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How to Study Network Theory? Part-2

The following topics will be covered in this post:

Three Phase Circuits
Three Phase Circuits come more naturally to EE guys as they have to deal with three-phase circuits in Electrical
Machines and Power Systems, so in Network Theory only the basics of those are covered and the thing to be
remembered is the relationships between Phase and Line quantities (Voltage and Current) for both Star and Delta
These relationships are very handy as they can be used directly for balanced 3-phase circuits and unbalanced
circuits will be solved completely step-by-step as there are no direct relations but the questions from this topic are
very rare. Electric and Magnetic Fields
The question from this topic is quite common and the most important thing in this topic is to remember the
Maxwells Equations in differential form for both Electric and Magnetic Fields as sometimes you may be asked to
verify whether a given function can represent a Magnetic Field or an Electric Field.
Also the concepts covered in Class-XII like Amperes Law, Gausss Law in integral form should also be
remembered and some formulae for Electrical potential and Fields due to standard charge distributions should be
Also since Maxwells Equations use the concepts of Divergence and Curl so you must try to remember the
formulas for these in Cartesian, Cylindrical and Spherical Co-ordinates, though it may not be used but it is always
better to be safe than sorry.
So, guys this concludes our discussion about Network Theory and please comment if you have any specific
doubts about any of these topics.
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