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Are you sometimes nervous about who you might meet on

the ministry? Then imagine living in Ephesus. This was a city

described as the centre of all kinds of demonism, in fact the
city was known around the world for its many forms of
magic. Also it was famous for loose morals and conduct,
completely acceptable and encouraged in this city, and of
course false worship, there was the temple of Artemis, one
of the 7 wonders of the ancient world, here in the midst of
the city and all its pagan followers.
One of the voices zealously standing up for true worship in
this city though was found on the platform in the synagogue
in 52 CE, can you imagine, his audience were gripped by his
eloquent words and his power of persuasion. Nobody was
leaving this talk early. He was described as being "aglow
with the spirit" as he was teaching accurate truths about
Jesus. This man was Apollos.

2 audience members were listening with absolute delight

upon hearing the truth which they believed in, their names
were Aquila and Priscila, although very impressed with the
courage and quality of Apollos' preaching, they noticed a
hole in his knowledge, let's take up the account in ACTS
*He was clearly taught before Pentecost because of this
limited knowledge.
v26 - This faithful couple showed Apollos the meaning of
Jesus' role in baptism, and filled in the missing parts of his
Christian knowledge.
Just think about this for a minute, it seems like a kind
gesture to help him, but it could have been perceived in a

totally different way.

Apollos had come from the great capital city of Egypt, a
bustling metropolis, a centre for higher education with a
renowned library, teeming with learned Jewish scholars.
Aquila and Priscilla were tentmakers, not a bad job but
hardly glamorous. Apollos could have easily said "who are
you to correct me?"
Look down a couple of verses to halfway down 27.
From this new found knowledge and the intensity he used it,
it shows that he listened to Aquila and Priscilla, and accepted
their correction, by doing this, he displayed a far greater
quality than his zeal and gifted speech, that of humility.

Because of these wonderful qualities, Apollos was used in a

large way by Jehovah, using his gifts for the progression of
the early congregations, "watering" the initial interest of the
scriptures stirred up by Paul.
Can you see something in Apollos you would like to imitate?
We all can benefit by building a zeal for the truth through our
study and displaying this in our ministry, perhaps we aren't
all naturally gifted speakers like Apollos but we learn to
improve through our ministry school, and above all
remember to have a humble attitude so that Jehovah can
bless us and use us to the full in His organisation.

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