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Time for inquiry into our torture complicity

Background info-Front of page
Date-9th December 2014(Front of page)

(..)- Page no.
Red- imp info
Blue: Answer
- Brainstorm &
my thoughts

Purpose-What is the purpose of writing the torture piece?

Author-1st article (George Williams)

-2nd article (Another Aussie & Never OK)
Text type- 1st article (Opinion Piece)
2nd article (Accompanying comments)
Title-1st article (Time for inquiry into our torture complicity-which means
investigation on Australian government that are involved in the
knowledge of terrorism.)
-2nd article (Another Aussie & Never OK-Against the terrorists like
Habib & Hicks who were victims of torture)
Tone-1st& 2nd article (passionate, sympathetic, open-minded, remorseful,
cautious, conservative, defensive, patronising)
Audience-1st & 2nd article (American government & Australians
involvement in the terrorist activities).

1St Article

In response to the recent event of the September 11 attacks in US that is

well-known to society, this triggered the issue of the justifiability of
torture. In the opinion piece, Time for inquiry into our torture complicity,
published by George Williams on the 9th December 2014, who is against
the word, torture, as it involves innocent peoples input in crimes. In an
overall patronising tone, George highlights how brutal, the act of torture
is as it causes many lives to get information out for the recruiters who
start the terrorist activities.
The author opens his argument in a welcoming tone, talking about the
September 11 attacks that lead to prisoners being captured from
Guantanamo Bay at US and Abu Ghraib in Iraq, for questioning. Colourful
language is used such as brutal events that was unknown, according to
the CIAs that use, enhanced interrogation techniques, which is a
pleasant name to re-phrase torture as it sounds profession and
important. The CIA is unreliable as their programs they use are,
ineffective. The use of torture, is spreading into, inflaming anger and
resentment in citizens as the Australian government is being lied to,
even the White and Congress, by the US recruiters who start the cruel
acts of harming people to get vital information.
The picture shows a person attached to electric wires, getting
electrocuted to pour out important information that the terrorists need.
This makes the person feel vulnerable and the audience, such as the
government of Australia or citizens feel sympathy towards innocent
people who get caught up in this havoc. Their foot is on a box, so they will
feel scared as they might feel like they will fall due to loss of balance. And
their face is covered, to not show them their surroundings, as word could
get around and the CIAs people who work for the recruiters will be
George moves on to his next argument in a reasonable tone, arguing
about the shocking things, the US Senate Intelligence Committee have
done such as fail to mention Australia, the cruel activities they are
doing behind their backs. Australia was far from a disinterested
bystander, which means their involvement was obvious and vague but
they some people were part of the crime too. Evidence such as, 54
nations participated in the CIAs tortured programs, leaves an impression
that they are many nations around the world that involve people being
Finally, George finishes his final argument in an informative tone,
addressing the issue of two victims being held as prisoners, Habib and

Hicks, by the recruiters of US, who want to use torture in the wrong way
to benefit them through economics (money). Unfortunately, Australias
government did not try hard enough to stop the act of torture, as based
on statistics, But failed to prevent his transfer to Egypt where he was
tortured, which can also be taken in a negative aspect. However, when
money comes into the picture, greediness occurs, which leads to sufferers
keeping silent and not telling the truth. Hicks have claimed, Entering a
guilty plea for providing material support for terrorism, which causes
questions to occur for the audience as they are unsure whether to believe
his words or to support the activities of the terrorists. John Howard was
some of the strongest international supporters, based on evidence given,
but their commitment in trying to stop torture wasnt strong enough as
they failed to protect Habib and Hicks.
The comments from Another Aussies point of view of Professor Williams
were, go softly approach so as to not hurt the feelings of terrorists,
but I dont. This tells us that he wants more information on what
occurred at the crucial time where people got tortured to slip out little
evidence. Whereas, another comment from Never Ok listed a number of
reasons to be able to agree with the terrorists, such as an anecdote,
Would you be happy to have these things done to yourself or your
children?, where they are putting their shoes in the victims place,
trying to sympathise with them, as they get involved in the crime to give
out material.
In conclusion, Professor Williams wants to persuade the Australia
government that they need to try harder to fix matters that involve
torture as if left too far it becomes, brutal, which is a negative aspect. In
addition, Another Aussies comments included a rhetorical question, How
many people did Al Qaeda and IS kill and torture?, where he is
questioning what happened during the havoc, comprising the torture
activities and what kind of information they need

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