Worlds in The Velterax Sector

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Worlds in the Velterax Sector

Velterax subsector:

Velterax III

Sector capital. This desert world is home to both the

governing body for the sector as well as the mighty
inquisitorial fortress. Due to the presence of a warp
slipstream from Velterax to the Carthax sector, this world is a
heaving hub for intersector trade and travel across the
galaxy. It also sports an incredibly disciplined PDF and
booming arms trade

Another major manufacturing system. Containing

many remnants of the Dark Age of Technology in its
somewhat collapsed caverns. Ruled by the Inquisitor Baron
von Vartis

There are no settled worlds here per se, but it is the

site of great fuel resources from the outer worlds. A collection
of mighty gas giants, rich in promethium, hydrogen and other
fuels. The larger giants also yield plasma fuel to the more
wealthy prospectors. The plentiful supply of starship fuels
also makes it the perfect base for Battlefleet Velterax, with
some 200 capital ships and nearly a thousand other ships
stationed here at any one time.

This hive world is responsible for the mining of large

adamantine deposits in its asteroid field. Work is harsh, but
punishments harsher. However, for the well off, a mining
venture can be a good and reliable source of profit.

Home to a great forge world. This system is

responsible for the production of some of mankinds most
advanced technology. Examples include: plasma drives, lance
weapons all the way down to masterful power swords and
plasma pistols of finest craftsmanship.

This world on the edge of the subsector serves as a

luxury resort for the rich and wealthy. Planetary governors,
lord generals and high admirals often spend leave time here
as the sun is warm and so is the comradeship.

Sternum Subsector

Sternum IV
An inhospitable world, covered in acidic smog rising
from sinkholes dotted across the surface. It is to humanities
credit then that a huge population can thrive here. It is a
world of pilots and starfarers and relies almost entirely on
interplanetary trade to feed its substantial population housed
in domes floating in the clouds.

This agri world is almost entirely covered in fields and

crops to produce food for its neighbour, Sternum. Despite the
constant agriculture, some wealthy individuals find the
equatorial belt to be a verdant paradise, leading to several
leave estates being founded by savvy businessmen
Skrin worlds

This collection of worlds was believed to have been

formed by the hulks of destroyed spacecraft in a battle long
forgotten. It is an excellent site for archeotech and xenotech
dealers if they are willing to risk incurring the wrath of local
defence ships and the inquisition.

After the great invasion by the Iron Warriors in M41 .

973, it was decided that Scori, the world that had seen the
bulk of the fighting would be left as a memorial to the
conflict. It is covered in ruins, immense graveyards and the
burned out shells of traitor Space Marines. It is a well visited
site by pilgrims and former soldiers.

Located on the edge of the sector, this harsh world is

ideal for the further training of guard regiments. The
extremes of temperature from freezing polar zones to searing
deserts make it one of the most hated postings for guard
regiments. The world is most often used by the regiments of
the nearby planet Katusha.

Helius Subsector

Initially set up as a research post by the Mechanicus, it
has now expanded into one of the most efficient shipyards in
the Imperium, with more than 500 warp capable vessels
passing through in any given week and ships being build
every quarter. It is also the stationing post for the
Mechanicus Velterax fleet including the grand Arc

Almost entirely a recruiting world for the Imperial

Guard, this world produces some of the finest light infantry in
the segmentum (if its governors are to be believed. The
grassy steppes, expansive forests and harsh winters make the
planet suited almost entirely for skill at arms and

Situated close to the warp rift, this world is mostly

quarantined and guarded by a large force of Battlefleet
Velterax and a substantial number of Imperial Regiments.
Trade to this world is almost entirely cut off, yet those that
are willing to take a risk will be able to make a large profit
selling the abundant precious metals.

A well connected trade hub and agri world. However,

the trade routes are constantly under threat by pirates. The
planetary governor would be more than happy to reward
rogue traders for the capture or destruction of pirates and
their vessels.

Acrash Subsector


Until recently, the Acrash sector was a turbulent

warzone, Iron Warriors had ravaged the worlds, and the now
rebuilding planet is now receiving large amounts of imports
from nearby worlds. Buisness is good for those who wish to
make a bit of cash by conning the weak willed planetary
governor out of his limited funds.

This world for all appearances is a typical imperial

world, fulfilling her tithes and remaining under control.
However some sources seem to indicate that this system is a
pirate hub supported by the population.

A splinter tendril of hive fleet leviathan nearly wiped

out the population of this once beautiful world. Now what is
left of it is ravaged by mining teams for what resources they
can find.

Hanberly Subsector

Hanberly VI
Even as an administrative base for one of the largest
subsectors, this world provides some of the most renowned
regiments in the sector. The barren plains are the perfect drill
fields for training the well disciplined and ornate Hanberly
Line Infantry Regiments.

With the military being a primary force in the sector it

makes sense that a world focuses on training the officer corps
for the many facets of the Imperial military. Some of the
greatest admirals and generals in the sector were trained on
this advanced and peaceful world.

The arms trade permeates the entire sector, and Inox

is no exception. The skilled weaponsmiths of this small moon
create weapons that are as much pieces of art as they are
instruments of death. Created only to order at such
extortionate prices only individuals such as rogue traders,
planetary governors and inquisitors have the necessary funds
to purchase from this elite group of tech priests.

This world is solely run by the Ecclesiarchy and is

home to the order of the cunning snake , a deadly force of the
Adepta Sororitas for the ecclesiastical monarch of Cygni to
command. It is also the end point of a great pilgrimage route
across the entire sector. Many Imperial citizens will save their
entire lives for a chance to go on the Cygni pilgrimage and
those who do will often commit ritual suicide upon departure
as they deem their lives complete.

The Forge World of Scorpia is the home of the mighty

Scorpius Legio. A titan legion with decorations from across
the sector. The main produce of this world falls either under
Titans and upkeep parts for existing Titans or Hive City air
purifiers and other such civilian necessities.

Xyam Subsector


A mighty Cardinal World and home to the Lord Priest

Yantis. The population of this world are highly pious and
xenophobic. However the largely radioactive desert wastes
(from a previous thermonuclear civil war) make travel
between city-domes almost always fatal. This has the end
result of making the citizens very fatalistic and unafraid of
death. Soldiers recruited here tend to be loyal and
unbreakable in their oaths.

This prison world is home to some of the worst scum in

the sector. This is compounded by the fact that it is half
swallowed by the warp. However the cheap labour available
here makes it invaluable to the Veltraxian arms trade.

This feral world is constantly at war with itself, yet

luckily the tech level is low so the population remains
relatively stable. The constant wars make it the perfect
recruiting ground for an astartes chapter and as such is the
homeworld of the Emperors Talons Chapter

This Forge World is the home of the great Castelyn

manufacturing guild. The tanks produced here are more
reliable, efficient and deadlier than anything else in the
sector besides Titanias limited archeotech vehicles.

This civilised world is the home to a large number of

administratum offices. Most of the paperwork in the sector
passed through here at some point. However, the citizens
here are generally distrustful of the governor and

Ork Infested System

A small cluster of worlds on the fringe of the Velterax sector.
The high ork population makes colonisation nigh impossible yet the
resources needed for exterminatus would be wasted on the
primitive xenos. The worlds are a balance of jungle and ardent
woodland, though the native orks are beginning to industrialise.

Corperus Subsector


This hive world is the site of the primary arbites

training centre for the sector. As such, its crime levels are
relatively low due to the high concentration of law
enforcement teams. At least on the outside. However the
planets governing body is corrupt to the core and a blind eye
is often turned to the regular criminal activity.

Hoole is a minor ice world, yet the beasts that thrive

here make excellent show animals and mounts, so a thriving
beast trade prospers here.

During a training exercise by the Imperial Navy, this

planet was split in half by a group of newly commissioned
apocalypse class battleships. The planets now spin in
opposing directions in a predicted terminal orbit. However the
schism did reveal huge quantities of various minerals making
the world a mining prospectors heaven.

The expansive caves of this world provide criminals

with literally an underground hideout. Their illicit activities
also support the planets existence. At least thats what the
mob bosses say

Geskar Subsector

The 3 primary worlds of the Geskar Subsector provide
the core manufacturing power for Battlefleet Velterax. New
escorts are produced almost every year, and cruisers every
decade or so.

The advanced manufacturing facilities of Temi make it

ideally suited to producing the power plants, warp drives and
other advanced parts. They are then shipped to Geskar for
final assembly.

Cycia is an industrial world, of comparatively low

technological advancement, but its large population makes it
ideal for mass producing the common parts and providing
crews for newly built ships.

Inter Sector Imperial Wolds


Arae sits just outside of the Velterax high tithe zone,

yet sits close though to the sector to benefit from the varied
and huge trade network. And as such, this world is incredibly
wealthy and is often described as a socialist utopia by
visitors. However, there has been suspicion surrounding this
world after several inquisitorial investigations.


Faenor is a lush garden world orbited by a moon of

pure diamond. Its landscape is one of unparalleled beauty
and the skill of her craftsmen in the arts unparalleled. The
planet is largely independent from the Imperium, but pays
tithes in jewels and other wonders in return for mining teams
to mine and transport diamonds planetside to this pre-space

Possesing a militaristic culture, this world is ruled by

the iron fist of the Hooded Brethren, A cult devoted to worship
of the Emperor and the destruction of his foes. The soldiers of
the cult often travel offworld as mercenaries and provide a
peerless service. If you have the coin.

A Mechanicus outpost set up to monitor strange

signals originating from Home to several explorator
ships and high ranking Magii.

Often considered a sister planet to Faenor, many rogue

traders make Luthien their base here on the more
technologically advanced world and run transport runs from
these two garden worlds to the highly demanding markets of
the sector.
Di Xiu

Comparatively isolated from the Imperium, this frontier

world devolved into a war world. Eventually the cities began
to reconstruct themselves on caterpillar tracks and are
destined to chase each other down for all eternity. Each land
ship captain would be more than willing to reward a trader for
advanced technology to overpower his rivals.

This tiny Ice World would be insignificant but for the

curiously shaped crystal protrusions on her surface. Their
origin is unknown even to the most learned of the
Mechanicus. Though it does seem that the current maps of
these crystal forests are out of date suggesting that they are
not fixed objects.

Warp Rift
Located in the south-west corner of the sector is a newly
formed warp storm that threatens the Helius Subsector. From it
spawns fleets of the Iron Warriors Legion who lay siege to the local


On the very edge of the warp storm, this world

populated by heretics and scum. Its taint is spreading
to local worlds such as Revati and Katusha thanks to
unchecked smuggling.


Believed to be the operating base for Iron

Warriors in this sector, this world should be avoided.
Luckily it is on the far edge of the warp storm so as to
be a relatively minor threat.


Lying at the heart of the storm, it is believed to

be its source. This world is corrupted to the core and
infested by daemons. This daemon world is to be
avoided at all costs.

Tau Empire Frontier

Many technological innovations have come from this
Sept. Fire Caste warriors from Fal'shia are often the first to try
out prototype weapons, armour and system upgrades.

The Sept of Bork'an is a centre of learning and

academia, and its system has many rich mining planets.
Bork'an has a high percentage of Earth Caste, and Fire
Warriors from here are not infrequently outfitted with
prototype weapons and equipment.

Recently Colonised in the aftermath of the 3rd Sphere

Expansion. Serving as a staging point and space port for
expansion into the Velterax Sector. The expansive plains also
form an ideal site for testing experimental weaponry. The
Sept has a high percentage of water caste diplomats while air
caste pilots and earth caste engineers from this Sept are
considered highly skilled.

Uncategorised Worlds

Eldar Exodite world, mostly peaceful and willing to deal

with rogue traders.

Hideout for an Ork Warbosss pirate fleet, partly

responsible for Acrashs financial trouble.

An outer fringe of the farsight enclaves. Some of the

tau here are reverting to the ways of the mon'tau due to the
absence of ethereals.

Tau colonised, large military base is located here

(OShasera is planning an attack from here)

Xenos world, inhbited by traders who trade with Faenor

for their high value goods.

Home to a cult of the dark mechanicus, base of

operations for trade of xenos and heretical technology
including AI

Daemon world, ruled by a tzeenchi cult (a thousand

son sorcerer)

Notes on other worlds:

Storage world for Inquisitorial Assets (Assassins,
Psykers etc.)

Eldar Webway Portal


Corruption infecting the forces stationed there


Crystals are a silicon based xenos race

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