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Page Number

Angles (degrees, minutes, seconds) and Time

Composite Functions
Equation of a Line (Graphing)
Error messages when graphing (see Graphs)
Financial Mathematics
Lists (entering data)
Math(emetics) Menu
Operating System
Operations with TI84
Scattergram (Scatterplot, point graph etc)
Scientific Notation
Statistics (Singular and Multiple Frequencies)
Storing Values
Table Function
Transmitting Data/Lists/Programmes/Applications etc
Trouble Shooting (Errors in graphing)
Y Variables


This manual is to be used in conjunction with the manual/CD supplied with the TI
84 calculator.
The second functions on the calculator are printed in yellow on the calculator
face. To access these functions, you must press y keypad first. For example,
press y [DRAW] to work with the drawing functions.
The home screen is the screen where calculations take place.
Press . Before you press to calculate the value, you wish
to change the sum. Press . This clears the line.
Suppose you had pressed and the answer
was 131. Your next problem to evaluate was
. You wish to clear the screen. If
you press twice you will clear the screen. The
first clears the line and the second clears
the screen. If there was nothing in the new line, then
pressing would clear the screen first time round.
To move from one menu to home screen, always use y [QUIT] (it will save
many problems in the future).
The only way to become proficient in the use of the TI84 is to use it frequently.
At times, the batteries will run down and you will find it hard to see the screen (or
the screen may be too dark).
Press y (take your finger off the keypad) and press (hold down) } or to
adjust your screen. (You may find it easier to type a few numbers first before
you adjust the contrast)





Press y [

Second Entry
At times, you can save time by accessing previous calculations that you have entered by
pressing y [ENTRY]. Each time that you press these keypads you can recall what you have
previously calculated. Press y [ENTRY] repeatedly.

At times, you may have entered a long calculation and pressed before you realised that
you had made a typing error. Do not panic. Press y [ENTRY] and use the | and ~
keypads to place the cursor where you want to correct the error.
The should have been a .
Press y [ENTRY] and place the
cursor (using the arrow keypads)
over the and press and press

Press z to see/check the settings. Generally you will have
all the settings highlighted on the left hand side of the screen.
To highlight other settings use your arrow keys
(|, ~, }, ) and press .
Sci mode displays all numbers on the screen in scientific
Float displays up to 9 decimal places on the screen. To show the number of decimal places
you want press then ~ and then .
This allows you to display 2 decimal places on the screen. As
well, it shows 6 as 6.00.
To check your answer to a rounding decimal problem, set your
calculator to the required number of decimal places and then
type in your number and then press .

For example, round 16.37198 to three decimal places.

16.37198 and press .

Set to 3 decimal places, type in

Split Screen
As seen below with a horizontal split, you will see your graphs and any calculations.

If you select G-T, you will see graphs and tables of values (or selected table of values
depending on your calculator settings. In the example below you will see a graph of
y = 2x + 3 and co-ordinates starting at (-3, -3).

There is only a conversion fraction button
on the TI 84. For example you wish to
convert 0.4 to a fraction. Type in 0.4, press
and then .

What about 1.8 to a fraction? Follow the above procedure. You

will notice that the calculator will return an improper fraction. To
get around this, only convert 0.8 to a fraction.
The answer is 1 .

7 2 ? Type in the question as it appears
using brackets.

You could convert it to an improper fraction by

utilising the menu. Press then
and you will notice that the decimal answer is
replaced by Ans.

The best-written answer is written as a mixed fraction. Follow the above procedures and you
will establish the mixed fraction.
The answer is 4


Addition, multiplication and division of fractions follow the same


To have every number on the main screen
appearing in scientific notation, set the mode
Now, any number typed in and entered will
appear in scientific notation.

Reminder: 6.96 E 3 is written as 6.96 103 .

4.5 E -2 is written as 4.5 102 .

To enter a number in scientific notation can be done two

ways. You can enter using the [EE] (which is the second
function of the key) or using the power button .
3.2 x 1011. Press y[EE] or 10 .

The is one menu screen that you will use a great deal. Press and you will see
near the 7, it shows there are more commands below. By using the , you will find -

Using either | or ~, you will see the other menus.

See manual/CD for correct syntax when

using commands from these menus.

To access the financial mathematics on the TI 84 is slightly different to the TI 84 Plus.
TI 84
y [FINANCE] then

TI 84 Plus


Press to access the finance menu.

The TVM Solver is a very useful for financial

mathematics. For example, you wish to invest
$5 000 for 4 years at 6.5% per annum compounding
monthly. How much would you have after 4 years?
N = 4 * 12 = 48 (number of interest periods)
Interest Rate = 6.5
Present Value = $5 000
Payment (PMT) = 0 (You are not making a payment)
Future Value = ????
Payment per year = 12
Compounding per year = 12
Place the cursor on the line of Future
Value and press [SOLVE]

Another example:
I wish to borrow $280 000 to purchase a house. The
interest rate is 6.57% per year, compounding monthly.
How much would my weekly payments be if I wish to pay off
the loan in 15 years?
N = 15 * 52 = 780
I% = 6.57
PV = 280 000
PMT = ???? (Does not matter if there is another value from another calculation in PMT)
FV = 0 (loan is to be paid off)
P/Y = 52
C/Y = 12
Place the cursor on the line of PMT and press
Do not worry about the negative value as it represents
money going out from you (i.e. a payment).

Another example:
How much should I invest now to receive $5 000 (it includes interest and the amount invested)
if invest for 2 years at 3.5% p.a. compounding quarterly?
I% = 3.5
PV = ????? (As stated before, do not worry about the
value in PV)
PMT = 0
FV = 5 000
P/Y = 4
C/Y = 4
Place the cursor on the line of PV and press
Do not worry about the negative value as it represents
money going out from you (i.e. a payment).

Press o and enter

Press y [TBLSET] and input the data as


Press y [TABLE]

This shows the values of y = 2x + 5 for values of x

starting at x = -3 and increasing by 1 each time.

What if you wanted to start at 2.3 and increase in

increments of 0.2?
Press y [TBLSET] and input the data as shown.

Press y [TABLE]

This shows the values of y = 2x + 5 for values of x starting

at x = 2.3 and increasing by 0.2 each time.

If you wish to enter the x-values yourself, press y

[TBLSET]. Change the independent to ask by using ~
. This gets the TI 84 to prompt you for the x-values.

Press y [TABLE] to input values.

Press and the value of 13 is shown in the Y1 column.

Y1 = 2*4 + 5. You can have more equations (i.e. Y2)

Press o enter 3x - 1 into Y2

y [TABLE] . For x = 3, the values of Y1 and Y2 are

calculated (Y1 = 2*3 + 5 and Y2 = 3*3 - 1).


Calculate the value of y = 3x + 1 when x = 2.
Into o type
y [QUIT] ~

You may wish to evaluate the expression

with other values for the variable.
~ y { y } . i.e. x =2, y = 7 and x = 5, y = 16.

Press p to view the default domain
(x values) and range (y values) of the drawing
window. You can change the values of each of the
Xscl and Yscl refers to the scales on each of the axes. The
default setting is that the scale increases by one starting
from -10 going up to 10.
Press o . If there are any equations, press when
you are in the line corresponding to each of the equations.
until all equations have been
Input y = 2x + 3 into Y1. Press .

If you have the default settings and then pressing

s, you will see the following:

Do not panic if there are other graphs (histogram, scattergram, box-and-whisker) drawn as
well. (See Graphs section (fixing errors) page 16).
If there are other graphs, press y [STAT PLOT] and press then (turns off all plots).
Press s to draw line again.

Press p and change the settings to:

and pressing s , you will see:

If you wish to know the co-ordinates of

specific points, whilst you are viewing the
graph, press r . In the top left corner
you will see the equation that you are tracing
and the co-ordinate that the cursor is on.
Press, for example , you will see:

You then can check other co-ordinates, but be careful as if

you enter , you will get an error message. Do not
panic, it is just that the cursor is off the screen and you
have set it to view a small portion. Press ( to quit) and
you will be back at the home screen. Press p and
change your window to suit your requirements.

To change the window to the default settings

press q then and you will have a new
graph(s) drawn with the new settings
(window). The following shows that
y = 2x + 3 plotted and tracing the point (2, 7).
If you then press either the left | or right | arrow keypads, then you will notice that the
points on the screen have decimal points.

Do not be alarmed as the TI 84 has very good resolution, but it is not as good as a computer.
The TI 84 screen is made up of pixels (larger than that of a computer). The calculator is still
tracing the points.
If you wish to view a table of values (i.e. x and y co-ordinates)
of an equation, use the TBLSET and TABLE functions. Y = 2x
+ 3 is still in Y1.
Press y [TBLSET] and set the calculator to
the following. The table of values (x) will start
at -3 and increase by 1 each time.

Press y [TABLE]
The y-values are calculated for you. By using the } and
keypads, you can see the calculated values that are not on
the screen. For example, x = 2, y = 7 (y = 2*2 + 3).

A reminder, you could use the table setup menu to ask for the
value of the independent variable (x). Press y [TBLSET].
Press y [TABLE] to input values of the independent variable.

To enter data in the statistics function,
press . Whilst here, notice the CALC
command. If you wish to do any calculations involving
statistics, you will find them here.
Press or .
There is data in the lists. To clear the data press } (the cursor will be on L1) and then press
. This will clear all the data in list 1. Press to start entering data in list 1. Clear other
lists if you wish. You do not have to clear all lists if you only wish to work with, for example, list
1 and list 2.

Sometimes you may delete a list instead of clearing it. Do not panic. If you have used your
cursor to highlight L2 (for example) and pressed { (delete), you will find that the entire
column will disappear. To insert a list, place your cursor where you want to insert a list and
press y [INS] and then name the list by pressing y .

The previous data has not been deleted. Clear the lists by pressing the keypad.

To enter data in a list

Press to display the Lists screen and use the above information to clear L1. Enter
data in L1 and press or after each entry.
To correct a value, place the cursor over the incorrect value, type the correct value and press
or .
To insert a value, highlight the value below the required insertion point, press y [INS], type
the value and press or .
To delete a value, highlight the value and press or .

For example, you wish to perform some calculations on the following 12, 14, 8, 19, 15 (single
frequency data). Enter the data in a list (usually L1). If you enter the data in a list other than
L1 (which is the default list), be careful with calculations you may require (read carefully). The
following example has the same data in L1 and L4.

Press y [QUIT] to return to the home screen. Press ~ to show the CALC menu.
Press to perform some calculations.

Because the data is not in L1 (the default), you must tell the calculator that the data is in
another list. Press y [L4].

Pressing to show calculations.

Use to see other calculated values (and you can use } to go back up to the other
calculated values).

Multiple frequency data.

For example,
Goals per

Enter the Goals per game into L2 and the Frequency in L3 (it does not matter which list you
input the data into).
As with the single frequency data (above), you must tell the calculator where the data is
stored. Press y [L2] [L3] and press .

Again, you can use your } and keypads to look at the calculated values.


One of the many questions asked is why the graphs are not being drawn correctly. As well,
many ask why there are other graphs drawn.
Suggestion: use some of the following procedures before you enter data into lists, enter
equations into o or press s .

Procedures to follow before graphing

Check window values (i.e. portion of the
cartesian plane is what you want to see). Press
p . For example, you may want to see the graph for
the values of x between 5 and 9 and this window will not
allow you to do this.


Check that the data entered in lists match up
(i.e. for example, 6 values in L1 and 5 values in L2).

If you press s , the TI84 will give you an error message.

For example, if you enter the data shown, have a
STATPLOT on and press s, the TI84 will give you an
error message.

Another problem could be that you have graphs turned on, but there is no data for the
TI84 to graph. The TI84 has been told to graph a connected line graph for data in L2 and L3,
but there is no data to graph.

Due to games and programming, the [FORMAT]
menu will be changed. Press y [FORMAT] and have
the menu as shown. Highlight the options on the left-hand
side of the menu. Use }, , |, ~ keys to put cursor over
the commands then press .

Delete equations in the o menu. Use your arrow keys
and the button to delete the equations.


Looking at this screen, you can

see that Plot 1 is ON. Whilst in
this menu, you can use the arrow
keys to put the cursor on Plot 1
and press . Plot 1 is turned
OFF. (You can also turn plots


Turn off all Stat Plots. Press y [STAT PLOT]. For example, 2 plots have been turned
Press and .
All plots have been
turned off.

You could individually turn off some plots, but it is just as easy to turn all plots off.

To turn off the equations (and leave them in the lines), place the cursor on the = and
press .

Another procedure is to reset the defaults. Press y [MEM] .

Only use this method as a last resort.


You are now ready to draw graphs.


Graph the following data:







Enter the Scores in L1 and the Frequency in L2 (Refer to Statistics Section Page 13)
Press y [STAT PLOT].
Select a number for a plot ( ,
, or ). Move cursor to be
over ON and press .

Of course, move your cursor key and position it over the and press to highlight the
You will notice that the Xlist has changed to the default and the frequency is changed to the
default value of 1. Use your arrow keys and place your cursor over L1 and press y (to
select L1) (only if you have entered the scores in a list other than L1). As with the frequency,
press y (to select L2).

Do not press s yet. You must check your window (your viewing section).


If you press q and (sets the default x and y values for the
cartesian plane)

If no graphs have been set to draw, you will get the screen
shown left.

If you press p , you will see the default values for the
cartesian plane.
Before you press s , read the Procedures to follow
before graphing on page 16 .

Pressing s will result in the following screen.

You do not want the all of the cartesian plane and
the graph goes off the screen.

Press p and use your arrow keys to determine

the axes values. Generally the score is the x-axis and
the frequency is the y-axis.
The scores went from 2 to 6 and the frequency went
from 4 to 12.


For a correct histogram, start Xmin at -0.5 and the Xscl

(x scale) equal to 1 (each column in 1 unit wide).
For each axis, go one value higher to fit the graph
neatly on the viewing window.
Press s .

By starting the x-values at -.0.5, you have a correct graph that is easier to read values.
Pressing r and using your arrow keys, you can see what the scores and the frequencies
are. For example, the bar highlighted does show x = 3, but if you look below the bar, you will
see a stroke that signifies 3 (between 2.5 and 3.5).

As well, you noticed that when using the r facility, the trace values are over the graph.
Press p and change your lowest y-value to -5 and this will allow optimum viewing of your
graph. Press r and use your arrow keys as before.



Graph the following data:





Enter the Scores in L3 and the Frequency in L4 as there is

data in L1 and L2. You could always clear the previous data.
(Refer to Statistics Section Page 13)

Press y [STAT PLOT]. Before you select a number for a

plot ( , , or ), decide whether to keep Plot 1 on or turn
the setting off.

We shall keep the setting for Plot 1 (histogram), but turn the
setting off.
Press and move your cursor to the Off position and press
to turn off Plot 1.
You could use your arrow key to move up to Plot 2 and press
to change the settings for Plot 2.

Another way is to Press y [STAT PLOT] again and press to select Plot 2.

Move cursor to be over ON and press .

Of course, move your cursor key and position it over the "
and press to highlight the scattergram.



We must change the Xlist and Ylist.

Use your arrow keys and place your cursor over L1 and
press y (to select L3). As with the frequency, press y
(to select L4).
It is up to you to choose which mark to use.
Before you press s , read the Procedures to follow before graphing on page 16 .
If you had pressed s , you would have seen the screen.
What is the problem? Your viewing window is still set for the
Press p and change the viewing window to your
settings. Generally, the score is the x-axis and the frequency
is the y-axis.

If you had changed the

window to the settings shown
and then pressed s , you
would get the following graph,
but no axes. If you wish to see
the two axes, start the scales
at 0.



By pressing y[LINK], you will see

Pressing the } and keypads, you will see what can be

transmitted between calculators.

Transmitting Lists
Connect both TI84 calculators via the link cable. Ensure the cable is firmly pushed in on both
Press y[LINK] on both calculators
Receiving TI84

Press ~

Transmitting TI84

Press then press then on the lists

you which to send


Press ~ to highlight TRANSMIT

You must press on your TI84 first (i.e. the receiving TI84). Now press on the
calculator you are transferring data from.
You may find that you will need to press to overwrite the lists on your TI84.

As well, you can highlight everything by pressing

whilst you are in the [LINK] screen.
Press ~ to highlight TRANSMIT on the sending

You must press on your TI84 first (i.e. the receiving TI84). Now press on the
calculator you are transferring data from.
You may find that you will need to press to overwrite on your TI84.


Transmitting Programmes
Connect both TI84 calculators via the link cable. Ensure the cable is firmly pushed in on both
Press y[LINK] on both calculators
Receiving TI84

Press ~

Transmitting TI84

Press then press then on the

programmes you which to send

Use } and and

keypads to highlight which
programmes to transmit.

Press ~ to highlight TRANSMIT on the

sending calculator.


You must press on your TI84 first (i.e. the receiving TI84). Now press on the
calculator you are transferring data from.
You may find that you will need to press to overwrite the programmes on your TI84.

Transmitting Applications
Many applications can be transmitted from calculator to calculator. They can also be
downloaded from
Connect both TI84 calculators via the link cable. Ensure the cable is firmly pushed in on both
Press y[LINK] on both calculators
Receiving TI84

Press ~

Transmitting TI84

Press then press when cursor is on C

(corresponds to Apps).


Press and use your } and and

keypads to highlight which Applications to transmit.

Press ~ to highlight TRANSMIT on the sending calculator.

You must press on your TI84 first (i.e.

the receiving TI84). Now press on the calculator you are transferring data from.
You may find that you will need to press to overwrite the Applications on your TI84.

Transmitting a mixture of lists, programmes, applications etc.

Connect both TI84 calculators via the link cable. Ensure the cable is firmly pushed in on both
Press y[LINK] on both calculators
Receiving TI84

Transmitting TI84

Press ~

To highlight a mixture of lists, programmes and data, press

on the transmitting TI84. Highlight the ones you wish to
send by using your } and and keypads.


Press ~ to highlight TRANSMIT on the sending calculator.

You must press on your TI84 first (i.e. the receiving

TI84). Now press on the calculator you are
transferring data from.
You may find that you will need to press to overwrite the programmes on your TI84.


To enter angles, you must know where the symbols are. Press y [ANGLE]. Degrees and
Minutes are here and to access seconds, you must use .
To enter 16o 37' 18" (16 degrees, 37 minutes and 18 seconds);
Press y [ANGLE] y [ANGLE] 18

If you press enter, you will see that the answer on the screen
has been changed to degrees.

If you wish to convert the answer back to degrees, minutes and

seconds, access the ANGLE menu.
Press . Press


As well, the degrees/minutes/seconds corresponds to hours,

minutes and seconds. You may wish to find the difference in
time. For example, what is the time difference between 6:40am
and 7:03pm? You must work in 24 hour time and hence, 7:03pm
is 1903 hours. Use the angle facility to find the difference in time
and convert back to hours and minutes.

You must be careful when checking time differences over 2 or more days.

As shown on the left, you can do all the calculations in one step.

The answer is 12 hours and 23 minutes.

To enter any time between 12am and 1am, you must enter 0o
For example, what is the time difference between 12:53am
and 4:12 pm?

The answer is 15 hours and 19 minutes.

Storing values on the TI84 is very easy. Yes, you can use the
calculator as a telephone directory. For example, 4 is stored in
B and 3390 1234 is my friend Graphica's home number.
Press [B] and .
Press [G] and .

To access these numbers, you simply use the and the

corresponding letter.
You can also store another answer.


The effect of applying one function, Y1, then another function,
Y2, can be achieved via the composite function Y2(Y1).
If f(x) = 3x + 1 and g(x) = 2x2 - 5
Enter the equations into Y1 and Y2 by pressing the o.
Press y [QUIT] to display the home screen.
Press ~ (Y-Vars) (Function) (for Y1) and type in . This will calculate f(2).

This screen capture shows the calculations f(2) and g(7) which
is the same as g(f(2)).
As well, you can find the inverse of functions. For example,

For the inverse, use the .

Another way in which to find values of composite

functions and inverses is to use the o.

In Y3 enter Y2(Y1) which represents g(f(x)) and if

you wish to enter Y1-1 which represents f-1(x).
See Table Function, Page 9, (set the TBLSET Independent to ASK).
Press y [TABLE] to access table and enter 2.
To access Y3 and Y4 use your ~ and | keys.


One of the benefits of having a TI84 plus calculator is that you can update your operating
system. You can log onto and download the operating system or
download it from another TI84 plus calculator.
Warning: Updating operating system will delete RAM memory (i.e. programmes, lists,
games etc). Backup your data on another calculator or on your computer (TI Connect
Connect both TI84 calculators via the link cable. Ensure the cable is firmly pushed in on both
Press y [LINK] on both calculators

Receiving TI84

Press ~

Transmitting TI84

Press } and place cursor over G.


You must press on your TI84 first (i.e. the receiving TI84). Now press on the
calculator you are transferring the Operating System from.


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