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Sept-Oct 03 ASISDynamics C-f.

qxd 7/29/2003 2:45 PM Page 1

New Study Asks

What Price Security?

Corporate ASIS INTERNATIONAL HAS teamed with their security spending dramatically—by
The Conference Board to research, create, 50 percent or more. The businesses most
America’s and release a new report, Corporate Security likely to have permanently increased their
Management: Organization and Spending Since security spending are those in six “critical
spending on 9/11. In a process termed “evolution rather infrastructure” industries—transportation,
security in than revolution,” the report states, corpo- energy and utilities, financial services,
rate America’s overall spending on security media and telecommunications, informa-
response to in response to terrorism has increased only tion technology, and healthcare.
modestly. The study is based on a cross-country
terrorism has The report shows that the median in- survey of more than 331 business security
increased only crease in security spending is 4 percent directors, risk managers and information
since September 2001. Only 7 percent of technology security officers. More than half
modestly. the companies surveyed have increased of the companies covered in the study gen-
erate more than $1 billion per year in sales.
“While nobody knows how much secu-
rity spending is enough, there are legitimate
concerns about corporate vulnerability,”
says Tom Cavanagh, The Conference
Board’s expert on security issues and au-
thor of the report. “Since about 80 percent
of America’s critical infrastructure is con-
trolled by the private sector, says Cavanagh,
“corporate security managers will play an
increasingly vital role in protecting key in-
dustries and the people who work in them
and are based near them.”
“A four percent median increase in se-
curity spending seems counterintuitively
small in light of our concerns about ter-
ror,” says Daniel H. Kropp, CPP, president
of ASIS International. He adds, however,
that “whether corporate spending on secu-
rity is adequate can’t be judged nationally,
but only by comparing it against the level
of threat and the degree of risk faced by
an individual company in an individual
industry in a selected location.” Further-
Tom Cavanagh, author of the new report, answers media questions. more, says Kropp, continued on page 23
Photo by Robert L. Knudsen


Sept-Oct 03 ASISDynamics C-f.qxd 7/29/2003 2:45 PM Page 2

Councils Dynamics

Ties That Bind of the Redmond, Washington, Po-

lice Department, discussed Opera-
Executive Director
Michael J. Stack
IN RECENT MONTHS, THE ASIS tion Cooperation at the Los Angeles
Director of Publishing
International Law Enforcement Police Department and at a private Denny White
Liaison Council has been actively security conference. In June, in Sun
promoting Operation Cooperation, Valley, Idaho, former ASIS Presi- Editor
a national initiative to encourage dent Raymond F. Humphrey, CPP, Ann Longmore-Etheridge
partnerships between law enforce- and Council Member Charles P. Contributing Editors
ment and private security. Connolly, CPP, made a presenta- Michael Gips
This collaboration has proven tion on the program to a joint Teresa Anderson
beneficial in preventing and solving meeting of chiefs from the 50 larg- Peter Piazza
crimes, as documented in the est U.S. police departments and the Rita Premo
booklet Operation Cooperation, writ- National Executive Institute Associ- Art Director
ten by the Institute for Law and ates—a private, nonprofit, public Roy Patrick Comiskey
Justice and the Hallcrest Division service foundation comprised of
of Science Applications Interna- more than 400 graduates of the Publisher
Sandra Wade
tional Corporation and supported FBI’s National Executive Institute.
by a grant from the Bureau of Jus- At both talks, the fundamental Production Manager
tice Assistance. (The booklet is value of public law enforcement Melissa Sprott
available at, and private security liaison and
Associate Art Director
and from ASIS Member Services joint programs was stressed. Elizabeth F. Lankes
at 703/519-6200.) The presentations were “very
In May, Steven R. Harris, chief well received,” says Michael D. Senior Publications Associate
Gambrill, chairman of the council Sheila Pitcher
and senior vice president of indus- Editorial Assistant
try and government affairs for Flora Szatkowski
Dunbar Armored, Inc. Gambrill
notes that the path to cooperation The contents of ASIS Dynamics are copyrighted
© 2003 by the American Society for Industrial Se-
has not always been clear, adding curity. Note: Statements of fact and opinion are
that the hurdles have been break- made on the responsibility of authors alone and
do not imply an opinion on the part of the editors,
ing down territoriality and un- officers, or members of ASIS. Only established
chapters of ASIS are permitted to use the material
healthy competition between law without permission. The editors of ASIS Dynamics
enforcement and security. Council reserve the right to accept or reject any article or
advertisement submitted for publication.
representatives will make another
presentation on the program later ASIS Dynamics (ISSN 1098-1489) is published bi-
SECURITY MARKETING monthly in January, March, May, July, September,
in the year at the International and November for $11.00 per year, which is in-
cluded in ASIS membership dues, by the American
WE KNOW THE SECURITY MARKET. Association of Chiefs of Police Society for Industrial Security, 1625 Prince Street,

Ricci Communications has spent the past (IACP) Conference in Philadelphia. Alexandria, VA, 22314; 703/519-6200; fax: 703/518-
1518. Periodicals postage paid at Alexandria, VA,
10 years developing and implementing At the recent ASIS Leadership and additional mailing offices.

successful marketing and public relations Meeting in Las Vegas, Gambrill Postmaster: Send address changes to ASIS Dy-
namics, 1625 Prince Street Alexandria, VA 22314.
campaigns for the security industry’s spoke to the Society’s regional
leading service providers, product manu- vice presidents. He encouraged
facturers, professional associations and them to ask the chapters in their police chiefs and representatives
industry conferences. We know the trends, area to focus one meeting per year from other federal and state law
issues and concerns of today’s security on cooperation-building initiatives enforcement agencies will be in-
practitioners. with invited local law enforcement vited to attend seminar sessions
Visit representatives. and tour the exhibit hall that day
or call 703.519.7162 The council has also been free of charge and will be recog-
working with the Host Chapter nized at the Wednesday luncheon.
Committee for the ASIS 49th Among the VIPs invited for the
Strategic marketing planning • E-Blast technology Annual Seminar and Exhibits in lunch are IACP President Joseph
Public relations • Corporate identity and branding
New Orleans to arrange the event’s Samuels, Jr., and New Orleans
Interactive media development • Graphic design
Advertising • Copywriting • New product introductions Annual Law Enforcement Day on Police Department Superintendent
Wednesday, September 17. Local Eddie Compass. ■

Sept-Oct 03 ASISDynamics C-f.qxd 7/29/2003 2:45 PM Page 3

ASIS Board
of Directors

Daniel H. Kropp, CPP
B onnie S. Michelman, CPP, direc-
tor of police, security, and
outside services at Massachusetts
Don Hesselbrock, CPP, president
of Corporate Security Specialists,
presented a seminar on theft by
CAP Index, Inc.
Exton, Pennsylvania General Hospital, received the Sen- employees as part of the Business
Vice President newald Accolade Award from the Crime Prevention Program spon-
Shirley A. Pierini, CPP International Association of Private sored by the Maricopa County At-
Los Angeles, California Security Consultants for her out- torney’s Office, the Greater Phoenix
Secretary standing service to the security pro- Crime Coalition, and the Greater
Jeffrey M. Spivey, CPP fession. The award is named for Phoenix Chamber of Commerce.
Security Risk Management, Inc.
Charlotte, North Carolina
Charles A. Sennewald, CPP. Hidden Eyes Guard Service has
Daniel J. Consalvo, CPP
State Farm Insurance Companies
Bloomington, Illinois

Chairman of the Board

Steven C. Millwee, CPP
SecurTest, Inc.
Tampa, Florida


John C. Cholewa III, CPP

Sprint Michelman Ferraro Nilsson Smidt
Overland Park, Kansas
Eugene Ferraro, CPP, president appointed Wimberly Smith, presi-
Steve D. Chupa, CPP
Johnson & Johnson
of Business Controls Inc., has re- dent of Wimberly A. Smith Sales
New Brunswick, New Jersey cently been elected chapter chair and Marketing, to handle its sales
Sandra M. Cowie, CPP of the Association of Threat As- and marketing efforts in North
Principal Financial Group sessment Professionals. and South Carolina.
Des Moines, Iowa
Judy Matheny, CPP, has accepted Gary Kuty, senior consultant
Michael R. Cummings, CPP a position as an instructor at Educa- and CEO of Kuty and Associates,
Aurora Health Care
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
tion America. She will be teaching was interviewed for an article in
criminal justice and other courses. the Bloomington Herald-Times about
Linda F. Florence, CPP
ADVO, Inc.
Anthony N. Potter, CPP, has private security matters and train-
Windsor, Connecticut joined Novant Health as director of ing standards.
Edward G. Hallen, CPP security for Forsyth Medical Center Barton Protective Services has
Occidental Petroleum Corporation in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. named Mike Smidt as its regional
Los Angeles, California
Potter previously served as a health- president for the southwestern
Peter J. Mazzaroni, CPP care security consultant with Kroll United States. He will be working
Roche Carolina
Florence, South Carolina
Inc. Potter’s article, “Developing a to increase business in southern
Holistic Public Safety Department,” California, with an initial focus
Raymond T. O’Hara, CPP
Pinkerton Consulting and Investigations
appeared in the July/August issue on Los Angeles, San Diego, and
Carlsbad, California of Healthcare Executive magazine. the Palm Desert area. He previ-
Thomas M. Seamon, CPP Axis Communications has ap- ously served as regional president
Roundhouse Group pointed Fredrik Nilsson general for Securitas Security Services.
North Wales, Pennsylvania
manager for the U.S. market. Chuck Fisher, CPP, president
Loretta Woodward Veney, CPP This year, José Mariné Ferré and owner of SecPro Services,
Superior Training Solutions
Clinton, Maryland
celebrated 50 years working in the moderated a roundtable discussion
Venezuelan banking system. Vice on security for special events at the
Timothy L. Williams, CPP
Nortel Networks
president for security of Banco Exte- International Festivals and Events
Brentwood, Tennessee rior in Venezuela, he is also a mem- Association. He also presented a
ber of the Security Committee of session at the International Security
the Venezuelan Banking Association. Conference and Exhibition West

September/October 2003 3
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on audits and compliance, which Leonard H. Miller, CPP (left), ac-
explained how effective manage- cepts the Florida Committee
ment of the security program is Chairman Award from Ron Hall
crucial for every organization. on behalf of David C. Murray.
Compass Technologies has pro-
moted Harrison R. Oliver, Jr., to spoke at the BuildingsNY
eastern regional sales support engi- conference on risk assess-
neer. He is based in the company’s ment and security surveys.
Exton, Pennsylvania, headquarters, The Wall Street Transcript
where he will serve states east of published an interview
the Mississippi. Fred Pitt has been with Denis Hébert, presi-
appointed western regional sales dent of HID Corporation.
support engineer. He will serve He described the market-
states west of the Mississippi from place for access control
his office in Phoenix. Both men cards as well as trends in
will provide design and application the security industry.
assistance, offer technical training, James Litchko, president of of critical county facilities and
and support product development. Litchko & Associates Inc.; Steve helped develop a security plan
Security strategist Geoff Whit- Hunt, CPP, vice president and re- for the Stephen P. Clark Center,
field has joined Arup Security search leader for Forrester Research as well as a procedures manual
Consulting. He was previously the Inc.; and Robert Gerden, director for officers assigned to the special
director of worldwide research and of corporate and systems security detail.
development security for Glaxo- at Nortel Networks Ltd. were Rick Carey, CEO of Datasafe
SmithKline. His expertise includes quoted in an article in Computer- Information Security, was inter-
risk assessment; corporate security world. “Handle Corporate Security viewed by the Boston Globe for a
strategy; physical, electronic, and As Single Entity, Users Say” dis- feature article on document and
manned security; executive protec- cussed the importance of integrat- hard-drive destruction, “Salvation
tion; and intelligence and surveil- ing IT security with the rest of and Destruction.” He was also fea-
lance countermeasures. corporate security. tured in the “Entrepreneur” depart-
Scott S. Frautschi has joined Ortega InfoSystems has hired ment of the Boston Business Journal.
Object Video as vice president, Steven Bassett as regional sales Brendan T. Kirby has become a
where he will be responsible for manager. He will be responsible for founding member of the National
overseeing the strategic development recruiting and providing sales sup- Law Enforcement Museum in
of the federal sales department. He port for Ortega Channel Partners Washington, D.C.
was previously the business devel- and manufacturers’ representatives David C. Murray, executive vice
opment manager for Northrop in the eastern United States. He president of Elite Protection Ser-
Grumman Mission Systems. previously served as systems con- vices, was honored with a Florida
Jim Hawthorne has become re- sultant at Institutional Systems Committee Chair Award for his
gional sales manager for the south- Service Corporation. support of military employees.
east territory of the United States Jim Wenck has been appointed He was recognized at the Florida
for Digital Monitoring Products. corporate director of business de- Committee for Employer Support
His office will be in Atlanta. velopment at ISR Solutions, where of the Guard and Reserves Annual
Billy Ray Jackson is now serving he will develop relationships with Meeting. Leonard H. Miller, CPP,
as president for the United States clients and develop market oppor- vice president of operations for
Contract Security Association. tunities for the company. Previ- Elite, accepted the award on Mur-
William J. Gillespie, CPP, vice ously, Wenck served as government ray’s behalf.
president of operations for Risk services manager for Gage-Babcock Christopher J. Simovich has
Management Group, was inter- & Associates. been promoted to vice president
viewed for an article in Network The Miami-Dade Police Depart- of security operations for U.S. Se-
Computing. He discussed integrated ment selected Edward Hollander, curity Care. He will be responsi-
risk management. CPP, soon-to-be chief of security ble for security operations around
CCTV, a new book edited by for the Miami-Dade County Gen- the world, including protective,
Martin Gill, has been published by eral Services Administration, as consulting, and investigative serv-
Perpetuity Press. the Distinguished Reserve Officer ices. He was formerly the interna-
Andrew G. Podolak, director of for 2002. He has been part of a tional operations manager for
operations for U.S. Security Care, team that conducts formal surveys Vance Executive Protection Inc.

Sept-Oct 03 ASISDynamics C-f.qxd 7/29/2003 2:45 PM Page 5

The Cargo Criminal Apprehen- scenario, where IT security is re- serves as senior consultant and
sion Team has named Joe Baker, moved from the CIO and placed CEO.
executive director of the National under the security manager. John P. Holly St. George-Dorr has been
Cargo Security Council, as an Walsh, CPP, vice president and di- named vice president/risk manager
honorary member in its organiza- rector of security for the Stephens in technology administration at
tion and an honorary investigator. Group, emphasized the importance Citizens Financial Services. ■
He was chosen for his persever- of a security manager’s access to
ance and leadership in saving the top executives. Items for this column, and a photo, if
unit from elimination due to Gary H. Kuty has formed Kuty available, may be mailed to Editor,
budget cuts. and Associates, LLC, a security Dynamics, 1625 Prince Street, Alexan-
Don Walker, CPP, CEO of Secu- consulting agency in which he dria, VA 22314.
ritas Security Services, and Chad
Callaghan, CPP, vice president of
loss prevention services for Mar-
riott International, were inter- There are a few choice words
viewed by CSO Magazine about in the dictionary to describe people who become
creating a clear definition of a
chief security officer’s role. ASIS Board Certified…
Richard P. Werth, CPP, presi-
dent of Event and Meeting Secu-
rity Services, offered tips for
safety planning in an article pub-
lished in USAE, “Planners Can Do
More To Plan For Safety.”
Michel Rimpel, director of engi-
neering and security for the United
Nations International School in
New York City, received the En-
Competent Committed Credentialed
ergy Education Award from Con-
Security opportunities have expanded dramatically in the last few years.
Edison Solutions for his work in
But, the competition is more intense, and the requirements are more
educating facility managers about
ways to make properties more en- stringent. Many practitioners claim to be qualified, but don’t have the
ergy efficient and more secure. objective evidence to back their claims. So, how can you immediately
An article in Industrial Mainte- demonstrate your security expertise to make certain your resume
nance and Plant Operation, “Industrial stands out from all the others?
Security: New Threats Call for
New Tactics,” quoted Michael Re- Get Board Certified by ASIS International.
gan, security manager for Public
With a CPP, PCI, or PSP designation after your name, you’re no longer
Service Electric & Gas; Mark De
just a face in the crowd or a name on a resume. You’re instantly
Voti, CPP, security manager for
Public Service Electric & Gas; and recognized as a competent and committed professional with the skills
Robert Moraca, CPP, security and knowledge to get the job done.
manager for Sunoco Inc. The arti-
Meet your competition head on and get the professional recognition
cle described basic principles of se-
you deserve. Make this your year to become Board Certified by ASIS.
curing plants and discussed new
technologies available.
Ed Casey, CPP, director of cor-
porate security for Procter &
Gamble Company, described reor-
ganizing corporate security to re-
port to human resources in “All
Over the Map,” an article in CSO Call 703–519–6200 or visit today for
Magazine. In the same article, John certification information, including an application. Or, E-mail
your request to: Be sure to specify which
Pomeroy, chief security officer of certification program is of interest to you!
Siemens Canada Limited and Edu-
ard Telders, CPP, described another

September/October 2003 5
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In Brief
Military Employee Support “Statement of Support”
signings. According to Bob
TO MAKE SURE that members of Hollingsworth, executive director of
the National Guard and Reserves the committee, “a Statement of Sup-
and their families do not suffer port serves two very vital functions:
economic hardship because of First, it demonstrates the strong
their active-duty status, active level of support for our Guard and
support from employers is now Reserves, which is important during
being sought by the National this critical time; second, it sends a
Committee for Employer Support clear message to the service mem-
of the Guard and Reserves (ESGR), bers that while they are serving At a recent Bosslift, employers of guards-
formerly a mediating organization their country, they do not have to men and reservists were taken into the
that serves mainly as a liaison be- worry about their civilian jobs.” field for a first-hand view of what their
tween employers and their mili- The Statement of Support initia- employees do outside the office.
tary employees. tive is currently in high gear with
Since the terrorist attacks of signings by XEROX Corporation, spect for the training and missions
September 11, 2001, President George the Society for Human Resource their military employees experience
W. Bush and Congress have en- Management, Southwest Airlines, while out of their civilian jobs.
acted legislative measures to mobi-, and General Motors, John Dyess, chairman of the
lize more than 300,000 national as well as many Fortune 500 cor- Tennessee ESGR Committee, be-
guardsmen and reservists. With this porations and professional and in- lieves Bosslifts to be the single
massive call to service comes im- dustry organizations. The coopera- most effective tool in demonstrat-
mense strain on the nation’s em- tion and understanding displayed ing to employers and the media
ployers to maintain the efficiency by the leaders of this diverse group the importance of the Guard and
of their businesses without the is the result of the proactive ap- Reserves. Dyess said the three most
help of their military employees. proach of employer outreach now common responses he receives
An outpouring of patriotism being made by ESGR. from employers returning from a
among public and private employ- ESGR subcommittees work di- Bosslift are: “‘I had no idea how
ers has eased the tensions some- rectly with area employers to en- important the Guard and Reserves
what. For example, when a truck courage support in programs such were in the overall military strat-
driver who earned $50,000 a year as “Briefings with the Boss,” “Boss- egy,’ ‘I had no idea of the good
was recalled to the Virginia Na- lifts,” speakers bureaus, and em- training my employees get in the
tional Guard, he took a salary cut ployer appreciation days. Each sub- military,’ and ‘I had no idea what
of more than 50 percent. Within committee has conducted Bosslifts my employees did when they went
weeks, he and his family were in that transport employers on mili- off to serve in the military.’”
serious financial trouble. The tary aircraft to military sites to help America must support the mis-
guardsman called ESGR for help. them gain an understanding and re- sion of the military as it protects
An ESGR representative met with our nation and assists others. The
the company CEO, explaining the men and women of the Guard and
employee’s financial situation. The Edge Revised Reserves must also have the confi-
agreed to pay the driver the dif- ASIS International’s video, “The Pro- dence of their employers and the
ference between his civilian and fessional Edge,” has been brought up nation. The National ESGR Com-
military salary for 60 days and to date for the new millennium. The mittee and its 55 subcommittees are
continued full medical coverage video, which serves as a promotional standing by and are eager to assist
for the family. tool for the Society, is available on loan the employers of guardsmen and
At the national level, the ESGR’s to members, chapters, and regions from reservists. For more information
National Committee for Employer the Information Resources Center (IRC) on ESGR, visit the committee’s
Support of the Guard and Reserves at ASIS headquarters. To borrow the Web site at or call
promotes active recognition and video, contact the IRC at 703/518-1472 800/336-4590.
support for military employees with or e-mail —By John Hart, ESGR staff analyst

Sept-Oct 03 ASISDynamics C-f.qxd 7/29/2003 2:45 PM Page 7

Security Management IFPO Does Jobs

curity and Emergency Prepared-
ness Committee.
Wins Awards The International Foundation for Pro- On Tuesday, September 16,
SECURITY MANAGEMENT, the Soci- tection Officers (IFPO) has initiated from 9:15 a.m. to 9:45 a.m., key-
ety’s monthly magazine, has again an online career center where job note speaker Harold G. Moore, re-
been recognized for excellence in seekers can post résumés and em- tired U.S. Army three-star general,
editorial content and art design. ployers can post job descriptions. The will be available to sign his book
The American Society of Busi- IFPO assists protection officers in ca- We Were Soldiers Once… and Young,
ness Publication Editors (ASBPE) reer achievement and strives to which was made into the movie
has awarded Senior Editor Michael strengthen the public perception of We Were Soldiers with Mel Gibson.
A. Gips a national award recogniz- protection officers. For more informa- Moore accrued more than 32 years
ing editorial excellence for his tion on the IFPO Career Center, visit of active military service. After his
“News & Trends” column, which retirement from active duty in
appears regularly in Security Manage- 1977, Moore became the executive
ment. He also won a regional award vice presi-
for the article “Reexamining the Author Autographs dent of the
Premises for High Rise Design.” ATTENDEES OF THE ASIS 49TH Crested
ASBPE has presented Honors Annual Seminar and Exhibits in Butte Ski
and Awards of Excellence for 25 New Orleans have the opportunity Area in
years. This is Gips’s fifth award, to meet and have books signed by Colorado.
and his second national prize. “It nearly a dozen seminar and During the
is an honor that Security Manage- keynote speakers. 1980s and
ment was recognized by its peers On Monday, September 15, early 1990s,
for editorial excellence,” says Gips. from 10 a.m. to 10:45 a.m., Sandra he re-
“I’m proud to have won for my Lanier, CPP, will sign copies of searched
column, but I realize that it’s only her book Workplace Violence: Before, and wrote
one part of the overall product.” During, and After. Lanier is presi- the book
These honors are the latest in a dent of Lanier Security Group, Moore
with his co-
long list of art and editorial awards Inc., located in Orlando, Florida, author, Joe
that the magazine has garnered which specializes in providing se- Galloway. The book covers the
over the years from numerous or- curity consulting services to For- first major battle of the Vietnam
ganizations. Past awards include a tune 500 companies and to gov- War, the battle of Ia Drang, in
Clarion for editorial excellence for ernment entities. which both men participated. The
an issue of the magazine that Also on Monday, from 3:15 book is recognized as a classic on
looked at the Oklahoma City p.m. to 4 p.m., Geoff Craighead, the Vietnam War.
bombing, several editorial excel- CPP, will be on hand to sign From 10:15 a.m. to 11 a.m., Mary
lence awards from the Society of copies of his book High-Rise Secu- Lynn Garcia will sign copies of
National Association Publications, rity and Fire Life Safety, 2nd Edition. her book The Design and Evaluation
and specific awards for features Craighead is vice president of of Physical Protection Systems. Garcia is
and opinion pieces from the AS- high-rise and real estate services a senior member of the technical
BPE, including one for an article for Securitas Security Services, staff at Sandia National Laboratories
by Senior Editor Teresa Anderson USA, Inc. He has been involved in Albuquerque, New Mexico. She
that looked at security at the 6th with the security and life-safety
Floor Museum at Dealy Plaza in operations of high-rise facilities
Texas. Art designer Roy Comiskey for more than 20 years. He is cer- What's Up?
has received more than 25 awards tified by the Los Angeles Fire De- As the ASIS 49th Annual Seminar and
for art design, including one this partment to provide high-rise life- Exhibits approaches, editors of the
year from the Art Directors Club safety services and currently daily seminar newspaper are seeking
of Metropolitan Washington for serves as president of the ASIS input from Society members. The edi-
the cover of the July 2002 issue. Professional Certification Board, tors of the Bayou Bugle are interested
Sherry Harowitz, editor-in-chief which administers certification in the seminar activities of ASIS coun-
of the magazine states, “We are programs for security profession- cils, ASIS chapters, companies, and
proud of everyone on our staff als throughout the world, and as other groups. Having a meeting? Plan-
and pleased that our peers con- co-chair of the Building Owners ning a gathering? Unveiling a report?
tinue to recognize the quality of and Managers Association’s Contact Teresa Anderson at tanderson
their work year after year.” Greater Los Angeles Chapter’s Se- with all the details.

September/October 2003 7
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In Brief
workplace. He has conducted has more than 35 years experience
Government Rate thousands of investigations for as an investigator and forensic
The Society is initiating a new govern- employers throughout the United psychophysiologist. As an FBI
ment rate for attendees of the ASIS States. special agent, he conducted inves-
49th Annual Seminar and Exhibits in On Wednesday, September 17, tigations and detection-of-decep-
New Orleans, September 15-18. Fees from 9:15 to 9:45 a.m., keynote tion examinations in various fed-
for full registration will be $625, and speaker Richard Butler will sign eral criminal inquiries. He has
single-day registration will be $360. copies of his two books The Great- authored numerous articles and
Individuals must be employed by a est Threat: Iraq, Weapons of Mass De- books on investigative topics.
federal government agency to qualify. struction and the Growing Crisis in Currently, he is the proprietor of
For more information or to register, Global Security and Fatal Choice: Nu- Charles Yeschke Associates, a firm
contact ASIS Member Services at 703/ clear Weapons and the Illusion of Missile providing confidential investiga-
519-6200. Defense. Butler is Australia’s most tion services, security and loss
influential contemporary diplo- prevention consulting, and training
has spent the last 18 years work- mat. For the past three years, he seminars.
ing on multiple security projects, has been diplomat in residence at Finally, on Thursday, Septem-
including the design of equipment the Council for Foreign Relations, ber 18, from 9:30 a.m. to 10 a.m.,
for use in surveillance of nuclear in New York City. From 1997 to Laurie Mylroie, Ph.D., vice presi-
facilities overseas, the design and 1999, he dent of the Washington-based In-
development of CCTV and light- was execu- formation for Democracy, will
ing systems, and project manage- tive chair- sign her books Study of Revenge:
ment of large projects for both man of the Saddam Hussein’s Unfinished War
government and industry cus- United Na- Against America and Bush vs. the
tomers. In addition, for the past tions Spe- Beltway: How the CIA and State De-
eight years Garcia has worked on cial Com- partment Tried to Stop the War on Ter-
the development of unique secu- mission ror. Mylroie is an internationally
rity education programs merging charged recognized expert on Iraq and the
criminal justice, business, and with the Middle East. She is publisher of
technology principles. disarma- “Iraq News,” an online e-mail
Eugene Ferraro, CPP, will be ment of newsletter and is an Iraq analyst
available to sign copies of Under- Iraq. For for the Middle East Intelligence Bul-
cover Investigations in the Workplace five years letin. She was an assistant profes-
from 3:15 p.m. to 4 p.m. Ferraro is prior to that sor in Harvard’s political science
president and CEO of Business appointment, he was Australian department before becoming an
Controls, Inc., of Golden, Colo- ambassador and permanent repre- associate professor in the strategy
rado. He has been a corporate in- sentative to the United Nations. department at the U.S. Naval
vestigator for more than 19 years, Charles L. Yeschke will sign War College. Subsequently, she
specializing in the investigation of copies of his book The Art of Inves- was a member of the staff of The
employee dishonesty, substance tigative Interviewing, 2nd Edition, Washington Institute for Near
abuse, and criminal activity in the from 3:15 p.m. to 4 p.m. Yeschke East Policy. ■

Full Service Investigative and Security Consulting Bioterrorism Guide

The ASIS Information Resource Center
15 Years Experience in the Philippines
(IRC) is offering a resource guide to
Our goal is simple: “To provide quality services at international standards, bioterrorism information sources on
at fees significantly reduced from our international competition.” the Internet. The guide includes more
Jeffrey A. Williams, CPP, President and Managing Director Specializing in Due-Diligence, than 300 pages of articles, Internet
Fmr Special Agent & Cmdr, OSI, U.S. Embassy - Manila Litigation Support, Fraud links, and other references in a three-
and Intellectual Property Rights; ring binder for $60, including ship-
Robert L. Heafner, Special Adviser
as well as Risk Assessments, ping. For more information or to pur-
Fmr Special Agent & Legal Attache, FBI, U.S.Embassy - Manila
Security Audits and Surveys, chase with a credit card, contact the
Zetetic (Far East) Inc. Crisis Management and
4/F, Accelerando Building IRC at 703/518-1471 or 703/518-1472,
VIP Protection.
395 Sen. Gil J. Puyat Avenue or send a check to: ASIS International,
Makati City 1200 Metro Manila Philippines Information Resources Center, 1625
Tel: (63-2) 890 3090 Fax: (63-2) 895 6859 Email:
Prince Street, Alexandria, VA 22314.

Sept-Oct 03 ASISDynamics C-f.qxd 7/29/2003 2:45 PM Page 9

CPP News
New CPPS Stephen J. McKinnon
Stephen J. Miller
ASIS INTERNATIONAL wishes to Craig M. Nelson
congratulate the following individ- Peter Osborne
uals who passed the Certified Pro- Owen Pulliam Greater Philadelphia Chapter Chair Bryn
tection Professional (CPP) Program Ellen A. Ray M. Palena honors newly minted CPP Steve
examination in April and May: Stephen J. Reichle Reichle with the gift of a commemorative
Steven D. Resel pen. Reichle joins 50 fellow chapter mem-
Ramon A. Abad, Jr. Ryan Roberts bers who have earned the designation.
Esther M. Ajayi Paul W. Ropp
Juan Amoros Wayne H. Ross vacy.” In this open session, Blocker,
Michael K. Barsella Robert A. Russell, Jr. president of Police Futurist Inter-
Marty R. Bishop Fernando Sanchez national and a major in the Penn-
Steven Brack Glenn W. Sandford sylvania State Police Department,
Timothy J. Bradley Donald A. Selby discusses how the U.S. homeland
Vic H. Brimmer Derek G. L. Simmonds security initiative presents organi-
Alvin K. Brown Richard P. Sobaram zational challenges and whether
Tommy R. Buggs Barry R. Stanford we are losing privacy rights for the
Neri L. Caunte Laura L. Smith sake of homeland security. Blocker
Bernard A. Collins John C. Tomchick will also discuss concerns over the
David J. Coughlin Cheryl A. Tow
Vincent M. Creazzo Jennifer E. Troy-Black
Charles B. Credo Leroy VanDerHeyde
Kim A. Cullom-Curran John C. Villines
Roy G. Davenport Doss C. von Brandenstein
Joe T. Davis Michael W. Walker
Buzz Ebner John B. Weaver
David H. Eckenrode Murray D. Wheatley
Ernest W. Eves Reed M. White
Paul Ferrer David W. Wilson
George W. Fisher Elena Zapata
Geoffrey E. Frisby
Luis E. Gomez
Donald C. Griggs
Certification Seminar
Miguel O. Guzman Sessions
Enrique Higuera FIVE SPECIAL “certification sessions”
Cosme deJesus Huerta are planned for the New Orleans
John M. Jenkins Seminar. Three will be open to all
Nancy E. Jones attendees; two will be CPP-only
Bernard Keays sessions. (Please note that speakers
Arthur L. Keefer, Jr. and times are subject to change.)
Joseph M. Kelly On Monday, September 15, at 11
Kim M. Kerr a.m., Dr. Lawrence Kerr of the U.S.
Charles W. Kessel Department of Homeland Security
James W. Klingensmith will provide an up-to-date report
Richard Lagg on world bioterrorism threats.
Eric A. Lavoy (This session is open to all atten-
Sheryl A. M. Leveriza dees.) On Monday at 1:30 p.m.,
Randolph W. Liebeck Tyree Blocker will present “2003—
Timothy M. McCreight An Odyssey: The Erosion of Pri-

September/October 2003 9
Sept-Oct 03 ASISDynamics C-f.qxd 7/29/2003 2:45 PM Page 10

Legal Reference for

Canadian PCI
Canadians planning to take the Profes-
Are the people you sional Certified Investigator (PCI) exam-
choose to protect ination during the ASIS 49th Annual
Seminar and Exhibits in New Orleans
your VIPs up to should be aware that the legal portion
of the test is specially tailored to the
the challenge?
Canadian legal system. All questions
are taken from David Ray’s Canadian
Private Security Law, 2nd Edition.
Canadians planning to take the test
are strongly encouraged to purchase
and study this reference. It is available
from ASIS Membership Services at
703/519-6200 and at the Society’s Web
Companies everywhere today are looking to
safeguard their personnel. Especially those in U.S.A. Patriot Act, increased sur-
veillance, national databases, and a
more high-profile and risk-prone situations. possible national identification card.
On Tuesday, September 16, at 11
a.m., Edward F. McDonough, CPP,
You need knowledgeable security professionals who understand will conduct a session on partner-
the full spectrum of Executive Protection—not just a bodyguard. ship-building with vendors. In this
Today’s high-threat environments require experts who can fully CPP-only presentation, McDon-
assess threats, perform immediate risk analysis, and provide full- ough will discuss ways to achieve
scale protection—anywhere, any time. cost-effective security via the shared
interests and mutual desire for
Recognized executive protection experts, Robert L. Oatman and success of both suppliers and end
Jerome H. Glazebrook, lead participants through the world of users.
Executive Protection in this two-day, highly interactive program. Also on Tuesday at 1:30 p.m. is
an open-session panel, “Certification:
Who Needs It?” The significant
expansion of knowledge, methods,
December 8-9, 2003 and new technologies has height-
Scottsdale, AZ ened the need for security profes-
sionals who can understand the
July 12-13, 2004 complex issues of a security-con-
Redondo Beach, CA scious environment. Business exec-
utives and government officials are
December 6-7, 2004 seeking professionals with proven
Chicago, IL competencies and skill sets that
CPPs can provide. Wide-ranging
ed Bonus! perspectives on CPP hiring will be
Add provided by representatives from the
You receive the “Executive Protection Specialist Handbook”
U.S. Air Force, state police, home-
and the top-rated “The Art of Executive Protection” book.
land security, hospitality, and other
Two invaluable tools for the Executive Protection Specialist.
private-sector security positions.
On Wednesday, September 17, at
1:30 p.m., Howard A. Moster, CPP,
will present a CPP-only session
titled “RAM-CPP: Cajun style.”
Moster will share the homeland
For more information: security recipe for assessing risk.
ASIS Member Services at 703-519-6200. For more information on ses-
sions, visit the CPP area of ASIS
Online ( ■

Sept-Oct 03 ASISDynamics C-f.qxd 7/29/2003 2:45 PM Page 11

CPP Review ■ Comprensión de los procedimientos básicos para pre-
sentar el examen.
September 12-13, 2003 Registración
Ernest N. Morial Convention Center $640 socios, US; $795 no socios
New Orleans, Louisiana
Meeting #563
PCI Review
■ Review essential security concepts and practices in September 12-13, 2003
nine critical areas, as well as up-to-the-minute re- Ernest N. Morial Convention Center
sources and references. New Orleans, Louisiana
■ Prepare for the expanded legal section of the exam
Meeting #587
through a comprehensive review of U.S. law.
■ Receive guidance in developing a personalized study Benefits
program. ■ Develop a study plan to prepare for the PCI exam.
■ Create a network with colleagues also preparing for ■ Create a network with colleagues and other investiga-
the exam. tors also preparing for the exam.
■ Take a practice exam to identify areas where further ■ Take a PCI practice exam to identify areas where fur-

study is needed. ther study is needed.

■ Receive individual guidance for developing a study

Registration program.
$640 ASIS member; $795 nonmember
$425 ASIS member; $575 nonmember
Cursor de Repaso para el Examen de Certificación
para Profesionales de la Protección (CPP)
PSP Review
12 y 13 de Septiembre del 2003
Ernest N. Morial Convention Center September 12-13, 2003
New Orleans, Louisiana Ernest N. Morial Convention Center
Meeting #568 New Orleans, Louisiana
Meeting #588
Razones para participar
■ Repasar los conceptos y prácticas básicas de seguridad Benefits
así como también los recursos y referencias actuales ■ Review essential physical security concepts and practices.
para los profesionales del campo de la seguridad. ■ Explore the step-by-step processes involved in develop-
■ Aprovechar el asesoramiento individual para ayudarle a ing a physical security program.
■ Receive guidance in developing a personalized study
crear un programa de estudio en su hogar.
■ Interactuar con colegas que se están preparando para el program and review related materials.
■ Create a network with colleagues who are also prepar-
■ Presentar un examen de práctica y determinar las áreas ing for the examination.
■ Take a PSP practice exam to identify areas where fur-
que necesita estudiar.
■ Los participantes que necesiten ayuda para crear un pro- ther study is needed.
grama individual de estudio en el hogar podrán Registration
disponer del asesoramiento individual en el lugar donde $425 ASIS member; $575 nonmember
se dicte el programa. Esta innovadora característica del
repaso para el examen de CPP motiva a los partici-
pantes a buscar el asesoramiento de socios del cuerpo
If you must cancel for any reason, please notify ASIS in writing at least 10
docente con experiencia académica en temas tales como:
■ Repaso de material adicional de referencia.
business days prior to the start of the program in order to receive a full
refund. Cancellations received within 10 business days prior to the start
■ Formar un modelo de estudio.
of the program will be billed a $75 fee. No refunds will be issued for
■ Desarrollo de la mecánica de un sistema de aprendizaje
cancellations received on or after the start date of the program.

September/October 2003 11
Sept-Oct 03 ASISDynamics C-f.qxd 7/29/2003 2:45 PM Page 12

Educational Programs
ASIS International 49th Annual Registration
$345 ASIS member; $495 nonmember
Seminar and Exhibits
September 15-18, 2003 Rethinking Security Practices
Ernest N. Morial Convention Center
New Orleans, Louisiana
for the New Millennium
Benefits October 13-14, 2003
■ Choose from 135 dynamic education sessions and Westin Tabor Center
thought-provoking keynote presentations. Denver, Colorado
■ Discover the latest solutions and technology from more Meeting #580
than 725 companies at the largest security exhibition in
the world.
■ Exchange information and ideas with colleagues from
■ Explore strategies for monitoring business ethics and
complying with the Sarbanes-Oxley Act.
across the globe. ■ Review planning and auditing an incident-management

Registration report.
Visit for registration op- ■ Discuss C-TPAT certification and how corporate secu-

tions, or phone ASIS Member Services at 703/519-6200. rity procedures will improve the bottom line.
■ Discuss employee training through technology.

■ Review the benefits of ISO 9000 and how to apply it

Gaming Security and Surveillance to a security department.
G2E Training and Development Institute Registration
September 15, 2003 $575 ASIS member; $725 nonmember
Las Vegas Convention Center
Las Vegas, NV
Interview and Interrogation Techniques
■ Learn to improve gaming security in a high-threat en- October 15, 2003
vironment. Westin Tabor Center
■ Discover the latest innovations in casino security. Denver, Colorado
■ Gain a deeper understanding of digital video recorders Meeting #565
and how they enhance security.
■ Examine the latest trends in negligent security liability.
■ Discuss important regulatory issues in Native Ameri-
■ Review proven techniques for conducting an effective
can gaming. ■ Explore deception detection techniques.

Registration ■ Review the structure of the investigative interview.

For registration rates, visit

$345 ASIS member; $495 nonmember
How to Conduct Complex Internal Fraud
and Corruption Investigations Liability for Investigators
October 13, 2003
October 16-17, 2003
Westin Tabor Center Westin Tabor Center
Denver, Colorado Denver, Colorado
Meeting #605 Meeting #566
Benefits Benefits
■ Review common fraud schemes and learn their red flags. ■ Understand the foremost liability issues involved when
■ Learn how to set up effective systems to detect fraud.
conducting applicant background checks.
■ Examine the organized approach and the skills needed
■ Identify the key elements of a thorough investigation.
to successfully complete a complex case within a rea- ■ Learn valuable precedents by discussing actual cases
sonable time frame and budget. and decisions.
■ Learn to turn prior law enforcement or investigative ex-

perience to your advantage in white-collar investigations. Registration

■ Explore fraud and corruption risk assessments. $640 ASIS member; $795 nonmember

Sept-Oct 03 ASISDynamics C-f.qxd 7/29/2003 2:45 PM Page 13

Educational Programs
Diversity—The Challenge Ahead Securing the Supply Chain
October 27, 2003 October 28-30, 2003
U. S. Grant Hotel U. S. Grant Hotel
San Diego, California San Diego, California
Meeting #603 Meeting #602
Benefits Benefits
■ Learn how diversity initiatives can improve the quality ■ Hear from the experts on the latest trends in trans-
of an organization’s work force. portation security.
■ Discover the vital professional and personal benefits of ■ Review supply-chain management.

pluralism. ■ Explore maritime security, from safe passage of persons

■ Learn to communicate more effectively with employees to the latest techniques in protecting cargo shipments.
to increase their creativity and flexibility. ■ Learn how to keep an organization’s supply chain

■ Probe the serious business consequences that can result from being used to transport weapons of mass de-
from a lack of diversity in the workplace. struction.
Registration Registration
$345 ASIS member; $495 nonmember $640 ASIS member; $795 nonmember

For further information on upcoming ASIS educational events, contact the ASIS Member Services Department at 703/519-6200.

Registration Form
Name: __________________________________________________________________________________________
Title: __________________________________________________________________________________________
Company: ______________________________________________________________________________________
Address: ________________________________________________________________________________________
City/State/Zip: ___________________________________________________________________________________
Telephone: ______________________________________ Fax: __________________________________________

■ CPP Review, 9/12-13; Meeting #563; $640 (m), $795 (nm)

■ Cursor de Repaso para el Examen de Certificación para Profesionales de la Protección, 9/12-13; Meeting #568;
$640 (m), $795 (nm)
■ PCI Review, 9/12-13; Meeting #587; $425 (m), $575 (nm)
■ PSP Review, 9/12-13; Meeting #588; $425 (m), $575 (nm)
■ ASIS International 49th Annual Seminar and Exhibits, 9/15-18; member and nonmember fee scales available
■ Gaming Security and Surveillance, 9/15; member and nonmember fee scales available at
■ How to Conduct Complex Internal Fraud and Corruption Investigations, 10/13; Meeting #605; $345 (m),
$495 (nm)
■ Rethinking Security Practices for the New Millennium, 10/13-14; Meeting #580; $575 (m), $725 (nm)
■ Interview and Interrogation Techniques, 10/15; Meeting #565; $345 (m), $495 (nm)
■ Liability for Investigators, 10/16-17; Meeting #566; $640 (m), $795 (nm)
■ Diversity—The Challenge Ahead, 10/27; Meeting #603; $345 (m), $495 (nm)
■ Securing the Supply Chain, 10/28-30; Meeting #602; $640 (m), $795 (nm)
Total Amount: ___________________________________________________________________________________
ASIS Membership Number: ________________________________________________________________________

Register by fax now: 703/518-1473, or write ASIS, P.O. Box 79073, Baltimore, MD 21279-0073, or call 703/519-6200.
Please charge ■ VISA ■ MasterCard ■ AMEX
Cardholder name: Signature:
Account No.: Expiration Date:

September/October 2003 13
Sept-Oct 03 ASISDynamics C-f.qxd 7/29/2003 2:45 PM Page 14

den, LLP’s governmental affairs di-
Security Booster vision, which later became its own
“SECURITY HAS interested me all firm headed by former U.S. Repre-
along,” says Kristin Watchorn, ASIS sentative Tom Loeffler of Texas. At
International’s legislative assistant, the time, says Watchorn, Loeffler
government affairs and public co-chaired the finance committee
policy. “When it came down to a for the George W. Bush election
choice between other industries, campaign.
or working on issues that are at Herself an ardent Democrat,
the forefront of all Congressional Watchorn left the firm to take a Kristin Watchorn
policy-making right now—it was political campaign position in her
an easy choice to make.” home state, working as deputy re- with the press giving interviews,
Watchorn hails from Camp search director for the 2002 guber- she needed to have the facts at her
Hill, Pennsylvania, outside of Har- natorial primary bid of Bob Casey, fingertips. I’d make sure she had
risburg. She attended college at Jr. “It was expected that you everything she required right be-
Franklin and Marshall College of worked seven days per week, 12 to fore she spoke with the media.”
Lancaster, Pennsylvania, earning a 14 hours a day, doing everything After Casey lost the primary,
degree in government and history. from getting coffee [for staffers] to Watchorn spent a month traveling
She also spent a semester attend- writing a seven-page policy paper,” the American West. Her sojourn
ing Oxford University in England. she says. Watchorn also worked completed, Watchorn joined the
After graduation, Watchorn with the campaign’s communica- congressional campaign of Tim
dipped into the D.C. political pool tion director as a fact supplier. Holden (D-PA) as a volunteer.
in the law firm of Arter and Had- “When she was on the phone The veteran Congressman had
been forced by redistricting to run
against another Congressional vet-
eran, Republican George Gekas.
How to Get a “It was a tight election, but Holden
pulled it out. It was exciting to
Professional Edge. finally win one,” she recalls.
Watchorn returned to Washing-
ton, D.C., in 2002 and accepted her
Job requirements have become more demanding. Employers
current position at ASIS in Febru-
want qualified professionals with proven aptitude and skill
ary. Since joining headquarters staff,
sets who can effectively manage their complex security issues.
Watchorn has assisted Director of
That's why so many security professionals are working towards
Government Affairs and Public
their Certified Protection Professional (CPP) certification.
Policy Jack Lichtenstein in revamp-
Internationally acknowledged as the security industry's high- ing the legislative area of ASIS
est recognition, the CPP identifies you as part of an elite Online to include legislative track-
group—among the best business partners in security man- ing on bills with content important
agement! It gives you a professional edge which translates to Society members.
into greater earning potential and accelerated career Lichtenstein and Watchorn
advancement. have also worked for Congres-
sional reform of the Fair Credit
Reporting Act (FCRA) (see “ASIS
Why let someone else get the
News,” Security Management, Sep-
opportunity you deserve?
tember, for a detailed discussion
Give yourself the CPP advantage. of the bill).
Watchorn says that she and
Lichtenstein will be available at the
ASIS 49th Annual Seminar and
Exhibits in New Orleans to discuss
For information, visit: or legislative issues with members and
call ASIS International at 703-519-6200. to answer questions about ASIS’s
public policy agenda. ■

Sept-Oct 03 ASISDynamics C-f.qxd 7/29/2003 2:45 PM Page 15

Regions I-IV he said. Englander also assists in Fowler of Personal Safety Training
the certification process for various and Protection was the guest

enneth Burdette, regional public and nonprofit organizations. speaker. MOAB is based on recog-
emergency transportation Robert Blumberg, Esq., of Littler nizing stages of conflicts and using
representative for the U.S. Mendelson, gave a presentation on de-escalation techniques designed
Department of Transporta- addressing harassment and discrim- for these stages.
tion, spoke at a meeting of the ination issues in the workplace Sheriff Mike Acree of Douglas
Alaska Chapter on emergency when he attended a meeting of County spoke to the Denver
transport during natural and man- the Greater Los Angeles Chapter. Mile-Hi Chapter about homeland
made disasters. He emphasized the He defined protected categories, security. Additionally, the chapter’s
need to develop new exercises for types of harassment, and how to Security Officer Recognition Night
challenges such as simultaneous set up a company defense regard- featured a talk by Al Youngs, dep-
disaster events. ing harassment. uty chief of police for Lakewood,
Gene Frice, CPP, operations The San Diego Chapter learned Colorado. He emphasized the need
manager of Worldwide Security about counterterrorism and what for a continuing partnership be-
Services, gave a presentation to the San Diego area is doing to pre- tween law enforcement and private
the Santa Barbara Chapter about pare for medical disasters at a recent security, especially in light of glob-
terrorism. meeting. Gina Anderson from the alization and new threats to society.
The effect of homeland security County of San Diego Division of The Northern Nevada Chapter
requirements on port security op- Counterterrorism and Disaster Med- hosted Federal Security Director
erations was the topic at a meeting ical Services and John Sylvester, FBI Steven Pansky of the U.S. Trans-
of the California Central Valley special agent, spoke on those topics. portation Security Administration
Chapter. Chief Bob Wingo of the At another meeting, Pete Flores, (TSA) at a recent meeting, where
Port of Stockton, California, Police community resources manager at he talked about the Air Trans-
was the speaker. the R. J. Donovan Correctional portation Security Act and how
Members of the San Fernando Facility, offered a behind-the-scenes security is affected at Reno-Tahoe
Valley Chapter heard a talk on perspective of security and safety International Airport.
electronic fingerprinting by Mark in a correctional setting. Jay Jacobson, CEO of Edgeos,
Englander, president of Accu-Prints. The Spokane Chapter learned Inc., and chairman of the Technol-
His company’s focus is on security about the management of aggres- ogy Officers’ Association, addressed
guard card-application processing, sive behavior (MOAB) when Dave the Phoenix Chapter about com-
puter security and vulnerability
The chapter also sponsored an
all-day conference on homeland
security. Frank Nazarrete, Arizona
director of homeland security, was
the keynote speaker. Don Walker,
CPP, executive vice president of
Securitas, spoke on security issues
and legislation. Gary Kuty, senior
consultant and CEO of Kuty &
Associates, talked about corporate
threat assessment. Diane Barrett, an
instructor with Education America
and president of NextGard Tech-
nology, LLC, discussed business
disaster recovery planning. Brian
Carlos Balaguera, CPP, briefs candidates preparing to take the CPP exam in Spanish at Stephens, vice president of home-
a review sponsored by the Bogotá, Colombia, Chapter. land security for Bank of America,

September/October 2003 15
Sept-Oct 03 ASISDynamics C-f.qxd 7/29/2003 2:45 PM Page 16

described his bank’s assessment about antiterrorism policies. An- about bioterrorism when Robert
process following September 11. other meeting of the group fo- Dievendorf, regional bioterrorism
Bob Randolph, also of the Bank cused on Crime Stoppers. Guest preparedness coordinator, spoke
of America, finished the day with speaker Mark Willadson, a volun- to the group. At another meeting,
a discussion of identity theft and teer with the group, described the Dave Weessies, regional security
how to deter it. program. Finally, the group toured manager for National City Bank,
At another meeting, Captain the Minnehaha County Jail with addressed the group on bank se-
Michael Eagen of the U.S. Navy Assistant Sheriff Bruce Swan at curity issues.
spoke to the group about terrorism another gathering. Grace Ranger, director of emer-
and extremist activities. The chap- Special Agent Kyle Loven of the gency management and homeland
ter presented its Zell award to FBI spoke about national infra- security for Genesee County,
Don Hesselbrock, CPP. structure protection and the Infra- Michigan, gave a talk on the
The Salt Lake Chapter hosted a Gard program at a recent meeting county’s emergency management
meeting on drug enforcement and of the Minnesota Chapter. At an- plans to the Flint Chapter. ASIS
community cooperation. Special other gathering, Daniel H. Kropp, President Kropp also addressed
Agent Barry Jamison of the U.S. CPP, president of ASIS Interna- the group concerning ASIS initia-
Drug Enforcement Administration tional, spoke to the group about tives and goals.
was the guest speaker. the Society’s six strategic priorities Members of the Central Illinois
for 2003. He also talked about pro- Chapter met at A-1 Corporate
Regions V-XII viding training and vision for ASIS Hardware in Springfield, where
chapters. the company’s president, Joe

heriff Mike Milstead of Min- Paul Bergee of Bergee Business White, spoke to the group about
nehaha County attended a Recovery Planners spoke to mem- master keying. He discussed open,
meeting of the South Dakota bers of the Central Wisconsin restricted, and high-security key-
Chapter, where he talked Chapter on the need for small ways; defeating master key sys-
businesses to es- tems; and self-contained locks.
tablish a shelter- The Pair-a-Dice Riverboat Ca-
in-place program. sino-Hotel was the setting for an-
Now any business can afford At another meet- other meeting of the group. John
Incident Reporting Software! ing, Doug Sies of Pate, special agent with the Illinois
SGTS, Inc., spoke State Police and shift supervisor
to the group about with the Illinois Gaming Board,
security in correc- gave a talk on casino and gaming
tional facilities. security.
Members of the Michael Steuer, CPP, area man-
Fox Valley Chap- ager for Initial Security, spoke to
ter toured the Ex- the Illi-Ana Chapter about ASIS
perimental Aircraft certification programs at a recent
Association Mu- dinner meeting.
seum. John Faeh, The Dayton Chapter was vis-
safety and security ited by Colonel LeRoy Walters,
coordinator for the director of the U.S. Air Force Ma-
museum, led the teriel Command Security Forces.
With IXO… group tour. Walters talked to the group about
Lieutenant Jim antiterrorism efforts and other
• A computer,
Van Bendegom, homeland security issues.
• An Internet connection and Kent County Bill Truax of Command K9
• A standard web browser… give you immediate emergency man- spoke to the Cleveland Chapter
access to a web-based incident reporting solution. agement coordina- about explosives-sniffing dogs.
tor, was the guest With his German shepherd
Subscribe now…AND SAVE! speaker at a meet- Gunny, he demonstrated how the
Call for details on IXO’s introductory offer. ing of the Western dogs find explosives. He said that
Michigan Chapter. dogs are faster than machines at
w w w. p p m 2 0 0 0 . c o m The South- locating explosives, but dogs can
IXO Toll Free 1-888-776-9776 western Michigan
Chapter learned
become distracted and tired, less-
ening their chances of success.

Sept-Oct 03 ASISDynamics C-f.qxd 7/29/2003 2:45 PM Page 17

FBI Special Agent Stan Pulson prevention from Chris Manning, ter is providing a pro bono secu-
discussed InfraGard and cyber- director of national security for rity assessment for the National
crime at a subsequent meeting of Wendy’s International. He talked Underground Freedom Center.
the group, and Assistant Cuyahoga about various facets of security, in- The Ozarks Chapter learned
County Prosecutor Paul Soucie cluding organizational deficiencies, about changes in the U.S. Bureau
talked to the chapter about eco- policies and procedures, record- of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and
nomic crime. keeping, data gathering, crisis man- Explosives when Ron Getty of that
The Columbus Chapter heard a agement, and expert testimony. organization addressed the group.
talk on risk assessment and loss The Cincinnati Tri-State Chap- Dennis Davis of the National Anti-


Special Awards
AT SPECIAL CEREMONIES, ASIS chapters recently honored The Western New Jersey
worthy law enforcement officers with awards. Chapter’s Law Enforcement
Kansas City Chapter Chair- Liaison, Joseph A. Devine,
man Jonathan R. Gann presented presents a plaque to Officer
Officer Patrick Byrd of the Kansas Clifford J. Crolius of the Jer-
City, Missouri, Police Department sey City Police Department
with its Thomas R. Meyers Award. for his work in the appre-
The award, which recognizes a hension of an armed robber
law enforcement individual who at a local restaurant.
is committed to improving rela- The Western New Jersey
tionships among the police, the Chapter’s Law Enforce-
community, and private security, Chairman Jonathan R. Gann ment Appreciation Day
honors the memory of police offi- (left) presents Officer Patrick featured a talk on
cer and ASIS member Thomas Byrd of the Kansas City, emergency prepared-
Meyers, who was killed in the Missouri, Police Depart- ness by Felix DeMicco,
line of duty in January 1998. ment with its Thomas R. assistant director of the
Byrd, a member of the East Meyers Award. Newark office of the
Community Action Patrol Divi- U.S. Drug Enforcement
sion, was praised for his work with the community and at- Administration. The
risk youth, his involvement in solving a teen club shooting, chapter awarded plaques to local, county, and state law enforce-
and for developing a new security plan at a troubled local ment officers. The group also paid tribute to the Morris County Pros-
high school. ecutor’s Office for its seizure of 575 kilograms of cocaine.
The Greater Los Angeles Chapter honored five officers
for their altruistic actions beyond the call of duty at its Secu- Sanchez of Guardsmark. The chapter awarded a $1,500
rity Officer Appreciation Day and Awards Luncheon. Receiv- scholarship to Michelle Otero, a student at East Los Angeles
ing awards were Wyatt Ford of American Commercial Security College. John Miller, bureau chief with the Police Department
Services, Tony Dailey and William Lewis of Universal Protec- of Los Angeles and commanding officer of the Counter-Ter-
tion Services, Captain Glenn Jones of Allied Security, and John rorism Bureau, was the featured speaker. He talked about
security officers’ role as first responders and praised them for
promoting public safety and national security.
Nearly 200 members and guests attended the San Fran-
cisco Bay Area Chapter’s 40th annual Law Enforcement
Appreciation Luncheon. Attendees enjoyed meeting the
San Francisco 49ers football team’s cheerleading squad and
hearing the Los Gatos Pipes and Drum Police Foundation
bagpipers. Craig W. Floyd, chairman and executive director
of the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund,
delivered the keynote address, describing numerous heroic
acts performed by the law enforcement community. He also
Pictured (L to R): Award winners William Lewis, Wyatt Ford, John talked about the memorial itself and its history. The chapter
Sanchez, Glenn Jones, and Tony Dailey. presented the fund with a $1,000 donation.

September/October 2003 17
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Crime Institute of America gave a Prosecuting Attorney, spoke to the chemical agents.
presentation on his organization at group about case preparation and ASIS RVP Robert Lilje, CPP,
another meeting. combating drugs. program manager for Modern
Dr. Bill Flint of TRC Security The Louisville Chapter wel- Technologies, attended another
spoke to the Kansas City Chapter comed guest speaker Malcolm meeting of the chapter, where he
about security infrastructure before Franklin, director of the Kentucky discussed plans and activities of
and after September 11, 2001. At Division of Emergency Manage- the Society. Another meeting fea-
another meeting, Todd Graves, ment. In his presentation, he tured a talk by Frank Dupre, port
U.S. Attorney for the Western touched on many aspects of emer- director with the U.S. Customs
District of Missouri, gave a presen- gency management, including dis- Service about the Customs Trade
tation on federal prosecution and aster reimbursement, search and Partnership Against Terrorism.
private security. rescue, state and county response Special Agent Patrick Davis of
Mike Sanders, Jackson County plans, and the destruction of the U.S. Secret Service spoke to the


The Good Fight and the balance between maintaining

the public’s confidence while “realisti-
the national capital region by speaker
Peter LaPorte, director of the District of

he National Capital Chapter’s cally describing the public risk.” Columbia’s Emergency Management
Terrorist Activities Subcommittee The next speaker, who discussed Agency. The director emphasized the
recently sponsored the Counter- specific threats to a number of CIs, in- importance of partnerships, problem
ing Terrorism Seminar. The full- cluding energy and transportation, solving, and prevention, noting that
day educational event was held at the was Edward Badolato, executive vice the anthrax attacks in 2001 revealed
Gannett Company’s headquarters in president for homeland security with the need for regional coordination:
Tysons Corner, Virginia. Each of the The Shaw Group. He stressed the im- One victim lived in Maryland, worked
sessions—presented by experts from portance of a thorough vulnerability in the District, and went to a hospital
around the country—was related to assessment that takes into account the in Virginia.
some aspect of critical infrastructure infrastructure processes at hand. For Since the attacks, the city has built
(CI) protection. example, a risk management expert strong relationships with agencies in
Leading off was Dexter Ingram, not schooled in how oil is refined may neighboring states, but LaPorte said that
threat assessment specialist and data- not understand the deadly properties partnerships remain to be built between
base editor at the Heritage Foundation. of components and by-products. government agencies and the private
Beginning with the Patriot Act’s defini- According to Badolato, there are sector. For instance, his agency has been
tion of CI and the national strategy for two approaches for conducting vulner- preparing commuter evacuation plans
protecting it, he laid the foundation for ability assessments: The asset-based for businesses, as well as plans to shelter
the lineup to follow. Ingram noted two approach focuses on targeted assets, in place. “It’s about a community ap-
types of CI threats—physical attacks and the scenario-based approach as- proach,” he said. “Government does not
against real property and cyberattacks sesses the risk and repercussions of vari- have all the answers.”
against the technologies that operate ous types of attacks. Substations are Also during the luncheon, National
and manage CI. Ingram also com- probably the most vulnerable compo- Capital Chapter member Mayer Nudell
mented on the complexity of the issue, nent of the power grid, he said, because was honored for his years of service on
reminding attendees that 85 percent of there are thousands across the country the Terrorist Activities Subcommittee,
the CI is privately owned. Nonetheless, and because most of the transformers which he now chairs.
all these infrastructure industries are are custom-made abroad, which would After lunch, there was a look at how
interdependent, which requires a na- require two months to be replaced fol- the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD)
tional approach to their protection. lowing an incident. However, power protects its forces. The speaker was Lars
Ingram also discussed current and lines remain the number one target of Warkentien, Ph.D., vulnerability and risk
future CI protection policy issues, such terrorists, even though they can be re- specialist with the Battelle Memorial In-
as information sharing and what details placed within days. At dams, the vital stitute. He began by defining CI protec-
should be protected or disclosed, the threat is that terrorists will access or tion from the DoD’s perspective in two
need for states to reallocate resources damage the control room, not that the words: mission protection.
to include homeland security, communi- structure will be damaged by explosives. Although the agency’s process of
cations interoperability among first re- Lunchtime brought a fascinating risk assessment is similar to that of
sponders, international collaboration, look at disaster preparedness within the civilian arena, most major military

Sept-Oct 03 ASISDynamics C-f.qxd 7/29/2003 2:45 PM Page 19

Memphis Chapter about counter- gion, spoke to the group. agers Association.
feiting currency at a recent meeting. Jim Hoke, postal inspector, gave The First National Bank of
Business continuity was the a presentation at a meeting of the Omaha hosted a meeting of the
topic at a gathering of the Chatta- Central West Virginia Chapter on Omaha Chapter. James Van Lent,
nooga Tri-State Chapter. Steve postal system security since the director of security, provided a
Littell, of corporate property pro- September 11 and anthrax attacks. history of the bank and its parent
tection for McKee Foods, addressed Tom Deatrick of American Sen- company and led members on a
the chapter members. try Security and Victor Polek of tour of the technology center.
The Smoky Mountain Chapter Securitas led a roundtable discus- Another meeting of the group
learned about Tennessee Emer- sion on state licensing require- centered on choosing access sys-
gency Management Association ments for security guards at a tems. Earl Truncer, district sales
operations when Bob Swabe, re- joint meeting of the Topeka Chap- manager for Ingersoll-Rand, was
gional director of the Eastern Re- ter and the Topeka Facility Man- the featured speaker. He compared

installations have their own, auton- could possibly be used as an attack plat- cal that organizations look “outside
omous CIs, said Warkentien. Thus, the form. He also informed attendees that the fence” and consider interdepen-
issue of interdependencies with other modems are the top entry mechanism dencies with other businesses and
businesses, agencies, and so on is not into a company’s network, while poor agencies, including supply lines. For in-
as much of a concern. passwords are the number one way to stance, a gasoline-powered generator
The areas of assessment are quite obtain host-level access to a system. will do little good in a long-term elec-
similar to those of civilian CIs, includ- In addition, Hewitt commented on tric outage if the fuel distributor’s dis-
ing elements such as information the information security liabilities that aster response plans dictate that it shut
gathering, antiterrorism efforts, force companies must consider. The first two down operations.
protection, perimeter and facility ac- are direct liabilities: If a company lost One of the strongest tools for devel-
cess, fire protection, incident response, proprietary information, that would be oping the regional partnerships and
executive personnel protection, and considered a first-party liability, and if cooperation necessary for protecting
attention to weapons of mass destruc- customer credit card numbers were the CI are tabletop exercises and other
tion. But assessment is only the first stolen, the company would be liable as scenario-based efforts that bring to-
step in the DoD’s CI protection pro- a third party, he said. Meanwhile, if gether players at all levels and from
gram; the others are remediation, hackers used the company’s platform all sectors. An important point, said
warnings, mitigation, response, and for an attack against another entity, Scalingi, is to let stakeholders design
reconstitution, Warkentien explained. the company would be indirectly liable. the scenario so that they can commu-
From the military, the focus moved Hewitt stressed the importance of due nicate their individual concerns. How-
to the information technology compo- diligence in his presentation, telling ever, doing so can simultaneously be a
nents of the CI, as presented by Don- attendees, “You will be judged by stumbling block, requiring the services
how well you prepare of a skilled mediator during and after
Hewitt reminded attendees that the for an attack.” But at the exercise.
key to protecting information is the creation the same time, he re- “Everyone comes in with their own
of a security culture within the organization. minded attendees that priorities, perspectives, and interests,”
a security program is said Scalingi. “You have to facilitate
ald Hewitt, program manager for the not a solution, that the key to protect- [the process] after raising their aware-
Terrorism Research Center. Information ing information is the creation of a se- ness about interdependencies.”
security, he told attendees, is all about curity culture within the organization. Even more problematic is that after
maintaining three things: confidential- Concluding the day’s presentations such scenario-based exercises, the
ity, integrity, and availability. In pro- was a panel presentation on the practi- momentum of the experience is often
tecting this triumvirate, security pro- cal issues of CI protection led by Kevin lost because participants—who now
fessionals face problems such as the Smith, CPP, senior vice president and have a better understanding of the
complexity of networks and operating corporate security director of Chevy deficiencies in their organizations—
systems, human nature (e.g., employees Chase Bank, and Paula Scalingi, Ph.D., must return to request resources from
who write their passwords on a pad president of The Scalingi Group. the top, said Scalingi.
next to their computers), and the at- Scalingi began by relating some of Following the session, the chapter
tacker’s offensive advantage. For exam- her experiences in developing public- raffled off books and other items to
ple, Hewitt said that any technological private partnerships to build regional benefit its scholarship fund. ■
component that resides on a network preparedness. She noted that it is criti- —By Rita Premo, staff editor

September/October 2003 19
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hardwired and offline standalone West Oklahoma Chapter, where camera images. He also discussed
systems and exhibited a biometric he discussed reaching out to secu- using digital versus conventional
hand reader and a mechanical rity professionals in the area and video recording.
door lock. plans for a regional Web site. Ned Egbert, CPA and financial
Additionally, Butch Hug, Ne- John Goodwin from the Sinclair analyst with the FBI, was the
braska University’s assistant athletic Oil Refinery talked to the Tulsa guest speaker at another recent
director for event management, Chapter about the effects of Sep- meeting. He talked about the
gave a presentation to the group tember 11 on the oil refinery. Hawala remittance system used by
on that topic, including the Rich Reeves, an investigator Middle Easterners around the
school’s hosting of state high with the Alabama Attorney Gen- globe. It allows for the transfer of
school championships. He de- eral’s Office, was the guest speaker funds without an audit trail, mak-
scribed traffic control, media op- at a gathering of the Mobile Bay ing the system a favorite for illicit
erations, and other considerations Chapter. He discussed the cases funds transfers.
at sporting events. his office handles, including work- The Montgomery Chapter
The Iowa Chapter learned men’s compensation and welfare- heard a talk on public and private
about airport security when Tim fraud litigation. security differences when Jim
McDonald, federal security director At another gathering, T. Lynn Wheeler of Vinson Guard Service
for Des Moines International Air- Smith, investigator and security spoke to the group. Another
port, was the guest speaker at a specialist with the Gulf Power speaker was Barry White, sales
recent meeting. Company, provided an overview manager of Norment Industries,
ASIS Regional Vice President of the security systems used in who talked about various security
(RVP) Arthur F. Warren, CPP, Gulf Power facilities, plants, and products.
campus services director for Ed- substations. He demonstrated Marty Keeley, U.S. marshal of
ward D. Jones and Company, at- hardware used to monitor the the Northern District of Alabama,
tended a breakfast meeting of the many locations via hundreds of spoke to the Birmingham Chapter


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Sept-Oct 03 ASISDynamics C-f.qxd 7/29/2003 2:45 PM Page 21

about the U.S. Marshals’ role in At another meeting, the group Security Department’s Multiple
law enforcement. heard from Sergeant Eric Robert- Sclerosis 150 bike team.
The Jackson Chapter was up- son of the New Hampshire De- Chief Charles Broad of the
dated on airport security when partment of Safety’s Marine Patrol. Reading Police Department was
Larry Rowlett, federal security di- He described the duties of his unit the guest speaker at a meeting of
rector for the TSA in most of on the New Hampshire seacoast. the Schuylkill Valley Chapter. He
Mississippi, spoke to the group. At another meeting, Charles J. talked about his department’s ini-
John Taffe of Explotech Ltd. Walsh, retired FBI agent and tiative to combat crime, COBRA
gave a presentation on bomb threat owner of Forensic Consulting As- (Constant Operation by Repeated
prevention at a recent Baton sociates, gave a presentation on Arrests). The chapter also pre-
Rouge Chapter meeting. He dis- biometrics, including a demonstra- sented its Police Officer of the
cussed methods for detecting and tion of electronic fingerprinting. Year award to Patrolman Joseph
preventing the risk posed by ex- Joseph Salter, TSA security di- Schlappich of the Muhlenberg
plosive devices. rector, spoke to the Providence Township Police Department.
Another meeting featured a talk Chapter about airport security. The Western New Jersey Chap-
by Doron Benbenistry, a former Captain Lawrence Ferazani of ter heard a talk by Buzz Stillinger
Israeli Special Forces terrorism ex- the City of Cambridge Fire Depart- of iJet Travel Intelligence about real-
pert, who focused on suicide ment spoke to the Boston Chapter time travel risk mitigation.
bombings and car bombs and about emergency preparedness at William Daly, vice president of
identified local places that could the group’s Public Safety Apprecia- Control Risks Group International,
be possible targets of terrorists. tion Luncheon. He discussed the spoke to the Central New Jersey
The Texas Gulf Coast Chapter role of the Local Emergency Plan- Chapter about the war in Iraq.
learned about developments in ning Council and how private in- The South Jersey Chapter
port and homeland security when dustry can contribute to emergency learned about IT security when
Lieutenant Bill Butler of the U.S. preparedness. Ken Ferguson, Global IT security
Coast Guard spoke to the group. More than 420 members and manager, spoke about vulnerability
Gene Joyce, CPP, security and guests attended the chapter’s annual assessments and how to determine
life safety consultant with Joyce Security Expo. There were 70 ex- how susceptible systems in a global
and Associates, spoke to the San hibitor booths and six educational company are to internal and exter-
Antonio Chapter about crisis seminars. Dr. Stephen Flynn, a nal attacks. Another meeting fea-
management in office buildings. terrorism consultant, discussed tured a talk by Bill Markert from
Another meeting featured G.T. America’s preparedness for terror- the Philadelphia Police department’s
Shodrock of the Texas Commis- ism, and Dr. James Fox, Lipman bomb squad on emergency pre-
sion on Private Security. He dis- Family Professor of Criminal Jus- paredness and bomb threats.
cussed the changes in his organi- tice and former dean at Northeast- Additionally, Anthony Buchan-
zation, which will now fall under ern University, spoke on American ico, director of team security for the
the Texas Department of Public violence and terrorism, from the Philadelphia Eagles, spoke to the
Safety. Finally, Texas Attorney Columbine killings to the D.C. group about NFL stadium security.
General Greg Abbot was the snipers. Other topics included team Dennis Walters, CPP, director
keynote speaker at the group’s building, FBI evidence teams, effec- of consulting services for Cerebrus
Law Enforcement Appreciation tive communication, and managing Solutions, spoke at a meeting of
Luncheon. deadly force situations. the Delaware Chapter on the sub-
David Lattin, director of indus- Members of the Rochester ject of cybercrime and cyberfraud
try practices for The St. Paul Chapter toured the Rochester in telecommunications.
Companies, spoke to the Houston Public Safety Training Facility, a The National Capital Chapter
Chapter about kidnap and ransom combined effort of Monroe County, awarded scholarships to Kevin J.
insurance. the City of Rochester, and Monroe Coumes and Timothy G. Jones,
Community College. both majoring in the administra-
Regions XIII-XVIII Andy McGill, vice president of tion of justice at Northern Virginia
human resources, Kennedy Health Community College. John M. Piva,

he Granite State Chapter Systems, spoke to the Greater who is pursuing an MA in busi-
heard a talk by Thomas W. Philadelphia Chapter about avoid- ness and organizational security
Austin of the Internet Busi- ing workplace violence. The chap- management at Webster University,
ness Group on IT security ter is donating the proceeds from also received scholarship funds.
with an emphasis on policies and three monthly raffles to support the The Maryland Suburban Chap-
procedures. Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia ter learned about starting up and

September/October 2003 21
Sept-Oct 03 ASISDynamics C-f.qxd 7/29/2003 2:45 PM Page 22

operating a contract security firm about 1,000 people are killed in the Linda Glasson, security manager
from Joseph E. Martin of Holiday workplace each year. He described for Louis OBICI Memorial Hospi-
International Security. characteristics of a possible of- tal, discussed the hospital’s security
Violence in the workplace was fender, typically a Caucasian plans and its relationship to the
the topic at a recent meeting of male, 35 to 55 years old, with a Homeland Security Threat Levels
the Tidewater Chapter, when history of violent behavior, who Advisory System. She also dis-
David L. Foley, security consultant is obsessed with his job, and who cussed basic access controls and
with Security Forces Incorporated, can’t accept criticism. Foley sug- the importance of HVAC controls.
addressed the group. He said that gested that workplace violence Glasson described how placement
700 people are victims of work- cannot be prevented, but it can be of the hospital’s exterior emer-
place violence every day, and minimized. gency call boxes has made positive
changes through application of
principles of Crime Prevention
Through Environmental Design.
The Fredericksburg/Quantico
How to Conduct Complex Chapter learned about legislative
issues and strategies relating to
Internal Fraud & firearms when Jim Land, national
secretary of the National Rifle As-
Corruption Investigations sociation, spoke to the group.
Another meeting focused on air
security issues, when Don Cotton,
October 13, 2003 aviation security specialist with the
Denver, CO Federal Aviation Administration,
addressed the group. Topics in-
cluded arming pilots, training, and
other issues.
If you’re responsible for white-collar Homeland security was on the
agenda as Richard Berman, Area 7
crime investigations, you’ll want to
coordinator for the North Carolina
attend this powerful, one-day seminar! Division of Emergency Manage-
ment, visited the North Carolina
Research Triangle Chapter. He
talked about how the federal pro-
Learn the nuts and bolts of conducting a complicated internal fraud gram affects the state program,
which increases preparedness at
the local level. Chief Thomas Moss
of the Morrisville Police Depart-
Every industry is vulnerable to fraud and corruption by its employ-
ment also addressed the group on
ees, vendors, and contractors. Businesses with an international community policing and the inter-
scope suffer an even greater risk. action of law enforcement and pri-
vate security.
This nuts and bolts program presents an organized, step-by-step Additionally, Larry Perkins, as-
approach that addresses the key issues normally encountered dur- sistant general manager for the
RBC Center, spoke to the group
ing a fraud or corruption investigation. Learn how to detect and about the International Association
address internal corruption schemes more efficiently and with a of Assembly Managers’ Safety and
greater degree of success. Security Task Force protocol.
An overview of university polic-
ing was the topic at a meeting of
For more information: 703-519-6200 or the Western South Carolina Chap- ter when Robert M. Miller, director
of public safety for Furman Univer-
sity, was the guest speaker.
John Nolan III, CPP, principal
of Phoenix Consulting Group,

Sept-Oct 03 ASISDynamics C-f.qxd 7/29/2003 2:45 PM Page 23

spoke to the Greater Atlanta nually, following up with the postal What Price Security?
Chapter about industrial espionage service if a bill is late, and using continued from page 1
at a recent meeting. passwords on all bank accounts.
ASIS President Kropp addressed The New South Wales Chapter “throwing money at a problem isn’t
the chapter at another meeting, heard a talk on terrorist networks going to solve it. Given our nation’s
where he talked about 2003 initia- in the Asia-Pacific region by Dr. knowledge and experience at the
tives and goals of the Society. Clive Williams of Australian Na- time, it’s hard to imagine the secu-
Tim Franta of the Florida Space tional University. rity system that would have pre-
Authority was the guest speaker Dr. Ona Ekhomu, president of vented what happened on 9-11, or
at a meeting of the Space Coast Trans-World Security Services, ad- that can protect us from every
Chapter. He talked about sexual dressed the Nigeria Chapter about possible threat today.”
predators and opportunists. fire emergency preparedness. He While many security experts
The Florida West Coast Chap- talked about the types of emergen- anticipated a widespread move to
ter held a two-day seminar on cies that might occur, the goals of centralize security operations in
crime prevention and homeland planning for such emergencies, the wake of terrorist actions, the
security preparation. Topics ex- causes of fires, and making contin- study found that most companies
plored were identity theft, terrorism gency plans. He also outlined steps have not changed the way they
and profiling, security by design, to take in evacuating a facility. manage security. Only 24 percent
and securing houses of worship. David Coleman, assistant man- of them have centralized security
ager of forensic services for Ernst responsibility in a chief security
InternationaI & Young, discussed fraud and in- officer and few apparently are in-
ventory shrinkage when he was terested in creating this relatively

he North Mexico Chapter the guest speaker at a meeting of new position. Most companies
heard a talk by Jesus Cruz the Cape Town Chapter. employ less than 50 people to
Vorrath, vice president of The Argentina Chapter heard a oversee all their security needs,
SEPSA, on investment in talk on crisis management after though many use outside security
security analysis and evaluation. September 11 from Ruben Contr- consultants and guard forces to
Murray Day, president of Mur- eras, CPP, president of Admin- augment their staffs.
ray Day Associates, spoke to the istradores en Servicios. The study also found soaring
Canadian Pacific Chapter about Another meeting featured a increases in corporate spending
the upcoming 2010 Olympics, presentation by David Lowinger, for insurance and risk manage-
which will be held in Vancouver, president of Eterna Plaque, about ment. It reports that median
British Columbia. ID cards. spending for these two business
On another occasion, the group The United Kingdom Chapter essentials are up 33 percent. About
learned about identity theft from held its summer seminar, which 20 percent of the companies say
Susan Bedwell of the Ministry of included talks by Adrian Dwyer their insurance costs have at least
Management Services. She de- of the British Transport Police on doubled since 2001.
scribed several ways in which iden- the evolving response to chemical, The current corporate financial
tity theft can be perpetrated, in- biological, radiation, and nuclear environment is still marked by
cluding “tombstoning,” or applying hazards on the railways; William tight budgets and widespread cost
for a Social Insurance Number for Parsons of Hidden Technology on cutting. Virtually all new company
a recently deceased child, as well as global tracking; and Derek McCon- spending is being directed only at
taking over accounts, applying for nell of the Pure H2O Company on revenue-generating projects. Says
loans and credit cards in another bioterrorism and drinking water. Cavanagh, “There are only two
name, and falsifying documents. Martin Roberts, director of Security sources of funds to expand secu-
Bedwell called for closer coopera- for BT plc, offered his thoughts on rity spending—corporate money or
tion between provincial govern- the present and future course of government funds and incentives.
ments, more accountability from the industry. ■ Business leaders are reluctant to
private financial institutions, and spend more on security when they
greater care in dispensing personal Let Dynamics help publicize your don’t see it contributing directly to
information by consumers. Other chapter’s upcoming educational pro- their bottom lines.”
advice for consumers included grams. Please send all details at least Marene Allison, an ASIS Inter-
shredding any documents with per- three months in advance to: Dynamics, national member and director of
sonal information before recycling 1625 Prince Street, Alexandria, VA security for Avaya, Inc., explains
them, locking home mailboxes, 22314; fax: 703/518-1518. that corporations that are manag-
checking credit ratings at least an- ing security differently may in

September/October 2003 23
Sept-Oct 03 ASISDynamics C-f.qxd 7/29/2003 2:45 PM Page 24

Periodicals Postage

and additional mailing offices

Alexandria, VA
some cases be spending little ing is up about 9 percent in New
more or even less than they were York, Boston, and key cities in the
spending before September 11. Northeast, it has risen less than 3
“You sometimes can accomplish a percent in other parts of America.
great deal,” she says, “by thor- The Conference Board is an in-
oughly reviewing your vulnerabil- dependent, not-for-profit research
ities, policies, and procedures and and business membership net-
making necessary changes. That is work, with more than 2,000 cor-
not always a substitute for invest- porate members in 66 nations.
ment in additional personnel and The Conference Board’s studies
equipment,” she adds, “but cre- on economic trends and manage-
ativity sometimes can help im- ment practices are widely fol-
prove security without increasing lowed by business leaders, gov-
costs dramatically.” ernment policy makers, and
Resources needed. While top media. It produces a wide range
security executives generally be- of economic barometers that have
lieve they have adequate control an impact on financial markets,
over security decisions in their including the Leading Economic
firms, many say they don’t have Indicators, the Consumer Confi-
enough financial resources to do dence Index and the Business
their jobs. Only 26 percent of the Confidence Index. ASIS sponsored

ASIS International

Alexandria, VA 22314
security directors, 19 percent of the security study.

1625 Prince Street

the risk managers, and 14 percent When the report was released
of the information technology se- at a press conference at the Na-
curity chiefs strongly agree that tional Press Club in Washington,
their departments are adequately D.C., on July 9, media attention
financed. was high. Among the news organ-
Don W. Walker, CPP, a former izations that attended the press
ASIS president, currently chairman conference were Bloomberg, Dow
of Securitas Security Services, Jones, Japan’s Nikkei newspaper,
USA, Inc., and a leading security the Canadian Associated Press,
consultant to corporations, says, and CNN. ■
“The ideal mix of resources for —By Vicki Contavespi, ASIS public rela-
improving security includes expe- tions manager
rienced, imaginative, and resource-
ful security directors; corporate
leadership willing to invest hard
dollars in security; and government
willing to step in with financial
and policy incentives where neces-
sary in order to protect critical
infrastructures. ”
The Conference Board study
also shows that:
Most high-level security execu-
tives come from the law enforce-
ment community (47 percent) or
served in the military (33 percent)
before joining their companies.
Most top corporate security ex-
ecutives hold titles below the vice
presidential level and earn less
than $150,000 per year. Only 9
percent report directly to their
company’s CEO.
While median security spend-


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