A Project Report On "Empirical Analysis of

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“Empirical Analysis of Market Share of PepsiC
o & Coca-Cola in Greater Noida”
Submitted to

In partial fufillment for the corse of


Under the guidance: Submitted By: Prof.Pan

kaj Sir Govind Singh
Roll No.: 12
Session: 2008-10


Knowledge Park-III, Greater Noida(U.P.)
Abstract ……………………………………………………………………ii
Declaration ……………………………………………………………….. iii
Introduction about the topic………………………………………1
Project details……………………………………………………..2
History of the Pepsi-co ………………………………………… ...6
Soft drink Industries in India……………………………………..7-9
History of Pepsi in India………………………………………….10
History of Varun Beverage ………………………………………11-13
Manufacturing Process of Varun Beverages……………………...14-16
Marketing Strategy & Marketing Activities………………………17-25
Organization Setup………………………………………………...26
Research Methodology ………………………………………………….27-32
Introduction ……………………………………………………….28
Importance of Marketing Research ……………………………….28
Objective of the study……………………………………………..29
Data Collection Method …………………………………………..30-31
Data Analysis and Inter pretation ………………………………………32-41
Type of content …………………………………………………....33
Stock of Soft drinks ………………………………………………34
Reason For Stocking /Selling Brand of Product ………………….35
Flavour Preference ………………………………………………...36
Medium that affect sales most …………………………………….37
Kind of Promotional Activities that affect sales most……………..38
Signage …………………………………………………………….39
Market share of Cold Drinks Companies in Gr. Noida ……….......41
Suggestion ………………………………………………………….42-43
Limitation of the study…………………………………………….44-46
Product performance………………………………………………47-54


This is certificate that the summer project study report, titled “Empirical Anal
ysis Of Market Share Of PepsiCo &coca-cola at Varun beverage Ltd(Pepsi) in Gre
ater Noida “ submitted by Mr. Govind Singh as a partial fulfillment of requireme
nt of Two year PGDM Course is bonafied work carried out by the student at our i
This summer project study is his original work and has not been submitted to any
other University/ Institute.

Project Mentor:
Pankaj Sir
The opportunity of undergoing training in Varun Beverages exposed me to
very professional and organized management system. It not only gave me practical
experience but contributed largely in laying the foundation for career in the f
ield of marketing. My endeavor at Varun bears the imprint of many other personal
ities who formally or informally made a significant contribution to make it wort
h while.
I wish to express my profound gratitude to Mr.Sharad Vatss Area Development Mana
ger of Varun Beverages Ltd. who gave me a patient hearing thus increasing my kno
wledge and understanding the various facts and functions of the organization.
I am extremely thankful for all the support that I got from Prof. Pankaj Sir Who
gave me the vision insight and knowledge base, with there active involvement an
d assistance at all stages despite there busy schedules.

PGDM (2008-10)

The summer training has been undergone as it is a part of our PGDM course curric
ulum. And I pursue my summer training at the VARUN BEVERAGES LTD, GREATER NOIDA.
The summer project aims to abreast us to the corporate world, to the practicali
ty of the market and how the thing goes on in the corporate world. A part from t
his the objective of the training is to let us know about the day to day functio
ning and processes of the corporate houses.
For the purpose of summer training, the topic which was given to me is “Empirica
l Analysis of Market Share of Pepsi-cola &coca-cola” as my project.
The project was to prepare a “Analysis of Market Share Of Pepsi-cola &coca-cola”
as my project
That contained of a unstructured questionnaire, and the project actually inclu
ded of visiting the dealers, customers and collecting information about the diff
erent product categories. The questionnaire in totality contained 10 questions.
Including this there was a survey on the consumers also on the base of different
areas divided for the route riding. I have fill up the questionnaire 100 of the
retailer based.

This is to certify that this project on Empirical analysis Market Share of Pepsi
-Cola&Coca-Cola in Greater Noida made by Govind Singh is original and authentic.
It has been made as part of our Management (PGDM) curriculum. There is no manip
ulation of the data. All the facts and figures are true.

Govind Singh
PGDM (2008-10)


The market survey was conducted on “Empirical Analysis Market Share Of Pepsi-Col
a & Coca-Cola in Greater Noida “for Pepsi in Varun Beverages Pvt. Ltd. in Greate
r Noida.
This study was done in Varun Beverages Pvt. Ltd. Gr.Noida. The geographical scop
e of my survey was limited to Gr.Noida. Study aims at relationship between Compa
ny Executives and retailer and why any retailer sell particular brand only.
Other than knowing the preference and mentality of the customer, there was a per
sonal interview of sales man was organized to know the actual condition of the m
arket and specified areas. Apart from this survey through questionnaire and pers
onal interview there was also a 20 days route riding with the sales agent, the r
oute riding includes all the aspects like different product range, market analys
is, supply chain analysis, customer relationship management analysis, timely del
ivery of product analysis, visi cooler analysis and many more things have done.
It was also focused on knowing the day to day functioning of the company. Apart
from this there are many other solutions and suggestions for the problem which a
re discussed in later section of the report.
The validity of the findings of this survey is limited to the period during whic
h the field survey was conducted i.e. 05th June – 25th July, 2009.

India with a population of more than 100 crores is potentially one of the larges
t consumer markets in the world. With urbanization and development of economy, t
astes and interests of the people are changing according to the developed nation
Marketing is about winning this new environment. It is about understanding what
consumer's wants and how the product, services and ideas are supplied to them mo
re efficiency and conveniently.
The Consumer market may be identified as the market for product and services tha
t are purchased by individuals as household for their personal consumption. Soft
drinks are a typical consumer product purchased by individual primarily to quen
ch their thirst and also for refreshment. Different types of soft drinks are ava
ilable in the market and more or less content of all soft drinks are same. The m
arket of soft drink is facing a cut throat competition and many companies are fl
oating in the market with their products with different brand names. In such a s
ituation different factors which influence the people choice for soft drinks are
taste, quality images, easy availability and the product cost of advertisement.
The Govt. of India has considered the soft drinks industry as "Non-essential" A
s a result the excise duty levied by govt. on better soft drinks is very high.
Thus in a country like India where more than 50% of the total population exists
below poverty line, the consumer cannot afford such high price for soft drinks.
As a result the trading activities of the soft drinks industry are concentrated
in and around big cities and town where the purchasing power of population is co
nsidered comparatively high.
Soft drinks Industries in India has an annual sale of about 4000 crores, with pe
r capita consumption of soft drinks at a Sow of seven bottle per annum (even Pak
istan has a per capita consumption of 14; China and U.S.A. is more than 800 bott
les) is due to price factor.
So, marketing is both philosophy and technology. It is technology because it sug
gests ways and means for effective production and distribution of goods and
Services in the market to give maximum satisfaction to the consumer.
The marketing manager is responding for both determining and suitability of good
s and services in the market to give maximum satisfaction to the consumer.
The marketing manager is responsible for both determining and suitability of goo
ds and services presented by the company to the market, and also determining abo
ut potential market and make better relation with retailer.
In this regard the marketing management has to apply to marketing technology in
the conceptual philosophy of a system. It is the process of system analysis in t
he marketing management for effective research and can be defined, "Systematic o
bjective and exhaustive study of tasks relevant to any problem in the field of m
“Marketing is a basis and it cannot be considered as a separate function. It is
the whole business seen from the point of view of its final result, which is the
consumer point of view".
- Peter Drucker
Decades of sixties were for Engineers, seventies for Doctors, eighties for CA's
and the present is for MBA's.
The world economy has undergone a radial transformation in the last two decades
geographical and cultural distance have shrunk significantly with the improvemen
ts in the production, transformation and communication. These advances have perm
itted companies to widen substantially both markets and their supplier sources.
Marketing is the specialization subject of PGDM curriculum. When a flood of cons
umer products are coming into the market every company needs people specialized
in marketing to promote their product.
"Marketing is to convert social needs into profitable opportunity".
The 21st century is the era of advertising, marketing and sales production. As i
t is said "marketing thinking starts with the human needs and wants". Apart from
the basic necessities of air, water, shelter and clothing, every person has str
ong desire for recreation and entertainment.
Beverage industry is one of the fastest growing industries in India. We can divi
de beverages into two sections i.e. Alcoholic & Non-Alcoholic. The non-Alcoholic
drinks are soft drinks that can be further classified into Cola, Lemon, orange,
Mango and Apple segments.

Pepsi-Cola Company founded by CALEB D BRADHAM in 1890 at North Carolina in
USA.Its CEO is INDRA NOOYI and in India Pepsi Co. holding its chairman MR. R
AJIV BAKSHI. The head quarters of Pepsi-Co. in India are at Gurgaon. It is ope
rated in 196 countries.
Pharmacist CALEB invented it to cure the disease “DISPARSIA”. It is from this w
ord that was related to Pepsi. Soon it entered the American market as soft drin
k which at that time was mostly dominated by Coca-Cola, but soon Pepsi was able
to dominate the Cola market and thereafter it has been no looking back. Pepsi a
nd Coca-Cola are engaged in ferocious cold war that has taken the whole world by
Pepsi stands 51st position among the fortunate 500 companies of the world. Its
total capital is approx $3000 crore and total sales annually is worth $37 crore,
half of which comes from beverages and other half from the Sack foods division.
The beverages arm of the Pepsi co. is Pepsi-Cola Company and the snack-food co
mpany is called Frito-Lay-Inc. The year 1998 is the centennial year of Pepsi.
Its total profit in the year 2007-2008 was worth Rs. 45 crore approx. The total
number of employees engaged in this business is 4.25 lakhs globally.


A soft drink is a non-alcoholic beverage. It is artificially flavoured and conta
ins no fruit or pulp.
India with population of more than 100 crores is potentially one of the largest
consumer markets in the world after China. The Consumer market can be defined as
the market for products and services that are purchased by individuals as house
holds goods for their personal consumption. Soft drinks are a typical consumer
product purchased by individuals to quench thirst and secondly for refreshment.
Searching for the point of origin of Indian soft drinks we first document on the
Gold Spot, this was the first brand soft drink in India. It was introduced by P
arle during later part of 40's.
Cola giant, Coca-cola was the first for soft drink to be introduced in India in
1965, Coca-cola make a very good beginning and dominated the whole scheme right
from the word go. It (Coca-cola) faced no competition at that time.
The marketing people did not even receive to publicize Coca-cola for it sold fir
st like probability not-cakes. This extraordinary success of soft drinks can be
attributed to the following factors:
o Euphoric image build up in the western countries preceded the entry into
Indian Market.
o Indians are very found by nature of foreign goods, services etc. due to
prolonged foreign rules.
Parle exports (P) Ltd., later in 1970 introduced Limca, Lemony soft drinks. Befo
re Limca introduce, they had tentatively introduced Cola, Pepino, which they had
to soon withdraw in the face of battering confrontation with Coco-cola.
Three of four groups of Indian Companies who had the required production capacit
y started their own brands of Cola, Lemon, Orange, but failed to achieve their G
oal on a national basis.
India always has love and hate relationship with MNC's which gave a significant
opportunities to soft drink industries in India when Coco-cola decided to windup
its operations in 1977 rather than bowling to the Indian government insisting o
n : -
o Dilution of equity, as the government felt that lots of foreign cur¬renc
y was being wasted.
o 3 Manufacturing of the top-secret concentrate in India.
o Disclose of the chemical composition of the essence.
This left a large vacuum in the popular soft drink market, and a vista was opene
d to any company with the requisite, technical, marketing and or¬ganizational sk
The exit of Coca-cola from India in 1977 accelerated the growth of sev¬eral Indi
an soft drinks, new soft drink in the form of tetra pack entered the market amon
g frooti, Jump-in and treetop were the prominent once. Till 1977 their equipped
bottling plants and the distribution network a longing to be of no use. It took
them one year to develop new formula to survive and gradu¬ally came up with Camp
a Lemon, Orange and Cola that order.
However Parle, the pioneer in the soft drinks, blazed its way to national promin
ence with their product "Thumps up" bearing the slogan "Happy Days Are Here Agai
n". This particular slogan helped to win over the loyal¬ists or addicts to Coco-
cola, who was in the state of "Cola Shock" or Cola Depression.
Soon the Indian soft drinks industry started at a phenomenal rate and all Parle
Products Gold Spot, Limca and Thumps Up became the brand leader in their own seg
In spite of all these, the drink market still has large gap, as claim by soft dr
ink manufacturers. To fill these gaps there are many soft drinks concen¬trate an
d squashes flooded the market. The Indian soft drink markets basi¬cally offered
three flavours i.e. Orange, Lemon and Cola.
1990 saw the coming of the multinational company Pepsi entering the Indian Marke
t. 11 years after the exit of Coco-cola. It had name, fame and edge of being one
of the best in the game and it also offered stiff competition to Parle and Cake
. Pepsi Cola Company founded by Caleb Bradham in 1890 at North Carolina in U.S.A
. Now it is ranked 86th (1998) in the world with the asset of around $ 25000 mil
lion, having it's headquarter at Atlanta. Its CEO is Roger Entico and Pepsi Co.
India holding chairman is Mr. Rajiv Bakshi. Pepsi Co. India's HQ is at Gurgaon.
Presently is operating in 196 countries. In India IT HAS 34 booting plant of the
m 19 are COBO and 23 are FOBO of which one in Jamshedpur.Coca-cola entered India
in the year 1993 in collaboration with Parle India Ltd.
The product range of Pepsi & Coca-cola consists of :
Flavour Pepsi Coca-Cola
Cola Pepsi Coke, Thumps-up
Orange Mirinda Fanta
Lemon 7 up, Mountain Dew, Sprite
Mirinda Lime, Nimbooz
Mango Slice Mazaa
Mineral Water Aquafina Kinley, BonAqua
Soda Everness Kinley


As an MNC, on the globe, Pepsi Foods Ltd. is one of the largest soft drink compa
nies in the world with its head quarters in New York.
Pepsi entered the Indian soft drink market in 1986 and began its pro¬duction in
May 1990 and soon it was giving the local contenders the run for their money in
the soft drink market. It comes out with dazzling marketing innovation that rock
et the cola market line selling the product through func¬tion, Pepsi outlets. Pe
psi's success in creating a brand almost from scratch in India is the stuff that
marketing case studies are made of. Given the problems of doing business in mar
kets like ours, Pepsi entered the market as an under¬dog. Its first even advanta
ge- it entered before Coke returned-was consider¬able reduced by the enormous ex
port obligations stepped on the company. Yet right from the beginning, Pepsi dem
onstrated a far more focused ap-proached. So while it entered the market like an
y other MNC, it was quick to adapt, it realized that consumers, particularly the
youth, to whom it con¬sciously reached out, would identify better with a brand
that they se as glo¬bal, yet Indian, Pepsi was built as a desi brand. Hence its
deliberate attempt to build ad campaigns using the popular Hinglish in the proce
ss, slogans
like, "Yehi Hai Right Choice Baby" and "Yeh Dil Maange More - Aha" became part o
f India's popular consciousness. When Pepsi lost the bidding battle to sponsor a
Cricket tournament to coke, the loss was turned into tri¬umph with the catch li
ne, "Nothing official about it" and "Ye Pyass Hai Badi". It cashed in on the un¬
tapped consumer aspiration in smaller towns, the hinterlands of metropoli¬tan ci
ties and now a days the slogan which is on air is “Yey Hai Youngistan meri jan”.
It showed a rare ability not only to survive, but also grow through India's tort
uous policy twists and turns, which threw many other MNC's off balance. Its top
management team did not suffer from the frequent changes seen at rival. Coke con
sequently, it was able to unlike coke, which paid enormous prices to buy out est
ablished local brands, Pepsi brought its own stuff over and pushed those aggress
ively with dealers, retailers and consumers. Right now, it can bark its outstand
ing success in building a brand that has become synonymous with soft drinks acro
ss the length and breadth of the country.
Mr. R.K. Jaipuria who heads Varun Beverages Ltd. and has been adjudged Best Peps
i Bottler of the world for the current year. He was presented with the Donaid M.
Kondell Bottler of the year award, the highest honour to any franchisee.
He is thoroughly experienced in setting-up and running Pepsi Cola Bottling Plant
in India. The past experience of the family in beverage industry is since the s
ixties when it had the first franchise at Agra. Family has in total 12 bottling
plants in Indian and produces and markets 40% of the Pepsi requirement in India.
The plants are located at Greater Noida, Jaipur, Delhi, Agra, Nagpur, Hyderabad
, Raipur, Vishakapatnam, Guntur, Bhopal and Cuttack. Group also has got franchis
e for Kwality Walls Ice Cream from Brooke Bond Lipton India Limited. As Franchis
ee for Kwality Walls Ice Cream from M/s Brooke Bond Ltd
1. The group caters to the ice creams demand for the state of U.P… The group own
s state-of- art facilities to manufacture Ice Cream at Agra. Recently Group has
also signed a franchise agreement with Tricon Restaurants (India) Pvt. Ltd., to
start a chain of restaurants in northern India under the name of PIZZA HUT by op
ening 15 restaurants. The first four of its Restaurants are already operational
(i) Ganpati Plaza, M.I. Road Jaipur, Rajasthan (ii) Defence Colony, New Delhi (i
ii) Handicraft, Nagar Faterhabad Road, Agra and (iv) Connaught Place, New Delhi
and are making profits. One other Restaurant at Sector-18 Noida (U.P.) will also
be shortly opened for public.
The Group companies are doing very well in terms of Profitability, Growth, Marke
t leadership and enjoy good credibility with its business associated including P
epsi Foods Ltd., the companies enjoy substantial sales-tax exemptions under the
local laws leading to additional profit margins.
The beverage industry has withessed a phenomenal growth over the last four years
necessitating capacity increase and building up to commensurate infrastructure
to meet the business growth, which is accordingly matched.
The capacities of various plants are being increased year after year and turnove
r has shown following trend:
Year No. Of CASES
1993 (Actuals) 18 lac cased
1994 (Actuals) 27 lac cased
1995 (Actuals) 40 lac cased
1996 (Actuals) 59 lac cased
1997 (Actuals) 84 lac cased
1998 (Actual) 120 lac cased
1999 (Actuals) 336 lac cases
2000 (Projected) 432 lac cases

The product range produced by Varun Beverages Ltd. is as under: -


Varun Beverages Pvt. Ltd. A private owned company at Surajpur (Gr.Noida) is a fr
anchise of Pepsi Food India Ltd. The factory bot¬tling unit is capable of produc
ing 849 bottles per minute. The products are all Pepsi soft drinks like Pepsi, 7
-Up, Mirinda (Orange and Lemon), Slice, Moun¬tain Dew and Soda (Everest and Team
1. Water Treatment
Water treatment is very important in soft drinks plant as the nature and quality
of water varies from place to place. To set uniform and standard wa¬ter the pro
cess of treatment is carried on. The water taken out from boring well by the hel
p of motor pump and chlorinated by chlorinates and then by the help of pipelines
comes to treatment tank called Coagulation Tank where to this water solution of
different strength of added through dosing pump to reduce alkalinity, hardness,
kill the bacteria's. The chemicals are mixed by settle down as sludge and clear
water passes to Retention Tank. From this tank the water passes through sand fi
lter containing fine sand and pebbles and carbon filter containing granular carb
on and finally through water pol¬isher, micron filter, UV Lamp to ensure clear a
nd Sanitary water for use.
Further water used in bottle washer and boiler softening. For this pur¬pose, the
water from storage Tank, after passing through two filter belts con¬taining fin
e sand and granular carbon respectively comes to pass through a belt of Resin an
d bottle washer to reduce scale formation inside the machines.
2. Syrup Making
For syrup making of particular brand, calculated quantity of sugar, water activa
ted carbon and high-flown super cell known as filter Aid are taken into a sugar
space to enter steam and also filtered by a motor with agitator. Sugar syrup cal
led Raw-syrup is prepared by dissolving the sugar with continuous stirring and h
eating by steam supplied by oil fired boiler. This hot syrup by the help of a pu
mp is filtered through a filter press attached with a serious of quality filter
paper to separate out carbon particles. Clear hot syrup by the help of SS pipeli
nes passes through water P.H.E. circulated by glycol for fur¬ther cooling. The c
hilled syrup comes to a Mixing tank, which is quantity of Bricks Hydrometer, con
centrate is added and to the mixed thoroughly by a mechanical stirrer filter to
the rank. This mainly, the liquid parts are kept in a cold store, the temperatur
e if finished syrup room is also maintained Air-conditioner. All the containers
used for syrup making are cleaned and sani¬tized by Soda-bi-carbonate strong chl
orine solution and not caustic soda solu¬tion.
3. Bottle Washing
Bottle washing is an important part in soft drink plan. The empty du¬rable and r
eturnable bottles used are returned from market in plastic carats are fed to a b
ottle washing machine (washer). The machine has double end system with circular
chain to carry the bottles Caustic Soda. Tri sodium Phos¬phate, Sodium Gluconate
are added to the caustic Tank filled in with water heated by steam supplied by
the boiler. The empty bottles enter to the Hot Caustic Tank in one end and afte
r being cleaned by caustic solution and fi¬nally washed with water through spray
jets filter are discharged in other end. The washed bottles after proper inspec
tion are SU 319 & SU 853 are used for conveyor cleaning and smooth running of ch
ain carrying bottles. SU 260 & SU 773 is used for bottle cleaning shining and mo
ld removing.
4. Filling
Finished syrup and treated water lime are connected to a dosing pump which mixes
syrup and water with ratio of 1:5 and the syrup mixed with water enter to Carbo
nate tank to mix with Carbon-Di-Oxide gas. Which are preserved in cylinders for
use. The cylinders are connected through CO mani¬fold to tank to use requisite q
uantity of gas. To control CO pressure and tem¬perature of liquid, we used recor
ding control (Yaylor). The syrup passed through a PHE, which is called itself by
circulation of chilled glycol supplied chilling compressor.
To run the machine for chilling F-22 gas used. The syrup being chilled easily mi
xes with CO Gas and enters to filter for bottling. The lift cylinder functioned
by pressure of air supplied by an air compressor. The syrup known as Bevages in
this stage is filled in the cleaned bottles, which are durable in nature and ret
urnable by, buyer by filling matching (Filter) by a counter pres¬sure of carbon-
di-oxide gas. After beverage is filled in bottles are scaled (crowned) to projec
t the carbonation, flavour, outside contamination and spoil¬age. The finished pr
oducts are coded by a coding machine and inspected properly by inspection light
while passing through the conveyor enters to carat washer machine and it is wash
ed and mover through the conveyor where finished products are accumulated.
5. Testing of Products
Finally the finished syrup during bottling is tested in laboratory to meet the p
arameters and also to get standard and quality products. To maintain the standar
d and uniformity in products the sugar contents and carbonation in the filled bo
ttle are checked in regular intervals by certified by bricks-hydrometer, refract
or meters & pressure gas. The dead weight tester is needed calculate pressure ga
s to know meter. Electronic Digital Balance is used to weight chemical to conduc
t test in lab. A CO purity tester checks the purity of CO.
The Microbiology test of the products and water used in syrup making and product
ion are also done to ensure that the product is free from any bac¬teriological c
ontamination. To conduct the micro test, hot sterilizer, incuba¬tor, autoclave,
pads filter membrane media are produced and used.
The diesel generator is operated in case of electricity failure for smooth opera
tion of plant. To drawn electricity for the State Electricity Board the transfor
mer used.
Furnace Oil / Diesel Oil is used in boiler for generation steam.
Raw Material Inputs
A soft drink bottling plant requires the following raw materials: -
1. Sugar
2. Flavour
3. Water
4. Co2 Gas
5. Crown Cork
6. Glass Bottles
7. Plastic Carats
1. Sugar
High purity crystal sugar is required to produce the sugar is required to produc
e the sugar syrup for soft drink. The main supplier of sugar for Varun Beverages
Pvt. Ltd. The usual requirement of sugar is around 800 gm per carat for all fla
2. Flavour
M/s Pepsi Food Ltd. is supplying all essence of flavour for Varun Beverages Pvt.
Ltd. From their plant Chennai, Bhaw Nagar (Punjab).
3. Water
The required water of Varun Beverages Pvt. Ltd. is being met from the high yield
ing deep boring well with pumps. Adding softening plant & DM plant so as to meet
the required quality of water then treats the raw water taken out from these we
ll. Water quality is being strictly adhered through regular sampling & analysis.
4. Co2 Gas
Co2 Gas of the required purity is being carried on from Hindustan Gas & India Lt
d. And as per requirement of flavour. The usual consumption of Co2 is 1 kg per 1
0 carats in case of Pepsi, 1 kg per 5 Carat in case of Soda Water and the rest f
lavour 1 Kg per 114 carats.
5. Crown Cork
Varun Beverages Pvt. Ltd. takes crown cork from Manksia Crown Ltd., Bhopal, Mank
sia Closures Ltd., and Ghaziabad respectively.
6. Glass Bottles
Varun Beverages Pvt. Ltd. takes plastic carats from Neelkamal Plas¬tic Ltd., Nas
ik Supreme Industries Ltd. Nasik.
Marketing Strategy is the complete and unbeatable plan designed spe¬cifically fo
r attaining the marketing objective of the firm. The market objec¬tive indicates
what the firm indicates, what the firm wants to achieves, the marketing strateg
y provides for achieving them.
The Marketing strategy is not able idea. It is a well outlined plan, and there a
re different ways to formulating it. Basically formulating of marketing strategy
consists of two main steps. Selecting a Target Market. Assembling the Marketing
Actually, the target marketing and marketing mix together constitute the mar-ket
ing strategy of the firm.
When the Pepsi Food Company entered in the Indian soft drink market, the market
was already prevailed by coke and previously it was Parle, Pepsi tried to establ
ished in India with a unique marketing policy, Pepsi took into consideration of
youth segment target market. Though the advertisement of Pepsi highlighted the s
tyle of living of young generation with different walk of life. Pepsi brought in
its advertisement different stalwart's personality from fields like young cine
stars, sport stars and famous personalities from differ¬ent fields. It has attra
cted the young generation and of course increase the sale of Pepsi, Pepsi also o
rganized the national and international sports programmed to attract the young g

Marketing is a societal process by which individual and groups obtain what they
need and want through creating, offering and freely exchanging products and serv
ices of value with others.
Philip Kotler
Marketing Programs:
The marketing program consists of numerous decisions on the mix of marketing too
ls to use. The marketing mix is the set of marketing tool the firm uses to pursu
e its marketing objectives in the target market.
Mc-Carthy classified these tools into four broad groups that he called the four
Ps of marketing.
Pictorially when this is depicted it looks like: -
Product Price Promotion Place
Product variety List Price Sales Promotion
Channels Quality Discounts Advertising
Design Allowance Sales Force
Assortment Features Payment Period Public Relation
Location Brand Name Credit items Direct Marketing
Inventory Packaging
Transport Sizes
Note: These four P's represent the sellers' view of the marketing tools availabl
e for influencing buyers. From a buyer's point of view, each marketing tools is
designed to deliver a customer benefits.
Robert Lauterborn Suggested that the sellers four Ps corresponds to the customer
s four Cs.
Four Ps Four Cs
Product Customer Solution
Price Customer Cost
Place Convenience
Promotion Communication
The Soft drink being a FMCG has a wider and scattered market. Thus to enable con
centrate effort of marketing activities in different scattered market, for effec
tively setting the entire market is broken down in the following segments:
Route Marketing
Home Market
At Work Market
Route Marketing
Outlet in this market cater to those people who are engaged in shopping eating,
outgoing to and from in amusement centers etc.
Home Market
Outlets in this market cater to people buying predominantly for home consumption
either by case or loose bottles.
At Work Market
Outlet in this market cater to people working in offices, factories etc an attem
pt in always made to make soft drinks readily available all day long while peopl
e are actively working.
Promotional Activities
Promotional Activities play a greater and important role in the entire marketing
effort being carried out by SMV Beverages Pvt. Ltd. Carried out its promotional
activities as a controlled and integrated program of communication and material
design to present its soft drink to the prospective customer. It also helps in
communicating the need and satisfying qualities of soft drink to facilitate the
sales and eventually towards the profit in long range.
The tools use by the SMV Beverages Pvt. Ltd. For fulfilling the various purposes
of its promotional activities are the following: -
Point of sale display
Dealer's Sales contest
Sales promotion through special event market
Sales promotion through salesman that is personal selling
Point of Sale Display:
A sensible man does not have to go far to find out whatever a common
Paanwala knows that people buy their eyes open; every item on sale in a shop is
displayed in the front where people can see it at the first sight. It is the sam
e with all the shops and vendors in the town.
Dealer's Sale Contest:
Another method of sales Promotion being used by the Varun Beverages Pvt. Ltd. Th
rough its distributor is to conduct dealer's sales contest during the peak seaso
n i.e. during the summer season starting from April to July. Each distributor is
given a target to achieve for selling the product and when they achieve the tar
get in stipulated time they are rewarded accordingly.
Special Event Market:
The dealers at special event place the banners of Pepsi and stalls as well. This
helps in promoting the sales as well as in creating an image of the product.
Personal Selling
The concerned person for the sales appoint a specific number of salesman for spe
cific areas and as per the instructions and guidance given by the company, sales
man should be competitive enough to achieve the target set for him.
Channel of Distribution
Physical distribution is a process of reaching a consumer with product(s). It co
nsists of all the activities in the physical transfer of goods from manufacturer
to the ultimate consumer. Distributor (Place) is one of the 4 Ps of the marketi
ng mix.
Main problem of the manufacturer can be broadly divided into two parts productio
n and distribution. After production the next main problem faced by the producer
is that selling the product to the consumers for whom it is made. Thus a way th
rough is the proper distribution channels.

Sales Promotion in Varun Beverages Pvt. Ltd.

Advertising and sales promotion activities play a vital role in entire marketing
efforts. Without these aspects a quality product can not survive in the market.
Advertising and sales promotion tools are most essential for the modern global
marketing. This chapter has therefore been devoted to the studies of advertising
and sales promotional activities in Varun Beverage Pvt. Ltd.
The two basic objective for carrying out such various promotional activities by
Varun Beverages Pvt. Ltd. Is "to generate more sales as well as to create and ma
intain an image of its product". V.B.P.L. carries out its promotional activities
as controlled and integrated programmers of communication and material design p
resent its soft drink to the perspective customers. It also helps in communicati
ng the need satisfying of soft drink to facilitate the sales eventually to contr
ibute towards the profit in long run.
The tool used by V.B.P.L. for fulfilling the various purposes of its promotional
activities are the following: -
a) Free Bottle Scheme
b) Rack Display
c) Umbrella Display
d) Lucky Draw
e) Prizes
f) Price cut offer.
Promotional Activities of Gr.Noida Marketing
First we would talk about the advertisement part of it. The advertisement part i
nclude posters, banners, paintings, glow signs (back lit, front lit). Here I wou
ld like to mention that distributing this item does not fulfill our need. Specia
l attention should be given so that they are places at right position that would
have a good impact on the sales of our product which is our main motive. The ad
vertisement part is look after by the Gr.Noida marketing directly and some part
of this responsibility is also shared by the distributor of the sub area. The ty
pe of advertisement to be placed on which counter or the outlet has to be taken
care of. This is because large size glow signs are costly which company cannot a
fford to place everywhere. Smaller things like poster, banner, opener etc. are l
ess expensive things, which can be distributor with more frequency. But it shoul
d be made sure that none of the counter is missed out.
The main season of sale of cold drink is from April to July. This time sale cons
titute almost 75% of sale of the year and this time when the both cola company t
ry to push in their product so they introduce many schemes which create extra re
venue to the retailers. The scheme given by companies is like two bottles free o
n the sale of one case or on the purchase of 15 cases a silver coin and so on.
Incentive to the Distributor and Salesman
To promote the sales incentives are given to the distributor and to the salesman
. The incentive given to the salesman is on per case sale and at the end of the
year the best salesman awarded. The incentive given to the distributors by the c
ompany as per the commitment made by the company to the distributor when they ac
hieve their target given by the company.
Sales Promotion Schemes
1. Two bottles of 300 ml. on purchase of one case of 300 ml.
2. Two bottles of 600 ml. on purchase of one case of 600 ml.
3. One bottle of 2 ltr. on purchase of one case of 2 ltr.

Price / Carat 200 ml. 250 ml. 300 ml. 500 ml. 600 ml. 1.2 ltr. 2.0 ltr.
Pepsi Rs. 165 - Rs. 214 - Rs. 444 - Rs. 455
7up Rs. 165 - Rs. 214 - Rs. 444 - Rs. 455
Mirinda (O) Rs. 165 - Rs. 214 - Rs. 444 - Rs. 455
Mirinda (L) Rs. 165 - Rs. 214 - Rs. 444 - Rs. 455
Slice - Rs. 214 - Rs. 444 - Rs. 550 -
Mountain Dew Rs. 165 - Rs. 214 - Rs. 444 - Rs. 455
1. Aquafena - 12 pc.









T.D.M M.E.M M.D.M. Q.C.M.






Marketing Research is a process of collecting and analyzing marketing and ultima
tely to arrive at a certain conclusion. Varun Beverages Pvt. Ltd. Is a concern w
hich is marketing the product having different brands? Thus a survey method of m
arketing research is essentially exploratory in mature. Thus a survey method of
marketing research is essentially exploratory in nature. Thus I opted for "Quest
ionnaire" method for conductive survey about the marketing of Pepsi though retai
ler in Greater Noida.
Importance of marketing Research
Marketing Research have its importance not only for consumer market; it also eff
ectively to the producer of goods and services. The use of marketing research in
consumer market may be explained on the basis of following services by it:
It ascertains the position of a company in specified Industry.
It indicates the present future trend of industry and points out how the company
's affairs are to be turned up.
3. It helps in development & introduction of new product.

A project cum Training is an essential part of PGDM Curriculum. This study was c
onducted on “Empirical Analysis Market Share Of Pepsi-Cola & Coca-Cola in Greate
On the following objectives survey was undertaken:
i. To determine the factors, which persuade the retailer for sale of Pepsi?
ii. To find out the exclusive outlets of Pepsi and its competitors.
iii. To find out the promotional activities in Pepsi.
iv. To find out market share of Pepsi against its competitor.

Data Collection Method

Since the study is exploratory in nature. A personal interview with each retaile
r was aid of questionnaire was selected as the method of obtaining data the ques
tionnaire to use in Gr.Noida to facilitate tabulation and analysis of data were
designed for segment retailers.
Field experience showed that listing the respondents to the questionnaire failed
to touch upon certain parameters and it was found necessary to let the responde
nts have free had and let the designed information filter lengthy discussion, th
rough some aspects of questionnaire adequately touch upon.
The questionnaire was prepared by researches and the researcher also filled hims
elf interviewing the retailers these himself interviewing the retailers.For inte
rview as far as those languages were used which they can understand clearly; suc
h as Hindi & English. The researched used to stand in front of the randomly chos
en retail outlet. This is a comprehensive master plan of the study undertaken, g
iven a general statement of the method used and procedure followed.
Since the study is both exploratory and descriptive in nature. A personal interv
iew with each retailer the help of questionnaire was selected to obtain data. Th
e questionnaire to be used in Gr.Noida.
Data source:
The various source of information broadly divided in 2 categories.
(a) Primary source: Source from where first hand information are
gathered directly are called primary source and information thus
collected is called primary data. In case of the above study the
primary source was Retailer.
(b) Secondary source: The data that are collected for another purpose
are already existing somewhere is called secondary data. With
regard to my study the secondary sources where records of the
company. Magazines and papers.

Data Collection Method

The following methods are widely used for collection data.
(1) Survey method.
(2) Observation method.
In the above— mentioned method. Survey and observation method was mainly used fo
r the undertaken topic. Survey method was mostly used for collection of data thr
ough personal interview with the help of a framed questionnaire in case of retai
l outlets. Such as general store, Grocery shop, sweet shop, pan shop, restaurant
s and some others. As far as retailers are concerned. Besides survey. Observatio
n method was also used to get data by watching the retailer.
Research Instrument: In this regard an instrument refers to means by which resea
rch is conducted.
In this case of all the respondents’ questionnaire was used.
Sampling Plan:
The samples were on judgment and convenience. A sample size of 100 respondents
was taken. The sampling unit was retailers of Gr. Noida for which this sample si
ze was considered a fair representative of the above — mentioned area. The sampl
e consisted of retailers spread over the entire area of the distributor.
For analysis & interpretation of data the research used:
No of respondent
Percentage = x 100
Total No. of respondents

Figure No. 1
Interpretation of Outlets

Many types of retailers in the market to sell the Pepsi & Coke products I have t
aken that list from company & classified that shops according to company guidanc
e. General & Kirana Stores are measure thing for company because there share is
one-third, so company always try to make good relationship in the market.
Out of 100,20% sell of pepsi and 16% sell of cock in genral ki.store.
Out of 100,8% sell of pepsi and 10% sell of cock in sweet shop.
Out of 100,both sell are equal in pan shop.
Out of 100,4% sell of pepsi and 5% sell of cock in Resturent.
Out of 100,both sell are equal in Hotels.
Out of 100,both sell are equal in cinema halls.
Out of 100,both sell are equal in phone booths.

Figure No. 2
Which Brands of Softdrinks do you stock /sell?

Out of 100, 25% shopkeeper sell only pepsi because of more profit
Out of 100, 20% sell only coke because of easy availability of product
Out of 100, 53% sell both due to customer demand
Out of 100 , only 2% sell other brand also

Figure No. 3
a.) Customer usually asked for this brand
b.) It is cheaper
c.) We get a larger dealer discount
d.) We have a contact with manufacture
e.) Supply is regular
f.) Better relation with company sales man
g.) We have had negative experience with other manufacture
A 74 26 100
B 81 19 100
C 92 8 100
D 23 77 100
E 87 13 100
F 76 24 100
G 21 79 100

Pepsi gives a larger dealer’s discounts in compare to their competitors and its
relationship with the retail outlets is also good.

Figure No. 4
Which Flavor is more demanded ?
a. Pepsi 22
b. Miranda 13
c. Mountain Dew 25
d. 7Up 15
e. Slice 25

Data Interpretation
Out of 100,22% person like pepsi
Out of 100,only 13% like Mirinda
Out of 100,25% person like Mountain Dew
Out of 100,15%person like 7up
Out of 100,25% person like slice

Figure No. 5

Sample size = 100

a) Television as a medium for affecting sales =38
b) Magazine/ newspaper as a medium for affecting sales =10
c) Display as a medium for affecting sales =22
d) Wall painting and hoarding as medium for affecting sales =30

Television as a medium constitutes 38%, this shows that company should rely mor
e on this medium.
Second to it are wall paintings & hoardings which constitute 30%. So this is al
so an area of concern for the company.
Figure No. 6
Promotional activities that affect the sales mostly
Sample size = 100
a) Free bottle scheme as promotional activities = 57
b) Prize as promotional activities = 21
c) Discount/crate as promotional activities = 17
d) Others as promotional activity = 5

It is found that free bottle scheme as a promotional activity is major constitut
e of overall promotional activities.

Figure No. 7
Do you get the Delivery Timely.

: We analysis that only approximately 75% retailer are satisfied to the Pepsi se
rvice :25% retailer are not satisfied because the Pepsi delivery is not t

figure No. 8

Sample size = 100

No of outlets having only Pepsi Signage = 20
No of outlets having only Coca cola Signage =
No of outlets having both Pepsi & coca-cola Signage = 2
No of outlets having no Signage = 64
Out of 100,only 14% outlet have Pepsi signage
Out of 100,only 20% outlet have coke signage
Out of 100,only 2% outlet have both signage
Out of 100,only 64% outlet don’t have signage

Figure No. 9
Sample size = 100
No. of outlets having only Pepsi Visi collers = 21
No. of outlets having only coca-cola Visi collers = 26
No. of outlets having both Pepsi coca-cola Visi collers = 42
No. of outlets having only own Visi collers = 11

Out of 100,21%shopkeeper have Pepsi visi cooler
Out of 100,26% shopkeeper have Coca cola visi cooler
Out of 100,42% have both visi cooler
Out of 100,11% have own visi cooler

1) Service of Pepsi should be improved in the case of repairing of its
misleaders (refrigerators) and glow sign boards which are out of order in an out
let up to the level thus it is parallel or even better than the competitor.
2) The company should supply its glow sign board, banners etc. as an advert
isement media to the retailers of few areas, which will as usual become Sales pr
omotion tool for them.
3) The commitment of supplying gift items or incentive should be carried ou
t on or before the scheduled time.
4) The Sales Schemes and incentive should be properly communicated to the c
onsumer (retail outlets) and it should be time.
5) The Company should be regular of its goods such as different flavours so
as for proper availability at each and every retail outlets. Otherwise it may l
ose its consumer and prospects. Thus distorting the image of the company.
6) Distributor and retail outlets feed back should be taken time to time so
as to trace the actual existing problem related to there and the market.

Although all efforts have been made to study all strata of population as compar
ed to the topic of study, universe size & sample size findings of study will be
considered on the Urban Area & Rural Area and will be applied in Surajpur (Gr.N
oida) because of Retailers perception and expectation varies in other place due
to socio-economic and educational background. At last but not the least the stud
y will try to find out the real depth of the actual position as far as possible.
The survey suffers from following limitation: -
1. Since the product under study was a consumer goods which
requires a large sample to have a correct study, a sample size of
100 Respondents was too small for it. But time & money did not
allow Researcher to have a large sample. And also to manage a
large sample would also be difficult by Researcher alone.
2. Duration of study also limited for further intensive study.
3. Mostly stress was given on primary data as it was difficult to collect
Secondary data from organization & distributors.
4. The sample selected is not purely random sample but it is
convenient so that the result of the survey don t have high
degree of statistical significance.
5. The result of survey is based upon crucial assumption like:
(a) The respondents know right answer to the question put to them.
(b) They are wiling to give the right answer.
(c) Strictly based on the responses of the Retailers.
(d) Difficult to ascertain the authenticity of their statement.
6. It is very difficult to influence and get right answer from old
mentality Retailers.
7. Region i.e. urban area therefore the results are applicable to Patna

Region only. These findings may not have much relevance in other
regions or rest of the country.
8. All the conclusions, suggestions & recommendations will be made
in the feed back obtained from survey on the basis of responses
given by the respondents.


Product performance
Comparative Products
Sl. No. Major CSD Brands
Flavour PCI CCI
1. Cola Pepsi Coca-cola, Thums Up
2. Clear Lime 7Up, Mountain Dew Sprite
3. Cloudy Lime Mirinda Lime, Limca
4. Orange Mirinda Fanta
In above table, I have shown product target in the market. Both companies try t
o substitute each other product in the market. When a company don’t fulfill the
demand of market than other company substitute that product with own product.
In the market many time seen that consumer demand a product according to his des
ire, but due to lack of supply he switch over of substitute product. So, compan
ies always want to come with substitute product for enlarging his market share.
Here, Thums Up and Coca-Cola is substitute for Pepsi, Sprite is substitute for 7
Up and Mountain Dew, Fanta is substitute for Mirinda & Limca is substitute for M
irinda Lime.
Products Availability of Pepsi
Sl. No. Products 200 ml 250 ml. 300 ml. 330 ml. 500 ml. 600 ml. 1000 ml.
1200 ml. 2000 ml.
1. Pepsi - - - - -
2. Pepsi diet - - - - - -
- -
3. Pepsi Gold - - - - - -
- -
4. Mirinda - - - - -
5. Mirinda Lime - - - - - -
- -
6. M. Sorbet - - - - - -
- -
7. 7Up - - - - -
8. M. Dew - - - - - -
9. Pepsi Can - - - - - -
- -
10. 7Up Can - - - - - - -
11. Mirinda Can - - - - - -
- -
12. M. Dew Can - - - - - -
- -
13. Diet Can - - - - - -
- -
14. Slice - - - - -
15. Aquafina - - - - - -
- -
16. Tropicana - - - - -
- -
17. Everest Lehar - - - - -
- -
Products Availability of Coke

No. Products 200 ml. 250 ml. 300 ml. 330 ml. 600 ml. 1000 ml.
1200 ml. 1500 ml.
1. Coco-cola - -
- -
2. Thumps-Up - -
- -
3. Sprite - -
- -
4. Fanta - -
- -
5. Limca - -
- -
6. Maaza - - - -
7. Coca-cola Can - - - - -
- -
8. Thumps Up Can - - - - -
- -
9. Sprite Can - - - - -
- -
10. Fanta Can - - - - -
- -
11. Cole Diet - - - - -
- -
12. Kinely Soda - - -
- - -
13. Kinely - - - - - -
14. Fruit Juice NA - - - - NA -
Pepsi Products’ Price (in Rs.) List for Retailers

No. Products 200 ml. 250 ml. 300 ml. 330 ml. 500 ml. 600 ml. 1000 ml.
1200 ml. 2000 ml.
1. Pepsi 165 - 214 - - 444 - -
2. Pepsi diet - - - - - 444 -
- -
3. Pepsi Gold - - - - - - -
- -
4. Mirinda 165 - 214 - - 444 - -
5. Mirinda Lime 165 - - - - - -
- -
6. M. Sorbet - - - - - - -
- -
7. 7Up 165 - 214 - - 444 - -
8. M. Dew Can - - - - 454 - -
- 454
9. Pepsi Can - - - - - - -
- -
10. 7Up Can - - - - - - - -
11. Mirinda Can - - - - - - -
- -
12. M. Dew Can - - - - - - -
- -
13. Diet Can - - - - - - -
- -
14. Slice - 214 - - 444 - - 550
15. Aquafina - - - - - - 105
- -
16. Tropicana - - - - - - -
- -
17. Everest Lehar - - - - - - -
- -
Coca –Cola Products’ Price (In Rs.) List for Retailers:
No. Products 200 ml. 250 ml. 300 ml. 330 ml. 600 ml. 1000 ml.
1200 ml. 1500 ml.
1. Coco-cola 165 - 214 - 444 - -
2. Thumps-Up 165 - 214 - 444 - -
3. Sprite 165 - 214 - 444 - - -
4. Fanta 165 - 214 - 444 - - -
5. Limca 165 - 214 - 444 - - -
6. Maaza - 214 - - 550 - - -
7. Coca-cola Can - - - 450 - - -
8. Thumps Up Can - - - 450 - - -
9. Sprite Can - - - 450 - - -
10. Fanta Can - - - 450 - - -
11. Cole Diet - - - 450 - - -
12. Kinely Soda - - 108 - -
- -
13. Kinely - - - - - 150 - -
14. Fruit Juice NA - - - - NA -

Pepsi Products’ price (in Rs.) List for Customers

No. Products 200 ml. 250 ml. 300 ml. 330 ml. 500 ml. 600 ml. 1000 ml.
1200 ml. 2000 ml.
1. Pepsi 8 - 10 - - 20 - -
2. Pepsi diet - - - - 20 - -
- -
3. Pepsi Gold - - - - - 25 -
- -
4. Mirinda 8 - 10 - - 20 - -
5. Mirinda Lime 8 - - - - - -
- -
6. M. Sorbet - - - - - 25 -
- -
7. 7Up 8 - 10 - - 20 - -
8. M. Dew 8 - - - - 20 - -
9. Pepsi Can - - - 25 - - -
- -
10. 7Up Can - - - 25 - - - -
11. Mirinda Can - - - 25 - - -
- -
12. M. Dew Can - - - 25 - - -
- -
13. Diet Can - - - 25 - - -
- -
14. Slice 10 - - 22 - - 50
15. Aquafina - - - - - - 12
- -
16. Tropicana 12-18 - - - - - 60-18
- -
17. Everest Lehar - - 5 - - 12 -
- -

Coca-Cola Products’ Price (in Rs.) List for Customers

No. Products 200 ml. 250 ml. 300 ml. 330 ml. 600 ml. 1000 ml.
1200 ml. 1500 ml.
1. Coco-cola 8 - 10 - 20 - -
2. Thumps-Up 8 - 10 - 20 - -
3. Sprite 8 - 10 - 20 - - 55
4. Fanta 8 - 10 - 20 - - 55
5. Limca 8 - 10 - 20 - - 55
6. Maaza - 10 - - 25 - 50 -
7. Coca-cola Can - - - 20 - - -
8. Thumps Up Can - - - 20 - - -
9. Sprite Can - - - 20 - - -
10. Fanta Can - - - 20 - - -
11. Cole Diet - - - 25 - - -
12. Kinely Soda - - 5 - 12 - -
13. Kinely - - - - - 15 - -
14. Fruit Juice NA - - - - NA -
1. Varun Beverage Pvt. Ltd. Is franchise Owned Operation (FOBO) o
f world’s most
Famous soft drinks Pepsi Co.
2. VBPL uses state of the art and fully automatic machines and technology f
or the production and bottling of soft drinks.
3. It has very strong network and built market and currently holds all the
parts of the state.
4. It has wide range of product varieties.

1. No cost cutting program for the products.
2. Promotional activities in the rural market is not up to
the mark as compared to the Urban market.
3. Brand Pepsi in cola flavor is one of the popular lagging
behind with it’s nearest Competitor, only due to high sugar content an
d less thrilling taste.
4. Not viability of all the products on demand.
1. VBPL makes the buying process more convenient of efficient (It provides
the Pepsi products at required places i.e. direct to distributors and to retaile
rs through distributors).
2. The executives of company meet the need for more information and advice
to distributors/retailers/customers.
1. One of the products of their competitor in lime flavor as a very good ma
rket share due to its taste
2. Coca-Cola is now spending more and more to boost up the sale.


1) The study reveals that the market share of Pepsi in Gr.Noida is 54% as c
ompared to Coca-cola is 46%. Thus Coca-cola having a clear edge over Pepsi.
2) Services after sales of Pepsi is not up to satisfaction level is because
, found that few display Visi coolers (Refrigerators) and advertisement
glow sign boards of the company in few outlets was out of order or not properly
working for the last few months or an year, thus Pepsi man¬ agement being casual
in this area. The rival company Coca-cola being very quick in this area.
3) Comparative advantage of Pepsi-field sales personals is there to keep an
eye on the whole market and to approach where the problem arises. Two way commu
nications occurs for transparency in business. Whereas Coca-cola company is wee
k in these fields.
4) The study reveals the immediate steps are not taken in the replacement o
f damaged or breakage goods. The rival company, Coca-cola is very quick in this
area and efficient also.
5) The study reveals that the commitment of supplying gift items or
incentive is not carried out on scheduled time.
6) The study reveals that in prompting soft drinks in a market, advertising
media like glow sign boards, hoardings, painting etc. plays a vital role in gra
bbing interest of an outlets to sell soft drinks. Some regions of Patna Central
region are not equipped somehow with these advertising media. This media of adve
rtising is used by the companies, Pepsi & Coca-Cola only for its consumer. This
helps the company to let the consumer know what their product is all about to an
edge its competitors.
7) The study reveals that the Coca flavour of Pepsi is very mild in taste a
s compared to the Cola brand of Coca-Cola Company, Thums Up.
8) The general & Kirana Stores are major thing for company because their sh
are is one third. So company always tries to make good relationship with them. B
ecause 20% sale come from them.
9) PCI market share is little bit short in comparing to coke. For increasin
g more market share PCI will have to invest more in the market & on its advertis
11) There is dominancy of Thums Up in Cola segment of soft drinks in the mar
ket. Pepsi is its competitor.
12) There is a majority of customers of Mirinda orange flavor in the market.
It dominates the market over Coca-Cola s products Fanta.
13) There is a great dominancy of Sprite in the market. Customers always dem
and Sprite in the market. They take 7Up only as substitute of that.
There is a majority of customers of Maaza Mango flavored in the market.
It dominates the market over Pepsi s product Slice.



Kotler, Philip. Marketing management , Printice – Hall of India , New De
Chunawalla S.A , Sethia K.C. , Foundations of Advertising
Theory and practice, Himalaya Publishing House, 1999 Ed.
Kothari, C.R., Research Methodology- An Introduction, Research Methodolo
gy, Second Edition, New Delhi, New Age International (P) Limited, 2004, Pg 1-20.
Kothari, C.R., Research Design, Research Methodology, Second Edition, Ne
w Delhi, New Age International (P) Limited, 2004, Pg 31-32.
Kothari, C.R., Interpretation and Report Writing, Research Methodology,
Second Edition, New Delhi, New Age International (P) Limited, 2004, Pg 344-359.
• www.rkjworld.com
• www.pepsico.com
• www.pepsiworld.com
• www.Wikipedia.com


Name of the Shop/ Outlet:……………………………………………………………………
Address/ Location + Tel:……………………………………………………………………..
1. Type of Outlet:
a. General Kirana Store b. Sweet Shop
c. Pan Shop d. Restaurants
e. Hostels f. Others

2. Which Brand Of Soft drinks do you stock /sell.

a. Pepsi b. Coca-cola
b. Both d. Others
3. Which Flavor is more demanded?
a. Pepsi b. Miranda
d. Mountain Dew d. 7Up
e. Slice
4. If you sell /stock only brand why do you stock only this brand?
a. Customer usually asks you this brand.
b. It is cheaper
c. We get large dealers’ discount
d. We have a contract with manufacturer.
e. Supply is regular
f. Better relations with company salesman.
g. We have had negative experience with other contract.
Please specify who …………………………………………………………..
5. Which medium efforts sales most?
a. T.V. c. Magazine / News
b. Display d. Wall Painting / Hording
6. What kind of promotional activities affect sale mostly?
a. Free Bottle c. Prize
b. Discount Creates e. Other
7. Do You Get The Delivery Timely?
a. Yes b. No
8. No. of outlet using signage …………..
a. Pepsi c. Pepsi & Coca – C
b. Coca- Cola d. No Signa
9. No. of outlets using Visi Coolers ………………..
a. Pepsi c. Pepsi &
Coca – Cola
b. Coca- Cola d. No Visi Coolers
10. What improvements do you suggest?

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