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Silenced sees a teacher coming to work in a school for deaf children, who is working
to earn money for his his daughters surgery after his wife died that he relize that he must
earn some money to help his daughter who live with his mother. A widower, Kang has left his
ailing daughter Sol to the care of his mother to take up a position as art teacher at Ja-ae
Academy, a boarding school for deaf children. He is appointed to a school for hearingimpaired children in Gwangju, in the southwest of the country that school for deaf children.
His initiation is one strewn with surprises, each nastier than the last. The film tells the real-life
story of the years of sexual abuse suffered by children with hearing problems at the hands of
teachers at a school in Gwangju But what he discovers there is an ugly truth: the children are
being physically and sexually abused by their teachers. When he decides to fight for the
childrens rights and expose the crimes being committed at the school, In-ho teams up with
human rights activist Seo Yu-jin (Jeong Yu-mi). But he and Yu-jin soon realize the schools
principal and teachers, and even the police, prosecutors and churches in the community are
actually trying to cover up the truth."
A roadkill incident leads to a brushoff with Seo Yu-jin (Jung Yu-mi), a social worker
dealing with domestic violence cases. This is followed by an eerie introduction to headmaster
Lee Kang-bok and his identical twin Kang-suk the administrative chief, who unabashedly
exhorts a whopping "school investment fund" as pre-requisite for employment. The students
are forlorn and recoil from Kang's enthusiastic efforts to bond with them. Tell-tale signs of
kids being roughed up soon explode into a full-blown shocker when teacher Park thrashes
student Min-su (Jeon Min-su) as if he's a Guantanamo detainee, in front of a totally indifferent
faculty. The casualties pile up, from bone-chilling screams from a girl's toilet to the "afterschool instructor" Yoo being caught red-handed dunking schoolgirl Yeon-du (Kim Hyunsoo)'s head in a washing machine. The latter incident becomes a catalyst for the exposure of
and consequent lawsuit against Park and the Lees for alleged sexual abuse of at least three
children: Min-su, Yeon-du and mentally challenged Yuri (Jung In-suh).And the story carefully
turns into a courtroom drama, in an attempt to expose the horrific reality of that subject, using
flashbacks to show some violent & uncomfortable sequences. Sometimes its gruesome, but
again, because the case is rightful by nature, violins & piano are always there to underline
every single tragic turn of events.

Character of the teacher

As a teacher we should concerned to our student problem. Teacher who plays the main
character in this story play role as a sincere teacher that he try to understand the student
situation even his student is disabilities. Slowly he tries to approach the student to know what
the secret problem that happen to their student.
In this story, teacher has their own characteristic, because there are four different teacher plays
on different roles. The main character is art and design teacher that really have a sincere
intentions to their student. He try to understand why their student have a problems and not pay
attention in class also not show the interest to learn while he teaching. One day, one of his
student come late to school and he try to asked the boy why the student came late and what
has been happen because the student come to school with bruised on his facial. He also tries
to approach a female student to draw something because the student not interested to do the
task that he give in the class. He not easily give up, he try various methods to attract the
student's to make sure the student interested to follow the class activity. He gives the order to
their students to draw their own appearance, but one of female student refuse to draw
because of her bruise of her face and she fell it might be ugly if she try to draw their
appearance but he try to entertain the student by draw the picture of student in a cute face. Its
mean that the main character in this movie play a good roe as a teacher, try to approach
student when student didnt show a interest in study, try to understand student problem. Even
he tries to save his children from the sex abuse.
The headmasters in this school utterly use his power. Actually he is the main person
who do the sex abuse on his student. Because of the influence of the power that has on him it
makes the other teacher who know the activity also keep quite. He should make sure the
school condition is good safety to student because he is headmaster at the school. He also uses
the power of the family by used his twin brother that just follow all the order that he gives.
One of the male teachers in the school that has been an experience teacher told that he knew
more about the student that always act and sign in strange .He also the person that abuse one
male student just for his satisfaction of lust . He will punish the boy when he does not follow
his order. Without felt the mercy he hit the boy and also abuses the younger brother of the
students. Actually the headmaster knows about this but he has been protected by. He always
said that student has a family problem that why the student always silenced. This show that
the teacher not fulfils is duty as teacher, but he abuse his student for his satisfaction of lust .

Female teacher in the school also involved in students abuse while one incident happen that
female student try to save herself from doing sex with headmaster . She tries to put the student
faces inside the washing machine. She also cut the student hair. She has been act like that
because she wants the students who involved the situation to keep quiet without complained
to other people. Actually she is the scandal of headmaster in the school. For me, she is a
female teacher should more understand the problem that has been happen to their female
student, but she didnt take the responsibility as a teacher.
In political view that happen in this story show that when the people has a power, been
trusted people will judged them always right, even they do the wrong thing. In this movie the
headmaster has their own trusted and has their people on their back that always support him
even though he does the wrong thing. People believe that he does a lot of good thing, and
there are many kindnesses that he gives to others. For example the headmaster has a good
position in the church, it is impossible he will do the wrong thing, for sure people on their
back didnt trust when he get the charge that he do the sex abuse to his disability student . So
many people dont agree and many of them try to do the teams of riot. It shows that the
highest political authorities were influenced by the film at the time of its release. In the
courtroom also show the politic when the lawyer really defends the headmaster and their
brother, there are many political plays in this movie. In the Inhwa case, four teachers and
administrators including its principal and his brother were convicted of raping or sexually
molesting to some orphaned or mentally disabled, from 2000 to 2004. But only two of the
four served any jail time. The principal was found guilty of raping a 13-year-old girl and
taking a bribe of 3 million won, or $2,630, from a teacher. But he was freed when an appeals
court suspended his sentence. It is not fair because all character such as lawyer even judge
used the politics to pretend the guilty. In context of education if the politics roles on the unfair
like happen in the movie situation, it will make the students suffer. Of course student will
suffer if the political view like on this movie, have a big influenced that can make all the
decision is not follow on the right rules. In this movie, student go through with sex abuse is
one of a big problem, try to give the report to the responsibility person, but the person also
argue the report. They say that when the sex abuse happens not in the school time it is not
their responsibility. From that, what will be happen on student future if the responsibility
person also didnt want to solve the problem?

In economic view in this movie show most of the people come from the intermediate
family. The male student also one of the victims of sex abuse came from poor family. In his
situation, in law order needs a parents or guidance to come the court as a proof that the
children still have a family. In his situation, his grandmother gives forgiveness to the
malefactor when the malefactor gives their grandmother some money. It shows that economic
one of the factor human can be changed. Another situation, a police get a bribe from the
headmaster to make sure the wrong thing that he do still in the undercover. In education view,
it will be a problem to the student because money can buy anything, even the priority.
The social and cultural in the movie show the people really live in their own way.
Everybody does have their own social cultural. But one women try to help the teacher and the
student, she try do her best to make sure the people surrounding know what exactly happen to
the disability student. From that people around came and other try give the support even they
didnt get the right justice. In education context, people surround should know what happen in
the student of school environment, from that they will reduce the student burden.


example, a police get a bribe from the headmaster to make sure the wrong thing that he do
still in the undercover.
In Malaysia scenario
As me know, in Malaysia scenario is really different on education system. While one
student have a problem and the problem has been reported to minister of education, quickly
the action to resolve the problem has be taken by responsible party in Malaysia. Usually while
some cases has be judge in the court will be defense in a right and fair condition. Im not sure
if our country also has a political effect to other that has a extra point to them to release the
guilty that have been done. Of course it is not fair to others. Usually in Malaysia, if the person
has been violet to the law, our Malaysia court will judge them by the correct law and has been
punish with the correct ways.

General reflection how the movie impact to me as viewer

The movie is really good, i was impressed by Gong yoo's new image in this movie,
very good acting. But i was really pissed off while watching it because the fact that how cruel
some people are, how unfair this life is, money is on the top of everything. I know this
actually still happen a lot in the real life, just dont understand why some people can treat

children like that, probably those bastards were born without hearts. I really feel sorry for
those children this film is about a real-life case of sexual abuse against children. Disabled
children get molested at school by the principal or teachers. Rising the popularity of this film,
the government in South Korea announced a new bill that imposes tougher sentence on sex
offenders. It was the one of the biggest problems because the punishment was not strong at
all; it is nothing more than a salary cut or a short term suspension. I think that is why the
sexual crimes increase every year. I hope that people make a new bill that strengthen the law
so crimes wouldnt happen and we can prevent this problem. They are the lowest and filthiest
of society. I just can't believe that those kids had to suffer through all that. Whoever and
wherever they are, I hope that, despite everything, they are living happily; because thats all
you could ever really ask for if you had to live with that kind of torment and fear.
I can't even bring myself to say that this movie is good because in reality it is pure evil. Those
people do not even deserve to be called human because they themselves lack the basic aspects
of what it even means to be one. It disgusts me that this is the reality of the world we live in
and that right now, things like this happen anywhere around the world. They actually deluded
themselves to feel righteous and feel that "justice" had been served when they knew exactly
what they had done.
While know about the full story in the movie it can be conclude that the problem is
limited to the education world. Sex offenders are regularly given only suspended sentences,
fines, or probation. Only about 24% of those convicted of sex crimes serve any time in jail.
The number is even more staggeringly low when you take into account that only about 6-8%
of victims report sex crimes to police. Government must alert about this and give the right
punishment to the miscreant who the sex abuse to the student, and student should know that
they are in the situation on sex abuse.

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