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The best HHO Electrolyte (catalyst) for my HHO Gas

Use an electrolyte that suits the best to you HHO Gas
generator design. The distance between the electrode
plates does really matter.
A - For electrodes with little distance between the
plates you could use: tap water or distilled- rain- or
demy water with a very little of any of the catalysts
mentioned below.
B - For electrodes with more space between the plates
tap water won't work. So use distilled- rain- or demy
water with a little of the catalysts mentioned below.
C - For electrodes with a lot of space between the
plates tap water wont work. Use distilled- rain- or
demy water with a one of the catalysts mentioned below.
1 - Tap Water - H2O (containing minerals, salts etc.)
Available everywhere
Water might turn brown with smudge on the
Water that contains chlorine should not be used
The best water for a HHO generator we found to
be: Bottled Mineral Water
Distilled water is not recommended (any longer...)
2 - White Vinegar - acetic acid - H3C-COOH
Stainless electrodes stay clean

Available everywhere
water will become dark
Available at your local grocery store.
A good mix for medium distance electrodes: 100% vinegar
with (only if necessary) some baking soda. (If do so be
carefull, because the reaction will produce co2 and
some other gasses!)
2 - Baking Soda ( Natriumbicarbonate ) NaHCO3
Available everywhere
Electrodes and water might turn brown
Produces Co2 (30%) and Co (4%).
For this reason not recommended
Pure Baking Soda might leave a brown tinted residu.
3 - Sodium Hydroxide also called Lye = NaOH
Electrodes stay clean
95 - 100% pure HHO (oxygen hydrogen) Gas
production with right generator design
Available in the Grocery store
Limited dangerous to work with
Too much heat causes corrosion

Pure sodium hydroxide is a white solid; available in

pellets, flakes, granules and as a 50% saturated
solution. It is deliquescent and readily absorbs carbon
dioxide from the air, so it should be stored in an
airtight container. It is very soluble in water with
liberation of heat. Use with distilled water.
Not recommended
4 - KOH
Also called pottassium hydroxide.
Electrodes stay clean
95 - 100% pure HHO gas production along with the
right generator design
strong and pure electrolyte
Not available everywhere
dangerous to work with
Recommended as very good electrolyte (recommended by
Honda in 2001)
5 - K2CO3
Pottassium Carbonate.
Non aggressive
Reasonable / good HHO gas production depending
on HHO cell design
Safe to work with
It is possible (sometimes necessary) to mix it
with a little Koh to draw more amps.
Winter Electrolyte:

Developed by mr. M. Moldoveanu

Water+Ethyl Glycol+KOH will provide the benefit the
technical of low freezing point but high boiling point
at the same time.
General information to get the best results:
Use destilled water or bottled mineral water only.
For most cars between 10 - 30 amps should give good
results. Prevent to add too much watervapour into
Diesel engines. Too much watervapour could delay the
ignition of the fuel mixture which might cause using
more fuel.
Do not try to get too much HHO gas volume out of your
generator by using a lot of amps etc. It will certainly
become overheated and your electrodes could be damaged.
Or you will generate steam. It is better to a larger
number of (small) generators to get the gas volume you
need. Or use a HHO generator with a pump system.
Advantages: The generators will stay cool / warm, uses
less power, is safer and will last longer(!)
Your optimum draw should be several amps less when cold
so keep adding little by little. until you get to your
optimum amp draw. (sometimes it will double)

A few Golden Basic HHO rules in a nut shelf:

Distance between plates > 3mm
Electrodes should be made of 316 L stainless
Use distilled water and KOH for electrolyte
Don't exceed 1,8 volts between the plates

Keep the HHO Cell temperature under 50 Celsius

take care of safety!

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