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In the Brit Chadashah (New Testament) we find the Name Jesus, but is this really the

name that was used back in the time when our Messiah walked the earth. Why is a
name important? In this study we will look at all the evidence to find out what the
true name of our Savoir is and how to pronounce it correctly.

All the names in the Scripture is transliterated except the name of YHVH that was
changed 6527 times in the TaNaK (OT) and 748 times in the NT, that equates to a
total of 7275 times. Y’shua’s Name is changed 981 times to Jesus in the Brit
Chadasha (NT) but all the other names in the Bible have been transliterated and
sounds almost the same as the original names. It is only Satan’s name is still in its
original form that had not been changed at all and kept the same. There seems to be
a trend and where there is smoke, there has to be a fire. The Name of YHVH is
totally removed and the name “Jesus” is not even remotely close to the name Y’shua
and why did they chose it and who gave them authority to do so?

When a baby is born, the Father and Mother have the privilege and authority to
choose their baby’s name. If someone comes and call your child something else, you
would be upset because they do not have the authority to do so. The question I want
to ask is, who is man that he puts himself in a position higher than YHVH, to have the
authority to change His Set-apart Name and call Him by another Name?

The Name of our Savoir is found in the Brit Chadasha (NT) that was originally written
in Aramaic than translated to Greek and then into English and all the other languages
and a lot of the true meaning is lost, especially the Name of our Saviour. Why did
they change the name instead of transliterating it? We find an example in Hebrews
where the Name Yehoshua (the name of our Saviour) is transliterated to Joshua,
which is much closer than Jesus. Why only do it right this once?

The name ‘Joshua’ is transliterated correctly and it is the same word “Iesous”
(Strong’s G2424) that is used to transliterate ‘Jesus’. Why use Joshua here instead
of Jesus because Joshua is the right transliteration of Yehoshua the son of Nun?

If your name is Peter and you go to France, Japan or South America, your name will
still be Peter or will it change? To translate the name Peter (which has a Aramaic
meaning “rock” into French, you have to use the word “Peter” or the French word
“roche” that means “rock” in French to stay true to the meaning. Peter in English
means “to vanish”, do you think it is accurate to say use the name “Peter” in an
English context? No. Since we do not use the word ”peter” for “vanish” it does not
bother us but it still makes it inaccurate to use Peter in an English document.

In Matthew 16:18, Y’shua said, " ! "

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Y’shua addressed this to one of His disciples named Simon. Y’shua spoke to His
disciples in Aramaic, not Greek, and in Aramaic, the name He would have given
Simon would have been, Kepha, that means “rock”, and it would have appeared in
both places in this verse. The translators used the translation of the meaning of his
name “Kepha” to the Greek word “petros” that gives the English word that sounds
similar to “petros”, namely “Peter”. As I said earlier, the word “peter” in English does
not mean “rock” and is a “wrong translation” of the name “Petros or Kepha”. If we
wanted to be accurate in English, we should have used the original name “Kepha” or
the meaning of the word “kepha” which is ”Rock”. The reason for this is that all the
names in the Hebrew culture have meanings and forms the basis of all the Hebrew
and Aramaic names and we have to respect that to stay accurate in our “translation”
of Biblical names. If you want to be accurate, rather keep the original name or use
the closest transliteration possible or use the translated meaning in stead.

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When you read the word ‘name’ you think of it as an identifier; names in Western
thought is a sound that connects to a person, it has no meaning to us, we might as
well be called by sounds or numbers. In Hebrew every name is a word with meaning.
Every word describes an action and so does every name. Your name in other words
depicts your character.
‘Name’ in Hebrew is the word “shem” that means; name, honour,
character, authority, lofty, to be elevated or high. It comes from the root word
“seem” that means ‘appoint, to put, to give, to mark, reward’.

From these meanings we see that a name is much more than just a sound that
means nothing, it is your honour, your appointment, your character and your reward.
In Y’shua’s Name we see His character, His authority, His honour, His appointment
or anointing and His reward (salvation). If we change His Name we change His
honour, His anointing, His authority, His character and His reward.

It is Satan’s plan to take away the Name of YHVH and Y’shua so that he can take
away His power and authority. Every name in Hebrew has a meaning and it’s
meaning is more important than how it sounds to make it a beautiful name, here are
a few examples:

“Dani-el” means Elohim is my Judge, “Yeremi-yah-u” (Jeremiah) means YHVH will

rise, “Mori-yah” (Moriah) means YHVH will provide, “Yechez-qi-el” (Ezekiel) means
Elohim will strengthen, “Eli-yah-u” (Elijah) means Elohim is YHVH. We see that every
single name in Hebrew has a meaning to it and a lot of them are connected to the
Name of YHVH in the short form El (Elohim) and Yah (YHVH). Here are a few verses
that proves that there is power in the Name of Y’shua:

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By which Name are we made whole and by which Name are we saved? The Name
of Y’shua! This is actually what the Name Y’shua means; YHVH is Salvation”! Jesus
means ‘war horse’ and it’s Greek form “Iesous” is linked to a Greek goddess of
healing whose name is Ieusus that is a variant spelling of Iesous. Warhorse and
healing is not the same meaning as Salvation and the true meaning of Y’shua’s
Name is lost when it was changed to Iesous and then to Jesus. Salvation in Greek is
the word “sotayreeah”, and means: rescue or safety (physically or morally): -
deliver, health, salvation, save, saving, and is much closer to the meaning of the
Name Y’shua than the name Jesus.

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His Name is important because we are baptised in the Name of Y’shua so that there
may be remission for our sins. To be baptised in the Name of Y’shua means to come
under His authority and His character as his disciple in order to become like Him.

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There is power and authority in the Name of Y’shua the Messiah to overcome
sickness and to cast out demons. Is the Name important or can I use a name that is
changed by man? It is important and it was important for the people back in the first
century. Around 178 CE, a pagan by the name of Celsus engaged in written debates
with Believers. In one of them, Celsus (speaking of Believers/Christian) said:


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Notice that Celsus was quoting Christians as saying that the name of "their teacher"
(Yahushua no doubt) must not be spoken "improperly" and that it must not be spoken
in a "Greek" way or "Latin" way, but in a "Barbarian tongue" for it to be effective. Of
course, to the pagans (Greeks) the Hebrew language was nothing more than a
barbarian language. This lends evidence that even though the name of Yahushua
was written as Ιησους there were people speaking it in the Hebrew way in order to
be effective. I have personal experience in using the name Y’shua and YHVH vs.
Jesus and Lord in prayer. Nothing happened when the name Jesus was used, but
when I used the name of Y’shua and Yahweh (YHVH), the demons and evil presence
left. There is power in the real Name of our Savior!

While there are some out there claiming that "Jesus" or "Iesous" means "Hail Zeus".
In fact, the Greek language spells Zeus (#2203 in the Strong's Lexicon) as
Ζευς and doesn'teven have the same letters or sound as the second syllable in
Ιησους (Ie-sous). However, there are other aspects of Greek pagan influence in the
first two letters “Ie” of “Ie-sous”.

"It was from the divine name Yah that the Greeks took ' Ie'in the invocations of
and prayers to the gods, especially the god Apollo. The name ' Ie'was written
from right to left and inscribed over the great door of the temple of Apollo at
Delphi (Taylor, p. 183). The ancient Greeks had an acclamation similar to
Hallelujah (Praise you Yah). They used Hallulu-Iee in the beginning and ending of
their hymns in honour of Apollo." - Taylor, p. 183.

“It is known that the Greek name endings with sus, seus, and sous [which are
phonetic pronunciations for the chief Greek god of Olympus] were attached by
the Greeks to names and geographical areas as means to give honor to their
supreme deity, Zeus. - Dictionary of Christian Lore and Legend - Professor J. C.
J. Metford

Putting these two together; “Ie” (linked to Apollo) and “sous” (phonetically linked to
Olympus and Zeus) makes the name “Iesous” is very close to the Greek deities
Apollo, Olympus and Zeus. There is another very close similarity found in the name
“Ieusus”, which is the goddess of healing, which makes me uncomfortable in using a
name that is linked to Ie-sous and transliterated to Jesus. Rather be safe than sorry.

Now "Christ" is a modern word for the Greek word "Christos," which means "anointed
one." It was the name used for all the Greek gods, not just Jesus. All the Greek
gods were "Christ." It was translated from the word "Messiah," which is "Maschiach"
in the Hebrew, which also means "Anointed One."

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YHVH’s Name will be in Him, so there must be some form of

Yahweh or Yah in the Name of our Saviour, We know that
Y’shua comes from Yah – shua that means ‘Yah or YHVH is
salvation’ and that is the Name and meaning of our Saviour,
and His Name contains the Name of the Father. Not only in
a literal sense, but to have the Name of the Father in Him also implies that He has
the Character of the Father. This proves that the Name Jesus does not contain the
Name of the Father but Y’shua does and His Name is very important regarding His
function and authority and character. .

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According to the American Heritage Dictionary, the etymological origin of "Jesus" is:

Jesus Middle English, from Late Latin Isus, from Greek Isous, from Hebrew
yû‘, from yhôûa‘, Joshua...

Notice that it says that the origin of His name is from Latin, then Greek, then Hebrew.
So the name "Jesus" is the result of 3 different languages placing their influence on
the original name the disciples were proclaiming, baptizing in and praying in. Some of
the influence is quite recent.

In the 1611 King James Version, it originally had "Iesus" rather than "Jesus". Why is
this? The first letter, ‘J,’ was not added to the English alphabet until the time of
movable-type printing, only about 500 years ago.

We know the letter “J” in the spelling of any word in Strong’s, such as Jeshua, is
relatively modern because the letter J did not exist Aramaic, Hebrew, Greek, or Latin
(and still does not), or even in English as we see here in the 1611 KJV. The letter I is
there, which was pronounced as the letter Y. Later revisions of the KJV changed it to

This leads me to ask some important questions: "Who is the one who gets to decide
what it is changed to? Man or Yahweh? And if Yahushua is supposed to be the same
yesterday, today and forever, why do they keep changing His name?"
Those who claim that you can ONLY be saved by the Name of Jesus have their facts
wrong as we have seen in the early English translations. If you look up the name
"Jesus" in a Strong's lexicon it has "Iesous":

"2424 Iesous ee-ay-sooce'of Hebrew origin (3091); Jesus (i.e. Jehoshua), the
name of our Lord and two (three) other Israelites:--Jesus."

Notice that it traces the name of Messiah to Hebrew word #3091 in the Strong'

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This proves that the name “Iesous” was used in Greek and it was used in the place of
the Hebrew Yehoshua or Yahushua (depending on the voles that is not stipulated in
the original Hebrew text) and that Jesus is a later, more modern transliteration of the
Greek and Latin Iesous that can be traced back to the Hebrew.

The question I would like to ask is; why did they use “Iesous” in the place of
Yehushua? Where did they get the name “Iesous” from? The more I look into the
Greek interpretations of the Bible, the more I discover mythological mischief; the
Greeks were constantly attempting to incorporate their Mythology into Christianity.
No wonder if you use a language that is imbedded with words and names that give
honour to their Greek gods; Jesus linked to “Iesous” that is linked to “Ieusus”
(goddess of healing) and “Ie” (Apollo) and “sous” (Zeus).

As I said earlier, if you want to have an accurate “translation” of a name you have to
translate the meaning or use the “close as possible” original pronunciation in the
original text. Why didn’t they use the Greek word “Iasua” that is close enough to

We have proof for the Hebrew and Aramaic origin of the Name Y’shua that can be
either pronounces Yeshua (Aramaic), Yehoshua (Hebrew) or Yahushua (Hebrew).
Jesus in it self is a word that is made up in English and has no real meaning and was
invented by the translators who wanted to replace the Greek word “Iesous” and the
Latin word “Iesus” that again originate from the Hebrew Yehoshua or Yahushua,

Should we use a name that comes from man that has no real meaning or should we
search the Scripture and historical writings to find out what His real Name is because
there is power and authority in His Name?

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People think when you use “Jesus”, “Christ” and “God” as a swear word, you are
breaking this Commandment. Is it true? What does it mean to take YHVH’s Name in
vain? You have to understand the meaning of “vain” before you can answer the

Vain - is the Hebrew word “shav” that means - the sense of desolating; evil (as
destructive), literally (ruin) or morally (especially guile); figuratively idolatry (as
false, subjectively), uselessness (as deceptive, objectively; also adverbially in
vain): - false (-ly), lie, lying, vain (empty), vanity.

You take His Name in vain if you connect anything that is evil, guile, or any idol, or
anything false (myth), or any false doctrine, (Y’shua abolished the Law) or any thing
that is not the truth to His Name, THEN you are breaking this Commandment.

From the 3rd Commandment we can see that YHVH’s Name is very important and
that He does not want to have His Name defiled or connected to anything that is false
or empty. Think about your name, would you like it if people use your name and
connect lies to it, slandering you, breaking your name down and when people meet
you they have a false impression of you already.

The question I would like to ask; is the title “Lord” empty and useless? If you go to the
Dictionary you will find that Lord is a title that means “master” and it is even used to
refer to pagan deities and man. Replacing YHVH’s Name with an empty title is used
by everyman and every idol is definitely breaking the 3rd Commandment.

The other question I would like to as is: if I call you by a name I invented, is it your
true name, or in other words, is it the truth if I say your name is “Pete” when it is not?
No, I am lying and not telling the truth. If I then call YHVH and name that He has not
reviled to man, an Name He did not command to use, a name invented by man, then
I am lying calling Him that and I am definitely breaking the 3rd Commandment.

The same argument goes for using the name “Jesus” that is a name invented by the
translators that is not even close to the Holy Name of our Saviour. His Name is
exalted and above any other Name and we should not break the 3rd Commandment
by calling Him something He is not, especially names that are used for other gods
and idols.

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Since we seek to walk in the truth, we should want to proclaim His Name as YHVH
gave it, because His Name is Holy. YHVH is the one who named His Son and we
simply have no right to change it. It is all these changes that have brought about
confusion. If we are somehow unable to pronounce the Messiah' s name, certainly
YHVH is able to show mercy, but if we are able to, what reason do we have to
continue in error? It is better to cleave to what YHVH gave rather than continuing in
the traditions and mistakes of men.

YHVH predicted what His Son'
s name would be, so we have something we can look
to for clarification.

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The name used here is translated in to English as Joshua but it is actually the
Hebrew word Yahushua that means, “YHVH is Salvation” or “YHVH Saves”. "The
Branch" is a prophetic reference to the coming Messiah who would be a Priest AND
King Who will come and build His Temple. (Compare Psalm 110, Isaiah 9:6). Y’shua
is our High Priest of the order of Melchizedek who was a High Priest and King or
Peace (Salem/Shalom).

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So Zechariah was instructed to take a crown and place it on the head of Yahushua
(in the Hebrew it has ), the son of Yahutsadak ("YHVH is righteous"). When

placing the crown on the head of the High Priest, Zechariah was told to

Thus, this High Priest (Yahushua) had the same name as the coming Messiah who
would reign as a priest on His throne. YHVH revealed what His name would be, so
why not call Him by that name? We see the examples of the apostles who were
proclaiming His Name, baptizing in His Name, healing in His Name, being
persecuted for His Name, etc. Let' s be willing to do the same by using the Messiah'
Name as it is written and understood in Hebrew with a very important Hebrew

Y’shua is found 78 times in the TaNaK (OT) but translated as Salvation and
Yehoshua is found 218 times and translated as Joshua. Let’s look at a few of these
verses putting back the Name of our Saviour: (the light gray is replaced by the Name
Y’shua in bold)

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What is the Name of our Elohim? Y’shua and we will rejoice in Him and set up
banners. Very interesting verse that means something quite different than you would

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Y’shua is glorious and great and the Father has laid majesty of Him.

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This is a classic example of Hebrew poetry and word ponds where the first part
describes Elohim our King and the second part elaborates on this and reveal Y’shua
as the king over Jacob.

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Similar verse describing Y’shua as the righteousness of Elohim.

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This passage reveals the death of the Messiah and underneath the surface, we find
the Name of our Savior. We get this by counting the Hebrew letters starting with
second “yod” in the Hebrew word yarik” (He shall prolong) , counting
every 20 letter from left to right, and it spells out “Y’shua Shema” that means
‘Y’shua is My Name’. Y’shua is the Name of the Messiah Who died for our sins.

Gen 1:1 Starting with the first “yod” in the first word “Beresheet” (in the beginning)
counting every 521 letter spells “Y’shua yakol” that means ‘Y’shua is able and has
power’. This power is revealed in the Brit Chadashah (NT) in all the miracles He has

Gen 1:14 counting every 172 letters, starting with the “ayin” in the word “moedim”
(season) from left to right spells “Y’shua” and this associates Y’shua with the Feasts
(mohedim) because He will come and fulfill all the Feasts.

When you skip every seventh letter you find the Name Yehoshua in Numbers 27:17
which reveals the Name of the Person who will be the Shepherd:

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We all know the passage in Isaiah 53:6 – 12 describing the

death of Messiah.

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Within this passage, inside the Hebrew we get the Name Y’shua and Messiah
revealing whom this will be that will die for our sins. The horizontal line form the
phrase “shokake me' al YESHUA shmee ohz” that means, “One rushing from above,
Yeshua is My powerful Name”. And diagonal with this phrase we get the title
Mashiach that means Messiah or Anointed One.

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Aramaic texts of the Holy Scriptures were introduced into Europe in the 18th Century
A.D. by a Lebanese scholar named Assemani, a Maronite. At that time the only
available copies of the Aramaic Peshitta texts in Lebanon, Syria and Palestine were
the new copies of the Monophysite sect and the translations from Greek into Aramaic
for the Jacobites, who had joined the Monophysite Church. These comparatively new
copies were written on paper in the modern Jacobite characters with vowels and not
in the ancient original Estrangela characters. The name Peshitta in Aramaic means
"Straight", in other words, the original and pure New Testament. The Peshitta is the
only authentic and pure text, which contains the books in the New Testament that
were written in Aramaic, the Language of Mshikha (the Messiah) and His Disciples.
The Peshitta is believed to be the original text that was used to translate the Greek
“New Testament” (Brit Chadasha) from.

The name “Jesus” is not the original name given to Mary and Joseph and this can be
proven by the Peshitta, which includes the Aramaic book of Matthew. Lets look at the
passage where the Name of our Saviour was given to Joseph:

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Note the name “Eshoa” that is pronounced Yeshua in Aramaic is the Name of our
Savior as found in the original Aramaic Peshitta. We also find evidence in the
Hebrew book of Matthew known as the Shen Tov – Matt 1:21:

We see clearly the name of Y’shua, , found in the Hebrew text. The Shem
Tov also preceded the Greek translations of Matthew and this is evidence that the
majority of the “New Testament” was first written in Hebrew and Aramaic and then
translated into Greek.

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Much used by the Messianic movement, "Yeshua" is actually an Aramaic form of the
Hebrew name "Yahushua". In the Hebrew script, it is not spelled the same as
Yahushua. The "Yeshua" name, spelled (Yod Shin Waw Ayin), is found in the books
of Nehemiah and Ezra where it lists the names of those who returned from the
Babylonian exile. One of them is called "Jeshua, the son of Jozadak":

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"Jeshua the Son of Jozadak" is the same High Priest mentioned in Zechariah 6:

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Notice that in Zechariah, he is not called "Jeshua the son of Jozadak" but he is called
"Joshua the son of Josedech" (Heb. Yahushua the son of Yahutsadak). This
reflects the Hebrew spelling of the same name. So in Zechariah, he is called
Yahushua but in Ezra he is called “Yeshua” (in Hebrew). The book of
Nehemiah also changes the name of Joshua the son of Nun to "Jeshua, the son of

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The change in spelling to "Jeshua/Yeshua" ( "Yod Shin Waw Ayin" ) is due to the
Aramaic influence during the exile. In fact, parts of the book of Ezra are written in
Aramaic. For confirmation, look at your Strong' s Lexicon:

Notice that #3442 and #3443 are the same exact word with the same Hebrew
spelling, but this lexicon lists them separately. Why is this? Well, if you looked up
"Jeshua" in the concordance, you will notice that it lists "Jeshua" in Ezra 3:2 as
coming from #3442 and "Jeshua" in Ezra 5:2 coming from #3443. The reason for the
two different Strong' s word numbers is Ezra 5:2 is a part of the book of Ezra which
was written in Aramaic (Ezra 4:8 through 6:18; 7:12-26). This is why #3443 mentions
"Yeshuwa" as coming from "Chaldean" in the above definition (3443. Yeshuwa'
(Chald.)). Therefore, "Yeshua" is actually an Aramaic rendering of

"Yahushua" . Now, some claim that Yeshua is a pure Hebrew word,

which isn'
t derived from "Yahushua" at all, but that it is a Hebrew word
meaning "Salvation".

The Hebrew pronunciation would be “Yahushua” and the Aramaic pronunciation

would be “Yeshua” and both can be used and seen as the Name of our Saviour.
Yahushua is the expression of the Name of YHVH (Yahweh) as pronounced in
“Hallelu-Yah”, that means “praise Yah” or “praise Yahweh”. This is the same Yah that
is found in the beginning of our Saviour’s Name “Yah-ushuah” that means “Yah
Saves” or Yahweh Saves”. I use “Y’shua” as a common spelling that can be
expressed in the Hebrew or Aramaic pronunciation for practical purposes. I use the
word “Y’shua” to write the Name of our Saviour that can be pronounced either
Yeshua (Aramaic) or Yahushua (Hebrew)


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Imagine a blind man healed by Y’shua; his blindness was not seen as a sin, and after
Y’shua healed him, he rejoiced and used his eyes because he can see. If that man
chose to keep his eyes closed and keep on being a beggar, that would have been
seen as a sin and an insult to Y’shua. In the same way, He has taken your
“blindness” (confusion and lies) away by revealing the truth to you, but if you keep on
walking in the “darkness/blindness/old ways”, not accepting or applying the truth,
then your sin remains.

The people who are ignorant (blind), YHVH knows that and that is no sin to them, but
if He reveals the truth to them and they refuse to receive it, that is a sin. You have
received the Truth regarding the Name of our Saviour, now you have a responsibility
as a man or woman who can “see”, to accept it and use it so that YHVH and Y’shua’s
Name may be proclaimed across the whole wide world.

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YHVH’s truth is light that must be shined wherever you go, do not hide it because of
the fear of man of what they will say, but rather sine YHVH’s light so that others may
be touched and may see the truth and can come into the Kingdom worshipping the
Father in Spirit and in Truth.

There are two answers to this question. The first answer is easy, because YHVH is
gracious. People who come form a traditional Church background read their Bibles
and they read “Jesus” and that is the name that is introduced to them and that is the
name they know and use. YHVH knows this and when they pray to Him in the wrong
name, He still answer their prayers because they know no better (they are blind).
YHVH looks at their hearts and if they are of true faith and believe when they pray,
He will grant them their request even if they ask in the wrong name.

The second answer is found in this passage:

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YHVH will allow deception to come upon the earth in the Last days where false
prophets will come in the name of Jesus and do many signs and wonders but
Scripture tells us that even the believers will be deceived. Why is this? Satan has
changed the Name of our Saviour so that the extreme form of false religion will use
the same name as the other extreme form of true faith. The name is the neutral
playing field and “the Name” is no longer the thing that identify you as a true believer,
but your actions and who you obey. YHVH allowed this so that the separation
between the sheep and the goats can take place. On the extreme form of false
religion they use the name of Jesus and do signs and wonders, and if the people do
not go back to the Word to see if they are of the true faith, then they will be deceived.
Paul calls this “another Jesus/Yeshua”.

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We can clearly see that the deception started in Paul’s time and that Satan started
his deception right at the beginning, imagine how great the deception will be at the

One other thing is also true, Satan does signs and wonders and heals people as well
and He allows it to happen in the name of “Jesus” and he can do this because
“Jesus” is not the Name of our Saviour. Be aware and discern teachers and Prophets
according to their fruit (works and words) if it is in line with YHVH’s Word. Satan is
hiding behind this name (he created through man) so that he may come in the form
of the Anti-Christ in the end and everybody will accept him because they do not know
any better and YHVH’s people will be destroyed because of a lack of knowledge.

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As I said earlier, when you re ignorant and do not know better, He is gracious and will
meet the person on their level and answer their prayer. But if you know the truth, you
should walk in it because not applying the truth is seen as rebellion and THAT is a
sin and will cause YHVH to turn His ear away from you.

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If you know the truth, you have a responsibility to test it with Scripture, if you refuse to
accept and apply the truth, then you rebel against YHVH’s Word and His Truth and
He will then reject you as well. Stubbornness is the sin of idol worship and rebellion
the sin of witchcraft, be humble and accept the Truth as YHVH reveals it to His
people, because the time has come for Him to challenge every lie and test and
confront every doctrine to prepare the way for His Coming.

May YHVH’s Name and Y’shua’s Name be proclaimed and may His honour and
authority be restored and may the blindness of the people be removed so that they
will be able to “see” their Messiah when He comes and not be deceived.


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