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ID : in-9-Herons-Formula [1]

Class 9
Herons Formula
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Answer the questions


The perimeter of an isosceles triangle is 52 cm. The ratio of the equal side to its base is 6 : 1. Find
the area of the triangle.


The sides of a triangular field are 4m, 5m and 6m. Find the
number of rose beds that can be prepared in the field, if each rose bed, on an average needs 800
cm 2 space.


A field in the shape of trapezium has its parallel sides as 23 m and 11 m while the non parallel
sides are 14 m and 15 m. Find the amount of money farmer has to pay if the cost of sowing the
seeds per m 2 area is Rs. 132.


From a point in the interior of an equilateral triangle, perpendiculars are drawn on the three sides.
The lengths of the perpendiculars are 10 cm, 12 cm and 7 cm. Find the area of the triangle.


If in the figure below AB = 17cm, BC=23cm and CA = 13cm, find the area of the rectangle BDCE.


From a point in the interior of an equilateral triangle, perpendiculars are drawn on the three sides.
If the lengths of the perpendiculars are a, b and c, find the area of the triangle.

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ID : in-9-Herons-Formula [2]

Choose correct answer(s) from given choice



Find the area and the altitude respectively of the figure below:

a. 2,

b. 2,

c. 2,

d. 2,

The area of the parallelogram ABCD and the length of the altitude DE respectively in the figure
below are


a. 218cm 2, 15.57cm

b. 109cm 2, 15.57cm

c. 57cm 2, 28.5cm

d. 327cm 2, 24.912cm

Find the percentage increase in the area of a triangle if each side its increased to 7 times.
a. 5000%

b. 4800%

c. 4700%

d. 4900%

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ID : in-9-Herons-Formula [3]

(10) In Heron's formula, , S is equal to:

a. a + b + c





d. Half of perimeter of the triangle


(11) Which triangle has the maximum area for a given perimeter :
a. Obtuse Angle Triangle

b. Equilateral Triangle

c. Can not be determined

d. Isoceles Triangle

(12) Find the area of the unshaded region in the figure below:

a. 98.29m 2

b. 40.61m 2

c. 48.732m 2

d. 57.68m 2

(13) The base of an isosceles triangle is 24 cm and perimeter is 27 cm. Find the area of the triangle (to
two decimal places)
a. 115.82 cm 2

b. 108 cm 2

c. 102.07 cm 2

d. 109.67 cm 2

(14) A carpenter has cut a board in the shape of trapezium. if the parallel sides of the trapezium are 28
cm and 12 cm and non parallel sides are 14 cm and 14 cm, find the area of the board.
a. 137.87cm 2

b. 229.78cm 2

c. 459.56cm 2

d. 2297.8cm 2

(15) The perimeter of an isosceles triangle is 98 cm and its unequal side is 48 cm. Find the area of the
a. 49cm 2

b. 168cm 2

c. 30000cm 2

d. 175cm 2

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Rs. 29520.48


485.55 cm 2


Area : 263.95 cm 2


d. 2,


a. 218cm 2, 15.57cm


d. 4900%
Step 1
Consider a triangle QRS with sides a, b and c. Let S =


Area of triangle QRS = A1

Step 2
Increasing the side of each side by 7 times, we get a new triangle XYZ
XYZ has sides 7a, 7b and 7c
By Heron's formula
Area of new triangle =
Where S1 =

7a + 7b + 7c



= MS

Area of XYZ =

= 72x A1
This means the area increases by 72x100 = 4900 %
(10) d. Half of perimeter of the triangle
(11) b. Equilateral Triangle
(12) b. 40.61m 2

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ID : in-9-Herons-Formula [6]

(13) b. 108 cm 2
Step 1
As per Heron's formula, the area of a triangle with sides a, b and c, and perimeter 2S =
Step 2
Here we have an isosceles triangle, so two sides are equal
Let's assume a=b
Area =
Step 3
We are told that the base (side c) = 24 cm
Also, perimeter = 2S = 54


= 27

Also, Perimeter = a + b + c
54 = 2a + c = 2a + 24

54 - 24

= 15

Step 4
Substituting, we get
Area =

= 108 cm 2

(14) b. 229.78cm 2
(15) b. 168cm 2
Step 1
Consider a triangle ABC with sides a, b and c. Let S =


Area of triangle ABC =

Step 2
Here we have an isosceles triangle with perimeter 98 and the unequal side of 48
The combined size of the other two sides = 98 - 48 = 50
Since the triangle is isosceles the other two sides are equal and so their lengths are 2= 25
Step 3
So the three sides are 25, 25 and 48. Using this in the equation

48 + 25 + 25


Area =

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= 49
= 168 cm 2

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