourished
children also have a higher risk or dying prematurely, and
recent analysis indicate that as much as one-third to onehalf of childhood moretality can be attributed
malnutrition(Pellier,1994;Schroeder& Brown, 1994).In
addition to this elevated mortality risk, delayed motor
development(Pollitt et al,..1994),and impaired cognitive
function and school performace are also associated with
process of early nutritional stunding(Lasky et
al.,.1981;Sigman,1989;Martorell et al 1992. Thus
improvements in young childrens nutrition are desirable
not only for their expected positive impact on their
physical growth,but also to reduce the risk and
complications of infections and to maximize psychomotor
development and school performamance.




Research Proponent

MARCH 18, 2015

Part I
Background of the study

A healthy nutrition means a balanced mixture of

all food nutrients such as proteins, carbohydrates, facts,
vitamins and some minerals. Fiber is needed to keep the
bowel healthy. Nutrition appear to be important for
optimum intellectual decelopment.The nutritional status is
the result of the application of healthy nutrition
knowledge gainef from birth.
We have learned that government tries to meet
the needs of children, adapting to particular situation and
priorities. Under its basic services strategy teachers assist
government in developing child health and applied
nutrition. Particular attention is paid to the nutrition
among children.
Malnutrition has been factor in the low
academic performance of children in school and loss and
nearly all young lives. Based on the finding that

malnutrition is affecting millions of our people and that

there is a close interlinking relationship between food,
education, nutrition. Clearly,there is a need for a survey
on the nutritional status of children.
Childhood malnutrition remains a common
problem in much of the developing world. A recent
comprehensive report on the global nutritional situation,
which was prepared by the World Health Organization
using data collected from 1980 to 1992, indicates that
more than one- third of children less than five years of age
is developing countries have a heights for age less than 2
standard deviations (SD) with respect to international
references data(de Onis el al, 19930). Malnourished
children also have a higher risk or dying prematurely, and
recent analysis indicate that as much as one-third to onehalf of childhood moretality can be attributed
malnutrition(Pellier,1994;Schroeder& Brown, 1994).In
addition to this elevated mortality risk, delayed motor
development(Pollitt et al,..1994),and impaired cognitive
function and school performace are also associated with
process of early nutritional stunding(Lasky et
al.,.1981;Sigman,1989;Martorell et al 1992. Thus
improvements in young childrens nutrition are desirable
not only for their expected positive impact on their
physical growth,but also to reduce the risk and
complications of infections and to maximize psychomotor
development and school performamance.

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