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Lesson Plan

Name: Matea Amalia

Date: 08.05.2015
Grade: 0, 2, 3
No. of students: 4

School: No. 5 Nicolae Iorga, Pitesti

Time of lesson: From 12:00 to 13:00
Textbook: Pupils Book, Activity Book
Units 9, Page 54, Lesson: Fun time!

Lesson aims:
1. By the end of the lesson pupils will be able toname and talk about sports and activities.
2. By the end of the lesson pupils will have practiced listening for the gist and speaking
for fluency.
Pupils Book
Activity Book
Character and action flashcards (1-5, 19, 33-34, 72-78)
Two rulers
Preparation: before the class starts, the teacher opens the windows, makes light in the
classroom, arranges all the pupils chairs/desks in semi-circle, makes sure the CD player
works and all the tracks are in order, writes all the pupils names on the board and places
all the necessary materials on the desk.
Target language:
Key language: play football, play basketball, play tennis, play the guitar,
swim, ride a bike, play the piano
Additional language: play table tennis
Revised language: character names

Activity 1: Warmer
Aim: Starting the class in an interactive manner and review the characters
1. Spread the character flashcards over the board. make two teams. they line up, facing
the board. give the first pupil un each line a ruler. Say the name of a characters, e.g. Suzy.
the two pupils race to be first to slap the picture. award a point to the pupil's team. the
two pupils hand the rulers to the two pupils at the front and go to the back of the line.

Timing: 3 minutes
Activity 2: Presentation
Aim: To teach the new vocabulary
1. Show each action flashcard in turn and teach or elicit the action. Use the simple
infinitive. Pupils repeat in chorus and in groups. then show flashcards at random. Pupils
say the action.
2. Practice doing the actions. Pupils stand up. Say, e.g. Simon says play the guitar. Pupils
mime playing the guitar. Say Play football. Pupils don't mime. Repeat for the other
Timing: 3 minutes
Activity 3: PB54, Activity 1 Listen and point
Aim: To focus pupils on the pets by listening to the CD
1. The teacher asks children to open their books by saying: Open the Pupils Book at
page 54, please and tells them to hold the books so that she may see them (demonstrating
this). Holding up the book to check pupils have the right page.
2. Say Wheres the star? Check by pointing to the star (on the piano). Pupils say Here it
3. Say Listen and point to the actions. Play the CD. Pupils listen and point. Play the CD
again. Pupils stand up and play the game as they listen.
Timing: 5 minutes
CD 3, 01
Activity 4: AB54, Activity 1 Listen and write the number
Aim: To fix well the actions and to make pupils recognize them
1. The teacher asks children to open their books by saying: Open the Activity Book at
page 54, please and tells them to hold the books so that she may see them (demonstrating
this). Holding up the book to check pupils have the right page.
2. Say Listen and write the number. Here's an example. Play the first one. Check pupils
know what to do. Play the rest of the CD. Pupils check in pairs. Play the CD again in
sections. Check with the class.
Timing: 4 minutes
CD 3, 03
Activity 5: Extra activity 1, Teachers Book, page 112 Group game
Aim: To make pupils move and practice the actions by means of a game

1. Demonstrate the game. Four pupils come to the front. Make groups. Elicit an action
from the class, e.g. riding a bike. Mime riding a bike. Say a pupil's name in the group
and another action. The pupil named mimes the action and then says the name of another
pupil in the group and another action.
2. Repeat for all the actions, encouraging pupils to name each other at random and to
repeat some of the actions. Pupils play the game. Monitor pupils as they are playing and
speed them up if necessary.
Timing: 5 minutes
Activity 6: PB54, Activity 2 Listen, point and repeat
Aim: To check pupils attention and make them use the language correctly
1. Ask children to open their books by saying: Open the Pupils Book at page 54, please
and tell them to hold the books so that you may see them (demonstrating this). Holding
up the book to check pupils have the right page.
2. Say Listen, point and repeat. Play the CD. Pupils repeat in chorus. Check word stress
on football, basketball, tennis, guitar.
3. Play Simon says again. Pupils give the instructions.
Timing: 4 minutes
CD 3, 02
Activity 7: AB54, Activity 2 Read and match
Aim: To make pupils correlate the written word with the specific pictures
1. The teacher asks children to open their books by saying: Open the Activity Book at
page 54, please and tells them to hold the books so that she may see them (demonstrating
this). Holding up the book to check pupils have the right page.
2. Use the example to check pupils know what to do. Say Read and match the others.
Pupils work individually and then check in pairs. Monitor pupils as they are working.
3. Check by displaying the flashcards (word side), pointing to them in the same sequence
as on the AB and saying, e.g. Numbers 3? Pupils respond Ride a bike.
Timing: 4 minutes
Activity 8: Extra activity 2, Teachers Book, page 113 Mime game
Aim: To check pupils agility and attention
1. Show the action flashcards, word side, quickly to pupils. Choose two pupils. One
mimes the action, the other says it. Repeat. Use the flashcards more than once and use as
many pupils as you can.
2. Display the flashcards word side and point to each one. Pupils chorus the action.
Timing: 5 minutes

Activity 9: Feeding The Class Monster

Aim: Learning to write words from the Alphabetic vocabulary list
1. Give each pupil a piece of paper with words written in scrambled letters on them.
2. Pupils work individually for three minutes to order the letters to get the words and to
translate them.
3. When they are ready, they come to the front and if their words are correct, they spell
them and feed the class monster
Words: play, tennis, guitar, piano, swim
Timing: 5 minutes
Activity 10: Ending the lesson
Aim: Ending the lesson in an interactive manner
1. Play a guessing game with the actions flashcards. Hold them up facing you so that noone can see them. Hide the word side too. Pupils take turns to guess, e.g. Ride a bike?
Replay Yes, it is/No, it isn't. The pupil who guesses correctly comes up and has turn.
Timing: 3 minutes
Telling pupils : You will sing a song, play a matching game and a whisper game!
Back up 1: Action game
Aim: Repeating the actions vocabulary
1. Show the action flashcards to the class and hide them so that they cannot see them.
2. Secretly take one and put it behind your back.
3. Pupils ask questions to guess, e.g. Swim? And answer Yes, it is./No, it isnt.
4. The pupil who guesses correctly comes to the front and mimes the action. Repeat.
Timing: 5 minutes
Back up 2: Spell it!
Aim: To revise 10 or more acquired words: fish, horse, basketball, tennis, guitar,
piano, play, ride, bike, friends, family
1. Pupils work individually. They need a pencil and their notebooks. They write numbers
1-10 down the side of the page. Spell out ten words they learnt. Spell each word once.
2. Make teams. They check their words together. Elicit one answer from each team. They
must spell the word back to you correctly to win a point for their team.
Timing: 5 minutes

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