Advertisind and Promotion Management

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TIME: 3 Hours

Maximum Marks:

Part A
1. Puffery-Advertising or sales presentation relying on
exaggerations, opinions, and superlatives, with little or no
credible evidence to support its vague claims. Puffery may be tolerated
to an extent so long as it does not amount to misrepresentation.
2. Pattern advertising- many companies follow a strategy of pattern
advertising a global advertising strategy with standardized basic
message allowing some degree of modification to meet local
3. Public relations strategies have focused a great deal on
understanding audiences, publics and stakeholders. Communication
and PR are directed at audiences and stakeholders or publics often via
the mass media. Public Relations process emphasise the need to
analyse audiences to effectively tailor communication strategies to
specific audience groups.
4. Sweepstakes are primarily used to generate awareness or to grow
organisations' client database. They are simple to implement and
should be really easy for the consumer to enter. A sweepstakes awards
winners through a random draw; winners are determined based purely
on chance. Contests are used to engage a consumer or fan with a
product or service. A simple contest will advertise a call-to-action that
asks consumers to create a piece of content for a chance to be
selected as a winner.
5. IMC is a strategic business process used to plan, develop, execute and
evaluate coordinated, measurable, persuasive brand communication
programs with consumers, customers, prospects employees and other
relevant external and internal audiences.
Part B
6. A Copy means a written matter in any advertisement. It may consist
only one word or many words. A copy consists of headlines, subheads,
captions etc. The copy supports the illustration and contains
description of the products merits, demerits, uses, services etc.

There are seven elements of a copy, and they include: The headline,
The subhead, the body copy, The caption, The blurb or balloon, The
box and panels, The slogan, logotype and signature.
7. Cooperative advertising is the sharing of costs for locally placed
advertising between a retailer or wholesaler and a
manufacturer.Cooperative advertising can be a very powerful tool for
the small business owner, especially one with limited means to support
the kind of advertising campaign which can be vital to the survival and
success of a business enterprise.
Types of Cooperative ads- Local Cooperative ads and National
Cooperative ads .
8. The expression of copy elements is the sole responsibility of the
creativity of a copy writer. Copy writing is not done haphazardly; it
requires critical thinking, meditation and experimentation of creativity.
Advertising is not a profession for everyone but a profession for every
creative and artistic personality. Copy writing in print or electronic
media demands skillful use of words and understanding of audience or
consumer to which the communication is to be directed.(2 marks)
Tips for creativity- Consistency of Creative Approach With Brands
Marketing And Advertising Objective, Agreement Between The Creative
Approach With Creative Strategy And Objective, Appropriateness Of
The Creative Approach For The Target Audience. (Atleast three tips)(3
9. Sales promotions that cause customers to flock to your store and
encourage some to become regular consumers are the building blocks
of business success. The right ad mix brings customers in without over
spending. Knowing what online marketing to add to the equation
makes persuading potential clients even more cost effective. Devising
repeatable campaigns to turn into annual events to create ongoing
customer enthusiasm is key.
Design a Sales Promotion Campaign Identify Your Target Market,setting
goal, choosing mix,creating the message, implementation,Tracking
The word "Account in advertising terminology means "Client
and an Account Executive is the man on the agency staff responsible
for handling a particular client. He approaches different potential
clients for seeking new business for the ad agency which he
represents. He is the main link between the agency and the client.

Account executive is an important career option in ad agency. He

explores the possibilities to book new business by approaching new
clients. Successful account executives are promoted upto the positions
of Account Director.
Ad testing deals with the measurement advertisement
effectiveness.In practice, the following four categories of variables, are
generally, tested message variables,media variables,scheduling
variables andbudgeting variables.(1 mark)
Pre-Testing - Proposition Test, Concept Testing, Sales Area Testing,
Folio Test, Project Tests, Trailer Tests, Consumer Jury Test, Rating
Scale, Portfolio Test etc.
Post-testing- Recognition Test, Recall Test, Inquiry and Coupon
Response, Split-Run Test, Psychological Test, Focus Interviews,
Readership Test etc.(Atleast two from each)(4 marks)
Media planning is a prerequisite to planning a successful
advertising. Media are vehicles that convey the advertisers messages
to the target audience. When advertising media are absent, advertising
message is worthless..
Part C
Design of Ad copy(10 marks)
Definition of contents(2.5 marks) .
"Media Research involves the collection of data about the
various advertising media, surveying consumers on their media
preferences and habits, and carrying out primary and secondary
research on effectiveness of each medium for selling particular types
of products.Media research is concerned with advertising reach,
frequency and the effectiveness of different media and combination of
media (media-mix) in reaching target audience. Media research
attempts to finds out the most suitable media or media-mix that would
suit the needs of the advertiser.
The role of media research can be stated as follows : Identifying
Readers Profile, Selection of Media, Booking of Time and Space,
Importance to Media Owners, Sponsorship of Programmes, Benefit to
Audience, Benefit to Media Planners, Benefit to Research
Product positioning aims at creating and maintaining a distinct
image of the brands in the minds of the customers. Through
advertising the marketer can convey the positioning of the brand and

accordingly can influence the buying decision of the target audience.

(4.5 marks)
Roles of Advertising on Positioning: Status, Targeting, Brand building,
Packaging decisions, logos, colour etc.(8 marks)


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