Vintage Airplane - May 2001

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VAA NEWS/ H.G. Frautschy




16 EYE CATCHER/ H. G. Frautschy


Jon Schroeder


25 PASS IT TO BUCK! Buck Hilbert







Executive Director, E ditor


VAA Administrative A ssistant


Executive Editor


Contribllting Editors


A rt/Photo Layout


Photography Staff


Advertising/Editorial Assistant


Front Cover . . . Jim Herpst's colorful Taylorcraft BC-12D certainly gets
plenty of looks wherever it lands. Restored by Brian Marchetti and the father
and son team of Ron and Michael Jones, the Taylorcraft is Jim's first tail
wheel airplane. EM photo by Mark Schaible, shot with a Canon EOS-1 n
equipped with an 80-200mm lens on 100 ASA slide film . EM Cessna 210
photo plane flown by Bruce Moore.
Back Cover ...Don Parsons captured this rare shot of a Tank-powered
Curtiss Robin and Curtiss Canuck in formation just over the east side of
Dauster Field (Creve Coeur airport), west of St. Louis, Missouri. Both planes
belong to the Historic Aircraft Aviation restoration Museum, based at the
airport. Phil Chastain is flying the Canuck, and restorer Glenn Peck is piloting
the Robin. Terry Chastain is flying the Rawdon T-1 photo plane. See the
story beginning on page 10.






In the past, I've writ

ten this colu mn at the
last minute. Writing at the 11th hour made it possible to
deal with late-breaking issues (H.G. does the same with
the "VAA News" pages). But I will admit that at times I've
been a bit of a procrastinator and have held up H.G.'s ef
fort to meet the magazine's production schedule. I
promise to do better!
Earlier this year the loca l weatherman told us the
weather would be great for the upcoming weekend. A cou
ple of people in the office were planning to take off and go
to a large car show in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina.
A few days before the event I told Norma we should fly
down to Myrtle Beach on Saturday morning, go to the car
show, and after an evening at a hotel on the beach, fly
back home on Sunday. Around 10:00 a.m. on Saturday
the sun did its job and burned off the fog. We loaded up
and covered the 220 miles in about 50 minutes of flying
time. The people at Ramp 66 at the North Myrtle Beach
airport had our car waiting.
The Waccamaw outlet parking lot, where the car show
was being held, was only 15 miles down the road from the
airport, but the automobile trip consumed two hours of
time! Once we approached t he parking lot, we were on
our own to find a parking place. Once we fo und aspot to
park, we were able to walk around and look at whatever
we wanted to see. Everywhere you turned there were rows
of beautiful autos to view. Most exhibited great craftsman
ship, and many incorporated very original ideas and paint
jobs. Each time you saw something new you'd begin to
wonder, "How did they do it?"
Is this beginning to sound familiar?
There were vendors selling everything from old parts to
new kit cars. This was a surprise to me, as it has been 25 or
30 years since I had been to one of these shows. I was re
ally surprised at the variety and quality of the kits now
available . Today's kits are a long way from a 1960s-era
Volkswagen Beetle conversion using a fiberglass dune
buggy body!
From an organizational standpoint, the best I could de
termine, there was a group or organization that invited
different car clubs to attend . Some clubs had as many as
35 autos attending the show. The refreshment stands ran
out of drinks by 12:30 p.m. For what looked like 10 acres
of show grounds, I saw approximately four "porta-johns,"
but everyone looked happy.
When it was time to leave, there was no one to guide

traffic out of the lot. You were on your own to drive out of
the show. Without a group of well-organized people and a
plan to move cars effectively, leaving was anarchy. It took
two full hours to get out of the traffic and back to the
beachfront hotel. Adjusting for the fact that I was a rookie
at this event, and didn't know any shortcuts, I was stuck
following the rest of the herd. Next year I will be prepared
and know which way the traffic is flowing!
Many things struck me about the way this event was
run. Folks seemed to have a certain level of expectation re
garding the car show, and the show met them. When we
attend a fly-in, we've come to expect a certain level of or
ganization. Over the years both national and local EAA
Chapter fly-ins have evolved to include many things we
have come to take for granted. As a rule, we receive a high
level of service from those who put on a fly-in . We have
developed a high-quality group of volunteers who under
stand this level of service. I recall that in the mid to late
1960s many fly-ins were low-key events. The trip to this
car show made me remember how it used to be. Some of it
made me smile, as I remembered the fun we had, and
some memories made me wince, as I recalled the difficul
ties we overcame to make local events more enjoyable.
I'd like to emphasize that the car show attendees
seemed to have as good a time as I did, so I'm not com
plaining. It wasn't a negative experience. I didn't see an
unhappy person during that Saturday. We can take a les
son from that as well. Do we sometimes expect too much
from each other? The remarkable events we enjoy during
the year all require organized effort, most often by volun
teers. They deserve not only our thanks, but if pOSSible,
our participation. It all goes a bit smoother if we add our
efforts to the mix!
The new pending proposal for the sport pilot program
sure has been generating a lot of positive discussion
around the airports I have visited lately. I have not heard
one person speak up and say that it is a bad idea. Every
person that I have talked to relates the hope that the sport
pilot certificate will come to pass. We'll keep you posted.
In the June issue of Vintage Airplane we will have com
plete coverage of the 2001 Sun 'n Fun EAA Fly-In. If you
want to know if your buddy won an award, the VAA
awards list is published on page 3 of this issue.
Now is the time for you to become more serious about
your visit to EAA AirVenture Oshkosh 2001. Let's all pull
in the same direction for the good of aviation. Remember,
we are better together. Join us and have it all.

compiled by H.G. Frautschy

Each year VAA members and con

vention chairmen get together to
spruce up the VAA grounds. This year's
VAA Work Weekend will take place
May 18-20. You can fly in, drive in, or
walk in, and you're welcome to camp
or, if space is available, stay in the EAA
volunteer bunkhouse.
For those who come to Oshkosh to
lend their volunteer labor, there will be
a tour of the EAA AirVenture Museum
on Friday night and a cookout on
Saturday evening. To volunteer, please
contact either Bob Brauer, 9345 S.
Hoyne, Chicago, IL 60620, e-mail:, or Bob Lumley,
1265 South 124th St., Brookfield, WI
53005, e-mail:
Drop them a note and let them
know you'd like to volunteer. Be sure
to give them a daytime phone number
so they can call and brief you on the
work weekend plans. See you there!

This year's VAA picnic will be held

on Thursday evening, July 26. The
exact location of the annual social
event on the EAA grounds has yet to
be determined. For more details and
tickets, be sure to stop in at the VAA
Red Barn information center. The pic
nic is always a great way for you and
your fellow VAA members to meet for
an evening of food and fellowship.
Join us!

Aviation enthusiasts have a rare

opportunity to discover the history and
intricacies of the famous "Tin Goose,"
the Ford Tri-Motor, during ground
school sessions hosted at Oshkosh by
the EAA Aviation Foundation in
October 2001.
The ground school sessions are open
to both pilots and non-pilots who are
interested in this historic aircraft,
which became one of America's first
successful passenger aircraft during the

MAY 2001

1920s and '30s. The ground school will

be instructed by pilots who actually fly
EAA's 1929 model of the Tri-Motor at
Oshkosh and to locations throughout
the country. Participants will also have
a chance to log dual instruction time in
the Tri-Motor with experienced mem
bers of EAA and the National
Association of Flight Instructors (NAFI).
Enrollment is now open for the ses
sions scheduled October 12-14 and
October 19-21. Tuition is $450 for EAA
members and $550 for nonmembers,
which includes materials, meals, lodg
ing, and flight time.

The Phillips 66 Company will again

Foundation's Young Eagles program,
which has introduced more than
670,000 young people to the world of
flight since 1992, through the compa
ny's aviation fuel rebate program.
Phillips 66 has renewed its aviation
fuel rebate program every year since
1994 to help ensure Young Eagles
meets its goal of flying one million
young people by the end of 2003.
The Phillips 66 rebate program is
available year-round for individual
flights or Young Eagles flight rallies.
Eligible pilots who apply can receive a
$1 rebate on each gallon of aviation
gasoline used for Young Eagles flights.
To qualify, pilots must purchase avia
tion gasoline at a Phillips 66 FBO with
a Phillips 66 credit card. Rebates are
available only for purchases of Phillips
66 100LL aviation gasoline.
In 2000, volunteer pilots flew
approximately 100,000 Young Eagles
as the program continues to make sig
nificant progress toward its goal. The
yearlong rebate program from Phillips
66 has become increasingly popular as
Young Eagles participation includes
more pilots and young people.
Any EAA member, pilot, or Chapter
or any pilot from partner organiza
tions authorized by the EAA Aviation
Foundation can participate in the
rebate program.
Fuel receipts or copies must be
mailed, along with a signed statement
confirming the fuel was used for the
Young Eagles program, to:
Young Eagles Rebate Offer
Phillips 66 Company
617 Adams Building
Bartlesville, OK 74004
Only Phillips 66 issues the fuel

rebates, not individual FBOs. Pilots can

apply for the Phillips 66 credit card by
calling 1-800-DO-APPLY (800-362
7759) from 9 a.m . to 5 p.m. (Central
Time) Monday through Friday or by
accessing the Phillips 66 Aviation web

If you own a Piper PA-18 or PA-19

aircraft and it has the Cub Crafters Inc.
brake master cylinder conversion (STC
SA 1245CE) incorporated, you should
have received a notice of a Special
Airworthiness Information Bulletin
issued by the FAA that calls attention to
Cub Crafters mandatory service bul
letin No. 0001, dated December 14,
2000. It requires an inspection and the
replacement of the Cub Crafters master
cylinder piston. Cub Crafters will sup
ply the kit required to comply with the
service bulletin at no cost if the installa
tion is complete and the replaced parts
are returned to Cub Crafters no later
than July 1, 2001. They can be contact
ed at P.O. Box 9823, Yakima, WA
98909, phone: 509-248-9491, fax: 509
248-1421, or you can e-mail Nathan
Richmond for more information at Remember,
this is only for Super Cubs that have
been modified with the Cub Crafters
STC, not those Super Cubs with the
standard Piper (Scott) brake system.

The American Moth Club welcomes

members of all International Moth
Clubs and de Havilland enthusiasts to
this year's Moth Club Dinner. Join
them Friday evening, July 27, at 7:30
p.m. at the Pioneer Inn, Oshkosh.
David Baker, founding member of the
Diamond Nines Tiger Moth
Demonstration Team and longtime
instructor, will be the featured after
dinner speaker. Directions will be
provided during Friday morning's
Moth Forum, presented by Mike
Maniatis, president of the American
Moth Club. The forum time and tent
number will be published in the
convention program and on EAA's
AirVenture Oshkosh 2001 website at
R.S.V.P. Steve Betzler bye-mail,, or fax, 262-368


Grand Champion
Stearman PT-l?

Tim Kirby and Gene Moore,

Ocala, FL

Best Transport
Douglas DC-3
Continental Airlines, Dallas, TX

Outstanding Classic Aircraft

Piper J-3 Cub

Dennis and Nancy Garrett,

Hudson, FL

CLASSIC {1946-1955}

Reserve Grand Champion

Waco QCF-2
Mirabella Yachts, Ft. Pierce, FL

Grand Champion Custom Classic

Cessna 140

Marty and Sharon Lochman,

Newalla, OK

Best Antique Custom

Stearman PT-l?

Russ Luigis, Bandera, TX

Best Restored Classic 0-100 HP

Taylorcraft BC-12D

]. M. Ramsey, Anderson, SC

Best Silver Age 1928-1932

Waco CTO

Mike Araldi, Lakeland, FL

Best Restored Classic over 165 HP

Cessna 195

Reed Somberg, Miami, FL

Best WWII Era 1942-1945

Howard DGA

Theodore Patecell,

Ft. Lauderdale, FL

Best Custom Classic 0-100 HP

Aeronca ?AC
Donis B. Hamilton and William R.
Morgan, Paragould, AK

Contemporary Age 1933-1941

Stinson SR-lOJ

Peter Lloyd and Bill Torso,

Miami, FL

Best Custom Classic 101-165 HP

Piper Tri-Pacer PA 22-150
Mike Steele, Walnut Cove, NC

Best Cabin
Fairchild F-24
Patrick McAlee, Belews Creek, NC

Best Custom Classic over 165 HP

Stinson 108-1 Voyager

Steve and Bill Smith,

Long Beach, CA

Best Monoplane
Monocoupe 90
Bob Coolbaugh, Manassas, VA

Outstanding Classic Aircraft

Cessna 195
Sam R. Jones, The Woodlands, TX

Best Biplane
Travel Air 2000
Bar Eisenhauer, Winter Haven, FL

Outstanding Classic Aircraft

Taylorcraft BC 12-D

Bill Scott, Spring Hill, FL

Outstanding Classic Aircraft

Aeronca ?AC

Brad Scott, Canton, GA

Outstanding Classic Twin

Beechcraft D-18
Michael and Corie Greenblatt,
Midland, GA

CONTEMPORARY {1956-1960}
Best Authentic
Beechcraft Bonanza
Richard P. Jones, Mukilteo, W A
Best Custom
Cessna 210

John Bragdon, Lakeland, FL

Outstanding in Type
Meyers 200
]. Michael Araldi, Lakeland, FL
Outstanding in Type
Piper Comanche PA 24-250
Gregory Davis and Ronnie Cox,
Ft. Lauderdale, FL



Dear Buck,
I just read your article on the
Freon tank pre-oiler in the December
2000 issue of Vintage Airplane.
I had an occasion to use the same
priming method but didn't want to
go to very much trouble to modify
the Freon tank, so I didn't. The prob
lem is getting two or so quarts of oil
into the tank through that little hole
in the valve. Here's how I did it:
It's quite simple to do if you have
a vacuum pump. First, make sure no
Freon remains in the tank.
Then, using a hose that will with
stand the vacuum, attach the pump
and evacuate the tank. Close the
valve and disconnect the vacuum
pump line.
Now attach your flexible hose to
the valve on the Freon tank and
submerse the other end in a quart of
aviation oil. Open the valve on the
tank, and the oil will be sucked in
to the tank. To get the second quart
of oil in the tank, close the valve,
immerse the flexible hose in the sec
ond quart and open the valve on

4 MAY 2001

the tank.
When you have the proper
amount of oil in the tank, let it con
tinue filling with air until the
pressure in the tank is equalized
with ambient air pressure. Now con
nect it to your air compressor and
pressurize the tank to about 40 psi
or so. Connect it to the oil gallery as
mentioned in the article and open
the valve to force oil into the en
gine's oil passages.
You will have to invert the tank
when you are priming your freshly
overhauled engine. It works great!
Keep it clean in case you need to use
it for this purpose again.
Mike Hartman
(Via e-mail)
VAA 16638

Bridgeport, Michigan

local airport. I don't know the model,

but by oldest brother made a model
of it, which we kept for many years.
I'm looking forward to the next in
stallment in the April issue.
Thanks for a good magazine.
Donald D. Watt, Sr.
Hampton, VA

Thanks for your note, Donald. A few

members have called to mention they
had witnessed the airmail pickup system
in action. We really appreciate longtime
member Earl Stahl sharing this well-re
searched article with his fellow
members, and encourage any of you
with a story to tell to contact the editor
at the address listed on page 31. The
conclusion of Earl's three-part series be
gins on page 5.



Thumbing through the March is
sue of Vintage Airplane, the article
about Dr. Adams and the airborne
pick-up and delivery of mail brought
back memories of my youth in
Thomasville, Georgia,
which is mentioned in
the article. The experi
ments there were carried
out at Archbold Planta
tion with Dick Archbold
as a supporter or backer.
The tests were men
tioned in the local paper
but I don't remember the
year. Dick Archbold was
an explorer (New Guinea,
I believe) and once
bought a twin-engine,
twin-tailed Sikorsky am
phibian (probably a
Sikorsky S-38-Ed) to the

HI, H.G.,
Weldon Cooke was John Thorp's
cousin (of Thorpe T-18 homebuilt
fame) and his inspiration to take up
where Weldon left off, as an aircraft
designer. Weldon was a real innova
tor. Today he's all but forgotten.
Among other thing, he made the
first inverted in-line installation and
a flying boast of advanced concept.
Weldon was killed when John was
four years old, so he never really
knew his cousin, although he re
membered a flight Weldon made
over the family home. John's mother
was a Locke and he was raised in the
historic Locke family home, at Lock
eford, California, which had been
Cooke's home early on. John died
there in 1992.
John Underwood
Glendale, CA

At war's end, a newcomer, Col.

Robert M. Love, returning to civilian
life from the Air Transport Com
mand, was selected to become the
new president of All American Avia
tion. It was expected he would bring
a new vision to guide AAA into the
future, but many employees were un
happy with his appointment. They
thought he might undertake to run
the company like the Army or, even
worse, a large airline. It was soon
learned he, in turn, had no admira
tion for the "hair-raising aspects of
pickups" as well as the "wild, individ
ualized tactics of some of the pilots."
Aside from the challenge of win
ning the confidence of the staff,
Love immediately had other prob
lems. With peace in Europe and the
Pacific, war materials contracts were
being canceled and folks were com
ing home; this caused regular and
express mail volumes to plummet .
Further, at a time when operating
costs were escalating, the CAB had
not boosted payment rates. Also, un

expectedly, American Airlines' trunk

line service to Huntington, West
Virginia, was terminated. That action
wiped out the means to rapidly move
airmail and air express packages be
yond the terminus of Routes 49A
and 49B. So, a new terminal serviced
by major airlines had to be recom
mended and approved. In due
course, Cincinnati, Ohio, was ap
proved. Once that was done, six
additional pickup stations were
added to Route 49B between Hunt
ington and Cincinnati (Graphic 6).
When added to the fleet, two new
Beechcraft D-19CTs and one up
graded Noorduyn Norseman aircraft
had been expected to provide some
relief to the weary flight equipment
situation . However, the Beech's en
gines, designed by Wright for WW-II
tanks, but adapted and manufac
tured for aircraft by Continental,
proved to be unsatisfactory. With as
few as 300 hours of use, many over

hauls were necessary. Thus, mainte

nance costs were excessive and
equipment lay-ups unacceptabl e.
During one period of time, as many
as nine engines in various states of
availability were needed to keep the
two Beechcrafts airworthy.
As if that was not enough, once
the modernized, Single-engine Noor
duyn was placed in service, it rapidly
became unpopular with pilots. Cap
tain Harvey Thompson explained
pickup planes had to respond at once
to control inputs. The Noorduyn, "a
good, stable plane" was much less
nimble than the Stinson SR-lOCs. In
turbulence, he said, a pilot could feed
in aileron control to pick up a wing
without receiving the immediate re
quired response . It was similarly
sluggish about the pitch axis. With
pilots wary because of lagging control
response, the craft was relegated to
backup use, and then offered for sale.
Three more tragic accidents would

Beech's D-18CT certainly looked as though it would be a great match for the air pickup system, with twin-engine reliability and speed, along
with a roomy cabin . This Beech photo was taken at their Wichita, Kansas, facility during the testing phase.

6 MAY 2001

occur before pickup airmail be

came history. In April 1947, at
Bellefonte, Pennsylvania, the
hook disengaged from the
boom, allowing it to wave about
in the airstream. To prepare for
another pickup try, the hook
had to be returned to the cabin.
Some fellow crewmembers be
lieve during the procedure, the
hook somehow contacted the
trailing edge of the horizontal
stabilizer, where it remained fas
tened. When the attached rope
was tensioned to draw the hook
to the hatch, the action caused
the elevator to be pulled down,
thus causing the plane to dive
abruptly to earth. Captain
Gearhart Porter and
Robert Schneider were
Then, eight months
later on a clear, calm
morning, Beechcraft D
18CT, NC80011, was
making its way along
Route 498, Pittsburgh to
Cincinnati. At Wellsburg,
West Virginia, a routine
exchange of cargo was
made. However, as the
plane pulled up, the right
wing folded; it struck the
earth 6S0-feet beyond the
pickup poles, claiming
the lives of Captain
Thomas Bryan and flight
mechanic Burger Bechtel.
With that occurrence,
the Twin Beechs were (Top) Once put into service, the Beech 1S's proved to be a challenge to keep in the air, as the Wright engines
grounded by President did not last long on the low-level mail runs. The short overhaul intervals kept operating costs higher than
Robert Love. Various gov anticipated .
ernment agencies, along (Bottom) NXS0011, sister ship to NXS0010, was later involved in a fatal crash when the right wing failed dur
with Beech Aircraft Cor ing the pull up after a mail pickup. It was later determined that excessive pickup speeds and high speed runs
poration searched for the in turbulence between stations subjected the twin Beech to higher loads than AAA led Beech to believe
would be encountered.
cause. It was determined
the lower spar cap failed
in tension just outboard of the wing however, took the position the speeds were frequently 14S-1SS mph.
attachment bolts. The National planes were designed to AAA's speci Further, there were reports of test
Transportation Safety Board along fications for flight conditions less pickups having been made at 200
with the Federal Aviation Agency severe than frequently encountered, plus mph. Beech concluded that
claim to have no copies of the inves contending 130 mph pickup speeds high-speed operations at low alti
tigative reports in their files. Beech, were projected, but in service, pickup tudes, commonly 20 to 1,000 feet,

These three shots show the

military surplus Noorduyn UC
64A Norseman V briefly used
by All American Aviation. The
two photos showing the pick
up and drop-off of a mail con
tainer were taken at two dif
ferent times during trials in
Montreal, Canada.
After being placed into service,
AAA's pilots soon discovered
the airplane's slower roll and
pitch response to control
inputs made the UC-64 a poor
choice for work on the air
pickup routes.



AM - 49


(1 946- 4 9)




Served 121 commun i t i es i n

) "

6 states from 88 pi ckup

stat i ons



subjected the plane to five-to-ten

times as many air gusts with two-to
three times the severity of roughness
encountered by average air trans
ports. Beech NC 80011 had flown a
total of only 2,324 hours.
Just weeks before the end of
pickup service, Captain Bill Burkhart
had to land at the Clarksburg, West
Virginia, Airport to unload cargo
that was too large to drop. Upon de
parting, the Stinson was observed to
travel further along the runway, and
then climb more slowly than ex
pected . Nearing a hill, the ship
turned away with the angle of bank
becomingincreasingly steep. Upon
stalling, it plunged vertically to earth
where it burned. Along with the pi
lot , flight mechanic William
Steinbrenner perished. Inexplicably,
the takeoff had been made with the
propeller set at high pitch.

As the nation moved forward in

peace, more normal functions of
government were being restored. The
CAB undertook a critical examina
tion to consider the future of pickup
mail. Among the issues raised were:
existing and projected volumes of

e t!l.1.!!



mail; value of such service to the

public; current and future costs to
the government. Particular attention
was focused on the Post Office De
partment's dwindling support
because they had successfully intro
duced mobile highway units that
moved mail at optimum times , for
well under 50 percent of air pickup

A devastating blow to All Ameri

can came in August 1947 when the
CAB finally rejected the long-stand
ing application for combined pickup
and revenue passenger carrying
flights. Confronted by these realities,
AAA's top management moved for
authority to convert to a conven
tional, short-haul passenger airline.
In early 1948 All American was
granted approval to provide such ser
vice in the Middle Atlantic Region.
With that good news they moved
quickly to acquire a fleet of war-sur
plus C-47s converted to the DC-3C
configuration by Douglas Aircraft
Company. Under a new name, All
American Airways, their first flight
occurred on March 7, 1949, Wash
ington, DC to Pittsburgh, with six

stops for passengers enroute.

Pickup service would wind down
over the next three months. With a
familiar, reliable, tough but tired
Stinson SR-10C, the final flight was
made on June 30, 1949 . Most fit
tingly (and poignantly) Chief Pilot
Norman Rintoul, and flight me
chanic, Victor Yesu laites, who had
made the first run ten years earlier,
brought the activity to close . Mail
had been transported over 11.5 mil
lion miles, with almost 630,000
delivery/pickups enroute. During the
period about 30 pilots carried out the
spectacular activity. Seven lives were
lost, all in the latter years after routes
were familiar and procedures rou
Successfully carrying mail and ex
press is not the only legacy . All
American 's personnel also developed
and refined the apparatus and proce
dures to enable, in war-time, the
pickup of humans from remote and
secret sites as well as the snatching
from earth and towing of troop and
cargo-carrying gliders. It should fur
ther be noted that All American
Airways was the root airline of what,
over 50-plus years, grew to become a
major airline, US Airways.

Glenn Peck's superb restoration

of a Curtiss Robin is now flying

by AI Stix, Sr.
10 MAY 2001

Photos by Don Parsons

he complexities of rebuilding a vintage aircraft vary

in direct proportion to the desired results to which
the rebuilder aspires. How many of us have begun a
project; simply with the idea of getting the aircraft back in
the air as quickly and easily as possible-only to find that
three years later, we were only halfway there? Few of us
have the luxury of making these rebuilds a full-time eHort:
earning a living always seems to get in the way.

Rolling down the dew-covered grass runway

in the Missouri river bottom land of Creve
Coeur airport, the Robin needs only 600 feet
of ground run before taking to the air.

n 1983 I bought one-half of a Cur

tiss Robin project. The idea was
that I would pay for the aircraft,
and my partner would rebuild it-his
half being the value of that labor ex
pended during the rebuild. Within
three months, the fuselage had been
covered, an interior started, and the
OX-5 Tank engine, with which it was
to be powered, had been disassem
bled for inspection and rebuild. I
fully expected to make it to Oshkosh
in 1984. Boy, was I ever a neophyte!
In 1998 I purchased the other
half of the project. The earlier work,
such as it was, had been ruined by
the Midwest Flood of 1993. Most of
the OX-5 parts had been either lost
or damaged during the moves that
ensued. The project was placed in
the hands of Glenn Peck, who has,
since 1993, been the head of mainte
nance and restoration at the Historic
Aircraft Restoration Museum. And
the fun began.
Glenn's first order of business was
to make an inventory of parts. Hav
ing restored a Continental-powered
Robin some years earlier in Califor
nia, the aircraft type was familiar to
him-at least firewall back. The ma
jor pieces, like fuselage, landing gear,
wings, control surfaces, empennage
and supporting struts were identifi
able. The hard part was finding the
"little stuff." Things such as beIl
cranks, fittings, trim cables, throttle

12 MAY 2001

linkages, etc. were all scattered about.

Dick Fischer and Lane Tufts made it
a pOint to come to Creve Coeur Air
port in St. Louis. Together with
Glenn, they all spent hours going
through buckets of rusty fittings that
had been rescued from the muck of
the flood. Each bucket surrendered a
few encrusted gems, and they man
aged to find missing pieces of the
plane that we hadn't even realized
were missing! It was the kind of help
for which no amount of monetary
compensation could ever repay the
debt owed for time saved and ques
tions answered.
The fuselage was first uncovered.
Several places had to be repaired.
Tubing had to be removed, straight
ened or replaced, and gussets formed
or re-welded. Drawings were con
sulted: Why didn't our pieces look
like the draWings? What "shade tree
aircraft mechanic" changed this or
that all those many years ago? More
questions were asked than seemed
answerable. But by using a little 1928
logic and a few more trips through
the buckets to find that vaguely re
membered, crud-covered part that
was suddenly identified as being nec
essary, Glenn was able to piece
everything together.
The original air wheels made the
airplane look stodgy-so Fisher's fab
ulous 30x5's were used: adding a
little dignity to an airplane that

needs some. Of course, axles had to

be changed, hub castings and back
plates made, brakes modified, etc.
The gear needed to be rebuilt: new
springs for old. Just for sport (hey, it
never hurts to ask!) a call was made
out to Lambert Field. After all, didn't
they make them there? Yeah , 75
years ago! Chevron seals, you say?
Good luck! But pretty soon, there it
was, on the landing gear. And, check
out the brass "hub caps" on thos e
30x5's! Glenn cast them from
scratch, since the originals were too
far gone to use.
How many aircraft restorers can
sew up their own mohair upholstery
interiors, while they're waiting for
paint to dry on the new fabric they
just put on the tail surfaces? Or make
the little "pulls," complete with brass
grommets that go on the windows,
which, just like in 1928, can be raised
and lowered in flight. The wicker
seats were sent out, twice. While not
100 percent perfect yet, they look
neat and are surprisingly comfort
Unbelievably, Forest Lovley found
the Consolidated instrument cluster,
original to this particular aircraft. His
restoration of this polished jewel re
ally sets Glenn's interior off, and it's
the correct piece, too. All comple
mented by the polished wood in the
floors and on the door and win
The wings, having been restored
by the previous owner, and kept out
of harm's way during the three "wet"
periods of Creve Coeur's history,
were now covered and finished with
Stits products. Although initially not
as glossy as "dope," much less prod
uct can be used in the interest of
lightness, and the gloss can be forth
coming. Next time you see a Robin,
see if it has the factory mounted
"gap" strips between the control sur
faces and spars. Glenn made and
installed those as per the factor y
drawings; where none had existed
before. Tail surfaces were also cov

ered and painted the factory yellow,

during this period. Boy, it was really
starting to come together!
Only "one" more little detail left.
The motor. The engine. The power
plant. The Tank.
The Museum currently has two
airworthy Curtiss OX-5 powered air
craft: a 1926 KR-31, and the neatest
aircraft on the planet, the 1916
Canuck. Our Robin was originally
OX-5 powered. At some point, the
engine was replaced with its air
cooled bigger brother, developed by
the Tank brothers at Milwaukee Parts

Corporation. Basically an OX-5 en

gine bottom end, with air-cooled
cylinders, this power plant develops
115 HP at 1,650 rpm-25 more than
its original Sibling. The twin spark
plug installed in each cylinder and
more normal valve train arrange
ment were two of the most
important improvements the Tank
engine had over the stock OX en
gine-although before its last gasp
the OX-5 had matured into the
OXX-6. If the Miller gear was added,
the result became a much more reli
able power plant than the original
OX-5 configuration.
Our hope chest was filled with
what appeared to be enough parts to

(Right) The land surrounding

the airport is some of the best
cropland in the Midwest.
Glenn Peck, the Robin's chief
restorer, guides the 100 mph
monoplane over one of the
local farm fields.
(Below) The Robin flies by
slowly in the morning light, its
Tank engine chugging along
at 1,500 rpm.

build one and a half good Tank en

gines-except for a couple of cast
exhaust manifolds and some pis
tons. They had become corroded
during exposure to the urea-satu
rated floodwater and were either
unusable or missing altogether. De
spite a long-running advertisement
in Trade-A-Plane, most always a cer
tain bet to obtain anything needed,
no pistons or manifolds were forth
coming. But with the help of Dick
Jackson, we arranged the purchase of
enough parts to build several OX-5
and Tank engines. Included were
several dozen pistons and the re
quired number of manifolds. Ah
hah, success at last! But not quite

yet ...
In the purchase was a Tank en
gine, which had, unfortunately,
been hurt when the aircraft it was
propelling fell to earth. It was super
fiCially dinged, not too badly
damaged. But when the time finally
arrived to build up the power plant,
we were amazed to find the pistons
were Wiseco slipper pistons of a type
most suited for "hopped up" 350 cu
bic inch Chevy's. Bad dodo.
So began more frantic searching
for the right pistons. But now the
problem was more complex. In order
to fit those slipper pistons, all the
cylinders had been bored out to plus
ten, too big for even our crummy

Also a part of the Historic Aircraft Museum collection at Creve Coeur, the OX-5 powered
Curtiss Canuck flies in formation with the Robin.

The water-cooled OX-5 in the Curtiss Jenny and Canuck was improved by the Milwaukee
Parts Corporation's Tank engine modification . The Tank, which used the bottom end of the
OX-5, was an air-cooled version with improved cylinders and manifolds. By installing a Tank,
the lower weight of the engine installation and increased horsepower combined to give bet
ter cruise and climb performance.
14 MAY 2001

standard pistons, and not large

enough for what was available in
suitable pistons, plus twenty. We felt
that going twenty thousands over on
a stock Tank cylinder was unwise
there is no data to support this larger
bore. And really, no correct pistons
"Not to worry," said Glenn "I'll
just make a mold, and we'll get some
cast up." Yeah, right. But this uphol
stering fool has even more talents,
and mold making was one of them.
In no time, the mold was made,
proofed, pistons cast, machined, and
fitted. It started on the first pull!
The existing sheet metal that sur
rounds the cowling was made, it was
promised, for an OX Tank-powered
Robin. Robin red breast, maybe. Not
a Curtiss Robin. The nose bowl was
close, and could be modified. But the
top cowling had to be raised and lou
vered to clear the tops of the
cylinders, so a new one had to be
hammered out. And then done
again, for the spare engine, which
had been fitted into the mounts as a

(Top) When the original hubcaps proved to be too far corroded

and damaged to be restorable, Glenn knew what to do-he
simply recast them!
(Right) Wicker seats and nickel-plated controls, not to mention
the beautifully restored Consolidated instrument cluster in the
center of the panel, all combine to make this restoration a real
gem. Glenn Peck's attention to detail in the entire restoration
is highlighted in the smoothly curved fuel lines running along
side the forward window frames.

pattern turned out to be about a

quarter of an inch shorter than the
engine, which was to be used for
flight. Happy days.
Finally, after two years of steady
work, on June 29, 2000, Curtiss
Robin, N263E, was ready for its first
hop. With its tailskid supported by a
small dolly, the orange and yellow
wonder trundled out to the east/west
grass runway at Creve Coeur, the
dew glistening off its 30x5 smooth
ies. Gently the tailskid was lifted off
the dolly and the big bird was aimed
into what little wind was available.
Glenn eased the throttle forward.
Shaking herself stiffly, like an old
dog that had been lying too long in
the sun, this 72-year-old newborn
lifted easily into the sky. For those of
us standing by the side of the strip,
the thing we marveled at most was
the muted sound of the engine, as it
continued to lift the Robin into the
sky. No growly rasp of a modern en
gine, not even the throatiness of a
radial. Just the gentle purr of an old

gentleman taking his lady friend out

for an early morning stroll. After a
few circuits Glenn brought her
down, making the perfect three
painter that we all expected. The
eight probe cylinder temperature
gauge, fitted for the break-in period,
was reading slightly higher than an
tiCipated. After carefully inspecting
the aircraft, and finding nothing
more serious than a minor oil drip,
Glenn restarted the Tank engine on
the first pull.
The takeoff roll again was noted
for its lack of drama; and within 600
feet of ground run the Robin was
once again aloft . Ever since initial
run-up, the engine has gained power
steadily. This has been manifested in
the ability of the V-8 to absorb more
and more pitch in the Hamilton
Standard propeller. With almost
every flight, more performance has
been extracted from the motor-un
til at present, an honest 90 mile per
hour cruise speed at 1,500 rpm has
been achieved, without degrading

climb performance at all.

The Robin was rigged to exact fac
tory specifications, and only a slight
vertical fin adjustment was neces
sary to maintain perfect trim.
Anyone who has flown a Robin, or
just about any other aircraft from
that era knows there is no such thing
as "hands off" flight. Like a drunk
running across a plowed field with
his shoelaces tied, the Curtiss seems
to lurch across the sky, its ailerons
sluggish, despite the gap strips de
signed by the factory. But once you
settle back in the surprisingly com
fortable wicker seats, slide down the
window, and stop trying to force the
aircraft into holding too tight a
heading; the pilot and airplane seem
to get along pretty well together.
The whole ambience of planes from
this era makes one think of things
like village greens, badminton games
on a Sunday afternoon, and trying
to sleep without air-conditioning in

-continued on page 30

at gives with that color?

We'll answer that question
right away - it's Cessna Air
master Green and yellow. Brigh t
colors were one of the ways Ameri
cans tried to pull themselves out of
the doldrums that came with the
Great Depression. Airplane manufac
turers certainly weren't immune to
the idea of perking things up a bit, so
Waco, Cessna and others all used
bright colors to help boost product
awareness. The exceptionally bright
green Cessna chose for the Airmas
ter certainly stood out back in the
1930s, and it still does. Love it or
hate it, you just can't turn away
from the colorful airplane when
you first see it.
Back in the 1970s, Arnold and
Margaret Miller of Osseo, Michigan,
put their Taylorcraft in storage after
it was damaged, intending to restore
it. But time seemed to slip away, and
after 18 years it was time to let it go.
Ron heard about the airplane from a
friend, and made arrangements to
drive out from New York and pick up
the project.
At about the same time Ron went
to Michigan, Brian Marchetti was fin
ishing his Pitts S-2. Brian was doing
the work with Ron, who runs his
FBO with his son, Michael. As the
Pitts was nearing completion, he re
alized he would miss working on an
airplane project, so he asked Ron ,
"What's next?"
The "what's next" was on its way
to him, tied down to a trailer.
What Ron found in Michigan was
a very complete project, with all the
hard to find pieces still with the air
plane. He was pleased to find that
the Millers had been careful to store
the airplane in a dry barn. When he
got the airplane home, he offered the
project to Brian, who jumped at the
Neither Ron, Michael nor Brian
had done a Taylorcraft in the past, so
a crash course in learning about the
type was begun. With all the pieces
spread out on the hangar shop floor,
the airplane looked like a kit with no
directions included. Where exactly
did each part go? And just what is
that odd looking fairing used on?
Manuals were gathered, drawings be
gan to come in, and the wings, which
had been started, were reworked with
new spars and many new ribs.


18 MAY 2001

The cockpit of the Taylorcraft is neatly appointed with a crinkle finish paint and instruments that were refur
bished by the legendary Keystone Instruments of Lock Haven, Pennsylvania.

When first built by Taylorcraft,

the wings were covered using Martin
fabric clips. For those not familiar
with the Martin system, which is still
available, it consists of a 25-foot
length of stainless steel wire, which
has a barbed clip formed every 3
inches. Each of these barbs is inserted
in small holes drilled every 3 inches
in metal ribs or control surfaces. The
bare ends of the wire are also inserted
in a hole in the rib to prevent them
from poking a hole through the tape.

Then standard surface tapes cover

the wire. The system seems to work
well in production environments,
and was standard equipment on Tay
lorcrafts. Some folks don't care for
the system, feeling that among other
factors, the rib is weakened by the
When it came time to attach the
fabric on this project, they decided to
rib stitch the wings, preferring the fa
miliar system of the hidden-stitch

When they got to the fuselage,

they found out something quite in
teresting. Their Taylorcraft was
actually two different airplanes,
welded in the middle. In 1975, the
airplane was damaged by a tornado,
and it needed a new aft fuselage. A
new back section was ordered from
the Taylorcraft factory, and it was
grafted onto the serviceable cabin
section. With the Taylorcraft fuselage
now straight and true, some work
continued, but progress was slow.
Eventually it wound up being stored.
The engine was overhauled in the
Jones shop, with careful attention
paid to the final balancing of the dy
namic components. Under Ron's
supervision, an engine shop special
izing in precision engine work was
commissioned to do the balancing.
Both remarked how smoothly the
Continental ran, thanks to this extra
step. While one of the original Ben
dix "tower" magnetos was retained,
the other was replaced with a Slick
magneto equipped with an impulse
coupling, which makes the 65 hp
Continental easier to start. They also
installed the "100 octane" valves,
hoping to stave off the erosion often
seen when the little Continentals are
run on a steady diet of lOOLL fuel.
As they began to assemble the air
plane, the restorers decided to replace
each sheet metal component. None
of the original fairings were used for
anything but patterns. Some of the
sheet metal was bought from the lat
est version of the Taylorcraft
company. Plenty of new, old stock
(NOS) parts went into the restora
Since it was not a full time project,
it took the gang two years to finish
the project. After Brian had flown the

Pitts he built for a while, he sold it to

an airline pilot in Germany, so he
was without a light airplane to fly
(his airline job helped satiate some of
his flying desire, but it's just not the
The Taylorcraft now took all the
time he could spare to get it done.
Still, there was no major rush. Taking
their time, they sent out the instru
ments to Keystone Instruments in
Lock Haven, Pennsylvania. The
craftsmen at Keystone overhauled
the instruments and made new faces
for each of the dials. A nice black
crinkle finish was applied to the
panel. The exterior finish is Ran
dolph dope applied over Ceconite,
with PPG basecoat/c1ear coat on the
sheet metal. Years later, the
dope/polyurethane color match is
still very good, on what many would
consider a tough color match to
make in the first place.
Ron enjoys the dope over cotton
process, but for extra durability he
also feels comfortable using the dope
on Dacron system and has also used
urethane paints over the synthetic
fabric. Because of his experience with
their product quality control, he par
ticularly likes Randolph products.
A couple of years of work went
into the project, and when it came
out of the shop doors, it immediately
started turning heads. The checker
board tail and yellow and green
combination did the trick.
Jim Herpst had been an airport kid
growing up. His dad, Rolland, was an
EAAer from back in the 1960s, and
was actively involved in the restora
tion of Taylorcraft NC43831, a
project put together by EAA Chapter
68. As a lad of 11 Jim rode with his
dad all the way from the Pittsburgh,
Pennsylvania, area to
Oshkosh, landing at the
1970 Convention . While
he loved airplanes, it was
n't until 1995 thatJim
earned his private pilot's
license. In the back of his
mind he toyed with the
idea of airplane owner
ship, looking at the
various kits such as a Kit
fox or an Avid Mk IV. But
he knew that in the long
run none of those air
planes would really meet
his needs, so he began

When he was a youngster, Jim became

enamored with Taylorcrafts when his
father Rolland and other members of EM
Chapter 68 restored Taylorcraft NC43831
back in the late 1960s.

his search for the airplane he was

sure was just what he was looking
for-a Taylorcraft.
It took a few years to find the right
airplane, and as Jim talked on the
telephone to Brian Marchetti it really
sounded great. Right up to point
Brian mentioned the color scheme.
Jim recalled that the first words
out of his mouth were straight to the
"I don't want a green airplane!" he
"Just let me send you the pictures,"
replied Brian.
The pictures did the airplane jus
tice, and as soon as the envelope was
opened, Jim knew he was headed to
upstate New York to buy it. Brian in
sisted that Jim fly up on a US Air
buddy pass before he'd even let him
send some money to hold the air
He just fell in love with it, but
couldn't just write a check and take it
home. There was one little detail still
to be worked out. Jim didn't have
any tail wheel time in his logbook.
But that was soon remedied, as Jim
took instruction from a well-known
antiquer in the southeast United
States, Xen Motsinger. Xen got him
checked out so that when the Taylor
craft was flown from New York to
Lexington, South Carolina, he was
ready to get in a go. His first passen
ger? His dad, Rolland. He and his
father brought the airplane to Sun 'n
Fun and had a ball, enjoying the at
tention such a bright, well-restored
airplane can bring.
Jim's son Charlton really likes
dad's airplane as well-he's certain
that the path to an Air Force F-22 will
start with the Taylorcraft, and Jim's not
one to discourage such a thought.
Encouraging youngsters seems to be
part of the Herpst family tradition . ......


ast night I watched the last

episode of Ken Burns' docu
mentary, Jazz. For the rest of
the night I dreamed about New Or
leans, jazz, and the Funk airplanes
I've owned. As I write, Kenny G. is
playing Summertime and my "Ameri
can Queen" steamboat mug is filled
to the brim with hot, black coffee
made from beans brought back from
the last New Orleans steamboat trip.
I'm all set to spin you a story about
Funks, music, wash pipe, and how
these three things tie together.
My high school band director was
a neat guy. He not only loaned me
his sousaphone to play in the band,
he got me gigs to play in larger cities
with famous visiting orchestras. In
the late 1940s and early '50s the
Guggenheim Foundation was fund
ing tours of large orchestras to
smaller ci ties, and if I could get to
New Orleans with my horn (actually,
his horn) my band director would

20 MAY


arrange for me to play with bands

like the Boston Pops (under the di
rection of Arthur Fiedler!).
Who, me? Get there? Hey, I have
a Funk! The smaller sousaphone
would just barely fit, and if r turned
the bottom end of the bell up, r could
pull the yoke all the way back, which
I thought was important at the time.
It was not comfortable, but the flight
was only 3 hours long. Then I caught
the rubber-tire bus to the end of the
streetcar line and jumped on the
Streetcar Named Desire, which went
right by the Opera House.
Jazz crept into almost everything
we did in high school band. At foot
ball games we'd start playing as
directed by the leader, but after a
while the drummer, a fellow named
Bodad, was inspired to pick up a jazz
beat. Then a trumpeter named Bird
song would take a ride akin to When
the Saints go Marching In. Then Del
mas Jackson would join in on the


and that was it,

we'd switched to jazz. It was like the

"Second Line" at a New Orleans Jazz


The majorettes could really jive to

the beat and the whole band was
completely and wonderfully out of
control. The band director finally re
alized the audience liked our fooling
around better than the straight stuff.
I'll have to tell you we were good
back then, very good, and never
mind what we were supposed to play.
Little did we know it at the time, but
jazz was everywhere, and Ken Burns'
film brought back some of that thrill
of the times.
Being a highly trained "Funk Pi
lot" led me to later save the world
and contribute to the overall adven
ture of "Music to Fly By." I do not
recommend this for everyone, but I
had the unique adventure and privi
lege of flying and playing the world's

Music to fly by

Cllbs and

largest and loudest flute, not once
but at least a half dozen times.
As many of us know, there is a
whole lot more joy to flying than
just takeoffs, landings, and going
places. It's a feeling inside that lives
on well after the event, as the Funk
Brothers well know. Flight is a lot
like the music we hear and hum un
der our breath. Flashbacks of flight
are with us Funksters as we go about
our everyday lives . It's not music,
and yet it is, it's both and when we
c<;:>mbine the two, we really have
something to hang on to and cher
This story is one that I don't tell
normal (non-pilot) people, so I save
this for you guys. Anyone who has
n 't flown a Funk and knows of its
gentle nature, its superior flight
characteristics, would not under
stand that there's a whole lot more
to flight than just stick and rudder.
We 're talking about understanding

by Jon Schroeder

the soul of the airplane, our own

souls, and what can and cannot be
done in flight.
This took place in the mid-1950s
at the Karachi (Pakistan) Interna
tional Airport. I'd just returned from
my second pipeline run to and from
the drill camp. As I taxied the Cessna
195 up to the company hangar I saw
the most amazing, disturbing, and
distressing sight of my life. The local
fellows in turbans had loaded a piece
of wash pipe on my Super Cub! The
pipe, hanging from the wings, ran
span wise beneath the wing. It passed
through the cabin, through the
pushed-back left window, and right
through the open clam-shell door.
"Whose cockamamie idea is this?"
I asked myself as my passenge rs
climbed o ut of the Cessna and went
on their different ways. Approaching
the Cub in utter disbelief I asked ,
"Whose idea was this?"
"The tool pusher's," was the reply.

So I phoned Arlie Daniels, the tool

pusher. He was serious! He wanted
me to try and fly a piece of wash
pipe to the rig. Drilling at the rig had
stopped because of an earthquake,
and they needed the pipe to help
free the drill shaft.
I told him it wouldn't work!
Someone was going to get killed
and I had a very good idea just who
that might be.
"Just try it!" he said.
Arlie reminded me that I was the
one who sa id a Super Cub would
carry its own weight, and that a wash
pipe weighed less than 1,200
pounds. It was just crazy! That piece
of pipe was 29 feet long and the out
side diameter must have been 12
inches or more!
"Well, I'll show them that it won't
fly like thiS, and that will be the end
of this craziness," I thought. I in
spected the lash up , and it didn't
look too bad. They had tied the pipe

to each of the strut ends where they

meet the wings, to the tubing inside
the cabin, and everywhere they could
to relieve the stress at anyone place.
If that thing had ever let go, it would
have cut the Cub in half.
To be safe, I figured I'd better fly
from the back seat. That way, only
my feet would get crushed if the pipe
let go! As I got ready to fly, I thought,
"I'll show these fellows that a Cub
won't stand such abuse." I cranked
up and taxied slowly. As I maneu
vered to the active runway I thought,
"This is a heavy load. I'll use the
same technique I use with the 195. If
the tail won't come up, I'll return to
the ramp. But what if I can't hold the
nose up?"
I was sure that would be the end
of the test. All I had to do was run
away from the crash site. (It's always
a good thing to have a survival plan
for just these kinds of circumstances.)
I pushed the throttle forward and
away we went!
You know what? The thing flew!
It was heavy, with lift off at about
75 mph instead of 40, but the Cub
balanced out just fine. I cruised
about 85 or 90, in case there was
I turned and headed in the gen
eral direction of the drill rig. Flying
something strange like this and
meeting the challenge, elation re
placed fear. But something was very
strange about all of it. The engine
sounded too powerful, much too
powerful. When I pulled the throttle
back and forth I could barely per
ceive any change in the sound of the
engine, and I realized that the sound
wasn't the engine.
What was that noise? The pipe
had open ends. "Could that be mak
ing the noise?" I thought about the
time when we made an aluminum
model airplane wing in my sheet
metal shop. The open ends of the
wing made a howling sound as the
plane flew. "That must be it!" I fig
Kicking the rudder a bit produced
an overwhelming whistling sound. I
reached up and touched the pipe. It
was vibrating, and its tone and pitch
22 MAY


changed with the rudder's input. Fly

ing straight, the sound was a low,
whale-sounding cry. Kicking a little
rudder increased the pitch and vol
ume, as if it could get any louder! So
there I was, flying a Cub to the drill
site with a piece of wash pipe slung
under the wing, playing a tune as
we went.
With a little experimentation, us
ing various slips and yaws that only
a highly trained Funk pilot would
know, I found that I could play what
seemed to me like the rudiments of a
tune on this flying flute. I needed a
simple tune to play, just a simple
whistling tune.
The John Wayne movie, The High
and the Mighty, had not been released
at that time or that would have
surely been my choice of melodies to
try and play. I would be lying if I
told exactly which tune I tried to
play, but who would really know?
Probably something I learned on
the tuba.
I circled the rig, trying to play the
tune I'd just learned, but with the
noise from the rig, no one on the
ground heard anything except the
screeching sounds, changing pitch
with yaw. I lined up on a rogue camel
and set it down on the desert floor,
not too far from the rig. The crew
came out and gently removed the
pipe, and I flew the Cub back to town
for another piece of wash pipe.
It was late in the evening when I
got back, but the turbaned crew be
gan loading another piece of pipe on
the Cub for another pipe-flight early
the next morning. I took a rickshaw
to the bachelor's apartment, cleaned
up, ate a bite, and settled into my
bed. That night, I'm sure the music
was on my mind. What would I learn
to play the next day on the way out
to the rig?
I think I made about eight trips
with the Cub-and-pipe combination,
and each time I got just a little better
at playing the tunes. I'm not sure if
anyone appreciated the effort I made
to get the music just right, but that
kind of thing satisfies the soul of the
player, not the listener, just as must
be the case with jazz musicians.

Maybe this is why they close their

eyes when they play, as if to play
only for the angels.
Perhaps that was what I was doing
in Pakistan, and the angels didn't
have to be reminded to listen with
all the noise that wash pipe was mak
ing! I think the crew used six pieces
to wash over the drill line, seized in
its hole by the earthquake, and get it
unstuck. Now they could continue
drilling. Working around a drill crew
was fascinating, having done noth
ing more in growing up than going
to school and flying around the
country in a Funk or two, or three, or
four, or so.
The lesson to learn from all this
nonsense? I want us all to fly safely!
Enjoy our flying! Savor every mo
ment! Listen to the music of the
engine in flight. Try humming the
theme song from the The High and
the Mighty next time you fly your
Funk. Your hands on your Funk's
yoke will feel just like when the "Old
Pelican," bringing his leaking DC-6
home on two engines over the Pa
cific, flying between the Twin Peaks
as they let down safely into SFO. I
wish they'd bring that movie back.
On film, John Wayne was our kind
of pilot, don't you think? This is
NC91167, reporting from somewhere
out here.

Jon Schroeder, Cedar Park,

Texas is the current presi
dent of the Funk Owners
Association. For more infor
mation about the FOA,
contad Thad Shelnutt, 2836
California Av., Carmichael, CA
95808. Phone:
916.971.3452, e-mail: pilot The dues are
$12 per year for 10 issues of
the Funk Flyer newsletter.

This month's Mystery Plane is an

odd duck from the collection of air
plane photos supplied by Ralph
Nortell. It's a Fairchild Heritage Mu
seum photo.
Via the regular mail, send your an
swer to: EAA, Vintage Airplane, P.O.
Box 3086, Oshkosh, WI 54903-3086.
Your answer needs to be in no later
than June 5 for inclusion in the Au
gust issue of Vintage Airplane.
Because of changes in the Vintage
Airplane production schedule, we
had to move the due date back a bit.

Mar Mystery

by H.C. Frautschy

930 Brown Metalark I

X519V, the Brown Metalark I rests on Felts Field, Spokane, Washington in 1930. Its company
includes an Aeronca (-2, Stinson Junior and J-4 Eaglerock. (Ralph Nortell collection)

I'd strongly encourage our interna

tional members to correspond via
e-mail, as many of you are already
doing. Isn't technology handy?
All members can send your re
sponse via e-mail. Send your answer
Be sure to include both your name
and address (especially your city and
state!) in the body of your note and
put I/(Month) Mystery Plane" in the
subject line.
This month we did receive the
majority of the responses via e-mail,
including this note from England:

The February Mystery Plane is the

Brown Metalark I, XS19V, built by the
Brown Metalplane Co., Spokane, Wash
ington. Powered by a 6S-hp Velie M-S
engine it had a span of 20 feet 6 inches,
length also 20 feet 6 inches and a maxi
mum speed of 90 mph.
It first flew on 14 March 1930 and
was later destroyed in a hangar fire.
Vic Smith
Ickenham, Uxbridge,
United Kingdom
From the other side of the globe,
we heard from Washington State:

Since I was born in the twenties and

raised in Spokane, Washington, I had
better know the February mystery ship.
It is the number 1 Metalark monoplane
built in the early thirties by the Brown
Brothers. They were metal fabricators
(especially aluminum) and also built
number 2 and number 3 Metalarks.
Both were low-wings. For youngsters like
myself, the highlight of our local SportsVINTAGE AIRPLANE 23

Two different shots of the Metalark II, both

taken in 1931 . The first shows the temporary
installation of a Warn er Scarab engine. The
Warner was on loan from Lacey Murrow, a
Spokane Air National Guard pilot and broth
er of famed newsman Edward R. Murrow.
(Thoburn Brown collection via Ralph Nortell)

man show was a low-wing Metalark

hanging from the ceiling. We spent
hours just looking at it. All three planes
no longer exist.
Ed "Skeeter" Carlson
Spokane, Washington
Stan Piteau, Holland, Michigan,
pointed out that Nick Marner was
the pilot of XS 19V on its first flight.
He too alluded to the Metalark II,
which was powered by the 90-hp
Ace. X10668 first flew Oct. 18, 1931,
with Max Fennell the pilot. The
Metalark was also known as the Sil
ver Streak.
Other correct answers were re
ceived from Wayne Muxlow,
Minneapolis, Minnesota , and Bill
Worman, Eastsound, Washington .......

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24 MAY





by E.E. "Buck" Hilbert

EAA #21 VAA #5
P.O. Box 424, Union, IL 60180

Hi Buck,
I'd call operating temperatures. The
I have been wanting to write you for oil lines to the remote oil tank dissi
some time. I enjoy your articles very pate a lot of heat, and the tank itself
much, especially the recent ones on rust takes a long time to get warm.
in the engines.
The Menasco Pirate on our R an
As you probably know, the Continen STA didn't have an oil cooler like
tal W670 engine is a cold running your PT-26 . We did not fly it very
engine. Most of them never really get up much in really cold weather and
to goo d operating temperature. The when we did, the oil temperature
problem that we have is on No.1 cylin needle never came off the bottom
der. It does not get enough oil and the stop . Even my Champ with its long
moisture does not dissipate. This causes underwear in place and the winter
rust on the rocker arms and valve front installed takes a long time to
springs. I remove the rocker covers every come up , and then it rarely gets
spring and check. Last year I did replace above 140QF.
We pre-heat with a contractor's
both rocker arms and greased them with
kerosene burning torpedo heater,
high temperature grease.
We also have oil temperature prob and that's about the only time the
lems with the Ranger engines in winter. oil temperature shows. Soon as we
It does not get up to operating tempera start up in the really cold weather
ture. The Fairchild PT 26 has solved the temperature takes a dive.
Guess we're just lucky to live up
this problem by putting a control valve
in the front inlet to the cooler. In winter here in the frozen north.
Those guys down south sure have
I close the valve most of the time, and I
can control the temperature at about it nice and easy, but I like it up here!
Over to you Ed,
165F. It has worked well for me. It is
very important to keep the engine close
to normal operating temperature.
Dear Buck,
Keep up the good work Buck,
I thought you might get a kick out of
Your friend,
this. I enjoy your "Pass it to Buck" col
Edward C. Wegner
umn in Vintage Airplane. I am an
Plymouth, WI
old-time, low-time SEL-SES pilot. ['m
now restoring a 1946 Champ, N2923E,
What a pleasure to hear from one and will soon retire from gold mining
of our senior members (and a fellow and move back to my hometown of Ely,
Hall of Farner, no less!).
Minnesota-float country!
Ron Riikola
I appreciate your comments and
Elko, Nevada
they go hand-in-hand with my experi
From the Elko, Nevada Free Press
ences. The Warner 145 on my Fleet
25 Years Ago
lOF manufactures water just like the
Continental. I too have taken to
April 7, 1976: A United Airlines pi
pulling the rocker box covers off at lot, E.E. Hilbert, flying a Swallow
very frequent intervals, like every four biplane that he restored, arrived in Elko
hours, and there is always an accumu yesterday commemorating the 50th an
niversary of commercial airmail se/vice.
lation in the upper rocker boxes.
While I have them open I do a He followed th e original Varney Air
valve clearance check. The Warner Lines (now United Air Lines) route from
doesn't have overhead oiling, so Pasco, Washington to Elko with a brief,
there isn't any way to carry off the unplanned stop at the Petan Ranch to
condensation with oil flow. And verify his way to Elko. At noon, Hilbert
you're right; in cooler weather the spoke of his adventures at the Rotary
round engines never get up to what Club. He has been working on the plane

for several years after finding it stored in

a garage in the Chicago area. The routes
original pilot, Leon Cuddeback, now
lives in Oakland, California.
I can't believe it's been twenty
five years since I flew the Swallow
into Elko. ['m still having flashbacks
about my experiences on that leg.
I left Boise on the morning after
the big event, and started for Elko. I
was following a road that I thought
was going to take me right to your
airport. I'll admit the celebrations
the night before and the late hour
had taken its toll and maybe even
impaired my thinking some. Any
way, I was charging along and came
to a ridge perpendicular to my line of
flight. The road did a ninety-degree
turn to the right and went uphill to
the west. I pulled up a couple of feet
and saw what I thought was the same
road on th e other side of the ridge,
so I jumped over the ridge and con
tinued to follow the road.
About forty-five minutes later [ re
alized the road [ was now following
was climbing up the mountain and
turning into a trail. I headed down
hill to the west into a valley with a
big lake, and couldn't find anything
even resembling a paved road.
Mother Nature was hammering at
the door, and about th e time I was
getting desperate I stumbled onto a
paved landing strip about five thou
sand feet long. I landed, shut down,
and hopped out to take care of busi
ness. As I was finishing up, a cowboy


came driving up in a jeep asking if I

was all right, and if there was any
thing he could do to help.
I asked where I was and found I was
on the Bing Crosby ranch. I was one
valley west of where I was supposed to
be. The man gave me explicit direc
tions on how to find Elko. I cranked
up and went on my way. By now, ac
cording to my watch, I was late and I
was pushing pretty hard.
I came roaring into Elko, and after a
quick pattern I landed to find only the
high school band practicing. The
band leader then told me I was an hour
early. Would I mind going back out
and coming back later when the re
ception party was there? My watch
was an hour ahead of the actual time!
I took off again, and I flew up and
down the main street, and did some
sightseeing. When I got back to the
airport the people were there, and we
had our celebration. It was great!
Gerardo Rivera and his television
crew showed up and he was the first
one to get a ride in the Swallow. What
I remember the most was his mugging
for the camera crew following in a he
licopter. I told him a couple of times
to sit down and buckle up. I finally
gave him a fright by shoving the stick
forward and lifting him off the seat.
He sat down and did what I asked af
ter that! I met him again later in New
York, where he rode again along with
Gene Shalit for the television news
Yes Ron , that was a time, for sure.
With a compass that told me I was in
the Northern Hemisphere, no radio or
navigation equipment, and with little
experience in flying around the moun
tains, it's a wonder I made it. You can't
buy experience like that. I met a lot of
really nice people, and learned a lot
about open cockpit, early airmail pilot
problems . The more I flew the old
routes, and bucked the elements, the
greater my respect for those pioneers
who started it all. We sure owe them a
lot. I like to think that every time I see
a contrail way up there, high in the
sky, it's a tribute to those guys.
Enough of that. I'll be looking for
ward to seeing you and your Champ
at AirVenture or even down here in
Northern Illinois. We gotta rap a little
about Ely. My sister-in-law is from Vir
ginia, Minnesota.
Over to you Ron, and thanks for
the letter and clipping and the memo
ries it kicked up. t'(


26 MAY



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Air c raft Co ati ng s


Donald S. Clark .... Atlantic Beach, FL

Jim G. Tacheny ........... .. .Mankato, MN

Carlos Gray .... ........ P0I1 Charlotte, FL

Michael Westbrook ...... Elk River, MN

Jochen Kuhule

Roger C. Laudati .. .. ........ .. ..Tampa, FL

Edward Mueth .... .. .. ........ St Louis, MO

...... ............. .... ... ..Vaihingen, Germany

Norbel1 Trohoski .. .. .... Englewood, FL

Greg Bray .... .... .... .. .... .. Reidsville, NC

Michael Dusing

Elias Wortsman ...... Miami Springs, FL

Robert W. Cottom .......... Charlotte, NC

.. ......... .... ... .... Braunschweig, Germany

Robel1 Wright .......... . .Jacksonville, FL

John S. Alexander

Michael S. Hayes .... .......... Hong Kong

William Gilmour .. ............ Duluth, GA

...... ......... ........ .. .... ~.. Warrensburg, NY

Giancarlo Zanardo

Fred Huppertz ........... ... Snellville, GA

William Dunn .. ........ ..Fayetteville, NY

Taylor Jenkins ........... .. ..... Comer, GA

Barry W . Holtz .... ... ......... Fairport, NY

Edward Pettus ...... .... Cedar Rapids, IA

Peter Mombaerts .......... New York, NY

David L. Ariosto

Frank J. Berg .............. A von Lake, OH

Bradley Gilbert
.... .......... .... ... ... .... .... Sydney, Australia

.... .............. San Pietro Di Feletto, Italy

Nico Meijer
.. ............... ...... .Toronto, ONT, Canada
Michael 1. Smith
... ...... .Toronto Ontario, ONT, Canada
Uwe Stickel
... .. ... .. .... ... ... Hammond, ONT, Canada
Tom Coates
.... ............. ....... Saskatoon, SK, Canada

.......... ....... ........ ... Mountain Home, ID

Russell Berry ...... ... .. .West Milton, OH
Keith E. Grill ........ .... ..Orland Park, IL

Fredrick Hansen .......... .. .... Antioch, IL

James Robert Brown

.. ....... .. .. .. ..................... Greenville, OH

Craig Munter .. .... .. .... ..Schaumburg, IL

Thomas E. Ducan .... West Milton, OH
Michael E. Neben

........ .......................... S Barrington, IL

Ronald Fraley .. .. .......... Gallipolis, OH

Brian Matz

Chester Rout ...... Mountain Home, AK

Ron Sassaman .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .... Rochelle, IL

........... .. ........... University Heights, OH

Cris Ferguson ..... ..... .... Evansville, AR

Steve Beasley .. .. .... .... .... .. .... Yoder, KS

Robert C. Rickett

Chris House .. ... ...... .. .. ... Scotsdale, AZ

Bill Spornitz ................. ... .. Olathe, KS

.................. .................... Mansfield, OH

Leonard G. Johnson .... .... .... ... .. ......... ..

Thomas Stephens .... Baton Rouge, LA

Michael Winblad ........ .. ........ Troy, OH

..................... .. ... .. .... Bullhead City, AZ

Paul Barger ....... .. ......... Newbury, MA

Gary Bell .... ............... .. .. ..... .. Bend, OR

Terry Campbell .. ............ Attaville, CA

Scott P. Keller ...... .. .. ...... Lincoln, MA

Jim Rosen .. ........ .. ... ... ... .. .Eugene, OR

Dan L. Hearn .......... Spring Valley, CA

Robert McCal1hy .. .. Charlestown, MA

Mark Mayes .............. .. .. .... Berwyn, PA

Scott Huntington

Grant A. Pronishen .. ...... Oakbank, MB

Roland Foxworth, Jr.

...... .. .............. Rancho Cucamonga, CA

Raymond Carlton ... ... ..California, MD

.. .. .... .. ...... ........... .. ......... Lake City, SC

Paul Marchand

Gary A. Caron .. ...... .. .. Kalamazoo, MI

Bruce Ryskamp .. ...... .. .......... Greer, SC

...... .. ...... ............... .Boulder Creek, CA

Clifford Hill ..... .. .. .. .. ... .. Belleville, MI

Wayne E. Jones .... New Braunfels, TX

Steven Allen Smith ... .Santa Rosa, CA

Richard Nellans ............. ..... Sparta, MI

James Messe ................ Hinesburg, VT

Marvin Baldwin .. .... .......... Parker, CO

Peter Robert Denny

Bob Taylor ...... ... .. ..... Vancouver, WA

Willard H. Brandt .. ..... .. .. ... Parker, CO

............. .. .. ...... ..... ..Golden Valley, MN

Randall M. Holder .......... .... Parker, CO

Walter L. Fricke

Edwin T . Durkee .... ..... .. .Shawano, WI

Lee A. Kunze .............. Sheboygan, WI

Brian Walker .. ...... .. ... ... Florissant, CO

............................. .Golden Valley, MN

Bill Liebrock .............. Black Earth, WI

Paul A. Ambrose .... .... ..Fort Pierce, FL

Fred J. Rogers .......... Chanhassen, MN

David L. McCoy ... .Johnson Creek, WI

Robert R. Carroll... .... ....... Alachua, FL

Mike A . Russell ........ .... Randolph, MN

Eric J. Paulson ... ........ ... Green Bay, WI



Fly In Calendar
The following list ofcoming events is filrnished to our readers as a matter ofinformation only and does not constitute approval, sponsorship, involvement,
control or direction ofany event (fly-in, seminars, fly market, etc.) listed. Please send the information 10 EAA, All: Vintage Airplane, P,O, Box 3086,
Oshkosh, WI 54903-3086, Information should be receivedfour months prior to the event dale,
MA Y 12- Rock Hill, SC - Wings & Wheels Day Fly
In/Drive-In. Lunch available. Info: 803/329-4454.
MA Y 12 - Kennewick, WA - EAA Ch. 391 Fly-In
Breakfast at Vista Field. Info: 509/735-1664.
MA Y 18-20 - Columbia, CA - 251h Annual Gathering
ofLuscombes 2001. Aircraft judging, spot landing
andjlour bombing competitions, and the 9th An
nual Great Luscombe Clock Race. Info:
360/893-5303 or 253/630-1086.
MAY 19-20 - Winchester, VA - EAA Ch. 186 Spring
F~y-1n, Winchester Regional Airport (OKV) Fom 8
a.m.-5 p.m. Pancake breakfast 8-1 I a.m. Static dis
play of aircraft; airplane and helicopter rides,
demos, aircraft judging, children's play area, and
more. Concessions, souvenirs, goodfood. 1nfo: Ms.
EAA 186@ne/
MAY 19-20 - Hall/pton, NH - Hampton Airfield Fly
Market. 1nfo: 603/964-6749.
MAY 20 - Niles, MI- VAA Ch. 35 Hog Roast LIIII
cheon, Niles Airport (3TR). lnfo: 616/683-9642 or
MAY 20 - Warwick, NY - EAA Ch. 501 Annual Fly-In,
Warwick Aerodrome (N72). 10:00 a.m.- 4:00 p.m.
Unicom advisoryFequency 123.0. Food available,
trophies will be awarded. Registration for judging
closes at 2:00 p.m. Info : Michael 2I2-620-0398.
MA Y 20 - Romeoville, IL (LO'l) - EAA Ch. 15 Fly-1n
Breakfast, 7a.m.-Noon, Lewis Romeoville Airport.
1nfo: Frank 815/436-6153.
MAY 25-27 - Watsollville, CA - EAA Ch. 1 19 's 37th
Annual Fly-In & Air Show. Info: 8311763-5600.
MA Y 25-26 - Atchison, KS - 35th Annual Greater
Kansas City Area Fly-In, Amelia Earhart Memorial
Ai/port. Friday night potluck dinner for registered
guests. Saturday catered Awards Banquet. Accom
modations avail. in town, camping on thefield. Sat.
concessions avail. Info: Stephen 816/223-2799,, or
MAY 26 - Zanesville, OB (Riverside Airport) - EAA
Ch. 425 Annual Memorial Day Pancake Breakfast
Fly-In/Drive-In, 8 a.m.-2 p.m. (Rain date May 27.)
Lunch items, airplane rides after II a.m. Info:
JUNE 1-2 - Merced, CA - 44th Merced West Coast
Antique Fly-In, Merced Airport. Info: Virginia or
Ed 209/383-4632
JUNE 1-2 - Barlesville, OK - 15th Annual Biplane
Expo, Frank Phillips Field. Info: Charlie 918/622
8400 or
28 MAY 2001

JUNE 2 - Cape Cod, MA - VAA Ch. 34 Fly-In, Fal

mouth Airpark. Food, awards,friends. (Rain date,
June 3rd) Info: 508/540-1349.
JUNE 3 - DeKalb, IL (DKB) - 37th Annual EAA Ch.
241 Fly-ln/Drive-In Breakfast, 7 a.m. -Noon. Info:
Ed 8 I 5/895-3888.
JUNE 3 - SL Ignace, MI Airport - EAA Ch. 560 An
nual Fly-In/Drive In Steak Out, Noon-4 p.m. Public
welcome. Info: 231/627-6409 or 231-238-0914.
JUNE 3 - Russell, KS - Prairiesta Fly-In, Russel/ Mu
nicipal Airport. Chuckwagon Breakfast, Military
Static Displays, Walker Ail' Base Reunion, Antique
Cars and Tractors, Rattlesnake Show. EAA Ch.
1214, Fuel 100LL available on field, RSL 16/3 4,
4402 x 75 runway paved, Unicom 122.7. Info: Rus
sel/ 785/483-6008
JUNE 8-9 - Akron, OH - Funk Aircraft Owners Assoc.
2nd Ever Reunion and Fly-In, Akron-Fulton Air
port. Info: 302/674-5350.
JUNE 8-10 - Gainesville, TX Municipal Airport
(GLE) - Texas Ch., Antique Airplane Assoc. 40th
Annual Fly- In. Info: Jim 817/429-5385, Don
817/636-0966, or Janet 817/421-7702.
JUNE 8-10 - Columbia, CA (022) - Bel/anca-Cham
pion Club West Coast Fly- In 2001. hard sill/ace
runway, ftlil FBO services, on-airport camping,
nearby lodging, many nahlral & historic sites, BBQ
for early arrivers, awards dinner, roundtable dis
cussions & seminars. Advance registration strongly
encouraged,forms, lodging available on web:
www.bel/anca-championc/ phone: 661/942
JUNE 9-Elba Mllllicipal Airport, AL (141) - Ch. 351
hosts Fly-In, 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. Fly lIIarket,food, early
arrivals welcome,free transportation to local mo
tels, under wing camping permitted, restroom
available in terminal, Young Eagles. No rain date.
GPS Coordinates: 31-24-59N 86-05-33 W. Info:
Mike 334/897-1 137.
JUNE 9-10 - Petersburg-Dil/lviddie, VA - Virginia
State EAA Fly-In.
JUNE 9 - Salisbury, NC - Rowan Co, Airport (RUQj
- Boys & Toys All Day Airport Fun Day. Brea~fast
at 7:30, Young Eagles jlights, aircraft, car, camper,
boat, motorcycle static displays. Goodfood all day.
New Cessna 200 I display. Fun for all ages. Info:
336/752-2574 or lebrown@infoave. net.
JUNE 10 - Sugar Grove, IL (KARR) - 17th Annual
Aurora AirExpo sponsored by Fox Valley Sport
Aviation Assoc.- EAA Ch. 579 and Aurora Munici
pal Airport. Antique, Classic, Homebuilt, and

Warbird aircraft sIalic display/jlight demos. Pan

cake breakfast 7 a.m.-noon. Lllnch served Noon- 3
p.m. Free breakfast for pilotsjlying in with afull
airplane. Fuel discount for jlight demo pilots. Free
parking and admission. Info: Alan 630/466-4579.
JUNE 14 - 17 - SL Louis, MO - American Waco Club
Fly-In at Creve Coeur Airport. Info: 616/624-6490
or 317/535-8882.
JUNE 16 - LaGrange, OH - EAA Ch. 255 's 71h An
IIIwl Fly-ln/Drive-In Pancake Breakfast, 8 a.III.- 1
p.m. Harlan Airfield (92D) Info: Dale 440/355
JUNE 17 - Somerset, PA - Somerset Aero Club 59th
Annual Fly-In Breakfast, Somerset Cry AP(2G9)
Breakfast 8-Noon. Free breakfast to pilot ofeach
incoming aircraft. Chicken BBQ Noon-3 p.m. Held
in con). with Antique Club Car Show. Info: 814/445
JUNE 21-25 - Terrell, TX - 2000 Ercoupe National
Convention. Evelyone welcome. Info: 972/524
JUNE 23-24 - Longmont, CO - Rocky Mountain EAA
JUNE 23-24 - Walworth, WI - 5th Annual Bigfoot
(7V3) Fly- In Breakfast. (0700-1300) Aerobatic
demo,jly-by, rides. Info: 815/385-5645.
JUNE 23 - ZaJlesville, OH (Riverside Airport) - EAA
Ch. 425 Pancake Breakfast Fly-In/Drive-In, 8
a.m.- 2 p.m. (Rain date June 24.) Lunch items and
airplane rides after 11 a.m. Info: Don 740/454
JUNE 30- Prosser, WA - EAA Ch. 391 Fly-In Break
fast. Info: 509/735-1664.
JULY 6-8 - Alliance, OH - Taylorcraft Owner 's
Club/Taylorcraft Foundation combined Fly-In and
Old-Timer's Reunion at Barber Airport (2Dl). This
29th gathering willfeature displays,forums, work
shops, Sat. evening program, Sat & Sun. breakfast,
Sun. worship service. Info: 330/823-9748 or
330/823-1168 or
JULY 7- Gainesville, GA (GVL) - EAA 611 33rd An
nual Pancake Breakfast & Fly-In. Judging, awards,
rides, vendors,food all day. Info: 770/531-0291 or
JULY 7-8 - HamptOlI, NH - 5th Annual Hampton Air
field Biplane Fly-Ill. Info: 603/964-6749.
JULY 11-15 -Arlington, WA - Northwest EAA Fly-In.
JUL Y 17-20 - Keokuk, IA - Joint Liaison & Light
Train er Formatioll Coalition Annual Formation
Clillic at Keokuk Municipal Airport. Ground School

starts at 8:30 a.m withjlight training tofollow. All

Liaison-type aircraft and PrimQ/y Trainers wel
come. Anything from an L-I thru OV-I, PT-3 thru
whatever. ILPA Fly-In immediatelyfollowing clinic.
Info: 715/369-9769
JULY 21- Wausau, WI - Wausau Downtown Air
port's 3rd Annual SwingDing/Dinner and Dance.
Info: 715/848-6000 or website
JULY 2J - Was!/ington Island, WI - 48th Annllal Fly
In at Wash. Is. Airport, hosted by Lions Club.
Music, crafts, hayride,fun for thefamily. Whitefish
Boil 11:30 a.m.-I.OO p.m. Info: 920/847-2770 or
Iharvellpru I@juno. com.
JULY 22 - Zanesville, 08 (parr Airport) - EAA Ch.
425 Annual Pre-Oshkosh Fly-IniDrive-In Pancake
Breakfast, 8 a.m. - 2 p.m. Lunch items and airplane
rides after II a.m. Info: Don 740/454-0003.
JULY 22 - Burlington, WI - 9th Annual Group Er
coupe Flight Into AirVenture. Wheels up at 12:00
noon. Everyone welcome to join. Info: 715/842
JULY 24-30 - Osllkosh, WI - AIRVENTURE
OSHKOSH 2001, Willmall Airporf_ IIIfo: 920/426
4800, IVIVIV.airvell/
JUL Y 27 - Oshkosh, WI - Stinson Lunch, Oshkosh,
II: 30 a.m. meet at the Vintage Red Barn for afree,
short bus ride to Golf Central Restaurant. Pay on

TN' GNL\, ~n~

YOllr own at the restaurant. Sign up in Type Tent or

call 630/904-6964.
JULY 27 - Oshkosh, WI - American Moth Club wel
co mes all Int'l Moth Clubs & DeHavilland
enthusiasts to this year 's Moth Club Dinner. 7:30
p.m. at Pioneer Inn. After dinner speaker is David
Baker,founding member ofDiamond Nines Tiger
Moth Demonstration Team. Also, Fri. a.m. Moth
Forum, time and tent number will be published in
the convention program. RSVP: to Steve Betzler at orfax 262/368-2127
AUGUST 5 - Queen City, MO - 14th Annual Water
melon Fly- In , Applegate Airport. Info :
AUGUST 10-12 - Snohomish, WA - 19th Annllal West
Coast Travel Air Rellnion. Harvey Field (S43).
Largest Travel Air gatheringfor 2001. Local air
tour, memorabilia allclioll and more. Info: Larson
425/334-2413 or Rezich 805/467-3669.
AUGUST ll - Cadilla c, MI - EAA CJr . 678 Fly
In/Drive-In Breakfast, Wexford County Airport
(CAD), 7:30 a.m.- I 1:00 a.m. Info: 2131779-8113.

AUGUST 19 - Brookfield, WI - VAA Ch.1I 's 17th An
nual Vintage Aircraft Display and Ice Cream
Social, Noon-5 p.m. at Capi/ol Airport. Also, Mid
west Antique Airplane Club's monthlyjly-in mtg.
Conlrol-line and radio controlled models on dis
play. Info. 262/781-8132 or 414/962-2428.
AUGUST 24-25 - Coffeyville, KS - 24th Annual Funk
Aircraft Owners Assoc. Reunion and Fly-In Cof
feyville Municipal Airport. Info: Gerald
AUGUST 24-26 - Sussex, NJ - SIISSex Airshow. Top
performers, ultralights, homebuilts, warbirds. Info:
973/875-7337 or
Ch. 391 's 18th Annual Labor Day Weekend Prosser
Fly-ln. Info: 509/735-1664.
SEPTEMBER 1 - Zanesville, OH (Riverside Airport)
- EAA Ch. 425 Annual Labor Day Weekend Fly
IniDrive-In, 8 a.m.- 2p.m. Lunch items and airplane
rides after II a.m. Info: Don 740/454-0003

AUGUST 17-19-Alliance, OH - Ohio Aeronca Avia

tors ' Fly-In and Breakfast at Alliance-Barber
Airport (2DI). Info : www.oaaf/ or

SEPTEMBER 1 - Marion, IN (MZZ) - lIth Annual

Fly-In Cruise-In, Marion Municipal Airport. Pan
cake Breakfasl. All types ofaircraft, plus antique,
classic and custom vehicles. Info: 765/664-2588 or

AUGUS T 19 - Dayton, OH - EAA Ch. 48 Pancake

BreaJ.fasl, Moraine Airpark. Info: 937/291-1225 or

SEPTEMBER 2 - Mondovi, WJ- 15th Annual Fly-III,

Log Cabin Airport. Info: 715/287-4205.


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Something to buy,
sell or trade?
Classified Word Ads: $5.50 per IO words, 180
words maximum, with boldface lead-in on first line.
Classified Display Ads: One column wide (2.167
inches) by I, 2, or 3 inches hig h at $20 per inch.
Black and white only, and no frequency discounts.
Advertising Closing Dales: 10th ofsecond month
prior 10 desired issue date (i.e., Jam/my 10 is the
closing datefor the March issue). VAA reserves the
right to reject any advertising in conflict with its
policies. Rates cover one insertion per issue.
Classified ads are not accepted via phone. Payment
must accompany order. Word ads may be sent via
fax (920/426-4828) or e-mail (
using credit card payment (VISA or MasterCard).
Include name on card, complete address, type of
card, card number, and expiration date. Make
checks payable to EAA. Address advertising corre
spondence to EAA Publications Classified Ad
Manager, P.D. Box 3086, Oshkosh, WI 54903-3086.

ings, main bearings, camshaft bearings,
master rods, valves, Call us Toll Free
1/800/233-6934, e-mail ramremfg@aoLcom
Web site VINTAGE
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Private cabin, water sports, fishing ,

Baker's Valley Airfield, Canada

-ROBIN from page 15

summer; cool lemonade, warm beer,
and drug store soda fountains with
that funny sound when cherry phos
phates are being made. That's what a
Curtiss Robin is.
After about the third hour of short
hops, the cylinder h ead temps
seemed to stabilize between the eight
cylinders, but still a little hotter than
Glenn felt comfortable seeing. Sens
ing that perhaps the e ngine was
running leaner than necessary, and
after some discussion with Bud Dake,
adding a little choke while in flight
was suggested. Voila, an immediate
2S-degree reduction in the cylinder
head temperatures, right where we
wanted them to be. A few more
flights , and it was time to go to
Glenn was all packed up. Tent in
place in the baggage compartment,
extra socks, etc. Tim Adcock, who
flies probably the only aircraft on
the field that is slower than the
Robin (a VW powered, WW-I Neu
port 11 scale replica), volunteered to
ride shotgun . Don Parsons, along
with his wife and toddler son, were
to fly their Cessna 140 as a chase
plane and radio communicator for
the tower at Oshkosh.
It started raining Thursday after
noon. It didn't stop until Monday.
Well, next year.

30 MAY 2001

AI Stix is the head honcho of

the little corner of antique
airplane heaven known as
Creve Coeur airport (also
known as Dauster Flying
Field). The Historic Aircraft
Restoration Museum is part
of the enthusiastic operation
there on the west side of St.
Louis, Missouri. For more in
formation concerning hours
of operation, call the their of
fice at 314/434-3368.

Aircraft Exhaust Systems

Imnping Branch, WV 25969
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in North America. Hardcover. 382 pages.
16 pages color illustrations. $25. Mountain .
Press, 609-924-4002.

I was sad for Glenn. He wasn't

looking for any trophies. But h e's an
airplane guy-and what better place
for an airplane guy than Oshkosh?
It was never going to be a quickie
rebuild project. In my heart of hearts,
I knew that back in 1983. But seven
teen years is too long to keep a flying
machine out of the sky, so I guess,
ultimately, it was my fault.
I was on the web last night. Seems
there's an OX-S Robin up in Seattle.
Looks like it's complete. "Rebuilt"
OX engine-but I've got pistons, this
I'm holding out for something
with a Hisso.



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Membershi~ Services Directon'_


Enjoy the many benefits ofBAA and the

Vintage Aircraft Association
EAAAviation Center, PO Box 3086, Oshkosh WI 54903-3086

Espie Butch Joyce
P.O. Box 35584
Greensbofo. NC 27425

Steve Nessa
2009 Highland Ave.
Albert Lea. MN 56007
fiJ7/ 373-1674

George Daubner
2448 Lough Lane

Hartford, WI 53027


Charles W. Harr~
7215 East 46th St.
Tuw. OK 74147

David Benne"
P.O. Box 1188
Roseville, CA 95678

Jeannie Hill
P.O. Box 328
HaNard, IL 60033

Robert C. Bob Brauer

9345 S. Hoyne
Chicago, IL f'iJ620

Steve Krog
1002 Heather Ln.
Hartford, WI 53027

John Berendt
7645 Echo Point Rd.
Cannon Fal~ , MN 55009


Robert D. Bob Lumley

1265 South 124th St.

Brookfield, WI 53005

John S. Copeland
1A Deacon Street
Northborough. MA 01532
Phil Coulson
28415 SprIngbrook Dr.
Lawton. MI 49065
Roger Gomoll
321 -1/2 S. BroadWay #3
Rochester, MN 55904
fiJ7 /288-28 1O

Dale A. Gustatson
7724 Shady Hills Dr.
Indianapol~.IN 46278

2159 Carlton Rd.

Oshkosh, WI 54904

EAA and Division Membership Services

800-843-3612 . . . FAX 920-426-6761
(8:00 AM -7:00 PM
M ond ay- Friday CST)
New/ renew m emberships: EAA, Divisi on s
(Vintage Ai rcraft Association, lAC, Warbi rdsl.
National Association o f Flight Instru ctors
Address changes
Merchandise sales
Gi ft m emberships

Programs and Activities

EAA AirVentu re Fax-On -De m an d D irec tory
......... . .................... 732-885-6711
Au to Fuel STCs ............. . .. 920-426-4843
Build/ restore i n formation . , . .. . 920-426-4821
Chap te rs: locating/ organ izing. , 920-426-4876
Educatio n ... . .... . ............ 920-426-6815
EAA Ai r Academ y
EAA Scholarships

Gene Morris
5936 Steve Court
Roanoke, TX 76262
Dean Richardson
1429 Kings Lynn Rd
Stoughton, WI 53589

Geon Robison
1521 E. MacGregor Dr.
New Haven. IN 46774
S.H. Wes" Schmid
2359 Lefeber Avenue
Wouwatosa. WI 53213



Gene Chase

Phone (920) 426-4800 Fax (920) 426-4873

Web Site: and E-Mail: vintage

E.E. Buck Hilbert

P.O. Box 424
Union, IL 60180

Alan Shackleton

P.O. Box 656

Sugar Grove, IL 60554-0656


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Fligh t Instructor i n form ation .. . 920-426-6801
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Financial Support . . ........... 800-236-1025

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