Arizona Engineer Spring 2009

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SPRIN G 2 0 09

arizonaengineer Published by the College of Engineering • Online at


4 NSF Career Awards

for Jennifer Duan and
Roman Lysecky

8 Aerospace alum wins

new TMAL award for
shaping the future
Courtesy of Jennifer Eufemi

Movers and Shakers­­—Doctoral students Matt Schoettler of UCSD (left) and Dichuan Zhang of UA
(center), and Professor Robert Fleischman (right) inspect the second floor of the 500-ton test parking
structure at the Englekirk Structural Engineering Center.

Earthquake Engineering Project Will

9 Mary Poulton named
as director of new
Save Lives and Billions of Dollars
costliest seismic disaster in causes Professor Robert
minerals institute $2.5 million study
U.S. history. Fleischman’s speculation to
will lead to improved trail off. Fleischman, who
Structures that should have
building codes holds the Delbert R. Lewis
withstood the quake, such as
The 6.7 magnitude Distinguished Professorship
parking garages and freeway
earthquake that struck the in Civil Engineering and
overpasses, collapsed and set
Los Angeles community Engineering Mechanics, is
in motion a major overhaul of
of Northridge at 4:30 a.m. about to finish the first phase
building codes.
on Jan. 17, 1994, killed of a 5-year, $2.5 million
57 people, injured more “If the earthquake had earthquake engineering
12 Solar racing team
completes gruelling than 5,000, and caused happened three hours study that will lead to
2,400-mile race an estimated $20 billion later…” The potential horror improved building codes,
in damage, making it the of what could have been C O N T I N U E D O N PA G E 2 1

The Future: Mission Possible and materials. The school will bring
together more than 50 faculty members
and draw on expertise throughout
New school and department Science Foundation’s Directorate the campus. We see SSES as the
for Engineering. Since then, I have
will secure College’s future been working with faculty, staff and
cornerstone in using basic science and
knowledge to bring problem-solving
By Jeff Goldberg, Interim Dean students to chart our direction during systems and devices that consider
College of Engineering the next 5 years while Tom has been public policy and market challenges.
deciding how to spend the engineering
I’m sure some of you were expecting directorate’s share of the NSF’s One of the many strengths of the
a different photograph on this page. $3 billion stimulus package. school is the inclusion of Systems
I’m Jeff Goldberg and I became dean and Industrial Engineering. Taking the
on Jan. 1, 2009, when my good friend My role as dean is to develop an systems approach, rather than tackling
and colleague Tom Peterson went to infrastructure that will enable us to
individual components, will enable us
Washington, D.C., to lead the National best perform our mission of education,
to design interfaces, understand and
research, service and outreach. As I
quantify unexpected consequences,
evaluate how we currently work—and
and consider large-scale models—all
how we might work in the future—I
critical for solving difficult problems.
remain focused on creating an
environment that attracts the best Biomedical engineering is an area
students, faculty and staff. of tremendous potential for Tucson
and Arizona. We are already strong in
Many changes are under way at
medical imaging, nanomedicine, and
the UA and College, including the
cardiovascular and neural engineering.
creation of a Department of Biomedical
Bringing in faculty from the colleges of
Engineering, and the establishment of
Medicine, Science, and Agriculture and
the School of Sustainable Engineered
Life Sciences will intensify that strength.
Systems, or SSES, which will consist
of the departments of Civil Engineering I look forward to working with each of
and Engineering Mechanics, you as we continue to refine and enrich
Mining and Geological Engineering, the College of Engineering. Please feel
Chemical and Environmental free to contact me and please drop in if
Engineering, Materials Science and you are in the neighborhood.
Engineering, and Systems and
Industrial Engineering.
The SSES will focus on critical
linkages between systems in
environment, energy, water

arizona engineer Arizona Engineer is published twice a year

for alumni and friends of The University
of Arizona College of Engineering.
spring 2009 • volume 32 number 1 Arizona Engineer is now available online at
All contents © 2009 Arizona Board
The University of Arizona of Regents. All rights reserved.
College of Engineering The University of Arizona is an Many stories in this print edition have
P.O. Box 210072 equal opportunity, affirmative action been edited for length, and it is not
Tucson, AZ 85721-0072 institution. The University prohibits feasible to include related multimedia
discrimination in its programs and activities material such as video and audio files,
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committed to maintaining an environment the article, then go to the online edition and free from sexual harassment and retaliation. enter the story number in the search box.

2 arizona engineer 32:1 spring 2009


Jim Baygents Appointed

Interim Academic Dean
James Baygents
is the College of
Engineering’s new
interim associate
dean of academic
affairs. He succeeds
Jeff Goldberg, who
recently became the
interim dean.
Jim Baygents joined
Jim Baygents
UA Engineering
faculty as assistant professor in 1991, the
same year he got his doctorate in chemical
engineering from Princeton University.
Baygents received a master’s degree in
chemical engineering from Princeton in 1981
and a bachelor’s degree in the same subject
from Rice University in 1980.
College of Engineering/Pete Brown
For three years before joining UA, Baygents
Eye Robot—An Engineering 102 student watches his Lego robot scale a ribbon was a visiting scientist, then a research fellow,
suspended from one of the AME bridges.
FULL STORY at the NASA Space Science
Ae Number
Ribbon-Running Robots
25 Laboratory of the Marshall
Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Ala. In
1995 he received the Arizona Mortar Board
As part of the Introduction to courtyard of the AME building. The Senior Honor Society award for outstanding
Engineering course (Engineering test run enabled the students to plan faculty service. In 1997 he was awarded an
FULL STORY 102, Section 1), last-minute design modifications in International Research Fellowship by the
Ae Number 16 engineering students preparation for the Engineering 102 National Science Foundation for study at the
designed robots that could climb open day on Dec. 4. University of Melbourne, Australia. He is a
three stories up a ribbon. member of Phi Beta Kappa, Tau Beta Pi and
The open day was part of a College
Engineering freshmen tested their pilot program with Hamilton High Phi Lambda Upsilon societies; and of the
robots for the first time Dec. 2 in the School in Chandler, Ariz. College of Fellows at Rice University’s Will
Rice College.

Senior Gets Scholarship at Saudi University “Jim has a clear sense of the goals of an
engineering education,” said Goldberg. “He
Mechanical engineering senior Azeem Shahid has worked on all phases of our curricula,
has been awarded a Discovery Scholarship including analysis, practice and design,
by King Abdullah University of Science and teamwork, communication, and ethics. He is
Technology in Saudi Arabia. well known for being a passionate advocate
for quality in education, from both faculty and
Shahid will graduate from UA in May 2010 with
student perspectives.”
a bachelor’s degree, and enroll in a master’s
FULL STORY degree program at KAUST in Baygents’ research interests include transport
Ae Number 28 the fall of 2010. “Most likely in processes in natural and engineered systems.
chemical and biological engineering,” Shahid He is a member of the Department of
said. KAUST is scheduled to open in September Chemical and Environmental Engineering and
2009 and will only offer graduate degrees. Azeem Shaheed the Program in Applied Mathematics at UA.

32:1 spring 2009 arizona engineer 3


Jennifer Duan gets

NSF Career Award
Professor Jennifer
Duan has been
awarded a grant
of more than
$400,000 by the
National Science
to study the
Jennifer Duan complex forces
that determine how sediment is
deposited in river channels.
Duan, of the UA’s Department of
College of Engineering/Pete Brown
Civil Engineering and Engineering
Mechanics, was awarded the 5-year Putting the Fun in Fundraising—EWB-UA members Terra Michaels, internal vice
president­, and Dave Newman, project lead, fundraising at the Engineers Breakfast Oct. 24­­.
grant of $415,560 under the NSF’s
prestigious Faculty Early Career
Development Program. The program Frisbee-Flinging Fundraisers
supports junior faculty who exemplify
The UA chapter of Engineers Without in the village of Mafi-Zongo in 2005.
the role of teacher-scholars through Borders organized Frisbee Without Ultimately, the project will supply safe
outstanding research, excellent
FULL STORY Borders, an Ultimate drinking water to approximately 10,000
education and the integration Ae Number 13 Frisbee competition to people in 30 or more villages.
of education and research. raise money for its clean water projects
in Ghana and Mali in Africa. Trahern Jones, Tucson chapter president,
Her research will provide valuable said the group is also raising funds for
guidance for river restoration and The competition was held Nov. 9 in an assessment trip to Mandoli in Mali,
FULL STORY enhance scientific Tucson and attended by more than 80 followed by one or two implementation
Ae Number 26 understanding of people, who raised about $1,300 for trips. “We’re looking at designing and
river meanders. The project will the projects.
constructing a rainwater catchment
involve undergraduates in research, The UA chapter started the Ghana system to provide people and crops with
establish a mentoring program water supply and purification project water throughout the year,” he said.
for women students, develop a
computer animation exhibition for
science museums, and support Warp Powered chips called
outreach to high school students. gate arrays.
Assistant Professor Roman Lysecky
“We are going to build a new flume in of the Department of Electrical and “The original focus
the Civil Engineering courtyard,” said FULL STORY Computer Engineering of warp processing
Ae Number 31 has been awarded
Duan. “It will simulate a river basin was strictly
and, by controlling the flow, we will a Career Award grant of more than performance,”
be able to study how a small channel $400,000 by the NSF to develop
said Lysecky. “My
high-performance customizable
evolves into a meandering channel, research proposal
computer chips. Roman Lysecky
just like the Mississippi River.” expands warp
Duan plans to promote engineering Lysecky’s research will focus on the processing into a new domain of low
among local high schools by setting emerging field of warp processing, power. Some systems don’t actually
up a week-long summer camp. which uses high-performance computer need to be faster.“

4 arizona engineer 32:1 spring 2009


ASEM Award
for Engineering
Mike Arnold and Jane Hunter, director
and associate director, respectively,
FULL STORY of the Engineering
Ae Number 19 Management Program,
brought good news on their return
from the annual American Society for
Engineering Management (ASEM)
conference in November.
Namely—the Engineering Management
Program had won ASEM’s Founders
Award, which every year recognizes the
outstanding ASEM student chapter.
This year’s ASEM Conference was
hosted by the Department of Systems Courtesy of Mike Arnold

Engineering at the United States Military Quality Management—Left to right: Engineering management seniors Cary Broschat,
Academy in West Point, New York. Joel DeLaRosa and Tim Budinger; Jane Hunter and Mike Arnold, associate director
and director, respectively, of the Engineering Management Program; and engineering
Melissa Sarmiento, academic advisor management senior Geiler Eckman.
and Engineering Management
Award because of our great student mentoring provided by upperclassmen
program coordinator, said: “Our
chapter of ASEM,” Arnold said. “The for newer students. “This mentoring
student chapter put in a lot of work
chapter is quite active hosting a variety includes ASEM-hosted exam review
this year and kudos to them for
of social activities. The chapter also sessions where upperclassmen review
winning the best student chapter.”
increased membership significantly course material and work out problems
Arnold agreed with Sarmiento: “I in ASEM.” What sets UA apart from for the benefit of students in lower
believe we garnered the Founders other chapters, added Arnold, is the division courses,” Arnold said.

Shuttleworth Awarded Shuttleworth in global climate caused by

Regents’ Professorship noted that deforestation in the Amazon basin
“being awarded and desert formation in Africa.
Professor Jim Shuttleworth was a Regents’
Commenting on the role played
made a Regents’ Professor Feb. 20. Professorship is
by the Arizona Board of Regents
different. Selection
Shuttleworth joined the Department in selecting Regents’ Professors,
is by those who
of Hydrology and Water Resources Shuttleworth said it enabled the
know you as a
FULL STORY in 1993, and is also board to “highlight aspects of the
Ae Number 32 a faculty member
Jim Shuttleworth person. It is all
successful UA enterprise.” He
the more satisfying because of this.”
in the Department of Atmospheric added: “But really we are just the
Sciences. He was director of the Much of Shuttleworth’s research tip of the iceberg. It is a joy to be
Center for Sustainability of Semi-Arid focuses on how climate change part of a university that has quality
Hydrology and Riparian Areas, known is affected by land surfaces. He is in depth across such an amazingly
as SAHRA, from 2004 to 2008. particularly interested in changes broad spectrum of excellence.”

32:1 spring 2009 arizona engineer 5


Champion of Multidisciplinary Engineering

Fifty years later, Regents’ Professor
Honors flood in from around
Chandrakant S. Desai of the Department
the globe for Chandra Desai of Civil Engineering and Engineering
Regents’ Professor Chandra Desai has Mechanics is the recipient of accolades
been awarded the 2009 Nathan M. and awards from around the globe. He
FULL STORY Newmark Medal by the received his master’s degree from Rice
Ae Number 37 Structural Engineering University in Houston in 1966, and his
and Engineering Mechanics Institutes of doctorate from the University of Texas
the American Society of Civil Engineers. at Austin in 1968.
In 2008, Desai was selected by the Desai’s research in constitutive
ASCE’s Geo-Institute to receive the 2007 modeling for geomaterials has found
Karl Terzaghi Award. applications in areas such as failure
and reliability of microchip substrate
Desai has the unique honor of receiving
systems in electronic packaging, and the
both awards, which are among the most
movement of ice sheets on glacial tills,
prestigious at the ASCE. These awards
which influence global warming and
reflect the multidisciplinary nature
climate change.
of Desai’s outstanding and seminal Chandra Desai
work and its application in the fields Desai’s contributions have involved
the scientific base of geotechnical and
of geomechanics, and structural and structural engineering.” participation by about 50 doctoral
engineering mechanics. and 50 master’s students under
Desai added: “I am also glad that these his guidance. He was head of the
On receiving the award, Desai said: recognitions have been awarded for the Department of Civil Engineering and
“I am very pleased that the American first time to a faculty member at any Engineering Mechanics from 1987
Society of Civil Engineers has chosen university in Arizona.” to 1991.
me to receive the 2009 Newmark Medal
and the 2007 Terzaghi Award. About Selected Profile of Chandra Desai Desai is the founding president of
two decades ago at The University of In 1959, Chandrakant S. Desai, a young the International Association for
Arizona, we initiated and pursued man from a small village in Gujarat, Computer Methods and Advances in
interdisciplinary mechanics applied India, graduated from the University Geomechanics and founding editor-
to various areas in engineering, of Bombay’s Victoria Jubilee Technical in-chief of the International Journal
such as geomechanics and structural Institute with a bachelor’s degree in of Geomechanics, published by the
mechanics, because they strengthen civil engineering. American Society of Civil Engineers.

Some Milestones and Awards • Head of the Department of Civil • Distinguished Contributions Medal
• Received the 2009 Suklje Award from Engineering and Engineering from the International Association
Mechanics from 1987 to 1991 for Computer Methods and
the Slovenian Geotechnical Society
• Awarded the Alexander von Humboldt Advances in Geomechanics
• 2009 Hind Rattan Award from the
Foundation U.S. Scientist Prize • Clock Award for Outstanding
Nonresident Indian Welfare Society
by the German government Contributions to Mechanics
• Delivered the 2009 Paul Fraser Kent
• Received the Meritorious and Thermal Sciences from
Distinguished Lecture at the University
Civilian Service Award from the ASME’s Electrical and Electronic
of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
U.S. Corps of Engineers Packaging Division
• 2009 Diamond Jubilee Honour by
• Outstanding Contribution Medal from • El Paso Natural Gas Foundation
the Indian Geotechnical Society
the Czech Society of Mechanics of Faculty Achievement Award for
• Appointed Regents’ Professor in 1989 the Czech Academy of Sciences teaching and scholarship at UA

6 arizona engineer 32:1 spring 2009

Courtesy of Michael Marcellin

Paper Assets—The first place

Courtesy of Supapan Seraphin undergraduate student paper award is
accepted by (left to right) Wei-Ren Ng,
Materials Girl—Binh Duong and her winning poster on spectroscopy of carbon nanotubes.
Kristin Jagiello and Michael Marcellin.

Best Poster Awards for MSE Students Marcellin’s Team Wins

Binh Duong, a new PhD student in good potential applications, such as air 1st and 2nd Best Papers
Professor Supapan Seraphin’s research pollution filters, electrical circuits and
Professor Michael Marcellin gave
FULL STORY group in the Department energy storage.”
Ae Number 7 of Materials Science the keynote speech at the October
Professor Seraphin said the award was 2008 International Telemetering
and Engineering (MSE), received
“exciting, and an indicator of the high
best poster award in the advanced Conference in San Diego, Calif.
caliber of research at the UA.”
instrumentation category at Microscopy While Marcellin entertained
and Microanalysis 2008. Margo Ellis, another PhD student
conference attendees with his
from MSE, received best poster award
Binh presented the poster—Combined FULL STORY keynote luncheon
for physical science at the annual Ae Number
Raman Spectroscopy and SEM Analysis 20 talk about digital
meeting of the Arizona Imaging
of CVD Grown Carbon Nanotubes—at cinema—An Overview of Digital
and Microanalysis Society held in
the annual meeting of the Microscopy Cinema: Are There Answers for
Flagstaff, Ariz., in April 2008. The
Society of America and the Microbeam Telemetry?—several of his students
poster—A SEM-Structural Chemical
Analysis Society, held in August 2008 in
Analyzer Study of Multi-walled Carbon were busy sweeping up first and
Albuquerque, N.M. Binh did the work
Nanotubes Grown by Chemical Vapor second place undergraduate
while she was an MSE undergraduate.
Deposition—presented research done student paper awards.
“Due to their novel properties,” said in collaboration with Motorola Labs in
First place went to Kristin Jagiello,
Bihn, “carbon nanotubes have very Tempe, Ariz.
Zafer Aydin, Wei-Ren Ng (students),
William Ryan, Michael Marcellin
Lifetime Achievement Award for ECE Professor and Ali Bilgin (advisors) for their
The International emeritus in the ECE paper, Joint JPEG2000/LDPC Code
Coordination-group department, received the System Design for Image Telemetry.
for Laser Atmospheric award at the International Second place went to Andrea Chaves,
Studies honored John Laser Radar Conference
Bruno Mayoral, Hyun-Jin Park, Mark
FULL STORY Reagan in Boulder, Colo.
Ae Number 6 in June
Tsang, Sean Tunell (students), Michael
Marcellin and Hao Xin (advisors) for
2008 with a Lifetime Laser Beam—Professor
Achievement Award. their paper, Wireless Sensor Networks:
John Reagan accepts his
Reagan, professor lifetime achievement award. A Grocery Store Application.

32:1 spring 2009 arizona engineer 7


Aerospace Alum Wins Shaping the Future Award

mineral royalty company of which he
TMAL awards recognize
is chairman and chief executive officer.
collaboration between IRC was the largest mining-related
engineering and business public offering on the Toronto Stock
Exchange in 2005 and has since been
Chris Lewicki, manager of the Phoenix
listed on the American Stock Exchange.
Mars Mission, won a Shaping the
IRC’s revenue has grown from $400,000
FULL STORY Future Award at the
Ae Number 12 2008 Technology and in 2005 to $50 million in 2007.
Management Awards Luncheon (TMAL) The Phoenix Mars Mission, the first
held in October at the Arizona Biltmore mission in NASA’s Scout program, put
Resort & Spa in Phoenix, Ariz. the Phoenix Mars Lander on Martian
The TMAL awards were established 10 soil on Sunday, May 25, 2008. Lewicki
years ago to recognize the competitive graduated from The University of
advantage resulting from collaboration Arizona’s College of Engineering
between engineering and business, in 1997 with a bachelor’s degree in
and to create awareness in the business aerospace engineering, and again in
community of the collaborative courses 2000 with a master’s degree in the same
Chris Lewicki
subject. In 2001, when he was a senior
and student-focused programs being
flight systems engineer at the California
pursued by the College of Engineering
Institute of Technology’s Jet Propulsion
and the Eller College of Management.
Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif., Lewicki
New this year was the Shaping the became flight director for NASA’s Mars
Future Award, which recognizes the Exploration Rovers Mission.
contributions of engineers and business
Five years after landing on Mars in
executives whose work today will have
January 2004, the two rovers—Spirit
a profound effect on future societies.
and Opportunity—are still going
The awards were presented by UA strong. At that time, Lewicki likened the
President Robert N. Shelton; Paul experience of landing a rover to driving
Portney, dean of the UA Eller College a sports car, but modestly asserted that
of Management; and Thomas Peterson, flight engineers were “valets who bring
dean of the UA College of Engineering. it around to the front and give the keys
to the science team.”
The other Shaping the Future Award
went to Roberto Guerrieri and Alicia The Eller College Lifetime Achievement
Coleman, the founder and vice Doug Silver Award went to Jay Geldmacher, under
president, respectively, of Incentive whose leadership Emerson Network
Logic. Both received their master’s Power’s Embedded Computing group
geologist with the Anaconda Copper has grown from $300 million to $2
degrees in business administration
from Eller. In 2007 and 2008, Incentive Company. In 1986, he created a private billion in revenue, and is one of the
Logic was named on the Inc. 5000 consulting company, Balfour Holdings world leaders of power conversion and
list as one of the fastest growing Inc., and spent more than 17 years computing products.
companies in America. advising clients on global mineral
appraisals, acquisitions and mergers Geldmacher attended the UA on a
The College of Engineering Lifetime full basketball scholarship. He holds
and strategic planning.
Achievement Award went to Douglas a bachelor’s degree in business
Silver, who got his master’s degree in Silver suspended his consulting administration from Eller College, and
economic geology from UA in 1980. practice in 2003 to found International a master’s in business administration
Silver began his career as an exploration Royalty Corporation (IRC), a global from the University of Chicago.

8 arizona engineer 32:1 spring 2009


Army Funds Research into Warfare Computer Modeling

The U.S. Army has awarded another
$2 million to Professor Jerzy Rozenblit
FULL STORY to fund phase 2 of
Ae Number 30 a project to design
intelligent software that can analyze
the behavior and customs of political
and cultural groups.
In 2007, the Army awarded Rozenblit
$2 million to fund the recently
completed phase 1 of the Asymmetric
Threat Response and Analysis Project,
known as ATRAP. Rozenblit holds the
Raymond J. Oglethorpe endowed chair
in electrical and computer engineering,
and is head of that department.
College of Engineering/ECE
In the context of armed conflict,
Virtual Peacemaker—A screen image from the ATRAP system shows how various
“asymmetric” describes opposing forces
relationships are rendered in the three-dimensional “thoughtspace.”
that differ in terms of size, strength,
resources, tactics, armaments, strategy, The ATRAP software will enable behavior, relationships, resources,
technology or motivation. Forging peace intelligence analysts to build up events and timelines, analysts hope to
between such disparate belligerents has three-dimensional maps of interactions be able to predict, and therefore prevent,
confounded negotiators for centuries. between conflicting groups. By mapping eruptions of violence.

Poulton is Director of one of the most exciting things going

on in mining research in this country,”
New Minerals Institute said Poulton. “We think this new
Arizona is sitting on a gold mine, initiative is going to have tremendous
figuratively speaking. Literally, this impact. For the first time, we will be
FULL STORY mineral-rich state able to create an interdisciplinary center
Ae Number 18 is sitting on billions that really can tackle the breadth of
of tons of ore, including a copper issues related to mineral resources.”
ore body estimated at 1.34 billion
The concept of the institute arose in
tons, enough to meet 20 percent
2004 at an MGE industry leadership
of expected U.S. demand for
board meeting. “Several industry
copper during the next 50 years.
people really felt that the depth and
“We haven’t even scratched the breadth of talent at this university
surface,” said Professor Mary Poulton, College of Engineering/Pete Brown
was unique in the world, and
head of the UA’s Department of Mining that we needed to capture that in
Mine Host—The American Institute of
and Geological Engineering (MGE). Mining, Metallurgical, and Petroleum some package,” said Poulton.
“This is a very well endowed state. Engineers recently presented the Mineral
SFAz and IMR’s industry partners
And it is primary wealth, it is new Industry Education Award to Mary Poulton.
are funding the institute to the tune
money that enters the economy.” Science Foundation Arizona (SFAz), of $17.7 million spread over the next
Poulton is director of the newly the mining industry and Arizona’s four years. The institute is named after
established Lowell Institute for Mineral universities, led by UA, to found a mining engineering alum and legendary
Resources, a collaborative push by global center of mining excellence. “It’s mining engineer, J. David Lowell.

32:1 spring 2009 arizona engineer 9


Baja Race Team Goes From Strength to Strength

The UA Baja Racing team held an orientation session
in August 2008, followed by a welcome-back barbecue
so that newcomers could meet the returning team.
As this issue went to press, the team was road‑testing
the brand new 2009 vehicle, which will see some
FULL STORY real race action June 2009 in the
Ae Number 4 Baja SAE Collegiate Design Series at
the MGA Research Facilities in Burlington, Wis.
College of Engineering/ARC

The diversity of the membership is its strength, said Cat Flight—Wildcat 8 makes a smooth landing during IARC.
Baja team leader Andrew Smock, a mechanical
engineering senior. “Every member brings unique
qualities to the team along with unparalleled ambition
UA Aerial Robotics Team
for success, both in school and on the dirt,” Smock Awarded Prize Money at IARC
said. “On their own they are motivated students from
The UA Aerial Robotics Club (ARC) was awarded $1,200
different educational backgrounds with the desire prize money Aug. 1 at the 2008 International Aerial Robotics
to accelerate their professional and mechanical
FULL STORY Competition (IARC) awards banquet in Fort
knowledge. Together they are an unstoppable force Ae Number 3 Benning, Ga. The team will use the award to
more commonly known as UA Baja Racing.” cover the cost of entering this year’s competition.
In its last race, the 2008 vehicle was one of 31 out of The banquet was held to thank sponsors and those who
the entire field to finish the endurance race and one of helped make the event a reality, and to recognize the
even fewer vehicles to complete all dynamic events. achievements of competitors. 
Placing 33rd overall, the UA Baja team accomplished an
Although the UA team did not get the chance to demonstrate
unprecedented feat by jumping roughly 50 placements the full range of its system’s capabilities, it is looking forward
in one year. “Couple that with unparalleled recruitment to next year’s competition. “We still had a great time at the
and retention rates along with community activism,” said event and we gained a lot of valuable experience from it,”
Smock, “and the result is the beginnings of a program said a team member on the ARC blog. “The team seems to be
that will continue to raise the bar year after year.” stronger than ever and we are all incredibly excited about next
year’s event.”
It was confirmed at the awards banquet that 2009’s IARC will
be scaled down to an indoor competition. This will require
the UA team develop a completely new platform because its
current air vehicles are not suitable for indoor flight.
A major challenge for the UA team will be securing funding
to redesign its systems. The team’s current sponsors include
Raytheon, Advanced Ceramics Research, Lockheed Martin,
Cloud Cap Technology and TacGeo.
A team member explained: “The last few years have been
relatively inexpensive for us as a club because we already had
most of the expensive parts that we needed from previous
years. Now that we have to scale down drastically, none of
our existing electronics or airframes are suitable.”
The team thanked its sponsors on the ARC blog: “[We] want
to thank everyone that helped support us this season … We
still had a great year and learned a lot. This coming year will
UA Foundation/David Allen be the best one yet!”

10 arizona engineer 32:1 spring 2009

Students Will
Study Micro- and
Nanosystems in
Eastern Europe
The UA has received a grant for 12
mechanical engineering students to
conduct micro- and nanotechnology
research at technical universities in
Hungary and Slovakia.
During each of the next four years, three
UA and three NMSU students will get a
FULL STORY $5,000 stipend to cover
Ae Number 8 living costs in Europe for
one semester. The $180,000 grant was
awarded jointly by the U.S. Department
of Education and the European
Commission’s Atlantis program.
It will support a four-year project College of Engineering/Matt Brailey
initiated by the aerospace and
Small World—Professor Enikov in the Advanced Micro and Nanosystems Lab.
mechanical engineering departments
at The University of Arizona and New In the College of Engineering, the research in Eastern Europe is more
Mexico State University, Budapest prime mover behind the exchange theoretical, so we are trying to forge a
University of Technology and program is BME alumnus Eniko Enikov, complementary research program.”
Economics (BME) in Hungary, and associate professor in the Department of
“There is a growing trend in academic
Slovak University of Technology in Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering,
internationalization,” said Enikov.
Bratislava (STUBA). and director of the Advanced Micro and
“Students need to be able to compete
Nanosystems Laboratory. Enikov earned
Similarly, during the next four years 12 globally. Industry already does.”
his master’s degree in mechanical
students each from BME and STUBA Evidence is mounting that such
engineering from BME in 1993.
will each receive €5,000 to cover their programs give students an advantage:
U.S. living costs for a semester. The “There are similarities in our research,” “Students will be more marketable
first students joined the program in the said Enikov, comparing the U.S. and if they have foreign experience,”
spring 2009 semester. European agendas. “But historically, said Enikov.

Hispanic Engineer Group Gets Technology Awareness Grant The theme of the event was “breaking
the digital divide”—that is, bridging
The UA student chapter of the Society October with help from community
the gap between the younger
of Hispanic Professional Engineers organizations, schools, clubs, and
generation that has grown up taking
FULL STORY received a grant in 2008 corporations throughout the country.
Ae Number 10 to conduct La Familia
computer technology for granted
The chapter received the grant from and the older generation, which
Technology Awareness Programs.
Career Communications Group, is more likely to be unfamiliar with
This is the eighth year the UA chapter
founder of the La Familia Network, computers. The event was sponsored
has organized the La Familia event.
to hold activities in Tucson. In by BAE Systems and IBM, and gave
The annual La Familia Technology addition to the grant, the chapter 130 participants an opportunity to
Awareness Week was celebrated in received technology teaching tools. learn how to use a computer.

32:1 spring 2009 arizona engineer 11


Solar Racers Ride to Success

Against a strong international field of well-financed teams, the UA
Solar Racing Team covered 2,400 miles from Texas to Alberta
The University of Arizona solar racing team headed to Texas July 4, 2008, for the American
Solar Challenge, confident it had fixed the problems that scuppered its chances in 2005.
Nineteen days later, against tremendous odds, the team finished in tenth place.
The race is a competition to design, build and race solar-powered cars. It aims
FULL STORY to promote greater understanding of the benefits and promise
Ae Number 2 of solar energy technology, to inspire young people to
follow careers in science and engineering, and to enable students to
develop and demonstrate their technical and creative abilities.
In 2005, a combination of rain, wheel misalignment and other
gremlins prevented the UA car, Drifter, from completing the
minimum number of qualifying laps. The UA team took
first place in the stock class in 2001 and 10th in the open
class in 2003.
“We’ve done a lot of research and learned a lot about
alignment and tire pressure since the last race,”
said Harland Goertz, university associate at the
Arizona Research Institute for Solar Energy.
Goertz and his AzRISE colleague Phil
Davis were race team advisors for
UA’s entry into the American Solar
Challenge, which underwent a slight
name change to North American
Solar Challenge because the race
spanned the U.S. and Canada.
The 2,400-mile route
started in Plano, Texas,
and mainly followed
U.S. Highway 75
and Canadian
Highway 1 to
Calgary, Alberta.

12 arizona engineer 32:1 spring 2009

“No matter where we go, people
are excited that somebody is doing
something about solar power.”

In March 2008, the race team consisted of four students plus Goertz and Davis. Drifter was
in pieces, funds were short and support had waned. Three months later, Drifter 2.0 was
performing to race standards during trials, the crew of 16 was ready to take to the
road with a fleet of support vehicles, and the team had the support of AzRISE
and the College of Engineering. Team confidence was high despite formidable
competition from an experienced international field that included the United
States, Germany, England and Canada.
Drifter 2.0 is registered with the Arizona Department of Transportation
as a convertible, and is the state’s first street-legal solar-powered car.
Goertz also cited community support as an important reason
for the team’s race readiness. “The community is fascinated,”
he said. “No matter where we go, people are excited that
somebody is doing something about solar power.” That
support translated into a local RV company helping
prepare the truck and trailer for the journey, and a
high-tech battery company pitching in to help
iron out some of the power supply problems
that bedeviled the original Drifter in 2005.
Regardless of who got to the checkered
flag first, the race made quite a
statement at a time of record-high
energy costs: These cars did
not consume a single drop of
gasoline on their 2,400-mile
journey. They were instead
powered by energy that
will be available for a
billion years from a
source that is clean,
reliable, cheap
and sustainable
— the sun.

College of Engineering/Pete Brown

32:1 spring 2009 arizona engineer 13


Thank You!
These pages list the companies,
organizations and individuals
who have contributed to the
College of Engineering during
fiscal year 2007-2008.
Their support is vital in providing
scholarships, funding programs
and supporting research.
Without this help, some
students would not be able College of Engineering/Pete Brown

Jeffrey Jacobs is the new holder of the Elwin G. Wood Distinguished

to complete their education. Professorship, which was established by Loren M. and Sally Wood in memory of
Loren’s father, Elwin G. Wood. The professorship recognizes a full professor in the
Many other students would not Department of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering for exemplary service in
have access to resources that teaching or research. Loren M. Wood received a bachelor’s degree in mechanical
engineering from UA in 1952, and an MBA from Harvard in 1958.
give UA Engineering a margin
of excellence for educating List of 2007–2008 Donors
tomorrow’s engineering leaders. $100,000 and Above $40,000 to $49,999 Brice W. Schuller
Gilbert G. Aguirre BAE Systems Mission Tim and Rhonda Snider
We want to take this opportunity APS Foundation Inc. Solutions Sun Microsystems Inc.
Motorola Foundation
to say “thank you” from the Arizona Public Service Jack and Linda Thompson
Thomas R. Brown Toyota Information U. S. Gypsum
students and faculty who have Family Foundation Technology Center USA Inc.

benefited so much from this Cisco University Research

Program Fund $20,000 to $39,999
$10,000 to $19,999
3M Electronics
generous support. Intel Corporation Arizona Power Authority
Analog Devices Inc.
J. David and Edith Lowell Therese V. Berg
Ayco Charitable Foundation
We have made every effort to list Newmont USA Limited Edwin and Joan Biggers
The Boeing Company
Salt River Project H. J. Bonnevie Trust
all those who contributed to the Silicon Valley Community
ExxonMobil Corporation
Gary and Barbara Cropper
college and sincerely apologize Foundation
Freeport McMoRan
Leston and Thelma Goodding
Douglas and Dawna Silver Henry and Beverly Grundstedt
if we have missed anyone. General Electric Foundation
Information Storage
$50,000 to $99,999 Veikko and Elizabeth Kanto
If you donated to UA Applied Materials
Intel Foundation
Kinik Company
International Foundation
Engineering during 2007-2008 The Denver Foundation for Telemetering Lockheed Martin Foundation
Joseph A. Gervasio Lockheed Martin Corporation Mintec Inc.
and are not on this list, please Intel Corporation Motorola Corporation
Sean J. McCafferty
let us know, and we will list International Royalty Inc. Peabody Investments Northrop Grumman
Raytheon Missile Systems Corporation Thomas and Margaret O’Neil
your name in the next issue of Resolution Copper Mining LLC Phelps Dodge Foundation Ara Philipossian
Arizona Engineer. Frances S. Walker QuakeWrap Inc. Charles and Maria Preble

14 arizona engineer 32:1 spring 2009

Raytheon Company Hewlett Packard
Rio Tinto Services Inc. Honeywell
Shinhan Diamond Ind. Co. Ltd. IBM Corporation
D. Alan and Lenise Smith K & A Wireless LLC
Sovereign Management Kimley-Horn & Associates Inc.
Group Ltd.
Lockheed Martin
SRC Education Alliance Aeronautics Company
Tessenderlo Kerley Inc. Richard Lukso
Texas Instruments Tucson Agnes V. Matsch
Tidewater Inc. Mattel Inc.
Ventana Medical Systems Inc. Ernie and Sally Micek
Robert and Jane Whitenack
Mining Foundation of
the Southwest
$5,000 to $9,999 Paragon Space Development
AECOM Technology Corporation
Corporation Phoenix Heat Treating Inc.
AMD Advanced Micro Devices Schuff International Inc.
Areté Associates Siskiyou Corporation
Arizona Public Service
Texas Instruments Inc.
Transcore LP
Axometrics Inc.
Tucson Embedded
Heidi R. Barnett Systems Inc.
Gerald W. Behaylo The University of College of Engineering/Pete Brown
BioVigilant Systems Inc. Arizona Foundation
Cambridge Systematics Garland Speight was selected as the inaugural da Vinci Circle scholar and
UBS Financial Services
awarded a scholarship. He is a mechanical engineering junior and a member
William and Barbara Champion Universal Avionics of the Naval Reserve Officer Training Corps at UA. Civil engineering junior Alicia
Edmund Optics Inc. Systems Corporation Forrester and optical sciences and engineering sophomore Sunglin Wang
Fujitsu Limited Vestar Development II LLC received da Vinci scholar honorable mentions.
Marguerite M. Hesketh Ann T. Wilkey

$1,000 to $4,999 Lindy Coté and Thomas Owen Joy Mining Machinery RBF Consulting Irving G. Studebaker
Achen-Gardner Engineering Gregg D. Cure Amanda J. Kaufmann RS Engineering Inc. Keith W. Taylor
Linda K. Adamski Wayne and Carol Dawson Michael and Robin Kaiserman Raytheon Company Tobin and Kristen Thomas
Advanced Ceramics Research Inc. Newton Don Lee A. King John A. Reagan Marjorie A. Thomas
Ansoft Corporation Jake and Beverly Doss Daniel and Cynthia Klingberg David F. Rhoades Belle K. Tom
David and Frances Areghini Dow Chemical Company Foundation James and Krina Komadina Richard E. Rhoades Michael and Mary Turner
Arizona Society of Civil Engineering Downing Teal Inc. Lockheed Martin Corporation Sarianne R. Rittenhouse Donald Uhlmann
Enrique and Jennifer Aviles William and Ella Dresher M3 Engineering and Technology Vieno S. Rukkila Eugenie Uhlmann
BAE Systems Richard P. Edwards Martha A. Marek SAE International Juan B. Valdés
BP Foundation William J. Elowitz Materials and Electrochemical Research S.M.E. Tucson Section Robert and Sue Vaughan
Sukhendu and Susmita Barua El Paso Corporate Foundation Lee and Diane Matsch Jesse L. Saar Wells Fargo Foundation
Baybridge Dental Clinic ExxonMobil Foundation Sara C. McCoy Daniel M. Seif Williams Companies
Bechtel Group Foundation John A. Fenn S. Jack McDuff Shell Oil Company Foundation Mark and Guadalupe Woodson
The Boeing Company Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund William and Dianne Mensch Matthew and Andrea Shelor Israel and Renate Wygnanski
Robert and Susie Bowers George and Dixie Shirley Xilinx Inc.
Sidney H. Franklin Microsoft Corporation
Kenneth and Victoria Boyd Sergey and Natallya Shkarayeva
Freescale Semiconductor Larry F. Milner Robin and Chigusa Yoshimura
Dietmar Breitkreuz Ernest and Joanne Smerdon
Gannett Foundation Errol L. Montgomery
Herb and Sylvia Burton
Goodwill Golf Tournament Bruce and Mary Moreton Society for Mining, Metallurgy $500 to $999
Castro Engineering Corporation and Exploration
Richard Guthrie and Patricia Dunford Newmont Mining Corporation APS Foundation
Caterpillar Foundation Norman P. Soloway
Harbour & Associates Nextgen Aeronautics Inc. Adelina Acevedo
CH2M Hill Companies Southern Arizona Architects and
Ray M. Haynes Nordson Corporation Engineers Marketing Association Andrew J. Adams
CH2M Hill Foundation
J. Brent and Margaret Hiskey Edward and Patricia Nowatzki Southern Arizona Institute of Mark R. Adamski
David P. Christie
Lawrence and Virginia Hjalmarson Northrop Grumman Foundation Transportation Engineering Darcy J. Anderson
Mike and Kathy Chowaniec
Ernst and Judith Hofmann Osborn Maledon Attorneys at Law Southwest Gas Corporation Foundation Stephen M. Arndt
Cleveland-Cliffs Foundation
Hofmann Family Foundation P&H Mining Equipment Stewart Foundation Dale and Debra Atkinson
Nicolas Cocavessis
Ta-Ming and Shuh-Ming Hsu Thomas and Shannon Peterson Stormwater Plans LLC BAE Systems
Gail G. Collins
Community Foundation IBM Corporation Joan S. Pracy Structural Grace Inc. Louis E. Becker
for Southern Arizona Intel Corporation Daniel Preslar Jerry and Belinda Swanson James and Margaret Bly

32:1 spring 2009 arizona engineer 15


Daniel and Marleen Bailie John Briedis Heather E. Chowaniec

Bill and Diane Bain Janet M. Brelin-Fornari Charlene Chowaniec
Balanced Physical Therapy Inc. Jeffrey S. Bridge Janice Chowaniec
Frederick J. Bakarich Tommy and Geneva Bridges Patrick Chowaniec
Victor and Pauline Baker Jeanette R. Brinker John M. Christian
Jonathan and Mary Baker John W. Britton Timothy L. Christopherson
Michael Baker Jr. Inc. Calvin S. Bromfield Po-Han and Kam Chung
Ray J. Ballmer Noah Bronkesh Paul and Roxanne Cicchini
J.D. and Elizabeth Bamfield Jerry and Evelyn Brooks William H. Clarke
Joe and Yolanda Barbee Chris and Cynthia Broughton Curtis and Marjorie Clarkson
Barr Engineering Company Jeffrey and Ann Brown John N. Cochran
Ralph and Bridget Barr Francis and Wanida Brown Richard J. Coffey
Donald and Margaret Barrett Patrick and Gretchen Brown Jeremy A. Cohn
Richard and Georgia Chappy D. Brown Frank L. Cole
Bartholomew Peter M. Brown John J. Collins
David C. Bartlett George A. Brown James F. Collins
Jennifer K. Barton Judith E. Brown Cornell and Carole Collins
Eddie and Nadine Basha Lawrence and Lori Bruskin Allan W. Collins
Elizabeth N. Bauer David D. Buckley John and Sheila Collins
John and Karen Baum Carl and Kathleen Bueter Rockwell Collins
Martha L. Beaver David L. Bujak Craig D. Conkling
Joseph and Inga Beavers David and Janice Bullock Charles and Donna Constance
Brian P. Beddo Edward and Judith Bunnell Edward A. Conway
William and Sharon Beecroft Charlene L. Burgner Steven H. Cook
Brian P. Benard James A. Burgner Kenneth R. Cooper
Steven H. Bengis Dennis A. Buschak
College of Engineering David and Michele Cooper
Sharon R. Benitez Richard G. Bushroe Gary L. Cooper
Ricardo A. Benitez Auza
Breakfast of Champions—The Maricopa County Engineering Sal and Cyndy Caccavale Louis P. Coraggio
Thomas and Deborah Bennett
Council, The University of Arizona Alumni Association and the Jamie A. Cain William and Patricia Corbin
Marlin and Donna Benson Melvin and Jane Callabresi
College of Engineering hosted the 24th Annual St. Patrick’s John and Mary Benson
Gregory A. Cord
M. L. Callabresi
Breakfast March 17 at the University Club of Phoenix. Pictured Jeffrey and Kathleen Berg Technical Consultant
John A. Corey
with Development Director Beth Weaver (center) are council Barry and Gayle Cossel
Ronald and Marilyn Bergstrom Michael and Dorothy Callan
Lisa Costello
members William Waggoner (left) and Oscar Lyon. Robert W. Best Karen J. Callero
Edward J. Cotriss
Kenneth and Rosemarie Betzen Dyer and Sheila Campbell
Scott J. Coughlin
Richard and Paula Beyak Leonel and Maria Campoy
Robert and Susie Bowers Keith C. Manlove Alan W. Aikens Bill Cowdrey
Joyce E. Beydler Joseph A. Cannavino
Cynthia L. Breitkreuz Charles C. Massieon Richard D. Alexander Kevin J. Cowhey
Stephen and Patricia Bischoff Bruce E. Capron
David A. Brinker Michelle M. Matiski David C. Allais Theodore M. Cox
Robert and Joyce Black Jeffery G. Carlton
Robert E. Campbell J. Mel and Phyllis Allen Wendy Cox
Kim A. Mauritz David R. Blackburn Sandra Carpenter
John and Theresa Allen Frederick J. Coy
Chris Chang Brandon J. Napier Sergio and Gail Blacutt Thomas and Martha Carr
Mark R. Allen PC Barbara A. Crocker
Daniel J. Chen Donald and Charlyn Newman Douglas G. Blanchard Rita Carrillo
Thomas M. Allred Mark and Mary Cross
Andrew and Julie Cole Parwathi V. Paniker Brent A. Blevins Richard G. Carrizosa
Martin and Joyce Allred David and Elizabeth Crouthamel
Wilson and Nancy Cooper Robert Petrossian Randall and Donna Blondeau Steven and Pauline Carter
Randy and Barbara Alstadt Robert Bruce and Joan Crow
Dominion Foundation Theodore M. Polychronis Thomas W. Bobo Robert and Kathryn Carter
Larry M. Altuna Thomas S. Crow
M. Stephen Enders Charles N. Ramsey John M. Boggs Case Family Charitable Fund
James and Kathryn Ammon Richard E. Crowell
Herman Fasel Kok Kwai and Avis See-Tho Craig and Nanette Bohren Claude Case
Robert and Patricia Anderson Sonny Culbreth
Freeport McMoRan Steven G. Short Stephen and Mimi Bolduc Nancy H. Case
Copper and Gold Inc. Robert G. Anderson Earl W. Cumming
David D. Smith Philip and Dianne Bolger Nancy V. Case
Vincent and Jo Foti Susan E. Anderson Robert and Greta Cummings
David Sparks Thomas and Linda Bolles James A. Cashin
Gary and Carole Frere Jan A. Angel Grant and Linda Cummings
David and Dorothy Steinheimer David R. Bolles Ron J. Casper
Barry and Starr Ganapol Ronald M. Cupples
Chris E. Angleman Matthew T. Bolt Donald and Patricia Cassidy
Technical Documentation Laura J. Currey-Ward
Mary P. Garrity Consultants of AZ Inc. Madhav V. Apte Jana Bommersbach Francis and Janice Castrichini
Theodore J. Gelber David S. Curry
Christopher E. Toal Stephen and Carole Argo Amy C. Boomer Robert and Jennifer Cavin
Charlie George Paul and Amanda Curto
Frank Tortorello Arizona Community Foundation Billie D. Boone Alaina P. Chabrier
Gervasio & Associates Inc. Peter F. Daly
Matthew A. Treglia Felix E. Armendariz Craig R. Borger Jami E. Chaloupka
Douglas and Emma Goodman Arthur and Paula Daman
United Way of the Bay Area Brian D. Arnold Jon and Kathleen Borhauer Scott L. Chapman
Mary A. Greer-Short Carol Dana
Veeco Tucson John E. Arnold John and Sherilyn Boyer Dolores Charlesworth
Stanley and Carole Harbour Scott D. Dance
Herbert and Diane Welhener Satish and Nancy Arora John M. Boyer Kathleen M. Chavez
Linda N. Henry Raj and Cynthia Daniel
Terril and Esther Wilson Anthony and Lisa Astrouski John M. Brabson Dorothy R. Chavez-Dolan
Peter E. Howell Lori L. D’Anna
Wayne N. Wisdom Leigh E. Austin Julie A. Bradford Natasha J. Checkovich
Eric A. Jackson Dariscom/Verapax
Edward and Joann Austin Michael L. Bradley Guangshun Chen
Matthew V. Kaufmann Douglas and Elizabeth
Brian and Michele Aviles Jean P. Brady Hui-chin Chen Darlington
Desmond and Jean Kearns Up to $500 Raymond and Dorothy Avina Gerald and Pamela Brannon Yuanzhi Cheng Kristin Darr and Associates LLC
Larry M. Knox ATK Alliant Techsystems Shayne D. Aytes Peter and Kathryn Brantingham Rema Cheruparmbath Davidson Engineering
William B. Kremers Agilent Technologies Inc. Paul T. Baca Stephen M. Brault Robert and Mary Chesher Resources Inc.
John and Jane Linkswiler Iftekhar Ahmed Charles and Judith Backus Robert and Jane Brauns Chevron James and Connie Davidson
James L. Madson Kenneth and Carolyn Ahmie Kwang H. Baek Susan P. Bray Craig and Jo Ann Chovan Jacalyn Davies

16 arizona engineer 32:1 spring 2009

Robert and Jo Davis Richmond and Nancy Fenn
Dayton Foundation Rebecca B. Fenn
Peter and Elsmarie De Mars Terry and Barbara Fenzl
James H. Deaderick Robert J. Feugate
Arthur F. Deardorff Stephen and Ruth Fienhold
Gary J. Degeronimo Jesus and Rosemarie Figueroa
Thomas P. Deitering Frank and Barbara Filas
Pamela Del Duca Armando and Janet Fimbres
Johann G. Demmel Randall R. Fink
Felicia Deng Irmgard M. Flaschka
Thomas and Suzanne Dew Gregory J. Fleischman
Michael J. Dezember William C. Flewelling
Rinaldo DiCenzo Paul and Sandra Flint
Trent S. Dickey John E. Flores
Laura B. Dinitz Ka C. Fogg
Donald J. Ditter Ralph and Melanie Ford
William C. Dixon Jerry and Judy Ford
Patrick C. Dlugosch Fred R. Foreman
Kenneth E. Dobbs Bryce and Denise Foster
Richard S. Dobes Chad E. Franke
Richard Doering Charles and Kim Frankenberger
Diana T. Dohmen James and Mary Franklin
Brian F. Dolan Glenn D. Frankovis
John P. Don H. Roger and Katherine
Betty D. Donelson Frauenfelder
Claris L. Donelson George C. Freshwaters
Qiping P. Dong Miles F. Friedman
Tanya S. Donohue Karyn L. Friedman-Nochumson
Jodi K. Dorsey Walther and Kathie Frost
Frederick and Monique Doten Marino M. Fuentes
Lewis R. Dove Lisa L. Fuller Courtesy of Ray Rafidi
Rand and Barbara Drake Joe M. Fulton
Richard and JoeAnne Drake Dale and Susan Funk Top Team—The University of Arizona Alumni Association, the College of Engineering
Lawrence M. Dreyer Furniture Medic and The University of Arizona Foundation teamed up to organize a special alumni event
Samuel and Leanne Dukes Douglas E. Gapp at La Cima Club in Irving, Texas, in October 2008. Special guests were UA President
David M. Dummeyer Rudolph M. Garcia Robert Shelton and Fluor Corporation CEO Alan Boeckmann. Pictured are (left to right)
Susan K. Dunkailo John R. Garcia Jim Liston, Lisa Boeckmann, Alan Boeckmann and Tom Peterson.
Mark F. Durham Byron and Sarah Garretson
James F. Dutton Gartner Group Inc.
Dywidag Systems Joseph and Constance Gates Calvin B. Gosla Byron and Kathy Hack Michael M. Henningsen Paul A. Hsieh
International, USA Gateway West Realty Inc. Edward and Ellen Gouvier David B. Hackman James and Julia Henricks Pochang Hsu
Annette Dziabiak Michael and Margaret- Shaun and Kim Graber Jean A. Hall Conrad B. Hernandez Teck H. Hu
Stephen Easter Ann Geesing
Joseph S. Grabias Halliburton Foundation Inc. Edward and Shendy Herrera Anthony and Vicki Huffman
Linda S. Eaton Joseph D. Genchi
Mary F. Graham Kenneth R. Hamm Daniel J. Herrera Robert P. Hughes
Edison International GenCorp Foundation
David A. Graham Larry A. Hammond Walter and Bonnie Higgins Adam S. Hutchinson
Peter R. Edsall Wally H. Geniec
Sharon M. Grant David and Penny Handorf Richard A. Hightower Geoffrey and Erin Hutton
John R. Edwards Jennifer A. Geoghegan
J. Brian Grant G.A. Hannon Daryl R. Hild Gary W. Hyer
Vern and Bridget Eikrem Robert G. Giacomazza
Byrce and Brenda Gibson Robert B. Grant James and Merry Hansen Peggy N. Hilker IBM Corporation
Ann M. Eisentraut
Jenny Gildon Paulette Graves Jeff D. Hardin Jeanine S. Hill Richard and Dolly Ickler
Jules and Melinda Ellingboe
Gerald and Deborah Gill Max and Mary Green Janice H. Harper Michael R. Hill Diala A. Ikeme
David and Laura Elliott
George and Dixie Glenday Michael and Maribeth Richard V. Harper Joanne A. Hilton Thomas and Diane Iles
Timothy and Diane Ellis Greenslade
Thomas and Leigh Ann Glenn James M. Harper William C. Hirt Richard and Marsha Imprescia
Kathryn A. Elowitz Paul H. Greer
Jeffrey B. Glover Kevin R. Harris Philip and Christine Hodder Integral Strategies LLC
Evelyn Ely David and Sherry Grenier
Geoffrey L. Goddard Martha L. Hart Ferne S. Hoffman Intellitech Microsystems Inc.
Brian W. Emkeit
John D. Goedert William D. Grey Peter J. Hart Michael Holling Ivan Labs Inc.
Stephanie M. English
Debra R. Golden-Davis Larry and Judy Griffin Joel S. Hart Syndee Hollman-Randazzo Catherine M. Jablonsky
James F. Ensminger
Ellen T. Goldin Alice E. Griffiths Kenneth and Margaret Hartwein Moon J. Hom Gary and Melissa Jackson
Navigation Services Howard and Sheila Goldstein George and Elizabeth Gritt Bruce A. Hay Bei Hong Glen A. Jaquette
James and Harriett Erwin Maria C. Gonzales Martin and Jo Ann Gronberg William and Allyson Hazlehurst Tommy R. Hooten Mark and Erica Jenkins
Wayne H. Erxleben Rene R. Gonzales Cara L. Groshans-Sherwood Kenneth L. Head Robert L. Hoover William E. Jensen
ExxonMobil Foundation Fernando A. Gonzalez Edgar and Janet Guenther John R. Hector Naohiro Horie Brian P. Jepperson
J. Gregory and Lisa Fahey Harrison and Karen Goodkin Hector W. Guerra Pamela J. Hector John F. Horwath Siyuan Jiang
Jan F. Falkenhagen Goodrich Corporation Roderic and Kimberley Guptill Richard G. Hector Benjamin Hou Myoung H. Jin
Michael J. Farinech William E. Goodsene Robert and Edith Gustafson George B. Hefner Edwin and Carolee Houston Myoung G. Jin
Joseph H. Farrell George G. Goodwin Henri W. Guyader Jeffrey and Elizabeth Heidler Erik and Cheryl Houts Paul and Elena Joggerst
Charles W. Fellows Google Christopher C. Gypton Michael L. Heilman Glen C. Howard Jamie L. John
Ronald H. Fenelon Lawrence E. Gorton Douglas C. Haag Gary and Linda Hemphill Vic and Kimberly Hsiao Perry C. John

32:1 spring 2009 arizona engineer 17


Holly J. Lloyd Terry W. Meier

Laura V. Lohner Barry M. Meisels
Stuart and Jennifer Longgood Robert and June Meitz
Barbara A. Longley-Cook Thomas and Kathleen Meixner
Jessica Loring Roger W. Melton
Gregory and Elizabeth Lorton Elayne B. Mendelsohn
Peter and Caroline Lozano Ruben and Dawn Mendoza
Zhiming Lu Daniel H. Meserve
John G. Lucey Charles W. Micka
Glen and Pearle Ludwig Ronald B. Mikalson
Dale W. Luecht Richard and Katherine
Dennis and Lorie Luke Milakovich
Randolph W. Lungren David W. Milam
Gerald and Aida Lunt John and Diane Milan
Forest P. Lyford Diana R. Miles
Charles J. Lynch James P. Miletich
Oscar and Patricia Lyon Deborah T. Miller
Gary and Joyce Lytle John Wesley Miller Companies
Dennis and Susan MacDonell Robert M. Miller
Michael and Maura Mackowski Gail R. Miller
Avishkar Madar Gloria J. Miller
Daniel M. Maffei Ann L. Miller-Patti
Richard and Lynda Maldonado Robert C. Mills
Diane F. Manlove William C. Mills
George and Ruth Mann Kathryn L. Mills
Clifford and Elizabeth Mansfield Lawrence S. Mills
Michael J. Mansour Mary V. Minke
Lyle and Julie Margulies Mel E. Mitchell
Jackson and Carolyn Markle Beverly B. Mitchell
Edward C. Maroney Nancy A. Mitchell
James E. Marr William J. Mitchell
Alan H. Marshak Sally Jo Mitchell
Robert H. Marshall David P. Mobley
Robert and Dolores Martin Rose Mofford
David and Patricia Martinez Patricia A. Molina
College of Engineering/Pete Brown
Stacey A. Martinez Larry and Jane Monier
Mirror Image—da Vinci Circle members were treated to a tour of the world-renowned Ellis and Sheila Mascareno Monterey Villa Townhouse
Thomas J. Mashaw Association Inc.
Steward Observatory Mirror Lab in March 2009. The photo shows technicians inspecting Gary E. Montgomery
Richard A. Maslow
a newly cast mirror. The behind-the-scenes tour looked at the optical technology and Philip G. Monzon
Anthony H. Mason
revolutionary spin-casting processes involved in making giant telescope mirrors. The Michael S. Massaro David and Magdelena Mooberry
Mirror Lab is the only place in the world where these giant monolithic mirrors are cast. Stephen and Susan Matheson John and Sharon Moody
Mathieu Engineering Richard and Constance Moon
Corporation Richard and Nancy Moore
Paul S. John Carol H. King Jason D. Kronholm Bob S. Lee Lawrence E. Matthews Jerry and Teri Morcomb
Ron J. Johnson Robert D. King Roman Krzysztofowicz Sheri A. Lee Sam and Mary Matthews Olga Moreno-Urquiza
Anthony Jones Louise E. Kinnie Ihor and Sandra Kukurba Robert H. Lee Dan E. Mayers Clayton R. Morlock
Kevin and Lisa Josker I. Gray Kinnie Willis and Evelyn Kulp Franklin H. Lee Patrick and Kathy Maynard Linda Moroney
Jonathan and Laura Kagle Tommy and Florence Kirchner Donald P. Kurkjian Scott and Brenda Lehan Daniel L. McBride Gene and Irene Morris
Eric I. Kalivoda Michael H. Kleinrock Ir Kusnadi Jay H. Lehr Dennis and Deborah McCarthy Marla L. Motove
John J. Kaminsky Lucien and Joyce Klejbuk John A. La Bar Frank and Rose Marie Lenahan Richard and Zoe McClellan Lynette J. Moughton
Kariscom LLC Barbara Ann L. Klensin Louis and Melissa Lagomarsino Kevin J. Lenoir Kristen L. McClellen Theodore W. Moulin
Kathy’s Music Peter G. Knaggs Alvaro and Christine Laguna Carol S. Lerner Robert C. McCroskey William and Patria
Kenneth R. Katsma Henry and Diana Knoepfle Bruce and Kathie Lahti Chris and Jeannine Leverenz Ellen C. McCullough-Brabson Carmen Moya Espinal
Bryan H. Kaufman Kenneth Kochczynski Ho Q. Lam Mark L. Levine Donald and Mary McDonald Joseph C. Muehlbauer
Ann Keeler Robert J. Kocisko Catherine A. Lance Cherie M. Lewis Jack B. McFarland James and Mary Mulkins
John and Pamela Keffer Chris M. Koglin Thomas and Nola Lange John C. Lewis Gilbert McGlaughlin John and Kathleen Mulligan
Katherine L. Keith Eric N. Koglin Carl and Elizabeth Larson Ezra H. Lewis David O. McGuire Joseph J. Mulligan
Dennis I. Kenman Kenneth and Polly Kohl Judy Larue Francis J. Leyva George and Anastasia McInnis Donald and Janice Mummert
Dennis J. Kennelly Arvin L. Kolz Steve and Janice Lass Chong J. Liang Dennis P. McLaughlin Ginger A. Murdough
Bernard and Barbara Kenny Sunil N. Kommineni Robert and Phyllis Latham Arthur C. Licchillo Clyde J. McLennan Sean and Ann Murphy
Joseph and Marilyn Kent Robert and Marianne Kondziolka Charles F. Lavarini Thomas and Palma Liebert Elliott G. McMaster David and Ellen Murphy
Peter F. Kerwin Isaac Konikoff Michael D. Lawrence Chung-Tsui Lin Jeremiah E. McNeil David Murphy
John R. Kilps Keith and Susan Kotchou David and Linda Layton Joel and Lori Lindahl Chad G. McRae Marvin and Mary Musgrave
Albert L. Kimball Jerome and Geraldine Koupal Miodrag and Alyce Lazarevich Ian and Jane Linton Lawrence J. McVeigh Dean H. Mutti
Jeff King Frederick and Frances Krause Robert and Patty LeCompte Mary L. Liotta Richard and Mary Mead Kevin C. Myers
Ann Marie C. King Kenneth and Teresa Krisa Eric H. Ledet Gary Lisciarelli Michael P. Mebes Jack E. Myers
Michael R. King Raul Krivoy Virginia Lee Shuyun Liu Wellington R. Meier Joel Myers

18 arizona engineer 32:1 spring 2009

Karen D. Myers Mark E. Oakleaf PNM Foundation Robert and Margaret Perry Prestige Realty Sandra C. Reel
Stefan and Beth Myslicki Keith W. Oakley Steven R. Pageau Vonise Petersen Edward and Diane Preston Paul W. Reese
NCR Foundation Richard and Mary Obee Joseph and Sandra Palais Jeffrey and Linda Petersen Glenda Prosser Steven and Betsy Regis
Jeffrey R. Nadeau Jean Obert Tris and Janet Palmgren Kenneth R. Petersen Scott and Janine Prost-Domasky John C. Reinhardt
Michael and Susan Nativi Carey L. O’Bryan Trevor H. Park Jill L. Petersen Pulice Construction Inc. Lorene Reitzer
Eugene G. Neal Paul M. Ochs Janet and Janet Park Nancy A. Peterson-Gillespie Bonnie B. Punske J. Scott and Sharon Reynolds
James and Georgia Needham G. Scott O’Connell Charles E. Parkes Michael and Jeanne Pfander Kenneth R. Putnam Joseph and Barbara Riccio
David E. Nelsen Vivian Ohlwiler Edward and Diana Parlette Christopher M. Pfeiff David and Christine Raasch Stanley M. Rice
Lance A. Nelson Mark and Lilly Olsen Stephen and Sondra Parnes Quyen T. Pham David T. Rabb George H. Richard
Randall C. Nelson Paul J. Olson Jon A. Parsons Charles and Katherine Philips Khayyun A. Rahi Richard and Sylvia Rickard
James H. Nelson William J. Olson Patrick Engineering Karen M. Phillips James R. Ramos Paul H. Rigby
Patricia C. Nelson Joe and Elizabeth Omojola and Surveying Glenn D. Pierce Susan C. Ramsey Patricia E. Ring
Paul and Betty Neuenschwander Robyn and John O’Neal John C. Patterson Patricia A. Pierce Christopher J. Randall Jeanne K. Rising
Yael and Shlomo Neuman Kevin A. Opalka John W. Patterson Edwin P. Pierce David C. Randolph Patricia A. Ritchey
Richard and Mary Jane Newell Christina M. Orosco Paul and Jennifer Patterson John M. Pins William and Karen Rankin Wilma Rittenhouse
Victor Ngoma Uriah and Janice Orr Christopher Patti Anthony and Brooke Pittner Laurence G. Rasmussen Kyle R. Ritter
David E. Nicholas Charlotte L. Ort Bruce W. Patty Ernest A. Planck Peter A. Rau Harold and Karen Robb
Gregory M. Noble L. Devens Osborne Cory E. Pearman Raymond and Donna Plock Richard P. Ray Heather M. Roberts
Craig A. Nochumson Andrew M. Osbrink Keith H. Pedersen Matthew D. Ploor Ronald J. Raymond Paula S. Robinson
Nancy J. Norem Chris and Marlyn Osterman David and Mona Pelletier John and Jan Podlesny Derek and Michelle Reaban Joyce C. Robinson
North County Home Inspection Martin and Carol O’Sullivan David S. Pellinen Thomas C. Pollock Marian L. Reams David G. Robinson
Eric T. North James B. Overton Deborah L. Pemberton Karen G. Pope Bruce D. Rechichar Rocky Mountain Coal Inst.
Dayna Northcutt Gerald R. Owens Derry and Virginia Pence Ralph and Lael Porter Joseph and Linda Redmond William and Marilyn Rodman
Justin J. Novacek P & G Fund Wallace K. Perkins Richard M. Potter Emmett V. Reed Toni L. Rogero

New Scholarships Scholarship

recipients must
an outstanding engineering senior
who demonstrates excellence in
The UA College of Engineering has be full-time scholarship, character and promise.
announced several new scholarships, undergraduate Eligible students may be enrolled in any
including the Thomas W. Peterson or graduate engineering discipline except chemical
Scholarship, which was established by students in civil engineering, geological engineering,
friends and family of Tom Peterson, engineering or materials science engineering and
dean of the UA College of Engineering engineering mining engineering, which are
August V. Hardt math. First represented by the Thomas G.
from 1998 to 2008, and current head
of the engineering directorate at preference will be given to students Chapman Scholarship and Fellowship.
the National Science Foundation. from Globe High School. Second
To be eligible, students must be preference will be given to students John Tipton Scholarship in Engineering
enrolled full-time in the College and from Gila County or rural Arizona. If The John Tipton Scholarship in
serve as student ambassadors. no students meet these preferences, Engineering has been established to
the scholarship can be awarded support or recruit outstanding students.
August V. Hardt Scholarship to a student who meets the other To be eligible, students must be
August V. Hardt was a longtime criteria. The scholarship is renewable undergraduates enrolled in the College
supporter of UA. He graduated from for a maximum of four years. of Engineering who are U.S. citizens
UA in 1963 with a bachelor’s degree maintaining a minimum 3.0 GPA,
in civil engineering, and his family and S. Jack McDuff Scholarship and who can demonstrate a need for
friends established this scholarship. S. Jack McDuff graduated from UA financial assistance. Incoming freshmen
Hardt was born and grew up in Globe, in 1951 with a bachelor’s degree are eligible to compete for the award if
Ariz., and lived all his life in Arizona. in metallurgical engineering. He they have a minimum 3.4 GPA from their
After graduating, he joined the State is a longtime supporter of the UA high schools. Candidates must qualify
Highway Department, which would and is highly active in several UA as need-based students according to
later become the Arizona Department organizations, including the College the Free Application for Federal Student
of Transportation, as an engineer-in- of Engineering’s da Vinci Circle board, Aid program standards. At the discretion
training. He worked there for more than the UA Alumni Association, and the of the College, one scholarship may be
33 years until he retired in 1996, when Sigma Chi Fraternity. The S. Jack offered to recruit an outstanding scholar
he was state operations engineer. McDuff Scholarship is awarded to even if there is not financial need.

32:1 spring 2009 arizona engineer 19


Bane Vasić Named 2008 da Vinci Fellow

Bane Vasić was named the 2008
da Vinci Fellow. He is a professor
of electrical engineering and
mathematics in the Department
of Electrical and Computer
Engineering. The fellowship is
sponsored by the College’s giving
society, the da Vinci Circle.
Bane Vasić
Fellows are selected for substantial
distinguished and sustained contributions to teaching,
research and service. A new fellow is named each year,
and fellowships last two years. Fellows receive $10,000
during the two-year span of the appointment.
Vasić is an alumnus of the University of Niš in Serbia,
where he got his engineering diploma, master’s degree
FULL STORY and doctorate in electrical engineering. College of Engineering/Marcie Fritz-Reichenbacher
Ae Number 23 “I go back to Niš every year to teach a short
da Vinci Members Get Weather Advisory
course at the university and visit my parents and my brother,
Bata, who teaches computer animation,” said Vasić. In September, da Vinci Circle members and guests got a
behind-the-scenes tour of KOLD News 13, hosted by chief
Vasić has been at UA since 2000. Before that he was
meteorologist Chuck George, who is an engineering alum
at Bell Labs, where he developed an error-correction
and da Vinci Circle member. The event included a tour of
algorithm that is in widespread use in modern hard drives.
the weather center, news center, sales and advertising
“I will use the fellowship money on supporting my students department and control room. Guests also watched a live
and myself to go to conferences,” Vasić said. “I have a really news broadcast and took part in a chroma key demonstration.
good research group, and sending my students to conferences In the photo, George (left) is explaining how the chroma key
is not only business, it is also a reward for their hard work.” technique works when he is doing his weather forecast.

Randolph and Virginia Rogers Hussein S. Salty Richard D. Scranton Dean M. Shough Marie Smith Dale and Susan Stevenson
Russell and Joselle Rogers Gilbert A. Saltzman James and Sharon Seal Mark C. Siemens Rodney L. Smith Douglas and Cathine Sticht
Waldo and Lila Rogers Steven and Karen Sandahl Kristina J. Searle Stephen and Julie Silliman Christopher B. Smith Ronald and Wanda Stiles
Thomas R. Rohrer Daniel and Twila Sandblom Allen P. Sehloff Sills, Cummis & Gross PC John and Deborah Snodgrass Sheryl L. Stogis
Richard R. Romero Lester L. Sanders Ronald and Lori Semel Elliot and Nancy Silverston Mary R. Sokol Edward G. Stokes
Ferdinand Rosa Michael A. Sandford Sentient Engineering John A. Simler John R. Somsel Vern W. Stoneback
and Technology LLC Robert A. Stott
Robert and Laura Roscoe Marc and Elizabeth Scancarello James and Kathryn Simms Southern Arizona Kart Club
Paul and Ruth Seppala Ronald and Carolyn Stott
David B. Rosenbluth Richard E. Schilk Jay I. Simon Deborah A. Souza
Charles Sersun John D. Struble
Melvin and Betty Ross George A. Schlegel Robert W. Simpson Steven J. Spease
Nelson and Virginia Student Council Engineering
Diane Ross James and Priscilla Schmalzel Severinghaus Greg and Lois Sims Robert and Donna Spencer
Bruce and Augusta Roth Theodore and Janice Schmidt Michelle A. Sinotte James D. Spinhirne John L. Stutz
Narendra C. Shah
Steven W. Rothstein Steven R. Schmidt Dean and Ilene Sipe Frank L. Spittle William R. Sublette
Harry N. Shaver
Sakthivel L. Subramanian
Reid and Kathryn Royball Grant R. Schmieder Joseph and Sandra Shea Robert and Donna Sisley Donald A. Spong
Mark J. Sullivan
Fred A. Rubi Susan Schmitt Leonard and Beverly Shenfield Magali Smith Stanley and Jodi Stachowiak
Robert M. Sullivan
Scott R. Rudin Sally J. Schmitt Marie S. Shepherd Mitchell R. Smith Robert and Ellen Stamp
Sun City Vistoso Community
Emil and Alexandra Rudolph Donald W. Schoeneman J. Michael and Mary Sherer Darrell J. Smith Robert and Diane Steenbergen Association Inc.
Thomas N. Rumney Nick and Jean Schott Daniel X. Sherwood Charles H. Smith David and Tonda Stegman Scott A. Sundahl
Debbie Ryan Daniel and Donna Schotter Fang Shi Michael L. Smith Donald and Sharon Steinwachs Warren A. Sunderland
John A. Rykala Richard R. Schroeder Suzanne J. Shields Mona E. Smith William and Sherry Steinway Sam W. Swan
Daniel and Donna Sablich Betty Gail Schuessler Mark A. Shill Paul F. Smith Larry and Sandra Stephens Gordon C. Sweet
Saguaro GeoServices Inc. George and Nelda Schuler Gordon and Wyona Shipp Nancy F. Smith Larry D. Sternaman Donald and Marjorie Swindle
Paul Y. Sako Michael A. Schwager William R. Shoemaker Virginia G. Smith William and Tammi Stevens Synopsys
Michael and Cecelia Salcido Elizabeth H. Scott Eugenie R. Sholl Ronald T. Smith William R. Stevens William R. Taft
Damian J. Salese Laurence and Sherry Scott Sally A. Shoop Bruce D. Smith James and Alice Stevens Albert Tarcola and Cecilla Madrid

20 arizona engineer 32:1 spring 2009

Nabil M. Tawil Sondra L. Trasente John W. Ward

Brent Hiskey is First Cimetta Chair

Douglas J. Taylor James Traub John R. Ward
Karen T. Taylor Dale and Carole Tretschok William B. Ward
Lori J. Taylor Jess and Amy Trias James C. Washburne
Mark F. Taylor Kenneth J. Trout James and Gayle Watring Brent Hiskey, associate dean and
Mark H. Taylor Kathryn M. Trudeau Gary L. Weatherly professor of materials science
Thomas T. Teague Hieu D. Truong Christine M. Weaver
John C. Terrell Daniel and Beverly Truzzolino Larry and Victoria Webb and engineering, is the inaugural
Texas Instruments Steven and Michelle Tugenberg Ralph and Pamela Wege recipient of the Cimetta Chair in the
Richard and Phoebe Therrien Michael P. Turik Joan Weinberg
College of Engineering. Professor
Bruce C. Thoeny David and Deborah Tuttle Wells Fargo Foundation
Frederick R. Thomas Tyco Richard R. Wenzel Hiskey received this appointment
Robert J. Thomas Donna R. Ulrey Tony L. Werner in recognition of the outstanding
Billie N. Thomas Alicia L. Urban Robin G. West
Lenora G. Thompson Jack and Darleen Uvodich Janice A. Wezelman
contributions he has made in the
David M. Thompson Walter W. Vandien Justin S. Wheeler field of metallurgical engineering and
James E. Thompson Sandra K. Varga Daniel H. White Brent Hiskey materials science and engineering.
Jenny B. Thompson Alan and Elaine Vaughn Kathleen D. White
Jennifer Thompson Alfonso and Anne Marie Velosa Travis White
Douglas C. Thompson Anthony and Louise Verbout Marilyn C. White Stephen H. Williams Ying Wong Michael and Laurie Lea Yockey
Paul and Karina Thorne Ralph and Shirley Vick Robert L. White Pamela K. Williams M. Kathleen Wood Torao Yoshida
Jill E. Thorpe VOLI Ventures LLC Elizabeth S. White Douglas L. Williams Ralph B. Wood Jean L. Young
Velma Tijerina-Smith WD Foundation Kermit W. Whitt James M. Willingham Joseph and Heather Woodward Larry S. Young
David and Cynthia Tipper John and Erika Wade William J. Whitty Matthew D. Wilson David P. Woollen Benny J. Young
Joseph and Rita Titus Sharyn L. Wade Daniel R. Wibben Phyllis F. Wilson John Worthington Bobbie L. Young
Jack and Mary Tleel Matthew J. Walkowiak James F. Wickham John H. Wilson William and Patsy Wright Wendi M. Young
Lamar S. Todd Jeffery and Karen Wallace Branda B. Wilhoite Craig A. Windrem Thomas J. Wuchte Dongchang Yu
Richard and Kay Tofel Tony and Dorah Walls William and Elizabeth Wilkening Jim L. Windsor Richard and Anne Wyman Zavis M. Zavodni
James and Patricia Tolley Jeffrey P. Walser Lisa Willey Walter and Stephanie Witkowski Xerox Corporation USA Xiaodong Zhang
Tim and Kathryn Tomko Wenbin Wang Mary L. Williams David C. Wittwer Morris Yamner Eugene and Janice Zimmerman
Yi T. Torng Edward S. Wang Ronald C. Williams Igor Wojewoda Josephine Y. Yang Francis B. Zoltowski
Joseph M. Torrano Samuel X. Wang Elizabeth N. Williams Sarah M. Wolfe Virginia Yee Jeffrey and Kathleen Zubel
Patrick W. Towbin Joel N. Wantman Jennifer L. Williams Dale Wong Joe Yee Keith and Helga Zwickl

Earthquake Engineering while measuring the stresses that almost construction sites and seen steel rebar
reduced it to rubble. sticking out of unfinished concrete
structures. Prestressing involves
which will protect buildings—and their The million-dollar test required the
stretching this steel in a mold, or bed,
occupants—from earthquakes. construction of a 3-story, half-scale
and then pouring the concrete to embed
precast concrete structure on a giant
The research project, headed by it. Once the concrete is dry, the stretched
shake table at UC San Diego’s Englekirk
Fleischman, has been conducted steel is cut. “It’s like a big rubber band,”
Structural Engineering Center. About
FULL STORY jointly by The
says Fleischman. “The steel tries to
Ae Number 600 instruments throughout the
29 University of Arizona, shorten and it squeezes the concrete.”
structure measured its responses to
the University of California at San fifteen 20-second quakes simulated by These precast and prestressed slabs
Diego and Lehigh University. The the shake table. are transported to the construction site
research was funded by the Precast/ by truck and dropped into a concrete
Prestressed Concrete Institute, the Many of the structures that failed in
framework by crane. The slabs sit
National Science Foundation’s the Northridge earthquake were built
on ledges in the framework, and are
Network for Earthquake Engineering using precast concrete. This is a very
usually welded to adjacent slabs where
Simulation and Grant Opportunities economical construction technique
the steel protrudes. These joints are
for Academic Liaison with Industry, because the component slabs are
weak points in the structure, and can
and the Charles Pankow Foundation. made offsite. “Quality is much easier
come apart like a zipper during an
Fleischman recently secured funding to control, and therefore high,” says
earthquake. “When building a precast
to proceed with the second phase of Fleischman. “And the precast pieces last
structure in California, you have to
the research project. a lot longer than concrete that is cast in
actually pour cast-in-place concrete
situ at a construction site.”
The project involved building a 500-ton on top of it to hold it together,”
concrete parking garage and then Precast concrete’s strength derives says Fleischman. “And that kills the
subjecting it to a magnitude 7 earthquake from prestressing. We’ve all passed economic advantage.”

32:1 spring 2009 arizona engineer 21


Julia Gay (Thorson)

BS/CE 1986
Thorson is currently a
project manager with
Heery International
Inc. in Tucson, Ariz.
Heery is an international
architectural, engineering,
construction management,
facilities management,
interior design and project
management company.
Following graduation
from UA, Thorson worked
at Davis Monthan Air Julia Thorson
Force Base in Tucson
school. Her favorite activities
for the Army Corps of
Courtesy of Darlene Danehy are sharing time with her
Engineers, and in Fort
All Stars—Danehy (#21) and Hanzal (#3) were selected for the daughters, and traveling,
Huachuca, Ariz., for Sundt
all-tournament team from the 38 teams participating in the cycling, hiking and attending
Construction Company.
USAV national championship. The players were (back row, left cultural events. If you would
to right) Suzan Koch, Christina Thompson and Orianna Leota; After earning her bachelor’s like to contact her, you can do
and (front row, left to right) Rhea Frondozo, Darlene Danehy,
degree in civil engineering, so at
Anni Siebenmorgen and Alesia Hanzal.
Thorson got an interior
Darlene Danehy design degree and became Garrett Smith
BS/CE 2004 proprietor of a full-service BS/ABE 2005
design studio called Comfort
Danehy was a member of the UA’s club volleyball Smith is currently a doctoral
Zones Interiors for 15
team during her time at the UA, and was a captain student in the Department
years. She has installed
for 3 years. She played volleyball through graduate of Bioengineering at the
work internationally and
University of California
school at Cornell University and has continued playing locally, and has had her
in San Diego. In 2008,
since graduating. Her USA Volleyball team, the Killer work published in local
the team he founded at
Beez, won several tournaments during the 2008 newspapers and magazines.
UCSD’s Jacobs School
season, including the Arizona regional championship. In 2003 and 2005, the
of Engineering won first
The team went on to compete at the USAV national American Society of Interior
prize in a business plan
championship in Atlanta, Ga., in May 2008. The Killer Designers selected her to
competition organized at
participate in its Designer
Beez won the national championship, going 10-0 the University of Southern
Show House.
over four days. Danehy’s teammates included UA California. The team’s
alumni Rhea Frondozo (MS 2006), Alesia Hanzal (MA Thorson lives in Tucson and winning entry—Advances
2004, PhD 2008) and Christina Thompson (2007). has three daughters­—one in Accelerating Bone
at UA and two in high Healing and Implant

A.H. (Hank) Giesecke program, he spent many soil, and providing the and training. When not
BS/AE 1962 years in the corporate means for small business consulting on project
world. In 1996 he began development. These management, Giesecke gives
Giesecke went on to get a Reach Out Ministries to programs emphasized talks around the world—at
master’s degree in aerospace organize and support growing soybeans schools, churches, seminars,
engineering from USC agricultural projects in for protein, intensive camps and prisons—on
and a master’s in business Burundi and Malawi, gardening, composting, humanism and religion,
administration from UCLA. Africa, with the goals of irrigations systems, and and on the intelligent design
After some time in the space improving diet, enriching small business funding versus evolution debate.

22 arizona engineer 32:1 spring 2009

Performance—earned them Annual Research Expo on
an award of $78,000, which Feb. 19. Of the 240 posters
they intend to spend on and abstracts entered,
dental implant research he won Bioengineering
and prototyping. Best Poster with his
The project uses entry, Titanium Dioxide
nanotechnology to speed Nanotubes Enhance Bone
bone healing in patients Bonding In Vivo.
with implants made of Smith has been traveling
titanium or other metal extensively and spent a year
alloys. Possible clinical in Sweden doing biomedical
applications include bone research. He has given guest
screws, dental implants, lectures on his research in
spinal implants, and Denmark, Norway, Portugal
titanium components for
and Holland. “I really have
joint replacements.
many professors at UA who
Smith’s research also got an encouraged me to be both an Courtesy of UC San Diego Jacobs School of Engineering

award at the UCSD Jacobs engineer and entrepreneur,” Check, Please—Garrett Smith founded the team that won first
School of Engineering 28th he said. place and $78,000 in a UCSD business plan competition.

In Memoriam
Thomas E. Russell
BS/CE 1967
Russell died July 16, 2008. He was born in Phoenix,
Ariz., in 1930, and served four years in the U.S. Navy
aboard aircraft carriers USS Essex and USS Valley
Forge during the Korean War. He graduated at age 37,
on the same night as his 20th high school reunion.

Russell became a registered professional engineer in June

1973. During his federal career, he worked for the Prescott,
Sierra, Cleveland and Clearwater national forests. In 1983,
he retired as forest engineer in Orofino, Idaho. Russell
continued his consulting work in Idaho and Colorado, and
was a registered engineer in Arizona, California, Colorado
and Idaho, and a licensed land surveyor in Arizona.

Russell enjoyed hunting, skiing, tennis, square dancing

and silversmithing. He was also an accomplished
woodworker, and made many pieces of furniture for
the home he shared with his wife Sharon, and for close
family members. He is survived by his wife, four children,
ten grandchildren and one great granddaughter.

A fund in his memory has been set up for the children’s

Awana program at the Verde Baptist Church, 102
South Willard Street, Cottonwood, AZ 86326.
Courtesy of Sharon Russell

32:1 spring 2009 arizona engineer 23

The University of Arizona NONPROFIT ORG
College of Engineering TUCSON AZ
P.O. Box 210072 PERMIT NO. 190

Tucson, AZ 85721-0072

Where has life taken you since
Devon Campbell system in 2007, graduation? We’d like to know
BS/ME 1997, MS/ME 1999 and an automated
and so would your former
histology staining
Campbell has been named one of the system in 2001. engineering classmates.
top 100 notable contributors to the
Campbell’s Please e-mail us (200 words or
medical device and diagnostics industry.
award-winning less) and include the following:
These top 100 industry names were
products are not
selected by the staff and readers • Name and year you graduated
the only reason he
FULL STORY of Medical Device & • Major
Ae Number Devon Campbell was included in
9 Diagnostic Industry, a • Degree (BS, MS, PhD)
the industry’s top 100. “I was selected
monthly magazine for manufacturers of
for a number of reasons,” Campbell • Details of your activities
medical devices and in vitro diagnostic
said. “Including community outreach to
products, and published in the June Don’t forget to include a digital
2008 edition of MD&DI. attract elementary school kids to science
by giving larger-than-life physics picture of your family, latest
Campbell is senior manager, product demos. We even build a 5-foot-diameter project at work, or that boat or hot
development, in the primary staining hovercraft in one of the demos.” rod you just finished building in
business unit at Ventana Medical Systems
“I feel I have a responsibility to your garage. Vacation photos are
in Tucson, Ariz. He has engineered
numerous products at Ventana, support the College of Engineering and great, too. We’ll publish your news
including two gold medal winners in specifically the AME department, both and photos in the next edition.
the Medical Design Excellence Awards of which offered me significant support
Please send your e-mail to:
organized by the publisher of MD&DI. during my bachelor’s and master’s
The award-winning products were an degrees. I want to be able to help
automated histology slide preparation today’s students have that edge, too.”

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