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U. S.

-Backed Israeli Terrorism

What’s the difference between children who are going hungry and
without the medicines they need because they live in some impoverished
land somewhere and children who are going hungry and without the
medicines they need because their land is being blockaded by a powerful
nation—with the backing and support of the United States of America?

You may have guessed the answer to this: the first scenario is a tragedy
whereas the second scenario is a crime.

Israel, with the support of the U. S., has imposed a blockade upon Gaza,
Palestine for the past three years now, which is not a tragedy—it is a moral

As an American citizen, especially if you are a Christian American

citizen, my question is: Are you even aware of this fact? And if you are: Do
you care about the fact that children are suffering as a result of this
The United Nations, in the link provided above, says that the Israeli
blockade of Gaza is a crime against humanity and I agree. Do you?

I understand that most people in American, especially most Christians

in America, think of the Palestinians as terrorists who kill Israelis, but the
truth is that the Palestinians weren’t bothering anyone until Jewish
settlers, who were a part of the Zionist Movement, began taking over the
land of Palestine; beginning in 1700 and continuing to this very day.

What many American citizens, especially Christians, don’t realize is that

the modern nation we think of as Israel was born out of terrorism:
Jewish, Zionist terrorism which was directed against . . . the British.

1946 saw the birth of the modern nation of Israel, and Israel has one
man, in particular, to thank for the important role which he played in
creating the modern nation of Israel: the Zionist terrorist leader
Menachem Begin, who went on to become Israel’s sixth Prime Minister.

Begin was the leader of the Zionist Israeli terrorist group the Irgun.

From the end of the First World War (1917) until the founding of the
modern nation of Israel (1946) the land of Palestine, which is what it was
called, was under the protection of the British as a British Protectorate.
The Zionists were determined to drive the British out of the land of
Palestine so that they could establish the nation of Israel and rule the land
for themselves. The violent, murderous act of terrorism which finally
succeeded in driving the British out of Palestine occurred when the Zionist
terrorist group, the Irgun, which was led by future Israeli Prime Minister
Menachem Begin, was the bombing of the King David Hotel (in
Jerusalem) on July 22, 1946, killing 91 people and injuring many others.



And Israel, today, has the gall to say that the Palestinians are the guilty
parties in all of this? Israel has the nerve to say that Hamas is a terrorist
organization? What about the Zionists and the Irgun . . . WHO STARTED

The Israeli-Palestinian issue is not one of senseless hatreds and endless

retaliations, it is an issue of: who started what and when did they start it?
In other words: who, in the beginning, did the wrong thing? And the
answer to this question is that the Zionists were the ones who first
imposed themselves upon the Palestinians, the Zionists were the ones who
first occupied and began to settle in the land of Palestine in order to turn
Palestine into a Jewish homeland by driving out the Palestinians. And it
was the Zionists who, in order to accomplish this act of international
thievery, USED TERRORISM in order to drive the British out of Palestine.

And we wonder why the Palestinians are so angry? Why they resort to


And now Israel is blockading Gaza; starving and shooting little

Palestinian children; burying them beneath the rubble of their own




Read your history Americans! Read your history American Christians!

Read your history lovers of Israel! Open your eyes and SEE what’s really
been going on all of these years.

Israel will reap what it has sown; God will not be mocked; and the blood
of the innocent children who have been murdered by the Israelis will be

The United States of American, because of its continued support of the

Israelis and the nation of Israel, will also reap what it’s sown; and you can
add to that the innocent blood of over 49,000,000 babies, who have been
“legally” executed in their mother’s wombs in America, since 1973.

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