Cynthia Wilson Ministries - His Mercies and Great Compassion - Article One 021910

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His Mercies and Great Compassion

Cynthia Wilson Ministries, Inc.

Article One – February 19, 2010

It is because of the Lord’s mercy and loving-kindness that we are not consumed, because His [tender] compassions fail not.
They are new every morning; great and abundant is your stability and faithfulness. Lamentations 3:22, 23 (Amplified Version)

Have you ever gotten yourself into a situation you really needed the mercy of God? Of course, we are his
sheep and sheep tend to get themselves in trouble. Well, regardless of whether the situation is severe or
not, we all need the mercy of God. Aren’t you glad His mercies are new every morning?

This person that I am about to talk about is a man that loved God, called to be a prophet to Israel and
other nations. He reverenced and loved the Lord deeply. However, it seemed that he begin to get weary
in well doing. I believe it happens to all believers, but the Lord reminds us not to be weary while living a
life dedicated to Him. He has promised that we will reap in due season if we don’t faint, give in or give up.

This man that loved the Lord had an intimate relationship with God. Jonah is the man that God called and
charged to speak to the people of Nineveh. Jonah previously spoke faithfully to the nation of Israel the
message of repentance to no avail. Israel chose to turn their backs on God and rejected his prophets.

The Spirit of the Lord spoke to Jonah and gave him a mandate to prophesy and denounce his judgments
against Nineveh, the great city of the Assyrians. The city of Nineveh reminds me of the cities of our world
today. Nineveh had approximately fifteen hundred high-rise towers and over 120,000 children living in
the city. I suspect that Jonah did not want to speak to the city of Nineveh, because during that time the
Word of God was only preached to the nation of Israel and not to Gentiles or heathens.
We should never forget that God is Sovereign, we can’t put Him in a box and say, well I thought your
Word was only for Israel, your chosen people. God’s plans were to do a new thing and Jonah decided he
didn’t want to be a part of God’s new move.

“God is El Roi – God Who Sees.” Why do we think God doesn’t see what is going on? God knew that
Nineveh would be a people that would repent of their sins if Jonah preached and prophesied the Word of
the Lord to them. Also, it would provoke the nation of Israel to jealousy and possibly cause them to turn
to God. The stench of Nineveh’s wickedness had reached beyond the heavens; God had no choice but to
release His judgment against them, unless they repented. Jonah was the man handpicked by God to do
the job.

God told Jonah, “Go to the great city of Nineveh, and give them this announcement from the Lord: `I am
going to destroy you, for your wickedness rises before me; it smells to highest heaven.” (Jonah 1:2 LVB)

Jonah rationalized within himself and decided to run to Tarshish. Jonah failed to realize that God is
omnipresent, He is present everywhere and we can’t hide from him. Jonah purchased a ticket to board a
ship to get out of town. Isn’t it amazing, we can’t run from God, neither can we run from our problems
nor assignments that God has placed on us?

After being at sea for one day, the most dangerous storm came upon the ship. This ship carried people
from all nations and they perceived that this was a very unusual storm and knew someone had
committed some kind of great trespass against a higher being. Although these individuals knew that
something supernatural was taking place, they all felt the need to call on their gods. However, it was
recorded that Jonah was in the bottom of the ship in a deep sleep. The shipmaster proceeds to wake
Jonah up to begin to call on his God, perhaps they will be saved from the storm.

Did the enemy induce a deep sleep on Jonah to prevent him from rising up to pray? What was going on
with Jonah? Jonah immediately rose up from his sleep. Maybe he prayed and repented. However, that
didn’t stop the storm from raging.

We often want our storms to cease from raging and desire the peace of God to just surround us. God sees
the complete picture when He allows us to go through the storms. Sometimes it is because of our
disobedience and self-will, but He is yet a compassionate and merciful God.

They cast lots to determine who the guilty one was, God played His hand, and the lot fell on Jonah. Now it
was out in the open, that he was the guilty one and the reason for the raging storm. Jonah chose to be
thrown in the sea to prevent these men from losing their lives.

“In this, Jonah was a type of Christ, who willingly gave himself to suffer and die, that he might
appease divine wrath, satisfy justice, and save men; only with this difference, Jonah suffered for his
own sins, Christ for the sins of others; Jonah also endured a storm he himself had raised by his sins,
Christ endured a storm raised by the sins of others. (The New John Gill Exposition of the Entire Bible.”
Jonah 1:12)

Jonah found himself in the belly of a fish, what went through his mind when he was being thrown
overboard only he and God knows. I can imagine the devil told him, this is it for you buddy, and your
precious life is over! Let’s see how you will prophesy again! When devastating situations arise, know
that God has not forsaken you. Resist the lies of the enemy and call on your precious Savior in prayer.

Jonah found himself wrapped in seaweed, alive in the belly of a great fish. In his overwhelming, dire
circumstances it appeared his situation was hopeless. Jonah, however begin to realize God’s merciful
and compassionate nature. I believe that the love of God began to speak to Jonah’s heart; there is nothing
that can separate you from the love of God. Yes, God’s love still prevails even in the midst of dire

The word of the Lord resonated in Jonah’s heart, “They that observe lying vanities forsake their own
mercy.” “But I will sacrifice unto thee with the voice of thanksgiving; I will pay that I have vowed.
Salvation is of the Lord.” (Jonah 2: 8, 9 Amplified Version)

Lying vanities are representative of the worship of idols, which are nothing; mere vanity and lies, serving
divers lusts and pleasures of this world and pursuing the vanities of this life, vain imaginations,
ideologies, evil heart of unbelief and self-will.

It is only the truth of God that releases real freedom and liberty. Jonah could have given in to fear,
disappointment, despair, but he remembered his God; compassionate, gracious and ready to pardon. His
heart’s desire is to release forgiveness in the lives of his people. Jonah refused to let his circumstances
get the best of him. He cried out to God in prayer, his emotions and the spirit of fear were raging within,
just give up Jonah and die, your life is over.

If you are experiencing dire circumstances, know that God’s desire is for you to know His love for you.
The situation is not hopeless. Even when we fall short, God is so merciful to extend His loving-kindness
to us. Will you put your hope in Him today?

While Jonah was inside the great fish, he said, “even though I am cast out of thy sight; I will look again
toward thy holy temple.” (Jonah 2:4 Amplified Version).

“The waters compassed Jonah about, even to [extinction of] life; the abyss surrounded me, and the
seaweed was wrapped about my head.” (Jonah 2: 5 - Amplified Version).

We can hold on to the promises of God and store them in our heart and use them in our daily walk and
especially in times of adversity.

“When thou passest through the waters, I will be with thee; and through the rivers, they shall not
overflow thee: when thou walkest through the fire, thou shalt not be burnt; neither shall the flame kindle
upon thee.” (Isaiah 43:2 Amplified Version). This is God’s promise to the believer that He is your
Deliverer and Protector, regardless of how tumultuous the situation seems.

Satan didn’t want Jonah to know there is healing and deliverance for him. Deliverance is the children’s
bread and it definitely included Jonah. The enemy’s goal is to deceive God’s people into observing lying
vanities. However, God’s plan is for you to know that your salvation encompasses healing, deliverance,
divine protection and provision.

Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits: Who forgiveth all thine iniquities;
who healeth all thy diseases; Who redeemeth thy life from destruction; who crowneth thee with loving-
kindness and tender mercies; Who satisfieth thy mouth with good things; so that thy youth is renewed like
the eagle’s. (Psalm 103:3-5 Amplified Version).

Jonah humbled himself and remembered his covenant relationship with the Lord. God heard him and
delivered him. “And the Lord spoke to the fish, and it vomited out Jonah upon the dry land.” (Jonah 2:10 –
Amplified Version).

Isn’t it amazing how God can just speak a Word and the enemy has no choice in the matter. God spoke to
that giant fish and out pops Jonah on dry land. God is speaking His Word over you today. This day is your
day to receive deliverance, healing, protection and provision.

Experience God’s hand of deliverance today, begin with humility, prayer, repentance and trust Him
to do the rest; for there is nothing too difficult for God’s hand of deliverance. He loves you and
desires to see you blessed, prosperous, healed and restored.

Blessings to you,

Minister Cynthia Wilson

You number and record my wanderings; put my tears into Your bottle—
are they not in Your book? Then shall my enemies turn back in the day
that I cry out; this I know, for God is for me. In God, Whose word I praise,
in the Lord, Whose word I praise,
In God have I put my trust and confident reliance; I will not be afraid.
What can man do to me? For you have delivered my life from death, yes,
and my feet from falling, that I may walk before God in the light of life and
of the living.

(Psalm 56:8-11, 13 Amplified Version).

A Prayer for You

Father God,
We acknowledge that you are Sovereign. You are God even when everything seems to be out of
control. You are a God that passionately loves His people and extends your mercy to the just and
unjust. We thank you for your grace, mercy and great compassion. Lord, I choose to humble myself
under your mighty hand. Forgive me for my sins, ____________________________________.
(Name your sin/s)

Lord, regardless of how things look in the natural, I trust you to heal, deliver, provide and protect me.
Deliver me from lying vanities; create in me a clean heart and a right spirit. Forgive me for being
fearful and not trusting you. I now submit myself to you and resist the enemy. Thank you Lord that
through my obedience you cause the enemy to flee. I am your son/daughter redeemed by my
precious Savior, Jesus. I receive your forgiveness and let go of all guilt and condemnation. Your
word says there is no condemnation to those in Christ Jesus. Thank you that I am made righteous
and justified through the blood of Jesus Christ. Thank you for giving me a robe of righteousness.
Now when you look at me, I’m blood washed and cleansed. Lord in the midst of my circumstances, I
surrender my heart completely to you, letting go of all fear. I command the presence of any fear to
leave me in Jesus’ name. Fill my heart with your peace and reassurance of your great love for me.
Help me to come into total agreement with what you want to release in my life. My destiny is in your
hands; help me to be totally obedient to you. I declare the plans of the enemy over my life are
canceled out. Thank you precious Father for moving behind the scenes in my behalf. I ask these
things of you in Jesus’ precious name. Amen.

Article by: Cynthia Wilson

Cynthia Wilson Ministries, Inc. Web address:
Copyright © 2010 Cynthia Wilson
Scripture Reference: Living Bible Photo: by Microsoft Online Clipart
Scripture taken from the Amplified Bible, Copyright © 1954, 1958, 1962, 1964, 1965, 1987 by The Lockman Foundation.
Used by permission.
Gill, John. “Commentary on Jonah 1:12”. “The New John Gill Exposition of the Entire Bible”. 1999.

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