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Vol. 29 • No. 2 Visit our web pages at http://uanews.

org/engineering Fall 2006

Squeezing 50
extra horses from
a Mini Cooper
Pushing lots of air isn’t
enough. It has to be done at
just the right moment.

T he stock Mini Cooper has 115

horses under the hood. The
Cooper S has 168 and if you add the
John Cooper Works GP kit, that’s
boosted to 214.
But over at Fireball Tim Racing in
California, the movie-car maker has
built the MEGA MINI, a 500-horse-
power, turbocharged screamer that
revs to 9,000 rpm — well above the
stock Mini’s 6,800 rpm red line.
“Obviously, we’ve taken the car to a
level where we are pushing the enve-
lope and that required us to redesign
some items,” said Hubie Fuh, presi-
dent of Fireball Tim Racing. “We’re
almost tripling the output of this
motor. So the other components have
to be optimized to work with it.”

Matt Brailey Photo

New intake manifold needed
One of those components is the
engine’s intake manifold, which brings
the air/fuel mixture to the cylinders.
Enter a team of UA Mechanical Kuang Liu, a mechanical engineering senior, shows off the racing manifold that his team designed
Engineering (ME) students. They were and built for their senior design project. His team won the top award at the spring 2006 edition of
Engineering Design Day.
looking for a senior design project
at the same time that Fireball Tim and 9,000 rpm,” said ME senior Seth Crozier said. “So we had to do a lot
Racing was looking for a racing intake Crozier. of research and studying to be able
manifold. So that meant getting into the to analyze the problem and design a
The result: An intake manifold that subtle aerodynamics of wave action solution.”
squeezes an additional 50 horsepower theory, which deals with the compres- “We started slowly by checking on
from the engine, and top prize in UA’s sion and expansion of waves inside the books about the design of internal
annual Engineering Design Day. manifold. combustion engines,” said ME senior
“The problem was that the factory “The difficult thing for us was Kuang C. Liu. “Eventually, we found
intake manifold was optimized for the that none of the theory dealing with a book published by SAE (the Society
lower rpm range, while this engine this project was taught in our classes of Automotive Engineers) that was
does most of its racing between 6,000 because it’s such a specialized field,” Continued on Page 11
Dean’s Viewpoint: By Tom Peterson

© UA/Robert Walker
Faculty, facilities and endowments
They combine to continue UA Engineering’s long history of excellence

courses in the curriculum. program, based on their teaching or

In Electrical and Computer Engi- research achievements. Each receives
neering (ECE): a one-time grant to support his or her

T here have been many exciting • We are very close to completing research or teaching activity.
developments regarding faculty, the $1 million endowment for the These fellowships result from the
facilities and financial support in the Ogelthorpe Chair, funded by Ray and generosity of da Vinci Circle mem-
College during recent months, and I’d Jean Oglethorpe. bers. I am very grateful to this group
like to update you on the highlights. • The International Foundation of individuals and companies, whose
First, the new Materials Research for Telemetering has established a financial support has opened up so
Building — to be built north of $500,000 distinguished professorship. many exciting possibilities in research
Speedway and east of the Aerospace In Bioengineering: and teaching in the college.
and Mechanical Engineering Build- • We’re recruiting for the Brown
ing — is now in the planning stages. Chair in bioengineering, funded by
This location is ideal, as it is a physical the Brown Family Foundation. Using ‘More info’
nexus between Engineering and UA’s These endowments are allowing us At the end of several stories in
Health Sciences Center. to attract and retain the high-quality Arizona Engineer, you’ll find a word
We have some exciting preliminary faculty who have been a cornerstone of or phrase under “More info.” You can
this program for many years. use this phrase to search for a longer
drawings, and UA has commited $30
version of that story at http://uanews.
million to the building. We’re now Faculty members honored org/engineering. Type the word or
raising the additional $30 to $45 mil- A number of our faculty members phrase into the “Engineering Article
lion required for the project. have been recognized with local, Finder” box at the top left of the web
The building will house researchers national and international awards: page and click on “search.”
from chemical engineering, environ- • Professor Farhang Shadman,
mental engineering, materials science of Chemical and Environmental The ARIZONA
and engineering, and biomedical Engineering (ChEE), has been named
engineering related to materials.
Endowments fund faculty
a Regent’s Professor, the highest
distinction accorded by UA to faculty
members on behalf of Arizona. Fall 2006 Vol 29 • No. 2
The Brown Family Foundation has
established a $1 million endowment to • Two faculty members have been
Arizona Engineer is published twice
support recruitment of National Merit named to the National Academy
yearly for alumni and friends of The
Scholars, which has been incredibly of Engineering, the highest honor University of Arizona College of
successful. bestowed on engineers in this country. Engineering.
While engineering has about 10 They are Professor Emeritus Kenneth
percent of the undergraduates in the Jackson, of Materials Science and Editor/Writer: Ed Stiles
university, 40 percent of the National Engineering, and Professor Spencer Photos: Photos on pages 19 and 20
Titley, who holds a joint appointment courtesy of alumni and friends.
Merit Scholars on campus are engi-
neers. This is evidence of our ability in Engineering and Geosciences. Engineering Offices: 520-621-6594
to attract the best and the brightest • Professor Jim Shuttleworth, of E-mail:
students, and the Brown endowment Hydrology and Water Resources, has •
is helping us do that. received the International Hydrology The University of Arizona is an
Prize, sometimes referred to as the equal opportunity, affirmative action
There also are exciting developments
“Nobel Prize for hydrological science institution. The University prohibits
in Mining and Geological Engineering discrimination in its programs and
(MGE): and engineering.”
activities on the basis of race, color,
• Phelps Dodge has endowed a • The da Vinci Circle, the Engineer-
religion, sex, national origin, age,
$2.5 million professorship, and we’re ing College giving society, has selected disability, veteran status, sexual
recruiting a new faculty member for three faculty as this year’s da Vinci orientation, or gender identity
that position. Fellows: Anthony Muscat, of ChEE; and is committed to maintaining
• Alum Jack Thompson and his Achintya Haldar, of Civil Engineer- an environment free from sexual
wife, Linda, have established a $1 ing and Engineering Mechanics; and harassment and retaliation.
Charles Higgins, of ECE. •
million endowment that supports the
Each year, exceptional faculty All contents ©2006 Arizona Board of
Thompson Family Professor of MGE, Regents. All rights reserved.
who will teach the design/practice are named to the da Vinci Fellows

News Briefs
Students and local engineer develop water system in Ghana
A handful of UA students and a Tucson engineer are
improving life for 10,000 people in Ghana West Africa
through UA’s newly established chapter of Engineers With-
out Borders (EWB).
The students and UA alum Ty Morton are working with
community leaders in the North Tongu District of Ghana’s
Volta Region on a water supply system that eventually will
serve 30 villages.
Morton, the group’s professional engineer mentor, is a
UA Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering graduate and

UA EWB Photo
a water resources specialist at CH2M Hill.
He and four EWB students made a site visit to Ghana.
“Now we’ve come up with a list of things we want to solve
and are generating a report and some construction draw- Members of UA’s chapter of Engineers Without Borders join Tor Bjorne-
ings,” Morton said. sen (third from right) for a photo during their site visit to villages in Ghana.
Bjornesen is the local NGO AMURT (Non Governmental Organization
The UA EWB members hope to address several problems representative for the Ananda Marga United Relief Team.) The UA EWB
during the project’s three-year lifespan. members are (from left) Samantha Treese, Amanda Plourde, John McEl-
ligott, Dave Newman, and Ty Morton.
“This is such a great project,” said UA EWB President
Amanda Plourde, a master’s student in Civil Engineering. EWB-USA organizes projects in which professional and
“We’re working in a developing country in a community student engineers contribute engineering expertise to com-
that really wants this to work. It’s going to benefit them tre- munities in developing nations.
mendously. That’s the drive and motivation for us to keep •
working and being dedicated to it.” More info: EWB

Scholarship donors, Shuttleworth wins

recipients honored hydrology’s top prize
About 85 people attended the sixth Professor Jim Shuttleworth has
annual Scholarship Donor Apprecia- been awarded what is sometimes
tion Reception to honor individuals referred to as the “Nobel Prize
and companies that contribute schol- for hydrologi-

Courtesy of Jim Shuttleworth

arships to engineering students at UA. cal science and
The reception also gives donors engineering.”
a chance to meet the students who The Interna-
benefit from their support. tional Hydrology
Each year, one donor speaks on Prize (IHP) is
behalf of the donors and one student awarded each
Ed Stiles

speaks for the scholarship recipients. year to a hydrolo-

Jim Shuttleworth
This year, Sarah Smallhouse repre- gist “who has made
Scholarship donors and recipients from UA
sented the donors. She is the president Civil Engineering got a chance to meet one an outstanding contribution to
of the Thomas R. Brown Family another at the sixth annual Scholarship Donor
hydrology such as confers on the
Appreciation Reception.
Foundation and an MBA graduate of candidate universal recognition of
UA’s Eller College of Business. Jeff Goodhue, a senior in Systems his or her international stature.”
“Burr-Brown, which was the com- Engineering and the Outstanding Shuttleworth is a professor of
pany that my Dad started and grew in Senior in UA’s Honors College for Hydrology and Water Resources
Tucson, did very well,” she said. “The spring 2006, spoke for the students. and director of UA’s center for Sus-
company hired a lot of very compe- “The donors in this room are allow- tainability of semi-Arid Hydrology
tent engineers who were educated at ing the students here to live their and Riparian Areas (SAHRA).
the University of Arizona. It’s exciting dreams and not worry about finan- The IHP has been awarded for
for us to have that come back around cial responsibilities,” he said. “You’re 25 years and has been given to just
and to be able to support some of the allowing us to do so much more than five U.S. hydrologists in that time.
present students, who I’m sure will go we could without your support.” •
out and do amazing things in their • More info: IHP
careers.” More info: Donors

News Briefs
Students win $6,500 in cash at Engineering Design Day
S tudent engineers won a total of
$6,500 in 10 award categories at
UA’s 2006 Engineering Design Day
in May.
Design Day 2006 included 64 proj-
ects from ten engineering departments
and from UA’s multidisciplinary senior
design course.
The projects were judged by 54
practicing engineers from more than
30 companies.
Lockheed Martin is the primary
sponsor of Engineering Design Day,
and several other companies also
sponsor awards, including: Advanced
Ceramics Research, Ventana Medical

Ed Stiles
Systems, Honeywell, Northrop Grum-
man, Texas Instruments, PADT, and
Raytheon. Engineering Design Day judges and faculty who organized the event posed for a group shot during
lunch break. The judges determine the winners in several categories including Overall Design, Over-
• all Software Design, Team Leadership, Aerospace Design, Optics Design, Interdisciplinary Design,
More info: Design Day Mechanical Design, and several other award categories.

6,000 students + 300 engineers and Smerdon wins

scientists = noise, fun & excitement John C. Park Award
and Planetary Laboratory, College
Professor Emeritus Ernest T.
of Medicine, Biochemistry program,
Smerdon, former dean of UA
College of Engineering, and Flandrau
Engineering, has been named the
Science Center.
John C. Park
Despite all the fun, MSTFF has an

Courtesy of Ernest T. Smerdon

important, serious side. It’s particularly
Civil Engineer
important to convince middle-school
for 2005 by the
and grade-school students that science
American Society
and engineering are fun, exciting and
of Civil Engineers
Photo Courtesy of MSTFF

accessible to almost anyone who wants

to learn about them, Blowers said.
The award was
These students need to be encouraged
given to Smerdon Ernest T. Smerdon
to continue taking science and math
“for substantial contributions to
to be ready for science and engineering
the status of the civil engineering
courses in college.
Honeywell Corp. gave students a chance to profession through distinguished
ride hovercraft during the Tucson Math, Sci- “If I want to have good students
ence, and Technology FunFest.
service and outstanding
in my classes ten years from now, we

M ore than 6,000 students in

grades 4 through 8 got to meet
more than 300 scientists and engineers
need to get middle school students
interested in science, math and engi-
neering today,” he said.
The award is named for John
C. Park, who was a professor of
civil engineering at UA from 1926
from a broad range of disciplines MSTFF was started by Raytheon to 1958. Park also served as dean
during the three-day Tucson Math, engineer Sharon O’Neal, UA Chemi- of UA Engineering from 1951 to
Science, and Technology FunFest cal Engineer Anthony Muscat, and 1957.
(MSTFF) in March. Caryl Jones, a librarian at Ventana Smerdon was dean of the UA
Many engineers and scientists from Vista. Raytheon, IBM, Honeywell, College of Engineering from 1988
UA were part of the show, including and several other Southern Arizona to 1998.
Chemical Engineering professor Paul companies participate. •
Blowers, one of the MSTFF organiz- • More info: Smerdon
ers. UA’s team came from the Lunar More info: MSTFF

News Briefs
This year’s da Vinci
Circle Fellows are
(from left) Anthony
Muscat, Chemical
and Environmental
Engineering; Achintya
Haldar, Civil Engineer-
ing and Engineer-
ing Mechanics; and
Charles Higgins, Elec-
trical and Computer

Ed Stiles
Fellows introduced, college lauded at da Vinci Circle Event
A bout 150 friends of the College of
Engineering attended the second
annual da Vinci Circle dinner and lec-
Marcellin is one of the leaders in
developing and applying JPEG2000.
or research achievements. They each
receive a one-time grant to support
their work and also received recogni-
ture in April at Tucson’s Arizona Inn. He also consults with a consortium of tion plaques at the annual dinner.
The da Vinci Circle is the Engineer- movie studios regarding distribution Da Vinci Circle members either
contribute to the Dean’s Fund or sup-
ing College giving society, which is of movies in JPEG2000 format.
port a favorite department or program
named for Leonardo da Vinci. It ben- Tom Peterson, Dean of UA Engi-
within UA Engineering. In return, the
efits engineering faculty and students neering, also spoke. He highlighted college is creating programs and events
while directly engaging patrons in the new developments in the college and for da Vinci Circle members that
discovery process. introduced this year’s da Vinci Fellows. reflect the diversity and richness of the
Professor Michael Marcellin, of Each year, exceptional faculty are pursuit for academic excellence at UA.
Electrical and Computer Engineer- named to the fellows program. This •
ing, spoke on “JPEG2000 and Digital recognition is based on their teaching More info: da Vinci

Outstanding grad
student award
Otakuye Conroy received UA’s
Centennial Achievement Graduate
NASA image by P. Carril

Award during the fall commence-

ment ceremonies
for her outstand-
ing achievements
as a Ph.D. student
Artist’s conception of CALIPSO in orbit. (NASA image by P. Carril)
in environmental
Reagan is co-investigator on CALIPSO mission engineering.
Ed Stiles

The Centennial
John A. Reagan, professor emeritus transmits and receives laser light. Awards recognize
in Electrical and Computer Engineer- CALIPSO, which combines lidar the achievements Otakuye Conroy
ing, is a co-investigator on CALIPSO with infrared and visible-light imag- of students who are members of tra-
(the Cloud-Aerosol Lidar and Infrared ers, will help scientists improve their ditionally underrepresented groups.
Pathfinder Satellite Observations) understanding of the effect of human The award includes a $500
satellite, which will explore the con- activity on the atmosphere. cash prize from UA’s Division of
tributions of clouds and airborne par- Reagan has been working on cali- Campus Life and the UA Gradu-
ticles (aerosols) to regulating Earth’s bration of CALIPSO’s lidar instru- ate College, as well as an engraved
weather, climate, and air quality. ment and on how to best retrieve plaque from UA’s Alumni Assoc.
Lidar (Light Detection And Rang- information on aerosol distribution. •
ing) is similar to radar. But unlike • More info: Conroy
radar, which uses radio waves, Lidar More info: Reagan

News Briefs
Michelin Award
Mining Engineering student
wins $3,000 essay contest

A ngela Noon, a junior in Mining

Engineering, won $3,000 and an
engraved plaque in the first Michelin
Mining Essay Contest. She is one of
two winners in the contest, which
is sponsored by the Michelin Earth-
mover Group.
Three Michelin executives were on
hand to present the award on campus:
Jim Griese, director of mining sales for
North America; Kaan Demirel, market
segment manager for North America;

Ed Stiles
and John Funke, director of sales for
North America.
Mary Poulton, department head in Mining Engineering junior Angela Noon (left) received the engraved plaque for her winning essay
in the Michelin Mining Essay Contest from Michelin’s Jim Griese, director of mining sales for North
Mining and Geological Engineering, America. The ceremony took place in front of UA’s historic engineering building.
and several other faculty members also
company’s executives.
attended the award ceremony.
Noon’s essay was one of 23 submit- Students were asked to write essays Wang Roveda wins
ted. The essays were evaluated by a about what they believe will be the NSF PECASE award
panel of judges from throughout the major advancements in surface mining
Janet M. Wang Roveda is one
mining industry. methods and technology during the
of 20 PECASE (Presidential Early
Demierel said that Noon’s essay next 10 years, especially those related
Career Award for Scientists and
contained several ideas that will be to safety and productivity.
Engineers) award
valuable to Michelin and that the essay •

Courtesy of J. Wang Roveda

winners, and one
has been distributed to several of the More info: Michelin
of four in the
area of computer
UA student wins first Prince Fellowship and information
sor John L. Prince, who died on Dec.
Wang Roveda,
16, 2005. Prince was a pioneer in the
an assistant
electrical characterization of packaging Janet Wang Roveda
professor in
structures for microchips and other
Electrical and Computer Engineer-
semiconductors. He helped estab-
ing, received the award during a
lish the strong ongoing partnership
ceremony at the White House.
between UA and SRC that dates back
PECASE is the highest honor
more than 20 years.
bestowed on investigators in the
Zhou received the award at the SRC
early stages of promising research
Integration and Packaging Sciences
and education careers by the
Spring Review, which was held at
United States government.
UA. Prince’s wife, Martha Prince, and
Wang Rovenda is creating Elec-
Harold Hosack, SRC’s director for
tronics Design Automation (EDA)
Ed Stiles

Interconnect and Packaging Sciences,

tools that will help engineers design
presented the award to Zhou.
nanometer-scale integrated circuits.
Zhen Zhou (left) with Martha Prince, wife of the The Prince Fellowship is designed to
late John L. Prince. Integrated circuits are the build-
stimulate non-traditional thinking and
ing blocks behind today’s amazingly
Zhen Zhou, a Ph.D. student in to encourage exploratory, high-risk
complex and tiny electronic devices
Electrical Engineering, has received research. SRC hopes this will lead to
such as cell phones, MP3 players,
the first SRC/John L. Prince Fellow- novel, high-payoff solutions to prob-
and desktop computers.
ship from the Semiconductor Research lems in the semiconductor industry.

Corp. (SRC). •
More info: PECASE
The fellowship honors UA Profes- More info: Prince

Engineering Physics senior
wins NASA fellowship
E ngineering Physics senior Daniella
Della-Giustina is one of two UA
students to receive a NASA fellowship
During the
journey to Mars,
astronauts will be
to investigate revolutionary ideas for exposed to danger-
space exploration. Only five such fel- ous space radiation
lowships were awarded nationwide. that could cause
She has received a $9,000 NASA serious medical
Institute for Advanced Concepts problems. Cur-
(NIAC) Student Fellows Prize to rently proposed
study the use of near-Earth asteroids shielding systems

Ed Stiles
to shield astronauts from radiation as are prohibitively
they travel to Mars. expensive or
“The biggest obstacle facing manned impractical, Della- Daniella Della-Giustina sits next to a slice of meteorite at the UA South-
west Meteorite Center, where she conducts her research.
space exploration is the threat of Giustina said.
biologically hazardous cosmic radia- She will investigate whether space- craft. Astronauts could mine natural
tion,” Della-Giustina said. “If we don’t craft could hitch a ride on asteroids resources from the asteroids during
develop an effective solution to this whose orbits cross both Earth and their journey, she said.
issue, the threat of cosmic radiation Mars orbits. Many asteroids have •
will prevent a manned mission to Mars.” regolith that could shield space- More info: Della-Giustina

Eric Case earns

top IT certification
Eric Case, principal support
systems analyst for UA’s Chemical
Tom Peterson Photo

and Environmental Engineering

Department and
Materials Science
and Engineering

Courtesy of Eric Case

Department, has
Faculty honored for their recent achievements at an Engineering College reception were (from left)
Spencer R. Titley, Kenneth A. Jackson, and Farhang Shadman. been named a
Certified Infor-
Award-winning faculty honored mation Systems
Security Profes-
Three faculty members were Jackson, of Materials Science and sional (CISSP). Eric Case
honored at a College of Engineering Engineering, is an expert on crystal- Case is the only IT person at
reception in April in recognition of lization kinetics, thin film growth and UA to earn this certification and
their recent achievements. characterization, ion beam processes only one of 13 in Tucson. CISSP is
Professor Emeritus Kenneth A. Jack- and semiconductor processing. awarded by the International Infor-
son and Professor Spencer R. Titley Titley holds a joint appointment in mation Systems Security Certifica-
were recently elected to the National Engineering and Geosciences. He is a tion Consortium, Inc. (ISC)2.
Academy of Engineering (NAE), mining and resource geologist whose Our heavy reliance on elec-
and Professor Farhang Shadman was research has led to a better under- tronic and wireless communica-
named a UA Regents Professor. standing of metal concentrations. tions makes us vulnerable to cyber
Election to NAE is one of the high- Shadman, of Chemical and thieves, said ISC President and
est distinctions for an engineer and Environmental Engineering, applies Interim CEO Rolf Moulton.
honors those who have made impor- chemical reaction engineering to semi- Highly trained information
tant contributions to engineering conductor manufacturing, advanced security specialists are critical to
theory, practice and education. materials processing and environmen- protecting us against the cyber
The title of Regents Professor is tal contamination control. He directs attacks, he said.
reserved for faculty whose exceptional the NSF/SRC Engineering Research •
achievements have gained national or Center for Environmentally Benign More info: Case
international recognition. Semiconductor Manufacturing.


The award winners and representatives from The University of Arizona at TMAL included (from left) Tom Peterson, dean of the College of Engineering;
Paul Portney, dean of the Eller College of Management; UA President Peter Likins; William D. Mensch, Jr., founder, chairman and CEO of The Western
Design Center; J. Steven Whisler, chairman and CEO of Phelps Dodge Corp; Bruce T. Halle, chairman of Discount Tire Co.; Donald V. Budinger, chair-
man and founding director of Rodel, Inc.; and J. Burgess Winter, former president and CEO of Magma Copper Corp.

J. Steven Whisler named Technology

TMAL facts
The annual Technology &
& Management Executive of the Year
Management Awards Lun- J. Steven Whisler has been named
the 2005 Technology & Manage-
ment Executive of the Year by UA’s
to eliminate workplace injuries at
Phelps Dodge. He also initiated
“Quest for Zero,” a program to elimi-
cheon (TMAL) honors selected
College of Engineering and the Eller nate environmental problems, waste,
individuals who have made College of Management. and product defects. The program also
Whisler is chairman and CEO of aims to create consistent quality in
significant contributions to Phelps Dodge Corp., a Fortune 500 Phelps Dodge production processes.
the economic development of company based in Phoenix, Ariz. Whisler serves as a director for
Whisler is one of six business and Phelps Dodge; Burlington North-
Arizona and the nation. technology leaders who were honored ern Santa Fe Corp.; the US Airways
at the seventh annual Technology Group, Inc. and its principal subsid-
TMAL also highlights the & Management Awards Luncheon iaries, America West Airlines, Inc.
partnership between busi- (TMAL) in December at The Arizona and US Airways, Inc.; the National
Biltmore Resort & Spa in Phoenix. Mining Assoc.; and the National
ness and engineering at The TMAL celebrates the contributions Cowboy and Western Heritage
of high-tech enterprises and entre- Museum.
University of Arizona. Close preneurial ventures to the economic He also has received the Colo-
collaboration between the two development of Arizona and the rado School of Mines Distinguished
nation. Achievement Medal for his career
disciplines is important at both Whisler joined Phelps Dodge accomplishments.
in 1981 and was named CEO in Whisler earned his bachelor’s degree
the university and corporate 2000. He has served in various posts in business (accounting) from the Uni-
levels for the United States to including attorney for the company’s versity of Colorado and a J.D. degree
exploration group, president of the from the University of Denver College
remain competitive in today’s company, and as its chief operating of Law (with emphasis on natural
officer. resources law, business planning, and
global marketplace. He developed the “Zero and taxes). He also earned a master’s degree
Beyond” program, which is designed in mineral economics and a Ph.D.

degree in engineering (Hon.) from
the Colorado School of Mines. In
addition, he attended the Advanced
Management Program at Harvard
University. Whisler is a member of the
bar in Colorado, various federal courts
and the United States Supreme Court.
He also is a Certified Public Accoun-
tant in Arizona.
He was selected to receive the
Technology & Management Execu-
tive of the Year Award because of his
leadership role in the mining industry
and for continuing the company’s
long-time support of The University
of Arizona’s education and research

Ed Stiles
Others who were honored at TMAL
included: UA President Peter Likins (left) hoists the award he received from TMAL organizers for his
continued support of the event. Likins has played a key role in TMAL’s success since the event was
organized six years ago. He also has attended every year. Tom Peterson (right), dean of Engineer-
Lifetime Achievement Award, ing, presented the award to Likins, who retired in June.
College of Engineering
• William D. Mensch, Jr., sentations because of a family illness.
founder, chairman and CEO of The
Western Design Center. Mensch

Distinguished Service Award,
TMAL History
designed the 6502 microprocessor, College of Engineering Past winners of the Technol-
which drove some of the earliest PC • Donald V. Budinger, chairman ogy & Management Executive
systems. COMDEX honored the 6502 and founding director of Rodel, Inc.
Rodel is the world’s largest manufac- of the Year Award include:
as the first of seven defining products
in the 25-year history of the micro- turer of high-precision surface-finish- 1999 — Craig Barrett
processor. Mensch also is listed in the ing chemicals used in manufacturing
computer chips and other specialty President and CEO
book, “Leaders of the Information
Age,” as one of 250 people who — in products. Budinger founded Rodel Intel Corp.
the past 500 years — laid the founda- and the Rodel Foundations. He is a 2000 — Michael R. Bonsignore
tions for today’s information technol- board member of Thunderbird, The Chairman and CEO
ogy industry. Garvin School of International Man-
agement; the Greater Phoenix Leader- Honeywell International

Distinguished Service Award, ship organization; and The University 2001 — Tom Brown
Eller College of Management of Arizona Foundation. Founder & Chairman Emeritus
• Patricia and J. Burgess • Burr-Brown Corp.
Winter, former president and CEO Lifetime Achievement Award,
Eller College of Management 2002 — Louise Francesconi
of Magma Copper Corp. Patricia and
Burgess Winter have long supported • Bruce T. Halle, chairman of President
The University of Arizona through the Discount Tire Co. In 1960, Halle Raytheon Missile Systems
Winter Scholarship Program and The started Discount Tire Co. in Ann Vice President
Magheramorne Foundation, which Arbor, Mich. Today, the Scottsdale-
based company is the largest inde- Raytheon Co.
they founded. Burgess Winter has
received the “Financial World” CEO pendent tire dealer in North America, 2003 — Nicholas M. Donofrio
of the Year Award and was elected to with more than 10,000 employees and Senior Vice President
the Mining Hall of Fame in 1994. He more than 600 stores. New stores are Technology & Manufacturing
continues to actively support UA edu- being added monthly. Halle is a long-
time supporter of community orga- IBM Corp.
cational efforts. Patricia Winter works
with the Children in the Wilderness nizations. He received the American 2004 — Vance D. Coffman
program, helping children in need in Academy of Achievement’s prestigious CEO & chairman of the board
Southern Africa. Unfortunately, she Golden Plate Award and has been Lockheed Martin Corp.
was not able to attend the TMAL pre- honored by many other organizations.

Student Projects
quency vibrations into electricity is a
device called a piezoceramic sheet. The
students anchored three sheets of dif-
ferent sizes at one end of their portable
power system. Vibrations cause these
cantilevered sheets to bend and crys-
tals in the sheets generate electricity
when they’re stressed by bending.
Only a small amount of electric-
ity is produced. It would take the
students’ device 40 days to fully
charge the lithium-ion battery, said
Electrical Engineering senior Kyle
Zukowski. “But the batteries start out
fully charged,” he added. “So we just
have to produce enough electricity to

Ed Stiles
recharge them.”
The piezoceramic sheets generate
Electricity is generated when piezoceramic sheets (tan sheets at right) flex. The electrical charge is a random sinusoidal voltage, said
stored in capacitors (yellow, rectangular boxes) until it is transferred to the battery-charging circuitry.
Electrical Engineering student Asher
Shake, Rattle and Recharge Kells. This AC voltage is converted
to DC and charges a small capacitor.

I t’s like getting something for noth-

ing — electricity from the vibra-
tions that naturally occur in ships,
onto the Internet to see the progress
of their shipment in real time,” said
Electrical Engineering senior David
When the voltage reaches a threshold,
the circuit’s microcontroller turns on
a transistor that transfers the charge
planes, trucks and trains. Tinnin. “The tracking unit has a from the capacitor to a larger capacitor
A team of Electrical and Com- lithium-ion battery that lasts 2 to that can be used as part of the system
puter Engineering (ECE) seniors has 4 weeks. And after that it has to be to recharge the battery.
designed a device that converts these hooked to an external power source In addition to Tinnin, Zukowski
vibrations to electricity for trickle and recharged. We want to eliminate and Kells, the team also included
charging batteries in GPS tracking the external power source and make Computer Engineering seniors Victor
units made by ARGO Tracker. these tracking units self-sufficient, so Mendez and Daniel Burillo.
“Companies can put these tracking they can be deployed indefinitely.” •
units in their shipments and then log The secret to turning free, low-fre- More info: piezo

RFID system helps The “K-5th Grade

After-School Student
Tracking System” team

non-profit group included Electrical and

Computer Engineer-
ing seniors (from
A group of Electrical and Computer left) Christina Wright,
Engineering (ECE) seniors has devel- Amuche Okeke, Sara
Ramirez, and Nkiru
oped a computerized system based on Ameng.
RFID bracelets and laptop computers
that allows an after-school day-care
program to easily track children and
the services provided to them.
Ed Stiles

The system was developed for Child

and Family Resources, Inc. to stream-
line their attendance record keeping Later, as they go from one activity to The ECE students designed the
and to record the services they provide another they pass the bracelet within computer screen display so that it
to each child during daily activities. 20 mm of the RFID reader and their looks like the paper record sheets
RFID (Radio Frequency Identifica- name is recorded along with the activ- teachers now use. This will make it
tion) bracelets and an electronic RF ity. The reader transmits a radio signal easier to learn to use the computerized
reader are key to the system. that excites a circuit in the bracelet, system.
Each child is given a bracelet when which then transmits a unique code to •
they arrive at the day-care center. the reader. More info: RFID

Student Projects
Wind Tower Uses Sun’s
Heat to Generate Electricity
W ind generators are great for producing electricity —
unless there isn’t any wind.
But lack of wind isn’t an insurmountable problem,
according to a group of UA Engineering students. They’ve
been experimenting with a design that doesn’t depend on
the vagaries of natural wind. Instead, their design produces
its own airflow by trapping heat from the sun and then
allowing the heated air to escape through a chimney-like
tower to an area of lower pressure and cooler air.
The students built a scale model to test their theories and
to develop a set of scaling laws to accurately predict the
power output of a “wind tower,” depending on its diameter,
collector area, height and many other factors.
“Wind towers are not like solar cells, where you power a
house,” said Mechanical Engineering senior Andy Lovelace.
“We’re talking about competing with a gas- or coal-fired
power plant.”
In 1982, engineers built a small-scale wind tower in
Spain that ran for eight years. It had a 640-foot-tall tower,
and a maximum output of about 50 kilowatts.
“My friend, Rudi Bergermann, developed the plant in
Manzanares, Spain and brought this concept to my atten-

Ed Stiles
tion,” said Professor Hermann Fasel, who sponsored the
UA wind tower project. “He got me excited about doing The Wind Tower design team displayed their scale-model wind tower at
serious research on this concept.” Fasel is a professor in the Engineering Design Day on May 2.
Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering Department. Design Day, he said.”
In addition to funding the project, Fasel was the team’s In addition to Lovelace, the wind tower team included
faculty advisor and spent many hours mentoring the group. Mechanical Engineering seniors Dave Klawon, Oscar
“This is one of the best teams I’ve advised in a long time, Rueda and Gabriel Secrest.
as well as the photovoltaic power unit team that won the •
PDAT Best Mechanical Design Award at Engineering More info: wind tower

Mini Cooper want it reflected back at precisely the

time when the valve opens, maximiz-
Continued from Page 1
ing the mass flow into the cylinder
head. Power is optimized in a particu-
specifically about designing intake
lar rpm range, based on the runner
manifolds for optimizing wave action.”
Kuang C. Liu Photo

geometry and length.”

How it Works The team built a prototype mani-
When a piston in an internal fold, tweaked it and then built the
combustion engine goes down on final version.
the intake cycle, air is drawn into Tripling the horsepower output
This intake manifold, which squeezes an
the engine, Crozier explained. As a might seem like a prescription for very additional 50 horsepower from the Mega Mini’s
result, a compression wave travels back short engine life, but Fuh says that engine, won top prize in UA’s annual Engineer-
ing Design Day on May 2.
through what’s called the “runner.” isn’t the case if it’s done right with a
The runner is the tube that connects robust engine. “It’s a stout motor,” the $1,000 Lockheed Martin Best
the intake manifold’s main tube to the he said. “It’s a low-compression, iron Overall Design Award they won at
cylinder. There are four runners on the block that’s pretty strong.” Since the Engineering Design Day.
four-cylinder Mini. racing manifold was added, the car has In addition to Liu and Crozier, the
“Depending on the length of the driven to California and back with no intake manifold design team included
runner, the wave gets reflected back at problems. ME seniors Chad Brueggemann, Gary
a certain time,” Crozier said. “So you An added bonus for the team was Tang, and Kyle Nath.
Fighting cyberspies with
bio-mimicking software
U A’s Electrical and Computer Engineering Department
(ECE) has received $1 million to fund research and
development of security software for military computer
The software will mimic biological immune systems by
screening a computer network for abnormalities; isolating the
infectious computer viruses, worms and other attack agents;
and developing software “antibodies” to fight them.
Professors Jerzy W. Rozenblit and Salim Hariri received
the grant from the Army Research Office to collaborate on

© 2005 iStock International Inc. All rights reserved

the project with Arizona’s Ft. Huachuca Network Command
The research is vital to national security because military
and other government computers are under constant attack
from both freelance hackers and those working for foreign
The research will focus on self-detecting, self-healing
computer-protection software that mimics biological systems.
This new approach is necessary because conventional meth-
ods used to protect computers from attack have failed.

More info: Cyberspies

simply doesn’t exist.

For instance, toxicity data —
cancer-causing potential and other
Combining biology
harmful effects — isn’t known for 95 and electronics
© 2005 iStock International Inc. All rights reserved

percent of the chemicals in use today,

said Paul Blowers, an assistant profes- UA’s nanotechnology research
sor in Chemical and Environmental group is using proteins from living
Engineering cells to “grow” wires on microchips.
There’s a good reason for this, he Their work promises to revo-
added. Gathering the experimental lutionize the way microchips are
data is expensive and time consuming. made by combining biology and
So Blowers is working on computa- electronics — leading to smaller,
tionally based methods to get past the faster and more efficient circuits for
cost and time-constraint problems. cell phones, computers, MP3 play-
His method should produce ers and a thousand other microelec-
the hard numbers needed by both tronic devices.
But that’s only one of the ben-
Putting hard numbers engineers and policy makers who are
efits of this research.
trying to curb global warming.
on global warming “Once I have the method perfected, The work holds promise in sev-
it should apply to any chemical,” eral areas, such as improving testing
There’s a lot of talk about global methods for anticancer drugs, con-
Blowers said.
warming, but not much hard data on necting molecule-sized transistors
“I want this to be a robust method
the chemicals that cause it. to the outside world, and extracting
where I just go and say, ‘Here’s a new
In fact, engineers who design envi- electricity from highly efficient
chemical. I’m going to go through
ronmentally friendly manufacturing photosynthesis proteins that could
this mechanical series of calculations
processes often are stymied because be used to replace today’s far less
and I’m going to get a global warm-
data on a chemical’s global warming efficient solar cells.
ing potential that’s going to be right.’
potential just isn’t available. •
That’s my goal.”
In most cases, the measurements • More info: Blowers
have never been made and the data More info: Blowers

Brown Family Foundation provides
$1 million scholarship endowment
T he Thomas R. Brown Family Foundation has established
a $1 million endowment in the College of Engineering
that will fund scholarships for National Merit Scholars.
The endowment will support annual scholarships, renew-
able for four years, to qualified National Merit Scholars and
continues in perpetuity the support that the Brown family
initiated in 2002 in UA’s College of Engineering and Eller
College of Management.
The Brown Foundation has made annual gifts of $50,000
to each college since 2002 to fund students who are studying
both technology and management.
Kara Monsen, a senior in Civil Engineering and a Brown
Scholarship recipient since 2003, says support from the
Brown family has allowed her to enrich her education. “I
decided to take a minor in Spanish and that is requiring
another year of school,” she said. “I wouldn’t be able to afford
that last year if it weren’t for the scholarships I’ve had for four
years.” Besides the Brown Scholarship, Monsen has qualified

Ed Stiles
for other scholarship support.
• Brown Scholarship recipient Kara Monsen (left) and Ken Kuehl, a senior
More info: Thomas R. Brown in Materials Science and Engineering, discuss their homework.

Caterpillar donates Alums contribute $1 million to MGE

UA alums Jack and Linda Thomp- sorship will have extensive industry
$100,000 to MGE son have established the $1 million experience and will teach the design/
Jack E. Thompson Family Fund practice courses in the curriculum.
UA’s Mining & Geological Engi-
for Mining Education Curriculum Adjunct Assistant Professor Terril
neering (MGE) Department has
Support in Mining and Geological Wilson is the first Thompson Family
received a $100,000 unrestricted
Engineering (MGE). Professor and will begin serving in that
gift from Caterpillar Inc. Jack Thompson, former CEO of position starting in the fall semester.
The gift resulted from a three- Homestake Mining “If we get to the point where we can
way partnership between MGE, Co. and former vice fill that teaching need through some
Courtesy of Jack Thompson

Caterpillar and Phelps Dodge Corp. chair of Barrick other means, then we have the flexibil-
The strength of the U.S. educa- Gold Corp., now ity to use that money for operations
tion system is a critical factor in serves on the Phelps support,” Poulton added.
the success and strength of the Dodge Corp. board In addition to the endowment, Jack
U.S. economy, said Gerry Shaheen, of directors and Thompson has been working on the
group president for Caterpillar. several other mining department’s $16.5 million fund-
The United States can con- company boards. He Jack Thompson raising campaign and in helping UA
tinue to lead the world in mining is a 1971 UA MGE graduate. MGE secure support from Phelps
technology and education, he said. Linda Thompson graduated from Dodge for a mineral processing chair.
But that will happen only if the UA in 1971 in Public Administration. “He has continued to be a big cham-
industry continues to support and “The nice thing about this endow- pion for the program,” Poulton said.
invest in education. ment is that Jack and Linda gave us
Contributions like those made the flexibility in how we could use Named Alumnus of the Year
by Caterpillar and Phelps Dodge the money,” said MGE Department Thompson was named the 2006
are critical to developing the next Head Mary Poulton. “It gives us the Alumnus of the Year in engineering
generation of mining innovators, flexibility to use it for teaching or by the College of Engineering and the
said MGE Department Head operations.” Arizona Alumni Assoc. and was one of
Mary Poulton. The department has initially decided 18 Alumni of the Year award winners
• to use the endowment to support honored at a dinner and reception.
More info: Caterpillar the Thompson Family Professor. The •
faculty member holding this profes- More info: Jack Thompson

T he UA College of
Engineering is fortu-
nate to have many com-
panies, organizations and
individuals who enthusias-
tically support its research
and education mission.
Here is the list of those
who have contributed to
UA Engineering during the
Fiscal Year 2004-2005.
Their support is vital.
Without this help, some
students would be unable
to complete their educa-
tion. Many other students Mary Poulton, department head in Mining and Geological Engineering (MGE) holds a $100,000
check that Caterpillar, Inc. donated to MGE. Those attending a luncheon at the Arizona Inn to cel-
would not have access ebrate the gift included (from left): Janpeter Bekkering, Caterpillar Global Mining account manager
to resources that give UA for Phelps Dodge; Gerald L. Shaheen, Caterpillar group president; Chris Curfman, president Cater-
Engineering a margin of pillar Global Mining; Mary Poulton, MGE department head; Tim Snider, president and COO, Phelps
Dodge; and Richard Munday, Caterpillar Global Mining regional manager.
excellence in educating
tomorrow’s engineers. $100,000 OR MORE $10,000 TO $19,999 Sargent & Lundy
Arizona Public Service Foundation 3M Optical Systems Division Brice W. Schuller
Similarly, the research BAE Systems Ernest & Joanne Smerdon
Thomas R. Brown Family
effort in the college, which   Foundation Therese Berg Spectra-Physics, Inc.
directly supports the Foundation for Arizona Alan Boeckmann Jeffrey Stein
  Universities Exxon Mobil Corp. Sundt Construction, Inc.
economies of Arizona and ExxonMobil Foundation Ann Wilkey
Honeywell International
the nation, would not be Intel Corp. General Instrument Corp. Woodson Engineering, Inc.
as strong nor as diverse Delbert & Sharron Lewis Joseph Gervasio
Raymond & Jean Oglethorpe David Hall $1,000 TO $4,999
without this continued Kenneth Head & Jamie Cain
Raytheon Co. Advance Wire Forming, Inc.
support. Salt River Project Marguerite Hesketh AIAA Foundation, Inc.
We want to take this Hewlett-Packard Co. Anton Anderson
Helmut & Ellen Hof David & Dede Areghini
opportunity to say, “Thank $50,000 TO $999,999
Barbara Keevan Jennifer & Enrique Aviles
Information Storage
You!” from the students The Melsa Foundation Ayco Charitable Foundation
Intel Foundation
and faculty who have ben- Genevieve Morrill Baybridge Dental Clinic
National Semiconductor Corp.
Lucille E. Williams Foundation John Edward &
efited from the generosity Tucson Electric Power Co.
  Karen Paulson Belt
of those listed on these $5,000 TO $9,999 Kenneth & Victoria Boyd
$40,000 TO $49,999 Castro Engineering Corp.
pages. Herb & Sylvia Burton
Sun Microsystems The Fluor Foundation Ruth & Joseph Campbell
We have made every
Leston & Thelma Goodding Marie Carrel
effort to list all those who $20,000 TO $39,999 H.D.R. Engineering Inc. Casas Family Trust
Analog Devices, Inc. Hom Brothers Caterpillar Foundation
contributed to the college
Arizona Power Authority The Industrial Co. Ceramatec
and sincerely apologize if ASML George P. Johnson Co. CH2M Hill, Inc.
anyone has inadvertantly Craig & Nancy Berge Mr. & Mrs. Alan Kehlet Richard Chartoff
been left off the list. The Boeing Co. Kiewit Western Co. City of Tucson
The Denver Foundation Komatsu America Corp. Computer Associates Int’l
If you donated to UA Honeywell Engines Pinnaduwa Kulatilake Debra & Thomas Corbett
Engineering during 2004- IBM Corp. Patricia & Robert Littlewood Louis & Mary Demer
2005 and don’t see your Lockheed Martin Corp. M3 Engineering & Technology Docomo Communications
The Magheramorne Foundation Mattel Inc.   Laboratories
name, please let us know
Northrop Grumman Space Tech. Ernest & Sally Micek Jake & Beverly Doss
and we will recognize you Random Network   Family Foundation William Dresher
in the next issue of Arizona John Toomey Microsoft Corp. Bette Drummond-Oliver
Robert & Jane Whitenack Mintec, Inc. Sandra & Karl Elers
Burgess & Patricia Winter MineSeal, LLC Four Points by Sheraton

Jeffrey & Donna Goldberg Composite Mirror Applications AT&T Foundation Richard Canfield
Dillard Department Stores, Inc. The Athens Group Theresa Carlson
Goodwill Golf Tournament Dowling Associates, Inc. ATK Foundation Nicholas & Dorothy Carnevale
Richard Guthrie & Eric Dunemn Brian N. Aviles Barbara & Juan Casanova
Janet Fertig Raymond Avina James Cashin
  Patricia Dunford Gary & Carole Frere Shayne Aytes Mary & William Cassabaum
Gary Harper Barry & Starr Ganapol David Aziz Peter Castaneda
Ray Haynes Theodore Gelber Kimberly Babers Louis & Alice Catallini
Gem Gravure Company, Inc. Katherine & Paul Babonis Peter Cerna
Hofmann Family Foundation Henry & Beverly Grundstedt Kwang Baek Jami Chaloupka
Ta-Ming & Shuh-Ming Hsu Guardian Life Insurance Co. Daniel & Marleen Bailie Cho Chan
Christopher Gypton Bill & Diane Bain Frederick Channon
Institute of Industrial Engineers Wendell Harness Frederick Bakarich Scott Chapman
International Foundation for Michael & Amy Hillenbrand John Baker Natasha Checkovich
  Telemetering Honeywell Hometown Solutions Jonathan & Mary Baker Chuan Chen
Der-E Jan Fred Bakun Nobel Chen
Robert & Gwen Jackson Edwin Jones Craig & Janet Baldon Peter Chen
Joy Mining Machinery Michael & Robin Kaiserman James Banfield Mary & Robert Chesher
James & Krina Komadina William Banyai & Bonnie Bridges Lizzie Cheung
Cynthia & Daniel Klingberg Marti Marek Bruce Barbara Shu-Chung Chiao
Peter & Patricia Likins John & La Donna Marietti Forrest Barker Heather Chowaniec
Dennis McLaughlin Brett Barnett Po-Han & Kam Chung
Marshall Foundation Sara Meinert Edward Barrios Paul & Roxanne Cicchini
S. Jack McDuff Larry Milner Dennis Bateman Zygmunt Cielak
Med Write, Inc. Northern Trust Bank, N.A. Elizabeth Bauer & Peter Brown Citigroup Foundation
Raymond Oliver Roger Baumann William Clarke
William & Dianne Mensch Aldo Orsi Michael Bayley Eric Clarkson
Mining & Metallurgical Society Payne Family Foundation Bruce Bayly Mark Clements
Phoenix Analysis & Design Tech. Kirk Beatty William Clemons
Mining Foundation Charles & Maria Preble Martha Beaver Winston & Maria Clendennen
  of the Southwest John & Elke Reagan Joseph & Inga Beavers Eugene & Joan Cliff
Raymond & Virginia Morgan Richard & June Rhoades Bechtel Foundation C. Brent & Raydene Cluff
Sarianne Rittenhouse James Beckman CMG Drainage Engineering Inc.
Motorola Inc. Foundation Samuel Robinson James & Trudy Bedessem Richard Coffey & Sheryl Stogis
National Coal Transportation Michael & Deborah Runde John Behrmann Jeremy Cohn
Judy Sara Steven Bengis John & Virginia Colyer
Gregory Nazaroff Sargent Controls & Aerospace Marlin & Donna Benson Dennis Conradi
Northrop Grumman Foundation Gary & Claudia Scott Berge Ford Charles Constance
Edward & Patricia Nowatzki Kok Kwai & Avis Wong See-Tho Andrew Berson Jason Contapay
Matthew Shelor John Berthold Edward Conway
Donna Osborn Steven & Mary Greer Short Gregory Bertram Lacy Cook
Cassandra Owen Siemens ITS Daniel Best Norman Cook
S.M.E. Tucson Section Robert Best David Cooper
The Pittsburgh Foundation Snell & Wilmer L.L.P. Rosemarie & Kenneth Betzen Donald Cooper
Mary & William Poulton Southern Arizona Architects & Engineers Richard & Paula Beyak Wilson & Nancy Cooper
  Marketing Assoc. Kiran Bhumana Stuart Coppedge
Joan Pracy Southern Arizona Institute of Garrett & Mary Billman Louis Coraggio
PTV America, Inc.   Transportation Engineers Larry Black James & Robin Corbett
James & Sharon Randolph William & Elizabeth Staples James & Jeanne Blair Patricia & William Corbin
Richard & Anne Steiner Douglas Blanchard Nicholas & Denese Cordaro
Dallas Reigle Irving Studebaker William & Elizabeth Blohm Jerry & Jacqueline Corn
Rocky Mountain Coal Mining Kelton & Doris Thomson David & Diane Bloodworth Marsha Corral
Christopher Toal James & Margaret Bly Arthur Corral
  Institute Tucson Regional Clean Cities Thomas Bobo & Jennifer Geoghegan Salvatore Cosenza
V. S. Rukkila Ventana Medical Systems, Inc. Mark Boggs Barry & Gayle Cossel
Science Applications Int’l The Wachovia Foundation Philip & Dianne Bolger Theodore Cox & Patricia Ring
Shohei Yoneda David Bolles Kenneth Crawford & Linda Bussey-Crawford
Shell Oil Co. Foundation Miles & Teddy Bolton Rufus Crawford
Sergey & Nataliya Shkarayev Gregory Boner Gary & Barbara Cropper
UP to $500 Donald Booth Peter & Dana Crosby
Douglas Silver Abbott Laboratories Fund Lawrence Borg Elizabeth & David Crouthamel
Society of Automotive Engineers Andrea Acuna Liciniu & Gabriela Bota-Groza R. Bruce Crow
Jack Adams Jacob Bowen Richard Crowell
William Stone Gregory & Kathleen Adams John & Sherilyn Boyer Jeremy Crutchfield
Structural Engineers Assoc. Manuchehr Afari BP Matching Fund Programs W. R. Cumings
Bajarang & Sumitra Agrawal
Texas Instruments Inc. Pawan & Nilima Agrawal
Clayton Braddock Earl Cumming
James Braidic John & Deborah Cummings
William & Christine Toperzer Iftekhar Ahmed James Brantly Robert & Greta Cummings
Charles & Diane Aiello
Tucson Raceway Park AKZO Nobel
David Bright Michelle Cunningham
Gene Broadman Charles Cunningham
Anatoli & Alla Tumin Carol Alderman & Richard Kurtz
Jerry & Evelyn Brooks Ronald Cupples
David & Linda Turner John Alexander
George & Diane Broome Randolph Currin
Thomas Allred
Donald Uhlmann Jasim & Linda Alrijab
Thomas Broughton Amanda & Paul Curto
Chris & Cynthia Broughton Cycles, Skis and ATV’s
Eugenie Uhlmann Randy & Barbara Alstadt
Marshall & Cindy Brown Craig Daley
Joseph Alvarez
Juan & Maria Valdés American Institute of Chemical Engineering
Barry & Shirley Brown David Dalton
Francis Brown Bryan Dalton
Vanguard Charitable Endowment James & Kathryn Ammon
Brown Investigative Group, Inc. Tony Dambrauskas
Peter & Patricia Amundsen
Israel Wygnanski Carl Anderson Lawrence & Lori Bruskin Ashok Damera
Xilinx, Inc. David & Teresa Anderson Philip Bryant Kirk Damron
John Anderson & Dawn Anderson Vorfeld Bucyrus-Erie Foundation, Inc. Scott Dance
Jessica You Susan Anderson David Bujak Scott Danielson
Darcy Anderson Harry Bunza Matthew Danner
Dennis Angelo Pamela Burda Douglas & Elizabeth Darlington
$500 TO $999 Chris Angleman Martin Burgos & Karen Kohnke-Burgos Thomas & Judy Darr
Kevin & Cindy Abreu Witcher & Peggy Burnett Eduardo & Carolyn DaSilva
Beatrice Arch
Andrew Adams William Burns Christine Davey
Jimmy Archer
Dennis & Sylvia Andersh Arizona Carbon Foil Co. Richard & Karen Burrows Glenn Davis
Stephen Arndt Brian Arnold David Buseck Kelly Davis
Breault Research Org. Lawrence Aron Richard Bushroe Robert & Susan Dawson
Cambridge Systematics David Aros Robert Caccavale Dayton Foundation
Robert Campbell John & Sherrie Ashcraft Walter & Marilyn Calhoon Richard Deatley
CB Richard Ellis Inc. Francis & Virginia Ashley Michael & Dorothy Callan Allen Debake
ChevronTexaco Ronald & Virginia Askin Keith & Maria Campbell Edward DeGrood

Deloitte Foundation Jesus Fregoso Lorenzo Hernandez Wesley Knick Judith & Arthur Magner
Daniel & Rene Deloria Andrew Friedl Mandy Herner Polly & Kenneth Kohl Michael Magoon
Delphi Automotive Systems Fred Froehlich Edward & Shendy Herrera Barbara Christina Kohler Hashim Mahdi
Johann Demmel Walter & Kathie Frost Anthony Hess Beryl Kohlman Eric Mahr
Susan & Donald Dempski Marino Fuentes Colin & Elizabeth Hewett Gregory Kolb Joseph Major
Steven Den-Baars Kyle Fujimoto Walter Higgins Steven Komerska William Malaney
Carl Denman William Gabler Dale & Karen Higgs Robert & Marianne Kondziolka Ignacio Maldonado
Teresa Dereniak Art & Jean Gage Geoffrey Hill Isaac Konikoff James & Andrea Malmberg
John & Candace Derickson Todd Galinski Jeanine & Michael Hill Vithoba Konur Diane & Keith Manlove
Suzanne & Thomas Dew Gregory Gallagher Durrell Hillis Joan Koskiniemi William & Rita Mansfield
Barbara & David Deweese William Ganus John Hippensteel Keith & Susan Kotchou Clifford & Elizabeth Mansfield
Alfred Diehl Margaret Garcia Philip & Christine Hodder Geraldine & Jerome Koupal Michael Mansour
Matthew Diethelm Paul & Wallay Gardanier Steven Hodges Robert & Leslie Kowalski Matthew & Maria Marcus
John Dirner Mary Garrity Dale Hodgson Mark & Trisha Kozik Lyle & Julie Margulies
Michael Do Gartner Group Stephen Holanov Zlatica Kraljevich & Werner Hahn Alan Marshak
Kenneth Dobbs Paul Gaydos Brandi Holen Raymond & Anthonette Kramer Noah & Leslie Martin
Richard Dobes Joseph Genchi Gregory Holland Frederick & Frances Krause Jeffrey Martin
Diana Dohmen Michael Gerle William Hollman Rodney Krebs George & Emily Maseeh
Brian Dolan & Robert Giacomazza Anchor & Michelle Holm David Kriesand Richard Maslow
  Dorothy Chavez-Dolan Bryce & Brenda Gibson Yolanda & Donald Hom Kenneth & Teresa Krisa Bruce Mason
John Dolegowski David & Connie Gildersleeve Bei Hong Raul Krivoy Kourosh Massarat
Priscilla Dombek Wayne Gilles Tommy Hooten Patrick Kuhne Michael Massaro
John & Patricia Donahue Gerard Gillette Robert Horst Gerald Kvaall Stephen Masser
Stephen & Peggy Doncov Edward & Beth Glady Herbert & Wanda Hotchkiss Brigitte & Michael Kwinn Charles Massieon
Qiping Dong David Goldfein Erik & Cheryl Houts John La Bar Mark & Laurel Matais
Tanya Donohue Eric & Ellen Goldin Robert Howell Laurel Lacher Susan & Stephen Matheson
Thomas Dooley Myla Goldman Vic & Kimberly Hsiao Louis & Melissa Lagomarsino William Mathews
Frederick & Monique Doten Richard Gomez Joel Hudgins Alvaro & Christine Laguna Katherine & Michael Mathieu
Barbara & Rand Drake Ronn Gonzalez Robert & Patricia Hughes Juha-Pekka Laine James Matson
Francisco Duarte Goodrich Corporation John Huleatt Lam Research Corp. Larry Matthews
Thomas & Linda Duffy Edward & Ellen Gouvier Franklin & Sandra Hungerford Philip LaMantia Robert Maxwell
Samuel & Leanne Dukes Anupam Goyal Timothy Hurtt Terry & Helene Lambright William Maynard
Fabricio Duran Clayton & Annette Grantham Mr. & Mrs. Cory Hustad Kami Lammon Hilinski Mason McBride
Forrest & Jo Durham Grayhawk Venture Partners, LLC Adam Hutchinson Edward & Lynda Lamson Eric & Doreen McBride
Mark Durham Melvyn Green Richard & Dolly Ickler Wendi Lane Daniel McBride
William Dykes Maribeth & Michael Greenslade Jennifer & Gordon Ingmire Michael Lane Michael & Kathryn McCabe
Steven Earle Paul Greer Michael P. Ingram Anthony Langer Robert McCaleb
Kentworth & Meg Lombard Edel David & Sherry Grenier INNOVA8 Sepp & Mary Lanz Dennis McCarthy
Mathilda Edmunds Grenier Structural Engineering Investor Growth Capital, Inc. Maria Laporte-Ayo & Alvaro Ayo Richard & Zoe McClellan
Peter Edsall Pamela Griffin George Irwin William & Carolyn Laray Katrina McClelland
William & Denise Edwards Larry & Judy Griffin Leslie & Janet Isaacs Paul & Kendra Larmour Kenneth McCleskey
John Edwards Frank Grochocki & Catherine Jablonsky James & Geraldene Larrington Robert McCool
Kevin & Vicki Ehlers   Leslie Henson-Grochocki Gary & Melissa Jackson Carl & Joan Larson Patty McCormick
Lynne Eigler John & Nancy Groh Eric Jackson James & Dixie Lauderdale David McDonnell
Ann Eisentraut Martin & Jo Ann Gronberg Barry Jacobson Robert & Minnie Lawrence Jack McFarland
James & Janet Elliott Elmer & Laurel Grubbs Scott Jenkins Miodrag Lazarevich Brent McFarlane
Timothy & Diane Ellis David & Barbara Guarino William Jenkins Robert & Patty LeCompte Arthur McGinnis
Shahin El-Sharif Jeff Guay William Jensen Joannes Lee Donald & Denise McGough
Employees Charity Org. Ernesto Gutierrez Brian Jepperson Yuri & Daniel Lee James & Margaret McGuckin
Paul Englehart Henri Guyader Adelard Jodoin Richard & Sharyn Leeper George & Anastasia McInnis
Stephen English Patti & Ronald Guymon Perry & Jamie John David Lehrman Dennis McKeen
Eniko Enikov Chikonga Gwaba Ronald Johnsen Peter Leonard Kim & James McKenzie
Jesse Enlow Byron & Kathy Hack Craig & Mary Johnson Chris & Jeannine Leverenz Krista McKim
Eric & Kristen Ennis Gary Hagedon Chani Johnson John & Cherie Lewis Bruce McLaren
Bryn Enright Lisa Haldane Ronald & Carol Johnson Francis Leyva Kevin McNeill
James Ensminger Steven Haller Frederica & Brian Jones Guangming Li William & Kimberly McTee
Prasad Erabelli Danielle Haller Anthony Jones Thomas & Palma Liebert Richard & Mary Mead
Gregory Ericson Cherie & Loren Hallin Byron Jones & L. Gail Winn-Jones Yeow & Wei Lim Michael Mebes
James & Harriett Erwin Roy Hamil Humayun Kabir & Zeenat Mahal Lori & Joel Lindahl Roy & Rowene Medina
Wayne Erxleben Edward Hamilton Stuart Kadas Earl & Kathy Lindstrom Leslie Megaw
Marcos & Lucia Esparza Kenneth Hamm Laura & Jonathan Kagle Ty Lindteigen Wellington Meier
William & Shirley Estes David & Genie Hammel David Kahn Jane & Ian Linton Thomas Melody
John & LaDonna Evans Robert Hammerstein Laveen & A. Raclare Kanal Ying-Ming Liu Daryl & Julie Melvin
Thomas Ewing Paul & Holly Hand Veikko & Elizabeth Kanto James LoCascio Donna Mendoza
Catherine Eyrich Roy & Martha Hansen Donald & Naomi Karr Joseph Lockett Mentor Graphics Foundation
Michael Farinech Steve Hardash Ronald & Carol Kasulaitis Paul Loef Jeffrey & Ann Mervin
Kenji & Marie Farinelli Judith & James Hardy Kenneth Katsma Laura Lohner Carmen & Patricia Messina
John Farmer James Harper Kurt Kawabata Addison & Linda Looney Mr. & Mrs. R. John Meyer
Bruce Farmer Richard & Janice Harper Steven & Mary Keane Ernest Lopez Richard Michelson
Charles Fellows Harrah’s Operating Co. Ifiyenia Kececioglu Melissa Lopez David Milam
Robert Feugate Darrel & Sandy Harriman Patrick Keefe Steven & Brinda Lord William & Pamela Milam
Dan Fieldman Andy Harris John & Pamela Keffer Robert Lorentzen James Miletich
Thomas Filar Harris Foundation Sharon Keigher & Libe Washburn Gregory & Elizabeth Lorton Mr. & Mrs. Robert Miller
Armando Fimbres Joel Hart Dennis Kekas Stephen Lott William Miller
Donald Finch Peter & Martha Hart Kenneth & Carol Kelley Yen Low Charles Miller
Randall Fink Joseph Hartley Dennis J. Kennelly John Lowy Paul Miller
Cecilia Flamme Margaret & Kenneth Hartwein Joseph & Marilyn Kent Stanley & Mildred Lowy Coleman Miller
John Fleming & Deanna Fenton David & Gwen Harvey Katharine Kent Peter & Caroline Lozano Deborah Miller
Mark & Sheila Fleming Gary & Lucinda Harwin Gregory Kerr Craig Ludtke Robert Mills
Paul & Sandra Flint Ahmad & Rakhshinda Hasan Kerr McGee Corp. Thomas & Ann Lundquist John & Susan Mills
Ka Fogg Brian Haugh Ed Kerschen Jerry Lundy Stuart Milton
Randall & Margaret Foote Michael & Carla Haws Peter Kerwin Randolph Lungren John & Kathy Mincer
Ford Motor Company Fund Lauren Hay Sandra Ketcherside Robert & Sandra Lutz Bruce & Mona Mitchell
James Forthman John Hector Kids Klub Forest Lyford William Mitchell
Bryce Foster Richard Hector Michael Kies Walter & Dorothy Lynch Mel & Beverly Mitchell
Lance & Kelly Fowler Richard & Jane Heffelman Robert & Carol King Charles Lynch M.L. Callabresi Technical
Kim & Charles Frankenberger George Hefner Cabrini & Thomas King Oscar & Patricia Lyon   Consultant
James & Mary Franklin Jeffery Heidler Eric & Margaret Kinneberg Gary & Joyce Lytle Anton & Emma Mobley
Joseph & Patricia Frannea Roland & Carola Heinrich William & Karen Klaus Dennis & Susan MacDonell David Mobley
Harry & Marilyn Fraser Daniel & Beth Heires Paula & Stephen Klein Heath MacDowell Carl & Yvonne Mohrbacher
Vincent Freeh Joseph & Debrah Helak Michael Kleinrock Richard & Heather Mackey Mehran & Shahla Mokhtarian
William Freely Paul & Elizabeth Helmer Lucien & Joyce Klejbuk Michael & Maura Mackowski Patricia Molina
Michael Freeman Gary & Linda Hemphill Peter Knaggs Emeline & Keith Maddern Mark & K.K. Mollison
Catherine Freeman Michael Hennessy Joshua Knepper Susan Madeira Christopher Mone

Monsanto Fund John Patterson   Bruce Roth Southwest Gas Corp. Foundation Dexin Wang
Jamie Monte David Paullin Maurice Rousso Douglas Speck John R. Ward
David & Magdelena Mooberry C. Derry & Virginia Pence Reid & Kathryn Royball George Spindle John W. Ward
Richard & Nancy Moore Gary & Yodona Pennell Jerzy & Marie Rozenblit James Spinhirne William Ward
Mary & Bruce Moreton Pepsico Fred Rubi John Stacy Karen & James Warrick
Lois Morey Juan Peredo Villarroel Scott Rudin John & Patricia Stanley Washington Group International
Henry & Suzanne Morgen Mr. & Mrs. Henry Perkins Sam Rugel Peter Staples Robert Wason
Robert Morse Wallace K. Perkins Jesse Saar Robert & Diane Steenbergen Larry Watson
Delbert & Janet Mortenson Kenneth & Ellen Perkins Raymond Saccardi Roberta Webb Stempfley Lee Watson
James Moser Gale & Janice Perry Mehdi & Lupita Sadatmousavi Maurice Stephan Edward & Cynthia Watson
Gorden Moses David Pershing Alexander & Margaret Sadowski Daniel & Deborah Stephens Johnny Weaver
Amir Motamedi Christopher Peters Michael & Cecelia Salcido Larry & Sandra Stephens Harry & Nancy Weaver
Dean & Julie Moulis R. Douglas Peters & Lai Lou Hussein Salty Carl Sterling & Beth Weaver
David Mount Jill & Kenneth Petersen Sean & Maria Saltzman   Candace Birch-Sterling Larry & Victoria Webb
Donald & Christine Mulligan David Peterson Gilbert Saltzman William Stevens Brian Webb
Robert Mulvihill L. R. Peterson David Sams Tammi & William Stevens Ralph & Pamela Wege
Franklin & Jane Murden Lance & Carol Peterson Cesar Sanchez Jennifer & Bruce Stewart Herbert Welhener
David Murphy Thomas & Shannon Peterson Daniel Sandblom Douglas & Cathine Sticht James & Ann Werner
Bruce Murphy William Petroske Emilie & Thomas Sandin Edward Stokes Tony Werner
Sean & Ann Murphy Warren Phelan Candace Chan Sands & Mark Sands Paul Stolar Douglas Westra
David & Ellen Murphy Phelps Dodge Foundation Elijah Sansom Robert Stone Weyerhaeuser Company Foundation
John Murphy Philips Electronics Philip & Diane Sarikas Robert Stott Justin Wheeler
Bryan Murray Paul & Linda Pickard Mark Sartor Daniel Stout Stephen & Jennifer White
Dean Mutti Glenn Pierce Ralph & Roberta Scaramella Mark & Debra Stratton Jane White
Stefan & Beth Myslicki Ryan Pine Cyril Schaller David Strawn Kermit Whitt
Michael Nance John M. Pins Judy & Richard Schell Student Council of Engineering Henky Wibowo
Susan & Michael Nativi Linda Piper Larry & Patty Schick Daniel & Kimberly Sullivan Jill Wicke
Carlos Navarrette Ernest Planck Penny Schindler & Mark Sullivan Donald & Lamyai Wickham
Jimmy & Linda Naylor Raymond & Donna Plock   R. Wade Williams Arthur Svensson Robert Wickliffe
NCR Foundation Matthew Ploor Theodore & Janice Schmidt Sam Swan Gary & Jane Wiese
Howard Nebeck Victor & Janice Plumbo William Schock Noah Syroid Walter Wilcox
James & Georgia Needham PNM Foundation Nick & Jean Schott Judy Tackett Lynn & Doreen Wilcox
David & Katherine Nelsen John & Jan Podlesny Daniel & Donna Schotter Thomas Tadano Branda Baker Wilhoite
Michael & Cynthia Nelson Pablo Policroniades Jeffrey & Collette Schrader Albert Tarcola & Cecilia Madrid John Wilkie
Louis & Nora Nelson David & Marleen Pollard Ronald & Amy Schreier Victor & Teri Tavour Joseph Willett
Lance Nelson Thomas Pollock Richard Schrum Douglas Taylor John Williams
James Nelson Theodore Polychronis Anthony Schultz Mark & Lori Taylor R. Wade Williams &
Joann & Robert Nettles Agnes Poore Jonathan Schwab James & Sandra Taylor   Penny Schindler
Thomas & Elizabeth Neubauer Mark Poppe Michael Schwager Thomas Teague Ronnie & Susan Williams
Paul & B.H. Neuenschwander Charles Potuzak Elizabeth Scott Edward Teger Ronald & Mary Williams
Dennis Neumann PPG Industries Foundation Kevin Scott John Terrell Steven Williams
David Nevins Paula Prather Laurence & Karen Scott Texas Instruments Foundation James Willingham
Gary Newson Praxair Matching Grants Nathan Seabury Michael Thiemann Robert Wilson
Parviz Nikravesh Eric Preiss Wayne & Janet Seames Gene Thomas James Wilson
Mark & Marie Nilsen Edward & Diane Preston Brian & Sheryl Seamon Justin & Pamela Gilson Thompson Dexter Wilson
Craig Nochumson & David Pribyl Allen Sehloff Owen & Barbara Thompson John & Phyllis Wilson
  Karyn Friedman-Nochumso Procter & Gamble Fund Andrew Sellars Ronald & Lenora Thompson Edwin & Sharron Wilson
William Noe Scott & Janine Prost-Domasky Paul & Ruth Seppala Eric Thomson Gary & Ann Wiltscheck
Timothy Noon Walter & Theresa Pruitt Charles Sersun Edward & Susan Thurnbeck Craig Windrem
Nancy Norem Ruth Pullen-Soklow Laverne Severud David & Cynthia Tipper Barbara Winsor
Luis Noriega Bonnie Punske James & Linda Shackelford Jack & Mary Tleel Michael Winton
Lawrence & Elaine Norrid John & Margaret Quinn Somnath Shahapurkar Lamar Spaulding Todd Joseph & Gayla Wise
Novartis Pharmaceuticals Christine Coffer Raasch & Ali & Noel Shambayati Scott & Cheryl Toland Stephanie & Walter Witkowski
Gary & Nancy Nunn   David Raasch Jesse Shank Mark Tomes Sandra Witman & Guy Vanderlek
William & Sophia Nyanue Eric Raatz Karnum Shashidhar Yi Torng Lester & Laurie Wolf
Mark Oakleaf David Rabb James & Ellen Sherwood Michael Totherow Jerry Wolf
Keith Oakley Michael Radtke Suzanne Shields Billy & Susan Towles Sarah Wolfe
Mary & Richard Obee Rajo Corporation Mark Shill Tawnya & Cody Tretschok Gary Wonacott
Paul Ocansey Susan Rakow-Anderson & George & Dixie Shirley Jess Trias Dale Wong
Paul Ochs   Mark Anderson David Shoemaker John & Cynthia Tripp Ralph & Kathleen Wood
Scott O’Connell James Ramos Cecil Shrader Kathy Trudeau Michael Woodard
James & Jean O’Grady David Randolph & Chung-Tsui Lin David & Lynne Shropshire Amos Tsai John & Kathleen Woodruff
William Olson Michael Randolph Weldon Shumaker John Tsitouras Joseph & Heather Muir Woodward
John & Robyn O’Neal William & Karen Rankin Siemans Energy & Automation Graham & Sarah Tubbs Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Woolf
Irving Orrell Gregory & Trudy Rasmussen Joseph Sienicki Scott Turley Buel & Beverly Woolverton
Charlotte Ort Laurence Rasmussen Julie & Stephen Silliman Tyco Matching Gifts Program WorldReach for Hewlett-Packard
Mark Orth Peter Rau Elliot & Nancy Silverston Jesse & Joan Tyler William Worley
L. Devens Osborne Richard Ray Thomas & Yolanta Simacek Jerome Uchiyama W.R. Grace Foundation, Inc.
Andrew Osbrink Anne & Dan Ray Kelly Simmons-Potter United Space Alliance Wenji Wu
Chris & Marlyn Osterman Burt Rea James & Kathryn Simms United Way of the Bay Area Thomas Wuchte
Martin & Carol O’Sullivan Michelle & Derek Reaban Daniel Simon David Unkrich Wyeth Pharmaceuticals Corp.
Gerald Owens Betsy & Michael Reader Robert Simpson Andrea Ursillo Xerox Corporation
Ertunga Ozelkan & Vincent Realmuto Douglas Sims USG Foundation, Inc. Joe & Virginia Yee
  Agnes Galambosi Joseph & Linda Redmond Irv Singer Sankait Vahie Thomas Yi
Wilson & Sharon Pace Emmett Reed Mark & Lee Sisson Loizos Vakanas Michael Yockey
Joe Padias Sandra Reel Robert Slocum Karl & Kathleen Van Horne James & Wendi Young
Mr. & Mrs. Donald B. Page Kathleen Rhoten Mithkal Smadi Varian Medical Systems, Inc. Jeffrey & Elizabeth Young
Steven Pageau Stanley Rice Forrest Smith Alan & Elaine Vaughn Larry & Jean Young
James Paison George Richard Charles Smith LeAnn & Joe Vaughn Benny & Bobbie Young
Miguel & Julie Palacios J. M. Richardson David Smith Anne Marie Velosa Lane & David Yow
Sandra & Joseph Palais Michael Rief Michael & Mona Smith Anthony Verbout Heping Yue
Dorothy & Mark Palmer J.M. Al Rijab Robert Smolinsky & Janet Smith Robert Verity Gordon Zaft
Daniel Pardieck Matthew Roberts Kathryn Snider-McCarthy & Brian Vickers Zavis Zavodni
David Paredes Phillip & Peggy Robidoux   James McCarthy Michele Buenafe Vockrodt & Gregory Zeihen
Dave & Vivienne Parizek John Rodgers Gerald Snyder   Jeff Vockrodt Michael Zelnick
Trevor Park Jorge Rodriguez John Solakiewicz Erik Vogt Xu Zhong
Terry & Barnes Parker Raymond & Lorinda Roessel Gary Sollers Robert & Kathleen Von Mayr Weijun Zhu
William Parks Randolph & Virginia Rogers Nancy Sollinger & James Calieiuri John & Erika Wade Ziehler Insurance Group LLC
Jon Parsons Thomas Rohrer John Somsel David Wagner Barry & Ellen Zilin
Thomas & Rosalinda Partel David Rosenbluth Don & Sally Sorenson Tony & Dorah Walls Eugene & Janice Zimmerman
John Pass Stephanie Ross Peter Sorrells Jeffrey Walser Jeffrey & Kathleen Zubel
Ann Pastor Mark Rosswurm David Soukup Milton & Tammy Walser Jonas Zukas
Thomas Patterson Augusta Simpson Roth & Ann Soule Timothy & Lucinda Walter Helga & Keith Zwickl

Alumni Echoes
’30s guished Alumni Awards as the
UA Civil Engineering Depart-
George Potter, BS MinE ’35
ment celebrated its centennial
and MS MinE ’36, died in during Homecoming 2005.
April. He worked for the Arizona
He worked in many parts Department of Transporta-
of the world and was with the tion for more than 20 years.
U.S. Bureau of Mines from During his last five years with
1941 until he retired in 1976. ADOT, he served as director
Shortly before he died, of the Arizona Transportation
he was interviewed about Research Center.
his life and the Depression After retiring from ADOT,
years at UA. The story is at he worked as a consultant and served as principal engineer,
To find the story, search for technical director and president
“Potter” in the “Engineering of different firms.
Article Finder” box. Morris pioneered the
development of asphalt-rubber
’40s paving materials, presented
Oscar Lyon, Jr., CE ’42, papers on the work, and is
received one of five Distin- recognized as an international
guished Alumni Awards as the expert in the field. In addition,
UA Civil Engineering Depart- he developed the statewide
ment celebrated its centennial pavement management system
during Homecoming 2005. that saved the state more than
Lyon had a distinguished $100 million dollars.
career with the Arizona
Department of Transportation
and served as State Highway ’60s
Engineer. He was responsible David Areghini, CE ’65,
for directing and managing received one of five Distin-
the design and construction guished Alumni Awards as the
of much of Arizona’s interstate UA Civil Engineering Depart-
highway system, including ment celebrated its centennial
the major engineering task of during Homecoming 2005.
putting Interstate 15 through Areghini is associate general
the Virgin River Gorge in manager of Power, Construc-
Kristina (Konrath) Swallow, CE ’94, received the Outstanding Young
northwest Arizona. tion and Engineering Services Alumni Award as the UA Civil Engineering Department celebrated its
at SRP. During the past 15 centennial during Homecoming. This photo of Swallow and her husband,

’50s years, he has overseen numer- David Swallow, was taken during the Civil Engineering Centennial Gala in
November 2005.
ous capital projects in response
Gene R. Morris, CE ’51, to the growing need for ley said. “Scenery was spectacu- in 1993 from RAND.
received one of five Distin- generated power. He has been lar, including icebergs, glaciers, He has recently updated the
active in the UA and UA civil ice-covered mountains, and risk management chapter in
engineering alumni associa- volcanoes. The highlight of Harold Kerzner’s best-selling
tions and has led the Phoenix the trip for me was the many project-management book,
and national alumni boards. naturalists available to help “Project Management: A
He also serves on the College understand and appreciate the Systems Approach to Planning,
of Engineering and Civil Engi- wonders of Antarctica. The Scheduling, and Controlling,”
neering alumni councils. UA group leader, Yar Petrozyn Ninth Edition, Wiley, 2006.
(assistant curator of mammals Conrow is a management
George Shirley, BS CE’65 at UA), was especially informa- and technical consultant in
and MS CE ’68, and his wife, tive and made our experience Redondo Beach, Calif., and has
Dixie, were part of a UA group much more rewarding.” made numerous contributions
trip to Antarctica in Janu- to project risk management
ary. They crossed the Drake policy and processes that are
Passage to Antarctica in their ’70s widely used by government
expedition ship and made ten Edmund H. Conrow, BS NE and industry.
shore landings using a Zodiac ’71, MS ’74, earned a Ph.D. He is also the author of
Frank Kendorski, MS GeoE boat. “We got acquainted with in 1976 from Oklahoma State “Effective Risk Management:
’71, has received the 2006 Rock
penguins (Gentoo, Adelie and University. He also received a Some Keys to Success,” Second
Mechanics Award from the Society
for Mining, Metallurgy, and Explo- Chin Strap), various seals, and M.Phil. in 1983 from RAND Edition, American Institute of
ration, Inc., (SME) several varieties of birds,” Shir- Graduate School and a Ph.D. Aeronautics and Astronautics.
Alumni Echoes
Send us e-mail!
  And update your former
classmates and friends about
where life has taken you since
  Please include the following

• Name
• Major
• Degree (BS, MS, Ph.D.)
• Year you graduated
• Rundown on your activities
(Please limit your submission
to 200 words or less.)

  While you’re at it, get out that

digital camera or scan a print
and send us a digital photo of
your family, latest project at
work, or that boat or hot rod you
just finished building in your
garage. Vacation photos are
great, too.
  We’ll publish your comments
and photos in the next Arizona
George Potter, BS MinE ’35 and MS MinE ’36, died in April. This photo of Potter and Mary Poulton, department Engineer.
head in Mining and Geological Engineering, was taken in November at the 2005 Engineers’ Breakfast.   Please send your e-mail to
Frank Kendorski, MS GeoE Resources Building — Phase ance, fab exhaust management
’71, has received the 2006 1, La Paz Residence Hall and reviews and point-of-use
Rock Mechanics Award from Highland District Housing. abatement, specifying and
the Society for Mining, Metal- The firm has completed troubleshooting air control
lurgy, and Exploration, Inc., more than 2,400 projects in equipment, cost reduction, and
(SME) “for innovative work Arizona and continues its other aspects of environmental
in ground-behavior charac- operations with an experi- regulations compliance.
terization, in full-extraction enced staff of four professional
mining, in hardrock and coal engineers and other support
and in the application of rock personnel. ’90s
mechanics to practical mining Naresh Samtani, Ph.D. CE
problems improving the work- ’91, received one of five Distin-
ing environment, especially in ’80s guished Alumni Awards as the
rock-reinforcement design.” Pradeep Saxena, MS ChE UA Civil Engineering Depart-
He is a principal and vice- ’80, is linking Sun Microsys- ment celebrated its centennial
president with Agapito Assoc., tems offices worldwide with during Homecoming 2005.
Inc., in Lombard, Ill. He is a private and virtual private net- After graduating from UA,
registered professional engineer works. “It’s been fun to learn Samtani, entered private prac- Chris Lewicki, BS AE ’97 and
in 10 states and has more than something totally new — net- tice and eventually served as MS AE ‘00, is the flight system
35 years experience in mining works, data center operations, principal engineer and Arizona engineer for NASA’s Phoenix Mars
and underground construc- global helpdesk and business manager for URS, a global Scout Mission.

tion, mine- and tunnel-failure applications — and to make engineering firm. In 2003, he and her husband celebrated
investigations, underground a difference from Day One in founded NCS Consultants in the birth of their second child,
stone-mine design, and subsid- reducing costs and increasing Tucson. Meredith Avery, on June 16,
ence engineering. capacity and resilience,” he During his career, he has 2006.
says. As part of this job, he designed and overseen numer-
Lawrence E. Monrad, P.E. took courses in telecommuni- ous projects in Arizona and Kristina (Konrath) Swallow,
EE ’73, recently retired after cations at Stanford. across the United States. He CE ’94, received the Out-
a 23-year career as president has maintained a mentor and standing Young Alumni Award
of Monrad Engineering, Inc. Mike Sherer, ChE ’81, started teaching role in his everyday as the UA Civil Engineering
Consulting Electrical Engineers Sherer Consulting Services, practice by giving seminars Department celebrated its cen-
in Tucson, Ariz. Inc. at the end of 2004 and at the UA, and working as tennial during Homecoming.
Monrad Engineering, Inc., has been working seven days an instructor for the Federal Swallow moved to Las Vegas,
was the electrical engineering a week, with many companies Highway Admininstration. Nev. after graduation and
consultant for significant UA asking for his consulting and opened a private practice.
projects including the Student trouble-shooting support. He Geneva (Woo) Chan, ChE She quickly moved to man-
Recreation Center, the Arizona works with the semiconductor ’93, is the polypropylene agement level positions in sev-
Cancer Center Expansion, industry and other industries supply chain planner for North eral firms and, in 2004, opened
Environmental and Natural on air permitting and compli- America at Dow Chemical. She her own firm that emphasizes
Alumni Echoes
traffic impact and drainage.
In addition, she has been a
leader in the southern Nevada
branch and Nevada section
of ASCE and has served as
president of both groups.
Her activities with the Junior
League also exemplify her
commitment to community

Chris Lewicki, BS AE ’97 and

MS AE ’00, flight system engi-
neer for NASA’s Phoenix Mars
Scout Mission, was on campus
in May to give the keynote
address at the kick-off banquet
for the Arizona/NASA Space
Grant Undergraduate Research
Symposium. He told Space
Grant students what they need
to do to get their dream job at
Lewicki also was flight direc-
tor for the Mars Exploration
Rovers Mission. George Shirley, BS CE ’65 and MS CE ’68, and his wife, Dixie, were part of a UA group trip to Antarctica in Janu-
To read more about his ary. This photo was taken when they were at the LeMaire Channel.
talk, go to http://uanews. neering at USC. says. “I have worked toward keen listening skills, allowing
org/engineering and search for this goal ever since I was in the us to be attentive to several
“Lewicki” in the “Engineering Hannah Jurado, ME ’05, second grade when I joined the conversations at once.”
Article Finder” box. is a certified flight controller Young Astronaut’s Program.” The work involves planning
for the NASA Johnson Space Her flight controller position activities for astronauts from
’00s Center, working with both the
International Space Station and
“offers an incredible oppor-
tunity to learn about mission
sleep time to space walks.
Jurado now is training for
Jason Chang, ME ‘04, is
working for Stryker Endoscopy Space Shuttle Discovery. processes through incorpora- certification in Message and
in San Jose, Calif. and also is “I have made a great deal of tion of a variety of mission Timeline Support, with the
pursuing a master’s degree in progress in following my dream data,” Jurado says. “As flight ultimate goal of becoming a
Systems and Industrial Engi- of working for NASA,” she controllers, we have to develop Flight Activities Officer.

The University of Arizona Nonprofit org.

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College of Engineering Newsletter Tucson, Arizona
Tucson, AZ 85721-0072 Permit No. 190

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