Hypothesis: According To My Objective I Had Design The Following Hypothesis

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According to my objective I had design the following hypothesis: H1:- There is a significant relationship between schemes offered in the product and sales
of the products
H0 :- There is no significant relationship between schemes offered in the product and
sales of the products
H1 :-There is a significant relationship between credit limit to retailer and sales of the
H0 :-There is no significant relationship between credit limit to retailer and sales of the
H1 :-There is a positive relationship between Margin ( in terms of price ) per product and
price of the products
H0 :-There is a negative relationship between Margin ( in terms of price ) per product and
price of the products
H1 :-There is a significant relationship between brand value of the product and sales of the
H0 :-There is no significant relationship between brand value of the product and sales of
the products
H1 :-There is a significant relationship between advertising and location of the retailers
H0 :-There is no significant relationship between advertising and location of the retailers

1. Research Methodology:
An exploratory research design followed by descriptive research design was used to study the
sample and draw interference about the population for the said objective.
Research Design

Descriptive research

Research Method

Survey method

Research Instrument

Structured questionnaire

Sample size


Sample area

Sahadara, Dilshad Garden , Mansarover

Sampling method

Random Sampling

Statistical package


Analytical tool

Can use Frequency Distribution, Mean,

Chi-square etc.

A sampling frames a list of all the elements in the population of interest. The sampling frame
operationally defines the target population from which the sample is drawn and to which the
sample is generalized.
a) Sampling Design:
Sample denotes only a part of the population. The sample represents the
population and is having the same characterizing as the population

b) Sampling method:
I will be using use random sampling. Random sampling means each individual is
chosen randomly and entirely by chance, such that each individual has the same
probability of being chosen at any stage during the sampling process, and each
subset of k individuals has the same probability of being chosen for the sample as
any other subset of k individuals.
a) Data collection design
A marketing researcher has to make a plan for collecting data which may be
primary data, secondary data or both.
Primary data:

We collected primary data through PERSONAL INTERVIEWS and also

by getting the QUESTIONNAIRE filled by the Consumers.

Secondary data:
The secondary data are collected through various sources like
1. Secondary data are collected through internet related to company,
competitors etc.
2. Review of articles being published on the topic in various magazines
and newspapers
The best way to collect data is to personally administer the questionnaires. The
advantage of this method is, the data can be collected from the respondent within
short period of time. Any doubts that the respondent might have on any questions
could be clarified on the spot.
Analysis design:

Data collected from questionnaire will be entered into the database and
information and tabulated as per the question number and respondent
number using SPSS. Data is collected and analyzed with this software and
frequencies and results are shown with the help of pie charts and bar

The Data that will be collected from other sources was used to draw
findings directly from the collected data.

Mean in which each item being averaged is multiplied by a number (weight)
based on the items relative importance. The result is summed and the total is
divided by the sum of the weights. Weighted averages are used extensively in
descriptive statistical analysis such as index numbers.
Weighted average mean = ----------------------------------N
Chi-Square Test:
Chi- Square is any statistical hypothesis test in which the sampling
distribution of the test statistic is a chi-square distribution when the null
hypothesis is true. Also considered a chi-square test is a test in which this
is asymptotically true, meaning that the sampling distribution (if the null
hypothesis is true) can be made to approximate a chi-square distribution as closely
as desired by making the sample size large enough. The chi-squared (I) test is
used to determine whether there is a significant difference between the expected
frequencies and the observed frequencies in one or more categories.

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