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Islamic faith

By :



SUBMITTED TO : Dr.Hasse j, M.A



10 name of the angel and duties

1. Malaikat Jibril charge of delivering revelation to a Nabi and Rasul

2. Malaikat Mikail gave the charge to the entire human sustenance
3. Malaikat Israfil charge of blowing trumpets trumpet on Judgment Day
4. Malaikat Izrail responsible for taking lives
5. Malikat Munkar in charge asking and examining human deeds in the
grave along with the Angel Nakir
6. Malaikat Nakir in charge asking and examining human deeds in the
grave along with the Angel Munkar
7. Malaikat Raqib / Rokibduty to record all the good deeds of man while
8. Malaikat Atid the responsibility to record all the bad things / evil human
when alive
9. Malaikat Malik which served to keep the doors of hell .
10. Malaikat Ridwan which served to keep the doors of heaven / paradise .

Name of rosul and his book

Taurat which was revealed to Nabi Musa AS

Zabur which was revealed to Nabi Daud AS
Injil which was revealed to Nabi Isa AS
Al-quran which was revealed to Nabi Muhammad SAW


Rasul is level higher than the level of Nabi.

Rasul sent to the unbelievers , while Nabi sent to a people who

have faith .

Shari'ah the Rosul different from one another , or in other words that
the Rosul sent with the new shari'ah .

NABI is the first Adam and the first Rosul is Nuh AS .

The entire Rosul sent by God to save the assassination attempt

launched by his people . The NABI was among those who had been
killed by his people .

Nabi : a man of a male gender who received revelation from GOD

but not mandatory spread to others .

Rasul : is a person with male gender who received revelation from

Allah and have an obligation to spread the revelation

the total number of Nabi there are 124,000

the total number of the Rasul 313

Rasul is certain he is a prophet

Nabi not necessarily he a Rasul


1. Al - Siddiq is true in speech and behavior . True , honest .News was

brought by the Prophets and Apostles certainly true in accordance
with the facts and reality of the fact , He is the first trait that must
be owned by the Prophets and Messengers sent by God to the
natural world to bring revelation and religion . In the Prophet himself
, not just his words are true , even his actions IS ALSO true , the
which is in line with his words. So it's impossible for the Prophet
Muhammad is a wild , cheaters , and so on . Opponents of the
nature Sidiq is , meaning lie . His remarks were nothing but a
revelation revealed to him " [ an-Najm / 53 : 4-5 ]

2. Al-Amanah is shall fulfill the apostolic mandate accounted for him

even to be redeemed with the body and soul . Nabi and Rasul of
immoral acts both lahiriyah khamer suppose drinking , adultery ,
lying , and batiniyah like hasud , arrogant , riya'. Nabi and Rasul
from childhood until death never disobeyed God either makrooh or
that violates the virtue ( ) especially illicit. Amanah
means completely trustworthy . If a matter submitted to it , surely
people believe that the matter will be carried out with the best .
Hence the Prophet Muhammad , dubbed by residents of Mecca by
the title of " Al- Amin " meaning reliable long before he was
appointed to be a prophet . Whatever he say , residents of Mecca to
believe it because he was not a man a liar . "I convey unto you the
messages of my Lord and giver of advice that I just trusted you. "
[ Al- A'raf / 7 : 68 ]

3. Al-Tabligh is shall convey what he had received a revelation from

Allah . Delivered all the teachings of God to all mankind without any
hidden though is nothing . Nabi and Rasulcertainly convey the
revelation of God to his people . None were hidden during the
revelation of God commanded to be delivered . The things that are
special and should not be delivered , it is not mandatory to submit
Apostle otherwise be kept secret . Likewise, the case was allowed to
choose between the delivered or withheld then also not required to
be submitted. " That He may know that the real apostles have
delivered the Messages of their Lord, and His knowledge
encompasses what is with them, and He counted everything one by
one . " ( Surah Al-Jinn : 28 ). Opponents of the nature of Tabligh is
, Kitman means : Hiding the revelation that God
commanded to be delivered to the people .

4. Al-Fatanah is ingenuity , intelligence or wisdom . Nabi stupid or

jahlun is impossible, in 6236 delivered Qur'anic verses and then
explain Dalam Tens of thousands of hadith require Extraordinary
Intelligence, Nabi must be able to explain the words of God to his
people so that they want to enter into Islam . He also must be able
to argue with the disbelievers in the best possible way .Moreover,
the Nabi was able to organize his community of Arabs so stupid and
divided and mutually inter-tribal warfare , into a civilized nation and

knowledgeable in one large country in 100 years exceeds that of

Europe . The country stretches from Spain and Portugal in the west
to the West Indies .It all requires extraordinary intelligence .
Opponents of the nature Fathonah is , Baladah means : Not
smart and forgetful .

Reference book

Buku Pintar Agama Islam SD Kelas 4, 5, & 6

By M. Syafi'ie el-Bantani

Buku Panduan Lengkap Agama Islam

By Tim Darul Ilmi

Mengenal Lebih Dekat Jamaah Tabligh

Pengarang: Syaikh Prof. Dr. Shalih bin Fauzan alFauzan et al.

Suara muhammadiyah, Volume 89, Issues 17-24

Ensiklopedia islam AL KAMIL

Judul buku : pendidikan agama islam untuk

kelas SMU
Penerbit Yudistira
Penulis : Drs. Ahmad Syafii Mufid ,M.A dkk

Gardens of the righteous

By Muhammad Zafrullah Khan

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