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The Mechanics of a Good Life

A Journey in Education and Cajun Self-Actualization

By Joshua Aaron Terziu

We can gain access to the brilliance and beauty of Mathematics by playing with the art and process of
Math itself. Math is not simply the study of numbers, calculation, logic and patterns. Originally the word
Mathematics comes from the Greek phrase ta mathmata meaning things we gain by taking from what
we already have. Math in its original sense is the taking of what you already have and the knowing of
what you already know. A famous Japanese Mathematician named Oka Kiyoshi, when postulating on the
nature of Mathematics, said that Mathematics can say nothing of the number one or why it exists in the
first place. It is the act of believing and giving meaning to abstraction with no previous grounds that
gives life to Math. Without this power of our minds to believe in abstract things, Mathematics is
meaningless and groundless. He concludes that underlying numbers, calculation and logic is a huge inner
dimension in our mind known as Jocho. So in order to do math, focus on a problem; it can be easy or
hard. While remaining patiently focused on a single thing, a mindfulness will ensue causing an
interaction with your own inner rich Universe of Jocho!
With the Good Help of Sir Roger Penrose, we can say with full certainty that whats True in Mathematics
is not governed by rules, thereby being a Truth beyond calculation. Whatever Rules you lay down in
front of you, you can always transcend those rules. If you accept the rules, you can always see how to go
beyond them. This is Amazing! You could say, Ok, Ok, all we do is believe in the rules and axioms and
thats all we do. Gdel says, No, no, if you believe in these rules, you must believe this other thing
which is beyond the rules! See, Turing showed us ideally what it means to follow a rule or computation
by developing computing machines. This shows us that our Conscious Understanding is Not something
you can encapsulate in a computation. I mean any computation, quantum or otherwise.

Recent research in cosmology has suggested that universes that produce more disorder or entropy
over their lifetimes should tend to have more favorable conditions for the existence of intelligent beings
such as ourselves. But what if that tentative cosmological connection between entropy and intelligence
hints at a deeper relationship? What if intelligent behavior doesnt just correlate with the production of
long-term entropy but actually emerges directly from it? Alex Wissner-Gross, PhD.

F = T S
This is the equation for the force of intelligence. Using this equation, ENTROPICA is the software engine
that is designed to maximize the production of long term entropy of any system it finds itself in. Without
being instructed to do so explicitly, ENTROPICA passed multiple animal intelligence tests and exhibits
behavior only associated with Human Cognition. All from an equation that drives a system to maximize
its long term future freedom of action! This happens Universally in physical systems. Intelligence is a
physical force emerging from previous control and constraints, that maximizes future freedom of action,
keeps options open, and actively resists the control and constraints that gave rise to the expansion!

A commonality in all Biological Systems is their ability to take initially very limited and faulty grown
mediums that are in abundance, and organizes them along a sliding scale from order, quasi order and
disorder, to increase the Biological systems utility and range of motion in the long term. This capacity for
extreme fault and imperfection tolerance creates an Empathetic Awareness that increases utility.
Darwin said, The society with the most sympathetic individuals will Flourish. Research on collective
problem solving from MIT and others shows us that teams that had individuals of high IQ, or the team
collectively had high IQs, did horribly. The teams that did the best had three things in common: all the
individuals where high in empathy, every person on the team was of equal value, and they all had more
Bren Browns research on healthy and resilient people finds that those who have the courage to be
imperfect thrive. They have the compassion to be kind to themselves, first, as well as others, and had
connection based on being authentic. They are willing to let go of who they think they should be in
order to really be themselves or accept someone else, which is necessary for connection. Fully
embracing vulnerability is a crucial part of growth. This willingness to say I love you first or invest in a
nonguaranteed relationship or idea is what makes us beautiful, and is how creativity, innovation and
insight happen. In this next quote, Mrs. Brown beautifully states the difference between a
computational system or Scientific way of thought, versus the truth of whats best for optimizing people.
The Definition of Scientific Research is to control and predict, to study phenomenon for the explicit
reason to control and predict. My mission to control and predict had turned up the answer that the way
to live is with vulnerability, and to stop controlling and predicting.
Health Psychologist Dr. Kelly McGonigal sheds light on optimizing our stress responses. If we see stress
as a good thing and reach out to others when we are stressed and or to care for others who are in
stress, we strengthen and heal our bodies physiology! The research of Medical Doctor Dean Ornish
shows how we can reverse heart disease, change our gene expression, grow bigger brains and repair our
telomeres all by changing the way we live to include more genuine connections to others and by
increasing our capacity to love. Principal investigator of Positive Emotions and Psychophysiology Dr.

Barbara Fredrickson has shown that our bodies our designed to connect with any other human being in
what she calls a micro-moment of shared positivity. The physical and mental health benefits of this
shared moment of genuine care and respect are unmatched!
If we now look at the findings of both Positive Psychology and the work of Dan Pink, we see that people
are at their happiest and have enhanced cognitive functioning when they participate in an Intrinsic
motivation that includes Mastery and Purpose, doing something that you find personally valuable or
interesting with the intention to get better and better for the purpose of sharing with and helping
others. Medical Doctor Lissa Rankin has found that if we follow these intrinsic motivations and write out
our own lifes prescription, we can heal and enhance our bodies in ways standard conventional modern
medicine cant.
According to Integrated information theory by Giulio Tononi, MD, PhD and Neuroscientist Christof Koch,
every human being integrates and produces data in a unique way. The human capacity for this ability is
like no other state of matter in the Universe, causing some physicists like Max Tegmark to say our
personal consciousness is a unique state of matter. Combine this fact with the fact that our real-time
data production is some of the most valuable data on the market; we can say that an individuals current
moment personal experience is the most valuable thing in both the Universe and finance!

Cajun Self-Actualization
La Faon de Cadienne du Cur
The Cajun Way of the Heart
-Goodness and Guidance come from within
-Every human being is important, has purpose and meaning, and is no
better than anybody else
-The ability to make somethin outta nothin: whatever we have access
to is more than enough to create whats needed
-Always share whats on your heart, heavy or light
-Children and Women First
May, for a lil fun video excursion of said ideas please see da following...
Meaningful Human:

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