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Ramadhan 23,1436/ July 10, 2015

Issue No. 636


Friday Bulletin

The Weekly Muslim News Update

President Uhuru: A cry for justice

The Friday Bulletin commentary

In his first major engagement with the media at State

House, President Uhuru Kenya affirmed that his government will not waver in combating the threat posed by terrorism, stressing that while the response from his administration will be firm and unrelenting, it will be carried out in
consistence with the law.
The Presidents remarks came in the backdrop of a myriad
of complaints against the administration of his predecessor Mwaki Kibaki where the war on terrorism was marked
by blatant human rights violations and disregard of the law.
It is during Kibakis time that Kenya embraced the much
criticized rendition policy of transferring its citizens to be
detained in countries with questionable justice mechaContinued To Page 2

From Left: The last moments Hemed Salim was seen alive being grabbed
by armed policemen after the police raid on Masjid Musa in February
last year. The police later denied knowledge of his whereabouts. Nassir
Abdul Daim who was kidnapped last week by armed men believed to
be security operatives and Feysal Anyetu who has gone missing since
September last year, another victim of the extra judical disappearences

End Muslim victimization, state told

The government must rein in security agencies who have intensified their campaign of
victimizing Muslims especially during this
month of Ramadhan.
Mombasa Senator Hassan Omar accused
the agencies of blatantly violating the constitutional rights of Muslims and engaging
in a campaign of collectively punishing
Muslims under the pretext of fighting terrorism.
The senator decried increased disappearances of young men, extrajudicial killings

of Imams and Sheikhs, profiling and stereotyping of Muslims and assault on Islamic religious institutions in the country by security
Even as we deal with the security threats, I
shall not allow or keep silent when I see the
systematic targeting of Muslims and profiling. The xenophobia that has been created
against the Somali community in Kenya is
unacceptable. What are we doing to stop
the excesses of the security agencies, he
said during an Iftar event at the University of

Nairobi on Monday.
He noted that the solution to extremism
does not lie with excessive force but with
the development of a counter narrative
against extremist teachings.
In his address, the Senator pointed out
that human rights violations by security
agencies, injustices and inequalities, marginalization and victimization are some of
the root causes for youth radicalization
which the government needs to address.
Continued To Page 2

Basking in the Qur'an glory

Seated from left Abdulhalim Abdulrahim Muhammad from Somalia who the East Africa Quran Memorisation Competition in Mombasa with Ahmed Muhammad Ibrahim
who emerged top in the Kenyan category. He had earlier took the honours during
the Jamia Mosque Quran competition.
Standing in honour of the winners from left Mombasa politician Suleiman Shahbal,
former Chief Kadhi Sheikh Hammad Kassim, Governor Hassan Joho, Chief Kadhi
of Kenya Ahmed Muhdhar, Businessman Abdulrahman Bawazir, Lutfy Ali and Said
Abeid Said, Secretary of Muslim Mercy Youth which organised the annual event.
Above: Rashid Muhammad from Mombasa basks in glory after in his prize car after
winning the African Quran Competition in Dar es-sallam Tanzania.

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The Friday Bulletin

Ramadhan 23,1436/ July 10, 2015

President Uhuru: A cry for justice

Continued From Page 1
nisms, summary assassinations, extra
judicial disappearances and incommunicado detentions of people suspected of
being involved in acts of terrorism.
In the last two and so years since President Uhuru assumed office, the country
has witnessed a spiraled rise in acts of violence and brutal killings where hundreds
of people have lost their lives in different
parts of the country. From Baragoi, Turkana, Nairobi, Tana River, Lamu, Garrisa,
Mandera and other areas, hundreds of
families continue to mourn the loss of their
loved ones whose lives were cut short by
marauding gunmen, who devoid of human
feelings appear to have a zeal in shedding
innocent human blood.
While these acts of carnage demand robust and unflinching bold responses to
hunt down the perpetrators, it is a worrying
trend that the pursuit of the perpetrators
of these grotesque acts, has gone a notch
higher than during the time of his predecessor.
Apart from the typical violations, it is during President Kenyattas administration
that the phrase collective punishment
surfaced to describe the draconian policies employed by security agencies to
respond with brutal wholesale retribution
to acts carried out by a few deranged individuals.
The Kasarani concentration camp, the
military raid on Souk Mugdi in Garissa and
the brutal police response to the Mpeketoni attack that was recently documented
in a report by the Kenya Human Rights
Commission stand out as grim reminders
of acts of carnage perpetrated against innocent people.
Sadly, extra-judicial killings and disappearances continue to be part of the tools employed to silence those considered as terror suspects as the security agents have
evolve into prosecutors, judges and executioners. A documentary expose Inside
Kenyas Death Squads by the acclaimed
global television channel Al Jazeerah unmasked the faces behind these unbecoming acts.
Far from the clandestine abductions, recent bold trends involves menacing armed

gangs pouncing on their victims in public

places who in most cases are never seen
again. Their latest victim is a Nairobi businessman Nassir Daim alias Nashu who was
recently kidnapped by gun wielding men near
his home, bundled in a probox vehicle and
driven to an unknown destination. A signal
from his phone indicated he was being held
around Hardy area in Karen, which houses a
police station well known for detaining terror
A search of the vehicle involved in the kidnapping has also left footprints of a government
role and as usual, police deny involvement
but as in similar cases, there have not been
helpful either in tracking his whereabouts.
Like Nassir, many families remain in agony after the disappearances of their loved ones, an
eerie silence is the response to calls from human right groups and the Muslim leadership
for investigations into the disappearences.
We have no intention of playing the role of
attorney for those said to be schemers or
perpetrators of acts of terrorism. The perpetrators of despicable, gory and savage acts
deserve no leniency as their ultimate aim is to
cause bloodshed and carnage in the society.
But still, in a country where the rule of the law
prevails, there is no justification whatsoever
for the State to engage in flagrant violation of
people rights under the pretext of fighting terrorism. We have witnessed serial killers and
drug barons who are no different from terrorists being subjected to the rule of the law
and there should be no reason for others to
be denied this right. After all, a suspect remains innocent till he is proven guilty. Taking
a rogue approach is a case of injustice and it
also leaves room for the victimization of innocent people as has been seen before.
It is ironic that while the government with
none other than the Commander-in-Chief
himself stressing on a radical shift in fighting
terrorism and radicalisation with a softer approach of deradicalisation where he asked
for the cooperation of the parents, community
and religious leaders to guide and change the
mindsets of vulnerable youth, at the same
time, his government is still perpetrating draconian measures which only serve to radicalize hearts and minds.
As the SUPKEM deputy secretary general

Hassan Ole Naado rightly pointed out

recently during the launch of the Building Resilience Against Violent Extremism (BRAVE) campaign, killing one
person only helps to create 10 new
extremists, this draconian policy is no
doubt counterproductive to the efforts
to purge out this cancer.
In this sanctified month of Ramadhan, a
period of mercy for the faithful, we call
upon His Excellency President Uhuru
Kenyatta to revisit his policy of seeing
to it that the rule of law prevails. The
current wave of injustice is increasingly
alienating the Muslim community who
are increasingly feeling alienated with
the current situation and giving fodder
to insinuations that the government has
an insidious agenda towards the Muslim community.
Mr. President, Nassirs family, those of
the renditioned Kenyans and scores of
others who have faced injustice at the
hands of security operatives have lost
faith in the security system and perhaps
your intervention to ensure that justice
prevails will rejuvenate their feelings as
proud Kenyans and patriotic citizens.
And this feeling resonates in majority of
the Muslim community.
It is also a matter of greif that gangs
brandishing the name of Islam chose
to use this month of mercy and forgiveness to unleash deadly attacks against
innocent people in Mandera. These
beastly actions stand strongly condemned and are contrary to the sacrosanct spirit of Ramadhan.
We reiterate that these acts have nothing to do with Islam or Muslims and perpetrators of this ghastly massacre only
aim at creating schism and animosity
towards Muslims and Christians who
have and continue to enjoy harmonious
The government must hunt down these
attackers and reinvigorate its intelligence gathering mechanism as well as
beef up security in such areas to ensure
that the lives and properties of Kenyans

End victimization of Muslims- Senator Omar

Continued From Page 1

He further called on the students to
make good use of their education for
the betterment of the Muslim Ummah
and further encouraged them to join
politics and also take up arising opportunities in the national and county
In his remarks, the National Assembly
Majority leader Aden Duale said the
community has a responsibility of addressing the threat of radicalization
and extremism and advised Muslim
youth to strive in getting a better understanding of the religion and at the
same time channel their resources

Page 2

and energy towards initiatives to better

the community.
The Muslim community must take the
lead in the war against violent extremism,
you the young people you are the best
among the community. Please read and
learn your religion, Duale said.
He said the community has made huge
strides in the education, economy and
political sectors observing that the emerging threat of radicalization may have a
negative bearing on the progress so far
The Garissa Township MP who was the

chief guest called for interfaith unity and expressed his appreciation for the tolerance exhibited by the Christian community with their Muslim
On his part Dadaab Member of Parliament
Muhammad Dahiye said Islam and Muslims
have been wrongfully associated with terrorism
stressing that the victims of terrorism have been
Muslims themselves. He told the students to be
proud of their religion and be good ambassadors
of Islam.
The event which took place was organized by
Muslim Students Association of the University Of
Nairobi (MSAUN) in partnership with the World
Assembly of Muslim Youth (WAMY).

The Friday Bulletin


Ramadhan 23,1436/ July 10, 2015

The last ten nights of Ramadhan - Don't miss!

Sheikh Salman Al-Awdah

The first of these nights occurs on the eve
of the 21st day of Ramadhan. In other
words, it is the night that commences after the completion of the 20th day of fasting. Sometimes there are only nine nights,
whenever the month of Ramadhan lasts for
only 29 days.
The last ten nights of Ramadhan are very
special. These are the nights that the
Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)
would spend in constant worship. Among
these nights is Laylat al-Qadr (the Night of
Power) a night more blessed than a thousand months.
The Prophet (peace be upon him) used
to single these nights out for worship and
the performance of good deeds. He would
exert himself in worship during these ten
nights more than any other nights of the
year. Aisha tells us: "During the last ten
nights of Ramadhan, the Prophet (peace
be upon him) would tighten his waist belt
and spend the night in worship. He would
also wake up his family." (Al Bukhari)
Aisha also says: "I had never known Allah's Messenger (peace be upon him) to
read the entire Quran in a single night, or
to spend the whole night in prayer up until
the morning, or to spend a whole month in
fasting except in Ramadhan." (An Nasai'
and Ibn Majah)
Waking up the family
Aisha informs us that the Prophet used
to wake up his family during the last ten
nights of Ramadhan. Indeed, he used to
wake up his wives for prayer throughout
the year, but that was so that they could
pray for a small fraction of the night.
Umm Salamah, the Prophet's wife, relates
that the Prophet woke her up one night and
said: "Glory be to Allah. What has been
sent down of trials during this night? What
has been sent down of treasures, so that
the denizens of the bedchambers will be
awakened?" (Al-Bukhari)
During the last ten nights of Ramadhan,
Prophet Muhammad would wake up his
wives to pray for a much longer portion of
the night than during the rest of the year.
Exerting oneself in worship
Aisha tells us: "The Prophet would exert
himself in worship during the last ten nights
more than at any other time of the year."
(Muslim).The great jurist, Al-Shafi'i, declares: "It is Sunnah for one to exert greater
efforts in worship during the last ten nights
of Ramadhan."
When Aisha tells us that Prophet Muhammad would "tighten his waist belt", she is
speaking figuratively. The phrase means to
set about to devote oneself fully and wholeheartedly to the task at hand.
Seeking out Laylat al-Qadr
One of the greatest distinctions of these
ten special nights is that one of them is
Laylat al-Qadr. This is the greatest night of
the year better than a thousand months.
This means that a Muslim can earn more
rewards on the Night of Power than he
would if excluding this special night he
were to worship his Lord for eighty-four

years straight. This is one of the immense

favors that Allah has bestowed upon the
Muslim community.
Abu Hurayrah relates that the Prophet
(peace be upon him) said: "Whoever
spends Laylat al-Qadr in prayer, believing
in Allah and seeking His reward, will be forgiven all of his past sins." (Al-Bukhari and
Laylat al-Qadr (the Night of Power) is on
one of the odd nights. Aisha relates that
Prophet Muhammad said: "Seek out Laylat
al-Qadr in the odd nights during the last
ten nights of Ramadhan." (Al-Bukhari and
It is most likely one of the last seven odd
nights. Ibn Umar relates that Prophet Muhammad said: "Look for it in the last ten
nights. If one of you falls weak or unable
to do so, then he should at least try on the
seven remaining nights." (Muslim)
The most likely candidate for Laylat alQadr is the 27th night of Ramadhan. This
is indicated by the statement of Ubayy ibn
Ka`b: I swear by Allah that I know which
night it is. It is the night in which Allahs
Messenger (peace be upon him) ordered
us to observe in prayer. It is the night on
the eve of the 27th of Ramadhan. Its sign
is that the sun will rise in the morning of
that day white without exuding any rays.
A Muslim should seek out this special night
by spending the last ten nights of Ramadhan engaged in various acts of worship.
These include reciting the remembrances
of Allah, reading the Quran, and begging
Allah's forgiveness.
It is best for us to strive hard on all ten
nights, because the Prophet Muhammad
said: "The way we "look for" Laylat al-Qadr
is by engaging in extra worship."
When the Prophet (peace be upon him)
said: "Look for it in the last ten nights" he
did not mean that we should literally "look
for" signs and indications that distinguish
Laylat al-Qadr from other nights. The
things that distinguish this night from other
nights are part of the Unseen. Allah says:
Surely We revealed it on a blessed night.
Surely We ever wish to warn (against evil)
On this night, every wise matter is made
distinct. (Ad-Dukhan 44: 3-4)
Allah says in the Quran: Laylat al-Qadr is
better than a thousand months. The angels
and the Spirit descend therein, by the permission of their Lord, with every decree.
(This night is) peace, until the rising of the
dawn. (Al-Qadr 97: 3-5)
These are the ways in which Laylat al-Qadr
is special. They are not things that we can
see with our eyes. No one after the Prophet
can see the angels.
Observing (I`tikaf)
Observing a retreat in the mosque is of the
best things we can do during the last ten
nights of Ramadhan. Aisha tells us: "The
Prophet (peace be upon him) used to observe a retreat in the mosque during the
last ten nights of Ramadhan up until he
died. His wives continued to observe this

practice after his death." (Al-Bukhari and

The practice of i`tikaf is a strongly recommended act. It is defined as remaining in
retreat in the mosque for the express purpose of worship. The purpose of doing so
is to devote one's heart exclusively to Allah. The person engaging in i`tikaf keeps
this intention close to mind and seeks Allahs blessings. He should not forget the
reason why he is observing this retreat.
A person observing i`tikaf does not leave
the mosque except for what is absolutely
necessary (like going to the bathroom).
While in the mosque, he should busy
himself with the remembrance of Allah.
He should make sure to offer the remembrances of the morning and evening and
the prescribed remembrances for the five
daily prayers, perform a Sunnah prayers
and read as much of the Quran as he can.
He should spend less time eating and
sleeping as little as possible. He should
avoid unnecessary talk. However, he
should engage in advising his fellow Muslims and in enjoining them to truth and to
It is encouraged for us to be extra generous during the last ten nights of Ramadhan, without being extravagant or ostentatious in our giving. Ibn `Abbas relates that:
"Allah's Messenger (peace be upon him)
was the most generous of all people in doing good, and he was at his most generous
during the month of Ramadhan. Jibril used
to meet with him every year throughout the
month of Ramadhan, so the Prophet could
recite the Quran to him. Whenever Jibril
met with him, he became more generous
than a beneficial breeze." (Al Bukhari and
Al-Nawawi, the Muslim scholar, states:
"Generosity and open-handedness are
strongly encouraged in Ramadhan, especially during the last ten nights. By doing
so, we emulate the example of Allah's Messenger (peace be upon him) as well as of
our Pious Predecessors. Also, this month
is noble, and good works carried out in this
month are more blessed than they are at
any other time. Also, during this month,
people are preoccupied with fasting and
worship, and this distracts them from their
livelihood, so they might need some assistance during this time."


Topic: What SUNDAY

After Ramadhan
Sh. Abdallah Bundid
Date: 11th July 2015
Time: 2-4 pm
Venue: Jamia Multi-Purpose Hall
Topic :Mwanamke
na Ramadhan
By: Ukhty Maryam
Date: 12th June 2015
Time: 10 -12 pm
Venue: Makina Kibra
Page 3

The Friday Bulletin


Ramadhan 23,1436/ July 10, 2015

How to sustain the spirit of Ramadhan during non-fasting days

Ramadhan is a time we all prepare for in anticipation for all the
extra rewards and closeness to Allah we can gain during this precious month. Although we may be fasting, Ramadhan should be
the most productive time of the year, spiritually, socially and personally.
However, sisters face a different productivity challenge due to
menstruation or post-natal bleeding. As we are unable to fast,
pray taraweeh or qiyam or read Quran from the mushaf, the nonpraying period can often lead to a feeling of distance and spiritual
loss from the benefits of Ramadhan.
Think about it: you have started Ramadhan in full swing, with good
habits and ibadah, enjoying fasting and the spirit that comes with
it. Then all of a sudden, you cant pray and fast for the next week!
How do you proceed? How can we continue to feel the spiritual
high, instead of slacking and becoming lazy?
In this article, I will share practical tips and advice on how you can
use the non-fasting days to sustain your spirituality during Ramadhan, and make the most of the short, invaluable time that we have.
Realise the blessing of Ramadhan
When we realise the value of the month of Ramadhan, we see
that not one second can go to waste, as every second can be
spent in gaining reward, by both intention and physical action. It
is difficult enough for sisters to maintain ihsan (excellence) in all
the roles we have during a normal month in the year, let alone
Ramadhan, and the non-praying period adds yet another productivity challenge! So, this is an ideal time to remind ourselves of the
virtues of Ramadhan: Allahs Messenger peace be upon him said:
When the month of Ramadhan starts, the gates of the heaven
are opened and the gates of Hell are closed and the devils are
chained. [Sahih al Bukhari]
What we must remember is that praying salah, reading Quran
from the mushaf and fasting are not the only ways to worship Allah. This is especially important for women who are in their postnatal period, as they have a much longer time without obligatory

Page 4

acts of worship. As Allah has granted this concession Himself, we

do not lose out on the reward when we are unable to fast or pray!
However, we will be held accountable for any time wasted during the non-praying period, especially if it is not spent with the
intention of worshipping Allah. Ramadhan does not unfortunately
make us immune to committing sinful acts; just as in the rest of
the year, the non-praying period can often lead sisters to slipping
into bad habits and laziness, due to the sudden break we get from
our obligatory duties. This has a domino effect as it can make it
twice as hard to return to good ibadah when the menstrual or postnatal period is over. When we remind ourselves of the blessings
attached to worship in Ramadhan, it provides more motivation to
fill our non-praying days with other acts of ibadah.
When we invest time into actions to worship Allah during the nonpraying period, we ensure that we not only sustain our spiritual
productivity, but our worldly productivity too, and this is especially
important during Ramadhan. When you can start fasting and praying again, you will find it so much easier to get back into the flow
of Ramadhan, and you wont feel detached from that Ramadhan
Alternative ways to worship Allah
The key to sustaining productivity when you are not praying is to
realise the innumerable ways we can worship Allah aside from
fasting and salah.
An important thing to remember is that with all the roles that we
play, whether you are a mother, wife, student or a professional (or
all of the above!), fulfilling these roles with ihsan (excellence) and
with the intention to please Allah makes it worship! Even if you
can only fit in one of the following acts of ibadah, whatever you
do out of longing for the pleasure of Allah is a form of worship. It
may not be possible to do all of the following actions, but have the
intention to do a few select ones that are easy for you, and focus
on those this Ramadhan.
Continued To Page 8

The Friday Bulletin

Ramadhan 23,1436/ July 10, 2015

Zakat, an Introduction
Zakat is not just any form of voluntary charity, alms giving, tax
or tithe. Nor is it simply an expression of kindness or generosity.
Zakat is all of these combined and much more, for it also includes
Allah-consciousness as well as spiritual, moral and social objectives. Zakat is a Divine injunction and an ordinance from Allah
Himself. It is not a personal matter or a voluntary contribution;
rather, it is an obligation for which one will be called to account
before Almighty Allah.
Zakat is indispensable as it helps achieve reform, both financially
and spiritually. It eliminates misery and greed from hearts and consolidates the Islamic economy, leading to its stability and prosperity. The Qur'an describes Zakat as:
1) The means by which to attain Allah's mercy: "My Mercy extends
to all things. That (Mercy) I shall ordain for those who have Godconsciousness and give their Zakat and those who believe in Our
Signs." (Surah Al-A`raf 7:156).
2) A precondition to obtain Allah's help: "Allah will certainly aid
those who aid His (cause); for verily Allah is Full of Strength, Exalted in Might, (able to enforce His Will). (They are) those who, if
We establish them in the land, establish regular prayer and give
their Zakat, enjoin the right and forbid wrong: with Allah rests the
outcome of all affairs." (Surah Al-Hajj 22:40-41).
3) A sign of brotherhood in religion: "But (even so), if they repent,
establish regular prayers, and give their Zakat, they are your
brethren in Faith." (Surah Al-Taubah 9:11).
4) A distinctive feature of the faithful community: "The Believers,
men and women, are protectors one of another: they enjoin what
is just and forbid what is evil: they observe regular prayers, pay
their Zakat and obey Allah and His Messenger. On them will Allah
pour His Mercy: for Allah is Exalted in power, Wise." (Surah AlTaubah 9:71).
5) A distinctive quality of the believers who go to and maintain
mosques: "The mosques of Allah shall be visited and maintained
by such as believe in Allah and the Last Day, establish regular
prayers, and pay their Zakat and fear none (at all) except Allah."
(Surah Al-Taubah 9:18).
6) A distinctive quality of the true believers: "Who are active in paying Zakat." (Surah Al-Mu'minun 23:4).
Zakat: The Third Pillar Of Islam
'Abd Allah ibn 'Umar reports that the Prophet (peace be upon him)
said: "Islam is based on five (principles): To testify that none has
the right to be worshiped but Allah and Muhammad is Allah's Apostle, to offer the prayers dutifully and perfectly, to pay Zakat, to
perform Hajj and to observe fast during the month of Ramadhan."
As the third pillar of Islam, Zakat is first of all an Ibadah (worship)
whose spiritual impact on purification and sanctification is its most
important function. In fact, the Qur'an describes the objective of
taking Zakat out of their amwal (wealth) as Tat-hir (purification)
and Tazkiyah (sanctification). Tazkiyah also means material and/
or spiritual growth.
The fact that a critical objective of Zakat is the attainment of socioeconomic justice is not disputed. After all, Islam does not like any
form of concentration of wealth or income in a few hands and considers their redistribution by means acceptable in Shari'ah one of
the major objectives of the Islamic economic system. 'Abd Allah
ibn `Abbas (radhiallahu anhuma) narrates that when the Prophet
(peace be upon him) sent Mu`adh ibn Jabal (radhiallahu anhu) to
Yemen he told him, "You are going to a people who have a Scripture, so call them to testify that there is no deity but Allah, and that
I am the Messenger of Allah. If they respond to this, then teach
them that Allah has imposed five Salah upon them every day. If
they respond to this, then teach them that Allah has imposed upon
them a charity to be taken from the wealthy amongst them and
given to their poor. If they respond to this, then beware of taking
any more of their wealth!" Zakat was understood to be a transfer
of a certain portion of wealth from the haves to the have-nots as
a duty to Allah.
Defining Zakat
The word Zakat is the infinite form of the verb zaka, meaning

to grow, to increase and to purify. When said about a person,

it means to improve or to become better. Consequently Zakat
means, blessing, growth, cleanliness and betterment.
In the Shari'ah, the word Zakat refers to the determined share of
wealth prescribed by Allah to be distributed among the deserving
categories of those entitled to receive it.
Zakat is a Divinely ordained institution and is regarded both as
a right of Allah as well as the right of the poor. In fact, an Islamic
government can forcibly take Zakat from the rich if the rich withhold it.
Zakat: An Act of Devotion and Worship
The objective of Zakat, as emphasised in the Qur'an, is a glorious
objective of purification and upliftment (Surah Al-Taubah 9:103).
In that sense, Zakat washes away sins and impurities in the same
way that Salaah washes away sins and impurities. This is why it
is mentioned in the sayings that Zakat carries the dirt (awsakh)
of people.
The inner intention when discharging Zakat should be based on
the fulfilment of the Commandments of Allah. The objective is to
engage in a specialised form of worship, solely for the pleasure
of Allah. The individual who sincerely dispenses his Zakat most
definitely becomes the recipient of the promised rewards and benediction of Allah. Surah Al-Baqarah (2:276) tells us that: Allah
will deprive usury of all blessing, but will give increase for deeds
of charity: For He does not love the one who is ungrateful and
The Hadith of the Prophet (peace be upon him) enunciates this
concept very beautifully: "When a slave of Allah pays Zakat, the
Angels of Allah pray for him in these words: "O Allah! Grant abundance to him who spends (in Your cause) and destroy him who
does not spend and restricts to himself his wealth." (Bukhari)
When a Muslim pays Zakat, Allah increases his sustenance. Although at a human level it may seem that giving of wealth means
reduction of wealth, in reality it is not. At a metaphysical level,
Allah blesses the giver of Zakat to an extent that is beyond human perception. This is very well-defined by the following Hadith:
Charity does not diminish wealth. (Muslim)
Warning Against the Rejection of Zakat
Several Hadith mention the warning the Prophet (peace be upon
him) gave to those who reject the payment of Zakat. His warning
of severe punishment in the hereafter was aimed at awakening
dormant hearts and shaking miserly souls to give, both by positive
encouragement and fear of punishment. If they do not perform this
duty with awakened consciences, the power and authority of the
state was used to collect Zakat.
Abu Hurairah (radhiallahu anhu) reported: The Messenger of Allah said: "He who is given wealth by Allah but he does not pay its
Zakat, that wealth is made for him, on the Day of Judgment, into
the form of a huge bald serpent with two horns, encircling that
person and squeezing him all day, then holding him by lips telling
him, 'I am your wealth, your treasure that you hoarded. Then
the Prophet (peace be upon him) quoted [Surah Al-Imran 3:180],
And let not those who covetously withhold the gift that Allah has
given them of His grace think that it is good for them. Nay, it will
be worse for them. Soon shall the things which they covetously
withheld be tied to their necks like a collar on the Day of Judgment. (Bukhari)
Not only did the Prophet (peace be upon him) issue a stern warning with regard to the punishment in the Hereafter, but he went on
to warn of a punishment in this life as well, both from Allah and
from the State.
The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: "Zakat is never intermingled with any amount of wealth without destroying and rotting it."
(Bukhari). This saying has two meanings according to Al Mundhiri.
Firstly, that whenever due Zakat is not paid it will be a cause for ruining that wealth. "Whenever any amount of wealth is destroyed in
the land or in the sea it could be because its Zakat was not paid."
(Al-Tabarani). Secondly, if a person who takes Zakat as recipient
without deserving that Zakat and mixes it with his wealth, it will be
a reason for rotting all his wealth. (Ahmad) (Source

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The Friday Bulletin


Malezi ya saum ya Ramadhan

Sheikh Al Amin Wangara

Saumu siyo ibada ngeni bali ni ibada ambayo imepatikana katika
umma zilizotangulia kwa mujibu wa Quraan 2:183. Makusudio
ya ibada ya Saumu, kama vile ilivyo kwa Salah , Zakah, Hijjah na
ibada nyinginezo, si kutekelezwa tu kama ada bali lengo la ibada
hizi ni kumjenga Muumini katika uchaji Mungu wake ikizingatiwa
kwamba mwanadamu ni Khalifa au balozi wa Mwenyezi Mungu
katika ardhi (Quraan, 2: 30).
Na unapozingatia kwamba dunia anayoishi huyo Balozi ina
mawimbi na mifumo mbalimbali, ni lazima Khalifa huyo apewe
malezi ya kiroho kimwili na kifikra; malezi yatakayomwezesha
kutekeleza nyajibu zake kama Khalifa wa Allah, na malezi hayo
yanapatikana kwenye ibada alizowekewa Balozi huyu na Mola
wake .
Kuhusu Salah amesema Allah (s.w.), Bila shaka Salah inamzuia
mwenye kusali mambo machafu na maovu na kwa yakini utajo
wa Allah uliomo kwenye Salah ni jambo kubwa na Allaah anajua
mnayoyoyatenda (Quraan, 29:45).
Naye Mtume Muhammad (s.a.w.) amesisisitiza hilo kupitia kwa
mazungumzo yaliyojiri baina yake na Sahaba zake. Aliwauliza,
Jee mwasemaje kuhusu mmoja wenu ambaye mlangoni mwake
panapita mto naye huoga au hukoga mara tano kila siku kweli mwili wake utakuwa na uchafu ? Sahaba wakajibu, Laa.
Akasema Mtume (s.a.w.), Vivyo hivyo Allaah kwa kupitia Salah
tano humfutia mja madhambi kama vile maji yanavyoondoa uchafu..( Sahiih al-Bukhaary-Kitaabus Salah, Sahiih Muslim-Kitaabul
Bilka shaka Salah inayoleta mabadiliko haya si Salah yoyote bali
ni Salah iliyosaliwa kwa unyenyekevu, mazingatio na uchaji mungu . Amesema Allaah, Hakika wamefuzu Waumini ambao huwa
wanyenyekevu katika Salah zao . (Quraan, 23:1-2)
Unyenyekevu unapoondoka basi Salah huwa ni mzigo na dharubu. Amesema Allaah: Takeni msaada (katika mambo yenu) kwa
kusubiri na kusali na kwa hakika jambo hilo ni gumu isipokuwa
kwa wacha- Mungu walio na uhakika wa kukutana na Mola wao
na wanao juwa kwamba watarejea kwake. (Quraani,2: 45-46.)
Na kuhusu Zakah Allaah Amesema : Chukua Ewe Muhammad
katika mali zao hao Waumini (Zakah kutoka kwa matajiri kuwapa
maskini ) uwasafishe na kuwatakasa kwa hizo sadaqa zao ( kutokana na ubinafsi ). (Quraan)
Na kuhusu Hijah Amesema Allaah : . Hija ni miezi maalumu. Na
anaye kusudia kufanya Hija katika miezi hiyo, basi asiseme maneno machafu wala asifanye vitendo vichafu wala asibishane katika
Hija. Na kheri yoyote mnayo ifanya Mwenyezi Mungu anaijua. Na
jitengezeeni zawadi. Na hakika bora ya zawadi ni uchamungu. Na
nicheni Mimi, enyi wenye akili. (Quraan, 2:197)
Na kuhusu Saumu Amesema Allaah, Mumeandikiwa kufunga
kama vile walivyoandikiwa waliokuwa kabla yenu ili mpate kumcha Mungu ( kujenga upya uchaji Mungu wenu) (Quraan, 2:183)
Naye Mtume ( s.a.w.) akasema kwamba yule ambaye hatoacha
maneno yasiyo na msingi wa ukweli, asipoacha kuyatukimia hayo
basi Allaah hana haja na kuacha kwake kula na kunywa kwa madai kwamba amefunga .
Utaona kwamba hizi ibada zote zinalenga kumjenga Muumini katika uchaji Mungu wake.
Na ili tufaidi zaidi na Saumu ya Ramadhan ni muhimu tujiulize
baadhi ya maswali, Jee umefunga Ramadhan ngapi katika uhai
wako ?, Jee Saumu imekubadili vipi au imekuzatiti vipi kama balozi wa Allaah?, Ni ibada ipi unayonia kuendelea nayo baada ya
Ramadhan?, Ni nini unachokusudia kuacha katika madhambi
baada ya Ramadhan?
Na kama umewahi kufunga Ramadhan kadha na hazikukubadili
au kukuzatiti, huja Ramadhan na ikakuondokea kama msimu wa
baridi na pengine kukuachia homa kwa kuwa umetumia vitu vya
baridi kufungua Muadhini shida iko wapi ? Jee Ramadhan imefeli
kama mfumo wa malezi au ni wewe ambaye umekosa kufahamu
namna ya kutekeleza funga yako?
Mafanikio katika Saumu ya Ramadhan kwa asli mia fulani
hutegemea matayarisho ya mja kabla ya Ramadhan . Wakati ambapo baadhi ya waja watafadhilisha kuzama katika maasi katika

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Ramadhan 23,1436/ July 10, 2015

miezi au siku karibu na Ramadhan au kusitisha tu maovu katika

Ramadhan au kuwa na miondoko fulani katika Ramadhan tu kama
kuvaa kisheria. Masahaba wa Mtume (s.a.w.) ambao waliufahamu vyema Uislamu kuliko mimi na wewe na ambao wana vyeo
tofauti na sisi mbele ya Allaah walianza mapema kufanya mazoezi
ya kutekeleza ibada hii tukufu kwa kufunga Saumu za Sunna na
kumuomba Allaah awafikishe katika mwezi wa Ramadhan.
Walikuwa wakisema, Ewe Mola tupe Baraka katika mwezi wa
Rajab na Shabaan na utufikishe katika mwezi wa Ramadhan.
Kwa ufupi ni kwamba walihisi ladha na utamu wa kuwa katika ibada na kuwepo katika tangamano na tangamano thabiti na Allaah.
Na ili kupata faida na utamu wa ibada au jambo lolote ni ulifanye
kwa mda likukumbatie na wewe ulikumbatie. .Kwa yule aliyeonja
utamu wa kuinuka usiku kusali usingizi kwake huwa ni kama subili kali au haltiti hauna ladha isipokuwa kuupumzisha mwili kwa
masaa wala haumshughulishi na ibada nyingine.
Katika mwezi huu kuna matukio muhimu yaliyotokea na ni muhimu
kuyazingatia kwa mfano ni katika mwezi huu imeshuka Quraan
(Quraan, 2: 185). Na Quraan ndiyo desturi na mfumo wa maisha
kwa walimwengu. Na katika Ramadhan Waumini wanasherehekea kushuka kwa Quraan kwa kuisoma japo katika miezi mingine
bado tunaisoma . Kwa mnasaba huu ni muhimu muislamu ajipambe kwa kuisoma Quraan au kujifunza kuisoma kama hajuwi .
Vile vile katika huu mwezi Mtume (s.a.w.) aliwachukua baadhi ya
mateka wa vita vya Badri Madina ili wawafundishe Waumini kusoma na kuandika kwa kuwa elimu ni msingi muhimu wa maendeleo (Kitaab almujtamaul madani na akram dhiyaa ukurasa, 102)
Elimu ni kitenda kazi muhimu kwa Ummah unaotaka kuchupia
mbele hasa Waumini kwa mujibu wa Quraan . Amesema Allaah,
Mwenyezi Mungu atawainua wale walioamini miongoni mwenu
na wale waliopewa ilimu daraja za juu (Quraan, 58:11)
Kwa kuwa elimu imepewa uzito huu ni wajibu kwetu sisi Waumini wa Kenya kujishughulisha na jambo hili . Tuweke mipango
kwamba katika kila mkoa na tarafa wapatikane wanavyuoni wa
kutegemewa kwa idadi kadha kwa mda kadha kwa sababu wanavyuoni ndiyo vitendakazi wa kubadili Ummah . Na tukizembea
katika hili basi maendeleo yetu kama Ummah yatakuwa duni na
hafifu na hatutoweza kushiriki kikamilifu katika kuimarisha ardhi ,
wajibu ambao ametukalifisha Allaah tuutekeleze.
Na Allaah hatotujaalia ufanisi kwa sababu ikiwa sisi kama Waumini hatuko tayari kwa ufanisi huo . Amesema Allaah Allaah habadilishi hali ya watu hadi wao wabadilike (Quraan,13:11).
Kwa lugha nyingine ni kwamba Allaah hatowajaalia mabadiliko
hadi mtakapoyataka hayo mabadiliko kwa kuyapangia na mkawa
tayari kuyaenzi pindi yanapowafikia.
Kwa mshilkilio huu ni kwamba lazima kila jambo litanguliwe na
nia kama vile alivyosema Mtume (salallahu alayhi wa sallam),
Amali hutegemea niya na kila mja atalipwa kufuatana na niya yake
(Sahih al-Bukhari) .
Kwa kuifasiri hadithi wanavyuoni wameweka sharia isemayo alumuuru bimaqaasidihaa.
Saumu ya Ramadhan imefaradhishwa katika mwaka wa pili baada
ya Mtume (salallahu alayhi wa sallam) kuhamia mji wa Madina.
Naye Mtume (salallahu alayhi wa sallam) kwa dalili ya Quraan,2:
183 na hadithi sahihi amefunga Ramadhan tisa katika uhai wake
Na kuna aina tano za Saumu
Saum ya faradhi kama vile Ramadhan (a) imam kwa kuitekeleza
katika wakati wake au (b) kulipa baada yam da wake
Saum ya kafara
Saum ya nadhiri
Saum za sunna kama vile kufunga siku ya jumatatu na al-khamis
, Siku ya Arafat yani siku ya tisa katika mwezi wa dhul-hijja kwa
wale ambao watakuwa hawatekelezi ibaada ya hijja wakati huo,
na pia ni sunna kufunga kila tarehe 13,14,15. katika mwezi wa
Zipo vile vile siku ambazo ni haramu kufunga:
Siku mbili za eidul fithri baada ya Ramadhan na eidul adh-ha
Endelea UK 7

The Friday Bulletin


Ramadhan 23,1436/ July 10, 2015

Pembe Maize Millers yatoa msaada kwa Waislamu Kiambu

Kampuni ya unga Pembe Maize Millers kwa kushirikiana na Baraza
la Maimamu na Wahubiri (CIPK) kaunti ya Kiambu Ijumaa wiki
iliyopita ilitoa misaada ya unga, mafuta, tende na bidhaa zingine
kwa familia takriban mia tatu ya Waislamu maeneo ya Muguga.
Pia kampuni hiyo ilitoa msaada sawiy ana huo kwa kituo cha urekebishaji tabia kwa watoto cha Kirigiti na magereza ya Kiambu
ambapo watoto na wafungwa takriban ishirini Waislamu walifaidi
kutokana na msaada huo .
Bidhaa hizo zilikabidhiwa viongozi wa Waislamu na wafungwa hao
kwenye hafla iliyohudhuriwa na mwaakilishi wa kampuni hiyo Munir Said na Katibu mkuu wa CIPK tawi la Kiambu Sheikh Ali Omar.
Katika ujumbe wake Munir alitoa wito kwa waislamu wenye uwezo
kuwangalia maskini na mafukara miongoni imwao kwa jicho la rehma kwa kujitolea kwa ukarimu kuwasaidia ili waweze kupata fadhila na Baraka za Mwenyezi Mungu katika msimu huu wa funga
ya Mwezi wa Ramadhan.
Munir aliongezea kusema kwamba kwa waumini huu ni mwezi wa
tafakuri na kuchuma thawabu kwa kukithirisha ukarimu na mapenzi kwa wanyonge kwa nia ya kutaka radhi za Mwenyezi Mungu
kwa kutoa cha ziada kuwapa ili nawao pia wafurahike na kujihisi
kwamba wanatambuliwa na jamii wanaoishi pamoja nao.
Wakati huohuo bwana Munir amesema kampuni hiyo itaendelea
kutimiza wajibu wake kwa kutoa huduma bora kwa wateja wake
na jamii kwa jumla ilikujenga mahusiano mema kwa manufaa ya
pande zote husika.
Aidha Munir alitoa wito kwa wafungwa Waislamu kujiweka kwe-

Malezi ya saum ya Ramadhan

Imeendelezwa kutoka UK 6

katika mwezi wa Dhul-Hijja .

Tarehe 11, 12,na 13 katika mwezi wa dhul-hijja isipokuwa kwa
mwenye kufanya hijja aina ya Qiraan au Tamattu ambaye hakupata mnyama wa kuchinja.
Saum ya Makruuh , ni makruuh kwa muijbu wa sheria kufunga siku ya shaka yani mchana wa tarehe 30 katika mwezi wa
Shaaban kama mwezi wa kuanza ramadhan haukuandama.
Fadhila za Ramadhaan
Miongoni mwa fadhila za Ramadhan ni kwamba katika mwezi huu
shetani huwa hana uwezo kwa Waumini na nafasi za mambo ya
kheri hukithiri kwa mujibu wa hadithi ya Mtume (s.a.w.) aliposema,
Unapoingia mwezi wa Ramadhan milango ya Jannah hufunguliwa na milango ya Jahannam hufungwa na shetani hutiwa pingu .
Vile vile amesema Mtume (s.a.w), Kila kitendo anachokitenda
mwanadamu malipo yake huwa mara dufu , ima kwa mara kumi
zaidi hadi hata mia saba amesema Allaah isipokuwa Saumu hiyo
ni yangu na ni mimi ndiye ninayemlipa mja , anaacha chakula
chake na starehe yake ( yaani mke au mume wake wa halali ) kwa
ajili yangu.
Vile vile amesema Mtume kuhusu hilo suala la fadhila za Ramadhan, Mwenye kufunga Ramadhan kwa Imani ya sawa huku akitarajia malipo kwa Allaah , Allaah atamsamehe madhambi yake
yaliyotangulia. (Sahiih al-Bukhari).
Pia kuna mlango spesheli ameuandaa Allaah kwa wenye kufunga. Kama vile alivyosema Mtume (s.a.w.) kwamba katika Jannah
kuna mlango uitwaao ar-Rayyan ulioandaliwa kwa wenye kufunga
siku ya qiyaama. Hatoingia mlango huo ila wao tu watakaoitwa
siku hiyo wako wapi wenye kufunga kisha wataingia na baadaye
utafungwa wala hatoingia katika mlango huo mwengine baada
yao. (Sahiih al-Bukhari)
Ndugu Muislam ibada hii ya funga ni ibada muhimu kwa Ummah
na ni fursa inayokuja mara moja kwa mwaka hatujuwi kama tutaipata tena kwa hiyo tujifungeni masombo na tujitahidi kutekeleza
ibada hii kwa njia inayomridhisha Allaah (s.w.) kwani ni masikitiko
makubwa kwamba ujiliwe na Ramadhan na uondoke bila wewe
kufaidika kwa lolote.

nye subra huku wakimtegemea Mwenyezi Mungu kwa wakati

wote kwa kudumu katika swala na maadili mema ilikujenga imani yenye nguvu na utiifu kwa ufanisi wa hapa duniani na kesho
Kwa upande wake katibu wa CIPK Sheikh Ali aliwashauri Waislamu kuwa na mienendo yakuwatembelea wagonjwa mahospitalini
na wafungwa magerezani ili kuwasubirisha na kuwapa hima ya
kumtegemea Mwenyezi Mungu kila wakati.
Aliishukuru kampuni hiyo ya Pembe kwa misaada hiyo akisema
kwamba itasaidia pakubwa kuimarisha imani na kujenga uhusiano bora baina yake na jamii.

'Wakumbukeni maskini kwa futari',

ashauri Kadhi

Waislamu wametakiwa kupunguza mrundiko wa futari ndani ya

mwezi mtukufu wa Ramadhan ili kuwasaidia maskini,mafukara
na wenye kustahili kusaidiwa.
Hayo yameelezwa na Kadhi wa nyanda za juu magharibi mwa
Kenya Sheikh Shaaban Issa Muhammad.
Akiongea na Waislamu mwishoni mwa wiki huko Kakamega,
Sheikh Shaaban alisema ni vyema Waislamu kuwa na utaratibu
wa kuandaa futari ya kati na kati ambayo itakuwa ya aina moja
iliyo nzuri na bora kwa kuliwa ili sehemu nyengine iweze kusaidia
wasiojiweza na mafukara katika jamii ya Waislamu na wengineo.
Kadhi Shaaban aliongezea kusema kwamba kwa upande mwengine maandalizi hayo yatatoa fursa kwa wanawake walio katika
ndoa kufanya ibada kikamilifu ndani ya mwezi huu.
''Ni vyema ndani ya mwezi huu wa Ramadhan tupunguze wingi
wa maandalizi ya futari na daku ili kumpa mwanamke nafasi ya
kufanya ibada,wekeni utaratibu wakuandaa futari moja tu lakini
iwe nzuri ya kuridhisha.Kwanini
tufanye fahari na israf ya vyakula kupita kiasi?.Kadhi Shaaban aliuliza.
''Hivyo bajeti ambayo unataka kuongeza katika mwezi wa Ramadhan ni vyema ukaipunguz au kapeleka kwa maskini na wenye
kuhitaji lakini hawajui jioni watafuturu nini wala hawajui daku yao
ni ipi,kwa kufanya hivyo utakuwa umepata fadhila za mwezi wa
Ramadhan.'' Alisema Sheikh Shaaban.
Akizungumzia suala la ndoa Sheikh Shaaban alisema kwamba
kitu kikubwa cha kulinda ndoa ni dini,akisisitiza kwamba kumnyima mwanamke nafasi ya kusoma dini ni wazi ndoa haitaimarika
na kupelekea migogoro na hatimaye kuvunjika kwa sababu zisizo
za msingi.
Sheikh Shaaban alifichua kwamba uchunguzi umebaini matatizo
na chanzo cha migogoro katika ndoa nyingi ni kukosa elimu ya dini
na ustamilivu kwa wanandoa.
''Mfano Ramadhan hii ukimnyima mwanamke nafasi ya kwenda
kusoma na kusikiza darsa na kumfanya ni mtu wa kupika futari
na daku muda wote ndani ya mwezi huu naasipate mawaidha ya
kujenga iman indoa hazitaimarika ,wapeni muda wakupitia Quran
kusikiliza maneno ya Mola wao''.Alitanabaisha Sheikh Shaaban.
Alisema kukithiri kwa matatizo katika ndoa nyingi katika jamii ya
Waislamu kwa sasa imefika ile maana ya ndoa kama alivyosema
Mwenyezi Mungu kuwa wanawake kwa wanaume ni sakina (kitulizo) lakini kwa wakati huu ni sikin (kisu), jambo ambalo Kadhi
Shaaban alidai ni taasisi ya ndoa ina tikisika na kuhuzunishwa na
hali hiyo.
Alisema ndoa ni asili ya binadamu ikiwa na maana kwamba ili aendelee kuwa binadamu mwenye utu ni lazima kila mmoja awe ndani
ya ndoa inayokubalika na Mwenyezi Mungu na kusisitiza kwamba
kila aliye ndani ya ndoa ni wajib kuhakikisha anailinda na sababu
zozote zinazo ashiria kuibomoa ndoa hiyo zisipewe nafasi.
Sheikh Shaaban aliwanasihi wanandoa kujenga mahusiano mema
na kuishi kwa maelewano ili kujenga jamii bora yenye kuzingatia
maadili ya Kiislamu kwa ufanisi.
Aliwashauri kutatua tofauti zao kwa njia ya majadiliano na kujiepusha na dhana mbaya hasa wakati huu wa utandawazi.

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The Friday Bulletin

Abu Ameenah Bilal Phillips

Zakat ul-Fitr is often referred to as Sadaqatul-Fitr. The word Fitr means the same
as Iftar, breaking a fast and it comes from
the same root word as Futur which means
breakfast. Thus, Islamically, Zakat ul-Fitr is
the name given to charity which is distributed at the end of the fast of Ramadhan.
Sadaqatul-Fitr is a duty which is Wajib on
every Muslim, whether male or female,
minor or adult as long as he / she has the
means to do so. The proof that this form of
charity is compulsory can be found in the
Sunnah whereby Ibn 'Umar reported that
the Prophet sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam
made Zakat ul-Fitr compulsory on every
slave, freeman, male, female, young and
old among the Muslims; one Sa' of dried
dates or one Sa' of barely.
The head of the household may pay the
required amount for the other members.
Abu Sa'id al-Khudri said, "On behalf of our
young and old, free men and slaves, we
used to take out during Allah's Messenger's
sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam lifetime one Sa'
of grain, cheese or raisins."
The significant role played by Zakat in the
circulation of wealth within the Islamic society is also played by the Sadaqatul-Fitr.
However, in the case of Sadaqatul-Fitr,
each individual is required to calculate how
much charity is due from himself and his
dependents and go into the community in
order to find those who deserve such charity. Thus, Sadaqatul-Fitr plays a very important role in the development of the bonds of
community. The rich are obliged to come in
direct contact with the poor, and the poor
are put in contact with the extremely poor.
This contact between the various levels of
society helps to build real bonds of brotherhood and love within the Islamic community
and trains those who have, to be generous
to those who do not have.
The main purpose of Zakat ul-Fitr is to provide those who fasted with the means of
making up for their errors during the month
of fasting. Zakat ul-Fitr also provides the
poor with a means with which they can celebrate the festival of breaking the fast ('Eidul-Fitr) along with the rest of the Muslims.
Ibn Abbas reported,"The Prophet sallallahu 'alayhi was sallam made Zakat ul-Fitr
compulsory so that those who fasted may
be purified of their idle deeds and shameful
talk (committed during Ramadhan) and so
that the poor may be fed. Whoever gives it
before Salah will have it accepted as Zakat,
while he who gives it after the Salah has
given Sadaqat."
Hence, the goal of Sadaqatul-Fitr is the
spiritual development of the Believers. By
making them give up some of their wealth,
the believers are taught the higher moral
characteristics of generosity, compassion
(sympathy for the unfortunate), gratitude to
Allah and the righteousness. But, since Islam does not neglect man's material need,
part of the goal of Zakat ul-Fitr is the economic well-being of the poorer members of

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Zakat ul-Fitr
Zakat ul-Fitr is only Wajib for a particular
period of time. If one misses the time period without a good reason, he has sinned
and cannot make it up. This form of charity
becomes obligatory from sunset on the last
day of fasting and remains obligatory until
the beginning of Salatul-'Eid (i.e. shortly after sunrise on the following day). However,
it can be paid prior to the above mentioned
period, as many of the Sahabah (companions of the Prophet sallallahu 'alayhi wa
sallam) used to pay Sadaqatul-Fitr a couple
days before the 'Eid.
Ibn 'Umar reported that the Prophet sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam order that it (Zakat
ul-Fitr) be given before people go to make
the Salah (of 'Eid).
Nafi' transmitted that Ibn 'Umar used to pay
fitr a day or two before the 'Eid prayer. Whoever pays fitr after the 'Eid prayer will not
get the blessings of it because it will be rendered as regular Sadaqah (see Abu Dawud
no. 1605).

Ramadhan 23,1436/ July 10, 2015

And Ibn 'Abbas reported that the Prophet

sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam said, "Whoever gives it before the Salah will have it
accepted as Zakat, while he who gives it
after the Salah (will not, for it will only be
considered as) ordinary charity. Therefore,
one who forgets to pay this Zakat ul-Fitr on
time should do so as soon as possible even
though it will not be counted as Zakat ulFitr."
The amount of Zakat is the same for everyone regardless of their different income
brackets. The minimum amount is one Sa'
(four handfuls) of food, grain or dried fruit
for each member of the family. This calculation is based on Ibn 'Umar's report that the
Prophet sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam made
Zakat ul-Fitr compulsory and payable by a
Sa' of dried dates or a Sa' of barley.
The Sahabi, Abu Sa'id al-Khudri said, "In
the Prophet's time, we used to give it (Zakat
ul-Fitr) as a Sa' of food, dried dates, barley,
raisins or dried cheese."

Sustaining the spirit of Ramadhan during non-fasting days

Continued From Page 4
1. Purify your intention
Everything begins with intention, whether
you are fasting or not. The greatest deed
could be rejected by Allah if we did not
have the correct intention to begin with.
When I feel like my intention is not pure, I
say out loud my intention is solely for the
pleasure of Allah and repeat this until the
doubt is removed. All three of the women
above can gain reward using this method
as much as they can during Ramadhan, to
make sure every deed has a refined intention behind it.
2. Block out time for ibadah
To optimise your non-praying days, block
out a certain amount of time (it doesnt
have to be at the same time everyday) to
fulfill at least one of the actions listed here
and make a firm intention to complete this
everyday. This will keep the spirit of Ramadhan alive even when you cannot pray and
fast, In shaa Allah.
3. Make a dua list
Write two dua lists: one that contains personal desires and wants, and another with
duas from the Quran and sunnah (all the
Rabbana duas from the Quran, for example). Make these duas at the recommended
times, like during the last third of the night,
at iftar time and during rainfall.
4. Engage in constant dhikr
Dhikr is a beautiful way to remain connected to Allah at a time when it is so easy to
feel distant. Try and complete your morning and evening adhkhar, increase salawat
upon Prophet Muhammad peace be upon
him and fill your minutes with precious istighfar. Dhikr is an especially effective tool
for busy mums, as you can feel connected
to Allah even when you are running around
after your kids.
5. Stay connected to the Quran
Stay connected to the Book revealed during this month by listening to your favourite

reciters and/or reading easy translations

and tafseer. Ponder the meaning of the
Quran and aim to implement one ayah
every day or to the best of your ability. Listening to a good, medium-paced recitation
is a fantastic way to aid with memorisation
6. Seek knowledge
You can select a book or watch a series of
lectures to gain and apply as much knowledge as possible or watch one of many
YouTube Ramadhan series and podcasts
by renowned scholars at your convenience.
7. Earn the reward of fasting!
Remember that there is a huge reward in
giving iftar to the one who is fasting. So
make the most of the extra time and energy
you have during non-fasting days to help
your family prepare iftar, send iftar over to
the neighbors or to those breaking their
fast at the local mosque as Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him said: Whoever gives food for a fasting person to break
his fast, he will have a reward like theirs,
without that detracting from their reward in
the slightest. [Sunan Ibn Majah]
Making up missed fasts
Once Ramadhan is over, we have to organise how we will make up the fasts we
missed. Use a simple method to count
missed fasts from previous Ramadhan
months. Begin making them up in small
chunks soon after Ramadhan you will feel
less overwhelmed as you check off your
missed fasts during the year.
There you have it sisters! Follow these
tips to invest in having a spiritually uplifting
Ramadhan even whilst you are not praying
or fasting. Ensure you plan your time as effectively as you can and up your game on
these days by doing more iman-boosting
activities to remain connected to the spirit
of Ramadhan. May Allah fill your Ramadhan with blessings and make it the most
productive Ramadhan yet! Ameen!


The Friday Bulletin

Ramadhan 23,1436/ July 10, 2015

1. First Community Bank chairman and Jamia Mosque Trustee official Hassan Varvani hands over an iftar ration package to Jaffar
Mumo during the staff iftar programme. 2. Abdullatif Essajee delivers the Friday pre-Khutbah and inset, Abdulwahab Ali translates
into sign language 3. The Jamia Mosque administrator Said Abdallah receives dates from the accountant Abubakar Nazir on behalf
of the Da'wa Committee of the Islamic Association of Bahrain. 4. Worshippers perform Friday prayers outside Jamia mosque along
Banda Street 5. Fasting Muslims prepare to break their fast. Over 500 people are facilitated with iftar on a daily basis at the mosque.
6. Airtel commercial director Abdallah Khamis and a company official Samir Abdulkadir get a briefing from the Imam Sheikh Muhammad Swalihu on the iftar programme sponsored by Airtel. 7. The Saudi Arabian Religious Attache' Anwar Abdulaziz al Souly
with Jamia mosque officials during an iftar sponsored by his office 8. Africa Muslim Agency director Dr. Ismail Hassan presents an
award to Abdallah Said Muhammad, the winner in the 5 Juzu category during the Quran competition. 9. Jamia Training Institute
deputy principal Muhammad Enow presents a computer to Omar Abdallah Ng'ang'a from the Kiambu West Muslim Group.

Page 9

Ramadhan 23,1436/ July 10, 2015

The Friday Bulletin

Ummah Ramadhan activities


Services of a ghusal attendant required at Adams Masjid, Adams Arcade Ngong Road
Duties will include maintaining the
ghusal hall, assisting in the actual
ghusal and shrouding, and liaising
with various hospital and cemeteries.
For further information contact Afzal
Bhatti on Tel 0722 760833 or Sohail on
Tel 0722 203 860

Page 10


Masjid Al Ameen invites reverts

for a get together and Iftar on
Sunday 12th July 2014 After
Asr to Maghrib
Venue Masjid Al-Amim, near
Juja Road Estate
Please comfrim your participation through 0722235337,

Many people are sentenced to prisons for various reasons

and for different terms. Some are jailed for too long, ranging from 10 years to life imprisonment. It all depends with
the nature of their crimes.
To most of them, it is a break in life and a period to reflect and make new resolutions in ones life worthwhile.
The government works very hard to impose correctional
measures to the inmates' but that alone is not enough,
apart from addressing the bodies, there is great need to
address issues related to the heart and cognisant minds.
Ummah Foundation with its Prisoners Rehabilitation Program (PRP) works to improve the inmates general wellbeing, despite the restrictions of the prison environments.
This is a rehabilitation program that engages the inmates
on a personal level within a period he/she is serving the
term to appreciate the fact that there is a clean life after
prison and relapsing into crime is a chicanery that harms
the society and humanity forever. We also instill noble
virtues of respect to the authority and promote positive
bonding between all people and encourage them to take
active roles in learning and acquiring knowledge. Our
sole aim is to reduce reoffending through spiritual training
and rehabilitation.
We also appreciate the fact that we have mothers who are
offenders and in one way or another, innocent child below
the age of 4 years find themselves within the prison conditions. It is very important to know that the initial stages
of a child in life are very critical as they need emotional,
intellectual and physical development next to their mothers. The babies therefore are in need of learning units,
diapers and clothes. Ummah Foundation supports all efforts that are geared in ensuring that this vulnerable group
is accommodated properly by getting these basic needs.
During this holy month of Ramadhan, Ummah Foundation
through its Prisoners Rehabilitation Program went around
the country visiting the male and female prisons and supplied them with sanitary kits, shoes, diapers, prayer mats,
kanzus, dates and other food stuffs. We appreciate the
prison department for facilitating our accessibility and
the cordial reception they accorded us to offer the much
needed services. We also thank Brother Azym Dossa, the
Managing Director of Easy Couch Ltd who offered us free
transportation of the items to 25 prisons in the country.
May Allah Subhaanahu wa Taala reward you amply and
your staff for your continuous support.
Another marginalised group that attracted our attention
this month is the Muslim deaf students at Karen Technical Institute for the Deaf. This is a government special
school that trains the deaf from all over the country and
empowers them with skills for life. The Muslim population
at presents stands at 22 and the most unfortunate thing
is that they are a forgotten lot. Very few know about the
school and the students were struggling on how to make
the fast easy on their own. The School does not have any
special arrangements for them for iftar or suhur. Ummah
Foundation learnt of their plight and delivered food stuffs
and dates that will help them last the period of fasting. We
need to draw the attention of our brothers and sisters that
we have many silent sufferers out there who are facing the
same fate like the students at this deaf school. Let us all
try our best to identify them so that we can accord them
the necessary help that they rightfully deserve.
By partnering with Ummah Foundation, we can eventually
bring a lasting change that we all desire in shaa' Allah.
Ummah Foundation
Village Plaza,2nd Floor Ngara Road
P.O.Box 58717-00200 , Nairobi, Kenya
Tel:+254-20-2680610/13, Mobile: +254734845277

The Friday Bulletin


Muslims leaders condemn Bill giving minors condoms

A strong condemnation has been the
response towards the proposal to give
condoms and contraceptives to school
going children in the controversial Reproductive Health Care Bill 2014 which
is before Parliament.
The Bill sponsored by nominated Senator Judith Sijeny has caught public attention after it sailed through the second
The Council of Imams and Preachers
of Kenya (CIPK) organizing Secretary
Sheikh Muhammad Khalifa said the law
should not have a place in the society
as it is an affront to religious and African
Speaking to the Friday Bulletin, Sheikh
Khalifa said the Bill will serve to promote
premarital sex among adolescents and
lead to moral degradation of the society
should it be passed into law.
As a Council we totally reject the move
to give teenagers condoms and other
birth control pills. It is against cultural
and religious teachings of Kenyan societies, he said.
He noted that the consequences of the
proposed legislation will lead to irresponsible sexual behavior among the youth,
family breakage, teenage pregnancies
and moral decline in the soceity. These
children do not need a pack of condoms
and pills in their hands, they need to be
nurtured, disciplined and guided morally
and religiously, he added.
The Imam of Jamia Mosque Nairobi
Sheikh Muhammad Swalihu condemned
the Bill terming it immoral and hazard-

ous adding that providing condoms

and other contraceptives to adolescents will promote immorality.
He pointed out that such laws are not
beneficial to the Kenyan society and
will only lead to the erosion of values.
Sheikh Swalihu urged Members of
Parliament and Kenyans irrespective
of their religion to reject the Bill arguing that Kenya remains a God fearing
and religious nation and rejects such
obnoxious practices which are borrowed from the West. We reject this
Bill because it is not beneficial to our
kids. Giving our kids condoms is encouraging them to engage in premature sex and other immoral activities,
said the Imam.
According to the proposed law, children would not need the consent of
their parents to access contraceptives
and if enacted adolescents will be entitled to comprehensive sexuality education and access to information.
The Bill caused a public uproar from
religious leaders who expressed their
strong opposition on the proposals
when it made its maiden entry to parliament in April last year.
Reacting to the current debate on homosexuals spurred by the forthcoming
visit of the US President Barack Obama , the official said Kenyans should
reject the promotion of homosexuality
in the country terming it a despicable
act which even animals cannot comprehend to practice.

The winners of the Jamia Mosque Quran

competition were among the star performers during the just concluded East
Africa Quran Competition in Mombasa.
The event was organized by the Mombasa based Muslim Mercy Youth and attracted more than 600 participants from
Kenya, Somalia, Tanzania, Zanzibar,
Uganda, Rwanda and Burundi.
After receiving an Umrah package and a
Sh170, 000 cash prize during the Jamia
Mosque Quran competition, Ahmed Muhammad Ibrahim added a fully paid hajj
package and Sh 40,000 to his basket of
awards after topping the competition in
the category of Kenyan competitors.
He emerged third overall in the memorization of all the 30 chapters of the
Quran in the event which saw Abdulhakim Abdulrahim Muhammad from Somalia emerging the overall winner earning himself the coveted fully paid trip for
hajj in the sacred city of Makkah in Saudi Arabia and a Sh50,000 prize money.
In addition, the two winners received a
cash prize of Sh100, 000 each from the
Mombasa Governor Ali Hassan Joho.
The second position was taken by Muhammad Daud from Kenya who went
home with a Sh50, 000 cash prize.

In the female category, Aishah Abdishakur who emerged the overall winner in the Jamia Quran competition
took the top honours at the Mombasa
event. She was also selected to represent Kenya during the Khartoum International Quran competition slated for
January 2016 in Sudan.
Ahmed and Aishah earned themselves
automatic tickets to the highly contested event after topping the charts at the
Jamia mosque event.
Participants competed in five categories of memorization of the Quran-2
chapters, 5 chapters, 10 chapters, 20
and committing to memory all the 30
chapters of the Quran.
The Chief Kadhi Sheikh Ahmed Muhdhar was the guest of honour at the
four day event which was held at the
Makadara ground within Mombasa
Across the borders in Tanzania, Muhammad Rashid who hails from Mombasa emerged the winner of the African Quran Competition held last week
in the capital Dar es sallam. He went
home with a brand new car as his prize
in the event witnessed by thousands of
people at the Tanzania National Stadium.

Jamia winners shine at Mombasa Quran competition

Ramadhan 23,1436/ July 10, 2015

Court rejects Bura Girls' plea

A high court judge has rejected an application to

have suspended Muslim students at Bura High
School in Taita Taveta countyto go back to classes while awaiting a determination of the case.
The application filed under a certificate of urgency
had also sought to prevent the school administration from forcing the girls to attend church.
Justice Emanyara Emukule instead fixed the
hearing of the case for July 17 and told the school
to file their replying affidavit within seven days.
Thirty eight students were suspended by the
school Principal Assumpta Munyao for two weeks
for what the school says is a case of indiscipline
after they failed to adhere to an order to attend
a church service which was contrary to their religious beliefs.
The action prompted parents to seek legal redress to have the girls readmitted to continue with
their studies.
Your honour, these minors are missing a lot. We
pray that this court grants orders that the girls be
reinstated to school and not to be subjected to
any condition pending the hearing and determination of the case, Nairobi lawyer Ali Mahmood told
the court on Monday which sat in
Contrary to normal practice,
He argued that ac- it was the Attorney General
cording to the con- Githu Muigai who representstitution, the rights ed the school in the petition
of the children which failed to provide a
were given para- defence during the court apmount importance plication.
and any move to
deny them their right to education could be detrimental to their future.
He further argued that they have been disadvantaged and were losing a lot in terms of education
whereas their colleagues from the other faith were
learning. The constitution clearly states that everyone has freedom of worship, hence the schools
sponsors cannot force anyone to factor in the demand of (their faith), he emphasised.
Contrary to normal practice, it was the Attorney
General Githu Muigai who represented the school
in the petition which failed to provide a defence
during the court application.
Bura Girls High School is a national school though
run by the Catholic Church which is its sponsor.

Eid public holiday to be

marked on July 18
The official Eid ul Fitr public holiday will be marked
on Saturday July 18.
The Chief Kadhi Sheikh Ahmad Muhdhar said the
day is expected to be officially gazetted after he
sent out a communique to the head of the civil
service Joseph Kinyua, who is mandated under
the law to declare the event as a public holiday.
Officially Eid ul Fitr public holiday is marked 30
days after the beginning of the Ramadhan.
Sheikh Muhdhar appealed to Muslims to continue
exerting more efforts during the remaining days of
Ramadhan stressing that the last days are high
moments of reaping the most from Ramadhan.
In prelude to the Eid ul fitr event, he reminded
Muslims of their obligation of paying Zakatul Fitr
which will go towards ensuring that the less fortunate also have a memorable event to commemorate the end of the Ramadhan.

Page 11

Anti-Chinese feelings on the rise in Turkey

China has warned its citizens traveling in Turkey to be careful of antiBeijing protests, saying some Chinese tourists have recently been
"attacked and disturbed".
The notice, posted on the Ministry of Foreign Affairs website on Sunday, said there had been "multiple" demonstrations in Turkey targeting the Chinese government.
Relations between Turkey and China have been strained recently
over the treatment of Muslim Uighur people in China's far western
region of Xinjiang, who have reportedly been banned from worship
and fasting during the holy month of Ramadan.
China's treatment of the Uighurs is an important issue for many
Turks, who see themselves as sharing a common cultural and religious background. Turkey vowed on Friday to keep its doors open to
ethnic Uighurs fleeing persecution.
"Absolutely do not get close to or film the protests, and minimize to
the greatest extent outside activities on one's own," the Chinese notice said.
Turkish daily Hurriyet reported a small group of people last week attacked a Chinese restaurant in Istanbul's tourist city Tophane district,
smashing windows.
On Sunday in Istanbul, several hundred protesters marched towards
the Chinese consulate carrying flags and chanting anti-China slogans
outside the building, located towards the end of a leafy uphill road
from the coast of the Bosphorus strait.
Earlier in the day, some of the protesters had burned a Chinese flag.
"They (the Uighurs) are our brothers and are being persecuted for
their faith. They did nothing wrong, their only fault is to be Muslim,"
said 17-year old Muhammet Gokce who was wearing a blue head
band with the words "East Turkestan you are not alone".
"Turkey should embrace its brothers, should save them from the brutal hands of communist China."


Tassia Mosque in Embakasi is faced with a risk of repossession by NSSF over an outstanding balance of Ksh 2.4 million
for the purchase of the land.
Please contribute towards saving the mosque from destruction
Send your donations to Jamia MPESA Pay Bill number 150770
Account number Tassia or AIRTEL MONEY Till number JAMIA


The noble cause of bringing together orphans from Nairobi

for a memorable Eid
Venue: WAMY High School 19th July 2015 9 am to
Sponsor a child @2500
MPESA numbers Salim J 0722494526, Salim E 0722300333,
Ali K 0721162555 Ayan 0728279689
Organised by the ADMIN WhatsApp Group



TAQWA SACCO would like to invite all our members to

our annual general meeting that will take place on
Non members who want to register as members of
TAQWA SACCO or wish to transfer from other SACCOS may attend as observers.


The Friday Bulletin is a Publication of Jamia Masjid Committee, P. O. Box 100786-00101 Nairobi, Tel: 2243504/5 Fax: 342147
E-mail: Printed by Graphic Lineups Limited-Kweria Road

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