Camping & Travel Tool

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Simple Camping Tool

Each player picks two.

Wandering monster or events have a 1 in 6 chance each
half of the night.
Visibility determines how easily the camp can be found.

Other Camping Bonuses

Take Watch

Comfort 0: Long rest is impossible.

Comfort 1: Long rest. Exhausted the next
day. Only hp and no HD are restored.
Comfort 2: Long rest, but fatigued the next
day. Only HD restored.
Comfort 3: Long rest as normal.
Comfort 4+: Long rest with an extra HD for
each comfort above 3. Any of these extra HD
over your max are turned into a single-use
+1 bonus.



Take watch: Stay awake, on guard for
half the night..

Music: Songs and music warm the

soul. Comfort +1. Wandering +1.
Stories: Tall tales make our spirits tall. Comfort
+1. (+2 with actual tall tale/joke/story told)

Forage: Seek out food and water. Get

food and water for 1d6 +WIS people.
Depends on the terrain and your tools.



Campfire: Enough firewood to last all night.

Comfort +1. Advantage on Visibility.

Good beds: Kind on your back and

your dreams. Comfort +1.


Other: Spend 2 hours doing work of some

sort: crafting, studying, or practicing.



Prepare Spells: As normal for your


Sharpen weapons: Ignore the first notch the

next day for up to three weapons.


Cook: Warm food in your belly. Comfort +1.

-1 ration and waterskin for each belly.


Drink: Serve up some booze; make anywhere

feel like home. Comfort +1 and Awareness at
disadvantage for those that partake.

Tend Mounts

Tend mounts: Take care of your mounts and

vehicles or gain only half their bonus the next day.

Simple Travel Tool

Travel Hours Remaining

Sight range is 1 hex, telling you the terrain types and visible landmarks. 1
in 6 chance each hour: Navigator makes DC15 WIS or you get lost.
Some terrain modifies the chances of getting lost. A map = -1 chance.
If lost, DM secretly rolls to determine what direction you actually went.
Get your bearings by sighting a landmark or trying to backtrack.
Actions slow the whole group down but are led by one person.

Mounts/terrain modify your speed (x1.5, x0.5, ...).

Vehicles/weather modify your travel hours. Non-drivers get one camping action.
Each extra travel hour: DC10 CON save at disadvantage or gain an exhaustion level.
Wandering monster/event rolls 1/ hr. Normally a 2 in 6 chance of some encounter.
Entering a town, dungeon, etc costs one hour at a minimum.
Mark a marching order below, possibly choosing roles like rear guard or navigator.

Travel Actions

Hours Per

Speed- Cover a distance of

1/( # of travel actions) hexes
Sneaking = -1 wandering monsters,
each hour.
make stealth checks, and avoid
leaving tracks.


Navigating = Keep on track towards

your destination. -1 getting lost
chance. Can also draw a map.



Other = Any other task you could

do while walking but not while


Foraging = Gather food and water Sighting = Increase sight range by one
while moving: half the amount youd
hex, get advanced warning for
get normally foraging.
hazards/weather, and find landmarks.

Resting = Take small breaks,,
otherwise make fatigue checks
each hour at disadvantage.

Scouting = Get fore-warning on
wandering encounters, meaning
active perception versus passive.


Always used
Tracking = Try to follow a specific
foe or find a known secret using
Wisdom checks.

Marching Order

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