Putting A Machine Together: Bipeds

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Putting a Machine Together

This is a step by step system for putting together your very first Mech.
You will need however the Players Hand Book, and the Gamemasters guide
from the Alternity roll playing system. Page numbers of these resources will
be cited for ease. The First stop in building a mech is deciding what kind of
frame it should have, and the quality of servos equipped. Then the chassis
size is considered and durability is distributed. Afterward the engine, along
with various systems are placed, these include jump jets battery packs, and
a number of defensive options. Last but not least weapons and armor are

Chassis and Chicken-Legs?

Choosing an appropriate chassis
Many Mechs in history have defied the standards for bipedal
transportation. Here are some rules for designing a mech with or without the
standard mode of transportation, and why you would want to make the step
from a bipedal mech to... well whatever your hearts desire. An additional
note is how a character would want there Mech fleshed out. For instance a
bipedal Mech could look human or Frall, or even cat like. A quadruped could
look like a dog, cat, wolf, bear or a frog. Does the interstellar pimp pilot a
hot pink and chrome blue Biped with a purple hat and feather? Or does the
local trader drive a janky, busted up, toner and rust color, chicken leg, with a
broken window and a spring popping out of the seat and into his... never
mind. The best part of roll-playing isnt about rules (which there are quite a
few) its about fun.


A Bipedal mech is straight forward, it uses two legs for transportation

and has no modifiers. This is a good especially for a first mech. With this
chassis there are no technical modifiers and the only option that is not
available are flight systems (for a description of systems and add-ons please
read the _________ section)

Biped RK

This Mech chassis is basically the same as a normal biped, however its
knees are, well backwards. This is where this particular mech got the nickname chicken leg. This allows the servos to be placed in a manner that
allows higher speed. However because of the design this chassis is a little
awkward. This makes it a little more difficult to pilot. Thus adding a +1
penalty to Vehicle Operation-Mech skill checks. Also before calculating
speed augment the equine energy (E.E.) of the mech by 25% (multiply by


A quadrapedal mech uses all four limb sections for propulsion. This
gives it outstanding ground performance. Offering a 50% (multiply by 1.50)
E.E. and a +2 to the pilots Vehicle Operations-Mech skill checks. The only
slight drawback is, well your wolf doesnt have hands so it can only use addons for weapons. This does limit its arsenal by quite a bit.

This chassis is light, fast, maneuverable and most importantly, it is the
only chassis that can have a flight system can be attached. This mech
typically takes the form of a jet or bird of some sort. However it can take the
place of an angel with wings or a demon. Otherwise consider it a bipedal
mech with these exceptions. In all other chassis the augmentations only
take affect in that form. However the aeronautical chassis has to make
definite structural changes to function properly and so the augmentations
change the base of the mech. 10% E.E. increase (multiply by 1.10), +1
resistance mod to defense, deduce durability by 6 to reflect the reduction in

Squeaky wheel gets the kink

Servomotors are what makes a Mech move. In every joint, in every
finger in every twitching ear (providing a mech has twitching ears), a servo
motor is needed to make that part move. All Mechs receive the standard
Ordinary quality of servos. However if the pilot chooses, a Mech can have
upgraded servos. Or if the pilot has to cut on funds, the servos can be
downgraded. Servos also affect strength.

Marginal servo motors are the downgrade. Inexpensive, however at a
high cost. Choosing this option reduces the cost of the chassis by 10%. The
down side is, that the base die for making System Operation-Mech skill
checks is reduced one step. -d0 to a +d4. 18 strength.

This is the standard and no price augmentations are made to the
chassis base price. The base die for System Operation-mech skill checks is a
-d0. 20 strength

A definite upgrade from the prior classification, these servos move the
base die for System Operation-mech skill checks to an outstanding -d4.
These are quite expensive and ad 75% to the cost of the chassis. 22


Amazing is right, lightning fast movements and the ability for instant
response. These servos offer the pilot a -d6 base die for System Operationmech skill checks. Unfortunately for whoever is dishing out the cash it
increases the chassis cost by 125%. 24 strength. This might seem a little bit
expensive but for benefits provided it is well worth the cost.


My Model is 3 and a half... Meters!

Applying the chassis to a model
This step in construction deals with the size of your Mech. Its nice to
think you can have a transformation system, ultra heavy armor, three
plasma cannons and a camo matrix. Well, you cant, in this case size does
matter. Unfortunately money makes the world go round and you just might
not be able to afford that wonderful upgraded P30 space module. So with
monetary confines in mind choose a model for the selected chassis.
For the weight I cubed the height, it seems to work fairly well. If you
give a mech extra durability use the formula (Dur/6)^3. In reality this
formula is being used each time but because of the selected number you will
always get height (dur/6) so there is no reason for the extra calculation,
unless the durability for the particular model has been augmented.
Remember the when augmenting durability it does increase height so use
the previous formula (dur/6) to get the new weight.
To beef up a mech with a few extra durability add 10% to the cost for
each extra durability point. Make a note that if a Light mech added 6
durability then the cost of the frame would be 38, thats over the cost
of a Ultra heavy frame, this is the same idea of buying in bulk. Its cheaper
to buy one ton of cheerios that it is to buy one ton of cheerios in the boxes
you find at the grocer. After War Machine a mech must be custom built so
for every 6 Durability past 48 a mech has, increase the size class by 1. If you
have any doubts about the size class use this formula, (dur-12)/6, round

Table M1-Mech Models

Ultra Light
Ultra Heavy
War Machine



Weight (metric tons)


Size Class

Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes

Distributing Durability points
This process is probably one of the most important in designing your
mech. In fact it can even change the way your mech looks. Should your
mech have super large arms to carry massive weapons, or should it have
large sturdy legs to keep it from loosing a leg and falling down?

Stun, Wound, and Mortal ratings.


The mortal rating of each section is equal to its own durability. The
stun and wound points of the section are equal to its mortal rating
multiplied by 2. So the left arm on an Ultralight model could have 2
durability and thus would have 4 stun, 4 wound, and 2 mortal.
Regardless there are some rules that need to be followed due to some
proportion issues. You must have at least half the durability spent in the
torso. No more than 1/4 the durability spent in legs and arms, and no more
than 1/8th the durability spent in the head. Confused as to how this all
works? Just think of each section (Head, Torso, Right arm, Left arm, Right
leg, and Left leg as compartments to a space ship. Even though they are
refereed to as sections)

Power Scottie More Power!

Engines and Power Cells
Once a chassis and servomotors and model are selected, and durability
points have been distributed it is now time to select the engine that will best
suite the needs of the pilot. The engine provides E.E. (Equine Energy) which
powers the mechs transportation system. In this case the calculations are
referring to land based movement. Flight systems augment the cruising
speed. Jump jets have there own listed propulsion speeds. The E.E. is used
along with the durability of the engine being placed, and the size class the
mech it is being placed in, to determine the mechs cruising speed. To
determine the max speed multiply the mechs cruising speed by 1.75. The
down side to having an ultra huge engine is that it consumes power, a lot of
power. So it is important to keep in mind what the mech is used for.
Whether it be an over powering battle mech that only needs to be running a
few rounds in battle, or a long range re-con mech that needs to conserve
precious Energy.

Determining Speed
Let us say you have an Ultralight mech (size class 1) and a E1 engine.
The durability required by the engine is 4, and the E.E. produced is 100. Add
the durability required with the size class, in this case that is 1+4=5. Then
divide the E.E. by that number 100/5=25. So your ultralight mech could
move at a rate of 25, and for cruise 25*1.75=43.75 rounded up that is 44.
For ease that means 25 kmph (kilometers per hour) cruise and 44 max out of
battle, and 25 mpp (meters per phase) in combat. Acceleration is based of
cruise divided by mech size class. In this case 25/1=25. Thus the benefits of
smaller mechs. E.C.P.R. (energy consumed per round) This is the number of
energy points the engine consumes when battle systems are up (in combat),
or per hour when battle systems are not on.

Table M2-Engines










Power Packs
Power pack are back pack sized cartridges that fit into a port on the
mech. The place of the port is determined by the pilot at the time of
construction. The power pack provides a limited amount of power that is
used to keep the mech running. Several actions can drain power from a
power pack. However several systems can recharge a power pack.

Operating Modes
Starting a mech cold: When you first start a mech it require a large
amount of energy, draining the power pack of 2 points.
Combat: Having combat systems on (see Combat) drains the listed
amount (see table M2) per round.
Using jump jets: For every phase of sustained jump jet use a power
pack is drained for listed amount of the jump jet.
Idling/Normal action: For every hour the mech is on without battle
systems (this includes normal movement like walking around or flying if the
mech has a flight system) the pack is drained for the listed amount
Any action that drains power stacks on that of any other action that
drains power. Power packs can be recharged with a re-charger. Or if thats
to much work its easy to just by a new one.
Table M3-Power Packs
P4-Zink Ion
P5-Tesla Pack
P8-Bio Lumens
P9-WIMP Coil
PX-Pr Energy



Phasors Online!
In this section the finite rules of mech maintenance, and some of the
more complex systems will be gone into detail. These systems are, Flight
Systems, Jump Jets, and Hard Points. Everything else includes all those little
add-ons and systems and anything else eclectic you feel is worthy of your
mech. Listed below are original add-ons and systems, however anything
from Chapter 10 (vehicles pg 127-137) can be added, all accessories are
considered systems. All Weapons and armor are discussed later. Computer
systems can be dedicated in the same manner as in chapter 11 (spaceships,
pg 150).
All mechs start with these systems (at no durability or monetary cost)
Marginal Computer Core, and a Radio Transmitter.
Also for no monetary cost the pilot must place his/her cock-pit, it takes
up one durability, and can be placed in either the torso or the head.

Hal 2000
All Mechs are constructed with a Marginal Computer Core. Some pilots
may wish to have a higher quality computer installed in their mech. A higher
quality computer core allows pilots to run programs on their mech
computers, from pong to tactical sims, hope fully not while in combat. If in
combat and using programs a +2 penalty to the pilot on any skill checks,
including that of the program (stupid people talking on cell phones and
driving). Only mechs with Ordinary or better Computer Cores can have
dedicated computer systems.
Dedicated computer systems work the same for mechs as they do for
spaceships (see p. 150 of the Gamemasters Handbook).

General Maintenance
All machines must be tuned up every once and a while and the longer
a pilot goes without getting a tune up the higher the probability of a break
down occurring. A break down is a system/part/add-on/servo/whatever that
simply stops functioning. In this case due to disrepair.
For the chances of a break down occurring are as follows. The chances
are subjective to weather and use as discussed. A percentile is rolled every
time the GM feels it is appropriate. Such as when the mech is started, when
an attack is made, or when a maneuver is performed.
This system keeps it simple and the GM can just make a side note.

Table M4-Break Percentile



Per week under great conditions (saran wrapped

mech in a box).


Per day under normal use (walking around,

kicking butt once and a while) or under normal
conditions (just left in the back yard.)
10% Per day under heavy use (regular battles) or poor
conditions (left in the back yard while it rains, and
hails, then dries up and pigeons sit on its'
20% Per day under worst possible conditions (constant
battles across an expanse of desert and in need
of an oil change).

General Maintenance and Repair

Every so often a mechanic may make a, Technical Science-repair
check. This may be done once per hour of work. When the skill check is
made the mechanic reduces the percentage chance for a break down. A
failure fails to yield any improvement, an Ordinary success offers 15%
reduction in chance. A Good result results in the mechanic reducing the
percentage by 20%, and an Amazing result reduces the chance for a
breakdown by 25%.
If a mech breaks down the mechanic works until the break percentage
is lower than that of the current level. So a mech with 30% chance break,
well breaks and the mechanic reduces the chance to break to 15% (3015=15) than the mech my continue on without suffering from the affects of
the last break down. However the mech still has a chance to break down.
So just fixing enough to get by is not recommended. However at higher
levels a part might need to be replaced and even if the chance to break is
reduced to zero, the mechanic may only be able to jury rig the part (or
whatever) into working only a little bit better until the part (or whatever) is
replaced. If a mechanic roll a critical failure during his/her repair check, then
the mechanic finds something unforeseen wrong and this causes the mechs
percentile to increase to the highest possible in its level. Such as a mechanic
is taking of thoughts last bits of break percentile and he fumbles. This
means that the mechs break percentile is risen to 24%. If this happens when
a mech is in level 2 then the mechs percentile is risen to 49%, and so on.
If a mech breaks down roll hit location. Then select an item from that
section of mech that has broken down. For instance something in the leg is
busted, you could say that a servo is acting up and causes a penalty to
Vehicle Operation-mech skill checks. Or if the roll indicates torso, than
maybe the flight system needs some tuning up.

Table M5-Levels of Break down

Level 0: Breakdown percentile less than 25%. At this
level a mech should suffer from a +1 penalty to
the affected part. At this level parts do not need
to be replaced.

Level 1: Breakdown percentile from 25 to 50%. At this

level the affected part suffers from a +2 penalty
requiring it for use, still the part does not need to
be replaced.
Level 2: Breakdown percentile from 50 to 75%. At this
level the pilot suffers still a +2 penalty. However,
the effected part must be replaced.
Level 3: Breakdown percentile above 75%. At this
level the pilot suffers a +3 penalty to whatever
involves the affected part, and the part must be

Flight Systems
Flight systems are just that. A system placed in Aeronautical mech to
allow for flight. Unless the mech has a Transformation system, any wings
rotors, or grav plating is visible. Individual flight systems are discussed later
on. Flying for an Aeronautical mech is no different that walking (except that
little thing we call speed) and drains no extra charge from the power cell.
Some flight systems have the ability to hover, that is to stay elevated in one
place for an extended period of time. If a flight system is not capable of
hovering the pilot must not reduce speed to less that half of the mechs flight
cursing speed. Landing from either mode is a normal maneuver. Subjective
to any outside forces of course
Several Flight Systems are listed by PL in the System and Add-on list in
up coming sections. Flight systems are systems not add-ons.

Jump Jets.

Jump jets, also commonly called boosters (here I will call them jump
jets, just to make life a little less confusing), provide momentary boost for
any mech. This boost lasts for however long the pilot determines.
Unfortunately each booster has an energy requirement. All jump jets have
an E.E. out put. This is to determine the movement rating of the jump jet. To
figure the movement rating out, just use the same procedure as in page 5
Determining Speed. Jump jets have two settings, normal and overdrive. The
normal setting uses the listed price in energy, in this mode the jump jets can
only function at exactly cruising speed (no higher or lower) and all rules
apply normally, but for double the energy cost a jump jet can use the max
speed (multiply cruising by 1.75) to perform maneuvers, there is (like with
the normal function) no variation in speed other than the settings. The down
side is at this setting the boosters tremendous burst of speed causes an
additional +1 penalty to any maneuvers. Once a jump jet is in use there are
several maneuvers a pilot can make.
If a pilot equips multiple jump jets, multiply the energy consumed
(pilots can shut down just one or two if the pilot only wants to use a fraction
of the jumpjets available) by the number of jets in use. And multiply the E.E.
rating by 1+(.25*Y) where Y is the number of jump jets.

If a pilot wants to use two different types of jump jets tell that pilots
player to go [omitted] his/her self for making your (and my) life WAY to
Several Jump Jets are listed by PL in the System and Add-on list in up
coming sections.
Increased speed: With this maneuver, a pilot can add the speed of the
booster to any maneuver. Such as a normal full run at lets say 75, could be
increased by 25 for a max speed of 100. Using the same speeds a pilot
could in affect, loop and turn while in flight. Whatever the case, this
increases the difficulty by +1.
Jump: Using just the amount per round listed for the jump jets, a mech
can jump a total distance in one phase equal to the jump jets cruising
speed, this is a Moderate Maneuver
Hover: Using jump jets a mech can hover. This is however difficulty
and is considered an Extreme Maneuver.
All Jump Jets are add-ons not systems.

Hard Points
Cost: 6,+5, per durability point assigned in section.
Durability Required: 2
PL: 7
This allows any mech to quickly switch any add-on. Prior to this
development a System Operation-mechanic (new skill, see skills section of
this resource) skill check was required to take hours to switch out any addons (systems requiring days). With this Hard Point system, the time is cut
literally from hours to rounds.
Full Example: When equipping a Hard point system, you must first select a
section, for this we will say the arm of a bipedal mech, the arm has 4
durability. The hard point system takes up 2 durability points, and that
leaves 2 durability points to play with. The pilot selects the two remaining
durability points to be affected by the system, that brings the cost to
16,. Now the pilot of this particular mech needs allot (for some reason)
of AA missals (2) , but the pilot wants the range of the 76mm rail cannon,
AND the stopping power of the normal 120mm cannon. The pilot now with
the hard point system, instead of waiting hours for the add-ons to be
switched out waits only rounds. Thus the pilot has at his finger tips 6
durability points of weapons at his/her fingertips instead of just 4.
Take into account you can do the same thing with armor. That is
switching off armor and place weapons. Or take off armor and a few
weapons to place light weapons and Jump Jets

Add-ons and Systems

As far as the availability of any of these goes it is up to the game
master. Keep in mind that mechs are weapons of war and car at least
requires a license to drive.

Cost: 1,
Durability Required: 1
PL: 5
A recharger is a small device that recharges the mech while the mech
is in normal mode. Usually about 2 Energy Point per Hour. The Recharger
uses the kinetic energy expended by the mech during motion to recharge the
battery pack. Some rechargers can charge a mech even if a mech is not
running, this usually require solar energy or coal. This can be a little bit
more expensive.

Cost: 5
Durability Required: 0
PL: 5
This is a high powered bulb that can be mounted on a mech. The light
increases the light by one grade wherever the light if shining. It illuminates
in an arc (forward, port, starboard, aft). If shone at a person they suffer a +1
penalty for any attacks made against the light bearer.

Storage Module
Cost: 250
Durability Required: 1
PL: 5
A Storage module is simply, a place to put stuff. For each module a
pilot purchases, he/she can either have multiple spaces or increase one.
Regardless the module takes the form of whatever the pilot wants, to a hand
bag, or a back pack, or just a hatch that conforms to the side of the mech.
One storage module holds 1 durability of stuff.

Chemical Boosters (jump jets)

Cost: 6,
Durability Required: 2
PL: 5
E.E: 50
Energy Drain: 1
The simplest of jump jets. Just a little extra oomph to get the job done.

Jet Flight System

Cost: 20,
Durability Required: 2
PL: 5
The original jet system. Cannot hover. Grants 40% increase in cruising
speed. Probably the fastest for of transit at this PL. Go mech go!

Rotary Flight System

Cost: 20,
Durability Required: 2
PL: 5
A simple rotary system, allows a mech to hover, yet sacrifices speed.
Only grants a 20% bonus to cruising speed.

Open Cockpit
Durability Required: 1
PL: 5
This cockpit give the pilot a 360 view of his or her surroundings
through windows. This cockpit is usually placed in dumb mechs. (mechs
without computer systems or a NiJack) If a mech has a NiJack then the
cockpit is a system not an add-on. This reflects the network of response
circuits needed for a NiJack. Any damage the pilot receives from mech death
is doubled in this cockpit. The bonus to the Open Cockpit add-on is that it is
an add-on. And can then be taken out and switched to another mech. Of
course a hardpoint system must be fitted

SubPlating Cockpit
Durability Required: 1
PL: 6
This cockpit is sunken into the machine. Deep inside the torso or
securely in-cased in the head. The pilot then receives information threw a
heads up video display.

Black Boxes

Cost: 2,
Durability Required: 0
PL: 6
Truly a marvel of the PL 6 technological era. For any system a creator
does not want being augmented, of tinkered with the creator may install a
black box. This device makes it impossible (of course measures can be taken
to circumvent this, like ripping them out or hacking and what not) to change
the system in any way. In fact if the system was not readily apparent at first
(lets say a transformation system) then a mechanic may never know it was
there at all. All the mechanic would know was there are odd black boxes in
the mech and he didnt know what they did.


Dual Rotary System

Cost: 25,
Durability Required: 4
PL: 6
A great rotary system even in later Pls. Durable and reliable this will
definitely get you where you want to go, and hover while you are there.
Adds an impressive 40% to the cruising speed of the mech.

Fusion Boosters Small (jump jets)

Cost: 7,5
Durability Required: 2
PL: 6
E.E: 75
Energy Drain: 1
Quite an improvement over the Chemical Booster. A little bit more
expensive but worth it.

Fusion Boosters Large (jump jets)

Cost: 9,
Durability Required: 3
PL: 6
E.E: 100
Energy Drain: 3
Sucks power for such a small size increase. However if at this PL you
need the fastest of the fast you cant go wrong here.

Mech Transformation System

Cost: 2.5 times mech frame cost.
Durability Required: 1 in all sections
PL: 6
This full mech system allows a pilot to be able to switch from one
frame to the next. After a pilot has built his/her the pilot may enjoy the
bonuses of another mech chassis. Or a pilot may just want a mech to look
different (gee that might just come in handy). Whatever the case the pilot
does not get to make 2 mechs. The first is just augmented by the for mosts
stats. When dealing with aeronautical, always use it as the base mech. This
is due to the durability augmentation.

Pulse Fusion Jet

Cost: 3,
Durability Required: 3
PL: 6
Speeds demons watch out. Well to late. This moderate economy Jet
will get you places and quicker than much else. This adds 60% to a mechs
cruising speed.

Servo Enhancement Kit

Cost: O;1, G; 2, A; 3,
Durability Required: 0
PL: 6
A servo enhancement unit increases the load that can be placed on
servos, and increases there maximum effective strength.
Ordinary kit increases the affective strength of the mech by 1.
Good kit increases the affective strength of a mech b 2.
Amazing kit increase the affective strength of a mech by 3.


Subplating Weapons Mounts

Cost: O;2,5 G; 5, A; 7,5
Durability Required: O; 2 G; 3 A; 4
PL: 6
Subplating weapons are offensive devices hidden within a mechs chassis
that can be exposed and used.
Weapons that take up 1 durability point of space only need an Ordinary
quality subplating weapon mount.
Weapons that require 3 durability require a good subplating mount.
Weapons the exceed 3 points of durability but do not exceed 6 points
of durability may be mounted in a subplating manner.
Any weapon
handheld or integral may be mounted in this matter. However after a hand
held weapon is mounted in this fashion is considered integral and a system.
This is because the weapon in question cannot be fitted with hard point

PL 7
Dark Boosters Small (jump jets)
Cost: 1,5
Durability Required: 2
PL: 7
E.E: 100
Energy Drain: 2
Using pulse waves from captured dark matter, this high octane jump
jet pack one heck of a punch for its small size.

Dark Boosters Large (jump jets)

Cost: 1,5
Durability Required: 3
PL: 7
E.E: 140
Energy Drain: 4
Incorporating the same tech as the smaller version the jump jet does
away with the small size of the aforementioned. However it also gets rid of
the small power needed to use the jump jets.

Ultralight Rotary System

Cost: 4,5
Durability Required: 4
PL: 7
Using super light rotors and higher gear ratios this flight system allows
the hovering capability and at a 60% increase to the mechs cruising speed.

Ni Jack
Cost: 8,
Durability Required: 0
At PL 7 the Ni Jack becomes available, this allows the character to jack
straight into his/her mech. Thus being able control the Mech with a higher
degree of accuracy and sharper reflexes. Depending on the pilots
Nanocomputer. Ordinary -1 bonus, good -2 bonus, amazing -3 bonus. This

applies to all Vehicle Operation-mech skill checks, and System Opmelee/ranged mech skill checks.


Contemporary Ion Torch

Cost: 45,5
Durability Required: 4
PL: 7
E.E: 100
Energy Drain: 2
Using pulse waves from captured dark matter, this high octane jump
jet pack one heck of a punch for its small size.

PL 8
Ultima Boosters (jump jets)

Cost: 18,5
Durability Required: 4
PL: 8
E.E: 220
Energy Drain: 10
Utilizing energy ripped from tangents in the far west this jump jet is
truly a marvel of PL 8 tech. However the energy needed may just counteract
the amazing speed.

Finally Weapons!
There are two types of weapons that a Mech can wield. The first are
the Integral weapon systems that are built into the structure of the mech.
The second are the hand-held weapon systems like rifles that a Mech carries
separately, a pilot can select from weapons from the PHB (chapter 11 pages
171-191). Any Weapon from the vehicle section of the GMG (chapter 10
pages 137-147) can be used as an Integral part of the Mech. A Mech can
wield any weapons in a hand held manner that a player could. Make these
adjustments: Mass is equal to durability needed to carry, firepower is
upgraded one step, range is multiplies by 10 (providing range applies), and
cost is multiplied by 100. Clip cost is only multiplied by 10. Any ranged
weapon can be modified to be a integral weapon. This can be beneficial,
seeing as integral weapons are not held IN the hands, thus the mech in
question can carry, well something else. As a rule of thumb, any weapon for
a mech probably should be at least PL 5 or 6. Even though a sword is PL 1 or
PL2 a 2 meter long blade isnt practical until a 5 meter tall mech is wielding
it. Hide is also neglected, seeing as hiding a 2.5 meter long blade is

Here are some of my favorite hand-held mech weapons and some new
ones all with appropriately augmented stats. Its important to remember
that you need the appropriate weapon for the job. A police mech doesnt
need a quantum cannon. However a Stutter Cannon could really come in
handy. All Mech weapons should be controlled or military.

Broad Sword

Cost: 2,
Accuracy: 0
Actions: 2

Type/Firepower: LI/G
Range: Personal
Mass/Dur: 4
Charge/Clip Size:ChargeClip Cost:Skill: System Op-mech melee weapon

Fire Sword Template

Cost: 2,
Accuracy: As sword
Actions: as sword
Type/Firepower: En/G
Damage: as sword +1
Range: Personal
Mass/Dur: as sword
Charge/Clip Size: 10
ChargeClip Cost: 2,
Skill: System Op-mech melee weapon

Hand Ax
Cost: 5,
Accuracy: 0
Actions: 3
Type/Firepower: LI/G
Damage: d4+1w/d4+2w/d4+3w
Range: Personal
Charge/Clip Size:ChargeClip Cost:Skill: System Op-mech melee weapon

Chain Ax
Cost: 175,
Accuracy: +1
Actions: 2
Type/Firepower: LI/G
Damage: d8+2w/d8+3w/d4+2m
Range: Personal
Mass/Dur: 8
Charge/Clip Size:4
ChargeClip Cost: 1,5
Skill: System Op-mech melee weapon

Cost: 5,
Accuracy: 0
Actions: 1

Type/Firepower: LI/G
Damage: d6+1w/d4+3w/d4+3w
Range: Personal
Charge/Clip Size:ChargeClip Cost:Skill: System Op-mech melee weapon

Electro Spear
Cost: 2,
Accuracy: varies
Actions: 3
Type/Firepower: En/G
Damage: d6+3s/d4+3w/d6+4w
Range: Personal
Mass/Dur: 3
Charge/Clip Size: 8
ChargeClip Cost: 1,
Skill: System Op-mech melee weapon
The Electro spear has a special ability that makes it affective on other
mechs. Against metallic enemies the attacker gains a -1 bonus to accuracy.
However against non metallic opponents such as godzilla the attacker gains
a +1 penalty.

Cost: 25,
Accuracy: 0
Actions: 3
Type/Firepower: LI/G
Damage: d4+1w/d4+2w/d4+3w
Range: Personal
Charge/Clip Size:ChargeClip Cost:Skill: System Op-mech melee weapon

Star Sword
Cost: 7,
Accuracy: 0
Actions: 3
Type/Firepower: En/G
Damage: d6+1w/2d6w/d4+3m
Range: Personal
Mass/Dur: 2
Charge/Clip Size: 10
ChargeClip Cost: 2,5
Skill: System Op-mech melee weapon

Battle Claws Ordinary


Cost: 3,
Accuracy: 0
Actions: 4
Type/Firepower: LI/G
Damage: d4w/d4+1w/d4+2w
Range: Personal
Mass/Dur: 1
Charge/Clip Size:ChargeClip Cost:Skill: System Op-mech melee weapon

Battle Claws Good

Cost: 6,
Accuracy: 0
Actions: 4
Type/Firepower: LI/G
Damage: d4+2w/d6+2w/d4m
Range: Personal
Mass/Dur: 1
Charge/Clip Size:ChargeClip Cost:Skill: System Op-mech melee weapon

Battle Claws Amazing (Powered)

Cost: 12,
Accuracy: 0
Actions: 2
Type/Firepower: En/A
Damage: d6+2w/d4m/d4+2m
Range: Personal
Mass/Dur: 2
Charge/Clip Size: 10
ChargeClip Cost: 1,5
Skill: System Op-mech melee weapon

Bite Ordinary
Cost: 5,
Accuracy: 0
Actions: 2
Type/Firepower: HI/A
Damage: d4w+1/d4+2w/d4+3w
Range: Personal
Mass/Dur: 3
Charge/Clip Size:ChargeClip Cost:Skill: System Op-mech melee weapon
It is standard to mount this weapon in the head of the mech.

Bite Good
Cost: 1,
Accuracy: 0
Actions: 2
Type/Firepower: HI/A
Damage: d4+3w/d6+3w/d4+1m
Range: Personal
Mass/Dur: 3
Charge/Clip Size:ChargeClip Cost:Skill: System Op-mech melee weapon
It is standard to mount this weapon in the head of the mech.

Bite Amazing (Powered)

Cost: 15,
Accuracy: 0
Actions: 4
Type/Firepower: En/A
Damage: d6+3w/d4+1m/d4+3m
Range: Personal
Mass/Dur: 4
Charge/Clip Size:ChargeClip Cost:Skill: System Op-mech melee weapon
It is standard to mount this weapon in the head of the mech.

Charge Auto Rifle

Cost: 2,
Accuracy: -1
Actions: 3
Mode: B/A
Type/Firepower: HI/G
Damage: d6w/2d4w/d4+1m
Range: 600/1,500/4,000
Mass/Dur: 2
Charge/Clip Size: -/30
ChargeClip Cost: 1,25
Skill: System Op-mech ranged weapon

Sabot Rifle
Cost: 45,
Accuracy: o
Actions: 2
Mode: F
Type/Firepower: HI/G
Damage: d4+4w/2d4+2w/d6+3m
Range: 800/2,000/8,000

Mass/Dur: 4
Charge/Clip Size: 12
ChargeClip Cost: 1,
Skill: System Op-mech ranged weapon

Sabot Cannon
Cost: 1,,
Accuracy: +1
Actions: 2
Mode: F
Type/Firepower: HI/A
Damage: d8w/d4+1m/d6+2m
Range: 1,000/2,000/5,000
Mass/Dur: 10
Charge/Clip Size: 20
ChargeClip Cost: 2,

Mass Cannon

Skill: System Op-mech ranged weapon

Cost: 682,5
Accuracy: o
Actions: 2
Mode: F
Type/Firepower: En/A
Damage: d8+1w/d12+1w/d8+1m
Range: 60/200/800
Mass/Dur: 8
Charge/Clip Size: 8
ChargeClip Cost: 1,
Skill: System Op-mech ranged weapon

Stutter Cannon
Cost: 25,
Accuracy: -1
Actions: 2
Mode: F
Type/Firepower: LI/G
Damage: d6+2s/d8+3s/2d6+3s
Range: 200/400/800
Mass/Dur: 15
Charge/Clip Size: 10
ChargeClip Cost: 1,
Skill: System Op-mech ranged weapon
This particular stutter cannon affects all targets within a 3 meter radius
of the impact point, inflicting one category less than the damage inflicted to
the target. For instance an amazing hit would yield all targets with a 3 meter
radius suffer good damage.


So the character has the fastest, biggest, strongest, most sooped up
mech with ultra nasty guns. Well, so do they, that means they will shoot
back, and chances are they may not miss. That is why there is armor.

Some Basics

Light armor costs 1 point of durability, moderate armor costs 2 points

of durability, and heavy armor costs 4 points of durability.
Armor is fitted by section, arm, head, torso, and so on. This means
that one section may have more or less armor than others.
Armor is an add on, this means it can be fitted with the hard point
system and removed and put back. That is with a hard point system of
Mechs with a rating of 1-2 can not have medium or heavy armor.
Mechs with a rating of 2-4 can not have heavy armor
Mechs with a rating of 5+ can have all armor

How it works
First select the section to be covered with armor. Then select the type
of armor. After that decide weather or not a hard points system can be
installed. A hard point system lets armor be taken on and off without going
through a big hassle. However a hard point system limits space.

Table M6-Light Armor





Size Rating VS Cost

1K 2K
25K 5K
5K 1K 2K

Table M7-Moderate Armor


Size Rating
1-2 2-4
d4-1 1k
d4+1 d4+1 d4
d4+1 d4+1 d4+1 4K
d6+1 d6+1 d5
2d4 2d4 2d4 3K

VS Cost

Table M8-Heavy Armor





Size Rating VS Cost

1-2 2-4 5-6






Guns, Sensors, FIGHT!

Mech Operation and Skills
New Skills
Vehicle Operations-mech
(Cost: 6, Cost Reduction: C,T)
(this skill cannot be used untrained)
This is the skill pilots use to pilot a mech. Piloting a mech consists of
maneuvers. This skill is not used to make attacks.
System Operations-melee
(Cost: 4, Cost Reduction: C,T)
(this skill cannot be used untrained)
This is the skill a pilot uses to attack with a mechs melee weapon.
System Operations-ranged
(Cost: 4, Cost Reduction: C,T)
(this skill cannot be used untrained)
This is the skill pilots use to attack with a mechs ranged weapon.
Technical Science-mechanic
(Cost: 3, Cost Reduction: T)
(this skill cannot be used untrained)
I noticed that there was a lot of work to be done that didnt deal with
damage. This skill has to do with taking off wheels and what not. This is
definitely optional because repair is quite close. I just felt this was an
appropriate skill.

Skill Rank Benefits

For mech combat a character acquires rank benefits from sidebarsMelee Weapons Rank Benefits, page 68 PHB
Ranged Weapons Rank Benefits, page 75 PHB
Vehicle Operation Rank Benefits, page 76 PHB

Not the Face Not the Face!!!

Combat works just like normal combat. Skill checks and phases and
the like. There are only a few things in mech combat the are a little different.
In all respects mech combat is just like character on character combat. The
thing that sets the two apart however is that mechs have sections. Head,

torso, right arm, left arm, left leg, right leg. All of these compartments
function independently for the most part. That is to say that if a leg gets
blown off the mech will still run, but it wont be running, if you know what I
mean. (hah hah I made a funny) There are two exceptions, if the
compartment with the mechs cockpit is destroyed, or if the torso is
Damage to cockpit section: Any damage that a mech takes to the
section in question after armor is accounted for is then degraded and given
to the pilot. If cockpit section suffers 3 wound and 4 stun (the extra stun is
secondary), then the pilot suffer 3 stun, the wound being degraded to stun
and the stun degrading to nothing.
Destruction of cockpit section: The destruction of the cockpit
compartment, in this case it will be the head, causes three things to happen.
The first is, any damage not taken by the mech is then transferred to the
hero within. The second is due to the destruction the hero is flung from the
mech. On top of that the mech cannot function until repaired
EX: After a lengthy battle Tashas mechs head (which just so happens to
house tasha) has a stun, wound, and mortal ratings of; 4/1/3. Her opponent
gets an amazing shot to her mech, hit location is rolled and the shot lands in
her mechs face. After armor has been taken into account, the shot deals 6
mortal, and 3 secondary points of wound, and 1 secondary point of stun.
That means that the mech takes 3 mortal, 1 wound and one stun. But poor
Tasha ends up taking 3 mortal and 2 wound herself. On top of that she falls 4
meters to the ground, and fails her fall check, taking d4w (2). All damage
added up and secondary damage calculated Tasha takes 3 mortal, 5 wound,
and 2 stun. Well after a lengthy stay in the hospital, and learning how to
walk again Tasha recovers, but that was a close call.
Destruction of Torso: If the torso is destroyed the torso blows up causing d6
mortal to everything in a ten meter radius. This damage stacks on any other
if the torso is the cockpit section. If not roll armor for the head to see if the
head is also destroyed. If not the pilot falls to earth in the head and takes
damage accordingly.
EX: After her lengthy stay in the hospital Tasha is back at it. Well this battle
isnt looking so good. Tashas mech has taken a pounding, but the head has
only been hit once for 2 wound and still has 5/4/3, so Tasha is fairly confident
that this fight will go better. Sorry Tasha... Well the battle presses on and
Tashas mechs torso has been reduced to 1/2/4. One more shot from her
opponent hits the torso of her mech for exactly 4 mortal. This destroys it
causing everything within a ten meter radius to take d6 mortal points of
damage. Well this also does damage to the cockpit. Tasha rolls a 4 on a d6
causing the head of her mech to take 4 mortal points of damage. The one
extra point of mortal transfers to Tasha and she falls back to earth. Well
maybe after this stay in the hospital shell do better

With the different sections of the mech it is important to understand

just what happens when a particular section of a mech is targeted and hit.
First of all use this table to decide which part of the mech was hit.
Hit Locations.
d10 Roll


Hit Location
Head shot
Torso hit
Right arm hit
Left arm hit
Right leg hit
Left leg hit

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