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- A youth doesnt come to them with some sort of morbid discovery.

Its all about

news reports/newspaper clippings. Oh and one yarn had an oral source and was
repeated to a friend of his by his mother. Not the narrators. The friends mother.
Its about humanoid/organic shapes being washed up by the river. They arent
human, though. They arent animals either. Pinkish, fins, wings, several sets of
wings, multiple antennae. Does it stem from ancient folklore/Indian tales? It
hinted at a hidden race of monstrous beings that lurked somewhere in the
mountains. Queer footprints/claw prints. Stone circles with worn out grass. Nearly
all the rumors have several things in common. Gigantic crabs. Once a specimen
was seen flying. They dont butt into peoples affairs, but they might make them
disappear if they themselves are too nosy/too keen on civ expansion. Some
localities have been deemed inadvisable to settle in. The things are pinkish, and
the hills are green. Approaching humans? Making offers? Scaring children?
Eccentrics/recluses marked as allies of the damned things/shunned. Those Ones.
The Old Ones. Was going on since the 1800s, at least. Devils? Fairies? The Indians
claimed that the creatures came from outer space. They dont live here; they only
have an outpost here. They mine stones and take them back home(?). They have
their own food. They know the speech of man, but have no need for sounds. They
talk with their heads, which change color to mean different things. The tales die
down. People start ignoring some of the hillsides out of sheer habit. Unlucky,
unprofitable, bad locales, etc. They haunted hills get left alone. The author has
been aware of these facts for a long time. He discovered them during his studies.
- Hes still a skeptic, unlike some of his conversation partners. They claim that
there must be some truth behind the old tales, some sort of historicity. He,
however, is adamant in his (dis)belief. The friends claim that these tales are too
detailed and coherent to be completely ignored. He just calls them romanticists
and completely disregards their theories.
- Henry Akeley stars corresponding with him. The son doesnt visit him to relay
the message. He gets mentioned, though. Supposedly, he lives in California.
Akeley comes from a long, distinguished line of jurists/administrators/gentlemanagriculturalists. Wow, look at that. Despite being a recluse, hes a true gentleman
and a well-educated individual! The author has some respect for the man and
takes his claims a bit more seriously.
- It happened last fall. The first of Akeleys letters was written on the 5 th of May.
The timeline seems to be far greater (or at least more pronounced) in the written
version, although I might have to double check it. After all, the movie goes by so
fast Akeley was a non-believer himself at one point. At this point, hes got some
evidence to support his claims. He was even kind enough to attach a recording.
They come here to get metals from the mines. They could easily conquer the
Earth, but theyd rather leave things the way they are to save bother.
- A guy named Brown is their spy. Akeley is considering leaving his household.
Hes gonna try and send the stone and the phonograph record by express.
However, they might be able to intercept the package. Seems these things have
a way of influencing things.

- The next piece of correspondence includes a few photographs. It is an

undisputed proof of something. They show claw prints, stone circles, and a
dense network of curious tracks. Oh, and one of them depicts the black stone.
- Hes almost fully convinced that these critters are real and willing to keep
people away from the mountains. He cuts off communication with his other
correspondents and lets the hype die down. Akeley becomes his #1 pen pal.
Sometimes a letter goes missing.
- Im telling you, Walter Brown is a spy! I found a claw print near his house!
Akeley is growing increasingly paranoid he wont even go out to get supplies
anymore. Hes willing to leave his household permanently and move in with his
son in California.
- They came from Yoggoth, which is located at the outer rim of the solar system.
Its not their home planet, though. This yet undiscovered planet is just an
outpost, a colony of sorts. The race itself is interstellar and supposedly has many
recon posts of this kind. To them, Earth is an excavation site.
- The son doesnt go missing. The package does get sent, but the courier isnt a
family member. Apparently it got intercepted by a man named Stanley Adams.
He had a drowning voice with a hypnotizing quality. It had a rather strange effect
on the clerk.
- They are now actively out to get Akeley. They follow him during the day,
obstruct his path, etc. He even gets shot at while in his car. Never goes out
without his dogs. They kill some of his hounds. Someone cuts the telephone
cables, so hes unable to get help. The author wants to visit him and lend a
helping hand, but Akeley shuts him down. But was it Akeley? No, he wasnt the
one who wrote the thing. Someone else sent the fake wire. The village scholar
wants out.
- Its a full scale assault now. The attackers killed my dogs again. Theyve made
contact with me! They want to take me away! Their way of transportation is not
to my linking! He goes to get new dogs every single day. Someone is constantly
observing him. Dont get mixed up in this. Smash that record Ive sent you! Brace
yourself for what Im about to tell you. Ive seen and touched one of the things.
- They fake letter finally arrives. It contains the usual propaganda. Hasturs
followers mean the Outer Ones ill? Were the letters stolen by Hasturs cult? The
OO only want to coexist with humanity; they desire to nourish its intellectual
growth! They are more akin to fungi than to animals. Some of them can traverse
the empty void in their physical form. The winged ones arent too common they
are a minor variety. These beings inhabit strangely complex abysses. Come and
meet me and have a chat!
- An unspoiled, ancestral New England. There is no Mr. Noise. No sharp-witted
radio personality. Instead weve got a conductor who tells him to turn back his
watch an hour. Ive got the feeling that this bloke was simply made up to make
the movie more dynamic. Well see about that. No, disregard that. Mr. Noise is

still here. And hes still got a stylish moustache. Hes not as talkative as he was in
the movie, though. The speaker preoccupies himself by thoroughly analyzing his
surroundings and obsessing over them. Noise does not seem menacing at all.
Hes cheerful, normal, and urbane. Well, maybe not. It seems like hes milking
him for information. Not a healthy familiarity. Spooks him out.
- No detour, no rambles in the rain, no spooky neighbors or creepy girls, for that
- There are no dogs around when he arrives. They werent mentioned in the
movie either. Upon arriving, he notices some claw prints near the entrance. Or in
the yard. Or whatever. This freaks him out immensely, but hes soon able to
gather his resolve and carry on. There are no farm animals around either. What
happened to them? No cows, chickens, dogs nothing.
- Einstein is wrong certain objects can move faster than the speed of light! We
have been chosen! We will be able to travel back and forth in time. Seeing the
future and the past with ones own eyes is not impossible. There is nothing they
cant do with the mind and body of living organisms! The first trip will be to
Yoggoth. Once the time is right, they will send mind waves to our scientists and
allow them to discover it. Windowless buildings and fungal gardens. They are
inside the Earth too!
- Akeleys speech is more detailed here and references many of Lovecrafts other
- Yep, they still remove the brains and keep them alive somehow. They still have
the jars and the weird gadgets that imitate human senses. It is life of the
disembodied and mechanical sort.
- Humans, fungoid beings who cant navigate space corporeally, two beings from
Neptune, and the rest are from the caverns of a dark star. Okay. Twelve of them in
total. Lovely. Other ones can be found at different outposts. They all use tailormade machinery that substitutes their normal senses.
- The machine begins to speak. There is no hologram, though. The voice is a bit
metallic. He claims that his body is still intact. Hes a void traveller and has made
the journey many times. Hes allied with the Outside Ones. He met them in
Himalayas. Hes been on 37 celestial bodies. The beings have amazing extraction
techniques. Hes virtually immortal and free of any and all diseases.
- Noise was one of the people on that recording.
- There is no manhunt, there is no plane, there is no little girl, there is no Akeley,
the Jar-man doesnt meet his demise. The speaker escapes in an old Ford. Noise
is asleep on the couch. He doesnt see a single alien. Hes only able to hear them
conversing downstairs. Akeleys brain ends up in the jar. He (the narrator) doesnt
interact with it, though.
- Be sure to check out that conversation at a later date.

- The face and hands of Akeley.

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