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Europe’s First Green Party

The Green Killing Machine

AIM Report | By Mark Musser | February 15, 2010

Historians have either overlooked or forgotten that sweeping Nazi environmental laws, all
signed by Hitler and considered to be his pet projects, preceded the racially charged
Nuremberg Laws, reflecting the fact that Nazi racism was rooted in ecology.

The shocking climax of the infamous 1940 Nazi documentary film entitled "The Eternal
Jew" stunningly reveals a strong green rationalization based on animal rights for the
looming destruction of the Jews. According to Nazi ideology, the so-called "eternal Jew" is
the transcendent Jew who tries to live above Nature through economics and capitalism in
the west, or through politics and communism in the east.

In Mein Kampf, Hitler specifically called this process the pacification of Nature. According
to Hitler, the Jews try to pacify or tame Nature through international commerce and
capitalism on the one hand, or by stressing universal political values like communistic
equality on the other hand, both of which rebel against the stern rigid laws of Nature which
cannot be overcome. German zoologist Ernst Haeckel, the racist Darwinist who coined the
term 'ecology' in 1866, posited that the Jewish transcendent view of man over nature
made them resistant to evolutionary biological change, and hence the Jews had become a
lesser race. While Hitler eschewed some of Haeckel's political views, he heartily agreed
with this particular belief.

To the Nazis, the Jews had become a wandering and threatening invasive species
because of their steadfastness to universal transcendent values in opposition to the Social
Darwinian evolutionary laws of Nature. They were 'eternal' vagabonds, uprooted from
Nature and destructive to local national populations with alien economic practices and
politics. Hence, Nazi ideologues complained both about the "un-German spirit of
commerce" and the "liberal-Marxist rationalism" that alienated German culture from
Nature-all as a crisis instigated by the Jews. In fact, the Nazis actually believed that the
sick modern world of both international capitalism and communism, led by Jews and
spread by Christianity, was entirely disobedient to Nature.

While the west largely became Judaized through Capitalism, it did not go unnoticed by the
Nazis that its twin sister, the liberal social gospel, coincided with the rise of Jewish
Marxism. Both of these corrupting influences had since become an epidemic that was
threatening the very survival of the German Aryan blood, the true original natives of
Europe. Hitler actually dreaded the Jewish forces of anti-Nature. In his own mind, he was
defending German Aryan culture against the weakness of western civilization brought on
by the autonomous Judeo-Christian beliefs and practices over the natural world.

Thus, what later became known as the Final Solution was in fact an eco-imperial plan
rooted in racist biology with ecological predilections. That this eco-imperial plan would far
exceed the evils of the western powers in their drive to colonial expansionism has of
course gone on largely unnoticed. However, the Final Solution was specifically
contemplated by Hitler to resolve this Jewish "existential" threat. In short, the revenge of
Nature against the Jews was to be carried out by the Nazis, who thought themselves to be
the Master Race precisely because they deemed themselves the most 'natural' or
'authentic,' i.e., the most in tune with Nature's pantheistic ways-all of which was largely
defined by Ernst Haeckel's evolutionary Social Darwinism called Monism.

The Green Nazis

Many Nazis, including the Fuhrer himself, believed that the industrial age along with its
emphasis upon commercialism, city life, international trade and finance were corrupting
the biological substance of the German people. The Nazis thus had an extreme literal
reading of Nature which would spell absolute disaster for the Jews in particular precisely
because they allegedly lived by a false, "eternal," or transcendent ethos, far above the
natural world and her "scientific" evolutionary natural laws of racism.

Seen in this light through a green prism, the Nazi propaganda film "The Eternal Jew"
becomes much more intelligible. The hour-long documentary keeps a steady pace
throughout going from one anti-Semitic line of reasoning to the next. The Jews do not
possess romantic countryside hard working rural values. Nor do they produce anything of
real value. All they do is buy and sell goods in markets produced by the native populations
which artificially places them on top of the financial chain. Jews are much more at home
bartering and selling on dirty city streets than they are in performing hardy and healthy
outdoor labor tasks. Their capitalistic international trade is comparable to a massive
infestation of rats characterized like invasive species overwhelming Germany and
spreading disease everywhere they go.

International communistic values are also negatively explored. Here the Nazis eschew the
universalism and equality that the Marxists falsely emphasize because of its Jewish
"eternal" roots. Such unnatural ideas invariably lead to class warfare which wears down
the health of the nation. The propaganda film also strongly expresses the Nazi diatribe
against Jewish arts and entertainment which has allegedly poisoned the public with
international cosmopolitan values.

However, the real shocker is carefully and purposefully placed at the end of the film where
the Nazis spend an inordinate amount of time showing the Jewish kosher ritual slaughter
of cows and sheep. The Nazis even warn the viewers beforehand about the traumatic
forthcoming scenes. They then graphically show the kosher ritual slaughter. The Nazis
show three different cows in three different settings being slaughtered in this way. Neither
do they fail to mention that the Jewish Mosaic Law "has no love or respect for animals in
the Germanic sense."

Animal Rights

Perhaps even more surprising is that after showing all this blood and gore "cruelty" against
animals, the Nazi narrator finally brings up the Fuhrer for the first time in the film. The
narrator then lauds Hitler's effort to bring to an end such "cruel" practices in Germany
because of his animal rights or protection laws, which was one of the first anti-Semitic
political issues strongly emphasized by the Nazis as early as April of 1933. This praise for
Hitler's outstanding green laws then shades into his famous speech given in 1939 given
before a huge crowd of Nazis. Here, Hitler virtually lets everyone present know that he is
about to send the Jews into hell on earth as he will insidiously hold them personally
responsible if they initiate another global war with their international finances. At this, Hitler
receives a rousing ovation.
That the Jews were soon to be corralled in cattle cars and sent to concentration camps set
up like stockyards, and then ultimately sacrificed to death en masse for their 'unnatural'
ways, is thus not so curious, no matter how gruesome it all was. The Nazi 'punishment' of
treating the Jews like stock animals headed for the slaughterhouse matched their 'crime' of
animal cruelty-the very charge that "The Eternal Jew" singles out as the most heinous of
all. Even worse is that the Nazis also broke their own highly regulated animal transport
protection regulations when they stuffed Jews like sardines in train cars off to meet their
appointed doom. This was not an oversight. Even more nightmarish is that many Jews
would also soon be treated like experimental animals. This was not an oversight either.

Moreover, had it not been for Hitler's personal doctor, the Nazi Animal Protection laws
would have forbidden the practice of vivisection on experimental animals altogether.
Hitler's doctor finally talked him out of calling for such a draconian measure as this would
greatly hamper scientific research. The Jews however, were purposefully treated like stock
and experimental animals by design-with most headed for the sacrificial slaughterhouse on
the Eastern Front.

Historians have either overlooked or forgotten that sweeping Nazi environmental laws, all
signed by Hitler and considered to be his pet projects, preceded the racially charged
Nuremberg Laws, reflecting the fact that Nazi racism was rooted in ecology. By the
summer of 1935, right before the Nuremberg laws were set up, Nazi Germany was by far
the greenest regime on the planet. The Animal Protection laws were followed up by a
strong hunting law for Hermann Goering in 1934. In 1935, Hitler also signed the Reich
Nature Protection Act, the high water mark for Nazi environmentalism. Here is seen the
birth of environmental permits, environmental impact statements and environmental

The Reich Nature Protection Act even allowed the expropriation of private property without
compensation for the sake of the environment. Sustainable forestry practices called
Dauerwald, which ironically means "eternal" forest, were also introduced at the federal

The change was so remarkable that Aldo Leopold, the famous environmentalist who left
America with his "Think like a Mountain" deep ecology legacy long before Rachel Carson,
paid Nazi Germany a visit in 1935. While very critical of past German conservation efforts,
he lauded the new environmental direction the Nazis were taking. That Leopold would
leave the Teddy Roosevelt/Gifford Pinchot style of American utilitarian form of
environmental conservationism for deep ecology in the same year is also a curious fact of
history that receives little attention. Another disquieting element of Leopold was his
criticism of America's "Abrahamic" concept of the land.

While Adolf Hitler's personal commitment to green ideas was somewhat inconsistent and
sporadic with regard to environmental preservation practices and the rural agrarian SS
"blood and soil" radicalism of Heinrich Himmler and Richard Walther Darre, something
which many environmental historians have waxed long and hard on to historically
disassociate the Fuhrer from their movement as much as possible, he was much more
green with regard to vegetarianism, but especially green with regard to animal rights, both
of which he adopted into his life because of the great influence that Richard Wagner had
over him.
Richard Wagner of course was the famous opera composer who provided the musical
background to the Nazis. His anti-Semitism is specifically quoted in "The Eternal Jew."
Less known however is that Wagner was also a strong vegan who preached a racist
socialism based on vegetarianism that would cleanse Germany from the corrupting
influence of the Jews. Along these radical green lines is that both Hitler and Himmler
apparently had plans to make Germany vegan after the war.

It must neither be forgotten that Wagner was also an ardent student of Arthur
Schopenhauer, the great German animal rights guru of the 1800's. Wagner wholeheartedly
adopted Schopenhauer's thesis that the barbaric treatment of animals in Europe was
squarely placed on the shoulders of Judaism. Shockingly, Schopenhauer proclaimed a
prophecy which was virtually fulfilled by the Nazis almost a century later: "we owe the
animal not mercy but justice, and the debt often remains unpaid in Europe, the continent
that is permeated with Foeter Judaicus...It is obviously high time in Europe that Jewish
views on nature were brought to an end...the unconscionable treatment of the animal
world must, on account of its immorality, be expelled from Europe."

Saving Animals, Killing Humans

For Schopenhauer, the Foeter Judaicus, which means "the odor of the Jews," was animal
cruelty. Hitler, who loved Schopenhauer, would make sure that his romantic environmental
dream would come true in the green sacrificial offering that was the Holocaust where
concentration camps, organic farms and zoos for the SS, decorated with well-situated
symbolic trees, all shockingly came together in the most ignominious act of human history.
In retrospect, that the green pagan mystic Heinrich Himmler was put in charge of this
human sacrificial operation is hardly surprising.

The beastly nature of the holocaust is best understood through the barbaric naturism of
the Nazis, rooted in a racially charged ecology that would not be undone until all the
smoke from the great battlefields and gas chambers of World War II was cleared. The
figurative Foeter Judaicus of animal cruelty was replaced with the literal sickening stench
of burning and rotting corpses that filled the European theater from east to west. Here is
seen the ultimate social justice of the early German greens leveled against the Judeo-
Christian civilization which had dared to uproot the ancient Greco-Roman world from its
natural moorings.

The Holocaust was in fact a ghastly human sacrifice offered for romantic green purposes
that was designed to help Europe return back to its Greco-Roman roots, with Nazi
Germany leading the way. While many have recently been arguing back and forth about
the true meaning of fascism, they have largely ignored Hitler's own definition.

On July 5th, 1941, with the Wehrmacht blazing across the Russian steppe, Hitler
announced that "the fascist movement is a spontaneous return to the traditions of ancient
Rome." What this meant specifically for Hitler was that the infection of the 'eternal' or anti-
natural Judeo-Christian worldview, which had sickened all of Europe even as far as the
gates of Moscow, must be eliminated, together with many of its adherents, and most
especially the Jew who was viewed as the foundation stone of the whole rotten edifice.
However, that the Master Race, assumed to be the most naturally 'authentic,' would soon
find itself at the merciless wrath of one of the most brutal winters of the 20th century, was
a moment of great poetic justice so great that the Fuhrer never recovered from it. The
millenarian hubris of building an Aryan 'green' Rome literally froze to death on the white
vastness of the foreboding Russian front.

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