Vintage Airplane - Feb 2001

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TheMagazilleo/the E A A VIN'TAGE AIR'C ,RAF"'f.' ASSOCI 'AT'IoN






12 PASS IT TO BUCK! Buck Hilbert


H. G. Frautschy
20 NEW WIDGEON/ H.G. Frautschy
H. G. Frautschy

26 MYSTERY PLANE! H.G. Frautschy





Executive Director, Editor


VAA Administrative Assistallt


Executive Editor


Contributillg Editors


Art/Photo Layout


Photography Staff


AdvertisillglEditorial Assistalll






For years I've kept an eye on the Beech 18, since it's
long been one of my favorite airplanes. I'd love to own
one, but like many of you, if I want one of those, I'd
have to give up my other "going places airplane, my
Beech Baron. I really like my Baron-I've flown "Windy"
for nearly 1,400 hours and enjoy it very much. Fortu
nately, as I've kept an eye on the market for the bigger
Beechcraft, I've been able to point others to some of
these great airplanes. It's always fun to see people realize
their dream of owning a particular airplane, knowing it
has been one of their goals.
Dreaming of a Beech 18 in my hangar has given me
more than one sleepless night, and seeing Mike Green
blatt's Beechcraft in last month's issue of Vintage
Airplane brought those feelings bubbling back up to the
surface. I saw Mike at the Beech gathering that takes
place in Tullahoma, Tennessee, each year. His family
enjoys the aircraft as much as he does. I can remember
seeing this Beech when he first showed up at Tulla
homa. It's really come a long way! I believe there were
24 Twin Beeches at this year's gathering. For more in
formation on the Beech 18, contact the Twin Beech
Society. They were included in last month's listing of
type clubs, and you can access this same list on our
website at
One of the big factors in the popularity of certain air
planes is a strong network of owners/operators. The
type clubs who have strong leadership and competent
technical gUidance seem to do the best. Having support
from the manufacturer or a third party parts maker
with a PMA doesn't hurt either. When I owned a 1953
035 Beech in the mid-1980s, I needed a spinner for the
Beech prop, and I was able to buy a new one from
Beechcraft. Certainly, a popular airplane like the
Cessna 120/140 also has a lot of great people to draw
from their ranks to make a great club, but the bottom
line is that it's the dedication by the type club volun
teers that makes it work so well for the person who's
just starting out.
As a part of the EAA family, your VAA is also a great
asset to those who love these old airplanes. With EAA's
international reputation and resources, we are able to
make certain our voices are heard when the need arises.

One of the EAA headquarters ' staff who has been a

great deal of help has been Earl Lawrence, vice presi
dent of Government Programs. Earl and his staff,
including Randy Hansen, Timm Bogenhagen, Kerryn
Laumer, and Kathy Phillip, are on top of many govern
ment issues at one time, and a number of items that
concern us directly are on their plate. At this time, fuel
programs and aging aircraft issues are two areas that
impact vintage airplane owners, and we can thank our
close association with EAA for keeping it in the fore
front. As we add to our total membership, we'll have
even more credibility with the FAA.
Increasing our membership is one way you can di
rectly impact our ability to support EAA in their efforts
to work on our behalf. Each new VAA member you bring
into the fold is also an EAA member, and as a part of a
group of over 170,000 members strong, the policy and
rule makers will hear our voices.
We're always open to your comments and suggestions
regarding the operation of your VAA and your magazine,
Vintage Airplane. We also welcome your article submis
sions (particularly technical "how-to" articles) to be used
in Vintage Airplane. If you're a VAA Chapter newsletter
editor, please be sure to mail a copy of your publication
to H.G. Frautschy, our editor.
Many of you may have noticed that Steve Krog, one of
your VAA directors, is now heading up the Luscombe As
sociation and the Cub Club. For more years than I can
remember, John Bergeson and his wife, Alice, were the
powers behind these two type clubs. After John retired,
he put even more effort in these clubs. John and Alice
have decided to enjoy other aspects of life and have
handed the reins over to Steve and his wife, Sharon.
John is a great guy, a promoter of aviation, a gentleman,
and a good friend. Your input will be missed, but I still
look forward to seeing you at future EAA AirVenture
Oshkosh events, John!
I came home the other day, and the yard was full of
robins. Spring cannot be far off! I guess I had better get
busy and finish the annual inspections on the Baron and
Luscombe so we can go find our $100 hot dogs! Let's all
pull in the same direction for the good of aviation. Re
member, we are better together. Join us and have it all! ....


compiled by H.G. Frautschy


The final version of the FAA's

Airworthiness Directive (AD) con
cerning spar inspections on Aeronca
and Champion airplanes has result
ed in a number of comments and
questions regarding the inspection
methods. Group 1 airplanes are
these Aeronca models: 7AC, 7ACA,
S7AC, 7BCM (L-16A), 7CCM (L
16BA), S7CCM, 7DC, S7DC, 7EC,

FRONT COVER ... The Grumman
Widgeon was ordered in quantity by the U.S.
Coast Guard to help defend the home shores
and rescue people at sea during World War II.
This particular example was restored by
Merrill Wien and is now owned and flown by
his son , Kurt Wien . EAA photo by Mark
Schaible, shot with aCanon EOS1n equipped
with an 80-200 mm lens on 100 ASA Fuji
slide film. EM Cessna 210 photo plane flown
by Bruce Moore.
BACK COVER.. . Last Tango is the title
of this impressive oil on linen painting by
Michael O'Neal, 3 Woodland Av. , North
Brunswick, New Jersey 08902. Specializing in
paintings of the pioneer era through World
War I, his art graces the collections of many
private galleries and the group historian's
office at Langley Air Force Base. His paintings
have also appeared in Over the Front, the jour
na of the League of WWI Aviation Historians.
Last Tango depicts the final flight and fight
of Maj. Lanoe Hawker, VC against an oppo
nent who would become a legend in his own
time before falling after his 80th victory
Baron Manfred Von Richthofen. Hawker, flying
the outclassed de Havilland DH-2, was
England's most famous ace by the time
Richthofen pursued him in a descending
series of spirals behind German lines near
Bapaume, France. Only after dropping in tight
circles nearly to ground level was the Red
Baron able to bring his guns to bear on the
Englishman as he made a break back toward
his own lines. Hawker's death on November
23, 1916,would be the Baron's 11 th victory.

S7EC, 7FC, 7)C, llAC, SllAC,

llBC, SllBC, llCC, and SllCC air
planes. These airplanes have engines
that are 90 hp and lower (includes
60- to 90-horsepower engines). You
must repetitively inspect airplanes
that are modified with engines
greater than 90 horsepower. To fur
ther clarify the FAA's requirements
for Group 1 airplanes, remember
that this is a one-time inspection.
Only if the airplane wing is dam
aged subsequent to the inspection is
a reinspection required within 10
days of the incident/accident.
Further reading of the AD reveals
that the FAA does not require you to
install access panels on the top of
the wing. The AD requires the proce
dure be "Accomplish[edJ in accordance
with the instructions in ACAC Service
Letter No. 406, Revision A, dated May
6, 1998. This service bulletin specifies
as an FAA-approved inspection option
using a high-intensity flexible light (e.g.,
"Bend-A-Light"). A regular flashlight
must not be used for this portion of the
inspection. Alternative "FAA-approved"
inspection options are listed in this ser
vice bulletin.
The ACA service letter states that
additional inspection holes may be
necessary to do a thorough inspection.
Note that in any case, a complete
and thorough inspection of the
entire length of the spar is required,
including the spar butt end. If only
the minimal number of inspection
holes needed to install and rig the
wings and controls are installed, it
would be impossible to adequately
inspect the spar in accordance with
the AD and inspection procedures.
In addition to ACA service letter
417, which details the installation of
inspection holes/panels in the wing,
we've been advised of a supplemen
tal type certificated set of upper
wing inspection covers made avail
able by Rainbow Flying Service,
3788 Municipal Airport Road, Moses
Lake, Washington 98837-9137.


Write to them for more details.

Along with the procedures shown
on the Citabria Owners Group web
site at I'm sure
other resourceful mechanics and
owners will come up with an inspec
tion method that will meet with the
FAA's approval.
We'd also like to acknowledge the
huge effort expended by the leaders
and members of the National
Aeronca Club. After a mass mailing
to all registered owners, the NAA
task force created a comprehensive
response to the proposed AD which
gave the association and its mem
bers concrete information that could
be used by the FAA to modify the
original AD. The split of the affected
groups of airplanes is a direct result
of comments made by NAA mem
bers and many others to the FAA
during the review process. In many
ways, this AD, while still generating
comments concerning its necessity,
is a good example of how the FAA,
Vintage Aircraft Association, EAA
Government Programs office, and
type clubs can work together to cre
ate an acceptable solution to a tech
nical problem concerning our vin
tage airplanes.



98-CE-5 7-AD would affect Cessna

Aircraft Company models 150, 172,
175, 180, 182, 185, 206, 210, and
336 series airplanes. The proposed
AD would affect those airplanes
equipped with 0513166 series plastic
control wheels. The proposed AD
would require you to repetitively
inspect these wheels for cracks, con
duct a pull test on these wheels, and
replace any control wheels that are
cracked or that do not pass the pull
test . Replacement of the control
wheels would be with ones that are
FAA-approved and are not 0513166
series plastic control wheels. The
proposed AD is the result of many

incidents of control wheels cracking

or breaking on the above-referenced
airplanes. The comment period for
this proposed AD will end on April
You can review the complete text
of the proposed AD at www. Click on the
"Vintage News" link for the com
plete text of the proposed AD.

Pursuant to the directive con

tained in the Experimental Aircraft
Association, Inc. Bylaws, as amend
ed, the President has appointed six
members in good standing to act as
the Nominating Committee to
receive nominations for Class III
Directors (three-year terms) to
replace those Class III Directors
whose terms expire during 2001 and
for a Class IV Director (three-year
term) to replace the Class IV
Director whose term expires during
2001. Such nominations shall be
sent to the Committee in accor
dance with the procedures described
below, and if insufficient nomina
tions are received, the Committee
shall make additional nominations
of its own.
The Committee appointed con
sists of Ron Scott, Chairman,
N8708 Sky Lane, Rt. I, East Troy,

WI 53120; lonnie Fritsche, W6305

Peninsula Court, Neshkoro , WI
54960; Robert D. Lumley, 1265 S.
124th Street, Brookfield, WI 53005;
Ray Stits, 7340 Live Oak Drive,
Riverside, CA 92509; Don Taylor,
Albuquerque, NM 87111; and Harry
leisloft, 2787 Leisure World, Mesa,
Nom inations for
EAA Directors
In accordance with the
Association's Bylaws, the terms of
five Class III Directors and one Class
IV Director as listed below will
expire at the 2001 Annual Business
Meeting held in Oshkosh,
Wisconsin, and successors to these
Directors will be elected at that
meeting. Such Directors may suc
ceed themselves.
Class III Directors
Susan Dusenbury
William Eickhoff
Robert Gyllenswan
Leonard McGinty
Vern Raburn
Class IV Director
Louis Andrew J r.
According to the EAA Restated
Articles of Incorporation, the Class
IV Director must reside within fifty
(50) miles of the location of the
Convention (Oshkosh, Wisconsin).
Nomination for these positions
shall be made on official nomina
tion forms obtainable from the
Headquarters of the Experimental
Aircraft Association, Inc., c/o Judy
Reader, P.O. Box 3086, Oshkosh,
WI 54903-3086 or bye-mailing
The nomination petition shall
include a recent photo of the candi
date and contain a brief resume of
his or her background and experi
ence. Each Candidate
m ust have been an EAA
member for the previous
three consecutive years.
Each petition requires a
minimum of twenty-five
(25) signatures of EAA
members in good standing
with their EAA number

and expiration date.

Nomination petitions must be
submitted to the Chairman of the
Nominating Committee, Ron Scott,
c/o EAA Headquarters, P.O. Box
3086, Oshkosh, WI 54903-3086, no
later than March I, 2001.
Voting instructions and proce
dures will be published in a forth
coming issue of EAA Sport Aviation.
Alan Shackleton, Secretary
Experimental Aircraft Association,
The Annual Business Meeting and
Election will be held at the Theater
in the Woods at 1:30 p.m. CDT on
Sunday, July 29, 2001, at Wittman
Airport, Oshkosh, Wisconsin, during
EAA AirVenture Oshkosh to be held
July 24 through July 30, 2001.

EAA's Swallow biplane (below) is

in the early stages of restoration,
and its lead mechanic, Gary
Buettner, is looking for some items
EAA needs to complete the project.
Built in 1928, the Swallow uses an
OX-5 engine, and EAA's Swallow has
most of the Miller valve gear parts,
but it needs various parts of the
valve train, including springs and
keepers, the water manifold, and the
magneto drive cover. Any OX-5
parts would b e appreCiated, as
would be old instruments, either ser
viceable or in need of restoration.
"We also need general information
about the Swallow, and EAA's New
Swallow. Anything you have to offer
this project would be appreCiated,"
Gary says . EAA Aviation Foun
dation Collections Manager Ron
Twellman is the point of
contact at 920/426-5917 or


A homebuilt pioneer-era aircraft is restored by the Hiller Aviation Museum

Contributed by the Hiller Aviation Museum
Dominguez Hills. Los Angeles.
California. January 1912
A homebuilt Curtiss-type aero
plane christened the Diamond was
entered with much controversy in
the third and last air meet to be held
at Dominguez Hills, California. Many
of the entrants did not want to com
pete with an unknown pilot ,
particularly one flying an amateur
built aeroplane. But more reasonable
voices prevailed, and Weldon B.
Cooke, having qualified for his flying
certificate (#95) in Oakland, Califor
nia, just one week previously, was
allowed to participate as the pilot of
the Diamond. The owners and
builders of the aeroplane must have
realized, however, th at they were
outclassed in both speed and maneu
verability, and perhaps even the
experience of the pilot, so they
elected to concentrate on two areas
of performance: altitude and en
durance. Those two events offered

some of the highest prize money.

Eleven days of flying saw Weldon
B. Cooke triumphantly fly the Dia
mond to an altitude of 5,600 feet,
the record for the meet. He also
clocked over 18 hours of total flying
time to claim the end urance prize.
The air meet rules allowed two hours
of flying each day of the II-day
meet, for a maximum accumulative
total of 22 hours. By the end of the
air meet the Diamond, flown by Wel
don B. Cooke, had c laimed over
$7,000 in prize money.
Pittsburg. California. 1910-1911

The Diamond began to take shape

just over one year before the 1912 air
meet. Lan P. Maupin, a dredge cap
tain on the Sacramento River, and
Bernard P. Lanteri, owner and opera
tor of a shipyard in Pittsburg,
California, became intrigued with
the idea of flight. Public interest in

avia tion was running high as aero

planes were just beginning to appear
in the skies over Northern California
and many articles were being pub
lished in newspapers and periodicals
of the time.
Th e actual dates of the construc
tion are not precisely known, but a
short article in the Ant io ch Press
stated that an aeroplane being built
by t wo l oca l men, Lanteri and
Maupin, sho uld be ready to fly by
midsummer (1911). The aeroplane
they built was then known as a "Cur
tiss-Type," an d the machine they
built followed the design and dimen
sions of the "New Curtiss Bi
plane-General Arrangement and
Con struction Details," as published
in AERONAUTICS, a 1910 periodical.
That is, with one exception. An origi
nal photograph of the completed
plane, dated 1910, shows that the
builders of the Diamond, perhaps be

The restoration of the Diamond

took place in the shops of the
Hiller Aviation Museum.
Courtesy of Hiller Aviation

cause they were both boat

men, elected to put the wing
fabric on the under surface
of the wings rather than on
the upper surface. Their ini
tial attempts to fly the plane
must have proved this to be
a bad decision, for the fabric
was soon removed and rein
stalled on the top of the
wings. According to the date
on the photograph, the Dia
completed in 1910, so per
haps the referral in the
Antioch Press to the comple
tion of the aerop lane and the
upcoming flight in midsummer of
1911 was due to this change in the
wing fabric. In addition, that same
photograph shows the ailerons
mounted between the leading edges
of the wings, just as the 1910 Curtiss
construction drawings call for, but
all other photographs of the Dia
mond show the ailerons on the
trailing edge, just as Cu rtiss began
doing in 1911.
A budding young aviator, Weldon
B. Cooke had become interested in
aviation in 1910 and had built and
was flying a Montgomery-type
glider. This type of glider, like many
other flying machines of the time,
used a combination of wing warping
and weight shifting for control. The
designer, John Montgomery, was a
professor of physics at Santa Clara
University and had been experi
menting with gliders since 1884.
Montgomery's gliders had a very
successful record, including flights
released from manned balloons fly
ing as high as 4,000 feet. Cooke had
made several short hops with his
glider when he heard of an aero
plane under construction in Black
Diamond (now known as Pittsburg),
California, by Maupin and Lanteri.
He visited the two men to con
vince them to let him try his hand at

flying their aeroplane. Maupin and

Lanteri gave him the chance, and
Cooke, proceeding cautiously by
taxiing back and forth across the
field for several days, eventually got
it into the air. He flew th e machine
so well that he was invited to be
come the aviator of the Diamond.
By September 20,1911, he had
gained enough confidence to make a
flight of two miles over the city, and
the next day he made a flight of 14
miles. October 6 and 7 saw his first
public exhibi tion at Walnut Creek,
California, and on October 12 he
flew over Oakland, California, dur
ing a Co lumbus Day celebration .
During a flight from nearby
Alameda, he made a landing at Lake
Merritt that ended in the lake, but
the slight damage was soon repaired,
and both Weldon and the Diamond
were back in the air the next day.
The first week of December saw him
doing exhibition flying at the Stock
ton Fair, making flights to 3,000 feet
that lasted over one hour. Following
this exhibition he flew to Lockeford,
California, to visit his grandmother
and returned to Stockton the next
day. On December 19 he made a
very unusual flight, flying over Oak
land, dropping a letter to his brother
at the University of California at
Berkeley, and then continuing on to

Mount Tamalpais. He circled Mount

Tam at an altitude of 5,000 feet and
returned to Alameda. A very daring
flight for a novice aviator in a home
built aeroplane!
December 31, 1911, and January
1,1912, found Cooke and the Dia
mond in Santa Rosa, California, for
more exhibition flying. This was fol
lowed by preparations for the entry
of the aeroplane in the Southern
California air meet to be held Janu
ary 20-28. At the end of the
Dominguez meet, less than six
months after Weldon B. Cooke be
gan flying the Diamond, it was
dismantled, crated, and shipped
back to Pittsburg, California. It
would never again be flown. The Di
amond remained stored at the
shipyard until the widow of Lanteri
(Lanteri had been killed in a boating
accident) asked Lan Maupin, who
now resided in Yuba County, Cali
fornia, if he would like the remains
of the aeroplane. It was then shipped
to his ranch in Tudor, California,
where it remain ed in a barn until
Yuba County, California, 1930

Yuba County was in the process

of preparing for the Sacramento Val
ley Land Show to be held September
23-28, 1930, when it was decided to

The Diamond as it appeared at the Dominguez Hills air meet before the air meet at Dominguez Hills - you can see the ailerons still installed on
the interplane struts between the wings. Also of note is the forward elevator control. Look at the top surface of the elevator, and projecting
from it is a long control horn. The elevator push/pull rod, most likely made of wood, runs aft to its attachment to the back of the control
wheel.Courtesy of EAA Archives.

feature the Diamond as one of sev

eral aviation displays. Arrangements
were made with Marysville Union
High School, which had a very ac
tive aeronautics program, to
reassemble the aeroplane. As best as
can be determined, they had only
two to three weeks to make the plane
presentable. Under the guidance of
Lan Maupin and with a lot of hard
work by the students and their
teachers, the aeroplane once more
took shape. It is apparent from pho
tographs that many parts had to be
newly constructed, for the landing
gear was different and the forward
elevator (canard) had shorter inter
plane struts. A later examination
also showed that each outer wing
panel was rebuilt three feet shorter
than the original and the recon
structed wing spars were made of
redwood. The wings may have been
shortened intentionally, for the
plane was used in the opening day
parade, which may have required

the shorter wing. The original

wingspan, including the ailerons
that extended four feet beyond the
wingtips, was 40 feet, while the aero
plane displayed in Marysville had a
wingspan of only 34 feet. But the
students and their teachers did what
they could with what they had, and
the plane was put on display.
Oakland, California, 1933

By 1933 the Oakland Port Author

ity was considering using the
Diamond for a display in the termi
nal of the Oakland Airport. An
agreement was made to display the
plane in a well-protected environ
ment for all to see. It remained there
until 1948, at which time Paul Gar
ber of the Smithsonian Institution
approached the Oakland Port Au
thority with the hope that it might
be transferred to the National Air
Museum. The transfer was agreed
upon, the aeroplane crated once
more, and the Diamond left Califor

nia, not to return for SO years.

Hiller Aviation Museum,
San Carlos, California, 1988

The Diamond was returned to

California, and the restoration direc
tive from the National Air and Space
Museum, though quite detailed
about what was thought to be restor
able, was straightforward. Restore
the aeroplane to the 1912
Dominguez air meet configuration,
and use as much of the existing aero
plane as possible.
The project began with the task of
assembling the various parts that
had been in storage for the past SO
years. This immediately became a
challenge, for nothing was labeled
or marked, and all the parts were
badly weathered or delaminated. In
some cases a few of the parts ap
peared to come from another
aeroplane. By comparing parts with
photographs, along with wear marks
and impressions on the wood made

by metal fittings, the seemingly im

possible puzzle was pieced together.
Early on in the process, the decision
was made to replace all of the wing
structure, along with the canard and
tail assembly. Not only was the wood
too rotted to be of any structural use,
but also in the case of the wing
beams the wrong type of wood had
been used in the 1930 reconstruc
tion. In contrast, the restoration
team decided that most of the origi
nal outrigger beams (the fore and aft
extensions supporting the canard
and tail surfaces) were usable. Most
of the outrigger struts were also in
sound condition. Further examina
tion showed that many of the metal
fittings , along with the undercar
riage, wer e constructed of metal
water pipe, probably from the
Marysville Union High School recon
struction, and would have to be
The actual restoration began with
the careful measurement of the as
sembled machine and the
construction of a full-scale side-view
lofting, or drawing. This was invalu
able in the layout of the
undercarriage, engine bed, pilot seat,
canard support, and rudder. Many
other checks of angles and dimen
sions were also possible. Work then
began on the wing ribs and inter
plane struts, all being built with

laminated spruce over ash. The cen

ter-section wing beams are laminated
in the same way. The shaping of the
wing ribs was accomplished by glu
ing and forming the ribs in a special
fixture, a method very similar to that
used by Glenn Curtiss. The inter
plane struts also reqUired very careful
shaping, using specially designed fix
tures to assure accuracy. The four
outrigger beam units also had to be
replaced. Each consisted of 1-1/2
inch diameter spruce poles that were
hollowed out with a 3/4-inch core
router bit and then glued together. A
3/4-inch diameter router bit was
then used to finish the outside ra
dius, followed by enough sanding to
remove any tool marks. All new parts
were then stained to match the old
parts as closely as possible.
Assembly of the new parts began
with the outer wing panels. It was
believed that the wings received
from the National Air and Space Mu
seum were correct, so wing beams
were cut to length and shaped ac
cordingly. Careful reference to the
original photographs was continu
ally made to determine the wing rib
spacing, but the rib layout pattern
did not appear to be correct. This
was when it was discovered that the
wing panels received from the Na
tional Air and Space Museum were
three feet short of what they should

be. After a second set of wing beams

was cut and shaped, the layout and
assembly continued with no further
As work progressed some amazing
discoveries evolved. A trip to the
Glenn Curtiss museum in Ham
mondsport, New York, brought back
a series of articles published in AERO
NAUTICS, dated February through
May 1911 entitled "How to Build a
Curtiss-Type Biplane." A three-di
mensional drawing published in
1910, which included some con
struction details, was also discovered.
A comparison of these articles, along
with the dimensional draWing, not
only proved to be a great help, but
also confirmed that all the measure
ments and scaling of photographs
done by the restoration team were
One question dogged the Hiller
team from the beginning: What hap
pened to the many original parts
that never made it to Yuba County
from Los Angeles in 1930? Fully ab
sorbed in the mystery, Hiller's
Newton Craven had been poring
over old aviation magazines, and
among the pictures he recognized a
familiar-looking control column in
the hands of Paul Poberezny, EAA's
founder. "My God," said Craven,
"That's the Diamond's steering col
umn!" The photo was part of an
article announcing the ac
quisition by EAA of the parts
of a pioneer-era homebuilt
airplane. Days later he was in
Oshkosh with Poberezny ar
ranging for the reunion of
the long-missing authentic
parts with the body of their
origin. It was a bountiful vic
tory: control column, seat,
Out of its storage crate for the first
time in 50 years, the aeroplane is
assembled to check if the various
pieces fit. A photo and short article
in the March 1965 issue of EAA
Sport Aviation led the Hiller
Aviation Museum staff to EAA
founder Paul Poberezny, who
helped get the group of Diamond
parts in the EAA collection reunit
ed with the rest of the airframe.
Courtesy of Hiller Aviation

front and rear forks of the undercar

members, wheels ... and all of them
in good condition! Even a 1910 tire
was still inflatable.
The story of how the parts came
to EAA managed to fill in a few gaps
in the Diamond's history. In 1964
Poberezny had received the missing
originals from a Texan friend, Neil
Carr, who had inherited the old Cal
ifornia Airplane Co. on San
Francisco's Gough Street. Along with
the company-for reasons un
known-came the missing pieces of
the Diamond.
After negotiations and fundrais
ing, the parts were purchased by the
Hiller Aviation Museum and shipped
to San Carlos, California. The
restoration crew was astounded and
overjoyed as the parts fit into place.
Among the parts received were
much of the undercarriage (includ
ing the wheels), the control column
with the control wheel, and the
aileron control system, which uses a
hinged seat back called a crotch.
This allowed the pilot to simply lean
left or right to control the ailerons,
which bank the aeroplane. Also in
cluded were wing compression ribs
and a bamboo control rod with fit
tings for the canard. All parts fit as
though they had never left the Dia
mond. It is open to speculation as to
how these parts became separated,
but it is believed that when the
Dominguez Hills air meet was over
and the aeroplane was prepared for
shipment back to Pittsburg, Califor
nia, some of the parts may have
been sold or perhaps given away. A
street address, 743 Gough Street, San
Francisco, California, was found in
the box of parts acquired from the
EAA Museum. The San Francisco Di
rectory of 1912 lists the California
Aeroplane Company at that address.
The canard, horizontal stabilizer,
and rudder were built using the
"How to Build a Curtiss-Type Bi
plane" information and period
examples of construction tech
niques. All joints were reinforced
with brass sheet metal, nailed


through with brads, clinching each

tip, and then soldered. Again, those
"original" parts sent from the Na
tional Air and Space Museum did
not use this technique and were
thought to be built by the Marysville
Union High School students in 1930.
Most of the metal fittings had to
be replaced, for corrosion had taken
its toll. Using the original examples
on the plane, new interplane strut
sockets were made, along with tabs
for attaching the wire cross bracing.
The wire bracing itself was also
made, along with all turnbuckles.
Many of the wing rib front sockets
used to attach the ribs to the for
ward beam were in serviceable
condition, so they were cleaned and
reinstalled. The originals were made
of brass and had not corroded. How
ever, the hat-shaped brackets
holding the ribs to the rear beam
had to be replaced. The "X" frame
supporting the canard was also fabri
cated by the restoration team, and
again, the full-size drawing of the
aeroplane proved invaluable. All
new control cables, cable guides,
and pulleys also had to be made, for
none had arrived with the shipment
from the National Air and Space Mu
seum. Though control cables were
acqUired form the EAA Museum,
none were serviceable, but they were
helpful as a guide in making the
new parts. The actual routing of the
control cables was determined by re
ferring to photographs and the
three-view construction drawings of
the 1910 Curtiss. The metalwork as
sociated with the outriggers, though
corroded, appeared to be serviceable.
It was cleaned and repaired and is
now on the Diamond.
Just two years after receiving the
crated Diamond from the National
Air and Space Museum, the entire re
stored airframe was completed and
assembled with all wire bracing. This
also included the rigging of the con
trols. It was then necessary to
disassemble the aeroplane so that all
panels could be covered with the ap
propriate fabric and finish. Most
aeroplanes builders of that time used

brass upholstery tacks to fasten the

fabric to the airframe, so a search
had to be conducted to find the cor
rect tacks. The tacks were finally
located in Germany, and a shipment
arrived by post. A narrow cotton
webbing was used over each rib to
reinforce the fabric under the tack
heads. Over 2,000 tacks were used to
fasten the fabric to the Diamond.
Some early plane builders used
fabrics such as rubberized balloon
cloth and even silk, while others
used raw linen and applied a finish
that would make the fabric airtight.
The various finishes available in
cluded a shellac, a spar varnish,
linseed oil, and beeswax thinned
with turpentine. These were all tried
on test panels, but in the case of the
raw linen covering the Diamond, it
was found that the only type of
modern day finish that would
tighten the fabric while making it
airtight must contain water. Four
coats of brushed-on water-borne
clear lacquer were used, with very
careful sanding between the third
and fourth coat.
The covering of the wings, stabi
lizer, rudder, and canard was
completed by the end of April 2000,
and reassembly was about to begin.
By this time the restoration team
had received an original Roberts 4X
engine from the National Air and
Space Museum, though several ex
ternal parts were missing. The
missing items included the water
manifold, water pump, and mag
neto. After relentless searching, only
the magneto was found, so, relying
on the photographs, the missing
parts were fabricated. The dual radia
tors, fuel tank, and propeller also
had to be built. Careful scaling of
photographs provided the team with
the necessary dimensions for build
ing the radiators and fuel tank.
The National Air and Space Mu
seum lent the team a propeller, but
it was to be used only as an example
to be copied. It was six inches shorter
than what was reqUired for the Dia

-continued on page 29

I first found out about this little

bear on February 9, 1996. I received a
fax from a friend advising me of the
existence of five Piper Super Cubs
languishing in an ext.ended winter
slumber. The airplanes had been in
this suspended state for around eight
years. Associate Professor Terry Dor
ris and I decided to try to get at least
one of the aircraft. We set the paper
work in motion with high
expectations. Within a few days I re
ceived the news that we were granted
possession of one of the yet-unseen
aircraft. Terry and I made plans with
some students from our school (Mid
dle Tennessee State University in
Murfreesboro) to travel to Columbia,
South Carolina, to claim our prize.
Our trip started uneventfully but we
soon ran into a snowstorm that cov-


Cub is revived

Bill Allen
ered the mountain pass between our
destination and us. After some slip
pery travel we arrived in Columbia
and found the entrance to the ware
house where our Cub was sleeping.
Unfortunately, the late hour pre
vented us from making visual
contact. The next day we drove to
the warehouse and saw for the first

time the cache of aircraft and aircraft

parts stored there. Deep within this
mass of pieces lay the heart of our
plane, the fuselage of N8994Y; what
had this Cub seen and done before
ending up in this den?
Super Cub PA-18-1S0, serial num
ber 74-09135, was originally
delivered to the U.S. Immigration
and Naturalization Service with a
IS0hp Lycoming 0-320 engine. The
U.S. Border Patrol in El Paso used the
aircraft until 1983. The slow speed
and gentle demeanor of this airplane
made it the ideal aircraft for flying
surveillance missions with a high de
gree of safety. The cruising speed of
around 110 mph means that you
won't get anywhere quickly, but the
44 mph stalling speed means you
won't need much runway when you

service headquarters'
get there! Based on the
warehouse. That was
published figures from
Piper, you can fly the
the beginning of an
Cub for 3.5 hours and
eight-year hibernation
leave yourself the re
for this Cub.
We found the per
quired half an hour of
fuel when you land.
son in charge of the
When the U.S. Bor
warehouse and drove
der Patrol decided to
to the side entrance.
let the Cub browse, it
Upon entering the
warehouse, there were
was turned in to the
federal government's
old chain saws, weed
General Services Ad
eaters, tractors, a
Cessna 180 (I missed
ministration. The next
agency to call on this
that one), and the
little bear was the U.S.
remnants of five Super
(Above) The Super Cub in its uncovered assembled form so the wing and control
Forestry Service. Soon surface rigging could be checked. The new struts are built by Univair and comply
Cubs. We learned
after the U.S. Border with AD 93-10-06. (Below) Eric Lorvig dons a full-coverage, pressurized protective
from our "guide" that
Patrol turned it in, suit and mask while using a high-volume, low-pressure (HVLP) paint gun to apply
the plane we were
Cub Yellow Superflight polyurethane paint to the bottom of the left wing. The
they picked it up. The white undercoat, which you can see on the fuselage in the foreground, enhances
given was the least
aircraft was to be the yellow color.
damaged of the lot.
based in Columbia,
We inquired as to
South Carolina, with
what parts and acces
the South Carolina
sories went with
State Commission of
which aircraft. After
Forestry. The aircraft
hearing "Well, I guess
would spend several
you need to pick up
years in Columbia fly
what looks like a com
plete set of parts," we
ing many different
missions related to the
started to load our van
conservation of wood
and trailer. We took
lands. The airplane
notice of a crushed
would use only a frac
vertical stabilizer,
tion of its 17,OOO-foot
missing radios, and a
missing engine cowl
service ceiling during
these treetop opera
ing. After loading the
collection, we headed
exceptional, and con
back to Tennessee,
servative, 760-foot-per-minute head back as they were low on fuel, where we displayed our spoils to col
advertised rate of climb provided the but soon the engine began to sput leagues and students alike. I took
operators with an added sense of se ter. The pilot switched to the left inventory and found we had to pur
curity should they have to ascend tank, which should have had about chase some parts, including a new
rapidly. The 50 degrees of flaps en 30 minutes of fuel, but it too was vertical stabilizer, a rudder, an eleva
sured that the occupants could empty! They could not make the air tor, a main wing spar, some ribs, and
descend at a steep angle and drop port and decided to land in an open a complete engine cowl, to name a
into almost any field. This ability field that had a dirt road running few. The Cub then went back to sleep
would soon be tested.
through it. They landed longer than in our hangar while we finished an
March 7,1988, started out as a expected, and with the engine no other restoration project.
routine fire patrol day for the pilot of longer running, there was no go
In 1997 Eric Lorvig, a particularly
N8994Y and his observer. They left around. The plane flipped over, and ambitious Airframe and Powerplant
Orangeburg Airport at about 2 p.m. the soft dirt on the lower side of the student, told me he would work on
with full fuel tanks and headed to field claimed the little Cub. The two restoring the Cub without pay, if I
patrol the assigned area. The two occupants were unhurt and walked would let him. By the time the plane
flew for an hour on general patrol out of the field. They returned the was finished this became one semes
and then helped a fire tower find the next day to extract the airplane from ter of free labor for me and over two
location of a fire. They decided to the field and take it to the forestry years of paid employment for him.
10 FEBRUARY 2001

All covered and painted, the fuselage is at the "gO percent done, 50 percent left to do" stage of restoration . The Cessna 150 Texas Taildragger
conversion peeking out of the hangar door was converted at MTSU.

He started with the still and video

camera work of documenting where
all of the pieces went to ensure that
he would n ot have any "mystery"
pieces left over. He stripped the fuse
lage bare and commenced with the
sandblasting and priming of all the
steel parts. We inspected the balance
of the parts and made almost daily
orders to Univair and Cub Crafters
searching for new and serviceable re
placement pieces. The plane saw
almost steady progress despite bud
get constraints from time to time
and the occasional university break
or holiday periods. We installed a
new instrument panel since the vac
uum system was not retained. The
plane was re-covered using the latest
in synthetic fabric covering systems
and finished with Cub Yellow Super
flight polyurethane paint, with
sanding between each coat.
During the summer of 1999 it be
gan to look like N8994Y was going
to come togeth er. The goal at that
time was to make it to EAA AirVen

ture Oshkosh. When it came time to

register this well-rested C ub , we
wanted a registration number that
fit this aircraft. We selected N147MT,
representing our FAR Part 147 school
and MTSU. The airplane flew for the
first time, again, on)uly 22,1999,
with Eric at the stick and a newly
overhauled 150 Lycoming out front.
He told me he would run it down
the runway a few times and see how
it felt. He gave it half power, and it
wanted to fly. He said h e just de
cided to give it full throttle and see
what happened. It rose into the air,
climbed through the pattern altitude
in seconds, and then circled the air
port. He called back on the radio
periodically and landed after about
half an hour to check for lea ks and
general condition. W e found no
leaks or loose parts, and after mak
in g the required 91.407 logbook
entry, he set out again and flew until
almost dark.
The true test for th e new ly chris
tened N147MT would be the trip to

Oshkosh. We made the trip on the

Tuesday following the Friday test
flight, after building about six hours
on the engine. Eric fl ew the Cub to
the fly-in, and I followed him in
MTSU's Beaver. Although we took
different routes, we arrived in
Oshkosh minutes apa rt. The trip up
was uneventful as the 6,700-hour
airframe performed flawlessly. Eric
made the return trip and was very
appreciative for the opportunity to
display his work and to show it at
the biggest nation al aviation event
in the United States.
After returning from Wisconsin,
N147MT was put into service with
the MTSU Flight School, training
students pursuing their tailwheel en
dorsem e nts . The plane also serves
in several other capacities, includ
ing as an air show display, a parts
chaser, a taxicab, etc. It shows a lit
tle wear from its 400 hours of duty
as a flight school trainer, but it has
come a lon g way from its South
Carolina "cave."




by E.E. "Buck" Hilbert

EAA #21 VAA #5
P.O. Box 424, Union, IL 60180

More on Engine Pre-Heaters

The response has been great.
r hadn't received my December
magazine yet when r had a call from
the frozen northern regions. The
caller adamantly insisted that up
there they couldn't live without their
heaters. He insisted they plug'em in
the fall and leave them on until
spring and "there ain't no other
way." He really took me to task.
Then the E-Mails came. One told
of a manufacturer's latest innovation
to carry off the accumulated internal
condensation. It's a mini-blower that
forces air through the "slobber-tube,"
as the rAC guys call the crankcase
ventilation line, and out through the
oil filler hole with the cap left open
or ajar. Good idea! But the price,
near 300 bucks, sort of takes the fun
out of it, until you consider the cost
of an overhaul or a new engine.
The majority of the replies echo
the findings the article talks about,
and the summation is that for most
of us, use of the heater should be
confined to just prior to flight and
not when the engine is going to be
inactive or not flying. See the letters
that follow . Hark to the experiences
related, and use your own best judg
r recently had a conversation with
Terry Norris (Aircraft Systems acces
sory overhaul shop owner in
Rockford, Illinois) about the article
on engine pre-heaters. Our talk
brought out the fact that his shop is
seeing extreme corrosion problems
caused by condensation in magneto
drives, impulse couplings, and espe
12 FEBRUARY 2001

cially in springs.
We also talked about crankcase
ventilation and how some
owners/maintenance people extend
the tube back to the tail to minimize
oil on the belly. Taking the tube out
of the low-pressure area and the pos
sible sludge accumulation in the
long tube sure could affect ventila
tion of those condensation vapors.
We also speculated some about the
oil separators being touted today and
what effect they might have on pas
sive venting when the engine is at
We further kicked around running
temperatures and why getting the
engine up to operating temperature,
and keeping it there, is so important
to efficiency and engine life. Why do
diesels have such a wonderful oper
ating history in trucks? Because they
hardly ever shut them off and they
run at optimum temperatures all the
This led to even further discussion
of oil coolers and blocking them off
in cold weather; as well as different
theories on thermostats and pioneer
ing efforts in engine cooling. r
wonder how many of today's main
tenance people even know that there
were steam-cooled aircraft engines .
Believe it or not, some of the post
World War One big twelve cylinder
Vees were actually steam-cooled.
Steam supposedly never got hotter
than 212 degrees. Think about that
one for a minute!
Here's the first batch of notes.
We'll start wit h science class first,

courtesy or Wayne Spani:

Many substances can exist in three
phases or states-solid, liquid, or
gaseous. The phase is dependent
upon temperature and pressure, so
you can cause a substance to change
phases by changing temperature,
pressure, or both. Condensation is
the name we give to the gaseous-to
liquid phase change. For water, we
know that it exists as a solid (ice) at
atmospheriC pressure and below 0
C, as a liqUid between 0 C and 100
C, and as a gas (steam) above 100 C.
Our atmosphere is a mixture of ele
ments and compounds (oxygen,
nitrogen, carbon dioxide, water, and
others) in their gaseous state. How
ever, for any combination of
atmospheriC temperature and pres
sure, there is a limit to the amount of
water (relative humidity) that can
exist in the gaseous state. When that
limit is reached at 100 percent, con
densation occurs, as evidenced by
the formation of clouds. The temper
ature at which this occurs is called
the dew pOint. So condensation does
not occur when the temperature is
above the dew point-either up in
the sky or inside an engine crankcase.
The droplets of water that form on
the outside of a glass of ice water oc
cur because the surface temperature
of the glass cools the surrounding air
below the dew point and forces at
mospheric water to condense. It
follows that if you can keep the en
gine temperature above the dew

point (with heaters), condensation

cannot occur and liquid water would
not form the electrolyte-for-elec
trolytic corrosion.
Dear Buck,

I had a similar experience with

my '55 Cessna 180 to that described
by your friend's 210. I bought the
plane with 1200 hrs on the 0-470
and thought that I might be able to
get away with "topping cylinders" as
needed to get to 1500 TBO, etc. 470's
are know for having long-lasting
bottom ends.
Returning from Sun 'n Fun in '98,
a clatter commenced about SO miles
from home. I figured it was a col
lapsed lifter (it was), but, when the
IAIAP pulled the jug, the lifter and
the cam were severely spalled. I was
n't expecting that! The engine did
have a hotpad that I did use and the
plane was bought from a guy in
Maine, so I'm sure he used the pad a
lot. We attributed the spalling to

lack of use of the plane (it had last

been majored in '83 - 15 years. We
moved to Mattituck that year and
had them put a ' new' remanufac
tured engine in. I use a red dragon
now for pre-heat because I don't
have power at the tie-down. Of note,
the oil pan under the pad was rusted
through (pad was holding the oil in).
So your AP might be on to some
Charlie Zaloom
Hello Buck,

I just read your piece in the De

cember 2000 Vintage Airplane.
"Metal in the screen". While work
ing as a mechanic at a shop in
western New York we frequently ser
viced a 1979 Cessna 210N. This
company refurbished this airplane
two years previous, including of
course, a major overhaul. After sale
to it's current owner it became based
at that field in a non-heated steel
hanger with blacktop floor and an

electric engine preheater left on 24-7

during the cold months. Approx.
one year later it was discovered that
the camshaft had become severely
pitted and rusted. After the TSIO
520-R was torn down for repair
owner was advised not to leave his
engine preheater on constantly but
to instead arrive at the field early to
preheat engine on the day of flight.
Just like a glass of ice water on a hot
day the inside of the engine was
most likely moist all the time thus
causing severe corrosion of internal
engine parts. More than two years
later this very costly condition has
not been detected after operating
heater as instructed.
Sincerely, Tim Moore
. Next it's my fellow VAA board
member, Bob Brauer.
Hi Buck!

I read the part of your article in

December's Vintage Airplane with

much interest regarding "Metal in

the Screen". In my opinion, the oil
pan type electric pad heaters will
perform their intended task without
problems if they are used properly.
Within the past several years (af
ter the earth cooled), I recall reading
about this subject in 2 or 3 club mag
azine articles and member letters (I
don't recall the dates) on the subject
of long term electrical type engine
oil pre heat. The point is that mois
ture can promote condensation.
This matches your mechanic's opin
ion. The club's magazine articles
pOinted out that oil pan heaters will
very likely cause moisture to con
dense in the upper and somewhat
cooler extremities of the engine in
ternals and promote corrosion.
As a result of this information, I
plug in my oil heater within an hour
or two prior to engine start up. A
conventional hot air treatment re
sults in a quick and easy start up
with the all important rapid oil flow.
Of course, the colder it gets, the
longer the pre heat time. The manu
facturer of my oil heater claims a
generous warm-up in an hour, but I
tend to be conservative regarding
their claims. I've experienced a few
early morning get-ups at about 0
dark thirty to get to the airport to
achieve a good warm-up. During the
warm up, I spend that time in the
airport office drinking their coffee,
so it's no big deal.
My oil is routinely subjected to
analysis and oil filter cut for inspec
tion upon every oil change with no
negative results. I am satisfied with
the engine oil heater on my 182B.
By the way, the next time that I
change oil, I'll take a whack or two
at the particles trapped in the oil fil
ter to see what disintegrates and
what does not.
Thanks again for another well
written, practical, useful and
informative Vintage Airplane article.
"Over to You"
Bob Brauer
VAA #4319

And from one of the manufacturers:



Dear Buck,

I enjoyed your article in the De

cember issue concerning metal in
the oil screen. Since we are the man
ufacturer of SAFE-HEET engine
heaters, I would like to address your
question as to the possibility of en
gine pre-heaters causing internal
engine corrosion and related pitting
and metal failures.
YES, your perceptions are correct.
Engine heaters can cause damage.
We were in the engine overhaul
business when we developed the
SAFE-HEET product. Our conclu
sions from observing internal
engine corrosion damage while
comparing heater usage situations
are as follows:
All pre-heaters will accelerate en
gine corrosion if they are left
plugged in continuously and the air
craft is not used for several days.
Pre-heaters will not cause damage
if the airplane is flown regularly or
the heater is only used before flight.
Rental and pipeline patrol aircraft
don't seem to have any problems
with the heaters being continuously
plugged in because the engines are
run regular enough to keep the en
gine's internal surfaces coated with
oil and the normal moisture and the
associated sulfuric acid in the oil can
be, to some extent, vaporized out of
the breather.
Using the heater the night before
a flight or an hour before a flight
causes no harm, as exposure time
seems to be a large factor in the cor
rosion equation.
All brands and types of heaters
can cause corrosion damage.
The theory that the engine can be
kept warm with a pre-heater and
therefore no condensation can occur
doesn't seem to hold water. The
change from operating temperatures
to pre-heat temperatures is enough
to cause moisture and acid conden
sation on susceptible steel parts. The
normal combustion process in an
aircraft engine produces moisture
and sulfuric acid (along with other
nasty stuff). Some of this mixture is
trapped in the crankcase and engine

oil. Acids, by their very nature, are

temperature-sensitive when reacting
with metals. They are dormant at
cold temperatures and very
aggressive at high temperatures.
This, combined with the fact that
oil is more viscous at low tempera
tures and takes much longer to run
off the oil-coated engine surfaces
than warm oil, makes a good case
for keeping your engine cold until
it is needed.
As a manufacturer of pre-heaters,
I wish I could tell you pre-heaters
are harmless and should be left on
all the time, but I would be lying if
I did.
The root of this problem is that
some of the pre-heater manufactur
ers either don't fully understand
their product or ignore the limita
tions of their product to further
sales. They continue to pump out
faulty information about the use of
their pre-heaters. Considering the
damage that can be caused by lack
of lubrication during a cold start-up,
pre-heaters are very beneficial and
well worth the money when used
My hat goes off to you and the
readers of Vintage Aircraft for keep
ing those glorious old flying
machines alive, as well as the spirit
that created them. Future genera
tions will surely benefit. Keep up the
good work.
David A. McFarianeGeneral
Manager, SAFE-HEET Division
McFarlane Aviation, Inc.
Whew! You guys have been busy.
More comments are coming ... stay
with us.
Oh, and don't worry-we're not
about to run out of hot topics to
write about. Dip Davis and I are
scratching our noggins as we work
together to comply with the new
Aeronca spar Airworthiness Direc
tive. We'll keep you posted!
Over to you,












ell-done restorations
seem to age well, and
the Wien family ' s
Grumman Widgeon has withstood
over a decade of operation since its
restoration was completed in 1988.
Having been in the family since
1981, it's now a treasured member
of the clan, evoking warm memo
ries similar to those for a beloved
hunting dog, a great vacation, or a
favorite hideaway. But its .....--~----.
early life was far from hearth and
home. When it was first built, its
mission was to help protect the na
tion's shores and to rescue those
who fought to keep it safe.
This particular J4F-1 was ordered
by the U.S. Coast Guard in 1941
and delivered just a coup le of
months prior to the United State's
entry into World War II. This small
amphibian, weighing just a little
more than half of its big brother,
the G-21 Goose, was a favorite of
Grumman President Roy Grum
man. He crewed the first Widgeon
test flight with fellow. Grumman
test pilot Bud Gilles on June 28,
1940. NX28633, the one and only
XG-44, looked a lot like its big
brother, with a couple of excep
tions. The tail and wingtips were
squared off to maximize the
amount of area in a given span.
And instead of radial engines,
Grumman choose the six-cylinder
Fairchild-built Ranger 6-440C-S in
line as the powerplant of choice.
The inverted Ranger, with its high
thrust line, helped minimize the
amount of spray the props con
tacted during water operations.
Sixty years later, the Ranger-pow
ered airframes, while very rare, are



still considered among the best-look

ing airplanes ever built.
Before the first production G-44
rolled out of the hangar doors in
Bethpage, Long Island, New York,
the company's sales office had 10 or
ders for the model. A total of 44
Widg eons were built before the
buildup of the United State's military
air fleet resulted in an order for a sec
ond batch of G-44s, designated the
J4F-1. A few of the earlier Widgeons
would also be impressed into mili
tary service.
The entire second batch of 2S air
planes was slated for delivery to the
U.S. Coast Guard, who intended to
use the multi-mission capable am
phibian for patrolling the nation's
shores, as well as for air/sea rescue.
The Wien's Widgeon, serial number
1228, was built seventh in that sec
ond batch of airplanes. It was issued
V20 3 as its service number and
served with the Coast Guard for the
duration of the war.
A follow-up order by the Navy for
106 J4F-2s made for a total of 131 of
the J4F series. The Coast Guard and



Navy aircraft were well suited for

their mission. A bomb rack was in
stalled on the underside of the
starboard wing, which could hold
one 200-pound depth charge or a
specially packaged life raft/rescue
gear that could be dropped to a per
son awaiting rescue in the water.
A Widgeon fitted for anti-subma
rine patrol was used by the Coast

Guard to score the first U-boat kill.

On August I, 1942, chief aviation pi
lot Henry C. White, assigned to
Patrol Squadron 212 of Houma,
Louisiana, bombed and sank U-166
in the Gulf of Mexico, near the delta
of the Mississippi River. That air
plane, since modified with the
installation of flat-opposed Ly
coming engines, is on display at the
National Museum of Naval Aviation
in Pensacola, Florida.
Over its lO-year production life at
the Grumman plant, a total of 276
Widgeons were built (with 41 more
built to one extent or another by the
French firm SCAN). After the war,
the Navy and Coast Guard released
their Widgeons, and they were dis
posed of by the War Assets
Administration. Prized as both com
mercial and private aircraft, the
airplanes have long had a loyal fol
lowing, even after it has been
acknowledged that their water han
dling characteristics can be
The "conventional wisdom" on
the Grumman series of amphibians

is that the larger they are, the easier

they are to handle on the water. The
only knock on the prewar and
wartime Widgeons (besides marginal
single-engine performance with the
original 200-hp Ranger engines and
fixed-pitch wood props) was their
tendency to porpoise if the nose of
the airplane was dropped too sud
denly while on the water. Kurt Wien
and his father Merrill both acknowl
edge that the airplane will oscillate
in pitch when operating on the wa
ter if atten tion is not paid to the
correct attitude, but both will quickly
add that with proper training and
practice, the Widgeon is a joy to fly.
After V203 was sold on the civil
ian market, it bounced around for a
short while until George Lambros of
New Jersey put it into service as a
twin-engine seaplane trainer. Many
pilots who earned their twin-engine
sea wings did so in this Widgeon at
the famed Lambros Seaplane base in
Ridgefield Park, New Jersey. The
base, located on the Hackensack
River, was just a few miles east-north
east of Teterboro Airport. Now
simply known as Ridgefield, it's
listed as a private seaplane base.
All that training activity took its
toll on the airframe, and by the time
Merrill Wien was able to purchase
the airplane in 1981 , the fuselage
had become a flying project. It did
n't look too bad when he first bought
it, but as so often happens, a closer
inspection revealed some work
needed to be done.
"We thought, 'It'll take some
work, maybe six months,'" Kurt
Wi en recalls. We've all heard that
before! The wings and tail were in
pretty good shape, but the complex
ity and amount of work to be done
to the fuselage, plus the retrofit of a
pair of different propellers, took over
(Above) The cockpit of the Wien's Widgeon
shows its flight training heritage, with dual
controls installed when it was used as a
twin-engine seaplane trainer at the famous
Lambros Seaplane base, located on the
Hackensack River in New Jersey. (Below) The
six-cylinder Ranger engines are among avia
tion's sleekest installations. With constant
speed Hartzell props, the amphibian's take
off performance is much improved .

six years to complete.

Merrill Wien had owned one Wid
geon b efore this one, a Super
Widgeon equipped with geared Ly
coming engines. It had also seen
service with the government during
the wa r, serving with the Civil Air
Patrol. He admits selling it was a
mistake, for he wanted another one
to replace it almost right away!
Merrill is the grandson of Wien
Alaska Airways founder Noel Wien, a
pioneering bush pilot who put to
gether one of the most well-known
airlines in the world, flying a mix
ture of aircraft that ranged from the
Ford Tri-Motor to the C-46, with a

liberal sprinkling of light aircraft in

the middle. He taught his son Merrill
to fly, and Merrill passed along the
tradition to his two sons, Kurt and
Kent. Both are airline pilots: Kurt a
767 captain for American Airlines
and Kent a pilot for American Air
lines. Their sister, Kim, is a flight
attendant for Alaska Airlines.
Merrill and his mechanically in
clined friend, Pat Prociv, did the
restoration, with grunt work help
from Kent and Kurt. Stripping paint,
unscrewing this, and cleaning up
that were the fun parts the boys "en
joyed." But Pat, who holds an A&P
certificate with an inspection autho

rization, and Merrill did the bulk of

the work.
Since it was an original airframe,
Merrill weighed the pros and cons of
revising the engine installation. The
geared Lycoming engine conversions
were having their own set of prob
lems with parts availability, and the
more he looked at the original
Ranger engines, the more he realized
the airplane's performance wasn't
lacking because it needed more
horsepower. What it needed was a
pair of constant-speed propellers! He
also points out that parts for the
Rangers are not an insurmountable
problem. One surprising detail that

The early color schemes of the World War II era were pretty bright, with plenty of yellow to help identify U.S. airplanes. Soon after the United
States declared war, the schemes became much more subdued. Even the Coast Guard schemes, which mirrored the Navy livery, changed over
time. Merrill Wien chose to paint his Widgeon with the same colors the airframe had when it was first rolled out of the hangar doors at
Grumman's Bethpage, Long Island, factory.

The famous Grumman landing gear

geometry proved itself tough over a
wide range of airplanes, from the J2F
Duck to the F4F Wildcat, and a number
of other models as well. In different
sizes, the gear was common to all the
Grumman amphibious aircraft.

came to light during research on this

article is the number of G-44 and G
44A Widgeons that are still registered
as having the Ranger engine installa
tion. It seems as though you rarely
see one, yet the FAA registration
records show that of 72 G-44 air
frames still registered, 26 show
Ranger engines, and of the 47 entries
for the G-44A, five show Rangers.
Certainly most of those aircraft "with
Ranger engines" are not flying at this
time , so the actual number is less,
but there's still a number of Wid
geons out there with the inline
engine installation. Kurt Wien men
tioned that he thinks there are about
four or five Ranger-powered Wid
geons actually flying.
Retaining the 200-hp Rangers, Pat
and Merrill worked on getting a field
approval by the FAA for the installa
tion of a pair of Hart ze ll
constant-speed, full-feathering pro
pellers. Made of composite materials
with a stainless steel leading edge,
the Hartzells are holding up ex
tremely well, with littl e wear
showing on the blades after 600
hours of operation.
One of the reasons the Wien's
Widgeon performs as well as it does
was their conscious effort to keep
the airplane light. It can be pretty
easy to see where adding a few
pounds to a Cub will cut into its use
fulload and performance, but it's
not so obvious on a larger twin-en
gine airplane like the Widgeon. The
decision to not include lots of inte
rior upholstery and wall panels gives
the airplane a nice takeoff and climb
performance, and the installation of
the Hartzell constant-speed props al
lows the Rangers to turn up to
maximum power on the takeoff run
as well as more margin for single-en
gine performance.
There are modifications available

to allow for a higher gross weight,

but Merrill chose to keep the air
plane at the original maximum gross
weight of 4,525 pounds. When they
completed the restoration, Widgeon
NC1340V came in with an empty
weight of 3,300 pounds, just a hair
more than th e origin al 3,240
pounds. A major part of t hat 760
pound weight gain can be attributed
to the new propeller installation,
versus the original fixed-pitch wood
With its completion in 1988, the
Widgeon was put on flig ht status
from its home base at Port Angeles,
Washington, averaging a little more
than 50 hours of flight ti me each
year. The paint scheme on the air
plane, identical to the paint it carried
in the early stages of the war (later
during its military service it wore
dark blue paint), still looks great over
11 years later.
Both of Merrill's sons, Kurt and
Kent, have flown and checked out in
the Widgeon, with Kurt checking
out in it over eight years ago, and
Kent getting his checkout in it, too
.When dad started making noises
about selling the airplane, Kurt heard
the wake-up call loud and clear.
He rearranged a few priorities in
his life and bought the airplane from
Dad, moving it from its base on the
West Coast to near his home in West
Ossipee, New Hampshire, not too far
northeast of Lake Winnipesaukee.
For now, it's based at th e former
Pease Air Force base in Portsmouth
until his hangar at Wind sock Vil
lage, a residential airpark, is done. To
say he's doubly thrilled would be a
real understatement. First and fore
most, he now owns an airplane his
dad restored, and the added bonus is
that it's a Widgeon, which he's al
ways wanted to own. He'll even get
the chance to fly it with his primary
instructor, Don Simonds, who also
flew the airplane many years ago.
Nowa commercial pilot, Don lives
not too far from Kurt, across the bor
der in Vermont. We'd bet this
airplane will quickly become a famil
iar sight at the many seaplane bases
throughout New England.



A much lighter, more utilitarian interior

allows John and Linda to use the airplane
for camping trips and other excursions. The
F. Atlee Dodge folding seats are lightweight
and stow easily. To help keep the weight of
the airplane down, John had Boeing honey
comb material used for the floorboards . The
cockpit carried the simple theme as well.
Isn't it great how so much avionics capability
now takes up so little room?

A very flyable airplane, John and

Linda flew it for a year before taking
it to Victoria Air Maintenance in
Victoria, British Columbia. The
award-winning staff there got to
work on the G-44A, serial number
1473, one of the 76 (including the
XG-44A) built between 1945 and
1949. Well known in the warbird
community for their restoration of a
T-28 and a T-2 Buckeye jet, they did
most of the work, with additional
work done by F. Atlee Dodge in An
chorage, Alaska, (the lightweight
cabin folding seats) and longtime
22 FEBRUARY 2001

Widgeon owner and restorer George

Pappas, whose sheet metal expertise
was put to use by building a new set
of spray rails and a set of spinner
back plates and by re-skinning the
bottoms of a pair of round-top tip
This particular Widgeon was the
fourth from the last one built, and it
had round-top floats installed when
delivered. But at some point one or
both of them were damaged, and
the older flat-skin versions were in
stalled. George also had to work out
a few wrinkles in the top of the

floats, originally built in the factory

at Bethpage, using a stretch press to
create a pair of skins that gracefully
curved from nose to tail.
While the Widgeon we wrote
about eight years ago was a very cus
tomized airplane, complete with
295-hp Lycoming engines and re
tractable-tip floats, John really
wanted this airplane to be closer to
the original. He too chose to keep
the interior as light as he could.
One of the new materials he used
was Boeing surplus honeycomb ma
terial for the floorboards. Eschewing
the retractable-tip float conversion
that is one of the McKinnon conver
sion details, he stayed with the
fixed-tip float installation. John said
the speed cost was only 3-5 mph,
and the added 100 pounds of the re
tractable floats just wasn't worth it.
The two other Widgeons he has
owned had an empty weight in the
neighborhood of 4,200-4,300
pounds. He was shooting for 3,900
pounds for this airplane, and it's just
slightly over that.
The F. Atlee Dodge seats are very
lightweight as well. Designed for
Goose and Widgeon operators who
often use the cabin to haul cargo
and other bulky items, the seats cer
tainly are not leather-trimmed
recliners for the ultimate in passen
ger comfort. They quickly fold up
out of the way. Most Widgeons are
set up as five- or six-place airplanes,
with two seats in the cabin facing
forward and one or two seats facing
aft from their mounting on the
wheel wells. John's airplane has the
six-place seating, four aft and two in
the cockpit, with the throw-over
yoke. A few Widgeons, including the
airplane featured on the previous

pages, have been modified with dual

controls, so the airplanes could be
used for twin-engine flight instruc
The engines on this particular
McKinnon conversion are 270-hp
Lycomings, with three-blade props
to help keep the tips out of much of
the water spray. John prefers the
modification that retains the

rounded aft cowling from the Ranger

engines, which gives the airplane's
new cowls a rounder, more pleasing
look. The added power and lighter
weight than some of the other Wid
geons gives this one great takeoff
performance-it will take off from a
standing start in the water in about
eight seconds, and the initial rate of
climb is 2,000 fpm, which settles

(Top and Left Photo) A custom color scheme

highlights the gentle curves of the
Widgeon. With fixed-tip floats and a two
piece windshield, the restoration retains
much of the original airplane's appeal.
(Right Photo) John Schwamm

down to a very pleasing 1,500 fpm .

John agrees with what the Wiens
point out about flying the Widgeon.
A first time seaplane pilot would be

John's second Widgeon

restoration, which we profiled
in the February 1993 issue of
Vintage Airplane. A very cus
tomized airplane, it featured a
more luxurious interior,
retractable-tip floats and 295
hp Lycoming engines. It now
belongs to an owner on the
East Coast of the United States.

successful flying other seaplanes first

before being trained in the little
Grumman, as he points out that the
airplane behaves like nothing else
that flies.
"There really is nothing like it.
You shouldn't start out in a Wid
geon, in the water, period," he
mentions. ''It would be a lot easier, I
am sure, in a Goose."
The first time he flew a Widgeon,
he had 800 hours of floatplane time,
most of it in a Helio Courier on

floats. The float experi

ence helped a bit with
water operations, but
since a flying boat is in
many respects nothing like a float
plane, an entire transition program
to the Widgeon was in order. Hav
ing flown three of them as the
owner/pilot, John says that each one
has its own personality on the water
and that he never takes the air
plane's handling for granted. The
airplane's ability is one of a kind, he
points out.
"You start looking at any alterna
tive airplane, and there is just
nothing like it. And you .can't really

come close to what it is!" John adds.

The paint scheme for the new
restoration is similar to the second
Widgeon, but with much brighter
colors. Echoing and embellishing on
the original Widgeon's scheme, the
curved lines follow the smooth con
tours of the airframe. He tried to put
the original N number on the air
plane, but the owner of the airplane
wouldn't take John's offer to pay for
a new paint job in exchange for the
number. His previous airplane was
N144GW, so he asked the FAA for
N244GW [Should it be N244GW?].
Without the original number, he
didn't feel particularly bound to keep
the color scheme strictly as it was
when the airplane was first delivered.
Since John and Linda now split
their time between Alaska and Ari
zona, don't be surprised if you see
the airplane all over the western half
of North America. After all, there are
few places a Widgeon can't visit! ......

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24 FEBRUARY 2001



= A'. _



by H.G. Frautschy


After five years of restoration, this 1943 Piper L-4H, OY-DHN,

serial number 43-29774, looks like a new aircraft. The restoration
was completed in Denmark by the father/son team of Henry
Schou (shown in the cockpit), Esbjerg, Denmark, and Finn
Schou (EAA 362178) of Heming, Denmark.
This L-4H was built at Piper's Lock Haven, Pennsylvania plant
on December 10, 1943 and delivered to the USAAF on the same
date. It departed the United States in January 1944 for service
with the 8th Air Force in England. It was dropped from inven
tory in May 1946, having never returned to the United States.
Congratulations to Henry and Finn on a beautiful job of
restoring a L-4H Grasshopper.


Billy Griggs, VAA 29025 of Liberal, Kansas first flew

his newly restored 1943 Stinson V-77 Gullwing this
past November. It had been on display in the air mu
seum there in Liberal for the past 8-1/2 years. In
excellent condition mechanically, nevertheless the
entire airframe was stripped and primed with two
part epoxy paint by Billy's son Greg. The instrument
panel was overhauled and a solid walnut overlay
added to the panel. New upholstery and a full suite
of avionics completed the interior, and Ceconite
101 finished with Randolph Ranthane was used to
cover the airframe. Billy must have really enjoyed
this, his first project, for he's looking for another
airplane to restore!


February Mystery Plane

This month's Mystery Plane

comes to us from a batch of inter
esting and rare airplane photos
supplied by Ralph Nortell. The
jaunty-looking cabin on this smaller
monoplane is quite unusual, no
doubt an attempt to give the pilot
good visibility over the nose.
Send your answer to: EAA, Vin
tage Airplane, P.O. Box 3086,
Oshkosh, WI 54903-3086. Your an
swer needs to be in no later than
March 15, 2001, for inclusion in
the May issue of Vintage Airplane.
You can also send your response
via e-mail. Send your answer to
Be sure to include both your
name and address (especially your
city and state!) in the body of your
note and put "(Month) Mystery
Plane" in the subject line.
November's Mystery Plane, sup
plied by Pete Bowers, was a bit of a
stumper for many. But not for
Ralph NorteU, Spokane, Washing
ton. Here's what he wrote:
The November Mystery Plane was
civilian entry No.2 in the 1927 Na
tional Air Races, held September
26 FEBRUARY 2001

by H.G. Frautschy

Yackey Monoplane

(Above) Another view of our

Mystery Plane, the Yackey mono
plane registered as (-1296. It was
one of the two Yackeys that were
civilian entries in the National Air
Races held September 19-25, 1927,
at Felts Field, Spokane,
(Right) (-672 was the other partici
pant of the National Air Races.
Both Yackeys were powered by a
220-hp Wright Whirlwind J-5
engine. Photos are courtesy of the
Ralph Nortell collection.

19-25, at Felts Field, Spokane, Wash

ington. Alternately referred to as the
Ya ckey Monoplane and Yackey Sport,
entry No.2 (C-1296) joined Sport en
try No.7 (C-672) in the big Spokane
event. In the Air Derby event, Class
A, from New York to Spokane, entry
No.7, piloted by E. Hamilton Lee,
placed fifth and entry No.2, piloted
by Earl "Ru sty" Campb ell, pla ced
sixth. Both entries continued to make
fa vorable showings at Felts Field in
various events during th e remainder
of the week.
In adv erti se ments at th e tim e

Ya ckey Aircraft Co. claimed to be one

of th e oldest fl ying sc hoo ls in th e
United States, operating Checkerboard
Flying Field at Forest Park, Illinois.
Aircraft Yearbook for 1927 lists Yackey
Aircraft Co., Maywood, Illinois, as
manufacturers of Yack ey Sports,
Yackey Transports, and Yackey Mono
plan es and as providers of all
fix ed-base flying services. W. A. Yackey
IT. was president and manager.
Th e original Yack ey Sp ort was a
modified OX-5 conversion of a
Th omas Mors e Scout, assembled by
"Tony " Yackey and Walter Addems

and flown by Addems in the 1925

Ford Reliability Air Tour. "Ton y"
Yack ey wa s reported to have bee n
killed in the crash of Sport/Monoplane
C-1296 some time after the 1927 Na
tional Races. Perhaps it was due to
this tragic Loss that there is no mention
of Yack ey Co. activities in aviation
journaLs after 1927.
Ralph Nortell
VAA 4607
A correct answer was also received
from Gilbert Halpin, Stormville ,
New York, via e-mail.


Fly-In Calendar
The fo llowing list ofcoming events is furnished to our readers as a matter ofinformation only and does not constitute approval, sponsorship,
involvement, control or direction ofany event (fly-in, seminars, fly market, etc.) listed. Please send the information to EAA, Att: Vintage Air
plane, P.o. Box 3086, Oshkosh, WI 54903-3086. Information should be receivedfour months prior to the event date.
FEBR UA RY II - Mondovi, WI -Ski Fly-In at Log
Cabin Airport. Info: 715/287-4205.
FEBRUAR Y 24-25 - Riverside (Rubidoux), CA - EAA
Ch. One 's 48th Annual Fly-In. F1a-Bob Airport.
Attendees coming to this year's fly-in will be
greeted by anew full-field-length runway, paved
ramp and new taxiway. Info: 909/682-6236 (Leave
name, phone & address.)
MA RCH 1-3 - Kalispell, MT - Montana Aviation
Conference at Cavanaugh's Outlaw Inn. Work
shops, seminars, national/y recognized speakers,
trade show. Info: Montana Aeronautics Div.,
MARCH 2-4 - Casa Grande, AZ - 43rd Annual Cac
tus Fly-In at Casa Grande Airport, sponsored by
the Arizona Antique Aircraft Association. 1nfo:
John Engle 480/ 987-5516 or www.!cactus.
MA RCH 4 - Santa Paula, CA - Fly'n Swapm eet, 9
a.m. - 5 p.m. Sel/ or buy. Antique engine auction.
Antique airplane displays. 1nfo: 805/525-5893.
APRIL 1 - Santa Paula, CA - April Fools Day Re
gional Luscombe Fly-In sanctioned by Continell/al
Luscombe Association. Info: 805/642-3315.
APRIL 8-14 - Lakeland, FL - Sun 'N Fun EAA Fly
In, Info:
MA Y 5 - Wiscasset, ME - Katahdin Wings 99s host
Maine Poker Run. Info: Ann at 207-882-5475.
MA Y 6- Santa Paula, CA - Piper Cub Fly-In, in con
junction with Santa Paula Airport First Sunday of
the Month Fly-ln. Info: 805/525-708/.
MA Y 6 - Rockford, 1L - EAA Ch. 22 Fly-In/Drive-1n
Breakfast at Greater Rockford Airport, Courtesy
Aircraft Hangar. Info: 815/397-4995.
MA Y 6 - Dayton, OH - EAA Ch. 48, 38th Annual Fun
day Sunday Fly-In Breakfast. Fly market, awards,
lunch, vendors and much more. Sat. night free
camping with things to see and do. Lots ofan
tiques on the field. Moraine Air Park. Info:
937/291-1225 or 937/859-8967.
MA Y 12 - Rock Hil/, SC - Wings & Wheels Day Fly
In/Drive-In, Lunch available. Info: 803/329-4454.
MA Y 18-20 - Columbia, CA - 25th Annual Gathering
ofLuscombes 2001. Aircraft judging, spot landing
andflour bombing competilions, and the 9th An
nual Great Luscombe Clock Race. Info:
360/893-5303 or 253/630-1086.
MA Y 19-20 - Winchester, VA - EAA Ch. 186 Spring
Fly-In at Winchester Regional Airport (OKV) from
28 FEBRUARY 200 1

8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Pancake breakfast 8 a.n1. - 11 a.m.

Static display ofvarious aircraft; airplane and he
licopter rides available, demos, aircraft judging,
children's play area and ongoing activities. Con
cessions, souvenirs, and good food. Info: Ms.
Tangy Mooney 703/ 780-6329 or EAAI86@
netscape. net.
MA Y 20 - Niles, MI - VAA Ch. 35 Hog Roast Lun
cheon at Niles Airport (3TR). Info: 616/683-9642
MAY 20 - Warwick, NY - EAA Ch. 501 Annual Fly-In
at Warwick Aerodrome (N72). 10:00 a.m. - 4:00
p.m. Unicom advisory frequency is 123.0. Food
will be available and trophies will be awardedfor
the different classes ofaircraft. Registration for
judging closes at 2:00 p.m. Info: Michael Mani
atis, 212-620-0398.
MA Y 20 - Romeoville, IL (LOT) - EAA Ch. 15 Fly-In
Breakfast, 7 a.m. - Noon at Lewis Romeoville Air
port. Info: Frank, 815/436-6153.
MA Y 25-27 - Watsonville, CA - EAA Ch. 119 's 37th
Annual Fly-In & Air Show. Info: 831-763-5600.
MAY 26 - Zanesville, OH (Riverside Ai/port) - EAA
Ch. 425 Annual Memorial Day Pancake Breakfast
Fly-In/Drive-In, 8 a.m. - 2 p.m. (Rain date, May
27.) Lunch items and airplane rides available af
ter 11 a.m. Info: 720/454-0003
JUNE 1-2 - Merced, CA - 44th Merced West Coast
Antique Fly-In at Merced Airport. Info: Virginia
or Ed Morford 209/383-4632
JUNE 3 - DeKalb, 1L (DKB) - 37th Annual EAA Ch.
241 Fly-In/Drive-In Breakfast, 7 a.m. - Noon. Info:
Ed Torbett 815/895-3888.
JUNE 3 - St. Ignace, MI Airporl - EAA Ch. 560 An
nual Fly-In/Drive In Steak OUI, Noon - 4 p.m.
Public welcome. Info: 23I1627-6409 or 231-238
JUNE 9-10 - Petersburg-Dinwiddie, VA - Virginia
State EAA Fly-In.
JUNE 23-24 - Longmont, CO - Rocky Mountain EAA
JUNE 23 - Zanesville, OH (Riverside Airport) - EAA
Ch. 425 Pancake Breakfast Fly-In/Drive-In, 8 a.m.
- 2 p.m. (Rain date June 24.) Lunch items and
airplane rides available after 11 a.m. Info: Don,
JULY II-I 5 - Arlington, WA - Northwest EAA Fly-In.
JULY 22 - Zanesville, OH (Parr Ai/port) - EAA Ch.
425 Annual Pre-Oshkosh Fly-ln/Drive-br Pancake

Breakfast, 8 a.m. - 2 p.m. Lunch items and air

plane rides available after 11 a.m. Info: Don,
JULY 24-30 - Oshkosh, WI -AirVenture Oshkosh
2001, Wittmall Airport, IlIfo: 9201426-4800,
www.airvellture. org.
JULY 27 - Oshkosh, Wl- Stinson Lunch at Oshkosh,
I 1:30 a.m. meet at the Vintage RedBamforafree,
short bus ride to GolfCentral Restaurant. Pay on
your own at the restaurant. Sign up in Type Tent
or call 630/904-6964.
AUGUST 5 - Queell City, MO - 14th Annual Water
melon Fly- In at Applegate Airport. Info:
A UGUST 11 - Cadillac, MI - EAA Ch. 678 Fly
In/Drive-In Breakfast at Wexford County Airport
(CAD), 7:30a.m. - Il :OOa.m. Info: 2J3/779-8Jl3.
AUGUST I9 -Dayton, OH - EAA Ch. 48 Pancake
Breakfast at Moraine Airpark. Info: 937/291-1225
or 937/859-8967.
SEPTEMBER 1 - Zanesville, OH (Riverside Airport)
- EAA Ch. 425 Annual Labor Day Weekend Fly
III/Drive- In, 8 a.m . - 2 p.m. Lunch items and
airplane rides available after 1I a.m. Info:
SEPTEMBER 2 - Mondovi, WI - 15th Annual Fly-In
at Log Cabin Airport. Info: 7J 5/287-4205.
SEPTEMBER 7-9 - Sacramento, CA - Golden West
EAA Fly-In.
SEPTEMBER 7-9 - Marion, OH - Mid-Eastern EAA
SEPTEMBER 14-16 - Watertown, WI (RYV) - 17th
Annual Byron Smith Memorial Midwest Stinson
Reunion. Info: Nick or Suzette, 630/904-6964
SEPTEMBER 21-22 - Abilene, TX - Southwest EAA
OCTOBER 5- 7 - Toughkenamon, PA - East Coast
EAA Fly-In.
OCTOBER 5-7- Evergreen, AL - Southeast EAA Fly-In
OCTOBER 11-14 - Mesa, AZ - Copperstate EAA Fly-In
OCTOBER 13-14 - Winchester, VA - EAA Ch. 186
Fall Fly-In will be held at the Winchester Regional
Airport (OKV) from 8 a.m. - 5 p.m . Pancake
breakfast 8 - 11 a.m. Static display ofvarious air
craft; airplane and helicopter rides available,
demos, aircraft judging, children 's play area and
ongoing activities. Concessions, souveilirs, and
goodfood. Info: Ms. Tangy Mooney 703/780
6329 or

- Diamond from page 8

mond. A propeller blank of ash was
soon laminated, the propeller pro
files at selected stations determined,
and the carving began. After untold
hours of handwork, the raw wood
was turned into a beautiful example
of a Paragon propeller, the type used
on the Diamond. The replica prop
even has the correct decal installed
on each blade. By this time the en
gine had been fitted to the airframe,
and the radiators mounted to their
supports. Again all parts fit pre
cisely, the new with the old.
One of the innovative design fea
tures of the Curtiss-Type aeroplane
is the ability to remove and install
the outer wing sections as a com
plete unit, allowing for easy
transportation and storage. The
original builders had also incorpo
rated this feature, which may be
seen in an old photograph, in the
Diamond design. The restoration
team was able to make use of this
feature and assembled the com
pleted outer wing sections and
fine-tuned all of the wire bracing be
fore the wings were attached to the
aeroplane. The entire center section
with the canard, aft stabilizer, and
rudder was complete ly assembled
with all wire bracing fine-tuned. The
final mating of the outer wing pan
els, including ailerons, to the center
section would occur in the museum
gallery itself.
The Hiller Aviation Museum, lo
cated on the San Carlos Airport, will
offiCially unveil the new exhibit
February 24-25, 2001. There will be
experts on hand the entire weekend
to discuss the history and recreation
of the Diamond.
For more information, contact:

The Hiller Aviation Museum

601 Skyway Road
San Carlos, CA 94070

Phone: (650) 654-0200

Fax: (650) 654-0220
Web address:

Greensboro, NC
February 17-18, 2001

Sheet Metal
What's Involved in Kit Building*
Fabric Covering
Gas Welding
Electrical Systems
CompOSite Construction
Engine Inst allation and Avionics
Introduction t o Aircraft Building





*Saturday evening-Whafs Involved In Kit Building,$30

Spend 2 1/2 days at our TIG
Welding Workshops.

Griffin, Georgia
March 2-4, 2001
EAA MEMBERS $289- $349



Pittsburgh, PA
March 3-4,2001

What's Involved in Kit Building*

Basic Sheet Metal
Elect rical Systems and Avionics
Fabric Covering
Composite Construction
Gas Welding
Introduct ion to Aircraft Building





*Saturday evening-Whafs Involved In Kit Building,$30



W0 R K SH 0 P S

Call or log-on for our complete workshop calendar

" Under EAA's leadership

these workshops are

better than ever,"
Ron Alexander
workshop developer.



Aircraft Coatings

" Proud Sponsors of EAA SportAir Workshops"



'* ~.. 7

Something to buy, sell or trade?

Classified Word Ads: $5.50 per 10 words, 180 words maximum, with boldJace lead-in onfirst line.

Classified Display Ads: One column wide (2. 167 inches) by 1, 2, or 3 inches high at $20 per inch. Black and white only, and no Jrequency discounts.

Advertising Closing Dates: 10th ojsecond month prior to desired issue date (i.e., January 10 is the closing date Jar the March issue). VAA reserves the

right to reject any advertising in conflict with its policies. Rates cover one insertion per issue. Classified ads are not accepted via phone. Payment must

accompany order. Word ads may be sent via Jax (9201426-4828) or e-mail ( using credit card payment (VISA or MasterCard).

Include name on card, complete address, type ojcard, card number, and expiration date. Make checks payable to EAA. Address advertising correspon
dence to EAA Publications Classified Ad Manager, P.D. Box 3086, Oshkosh, WI 54903-3086.

BABBITT BEARING SERVICE - rod bearings, main bearings, camshaft beatings, master rods, valves. Call us Toll Free 1/800/233-6934, e-mail
AIRCRAFT FABRICS - Imported Unen, Certificated Grade A Cotton. Tapes - Straight and pinked. For an 18-18" sample, send $10.00. Contact for price list. Vintage
Aero Fabrics, Ltd., 18 Joumey's End, Mendon, VT 05701 USA Tel: 802-786-0705, Fax: 802-786-2129. E-mail:
WANTED -1950's era McCulloch radial two-cycle engines (aircraft), also known as Umbaugh autogyro engines. Radial design with even number of cylinders. Complete
engines or crankcase, and misc. parts. Send info, or picture if possible, to Joe Hicks, P. O. Box 159, Fisherville, KY 40023. 502-649-5833
WANTED - Aviation magazines from 1920s, '30s & '40s, "Air News" or similar types, single magazines or sets. Mail info or call, J. D. Hicks, P.O. Box 159, Fisherville, KY
40023. 502-649-5833.

TN' GNLY ~n'"


'G"'''' ~

Of course, if you plan to fJ~ it,

the etUiest way is stiD Poly-Ylber.
~hy Poly~ fiber? Because for 30 years builders

have followed our easy steps and achieved safe,
truly superlative, long -lasting results. And Poly-fiber
products are painstakingly manufactured and proven
over time. O ur reader-friendly manual is almost like
having an instructor right there with you , and if you'd
like some coaching, try one of our hands-on workshops.
There's also a step-by-step video, a kit for practicing
with Poly-Fiber, plus a w eb site full of information.


Ai rc r a f t Coa tin gs

30 FEBRUARY 2001

Fly high with a

quality Classic interior

Complete interior assemblies for dO-it-yourself installation.

Custom q uality at economical prices.

Cushion upholstery sets

Wall panel sets
Carpet sets
Baggage compartment sets
Firewall covers
Seat slings
Recover envelopes and dopes
Free catalog of complete product line.
Fabric Selection Guide showing actual sample colors and
styles of materials: $3.00.



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Cypress CA
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Membershi~ Services Directon'_


Enjoy the many benefits ofBAA and the

Vintage Aircraft Association
EAA Aviation Center, PO Box 3086, Oshkosh WI 54903-3086
Esple 'Butch' Joyce
P.O. Box 35S84
Greensboro. NC 27425
Steve Nessa
2009 Highland Ave.
Albert Lec. MN fRX)7
507/ 373-1674

George Doubner
2448 Lough Lane

Hartford. WI 53027


Chanes W. Harns
7215 East 46th SI.
Tulse. OK 74145
918/ 622-8400

David Benne"
P.O. Box 1188
Roseville. CA 95678

Jeannie HIli

P.O. Box 328

Harvard. IL 60033


Robert C. ' Bob' Brauer

9345 S. Hoyne
Chicago. IL 60620

Steve Krog
1002 Hecther Ln.
Hartford. WI 53027

John Berendt
7645 Echo Point Rd.
Cannan Fal MN 55009


Robert D. ' Bob' Lumley

1265 South 124th St.

Brookfield. WI 53005
262/ 782-2633

John S. Copeland
1A Deccon Street
Northborough. MA 01532
Phil Coulson
28415 Spnngbrook Dr.
Lawton. MI 49065
Roger Gomoll
321-1/2 S. Broodway #3
Rochester. MN 55904

Dale A. Gustafson
7724 Shady Hili Dr.
Indianapclls. IN 46278

Phone (920) 426-4800 Fax (920) 426-4873

Web Site: and http://www.airventure. org E-Mail: vintage

BAA and Division Membership Services

800-843-3612 .. . FAX 920-426-676 1
(8:00 AM -7:00 PM
Monday- Friday CST)
New/renew memberships: EAA, Divisions
(Vintage Aircraft Association, lAC, Warbirds),
National Association of Flight Instructors
Address changes
Merchandise sales
Gift memberships

Programs and Activities

EAA AirVenture Fax-On-Demand Directory
. . .. ....... .... .... .... ....... 732-885-67 11
Auto Fuel STCs .. ... ........... 920-426-4843
Build / restore information ...... 920-426-4821
Chapters: locating/organizing .. 920-426-4876
Education ......... . .... . .. .... 920-426-681 5
EAA Air Academy
EAA Scholarships

Flight Advisors information ..... 920-426-6522

Flight Instructo r information ... 920-426-6801
Flying Start Program 920-426-6847
Library Services/Research ..... . 920-426-4848
Medical Questions ............. 920-426-4821
Technical Counselors . .... ..... 920-426-4821
Young Eagles ............ . . .... 920-426-483 1
Ben efits
Aircraft Financing (Textro n) ..... 800-851-1367
AVA .......... . ..... . . .. . . . ... 800-727-3823
AVEMCO . ..... . . ....... . ... . . 800-638-8440
Term Life and Accidental ... . ... 800-241 -6103
Death Insurance (Harvey Watt & Company)
Edi torial
Submitting article/photo; advertising information
920-426-4825 FAX 920-426-4828

EAAAviation Foundation
Artifact Donations ............. 920-426-4877

Financial Support ...... ...... . 800-236- 1025

Gene Morns
5936 Steve Court
Roonoke.1)( 76262
Dean Richardson
1429 Kings Lynn Rd
Stoughton. WI 53589
dar@aprUoire .com

Geoff Robison
1521 E. MacGregor Dr.
New Haven. IN 46774
S.H. "Wes" Schmid
2359 Lefeber Avenue
W01MOIosa. WI 53213
414/771 -1545



Gene Chase
2159 Canton Rd.
Oshkosh. WI 54904

E.E. ' Buck ' Hilbert

P.O. Box 424

Alan Shackleton

P.O. Box 656

Sugar Grove. IL 60554-0656


Membership in the Experimental Aircraft Association,
Inc. is $40 for one year, including 12 issues of SPORT
AVIATION. Family membership is available for an addi
tional $10 annually. Junior Membership (under 19
years of age) is available at $23 an nually. All major
credit cards accepted for membership. (Add $16 for

Foreign Postage.)


Current EM members may join the Vintage Aircraft
Associaton and receive VINTAGE AIRPLANE maga
zine for an additional $27 per year.
EM Membership, VINTAGE AIRPLANE magazine
and one year membership in the EM Vintage Air
craft Associat ion is available for $37 per year
(SPORT AVIATION magazine not included). (Add

$7 for Foreign Postage.)

Current EM members may join the International
Aerobatic Clu b, Inc. Division and receive SPORT
AEROBATICS magazine for an add itiona l $40
per year.
EM Membership, SPORT AEROBATICS magazine
and one year membership in the lAC Division is

available for $50 per year (SPORT AVIATION mag

azine not included). (Add $ 10 for Fo r eign


Current EM members may join the EM Warbirds of
America Division and receive WARBIRDS magazine
for an additional $35 per year.
EM Membership, WARBIRDS magazine and one
year membership in the Warbird s Division
is available for $45 per year (SPORT AVIATION
magazine not included) . (Add $ 7 for Fore ign



Curren t EAA me mb ers may receive EAA

EXPERIMENTER magazine for an additional $20
per year.
EM Membership and EM EXPERIMENTER mag
azine is available for $30 per year (SPORT
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Copyrighl 2OO1 by the fAA Vintage Aircraft Associalion
Ail rights reserved.
VI NTAGE AIRPLANE (ISSN 0091-6943) IPM 1482602 is published an<! owned exclusively by the fAA Vintage Aircraft Association of the Experimental Aircraft Association and is published monlhly at fAA Aviation Center. 3000
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32 FEBRUARY 200 1

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