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Carrier Route

Decatur, TX
Permit No. 88




■ Bridge repair begins
■ City seeks cause for
uranium in water
■ Washam named
Young Elementary

■ 9-2A teams set for
title chase
■ Roping history
■ Decatur shoots past



Bridge repairs begin Monday

By BRANDON EVANS in Decatur for the next four to five Texas Department of Transportation ing the project, the entire south
months. (TxDOT). bound bridge will be shut down, and
Drivers can expect lane closures The work on the bridges will begin They will start by closing the in- traffic from both will be shifted to the
on and around the bridges where Monday, weather permitting, said side lanes on both the northbound
U.S. 81/287 crosses Farm Road 730 Bill Nelson, area engineer with the and southbound bridges. Later dur- Continued on page 8A

Decatur’s Trevor Brazile was
nearing his record-tying CHICO
seventh all-around world
championship Friday at the
National Finals Rodeo in
Las Vegas.
See sports, page 1B

TO TOWN — Chico’s
public works
Santa Claus will be touring
Decatur by fire truck director Ed
this week, one of many Cowley shut
upcoming Christmas- off three
related events. wells on the
See story and map, east side of
page 2A town this
year after
tests found
INSIDE ... levels of
particles in
the water.
Cowley is
it might be
a plume of
PERFORMING uranium that
WOMEN could spread
Joy Christian Academy is to additional
performing the play “Little private and
Women” Saturday. municipal
See photo, page 8A wells in the
Messenger photo
by Joe Duty
City seeks cause for uranium in water
TRAMMELL By BRANDON EVANS ronmental Protection Agency Commission on Environmen- mission on Environmenta
Bridgeport (EPA) has determined that tal Quality (TCEQ), the city Quality (TCEQ). She said
WILLIE PIXLER For years the water flowing uranium levels become a pos- tried mixing water from other Chico’s public works depart
Formerly of Wise County through the sandy aquifer sible health risk at 30 micro- sources with water from the ment has done a good job of
beneath the city of Chico was grams per liter or higher. other two affected wells. But closely monitoring the situa
VERLAN safe to drink. Studies have shown that these two were also eventu- tion.
SHEARBURN But a recent leap in ura- drinking water with elevated ally shut down, one in June She said the geology of Wise
nium levels in the water has levels of uranium over many and another just two months County is the reason for the
Runaway Bay
prompted Chico to shut off years may cause toxic dam- ago. elevated levels of uranium in
T.W. ‘TEX’ three municipal wells during age to the kidneys because In addition to shutting Chico’s water.
MATTINGLEY the past year. uranium is not only radioac- down the wells, the city also “What we are detecting
Bridgeport “Everything was fine for tive, it is also a toxic metal. conducts monthly tests for ra- there now are what we cal
years,” said Ed Cowley, Chi- Long-term exposure also dioactive particles in the city naturally occurring radioac
TERRY L. MATTIX co’s public works director. increases the risk of getting water. The state only requires tive materials,” Diehl said
Fort Worth “Then the levels just spiked, cancer due to its radioactiv- testing for radiation twice per “Once there were metamor
PATSY JO and we cut the wells off.” ity. Uranium tends to build year. Chico contracts with phic mountains in Texas
The EPA began mandating up in specific locations in the TALEM, Inc. of Fort Worth to Some layers of sand still hold
PATTERSON the testing in 2000. body, which can increase the dents, the city voluntarily conduct the tests. the metamorphic rock in it.”
Bridgeport Analyses of the Chico wells chance of contracting bone shut off the three wells. They Finding the cause She said the radioactive
DONALD in question found uranium cancer, liver cancer and blood shut the first one down in Alicia Diehl is team leader particles come from meta
levels as high as 36 micro- diseases such as leukemia. January 2009. for the Drinking Water qual-
CULPEPPER grams per liter. The Envi- In order to protect its resi- At the advice of the Texas ity team for the Texas Com- Continued on page 6A

Messenger photo by Joe Duty

Formerly of Decatur
See pages 10A, 12A
Washam named Young Elementary principal
WEATHER... By BRIAN KNOX the sixth grade campus fall under the leadership
of the middle school principal with an assistant

PARADE OF LIGHTS — Colorful lights gave a seasonal glow to last Saturday’s Christmas Parade through downtown Bridgeport. Above,
Sun 67/48 Decatur’s next elementary school now has a principal assigned to the sixth-grade campus.
Mix of sun and clouds. Highs in the
principal. The board heard an update on the new school’s
upper 60s and lows in the upper Ken Washam, Decatur Intermediate School progress from representatives of the architect
principal, was named principal for Young El- and construction company. They reported that
SCHOOL ementary at Thursday’s school board meeting. work on the school is on schedule, and work could
INDEX LEADER Washam spent last school year as assistant prin- begin on improvements to County Road 4191 and
News Briefs ..... 3A Sports ...............1B — Decatur cipal at the campus and was named principal of Farm Road 51 right after the first of the year.

Wendy (left) and Kurscie Franks, both of Bridgeport, use an old-fashioned mode of transportation with a battery-powered twist.
Opinion ........... 4A Classifieds.........4B the intermediate school four days into this school In other business, the district received a posi
Lifestyle .......... 9A Wise Business 11A School Prin- year after the resignation of former principal tive report from auditor Gary Snow of Snow, Gar
cipal Ken Dan Martin. rett and Company of Weatherford.
Washam will
The new elementary school under construction Prior to the meeting, several staff members and
be Young El-
ementary’s on County Road 4191 south of town is expected students were honored, including the following:
first princi- to open next fall. ! Carson teacher Jackie Patrick, December
pal when it When the new school opens, grades pre-k educator of the month
Wise County Messenger opens next through fifth would be served by the district’s ! Francie Coffee, support staff employee of the
P.O. Box 149 year. three elementary schools, leaving only sixth month
115 South Trinity grade at the intermediate school campus. Last
Decatur, Texas 76234 Messenger photo
by Joe Duty month, the board indicated it would like to see Continued on page 8A

www.wcmessenger. See more online:

2 ALL AROUND WISE, Decatur, Texas, Thursday, December 17, 2009


By SMATT nied by the question “Is this big as my Texas hike slipped
safe?” As luck would have through their defenses, it’s
“We envision a world it, there is a button on the hard to put up much resis-
where everyone can explore Web site labeled “Is tance to anything
and create meaningful con- This Safe?” loaded else. Still, they
nections with the people with general ad- voiced their opin-
and places [they] encounter.” vice and suggested ions and told me to
– Vision guidelines, the most be on my guard, as
Statement straightforward be- if the other guy was
When I reached the Tex- ing ‘Use Your Com- the one who was
arkana city limits, the first mon Sense.’ Per- dirty, disheveled,
thing I did was place a phone haps attributable and hiking around
call to a complete stranger. to some of these the state.
His name was Michael, and tips and built-in As it turns out,
he had agreed, sight unseen, safety mechanisms, SMATT Michael was an in-
to host me for the evening. credible host. On
Only a few weeks prior, I boasts an incredible 99.6 top of the comfy couch that I
had heard a mountain lion percent positive feedback slept on, he arranged an in-
scream just a dozen yards from all its facilitated con- terview with the Texarkana
from where I was camping, nections between travelers Gazette, made breakfast ev-
so an evening with a fellow and hosts. ery morning, introduced me
human sounded like an ab- Of course, my parents to his family and friends,
solute vacation. were not excited about the showed me around town,
Both Michael and the idea, but once something as Continued on page 3
mountain lion bring to mind CRASHER
probably the second most — Hiker
frequently asked question Smatt utilized
I’ve received while hik- the Web
ing the perimeter of Texas: site www.
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but many of these visits to sleep on his
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without much planning. his trek.
Showing up to a big town
and not knowing a soul can hosts (and their couches) for
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be a daunting reality, so two a night or more. It’s a more
Pay a driller to produce the hole.
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resource, a Web site whose because the first point of con- =XZkfip;`i\ZkGi`Z\jkfPfl
name reflects the values tact is done online, there’s a
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traveler. The site I turned to
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ALL AROUND WISE, Decatur, Texas, Thursday, December 17, 2009 3

Chinese tallow trees in East live oak in my back yard that through the branch, from a few years after planting. !
Texas in my travels this fall. needs to have some branches top to bottom, 3-4 inches far- Consider adding a decora- Have a question you’d
Are they going to invade the removed. When is the best ther out from the undercut. tive trellis to the top of your like Neil to consider? Mail
rest of the state like they’ve time to do so? I don’t want The weight of the branch fence and growing an ever- it to him in care of the Wise
done to the Gulf Coast? How to harm the tree, and I don’t will strip the bark off the green vine such as Carolina County Messenger, P.O. Box
can they be stopped? want oak wilt to become a bottom of the limb, but only jessamine or Climbing Pin- 149, Decatur, Texas 76234,
It’s always amazing to see problem. as far as the undercut. The kie or Lady Banksia rose. or e-mail him at mailbag@
introduced plants move into Oak pruning is best done third and final cut should (Roses are semi-evergreen Neil re-
an area and crowd out the during the coldest part of be virtually flush with the in much of Texas, dropping grets that he cannot reply to
existing native ones. Chi- the winter, so your time is trunk. many of their leaves in re- questions individually.
By NEIL SPERRY nese tallows were revered here, now. Your second good ally cold winters.)
40 and 50 years ago for time is during the hottest Dear Neil: We live in a
Dear Neil: We have deer bringing reliable fall color part of the summer, namely new cul de sac, and were as-
in our area, and our neigh- to a part of America (South late July and August. Your tonished when the house next
bor has a huge Lady Bank- Texas) that seldom had goal is to do the pruning to us was built within 7 feet
sia rose that spills over the much flash in the fall. Then, when insect activity and oak of our privacy fence. What
fence and into our yard. Deer however, we found it explod- wilt fungal outbreaks are can we plant that will give
jump the fence to get into our ing into wetlands across minimal. Spring is the worst us year ‘round screening?
yard to strip it bare. Roses Southeast Texas. It’s not time. All oak cuts should be You didn’t mention how
have been described as “un- too likely to spread very far protected with pruning seal- much space there is be-
palatable” to deer, but most north due to winter kill, and ant. (It is not recommended tween your house and your
plants that are so described it’s not likely to go very far for use with other types of fence. If that distance, too, is
haven’t proven to be so. Only west because it needs more trees than oaks.) If you’re only 7 feet, you’ll have to use
salvias and rosemary seem water than will be available. unsure of how to remove something very compact.
untouched. Comments? Privet is doing the same branches from an estab- Little Gem or Teddy Bear
Most roses have enough thing. You’ll find thousands lished tree, you may want to magnolias would work well.
thorns that deer aren’t real- of acres of woodlands that hire a certified arborist to do Little Gem is the larger of
ly attracted to them. Howev- have it growing beneath the the work for you. If you do the two at maturity. Tree-
er, Lady Banksia is a thorn- trees in the same way that it yourself, avoid stripping form yaupon hollies are our
less type, which may explain yaupon holly covers much of bark off the main trunk as most common small ever-
why the deer relished it. South Central Texas’ woods. the branches fall. It’s best to green screen. You could also
Plus, when times are dry, Short of head-on assault begin with an undercut of consider tree-form Nellie R.
deer will eat things they with brush cutters, axes and the branch being removed. Stevens holly. Wax myrtles
normally would avoid. They herbicides, there’s no magic Cut about one-fourth of the are sometimes used in situ-
can be such big problems solution once these plants way up into the branch from ations like this, but many
where they’re common. get started. below. That cut should be people find that they begin
15-18 inches from the trunk. to thin and die away just
Dear Neil: I’ve seen a lot of Dear Neil: I have a large Second, cut completely


Continued from page 2 to affirm the belief that the is currently hiking the en-
and lent me a computer to world is an enormous, won- tire outline of the state. Fol-
work on. We also discovered drous creation, not all of it low his adventure here and
we shared a mutual friend. uninviting. at www.texasperimeterhike.
My visit, which ended up be- ! and www.twit-
ing three days long, was so Smatt is the penname of
far removed from camping S.Matt Read. A writer, in-
near a wild cat that it’s hard ventor, baker, and hiker, he
to reconcile the two events
as part of the same trip.
And yet they are. These
very different experiences
are united not only by my
project but by a common
penetration into uncharted
territory. There is a gen-
eral perception that the un-
known is something to avoid,
but I disagree. Sure, I may
Medical Center Pharmacy
not have fully embraced this Celebrating the Holiday Spirit
ideology in the moments Prescriptions • Compounding
that followed the most pierc-

Fast and
ing demonic scream I’ve ever
heard in my life. However,
I still believe it’s a higher

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The holiday season brings
with it an overwhelming
spirit of generosity and lov-


ing-kindness. Every where
you look people are throw-
ing change into Salvation
Army buckets, taking angels
off of the trees in order to
give presents to the needy
and, donating food items to
pantries. Do you want more
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ideas for how to give back to
your community?

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The answer to theses ques-

tions lies in one word: volun-
teerism. Dr. Martin Luther
King, Jr. Once said, “Every-
Drive OneTODAY!
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Our county has so many
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Continued on page 4 As selected by MOTOR TREND
4 ALL AROUND WISE, Decatur, Texas, Thursday, December 17, 2009

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Holiday Greeting - Give a holiday gift in honor or memory of someone special. A

WISE NOTES FOR CONSUMERS holiday letter will be sent to recognize the acknowledgement.
Mary’s Gift - Administered by WRHF and providing mammograms to underserved
Continued from page 3 Volunteers will have that Volunteer doesn’t have to
Remember that only gifts completed by December 31 will be available to help reduce
same opportunity. mean getting up in front of
your tax bill next April.
We are happy to introduce Master Wellness Volun- people and teaching a class.
to you another way to focus teers could help teach class- It can also mean helping do
this desire to help and give es about the importance of administrative tasks like
hope. You can now become a eating fruits and vegetables helping register people for
Master Wellness Volunteer. to any age group. They could programming, entering im-
So, what exactly is a Mas- help implement diabetes portant data gathered from
ter Wellness Volunteer? education programming like Extension programs into
Wellness is a state of health the Cooking Well with Diabe- computers, designing news-
that doesn’t just involve the tes series coming up in 2010. letters or flyers. There is a
absence of an illness. It is a They could serve as Walk
person’s emotional, social, Across Texas site managers. Continued on page 6
spiritual, and financial well- Love to cook? Master Well-
being. It is my job as Family ness Volunteers can provide
and Consumer Science agent healthy recipe demonstra-
to promote wellness for our tions for people. The oppor-
community through teach- tunities are endless.
ing others. Master Wellness Being a Master Wellness

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Fri - Dec. 18 .......................................2:15 .............4:45 ............. 7:15..........9:30
Sat ......................................................2:15 .............4:45 ............. 7:15..........9:30
Sun .....................................................2:15 .............4:45 ............. 7:15 921 Halsell 4119 Hillcrest Plaza
Mon - Wed Dec. 21 - Dec. 23 ............2:15 .............4:45 ............. 7:15 Bridgeport, TX Vernon, TX
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254-559-2382 940-937-2130
FM 51 South, Decatur • 940-627-5522 • Box Office Opens at 1:30 p.m.
$7 Adults ~ $5 Seniors, Children 11 & under & Matinee •
ALL AROUND WISE, Decatur, Texas, Thursday, December 17, 2009 5

Continued from page 7 Anna 40 Reese Read and Gentry Funk up short. On the offense, we the Bulls could never get into not get many of their shots to
The Bulls closed the game on scored 10 each. were able to move the ball but any kind of groove,” said Bridge- fall.”
Bridgeport JV 48 an 18-4 run to put away Anna for Bridgeport record: 4-3 open shots were hard to get.” port coach Charlie Queen. “They
Castleberry 59 Continued on page 9
the victory Dec. 5. Bridgeport record: 2-4, 0-2 played well at times, but could
After falling behind 22-10 to After trailing 15-12 early, Bridgeport 9th 53
start the game, the Bulls could Bridgeport outscored Anna 18- Paradise 24 Bridgeport 8B 10

Bishop’s LOWER
not complete their comeback
Dec. 4 in a loss to Fort Worth
10 in the second quarter to take The Bulls had their offense WF McNeil 51 OVERHEAD=
a 30-25 halftime lead. hitting on all cylinders in the McNeil began the game with
Castleberry at the Lake Worth “We gave great effort in this first half as they outscored the a 23-2 run en route to a victory LOWER PRICES
Tournament. contest,” said Bridgeport coach Panthers 33-14 in a victory Dec. over the Bulls Dec. 7.
Bridgeport fought back within Brian Davenport. “Our press was 12 to claim the championship of “The Bulls played a tough
five going into the fourth quar- effective at giving us a lot of op- the Millsap tournament. athletic team in McNeil,” said
ter, but could not get closer. portunities.” Bridgeport added to its lead Bridgeport coach Matt Birdwell
“We finished up the Lake Blake Arrington poured in 20 in the third quarter with a 13-2 “The Bulls fell behind early and
Worth Tournament with our best points for the Bulls. Reece Read run. battled, but McNeil had too
effort,” said Bridgeport coach added 14. Colby Mahon led the team many weapons.”
Alan Green. “We had lots of rust
to knock off getting into the
Bridgeport record: 2-2 with 17 points. Gentry Funk Joey Arquette led McNeil with Mitch Hamner Se habla español Stephanie Amador
added 12. four points. Hunter Gantt, Dani- Sales Office Manager
basketball groove.”
Trent Schuett scored 19
Bridgeport 9th 26
Argyle Liberty Christian 44 Middle School
al Garcia and T.J. Noble each
scored two.
WE FINANCE! As low as 10% down.
points. Garrett Mullins added The Bulls could not stay with Bridgeport 8A 39 Bridgeport record: 1-3, 0-4
10. Liberty Christian in the second Paradise 45
Bridgeport record: 0-4 half of a loss Dec. 5. The Panthers used a 14-5 run Bridgeport 7A 11
Liberty Christian outscored in the second quarter to get Paradise 34
Bridgeport JV 63 Bridgeport 27-13 in the third past the Bulls Dec. 5. The Panthers opened the
Perrin Whitt 10 and fourth quarters. “The difference in the game game on a 16-3 run and stayed
The Bulls began the game “We played extremely hard was a bad second quarter from in front of the Bulls throughout ‘04 Ford Expedition ‘05 Dodge Durango
with a 21-2 run on their way to again, but our press was not as the Bulls,” said Bridgeport during the opening game of the
a blow-out victory over Perrin- Many More To Choose From
effective as it was in the previ- coach Matt Birdwell. “We had Bridgeport Tournament Dec. 5.
Whitt Dec. 10. ous games,” said Bridgeport some defensive breakdowns and “Paradise started off hot and 1110 Hovey St., Bridgeport • 940-683-1999
Bridgeport built the lead to coach Brian Davenport. some missed shots that put us
33-6 at halftime and added to Colby Mahon put in nine in a hole, and we never could
the lead with a 12-1 run in the points to lead Bridgeport. Blake recover.”
third quarter. Arrington added four. Dalton Hudson led Bridgeport
“I have been proud of how hard

Ho Ho Oh No!?
Bridgeport record: 2-3 with 13 points. Alex Samples
the kids have worked in prac- added 11.
tice this week,” said Bridgeport Bridgeport 9th 66 Bridgeport record: 1-3, 0-2
coach Alan Green. “Our effort Millsap 52
showed today on defense. We The Bulls used a 22-10 surge Bridgeport 8A 42

Last Minute Gifts to Buy?

forced them into many turnovers in the third quarter to pull away Crownover 22
and got easy baskets.” from Millsap and secure the vic- The Bulls built a 26-12 first-
Garrett Mullins led Bridgeport tory Dec. 10. half lead and never looked
with 12 points. Blake Thompson,
Zach Forsythe and Jacob Garcia
Bridgeport held a 34-29 half-
time lead before the third-quar-
back in an easy victory over
Crownover Dec. 5 We Have the Answer For You!
The Club at Runaway Bay
each scored 10 points. ter run. “This win was a true team ef-
Bridgeport record: 1-4 “We played extremely hard fort everyone scored and every-
and were able to get a win,” one played great defense,” said
Bridgeport JV 59
Lipan 46
said Bridgeport coach Brian Bridgeport coach Matt Bird- is hosting a
Christmas Bazaar
Davenport. “We continue im- well. “From the opening tip, we
The Bulls opened the game provements defensively, and it played great. We ran the offense
with a strong first quarter, pour- is resulting in better scoring op- and good open shots. Everyone
ing in 25 points and building a portunities.” played great defense.”
25-11 lead. Reese Read scored 19 points Alex Samples led the Bulls
Bridgeport then held off Lipan
the rest of the game for the vic-
to the Bulls. Colby Mahon added
11 and Gentry Funk scored 10.
with 12 points. Derrick Stanford
added seven.
Thursday, December 17 • 4 to 10 p.m.
tory Dec. 12.
“I feel like a light bulb went on
Bridgeport record: 3-3 Bridgeport record: 2-3, 0-2 400 Half Moon Way, Runaway Bay • 940-575-2225
today in the first quarter on the
intensity and effort it takes to
Bridgeport 9th 54
Jacksboro 24
Bridgeport 8A 12
WF McNeil 52
Cash Bar, Door Prizes Drawn Every Half Hour!
pressure the ball,” said Bridge- The Bulls put together a domi- The Bulls fell behind 16-3 in Join Us for Our Karaoke Contest with 99.5 The Boss Radio!
port coach Alan Green. “We
used our athletic ability to force
nating first three quarters, out-
scoring Jacksboro 50-16 in a
the first quarter and couldn’t
slow Wichita Falls McNeil in a
Get a ticket each time you sing. At 10:45, we will draw three
them into many turnovers and
got easy baskets from that.”
victory Dec. 11.
Bridgeport began the game
loss Dec. 7.
Alex Samples led Bridgeport
winning tickets! Anyone can win that comes out to sing!
Garrett Mullins poured in 26
points to lead a trio of Bulls in
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with a 22-5 run.
“We had one of our most com-
with five points. Dalton Hudson
added three. $100 First Place Prize!
plete games of the season,” said “McNeil was a very athletic
added 15 points, and Blake Bridgeport coach Brian Dav- team with a lot of weapons,”
Thompson scored 10. enport. “We were really good said Bridgeport coach Matt Bird-
Bridgeport record: 2-5 pressing. We executed our half- well. “The Bulls played hard all

court offenses a lot better.” game, but in the end we came
Bridgeport 9th 59


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6 ALL AROUND WISE, Decatur, Texas, Thursday, December 17, 2009


By GARY CLAYTON for them.
Wise Co. Extension Agent Creep feeding simply put is a
way to supplement forage and milk
Some decisions are easier than for unweaned calves with a feed
others where your beef cattle op- source not available to the mother.
eration is concerned. The decision Creeping is usually done in free
to creep feed or not creep feed is choice feeders with feeds in the
not an easy one for most produc- 10-15 percent range. A 14 percent
ers. Like most aspects of the beef protein pellet is the most popular.
business it’s a complex decision Nutritionists say forage quality is
that should be analyzed each year CLAYTON the dominant factor in selecting
since there are a lot of variables the protein level needed for creep-
involved. Each producer should ing a set of calves. Therefore, if you
weigh their variables when making the de-
cision if creep feeding is financially feasible Continued on page 7

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Wise County Messenger Classifieds •

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Purchase toys that do not have
sharp corners or edges. Steer clear Call Your Local Dealer at 940-627-6905
of cords which can strangle. Also
avoid toys that are too loud, and 940-567-2205 or 1-800-662-1396
this includes MP3 players, which
can damage hearing. Check the
equipment manual to find out how to
adjust the maximum volume to a safe & ELECTRONICS
level. Routinely inspect toys for signs 106 W. Archer • Jacksboro • 940-567-2205
of wear or broken parts, and toss
anything that looks dangerous.

We’re pleased to share this highly

informative column. If you have I NEED A HOME!
questions or concerns about your

FOR child’s wellness, speak with an

experienced and compassionate
doctor at LOVETTE PEDIATRICS. Female cat.
Please call our office at (940) 627-
8044 for an appointment. Healthy
Very sweet, gentle
Continued from page 4 fulfillment with every hour to help cover supplies and Futures Start Here. Our office is and loving.
located at 2401 S. FM 51, Suite 100,
of service donated. meals. Volunteer training Decatur. For your convenience, we’re To adopt me or see other
something for everyone. To become a Master Well- will be held on the following open M -Th 8am to 5pm and F 8am pets available for adoption
to noon. We are dedicated to keeping
What’s in it for you? One ness Volunteer you will at- dates from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Call: Tammy Loomis
your child happy and healthy.
more quote from General H. tend five classes that include the Extension office: Jan. 25,
Norman Schwarzkopf - “You 40 hours of training in health Feb. 1, 8, 15 and 22. For an HAPPY HOLID AY S ! 940-627-7577 or visit our website
cannot help someone get up and wellness education and application and more infor- Sponsored by: Brown & Rotramble Law Firm
P.S. The Consumer Products Safety Brenda Brown & Che Rotramble
a hill without getting closer in return, volunteers agree mation, please contact Tan- Commission estimates that choking is
Attorneys at Law
to the top yourself.” The to give back 40 hours of ser- ya Davis at the Wise County the most common cause of toy-related
401 S. Trinity • Decatur • 940-627-6612
childhood death.
Master Wellness Volunteer vice to the community. The Extension office, (940) 627- in cooperation with
program offers this sense of cost for the training is $50 3341. Wise County Animal Services

Boyd: Hwy. 114 & Knox Ave. - 433-2185

Bridgeport: Chico Hwy. - 683-5765
Chico: Hwy. 101 - 644-2208
Decatur: Hwy. 380 & Walnut - 627-3444
Decatur: 1305 U.S. Hwy. 81/287 - 627-1549
ALL AROUND WISE, Decatur, Texas, Thursday, December 17, 2009 7

Trade Days event continues to grow
By DENNY DEADY operated. Decatur.” an expanded menu as soon
“We used to have a horse Garlitz is also a regu- as the Decatur event grows W R S!
Carla Tackett is a sea- sale and we know the animal lar vendor at trade days in enough to warrant it.
soned trades day vendor and inspectors,” said Tackett. Weatherford and Bowie. “I think it’s glorious,” says
in June this year, she put on Decatur Trade Days is Mark LaPrade, who lives Stover when asked about
her first Decatur Trade Days one of the few businesses in Colleyville, is also a regu- Decatur Trade Days. “I’ve
at the Wise County Sheriff’s of its kind to sell livestock lar in Decatur. He sells Big been the food vendor since it
Posse grounds on FM 51 and pets, according to ven- Dog Salsa, which is made started and we’ve increased
S. Within five months, the dor Steve Stover. The strict by his friend who is a North five or six vendors a month.
number of vendors had dou- rules that animal vendors Richland Hills firefighter. Tackett and her husband
bled, to 50, and she is con- must follow at Decatur “I was one of the first ones have been selling at trade
fident the business will con- Trade Days insure the buyer she (Tackett) called,” said days for eight years and ★ FREE Dish
tinue to grow in attracting is getting a healthy animal. LaPrade. “I started in June. recently experienced one of ★ FREE HD DVR
not only vendors but also Decatur Trade Days is It’s been growing a little bit their top 10 months of all ★ Up to $26 OFF for 12 months
shoppers, as word gets out held the the weekend before each time. I’ll keep coming.” times at the Decatur event. ★ 3 FREE months of
about the event. the fourth Monday of each LaPrade says he sells the They sell tack and livestock,
“We have several vendors month. This month’s event salsa at a lot of craft shows including horses, calves and &
who have been with us since has been moved to Dec. 19 in Northeast Tarrant Coun- sheep.
the beginning,” said Tack- and 20 to attract Christmas ty and occasionally at trade For information on De- *See store for details
ett. shoppers. Tackett said there days in Bowie. catur Trade Days, contact Your Local Authorized DIRECTV Dealer

Among them are people could be a change in the Feb- Dean Stover of Spring- Tackett at (940) 390-9104
Tackett and her husband ruary date, due to the An- town is one of the most or visit www.decaturtrade-
have met at various other tique Auto Club Swap Meet popular Decatur vendors.
Decatur • 940-627-6905
trade days, including those that fills the Posse grounds He snags customers with 106 W. Archer • Jacksboro • 940-567-2205
in Weatherford, Canton and every year. the enticing aroma from his Compare our Prices on HD LCD TVs • Delivery & set up Available
Bowie. Decatur Trade Days is set booth. Stover sells drinks,
“Many of them have be- up outside the buildings on tamales, roasted corn, baked
come our friends,” she said. the Posse grounds. For those potatoes, hot dogs, hamburg-
She said many vendors vendors who don’t have suit- ers, dutch oven cobbler and
are very particular where able display materials, Lar- the popular “walking taco.”
they sell their wares. ry Garlitz of Howe is there That’s a taco made from a
“That’s why we have to help. He rents tables corn tortilla that is wrapped
rules,” she added. and tarps. He also sells cell to be held conveniently by
She said the fact that phone accessories. hand while the customer
vendors are returning each “It’s going real good,” continues to walk around
month during this initial said Garlitz. “Every month the Posse grounds while en- Special Chrysler Affiliate Rewards Pricing Available To All Credit Union Members
phase of the business is an it gets better. The vendors joying the meal.
indication they like how De- keep coming back. This Stover says he plans to 2009 Dodge Caliber SXT 2010 Dodge Challenger
catur Trade Days is being brings revenue to the city of add a second trailer with 2.0L DOHC 16 VVT Engine,
Automatic Transaxle, Air
Conditioning, Power Windows,
Power Locks,
Tilt/Cruise, Hurry!
AM/FM/CD Only One at $
CLAYTON’S CORNER and More This Price.
Continued from page 6
3,333 3 In Stock for
feasible for their program. ket and may even impair THE NICE Immediate Delivery
are creeping or considering While advantages are ob- future milk production on
creeping, it would be wise to vious, there are also some replacement heifers. - ʓœ`iÃÊÊUÊÊ,/Êœ`iÃÊÊUÊÊ-,/Êœ`iÃ
#11721; MSRP $18,830; FACTORY REBATE $2,000; LARRY SLACK DISCOUNT $1,333
know the nutritional content disadvantages to creeping. If you have questions
of the hay you are feeding. Creeping requires some ad- about creep feeding and 2009 Dodge D1500 Crew Cab 2010 Jeep® Wrangler
Work at Virginia Tech re- ditional labor. It can also whether it will benefit your Power Driver Seat, 40/20/40 4 Door Sport
veals that milk from a lac- produce fleshy calves that operation, give me a call at Seating, Remote Start, Security 4x4, Automatic Transmission,
tating beef cow furnishes are discounted at the mar- (940) 627-3341. Group, Lone Star Package, 20” V6, Hard Top, AM/FM/CD
only about 50 percent of the Wheels, Power Windows/Locks, with Satellite Radio, $
Tilt & Cruise, AM/FM/CD with
nutrients that a 3 to 4 month Satellite Radio, Chrome Step
$ Air Conditioned
old calf needs for maximum Who should you trust Bars. 3A VE
growth. The remaining nu-
with your OB/GYN care? 3A VE $
trients must come from an-
other source if the calf is to Decatur Women’s Health Center 12,842
realize its genetic potential TH E NICE PRIC RICE
for growth. offers a full range of obstetrical and gynecological E
Calves full-fed a creep care for women at every stage of life.
ration will usually weigh #11560; MSRP $38,230; REBATE $5,500; LARRY SLACK DISCOUNT $7,342 #11786; MSRP $29,510; REBATE $750; LARRY SLACK DISCOUNT $1,802

40-70 pounds more than 2010 Dodge D1500 Quad Cab SLT 2010 Jeep® Patriot
non-creep fed calves at 7-8 40/20/40 Split Bench Seating, Automatic Transmission,
months of age. Four years of 4.7L V8 Engine, Automatic Air Conditioning, Tilt/Cruise,
research at the University of 5 Speed Transmission, Tire/Wheel Group,

Power Windows/Locks, AM/FM/CD with
Missouri showed creep feed- $
3AVE9 7
Tilt/Cruise, AM/FM/CD Satellite Radio
ing increased the weaning
weight of spring calves by 57
pounds and fall calves by 74
pounds. On average it takes 3A VE
about 900 pounds of creep to THE NICE P
put on each 100 pounds of (Left to Right) Melissa Bradley, Dr. Douglas Kyle, Kim Mote, Patricia Ruiz
6,399 RICE
extra wearing weight. Good
“Friendly, professional and confidential.” THE NICE P
creep feeds are available
Your health and well-being as a woman are our concern.
locally for about 10 cents We offer a full range of obstetrical and gynecological care.
#11765; MSRP $29,765; FACTORY REBATE $2,500; LARRY SLACK DISCOUNT $3,899 #11834; MSRP $20,115; REBATE $1,500; LARRY SLACK DISCOUNT $1,618

a pound, which translates Our emphasis is on making you feel comfortable, Wagonseller Road at US 287
to $90 to put on that extra confident and reassured. Bowie, Texas 76230
100 pounds. Each produc-
er should determine what Call today to schedule your next appointment. (940) 872-1133
their price expectations are 800-766-2019
at weaning, get out the cal- 940-627-4216
culator and see if the cost is 1713 S. FM 51 • Suite 201 • Decatur
8 ALL AROUND WISE, Decatur, Texas, Thursday, December 17, 2009

SUDOKU SUBVARSITY SPORTS The Messenger Classifieds...

Measuring up to your
expectations one ad at a time.
Complete the Sudoku grid so that each row,
each column, and each 3 by 3 box contains Continued from page 5

Subscribe today
the numbers 1 through 9. Numbers cannot Boys
be duplicated in a row or a column. Bridgeport JV 42
High School

Byron Nelson 76
The Bulls got off to a slow start Dec. 3 against a tough squad
from Byron Nelson.
Byron Nelson outscored Bridgeport 19-6 in the first quarter and ❑ One Year In-County................. $35
built the lead to 40-16 at halftime. ❑ One Year Out-of-County.......... $40
❑ One Year Out-of-State............. $45
“We played a good JV team today,” said Bridgeport coach Alan
Green. “They got after us.” ❑ Two Year In-County ................. $60
❑ Two Year Out-of-County .......... $70
Garrett Mullins poured in 20 points for the Bulls. Trent Schuett ❑ Two Year Out-of-State ............. $80
added nine. Name:________________________
Bridgeport record: 0-1
Bridgeport JV 38 _____________________________

and get
Lake Worth 54 City:_________________________
The Bulls could not overcome the early turnovers that led to a 27-
State:_________ Zip Code:_______
13 halftime deficit in a loss to host Lake Worth Dec. 4 at the Lake

the rest
Worth Tournament. Clip and mail to:
Wise County Messenger
“The score doesn’t tell how close the game was,” said Bridgeport P.O. Box 149 • 115 South Trinity
coach Alan Green. “We played hard, but turnovers. We need to work Decatur, Texas 76234
on our position defense.”
Trent Schuett led the Bulls with 10 points. Blake Thompson add-
of the N L IN/ E

ed eight.
E O .com
Bridgeport record: 0-3 r
Continued on page 9 S UB w.w subs

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The Perfect Christmas Gift!

Your gifts to United Way of Wise County will directly
support the following health and human service
American Red Cross, Chisholm Trail
Child Study Center
Your tax money gives
your kids a fun place to play.
Salvation Army, Bridgeport (FUMC) Reata Rehabilitation
Salvation Army, Decatur (WARM) Southwestern Diabetic Foundation
South Wise Services Texas Neighborhood Services,
Texas Neighborhood Services, Headstart Division
Community Services Division Trinity Equine Counseling
Texoma Area Paratransit System Wise Choices Pregnancy Resources
(TAPS) Center
Trinity Habitat for Humanity Wise County Christian Counseling
Wise Area Relief Mission (WARM)
Wise County Committee on Aging VICTIMS’ ASSISTANCE:
CASA of Wise & Jack Counties
Shop at home this holiday season and
Boy Scouts of American, Longhorn
STAR Council on Substance Abuse
Voices Advocating for Children
Wise County Domestic Violence
help keep Wise County a place to call home.
Camp Fire USA, First Texas Council Task Force Force (Wise Hope
Communities in Schools of North Center)
Texas Wise Kid Care
Girl Scouts of Texas Oklahoma Plains
Wise County 4-H This reminder brought to you by:

You Can Make a Difference!

Donations are fully tax deductible and 100% of your contribution
toward our annual campaign will be used for our programs. So
please, visit our website to learn more, then pledge a gift today. If City of Decatur City of Bridgeport
we all work together, we can improve people’s lives in Wise County.
Please contact
Martin Woodruff, 940-627-3684
or email:,
or mail: P.O. Box 213, Decatur, TX 76234
ALL AROUND WISE, Decatur, Texas, Thursday, December 17, 2009 9

FW Christian 35 eight rebounds. transition at times. I am proud dal added four. Lauren Stowers The Sissies managed just two
Continued from page 8 The Sissies fell behind by 12 Bridgeport record: 1-2 of the girls for fighting through a pulled down six rebounds, and points in the first and third quar-
Trey Cook score four for the points in the second quarter lot of craziness on the court and Landrie Walsh had four. ters in a loss to Wichita Falls
Bulls. Jake Simmons had seven and rallied to get back in the Bridgeport 8B 14 showing great character and Bridgeport record: 1-2, 1-2 McNeil Dec. 7.
rebounds, and Johnathan Nabors game before falling short Dec. 4 WF McNeil 19 good teamwork tonight.” Samantha Hancock and
added six. against Fort Worth Christian. The Sissies could not gener- Bailey Thompson led the Sis- Bridgeport 7B 4 Madison Cortez each had two
Bridgeport record: 1-3, 1-1 Bridgeport outscored Forth ate any offense in the second sies with six points. Jorden Vi- WF McNeil 29 points.
Worth Christian 12-3 in the third half, falling to Wichita Falls Mc-
Bridgeport 7A 38 quarter to get back within three Neil Dec. 7.
Crownover 36
The Bulls jumped out to a 14-
points, 22-19.
“We did not play an entire
Bridgeport was outscored 11-
3 in the second half.
SENIOR PORTRAITS Built for the Future
$200 PACKAGES Debt Free & Family owned since 1978, our company has provided

8 lead and held on for a narrow game,” said Bridgeport coach Olivia Casillas led Bridgeport BUILDING CORP.
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Bridgeport Tournament Dec. 5
Dallas Taylor. “In the second with eight points. Angelica UNTIL DEC. 31 Buy Now at Lower Prices and
half, we forced 16 turnovers and Martinez, Shelby Haggart and Superior Savings!
“The Bulls played their best made up a 12-point deficit.” Maegan McLaughlin each added 90 MPH Wind Rating & 30 PSF Roof Load
game of the season against Bridgeport forced 26 turn- two. 24’x40’x10’ • $10,195
Crownover in the Bridgeport overs. Bridgeport record: 0-3 30’x56’x10’ • $13,645
Tournament,” said Bridgeport Audra Hart led the Sissies 40’x72’x13’ • $22,375
coach Charlie Queen. “Solid with seven points. Madison Bridgeport 7A 16 50’x80’x14’ • $28,475
defense was the key to the Keller added six points and four WF McNeil 46 Includes Tax & Delivery!
Bulls’ win as they got numerous rebounds. Mady Hancock scored The Sissies got off to a slow Building built on your level site!
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Logan Plummer scored 10 Bridgeport record: 4-4 quarter Dec. 7. Decatur, TX Our mission is to provide the best
points. Trey Cook also scored
10 points to go along with nine
“The girls played their hearts 940-626-8032 solution and the best service
every time.
Bridgeport 9th 18 out tonight, but came out on
rebounds. Johnathan Nabors fin- Springtown 36 the negative side on the score-
ished with eight points and 12 Springtown used a 10-4 run in board,” said Bridgeport coach Livingston’s Studio 1-800-373-5550
Bridgeport record: 2-3
the third quarter to take control
on its way to a victory over the
Cheila Demmitt. “We missed a
lot of shots, and were slow in 940.627.1888 R
Sissies Dec. 5.

“We are continuing to improve
High School each game,” said Bridgeport
Bridgeport JV 49 coach Traci Woodard. “The girls

Paradise 15 know we have to become more
The Sissies started the game aggressive and better shoot-
with a 21-4 run and never let up ers.”
on defense, rolling to a victory Mariah Clayton scored six
over the Lady Panthers Dec. 3 at points and pulled down six re-
the Bridgeport Tournament. bounds. Skylar Shawn added

need a new
Bridgeport held Paradise to five points, six rebounds and
just 10 points through three three steals.
quarters. Bridgeport record 2-4

“It was a good way to start Klement
off our tournament,” said Bridge- Slidell JV 12 FORD
port Dallas Taylor. Aubrey 31
Audra Hart scored 19 points Aubrey took control with an
and made five steals. Sabrina 11-0 run in the second quarter
Garza added eight points and of a victory Dec. 11 over the
four steals. Mady Hancock had Lady Greyhounds.
eight points. Bobbi Clemmer led Slidell
Bridgeport record: 3-3 with six points. Ashton Stroope
added five points.
Bridgeport JV 20
Millsap 15 Middle School
The Sissies went on a 9-4 run Bridgeport 8A 27
in the third quarter to rally past WF McNeil 18
Millsap for a victory Dec. 3. The Sissies held Wichita Falls
Bridgeport trailed 8-6 to start McNeil scoreless in the second
the second half. The Sissies pro- quarter to build an 8-4 lead and
tected the 17-10 lead going into then held on for the victory Dec.
the fourth quarter by outscoring 7.
Millsap 5-3 in the final frame.
“We did not shoot the ball
Bridgeport outscored McNeil
19-14 in the second half.
2009 F-150 Lariat 4x4 2009 Edge Crossover

34,900 25,995
well in this game,” said Bridge-
$ $
“This was a very physical
port coach Dallas Taylor. “It was game, and the girls held their * *
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Bridgeport record: 4-3 nine points. Haley Guinn added

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Bridgeport JV 32

A tragic, yet not uncom-
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GYNECOLOGY P.A. at 940-626-8008. The office is conveniently
located at 1713 South Fm 51, Ste. 201, Decatur. New patients are
welcome. *All Prices plus Tax, Title and License. Shop 24/7 at **3.9 apr financing on 36 mo. contracts.
P.S. Menorrhagia is one of the most common gynecologic complaints. US Hwy. 287 South • Decatur, Texas • 940-627-1101
10 ALL AROUND WISE, Decatur, Texas, Thursday, December 17, 2009


Bridgeport Chamber of
Care Center in Bridgeport
has angels available. They
want to ensure one gift for

ASMI COURSE — Accident

an attempt to establish a
complete, permanent
Commerce luncheon is every resident. Pick up an Scene Management file of Chico High School
11:30 a.m. Thursday, Dec. angel by Friday, Dec. 18. Inc. courses will be held yearbooks, the CHS library
17, at the Bridgeport For information, call (940) Saturday and Sunday, is asking for donations
Community Center. Jay 683-5023. Jan. 23 and 24, at the of annuals. Yearbooks
Ewing of Devon Energy is LaQuinta Inn in Bridgeport. from 2006, 1991 and all
the speaker. Cost is $10, BAKE SALE — A bake sale The Saturday class is the yearbooks dated before
and reservations are needed fundraiser for the family of basic course and Sunday 1985 are needed. Call the
by Wednesday, Dec. 16. Call James Mills, who recently is advanced. Both classes library at (940) 644-5783.
the chamber office at (940) died of liver failure, is 11 are from 9 a.m. to 4:30
683-2076. a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday, p.m. Register online at BENEFIT ACCOUNT — A
Dec. 19, at Diamond benefit account has been
MOVIE NIGHT — Bridgeport Supermarket in Bridgeport. or call (940) 389-0200 for set up for Melissa Huya
Main Street and Parks and information. of Bridgeport at all First
Recreation Department BENEFIT BARBECUE — Financial Bank locations.
present the Bridgeport Box Barbecue sandwiches will be IN OTHER NEWS ... Huya has been diagnosed
Office movie “The Santa sold for $5 Saturday, Dec. NO LUNCHEON — There with brain cancer.
Clause” (rated PG) Thursday, 19, at Patti’s Hair Parlor will be no Social Service
Dec. 17, at the Bridgeport to benefit Emily Trail, a 5th Luncheon for December. TIP CLUB — An Oil Field
Stage, 1009 Halsell St. grader recently diagnosed Sales Tips Club has been
Doors open at 6:30 p.m. with cancer. Dinners come CHRISTMAS LIGHTS FLIGHT formed for people in oil
and the movie starts at 7 with a drink. For information, — Raquel’s Wings for Life, field sales positions. The
p.m. No ticket is required call Tim McGar at (940) a nonprofit organization group will meet for lunch
but space is limited. For 393-2527. that flies cancer patients and exchange information
more information, call to places for medical to achieve success in a
(940) 683-3480 or www.
treatments, is holding a
raffle for a 30-minute ride
slow economy. The club
will be made up of only one
Experience the Joy of Christmas!
parks&rec. benefit dinner and dance for in a Cessna 151 airplane representative from each
Emily Trail will be held from to view Christmas lights in different oil field service Join Us
CHRISTMAS OF HOPE 8 p.m. to midnight Thursday, Wise County. Tickets are company so information
— Wise Hope Shelter Dec. 31, at CD Construction $15 each, and the winner will not be swapped with a Thursday
and Crisis Center is on Barnett Shale Drive in can bring a guest. Call Katie competitor. For information, Dec. 24
accepting donations of Bridgeport. Tickets are Loveall at (940) 393-1670 call Jennifer at (940) 466-
new Christmas toys for $100 per couple and are or Fabio LaBrada at (940) 9676. Christmas Eve
its annual “Christmas of available at the Meyers 399-9504.
Hope.” General items can be Agency, Teresa Mader State HOUSING REVIEW — The
donated for clients to “shop” Farm Insurance and Dr. Selz BENEFIT ACCOUNT — A Bridgeport Housing A Family
for their children, and angels and Herschler’s office. Emily benefit account has been Authority has the 2010/5- Christmas: 4:30pm
can be chosen from a tree has been diagnosed with set up at First Financial year annual plan available at
at the Outreach Office at cancer and the proceeds of Bank for the children of its office for a 45-day period.
407 S. Washburn in Decatur the benefit will go toward Mary Smith of Bridgeport Office hours are 8 a.m. to Candlelight
until Thursday, Dec. 17. For her treatment. who was killed in a car 1 p.m. Monday through
information, call Brittany at accident Dec. 1 in Granbury. Thursday at 1508 Cobb St. Festival: 6:30pm
(940) 626-4585. DANCE CAMP — Girls ages She has five children. in Bridgeport.
4-12 can join the Decatur Donations can be made at
FOR A GOOD CAUSE — Wise Eagle Dolls for a dance any First Financial location. BLUE LIGHTS — Concerns
Electric is selling hams and
briskets to benefit various
camp Jan. 7-8, and the
girls will perform routines ANGEL TREE — Slidell
of Police Survivors
is encouraging law First United
Thursday Dec. 24th - Christmas Eve
A Family Christmas: 4:30pm
charities. Hams are $40,
and briskets are $35. Orders
with the Eagle Dolls at the
Decatur Basketball game
FCCLA is sponsoring an
Angel Tree for students in
enforcement families,
friends and law enforcement Methodist Church
Candlelight Festival: 6:30pm
must be placed before 5
p.m. Friday, Dec. 18. Call
Jan. 8. Cost is $40, and
deadline is Monday, Jan. 4.
Slidell ISD whose families
need assistance this holiday
agencies to decorate in blue
lights this holiday season.
104 S. Miller
First United St.Church
Methodist • Decatur, TX
- Decatur, TX.
(940) 627-2167. Orders can FOR INFORMATION, season. To adopt a student, By placing one blue light in a
be picked up after 10 a.m. CONTACT ASHLEY SMITH contact Julie Wright at
Wednesday, Dec. 23. AT ASHLEYM.SMITH@ (940) 466-3118 or jwright@ Continued on page 14
ANGEL TREE — The Senior DAINYA PARK AT (640) 210-

Visit Santa
and have your
picture made free!
On Friday, December 18
Santa will be visiting from
4 to 6 p.m.
800 Hwy. 287, There will be candy,
Suite A refreshments and a drawing
Rhome, TX
for a $50 Savings Bond.

For more information or directions, please call 817-638-5111

T R F

Simply Marvelous Designs
Come help us clear out the store for our new 2010 products!
All in stock items 50% off

Charles Day - Furniture Designer •Tonja Hartman - Lead Design

662-419-6518 • 817-980-1911
121 N. State St (on the Square) • Decatur
Holiday hrs. Mon. - Fri. 8:30 a.m. - 7 p.m. • Sat. 8:30 - 8p.m. Sun. 12:30 p.m. - 6 p.m.

Bring in this coupon for: New custom ordered furniture

10% off Sofas, loveseats, chairs,
dining room groups
ALL AROUND WISE, Decatur, Texas, Thursday, December 17, 2009 11

CALL 940-627-5987 Business Hours Classified Advertising Policy:
& GET RESULTS! Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Classified ads for the Sunday/Thursday
edition are $12 per week for 20 words or
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Line Ads: the same ad in Classified Gold for an
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each additional word is 40¢).
Classified Gold: 10 a.m. Friday
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report at once any error found. Claims for
Classified Gold: 3 p.m. Wednesday
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• Real Estate for Sale • Homes • Apartments • Roommate Wanted • Business Opportunity • Medical/Dental • Childcare • Let Me Fix It • Farm Equipment • Livestock Stud Service Special Offers: The Wise County Messenger is responsible
• Acreage • Lots • Business Property • Spaces & Lots • Employment • Miscellaneous • Adult/Elderly Care • Miscellaneous • Fencing • Livestock Supplies for an incorrect ad only the first time it
• Condos/Town Homes • For Lease • Lawn & Garden • Miscellaneous
Business Services: Place a paid ad for
• Business Property • Mobile Homes Information • Office • Business • Tutoring
• Condos/Town Homes • Wanted to Buy • Duplex Housing • Wanted to Rent • Adult/Elderly Care • Retail/Sales • Housecleaning • Livestock • Mowing four weeks in the Business Services clas- runs, so check your ad carefully.
• Duplexes • Homes • Wanted to Lease • Childcare • Trades • Livestock Care/ • Pasture & Feed sification of the Wise County Messenger
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• Rooms • Storage Buildings • Livestock Lost & Found additional homes.
fifth week is FREE. Run the same ad in
Classified Gold for an additional $32 for Payments:
Pets Merchandise for Sale Transportation Announcements Notices five weeks (price based on 20 words or In person:
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By mail:
For Sale: Place a paid ad with a bold Wise County Messenger
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• Pets • Pet Care/Training • Appliances • Firewood • Boats • Accessories • Card of Thanks • Personal • Legal Notices FREE. Run the same ad in Classified Gold
• Pets Lost & Found • Pet Stud Services • Clothing/Jewelry • Miscellaneous • Cars • Trailers • Let’s Swap • Wanted • Public Notices for an additional $16 for four weeks (price
• Furniture • Auctions • Recreational Vehicles • Wanted to Buy • Lost & Found
based on 20 word or less ad).
• Garage Sales • Trucks


WILLIAMS MOBILE HOME SERV. Available immediately, new 1-bed-
Best deal on moving, set up & trim room home, 18 gated acres, 5 miles
Acreage outs. Bonded, licensed & insured. Condos, town homes north Decatur. Horse facility, pas- Employment information Medical/Dental
(940)433-3117. ture. $850/month, includes utilities.
222 ACRES For rent: 2-bedroom, 2-bath, Run- (940)210-3132. (940)255-2582. !!ATTENTION!! VETERINARY TECH
Clay County. Excellent hunting, New manufactured homes, listed at away Bay condo. Newly remodeled, Advertising under this classifica- Assist with providing exceptional
wooded & coastal, 5 acre lake, pipe- dealer cost. Will not be beat, guar- hardwood floors, spa bath. Can be BEAUTIFUL 3/2/2 tion is normally not a bona fide care for small and large animals.
line income. $2,250/acre. Must see. anteed. For information call furnished or unfurnished. Brick on 1 acre. Ceramic tile, opportunity. Typically, compa- Maintain safe, clean & sterile facility.
(817)992-6097. (940)626-8117. $750/month. Credit check and refer- kitchen island, split bedrooms, ga- nies advertising here offer infor- Good customer service skills. Clinic
ences will be required. Call rage door opener, fenced yard. mation about potential employ- experience REQUIRED. Call for de-
(940)683-5477, Mon-Fri., $1,100/month, $1,100/deposit. ment. Some are selling this infor- tails, (940)627-8387.
Homes RENTALS 8a.m.-5p.m. (817)320-7065. mation. We suggest that our
readers thoroughly investigate
• Apartments • Business Fort Worth: Texas Motor Speedway, these advertisers before invest-
Property • Condos/Town 2-bedroom, 2-bath condo.
in country, above ground pool, stor-
age or workshop. Possible owner fi- RENTA Homes • Duplex Housing
• Homes • Mobile Homes •
Rooms • Roommate Wanted
Properties, contact Elaine,
3/2.5/2, 2,100 square foot house for
lease. Located 3 miles south of De-
ing any money.

nance. Cannon Realty, • Spaces & Lots • For Lease • catur. Storage building included.
(940)368-1811. Wanted to Rent • Wanted to
Lease • Facilities • Storage
$1,100/month plus deposit. No pets. HIRING IMMEDIATELY
No smoking. (817)683-6056 or
Phone/Internet Lead Coordinator

RUNAWAY BAY CONDO (817)683-6782.
New 4-bedroom, 2-bath, family

Do you have
3-bedroom, 2-bath, lake view. Credit
room. Horses OK!! Acreage.
$222/down, $728/month. $8,000
Apartments check & references. No pets, no Country living, Decatur. 2/1 house,
smoking. $800/month plus deposit. new kitchen, washer/dryer connec-

cash back special. (940)627-8700. (817)988-3530. tions, extra storage, large fenced
1-bedroom garage apartment, some yard. No smoking. $800/month +

HOUSE FOR SALE appliances, in South Bridgeport. deposit. (940)231-5235. • A Great Attitude
2 miles from Decatur city limits. 3/2,
fireplace, 3 acres. For information,
$500/deposit, $500/month. Call Duplexes • People Skills
Mark, (940)799-1661; if no answer, • Computer Skills
call (817)903-1044, agent. GREAT DEAL IN BOYD!!!
leave message. • Motivated
***NOW AVAILABLE $850/month, $500/deposit
New 3-bedroom, 2-bath, ginger- $695/month, $400/deposit NEW HOME FOR LEASE. • Organizational Skills
bread like. $77/down, $628/month. Ask about our move-in special! 3-bedroom, 2-full bath, appliances,
Move in by Christmas. W/D connections. Fenced

Do you want
3-bedroom, 2-full bath, all appli-
(214)707-4769. ances, W/D connections. yard.(817)270-HOME.
LAKEFRONT (817)270-4660.
3/2 on East side, new dock, new
septic, new deck, 12x16 storage, in- GREAT NEIGHBORHOOD Good Pay, Good People, Great Work Environment
Duplexes for rent, 3/2, very nice. 2 3/1.5, fenced back yard, Decatur,
side remodeled, great view. Call today for an appointment & e-mail your resume to
Executive Suites to choose: 602-A Crestridge Court, close to schools. Available in Janu-
Bridgeport, TX or 506-A Valleyridge Court, Decatur. ary. (940)399-9282, (940)399-9289. Ted Moore at • 972.948.5593
OWNER FINANCE/LEASE OPTION $800/month. (940)964-2631.
Decatur, new custom home on 2 HOLIDAY MOVE-IN NEW DUPLEX FOR RENT! Spend the winter on the lake! Fur-
acres. Low down, $0 closing, great SPECIAL 1,250 square feet, 3/2, loaded with nished 1-room cabin on Lake
rates. All credit considered.
1, 2 & 3 Bedrooms Available extras. $500/deposit, $900/month. Bridgeport, all utilities, full-size kitch-
ens, dish TV, (no phone).
Mystery Shoppers Needed
Washer & dryer 405 E. Mulberry, Decatur. Call
OWNER FINANCE/LEASE OPTION included (469)585-0122. $720/month plus tax, $100/deposit, to visit fast food restaurants in the
Decatur, new custom home on 2 refundable. Call (940)683-3016. Decatur area.
acres. Low down, $0 closing, great
rates. All credit considered.
940-536-9346 Now available: 2 & 3-bedroom du-
plexes in Bridgeport & Decatur.
Available November-March.
$650-$725/month, month-to-month
(817)846-5997. Decatur: Stonehill Apartments, lease. Donna, (940)389-1615. Mobile Homes We pay a Labor fee and also
2-bedroom, 1-bath, call on-site man-
REINDEER PROPERTY ager at (940)627-9200.
reimburse for the meal.
New 4-bedroom custom, acres with
privacy. Only $99/down,
Bowie: Garden Terrace Apart- Homes 2/2 MOBILE To apply:
ments, 2-bedroom, 1-bath. (1/2 off on 5 acres. Running creek, Newark.
$701/month. No payments till June. 1st mont rent, Bowie only!) $700/month, $500/deposit. Call
(940)627-8700. ***INCREDIBLE DEAL IN
Sanger: Sanger Apartments, 2 &
1-bedroom available, 1-bath.
Ralph, (940)389-8969, Consumer Impressions, Inc.
RUNAWAY BAY (940)389-8883.
626 Halfmoon Way, 3/2.5/2 beauti- NO PETS ALLOWED. Karl Klement
$795/month, $500/deposit. New PO Box 866996, Plano, Texas 75086-6996
2-story home w/fenced yard. 3-bed-
ful custom home on golf course. Properties, contact Elaine, 3/2 double wide at 333 Latham in
room, 2-bath. All appliances &
Lots of upgrades. $229,500. (940)627-6362. New Fairview. (940)969-6085,
washer/dryer connections. Pet
friendly. (817)270-4660. (940)393-1103.
**No Sign-up fee**
2/1 apartment in Chico. 3/2 on private property, 1,600
Buy new 3-bedroom, acres. Put 2-bedroom, 1-bath, carport, Alvord.
$600/month. No pets. Call square foot double wide, large
$100/down, pay $699/month, get (817)992-7576 or (940)627-7088.
(940)644-2713 or (817)929-1930. kitchen, Paradise ISD. No animals,
$12,000, yes for furniture & Christ-
2/1 rent house in Bridgeport. no smoking. $700/month, $500/de-
mas bills. Very EZ qualify.
$750/month, $750 security deposit. posit. (940)683-2751.
(214)707-4769. Business property No pets. (940)683-5917,
(817)304-0056. Chico, 2-bedroom, 2-bath, fresh
Mobile Homes 10,000 square foot commercial paint, new carpet, windows; central
building. 8,000 square foot ware- heat, electric flat-top range.
house; 2,000 square foot office $599/month. (719)660-5992, cell,

FSBO space, loading dock, fenced yard ask for Kevin.

area. Highway, Bridgeport.
“Timeless Elegance” Efficiency trailer for rent in Paradise.
LAND - HOME D/W Fully furnished. $400/month plus
405 S. Washburn, Decatur. Ideal lo-
cation! Approximately 1,000 square
electricity. (940)393-3113. CAREER OPPORTUNITY TO $11.00 PER HOUR
feet. Call (940)393-6285 or
Learn the Lease Purchase Business
(940)627-5038. Spaces & lots
200 Cyndi Lu • Decatur
Ready Dec. 1
with Industry Leader
3/2/2, 30x45x16 Shop,1.6 Acres BUILDING $1,600/month - $800/down Paradise RV lot with full hookups. Aarons Store Managers Average
4/2 - 1 Acre Trees 1st month free! 5,000 square foot 205 W. Ash • Decatur - 3/2/2 $225 per month includes $100 of
5/2 - 2 Acres warehouse, inculudes 1,200 square Ready Dec. 1 electric bill. (940)393-3113. 75K in Annual Pay
foot office, $1,500/month! Can
1,300/month • $300/deposit
$650 - $900 per month - DECATUR ISD lease separate or together. FM 51 402 & 406 E. Ash • Decatur - 3/2/1
Hiring now for motivated people with sales experience
Ready Dec. 1
940-465-0011 North, Decatur. Cannon Property $
1,190/month • $300/deposit Centrally located between Decatur, • Good driving record required
Management. (940)368-1811. 107 S. Lane • Decatur - 2/1/2 CP Bridgeport, Bowie on Highway 287.
COMMERCIAL PROPERTY Ready Dec. 15 Full hook-ups, free laundry, free • Clean criminal background
Cute 2/2 in Newark mobile home $895/month • $300/deposit
park. Oversized country setting lot. Office/retail space. 1,000-7,000 wireless internet. (940)845-2007. • Must be customer friendly
All homes include lawn care.
Newly renovated. Payments to fit square feet for lease. • Electronics experience helpful
your budget. Damaged credit OK.
(682)286-0693, agent #036227.
Office building, CH/A, includes
940-372-0634 EMPLOYMENT • Some heavy lifting
kitchen & restroom. $725/month, 4-bedroom & 3-bedroom available, • Business Opportunity • Substance screen required
OWNER FINANCE • Employment Information
1st/last plus deposit. N. Cates Court, Decatur. New
Used double wides starting at $15k.
• Adult/Elderly Care
For information call Xtreme at homes, all brick, pets welcome. • Childcare
(940)626-8117 or 4320 US Hwy. Office space for lease. Approxi- (817)247-0246. • Food Service • Medical/
Dental • Miscellaneous • Growth opportunity - rapid advancement
380, Decatur. mately 2,000 square feet. Prime lo- New brick home on 3 acres. • Office • Retail/Sales • 5 day week (closed Sunday)
cation. (940)389-5407. $1,049/month. Call (817)733-3444.
RBMOBILEHOMES.COM • Trades • Work Wanted
Move, set-ups, re-levels. In & out of OFFICE SUITE • Company sponsored health plan
state. Licensed, bonded, insured. on Decatur square, North Trinity
Repos. Free estimates. Street. $350/month. Cannon Prop-
• Paid vacation and 5 paid holidays
(940)683-5547. RBI #36191. erty Management. (940)368-1811. • Friendly work environment
• Up to $11 hour depending on experience
PUBLISHER’S NOTICE: • RN - Behavioral Health * CCU •LAB - Blood Bank Supr.-BSMT req. • Raise after 120 day training period
*Med/Surg * Surgery One year Blood Bank Supr. exp. preferred. • Several positions - start right away
All real estate advertising in this This newspaper will not know-
* Emergency Room * Inpatient Rehab • DIETARY - Cook/Diet Aide
newspaper is subject to the Fair ingly accept any advertising for
• BARIATRICS - Insurance Clerk • Drug Free Workplace
Housing Act which makes it illegal real estate which is in violation of * House Supervisor
to advertise “any preference, limita- the law. Our readers are hereby PART TIME & PRN
tion or discrimination based on
race, color, religion, sex, handicap,
informed that all dwellings adver-
tised in this newspaper are available
• FNP-C - Decatur Clinical Care Associates
• THERAPY SERVICES - Apply at 1302 FM 51 S
• LVN - Med/Surg * Rehab * Dialysis PT*COTA*OT/PRN
familial status or national origin,
or an intention, to make any such
on an equal opportunity basis. To
complain of discrimination call • THERAPY SERVICES - • ICU * CATH LAB - RNs PRN Decatur, TX
preference, limitation or discrimina-
tion.” Familial status includes chil-
HUD toll-free at
1-800-669-9777. The
*PT & PTA Outpatient *PT Woundcare • HOUSE SUPERVISOR - 940-626-4885
RN Part Time Nights
dren under the age of 18 living with toll-free telephone
parents or legal custodians, pregnant number for the 2000 S. FM 51 • Decatur, TX. 76234 - A not for profit hospital
women and people securing custody hearing impaired is Openings in Decatur and Bridgeport - EOE - Job Line: 940-626-2525
of children under 18. 1-800-927-9275. EQUAL HOUSING
OPPORTUNITY Up to $7,000 RN Bonus
Equal Opportunity Employer
12 ALL AROUND WISE, Decatur, Texas, Thursday, December 17, 2009

Will remove or buy unwanted
Trades Work wanted Miscellaneous horses. Also, buy used trailers. Pets
(817)360-7617 or (940)210-5552.
mobile home experience and can SURVEY TECHNICIAN Anything & everything. 30-years ex- BLACK BRANGUS We suggest that our readers thor-
Senior Care Health & pass a drug test. Call R&B Mobile Johnny perience. Local references. Free ad- pure bred, registered bull, 2 1/2
years old, ready for service.
oughly investigate any advertiser
before investing any money.
Rehabilitation Center Homes, (940)683-5547.
vice & estimates. William,
(940)255-2639. (940)627-2102.

Bridgeport Operated Total Station (Sokkia)
Now hiring for the following positions & Data Collector (Ranger)
No job too small. Residential/com- Excellent quality, 2 registered bred, for sale. Ready Dec. 7. Tails
G.P.S. (Trimble) Static & Stake Out.
• RNs • LVNs
mercial. Base & dirt work. 40+ years 2 registered open, 2 comm’l open. docked, 1st shots, parents on site.
ACCEPTING Uploaded & downloaded Data
Collector Files
experience. (940)626-4469 or Alvord, TX (940)393-5306 or
$150/each. (682)521-5277.

• CNAs • CMAs Surveyor Technician Instrument
Man for 20+ years Holiday lighting. Free estimates. C BAR M TACK-FEED-HORSES For sale, long hair Chihuahua pup-
Apply in person at • General Labor Previous employer Vickrey & Associates of
San Antonio, TX – April 2009. Laid off due to
(817)312-2929, (940)210-3336. 143 CR4396, Decatur, TX. Cash,
checks, credit cards.
pies. $65 and up. (940)627-1913.

2108 15th St. • Bridgeport downsizing of company. No work available for I hang Christmas lights and decora-
or call
• Clerical company to keep all employees. tions. Call Michael @, (817)929-3612.
(817)919-1744 . I BUY & SELL Puppies, black and black sable,
940-683-5023 • Skilled Labor SERVICES all kinds of animals: cows, calves, German bloodline. Ready for Christ-

Williams’ Hauling
EEO M/F/D/V horses, goats, sheep, pigs, chick- mas. Now taking deposits.
• Bookkeepers • Childcare ens, ducks, geese, turkeys. Fred, (940)433-5889.

& Tractor Works

(817)223-4477, Springtown.
• Adult/Elderly Care
• Business
• Brushhog & Finish Mowing LLAMAS
• Let Me Fix It Registered, miniature dachshunds
• Blading, Plowing & Tilling weanlings (6-months-old), adults,
• Miscellaneous • Backhoe work, driveways born 8-2-09, 1 dapple male, $200. 1
is looking for warm, energetic • Tutoring bred females, guardians & pet qual-
• Dirt, sand & gravel hauling black/tan female, $150.
ity. We provide training & support
self-starting individuals to Shots/wormed, parents on site.
become part of our winning team.
940-683-9046 • Land Clearing
• All types cleanup & haul-offs
for new owners. (940)433-5897.
2202 Hwy. 380, Suite 7, Bridgeport • Quality work, fair pricing
Charge Nurse bulls. 18-21 months old,
James Williams JUST IN TIME

10 p.m. - 6 a.m. MR. SWEEP’S
Registered Mini Aussie puppies

Chimney Cleaning Service. Chim-
ney caps, dryer vent cleaning & fire- 940-399-9138 ready the week of Christmas. $450.
Great with kids, smart, lovable dogs.

place repairs. Call, ask for $20 dis- Livestock care/training
Sign on bonus count. (817)692-5624. FARM AND RANCH
Please inquire within facility
Local Stylist & COUNTERTOPS
(817)713-1667. Competitive pricing.
FARM A • Farm Equipment • Fencing
• Lawn & Garden • Livestock
$25, trims: $60 shoes. Office,
(940)969-2700; cell, (940)399-8580.
12-weeks-old, healthy, wormed, Vet
checked with 1st shots. Rare Or-
Bridgeport Health
with Clientele Free estimates. Quality custom
cabinets. New, remodels. 1555 W.
RANC • Livestock Care/Training
• Livestock Lost & Found
• Livestock Stud Service HORSESHOEING
ange Tabby, female, $30. 2 Blue
Creams, $20. 1 Black/White male,
Care Center Business 380, Suite 6, Decatur. • Livestock Supplies Brittany Caviness, Wise County, $15. Call (940)969-2910.
102 W. Cates • Bridgeport Call 940-393-5600 • Miscellaneous • Mowing
• Pasture & Feed • Poultry
for interview Retaining walls, patios, rock entries, HORSESHOEING BY J.E. HARRIS
$25 for trimming. $65 for shoeing.
for Christmas! Registered, born
Miscellaneous houses, landscaping. Small brick Farm Equipment Call (817)902-1766. 8-16-09. 1 blue merle male, blue
jobs. Decatur references. 20-years eyes; 1 black/tan male. $300/each.
experience. Major credit cards ac- Shots/wormed, parents on site.
Order fulfillment, product packaging, cepted. Insured/bonded. 2007 KUBOTA MX5000 M&K FARRIER SERVICE
office work. Computer experience 4WD tractor, LA852 front loader, 18-years experience. Looking for a (940)210-2506.
helpful. Will train. Supplemental Armstrong rear blade, 60" brush few good customers on 6-week
health care plan, paid vacation, sick THE CAR DOCTOR cutter, 53-hours, major service com- schedule. (940)453-1754.
time. Apply online: Bridgeport We make house calls! Mobile auto pleted. $19,900 (940)627-6421. Pets lost and found repair. Dead batteries, minor re-
pairs, tire changes, etc. Call
2008 Land Pride RCR1872, 6’ bush Mowing Lost: 1 black Lab, Lucy; and 1
hog, new. $1,350/OBO.
(940)626-0070, (940)389-7593. Husky mix, Sierra. Last seen north
ACREAGE MOWING of Decatur, FM 730. (940)627-2480.
STORAGE CONTAINERS Tractor services. Plowing, seeding,
Housecleaning Great storage! The best containers aerating, tilling, fertilizing available.
at the best price. (817)726-7669. Tommy, (940)482-6578. MERCHANDISE FOR SALE
• Appliances
Service. Residential cleaning &
Fencing Pasture and feed
• Clothing/Jewelry
household assistance. Quality work, • Furniture
references available, free quotes.
• Garage Sales
Arleen, (940)627-7317, BOBBY’S FENCE 1,200 SMALL SQUARE BALES • Firewood
(940)366-4078. All types fencing. Free estimates. of November 2009 native & coastal • Miscellaneous
Over 25-years experience. clippings, in the barn. • Auctions
(817)444-3213. (940)748-2434.
We are an oil and gas service company in the area. We are Let me fix it

looking for hard working, motivated individuals who are looking CHRISTIAN COWBOY FENCING
for more than just a job, but for a career opportunity. A+HANDYMAN SERVICE
Barbed wire, horse & goat. New Furniture
fence & repairs. Steve, cell,
Pumpco now has career opportunities for Frac Equipment Operators. All your home maintenance needs.
(817)360-6385; home,
Light plumbing and electric. Honey QUEEN
Must have a class A CDL. Hazmat is preferred. (Must have (940)626-4660.
do’s, home/auto repair, winterizing. PILLOW TOP
experience) We also have openings for Field Mechanics. Experience Call Karl, (817)995-7960, FARM & RANCH FENCING Shop Us First Or Last! MATTRESS SET
(940)627-1115. 50 years of actual New/Warranty
with heavy and frac equipment and a class A CDL is required. Pipe & cable, non-climb, barbed
service in Hay Sales.
wire, entrances, solar gate opera- $175
Pumpco offers competitive Benefits package and a 401(k). Come BARRINGTON CONSTRUCTION
Try us and see if our
tors, repairs. Jim at (940)367-7505. prices can be beat!
to the yard and fill out an application. For more information All types remodeling, home repairs, DELIVERY AVAILABLE.
contact Shannan Goff at 817-913-2617 foundation work, privacy fences & WELDING AND FENCING
117 Elm Grove Rd. carports. All work guaranteed. All types of fencing and welding. Thank you,
Valley View, TX 76272
(940)389-9276. Charles H. Taylor Garage sales
(940)210-1242. 940-627-3385 • 940-393-2728
CONCRETE & CARPENTRY 940-389-3068 • 940-389-5000
Equal Opportunity Employer Residential, commercial. New con- !!ATTENTION!!
struction, remodeling. 30-years ex- Lawn and garden Garage sale ads must be called in
perience, owner operated. Wise ARIZONA ALFALFA BEFORE 10a.m. Tuesday to run in
County. Free estimates. Call Paul at 3-string, high quality bales. Other the Thursday edition. If you want
TREES TRIMMED & REMOVED sizes also available. (940)389-3891. your garage sale ad in All Around

(214)504-6166. 36 years in business, insured. All
Wise also, it MUST be called in be-
N E L N major credit cards accepted. COASTAL HAY

HOME REPAIRS (817)444-0861, Teater. fore 10a.m. Friday THE WEEK BE-
Square bales, fertilized, barn stored.

CREW PIf you are looking to advance or make a career

Carpentry, minor electrical & plumb- FORE the sale. We do not run ga-
No minimum, you load. 2008, rage sales the weekend before the
ing. Free estimates. (940)389-0582. WANTED: DEAD OR ALIVE
$6/bale. 2009, $7/bale. Boyd, sale.
Used lawn mowers for sale. Parts,
change, don’t miss this opportunity! Cleary Building Corp., RUSSELL’S HOME service available. Chain saw repair,
chains sharpened.
a national leader in pre-engineered buildings is seeking Maintenance (940)433-2255.
hay. Delivered to Decatur area.
Square bales, $13/each, 200 bale
Mexico insurance. Call Gloria or
Chris, (940)683-2481.
responsible, energetic Construction personnel. Cleary is a & Repair minimum. Call Larry Middleton,
debt-free, growing company celebrating 31 years in business. All Types of Livestock (325)642-3222.

Construction experience. MIX 30

Remodeling 2-YEAR-OLD FILLY Wise County liquid feed distributor,
Painting - Interior, Exterior roan dun; 15-3+ hands; broke; dou- minerals, feeder tubs. Call FIREWOOD
We offer a competitive wage and excellent health and ble bred Hancock. $2,500. for sale. (940)389-3413 or
Add-ons, Decks, Honey Do’s And More (817)675-6545, (940)748-2785,
fringe benefits. Save fuel and money by riding to job sites (940)748-2263, please leave mes- (817)739-2943. (940)389-8511.
in our crew truck! CBC maintains a drug-free workplace Call Us sage.
and performs pre-employment drug testing as well as For All Your Home Needs SMALL SQUARE COASTAL
background checks. 2-YEAR-OLD GELDING
3936 S. Hwy 287, Suite 4 940-389-4943 sorrel with chrome, 15 hands, in
3-string Alfalfa from Arizona. 3x3x8
alfalfa. Call for prices.
Your truck, we load or delivery avail-
Decatur, TX 76234 training. Sire is Leaving Memories; (940)393-6095. able. (817)444-0861.
dam is A Vicious Game.

WESTERN TEXAS (940)748-2263, please leave mes-



TECH ES straight from the ranch. Young, ten-
der, no growth hormones/antibiotics.
Grain or grass fed. Whole, half.
Sandford Oil Company Diagnostics
enrolled in I.F. Sire: Short and Final;
grandsires: Shorty Lena and
Tree Service and Stump Removal

& Repair Reminic. This filly is solid and • Tree Removal

We are seeking commercial vehicle classy. $3,800. (940)427-3223 or
(817)368-2881. • Stump Grinding
Quick Service
drivers with Haz-Mat endorsements AQHA HORSES FOR SALE • Storm Damage Experts
Reasonable Rates 2009 sorrel stud colt, Running Blood • Chipper Service
to work in the East Texas/ Free Pickup $400. 2009 Palomino filly, $350.
2008 Perlino stud, Jessie James, • Bucket Truck
Louisiana area. We operate Peterbilt & Delivery Poco Tivio, $700. 1995 sorrel mare,

(877) 222-0255
good trail horse $800. 1996 red dun
mare, $700. (940)427-3223 or FREE ESTIMATES
tank trucks and fuel the oil well “frac” (817)368-2881. (Senior Citizen Discount)

site equipment. We are going to hire Fully Insured

drivers to work here and in the East TAR & CHIP SEAL - Toll Free -
By CD Paving & Seal Coating 1-866-606-3224
Texas area. If you are interested, What is Tar & Chip Seal? • Parking Lots • Driveways
please call 940-627-2689.
Tar & Chip Seal is a less expensive Most Credit Cards Accepted
pavement than blacktop or concrete. • Ranch Roads • Streets s r r TM

It can be applied to a base surface or an

older cracked-up blacktop surface. It is a WE ARE FULLY INSURED
Start Pay $12.36 hour layer of hot, liquefied asphalt tar which is
followed by a layer of 3/8” chip rock and Toll Free
then rolled to compaction.
Paid Insurance, 401(k) Plan, • It stays clean • It will last 12 to 15 years 1-888-TAR-N-CHIP
• It will not wash out • It keeps cool in summer
Paid Holidays, Nice Equipment • It is maintenance-free • It has beautiful curb appeal
Office in Fort Worth Wise and Cooke County
ALL AROUND WISE, Decatur, Texas, Thursday, December 17, 2009 13

2003 HONDA CRF230

& 1997 Honda 600R, $1,650/each,
Miscellaneous good condition. 1991 Harley David-
son Electra Glide, $7,500/OBO. Call
Great Christmas gift! Karate equip- (817)713-1667.
ment: headgear; arm, body, leg
pads; shoes. Slightly used. Paid 2008 CRF
$175 new; sell $100. 250R, very good shape.
(817)851-4693 or
SR5 with 45,000 miles! #9216B Jeep Laredo. V6. #10059A
Leather, sunroof, V6. #9217A Jeep Renegade. V6. 46K miles. P1353
New GoGo Scooters 3-wheel, COLLECTOR 1999 HARLEY
Dyna Wide Glide, Stage III, 88,
$19,998* $8500* $9998* $14,250*
4-wheel. New Jazzy Wheelchair
Lifts, batteries. Free, in-home dem- chrome & custom paint. $8,900. 09 TOYOTA COROLLA 08 XTERRA 4X4 04 SUBURBAN 07 MAZDA CX-7 07 CHRYSLER 300
onstration. Matt, MedCare Solu- (817)565-9640. 4-door with automatic. #P1358 Nissan SUV with V6. #9389A Chevy’s king-of-the-load! R1340 Compact SUV. Automatic. #9075A Touring. Leather. 30K miles. #P1355

tions, (940)393-1427. $16,498* $19,998* $14,995* $16,950* $17,250*s!

10x16, $1,450. 12x24, $2,250. DIESEL. Ford Lariat. #7348A 1/2-ton LS. 27,000 miles. #9061A 1/2-ton SLE. V8. #10047A 4-door. 4-cylinder, automatic. P1343 4-door SE. 4-cylinder.. #P1346
(214)869-1703. $19,995** $20,650* $19,250* $15,225* $11,650*
TRANSPORTATION for Dodge Cummins diesel pickups, 06 DODGE 3500 4X4 08 DODGE 2500 07 DODGE 2500 4X4 04DODGE 15004X4 07Q UADCAB 1500
DIESEL QuadCab dually. #9391A DIESEL QuadCab. Automatic. 9145C DIESEL QuadCab. #9390A Dodge SLT. Hemi. 36K miles. P1360
QuadCab SLT. 44K MILES! #10042A

• Boats
engines, parts. Also buy grill guards
& bumpers for all pickups. $25,998* $29,250* $23,750* $14,650* $16,750*
• Cars (940)627-3630.
TRANSPORT • Recreational Vehicles
• Trucks
• Accessories
Long wide bed, 360 automatic

• Trailers transmission. $1600.
• Wanted to Buy
(940)389-2335. US 287 North, Decatur • 817.430.8416
MEXICO AUTO INSURANCE SALES: 8:00-7:00 Monday-Friday • 8:00-6:00 Saturday *TAX, TITLE, LICENSE, EXTRA. With approved credit. Prices do not include dealer adds.
Cars Call before you leave for the holi-
days. (940)627-9299.
TOP DOLLAR PAID 1989 Chevrolet 1-ton Dooley,

for junk cars & trucks. 5-speed, $2,200. 1988 Chevrolet First Name: _______________________________________________
(817)220-5682. 1/2 ton pickup, extended cab, good
shape, $2,000. (940)391-4496. Last Name: _______________________________________________
a good, dependable car or truck for Address: _________________________________________________
2002 FORD F150

$3,500 or less, come by Cowgirl _________________________________________________________
Auto Sales, 804 Business Highway 4x4 Lariat, 4-door, 103k miles, ex-
cellent condition. (940)231-5235. City: ___________________________ State: ________ Zip: _________
287, Decatur, TX; (940)626-0070.
Ask about our inventory. Let’s do Phone: ___________________________________________________

business! E-mail: ___________________________________________________
Heavy Equipment
WANTED # of Issues: _________ ❏ Credit Card ❏ Check #: ____________
I pay cash for old cars & trucks. Credit Card Type: ________________________ Exp.: ______________
(940)391-6757. 2006 LOADMAX
20' hydraulic dump trailer, $7,900. Credit Card Number: _______________________________________

28,000 HOMES
I’LL BUY THOSE YARD CARS (817)846-5997. Ad (20 words of Less):
as well as your good used cars.
Arvin, (817)925-8768. _________ _________ _________ _________ _________
Recreational vehicles _________ _________ _________ _________ _________
20” Foose wheels, 6-lug Chevrolet
50cc Sundiro 4-wheeler, $300. 80cc
Yamaha Raptor 4-wheeler, $1,000.
Both like new. (940)391-4496.
on Yokohama tires. $900 plus take
off. (940)389-3620, (940)389-0565. WISE COUNTY MESSENGER _________ _________ _________ _________ _________

_________ _________ _________ _________ _________

Accessories for Ford 2005-2007
F250/F350. Black flow-through tail-
Local Paper. Local News. Ads must be prepaid before running. Submit payment to:
24 foot travel trailer w/queen & bunk
beds. Great condition. $7,500.
gate, $50. Westin chrome bull bar
with skid plate, $125. Bully Dog
Loyal Readers. Wise County Messenger
PO Box 149 • 115 South Trinity • Decatur, TX 76234
(817)692-7356. power pup, $325. (940)433-8377.

Holiday Inn
1051 N. Hwy.
Decatur, TX 76234

THURSDAY, DEC. THs&2)$!9-!9
18 • SATURDAY, DEC. 19 • 10 !- 0-
RD A.M.-5 P.M.
14 ALL AROUND WISE, Decatur, Texas, Thursday, December 17, 2009

Continued from page 10 in Decatur. Hudson St. visit http://www.
window, it will show support To
for officers killed in the AFTER-SCHOOL PROGRAM ALZHEIMER’S ASSOCIATION register, call (877) 922- The
line of duty and those who
continue to work America’s
streets. By placing strings
— Decatur Public Library’s
free after-school program for
students in fifth grade and
— The Alzheimer’s
Association hosts a support
group at 7 p.m. on the first


Glorias Christmas of
1. Joy to the World 5. The First Noel
of blue lights outside the up is 3:30 to 5 p.m. Monday Thursday of every month Fire Department offers 2. The Glorias of Christmas
home, at the department through Friday. Students at Wise Regional Health CPR training to people 6. All is Well
3. Comfort Ye
and throughout the participate in a variety of System’s west campus living in the Decatur city 4. Praise to God Whose 7. O Holy Night
community, law enforcement age-appropriate activities. board room in Decatur. Call limits or in the Decatur Love was Shown 8. Hallelujah Chorus
officers will know they are For information, call the Kelly Walker at (940) 627- Fire District. Classes are
The Kentucky Christian College Louisville Orchestra, and the Keive,
appreciated. library at (940) 627-5512 or 5921 for information. held monthly from 8 a.m. Choir, Grayson, Kentucky, conducted Israel Symphony Orchestra and
visit the Web site at www. to noon on Saturdays. The by Mark Deakins, is a mixed choir Chorus.
comprised of Music Majors and The Glorias of Christmas features
TOYS FOR TOTS — Karl DONATE A PHONE — Wise cost is $5. For information Students from other disciplines. The scenes from Alaska, Colorado,
Klement Ford in Decatur Hope Shelter and Crisis or to register, call the Choir’s credits include four concerts Maine, Massachusettes, Montana,
in Carnegie Hall and performances Washington, Iceland, France and
is a collection point for VOLUNTEERS NEEDED Center is accepting cell administration office at with the West Virginia Symphony, the Israel.
packaged toys for Toys for — North Central Texas phones and batteries in any (940) 627-3199 or come by
Tots. For information, call Council of Government’s condition. The organization the department at 201 S.
Sunday, December 20 at 10:30 a.m.
Lifeway Country Church • 120 E. Main St • Decatur
Angie Mathai at (940) 627- Area Agency on Aging works with Shelter Church St.
1101. Ombudsman Program needs Alliance, which allows
volunteers to help elderly them to receive shelter
— Experience Works is
offering job opportunities in
Wise County. It is a national,
and disabled residents of
nursing and assisted living
facilities in Bridgeport
and Decatur. Call Lisa
funding through cell phone
donations. Bring donations
to the center office in
Decatur, 407 S. Washburn
You can taste the difference!
nonprofit organization that Walker at (800) 272-3921 St. Call (940) 626-4585 for
provides paid, on-the-job or e-mail Pat Borgfeldt at information.
training and employment for
services for low-income information. MARRIAGE WORKSHOP
seniors older than 55. For — A free marriage workshop
information, call (866) SUPPORT — Alcoholics is 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. the
397-9757, go to www. Anonymous and Alanon second Saturday of every or visit meetings are 6:30 p.m. month at the Weatherford Tommy and Robyn Frantom would like to invite you to join us for our

Christmas Day Buffet

North Central Texas Work each Monday at the Newark College Education Center
Force at 1810 FM 51 South Community Center, 404 in Decatur. For information,

Continued from page 9 If you have adopted a and emotional status im-
stray who you believe might proves. Laboratory tests
fractures, repetitive lesions have been a victim of abuse, and whole body radiographs
or injuries, internal injuries, there are several things you are performed. Pictures or
gunshot wounds, drugs, poi- can do to ensure whether or videos of any wounds, trau-
sons and drowning are also not abuse has occurred. matic injuries, neglect, or
evidence of abuse. Environ- “Have your veterinarian collars or leashes embedded
mental concerns such as the perform a thorough exami- in the neck are gathered for
large numbers of animals, nation on the pet. Interest- evidence. All of these ele- December 25 • 11 a.m. - 3 p.m.
overcrowding with dead ingly enough not all pets ments can make a powerful
animals present and human who behave as they have case for animal cruelty.”
welfare issues with the own- been abused were abused” Abused pets may have
Shinola’s Texas Cafe • Springtown • Located just off Hwy. 199, behind Springtown Floral
er not able to afford to feed a said Crist. “Sometimes the issues like food guarding,
pet, fighting the animal, or a public tends to associate a
ritualistic sacrifice are other withdrawal behavior to sud-
conditions that an animal den movement as an abused
may be a victim of abuse.” animal and this may not be Where shopping
Oftentimes, if an animal the case. Veterinarians have revolves around you 24/7

is shy, it is difficult to tell to be sensitive to the pos-

whether or not they have sibility that the abused pet
been abused in the past. Is
it shyness, or fear caused by
the abuse?
“Most of the times it is
could be the victim of own-
er-induced abuse or neglect.
We have to regard these con-
cerns for the welfare of the
one day only
Sat., Dec. 19th 15% off
exclude Electrolux, air conditioners, dehumidifiers, humidifiers, countertop microwaves,
es, floo

floor care, sewing machines, water heaters, closeouts

and Everyday Great Price Items. 15% off offer good 12/19 thruu 12/24/2009. Extra 5% off offer good 12/19/2009 only.
5% OFF
with your Sears card

fear triggered from the orig- patient but as well as other

inal abuse” said Crist. “Cor- animals in the household. PLUS
recting this behavior is not Veterinarians also have to NO PAYMENTS,
always easy but rehabilita- be sensitive to the issue that
tion can occur. Patience and the client might be a victim 492.56 FINAL on any appliance over $399
time with the pet will take of an abusive relationship WITH SEARS CARD when you use a qualifying Sears card
Kenmore 4.0 cu. ft. and if paid in full within 12 months
pressure off the pet and help and that providing veteri- I.E.C. washer with See below for important financing offer details.
speed the healing process. nary and foster care for the Auto Load Sensing

With a severe fear that was pet may provide an escape

•Bleach and fabric VALID OR
softener dispenser. 12/16
caused by abuse and causes from the abusive relation-
#29822 Reg. 609.99,
sale 518.49
the dog to become injurious ship.” 484.49 final with OR MAIL-IN REBATE***
to themselves, a veterinary The veterinarian will doc- Sears card, Kenmore on any appliance over $399
7.5 cu. ft. dryer,
behavior specialist is rec- ument all findings on the #69822 Reg. 599.99,
See below for offer details.
Offers good thru 12/31/2009.
sale 509.99
ommended. This specialist thorough physical examina- Gas dryer priced higher.
can prescribe some behavior tion.
modification medication to “The pet’s mental status
deal with the fear if needed. and initial behavior are
If this fear causes the dog to evaluated and monitored”
react aggressively toward said Crist. “Most often ani-
people, then a behaviorist mals that are depressed ini-
will be able to address this tially often exhibit behavior
issue as well.” changes as their physical
G oo
la e

re d
P Nic


Priced lower
in store
Whirlpool® 17.5 cu. ft.†
355.22 FINAL refrigerator
WITH SEARS CARD •Clear humidity controlled 363.37 FINAL
Frigidaire white 24-in. built in dishwasher crispers •Full-width WITH SEARS CARD
•SpaceWise™organization system which features SpillMizer glass shelves Kenmore® large capacity self-clean coil range
adjustable racks and a large silverware basket •Clear adjustable gallon •Extra large oven window •Oven control
so there's a place for virtually everything. door bins lock out for peace of mind. #94102
#15302/FGBD2432KW Reg. 439.99, sale 373.99 #87846/W8FRNGFV Reg. 449.99, sale 382.49

Deluxe Buffet **No payments, no interest offer applies to any appliance over $399 after discounts and coupons when you use a qualifying Sears card and account is kept in good standing. Offer not valid with Sears Commercial One® and Sears Home Improvement
AccountsSM accounts. Offer good thru 12/31/2009. See our Important Customer Information below for Important Deferred Interest details. Excludes Outlet Stores. ***Free standard local delivery on any appliance over $399 after discounts and coupons.
Standard delivery includes delivery within the local delivery area Mon. thru Fri. and delivery not requiring additional services or time. Outside local delivery area, customer pays an additional charge. Rebate values, local areas and additional
See storecharges vary.Match
for Price
Maximum rebate value $75. See store for details. Excludes KitchenAid® built-in refrigeration and Outlet Stores. Offer good thru 12/31/2009. See for online rebate details. Oregon customers receive value of rebate at point of sale.Plus Policy details.

Excludes Alaska.

Lunch: 10:45 am-3:45 pm $599 Owned and operated by Larry & Ida Kirby
Dinner: 4-9:30 pm $799 Bus. 380 • Decatur, TX
Sunday: All-day Dinner $799 Owned and Operated by Name • Store address • Store hours • Phone number
Owned and Operated by NameHours: Mon.•-Store
• Store address Fri.,hours
9 a.m. - 7number
• Phone p.m.
Sat. 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. • Sun. 11 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Sushi, Catfish, Oysters, Frog Legs,
Phone: 940-627-6466
Mussels, Salmon, Butterfly Shrimp,
IMPORTANT DEFERRED INTEREST PROMOTIONAL OFFER DETAILS (WHEN OFFERED): FINANCE CHARGES accrue on a promotional purchase from the date of the purchase
Crawfish, BBQ Ribs at the rate in effect from time to time and all accrued FINANCE CHARGES for the entire promotional period will be added to your account if the purchase is not paid in full
by the end of the promotional period or if you default under your card agreement. Making the minimum monthly payment will not pay off your promotional purchase in time
to avoid FINANCE CHARGES. With credit approval, for qualifying purchases made on a Sears card (Sears Commercial One® accounts excluded). Sears Home Improvement
Seniors over 62 years, 10% off AccountSM valid on installed sales only. Offer is valid for consumer accounts in good standing and is subject to change without notice. May not be combined with any other credit
promotional offer. Promotional offers of 14 months or more require minimum monthly payments as disclosed in the offer. Sears cards: APR up to 26.49%, but if your account
has a variable APR, the APR is up to 29.99% as of 10/5/09 and may vary. Lower rates may apply. MINIMUM MONTHLY FINANCE CHARGE: UP TO $2. See card agreement
203 N. Hwy 287, Decatur for details including when the default rate applies. Sears cards are issued by Citibank (South Dakota) N.A. Sears Solutions cards are issued by HSBC Bank Nevada, N.A. Offer is
only valid for consumer accounts in good standing. See card agreement for rates and minimum payment information applicable to your account. For New Sears Card accounts:

As of 10/5/09, APR for purchases 23.49%; Default APR 29.99% (rates may vary). Minimum FINANCE CHARGE: $2. See card agreement for details including description of
the minimum payment calculation and when the default rate applies. Offer is only valid for consumer accounts in good standing. See card agreement for rates and minimum
payment information applicable to your account. The Sears Card is issued by Citibank (South Dakota) N.A. Sears Solutions Cards are issued by HSBC Bank Nevada, N.A. Sears
is a registered trademark of Sears Brands, LLC. Sale dates as noted on back unless otherwise indicated. This advertisement includes many reductions, special purchases and
items at our everyday low prices. Outlet stores excluded. Environmental surcharges extra. JA912C004
ALL AROUND WISE, Decatur, Texas, Thursday, December 17, 2009 15


The Longest Light
Worship and Prayer Service
December 21st at 6:30 p.m.

The longest night of the year, the Winter Solstice,

falls on or about December 21st, and is also the
traditional feast day of St. Thomas, the Apostle. Just
as Thomas struggled with darkness and grief at the death of Jesus, and
had a hard time believing He had risen, so we struggle with grief and
mourn the loss of loved ones, we try to cope with disease, joblessness, and
uncertainties. The time around Christmas and the New Year can be espe-
cially painful. To help those struggling with these and other of life’s pains,
we will be having a special “Blue Christmas” or “Longest Night” service. If
you are dealing with pain, or walking with someone struggling with great
DCPAAA OFFICERS — New officers for the Decatur Citizens Police Academy Alumni Association were sworn in Dec. 7 by difficulty, this service is for you.
County Judge Bill McElhaney. Officers include Wayne Watts, president; Donna Brown, vice president; Terry Berube, secretary;
La noche más larga del año, el solsticio de invierno cae en o cerca al 21 de
and Melissa McElhaney, treasurer. diciembre, y es también el día de la fiesta tradicional de San Tomás, el
Apóstol. Así como Tomás luchó con la oscuridad y el dolor por la muerte de
Jesús, y tenía dificultad creyendo que había resucitado, así también lu-
Chronic pain from chamos con el dolor y lamentamos la pérdida de seres queridos, conten-
previous spine demos con la enfermedad, el desempleo y la incertidumbre. El tiempo
surgery and pain that cerca a la Navidad y el Año Nuevo puede ser especialmente doloroso. Para

ayudar a aquellos que luchan con estos y otros dolores de la vida, vamos a
extends from the
tener una liturgia especial de "Navidad triste" o "la noche más larga". Si
spine down the arms usted está sufriendo dolor, o acompañando a alguien que está pasando por
LESS PAIN or legs can often be grandes dificultades, este servicio es para usted.
treated effectively
with a pain Ascension and St. Mark Episcopal Church
pacemaker. All
5094 US Hwy 380, Bridgeport, TX 76426
patients are
evaluated and (940) 683-6321 *
treatment plans are (Between Decatur and Bridgeport just west of the Big Sandy)
Innovative Pain and Wellness created on an (Entre Decatur y Bridgeport, al oeste de la Big Sandy)
individual basis. If
GAINESVILLE TEXAS 76240 you suffer from any Join us Monday, December 21st
type of chronic pain,
(940)688.1222 please call our office
at 6:30 p.m. (Sermón Bilingüe ) or visit us online



2009 Elantra GLS*

✔Automatic ✔Factory Air ✔Power Windows & Locks ✔Heated Power Mirrors ✔Tilt Wheel ✔Cruise Control ✔Keyless Entry ✔AM/FM/XM/CD

2009 Santa Fe GLS*


✔Automatic ✔Factory Air ✔Power Windows & Locks ✔Heated Power Mirrors
✔Tilt Wheel ✔Cruise Control ✔Keyless Entry ✔AM/FM/XM/CD/MP3

0.0 % APR 60 Months forr
fo UP TO

on All 2010 Sonatas *

Best Warranty BEST WARRANT
Powertrain Limited Warranty BEST DEALER Assurance
817-430-0600 US287South,Decatur 940-627-2177
*All prices are plus tax, title and license. With approved credit. ELANTRA #390124. MSRP: $17,940. Wood discount: $1465. Manufacturer’s rebate: $2000. SANTA FE #390243. MSRP: $24,075. Wood discount: $2600.
Manufacturer’s rebate: $2500. Zero APR: 60 payments of $16.67 per $1000 financed. EPA highway estimates for comparison. Actual mileage varies with options, driving conditions, driving habits, and vehicle condition.


16 ALL AROUND WISE, Decatur, Texas, Thursday, December 17, 2009


with Santa
Bridgeport Parks and Recreation Department
hosted the annual Breakfast with Santa
Saturday, Dec. 5, inviting children and their
families to have pancakes and see Santa.
Above, Ashlyn Stanford and Reagan Kinsey,
both of Bridgeport, enjoy time together at the
breakfast. At right, children tell Santa Claus
what they want for Christmas.
Messenger photos by Joe Duty

We Want to Celebrate
Christmas with You!

Come join us in our

newly remodeled facility
Sunday, December 20 1204 12th St., Bridgeport
Breakfast under the covered circular drive 940-683-4037
at 9:45 a.m., Worship Service at 10:15 a.m.

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