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Running Head: Impact of STEM on Environmental Literacy

Impact of a STEM unit on Environmental Literacy in High School Students

Carrie Settles
Kennesaw State University
Dr. Quiana Cutts

Impact of STEM on Environmental Literacy

Introduction and Orientation

The last decade has seen revitalization in science education, particularly in environmental
education. This is largely because of an increased emphasis on best practices in teaching and
learning in the fields of science, technology, engineering, and math (also known as STEM
education.) In addition, there has been a renewed focus on expanding environmental science
education and increasing environmental literacy. These are not only critical components of a
robust and meaningful STEM education, but are also necessary to create an educated American
citizenry that understands the complexities of our many global environmental challenges. Not
only does a strong program equip students to seek out and implement new solutions to these
challenges, but it prepares them to act as responsible stewards of the earth.
Part of the reason for the renewed focus on STEM education and environmental literacy
is that recent data shows that the United States is now significantly behind other countries in
global scientific literacy proficiency scores. Findings from the 2012 Program for International
Student Assessment rank American high school students 21st in test scores among 34 developed
nations (Kelly, Xie, Nord, Jenkins, Chan, and Kastberg, 2013). This gap in scores is alarming
because in order to stay in the vanguard of discovery, invention, and innovation, the next
generation of the American workforce must have a solid grounding in science, technology,
engineering, and math (STEM) skills (Office of Science and Technology Policy, 2014).
Not only are our students struggling with competitive STEM skills, theyre also illequipped to investigate their environment, and to make intelligent, informed decisions about
how they can take care of it (North American Association for Environmental Education, n.d.).
Part of the goal of education in twenty-first century America in the must be to develop greater
environmental literacy skills in our students. Students need to participate in a culture of

Impact of STEM on Environmental Literacy

environmental literacy and stewardship[and] environmental education (EE) should encourage

inquiry, investigation, and the development of skills that enable responsible decisions and actions
that impact the environment (Environmental Education Alliance of Georgia, 2010).
The intersection of these educational movements creates a space for innovative
educational practices designed to use STEM education to promote environmental literacy. While
there are voluminous studies on best practices in teaching STEM content knowledge, and there
are also many studies on how to promote environmental practices and attitudes, to date there is a
gap in exploring how to link these two efforts for maximum effect.
Purpose Statement
The purpose of this study was to investigate what effects incorporating a new unit on
solar energy for a high school Advanced Placement environmental science course (designed with
STEM principles in mind and focused on using all four quadrants of STEM education in
conjunction with each other) will have on both short- and long-term environmental literacy
attitudes and behaviors amongst participating students. The study will incorporate both
qualitative and quantitative methods and data to determine the effect(s) of the STEM unit on key
environmental literacy practices and beliefs. The data will help identify which processes or parts
of the unit had the most impact on the students, in turn leading to increased efficacy of future
instructional strategies in order to achieve greater environmental literacy in the environmental
science classroom.
Research Questions
1. Is there a significant difference in the environmental attitudes of Advanced Placement
Environmental Science students who have completed a STEM unit using new solar array

Impact of STEM on Environmental Literacy

and probeware and Advanced Placement Environmental Science students who have not
completed such a STEM unit?
2. What are some of the behavior/attitudes of these students that specifically result from
completing the STEM unit?
3. What activities in the STEM unit have the greatest impact on students environmental
literacy attitudes and behaviors?
Importance of the Study
We need an informed and environmentally literate citizenry to develop and implement
the policies that will provide and guide solutions to the global environmental issues our planet is
facing. A sustainable future depends on our ability to help students understand the key
interrelationships between themselves and the world they live in, and in how well we help our
students develop the critical thinking abilities and problem-solving skills they will need to enact
critical global environmental reforms (Environmental Education Alliance of Georgia, 2010).
Increases in environmental literacy will equip students with the knowledge, skills, and
attitudes to begin addressing some of the multi-faceted and multi-disciplinary global challenges
we are now facing. This includes global climate change, loss of biodiversity, scarcity of global
food resources and potable water, and resource use (Steele, 2011). Environmental educators are
always searching for the most effective way to increase environmental literacy (EL) and to
encourage students to rise to the call to arms component involved in participatory and
informed decision making on environmental issues (Darner, 2013). One of the most preeminent
global environmental challenges our students will face is developing new sources of renewable
and sustainable energy (National Academy for Engineering, 2014).

Impact of STEM on Environmental Literacy

The global economy is driven by massive amounts of energy consumption. Our global
over-reliance on fossil fuels such as coal, oil, and natural gas is one of the most pressing and
urgent environmental issues, and one that needs immediate action. There is a clear and desperate
need for society to shift to renewable energy sources, not only so that the release of such gasses
can be mitigated, but also because:
Renewable energy (RE) can provide wider benefits. RE may, if implemented properly,
contribute to social and economic development, energy access, a secure energy supply,
and reducing negative impacts on the environment and health (Intergovernmental Panel
on Climate Change, 2014.)
In order to increase our societys use of renewable energy students first have to gain the
conceptual and structural knowledge about what RE is and how it works. By using STEM
concepts in conjunction with EL practices, we can prepare students to make some of the tough
decisions that will lead to decreased reliance on fossil fuels. Exploring renewable energy
sources, particularly solar energy, gives students an opportunity to learn about a real-life problem
in an authentic context and to begin developing the attitudes and behaviors that will lead to
systemic and lasting change.
There is some evidence that students know that renewable energy sources, including solar
energy, are viable options and can play a significant role in improving global environmental
conditions. This study seeks to understand whether or not a unit that combines the STEM
content and process knowledge of the mechanics of solar energy transfer from light energy to
chemical energy with the EL practices of understanding of ecology, care about the environment,
the skills to assess environmental risk, and the commitment to sustainability will encourage or
increase attitudinal and behavioral changes in students that will influence their decisions about

Impact of STEM on Environmental Literacy

energy consumption and using renewable energy sources (Stevenson, Peterson, Bondell, Mertig,
& Moore , 2013).
Definitions of Terms
For the purposes of this study, the following definitions will be applied:
Renewable Energy- refers to electricity supplied from renewable energy sources, such as
wind and solar power, geothermal, hydropower, and various forms of biomass. These energy
sources are considered renewable sources because their fuel sources are continuously replenished
and are not based on fossil fuels such as carbon compounds (IPCC, 2011).
Solar Irradiance- how one-way solar intensity or brightness is measured in power per
unit area. The solar irradiance is the output of light energy from the entire disk of the sun,
measured at the Earth. The solar spectral irradiance is a measure of the brightness of the entire
sun at a wavelength of light (Kishore & Kisiel, 2013; NASA, 2008).
Scientific literacy- The scientifically literate person has a substantial knowledge base of
facts, concepts, conceptual networks, and process skills which enable the individual to learn
logically and can use this knowledge in everyday decision-making, and includes development of
positive attitudes toward science, and the ability to use electronic tools (NSTA 1982, 1;
Lederman, 1992; AAAS, 1993).
Environmental Literacy- a unique combination of knowledge and skills that enables
informed decision-making. These essential attributes include knowledge of environmental
processes and the environmental consequences of human action, inquiry and analysis skills and
an ability and commitment to [act] (Rose, 2010).
Probeware- Probeware is a class of scientific equipment including various types of
measuring instruments that allow for the collection of data from local (sometimes hand-held) and

Impact of STEM on Environmental Literacy

remote sites, and which interface with graphing calculators, computers, or other technologies and
may sometimes be connected to software that allows for further analysis. This allows for
collection of data from local (sometimes hand-held) and distant sites, and may sometimes be
connected to software that allows for further analysis. Specifically, probeware consists of
electronic measuring devices of over 70 types that connect to processing and display devices.
The data can then be viewed in a variety of formats in real-time. A few types of probes even
combine both measurement and display capabilities (Peffer et al., 2013).
Photovoltaic cells- Photovoltaic cells are designed and engineered to convert solar
radiation into usable energy. They are considered a "renewable" form of energy and can be
installed on rooftops in conjunction with cool roof materials. They can be both on- and off- the
grid (Kishore & Kisiel, 2013).
Literature Review
In order to increase EL in students, we must first understand the current attitudes, beliefs,
and behaviors exhibited by students. Anecdotal evidence suggests, and research confirms, that
many students in high school begin with very low levels of environmental literacy. They are
unaware of the impact their energy use has on the environment, and they do not understand
where their energy comes from or what it takes to generate electricity and get it to them. In
addition, they are unaware as to why it is problematic that they are wasting energy, what their
role as energy users is, and what they can actually do about their usage in the future (Blatt,
Most secondary science courses leave environmental science out of the curriculum,
partly because it is such a socially and politically controversial topic (Steele, 2010). This is
exacerbated by the fact that much of what the public knows is communicated through political,

Impact of STEM on Environmental Literacy

cultural, and social contact, as opposed to coming from valid scientific study (Birdsall, 2013; Le
Hebel, Montpied, & Fontaniu, 2014). Another problem with the current attitude is that since
students havent been exposed to environmental science before, the class is thought of as a treehugger hippie class that is going to be a waste of their time. They dont realize that the topics
covered will actually impact them (Yoon & Ko, 2013; Le Hebel, Montpied, & Fontaniu, 2014).
They think the oil will never run out and the only cost to them is the price at the pump. They
have no idea that this is a global environmental, economic, and political problem that they need
to make a priority. All of this contributes to the general lack of EL.
We do have to be careful if we want to change pre-existing attitudes and norms, because
if not done effectively and with an understanding of how intrinsic and extrinsic motivation
works, then we will lose the opportunity for buy-in (Blatt, 2013; Karaarslan, 2014). Even
worse, Kim (2011) shows that those that do have some awareness and concerns feel that their
actions locally will not have an impact globally, which leads to an attitude of why bother?
These students have paralyses by analysis, so that even when students are aware that
environmental degradation is happening, they do not see that they can contribute to the solution
(Yoon & Ko, 2013).
These attitudes are problematic because if these misunderstandings and pre-conceived
notions are not addressed then students will not have the passion to change their actions (Darner,
2014). They will not conserve energy and they will not see the need to explore alternative
energy sources. They may see and recognize potential problems (gas guzzling SUVs in the
community or GMO tomatoes in the grocery store), but they dont have the environmental
literacy understandings or the call to action EL can inspire to realize that they do have a voice
or to believe that their actions really do matter (Rose, 2010). If their EL increases and they are

Impact of STEM on Environmental Literacy

taught the impacts of their decisions and given alternative choices, then when they are the heads
of their households, they will be primed to make informed decisions and they will be more aware
of the consequences of degrading our ecosystem (Sorensen, 2011).
Increasing EL will also help students be better consumers and producers of technological
innovations. They will realize that while technology provides answers to many of our problems
its can also be a double-edged sword that negatively impacts long-term sustainability. Instead of
assuming that emerging technological advances will always solve our problems, we need
students to understand that sometimes conservation is the best answer. Often times, it is the
technology itself that creates or contributes to the problem, as is the case with the impact of
increased greenhouse gas emissions and pesticide use (Kim, 2011; Birdsill 2013; Rose, 2010).
There is hope that the paradigm shift in their thinking and the new skills they have
acquired through their education will spur students into making discoveries that will change the
world by creating solutions to our increasingly complex and nuanced global environmental
challenges (Clark & Button,2011; Birdsall, 2013; Blatt, 2013). These students represent the
next generation of American thinkers and inventors. They will be developing the products that
facilitate change and repair the environmental damage that has been done. Educators must work
to equip our students with the attitudes and understandings they will need in the future so that
they are mindful of the impacts each of their actions may have on a global scale and they are
more cautious (and reliant on the precautionary principal) in their decisions and the choices they
make (Kishore & Kisiel, 2013; Rose, 2010; Karaarslan, 2014).
How can educators contribute to this process of creating an environmentally literate
society? First of all, environmental science needs to become a fixed part of the twenty-first
century American public education curriculum and to be thought of as just as essential as the

Impact of STEM on Environmental Literacy


three traditionally required science courses (biology, chemistry, and physics) (Steele, 2010).
However, students do not just need to be exposed to the content; it needs to be contextualized in
real world settings to the fullest extent possible so that the meaning and importance of the class
and its content are apparent (Karaarslan, 2014; Blatt, 2000; Birdsall, 2013; Dresner, 2014).
Many studies have been conducted to find out the best teaching practices and
methodologies that can make content meaningful. One solution is to give the students a local
problem to solve so that it makes it more relevant to their lives and so that they are more likely to
work to solve that problem when they are adults. Many studies show that students feel more
empowered when they are involved with real-world issues (Yoon & Kos, 2013; Clark & Button,
2011). Furthermore, when they contextualize the content of an environmental science lesson by
applying what they are learning to solving local problems students often take more ownership of
the problem and get more creative when they are coming up with solutions to those problems
(Darner, 2014; Lou, Shih, Diez, & Tseng, 2011; Karaarslan, 2014).
Another new methodology that shares some similarities to problem based learning
strategies is STEM education lesson planning. STEM includes an emphasis on the engineering
and design process, including utilizing technology and cross-curricular content whenever
possible to make content more meaningful (Lou, Shih, Diez, & Tseng, 2011; Knezek,
Christensen, Tyler-Wood, & Periathiruvadi, 2013). When students get to design their own tools
and techniques, actually have the equipment available to bring those designs to life, and are
given the time to test how those designs work in the real world, they are much more likely to
have higher levels of content synthesis and creativity (Clark & Button, 2011; Lou, Shih, Diez, &
Tseng, 2011; Dresner, 2014).

Impact of STEM on Environmental Literacy


Another important part of a STEM education is the technology component. There are so
many ways to incorporate technology in the classroom now that it is often difficult to decide
which tool to use. There are new web tools, often free, that allow educators to present material
in new and more participatory ways. Many studies show when students get to use personal
devices such as their cell phones and tablets to answer polls, write answers, and conduct research
they are much more engaged and more likely to retain new knowledge and skills (Waight and
Khalick, 2011; Tesseir, 2013). Other studies show how technology integration is improving
student achievement (Carvalho-Knighton & Smoak, 2009). There are new hardware devices
that resemble mini portable computers which allow students to collect data more authentically
and shows students how this data would be collected in the real world (as they may do when they
are collecting data for universities, the government, or private industry in their further academic
and professional lives) (Waight & Khalick, 2011; Klopfer & Squire, 2008; Carvalho-Knighton
& Smoak, 2009).
Since students know that the tools they are using are what are actually being used in the
field, there is a new level of engagement. Because students can also pull data from probes that
are stationed elsewhere, they are able to engage more fully in doing authentic scientific research
which takes learning outside the confines of the traditional brick and mortar classroom. Students
can compare data from fieldwork conducted all over the world, as well as in their local
communities (Peffer & Bodzin 2013; Barnett et al, 2011).
The literature in environmental education clearly indicates that current student
motivations and attitudes are somewhat problematic. Furthermore, it addresses which attitudes
we want students to develop, and how best to begin designing our teaching so that this learning
takes place. The implications for practice are indicated by the gap in measuring how a unit

Impact of STEM on Environmental Literacy


lesson plan designed with STEM principles and protocols in mind can contribute to raising
students environmental literacy. In order to address that gap, the current study has designed and
tested a research project measuring how the incorporation of solar energy STEM unit will impact
the environmental behaviors and attitudes of AP Environmental Science students.
Library Search
Research terms used to locate relevant literature for the research proposal included: STEM +
environmental science, improving environmental attitudes, environmental literacy, engineering
design process, STEM, probeware, environmental science + probeware.

Research Design
The researcher used an action-research design, since the plan is to implement and explore
the STEM unit design in the classroom to see if it will improve environmental behavior.
Quantitative data was collected with a post-unit survey to determine if students have more proenvironmental attitudes than their peers who did not participate in the unit (higher scores on the
survey indicate higher pro-environmental attitudes). Qualitative data will be added after
conducting a series of focus group interviews to find out specifically which component(s) of the
STEM unit was a change agent in pro-environmental behavior. A survey was chosen as the
means of conducting the quantitative data by the researcher because surveys can easily identify
trends in a population and are helpful in assessing attitudes of the participants (Creswell, p 403).
This design method ensures that the qualitative data from the interviews will help elaborate on
and/or explain the quantitative data from the survey (Creswell, 2011, p. 542). There will also be
formal self-reflection to explore what [the researcher] can do to improve their education
practices as this is an important component to action-research (Creswell, 2012, p. 586).

Impact of STEM on Environmental Literacy


The STEM unit that is the focus of this study will cover seven class days in the spring
semester. The survey will be administered on the final day of the unit for the participating AP
Environmental Science students. The same survey will be administered to AP Environmental
Science students taught by the other APES teacher in the school as a control group indicator.
Instead of using the array and probes, they will have watched a documentary called Who Killed
the Electric Car. After the quantitative data is collected, interviews will be conducted on a selfselected sample of students to get qualitative data on the efficacy of the STEM unit.
As mentioned, the sample will by default be composed of the students enrolled in the AP
Environmental Science classes taught by the researcher. Participants from the researchers AP
Environmental Science course will be expected to complete the surveys, as well as completing
the activities of the curricular STEM unit. Students will begin the unit with a lesson on the
Science behind energy and how we generate electricity as it pertains to solar energy and other
alternative energy sources. The hands-on Technology component will be the use of the new
probes that test the solar irradiance next to our new Solar Array (it will be installed on our
campus November, 2014) and in the data comparison software that inputs data from the students
probes and compares it to the remote irradiance reported by the Array. The Engineering step is
introduced when the students collaboratively design solar cells and test their cells to see which
design(s) have the most effective absorption rates. Students will use Math when calculating the
percent difference in the data given from the array itself versus what we get from our probes and
the effectiveness of their solar cells in generating kWhs. At the end of the semester, students
will be invited to participate in a focus group. Students in the focus group will be encouraged to
participate in the follow-up surveys and focus groups in the coming years.

Impact of STEM on Environmental Literacy


The data from the study will include the survey scores and the coded responses to the
focus group questions and discussions. This data will be analyzed to test the working hypothesis
(i.e. that incorporating all four aspects of STEM education into the unit will contribute to a
significant increase in the students EL).
The study will be conducted in the AP Environmental Science classes at Brookwood
High School. The school is located in a middle class suburb of Atlanta, Georgia, and has a total
population of about 3,300 students. The student body is 20% African-American, 10% Hispanic,
and 51% Caucasian. Currently there are six AP Environmental Science classes, with average
enrollment of 150 students per semester. The students are primarily juniors and seniors, who
range in age from 16-18. The overall ratios of male to female is evenly divided, and each class
has about 40% gifted students, 30% honors students, and 30% college prep students. The
students will be told they do not have to participate in the surveys as part of their course grade,
and of course the focus group and all follow-up studies are optional, as well. However, the
participation in the STEM unit is not optional, as that is how the lessons will be designed.
Data Collection
The survey component will use the New Ecological Paradigm scale (NEP) to measure
environmental attitudes. The NEP scale is a survey-based metric designed to measure the
environmental concern rate of groups of people using an instrument constructed of fifteen
statements. Respondents will be given the link to a Google Form set up with the questionnaire
where they will be asked to indicate the strength of their agreement or disagreement with each
statement. Responses to these fifteen statements are then used to construct various statistical
measures of environmental concern and potential action (Dunlap et al., 2000) (See Appendix A).

Impact of STEM on Environmental Literacy


Responses are scored on a 5-point Likert- scale where after adjustments to directionality (to
account for the items that were pro-DSP) overall higher score means indicate stronger proenvironmental attitudes (Harraway, et al.2012).
Participants with both pro-environmental and pro-dominant social paradigm attitudes will
be invited to participate in the focus group interviews. The focus group questions have been
designed by the researcher and will be refined after a pilot session (see Appendix B). The focus
group questions have been designed to reflect the context in which the focus group is being held
and to answer the essential questions of interest to the researcher (Krueger, 2009). The focus
groups will be recorded and transcribed by the researcher. Further refinement and reassessment
of the central questions will be ongoing. The researcher will review the transcripts and will
summarize and record reflections and observations at the conclusion of each focus group session
(Krueger, 2009).
For the qualitative interviews, the focus group responses will be coded by the researcher
at the conclusion of the interview sessions the questions (Appendix B) will be asked individually
to the cohort members and will be voice recorded on a recording device (audio only) and later
transcribed. The transcriptions will be analyzed to identify emerging patterns. Berkowitz (1997)
suggests considering six questions when coding and analyzing qualitative data:

What common themes emerge in responses about specific topics? How do these patterns (or
lack thereof) help to illuminate the broader central question(s)?

Are there deviations from these patterns? If so, are there any factors that might explain these

How are participants' environments or past experiences related to their behavior and

Impact of STEM on Environmental Literacy


What interesting stories emerge from the responses? How do they help illuminate the central

Do any of these patterns suggest that additional data may be needed? Do any of the central
questions need to be revised?

Are the patterns that emerge similar to the findings of other studies on the same topic? If not,
what might explain these discrepancies?

Consideration of these questions (Appendix B) will lead the development of the coding
categories of the qualitative focus group responses These responses, taken together with the
quantitative survey data, will ultimately determine the effectiveness of the lesson on improving
Environmental Literacy and will identify what specifically were the most effective aspects of the
STEM unit. The purpose of the study is to ultimately help teachers of environmental education
with their lesson planning. If the lesson is ineffective in increasing EL, then proprietary
probeware, which is costly, should not be purchased. The money could be spent elsewhere on
other techniques that could potentially be more useful in transforming students into
environmental stewards. . If the results of this study indicate the lesson was effective, then
inclusion of this or similar units that highlight the complete STEM process in ES should take
Trustworthiness, Reliability, and Validity
The New Ecological Paradigm Scale (NEP) is the pre-eminent method of testing
environmental worldview paradigms. It has undergone reliability testing multiple times and has
been validated using multidimensional scaling with a Euclidean distance measure to assess the
similarity of responses between items (Harraway, et al.). It also rates highly in internal

Impact of STEM on Environmental Literacy


consistency in that people who responded to some items in one pattern tended to respond to
other items in a consistent manner (Dunlap, 2000).
Because this measurement has been used so extensively, it will continue to be widely
accepted as a measure of environmental world views, if for no other reason than it gives
researchers comparisons to make across study types, population types, and time (Dunlap, 2008).
The growing body of research to which the present study contributes will create additional
opportunities to test the NEP for its reliability and validity. Most importantly for the purposes of
this study, the instrument has been shown to accurately predict future environmental behavior
(Dunlap, 2008).
A big concern in testing environmental attitudes in general, however, is that it is difficult
to pinpoint exactly which environmental concern will propel someone to not only verbally
commit to environmental action, but to actually change their behavior on any given to ecological
issue. In the realm of environmental science there are many sub-categories that are often not
parsed out individually when environmental attitude studies are conducted (Dunlap & Jones,
2002). We must be careful not to assume, for instance, that just because someone wants to save
the pandas, they will recycle at home. According to Dunlap & Jones (2002), the best way to get
appropriate perspective on an environmental concern is to focus on just one aspect of
environmental concern and conduct interviews and collect data exclusively on one concern, as
this STEM unit has done in focusing specifically on the attitudes and behaviors towards using
solar energy as a renewable resource. Since the study includes qualitative data, namely
interpreting interviews, the trustworthiness of the data must be addressed. To ensure
trustworthiness the researcher will follow the triangulation of sources method by conducting
STEM unit interviews with students with opposing viewpoints; that is both students scoring high

Impact of STEM on Environmental Literacy


and students scoring low on the NEP questionnaire (Patton, 1999). There will be an equal
number of male and female interviewees in order to see if gender plays a role in the responses.
Data Presentation and Analysis
Data from the NEP can be analyzed using the following protocols and measurements.
The NEP survey consists of fifteen statements (items). The seven even numbered items, if
agreed to by a respondent, are meant to represent statements endorsed by the dominant social
paradigm (DSP), so if the survey result is a 5 for strongly agree, they get one point but if they
put 1 for strongly disagree, they get 5 points. The eight odd items, if agreed to by a respondent,
are meant to reflect endorsement of the new environmental paradigm (NEP) (Dunlap, 2000) so
the entry does not need to be inverted, a 1 for strongly disagree on a pro-environmental
statement scores as 1 point. This scale is a measure of people's tendency to be proenvironmental, so in order to be able to compare the mean scores and test for significance, one
must first convert all of the scores for the even questions (the ones that were pro dominant social
paradigm) to the correct positive scale. Higher overall scores (possible 15-75 points) indicate
more pro-environmental attitudes (Dunlap, 2002). Dunlap (2008) reports a mean on this scale of
53.3 (which is a mean of 3.55 per question.) If a student scored higher than 53.3 (or 3.55 per
question), then he or she has expressed attitudes that are more pro-environmental than the
average person. A score lower than 53.3 indicates attitudes that are less pro-environmental than
average. The present analysis focuses on the overall mean for each question and compares the
mean scores of the study participants to those of the students who did not have the STEM unit
(Table 1 and Table 2).

Impact of STEM on Environmental Literacy


Table 1 shows the results of the non-STEM unit participants on the NEP scale (n=101).
For question one, We are approaching the limit of the number of people the earth can support,
17% of the respondents chose choice 5 strongly agree, 27% chose choice 4, mildly agree,
39% chose 3, undecided, 17% chose mildly disagree, while 1% chose strongly disagree.
For question 2, which is in favor of dominant social paradigm, the table still reflects the same
scale. For instance, 8% chose strongly agree, 17% chose mildly agree , 36% chose
undecided, 25% chose mildly disagree, and 13% chose strongly disagree. The mean score
given was 3.18, accounting for the directional change. The rest of the data was calculated the
same way, the odd questions were a positive scale, and the even numbered questions had to be
converted before getting the mean.

Table 1. Frequency distributions for non-STEM Advanced Placement Environmental

Science Students for New Ecological Paradigm Scale Items
Non-APES points assigned

NEP scale items a (n= 101)

NEP items - Do you agree that:

% distribution



























1. We are approaching the limit of the

number of people the earth can support

2. Humans have the right to modify the

natural environment to suit their needs

3. When humans interfere with nature it

often produces disastrous consequences

4. Human ingenuity will insure that we

do not make the earth unlivable

Impact of STEM on Environmental Literacy


5. Humans are severely abusing the
















































6. The earth has plenty of natural

resources if we just learn how to develop

7. Plants and animals have as much right

as humans to exist

8. The balance of nature is strong

enough to cope with the impacts of
modern industries

9. Despite our special abilities humans

are still subject to the laws of nature

10. The so-called "ecological crisis"

facing humankind has been greatly

11. The earth is like a spaceship with

very limited room and resources

12. Humans were meant to rule over the

rest of nature

13. The balance of nature is very

delicate and easily upset

14. Humans will eventually learn

enough about how nature works to be
able to control it

15. If things continue on their present

course, we will soon experience a major

Impact of STEM on Environmental Literacy


ecological catastrophe.
Average Mean
Average Total Score


SD = Strongly disagree, MD= Mildly disagree, U= Unsure, MA= Mildly agree, SA= Strongly agree
b Mean Likert scores after adjustment for direction. Higher score indicates pro-environmental worldview.

Table 2 shows the results of the same NEP scale inventory taken by students participating
in the STEM unit (=47). For question one, We are approaching the limit of the number of
people the earth can support, 38% of the respondents selected choice 5 strongly agree, 38%
selected choice 4 mildly agree, 17% selected choice 3 undecided, 4% selected choice 2
mildly disagree, while 2 % selected choice 1 strongly disagree. For question 2, which is in
favor of dominant social paradigm (which inverts the value), the table reflects the same scale.
Of the respondents, 9 % chose strongly agree 15% chose mildly agree, 28% chose
undecided, 36% chose mildly disagree, and 13% chose strongly disagree . The mean
score was 3.3, accounting for the directional change. The rest of the data was calculated the
same way, the odd questions were a positive scale, and the even numbered questions had to be
converted before getting the mean.
Table 2. Frequency distributions for STEM-Unit Advanced Placement Environmental
Science Students for New Ecological Paradigm Scale Items
NEP scale items a (n= 47)
NEP items - Do you agree that:

% distribution
















1. We are approaching the limit of the

number of people the earth can support

2. Humans have the right to modify the

natural environment to suit their needs

3. When humans interfere with nature it

Impact of STEM on Environmental Literacy


often produces disastrous consequences















































4. Human ingenuity will insure that we

do not make the earth unlivable

5. Humans are severely abusing the


6. The earth has plenty of natural

resources if we just learn how to develop

7. Plants and animals have as much right

as humans to exist

8. The balance of nature is strong

enough to cope with the impacts of
modern industries

9. Despite our special abilities humans

are still subject to the laws of nature

10. The so-called "ecological crisis"

facing humankind has been greatly

11. The earth is like a spaceship with

very limited room and resources

12. Humans were meant to rule over the

rest of nature

13. The balance of nature is very

delicate and easily upset

Impact of STEM on Environmental Literacy


14. Humans will eventually learn

enough about how nature works to be
able to control it




15. If things continue on their present

course, we will soon experience a major
ecological catastrophe.
Average Mean
Average Total Score


SD = Strongly disagree, MD= Mildly disagree, U= Unsure, MA= Mildly agree, SA= Strongly agree
b Mean Likert scores after adjustment for direction. Higher score indicates pro-environmental worldview.

Survey scores will be subjected to a t-test to see if the STEM unit resulted in a statistically
significant increase in environmental literacy attitudes and predicted behavior of the STEM unit
APES students vis a vis the non-STEM unit students. After the survey was taken (upon
completion of alternative energy unit) the data was analyzed to see if simply using probeware
and solar array software and hardware directly impacted the EL of participating students. An
independent t-test was run for those participating in the STEM unit versus those who did not
(Table 3). Scores were higher (indicating increased pro-environmental attitudes) for those
students who participated in the STEM unit (average of total points=55.42, mean = 3.69) than for
the students not participating in the STEM unit (average of total points=52.02, mean = 3.468 ).
However, an independent- t-test showed that the difference between the mean scores was not
statistically significant (t = -1.16, df = 28, p >.05, two-tailed).

Impact of STEM on Environmental Literacy


Table 3 Frequency distributions for Advanced Placement Environmental Science Students for
New Ecological Paradigm Scale Items
t-Test: Two-Sample Assuming Equal Variances

Pooled Variance
Hypothesized Mean
t Stat
P(T<=t) one-tail
t Critical one-tail
P(T<=t) two-tail
t Critical two-tail

Non-APES points

APES points assigned



To address research questions 2 and 3, What are some of the behavior/attitudes of these students
that specifically result from completing the STEM unit and What activities in the STEM unit
have the greatest impact on students environmental literacy attitudes and behaviors; interviews
were conducted. A direct quote, I really like learning about science that will help us in the
future, I like getting the hands-on experience and actually implementing sustainable practices,
that was actually really fun! At the completion of the STEM unit students were selected
(invited) from the AP Environmental Science class to participate in after-school interviews. The
surveys submitted via Google Forms were anonymous, therefore the selection criteria was based
on equal males/females and equal for/against environmental paradigms. This was subjective and
based solely on the past two semesters of dialogue and observations in the classroom and

Impact of STEM on Environmental Literacy


through analysis of the on-line discussion postings they completed throughout the school year.
All six students were interviewed using the questions from Appendix B. The common themes
that emerged were the following:

Students enjoyed conducting authentic research by using a tool they would actually
employ in the field.

Students felt an increased sense of ownership by using the data from the solar panel
because it helps them see how to put together the entire process of converting light
energy into electrical energy and how it can happen on their campus.

Students reported higher levels of engagement and lower levels of apathy because of the
fun nature of the STEM unit.

All students had a favorite technology (choices were probeware, sun power for school
data software, multi-meter to see if generating energy, Glogster-presentation tool they
used as end of unit assessment) but responses were varied as to which was the favorite.

Students reported more pro-environmental actions; for instance, most recycle at home
now, and are more likely to carpool, and to be mindful of how much electricity they are

According to the results of the study, the average total score on the survey for the students
participating in the STEM unit versus those students not participating in the STEM unit was
slightly higher (indicating increased EL and pro-environment behaviors and attitudes).
According to Dunlop (2008), a score of 53.3 is the lower limit for pro-environmental beliefs; the
group participating in the STEM unit had a total overall score of 55.42. Students not

Impact of STEM on Environmental Literacy


participating in the STEM unit had an average total score of 52.02 indicating their scores are
below those thought to be considered pro-environmental and were more on the end of the
dominant social paradigm. The responses from the student interviews indicate there is a need for
more hands-on instruction in the classroom. Interestingly enough, some students preferred the
traditional lecture but this seems to be because they feel it is easier to get by in a traditional
class that does not force participation and engagement. Because of this class and because of this
unit in particular, students now have plans for their futures that include purchasing alternative
vehicles with lower emissions and installing solar panels in their homes. They are reacting to the
call to arms and thinking about the environment in ways that did not even cross their minds
before taking this class and participating in this unit. Most importantly, they have already taken
action on the low hanging fruit and made some of the very easy changes that decrease resource
use. For instance, at minimum all of the interviewees are more diligent with their home
recycling and turn off their lights and unplug their appliances/chargers when not in use.
The current study provides some insight into how a STEM unit can be used to increase EL in an
APES class. The interview transcripts also suggest that the students who were not excited before
beginning the exploratory lab actually found the probeware to be fun and easy to use. The most
interesting part to them was that the data showed up immediately on their laptop and they could
send it to the app on their phone. They really enjoyed getting to pick which berry to bring in to
mash for their own mini-solar array. The solar array on our campus made for a fun field trip,
as did their solar car races.. The combination of the different activities, even the Glogster they
had to create on a sustainable building made this a memorable unit, even if it did not change their

Impact of STEM on Environmental Literacy


attitude as high as I would have liked. If I keep my focus on the results of the interviews the
future looks more promising.
While the STEM unit did not have the full effect anticipated, it was beneficial in
increasing EL and pro-environment behaviors and attitudes. Opportunities exist to improve the
unit and to further increase gains in EL, which will continue to be a goal for science educators
for the foreseeable future. Only by increasing the environmental literacy of our students can we
hope to equip our future leaders and community members with the skills, knowledge, and
understandings they will need to participate as fully informed and ready-to-act global citizens.
Limitations of the Study
There are some discrepancies in the study: the original plan was to have the same group of
students take the NEP survey before and after the STEM unit and perform an ANOVA test to see
if there were indeed changes in the environmental attitudes. However, instead the AP
Environmental science students were given the survey one time at the culmination of the STEM
unit on alternative energy. The effectiveness of the STEM unit can only be transferred to similar
populations, so I can infer that this unit would have a positive impact on environmental action in
a similar community and age group (high school students in a suburban setting.) Other
limitations to the study are the variable sample sizes. The non-STEM APES students had a
sample size of n=101 and the APES students had a sample size of n=47. To be more
transferrable, it would have been preferred to have a larger sample size of APES students.
Another limitation to the questionnaire is that it was done on a Google Form. If the students
used their cell phones there was a chance that they did not notice that the scale went 1-5. This
may have made students choose 4 (agree) as their highest ranking instead of choosing 5 (strongly

Impact of STEM on Environmental Literacy


agree.) but this effect is negligible because both subgroups were using smart phones to take the
Implications for Future Research
This would be interesting to follow-up on as a longitudinal study. The focus group could be
repeated every other year for four years in order to assess the longevity of the positive attitudes
toward the environment. The study could be replicated each spring semester for three years in
order to glean the true impact of the STEM unit design on potential permanent behaviors. Future
research on this topic could include student achievement data in regards to alternative energies.
While I am concerned primarily with attitudes and behavioral shifts, there could also be pre and
post- tests administered for this unit to see the impact on student academic performance, which
plays a larger role administratively when deciding a budget for lab equipment.

Impact of STEM on Environmental Literacy


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Impact of STEM on Environmental Literacy


Appendix A
Your participation in this survey is completely OPTIONAL; in no way will your answers to this
survey impact your grade in this class. The purpose of the survey is to gather data on best
practice teaching strategies and your personal information will be kept confidential.
The 15 Item Revised NEP Scale (1 strongly agree, 5 strongly disagree)
New Environmental Paradigm Scale (revised)
Listed below are statements about the relationship between humans and the environment. Please
indicate the degree to which you agree with each item. Choose the number of your response for each
statement using the following scale: 5 = STRONGLY AGREE, 4 = MILDLY AGREE, 3 = UNSURE, 2 =
1. We are approaching the limit of the number of people the earth can support.

2. Humans have the right to modify the natural environment to suit their needs.

3. When humans interfere with nature, it often produces disastrous consequences.


4. Human ingenuity will insure that we do not make the earth unlivable.

5. Humans are severely abusing the earth.


6. The earth has plenty of natural resources if we just learn how to develop them.

7. Plants and animals have as much right as humans to exist.


8. The balance of nature is strong enough to cope with the impacts of modern industrial nations.

9. Despite our special abilities, humans are still subject to the laws of nature.

10. The so-called "ecological crisis" facing humankind has been greatly exaggerated.

11. The earth is like a spaceship with very limited room and resources.

Impact of STEM on Environmental Literacy

12. Humans were meant to rule over the rest of nature.


13. The balance of nature is very delicate and easily upset.


14. Humans will eventually learn enough about how nature works to be able to control it.

15. If things continue on their present course, we will soon experience a major environmental


Impact of STEM on Environmental Literacy


Appendix B
Interviewer Script: The purpose of my research is to see if the unit I planned was effective in
increasing your environmental awareness and to see if you feel more apt to take action in
regards to sustainable practices. I am also a little curious about your background and how
much of your passion is because of my class versus the values you already had from your
upbringing. I just want to remind you, that your participation is NOT mandatory, you will
remain anonymous in my data, and that at any time we can conclude the interview. If you decide
at any time along the way the next few years that you do not want to be a part of this longitudinal
study, then it is also OK for you to drop out of the study.

1. How often do you recycle at home (does anyone in your household pull out recyclable
material from the trash if it was accidently tossed in there?)
2. Why is solar energy important?
3. What is a sustainable energy strategy?
4. How likely are you to use solar energy in your home when you are a home-owner, if not
likely why?
5. Prior to this unit, what were your thoughts on solar energy?
6. How do you feel about electric cars?
7. What part of the unit was most memorable/impactful?
8. What part of the unit was most challenging?
9. How do you feel about probeware in the classroom?

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