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Version 2014

For Use With Excel 2003-2013

Analytic Solver Platform

Data Mining User Guide

Software copyright 1991-2014 by Frontline Systems, Inc.
User Guide copyright 2014 by Frontline Systems, Inc.
Analytic Solver Platform: Portions 1989 by Optimal Methods, Inc.; portions 2002 by Masakazu
Muramatsu. LP/QP Solver: Portions 2000-2010 by International Business Machines Corp. and others.
Neither the Software nor this User Guide may be copied, photocopied, reproduced, translated, or reduced to any
electronic medium or machine-readable form without the express written consent of Frontline Systems, Inc.,
except as permitted by the Software License agreement below.
Analytic Solver Platform, Risk Solver Platform, Premium Solver Platform, Premium Solver Pro, Risk Solver
Pro, Risk Solver Engine, Solver SDK Platform and Solver SDK Pro are trademarks of Frontline Systems, Inc.
Windows and Excel are trademarks of Microsoft Corp. Gurobi is a trademark of Gurobi Optimization, Inc.
KNITRO is a trademark of Ziena Optimization, Inc. MOSEK is a trademark of MOSEK ApS. OptQuest is a
trademark of OptTek Systems, Inc. XpressMP is a trademark of FICO, Inc.
Thanks to Dan Fylstra and the Frontline Systems development team for a 20-year cumulative effort to build the
best possible optimization and simulation software for Microsoft Excel. Thanks to Frontlines customers who
have built many thousands of successful applications, and have given us many suggestions for improvements.
Analytic Solver Platform and Risk Solver Platform has benefited from reviews, critiques, and suggestions from
several risk analysis experts:
Sam Savage (Stanford Univ. and AnalyCorp Inc.) for Probability Management concepts including SIPs,
SLURPs, DISTs, and Certified Distributions.
Sam Sugiyama (EC Risk USA & Europe LLC) for evaluation of advanced distributions, correlations, and
alternate parameters for continuous distributions.
Savvakis C. Savvides for global bounds, censor bounds, base case values, the Normal Skewed distribution
and new risk measures.
How to Order
Contact Frontline Systems, Inc., P.O. Box 4288, Incline Village, NV 89450.
Tel (775) 831-0300 Fax (775) 831-0314 Email Web

Table of Contents
Start Here: Data Mining Essentials in V2014


Getting the Most from This User Guide ........................................................................... 14

Installing the Software ........................................................................................ 14
Upgrading from Earlier Versions ....................................................................... 14
Obtaining a License ............................................................................................ 14
Finding the Examples ......................................................................................... 14
Using Existing Models ....................................................................................... 14
Getting and Interpreting Results ......................................................................... 14
Software License and Limited Warranty .......................................................................... 15

XLMiner Overview


Analytic Solver Platform and XLMiner Overview ........................................................... 19

Analytic Solver Platform .................................................................................... 19
XLMiner ............................................................................................................. 19
Data Analysis .................................................................................................................... 20
Time Series Analysis ........................................................................................................ 21
Data Mining ...................................................................................................................... 22
Tools ................................................................................................................................. 24

Installation and Add-Ins


What You Need ................................................................................................................ 25

Installing the Software ...................................................................................................... 25
Uninstalling the Software ................................................................................................. 30
Activating and Deactivating the Software ........................................................................ 30
Excel 2013, Excel 2010 and 2007 ...................................................................... 30
Excel 2003 .......................................................................................................... 31

Using Help, Licensing and Product Subsets


Introduction ...................................................................................................................... 33
Working with Licenses in V2014 ..................................................................................... 33
Using the License File Solver.lic ........................................................................ 33
License Codes and Internet Activation ............................................................... 33
Running Subset Products in V2014 .................................................................................. 34
Using the Welcome Screen ............................................................................................... 36
Using the XLMiner Help Text .......................................................................................... 36

Introduction to XLMiner


Introduction ...................................................................................................................... 39
Ribbon Overview .............................................................................................................. 39
XLMiner Help Ribbon Icon .............................................................................................. 40
Change Product .................................................................................................. 40
License Code ...................................................................................................... 41
Examples ............................................................................................................ 43
Help Text ............................................................................................................ 45
Check for Updates .............................................................................................. 46
About XLMiner .................................................................................................. 46
Common Dialog Options .................................................................................................. 47
Frontline Solvers V2014

User Guide Page

Worksheet ........................................................................................................... 47
Data Range ......................................................................................................... 47
# Rows, # Columns ............................................................................................ 47
First row contains headers .................................................................................. 48
Variables in the data source ................................................................................ 48
Input variables .................................................................................................... 48
Help .................................................................................................................... 48
Reset ................................................................................................................... 48
OK ...................................................................................................................... 48
Cancel ................................................................................................................. 48
Help Window ..................................................................................................... 49
References ........................................................................................................................ 49

Sampling from a Worksheet or Database


Introduction ...................................................................................................................... 50
Sampling from a Worksheet ............................................................................................. 51
Example: Sampling from a Worksheet using Simple Random Sampling ......... 51
Example: Sampling from a Worksheet using Sampling with Replacement ...... 54
Example: Sampling from a Worksheet using Stratified Random Sampling ...... 55
Sample from Worksheet Options ...................................................................................... 60
Data Range ......................................................................................................... 61
First row contains headers .................................................................................. 61
Variables............................................................................................................. 61
Sample With replacement ................................................................................... 62
Set Seed .............................................................................................................. 62
Desired sample size ............................................................................................ 62
Simple random sampling .................................................................................... 62
Stratified random sampling ................................................................................ 62
Stratum Variable ................................................................................................. 62
Proportionate to stratum size .............................................................................. 62
Equal from each stratum ..................................................................................... 62
Equal from each stratum, #records = smallest stratum size ................................ 63
Sampling from a Database ................................................................................................ 63

Exploring Data using Charts


Introduction ...................................................................................................................... 66
Bar Chart ............................................................................................................ 66
Box Whisker Plot ............................................................................................... 66
Histogram ........................................................................................................... 68
Line Chart ........................................................................................................... 68
Parallel Coordinates............................................................................................ 69
Scatterplot........................................................................................................... 69
Scatterplot Matrix ............................................................................................... 69
Variable Plot ....................................................................................................... 70
Bar Chart Example ........................................................................................................... 70
Box Whisker Plot Example............................................................................................... 75
Histogram Example .......................................................................................................... 80
Line Chart Example .......................................................................................................... 85
Parallel Coordinates Chart Example ................................................................................. 87
ScatterPlot Example .......................................................................................................... 91
Scatterplot Matrix Plot Example ....................................................................................... 95
Variable Plot Example ...................................................................................................... 97
Common Chart Options .................................................................................................... 99

Frontline Solvers V2014


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Transforming Datasets with Missing or Invalid Data


Introduction .................................................................................................................... 103

Missing Data Handling Examples .................................................................................. 103
Options for Missing Data Handling ................................................................................ 117
Missing Values are represented by this value ................................................... 117
Overwrite existing worksheet ........................................................................... 118
Variable names in the first Row ....................................................................... 118
Variables........................................................................................................... 118
How do you want to handle missing values for the selected variable(s)? ........ 118
Apply this option to selected variable(s) .......................................................... 118
Reset ................................................................................................................. 118
OK .................................................................................................................... 118

Binning Continuous Data


Introduction .................................................................................................................... 119

Examples for Binning Continuous Data ......................................................................... 119
Options for Binning Continuous Data ............................................................................ 128
Variable names in the first row......................................................................... 129
Name of the binned variable ............................................................................. 129
Show binning values in the output ................................................................... 129
Name of binned variable .................................................................................. 129
#bins for the variable ........................................................................................ 129
Equal count ....................................................................................................... 130
Equal interval ................................................................................................... 130
Rank of the bin ................................................................................................. 130
Mean of the bin................................................................................................. 130
Median of the bin ............................................................................................. 130
Mid Value ......................................................................................................... 130
Apply this option to the selected variable ......................................................... 130

Transforming Categorical Data


Introduction .................................................................................................................... 131

Transforming Categorical Data Examples ...................................................................... 132
Options for Transforming Categorical Data ................................................................... 138
Data Range ....................................................................................................... 139
First row contains headers ................................................................................ 139
Variables........................................................................................................... 139
Options ............................................................................................................. 139
Category Number ............................................................................................. 139

Principal Components Analysis


Introduction .................................................................................................................... 140

Examples for Principal Components .............................................................................. 142
Options for Principal Components Analysis ................................................................... 148
Principal Components ...................................................................................... 148
Smallest #components explaining .................................................................... 149
Method ............................................................................................................. 149
Show principal components score .................................................................... 150

k-Means Clustering


Introduction .................................................................................................................... 151

Examples for k-Means Clustering .................................................................................. 151
Frontline Solvers V2014

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k-Means Clustering Options ........................................................................................... 157

Clustering Method ............................................................................................ 158
Normalize input data ........................................................................................ 159
# Clusters .......................................................................................................... 159
# Iterations ........................................................................................................ 159
Options ............................................................................................................. 159
Show data summary ......................................................................................... 159
Show distances from each cluster center .......................................................... 159

Hierarchical Clustering


Introduction .................................................................................................................... 160

Agglomerative methods.................................................................................... 160
Single linkage clustering .................................................................................. 161
Complete linkage clustering ............................................................................. 161
Average linkage clustering ............................................................................... 162
Average group linkage ..................................................................................... 163
Ward's hierarchical clustering method ............................................................. 163
Examples of Hierarchical Clustering .............................................................................. 164
Options for Hierarchical Clustering ................................................................................ 172
Data Type ......................................................................................................... 173
Normalize input data ........................................................................................ 174
Similarity Measures .......................................................................................... 174
Clustering Method ............................................................................................ 174
Draw Dendrogram ............................................................................................ 174
Show cluster membership ................................................................................. 174
# Clusters .......................................................................................................... 175

Exploring a Time Series Dataset


Introduction .................................................................................................................... 176

Autocorrelation (ACF) ..................................................................................... 176
Partial Autocorrelation Function (PACF) ......................................................... 177
ARIMA............................................................................................................. 177
Partitioning ....................................................................................................... 178
Examples for Time Series Analysis ................................................................................ 178
Options for Exploring Time Series Datasets ................................................................... 197
Time variable .................................................................................................... 197
Variables in the partitioned data ....................................................................... 197
Specify Partitioning Options ............................................................................ 197
Specify Percentages for Partitioning ................................................................ 197
Selected Variable .............................................................................................. 198
Lags .................................................................................................................. 198
Plot ACF chart .................................................................................................. 198
Variables in the input data ................................................................................ 199
Selected variable............................................................................................... 199
PACF Parameters for Training Data ................................................................ 199
PACF Parameters for Validation Data ............................................................. 199
Time Variable ................................................................................................... 200
Do not fit constant term .................................................................................... 200
Fit seasonal model ............................................................................................ 200
Period ............................................................................................................... 200
Nonseasonal Parameters ................................................................................... 200
Seasonal Parameters ......................................................................................... 201
Maximum number of iterations ........................................................................ 201
Fitted Values and residuals ............................................................................... 201
Frontline Solvers V2014

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Variance-covariance matrix .............................................................................. 201

Produce forecasts .............................................................................................. 201
Report confidence intervals for forecasts ......................................................... 201

Smoothing Techniques


Introduction .................................................................................................................... 202

Exponential smoothing ..................................................................................... 202
Moving Average Smoothing ............................................................................ 203
Double exponential smoothing ......................................................................... 203
Holt Winters' smoothing ................................................................................... 203
Exponential Smoothing Example ................................................................................... 204
Moving Average Smoothing Example ............................................................................ 210
Double Exponential Smoothing Example ....................................................................... 214
Holt Winters Smoothing Example .................................................................................. 219
Common Smoothing Options ......................................................................................... 226
Common Options ............................................................................................. 226
First row contains headers ................................................................................ 226
Variables in input data ...................................................................................... 226
Time Variable ................................................................................................... 226
Selected Variable .............................................................................................. 227
Output Options ................................................................................................. 227
Exponential Smoothing Options ..................................................................................... 227
Optimize ........................................................................................................... 228
Level (Alpha) ................................................................................................... 228
Moving Average Smoothing Options ............................................................................. 228
Interval ............................................................................................................. 228
Double Exponential Smoothing Options ........................................................................ 229
Optimize ........................................................................................................... 229
Level (Alpha) ................................................................................................... 229
Trend (Beta) ..................................................................................................... 229
Holt Winter Smoothing Options ..................................................................................... 229
Parameters ........................................................................................................ 230
Level (Alpha) ................................................................................................... 230
Trend (Beta) ..................................................................................................... 230
Seasonal (Gamma)............................................................................................ 230
Give Forecast .................................................................................................... 230
Update Estimate Each Time ............................................................................. 231
#Forecasts ......................................................................................................... 231

Data Mining Partitioning


Introduction .................................................................................................................... 232

Training Set ...................................................................................................... 232
Validation Set ................................................................................................... 232
Test Set ............................................................................................................. 232
Partition with Oversampling ............................................................................. 233
Standard Partition Example ............................................................................................ 234
Partition with Oversampling Example ............................................................................ 236
Standard Partitioning Options ......................................................................................... 239
Use partition variable ....................................................................................... 239
Set Seed ............................................................................................................ 239
Pick up rows randomly ..................................................................................... 240
Automatic ......................................................................................................... 240
Specify percentages .......................................................................................... 240
Equal # records in training, validation and test set ........................................... 240
Frontline Solvers V2014

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Partitioning with Oversampling Options ........................................................................ 240

Set seed ............................................................................................................. 241
Output variable ................................................................................................. 241
#Classes ............................................................................................................ 241
Specify Success class ....................................................................................... 241
% of success in data set .................................................................................... 242
Specify % success in training set ...................................................................... 242
Specify % validation data to be taken away as test data ................................... 242

Discriminant Analysis Classification Method


Introduction .................................................................................................................... 243

Discriminant Analysis Example ..................................................................................... 243
Discriminant Analysis Options ....................................................................................... 251
Variables in input data ...................................................................................... 252
Input variables .................................................................................................. 252
Weight Variables .............................................................................................. 252
Output variable ................................................................................................. 252
#Classes ............................................................................................................ 252
Specify Success class (for Lift Chart) ........................................................... 252
Specify initial cutoff probability value for success .......................................... 252
According to relative occurrences in training data ........................................... 253
Use equal prior probabilities............................................................................. 253
User specified prior probabilities ..................................................................... 253
Misclassification Costs of................................................................................. 253
Canonical variate loadings ............................................................................... 254
Score training data ............................................................................................ 254
Score validation data ........................................................................................ 254
Score test data ................................................................................................... 254
Canonical Scores .............................................................................................. 255

Logistic Regression


Introduction .................................................................................................................... 256

Logistic Regression Example ......................................................................................... 257
Logistic Regression Options ........................................................................................... 269
Variables in input data ...................................................................................... 270
Input variables .................................................................................................. 270
Weight variable ................................................................................................ 270
Output Variable ................................................................................................ 270
# Classes ........................................................................................................... 270
Specify Success class (necessary) ................................................................. 271
Specify initial Cutoff Probability value for success ......................................... 271
Force constant term to zero .............................................................................. 271
Set confidence level for odds............................................................................ 271
Maximum # iterations....................................................................................... 272
Initial marquardt overshoot factor .................................................................... 272
Perform Collinearity diagnostics ...................................................................... 272
Number of collinearity components ................................................................. 272
Perform best subset selection ........................................................................... 272
Maximum size of best subset............................................................................ 273
Number of best subsets ..................................................................................... 273
Selection Procedure .......................................................................................... 273
Covariance matrix of coefficients ..................................................................... 274
Residuals .......................................................................................................... 274
Score training data ............................................................................................ 274
Frontline Solvers V2014

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Score validation data ........................................................................................ 274

Score test data ................................................................................................... 274
Score new data .................................................................................................. 275

k Nearest Neighbors Classification Method


Introduction .................................................................................................................... 276

k-Nearest Neighbors Classification Example ................................................................. 276
k-Nearest Neighbors Options .......................................................................................... 282
Variables in input data ...................................................................................... 283
Input variables .................................................................................................. 283
Weight variable ................................................................................................ 283
Output variable ................................................................................................. 283
Classes in the output variable ........................................................................... 283
Specify Success class (for Lift Charts) ............................................................. 283
Specify Initial Cutoff Probability value for success ......................................... 284
Normalize input data ........................................................................................ 284
Number of nearest neighbors (k) ...................................................................... 284
Scoring Option ................................................................................................. 285
Score training data ............................................................................................ 285
Score validation data ........................................................................................ 285
Score test data ................................................................................................... 285
Score new data .................................................................................................. 285

Classification Tree Classification Method


Introduction .................................................................................................................... 286

Pruning the tree ................................................................................................ 287
Classification Tree Example ........................................................................................... 287
Classification Tree Options ............................................................................................ 298
Variables in input data ...................................................................................... 299
Input variables .................................................................................................. 299
Weight variable ................................................................................................ 299
Output variable ................................................................................................. 299
# Classes ........................................................................................................... 299
Specify Success class (for Lift Chart) ........................................................... 299
Specify initial cutoff probability value for success .......................................... 300
Normlize input data .......................................................................................... 300
Minimum #records in a terminal node.............................................................. 300
Prune Tree ........................................................................................................ 300
Maximum # levels to be displayed ................................................................... 301
Full tree (grown using training data) ................................................................ 301
Best pruned tree (pruned using validation data) ............................................... 301
Minimum error tree (pruned using validation data) .......................................... 301
Tree with specified number of decision nodes ................................................. 301
Score training data ............................................................................................ 302
Score validation data ........................................................................................ 302
Score test data ................................................................................................... 302
Score new data .................................................................................................. 302

Nave Bayes Classification Method


Introduction .................................................................................................................... 303

Bayes Theorem ................................................................................................. 303
Nave Bayes Classification Example .............................................................................. 304
Nave Bayes Classification Method Options .................................................................. 311
Variables in input data ...................................................................................... 311
Frontline Solvers V2014

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Input variables .................................................................................................. 311

Weight variable ................................................................................................ 312
Output variable ................................................................................................. 312
# Classes ........................................................................................................... 312
Specify Success class (for Lift Chart) ........................................................... 312
Specify initial cutoff probability value for success .......................................... 312
According to relative occurrences in training data ........................................... 312
Use equal prior probabilities............................................................................. 313
User specified prior probabilities ..................................................................... 313
Score training data ............................................................................................ 313
Score validation data ........................................................................................ 313
Score test data ................................................................................................... 313
Score new data .................................................................................................. 313

Neural Networks Classification Method


Introduction .................................................................................................................... 314

Training an Artificial Neural Network ............................................................. 315
The Iterative Learning Process ......................................................................... 315
Feedforward, Back-Propagation ....................................................................... 316
Structuring the Network ................................................................................... 316
Automated Neural Network Classification Example ...................................................... 317
Manual Neural Network Classification Example ........................................................... 324
NNC with Output Variable Containing 2 Classes........................................................... 328
Neural Network Classification Method Options ............................................................. 330
Variables in input data ...................................................................................... 331
Input variables .................................................................................................. 331
Weight variable ................................................................................................ 331
Output variable ................................................................................................. 331
# Classes ........................................................................................................... 331
Specify Success class (for Lift Chart) ........................................................... 331
Specify initial cutoff probability value for success .......................................... 332
Normalize input data ........................................................................................ 332
Network Architecture ....................................................................................... 332
# Hidden Layers ............................................................................................... 332
# Nodes ............................................................................................................. 333
# Epochs ........................................................................................................... 333
Step size for gradient descent ........................................................................... 333
Weight change momentum ............................................................................... 333
Error tolerance .................................................................................................. 333
Weight decay .................................................................................................... 333
Cost Function ................................................................................................... 333
Hidden Layer Sigmoid ..................................................................................... 333
Output Layer Sigmoid ...................................................................................... 334
Score training data ............................................................................................ 334
Score validation data ........................................................................................ 334
Score test data ................................................................................................... 334
Score New Data ................................................................................................ 335

Multiple Linear Regression Prediction Method


Introduction .................................................................................................................... 336

Multiple Linear Regression Example ............................................................................. 336
Multiple Linear Regression Options ............................................................................... 349
Variables in input data ...................................................................................... 350
Input variables .................................................................................................. 350
Frontline Solvers V2014

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Weight variable ................................................................................................ 350

Output Variable ................................................................................................ 350
Force constant to zero ....................................................................................... 351
Fitted values ..................................................................................................... 351
Anova table....................................................................................................... 351
Standardized ..................................................................................................... 351
Unstandardized ................................................................................................. 352
Variance covariance matrix ........................................................................... 352
Score training data ............................................................................................ 352
Score validation data ........................................................................................ 352
Score test data ................................................................................................... 352
Score New Data ................................................................................................ 352
Studentized ....................................................................................................... 353
Deleted ............................................................................................................. 353
Select Cook's Distance ..................................................................................... 353
DF fits ............................................................................................................... 353
Covariance Ratios ............................................................................................. 354
Hat matrix Diagonal ......................................................................................... 354
Perform Collinearity diagnostics ...................................................................... 354
Number of Collinearity Components ............................................................... 354
Multicollinearity Criterion ................................................................................ 354
Perform best subset selection ........................................................................... 355
Maximum size of best subset............................................................................ 355
Number of best subsets ..................................................................................... 355
Selection Procedure .......................................................................................... 355

k-Nearest Neighbors Prediction Method


Introduction .................................................................................................................... 356

k-Nearest Neighbors Prediction Method Example ......................................................... 356
k-Nearest Neighbors Prediction Method Options ........................................................... 364
Variables in input data ...................................................................................... 365
Input variables .................................................................................................. 365
Output Variable ................................................................................................ 365
Normalize Input data ........................................................................................ 366
Number of Nearest Neighbors .......................................................................... 366
Scoring Option ................................................................................................. 366
Score training data ............................................................................................ 366
Score validation data ........................................................................................ 367
Score test data ................................................................................................... 367
Score New Data ................................................................................................ 367

Regression Tree Prediction Method


Introduction .................................................................................................................... 368

Methodology .................................................................................................... 368
Pruning the tree ................................................................................................ 368
Regression Tree Example ............................................................................................... 369
Regression Tree Options ................................................................................................. 378
Variables in input data ...................................................................................... 379
Input variables .................................................................................................. 379
Weight Variable ............................................................................................... 379
Output Variable ................................................................................................ 379
Normalize input data ........................................................................................ 380
Maximum # splits for input variables ............................................................... 380
Minimum #records in a terminal node.............................................................. 380
Frontline Solvers V2014

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Scoring option .................................................................................................. 380

Maximum #levels to be displayed .................................................................... 381
Full tree (grown using training data) ................................................................ 381
Pruned tree (pruned using validation data) ....................................................... 381
Minimum error tree (pruned using validation data) .......................................... 381
Score training data ............................................................................................ 382
Score validation data ........................................................................................ 382
Score Test Data ................................................................................................ 382
Score new Data ................................................................................................. 382

Neural Networks Prediction Method


Introduction .................................................................................................................... 383

Training an Artificial Neural Network ............................................................. 384
The Iterative Learning Process ......................................................................... 384
Feedforward, Back-Propagation ....................................................................... 385
Structuring the Network ................................................................................... 385
Neural Network Prediction Method Example ................................................................. 386
Neural Network Prediction Method Options .................................................................. 394
Variables in input data ...................................................................................... 394
Input variables .................................................................................................. 394
Weight Variable ............................................................................................... 394
Output Variable ................................................................................................ 395
Normalize input data ........................................................................................ 395
# Hidden Layers ............................................................................................... 395
# Nodes ............................................................................................................. 395
# Epochs ........................................................................................................... 395
Step size for gradient descent ........................................................................... 395
Weight change momentum ............................................................................... 396
Error tolerance .................................................................................................. 396
Weight decay .................................................................................................... 396
Score training data ............................................................................................ 396
Score validation data ........................................................................................ 396
Score Test Data ................................................................................................ 397
Score new Data ................................................................................................. 397

Association Rules


Introduction .................................................................................................................... 398

Association Rule Example .............................................................................................. 399
Association Rule Options ............................................................................................... 401
Input data format .............................................................................................. 401
Minimum support (# transactions) ................................................................... 401
Minimum confidence (%) ................................................................................. 401

Scoring New Data


Introduction .................................................................................................................... 403

Scoring to a Database ..................................................................................................... 403
Scoring on New Data ...................................................................................................... 412

Scoring Test Data


Introduction .................................................................................................................... 419

Scoring Test Data Example ............................................................................................ 420
Scoring Test Data Options .............................................................................................. 425
Data to be Scored ............................................................................................. 425
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Stored Model .................................................................................................... 425

Match by Name ................................................................................................ 426
Match by Sequence........................................................................................... 426
Manual Match................................................................................................... 426

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Start Here: Data Mining

Essentials in V2014
Getting the Most from This User Guide
Installing the Software
Run the SolverSetup program to install the software whether you are using
Analytic Solver Platform or XLMiner only. The chapter Installation and AddIns covers installation step-by-step, and explains how to activate and deactivate
the Analytic Solver Platform and XLMiner Excel add-ins.

Upgrading from Earlier Versions

If you have our V12.x, V11.x, V10.x or V9.x Risk Solver Platform software
installed, Analytic Solver Platform will be installed into a new folder,
C:\Program Files\Frontline Systems\Analytic Solver Platform (recommended).
If you have V4.0 or V3.x XLMiner software installed, XLMiner V2014 will
also be installed into C:\Program Files\Frontline Systems\Analytic Solver
Platform (recommended). We recommend uninstalling the earlier version. For
more information and other options, see Installation and Add-Ins.

Obtaining a License
Use Help License Code on the XLMiner Ribbon. The license manager in
V2014 allows users to obtain and activate a license over the Internet. V9.5 and
earlier license codes in your Solver.lic license file will be ignored in V2014.
See the chapter Using Help, Licensing and Product Subsets for details.

Finding the Examples

Use Help Examples on the XLMiner Ribbon to open example datasets. Some
of these examples are used and described in subsequent chapters.

Using Existing Models

Models created using XLMiner 4.0 and earlier can be used in V2014 without
any required changes.

Getting and Interpreting Results

Learn how to interpret XLMiners result messages, error messages, reports and
charts using the Help file imbedded within the software. Simply go to Help
Help Text on the XLMiner ribbon.

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Software License and Limited Warranty

This SOFTWARE LICENSE (the "License") constitutes a legally binding agreement between Frontline
Systems, Inc. ("Frontline") and the person or organization ("Licensee") acquiring the right to use certain
computer program products offered by Frontline (the "Software"), in exchange for Licensees payment to
Frontline (the "Fees"). Licensee may designate the individual(s) who will use the Software from time to
time, in accordance with the terms of this License. Unless replaced by a separate written agreement signed
by an officer of Frontline, this License shall govern Licensee's use of the Software. BY
Grant of License: Subject to all the terms and conditions of this License, Frontline grants to Licensee a
non-exclusive, non-transferable except as provided below, right and license to Use the Software (as the
term "Use" is defined below) for the term as provided below, with the following restrictions:
Evaluation License: If and when offered by Frontline, on a one-time basis only, for a Limited Term
determined by Frontline in its sole discretion, Licensee may Use the Software on one computer (the "PC"),
and Frontline will provide Licensee with a license code enabling such Use. The Software must be stored
only on the PC. An Evaluation License may not be transferred to a different PC.
Standalone License: Upon Frontlines receipt of payment from Licensee of the applicable Fee for a
single-Use license ("Standalone License"), Licensee may Use the Software for a Permanent Term on one
computer (the "PC"), and Frontline will provide Licensee with a license code enabling such Use. The
Software may be stored on one or more computers, servers or storage devices, but it may be used only on
the PC. If the PC fails in a manner such that Use is no longer possible, Frontline will provide Licensee
with a new license code, enabling Use on a repaired or replaced PC, at no charge. A Standalone License
may be transferred to a different PC while the first PC remains in operation only if (i) Licensee requests a
new license code from Frontline, (ii) Licensee certifies in writing that the Software will no longer be Used
on the first PC, and (iii) Licensee pays a license transfer fee, unless such fee is waived in writing by
Frontline in its sole discretion.
Flexible Use License: Upon Frontlines receipt of payment from Licensee of the applicable Fee for a
multi-Use license ("Flexible Use License"), Licensee may Use the Software for a Permanent Term on a
group of several computers as provided in this section, and Frontline will provide Licensee with a license
code enabling such Use. The Software may be stored on one or more computers, servers or storage devices
interconnected by any networking technology that supports the TCP/IP protocol (a "Network"), copied into
the memory of, and Used on, any of the computers on the Network, provided that only one Use occurs at
any given time, for each Flexible Use License purchased by Licensee. Frontline will provide to Licensee
(under separate license) and Licensee must install and run License Server software ("LSS") on one of the
computers on the Network (the "LS"); other computers will temporarily obtain the right to Use the
Software from the LS. If the LS fails in a manner such that the LSS cannot be run, Frontline will provide
Licensee with a new license code, enabling Use on a repaired or replaced LS, at no charge. A Flexible Use
License may be transferred to a different LS while the first LS remains in operation only if (i) Licensee
requests a new license code from Frontline, (ii) Licensee certifies in writing that the LSS will no longer be
run on the first LS, and (iii) Licensee pays a license transfer fee, unless such fee is waived by Frontline in
its sole discretion.
"Use" of the Software means the use of any of its functions to define, analyze, solve (optimize, simulate,
etc.) and/or obtain results for a single user-defined model. Use with more than one model at the same time,
whether on one computer or multiple computers, requires more than one Standalone or Flexible Use
License. Use occurs only during the time that the computers processor is executing the Software; it does
not include time when the Software is loaded into memory without being executed. The minimum time
Frontline Solvers V2014

User Guide Page

period for Use on any one computer shall be ten (10) minutes, but may be longer depending on the
Software function used and the size and complexity of the model.
Other License Restrictions: The Software includes license control features that may write encoded
information about the license type and term to the PC or LS hard disk; Licensee agrees that it will not
attempt to alter or circumvent such license control features. This License does not grant to Licensee the
right to make copies of the Software or otherwise enable use of the Software in any manner other than as
described above, by any persons or on any computers except as described above, or by any entity other than
Licensee. Licensee acknowledges that the Software and its structure, organization, and source code
constitute valuable Intellectual Property of Frontline and/or its suppliers and Licensee agrees that it shall
not, nor shall it permit, assist or encourage any third party to: (a) copy, modify adapt, alter, translate or
create derivative works from the Software; (b) merge the Software into any other software or use the
Software to develop any application or program having the same primary function as the Software; (c)
sublicense, distribute, sell, use for service bureau use, lease, rent, loan, or otherwise transfer the Software;
(d) "share" use of the Software with anyone else; (e) make the Software available over the Internet, a
company or institutional intranet, or any similar networking technology, except as explicitly provided in the
case of a Flexible Use License; (f) reverse compile, reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble, or otherwise
attempt to derive the source code for the Software; or (g) otherwise exercise any rights in or to the
Software, except as permitted in this Section.
U.S. Government: The Software is provided with RESTRICTED RIGHTS. Use, duplication, or
disclosure by the U.S. Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) of the
Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at DFARS 252.227-7013 or subparagraphs (c)(1)
and (2) of the Commercial Computer Software - Restricted Rights at 48 CFR 52.227-19, as applicable.
Contractor/manufacturer is Frontline Systems, Inc., P.O. Box 4288, Incline Village, NV 89450.
Limited warranty: If Licensee purchases an "Annual Support Contract" from Frontline, then Frontline
warrants, during the term of such Annual Support Contract ("Support Term"), that the Software covered by
the Annual Support Contract will perform substantially as described in the User Guide published by
Frontline in connection with the Software, as such may be amended from time to time, when it is properly
used as described in the User Guide, provided, however, that Frontline does not warrant that the Software
will be error-free in all circumstances. During the Support Term, Frontline shall make reasonable
commercial efforts to correct, or devise workarounds for, any Software errors (failures to perform as so
described) reported by Licensee, and to timely provide such corrections or workarounds to Licensee.
Frontline Solvers V2014

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Term: The License shall become effective when Licensee first downloads, accepts delivery, installs or
uses the Software, and shall continue: (i) in the case of an Evaluation License, for a limited term (such as
15 days) determined from time to time by Frontline in its sole discretion ("Limited Term"), (ii) in the case
of Standalone License or Flexible Use License, for an unlimited term unless terminated for breach pursuant
to this Section ("Permanent Term").
Termination: Frontline may terminate this License if Licensee breaches any material provision of this
License and does not cure such breach (provided that such breach is capable of cure) within 30 days after
Frontline provides Licensee with written notice thereof.
Proprietary Rights: The Software is licensed, not sold. The Software and all existing and future
worldwide copyrights, trademarks, service marks, trade secrets, patents, patent applications, moral rights,
contract rights, and other proprietary and intellectual property rights therein ("Intellectual Property"), are
Frontline Solvers V2014

User Guide Page

the exclusive property of Frontline and/or its licensors. All rights in and to the Software and Frontlines
other Intellectual Property not expressly granted to Licensee in this License are reserved by Frontline. For
the Large-Scale LP/QP Solver only: Source code is available, as part of an open source project, for
portions of the Software; please contact Frontline for information if you want to obtain this source code.
Amendments: This License constitutes the complete and exclusive agreement between the parties relating
to the subject matter hereof. It supersedes all other proposals, understandings and all other agreements, oral
and written, between the parties relating to this subject matter, including any purchase order of Licensee,
any of its preprinted terms, or any terms and conditions attached to such purchase order.
Compliance with Laws: Licensee will not export or re-export the Software without all required United
States and foreign government licenses.
Assignment: This License may be assigned to any entity that succeeds by operation of law to Licensee or
that purchases all or substantially all of Licensees assets (the "Successor"), provided that Frontline is
notified of the transfer, and that Successor agrees to all terms and conditions of this License.
Governing Law: Any controversy, claim or dispute arising out of or relating to this License, shall be
governed by the laws of the State of Nevada, other than such laws, rules, regulations and case law that
would result in the application of the laws of a jurisdiction other than the State of Nevada.

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User Guide Page

XLMiner Overview
Analytic Solver Platform and XLMiner Overview
This Guide shows you how to use XLMiner Frontline Systems data mining
product that combines the capabilities of data analysis, Time Series analysis,
classification techniques and prediction techniques. XLMiner is included in
Frontline Systems Analytic Solver Platform or can be purchased as a standalone license.

Analytic Solver Platform

Analytic Solver Platform combines the optimization and simulation capabilities
of Risk Solver Platform plus the data mining capabilities of XLMiner. This
product includes the PSI Interpreter, five built-in Solvers (LP/Quadratic, SOCP
Barrier, LSGRG Nonlinear, Interval Global, and Evolutionary) and supports
plug in large- scale Solver Engines along. It supports optimization, Monte
Carlo simulation, simulation optimization, stochastic programming and robust
optimization. In addition to all these features, Analytic Solver Platform also
supports the forecasting and data mining capabilities of XLMiner.

XLMiner can also be purchased as a stand-alone product. A stand-alone license
for XLMiner includes all of the data analysis, time series data capabilities,
classification and prediction features available in XLMiner but does not support
optimization or simulation.
Analytic Solver Platforms XLMiner component offers over 30 different
methods for analyzing a dataset in order to forecast future events. The XLMiner
ribbon is broken up into four different segments as shown in the screenshot

Frontline Solvers V2014


You can use the Data Analysis group of buttons to draw a sample of data
from a spreadsheet, external SQL database, or from PowerPivot, explore
your data, both visually and through methods like cluster analysis, and
transform your data with methods like Principal Components, Missing
Value imputation, Binning continuous data, and Transforming categorical

Use the Time Series group of buttons for time series forecasting, using both
Exponential Smoothing (including Holt-Winters) and ARIMA (AutoRegressive Integrated Moving Average) models, the two most popular time
series forecasting methods from classical statistics. These methods forecast
a single data series forward in time.

User Guide Page

The Data Mining group of buttons give you access to a broad range of
methods for prediction, classification, and affinity analysis, from both
classical statistics and data mining. These methods use multiple input
variables to predict an outcome variable, or classify the outcome into one of
several categories.

Use the Predict button to build prediction models using Multiple Linear
Regression (with variable subset selection and diagnostics), k-Nearest
Neighbors, Regression Trees, and Neural Networks.

Use the Classify button to build classification models with Discriminant

Analysis, Logistic Regression, k-Nearest Neighbors, Classification Trees,
Nave Bayes, and Neural Networks.

Use the Associate button to perform affinity analysis (what goes with
what or marker basket analysis) using Association Rules.

If forecasting and data mining are new for you, dont worry you can learn a lot
about them by consulting our extensive in-product Help. Click Help Help
Text on the XLMiner tab, or click Help Help Text Forecasting/Data
Mining on the Analytic Solver Platform tab (these open the same Help file).
If youd like to learn more and get started as a data scientist, consult the
excellent book Data Mining for Business Intelligence, which was written by the
XLMiner designers and early academic users. Youll be able to run all the
XLMiner examples and exercises in Analytic Solver Platform.

Data Analysis
XLMiner includes several different methods for data analysis, including
Sampling from either a Worksheet or Database, Charting with 8 different types
of available charts, Transformation techniques which handle missing data,
binning continuous data, creating dummy variables and transforming categorical
data, and using Principal Components Analysis to reduce and eliminate
superfluous or redundant variables; along with two different types of Clustering
techniques, k-Means and Hierarchical.

Click the Sample icon to take a representative sample from a database included
in either an Excel workbook or an Oracle, SQL Server, or MS-Access database.
Users can choose to sample with or without replacement using simple or
stratified random sampling.
Click the Explore icon to create one or more charts of your data. XLMiner
includes 8 different types of charts to choose from, including: bar charts, line
charts, scatterplots, boxplots, histograms, parallel coordinates charts, scatterplot
matrix charts or variable charts. Click this icon to edit or view previously
created charts as well.
Click the Transformation icon when data manipulation is required. In most large
databases or datasets, a portion of variables are bound to be missing some data.
XLMiner includes routines for dealing with these missing values by allowing a
user to either delete the full record or apply a value of her/her choice. XLMiner
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User Guide Page

also includes a routine for binning continuous data for use with prediction and
classification methods which do not support continuous data. Continuous
variables can be binned using several different user specified options. Nonnumeric data can be transformed using dummy variables with up to 30 distinct
values. If more than 30 categories exist for a single variable, use the Reduce
Categories routine to decrease the number of categories to 30. Finally, use
Principal Components Analysis to remove highly correlated or superfluous
variables from large databases.
Click the Cluster icon to gain access to two different types of clustering
techniques: k-Means clustering and hierarchical clustering. Both methods
allow insight into a database or dataset by performing a cluster analysis. This
type of analysis can be used to obtain the degree of similarity (or dissimilarity)
between the individual objects being clustered.

Time Series Analysis

XLMiner also supports the analysis and forecasting of datasets that contain
observations generated sequentially such as predicting next years sales figures,
monthly airline bookings, etc. through partitioning, autocorrelations or ARIMA
models and through smoothing techniques.
A time series model is first used to obtain an understanding of the underlying
forces and structure that produced the data and then secondly, to fit a model that
will predict future behavior. In the first step, the analysis of the data, a model is
created to uncover seasonal patterns or trends in the data, for example bathing
suit sales in June. In the second step, forecasting, the model is used to predict the
value of the data in the future, for example, next year's bathing suit sales.
Separate modeling methods are required to create each type of model.

Typically, when using a time series dataset, the data is first partitioned into
training and validation sets. Click the Partition icon within the Time Series
ribbon segment to utilize the Time Series Data Partitioning routine. XLMiner
features two techniques for exploring trends in a dataset, ACF (Autocorrelation
function) and PACF (Partial autocorrelation function). These techniques help the
user to explore various patterns in the data which can be used in the creation of
the model. After the data is analyzed, a model can be fit to the data using
XLMiner's ARIMA method. All three of these methods can be found by
clicking the ARIMA dialog.
Data collected over time is likely to show some form of random variation.
"Smoothing techniques" can be used to reduce or cancel the effect of these
variations. These techniques, when properly applied, will smooth out the
random variation in the time series data to reveal any underlying trends that may
Click the Smoothing icon to gain access to XLMiners four different smoothing
techniques: Exponential, Moving Average, Double Exponential, and Holt
Winters. The first two techniques, Exponential and Moving Average, are
relatively simple smoothing techniques and should not be performed on datasets
Frontline Solvers V2014

User Guide Page

involving seasonality. The last two techniques are more advanced techniques
which can be used on datasets involving seasonality.

Data Mining
The Data Mining section of the Analytic Solver Platform or XLMiner ribbon
contains four icons: Partition, Classify, Predict, and Associate. Click the
Partition icon to partition your data into training, validation, and if desired, test
sets. Click the Classify icon to select one of six different classification methods.
Click the Predict icon to select one of four different prediction methods. Click
the Associate icon to recognize associations or correlations among variables in
the dataset.
XLMiner supports six different methods for predicting the class of an outcome
variable (classification) and four different methods for predicting the actual
(prediction) of an outcome variable. Classification can be described as
categorizing a set of observations into predefined classes in order to determine
the class of an observation based on a set of variables. A prediction method can
be described as a technique performed on a database either to predict the
response variable value based on a predictor variable or to study the relationship
between the response variable and the predictor variables. For example, when
determining the relationship between the crime rate of a city or neighborhood
and demographic factors such as population, education, male to female ratio,
One very important issue when fitting a model is how well the newly created
model will behave when applied to new data. To address this issue, the dataset
can be divided into multiple partitions before a classification or prediction
algorithm is applied: a training partition used to create the model, a validation
partition to test the performance of the model and, if desired, a third test
partition. Partitioning is performed randomly, to protect against a biased
partition, according to proportions specified by the user or according to rules
concerning the dataset type. For example, when creating a time series forecast,
data is partitioned by chronological order.
The six different classification methods are:
Discriminant Analysis - Constructs a set of linear functions of the
predictor variables and uses these functions to predict the class of a
new observation with an unknown class. Common uses of this method
include: classifying loan, credit card or insurance applicants into low
or high risk categories, classifying student applications for college
entrance, classifying cancer patients into clinical studies, etc.
Logistic Regression A variant of ordinary regression which is used
to predict the response variable, or the output variable, when the
response variable is a dichotomous variable (a variable that takes only
two values such as yes/no, success/failure, survive/die, etc.).
k-Nearest Neighbors This classification method divides a training
dataset into groups of k observations using a Euclidean Distance
measure to determine similarity between neighbors. These
classification groups are used to assign categories to each member of
the validation training set.
Classification Tree Also known as Decision Trees, this classification
method is a good choice when goal is to generate easily understood and
explained rules that can be translated in an SQL or query language.
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User Guide Page

Naive Bayes This classification method first scans the training

dataset and finds all records where the predictor values are equal. Then
the most prevalent class of the group is determined and assigned to the
entire collection of observations. If a new observations predictor
variable equals the predictor variable of this group, the new observation
will be assigned to this class. Due to the simplicity of this method a
large number of records are required to obtain accuracy.
Neural Network Artificial neural networks are based on the
operation and structure of the human brain. These networks process
one record at a time and learn by comparing their classification of the
record (which as the beginning is largely arbitrary) with the known
actual classification of the record. Errors from the initial classification
of the first records are fed back into the network and used to modify the
networks algorithm the second time around. This continues for many,
many iterations.
The four different predictive methods are:
Multiple Linear Regression This method is performed on a dataset
to predict the response variable based on a predictor variable or used to
study the relationship between a response and predictor variable, for
example, student test scores compared to demographic information
such as income, education of parents, etc.
k-Nearest Neighbors Like the classification method with the same
name above, this prediction method divides a training dataset into
groups of k observations using a Euclidean Distance measure to
determine similarity between neighbors. These groups are used to
predict the value of the response for each member of the validation set.
Regression Trees - A Regression tree may be considered a variant of a
decision tree, designed to approximate real-valued functions instead of
being used for classification methods. As with all regression
techniques, XLMiner assumes the existence of a single output
(response) variable and one or more input (predictor) variables. The
output variable is numerical. The general regression tree building
methodology allows input variables to be a mixture of continuous and
categorical variables. A decision tree is generated when each decision
node in the tree contains a test on some input variable's value. The
terminal nodes of the tree contain the predicted output variable values.
Neural Network Artificial neural networks are based on the
operation and structure of the human brain. These networks process
one record at a time and learn by comparing their prediction of the
record (which as the beginning is largely arbitrary) with the known
actual value of the response variable. Errors from the initial prediction
of the first records are fed back into the network and used to modify the
networks algorithm the second time around. This continues for many,
many iterations.
The goal of association rule mining is to recognize associations and/or
correlations among large sets of data items. A typical and widely-used example
of association rule mining is the Market Basket Analysis. Most 'market basket'
databases consist of a large number of transaction records where each record
lists all items purchased by a customer during a trip through the check-out line.
Data is easily and accurately collected through the bar-code scanners.
Supermarket managers are interested in determining what foods customers
purchase together, like, for instance, bread and milk, bacon and eggs, wine and
Frontline Solvers V2014

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cheese, etc. This information is useful in planning store layouts (placing items
optimally with respect to each other), cross-selling promotions, coupon offers,

The Tools section of the Analytic Solver Platform ribbon contains two icons:
Score and Help. Click the Score icon to score new data in a database or
worksheet with any of the Classification or Prediction algorithms. This facility
matches the input variables to the database (or worksheet) fields and then
performs the scoring on the database (or worksheet).

XLMiner also supports the scoring of Test Data. When XLMiner calculates
prediction or classification results, internal values and coefficients are generated
and used in the computations. XLMiner saves these values to an additional
output sheet, termed Stored Model Sheet, which uses the worksheet name,
XX_Stored_N where XX are the initials of the classification or prediction
method and N is the number of generated stored sheets. This sheet is used when
scoring the test data. Note: In previous versions of XLMiner, this utility was a
separate add-on application named XLMCalc. Starting in XLMiner V12.5, this
utility is included free of charge.
Click the Help icon to enter a new license or activation code, open an example
dataset (over 25 example datasets are provided and most are used in the
examples throughout this guide), open the online help, open this guide, or check
for updates. See the XLMiner Help Ribbon Icon section in the Introduction to
XLMiner chapter for more information on this menu.

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User Guide Page

Installation and Add-Ins

What You Need
In order to install Analytic Solver Platform V2014 software, you must have
first installed Microsoft Excel 2013, Excel 2010, Excel 2007, or Excel 2003
on Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP or Windows
Server 2008.

Installing the Software

To install Analytic Solver Platform to work with any 32-bit version of
Microsoft Excel, simply run the program SolverSetup.exe, which contains
all of the Solver program, Help, User Guide, and example datasets in
compressed form. To install Analytic Solver Platform to work with 64-bit
Excel 2010 or 2013, run SolverSetup64.exe.
Depending on your Windows security settings, you might be prompted with
a message The publisher could not be verified. Are you sure you want
to run this software? You may safely click Run in response to this
message. Youll first see a dialog like the one below, while the files are

Next, youll briefly see the standard Windows Installer dialog. Then a
dialog box like the one shown below should appear:

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Click Next to proceed. You will then be prompted for an installation

password, which Frontline Systems will provide via email to your registered
email address. Enter it into the Installation Password field in dialog box. In
addition, you have the option to enter a license activation code in that
related field. Note: the Setup program looks for a license file that may
already exist on your system and checks your license status. If you enter an
activation code (you must have Internet access for this to succeed), the
Setup program will display a dialog reporting whether your license was
successfully activated. But you dont have to do this just click Next.

Next, the Setup program will ask if you accept Frontlines software license
agreement. You must click I accept and Next in order to be able to

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The Setup program then displays a dialog box like the one shown below,
where you can select or confirm the folder to which files will be copied
(normally C:\Program Files\Frontline Systems\Analytic Solver Platform, or
if youre installing Analytic Solver Platform for 32-bit Excel on 64-bit
Windows, C:\Program Files (x86)\Frontline Systems\Analytic Solver
Platform). Click Next to proceed.

If you have an existing license, or youve just activated a license for full
Analytic Solver Platform, the Setup program will give you the option to run
the XLMiner software as a subset product instead of the full Analytic
Solver Platform.

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User Guide Page

Click Next to proceed. Youll see a dialog confirming that the preliminary
steps are complete, and the installation is ready to begin:

After you click Install, the Analytic Solver Platform files will be installed,
and the program file RSPAddin.xll will be registered as a COM add-in
(which may take some time). A progress dialog appears, as shown below;
be patient, since this process takes longer than it has in previous Solver
Platform releases.

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User Guide Page

When the installation is complete, youll see a dialog box like the one
below. Click Finish to exit the installation wizard.

Analytic Solver Platform, or a sub-set product if you chose to install a

different version of our solvers, is now installed. Simply click Finish and
Microsoft Excel will launch with a Welcome workbook containing
information to help you get started quickly.

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User Guide Page

Uninstalling the Software

To uninstall Analytic Solver Platform, just run the SolverSetup program as
outlined above. Youll be asked to confirm that you want to remove the
You can also uninstall by choosing Control Panel from the Start menu,
and double-clicking the Programs and Features or Add/Remove
Programs applet. In the list box below Currently installed programs,
scroll down if necessary until you reach the line, Frontline Excel Solvers
V2014, and click the Uninstall/Change or Add/Remove button. Click
OK in the confirming dialog box to uninstall the software.

Activating and Deactivating the Software

Analytic Solver Platforms main program file RSPAddin.xll is a COM addin, an XLL add-in, and a COM server.

Excel 2013, Excel 2010 and 2007

In Excel 2013, 2010 and 2007, you can manage all types of add-ins from
one dialog, reached by clicking the File tab in Excel 2013 or 2010, or the
upper left corner button in Excel 2007, choosing Excel Options, then
choosing Add-Ins in the pane on the left, as shown below.

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User Guide Page

You can manage add-ins by selecting the type of add-in from the dropdown
list at the bottom of this dialog. For example, if you select COM Add-ins
from the dropdown list and clock the Go button, the dialog shown below

If you uncheck the box next to Analytic Solver Platform Addin and click
OK, you will deactivate the Analytic Solver Platform COM add-in, which
will remove the Analytic Solver Platform tab from the Ribbon, and also
remove the PSI functions for optimization from the Excel 2013 Function

Excel 2003
In earlier versions of Excel, COM add-ins and other add-ins are managed in
separate dialogs, and the COM Add-In dialog is available only if you
display a toolbar which is hidden by default. To display this toolbar:

Frontline Solvers V2014



On the View menu, point to Toolbars, and then click Customize.


Click the Commands tab.


Under Categories, click Tools.

User Guide Page


Under Commands, click COM Add-Ins and drag your selection

to the toolbar.

Once you have done this, you can click COM Add-Ins on the toolbar to see
a list of the available add-ins in the COM Add-Ins dialog box, as shown
If you uncheck the box next to Analytic Solver Platform Addin and click
OK, you will deactivate the Analytic Solver Platform COM add-in, which
will remove Analytic Solver Platform from the main menu bar, and also
remove the PSI functions for optimization from the Insert Function dialog.

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User Guide Page

Using Help, Licensing and

Product Subsets
This chapter describes the ways Analytic Solver Platform V2014 differs
from its predecessors in terms of overall operation, including registration,
licensing, use of product subsets, and use of the Startup Screen, online Help
and examples.

Working with Licenses in V2014

A license is a grant of rights, from Frontline Systems to you, to use our
software in specified ways. Information about a license for example, its
temporary vs. permanent status and its expiration date is encoded in a
license code. The same binary files are used for Analytic Solver Platform
and XLMiner. The product features you see depend on the license code you

Using the License File Solver.lic

Analytic Solver Platform V2014 stores license codes in a text file named
Solver.lic. If upgrading from V12.x, no new license code will be required.
Old license codes for V11.x and earlier have no negative effect in V2014;
they can appear in the Solver.lic file and will be ignored.
If you already have a Solver.lic file, SolverSetup adds license codes to this
file. If not, SolverSetup creates this file in a default location:
Excel 2013, 2010, 2007 or Vista: C:\ProgramData\Frontline Systems
XP: C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Frontline
In V2014, V12.x, V11.x and V10.x, the SolverSetup program creates an
environment variable FRONTLIC whose value is the path to the Solver.lic
file. The old license manager in V9.x and earlier versions used the
environment variable LSERVRC.

License Codes and Internet Activation

You can enter a new license code at any time while youre using Analytic
Solver Platform. To do this, choose Help License Code from the
Analytic Solver Platform Ribbon. A dialog like the one below will appear.

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User Guide Page

You have two options to obtain and activate a license, using this dialog:

If you contact Frontline Systems at (775) 831-0300 or, and give us the Lock Code shown in the middle of
the dialog (click the Email Lock Code button to do this quickly), we
can generate a license code for your PC, and email this to you. You
can then select and copy (Ctrl+C) the license code, and paste it
(Ctrl+V) into the lower edit box in this dialog.


Even easier, and available 24x7 if you have Internet access on this PC:
If you have a license Activation Code from Frontline Systems, you can
copy and paste it into the upper edit box in this dialog. When you
click OK, Analytic Solver Platform contacts Frontlines license server
over the Internet, sends the Lock Code and receives your license code
automatically. Youll see a message confirming the license activation,
or reporting any errors.

If you have questions, please contact Frontline Systems at (775) 831-0300


Running Subset Products in V2014

New users often wish to download and evaluate our products for Excel. To
accommodate this, we make available downloads of the SolverSetup
program with a 15-day trial license, which gives users access to all of the
functionality and capacity of Analytic Solver Platform. But some users will
ultimately choose to purchase a license for a product that is a subset of
Analytic Solver Platform, such as XLMiner.
To help users confirm that a subset product will have the capabilities and
performance that they want, V2014 has the ability to quickly switch
Analytic Solver Platform to operate as a subset product, without the need to
install a new license code. To do this, choose Help Change Product on
Frontline Solvers V2014

User Guide Page

the Analytic Solver Platform Ribbon. A dialog like the one below will

In this dialog, you can select the subset product you want, and click OK.
The change to a new product takes effect immediately: Youll see the
subset product name instead of Analytic Solver Platform as a tab on the
Ribbon, and a subset of the Ribbon options

XLMiner includes only the data mining and predictive capabilities of
Analytic Solver Platform. No optimization or simulation capabilities are
included in the XLMiner subset.

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User Guide Page

Using the Welcome Screen

This screen appears automatically only when you click the Analytic Solver
Platform tab on the Ribbon in Excel 2013, 2010 or 2007, or use the
Analytic Solver Platform menu in Excel 2003 and then only if you are
using a trial license. You can display the Welcome Screen manually by
choosing Help Welcome Screen from the Analytic Solver Platform
Ribbon. You can control whether the screen appears automatically by
selecting or clearing the check box in the lower left corner, Show this
dialog at first use.

Using the XLMiner Help Text

Click Help Help Text on the XLMiner ribbon to open the Help text file.

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User Guide Page

This Help file contains significant information about the features and
capabilities of XLMiner all at the tip of your fingertips. Each topic
covered includes an Introduction to the feature, an explanation of the
dialogs involved and an example using one of the example datasets. These
example datasets can be found on the XLMiner Ribbon under HELP

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User Guide Page

Frontline Solvers V2014


User Guide Page

Introduction to XLMiner
XLMiner is a comprehensive data mining add-in for Excel. Data mining
is a discovery-driven data analysis technology used for identifying patterns
and relationships in data sets. With overwhelming amounts of data now
available from transaction systems and external data sources, organizations
are presented with increasing opportunities to understand their data and gain
insights into it. Data mining is still an emerging field, and is a convergence
of fields like statistics, machine learning, and artificial intelligence.
Often, there may be more than one approach to a problem. XLMiner is a
tool belt to help you get started quickly offering a variety of methods to
analyze your data. It has extensive coverage of statistical and machine
learning techniques for classification, prediction, affinity analysis and data
exploration and reduction.

Ribbon Overview
To bring up the XLMiner ribbon, click XLMiner on the Excel ribbon.

The XLMiner ribbon is divided into 4 sections: Data Analysis, Time

Series, Data Mining, and Tools.
Data Analysis This section includes four icons: Sample,
Explore, Transform, and Cluster. Click Sample to either sample
from the worksheet or a database. Click Explore to create and
manage charts. Click Transform to transform datasets with
missing date, perform binning, and to transform categorical data.
Click the Cluster Icon to perform cluster analysis.
Time Series This section includes three icons: Partition,
ARIMA, and Smoothing and are used when analyzing a time
Data Mining This section includes four icons: Partition,
Classify, Predict, and Associate and are used to perform data
mining activities.
Tools This section includes two icons: Score and Help. Click the
Score icon to score your test data. Click the Help icon to open
sample datasets, open the Help File, and check for updates. See
below for a complete discussion of the Help icon.
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User Guide Page

Click the XLMiner menu item in Excel 2003 to open the XLMiner menu.
This menu is arranged a bit differently than the Excel 2007 / 2010 / 2013
ribbon, but all features discussed in this guide can be used in Excel 2003.
Note: Menu items appear differently in Excel 2003 but all method dialogs
are identical to dialogs in later versions of Excel.

XLMiner Help Ribbon Icon

To open XLMiner Help, simply click the Help icon on the XLMiner ribbon.
Here you will be able to change the product that you are using (Analytic
Solver Platform or a subset such as XLMiner), obtain your lock code and
enter your permanent license, open example datasets, search the online help
text, and check for updates.

Change Product
Selecting Change Product on the XLMiner Help menu will bring up the
Change Product dialog shown below.

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User Guide Page

If you have a permanent license code for the Analytic Solver Platform, then
you can change to any subset and see that subset on the Ribbon. For
example, if XLMiner is selected, only XLMiner will appear on the ribbon
even if a license for Analytic Solver Platform is in place.

License Code
Selecting License Code from the XLMiner Help menu brings up the Enter
License or Activation Code dialog shown below. The top portion of this
dialog will always contain the currently licensed product along with the
product version number.

To obtain your permanent license, contact Frontline Systems by phone

(888-831-0333) or email ( to obtain an activation code.
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User Guide Page

Enter the activation code into the Activation Code field leaving the License
Code field blank. Then click OK. At this point, your permanent license
should be activated and no further steps are needed.

If you encounter problems connecting to our license server, then you will
need to enter the complete license directly into this dialog. Clicking Email
Lock Code will create and send an email to that includes
the Lock Code displayed on this dialog. Our license manager will generate
a license based on this lock code and email the permanent license code back
to you. (Make sure to click Allow on the dialog below.)

Copy and paste the entire contents of the license code into the License Code
field as shown on the dialog below, then click OK. At this point, your
permanent license should be activated and no further steps are needed.
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User Guide Page

Clicking this menu item will open a browser pointing to C:\Program
Files\Frontline Systems\ Analytic Solver Platform \Datasets. See the table
below for a description of each example dataset.



Used in Example


Time Series

The classic Box & Jenkins airline

dataset. Monthly totals of
international airline passengers
(1949 - 1960)

All Temperature

Temperature dataset.



Frontline Solvers V2014


Association Rules

Apparel sales from Jan 1988 to

Dec 2001.
Monthly stereo sales from Jan
1988 to Dec 1998.
This dataset is a subset of the
Charles Book Club dataset and is
used in the Association Rules
User Guide Page


This dataset can be used with

the Association Rules method.
Example dataset used in the Bin
Continuous Data example

Binning Example

Bin Continuous Data

Boston Housing

Scoring Test Data, Matrix Plots,

Histrogram, Classification Tree,
Regression Tree, K-Nearest Neighbors
Prediction, Neural Networks
Classification, Multiple Linear
Regression, Discriminant Analysis

This dataset contains data

collected in 1970 by the U.S.
Census Service concerning
housing in the Boston, MA area.


Box Plot

This example dataset is used in

the Box Plot example.

Catalog Multi

Partition with Oversampling

Charles Book Club

Scoring Test Data, Logistic Regression

Daily Rate

This dataset derived for The

Bookbinders Club, a Case Study
in Database Marketing.
Daily Rate information for years
1955 - 2001.
A synthetic database that
includes Boston_Housing,
Charles_BookClub, Digits,
Flying_Fitness, Iris, Utilities, and
Wine datasets.



A synthetic database.


Discriminant Analysis


Hierarchical Clustering

Durable Goods

Missing Data Handling

Flying Fitness

Discriminant Analysis & Nave Bayes


Time Series


k-Nearest Neighbors Classification


Transform Categorical Data

Frontline Solvers V2014


This dataset contains a response

to a direct mail offer, published
by DMEF, the Direct Marketing
Educational Foundation, and is
used in the Partition with
Oversampling example.

This dataset was used in the

book CART by Leo Breiman et.
al. and is used in several
XLMiner examples.
This dataset is used in the
Hierarchical Clustering example.
Monthly sales figures for years
1988 2001
This dataset is used in the
Missing Data Handling example
This dataset includes test results
of flying fitness tests for 40 pilots
(var 1).
This dataset is used in the Time
Series Example
This dataset was introduced by
R. A. Fisher and reports four
characteristics of three species of
iris flower.
This dataset is a subset of the
Iris dataset.
User Guide Page

This dataset includes monthly

rate information for years 1949
This dataset includes retail sales
data for years 1988 2001.

Monthly Rate
Retail Trade

Sampling from Worksheet


Scoring Test Data

Universal Bank Database

Universal Bank Main


Principal Components Analysis &

Hierarchical Clustering


Discriminant Analysis, K-Means

Clustering, Manual and Automatic
Neural Networks Classification,
Standard Data Partition

Wine Partition

Standard Data Partition

This dataset is used in the

Sampling from Worksheet
This dataset is used in the
Scoring Test Data example.
This synthetic database was
created to test Predictive
This synthetic dataset was
created to test Predictive
This dataset gives corporate data
on 22 US public utilities and can
be found in Dean W. Wicherns &
Richard Arnold Johnsons
Applied Multivariate Statistical
Analysis, Prentice Hall, 5th Ed
The wine dataset contains
properties of wine taken from
three different wineries in the
same region. This dataset can
be found in the UCI Machine
Learning Repository.
This example file is used in the
Standard Data Partition example.

Help Text
Clicking Help Text opens the online Help file. This file contains extensive
information pertaining to XLMiners features and capabilities. All at the tip
of your fingertips!

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User Guide Page

Check for Updates

Analytic Solver Platform will confirm that the latest version is installed
when this menu item is selected. If not, you will be instructed to visit our
Website at to download the latest version.

About XLMiner
Clicking this menu item will open the About XLMiner dialog as shown

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User Guide Page

Common Dialog Options

These options, fields, and command buttons appear on most XLMiner

The active worksheet appears in this field

Data Range
The range of the dataset appears in this field

# Rows, # Columns
The number of rows and columns in the dataset appear in these two fields,

Frontline Solvers V2014


User Guide Page

First row contains headers

If this option is selected, variables will be listed according to the first row in
the dataset.

Variables in the data source

All variables contained in the dataset will be listed in this field.

Input variables
Variables listed in this field will be included in the output. Select the
desired Variables in the data source then click the > button to shift
variables to the Input variables field.

Click this command button to open the XLMiner Help text file.

Click this command button to reset the options for the selected method.

Click this command button to initiate the desired method and produce the
output report.

Click this command button to close the open dialog without saving any
options or creating an output report.

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User Guide Page

Help Window
Click this command button to open the Help Text for the selected method.

See below for a list of references sited when compiling this guide.

The Data & Analysis Center for Software. <>


NEC Research Institute Research Index: The NECI Scientific Literature

Digital Library.
Thearling, Kurt. Data Mining and Analytic Technologies.



Frontline Solvers V2014



Anderberg, Michael R. Cluster Analysis for Applications. Academic Press



Berry, Michael J. A., Gordon S. Linoff. Mastering Data Mining. Wiley



Breiman, Leo Jerome H. Friedman, Richard A. Olshen, Charles J. Stone.

Classification and Regression Trees. Chapman & Hall/CRC (1998).


Han, Jiawei, Micheline Kamber. Data Mining: Concepts and Techniques.

Morgan Kaufmann Publishers (2000).


Hand, David, Heikki Mannila, Padhraic Smyth. Principles of Data Mining.

MIT Press, Cambridge (2001).


Hastie, Trevor, Robert Tibshirani, Jerome Friedman. The Elements of

Statistical Learning: Data Mining, Inference, and Prediction. Springer, New
York (2001).


Shmueli, Galit, Nitin R. Patel, Peter C. Bruce. Data Mining for Business
Intelligence. Wiley, New Jersey (2010).

User Guide Page

Sampling from a Worksheet or

A statistician often comes across huge volumes of information from which he or
she wants to draw inferences. Since time and cost limitations make it impossible
to go through every entry in these enormous datasets, statisticians must resort to
sampling techniques. These sampling techniques choose a reduced sample or
subset from the complete dataset. The statistician can then perform his or her
statistical procedures on this reduced dataset saving much time and money.
Lets review a few statistical terms. The entire dataset is called the population.
A sample is the portion of the population that is actually examined. A good
sample should be a true representation of the population to avoid forming
misleading conclusions. Various methods and techniques have been developed
to ensure a representative sample is chosen from the population. A few are
discussed here.

Simple Random Sampling This is probably the simplest method for

obtaining a good sample. A simple random sample of say, size n, is
chosen from the population in such a way that every random set of n
items from the population has an equal chance of being chosen to be
included in the sample. Thus simple random sampling not only avoids
bias in the choice of individual item but also gives every possible
sample an equal chance.
The Data Sampling utility of XLMiner offers the user the freedom to
choose sample size, seed for randomization, and sampling with or
without replacement.

Stratified Random Sampling In this technique, the population is first

divided into groups of similar items. These groups are called strata.
Each stratum, in turn, is sampled using simple random sampling. These
samples are then combined to form a stratified random sample.
The Data Sampling utility of XLMiner offers the user the freedom to
choose a sorting seed for randomization and sampling with or without
replacement. The desired sample size can be prefixed by the user
depending on which method is being chosen for stratified random

XLMiner allows sampling either from a worksheet or a database.

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User Guide Page

Sampling from a Worksheet

Below are three examples that illustrate how to perform Simple Random
Sampling with and without replacement and Stratified Random Sampling from a

Example: Sampling from a Worksheet using

Simple Random Sampling
Open the dataset Sampling.xlsx by clicking Help Examples (Excel 2003:
Open Data Example Files) from the XLMiner ribbon. This dataset contains a
variable ID for the record identification and seven variables, v1, v2, v7, v8, v9,
v10, v11.

To start, click a cell within the data, say A2, and click Data Utilities -- Sample
from Worksheet.

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User Guide Page

In this example, the default option, Simple Random Sampling, will be used.
Select all variables under Variables, click >_ to include them in the sample data
then click OK.

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A portion of the output is shown below.

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The output is a simple random sample without replacement, with a default

random seed setting of 12345. The desired sample size is 87 records as shown
above. Note that XLMiner has introduced one more variable, Row ID in the
sample. Every dataset may not have a number allocated to each record. The
variable, Row ID gives IDs to records before sampling, and then sorts the output
on those IDs before producing the output. Row ID proves handy when the user
wishes to go back to the dataset for crosschecking information.

Example: Sampling from a Worksheet using

Sampling with Replacement
Click the data tab on the Sampling.xlsx worksheet and again click a cell within
the data, say A2, then click Data Utilities -- Sample from Worksheet to bring
up the Sampling dialog.

Again, select all variables in the Variables section and click >_ to include each
in the sample data. Check Sample with replacement and enter 300 for Desired
sample size. Since we are choosing sampling with replacement, XLMiner will
generate a sample with a larger number of records than the dataset. Click OK.
A portion of the output is shown below.

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User Guide Page

The output indicates "True" for Sampling with replacement. As a result, the
desired sample size is greater than the number of records in the input data.
Looking closely, one can see that the second and third entries are the same
record, record #3.

Example: Sampling from a Worksheet using

Stratified Random Sampling
Click the data worksheet, click a cell within the data, say A2, and click Data
Utilities -- Sample from Worksheet.
Select all variables under Variables, click >_ to include them in the sample data,
and then click OK. Enter 100 for Desired sample size and 45689 for Set seed.
Select Stratified random sampling.
Click the down arrow next to Stratum Variable and select v8 (XLMiner allows
only those variables which have less than 30 distinct values.) The strata number
is automatically displayed once you select v8. Select Proportionate to stratum
size. Then click OK.

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User Guide Page

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User Guide Page

In order to maintain the proportions of the strata, XLMiner has increased the
sample size. This is apparent in the entry for #records actually sampled. Under
the Stratum wise details heading, XLMiner has listed all the stratum values v8
assumes with #records in input data for each stratum. On this basis, XLMiner
calculated the percentage representation of that value in the dataset and
maintained it in the sample. This is evident in the entries since #records in
sampled data has the same proportion as in the dataset. XLMiner has added a
Row Id to each record before sampling. The output is displayed after sorting the
sample on these Row Ids.
Lets see what happens to our output when we select a different option for
Stratified Sampling.
Click back to the data worksheet, click a cell within the data, say A2, and click
Data Utilities -- Sample from Worksheet.
Select all variables under Variables, click >_ to include them in the sample data,
and then click OK. Select Stratified random sampling. Choose v8 as the
Stratum variable. The #strata is displayed automatically. Select Equal from
each stratum, please specify #records.
Enter the #records. Remember, this number should not be greater than the
smallest stratum size. In this case the smallest stratum size is 8. (Note: The
smallest stratum size appears automatically in a box next to the option, Equal
from each stratum, # records = smallest stratum size.). Enter 7, which is less
than the limit of 8, and then click OK.

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User Guide Page

As you can see in the output, the number of records in the sampled data is 56 or
7 records per stratum for 8 strata.

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User Guide Page

If a sample with an equal number of records for each stratum but of bigger size
is desired, use the same options above for sampling with replacement.

Check Sample with replacement. Enter 20 for Equal from each stratum, please
specify #records. Though the smallest stratum size is 8 in this dataset, we can
acquire more records for our sample since we are Sampling with replacement.
Keeping all other options the same, the output is as follows.

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User Guide Page

Since the output sample has 20 records per stratum, the #records in sampled
data is 160 (20 records per stratum for 8 strata).

Sample from Worksheet Options

Please see below for a complete list of each option contained on the Sampling
from Worksheet dialog.

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User Guide Page

Data Range
Either type the address directly into this field, or use the reference button, to
enter the data range from the worksheet. If the cell pointer (active cell) is
already somewhere in the data range, XLMiner automatically picks up the
contiguous data range surrounding the active cell. After the data range is
selected, XLMiner displays the number of records in the selected range.

First row contains headers

When this box is checked, XLMiner picks up the headings from the first row of
the selected data range. When the box is unchecked, XLMiner follows the
default naming convention, i.e., the variable in the first column of the selected
range will be called "Var1", the second column "Var2," etc.

This list box contains the names of the variables in the selected data range. If the
first row of the range contains the variable names, then these names appear in
this list box. If the first row of the dataset does not contain the headers, then
XLMiner lists the variable names using its default naming convention. In this
case the first column is named Var1; the second column is named Var2 and so
on. To select a variable for sampling, select the variable, then click the ">"
button. Use the CTRL key to select multiple variables.

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User Guide Page

Sample With replacement

If this option is checked the data will be sampled with replacement. The default
is sampling without replacement.

Set Seed
Enter the desired sorting seed here. The default seed is 12345.

Desired sample size

Enter the desired sample size here. (Note that the actual sample size in the
output may vary a little, depending on additional options selected.)

Simple random sampling

The data is sorted using the simple random sampling technique, taking into
account the additional parameter settings.

Stratified random sampling

If selected, XLMiner enables the following additional options.

Stratum Variable
Select the variable to be used for stratified random sampling by clicking the
down arrow and selecting the desired variable. Note that XLMiner allows only
those variables which have less than 30 distinct values. As the user selects the
variable name, XLMiner displays the #Strata that variable contains in a box to
the left and the smallest stratum size in a box in front of the option Equal from
each stratum, #records = smallest stratum size.

Proportionate to stratum size

XLMiner detects the proportion of each stratum in the dataset and maintains the
same in sampling. Due to this, XLMiner sometimes must increase the sample
size in order to maintain the proportionate stratum size. XLMiner then displays
the actual sample size in the output along with the desired sample size.

Equal from each stratum

On specifying the number of records, XLMiner generates a sample which has
the same number of records from each stratum. In this case the number chosen
automatically decides the desired sample size. As a result, the option to enter
the desired sample size is disabled.
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User Guide Page

Equal from each stratum, #records = smallest

stratum size
XLMiner detects the smallest stratum size and generates a sample wherein every
stratum has a representation of that size. Again, the option for the desired
sample size is disabled.
XLMiner performs the stratified random sampling with or without replacement.
If Sample with replacement is not selected, the desired sample size must be less
than the number of records in the dataset.
If Sample with replacement is selected, then the number of records in the dataset
does not pose any limit on the number of records in the sample. XLMiner can
generate a sample having up to 2000 records.
Before sampling, XLMiner generates a Row ID for each record (irrespective of
whether the dataset already has one). XLMiner sorts the sampled output
according to Row ID before displaying it.

Sampling from a Database

Click Data Utilities Sample from Database on the XLMiner ribbon to display
the following dialog.

Click the down arrow next to Data Source and select MS-Access, and then click
Connect to a database.

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User Guide Page

Click Browse for database file and browse to C:\Program Files\Frontline

Systems\Analytic Solver Platform\Datasets. Select the Demo.mdb Microsoft
Access database, and then click Open.
Click OK on the MS-Access database file dialog.

Since this database is not password protected, simple click OK. The following
dialog will appear.

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User Guide Page

Select all the fields from Fields in table and click > to move all fields to Selected
Click OK. A portion of the output is below.

Refer to the examples above for Sampling from a Worksheet. You can sample
from a database using all the methods described in this chapter.

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User Guide Page

Exploring Data using Charts

XLMiner offers eight different types of charts to visually explore your data: Bar
Charts, Line Charts, ScatterPlots, Boxplots, Histograms, Parallel Coordinates,
ScatterPlot Matrices and Variable Plots. To create a chart, invoke the Chart
Wizard by clicking Explore on the XLMiner ribbon. A description of each chart
type follows.

Bar Chart
The bar chart is one of the easiest and effective plots to create and understand.
The best application for this type of chart is comparing an individual statistic
(i.e. mean, count, etc.) across a group of variables. The bar height represents the
statistic while the bars represent the different groups. An example of a bar chart
is shown below.

Box Whisker Plot

A box plot graph summarizes a dataset and is often used in exploratory data
analysis. This type of graph illustrates the shape of the distribution, its central
value, and the range of the data. The plot consists of the most extreme values in
the data set (maximum and minimum values), the lower and upper quartiles, and
the median.
Box plots are also very useful when large numbers of observations are involved
or when two or more data sets are being compared. In addition, they are also
helpful for indicating whether a distribution is skewed and whether there are any
unusual observations (outliers) in the data set. The most important trait of the
box plot is its failure to be strongly influenced extreme values, or outliers.
Lets review the following statistical terms below.
Median: The median value in a dataset is the value that appears in the middle of
a sorted dataset. If the dataset has an even number of values then the median is
the average of the two middle values in the dataset.
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User Guide Page

Quartiles: Quartiles, by definition, separate a quarter of data points from the

rest. This roughly means that the first quartile is the value under which 25% of
the data lie and the third quartile is the value over which 25% of the data are
found. (Note: This indicates that the second quartile is the median itself.)
First Quartile, Q1: Concluding from the definitions above, the first quartile is
the median of the lower half of the data. If the number of data points is odd, the
lower half includes the median.
Third Quartile, Q3: Third quartile is the median of the upper half of the data. If
the number of data points is odd, the upper half of the data includes the median.
See the following example.
Consider the following dataset -52, 57, 60, 63, 71, 72, 73, 76, 98, 110, 120
The dataset has 11 values sorted in ascending order. The median is the middle
value, (i.e. 6th value in this case.)
Median = 72
Q1 is the median of the first 6 values, (i.e. the mean of 3rd and 4th values)
25th Percentile = 61.5
Q3 is the median of the last 6 values. (i.e. the mean of the 8th and 9th values).
75th Percentile = 87
The mean is the average of all the data values ((52 + 57 + 60 + 63 + 71 + 72 +
73 + 76 + 98 + 110 + 120) / 11).
Mean = 77.45
Interquartile Range = 25.5 The Interquartile range is a useful measure of the
amount of variation in a set of data and is simply the 75th Percentile 25th
Percentile (87 61.5 = 25.5)
The box extends from Q1 to Q3 and includes Q2. The extreme points are
included the "whiskers". This means the box includes the middle one- half of the
data. In XLMiner, the mean is denoted with a dotted line and the median with a
solid line. XLMiner completes the box plot by extending its "whiskers" to the
most extreme points, 52 and 120.
Max: 120

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User Guide Page

A Histogram, or a Frequency Histogram is a bar graph which depicts the range
and scale of the observations on the x axis and the number of data points (or
frequency) of the various intervals on the y axis. These types of graphs are
popular among statisticians. Although these types of graphs do not show the
exact values of the data points, they give a very good idea about the spread and
shape of the data.
Consider the percentages below from a college final exam.
82.5, 78.3, 76.2, 81.2, 72.3, 73.2, 76.3, 77.3, 78.2, 78.5, 75.6, 79.2, 78.3, 80.2,
76.4, 77.9, 75.8, 76.5, 77.3, 78.2
One can immediately see the value of a histogram by taking a quick glance at
the graph below. This plot quickly and efficiently illustrates the shape and size
of the dataset above. Note: XLMiner determines the number and size of the
intervals when drawing the histogram.

Line Chart
A line chart is best suited for time series datasets. In the example below, the line
chart plots the number of airline passengers from January 1949 to December
1960. (The X axis is the number of months starting with January 1949 as 1.)

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User Guide Page

Parallel Coordinates
A Parallel Coordinates plot consists of N number of vertical axes where N is the
number of variables selected to be included in the plot. A line is drawn
connecting the observations values for each different variable (each different
axis) creating a multivariate profile. These types of graphs can be useful for
prediction and possible data binning. In addition, these graphs can expose
clusters, outliers and variable overlap. Axes can be reordered by simply
dragging and axis and moving the axis to the desired location. . An example of
a Parallel Coordinates plot is shown below.

One of the most common, effective and easy to create plots is the scatterplot.
These graphs are used to compare the relationships between two variables and
are useful in identifying clusters and variable overlap.

Scatterplot Matrix
A Matrix plot combines several scatterplots into one panel enabling the user to
see pairwise relationships between variables. Given a set of variables Var1,
Var2, Var3, ...., Var N the matrix plot contains all the pairwise scatter plots of
the variables on a single page in a matrix format. The names of the variables are
on the diagonals. In other words, if there are k variables, there will be k rows
and k columns in the matrix and the ith row and jth column will be the plot of
Vari versus Varj.
The axes titles and the values of the variables appear at the edge of the
respective row or column. The comparison of the variables and their interactions
Frontline Solvers V2014

User Guide Page

with one another can be studied easily and with a simple glance which is why
matrix plots are becoming increasingly common in general purpose statistical
software programs. An example is shown below.

Variable Plot
XLMiners Variables graph simply plots each selected variables distribution.
See below for an example.

Bar Chart Example

This example describes the use of the Bar Chart to illustrate the details of the
Boston_Housing.xlsx dataset.
Click Help Examples on the XLMiner ribbon to open the
Boston_Housing.xlsx example file.
Select a cell within the data (say A2), then click Explore Chart Wizard to
bring up the first dialog of the Chart Wizard.
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User Guide Page

Click Next.
On the Y Axis Selection Dialog, select MEDV, and then click Next.

Select CHAS on the X-Axis Selection dialog, then click Finish. Click Next to
set Panel and Color options. These options can always be set in the upper right
hand corner of the plot.

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User Guide Page

Click the right pointing arrow next to Count of MEDV and select MEDV from
the menu. When the second menu appears (below the first selection of MEDV)
select Mean.

The Y axis changes to Mean of MEDV.

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User Guide Page

This y-axis variable, Mean of MEDV (Median value of owner-occupied homes)

is a numerical variable and the CHAS variable is a categorical variable. The
two bars represent homes in the Boston area that are located close to the Charles
River (1) and homes that are not (0). The first bar (0 bar) shows the average of
the median value of owner occupied homes that are not located close to the
Charles River. The second bar (1 bar) shows the average of the median value of
owner occupied homes that are located close to the Charles River. We can
conclude from this graph that homes located next to the Charles River are more
expensive than homes that are not located next to the Charles River.
Click the right pointing arrow next to Mean of MEDV and select CAT.MEDV
from the first menu. When the second menu appears (below the first selection
of CAT.MEDV) select Percentage.

This bar chart includes a categorical variable, CAT. MEDV, on the y-axis. This
variable is a 0 if MEDV is less than 30 (MEDV < 30), otherwise the variable
value is a 1. A user can quickly see that the majority of houses are located far
away from the Charles River.
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User Guide Page

Uncheck the 1 under the CHAS filter to view only homes located far away from
the Charles river.

To change the variable on the X-axis, simply click the down arrow and select
the desired variable from the menu.

To add a 2nd Bar Chart simply click the Bar Chart icon at the top of the Chart

A second chart is added to the Chart Wizard dialog. Click the X in the upper
right corner of each plot to remove from the window. Color by and Panel by
options are always available in the upper right hand corner of each plot.

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The top graph shows the count of all records in each category. Since each
category includes the same amount of observations, all bars are set to the same
Please see the Common Chart Options section (below) for a complete
description of each icon on the chart title bar.

To exit the graph, click the red X in the upper right hand corner of the Chart
Wizard window.

To save the chart for later viewing, click Save. To delete the chart, click
Discard, to cancel the save and return to the chart, click Cancel. For this
example, enter BarChart for the chart name, then click Save. The chart will
close. To reopen the chart, click Explore Existing Charts BarChart.

Box Whisker Plot Example

This example describes the use of the Boxplot chart to illustrate the
characteristics of the dataset.
Click Help Examples on the XLMiner ribbon to open the BoxPlot.xlsx
example file.
Select on a cell within the data (say A2), then click Explore Chart Wizard to
bring up the first dialog of the Chart Wizard. Select BoxPlot, and then click
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On the Y Axis Selection dialog, select Y1, and then click Next.

Select X-Var on the X-Axis Selection dialog, then click Finish. Click Next to
set Panel and Color options. These options can always be set in the upper right
hand corner of the plot.

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Uncheck class 4 under the X-Var filter to remove this class from the plot.

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Hover next to the plot to display the following Intellisense window.

The dotted line denotes the Mean of 22.49, the solid line denotes the Median of
23.22. The box reaches from the 25th Percentile of 9.07 to the 75th Percentile of
37.87. The lower whisker (or lower bound) reaches to -47.343 and the upper
whisker (or upper bound) reaches to 61.454.
To select a different variable on the y-axis, click the right pointing arrow and
select the desired variable from the menu.

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To change the variable on the X-axis, select the down arrow next to X-Var and
select the desired variable.

To add a 2nd boxplot, click the BoxPlot icon on the top of the Chart Wizard

A second chart is added to the Chart Wizard dialog. Click the X in the upper
right corner of each plot to remove from the window. Color by and Panel by
options are always available in the upper right hand corner of each plot.

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To exit the graph, click the red X in the upper right hand corner of the Chart
Wizard window.

Please see the Common Chart Options section (below) for a complete
description of each icon on the chart title bar.

To save the chart for later viewing, click Save. To delete the chart, click
Discard, to cancel the save and return to the chart, click Cancel. For this
example, enter BoxPlot for the chart name, then click Save. The chart will
close. To reopen the chart, click Explore Existing Charts BoxChart. To
delete the chart, click Discard.

Histogram Example
The example below illustrates the use of XLMiners chart wizard in drawing a
histogram of the Boston_Housing.xlsx dataset. Click Help Examples on the
XLMiner ribbon to open the example dataset, Boston_Housing.xlsx. Select a
cell within the dataset, say A2, and then click Explore Chart Wizard on the
XLMiner ribbon. The following dialog appears.

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Select Histogram, and then click Next.

Select Frequency, then click Next.

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Select INDUS, then click Finish.

The data has been divided into 14 different bins or intervals. Unselect the
variables CRIM and ZN under Filters. Notice the graph did not change. This
is because removing these variables is, in effect, removing a column from the
dataset. Since we are currently not interested in these columns, the plot is not
affected. However, now uncheck 0 under the CHAS variable.

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Notice the number of bins has been reduced to 7 (down from 13). This is
because removing the 0 class from the CHAS variable is, in effect, removing
rows from the dataset, which does affect the INDUS variable in the plot.
To change the variables included in the plot, simply click the Histogram icon on
the title bar of the Chart Wizard,

to bring up the X-Y Axis Selection dialog.

Select DIS for the X-Axis, then click Next to choose color and panel options.
At this point, you could also click Finish to draw the histogram. Color and
panel options can be chosen at any time.
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Select CAT. MEDV for Color By, then click Finish to draw the histogram.

The two histograms are drawn in the same window. Click the X in the upper
right corner of each plot to remove from the window. Color by and Panel by
options are always available in the upper right hand corner of each plot.

Please see the section Common Chart Options (below) for a complete
description of each icon on the chart title bar.
To exit the graph, click the red X in the upper right hand corner of the Chart
Wizard window.

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To save the chart for later viewing, click Save. To delete the chart, click
Discard, to cancel the save and return to the chart, click Cancel. For this
example, type Histogram for the chart name, then click Save. The chart will
close. To reopen the chart, click Explore Existing Charts Boxplot.

Line Chart Example

The example below illustrates the use of XLMiners chart wizard in drawing a
Line Chart using the Airpass.xlsx dataset. Click Help Examples on the
XLMiner ribbon to open the example dataset, Airpass.xlsx. Select a cell within
the dataset, say A2, and then click Explore Chart Wizard on the XLMiner
ribbon. The following dialog appears.

Select Line Chart, then click Next.

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Select Passengers, then click Next.

Select Observation#, then select Finish. Click Next to choose Panel and Color
options. Both can be selected or changed in the upper right hand corner of the

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The y-axis plots the number of passengers and the x-axis plots the month
number (starting with 1 for January 1949). The plot shows that as the months
progress, the number of airline passengers increases.

Please see the section Common Chart Options (below) for a complete
description of each icon on the chart title bar.
To exit the graph, click the red X in the upper right hand corner of the Chart
Wizard window.

To save the chart for later viewing, click Save. To delete the chart, click
Discard, to cancel the save and return to the chart, click Cancel. For this
example, type LineChart for the chart name, then click Save. The chart will
close. To reopen the chart, click Explore Existing Charts LineChart.

Parallel Coordinates Chart Example

The example below illustrates the use of XLMiners chart wizard in drawing a
Parallel Coordinates Plot using the Boston_Housing.xlsx dataset. Click Help
Examples on the XLMiner ribbon to open the example dataset,
Boston_Housing.xlsx. Select a cell within the dataset, say A2, then click
Explore Chart Wizard on the XLMiner ribbon. The following dialog
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Select Parallel Coordinates, then click Next.

Select all variables except MEDV. (The CAT.MEDV variable is used in place
of the MEDV variable. CAT.MEDV is a categorical variable where a 1 denotes a
MEDV value larger than 30.)
Click Finish to draw the plot.

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Uncheck the class 1 value for the CAT. MEDV variable.

Leaving the Chart Wizard window open, click back to the Data worksheet
(within the Boston_Housing workbook), then click Explore Chart Wizard to
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open a 2nd instance of the Chart Wizard. Select Parallel Coordinates on the
first Chart Wizard dialog and then select all variables except MEDV on the
Variable Selection dialog. When the 2nd plot is drawn, unselect the 0 class for
the CAT.MEDV variable.

The first characteristic that is evident is that there are more houses with a value
of 0 for CAT. MEDV (Median value of owner-occupied homes < 30,000) than
with a value of 1 (Median value of owner-occupied homes > 30,000). In
addition, the more expensive houses (CAT.MEDV = 1) have lower CRIM (Per
capita crime rate by town) and LSAT (% Lower status of the population) values
and higher RM (Average number of rooms per dwelling) values.
Select the 0 CAT. MEDV chart and select 1 under CAT. MEDV. Then
select CAT.MEDV for Color By. The chart now displays both classes of
CAT.MEDV (0 and 1) on the same chart. However, each class is given a
different color, blue for 0 and yellow for 1.

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To remove a variable from the matrix, unselect the desired variable under
Filters. To add a variable to the matrix, select the desired variable under Filters.

Please see the section Common Chart Options (below) for a complete
description of each icon on the chart title bar.
To exit the graph, click the red X in the upper right hand corner of the Chart
Wizard window.

To save the chart for later viewing, click Save. To delete the chart, click
Discard, to cancel the save and return to the chart, click Cancel. For this
example, type Parallel for the chart name, then click Save. The chart will close.
To reopen the chart, click Explore Existing Charts Parallel.

ScatterPlot Example
The example below illustrates the use of XLMiners chart wizard in drawing a
Scatterplot using the Boston_Housing.xlsx dataset. Click Help Examples on
the XLMiner ribbon to open the example dataset, Boston_Housing.xlsx. Select
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a cell within the dataset, say A2, and then click Explore Chart Wizard on the
XLMiner ribbon. The following dialog appears.

Select ScatterPlot, then click Next.

Select LSTAT on the Y Axis Selection Dialog.

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Select MEDV from the X-Axis Selection Dialog. Then click Finish.

Select Color by: CHAS (Charles River dummy variable = 1 if tract bounds
river; 0 otherwise) and Panel by: CAT.MEDV (Median value of owneroccupied homes in $1000's > 30).
This new graph illustrates that most houses that border the river are higher
priced homes.

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To remove a variable from the matrix, unselect the desired variable under
Filters. To add a variable to the matrix, select the desired variable under Filters.

Please see the section Common Chart Options (below) for a complete
description of each icon on the chart title bar.
To exit the graph, click the red X in the upper right hand corner of the Chart
Wizard window.

To save the chart for later viewing, click Save. To delete the chart, click
Discard, to cancel the save and return to the chart, click Cancel. For this
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example, type Scatterplot for the chart name, then click Save. The chart will
close. To reopen the chart, click Explore Existing Charts Scatterplot.

Scatterplot Matrix Plot Example

The example below illustrates the use of XLMiners chart wizard in drawing a
Scatterplot Matrix using the Boston_Housing.xlsx dataset. Click Help
Examples on the XLMiner ribbon to open the example dataset,
Boston_Housing.xlsx. Select a cell within the dataset, say A2, then click
Explore Chart Wizard on the XLMiner ribbon. The following dialog

Select Scatterplot Matrix, then click Next.

Select INDUS, AGE, DIS, and RAD variables, then click Finish.

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Histograms of the selected variables appear on the diagonal. Find the plot in the
second row (from the top) and third column (from the left) of the matrix.

This plot indicates a pairwise relationship between the variables AGE and DIS.
The Y-axis for this plot can be found at the 2nd row, 1st column.

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The X-axis for this plot can be found at the last row, 3 rd column.

To remove a variable from the matrix, unselect the desired variable under
Filters. To add a variable to the matrix, select the desired variable under Filters.

Please see the section Common Chart Options (below) for a complete
description of each icon on the chart title bar.
To exit the graph, click the red X in the upper right hand corner of the Chart
Wizard window.

To save the chart for later viewing, click Save. To delete the chart, click
Discard, to cancel the save and return to the chart, click Cancel. For this
example, type ScatterplotMatrix for the chart name, then click Save. The chart
will close. To reopen the chart, click Explore Existing Charts

Variable Plot Example

The example below illustrates the use of XLMiners chart wizard in drawing a
Variable plot using the Boston_Housing.xlsx dataset. Click Help Examples
on the XLMiner ribbon to open the example dataset, Boston_Housing.xlsx.
Select a cell within the dataset, say A2, and then click Explore Chart Wizard
on the XLMiner ribbon. The following dialog appears.

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Select Variable, then click Next.

All variables are selected by default. Click Finish to draw the chart.
The distributions of each variable are shown in bar chart form. To remove a
variable from the matrix, unselect the desired variable under Filters. To add a
variable to the matrix, select the desired variable under Filters.

Please see the section Common Chart Options (below) for a complete
description of each icon on the chart title bar.

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To exit the graph, click the red X in the upper right hand corner of the Chart
Wizard window.

To save the chart for later viewing, click Save. To delete the chart, click
Discard, to cancel the save and return to the chart, click Cancel. For this
example, type Variables for the chart name, then click Save. The chart will
close. To reopen the chart, click Explore Existing Charts Variables.

Common Chart Options

The Common Options toolbar is added to the top right corner of each drawn

The first icon (starting from the left) is the Print icon.

Click this icon to see a preview of the chart before it is printed and to change
printer and page settings.
Click the 2nd icon, the Copy icon, to copy the chart to the clipboard for pasting
into a new or existing document.
Click the 3rd option, the Chart Options icon, to change chart settings such as
Legend and Axis titles, to add lables, or to change chart colors or borders.
(Several charts do not support all tabs and options.)

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Click the Legend tab to display the chart legend, legend position, and to add a
chart title.

Click the Labels tab to change or add either a header or footer to the chart. Use
this tab to select the position of the header/footer (center, left, or right), the font,
and the backplane style and color.

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Click the Colors tab to change the colors used in the chart.

Click the Borders tab to change the border of the chart.

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Click the Axes tab to change the X and Y Axis titles, placement and font. (The
Formatting menu is enabled only for Variable Plot, Histogram, and Scatterplot

Click OK to accept the changes or Cancel to disregard the changes and return to
the chart window.

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Transforming Datasets with

Missing or Invalid Data
XLMiners Missing Data Handling utility allows users to detect missing values
in the dataset and handle them in a specified way. XLMiner considers an
observation to be missing data if the cell is empty or contains an invalid
formula. In addition, it is also possible to treat cells containing specific data as
XLMiner offers several different methods for remedying the missing values.
Each variable can be assigned a different treatment. For example, the entire
record could be deleted if there is a missing value for one variable, while the
missing value could be replaced with a specific value for another variable. The
available options depend on the variable type.
In the following examples, we will explore the various ways in which XLMiner
can treat missing or invalid values in a dataset.

Missing Data Handling Examples

Click Help Examples on the XLMiner ribbon and open the dataset
Examples.xlsx. This workbook contains six worksheets containing small sample
datasets. For this first example, click the EX1 worksheet tab.
This dataset contains empty cells (cells B6 and D10), cells containing invalid
formulas (B13, C6, & C8), cells containing non numeric characters (C2), etc.
XLMiner will treat each of these as missing values.

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Select a cell in the dataset, say A2, and click Transform -- Missing Data
Handling on the XLMiner ribbon to open the Missing Data Handling dialog.
As you can see, No Treatment is currently being applied to each variable.

Click OK. The results are shown below.

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As you can see, XLMiner has added a Row Id to every record (the highlighted
column). This is useful when the dataset does not contain a column for record
identification. This added Row Id makes it easier to find which records were
deleted or changed as per the instructions in the dialog. In this example, no
treatments were applied.
If Overwrite Existing Worksheet is selected in the Missing Data Handling
dialog, XLMiner will overwrite the existing data with the treatment option
specified. Note: you must save the workbook in order for these changes to be
Click the Ex2 worksheet tab. This dataset is similar to the dataset on the Ex1
worksheet in that this dataset contains empty cells (cells B6 and D10), cells
containing invalid formulas (B13, C8 & D4), cells containing non numeric
characters (C2), etc. In this example we will see how the missing values can be
replaced by the column Mean and Median.

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To start, select cell A2 and click Transform -- Missing Data Handling on the
XLMiner ribbon to open the Missing Data Handling dialog.

Select variable_1 in the Variables field then click the down arrow next to No
Treatment in the section under How do you want to handle missing values for
the selected variable(s) and select Mean.

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Click Apply this option to selected variable(s). Now select Variable_3 in the
Variables field and again click the down arrow next to Median under How do
you want to handle missing values for the selected variable(s). Then click
Apply this option to selected variable(s). Click OK.

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The results are shown below.

As you can see, in the Variable_1 column, invalid or missing values have been
replaced with the mean calculated from the remaining values in the column.
(12.34, 34, 44, -433, 43, 34, 6743, 3, 4 & 3). The cells containing missing
values or invalid values in the Variable_3 column have been replaced by the
median of the remaining values in that column (12, 33, 44, 66, 33, 66, 22, 88, 55
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& 79). The invalid data for Variable_2 remains since No Treatment was
selected for this variable.
Click the Ex3 worksheet tab. In this dataset, Variable_3 has been replaced with
date values.

Select cell A2 and click Transform -- Missing Data Handling on the

XLMiner ribbon to open the Missing Data Handling dialog. In this example, we
will replace the missing / invalid values for Variable_2 and Variable_3 with the
mode of each column.
On the Missing Data Handling dialog select Variable_2, click the down arrow
next to No Treatment under How do you want to handle values for the selected
variable(s), then select Mode. (The options Mean and Median do not appear in
the list since Variable_2 contains non-numeric values.) Click on Apply this
option to selected variable(s). Repeat these steps for Variable_3. Then click

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The results are shown below.

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As shown above, the missing values in the Variable_2 column have been
replaced by the mode of the valid values even though, in this instance, the data
is non-numeric. (Remember, the mode is the most frequently occurring value in
the Variable_2 column.)
In the Variable_3 column, the third and ninth records contained missing values.
As you can see, they have been replaced by the mode for that column, 2 Feb
Click the Ex4 worksheet tab. Again, this dataset contains missing and invalid
data for all three variables.

Select cell A2 and click Transform -- Missing Data Handling on the XLMiner
ribbon to open the Missing Data Handling dialog. In this example, we will
demonstrate XLMiners ability to replace missing values with User Specified
Select Variable_1, then click the down arrow next to No Treatment under How
do you want to handle missing values for the selected variable(s), then select
User specified value. In the field that appears directly to the right of User
specified value, enter 100, then click Apply this option to selected variable(s).
Repeat these steps for Variable_2. Then click OK.

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The results are shown below.

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As you can see, the missing values for Variable_1 and Variable_2 have replaced
by 100 while the values for Variable_3 remain untouched.
Click the Ex5 worksheet tab. In this dataset, the value -999 appears in all three
columns. This example will illustrate XLMiners ability to detect a given value
and replace that value with a user specified value.

Select cell A2 and click Transform -- Missing Data Handling on the XLMiner
ribbon to open the Missing Data Handling dialog.
Select Missing values are represented by this value and enter -999 in the field
that appears directly to the right of the option. Select Variable_1 in the
Variables field and instruct XLMiner to replace the contents of the cells
containing the value -999 with the mean of the remaining values in the column
Next, select Variable_2 in the Variables field and instruct XLMiner to replace
the contents of the cells containing -999 in this column with zzz. Finally,
select Variable_3 in the Variables field and instruct XLMiner to replace the
contents of the cells containing -999 in this column for the mode of the
remaining values in the column.

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The results are shown below.

Note that in the Variable_1 column, the specified missing code (-999) is
replaced by the mean of the column. In the Variable_2 column, the missing
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values have been replaced by the user specified value of zzz and for
variable_3 by the mode of the column.
Lets take a look at one more dataset, Ex6, of Examples.xls.

Select cell A2 and click Transform -- Missing Data Handling to open the
Missing Data Handling dialog then apply the following procedures to the
indicated columns.
A. Select Missing values are represented by this value and enter 33 in
the field that appears directly to the right of the option.
B. Select Delete record for Variable_1s treatment.
C. Select mode for Variable_2s treatment
D. Specify the value 9999 for missing/invalid values for Variable_3.
E. Click OK.

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See the output.

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As shown above, records 7 and 12 have been deleted since Delete Record was
chosen for the treatment of missing values for Variable_1. In the Variable_2
column, the missing values have been replaced by the mode as indicated in the
Missing Data Handling dialog (shown above) except for record 7 which was
deleted. It is important to note that "Delete record" holds priority over any
other instruction in the Missing Data Handling feature.
In the Variable_3 column, we instructed XLMiner to treat 33 as a missing value.
As a result 33, and the additional missing values in this column (D4 and D10),
were replaced by the user specified value of 9999. Note: The value for
Variable_3 for record 12 was 33 which should have been replaced by 9999.
However, since Variable_1 contained a missing value for this record, the
instruction "Delete record" was executed first.

Options for Missing Data Handling

The following options appear on the Missing Data Handling dialog.

Missing Values are represented by this value

If this option is selected, a value (either non-numeric or numeric) must be
provided in the field that appears directly to the right of the option. XLMiner
will treat this value as missing and will be handled per the instructions applied
in the Missing Data Handling dialog.
Note: XLMiner treats empty and invalid cells as missing values automatically.

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Overwrite existing worksheet

If checked, XLMiner overwrites the data set with the new dataset in which all
the missing values are appropriately treated.

Variable names in the first Row

When this option is selected, XLMiner will list each variable according to the
first row in the selected data range. When the box is unchecked, XLMiner
follows the default naming convention, i.e., the variable in the first column of
the selected range will be called "Var1", the second column "Var2," etc.

Each variable and its selected treatment option are listed here.

How do you want to handle missing values for

the selected variable(s)?
When a variable in the Variables field is selected, this option is enabled. Click
the down arrow to display the following options.
Delete record - If this option is selected, XLMiner will delete the entire record
if a missing or invalid value is found for that variable.
Mode - All missing values in the column for the variable specified will be
replaced by the mode - the value occurring most frequently in the remainder of
the column.
Mean - All missing values in the column for the variable specified will be
replaced by the mean - the average of the values in the remainder of the column.
Median - All missing values in the column for the variable specified will be
replaced by the median - the number that would appear in the middle of the
remaining column values if all values were written in ascending order.
User specified value If selected, a value must be entered in the field that
appears directly to the right of this menu. XLMiner will replace all missing /
invalid values with this specified value.
No treatment - If this option is selected, no treatment will be applied to the
missing / invalid values for the selected variable.

Apply this option to selected variable(s)

Clicking this command button will apply the treatment option selected.

Resets treatment to No Treatment for all variables listed in the Variables field.
Also, deselects the Overwrite Existing Worksheet option if selected.

Click to run the Missing Data Handling feature of XLMiner.

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Binning Continuous Data

Binning a dataset is a process of grouping measured data into data classes. These
data classes can be used in various analyses. For example, in certain XLMiner
routines, continuous variables are not supported. The Binning utility can be
applied to these variables and then this new binned-variable can be chosen as
a categorical variable. In XLMiner, the user decides what values the binned
variable should take.
A variable can be binned in the following ways.
Equal count: When using this option, an equal number of bin intervals are
created based on the number of records present.
Rank: In this option each value in the variable is assigned a rank according to
the start and increment value. Users can specify the starting and increment
Mean: The mean is calculated as the average of the values lying in the bin
interval. This mean value is assigned to each value of the variable that lies in
that interval.
Median: Records with the same binning value are counted and the median is
calculated on the input value. The median value is then assigned to the binned
Equal Interval: Equal interval is based on bin size. When this method is
selected, the whole range is divided into bins with bin sizes specified by the
user. The options of Rank and Mid value are available with this method.

Examples for Binning Continuous Data

Open the Binning_Example.xlsx dataset by clicking Help Examples on the
XLMiner ribbon.

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Select a cell in the dataset, say A2, and click Transform -- Bin Continuous
Data on the XLMiner ribbon to open the Bin Continuous Data dialog shown

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Select x3 in the Variables field. The options are immediately activated. Under
Value in the binned variable is, enter 10 for Start and 3 for Interval, then click
Apply this option to the selected variable. The variable, x3, will appear in the
field labeled, Name of binned variable.

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Now click OK. The results are shown below.

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As specified, 5 bins were created starting with a rank of 10 and an interval of 3:

10, 13 (10 + 3), 16 (13 + 3), 19 (16 + 3), and 22 (19 + 3). The first five smallest
values (96, 104, 111, 113, 136) have been assigned to Bin 10. The next four
values in ascending order (148, 150, 151, 164) have been assigned to Bin 13.
The next five values in ascending order (168, 168, 173, 174, 175) have been
assigned to Bin 16. The next four values in ascending order (178, 192, 197,
199) have been assigned to Bin 19 and the last four values (202, 204, 245, 252)
have been assigned to Bin 22.
Though Bins to be with is set to Equal Count, the number of records in each
interval may not be essentially the same. Factors such as border values, total
number of records, etc. influence the number of records assigned to each bin.
XLMiner reports the binning intervals in the report as shown below.

The next example pins the value of the variable to the mean of the bin rather
than the rank of the bin.
Click back to Sheet1 and select cell A2, then click Transform Bin
Continuous Data. Select Mean of the bin, rather than Rank of the bin for
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Value in the binned variable. Leaving all remaining options at their defaults,
click Apply this option to the selected variable then click OK.

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In the output, the Binned_x3 variable is equal to the mean of all the x3 variables
assigned to that bin. Lets take the first record for an example. Recall, from the
previous example, the values from Bin 13: 148, 150, 151, 164. The mean of
these values is 153.25 ((148 + 150 + 151 + 164) / 4) which is the value for the
Binned_x3 variable for the first record.
Similarly, if we were to select the Median of the bin option, the Binned_x3
variable would equal the median of all x3 variables assigned to each bin.
The next example explores the Equal interval option.
Click back to Sheet1 and select any cell in the dataset, say, A2, then click
Transform Bin Continuous Data on the XLMiner ribbon. Select x3 in the
Variables field, enter 4 for #bins for the variable, select Equal interval under
Bins to be made with, enter 12 for Start and 3 for Interval under Value in the
binned variable is, then click Apply this option to the selected variable.

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Click OK the output is shown below.

XLMiner calculates the interval as the Maximum value for the x3 variable Minimum value for the x3 variable) / #bins specified by the user or in this
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instance (252 96) / 4 which equals 39. This means that the bins will be
assigned x3 variables in accordance to the following rules.
Bin 12: Values 96 < 136
Bin 15: Values 136 < 174
Bin 18: Values 174 213
Bin 21: Values 214 252
In the first record, x4 has a value of 151. As a result, this record has been
assigned to Bin 15 since 151 lies in the interval of Bin 15.
Click back to Sheet1 and select any cell in the dataset, say, A2, then click
Transform Bin Continuous Data on the XLMiner ribbon. Select x3 in the
Variables field, enter 4 for #bins for the variable, select Equal interval under
Bins to be made with, select Mid Value for Value in the binned variable is, then
click Apply this option to the selected variable.

Then click OK. The output is shown below.

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As shown in the output above, XLMiner created 4 bins with intervals from 90 to
130 (Bin 1), 130 170 (Bin 2), 170 210 (Bin 3), and 210 253 (Bin 4). The
value of the binned variable is the midpoint of each interval: 110 for Bin 1, 150
for Bin 2, 190 for Bin 3 and 210 for Bin 4. In the first record, x3s value is 151.
Since this value lies in the interval for Bin 2 (130 170) the mid value of this
interval is reported for the Binned_x3 variable, 150. In the last record, x3s
value is 174. Since this value lies in the interval for Bin 3 (170 210), the mid
value of this interval is reported for the Binned_x3 variable, 190.

Options for Binning Continuous Data

The following options appear on the Bin Continuous Data dialog.

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Variable names in the first row

If this option is selected, the list of variables in the Variables field will be listed
according to titles appearing in the first row of the dataset.

Name of the binned variable

Variable appearing here will be binned.

Show binning values in the output

Select this option to include the binning variables in the output report.

Name of binned variable

The name displayed here will appear for the binned variable in the output report.

#bins for the variable

Enter the number of desired bins here.

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Equal count
When this option is selected, the binning procedure will assign an equal number
of records to each bin. Note: There is a possibility that the number of records in
a bin may not be equal due to factors such as border values, the number of
records being divisible by the number of bins, etc. The options for Value of the
binned variable for this process are Rank, Mean, and Median. See below for
explanations of each.

Equal interval
When this option is selected, the binning procedure will assign records to bins if
the records value falls in the interval of the bin. Bin intervals are calculated by
subtracting the Minimum variable value from the Maximum variable value and
dividing by the number of bins ((Max Value Min Value) / # bins). The
options for Value of the binned variable for this process are Rank and Mid value.
See below for explanations of each.

Rank of the bin

When either the Equal count or the Equal interval option is selected, Rank of the
bin is enabled. When selected, the User has the option to specify the Start value
of the first bin and the Interval of each bin. Subsequent bin values will be
calculated as the previous bin + interval value.

Mean of the bin

When the Equal count option is selected, Mean of the bin is enabled. XLMiner
calculates the mean of all values in the bin and assigns that value to the binned

Median of the bin

When the Equal count option is selected, Median of the bin is enabled.
XLMiner finds the median of all values in the bin and assigns that value to the
binned variable.

Mid Value
When the Equal Interval option is selected, this option is enabled. The mid
value of the interval will be displayed on the output report for the assigned bin.

Apply this option to the selected variable

Click this command button to apply the selected options to the selected variable.

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Transforming Categorical Data

Analysts often deal with data that is not numeric. Non numeric data values could
be text, alphanumeric (mix of text and numbers), or numeric values with no
numerical significance (such as a postal code). Such variables are called
'Categorical' variables, where every unique value of the variable is a separate
Dealing with categorical data poses some limitations. For example, if your data
contained too many categories there would be a need to combine several
categories into one. In addition, perhaps you may desire to use a data mining
technique that requires numeric data rather than categorical data. The features
included in the Transform group address these requirements.
XLMiner provides options to transform data in the following ways:

1. By Creating Dummy Variables: When this feature is used, a string

variable is transformed into a dummy variable. XLMiner can handle string
variables with up to 30 distinct values. Imagine a variable called Language
which has data values English, French, German and Spanish. Running this
transformation will result in the creation of four new variables:
Language_English, Language_French, Language_German, and
Language_Spanish. Each of these variables will take on values of either 0
or 1 depending on the value of the Language variable in the record. For
instance, if a particular record has a German data value then among the
dummy variables created, Language_German will be 1 and others will be
In XLMiner, this procedure can be applied to all non-numeric categorical
variables in a dataset provided that each variable has less than 30 distinct

2. Create Category Scores: In this feature, a string variable is converted into

a new numeric, categorical variable.

3. Reduce Categories: If you have more than 30 categories in a particular

variable, this utility helps you create a new categorical variable that reduces
the number of categories to 30. There are two different options to choose

A. Option 1 assigns categories 1 through 29 to the 29 most frequently

occurring categories, and assigns category 30 to all remaining

B. Option 2 maps multiple distinct category values in the original column

to a new category variable between 1 and 30.

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Transforming Categorical Data Examples

Open the IrisFacto.xlsx example database by clicking Help -- Examples on the
XLMiner ribbon. (This dataset is derived from the example dataset, Iris.xls.)
This example will illustrate how to create dummy variables and category scores.
Note that in this dataset, Species_Name is a string variable.
Select a cell within the dataset, say A2, and click Transform -- Transform
Categorical Data -- Create Dummies to bring up the following Create
Dummies dialog.

Select Species_name in the Variables field and then > to move the variable to
the Variables to be factored field.

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Click OK and view the output on the CategoryVar1 worksheet (inserted directly
after Sheet1.)

As shown in the output above, the variable, Species_name, is expressed as three

dummy variables: Species_name_Setosa, Species_name_Verginica and
Species_name_Versicolor. These new dummy variables are assigned values of
either 1, to indicate that the record belongs, or 0, to indicate that the record does
not belong. For example, Species_name_Setosa is assigned a value of 1 only
when the value of Species_name="Setosa" is in the dataset. Otherwise,
Species_name_Setosa = 0. The same is true for the two remaining dummy
variables i.e. Species_name_Verginica and Species_name_Versicolor.
In this example, XLMiner converted the string variable into three categorical
variables which resulted in a completely numeric dataset.
Click back to the dataset on Sheet1, select cell A2, and click Transform -Transform Categorical Data -- Create Category Scores to open the XLMiner
Create category scores dialog shown below.

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Select Species_name in the Variables field and click > to move the variable to
the Variables to be factored field. Keep the default option of Assign numbers

Click OK and view the results on the CategoryVar2 worksheet which is inserted
directly to the right of Sheet 1 and the CategoryVar1 worksheets.

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XLMiner has sorted the values of the Species_name variable alphabetically and
then assigned values of 1, 2 or 3 to each record depending on the species type.
(Starting from 1 because we selected Assign numbers 1,2,3.... To have XLMiner
start from 0, select the option Assign numbers 0, 1, 2, on the Create Category
Scores dialog.) A variable, Species_name_ord is created to store these assigned
numbers. Again, XLMiner has converted this dataset to an entirely numeric
Open the Iris.xls example dataset by clicking Help Examples on the XLMiner
ribbon. Select a cell within the dataset, say cell A2, then click Transform -Transform Categorical Data --> Reduce Categories to open the XLMiner
Reduce Categories dialog.
Select Petal_length as the variable, then select the Manually radio button under
Limit to 30 categories heading. In the Categories in selected variable box on
the right, all unique values of this variable are listed. Select all categories with
values less than 2; choose 1 for Category Number (Under Assign Category ID),
then click Apply. Repeat these steps for categories with values from 3 to 3.9
and apply a Category Number of 2. Continue repeating these steps until
category numbers from 4 thru 4.9 are assigned a Category Number of 3,
categories from 5 thru 5.9 are assigned a Category Number of 4, and categories
6 thru 6.9 are assigned a Category Number of 5.
Note: XLMiner is limited to 30 categories. If you pick By Frequency,
XLMiner assigns category numbers 1 through 29 to the most frequent 29 unique
values; and category number 30 to all other unique values. If you pick Manually,
XLMiner lets you map unique values to categories. You can pick multiple
unique values and map them to a single new category.

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Click OK to produce the following output on the ReduceCat1 worksheet that is

inserted directly to the right of the Description worksheet.

In the output XLMiner has assigned new categories as shown in the column,
Petal_length CatNo, based on the choices made in the Reduce Categories
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Click back to the Data worksheet and click Transform Transform

Categorical Data Reduce Categories. Again select Petal_length in the
Variables field, but this time leave the default setting of By Frequency, then
click OK.

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As you can see on the ReduceCat2 worksheet, XLMiner has classified the
Petal_length variable using 30 different categories. The values of 1.4 and 1.5
appear the most frequently (13 occurrences each) and have thus been labeled as
categories 1 and 2, respectively. The values of 4.5 and 5.1 each occur 8 times
and have thus been assigned to categories 3 and 4, respectively. The values of
1.3 and 1.6 occur seven times and, as a result, have been assigned to categories 5
and 6, respectively. Incremental category numbers are assigned to each
decreasing block of values until the 29th category is assigned. All remaining
values are then lumped into the last category, 30.

Options for Transforming Categorical Data

Explanations for options that appear on one of the three Transform Categorical
Data dialogs appear below.

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Data Range
Either type the cell address directly into this field, or using the reference button;
select the required data range from the worksheet. If the cell pointer (active cell)
is already somewhere in the data range, XLMiner automatically picks up the
contiguous data range surrounding the active cell. When the data range is
selected XLMiner displays the number of records in the selected range.

First row contains headers

When this box is checked, XLMiner lists the variables according to the first row
of the selected data range. When the box is unchecked, XLMiner follows the
default naming convention, i.e., the variable in the first column of the selected
range will be called "Var1", the second column "Var2," etc.

This list box contains the names of the variables in the selected data range. To
select a variable, simply click to highlight, then click the > button. Use the
CTRL key to select multiple variables.

The user can specify the number with which to start categorization 0 or 1. Select
the appropriate option.

Category Number
After manually selecting values from the list box, pick the category number to
assign. Click Apply to apply this mapping, or Reset to start over.

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Principal Components Analysis

In the data mining field, databases with large amounts of variables are routinely
encountered. In most cases, the size of the database can be reduced by removing
highly correlated or superfluous variables. The accuracy and reliability of a
classification or prediction model produced from this resultant database will be
improved by the removal of these redundant and unnecessary variables. In
addition, superfluous variables increase the data-collection and data-processing
costs of deploying a model on a large database. As a result, one of the first steps
in data mining should be finding ways to reduce the number of independent or
input variables used in the model (otherwise known as dimensionality) without
sacrificing accuracy.
Principal component analysis (PCA) is a mathematical procedure that
transforms a number of (possibly) correlated variables into a smaller number of
uncorrelated variables called principal components. The objective of principal
component analysis is to reduce the dimensionality (number of variables) of the
dataset but retain as much of the original variability in the data as possible. The
first principal component accounts for the majority of the variability in the data,
the second principal component accounts for the majority of the remaining
variability, and so on.
A principal component analysis is concerned with explaining the variance
covariance structure of a high dimensional random vector through a few linear
combinations of the original component variables. Consider a database X with m
rows and n columns (X4x3)













The first step in reducing the number of columns (variables) in the X matrix
using the Principal Components Analysis algorithm is to find the mean of
each column.
(X11 + X21 + X31 + X41)/4 = Mu1
(X12 + X22 + X32 + X42)/4 = Mu2
(X13 + X23 + X33 + X43)/4 = Mu3


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Next, the algorithm subtracts each element in the database by the mean
(Mu) thereby obtaining a new matrix, , which also contains 4 rows and 3
X11 Mu1 = 11

X12 Mu2 = 12

X13 Mu3 = 13

X21 Mu1 = 21

X22 Mu2 = 22

X23 Mu3 = 23

X31 Mu1 = 31

X32 Mu2 = 32

X33 Mu3 = 33

X41 Mu1 = 41

X42 Mu2 = 42

X43 Mu3 = 43
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Next, the PCA algorithm calculates the covariance or correlation matrix

(depending on the users preference) of the new matrix.


Afterwards the algorithm calculates eigenvalues and eigenvectors from the

covariance matrix for each variable and lists these eigenvalues in order from
largest to smallest.
Larger eigenvalues denote that the variable should remain in the database.
Variables with smaller eigenvalues will be removed according to the users


XLMiner allows users to choose between selecting a fixed number of

components (variables) to be included in the reduced matrix (we will
refer to this new matrix as the Y matrix) or the smallest subset of variables
that explains or accounts for a certain percentage variance in the database.
Variables with eigenvalues below the chosen threshold will not be included
in the Y matrix. Assume that the user has chosen a fixed number of
variables (2) to be included in the Y matrix.


A new matrix V (containing eigenvectors based on the selected

eigenvalues) is formed.


The original matrix X which has 4 rows and 3 columns will be multiplied by
the V matrix, containing 4 rows and 2 columns. This matrix multiplication
results in the new reduced Y matrix, containing 4 rows and 2 columns.

In algebraic form, consider a p-dimensional random vector X = ( X1, X2, ..., Xp )

where p principal components of X are k univariate random variables Y1, Y2, ...,
Yk which are defined by the following formulae:

where the coefficient vectors l1, l2 ,..etc. are chosen such that they satisfy the
following conditions:
First Principal Component = Linear combination l1'X that maximizes Var(l1'X)
and || l1 || =1
Second Principal Component = Linear combination l2'X that maximizes
Var(l2'X) and || l2 || =1
and Cov(l1'X , l2'X) =0
jth Principal Component = Linear combination lj'X that maximizes Var(lj'X) and
|| lj || =1
and Cov(lk'X , lj'X) =0 for all k < j
These functions indicate that the principal components are those linear
combinations of the original variables which maximize the variance of the linear
combination and which have zero covariance (and hence zero correlation) with
the previous principal components.
It can be proved that there are exactly p such linear combinations. However,
typically, the first few principal components explain most of the variance in the
original data. As a result, instead of working with all the original variables X1,

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X2, ..., Xp, you would typically first perform PCA and then use only the first two
or three principal components, say Y1 and Y2, in a subsequent analysis.

Examples for Principal Components

Click Help Examples on the XLMiner ribbon to open the example file
Utilities.xlsx. This example dataset gives data on 22 public utilities in the US.

Select a cell within the dataset, say A2, then click Transform Principal
Components on the XLMiner ribbon to open the Principal Components dialog
shown below.

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Select variables x1 to x8, then click the > command button to move them to the
Input variables field. (Perform error based clustering is not supported in the
PCA algorithm and is disabled). The figure below shows the first dialog box of
the Principal Components Analysis method. Click Next.

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XLMiner provides two routines for specifying the number of principal

components: Fixed #components and Smallest # components explaining. The
Fixed # components method allows the user to specify a fixed number of
components, or variables, to be included in the reduced model . The Smallest
#components explaining method allows the user to specify a percentage of the
variance. When this method is selected XLMiner will calculate the minimum
number of principal components required to account for that percentage of the
In addition, XLMiner provides two methods for calculating the principal
components: using the covariance or the correlation matrix. When using the
correlation matrix method, the data will be normalized first before the method is
applied. (The dataset is normalized by dividing each variable by its standard
deviation.) Normalizing gives all variables equal importance in terms of
variability. If the covariance method is selected, the dataset should first be
Select Use Correlation Matrix (Uses Standardized Variables). Then click

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On the Step 3 of 3 dialog, confirm Show principal components score is

selected, and then click Finish. This option displays an output matrix where the
columns are the principal components, the rows are the individual data records
and the value in each cell is the calculated score for that record on the relevant
principal component.

Two worksheets are inserted immediately after the Description worksheet:

PCA_Output1 and PCA_Scores1. The output from PCA_Output1 is shown

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The top section of the PCA_Output1 spreadsheet simply displays the number of
principal components created (as selected in the Step 2 of 3 dialog above), the
number of records in the dataset and the method chosen, Correlation matrix
(also selected in the Step 2 of 3 dialog).

The bottom portion of the PCA_Output worksheet displays the principal

component table. The maximum value for Component 1 corresponds to x2
(.5712). This signifies that the first principal component is measuring the effect
of x2 on the utility companies. Likewise, the second component appears to be
measuring the effect of x4 on the utility companies (.4091). The first
component accounts for 27.16% of the variance while the second component
accounts for 23.75%. Together, these two components account for more than
50% of the total variation.
The output from the PCA_Scores1 worksheet is below. This table holds the
weighted averages of the normalized variables (after each variables mean is
subtracted). (This matrix is described in the 2nd step of the PCA algorithm - see
Introduction above.)

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Click back to the Data worksheet, select any cell in the dataset, and then click
Transform Principal Components. Cells x1 through x8 are already selected
so simply click Next on this dialog to advance to the Step 2 of 3 dialog.

This time, select Smallest # of components explaining, enter 50 for % of

variance, select Use Correlation Matrix, and then click Finish.

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As you can see from the output worksheet PCA_Output2, only the first two
components are included in the output file since these two components account
for over 50% of the variation.

After applying the Principal Components Analysis algorithm, users may proceed
to analyze their dataset by applying additional data mining algorithms featured
in XLMiner.

Options for Principal Components Analysis

Options for Principal Components Analysis appear on the Step 2 of 3 and Step 3
of 3 dialogs. For more information on the Step1 of 3 dialog, please see the
Common Dialog Options section in the Introduction to XLMiner chapter.

Principal Components
Select the number of principal components displayed in the output.
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Fixed # of components
Specify a fixed number of components by selecting this option and entering an
integer value from 1 to n where n is the number of Input variables selected in
the Step 1 of 3 dialog.
Smallest #components explaining
Select this option to specify a percentage. XLMiner will calculate the minimum
number of principal components required to account for that percentage of

To compute Principal Components the data is matrix multiplied by a
transformation matrix. This option lets you specify the choice of calculating this
transformation matrix.
Use Covariance matrix
The covariance matrix is a square, symmetric matrix of size n x n (number of
variables by number of variables). The diagonal elements are variances and the
off-diagonals are covariances. The eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the
covariance matrix are computed and the transformation matrix is defined as the
transpose of this eigenvector matrix. If the covariance method is selected, the
dataset should first be normalized. One way to organize the data is to divide
each variable by its standard deviation. Normalizing gives all variables equal
importance in terms of variability. 1
Use Correlation matrix
An alternative method is to derive the transformation matrix on the eigenvectors
of the correlation matrix instead of the covariance matrix. The correlation
matrix is equivalent to a covariance matrix for the data where each variable has
been standardized to zero mean and unit variance. This method tends to
equalize the influence of each variable, inflating the influence of variables with
relatively small variance and reducing the influence of variables with high

Shmueli, Galit, Nitin R. Patel, and Peter C. Bruce. Data Mining for Business Intelligence. 2 nd ed. New Jersey: Wiley, 2010

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Show principal components score

This option results in the display of a matrix in which the columns are the
principal components, the rows are the individual data records, and the value in
each cell is the calculated score for that record on the relevant principal

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k-Means Clustering
Cluster Analysis, also called data segmentation, has a variety of goals which all
relate to grouping or segmenting a collection of objects (also called
observations, individuals, cases, or data rows) into subsets or "clusters". These
clusters are grouped in such a way that the observations included in each
cluster are more closely related to one another than objects assigned to different
clusters. The most important goal of cluster analysis is the notion of the degree
of similarity (or dissimilarity) between the individual objects being clustered.
There are two major methods of clustering -- hierarchical clustering and kmeans clustering. (See the k-means clustering chapter for information on this
type of clustering analysis.)
This chapter explains the k-Means Clustering algorithm. The goal of this
process is to divide the data into a set number of clusters (k) and to assign each
record to a cluster while minimizing the distribution within each cluster. A nonhierarchical approach to forming good clusters is to specify a desired number of
clusters, say, k, then assign each case (object) to one of k clusters so as to
minimize a measure of dispersion within the clusters. A very common measure
is the sum of distances or sum of squared Euclidean distances from the mean of
each cluster. The problem can be set up as an integer programming problem but
because solving integer programs with a large number of variables is time
consuming, clusters are often computed using a fast, heuristic method that
generally produces good (but not necessarily optimal) solutions. The k-means
algorithm is one such method.

Examples for k-Means Clustering

Click Help Examples on the XLMiner ribbon and open the example file
Wine.xlsx. As shown in the figure below, each row in this example dataset
represents a sample of wine taken from one of three wineries (A, B or C). In this
example, the Type variable representing the winery is ignored and the clustering
is performed simply on the basis of the properties of the wine samples (the
remaining variables).

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Select a cell within the dataset, say A2, and then click XLMiner Cluster kMeans Clustering. The following dialog box will appear.

Select all variables under Variables in data source except Type, then click the >
button to shift the selected variables to the Input variables field.

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Afterwards, click Next to advance to the Step 2 of 3 dialog.

Enter 8 for # Clusters to be formed. This is the parameter k in the k-means
clustering algorithm. The number of clusters should be at least 2 and at most the
number of observations in the data range. It is a good idea to set k to several
different values and evaluate the output from each.
Enter 10 for # Iterations. The value for this option determines how many times
the program will start with an initial partition and complete the clustering
algorithm. The configuration of clusters (and how good a job they do of
separating the data) may differ from one starting partition to another. The
program will go through the specified number of iterations, and select the cluster
configuration that minimizes the distance measure.
Select the Random Starts option. When this option is selected, the algorithm
will start building the model from any random point. Enter 5 for No. of starts.
XLMiner will generate five cluster sets and will generate the output based on the
best cluster. Enter 12345 for Fixed Seed. A value specified here will ensure the
same starting points each time the algorithm is run.
If Fixed start were to be selected, XLMiner would build the model with a single
fixed starting point.

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Click Next.
On the Step 3 of 3 dialog, select Show data summary (default) and Show
distances from each cluster center (default). Then click Finish.

The K-Means Clustering method will start with k initial clusters as specified by
the user. At each iteration, the records are assigned to the cluster with the closest
centroid, or center. After each iteration, the distance from each record to the
center of the cluster is calculated. These two steps are repeated (the record
assignment and distance calculation) until the redistribution of a record results in
an increased distance value.
When the user specifies a random start, the algorithm generates the k cluster
centers randomly and fits the data points in those clusters. This process is
repeated for as many random starts as the user specifies. The output will be
based on the clusters that exhibit the best fit.
The worksheet, KM_Output1 is inserted immediately after the Description
worksheet. In the top section of the output worksheet, the options that were
selected are listed.

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In the middle section of the output worksheet, XLMiner has calculated the sum
of the squared distances and has determined the start with the lowest Sum of
Square Distance as the Best Start (#3). After the Best Start is determined,
XLMiner generates the remaining output using the Best Start as the starting

In the bottom portion of the output worksheet, XLMiner has listed the "cluster
centers" (shown below). The upper box shows the variable values at the cluster
centers. As you can see, the first cluster has the highest average
Nonflavanoid_Phenol and Ash_Alcalinity, and a very high Magnesium average.
Compare this cluster to Cluster 5 which has the highest average Proline,
Flavanoids, and Color_Intensity, and a very high Malic_Acid average.
The lower box shows the distance between the cluster centers. From the values
in this table, we can discern that cluster 5 is very different from cluster 6 due to
the high distance value of 1,484.51 and cluster 7 is very close to cluster 3 (low
distance value of 31.27). It is possible that these two clusters could be merged
into one cluster.

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The Data Summary displays the number of records (observations) included in

each cluster and the average distance from cluster members to the center of each
cluster. As you can see, cluster 2 has the highest average distance and includes
78 records. Compare this cluster to cluster 6 which has 0 members.

Click the KM_Clusters1 worksheet. This worksheet displays the cluster to

which each record is assigned and the distance to each of the clusters. Note that,
for record 5, the distance to cluster 1 is the minimum distance, so record 5 is
assigned to cluster 1.

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k-Means Clustering Options

See the Common Dialog Options section in the Introduction to XLMiner
chapter for an explanation of options present on the k-Means Clustering Step 1
of 3 dialog. See below for an explanation of options on the k-Means Clustering
Step 2 of 3 and Step 3 of 3 dialogs.

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Clustering Method
At this time, XLMiner supports standard clustering only.

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Normalize input data

If this option is selected, XLMiner will normalize the input data before applying
the k-Means Clustering algorithm. Normalizing the data is important to ensure
that the distance measure accords equal weight to each variable. Without
normalization, the variable with the largest scale will dominate the measure.

# Clusters
Enter the number of final clusters (k) to be formed here. The number of clusters
should be at least 2 and at most the number of observations in the data range.
This value should be based on your knowledge of the data and the number of
projected clusters. It is a good idea to repeat the procedure with several
different k values.

# Iterations
Enter the number of times the program will perform the clustering algorithm.
The configuration of clusters (and how good a job they do of separating the
data) may differ from one starting partition to another. The algorithm will
complete the specified number of iterations and select the cluster configuration
that minimizes the distance measure.

If Fixed start is selected, XLMiner will start building the model with a single
fixed starting point. If Random starts is selected, the algorithm will start at any
random point.
If Random starts is selected, two additional options are enabled: No. of Starts
and Seed. Enter the number of desired clusters for No. of Starts. XLMiner will
complete the desired number of clusters and generate the output for the best
cluster set. To enter a fixed seed, select Fixed and then enter an integer value.

Show data summary

Select this option to display the data summary in the k-Means Clustering output.

Show distances from each cluster center

Select this option to display the distances from each cluster center in the kMeans Clustering output.
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Hierarchical Clustering
Cluster Analysis, also called data segmentation, has a variety of goals. All
relate to grouping or segmenting a collection of objects (also called
observations, individuals, cases, or data rows) into subsets or "clusters", such
that those within each cluster are more closely related to one another than
objects assigned to different clusters. The most important goal of cluster
analysis is the notion of degree of similarity (or dissimilarity) between the
individual objects being clustered. There are two major methods of clustering -hierarchical clustering and k-means clustering. (See the k-means clustering
chapter for information on this type of clustering analysis.)
In hierarchical clustering the data are not partitioned into a particular cluster in
a single step. Instead, a series of partitions takes place, which may run from a
single cluster containing all objects to n clusters each containing a single object.
Hierarchical Clustering is subdivided into agglomerative methods, which
proceed by a series of fusions of the n objects into groups, and divisive
methods, which separate n objects successively into finer groupings. The
hierarchical clustering technique employed by XLMiner is an Agglomerative
technique. Hierarchical clustering may be represented by a two dimensional
diagram known as a dendrogram which illustrates the fusions or divisions made
at each successive stage of analysis. An example of such a dendrogram is given

Agglomerative methods
An agglomerative hierarchical clustering procedure produces a series of
partitions of the data, Pn, Pn-1, ....... , P1. The first Pn consists of n single object
'clusters', the last P1, consists of a single group containing all n cases.
At each particular stage the method joins the two clusters which are closest
together (most similar). (At the first stage, this amounts to joining together the
two objects that are closest together, since at the initial stage each cluster has
one object.)

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Differences between methods arise because of the different methods of defining

distance (or similarity) between clusters. Several agglomerative techniques will
now be described in detail.

Single linkage clustering

One of the simplest agglomerative hierarchical clustering method is single
linkage, also known as the nearest neighbor technique. The defining feature of
this method is that distance between groups is defined as the distance between
the closest pair of objects, where only pairs consisting of one object from each
group are considered.
In the single linkage method, D(r,s) is computed as
D(r,s) = Min { d(i,j) : Where object i is in cluster r and object j is cluster s }
Here the distance between every possible object pair (i,j) is computed, where
object i is in cluster r and object j is in cluster s. The minimum value of these
distances is said to be the distance between clusters r and s. In other words, the
distance between two clusters is given by the value of the shortest link between
the clusters.
At each stage of hierarchical clustering, the clusters r and s, for which D(r,s) is
minimum, are merged.
This measure of inter-group distance is illustrated in the figure below:

Complete linkage clustering

The complete linkage, also called farthest neighbor, clustering method is the
opposite of single linkage. In this clustering method, the distance between

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groups is defined as the distance between the most distant pair of objects, one
from each group.
In the complete linkage method, D(r,s) is computed as
D(r,s) = Max { d(i,j) : Where object i is in cluster r and object j is cluster s }
Here the distance between every possible object pair (i,j) is computed, where
object i is in cluster r and object j is in cluster s and the maximum value of these
distances is said to be the distance between clusters r and s. In other words, the
distance between two clusters is given by the value of the longest link between
the clusters.
At each stage of hierarchical clustering, the clusters r and s, for which D(r,s) is
minimum, are merged.
The measure is illustrated in the figure below:

Average linkage clustering

Here the distance between two clusters is defined as the average of distances
between all pairs of objects, where each pair is made up of one object from each
In the average linkage method, D(r,s) is computed as
D(r,s) = Trs / ( Nr * Ns)
Where Trs is the sum of all pairwise distances between cluster r and cluster s. Nr
and Ns are the sizes of the clusters r and s respectively.
At each stage of hierarchical clustering, the clusters r and s, for which D(r,s) is
the minimum, are merged. The figure below illustrates average linkage
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Average group linkage

With this method, groups once formed are represented by their mean values for
each variable, that is, their mean vector, and inter-group distance is now defined
in terms of distance between two such mean vectors.
In the average group linkage method, the two clusters r and s are merged such
that, after merging, the average pairwise distance within the newly formed
cluster, is minimized. Suppose we label the new cluster formed by merging
clusters r and s, as t. Then D(r,s) , the distance between clusters r and s is
computed as
D(r,s) = Average { d(i,j) : Where observations i and j are in cluster t, the cluster
formed by merging clusters r and s }
At each stage of hierarchical clustering, the clusters r and s, for which D(r,s) is
minimized, are merged. In this case, those two clusters are merged such that the
newly formed cluster, on average, will have minimum pairwise distances
between the points.

Ward's hierarchical clustering method

Ward (1963) proposed a clustering procedure seeking to form the partitions P n, P
n-1,........, P1 in a manner that minimizes the loss associated with each grouping, and
to quantify that loss in a form that is readily interpretable. At each step in the
analysis, the union of every possible cluster pair is considered and the two
clusters whose fusion results in minimum increase in 'information loss' are
combined. Information loss is defined by Ward in terms of an error sum-ofsquares criterion, ESS.
The rationale behind Ward's proposal can be illustrated most simply by
considering univariate data. Suppose for example, 10 objects have scores (2, 6,
5, 6, 2, 2, 2, 2, 0, 0, 0) on some particular variable. The loss of information that
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would result from treating the ten scores as one group with a mean of 2.5 is
represented by ESS given by,
ESS One group = (2 -2.5)2 + (6 -2.5)2 + ....... + (0 -2.5)2 = 50.5
On the other hand, if the 10 objects are classified according to their scores into
four sets,
{0,0,0}, {2,2,2,2}, {5}, {6,6}
The ESS can be evaluated as the sum of squares of four separate error sums of
ESS One group = ESS group1 + ESSgroup2 + ESSgroup3 + ESSgroup4 = 0.0
Clustering the 10 scores into 4 clusters results in no loss of information.

Examples of Hierarchical Clustering

The utilities.xlsx example dataset (shown below) holds corporate data on 22 US
public utilities. This example will illustrate how a user would use XLMiner to
perform a cluster analysis using hierarchical clustering.
An example where clustering would be useful is a study to predict the cost
impact of deregulation. To perform the requisite analysis, economists would be
required to build a detailed cost model of the various utilities. It would save a
considerable amount of time and effort if we could cluster similar types of
utilities, build a detailed cost model for just one typical utility in each cluster,
then scale up from these models to estimate results for all utilities.
Each record includes 8 observations. Before we can use a clustering technique,
the data must be normalized or standardized. A popular method for
normalizing continuous variables is to divide each variable by its standard
deviation. After the variables are standardized, the distance can be computed
between clusters using the Euclidean metric.
Open the Utilities.xlsx example dataset by clicking Help Examples on the
XLMiner ribbon.

An explanation of the variables is below.

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Select any cell in the dataset, for example A2, then click Cluster -Hierarchical Clustering to bring up the Hierarchical Clustering dialog.

Select variables x1 through x8 in the Variables field, then click > to move the
selected variables to the Selected variables field.

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Then click Next to advance to the Step 2 of 3 dialog.

At the top of the dialog, select Normalize input data. When this option is
selected, XLMiner will normalize the data by subtracting the variables mean
from each observation and dividing by the standard deviation. Normalizing the
data is important to ensure that the distance measure accords equal weight to
each variable -- without normalization, the variable with the largest scale will
dominate the measure.

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Under Similarity measure, Euclidean distance is selected by default. The

Hierarchical clustering method uses the Euclidean Distance as the similarity
measure for raw numeric data. When the data is binary the remaining two
options, Jaccard's coefficients and Matching coefficients are enabled.
Under Clustering method, select Average group linkage. Recall from the
Introduction to this chapter, the average group linkage method calculates the
average distance of all possible distances between each record in each cluster.
Click Next.

On the Step 3 of 3 dialog, select Draw dendrogram and Show cluster

membership. Enter 4 for the # Clusters. Then click Finish. XLMiner will
create four clusters using the Average group linkage method. The output
worksheet HC_Output1 is inserted immediately after the Description worksheet.

This output details the history of the cluster formation. Initially, each individual
case is considered its own cluster (single member in each cluster). Since there
are 21 records, XLMiner begins the method with # clusters = # cases. At stage
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1, above, clusters (i.e. cases) 10 and 13 were found to be closer together than
any other two clusters (i.e. cases), so they are joined together in a cluster called
Cluster 10. At this point there is one cluster with two cases (cases 10 and 13),
and 19 additional clusters that still have just one case in each. At stage 2,
clusters 7 and 12 are found to be closer together than any other two clusters, so
they are joined together into cluster 7.
This process continues until there is just one cluster. At various stages of the
clustering process, there are different numbers of clusters. A graph called a
dendrogram illustrates these steps.

In the above dendrogram, the Sub Cluster IDs are listed along the x-axis (in an
order convenient for showing the cluster structure). The y-axis measures intercluster distance. Consider cases 10 and 13 -- they have an inter-cluster distance
of 1.51. No other cases have a smaller inter-cluster distance, so 10 and 13 are
joined into one cluster, indicated by the horizontal line linking them. Next, we
see that cases 7 and 12 have the next smallest inter-cluster distance, so they are
joined into one cluster. The next smallest inter-cluster distance is between
clusters 14 and 19 and so on.
If we draw a horizontal line through the diagram at any level on the y-axis (the
distance measure), the vertical cluster lines that intersect the horizontal line
indicate clusters whose members are at least that close to each other. If we draw
a horizontal line at distance = 2.3, for example, we see that there are 11 clusters.
In addition, we can see that a case can belong to multiple clusters, depending on
where we draw the line (i.e. how close we require the cluster members to be to
each other).
For purposes of assigning cases to clusters, we must specify the number of
clusters in advance. In this example, we specified a limit of 4.
If the number of training rows exceeds 30 then the dendrogram also displays
Cluster Legends.
The HC_Clusters1 output worksheet includes the following table.

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This table displays the assignment of each record to the four clusters.
This next example illustrates k-Means Clustering when the data represents the
distance between the ith and jth records. (When applied to raw data, Hierarchical
clustering converts the data into the distance matrix format before proceeding
with the clustering algorithm. Providing the distance measures in the data
requires one less step for the Hierarchical clustering algorithm.)
Select a cell in the database, say A2, click XLMiner Help Examples and
open the file, DistMatrix.xls. Then, click XLMiner Cluster Hierarchical
Clustering to open the following dialog.

Click the down arrow next to Data Type and select Distance Matrix.

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Then click Next.

Again, select Average group linkage as the Clustering method. Then click
Select Draw dendrogram (default) and Show cluster membership (default)
and enter 4 for # Clusters.

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Then click Finish.

Output worksheets, HC_Output1, HC_Clusters1, and HC_Dendrogram1 are
inserted immediately after Sheet1.
The Clustering Stages output (included on the HC_Output1 worksheet) is shown

The Dendrogram output (included on the HC_Dendrogram1 worksheet) is

shown below.

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One of the reasons why Hierarchical Clustering is so attractive to statisticians is

that it is not necessary to specify the number of clusters desired. In addition, the
clustering process can be easily illustrated with a dendrogram. However, there
are a few limitations.

Hierarchical clustering requires computing and storing an n x n distance

matrix. If using a large dataset, this requirement can be very slow and
require large amounts of memory.


The algorithm makes only one pass through the dataset. As a result, records
that are assigned erroneously will not be reassigned later in the process.


Clusters created through Hierarchical clustering are not very stable. If

records are eliminated, the results can be very different.


Outliers in the data can impact the results negatively.

Options for Hierarchical Clustering

The following options appear on the Hierarchical Clustering Step 2 of 3 and
Step 3 of 3 dialogs. See the Common options section of the chapter,
Introduction to XLMiner, for options appearing on the Step 1 of 3 dialog.

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Data Type
The Hierarchical clustering method can be used on raw data as well as the data
in Distance Matrix format. Choose the appropriate option to fit your dataset.

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Normalize input data

Normalizing the data is important to ensure that the distance measure accords
equal weight to each variable -- without normalization, the variable with the
largest scale will dominate the measure.

Similarity Measures
The Hierarchical clustering uses the Euclidean Distance as the similarity
measure for working on raw numeric data. When the data is binary, the
remaining two options, Jaccard's coefficients and Matching coefficient are
Suppose we have binary values for all the xij s. See the table below for
individual is and js.

The most useful similarity measures in this situation are:

Jaccards coefficient = d/(b+c+d). This coefficient ignores zero matches.
The matching coefficient = (a + d)/p.

Clustering Method
See the introduction to this chapter for descriptions of each method.

Draw Dendrogram
Select this option to have XLMiner create a dendrogram to illustrate the
clustering process.

Show cluster membership

Select this option to display the cluster number (ID) to which each record is
assigned by the routine.
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# Clusters
Recall that the agglomerative method of hierarchical clustering continues to
form clusters until only one cluster is left. This option lets you stop the process
at a given number of clusters.

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Exploring a Time Series Dataset

Time series datasets contain a set of observations generated sequentially in time.
Organizations of all types and sizes utilize time series datasets for analysis and
forecasting for predicting next years sales figures, raw material demand,
monthly airline bookings, etc. .

Example of a time series dataset: Monthly airline bookings.

A time series model is first used to obtain an understanding of the underlying

forces and structure that produced the data and then secondly, to fit a model that
will predict future behavior. In the first step, the analysis of the data, a model is
created to uncover seasonal patterns or trends in the data, for example bathing
suit sales in June. In the second step, forecasting, the model is used to predict
the value of the data in the future, for example, next years bathing suit sales.
Separate modeling methods are required to create each type of model.
XLMiner features two techniques for exploring trends in a dataset, ACF
(Autocorrelation function) and PACF (Partial autocorrelation function). These
techniques help the user to explore various patterns in the data which can be
used in the creation of the model. After the data is analyzed, a model can be fit
to the data using XLMiners ARIMA method.

Autocorrelation (ACF)
Autocorrelation (ACF) is the correlation between neighboring observations in a
time series. When determining if an autocorrelation exists, the original time
series is compared to the lagged series. This lagged series is simply the
original series moved one time period forward (xn vs xn+1). Suppose there are 5
time based observations: 10, 20, 30, 40, and 50. When lag = 1, the original
series is moved forward one time period. When lag = 2, the original series is
moved forward two time periods.

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Observed Value















The autocorrelation is computed according to the formula:

=+1( )( )
( )2

where k = 0, 1, 2, ., n

Where Yt is the Observed Value at time t, is the mean of the Observed Values
and Yt k is the value for Lag-k.
For example, using the values above, the autocorrelation for Lag-1 and Lag - 2
can be calculated as follows.
= (10 + 20 + 30 + 40 + 50) / 5 = 30
r1 = ((20 30) * (10 - 30) + (30 - 30) * (20 - 30) + (40 - 30) * (30 - 30) + (50
30) * (40 30)) / ((10 30)2 + (20 - 30)2 + (30 30)2 + (40 30)2 + (50 30)2)
= 0.4
r2 =( (30 30) * (10 30) + (40 30) * (20 30) + (50 30) * (30 30)) / (((10
30)2 + (20 - 30)2 + (30 30)2 + (40 30)2 + (50 30)2) = -0.1
The two red horizontal lines on the graph below delineate the Upper confidence
level (UCL) and the Lower confidence level (LCL). If the data is random, then
the plot should be within the UCL and LCL. If the plot exceeds either of these
two levels, as seen in the plot above, then it can be presumed that some
correlation exists in the data.

)))))))))Pp .

Partial Autocorrelation Function (PACF)

This technique is used to compute and plot the partial autocorrelations between
the original series and the lags. However, PACF eliminates all linear
dependence in the time series beyond the specified lag.

An ARIMA (autoregressive integrated moving-average models) model is a
regression-type model that includes autocorrelation. The basic assumption in
estimating the ARIMA coefficients is that the data are stationary, that is, the
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trend or seasonality cannot affect the variance. This is generally not true. To
achieve the stationary data, XLMiner will first apply differencing: ordinary,
seasonal or both.
After XLMiner fits the model, various results will be available. The quality of
the model can be evaluated by comparing the time plot of the actual values with
the forecasted values. If both curves are close, then it can be assumed that the
model is a good fit. The model should expose any trends and seasonality, if any
exist. If the residuals are random then the model can be assumed a good fit.
However, if the residuals exhibit a trend, then the model should be refined.
Fitting an ARIMA model with parameters (0,1,1) will give the same results as
exponential smoothing. Fitting an ARIMA model with parameters (0,2,2) will
give the same results as double exponential smoothing.

To avoid over fitting of the data and to be able to evaluate the predictive
performance of the model on new data, we must first partition the data into
training and validation sets, and possibly a test set, using XLMiners time series
partitioning utility. After the data is partitioned, ACF, PACF, and ARIMA can
be applied to the dataset.

Examples for Time Series Analysis

The examples below illustrate how XLMiner can be used to explore the data to
uncover trends and seasonalities. Click Help Examples on the XLMiner
ribbon and open the example dataset, Income.xlsx. This dataset contains the
average income of tax payers by state.
Typically the following steps are performed in a time series analysis.

The data is first partitioned into two sets with 60% of the data assigned to
the training set and 40% of the data assigned to validation.


Exploratory techniques are applied to both the training and validation sets.
If the results are in synch then the model can be fit. If the ACF and PACF
plots are the same, then the same model can be used for both sets.


The model is fit using the ARIMA method.


When we fit a model using the ARIMA method, XLMiner displays the ACF
and PACF plots for residuals. If these plots are in the band of UCL and
LCL then it indicates that the residuals are random and the model is


If the residuals are not within the bands, then some correlation exists, and
the model should be improved.

First we must perform a partition on the data. Select a cell within the dataset,
such as A2, then click Partition within the Time Series group on the XLMiner
ribbon to open the following dialog.

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Select Year under Variables and click > to define the variable as the Time
Variable. Select the remaining variables under Variables and click > to include
them in the partitioned data.
Select Specify #Records under Specify Partitioning Options to specify the
number of records assigned to the training and validation sets. Then select
Specify #Records under Specify #Records for Partitioning. Enter 50 for the
number of Training Set records and 21 for the number of Validation Set records.
If Specify Percentages is selected under Specify Partitioning Options, XLMiner
will assign a percentage of records to each set according to the values entered by
the user or automatically entered by XLMiner under Specify Percentages for

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Click OK. The Data_PartitionTS1 worksheet will be inserted directly behind

the Description worksheet.

Note in the output above, the partitioning method is sequential (rather than
random). The first 50 observations have been assigned to the training set and
the remaining 21 observations have been assigned to the validation set.
Select a cell on the Data_PartitionTS1 worksheet then click ARIMA
Autocorrelations on the XLMiner ribbon to display the ACF dialog.
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Select CA as the Selected variable, enter 10 for both ACF Parameters for
Training Data and ACF Parameters for Validation Data. Then select Plot ACF

Click OK. The worksheet ACF_Output1 will be inserted directly after the
Data_PartitionTS1 worksheet.

Both ACF functions show a definite pattern where the autocorrelation decreases
as the number of lags increases. Since the pattern does not repeat, it can be
assumed that no seasonality is included in the data. In addition, since both
charts exhibit a similar pattern, we can fit the same model to both the validation
and training sets.
Click back to the Data_PartitionTS1 worksheet and click ARIMA -- Partial
Autocorrelations to open the PACF dialog as shown below.
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Select CA under Variables in input data, then click > to move the variable to
Selected variable. Enter 40 for Maximum Lag for PACF Parameters for
Training Data and 15 PACF Parameters for Validation Data. Select Plot
PACF chart.

Click OK. The worksheet, PACF_Output1, is inserted directly after the

ACF_Output1 worksheet. Both PACF plots show similar patterns in both the

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validation and training sets. As a result, we can use the same model for both

PACF Output for Training Data

PACF Output for Validation Data

The PACF function shows a definite pattern which means there is a trend in the
data. However, since the pattern does not repeat, we can conclude that the data
does not show any seasonality.
The ARIMA model accepts three parameters: p the number of autoregressive
terms, d the number of non-seasonal differences, and q the number of lagged
errors (moving averages).
Recall that the ACF plot showed no seasonality in the data which means that
autocorrelation is almost static, decreasing with the number of lags increasing.
This suggests setting q = 0 since there appears to be no lagged errors. The
PACF plot displayed a large value for the first lag but minimal plots for
successive lags. This suggest setting p =1. With most datasets, setting d =1 is
sufficient or can at least be a starting point.
Click back to the Data_PartitionTS1 worksheet and click ARIMA ARIMA
model to bring up the ARIMA dialog shown below.

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Select CA under Variables in input data then click > to move the variable to the
Selected Variable field. Under Nonseasonal Parameters set Autoregressive (p)
to 1, Difference (d) to 1 and Moving Average (q) to 0.

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Click Advanced to open the ARIMA Advanced dialog.

Select Fitted Values and residuals, Variance-covariance matrix, Produce

forecasts, and Report Confidence Intervals for forecasts, then enter 95 for the

Click OK on the ARIMA-Advanced dialog and again on the Time Series

ARIMA dialog. XLMiner calculates and displays various parameters and charts
in two output sheets, ARIMA_Output1 and ARIMA_Residuals1. The
ARIMA_Output1 worksheet contains the ARIMA model, shown below.

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On this same worksheet, XLMiner has calculated the constant term and the AR1
term for our model, as seen above. These are the constant and f1 terms of our
forecasting equation. See the following output of the Chi - square test.

Since the p-Value is small, we can conclude that the model is a good fit.
Now open the worksheet ARIMA_Residuals1. This table plots the actual and
fitted values and the resulting residuals. As shown in the graph below, the
Actual and Forecasted values match up fairly well. The usefulness of the model
in forecasting will depend upon how close the actual and forecasted values are
in the Time plot of validation set which we will inspect later.

Let us take a look at the ACF and PACF plots for residuals.

Most of the correlations are within the UCL and LCL band. This indicates that
the residuals are random, they are not correlated and is the first indication that
the model parameters are adequate for this data.
Open the sheet ARIMA_Output1. See the Forecast table.
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The table shows the actual and forecasted value. The "Lower" and "Upper"
values represent the lower and upper bounds of the confidence interval. There is
a 95% chance that the forecasted value will fall into this range.
Let us take a look at the Time Plot below. It is plotted with the values in the
table above. It indicates how the model which we fitted using the Training data
performs on the validation data.

The actual and forecasted values are fairly close. This is a confirmation that our
model is good for forecasting. To plot the values under the "Lower" and
"Upper" column in the same chart (using the EXCEL chart facility), select the
graph and then click Design Select Data to open the Select Data Source

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Click Add to open the Edit Series dialog. Enter Lower for Series name and
G52:G72 for the Series values.

Click OK and repeat these steps entering Upper for the Series name and
H52:H72 for the Series values. Then click OK on the Edit Series dialog and
OK again on the Select Data Source dialog to produce the graph below.

The plot shows that the Actual values lie well within the bands created by the
Upper and Lower values in the table. In fact, for the majority of the graph, the
Actual and Forecasted values are located in the center, or very close to the
center, of the two bands. As a result, it can be assumed that we have fitted an
adequate model.
Now lets fit a model to a dataset containing seasonality. Click XLMiner
Help Examples and open the Airpass.xlsx example dataset. This is the classic
Box & Jenkins dataset containing monthly totals of international airline
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passengers from 1949 to 1960. Clearly, this dataset will contain some
seasonality as air traffic increases each year during the summer and holiday
season. A portion of the dataset is shown below.

First, the data must be partitioned. Click XLMiner Partition in the Time
Series group. Select Month as the time variable and Passengers as the Variable
in the Partitioned Data. Select Specify #Records under both Specify
Partitioning Options and Specify #Records for Partitioning. Then enter 120 for
the number of records in the Training set. XLMiner will automatically enter the
remaining number of records for the Validation set. Finally, click OK.

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The worksheet containing the partition, Data_PartitionTS1, is inserted

immediately after the Data worksheet. Select a cell on this worksheet, then click
XLMiner ARIMA Autocorrelations. Select Passengers as the Selected
Variable. Enter 40 for the ACF Parameters for Training Data Lags and 20 for
ACF Parameters for Validation Data Lags. Then click OK.

The output worksheet, ACF_Output1, is inserted immediately after the

Data_PartitionTS1 output.

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Both plots clearly show a repetition in the pattern indicating that the data does
contain seasonality. Now lets create the PACF chart.
Click back to the Data_PartitionTS1, then click XLMiner ARIMA Partial
Autocorrelations. Select Passengers as the Selected variable. Enter 40 for
PACF Parameters for Training Data Maximum Lag and 20 for PACF
Parameters for Validation Data Maximum Lag. Select Plot PACF chart, then
click OK.

The output worksheet, PACF_Output1, is inserted immediately after the

ACF_Output1 worksheet.
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Both plots are similar and both show seasonality. As a result, it can be assumed
that the same model can be applied to both the Training and Validation sets.
Lets try fitting an ARIMA model with the following parameters p = 1, d = 1
and q = 0 or (1, 1, 0)12. This means that we are applying a seasonal model with
period =12. Selection of the value of period depends on the nature of data. In
this case we can make a fair guess that the # passengers increases during the
holidays, or every 12 months.
Click back to the Data_PartitionTS1 worksheet, then click XLMiner ARIMA
ARIMA Model. Select Passengers for the Selected variable, select Fit
Seasonal Model, and enter 12 for Period. Under Nonseasonal Parameters,
enter 1 for Autoregressive (p), 1 for Difference (d), and 0 for Moving Average
(q). Under Seasonal Parameters, enter 1 for Autoregressive (P), 1 for
Difference (D), and 0 for Moving Average (Q). Then click Advanced.

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Select Fitted Value and residuals, Variance-covariance matrix, Produce

forecasts, and Report Confidence Intervals for forecasts, then enter 95 for the
Confidence-level. Select OK on the ARIMA-Advanced dialog and OK on the
ARIMA dialog.

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Two worksheets, ARIMA_Output1 and ARIMA_Residuals1, containing the

output are inserted immediately after PACF_Output1. Click the Output1
worksheet to display the following results.

The small p-values are our first indication that our model is a good fit to the
Scroll down to the Forecast table. This table holds the actual and forecasted
values as predicted by the model. The "Lower" and "Upper" values represent the
95% confidence interval in which the forecasted values lie.

The time plot below graphs the values in the Forecast table above and indicates
how well the model performs. The actual and forecasted values are fairly close,
though not as close as in the earlier example. Still, this is a second indication
that this model fits well.

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Click the graph and select Design Select Data. Click Add, then enter Lower
for Series name and select cells G59:G82 for Series values.

Then click OK. Repeat the steps above using Upper as the Series name and cells
H59:H82 as the Series values. Click OK on the Edit Series dialog and OK
again on the Select Data Source dialog. The updated graph is shown below.

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The plot shows that the Actual values lie well inside the band created by the
upper and lower values of the 95% percentile. In fact, the Actual and Forecasted
values appear in the center of the range in the majority of the graph. This is our
third indication that our model is a good fit.
Now open the worksheet ARIMA_Residuals1. This table plots the actual and
fitted values and the resulting residuals. As you can see in the graph below, the
Actual and Forecasted values match up fairly well. This is yet another
indication that our model is performing well.

Scrolling down, we find the ACF and PACF plots. In both plots, most of the
residuals are within the UCL and LCL range which indicates that the residuals
are random and not correlated which, once more, suggests a good fit.

To conclude, our ARIMA model of (1,1,0)(1,1,0) 12 has been shown to

adequately fit the data.

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Options for Exploring Time Series Datasets

The options described below appear on one of the five Time Series dialogs.

The options below appear on the Time Series Partition Data dialog.

Time variable
Select a time variable from the available variables and click the > button. If a
Time Variable is not selected, XLMiner will assign one to the partitioned data.

Variables in the partitioned data

Select one or more variables from the Variables field by clicking on the
corresponding selection button.

Specify Partitioning Options

Select Specify Percentages to specify the percentage of the total number of
records desired in the Validation and Training sets. Select Specify # Records to
enter the desired number of records in the Validation and Training sets.

Specify Percentages for Partitioning

Select Automatic to have XLMiner automatically use 60% of the records in the
Training set and 40% of the records in the Validation set. Select Specify #
Records under Specify Partitioning Options, to manually select the number of
records to include in the Validation and Training sets. If Specify Percentages is
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User Guide Page

selected under Specify Partitioning Options, then select Specify Percentages to

specify the percentage of the total number of records to be included in the
Validation and Training sets.
The options below appear on the Autocorrelations (ACF) dialog.

Selected Variable
Select a variable under Variables in input data.

Specify the number of desired lags here. XLMiner will display the ACF output
for all lags between 0 and the specified number.

Plot ACF chart

If this option is selected, ACF plots the autocorrelations for the selected
The options below appear on the Partial Autocorrelations (PACF) dialog.

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Variables in the input data

Select one or more variables from the Variables field by clicking on the
corresponding selection button.

Selected variable
The selected variable appears here.

PACF Parameters for Training Data

Enter the minimum and maximum lags for the Training Data here.

PACF Parameters for Validation Data

Enter the minimum and maximum lags for the Validation Data here.

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The options below appear on the Time Series ARIMA dialog.

Time Variable
Select the desired Time Variable by clicking the > button.

Do not fit constant term

Select this option to remove the constant term from the series.

Fit seasonal model

Select this option to specify a seasonal model. The seasonal parameters are
enabled when this option is selected.

Seasonality in a dataset appears as patterns at specific periods in the time series.
Enter 12 if the seasonality only appears once in a year. Enter 6 if the seasonality
appears twice in one year.

Nonseasonal Parameters
Enter the nonseasonal parameters here for Autoregressive (p), Difference (d),
and Moving Average (q).

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Seasonal Parameters
Enter the Seasonal parameters here for Autoregressive (p), Difference (d), and
Moving Average (q).

The options below appear on the ARIMA Advanced dialog.

Maximum number of iterations

Enter the maximum number of iterations here.

Fitted Values and residuals

XLMiner will include the fitted values and residuals in the output if this option
is selected.

Variance-covariance matrix
XLMiner will include the variance-covariance matrix in the output if this option
is selected.

Produce forecasts
If this option is selected, XLMiner will display the desired number of forecasts.
If the data has been partitioned, XLMiner will display the forecasts on the
validation data.

Report confidence intervals for forecasts

If this option is selected, enter the desired confidence level here. (The default
level is 95%.) The Lower and Upper values of the computed confidence levels
will be included in the output. The forecasted value will be guaranteed to fall
within this range for the specified confidence level.

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Smoothing Techniques
Data collected over time is likely to show some form of random variation.
"Smoothing techniques" can be used to reduce or cancel the effect of these
variations. These techniques, when properly applied, will smooth out the
random variation in the time series data to reveal any underlying trends that may
XLMiner features four different smoothing techniques: Exponential, Moving
Average, Double Exponential, and Holt Winters. The first two techniques,
Exponential and Moving Average, are relatively simple smoothing techniques
and should not be performed on datasets involving seasonality. The last two
techniques are more advanced techniques which can be used on datasets
involving seasonality.

Exponential smoothing
Exponential smoothing is one of the more popular smoothing techniques due to
its flexibility, ease in calculation and good performance. As in Moving Average
Smoothing, a simple average calculation is used. Exponential Smoothing,
however, assigns exponentially decreasing weights starting with the most recent
observations. In other words, new observations are given relatively more weight
in the average calculation than older observations.
In this smoothing technique, a calculated Si stands for a smoothed observation
for the original observation, xi. The subscripts refer to the time periods, 1, 2, ... ,
n The smoothing constant will be denoted by a where 0 <= a <= 1. The value
of this constant determines the weights assigned to the observations.
For the first period: S1 = x1.
The smoothed series starts with the smoothed version of the second observation,
S2 = ax2 + (1-a)S1.
For the third period, S3 = ax3 + (1-a)S2, and so on.
For any time period i, the smoothed value Si is found by computing
Si = a xi + (1-a) Si-1. This formula can be rewritten as Ft = Ft-1+aEt-1
where F is the forecast and E is the distance from the forecast to the actual
observed value. (E is otherwise known as the residual.)
Since the previous forecast and the previous forecasts residual is included in the
current periods forecast, if the previous periods forecast was too high, the
current periods forecast will be adjusted downward. Vice versa, if the previous
periods forecast was too low, the current periods forecast will be adjusted
upward. The smoothing parameter, a, determines the magnitude of the
As with Moving Average Smoothing, Exponential Smoothing should only be
used when the dataset contains no seasonality. The forecast will be a constant
value which is the smoothed value of the last observation.

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Moving Average Smoothing

In this simple technique each observation is assigned an equal weight.
Additional observations are forecasted by using the average of the previous
observations. If we have the time series X1, X2, X3, ....., Xt, then this technique
will predict Xt+k as follows :
St = Average (xt-k+1, xt-k+2, ....., xt), t= k, k+1, k+2, ...N
where k is the smoothing parameter. XLMiner allows a parameter value between
2 and t-1 where t is the number of observations in the dataset. Care should be
taken when choosing this parameter as a large parameter value will oversmooth
the data while a small parameter value will undersmooth the data. Using the
past three observations are enough to predict the next observations. As with
Exponential Smoothing, this technique should not be applied when seasonality
is present in the dataset.

Double exponential smoothing

Double exponential smoothing can be defined as Exponential smoothing of
Exponential smoothing. As stated above, Exponential smoothing should not be
used when the data includes seasonality. However, Double Exponential
smoothing introduces a 2nd equation which includes a trend parameter.
Therefore, this technique can and should be used when a trend is inherent in the
dataset, but not used when seasonality is present. Double exponential
smoothing is defined in the following manner:
St = At + Bt , t = 1,2,3,..., N
Where, At = axt + (1- a)St-1 0< a <= 1
Bt = b (At - At-1) + (1 - b ) Bt-1 0< b <= 1
The forecast equation is: Xt+k = At + K Bt , K = 1, 2, 3, ...
where a denotes the Alpha parameter and b denotes the Trend parameters.
XLMiner allows these two parameters to be entered manually. In addition,
XLMiner includes an optimize feature which will chose the best values for
Alpha and Trend based on the Forecasting Mean Squared Error. If the trend
parameter is 0, then this technique is equal to the Exponential Smoothing

Holt Winters' smoothing

What happens if the data exhibits trends as well as seasonality? We now
introduce a third parameter, g to account for seasonality (sometimes called
periodicity) in a dataset. The resulting set of equations is called the Holt-Winters
method after the names of the inventors. The Holt Winters method can be used
on datasets involving trend and seasonality (a, b , g). Values for all three
parameters can range between 0 and 1.
There are three models associated with this method:
Multiplicative: Xt = (At+ Bt)* St +et At and Bt are previously calculated initial
St is the average seasonal factor for the tth season.
At = axt/St-p + (1-a)(At-1 + Bt-1)
Bt = b(At + At-1) + (1 b)Bt-1
St = gxt/At + (1 g)St-p
where a = Level, b = Trend, g = Seasonal
Additive: Xt = (At+ Bt) +St + et
No Trend: b = 0, so, Xt = A * St +et

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Errors measures:
Mean Absolute Percent Error:


x t / xt

t 1

Mean Absolute Deviation:



x t

t 1

Mean Square Error:


x t

t 1

Holt Winters' smoothing is similar to exponential smoothing if b and g = 0 and

is similar to double exponential smoothing if g = 0.

Exponential Smoothing Example

This example illustrates how to use XLMiners Exponential Smoothing
technique to uncover trends in a time series. Click Help Examples on the
XLMiner ribbon and open the example dataset, Airpass.xlsx. This dataset
contains the monthly totals of international airline passengers from 1949 - 1960.
After the example dataset opens, click a cell in the dataset, say cell A2, then
click Partition in the Time Series group on the XLMiner ribbon to open the
Time Series Partition Data dialog, as shown below.

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Select Month as the Time Variable and Passengers as the Variables in the
partitioned data. Then click OK to partition the data into training and
validation sets.
Click the Data_PartitionTS1 worksheet, then click Smoothing Exponential to
open the Exponential Smoothing dialog, as shown below.

Month has already been selected as the Time Variable. Select Passengers as
the Selected variable and also Give Forecast on validation.

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Click OK to apply the smoothing technique. The worksheet

ExponentialOutput1 will be inserted immediately after the Data_PartitionTS1
The output on this worksheet shows that the exponential smoothing technique
does not result in a good fit as the model does not effectively capture the
seasonality in the dataset. As a result, the summer months where the number of
airline passengers are typically high appear to be under forecasted (i.e. too low)
and the forecasts for months with low passenger numbers are too high.
Consequently, an exponential smoothing forecast should never be used when the
dataset includes seasonality. An alternative would be perform a regression on
the model and then apply this technique to the residuals.

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Now lets take a look at an example that does not include seasonality. Open the
Income.xlsx example dataset. This dataset contains the average income of tax
payers by state. First partition the dataset into training and validation sets using
Year as the Time Variable and CA as the Variables in the partitioned data.

Then click OK to accept the partitioning defaults and create the two sets
(Training and Validation). The worksheet, Data_PartitionTS, will be inserted
immediately following the Description worksheet.
Click the Data_PartitionTS1 worksheet, then click Smoothing Exponential
from the XLMiner ribbon to open the Exponential Smoothing dialog.

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Select Year as the Time Variable and CA as the Selected variable.

The smoothing parameter (Alpha) determines the magnitude of weights assigned
to the observations. For example, a value close to 1 would result in the most
recent observations being assigned the largest weights and the earliest
observations being assigned the smallest weights. A value close to 0 would
result in the earliest observations being assigned the largest weights and the
latest observations being assigned the smallest weights. As a result, the value of
Alpha depends on how much influence the most recent observations should have
on the model.
XLMiner includes the Optimize feature that will choose the Alpha parameter
value that results in the minimum residual mean squared error. It is
recommended that this feature be used carefully as it can often lead to a model
that is overfitted to the training set. An overfit model rarely exhibits high
predictive accuracy in the validation set.
If we click OK to accept the default Alpha value of 0.2, the worksheet
ExponentialOutput1 will be inserted immediately after the Data_PartitionTS1
worksheet. The plot shows a fitted model with a MSE of 264,349.93 for the
Training set and a MSE of 215,569,436 for the Validation set.

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If we instead select Optimize, then click OK, XLMiner will choose an Alpha of
1 which results in a MSE of 22,548.69 for the Training Set and a MSE of
193,113,481 for the Validation Set. Using the Optimize algorithm results in a
better model in this instance.

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Moving Average Smoothing Example

This example illustrates how to use XLMiners Moving Average Smoothing
technique to uncover trends in a time series. Click Help Examples on the
XLMiner ribbon and open the example dataset, Airpass.xlsx. This dataset
contains the monthly totals of international airline passengers from 1949 - 1960.
After the example dataset opens, click a cell in the dataset, say cell A2, then
click Partition in the Time Series group on the XLMiner ribbon to open the
Time Series Partition Data dialog, as shown below.

Select Month as the Time Variable and Passengers as the Variables in the
partitioned data. Then click OK to partition the data into training and
validation sets.
Click the Data_PartitionTS1 worksheet, then click Smoothing Moving
Average to open the Moving Average Smoothing dialog, as shown below.

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Click the down arrow next to Worksheet in the Data source section at the top of
the dialog and select Data_PartitionTS1. Month has already been selected as
the Time Variable. Select Passengers as the Selected variable. Since this
dataset is expected to include some seasonality (i.e. airline passenger numbers
increase during the holidays and summer months), the value for the Interval
parameter should be the length of one seasonal cycle, i.e. 12 months. As a
result, enter 12 for Interval.
Partitioning the data is optional. If you choose to not partition before running
the smoothing technique, then you will be given the option to specify the
number of desired forecasts on the Moving Average Smoothing dialog.

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Afterwards, click OK to apply the smoothing technique to this dataset.

The worksheet, MASmoothingOutput1, will be inserted immediately after the
Data_PartitionTS1 worksheet. The output on this worksheet shows that the
moving average smoothing technique does not result in a good fit as the model
does not effectively capture the seasonality in the dataset. As a result, the
summer months where the number of airline passengers are typically high,
appear to be under forecasted. In addition, in the months where the number of
airline passengers are low, the model results in a forecast that is too high. As
you can see, a moving average forecast should never be used when the dataset
includes seasonality. An alternative would be perform a regression on the
model and then apply this technique to the residuals.

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Now lets take a look at an example that does not include seasonality. Open the
Income.xlsx example dataset. This dataset contains the average income of tax
payers by state. First partition the dataset into training and validation sets using
Year as the Time Variable and CA as the Variables in the partitioned data.

Then click OK to accept the partitioning defaults and create the two sets
(Training and Validation). The worksheet, Data_PartitionTS1 will be inserted
immediately following the Description worksheet.
Click the Data_PartitionTS1 worksheet, then click Smoothing Moving
Average from the XLMiner ribbon to open the Moving Average Smoothing
dialog. Select Year as the Time Variable and CA as the Selected variable.

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Click OK to run the Moving Average Smoothing technique. The worksheet

MASmoothingOutput1 will be inserted immediately after the
Data_PartitionTS1 worksheet. The results of the Moving Average Smoothing
technique on this dataset indicate a much better fit.

Double Exponential Smoothing Example

This example illustrates how to use XLMiners Double Exponential Smoothing
technique to uncover trends in a time series that contains seasonality. Click
Help Examples on the XLMiner ribbon and open the example dataset,
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Airpass.xlsx. This dataset contains the monthly totals of international airline

passengers from 1949 - 1960. After the example dataset opens, click a cell in
the dataset, say cell A2, then click Partition in the Time Series group on the
XLMiner ribbon to open the Time Series Partition Data dialog, as shown below.

Select Month as the Time Variable and Passengers as the Variables in the
partitioned data. Then click OK to partition the data into training and
validation sets. The Data_PartitionTS1 worksheet will be inserted immediately
after the Data worksheet.
Click the Data_PartitionTS1 worksheet, then click Smoothing Double
Exponential to open the Double Exponential Smoothing dialog, as shown

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Month is already selected as the Time Variable, select Passengers as the

Selected variable, then check Give Forecast on validation to test the forecast
on the validation set.
This example uses the defaults for both the Alpha and Trend parameters.
However, XLMiner includes a feature that will choose the Alpha and Trend
parameter values that result in the minimum residual mean squared error. It is
recommended that this feature be used carefully as this feature most often leads
to a model that is overfitted to the training set. An overfitt model rarely exhibits
high predictive accuracy in the validation set.

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Click OK to run the Double Exponential Smoothing algorithm. The worksheet,

DoubleExponentialOutput1, will be inserted immediately after the
Data_PartitionTS1 worksheet.
Click on the ExponentialOutput1 tab to view the results of the smoothing. As
you can see, this smoothing technique results in an improved model with an
MSE of 877.8575 for the Training Set and an MSE of 8,043.03 for the
Validation Set.

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If instead, the Optimize feature is used, an Alpha of 1 is chosen along with a

Trend of 0. These parameters result in a MSE of 438.39 for the Training set and
a MSE of 7670.83 for the Validation Set. Again the model created with the
parameters from the Optimize algorithm resulted in a model with a better fit
than a model created with the default parameters.

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Holt Winters Smoothing Example

This example illustrates how to use XLMiners Holt Winters Smoothing
technique to uncover trends in a time series that contains seasonality. Click
Help Examples on the XLMiner ribbon and open the example dataset,
Airpass.xlsx. This dataset contains the monthly totals of international airline
passengers from 1949 - 1960. After the example dataset opens, click a cell in
the dataset, say cell A2, then click Partition in the Time Series group on the
XLMiner ribbon to open the Time Series Partition Data dialog, as shown below.

Select Month as the Time Variable and Passengers as the Variables in the
partitioned data. Then click OK to partition the data into training and

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validation sets. The Data_PartitionTS1 worksheet will be inserted immediately

after the Data worksheet.
Click the Data_PartitionTS1 worksheet, then click Smoothing Holt Winters.
Three additional menu items will appear, Multiplicative, Additive, and No
Trend. This example will create three different forecasts, one for each Holt
Winters model type, beginning with Multiplicative. Select Multiplicative to
open the Holt Winters Smoothing (Multiplicative Model) dialog, as shown

Month has already been selected for the Time Variable. Select Passengers as
the Selected variable. Since the seasonality in this dataset appears every 12
months, enter 12 for Period, # Complete seasons is automatically entered with
the number 7. This example will use the defaults for the three parameters:
Alpha, Beta, and Gamma.
Values between 0 and 1 can be entered for each parameter. As with Exponential
Smoothing, values close to 1 will result in the most recent observations being
weighted more than earlier observations.
In the Multiplicative model, it is assumed that the values for the different
seasons differ by percentage amounts.

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Select Give Forecast on validation and click OK.

The worksheet HoltWinterOutput1 is inserted immediately after the
Data_PartitionTS1 worksheet and includes the following results.

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Now lets create a new model using the Additive model. This technique
assumes the values for the different seasons differ by a constant amount. Click
back to the Data_PartitionTS1 tab and then click Smoothing Holt Winters
Additive to open the Holt Winters Smoothing (Additive Model) dialog.

Month has already been selected for the Time Variable, select Passengers for
Selected variable. Again, enter 12 for Period and select Give Forecast on
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Click OK to run the smoothing technique. The worksheet HoltWinterOutput2

will be inserted at the end of the workbook. This tab contains the following
Although the MSE for the Training Data is larger (718.24 vs 84.59) when
compared to the Multiplicative model, the MSE for the Validation set is
significantly smaller (3247.39 vs 25,280.27).

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The last Holt Winters model should be used with time series that contain
seasonality, but no trends. Click back to the Data_PartitionTS1 worksheet and
click Smoothing Holt Winters No Trend to open the Holt Winters
Smoothing (No trend Model) dialog.

Month has already been selected as the Time Variable, select Passengers as the
Selected variable. Enter 12 for Period and select Give Forecast on validation.
Notice that the trend parameter is missing. Values for Alpha and Gamma can
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User Guide Page

range from 0 to 1. A value of 1 for each parameter will assign higher weights to
the most recent observations and lower weights to the earliers observations.
This example will accept the default values.

Click OK to run the smoothing technique. The worksheet HoltWinterOutput3

will be inserted at the end of the workbook. Click this tab to view the results.

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Taking into account all three methods, the best MSE for the validation set is
from the Additive model (3,247.49).

Common Smoothing Options

Common Options
The following options are common to each of the Smoothing techniques.

First row contains headers

When this option is selected, variables will be listed in the Variables in input
data list box according to the first row in the dataset. If this option is not
checked, variables will appear as VarX where X = 1,2,3,4, etc.

Variables in input data

All variables in the dataset will be listed here.

Time Variable
Select a variable associated with time from the Variables in input data list box.
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Selected Variable
Select a variable to apply the smoothing technique.

Output Options
If applying this smoothing technique to raw data, rather than partitioned data,
the Output Options will contain two options, Give Forecast and #forecasts.

Give Forecast
If this option is selected, XLMiner will include a forecast on the output results.

If Give Forecast is selected, enter the desired number of forecasts here.

Give Forecast on validation

If applying this smoothing technique to partitioned data, only this option will
appear. If this option is selected, XLMiner will test the model on the validation

Exponential Smoothing Options

This section explains the options included in the Weights section on the
Exponential Smoothing dialog.

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Select this option if you want XLMiner to select the Alpha Level that minimizes
the residual mean squared errors in the training and validation sets. Take care
when using this feature as this option can result in an over fitted model. This
option is not selected by default.

Level (Alpha)
Enter the smoothing parameter here. This parameter is used in the weighted
average calculation and can be from 0 to 1. A value of 1 or close to 1 will result
in the most recent observations being assigned the largest weights and the
earliest observations being assigned the smallest weights. A value of 0 or close
to 0 will result in the most recent observations being assigned the smallest
weights and the earliest observations being assigned the largest weights. The
default value is 0.2.

Moving Average Smoothing Options

The section describes the options included in the Weights section of the Moving
Average Smoothing dialog.

Enter the window width of the moving average here. This parameter accepts a
value of 2 up to N -1(where N is the number of observations in the dataset). If a
value of 5 is entered for the Interval, then XLMiner will use the average of the
last five observations for the last smoothed point or Ft = (Yt + Yt-1 + Yt-2 + Yt 3 +
Yt-4) / 5. The default value is 2.

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Double Exponential Smoothing Options

This section describes the options appearing in the Weights section on the
Double Exponential Smoothing dialog.

Select this option if you want XLMiner to select the Alpha and Beta values that
minimize the residual mean squared errors in the training and validation sets.
Take care when using this feature as this option can result in an over fitted
model. This option is not selected by default.

Level (Alpha)
Enter the smoothing parameter here. This parameter is used in the weighted
average calculation and can be from 0 to 1. A value of 1 or close to 1 will result
in the most recent observations being assigned the largest weights and the
earliest observations being assigned the smallest weights in the weighted
average calculation. A value of 0 or close to 0 will result in the most recent
observations being assigned the smallest weights and the earliest observations
being assigned the largest weights in the weighted average calculation. The
default is 0.2.

Trend (Beta)
The Double Exponential Smoothing technique includes an additional parameter,
Beta, to contend with trends in the data. This parameter is also used in the
weighted average calculation and can be from 0 to 1. A value of 1 or close to 1
will result in the most recent observations being assigned the largest weights and
the earliest observations being assigned the smallest weights in the weighted
average calculation. A value of 0 or close to 0 will result in the most recent
observations being assigned the smallest weights and the earliest observations
being assigned the largest weights in the weighted average calculation. The
default is 0.15.

Holt Winter Smoothing Options

The options in this section appear in the Parameters and Weights section of the
Holt Winters Smoothing dialogs.

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Enter the number of periods that make up one season. The value for # Complete
seasons will be automatically filled.

Level (Alpha)
Enter the smoothing parameter here. This parameter is used in the weighted
average calculation and can be from 0 to 1. A value of 1 or close to 1 will result
in the most recent observations being assigned the largest weights and the
earliest observations being assigned the smallest weights in the weighted
average calculation. A value of 0 or close to 0 will result in the most recent
observations being assigned the smallest weights and the earliest observations
being assigned the largest weights in the weighted average calculation. The
default is 0.2.

Trend (Beta)
The Holt Winters Smoothing also utilizes the Trend parameter, Beta, to contend
with trends in the data. This parameter is also used in the weighted average
calculation and can be from 0 to 1. A value of 1 or close to 1 will result in the
most recent observations being assigned the largest weights and the earliest
observations being assigned the smallest weights in the weighted average
calculation. A value of 0 or close to 0 will result in the most recent observations
being assigned the smallest weights and the earliest observations being assigned
the largest weights in the weighted average calculation. The default is 0.15.
This option is not included on the No Trend Model dialog.

Seasonal (Gamma)
The Holt Winters Smoothing technique utilizes an additional seasonal
parameter, Gamma, to manage the presence of seasonality in the data. This
parameter is also used in the weighted average calculation and can be from 0 to
1. A value of 1 or close to 1 will result in the most recent observations being
assigned the largest weights and the earliest observations being assigned the
smallest weights in the weighted average calculation. A value of 0 or close to 0
will result in the most recent observations being assigned the smallest weights
and the earliest observations being assigned the largest weights in the weighted
average calculation. The default is 0.05.

Give Forecast
XLMiner will generate a forecast if this option is selected.
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Update Estimate Each Time

Select this option to create an updated forecast each time that a forecast is

Enter the desired number of forecasts here.

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Data Mining Partitioning

One very important issue when fitting a model is how well the newly created
model will behave when applied to new data. To address this issue, the dataset
can be divided into multiple partitions: a training partition used to create the
model, a validation partition to test the performance of the model and, if desired,
a third test partition. Partitioning is performed randomly, to protect against a
biased partition, according to proportions specified by the user or according to
rules concerning the dataset type. For example, when creating a time series
forecast, data is partitioned by chronological order.

Training Set
The training dataset is used to train or build a model. For example, in a linear
regression, the training dataset is used to fit the linear regression model, i.e. to
compute the regression coefficients. In a neural network model, the training
dataset is used to obtain the network weights. After fitting the model on the
training dataset, the performance of the model should be tested on the validation

Validation Set
Once a model is built using the training dataset, the performance of the model
must be validated using new data. If the training data itself was utilized to
compute the accuracy of the model fit, the result would be an overly optimistic
estimate of the accuracy of the model. This is because the training or model
fitting process ensures that the accuracy of the model for the training data is as
high as possible -- the model is specifically suited to the training data. To obtain
a more realistic estimate of how the model would perform with unseen data, we
must set aside a part of the original data and not include this set in the training
process. This dataset is known as the validation dataset.
To validate the performance of the model, XLMiner measures the discrepancy
between the actual observed values and the predicted value of the observation.
This discrepancy is known as the error in prediction and is used to measure the
overall accuracy of the model.

Test Set
The validation dataset is often used to fine-tune models. For example, you might
try out neural network models with various architectures and test the accuracy of
each on the validation dataset to choose the best performer among the competing
architectures. In such a case, when a model is finally chosen, its accuracy with
the validation dataset is still an optimistic estimate of how it would perform with
unseen data. This is because the final model has come out as the winner among
the competing models based on the fact that its accuracy with the validation
dataset is highest. As a result, it is a good idea to set aside yet another portion of
data which is used neither in training nor in validation. This set is known as the
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test dataset. The accuracy of the model on the test data gives a realistic estimate
of the performance of the model on completely unseen data.
XLMiner provides two methods of partitioning: Standard Partitioning and
Partitioning with Oversampling. XLMiner provides two approaches to standard
partitioning: random partitioning and user-defined partitioning.

Random Partitioning
In simple random sampling, every observation in the main dataset has equal
probability of being selected for the partition dataset. For example, if you
specify 60% for the training dataset, then 60% of the total observations are
randomly selected for the training dataset. In other words, each observation has
a 60% chance of being selected.
Random partitioning uses the system clock as a default to initialize the random
number seed. Alternatively, the random seed can be manually set which will
result in the same observations being chosen for the training/validation/test sets
each time a standard partition is created.

User defined Partitioning

In user-defined partitioning, the partition variable specified is used to partition
the dataset. This is useful when you have already predetermined the
observations to be used in the training, validation, and/or test sets. This partition
variable takes the value: "t" for training, "v" for validation and "s" for test. Rows
with any other values in the Partition Variable column are ignored. The partition
variable serves as a flag for writing each observation to the appropriate

Partition with Oversampling

This method of partitioning is used when the percentage of successes in the
output variable is very low, e.g. callers who opt in to a short survey at the end
of a customer service call. Typically, the number of successes, in this case, the
number of people who finish the survey, is very low so information connected
with these callers is minimal. As a result, it would be almost impossible to
formulate a model based on these callers. In these types of cases, we must use
Oversampling (also called weighted sampling). Oversampling can be used
when there are only two classes, one of much greater importance than the other,
i.e. callers who finish the survey as compared to callers who simply hang up.
XLMiner takes the following steps when partitioning with oversampling.

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The data is partitioned by randomly allocating 50% of the success values

for the output variable to the training set. The output variable must be
limited to two classes which can either be numbers or strings.


XLMiner maintains the % success in training set specified by the user in

the training set by randomly selecting the required records with failures.


The remaining 50% of successes are randomly allocated to the validation



If % validation data to be taken away as test data is selected, then

XLMiner will create an appropriate test set from the validation set.

User Guide Page

Standard Partition Example

The example in this section illustrates how to use XLMiners partition utility to
partition the example dataset, Wine.xlsx.
Click Help Examples and open the Wine.xlsx example dataset. Select a cell
within this dataset, say cell A2, then click Partition Standard Partition in the
Data Mining section of the XLMiner ribbon. The following dialog will open.

Highlight all variables in the Variables listbox, then click > to include them in
the partitioned data. Then click OK to accept the remainder of the default
settings. Sixty percent of the observations will be assigned to the Training set
and forty percent of the observations will be assigned to the Validation set.
The worksheet Data_Partition1 will be inserted immediately after the
Description workbook.

From the figure above, taken from the Data_Partition1 worksheet, 107
observations were assigned to the training set and 71 observations were assigned
to the validation set, or roughly 60% and 40% of the observations, respectively.
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It is also possible for the user to specify which sets each observation should be
assigned. In column 0, enter a t, v or s for each record, as shown below.

Then click Partition Standard Partition on the XLMiner ribbon to open the
Standard Partition dialog.
Select Use Partition Variable in the Partitioning options section, select
Partition Variable in the Variables listbox, then click > next to Use Partition
Variable. XLMiner will use the values in the Partition Variable column to
create the training, validation, and test sets. Records with a t in the O column
will be designated as training records. Records with a v in the O column will
be designated as validating records and records with a c in this column will be
designated as testing records. Now highlight all remaining variables in the
listbox and click > to include them in the partitioned data.

Click OK to create the partitions. The workbook Data_Partition2 will be

inserted at the end of the workbook. If you inspect the results, you will find that
all records assigned a t now belong to the training set, all records assigned a
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User Guide Page

v now belong to the validation set, and all records assigned an s now belong
to the test set.

Partition with Oversampling Example

This example illustrates the use of partitioning with oversampling using
XLMiner. Click Help Examples on the XLMiner ribbon to open the example
model, Catalog_multi.xlsx. This sample dataset contains information associated
with the response of a direct mail offer, published by DMEF, the Direct
Marketing Educational Foundation. The output variable is Target dependent
variable:buyer(yes=1). Since the success rate for the target variable (Target
dependent variable:buyer(yes=1)) is less than 1%, the data will be trained
with a 50% success rate using XLMiners oversampling utility.
Click any cell within the dataset, say cell A2, then click Partition Partition
with Oversampling (in the Data Mining section of the XLMiner ribbon) to
open the dialog shown below.
Its possible XLMiner may alert you with the following message at this point,
even though you have a professional license for XLMiner. If this message box
appears, simply click OK.

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First confirm that Data Range at the top of the dialog is showing as
$A$1:$V$58206. If not, simply click in the Data Range field and type the
correct range.
Select all variables in the Variables list box then click > to move all variables to
the Variables in the partitioned data listbox. Afterwards, highlight Target
dependent variable: buyer(yes = 1) in the Variables in the partitioned data
listbox then click the > immediately to the left of Output variable to designate
this variable as the output variable. Reminder: this output variable is limited to
two classes, e.g. 0/1 or yes/no.
Enter 50 for the Specify % validation data to be taken away as test data.

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Click OK to partition the data. The Data_Partition1 worksheet will be inserted

immediately after the Data worksheet.

The output variable (Target dependent variable: buyer (yes = 1)) contains 576
successes or 1s. All of these records have been allocated to the Training set.
The percentage of success records in the original data set is 0.9896 or 576/58204
(number of successes / number of total rows in original dataset). 50% was
specified for both % Success in Training data and % Validation data taken away
as test in the Partition with Oversampling dialog. As a result, XLMiner has
randomly allocated 50% of the successes (the 1s) to the training set and the
remaining 50% to the validation set. This means that there are 288 successes
in the training set and 288 successes in the validation set. To complete the
training set, XLMiner randomly selected 288 non successes (0s). The training
set has 561 rows (288 1s + 288 0s).
The output above shows that the % Success in original data set is .9896.
XLMiner will maintain this percentage in the validation set as well by allocating
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as many 0s as needed. Since 288 successes (1s) have already been allocated to
the validation set, 14,263 non successes (0s) must be added to the validation set
to maintain the .98% ratio.
Since we specified 50% of validation data should be taken as test data, XLMiner
has allocated 50% of the validation records to the test set. Each set contains
14,551 rows.

Standard Partitioning Options

The options below appear on the Standard Partitioning dialog, shown below.

Use partition variable

Select this option when assigning each record to a specific set using an added
variable in the dataset. Each observation should be assigned a t, v or s to
delineate training, validation or test, respectively.
Select this variable from the Variables in the partitioned data list box then click
>, to the right of the Use partition variable radio button, to add the appropriate
variable as the output variable.

Set Seed
Random partitioning uses the system clock as a default to initialize the random
number seed. By default this option is selected to specify a non-negative seed
for random number generation for the partitioning. Setting this option will result
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in the same records being assigned to the same set on successive runs. The
default seed entry is 12345.

Pick up rows randomly

When this option is selected, XLMiner will randomly select observations to be
included in the training, validation, and test sets.

If Pick up rows randomly is selected under Partitioning options, this option will
be enabled. Select this option to accept the defaults of 60% and 40% for the
percentages of records to be included in the training and validation sets. This is
the default selection.

Specify percentages
If Pick up rows randomly is selected under Partitioning options, this option will
be enabled. Select this option to manually enter percentages for training set,
validation set and test sets. Records will be randomly allocated to each set
according to these percentages.

Equal # records in training, validation and test

If Pick up rows randomly is selected under Partitioning options, this option will
be enabled. If this option is selected, XLMiner will allocate 33.33% of the
records in the database to each set: training, validation, and test.

Partitioning with Oversampling Options

The following options appear on the Partitioning with Oversampling dialog, as
shown below.

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Set seed
Random partitioning uses the system clock as a default to initialize the random
number seed. By default this option is selected to specify a non-negative seed
for random number generation for the partition. Setting this option will result in
the same records being assigned to the same set on successive runs. The default
seed entry is 12345.

Output variable
Select the output variable from the variables listed in the Variables in the
partitioned data listbox.

After the output variable is chosen, the number of classes (distinct values) for
the output variable will be displayed here. XLMiner supports a class size of 2.

Specify Success class

After the output variable is chosen, you can select the success value for the
output variable here (i.e. 0 or 1 or yes or no).

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% of success in data set

After the output variable is selected, the percentage of the number of successes
in the dataset is listed here.

Specify % success in training set

Enter the percentage of successes to be assigned to the training set here. The
default is 50%. With this setting, 50% of the successes will be assigned to the
training set and 50% will be assigned to the validation set.

Specify % validation data to be taken away as

test data
If a test set is desired, specify the percentage of the validation set that should be
allocated to the test set here.

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Discriminant Analysis
Classification Method
Discriminant analysis is a technique for classifying a set of observations into
predefined classes in order to determine the class of an observation based on a
set of variables. These variables are known as predictors or input variables. The
model is built based on a set of observations for which the classes are known.
This set of observations is sometimes referred to as the training set. Based on
the training set, the technique constructs a set of linear functions of the
predictors, known as discriminant functions, such that L = b1x1 + b2x2 + +
bnxn + c, where the b's are discriminant coefficients, the x's are the input
variables or predictors and c is a constant.
These discriminant functions are used to predict the class of a new observation
with an unknown class. For a k class problem k discriminant functions are
constructed. Given a new observation, all the k discriminant functions are
evaluated and the observation is assigned to class i if the ith discriminant
function has the highest value.

Discriminant Analysis Example

The example below illustrates how to use the Discriminant Analysis
classification algorithm. Click Help Examples and open the example dataset

First, well need to perform a standard partition, as explained in the previous

chapter, using percentages of 80% training and 20% validation. The
Data_Partition1 worksheet will be inserted at the end of the workbook.
Select a cell on the Data_Partition1 worksheet then click Classify
Discriminant Analysis to open the Discriminant Analysis dialog as shown

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User Guide Page

Select the CAT. MEDV variable in the Variables in input data listbox then
click > to select as the Output variable. Afterwards, select CRIM, ZN, INDUS,
NOX, RM, AGE, DIS, RAD, TAX, PTRATIO, & B in the Variables in input
data listbox then click > to move to the Input variables listbox. (CHAS,
LSTAT, & MEDV should remain in the Variables in input data listbox as shown

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Click Next to advance to the 2nd Discriminant Analysis dialog.

Three options appear in the Prior class probabilities group: According to

relative occurrences in training data, Use equal prior probabilities, and User
specified prior probabilities.
If the first option is selected, According to relative occurrences in training data,
XLMiner will calculate according to the relative occurrences, the discriminant
analysis procedure will incorporate prior assumptions about how frequently the
different classes occur. XLMiner will assume that the probability of
encountering a particular class in the large data set is the same as the frequency
with which it occurs in the training data.

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If the second option is selected, Use equal prior probabilities, XLMiner will
assume that all classes occur with equal probability.
The third option, User specified prior probabilities, is only available when the
output variable handles two classes. Select this option to manually enter the
desired class and probability value.
We will select this option, then enter 1 for Class and enter 0.7 for Probability.

XLMiner gives the option of specifying the cost of misclassification when there
are two classes; where the success class is judged as failure and the nonsuccess
as a success. XLMiner takes into consideration the relative costs of
misclassification, and attempts to fit a model that minimizes the total cost.
Leave these options at their defaults of 1. Click Next to advance to the 3rd
Discriminant Analysis dialog.

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User Guide Page

Select Canonical variate loadings. When this option is selected, XLMiner

produces the canonical variates for the data based on an orthogonal
representation of the original variates. This has the effect of choosing a
representation which maximizes the distance between the different groups. For a
k class problem there are k-1 Canonical variates. Typically, only a subset of the
canonical variates is sufficient to discriminate between the classes. For this
example, we have two canonical variates which means that if we replace the
four original predictors by just two predictors, X1 and X2, (which are actually
linear combinations of the four original predictors) the discrimination based on
these two predictors will perform just as well as the discrimination based on the
original predictors.
Check all four options for Score Training/Validation data.
When Detailed report is selected, XLMiner will create a detailed report of the
Discriminant Analysis output.
When Summary report is selected, XLMiner will create a report summarizing
the Discriminant Analysis output.
The values of the variables X1 and X2 for the ith observation are known as the
canonical scores for that observation. In this example, the pair of canonical
scores for each observation represents the observation in a two dimensional
space. The purpose of the canonical score is to separate the classes as much as
possible. Thus, when the observations are plotted with the canonical scores as
the coordinates, the observations belonging to the same class are grouped
together. When this option is selected, XLMiner reports the scores of the first
few observations.
See the Scoring chapter for more information on the options located in the Score
Test Data and Score New Data groups.

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Click Finish to view the output. The output worksheets will be inserted at the
end of the workbook. The first output worksheet, DA_Output1, contains the
Output Navigator which can be used to navigate to various sections of the

Click the Train.Score Detailed Rep. link to view the Classification of

training data on the DA_TrainScore1 worksheet. This section of the output
shows how each training data observation was classified. (Alternatively, the
Classification of validation data on the DA_ValidScore1 worksheet displays
how each validation data observation was classified.) The probability values for
success in each record are shown after the predicted class and actual class

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Click the Class Funs link to view the Classification Function table. In this
example, there are 2 functions -- one for each class. Each variable is assigned to
the class that contains the higher value.

Click the Canonical Variate Loadings link to navigate to the Canonical

Variate Loadings section.
Canonical Variate Loadings are a second set of functions that give a
representation of the data that maximizes the separation between the classes.
The number of functions is one less than the number of classes (so in this case
there is one function). If we were to plot the cases in this example on a line
where xi is the ith case's value for variate1, you would see a clear separation of
the data. This output is useful in illustrating the inner workings of the
discriminant analysis procedure, but is not typically needed by the end-user

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Click the Training Lift Charts link to navigate to the Training Data Lift Charts.
In a Lift Chart, the x axis is the cumulative number of cases and the y axis is the
cumulative number of true positives. The red line originating from the origin
and connecting to the point (400, 65) is a reference line that represents the
expected number of CAT MEDV predictions if XLMiner simply selected
random cases i.e. no model was used. This reference line provides a yardstick
against which the user can compare the model performance. From the Lift Chart
below we can infer that if we assigned 200 cases to class 1, 62 1s would be
included. If 200 cases were selected at random, we could expect 33 1s (200 *
65/400 = 32.5).

Click the Training Canonical Scores link to navigate to the DA_TrainCanSco1

worksheet. Canonical Scores are the values of each case for the function. Again,
these are intermediate values useful for illustration but not required by the enduser analyst.

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User Guide Page

For information on Stored Model Sheets, in this example DA_Stored_1, please

refer to the Scoring chapter.

Discriminant Analysis Options

The options below appear on the Discriminant Analysis dialogs.

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User Guide Page

Variables in input data

The variables present in the dataset are listed here.

Input variables
The variables to be included in the Discriminant Analysis algorithm are listed

Weight Variables
This option is not used for Discriminant Analysis.

Output variable
The selected output variable is displayed here. XLMiner supports a maximum
of 30 classes in the output variable.

This value is the number of classes in the output variable.

Specify Success class (for Lift Chart)

This option is selected by default. Select the class to be considered a success
or the significant class in the Lift Chart. This option is enabled when the
number of classes in the output variable is equal to 2.

Specify initial cutoff probability value for

Enter a value between 0 and 1 here to denote the cutoff probability for success.
If the calculated probability for success for an observation is greater than or
equal to this value, than a success (or a 1) will be predicted for that
observation. If the calculated probability for success for an observation is less
than this value, then a non-success (or a 0) will be predicted for that
observation. The default value is 0.5. This option is only enabled when the # of
classes is equal to 2.

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According to relative occurrences in training

If this option is selected, XLMiner will calculate according to the relative
occurrences, the discriminant analysis procedure will incorporate prior
assumptions about how frequently the different classes occur. XLMiner will
assume that the probability of encountering a particular class in the large data set
is the same as the frequency with which it occurs in the training data.

Use equal prior probabilities

If this option is selected, XLMiner will assume that all classes occur with equal

User specified prior probabilities

This option is only available when the output variable handles two classes.
Select this option to manually enter the desired class and probability value.

Misclassification Costs of
XLMiner allows the option of specifying the cost of misclassification when
there are two classes; where the success class is judged as a failure and the
nonsuccess as a success. XLMiner takes into consideration the relative costs of
misclassification, and attempts to fit a model that minimizes the total cost.

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User Guide Page

Canonical variate loadings

When this option is selected, XLMiner produces the canonical variates for the
data based on an orthogonal representation of the original variates. This has the
effect of choosing a representation which maximizes the distance between the
different groups. For a k class problem there are k-1 Canonical variates.
Typically, only a subset of the canonical variates is sufficient to discriminate
between the classes. For this example, we have two canonical variates which
means that if we replace the four original predictors by just two predictors, X1
and X2, (which are actually linear combinations of the four original predictors)
the discrimination based on these two predictors will perform just as well as the
discrimination based on the original predictors.

Score training data

Select these options to show an assessment of the performance of the tree in
classifying the training data. The report is displayed according to your
specifications - Detailed, Summary and Lift charts.

Score validation data

Select these options to show an assessment of the performance of the tree in
classifying the validation data. The report is displayed according to your
specifications - Detailed, Summary and Lift charts.

Score test data

These options are enabled when a test set is present. Select these options to
show an assessment of the performance of the tree in classifying the test data.
The report is displayed according to your specifications - Detailed, Summary
and Lift charts.
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User Guide Page

Canonical Scores
The values of the variables X1 and X2 for the ith observation are known as the
canonical scores for that observation. In this example, the pair of canonical
scores for each observation represents the observation in a two dimensional
space. The purpose of the canonical score is to separate the classes as much as
possible. Thus, when the observations are plotted with the canonical scores as
the coordinates, the observations belonging to the same class are grouped
together. When this option is selected for either the Training, Validation or Test
sets, XLMiner reports the scores of the first few observations.
See the Scoring chapter for more information on the options located in the Score
Test Data and Score New Data groups.

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User Guide Page

Logistic Regression
Logistic regression is a variation of ordinary regression which is used when the
dependent (response) variable is a dichotomous variable. A dichotomous
variable takes only two values, which typically represent the occurrence or nonoccurrence of some outcome event and are usually coded as 0 or 1 (success).
The independent (input) variables are continuous, categorical, or both. An
example of a categorical variable in a medical study would be a patients status
after five years - the patient can either survive (1) or die (0).
Unlike ordinary linear regression, logistic regression does not assume that the
relationship between the independent variables and the dependent variable is a
linear one. Nor does it assume that the dependent variable or the error terms are
distributed normally.
The form of the model is

where p is the probability that Y=1 and X1, X2,.. .,Xk are the independent
variables (predictors). b0 , b1, b2, .... bk are known as the regression coefficients,
which have to be estimated from the data. Logistic regression estimates the
probability of a certain event occurring.
Logistic regression thus forms a predictor variable (log (p/(1-p)) which is a
linear combination of the explanatory variables. The values of this predictor
variable are then transformed into probabilities by a logistic function. Such a
function has the shape of an S. On the horizontal axis we have the values of the
predictor variable, and on the vertical axis we have the probabilities.

Logistic regression also produces Odds Ratios (O.R.) associated with each
predictor value. The "odds" of an event is defined as the probability of the
outcome event occurring divided by the probability of the event not occurring.
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In general, the "odds ratio" is one set of odds divided by another. The odds ratio
for a predictor is defined as the relative amount by which the odds of the
outcome increase (O.R. greater than 1.0) or decrease (O.R. less than 1.0) when
the value of the predictor variable is increased by 1.0 units. In other words,
(odds for PV+1)/(odds for PV) where PV is the value of the predictor variable.

Logistic Regression Example

This example illustrates XLMiners Logistic Regression algorithm. Click Help
Examples on the XLMiner ribbon and open the example file,
Charles_Bookclub.xlsx. This file contains information associated with
individuals who are members of a book club. This example develops a model
for predicting whether a person will purchase a book about the city of Florence
based on previous purchases.

First, we partition the data using a standard partition with percentages of 70%
training and 30% validation. (For more information on how to partition a
dataset, please see the previous Data Mining Partitioning chapter.)

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Select a cell on the Data_Partition1 output worksheet, then click Classify

Logistic Regression on the XLMiner ribbon. The Logistic Regression dialog

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Since we are interested in predicting if a customer will purchase a book about

the city of Florence, we will choose Florence as our output variable. In the
dataset, if a customer purchased a book about the city of Florence, the variable
value equals 1. If a customer did not purchase a book about the city of Florence,
the value equals 0.
Select all remaining variables except Seq# and ID# as Input variables. These
two variables are unique identifiers and should not be included as neither have
any significance in the classification method.

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User Guide Page

Choose the value that will be the indicator of Success by clicking the down
arrow next to Specify Success class (necessary). In this example, we will use
the default of 1.
Enter a value between 0 and 1 for Specify the initial cutoff probability for
success. If the Probability of success (probability of the output variable = 1) is
less than this value, then a 0 will be entered for the class value, otherwise a 1
will be entered for the class value. In this example, we will keep the default of
Click Next to advance to Step 2 of 3 of the Logistic Regression algorithm.

Selecting Set confidence level for odds alters the level of confidence for the
confidence levels displayed in the results for the odds ratio.
Selecting Force constant term to zero omits the constant term in the regression.
For this example, select Set confidence level for odds leaving the percentage at
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User Guide Page

Click Advanced The following dialog opens.

Keep the default of 50 for the Maximum # iterations. Estimating the coefficients
in the Logistic Regression algorithm requires an iterative non-linear
maximization procedure. You can specify a maximum number of iterations to
prevent the program from getting lost in very lengthy iterative loops. This value
must be an integer greater than 0 or less than or equal to 100 (1< value <= 100).
Keep the default of 1 for the Initial marquardt overshoot factor. This overshoot
factor is used in the iterative non-linear maximization procedure. Reducing this
value speeds the operation by reducing the number of iterations required but
increases the chances that the maximization procedure will fail due to overshoot.
This value must be an integer greater than 0 or less than or equal to 50 (0 <
value <=50).
At times, variables can be highly correlated with one another which can result in
large standard errors for the affected coefficients. XLMiner will display
information useful in dealing with this problem if Perform Collinearity
diagnostics is selected. For this example, select Perform Collinearity
diagnostics and enter 2 for the Number of collinearity components. This option
can take on integer values from 2 to 15 (2 <= value <= 15).

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Click OK to return to the Step 2 of 3 dialog, then click Best subset

Select Perform best subset selection. Often a subset of variables (rather than
all of the variables) performs the best job of classification. Selecting Perform
best subset selection enables the Best Subset options.
Using the spinner controls, specify 15 for the Maximum size of best subset. Its
possible that XLMiner could find a smaller subset of variables. This option can
take on values of 1 up to N where N is the number of input variables. The
default setting is 15.
Using the spinner controls, specify 15 for the Number of best subsets. XLMiner
can provide up to 20 different subsets. The default setting is 1.
XLMiner offers five different selection procedures for selecting the best subset
of variables.
Backward elimination in which variables are eliminated one at a time,
starting with the least significant.
Forward selection in which variables are added one at a time, starting
with the most significant.
Exhaustive search where searches of all combinations of variables are
performed to observe which combination has the best fit. (This option
can become quite time consuming depending on the number of input
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User Guide Page

Sequential replacement in which variables are sequentially replaced

and replacements that improve performance are retained.
Stepwise selection is similar to Forward selection except that at each
stage, XLMiner considers dropping variables that are not statistically
significant. When this procedure is selected, the Stepwise selection
options FIN and FOUT are enabled. In the stepwise selection
procedure a statistic is calculated when variables are added or
eliminated. For a variable to come into the regression, the statistics
value must be greater than the value for FIN (default = 3.84). For a
variable to leave the regression, the statistics value must be less than
the value of FOUT (default = 2.71). The value for FIN must be greater
than the value for FOUT.
For this example, select Backward elimination.

Click OK to return to the Step 2 of 3 dialog. Click Next to advance to the Step 3
of 3 dialog.

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Select Covariance matrix of coefficieints. When this option is selected,

XLMiner will display the coefficient covariance matrix in the output. Entries in
the matrix are the covariances between the indicated coefficients. The ondiagonal values are the estimated variances of the corresponding coefficients.
Select Residuals. When this option is selected, XLMiner will produce a twocolumn array of fitted values and their residuals in the output.
Select Detailed report under both Score training data and Score validation
data. XLMiner will create a detailed report, complete with an Output
Navigator, for ease in routing to specific areas in the output worksheets.
Select Summary report under both Score training data and Score validation
data. XLMiner will create a report that summarizes the regression output for
both datasets.
Select Lift charts under both Score training data and Score validation data.
XLMiner will create a lift chart for both datasets.
For information on scoring in a worksheet or database, please see the Scoring

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Click Finish. The logistic regression output worksheets are inserted at the end
of the workbook. Use the Output Navigator on the first output worksheet,
LR_Output 1.
A number of sections of output are available, including Classification of the
Training Data as shown below. Note that XLMiner has not, strictly speaking,
classified the data -- it has assigned a "predicted probability of success" to each
case. This is the predicted probability, based on the input (independent) variable
values for a case, that the output (dependent) variable for the case will be a "1".
Since the logistic regression procedure works not with the actual values of the
variable but with the logs of the odds ratios, this value is shown in the output
(the predicted probability of success is derived from it).
To classify each record as a "1" or a "0," we would simply assign a "1" to the
record if the predicted probability of success exceeds a certain value. In this
example the initial cutoff probability was set to 0.5 on the first Logistic
Regression dialog. A value of "0" will be assigned if the prediction probability
of success is less than the cutoff probability.

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Since we selected Perform best subset selection on the Best Subset dialog,
XLMiner has produced the following output which displays the variables that
are included in the subsets. Since we selected 15 as the size of the subset, we are
shown the best subset of 1 variable (plus the constant), up to the best subset for
15 variables (plus the constant). This list comprises several different models
XLMiner generated using the Backward Elimination Selection Procedure as
chosen on the Best Subset dialog.

Refer to the Best Subset output above. In this section, every model includes a
constant term (since Force constant term to zero was not selected in Step 2 of 2)
and one or more variables as the additional coefficients. We can use any of these
models for further analysis by clicking on the respective link Choose Subset.
The choice of model depends on the calculated values of various error values
and the probability. RSS is the residual sum of squares, or the sum of squared
deviations between the predicted probability of success and the actual value (1
or 0). Cp is "Mallows Cp" and is a measure of the error in the best subset model,
relative to the error incorporating all variables. Adequate models are those for
which Cp is roughly equal to the number of parameters in the model (including
the constant), and/or Cp is at a minimum. "Probability" is a quasi hypothesis test
of the proposition that a given subset is acceptable; if Probability < .05 we can
rule out that subset.
When hoving over Choose Subset, the mouse icon will change to a grabber
hand. If Choose Subset is clicked, XLMiner opens the Logistic Regression
Step 1 of 1 dialog displaying the input variables included in that particular
subset. Scroll down to the end of the table.

The considerations about RSS, Cp and Probability would lead us to believe that
the subsets with 10 or 11 coefficients are the best models in this example.
Model terms are shown in the Regression Model output shown below.
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This table contains the coefficient, the standard error of the coefficient, the pvalue and the odds ratio for each variable (which is simply e x where x is the
value of the coefficient) and confidence interval for the odds.

Summary statistics to the right (above) show the residual degrees of freedom
(#observations - #predictors), a standard deviation type measure for the model
(which typically has a chi-square distribution), the percentage of successes (1's)
in the training data, the number of iterations required to fit the model, and the
Multiple R-squared value.
The multiple R-squared value shown here is the r-squared value for a logistic
regression model , defined as R2 = (D0-D)/D0 ,
where D is the Deviance based on the fitted model and D0 is the deviance based
on the null model. The null model is defined as the model containing no
predictor variables apart from the constant.
Collinearity Diagnostics help assess whether two or more variables so closely
track one another as to provide essentially the same information.

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The columns represent the variance components (related to principal

components in multivariate analysis), while the rows represent the variance
proportion decomposition explained by each variable in the model. The
eigenvalues are those associated with the singular value decomposition of the
variance-covariance matrix of the coefficients, while the condition numbers are
the ratios of the square root of the largest eigenvalue to all the rest. In general,
multicollinearity is likely to be a problem with a high condition number (more
than 20 or 30), and high variance decomposition proportions (say more than 0.5)
for two or more variables.
Lift charts (on the LR_TrainLiftChart and LR_ValidLiftChart, respectively) are
visual aids for measuring model performance. They consist of a lift curve and a
baseline. The greater the area between the lift curve and the baseline, the better
the model.

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After the model is built using the training data set, the model is used to score on
the training data set and the validation data set (if one exists). Then the data
set(s) are sorted using the predicted output variable value (or predicted
probability of success in the logistic regression case). After sorting, the actual
outcome values of the output variable are cumulated and the lift curve is drawn
as the number of cases versus the cumulated value. The baseline (red line
connecting the origin to the end point of the blue line) is drawn as the number of
cases versus the average of actual output variable values multiplied by the
number of cases. The decilewise lift curve is drawn as the decile number versus
the cumulative actual output variable value divided by the decile's average
output variable value.
See the chapter on Stored Model Sheets for more information on the
LR_Stored_1 worksheet.

Logistic Regression Options

The following options appear on one of the five Logistic Regression dialogs.

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Variables in input data

All variables in the dataset are listed here.

Input variables
Variables listed here will be utilized in the XLMiner output.

Weight variable
One major assumption of Logistic Regression is that each observation provides
equal information. XLMiner offers an opportunity to provide a Weight variable.
Using a Weight variable allows the user to allocate a weight to each record. A
record with a large weight will influence the model more than a record with a
smaller weight.

Output Variable
Select the variable whose outcome is to be predicted.

# Classes
Displays the number of classes in the Output variable.

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Specify Success class (necessary)

This option is selected by default. Select the class to be considered a success
or the significant class in the Lift Chart. This option is enabled when the
number of classes in the output variable is equal to 2Specify initial cutoff
probability value for success.

Specify initial Cutoff Probability value for

Enter a value between 0 and 1 here to denote the cutoff probability for success.
If the calculated probability for success for an observation is greater than or
equal to this value, than a success (or a 1) will be predicted for that
observation. If the calculated probability for success for an observation is less
than this value, then a non-success (or a 0) will be predicted for that
observation. The default value is 0.5. This option is only enabled when the # of
classes is equal to 2.

Force constant term to zero

Select this option to omit the constant term in the regression

Set confidence level for odds

Select this option to alter the level of confidence for the confidence levels
displayed in the results for the odds ratio.

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Maximum # iterations
Estimating the coefficients in the Logistic Regression algorithm requires an
iterative non-linear maximization procedure. You can specify a maximum
number of iterations to prevent the program from getting lost in very lengthy
iterative loops. This value must be an integer greater than 0 or less than or equal
to 100 (1< value <= 100). The default value is 50.

Initial marquardt overshoot factor

This overshoot factor is used in the iterative non-linear maximization procedure.
Reducing this value speeds the operation by reducing the number of iterations
required but increases the chances that the maximiation procedure will fail due
to overshoot. This value must be an integer greater than 0 or less than or equal
to 50 (0 < value <=50). The default value is 1.

Perform Collinearity diagnostics

At times, variables can be highly correlated with one another which can result in
large standard errors for the affected coefficients. XLMiner will display
information useful in dealing with this problem if Perform Collinearity
diagnostics is selected. This option is not selected by default.

Number of collinearity components

This option is enabled when Perform Collinearity diagnostics is selected and
determines the number of collinearity components included in the Collinearity
diagnostic output. Enter an integer value greater than or equal to 2 and less than
or equal to the number of predictors in the model (input variables) (2 <= value
<= Number of predictors (input variables)). The default value is the number of
predictors (or input variables) included in the model.

Perform best subset selection

Often a subset of variables (rather than all of the variables) performs the best job
of classification. Selecting Perform best subset selection enables the Best
Subset options. This option is not selected by default.
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Maximum size of best subset

Use the spinner controls to specify the number of best subsets generated by
XLMiner. Its possible that XLMiner could find a smaller subset of variables.
This option can take on values of 1 up to N where N is the number of input
variables. The default setting is 15.

Number of best subsets

Using the spinner controls, specify the Number of best subsets. XLMiner can
provide up to 20 different subsets. The default setting is 1.

Selection Procedure
XLMiner offers five different selection procedures for selecting the best subset
of variables.
Backward elimination in which variables are eliminated one at a time,
starting with the least significant.
Forward selection in which variables are added one at a time, starting
with the most significant.
Exhaustive search where searches of all combinations of variables are
performed to observe which combination has the best fit. (This option
can become quite time consuming depending on the number of input
Sequential replacement in which variables are sequentially replaced
and replacements that improve performance are retained.
Stepwise selection is similar to Forward selection except that at each
stage, XLMiner considers dropping variables that are not statistically
significant. When this procedure is selected, the Stepwise selection
options FIN and FOUT are enabled.
In the stepwise selection procedure a statistic is calculated when
variables are added or eliminated. For a variable to come into the
regression, the statistics value must be greater than the value for FIN
(default = 3.84). For a variable to leave the regression, the statistics
value must be less than the value of FOUT (default = 2.71). The value
for FIN must be greater than the value for FOUT.

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Covariance matrix of coefficients

When this option is selected, XLMiner will display the coefficient covariance
matrix in the output. Entries in the matrix are the covariances between the
indicated coefficients. The on-diagonal values are the estimated variances of
the corresponding coefficients.

When this option is selected, XLMiner will produce a two-column array of fitted
values and their residuals in the output.

Score training data

Select these options to show an assessment of the performance of the tree in
classifying the training data. The report is displayed according to your
specifications - Detailed, Summary and Lift charts.

Score validation data

Select these options to show an assessment of the performance of the tree in
classifying the validation data. The report is displayed according to your
specifications - Detailed, Summary and Lift charts.

Score test data

These options are enabled when a test set is present. Select these options to
show an assessment of the performance of the tree in classifying the test data.
The report is displayed according to your specifications - Detailed, Summary
and Lift charts.

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Score new data

For information on scoring in a worksheet or database, please see the Scoring

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k Nearest Neighbors
Classification Method
In the k-nearest-neighbor classification method, the training dataset is used to
classify each member of a "target" dataset. The structure of the data is that there
is a classification (categorical) variable ("buyer," or "non-buyer," for example),
and a number of additional predictor variables (age, income, location, etc.).

For each row (case) in the target dataset (the set to be classified), the k
closest members (the k nearest neighbors) of the training dataset are located.
A Euclidean Distance measure is used to calculate how close each member
of the training set is to the target row that is being examined.


Examine the k nearest neighbors - which classification (category) do most

of them belong to? Assign this category to the row being examined.


Repeat this procedure for the remaining rows (cases) in the target set.


XLMiner allows the user to select a maximum value for k and builds
models in parallel on all values of k up to the maximum specified value.
Additional scoring can be performed on the best of these models.

As k increases, the computing time increases. However a larger k will reduce

the vulnerability of the training data to outside variability which might offset the
increased time requirement. In most applications, k is in units of tens rather than
in hundreds or thousands.

k-Nearest Neighbors Classification Example

The example below illustrates the use of XLMiners k-Nearest Neighbors
classification method. Click Help Examples on the XLMiner ribbon and
open the example dataset Iris.xlsx. This dataset was introduced by R. A. Fisher
and reports four characteristics of three species of the Iris flower.

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First, we partition the data using a standard partition with percentages of 60%
training and 40% validation (the default settings for the Automatic choice).
For more information on how to partition a dataset, please see the previous Data
Mining Partitioning chapter.

Select a cell on the Data_Partition1 worksheet, then click Classify k-Nearest

Neighbors on the XLMiner ribbon to open the k-Nearest Neighbors Step 1 of 2
dialog, as shown below.

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Select Petal_width, Petal_length, Sepal_width, and Sepal_length under

Variables in input data then click > to select as input variables. Select
Species_name as the output variable or the variable to be classified. Once the
Output variable is selected, # Classes (3) will be filled automatically. Since our
output variable contains more than 2 classes, Specify Success class and
Specify initial cutoff value fields are disabled.

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Click Next to advance to Step 2 of 2.

Select Normalize input data. When this option is selected, XLMiner will
normalize the data by expressing the entire dataset in terms of standard
deviations. This is done so that the distance measure is not dominated by a large
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magnitude variable. In this example, the values for Petal_width are between .1
and 2.5 while the values for Sepal_length are between 4.3 and 7.9. When the
data is normalized the actual variable value (say 4.3) is replaced with the
standard deviation from the mean of that variable. This option is not selected by
Enter 10 for Number of nearest neighbors (k). (This number is based on
standard practice from the literature.) This is the parameter k in the k-Nearest
Neighbor algorithm. The value of k should be between 1 and the total number
of observations (rows). Note that if k is chosen as the total number of
observations in the training set, then for any new observation, all the
observations in the training set become nearest neighbors. The default value for
this option is 1.
Select Score on best k between 1 and specified value under Scoring option.
When this option is selected, XLMiner will display the output for the best k
between 1 and the value entered for Number of nearest neighbors (k). If Score
on specified value of k as above is selected, the output will be displayed for the
specified value of k.
Select Detailed scoring and Summary report under both Score training data
and Score validation data. XLMiner will create detailed and summary reports
for both the training and validation sets.
For more information on the Score new data options, please see the Scoring

Click Finish. Click the KNNC_Output1 worksheet, the Output Navigator is

located at the top of this worksheet. Click the links to navigate to other areas of

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User Guide Page

the output. Scroll down on the Output1 worksheet to view the Validation error

The Validation error log for the different k's lists the % Errors for all values of k
for both the training and validation data sets. The k with the smallest % Error is
selected as the Best k. Scoring is performed later using this best value of k.
A little further down on the Output1 worksheet, is the Validation Data scoring

This Summary report tallies the actual and predicted classifications. (Predicted
classifications were generated by applying the model to the validation data.)
Correct classification counts are along the diagonal from the upper left to the
lower right. In this example, there were three misclassification errors (3 cases
where Verginicas were misclassified as Versicolors).
Click the Valid. Score Detailed Rep. link on the Output Navigator to be
routed to the ValidScore1 worksheet.
This table shows the predicted class for each record, the percent of the nearest
neighbors belonging to that class and the actual class. The class with the highest
probability is highlighted in yellow. Mismatches between Predicted and Actual
class are highlighted in green.

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Scroll down to view record 107 which is one of the three misclassified records.
The additional two misclassified records are 120 and 134.

k-Nearest Neighbors Options

The following options appear on one of the two k-Nearest Neighbors dialogs.

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Variables in input data

The variables in the dataset appear here.

Input variables
The variables selected as input variables appear here

Weight variable
This option is not used in the k-Nearest Neighbors classification method.

Output variable
The variable to be classified is entered here.

Classes in the output variable

The number of classes in the output variable appear here.

Specify Success class (for Lift Charts)

This option is selected by default. Select the class to be considered a success
or the significant class in the Lift Chart. This option is enabled when the
number of classes in the output variable is equal to 2Specify initial cutoff
probability value for success.
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Specify Initial Cutoff Probability value for

Enter a value between 0 and 1 here to denote the cutoff probability for success.
If the calculated probability for success for an observation is greater than or
equal to this value, than a success (or a 1) will be predicted for that
observation. If the calculated probability for success for an observation is less
than this value, then a non-success (or a 0) will be predicted for that
observation. The default value is 0.5. This option is only enabled when the # of
classes is equal to 2.

Normalize input data

When this option is selected, XLMiner will normalize the data by expressing the
entire dataset in terms of standard deviations. This is done so that the distance
measure is not dominated by a large magnitude variable. In this example, the
values for Petal_width are between .1 and 2.5 while the values for Sepal_length
are between 4.3 and 7.9. When the data is normalized the actual variable value
is replaced with the standard deviation from the mean of that variable.

Number of nearest neighbors (k)

This is the parameter k in the k-Nearest Neighbor algorithm. The value of k
should be between 1 and the total number of observations (rows). Note that if k
is chosen as the total number of observations in the training set, then for any
new observation, all the observations in the training set become nearest
neighbors. The default value for this option is 1.

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Scoring Option
If Score on best k between 1 and specified value is selected, XLMiner will
display the output for the best k between 1 and the value entered for Number of
nearest neighbors (k).
If Score on specified value of k as above is selected, the output will be displayed
for the specified value of k.

Score training data

Select these options to show an assessment of the performance of the tree in
classifying the training data. The report is displayed according to your
specifications - Detailed, Summary and Lift charts.

Score validation data

Select these options to show an assessment of the performance of the tree in
classifying the validation data. The report is displayed according to your
specifications - Detailed, Summary and Lift charts.

Score test data

These options are enabled when a test set is present. Select these options to
show an assessment of the performance of the tree in classifying the test data.
The report is displayed according to your specifications - Detailed, Summary
and Lift charts.

Score new data

For more information on the Score new data options, please see the Scoring

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Classification Tree
Classification Method
Classification tree methods (also known as decision tree methods) are a good
choice when the data mining task is classification or prediction of outcomes and
the goal is to generate rules that can be easily understood, explained, and
translated into SQL or a natural query language.
A Classification tree labels, records and assigns variables to discrete classes. A
Classification tree can also provide a measure of confidence that the
classification is correct.
A Classification tree is built through a process known as binary recursive
partitioning. This is an iterative process of splitting the data into partitions, and
then splitting it up further on each of the branches.
Initially, a training set is created where the classification label (say, "purchaser"
or "non-purchaser") is known (pre-classified) for each record. In the next step,
the algorithm systematically assigns each record to one of two subsets on the
some basis, for example income > $75,000 or income <= $75,000). The object is
to attain as homogeneous set of labels (say, "purchaser" or "non-purchaser") as
possible in each partition. This splitting (or partitioning) is then applied to each
of the new partitions. The process continues until no more useful splits can be
found. The heart of the algorithm is the rule that determines the initial split rule
(see figure below).

As explained above, the process starts with a training set consisting of preclassified records (target field or dependent variable with a known class or label
such as "purchaser" or "non-purchaser"). The goal is to build a tree that
distinguishes among the classes. For simplicity, assume that there are only two
target classes and that each split is a binary partition. The splitting criterion
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easily generalizes to multiple classes, and any multi-way partitioning can be

achieved through repeated binary splits. To choose the best splitter at a node, the
algorithm considers each input field in turn. In essence, each field is sorted.
Then, every possible split is tried and considered, and the best split is the one
which produces the largest decrease in diversity of the classification label within
each partition (this is just another way of saying "the increase in homogeneity").
This is repeated for all fields, and the winner is chosen as the best splitter for
that node. The process is continued at subsequent nodes until a full tree is
XLMiner uses a modified twoing splitting rule, as described on page 316 of
Classification and Regression Trees by Breiman, et al (1984, Chapman and
Hall). Please refer to this book for details. It maximizes the value of which is
calculated as given in the last formula on this page:

Pruning the tree

Pruning is the process of removing leaves and branches to improve the
performance of the decision tree when moving from the training data (where the
classification is known) to real-world applications (where the classification is
unknown). The tree-building algorithm makes the best split at the root node
where there are the largest number of records and, hence, considerable
information. Each subsequent split has a smaller and less representative
population with which to work. Towards the end, idiosyncrasies of training
records at a particular node display patterns that are peculiar only to those
records. These patterns can become meaningless and sometimes harmful for
prediction if you try to extend rules based on them to larger populations.
For example, say the classification tree is trying to predict height and it comes to
a node containing one tall person X and several other shorter people. The
algorithm can decrease diversity at that node by a new rule imposing "people
named X are tall" and thus classify the training data. In the real world this rule is
obviously inappropriate. Pruning methods solve this problem -- they let the tree
grow to maximum size, then remove smaller branches that fail to generalize.
(Note: In practice, we do not include irrelevant fields such as "name", this is
simply used an illustration.)
Since the tree is grown from the training data set, when it has reached full
structure it usually suffers from over-fitting (i.e. it is "explaining" random
elements of the training data that are not likely to be features of the larger
population of data). This results in poor performance on real life data.
Therefore, trees must be pruned using the validation data set.

Classification Tree Example

This example illustrates the use of XLMiners Classification Tree algorithm on
the Boston_Housing.xlsx dataset.

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Click Help Examples to open the Boston_Housing.xlsx dataset. This dataset

includes fourteen variables pertaining to hosing prices from the Boston area
collected by the US Census Bureau.
Per capita crime rate by town
Proportion of residential land zoned for lots over 25,000 sq.ft.
Proportion of non-retail business acres per town
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Charles River dummy variable (= 1 if tract bounds river; 0 otherwise)

Nitric oxides concentration (parts per 10 million)
Average number of rooms per dwelling
Proportion of owner-occupied units built prior to 1940
Weighted distances to five Boston employment centers
Index of accessibility to radial highways
Full-value property-tax rate per $10,000
Pupil-teacher ratio by town
1000(Bk - 0.63)^2 where Bk is the proportion of African-Americans by
% Lower status of the population
Median value of owner-occupied homes in $1000's
The figure below displays a portion of the data; observe the last column (CAT.
MEDV). This variable has been derived from the MEDV variable by assigning
a 1 for MEDV levels above 30 (>= 30) and a 0 for levels below 30 (<30).

First, we partition the data into training and validation sets using the Standard
Data Partition defaults of 60% of the data randomly allocated to the Training Set
and 40% of the data randomly allocated to the Validation Set. For more
information on partitioning a dataset, see the Data Mining Partitioning chapter.

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Select a cell on the Data_Partition1 worksheet, inserted after clicking OK on

the Standard Data Partition dialog above, then click Classify Classification
Tree on the XLMiner ribbon. The following dialog opens.

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Select CAT. MEDV as the Output variable. Then select all remaining
variables except MEDV as Input variables. The MEDV variable is not
included in the Input since the CAT. MEDV variable is derived from the MEDV
Keep the default settings for Specify Success class and Specify initial cutoff

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Click Next to advance to the Step 2 of 3 dialog.

In the Classification Tree Step 2 of 3 dialog, select Normalize input data,

Minimum #records in a terminal node, and Prune tree. Enter 2 for Minimum
#records in a terminal node.
XLMiner will normalize the data when Normalize input data is selected.
Normalization helps only if linear combinations of the input variables are used
when splitting the tree.
Select Minimum #records in a terminal node to stop the training data as soon
as the number of records in a node reaches the specified minimum value. Enter
2 for the minimum value. The default value is 30.
XLMiner will prune the tree using the validation set when Prune Tree is
selected. (Pruning the tree using the validation set will reduce the error from
over-fitting the tree using the training data.)
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Click Next to advance to the Step 3 of 3 dialog.

XLMiner provides the option to provide maximum #levels in the tree. Set
Maximum # levels to be displayed to 4 to indicate to XLMiner only four levels
in the tree are desired.
Select Full tree (grown using training data) to grow a complete tree using
the training data.
Select Best pruned tree (pruned using validation data). Selecting this option
will result in a tree with the fewest number of nodes, subject to the constraint
that the error be kept below a specified level (minimum error rate plus the
standard error of that error rate).
Select Minimum error tree (pruned using validation data) to produce a tree
that yields the minimum classification error rate when tested on the validation

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To create a tree with a specified number of decision nodes select Tree with
specified number of decision nodes and enter the desired number of nodes.
Leave this option unselected for this example.
Select the three options under both Score training data and Score validation
data to produce an assessment of the performance of the tree in both sets.
Please see the Scoring chapter for information on the Score new data options.

Click Finish. Worksheets containing the output of the Classification Tree

algorithm will be inserted at the end of the workbook. Click the CT_Output1
worksheet to view the Output Navigator. Click any link in this section to
navigate to various sections of the output.

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Click the CT_FullTree1 worksheet tab to view the full tree.

Recall that the objective of this example is to classify each case as a 0 (low
median value) or a 1 (high median value). Consider the top decision node
(denoted by a circle). The label beneath this node indicates the variable
represented at this node (i.e. the variable selected for the first split) in this case,
RM = average number of rooms per dwelling. The value inside the node
indicates the split threshold. (Hover over the decision node to read the decision
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rule.) If the RM value for a specific record is greater than 6.733 (RM > 6.733),
the record will be assigned to the right. If the RM value for the record is less
than or equal to 6.733, the value will be assigned to the left. 63 records
contained RM values greater than 6.733 while 241 records contained RM values
of less than or equal to 6.733. We can think of records with an RM value less
than or equal to 6.733 (RM <= 6.733) as tentatively classified as "0" (low
median value). Any record where RM > 6.733 can be tentatively classified as a
"1" (high median value).
The 241 records with RM values less than 6.733 are further split as we move
down the tree. The second split on this branch occurs with the LSTAT variable
(percent of the population that is of lower socioeconomic status). The LSTAT
values for 74 records (out of 241) fall below the split value of 9.535. These
records are tentatively classified as a 1 meaning these records have low
percentages of the population with lower socioeconomic status. The LSTAT
values for the remaining 167 records are greater than 9.535, and are tentatively
classified as 0".
A square node indicates a terminal node, after which there are no further splits.
For example, the 167 coming from the right of LSTAT are classified as 0's.
There are no further splits for this group. The path of their classification is: If
few rooms, and if a high percentage of the population is of lower socioeconomic
status, then classify as 0 (low median value).
The terminal nodes at the bottom of the tree displaying Sub Tree beneath
indicate that the full tree has not been drawn due to its size. The structure of the
full tree will be clear by reading the Full Tree Rules. Click the Full Tree Rules
link on the Output Navigator to open the Full Tree Rules table, shown below.

The first entry in this table shows a split on the RM variable with a split value of
6.733. The 304 total cases were split between nodes 1( LeftChild column) and
2(Rightchild column).
Moving to NodeID1 we find that 241 cases were assigned to this node (from
node 0) which has a 0 value (Class column). From here, the 241 cases were
split on the LSTAT variable using a value of 9.535 between nodes 3 (LeftChild
column) and 4 (RightChild column).
Moving to NodeID3 we find that 74 cases were assigned to this node (from node
1) which has a 0 value. From here, the 74 cases were split on the DIS variable
using a value of 3.4351 between nodes 7 and 8.
Moving to NodeID7, we find that 18 cases were assigned to this node (from
node 3) which has a 0 value. From here, the 18 cases were split on the RAD
variable using a value of 7.5 between nodes 11 and 12.
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Moving to NodeID11, we find that 12 cases were assigned to this node (from
node 7) which as a 0 value. From here, the 12 cases were split on the TAX
variable using a value of 207.4998 between nodes 15 and 16.
The user can follow this table in a likewise fashion until a terminal node is
Click the Minimum Error Tree link on the Output Navigator to view the
Minimum Error Tree on the CT_MinErrTree1 worksheet.

The "minimum error tree" is the tree that yields a minimum classification error
rate when tested on the validation data. The misclassification (error) rate is
measured as the tree is pruned. The tree that produces the lowest error rate is
Click the Best Pruned Tree link on the Output Navigator to view the Best
Pruned Tree.

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Note: The Best Pruned Tree is based on the validation data set, and is the
smallest tree whose misclassification rate is within one standard error of the
misclassification rate of the Minimum Error Tree. In this example the Best
Pruned tree and the Minimum Error Tree happen to be the same because the
#Decision Nodes for them is the same. (Please refer to the Prune Log).
However, you will often find that the Best Pruned Tree has less number of
decision nodes than the Minimum Error Tree.
Click the Train Log link in the Output Navigator to navigate to the Training

The training log, above, shows the misclassification (error) rate as each
additional node is added to the tree. Starting off at 0 nodes with the full data set,
all records would be classified as "low median value" (0).
Click the Train. Score Summary link to navigate to the Classification
Confusion Matrix.

The confusion matrix, above, displays counts for cases that were correctly and
incorrectly classified in the validation data set. The 1 in the lower left cell, for
example, indicates that there was 1 case that was classified as 1 that was actually
Click the Training Lift Charts and Validation Lift Charts link to navigate to
the Lift Charts.

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Lift charts are visual aids for measuring model performance. They consist of a
lift curve and a baseline. The greater the area between the lift curve and the
baseline, the better the model.
After the model is built using the training data set, the model is used to score on
the training data set and the validation data set. Then the data sets are sorted
using the predicted output variable value. After sorting, the actual outcome
values of the output variable are cumulated and the lift curve is drawn as the
number of cases versus the cumulated value. The baseline is drawn as the
number of cases versus the average of actual output variable values multiplied
by the number of cases. The decilewise lift curve is drawn as the decile number
versus the cumulative actual output variable value divided by the decile's
average output variable value.
XLMiner generates the CT_Stored_1 worksheet along with the other outputs.
Please refer to the Scoring chapter for details.

Classification Tree Options

The following options appear on one of the three Classification Tree dialogs.

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Variables in input data

The variables included in the dataset appear here.

Input variables
Variables selected to be included in the output appear here.

Weight variable
This option is not used with the Classification Tree algorithm.

Output variable
The dependent variable or the variable to be classified appears here.

# Classes
Displays the number of classes in the Output variable.

Specify Success class (for Lift Chart)

This option is selected by default. Select the class to be considered a success
or the significant class in the Lift Chart. This option is enabled when the
number of classes in the output variable is equal to 2Specify initial cutoff
probability value for success.
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Specify initial cutoff probability value for

Enter a value between 0 and 1 here to denote the cutoff probability for success.
If the calculated probability for success for an observation is greater than or
equal to this value, than a success (or a 1) will be predicted for that
observation. If the calculated probability for success for an observation is less
than this value, then a non-success (or a 0) will be predicted for that
observation. The default value is 0.5. This option is only enabled when the # of
classes is equal to 2.

Normlize input data

XLMiner will normalize the data when Normalize input data is selected.
Normalization helps only if linear combinations of the input variables are used
when splitting the tree. This option is not selected by default.

Minimum #records in a terminal node

Select Minimum #records in a terminal node to stop the training data as soon as
the number of records in a node reaches the specified minimum value. By
default, the value is set to 10% of the number of training records.

Prune Tree
XLMiner will prune the tree using the validation set when Prune Tree is
selected. (Pruning the tree using the validation set will reduce the error from
over-fitting the tree using the training data.) This option is selected by default.
If no validation set exists, then this option is disabled.

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Maximum # levels to be displayed

XLMiner provides the option to provide maximum #levels in the tree. The
default level is 5.

Full tree (grown using training data)

Select this option to grow a complete tree using the training data.

Best pruned tree (pruned using validation data)

Selecting this option will result in a tree with the fewest number of nodes,
subject to the constraint that the error be kept below a specified level (minimum
error rate plus the standard error of that error rate).

Minimum error tree (pruned using validation

Select this option to produce a tree that yields the minimum classification error
rate when tested on the validation data.

Tree with specified number of decision nodes

To create a tree with a specified number of decision nodes select this option and
enter the desired number of nodes.

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Score training data

Select these options to show an assessment of the performance of the tree in
classifying the training data. The report is displayed according to your
specifications - Detailed, Summary and Lift charts.

Score validation data

Select these options to show an assessment of the performance of the tree in
classifying the validation data. The report is displayed according to your
specifications - Detailed, Summary and Lift charts.

Score test data

These options are enabled when a test set is present. Select these options to
show an assessment of the performance of the tree in classifying the test data.
The report is displayed according to your specifications - Detailed, Summary
and Lift charts.

Score new data

Please see the Scoring chapter for information on the Score new data options.

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Nave Bayes Classification

Suppose your data consists of fruits, described by their color and shape.
Bayesian classifiers operate by saying "If you see a fruit that is red and round,
which type of fruit is it most likely to be? In the future, classify red and round
fruit as that type of fruit."
A difficulty arises when you have more than a few variables and classes an
enormous number of observations (records) would be required to estimate these
The Naive Bayes classification method avoids this problem by not requiring a
large number of observations for each possible combination of the variables.
Rather, the variables are assumed to be independent of one another and,
therefore the probability that a fruit that is red, round, firm, 3" in diameter, etc.
will be an apple can be calculated from the independent probabilities that a fruit
is red, that it is round, that it is firm, that it is 3" in diameter, etc.
In other words, Nave Bayes classifiers assume that the effect of a variable value
on a given class is independent of the values of other variables. This assumption
is called class conditional independence and is made to simplify the
computation. In this sense, it is considered to be Nave.
This assumption is a fairly strong assumption and is often not applicable.
However, bias in estimating probabilities often may not make a difference in
practice -- it is the order of the probabilities, not their exact values, which
determine the classifications.
Studies comparing classification algorithms have found the Nave Bayesian
classifier to be comparable in performance with classification trees and neural
network classifiers. It has also been found that these classifiers exhibit high
accuracy and speed when applied to large databases.
A more technical description of the Nave Bayesian classification method

Bayes Theorem
Let X be the data record (case) whose class label is unknown. Let H be some
hypothesis, such as "data record X belongs to a specified class C." For
classification, we want to determine P (H|X) -- the probability that the
hypothesis H holds, given the observed data record X.
P (H|X) is the posterior probability of H conditioned on X. For example, the
probability that a fruit is an apple, given the condition that it is red and round. In
contrast, P(H) is the prior probability, or apriori probability, of H. In this
example P(H) is the probability that any given data record is an apple, regardless
of how the data record looks. The posterior probability, P (H|X), is based on

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more information (such as background knowledge) than the prior probability,

P(H), which is independent of X.
Similarly, P (X|H) is posterior probability of X conditioned on H. That is, it is
the probability that X is red and round given that we know that it is true that X is
an apple. P(X) is the prior probability of X, i.e., it is the probability that a data
record from our set of fruits is red and round. Bayes theorem is useful in that it
provides a way of calculating the posterior probability, P(H|X), from P(H), P(X),
and P(X|H). Bayes theorem can be written as: P (H|X) = P(X|H) P(H) / P(X).

Nave Bayes Classification Example

The following example illustrates XLMiners Nave Bayes classification
method. Click Help Examples on the XLMiner ribbon to open the
Flying_Fitness.xlsx example dataset. A portion of the dataset appears below.

First, we partition the data into training and validation sets using the Standard
Data Partition defaults of 60% of the data randomly allocated to the Training Set
and 40% of the data randomly allocated to the Validation Set. For more
information on partitioning a dataset, see the Data Mining Partitioning chapter.

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Select a cell on the Data_Partition1 worksheet, then click Classify Nave

Bayes. The following Nave Bayes Step 1 of 3 dialog appears.

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Select Var2, Var3, Var4, Var5, and Var6 as Input variables and
TestRest/Var1 as the Output variable. The # Classes statistic will be
automatically updated with a value of 2 when the Output variable is selected.
This indicates that the Output variable, TestRest/Var1 contains two classes, 0
and 1.
Choose the value that will be the indicator of Success by clicking the down
arrow next to Specify Success class (necessary). In this example, we will use
the default of 1 indicating that a value of 1 will be specified as a success.
Enter a value between 0 and 1 for Specify the initial cutoff probability for
success. If the Probability of success (probability of the output variable = 1) is
less than this value, then a 0 will be entered for the class value, otherwise a 1
will be entered for the class value. In this example, we will keep the default of

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Click Next to advance to Step 2 of 3 of the Nave Bayes algorithm.

On the Step 2 of 3 dialog, select According to relative occurrences in training

data to calculate the Prior class probabilities. When this option is selected,
XLMiner will calculate the class probabilities from the training data . For the
first class, XLMiner will calculate the probability using the number of 0
records / total number of points. For the second class, XLMiner will calculate
the probability using the number of 1 records / total number of points. When
Use equal prior probabilities is selected, XLMiner will use 0.5 probability in
both classes. The third option, User specified prior probabilities, is not
supported in this method.
Click Next to advance to the Step 3 of 3 dialog.

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Select Detailed report, Summary report, and Lift charts under both Score
training data and Score validation data to obtain the complete output results for
this classification method.
For more information on the options for Score new data, please see the Scoring

Click Finish to generate the output.

Click the NNB_Output1 worksheet to display the Output Navigator. Click any
link to navigate to the selected topic.

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Click the NNB_ValidScore1 worksheet to view the Classification of Validation

Data table, shown below. While predicting the class of output variable,
XLMiner calculates the conditional probability that the variable may be
classified to a particular class. In this case the classes are 0 and 1. For every
record in the validation data the conditional probabilities for class - 0 and for
class - 1 are calculated as shown below. The maximum value amongst these
probabilities is highlighted. XLMiner assigns that class to the output variable,
for which the conditional probability is the largest.

Click the Prior Class Pr link on the Output Navigator to view the Prior Class
Probabilities table on the NNB_Output1 worksheet. As shown, 54.17% of the
training data records belonged to the 1 class and 45.83% of the training data
records belong to the 0 class.
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Click the Conditional Probabilities link to display the table below. This table
shows the probabilities for each case for each variable. For example, for Var2,
15.38% of the cases were classified as 0, 84.62% of the cases were classified
as 1 and 0 cases were classified as 2.

Click the Training Lift Chart and Validation Lift Chart links.

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Lift charts are visual aids for measuring model performance. They consist of a
lift curve and a baseline. The greater the area between the lift curve and the
baseline, the better the model.
After the model is built using the training data set, the model is used to score on
the training data set and the validation data set. Then the data sets are sorted
using the predicted output variable value. After sorting, the actual outcome
values of the output variable are cumulated and the lift curve is drawn as the
number of cases versus the cumulated value. The baseline is drawn as the
number of cases versus the average of actual output variable values multiplied
by the number of cases. The decilewise lift curve is drawn as the decile number
versus the cumulative actual output variable value divided by the decile's
average output variable value.
Please see the Scoring chapter for information on the worksheet NNB_Stored_1.

Nave Bayes Classification Method Options

The options below appear on one of the three Nave Bayes classification
methods dialogs.

Variables in input data

The variables included in the dataset appear here.

Input variables
Variables selected to be included in the output appear here.
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Weight variable
This option is not used with the Nave Bayes algorithm.

Output variable
The dependent variable or the variable to be classified appears here.

# Classes
Displays the number of classes in the Output variable.

Specify Success class (for Lift Chart)

This option is selected by default. Select the class to be considered a success
or the significant class in the Lift Chart. This option is enabled when the
number of classes in the output variable is equal to 2Specify initial cutoff
probability value for success.

Specify initial cutoff probability value for

Enter a value between 0 and 1 here to denote the cutoff probability for success.
If the calculated probability for success for an observation is greater than or
equal to this value, than a success (or a 1) will be predicted for that
observation. If the calculated probability for success for an observation is less
than this value, then a non-success (or a 0) will be predicted for that
observation. The default value is 0.5. This option is only enabled when the # of
classes is equal to 2.

According to relative occurrences in training

When this option is selected, XLMiner will calculate the class probabilities from
the training data . For the first class, XLMiner will calculate the probability
using the number of 0 records / total number of points. For the second class,
XLMiner will calculate the probability using the number of 1 records / total
number of points.

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Use equal prior probabilities

When this option is selected, XLMiner will use 0.5 probability for both classes.

User specified prior probabilities

This option is not supported in this method.

Score training data

Select these options to show an assessment of the performance of the tree in
classifying the training data. The report is displayed according to your
specifications - Detailed, Summary and Lift charts.

Score validation data

Select these options to show an assessment of the performance of the tree in
classifying the validation data. The report is displayed according to your
specifications - Detailed, Summary and Lift charts.

Score test data

These options are enabled when a test set is present. Select these options to
show an assessment of the performance of the tree in classifying the test data.
The report is displayed according to your specifications - Detailed, Summary
and Lift charts.

Score new data

Please see the Scoring chapter for information on the Score new data options.

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Neural Networks Classification

Artificial neural networks are relatively crude electronic networks of "neurons"
based on the neural structure of the brain. They process records one at a time,
and "learn" by comparing their classification of the record (which, at the outset,
is largely arbitrary) with the known actual classification of the record. The errors
from the initial classification of the first record is fed back into the network, and
used to modify the networks algorithm the second time around, and so on for
many iterations.
Roughly speaking, a neuron in an artificial neural network is

A set of input values (xi) and associated weights (wi)


A function (g) that sums the weights and maps the results to an output

Neurons are organized into layers: input, hidden and output. The input layer is
composed not of full neurons, but rather consists simply of the records values
that are inputs to the next layer of neurons. The next layer is the hidden layer.
Several hidden layers can exist in one neural network. The final layer is the
output layer, where there is one node for each class. A single sweep forward
through the network results in the assignment of a value to each output node,
and the record is assigned to the class node with the highest value.

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Training an Artificial Neural Network

In the training phase, the correct class for each record is known (this is termed
supervised training), and the output nodes can therefore be assigned "correct"
values -- "1" for the node corresponding to the correct class, and "0" for the
others. (In practice, better results have been found using values of 0.9 and
0.1, respectively.) It is thus possible to compare the network's calculated
values for the output nodes to these "correct" values, and calculate an error term
for each node (the "Delta" rule). These error terms are then used to adjust the
weights in the hidden layers so that, hopefully, during the next iteration the
output values will be closer to the "correct" values.

The Iterative Learning Process

A key feature of neural networks is an iterative learning process in which
records (rows) are presented to the network one at a time, and the weights
associated with the input values are adjusted each time. After all cases are
presented, the process is often repeated. During this learning phase, the network
trains by adjusting the weights to predict the correct class label of input
samples. Advantages of neural networks include their high tolerance to noisy
data, as well as their ability to classify patterns on which they have not been
trained. The most popular neural network algorithm is the back-propagation
algorithm proposed in the 1980's.
Once a network has been structured for a particular application, that network is
ready to be trained. To start this process, the initial weights (described in the
next section) are chosen randomly. Then the training, or learning, begins.
The network processes the records in the training data one at a time, using the
weights and functions in the hidden layers, then compares the resulting outputs
against the desired outputs. Errors are then propagated back through the system,
causing the system to adjust the weights for application to the next record. This
process occurs over and over as the weights are continually tweaked. During the
training of a network the same set of data is processed many times as the
connection weights are continually refined.
Note that some networks never learn. This could be because the input data does
not contain the specific information from which the desired output is derived.
Networks also will not converge if there is not enough data to enable complete
learning. Ideally, there should be enough data available to create a validation set.

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Feedforward, Back-Propagation
The feedforward, back-propagation architecture was developed in the early
1970's by several independent sources (Werbor; Parker; Rumelhart, Hinton and
Williams). This independent co-development was the result of a proliferation of
articles and talks at various conferences which stimulated the entire industry.
Currently, this synergistically developed back-propagation architecture is the
most popular, effective, and easy-to-learn model for complex, multi-layered
networks. Its greatest strength is in non-linear solutions to ill-defined problems.
The typical back-propagation network has an input layer, an output layer, and at
least one hidden layer. There is no theoretical limit on the number of hidden
layers but typically there are just one or two. Some studies have shown that the
total number of layers needed to solve problems of any complexity is 5 (one
input layer, three hidden layers and an output layer). Each layer is fully
connected to the succeeding layer.
As noted above, the training process normally uses some variant of the Delta
Rule, which starts with the calculated difference between the actual outputs and
the desired outputs. Using this error, connection weights are increased in
proportion to the error times, which are a scaling factor for global accuracy. This
means that the inputs, the output, and the desired output all must be present at
the same processing element. The most complex part of this algorithm is
determining which input contributed the most to an incorrect output and how
must the input be modified to correct the error. (An inactive node would not
contribute to the error and would have no need to change its weights.) To solve
this problem, training inputs are applied to the input layer of the network, and
desired outputs are compared at the output layer. During the learning process, a
forward sweep is made through the network, and the output of each element is
computed layer by layer. The difference between the output of the final layer
and the desired output is back-propagated to the previous layer(s), usually
modified by the derivative of the transfer function. The connection weights are
normally adjusted using the Delta Rule. This process proceeds for the previous
layer(s) until the input layer is reached.

Structuring the Network

The number of layers and the number of processing elements per layer are
important decisions. These parameters, to a feedforward, back-propagation
topology, are also the most ethereal - they are the "art" of the network designer.
There is no quantifiable, best answer to the layout of the network for any
particular application. There are only general rules picked up over time and
followed by most researchers and engineers applying this architecture to their
Rule One: As the complexity in the relationship between the input data and the
desired output increases, the number of the processing elements in the hidden
layer should also increase.
Rule Two: If the process being modeled is separable into multiple stages, then
additional hidden layer(s) may be required. If the process is not separable into
stages, then additional layers may simply enable memorization of the training
set, and not a true general solution.
Rule Three: The amount of training data available sets an upper bound for the
number of processing elements in the hidden layer(s). To calculate this upper
bound, use the number of cases in the training data set and divide that number
by the sum of the number of nodes in the input and output layers in the network.
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Then divide that result again by a scaling factor between five and ten. Larger
scaling factors are used for relatively less noisy data. If too many artificial
neurons are used the training set will be memorized, not generalized, and the
network will be useless on new data sets.

Automated Neural Network Classification Example

The example below illustrates the use of XLMiners Automated Neural
Networks Classification method. Click Help Examples on the XLMiner
ribbon to open the file Wine.xlsx. This file contains 13 quantitative variables
measuring the chemical attributes of wine samples from 3 different wineries
(Type variable). The objective is to assign a wine classification to each record.
A portion of this dataset is shown below.

First, we partition the data into training and validation sets using a Standard
Data Partition with percentages of 80% of the data randomly allocated to the
Training Set and 20% of the data randomly allocated to the Validation Set. For
more information on partitioning a dataset, see the Data Mining Partitioning

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Select a cell on the newly created Data_Partition1 worksheet, then click

Classify Neural Network on the XLMiner ribbon. The following dialog

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Select Type as the Output variable and the remaining variables as Input
Variables. Since the Output variable contains three classes (A, B, and C) to
denote the three different wineries, the options for Classes in the output variable
are disabled.
XLMiner also allows a Weight variable. This option can be used if the data
contains multiple cases (objects) sharing the same variable values. The weight
variable denotes the number of cases with those values.

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Click Next to advance to the next dialog.

This dialog contains the options to define the network architecture. Select
Normalize input data. Normalizing the data (subtracting the mean and
dividing by the standard deviation) is important to ensure that the distance
measure accords equal weight to each variable -- without normalization, the
variable with the largest scale would dominate the measure.
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XLMiner provides two options for the Network Architecture -- Automatic and
Manual. The default network architecture is 'Automatic'. This option generates
several neural networks in the output sheet for various combinations of hidden
layers and nodes within each layer. The total number of the neural networks
generated using the 'Automatic' option currently is 100. Choose the Manual
option to specify the number of hidden layers and the number of nodes for one
neural network. Please see the example below for explanations of the various
fields to be specified when the "Manual' network architecture is chosen is as
follows. For this example, keep the default setting of Automatic. See the next
example for an illustration of how to use the Manual Network Architecture
Keep the default setting of 30 for # Epochs. An epoch is one sweep through all
records in the training set.
Keep the default setting of 0.1 for Step size for gradient descent. This is the
multiplying factor for the error correction during backpropagation; it is roughly
equivalent to the learning rate for the neural network. A low value produces
slow but steady learning, a high value produces rapid but erratic learning.
Values for the step size typically range from 0.1 to 0.9.
Keep the default setting of 0.6 for Weight change momentum. In each new
round of error correction, some memory of the prior correction is retained so
that an outlier that crops up does not spoil accumulated learning.
Keep the default setting of 0.01 for Error tolerance. The error in a particular
iteration is backpropagated only if it is greater than the error tolerance. Typically
error tolerance is a small value in the range from 0 to 1.
Keep the default setting of 0 for Weight decay. To prevent over-fitting of the
network on the training data, set a weight decay to penalize the weight in each
iteration. Each calculated weight will be multiplied by (1-decay).
XLMiner provides four options for cost functions -- Squared mirror, Cross
entropy, Maximum likelihood and Perceptron convergence. The user can select
the appropriate one. Keep the default selection, Squared error, for this example.
Nodes in the hidden layer receive input from the input layer. The output of the
hidden nodes is a weighted sum of the input values. This weighted sum is
computed with weights that are initially set at random values. As the network
learns these weights are adjusted. This weighted sum is used to compute the
hidden nodes output using a transfer function. Select Standard (the default
setting) to use a logistic function for the transfer function with a range of 0 and
1. This function has a squashing effect on very small or very large values but
is almost linear in the range where the value of the function is between 0.1 and
0.9.2 Select Symmetric to use the tanh function for the transfer function, the
range being -1 to 1. Keep the default selection, Standard, for this example. If
more than one hidden layer exists, this function is used for all layers.
As in the hidden layer output calculation (explained in the above paragraph), the
output layer is also computed using the same transfer function. Select Standard
(the default setting) to use a logistic function for the transfer function with a
range of 0 and 1. Select Symmetric to use the tanh function for the transfer
function, the range being -1 to 1. Keep the default selection, Standard, for this


Shmueli, Nitin R. Patel, and Peter C. Bruce, Data Mining for Business Intelligence (New Jersey: Wiley, 2010) 226.

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User Guide Page

Since Automatic is selected for Network Architecture, the Next button is

disabled. Click Finish. The Automatic_NNC1 worksheet containing the output
will be inserted at the end of the workbook.
The top section of this worksheet includes the Output Navigator which can be
used to quickly navigate to various sections of the output. The Data, Variables,
and Parameters/Options sections of the output worksheet all reflect inputs
chosen by the user.

A little further down is the Error Report, a portion is shown below.

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User Guide Page

The above error report gives the total number of errors and the % error in
classification produced by each network ID for the training and validation sets
separately. For example: Net 26 has 2 hidden layers each having one node in
each hidden layer. For this neural network, the percentage of errors in the
training data is 72.54% and the percentage of errors in the validation data is
XLMiner provides sorting of the error report according to increasing or
decreasing order of the %Error by clicking the up arrow next to % Error. Click
the upgrade arrow to sort in ascending order, and the downward arrow to sort in
descending order.
If you click a hyperlink for a particular Net ID (say Net 26) in the Error Report,
the following dialog appears. Here, the user can select the various options for
scoring data on Net ID 26. See the example below for more on this dialog and
the associated output.

Click Cancel to return to the Automated_NNCOutput1 worksheet. Scroll down

to the final section of this worksheet to find the Confusion matrices for all Net
IDs in the training and validation datasets.

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User Guide Page

Manual Neural Network Classification Example

Refer to the example above to advance to the Neural Network (MultiLayer
Feedforward) Step 2 of 3 dialog, shown below.

This example will use the same dataset to illustrate the use of the Manual
Network Architecture selection.
Follow the steps above for the Step 1 of 3 dialog. On the Step 2 of 3 dialog,
keep the default setting of 1 for the # hidden layers option. Up to four hidden
layers can be specified for this option.
Keep the default setting of 25 for #Nodes. (Since # hidden layers is set to 1,
only the first text box is enabled.)
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User Guide Page

Keep the default settings for the remaining options.

Click Next to advance to the Step 3 of 3 dialog.

Select Detailed report and Summary report under both Score training data
and Score validation data.
For more information on the Score new data options, see the Scoring chapter.

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User Guide Page

Click Finish to produce the output.

Click the NNC_Output1 worksheet to view the Output Navigator.

Click the Training Epoch Log to display the Neural Network Classification Log.
XLMiner also provides intermediate information produced during the last pass
through the network
Scroll down on the Output1 worksheet to the Interlayer connections' weights
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User Guide Page

Recall that a key element in a neural network is the weights for the connections
between nodes. In this example, we chose to have one hidden layer, and we also
chose to have 25 nodes in that layer. XLMiner's output contains a section that
contains the final values for the weights between the input layer and the hidden
layer, between hidden layers, and between the last hidden layer and the output
layer. This information is useful at viewing the insides of the neural network;
however, it is unlikely to be of use to the data analyst end-user. Displayed above
are the final connection weights between the input layer and the hidden layer for
our example.
Click the Training Epoch Log link on the Output Navigator to display the
following log.

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User Guide Page

During an epoch, each training record is fed forward in the network and
classified. The error is calculated and is back propagated for the weights
correction. Weights are continuously adjusted during the epoch. The
classification error is computed as the records pass through the network. It does
not report the classification error after the final weight adjustment. Scoring of
the training data is performed using the final weights so the training
classification error may not exactly match with the last epoch error in the Epoch
See the Scoring chapter for information on Stored Model Sheets,

NNC with Output Variable Containing 2 Classes

The Error Report for a dataset with 2 classes in the output variable will look
slightly different. Open the file Boston_Housing.xlsx by clicking Help
Examples on the XLMiner ribbon. Partition the data as shown in the two
previous Neural Network examples.

Select a cell on the Data_Partition1 worksheet, then click Classify Neural

Network on the XLMiner ribbon. Select CAT.MEDV (has 2 classes) for the
Output variable and the remaining variables (except MEDV) as Input variables.
Click Next to proceed to the Step 2 of 3 dialog.

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User Guide Page

The Step 2 of 3 dialog contains options to define the network architecture. For
this example, accept the default values. (Details on these choices are explained
in the above examples.)

Click Finish to produce the Automated_NNC1 output worksheet. Scroll down

to the Error Report.

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User Guide Page

The above error report gives the total number of errors, % Error, % Sensitivity
and % Specificity in the classification produced by each network ID for the
training and validation datasets separately. For example: Net 10 has one hidden
layer having 10 nodes. For this neural network, the percentage of errors in the
training data is 4.69% and the percentage of errors in the validation data is
3.96%. The percentage sensitivity is 76.92% and 84.21% for training data and
validation data respectively. The percentage specificity is 98.82% and 98.78%
for training data and validation data respectively.
Numerically, sensitivity is the number of true positive results (TP) divided by
the sum of true positive and false negative (FN) results,
i.e., sensitivity = TP/(TP + FN).
Numerically, specificity is the number of true negative results (TN) divided by
the sum of true negative and false positive (FP) results,
i.e., specificity = TN/(TN + FP).
XLMiner provides sorting of the error report according to increasing or
decreasing order of the %Error, %Sensitivity or %Specificity. This can be done
by clicking the up arrow next to %Error, %Sensitivity or %Specificity,
respectively. Click the upward arrow to sort in ascending order, and the
downward arrow to sort in descending order.

Neural Network Classification Method Options

The options below appear on one of the three Neural Network Classification

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User Guide Page

Variables in input data

The variables included in the dataset appear here.

Input variables
Variables selected to be included in the output appear here.

Weight variable
This option is not used with the Neural Network Classification algorithm.

Output variable
The dependent variable or the variable to be classified appears here.

# Classes
Displays the number of classes in the Output variable.

Specify Success class (for Lift Chart)

This option is selected by default. Click the drop down arrow to select the value
to specify a success. This option is only enabled when the # of classes is
equal to 2.

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User Guide Page

Specify initial cutoff probability value for

Enter a value between 0 and 1 here to denote the cutoff probability for success.
If the calculated probability for success for an observation is greater than or
equal to this value, than a success (or a 1) will be predicted for that
observation. If the calculated probability for success for an observation is less
than this value, then a non-success (or a 0) will be predicted for that
observation. The default value is 0.5. This option is only enabled when the # of
classes is equal to 2.

Normalize input data

Normalizing the data (subtracting the mean and dividing by the standard
deviation) is important to ensure that the distance measure accords equal weight
to each variable -- without normalization, the variable with the largest scale
would dominate the measure. This option is selected by default.

Network Architecture
XLMiner provides two options for the Network Architecture -- Automatic and
Manual. The default network architecture is 'Automatic'. This option generates
several neural networks in the output sheet for various combinations of hidden
layers and nodes within each layer. The total number of the neural networks
generated using the 'Automatic' option currently is 100. Choose the Manual
option to specify the number of hidden layers and the number of nodes for one
neural network.

# Hidden Layers
When Manual is selected, this option is enabled. XLMiner supports up to 4
hidden layers.
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User Guide Page

# Nodes
When Manual is selected, this option is enabled. Enter the number of nodes per
layer here.

# Epochs
An epoch is one sweep through all records in the training set. The default
setting is 30.

Step size for gradient descent

This is the multiplying factor for the error correction during backpropagation; it
is roughly equivalent to the learning rate for the neural network. A low value
produces slow but steady learning, a high value produces rapid but erratic
learning. Values for the step size typically range from 0.1 to 0.9. The default
setting is 0.1.

Weight change momentum

In each new round of error correction, some memory of the prior correction is
retained so that an outlier that crops up does not spoil accumulated learning.
The default setting is 0.6.

Error tolerance
The error in a particular iteration is backpropagated only if it is greater than the
error tolerance. Typically error tolerance is a small value in the range from 0 to
1. The default setting is 0.01.

Weight decay
To prevent over-fitting of the network on the training data, set a weight decay to
penalize the weight in each iteration. Each calculated weight will be multiplied
by (1-decay). The default setting is 0.

Cost Function
XLMiner provides four options for the cost function -- Squared mirror, Cross
entropy, Maximum likelihood and Perceptron convergence. The user can select
the appropriate one. The default setting is Squared error.

Hidden Layer Sigmoid

Nodes in the hidden layer receive input from the input layer. The output of the
hidden nodes is a weighted sum of the input values. This weighted sum is
computed with weights that are initially set at random values. As the network
learns, these weights are adjusted. This weighted sum is used to compute the
hidden nodes output using a transfer function. Select Standard (the default
setting) to use a logistic function for the transfer function with a range of 0 and
1. This function has a squashing effect on very small or very large values but
is almost linear in the range where the value of the function is between 0.1 and
0.9. Select Symmetric to use the tanh function for the transfer function, the
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User Guide Page

range being -1 to 1. If more than one hidden layer exists, this function is used
for all layers. The default selection is Standard.

Output Layer Sigmoid

As in the hidden layer output calculation (explained in the above paragraph), the
output layer is also computed using the same transfer function as described for
Hidden Layer Sigmoid. Select Standard (the default setting) to use a logistic
function for the transfer function with a range of 0 and 1. Select Symmetric to
use the tanh function for the transfer function, the range being -1 to 1. The
default selection is Standard.

Score training data

Select these options to show an assessment of the performance of the tree in
classifying the training data. The report is displayed according to your
specifications - Detailed, Summary and Lift charts.

Score validation data

Select these options to show an assessment of the performance of the tree in
classifying the validation data. The report is displayed according to your
specifications - Detailed, Summary and Lift charts.

Score test data

These options are enabled when a test set is present. Select these options to
show an assessment of the performance of the tree in classifying the test data.
The report is displayed according to your specifications - Detailed, Summary
and Lift charts.

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User Guide Page

Score New Data

See the Scoring chapter for more details on the In worksheet or In database

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User Guide Page

Multiple Linear Regression

Prediction Method
Linear regression is performed on a dataset either to predict the response
variable based on the predictor variable, or to study the relationship between the
response variable and predictor variables. For example, using linear regression,
the crime rate of a state can be explained as a function of demographic factors
such as population, education, male to female ratio etc.
This procedure performs linear regression on a selected dataset that fits a linear
model of the form
Y= b0 + b1X1 + b2X2+ .... + bkXk+ e
where Y is the dependent variable (response), X1, X2,.. .,Xk are the independent
variables (predictors) and e is the random error. b0 , b1, b2, .... bk are known as
the regression coefficients, which are estimated from the data. The multiple
linear regression algorithm in XLMiner chooses regression coefficients to
minimize the difference between the predicted and actual values.

Multiple Linear Regression Example

The following example illustrates XLMiners Multiple Linear Regression
method using the Boston Housing dataset to predict the median house price in
housing tracts in the Boston area. This dataset has 14 variables. A description of
each variable is given in the table below. In addition to these variables, the data
set also contains an additional variable, which has been created by categorizing
median value (MEDV) into two categories high (MEDV > 30) and low
(MEDV < 30).

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Per capita crime rate by town

Proportion of residential land zoned for lots over 25,000 sq.ft.
Proportion of non-retail business acres per town
Charles River dummy variable (= 1 if tract bounds river; 0 otherwise)
Nitric oxides concentration (parts per 10 million)
Average number of rooms per dwelling
Proportion of owner-occupied units built prior to 1940
Weighted distances to five Boston employment centers
Index of accessibility to radial highways
Full-value property-tax rate per $10,000
Pupil-teacher ratio by town
1000(Bk - 0.63)^2 where Bk is the proportion of African-Americans
by town
% Lower status of the population
Median value of owner-occupied homes in $1000's

User Guide Page

Click Help Examples on the XLMiner ribbon to open the

Boston_Housing.xlsx from the datasets folder. A portion of the dataset is shown

First, we partition the data into training and validation sets using the Standard
Data Partition defaults with percentages of 60% of the data randomly allocated
to the Training Set and 40% of the data randomly allocated to the Validation
Set. For more information on partitioning a dataset, see the Data Mining
Partitioning chapter.

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User Guide Page

Select a cell on the Data_Partition1 worksheet, then click Predict Multiple

Linear Regression. The following dialog appears.

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Select MEDV as the Output variable and all remaining variables (except CAT.
MEDV) as Input variables. (The bottom portion of the dialog is not used with
prediction methods.)

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User Guide Page

Click Next to advance to the Step 2 of 2 dialog.

If the number of rows in the data is less than the number of variables selected as
Input variables, XLMiner displays the following message box.

Select Yes to proceed to the Best Subset dialog (see below). Click No to return
to the Multiple Linear Regression Step 1 of 2 dialog.

If Force constant term to zero is selected, there will be no constant term in the
equation. Leave this option unchecked for this example.
Select Fitted values. When this option is selected, the fitted values are
displayed in the output.
Select ANOVA table. When this option is selected, the ANOVA table is
displayed in the output.
Select Standardized under Residuals to display the Standardized Residuals in
the output. Standardized residuals are obtained by dividing the unstandardized
residuals by the respective standard deviations.
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Select Unstandardized under Residuals to display the Unstandardized

Residuals in the output. Unstandardized residuals are computed by the formula:
Unstandardized residual = Actual response Predicted response.
Select Variance-covariance matrix. When this option is selected the variancecovariance matrix of the estimated regression coefficients is displayed in the
Select all options under Score Training data and Score validation data to
produce all three reports in the output.

Click Advanced to display the following dialog.

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User Guide Page

Select Studentized. When this option is selected the Studentized Residuals are
displayed in the output. Studentized residuals are computed by dividing the
unstandardized residuals by quantities related to the diagonal elements of the hat
matrix, using a common scale estimate computed without the ith case in the
model. These residuals have t - distributions with ( n-k-1) degrees of freedom.
As a result, any residual with absolute value exceeding 3 usually requires
Select Deleted. When this option is selected the Deleted Residuals are
displayed in the output. This residual is computed for the ith observation by first
fitting a model without the ith observation, then using this model to predict the ith
observation. Afterwards the difference is taken between the predicted
observation and the actual observation.
Select Cook's Distance. When this checkbox is selected the Cook's Distance
for each observation is displayed in the output. This is an overall measure of the
impact of the ith datapoint on the estimated regression coefficient. In linear
models Cook's Distance has, approximately, an F distribution with k and (n-k)
degrees of freedom.
Select DF fits. When this checkbox is selected the DF fits (change in the
regression fit) for each observation is displayed in the output. These reflect
coefficient changes as well as forecasting effects when an observation is deleted.
Select Covariance Ratios. When this checkbox is selected, the covariance
ratios are displayed in the output. This measure reflects the change in the
variance-covariance matrix of the estimated coefficients when the ith observation
is deleted.
Select Hat matrix Diagonal. When this checkbox is selected, the diagonal
elements of the hat matrix are displayed in the output. This measure is also
known as the leverage of the ith observation.
Select Perform Collinearity diagnostics. When this checkbox is selected, the
collinearity diagnostics are displayed in the output.
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User Guide Page

When Perform Collinearity diagnostics is selected, Number of collinearity

components is enabled. Enter 2 for this option. This number can be between 2
and the number of degrees of freedom for the model. When the model is fitted
without an intercept, the model degrees of freedom is equal to the number of
predictors in the model. When the model is fitted with an intercept, the model
degrees of freedom is equal to the number of predictors in the model plus one.
When Perform Collinearity diagnostics is selected, Multicollinearity criterion is
enabled. Enter 0.05 for Multicollinearity criterion. Multicollinearity can be
defined as the occurrence of two or more input variables that share the same
linear relationship with the outcome variable. Enter a value between 0 and 1.
The default setting is 0.05.

Click OK to return to the Step 2 of 2 dialog, then click Best subset (on the Step
2 of 2 dialog) to open the following dialog.

When you have a large number of predictors and would like to limit the model
to only the significant variables, select Perform best subset selection to select
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User Guide Page

the best subset. For this example, enter 13 (the default value) for the Maximum
size of best subsets (for a model with up to 13 variables). XLMiner accepts an
integer value of 1 up to N where N is the number of Input variables in the
Enter 3 for Number of best subsets. XLMiner will first show the best, then the
next-best, etc., and will show this number of subsets for subsets of one variable,
subsets of two variables, etc., on up to subsets of the size you specified above.
XLMiner allows integer values up to 20.
Select Backward elimination for the Selection procedure.
XLMiner offers five different selection procedures for selecting the best subset
of variables.
Backward elimination in which variables are eliminated one at a time,
starting with the least significant.
Forward selection in which variables are added one at a time, starting
with the most significant.
Exhaustive search where searches of all combinations of variables are
performed to observe which combination has the best fit. (This option
can become quite time consuming depending on the number of input
Sequential replacement in which variables are sequentially replaced
and replacements that improve performance are retained.
Stepwise selection is similar to Forward selection except that at each
stage, XLMiner considers dropping variables that are not statistically
significant. When this procedure is selected, the Stepwise selection
options FIN and FOUT are enabled. In the stepwise selection
procedure a statistic is calculated when variables are added or
eliminated. For a variable to come into the regression, the statistics
value must be greater than the value for FIN (default = 3.84). For a
variable to leave the regression, the statistics value must be less than
the value of FOUT (default = 2.71). The value for FIN must be greater
than the value for FOUT.

Click OK to return to the Step 2 of 2 dialog, then click Finish. Click the
Output1 worksheet to find the Output Navigator. Click any link here to display
the selected output.
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User Guide Page

Click the Train. Score Detailed Rep. link to open the Multiple Linear
Regression Prediction of Training Data table. Of primary interest in a datamining context will be the predicted and actual values for each record, along
with the residual (difference), shown here for the training data set:

XLMiner also displays The Total sum of squared errors summaries for both the
training and validation data sets on the Output1 worksheet. The total sum of
squared errors is the sum of the squared errors (deviations between predicted
and actual values) and the root mean square error (square root of the average
squared error). The average error is typically very small, because positive
prediction errors tend to be counterbalanced by negative ones.

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User Guide Page

A variety of residual and collinearity diagnostics output is available since the

option was selected on the Advanced dialog (see above).
Select the Subset Selection link on the Output Navigator to display the Best
Subset Selection chart which displays a list of different models generated using
the Best Subset selections. Since we have selected 13 as the maximum size of
subsets, 13 Best Subset models have been created containing 1 to 13 variables.
A portion of this chart is shown below.

Every model includes a constant term (since Force constant term to zero was
not selected on the Step 2 of 2 dialog) and one or more variables as the
additional coefficients. We can use any of these models for further analysis by
clicking on the respective link, "Choose Subset". The choice of model depends
on the calculated values of various error values and the probability. The error
values calculated are

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RSS: The residual sum of squares, or the sum of squared deviations

between the predicted probability of success and the actual value (1 or

Cp: Mallows Cp (Total squared error) is a measure of the error in the

best subset model, relative to the error incorporating all variables.
Adequate models are those for which Cp is roughly equal to the
number of parameters in the model (including the constant), and/or Cp
is at a minimum

R-Squared: R-squared Goodness-of-fit

Adj. R-Squared: Adjusted R-Squared values.

User Guide Page

"Probability" is a quasi hypothesis test of the proposition that a given

subset is acceptable; if Probability < .05 we can rule out that subset.

When hovering over Choose Subset, the mouse icon will change to a grabber
hand. If Choose Subset is clicked, XLMiner opens the Multiple Linear
Regression Step 1 of 1 dialog displaying the input variables included in that
particular subset. Scroll down to the end of the table.

Compare the RSS value as the number of coefficients in the subset increases
from 11 to 12 (8923.724 down to 6978.134). The RSS for 12 coefficients is just
slightly higher than the RSS for 14 coefficients suggesting that a model with 12
coefficients may be sufficient to fit a regression. Click the Choose Subset link
next to the first model with 12 coefficients (RSS = 6978.134), the Multiple
Linear Regression The Step 1 of 2 dialog appears with these 12 variables
already selected as Input variables. The User can easily click Next to run a
Multiple Linear Regression on these variables.
Model terms are shown in the Regression Model output shown below along
with the Summary statistics

The Regression Model table contains the coefficient, the standard error of the
coefficient, the p-value and the Sum of Squared Error for each variable included
in the model. The Sum of Squared Errors is calculated as each variable is
introduced in the model beginning with the constant term and continuing with
each variable as it appears in the dataset.
Summary statistics (to the above right) show the residual degrees of freedom
(#observations - #predictors), the R-squared value, a standard deviation type
measure for the model (which typically has a chi-square distribution), and the
Residual Sum of Squares error.
The R-squared value shown here is the r-squared value for a logistic regression
model , defined as R2 = (D0-D)/D0 ,

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User Guide Page

where D is the Deviance based on the fitted model and D0 is the deviance based
on the null model. The null model is defined as the model containing no
predictor variables apart from the constant.
Click the Collinearity Diagnostics link to display the Collinearity Diagnostics
table. This table helps assess whether two or more variables so closely track one
another as to provide essentially the same information. As you can see the NOX
variable was ignored.

The columns represent the variance components (related to principal

components in multivariate analysis), while the rows represent the variance
proportion decomposition explained by each variable in the model. The
eigenvalues are those associated with the singular value decomposition of the
variance-covariance matrix of the coefficients, while the condition numbers are
the ratios of the square root of the largest eigenvalue to all the rest. In general,
multicollinearity is likely to be a problem with a high condition number (more
than 20 or 30), and high variance decomposition proportions (say more than 0.5)
for two or more variables.
Lift charts (on the MLR_TrainLiftChart and MLR_ValidLiftChart, respectively)
are visual aids for measuring model performance. They consist of a lift curve
and a baseline. The greater the area between the lift curve and the baseline, the
better the model.

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User Guide Page

After the model is built using the training data set, the model is used to score on
the training data set and the validation data set (if one exists). Then the data
set(s) are sorted using the predicted output variable value. After sorting, the
actual outcome values of the output variable are cumulated and the lift curve is
drawn as the number of cases versus the cumulated value. The baseline (red line
connecting the origin to the end point of the blue line) is drawn as the number of
cases versus the average of actual output variable values multiplied by the
number of cases. The decilewise lift curve is drawn as the decile number versus
the cumulative actual output variable value divided by the decile's average
output variable value.
See the chapter on Stored Model Sheets for more information on the
MLR_Stored_1 worksheet.

Multiple Linear Regression Options

The following options appear on the four Multiple Linear Regression dialogs.

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User Guide Page

Variables in input data

All variables in the dataset are listed here.

Input variables
Variables listed here will be utilized in the XLMiner output.

Weight variable
One major assumption of Multiple Linear Regression is that each observation
provides equal information. XLMiner offers an opportunity to provide a Weight
variable. Using a Weight variable allows the user to allocate a weight to each
record. A record with a large weight will influence the model more than a
record with a smaller weight.

Output Variable
Select the variable whose outcome is to be predicted here.

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User Guide Page

Force constant to zero

If this option is selected, there will be no constant term in the equation. This
option is not selected by default.

Fitted values
When this option is selected, the fitted values are displayed in the output. This
option is not selected by default.

Anova table
When this option is selected, the ANOVA table is displayed in the output. This
option is not selected by default.

Select this option under Residuals to display the Standardized Residuals in the
output. Standardized residuals are obtained by dividing the unstandardized
residuals by the respective standard deviations. This option is not selected by

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User Guide Page

Select this option under Residuals to display the Unstandardized Residuals in
the output. Unstandardized residuals are computed by the formula:
Unstandardized residual = Actual response Predicted response. This option is
not selected by default.

Variance covariance matrix

When this option is selected the variance-covariance matrix of the estimated
regression coefficients is displayed in the output. This option is not selected by

Score training data

Select these options to show an assessment of the performance of the tree in
classifying the training data. The report is displayed according to your
specifications - Detailed, Summary and Lift charts.

Score validation data

Select these options to show an assessment of the performance of the tree in
classifying the validation data. The report is displayed according to your
specifications - Detailed, Summary and Lift charts.

Score test data

These options are enabled when a test set is present. Select these options to
show an assessment of the performance of the tree in classifying the test data.
The report is displayed according to your specifications - Detailed, Summary
and Lift charts.

Score New Data

See the Scoring chapter for more details on the In worksheet or In database

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User Guide Page

When this option is selected the Studentized Residuals are displayed in the
output. Studentized residuals are computed by dividing the unstandardized
residuals by quantities related to the diagonal elements of the hat matrix, using a
common scale estimate computed without the ith case in the model. These
residuals have t - distributions with ( n-k-1) degrees of freedom. As a result, any
residual with absolute value exceeding 3 usually requires attention. This option
is not selected by default.

When this option is selected the Deleted Residuals are displayed in the output.
This residual is computed for the ith observation by first fitting a model without
the ith observation, then using this model to predict the ith observation.
Afterwards the difference is taken between the predicted observation and the
actual observation. This option is not selected by default.

Select Cook's Distance

When this checkbox is selected the Cook's Distance for each observation is
displayed in the output. This is an overall measure of the impact of the ith
datapoint on the estimated regression coefficient. In linear models Cook's
Distance has, approximately, an F distribution with k and (n-k) degrees of
freedom. This option is not selected by default.

DF fits
When this checkbox is selected the DF fits (change in the regression fit) for each
observation is displayed in the output. These reflect coefficient changes as well
Frontline Solvers V2014

User Guide Page

as forecasting effects when an observation is deleted. This option is selected by


Covariance Ratios
When this checkbox is selected, the covariance ratios are displayed in the
output. This measure reflects the change in the variance-covariance matrix of the
estimated coefficients when the ith observation is deleted. This option is not
selected by default.

Hat matrix Diagonal

When this checkbox is selected, the diagonal elements of the hat matrix are
displayed in the output. This measure is also known as the leverage of the i th
observation. This option is not selected by default.

Perform Collinearity diagnostics

When this option is selected, the collinearity diagnostics are displayed in the
output. (This option is not selected by default.)

Number of Collinearity Components

When Perform Collinearity diagnostics is selected, the Number of collinearity
components is enabled. This number can be between 2 and the number of
degrees of freedom for the model. When the model is fitted without an intercept,
the model degrees of freedom is equal to the number of predictors in the model.
When the model is fitted with an intercept, the model degrees of freedom is
equal to the number of predictors in the model plus one.

Multicollinearity Criterion
When Perform Collinearity diagnostics is selected, Multicollinearity criterion is
enabled. Multicollinearity can be defined as the occurrence of two or more
input variables that share the same linear relationship with the outcome variable.
Enter a value between 0 and 1. The default setting is 0.05.

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User Guide Page

Perform best subset selection

Often a subset of variables (rather than all of the variables) performs the best job
of classification. Selecting Perform best subset selection enables the Best
Subset options. This option is not selected by default.

Maximum size of best subset

Using the spinner controls to specify the number of best subsets to be generated
by XLMiner. Its possible that XLMiner could find a smaller subset of
variables. This option can take on values of 1 up to N where N is the number of
input variables. The default setting is 13.

Number of best subsets

Using the spinner controls, specify the Number of best subsets. XLMiner can
provide up to 20 different subsets. The default setting is 1.

Selection Procedure
XLMiner offers five different selection procedures for selecting the best subset
of variables.
Backward elimination in which variables are eliminated one at a time,
starting with the least significant.
Forward selection in which variables are added one at a time, starting
with the most significant.
Exhaustive search where searches of all combinations of variables are
performed to observe which combination has the best fit. (This option
can become quite time consuming depending on the number of input
Sequential replacement in which variables are sequentially replaced
and replacements that improve performance are retained.
Stepwise selection is similar to Forward selection except that at each
stage, XLMiner considers dropping variables that are not statistically
significant. When this procedure is selected, the Stepwise selection
options FIN and FOUT are enabled. In the stepwise selection
procedure a statistic is calculated when variables are added or
eliminated. For a variable to come into the regression, the statistics
value must be greater than the value for FIN (default = 3.84). For a
variable to leave the regression, the statistics value must be less than
the value of FOUT (default = 2.71). The value for FIN must be greater
than the value for FOUT.

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k-Nearest Neighbors Prediction

In the k-nearest-neighbor prediction method, the training data set is used to
predict the value of a variable of interest for each member of a "target" data set.
The structure of the data generally consists of a variable of interest ("amount
purchased," for example), and a number of additional predictor variables (age,
income, location, etc.).

For each row (case) in the target data set (the set to be predicted), locate the
k closest members (the k nearest neighbors) of the training data set. A
Euclidean Distance measure is used to calculate how close each member of
the training set is to the target row that is being examined.


Find the weighted sum of the variable of interest for the k nearest neighbors
(the weights are the inverse of the distances).


Repeat this procedure for the remaining rows (cases) in the target set.


Additionally, XLMiner also allows the user to select a maximum value for
k, builds models in parallel on all values of k (up to the maximum specified
value) and performs scoring on the best of these models.

Computing time increases as k increases, but the advantage is that higher values
of k provide smoothing that reduces vulnerability to noise in the training data.
Typically, k is in units of tens rather than in hundreds or thousands of units.

k-Nearest Neighbors Prediction Method Example

The example below illustrates the use of XLMiners k-Nearest Neighbors
Prediction method. Click Help Examples on the XLMiner ribbon to open the
Boston_Housing.xlsx example dataset. This dataset contains 14 variables, the
description of each is given in the table below. The dependent variable MEDV
is the median value of a dwelling. This objective of this example is to predict
the value of MEDV.

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Per capita crime rate by town


Proportion of residential land zoned for lots over 25,000 sq.ft.


Proportion of non-retail business acres per town


Charles River dummy variable (= 1 if tract bounds river; 0



Nitric oxides concentration (parts per 10 million)


Average number of rooms per dwelling


Proportion of owner-occupied units built prior to 1940


Weighted distances to five Boston employment centers


Index of accessibility to radial highways


Full-value property-tax rate per $10,000


Pupil-teacher ratio by town

1000(Bk - 0.63)^2 where Bk is the proportion of AfricanAmericans by town


% Lower status of the population


Median value of owner-occupied homes in $1000's

A portion of the dataset is shown below. The last variable, CAT. MEDV, is a
discrete classification of the MEDV variable and will not be used in this

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First, we partition the data into training and validation sets using the Standard
Data Partition defaults with percentages of 60% of the data randomly allocated
to the Training Set and 40% of the data randomly allocated to the Validation
Set. For more information on partitioning a dataset, see the Data Mining
Partitioning chapter.

Select a cell on the Data_Partition1 worksheet, then click Predict k-Nearest

Neighbors to open the following dialog.

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Select MEDV as the Output variable, and the remaining variables (except CAT.
MEDV) as Input variables. (The Weight variable and Class options are not
supported in this method and are disabled.)

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Click Next to advance to the next dialog.

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Select Normalize Input data. When this option is selected, the input data is
normalized which means that all data is expressed in terms of standard
deviations. This option is available to ensure that the distance measure is not
dominated by variables with a large scale.
Enter 5 for the Number of Nearest Neighbors. This is the parameter k in the knearest neighbor algorithm. The value of k should be between 1 and the total
number of observations (rows). Typically, this is chosen to be in units of tens.
Select Score on best k between 1 and specified value for the Scoring option.
XLMiner will display the output for the best k between 1 and 5. If Score on
specified value of k as above is selected, the output will be displayed for the
specified value of k.
Select Detailed scoring, Summary report, and Lift charts under both Score
training data and Score validation data to show an assessment of the
performance in predicting the training data.
The options in the Score test data group are enabled only when a test partition is
Please see the Scoring chapter for a complete discussion on the options under
Score New Data.

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Click Finish. Worksheets containing the output of the method will be inserted
at the end of the workbook. The Output1 worksheet contains the Output
Navigator which allows easy access to all portions of the output.

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User Guide Page

Scroll down the Output1 worksheet to the Validation error log (shown below).
As per our specifications XLMiner has calculated the RMS error for all values
of k and denoted the value of k with the smallest RMS Error.

A little further down the page is the Summary Report, shown below. This report
summarizes the prediction error. The first number, the total sum of squared
errors, is the sum of the squared deviations (residuals) between the predicted and
actual values. The second is the square root of the average of the squared
residuals. The third is the average deviation. All these values are calculated for
the best k, i.e. k=2.

Select the Valid. Score Detailed Rep. link in the Output Navigator to display
the Prediction of Validation Data table, shown below. This table displays the
predicted value, the actual value and the difference between them (the
residuals), for each record.

Click the Training Lift Charts and Validation Lift Charts links to display
both charts, respectively. The Lift charts (shown below) are visual aids for
measuring the models performance. They consist of a lift curve and a baseline.
The greater the area between the lift curve and the baseline, the better the model.
After the model is built using the training data set, the model is used to score on
the training data set and the validation data set. Then the data sets are sorted
using the predicted output variable value (or predicted probability of success in
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User Guide Page

the logistic regression case). After sorting, the actual outcome values of the
output variable are cumulated and the lift curve is drawn as the number of cases
versus the cumulated value. The baseline is drawn as the number of cases
versus the average of actual output variable values multiplied by the number of
cases. The decilewise lift curve is drawn as the decile number versus the
cumulative actual output variable value divided by the decile's average output
variable value.

See the Scoring chapter for information on the KNNP_Stored_1 worksheet.

k-Nearest Neighbors Prediction Method Options

The following options appear on the two k-Nearest Neighbors dialogs.

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Variables in input data

All variables in the dataset are listed here.

Input variables
Variables listed here will be utilized in the XLMiner output.

Output Variable
Select the variable whose outcome is to be predicted here.

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Normalize Input data

When this option is selected, the input data is normalized which means that all
data is expressed in terms of standard deviations. This option is available to
ensure that the distance measure is not dominated by variables with a large
scale. This option is not selected by default.

Number of Nearest Neighbors

This is the parameter k in the k-nearest neighbor algorithm. The value of k
should be between 1 and the total number of observations (rows). Typically, this
is chosen to be in units of tens. The default value is 1.

Scoring Option
When Score on best k between 1 and specified value is selected, XLMiner will
display the output for the best k between 1 and the value entered for Number of
nearest neighbors (k). If Score on specified value of k as above is selected, the
output will be displayed for the specified value of k. The default setting is Score
on specified value of k.

Score training data

Select these options to show an assessment of the performance of the tree in
classifying the training data. The report is displayed according to your
specifications - Detailed, Summary and Lift charts.
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Score validation data

Select these options to show an assessment of the performance of the tree in
classifying the validation data. The report is displayed according to your
specifications - Detailed, Summary and Lift charts.

Score test data

These options are enabled when a test set is present. Select these options to
show an assessment of the performance of the tree in classifying the test data.
The report is displayed according to your specifications - Detailed, Summary
and Lift charts.

Score New Data

See the Scoring chapter for more details on the In worksheet or In database

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Regression Tree Prediction

As with all regression techniques, XLMiner assumes the existence of a single
output (response) variable and one or more input (predictor) variables. The
output variable is numerical. The general regression tree building methodology
allows input variables to be a mixture of continuous and categorical variables.
A decision tree is generated where each decision node in the tree contains a test
on some input variable's value. The terminal nodes of the tree contain the
predicted output variable values.
A Regression tree may be considered as a variant of decision trees, designed to
approximate real-valued functions instead of being used for classification

A Regression tree is built through a process known as binary recursive
partitioning. This is an iterative process that splits the data into partitions or
branches, and then continues splitting each partition into smaller groups as the
method moves up each branch.
Initially, all records in the training set (the pre-classified records that are used to
determine the structure of the tree) are grouped into the same partition. The
algorithm then begins allocating the data into the first two partitions or
branches, using every possible binary split on every field. The algorithm
selects the split that minimizes the sum of the squared deviations from the mean
in the two separate partitions. This splitting rule is then applied to each of the
new branches. This process continues until each node reaches a user-specified
minimum node size and becomes a terminal node. (If the sum of squared
deviations from the mean in a node is zero, then that node is considered a
terminal node even if it has not reached the minimum size.)

Pruning the tree

Since the tree is grown from the training data set, a fully developed tree
typically suffers from over-fitting (i.e. it is "explaining" random elements of the
training data that are not likely to be features of the larger population). This
over-fitting results in poor performance on real life data. Therefore, the tree
must be pruned using the validation data set. XLMiner calculates the cost
complexity factor at each step during the growth of the tree and decides the
number of decision nodes in the pruned tree. The cost complexity factor is the
multiplicative factor that is applied to the size of the tree (which is measured by
the number of terminal nodes).
The tree is pruned to minimize the sum of (1) the output variable variance in the
validation data, taken one terminal node at a time, and (2) the product of the cost
complexity factor and the number of terminal nodes. If the cost complexity
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User Guide Page

factor is specified as zero then pruning is simply finding the tree that performs
best on validation data in terms of total terminal node variance. Larger values of
the cost complexity factor result in smaller trees. Pruning is performed on a last
in first out basis meaning the last grown node is the first to be subject to

Regression Tree Example

This example illustrates XLMiners Regression Tree prediction method. We
will again use the Boston_Housing.xlsx example dataset. This dataset contains
14 variables, the description of each is given in the table below. The dependent
variable MEDV is the median value of a dwelling. This objective of this
example is to predict the value of MEDV.

Per capita crime rate by town


Proportion of residential land zoned for lots over

25,000 sq.ft.


Proportion of non-retail business acres per town


Charles River dummy variable (= 1 if tract bounds

river; 0 otherwise)


Nitric oxides concentration (parts per 10 million)


Average number of rooms per dwelling


Proportion of owner-occupied units built prior to



Weighted distances to five Boston employment



Index of accessibility to radial highways


Full-value property-tax rate per $10,000


Pupil-teacher ratio by town

1000(Bk - 0.63)^2 where Bk is the proportion of

African-Americans by town


% Lower status of the population


Median value of owner-occupied homes in $1000's

A portion of the dataset is shown below. The last variable, CAT. MEDV, is a
discrete classification of the MEDV variable and will not be used in this

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First, we partition the data into training and validation sets using the Standard
Data Partition with percentages of 50% of the data randomly allocated to the
Training Set and 30% of the data randomly allocated to the Validation Set and
20% of the data randomly allocated to the Test Set (default settings for Specify
percentages). For more information on partitioning a dataset, see the Data
Mining Partitioning chapter.

Select a cell on the Data_Partition1 worksheet, then click Predict Regression

Tree to open the following dialog.

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Select MEDV as the Output variable, then select the remaining variables
(except CAT.MEDV) as the Input variables. (The Weight variable and the
Classes group are not used in the Regression Tree predictive method.)

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Click Next to advance to the Step 2 of 3 dialog.

Leave Normalize input data option unchecked. Normalizing the data only makes
a difference if linear combinations of the input variables are used for splitting.
Enter 100 for the Maximum #splits for input variables. This is the maximum
number of splits allowed for each input variable.
Enter 25 for the Minimum #records in a terminal node. The tree will continue to
grow until all terminal nodes reach this size.
Select Using Best prune tree for the Scoring option. The option, Maximum
#decision nodes is enabled when Using user specified tree is selected.
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Select Next to advance to the Step 3 of 3 dialog.

Enter 7 for the Maximum # levels to be displayed or the number of levels to be

displayed in the output file.
Select Full tree (grown using training data) to display the full regression tree
grown using the training dataset.
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Select Pruned tree (pruned using validation data) to display the tree pruned
using the validation dataset.
Select Minimum error tree (pruned using validation data) to display the
minimum error tree, pruned using the validation dataset.
Select Detailed report, Summary report, and Lift charts under Score training
data, Score validation data, and Score test data to display each in the output.
See the Scoring chapter for details on scoring to a worksheet or database.

Click Finish. Worksheets containing the output of the method will be inserted
at the end of the workbook. The Output1 worksheet contains the Output
Navigator which allows easy access to all portions of the output.

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User Guide Page

Click the Valid. Score Detailed Rep. link to navigate to the Prediction of
Validation Data table.

The Prune log (shown below) shows the residual sum of squares (RSS) at each
stage of the tree for both the training and validation data sets. This is the sum of
the squared residuals (difference between predicted and actual). The prune log
shows that the validation RSS continues reducing as the tree continues to split.
The cost complexity is calculated at each step. The Cost Complexity Factor is
the parameter that governs how far back the tree should be pruned. XLMiner
chooses the number of decision nodes for the pruned tree and the minimum error
tree from the values of RSS and the Cost Complexity Factor. In the Prune log
shown below, Validation RSS continues to reduce until the number of Decision
Nodes increases from 0 to 5. At node 6, the RSS starts to increase. The
Minimum Error and Best Pruned Tree display 6 decision nodes each.

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Click the Best Pruned Tree link to display the Best Pruned Tree (shown

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We can read this tree as follows. LSTAT (% of the population that is lower
status) is chosen as the first splitting variable; if this percentage is > 9.54 (95
cases), then LSTAT is again chosen for splitting. Now, if LSTAT <=14.98 (36
cases) then MEDV is predicted as $20.96. So the first rule is if LSTAT >9.54
and LSTAT<=14.895 then MEDV=$20.96.
If LSTAT <= 9.54%, then we move to RM (Average No. of rooms per dwelling)
as the next divider. If RM >7.141 (12 cases), MEDV for those cases is predicted
to be $40.69 ($40.69 is a terminal node). So the second rule is "If LSTAT <=
9.54 AND RM >7.141, then MEDV = $40.69."
The output also contains summary reports on both the training data and the
validation data. These reports contain the total sum of squared errors, the root
mean square error (RMS error, or the square root of the mean squared error),
and also the average error (which is much smaller, since errors fall roughly into
negative and positive errors and tend to cancel each other out unless squared
Select the Training Lift Charts and Validation Lift Charts links to navigate to
each. Lift charts are visual aids for measuring model performance. They consist
of a lift curve and a baseline. The larger the area between the lift curve and the
baseline, the better the model.
After the model is built using the training data set, the model is used to score on
the training data set and the validation data set. Then the data sets are sorted
using the predicted output variable value. After sorting, the actual outcome
values of the output variable are cumulated and the lift curve is drawn as the
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User Guide Page

number of cases versus the cumulated value. The baseline is drawn as the
number of cases versus the average of actual output variable values multiplied
by the number of cases. The decilewise lift curve is drawn as the decile number
versus the cumulative actual output variable value divided by the decile's
average output variable value.

For information on the RT_Stored_1 worksheet, please see the Scoring chapter.

Regression Tree Options

The options below appear on one of the three Regression Tree dialogs.

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Variables in input data

All variables in the dataset are listed here.

Input variables
Variables listed here will be utilized in the XLMiner output.

Weight Variable
The Weight variable is not used in this method.

Output Variable
Select the variable whose outcome is to be predicted here.

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Normalize input data

When this option is checked, XLMiner will normalize the data. Normalizing the
data (subtracting the mean and dividing by the standard deviation) is important
to ensure that the distance measure accords equal weight to each variable -without normalization, the variable with the largest scale will dominate the
measure. Normalizing the data will only make a difference if linear
combinations of the input variables are used for determining the splits. This
option is not selected by default.

Maximum # splits for input variables

This is the maximum number of splits allowed for each input variable. The
default setting is 100.

Minimum #records in a terminal node

The tree will continue to grow until all terminal nodes contain this number of
records. The default setting is 25.

Scoring option
Select the tree to be used for scoring. Select Using Full tree (the default) to use
the full grown tree for scoring. Select Using Best prune tree to use the best
pruned tree for scoring. Select Using minimum error tree to use the minimum
error tree for scoring. Select Using user specified tree to use a tree specified by
the user. The option, Maximum #decision nodes in the pruned tree, is enabled
when Using user specified tree is selected.

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Maximum #levels to be displayed

Enter the desired number of nodes to be displayed in the output here. The
default value is 5.

Full tree (grown using training data)

Select this option to display the full regression tree. The tree will be drawn
according to the maximum #levels in the tree that are specified. This option is
not selected by default.

Pruned tree (pruned using validation data)

Select this option to display the pruned tree. This option is not selected by

Minimum error tree (pruned using validation

Select this option to display the minimum error tree, pruned using validation
data. This option is not selected by default.

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Score training data

Select these options to show an assessment of the performance of the tree in
classifying the training data. The report is displayed according to your
specifications - Detailed, Summary and Lift charts.

Score validation data

Select these options to show an assessment of the performance of the tree in
classifying the validation data. The report is displayed according to your
specifications - Detailed, Summary and Lift charts.

Score Test Data

Select these options to show an assessment of the performance of the tree in
classifying the test data. The report is displayed according to your specifications
- Detailed, Summary and Lift charts.

Score new Data

The options in this group let you apply the model for scoring to an altogether
new data. See the Scoring chapter for details on these options.

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Neural Networks Prediction

Artificial neural networks are relatively crude electronic networks of "neurons"
based on the neural structure of the brain. They process records one at a time,
and "learn" by comparing their prediction of the record (which, at the outset, is
largely arbitrary) with the known actual record. The errors from the initial
prediction of the first record is fed back to the network and used to modify the
networks algorithm for the second iteration. These steps are repeated multiple
Roughly speaking, a neuron in an artificial neural network is

A set of input values (xi) with associated weights (wi)


A input function (g) that sums the weights and maps the results to an output

Neurons are organized into layers: input, hidden and output. The input layer is
composed not of full neurons, but simply of the values in a record that are inputs
to the next layer of neurons. The next layer is the hidden layer of which there
could be several. The final layer is the output layer, where there is one node for
each class. A single sweep forward through the network results in the
assignment of a value to each output node. The record is assigned to the class
node with the highest value.

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Training an Artificial Neural Network

In the training phase, the correct class for each record is known (this is termed
supervised training), and the output nodes can therefore be assigned "correct"
values -- "1" for the node corresponding to the correct class, and "0" for the
others. (In practice, better results have been found using values of 0.9 and
0.1, respectively.) As a result, it is possible to compare the network's
calculated values for the output nodes to these "correct" values, and calculate an
error term for each node. These error terms are then used to adjust the weights in
the hidden layers so that, hopefully, the next time around the output values will
be closer to the "correct" values.

The Iterative Learning Process

A key feature of neural networks is an iterative learning process in which
records (rows) are presented to the network one at a time, and the weights
associated with the input values are adjusted each time. After all cases are
presented, the process often starts over again. During this learning phase, the
network trains by adjusting the weights to predict the correct class label of
input samples. Advantages of neural networks include their high tolerance to
noisy data, as well as their ability to classify patterns on which they have not
been trained. The most popular neural network algorithm is the backpropagation algorithm proposed in the 1980's.
Once a network has been structured for a particular application, that network is
ready to be trained. To start this process, the initial weights (described in the
next section) are chosen randomly. Then the training, or learning, begins.
The network processes the records in the training data one at a time, using the
weights and functions in the hidden layers, then compares the resulting outputs
against the desired outputs. Errors are then propagated back through the system,
causing the system to adjust the weights for the next record. This process occurs
over and over as the weights are continually tweaked. During the training of a
network the same set of data is processed many times as the connection weights
are continually refined.

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Note that some networks never learn. This could be because the input data do
not contain the specific information from which the desired output is derived.
Networks also will not converge if there is not enough data to enable complete
learning. Ideally, there should be enough data available to create a validation set.

Feedforward, Back-Propagation
The feedforward, back-propagation architecture was developed in the early
1970's by several independent sources (Werbor; Parker; Rumelhart, Hinton and
Williams). This independent co-development was the result of a proliferation of
articles and talks at various conferences which stimulated the entire industry.
Currently, this synergistically developed back-propagation architecture is the
most popular, effective, and easy-to-learn model for complex, multi-layered
networks. Its greatest strength is in non-linear solutions to ill-defined problems.
The typical back-propagation network has an input layer, an output layer, and at
least one hidden layer. Theoretically, there is no limit on the number of hidden
layers but typically there are just one or two. Some studies have shown that the
total number of layers needed to solve problems of any complexity is 5 (one
input layer, three hidden layers and an output layer). Each layer is fully
connected to the succeeding layer.
As noted above, the training process normally uses some variant of the Delta
Rule, which starts with the calculated difference between the actual outputs and
the desired outputs. Using this error, connection weights are increased in
proportion to the error times, which are a scaling factor for global accuracy. This
means that the inputs, the output, and the desired output all must be present at
the same processing element. The most complex part of this algorithm is
determining which input contributed the most to an incorrect output and how to
modify the input to correct the error. (An inactive node would not contribute to
the error and would have no need to change its weights.) To solve this problem,
training inputs are applied to the input layer of the network, and desired outputs
are compared at the output layer. During the learning process, a forward sweep
is made through the network, and the output of each element is computed layer
by layer. The difference between the output of the final layer and the desired
output is back-propagated to the previous layer(s), usually modified by the
derivative of the transfer function. The connection weights are normally
adjusted using the Delta Rule. This process proceeds for the previous layer(s)
until the input layer is reached.

Structuring the Network

The number of layers and the number of processing elements per layer are
important decisions. These parameters, to a feedforward, back-propagation
topology, are also the most ethereal - they are the "art" of the network designer.
There is no quantifiable, best answer to the layout of the network for any
particular application. There are only general rules picked up over time and
followed by most researchers and engineers applying this architecture to their
Rule One: As the complexity in the relationship between the input data and the
desired output increases, the number of the processing elements in the hidden
layer should also increase.
Rule Two: If the process being modeled is separable into multiple stages, then
additional hidden layer(s) may be required. If the process is not separable into
stages, then additional layers may simply enable memorization of the training
set, and not a true general solution.
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Rule Three: The amount of training data available sets an upper bound for the
number of processing elements in the hidden layer(s). To calculate this upper
bound, use the number of cases in the training data set and divide that number
by the sum of the number of nodes in the input and output layers in the network.
Then divide that result again by a scaling factor between five and ten. Larger
scaling factors are used for relatively less noisy data. If too many artificial
neurons are used the training set will be memorized, not generalized, and the
network will be useless on new data sets.

portion of the dataset is shown below. The last variable, CAT.MEDV, is a

discrete classification of the MEDV variable and will not be used in this

Neural Network Prediction Method Example

The example below illustrates XLMiners Neural Network Prediction method.
We will again use the Boston_Housing.xlsx example dataset. This dataset
contains 14 variables, the description of each is given in the table below. The
dependent variable MEDV is the median value of a dwelling. This objective of
this example is to predict the value of MEDV.

Per capita crime rate by town


Proportion of residential land zoned for lots over

25,000 sq.ft.


Proportion of non-retail business acres per town


Charles River dummy variable (= 1 if tract bounds

river; 0 otherwise)


Nitric oxides concentration (parts per 10 million)


Average number of rooms per dwelling


Proportion of owner-occupied units built prior to



Weighted distances to five Boston employment



Index of accessibility to radial highways


Full-value property-tax rate per $10,000


Pupil-teacher ratio by town

1000(Bk - 0.63)^2 where Bk is the proportion of

African-Americans by town


% Lower status of the population


Median value of owner-occupied homes in $1000's

A portion of the dataset is shown below. The last variable, CAT.MEDV, is a

discrete classification of the MEDV variable and will not be used in this

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User Guide Page

First, we partition the data into training and validation sets using the Standard
Data Partition defaults with percentages of 60% of the data randomly allocated
to the Training Set and 40% of the data randomly allocated to the Validation
Set. For more information on partitioning a dataset, see the Data Mining
Partitioning chapter.

Select a cell on the newly created Data_Partition1 worksheet, then click Predict
Neural Network on the XLMiner ribbon. The following dialog appears.

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User Guide Page

Select MEDV as the Output variable and the remaining variables as Input
Variables (except the CAT.MEDV variable). (The option, Classes in the Output
Variable, is disabled as this feature is not applicable for prediction algorithms.)
The Weight variable and the Success options are not used in this method and are
therefore not enabled.

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Click Next to advance to the next dialog.

This dialog contains the options to define the network architecture. Keep
Normalize input data unselected in this example. Normalizing the data
(subtracting the mean and dividing by the standard deviation) is important to
ensure that the distance measure accords equal weight to each variable -without normalization, the variable with the largest scale would dominate the
Keep the # Hidden Layers at the default value of 1. Click the up arrow to
increase the number of hidden layers. The default setting is 1. XLMiner
supports up to 4 hidden layers.
Enter 25 for the # Nodes for the Hidden layer.

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Enter 500 for # Epochs. An epoch is one sweep through all records in the
training set.
Keep the default setting of 0.1 for Step size for gradient descent. This is the
multiplying factor for the error correction during backpropagation; it is roughly
equivalent to the learning rate for the neural network. A low value produces
slow but steady learning, a high value produces rapid but erratic learning.
Values for the step size typically range from 0.1 to 0.9.
Keep the default setting of 0.6 for Weight change momentum. In each new
round of error correction, some memory of the prior correction is retained so
that an outlier does not spoil accumulated learning.
Keep the default setting of 0.01 for Error tolerance. The error in a particular
iteration is backpropagated only if it is greater than the error tolerance. Typically
error tolerance is a small value in the range from 0 to 1.
Keep the default setting of 0 for Weight decay. To prevent over-fitting of the
network on the training data, set a weight decay to penalize the weight in each
iteration. Each calculated weight will be multiplied by 1-decay.

Click Next to advance to the Step 3 of 3 dialog.

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User Guide Page

Select Detailed report, Summary report, and Lift charts under Score training
data and Score validation data to show an assessment of the performance of the
tree in predicting the output variable. The output is displayed according to the
users specifications Detailed, Summary, and/or Lift charts.
If a test dataset exists, the options under Score test data will be enabled. Select
Detailed report, Summary report, and Lift charts under Score test data to show
an assessment of the performance of the test dataset in predicting the output
variable. The output is displayed according to the users specifications
Detailed, Summary, and/or Lift charts.
See the Scoring chapter for information on options under Score new data.

Click Finish to initiate the output. Worksheets containing the output of the
model will be inserted at the end of the workbook. The Output Navigator
appears on the NNP_Output1 worksheet. Click any link to easily view the

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The Data, Variables, and Parameters Options sections reflect the user inputs.
Click the Valid. Score Detailed Rep. link on the Output Navigator to
navigate to the Prediction of Validation Data table on the NNP_ValidScore1
worksheet. This table displays the Actual and Predicted values for the
validation dataset.

XLMiner also provides intermediate information produced during the last pass
through the network. Scroll down on the Output1 worksheet to the Interlayer
connections' weights table.

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Recall that a key element in a neural network is the weights for the connections
between nodes. In this example, we chose to have one hidden layer, and we also
chose to have 25 nodes in that layer. XLMiner's output contains a section that
contains the final values for the weights between the input layer and the hidden
layer, between hidden layers, and between the last hidden layer and the output
layer. This information is useful at viewing the insides of the neural network;
however, it is unlikely to be of utility to the data analyst end-user. Displayed
above are the final connection weights between the input layer and the hidden
layer for our example.
Click the Training Epoch Log link on the Output Navigator to display the
following log.

During an epoch, each training record is fed forward in the network and
classified. The error is calculated and is back propagated for the weights
correction. As a result, weights are continuously adjusted during the epoch. The
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classification error is computed as the records pass through the network. It does
not report the classification error after the final weight adjustment. Scoring of
the training data is performed using the final weights so the training
classification error may not exactly match with the last epoch error in the Epoch
See the Scoring chapter for information on the Stored Model Sheet,

Neural Network Prediction Method Options

The options below appear on one of the three Neural Network Prediction
method dialogs.

Variables in input data

All variables in the dataset are listed here.

Input variables
Variables listed here will be utilized in the XLMiner output.

Weight Variable
The Weight variable is not used in this method.

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Output Variable
Select the variable whose outcome is to be predicted here.

Normalize input data

Normalizing the data (subtracting the mean and dividing by the standard
deviation) is important to ensure that the distance measure accords equal weight
to each variable -- without normalization, the variable with the largest scale
would dominate the measure. This option is not selected by default.

# Hidden Layers
Click the up and down arrows until the desired number of hidden layers appears.
The default setting is 1. XLMiner supports up to 4 hidden layers.

# Nodes
Enter the number of nodes per layer here. The first field is for the first hidden
layer, the second field is for the second hidden layer, etc.

# Epochs
An epoch is one sweep through all records in the training set. The default
setting is 30.

Step size for gradient descent

This is the multiplying factor for the error correction during backpropagation; it
is roughly equivalent to the learning rate for the neural network. A low value
produces slow but steady learning, a high value produces rapid but erratic
learning. Values for the step size typically range from 0.1 to 0.9. The default
setting is 0.1.

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Weight change momentum

In each new round of error correction, some memory of the prior correction is
retained so that an outlier that crops up does not spoil accumulated learning.
The default setting is 0.6.

Error tolerance
The error in a particular iteration is backpropagated only if it is greater than the
error tolerance. Typically error tolerance is a small value in the range from 0 to
1. The default setting is 0.01.

Weight decay
To prevent over-fitting of the network on the training data, set a weight decay to
penalize the weight in each iteration. Each calculated weight will be multiplied
by (1-decay). The default setting is 0.

Score training data

Select these options to show an assessment of the performance of the tree in
predicting the output variable using the training data. The report is displayed
according to your specifications - Detailed, Summary and Lift charts.

Score validation data

Select these options to show an assessment of the performance of the tree in
predicting the value of the output variable using the validation data. The report
is displayed according to your specifications - Detailed, Summary and Lift

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Score Test Data

Select these options to show an assessment of the performance of the tree in
predicting the output variable using the test data. The report is displayed
according to your specifications - Detailed, Summary and Lift charts.

Score new Data

The options in this group apply the model to be scored to an altogether new
dataset. See the Scoring chapter for details on these options.

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User Guide Page

Association Rules
The goal of association rule mining is to recognize associations and/or
correlations among large sets of data items. A typical and widely-used example
of association rule mining is the Market Basket Analysis. Most market basket
databases consist of a large number of transaction records where each record
lists all items purchased by a customer during a trip through the check-out line.
Data is easily and accurately collected through the bar-code scanners.
Supermarket managers are interested in determining what foods customers
purchase together, like, for instance, bread and milk, bacon and eggs, wine and
cheese, etc. This information is useful in planning store layouts (placing items
optimally with respect to each other), cross-selling promotions, coupon offers,
Association rules provide results in the form of "if-then" statements. These rules
are computed from the data and, unlike the if-then rules of logic, are
probabilistic in nature. The if portion of the statement is referred to as the
antecedent and the then portion of the statement is referred to as the
In addition to the antecedent (the "if" part) and the consequent (the "then" part),
an association rule contains two numbers that express the degree of uncertainty
about the rule. In association analysis the antecedent and consequent are sets of
items (called itemsets) that are disjoint meaning they do not have any items in
common. The first number is called the support which is simply the number of
transactions that include all items in the antecedent and consequent. (The
support is sometimes expressed as a percentage of the total number of records in
the database.) The second number is known as the confidence which is the ratio
of the number of transactions that include all items in the consequent as well as
the antecedent (namely, the support) to the number of transactions that include
all items in the antecedent. For example, assume a supermarket database has
100,000 point-of-sale transactions, out of which 2,000 include both items A and
B and 800 of these include item C. The association rule "If A and B are
purchased then C is purchased on the same trip" has a support of 800
transactions (alternatively 0.8% = 800/100,000) and a confidence of 40%
(=800/2,000). In other works, support is the probability that a randomly selected
transaction from the database will contain all items in the antecedent and the
consequent. Confidence is the conditional probability that a randomly selected
transaction will include all the items in the consequent given that the transaction
includes all the items in the antecedent.
Lift is one more parameter of interest in the association analysis. Lift is the ratio
of Confidence to Expected Confidence. Expected Confidence, in the example
above, is the "confidence of buying A and B does not enhance the probability of
buying C." or the number of transactions that include the consequent divided by
the total number of transactions. Suppose the total number of transactions for C
is 5,000. Expected Confidence is computed as 5% (5,000/1,000,000) while the
ratio of Lift Confidence to Expected Confidence is 8 (40%/5%). Hence, Lift is a
value that provides information about the increase in probability of the "then"
(consequent) given the "if" (antecedent).
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A lift ratio larger than 1.0 implies that the relationship between the antecedent
and the consequent is more significant than would be expected if the two sets
were independent. The larger the lift ratio, the more significant the association.

Association Rule Example

This example below illustrates XLMiners Association Rule method. Click
Help Examples to open the Associations.xlsx example file. A portion of the
dataset is shown below.

Select a cell in the dataset, say, A2, then click Associate Association Rules to
open the Association Rule dialog, shown below.

Since the data contained in the Associations.xlsx dataset are all 0s and 1s,
select Data in binary matrix format for the Input data format. This option
should be selected if each column in the data represents a distinct item.
XLMiner will treat the data as a matrix of two entities -- zeros and non-zeros.
All non-zeros are treated as 1's. A 0 signifies that the item is absent in that
transaction and a 1 signifies the item is present. Select Data in item list format
when each row of data consists of item codes or names that are present in that
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transaction. Enter 100 for the Minimum Support (# transactions). This option
specifies the minimum number of transactions in which a particular item-set
must appear to qualify for inclusion in an association rule. Enter 90 for
Minimum confidence. This option specifies the minimum confidence threshold
for rule generation. If A is the set of Antecedents and C the set of Consequents,
then only those A =>C ("Antecedent implies Consequent") rules will qualify, for
which the ratio (support of A U C) / (support of A) at least equals this

Click OK. The output worksheet, AssocRules_1, is inserted immediately after

the Assoc_binary worksheet. Click the column titles to sort each rule by
ascending or descending values.

Rule 2 indicates that if an Italian cookbook and a Youth book are purchased,
then with 100% confidence a second cookbook will also be purchased. Support
(a) indicates that the rule has support of all 118 transactions, meaning that 118
people bought an Italian cookbook and a Youth book. Support (c) indicates the
number of transactions involving the purchase of cookbooks. Support (a U c)
indicates the number of transactions where an Italian cookbook and a Youth
book as well as a second cookbook were purchased.

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The Lift Ratio indicates how much more likely a transaction will be found
where an Italian cookbook and a Youth book are purchased, as compared to the
entire population of transactions. In other words, the Lift Ratio is the
confidence divided by support (c), where the latter is expressed as a percentage.
For Rule 2, with a confidence of 100%, support is calculated as 862/2000 * 100
= 43.1. Consequently, the Lift ratio is calculated as 100/43.1 or 2.320186.
Given support at 100% and a lift ratio of 2.320186, this rule can be considered

Association Rule Options

The following options appear on the Association Rule dialog.

Input data format

Select Data in binary matrix format if each column in the data represents a
distinct item. If this option is selected, XLMiner treats the data as a matrix of
two entities -- zeros and non-zeros. All non-zeros are treated as 1's. So,
effectively the data set is converted to a binary matrix which contains 0's and 1's.
A 0 indicates that the item is absent in the transaction and a 1 indicates it is
Select Input Data in item list format if each row of data consists of item codes
or names that are present in that transaction.

Minimum support (# transactions)

Specify the minimum number of transactions in which a particular item-set must
appear for it to qualify for inclusion in an association rule here. The default
setting is 200.

Minimum confidence (%)

A value entered for this option specifies the minimum confidence threshold for
rule generation. If A is the set of Antecedents and C the set of Consequents, then
only those A =>C ("Antecedent implies Consequent") rules will qualify, for
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which the ratio (support of A U C) / (support of A) is greater than or equal to.

The default setting is 50.

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Scoring New Data

XLMiner provides a method for scoring new data in a database or worksheet
with any of the Classification or Prediction algorithms. This facility matches the
input variables to the database (or worksheet) fields and then performs the
scoring on the database (or worksheet).

Scoring to a Database
Refer to the Discriminant Analysis example in the previous chapter
Discriminant Analysis Classification Method for instructions on advancing to
the Discriminant Analysis Step 3 of 3 dialog. This feature can be used with any
of the Classification or Prediction algorithms and can be found on the last dialog
for each method. In the Discriminant Analysis method, this feature is found on
the Step 3 of 3 dialog.

In the Score new data in group, select Database. The Scoring to Database
dialog opens.

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The first step on this dialog is to select the Data source. Once the Data source
is selected, Connect to a database will be enabled.
If your database is a SQL Server database, select SQL Server for Data source
then click Connect to a database, the following dialog will appear. Enter the
appropriate details, then click OK to be connected to the database.

If your data source is an Oracle database, select Oracle as Data source, then
click Connect to a database, the following dialog will appear.
Enter the appropriate details and click OK to connect to the database.

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This example illustrates how to score to an MS-Access database. Select MSAccess for the Data source, then click Connect to a Database The following
dialog appears.

Click Browse for database file and browse to C:\Program Files\Frontline

Systems\Analytic Solver Platform\Datasets\dataset.mdb,

then click Open. The MS-Access database file dialog re-appears.

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Click OK to close the MS-Access database file dialog. The Scoring to Database
dialog re-appears. Select Boston_Housing for Select table/view. The dialog
will be populated with variables from the database, dataset.mdb, under Fields in
table and with variables from the Boston_Housing.xlsx workbook under
Variables in input data.

XLMiner offers three easy techniques to match variables in the dataset to

variables in the database:

Matching variables with the same names.


Matching the first N variables where N is the number of input



Manually matching the variables.

If Match variable(s) with same names(s) is clicked, all similar named

variables in Boston_Housing.xlsx will be matched with similar named variables
in dataset.mdb, as shown in the screenprint below. Note that the additional
database fields remain in the Fields in table listbox while all variables in the
Variables in input data listbox have been matched.

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If Match the first 11 variables in the same sequence is clicked, the first 11
variables in Boston_Housing.xlsx will be matched with the first 11 variables in
the dataset.mdb database.
The first 11 variables in both the database and the dataset are now matched
under Variables in input data. The additional database fields remain under
Fields in table.
Note: The 11 in Match the first 11 variables in the same sequence command
button title will change with the number of input variables.

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To manually map variables from the dataset to the database, select a variable
from the database in the Fields in table listbox, then select the variable to be
matched in the dataset in the Variables in input data listbox, then click Match.
For example to match the CRIM variable in the database to the CRIM variable
in the dataset, select CRIM from the dataset.mdb database in the Fields in table
listbox, select CRIM from the Boston_Housing.xlsx dataset in the Variables in
input data listbox, then click Match CRIM < -- > CRIM to match the two

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Notice that CRIM has been removed from the Fields in table listbox and is now
listed next to CRIM in the Variables in input data listbox. Continue with these
steps to match the remaining 10 variables in the Boston_Housing.xlsx dataset.

To unmatch all variables click Unmatch all. To unmatch a single match,

highlight the match, then click Unmatch the selected variable.
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The Output Field can be selected from the remaining database fields listed under
Fields in table or a new Output Field can be added. Note: An output field
must be a string. To select an output field from the remaining database fields,
select the field to be added as the output field, in this case, nfld, then click > to
the right of the Select output field radio button.

In this example, the field nfld is the only remaining database field which is a
string so it is the only choice for the output field. To choose a different output
field click the < command button to return the nfld field to the Fields in table
To add a new field for the output, select Add new field for output radio button,
then type a name for this new field such as Output_Field. XLMiner will
create the new field in the dataset.mdb database

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After all the desired variables in the input data have been matched, OK will be
enabled, click to return to the original Step 3 of 3 dialog. Notice that Database
is selected.

Click Finish to create the scoring report on the DA_DBScore1 worksheet.

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Scoring on New Data

XLMiner can also perform scoring on new data in a worksheet. Click Help
Examples on the XLMiner ribbon and open the Digit.xlsx and
Flying_Fitness.xlsx example datasets. Select a cell on the Data worksheet of
Flying_Fitness.xlsx workbook, say cell A2, and click Classify Discriminant
Analysis to open the Discriminant Analysis Step 1 of 3 dialog.
Select Var2, Var3, Var4, Var5, and Var6 as the Input variables and
TestRes/Var1 as the Output variable.

Click Next to advance to the Step 2 of 3 dialog. Then click Next on the Step 2
of 3 dialog to accept the defaults.

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On the Step 3 of 3 dialog, select Detailed report in the Score new data in group.

The dialog for Match variables in the new page appears.

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Select Digits.xlsx for Workbook at the top of the dialog.

In the dialog above, the variables listed under Variables in new data are from
Digits.xlsx and the variables listed under Variables in input data are from
Flying_Fitness.xlsx. Again, variables can be matched in three different ways.

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Match variables with same names.


Match the first N variables where N is the number of variables

included in the input data.
User Guide Page


Manually matching variables in the two sets.

If Match variable(s) with same name(s) is clicked, no variables will be matched

as no variables share the same names.
If Match the first 5 variables in the same sequence is clicked, the first five
variables from each listbox are matched as shown below.

Finally, variables may be matched manually by selecting a variable under

Variables in new data, selecting a variable in Variables in input data, and
clicking Match. For example, select y under Variables in new data and Var2
under Variables in input data, then click Match y < -- > Var2.

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Notice y has been removed from the Variables in new data listbox and added to
the Variables in input data listbox.

Continue these steps until all input variables are matched.

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To unmatch all matched variables, click Unmatch all. To unmatch only one set
of matched variables, select the matched variables in the Variables in input data
listbox, then select Unmatch.
Click OK to return to the Step 3 of 3 dialog. Notice Detailed report is now
selected in the Score new data in group and Canonical Scores has been enabled
within that same group.

Click Finish to review the output. Click the DA_NewScore1 worksheet to view
the output as shown below. All variables in the input data have been matched
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with the variables in the new data. Instead of Var2, y is listed, instead of Var3,
x1 is listed, instead of Var4, x2 is listed, etc.

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User Guide Page

Scoring Test Data

When XLMiner calculates prediction or classification results, internal values
and coefficients are generated and used in the computations. XLMiner saves
these values to an additional output sheet, termed Stored Model Sheet, which
uses the worksheet name, XX_Stored_N where XX are the initials of the
classification or prediction method and N is the number of generated stored
sheets. This sheet is used when scoring the test data. Note: In previous
versions of XLMiner, this utility was a separate add-on application named
XLMCalc. In XLMiner V2014, this utility is included free of charge and can be
accessed under Score in the Tools section of the XLMiner ribbon.

The material saved to the Stored Model Sheet varies with the classification or
prediction method used. Please see the table below for details.
Classification/Prediction Method

Contents of Stored Model Sheet

Multiple Linear or Logistic Regression

Coefficients of the regression


Classification or Regression Trees

Tree rules for all selected trees.

Nave Bayes

Each variable value, class and all

class probabilities.

k-Nearest Neighbors

Model generated from training


Neural Networks

All weights between Input,

Hidden, and Output layers

Discriminant Analysis

Discriminant coefficients for each


For example, assume the Multiple Linear Regression prediction method has just
finished. The Stored Model Sheet (MLR_Stored_1) will contain the regression
equation. When the Score Test Data utility is invoked, XLMiner will apply this
equation from the Stored Model Sheet to the test data.
Along with values required to generate the output, the Stored Model Sheet also
contains information associated with the input variables that were present in the
training data. The dataset on which the scoring will be performed should
contain at least these original Input variables. XLMiner offers a matching
utility that will match the Input variables in the training set to the variables in
the new dataset so the variable names are not required to be identical in both
data sets (training and test).

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Scoring Test Data Example

This example illustrates how to score test data using a stored model sheet using
output from a Multiple Linear Regression. This procedure may be repeated on
stored model sheets generated from the following Classification or Prediction
routines: Logistic Regression, k-Nearest Neighbors, Neural Networks, Naive
Bayes, or Discriminant Analysis.
Click Help Examples on the XLMiner ribbon and open the example files,
Scoring.xlsm and Boston_Housing.xlsx. The Scoring.xlsm workbook contains
the MLR_Stored_1 worksheet which was generated by the Multiple Linear
Regression prediction routine on the Boston_Housing example dataset.
Select a cell on the Data worksheet within the Boston_Housing.xlsx workbook,
say A2, then click Score on the XLMiner ribbon. Under Data to be scored,
confirm that Data appears as the Worksheet and Boston_Housing.xlsx as the

Under Stored Model, select Scoring.xlsm for Workbook,

then MLR_Stored_1 under Worksheet.

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Click Next. XLMiner will open the Match variables Step 2 dialog which is
where the matching of the Input variables to the New Data variables will take

XLMiner displays the list of variables on the Stored Model Sheet under
Variables in stored model and the variables in the new data under Variables in
new data.
Variables may be matched using three easy techniques: by name, by sequence
or manually.
If Match variable(s) with same names(s) is clicked, all similar named
variables in the stored model sheet will be matched with similar named variables
in the new dataset. However, since none of the variables in either list are named
similarly, no variables are matched.
If Match variables in stored model in same sequence is clicked, the Variables
in the stored model will be matched with the Variables in the new data in order
that they appear in the two listboxes. For example, the variable CRIM from the
new dataset will be matched with the variable CRIM_Scr from the stored model
sheet, the variable ZN from the new data will be matched with the variable
ZN_Scr from the stored model sheet and so on.
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Since the stored model sheet only contains 13 variables while the new data
contains 15 variables, two variables will remain in the Variables in new data
listbox. Note: It is essential that the variables in the new data set appear in the
same sequence as the variables in the stored model when using this matching
To manually map variables from the stored model sheet to the new data set,
select a variable from the new data set in the Variables in new data listbox, then
select the variable to be matched in the stored model sheet in the Variables in
stored model listbox, then click Match. For example to match the CRIM
variable in the new dataset to the CRIM_Scr variable in the stored model sheet,
select CRIM from the Variables in new data listbox, select CRIM_Scr from
the stored model sheet in the Variables in stored model listbox, then click
Match CRIM < -- > CRIM to match the two variables.

Notice that CRIM has been removed from the Variables in new data listbox and
is now listed next to CRIM_SCR in the Variables in stored model listbox.
Continue with these steps to match the remaining 12 variables in the stored
model sheet.
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To unmatch all variables click Unmatch all. To unmatch CRIM and

CRIM_SCR, click Unmatch CRIM_SCR <- -> CRIM.
For this example, click Match variables in stored model in same sequence to
match the variables in the new dataset to the variables on the stored model sheet.
Then click OK. A new sheet MLR_Score1 will be added to
Boston_Housing.xlsx. A portion of this output is shown below.

Now lets apply these same steps to a stored model sheet created by the
Classification Tree classification method.
Click Score on the XLMiner ribbon. Confirm that Boston_Housing.xlsx is
selected for Workbook and Data is selected for Worksheet under Data to be
scored. Then, under Stored Model, select Scoring.xlsm for Workbook and
CT_Stored_1 for Worksheet.

Click Next to advance to the Step 2 dialog. Click Match variables in stored
model in same sequence.

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Click Next to advance to the Step 3 dialog.

Click the down arrow to select the desired scoring option, then click OK. (Since
this stored model sheet was created when only the Full Tree Rules option was
selected during the Classification Tree method, this is the only option.) The
worksheet CT_Score1 will be added at the end of the workbook. A portion of
the output is shown below.

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User Guide Page

Scoring Test Data Options

The options below appear on one of the Scoring Test Data dialogs.

Data to be Scored
Workbook: Select the open workbook containing the data to be scored here.
Worksheet: Select the worksheet, from the Workbook selection, containing the
data to be scored here.
Data Range: The dataset range will be prefilled here. If not prefilled, enter the
dataset range here.
First Row Contains Headers: This option is selected by default and indicates to
XLMiner to list variables in the Step 2 dialog by their column headings.

Stored Model
Workbook: Select the open workbook containing the Stored Model Sheet here.
Worksheet: Select the Stored Model worksheet, from the Workbook selection,

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XLMiner displays the list of variables on the Stored Model Sheet under
Variables in stored model and the variables in the new data under Variables in
new data.
Variables may be matched using three easy techniques: by name, by sequence,
or manually.

Match by Name
If Match variable(s) with same names(s) is clicked, all similar named
variables in the stored model sheet will be matched with similar named variables
in the new dataset. However, if none of the variables in either list are named
similarly, no variables will be matched.

Match by Sequence
If Match variables in stored model in same sequence is clicked, the Variables
in the stored model will be matched with the Variables in the new data in order
that they appear in the two listboxes. In the dialog above, the variable CRIM
from the new dataset will be matched with the variable CRIM_Scr from the
stored model sheet, the variable ZN from the new data will be matched with the
variable ZN_Scr from the stored model sheet and so on.

Manual Match
To manually map variables from the stored model sheet to the new data set,
select a variable from the new data set in the Variables in new data listbox, then
select the variable to be matched in the stored model sheet in the Variables in
stored model listbox, then click Match. To match the CRIM variable in the new
dataset to the CRIM_Scr variable in the stored model sheet in the dialog above,
select CRIM from the Variables in new data listbox, select CRIM_Scr from
the stored model sheet in the Variables in stored model listbox, then click
Match CRIM < -- > CRIM.

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When scoring to a Stored Model Sheet generated by the Classification Tree

method, an additional dialog will appear. Click the down arrow to select the
desired scoring rule. The options appearing in this drop down are based on the
options selected on the Classification Tree Step 3 of 3 dialog.

Frontline Solvers V2014


User Guide Page

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