PeopleSoft For OracleDBA

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Advice for the PeopleSoft Oracle DBA

Table of Contents
Hardware and Operating System Support..................................................................................................2
Useful Resource....................................................................................................................................2
Oracle RDBMS Versions and Patchsets.....................................................................................................2
Supported Version Guidelines...............................................................................................................3
Oracle Limitations and Defects.............................................................................................................3
Certified Versions and Configurations..................................................................................................3
Initialization Parameters.............................................................................................................................4
"Required" Parameters..........................................................................................................................4
Parameters to be Avoided......................................................................................................................5
Parameters Often Confused...................................................................................................................5
Parameters Used as Customizations......................................................................................................6
Support of Non-standard Configurations..............................................................................................6
Statistics Management...............................................................................................................................6
Oracle Features Critical to Statistics Management...............................................................................7
Recommendations Regarding Managing Statistics...............................................................................8
Indexing Techniques................................................................................................................................10
Useful KM Documents........................................................................................................................11
Optimizer Limitations..............................................................................................................................11
Useful Tools & References......................................................................................................................12
SQLTXPLAIN (SQLT).......................................................................................................................12
AWR / StatsPack Report.....................................................................................................................12
PSPRCSRQST Batch Trigger.............................................................................................................12
OS Watcher..........................................................................................................................................12
Remote Diagnostic Agent (RDA)........................................................................................................13
ORAchk Health Checks for the Oracle Stack (ORAchk)...................................................................13
How to Configure PeopleSoft for Maximum Availability (MAA).....................................................13
Updates and Suggestions.........................................................................................................................13


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This document is intended the Oracle DBA who seeks a "big picture understanding" regarding how to
support a PeopleSoft Application. It is a brief overview that contains advice from PeopleSoft Support
Install/Upgrade and CoE teams with links to relevant KM documents.
It is organized as a series of steps starting with comments related to hardware, and working "up" from
there, e.g. from hardware, operating systems, database versions and patchsets, initialization settings,
statistics, and so on.
This documented was written with the anticipation that the reader is an Oracle DBA that is skilled in
the various aspects of implementation, administration, and tuning of the Oracle RDBMS. Additionally,
it will be helpful for the reader to be fluent in PeopleSoft technologies and/or have access to PeopleSoft
technical staff that can modify settings to meet specific implementation needs.
The information contained in this document applies to Oracle databases used for PeopleSoft
Applications built on PeopleTools 8.50+, specifically on Oracle 10g, through 12c.
Hardware and Operating System Support
Generally speaking, PeopleSoft doesn't constrain hardware choices as long as the equipment is
appropriately configured and sized for the role it plays in a given architecture. The intent is to allow
significant flexibility when designing a PeopleSoft system.
Within the PeopleTools Install/Upgrade Support team a phrase is used, "...we support Operating
Systems, not hardware..." emphasizing that, on the whole, hardware choices are not as critical as those
regarding the Operating System. For example, if a given variant of 64-bit Linux is supported, the
choice regarding the hardware vendor's 64-bit machine is not the primary concern.
Any limitations that do exist should be listed on the "Certifications" tab in My Oracle Support. It is is
wise to confirm any hardware or Operating System choice there, especially during an upgrade as the
requirements may change over time.
Naturally, when a database server plays more than one role in the PeopleSoft Architecture, e.g. when
the process scheduler is installed on the database server, there may be settings and constraints in the
Operating System necessary to support that blended particular role. When this occurs, the various
requirements of all of the components need to be reconciled.
But, when a server supports only the database, no significant hardware or Operating Systems
restrictions are imposed by PeopleSoft other than those imposed by the RDBMS vendor.
Useful Resource

Certifications tab on My Oracle Support

Oracle RDBMS Versions and Patchsets

Decisions related to RDBMS software version and patchset are the next important considerations in
implementing the Oracle database architecture. These choices form the basis of many recommendations
in the following sections.

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Supported Version Guidelines

A given PeopleTools release is certified on Oracle database release of a specific minimum patchset.
Within an Oracle release, that one and all later patchsets are supported as well, unless otherwise
For example, PeopleTools 8.51 is initially certified on Oracle releases 10gR2, 11gR1, and 11gR2 patchsets,, and, respectively. All patchsets to each release after those certified
patchsets are supported as well.
This broad support of the Oracle RDBMS certainly does not imply that all PeopleSoft Applications will
perform equally well on all versions of the Oracle RDBMS. Some characteristics of a given release or
patchset can impact the PeopleSoft Application significantly. PeopleTools Support encourages
customers to use patchsets that are as current as practical for a given release.
Oracle Limitations and Defects
Not all limitations and defects in the Oracle RDBMS impact PeopleSoft Applications. But there are a
few issues that over time have impacted PeopleSoft applications more than others. One deserves
special mention:

Function-Based Indexes. Function-Based Indexes became common in PeopleSoft Applications

when, in PeopleTools 8.48 they were used to support range queries by employing the DESC
keyword. Unfortunately, their use opened PeopleSoft implementations to some of the side
effects associated with Function-Based Indexes.
By default PeopleSoft Applications produce many indexes that include descending keys, and in
many situations removing the DESC keyword can be quite be helpful. The default use of this
feature has changed as of PeopleTools 8.54, and in prior releases there is now flexibility
regarding their use generally.

Useful KM Document:
Removing Descending Indices for PeopleSoft Databases (Doc ID 1909646.1)
Certified Versions and Configurations
PeopleTools Development provides information related to certified versions and configuration
requirements. Version information is provided in at least three places:

Certified Combinations: Certain combinations of the various component parts, including

RDBMS are certified for support. The "Certifications" tab in My Oracle Support lists these
Note: ensure that the versions of the various components being implemented "match" and are
supported before contacting Oracle Support.

Oracle RDBMS Patches and Settings: For the various patchsets, some critical patches and
initialization parameters have been identified as "required" for proper operation of the Oracle
RDBMS. These patches and settings are listed on the Note entitled "Required Interim Patches


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for the Oracle Database with PeopleSoft" (Doc ID 1100831.1). Be sure to review each and
every tab in that spreadsheet to ensure that you identify both the patches and settings that are
Note: ensure that the versions of the various components being implemented "match" and are
supported before contacting Oracle Support.

Operating System Support: The patches required for support of the component parts of the
PeopleSoft Infrastructure, e.g. WebLogic, Tuxedo, COBOL, Operating Systems, are listed on
the Note entitled "Operating System, RDBMS & Additional Component Patches Required for
Installation PeopleTools - Master List" (Doc ID 756571.1).
Note: ensure that the versions of the various components being implemented "match" and are
supported before contacting Oracle Support.

Initialization Parameters
Initialization parameters are critical to the decisions that the Oracle optimizer makes. This section
describes some of the more significant settings and their impact on a PeopleSoft Application.
"Required" Parameters
Related to currently supported Oracle versions, three initialization parameters have been indicated as
"required" by PeopleTools Development. One has since been changed to a privilege requirement. This
section highlights these parameters and briefly explains how they came to be required.

_gby_hash_aggregation_enabled=false - Oracle 10g implemented a high-performance, hashbased sorting algorithm for use when processing DISTINCT clauses. This new algorithm does
not guarantee that the rows will be ordered whereas the previous algorithm did sort the rows.
Many PeopleSoft applications were written with the expectation of the sorted rows and will not
behave properly without this sorting. Until it can be established that all PeopleSoft
Applications have been rewritten to address this change in behavior, PeopleTools requires this
new algorithm to be disabled to remediate this side effect. For more information, refer to the
KM document listed in the following section entitled "Useful KM Documents."

_unnest_subquery=false - During internal testing with the default value in place, performance
issues occurred in on-line processing. There were also some occasional errors creating views.
To minimize the risks of encountering these issues, the default value for this parameter needs to
be FALSE. There is some limited flexibility in the use of this parameter explained later in this

nls_length_semantics=char. This setting is required for Unicode databases which are used in
most current implementation running PeopleSoft Applications 9.0 and later. See Installation
Guide, Section "Preparing for Installation" for additional details.

o7_dictionary_accessibility - This parameter was initially added to allow functionality needed

for the triggers implemented by PeopleSoft in PeopleTools 8.48 to support PeopleSoft mobile
applications framework. In May 2010, the requirement to use this parameter was eliminated and
superseded with a requirement to implement two GRANTs. See the document "Required


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Interim Patches for the Oracle Database with PeopleSoft." listed below.
Parameters to be Avoided
It is not unusual to see certain settings creep into a PeopleSoft system over time, typically as the result
of incremental workarounds to address performance issues or perceived optimizer limitations. This
section will provide a brief explanation regarding certain settings that should, as a rule, be avoided.
The following three parameters heavily skew the CBO's calculations. With rare exceptions - typically
only as a workaround to a CBO defect or design limitation - we recommend that only the default values
should be used for these parameters.

optimizer_index_cost_adj - default: 100 This setting, and the next, have been traditionally been
used in much earlier versions of Oracle RDBMS to globally coerce the CBO to prefer the use of
indexes. The continued global use of this parameter in current versions of Oracle is not
recommended since it can have a profoundly negative impact on the overall performance
stability of the database.

optimizer_index_caching - default: 0 See comments immediately above.

db_file_multiblock_read_count - default: unset, dynamically calculated by the RDBMS.

"underscore" parameters: The use of underscore parameters should be avoided unless at the
specific direction of Oracle Server Tech Support for the purpose of addressing a specific bug.
Care must be taken to remove them as soon as the database is upgraded to a version/patchset
that addresses the bug. Other than those listed previously, PeopleSoft Support strongly
discourages the use of any underscore parameters.

cursor_sharing: The cursor_sharing parameter deserves special attention as its global (mis)use
can have a deleterious impact on system stability in a PeopleSoft Application. The default
setting of cursor_sharing is exact and is the only value should be used with PeopleSoft
Note: the setting of cursor_sharing=similar has been deprecated from Oracle and should not
be used in any context for PeopleSoft Applications.

Parameters Often Confused

The following two parameters are used from time to time and deserve mention mostly because they are
often confused. Only in rare cases is their use appropriate.

optimizer_features_enable - default: {current RDBMS version}. This setting allows customers

to use a newer RDBMS version or patchset, but ask the CBO to "behave" more like a past
version. It can be used as a temporary workaround for bugs discovered after implementing a
specific version of Oracle.
Unfortunately, the setting often lingers beyond the point where it is needed, unnecessarily
limiting features available to the optimizer. Unless Oracle Server Tech Support specifically
indicates that this setting be used as a temporary measure, leaving this value unset is highly


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compatible: This setting impacts the file storage features available to a given release. Typically,
it is used to provide for a "back out strategy" during an RDBMS upgrade. While PeopleSoft
uses some feature impacted by this setting, e.g. locally managed tablespaces, generally it is not
significant in PeopleSoft implementations and does not need to be set.

Parameters Used as Customizations

_unnest_subquery=true: During internal testing with the default value in place, performance
issues occurred in on-line processing. There were also some occasional errors creating views.
To minimize the risks of encountering these issues, the default value for this parameter needs to
If there is a specific use case where the use of the query unnesting feature is necessary, enabling
this parameter is allowed, i.e. as either a hint or as an altered session setting. The use of this
parameter will be supported as a customization, and may need to be be removed during the
diagnostic process of a Service Request.

Support of Non-standard Configurations

Any change to initialization parameters can have far reaching consequences. Naturally, a system that
has been using them may be impacted by side effects of their change, even if the change is back to a
required or recommended state. Administrators should be able to adequately test any global change for
regressions before deploying it in a production environment.
If any problems are reported to Oracle Support one of the first lines of inquiry will relate to these
configuration settings. If is found that a "required" parameter is in fact not set, or that an extraneous
setting has been used other than those required by Oracle Support, be prepared that to provide a test
case with the parameters reset to the required values.
Useful KM Document:

From 10gR2, HASH UNIQUE Operation Returns Results in UNSORTED ORDER by Default
(Doc ID 341838.1)
Required Interim Patches for the Oracle Database with PeopleSoft (Doc ID 1100831.1)
Operating System, RDBMS & Additional Component Patches Required for Installation
PeopleTools - Master List (Doc ID 756571.1)
ANNOUNCEMENT: Deprecating the cursor_sharing = 'SIMILAR' setting. (Doc ID 1169017.1)
E-ORA : How to convert an Oracle Non-Unicode Database to a Unicode Database (Doc ID

Statistics Management
Traditionally, PeopleTools Development has made suggestions to assist in the gathering of statistics,
e.g. in Red Papers and default configurations. Decisions regarding statistics gathering have been left to
the customer with the assumption that defaults would both be used and be adequate.
In spite of the maturity of the Oracle CBO, some characteristics have emerged over time that make the
use of "defaults" somewhat problematic for PeopleSoft Applications. This section will explore the more
significant anomalies and then provide recommendations to help mitigate their impact.


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Oracle Features Critical to Statistics Management

The following features impact PeopleSoft Applications, and are described so that their impact can be
better understood.

In Oracle10g, the default sample size was usually too small to be effective. To that end, Oracle Support
recommends that, in Oracle10g, the sample size be set to 100% whenever practical, or based on the
following schedule that is table size-dependent:



< 1M rows
up to 10M rows
up to 100M rows
up to 1B rows
> 1B rows

In Oracle 11g, the automatic sampling algorithm was so completely changed that the use of
AUTO_SAMPLE_SIZE is now appropriate and recommended. Studies have shown that the quality of
statistics gathered approaches that of a 99% sample size yet provides, the speed of a 10% sample size.
One exception to the use of AUTO_SAMPLE_SIZE exists when a column has histograms and the data
in the column is very skewed. In that case, it may be better to explicitly collect with a large sample size.
To summarize, the recommended sample size to be used is as follows:

In Oracle 11g, use AUTO_SAMPLE_SIZE as the rule.

In Oracle 10g, avoid the use of the AUTO_SAMPLE_SIZE in all cases. Use a sample size of
100% where practical. Where size prohibits a 100% sample, use the schedule above to improve
performance. (See discussion of pscbo_stats provided later in this document.)


With the evolution of the Oracle 11g optimizer, histograms have more broadly become accepted as
beneficial and their use is now recommended to enhance plan stability and performance. When
gathering statistics on Oracle 11g or later, using a METHOD_OPT of AUTO is appropriate.
As a rule, avoid the default use of histograms on Oracle 10g. Use them only in specific situations where
it is known that they address a specific column and there is no side effect with their use. When
gathering statistics on Oracle 10g, use a METHOD_OPT that includes 'SIZE 1', which will prevent the
generation of histograms.
Automatic gather_stats Job

By default, Oracle database are delivered with an auto_stats job that schedules the
gather_database_stats procedure. Because of the peculiarities of PeopleSoft applications running on
Oracle, some problems arise with this procedure and, by extension, the job.

Histograms: The procedure will automatically generate histograms based on whether a column
has been used as a predicate in SQL statement history. As mentioned earlier, this is problematic
in Oracle 10g. See the previous section regarding histograms.


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Sample Size: The default sample size used by the procedure is AUTO. Unfortunately, in
Oracle 10g, this value produces a sample size that is so small that the results are often
inaccurate. Increasing the sample size in Oracle 10g can dramatically improve the quality of the
statistics, but impact the performance of the process.

Impact on Dynamic Sampling: Lastly, by default, there is insufficient control over what tables
should not have statistics gathered. For example, when statistics are deleted to invoke dynamic
sampling, that table must be locked to signal the auto_stats job to not gather the statistics on that
table. But if the statistics are locked, it will likely cause a PeopleSoft batch processes to
ABEND when an update of the statistics is attempted from the program.

Delayed Invalidation of Statistics

There is a delay that occurs after the gathering of statistics and the invalidation of plans. The delivered
syntax from PeopleSoft does not override this delay which is the cause of some unpredictable run time
behavior. It is recommended that NO_INVALIDATE be set to FALSE when gathering statistics.
Recommendations Regarding Managing Statistics
There are few recommendations worth considering to address the most common statistics-related issues
with PeopleSoft Applications.
Modify %UpdateStats metaSQL

PeopleTools provides a PeopleCode metaSQL construct %UpdateStats that generates platform-specific

SQL to gather statistics on a table when it is invoked from a PeopleSoft application. %UpdateStats
references are most commonly used in Application Engine and COBOL programs.

Adding %UpdateStats() to programs. Since data patterns and distributions vary between
implementations, it may be necessary for some customers to be more aggressive in the
collection of an object's statistics at run time than is delivered in application code. Strategic
additions or placements of the metaSQL %UpdateStats in existing programs are often
appropriate. This change would be considered a customization, but can be an extremely
effective performance enhancement when properly used.

Changes to the default DDL. The delivered DDL for the %UpdateStats() includes FOR ALL
INDEXED COLUMNS and does not include the clause NO_INVALIDATE=FALSE. Changing
both these will significantly improve the quality of statistics. The recommended syntax would
use FOR ALL COLUMNS and NO_INVALIDATE=FALSE. Review the following KM which
explains how to edit the default DDL.

Useful KM Document:

E-ORA How to alter the database preference for NO_INVALIDATE for PeopleTools
applications (Doc ID 1537099.1)

Implement pscbo_stats

pscbo_stats is a joint venture between PeopleSoft CoE and Oracle Server Tech CoE and is a tool for
implementing dynamic sampling as well as embracing the preferred settings outlined in this document.


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It provides a consistent, reliable way to maintain database statistics for PeopleSoft Applications. It
includes methods to gathering stats at either the schema- or table-level, and automatically implements
dynamic sampling for known volatile tables, e.g. temporary storage tables in Application Engine and
Useful KM Document:

KM document "pscbo_stats - Improving Statistics in Oracle RDBMS for PeopleSoft Enterprise

(Doc ID 1322888.1)"

Gather data dictionary statistics

The PeopleSoft Application database has many objects, numbering well in the tens-of-thousands. Each
of those objects is defined in the Oracle data dictionary, a set of tables that the optimizer is constantly
querying to validate the existence of tables, columns, indexes, constraints, etc.
Neglecting to update the statistics on this data dictionary following major DDL changes is a common
oversight. After building, or upgrading, a PeopleSoft database, it is wise to gather the Oracle dictionary
The following example script shows the necessary syntax, e.g. (run as SYSDBA):
SPO gather_dict_stats.log;
exec dbms_stats.gather_dictionary_stats(estimate_percent=>100,
method_opt=>FOR ALL COLUMNS SIZE 1);
Gather Workload System Statistics

Current workload statistics can be very useful for the optimizer (especially as of Oracle 11g), but are
quite often overlooked since the defaults often work quite well. If you have reason to believe that the
default values are inadequate, or if for some reason the behavior of your system changes from time to
time, gathering workload statistics may be appropriate.
If you choose to gather the workload statistics, be sure to refresh them after any major RDBMS
upgrades or changes, or when significant hardware or OS changes are performed. Typically, the data is
collected during a one-to-two hour window of "normal" system activity, but that sample varies
depending on several implementation factors.
Re-gather workload statistics each time database usage patterns changes significantly, e.g. after a
database upgrade or when there is significant change on the System affecting CPU or IO metrics. As
with any global change, manage the risk associated with regressions by performing adequate testing.
Since this data is being collected by taking two snap shots of the metadata during "normal" system
activity, the remote possibility for an observable performance impact exists. This impact is temporary
and is usually quite small. The benefits of having valid workload statistics normally outweigh the
temporary costs of gathering them.
The command to start the baseline sample is:

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The command gather the ending sample is:


Is is extremely important to review the results after gathering workload system statistics. Confirm all
values are within reasonable ranges with the following sample script (run as SYSDBA):
SPO display_workload_stats.log;
SELECT pname, pval1
FROM sys.aux_stats$

For example, the SREADTIM are typically 10 or less, i.e. 10ms or less. The MREADTIM is typically
50 or less, i.e. 50ms or less. If they are not, more specifically if they happen to be 10,000 times that
value, you may be experiencing the bug described in Note 9842771.8.
Useful KM Document:

Bug 9842771 - Wrong SREADTIM and MREADTIM statistics in AUX_STATS$ (Doc ID


Indexing Techniques
Indexing strategies abound and are, in many ways, an art form for the skilled application tuner. While
improving an individual access path is somewhat mechanical, building an index that will assist several
access paths through various data sets without interfering with application performance can require
significant skill. These trade offs should always be made in an informed manner.
While this section does not intend to exhaustively advise how to perform index tuning, it does include
some valuable "lessons learned" for the DBA doing index tuning for PeopleSoft Applications.

Index Uniqueness - PeopleSoft Applications use unique indexes to enforce data integrity.
Although re-ordering the keys in a unique index will not impact the integrity of a PeopleSoft
Application, it is imperative that the presence of the keys in a unique index not be altered in any
way. Generally, modifying the unique indexes is not needed, even for performance reasons.

Non-unique indexes modification - Non-unique indexes are algorithmically built by PeopleTools

Application Designer based on the application developers' choices when defining record
structures. As such, they represent an "educated guess" regarding how data will be accessed.
Other than for performance reasons, there is nothing inherent in the PeopleSoft Application
requiring these indexes to remain, or if they remain, to be unmodified.

PeopleSoft Data Dictionary - Remember that PeopleTools maintains its own data dictionary,
distinct from the Oracle data dictionary, that needs to be updated with any changes made to
indexes so that those changes can be preserved during an Application upgrade.

Function-Based Indexes - The DESC index is an example of a Function-Based Index that may


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add enough optimizer complexity and storage requirements that its benefits are offset. With
Oracle 12c databases, PeopleTools requires the disabling of DESC indexes, and encourages it in
previous versions of the database. For details, see the KM documented listed at the end of this

Equi-join predicates should precede scanned predicates in indexes - "Best practices" used to
suggest that highly selective values should always lead an index. But that is not always true, and
in a PeopleSoft Application where range scanning is common, this misunderstanding can cause
significant performance issues.
Before adding or changing indexes, understand the impact of access vs filter predicates.
When an index is added to support a query where both an equijoin and a range scan occurs, it is
important to locate the scanned key "later" in the index order. While it is true that subsequent
keys can be used as filter predicates, the gains of being used as an access predicate are ended if
the key appears to "early" in the index. To illustrate, consider the following simple query:

For the purposes of this example, assume that all three columns are required to be reasonably
selective and that the optimizer "wants" to use an index to retrieve this data. Also, assume
COL_C is the most selective and COL_A is the least selective. It would be tempting to add the
following index to support this query:

But that arrangement would be inefficient for this query because the range scan on COL_C
would prevent the COL_B or COL_A from being used as access predicates, though they might
be used as filter predicates. A better arrangement of these keys would be one of the following:

The decision regarding which key should come first could be informed by whether other queries
use only COL_A or COL_B.
Useful KM Documents

Removing Descending Indices for PeopleSoft Databases (Doc ID 1909646.1)

Optimizer Limitations
There are a few limitations that can cause issues and should be avoided if possible.

Avoid the use of BOTH histograms AND bind peeking in Oracle 10g - The combination of these
features tend to produce plan instability in Oracle 10g. PeopleSoft relies heavily on the use of
bind variables, so avoiding histograms is a reasonable approach to avoid this problematic


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Avoid range scans on "padded" fields of type VARCHAR - When the VARCHAR field is used in
a BETWEEN clause, the CBO can make assumptions that are not adequate, most notably seen
in cases where the length of the data is large and starts with, or is "padded" with, the same
several characters, e.g. 00000123. If this type of data is used in an implementation, additional
care will be needed to ensure that the optimizer has enough information to generate efficient

Useful Tools & References

There are several tools that should be part of every PeopleSoft Oracle DBA's tool kit.
SQLT is a powerful reporting tool that collects data related to the execution of a given piece of SQL. It
conveniently collects execution plans, CBO statistics, metadata, performance statistics, configuration
parameters, etc. into a single archive that can easily be attached to an SR.

SQLT - Tool That Helps To Diagnose SQL Statements Performing Poorly (Doc ID 215187.1)

pscbo_stats is a joint venture between PeopleSoft CoE and Oracle Server Tech CoE and is a tool for
implementing dynamic sampling as well as embracing the preferred settings outlined in this document.
It provides a consistent, reliable way to maintain database statistics for PeopleSoft Applications. It
includes methods to gathering stats at either the schema- or table-level, and automatically implements
dynamic sampling for known volatile tables, e.g. temporary storage tables in Application Engine and

pscbo_stats - Improving Statistics in Oracle RDBMS for PeopleSoft Enterprise (Doc ID


AWR / StatsPack Report

A great tool for capturing the behavior of the database as a whole. In a RAC environment, remember
to gather reports from all of the instances when attempting to understand a particular behavior.
Generally speaking, the larger the time span a report covers, the less it is useful as a diagnostic tool.
Try to produce reports for 30 minute intervals, or less, if possible.
PSPRCSRQST Batch Trigger
A KM document exists that explains how to install a trigger on the PSPRCSRQST table that alters the
session when a batch process starts to run. This trigger is useful for implementing session-level
changes, either for diagnostics or performance tuning.

Create Oracle Database Trigger to Manipulate the Session Associated with a PeopleSoft Batch
Process (Doc ID 1415642.1)

OS Watcher
OS Watcher (OSW) is a collection of UNIX shell scripts intended to collect and archive operating
system and network metrics to aid support in diagnosing performance issues. OSW operates as a set of


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background processes on the server and gathers OS data on a regular basis, invoking such Unix utilities
as vmstat, netstat and iostat.

OS Watcher User Guide (Doc ID 301137.1)

Remote Diagnostic Agent (RDA)

RDA is part of the OCM family of tools and is strategically related to the overall OCM and oCheck
products; but it fills a somewhat different niche. The primary purpose of RDA is to provide a
convenient means to collect configuration and operational information at a customer site in real-time
and accumulate into easily interpreted reports.

RDA Documentation Index (Doc ID 414966.1)

Remote Diagnostic Agent (RDA) 4 - Profile Manual Pages (Doc ID 391983.1)

Note: the profiles of specific interest to PeopleSoft are: PeopleSoft_Appl, PeopleSoft_DB,
PeopleSoft_Sched, and PeopleSoft_Web)

ORAchk Health Checks for the Oracle Stack (ORAchk)

ORAchk proactively scans for known problems within the Oracle database, simplifying how to
investigate and analyze which known issues present risks. High level reports show system health risks
with the ability to drill down into specific problems and understand their resolutions.
ORAchk - Oracle Configuration Audit Tool (Doc ID 1268927.2)

How to Configure PeopleSoft for Maximum Availability (MAA)

This paper describes the PeopleSoft Maximum Availability Architecture and the required operations
and configuration practices to maximize PeopleSoft availability against unplanned outages and
minimize downtime for planned maintenance activities. This paper also describes how recent
enhancements in PeopleSoft enable faster application failover and reporting offloading to Active Data

E-ORA How to Configure PeopleSoft for Maximum Availability (Doc ID 1446793.1)

Updates and Suggestions

The nature of this document is somewhat fluid. Updates will be provided there major changes occur in
the offerings in the Oracle RDBMS, PeopleSoft Applications, or PeopleTools products.
To provide feedback on the document and provide suggestions regarding content, post an entry clearly identifying this document in its title - to the PeopleTools Install/Upgrade Community, which can
be found at the this URL:


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