Article Nutrition

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The examination of physical education performance with relation to the social background

and nutrition
23rd April 2014
The article from Borkovits M. is about the examination of physical education
performance with relation to the social background and nutrition. In this article researchers
want to find out the relation of social background and nutrition to physical education
performance. The populations of survey are primary school students. Researcher find out that
development of a child depends on its environment. A family is a very complex formation,
which is influenced not only by economic possibilities and habits but many other factors as
In this article also discuss about the hypothesis that the make to answers their research.
The hypothesis is including the mental performance of children correlates with the quality of
their nutrition and if the problems of nutrition are successfully resolved (for example by the
nutrition of the children is the school dining-halls as a kind of social care) presumably sooner
or later the performance of the children increases. The researchers also make a questions to
answers the problem, for example one of the question is about whether the school
performance increase is showed up if the quality and quantity of nutrition is managed to
The result from the research shows that socially disadvantageous children show
unfavorable image considering their nutrition. They rather eat cheap food with higher energy
content than healthy food of plant origin or dairy products. This is the same with the culture
and frequency of meals. Most of the students never have a breakfast before they go to the
school. In this article researcher make their own summary about the research that they made.
On his summary his stated that factors that affect health is bad habits can evolve, such as
nibbling-snacking. Snacks can substitute the main meals and generate consumption of
unhealthy, fatty food on a regular basis. A significant number of children do not have

The examination of physical education performance with relation to the social background
and nutrition
23rd April 2014
breakfast in the morning and teenage girls skip dinner as well, for the reason a couple of fact
about the inactive adolescents is tell about watching TV and using the computer is very useful
but it has many side effects that are harmful for health. Studying also one of the researcher
find out that the component of the non physical area and the time spent on them involves an
overwhelming physical passiveness. For social factors is about there is a relation between the
unfavorable social status of the individual and the healthy living and lastly is family, friends
and school as an educator environment.
Researcher found that people dont pay enough attention to the family dining. More
and more families let the child go to school without having breakfast at home. The family
sport activities after school are totally missing, no matter to the financial situation of the
family. In these research the respondents is 232 of students. It is (127 (55,5%) female students
and 102 (44,5%) male students.
The results show that most of students came from the poorer family environment,
show better results in aerobe performance, although their results in power and coordination
exercises are worse. It can be explained by the fact that in this stage of life, the genetic
abilities influence the performance. The results also show that children prefer the traditional
Hungarian cuisine and they consume unhealthy drinks. The eating habits are formed by
paternal pattern. 2,38% of the families has the chance only for breakfast and dinner. Their
reason is about the financial because they came from the poor families.
For the conclusion it shows that the education of the parents is in relation to the
childrens performance in school and to their social status. Children coming from good
conditions can go to private after school activities, while the others cant afford to pay extra
for sport activities.

The examination of physical education performance with relation to the social background
and nutrition
23rd April 2014
It can be conclude that parental involvement is important and influence students
performance for example checking homework, attending school meetings and events,
discussing school activities at home prepare a good meal, being a good role model has a more
powerful influence on students academic performance than anything about the school the
students attend and their performance in school not on academic also in extracurricular

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