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Pick Your Passion

By Ross Enamait Published in 2009

In past articles, Ive discussed important attributes such as patience,
perseverance, diligence, and intensity. Clearly, these are significant
variables that must be considered when working towards any
meaningful goal. Yet without passion, each variable is limited. How
much patience will you exhibit without passion? How much intensity
will you put forth? What about perseverance or diligence? When it
comes to maximizing potential, passion is an absolute must.
Swiss philosopher Henri Frederic Amiel summed up the significance
of passion with his words below,
Without passion man is a mere latent force and possibility, like the
flint which awaits the shock of the iron before it can give forth its
Merriam-Webster defines passion as a strong liking or desire for, or
devotion to some activity, object, or concept. Passion is a driving
force. It is the spark that ignites the flame. It illuminates the path on
your road to success. Without passion, the road will eventually
darken. Youll lack direction, focus, and desire.
The Power of Passion
Passion often defines the individual. It isnt something you can fake.
You either have it or you dont. For example, consider the young
fighter who literally fights his way out of poverty. His passion steers
him through adversity, propelling him towards a successful career.
But what happens when the fountain of passion runs dry? Perhaps
the fighter experiences the taste of money and loses the fire that

once burned within. All of the natural talent and prior years of
training cannot make up for a lack of passion.
Many professional athletes become victim to their own fame. They
find a life that they never knew existed. They are no longer fighting
to better their lives, as they are now surrounded by fame and
wealth. During these times, they must follow the advice of Abbe
Renew your passions daily.
A perfect example of this concept comes from legendary boxer
Bernard Hopkins. Earlier in his career, Im sure he was passionate
about bettering his life (financially) and that of his family. This is no
longer the case however as hes already earned millions. Yet his
passion still runs strong, even into his 40s. Hopkins is not distracted
by money. He remains passionate about winning and cementing his
own legacy.
Therefore, you dont need to choose a single passion today that you
must then live with forever. There is a good chance that your
interests will change over time. You are free to seek out new
passions. Using myself as an example, my passion has certainly
changed over the years. I renew my passions regularly. Passion for a
day is never enough. You cannot ride the coattails of past passion
and expect to find future success.

Pictured with NABF

Cruiserweight Champion Matt Godfrey after a victory in 2008
I have not competed in many years. I am happy in my role as a
trainer and coach. I am obviously passionate about improving my
athletes, but I still must find my own passion for training. I cannot
live through my athletes. I must come alive on my own.
What I do in the gym is for me and only me. I dont train with my
athletes. We often do entirely different things. I need to chase down
my own goals. No one can pick these goals for me. I decide for
myself. The fact that I train fighters doesnt mean that I still train as
a fighter. My passion has changed significantly over the years, and
Im sure that it will continue to change into the future.
Flawed Approaches
Understanding the significance of passion isnt enough. We must
take it a step further and bring passion to our training. Do not falsely
assume that passion is exclusive to competitive athletes. We are all
entitled to passion. We can all use it to our advantage. I have not
competed in many years, but am as passionate as Ive ever been
about training.

Unfortunately, many fitness establishments fail to elicit passion

among their participants. They go about it all wrong. These
establishments often fall into one of two flawed categories.
I. Guilty By Association The first group tries to guilt you into
training. They use scare tactics regarding health and longevity in
hopes that theyll scare you into changing your habits. Their
message often translates to something such as, Join our group or
face a life of pain and misery!
II. Pick Our Passion The next group tries to pick your passion.
They tell you what to be passionate about. It is their way or the
highway. Their message often translates to something such as,
Train our way as we have exactly what YOU need to function in this

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