Unofficial Copy As of 02/19/10

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10 RS BR 1787

A RESOLUTION honoring the Junior League of Louisville.

WHEREAS, the Junior League of Louisville was founded in 1921 and is currently

providing its 89th year of service to the Louisville Community. It is one of 296 Junior

Leagues constituting The Association of Junior Leagues International, an organization

holding more than 193,000 members throughout the United States, Canada, Mexico, and

Great Britain. The Junior League of Louisville has over 550 members who, in addition to

their Junior League service, currently serve on more than 260 national, state, and local

boards; and
WHEREAS, the Junior League of Louisville is an organization of women

committed to promoting voluntarism, developing the potential of women, and improving

the community through the effective action and leadership of trained volunteers. Its

purpose is exclusively educational and charitable. The organization reaches out to women

interested in and committed to voluntarism, regardless of race, religion, and national

origin; and

WHEREAS, the Junior League of Louisville offers a wide range of community

projects that benefit women, children, and families at risk in the Louisville area, having

developed many of Louisville's premier philanthropic endeavors, including Stage One

Children's Theater, Race for the Cure, KidsZone at the Louisville Science Center, Ronald

McDonald House, and Playscape at Waterfront Park; and

WHEREAS, the Junior League of Louisville is in the third year of a five year

commitment to its Signature Initiative, "Be Fit, Be Fine," a multi-faceted, long-term

initiative to address the nutritional and fitness issues facing children and families in the

Greater Louisville area; and

WHEREAS, the Junior League of Louisville is a leader in the revitalization of

Louisville's historic West Main Street, which is now a thriving business district; and
WHEREAS, the Junior League of Louisville has chosen to plant at least two urban

gardens this spring to give more Louisvillians access to healthy food; and

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UNOFFICIAL COPY AS OF 02/19/10 10 REG. SESS. 10 RS BR 1787

WHEREAS, in partnership with the Kentucky Cancer Program and Susan G.

Komen for the Cure, the Junior League of Louisville provides service to breast cancer

patients and survivors through the Keep in Touch program; and

WHEREAS, the Junior League of Louisville provides volunteers and programming

for the Pregnant and Parenting Teens Program at the Home of the Innocents; and

WHEREAS, the Junior League of Louisville sponsors the Bloom Boutique, a self-

confidence and esteem building prom boutique for high school girls in the Louisville

Community; and
WHEREAS, Junior League of Louisville members continue their legacy in the

community through leadership roles in Louisville charities such as Cabbage Patch

Settlement House, Gilda's Club, Women for Habitat for Humanity, Family and Children's

Place, The Healing Place, Home of the Innocents, and Women 4 Women; and

WHEREAS, in 2008 and 2009, Junior League of Louisville members contributed

over 13,300 hours of community service, impacted over 2,800 lives through hands-on

projects, and raised over 45,000 dollars in funding for community projects and training;


Be it resolved by the House of Representatives of the General Assembly of the

Commonwealth of Kentucky:
Section 1. The House of Representatives does hereby recognize and applaud the

Junior League of Louisville and its members for their commitment and dedication to

voluntarism, developing the potential of women, and improving the Louisville


Section 2. The Clerk of the House of Representatives is directed to transmit a

copy of this Resolution to the Junior League of Louisville, care of Mary Ellen

Wiederwohl, 982 Eastern Parkway, Suite 7, Louisville, Kentucky 40217.

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