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Must Date The PLAYBOY!

"I know I'm not the type of girl that you usually go out with. I'm not sexy, I'm
not attractive and I'm no fun. I'm plain and boring with no charm at all. The o
nly thing good about me is probably my brain, which everyone finds boring. But I
must ask you this..."
I took a deep breath and gathered all the courage I had to say the words that I
never thought would ever come out of my mouth. I just hope I'm doing the right t
hing and this will be the best solution for everything.
"Mr. Zachary Anderson, can I be your girlfriend?"
<center><h1>Chapter 1 - The Playboy</h1></center>
Chapter 1 - The Playboy
(One day before the confession)
** Tori's POV **

It's another typical Tuesday here in the cafeteria while I enjoy reading my book
, A Walk to Remember, by Nicholas Sparks. Our school is considered the most pres
tigious Private School in New York City. This school is known for being exclusiv
e to the sons and daughters of the rich and famous.
You can imagine the kind of life that I live with each day here; bullies, social
-climbers, backstabbers, popular people, you know, typical high school setting,
like Gossip Girl, minus the drama. Sitting beside me is my best and only girl fr
iend, Chloe.
Charlotte Loise, also known as Chloe, is the daughter of one of the most famous
fashion designers in the world. I want to emphasize that Chloe is the hottest an
d most beautiful girl in this school. She is charismatic, charming, talented, ca
re free and very fashionable. No wonder every guy in our school wants to date he
r, not to mention the models and celebrities outside the premise.
Chloe is a true friend. She always looks out for me. She teaches me to be strong
, to fight back when necessary and how to be a total hottie. But no matter how m
any times I tried to apply her teachings, I just can't see myself doing those th
ings. I'm different. I'm very shy, always hiding behind my books. I can't even h
ave a long conversation with boys, well except for Nathan, and I'm a Ms. Goody-g
oody. I always obey the proper rules, even when it comes to proper wearing of un
Well, all the girls in our school wear our uniforms in the most stylish ways. Mo
st of them make the skirt shorter, replace the bow tie into a necktie and loosen
the polo. And of course they all copied this from Chloe, which is known as the
Everyone expects me to be like Chloe; that I should act and dress like her just
because we're best friends, but I think I'm her opposite. I'm dull, conservative

and boring. The only thing that we have in common is we're both rich.
But even if Chloe has the attention and I got the sympathy, I really didn't mind
it. She's more than just a best friend, she's like a sister to me, and I never
envied her. Whatever she had right now, she truly deserves it and I don't want t
o steal that limelight from her.
Chloe is always there for me. It's like I'm her baby sister that always needs to
be protected and taking care of. I still remember the day we became friends.
When we were in ninth grade a lot of rich
ors to be exact. Since we didn't have any
mart people that were always bullied. But
from those mean girls and decided that I
ld bully me again. Since that day, no one

spoiled brats were picking on me, seni

average kids in our school, it's the s
luckily, thanks to Chloe, she saved me
should hang out with her so no one wou
has ever did mean things to me.

I owe everything to Chloe, if it weren't for her, I'd still be alone with no one
to talk to. And in return, I promised that I would do everything to make her ha
ppy and pleased, even if it's the most stupid and probably the lamest idea ever.
"You look happy." I noticed that Chloe is giggling while reading something at he
r phone.
"Oh, it's Greg. We're going on a date." She answered gleefully.
Greg Tailer is a model and Chloe's boyfriend. They have been together for three
weeks now. And I can sense that she's happy with him. I just hope it won't end u
p like the others. I really hate it when guys leave her with no decent reason.
"Well, you're always going on a date, right? Not to mention, skipping class with
him all the time. What's so different from this time?" I queried curiously.
"Love can make you do things you never thought was possible, Tori." She responde
d with sparks in her eyes.
"Did you get that from a song? C'mon Chloe, students skip class for a lot of rea
sons but love? Please." I finished with a laugh.
"Oh stop it grumpy, if only you do everything I teach you, then love would be be
gging at your feet." She bragged. "Speaking of love, your Prince charming is her
e." Chloe said while pointing someone from my back with her lips. When I looked
back I saw our friend, Nathan, heading our way.
Nathan Hemmington is the son of two famous doctors all over the state. They own
a lot of respected hospitals in the world. His parents were Cardiologist and Ort
hopedics, both highest-paying doctors according to Forbes Magazine.
"Good morning ladies. Mind if I join you?" Nathan spoke in a gentleman way.
"Oh sure honey, but I'm about to leave so please take care of the hotel heiress
if you may." Chloe replied. And then she immediately left with a big smile on he
r face. Wow, she's really excited to see Greg.
"Good afternoon hotel heiress." Nathan bowed dramatically.
"Please don't call me that. I'm not comfortable with that title." I said with fa
ke-annoyance in my tone.
"As you wish my lady." He quickly complied then we both chuckled.

Nathan is a childhood friend of Chloe and after the saving-from-the-bully incide

nt; we also became friends, close friends. He's very kind, thoughtful, talented,
sporty, and very popular among girls and... I also have feelings for him. I hav
e no intention of confessing this to him because I know and I can sense that he
really likes Chloe.
Childhood friends always ended up together, right? He's taking care of me becaus
e Chloe said so. What a really nice guy. I hope she sees him more than just a fr
iend, but thinking that way made me feel uneasy.
"Chloe seems happy, huh?" Nathan queried.
"Yeah. She's skipping class to see Greg." I said unknowingly. Oh poor guy, I kno
w he's hurt. Seeing the girl he loves in another man's arms. Stupid slip of the
"Well I just hope it won't end up like the others. Hope no one interferes again.
"What do you mean, again?" I interrogated.
He shifted his position and whispered. "There's someone behind every one of Chlo
e's break-ups."
"What! Who!" I shrieked. And that caught attention from everyone in the cafeteri
Nathan looked surprised at my sudden out-burst and then he hushed me. "Keep it l
ow. No one knows about this. I'll tell you but promise me one thing, you can't t
ell anyone about this, especially Chloe. Understood?" He besought seriously. I g
ulped and nodded in agreement. This sounds serious.
"I know you're also wondering why all the guys Chloe dated were always the ones
breaking up with her. Well, there is always foul play. I investigated on this fo
r a very long time and finally came up with an answer." He declared proudly.
Of course he'll do that. He's concerned about Chloe, I am too, but he's more wor
ried he can't stand the fact that Chloe's always crying about this. I just hope
she'll end up with Nathan. They'll be perfect. Oh that hurt feeling again.
"Who is it? Is he a stalker? A psycho? Who's the mastermind?" I eagerly asked.
"This guy's no ordinary guy. He's the most popular guy in school. Any guesses?"
He questioned. I didn't have to guess, everyone knew who the most popular and po
werful guy in school was.
It's Zachary Anderson, the son of one of the most influential man in the world.
They own one of the biggest banks in the state, a lot of shopping malls and my f
ather's archrival in the hotel business, but we definitely won on that part. Zac
h is also considered as the hottest guy in school. He's talented, sporty, outgoi
ng, charismatic, hip, but a hardcore playboy. But I don't understand why he is d
oing this to Chloe?
"It's definitely Zachary Anderson." I said while gritting my teeth in annoyance.
"But why would he do that?" I added.
"Well, you're right. It's Zach. But what you didn't know is Zach, Chloe and I we
re childhood friends." My jaw dropped in what I just heard. I couldn't believe i
t! They've been friends with that kind of guy? Unbelievable!

Then he continued. "Zach and I were very protective of Chloe, she was like our l
ittle sister. But Zach was too much; he treated Chloe as one of his possessions.
When we were in eight-grade he found out that Chloe was going out with some cel
ebrity's kid. They were in love. But Zach wasn't happy to hear that. He threaten
ed the kid that if he didn't break up with Chloe, he'd make sure that his dad wo
uld lose his career. The kid was so afraid so he did what Zach asked him to do.
Chloe found out and despised Zach from that day on. That's the reason why we don
't hang out with him anymore. You didn't know about this because we met you in n
inth grade and Chloe didn't want to mention this to anyone anymore."
"But, it's been years. You mean to say that he's always doing that?" I asked dis
"Basically that's where I came up with this discovery. As I had mentioned, I inv
estigated on this. At first I didn't want to believe that Zach was behind all of
these fiascos, I thought that the moment Chloe hated him; he'll leave her alone
. Maybe he just loves her so much that's why he's still doing this right now. Re
member Jeremy?"
"Yes, Chloe's boyfriend last year. They dated for two months and they looked hap
py." I answered right away.
"Yes. You see I
k up. It took a
d me that if he
ut all of their

lot of

into him two weeks ago and asked him his side of the brea
threatening and assaults until he finally cracked. He tol
break up with Chloe, the Anderson Enterprise would pull o
in their business, leaving their company with nothing."

"That stupid jerk! How could he do that? They were so happy. Who the hell does h
e think he is? He's no God!" I burst out in anger.
"Calm down Tori, remember no one knows about this. Please don't tell Chloe nor c
onfront Zach. It'll be a disaster for sure. Let me talk to him about this matter
, understood? No matter what happens, please don't do anything stupid." He plead
I could barely hear a word Nathan's saying. I was busy glaring at the guy across
our table who happens to be the great manipulator, Zachary Anderson.
What a selfish jerk! He doesn't have the right to play with other peoples' lives
. Chloe's my friend, my best friend. She saved me once; I should save her from t
his guy.
Zach is sitting across our table with girls surrounding him. Giggling, chuckling
and flirting with him. What a bunch of sluts!
You have all the girls in the world, why bother chasing Chloe? I asked him telep
athically. And then he laughed. He's laughing? You don't have the right to laugh
Zach! You should burn yourself in hell, you selfish jerk! How could you do this
to Chloe? If you really love her, leave her alone.
I was totally pissed; I wanted to rip his head off. I couldn't believe this kind
of guy really exists. I was busy cursing him that I didn't notice he was lookin
g at me with that arrogant smirk in his face. What was that all about?
I shot him another deadly glare and then I hurriedly left the cafeteria.
---END OF CHAPTER ONE--Hi guys this is my second story here in wattpad.

Please check out my first story, She's In Love With A Geek. Thank you very much.
Hope you like it :)
Twitter = notarandomgirl
<center><h1>Chapter 2 - The Plan</h1></center>
Chapter 2 - The Plan
** TORI's POV **

The school bell rang signaling the end of eight-period, which means I'm one clas
s away to call it a day.
I texted Nathan an apology message for leaving him alone at the cafeteria. I was
totally pissed off at Zach. I just couldn't stand the sight of him. I know this
isn't my usual personality but even the cutest cat can be mean sometimes, right
? I think Chloe's lesson about letting out your anger is now showing up. I hope
I can still control it.
I stepped out of the classroom and headed to my locker to get the book for the l
ast period, English literature. When the warning bell rang, signaling that it's
time to hurry up or you'll be late for class, I hurriedly collected my things. I
didn't want to be late for my next class. I've never been late nor absent in my
whole life. Even if I'm sick, I still insist on going to school because for me,
education is very important.
After grabbing my things, I was about to run as fast as I could to class when so
meone grabbed my waist and lifted me. Wait a minute? Is someone trying to abduct
me? Are you kidding? This is a private school and this is supposed to be a secu
red place.
Totally shocked and speechless, the next thing I know is I'm in an empty classro
om with a tall man with blond messy hot-looking hair and perfectly curved lips s
miling at me. He's standing right in front of me, so close that I can smell his
captivating scent. I've never been this close to a guy before, not even once.
I looked closely at the tall guy and when I finally realized who this is, my eye
s widened, I stepped back away from him and pointed my fingers at his face. "You
!" I shrieked angrily.
"Yes! Me! Happy?" He announced with an overconfident tone.
"What the hell do you think you're doing? How dare you touch me!" I screamed lou
"Oh I thought this is what you wanted. Because the way you looked at me at the c
afeteria earlier..." He leaned closer as if teasing me.
"Stay away from me! I wasn't checking you out! I was cursing you, Zachary Anders
on!" Then the bell rang signaling that the class has already started. "Oh no I'm
late." I worried. I tried to make my way out of the empty room but Zach grabbed

my hand.
"Where do you think you're going?" He sturdily asked. I flinched at his stupid q
"You're asking me where I'm going? I'm going to class you jerk! And thanks to yo
u I'm already late. I missed English literature!" I said with irritation so obvi
ous in my tone.
"You should be thanking me for saving you from that boring subject." He confiden
tly bragged.
I rolled my eyes at the most stupid retort that I've ever heard in my entire lif
e. "This is the first time that I've ever skipped class, English lit of all clas
ses! This stupid act of yours is not funny at all. I have to go."
"No you will not. Not until I said so." He ordered and this made me more irritat
"And who do you think you are to boss me around? Help!" I screamed. I was really
annoyed. My first absent and of all the people to be stuck with, him!
"If you don't shut up I'll kiss you! Unless that's what you really wanted." He g
rinned sheepishly.
No way. He wouldn't dare! Not my first kiss. I will never give it to a guy like
him. I pushed him hard and distanced myself from him. "Stay away from me you ass
hole! I hate you!" I swore.
He sat on one of the desk and looked at me from head to toe. And then he laughed
out loud. "Wow! Look who just said the A word? It's Miss Prim and Proper Victor
ia Peige, the daughter of the rich and famous owner of Prestige Hotels, one of t
he prominent hotels in the world. But not impressive enough to top ours." He boa
"What are you talking about? According to the latest world's most famous and pre
stigious hotels, ours definitely topped the chart! Ten of our hotels defeated yo
urs! Get your facts straight!" I corrected him proudly. But he just laughed at t
"You can take the hotel business, we still have a lot of other stuff to do. We'r
e not competing. We both know that if we wanted to be on top, our company would
definitely have it." He gestured arrogantly.
"Oh come on." I glared at him from head to toe then continued. "You'll never sur
pass us, you jerk! Guys like you make me sick!" I scorned.
He stood up and walked towards my direction. "Why do you hate me so much Victori
a Peige? I don't recall doing anything to you. Or is that the reason why you des
pise me so much? You want me, do you?" He's now walking towards me. As he gets c
loser and closer, I continued to step back away from him. His eyes never leaving
mine and it's full of nuisance.
"Are you out of your mind? Where's your brain, Zach? Hiding inside that bushy bl
ond hair of yours? Please, you're doing me a favor. Don't hit on me, nothing wou
ld make me happier. Besides you're not my type." I looked at him from head to to
e with obvious disgust.
"Who is it then? That chick-flick Nathan?" He snorted. Oh my! He knows I have fe
elings for Nathan? But how? Am I that obvious?

I'm really trying my very best to hide the shock

t give away the truth. "Oh but Nathan is in love
ight? Tough love. I pity you, being with someone
ust be hard." He continued with arrogance in his

in my face, if not, it will jus

with your best friend, Chloe, r
who can't love you back. That m

"Same goes to you." I murmured as I looked away, avoiding his glare.

"What did you just say?" He snapped.
No. I shouldn't have said that. It will give him the idea that I know something
and Nathan might get mad at me. I'm so dead. I've got to get out of here.
"I said you're an asshole!" I stepped on his foot and hurriedly escaped the room
. I ran away from him. I immediately went outside and hailed a cab. There's no n
eed for me to stay here, and I'm officially absent for class anyway. I should ge
t out of here fast.
* * * * * * *
I finally arrived at my penthouse located at one of the beautiful buildings in t
he upper east side of New York City. I live here together with my nanny and anot
her maid. My parents were not here since they're busy running our hotel business
, so basically I'm home alone. But I didn't mind it at all. I've gotten used to
this situation. This is probably the consequence of being a rich kid. You'll hav
e all the stuff you want but you can't be with your parents all the time. That s
"Why so early, dear? And where is Nathan? He's always dropping you off after sch
ool right?" That's Sonia, my nanny. She's been with me since I was little and sh
e's always taking care of me. Oh. I totally forgot about Nathan because of that
stupid Zachary Anderson! I should text Nathan right away that I'm already home.
"I just have to finish something so I decided to go home early." I lied. "I'm he
ading to my room now okay? Could you bake some chocolate chip cookies, please! T
hanks a lot Sonia, you're the best." I swiftly went upstairs to avoid more quest
ions from her. I couldn't stand lying to her. I went to my room and texted Natha
'Don't look for me, I'm already home. Got to finish something so I decided to le
ave early. Take care :)'
I took off my clothes and decided to pamper myself with a bath. It's been a stre
ssful day for me and I deserve some relaxation. While taking my bubble bath, my
phone rang and I saw Chloe's name flashing on the screen. I immediately answered
it, thinking it might be important.
"Hey Chloe. Everything's fine?" I greeted.
"I'm good. It's just that... are you busy?" She hesitantly asked.
"Not really." I answered right away.
"Okay, well I'm in the restroom. I'm on a date right now with Greg and I'm reall
y happy to the point that I'm afraid that if this goes on, he might leave me jus
t like the others did to me. What am I going to do, Tori? I'm so into him right
now." She informed me with both excitement and sadness into her tone.
If only she knew about Zach's schemes. But I shouldn't say that to her. I promis
ed Nathan, but I really want to help my friend. I don't want to see her suffer a

nymore. I can feel that she's really in love with Greg, and I've never seen her
this happy.
I took a deep breath and told her the best encouraging words that
"Hang in there. I don't think Greg would ever do anything to hurt
erent from the others and I can sense that he's totally into you.
he moments okay? Don't worry too much; it will just ruin what you

I can muster.
you. He's diff
Just cherish t
have right now

Chloe's silent for a while and then I heard her took a deep sigh. "Thanks a lot
Tori; you're really my best friend. I'll keep that in mind. I have to go. Thanks
again. Bye!" Then she hangs up the phone.
What am I going to do? I want her to be happy. It's that self-centered Zach that
's ruining everything. Think Tori, think. You're a smart girl; you should use yo
ur brain for situations like this. Why am I so useless!
I finished my bath and put some clothes on. I went back to my bedroom and saw th
e chocolate chip cookies on top of my study table. I noticed that the cookies we
re not the only one in my room at that moment; Nathan is also there sitting at m
y couch, looking worried.
"What happened to you? You left the school early and missed your last period. Ar
e you sick?" He enquired eagerly.
"Nothing. I just wanted to finish something that's why I got home early." I lied
. I can't mention what happened in the empty classroom with Zach. He'll definite
ly freak out.
"But you never skip class. It's English lit, your favorite subject." He insisted
"This is more important than English lit. By the way Chloe called me a while ago
, she said that she's doing great with Greg but as usual she's afraid that he mi
ght leave her someday." I'm sorry Nathan but I had to change the topic.
I can sense that Nathan is a little bit hesitant to drop the subject about me sk
ipping class, he's been silent for a whole ten seconds but I can feel that he ne
eds to discuss the latter subject so then he started to talk. "Is that so? I rea
lly need to talk to Zach as soon as possible. But knowing him, he'll never liste
n to me. If only he got himself a decent girlfriend, for sure he would leave Chl
oe alone."
"What do you mean? He has lots of girlfriends right?" I asked keenly.
"I said decent girlfriend, not some random chick he just sleeps with each day. B
esides, he always leaves them once they start nagging and demanding his time." H
e answered as if he knew everything that is going on in Zach's life. Well, maybe
they really did became friends after all.
So basically that jerk needs someone who will be with him for who he is? He can
still fool around while in a relationship? What an egocentric guy!
Wait... That's it! What if I'll pretend to be his goody girlfriend? If this is t
he only way to stop him from interfering with Chloe's love affairs, I'll definit
ely do it! I'm not going to hurt myself right? Besides, there are no emotions in
volved in this plan, no love at all. I'll just have to pretend that I like him f
or who he is. Stay with him. Keep him busy.
I promised myself that I'll do anything for Chloe, and this might be the best wa

y to keep her happy.

"Hey Tori, are you alright?" Nathan asked worriedly.
"I'm fine Nathan. Don't worry too much about me ok. I'll be fine." I assured him
with a smile.
TWITTER = notarandomgirl
Thank you! <3
<center><h1>Chapter 3 - The Confession</h1></center>
Chapter 3 - The Confession
** TORI's POV **

"What do you want?" Zach asked impatiently. "Don't waste my time. This better be
important." Now he sounded annoyed too.
Even I don't know how to start this conversation. We're in an empty room, the cl
ass has already started and I can sense that he's kind of pissed right now. I dr
agged him from the parking all the way here for nothing? How am I going to start
this? How am I going to convince myself that I like him? I haven't confessed to
a guy before. I should have thought this through.
"If you're not going to talk, I'm leaving." He stated clearly. He stood up and h
eaded to the door. He's leaving. This is not good. I have to stop him.
I quickly grabbed his shirt and tried to stop him. "Wait!" I then protested.
He glowered at me and then he shouted "What!"
I stepped back and look at him straight into his eyes. This is it Tori. Do your
"I know I'm not the type of girl that you usually go out with. I'm not sexy, I'm
not attractive and I'm no fun. I'm plain and boring with no charm at all. The o
nly thing good about me is probably my brain, which everyone finds boring. But I
must ask you this..."
I took a deep breath and gathered all the courage I had to say the words that I
never thought would ever come out of my mouth. I just hope that I'm doing the ri
ght thing and this will be the best solution for everything.
"...Zachary Anderson, can I be your girlfriend?" I whispered timidly.
Everything was so silent. He didn't speak. He didn't smile or laugh, instead he
frowned. Is he angry? He walked closer to my direction, I stepped back. He appea
red anxious and dangerous at the same time. Did I say something wrong?
He continued to step closer until he cornered me. He slammed his fist in the wal

l, and that made me jolt up in shock. He's definitely furious. "Are you fuckin'
kidding me? You think this is funny! Yesterday you told me you didn't like me! N
ow you're saying you wanted to be my girlfriend? Don't mess with me Peige!"
Nathan was right. Zach's really scary when he's angry. What am I going to do? "S
ay something!" He punched the wall again, angrily. I was startled and speechless
There's no turning back now. If I take back the words I told him, he might hurt
me. "Zach, calm down." I touched both his shoulders trying to cool him down. And
then I continued. "I'm not kidding. What I'm saying is true. I like you. I want
to be your girlfriend, I always have." I looked straight into his eyes, hoping
he won't get a hint of the lie.
He stepped back and sat on the table. He continued to examine me and wait for mo
re explanation. And I take that gesture as a sign to continue.
"I hate to admit it but you're right. Maybe the reason why I hated you so much i
s because you always ignore me." I'm such a liar. I looked at him and then I saw
him starts to grin. So he believes me? I should go on. "I thought about it last
night. And I realized that I really like you. I always admired you and envied t
he girls you were with." This time, I looked away so he won't notice that this i
s total crap. I really don't like him and as if I'd be jealous of those skanks!
He's still not talking. Maybe he wants to hear a lot of compliments coming from
someone who despises him a lot. Well, this is the final blow; I hope your big he
ad burst!
"Do you believe in the saying that there's a thin line between love and hate?" I
asked as I walked into his direction. I looked straight into his eyes and conti
nued, "The more you hate someone, the more you secretly want that person. Maybe
that's what I'm feeling right now."
He stood up and walked towards me. He looks scary, not angry-scary but perverte
d-scary. Oh my, what's he up to? "You like me, huh? So why don't we just hook up
?" He suggested. You're disgusting Zachary Anderson! What to do. What to do!
I cleared my throat before answering. "Look. I'm not that type of girl. If ever
I'll be doing that I want it to be with my boyfriend. Not with some random guy."
I said shrugging. Everything is true except for the boyfriend thing. I really w
ant it to be with my real boyfriend that I love not some fake boyfriend.
"You're right. You're innocent... boring! So how do you expect a guy like me to
like someone lame like you?" His words came out more as an insult. I should have
expected it coming from this unbelievable, imbecile and egotistical jerk!
I should think of a good come back to that arrogant statement. Think fast Victor
ia Peige!
"Yes. I know. I just wanted to give it a try. Aren't you curious what it feels l
ike to have a quiet type real girlfriend? Not some slut who dates you for popula
He's silent for a few seconds. Contemplating on the smart reply that I just must
er. After a while he eyed me and smirked. "You have a point. But you see, I'm no
t the type of guy who settles for one girl. I'm friendly and affectionate to oth
ers; it's how I treat some of my friends, which is of course, misunderstood by m
y girlfriends. So, I leave them, they don't trust me."
What? Did I just hear him correctly? What a full of crap! Friendly? You're the w

orst guy ever. Who would trust a guy like you. But then I didn't let these frust
rations I had inside to let out. Instead, I remained calm and collected.
"I know you're friendly and popular. Girls like to be with you because you're fu
n to be with. If you let me be your girlfriend, I'll be the most understanding a
nd trusting girlfriend you'll ever have. You're free to do whatever you want wit
h your life."
Yeah I really don't care if you have girls clinging to your arms or if you're ma
king out with them. As I said last night, no emotional attachment involved right
? This is all fake. This is all for the sake of keeping him busy and occupied. T
his is all for my dear friend, Chloe.
"Why? Why does being your boyfriend matter so much? What's the point if you don'
t care if I have girls around?" He questioned curiously.
"Look, our teenage years are almost over and I, at least, want to know what it f
eels to have a commitment with the guy I like. I've never been in a relationship
before so, I wanted to give it a try. I don't really care about the girls inter
ested in you because I know that I'm your girlfriend and they're just flirts. In
the end, I'm still the official and the titled girl, right?" I gathered everyth
ing I have to give him the sweetest smile that I can produce and then he did smi
rk as well.
This is easier than I thought. I never thought he'd believe me this fast. "Fair
enough. But do you have any idea how it's like to be my girlfriend? The conseque
nces? Girls might do bad things to you." He said proudly. This guy is really so
full of himself.
"Yes. I know. You'll protect me, right? I'm your girlfriend after all." I assume
d as I let out another fake sweet smile.
"I haven't said yes yet Peige. And I won't be around all the time you know." I s
ummoned all the self-control I have to not roll my eyes at his conceited respons
"Well if that's the case, I still have Chloe and Nathan to protect me." I defend
"What if they're not around?"
"I can manage myself. I'm not that weak you know. I can defend myself. You worry
too much."
"You really want to be my girlfriend?" He queried with amusement obvious in his
tone and I nodded impatiently. "Okay. I'll give you my answer later." He said wi
th a knowing grin in his face.
"What? Why don't you just give me the answer now?" I asked eagerly.
He stepped closer and touched my chin. "Be patient. Remember, I don't want a nag
ging and demanding girlfriend." He reminded me as he gave me another smirk.
He walked out the door and left. What's it going to be? If he refuses, then ever
ything was for nothing. I set aside my pride just to confront him like that.
Zach, why the long wait?
* * * * * * *

It's already lunchtime and I was spacing out. I kept on thinking what would happ
en if Zach rejected me. What would be his answer? When will he tell me? I'm goin
g crazy! It's not like I'm excited or anything, I just want to put my plans into
action. I want him to be busy so he won't bother Chloe and her boyfriend anymor
"Tori!" Chloe called my attention.
"Chloe I'm sorry. You were saying something?"
"Earth to Tori. You back? We've been talking to you. You okay?" Nathan asked wor
riedly. And may I note that it made my heart race. The worried-look on Nathan's
face really made me feel very important to him, but I know he's just doing this
because I'm his friend.
"I'm okay. You don't have to worry. I'm just sleepy. I didn't have enough sleep
last night." I explained. Well it was true; I didn't get enough sleep last night
trying to compose the words I was going to say to Zach.
But my problem now is Zach's answer. I should have given this more thought.
"Hello my lady." A familiar voice came from my back. I glanced back and saw Zach
. Wait what's he doing here?
"What are you doing here?" Nathan inquired with a surprised tone in his voice.
"What do you want, Zach?" Chloe questioned. Surprise is also obvious in her tone
"I don't have business with you two. I'm here to give my answer to Victoria." He
gave me a wink after he said my name. Wait. Don't tell me he's planning to give
me the answer in front of Chloe and Nathan? No!
"What is he talking about, Tori?" Nathan eyed me carefully.
I stood up and tucked Zach's shirt. "What are you doing?" I whispered.
"Relax. I'm here to give you the answer you've been waiting for." He flashed me
a cunning smile before turning away from me.
"Ladies and Gentlemen, may I have your attention please." Zach cried-out. He wra
pped his right hand around my shoulder and drawn me closer to him.
"This girl here is Victoria Peige, the heiress of the famous Prestige Hotels, sh
e's my new girlfriend."

---END OF CHAPTER THREE--Must Date The PLAYBOY book trailer --->

FACEBOOK FANPAGE = Notjustarandomgirl
TWITTER = notarandomgirl
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<center><h1>Chapter 4 - The Fight</h1></center>

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TWITTER = notarandomgirl
--------------------------------Chapter 4 - The Fight
* TORI's POV *

"Ladies and Gentlemen, may I have your attention please." Zach cried-out.
He wrapped his right hand around my shoulder and drawn me closer to him. "This g
irl here is Victoria Peige, the heiress of the famous Prestige Hotels, she's my
new girlfriend."
My eyes widened, my mouth is still ajar. At first I thought he would say it in f
ront of my friends, but in front of the students here in the cafeteria? Is he tr
ying to humiliate me!
Everyone in the cafeteria gasped, whispered even. It's as if this is some kind o
f a sick stupid joke. They were all staring at me. Most of the girls were giving
me deadly glare. I was so embarrassed I could feel my whole face burning.
"What's the meaning of this!" Nathan asked furiously.
"That's it! No more questions, you, you and definitely you, out! We'll discuss t
his outside! Now!" Chloe demanded. She pointed at me, Nathan and Zach. We were n
ow making a scene. Zach is still in his usual self, grinning like a jerk in fron
t of everyone.
We all did what she said and we all went outside. Then that is where Chloe burst
. "Bullshit Zach! What the hell was that about!"
"Ask your friend, I'm not the one who started this." He responded calmly. Then e
veryone looked at me. It never occurred to me that I also have to explain this t
o my friends. And it's so freakin' difficult. They know me too well. They can te
ll if I'm lying or not. I have to make this realistic.
I went to Zach's side and grabbed his arms. "I... I like Zach. I asked him a whi
le ago if I could be his girlfriend." I explained, trying to hide the stutter an
d nervousness in my voice.
"Are you out of your mind? Yesterday you hated him, now you're telling us that y this jerk!" Nathan stated, oblivious at his own question.

"My words exactly... watch your mouth shit-face!" Zach threatened and stepped to
wards Nathan's direction ready to punch him but luckily I was clinging unto his
arms so I stopped him.
"Enough!" Chloe protested. She looks annoyed and doesn't appear to be contented
with my explanation. "You really like him? Fine, then kiss him. You've never giv
en your first kiss yet and you told me that you want it to be special. You'll gi
ve it to the right one. And since you claim that you like Zach and he's now your
boyfriend prove it." Chloe provoked.
Chloe knows me so much. Yes I told her that my first kiss will be with the perso
n that I love and I definitely do not love Zach. I can't give him my first kiss,
not with him! I hate him so much. But if this is the only way to convince them,
I guess I have to sacrifice this. I have sacrificed a lot anyway, my pride, my
dignity and now this.
I looked at Zach and closed my eyes, I'll just imagine that it's Nathan I'm goin
g to kiss.
I was leaning to Zach when I heard something; I opened my eyes and saw Zach on t
he floor. Nathan looks angry did he punch him? Zach stood up; ready to punch Nat
han in the face but luckily Chloe went in the way.
"Stop this! Take your fight somewhere else! Not in front of us!" Chloe demanded
and they all calmed down. Yes, they all listened to Chloe because they both like
I went towards Zach and touch the part of his face where Nathan hit him. Of cour
se this is a scene to make the story more realistic, a concerned girlfriend help
ing her boyfriend, but at the same time I felt a little bit guilty because I kno
w that the reason he's in this situation was because of me.
Zach slapped my hands, looks like he doesn't want to be touched or be pitied.
He looked at Nathan. "You'll pay for this. We're not yet done!" He proclaimed. T
his is a total mess. I never thought it would be a total disaster. I'm just tryi
ng to help Chloe. Zach grabbed my hands and we walked away.
"Where are you going!" Nathan complained furiously.
Zach stopped, glanced back and then he gave Nathan a smirk. "None of your busine
ss shit-head."
"Where are we going?" Now it's my turn to ask.
"The Infirmary." He simply stated.
"Infirmary? Why?" I queried.
"As my girlfriend, it's your duty to accompany me wherever I want to go. Besides
, the ice won't walk to my face by itself right?" He informed me sarcastically.
I saw Nathan trying to come our way but Chloe stopped him. They're both surprise
d. I couldn't blame them. I've got a lot of explaining to do with Nathan and Chl
oe. I have to convince them that I really like Zach. There's no way I'm telling
them the truth.
Zach and I walked away and headed to the infirmary. We arrived there and he fina
lly let go of my hand. Geez, his grip's really painful.

"Get some ice." He commanded. He doesn't want a demanding girlfriend but he's th
e one demanding too much? Now I'm really regretting this decision. But there's n
o turning back now.
I obeyed him and got the ice pack out the fridge and put it forcefully in his fa
"Ouch! Be gentle!" He shrieked. Good for you. Now I think you really deserve Nat
han's punch. You're such a jerk!
"I'm sorry. I'll be gentle." I apologized trying my best not to be sarcastic.
"You're now officially my girlfriend. And everyone knows it. So how does it feel
?" He asked with a smirk on his face.
"I'm so happy. Thank you." I lied.
"You being my girlfriend isn't so bad after all. But you have to make sure that
I wont regret this decision." I tried my very best not to roll my eyes in dismay
. He's being so arrogant even in a situation like this. " By the way." He called
out. "Thank you for coming with me here and taking care of me. I really appreci
ate it." He finished with a smiled. I was taken aback by his words and smile. Is
he for real? Does this side of him really exist? Did I just blush? No way!
"I'm your girlfriend and I should be taking care of you." I smiled back. Now wha
t am I saying?
"Well that's enough. I think I should sleep for a while. You should be heading t
o your class now. You've missed a lot." He said with concerned look on his face.
"By the way, wait for me later. I'll drive you home." He added.
So he's being a gentleman now? I thought he didn't believe in sticking to one gi
rl and now he's offering me a ride home? Did Nathan punch him too much?
"Oh no need for that, Nathan will do it. He always drives me home. Besides, I kn
ow you still have a lot of things to do so don't worry about it. I can handle my
self." I assured him.
He grabbed my hands and he gave me a serious look. "No! You will wait for me and
I'll be the one to drive you home. I'm your boyfriend, not that jerk Nathan. Un
I was a little surprise at this sudden declaration. "Yes I understand. I have to
go now. Sleep well." I hurriedly said and swiftly went out of the clinic.
My heart's beating fast and I'm blushing. I didn't want him to notice so I immed
iately went out of the room. Why is he saying those words? It's not normal for a
guy like him to say that. Maybe I'm still not used to the situation.
The term boyfriend, drive you home, it's still processing in my head. I should g
et used to it. For sure, I'll encounter those words more often.
Because now there's no turning back and it's official...
I am dating the playboy.

FACEBOOK FANPAGE = Notjustarandomgirl

TWITTER = notarandomgirl
Another FanMade book trailer --->
Please read my other story "She's In Love With A Geek"
Thank you! <3
<center><h1>Chapter 5 - The Plan To Get Jealous</h1></center>
FACEBOOK FANPAGE = Notjustarandomgirl
TWITTER = notarandomgirl
Thank you for all your comments and thank you for taking an interest in my story
--------------------------------------Chapter 5 - The Plan To Get Jealous
** ZACH'S POV **

Why did I even agree for her to be my girlfriend? She's nothing close to my type
. She's dull and boring, not to mention, a bookworm geek. But looks-wise, she's
not that bad, she's somewhat...passable.
I lay down on the bed and stared at the ceiling of the infirmary. It's been a re
ally long day. I don't understand what that girl's up to. She really hated me ye
sterday, and now she's claiming that she likes me? That girl has some serious is
I'll treat this as our little game Victoria Peige. It's been boring lately and I
wanna do something fun.
She's right though. I've never dated quiet girls before, not even a bookworm and
a geek, they're just boring the hell out of me. How long will these acts going?
How long will you last Victoria Peige? Can you handle a hot guy like me? I chuc
kled and brushed my hair with my hands. This is going to be interesting.
On the other hand, maybe the reason I agreed for her to be my girlfriend is to b
e close with Chloe again. I missed her a lot. We haven't spoken to each other si
nce the day she started hating me.
I'm the only guy who'll love you, Chloe. I've always been there
don't see me more than just a friend. We've been together since
d just a simple incident; you're throwing everything we shared.
ve a single idea that I did it for your own sake. But thanks to
s friend, I might still have a chance.

for you yet you

the beginning an
And you don't ha
your smarty-pant

The only thing I need to do is break her friend's heart. For sure she'll go cryi
ng in Chloe's arms and Chloe will talk to me to mend things. Of course there wil
l be conditions in return. I'll do everything to get Chloe. And I'll use you, Vi

ctoria Peige, to win my girl back.

First I have to rest for a while. That Nathan's a wimp! He hits like a girl. Tha
t's what you get when you hang around too much with a geek. Why is he worried ab
out that girl anyway? Perhaps he likes her? I thought he likes Chloe?
Oh this is gonna be fun.
I'll have Chloe and revenge on Nathan by having his girl.
By then, I started to feel the heaviness in my eyes. I closed it and slept.
* * * * * * *
I opened my eyes and looked around scanning for a clock in the infirmary. What?
Half hour past six already? Why didn't the nurse woke me up? Oh Crap!
I sat up and noticed a piece of paper on the desk beside me. I opened it and rea
d the message.
'I came here to wake you up but I didn't bother. You look like you were having a
good sleep and I didn't want to disturb you so I went home on my own. Take care
. - Tori'
I crumpled the paper in frustration. Didn't I tell her to wait for me? How impat
ient. I'm disappointed in you, Tori.
I grabbed my phone and scrolled the contacts. Oh yeah great, I didn't get her nu
mber. She left me alone and then she didn't even bother to leave me her number?
What the heck!
By that, I decided to call up someone I know who will help me. "Hello Boris? The
re's someone I want you to find. It's Victoria Peige. You heard me, right? Yes,
P-E-I-G-E. Find out where she lives. Tell me as soon as possible! Clear? Good!"
Then I hung up.
Get ready, Peige. I'll give you your first heartbreak tomorrow. It's time for a
little experimentation.
* * * * * * *
I'm here at the Park Avenue where Tori's apartment resides. I thought that she's
living at their hotel but my guess was wrong. I can say that it's not quite bad
, for an heiress, she sure knows how to pick the right building. Boris did a goo
d job finding her address.
I walked out of my Sedan and headed my way in. The bellman greeted me and I nod
in return. I made my way to the elevator and pushed the button where Tori's apar
tment dwells. After a few seconds, the elevator opened and I moved towards the d
oor. I knocked and a maid greeted me.
"How may I help you, sir?" She asked while battering her eyelashes and suppressi
ng her giggle.
I smirked at her and answered. "Hi. I'm here to pick up Tori."
"That's odd, Sir Nathan usually picks up Miss Tori." Confusion is evident in her
"Look." I leaned closer and whispered. I knew the maid might be suspicious of me

so I'll try charming my way in. "I wouldn't have gone here if Tori didn't text
me. She's expecting me. Besides, I wouldn't want her to get mad at you for makin
g me wait here." I told her while maintaining eye-to-eye contacts. And then it c
"Y-Yes you may come in sir. I'll just call her okay?" She said while giving me a
smile. What an easy girl.
I stepped inside and scanned the area. Modern contemporary, so that's her style.
Her designer sure gave a nice touch to this apartment and the furniture, well n
ot bad.
"Who are you?" I was startled upon hearing that voice; I turned and looked for t
he owner of it. There, I saw a woman in a maid uniform staring at me. I thinks s
he's in her late thirties or early fourties. She's kinda old to be a maid I gues
"I'm here to pick up Tori. Where is she? Call her now or we'll be late." I told
her in a commanding tone.
"Excuse me young man. That's not the proper way to talk to a woman." She instruc
ted irately.
"Who are you anyway?" I can't help but asked.
"I'm her nanny!" She answered as if it's the most obvious answer in the world.
And by that answer, I didn't control the upcoming burst of laughter. "You've got
to be kidding me! A nanny? Tori's freakin' old to have a nanny!"
"If you continue this rude behavior then I might have to ask you to leave. Who a
re you anyway?"
I tried to calm myself down before I answered with an arrogant smirk in my face.
"C'mon, you don't know me? I'm Zachary Anderson. I'm Tori's boyfriend."
"Zach? What are you doing here?" Tori swiftly went down
"I'm here to pick you up, honey." I teased.
"What is this young man talking about, Tori?" The old lady asked in both annoyan
ce and confusion.
"Nothing Sonia. I'll explain everything later. We're late. We have to go. Bye!"
She grabbed my arms and we went out in a hurried manner heading towards the elev
"Are you nuts! Why did you come here?"
"Victoria... I'm your boyfriend remember?" I reminded her. I made sure that I to
ok emphasis in the word boyfriend in case she had forgotten.
There was a pause first and then she started to speak. "I'm sorry. But please do
n't surprise me like that. I haven't told everyone about us...yet."
"Why? Aren't you proud that you're dating Zachary Anderson? It's a once in a lif
etime opportunity." I told her proudly. I gazed at her and she didn't answer. "H
ey! Why did you leave me yesterday? I told you to wait for me right?" I asked in
a now annoyed tone.

"I left you a note right? I told you I didn't want to wake you up and---"
"Well, I never got it. I was at school the whole night searching for you! I was
worried sick!" I lied.
"I'm sorry Zach. I didn't think you'd do that for me." She apologized and eyed m
e like she was sorry for what happened. I immediately looked away. I felt guilty
lying to her. Her eyes are making my conscience scream!
The elevator opened and we both stepped in. She pressed the ground button. Then
I handed her my phone. "What's this?" She questioned.
"That's an IPhone, Tori. Ever heard of it?" I questioned sarcastically.
"I know it's an IPhone, and I have one. But why are you handling it to me?"
"Put your number there." I simply ordered.
"Why?" She asked.
"For your information Miss No-Boyfriend-Since-Birth, we should know each other's
phone number to communicate. Now stop asking non-sense questions and enter your
number. Give me your phone." I commanded.
She immediately took out her phone from her purse and handed it to me. "Make sur
e to answer my calls at all time. I don't want you hanging up on me. Understood?
" I demanded and she replied with a nod. Good girl. This is really fun.
We stepped out and started to walk out the building. "So, you have a nanny, huh.
How old are you again?" I teased.
I saw a tinged of pink forming in her cheeks then she looked at me. "She's more
like a guardian, Zach. And I'm eighteen thank you for asking."
I chuckled at her smart comeback to my teasing and continued walking towards my
cars. She tried to open the front seat but I stopped her. I smirked inwardly at
this. It's time for your first heartbreak.
"You won't be sitting in the front seat. I've invited a friend of mine and she's
riding with us. Hope you don't mind." I said trying to smile and to not look li
ke I'm smirking.
"Sure no problem." She responded right away.
She opened the door at the back and I sat at the driver's seat starting to drive
. "Tori this is Samantha, my friend." I introduced them. Now, for the ranting, i
n three... two...
"Hi. Nice to meet you." Tori extended her hands to give a handshake to Samantha.
That made me stop. Really? Usually girls start asking questions and freak out b
ut she gave her a handshake and a smile? Does she have any idea what I am planni
ng or is she really being true to her words that she's being understanding?
I started to drive and I examined Tori with the help of my rear-view mirror. She
was busy scrolling her IPad reading something. She seriously doesn't care what'
s happening?
"Hey Zach. Are you coming with us later? Lizzy's having a pool party, you might
be in for a surprise. You game?" Samantha is leaning closer to me, playing with
my hair. She sure knows how to flirt. I give her that. I looked at the rear-view

to see Tori's reaction. She's not even looking at us. Is she deaf or something?
"I don't know. I have a girlfriend now. I'll ask her." I called out Tori and ask
ed, "Hey Tori. You heard what Samantha said?"
"I'm sorry. What was that?" She questioned. So she's not listening? Or she's pre
tending not to listen! Damn, I can't read her!
"Never mind. Fine I'll go." I answered. Then Samantha shrieked and kissed me on
the cheek.
I'm pretty sure Tori saw that one. I looked at the mirror again and saw that she
's looking at me... beaming? Does she even know what this is about? Smiling is n
ot the expression I was looking for! Is she really in love with me? She didn't c
are that a girl just kissed me! This is no fun at all! It's me who's getting fru
strated, not the other way around.

We finally arrived at the school's parking space and Samantha's still clinging t
o my arms.
"Hey Zach I have to go now. I might be late for class. I'll go on ahead. Thanks
for the ride and nice to meet you Samantha." She spoke sincerely with a smile on
her face. Her smile's kinda different compared to my other exes. It's not fake
or slutty or sarcastic, it's like she really meant it.
Usually when I pull stunts like this, my girlfriend would go bananas! And why'd
she just smiled earlier? Is she messing with me now?
"Your girlfriend left. So, wanna do something fun before going to class?" Samant
ha now is touching my inner thigh. I'm not in the mood right now for this stuff.
I was annoyed.
"No. Just leave Samantha." I dismissed her.
"You worried your girlfriend might find out? Don't worry. She's odd, obedient an
d the quiet type. Nice catch there. She won't know. Let's just do it okay?" She
then starts kissing my neck and ears.
"Stop it Samantha! I said leave okay!" I shouted.
"Fine! No need to shout!" She walked out and banged my door. How annoying. Girls
like her are disgusting! At least know some boundaries. What a bitch!
I was still bothered at Tori's reaction. What was that smile all about? Was it r
eal or fake? Was she hiding the fact that she was hurt?
What kind of girl are you Victoria Peige?
Samantha's right, you are odd.
---END OF CHAPTER FIVE--What do you think of Zach and the story? Share your thoughts :) Thanks a lot.
FACEBOOK FANPAGE = Notjustarandomgirl

TWITTER = notarandomgirl
Thank you! <3
**Please check out my other story "She's In Love with a Geek"
<center><h1>Chapter 6 - Ditching Class</h1></center>
FACEBOOK FANPAGE = Notjustarandomgirl, TWITTER = notarandomgirl
Thank you! <3
--------------------------Chapter 6 - Ditching Class

"Hey Zach I have to go now. I might be late for class. I'll go on ahead. Thanks
for the ride and nice to meet you Samantha." I stepped out of Zach's car and wal
ked towards the entrance.
Was he trying to make me jealous?
Well, you'll never make me jealous, Zachary. I grinned to myself.
Yesterday was a hell of a day. I've been ignoring Nathan and Chloe's phone calls
all night. I think I'm not yet ready. I still have no idea what to say to them,
especially to Chloe. She knows me too well to see if I'm lying or not.
True to what Zach's had been predicted; I'm really receiving a lot of odd looks
today. And I'm not really so surprised by that, seeing the outcome of his sudden
declaration yesterday at the cafeteria, this is highly expected. At least they'
re not doing something stupid. The glares and whispers were... tolerable.
I headed towards my locker to collect some of my things. After that I walked dow
n the hallway and I heard my phone beeped. It was a message from Nathan.
'Let's talk. Lunch time. Courtyard. Don't think of not showing up, I'll wait for
you till you come. I'M SERIOUS!'
He'll definitely take no for an answer. What should I do? What should I tell him
? How do I convince him that I love Zach? There's just nothing to love in that s
elf-centered jerk! I don't know him at all! This is going to be hard. I guess I
have a few more hours to think of something.
* * * * * * *
I barely listened to the discussions in my classes. I'm still thinking of what t
o say to Nathan later. Third period is almost over which means it's lunchtime.
It really pains me to tell Nathan that I'm in love with Zach even if deep inside
, it's him I really love. I always dreamt that one day I'd find the courage to c
onfess my feelings to him. I know that day won't come since I'm doing all this f

or Chloe.
I tried to tell him before but decided to let it slide since Nathan won't recipr
ocate the feelings I have for him. I don't want to sacrifice our friendship with
some false hope that someday he'll see me as more than a friend.
The school bell rang signaling the end of third period. I have to hurry to the c
ourtyard. I'm gonna miss hanging out with him. Well, I guess my world should rev
olve around Zach starting today.
Nathan is already there when I arrived. He's sitting at one of the stone benches
reading something. I took a deep breath and walked towards his direction. "You'
re early." I stated as I let out a big smile.
He closed his book and beamed. "You decided to show up. I thought you wouldn't c
"Well I'm here. You said you were serious." I said and sat beside him.
"You knew I wouldn't leave this spot until you showed up right?" I nodded in res
ponse. "Good. Now care to explain everything? And I mean everything." He gave me
one of his firm looks.
For a second there, I was lost. I don't know how to put it. I don't know how to
start. How am I going to lie in front of a guy I like for years and professing m
y likeness to other guy? This is insane!
But I have to shake that thought away; I have to think of Chloe, Chloe's happine
ss. "Nathan. I know it was sudden but I've liked Zach as long as I remember."
"As far as I remember, you hated him so much. You expect me to really believe yo
u like him?" He said in an annoyed tone.
"I like him, Nathan, and I can't stop thinking about him. He's really a nice guy
once you get to know him." I'm such a liar. Of course he's not nice! I can't th
ink of any good qualities about that creep.
"You're joking right? Nice guy? He's toying with you Tori! Everyone knows that Z
ach's a player. He's just trying to get you into---"
I cut him off before he could finish his sentence. "It's not what you think. He'
s really nice. In fact he went to the apartment to give me a ride. What you hear
d are just rumors from his ex-girlfriends. He's just... misunderstood." I really
don't have a choice. All I can do now is lie. I just hope I can convince him th
at I really like Zach.
"I don't know what he did or say to you, but I'll do everything to prove that he
's not the guy you think he is. He'll just hurt your feelings!" He gave emphasis
to the word hurt.
But I'm already hurt, Nathan, and this is my decision. I've made up my mind. I h
ave to set aside my own emotions so that Chloe will have the love story she dese
"I'll be fine, Nate. No need to worry. If I get hurt then so be it. It's part of
life right? When that day comes, will I have a friend to cry on?" I told him wh
ile smiling. And I saw his face softened a bit.
He looked at me and held my hands. "Of course! But I won't let that happen. And
before that I think there's something you should know Tori. I know it's sudden b

ut please hear me out---"

"Peige!" A very familiar voice shouted my name. I scanned the area and there I s
aw Zach standing ten feet away from us.
"Zach!" I let go of Nathan's hand and I panicky stood up. Zach dashed towards ou
r direction. I don't like this. He appears angry.
"What are you doing with him?" He fumed while glaring at Nathan. "Let's go!" He
held my hand and dragged me away but Nathan stood up and held my other hand.
"We're talking. It's really rude to interrupt two people having a conversation."
Nathan intersected. This is bad. They might continue the fight they started yes
terday and Chloe's not here to stop them.
"It's ok Nathan. I'll be fine. I have to go." I have to separate this two. Natha
n looked at me. His face looked like they lost something. Wait, what did I do?
"You heard her! Let her go!" Zach sniggered. I gave Nathan a reassuring smile an
d by that he finally lets go of my hand. Zach and I continued to walk away from
"What are you doing?" Zach asked angrily.
"I'm talking with Nathan." I simply responded.
"Didn't I tell you to answer all of my phone calls?" I took out my phone and saw
sixteen missed calls. Is he for real? What an impatient guy!
"Sixteen missed calls? Are you kidding me?" I asked with a laugh.
"What's so funny, Peige?" He furiously asked. I just continued to chuckle. I fou
nd it really funny. He's like a little boy asking for his mommy. "What's so funn
y?" He asked again, but I just remained silently chuckling. "Anyway don't you da
re ignore my calls understood?" He demanded. I nodded and smiled at him. Then I
saw him smile. Did the angry devil a while ago smiled back?
"Hey! Why were you with him anyway? And of all the places, why there? It's like
you have an affair." He said accusingly.
"Affair? Look, Nathan's been my friend for years. It's like our small meeting pl
ace, besides I owe him an explanation on what happened yesterday."
"From now on you shouldn't be talking to him!" He ordered.
This guy is getting on my nerves. He's demanding too much. How selfish! No wonde
r he doesn't have a decent girlfriend. "No way Zach! He's just my friend. Plus,
I don't object when you're with another girl."
"So this is about what happened a while ago, with Samantha? Are you trying to ma
ke me jealous?" He crossed his arms and gave me that stern look.
"What are you talking about?" I was furious and then it hit me. "Wait, are you j
ealous of Nathan?" I teased. He looked away, is he embarrassed of what I had the
"Shut it Peige! I'm not jealous okay! Who do you think you are? You're the one w
ho asked me to be my girlfriend! Fine, do whatever you want!" He yelled defensiv
ely. He's still avoiding eye contact. That made me chuckled. "And what's so funn
y this time?" He shouted.

"I never thought you had it in you, Zach. You're really funny." I said and cover
ed my mouth trying so hard not to laugh again. This guy is really easy to read.
He's really embarrassed, it's written all over his face.
"Are you done now?" He asked sarcastically.
"Fine. I'll stop laughing." I tried my very best to stop and settle for a simple
"Okay, let's go. We're having lunch somewhere." He now grabbed my wrist and star
ted walking.
I halted and made him look at me. "Where's somewhere? We still have classes. Do
you expect me to skip the rest of my class?" I crossed my arms and raised my lef
t brow.
"I knew you'd say that. You think I'm that thick? I already covered everything.
I looked for your schedule and told all your teachers that you're sick and you'r
e going home early. I asked for any special assignments that you might need to a
ccomplish but they told me it was okay, you should go home and rest, you're alre
ady excused, blah blah whatever, let's go."
I was taken aback by this. I don't know if I should be angry or happy. But I'm a
fraid I'm feeling the latter. "Why did you do that?"
"Because I know you're concerned about grades and stuff, happy now? Your life is
too boring, Peige. Loosen up! Besides, I wanted to take this opportunity to kno
w you better." He said while staring at me.
I could hear my heart beating fast. This is a first. What's with this guy? I gue
ss he's not bad after all? He wants to know me more?
I've always wondered what it felt like ditching class with my future boyfriend m
uch like what Chloe's been doing. Is the adrenaline really exciting me or the fa
ct that I'll be having a date with Zach? What am I thinking! Zach's nothing seri
"Fine. Let's go." I finally said in defeat while smiling at him at him. He smirk
ed, held my hand and then we retreated.

---END OF CHAPTER SIX--What do you think? Share your thoughts :)

Another book trailer made by my reader --->
FACEBOOK FANPAGE = Notjustarandomgirl
TWITTER = notarandomgirl
Thank you! <3
**Hey guys check for my other story "She's In Love With A Geek!" :)) Thanks a lo

<center><h1>Chapter 7 - The Kiss?</h1></center>

FACEBOOK FANPAGE = Notjustarandomgirl
TWITTER = notarandomgirl
Thank you! <3
----------------------------------------Chapter 7 - The Kiss?

We arrive at one of the restaurants at Meatpacking district. I've never been her
e before considering my long residence in the Big Apple. Zach really knows to im
press a girl. I give him that, considering he dated a bunch of girls, he sure kn
ows that tricks.
We headed inside and a waitress approached us, leading us to our seats. She gree
ted us and gave us menus and that's where I noticed something. She's talking sof
tly to Zach, giggling every time Zach gave her our order. She kept on doing this
mannerism of tucking her hair back to her ear and batting her lashes. Flirting.
Zach on the other hand is busy ordering. He really knows the dishes here. I wond
er if he had any idea that the waitress in flirting at him. After he completed t
he orders, the waitress winked at him and looked at me with a sinister face. Whe
n she's completely gone, I started to chortle.
"What's so funny this time?" Zach questioned.
"Nothing. I just found it very funny." I answered with amusement.
"Why? Pray tell." He commanded.
"I just find it hilarious that the waitress is hitting on you and you act as if
though it's nothing and go with it. She even winked at you. How desperate."
He leaned at the table and looked at me. "You're not angry?"
"Me? Angry? Why? It's very entertaining." I replied.
Now it's his turn to laugh. "You're unbelievable, Tori. Most of my girlfriends f
reak out every time Natalie does that."
So that waitress has a name. I bet he's regular here and he's always here with h
is ex-girlfriends. What a creep. Is he really that desperate trying to make me j

ealous? "It's no reason to act hysterically. Besides, the waitress is obviously

jealous because she's not sitting in this chair." I informed him calmly.
"You're very interesting, Tori. I'm not usually wrong. I guess this is one of th
ose decisions I won't regret." He said while grinning at me. My heart is beating
fast. Why do I always have this feeling every time he says nice words to me? I
don't even like him. I looked away and felt my cheeks getting warm. "Are you emb
arrassed?" He teased.
Why do you have to be so cocky all the time! "N-No I'm not. Why should I? Please
!" I retorted. I can't look at him.
"Zach? Is that you? Yes it's you! You're still handsome as always." Upon hearing
this, I looked up and saw a very pretty girl standing beside Zach. She's tall,
blonde and has a body of a super model. I wonder if she's one of Zach's ex-girlf
riends. And boy if it is, is he out of his mind? Playing and breaking this girl'
s heart? What was he thinking? I'm curious what the others look like as well.
"Stella? What are you doing here?" Zach asked in a surprised tone. I turned away
and continued to be silent so they won't notice I'm here.
"I'm having lunch at that table, I'm all alone, care to join me? We have a lot o
f catching up to do." She suggested. Great, just great. Pretty girl like that, w
ho would take no for an answer? Guess I have to eat here alone by myself. Who am
I to call that waitress desperate?
"I'm sorry Stella, maybe next time. I'm here with my girl. By the way this is my
girlfriend, Victoria Peige." Zach introduced. I was shocked, did he just... now
they're staring at me.
"You have a new girlfriend?" The girl asked rudely. "You never introduce a girl
before as your girlfriend." She added. She stared at me while her left brow rais
ed. What was that all about?
"Hi." I greeted and gave her a weak smile. She looked away and turned her attent
ion back to Zach.
"Just promise me you'll meet me soon okay? Bye." She leaned closer to Zach and g
ave him a kiss on the cheek. She immediately looked at my direction with a serio
us face but I just replied with a smile and then she retreated.
"C'mon! You're still smiling? After all... that?" Zach's clearly annoyed.
"Why should I be angry? I thought you didn't want a nagging girlfriend." I infor
med him in a matter-of-fact tone.
"Something's wrong with your sense of humor. I'm starting to think you really do
n't like me at all."
And that's not a good sign. Maybe I went a bit overboard. He might realize that
I'm just faking it. "Look Zach. Introducing me as your girlfriend is enough for
me to calm down. For me, it's like a slap to her face. Did you see the way she l
ooked when you said I'm your girlfriend?" I just hope he buys this.
There was a pause but then he softened. "Fair enough. Maybe I'm just not used to
that type of reaction."
"I told you I'm different." I beamed. Geez, that was close!
Then our food was finally served. Good, I'm really starving. When the waiter rev

ealed my meal, it's just a garden salad! Why did Zach ordered a salad for me?
"Excuse me. I think there has been a misunderstanding in here, and it's not that
I don't like this salad, trust me it looks yum, but I think I'll prefer a steak
with a side of spaghetti in marinara sauce. Thank you." I said politely and han
ding the salad to the waiter. He nods courteously and left.
"You're ordering what?" Zach questioned in surprised tone.
"Steak and spaghetti. Why?"
"A girl ditching a salad for steak and pasta? Aren't you afraid you might get fa
t?" He asked curiously.
Something about what he said made me feel anguish. This guy is unbelievable! "Wh
at's wrong with a girl eating steak and pasta? I'm freakin' hungry! It's way pas
t lunchtime and I haven't had anything for breakfast or lunch. Why should I star
ve myself if I have money to buy decent food? And F.Y.I., I'm not fat, I'm perfe
ctly fine."
There was a pause for a moment and then suddenly Zach started to laugh so loud,
drawing the attention of others to us.
"Stop laughing so loud Zach! Everyone's staring." I whispered.
He wiped the tears in his eyes before turning to me. "You're really interesting.
Are you aware of that? You're actually fun to be with and... normal."
"And what normal supposed to be mean?" I asked nosily.
"Normal. You're not like the other girls I've dated. They starve themselves to d
eath. Keeps on telling me they're fat. Try to impress me with their petty talk a
nd achievements. I hate those pretentious girls. But you, you're different. You
don't give a damn of what other people might think about you or your actions. Th
at is normal and I like it. I'm glad we had this date."
Did he just tell me he likes me? Well, he didn't say it directly but he still sa
id the word like, right? I couldn't help but smile at him. He's really funny. Th
e person I'm having lunch with right now is totally different from the guy I usu
ally see at the cafeteria surrounded by girls, and what I constantly hear from t
he rumors. Maybe it's one of his moves? I don't know. It's really confusing.
"G-Guess I'm really normal." was the only words I could think of.
My food finally arrived, we started to eat and talk about something like interes
ts and stuff. When we're done, he paid for the meal and we headed back to his ca
r. He opened my door for me.
I have discovered a lot about Zach on this date. He can be cocky and a gentleman
at the same time. He can be a totally different person. He's not quite bad at a
"How was your day so far?" He asked while starting to drive.
"I'm full. Thanks for the meal. By the way, it was fun. Thanks." I replied whole
"I had fun too. Although this should've been the first thing we did before you a
sk me to be your boyfriend, right?" He teased.

I bit my lower lip at this. I'm feeling embarrass of what he just said. "I-I kno
w okay. What's done is done. No turning back." I stuttered. This is really awkwa
rd. A girl confessed to a guy before getting to know him? Totally embarrassing!
Anyway, the sooner we can be together the better the plan will work.
We finally arrived at my apartment. He looked at me and leaned closer. Wait, is
he expecting a kiss? But I'm not ready for this!
"Hey Tori, thanks for today. Seriously, I really enjoyed it. We'll do it again n
ext time okay?" He suggested. So he's not planning to kiss me. I thought for a s
econd that he'll kiss me and I really freaked out.
"I-I really had fun Zach. Seriously, thanks a lot." I leaned closer and kissed h
im on the cheek. What did I just do? Did I initiate a kiss? After realizing what
I did I just smiled at him, hurriedly went out of his car and headed inside my
apartment building.
I tried to calm every nerve in my body. Why do girls have the urge to kiss a guy
involuntarily on the cheek? What would Zach think? Being so cocky and arrogant,
he might think that I'm head-over-heels to him.
I'm the one who confessed to him and worst of all I initiated the kiss!
---END OF CHAPTER SEVEN--Book Trailer ---->
FACEBOOK FANPAGE = Notjustarandomgirl
TWITTER = notarandomgirl
Thank you! <3
<center><h1>Chapter 8 - Meeting An Old Friend</h1></center>
Thanks for all of your support guys :) As a promise, here's chapter 8 ENJOY Hope
you all like it.
FACEBOOK FANPAGE = Notjustarandomgirl
TWITTER = notarandomgirl
Thank you! <3
--------------------------------Chapter 8 - Meeting An Old Friend
** ZACH'S POV **

I wasn't expecting anything in return after that whole Samantha and the waitress
scene. But I could see it in her eyes somehow she enjoyed my company. For a cer
tified bookworm, she sure did catch me off-guard. She kissed me on the cheek.

How interesting. I touched the side of my cheek where she left me a kiss.
I could still feel the warmth of her lips and I can't forget that innocent look
on her face. It's amazing how a friendly gesture for other people made her react
like that. I wonder what her reaction would be if it was a real one. Sooner or
later she will give in to my irresistible charm. I'm actually curious when or ho
w she'll be begging for these badass lips one way or another.
I have to admit she's really interesting. She's different from the girls I usual
ly go out with. I mean she's totally okay with her boyfriend flirting with someo
ne else. Although, in my defense, it's not really flirting, I was just playing a
Could she have ulterior motives? If she's acting then I'd nominate her for an Os
car. But something tells me otherwise, that her words are from the heart, that s
he's not using me as some trophy boyfriend like the others. C'mon look at me. I'
m freakin' gorgeous. I mean for someone so smart, she wouldn't put herself in a
position to humiliate herself and crush her pride in the first place. Still, I n
eed to be cautious, who knows? Anything could happen.
As I was leaving, my phone rang. I wondered if it was Tori, maybe I spoke too so
on? She already wants some of the Z-love? I laughed at the idea. But to my disap
pointment, it's wasn't her, it was someone who I never thought will contact me a
fter years.
"Who's this?" I asked playing dumb.
"Za-cha-ry my man! What's with the attitude? It's James!"
"Who? I don't know any James!" I pestered, but I perfectly know who he is.
James Gregory, my best friend and heir to Gregory Global Corporation, one of the
most successful investment companies in the industry. We're almost the same at
everything, we're both rich, heir to each of our families' fortune, hobbies, int
erests and of course, the same taste for women. We're like brothers but two year
s ago, he left New York without telling me a word. I haven't heard from him unti
l now, although I still kept his phone number.
"Quit fooling around! I'm back! Is this how you welcome your long lost bro?"
"I have no idea what you're talking about. I don't have bros who leave and never
keep in touch for years! Wrong number pal!"
I then heard him laugh. "Still the same buster as before! Okay grandpa, cut the
crap and meet me at The Pub, we have a lot of catching up to do!"
"We'll see!" I hung up and took the U-turn, heading my way to The Pub.
It took ten minutes to reach my destination. There I saw James. "James Gregory,
well, well, you got fat!" I greeted with a tap on each other's back.
"It's called muscles genius, you got skinny!" He greeted back.
"Still a smartass huh? Let's talk inside wise guy." We went inside, VIP section,
sat on the leather couch and ordered a bottle of vodka.
"Ciroc? Man, it's good to be back!" James said raising his glass.
"Just the way you like it!" I said returning the favor. "Anyway, what happened t
o you? You went all French ignoring my ass for years?"

"Sorry man. It wasn't my fault! Blame those French maids and their outfits! Spea
king of which, why didn't you bother to call me? You should've visited me! Paris
was off the hook!" He boasted arrogantly.
"Very funny Gregory! You sound like one of my girlfriends longing for my junk. Y
ou turning to the other side?" I joked, my face in disgust. We both laughed.
"Screw you Anderson! I'm still a ladies' man that won't change. Speaking of ladi
es, dude! The French girls are so hot. You should have joined me! We would've be
en kings! It would've been so epic!" He bragged.
"Still think you're some lady killer huh, Romeo?" I tittered. "I'd still prefer
Americans you know." I said firmly, not knowing I did something that I shouldn't
do in front of this guy, who happens to be mister-knows-me-too-well.
"Are you smiling? Is Zachary Anderson finally dating you know who?" He asked wit
h interest. He's talking about Chloe. He knows every story and feelings I have f
or her.
"I'm not smiling, you idiot. You just look stupid as usual, I couldn't help it!"
I diverted the topic. I was actually thinking about Peige. I didn't realize I w
as smiling until he took emphasis to it.
"You're still not with her? What happened to Zachary Anderson: Always gets the g
irl he wants! It's been years for fuck's sake! Grow some balls!" He cackled. I k
now I have this reputation when I want someone; I get her in no time. But Chloe'
s no ordinary girl she's something else, she's different!
"She's more than that and it's different when it comes to her. You of all people
know that. Besides, everything becomes harder since you left." I gave him a dis
approving look.
He raised both of his hands in surrender. "Man, don't go all twilight on me! I w
as just messin' with you. Since when did you become such a sissy? How about we f
orget your so-called soul mate for one night and go to Lizzy's. She's having a p
ool party and I need a wingman. I bet she hasn't forgotten about the best night
of her life, if you know what I mean. She'll be thrilled to see me." He wiggled
his brows and elbowed me playfully.
"I think I'll pass. I'm not in the mood." I said truthfully. Thinking about that
annoying Samantha earlier, I didn't want to see her. She'll probably be in that
pool party.
"You're joking right? You wearin' your man panties or something? You're saying n
o to your man? To girls?" He's in complete utter shock. "Wait, are you with some
one? Don't tell me it's serious, as far as I know, you're quite the sly dog righ
t?" He eyed me suspiciously.
"He's dating a nun!" A familiar voice came behind my back, when I looked up I sa
w River, one of my pals in the school.
"River! Good to see you, dude!" James greeted with a pat on the back. "You still
look like shit!"
"Still the same scumbag huh, Gregory? Good to see you too, jackass!" River retor
"Shut your mouth River and start drinking!" I demanded in a loud annoyed voice.
By this time we were halfway our bottle. River sat at our table and drank a shot

"So, who's the nun?" James appeared curious.
"This guy right here is dating Miss Prim and Proper in our school!" River burst
out laughing.
"Seriously? You some kind of miracle worker now?" James asked in between laughs.
"In my defense, she asked me to be her boyfriend. Who am I to give no for an ans
wer?" I boastfully replied.
"You say no to ugly hags and fantasy wannabe's. What makes her different?" He as
ked suspiciously.
"She's Chloe's best friend!" River but-in. River knows about Chloe too.
"You're that desperate? You're using some innocent girl to get Chloe?" James ask
ed in disbelief. "Whatever did you see about that girl is way beyond my imaginat
"I have my plan and my plan is perfect. So just let the master do the work ok? T
rust me." I assured them.
"So you're using the best friend to get Chloe? That is pure evilly... Genius. Bu
t how'd you get the nun to fall for you?"
"Please. Everyone falls for me!" I let out a mischievous grin.
"Not Chloe." River choked out. That made James burst out into fits of laughter.
"She will, soon." I assured them punching River in the shoulder.
"I want to meet her." James suddenly declared.
"I want to meet the nun! I'm having a party, more like a welcoming party, this w
eekend. Get your girl and introduce her to me. Maybe after you unintentionally b
reak her heart, she'll need someone to comfort her." He stated playfully.
"Touch her and you're dead!" I threatened him, heatedly. I could see he was shoc
ked. Why did I do that? Maybe the alcohol is getting to my head? Or maybe the th
ought of her being with another man and take advantage of her makes my blood boi
l. I'm not jealous; I just don't like the idea of girls cheating on me. Yeah, ma
ybe that's it.
"Relax! What's up with you? Wait, are you getting serious for that girl?" James
furrowed. Curiosity is eating him up. River leaned closer to examine me.
"Of course not! There is only one girl and you both know who that girl is, and b
esides Tori is not even my type!" I said defensively. There is no way I'm seriou
s for that... that geek. I'm just interested on the fact that she's different fr
om the others. That's all. "Besides, I have a reputation you know. No one cheats
on me." I added.
"Whatever you say lover-boy. I'm not interested in good girls anyway. They're ju
st... dull and no fun." He realized. "But still, you have to invite her this wee
kend at the party. I still want to meet her."

"We'll be there." I assured them. I'm confident because I know she'll never say
no to me.
"By the way, let's drink to the return of douchebag James!" River filled our gla
sses with every bit of what was left in our bottle.
"I must say, you guys are jerks! But hell!" James said raising his glass.
"To bros!" We all said together and then bumped our glasses against each other d
rinking everything in it. We laughed our ass off the whole night talking about t
he various things we've done, from River's pranks, to James' chick antics, just
like old times.
We laughed like there is
what James said earlier
Why does he want to meet
not look funny in front
t anymore.

no tomorrow. But still, I couldn't help but think about

about Tori. Was he serious about the whole Tori thing?
her in the first place? And how the hell do I make Tori
of these jerks? I had no idea what we were talking abou

All I could hear is laughter making me laugh harder and then James stood up on o
ur table and showed us his mickey mouse tattoo on his butt cheek. We were laughi
ng so hard that River was about to roll on the floor. At that point I knew, "Man
, we are in for one hell of a night."

---END OF CHAPTER EIGHT--Hi guys. Thanks for all the votes. Sorry for the long wait, I'm having a writer'
s block :( but when I saw all your comments and votes, it gave me an inspiration
to write this. Hope you all enjoyed my new chapter.
Book Trailer --->
FACEBOOK FANPAGE = Notjustarandomgirl
TWITTER = notarandomgirl
Thank you! <3
<center><h1>Chapter 9 - The Confrontation</h1></center>
I would like to dedicate this chappy to my awesome fans, especially to xXmimilov
eXx for always reminding me to upload and for voting my every single chappy in t
his story :) I love you guys! Truly an inspiration. ENJOY!
FACEBOOK FANPAGE = Notjustarandomgirl
TWITTER = notarandomgirl
Thank you! <3
----------------Chapter 9 - The Confrontation


I can't believe so much happened in just one day. Zach showing up at my apartmen
t, the Samantha thing, Nathan's confrontation, skipping class, the lunch date, d
id I miss anything?
As the elevator was going up to our floors, the silence made me think about the
things that transpired today. I was trying to recall something missing with the
events that occurred. Then it hit me.
I kissed him! I thought in utter shock and horror.
I could feel my eyes widening. It was a big deal for me since I just kissed the
guy I hated most. It was hard to accept that on my part. He must think I'm tryin
g too hard to be all flirty. More importantly, how or where did I kiss him again
? I was reacting like I kissed him on the lips but as I recall; I swear, I kisse
d him on the cheek. A friendly gesture was what I thought, but we're not exactly
just friends, are we?
Thinking about it is making my head hurt a lot. Now I wish I never should've gon
e out on that stupid date with him.
'Hey, but you enjoyed it right?' my subconscious speaking.
Well it was kinda fun, skipping class for the lunch date and stuff. For a major
douchebag, he's pretty funny. He's quite the charmer actually and he is kinda cu
te. I was trying hard not to smile at the thought of him.
Now, now, Tori, let's not get way over our head. Remember this is all a game. Pl
ay the player, not the other way around. I reminded myself.
The elevator stopped at my floor. I rushed out as if letting everything that hap
pened today be left at the elevator. All I wanted is to pamper myself in a hot s
teaming bubble bath, no thinking whatsoever. Inside the apartment, I hurriedly w
ent upstairs and to my surprise, the person I've been hiding from the whole time
showed up sitting in my room.
"Well, guess who finally showed up!" It was Chloe. She's giving me one of those
we-seriously-need-to-talk look.
"C-Chloe! What's the matter? I-is everything alright?" I stammered. I'm not read
y for this; I'm not ready for this confrontation!
"I should be asking you those questions, Tori! You know why I'm here, so stop as
king and start explaining." She ordered. She's not making this easy.
"Look Chloe, I'm so sorry for ignoring your calls. I really want to talk to you
about all this but I-I just don't know how to start." I honestly said.
She let out a big heave and composed herself. "Ok, let's start with why? Of all
people, why Anderson?" she questioned me.
If only I could tell you the truth, Chloe. I despise him for thinking he can con
trol your life. I hate him for being so mean to everyone, his arrogance, pride,
his superiority complex, but still... "I-I know you know the answer to that ques
tion, Chloe. Everyone likes him." I stated. It was the truth anyway. Almost ever
yone wants to be with him.

"And since when did you become an everybody? I believe you beg to differ. And ho
w come you never mentioned this?" She asked me suspiciously. I think Chloe's bee
n watching too much CSI. She's on to me.
"I'm still a human, Chloe. I can't just turn off my feelings. I like Zach." For
some odd reason, the way I said it is not strained unlike before. But I dismisse
d the idea and continued. "I did the right thing of confessing to him. Weren't y
ou the one who told me to find the person I like and experience love? Why are yo
u disapproving this?"
"I have nothing against you falling in love with someone, but look Tori, it's Za
ch! Don't act as if you don't know him. You know how he is with girls. What were
you thinking? C'mon, I know you know exactly what he wants. You're risking that
once in a lifetime romance over a guy who doesn't know anything but to kiss and
... wait a minute..." She looked at me shocked, her mouth slowly opening and poi
nting her finger to me.
And it takes no genius to understand what she meant by that. "No! Chloe! C'mon!
You know I'm better than that!" I defended. Well now that she mentioned it, we h
aven't really done anything. And knowing him, he should've attempted at least. M
aybe I'm just not kissable or whatever.
"Fine, I believe you. I just wanted to make sure, that's all. Next question, sin
ce when were you attracted to him? How come you never mentioned this? Why now?"
She asked eagerly. She's asking way too many questions. Anyway, I'll just have t
o satisfy at least one answer so she'll forget the others.
"It was ninth grade at the library. I was trying to pick a book on the top shelf
. I couldn't reach it. Then this guy appears out of nowhere and got it for me. I
fell on a ladder and then he caught me. Now before you think I'm basing this on
some cheesy romantic movie, don't worry that's what I thought too. I was about
to tell you but I discovered he was Zach. Knowing his history, I never bothered
saying anything about it." Now that I think about it, he really did help me that
He was silent and kind. I was attracted at
as heading to the ladies room, I overheard
ach broke her heart. When her friend found
ught over him. Turns out he was two-timing
rts, he also broke their friendship.

him, yeah at first. But then when I w

a girl crying to her friend and how Z
out that she was dating Zach, they fo
them. Not only did he break their hea

"And before you ask me why now? I thought hey, maybe it was about time to know w
hat it felt to love and be loved." I looked at her expression. She's still not g
iving me anything. She's just staring at me. This really makes me feel terrible.
I never meant to lie to my best friend.
"What about Nathan?"
Does she know I have feelings for Nathan? "What about him?" I innocently asked.
"I thought you liked Nathan? I know you haven't mentioned anything but after all
these years of friendship; you never developed any feelings for him? Yet here y
ou are falling for a guy you barely knew?" She's looking at me skeptically.
"H-he's just my friend Chloe." That's how he sees me anyway. It's kinda depressi
ng to think that the person you like only sees you nothing but just a friend.
"Have you mentioned this to him? That he's just a friend?"
"What do you mean, Chloe?" I inquired keenly.

"Nothing. Anyway, I'm still not convinced. With the way things are going right n
ow, it's all so sudden, so strange, like this is all part of Zach's plan or some
thing. Wait, you're hiding something. You should've at least talked to me befor
e all this. It's very unusual for you to do things on your own." Chloe's really
at it. It's very unlikely for her going all Sherlock on me.
"I'm not hiding anything. I've been meaning to say this to you but you have prob
lems of your own. Like Greg for instance? I don't want to be a burden so I decid
ed to keep it to myself. Trust me on this, Chloe. I can take care of myself and
he's really okay." I said smiling. Chloe gave me one of her I got you now looks.
Smiling she nodded and looked at me. "Fine, you win for now missy. So tell me He
iress Peige, what happened?" She probed suspiciously. The interrogation is final
ly over. But I get the feeling she's on to something.
"What do you mean what happened?" I carefully asked.
"Well, I just assumed something happened with him, the fact that you smile whene
ver you talk about him. C'mon Tori, I might hate Zach for being who he is but I'
m still your best friend. I think it's about time you tell me your love story. S
o start!" I hugged Chloe. That was probably the sweetest thing she's ever said t
o me. "You're so silly." She giggled.
"We had lunch today, late lunch actually." I informed her.
"Late lunch? Wait..." she pulled me back holding my shoulders. "You skipped clas
s? Classes?" She sounded unconvinced.
"Yeah?" I wondered why she was so surprised.
"Tori! Your first ever, hookey! I'm so proud of you! So how does it feel, huh? S
kipping class to enjoy the rest of the afternoon with someone?" We both sat on m
y bed. She scooted near me begging for answers. It looks like she's not interest
ed with the when and how questions anymore.
"Well, at first I was totally against the idea but he told me he spoke to my tea
chers, made up some story to excuse me, I was hesitant but---" before I could fi
nish my story, Chloe stood up and shrieked!
"Oh my! He did that? Zach really did that?" She exclaimed. I just nodded in resp
onse to his question. "Would you look at that, a guy like Zach would go that far
for a girl. I always did find him more of a settler. For him to reach out to so
meone that way is something else." She explained.
I couldn't help but blush and feel flattered. The idea of Zach never did that to
any of the girls he dated kinda made me ecstatic. I shook my head in disbelief.
It wasn't a big deal, right? It would be bad if I gave meaning to all this.
Chloe looked at her watch and then prepared her things. "Well I have to go now.
This is far from over Tori. You still owe me for not telling me all this. From n
ow on I want to be updated, understood? Down to the slightest detail. Don't hurt
yourself. If he does something bad to you, I'm just a phone call away." She sai
d hugging me.
"Wait. Where are you going?" I asked.
She fixed her hair a little heading to the door. "I have to take care of somethi
ng. You watch yourself Tori. Bye!" She beamed and winked at me. I wonder why she

's in a hurry and why she's not telling this to me.

"I will! Bye!" This is officially the longest day ever. So many things happened
in just one day. But it's a good thing that I finally explained everything to my
friends. I don't have to worry about them, for now.
It's kinda terrible that I lied to them though. But I knew after speaking to Chl
oe that I have to do this for her. She deserves to be happy. For now though, I d
eserve some happiness.
"Sonia? Where's my rubber duckie?"
---END OF CHAPTER NINE--What do you think of the story so far? :) Let me know.
FACEBOOK FANPAGE = Notjustarandomgirl
TWITTER = notarandomgirl
Thank you! <3
<center><h1>Chapter 10 - You're Drunk</h1></center>
Hi my wonderful readers and followers :)) Thanks for your support. Here's chapte
r 10. Hope you'll love it.
FACEBOOK FANPAGE = Notjustarandomgirl
TWITTER = notarandomgirl
Thank you! <3
--------------------Chapter 10 - You're Drunk
** ZACH'S POV **

It was pretty late when I got home from our little get together. I can't remembe
r the last time I laughed so hard like that. It was one hell of a night indeed.
Bro's will be Bro's. I thought to myself, opening the door to the penthouse.
I stepped inside a bit tipsy. I'm usually hardcore when it comes to drinking so
it wasn't a surprise that I got home safely. Those bozos never stood a chance.

"Boris? Boris!" I looked for Boris, my butler. I could smell the stench of alcoh
ol in me so I wanted a remedy. A tall glass of milk usually does the trick. I he
aded to the kitchen and passed by the living room. "Boris? Where are you? Get me
a glass of milk! I'm..." I was startled by the figure standing in front of the
Those dickheads have a lot of explaining to do. The hell did they put in my drin
k? I'm not that wasted. I really need that milk. Thinking it was some apparition
; I ignored the figure and continued to the kitchen.
This is some mind crap; it's just staring at me. It looks like Chloe? Now why he
r of all people? Maybe it's because we were talking about her earlier? This is s
tarting to scare the crap out of me. She jinxes me or something?
"Anderson." The figure said while staring at me. My peripheral vision could see
her arms folded in front.
Wait a minute. I'm not drunk. My eyes widened. I was freaking out. "B-Boris?" I
"That's it? You're just gonna ignore me all night?" She questioned with annoyanc
e in her tone.
"Mr. Anderson you're back. I'm sorry for letting Ms. Loise in. She was very pers
istent. She also mentioned the matter being urgent." Boris came out of nowhere l
ike a ghost.
"Boris! Stop sneaking up on me!"
"I'm very sorry sir, your milk?" Boris handed me a glass of milk. I glanced at C
hloe for a moment then back to Boris.
"Never mind Boris, it seems I have some business to take care of." Boris retreat
ed and I grinned to myself. I never thought that this plan actually worked this
soon. It's been what, a day, and now Chloe is standing in front of me. I ran my
fingers to my hair trying to think of words to say to her. This is highly unexpe
cted. "So, what brings Charlotte back to the web this wonderful evening?" Althou
gh I already know what her reason is, I'm still playing it cool. I walked toward
s the minibar and poured myself some whisky.
"You know why I'm here Zach. No need to play dumb." She answered knowingly. She
dashed towards the bar and poured herself some whiskey. She filled her glass hal
f full, drank all of it in one gulp and put the glass back to the table with a l
oud thump.
"I have no idea what you're talking about. Get straight to the point. I haven't
got all night." I sipped from my glass.
"Playing dumb are we? Look, I'm only here because---"
"Because you missed me?" I cut her off.
She tipped herself another glass of whiskey. "Still the same old move huh, Zach?
" She looked at me with a mischievous grin. "When will you change? Having a girl
friend yet still flirting with someone else?" She drank the half full glass agai
"You... think... I'm flirting... with... you?" I choked out then burst out in la
ughter. I was expecting her facial expression to change but no, she still had th

at smirk on her face. It got me serious, like she has some dirt on me.
"Please, Zach. Everyone knows how you are with girls. So, as I was saying earlie
r, I want to know what the evil plan is." Her face suddenly got serious.
"What do you mean?" Now I'm also getting serious.
"Must we play the guessing game, Zach?" Chloe backfired.
I refilled my glass with whiskey and make my way towards the fireplace. "You do
know it was your friend's idea right?" I tried to enlighten her.
"Yes, But why? Why do it at all? She's not even your type." She pointed out.
"Don't look down on her. She's your friend."
"I'm not. I'm just pointing it out. She's different from the others, Zach."
"I know. But what if she is---"
"Your type? C'mon everyone knows you're some George Clooney wannabe." She conclu
ded while raising her eyebrow.
"Judgmental as always. Didn't it occur to you that I might like her?"
"Stop it Zach! Knowing guys like you, you'll just take advantage of her!" She st
ated angrily.
"Really? You don't know me anymore, Chloe." I emphasized.
"Of course I do. You're still the same womanizing jerk as before."
"Easy with your PMS there. It might make this conversation shorter. Who are you
to judge people anyway?" Now this conversation is heating up.
"I'm her friend, genius! And I'm just stating the obvious."
"Fair enough. Wait, are you jealous?" I teased. She looks like she's about to sl
ap me. Instead she just drank all that's left in her glass.
"That's it? You're trying to make me jealous?" She queried in a sharp tone.
"Maybe yes. Maybe not. Are you?"
"Figured as much. So why can I sense your urge to slap me in the face?" I asked.
"Well the fact that you'd go that far just to make me jealous---"
I didn't even let her finish her statement, I just laughed at her. "Still the sa
me old Chloe, thinking the whole world revolves around her. Don't be so full of
yourself, not everything's about you." I sipped from my glass. "Just accept the
fact that there's something I see in her. If you really trust her, trust me and
be happy for us." I grinned at her like a winner.
"How dare you? I trust her feelings for you. But you? No way!" I could see her s
torming my way looking anguish. But I didn't mind that, I'm more curious on what
did she meant by trusting Tori's feelings.

"What do you mean you trust her feelings?" I can't help but curiously ask. She s
topped dead in her tracks. Then she sneered.
"Curiosity killed the cat, Zach."
"Tell me what you meant by that." I demanded.
She walked back toward the bar and filled her glass again. It was probably like
her third glass or something, I don't know. I lost counting tracks. "I happened
to talk to her before going here. She's a terrible liar so I tried to get that l
ie out of her mouth but she convinced me that this whole shag is true."
"What did she say?" I don't know why I'm becoming so curious on what Tori feels
and sees about me.
"Not much. She did mention something about ninth grade. The library?" she asked.
"I have no idea. What about the library?" I never knew Tori until tenth grade. I
t was the time that she suddenly belonged to Chloe's little group. I frowned at
her. I really had no idea what she was talking about.
She rolled her eyes and continued with her mother-like speech. "Just as I though
t, you don't remember. The library's the first place she met you. It's kinda sap
py actually. But that's Tori's idea of romance." I was confused. I couldn't reca
ll anything from ninth grade. Romance? Is she for real? This is turning into som
e stupid chick-flick movies. "Anyway, I wouldn't be here if it was Nathan, I---"
before she continued I stopped her the moment I heard Nathan's name.
"What about Nathan?" I inquired suspiciously and the same time irritated.
"And why should I tell you?" She perked her left brow up.
"C'mon Chloe. You're not the only person in this room who has dirt on someone. M
iss Loise coming over my residence in the middle of the night. It would be quite
the scandal." I blackmailed her and finished with a smirk.
"You wouldn't..." She sighed but then surrendered "...fine. Just keep this betwe
en us. I thought that they liked each other since Nathan really takes care of he
r." I was right. At least this confirms it. Nathan's in love with Tori! Chloe wa
sn't sure but she's not the only person suspicious of him.
"And you think I'm not capable of taking care of her? And how can you say that h
e likes her?" I asked eagerly. I clenched my fist thinking that Nathan could be
better than me at something.
"I don't know. The way he looks at Tori? How he's so protective of her? How you
two almost got into a slugfest the other day? I wouldn't be surprised if they'd
confess their feelings to one another." She shrugged her shoulders disappointing
ly and drank another glass.
"Oh really?" I didn't know if I was irritated by the fact that Nathan would be b
etter than me, the fact that he has a thing for Tori, or the fact that maybe Tor
i does likes him, too. Who wouldn't be pissed at that piece of information?
I didn't realize I was spacing out until Chloe poked me. "Hey, are you listening
"You were saying?" I questioned.
She rolled her eyes and continued. "I said instead of her confessing to Nathan,

she confessed to you! I couldn't believe it!" She shrieked and gulped another gl
ass of whiskey. She's acting a bit funny. She's not watching her words.
"Does she know that Nathan likes her?" I probed impatiently.
"She doesn't. I don't know. She sees Nathan as just a friend actually." She sett
led. And by that, I smirked triumphantly. Well at least she only sees him as a f
riend. "Wait... Are you jealous? Are you jealous of Nathan?" She burst out laugh
"Of course not! Why should I? I don't get jealous!" I yelled. But this doesn't s
top her from laughing out loud.
"No need to be defensive. Just admit it. It's written all over your face." She s
tated and continued chuckling.
"Whatever. The only reason I asked those questions is just to be clear on things
. He's Tori's friend and he's always around her so who knows? Maybe he's the one
with the plan?" I justified as I tried to snoop something important in this pie
ce of information.
"Nathan? No! Oh trust me, he will not do anything to Tori. He's just protective
of her. He's protecting her from you." She giggled. Nathan thinks I'm some scumb
ag? He'll get what's coming for him. "Now before you set world war three, let me
tell you that Tori loves you. Geez, I've never seen her like that, the fact tha
t she swallowed her pride just to confess to you? Nathan's gonna be in for his m
oney if he's trying to steal her from you." She gulped another glass and looked
like she was gonna barf. "Anyway, I'm going home now Zach, you take---whoa!"
Next thing I know, she starts falling to the ground; I immediately grabbed her a
nd prevented her from hitting the floor. "Chloe! You're drunk!"
"I know! You always get the good stuff don't you?" she then passed out.
"Okay, that's enough juice for one night. I'll take you home." I grabbed her gla
ss and brought her up. I carried her all the way down and asked Boris for a car
service to take her home. I accompanied her and all throughout the ride, I can't
help but stare at her beautiful face all.
But I also couldn't help but think that Nathan could steal Tori from me. We woul
dn't want that now would we? I hated the fact that someone could take anything f
rom me. Not even Tori. Maybe he is planning something? I then glanced again at C
It was nice to talk to Chloe again after a long time. I thought about the things
I liked about her. She never changed. I like the fact that she's still the same
person as before. Chloe's such a respectable person. She's firm. When she wants
something, she does everything to get it. That strong personality is what reall
y strikes me.
We arrived at her apartment and I carried her all the way to her unit. I rang th
e bell and a maid opened the door for me, she looked shocked. "My God! Is she ok
ay?" She worriedly asked.
"Yeah, she's fine, she just had a lot to drink." I informed her. She pointed me
to Chloe's bedroom and I laid her down the bed. I tucked her in.
When I was about to leave, she grabbed my hand and said something, her eyes stil
l shut. "Please don't hurt Tori. She's too fragile and I know you know that. Ple
ase take care of her. Never cheat on her. If the time comes when you don't like

her anymore, come to me first. Don't do it right away, let me talk to her first
before leaving her, that way it'll be less painful. You're a good person Zach. D
eep inside, you know it. I know you do. Promise me this relationship will help h
er not destroy her." She opened her eyes waiting for my answer.
"You know I'm not good with promi---" she pulled me closer and hushed me. "O-Oka
y." I submitted in defeat. She smiled and closed her eyes again. She rolled over
to the other side of the bed facing her window.
"By the way, you're free to join us at our lunch table. Since you're Tori's boyf
riend, I think we have to forget about things that happened in the past and star
t over don't you?" I heard her yawn.
"I guess so. We'll see."
"That's good to hear. Bye Zach. Thanks again." She went to sleep right away. I j
ust stood there for a while then left her apartment.
On my way home, I thought about everything Chloe and I talked about. I've never
wanted anything more. I wanted Chloe. But I didn't want to hurt her friend. Eith
er way, I couldn't have both. The only way to be with her is to break up with To
ri but Chloe won't forgive me for that. If I chose to stay with Tori, Chloe will
never be mine again.
I knew I didn't want to hurt Tori. Not because Chloe said so but it's myself tel
ling me not to. I don't know exactly why. She's something else, a very fun perso
n to be with. For now though, I just had to stick with the bookworm geek and wai
t till Chloe realized that she likes me. Yeah, sounds like a plan.
Keep your friends close and your lover closer. Although it never crossed my mind
that someone might bind to get hurt.
---END OF CHAPTER TEN--So what do you think guys? Share your thoughts :))
If you want to send banners or book trailer, feel free to do so. I will be the h
appiest girl alive :)) Thanks a lot.
FACEBOOK FANPAGE = Notjustarandomgirl
TWITTER = notarandomgirl
Thank you! <3
<center><h1>Chapter 11 - Chocolate Chip Cookies</h1></center>
FACEBOOK FANPAGE = Notjustarandomgirl
TWITTER = notarandomgirl
Thank you! <3
-----------------------------------------------Chapter 11 - Chocolate Chip Cookies

** ZACH's POV **

What time is it? I groaned as I slowly opened my eyes and shut it the moment sun
light touched them. Immediately, I covered my head with a pillow trying to fight
the massive headache I was having. I sat on bed scratching my head trying to pi
ece together what went down yesterday.
Images flashed in my head. The time I spent with Tori, the boys, Chloe... how di
d I end up in bed anyway?
I reached for the clock. It was already half past ten in the morning. Damn it! I
missed two classes! I quickly stood up from bed. As I was heading to the door t
o look for Boris, I suddenly felt a massive headache.
"Fuck!" My cursed as I held my head with both hands.
"Care for a glass of milk sir?" Boris came out of nowhere with a glass of milk i
n his hand.
"Boris! Thank God! Give me that!" I finished the whole glass in one gulp. At lea
st the pain was lessened. "By the way, what happened last night after I got here
"When you came back from your trip with Miss Loise, you drank another bottle of
whisky and then you passed out. I carried you to bed, sir." Boris stated.
"Wait. I'm not wearing the same clothes as last night, did you..." I pointed my
finger at him. I noticed I was wearing new boxers.
"I was very discreet, sir."
"Great! Just Great! Anything else you wanna tell me? You brushed my teeth too?"
I asked sarcastically.
"Well, a girl came in a while ago. Your girlfriend sir and no, I didn't brush yo
ur teeth. My nose couldn't bare the stench." Boris said finger quoting girlfrien
d. I couldn't blame the guy. I can't even remember the drinks I had with the gu
ys and Chloe. My brain is still powering up at this point. Suddenly it struck me
. I raised my head, forgot about the headache for a moment and looked straight a
t Boris.
"Wait. Who came in a while ago?" I asked.
"Do you have a lot of girlfriends, sir?" Boris asked with a chuckle. I just look
ed at him, brows raised and then he cleared his throat.
"My apologies." He said trying not to laugh.
"Just tell me what happened." I ordered.
"Victoria Peige came here. I was hesitant to let her in at first, asked how she
knew you. You know, usual protocol. Then I remembered her name from when you ask
ed me to search for her address."
"Protocol? Why do you do that old man?"
"For your safety, sir. I was left in charge of this home and I was being cautiou

s ever since your other girlfriends just barging in and knocking over furniture
like they own the place."
"Fair enough." I agreed. "So, what did she want?"
"She was worried about you. She told me she hasn't heard from you since you drov
e her home."
"And you bought her story? That's very unlikely even for you Boris." I joked.
"Well she thought I looked dashing, sir. And we both connected on a certain leve
l." Boris said finger quoting the word certain.
"Care to tell me what you two love birds talked about?" I couldn't help but beam
at the fact that Tori had a conversation with Boris.
"My apologies sir, but I believe I'm sworn to a pinky promise." Boris said sligh
tly confused. I couldn't feel the headache anymore. The thought of them having a
conversation made me smile. They were probably talking about me. The old man kn
ows me too well. I just wondered why she didn't wake me up going all the way her
"Why didn't she wake me up?" I asked.
"I asked her but she said that it wouldn't be necessary. We both agreed that you
needed to rest and waking you up would get us both in trouble."
"Yeah, right choice. Now stop smiling." I commanded. I was kinda embarrassed and
then I realized something. "Oh, wait. Did you mention what happened last night?
" I asked panicky. I worried if she found out about the incident with Chloe last
"Don't worry, sir. I didn't mention anything about the other girl for your sake.
" He said patting my shoulder.
"Good." was all I could say. Then I gave the empty glass to Boris and headed to
the bathroom.
"By the way, I must say that Miss Peige is a wonderful lady. You won't find anot
her one like her. Take good care of her sir." Boris added.
"Oprah's gone, Boris. Live with it. Don't you have other errands to..." I peeped
out the bathroom, toothbrush in hand, to see Boris gone.
* * * * * * *
Lunchtime was almost over when I arrived at school. I headed straight to the caf
eteria knowing the three would be at their usual table. I marched to their direc
tion and cleared my throat so they'll notice my presence.
"Zach! Be a dear and join us." Chloe suggested. And here I thought she was just
being nice last night. I looked at Tori and then Nathan. The look on their faces
was priceless. They were both stunned at what Chloe suggested.
Nathan looked like he's gonna punch me anytime but I tried my best to compose my
self. It wasn't the right approach. I now know that he likes Tori so I know the
best way to piss him off is through her.
"Hey Chloe, I came by to see my girlfriend." I said with emphasis on the word gi
rlfriend. I glanced at Nathan's direction and I could see that he was getting al

l flustered. I sat down beside Tori. She was about to say something but I interr
upted. "Thanks for yesterday, Tori. It was fun and I can't forget about the kiss
." I then winked at her. They looked shocked especially Nathan, I could see him
trying to ignore everything I said. At least this confirms what Chloe told me, N
athan likes Tori.
"By the way, thanks for visiting me earlier. Yeah, Boris told me. Next time brin
g him some macaron. He loves those. Well, I have to go. I'll see you later." I s
tood up and left. I liked the fact that I could get back at Nathan by liking Tor
i, and the fact that he can't do anything about it.
* * * * * * *
** TORI's POV **
"You two kissed? How come you never mentioned it to me yesterday? It was your fi
rst kiss, Tori! Were you listening to anything I said?" Chloe stated.
"In my defense, you left in a hurry yesterday." I defended and continued to eat
my sandwich. I was kinda confused with Zach. Was he trying to humiliate me in fr
ont of my friends? Haven't I embarrassed myself enough for initiating that stupi
d kiss?
"Isn't it too soon to give him your first kiss? I mean, you've just been togethe
r for days and you already..." Nathan couldn't complete his statement. I totally
understand their concern making a big deal out of this.
"Nathan, not you too. Stop it guys. It was only a kiss on the cheek. And besides
, Nathan's right, it's only been days so it's too soon for a first kiss and can
we please talk about something else?" I shrugged.
Zachary! You're giving me a headache. You shouldn't have come to school today!
"What about coming to his house? Was that true?" Nathan eagerly asked. He had th
is bothered look on his face.
"Nathan!" I raised my voice.
"C'mon Tori, your secret's safe with us! Tell us! Tell us!" Chloe insisted.
"Fine... Yes. I was kinda worried last night; I didn't know where he was after h
e dropped me off at home. I'd be responsible if something happened to him. So, I
paid him a visit earlier." I filled them in.
"Oh, I'm so proud of you, Tori! You're someone's girlfriend now! I feel so happy
for you!" Chloe said cheerfully. She looked at Nathan for a moment there just m
inding his own business.
"By the way Chloe, you asked Zach to join us a while ago. What's up with that?"
I asked.
"Well, you see my dear Tori, Zach and I had a little talk yesterday and found it
best if we just forget about the past and became friends again. You know, since
you two are together now, why not right? There's nothing wrong with that."
"I never said there was something wrong with that."
"You didn't? Oh silly me. Let's talk about something else shall we?" she defende

"You came to his house last night?" Nathan interjected.

"No! Nathan! I did not! It happened... here! At school! I never went to his hous
e. Oh, look at the time, I have to go. You know me, busy bee, got homework and s
tuff. Ciao!" She stood up and left in a hurry.
"What was that all about? Break is almost over anyway, let's go. I'll see you la
ter Nate." I looked at him and smiled. I was about to get up when Nathan held my
hand as if trying to stop me. I looked at him and frowned. "What's wrong?" I wo
"Can I drive you home later?" He asked. I could see the sincerity in Nathan's fa
"I-I don't know." I answered.
"Please." He pleaded.
I sat down and sighed. I wanted to, I really do. But, I don't know if Zach will
let me. I don't want these two getting into a fight again. Knowing Zach, he'll d
efinitely freak out. I really miss Nathan's company. But I need to be Zach's gir
lfriend. I should set aside these feelings I have for Nathan.
"I-I'll try." I said. He let go of my hand. I stood up and hurriedly went out of
the cafeteria leaving him there. I'm so sorry for Nathan.
* * * * * * *
It's the end of class and I'm still in the library. I checked my phone to see wh
o was calling to see it was Zach. He probably wants to know where I am to pick m
e up.
I lowered my head under the table and answered my phone in a low voice "Hello?"
"Where are you! I've been standing here for ten whole minutes and you're still n
ot here! You know I don't want to be the one waiting, right?" He shouted. I rais
ed my head a little to take a peek and I saw everyone around me looking. Clearly
they heard his voice.
"Yeah about that. I think you should go first." I proposed.
"I still have some after class things to do and it's due tomorrow so I'm here at
the library."
"Oh, I'm sorry, feel free to come to school tomorrow, I bet the janitor's really
expecting your work. Tomorrow's a Saturday." He stated sarcastically.
I never realized that tomorrow is Saturday if he hadn't reminded me. I had a lot
on my mind but I really intend to stay here today to finish my work to be passe
d on Monday. I'm one of those people who like to spend the weekend stress free.
"Sorry okay? It's due on Monday! I just want to finish it so I won't have anythi
ng to do during the weekend." I said apologetically.
"It's the twenty-first century, Peige. Haven't heard of internet, Wikipedia and
google? You could finish all that at home in minutes." This guy is really unbeli

"Books are more reliable than your Wikipedia, Anderson." I fired back.
"Fine. Whatever. How long until you finish?"
"I said, how long will it take for you to finish your work? I don't plan on wait
ing for you here in the parking lot. I'll just come back to pick you up." He ins
"Oh no, you go ahead. I'll just take a cab or ride with Nathan."
"What are you talking about? Wait for me. Just call me when you're done. Don't y
ou dare call that idiot to pick you up, understood?" He sounded really annoyed.
"I can hear you loud and clear you know. The reception here is also fine. So no
need to shout! Everyone can hear your voice! I'll call you later, bye." I couldn
't help but raise my voice and ended the call.
I scanned the room. Everyone was still staring at me.
'Zach embarrassed me two times this day!'
Guess I have to tell Nathan he won't be able to take me home today.
* * * * * * *
About three hours passed since Zach's phone call. I sent him a message telling h
im and I'm finally done with my work. I gathered my things and went to the parki
ng lot where Zach's waiting for me.
I immediately saw his messy blond hair standing out even at night. I walked to h
is direction and he opened the door for me. 'So now he's being a gentleman again
Before I enter I apologized. "Sorry it took so long to finish."
"Forget it. You're quite the bookworm you know that?" He said coldly.
I sat in the passenger's seat and he closed the door. He entered his side and th
en he handed me something in a pink rectangular box. "What's this?" I asked.
"Just open it." He commanded.
'This guy's really getting on my nerves!'
I opened the box. And there are a lot of chocolate chip cookies inside. 'How did
he know that cookies are my favorite?'
"I-I stopped by at this shop and thought that you haven't eaten yet so I decided
to buy some... for you." He stated. I looked at him and he wasn't looking at me
. I smiled at the fact that he looked pretty cute embarrassed.
I ate one cookie. "It's delicious Zach, and thanks." I beamed while looking at h
"Yeah, well, you know for something, I guess." He said trying hard not to look a
t me.
"What? I didn't understand a word you said. You sound funny." I ate another cook

ie still smiling at him.

"Shut up! Give me some of that!" He grabbed a cookie and put the whole thing ins
ide his mouth. I just shook my head. He started the car when I asked him.
"How did you know that cookies are my favorite?"
"I don't know. Wild guess?" He answered.
The another shade of Zachary. The thought of someone you'd never expect in a mil
lion years to do something like this makes me smile at every bite.
"By the way, you're coming with me tomorrow. My friend from Paris is having a pa
rty and he wants to meet you. I won't take no for an answer." He ordered.
"Excuse me?" I choked. "What are you talking about?" I asked disbelievingly.
"You're coming with me tomorrow to a party. To meet my friends. My friends to me
et you. End of story. I'll take you home." He concluded.
I looked at the cookie and thought, 'This isn't Zach being sweet to me. This is
bribery! Arggg!'
All this time, I thought I'd be having a stress-free weekend. Maybe I spoke too
soon. Great!
Dealing with one playboy was hard enough. Now, I have to face a flock! It can't
get any worse than this!
---END OF CHAPTER ELEVEN--Well that's it :) Hope you all like it. Next chappy is the PARTY! What do you th
ink will happen? Share your thoughts :))
FACEBOOK FANPAGE = Notjustarandomgirl
TWITTER = notarandomgirl
Thank you! <3
<center><h1>Chapter 12 - The Black Dress</h1></center>
Please play the video at the Multimedia Section while reading Zach's POV. :) -->
This is how Tori looks like at the party. (See Multimedia)

FACEBOOK FANPAGE = Notjustarandomgirl

TWITTER = notarandomgirl
Thank you! <3

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chapter 12 - The Black Dress


I was never much of a party girl. The loud music, overcrowded clubs, awkward con
versations, it just wasn't my thing. Yet, here I am looking for something to wea
r to Zach's party, or rather Zach's friend's party.
I kept on scanning my closet for clothes and I just couldn't find anything or ma
ybe I just didn't know what to wear. Chloe would always receive invitations to p
arties. Since I'm always with her, I'd also be invited but I always make up excu
ses not to go.
"I give up!" I said in frustration.
I walked out of my closet and jumped on my bed landing on my back.
What are you planning Zach?
Does he plan on making me jealous again? I thought of the time he introduced me
to Samantha. That's just stupid. He wouldn't do the same thing twice. Unless...
I had the worst realization of the situation at the party. I immediately jump of
f to bed.
He's planning to humiliate me in front of his friends!
It was just too good to be true. Zach being nice to me all of a sudden, then bam
! There's always a catch. He'll do anything to break up with someone. I won't le
t that happen. I won't be made fun of in front of anyone!
I rushed to my closet again and scanned for clothes. Not on my watch Anderson, I
have to look as decent as possible. My face was serious the whole time searchin
g for clothes.
I should go shopping. 'Coz seriously, I just don't have decent clothes. Or maybe
ask Chloe for advice.
"Tori, are you okay?" Sonia knocked on my open door.
"It's nothing Sonia, no need to worry." I answered. I just continued to throw un
necessary clothes out of my closet.
I didn't realize I made such a mess until I saw Sonia walking to me. Clothes wer
e lying everywhere. I knew I was smart, but when it comes to fashion I'm a total
idiot. Thank God for uniforms. Sonia started picking up some of the clothes on
the floor.
"Big party? I haven't seen your closet this messy." She asked. I felt bad seeing
her arrange the mess I made. She takes care of me but at my age, I felt kind of
ashamed for what I did.
"Yeah. Oh, it's okay Sonia. Leave it there. I'll fix them later. Could you just
make me something sweet instead?" I smiled. I had to keep her busy with somethin

g else so that she won't have to worry about me.

"Very well then. I'll go downstairs and make you cookies."
"Thank you."
"I forgot. A package arrived today. This was addressed to you." She explained, p
icking up the package.
I walked out of the closet and saw a box with a Chanel logo on the cover. "What
is it?"
"I think it's a bag. Anyway I'll start with the cookies." She hurriedly went out
of my room.
"Okay. Thanks again, Sonia."
I slowly lifted the cover of the big rectangular box. I unfolded the paper sheet
covering the thing that I assumed was cloth and gasped at the black fabric neat
ly folded in place.
My eyes were completely focused on what I assumed was a dress until I noticed a
white card tucked on the upper corner of the box. It was probably meant to be on
the middle of the package. I opened the card and read what was written on it.
'Wear this later. - Zach'
I threw away the card and immediately lifted the cloth. It was a dress. It was a
chic black dress. It looked simple and elegant at the same time.
"Wow." was all I could say. I was worried that the dress wouldn't suit me. It wa
s kinda short. It wasn't my style. But then, maybe my style's just lame compared
to this.
I shook my head and dropped the dress carefully back to its box.
In an instant, my phone rang. It's Zach.
"What's this?" I asked the moment I hit the answer.
"You got it. Good."
"Next time tape your card so it won't end up some place else."
"Noted. Thanks for the advice smarty-pants."
"So, what's this?" I asked again.
"Haven't you seen a dress before?" He asked mockingly.
"Of course it's a dress dummy! I meant what's the dress for?"
"That's a difficult question Victoria. I don't know. Maybe hang it in your close
t, give it to charity or better, wear them!" He suggested sarcastically.
"Fine! Fine! But why did you give me this? I'm capable of buying my own clothes
you know." I informed him.
"Yes, I know. But I don't trust your sense of style." He said without hesitation
. Oh the nerve of this guy!

"Excuse me!"
"Remember that I'm introducing you to my friends as my girlfriend. We wouldn't w
ant to make us both look stupid in front of everyone, right?"
"Alright... You win." Then I remembered how short the dress was. "Wait. What mak
es you think I'll wear something this short?" I rolled my eyes and continued pac
ing my room back and forth.
"Stop making excuses! Maybe you're too fat for the dress." He teased.
"I'm not!" I protested.
"Probably from eating too much cookies-"
"Stop it! Okay! Okay! I'll put it on!" I can't believe I'm having this conversat
ion with him!
"Good girl. You really hate being teased, huh?" He asked chuckling.
"How did you know my size anyway? And are you sure this would look good on me?"
I asked worriedly.
"Well, your body frame looked the same as the mannequin that dress was on so..."
"What!" I interrupted.
"How else am I supposed to know?"
"You could've asked me."
"Then it wouldn't be much of a surprise now would it?" He said playfully.
I paused for a while and smiled at what he said. "Anyway, the dress is beautiful
but I really don't think this would look good on me."
"Trust me, I have been to so many parties, I see girls wearing those all the tim
"More like hit on girls wearing these all the time." I said in a low voice.
"I heard that!" He hissed and then I chuckled.
"Wait a minute, are you trying to make me look goofy in front of your friends? C
oz if that's the case well..." before I could finish my sentence, he immediately
cut me off.
"Look, just trust me on this. Stop making excuses and just try it on! I wouldn't
have sent you the dress if I wanted that. You're my girlfriend, remember?"
I sat on my bed and let out a big sigh. I was speechless. He was right. I was be
ginning to understand the reason behind this dress.
Maybe he really does want for me to look good in front of his friends. Then agai
n, maybe he's doing this for himself or maybe he really meant what he said.
'Well I guess I have to give it a try.'
"Hello? Still there?" He asked.

"Yes! Fine! I'll try it on." I said in defeat.

"Good. I'll pick you up around seven. That's three hours from now. Don't make me
wait. Bye." Zach commanded.
"Wha-" Before I could protest he already hung up.
Why am I not surprised he did that? I lifted the dress out of the box and headed
to the mirror. I planted the dress in my body and looked at my reflection.
This is a very bad idea.
* * * * * * *
** ZACH's POV **
'What's taking her so long? It's almost eight for Pete's sake!'
I stood up from the sofa of their living room. I kept on looking at my watch. I
noticed that her annoying nanny kept on staring at me the whole time.
"Is Tori ready yet?" I asked.
"If she is, she'd be here by now. You've already asked that question for the hun
dredth time." She said sounding pretty annoyed.
I just looked at her and took out my phone to call Tori. "I made myself pretty c
lear right? So tell me, why am I waiting?"
"I-I'm not really sure if this dress suits me, Zach." She answered with a bit of
"It's been almost an hour. For the love of God, can you just come down here!"
"Alright! Alright! Just, don't laugh! If you don't have anything good say, just
keep your mouth shut or I won't go to your party!" She threatened.
"Whatever! Just come down already!"
Moments later, as I was sitting on the couch, Tori finally came down.
"Well, what do you think?"
I turned to face her and looked at her from head-to-toe.
"Say something!" she demanded.
"I thought you wanted me to keep my mouth shut?" I said with a smile.
"C'mon, everyone knows you can't keep that thing shut." She said her arms in her
"Very funny." I said smiling.
"What?" she asked.
"You're just staring at me." She said irately.

"I can't help but.... stare... at your pretty hair." I mumbled. What the hell am
I saying? That was so lame! "O-Okay..." I added. I'm talking non-sense.
"I-I don't feel comfortable wearing this, feels like I'm only wearing a towel or
something." She said trying to extend the dress to hide her legs.
"You look great, Tori." I said without hesitation.
I didn't know why I'm flustered the whole time. I couldn't think of anything els
e to say to her. I didn't want her to change her clothes. She looks beautiful. I
was just expecting her to look like the other hot girls but she looked differen
She looked amazing actually. The black dress fits her perfectly well, exposing h
er long legs with black-heeled shoes. Her long hair perfectly curled into place
and she didn't have much make-up on. I'm trying to act all cool in front of her.
For the first time, I'm choking in a conversation. Maybe I'm just stunned since
she didn't normally look this way.
"You're just saying that." She said worriedly.
"No, I'm serious. I can't look away actually."
'There you go, you nailed it! At least you're having a normal conversation now.'
But she still looked worried though. "I just think it's too revealing. It's kind
I cut her off. "It suits you. Tori. I meant every word." I'm still staring at he
r all this time. She just smiled at what I said.
"What I tell ya? You look great right? And here you are ranting how it wouldn't
suit you. Now, let's get going." I said in a rush.
"Thank you, Zach."
"For the dress? C'mon, it's nothing. Like I said, we wouldn't want to make us bo
th look stupid in front of everyone right? Now let's get going." I said confiden
"No, for not saying anything stupid." She said smiling.
As we headed to the elevator, I kept on staring at her, and every time she caugh
t me I'd try to hide the fact I was looking, like suddenly staring at my watch.
'What the hell man? Be cool! You've been with a lot of pretty girls, super model
s even, and you can't keep your eyes away from this girl?'
The elevator ride was silent up until we reached my car.
"New car?" Tori asked.
"Nah. Just one of many." I bragged. "Why'd you ask? You love cars?" I asked whil
e I unlocked the car.
"Of course not! Do I look like a grease monkey to you?" she chuckled.
"You think anyone would see you as a grease monkey looking like that? C'mon, be
serious." I said then we both went inside the car. I started the engine and drov

e to the party.
* * * * * * *
Surprisingly, we're having a fun conversation on our way to the party. We're tal
king about some of the things we do during our free time and some funny stories
as well. It's kinda fun making her laugh.
"C'mon Zach, tell me how you bought the dress, how you walked inside a store ful
l of women." She asked giggling.
"I don't wanna talk about it."
"Why? Did everyone think you were gay?"
"Please, I go wherever I want. This is my town." I boasted.
"Tell me how you bought it then Mr. Big Shot."
"... I told the sales lady it was for my girlfriend, happy?" I said.
"And?" she leaned closer while smirking, waiting for my answer
"And what?"
"What else did the lady say?" She chirped.
"Nothing much. She's more on hitting on me the whole time."
She burst out in laughter, which kinda made me laugh too. We were actually havin
g a great time. We reached a stoplight and I looked at her.
"The dress really suits you, Tori."
"That's like the third time you said that tonight." She eyed me. I just smiled a
t her. "Thanks, Zach." She looked away and stared at her side of the car.
* * * * * * *
We finally arrived at the party. It wasn't a surprise that James paid the whole
lounge bar for this event. We stepped inside the place. The music is not that l
oud, and the place just had the right amount of people to call it a party. Some
were already drunk. It's still pretty early though.
I noticed a lot of girls staring at me. I looked at them and they were smiling.
Some were having a staring contest with me. I just ignored them.
I'm looking for James actually. He's nowhere to be found. I presume he's in a pr
ivate room with some girl. As I continued to scan the place I noticed that not o
nly the girls but also the dudes were also staring at me.
They were trying to figure out if Tori's available. I looked at her and I couldn
't help but chuckle a little at the way she looked inside the club. Don't get th
e wrong idea, she still looks beautiful. It's the fact that her eyes looked so i
nnocent in a place like this that made me want to protect her.
I knew eventually, some dude would come and hit on Tori. Worse, take advantage o
f her innocence. For some reason I couldn't let that happen. I snaked my left ha
nd to Tori's waist and grabbed her closer to my body. Tori startled. She was sur
prised at what I did. I just smirked. I want everyone to know that I'm sending t

hem signals and threats that nobody can touch this girl.
And it worked. People started to look away minding their own business. I could s
ee groups whispering to one another looking at us. They knew then and there, wit
hout a doubt, Victoria Peige is my girlfriend.


So, what do you think? Please comment. :)

Thanks for your suggestions and don't hesitate to share your thoughts about what
will happen on the next chapter. Thanks again.

FACEBOOK FANPAGE = Notjustarandomgirl

TWITTER = notarandomgirl
Thank you! <3
<center><h1>Chapter 13 - Lucas</h1></center>
I'm so inspired when I wrote this chappy, thanks to all of my wonderful readers
and supportiive fans for giving me inspiration. :)) I'm also greatful to Rathana
k for the wonderful banner she made, and to show my appreciation, I'm dedicating
this new chappy to you. I really love it. :)) And thanks to HelloAlthea for pre
dicting what happened at this chappy.
FACEBOOK FANPAGE = Notjustarandomgirl
TWITTER = notarandomgirl
Thank you! <3
------------------------------------------Chapter 13 - Lucas

"Zach, I..."
I was surprised at what he did. I looked at his face. I was so close to him I co
uldn't help but blush a little.

'Stop it! Use your brain silly!' I scolded myself and avoided eye contact with h
This is actually the first time I saw him in casual clothes. He was just wearing
a polo shirt and simple pants but the way he looked right now is simply awesome
. He wasn't trying hard to be the hot guy in the party but I had to admit, he re
ally looks good and hot!
"Are you blushing?" He asked giving me a smile.
"No! It's just... I'm kinda embarrassed with all these people staring at me."
"No worries, you'll be fine. Besides, everyone knows you're with me now." He mov
ed his face close to mine and put his hands gently on my cheeks. I couldn't take
my eyes off him. "See what I'm doing? You'll be fine." He assured me.
My heart was racing the whole time. It made me trust him. "Okay." Then he lets g
A lot of thoughts were running through my head. After such a long time, I'm actu
ally at a party. I can't remember the last time I was at these kinds of function
s. If Chloe's here, she'd probably try to teach me to flirt with someone or some
thing, or do shots, or whatever people do in here.
The party's kinda kick-ass. Everyone is having a good time. I wondered if all th
ese people knew each other. If so, then Zach's friend really knows how to get ar
For some reason, I really wanted to fit in. The dress looks amazing. I thought I
was overdressed for the occasion. Yet, Zach keeps on insisting it looks ok on m
I'm having a hard time believing him. I don't know if he's trying to be nice or
something, but knowing him, he'd probably make fun of me, that's for sure. I cou
ldn't get the logic of all the things Zach done to me these recent days. Perhaps
he's turning over a new leaf?
So what's next? How do I impress his friends? Do I have to drink now? And where
is this friend of Zach?
"Hey, you're spacing out again." He noticed.
"Oh, sorry. I have a lot on my mind."
"You think? You're with me Tori, loosen up." He put his hands inside his pocket.
"So, what do I say to this friend of yours?" I asked.
"Just be yourself. You know, jolly girl with the attitude." He smirked.
"Jolly girl?" I raised my left eyebrow.
"Okay, you're jolly, so what? Everybody loves a jolly girl." He said trying hard
not to laugh.
"You're really mean you know that?"
"I'm just answering your question, Ms. Peige." He said sounding like a gentleman

"Thank you for your straight answer, Mr. Anderson." I retorted. Trying to imitat
e a noble.
"Well, at least you're not being the usual worrywart anymore. If you feel uneasy
, I just had to open my big mouth if you want."
"What? No! Fine, I won't worry anymore. I'll try to have a good time." I assured
"Good for you. Besides, I made it perfectly clear to everyone that you're with m
e." The fact that we were having a conversation made me feel a bit more comforta
ble. The people staring at us didn't matter. I'm sort of enjoying myself.
"You have a nice way of introducing people, Zach." I said sarcastically.
"I was being sarcastic."
"Of course you are." He was looking for an empty table for us. Then, we finally
saw one. "Let's go." He grabbed my hand and we walked to the empty table.
"Stay here, I'll grab us some drinks. You want anything?"
"Don't they have waiters here?" I probed.
"They do, I'll also be looking for James actually."
"Fine. But I have no plans to drink. Just something with no alcohol will be fine
." I answered right away. For a second there, I'm actually afraid to be left alo
ne, but having Zach around made me comfortable and kept me from worrying too muc
I'm looking at the people around us minding their own business. Zach probably sa
w me and assumed I'm starting to worry again. So, he came close to me and whispe
red, "Remember what I said okay? I'll be right back."
I just smiled at him and nodded my head. He walked out of our table and headed t
o where I assumed was the bar. I watched him disappear in the crowd of people.
As I sat in our table, I saw some familiar faces from our school. I also saw a f
ew celebrities. I could overhear a guy flirting with a girl near our table. So,
I wondered what to say if someone came up to me with some lame pick-up line? How
am I going to brush him off? Well, I highly doubt it though, since, I'm not as
pretty as Chloe or the other girls in here.
Zach also made it pretty clear for everyone I'm with him. I have to admit it's w
orking. It's like I have a force field or something.
Then I noticed a guy staring at me sipping what appears to be a gin and tonic. H
e had this cool aura, his one hand in his pocket, his other holding the glass he
was drinking. He's leaning by the wall.
He looked pretty good actually. He is smiling at me the whole time. I looked at
the back, to my left and right not sure if it's really me he's looking at. I did
n't know what to do and be rude so I just frowned. He shook his head a little, s
ipped from his glass and started walking towards me.
'No, no, no.... Who is this guy? Is he from school?' As he was approaching, I tr
ied to ignore him and looked somewhere else to avoid eye-to-eye contact.

"You look like you could use some company." He expressed and puts the glass he w
as holding on the table.
I just ignored him looking at somewhere else. Then he sat down on the stool in f
ront of me and took a sip from his glass.
"Silent treatment? I'm okay with that." I can feel that he's staring at me.
I gave a quick glance at him. I noticed he had these eyes that were so hypnotizi
ng and this smile wherein he didn't show any of his teeth. It's kinda creepy but
looked really cute.
"You do know I won't go anywhere, right?" He voiced out confidently.
"And you do know I can leave this table anytime, right?" I rebutted.
"You won't."
"What makes you so sure?" I asked, irritation evident in my tone.
"'Cause if you wanted to, you could've left the moment I approached you."
"I know what you're trying to do." I intoned while looking sternly at him.
"Oh? Enlighten me." He took another sip from his glass then leaned closer as if
he really wants to listen to me.
"Well, you start by asking me all these questions just to strike for a conversat
ion, while complimenting me of how I look even if it's a lie, and yeah, lie, lie
, lie just to get in my pants. I'm telling you, it's not gonna work." I informed
him and gave him a boring face.
"Ouch! That kinda hurt. But FYI, you're not wearing any pants, missy." He smirke
"Thanks, Mr. Smarty Pants."
"My pleasure." He said winking at me.
I'm thinking of something to get rid of this guy, his arrogance is really annoyi
"So, where's your boyfriend?" He pried.
"I told you, you're talking to the wrong girl."
"And what makes you say that?"
"Are you really this persistent?" I said in an annoyed tone.
"One of my many wonderful traits." He chuckled.
"More like annoying. What do you want anyway?"
"I honestly don't know. I'm just looking for someone to talk to."
"So, why me?"
"Well, Bambi there preferred lesbians." Pointing his glass to a blonde girl talk

ing to another girl. "Red head, too annoying." Pointing his finger to a red hair
ed girl talking to a guy. "And blonde's too predictable." Pointing to a blonde g
irl surrounded by a lot of guys. He took another sip from his glass.
"Like I told you, everyone knows what people like you do, so just move along and
talk to someone else." I gestured to shoo him away but he just replied with a g
rin. "What's so funny?" I questioned.
"It's amusing how you girls think I'm flirting with you when all I'm doing is ju
st having a nice and simple conversation."
"You're not flirting with me?" I raised my eyebrows. He took a sip from his almo
st empty glass.
"--That's flirting." He pointed his glass to a guy touching the butt of a girl i
n a dress, getting slapped in the process. It made me laugh a little actually.
"He deserved it." I said trying hard not to laugh.
"I agree. People don't have respect these days."
"You can say that again." I agreed. I didn't know why the words came out of my m
"Someone has problems."
"Don't we all?" I defended.
"Right you are. I'd ask for a toast if only you had something to drink. Would yo
u like one?" He asked.
"My boyfriend's getting mine. He's probably not gonna like that you're here talk
ing to me."
"Doing the boyfriend thing to brush me off? Why don't I believe you?" He examine
d me.
"You asked me earlier if I had a boyfriend, mister. Believe me, you wouldn't wan
t to meet him."
"Please, call me Lucas. So, where in New York did your so-called boyfriend get y
our drink?" He said with that silly smile all over his face.
"I'm not telling you my name, mister." I said ignoring his question.
"Now that's just rude. Mystery girl, huh? Are you a vampire?"
"Is this some kind of pick-up line? Because no! Just... don't! Okay?" I rolled m
y eyes in frustration.
"What a lovely conversation we're having." He chuckled.
"Are you done here? Don't you have to be somewhere else? Somewhere not here?" I
"I still don't know your name, mystery girl." He insisted.
"It's Wendy. Can you go now?"
"And I'm Peter Pan. It's bad lying to people you know. Don't let it turn into a

habit." He advised confidently.

I thought for a second, that he
ed to my friends these past few
feeling that I've been lying to
spacing out again in front of a

was reading my mind. I thought of the times I li

days. Although what bothered me the most is the
myself the whole time. I didn't notice that I'm

"Oh? Cat got your tongue?" He drank what was left of his drink. "Secrets as well
? Now that's just a recipe for disaster." He continued.
"Don't talk like you know me." I demanded and then he smiled.
"That just makes me want to know you more."
"You're really giving both of us a hard time here." I concluded.
"Well, I do that a lot. You know, I like you, I love being challenged." He said
with a confident smile.
"I'm not the kind of girl you toy with, mister."
"I wouldn't be so sure if I were you." He clearly stated.
"You're so dead." I shook my head. I was pissed at how he was reading me like a
book and the way he was talking to me. He's so full of himself. I couldn't wait
for Zach to come back just to see this jerk.
Then I saw Zach walking towards our table together with a waiter holding our dri
nks. He looked annoyed at the fact that this Lucas is talking to me. When they g
ot to our table, the waiter left the drinks and was called by another customer.
I was worried, but some part of me wanted Zach to beat the crap out of this arro
gant jerk.
"I hope I'm not interrupting." Zach asked looking at the two of us in the table.
Then I saw Lucas do his creepy smile again.
"Oh, you're not. Join us Zach, you look tense, let's drink some more shall we?"
Lucas gave a signal to the waiter.
"I was looking all over for you. I guess you already met my girlfriend." Zach sa
"Girlfriend?" Lucas asked with surprised expression plastered on his face. He tu
rned his eyes on me and then he continued. "Well, we haven't been properly intro
duced yet."
"You're such a douche." Zach beamed and snaked his arm around my waist. "James,
this is my girlfriend, Victoria Peige."
"Wait... James? I thought it was Lucas?" I asked suspiciously. Well, he was kind
a hitting on me, there's no reason for him to use his real name. I looked at him
and he had a confident look on his face.
"James Lucas Gregory. It's nice to finally know your name, Victoria Peige."
---END OF CHAPTER THIRTEEN--What do you think will happen next? Share your thoughts :))

FACEBOOK FANPAGE = Notjustarandomgirl

TWITTER = notarandomgirl
Thank you! <3
<center><h1>Chapter 14 - Lies and Honesty</h1></center>
Hey guys! I'm so so sorry for the long wait. I've been very very very busy latel
y, and I'm kinda stuck-up on my story so after you read this chapter, I would ap
preciate if you have anything to suggest. I would be happy to add that one up. I
already have the solid plot in my mind but I want fillers, I'm planning for lot
s of chappies ahead so send your suggestions and your thoughts on what will happ
en next :)) Mwuuuah! Thanks guys.
FACEBOOK FANPAGE = Notjustarandomgirl
TWITTER = notarandomgirl
Thank you! <3
----------------------------------------------------Chapter 14 - Lies and Honesty
** ZACH'S POV **

"Excuse me, I need to use the restroom." Tori hurriedly stood up and walked away
"Cute girlfriend, Zach." James said with a grin.
"Lucas? Seriously?" I asked him directly.
"What about it?" He answered as if it didn't matter.
"Let's not play games, James."
"It's been my name for as long as I remember, what's the big deal?" He said with
a snicker.
"You told me before you didn't like that name." I stated firmly.
"I didn't mean that. I kinda like it." James said sipping from his drink.
"Don't you think it's kinda stupid of you to give out your real name to some str
anger you just met?" I said in frustration.
"She's not a stranger. She's your girlfriend." He emphasized.
"You just knew that." He's really trying to get away from this and I'm not letti
ng him do that. I want answers.

"Look mommy, I'm old enough to talk to strangers and tell them my name so..."
"It's not funny, James. Tell me. Why her?" I asked seriously.
"Was it wrong for me to assume she was single? She was alone you dimwit." He chu
"I was looking for you jackass!" I informed him in a harsh tone.
"Congrats, you found me." He said sipping from his drink. "Wait a minute..." he
continued then started to laugh.
"What's so funny?"
"Oh, you are deep in enemy waters my friend." He said smiling. And I replied him
with a frown. "You're falling for this girl." He continued.
"No! Don't change the subject James! Whatever you're planning you'd better..."
"Wow, how overprotective of you Zach. It's not like you at all. You're just digg
ing that hole deeper and deeper." He smirked.
I was starting to lose my temper. I looked back at the way he looked at Tori bef
ore I approached them. James has the knack of deceiving people to get whatever h
e wants from them. He was cunning to others who didn't know him and he loved bei
ng challenged. But after years of friendship, I've seen the tricks of the trade.
"Don't use that James Bond talk on me, you know better." I gave him a serious st
ern look.
"Aren't we a little old for puppy love Zach? Just admit it you turd!" He then la
"James! I'm serious!" I snapped.
"Fine, fine. There is no plan, Zach. It was an honest mistake. Who would've thou
ght she was your girlfriend? So chill out." He explained.
"You must really think I'm stupid if you think I'd believe that."
"Of course not! What's wrong with you? C'mon, if you were in my shoes you'd do
the same." He said in a serious tone.
"You have to do better than that." I suggested.
"You wanna go all paparazzi on me, fine! She was different, okay? The more I tal
ked to her, the more I wanted to know her. But that was before I knew she was th
e girl you were talking about. Happy?" He said in defeat. "Now, before you start
world war three, she rejected me, and I was just having a little fun. I don't i
ntend to be a part of your little girly game." He continued.
James sounded sincere. It was hard to trust him before, but after everything we'
ve been through I calmed down and raised my glass. James smiled and raised his g
lass as well and we both drank our drinks at the same time.
"Glad we're on the same page. You know how much I value my friends."
"I do. I owe you everything, Zach. Now, before you cry like a little girl let me
ask, what happens to Tori once your master plan works?" James inquired curiousl

"What do you mean?" I questioned.

"Since you're out to win Chloe and all, if that works, what happens to Tori? Wha
t happens to her poor little heart, crushed by the man of his dreams." He chuckl
"She'll be fine. She's more worried about her future. Career and all that." I gu
"Oh, what a shame." James said with a sly smile.
I actually haven't thought it yet. She's so uptight on studying and all that I a
ssumed she was focusing on her future. It was always on my mind. But for some re
ason, all I could think about is protecting Tori from these guys. James is my fr
iend but still, it would be smart to think that he might have bad intentions tow
ards her.
"Yeah, I guess. Such a shame." I took a sip from my drink and looked at James' d
"You can't deny that Tori's also a catch. After ending your relationship with he
r, there'll be guys falling head over heels for her."
"And you're one of them?" I asked suspiciously.
"Well, Maybe." He said confidently. I felt uncomfortable. I wanted to get angry
but some part of me is telling that there is no reason to. "Nah, I'm just messin
' with you! This jealous Zach is no fun at all." He continued with a chuckle.
"Still not funny James, you're losing your touch." I informed him.
"So they say. Loosen up Zach! This is a party!"
* * * * * * *
** TORI's POV **
Outside the restroom, I saw Zach signal me that the two of them were moving to a
new table. I approached them a while after. The two of them really looked like
they knew each other for a long time. People might mistake them for brothers, ac
"I hope I'm not interrupting." I interjected, seeing them busy talking to each o
"No, join us." James suggested.
I took a seat next to Zach; we were on a lounge now, probably the VIP section. I
t's quieter than the table we had a while ago. James is sitting across us. He's
smiling at me. It kinda made me feel uncomfortable.
"So Tori, what do you see in Zach that made you like him?" He asked nosily. 'Why
would he open that subject in front of Zach? What would Zach think?'
I looked at him and to my surprise; he too seemed interested in the topic. Zach
isn't that bad after all that he's done these past few days. He can be a jerk at
times but somehow he can be fun to be with and a... good person. I wasn't expec
ting it actually. I thought he might change back to his arrogant attitude so I d
ecided not to tell them, especially Lucas, James or whatever his name is.

"That's for him to find out." I answered safely.

"Oh? What a safe answer." James said. Zach looked at me with bland expression.
"What? No! I wouldn't want to complicate things, it's better this way." I defend
"Now how would that complicate things?" James raised his brows in doubt.
"What she's trying to say is..." Zach came closer to me, placed his hands on my
shoulder pulling me closer and looked at James' direction. "What's not to like?
Right?" He gazed at me expecting me to agree.
I just gave him a fake smile, which I'm pretty sure, was seen by James. I really
don't know what else to do or say, one wrong move and I might get discovered. H
e seems like the person who can easily see if a person is lying or not.
'I have to get out of here.'
Then my phone rang. It was right on cue. I saw that it was Sonia, expecting it t
o be urgent I excused myself. "Sorry, I have to take this. Excuse me." I immedia
tely stood up and found my way out.
" Sonia what's wrong?" I asked the moment I hit the answer button
"Nothing Dear, I just wanted to ask if you would like someone to pick you up?" s
he stated.
"Don't worry. Zach will drop me by."
"Are you sure? I don't actually trust that boy." she answered truthfully.
"I'll be fine. Just standby just in case I need a ride home. Bye." I dropped the
call and as I turned around, I saw James standing in front of me. That made me
startled. "You scared me. What do you want?"
"Nothing. I just needed some fresh air." He informed me.
"Oh, well I have to go inside. Zach's waiting." I walked passed him.
"Wait." He said grabbing my arm. The moment I looked at him he immediately lets
go. I couldn't look at him directly probably from the awkwardness of our earlier
"I'm sorry for earlier. I didn't mean to... you know." He said while avoiding my
"You didn't mean to what?" I asked curiously.
"Do I have to say it? It's already embarrassing as it is." He's sounding like a
little kid.
"I really have no idea what you're saying." I said, feigning ignorance.
"This is the second time tonight I had to submit to someone. Fine! For hitting o
n you earlier." He said rolling his eyes. I just remained silent expecting him t
o talk more. "Look, I just wanna be friends, okay? It would be a waste hitting o
n Zach's girl and all."

"I have to go inside. Zach's not exactly the patient type." I said looking away
"Zach will be Zach. Anyway, don't worry, I told him I just wanted to apologize t
o you."
"Oh, okay."
"So, everything's forgiven?" he asked.
"I dunno. I mean, you were very persistent then. You didn't buy my boyfriend sto
ry at all and you were flirting with your best friend's girl." I smirked.
"You've gotta be kidding me." He frowned while staring at me.
"Well, I am actually. It's okay Lucas, apology accepted." I could see that he re
ally meant his apology.
"Please, call me James. I'm not really fond of that name." He explained.
"Okay. Well, I'd better go inside. Zach's probably angry by now." I informed him
"Before you go can I tell you something?"
"What is it?" I asked curiously with my hands drawn closer to my chest.
"I'm an honest person, Tori. But I would never betray anyone."
"Why are you telling me this?" Now I'm confused. What is he trying to say?
"I've known Zach for as long as I can remember. No one knows him better than I d
"W-What are you---?"
"Just remember, if you need someone to talk to about Zach, you can trust me." Ja
mes stated.
"I-I'll keep that in mind." I replied with a calm tone.
"Good." He said walking towards me.
"What are you getting at James?" I just stood there as James passed through me.
"We all lie, Tori. But sometimes, it takes an honest person to know if someone's
lying to themselves." He said seriously.
"I-I see. Wait, James! Do you-"
"Just be careful around Zach, Tori. You're something else. I give you that. Now,
if you'll excuse me I have a party to tend to. Tell Zach I'll be around by the
bar if he needs me." He winked at me and bids his goodbye.
I couldn't think straight as I stood outside. Was James on to something? If he's
such a good friend of Zach's why would he say something like that?
'Just be careful around Zach' what would he meant by that? Is that a warning? Fo
r what? It's not wrong to doubt him considering we just met.

I just hope that after all the things he said about lying and honesty, I really
hope he's telling the truth.


James as Chace Crawford
Nathan as Nathaniel Buzolic
FACEBOOK FANPAGE = Notjustarandomgirl
TWITTER = notarandomgirl
Thank you! <3
<center><h1>Chapter 15 - One Lucky Guy</h1></center>
Hey yeah guys! :)) Sorry for the long wait, I've been very very busy lately. Sor
ry. By the way, thanks for the story suggestions, that was brilliant! I will def
initely use that in the future.
FACEBOOK FANPAGE = Notjustarandomgirl
TWITTER = notarandomgirl
Thank you! <3
---------------------------------CHAPTER 15 - One Lucky Guy
** TORI'S POV **
James' party was kicking off. A lot of people were dancing, drinking, and laughi
ng their socks off unlike earlier. I could tell they're having a blast. The plac
e is more crowded now. As I made my way through the sea of people, I thought of
the things James said to me. I just don't get him! I went to Zach as I saw him s
itting alone.
"You alright? Who was it?" Zach asked the moment I sat at our booth.
"I'm fine. Sonia was just wondering how I'll get home." I said sipping from my d
"You didn't tell her I'd take care of it?"
"About that... she's not very fond of you."
"I can see that. Anyway, you and James had fun?" He inquired with a smirk.
"He actually apologized. We're cool now, I guess."

"Well that's good to hear." He said finishing his glass. "Where is he anyway?"
"He said he'd be by the bar." I noticed Zach was acting weird. He was avoiding e
ye contact. I looked at him as he finished his drink.
"Hey, take it easy. I wanna go home in one piece." I said worriedly.
"Relax. I'll be fine." He chuckled.
"Whatever you say." I shrugged and finished sipping the rest of my drink.
"Well, look who it is!" A man's voice called-out. It was Zach's friend from scho
ol. He came towards our booth with open arms. As I recall, he's River. He's look
ing at me like he didn't know me. I found it a bit funny that he couldn't recogn
ize me.
"It's you. I thought you'd never show up." Zach greeted in a sarcastic tone.
"Of course I'd show up, dimwit. So, who's this lovely lady?" River asked as he s
at at James' previous seat.
"Look closely." Zach commanded.
"When are you guys going to stop playing games?" I asked. River is staring at me
as if thinking 'I think I know you'.
"Victoria Peige?"
"Seriously? I wear a dress to a party and suddenly people don't recognize me? I
should do this more often." I said sarcastically.
And that earned a laugh from him. "You're funny. She's funny, Zach."
"Of course she is. I need another drink." Zach stood up probably heading to the
"My, my, just look at you." River watched at me as if I'm a new species in town.
"I do actually, everyday, and I still see the same person in front of the mirror
"Who would've thought? Anyway, your friends here? Chloe?" He asked.
"I don't think so. Is she also a friend of James?" I asked curiously.
"I see you met Mr. Obnoxious. I just figured since you were here, Chloe would be
"Don't tell me you have a thing for Chloe now?"
"Of course not. I'm just trying to change the subject. I just can't believe you'
re the same person I go to school with." River informed me.
"Why so?" I asked smiling.
"Oh, c'mon. You're like a different person."
"Is that good? Or bad?"
"Well, it depends. In school, you're like this anti-social person. But now.... G

od, Tori. You look badass." He cried out in a firm tone. He never took his eyes
away from me and I just raised my brow in disbelief. "Don't get me wrong. It's j
ust a compliment." He said raising both hands as if surrendering.
"Thanks for the compliment, River." I said with a genuine smile.
"You're welcome, Peige." He offered me a handshake which I gladly accepted.
"Is this little pervert bothering you, Tori?" I chuckled as I heard the question
coming from behind.
It's James. He came back to our booth with Zach, with yet another drink. "Tori."
James handed me a smoothie.
"Thanks!" I raised the glass in appreciation.
"I'm sorry for River's behavior, Tori. He can be a bit creepy." James scooted ne
xt to River while Zach sat next to me.
"Shut it, James. We know each other." River informed him. He turned his eyes bac
k on me then he smiled.
"Oh, I forgot. You guys go to the same school together." James stated while look
ing at Zach.
"What're you doing here James? Red head by the bar turned you down?" River quest
"Not exactly. You see, she's coming with me tonight." He raised his glass lookin
g at the girl in the bar. The girl smiled as she also raised her glass to James.
"Please talk about something else." I shrugged.
"Fine. You guys enjoying my awesome party?" James queried. Zach and River were j
ust nodding murmuring 'Yeah, sure awesome party.'
"It's a nice party, James. Everyone looks like they're having a good time." I an
swered honestly.
"I wouldn't be so sure, Tori. Your boyfriend doesn't seem to be."
Zach looked at James, gave him a sarcastic smile and said. "There. Happy?"
I was getting worried for Zach. He is acting weird.
"Don't worry about Zach. He's had a bit too much booze." River informed me.
"Don't look so glum. He'll be able to take you home. This one's hardcore, or so
he says." James assured me. I looked at Zach's direction and I gave him a worrie
d look.
"Oh yes, this is like water to me." Zach immediately avoids my eyes and drink fr
om his glass. "So, River. You have any interesting stories?" Zach continued. 'Wh
at's wrong with him?'
"Funny story. James, remember the little bet we made? I told him that you wouldn
't bring Tori to the party. I thought I won since I didn't know she would look l
ike this." River explained.
I found it hilarious. I was being mistaken for someone because I looked differen

t? Although I never would've thought Zach would bring me to any party. So, it wa
sn't a surprise that I heard it from River.
"Too bad. Now pay-up." James demanded. River gave James some folded money.
"You guys are dicks." Zach sounds irritated, but the two guys were just laughing
"He's right. My feelings are hurt." I looked at River quoting my words but I was
n't serious. I was having a good time joking around them.
"Can't blame us Tori. You're actually the most fun girl he introduced to us." Ja
mes said playfully.
"You're joking." I told him. James just looked at Zach as if wanting me to ask h
"It's true. Remember Vicki? Fiona? Stella? Rachel?" River enumerated. 'Stella th
e on In the restaurant?'
"You guys really find my life that entertaining?" Zach asked sarcastically.
"It's kinda weird, but yeah. We actually do." James answered with a chuckle.
"Okay. So what if it's true?" Zach said clearly irritated.
"Then we get to see Tori more often. We'll have lots of fun." James directed his
eyes on me and then he smiled.
"Yeah, Tori. You gotta let go of those books once a while. You wouldn't wanna be
called lame names the rest of your life." River added.
"Well for your information, I don't care." I proudly informed them.
River and James furrowed their eyebrows and leaned forward.
"You do realize that people are mocking you, right?" River asked and I just nodd
"I'm curious. Anyone would be pissed if they were insulted. Care to share your s
ecret?" James asked.
"Good question. Well, I guess I'm not just anybody." I replied. Next thing I kno
w, the three of them were laughing at what I said.
"Good one." River said in between laughs.
"What? It's true. I'm not exactly normal in terms of guy preferences." I chuckle
"Nope. You're special." Zach looked at me, smiling. It was the first time I saw
him beam that way tonight. I just smiled back at him. I'm sort of thrilled that
Zach said that. But I couldn't let it get to my head. Who knows? Maybe he always
says that to any girl he's with? I shouldn't develop any feelings towards him.
All I should be thinking right now is to stick to the plan. But somehow I'm surp
rised that he can be a sweet person in his own way.
"I can see what Zach sees in you, Tori. Man, I need a girlfriend." James sighed.
"Whoa. Look at the time." Zach said after looking at his watch. "We gotta go. Ci

nderella needs to get home. We wouldn't want Ursula to strangle me to death." He

sipped the rest of his drink in one gulp and stood up.
"You clearly need to read more books, Zach. Fairy tales would be a good genre."
I said giggling while grabbing my things. I noticed James and River laughing too
"You're seriously going? But I just got here! The night's still young!" River sh
"Your fault for being so fashionably late." James notified him. He then turned t
o me and grinned. "It's a pleasure meeting you Tori."
"It was nice meeting you too." I smiled back. "I'll see you at school, River." I
bid them both goodbyes. It was sad leaving so soon but Zach is right, I needed
to get home. Sonia must be freaking out, this is the first time I went home this
Zach immediately held my hand as we left our booth. He kinda caught me off guard
. I felt safe with him doing that. I just stared at him, feeling happy about how
tonight wasn't a total disaster.
"Hey. I'm just gonna use the restroom okay?" I said.
"Okay, I'll get the car. I'll be waiting outside." Zach let my hand go.
After I finished washing my hands and left the restroom, I made my way through t
he exit. I'm waiting for Zach outside when a group of people made their way out
of the party. There I saw James saying goodbye to some of his guests. He noticed
me waiting then he approached me.
"They seem happy." I told him.
"If they were, they'd stay till last call." He uttered putting his hand in his p
ocket. "Did you have a good time?"
"If this is some trick question to make us stay then, no, I had the worst time e
ver." I chuckled.
"I've heard worse. Hey, I gotta get back inside. You love birds take care now."
He turned, heading back to the party. "Oh! By the way..." He called my attention
, as he was about to open the door inside.
"Yes?" I asked in a surprised tone.
"How does it feel to be the hottest girl in the party?" He gave me a wink.
"I-I'm not!" I could feel myself blushing.
"Well, you are. Zach's one lucky guy."
"T-thanks. I guess." Is all I could say. It's really embarrassing for me.
"Good night, Tori." He beamed and made his way back to the party.
I was just standing there holding my phone thinking about the things that happen
ed tonight. I couldn't help but smile. I never expected the night to be so inter
esting. It was actually fun joking around them. Although my biggest regret is th
inking that James is just another jerk, I just wish that his best friend would b
e more like him.

---END OF CHAPTER FIFTEEN--So whatcha think? Another filler chapter. Hope you enjoyed it as much as I enjoy
ed writing it. Why do you think Zach is acting weird? Is he or Tori is just imag
ining it? Well, share your thoughts :) If you have any suggestions for the next
chappy, feel free to post it here. Thanks a lot.. :))
FACEBOOK FANPAGE = Notjustarandomgirl
TWITTER = notarandomgirl
Thank you! <3
<center><h1>Chapter 16 - Unpredictable</h1></center>
Hey yeah guys! :)) I just finished writing this chappy and I've decided to uploa
d it right away :) Sorry it took 1 week for this chappy, I was very busy lately.
BTW, I love all the suggestions coming from you guys. It really helps me to wri
te this chapter. Why is Zach acting weird? Well, it's for you to find out. Here'
s chapter 16. Hope you enjoy reading it. :))
FACEBOOK FANPAGE = Notjustarandomgirl
TWITTER = notarandomgirl
Thank you! <3
-------------------------------------------------------Chapter 16 - Unpredictable
**TORI's POV**

"Looks like someone had a pretty good time." Zach said coldly. We were halfway t
o my place when he finally broke the ice. All this time from the moment I entere
d his car, we were so quiet. I could see it in his face that he's not in a speak
ing mood. I guess I was wrong.
"Yeah. It was fun." I looked at him and smiled sincerely.
"I know. So, what do we think of James?" He asked abruptly.
Of course I expected him to ask me about his friend since James is the reason we
went there. But I was surprised that he's so straight to the point regarding th
is topic.
"He's pretty cool. Funny, a bit of a jackass --"
"--you like him?" Zach cuts me off.
"What? No, of course not." I chuckled.
"Of course you don't." He said in a sarcastic tone and then he continued. "You
two were hitting it off pretty well." We looked at each other the same time and

I just raised my left brow. "It's not a surprise. We are friends. We rarely keep
secrets from each other." He informed me.
They seem to be really good friends. Even though James knew that I'm Zach's girl
friend, he still admits hitting on me. Now I feel a guilty for lying to Nathan a
nd Chloe.
"So, he was flirting with me. Did he mention that I rejected him?" I tried to cl
ear out whatever dirty thoughts he's having inside his head.
"He did. Twice, I think." Zach grinned wickedly.
"So why are you asking me if I like him?" I just don't get where this conversati
on is going.
"You were really having fun with him and I have never seen you laugh like that."
Are you kidding? Zachary Anderson, jealous? Is this the reason he was acting so
"You're kidding right? You can't possibly be..." I glanced at him and tried hard
not to giggle. Zach just looked at me, smirked and stared back to the road. "I
never took you for the jealous type, Zach. Being Mr. popular and all" I teased.
"I never said I was jealous." Zach stated trying to hide his embarrassment.
"Whatever you say." I chirped in a happy tone.
"I'm curious. What makes you think I'm jealous?" He asked so suddenly.
"Well, if I had a tape recorder I'd let you listen to yourself."
"It's a good thing you don't have one." He chortled.
I'm actually enjoying our conversation. I'm not sure if it's because we were tal
king about him being jealous, the fact that he could get jealous, or he was jeal
ous because of me. Although I could feel that our tte--tte is starting to feel awkward
"So, what did you two talk about while I was away?" Zach continued to ask.
"You know, my phone has a recording device..." I said trying to change the subje
"Just answer the question already." He said sounding a little impatient.
"Fine. Let's see. You mean when he followed me outside?"
"Nope. I meant while you still didn't know each other."
"Oh, that." I smiled. He's so interested in the topic.
"You look happy. Trying to remember something special James told you?" He questi
oned sarcastically.
"No silly! I wouldn't call hitting on me anything special." I shrugged.
"Great. Tell me then. Stop with all this lingering topics and please tell me the

"I thought James told you everything. Why are you asking me anyway?" I inquired
while smiling.
"I wanna hear your version. Now tell me." He commanded.
"Okay. Well, he approached me and sat at our table. Now that I think about it. I
t's pretty rude." I paused.
"Just continue the story." He insisted.
"He was very persistent in knowing me."
"Persistent alright." He snickered.
"And I told him that my boyfriend won't be too happy to see him talking to me."
I continued and tried to ignore his last statement.
"So, what did he say?" Zach eagerly asked.
"He didn't buy it. Saying that was my way of rejecting him."
"Typical James. At least you told him you had a boyfriend."
"At least?" I questioned.
"Yeah. Too bad you didn't tell him your boyfriend is me."
"Okay. Anyway, I don't like guys like him." I added. "You know. They try too har
d just to get laid." I sighed. Zach laughed. I smiled looking at him. I think I
like this Zach better.
"Yet you still have me for a boyfriend." He gestured.
"I didn't mean it that way, Zach. You're... Zach. You're different." It's the on
ly thing I could come up with. I'm beginning to wonder if he's just playing alon
g. He might already know my plan.
"I was joking. Of course I'm different. Although he was pretty upset that you tu
rned him down. He's not very good at rejection." He clarified.
"I guess he picked the wrong girl this time."
"I guess he did." He looked at me and then grinned. For some reason I felt happy
that he said that. He continues to surprise me.
"Ok, my turn to ask. So I met your friends and one of them hits on me..."
"I don't like where this is going." He interrupted.
"Let me finish. What's your style when you hit on... girls?" I'm curious at the
same time, hesitant.
"What?" He chuckled.
"C'mon. I wanna know." I looked at him sternly.
"Everyone does. Forget it, Tori." He dismissed.
"Be fair! I answered your questions, you answer mine." I demanded.

"It's a secret."
"Aren't we past middle school to have secrets? Be serious, Zach." I complained.
"Fine. But if anyone finds out about this, I'll totally deny it." He stated.
"Okay! Spill it already!" I insisted.
"To tell you the truth. I've never hit on anyone."
"Oh please Zach, stop fooling around."
"No. I'm serious. I've never hit on anyone." He claimed.
"Seriously?" I actually don't buy it.
"Yeah. They just come begging to be with me." He said with a smirk.
"How's that any different?"
"It's true. I don't need to flatter anyone just to get their affection. I just l
et them fall for the silent charm instead." He said with confidence.
"Whatever you say Mr. tall dark and whatever the last word is." I chuckled.
I was wondering now why I asked him that stupid question. He probably thinks I'm
some easy to get bimbo. I'm thinking way ahead of myself.
"By the way, were you really surprised that James told me about your little enco
unter? He apologized right?" Zach continued with his James topic.
"Maybe a little. You were acting weird the whole time and I didn't know you knew
the whole story." I answered. "Oh yeah. He also apologized." I added.
"Wait. Acting weird? How was I acting weird?" He asked in a surprise tone.
"Well, you were silent the whole time. I didn't know if you were pissed off or s
omething. Who knows? Maybe you were putting on your silent charmer thing." I res
ponded. Zach just chortled as he shook his head. "Right. I do that. Anyway what
makes you think he won't tell me the whole thing?" Now he appears curious.
"For starters, I think it's wrong to hit on your friend's girl so I just guessed
that he wouldn't want to ruin your friendship." I responded swiftly.
"Nah. I think he values it. He knows how much I hate liars." Zach declared in a
matter-of-fact tone.
I gulped hard. He took emphasis on the word liars and I'm one of them. When he d
iscovers that I lied to him, he might hate me. Just when we're starting to get a
long. It was just like yesterday that I hated the guy and now I find myself in a
situation where I don't want him to hate me. Maybe because he's not such a bad
person as I think he is.
"Here we are." Zach stopped the car and stepped out. I was about to open the doo
r but he already opened it.
"Thanks." I smiled and walked out of his car. Surprisingly he's following me ins
ide the elevator.
"Why are you following me?" I questioned him.

"Well, I picked you up at your doorstep. I think it would be proper to drop you
there, right?" He answered with a smirk. "We wouldn't want your scary nanny thin
king I'm such a douche now would we? Besides, I don't want you walking alone in
this dress. Some dirty old man might hit on you." He added looking away.
"Lucky for me there aren't any dirty old men in our building." I chuckled.
"That's good news."
"You made me wear this remember?"
"I'm not old, Tori. Of course I do." He said putting his hands in his pockets.
"Thanks, Zach." I smiled. He looked back at me and did the same.
"You're welcome."
The elevator finally opened and we both stepped out of it. We arrived at my door
step and I didn't know how this night would ever end. I turned back and looked a
t him. Zach is staring at me. He looks like he's trying to say something but cou
ldn't. I gazed at him and smiled. It was the only way I could show my appreciati
on for the fun time I had tonight.
"Thanks for coming with me tonight."
"Yes, and Tha-" I was surprised.
Zach held my hand with his other hand in his pocket. He lifted it a little never
letting go. He is looking at me, beaming. The whole time I didn't know what I'm
feeling. I'm breathing through my mouth and I could feel my heart beating fast.
I'm not thinking about the plan or anything else. I'm just waiting for him to d
o something.
'Is he really doing this? Is he going to...'
"You were pretty awesome tonight, Tori." He professed.
"Zach, I really-" He cuts me off by holding my hand tighter.
"Hey, let me finish. I know you've probably seen a lot of movies to see where th
is is going. You've probably heard every compliment in the dictionary tonight. T
rust me, I won't go there." I couldn't help but smile at his words.
"Zach? In the movies, this is the moment where the guy compliments the girl on h
ow pretty she looks."
"Well, the guy really thinks the girl looks pretty." He said while smiling from
ear-to-ear. He's leaning closer to me.
"Thanks." I whispered, as his face is so close to mine.
"You're welcome." He was staring at me for a little while. Moments later he let
go of my hand and walked away.
"Good night, Tori." He added as he walked towards the elevator.
I'm speechless after that. My body is taking its time figuring out what I'm feel
ing or what I'm supposed to feel. One thing's for sure. Thinking about it and th
inking about him really made me ecstatic.

* * * * * * *
** ZACH's POV **
I'm at the elevator and I looked at my reflection. I couldn't help but smile th
inking about what transpired earlier.
I really felt the urge to kiss her and I know that she feels the same way. But I
couldn't do it. For some reason I wanted it to be special. My instincts instead
told me to hold her hand. I looked at my hand and closed it as if I could still
feel hers.
Am I getting soft towards this girl?
Thinking about tonight, I had some questions in my mind. First of all. James. I
have to know if he has a thing for Tori. What's his deal? I trust the guy but my
guts is telling me otherwise.
What happens now? Is Tori really telling the truth? What if she also has a thing
for James? I know how persuasive James could be. He'll probably show himself mo
re often now. And Chloe?
What do I have to do?
My frustration suddenly disappeared as I remembered what Tori did to James. How
she turned him down. She can be so unpredictable. Her smile suddenly popped out
of my head. I pulled out my phone and checked the pictures. The most recent imag
e was a photo of Tori. It's a stolen shot of her from the party. In the picture
she had this goofy face not realizing I took a picture of it. I chuckled at how
funny she looked.
As the elevator opened I put my phone in my pocket and headed out the building.
I felt happy as I headed towards my car. At least I got some of the answers I wa
s looking for.
It is still Chloe, right? I guess we'll just have to find out. I shook it off an
d started the engine of my car.
I needed to go home and get some rest. It was one hell of a night, all right. I
carefully drove myself into the road. As I was driving through the streets of Ne
w York, I could see a bright light coming from my left side.
It's green light for me, moron. The light kept on coming closer, and everything
is in slow motion. I felt a sudden bad feeling and then everything went blank.
I managed to slowly open my eyes. My car is in front of a street post. The hood
is smoking. I could smell my own blood.
What the heck happened? I felt dizzy and my head hurts like hell.
I finally realized that I'm in a car accident. I reached for my phone and called
"Hey, I'd like to report an accident. I'm in it. You guys just track my phone wi
th your GPS thingy. I'm just gonna.... take a... nap."
Next thing I know, I passed out.

Oh no! :( What do you think will happen next? Share your thoughts. :)
FACEBOOK FANPAGE = Notjustarandomgirl
TWITTER = notarandomgirl
Thank you! <3
<center><h1>Chapter 17 - Thank You</h1></center>
Hello there my beloved readers! I was informed that my story, Must Date The Play
boy, reached the number 9 spot in Teen Fiction category! I'm really thrilled, ec
static, delighted, and all of the happy feelings you could have imagined! It is
one of my dreams to atleast be in top 50, but #9, wow it's unbelievable!
I love you all for that. Here's chapter 17, hope you like it :)
Please play Mat Kearney's Breath In Breath Out while reading this chapter. The v
ideo is in the Multimedia Section.
FACEBOOK FANPAGE = Notjustarandomgirl
TWITTER = notarandomgirl
Thank you! <3
----------------------------------------Chapter 17 - Thank You
* ZACH's POV *

"What's that noise?" I groaned. I slowly opened my eyes and saw people in lab co
ats and scrubs walking everywhere.
I tried lifting my head but stopped as soon as I felt it hurt like hell.
"Aaaaggh!" I cursed and I lifted my hands to my head. What the hell is this?
"Please lie down." The woman in the scrubs ordered.
"What's happening?" I wondered.
"You just came from CT scan, dear. I'm Nurse Jackie. Please try to rest. It'll o
nly get worse if you don't." She tucked me in and left in a hurry probably to at
tend to other people.
"Wait... What's a CT? Where..." I tried calling the nurse back but she just clos
ed the curtain on me. I could hear people screaming around. I just ignored them,
lay down and stared at the ceiling trying to recall what happened.
Great. Just great. My car's probably totaled. The police probably thought I was
drunk. I might as well just die right now.

"Good morning, sir." Boris opened the curtain to my cubicle.

"It's morning already? Please don't tell me I've been sleeping for two days or s
"You were only unconscious for two hours. You're in the emergency department, si
r." Boris replied calmly.
"That's good news." I somewhat felt relieved.
"How are you feeling, sir?" He asked.
"I'm hungry. I'm still on hung over. I'm stuck here. How do you think I'm feelin
g?" I let out, clearly frustrated
"Very well. Just to let you know, I took care of the car. Insurance will take a
look at it this morning." He informed me.
"What happened to it anyway? What about the idiot who almost got me killed?"
"Don't worry about it. The police and I came to a mutual understanding." He said
"What did you do, Boris?" I looked at him seriously.
"Just rest so I can take you home." He assured me.
"Wait... Have you told father I'm here?" Now I'm worried.
"I had a lot of time to think what to say to him but nurse Jackie said you were
awake. Anyway here, I'll just-" Boris grabbed his phone from his pocket.
"Don't. We wouldn't want the two of us in trouble now. Anyway, I'll tell him mys
elf." I interrupted. "What did the doctor say anyway?" I queried.
He sat on a chair beside me and said, "You have a minor bruise on your forehead.
Hence, the bandage you shouldn't keep on touching. And you just came from scann
ing your head to see if your brain's ok."
"How long do we have to wait?" I questioned, trying not to touch the annoying ba
ndage on my forehead.
"The results will be out in a little while." He answered.
"Wait. Don't tell me it's all over the news?" I panicked.
"Not really. We're quite lucky aren't we, sir?" He asked smiling.
"Lucky, alright. I almost died." I shrugged.
"Lucky you survived, sir. Not many people walk out of accidents with mere scars.
" He stated in matter-of-fact tone.
"Spare me the lecture, Boris. I'm dying to get out of here." I informed him whil
e gritting my teeth in annoyance.
"I'll put your things here sir. I'll check if the results are out so we can leav
e." Boris placed my clothes on the small cabinet next to me and went out.
"Is he awake already?" I could hear a familiar voice talking with Boris.

I lifted my body out of curiosity and looked outside the curtains.

It was Tori. "Hey, Zach." She greeted.
"Hey." was all I could say. I'm ashamed to look at her because of the bandage on
my head.
"Seriously? After everything you put me through, that's all you could say?" She
"Huh? What are you talking about?" I curiously asked and why is she smirking?
Tori sat beside the bed, grabbed her phone from her bag and showed me her recent
calls received list.
" What's that?" I wondered.
"Look at the time." She ordered.
"What about it?"
"It's when you were at the accident, dummy. I called help for you." She said cal
I didn't know what else to say. I'm even more embarrassed now. I'm trying to rec
all how that happened.
"Are you alright? I thought the doctor said you only had minor injuries. Can you
really talk?" She seems worried.
"Yes. I'm fine." I replied right away and then shoot her another question. "When
did I call you again?"
"You thought my number was 911, silly. You were even asking to track your phone.
" She answered rolling her eyes.
"And who are you again?" I joked.
"It's not funny, Zach." Her tone is serious.
"For me it is. What are you doing here, anyway? It's way past your bed time." I
"Well, to check on you of course. How are you feeling anyway?"
"Boris asked me the same question earlier. Wanna know what I said to him?" I smi
"You should be nicer to him you know. He really takes care of you." She lectured
"Of course he does. We pay him good money to clean up my mess."
"You don't mean that." Tori said with a worried face.
"I guess it was you who told him what happened, huh?"
"Yes. I called him as soon as I informed the paramedics."

"Since when have you two been so close?" I asked suspiciously.

"Since he gave me his business card." Tori showed me the card Boris gave her.
"Well, that's convenient." We were silent for a while. It's like she has a lot o
n her mind.
"I'm really sorry, Zach." Tori suddenly spoke up. "None of this would've happene
d if you didn't have to take me home. I totally understand if you don't wanna ta
lk." Is she avoiding eye contacts?
"C'mon, you're not gonna cry are you?" I tried to joke.
"I won't!" Her eyes clearly getting wet.
"None of this is anyone's fault. There's no use in blaming yourself for somethin
g that didn't happen to you. These things just happen." I assured her.
Tori's serious face went away and chuckled. "What lame movie did you get that fr
om?" she laughed.
"It's original actually." I said amused. "What kind of excuse did you tell Sonia
to be here anyway?" I continued.
"I told her you were in an accident of course. I really felt responsible for wha
t happened to you, Zach. What room will you be staying at? I need to remove my m
ake-up and change, it's getting uncomfortable." Tori blushed.
Now that she mentioned it, I was trying to figure out why she still had her make
-up on from the party. She's also wearing the same dress. Did she rush her way h
ere and forgot to at least change her clothes?
"Everything's settled, sir. The brain scan's clear. We're free to go." Boris app
eared out of nowhere startling Tori.
"What? Go? He has to take some more tests right?" Tori expected.
"Good job Boris. Let's go." I stood up and grabbed my clothes. I put on my pants
halfway when I realized Tori is still here. "You mind?" I gestured her to go as
I removed the hospital gown.
"What? But Zach..." Tori looked at me obviously concerned. "W-Whatever!" She sai
d looking away then going outside.
"Boris, get the car we'll meet you outside." I ordered.
"Right away, sir." Boris responded.
After I finished dressing up, Tori came back inside with a worried face.
"I'm fine, Tori. If I stay here a little longer, it'll only worsen my condition.
Let me just take you---" I was stunned. Tori hugged me from behind as I was pic
king up my watch from the cabinet. I couldn't help but feel... pleased. I couldn
't feel any pain at all, at least at that moment.
"Fine. But I'm coming with you." She said leaning her face on my back.
I held her arms for a while but let her go as I faced her. "No. You've done enou
gh. I'm taking you home."

"But we're not sure if you're really okay! At least talk to the doc-Whoa!" I swe
pt her off her feet, carrying her on my right side with her head and arms bangin
g my back. "Stop it Zach! Put me down!" She shrieked, struggling and pounding my
"Carrying you like this means you have nothing to worry about. Now, quit moving
or you'll fall." I commanded.
"Okay! I get it! Now put me down!" She insisted.
"We're almost there." I said as I walked outside seeing Boris waiting. People in
side the hospital were wondering what the commotion is all about with Tori mouth
ing away struggling as I carried her all the way to the car.
We were just silent the whole trip. A lot of things happened in just one day. An
yone would be speechless. Or so I thought.
I looked at her and saw her... sleeping?
She must be really exhausted. I brought her head to my shoulders for her to rest
on. Taking care of me, huh? While sleeping? As I looked outside I wondered why
we were going to my place instead of Tori's.
"Where are we going?" I asked Boris annoyingly.
"We're going home, sir." Boris answered as if it doesn't matter at all.
"Let's bring her home first." I insisted.
"I'm sorry but I can't do that, sir." Boris replied apologetically.
"What are you talking about?"
"I owe her for saving your life. If you were left there for even a minute more,
who knows what might've happened." Boris explained.
"What's that got to do with not taking her home?" I asked.
"You heard her. She feels responsible for what happened. Let her be at ease. Let
's do what she wants, just this once." Boris said boldly. "I am in her debt. And
so are you, sir." Boris added.
"You're siding with her now..." before I could finish my sentence, Boris cuts me
"We wouldn't want to wake her up now would we? Why don't I just carry her to the
guest room when we arrive?"
"Nah. I'll do it. I am in her debt right smarty pants?" I cited the obvious.
Boris just smiled and continued driving. I looked at Tori sleeping on my shoulde
r and smiled as well. She looked like nothing happened.
When we arrived at my place, I carried her all the way to the guest room and put
her gently on the bed. I tucked her in with a soft blanket. I'm sitting in the
same bed with her sleeping so soundly.
"Tori." I caressed her cheeks gently. "You really care for me, don't you?" I tug
ged the loose strands of her hair behind her ears. "Don't worry. I care about yo
u, too."

I smiled at her. She looked calm and serene. I leaned closer, kissed her forehea
d and whispered.
"Thank you."
---END OF CHAPTER SEVENTEEN--YEY! No amnesia! That's quite a relief, right? I'm not considering amnesia or an
ything that would make them forget each other, it's just so sad if that thing ha
ppens and I know most of you will hate me if I do that. Haha!
FACEBOOK FANPAGE = Notjustarandomgirl
TWITTER = notarandomgirl
Thank you! <3
<center><h1>Chapter 18 - Finding Comfort</h1></center>
Hi there. I'm so sorry for the long wait. I've been very busy lately and writing
new chappy seems impossible. I would like to apologize for the lenght of this c
hapter, I know it's kinda short but don't worry, I'll try to make the next chapp
y longer than the usual. BTW, I would like to thank each and everyone of you for
voting and leaving a comment for my stories.
PLEASE PLAY It Will Rain By Bruno Mars while reading this chapter. It's in the M
ultimedia Section. Thanks :)
FACEBOOK FANPAGE = Notjustarandomgirl
TWITTER = notarandomgirl
Thank you! <3
-----------------------------------------------------------------------Chapter 18 - Finding Comfort
** ZACH'S POV **

After everything that happened last night, it's finally a new day.
My head still hurts a little from the accident and I'm hungry. I got up from bed
, turned on the media player in my room and started doing push-ups just to make
sure I'm in good condition.
The song, Keep Your Head Up is playing. Other than the mild headache, I feel nor
mal as if nothing happened.
I stopped at twenty and headed to the bathroom to wash up. I was whistling the w
hole time inside the shower. I've never felt so refreshed after a bath.
It was already past one in the afternoon on a Sunday. Walking my way to the kitc
hen, I heard people talking and something smelled delicious. Boris is cooking so

mething and Tori is sitting at a stool by the kitchen counter.

"Please don't tell me you're a morning person." I said out loud.
"Hey, sleepy head. It's already lunch. Come join us." She invited me with a smil
"What's for lunch?" I asked as I sat next to her.
"Boris is cooking burgers right now. Anyway, how are you feeling?" Tori question
ed curiously.
"Medium rare, Boris. You know how I like the works." I commanded as I reached fo
r an apple from the fruit bowl.
"Mine too, Boris. Could you melt the cheese please?" She beamed happily.
"Very well." Boris replied.
"You sleep ok?" I asked her.
"Yeah. It went pretty well."
"I could tell. I could hear you snoring from my room." I joked.
"Clearly, that wasn't me." She defended.
"What's with the messy look? Some new fashion trend?"
"You clearly need to have your head checked. You don't remember?"
"Of course I remember. So, care to tell me why you're still here?" I asked.
"Don't do that Zach. I just wanna make sure you're ok." Tori looked at me.
"--and as you can see, I'm perfectly fine." I informed her confidently.
"Yeah right, Mr. attitude problem." She muttered in a low voice.
I pretended I didn't hear her. "You were saying something?"
"Nothing. I'm just gonna eat lunch and leave." She cleared as Boris served our f
ood. "I really hope you're ok, Zach." Tori added.
"I said I'm fine right?" I snapped. "Your parents are probably looking for you.
They might get the wrong idea." I run my fingers to my hair. Tori's face looked
puzzled. I wouldn't blame her. She's just trying to look after me. Then she smir
"You know what? Forget lunch. I'm leaving." She said clearly sarcastic.
"What's wrong with you? You haven't touched your food." I replied. She stood up
and grabbed her things from the kitchen counter.
"If you were having some random bimbo over, you could've just said so in the fir
st place."
"And since when did you care who I invite over?" I specified with strain of anno
yance in my tone.

"W-Well, I don't! Fine! I'm going! Bye Boris. Unbelievable...." Tori eyed me wit
h disgust as she stormed out.
Moments later, the silence broke. "What was that all about, sir?" Boris asked.
"It's for her own good." I answered as I took a bite from lunch. I looked at Bor
is, assuming he's gonna start spouting at me just to make him stop. "Mind your o
wn business, Boris." I ordered.
I wouldn't want my plan to explode in front of me. It'll make things easier if I
had to distance myself from me. Although some part of me regrets that things ha
d to be this way. I never meant for any of this to happen. I felt awful doing th
at to her. Yet I'm acting all cool in front of somebody who clearly knows me. No
one deserves that. Tori never deserved that.
"You could've at least said it in a nice way." Boris suggested. I just looked at
"Since when have you been an expert in all this?" I asked him sarcastically.
"You owe her at least that, after all that she's been through." Boris said with
a straight face.
I finished the food I was eating and swallowed hard before replying. "I don't ow
e anything to anybody."
Boris grabbed my plate and started washing it. I went to the fridge to grab a so
"Do you really intend to invite someone over? Ms. Loise perhaps?" Boris queried
while doing the dishes.
"Not that I remember. I just wanted her to go home." I said as I drank from the
soda. I'm trying hard to hide the fact that I was caught off-guard with his ques
tion. Why of all people... her? This old man is unbelievable! Boris left and hea
ded to the bedrooms.
"Hello, Anderson!" James popped up out of nowhere.
"James." I greeted coldly.
"How you doin' buddy?" James chirped and sat at the stool Tori sat at earlier. "
Someone didn't eat her food." James continued as he munched the burger Boris mad
e for Tori.
"Her?" I asked assuming he ran into Tori down the street.
"Well, you went home together. Breakfast, well technically lunch. Yeah. This is
good." James continued as he ate.
"What are you doing here?"
"You don't have to be mean. I just wanted to visit." He mocked.
"You weren't exactly my idea of 'having someone over'." I quoted.
"Why? You're planning on inviting over the queen?" James teased as he continued
"Chloe's got her own business to take care of."

"You're quite the Casanova nowadays." James said finishing the food. I just nodd
ed at what he said. "What happened to your face? Looks like you two were getting
kinky last night." He continued.
"You idiot. I was in a car accident last night." I informed him.
"Now why the hell didn't you tell me?" James yelped placing his food on his plat
"Please don't tell me you're also worried."
"I'm gonna be in a lot of trouble for this!" James is furious. "You came from my
party, jackass. And last night, you were all 'oh, this is like water to me'." H
e said imitating how I speak. James looked pretty upset. He's now panicking.
"I'll take care of it." I told him.
"You'd better. It's off with my head if this goes out." James tried his best to
calm down. "God. How could you be so reckless? "James lectured.
"I wasn't. It was some idiot in an SUV or something. I told you I'll take care o
f it." I assured him.
"Fine." James said in defeat. Then he finished the food he was eating. "Why'd To
ri leave anyway?" James suddenly asked.
"Do I really have to tell you?"
"Of course you do. I could help you out. You should tell her to lock the door wh
en she leaves." James said with that stupid smirk on his face.
"I figured that's how you got in."
"So what did you do?" James asked curiously.
"I can't believe I'm telling this to you." I shrugged.
"Just get on with it." He insisted.
"I scared her off, happy?"
"Now why would you do that?"
"Because I wanted to." I said confidently.
"After everything she did for you. How could you?"
"And how would you know what she did for me?" I asked.
"Well, I would assume she spent the night here taking care of you. But I know yo
u wouldn't want that. So, that leaves Tori feeling responsible for what happened
." He explained.
"What is this? Counseling?"
"With the way you're handling things. You clearly need it." He informed me in a
matter-of-fact. "I've known you a long time Zach. Well not that long, we're stil
l young." James continued.

"Just get to the point." I insisted.

"You gotta have more patience buddy. Anyway, I smell fear." James chortled. I ju
st glared at him.
"What the hell are you talking about?" I furrowed.
"You're afraid you're getting soft towards this girl." He looked at me and gave
me a smirk. "Who wouldn't right?" He continued snickering.
"I don't know what you're talking about." I defended trying to change the subjec
"She's different Zach. And you know it."
"I'm not gonna to listen to--"
"You, pushing her away, shows you're afraid man. Afraid you might fall for your
own trap." James grinned triumphantly. "Who knows, maybe if you'll continue to b
rush her away, she'll find comfort from someone who sees her value and returns w
hat she truly deserves." He looked at his watch and stood up.
"You went all the way here just to lecture me?" I asked him.
"Not at all. I just wanted to see the old place. It's been a long time you know.
" James smiled.
"Where are you going?"
"I actually forgot, with you and your little dilemma, I think I'm meeting someon
e. Thank you for the meal Mr. Anderson." James smirked.
James headed out while I stood there thinking of what he said. I never wanted my
emotions to cloud my judgment. I didn't know what the next step was, what I sho
uld do. All I could think about what?
* * * * *
** TORI's POV **
I'm walking a couple of blocks away from Zach's place thinking about what happen
ed. Zach's words were wedged in my head.
How could he do that? Why am I feeling like dirt for that jerk? I shouldn't be m
aking a big deal out of this. 'Is it wrong for me to care?'
People were just passing by. I wanted to talk to them but who would care? I need
ed someone to talk to. The wind blew my direction as I held back the water formi
ng in my eyes.
This was all supposed to be just part of the plan right? Why do I feel like this
It started raining as people were in a hurry and opened their umbrellas. I never
thought it would rain so I didn't have one. Then a car stopped by and honked. I
turned and noticed it's very familiar. The windows opened and a known face gree
ted me with a smile.
"Someone had a bad night. The rain will make you cry more. Now hop-in, we have a
lot of catching up to do." A smile beamed at me and made me feel better.

"Nice to see you, Nathan." I replied with a smile.

---END OF CHAPTER EIGHTEEN--Ohhh Nathan, finally! Everyone's requesting for his appearance so here he is! Bu
t the question now is, what will happen? Any ideas? I'm open to your suggestions
, please comment and don't forget to vote.
I'm really saddened by what Zach did to Tori :( What's his reason? Is it true th
at he's afraid that he's getting soft towards her? Ohh my, too much drama....
FACEBOOK FANPAGE = Notjustarandomgirl
TWITTER = notarandomgirl
Thank you! <3
<center><h1>Chapter 19 - Perfect Timing</h1></center>
Hey guys! Here's chapter 19 hope you all like it :)) By the way, someone sent me
an amazing banner! Thanks to xXAmethystxAngelXx :)) Enjoy! ;) you can send me b
anner and book trailer if you like and ill be happy to post it here :)) Big than
FACEBOOK FANPAGE = Notjustarandomgirl
TWITTER = notarandomgirl
Thank you! <3
----------------------------------Chapter 19 - Perfect Timing
** TORI's POV **

"Here you go." Nathan handed me his jacket the moment I came into the passenger'
s seat. I took it and thanked him.
It's the small things like these that make me like Nathan. He's exactly the comp
lete opposite of some self-centered jerk that I need not mention. "What brings y
ou to this side of town?" I looked at him and waited patiently for his answer.
"I know you have a lot of questions but I have to drop you off at your place fir
st. Sonia's looking for you." He told me, his eyes still on the road.
The whole ride is silent. It wasn't uncomfortable silence, I just felt secure. H
e is so concentrated on the road. The rain had stopped now and sun is starting t
o shine up again.
I suddenly felt different. It's been a while since I'm with Nathan. I'm kinda us

ed to being with Zach where he never fails to shut his mouth. We argue on the sm
allest things and we just laugh at it in the end.
I immediately shook off the moments I spent with him.
'Arrogant, narcissistic jerk!' I reminded myself.
"You ok?" Nathan asked me.
"Y-yeah. Of course." I assured him with a smile.
"We're here." Nathan parked his car near the entrance to my place.
"Go ahead." He looked at me and gave me a genuine smile. I stepped out of his ca
r and he followed afterwards. As expected, Sonia is waiting for me. She never me
ntioned a word. We went up the elevator all three of us silent. I'd understand t
hat Sonia's very caring of me but she'd never yell at me. She'd just make me rea
lize if I had done something wrong.
As we came back to my place, I headed straight to my room and showered. It felt
like weeks already since I took a bath. It felt like all the things that happene
d last night and today were washed away. After a few more minutes, I decided to
step out and got dressed.
I went downstairs to grab some meal but then I realized that Nathan's still here
"Nate. What are you..."
"I'm inviting you to go out. Hang out, just like old time."
"What? Where are we going?" I feel ecstatic at the idea of Nathan and I hanging
"You worry too much, Tori. I'm not gonna kidnap you." He assured me. I just repl
ied with a laugh. I bid Sonia goodbye and we headed outside.
"So, you're gonna tell me how you ended up on Anderson turf?" I asked the moment
he started the engine of his car. He just glanced at me and chuckled. Nathan co
ntinued to drive away from my place. "Why? Is there something funny?" I furrowed
"Nothing." He grinned.
"Nathan." I pushed.
"It surprises me that you had no idea you were at our hospital yesterday." My ey
es widened at this. "I know everything Tori. Zach and his little car accident."
I was surprised. It never crossed my mind that we were actually at one of the He
mmington's hospital. I was pre-occupied on what happened to Zach that I never re
alized it.
"I still don't get it." I inquired. Yes, given the fact that they own that hospi
tal, how did he know I was at Zach's?
"You're forgetting that Zach and I were childhood friends. The Hemmingtons and A
ndersons are close families despite the gap me and Zach have."
I shifted my position to listen to him carefully and then he continued.

"VIPs, celebrities and politicians inform us about their confinement and whateve
r diseases they have. We in turn provide them privacy and security especially fr
om the media. Zach's father is one who takes good care of his reputation. To hav
e the media get information that Zach was drunk when the accident happened would
damage his father's name."
"Now that you mention it, he rarely talks about his family." I interrupted.
"I wouldn't blame him. Anyway, my parents are still in Italy to take care of bus
iness. Uncle Harry usually takes care of the hospital when they're away. He's te
aching me how the business works so when he received a call from Boris that some
thing happened to Zach, he took care of it."
"Wait, you know Boris?" I queried.
"Yeah, I always remember asking how he went from one place to the other so fast
when I was little."
"I've always wondered how he did that, too."
"Anyway, I was worried, I thought you were with him so I called Sonia immediatel
y, she told me you were at home but went to the hospital in the middle of the ni
"I went with Uncle Harry to the hospital to check on things. I was looking for y
ou there but they told me that you left together with him. So I assumed you went
home with him." He turned to me and gave me a serious look. I blushed at the me
mory. It was embarrassing on my part. "Which you did, didn't you?"
I was caught off guard by his question. I shook my head and gave him an answer.
"Actually it was me who insisted on coming home to take care of him. I felt resp
onsible for what happened to him that night."
"You know it wasn't your fault right? Things just happen for a reason." He tried
to enlighten me. A part of the heavy feelings I had suddenly felt lighter.
"I really wanted to go to his place to pick-you up but I assumed you knew what y
ou were doing. I guess I was wrong."
"What do you mean?" I probed.
"Well, you were walking the streets like a little kitten wanting to go home." Na
than joked. I just looked at him.
"Wait, what about Chloe? Is she going to be at this magical place you're taking
me?" I asked him.
"Nope." He said straightforwardly.
Now I'm thinking of Chloe. She might think I'm keeping secrets from her. Maybe s
he already knows something or Nathan said something to her. I'd better tell her
at school. I looked at Nathan again and remembered he really likes Chloe. Pictur
ing them together made me feel all alone.
"Morning came and I had no news from Sonia or you. So I decided that I could no
longer wait so I went to Zach's place. Luckily, I saw you heading out of the bui
lding saving me the trouble of committing a crime."
"You're planning on taking him on?" I furrowed.

"I was thinking of a death match but yeah, that sounds good too." He informed me
"He's not that all bad." I defended, thinking of the good times we had.
"You don't mean that." Nathan fortified.
"You really hate him huh?" I asked. Then he just nodded. "Since when?" I continu
ed to queried.
"Since the moment he took an interest to someone I thought was mine." He said wh
ile looking at me sternly.
"Someone, huh." I pretended not to know who would that someone be. It's obviousl
y Chloe. Nathan really likes her. He'd go the distance for her. I only hope that
Chloe will know his feelings. If only they were together, I'm pretty sure that
Zach won't bother them anymore. Or will he?
"We're here." He gestured. He parked his car and opened the door for me.
"Where are we?" I looked around, not having any idea where we are.
We continued to walk and suddenly I felt like I knew this place. "Central Park."
Nathan informed me. It's as if he knew what I was thinking.
"But how did you...." before I could finish my question, he cuts me off.
"You mentioned before that you've always wanted to visit the famous park of New
York City ever since you saw Home Alone 2."
I couldn't help but smile. I was expecting Coney Island but I always wondered wh
at the deal was with Central Park. It surprises me more that someone attentively
listens to my boring rants. It's just some childish out of the blue thing I men
tioned to them.
"Aside from the bandits and muggers, it's quite the view from here. I'm just kin
da frustrated that we've been friends for years and haven't brought you here. Wh
ile a guy you've only been with for days already took you to a lot of places."
You're making me like you even more, Nathan. But it pains me, knowing that you c
an't see me more than just a friend. I thought after everything I've been throug
h, I deserve some sort of break from all of it.
"Perfect timing." I told him. He replied me with his a sweet smile.
Everything that happened in the park was fun. It's so big that every other turn
we took is a new place. We strolled down the park, ate corndogs, and saw a conce
rt. It's very fun. We were having a pretty good time.
I decided to sit on one of the benches in the park overlooking a carousel.
I'm glad I had this day-off with my pretend life. The life that I created days a
go, but I wonder what would my life be if none of that had happened.
'Do you miss him already?' a voice from my head asked me. No way, not to that je
rk! I'm happy and having fun right now with Nathan.
"Shaved ice?" Nathan hands me a snow cone with what I assumed is strawberry flav
or. I tasted it and it's delicious.

"Thanks." I replied.
"Still worried about him?" He suddenly asked.
"What?" I don't know where he came up with that question.
"You've been staring at your phone the whole time. No call or message yet?"
I didn't realize I was doing that. I looked at him and saw that he was a bit dis
appointed he couldn't cheer me up as he thought he did.
I don't want Nathan to think that I'm not having fun with him. "Nothing. It's no
thing, Nathan." I assured him.
"You know. I envy that guy. Although I hate to admit it but it was pretty cool o
f you to rush to his side the moment you knew something happened to him." He tur
ned away, not meeting my gaze as he said those words.
"I would do the same for anyone close to me, Nathan." He looked at me with surpr
ise plastered in his face.
"Really?" He asked.
"Yes. But I wouldn't want any accidents to happen to the people I care about."
"Who wouldn't, right?" He questioned seriously. "I just hope I'm in that list."
He added.
"Of course you are." I replied without hesitation. If only you knew how much I c
are for you Nate.
He gave me a smile before he replied. "I'm glad hearing that from you, Tori."
He keeps on saying words that leave me speechless. I don't know what to do or sa
y. I don't want to expect anything. I don't want to over analyze things. Even th
ough I like him, I know it will be impossible. But I just can't help but hope.
"If only you knew, Tori." Nathan said suddenly. I turned to him and waited for h
im to continue. He looked at me and met my gaze. "I wish I could tell you everyt
"Then tell me." I pushed eagerly.
The tension in the air suddenly disappeared by a phone call. I immediately looke
d at my phone but to my frustration, it was Nathan's that's ringing.
'Tough luck. Of course he won't call.'
Nathan excused himself and left me hanging. I'm curious at what he has to say. A
fter a few minutes, he came back and I asked him again.
"Tell me Nathan. What is it?"
"Now's not the right time. Everything has a perfect timing. I just want you to b
e ready." He informed me with a calm voice.
"As you said, perfect timing Tori. Don't worry, you'll know everything soon." He

assured me.
I didn't insist on asking him and elaborating further. He knows what he's doing.
That's one of Nathan's best qualities. Maybe he's right. Now is not the right t
ime. He knows what I've been through, if it's bad news, then I'm glad he didn't
tell me anything.
* * * * * * *
"--- and that's what happened." I concluded my story to Chloe.
Yesterday, after Nathan and I talked, we stayed for a while and then went out fo
r dinner.
After dinner, he dropped me off at my place and bids me goodbye. I was happy, ye
ah, but some part of me is still missing. I haven't slept at all. I kept on star
ing at my phone and waited for a message or phone call from Zach. But nothing ca
Is it really over between me and him? It really bothers me.
"Hey, Tori." Chloe interrupted.
"It was fun. Nathan brought me to the Central Park...."
"You were done with the Central Park thing." Chloe cut me off but leaned closer
to listen for more.
"Oh, sorry. Anyway, that's about it." I said.
"You had a great time?" She asked.
"Of course." I replied with a smile.
"Does Zach knows about this?"
"What's Zach got to do with this?" I stuttered.
She leaned back and continued to examine me. "Well aside from that fact that you
're going out with him, he's the jealous type, you know."
I rolled my eyes at what Chloe said. Zach? Jealous? He wouldn't. He didn't have
a thing for me and why would he? Besides, I don't know if we're still going out.
I haven't heard from him since yesterday, since he had some other slut in his h
"I'll tell him if he asks." I don't want to elaborate on it. I tried my best to
show my poker face. I don't want Chloe to notice that there's something wrong be
tween me and him. She might discover what Zach did and freak out.
"You two have a problem?"
"No. We're good." I lied.
"If you say so." I let out a sigh of relief. I thought she caught me. "By the wa
y, my Mom is having a fashion show next weekend. I already invited Nathan and Gr
eg. You have to be there. Make sure that Zach comes along." She insisted.
At first I thought she already let it slide. But Chloe is cunning. She's trying
to prove something out of me. How am I supposed to invite Zach? I don't know if

I'm still his girlfriend.

"He's a busy person and I think that this isn't one of the functions he goes to.
" I tried to reasoning out. I didn't know what else to say.
"I would love to go to the fashion show Chloe, and accompany my girlfriend." A v
ery familiar voice came out of nowhere. I assume he's standing behind me. I can
feel his hands rested on my shoulder. I shuddered and my heart started beating f
'Was he here the whole time?' I panicked.
"Good! So it's settled then." Chloe chortled. I tried to stifle a smile.
I didn't looked back at him. I was glued to my seat the whole time. He leaned cl
oser and then he whispered. "You have a lot of explaining to do, Victoria. Stand
up and follow me." He commanded. A soft voice that only he and I could hear.
---END OF CHAPTER NINETEEN --So what do you think guys? What will happen next?
What do you think of Nathan and Tori's date? I kinda like Nathan in this chapter
. He's so sweet! Who's with me? And Zach!! Is he jealous or what? Haha Please sh
are your thoughts.
FACEBOOK FANPAGE = Notjustarandomgirl
TWITTER = notarandomgirl
Thank you! <3
<center><h1>Chapter 20 - Almost</h1></center>
Hey beloved readers :)) I'm really sorry for taking this chapter too long to upl
oad. I just can't find the rights words to write the ending so i hope i didn't s
crew that up. Anyways I'm so grateful to each and everyone of you, especially to
those who VOTED COMMENTED AND FANNED :)) I read all your comments and I'm so Ha
ppy about your feedbacks, it really gave me inspiration to write this.
PLEASE PLAY Broken Strings By James Morrison ft Nelly furtado while reading this
chapter. It is in the Multimedia Section. Thanks :)
FACEBOOK FANPAGE = Notjustarandomgirl
TWITTER = notarandomgirl
Thank you! <3
-----------------------Chapter 20 - Almost
** TORI's POV **

"Start talking." Zach ordered the moment we entered the empty room. It's the sam
e room I confessed to him. I'm still kinda wondering if we were still together.
I had no idea how to start this conversation. I don't even know why I followed h
im in the first place. I could feel the tension in the air, speechless.
I continued walking forward away from him. Zach just followed me from behind. Th
en I decided to lean on the teacher's desk with him in front of me. He sat on an
armchair not too far from me.
"So?" He started.
"What do you want to know?" I asked bravely. He ran his fingers to his hair and
looked at me.
"You don't get to ask, Peige." He smirked and then he continued. "So that was th
e reason why you never bothered to call or send messages."
"Since when did you care who I go out with?" I looked at him sternly. And then h
e chuckled. He raised his body up and walked towards me. I tried to be tough in
front of him even though deep inside, I'm trembling.
"You don't get to say that, too. That's my line." His lips curled up into grin.
He is clearly pissed.
I gulped hard. He continued to walk towards me. "Tori, Tori, Tori." Zach chanted
. He closed the distance between us. I'm just staring at him not knowing what to
say. "You think I don't give a damn who you go out with?" He furrowed.
"Yes." I answered confidently.
"Wrong answer. I cared the moment you became mine.'" He said each word with emph
My heart quickened its pace. Now I really don't know what to say. Why is he tell
ing me this? Does he want me to know that he cares for me? I'm really confused.
"Of all the people to go out with, I'm a bit insulted." He hissed. "Do you have
any idea how I felt the moment you told Chloe everything?" He continued. I tried
to look away. I felt guilty. Although none of this would have happened if it we
ren't for him.
"You shoved me away, remember?" I managed to say something. But I don't know if
it'll help or make things worse.
I saw him look away for a moment and turned back to me again. "You went with him
because of that?" It's not a question, it's actually an accusation and it reall
y made my stomach turn upside down.
"How dare you, Anderson! You think I'm some slut that runs to another guy if I g
et turned down?" I snapped. I tried my best to hold the water forming in my eyes
. I won't cry in front of this jerk no matter what.
"So you're telling me that after you left my building he just saw you walking do
wn the street? What a coincidence." He stated sarcastically.
"Eavesdrop much? Might I mention that we were actually at the Hemmington's hospi
tal and Nathan knew what happened? He also knew that I went home with you. He ca
me to pick me up and saw me walking down the street." I explained. "And for your
information, you never bothered to call me, guess you were busy with whoever it

was you invited over." I continued, disgust evident in my tone.

"Look who's talking? If your idea of a slut is some guy who hit on you the other
night then I must be gay." He concluded with a harsh tone.
I wondered who he was pertaining to. Then James came in to my mind. "Still, you
shoved me away." I tried to get to my point.
"It was for your own good!" He snapped.
"For my own good? What about you? I'm not a little girl!" I said unknowingly.
"You worry too much about me and you don't think about yourself anymore."
"I did that because I--"
"You just felt responsible for what happened that's why you stayed!" He argued.
"Stop it Zach!" Oh I can't take this anymore! "You really wanna know why I staye
d? I care for you, Zach! I Care!" I panted. I waited for him to answer. It was a
wkward after I said those words. We were silent for a while. I could see in my p
eripheral vision that either he was looking at me or staring down. I'm just look
ing away from him.
Although I never realized I had the courage in me to say it. I didn't know which
part of me was talking. If I were confronted a week ago, I wouldn't have said t
hat. But it's different now. I realized that I really care for him.
"You're not gonna say anything? Then I guess it's over between us." I concluded
while looking away. I'm leaving him. I just thought, 'screw the plan, I'll just
think of something else, blackmail him or something.' Then again, I couldn't do
it. Even if he is a class-A jerk, I just couldn't. I knew that he isn't such a b
ad guy. Somewhere inside, he is capable of kindness. I've witnessed it. At least
I think I have.
As I walked pass him, Zach suddenly grabbed my arm. "You're right. It's my fault
." His voice was soft and calm now.
"Zach, please..." I insisted trying to brush him off.
"No one's ever cared for me before, since mother died." He continued. I turned t
o look at him and he let go of my arm.
"I.... I didn't know."
" I guess I'm just afraid or something."
"Afraid? I don't understand." I wondered.
"No. What I meant was... ugh."
"Zach. Please. Trust me." I grabbed his hand and looked at him.
He is also looking at me wondering if he can really trust me. He took a deep bre
ath and he continued. "I can't believe this." He shrugged as I let go of his han
d. He is silent for a while. And then he started, "My father always taught me no
t to be dependent to anyone. Let alone live by it. I should take care of myself
and not let anyone do that for me." Zach pointed out.
"The moment you get used to living with someone. It makes a person weaker." He s

tared blankly somewhere. I just want to hear him out. "I still remember the day
she died." He's deep in his thoughts. Sadness is obvious in his tone.
"It's okay to be weak Zach. Nobody's perfect." I walked towards him facing each
He turned to me and say, "You don't understand. I don't want to experience the p
ain again."
"That's why you were pushing me away?" I asked. My voice is shaking.
"Yes." He said straightforwardly.
"Why?" I hesitantly asked.
"Nothing is permanent, Tori. Eventually, you'll leave me." His words were as sha
rp as a knife stabbing me in the heart. How can he be so sure? Maybe he has an i
dea why I'm with him?
"How can you be so sure?" I stuttered. I'm thinking that he might be planning so
mething on his own.
"Come on Tori. You'll never last with a guy like me. Sooner or later, you'll lea
ve me for being the ass that I am and I might find another." He concluded.
"Is that what's happening now?" I questioned cautiously but I gathered all the c
ourage I had to ask him.
"What is?"
"I'm still here aren't I? I don't know about you, but I'm staying." I said out l
oud. I didn't know what I'm doing at that very moment, but one thing's for sure.
I really wanted to stay with him.
Silence filled the air. No one is talking again. There is more to Zach than meet
s the eye. I didn't know if he was telling the truth but somehow, I could feel t
hat he meant what he said. He's trusting me. I'm starting to understand everythi
"Tori---" Zach's voice is strained.
"I'll stay Zach. Unless you say otherwise." I told him firmly. I wanted to be by
his side. I felt that he wanted me to stay as well. It is a mutual thing. He wo
uldn't open up to me if he doesn't want to, right?
I waited for his answer. Part of me is afraid that he might push me away, again.
He's staring at me as he stepped closer and closer closing the gap between us. M
y heart is beating irregularly. I felt like I'm having a heart attack or somethi
ng. But I knew exactly why. Its scenes like this that make people go gaga all ov
er pg-13 movies. That's how I see it anyway. He's so close to me.
He tucked the loose hair to my ear as he gaze me and continued staring my face.
His thumb caresses my cheek and I closed my eyes, feeling the warmth of his hand
Oh, God. Here it comes.
I waited and waited until---

"Go." His soft voice called me out.

"What?" I opened my eyes and looked up at him confused.
"I said go ahead. The school bell rang already. If you don't hurry up you might
be late for class." He informed me.
"Ohh. R-right." was the only word I could come up with. I stepped backwards and
managed to stifle a smile at him.
"I'll see you later. I'll drive you home." He reminded me.
"But you just got yourself into..."
Zach put his hands in his pockets. "No, Tori. Trust me. I can manage." He cuts m
e with his bossy tone.
"Last time you said that you ended up in a hospital bed."
"After everything I said, you're still going at it? I'll forget about what happe
ned yesterday, just let me take you home." The sweet calming voice of Zach from
our conversation earlier was gone. He is the commanding boss man again.
I didn't protest anymore since I kinda have an idea why he's like that.
"Fine. I'll see you later, then." I bid him goodbye. Everything he did is starti
ng to make sense. I had an epiphany, the more he is mean to me, the more he mean
t the opposite.
"Yes. Let's continue whatever it is we were supposed to do later." He smirked. I
smiled at him thinking about my sudden realization.
Wait a minute... As I walked the halls to class, I'm having mixed feelings. I'm
nervous, worried, scared and excited all at the same time.
We were supposed to do, what?
I could picture Jack and Rose, Romeo and Juliet, Jasmine and Aladdin, a prince a
nd princess.
One particular scenario had me putting Zach and I in their shoes. I panicked in
my thought.
He's going to kiss me!
---END OF CHAPTER TWENTY--So what do you think? Please share your thoughts and what do you think will happ
en next? Are you team Zach, Nathan or James? Hahaha so what do you think of the
song as background music? Can you feel the tension too? :))
FACEBOOK FANPAGE = Notjustarandomgirl
TWITTER = notarandomgirl
Thank you! <3
<center><h1>Chapter 21 - Waiting</h1></center>

Hey there wattpaders :D First of all I would like to thank you for your support.
I'm overwhelmed with lots of votes and outstanding comments hearing from all of
you. I really love it!
CHAPTER DEDICATION: I would like to take this opportunity to thank Girlspeaking
for making me an amazing book trailer! My first ever book trailer! yahooo :)) I
would also like to thank sophieazoury for sending me this lovely banner.
Last chapter I asked you if you're on team Zach, James or Nathan. Well a lot of
you were on Zach's team... well I wouldn't be surprise about that. Who wouldn't,
right? So enough with the blabbing, here's chapter 21.
FACEBOOK FANPAGE = Notjustarandomgirl
TWITTER = notarandomgirl
Thank you! <3
--------------------------------------------Chapter 21 - Waiting
** ZACH's POV **

Late as usual. Why am I not surprised?

It's already after class. Everyone's gone home and as usual, I'm waiting for som
eone who clearly knows I hate delays. I kept on looking at my phone hoping that
Tori would be done already.
I'm alone, or wouldn't be if I talked to the two geeks passing by. Like that'd h
appen. It's moments like this that piss me off because I tend to think about any
thing, what to do at home, where I should spend summer or what's been happening
in my life so far.
I hate that she spontaneously keeps popping in my head. I'm still trying to fig
ure out why I'm so smitten.
Now, what? I thought as I pictured us together earlier. I felt a little embarras
sed. Things like that should've been easy for me. I know my way with girls, but
with Tori, it just seems wrong. This is stupid!
James really got to me the other day. It pisses me off that everything he said m
ade perfect sense. That rarely happens. I've never felt this way before. Not eve
n with Chloe. She can go out with whomever she wants, the way I know her, it mea
ns nothing. But for Tori, it's very frustrating that I don't know where I stand.
I even told her those personal things. It's so lame. I told her the story just s
o it wouldn't be over between us? What is wrong with you, Zachary!
I felt possessive of her. I don't know, maybe I just didn't want her to end up w
ith that jerk, Nathan. Why would she go with him in the first place?

I understand that it could mean nothing but still I couldn't help but feel uncom
fortable with them spending time together. I don't like the douche but maybe it'
s something else. I just didn't want to lose her.
I'm at the parking lot. I leaned on the door of my car still thinking about the
issue. I hated myself for being like this. This is just going from bad to worse.
I just want to protect her. Be with her. But I have yet to settle things with Ch
"I'll stay Zach, unless you say otherwise."
I could still feel her sincerity when she said those words.
Somehow, I felt guilty. I'm using her to get to Chloe. I could care less with th
e others that I dated but the thought of leaving Tori is just too much to bear.
I want her by my side, especially now that we're getting along.
To top it all, kissing a girl for me would be no problem. But for Tori, I just c
an't understand why I choked earlier. I couldn't find any logical reason why I'd
choke at a situation like that. I'm assuming it would've been her first kiss, y
eah that's it. And I think it wouldn't be fair if I, who doesn't have any feelin
gs for her, stole it. 'I don't like her that way, I mean in a special way, right
?' I convinced myself.
'Why the hell am I being cheesy?' I snapped out of everything I was thinking abo
ut. I just thought of why Tori would still make me wait if she knows I don't lik
e it. Is she doing this on purpose? I shouldn't be thinking about her. It's prob
ably because my head's still busted. It's polluting my mind with senseless stuff
. But more importantly, I wouldn't be thinking about this if I'm not waiting her
e in the first place. I should probably go have my head checked. It would be a g
reat excuse to skip school for a couple of days.
"Well, well. What dastardly schemes could Mr. Anderson be planning?" A voice cam
e out of nowhere. At first I thought it was Tori then I glanced back and saw the
figure coming my way.
"And of course, you, appear. Why do I get the feeling that someone's controlling
my life?" I teased.
"What are you talking about?"
"Nothing. Why are you here?" I looked at her sternly.
"Maybe the same reason you're still here." She fired back.
"Maybe you're right. But why do I get the feeling that we're gonna have one of t
hose 'talks' like before?"
"C'mon, Zach. You know I wouldn't let a chance like this pass by." She giggled.
I furrowed my brows and put my hands in my pocket. "What do you want, Chloe?"
She is still in her uniform. Chloe probably had some late school meeting or some
thing that's why she's still here. I was planning on confirming it anyway.
"Nothing I'm just walking by and saw you all alone." She walked in front, facing
"Great timing. Your friend really likes being late does she?" I queried. Maybe s

he does have a clue why Tori is being like this.

"Yeah. She does that." She answered with humor obvious in her tone. She walked c
loser to me. Chloe smells really nice. I'm trying to figure out whether it's her
hair or perfume I could smell.
"You really have to teach her to use the internet. I only use the library to sle
ep." I informed her.
"Leave her be. She enjoys reading books. Besides, she insists that reading from
the computer's really bad." She stated amusingly.
"Whatever. It's better than waiting for more than an hour." I replied impatientl
y. Chloe giggled. I'm actually surprised we were talking about someone else. She
usually likes talking about herself. "What's so funny?" I furrowed.
"Nothing. Can I tell you something Zach?" She cocked her head to side and gave m
e a demanding look.
"Okay, here we go." I shifted my position trying to avoid this 'talk' that is ab
out to happen.
"You seem different." She looked at me with her right brow raised.
"Of course. Times have changed." I replied playfully.
"I know that. But come on. Zach waiting for someone? With your 'track record' I
have to say, I'm impressed." Chloe quoted and then we both chuckled. "It's reall
y sweet of you to wait for her. You're really taking your relationship seriously
." She finished with a sly smile.
"Told you I'm capable of taking care of her." I told her in a proud tone.
"That's good to hear." She said smiling. "You've really grown to like her, huh?"
She continued.
"Now I'm curious why you thought of that." Ok, now I don't know where this conve
rsation is going.
"Well. For one, before, I've always invited you to Mom's fashion show, and you a
lways come up with some reason to bail out."
"I don't think I like where this is going, Chloe." I defended in a bored tone.
"Don't be like that, Zach. I know you. For you to go that far to attend a 'gay p
arty' just to accompany her? Bravo!" She grinned and clapped.
I remembered telling Chloe about what I thought about fashion shows. It's just a
lame excuse for gay people to look for hook-ups. I remembered going once before
and was hit-on by someone assuming I was gay. "Well, it's nice to hear that you
r memories' still intact." I tried to change the subject.
"Yeah, I also remember you whining about it like a little kid." We both laughed.
It's really nice to know that Chloe still remembers such little details. I'm fee
ling kinda nostalgic. I'm remembering the reason why I like Chloe in the first p
"So, how are you doing?" She asked so suddenly and it made me snapped back to re
ality. Chloe's tapping her head. She's clearly referring to the bandage on my he

"I'm beginning to wonder when you'd ask that." I teased.
"Well, I'm more curious of your status with Tori." She gave me another sly smile
"Yeah, I could see that. I just slipped in the tub. How stupid of me huh?" I jok
"Yeah, right." She said rolling her eyes. She's probably annoyed at my answer.
"This school never runs out of rumors." I said disappointingly.
"You do know that you're bandage's loose right?" She pointed out.
"Of course I do. My head hurts if it's too tight." I inform her in a matter of f
act tone.
"It doesn't have to be that loose, silly. Here, let me--" Chloe stepped closer t
o me until our faces were only inches from each other. She raised her hand and t
ried to touch the bandage. I'm surprised. I instantly grab her hand, stopping he
r from touching my bandage.
She looked surprised as well. Her eyes widened as our eyes met. We're in that si
tuation for I don't know long and then she parted her lips.
"Uh, Za-" Chloe stuttered.
I immediately snapped back to reality when I saw a familiar face came out of now
here. 'It was.....shit! It was Tori!' I mentally panicked.
Chloe is standing in front of me; I let go of her wrist and looked at Tori. I co
uld see Chloe, from my peripheral, touching her wrist as she was clearly composi
ng herself.
"Guys... What's going on?" Tori asked slowly looking at the two of us.
"Hey, Tori." Chloe smiled and gave Tori a friendly hug.
"I'm just asking Zach if you guys could drop me off. Greg couldn't make it." Chl
oe replied defensively.
What? Although she never mentioned anything about coming with us, is she lying?
Or did she just forget to ask me earlier? A lot of questions were in my mind. In
clude that with the awkward atmosphere I'm under in such a short time.
I just looked at Tori casually as if she didn't see anything unusual. She is sti
ll wondering what we're doing. It's written all over her face. For some reason,
my heart is racing. I'm nervous. I could care less about what other girls would
feel if I was in this situation. But it's different this time around. I couldn't
find any words to say. I'm speechless!
And then all of a sudden, she replied with a smile.
"I-I just came here to say that... I still have stuff to do so you guys go ahead
. I'll just take a cab." It's obvious that she's lying. Her smile's forced. It's
very different from before.
I might've made Tori jealous before and she never gave a damn about it, but it's

different this time around. Somehow, she is acting strange. She couldn't look a
t me straight in the eyes. She is trying hard to smile looking at Chloe.
"You ok?" Chloe suddenly asked her.
"I'm fine, Chloe. I'm just sleepy. I have stuff to do still." Tori stammered.
"Tori, I was just helping Zach fix-"
"The bandage, yeah, I saw that, C'mon, it's not a big deal. I just wanted to let
Zach know he can go ahead." There it is again! That force smile! What the hell
is this all about Peige?
"Tori..." Chloe sounds worried.
"You guys go ahead. I should go. I need to finish this as soon as possible. I ne
ed some sleep. I'm going to ring you once I get home, bye, Zach." She gave Chlo
e a hug. "Bye, Chloe. Take care." She turned to me, gave me a weak smile and the
n she left. I'm silent the whole time. We watch as Tori walked away in a hurry.
"Does she do that a lot as well?" I questioned while looking at the direction wh
ere Tori retreated.
"What do you mean?" Chloe asked confused.
I looked at her and answered, "You said she tends to make people wait for her. B
ut it seems like she tends to make people wait for nothing as well."
"You have to understand her, Zach. I'm really sorry. I'll help smooth things out
." Chloe said in a concerned tone.
"I'll be expecting that." I sighed.
"Knowing Tori, it'd be best if I talk to her tomorrow. She has a hard time venti
ng out her feelings. Wait, you're not going after her?" Chloe asked curiously.
"Like you said, she has a hard time venting out her feelings. Talking to her rig
ht now might make things worse." I told her as I opened the door of the car. "Yo
u still need a ride?" I added.
"I don't know, after what happened... you go ahead, I'll just find---"
I let out a deep sigh. I closed the door and walked to the other side to open th
e passenger's door. "Get in." I commanded.
"You're not serious, right? After all the good things I said about your relation
"What's wrong with you? It's not like I'm taking you out on a date or anything."
I defended.
She turned away, as if avoiding my stare. "It wouldn't be right. I'll be ok by m
yself." She muttered in a low voice.
"It wouldn't be right if I didn't drop you off. You heard her. She told us to go
ahead. She'll get the wrong idea if I didn't do it." I convinced her.
"You do have a point. Knowing her, she might think we got caught earlier or some
thing. But still-" Chloe didn't finish her sentence. Obviously, she's thinking a
bout Tori. It couldn't be that big of a deal. Besides, I waited here for nothing

. At least I get to help someone in need.

"Just get inside, will you? You girls make a big deal out of everything. Let's j
ust get this over with." I demanded.
"Fine! Fine! But make sure you bring me home in one piece." Chloe lectured as sh
e walked at the side of the passenger's seat.
"Yeah, whatever. You know, none of this would've happened if you didn't try to k
iss me." I teased while holding the door for her. As she was about to enter my c
ar, she stood back up and faced me, nostrils firing up.
"Don't kid yourself, Zach! You were the one trying. Unfortunately for you, I'm i
mmune to your so called charm or whatever." She sounds very defensive. So, does
she really thought we're gonna kiss? 'Fuck!'
"Tough words, coming from someone afraid of cab drivers." I said trying to hide
the sudden realization I had earlier. "Charm huh? That's cute. Get in already."
I added as I forced her to sit inside the car.
Chloe is blabbering stuff I couldn't understand. It's like a fast-forwarded mess
age so I just ignored it and closed the door. As I walk to the driver seat, I co
uld see Chloe sitting, clearly not yet finished with arms crossed. So I pretende
d to check my tires because knowing her, she'll just continue to talk and talk h
ow I'm still the same old jerk she knew. But something is bothering me.
I should be happy about that almost kiss and that I'll be alone with Chloe. It's
the right time to get the cogwheels moving. I've done a lot of mean things to p
eople but the thought of leaving Tori behind made me feel like the worst person
in the world.
I opened the door and suddenly felt my chest is heavier than usual. I thought I'
m having a heart attack. But I knew it is guilt that made me feel this way. Even
though it is finally an opportunity to put the plan into action, some part of m
e wanted to have chased... Tori.
---END OF CHAPTER TWENTY ONE--Please don't hate me! It really pains me when writing this part especially when
Tori caught Zach and Chloe's 'almost kiss'. Well that's all part of the story.
What do you think will happen next? Share your thoughts!
FACEBOOK FANPAGE = Notjustarandomgirl
TWITTER = notarandomgirl
Thank you! <3
<center><h1>Chapter 22 - Questions and Answers</h1></center>
This chapter was inspired by the song My Dilemma by Selena Gomez. See Multimedia
Section for the video.
CHAPTER DEDICATION: SophieAzoury (Chapter 21 banner) and Syialoveyou (Chapter 22

I read all of your comments and I love them especially from FlyingxxDandelion, W
ritingIsAPassion01, leivynee and AllMyEccentrics. All those long comments and wr
aths about what happened at the last chapter, I love it and I felt it guys :)
Thanks for all who commented and voted from the last chapters. Hope to hear from
you again. Tell me what you think about this chap ok? Thanks a lot.

FACEBOOK FANPAGE = Notjustarandomgirl

TWITTER = notarandomgirl
Thank you! <3

--------------------------Chapter 22 - Questions and Answers

** TORI's POV **

"Damn it!" I cursed after I flump on the floor for the eight time after doing my
pirouette. Why can't I do this anymore? I shrugged and stood up again to attemp
t another spin.
I took a deep breath trying to relax and then I positioned myself to fourth posi
tion, I bent my legs, and balanced myself.
Ok, here I go prepare to relv then...
As I took the spin, an image of Zach and Chloe crossed my mind and made me stumb
le again.
I banged my fist to the ground. The last fall is the worst of all my attempts. I
looked at myself in the mirror surrounding the room. I'm at the floor wearing s
kin-tight leggings and a plain white tank top. I always made sure to store gear
in my locker so that every time I want to do ballet, I could. It's been a long t
ime since I practiced. I couldn't even remember the last time I did it. Ballet i
s my own way of relaxing.
But for some reason, I'm not relaxed.
"Arrrg!" I ruffled my head trying to erase the images of them. Why am I feeling
like this? I don't know what's going on anymore.

I drew my legs together, pulled it closer to my chest and rested my head to my k

nees. I was able to tolerate Zach's womanizing before. Is it because Chloe's inv
olved that I feel this way? I'm confused if I'm angry because my plans backfired
or if I'm... jealous?
'By the looks of it, they were about to kiss if you hadn't interfered.'
I immediately lifted my head and looked at myself in the mirror.
It can't be. They were just talking, that's all. Chloe would never...
'Convince yourself all you want, that's really not what it looks like.'
Great. Now I'm having a debate with my subconscious.
I don't care anymore. He can kiss whomever he wants. It's clear that he's in lov
e with her! I'm just doing this just because... because... I stopped. I don't kn
ow what's happening. Zach supposed to leave Chloe alone. What am I doing all thi
s time? Chloe deserves a happy ending.
'What if Zach is Chloe's happy ending?'
I tried to convince myself, otherwise always thinking, Chloe's happy with Greg,
but the image of Chloe and Zach together just won't get out of my head.
'Only one solution, leave him. He doesn't deserve you. He'd rather be with Chloe
than you.'
I suddenly felt the urge to cry. I slowly lifted my hands to my eyes, trying to
avert the tears from escaping.
I shook my head. 'I promised. I made a promise that I wouldn't leave.' I stated
clearly. I wiped my tears, stood up and took a deep breath. I have to do this sp
in, I won't give up!
"One spin, please let me do just one spin and I'm going home." I warmed up, read
y to take my very last attempt; it's now or never. I took a deep breath, positio
ned again, lift and...
"This is what you make me wait for hours everyday?" A very known voice echoed in
the studio that made me stumble to floor, yet again.
After my embarrassing fall, I looked at the door and saw Mr. Blonde standing in
the doorframe with his hands in his pockets.
"What do you want Zach?" I composed myself sitting on the floor in a relaxed ton
e. He walked towards my direction and sat in front of me.
"First of all, I should be angry at you for not answering my calls but after see
ing you fall on your butt, well, you're forgiven." He finished with a smirk.
"What are you doing here?" I mumbled as I caressed my feet. Damn, it hurts.
"Why not?" He replied.
"Well, it's already late."

"I'm not a kid Tori, I drive a car for crying out loud." He chuckled.
"Well, uh..." I still couldn't believe he's here.
"But if you really wanna know, I came here to pick you up." He answered simply.
I looked pass him expecting to see someone else. "Where's Chloe?"
"I dropped her off as you instructed, Ms. Peige." He responded as if trying to i
mitate Boris.
I just rolled my eyes at his gesture and shifted my position. I faced away from
him so I could avoid his stare. Why is he staring at me like that? It's like he'
s suspicious of me or something.
"You never answered my question, Peige."
"What question?" I still have my back at him.
"Let's stop playing dumb, shall we?" He suggested.
"I'm not. I do ballet, so what?" I answered seriously. What is he up to?
"Cold treatment, eh? Now why do I get the feeling you got that from me?" He teas
ingly inquired.
"Yeah, right." I responded sarcastically.
"Please don't tell me you were jealous of Chloe. C'mon, she's your best friend.
Avoiding me for something so petty is a lame move." He informed me.
I faced him with anger. "You think too highly of yourself! Y-You... You..."
"What? What? Unbelievable? I know. I get that a lot." Zach chuckled. It looks li
ke he's enjoying the embarrassment I'm feeling.
"You think you got me all figured out, huh? That's where you're wrong! I'm not a
voiding you." I informed him confidently with a firm appearance.
He smirked at my gesture and eyed me suspiciously. "Oh really? Care to explain?"
He challenged in an arrogant tone.
I really hate it when he's eyeing me like that. I tried to maintain eye contact
s with him and retort at his queries. "Well, I needed to unwind from all the sch
ool work I was doing so I just wanted you to go ahead, since I'm going to practi
"Whatever you say, Peige." He concluded as if not believing a single thing I ju
st explained.
"What are you really doing here, Zach?" I asked in confusion.
"I already answered that question, Peige."
"I mean, how did you know I'm still here? I told you that I'm going to ring you
once I got home. So why didn't you just wait for my..." I stopped the moment he
raised his finger trying to shut me up.
"You ask a lot of questions, Peige." He said wryly.

"And I want answers, Anderson." I mocked, trying to top his superiority. He just
raised his brows and smiled wickedly. I furrowed at his movement. He's clearly
not going to say a thing. "Come on Zach!" I demanded as I poked his chest.
"You act like a kid you know that?" He informed with his wicked grin plastered o
n his face. I rolled my eyes in dismay. "Well, if you really wanna know, after I
dropped Chloe, I called you and you never answered."
"No, you didn't." I reached for the small pouch I placed on the mirrored wall ju
st to double-check my phone and I realized that... he did check up on me. "Oh...
" is all I could say at that moment.
Zach just smiled and continued. "I went inside the library, tried calling Sonia,
I looked everywhere for you, then I saw the lights in the studio still open so
there." He said straightforwardly.
"How long were you standing there?" I questioned.
"Long enough."
I just shook my head, placing my phone back to my pouch and placed it back to wh
ere it was. "This makes us even though."
"What?" I'm confused with what he is talking about.
"Well, you had your date with Nathan. And now that I made you jealous, we're eve
n." He explained in an arrogant tone.
"Excuse me? Jealous?" I raised my brows at him trying to figure out what is he u
p to.
"Don't tell me you were moping around all this time for nothing. I'm not an idio
t, Peige."
"And how is that even? We were just friends hanging out." I corrected him.
"Yeah, right." He rebutted sarcastically.
"I knew it! You were jealous of him!" I accused him.
"You don't have to be jealous, Zach. He likes someone else."
"Hah! Did he directly tell you who? I think you're just assuming things." He con
cluded suspiciously.
I gulped. Zach is right. I'm just basing it on what I see. Nathan is in love wit
h Chloe. I'm not going to tell Zach about that. He also has feelings for her.
"Silence means yes, Tori. Clearly you're not very observant of what's happening
around you. You're too nave to realize everything."
'Yeah. Too nave to see that she needs to let go of you 'coz you're in love with he
r best friend.'
My subconscious is siding with Zach? Great!
"As if you're not 'hanging out' with your 'girl-friends'." I quoted. He gave me
his signature smirk and looked aside.

"At least I'm not doing it behind my girlfriend's back." He said wryly. "Try to
refresh my memory if I did that." He challenged.
He continued to stare at me as if trying to find the answers in my eyes and I ju
st turned away. I couldn't figure out the right words to say to him. I hate to a
dmit it but what he's saying is true. He never went behind my back as far as I c
an remember. They're flirting with him, yes, but he just ignores them.
Wait? Why am I feeling guilty? Nathan and I are just friends. That's it.
"Ok fine you do have a point but..." I stopped the moment I saw his I-told-you-s
o-look and then I continued "In my defense it was after you shoved me away, I ne
eded someone to talk to and you weren't there so I went with him." I admitted.
Well, telling him the truth is the only way to shut him up.
"You never told me. You just walked out on me." There's obvious anger in his ton
"Just forget about it. What's done is done." He interrupted. I never knew Zach h
ad an understanding side of him, for a first rate jerk.
"So, you admit you were jealous of Chloe?" He abruptly asked.
"No." I said imitating the way he directly answers questions.
"Quit imitating me." He warned playfully.
"Anyway, why should I be jealous? I'm not jealous." Yeah, I.Am.Not!
"Yeah, keep convincing yourself that." He chuckled with sparks in his eyes. "Sin
ce when do you ballet anyway?" He suddenly changed the subject.
"You really wanna know the story?"
"Nah, I was just asking when."
"Jerk." I said. Zach smirked. Instead of getting irritated by our argument, I'm
actually enjoying our conversation. I could tell Zach felt the same way.
"If you really wanna know, I've been a ballerina for as long as I remember." I i
nformed him.
"That's nice. By the looks of it, you were raised to be a princess or something.
"How is being a ballerina connected to being a princess?"
"Mostly all rich people custom their children to some weird sport, and you, look
s like a character from a children's book right now." He smirked.
"I do not!" I defended.
"Yes you are; your highness." He bowed.
"And how do you know about all this girly stuff? Looks like someone's been readi
ng the wrong books." I raised my brows and decided to play along.

"You're such a child." He accused me.

"I'm in no hurry to grow up, Zach." I responded.
"Why not?"
"Well, we'll only be in our youth for a short time, so why not savor it?"
"I never thought of it that way." He grinned. Looks like he's quite impress at m
y retort.
"That's because you've been reading the wrong books since you were little." I te
ased back and continued to giggle.
He tilted his head, looked firmly at me and then he smiled. "I like this more th
an the forced one."
I immediately stopped from giggling. I could feel the redness forming in my chee
ks. Zach really caught me off-guard at the moment. He stood up and grabbed my ha
nd, forcing me to stand up. "Now spin." He gestured.
I eyed him disbelievingly. "Spin?"
"Yeah. The one you were trying before you fell on the floor." He laughed out lou
"It's called pirouette, Zach. I'm not a top!"
"Fine do a pillow-wet!" He shrugged.
Pillow-wet? Seriously, Anderson? "I'm not doing it in front on you." I'm not gon
na risk myself stumbling especially in front of blonde. He'll just make fun of m
"Stop being a drama queen. Just do it." I'm still trying to figure out why he ke
pt on insisting. He took a stepped back and looked at me.
"Why should I anyway?" I argued.
"I've never seen anyone do ballet, so I just wanna see it with own eyes." He sai
d amusingly.
There is a moment of silence. I'm hesitant to show him. Although some part of me
wanted to so I could show off to him. I stretched my legs a little and readied
"Fine! But don't expect too much." I took a deep breath and started my position.
I lifted my body and tried to show him the pirouette...
"Ooof!" I lost my balance. As I'm falling to the floor, Zach grabbed my hand, br
inging me closer to him. I'm surprise that his reflexes were that fast. I realiz
ed that he's following me closely expecting me to fall down. I could feel myself
"You alright?" Zach is staring at me seriously.
I just replied him with a nod. I'm looking at his hand and then he let go of me.
I'm trying to compose myself as I took a deep breath and positioned myself agai
n, I lifted and...

My eyes widened. I actually did the ten-spin fouett! I immediately looked at Zach'
s direction and I could see that he's quite impressed at what he just witnessed.
"S-so... that's ballet."
"I have to say, I'm quite impressed." He smirked.
"Uh, thanks, I guess." Is all I could say. I couldn't help but feel happy of his
compliment. "Tori?" He suddenly called me.
"Yeah? What?" I replied.
"Next time you want to go to Central Park, just tell me ok?" I'm surprised of wh
at he asked. "I know I haven't been the chick-flick-romance-book-based-type of b
oyfriend to you, 'coz I clearly am not, but please do me one favor..." I'm start
ing to get nervous all of a sudden. As I was grabbing my things I looked at him
in the eye. I could feel the sincerity in the way he speaks. He's like a differe
nt person. "Don't give up. Don't give up on me." Zach sounded like he's pleadi
Zach appears to be expecting me to say something. I was happy when he said that.
I couldn't help but feel elated. All the doubt I was feeling suddenly vanished.
"I won't." I assured him.
He replied with a smile that I've never seen before. It's weird that someone lik
e Zach had a lot of expressions. I could feel his smile. It felt like I'm the on
ly person he showed it to.
"Let's go home, Tori." The moment I heard my name, I feel different. It's as if
I wanted to hear him say it again.
My name suddenly sounded perfect.
Little by little, I appreciated the effort Zach is making. He is starting to car
e. The cold-hearted jerk is finally giving in. Things are finally in control and
some things are about to change.
---END OF CHAPTER TWENTY TWO--So what do you think of this chapter? Clearly, Zach is not the chick-flick-roman
ce-book-based-type of boyfriend right? But I think I prefer this type of guy, wh
o's with me? :))
Anyway, what do you think will happen next? I'm still struggling on what will ha
ppen at the next chapter. Share your thoughts!
FACEBOOK FANPAGE = Notjustarandomgirl
TWITTER = notarandomgirl
Thank you! <3
<center><h1>Chapter 23 - Turn Around</h1></center>
Hey wattpaders :D Thank you for your patience. I'm really sorry it took a long t
ime for me to upload, I've been very busy lately. Hope you'll forgive me. So her
e's chapter 23. Hope you'll like it. BTW, thanks for all who voted and commented
on the previous chapter.

SPECIAL MENTIONS TO: FlyingxxDandelion, xChibix, MissShine, leivynne, JadeHoran7

2, KymaraJackson, greeneyedparawhore, MariielSheen, MaYiAlmonte, Fay3stm.
PLEASE PLAY TURN AROUND - Conor Maynard ft. Ne-Yo at the latter part of the stor
y. See Multimedia Section.
FACEBOOK FANPAGE = Notjustarandomgirl
TWITTER = notarandomgirl
Thank you! <3
---------------------------------------------------CHAPTER 23 - Turn Around
** TORI's POV **
"I'm glad you've finally taken interest in my world." Mrs. Loise chirped as she
put on her Harry Winston's emerald-cut ear studs to complete her look.
Chloe's mom looks like she's still in her early thirties well in fact, she's old
er than she looks. She's well known as one of the most innovative fashion design
ers in New York for the ingenuity in her designs.
I'm not much of a fashionista but the way her designs roll out on the runway rea
lly brings the crowd off their feet so I guess she's really good.
"Well, you've been dragging me to do this thing ever since. It's about time I do
you a favor." Chloe retorted.
"Could you grab me my phone sweetie? It's in that bag." Mrs. Loise pointed out.
Chloe looked for the phone as I made myself comfortable.
Chloe and I are in her Mom's room watching her dress up. It's the day of the Fas
hion Show and Chloe is participating. Her mom really wanted her to model one of
her collections. I've always been hearing this yearly and Chloe always had some
reason not to do it. For Mrs. Loise, it is a sense of accomplishment to see her
design worn by her most favorite person in the world. Something like that.
What bothers me now would be why she went through with it this time. I could alw
ays sense that Chloe never wanted to do it.
The days passed too quickly and we were surprised that Mrs. Loise's collection w
ould be featured in one of New York's awaited event; the launching of the L's Co
llection. I'm excited as well to witness the event.
We've been talking about this almost every day. How the event would turn out and
what clothes we're going to wear in this show was always our subject. I asked f
or Chloe's advice since I didn't want to look left-out in the show. When she tol
d us the news that she'll be participating in show two days before the event, it
really made me and Nathan excited.
I told Zach about Chloe's participation and I couldn't forget his reaction. I di
dn't understand why he'd react that way.

"You're joking right?"

Zach spoke as if he and Chloe have a mutual understanding of something. Or I mig
ht just be over thinking things the day I told him.
Speaking of Zach, where is he? He told us that he'd pick us up and drive us to t
he show. I pulled out my phone to check his message.
'Be there in 5.'
"Zach said he'd be here in five minutes" I told Chloe putting my phone back my b
"Zachary Anderson?" Mrs. Loise suddenly asked as she looked at our direction.
"What about him, Mom?" Chloe wondered and replied in my behalf.
"So he's the reason why you finally agreed to take part in the show. To show off
to your boyfriend like how I did in..."
"Mom!" Chloe protested.
"Look at you, getting all shy. Kids these days are so easy to read. I always tho
ught you two would end up together, assuming you dump that sorry excuse of a boy
friend you have right now." Mrs. Loise said looking at herself in the mirror.
"Mom... he's dating Tori. So please stop." Chloe dropped off seriously.
I don't know how to react. I shifted my position and gulped hard. I could feel a
sudden heavy feeling in my chest that I couldn't understand why. Mrs. Loise loo
ked shocked at the news she just heard, as well as me. It's clear that Zach and
Chloe had quite a history.
"Forgive me, Tori. You know there's no stopping my blabbering." She apologized.
I looked at her and replied with a smile. "It's ok, Mrs. Loise."
"Enough with the formalities, hotel girl, call me Liz. I sound old when people c
all me Missis." She tried to change the subject right away. Chloe's mom had a wa
y of acting around Chloe's friends as if we were on the same age group. She's ki
nda cool. Well, a bit too cool.
"I'd better go; duty calls." Liz hurriedly grabbed her bag after checking her ph
one and came rushing to the door. "Oh! And please don't be late. You know how mu
ch I hate stress. Ladies." Liz warned us and then disappeared.
Chloe and I stood up and went to the wall-to-wall size mirror in the room. We bo
th looked at our reflection and I must say that we looked awesome.
Chloe's wearing a black-lace Dolce and Gabbana dress and I'm wearing a white Ale
x Perry's Carrie dress, not too flashy, but I think it's perfect for the event.
I also believe that the dress Chloe would be wearing in the fashion show would b
e much fancier since it's her mom's request.
"Thanks for helping me out with the dress, Chloe."
"You don't have to thank me, silly. I'm happy as long as you're pretty." We stri
ke playful poses as if someone is taking pictures and then we both chuckled.

I'm glad that I had a friend like Chloe. She's always supportive of me. I never
expected for us to be this close when I first met her. I will never exchange our
friendship with anything.
"Looks like your boyfriend's here." Chloe suddenly said as she heard her mom tal
king with someone. As we're going out, I took one last look at myself in the mir
ror and headed out.
'I hope he likes it.'
"--- look at how handsome you are." I heard a faint voice of Liz as I walked out
to the hall. She must be talking with Zach.
"I heard you're dating Tori, but I have to say, I feel sorry for my little girl.
" Liz said enthusiastically.
"Things happen for a reason, Liz. You know that."
"I know. It's such a shame such a gorgeous guy off the hook. No regrets right?"
Liz was laughing out loud being her usual self, assuming they were the only peop
le talking.
"Heh. True that." Zach responded.
I stepped back away from where I'm standing to avoid hearing their conversation.
The next thing I know, I'm back inside Liz's room. I felt left-out like I shoul
dn't be here. I'm not insecure or anything but why do I get the feeling that Liz
was right.
What if Zach and Chloe were meant to be together? Am I the one interfering?
'Self-pity is so unlike you.' my subconscious doing the thinking for me, again.
I just have to stick to the plan. Besides, Zach wouldn't have told me all those
things for nothing. Somehow, my plan is working. I have a feeling that I'm keepi
ng him busy and sooner or later, he'll stop interfering with Chloe's relationshi
"There you are."
"Chloe." I was startled. I immediately stood up and looked at her.
"What are you still doing here? Mom's gone and Zach's waiting for us. Are you ok
?" Chloe asked worriedly. I nodded and let out a smile.
"Let's go?" I suggested and then we both walked out of the room. I took a deep b
reath and made my way downstairs. I'm following Chloe and I felt that someone is
watching my every move. I shifted my eyes. It's Zach. My heart surprisingly ski
pped a beat when I saw him. Liz is right, he looked...handsome. I swallowed the
big lump that is forming in my throat and continued to walk down. When I finally
reached the end, he gave me a wicked smile. I just furrowed in confusion.
"Shall we?" Zach proposed.
"Please. Or else, my Mom will literally cut my head off." Chloe said in horror.
Zach and I looked at each other and then we both chuckled.
* * * * * * *
We arrived at The Lexington Avenue Armory in New York City, one of the popular a

nd prestigious fashion show venues here in NYC, VIP style.

The place is full of spotlights, paparazzi and celebrities, truly one star studd
ed event.
"I'll go ahead, Mom's gonna kill me!" Chloe hurriedly went out of the car and ma
de her way to the participant's entrance.
"I bet she will." Zach commented humorously. I'm just laughing silently at the p
assenger seat. "Thank God for valet." He remarked after the valet guy came to Za
ch's side to ask for his keys. I'm looking at his side that I didn't realize tha
t someone opened the car door for me. I immediately stepped out and gave him a t
hankful smile.
I walked out to the side and waited for Zach. "You made it!" A voice came from m
y behind.
I turned back and saw that it's Nathan. "You just missed Chloe. She already went
inside." I replied with a smile. I looked closely at Nate and I must say that h
e looked ravishing as well.
"I'm looking for you actually. Her mom's looking for you." Nathan informed me.
"Huh? Why?" I'm confused. He just looked at me and stared closely.
"Her top model is missing in action, what else?" He said with a grin.
"Are you using one of those lame pick-up lines again?" I asked and raised my bro
ws at him playfully.
He smirked. "Anyway, you look pretty. See? If you just fixed yourself and with t
he right attitude, it'd be much better to have you on stage." He simply engorged
"I look away for a few seconds and my date is already surrounded by pests. Can't
you bother someone else's girlfriend for once?" Zach interrupted. I'm annoyed w
ith his reaction.
"Zach. Don't start." I warned him. He eyed at me, wrapped his hand around my wai
st and gave me a grin.
"I'm just telling him how much he gets on my nerves." Then he looked at Nathan f
iercely. I looked at them and saw Nathan smile. I'm glad that Nathan has patienc
e and self-control. Class, if not, who knows what would've happened at that mome
nt. For someone in Zach's stature, he sure acts rowdy.
"Let's go." Zach said dryly. I turned to Nathan and gestured him to come along.
"He's coming with us?" Zach annoyingly asked. I just rolled my eyes in annoyance
"You're such a child. Chloe told me that we'd be in the same seating arrangement
. So might as well, stop whining, you two act your age or else we'll miss the sh
ow." I waited impatiently for Zach to comply. Surprisingly he didn't argue and r
eplied with a cranky smile.
We continued to walk towards the crowded hall and made our way to the designated
seats that Chloe had arranged for us, front row, nice.
"Here you are. Mr. Anderson, Ms. Peige and Mr. Hemmington." The attendant gestur
ed. Chloe really knows how to do arrangements. She made sure that I'll be seatin

g in-between Zach and Nathan 'coz she knew that I should separate this two befor
e they both start a scandal and ruin the show.
As we made our way, Zach immediately took my seat.
"What are you doing?" I questioned disbelievingly.
"I don't know. Taking my seat?" He cockily replied.
"Yeah, but my name's in that seat." I retorted scornfully. Zach took the namepla
te from the seats and exchanged them.
"Not anymore." He smirked.
"Quit acting like a child." I lectured him.
"You can sit on my chair. It's you who told me to get along with Nathan, remembe
r?" He reminded me then he turned to Nathan's direction. "You don't mind seating
beside me, right buddy?" Zach finished with a sly grin.
What is he up to? Is he planning something? I'm getting scared at what he might
do. It'll be my fault if something barbaric happens.
"It's alright, Tori. I don't mind. He wouldn't dare start a scandal here." Natha
n assured me with his genuine smile. All the worst-case scenarios that I was pic
turing suddenly disappeared.
"We'll see about that." Zach concluded like he is planning something.
A few minutes later the lights dimmed, indicating that the show is starting.
The mobile lights were everywhere, the stage has been filled with smoke and the
intro of the song has been played. The curtain finally opened and there revealed
Chris Brown, singing Turn Up The Music.
Wow, Liz knows how to knock out her audience.
Chris Brown started to sing and dance along with the talented dancers at the bac
k. And at the chorus part, the models started to make their way the runway.
I can say that Liz picks up the right model for her clothes. They really know ho
w to walk in it. Then at the climax part of the song, Chloe appeared, wearing wh
ite bubble dress with a touch of gold that made her looks like she's floating in
mid-air. She looks like one of those Greek Goddesses who would make Aphrodite a
nd Athena envy her. I can't help but feel very proud of her. She really was suit
ed to be a model.
I looked at her and cheered at her every move, she strike a playful pose at the
front and made her way back. When she is walking, I noticed that she is looking
at our direction. I smiled and saw her smiled back but I'm not sure if she's loo
king at me. I directed my eyes to Zach and there I realized that they're looking
and smiling at each other. I never saw him smile like that, let alone look at m
e the way he looks at Chloe. It's full of amazement and fascination. At that ver
y moment, I can't keep my eyes away from him and wishing that I could read his m
ind, wanting to know what he's thinking.
I immediately looked away after feeling envious of Chloe. At that time, I wanted
him to look at me that way.
The show continued with a lot of amazing productions and walking models with Liz

's collections. I never dared to look at his direction again. I didn't want to f
eel jealous of Chloe. She's my best friend and Zach clearly likes her.
* * * * * * *
The show successfully ended. A lot were very impressed with the collection. The
models carried the designs as well as the star of the show. Chloe is now the tal
k of the crowd probably because she's the daughter of one of New York's finest d
Of course with events like these, an after-party event is coordinated to mingle
with the designers and models. There were lesser people here compared to the eve
nt itself. I realized it's an exclusive party. It's been this way every year. Th
e music is not that loud but people could still dance to it.
"I'll just use the loo. Be right back." I excused myself to Zach, who's standing
beside our cocktail table holding his drink. He just replied with a nod. We've
been standing and talking about the fashion show and the crowd. Chloe and Nathan
were nowhere to be found.
A few moments later, after using the loo, I stepped out and the place got crowde
d. I searched for our table and there I saw Zach's back. I easily recognized it
by the color of his hair.
Thank God for blonde's glow in the dark hair.
As I walked closer, I realized that he wasn't alone anymore. Chloe, Liz and anot
her old man, who looks like one of those respected entrepreneurs, were with him.
They were talking about something.
I'm chickening out again. I pretended like I forgot something inside the restroo
m even though no one is looking. As I turned my back, my head slammed to what se
emed like a hard surface. I looked up and there I recognized Nathan.
"Whoa. Drunk already?" He asked worriedly.
I stepped back and composed myself. I'm embarrassed to the thought that he might
've seen me staring at Zach with Chloe for a while.
"Of course not! You know I don't drink alcohol." I replied defensively.
Nathan is holding a drink in his hand. It had the same color Zach is drinking du
ring James' party. A gin something I think.
"I know. I'm just making conversation." He looked pass my back and saw our table
with Zach and Chloe.
"Would you look at that."
"Look at what?" I said trying not to look back. Nathan just looked at me and smi
"A feast for the paparazzi. Although this is an exclusive party. But you know ho
w fast gossip goes around." He said.
"I don't get what you're saying Nathan." I questioned.
"You see, that fine looking gentleman right there speaking with your boyfriend,
happens to be Dr. Arthur Hobbs, our main competitor who seems to be crossing ene
my territory."

I turned to their direction and all I could see is Zach's grin and Chloe replyin
g to whatever it is they're talking about by punching Zach's shoulder playfully.
I could care less with what Nathan was ranting about. I just didn't want him to
notice what I'm looking at.
"Hey!" I grabbed Nathan's drink and finished what was left.
The drink was cold when I grabbed his glass but I could feel that it's scorching
through my throat. I noticed that a lot of people in the room were looking at t
hem amusingly. They were probably thinking how perfect a couple they both are. I
felt really left out. I'm getting dizzy.
I was taken aback on what just happened. Nathan placed his glass on the nearest
table and dragged me to the dance floor, spun me around and let me face him. He
wrapped his hands around my waist and drew me closer to his body.
"You're gonna be in a lot of trouble." He whispered. I couldn't help but wonder.
'What kind of trouble?' There were people dancing, it's crowded on the dance fl
I assume that the reason why he did that is to divert my attention away from Zac
h and Chloe. He might've seen them as well, and knowing how much Nathan assumes
things and acts on instinct, he was right. I'm happy he did that. But maybe he's
also hurt, seeing the girl he likes with his ex-best friend side.
The next song started playing and I'm glad it's one of those songs that had an e
asy beat to it. 'I can manage to dance to that.'
"Come on..." Nathan challenged and I gladly accepted it.
Turn around, open your eyes, look at me now...
Nathan grabbed my hand and started to spin me and I ended up crashing to his che
st. He wrapped his hand around my waist, my left hand to his shoulder, my right
hand to his left hand. We looked at each other sternly.
Turn around, girl I've got you, we won't fall down...
He took slow steps forward and I followed his lead.
We can see forever from up here...
Then it's my turn to take the steps forward and he complied, our eyes still not
leaving each other.
So long as we're together have no fear, no fear...
He spun me again then he grabbed my waist with both hands and he started lifting
me up, his eyes still on mine this whole time.
So turn around, floating so high up off the ground, Floating so high, turn around, Toget
her nothing can stop us now, listen baby...
Nathan continued to spin me around and he set my feet to the ground. He moved fo
rward and backward, this time it's faster than before, trying to keep up with th
e rhythm.

Turn around, floating so high up off the ground, Floating so high, turn around, Together
nothing can stop us now, Turn around, turn around...
We continued to glide, spin and move as the song continued. Surprisingly we some
how managed to collaborate and come up with the step even though we haven't danc
ed together before. That's the thing with dancing anyway, involuntarily dancing
to every beat and rhythm of the song.
Baby we're so high now, Tell our worries and our pain goodbye now, Our home is the sky n
ow And we're never coming down, down, down...
I'm wrapped around Nathan's arms. His eyes never leaving mine. In some way I fel
t that we were the only person there. It made me feel important, at ease only ma
king me think about the moment.
Part of me wanted to stay and wrapped around this arms. It's safer here and some
how I felt protected. I didn't want to let go; I don't want to go back to realit
y where hurt is waiting for me. I wanted to stay here. But as the song is about
to end, so is this feeling, the four minutes of escape from everything that happ
---END OF CHAPTER TWENTY THREE--Well what do you think? What do you think of the song?
I know a lot of you we're expecting and wanting Tori to be in the show, trust me
I want it too but it doesn't seem right. Hope you get what I mean. =)
So what do you think guys? Do you like this chapter as much as I want it? Are yo
u still on team Zach? Oh-la-la. TOO MUCH DRAMA, I know! This is probably my favo
rite chapter so far, who's with me? Please share your thoughts on what will happ
en next.
FACEBOOK FANPAGE = Notjustarandomgirl
TWITTER = notarandomgirl
Thank you! <3

<center><h1>Chapter 24 - Maybe</h1></center>
Hey wattpaders. I'm so sorry it took so long for me to upload. I was very busy l
ately =( But still I would like to thank all of you for being so patient and for
not leaving MDTP, as a token of appreciation I made this chapter longer than th
e others. Well I hope you'll like it. =)
I would like to dedicate this chapter to MyPenKristine for making this amazing b
anner for me. =)
I like to thank all of the people who voted and commented on the previous chapte
SPECIAL MENTION: FlyingxxDandelion, BrittanyLeigh8, BeeEnn, Fay3stm, ForevaaEish
aa, xChibix, whatheflap, greeneyedparawhore, KymaraJackson, Rathanak

PLEASE PLAY Little Things By One Direction at Tori's POV. See Multimedia Section
FACEBOOK FANPAGE = Notjustarandomgirl
TWITTER = notarandomgirl
Thank you! <3
-------------------------------------------------------------------Chapter 24 - Maybe
** ZACH's POV **

I wondered what's taking Tori such a long time to come back. It's starting to ge
t on my nerves. As usual, I'M the chick magnet in the party. I could see the peo
ple whispering looking at me and then smiling. I didn't know if they were talkin
g about me or I just looked stupid tonight. It was annoying. Then I saw someone
walking towards me. She had a sweet smile on her face. A smile that would take a
ny guy lose eye contact with her. But I knew the person that's why I just smiled
"Hey--." She appeared ecstatic.
"Congratulations, Chloe."
"Thanks. And thank you for coming." Chloe commended with her usual smile.
I just acknowledged her with a nod.
"Where's Tori?" She enquired.
"Restroom. She spends a lot of time there." I responded sarcastically.
"Be understanding Zach. You know we don't have cubicles like you guys."
"Oh yeah, I forgot."
"By the way, I met people back stage who are dying to meet you." She leaned on t
he table and waited for me to answer.
"And? Where are they?"
"Well, I told them you were already taken. By a very close friend of mine, of co
urse." She said proudly.
"Shame. You know how I like meeting my fans." I boasted.
She shook her head to my arrogant reply. "Cheeky as always. You'll never change.
Things between me and Chloe have been great. We're back to being casual to each
other as if nothing happened. There was no sign of bad blood between us consider
ing I messed up her first ever relationship.

Although I have this feeling that something doesn't add up. I never expected for
her to be the one approaching me. I guess my plan is working?
"There you are!" I immediately snapped back to reality when I heard Liz's voice.
Liz appeared with a well-groomed man probably in his late 30's.
"Arthur, you know my daughter, Chloe." Liz pointed out. "-and this fine gentlema
n is Zachary Anderson." She continued her introduction.
"Pleasure." I responded as I shook Arthur's hand.
"Zach, meet Arthur Hobbs. Arthur has a special opportunity he'd like to discuss
with you." Liz said excitedly.
"Work placement? Shouldn't we discuss this in a much more private place?" I sugg
"No need for formalities Zach. It's more of a special request." Arthur demanded.
My eyes widened thinking of the worse possible request an old guy can ask for me
. At first, I thought it was about an investment deal or something.
'Please don't let this be some gay old man's fantasy.' I thought, thinking he wa
s gonna ask me something weird like taking a picture with him. Talk about awkwar
dness. "What is it?" I questioned fearing for the worse.
"He's actually the husband of one of my closest friend who happens to be an edit
or in The Bachelor Magazine." Liz uttered smiling.
"She's doing an article about rich bachelors for the magazine. I don't know the
exact details, so it would be better to ask her." Arthur commended.
'Why is he talking like I already agreed to it?'
"Zach, be a dear and do it for me, please? Why miss such an opportunity at such
a young age?" Liz pleaded.
"Liz, I don't think--" I tried to protest but then Arthur interrupted.
"Liz's right. You'd be the envy of your girlfriend's peers. Right, Clow?" He sai
d looking at Chloe.
"He's not my boyfriend, Uncle Art!" Chloe defended.
"Yeah, Tori went somewhere. She should be here in a while. Besides, Clow here ha
s a boyfriend." I teased. She hit my shoulder and snorted friskily.
I wondered what's up with everyone thinking Chloe and I are together. First Liz,
now it's this guy. I gestured to Chloe and smirked.
"Well, she must be very proud of you." Arthur beamed happily. "You'll hear from
us again. Now, we should go, let's leave these crazy kids alone." Arthur gazed a
t Liz looking delighted then they both disappeared in the sea of people.
"Mr. Big shot... Bravo!" Chloe chipped in a high tone. She looked pretty impress
ed hearing the news. I just motioned at her as if it's nothing.
"So, how was the runway?" I tried to divert the subject.
"It was ok." She bluntly replied.

"Stage fright?" she shook her head, indicating a no. "I thought you hated the ru
nway?" I pressed.
"Well, I used to." Chloe retorted with a smile.
I just continued with my interrogations. "And what made you change your mind?"
"You don't remember, do you?" Chloe just gestured back at me thinking I was stup
id for forgetting something. I furrowed at her trying to remember, but there's n
one. "You know, you're too young to be forgetting things." She joked.
"Okay, here we go." I sneered trying not to think about how immature we were.
"Just listen. I told you before that the only time I'd walk down the runway is w
hen you'd actually come to Mom's show." She filled me with her usual pleasing sm
"It's about time you showed them what you got. You're amazing." I encouraged. I
don't know why but I felt that I had to say it.
"Now don't get the wrong idea, alright? I did this for Mom and I wanted to show
it to Tori as well." She claimed.
"I didn't say anything." I defended.
"Good. I'm glad we're friends again." Chloe concluded with a grin and I did the
It's good that we're friends now. This would be part of the plan. Although somet
hing still didn't add up. For some reason, I could feel that I'm the one falling
into some sort of trap. I turned to her. Then I saw her glancing pass through m
e looking surprised. I followed her and turned my head back. There I saw somethi
ng that made my blood boil.
Tori's wrapped around Nathan's arms. They're dancing and I didn't like the way h
e's looking at Tori. As I took a step forward ready for clobbering time, Chloe t
ried to stop me.
"Zach, don't do anything you'll regret." She pleaded.
"Oh, I won't regret this. I'll even enjoy this." I crowed furiously.
"You think that's a good idea? Punching the hell out of Nathan? Be my guest! Don
't blame me if Tori will hate you for doing that." She let go of me and she cros
ses her arms.
Part of me wants to beat the crap out of him in front of everyone, but I hate to
admit it, Chloe's right. Knowing Tori, she'll despise me for doing that.
I shrugged and turned away. I gazed back at Tori and Nathan's direction. I could
feel the strong urge to punch somebody in the face, especially Nathan's face. M
y hands were clenched so tight trying to control the anger I'm feeling.
Chloe is saying something trying to calm me down. I just nodded to her although
I barely hear the words she was yapping. I could care less of what she had to sa
y. Right now, I just wanted to do something that could ease my anger without sta
rting a fistfight. But still, despite of what Tori might think of me, I had to d
o something. I had to show everyone she is my girlfriend. I had to fight for her
. I have to show her that I care for her.

* * * * *
** TORI's POV **
"Hey!" I heard a harsh tone coming from my back. It's definitely Zach's.

I turned away from Nathan letting myself go from him. As I gape at Zach's direct
ion, I could see him rushing forward not looking very happy.
"Now, you're just pushing it." Zach announced in a serious tone getting the atte
ntion of the people around us.
"Zach..." I called him out steadily.
"You..." Zach pointed out. "You should've done this somewhere I couldn't have se
en you. Really bad idea." He fumingly whispered. He waited for me to answer but
I couldn't muster any words to speak. He's furious. I felt guilty that it appear
s like I'm trying to get back at him.
"You can't talk to her like that." Nathan came in between. I looked at Zach and
I could see that he's trying to control himself. People around us were starting
to notice the commotion.
Bad... This is bad, bad, bad. What have you gotten yourself into? One wrong move
, and Zach will snap.
"Nothing to see here people, we're just having a friendly chat." Chloe came and
said in a loud voice to notify the people that there's nothing to worry about. A
s she came within hearing distance to us, she whispered. "We wouldn't want to ca
use a scene now, right?"
Thankfully Chloe is here. But Nathan and Zach seems like they were waiting for e
ither of them to punch first.
"Zach, please..." I pleaded. It sounded like I'm begging him to calm down.
He broke eye contact with Nathan and stared at me sternly. "Fine." was all he sa
id. Then he hurriedly went away from the scene walking out of the party. It's pa
inful for me to see him strolling away. It suddenly felt hard to breathe. I felt
like he's really leaving me, for good. I didn't like it; I don't want him to le
ave me like this.
Next thing I know, I'm chasing him.
* * * * * * *
"Wait!" I yelled at him. He's ignoring me but I'm still chasing him. "Zach, I sa
id wait!" I cried out. He then halted. I'm panting from closing the distance bet
ween us. We were at the first corridor near the entrance of the venue. Luckily,
there's no one here.
Zach turned to my direction. "What!" He bit out angrily.
"What's wrong with you? Walking out like that?"
He let out an insolent laugh while walking towards my direction. "You're serious
ly asking me that!" He hissed irately.

"I honestly have no clue alright? Could you please enlighten me?" I countered hi
m unpleasantly.
"I can't believe this." He exasperated his hands in the air. "Are you blind or y
ou're just testing my temper?" He waited for me to comply but all I did is cross
ed my arms and raised my brows.
"This is insane. Please tell me what you were just doing." He asked enraged.
"With?" He questioned.
"Ding! Ding! Ding!" He cracked. "Geez, don't tell me you don't know that the dou
che has feelings for you!" I'm startled. Of course I don't believe it. "It's so
obvious, how could you not see that? You and him have some sort of plan?" He dem
anded an answer as if he knew what I had in mind.
"No. You're wrong. He's just being nice to me." I answered flatly.
Zach ran his fingers to his hair. "You're still arguing with me? Friends? You we
re dancing like you were in some kind of movie! The way he holds you, looking a
t you, you can't be that..."
"He's only looking out for me because he saw me looking at you and Chloe from af
ar." I cut him off. I couldn't take the accusations he's giving to Nathan anymor
e. I have to tell him that I felt uncomfortable with him and Chloe earlier.
"What?" Zach questioned impatiently. He eyed me like some detective interrogatin
g for answers.
"He's just trying to divert my attention away from you two. It happened so fast.
I drank something and he must've thought that I was jealous or something but cl
early I wasn't and---- whoah!" My blabbering got interrupted when Zach pulled me
in the corner.
"What are you doi-..." Zach immediately hushed me and looked at the side.
"You wouldn't want to be feasted on by the paparazzi, right? Now shut up and fol
low me." He dragged me out and then we started to run towards the exit.
I followed his lead, his hand still gripping my hand and we finally ended up in
what appeared to be the back door. We came out in an alleyway and headed out the
street. He hailed a cab and it immediately stop in front of us. "Get in!" He co
"Wait! What about your car?"
"No need to worry about that, just get in!" He opened the door and gestured me t
o come inside. I wanted to protest but I think this isn't the right time. I went
inside and he did too. I scooted sideways, away from him.
"Where to?" The old man asked politely. I'm about to give my address but Zach's
the first one to answer.
"Just drive old man." He ordered. The driver snorted and drove away. I could tel
l, he was probably thinking spoiled rich kids.

"Bossy as always." I commented at his command. I kinda felt bad for the driver.
"Great... Now what?" Zach queried. I believe he's referring to the conversation
we had a while ago before he spotted the paparazzi. I wondered why he had quite
a keen sense for them.
"Just take me home, Zach. Mister, take us to..."
"No you won't. Not unless you tell me what you were saying a while ago." He inte
I blushed. I suddenly remembered what came out of my mouth earlier. "I already t
old you everything!" I turned my back at him and stared at the window just to av
oid his glare.
"Childish as always." He continued to tease me. I just kept my mouth shut and de
cided to give him the silent treatment.
The whole ride is quiet and I didn't know where we're going. We're just roaming
the streets of New York. I'm not that familiar with the streets of NYC, although
I did know that we were somewhere in Brooklyn since we passed by the bridge a f
ew minutes ago. The driver probably thinks we're rich people seeing as how we're
dressed making a profit from us on this ride.
"Stop right there." Zach instructed. The cab driver parked next to what looked l
ike an old apartment. Zach paid the driver and we exited out of the vehicle.
"Where the heck are we?"
"Just come with me." Zach grabbed my hand as he dragged me into an alleyway betw
een two apartment buildings. It's not that dirty, but Zach seems like he knew hi
s way around here.
Then my jaw dropped as I saw the view. We were in a port like strip overlooking
the buildings in New York. I think it's the view of Manhattan. I wondered what t
his place is. As I checked the surroundings, you wouldn't know there's a place l
ike this in between an alleyway. I could see a caf and other stalls in place. Ther
e were also people everywhere enjoying the view. But it's not that crowded, prob
ably the reason why Zach brought me here is to talk about the incident earlier.
It's a cool place actually.
I suddenly felt something wrapped around my body. Zach's coat is now planted on
my shoulder. I looked at him and he just avoided my stare. He took my hands and
we started walking. It made me feel warm. I watched Zach's back, wondering what
he's thinking at that time. I glanced at our hands intertwined together, I felt
insanely stupid for smiling. Just a while ago, we were arguing and now just beca
use he did something like this, made me contented. Although his current motives
right now are unclear, I felt safe with Zach as we walked near the seaside raili
ng with the overview of the city.
Zach let go of my hand as I slowly walked toward the rails. He leaned at the rai
lings while staring at the city. I couldn't keep my eyes off the view. The city
lights, the breeze, the faint music, it's perfect.
"Wow..." was all I could say.
"Beautiful isn't it?"
"Yeah." I replied without hesitation. "Where are we anyway?" I added.

"Not sure, to be honest. I just know we're in Brooklyn."

"This is just breathtaking..." I muttered.
"Yeah... first time to see the skyline?" Zach gestured.
"Yes, we never came to New York as tourists, you know."
"It's the greatest city on earth and you never thought of checking what all the
hype was about?" He asked curiously.
"For your information, when we first came here, I never had the luxury of friend
s to hang-out with." I continued staring at the city lights.
"You got Chloe, right?"
I shifted my eyes to Zach. He's looking at me with a not so serious face. "When
we became friends, I figured we're already too old to see tourist spots in our o
wn city."
"You're never too old to try something new or old." Zach lectured in a pleasant
voice. We were staring at each other for a while and then I agreed with him.
"I guess you're right." I turned my head back to the buildings I was staring a w
hile ago. I'm enjoying the moment. I could stare at the skyline all night. I won
dered what it looked like if it was sunrise or sunset. Although there were still
questions I needed to ask him like why he dragged me here. Zach could be very m
ysterious at times, always keeping secrets. I just thought it would be better to
ask him directly.
"So you saw me and Chloe together, huh?" My face turned red after hearing Zach's
bold question. Clearly, I wasn't off the hook.
"Yeah, so what?" I replied trying to act all tough in front of him.
"Too bad, you should've come closer. We were actually talking about you." I glan
ced back at Zach's direction.
"You're kidding..." I objected. He just smirked at me. "Why?" I asked him suspic
"Is that a bad thing? We can't talk about you anymore?" He queried while looking
at the distance.
"I guess not... What were you guys talking about?" I asked, embarrassed of the f
act that I assume too much.
"Not much. How everyone seems to mistake me and Chloe for a couple. And we're ta
lking about how frequently my girlfriend goes to the restroom."
The way he said my girlfriend really got to me. I couldn't help but smile. Altho
ugh, I felt guilty for assuming he was into him and Chloe being an item. I guess
I was wrong. He's also looking out for me.
"Aren't you cold?" I had no idea what to say so I just tried changing the subjec

Zach eyed me as if he knew what I'm trying to do. "Now that you mention it, it i
s kinda cold." He took his coat from me and wore it. I furrowed my brows at what
he just did.
'After all the sweet things he did, he's still the same selfish jerk.' I just gl
anced back to the view. It was kinda cold. I wrapped my hands around myself to c
ompensate for the cold temperature. 'Quite the gentleman, why am I not surpri--' I stopped complaining when I felt Zach hug me from behind.
"Better?" He asked boldly.
"N-no." I felt so stupid trying to hold back my grin.
"Yeah, keep kidding yourself." Zach chuckled. "Tori?" His voice suddenly turned
serious and it sent shivers down my spine.
"H-Hmm?" I tried to mumble a word.
"You look great tonight."
"You flatter me too much." I answered without hesitation.
He tightened his embrace and made my back drown closer to his chest. "My bad. I
just can't help it."
After hearing those words, I couldn't help but smile anymore.
I closed my eyes and let myself sink into him. I wanted us to stay this way. I w
anted to be in his arms. It's completely different from what I felt when Nathan
was holding me. It wasn't safe. It didn't feel right either. It's something else
. Something I feared from the day I got myself involved in all this. It's finall
y sinking into my head.
'Maybe I'm falling for the Playboy.'
---END OF CHAPTER TWENTY FOUR--So what do you think guys? What will happen next?
Will Tori totally fall for the playboy? Will it be unrequited love?
So what do you think of Zach now huh? Does Zach have feelings for Tori? Share yo
ur thoughts =))
FACEBOOK FANPAGE = Notjustarandomgirl
TWITTER = notarandomgirl
Thank you! <3
<center><h1>Chapter 25 - Caught</h1></center>
FACEBOOK FANPAGE = Notjustarandomgirl
TWITTER = notarandomgirl

Thank you! <3

-------------------------------------------Chapter 25 - Caught
** TORI's POV **

"Hey, I was just wondering if you wanted to grab some lunch?"... That doesn't so
und right. How about the, I just happened to pass by line... Wait, I don't know
anyone in this side of town. Zach knows that I don't have any friends aside from
Chloe and Nathan.
Why can't I just say, I really enjoyed the time we spent together last night. I
was just wondering if you're free today? Right... I sound so desperate.
I'm standing in front of Zach's doorstep like a retard trying to think of some l
ame excuse to spend time with him. I don't even remember how I got here. It neve
r even occurred to me that I was lacking sleep. I only remember waking up wantin
g to see his stupid hairstyle at seven thirty in the morning.
Who am I kidding? I just wanted to see for myself if I'd still feel the same way
as I did last night when I'm with him. For all I know it was all because of the
alcohol. But still, I had a lot of questions in my head that's why I decided to
come and see him, to at least clear things out.
I have all these stuff planned but I'm really not comfortable asking a guy out.
Knowing Zach, he'd hate to see me looking so desperate just because of one night
. Fine! I'll just knock and let him speak first. I hope this works. When I'm abo
ut to knock, Boris opened the door.
"Ms. Peige. Good day to you." Boris greeted surprised.
"Yeah... Thanks, uh, Boris. Zach home? I-I came here hoping to invite him for lu
nch." I felt embarrassed about what I just said. Thinking that Zach's hiding beh
ind the door because of the fact that Boris is not responding.
"I'm afraid he's not home. He went out early this morning." He politely replied.
"I don't want to sound like I'm snooping around or anything but did he mention w
here he's going?"
"I believe he mentioned something about a magazine?"
"Oh..." was all I could say. If it's the magazine thing then I suppose he's with
Chloe. 'I'm being paranoid again, just think about what Zach said last night.'
I tried to convince myself that it's nothing. It's just irritating that he didn'
t inform me that the magazine thing is today.
"Don't you worry too much, Ms. Peige." He leaned forward trying to whisper somet
hing. "He's a lot reliable than he looks. I'm sure he had some way of informing
you." He assured me.
As far as I know, he never informed me of anything this morning. Boris sure is l
oyal to the Andersons. I kinda felt bad that Zach let him down. So I quickly gra
bbed my phone and started to come up with some sort of excuse.
"Oh would you look at that. He did message me." Boris looked at me suspiciously.

"He told me that the magazine people are having a hard time choosing his
for the front page." I pretended to read the fake message on my phone. "I
tupid. How silly of me, I should've checked my phone before coming over."
ked a small chuckle that sounded forced. Then there's a moment of awkward
e. "Oh, Boris? Can you do me a favor?" I suddenly asked.

feel s
I crac

"Anything for you, Ms. Peige." Boris replied graciously.

"Can you not mention anything to Zach? I mean, with me coming over?"
"Why so if I may ask?" Boris eyed me questionably.
"You're joking, right?" I asked raising an eyebrow. Boris just shook his head.
"I might lose my job, Ms. Peige."
"Okay, you win. I just wanted to surprise him and if you tell him I came over, t
hen the element of surprise wouldn't be there anymore. And..." I'm stammering an
d running out of words to say. Boris looks like he's not satisfied with my answe
r. "Forget I said anything. I wouldn't want you to lose your job because of me."
I said in defeat. What if Boris is really telling the truth that he might get i
n trouble because of me?
"Now why would you say that? You didn't even come here Ms. Peige." Boris muttere
d with a grin. My face lightens up. "I never saw you." He confirmed. I took a si
gh of relief. It's nice to know that Boris could be a little less serious someti
"Thank you." I murmured. I turned around and made my way to the elevator.
What am I doing? Regardless of what I feel, he'll still end up with the one he r
eally likes. I don't know what to do. I don't even know if I'm sad, angry, or je
alous. All I know is that I'm somehow upset.
I stepped out of the elevator and walked down the lobby. I stood by one of the p
illars near the reception of the building, hiding from the residents passing by.
When will this end? I have to constantly remind myself that I shouldn't think t
his, I shouldn't think that. It's getting frustrating that I always have to thin
k of ways to hate him. It's been one lie after the other.
What have I gotten myself into? Will it always be like this? I have so many ques
tions in my mind that I can't even remember the reason I'm doing all this. I gue
ss I just don't want to develop this into something that I know I'll regret in t
he future. But if I am falling for him, then what am I supposed to do?
I faced the pillar, knocked my head on it lightly and closed my eyes thinking ho
w it ended up like this. "Ugh!" I let out my frustration.
"Plan's not working out?"
"Yes!" I said out loud but then I bit my lip. 'Why did I say that?' Things are g
oing from bad to worse. I opened my eyes and faced the direction the voice came
from. "J-James..." I stuttered in surprise.
"It's nice to see you too, Tori." He said sarcastically.
'Great. Just great. They just keep on pilling up don't they?' I have to add this
to another chapter in my 'Wonderful' life.
I'm still speechless the whole time, my mouth still agape. I keep on thinking th

e right words to say but they won't come out.

"Hey, snap out of it. You look like you've seen a ghost." He snapped his fingers
, trying to win me back to reality.
"James! Hey! What are you doing here?" was all I could come up with.
"Visiting your boyfriend. Do you have his phone?" He asked showing off his phone
to me ringing Zach's number. His phone showed Zach's picture saying 'Ringing #1
"What are you doing?" I chuckled.
"Checking if you have it." He told me straightforwardly.
"Why would I have it in the first place? I'm not the kind of person who keeps ot
her people's phones." I replied.
"Figures." James put his phone inside his pocket. He was just looking at me from
head to toe. "You seem different." He smirked.
"This Tori's way better." He gestured.
"I have no idea what you're saying." I retorted dryly.
"I know. So let's leave it at that." James winked. He just continued to stare at
"What do you want from me, James?" I'm starting to get irritated.
"Not much. I just want in on your little plan."
"W-What plan?" I panicked. 'Deny everything. No one knows your plan, remember'?
"Denial? Please Tori, I'm not your Dad. I'm simply offering my services." James
suggested. "C'mon, you know you need my help. If anyone knows Zach, it's me."
"And what makes you so sure it's about Zach?"
"Well, at first, I'm only speculating that something was off about you. You're v
ery different from the girls he usually dates." He sneered.
"So, what? Aside from being meddlesome, you're an expert with relationships too?
" I questioned mockingly.
"You could say that. I'm just pointing out the possible motives here." He said c
"I-I'd like to hear you try." I challenged him.
"With pleasure. You're here, he's not. No clue as to where he is. No calls or te
xt from him. It's like you're not really his girlfriend." He said looking around
the reception area. I'm appalled. James was sharp. I'm silent the whole time, t
rying to hide the shock expression in my features. "Now, the million dollar ques
tion, why go through all the trouble of showing off to everyone in town that you
guys are together? Hmm?" He moved closer to me.
"This, I just figured out a while ago, I'm guessing it has something to do with

our best friend, Chloe." He observed me. I couldn't look at his face. He reads m
e like a book. "Yeah, I know he's with her right now. I just got off the phone w
ith him." He continued. "What is up with that girl? She's fine and all, but why
does the world need to revolve around her?" He said rolling eyes. I'm still sile
nt. I couldn't speak.
'I'm screwed. It's all over.'
I can't trust James. He's Zach's friend, of course he'll spill the beans. Still,
if he has something against Zach, then maybe he wouldn't but if he's just tryin
g to squeeze answers out of me, then maybe it's about time I get all of this ove
r with.
"Go ahead and tell him. I don't care anymore." I declared looking at him straigh
t in the eye.
"Feisty." James stared at me impressively. "You're way too cute when you make th
at face." He laughed and began reaching for his phone.
'At least I'll be guilt free for lying to my friends. Everyone will get what the
y want.'
"Your funeral." He smirked calling Zach on his phone. "Hey, buddy. I know you're
busy and all, but I gotta tell you some exciting news." He stared at me. I coul
d hear Zach speaking. James is smirking at me the whole time.
"Uh-huh, Uh-huh, yeah, whatever. Tell you what, hey... Mr. Big shot, I'm just in
forming you that I can't make it today. I have stuff to do. Maybe next time? Oka
y." Zach hanged up. James then put his phone inside his pocket smiling at me.
Somehow, I felt relieved. "Why didn't you tell him?"
"I'm not a Tattletale, Tori." His face suddenly turned serious when he told me t
"He's your friend. Why wouldn't you?" I retorted.
"He is. But there are some things you say, some things you don't. Even to a frie
nd." He believed confidently.
"I don't believe you." I replied to him. He stared at me for a while and then sm
"Look, I told you I'd help right?"
"Like that'd happen." I murmured.
"Hey, I can't blame you, I wouldn't trust me either. I give you my word I'm on y
our side." He proposed. "Besides you're pretty good at doing... uh, whatever you
r role is." He continued.
"Excuse me?" I gazed at him with disbelief.
"Don't give me that look." He smirked staring at me.
"You should stop meddling with other people's affairs, James. I don't need your
"Hmm... let's see." He looked up pretending to think of something and then stare
d at me trying to find the right words to say. "You sure about that? By the look

s of it, your friend Nathan knows nothing about this matter. Of course, Chloe do
esn't know, since she's the reason Earth exists." He blurted sarcastically.
I'm wordless. My mind is telling me not to believe whatever it is he's saying. B
ut my guts are telling me to trust him. I just didn't know what to do. Then my e
yes widened as I saw Zach and Chloe outside making their way inside the building
. I immediately hid at the other side of the pillar hoping they wouldn't see me.
James turned around and saw them as well.
"Seriously?" He queried while raising an eyebrow. I pulled James by
ide him as well. I acted on instinct thinking of the worst scenario
us. I wouldn't know what to do if this escalated to a brawl. "Is it
this around you, Tori? Talk about timing. Trouble just never leaves

my side to h
if they saw
always like
you a--- "

I shoved him against the pillar and covered his mouth. "Shut up. You're too loud
." I whispered as Zach and Chloe entered the building. "I need your help, James.
You gave me your word. I'm gonna take my hand off your loud mouth. Please don't
make me regret this." I glared at James signifying him to agree. He held my han
d and gently removed it.
"They're going inside the elevator." He whispered.
"Then let's get out of here." I suggested.
James smiled at me. He grabbed my hand and dragged me out of the building. He's
right. He knew Zach longer than any of us. I had a lot of questions to ask him.
I just couldn't shake this feeling that James is also right about something else
. Although I could care less about all the things he was ranting about.
I'm just concerned that I had to involve him in all of this.
This smells trouble.
TWITTER = notarandomgirl
Thank you! <3

<center><h1>Chapter 26 - Someone To Turn To</h1></center>

Thank you for understanding the current state I'm having right now. Please conti
nue to support us, I'm really inspired by your wonderful comments, for believing
that I can do it. Thank you very much guys. I really love reading your comments
(Yes I read ALL of them and I love LONG comments) please continue to send me wh
at you think of the story, the characters and your suggestions, it really gives
me inspiration. :)
FACEBOOK FANPAGE = Notjustarandomgirl
TWITTER = notarandomgirl


Thank you! <3
-------------------------Chapter 26 - SOMEONE TO TURN TO
** TORI's POV **

"You gotta try the chicken wings here..." He said and continued to say something
about this place, how it meant something, but I just couldn't listen to him. I'
m busy thinking about Zach being with another girl.
'Did I just refer to Chloe as another girl?' She's my best friend. No harm inten
ded, right? But still, she's the one Zach wants. Maybe she knows it? But she has
a boyfriend. They're happy together.
I looked at James as his mouth is moving worried what Zach might do if he finds
out I went out with his best friend. 'Well, tit for tat!' I mean no harm intende
d. It's not like I like James or whatever.
Now that I think about it, I don't mind if he saw us. It pisses me off that he c
an do whatever he wants. As for me, he treats me like his personal staff or some
thing. I took out my phone from my bag and checked for any updates. I guess I sh
ould be expecting a call or SMS from him in a while. Then again, why bother? He'
s with Chloe anyway.
"Hey!" I yelped as James took away my phone and put it in his pocket.
"You get this back after class."
"James... Be a nice boy and give it back."
"You haven't been paying attention Ms. Peige. I'm disappointed." He said imitati
ng a teacher.
"Well, sorry that I have short attention span." I shrugged as I tried reaching f
or my phone but he just keeps the phone away from me. "... I don't have time for
your games. You know, I don't even know what I'm doing here." I emphasized. The
n I realized that I might have offended him. I wanted to take back what I just s
aid but it was too late. James is doing me a favor for avoiding Zach and Chloe.
I felt bad at what I did. It's just so spontaneous.
'What's wrong with me?' I queried to myself. Now we were silent. It's awkward no
"Now that you mentioned it, why did you come with me anyway?" He enquired as he
smiled picking up a piece of his side dish.
"Don't get the wrong idea, James. You said you'd help me, so..."
"I'm a man of my word." He cuts me off.
"Whatever you say." I commented. James is just smirking at me. There's something
about him that reminds me of someone. Like, I know him from somewhere. I might'
ve seen him on TV or something. I'm not really sure. "So, let's talk. First of a
ll, I find it hard to believe that you would be so spot-on about my situation."

I crossed my arms.
"It's not that difficult. You're just way too easy to read. The way you speak, y
our moves are so transparent." I shifted my position 'coz I was starting to get
uncomfortable with the way he's staring at me. "I'm just wondering why Zach hasn
't noticed it? He's as sharp as I am, or even better." He wondered.
"Guess he's too busy thinking everyone's literally in love with him." I answered
unknowingly. I don't know where the bitterness came from but I just felt like n
eeded to say it out loud.
"Same as always. He always thinks he's better than everyone. Such vanity coming
from a guy." James and I chuckled. "So, tell me how all of this started."
'Well, how do I start this? Am I really going to tell him everything? What if he
's recording this? What if he spills the beans?' I'm really hesitating. I'm stil
l not sure. But I need some input on what to do. I'm cornered.
"Tori, you can trust me. This is a safe space." He signaled seriously.
"I can't believe I'm doing this." I shrugged but then I decided to go on. "Here
we go. It all started weeks ago. Someone told me that Zach had been threatening
Chloe's boyfriends to break up with her."
"When you say someone, it's Nathan, right?" He raised his brow. I didn't know if
I should say yes or no. If Nathan discovers I told someone else, he might get m
ad at me.
"You'd better keep this a secret James. My friendship is at stake here." I deman
ded seriously.
"Yeah, Yeah. So it's that Hemmington kid." He said straightforwardly. I looked u
p and saw James rubbing his chin. I guess he's trying to figure out something. "
Did it occur to you that Zach might have a decent reason for doing that?"
"Now who would have the decency to do that? And how is that decent? Trying to co
ntrol a person's life?" I asked irately.
James had a point though. I mean maybe there's a bigger picture here that I'm no
t seeing.
"There's a reason for everything, Tori. Trust me. Knowing Zach, he's not the kin
d of person that does something for no reason."
"So tell me, what could be Zach's reason for doing that?" I challenged him.
"Now what gives you the idea I'd spill the beans to you?" He teased.
"Huh? I thought you'd help me..."
"It was a joke, Tori. Loosen up. I don't know. And even if I did, I wouldn't tel
l you."
"Now you're confusing me, James." I rolled my eyes and picked up a piece from my
side dish.
"As I told you, Tori, I'm not a snitch. I'm just here to listen. I'm not taking
anyone's side." He concluded confidently. He's right. He always calls Zach names
but he never said anything bad that might change the way I look at his friend.
"How about you? What do you think would Zach's ulterior motive be?" He grinned.

"He loves her." I retorted frankly. James just frowned in confusion. "Zach is. Z
ach loves Chloe so much that he would go that far just to be with her." I said d
ryly. Then I heard James let out a small snicker.
"So, let me get this straight, you discovered that Zach's messing up your best f
riend's love life so you started dating him and pretended to be his girlfriend t
o keep him occupied so that he might leave your best friend alone and live happi
ly ever after?"
"I know it's lame. But you could also look at it that way." I tried to point out
"And your best friend is now spending time with your pretend boyfriend?" I nodde
d at his question. "And you're ok with that?" He continued. I didn't know what t
o answer. "So, what seems to be the problem?"
"What?" I raised my left brow indicating I'm confused at his inquiry.
"Well clearly, as what you've said he's in love with your best friend. Your best
friend is looking for the love of her life, and as I witnessed the events earli
er, they seem to be happy. Not to mention look surprisingly good together."
'Great, even James realized it.'
"You should just be happy for the both of them. I understand this is all pretend
stuff and all but if I were in your shoes I'd have a hard time accepting realit
"I don't have any feelings for him! I'm not in love with him!" I defended. I per
fectly know what James is trying to say. But still I said it out loud. I bit my
lower lip at this sudden out-burst.
James had this look on his face like he caught me doing something illegal. "Well
, I'm not really surprised that you've fallen' for the douche. This was bound to
happen eventually." He concluded as if he had already predicted the situation I
'm into.
"Wha-whatever, Ja-James! I don't wanna talk about it anymore!" I blushed because
of the embarrassment. I crossed my arms and glared at him. He just chuckled.
"Your secret's safe with me Tori." He assured me and finished with a wink.
James kept on asking questions about my current predicament. He'd always describ
e Zach as a douche or a jerk. I'd answer his question then he'd follow up with h
is usual sarcastic statements. The afternoon went by as he dropped me by my door
"Timeout's over." He handed me my phone back.
"Uh, Thanks." I smiled at him. I never realized that he still had it.
"Now, if you need anything, just ring me. My number's in there already." He sugg
ested as he put his hands in his pockets.
"Thank you, James."
"Anytime Peige." He smiled back. Then he started walking away.
"Wait." I stopped him.

James stopped walking and turned back to me. "I wasn't expecting right away, Tor
i. But go, what do you need?"
"Why are you doing this?" I just don't know how to ask him the question. I've be
en thinking about this ever since our conversation started, I don't know the pro
per timing.
"Like I told you before, you're an interesting girl and I love a good challenge.
"What do you mean by that?"
"You'll figure it out, soon." He smiled at me, it's not his usual snickered smil
e, this one is different, it's genuine. Like it meant something. "Later." He tur
ned back and bid me goodbye. He started walking towards the elevator.
'You're one weird guy, James. But I'm glad we got to talk.' I'm checking my cont
acts to check his name if he really put it in. And just on cue, my phone beeped.
It's a message from Zach.
'Still doing the photo shoot, the magazine I was talking about last night. I'm w
ith Chloe right now. See you at school.'
I have this heavy feeling in my chest and my stomach turned upside down as I saw
his message. He's saying it as if it doesn't matter at all, well in fact it is.
I guess this is what his ex-girlfriends felt when they discovered he is with so
meone else. Before, I was making fun of how stupid those girls could be followin
g his every command. I can't believe I'm in the same position as them.
'So everything he said last night was nothing but a lie?' As I walked inside, no
t minding what Sonia is saying, I went straight up to my room and locked it up.
I jumped to my bed covered my face with a pillow, cursing how stupid I am to hav
e let things escalate to this point. I wanted to just forget everything.
* * * * * *
I woke up wearing the same clothes I wore yesterday. I never bothered to change
before going to sleep. I looked at my phone and saw that I received twenty misse
d calls, two from James, one from Chloe, four from Nathan and the rest, from Zac
h. I didn't bother to read the messages. I just didn't want to hear any news, go
od or bad.
I arrived at school too early and tried my best to avoid Zach. I wouldn't know w
hat to say to him. Good thing I went here early so he wouldn't have to pick me u
p. Class already started and I still kept ignoring my phone. Finally I can think
of something else and divert my attention from blonde.
I opened my bag and looked for a pen when I noticed that someone is staring at m
e. "Mind if I sit beside you?" The voice is very familiar.
My eyes widened as I saw the person. "You've got to be kidding me." I stammered.
"I'm not. Be cool. It's my first day." He whispered closely.
"That's impossible you're--"
The teacher went inside the room as we started to settle in. He gave me a wink a
s he looked at the teacher going inside.

"Ok, before we start let me introduce to you our new student, Mr. James Gregory.
You have a lot of catching up to do Mr. Gregory. Are you ok with your seat?"
"I'm more than ok madam." James answered as he looked at me sternly.
'Great. Now what?'
---END OF CHAPTER TWENTY SIX--So what do you think guys? What will happen next? What could be James' motives?
Share your thoughts :)
FACEBOOK FANPAGE = Notjustarandomgirl
TWITTER = notarandomgirl
Thank you! <3
<center><h1>Chapter 27 - Threatened</h1></center>
Thanks for making Must Date The PLAYBOY! #1 in Teen Fiction's What's Hot for 4 c
onsecutive days!
I'M PROUD TO SAY THAT I READ ALL OF YOUR COMMENTS and it really made me inspirat
ion to write. Please continue to send me your wonderful comments, especially the
super long ones =)
FACEBOOK FANPAGE = Notjustarandomgirl
TWITTER = notarandomgirl
Thank you! <3
---------------------------CHAPTER 27 - Threatened
** ZACH's POV **

"Gotta go guys. Got a hot date." River boasted.

"Skipping class again? You're so gonna be stuck in this school." James commented

"Since when did you care what I do?" River stood up and patted James at the back
. "It's nice to have you here, James. This school just needed another tool like
you." He remarked mockingly.
"Ha. Very funny." James retorted. We're at the school cafeteria. I just nodded a
t River as he retreated. "We'll visit you again next year!" James barked in a lo
ud enough voice for River to hear. River just shook his head as he left the cafe
teria then I shifted my gaze at James who's now busy eating lunch.
"Remind me why we hang out with that guy again?" James jokingly asked. It's stil
l a mystery to me why he's here, I mean, he hates school and I already gave up c
onvincing him to attend one.
"What are you planning, James?" I demanded as I ignored his question.
James chuckled. "Whatever do you mean?" He asked looking slightly confused.
"You perfectly know what I mean James. What are you up to?" I stared at him with
cold eyes.
"I have no idea what you're talking about." He replied as he finished his food.
"Stop playing games." I said each word seriously.
James wiped his mouth before answering. "Slow down, grumpy. I just remembered so
mething. Isn't this what you and my Dad want for me?"
"We both know that's just some pathetic excuse."
"Now you're just assuming too much. I'm not planning anything." He stared at me
directly in the eye.
"Really? Then tell me, how the hell did you pull off having all your classes bei
ng the same as Tori's?" I questioned defiantly. I've known James for a long time
and I know when he's up to something. It's involving Tori. But the reason is, w
hy? Is he into her?
James laughed out loud. "As if I can control the school's registry. They just ga
ve me the schedule." He stopped as if he realized something. "Although, now that
you mentioned it. I was kinda surprised that we'll be classmates. What's the bi
g deal anyway?"
"Cut the crap! We all know you're up to something!"
"What do you care if I'm up to something? Oh, I see, are you jealous?" He grinne
Now, he was provoking me. "Of course not!"
"Yeah right." He sounded unconvinced with my retort as he drank from his soda. "
So how's it going between you and her?" James voice suddenly turned serious.
"You'd better not screw me over, James I--"
"I'm talking about Blondie, Zachary." He gestured to the table where Tori, Natha
n and Chloe were seated. "You're quite the stud here. I'm impressed. She just ca
n't seem to take her eyes off you." I stared at James looking at Chloe seriously

"Problem?" I asked.
"Hm? About what?"
"You look like you're gonna kill her."
"I just don't see what you see in her." He smirked.
"Is she the reason you're here?" I demanded.
"No." He kept looking at their table smiling as he shifted his eyes back to me.
"So, what's the next step of your Master Plan?"
"Just stay out of it." I answered coldly.
"Ohh... What's with the bad mood? Everything's falling into place. Blonde's fina
lly starting to notice you..."
"Your point?" I cut him off.
"Yay, that's two points for team Zach!" He cheered in a sarcastic manner.
"Just cut to the chase, James!" I claimed.
"What'll happen to sweet, innocent Tori?" He gestured towards Tori. I directed m
y attention to their table. "Sneaking up with your girl's best friend is really
nasty. Although, nice touch." James winked.
I examined Tori. She's not in her usual lively self today. I just realized that
we haven't spoken since yesterday, and she's been avoidant as well. She hasn't e
ven returned my calls or messages. "I don't do that." I said bluntly.
"So, you're telling me, you admitted to Tori that you were with Chloe yesterday?
"Yes. How did you know that anyway?" I enquired suspiciously.
"She told me after first period. She doesn't seem to be pretty happy about it."
"I just told her the truth." I simply said.
"Aw c'mon, you can't be that stupid. It's like telling her you're already into s
omeone else."
Now that James mentioned it, he's right. Although in my defense, I just wanted h
er to know that I'm not hiding anything from her. Chloe just accompanied me. I j
ust hope she doesn't suspect anything going on with us.
"Look at her, she may look like she's happy and all, but we both know that she's
just faking it." He gestured at Tori's direction.
It all started to make sense now. It seemed like James knows Tori more than I do
. Although, it pisses me off that James would be the one telling me all this. I
can't help but blame myself for what I'm feeling. I feel inferior to him. Why is
Tori being quiet about it? Why doesn't she speak up if she's uncomfortable with
her best friend hanging out with me? This has to be the first time that I want
to hear a girl rant about her problem.
"She's your usual boring, normal girl on the outside. But once you get to know h

er, you'll find yourself wanting to be with her all the time. Hence, letting her
go won't be easy. Ain't that right buddy?" James suddenly interrupted my though
ts grinning. I glared at him darkly.
"Don't give me that look. I'm talking about him." He pointed at Nathan's directi
on who's busy talking to Tori. "And of course, you." He added.
James then leaned closer and whispered. "Piece of advice, if you really care for
her, then stick with her. 'Coz the moment she's out in the market, a lot of guy
s would be begging to take her out." He smirked, stood up and walked away.
I clenched my hands as I watched him retreated. I felt irritated because of what
he said. 'There's no way I'm handling Tori over to anyone else, not to Nathan n
ot even to you, James.'
* * * * * * *
** TORI's POV **
'Parking. We need to talk.'
"Someone's in trouble." James startled me from behind as I was staring at Zach's
text message.
"I thought you already left." I asked as I put the phone inside my bag.
"Yeah, well I thought I forgot something. I guess I was wrong. What's your 'excu
se'?" He quoted.
"Well, I'm just leaving." After saying that, I started packing-up my things.
"Really? But I thought you're hiding from him."
"I-I'm not hiding from anyone." I defended. James pulled out a chair and sat infront of me. "Oh boy, here we go." I rolled my eyes at his act.
"Then why are you still here when class ended almost an hour ago?" He stared at
me closely waiting for an answer.
"I had a lot of stuff to do." I said straightforwardly crossing my arms.
James let out a grunt and smirked. "Yeah, right. Keep kidding yourself Pinocchio
"Is this your idea of helping me out? Annoying me every single day?"
"I'm just doing my part in saving the day for the both of you."
"What do you mean?" I raised my eyebrow as I wondered what he meant.
"You can thank me later." He winked.
"Are we done here? Can I go home now?"
"One last question. Why don't you just confront him?"
I leaned forward before answering "And how do you suppose I do that? You of all
people should know that guy has issues more than anyone."
"C'mon, it's a piece of cake. Just tell him how you feel about hanging out with

your best friend is uncomfortable." He explained. "Who wouldn't be upset? Just t

ell it to his face. He might insist that he's right at first, but he'll come aro
und." James continued.
I shrugged at James' suggestion. Maybe he was right, but Zach doesn't like a nag
ging girlfriend. Moreover, it's not the fact that he's hanging with my best frie
nd that I'm worried about. It's that he's with the one he loves. "You know how h
e hates nagging." I commented.
"Just trying to help."
"I'm curious. Are you always this concerned about Zach's relationships?" I tilte
d my head as I waited for him to answer.
"Nah, just with you." He answered frankly.
"Why so?"
"You really have some gaps in your memory for a smart girl." He smirked.
I shrugged at his reply. "Now, you're just being mean." Seriously, what's up wit
h all these talking if he wouldn't let me understand the things he was trying to
point-out? It's really confusing.
"I just don't like seeing people that I like getting hurt." He said out of nowhe
re. He caught me off-guard. I could feel his emotion just by the way he said it.
Like he experienced the same thing before and is just trying to help out. I nev
er knew he could be sensitive. I never bothered to ask him why he thought of tha
t. He never took his eyes off me as he gave me his usual smug look.
"I'll be ok, James. I appreciate what you're doing and all but..."
"This wasn't part of your plan, Tori. You never expected to develop feelings for
him. I know you're very confident that you can pull this off, but clearly you'v
e fallen into your own trap."
"I haven't. I just needed time to think." I tried to assure him.
"Avoiding him all day? I don't think so. You had all day to think of something.
Just admit it." James pressed.
"How can I do that when I have lectures to listen to?" I argued.
"You're a smart girl. Learning stuff's easy for you."
"What do you want me to say, James?" I stood up and raised my voice. "Tell me wh
at to do!" I shouted.
James stood up and walked towards me. "Just take my advice and continue whatever
it is you're doing..." He put his hand on my shoulder while looking at me strai
ght in the eye, but I'm having a hard time keeping up an eye contact with him. I
'm breathing heavily for shouting at him, like I let out all the frustration I f
elt since yesterday.
"...just remember that I'll be here for you to cheer you up, give you advice and
..." James touched my chin and lifted it gently so that I can look straight to h
im. "...even vent out your anger." After that, James let me go from his touch an
d then he started to walk away. "See you tomorrow, Tori." He raised his hand as
he is heading out of the room.

James left me speechless, again. I couldn't think of anything to say to him as h

e was heading out. I could only watch him walk away. I'm surprised at what just
happened. Everything happened so fast. I couldn't believe I was even capable of
shouting at someone. I didn't even say goodbye to him. When he is nowhere in sig
ht that is the only time I'm able to muster up something to say.
"Thank you.... James."
---END OF CHAPTER TWENTY SEVEN--What do you think guys? What do you think will happen next? Share your thoughts!
TEAM WHO? Oh with so many guys in Tori's life, who will you think she deserves t
o be with? Nathan, James or Zach? So confusing, right? I'm also having a hard ti
me choose from them. Let's see what will happen next =))
FACEBOOK FANPAGE = Notjustarandomgirl
TWITTER = notarandomgirl
Thank you! <3
<center><h1>Chapter 28 - Assurance</h1></center>
Thanks for making Must Date The PLAYBOY! #1 AGAIN in Teen Fiction's What's Hot
I would like to thank each and every one of you who fanned, voted and commented
to my story. I really enjoyed reading ALL your comments, yes I read ALL of them,
especially the super long one.
Special mention to these people (who wrote the most funny, outstanding, long and
heart-warming comments.) BrittanyLeigh8, mikalaagurd, CurlyJurly, xanuzx, Bindi
yalar, dreamboatfairy, Fay3stm, x_sunglow_x, AlyssaNilsson, hippiehobo, rumbidab
omb. And also thanks to everyone who commented that were not mentioned. I really
appreciate you all guys =))
This chappy is dedicated to 309473 for making this amazing banner. =)) To those
who sent me banners, don't worry I'll post it one-by-one. Thanks guyssssss!
PLEASE PLAY Love Is Waiting By Brooke Fraser while reading this chapter. See Mul
timedia Section.
FACEBOOK FANPAGE = Notjustarandomgirl
TWITTER = notarandomgirl
Thank you! <3

Chapter 28 - Assurance
** ZACH's POV **

'Still in the room. Go for it.'

It's a message from James. I judged him too soon. He is actually helping me, jus
t like old times. But I couldn't shake this feeling that something was off. Know
ing James, he always has a hidden agenda. I had to hurry up or Tori might slip o
ut of my sight again. I hate it when she's being like this. We've already talked
about this yesterday.
I'm almost there. I ran up the stairs, I tried to catch my breath so it wouldn't
be obvious that I entered a marathon. 'Hopefully she's still here.'
I took a deep sigh before peeking at the room. 'Bet she's reading something.' I
hoped. But much to my disappointment, she's not here. I shrugged. Where could sh
e possibly be? And then I remembered something, the studio.
I headed towards the other side of the building and there I heard a faint music
coming from the room. I smiled like an idiot as I remembered the day I saw Tori
stumble to the ground. I had an idiotic smile on my face as I entered the room p
repared with a statement. I'm shocked to see a group of girls in their tights st
retching. "Wrong room." I said immediately as I saw them sneering at me, some of
them whispering to each other. I left the studio in a hurry. I continued to search
for her but still no luck! I tried reaching her phone but she's not answering.
Where could she possibly be? I'm getting impatient. Never in a million years hav
e I chased a girl before, not even Chloe. I grabbed my phone to contact Tori, ag
ain. I just couldn't stand the fact that she's ignoring me. Before, I had no iss
ues with girls ignoring me but with her, it's like my day's not complete without
having at least a single argument with her.
Geez, I sound so cheap! I furrowed at myself. I miss her; her trite jokes, her scent.
The way she acts all tough in front of me. The way she smiles at me.
"Argh" I vented out in frustration. What is with that boring bookworm? And then
it hit me. 'Right....'
I hurriedly went to the place where I could possibly find Tori. I arrived at the
library. I searched the place, each bookshelf and then a big lump suddenly form
ed in my throat as I saw her turning to the English Literature Section. I swallo
wed hard and followed her. As I'm approaching her, I realized I still didn't kno
w what to do. She clearly hasn't noticed me and I still don't know if I'll act a
ll tough on her or just be apologetic.
I tried to compose myself. Just be cool. "Looking for something?" I asked as she
picked a book from the shelf. I obviously startled her as she dropped the book.
"Zach!" She exclaimed. I just replied with a smirk. She turned around and avoide
d my sight. I picked up the book she dropped looking at her as she's clearly avo
iding me. Tori seemed like she didn't know what to do as well. All she did is ig
noring my presence and started walking away.
I grabbed her arm right away preventing her from escaping. "Tori..." She's still
not looking at me.

"W-What are you doing here?" She said sounding irritated.

"Tori, I just wanted to take you home." I simply replied.
"I can't let you do that. I have a lot of thing to do." She shook her arm off my
hand as she started walking away. I'm starting to get irritated by this little
charade and wanted to confront her.
"Why are you avoiding me?" I asked while she's retreating. I perfectly know the
reason why but still, I want to hear it straight from her. She stopped, still no
t facing my direction. I stepped towards her and continued. "You know, you can t
ell me everything. You can nag. I don't mind." She finally turned to me, her face all w
orried and sad, like I did something unforgivable to her. As I continuously walk
forward, Tori appeared hesitant. "Please tell me what's wrong." She stepped bac
kwards; sideways and slowly leaning by the bookshelf as I'm just inches from her
. Our eyes never left each other.
"I don't know Zach. It's just---"
I placed my hands on her shoulders. "Tori, please..." I whispered, pleading. My
face right in front of her.
"I-I don't know what you're talking about. Whatever it is you're doing, it's no
t gonna work." She blushed as she's clearly pointing out that I'm maybe hypnotiz
ing her. It felt like she thinks I'm a different person. I didn't like the thoug
ht that I would be a stranger to her again. I didn't want this gap. She avoided
my stare again as she muttered. "S-so please. Zach. Just leave me a--"
I held her chin up tempted to kiss her. She's blushing more and more. Her face i
s becoming a tomato. But more importantly, I just couldn't kiss her. Normally I'
d be kissing a girl already without hesitation, but for some reason, I've lost t
he balls to do so. "I'm sorry." I apologized. Clearly, I've been a jerk to her t
he last few days.
I let go of her but keeping the same distance. She looked surprised, breathing h
eavily, as she is still avoiding looking at me. I still couldn't believe what I
just did. I choked at the perfect opportunity to kiss her.
Her face suddenly changed and she's looking at my direction now. She gulped hard
, her face not worried anymore. I didn't know what else to say to her. I don't k
now if what I did made things worse. I'm just confused at what happened. I was b
eing held back.
It's the fact that this is actually the first time I apologized to someone. Litt
le by little, I realized the reason for me not kissing her is made even clearer.
I realized how important it would be to her. I cared for her enough to go throu
gh all this just to make amends. There's this little voice inside my head convin
cing me how this kiss with Tori would also be important to me. 'Oh, Crap'
* * * * * * *
** TORI's POV **
I was completely shocked. I never realized that Zach would apologize to me. I gu
ess he has an idea why I'm like this. Although I could care less about that righ
t now.
I really thought he was about to kiss me. Honestly, I felt embarrassed that I'm
blushing the whole time. I've never been kissed before! Even now I couldn't look
him straight in the face.

"Are you that uncomfortable with me hanging out with Chloe?" Zach finally asked.
It's a good thing he changed the subject. But still, he did catch me off guard
with this question. Should I tell him everything?
I gazed into his eyes and felt that somehow he wanted to fix everything between
us. I just couldn't lie to him, not now that he even apologized to me. I guess h
e deserves the truth. I took a deep breath but I just couldn't face him. "I hone
stly don't know. She's my friend but whenever you two are together, you tend to
forget about--- about me. I---I can't shake the feeling that every time you're w
ith her, you're---you're happier. I know she's more fun to be with compared to m
e and..."
"Tori, look at me." Zach cuts me off. As I face him I couldn't help but remember
how close he was to kissing me earlier. "You don't know what you're talking abo
ut. Do you have any idea how much I think about you every single day?" He inform
ed me, his eyes never leaving mine.
I'm petrified. I don't know what to say. I don't know what to do. My heart is po
unding like it'll explode into a million pieces. I could feel my face turning re
d again.
"I've never been like this before." He admitted then he took a deep breath and c
ontinued, "You made me like this."
With those five words, I admitted defeat. I forgot everything, the humiliation,
anger, jealousy, and the pain. I felt the warmth in my chest all of a sudden mak
ing me smile.
I'm being irrational. I didn't know what's right from wrong. I used to have ever
ything formulated and properly organized when dealing with a situation, but now
I don't know what happened to me. Everything seems so unpredictable.
I don't know how can I fall so deep in my own trap. I'm not being manipulated th
at's for sure. I think ahead of time but I just didn't expect any of this. All t
his time I thought I could handle a guy like him. So what if he's in-love with a
nother girl? It's the way he is with actions and words that really make me forge
t that this is all part of the plan.
"Please say something." Zach looked at me sternly. I'm staring at him as well.
"I...I honestly don't know what to say." I confessed, blushing and looking away
from him.
I saw a small smile forming on his lips. He tugged my loose hair to my ears. "Ju
st say you're still mine."
I gathered all the courage I had to face him. I didn't care if I was blushing. "
I still am." I simply replied, smiling. He leaned forward and kissed my forehead
. I was expecting him to kiss me on my lips. For some reason, I felt relieved th
at he didn't though.
He grabbed my hand and we started walking out of the library. "Where are we goin
"Home." He replied with the sweetest smile I've ever seen.
'Thanks.' I thought to myself. I wanted to say it to him but I just thought that
it would ruin the moment. I just know that from now own, I'll be dealing with s
omething that's alien to me. I'm prepared.

'Love, huh?'
* * * * * *
I'm sitting by the window, watching the view from my room, thinking about what h
appened a while ago. It's funny how fast time flew with what happened earlier so
fast that I'm recollecting the details. Dwelling on things, what I felt for Nat
han is very different from what I'm feeling for Zach.
I've been with Nathan for years and Zach for weeks. I still can't figure out why
they were so different though. At first, I thought that love was what I felt fo
r Nathan, but then, when I think of Zach, I just.... I closed my eyes and leaned
my head on the wall when my phone suddenly beeped.
'Don't think about me too much. I can't sleep.'
My lips curled up into a smile as I read Zach's message. Who would have thought
that he is capable of composing such a clichd line?
'Then don't think about me, coz I'm having a hard time sleeping too.'
I bit my lip as I tried to suppress my glee. I forgot about what I was thinking
a while ago. I'm happy, inside and out. After a few second my phone rang, it's Z
ach. He's calling me.
When I'm about to answer my phone, the door of my room opened. My eyes widened a
t what I saw standing at my bedroom door leaving my mouth agape in shock.
"Well? Aren't you going to give me a hug?"

---END OF CHAPTER TWENTY EIGHT--CHAPTER REVIEW: What do you think of this chappy guys? What's your favorite part
? The searching-for-Tori scene? The library scene? The message? What do you thin
k will happen now that Tori's mom is back!? Oh-Oh-Oh. Share your thoughts!
TEAM???: I really enjoyed reading your comments for whose guy is best fitted for
Tori. You have different ideas and reason why Zach, Nathan or James is better t
han the others and it really gave me inspiration to write these characters. Thei
r personalities were different from each other and I'm really having a hard time
choosing as well! Don't blame me, these guys were all amazing! Hope she can hav
e all of them. Hahaha! hmmm, we'll see. =))
FACEBOOK FANPAGE = Notjustarandomgirl
TWITTER = notarandomgirl
Thank you! <3
<center><h1>Chapter 29 - Least Expected</h1></center>
Million thanks to my lovely readers and fans for VOTING and COMMENTING! Oh, I lo
ve reading ALL your comments! (Especially the long ones.)

really read ALL your comments hehe =)) )
SPECIAL MENTION : Lilcupidlove, WritingIsAPassion01, Dottie28,peanut416, hippieh
obo, iloveucozuloveme,AriannaCelline,skycrystals,24seveninlove,Girlspeaking,RimR
CHAPTER DEDICATION: xxAngeliNexx Thanks for the amazing Banner.
FACEBOOK FANPAGE = Notjustarandomgirl
TWITTER = notarandomgirl
Thank you! <3
------------------------CHAPTER 29 - LEAST EXPECTED
**TORI's POV **

"You never seem to run out of problems do you?" I glanced sideways and saw James
appear out of nowhere. I'm thinking so much that I even forgot how I got here f
rom last night. Our first class hasn't started yet. I wondered how long he's sit
ting beside me. I didn't notice him up until he startled me.
I really don't know if I'm going to consider my situation as a problem. It's bee
n keeping me up all night. "Yeah, I just can't get enough of them." I answered j
okingly then turned my head back to my desk. Having the deep conversation with M
om last night left me deep in my thoughts.
Recalling what happened last night, I'm really excited the moment she set foot a
t my bedroom. I gave her a warm hug. I just missed her so much, I can't even rem
ember the last time I saw her.
"Hey!" James snapped his fingers cutting my thoughts. "You just lost me. Don't t
ell me you lovers didn't sort things out yesterday."
I slowly turned to his direction with my brows furrowed. "No! We're fine."
"Whatever you say, I'll just keep assuming until you tell me what's wrong."
"Since when has it been so important to you to know my problems?" I playfully as
"Well, I just figured you needed someone to talk to. Guess I was wrong then." He
said giving me the usual smile after he says something clever on his face.
I started to doubt James as soon as
e about thanking him later. It must
re's something fishy going on. Zach
someone stated the obvious to him.

he said that. I remember yesterday he told m

mean that he sold me out to Zach. I knew the
would never realize something's wrong unless
I'd bet it was James' doing. I'm stuck betw

een being mad at him or thankful for whatever he did.

I took a deep breath. He could be looking out for me. But why? I don't understan
d him. As far as I remember, I haven't been that good to him. This could be some
kind of trap to earn my trust or Zach told him to look out for me? Now, I'm con
I looked at him again. This time he's texting someone on his phone. Well, I did
already tell him about the whole protecting Chloe gig. So far, Zach doesn't know
it yet. Maybe he is the real deal. Maybe trusting him won't hurt; I just need t
o be cautious.
"So, it's you then. You told Zach about my 'problem'." I quoted and he just repl
ied with a chuckle. "Not funny, James."
"It's not really like that. All I did was give him a little push." He boasted. I
just rolled out my eyes. "So, you guys are good. I guess this is about somethin
g else." He queried pointing his eyes. It made me realize I haven't slept that m
uch giving me bags under my eyes.
"Is it really that obvious?" I said as I touch my face.
"Pretty obvious."
"Fine. So, enlighten me my counselor." I contested. He grins widely and scooted
his seat closer to mine.
"My guess is... this one's bigger than the last one." He explained.
"And why would you assume that this one's bigger?"
"Well, by your reaction earlier it seems whatever I did resolved the issue with
Zach. This one seems to have kept you up all night, so I highly recommend you te
ll me this." He finished with his usual sarcastic self. There is no use arguing
with him. He's really sharp.
I submitted. "I'll tell you everything later. After class." When I sensed that h
e's about to protest I immediately cuts him off "Class is about to start." And j
ust on cue, the bell rang.
* * * * * *
"You're worried that your Mom is back? Shouldn't you be thrilled?" James encoura
I sighed before I replied. "My Mom wants to meet Zach."
I recall the conversation I had with my Mom last night, it's still fresh to me.
We had a little chat about Dad, how they're doing and what our plans were for th
e summer. We had a plenty to laugh about. Then the moment I asked my Mom about t
he business, the mood changed, she seemed hesitant to answer but decided to repl
y with "It's doing great" followed by "Nothing to worry about, still on top."
I sensed that something's wrong. She wouldn't be here if everything is fine and
doing great. I'm guessing it had something to do with me, because after a brief
change in mood, she asked me if I already had a boyfriend.
"I guess you're in love with him. I've nothing against it. As long as our little
girl is happy, we'll be here for you, always."

Those were her words after I told her about me and Zach. Everything that I felt
for him these past few days up until now. Obviously, I was careful to never ment
ion the plan I had before dating him. Mom would kill me.
I'm happy that Mom is very supportive with my so-called relationship, but I can'
t shake the evident details that I observed as I told her the scoop. First, she
didn't flinch or react the moment I revealed the name of my boyfriend. Everyone
knows the Andersons and their famous one and only heir. I doubt she missed that.
So I'm a little bit curious as to why Mom would even ask who Zach is, when she
clearly knows we study in the same school. Second is the way she's avoiding the
business subject. And lastly the one that really got me is the way he mentioned
"But... what about Nathan?"
"What about him, Mom?"
"I just thought that you two were getting along. I even thought that there is so
mething going on between you two from our talk a month ago, right?"
Is she expecting me to be in a romantic situation with Nathan? As far as I remem
ber, I never mentioned anything to her about my feelings for him before. I've al
ways kept it a secret. It makes me wonder where she got that idea.
In the end, I admitted that I had, once, felt something about Nathan but was com
pletely replaced by Zach, which I just confirmed last night. My Mom instantaneou
sly showed her support in the end. She even asked me to arrange a dinner this we
ekend with Zach and me for her to know him better. I wondered how he'd take it.
He's having dinner with his father's rival in business world, his soon to be com
petitor after he inherited his fortune. How am I going to persuade him to show u
p? I'm worried that he'd be boasting around like the way he is. I wanted him to
be cool with Mom.
I just don't know how Zach's Dad will react to all of this thought. I mean does
he even know that his son is dating the daughter of his nemesis? Now our familie
s being rivals in business became another thing I had to think about.
"And you consider this a problem?" I snapped back to reality the moment I heard
James' reaction.
"Why? You know how he is and we just start going out for weeks." I enlightened h
"Just ask him that you two are having dinner with your Mom."
"You say it like it's so simple." I shrugged.
"You're just over-thinking things. Your parents might be rivals but it doesn't m
ean they hate each other. Business is business, Tori, nothing personal." I ponde
r at what James insisted. "I'm positive he'll go with you. You have nothing to w
orry about." James assured me.
"I hope you're right. I'll give it a try." I smiled, returning the favor.
"Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go somewhere." He stood up then I grabbed hi
s arm because I needed to tell him something. James glanced at me, obviously sur
"Uh, by the way...." I released his arm and continued. "I wanted to thank you fo

r what you did. Whatever you said to Zach, it really helped." I smiled as I reca
lled the conversation me and Zach had at the library. I walked and rested my bac
k to the window still, staring outside and grinning to myself.
"Are you about to tell me one of your girly fantasies?" James said with his usua
l sarcastic tone. I just glance towards his direction.
"The setting was perfect. I remembered my first encounter with him at the librar
y during ninth grade..." I introduced him in the setting as if I'm a director in
some film.
"Great. Now I have to sit through this." He sat on the desk, crossed his arms an
d waited for me to continue.
"No, I'm just joking. It's a silly story anyway. Don't you have to go somewhere?
" I motioned my hands, no. I shouldn't tell this to him, he'd just tease me.
"You were saying about ninth grade?" He waited impatiently for me to continue.
"You don't have to hear it, James. I'll just bore the heck out of you."
"Tori, the sooner you tell me, the sooner we can all go to wherever it is we're
going." He said peevishly. I shrugged and decided to tell him the whole story. I
have no choice. The way he says it is like I'm obligated to tell him for making
him wait here.
"Alright." I said in defeat. "Ninth grade, I was new here. Before I became frien
ds with Chloe and Nathan, I spent most of my time in the library, reading. Truth
is I'm only avoiding the bullies."
"Really? Now who would dare to bully such a pretty face?" He's looking at me ser
"Come on. You weren't here before. Being smart would mean you annoy people. But
I'm still thankful for everything that happened. If not, I would never have a fr
iend like Chloe. She did sort of save me from the bully days."
"Chloe, blah, blah. Just get to the library part." I glared at him and placed bo
th my hands on my hips indicating that I don't tolerate him mocking my best frie
nd. "What? Fine, she's the greatest BFF ever. Yay!"
I just rolled my eyes at him and decided to let it go. "Do you still want me to
continue with the story?" I raised my brow to him. He just nodded and I continue
d. "I was at the library, about to take a book but it was too high so I decided
to get a ladder. You know how it goes, me falling to the ground and here comes Z
ach to the rescue. He even had the book in his hand. Can you believe that? I cou
ldn't look him in the face though. I was blushing like a tomato!" I paused, not
sure if I have to continue, I looked at James and he didn't seem that amused, of
course. He was just smiling at me. "When I was about to face him, to thank him
at least, he was already retreating." I finished.
"And you're sure it was Zach? You didn't even get a good look at guy!" He respon
ded. I was surprised. I thought he wasn't listening.
"Well, aside from his blonde hair, I saw his bag tag with his name on it. And I
never saw him wear that thing again, I wonder why."
"And you liked him ever since?" James asked seriously.
"I sensed that there's something about him that I should know."

James avoided my stare and answered. "Great. So you liked him before. What made
you change your mind?" He said in an impassive tone.
"Well, I heard that Zach broke up girl after girl, you know, typical jerk story.
The thing that I never liked ever since is the friendships he destroyed."
"And here you are, so in-love with him again." I blushed at what James said even
though he sounded sarcastic. "Aren't you afraid that same fate might happen bet
ween you and Chloe?" Honestly, if James asked me this question before he talked
some sense into Zach, I would've feared for the worst. But after what happened y
esterday, I shouldn't doubt Zach again. Sure Zach doesn't feel that much about m
e but at least it's something.
"Nope. And it's all thanks to you, James!" I beamed at him.
"Tori. Not to bust your bubble, I'm glad you're happy and everything but what if
Zach does the same thing to you and Chloe? Will you fight for what you feel for
him? Even if it means getting on Chloe's bad side?" James said standing up. He
has a point. What if there will come a time that I have to choose between friend
ships over love? I honestly don't know what to do.
"I-I still feel the same thing for Zach up until now." I informed him. I saw a s
mile tugged in his lips but it's kinda forced.
"You didn't answer the question." He said walking towards me.
I had this strong feeling to answer his question but there's a thousand thought
running through my mind right now. One in particular would be why he's trying to
test me whether I'm going to change my mind about Zach? Isn't he the one who ma
de me confirm my feelings for Zach? I noticed James is standing in front of me c
ornering me.
"The answer to my question is, yes. Because Chloe's not your only friend." He sa
id putting his hands on my shoulders. "You're not alone anymore, Tori. Zach's he
re, I'm here." I'm breathing heavily as James said those words. It's sweet, very
different from the way he speaks when he tries to pick a fight with me. I'm spe
echless. My mouth would open but the words won't come out. James is just examini
ng me.
"We'll talk again sometime." He smirked. Then he turned his back and walked away
. "I'll go ahead and tell our library friend how stupid he was for not noticing
you before." He raised his hand as he's walking out the room. "Take care, Tori!"
I'm breathing hard the whole time. There's really something intriguing with Jame
s. I took a deep breath and smiled.
'Finally, I have someone I can trust.'
---END OF CHAPTER TWENTY NINE--Whatcha think? What will happen next?
FACEBOOK FANPAGE = Notjustarandomgirl
TWITTER = notarandomgirl

Thank you! <3

<center><h1>Chapter 30 - Opportunities</h1></center>
Sorry for the late upload. I've been very busy with holidays and stuff. So enoug
h with the A/N and here's Chapter 30 hope you'll like it.
CHAPTER DEDICATION: Thanks to MaryBranco for this wonderful book trailer! This C
hapter is dedicated to you mwuahh!
Please check this out! I really love this and please continue to send me trailer
s Thanks! =))
SPECIAL MENTION: Shanirah, YellowV101, gryki23, ChocoCrunch, misslilime1, leivyn
ne, khkwevol, x_sunglow_x, writingismylife3, PerfectionInMyPride, xDucky15, yasn
ky, littlemadthings, MaiaPalmer6242, oxltsselxo, sakahouie, tasmia123, iHeartYou
_xxx, RyJulPayongayong, BoobearNiallerHazza, AksaBabu, gkarianny, marleyrose, De
de14, beabetina, GurleenBerry, gabrielaD, KailahLoveBunnies, ShiningSnow, LOLums
XP, eternaldiamond, MsPurpleLulu16
UPLOAD, I LOVE YEAH: Hippiehobo, xxAngeliNexx, KJohnson1999, BruttanyLeigh8
FACEBOOK FANPAGE = Notjustarandomgirl
TWITTER = notarandomgirl
Thank you! <3
------------------------------------------CHAPTER 30 - Opportunities
** ZACH's POV **

"There you are!" A familiar blonde chirped her way towards my direction.
Chloe is in her usual perky self. I'd bet this would be about Tori again. She's
been very clingy these past few weeks. I should be happy but this made my relati
onship with Tori's really complicated.
"What do you want? Details about my relationship again?" I greeted teasingly.
"No... I'm actually surprised that you stuck with one girl for the past month. K
udos to you Zach! Never thought you had it in you." She praised me as she patted
my shoulder. I noticed her expression and it's different from the usual cheery
tone she usually has, this one is rather strained.
"Yeah. That's the hundredth time you praised me. What do you want?" I retorted.
"Hmmm... you're getting a bit grumpy. You really have changed." She observed wit
h a wicked smile on her face. "If only I knew you were capable of these things.
I should have considered that before."
The smirk plastered in my lips instantaneously replaced by a shocked expression.

But I composed myself immediately so she won't hint that her sudden confession
affected me. I perfectly know what she meant, it doesn't take a genius to fully
understand that but why is she saying these things now?
"So those things finally vanished over these years, huh." She murmured almost in
audibly. She's looking somewhere else, clearly avoiding my gaze.
"What are you saying?" I asked innocently, pretending I didn't hear any of the w
ords she just said. I wondered if my feelings for her were gone or not. I still
am attracted to her but not in the way I used to be. I could feel the urge of wa
nting to embrace Chloe, to sooth her at least, but I don't want to give her the
wrong impression, and I wouldn't want to see Tori get hurt after everything I sa
id to her.
"Forget I said anything. But really, my purpose for being here is to just congra
tulate you!" Her serious expression shifted into a jovial tone.
"For what?"
"For the magazine. I heard that you did a great job and my aunt told me that you
're quite the natural. I asked for a sample copy of your interview but she told
me that it's confidential. Care to tell me all about the interview?"
Well, that made sense. I guess she really is just congratulating me and trying t
o find out about the magazine. It's all about the February launch of the magazin
e but I'm not really that comfortable discussing the details. "Just like what yo
ur aunt said, it's confidential." I informed her in a matter of fact.
"Oh come on Zach!" She punched me playfully.
"Just wait and see." I smirked at her and she rolled her eyes at me.
"Just so you know, I have a lot of connections, who knows what I'm capable of?"
She glared at me with a sly smile.
"And what's the point of you and your Mom dragging me to do that if you're gonna
ruin it? Do what you want, I could care less of your magazine." I said feeling
triumphant at my arrogant retort.
She just shrugged. Seeing her like this sort of made me smirk. There is a short
moment of silence. She then glowered at me. "By the way, Tori will be here any m
inute now. She'll tell you that she will not be going with you today."
"And why is that?" I asked annoyingly and Chloe made that cunning smile on her f
"Don't be selfish, Zach. I'm her best friend. I also get to spend time with her.
"You don't get to make decisions."
"Watch me." Her devilish tone intimidated me.
"Threatening me? Not so nice, Chloe." I stared squarely in her eyes.
"I'll play nice if you do. Remember, she values her best friend more than her bo
yfriend." She looked at her nails and continued. "She even cancelled your little
date just to hang out with me."
I had to think this through. She is clearly teasing me. But Tori would never do

that. Would she? "Okay, I'll fold." I sneer in defeat.

"I'm just kidding you, Zach. I'm just playing around. But on a serious note, I'l
l just borrow her for today. I'll return her in one piece, okay?" She assured me
with a smile. I returned the favor by sneering. "See you around, Zach." She lef
t in a high note and waved goodbye.
* * * * * *
"Hey!" Tori greeted cheerfully a few minutes after my conversation with Chloe.
"You're late." Her expression changed and turned into confusion.
She looked at her watch and replied. "Ten minutes... Seriously?"
"I could've done something for ten minutes. Are you doing this on purpose?"
"What? Wasting your precious time?" She said sounding sarcastic. I walked towards h
er direction and smiled inwardly.
"You're trying to avoid me." I said smugly to her.
"Why would I do that?" She questioned. I turned around and put my hands inside m
y pocket.
"That's the only explanation I could think of, unless you really enjoy our littl
e quarrel every time you're late." I glanced back through my shoulder and saw he
r looking at the ground mumbling something.
"I'll try my best, Zach. If only I could magic my way to appear next to you then
we wouldn't be having these petty quarrels." She said sarcastically.
"Touch." I smirked. "Although I have to admit I never thought you had it in you to
flirt with me." I teased her.
"I-I have no idea what you're talking about." Her face started turning red and s
he isn't looking at me.
"Don't think about me, coz I'm having a hard time sleeping too." I tried to imit
ate her voice. She turned crimson and continually avoided my glare.
"Whatever, Zach!" was all she could say, clearly embarrassed. "I sent that messa
ge because I don't want to admit that I'm really thinking of you that night, oka
y!" Tori confessed out loud. I'm shocked at her sudden outburst. And by the way
she reacted, she looked surprise as well.
"Now where did that come from? I was just joking." I grinned. "Don't bother expl
aining, Tori." I cleared my throat before continuing. "That's my way of saying I
'm thinking about you, too." I finished with a wink and she immediately avoided
my glare. "So, about the phone call?" I queried trying to change the subject.
"About that." She took a deep breath. "I don't know how to say this." She gulped
, looked at me and continued. "My Mom wants to have dinner with us." Before I reply
she immediately cuts me off. "Don't worry, if you don't want to I can make up an
excuse or something. I know you're a busy person and..."
"Why would you do that?" I asked her in the middle of her sentence.

"Don't. Just don't."

"Zach? You're not serious." This time, her face softened. She looked at me as if
trying to find out if I'm joking or something.
"I would never joke about something this important, Victoria. When and where?"
"...uhm Saturday. Prestige Hotel, NYC."
Good, one of Peige's Hotels. I grinned before giving my reply. "Sounds good. Now
go and do your girly stuff with your best friend. Make sure to buy something...
nice to wear." I instructed.
I can see her fuming in annoyance. "What's that supposed to mean?"
"You don't want to look normal at your own hotel, right?" I mocked raising an ey
She stepped closer and pulled my tie in her eye level. "We'll see about that! Do
n't drool in front of me." She challenged.
"I'd love to see that." I replied with a wily smile. She released my tie and str
aightened, ready to go.
"I'll go now then. And do my best to not look normal on Saturday night." She sai
d confidently and then retreated.
As much as I hate to let her go with her friend, I know that I can't really keep
her to myself. 'Damn, why am I sounding so cheesy all of a sudden?' I felt like
some dude from some romantic movie possessed me or something. I immediately sho
ok off the feeling and thought of something else.
Oh yeah! How could I forget! I took out my phone and called Boris. "Cancel my re
servation at The River Caf, I'm going somewhere else. No... I don't need another r
eservation. No further questions Boris. Ok." I hang up.
I looked at my watch and it's still too early for me to go home. I don't have an
ything to do and honestly, I'm really not fond of going to parties. Well, just f
or today I guess. When I'm about to start my car, my phone rang and I answered h
"Meet me at The Pub. Now."
"Make sure I won't regret wasting my time there, James."
"You won't." I hang up the phone and decided to go. On top of the curiosity of w
hat James has to say, or whatever, I needed to divert my attention away from a c
ertain brunette as well.
* * * * * * *
"So, where's River?" I asked James the moment we sat at our usual seat at The Pu
"Just the two of us. For old time's sake." He raised his glass and I complied. W
e gulped the liquid at the same time.

"What's so urgent, speed racer?"

"Ha! Good one. The night's still young. No need to rush."
"Smartass. We haven't done this in a while. What's keeping you busy nowadays?" I
He replied with a laugh. "I'm actually busy at school with school stuff."
"School... Yeah... come to think of it. Ever since you came here from Paris, you
really changed. Look at you. You even changed the color of your hair."
"Being a blonde is not my thing, Zach. Besides, I'm not losing my touch. I'm jus
t... you know, busy fixing certain things."
"Do those certain things involve me and Tori?" I watched him as I took a sip fro
m my drink. I'm really curious as to why James' doing this for me.
"I'm just doing you a favor, buddy." He replied with a smile.
"Yeah. Thanks by the way."
"Loosen up, dude. We're here to have fun." He said sounding like he has a lot in
his mind. "By the way. Before we start the night..." He took something from his
side and hand it over to me. It's a paper bag.
"It's not even my birthday..."
"Just open it." He commanded and I complied. And there I saw a bag that's very f
amiliar to me. It also has my nametag. "Sorry to keep that away from you. I know
how important that thing is. Now you won't have to hunt me down in Paris just t
o get it back."
"Important. Hah." I chuckled still looking at the bag, the last gift I received
from my Mom before she died. James really knows how to play games. "Still not ti
red of playing hide and seek, huh?" We both chuckled at the memory.
"You know how good I am in hiding things."
"Don't flatter yourself." I said to him.
"Give yourself some credit; you're better at finding things that I hide. But you
gotta admit, you didn't have the slightest idea that I had it this time." He gr
inned triumphantly as if he won an award.
"Still the sly dog, huh." I said with a smirk. "I'm not even looking for it, but
thanks anyway. So why return it now? You've been here for weeks. Feeling guilty
about taking something that's not yours?" I finished playfully.
I eyed him teasingly but he just avoided my stare. "Something like that. But it
reminds me... wasted opportunities of something I should have."
"Are we still talking about the same thing?" I queried with my left brow raised.
As if I dragged him out of his thoughts, he looked at me and laughed. "My bad. I
'm just..."
"Look, I'm not good in giving advices of something but I know you. If you want a
nything you'll do your best to get it. Why give up now?"

"You seriously don't know what you're talking about." He chuckled as he shook hi
s head.
"Whatever it is, just give yourself a chance."
He raised his glass and grinned widely. "Yeah...yeah...Whatever Dr. Phil."
I raised my glass as well and replied. "Tsk. You'll never change."
---END OF CHAPTER THIRTY--So, what do you think? Sorry for the late upload guys, please be easy on me. Wha
t do you think will happen next? Do you like this chap? What can you say about t
his? Please comment and I'll make sure that I'll read ALL of them. Thanks a lot!
FACEBOOK FANPAGE = Notjustarandomgirl
TWITTER = notarandomgirl
Thank you! <3
<center><h1>Chapter 31 - Then and Now</h1></center>
CHAPTER 31 - Then and Now
"I don't get him! He's sweet for a moment, next thing you know he'll be this ann
oying douchy person. Ugh! How can someone be so moody?!"
"You won't find a nice dress when you're all flustered like that..." Chloe dragg
ed me from my frustration the moment she grabbed my hand, interrupting me from s
canning the rack of clothes in front of me. As I scanned the store, I noticed se
veral people looking at me.
"Did I just..." My eyes widened embarrassed at my sudden outburst.
"Just ignore them, you know how people are when they hear someone shouting." She
told me calmly as she held my hand tightly. "Care to tell me your Mr. Blonde is
I bit my lower lip, still hesitant to answer her question. "About that..."
Chloe let out a big sigh before saying "You know, if you're bored of doing this,
we can just go home and..."
"No, It's not like that." I interrupted.
She crossed her arms over her chest looking at me the 'Chloe' way, right eyebrow
raised and looking unimpressed.
"It's really hard to say no to you, you know that?" I said in defeat.
"I know." She grinned triumphantly.
I took a deep breath and decided to tell her.
"You see, I came to see Zach before we left and well..." I couldn't finish my se

ntence. I just don't know how to tell it to Chloe.

"...And?" She demanded.
"I'm not sure how to put this..." I admitted.
"He told you something that irritated you, of course?" Chloe tried to complete t
he sentence for me.
"What was it about?"
"It's about the dinner with my Mom this saturday and..."
"Now why am I the last to know Aunt Vanessa's here?" Chloe shrieked and gazed at
me with her famous 'you're unbelievable' look.
"Sorry Chloe, I've been really busy lately." I apologized.
"Whatever" She dismissed the topic by waving her hand and then continued. "let m
e guess, he doesn't wanna go through it?"
"Actually.... He seemed... into it." I said slowly.
Chloe slumped her shoulders downward and replied. "Oh." She then avoided eye con
tact with me.
"Oh?" I queried curiously.
"N-Nothing.. I just spaced out for a while there." Chloe said while trying hard
to smile.
"Is something wrong?" I asked worriedly.
She looked at me and answered. "It's nothing, well consider yourself lucky then.
Your relationship's going to the next level. I can picture Zach and your mom me
eting in person. It'd be like a scene from meet the parents." Chloe continued jo
"Is there something I need to know?" I'm feeling nervous about asking that quest
ion and I'm a little bit curious.
"Yeah, I guess now would be the perfect time to tell you. You're lucky because f
or the longest time I've known Zach, for some reason, not once did he meet any o
f his girl's parents." She said casually as she was browsing through the dresses
I didn't know what to say. Our relationship's moving to the next level already?
This wasn't part of the plan, although some part of me wanted our relationship t
o progress.
"He's really taking your relationship seriously, huh. Just like what I told him.
" Something about what Chloe said stung me.
'Zach's doing this things 'coz Chloe told her to do it?'
As if Chloe read my expression, she immediately told me "Oh Tori don't get the w
rong idea. I told him that if he tries to hurt you, in any way possible, I'd mak
e sure he wouldn't see the sunlight." She assured me with a smile.

I tried my best to give her the best smile that I could muster. To assure her th
at I understand her, and it didn't matter. I trust her.
"No worries Chloe. Thanks for looking out for me."
"Of course. I'm your bestfriend. So, what's so irritating about the dinner?" She
"Well, he told me that I should find something nice to wear so I would not look
'normal' in our own hotel." I said with gritted teeth. Chloe looked at me for a
second and then she laughed.
"Jerk as always." She commented shaking her head sideways.
"Right? Right?" I'm glad we were thinking the same thing.
"Well, how about we teach that jerk a lesson? We'll let him swallow his words."
She suggested.
"I'd love to see that."
--"...yes. We'll see you in a while. We're almost done. Bye." I heard Chloe talkin
g to someone on her phone before she noticed me. "Are you done with everything?
The shoes? The clothes and accessories?" She asked.
I glanced at the bags that I'm carrying and then nodded. "Who was that?" I inqui
She looked at her phone before replying "You'll know later." She said with a smi
le. "Shall we?"
I nodded and followed her out the door. We walked down the street of New York la
ughing and reminiscing the past. It's been a while since I bonded with Chloe. I
missed how we talk about things, boys...
Speaking of boys, I have no idea what's going on between her and Greg. I hope Za
ch's not interfering, thinking about it made my stomach turn upside down.
"So Chloe, what's up with you and Greg? I haven't heard from him in a while and
I never saw him during the fashion show." I glanced at Chloe's direction as I as
ked her.
Chloe seemed stiff. This doesn't look good.
She looked at me and gave me an assuring smile. "We're doing...great. He's in LA
actually, doing a photo shoot so he didn't have time to go to the show." I felt
there was sadness in her tone. Why did I even open that up? She seems to be avo
iding the subject because she misses Greg.
"I'm sorry Chloe. I didn't..."
"Don't be, silly. We should be having fun." She chuckled and then diverted her a
ttention to the sign ahead of us. "There it is. Let's go! You'll be happy to see
him." Chloe hopped inside the restaurant.
I was trembling as I was about to enter the restaurant.

'I'll be happy to see who?'

And then it hit me. She must've asked Zach to meet us here! I blushed at the ide
'I miss him already? God, Tori! It's only been hours since you parted. Get a gri
I composed myself before entering. I scanned the room and looked for a familiar
"Over here!" I heard Chloe's voice from my left side and my head followed that d
irection. I walked towards our table and saw someone I never expected to see.
I immediately shook of the voice screaming 'disappointed' inside my head. "H-Hee
y..." I simply replied.
"I told her it'd be a surprise." Chloe answered Nathan and then she looked at me
"You don't look too happy to see me." He said worriedly.
"I am. I am actually." I instantaneously cuts Nathan from misunderstanding. I as
sured him with a smile, he did the same thing as well. We both looked at each ot
"I'm starving. Let's eat." I immediately broke eye contact with Nathan after Chl
oe demanded. For some reason I felt like I was in a trance while looking at Nath
an's eyes. It's like he's hypnotizing me.
We sat down and started to order. I was still trembling for some reason. Maybe i
t was because Nathan's staring at me? Or the fact that I'm actually having dinne
r with Nathan.
'Crap! What do I tell Zach?' I thought.
I'm debating with myself if I should let Zach know about this. It'd be better if
I'm the one who tells him other than him hearing it from his 'sources'. He'll h
ave a lot of questions he finds out from someone else. But, would he care?
"Are you okay, Tori?" I snapped back to reality the moment Nathan asked me. And
by that, I realized Chloe wasn't here anymore.
"Where's Chloe?" I asked.
Nathan chuckled. "She just went to the restroom. You sure you're okay?"
"I'm sorry. I'm just... Starving." I said feeling embarrassed. Should I stop thi
nking about Zach and just enjoy this moment? I'm starting to space out again.
"Our food will be here any minute." Nathan said as he put his hand on top of min
e. My heartbeat suddenly quickened.

"Shrimp Marinara?" Nathan took away his hand from mine as the waiter came in wit

h our food.
'Thank God for Shrimp Marinara!' I heave a sigh of relief inside my head. I don'
t know what I'm going to do if I let myself linger on that moment with Nathan a
little longer. It's confusing!

The food started to come as Chloe came back. We chatted as we ate our food, enjo
ying the company of one another.
I like it this way, just talking about the things we used to do back then.
'Just like old times, huh?'
It the middle of our conversation, I decided to send Zach a message about our sm
all gathering. Just so he won't think of something going on between Nathan and m
'Having dinner at Patsy's with Chloe and Nathan.' and then I hit the sent button
Few minutes have passed and we were eating dessert when I heard a familiar voice
greeting us.
"Mind if we join you?"
I'm almost afraid to look back because I don't want my hunch to be true.
'Dear God. You've gotta be kidding...'
"Zach! James! Fancy that!" Chloe chimed, looking at someone obviously standing b
ehind me. I could feel the pressure of someone staring down at me mentally pushi
ng me to look back.
'Wait, James is here as well?'
I looked back and was surprised as I saw James.
"You're forgetting about me, Tori." Zach interrupted. This time I sent deadly gl
ared at his direction.
"Have you guys been drinking?" Chloe furrowed.
"Is it obvious?" Zach asked looking at Chloe with his usual smirk.
"You guys reek of alcohol." Chloe said.
"What are you doing here?" I questioned through gritted teeth.
"No need to be perky. Me and James were just around the street and we realized t
hat we were hungry. So, we decided to eat."
"What a conincidence." I said sarcastically.
"Coincidence, Indeed." Was his only reply. He then gestured at the waiter for so
me additional seats at our table. I was actually annoyed that he came here. How
dare he show his face here drunk.
"It's okay, Tori. We had plenty of rooms for them to fit in." Nathan said calmly

. Nathan... And then it hit me. It's because of the message I sent to Zach!
"Well, look at you acting like my girlfriend's boyfriend." Zach sent Nathan one
of his deadly glares.
"Dude..." James calmed Zach down. James looked at me and nodded as if assuring m
e that Zach won't be a problem.
"James." Nathan greeted with a nod.
"Nate." James nodded in response. So they also know each other.
"Like old times, huh." Nathan commented with a smile. Both Zach and James took t
heir seats. James sat beside Chloe while Zach sat next to me. He extended his le
ft arm to my chair as if trying to wrap me in him. It's like he's showing me off
I looked down feeling a little embarrassed and then decided to glance up again.
I saw that everyone's reaction was the same. Everyone was looking at Zach's gest
ure. Nathan was clearly pissed off clearly trying to hold back. Knowing him, he
wouldn't want to make a scene. Chloe was frowning and James' was just shaking hi
s head sideways. Zach looks like he's enjoying the way everyone was reacting to
the situation.
It was so awkward. This has to be the most embarrassing moment yet. I just could
n't bare with it anymore. Awkward Silence would define the situation.
"Uhm... Dessert anyone?" I said trying to change the atmosphere. And I'm so glad
it worked.
--Our little dinner went out smoothly, I thought it would be a disaster. It was aw
kward at first since no one would want to start a conversation. Until Chloe brok
e the silence opening up something they usually do when they were kids.
I learnt that Zach and Nathan were close back then and so was James. But James h
as been in and out of New York because of his Dad remarrying a california girl.
He stayed at Zach's place from seventh to ninth grade before he went back to Cal
ifonia and then went to Paris. I also learned that we studied at the same school
back in ninth grade, some of it I guess, which he hasn't mentioned before in ou
r private conversation. It was a lot of history for me.
I haven't asked James about his reason for going to Paris. I guess I don't know
anything about him. I felt bad since it's always me who does all the talking. A
curious part of me wanted to know him more. I guess it's just curiosity. But bac
k in Zach's car...
"What were you thinking!?" I asked Zach. We were on our way home.
"I was just having dinner, Tori. I had a little meeting as well with James as yo
u can see." He said emphasizing he drank alcohol by pointing at his still red ch
"Showing up at the same restaurant where we ate? Not to mention a few minutes af
ter I sent you that message. Coincidence? I'm not stupid Zach!" I pointed out in
"Okay, Okay!" He finally said in defeat. "I acted on instinct. You know how Nath
an gets on my nerves. He clearly likes you. He always knows where you are, not t

o mention the timing when you're not with me, he'll pop out of nowhere." He cont
inued on a serious tone.
I crossed my arms at my chest. "Chloe invited him for dinner. He's also my frien
d Zach...."
"Friend.. Yeah, right. He's clearly in that so called 'circle'."
"Here we go again with your little theory about Nathan. I told you, he doesn't l
ike me. He's in love with someone else." I reasoned out.
"Is this some sort of soap opera? Are you trying to be caught between two lovers
or something?"
"Don't! Just Don't!" I interrupted him.
He stopped the car and looked at me.
"Why Tori? Afraid that what I'm saying might be true? It's him that you really l
ike?" He asked lacing his words with scorn.
"Why are you being like this, Zach?" I asked in disbelief. What is wrong with hi
m? Maybe it's all because of alcohol?
"Just answer the damn question!" He demanded.
It was a good question. Will my feelings change if I learn that Nathan likes me?
I looked at Zach and thought about the things we shared the past weeks. I like
Nathan, yes, but with this person in front of me... there's really a huge differ
ence between them. I've liked Nathan for as long as I remember. Zach's annoying
and very hot tempered but, I can't help myself from feeling this strongly about
I closed my eyes and took a deep breath before answering.
"No." was my answer to his question.
There was an awkward silence in the car again. As if satisfied with my answer Za
ch directed his eyes in front and started to drive. As I glanced at him I could
see a faint smile along his lips. He looked like he was trying to hold back his
smile or something. I saw another side of Zach. The one where he's happy.
"You weren't kidding when you said that you were gonna go shopping." Zach change
d the subject as if nothing happened. He gestured at the back of his car where t
he paper bags were piled.
"Yes. Of course I wasn't." I replied, trying to divert him from mentioning about
that 'dress to impress' thing he made me do.
"Girl bonding, huh? You three would make the best girl friends ever." We both ch
"He's not gay, Zach!" I said lightening up the mood.
"...So you really took what I said seriously, huh?" He teased and I felt my chee
ks burning up again.
"K-Keep kidding yourself! I can dress myself however I want!" I tried acting con

"Right... Keep telling yourself that." He commented sarcastically. Why does he h

ave to be so observant all the time!
"I'm really excited to see you this saturday night."
"Thank you, Zach." I said, rolling my eyes to him. "I guess you did some shoppin
g yourself." I continued as I saw a different paper bag from mine, I assumed tha
t was his.
"You don't get to say that, Tori. I'm capable of making myself look nice in what
ever I wear." He spatted arrogantly. I just rolled my eyes at him. "On serious n
ote, it's from James. Something he took from me before he went to Paris. I didn'
t even have the chance to use it."
"Sneaky as always." I chuckled as I pictured him hiding something.
"Yeah. He always does that. He's really good in hiding things."
'Yeah! He's also good in hiding your secret.' The voice inside my head suddenly
popped out. I immediately swallowed the lump forming in my throat and ignored th
e stupid voice who's still taunting me.
Silence followed afterwards. And then the conversation I had with Chloe about Za
ch earlier suddenly popped in my head.
I was hesitant to ask him. Afraid of what he might say. Ready for the worst case
scenario, I cleared my throat before asking him.
"Uhm... Zach?"
"Why did you agree to have dinner with my Mom?"
"You said she wanted to have dinner with us, right?" He simply replied as if it
didn't really matter.
"But based on what I heard, you never agree on meeting... uhm.. parents..." I co
ntinued hesitantly.
He looked at me and smiled. "True."
"Can I ask why?" I pressed.
"Because they'll just fish out some details about my family's company. Most of t
hem are like hungry wolves"
"And you're sure my Mom won't mention anything about that?"
"I thought about that. Since our families are rivals in the industry. But I don'
t think she would."
"How can you be so sure about that?" I asked intrigued.
"Because you're not like that. You're honest and you don't care about the fame a
nd wealth. You base everything on hardship, not on the things you already have.
You don't use other people for your own accord." He said glancing at me with a s
I looked at him and smiled as well as he looked back at the road I stared outsid

e the window. It felt good hearing it from him. But something about what Zach sa
id made me feel guilty.
'Honesty? Using people?'
I looked at him and lingered on the smiling expression plastered on his face.
'I'm not the person you think I am Zach. I used you'
Will you still smile like that if you discovered what I did? The reason why I'm
dating you? I thought there was no point in telling him that. What was important
now was what I feel. I know my feelings for him are true. It wasn't a game anym
ore. This time it's real.
----------Hope you all like this chapter,. Thank you very much =))
<center><h1>Chapter 32 - Captivate</h1></center>
I'm alive! I'm so sorry, I know I had been away for a very long time. i swear, I
felt awful for leaving this story for two months but I have a valid reason. Wel
l, my laptop crashed and my files deleted (including the timeframe, summary, etc
of this story) yeah, too bad right? Well, I almost cried, I worked hard for it
and just like that, IT'S ALL GONE! it's really frustrating!
On the good note, this story is starting to stir up again!
Who do you think deserves Victoria Peige? Would it be sweet Nathan? Mysterious J
ames? Or confusing Zach? Tough choice. (Your opinion matters) ^_^
Please continue to make and send those book trailers to me and I'll surely dedic
ate a chapter to you! Thanks a lot!
(What Zach and Tori [minus the accessories] looks like at the dinner) ----->
-------------------------------------------------------Chapter 32 - Captivate
* TORI's POV **
Time check, six fifty in the evening. Saturday, the day I wished never came. I'm
sitting across the table with my Mom. We're at our hotel, seated at the best sp
ot in the restaurant overlooking the busy lights of Manhattan.
We're waiting for Zach. I jush wish he doesn't show up. I shouldn't have told hi
m about this dinner in the first place.
I'm busy fidgeting with my fingers under the table, biting my lower lip and shif
ting from my seat.
"Don't worry, he'll show up." I didn't notice Mom was observing me. She look amu
"Huh? It's not what you think. I had something else in mind." I lied.
'Oh how I wish he'll decide not to show up!' I spoke in my thoughts.

"Whatever you say." She beamed. "It's still early, I mean, you told him that din
ner's at seven, right?"
I just replied with a simple nod and continued to be silent.
"Chin up. He'll be here any minute." She encouraged.
I tried to supple a small smile just to assure her that I'm fine. Mom smiled bac
k at me before she turned her attention back to the wine she's been drinking.
Why am I being such a ninny? I should be acting brave and confident. By the way
I looked tonight. I can say that I look ...good. I did a nice job 'fixing' mysel
f. Well of course, with some help from Chloe.
I'm wearing a navy blue asymmetrical dress, covering the left side of my shoulde
r while exposing the skin at my right. A small stud diamond earrings. My hair is
perfectly curled into place, finishing with a simple tint of pink on my cheeks
and lips.
I took a quick look at myself, for the hundredth time this evening, at the glass
wall-to-wall window beside me. 'That'll do it.' I said to my own reflection.
"Lovely evening, ladies." The very familiar voice made me stiffen all of a sudde
n. And just like that, every nerve in my body started to have a life of it's own
. The confidence and bravery I had a while ago, suddenly disappeared.
"Indeed it is, Mr. Zachary Anderson." Mom said in a dreamy tone. Oh wait... I kn
ow that tone! Mom never used that tone unless it's her favorite actor, Brad Pitt
! "I'm Vanessa Peige." She introduced herself in that same accent.
I immediately drift my head to Mom's direction who's now standing, and to my utt
er shock, she's smiling widely from ear-to-ear with her hands extended into gree
tings held by Zach.
"It's a pleasure to meet the woman behind the successful Prestige Hotels." She o
nly replied with a smile but looked more like a suppressed giggle.
'Wait till Dad hears about this!'
"Tori." I heard Zach greeted me. I haven't looked at his direction yet. I'm stil
l gathering all of my confidence before looking at him. Well, I still haven't fo
rgotten about the challenge he had put on me and I'm very determined to show him
that I will definitely win this. I took a deep breath and mutter to myself 'get
ready to drool Anderson' before standing up and turning to his direction.
And with that it happened, again. All the confidence I gathered a while ago, all
the smugness suddenly washed away. I felt my mouth dry all of a sudden. Now I s
ee why my Mom acted like a highschool cheerleader a while ago.
Oh dear God, why is the world so cruel to me! Zach is... He is... He is simply..
. Why is it so unfair!?
He's wearing a beige suit, white oxford shirt inside with two buttons left open
exposing his...God knows what's inside that...shirt! His hair is trimmed and dis
heveled in a groomed manner. And it is dyed in dirty blonde color. He just looke
d... He is breath-...
"you can close your mouth now." I heard him whisper and, in a flash, that made m
e snapped back from my musing.

I realized that he inclined himself close to me and much to my horror, I then re

alized that I left my mouth ajar! Did I just drool in front of Zachary Anderson!
"Z-Zach." I, then found my voice and acknowledged him, more like stuttered. He t
ook one step back and smirked at me. I kicked myself in my thought for my stupid
ity. The unfortunate turn of events, so much for making him 'drool'.
Stupid Victoria, now you just made his head larger considering his infathomable
We all sat down after Mom gestured us to take our seat. I'm still feeling a litt
le embarrassed myself, with the way my Mom eyed me plus the fact that she's tryi
ng so hard not to laugh. I just wish the ground would open up and swallow me.
'Great, thanks Mom. I thought I was your daughter!'
"I must say, the view here is breathtaking. And the atmosphere is very welcoming
, suitable not just for dating couples but also for someone who wants to spend a
n evening, alone." Zach said with finest lacing in each of his words.
Goody two shoes. Trying to empress my Mom, huh? What's with 'not talking about t
he family business' stuff he's blabbering about just days ago. I thought he does
n't want to go to 'this' type of functions because of 'business' involvement.
"Well, that is technically the main idea of this sky-room. Makes you want to sta
y in the citt that never sleeps." Mom said with a proud voice.
"Now I see why you guys are the competition." His statement left me off guard. D
id Zach just say that? What card is he playing?
"That's very flattering coming from someone like you." I interjected, malice vis
ible in my tone. Okay, now what's the catch Zach?
He turned to me and...smiled. Is he mocking me?
"Now, let's not make a big deal out of it." He said casually. "I'm just stating
my observation. And besides..." He leaned closer and then continued. "Aren't you
the one who told me that? Let's just say, I'm admitting...defeat." He finishes
with a smirk that left me breathless.
'Who are you and what have you done to Zachary Anderson!' I shrieked in my thoug
"Oh. Look at you two. So adorable." Mom giggled. She's clearly enjoying this.
"Although coming from a rival, that is pretty flattering. Don't get me wrong, it
's just that it came from you. No offense."
"Non taken Mrs. Peige." He replied politely.
"It's Vanessa. You're making quite an impression Zachary." Okay, Mom definitely
lost it. "Usually, I receive compliments from the way I look, how young I look f
or my age... etcetera, it's just too boring."
"What can I say...Vanessa. I beg to differ. No need to state the obvious." Zacha
ry, you have to stop now! My Mom is turning into a tomato! What happened to the
'composed and elegant' Mrs. Peige? Lost in the Zachary Anderson charm. She 's no
t this worse when she's with Mr. Pitt!

"You're quite the charmer. I have to admit I am impressed." She twittered.

"Shall we start the dinner? I'm starving." I cut in before my Mom loses
pletely! I glared at her and gave her my 'the look', she just furrowed and turne
d her attention back to Zach with a smile.
"Shall we order?" Mom gestured for the waiter to come and ordered. Atleast she's
coming to her senses again.
While they're busy giving their orders, I stole a glance from Zach's direction.
I can't help it! I tried my best not to turn to him but my whole being is betray
ing me. Why does he have to look... good? Especially, tonight.
The only moment I totally broke my 'peeking' from him is when the food finally a
This is what I like about our hotel, the food. They serve the best steak and pas
ta in town!
"Should have guessed. Steak and pasta."
I tore my gaze at the heavenly meal in front of me and turned to scowl at Zach w
ho's giving me one of his amazed looks.
"What?" I started. "What's wrong with a girl eating steak and pasta?" I waited i
mpatiently for him to answer. He just replied with a small laugh. Deja vu?
"Tori!" Mom interrupted giving me one of her 'looks'.
"Nothing. Just remembering our..." He angled himself closer and smirked ignoring
my Mom. "First date." He then finishes with a wink. I almost fell from where I
was sittting, oh please someone stop him!
"Sounds interesting." Mom beamed. Alternating looks with me and Zach. I immediat
ely turned to glare at Zach's and gave him a look saying 'don't you dare.'
And Zach, being stubborn, grinned and turned his attention to my Mom and said "I
nteresting indeed..." He began. "I took her at one of the restaurant's here in M
anhattan, for lunch. I ordered a salad for her but much to my surprise she rejec
ted it. Instead, she ordered..." He gestured at my plate and continued "the exac
t same thing." He then finishes with a chuckle.
"Oh she did?" Mom gasped in excitement.
I just rolled my eyes at them. What's the big deal?! I'm no super model. I like
to eat!
"And she left quite the impression. After that, Tori never fails to surprise me.
Each day, I'm looking forward spending time with her. She's someone you can't g
et enough of."
After hearing that, I felt a sudden gush of hotness forming in my cheeks. My sto
mach started to flutter as if millions of butterflies were trying their best to
escape. My heart is beating five hundred beats per minute, if that's even possib
"She really is quite different from girls her age, and with that, me and her Dad
are so proud of what she's become."
"I won't hide the fact that I dated a lot of girls, but your daughter..." I can

feel that Zach is eyeing me but I can't meet his eyes without revealing my embar
rassment. "...your daughter is just amazing."
I then decided to look at him, look him deeply in his eyes, eyeing for some hint
that he was lying. But there isn't any. Just his stormy grey eyes and genuine..
.smile. That contagious smile that I can't help but smile as well.
"Lovely story." Mom said, more like a murmur. Happiness is obvious in her voice.
"Let's eat." I declared, before I completely lose myself in the pool of silver.
The rest of the night went well. I smiled inwardly, and I don't know the reason
why. I think it's because the way Zach makes my Mom laugh at his stories and jok
es. They got along pretty well in such a short period of time. Quite the charmer
, I guess.
"Excuse me, I have to take this. I'll be right back." Zach excused himself as so
on as we heard a ring from his phone.
Now it's only me and my Mom left.
"I know it's rude to talk about someone behind there back but I can't really hel
p it!" Mom chirped excitedly.
"Mom!" I warned. Seriously, who's the Mom here?
"Oh loosen up dear. Zach is something else, huh." She wiggled her brows to me. I
just rolled my eyes in disbelief.
"He is a gentleman, dear. I heard rumors about him about being the playboy that
he is. But he showed himself as him, not some a*s who's trying to impress their
girlfriend's Mom."
"Language, Mom!" I'm not hearing this. Come on!
"What? I'm just saying that I'm lucky that my daughter is not dating a jerk. Bes
ides, Zach is quite the catch. He's smart, funny, charming, charismatic and not
to mention good looking too. Too good looking." She said in a matter-of-fact ton
"Whatever..." I snorted.
"Oh don't give me that. Don't pretend you're not captivated by him. I was watchi
ng you the whole time. Stolen glances?" She sang. I looked at her in horror.
"Mom! Stop it! It's embarrassing. Quiet down your voice..." I pushed myself forw
ard to her and continued. "He might hear you."
"So you finally admit it?"
"Admit what?"
"You like him." She leaned back and crossed her arms to her chest. She looked at
Zach's direction from afar and turned back to me. "A lot."
I turned to Zach who's still busy talking to someone from the phone and I laid b
ack from my seat. I let out a sigh before replying. "I wouldn't be dating him if
I didn't...."
"So is that a yes?" Mom waited for me to answer, with a wide grin plastered in h

er face.
"Fine, I like him!" I admitted. "Happy?" And then I lowered my head, to hide the
blush that is starting to form in my cheeks. All I could hear was Mom's laugh.
"You're such a high-school girl, Mom!"
"I know. It's fun seeing you growing up like this. I'm just glad your father's n
ot here."
"Lucky he's not here. If he was, I'm sure he'd rip Zach's head apart! Watching u
s giggling over a guy." I laughed as I pictured my Dad's possible reactions and
Mom did the same. I miss him so much.
We just kept laughing until Zach came back.
Mom continued to fill Zach up with one of my childhood stories. It's so awkward
but kinda fun.
The night went well and the next thing I notice is that we're at the hotel's foy
er, and about to end the night, I guess until... "So I'll see you tomorrow dear.
Be careful and be good." Mom bid her goodbye.
"Wait. We're going home...together." I reminded her.
"Oh no dear, I'm afraid not. Zach will gladly do that. Besides, he already gave
me a heads up." She then turned to Zach and grinned.
When did this thing happen? I'm pretty sure I was with them the whole time.
"I'll take good care of Tori, Vanessa." He assured my Mom with a smile of a 'goo
d boy.'
"I know. Nice meeting you Zach. This won't be the last." It's more of a command
not a question coming from my Mom.
"Likewise. Next time would be at our hotel."
Did he just invite us to his hotel? Crossing rival territory? Now that's interes
"That's a great idea! I'll be looking forward to that." Did I hear it correctly?
My Mom, the owner of the Prestige Hotel, rival of The Andersons', thrilled at t
he idea of having dinner at one of their hotels? I guess any minute now, Ashton
Kutcher would come out of nowhere to say I got punk'd. "Well, here's my ride. I'
m going now. Take care you two." And with that, my Mom disappeared.
"What have you done to my Mom..." I accusingly him.
He laughed before he retorted a question. "Whatever do you mean, Victoria."
"Don't play dumb, Zach. She's not like that. She never loses her composure in fr
ont of other people."
"There's a first for everything. She is pretty cool though."
"I don't know what your game is Zach, but whatever it is, you'd better stop it.
Next thing you know, she'll be sending you invitations to every occasion she cou

ld think of." I warned him. My Mom rarely shows interest in people, but when she
does, she treats them like they're part of the family.
"Sound good to me." He replied so calmly.
"Didn't you hate those...uh... things?" I tried to enlighten him.
"True. But I love spending time with your Mom and..." He leaned closer, so close
that I can feel his breath to my ears that sends me those funny tingling shiver
s down to my spine, then continued. ""
I felt my legs turned jelly. Not knowing what to do. All I could do was smell hi
s 'captivating' scent, stare at his silver-grey glittering eyes, unable to utter
a single word.

"Let's go." I regained my 'consciousness' after Zach said that. I then realized
that his car was already in front of us.
The valet is already handing him his car key.
"Where are we going?" I asked before heading to the passenger's seat being held
open by Zach himself.
He clicked his tongue before answering my question. "Don't spoil the fun, Tori.
Just get inside the car."
I narrowed my eyes to him for a
The satisfied expression on his
e, he might have planned it for
when he does, he always leaves
seat belt and smiled.

moment but then decided to head inside his car.

face never disappeared. Wherever he was taking m
a long time. Zach never fails to surprise me and
me...speechless. With that though, I fastened my

---------Next THREE chapters were being edited. (Yes, three, well I'm trying to catch up
those times I left you all hanging.)
Thanks a lot!
<center><h1>Chapter 33 - Embarrass</h1></center>
Thank you for all your votes and comments. I read ALL of them and it gave me a l
ot of energy and inspiration to finish this chappy.
As a promise, here's chapter 33. Hope you like it. Enjoy!
-----------------------------------------------------CHAPTER 33- EMBARRASS
** TORI's POV **
"Seriously?" I asked with my left eyebrow raised. Up to this point, why am I eve
n surprised? Zach has nothing but surprises.
"Positive." He answered without hesitation.
I turned my attention back to the view. "...Are you trying to get me...killed?"
I shudder at my last word.

"Now why would I do that?" Zach placed his hands over my shoulder and pushed me
gently. His weight pressing against me.
"Oh no way!" I tried to struggle from his clutches. There's no way I'm going!
"Don't be such a baby." He teased and chuckled.
"I'm...not!" I announced while hitting him in the chest with each word.
"Give me one good reason not to go..." He wiggled his eyebrows at me playfully.
"For one, who in their right mind would go there in...November? Not to mention,
in the middle of the night!?"
"No biggie." He began. "We're Newyorkers, in 'the city that never sleeps' so I r
eally don't see any reason not to go." He quoted.
I rolled my eyes at his answer and then retorted. "Yeah, but it's November! Zach
, it'sfreezing cold here! What more....there!" I gestured at the sea.
We're at Brighton Beach, as what Zach mentioned a while ago. At first, I thought
that we were just going to stroll by the beach, but swimming? Who in their righ
t mind would swim in the middle of a winter night at Brighton Beach? Oh, definit
ely not me.
"It's going to be fun!" He told me with beaming teeth.
"To you it is but... No. No. No!" I finalize with conviction.
Zach eyed me playfully and then he started undoing his clothes.
"What are you doing?" I asked panicky. I tried to keep my eyes at his eye level,
avoiding the direction to his...body, but I failed miserably, only looking away
would be my salvation.
"Undressing." He sang.
"Y-you're crazy Zach! P-put on your shirt!" I can't help but trailed a look at n
ow his exposed chest...Damn! He'!
But then I regained myself and turned my attention to his face. "...please tell
me this is some kind of practical joke."
"It's not." He said flexing his muscles as he stretches. I just can't help but n
I'm trying my best not to look. Only to find myself involuntarily glancing his g
orgeous body.
'Eye level. Just stare at his eyes.. Hair.. Body.. Godammit!' I screeched in my
"I'm going in." Now he's starting to unbutton his trousers.
All I did was to gulp hard and stuttered. "You're insa--!?" And then as if I was
some sort of a stick, he lifted me over his shoulder.
"Put me down this instance, Zachary!!" I could only hear his laughter while he's
dragging me helplessly towards the sea.

"Help!" I screamed, but as I looked around there was no one to be found which wa
s rather odd.
'What a way to die, frozen to death due to stupidity.' I gloomed.
I expected Zach to plunge me into the deep sea, I closed my eyes, ready to accep
t my fate, but he didn't.
Waves of water were playing below my knees, Next thing I know, I'm standing at t
he shore with him in front of me. I gulped at the sight of his almost
Worse, a hard wave of water hit me making me lose my balance. Instantaneously, I
entwined my arms at Zach's shoulders for support. There was lag time before I r
ealized what I did.
"S-sorry." I released my hands from his shoulders. But Zach placed his arms arou
nd my waist, drawing me closer to him.
"Don't be..." He said close to my ear sending shivers down my spine. It was a go
od thing we weren't facing each other. He'd definitely see my embarrassed face.
"T-this is just so..." I tried to protest but then he cuts me off immediately.
"It's November, Tori. And it is freezing cold." He said smiling.
"You think?! You're crazy.." was all I could say.
True enough, body contact is the best heat conductor. I enjoyed it, pressed agai
nst him while dipping my foot at the cool waves of the sea. I couldn't help but
smile as I looked at the dark abyss.
This scene is where the guy kisses the girl, under the moonlight and the stars.
So, this is it? My first kiss?
"Tori." Zach whispered. He's looking at me straight to my eyes. I looked at his
face blushing like hell. He tucked a loose strand of my hair in my ear. I'm brea
thing irregularly at his actions.
He started to lean closer, I closed my eyes and waited. My heart ready to explod
e. And then, the cool breeze of the sea was replaced by warmth covering my lips.
Soft, gentle and... My first kiss!
"Tori." I heard him call me. I just replied with a soft moan.
"Tori." He continued to call me. Why does he keep on talking? Weren't our lips l
ocked already?
"Tori? What are you doing?"
I slowly opened my eyes and looked at him. Zach was looking at me in confusion c
lear on his face.
And then realization hit me. Like a wave bigger than a tsunami. I felt my face t
urning red as I was staring at him, again! Fragments from my little fantasy gush
ing in my thoughts. I looked away from him from embarrassment.
'I just imagined Zachary Anderson kissing me...' I flushed.

"Someone's having fun. What were you dreaming about? Hm?" Zach asked impishly. A
s if he knew what was happening inside my head.
I avoided his glare, trying to hide my embarrassment before answering. "I-It's n
"You're stuttering again." He pointed out confidently.
"No... I'm not! I'm just sleepy." I said still avoiding his stormy grey eyes.
"Whatever you say, Tori." He teased. I just turned redder than a ripe apple, if
that's even possible. Parts of my fantasy just kept creeping inside my head.
"I-I wanna go home!" I demanded and then I walked away from him and into the sho
re. But he just followed me laughing as if he knew I was trying hard to hide my
The night went on with Zach's persistent questioning.
obvious that he knew what the hell I was thinking at
irl, with a guy, in a romantic place. Well, I believe
that way, right? But I never gave in. I'll never tell

I know, I mean it's pretty

that moment. I'm still a g
it's just normal to think
him no matter what!

It took about an hour before he finally gave up and dropped the subject. We're n
ow walking along side the sea, for some reason he has his coat and placed it for
me to wear. Zach was holding my hands, leading me to a bench where we settled i
He placed an arm around my shoulder. At first, I felt goosebumps forming in my n
eckline and then it took a minute before I finally calmed down. I closed my eyes
, feeling the warmth and comfort Zach was giving me.
The sound of the sea, the smell of almost winter and... Zach. I felt like I coul
d live just by staying here.
"Do you still remember the day you confessed to me?"
I immediately opened my eyes, sat straight-up and looked at him, shocked. "What?
" I asked.
He smiled and then closed his eyes. "You lied to me."
With that, I stiffened. I was terrified. As if all the good things that happened
vanished. It was impending doom.
'Did he know all along? I was just using him? Did James tell him? But he gave me
his word. I should've known! But if he knew, why isn't he angry? Maybe he's jus
t faking it or something? Does this mean this is the end of us? I dont want to..
. I can't believe I'm saying this...I don't want to lose him.' I thought horribl
Just thinking about it was painful.
"W-what do you mean?" I asked. Trying my best to hide the stutter in my voice.
'Yes Tori, play innocent, deny everything. He doesn't know. It was all in the pa
st, it's different from now.' Influence from my subconscious mind was clouding m
y thoughts.

He chuckled. "Remember, you told me that...I may not like you since you're not t
he type of girl that I usually go out with?" He opened his eyes, looked at me wi
th that Anderson smirk on his face. I'm still holding my breath, what it is all
"You're not pretty, boring, plain and no fun." He enumerated. I just bit my lowe
r lip and looked away from him. His words put my mind at ease. So he still remem
bers that. I was eager to know what he thinks of me now. Well, expecting the wor
st though.
"Huh? How is that lying to you? I just showed you those traits. It's a good thin
g that I set your expectation." I tried acting tough and answered him while avoi
ding his gaze.
He only laughed at my pitiful attempt. I instantly glared at his direction. Anno
yed, thinking he was mocking me.
"Are you trying to fish for my compliment?" I just furrowed my brows in puzzleme
nt so then he continued. "Well, you do deserve it." He continued.
"Now you're just-" I was interrupted by the sudden grasp from his hand.
"It's the opposite, Peige. I-I find myself wanting to spend more time with you.
I always find myself thinking about you." We were staring at each other the whol
e time. His words sounded so serious yet he was smiling as he said it. It felt l
ike it came from whatever it is that was pumping blood into his body. I was spee
chless, yet happy as I heard it from him.
Thinking about the times that we argued, it sounded impossible that those words
came from Zach. I just realized maybe we were arguing on purpose. I'm the type o
f person who keeps everything to myself. I haven't confided my REAL emotions to
anyone before. Not even Chloe. It must've been his way so I could express myself
to him completely. Probably so he could express himself to me as well.
"One more thing." He said softly. "You should have seen the way you looked tonig
ht, well not just tonight, but the other times that we were together. You don't
know how much trouble you're causing, Tori." He added.
"What do you mean?" I asked curiously.
"You perfectly know what I'm talking about." I shook my head saying no and then
he continued.
"I'm a very possessive guy. I hate the fact that everyone is just looking at you
as we enter a room like you're available." He looked at me sternly. "I don't sh
are, Tori."
My heart literally skipped a beat. I don't know why, but there's something about
the words he said that made my heart flutter. "I-I'd like that as well." At my
stuttering words, I saw him smile.
"You do know what I have to do just so everyone can see that you're mine, right?
" He said with a smirk. My eyes widened as he said it.
'Oh no...'
"P-please don't..." I said looking away from him my face blushing the whole time

"Huh? No! It's not what you think!" He said assuming I was thinking something di
'God, I'm embarrassing!.'
"I'm more into public display of affection. Not whatever 'it' was you were think
ing about." He quoted humorously.
I just chuckled at this. But then I stopped the moment he leaned closer and whis
pered to my ears.
"You're beautiful, Tori. You just don't accept it. That's what makes you stand o
ut from everyone else." He then kissed my cheeks lightly.
I don't know if I could be any happier than this state. Zach really knows when t
o say the right words at the right time. My heart's still beating so fast, I won
dered if he could hear it.
"So, uh I guess that means I won our little challenge, huh?" I asked cheekily, t
rying to change the subject and hide the blush I was feeling.
He chuckled before he gave me his answer. "Maybe." I smiled inwardly, knowing wh
at he really meant at his reply.
"I have to admit, you did take our challenge seriously." I finally admitted.
"I know. That's probably the reason why you couldn't take your eyes off me the w
hole night."
"Keep telling that to yourself." I tried fighting back. I wasn't gonna admit it
to him.
"Whatever you say." He said so arrogantly. And I didn't have a good retort to th
at since it was true. I never realized that he noticed.
He straightened up, stretched his arms over my shoulders, and then I rested my h
ead on his shoulder. I closed my eyes wishing that this wasn't one of my crazy i
I felt the sea breeze. Zach kept me warm. I knew that this time, it not a fantas
y. And I'm so happy.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------Like it or not?
Share your thoughts :)
xoxo SHORTY.
<center><h1>Chapter 34 - Confusing</h1></center>
I'm the happiest GIRL alive! ^_^
First of all I would like to thank all of you for VOTING, COMMENTING and FOLLOWI

NG me. i would also like to take this opportunity to thank you for sending me yo
ur best wishes and amazing banners.
But to top it all, I WOULD LIKE TO THANK 'STARSANDSKY' for this oh so amazing bo
ok trailer. I mean OMG this is one of the best book trailer I had ever seen! Tha
nks for your lovely effort and for that I'm dedicating this chapter to you! I ev
en dedicate the next chapter to you coz you're so bloody amazing!
A little favor. Kindly watch this an
d post a comment at this video. Send her my ultimate happiness and love. Free to
comment of what do you think of this trailer. (I bet you're also squealing just
like what I did, especially the last part. Oh I just died. :))) )
I thank you all for your support. I'm so moved by lots of you. Your creativity,
efforts and non-stop encouragement are giving me the will to write this story. ^
Feel free to send me banners and amazing book trailers. I will definitely post t
hem here and give you my greatest looooove ^_^
----> watch this amazing book trailer. AMAZING! ---->
CHAPTER 34 - Confusing

** ZACH's POV **

"Morning, Boris!" I chirped at Boris cheerfully. It was a Sunday morning. I sat

at the stool in the kitchen and grab my morning cereal prepared by Boris.
"Good day to you, Sir." Boris greeted back, surprised by my cheeriness. He place
d a freshly squeezed orange juice next to my cereal.
"I presume you had a lovely evening?" I nodded as I ate breakfast.
"Perhaps, something to do with Ms. Peige?" He continued to question.
I tried holding back my smile. I could see he did the same, but he was clearly t
rying to hide it. Well, Boris will be Boris, serious old man.
I never thought I could be this...happy. I just can't help smiling. It was an am
azing night indeed.
It was all because I was with... Tori.
I sighed, happily, as I thought of her. This is just so unlike me. Who would hav
e thought that I could be contented with just one person, one girl! It took a lo
t of courage and self control to refrain myself from doing anything too forward,
but in the end, I kinda lost it. And that's a secret I intend to keep.
I closed my eyes, remembering the night we spent together. She was absolutely br
eathtaking! I didn't want the night to end!
'I sound like some hopeless romantic dude in a romantic movie.' I chuckled inwar
dly at myself.

"........just this morning, sir." I heard Boris finish his sentence. I spaced ou
"You were saying something, Boris?" I asked, while putting a mouthful of cereal
in my mouth.
"Your father arrived this morning."
"...What?!" I chocked-out. What the hell is he doing here?
"Not exactly the reaction I was looking for... A word if you may." Father steppe
d in, his commanding voice booming around the room.
What does he want now? I don't remember anything I would've done for him to visi
t me today. He's supposed to be in Europe on some business trip.
He gestured for Boris to leave.
'Okay, so this is gonna be a long talk.' All the glee I felt suddenly washed awa
"Father, you're back. Forgot to do something? A phone call would've sufficed."
"Now, now, can't a father visit his own son?" I snorted at his answer.
'Yeah right.'
"Can we just cut the pleasantries and get this over with?" I said dismissively.
I don't want to deal with this the whole day.
"So eager to get rid of me, huh." He stood across me, his presence radiating dom
inance and power. Well, too bad, I kinda inherited those traits from him. With m
y experience living in this generation, I can do better.
As if purposely toying with my arrogance, he continued. "How are you?"
"If you're asking for my well being I'm fine as usual. And if you mean the accid
ent, I think you're Two or three weeks late. I'm still alive thank you." I said
each word lacing with disdain. I stood up and took a few steps towards the exit
before he spoke again.
"....Victoria Peige. Huh." I froze at his words.
'...No...' I stopped at my position. I forgot. He's Matthew Anderson. Of course
he'd know.
I don't want to give my father the sight of fear or weakness in me. He hated it.
"What about her?" I said calmly. I crossed my arms and leaned on the door frame
"Let's not act like idiots, Zachary. We both know what your real purpose is with
her." He said without any malice.
"I'm dating her. It's getting kinda serious, actually..." I flourished.
"I can see that. You were seen having dinner with Vanessa."
"So you flew from Europe back to New York because I met with Vanessa Peige? If t
hat was all it took to get you to visit me, I should have dated her daughter a l

ong time ago, or maybe dated Vanessa." I said dripping my words with sarcasm.
He looked at me and smirked. "Cut the 'Father Issues' attitude. Just tell me if
it's true."
"So what if it's true?" I countered. I didn't wait for his reply. "Please don't
tell me you'll forbid me from dating the enemy's daughter."
"You'd better stop watching chick flicks, Zachary. I actually don't mind you dat
ing the daughter of Vanessa Peige."
"You don't?" I was surprised. I've already practiced this speech in mind assumin
g he'd stop me from dating Tori.
"Why would I? Just continue whatever it is you're doing." He encouraged. He walk
ed to my direction, patted me on the shoulder and walked out with that stupid sm
irk plastered on his face.
I was stunned. This I never expected. It felt like he'd given me something of go
od value in advance, expecting something in return. Then I realized there's alwa
ys a catch with father.
"...What's the catch?" The moment I turned around towards his direction, he was
already gone. To some place, god knows where.
I tried thinking of a reason as to why he's not anxious about this. If I were a
someone else, I'd be happy, but if you're the son of Matthew Anderson, you shoul
d be cautious. 'Very cautious.'
It's not normal for my father to show up out of nowhere for something like this.
I've known him for all my life. I've dated tons of girls and not a single one o
f them did he took the liberty to pay attention to.
Something's going on. I just had to figure out what it is. With that, my Sunday
morning was completely ruined.

"What's with the sour face?" A familiar voice chimed its way towards the kitchen
. It's already Monday and I still can't keep the scrawl off my face.
"I'm thinking." I said, acknowledging his question. James sat down beside me as
Boris also handed him a plateful of Egg's Benedict and bacon. I looked at him in
disbelief. "Seriously? You're timing your visit each time there's food here?"
"What? Boris cooks better than the room service in the hotel I'm staying at, rig
ht Boris?" He praised. Boris replied with a nod. Then James turned to me.
"Mind if I just stay here? It's getting really boring at my place. I'm always he
re anyway." He shoved the bacon in his mouth while he waited for me to answer.
"Do what you want. You practically live here." I said dismissively. Well, I don'
t want to elaborate things any further. Besides, I'm still busy contemplating th
e events that happened yesterday.
"So... I'm guessing the night didn't turn out well?" I looked at him as if his q
uestion was alien to me, then he rolled his eyes but decided to embellished.

"What? Dinner? Meet the Parents thingy?" He quoted.

"It went well, not to mention..." I stopped as I realized myself trying hard not
to smile like an idiot in front of James. Do I really have to tell him, in full
detail? Guess not. I looked at him and finished with one word.
"You're not telling me something. I'm not surprised. But fine, go on." He gestur
ed for me to continue.
"That was everything."
"So what's with the face? You look like you lost to a fight or something." James
is a keen observer, I can give him that.
"Father came back, James. Though I'm not sure where he is right now."
I immediately snapped at James' direction after hearing him coughing out.
"W-what?!" He choked out.
"Shocking isn't it?"
"Why? Did he happen to hear and Prestige Heiress?" He ask
ed hesitantly.
"I don't exactly know why. And on the latter question, yes. He did."
"How'd he take it?"
"Surprisingly, he encouraged me to continue dating her." I looked at him waiting
for his reply. And without a doubt, it was what i had expected.
"Wow." He said, he continued eating his food in a faster pace now. "That's trick
y. He traveled all the way here just for that? So unlike him." He explained whil
e taking a gulp at his drink.
"Now you see why I'm like this?"
"Yeah, that's understandable. But, that's not the point." He said dropping the s
ubject and focusing on something more important. "What's in it for him?"
"That's what I'm trying to figure out."
"You don't intend to bring me inside all of this now, do you?"
"I need your help." I invoked. He was quiet for a short while. As if expecting m
e to ask for his help he answered right away.
"I'm in." He said confidently. James beamed while rubbing his two hands as if pl
anning something evil. I just shook my head thinking how childish he was.
Then suddenly my phone beeped. Maybe Tori's waiting for me. I looked at my phone
and then much to my surprise it was from Chloe.
I opened the message and read it.
'I'm not feeling well. I think I'm sick. Come over please?'

My heart leaped. Chloe wants me to come over?

To take care of her?
She needs me.
I stood up quickly and gathered my things until another message came, from her.
'I'm sorry. It wasn't supposed to be sent to you.'
Even though it wasn't meant for me, I still felt that she needed me. Much to my
concern I dialed her number.
I was aloof, thinking what could've happened. I can see that James was looking a
t me confusingly.
"What happened?" I demanded right away as Chloe answered the phone.
"Flu, I guess. Sorry to bother you. It was supposed to be for Greg."
I boiled at the mention of that idiot's name. "Where is he?" I questioned immedi
"He called a while ago, he couldn't come, he' still in...."
"I'm coming over, Chloe." I cut her off before she finished her sentence.
"I'm fine Zach. No need for you to..."
"I'm coming over." I commanded then hung up the phone. James was still looking m
e, but he had this serious look in his face.
"Seriously?" He queried disbelievingly.
"I have to. She's sick and her stupid boyfriend is a dick."
"And you're playing boyfriend number two." James said sarcastically.
"She sent me a message."
"Intentionally?" James raised his left brows, sheepishly.
"No. The message was supposed to be sent to her good for nothing..."
"Right.... she did it on purpose, man." He said shaking his head in disapproval.
I moved in front of him and tried to explain. "Look, she needs me. She rarely ge
ts sick. We both know how she is when she's sick. She gets really emotional...."
"Tori can do it for you... even Nathan can be at her side just to hear her yank
about how unusual it is to get sick, like a normal person." James suggested sarc
astically as he let out an insolent huff.
They can but still. "I already gave her my word."
"What about Tori?"
"You say that as if I'm choosing Chloe over Tori!" I snapped automatically. This
is insane!

"Isn't this what this stupid thing is all about?!"

I didn't answer. I just gritted my teeth in annoyance. I don't want to be remind
ed of that, that stupid plan that I haven't thought in quite some time.
He took advantage of my silence. "So what's the point in going to her side then?
What do you intend to gain by comforting her, when she's clearly bitching out!"
I can sense sharpness in James' voice.
"You seriously don't....."
"Choose." He provoked. I ran my fingers to my hair, thinking.

"That's stupid! I'm just going to pay her a visit! No monkey business, seriously
, what's gotten into you, James?!"
"And what will you tell Tori? 'Hey, your bestfriend's sick, you know the girl I
almost kissed, yeah, I'm coming over just to check up on her.' You're risking yo
ur relationship with Tori, smartass."
James, always the right guy, but I don't intend to say that in front of him. I j
ust ignored him.

I took out my phone out and sent Tori a quick message.

'Can't pick you up. Got an emergency. I'll call you later.'
"There, taken care off. Happy?" I told him just to satisfy his morals. He just s
hook his head in defeat.
Why the sudden eagerness to protect Tori? Is he doing this because he practicall
y wants me and Tori together? I guess he's just looking out for me. But I really
felt that I really needed to go to Chloe's side.
"Do me a favor." I commanded. "Pick up Tori and give her a lift to school. Since
you're in the same class, it won't be a bother."
"You're seriously doing that...." I could feel the disappointment in his words.
"It's better you than Nathan." I looked at him over my shoulder and continued. "
...and I trust you."
Before I could hear any reply from him, I ran out towards the door.
'Yep, James, my bro, would never betray me.'
So? What do you think guys? What do you think will happen next? ^_^
Love him or hate him?
What do you think Matthew Anderson is up to? What's up with James and Chloe?

Confusing isn't it? Well, that's what the title is all about.
Feel free to share all your thoughts and suggestions, I'm honestly reading all o
f them and it gave me inspiration to write.
HUGE FAVOR: Is it okay if you'll refrain from pushing me to update? Like I just
updated an hour ago and then you'll send me message to update 'now' and then sen
d me bad things if I haven't. It really saddens me to no end. I felt kinda awful
. :( I'm doing my best now to update atleast once a week so no need to rush coz
I really don't want any chapter to appear sloppy and/or boring. I want everythin
g to be worth it.
I'm glad that most of my readers really understands me and willing to wait in ev
ery chapter. Whenever I read your comments, it instantly wipe-out all the negati
ve feelings I have inside. I just love you for that! I kept some of the wonderfu
l comments I received, I considered it as one of my 'inspirational messages.'
Again, thank you for reading this story and loving it. :) You'll be expecting an
update once a week (If I'm not busy) Thank you and I love you all! ^_^
xoxo Shorty. ^_^
<center><h1>Chapter 35 - Lean On Me</h1></center>
Thank you so much for supporting my story. And thank you for being patient :) I
love you all for that!
I'm overwhelmed with ALL of your comments (Yes, I read ALL of them.) I may not a
ble to reply to all of your inquiries but I want to let ALL of you know that eve
ry bits of it made me inspired. I really like all of your ideas and suggestions.
I also love the way you defend your 'TEAM' and why your chosen one is deserving
to win our protagonist's heart. And last but not the least, I really like the w
ay you show your hatred to 'a certain blonde' (which blond? Well, it's up to you
who you hates most.) it really made me crack-up! ^_^
Some of you may hate A/N but try to understand that it is my only way on how to
express my gratitude to each and everyone of you. I really do want to reply to e
ach of your messages but I fear that I can't reply to all of you, so to be fair,
I'll just have to answer some of your questions through my author's note. If yo
u don't like it, you can skip this and continue with the story right? No pressur
e, really. :)
I also want to emphasize that I'm not giving out soft copies (sorry) I'm NOT a p
rofessional writer and I do know that I need to watch out for my tenses. I don't
have the time to edit my chapters and I'm really having a hard time writing at
my ipad. But don't worry. After I finished this story, I will edit it. Thank you
very much. :)
CHAPTER DEDICATED TO: nouviemargarette (for the oh so amazing banner!) and stars
andsky (for the awesome trailer. Still can't get over it! Especially the part wh
ere in Alex Pettyfer smiled. Oh I just dieeeeed! ^_^) So, my lovely readers, wha
t's your favorite part of the trailer?
Hope you'll enjoy the next chapter as much as I enjoyed writing it. VOTE, COMMEN
T, FOLLOW. ^_^
----------------------------------------------Chapter 35 - Lean On Me.

** TORI's POV **
'Monday, school, again.'
I couldn't help but smile as I stretched in my bed. It's been two days since my
late night stroll with Zach and I still can't wipe off this simper across my lip
I laid back again turned to the side, faced the window and snuggled my pillow. I
still remember that night, that incredible night. Honestly, I felt like I wante
d to go back there, but the moment I laid my head on his shoulder, I drifted to
sleep. I bit my lower lip and giggled at the memory.
Even in my sleep it continues to haunt me. Not in a horrific way. I dreamt that
Zach kissed me lightly on the lips. It was different from the fantasy that I had
before. It felt so real.
When I opened my eyes, we were in his car, in front of my place. He was about to
wake me the same time I opened my eyes then he walked me to the front door. And
of course he left me with a kiss... on the cheek.
I couldn't say that I was disappointed because at some point, I could still feel
'the dream kiss'.
It was hard to believe that I wanted the weekend to end just to see him again. I
didn't want to look like I was clingy so I refrained myself from meeting him. I
'm anticipating for Monday to come.
I sat on my bed feeling a little runny in the nose and sneezed. My head feels he
avy all of a sudden, so I decided to stay on my bed a little longer.
'I still have a cold.' I assumed in my thoughts. I got it from the cool breeze o
n the beach. I thought that sleeping the whole day would make it go away. I gues
s this is what's stopping me from going to school. I feel so tired all the time.
But I wanted to see him again. Maybe seeing him would make me feel better. I sm
iled at the thought of Zach.
I stood up and decided to take a bath. He'll be here any minute and he hates wai
I never bothered to spend a lot of time in the tub, not longer than usual. All I
ever thought was seeing Zach.
I grabbed my phone as I heard it ring which made me smile assuming that it was a
n sms from him. Checking the sender, my heart jumped as I saw it was from Zach.
I took a deep breath and calmed myself before reading it.
'Can't pick you up. Got an emergency. I'll call you later.'
The excitement I felt suddenly turned to despair.
'What could've happened? Is he sick? Is there an emergency?' I worried at the sa
me time, confused.
I sat on my bed and let out a big sigh. I ignored the churning feeling dancing i
nside my tummy and debated whether to call him and ask if everything is okay, bu
t I refrained myself from doing so. He told me he'll call later, if he wanted to
tell me right away, he would have.

Then after arguing with myself, I just decided to send him a message.
'I hope everything is fine. Take care.'
I hit the send button. I was still holding my phone, just staring at it.
I was hoping to get a reply or at least a phone call from him, but none appeared
. 'He's just busy.' I reasoned out.
I fixed my hair and applied few touches before going to school. I stopped and wo
'Will he be at school today?' I was staring at my own reflection.
I shook my head dismissing the idea.
'You're still going to school today. Neither a cold nor Zach will stop you from
doing so.'
I guess I'll be needing a chauffeur for a ride to school. I'll just ask Sonia ab
out it.
I skipped down and called for Sonia. "Sonia, can you...." I stopped. "What are y
ou doing here?" I asked in surprise at the person standing at the end of the sta
"Good morning, princess."
I raised my brows at the way he addressed me.
"Not exactly the reaction I was hoping for." He teased. I rolled my eyes at him
and wanted to know why 'HE' is here.
I showed my way down to grab my things.
"What are you doing here, James?" I asked.
He flashed me a mischievous grin. "How was your little stroll in the beach?"
I furrowed at his resort, ignoring his question and waited for his answer.
"Wrong side of the bed? Fine. Come on, we have class. Wouldn't want to be late n
ow." He humored.
"...This is just lame..."
"Just taking orders, Tori." He interrupted with a smile.
"Since when do you take orders from him?" I retaliated while crossing my arms.
He wrinkled his brows while tapping his chin with his finger, pretending to thin
k. "Point taken. I guess it's more of a favor than an order."
"Where is he anyway?" I couldn't help but ask.
I noticed a slight twitch in James' eyes. Okay, maybe there is something wrong.
"He didn't tell you?" He asked curiously.
"Tell me what?" I queried carefully.

"What exactly did he tell you?"

"He's got an emergency." I saw him shrugged his shoulder.
"He's in an emergency, he'll be fine. So, shall we?"
I don't know what's going on. They're clearly hiding something. So many scenario
s are forming in my head. I'm getting more suspicious.
The more I think about it, the more stressed I get. I didn't want it to ruin my
day, 'They'll eventually tell me the truth.' I claimed then I just decided to le
t it slide for now.
I followed James outside. One thing that's bothering me still would be why Zach
would have to ask James to take me to school. He clearly knows that I'm capable
of producing my own ride. Boys. I really don't know what's running inside their
"Hop on." James gestured at the motorcycle that was in front of us. I looked at
him with horror.
"You're joking..."
"Nope." He beamed.
I was shocked and tried to retreat but he immediately grabbed my arm. There's no
way in earth I'm riding a motorcycle.
'What if we crash? What if I fall?' I shuddered at the thought.
"No way... I'll just take a cab to school." I pointed out.
"No you're not. You don't want both of us to get in trouble now right? Remember
our little secret Tori." He said, smiling.
'He's right.' My conscience was messing with me.
'He might tell Zach everything if I don't do this. What did I do to deserve this
? Is this Zach's idea of a joke? Is he punishing me?' I thought in despair.
"Fine! If I die, I'll haunt you!" I submitted in defeat. I have to admit I was c
urious as well what it felt like to ride a motorcycle although I was scared stif
James hopped on and before I did, I let out another sneeze. "I'm sorry." I apolo
gized immediately.
"Are you also sick?" James asked worriedly.
"What?" I asked confused as I heard the word 'also'. Is Zach sick?
"Nothing." He stood up and touched my forehead with his palm.
"You're burning. We better head inside. Just skip school and rest." James turned
my body to face the door, his hands on my shoulders and attempted to push me ba
ck inside.
I stopped and shook my head. "It's just a cold. If I sleep it out, it'll just wo
rsen my day. I have stuff to do in school."

"Stop being weird Tori. Just rest!" He commanded.

"I'm not being weird, trust me, I'm ok. I need to go to school."
James let out a sigh. "I can't believe this... Some will pamper themselves to th
e comfort of their home, calling for someone to take care of them..." I heard Ja
mes puff with disdain at the latter part of his sentence. And then he softened.
"You sure?" I nodded at his question. He removed his scarf and wrapped it around
my neck tucking it into place. Again, I was surprised. And blushed!
He stepped back, gave me a helmet, smiled and hopped on his motorcycle.
"Hop on." He gestured for me to join in as he revved the big bike.
I smiled at the scarf wrapped around me. Well, who would have thought? James can
be a little sensible. He then wore his helmet.
I did what he said and placed both my hands on his waist. I was nervous.
"It's funny that you're shaking more than my bike." James chuckled. Before I cou
ld protest, he already grabbed both my hands and wrapped them around his waist w
hich made me press closer to his back. "There. Comfy?" He stated. I could hear h
is heart pounding or could it be mine from being nervous?
"Hold tight." He ordered as he removed the motorcycle stand. I closed my eyes an
d let out a small shriek. I wrapped both my arms tightly and securely around his
waist. I'm getting worried that if I squeezed his stomach too much he might get
hurt, but decided not to let go or loosen a bit.
'I'm holding unto my life here, here!'
I heard him laugh so loud.
"Please not fast." I pleaded. My eyes still shut.
"As you wish, princess." He acknowledged my plea.
I wanted to protest at the way he addressed me, but I know there is no point in
arguing so I just let it slide.
The ride went smoothly, and I could feel my arms starting to relax a bit. I foun
d the ride, thrilling, and exciting. I was enjoying it. The thrill of facing my
fear was exhilarating.
I continued to observe James as we were cruising smoothly on the streets. There'
s something about him, something familiar about everything about him. His scent,
and his posture. As if I felt all of this before.
Probably the reason why I feel calm hanging out with him is because he knows my
secret. My only secret. He's the only one I could confide about it.
In a short period of time, I learned to trust him. I felt that he would be worth
the trust. I'm thankful that I have him.
-----Its finally lunch time, I'm standing in front of my locker and shoved my books f
rom the previous class lazily feeling the slight heaviness in my head from the c
old. I'm not being productive today, my mind's full of mind-bugging thoughts.

I kept on staring at my phone for two whole classes, waiting for a single messag
e but none appeared. I'm getting more worried as minutes ticked by. What was the
emergency all about? It's really disturbing.
From time to time, James checks up on me. Since he sat beside me, he'd sometimes
nudge me and bring back my attention to class. He reminds me not to stress myse
lf too much. I always replied with a thankful smile and nodded with assurance bu
t after few minutes, I'm back to spacing out.
I closed my locker and sighed heavily as I took a last look at my phone. No new
message, no missed call. I was about to hit the call button to Zach's name when
someone suddenly startled me.
"Ready for lunch?" I jumped at Nathan's voice behind me.
"Nate, don't appear out of nowhere. You'll give me a heart attack." I now turned
to face him and forced myself to laugh. I didn't want Nathan to know my current
When I saw him furrowed his eyebrow, I immediately diverted his attention to a q
uestion. "Oh by the way, is Chloe waiting in the cafeteria?"
"You don't know?"
"Know what?"
"She's not at school. She's sick. Didn't your bo--...."
I was surprised the moment I heard Chloe was sick. I didn't even let Nathan fini
shed his sentence when I cut him off. "Is she alright?" I asked with concern. "W
hy didn't you tell me?" I took out my phone and immediately dialed her number. I
was about call her when...
"Your boyfriend didn't tell you?" I froze at Nathan's question.
"What's Za...." I stopped as realization hit me. Is this what the emergency was
all about? "How did you know?"
"Ever since someone started picking you up, I always come over to Chloe's to giv
e her a ride. She sent me a message saying that she was sick. I asked her if she
wanted company but she told me Zach was already there." Nathan finished careful
ly. He examined me and looked me straight in the eye as he said those words.
I tried not to bulge or flinch or give him any reaction that would give away my
feelings. I just settled with an "Oh." answer and smiled. I looked at Nathan, I
wondered if he's feeling the same way as I did. Pain.
Pain, that Zach's with Chloe. But, who am I to compete with her? She's the one Z
ach loves. I bet the moment he discovered she is sick, he must've rushed to her
side. Just like what I did the moment I heard that he was in an accident.
"Wow, Zach's right. You're always showing up out of nowhere. Great timing too."
James snickered and that made me out of my reverie.
"James..." I warned.
"Tell your 'bro' to be by his girlfriend's side if he's bothered having guys tal
k to Tori. Who am I kidding, you're one of those guys too." Nathan spatted sarca

These guys are like animals!
They both looked at me. James with furrowed brows and Nathan with amusement.
"Well, I guess your boyfriend is keeping a lot of secrets from you." Nathan spok
e. 'What's that supposed to mean?' I couldn't comprehend everything that's happe
ning. So much ideas are beginning to form in my head. My curiosity turning into
suspicion little by little. This blasted headache's starting to kill me the mome
nt I learnt that Zach's at Chloe's and he's keeping it from me.
"James. Zach's at Chloe's right?" I asked him for confirmation. I don't know why
but some part of me hoped that he's not.
He closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose then sighing. "Yes."
"That's why he told you to pick me up?"
"Bold move." Nathan commented.
James glared first at Nathan's direction before answering. "Yes."
"It's okay." I assured him.
'At least he somewhat thought of me' I tried to reason out to myself. When I kno
w deep inside, I'm hurting as hell!
"Lunch then?" I tried to muster a smile. They both looked at me as if I grew a s
econd head. Well, there's no point in dwelling and sulking. Now I don't have to
look at my phone from time to time since now I know that the message or phone I
was hoping for will NEVER happen! Wow, where did that bitterness came from?
Both of them were petrified. I walked pass them and then I felt my head suddenly
feeling heavy. It's pulsating and throbbing was so painful that it made me stop
. I thought for a second that I'd be landing on the floor.
Next thing I know, I'm caught in two pairs of lean arms.
"Are you okay?"
"Alright there?"
They both said in unison. I don't know who said which because of the massive hea
dache I was having.
"Yes." I assured them as I manage to settle my foot flat on the ground.
And then a palm nestled in my head. "Well, it's worst. I told you to just rest a
nd skip school." It was James.
"You're also sick?" Nathan asked. I found it funny how that statement sounded. J
ust this morning as James said those words, I thought Zach was sick but it was a
ctually Chloe. I wondered if he knew that I wasn't feeling well, would he rush t
o my place instead?
"You still brought her here? Great job, genius!" Nathan growled at James.

"If you don't shut up, you'll end up in your own hospital bed!" James threatened
. Will there be a time that these guys would just stop fighting?
I sighed. "It's not your fault, James. I'm the one who insisted to come here. Pl
ease stop fighting. It's making my headache worse."
"I'm taking you home." Before I could protest, Nathan already swept me off my fe
et and carried me in his arms. I don't have the energy to buckle down. Maybe wha
t I really need right now is to rest. I clanged my arm around his shoulder and r
ested my head to his chest.
Nathan, you're always here whenever I needed someone.
'The warmth of your arms always makes me feel at ease. And I love you for that.
I really need it, especially now that I feel like hell.'
I don't know but it's still here, the same feeling I had for him ever since. And
it's really confusing. I wonder if it's because of the headache that's why I'm
having this kind of thoughts.
"Thank you." I muttered to him. I don't know if he heard it because he was busy
arguing with James. I could hear their voices fading as they kept on arguing abo
ut something I can't really understand.
My eyes were slowly closing involuntarily. As I drifted to sleep, only one thing
is on my mind when I wake up.
'I wish the pain would go away.'
---------------------------------------------------------------------I know, I know. ^_^
The boat of James and Nathan is finally sailing! Who's having a happy dance righ
t now? What's your favorite part?
So, what do you think? Like it or hate it?
Any guess or idea on what will happen on the next chapter? Share your thoughts a
nd I will gladly read all of them! :)
(Don't rush. Next chapter will be uploaded next week. Thanks for waiting.)


<center><h1>Author's Note</h1></center>
I would like to take this opportunity to thank the person behind my story.
You see, the reason why this story is a success is because there's a guy behind
it, he was my editor and he was my boyfriend.
Recently, a very unfortunate event happen.
We broke up.

It's heartbreaking and unbearable. The person you used to live for five years is
now gone, completely out of my life.
I'm very vulnerable right now. I'm in a state where in I can break anytime.
What I really need right now is to rest my mind and free myself from writing thi
s story because It holds a lot of memories and I hope you understand.
I will not leave this story. I'll be back, hopefully soon.<center><h1>Chapter 36
- Breaking The Silence</h1></center>
So I'm back. Well maybe there were reasons why I started to write again. It's ei
ther I moved on or found a new inspiration. It's up to you which is which. <3
Thanks for waiting for the continuation of this story. I haven't read all of you
r comments sorry. But I promise to take time and read it later. Thanks for suppo
rting me.

CHAPTER 36 - Breaking The Silence

** Tori's POV **
"Don't......just.....shut it. You'll.........wake....."
Uhg. Where am I? I can hear people talking in hushed voices that I can only glim
pse some of their conversations. I also felt like moving, like I'm inside of a c
ar or something.
I slowly opened my heavy lids, not daring to make a move that will make me notic
ed. When I opened my eyes, my hunch is right. I'm inside the car, facing the win
"You're really taking advantage of everything you know that." I recognized it as
James' voice. I trailed my eyes towards the passenger's seat's direction. I'm a
t Nathan's car. i recognized it the moment I saw him in driver's seat. It's been
a while since I rode in here.
"And how is that taking advantage, James? Well, aren't you the one who's suppose
d to be more suspicious? You're always around, not to mention...oh you're awake!
" Nathan dead tracked his sentence the moment he noticed that I am awake. I don'
t know when but maybe it's the time he looked at the rear view mirror.
"What are you guys debating?" I asked curiously.
"Nothing." They both said in unison. They just only made it more suspicious.
"Where are we? Where are we going?" I changed the subject since I knew they will
never answer my first question.
"I'm taking you home." Nathan spoke.
"We." James corrected. "Hey, how are you feeling? How's your head?" He concerned
. And then fragments of what happened a while ago came rushing and replaying, th

at made me acknowledge the presence of the said ache.

"I'm fine." I fibbed. Not wanting them to worry too much. I've been itching to p
ull out my phone and checked it but refrain myself from doing so.
'You're just making things worse.' I reminded to myself.
"We're here." Nathan informed us. And then they both accompany me to my apartmen
t. At first, I tried to persuade them that there's no need for that but they ins
isted. They said that they don't want to take risk of me fainting again.
I felt embarrass of how I made myself a burden. I really appreciate the things t
hey've done to me. For sticking up with me and taking me home. None of them aban
doned me in the times I needed them.
Well I think it's time to repay the troubles that I gave them.
"Hey guys. Wanna have some lunch?" I suggested and without waiting for reply, I
headed myself towards the kitchen. They both followed afterwards.
"Hey, I think you should rest."
"And what do you think you're doing?"
They both said in the same time. I almost didn't understand it but I quickly cat
ch up. I almost laugh when I turned around to see their expression, both were th
e sight of distress.
"Relax." I tried to calm them. "I'm feeling better." Surprisingly, it's true. I
don't know why but maybe because somehow, I felt being cared. "Besides, none of
us had our lunch and to show my appreciation, I'm going to cook for you guys."
"You cook?" James staggered, unconvinced with my words.
I beamed.
"Yes, she does." Nathan answered in my behalf. But then he continued to worry. "
Are you sure? You're just..."
"If you don't want to, you're free to go. As for me, I'm sitting on this one." J
ames told us then he took one seat at the island table. "So, what's cooking?" I
can feel the glee in his voice and that made me laugh. The first real laugh I ha
d for this day.
"Don't think I'm letting you sit on this alone." Nathan pulled out the bar stool
besides James' and took his own.
"Protective much?" James mocked. Then they both glared at each other.
"So." I interjected before their conversation heated up. And luckily I caught up
both their attentions. "How about pasta? It's easy and its a real time saver. W
e can eat in no time." I gleamed and by the looks on their faces, I can see they
agreed to my suggestion.
An hour had passed and we're seated around the island table in my kitchen, laugh
ing our lungs out. We're ended up eating the all time favorite New York pizza, i
nstead of my homemade pasta.
The first fifteen minutes of cooking went smoothly, but when James and Nathan le
t their curiosity ran into their heads, that's when the fiasco happens. As much

as they want to 'learn' and 'help', it just made things worse. The sauce burnt a
nd the pasta overcooked. That's what will happen if you let these two boys in yo
ur kitchen. They spell DISASTER.
That's why we end up eating the pizza instead. We just kept on laughing and blam
ing each other. The kitchen is now a mess and we just don't care. How I wish lif
e is just like the ruined lunch pasta. Whenever bad things happen, you can alway
s call for 'back-up' and forget about the mistakes you made. But, it's life, you
can't escape that so easily.
The afternoon went out so smoothly, Sonia baked some cookies for our snack and s
urprisingly James and Nathan is 'kinda' getting along. Although you can't deny t
he bond they had before, the gap is still evident between them. I don't want to
pry in their personal space and asked of what happened in the past, it will just
made these elated atmosphere be awkward.
Surely time flies when you're having fun. Well, not just the time, but also the
heaviness in my head finally left me. I'm getting better and better. And all tha
nks to these guys. I wonder if they go back to the comforts of their home, will
this blasted headache come back?
Whenever I think about it, these guys really act as my 'saviors'. I'm no damsel
in distress and I don't need to be saved but there ain't other word I can descri
be to them so I just settled with savior.
Any girl will be lucky to have them. Both good-looking and possesses different p
ersonality that they presented themselves very well.
I looked at James direction, although at first I thought he's some kind of a fli
rt and womanizer, once I get to know him, it seems like he's a different person.
He maybe a little subtle sometimes but I think it's his way of setting boundari
es. He may not recognize that he's letting his guard down sometimes and revealin
g the REAL him. He's masking his real self with these act of promiscuity, his re
ason? I don't know and that's what I want to figure out.
Now I turned to Nathan, always the boy next door type. I can't believe this type
of guy exist in real life. I thought I can only find them in books and movies.
The moment we started hanging out, I started to develop feelings for him, a feel
ing that more than a friend can express. He may not like me, but I still conside
r myself lucky enough have someone like him.
I guess I really don't have any luck in men. Whenever I develop feelings for the
m, I always end up landing in the 'unrequited love' section.
I sighed. No matter what I think, it will always end up with him. Funny how thin
gs started so fast. I haven't realized that I'm actually letting myself to fall
to the 'pits of hell' that I swear, since day one, that I will not....
I dare not complete my own sentence, no need to remind myself of that stupidity.
For someone so smart like me, I sure am the dumbest one alive! Too bad love can
't learn in a book where-in you can sit and drown yourself with words and everyt
I shook off that feeling. Busied myself with whatever conversation both James an
d Nathan were engaged. And it's somewhat effective. When the night is retiring t
o its end, they both leave and I settled to my room. Some people says that it's
way pass your bedtime but I can't really catch my sleep.

So, I just settled sitting beside my window seat. I looked out and sighed heavil
y. It has been a long day.
A moment later, I heard my phone beeped.
I took out my phone and saw that it was from James'.
I can't say that I'm disappointed, I already prepared myself to not expect anyth
ing. Well, can't blame me. He is in fact 'busy'.
I opened it and what I read really made me speechless.
'You know, we can end 'that' right here right now if you want to. Just say it.'
I really don't know what to say. I sighed and drawn my knees closer to my chest
and continued to stare at his message. Do I? Is that what I want?
'I'm fine James. By the way, thanks for everything. I really appreciate it.'
I'm stupid aren't I?
'I don't know your reason but remember, I will not let you get hurt any further.
That will be the last time you will give me that force smile. Good night, princ
I'm not really sure why but somehow, I felt my heart warm at James' message. Alt
hough at the end, he kinda ruined the mood by finishing with the word 'princess.
'I'll keep that in mind. Thanks for looking out for me, Mr. Kitchen Disaster.'
'Hey! It's all Nathan's fault. Blame him not me.'
I laugh at this one. Oh James, you really are something.
I literally jumped out my seat and turned to the owner of the voice. "Nathan."
He's leaning at my bedroom door frame with his arms crossed across his chest. He
chuckled first at my gesture before walking closer to my direction. I gulped ha
rd at our closeness.
"I thought you already left."
"Yeah, but I think I forgot something."
"Oh. What is it? Come I'll help you find it." As I was retreating, he immediatel
y grab my left arm.
"To check up on you."
I paused. What's that supposed to mean? I looked at him and about to ask a quest
ion. "What ar---"
"How are you?" He queried. Concern obvious in his calm voice.
"Nathan." I smiled. "I'm fine."
"Really?" He then touch my cheek while holding my arm. I looked at him, I can't

lie to those blue eyes. I don't want to cry. I'm not a coward. I'm strong. I'm s
upposed to be strong! The next thing I know is I'm wrapped in those soothing arm
s. Pressed on those warm chest. And that simple gesture made me let out the heav
y sigh. I then wrapped my arms around him. This person is very comforting.
"Tori." Nathan whispered. "Everything will end here." Somehow, I felt nervous of
what he just said. What is it all about.
I let go of our embrace and looked up. "Nathan. What are you..."
"The day you started your relationship with Zach. I told you that I will not let
you get hurt by that douche. But seeing things, you've been always like this. T
he day we're at the Central Park, at the Lexington and now this? Tori, what were
you thinking?"
"Clearly I'm not." I whispered. He touched my chin and leveled it to his eyes.
"I thought it will end soon but it's obvious that you don't want to." I just bit
my lower lip at his truthful statement. Despite the fact that I'm hurting, endi
ng this is not one of my options. I don't know what the hell I am doing. I'm so
hell bent on separating Zach from interfering Chloe's relationship, so that she'
ll have a happy love story. and now that they're getting along well, an impendin
g possibility of happy ending, I wonder if that's still the reason why I continu
ed on dating him. Maybe I'm just doing this for my own accord. I'm keeping Zach
for myself. I hate this! I'm sound so selfish!
"I've been silent for the whole time, thinking that you knew what you're doing,
but I guess you're not. I've done my fair share of keeping my distance from you,
when I know deep inside, I don't want to." Nathan's last statement came out mor
e of a whisper. Why are saying this to me Nate? What are you trying to say? My h
eart keeps on pounding as if it's threatening to escape from my chest anytime.
"Now I've decided. He finally draw the line." He took an emphasis on the word 'h
e' with a sneer. I perfectly know who's he referring to. "I'm not going to keep
on watching and seeing you like this. Not anymore, Tori."
"What are you planning to do Nathan? He didn't do anyth-..." He cuts of my sente
nce with a scorn.
"No one's stopping me now Tori. Don't worry. It's not something to do with a pai
r of knuckles." He assured me and gave me his sweet smile. "I'm going to protect
you, Tori. I'll do everything for you to see right through me."
"What are trying to say?" Now I'm confused. Nathan is really good at this idioms
"I'll leave everything for you to figure things out. You're smart, you'll know i
t soon. Just open your eyes." He then closed the distance and kissed my forehead
. My eyes widened, my heart is skipping its beat because of the fast pacing, I w
as taken aback by his action. I'm speechless! "Goodnight Tori. I'll see you tomo
Then Nathan left. I stayed rooted at the same spot where Nathan and I had our co
nversation. I'm like a statue, never daring to move. I'm busy contemplating the
event that happen awhile ago.
Is it what I think it is? Is Nathan...
I shook my head at the idea. No it's not. Although his words gave everything up,
I'm not the type of person who concludes things so easily, unless proven otherw

ise. It's not. He's not. I've been watching and liking him for years and I'm pre
tty sure that it's Chloe.
But what if.....
Oh I'm in deep, deep trouble.<center><h1>Chapter 37 - Rival</h1></center>
Hello there guys! I'm so sorry for the long wait. Please forgive me? :)
By the way, I created a twitter account. follow me 'notarandomgirl' feel free to
tweet me anytime, anywhere. I'll also post some exciting questions there and sh
are me your thoughts ok?
I was browsing the youtube and I saw this AMAZING BOOK TRAILER! GOSH! SPECIAL TH
ANKS TO '_Musician_a3' this chapter is dedicated to you! :)
This is it. Please watch this.
(Continue to send me book trailers and I will post all of them here. :)
Thank you for your undying supports. I hope you'll all like this chapter. I had
a hard time completing this and I hope it's worth it. ENJOY!
------------------------Chapter 37 - Rival
* ZACH's POV *
'Could I get any luckier?' I thought sarcastically as I recalled the events that
happened yesterday.
Tuesday morning and as usual, I'm not in a mood to go to school. But I have to.
As I stepped out of my car, I can feel the headache that's been killing me all m
orning, probably from lack of sleep.
'I swear, if I encounter another stress-inducing incident, I'm gonna kill somebo
dy!' I thought.
I closed the door and locked my car. I walked a few steps away and then...
'Would you look at that?' I saw someone that made my blood boil.
'Be careful what you wish for.' I thought as I saw Nathan.
"Had fun 'laying off' yesterday?" He said with arrogance, making me just want to
beat the crap out of him.
"Who made you the boss of me?" I asked scornfully and finished with a smirk afte
r saying "You really want to be cripple that badly?" He only replied with a smir
k and walked towards my direction all with this 'composed' personality of his. I
'm trying my best to prevent myself from shoving my fist in his mouth.

"Now... now... why would you do that? Doesn't that jeopardize your relationship
with Tori, more?" He tilted his head and finished with a grin.
I gritted my teeth at his arrogant response. 'Who does he think he is?! Wait, do
es he mean that? Is my relationship with...'
"What the hell are you talking about?!"
He let out a small chuckle before answering. "We both know what you did to riske
d your relationship with her. She perfectly knows what's really happening."
"Oh really? Enlighten me." I challenged him.
"Playing dumb again, are we?" He started. "Spending your day with Chloe? Sneaky
as always. What made you think that Tori would be that stup-..."
I laughed out loud before he could finish his sentence. He stopped with his bla
bbering and looked at my direction surprised.
Well, I can't blame him. He wasn't expecting my reaction and I can't stop laughi
"I-Is that all you've got?" I goad. "Think whatever you want to think. I don't c
are. I don't have to explain anything to you. Why the hell are you even talking
to me?" I said, still laughing.
And then he sneered. "Just keep on laughing... Hopefully, you and Chloe end up t
ogether." I was still composing myself from laughing so loud. "I guess that make
s Tori available now." He mocked.
"...One more word Nate, I'm gonna send you flying to your own hospital." I threa
tened him.
"Oh. Did I hit a nerve there?"
"Don't push me... or I swear...
"Your threats mean nothing to me Zach. We both know I can match up with you anyt
ime, anywhere."
"Well, why don't you put your money where your mouth is? Right here, right now!"
I suggested. I'm ready to knock this idiot down. Who does he think he is?
"If you think picking a fight with me would make that guilt of yours go away, th
en you have another thing coming. What the hell's wrong with you? Spending time
with Chloe than your sick girlfriend?!"
Sick? Tori is sick? Why the hell didn't I....
"Of course you don't know anything. You only care about yourself. If you'll just
keep on hurting Tori, then stay the fuck away from her."
I didn't have any retort to his words. I looked at Nathan, he's dead serious. I'
ve never seen him like this. He's always the composed type. He never vented out
or showed his anger to anyone. If he wanted something, he'd worked on it silentl
y in the background. Silent but deadly indeed. 'Cunning bastard.'
"You stay away from my girlfriend!" I grabbed his collar bringing it closer to

"Just as I thought. Sharp as always, huh, Zach?"

"Don't play games with me Nathan." I tightened my grip to his collar and he just
replied with a playful sneer.
"I'm not playing games. I'm just getting what is mine." As I heard this, I didn'
t realize that I loosened my grip and he took that as an advantage to escape fro
m my clutch.
"She never became yours for you to take her back. She never chose you in the fir
st place, never showed any feelings more than a friend can express. Tori confess
ed to 'me' and asked to be 'my' girlfriend. You will always be a friend. Deal wi
th it." As if his face couldn't get any serious than it is, he looks like he's f
iring up. Both of us were just clearly waiting for the other person to throw a p
unch. Well, he asked for this and I'm just returning the favor by pissing him of
f as well.
No one messes with me. No one takes what's mine.
I watched him, anticipating his next move. I wonder when he'd attack me. If he d
oes that, I can easily get an excuse of saying I'm defending myself.
'Give it your best shot, douche.'
But to my disappointment he smirked as if he's up to something.
"Clearly you're underestimating me. Always thinking that I'm 'second' best, next
to you. Wanna prove it now?"
"What are you up to? Betting on Tori? Using her to prove you're better than me?
I'm this close to beating the crap out of you!" I gestured rubbing my fingers in
his face. I won't let anyone use Tori. I'm going to protect her for the likes o
f him.
'Aren't you the one who is using her? You're taking advantage of her feelings ju
st for your own accord. They should protect her from the likes of you.'
Conscience. The constant reminder of what I 'did' to Tori. Never in my past rela
tionship did I feel guilty of doing something like this. I never cared about the
m. I only cared about Tori and what she'd think of me.
"Don't compare me to your vile thinking. I'm here to save her from you. That so
unded moral to me."
I let out an insolent laugh before replying. "And you think after 'saving her' s
he will reciprocate the feelings you have over her? Nate, get a life and stop me
ssing up with other peoples relationships."
"Funny coming from you who messed up a lot of Chloe's relationships." He said wi
th conviction.
"I have nothing to say to you." I'm not going to wait for him to do the first mo
ve. I'm doing it myself. But there's something about what he said that made me s
"Now you're just making it more obvious that it's really you. Relax, I'm just st
ating... let's say, a hunch." He stared at me. I did the same. Well, if looks co
uld kill, he's now being slaughtered.
"On the other hand, I'm not asking permission or any confirmation from you. I'll

do whatever I want to do. I'll take away Tori from you. Cruel, how the world we
live in is. You want something, you get it. I don't think you deserve her. She
may not like me back but I'll do everything to take her away from you."
He stepped back but kept eye contact and continued.
"Just remember, it never should've come to this. She's been with you for what, w
eeks? All you've given her is pain. You've crossed the line. I'm not gonna just
sit and watch you do this." He put his hands in his pockets.
"As you can see, I'm not doing this behind your back. Like it or not I don't car
e. Do whatever you can to keep her, and I'll do whatever it takes to take her aw
ay from you." He continued.
"Don't talk as if you've already won. I'm not even going to let you come near he
r." I stepped closer, towering him. "Try doing something to her and I'm gonna ma
ke you sorry you were even born."
All I could think was if I beat him up then I lose Tori. As much as I wanted to
see his face on the floor, I mustered all of my self-control skills just to refr
ain myself from squeezing his neck.
I stepped away and headed towards the entrance of the school leaving him there.
I can see that people avoiding me as I passed through the halls. They can sense
that there'd be trouble if they were in my way. All I felt was 'defeat'
I wanted to go see Tori right now. Be with her all the time, to protect her not
just from Nathan but also from my Dad.
'Just when everything was doing fine.'
Before I go for Tori, I have to look for answers first. I picked up my phone to
ring back-up.
'Where the hell is James when you need him?'
---"Who does he think he is?" I vented out my anger as I finished telling James the
events that happened at the parking lot with Nathan.
James, to my dismay, didn't react the way I imagined he would. He just leaned hi
s back at the wall, looking bored.
"Are you even listening to me?" I snapped my fingers to call James' attention.
"....I don't know. Do you even listen to me when I give you advice?" He said sar
I just furrowed at his retort.
"Want to know what I think? I think you deserve it. You gave him this once in a
lifetime opportunity. I'm so hell bent of reminding you that your actions will j
eopardize your relationship with Tori. Did you even listen to me? No! Because yo
u just can't stay away from that freakin' blonde. God, I don't really get what y
ou see in her!" James snapped.
The first time I saw him this flustered.
'What's wrong with everyone today?'

"Man, not you too..."

"You paid Chloe a visit, spending the whole day with her so called illness. You
didn't even take the liberty of checking-up on your also sick girlfriend. What t
he heck is wrong with you?!"
I'm getting sick of this type of conversation. I don't have to explain anything
to anyone. I didn't do anything wrong! They didn't even know what really happene
"I guess you concluded everything based on what you witnessed yesterday." I'm tr
ying to stay calm as possible. I want James to understand what I mean. I want hi
m to ask me what happened yesterday. He's rather assuming than usual.
"Well, what do you expect? You agreed to date Tori for the sake of getting close
r to her best friend whom you've been fixated for years! Every time you see an o
pen opportunity, you forget about Tori and hurt her in the process!"
And then it hit me. There is something wrong with this situation. I don't want t
o entertain this but my gut is telling me something. I have to read between the
"I hate to break it to you but I've been asking you this question a lot of times
. Since when do you care about my relationships? I've done worse things than thi
s but you never cared about them. Why now?" I asked carefully. I want answers. B
ut on the other hand, I don't want my hunch to be true.
"Aren't you old enough to play with other people's feelings? Don't you think it'
s time to get serious? I'm..."
"Don't give that self-righteous bullshit." I cut him off.
"Zach... You're talking non-..."
"Shut up and just tell me the truth Lucas!"
"Fine! You want to know the truth? Fine! Victoria Peige is a good person! She's
amazing and strong! She doesn't deserve a guy like you! If you'll just continue
to hurt her, better lay your hands-off her and be with the girl you've been obse
ssing over the years!"
Out of anger I grabbed James' collar and gripped it. I can see that he was surpr
ised by my action, I am too. So I immediately let go of my grip and stepped away
from him.
I don't know what's gotten into me. Why do they keep on telling me that I don't
deserve Tori? They only see their own story! But to top it all, why the hell doe
s this even affect me?
I stepped further away from James until I felt the wall behind me and decided to
lean there for support. I held my head with my right hand and sank myself in th
Maybe I'm thinking that this is also what Tori thinks of me. What if she really
feels that I'm not worth it? What if she gave up on me? Now I'm back to square o
ne again. This is why I hate opening myself up to other people. It shows them th
at everyone has a weakness.
There was silent for I don't know how long until James broke the ice.

in going
ited for
now calm

She fainted yesterday." He began. "She's flushing and yet she insisted
to school. I assumed she was expecting you to be here yesterday. She wa
your call or at least a text message but you never did." James said in
voice. I looked up and saw him looking at me with those concerned stare

When I didn't say a word he continued. "Nathan told her that you're at Chloe's,
that she was also sick. And then Tori pretended that everything was fine and tha
t's when she fainted. We escorted her back to her apartment and stayed with her
until night. You never bothered to ring her and it was pretty obvious that she's
in pain no matter how much she smiled. I think that's when Nathan saw the oppor

I gritted my teeth in anger. Not to Nathan or James, but to myself. Now it's mak
ing sense. Everything is sinking in. I'm useless. Worthless. I can't even tell t
hat Tori's in pain. I can't even be there for her when she's sick. This is all m
y doing. I couldn't say anything. My silence proved my guilt which, knowing Jame
s, pitied.
"It's very evident that all throughout our stay, Tori was worrying about you. I
just hope you come to your senses and forget that stupid plan of yours before it
's too late." James extended his arms waiting for me to comply and I took it wit
hout hesitation. We didn't need words to come to an agreement. This was how much
we both know each other. We were silent for a while swimming in our own thought
s. I decided to break the ice this time around.
"Hey, do me a favor.... if you somehow develop feelings for Tori in the future,
don't do it behind my back. Tell it straight to my face just like what Nathan di
d. I'm not implying anything, I'm just saying it could happen. Even if it did I
wouldn't let it happened. I'm just giving you a heads-up."
"It will happen if you kept on hurting her." I narrowed my eyes at his serious r
esponse. But then he instantaneously shifted his mood and laughed. "Just messing
with you. Loosen up Zach!"
I pushed him slightly away and shook my head. This guy is unbelievable.
"But on a serious note, this is the last time you'll hurt her. Next time, don't
expect any help from me." James patted my shoulder. "I'll help you sort things o
ut with her one last time." He said as he left.
It was really wrong for me to judge him, to be suspicious of him. James is a goo
d person. He's better than me. Way better.
I wondered if I kept on messing up my relationship with Tori, will James really
cross the line? Will he make a move on Tori?
'Damn, he's too unpredictable!' I thought even though I've known the person almo
st all my life. I just can't see through him. What he's up to?
One day, he'd be persistent in fixing my relationship with Tori, the next thing
you know he'll be the type of person who cares for Tori. In a different way...
He's over protective of her.
'Should I continue to follow this wild hunch of mine? Maybe I'm just being paran
oid...' I dwelled in the thought.

I just stood from where James left me thinking of the possibilities. This is get
ting out of hand. I'm just hurting Tori every single day without even noticing i
t. I'm such an insensitive Jerk who doesn't even know how to handle a serious re
'Can you blame me? I never had one! Self-pity's just not my style.' I thought co
nfidently to myself.
'Should I let her go? Should I be the one to give her up?'
'Like hell I would!'

------------End of Chapter 37--------------I hope you like it. I also hope you LOVE the amazing trailer.
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boy in every tweet okay? And don't forget to mention me @notarandomgirl.
<center><h1>Chapter 38 - Despicable</h1></center>
New chap yey!
ATTENTION: I'm in desperate need of a new book cover. Just continue sending me y
our wonderful creation and who knows, maybe it will be the next official book co
ver of Must Date The Playboy. Thanks Guys! Keep sending book trailers as well. I
love all book trailers. Hihi :))
Special thanks to foreveristooshort for this amazing banner! --->
I'm proud to say that I read all of your comments and I love them! Haha!
I'm also in twitter world. Follow me and don't forget to tweet me ok. @notarando
---------------------------CHAPTER 38 - Despicable
** TORI's POV **
'Tuesday...' I sighed heavily.
'Good day or bad day?' Well I've started the week with a lot of mishaps so I gue
ss it'll turn out to be pretty bad.
I barely slept last night, went to school with Tom and am actually heading to my

locker. All I was thinking the entire time was...

No message, no phone call. Why am I not surprised?
I took out my books for first period. I closed my locker and turned. 'Oh boy.' I
said, eyes rolling.
"Would you look at that." A familiar squeal greeted me.
"What do you want?" I said with a straight tone.
Please don't tell me I have to deal with these girls now. Not when I'm not in th
e mood.
"Oh? Look who's acting high and mighty just because she's dating Zach." She spi
tted her words scornfully.
Of all the days that they have to show-up, they have to do it today. I knew this
day would come eventually.
'Skanks.' I thought.
Samantha Jones. I could probably label her as Zach's number one fan. There were
even rumors before that she'd be her frequent, well, 'partner' when he was bored
. Not only Zach, but people saw her as the typical 'mean' girl. But she's only o
ne of Zach's many 'fan club' members. His groupies as I labeled them before all
of this.
I don't have time for this. This is definitely a waste of time. I didn't let it
affect me so I just decided to go. As I was leaving, Samantha grabbed my arm.
"We're not yet done here."
"Don't touch me!" I snapped.
"Love the spunk, still lacking though. Better stick with your books, poser!" She
sneered. She started to walk around, encircling me, with her two cronies standi
ng close, chuckling.
"I was actually wondering when you'd show up. You even bothered getting two more
extras in this charade. It's not like we're in a movie or something." I gesture
d at the two girls standing behind her.
"If you think you're in some gossip girl fantasy, please... Just leave me alone.
" I bit scornfully. I'm sick of people pushing me around.
To my surprise, they didn't fight back. I took that as my cue to retreat. Much t
o my dismay, Samantha just gripped my arm tighter, her face red from anger.
"You really think you're smart, huh?"
"You want Zach right? Go ahead! I'm not keeping him away from you. It's his deci
sion to make. Do whatever you want. I don't care! Just don't involve me in your
silly fantasies." I pointed to my arm where she held it then finished "...tsss..
. pathetic!" I looked at her, straight in the eye. Not breaking eye contact. She
then let go of me.
I don't know where my courage to fight back is coming from. I got sick of it. I
guess I didn't want to be stepped on anymore. She can do whatever she wants! Zac
h can do whatever he pleases even! I don't care anymore!

Samantha stepped back. But this was far from over. She has this persona wherein
she'll bitch-out anyone that annoys her. She hates to lose.
She crossed her arms. Examining me from head to toe, then smirked.
"Well, I don't know what Zach sees in you. I'm a bit jealous I gotta say... Desp
ite your little speech, all I can say is that you must be really good in bed for
keeping you so long."
I furrowed my brows at her spiteful remarks.
"You dirty girl, tell me what book made Zach stay with you." She said wickedly.
I'm getting irritated with her allegations. She assumes too much. I just looked
down and decided to be silent.
"Ohhh...." she let out an evil laugh. "Don't tell me Zach hasn't touched you yet
I avoided her nasty stare.
"How about a good kisser" She looked at her cronies and they let out a symphony
of evil laughter.
I didn't say anything. I couldn't. I didn't know if I was supposed to be ashamed
"Oh.. You poor girl..." She said sarcastically. "He's just toying with you..."
"You're just one of his trophies. Who knows what that dirty boy's fetish is, eve
n considering you as a trophy. What is he thinking?" She looked at me with disgu
"I know. He even considered 'YOU', knowing his standards." I rebutted.
"At least he did touch me, the way a boyfriend would do to their girlfriends. Yo
u're nothing but an accomplishment. He's just taking advantage of your family na
Now I'm flaring. "Don't you dare involve my family!"
"Everyone knows it! Well, don't worry, he'll end your misery soon enough. He's p
robably showing the signs already. When was the last time he contacted you?" She
finished her sentence very smooth and calm as if she knew what's going on betwe
en us.
'How did she know? What does she mean everyone knows?' I wondered, terrified for
the worst that maybe the people I'm considering my friends are spreading it to
I didn't answer.
"Silence means yes Tori. Anytime, soon. He will leave you and be replaced by..."
"Shut up!" I shouted.
Why am I being defensive? Why am I acting like this? Why are her words stabbing
every part of my body? I felt defenseless. Why is it that everything made sense?
'She must be right.' My rational mind speaking.

I really don't know why Zach dated me. He hasn't said anything. Now that I think
about it, he never bothered to tell me the reason. Just the simplest thing of s
aying 'I like you.' It never did come out of his mouth. Who am I really to him?
But if it's true, why would he even say 'those' things?
'Don't give up. Don't give up on me.'
'Do you have any idea how much I think about you every single day?'
'I've never been like this before. You made me like this.'
'Each day I'm looking forward spending time with her. She's someone you can't g
et enough of.'
'I find myself spending more time with you. I always find myself thinking about
'I'm a very possessive guy... I don't share, Tori.'
'Just say you're still mine.'
Each time I recalled the words he said, the things that we did, I can't do anyth
ing but to trust him. Despite Zach being a womanizer, I believe that I'm the onl
y person that he lets me see this side of him that's real.
Yet, my trust vanishes each time I hear something like this.
'Chloe.' Just her name and these girls' allegations are enough to make me feel d
I really feel so insecure, even-though I can feel that he is doing everything ju
st to assure me. I feel that there's lacking. Something that would make me feel
secure. A simple thing of saying he likes me or ...kiss me.
But I won't let Samantha win this. I won't let her give the satisfaction of piss
ing me off.
"Are you done now? I have a class to attend to."
"We're far from done." Samantha is now towering me. "Just looking at you pisses
me off. Acting all high and mighty. Please! It makes me want to make your alread
y miserable life, more miserable."
"Miserable? Are you sure? Try looking at a mirror and say that again." I smirked
. She immediately pushed me hard against the locker door, knocking off the books
I was holding. She kicked the books that fell on the floor away from us.
"You think you're so smart huh? Here's a thought. We both know who's winning thi
s." She said in a cold voice but giving me a wicked smile.
"What are you doing?"
My salvation came out of nowhere. Am I glad to hear someone else's voice?
Samantha stepped back away from me. 'Finally!' I thought.
"Hello, Nate." She said in a sweet voice.
I looked at Nathan's direction. Now he's coming my way. He touched my cheeks and

asked "Are you ok?" with concern obvious in his tone. I instantly recalled the
words he said to me yesterday. I quickly looked away feeling my face red from em
"Jeez. Get a room." Samantha interjected.
Nathan just gave her a deadly glare. Samantha shrugged. Her cronies, all fired u
p ready to attack at any time just decided to leave. As they left, Samantha was
looking at me, her wicked smile not disappearing keeping eye contact with me. Sh
e was still saying something, but only her mouth was moving. Then she continued
to walk away and disappeared along with her friends.
"What did she do to you?" Nathan worried.
"I'm fine. Nothing I can't handle." I said shyly. I'm still avoiding eye contact
with Nathan. My heart racing the whole time.
"Tori, look at me. Just tell me. I won't do anything."
I shook my head telling him that it's nothing.
He touched my chin and made me look in his eyes.
"Why do I even bother asking? It's Zach, right?"
I just bit my lower lip. I can't say anything. Aside from I don't want Nathan to
be involved in this messy situation. I realized I'm so close to Nathan, making
my heart beat faster.
"I told you I'm going to protect you, right?"
I stared at Nathan, he's also staring at me. I don't know what to do. I'm being
drawn to him.
"Get your fucking hands off her." I can hear the known voice scorching with ange
r. I immediately broke eye contact with Nathan.
Zach was charging towards our direction, Nathan ready to defend himself. Nathan
pushed me away. Both of them were pulling up their sleeves ready to brawl.
'Why is this happening?!!'
Zach threw a punch at Nathan but he was able to dodge it. Nathan countered with
his right that just hit Zach in his arm as he tried to guard it. This is all my
fault. I have to stop them. Chloe isn't here.
'What do I have to do?'
The courage from my exchange with Samantha earlier was suddenly resurfacing. I h
ad to stop them. I picked up the a hundred-page book that was lying on the floor
and with all my might threw it as strong as I can to their direction without th
inking who it would hit.
"STOP!" I yelled. My voice was loud enough to let them both look at me. The book
in midair landed in Zach's face which pushed him away from Nathan. Zach just ig
nored my little effort to calm them down and was still ready to charge at Nathan
"You're a dead man." Zach charged at Nathan, this time determined to tackle him.

"DON'T!" I stepped in front of Nathan facing Zach making him stop in his tracks
thankfully just a few inches in front of me.
Zach gnashed his teeth in anger. "Step aside Tori." Even with me in between them
they were still looking at each other fiercely.
"No Zach! You move it." I commanded. He looked at me, annoyance evident in his f
He has the nerve of showing up out of nowhere after what he did. Not to mention,
willing to get us in trouble. I'm the one who's supposed to be angry here. But
I couldn't say it to him. Not here, not now.
"Am I missing something here?" His eyes never leaving mine. Clearly pointing ou
t that something happened between me and Nathan.
"Really? I think I should ask you the same thing!" I accused. I just looked at h
im looking as serious as I can get. I don't even care if Nathan's watching. I wa
nt Zach to know that I know something. I know that he's with Chloe yesterday and
never took the liberty of informing me.
"You've got to be kidding me. Not you too." And finished with a retort that made
me rethink my thoughts
"What are you saying?"
"You know what? Fine! Continue what the fuck it is you're doing! I've had enough
!" With that, Zach retreated. His words full of contempt and malice. All I thoug
ht was he was reversing the situation.
"Hey. Don't mind him. Leave him be." I can feel Nathan's hand holding my arms ge
ntly. I faced him and he looked worried. I want to do as he told, not mind Zach
and let it go. But I can't. Somehow I feel uneasy. I feel that there're millions
of needles pinning me.
"I'm sorry Nathan. I can't let this go. I-I have to go." I picked up my things a
nd left Nathan following Zach.
Why do I always follow that jerk everytime he walks out on me?!
"You really know how to end a conversation, do you?" I sneered at Zach the momen
t I caught up on him.
He faced me with a serious expression. "Tch. You really know how to conclude som
ething you didn't even witness." I felt guilty. I guess I never even bothered to
ask him. I was silent walking with him.
"Fine, what happened yesterday?"
"Would you believe me? It seems that you would prefer to hear it from that assho
le instead of me."
"I hate to break it to you but that 'asshole' just happened to save me from your
ex girlfriend!" I saw him furrowed his brows in confusion, indicating that he d
idn't have any idea what I'm saying. "Samantha? The girl who hitched a ride with
us to school, remember?"
"What did she do to you?" Zach clearly pissed off."
"Nothing I can't handle by myself." I said confidently.

"Yeah right! You ended up being saved by that dip-shit. Do you like him? What do
you take me for exactly?" I got fed up with him putting the blame on me. I stop
ped in my tracks. Zach still walking forward.
"No Zach! What do 'YOU' take 'ME' for? Who am I to you? One time you're this sw
eet person, the next day you'll be distant, no contact or anything! sp
end a whole day with someone and totally forget about me! What am I to you Zach?
Who am I to you?! Am I really your girlfriend?!" I yelped out. I gathered every
thing I had to say this.
Zach stopped and looked back to me. I can see that there's disappointment in his
stare. As if he's accusing me of doing something unforgivable.
"Looks like Samantha's right."
"Since when do you listen to what other people think about you?" Zach spat out.
I could see him just looking at me never looking away, while I on the other hand
can't look him straight in the eye.
"Can you blame me? I just don't get you! What do you want?"
"What are you..."
"What do you want from me? Do you like me? Even a simple... a simple..."
"A simple what?!"
"Kiss!" I felt pathetic for saying this to him. Which in turn I knew I'd regret.
"So this is all because of a kiss?!" He raised his voice as if threatening me.
"No! It's not just THAT! It's the way I dreamed someone I liked would..."
Everything happened so fast. He dashed so fast it's as if he just appeared in fr
ont of me out of nowhere. He grabbed me. Petrified, I couldn't do anything but o
nly look at his face. He kissed me in the lips but for some reason I pushed him
"Happy?" He said sarcasm evident in his tone.
As I stepped back. I bit my lips, touched it, doing my best to refrain myself fr
om crying. I could feel the tears trying to push its way out of my eyes.
There was silence. Zach serious face suddenly changed to concern. He looked shoc
ked on what he just did. I bet he's feeling sorry even.
"Tori..." he tried to step closer, but I stepped back.
"You did that just to prove something?" I can feel the warm liquid streaming dow
n my cheeks.
"Tori... I'm..."
"You're despicable." Then I retreated as soon I felt that I can't hold out my te
ars anymore.

I asked for this, right? I provoked him to do something like this. I can feel th

at he didn't want to do it, but then I pushed him to do so. As I walked away fro
m the scene, all I could feeI was pain. I felt sorry for my heart hurting the wa
y it is now.
I guess now I can say that it's over.
I'm done with Zach.
--------------- End of Chapter 38 -------------What do you think guys? Share your thoughts and opinion.
What will happen next? Any guess?
HUGE FAVOR: I'm so happy that I have 8k followers. Yey! A huge favor please? Is
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continue to vote and vote for the previous chapters. It will mean a lot to me, I
swear! This will make me happier and more inspired. Please, that's the only fav
or I'll have. Pretty please guys... (at least 4k in each chaps?) THANKS A BUNCH
TEAM WHO?: Any Change of hearts out there? #TeamZach #TeamNathan #TeamJames
A LITTLE CHALLENGE: So, you have any idea which chapters Zach said those italici
zed words? I'm pretty sure #TeamZach can answer everything in a flash! GO!
UPLOAD: I'll try to upload atleast once an week or in two weeks. But I promise i
t will not take a month to do so. Please be patient. I'll try my best to gather
all the inspiration I need to write. Thanks.
So, I'm following Nathaniel Buzolic (Nathan in this story) in twitter. Oh has an
yone seen his pics? Isn't he hot! I'm in love with him! #TeamNate :)
FOLLOW ME ON TWITTER: notarandomgirl

<center><h1>Chapter 39 - Confirmation</h1></center>
Hello beloved followers and readers. As a promise, I'm going to upload new chapt
ers once a week. So here's Chapter 39, hope you'll like it.
SPECIAL MENTION: unpopulargirl for answering the 'challenge' in Chapter 38! You
rock! That's amazing! You deserve a shout out! **CLAP CLAP CLAP!**
CHAPTER DEDICATION: Psychenne (Twitter follower) Thank you for this amazing book
cover! Congratulations! :)
You can still send those banners, book covers and book trailers. Thank you for a
ll the support!
PLEASE VOTE COMMENT AND FOLLOW. Don't forget to tweet me, @notarandomgirl (twitt
er account), and VOTE.
(Please play this song after you read this chapter. For sure you'll remember thi
s everytime you hear that song. Hihi. Don't play it yet if you haven't finish re
ading this chap ok? It will spoil the fun!) --->

Chapter 39 - Confirmation
** TORI's POV **
I ran away, tears overflowing. I touched my lips, and I immediately felt the tig
htening feeling in my chest. What happened a while ago kept on replaying inside
my head. It hurts, a lot.
It was just nothing to him.
Can I blame him? I asked for this. I provoked him to do something like this. I
don't want to feel this pain. I'm not sure if I can handle this.
If I haven't fall for this stupid plan this wouldn't have happened. I guess I ne
ver imagined our first kiss to be something like that. Disappointment that felt
like I was taken for granted.
'You asked for this Victoria Peige! You did this to yourself!' My consciousness
added fuel to the fire.
I'm wretched.
I wanted to go home, but I know it wouldn't do me any good. It'll just make me r
emember the things that happened. I tried to calm myself down, trying my very be
st to suppress the tears from falling.
I'm thinking of coming back inside, to attend class just to forget everything. B
ut then...
I'm still thinking about him! I'm still...
In the middle of my thoughts, as I contemplate on things, I felt someone swept m
e away and carried me to his shoulder as if I'm some kind of a sack.
"What the hell are you doing! Put me down this instance Anderson!" I yelped angr
He just kept on walking on a fast pace. Going somewhere God knows where. It's gr
eat that class already started else, this would definitely be humiliating.
I kept on pounding his back, hard, expecting that he'll put me down, but he didn
't even bulge.
What the hell is he planning to do? Can't he see that I'm pissed at him!
He then entered an empty room. I can see that it's the usual room that we consta
ntly exchange conversation. This is where everything started.
I guess this is where everything ends as well. How Ironic.
He finally put me down. He placed both of his hands on my shoulder. We're close
to each other. Too close.
"Let me go! Let me go!" I shrieked while hammering his chest. And then it happen
ed again. The tears started flowing again.
Zach is just silent the whole time. As if he wants me to let all my frustrations
out. And I did.

"How could you! You're... you're..." I can't complete the sentence anymore; I ju
st finished with a sob. But I still kept on pounding his chest with all my might
"Tori..." Zach called me out, softly. He pressed his body closer to me, my face
to his chest. I can feel his forehead resting above my head. He kept on saying m
y name and shushing me.
As my face pressed against his chest, I can hear his heart pounding fast. This m
ade me calm down a little. I'm curious of what he's thinking, what he wanted to
say. My sobs toned down, just enough to hear his voice.
"I'm sorry." He whispered. For some reason, this made me mad.
"No you're not! You did something so..."
"I know Tori. I know. Please let me finish." He interrupted, sympathy evident in
his voice.
"I'm a bad person. That's who I am..."
"Still-" I tried to cut off but he brought my face close to his as if trying to
kiss me again. He stopped as our faces were a few inches from each other.
"...but whenever I'm with you, I feel that I'm not." His thumbs are caressing my
cheeks and wiping away the tears, somehow this made me calm.
"I'm new to this. This whole 'relationship' is all alien to me. Everything was n
othing but having fun at the beginning. But being with you..." He sighed heavily
then he continued. "With you, I don't want anything to end."
His words are speaking a thousand meanings. I don't know what to say. I don't wa
nt his words to cloud my judgment. I'm afraid that if I'll listen more to this,
I might forget everything and forgive him. But I can't help but wish for him to
continue. He let go of me, scratching his head. But I remained stiff as hell.
"I tried everything. Whenever I'm being completely honest with you, I feel that
it's wrong because I'm being too frank. I don't know what's right anymore. I don
't know what to do. Damn! It's like I'm in some chick flick!" He cursed.
"Can you tell me what exactly happened?" I decided to give him a chance. Honestl
y, I'm afraid of what he will tell me. I'm afraid to know what happened between
him and Chloe. I don't want to think of anything malicious. Chloe's not like tha
t. And I can somewhat feel that Zach will never do such a thing. But, he's still
in love with Chloe, and that simple thought is enough for me to crumble.
"Yesterday, I received a message from Chloe that she's sick."
Chloe texted Zach? Why do I feel like my chest is constricting painfully.
"She accidentally sent that message to me that was supposed to be sent to his go
od-for-nothing boyfriend." Zach continued.
As I heard this, for some unknown reason, it's like a million ideas popped up in
my head. But one thing was coming out on top.
Does Chloe feel the same way?
I brushed off the thought. I don't want to entertain that idea inside my already
messed-up head.

"I went there. I didn't tell you about this because I wanted to say it to you pe
rsonally. I don't want you to get the wrong idea, just like what happened at the
magazine thing, me being so blunt about being with her. So I just settled with
a 'got an emergency' message."
So this is what he meant by being wrong at everything?
Yes, I remembered the incident about the magazine. I can still remember the conv
ersation we had at the library. How he detests my thoughts and how he showed me
that I'm overthinking things.
So, I think that the reason he didn't tell me about it is because somehow, he's
thinking of what I would feel if I knew. But still, it doesn't explain the rest.
"You spent the whole day with her without informing me..."
"Please not you too." He interrupted. "Where did you get the idea that I spent m
y whole day with Chloe?" Now he sounds pissed. If not, where did he go?
"What do you mean?" I can't help but ask.
"I have no intention to stay there. Why would I? I planned to just drop by and g
o to school afterwards." He continued. He was staring at me as if I did somethin
g wrong.
I immediately looked away. Now I'm feeling guilty. Well can you blame me? Who wo
uldn't think of that? He's with the person he loves!
"Don't you trust me?"
I didn't answer. I don't know what to say.
"Who am I kidding?" He let's out an insolent laugh. "I'm known for these things!
Zachary Anderson, the playboy..."
"No Zach... that's not what I mean." I told him. He must've misunderstood my sil
ence. Truth be told, I trust him, it's just that, I don't know if I should.
"Then what Tori? I don't care what other people think of me, but thinking I'd be
tray you? Please..."
I furrowed my brows at this. He's expecting me to trust him completely? Why?
"You're the only person I've shown this side of me. In a short period of time, I
trusted you. I held on to you. If you give me your trust, I will never break it
." He said whispering softly.
I closed my eyes. I can't take this. Zach trusts me too much. Zach believes in m
e, yet I doubted him. I was easily persuaded by the people that surround me. I a
ssumed too much. I didn't think things thoroughly before reacting. Of all things
, I should have considered the things that Zach and I shared.
"Don't expect me to trust you completely, Zach. You're always giving me mixed si
gnals. You never said anything..."
"Actions speak louder than words, Tori. Aren't my actions enough?"
That made me think. Zach's not really good with words, but whenever he says thin
gs, he definitely says the right things at the right time. As for his actions, I

guess from simple things by just staring at me, going someplace romantic, I gue
ss it is enough. Its more than enough considering that as he claims, he's new to
this kind of thing.
"Where were you yesterday?" I changed the subject. I don't know what to say to h
im. I'm still angry at him for what he did earlier. I can sense that if I'll ans
wer his question, it'll conclude this conversation.
I can hear Zach heave. Did something big happened yesterday?
"I don't want to tell you this. I don't want to worry you, but I guess I have no
choice." Zach stepped back and sat on the table. He lowered his head, avoiding
my stare. "My Dad went home the day before yesterday."
"I don't know his reasons but it seems suspicious. He would never come here just
to visit me. He's a very busy man. He has a lot of people in New York to do his
job for him."
"Maybe you're just overthinking..."
"No, it got more suspicious when he mentioned your name." My eyes widened at thi
"What did he say?" I'm feeling nervous about this. Don't tell me he forbids Zach
to go out with me? Maybe he wants someone for Zach? An arranged marriage? Is th
is some kind of Romeo and Juliet's story?
I feel uneasy when I think about Zach leaving me for someone even though I was t
hinking about leaving him a while ago.
"He asked me if I'm serious about you." He then looked at me straight to my eyes
before saying "And I said I am."
With the way Zach looked at me and said those words, my heart literally skipped
a beat. I'm moved! This relationship is getting serious! Does it mean that Zach
really likes me? That he's not considering this as some kind of a fling?
"He wants me to just continue what it is that I'm doing." He continued.
I couldn't help but chuckle a bit. With those words, it's as if my doubts went a
"He would never do such a thing. He would never cross one continent to the other
just for this. He's hiding something. That's what kept me up all night." After
hearing him say that, my smile vanished.
"I asked Boris to investigate. He's more loyal to me than to my father. When I w
as about to leave Chloe's house, I received a phone call from Boris, informing m
e about my father's whereabouts. I immediately left Chloe and I think that's whe
re I left my phone. So I wasn't able to contact you."
"So basically, you spent the whole day spying on your father?"
"Yes, and unfortunately, I couldn't get anything. I'm pretty sure that he's up t
o something."
It made sense. I judged him too soon. I felt ashamed. He was trying to say somet
hing to me but I didn't even have the initiative to ask him.
I can see from my peripheral view that Zach stood up, walking towards me. He the

n touched my chin and made me look at him.

"Tori. I will do everything to know what my father's intentions are. I will do a
nything to protect you."
I even felt guiltier about this. Zach, after all this, still worries about me. I
'm now curious what his father's up to. I feel shame accusing him of being with
Chloe the whole day. But all this time, he's thinking about me.
'That's what you get when you assume too much.' My conscience is haunting me.
It's me who's hurting myself and everyone around me. I'm always blaming Zach for
making me upset by being with the person that he loves, but I dated him to keep
him away from that person. To keep him busy and to only think about me. Now, I
succeeded. He only thinks about me. He fights with Nathan, argues with James, sp
ied on his father for my own sake.
'You're the bad person, Victoria Peige.'
I only think about myself. This stupid plan is making things worse than it is. T
his should end. I have to tell him the truth.
"Tori. You don't know how much I care about you. I never cared for someone like
this. Only you. And if my actions aren't enough, well let me do it with words."
Zach's eyes locked on mine. "I like you Tori. I really do like you. A lot."
The words that I was about say vanished. The idea of telling him the truth for d
ating him, stepped out of my mind.
These were the words that I'm dying to hear from him. Full of emotion, full of a
ssurance. I can feel it and my heart's about to explode any minute.
"You don't have any idea how I'm holding back whenever I'm with you. As I said,
I'm new to this. I'm trying my best to be the right person. I don't know, Tori.
This is the first time I've been like this, to confine my feelings. I care for y
ou too much to go that far, fearing that you might hate me for being too forward
I don't know either! I don't know you're being a complete gentleman, Zachary And
erson! And it's making me like you more and more every moment.
"If only I knew that you want my kiss from the very beginning I sho-..."
"Zach!" I shrieked and hit him in the chest. I can feel the warmth forming in my
cheeks from embarrassment. He really does know how to change the atmosphere.
He toned down his laugh then his face turned serious. His stormy grey eyes are l
ooking at me. He cupped my cheeks with the palm of his hand. It's warm and very
comforting. "I'm not holding back anymore, Tori."
When I was about to ask what he meant by that, I suddenly felt the warmth of his
lips. My eyes widened from this. I'm too shocked to react. This is so sudden. T
his is very different from the first, this time it's soft and gentle. I then clo
sed my eyes, feeling everything. There is something with this kiss that is givin
g me shivers down through my spine. It's like he's showing how he feels about m
e through this kiss. And I accept it. When I felt that my legs were turning into
jelly, I entwined both my hands to his neck for support and he snaked his other
hands to my hips, drawing me closer to him.

It's perfect! Awesomely perfect!

I may not have had the first kiss that I dreamt where in I'm in the beach or und
er the stars or someplace romantic, but who cares? It's just the first, but it's
still up to you what or how you remember your first to be. And for me, this is
the first romantic kiss that I will never forget. I won't regret.
With the right person, everything seems right.
Zach is... the right person.
And then we both break the kiss, still gasping for air.
Zachary Anderson really knows how to kiss! I can't keep the smile away from my l
ips. I can still feel the warmth and gentleness of his lips. We're still inches
away from each other. I can feel his breathe from our close distance; it's as if
he's teasing me, and I can't help but stare at those now swollen lips!
"Too bad you don't remember your first kiss, you were asleep the whole time." Th
at made me stop from my reverie. I'm far from asleep!
Wait"What are you talking about?" I leaned back a little, enough to look at him.
"Brighton Beach. I guess I kept it a secret from you after all." He then chuckle
d after I playfully hit his arms.
But... Maybe that's the reason I felt something warm and gentle in my lips befor
e I woke up? I wasn't dreaming! So it was real. I guess in the end, I had fulfi
lled my first dream kiss. The beach, under the stars and a romantic place!
"So, Tori." Zach is looking at me straight in the eyes. His forehead resting on
mine as well, his hands still wrapped around my waist. "You haven't told me your
feelings yet."
"Come on. Tell me." He sang playfully. He's smiling like a little kid.
"Tell you what?" I asked playing dumb.
"Do you like me?"
"I wouldn't date you if I..."
"That's not a valid answer." He pouted. Oh those lips are killing me!
"Yes, I like you." I said rolling my eyes.
"Do you? I'm not convinced, it's like you're..."
I didn't let him finish his teasing. I did a bold move. I pulled him closer to m
e and then I kissed him slowly and gently, to tell him how I feel. His scent, hi
s taste, it's captivating! Then I broke it first.
"I like you, Zachary Anderson. I really do." I said with full of sincerity.

"That is the best response I've ever felt and heard in my entire life. Should I
ask you again?" His smile couldn't be taken off his face. His eyes were smiling
as well and I did the same.
He leans closer and we resumed our kissing. Sweet, warm and gentle. I'm still sm
iling like an idiot even though our lips were lock.
Surely, good things happen to those who wait. I'm glad he kissed me because he w
anted to be sure. More importantly, he kissed me because he likes me.
Each day I've grown to like everything about Zach. I don't care about the others
anymore. I will trust him.
We're both new to this thing. My feelings for him may have started from hatred a
nd lies. But from now on, I will do everything to refrain myself from thinking s
uch things.
'Screw the plan!'
Now, I'm dating Zach not because I want to divert his attention.
I'm dating Zach because I like him. I'm with him because...

'I am, without a doubt, in love with Zachary Anderson.'

---- End of Chapter 39 ---Like it or hate it? Please share your thoughts!
What do you think will happen next? Any guesses? :)
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ments and share your thoughts. It really made my day. I love reading your commen
ts. :))
STILL CONFUSED: Which team? #TeamIDontKnow. #TeamZach this is your day. #TeamNat
han and #TeamJames watch out! hihi. :)) See you all next week!
TWEET ME TWEET ME TWEET ME! @notarandomgirl
***For those people who share this story, must date the playboy, to others pleas
e speak up! You deserve a shout out and a big clap! I love you for promoting my
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Share your funny experience/moments whenever you read my story, the one that wil
l stand out will be on SPECIAL MENTION next upload. Hihi. Share your story. Reme
mber, I'm reading ALL OF YOUR COMMENTS!
Thanks for reading my story. Please don't forget to vote. mwuahhh!
<center><h1>Chapter 40 - Worth It</h1></center>
Sorry for the delay. I know I said I'll upload once a week, but I've been very b
usy lately. Really busy. But don't worry the next chapter is almost done and hop
efully I can upload it within this week!

Thanks for the non-stop support. Thank you for your beautiful banners and heartwarming comments. I'm so proud to say that I READ ALL OF THEM! Continue sending
those comments and who knows, maybe your name will be posted in the SPECIAL MENT
ION section. Hihi.
So, have you guys heard the song "Kiss Me Slowly" from the last chapter? Isn't i
t the best! I'm obsessed with that song. What do you think?
CHAPTER DEDICATED TO: trackrunner14. Thanks for the amazing banner! Next chapter
will be dedicated to the person who'll send book trailers. Thanks a bunch! :)
Thanks a lot. I really appreciate your efforts in spreading and recommending thi
s story to your friends. I love you all for that! And also, thanks for sharing m
e your embarrasing moments when reading Must Date The Playboy. Some of your stor
ies made me laugh out loud! So as a token of my appreciation, and to prove that
I read ALL of your comments, here's the special mention to the chosen ones. :))
SPECIAL MENTIONS: IFallAndCry, SsovannaA, xxBook07Loverxx, graffitigirl15, unpop
ulargirl, HazelNutLover19, mardsme, _MusiciAn_a3, iamzenyoj, lifeisbound, xfatii
ma, book_nerd_4evr, Serendipity214, xXWolf_GirlXx, honeypootch, imnotaperfectper
son, hippiehobo, imcesso37, milkmoon, Niallsgurf, Ellie228, LoisASDFGHJKLUy, knw
eaye, baboylovesme, Paris_onheels
Here's Chapter 40. Hope you'll like it.
---------Chapter 40 - Worth It
** Zach's POV **
"Someone's happy." It's James, giving me his usual conceited remarks.
I can't take away this simper out of my face. I'm grinning from ear to ear. I've
kissed lots of girls but none of them came close to what I shared with Tori. It
was blissful. It's almost painful tearing away from her.
She's simply breathtaking. Everything about her is incredible. For
e, I really thought that it would be over between us. I was acting
t jerk back then. I can't even believe I did that to her. But, for
e, I set aside my pride and followed my guts. Boy, does it feel so

a second ther
like a big fa
the first tim

"Ok dude, stop it! Somehow, you're freaking me out." Yes, James is still here. I
kept on ignoring him. It's as if I'm in my own world thinking about...Tori, aga
But then I can't ignore him forever, right? So I decided to pay him a little att
ention "Aren't you glad I'm... cheerful?"
We're at the school's third floor balcony overlooking the courtyard. I decided t
o skip class and he joined me as well.
"Who are you and what have you done with Zachary Anderson?" James looked utterly
shocked and that's the time I burst out laughing.
"Shut up! You ought to go back to class now." I tried to shoo him out.
And then I heard him groan. "I've seen enough, thank you very much. I never expe

cted you to be in the same state she's in."

That statement really got my full attention. "What was that?" I asked eagerly.
"I assumed something 'nice' happened." James quoted. "She just couldn't take off
that silly smile off her face." He imitated the way my smile looked from ear to
ear. "Come on grumpy, spit it out." He insisted.
I shook my head and directed my attention back to the tree I was staring a while
ago. I can imagine Tori smiling just like me. And I can't help but grin to myse
lf. I can't stop thinking about the way she kissed me.
"Ok... I'll just talk to you some other time then..." James tried to snap me out
of day dreaming again.
"C'mon, man. Just be happy for me. Wait till you get a girlfriend, you'll see."
He chuckled then retorted. "Please, I have a lot."
"I'm serious. A real one." I countered. He just shrugged and shook his head side
"I wonder if I hadn't left in the first place, would I be the one smiling like a
n idiot?" He looked at me and I could sense indifference in his tone.
"And what's that got to do with having a real girlfriend?" I kept on observing J
ames, he just remained silent for a few seconds and then as with a flick of a sw
itch, he's back to his old self.
"Nothing. I'm just messing with you, lover boy." He mocked.
"Yeah, right." I rebutted and he just laughed. He really finds this conversation
very entertaining. But he's able to change the mood of our conversation as well
. "I thought you enjoyed staying in Paris. You could've gotten one there." If he
thinks I'm just gonna let that slip, he's got another thing coming.
"Dad, I've had a dozen there. And I'm capable of finding a decent girlfriend if
that's what you're concerned about." He teased then winked.
"You've been boasting about staying there since you came back, now you regret le
aving New York in first place? Is there something I should know?" I asked straig
htforwardly. I really don't know what's gotten into me. I felt as if James' is a
cting weird and is hiding something.
"Whoa, whoa. Take it easy grandpa." There was silence for a moment. I can sense
that he is a bit hesitant. I wonder what's keeping him from telling me. But afte
r a few seconds, he started to talk. "Paris was nothing but good time. That's it
. If I didn't leave, I wondered if I---"
"Hey Zach."
James stopped at his sentence and we both directed our heads to the one who gree
ted us.
"Talk about timing." James bit out sarcastically.
"I'm sorry. Am I interrupting something?"
"No, Chloe. It's fine." I told her. I then heard James snorted, but then I ignor
ed it. "What brings you here? Shouldn't you be in class?" I asked Chloe.

"I should ask that to the both of you. It's my free period."
"It's always our free period." I chuckled as I gestured at James and me.
"I can see that." She smiled and then she took a while before she talked again.
"I'm sorry, I'm spacing out. By the way, I'm looking for you. To return... this.
" Chloe handed me my phone. I completely forgot about that one. I knew I left it
at her place.
"Thanks." I said.
"No. Thanks to you, Zach. Thanks for the advice. I talked to my boyfriend and...
"Oh you have one?" James asked sarcastically. "That's quite a shock."
"James." I warned him.
"Yes, James, and his name is Greg." Chloe rebuked venomously.
"So, what did you guys talk about?" I interfered. The tension's building up. Wha
t's wrong with these two? They're staring at each other like they're gonna start
bashing each other's skull.

Chloe and James finally broke eye contact. Then she directed her attention back
to me. "I'll tell you some other time Zach. When we're not going to be rudely in
terrupted by someone." She sent another glare at James' direction and then she l
ooked at me, this time she's calm. "Thanks, really. I also told Tori about what
you told me and what's really going on between me and Greg."
"Well, I'm glad it's finally getting better." I said truthfully. Now, there will
be no more misunderstandings here, I guess.
"Yes. And thanks again." She smiled at me. But, I wonder why I'm not that ecstat
ic unlike before?
Before, I really want her to smile at me like that. I always felt irritated when
ever I see her smiling with another guy. But it's different now. It's as if her
smile is ordinary now. Unlike Tori's who's giving me this funny feeling whenever
I see her smile.
"By the way, Tori mentioned that in two weeks time, you'd be going to Mexico. It
's the Las Ventanas, am I correct?"
"She told you...what?" I cried.
"Yes. And she told me to come with Greg and Nathan. She also..."
"What!" My mood changed to annoyance the moment I heard Nathan's name. Why does
she have to tell them, especially that Jerk! To top it all, she invited them. Ca
n't she see that I planned it just for the both of us?
"Calm down. Tori has her reasons. She said it'd help me and Greg fix our relatio
nship. You can't deny that she's right. We all could use break, don't you think?
Do I have a say to this? Even if I say no, Chloe will still insist on going. I r

eally don't understand why Tori didn't ask me first about this. Can't she realiz
e that I'm doing some sort of romantic chick-flick move here? Never did I initia
te an out of the country trip for a girl, and bring her to this place. She ruine
d it.
'Way to go, Romeo.'
"Fine." I said trying to hide the obvious annoyance in my tone.
"Come on Zach. Cheer up. It'll be fun. You should come too, James."
"I don't need your invitation. I'll go if I want to." James spit-out. There they
go again. I should do something before this escalates into another heated conve
"Hold your horses. We still have a vacation to plan." I guess I have no choice b
ut to let them in this trip.
I saw Chloe beamed excitedly then she bids her goodbye. "... Bye boys."
The moment she's out of sight, I turned to James and reprimanded him. "What the
hell was that about?!
"Whatever do you mean Zach?"
"Oh, don't give me that crap! What do you have against Charlotte Loise?"
"Nothing. She just gets on my nerves that's all." He replied as if it's the most
obvious answer in the world.
"Oh really? Your ex-girlfriends are worse. But you never held a grudge against t
"That's what you think, but they never get on my nerves." James retorted sarcast
ically. I wanted to argue with him more, but I guess I'll just lose, again. Jame
s is the type of person that if he doesn't like someone, he never will.
He somehow believes he can read through people. James is one of those people who
's very hard to please; he stands for what he believes in. That's one of his def
ining characteristics.
"So, you'll bring Tori to Mexico. That's something. That place holds a lot of sp
ecial memories for you." James tried to enlighten the mood around us.
"Well, Tori is special. And she's not just another girl. She is different." I si
mply answered.
"Why do I sense that I already heard that line? Special and different. Isn't Chl
oe that special and different one few months back?"
"I think it's different this time around." And that came up as a realization. I
never thought that I will see Tori as this and that Chloe will just be part of t
he past.
And I heard James clapped. "Congratulations buddy. You're finally learning. Care
to share me your secret?"
"Why should I? You aren't telling me something as well."
"Ha! We both know that you can't keep that mouth of your close. Besides, I think

you owe me something."

"We're not going anywhere with this." We both laughed realizing this. I can't de
ny the fact that James knows me too well. We think alike and we act the same. "Y
ou should come to Mexico and also tell River to go as well. I wouldn't want to b
e stuck up with that dip-shit Nathan. I really don't know what's gotten into Tor
i inviting them."
"I don't want the charity case, Zach. I'm going because I want to. Not because y
ou said so."
"Fine. Suit yourself." James is really cunning. He's just like me. No wonder peo
ple sometimes mistook us from each other.
"So, it's finally over, huh." His voice suddenly turned serious.
"The stupid plan on getting Chloe through Tori? The way you spoke with her, I ca
n see that it's different from before. You're not obsessing about her anymore."
Yes, before, I was so desperate to be close to Chloe again, for her to see me di
fferently. That's why I agreed to date her best friend, Tori, because at that ti
me, it was the only way I could think of.
"I'm not obsessed with her." I clarified. "Besides, I'm glad that I'm not the on
ly one who noticed that. I'm taking my relationship with Tori seriously now." Th
e moment I said that, I realized that my feelings for Chloe has faded over time.
As time passed by, as I learned more and more about Tori, my feelings for Chloe
started to go away. I found myself falling for Tori
I don't know where it all started. All I know is that I want her for myself. I w
ant her only to me. I feel selfish over her. She's the only girl that I have had
these feelings for. This different feelings.
I don't want to sound as if I'm fixating over Tori or as if I'm in a movie where
everything's scripted. I just didn't expect things would be this way. And I did
n't expect this to happen to me.

"Glad you finally see the big picture. I guess everything I sacrificed won't be
in vain." James said.
"Sacrifice? That's a big word. Don't you think it's a bit of an exaggeration in
the word 'helping'?" I quoted and we both chuckled.
"Consider yourself lucky. If I hadn't left, you wouldn't get yourself a real gir
lfriend." James teased.
"And both of us would probably be in jail, or rehab for having too much fun!" I
laughed. To my surprise James didn't laugh with me as I expected. On the other h
and, he just redirected his head to the courtyard in front of us. "Something wro
ng?" I worried.
James looked at me. "Nothing. Maybe I'm not that used in seeing my best friend g
etting serious over a girl. I think I made the right choice."
I hit his head hard before giving him a reply. "Dude! Don't talk as if I'm getti

ng married. What's gotten into you being all emotional?"

This time I saw James laugh. It's not forced, it's not genuine either. I can't r
ead him. I can't say what this is. It's as if his laugh holds a million meanings
behind it.
"Hey. Aren't you glad? You have the city all for yourself! Think of the girls wh
o'll be writhing beneath you. Huh." I encouraged him and elbowed him at the same
"You sure you won't change your mind?" James desperately asked. I hit him again,
this time it's harder than before. "Ouch!" he complained. "Fine. You're a chang
ed man now, huh? River will be very disappointed."
"Well tell him that." I grinned widely from ear to ear. I patted his back and wa
lked away.
It's really funny how these feelings can toy with your emotions. You're becoming
someone you're not and you're freakin' happy about it. You tend to do stupid an
d crazy things for the sake of a girl. You change for the better, because someho
w, along the way, you're conscious of what that girl will think about you.
Well I perfectly know that it's hypocritical to act like someone you're not. But
, isn't it the reason why we're doing that is because we want to be deserving fo
r that one person?
I swallowed my pride, I quit womanizing, I even lowered my ego. I took away some
thing that would define me as a wrong person to deserve a person like Tori. It's
not easy to take away your way of living, but it's for the better.
And at the end of the end of the day, I can conclude that, it's worth it.
Tori is worth it.
------- end of chapter 40 --------Sorry for the long wait and sorry if this is just one of the story fillers. I ju
st have to piece everything in place. Hope you still like it. :)
So what do you think of this chapter? What do you think about Zach's sudden real
ization, Chloe's thing and James' retorts? Share your thoughts! :)
Thanks a lot!
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<center><h1>Chapter 41 - Special</h1></center>
Thank you for being patient and for loving my story.
Continue to send those comments, banners and trailers. Thanks a lot! :))
I read all of your comments. And all of them are amazing! It's kinda few compare
d to previous chapters and I wish I had lots at this chap.

Thank you for promoting my story to your friends. I really do appreciate it a lo

Here's Chapter 41. ENJOY!
--------------------------Chapter 41 - Special
* Zach's POV *
It's been two weeks since my 'little talk' with Tori and I can say that everythi
ng is falling into place. To my surprise, we've had no misunderstandings. A few
arguments, yes. Well, my day will never be complete without a single bickering,
because every time I teased her, in the end I'm always rewarded by a kiss.
She's never the type of public display and she's still feeling embarrassed about
it. I really don't know how she can resist these fine lips of mine, should I as
k what's her secret? Coz I'm having a hard time holding back now that I tasted h
er lips!
I never would've thought this could happen to me.
'Zachary Anderson, begging for a kiss!'
If the old me could see me like this, he'd surely bury me six-feet under.
Every time I recall the type of person I was back then, I feel like I'm breathin
g more clearly now. Like a breath of fresh air. Yes, it was fun and I was free,
but it's nothing compared to this.
Days after the talk, I started hanging out with Tori more. I even shared the tab
le with them at the cafeteria during lunch. Everyone seemed surprise, including
Tori and her friends. Well, especially that bastard Nathan, the look on his face
is priceless!
If he thinks that I can easily let
ri? He's got another thing coming.
s to swim in his own dirt. I gotta
ot of will power to keep Tori away

go of his sudden declaration of 'love' for To

Who does that scumbag think he is? He deserve
give him a bit of credit though. I gained a l
from him.

James and River seems satisfied about this so-called turning point in life, they
even came-along in joining me to share lunch tables with Tori.
As much as I want to spend most of my time with Tori, it never really happened.
I pick her up at her apartment; eat lunch together but that's it. I can't believ
e it. She devotes most her time with Chloe, dealing with her 'boyfriend' issues.
Seriously, I thought they already talked this through? If the relationship isn'
t working anymore, just end it! Leave other people out of your problems!
'Yeah, right!' My subconscious lecturing me as usual.
I dismissed the idea and then started to deal with my mission for today, I press
ed the doorbell, and the door's opened by Tori herself.
"You're late. I'm kinda getting worried and..." She stopped at the middle of her
rant when she noticed that I'm not paying a single attention to whatever it is
she's saying. I continued to walk pass through her and looked around.

"What are you doing? Why aren't you wearing your uniform? Who are you looking fo
r?" Her questions keep on piling. And when I didn't spot her nagging nanny, I im
mediately grabbed her hand, pulled her closer to me and kissed her for about a s
econd or two. It was obvious that she's surprised and I just gave her my usual s
"What was..." I placed a finger to her lips to stop her from asking too much del
aying time.
"Later." I told her. "Now, have you already packed for our trip to Mexico?"
"Uh-m, Uh-m," She stuttered.
"Have you?" I asked again.
Now she turned pink and avoided my eyes before saying "No."
I chuckled. "Come on, I know you already finished packing since the day I told y
ou." I noted that she's now turning into a tomato.
"That's not..."
"Later." I cut her impending bark and started to pull her upstairs. "Now, let's
get your luggage."
"What are you talking about? Tomorrow is our flight, not today." She informed me
. Not that I know anything about that. I just ignored her and continued to walk
towards her room. And just as I thought, her stuff and bags were properly lined
up at the side. Not only that, but what really caught my attention is a colored
paper with a number that I assumed is tomorrow's date with the big lettering of
'MEXICO' with hearts all over the place that is attached to her small board.
By that I started to laugh. I even clutch my stomach from too much laughing. Ins
tantaneously, Tori grabbed the sheet of paper and hid it behind her back. She th
en dashed to my direction and hit my arms. "What?" I complained but still laughi
"It's not funny!" She said fuming. 'But it is to me.' I wanted to say it out lou
d but I refrained myself from doing so, fearing that this will not go according
to plan. So I gathered everything to stop myself from laughing.
"Looks like you're excited for our trip." I teased her as I wiggled my brows pla
"I-I'm not! It's just that I don't want last minute packing!" She defended.
"Well, that's good 'coz we're leaving." I walked to where her luggage sat and st
arted lifting it.
"W-Whoa! What are you doing? And what are you talking about?" I think I should e
xplain the situation first to her. I let go of the bags and faced her.
"We're leaving, now." Before I continue, she immediately cuts me off.
"Oh. Did something happen? Is there a problem with the reservations? Wait, I'll
call Chloe and the others..." And by that I instantly grabbed her phone.
Is she really this dense? "No, Tori, this is payback time."
By that, she crossed her arms and glared at me. "Would you mind explaining to me

what the hell you're saying?" Finally! The question I've been waiting for.
"First, this is all your fault. Who in the world told you to invite Chloe and fr
iends?" When I sensed that she's about to say something, I walked to where she s
tood then continued my ranting. "This trip is supposed to be just the two of us.
You and me."
Her mouth started to part in confusion. "You didn't tell me ab---"
I raised both my hands in surrender. "I don't have to tell you that it's suppose
d to be you and me and... what?" I asked as I heard her mumbled something.
"Why?" She repeated. It's still barely audible.
"What do you mean, why?"
"Why do you want this trip for just the both of us?"
"Well Victoria, you should be flattered that I invited you on a trip and even pl
anned for this. I've never done such... such... a thing, okay? But thanks to you
r generosity and 'density', we're spending it with a lot of people now. On the o
ther hand, I'm starting to be okay with it until you've been so dragged out and
distant. Lately, you've spent so much time with Chloe and... what are you doing?
I dead-track to my sentence the moment I felt Tori's hands placed on both my che
eks, smiling. What is she...
"Are you really Zachary?" She asked. For a second there, I was lost in that smil
e and I can't keep my eyes away from those teasing lips! Damn this girl! Such a
"Who do you think... No! That's not gonna work okay. Whatever it is or whatever
your alibi will be, you're coming with me. I already informed all your teachers
about your absence. This is the least you could do for spending too much time wi
th others. I told you I'm possessive and I don't want to be ignored and you've k
ept on ignoring me. Hate it even. So you leave me with no choice, I'm grabbing t
his opportunity to spend at least a day with you without the pestering of other
people and..."
I didn't realize that I'm talking non-stop with non-sense words. What's gotten i
nto me?
"Who told you I'm going to make an alibi? So that's the reason why you're not we
aring your uniform." She perked-up her right brow then gave me a sly smile. And
I furrowed my brows in confusion. "I wish I had a recorder and recorded what you
're saying. You're really funny, Zach."
"Now you're laughing at me. Why do I sense that our situation is somewhat revers
ed?" She just chuckled.
"You're cute Zach."
"I'm not cute." I pointed out. And this made her laugh out loud. What is wrong w
ith this girl? "When did you become so cocky?"
"You taught me to be cocky, Zach." And I can't stop looking at her and her lips.
The way she say my name is dangerously hot! This girl is unbelievable! This is
the reason why I'm becoming more and more protective of her!

"So are you coming with me or what?" I have to change the subject and divert my
thoughts from attacking her and kiss her, right here, right now!
"Persistent. What if..."
"If you don't come with me..." I trailed off and took a dangerous step towards h
er. I saw her gulp signifying my victory. I closed the distance between us and w
hispered to her ears in a low voice. "I'm going to kiss you senselessly until yo
u passed out. And by that I'm going to carry you out in a private plane. You wan
t that?" As I finished my sentence, I felt her stumble a little and I instantly
snaked my arms to her hips to support her. "Careful." I whispered slowly and she
pushed her way out of me creating a small distance.
There I saw her flaming red, from embarrassment I guess. "Guess you're not that
so cocky at all. So, are you coming or what?" I said with a victorious tone.

"Fine. I'm just going to change. Wait for me downstairs." She grumbled. And that
's my cue to retreat.

I'm impatiently waiting for Tori at the couch, and I really can't understand wha
t's taking her so long. How long does it take to change clothes? Not an hour I s
And by that I stood up and walked towards the staircase, but when I'm about to c
limb up to her room, I saw her emerge, stopping me in my tracks.
She's wearing a white dress just above her knee. No sleeves and exposing her nec
kline down to...there. I swear I'm awe-struck at that moment. Her hair is perfec
tly curled up. And by that, I completely forgot what it is I was complaining abo
"What are you wearing?" I asked her, a little annoyed. The 'protective boyfriend
' is emerging.
She looked at herself before replying. "A dress? I read something that the weath
er in Mexico is not that cold and..."
"Still." I cut her off. I unbutton my coat and drape it to her. She just replied
with a sly smile. Wait, is this some kind of a comeback? Did she expect that I'
m going to do that?!
I don't know what's gotten into me. I felt the need to protect her from the eyes
of others. This is so unlike me. When irritation started to creep in, she grabb
ed my hand and entwined it to hers, and that made me...pleased.
Honestly, what kind of supernatural power does this girl have? A simple gesture
is enough for me to act as if I'm some kind of a lost puppy yearning for its own
er. But damn it feels good.
Does she have any idea what she's doing to me? I bet not a single thing. I smile
d inwardly as I look at our hands. How long will this thing last? Will she hurt
me in the end? Why am I thinking such gushy things? It's not in her nature to hu
rt someone. She's pure and it's as if she never committed anything vile. It is m
e who's hurting her everyday, it's me who's the wicked one, and it takes a pure
person to change an evil person.

And that's the reason why we suited each other, I guess opposites do attract.
"Where to?" She finally asked and that made me out of the reverie. I led her to
the door and she was surprised to what she saw. "Boris!" She chirped excitedly.
"Ms. Peige. I'm here to take your luggage."
"Are you coming with us?" She asked excitedly.
"I'm afraid not. I'm just here to escort you to the airport where the private pl
ane is waiting." Boris stepped inside and headed towards the direction of the lu
"Private plane?" Tori looked at me, amused at the same time confused.
"How do you expect us to go to Mexico, Tori? The ticket is for tomorrow's flight
so we're using my plane." I told her proudly.
"Is that even allowed? I read that the resort we're staying in has it's own..."
"Not everything you read is true, Tori. What's the use of being influential if y
ou're not going to use it? And don't get the wrong idea, I just want this to be
special." I stared at her for about few seconds, I was about to lean forward and
close the distance if it weren't for some disturbance.
"Sir, shall we?"
What a perfect timing Boris! Damn it! Another perfect opportunity comes to waste
I glared at him and then we followed him to the elevator.
I turned to Tori and whispered. "Remind me to give Boris a talk once we got home
She just giggled at my gesture.
--I haven't realized that I slept for hours until an attendant woke me up.
"Mr. Anderson, we're here."
I looked at my window side and saw the crystal blue water of the Pacific Ocean a
nd the beautiful familiar mountains of rocks indicating that we're at Los Cabos,
my Mother's favorite place in the whole world.
I smiled to myself. Being here is like being with the most important woman in my
life, my Mom. It 's been years since I came back; this place holds a lot of mem
ories. This place is a constant reminder that she will never come back. But at t
he same time, this place is special.
She wanted to be here before she died but dad didn't want to because travelling
will just worsen her condition. So by that she made me promise her that someday,
I would bring here the most important person in my life. Someone I would share
new memories with.
My Mom really knows how to predict the future. She knew that I would be depresse
d when she'd be gone and that I would never come back to the place she cherished
the most. Truth be told, it was true.

At that time, I was convinced that I would never surpass that and never fulfill
her wish. It's too painful to be at the place where everything reminds you of th
e memories you shared with that important person. At the same time, it's hard to
be happy knowing that person is gone.
I dated a lot of girls and none of them did I consider special. I never even con
sidered bringing Chloe here.
'What changed my mind? What made me want to at least...try?'
I glanced at the person in front of me, sleeping soundly, but then she fluttered
her eyes open. She rubbed it first before asking, "Oh Zach, why are you looking
at me like that?" She asked lazily.
I can see that she's confused. I can't blame her. It's freaky waking up and ther
e's this guy smiling idiotically in front of you.
Yes, Tori, you are the reason. I look forward to sharing new memories with you.
I want to create happy thoughts and replace this sadness I'm feeling. I want to
face my fears with you, in this special place.
'Mom, I finally found her.'
"Welcome to Los Cabos, Mexico... Tori."
---- End of Chapter 41 ---Another filler chapter. There will be a lot of upcoming filler chapters. Please
bear with me, there's a reason behind that. :)
So, what do you think? Any guess on what will happen at the next chapter? Please
share your thoughts! I'll be happy to read all of them.
Thanks a lot! See you in a week!
<center><h1>Chapter 42 - Unspoken Words</h1></center>
FACEBOOK FANPAGE = Notjustarandomgirl
TWITTER = notarandomgirl
---------------------------------------------CHAPTER 42 - Unspoken Words
** TORI's POV **
I can't believe that Zach is capable of doing something like this. I never thoug
ht that he feels this way about me. All this time I thought that this is just a
one-way train but after this? I guess he likes me as well.
What happened to his feelings for Chloe? Did it really disappear? Is he really o
ver her? The way he is now, I can see that his feelings are genuine. And I can't
help but smile each time I think about it.
I don't regret inviting Chloe and Nathan to this vacation, I'm actually thrilled

, but the moment Zach told me that he just planned it out for the both of us, It
made me wish I didn't extend the invite.
What was I thinking?

The moment Zach stepped into my doorstep and up until now, I still can't shake t
he feeling that this is all a dream. Who would've thought he'd go out of his com
fort zone to plan ahead so that he could spend at least a day with me. This Zach
will just melt your heart out. Who would have thought that a playboy will turn
into a lover boy?

As I examined the place, I'm just awestruck. The place is magnificent! The view
is breath taking, the place is cozy and the weather is perfect.

"Enjoying the view?" Zach asked, coming from my behind.

"Very much..." I answered without hesitation.
"I have a lot of things planned for us. You wanna grab some food first?" I can s
ee that Zach is excited about this. That he had known this place all his life. I
, too, am excited to this adventure. It's really nice to be out of the city. I'm
looking forward to spending this vacation with Zach at this spectacular place.

"How about pool first?" I suggested. Then I saw him smirked making me feel worri
Please, I know that look! And I know what he's thinking. So without further ado,
I ran fast, but he instantly grabbed my waist.
"Come here! Pool it is!" Before I could protest, the next thing I know is we're
both submerged in the pool, soaking wet.
"You are unbelievable!" I shrieked. I swam around away from him but he just cont
inued to follow me. I'm very ecstatic. I never laughed my lungs out this hard!
We continued to play in the pool like a kid, he never did stop to chase me but t
his time around, he finally caught me. "Gotcha!" He declared. I was giggling and
I can feel his arms wrapped around me. He then let me face him.
We're looking at each other now. His left arm, still wrapped around my waist and
his other hand resting to my cheek. His eyes trailed off to the direction of my
Ever since our first kiss, I've wanted to kiss him more and more. Not a single d
ay goes by that I don't think about it. Well it's kinda normal, considering that
he is my boyfriend. But, I'm having a hard time overcoming this shyness I have.
Why is it that I'm easily embarrassed of small things?
I don't want to make the first move, what would Zach think of me? Being too push
forward and all? And I can't tell him that I want a kiss! That's way awkward! B
ut good thing I have my way of getting that kiss, being cocky seems to be one of
Zach's weaknesses.

"Took you long enough..."

"Oh shut up." And then he crashed his lips to mine. The kiss is divine as always
. Sweet, soft and gentle. I entwined my arms to his neck and he wrapped both his
arms to my waist drawing me closer to him.
"Ahem!" We broke the kiss the moment we heard someone clearing their throat.
We turned our direction to the one who interrupted us and my eyes widened at the
sight of 'them'.
"That was quite a show." Chloe grinned. And they're all staring at us, James, Na
than, Greg and River standing at the poolside. All of them with silly smiles on
their faces.
"What are you doing here?" Zach decided to speak up.
"You're not the only one who owns a private plane, Anderson." James bit out. I d
istance myself away from Zach and got out of the pool immediately. Chloe handed
me a robe and I wrapped it around me. I feel like wanting to disappear this very
"So... You seem in charge, huh? Pretty cute." Chloe whispered giggling making me
blush even more.
I grabbed her arms and dragged her away from the guys. "I'm sorry, everything ha
"Why are you apologizing?" Chloe laughed. "If I've known that you'll be doing...
that, I sho-"
"Charlotte Loise! I AM NOT---!" I cried out and hit her arms hard. This just mad
e her laugh out more. If Chloe is thinking about...that, what more are the other
s thinking? This is probably the reason why Zach wants us to be alone.
"Tell me the scoop. I'm your best friend! Tell me everything!" Chloe chirped exc
I rolled my eyes to this. "I don't need to tell you anything because nothing hap
"Yet." She said while wiggling her brows playfully.
"Stop that!" I scolded her. Chloe will never let this one go unless I turn this
thing around. "Wait, so you're with Greg. Are you two okay now?"
I saw her shrugged and then she turned to me. "We're trying. I mean, I'm trying.
He's doing everything to please me. I give him credit for that. But, I think he
's hiding something."
"A girl?"
"Not a girl. I hope not a girl. But, something else. He's talking to someone ove
r the phone and he keeps on assuring that person something. Whenever I ask him,
he keeps on telling me that it's his manager doubting his talent."
"Well, maybe it's about his talent. Modeling is not an easy job, Chloe. You of a
ll people should know that. I think you should be supportive of him. Cheer him o
n. Take this vacation as an opportunity to unwind and take your heads off the pr

There was a pause for a second then she turned to me and musters a weak smile. "
I hope you're right. I hope this vacation will help us."
I hugged her and patted her back. "You deserve to be happy, Chloe. I will do eve
rything for you to have a happy ever after."
This is the least I could do for her, funny how things turned out. I've been so
determined to help Chloe be happy, not knowing that I will find my happiness in
the process of helping my friend. Now, I think I should focus on what's my purpo
se here. I should make my best friend find happiness that she deserves. And this
vacation will help her and Greg to patch things up.
Chloe pulled back and then she said "But if you two need an alone time, just let
me know. I'll deal with the others."
Before I could protest, she already grabbed my hand and we ran where the guys ar
e. "Who's ready for lunch?" Chloe announced and everyone seemed pleased.
We all went inside the villa, to set aside our luggage and prepare. I'm sharing
a bed with Chloe, as for the others; I don't know their arrangements.
"So how did you know that we're already at Mexico? Or the biggest question here
is, how did you make Nathan, James and River come in one plane?" I asked as we s
tarted unpacking.
"Easy. Zach was nowhere to be found and so were you. We asked Sonia and you know
the rest. As for the guys, do they have a choice? I don't have a problem with N
athan, he's always the understanding and polite one. You should ask how I convin
ced James to use his plane on this trip and be part of it." I saw Chloe huffed a
nd rolled her eyes.
"You and James have issues?" Now I'm surprised. I can really sense that there's
a bigger picture here.
"That guy hates me. A lot." Chloe stated.
"You have any idea why?" I asked carefully. There was a pause, Chloe just kept s
ilent but then she started to change the subject.
"Not that I know of. Well I'm starving. Let's go outside. Maybe they're waiting
there." I'm not the pushy person type. Clearly, she's avoiding the subject. What
ever it is, I know there's a reason why Chloe's not telling me.
I still remember the time James talked bad things about Chloe. I ready don't und
erstand why, they were childhood friends and I don't know what happened in their
past. Nathan, Chloe, James and Zach. I wonder what happened back then.
I know about Zach's schemes that's why Nate and Chloe have the right to be mad a
t him. James is understandable considering he's Zach's best buddy. But what does
n't add up is James and Chloe? Do they have a history? I doubt it. James knew th
at Zach's in love with her. And knowing James, he will never cross that path. He
's way too loyal to Zach, that's why Zach is proud of him.
I decided to let it go. We're at a vacation, at the most beautiful resort I've e
ver been. Thinking about those things will just ruin everything. But, I still ho
pe that somehow, they will mend their broken friendship.
We decided to have our late lunch at the sushi bar. At first, it's kinda awkward

, just like what happened at the restaurant in the meatpacking district. Good th
ing River is here to lighten the mood, or not.
"So Nate. When are you going to get yourself a girlfriend?" River asked. And the
n I saw Zach and James chuckling. This is so not happening.
"Thanks for asking, River. I don't know. Maybe soon. I can see it coming." I gl
anced at Nathan and I saw him looking at me. I immediately avoid eye contact wit
h him. Talk about awkward.
I instantly felt Zach's hand to my shoulder, drawing me closer to him. "Oh reall
y buddy? Care to tell me who's the lucky girl?" I can feel Zach's every word dri
pping with venom.
"Buddy, you perfectly know her." Nathan grinned wickedly. I can feel the tension
coming. I can see sparks flying in Zach and Nathan's eyes. What the hell? Did N
athan tell him about what he said to me a few weeks back? Is Nathan talking abou
t me?
"We should set a bonfire later. That would be fun!" James interjected. I turned
to him and muttered a 'thanks' and he nodded in reply. I'm so glad that James is
here. He always knows how to remove the tension.
After lunch, some went to the beach and the others decided to sleep-in due to ex
haustion. I on the other hand, pulled out Zach and decided to give him a word.
"What are you up to? Why are you doing that to Nathan?" I asked in disbelief. Za
ch is being his usual self again, being stubborn.
"What? At least give me credit for talking to him."
"Grow up! Leave Nathan alone." I reprimanded him. This guy is unbelievable.
"I will if he leaves you alone." That made me stop. Does Zach know? How? Why? I'
m starting to panic. The last thing I want Zach to know is what Nathan said to m
e back then. It's just a recipe for disaster.
"No Zach. Leave him alone. He's not doing anything to me. And he will not do any
thing bad to me. We're just friends. Don't you trust me?"
"I don't trust him."
"Don't you trust me?" I repeated. This time I'm looking at him straight into his
eyes. He then closed his eyes, pinched the bridge of his nose before answering.
"I trust you."
His straight words made me feel relieved. At least I don't have to worry, for no
"Good. So let's enjoy this vacation." I smiled at him and to my surprise he repl
ied me with a kiss.
"I will as long as you're mine." Who said it's impossible to have butterflies in
your stomach? Well, I can say that there were millions of them swarming inside
my stomach! My heart is pumping hard that I could just pass out any minute!
This Zach is so dangerous to my health!

The sun had set before everyone decided to head towards The Grill to grab some d
inner. But I didn't come and decided to just stay by the shoreline sitting in th
e sand. Thinking of many things.
"Ditching dinner? Or Zach?" I turned to the owner of the voice.
"James." I greeted him excitedly. I haven't had the chance to talk to James in w
eeks. We talked but not the kind of talk unlike before. Chloe, Zach and most of
time Chloe are occupying my time. "Dinner and partly Zach and Nathan's unspoken
feud." We both chuckled at this.
"I apologize for that idiot's behavior he's just so... possessive." James declar
ed and I smiled at this. "You seem happy and... happy." He continued.
I turned to him and smiled. "Surprisingly,
he plan will turn out into something good.
ut to be the guy who'll make you happy." I
in myself from talking more. "I'm sounding
g me as usual."

yes. Who would have thought, right? T

The guy you hated so much will turn o
chuckled inwardly and tried to restra
too cheesy, James. I'm being my borin

"Don't mind me, please, continue your boring stories. What's the difference this
time around?" He convinced me.
"Fine. But, I really do appreciate all the things you're doing for us James, and
I'm sure Zach is too. You're really a good friend. I guess we're the same. We'l
l do everything for the happiness of our friend."
"Tch! Yeah, right! Tell that to him." James being his sarcastic self. It just ma
de me laugh. "It's nice seeing you two cats finally coming to this. Although the
action at the pool was-"
"James!" I cut him off and hit him hard. I totally forgot about that but James j
ust reminded me. This is embarrassing!
I heard him laugh loud, then he sat next to me. I could tell he was thinking abo
ut a lot of things as well. He was just staring at the horizon and then he conti
nued. "Can I ask you something, Tori?"
"Sure, anything..."
"What if Zach was not the guy you mentioned in the library?"
"And who would that be?"
"I don't know. Someone else?"
"Who would be in their right mind using Zachary Anderson's name and putting it i
n a name tag? Dyed their hair blonde and walk around the school?"
"I don't know. Wouldn't that be cool? Maybe some idiotic, stupid guy?"
"Well, first off, that guy has a lot of guts posing as Zach! Once he finds out,
God knows what he'll do to that person!" We both laughed.
"Are you talking about me?" I felt Zach's arms wrapped around my waist. And I ca
n't help smiling from ear-to-ear.
"Actually, we are. We're talking about how you might end up in jail." I told him

Much to my surprise, Zach didn't ask any more questions. He seems to be in a goo
d mood. "Mind if I steal my girlfriend?" He asked James. James salutes and bid h
is goodbyes.
The moment he's out of sight, I turned to Zach and asked. "Where are we going?"
"You'll see."
I followed him. He just dragged me and continued to walk. I wanted to ask him fo
r the tenth time but before I could do so, he decided to stop.
"Where are---" I stopped the moment I saw the surroundings. It's the most beauti
ful thing I've ever seen. The ocean view and the stars, it's complementing each
other. It's like there's a million stars swimming in the ocean. The moon in perf
ect shape, it's as if I can reach it. I'm speechless.
"Beautiful." He said. I looked at him and saw twinkle in his eyes. "This is my m
ost favorite place in the world. I wouldn't trade it for any riches the world wo
uld offer me."
"You have a fine taste for vacation spots, Zach."
"My mother, she loves this place. I've been afraid to come back here ever since
she died. But she made me promise. Someday, I'll bring a special person here."
I felt something cold around my neck. I realized that Zach placed something on i
t, a necklace. I touched it and saw a key pendant. It's delicately made and pers
onalized and not to mention, with the evidence of diamonds around it, I'm pretty
sure it's expensive. It's beautiful.
"You just opened the door for me, Tori. You gave me the will to come back here.
This place reminds me of precious memories that I know I'll never have again...
But with you, I know we're gonna have a lot more."
I'm lost for words. This feeling is unexplainable. I think I'm the happiest pers
on alive. This simple gesture of Zach is one of the many reasons why it's not so
hard to fall for him. He always made me feel special. He always treats me wonde
"I know we will, Zach."
There is only one thing to repay him. I looked at him, I touched his cheeks and
I pulled him into a kiss.
------END OF CHAPTER 42---------What do you think guys? Please comment and let me know what you think will happe
n next. :)
Please send your comments. I'm reading all of them. As well as your tweets.
See you all next week!
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<center><h1>Chapter 43 - Behind All Lies</h1></center>


Hello again my beloved readers. I would like to thank you for supporting my stor
y and for promoting it. I really appreciate it a lot.
I already have an ending in mind and that's a secret I will never ever tell. No
clue or what-so-ever, just stick around and you'll know it soon.
I would like to dedicate this chapter to:
Percabeth5599: Thanks for the amazing book cover! I love it!
JessicaGilbert1: Thank you for your comment and your words of encouragement. I r
eally appreciate it.
Thanks for all my commentators. I really enjoyed reading ALL your comments. Yes,
read all of them and they're my inspiration. Please continue sending me those f
unny, exciting, heart-warming comments. It means a lot to me. Thanks a bunch!
SPECIAL MENTION: Thank you for thinking that my story is unique and different fr
om others. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. :) Thanks for promoting my story to
your 'MUST READ' list. SelinaLoves26, osnapitzhanaa, shutupimhere
------------------------------CHAPTER 43 - Behind All Lies
** ZACH'S POV **
I never expected them to be here, are they thick? Can't they see the bigger pict
ure that I want this trip to be just for me and Tori? Can't they spare at least
a day?
James has a lot of explaining to do bringing them here and ruin my perfect vacat
The original plan may not be the way I imagined it to be. But this isn't so bad
at all.
I was able to have fun with Tori and to top it off; I was able to give her that
necklace. I've been thinking a lot lately, what would I give Tori as a token of
my appreciation for all the things she's done for me. I know that jewelry is not
her thing considering that she can also afford that kind of stuff. I guess the
effort will do the trick.
I had it personally designed for her. That key symbolizes the door to my happine
ss, this may sound awfully romantic but I can't help it. For now, all I can do i
s enjoy this vacation with her.
'The hell with the rest. As if I care for them especially Nathan.'
Nathan. That bastard really doesn't know where to place himself. He's really try
ing to provoke me. He's planning on ruining this vacation.
'Well, we wouldn't want that, would we?'
I tried my very best to avoid Nathan, as per Tori's wish of wanting a peaceful v
acation. And I'm gathering everything I have to prevent myself from losing it.

We're at the beach where the bonfire's set. And we're seated around the fire. I
don't know if it's just coincidence but he happened to sit across me. He's just
sitting there drinking his liquor all high and mighty.
"...and River's the most wicked of them all!" James finishes his story. I didn't
follow anything he was saying.
"Do you remember the time that you mistook me for someone else?" Tori shared her
"Oh yeah, that! Who would forget that? James and I thought that you're a differe
nt girl! Who would've thought right?" And then they all burst out laughing. So t
hey're talking about the party James threw.
"James even hit on you." I said to Tori while raising my glass and took a sip. A
ll of them laughed, except for one, Nathan.
"You hit on your bestfriend's girlfriend. That's something."
"For the record Nate, I didn't know that she was Zach's girlfriend. I didn't eve
n know her name." James retorted with a laugh.
"That's what make things more interesting, don't you think?" He responded. He's
grinning wickedly.
What the hell is his problem?
"I admit it was an honest mistake. He didn't have any idea what he was saying th
at time." Tori defended.
"Probably drunk." Chloe participated.
"I think he was. Right?" I answered and looked at James.
"In my defense, I wasn't. You know me, I don't drink if I can't handle." James c
ountered then he took a sip at his drink.
"He's right. He loses control when he's drunk." River said knowingly.
"You do things that is way beyond
the major hangover the next day,
ly. It earned a lot of laugh from
at James and James who's drinking

your imagination. And you blackout. Then comes

not remembering a single thing." I added proud
everyone, well expect for Chloe who's looking
everything that was left behind his glass.

"I-I have to look for Greg. I wonder what took him so long. I'll be right back."
Chloe excused herself and then she retreated. James is silent. Clearly thinking
about something.
The stories continued and I didn't pay any attention to it. I'm still curious a
bout James. After Chloe left, he's in his out-of-character silent state and then
after a minute, he's back to normal.
Am I missing something here or am I just being paranoid?
Whatever it is, I want to know. I need answers.
After an hour, Chloe still hasn't come back from looking for her boyfriend. I th
ink the searching goes beyond that. But much to my surprise, my phone beeped. It
's from Chloe.

'I need to talk to you. I'm at the Villa.'

I don't know if I have to go or not, but then my hunch is telling me that this i
s something. Well, maybe it has something to do with what happened an hour ago.
Maybe this is the perfect opportunity to get the answers I'm looking for.
Chloe and James, something's going on.
I leaned over Tori and whispered. "Hey, I'll go find Chloe. She texted me and sh
e wanted to talk about something."
"You want me to come with you?" She asked worriedly.
"Oh no, it's fine. Just stay here." I told her and she just smiled. That's my cu
e to retreat.
They continued their conversation but somehow, I'm very hesitant to leave. What
if Nathan does something?
"Hey, don't move ok? I'll tell you everything once I get back." I reminded Tori
with a wink. And she gave me that reassuring smile that made me trust her.
I dragged myself to the villa and looked for Chloe. I have to make this conversa
tion quick and I have to get the right answers. I went upstairs and searched for
her but no luck. And then I saw her sitting in the couch at the balcony... cryi
"Hey..." I greeted her the moment I reached her destination.
"You have to tell me the truth, Zach."
"What are you---"
"What do you get from ruining my relationships?" That made me stop. Petrified.
"How did-"
"Just tell me the truth! Why?" She shouted. I walked towards her and tried to ca
lm her down. How am I supposed to explain her everything? Is she ready for this?
Am I sure that we're talking about the same thing?
"Chloe. Stop. Just stop." I tried to calm her down but she just continued to cry
and looked at me angrily.
"I overheard Greg talking to someone on the phone. I thought it's his manager ag
ain. But it's not. It's someone else. It's... it's..."
"What? Is it a girl?"
"It would be easier if it was, but it's not! It's Kyle! It's freakin' Kyle! Don
't act as if you don't know him, Zach! You know who he is! You ruined him!"
Who would forget about that idiot! "Whatever I did to him, he deserved it."
"Why Zach? Why? Kyle is Greg's brother. Kyle Tyler and Greg Tyler. Why am I such
an idiot? Am I that easy?" Chloe cried out.
This is the reason why I'm preventing her from knowing all this. She's too sensi
tive about this. "You're not that kind of person, Chloe."

"Then what am I Zach? What? Tell me! Why are they doing this? Why are you doing
this! Why--- "
"I care for you, Chloe!" I guess I have to tell her everything. These might rui
n her but I hope she will see the better pictures in here. She then turned to me
, stunned. "Remember your first boyfriend?" I asked.
"Michael." She whispered, almost inaudibly.
"You described him as your knight in shining armor. You even imagined spending y
our whole life with him. Nathan and I weren't happy about that, but we supported
you because we're friends."
"Why are you saying this Zach?" She looked confused.
"We asked you why you were sad, probably he wasn't that into you but you denied
it. I tried to confront him but then I overheard him and his father talking."
I looked at her first before continuing. "It turns out that the boy is using you
for the benefit of his father."
"Don't be ridiculous." She furrowed.
"Being around you attracts a lot of attention, Chloe. He made you their stepping
stone to fame. A Loise is one of the very influential people in the fashion and
Hollywood industry."
She then glared at me. Her eyes widened at this news. "Please, I'm not that stup
"You're not. Whatever it is I'm saying, just be strong." I held her hands and I
can feel her shaking. I don't know if I can continue this. This is what I'm afra
id of. This is the reason why I kept it from her.
"Please Zach, tell me everything. I want to know everything." She pleaded. I sig
hed but then decided to go on.
"I threatened him. If he didn't leave you alone, I'd make sure that it would be
the end of his dad's career. You know what happened next."
She looked at me surprised. "Why didn't you tell me a thing? I despised you all
these years for Christ's sake!"
"I'm okay taking the blame than you knowing the truth! He was your first boyfrie
nd. Your fantasy over him is remarkable. How can you trust someone if your feeli
ngs are affecting your judgment? You'll just think that every single guy who'll
step into your life will be the same!"
I know I went a bit overboard protecting her. I mustered all the courage that da
y to tell her everything but I didn't want her to get hurt. I've been carrying t
his all my life and the burden is killing me. But this is the least thing I can
do for her. I can take the accusations and blame over things, I just want her to
be happy.
Back then; I was still thinking she'd come back to me. She'll realize it's me wh
o can love her. How childish. But it never happened. So I had to make a move. I'
ve been tracking all her boyfriends and I made a pact that once I found out that
he's not using her for her family name, I'm ready to give her up with that some
one, as long as she's happy.

As unexpected as it is, an opportunity came knocking into my door in the likenes

s of Victoria Peige. I used her to get to Chloe and the rest is history.
"Was it the same with everyone?" She hesitantly asked and I nodded in response.
"I'm sorry Chloe. I should have told you sooner. I just wanted to see you happy
with someone for accepting who you really are, not because you're a Loise."
I tried to smother her, to calm her down. She just continued to cry and all I ca
n do is to hug her. I don't have to know the story behind Greg. I perfectly know
what Kyle did to Chloe. He used her to be a model in Burberry. The moment I fou
nd out, I immediately cut him off. I even made sure that no agency accepted him.
I guess that's what Chloe meant that I ruined him.
"I wish
e I was
I have

there was a better way for you to have found out. But all I can do is ap
for what happened. It's just... I've been pre-occupied lately. Believe m
planning on telling it to you sooner but I've been busy. All of a sudden
a girlfriend and..."

"Wait..." Chloe suddenly spoke up. She looked at me a bit confused. "What did yo
u just say?"
"I said I was sorry."
"Not that." She cuts me off. "What happened all of a sudden?"
I stepped away from her and sat at one of the stools. I sighed before answering.
"Tori. She came unexpectedly. I've been totally focused on her. You of all peop
le understand right?"
"Does Tori know anything about this?"
I looked at her, confused. "Not that I know of. And I think not. It's just me an
d James who knows about it."
"Oh, no..." Chloe suddenly broke in.
"Huh? What's the matter?"
"Before she confessed to you, did you really think she liked you?"
"I guess not. She seemed mad at first but she explained that the reason she was
mad at me was because I never paid attention to her. She wanted to be my girlfri
end at that moment and look where that brought us." I smiled at her as I remembe
r the things Tori and I have right now.
Chloe remained silent for a while. She stood up, pacing back and forth muttering
"Will you stop acting weird and tell me what's wrong?" I worried at her strange
She looked at me. Her eyes are streaming with tears. "Why didn't I see it before
?" And then she retreated.
What was that all about?
What does Tori have to do with this?

And what the hell is going on?

------- END OF CHAPTER 43 -------It's short I know but I hope you still like it.
So, what do you think will happen next? Any guess?
What do you think of Zach now?

<center><h1>Chapter 44 - Revelations</h1></center>
Hello Readers! Sorry for the delay because I'm not feeling well. I have a fever
for 3 days now but then I decided to write new chapter for you so that I can ful
fill my promise.
Thanks for your never-ending support to my story. Thanks for the comments, I lov
e reading ALL of them. Please continue to send me your thoughts and suggestions,
it really is my inspiration in writing. And also thanks to all who sent me book
SPECIAL MENTIONS: Mildsummer, FixedGlare, themachines, Madcass, kaeous, Van_Star
, aksaislam1, NimrahKhan, addicted2fiction, MissAbiRoss, Cynthis_Morgan, dreamer
sarecreative, hardcorebookworm, NikitaGray, RidhmiS, smilingalways1.
Thank you grecilar for creating a fan page for Must Date The Playboy! Link: http
CHAPTER DEDICATION: This Chapter is dedicated to the creator of my book cover, P
CAST: Zach - Alex Pettyfer, Tori - Nina Dobrev, Chloe - Blake Lively, James - Ch
ace Crawford, Nathan - Nathaniel Buzolic.
Here's chapter 44. Please VOTE, COMMENT, FOLLOW and TWEET (notarandomgirl)
PLEASE PLAY "The Scientist" by Coldplay as you read this chapter. Thanks. http:/
--------------------------CHAPTER 44 - Revelations
** TORI's POV **
"And then the chick at the bar literally jumped me!" River boasted tipsily.
"I think that's enough for tonight..." Nathan reprimanded River from drinking an
other glass of alcohol.

"Man, I miss the days when you were still part of our little group." River laugh
ed out and making James stands.
"Okay, I think it's really bedtime for you kiddo." James and River walked out. R
iver is still ranting about their past and how they're happy back then until the
y're out of our earshot.
I realized that it's only Nathan and me alone at the bonfire. It's silent and...
awkward. I'm looking away, trying to avoid his stare. I can feel his eyes just s
taring at me. Then I saw from my peripheral vision that he's walking towards my
direction. He sat next to me and that's when he broke the ice.
"Planning on ignoring me the whole trip?"
"I'm not ignoring you, Nate." I tried to laugh but it turned out strained.
"Tori..." He called me. I can feel the pain in his voice making me look at him.
"Fine. I'll leave." He said almost inaudible.
I immediately grabbed his arms the moment he stood up. "Nate, no please."
"Tori. It's pretty obvious that you don't want me here. I'll just stay out of yo
ur sight as long as we're here." And then he retreated. For some reason, I follo
wed him.
"Nathan. I'm sorry. I- I just don't want to cause any conflict."
"With Zach?" That made me silent. It's not that Zach told me to keep my distance
. I just don't want complications now that everything's going so well for us.
"Tori..." He moved closer to me. Eyes locked on. "I care for you, a lot. If you'
re worried that I might cause trouble between the two of you, I promise I'll nev
er do such a thing. Your happiness is more important to me."
Why is the world doing this to me? What did I ever do to have this caring and sw
eet guy in front of me? Nathan is very important to me. I don't want to elaborat
e on things, I don't want to conclude something and interpret this gesture as so
mething else. I want to think and believe that he's doing all this because I am
an important friend.
"I'm sorry if I've been ignoring you. You're..."
"And honestly, it pains me, a lot. You not talking to me, it's as if you don't k
now me at all. You've been so distant..."
I didn't let him finish, I just hugged him. I've been hurting the guy who's been
protecting me all those times.
"I'm sorry. I don't know what I'm doing."
"Please don't do that again." He whispered. I let go of him and I looked at him
"I won't. I promise."
We continued to talk as we strolled along the beach. I miss hanging out with Nat
han. The excitement and joy I feel whenever I'm with him.
But this time it's more of a friendly gesture, yes; it's not the same as before.

No more butterflies in the stomach, warmth-on-the-cheeks kind of thing. This ti

me it's purely a girl and boy hanging out as friends.
"Last year, the first time we rode the bus together, remember the girls who's of
fering their seats for you in exchange for your number?"
"It was freaking embarrassing! The old people in the bus were looking at me, wai
ting if I'd take the offer."
"That was so hilarious. After that, we never rode a bus. I wonder what's keeping
you from giving them your number, you're not gay right?" And that made us both
"I'm not. But on serious note, I'm not interested in other girls. I already set
my eyes on one girl." His last sentence turned out to be a serious one. That mad
e me stop and think, that one girl is Chloe.
'Is it?'
"Tori." I heard someone called me out and when I look back, I saw Chloe standing
a few meters away from us.
I walked closer to her direction and I can see the pained expression written all
over her face. "Hey, what happened?"
And then tears started to fall down her eyes. "Greg and I broke up."
"What? How? Why?" It's not what I think it is, right? Zach better had nothing to
do with this.
"Why does this always happen to me?" Chloe just continued to cry. And all I can
do is debate with myself whether Zach has something to do with this.
"I overheard Greg talking to someone over the phone. It's Kyle 'freakin' Tyler!
They're brothers! He wanted me to fall for him and leave me to get even!"
"What? Why would he do that?"
"Zach ruined Kyle, big time."
"That bastard!" Nathan burst out angrily.
"It's not what you think. Zach made sure he'd end Kyle's career because he was j
ust using me. He protected me. Greg was taking revenge for his brother."
It made us silent. I didn't know Zach was doing this for Chloe's sake. He's real
ly looking out for Chloe. He does care a lot for her. All this time I thought he
's selfish and manipulative, but he's not.
"At least he somehow saved you." I hugged Chloe and smothered her back.
"And you knew about this." Her words froze me.
I let go and looked at her, confused. "What are you---"
"I confronted Zach. He had no intention of telling me anything. He went behind m
y back doing background checks on my boyfriends. Yet, when Greg came into my lif
e, he never bothered since by some weird coincidence, he had a... girlfriend." S
he looked at me sternly as she finished her sentence.

My heart literally stopped at that moment. I'm out of words. I'm looking at her,
and she's giving me the look that's saying that she knows something, something
that it's me who needs to say it out-loud.
"Wha-what ar---"
"Did you know anything about this? That Zach was behind all of these shenanigans
I really don't know what to say. But then Nathan interjected. "She has nothing t
o do with it Chloe. I told her not to tell you. It's me who discovered it. I kne
w that Zach's behind all this the moment I bumped into Jeremy. I told her that I
'll get to the bottom of this but, I didn't have the time to do so because all o
f a sudden..."
And Nathan stopped his sentence as if he realized something. I can feel that he
is now looking at me. I looked at him and I can see that his brows were frowned.
"...all of a sudden, Tori had a... boyfriend." He finished, disbelief evident i
n his tone.
I was just silent the whole time. Suddenly it felt like it's hard to breath. Thi
s can't be happening.
'Not here, not now, please.'
I have to deny it. They don't have any basis. I've come this far, and I can say
a lot of things that will make them believe that I like Zach! That I'm in love w
ith him! Because this time, it is real!
"What are you two talking about? Of course I like---"
"You hated him. You loathe him. He's nothing close to your type. Then all of a s
udden you confessed to him." Chloe said in determination.
"Correct me if I'm wrong but that happened the next day I told you that Zach nee
ded a decent girlfriend. Why didn't I see it before!" Nathan cursed the moment h
e had the realization.
"Did you? Did you date Zach for the sake of protecting me?" Chloe's face softene
d. Her expression's begging me to tell her the whole truth. I don't know if I ha
ve to, that was something I did in the past. It's all different now. "Tori... Pl
ease..." She begged.
"Chloe, I--- I just---"
"Did you?" The question made my heart stop. It's because of the known owner of t
he voice. I turned to my left and saw Zach emerge from the darkness. His eyes we
re telling that he's angry and confused.
"Answer the damn question, Tori!" He shouted furiously and I jumped in surprised
. Nathan stepped in the middle and tried to distance Zach away from me.
"Don't you dare yell her!"
"Step out of the way, Hemmington! This has nothing to do with you." Zach's words
were dripping with disdain. I'm afraid that he might get the wrong idea, I'm af
raid that if I tell him, he won't believe the rest.

"Zach, it's not---"

"Just answer her!" He bawled wrathfully. It made me tense. I can feel the blurri
ness in my eyes then tears started to fall down my eyes.
I looked at him, afraid that he'll end everything once I confess. I'm cornered,
I left with no choice.
"Yes, I did."
My eyes never left his. He's looking at me with a painful expression that's pain
fully crushing my heart. I want to come to him, to hug him, to assure him that e
verything's in the past now, but there's something about his stance that's telli
ng me not to do so.
Everyone's silent; the evident music of nightlife in the resort suddenly muted.
He shrugged Nathan's hands away from him.
He just turned his back on us and then retreated.
I ran to his direction, like I always do, chasing after him. "Zach ple-"
"Are you happy now?!" He bit out heatedly. I can see his eyes glinting in frustr
"No Zach, please just hear me out. Please I ne---"
"Spare me the lectures, Tori. Not a single word can change the way I think about
you now."
His words somehow didn't sound right. It made me feel furious. "That's it Zach?
A single mistake and you won't even bother listening to my explanation?"
"Does it matter? Will that explanation change the fact that you lied to me? You
played with my emotions, Peige! You of all people know I hate liars!"
"That's why I'm asking you to hear me out! Zach, I never meant for this to happe
n. All this time I thought you're trying to control Chloe's life---"
"That's the problem there, Tori!
ou didn't even bother knowing me
to be your boyfriend! You hated
iked me? I'm pretty pathetic and

You conclude things so easily! You judged me! Y

first! Oh, yes. I'm fucking stupid for agreeing
me since day one and then all of a sudden you l
conceited thinking that everyone likes me!"

He walked closer to me then he continued. "I didn't even suspect you. I easily g
ave in to you! I believed in you. But you just lied to my face! You made me beli
eve that there could be someone who'll like me as me, as messed up as I am!"
I don't have a say to this. My mouth is shut all throughout. I'm crying and in p
ain. How can I do such thing? Who am I kidding? Who would have thought that this
simple lie would turn out like this?
I heard Zach heaved a long sigh. His voice is shaky, as if he's suppressing some
thing. He now calmed down, his voice suddenly softened, but this time it's more
throbbing than before.
"I really thought you liked me. You being caring and concerned, now I know there
's a reason behind that. You toyed with my emotions. You had my full attention,
my dedication to only one girl. I bet you're happy now seeing me like this."

He stepped back and looked at me. This time I saw a tear fall down his eye. "Con
gratulations, Victoria Peige. You just made this stupid, idiot playboy... fall i
n love with you."
I'm glued to where I'm standing. My tears never ending. I don't know what to do.
I officially ruined this vacation. My body feels like it's being stabbed by mi
llions of knives. I felt despair.
I watched Zach's back retreating, I watched him walked away, I watched him stepout of my life. His tears are evidence that I'm a cruel person. He loves me, an
d it's painful hearing those words.
But the most painful of them all is that I never had the chance to tell him how
I feel.
'I love you so much, Zachary Anderson.'
--- END OF CHAPTER 44 --So? What do you think about this chapter? Please share your thoughts.
Can do you think will happen next? Any wild guess? :))
<center><h1>Chapter 45 - Consequences</h1></center>
FAVOR: Please don't complain about the chapters being short. There are reasons a
s to why it is left hanging. Thank you very much!
CHAPTER DEDICATION: This chapter is dedicated to the creator of this book traile
r. Elea Yulo. THANKS A BUNCH!
SPECIAL MENTIONS: nuspets06, addicted2fiction, CharisseFayeAlaras, Wildsafran, F
lorFangirl1D, blackchillz, diecinueve, JBiebzOneLove, BoOSsy_Freak, FreedomButte
rfly, dsassy77, TriciaCamilleAguirre, jehanne_lance, SelinaLoves26, MickeyVitzz_
13, Mildsummer, chicksread, JayianaConrad, crazynaddy, athaiba, ExtraordinaryTee
n, ilovecarotts, HeartFollower, Lexar_, Adifferentperson, haynay_01
--------------------------CHAPTER 45 - Consequences
** TORI's POV **
"What happened?" James rushed to me the moment I set foot at the Villa.
An hour has passed since I left the shore looking for Zach together with Chloe a
nd Nathan.
I wanted to settle things with Zach, to chase after him. If I have to do it over

and over again, I would as long as he hears me out. Chloe and Nathan of course,
didn't want me to go. They claim they know Zach a lot that it would be best if
I left him alone.
Whatever I do, there's this force always pulling me next to him. Every time I cl
ose my eyes, all I can see is his face. His eyes were telling me that I'm a terr
ible person.
"Where's Zach?" I finally queried while scanning the room looking for hints of h
im. I kept on walking from door to door. James kept on saying something that I b
arely understood.
James grabbed my hand. "Hey! Hey... Calm down. What happened? Why did he leave?"
"He came back hour ago, furious. He kept on knocking things over. I heard him ta
lking to someone over the phone saying something about the 'plane' and 'back to
New York'." James explained making me sit down in a nearby sofa.
This can't be happening. This life is totally unfair! Why is it that when you're
at your highest of happiness, there will always be a force to pull you back dow
n to where you really belong, back to reality.
Reality sucks!
"Did Nathan do something wrong, again?" James shot daggers at Nathan's direction
and the two started to heat up. "I knew I shouldn't have left you alone with To
"Stop it. He has nothing to do with this." Chloe interjected just in time before
James brawled towards Nathan.
"And let me guess. You're part of this too. Well, I should have known, Chloe, yo
"James. Stop." I stood up and stopped whatever trouble they were about to engage
in. Chloe's still furious at James' accusations.
"Yes James, stop. I know that I owe Zach an apology for judging him. And yes, I
already know everything. I know that Zach's just protecting me! Why are you alwa
ys blaming me? I appreciate what he did but you shouldn't have hidden this from
me!" Chloe said.
"I'm sorry Chloe, I never meant to hide this from you." I walked towards Chloe's
direction and hugged her. She hugged me back.
I feel guilty for what I did to Chloe, for hiding it from her. I may not know ho
w it feels to be used but seeing her burst out like this, I wonder what Zach's f
eeling right now. I used him and lied to him for what? For trying to protect the
girl he love and cares for? I don't know Zach's intentions back then, but one t
hing I know is, he's not a bad person.
"So, what now? You know Zach's intention is to 'protect' you from those people b
ut that doesn't explain why he left." James looked at Nathan and continued. "...
And we're back to you again. What did you do?"
"James! I told you he has nothing to do with it!" I voiced out. I faced James he
looked confused at the moment. "Zach knows I used him. My intention why I dated
him in the first place." I felt ashamed as I confessed this in front of everyon

e. It feels like I'm admitting that everything is nothing but a lie.

I kept on remembering what happened at the beach. I kept picturing Zach's face.
The thought of him leaving, I can't bear it. It's too painful. I knew somehow it
would end up like this. Eventually I'd have to tell him the truth. But not like
this. How things started out, how his words stabbed me a million times.
"I didn't even suspect you. I easily gave in to you! I believed in you. But you
just lied to my face! You made me believe that there could be someone who'll lik
e me as me, as messed up as I am!"
His words kept on taunting me. Why did I ever do that to him? Why did I judge so
meone like him? The real Zach is very different from the guy that I'm very deter
mined to date. And the real 'him' made me fall deeper in love. The more I love h
im, the more it hurts because I can never undo this. I lied and used him, he hat
es it, and he hates me.
"Did you tell him that was only before?" He worried. I shook my head sideways in
dicating a no.
"James knew?" Chloe looked perplexed. I forgot that they're all here.
"I didn't tell him anything, he just discovered it and confronted me." I profess
I saw Nathan walked towards my direction. He held my hand and made me look at hi
m. "I asked you a lot of times about this. But you never told me anything. Why?"
I can see in Nathan's eyes that he felt betrayed.
"I didn't intend to tell anyone, Nate."
"You're just not someone she can trust, Nathan." James butted.
"And you are? You knew that Tori's just using Zach and you are Zach's loyal serv
ant. Why didn't you tell him a thing? Waiting for this opportunity to come and w
hat, take advantage of this?" I can see that Nathan's words are vicious and full
of spite.
"Hey." I called out Nathan and James, softly. I don't want to involve them in an
y other way. This is my problem so I have to fix it by myself.
"Please. I've caused a lot of trouble in one night. No one's to blame but me. Ch
loe, I'm so sorry if we didn't tell you about this. Nathan's just protecting you
. I'm so sorry."
I looked at her with pleading eyes. I don't want Chloe to be mad at me. I lost s
omeone very important to me, and the last thing I want right know is losing Chlo
e as well. I don't want to lose my best friend.
Her eyes softened and then she grabbed my hands. "I'm not angry or mad. I'm just
hurt, okay? Tori, I appreciate what you did to me. You've come this far just to
protect me. You're such a great friend. I should have seen what you were doing.
I smiled at this, and she did as well. We have an understanding. At least I some
how mended things with Chloe.
"James. Is there any possible way that we can go home now?" I can see that James
was surprised at my inquiry.

"Now is not possible, but I can guarantee first thing in the morning we'll leave
." James assured me. I don't know if I still have the patience to wait for the m
orning to come. I want to talk to Zach. I want to explain everything, now.
"Why are you so eager to leave?" Nathan asked.
"I have to talk to Zach. I owe him an explanation." I answered him. I can see th
at everyone is looking at me now. I don't want to elaborate on things. I don't w
ant to tell them that the reason I want to see him right away is aside from the
fact that I don't want him to despise me; I also don't want to lose him.
And the real main purpose is, I touched my neck and grasped the key pendant that
he gave me hours ago; I want to tell him that I love him.
--James is true to his words; we left Mexico first thing in the morning. I haven't
gotten any sleep at all. It's like I've wanted the clock to turn right away. Wh
at should I tell him once I got step into his doorstep?
Think positive. Zach will understand you. Do everything to earn his trust again.
Give it your best shot so that you'll have no regrets in the end.
As I looked outside, I still remember the first day where-in Zach brought me her
e. I woke up and he welcomed me with a smile. As I remembered it, it just made m
y heart ache.
Only hours had passed but it feels like days and we landed in New York. I instan
tly bid my goodbyes to Chloe and the rest. River is still clueless as so why we
left so early, no one dared to fill him with what really transpired last night.
James just told him that Zach got an emergency that's why we needed to go home.
I went straight to Zach's apartment. I've been staring at his doorstep not knowi
ng what to do. What should I say? Suddenly it's very hard to breathe, my heart i
s pumping hard. The adrenaline is killing me. But then I decided to swallow ever
ything. I can do this; I have to get Zach back.
I ringed the bell and Boris greeted me. "Ms. Peige." He said as if not surprised
as to why I'm here. Is he expecting me? Can I take this as a good sign?
"Boris, is Zach here?"
And then there's a pause. I can see in Boris' stance that he's hesitant of somet
hing. "I'm afraid he's not here Ms. Peige." He finally said in conviction.
With that statement, my world suddenly crumbled down. The expectation of Zach li
stening to me, arguments at first and then amendments in the end, it burst in fr
ont of me. Is it wrong to hope that this is just one of our usual fights and the
n we'll be happy in the end?
The tears were trying to escape again. I tried to be tough in front of Boris and
did my very best to refrain the tears from falling. "He's there, right? He just
told you that he's not. He expected me to come." I whispered.
Boris just nodded, as if afraid that if he said a thing, his life would be at st
ake. I wanted to insist on coming in, bursting inside and knock some sense in Za
ch's brain but I decided to give up. I already involved a lot of people in my li
e and I don't want another innocent person like Boris to suffer. "Just tell him
I'm very sorry. And I'll wait until he's ready to hear me out. Thank a lot Boris

"I will tell that right away when he comes back." Boris said it out loud. As if
he wanted someone inside to hear it. Then he handed me something, a piece of pap
er? I grabbed it and bid my goodbye.
I opened the paper that Boris gave me the moment I stepped inside the elevator.
And it made my heart stop and tears began to fall as I read it.
'I'm expecting you to come here, Ms. Peige. The Moment Mr. Zach came home, he wa
sn't his usual self. He's been so irritated and he drunk almost everything in hi
s bar. I don't know what happened. I wanted to contact you but he told me that o
nce you stepped foot at this apartment, I have to tell you that you have to 'ste
p out of his life and leave him alone' of course I would never dare to say that.
Whatever it is, I hope everything will be sorted out soon. My deepest apologies
for lying to you, Ms. Peige. -B
--As I arrived at my own apartment, I still kept on reading the note that Boris ga
ve me. What really strikes me is what Zach said, he wants me to step out of his
life and leave him alone. Did he really mean it or was he drunk?
I don't know what to do anymore. I want to see him. I have to talk to him. But t
hen I want to trust my instinct. I grabbed my phone and dialed his number.
I've been trying to contact him for hours now and all I can hear is his voice ma
"Hey Zach. Please pick-up. We need to talk. It's not what you think, please."
I tried my very best to sleep into this. Maybe what he really need is to clear o
ut his mind first. I have to give him space. I have to give him time to think.
I closed my eyes and hoped that sleep will sink in so that I can forget what hap
pened even just a few hours.
I opened my eyes and I immediately looked at my phone hoping for a message or a
missed call from Zach. There were messages from Chloe, Nathan and James but none
from him. As I looked at the time, I can see that I only slept in for a couple
of hours.
--It's Monday and it's still a mystery
up being here at school. Zach hasn't
't bother sending me one. I tried to
caught me up so I just decided to go

to me how I survived the weekend and ended

contacted me even a single message, he didn
wait for him at the courtyard but the bell
to class instead.

Now I'm sitting at the cafeteria with Nathan at my side and Chloe in front of me
, for some lunch but I'm here hoping to see Zach. He's still not here and in his
usual lunch table. River is with a girl and James is looking at me worriedly.
'Where's Zach?'
A message came from James. So he didn't contact James too? Where did Zach go?
I looked at James and mouthed 'I don't know.' He nods in understanding.
"Have you talked to Zach?" I heard Chloe asked. That made me look away from Jame
s and turned to her direction.

"He's not answering my calls." I informed her. Sadness is evident in my tone.

"Look, Tori, if he doesn't want to listen to you and your reasoning, just let it
go. You tried your best, don't let yourself suffer." Nathan is giving me his us
ual concerned expression.
"We're here for you. After what you've been through and what you did
l be here for you okay? But if you still want to explain everything,
im some time. Zach is the type of person who's not thinking straight
ngry or furious. He'll come to his senses sooner or later. Just give
nd eat."

for me, I'l

just give h
when he's a
it a rest a

Chloe tried to enlighten the mood. There is something about what Chloe said that
assured me everything's gonna be okay.
Chloe knows Zach better than I do. She's right, all he needs is time. I opened m
y supposed to be lunch and I started to laugh again at Chloe's funny story about
how he dumped Greg. I even laughed harder the moment Nathan let out his sardoni
c remarks about Greg.
Just when lunch is about to end, I saw Chloe tense up. She's looking at somethin
g behind me. I furrowed my eyebrows, as I was about to look back I felt Nathan's
hand grip mine as if preventing me to look back.
When I was about to ask what it was all about, I saw a very familiar blonde walk
ing past me, Chloe following him with her eyes. I looked up and saw him, but wit
h a very familiar girl at his side.
All of a sudden it felt like it's hard to breathe. My eyes never leaving them, s
hock is palpable in my feature. The blonde's hand is wrapped around the shoulder
of the familiar girl. They're laughing; everyone's eyes were alternating on the
m and me.
'This is just a dream. Please, someone, wake me up.'
Then they stopped at James' table. James is outraged as he saw the blonde. James
then turned to me, maybe to see my reaction?
I watched them, my eyes never leaving them. When they finally settled down. I ca
n't stop the tears from forming again. It's him.
Zach seated, facing my direction, with no other than Samantha who is clinging un
to him like her life is depending on him. Zach never took his hand away from Sam
antha's shoulder. He's looking at me and smiling. He's mocking me!
I can feel Nathan's hand still gripping mine, assuring me or preventing me to do
I wanted to stand up, rushed to where he seated and slap him. But then what's th
e point? I lost him! He hates me that's why he's doing this.
It hurts a lot! Seeing the guy you love with someone else, to top it all, with t
he person you hate the most.
'You're not the only one hurting here, it hurts more than what you think it is a
nd I can't bear it anymore!'
I stood up, my eyes not leaving his. I don't want to cry in front of him but it'
s too late, tears started to fall down.

I can feel that Nathan stood up as well. I then turned to him. "Hey. I have to g
o. I forgot to do something." When I can sense that Nathan is about to protest,
I immediately left, but before I do so, I took one last glance at Zach's directi
on. I gave him a weak smile and then I retreated.
I shouldn't blame him on this. I did this. Somehow, I'm responsible as to why I'
m hurting right now. I hurt him. The pain I'm feeling right now is the product o
f a simple lie, that's why I'll have to face the consequences. I deserve this.
I hope that somehow this revenge of his will lessen the hatred that he's feeling
for me.
Maybe Nathan's right, I have to be fair to myself and not let myself to suffer a
ny further.
Love? I guess it's all about pain. I've been happy before all this.
Falling in love only gave me weeks of happiness but in exchange, it will give me
a lot of heartaches.
I'm so overwhelmed with a lot of comments I received from the last chapter. I re
ally appreciate it and I'm so so happy and inspired.
I know that I made you all cried, sad and angry at the same time. Trust me, it's
painful for me to write that chapter. But it's bound to happen. Stay tune and r
eady yourself to the next chapters ahead. :)
See you next week! :)
<center><h1>Chapter 46 - Lies And Schemes</h1></center>
CHAPTER 46 - Lies And Schemes
** ZACH's POV **
She stood up and said something to Nathan. What are they talking about? I saw a
glint of tears in her eyes. She looked at me, mustered a weak smile and then she
That expression made this heavy feeling in my heart like it's being crushed. Did
I go overboard? No, I have to remind myself that she lied, broke, manipulated a
nd toyed me!
"Show's over Samantha. Let go of me now." I shrugged Samantha's arms away from m
e. What the heck am I thinking? Bringing her here? If I haven't run across her t
hrough the hall, I'd be walking inside the cafeteria alone.
I looked at their table and I noticed that Nathan's not there anymore. That idio
t's taking advantage of the situation. I scanned the room and James disappeared.
I'm a total mess. Who would have thought that there would be a time that I'd be
the one being played.

Never in my life have I've been hurt like this. I'm angry, furious and mad at ev
erything! Why does it have to be Victoria Peige?
I shouldn't have followed Chloe. I shouldn't have listened to their conversation
. I should have known better!
You messed me up big time, Peige. But no matter what I do, I just can't hate you
The moment I saw her, I tensed up, I wanted to come to her, to hear her explanat
ion, to hope that she did like me despite everything.
The way she smiles at me and the kisses we shared, was it all nothing to her? A
lie? This is making me crazy! It freakin' hurts!
I wanted to forget her, despite all the things I did to neglect her, I still can
't convince myself. Every time I wake up, I still think about Tori.
I'm hesitant of coming here today but for some reason I wanted to see her. I wan
t her to come to me and explain everything!
I stood up. I have to find James. He's been with her and I know she's confiding
her feelings to him. Maybe he has an idea of what's going on.
I walked across the halls looking for any sign of him. I continued to search and
then I felt someone grabbed my arm and shoved me across the wall of an empty ro
"What the fuck are you doing!" James is fuming.
I tried to push him away but he thrust me harder against the wall. "What the hel
l is wrong with you!" I queried aguishly.
"You perfectly know what I'm talking about, Zach!"
This time I pushed him hard enough to distance himself away from me. "You don't
know what you're talking about, James. You don't have any idea how I feel right
"And what? Rub it in Tori's face that you got a new replacement for her? Grow up
Zach! Yes she played you, used you, but did you even ask why? You selfish prick
! I thought you trusted her, you should have at least gave her a chance to expla
in everything!" I've never seen him this furious ever.
"Easy for you to say, Gregory. Try being in my shoes. How can you trust a relati
onship when everything started as a lie? She toyed with my emotions, used me to
her own gain!" I said scornfully. Then he let out an insolent laugh.
"Yeah right. Coming from the guy who---"
"What? Used her too? Yes, I used her to get close to Chloe again. But at least I
didn't have to pretend that I like her so that she can be my girlfriend!"
"You bastard!" I looked back to see who cursed me. As I turned to that direction
, I saw Nathan dashing to my direction. His fist immediately caught up to my fac
e and I landed on the floor.
When he was about to pummel me, James held his arms and reprimanded him. "Hey! N
ate stop!"

"You ass! You dare do this to Tori when you also used her for your own good!" Na
than spitted out angrily. He's trying to escape from James' grip but can't. "Sod
off James, let me go! This bastard needs his head rattled!"
"Don't talk as if you know the whole story, Hemmington. Hold him, James. I'll sh
ow you a real punch!" I tried to charge towards his direction but James interfer
"Fuck off!" James yelled. I can see that he's trying his best to distance me and
Nathan away from each other. "I said fuck off!" James repeated but we just cont
inued to surge to each other's direction.
"Stop it!" And with that voice, it made us stop and turn our attention towards t
he door where Tori stood. "Zach! Are you--" She immediately went towards my dire
ction; her expression full of concern. But then Nathan instantaneously grabbed h
er arm preventing her from coming near me.
"Don't go anywhere near that lying, bastard!" Nathan scorned.
"Nate. What are you talking about?" Tori asked confused. "Can someone tell me wh
at's going on?"
"Would do the honor of explaining us what the hell is going on, Anderson?" He as
ked sarcastically.
I looked at Tori, clearly puzzled at what's happening. Ironically speaking I don
't have any intentions of saying this to her, I completely forgot about this stu
pid plan the moment I fell for her. Nathan is just finding a way to make me look
bad in front of Tori.
The situation's somehow reversed! We're talking about how she played with me and
used me and now I'm about to confess that I used her as well. We were just usin
g each other!
"Zach. I'm so sorry. Please hear me out. I don't have---"
"Tori. Why are you apologizing to that jerk! He's not worth ever-"
"Nathan. Stop. What are you talking about. I did something so-"
"Stop it Tori! I overheard him saying that he agreed to be your boyfriend so tha
t he could be close to Chloe again! He used you!" Nathan dropped the bomb.
I saw Tori froze up. It held a lot of meaning to it. I can't even think of anyth
ing to deny it because that's the truth. I'm speechless! I watched her every mov
e. She now turned to me. Her lips parted and closed, a sign that she is hesitant
about something. She shook her head sideways and closed her eyes. When she open
ed them, she immediately looked at me. "Did you?" She asked disbelievingly. I di
dn't answer. I was silent the whole time.
She walked closer to my direction. "Did you?" She repeated her voice is strained
"That's--- that's..."
"Answer me, Zach!" She shouted.
"I did. But in my defense I..."

"How could you!" Tori hit me hard in the chest. Nathan stopped him and distanced
her away from me. "You-how could you! All this time I thought that I'm the crue
lest person in the world for using you! I admit it, Zach, I used you but I regre
t doing that to you!"
Now tears began streaming her eyes as she continued. "It's not the fact that you
used me that I'm so furious about because I know from the very start that you'r
e in love with Chloe! I know it! I'm very much aware of it! But I'm so damn angr
y at you right now because you're such a hypocrite! You made me believe that I'm
such a bad person where in fact you also used me! I haven't gotten any sleep th
inking how I was gonna convince you that even though it started as a lie, someho
w it developed into something else!"
I don't know what to say, it's like all the questions I have in my mind a while
ago were answered. The exact words that I wanted to hear from her.
"Is it?" I asked disbelievingly. There was a pause first, as if she realized som
ething and then she finally answered.
"It did!" She shrugged Nathan's hands away and she walked towards me with gritty
eyes. "I used you, lied that I like you so that I can be a decent girlfriend wh
o'll not care who you're flirting or sleeping with and make you busy so that you
don't have a time to interfere in Chloe's relationships. But obviously the plan
didn't work out the way I intended it to. Somehow I cared. I worried for you. G
ot jealous and started"
I looked at her with pleading eyes. "Say it, Tori." I challenged her. Now that t
he truth is out, somehow I'm hopeful that she'll say the words that I want to he
ar. And this messed up situation will be cleared. We can be together again. When
she says it, I'm willing to forget everything and put these lies behind us. Sta
rt again, because we're both at fault at this, we used each other and found some
thing along the way. "Just say it." I repeated.
She clicked her tongue, wiped her face with the back of her hand and smirked. Wh
at is she playing? "I loved you, Zach. I love you before I heard these things. B
ut now, I don't think it's worth it." She said with confidence.
It wasn't what I was expecting. With her words, I somehow felt that us being tog
ether wouldn't be possible anymore. And thinking about it is making my heart soa
r. The pain that I've been suppressing is resurfacing again. This time, it's ten
times painful.
I tried my very best to not to show her that her words were killing me inside. I
swallowed the lump that was forming in my throat.
"It still doesn't change the way I feel about you, Tori. Because despite everyth
ing, I still do."
As I said those words I saw her gasp. Her eyes widened as she stepped away from
me, she turned her heel and began walking out. I watched her as she walked away.
"Don't you come near her again, Anderson." Nathan threatened me as he followed T
ori. I forgot that he's still here and so was James. They probably heard the who
le conversation and I don't have the energy to care.
I looked at James and he just shook his head sideways, clearly indicating that h
e's disappointed in me, he too walked out.
All alone, huh?

I'm hoping that she's just lying again. That she still loves me and she's just a
fraid to show it. But then who am I kidding? Who would like me now? Even the swe
etest girl like Tori, couldn't.
I didn't get the chance to explain myself to her. To tell her that, just like wh
at happened to her, my plan screwed up and along the way, I've fallen in love wi
th her.
I should have listened to James. I should have let Tori explain everything first
and hear her out. Things could've turned out differently.
I messed up this one thing important to me.
I fucked up, big time.
--"What the hell, Zach?" Chloe barged inside my room.
"Didn't I tell Boris, no visitors."
"Well, he had to make an exemption." She boasted.
"Yeah, remind me to teach Boris a thing or two about the security of his employe
rs. Now if you may, there's the door. I'm trying to sleep here." I pointed to th
e door asking her to leave.
"You've been here for weeks Zach!" She crossed her arms and looked at me with an
I didn't realize that it's been a week since the revelations of Tori's lies and
the exposure of my own. Now I'm sulking inside my room for regretting the things
that I did. For being close minded and not hearing her out, surely I hate mysel
f for that. And the last thing that I wanted right now is a person who will stre
ss-out the obvious in my situation.
"What do you want, Chloe?" I heaved and rolled my eyes.
I saw her sighed and untangled her arms. "Okay." She began. It seems that she ap
peared hesitant but then she continued. "Is it true? You--- you agreed to be Tor
i's boyfriend just to... to... to be close to me?" She finishes uncertainly.
With her statement I let out a cheeky laugh. "That's ages ago, Chloe!"
"Does it matter?" I looked at her sternly which she avoided. "I'm vile I know. I
heard that for a hundredth time now and I don't need another person telling me
how wicked I am."
"That's not it Zach. It's... It's... It's something, you know? No one ever does
that to---"
"Like what I've said. That's ages ago, Chloe. It's in the past, part of the plan
but that plan as you can see is history."
"I appreciate it, Zach." I stopped the moment I heard that statement coming from
her. What is she trying to say? Is she conveying something here?
"What are you---"

"Look. I've been thinking about things. About what happened these past few days.
The revelations and stuff. You were protecting me and I'm so nave for not seeing
that, Zach, do you---"
I didn't let her finish her sentence. I'm afraid that maybe my hunch is right. I
don't want her to say anything anymore. I don't want to give her the wrong idea
, the last thing I want right now is to hurt her. "That's in the past, Chloe. Bu
t along the way I really like Tori."

She looked away and frowned her brows. "Does she know?"
"About what?"
"About... that."
I laughed impudently. "I haven't got any chance to explain myself. She hates me!
Look how the tables have turned."
"Good." She said straightforwardly, her soft features suddenly turned dangerous.
I frowned at her retort. "Because it's better to keep it that way. She's happy
right now. And I want my best friend to be happy."
What does she meant by that statement?
She turned her heel and walked away. But just when she's about to exit to the do
or, she looked back "And by the way..." she started and then she smirked impishl
y. "She's dating Nathan now."
Upon hearing those four words, I was stunned. It's as if the color in face sudde
nly disappeared. I'm all pale and white. She watched me with amusement.
"I told you they liked each other ever since." And with that, she left me.
With her words, it triggered something inside of me. Anger, jealously, wrath, ev
erything! It's as if I wanted to punch someone in the face to let it all out.
How could that be possible? In a span of a week, Tori and Nathan... it's not!
You've got to be fuckin' kiddin' me!
--The next day, I went to the school, to confirm what Chloe was saying about Natha
n and Tori dating.
What the hell was that all about? They liked each other ever since? So what Tori
said to me is nothing but bull? It's really Nathan that she wants? So she's rea
lly toying me? So it's true then? She doesn't love me anymore and she already mo
ved on?
Everything is so messed up!
I don't want to believe Chloe, I wanted to convince myself that this is nothing
but a lie. That this is just one of Tori's ways to get back to me or to make me
jealous, because it's fuckin' working! But if this is somewhat true, I wanted to
see to believe.

I walked towards the hall and looked for any signs of them. And then it's as if
the heavens answered my prayers, I saw Tori, standing at her locker, alone.
As I saw her, I sighed in relief. So it's not true. She's not dating Nathan. But
as fate was toying with me, as I glanced at her direction, I saw Nathan standin
g beside her. They're laughing. They're really happy.
I wanted to dash to their direction and punch Nathan right on the spot! That jer
k really knows how to take advantage of things! That bastard ruined everything a
nd took everything I have! I clenched my fist in anger, annoyance and frustratio
n. Why does it have to be this hard and painful? This is a mental torture!

"Oh look at them. So happy together." I heard a voice coming from my behind maki
ng me jump in surprise. I looked back and saw it was Samantha.
"Shut it, Jones!"
"Oh. But they suit each other. I hate to say that Nathan deserves someone better
but she's tolerable. Nate is a nice catch."
"I swear Samantha, if you don't shut your mouth I---"
"Why? You don't have any idea what Nathan did just to get her. He's been waiting
and scheming for years..."
"What are you talking about?" I immediately asked in curiosity.
"Opps!" She giggled impishly. She closed the distance from us and started to tra
ce teasingly in my chest.
I immediately held her hand and gripped it. "What the hell are you talking about
?" I groaned impatiently.
She grinned at me and answered with a very intriguing question.
"Want to hear an interesting story?"
------END OF CHAPTER 46----So what do you think will happen next? Please share your thoughts.
What do you think of Nathan now? What's his secret? Any idea?
And Zach... Ohmypoor Zachy... will Zach-Tori be able to get back together again?
Please vote, comment, follow and tweet. (notarandomgirl)
Hope to see you all again next week. Thanks again.
<center><h1>Chapter 47 - The Great Pretender</h1></center>
Thank you all for your undying support! For being with me through thick and thin

. And as a token of my appreciation, I'm uploading a new chapter today! :)

Thank you so much for your encouraging words.
Just so you know, before I start to write MDTP, the plot, characters, twist and
ending were already planned out. I'm not rushing this story and I'm not jumping
into something unnecessary. I can assure you that everything is going according
to plan and I'm sticking to it.
CHAPTER DEDICATION: Creator of this new amazing book cover Krys Jody Custodio. T
hank you very much! I love all of the book covers you've submitted. Thanks a bun
SPECIAL MENTION TO THE AMAZING COMMENTATORS (Thank you for sharing your ideas an
d your thoughts as to what will happen in this story.): xfatiima, knweaye, dream
ersarecreative, ImAdorable23, annafarhan, xXizyloverXx, _kyraclaire_, poseyswife
xo, imthisgirl, xxCerealKillerxx, JoanaPaulaPalaciosDa, SelinaLoves26, Sam_Music
Lover, Fluressence, Lexar, awesome126, Mildsummer, JuiNigudkar, TrustMelmmaLier,
varshreddy, Meganxoxo15, AliAlBastaki, ViaUnique, sparklinglovie, faizchocolatt
e, reneemimam, drippydrops, anniebarros, starcyrichver, MeNutCracker, addicted2f
iction, elmothing
BTW: I finally created my official fanpage in facebook! Huraaah! Please like my
page 'Notjustarandomgirl' or click the link:
Post there your book covers, book trailers or banners. You will also receive the
latest updates about me and my stories. Hope to keep in touch with you soon!
Play this song as you read the chapter: Everybody Lies by Jason Walker
----------------------------Chapter 47 - The Great Pretender
**TORI's POV**
"It still doesn't change the way I feel about you, Tori. Because despite everyth
ing, I still do."
Zach's words kept on replaying inside my head. I don't know what to think anymor
e. I'm so confused. I don't know what to feel. What the heck am I supposed to do
now? I told him that I don't love him anymore even if I still do.
Why do I keep on
of the fact that
it to him that I
y am I so stupid

lying to myself? Why did I even say that to him? Is it because

I'm in front of Nathan and James? I'm afraid that if I ever adm
still love him, he might not believe me or worst, reject it. Wh
for falling for someone like him!

"Tori." I was out of my reverie when Nathan called me out. "Are you alright?" Na
than worried.

I looked at him and gave him a reassuring smile. It's been a week since the reve
lation and I really appreciate Nathan for not leaving my side. He's always been
here for me.
It's also been a week since I last saw Zach. He's nowhere to be found. Isn't it
stupid of me to still seek him out? After I discovered that he's also using me t
o get close to Chloe?
Maybe that was the reason why he doesn't want to break up with me. There were a
lot of times when everything was falling apart, but he still chased after me. No
w I wonder if he did so because of Chloe.
"Tori. You're spacing out again."
"Oh, Nate I'm sorry. You were saying?"
"Have you seen Chloe? I think she missed first period and maybe lunch."
"I don't have any idea. You know her, she vanishes and reappears like some kind
of fairy." I giggled.
"I'll go look for her. See you at the lunch table." Nathan bids his goodbye. I n
odded and headed towards the lockers. I wonder how I can still manage to smile a
t times like this. It's really hard to pretend you're okay well in fact you're n
I don't want my friends to worry any longer. I've been a burden for them from th
e beginning and I don't want to appear like I lack attention. As much as possibl
e, I have to put up this 'make-believe-everything-is-fine' face so that they won
't bother pitying me every single day.
It's hard lying to them again and to yourself that you have to confess every sin
gle day that what happened is in the past now. I have to mean what I said in fro
nt of Zach, that I don't love him anymore. I have to look okay as much as possib
le, to convince them that everything is back to normal.
And it's been a one hell of a tiring pretentious week.
I opened my locker and I look around, I can see that everything's back to the wa
y it is. Rumors died on the second day and it's as if 'Zach and Tori' didn't hap
pen at all. Somehow, you have to learn to accept things and ready yourself to mo
ve on, because the world will not stop for your grieves and problems.
I sigh as I wonder where James is. He's been missing for almost a week now. Is h
e with Zach? Are they somewhere outside town? Or is Zach seeing someone new? The
image of Zach and Samantha being together really annoys me till the very end.
"Hey, I found her!" Nathan surprised me.
"Her? Who?" I asked slightly confused on who're we talking about.
"Chloe" He reminded me. "Apparently, she went back home because she broke her 'h
eels'. Can you imagine that?"
We shared laughter. Chloe is still the same clumsy girl. I imagined her shoe bro
ke trying to act out as if it never happened. She immediately went home to get a

As I laughed, I took a glance to my side and there I saw an image I've been avoi
ding. Zach and Samantha. She's smiling and tracing Zach's chest with her finger.
I can't see Zach's face because his back is turned to my direction. Even though
, I can assure a hundred times that it's him. The image makes my stomach churn;
making me wants to vomit on the spot. Yet, at the same time, it hurts to see him
with another person.
The first time I saw them together, I thought that he's just using her to get me
jealous. But now, as I can see it, it's not. I immediately looked away before N
athan could notice. "Hey. I'm starving. Let's go ahead to the cafeteria and wait
for Chloe there." I muster everything I had to pull up my best smile and it's h
ard considering that you just saw your ex-boyfriend flirting with the girl who-o
nly-wants-to-make-your-life-miserable since day one.
We left and started to walk. I never glanced at their direction again fearing th
at I might see something that would feel impale my heart.
We sat on our table and I'm still silent. The image of them is still taunting me
. I kept picturing them together for a week making me feel so uneasy.
"Hey!" A cheery tone greeted us.
And by just looking at her and remembering what happened to her earlier, it made
me giggle. "Hey!" I greeted back.
"You told her, Nate! I can't believe you!" She bits out clearly irritated. And t
hat made me and Nathan laugh harder. Chloe rolled her eyes and she scooted next
to Nathan. "Clumsy, I know. It never happened, okay?"
"Oh, I have to go." Nathan stood up.
Chloe and I looked at him and asked in unison. "Where are you going?"
"Uncle Harry's in town. He wants to see me. Business stuff, again."
"Oh, poor Nate. Always busy." Chloe teased and I laughed at Nate's reaction.
"I'll see you two later." He then retreated. But Chloe and I didn't stop from la
ughing. And the moment he's out of our sight, we settled down and Chloe turned h
er attention to me.
"So..." She's smiling from ear-to-ear.
"What?" I asked in confusion.
"Nate's quite the responsible person. At such a young age, he's being entrusted
the future of their company."
I took a sip at my soda, trying to avoid the subject. I know where this conversa
tion is going.
"Oh, Tori. Don't give me that. Still so shy? So, did he declared his feelings fo
r you already?"
With her question, I choked out the soda I've been drinking. "Wh-what?" I coughe
d out which earned Chloe's menacing laugh.
"So defensive." She commented. "Anyway, aren't you two going out already? Making
it official and stuff?" She giggled excitedly.

Is she pushing me with Nathan? Why? Can't she see that I've just gotten out from
a break up and I'm still healing? It's barely been a month as well. I don't wan
t another heartache. And I don't think I can be with anyone, because all I can t
hink right now is Zach.
But no matter what, I can't tell them that. I don't want to hear their discourag
ing words again. I don't want them to sight all the things I did and why it turn
ed out like this. Since I already know everything they'll stress out anyway. So
what's the point?
That's what happened to me after my confrontation with Zach. How
than told me that what I did was wrong and that's the reason why
. Maybe that's the reason why I convinced them that I don't have
r Zach anymore. I want them to stop worrying about me and let go

my Chloe and Na
I'm hurting now
any feelings fo
of the issue.

It's hard. I can't express my true feelings. You can't let it out because no one
will understand what you're going through since they're too close-minded. They
say it's easy to let go but deep inside it's hard. Zach and I didn't have any cl
osure and his last words we're haunting me even in my sleep. Does he mean that h
e still loves me? But what's with him and Samantha?
There are a lot of questions that needed answers. And the last thing I need righ
t now is another conflict.
"Chloe... Nathan and I... we're just friends. You're just interpreting his kindn
ess as something else but seriously, he's just looking out for me."
"Oh please Tori. Don't give me that nave speech. It's obvious. He has a lot of gir
l friends, but why do you think he's only like this to you? He likes you, dummy.
And I can sense that you like him as well. You're just afraid to get hurt again
, I suppose."
Her last words hit me. Maybe that's also one of the reasons. I don't want to get
hurt again.
"You're not in love with Zach, right?" She carefully asked. I looked at her, my
best friend. My only friend. Maybe I can tell her everything. I wanted to be hon
est with myself. I want someone to confide the feelings that I've been hiding al
l this time. I want to tell Chloe everything.
"Chloe. I---" I tried to smile.
"Because, I think I like him." She confessed quickly and that made me froze. My
mouth became dry and words somehow can't come out my mouth.
"Uhm... hey." Chloe held my hands and looked at me straight in the eyes. "I just
want to confirm for the hundredth time now, I guess. You don't have feelings fo
r Zach anymore, right?" She queried. Her tone is somewhat hopeful.
All of a sudden it's so hard to breathe. I can't avoid eye contact with her. I d
on't know what to say. The moment she asked me if I'm in love with Zach, I was s
o ready to tell her everything. I want to tell her that all this time, I'm just
pretending and that I'm still in love with Zach. That my feelings didn't change
after everything that happened. Despite the lies, my feelings for him remained t
he same.
But after hearing this? How am I supposed to tell her?
I never thought it would come to this. I thought that it's only a one-way thing

wherein Zach's the only one in-love with Chloe. A lot of questions popped up in
my head. When did she feel that she liked Zach as well? How? Was it when we were
still together? In Mexico? Or after hearing the things he had done for her?
I looked at her. Her eyes were saying something. It's glinting with a lot of ass
urance and hope. And somehow, it's making me tell something against my will.
"I don't like him anymore, Chloe. I'm sure of that." After saying those words, i
t seems like the world came crashing down. There were a lot of regrets and pain
but at the same time, there's also realization.
I saw Chloe heaved a huge sigh. "I'm so happy, Tori. You don't have any idea how
hesitant I am to tell you this. Thank you. No one ever does that to me and it o
verwhelmed me. It was all I could think of since I learned the truth. I wanted t
o tell you this but first, I wanted to make sure that you didn't have any feelin
gs for him anymore. It'd be kinda awkward." She giggled and I tried my very best
to laugh too.
"But isn't he with Samantha?" I tried to warn her.
"No. Samantha's just Samantha. He won't take her seriously. And what I heard fro
m Nathan, Zach wanted to be close to me again that's why he agreed to be your--oh I'm sorry."
I don't know how I will react to her words. It's all true. Zach agreed to be wit
h me so that he can be close to Chloe again. I had my shot with Zach and maybe t
his is what the universe is telling me that Chloe and Zach are really for each o
"No Chloe, it's okay. He loves you, a lot. For him to go that far? Well, maybe h
e's really the right guy for you. The one who will love you for who you are and
to not use you." I don't know how that statement came out of my mouth without sh
edding a single tear. I'm aching inside. It's too painful to bear.
But I have to do this. I need to do this. I have to find a reason to forget abou
t Zach and this is the perfect opportunity!
"You really think so?" She chirped excitedly and I just nod at this. I feel stra
nge. I don't know what I should feel.
"That's great! But on serious note, Tori, if you have feelings for Zach, just te
ll me and I'm going to back-off. Our friendship is more important than some guy,
It's difficult to love when your friendship is at stake. You can't help but lie
to yourself and choose the most important of them all, your friend.
In the rules of life, friends are always important because friends will always b
e there for you. They will never leave you no matter what and they will stay by
your side through thick and thin.
"I can assure you that I'll support you till the very end, Chloe. You're my best
friend and I only want your happiness. Zach and I... we're history now and I do
n't have any feelings for him anymore. I'm sure of that."
I saw Chloe smile which made me smile as well. All this time, I'm so determined
for her to find her happiness and if it comes in the form of Zach, I guess I don
't have any choice but to step aside and give way to her. Besides, right from th
e start, they did like each other; it's just that I became an instrument for the
two of them to see it.

I have to fulfill the real purpose as to why I did all of this, why I dated Zach
ary Anderson, it is to help Chloe be happy.
I promised that I would do anything for her, even if it were the stupidest thing
of all. And now, I have to fulfill that vow up to the very end. I owe everythin
g to Chloe, if it weren't for her, I wouldn't be sitting here talking to a frien
I have to forget Zach.
I have to let go of these feelings I have for him.
I have to give my best friend her happily ever after.
---END OF CHAPTER 47--So what do you think? Like it or hate it?
What do you think will happen next? Please share your thoughts.
Please like my fanpage in facebook and tell me your favorite scene in Must Date
The PLAYBOY. You can also send banners and book covers in the fanpage.
Next upload is SATURDAY next week. Thanks a bunch! See you soon. <3
<center><h1>Chapter 48 - The Secret</h1></center>
Another early update!
Thank you to all of my readers and followers for your non-stop support! And also
thanks to the creator of this amazing book trailer! I just love it and I kept o
n replaying it!
CHAPTER DEDICATION: Theinfinitedreamer. Oh my, I can't belive this is your first
time making a trailer! This is purely awesome! Thank a lot! It gave me a lot of
inspiration to finish this chapter. Thanks! And thanks to Psychenne for the new
book cover. I love it!
So just like what I always do, I READ ALL OF YOUR COMMENTS! Yes, the 2000+ comme
nts, I love reading all of them and I can feel all your wrath for Chloe! Haha! I
'm sorry. I told you that I already planned out what will happen in this story.
From the characters and stuff, everything has a reason. The holes and everything
, you'll understand it in the future.
(If you don't like this A/N, you can skip to the story part, I won't mind. ;) )
SPECIAL MENTION: (Thanks for you amazing comments)17Serenity, notthatrandom,wing
yee13, ansheii, ElizabethOfYork, AbiOladesu, FahmaW, SelinaLoves26, xoGraceox, s
oinl0ve14, MademoiselleDee, MagicTrixx, NimrahKhan, nicoletteisabel, iseemedtomi
sshim, kurokuro_, turdy_7, elmothing, JoanaPaulaPalaciosDa, acm111197, BrittanyL
eigh8, knweaye, nosha21, addicted2fiction, xXizyloverXx, MegPatrick.
Here's the link to the book trailer.

Please follow my Facebook fan page: Notjustarandomgirl

Enjoy! Please vote, comment, follow and promote. Thanks!
----CHAPTER 48 - The Secret
** ZACH's POV **
"Sneaky as always, huh, Hemmington." After I heard a very interesting story, I i
mmediately went out and go hunt down Nathan.
I'm at his apartment. I told Boris to use another number and pretend that Harry'
s in town and viola the bait is set.
"Anderson. I don't have time for this. I have to be somewhere." Nathan just cont
inued to walk and ignored me. I'm still standing by the fireplace, busy examinin
g my nails. I have to stay calm as possible. There were still a lot of questions
that needed to be answered.
"If you're looking for Harry, he's not here. You just fell for my trap."
Nathan stopped and looked at me disgracefully. "Seriously? We're not kids, dude.
What do you want, Zach?"
"Well, I should ask you the same question, what game are you playing at?" I let
that one out venomously. I guess I really can't suppress the anger I'm feeling r
ight now. This guy is un-fuckin-believable.
He just laughed sarcastically at my retort. "Let me guess. You're here to tell m
e that I have to stay away from Tori. Well, guess what? You're not in charge any
more. You're not her boyfriend so there's no way I'm doing that. I'm sorry buddy
but you lose."
His words are mocking me. It's as if he's waving it to my face that he's with To
ri now. Thinking about it is always making my blood boil in anger. I can't contr
ol it anymore; I instantly grabbed his collar, fuming with wrath. He's not afrai
d of me. He just smirks at me as if he predicted that I'll do this to him.
I immediately let him go and distanced myself from him. He fixed his clothes and
brushed off his school coat. This guy is really provoking me. He's making me lo
se my composure and forget my real purpose here.
He's still smiling from ear-to-ear. I wanted to drop the bomb right at that mome
nt but Nathan is so cunning, he can easily think of a great excuse or lie about
this so easily.
"Now, if you'll excuse me, I guess I just have to go to Tori's then."
"I guess you're right." I decided to fight in his style. His features were still
indefinite. It's unreadable. That's when I decided to continue. "You know, I he
ard an interesting story." I walked towards his mini bar and began pouring mysel
f whatever liquor I could grab. "Have you ever heard of the story of the sly pri
nce and the lost princess?" I glanced at my shoulder and I saw him frowned his b
rows. I don't know if he's following what I'm saying. But I definitely got his a
"I don't know where you're getting at but, since the great Zachary Anderson has
resulted to desperation, this should be interesting. Go on."

"Very well..." I'm stirring the glass with liquor. "Once upon a time, there was
a lost princess, a successor to a grand kingdom. She was arranged to be in a kin
gdom far away. Innocent as she is, she didn't know anyone. She is shy and never
really stood out. Despite all, she's very smart and not to mention rich..."
This time I faced his direction. He looked uneasy but still trying so hard to
ok composed. I took a sip at my drink and continued. "Then one day a group of
alous witches came after the lost princess, for no reason at all. The witches
aimed that the princess is an eyesore to the kingdom. They made it their sole
rpose to make her life miserable."


"Then came the most popular princess in the kingdom. Everyone bowed to her and o
beyed her. The popular princess has zero tolerance for this kind of behavior in
the kingdom, so she saved the lost princess from the witches and from that day o
nwards, no one dared to touch the lost princess again."
I walked towards his direction, slowly as I continued my story. "The two princes
ses were so happy as they bonded together. The popular princess had a friend, a
prince. She introduced him to the lost princess and he claimed to protect her as
long as he lived. He became his knight in shining armor. The lost princess was
so captivated with her prince that made her fall in love with him, but little di
d they know, that the prince had a big secret."
I'm close enough to Nathan to whisper the next words to his ear scornfully. "The
prince is also a vile beast."
He jolted, stepped away from me and headed to the bar. He looked like he doesn't
know what to do but trying hard to project that he is all cool. "Will this fair
y tale of yours take long? I need a drink..." He got himself some liquor.
"We're not even in the best part yet." I bit out mockingly. "The beast commanded
the witches to make the lost princess' life miserable so that he can take advan
tage of her innocence and play the role of the good prince." I watched Nathan's
every move and it's very transparent now. The confidence he had a while ago has
completely disappeared.
"Do you want to know what the beast wants with the lost princess?" I walked to t
he bar, dropped the glass and faced him, but he's not facing me back. He's just
staring at his glass, gripping it firmly.
"The beast wants to be close to the lost princess, to pretend to be her prince,
make her fall in love with him so that someday, he can claim her kingdom---"
"Are you done!" Nathan scorned. His jaw is tightening in anger. I could see some
how that he knows the story I is related to Tori, Chloe and him.
"You fuckin bastard!" I pushed him hard. "She trusted you and this is what you d
o for her kindness!"
I wanted to crush Nathan for what he did to Tori. I could see how much he wants
to keep it for himself but I can see as well that his conscience is really eatin
g him up. Although what he did is still unforgivable.
"You don't know what you're talking about Zach, so don't pretend as if you know
This guy has the nerve to defend himself? "Are you listening to what you're sayi

ng? There is no excuse for what you did! You took advantage of her!"
"I don't need you to say it for me!"
"You're unbelievable!" I dashed towards his direction and punched him, hard. I s
aw blood dripping out of his nose.
He wiped it, expecting him to fight back; he just stood up and looked at me. "Yo
u'll never understand. Your family already established your future. They're not
expecting anything from you, your every move isn't scrutinized even the slightes
t. You can live anyway you want!" He vented out. I'm trying my best to calm down
and listen to what he 's ranting.
"Let's face it, we hated each other since the day you destroyed Chloe's relation
ship. I know that in the future, you'll be the successor of your company. And n
o matter how close our family are, knowing you, you will never invest in your en
emy!" That's the most pathetic excuse I've ever heard. What's that got to do wit
h Tori? As if Nathan read my mind, he continued.
"I thought ahead of time, I thought of my future. That's when I heard that Tori
is going to our school. Her family's the only rival of the Andersons. I made her
life miserable because I knew that Chloe would notice it."
"Tori and Chloe became friends and back then, I can see that Tori likes me and a
long the way, I liked her as well. Fell for her even. I protected her because wh
at I felt for her at that moment is real. Even though everything started as a li
e and to use her, along the way, I stopped it, my intentions from then on is not
hing but pure. I really want her and I care for her."
I laughed at this. This is unbelievable. This is insane! "You're a hypocrite you
know that? You're so angry with me for using her where in fact it's you who fir
st destroyed her! Do you know how much damage you've caused her? There were a lo
t of things to think of for her to like you! But do something like that? You're
the lowest of the low!"
"I know, okay! I'm childish at that time and a coward for using an innocent girl
! That why I'm trying my best to correct it!"
"Even if you spend your whole life correcting your mistakes, its still not enoug
h! And you call yourself her boyfriend! For fuck's sake Nathan! You're such a di
He stopped whatever it is that he's about to say and shrunken on the nearby couc
h. He lowered his head and rested it at the palm of his hands.

"Go ahead and tell her everything. I deserve it. Whatever I do, I just can't era
se the fact that I'm wicked for doing such a thing. Every time she talks about t
hose days, I can't look her straight in the eye. Shameful thing I did."
We were both silent at the moment. I looked at him and I can see that he's in a
lot of pain and is troubled. I know how the Hemmingtons can be very persuasive.
How they pushed Nathan to his limits. And I've known the guy for too long and he
would do everything for his family. I wanted to stay angry with him, but I some
how understand how he feels.
Family name, responsibilities, inheritance. It holds a heavy burden. He'd been e
xposed at a very young age. And as for me, I can say that I'm still lucky. I can
live the life that I want, but he's not. He's like an adult stuck in an eightee

n-year-old body.
"What will I gain if I'll tell her? If she heard what you did, you think this wi
ll help her? I've hurt her enough and I will do anything to protect her. I'm not
that cruel, Nate. And I will not let you tell her this. She will never know tha
t you used her as well. She's too precious and she mustn't think that she's just
a toy for everyone."
He raised his head and looked at me. "So what's the point of all this?"
"I wanted to know your intentions as to why you did it." Although the original r
eason as to why I did all this is to restrain him from seeing Tori anymore, I ju
st couldn't find the energy to do so. After hearing all this and knowing that ma
ybe all his intentions towards Tori were pure, there is nothing I can do but to
warn him.
"Are you for real, Zach?" He stood up and walked towards my direction.
"Yeah, yeah, whatever... Wait, how did Samantha knows all this?" Now I'm kinda w
ondering how did Samantha knew a lot. At first, when I heard this story, I thoug
ht she's just lying.
"I secretly dated, slash, used Samantha's sister back then. She's the one who bu
llied Tori in ninth grade. I assumed she told that bitch about all this. Few wee
ks back, Samantha came to me and told me everything. She even threatened me that
she'll spill everything to Tori. She also offered help for me and Tori to be to
gether, but I declined. Remember the time you caught me and Tori in the locker?
You're so furious and wanted to crash me at that moment."
"What about it?"
"That's after Samantha made some silly games with Tori. You know, bullying and s
tuff. I don't know everything about it, trust me. She's just playing like it's n
inth grade all over again, with her own version. I figured you knew all this bec
ause that girl told you. You should protect Tori from her."
Yes, I remebered that. Tori told me what Samantha did and how she ended up being
saved by Nathan. "That bitch. She won't be a problem anymore. I'll make sure of
that." Yes, she won't be. Threatening and black mailing is what I'm really good
at. I won't let her come near Tori ever again.
"You really are a different person. You play the bad guy when you're really not.
Victoria Peige deserves someone like you." He extended his arms as if waiting f
or a handshake.
"What are you talking about? I'm not asking for Victoria Peige."
"You can fool them but you can't fool me. The way you look at her, the look on y
our face when she said that she doesn't love you anymore, you care for her, Zach
and you still love her in spite of all the things that happened. She needs some
one like you." He grabbed my hand and shook it. "It was a losing game to begin w
ith anyway...I accept defeat."
"I'm not asking anything, Nate."
"Yes you don't. But Tori needs someone like you. I can't have her because every
time I see her, it keeps reminding me of what I did."
There is silence in the room. It speaks a thousand of words. We came into a conc
lusion. Friendship somewhat restored. Funny how things mended.

"Just so you know, I don't have any intentions of cutting the ties between the H
emmingtons and the Andersons. Even if we loathe each other, business is business
. You can't deny the fact that they work hand in hand in this industry. Who am I
to abolish that agreement?" I smirked at him and he laughed. I walked out but b
efore I could reach the door, he called me out.
"Just so you know, I'm not her boyfriend."
With his last words it made me grin. I raised my hand and bid my goodbye. Maybe
there's still a chance. A tiny glimpse of hope inside me is now growing.
---After I left Nathan's building, I went to the place that I've wanted to go to ev
er since. I waited for her and after an hour of waiting, she finally came inside
. I'm standing at one of the pillars of the building lobby. The moment she stepp
ed across my direction, I immediately grabbed her.
I hugged her from the behind but then she appears to be surprised, she doesn't k
now who I'm so I decided to give her a heads up. "Just fifteen seconds. Just giv
e me fifteen seconds and I'll leave." I whispered.
I felt her tense up but then she slowly calmed down. She recognized my voice. I
tightened my embrace and smelled her hair. Damn I miss her. I missed her a lot.
A few more days and it will be all right. I still have to settle one more thing
first so that this relationship will be real once and for all. No hindrance, no
more circumstances. Just me and Tori. I have to confront and deal with my father
first, I have to make sure that he's not doing anything vile and vengeful towar
ds Tori and her family. I want to make things right. A clean slate.
"Soon. Tori. We'll be together, again. Soon. Please wait for me." After I whispe
red those words to her, I let her go. It's almost painful tearing away from her
but I have to.
I wanted the second time to be perfect. No more lies, no more pretentions and no
more hindrance. I know Tori loves me and I feel the same. She will come back to
me and be mine again.
Soon, Tori. Soon.
----** TORI'S POV **
The moment he let me go, tears started to pour out. I wanted to chase after him,
grab him and hug him back. But every time I thought of doing it, the image of C
hloe is always flashing back to me. The hopeful look on her face, the things she
confessed to me that she likes Zach, it's all repeating to me and I can't betra
y my best friend right after I told her that I'm supporting her feelings towards
My heart is breaking and my mind is in chaos. My heart is telling me to come aft
er Zach but my mind is telling me not to. I followed my heart once and I ended u
p hurting it, but why is it that every time I follow what my mind is saying, it
just hurts more.
I stayed rooted there for minutes. Busy contemplating the last words he said to
me. He wants me to wait for him and that we'll be together again. I wanted to ho

pe for that, I badly wanted for that thing to happen. But why is it that there's
something inside of me telling that it's a bad thing? It's bad to hope and betr
ay your best friend.
At that moment, I wish I never heard Chloe's confession. Maybe everything will b
e different. I would face Zach, tell him I still love him because I know he feel
s the same, but I can't, we can't be together anymore because I can't change the
fact that my best friend likes the person I love and I somehow gave her my bles
I decided to go back to my apartment and went straight to my room. I wanted to t
alk to someone; I wanted to let this all out. I'm in pain, confused and a total
I looked at my phone and scrolled at my contacts. There I realized that I only g
ot a handful of friends and I caused them enough problems. But then there is one
person who knows me the most, inside and out. I know that whatever she thinks o
f, she knows what is best.
I immediately contacted her, my mother, and waited for her to answer. I wish she
's not busy at the moment. I need someone to talk to, and I need my Mom.
She picked. The moment she answered the phone, she's immediately alarmed. Maybe
she already sensed something was wrong and without further ado, I told her every
thing. The whole story of what happened, from my planning, falling, failing and
now, misunderstanding.
There is a pause first. Maybe my mom didn't expect that I will do such things bu
t surprisingly her words made my jaw drop at the floor. "I expected something li
ke this would happen. I know that from the start, you don't like that guy becaus
e you already mentioned him before, being the arrogant and annoying type. Plus,
you kept on mentioning Nathan. That's why I'm worried and that's the reason I ca
me back, to check up on you and made sure that you didn't do this just for the s
ake of our company."
"Mom, what's the company have to do with all this?"
"Well, I just thought that you're dating an Anderson so that we can stay on top,
I just assume things, you know. That's why I've been avoiding the business topi
c, thinking that you're just fishing for information. And then I had the chance
to get to know little Anderson. There I saw in your eyes that you're in love wit
h the boy."
I heaved a long sighed and then continued. "So all this time you knew that I hav
e intentions of dating Zach and I don't like him?"
"Yes... Well, not everything. I'm only your mom. But somehow, I kinda had the fe
eling it would end up this way. Anyway, the guy is charming and adorable, I'm go
ing to stand on what I've said before, dear. I can see how he made you happy. Yo
ur relationship maybe started as a lie, with schemes and deception but then it l
eads the two of you to something wonderful. Along the way, you two found each ot
her and fell in love."
I smiled at this. Yes, Zach is always giving me those hives and excitement. Ever
y time I'm with him and just thinking about him, it always feels wonderful. Yes,
this relationship was nothing but a lie at first but we somehow worked it out a
nd ended up finding love along the way.
But then it will always end up with Chloe. "But Mom, just like what I said, Chlo
e likes him. I gave her my word that I'd support her." Pain is evident in my ton

"Great love only comes once a while, dear."
"But friendship is more important." I simply concluded.
"Yes... And if Chloe's a true friend, she will understand and wish you the best
of happiness just like what you did for her."
I closed my eyes and tried to absorb all the words that my Mom told me. I'm torn
; I honestly don't know what to do anymore. I thought that it will be easier if
I have someone to talk to but it turns out that it just made my situation worse.
I wanted to follow what my heart's telling me, I wanted to apply Mom's advice bu
t then after that, what will happen? What about Chloe? What about our friendship
What am I supposed to do?
--- END OF CHAPTER 48 --Still no James? Oh, he's not my least favorite. You'll find him soon. So what do
you think?
I'm sorry TEAMNATE, this is really how the story flows. I hope you don't hate me
now. ;)
Please tell me what you think will happen next. MDTP is coming to an end soon! P
lease comment and let me know from what country are you from. <3
Please like my Facebook fanpage: Notjustarandomgirl
TWITTER: notarandomgirl
NEXT UPDATE: Friday next week.
<center><h1>Chapter 49 - Dangerous Liaison</h1></center>
TRICK OR TREAT! (This is a long A/N, you can skip if you don't like it.)
Wow! Seriously, I have the best readers and followers in the world! You never fa
il to surprise me guys! I read ALL of your comments and let me tell you, every s
ingle one of it is simply divine! I can't stop reading them. I feel all your pai
n and angst towards my character and that just proves that you really love my st
ory. =)
I want to thank you all for never stop supporting this story. I love each and ev
ery one of you! Hello to all of my readers all over the world. Honestly, I was s
urprised when I learnt that I have readers from Europe, Asia, USA, Australia, Ru
ssia, Canada, Africa, and whole lot more (so many to mention) Thank you very muc
h for reading and promoting my story!
Thanks to my kababayan who never stopped promoting this story. I believe that I'
ll reach 20m reads in no time. Thanks for your undying support!
CHAPTER DEDICATION: The creator of this lovely banner, grecilar. And the creator
of my book cover, Psychenne.

SPECIAL MENTION: MadmoiselleDee, xoGraceox, 17Serenity, RowanXxHeart, ansheii, u

nheard_reminiscence, girlfromouterspace, Flying_Orca, chicksread, JillianaRiv, n
uspets06, addicted2fiction, aksaislam1, diecinueve, AniMe143Uu, SwaggaMuffin, Bl
uestarry, ShamarieAlston, XxoOAMBEROoxX, wingyee13, knweaye, Alaena32644, nicole
unicorn, Cutie131, AlizaJoyEstioko, elmothing.
I can't stop watching it. Tell me what you think. --->
I know it's been a long wait so here's chapter 49, hope you'll enjoy it as much
as I enjoyed writing it. (Again, this story is already planned out. The ending i
s already set. And so are the twists. I'm not rushing this; this is really how t
he story goes.)
ENJOY! (Please like my facebook fanpage = Notjustarandomgirl)
** JAMES' POV **
I've been avoiding everyone since that very special day. Yeah, sarcasm. All my e
ffort down the drain, what a waste. I wanted to tell Zach that Tori's intention
might've been bad at first but she developed feelings along the way. If it weren
't for that eavesdropper, blonde, everything was going so well.
At that moment, it pains me seeing Tori like that. I don't want to see her in th
at situation. I've had enough of her misery. The last thing I want right now is
to see Tori hurt, again.
It's been more than a week already since my planned absence in school. I need to
see where things are now. I immediately looked for Tori the moment I set foot i
n school. Surprisingly she's nowhere to be found. So I just decided to go to the
school's third floor balcony hoping that I could find Zach, but to my disappoin
tment, he's not there.
I decided to stay there for a while, looking at the courtyard thinking what to d
o next. I contacted Zach. But when I was about to dial his number, an annoying v
oice greeted me.
"Look who's back! I never thought you'd show your face again, drop-out."
"Go annoy someone else, Loise. You're the least person I wanted to see."
"Rude, as usual, I'm not here to annoy you Gregory. I came for help." She chirpe
I glared and laughed impishly in front of her. "Now what makes you think I would
help you?"
"Very straight forward." She said expecting my answer. She just exhaled and trie
d to gain her composure. "I'm serious, you might gain something from..."
I didn't let her finish, I just laughed it out. "You won't like me when I'm seri
ous. I know that you have nothing beneficial to say so take a---"
"I like Zach and I know you like Tori."

"There's no stopping you, huh?" I looked smugly at her. "Are you sure you're oka
y telling me this? You like Zach? What's new? And please, I'm helping both of th
em sort out their differences."
"What are you? Some kind of therapist?"
"Nope, I'm just team Za-Ri!" I cheered excitedly.
She was stunned at the moment but then she opened her mouth. "You're really this
close-minded?" Annoyance evident in her tone.
"Nope, I'm just looking out for my buddy! I just want him to realize how dumb he
is for liking you. I don't get that guy, Victoria Peige is way better than you.
Chloe snapped. She slapped me, hard. Instead of feeling pain, it just satisfied
me seeing her like this. "Just give it up, Chloe. I know what you're up to. He l
oved you before but he loves Tori now. You're nothing but history. So I'll do an
ything for them to be together again so as to ruin your current scheme." I finis
hed with a smirk and then I turned my back on her walking away.
"Are you sure you're not doing this just to redeem yourself from all that guilt?
Good deeds won't erase the bad things you did in the past, James."
Her words made me stop in my tracks. I turned to her direction, pissed. "Don't y
ou dare go there! We both know I didn't do anything wrong. You're the one who--"
"You still can't change the fact that you slept with your best friend's first lo
ve!" Her words were dripping with mockery. I dashed to her direction. I swear if
she wasn't a girl, I would've hit her right here.
I glared at her, towering her and my words came out scornfully for her to unders
tand how serious I am. "You want serious? Here's serious. You wanna go there? Fi
ne! You made me drunk! You took advantage of the situation where in I'm not capa
ble of knowing things around me!"
"Don't play the victim here, James. You started it! We both know we had a pretty
good time."
"You wretched! This is why you and Zach can never be! You even had the nerve to
come near him after what happened? I had to leave New York because of that! I co
uldn't bear the fact that I betrayed Zach!"
Back then; Chloe knew that Zach was in love with her. Because of the gap they ha
d for each other, Chloe has been coming to me, seeking advice about relationship
s. Zach trusts me too much and made me one of his accomplices into knowing Chloe
's current relationship status. I even live at his house so that the scheming wo
uld be easier.
We both played part in checking up the background of the potential people that m
ight take advantage of Chloe. That has been our game. Making other people's life
miserable in the form of revenge is purely fun. Chloe doesn't have any idea abo
ut this. That I'm being Zach's spy all this time.
Then one night went a bit overboard. Her break-up with her boyfriend made her wa
sted. We drunk a lot, one thing led to the other. Next thing I know, I saw her l
ying next to me, naked. I don't have to be a genius to know what transpired that

Chloe and I came into an agreement that it never really happened. I tried to for
get about it. But every time I tried to avoid her, Zach was always there asking
for updates. I couldn't tell him that I couldn't provide him the info anymore. E
very time I look at him, the guilt is killing me. Engulfing my whole being.
So, I decided to leave. I couldn't tell him the real reason why I left. I tried
to busy myself. Engaging myself to other women, I became a hard-core player just
to forget. But then I woke up and realized that it wouldn't do me any good. Som
ehow, I'd have to face this ghost.
I decided to come back, to try and fix my mistakes. When Zach mentioned he has a
girlfriend, I saw a glimmer of hope, a way for me to redeem my sin.
Tori's the solution to Zach's problem with Chloe. Maybe if I made Zach realize t
hat Tori is right for him, he might forget about his stupid plan and fixations a
bout the blonde. As long as he's with Tori, then he won't chase after Chloe.

But I discovered that Tori was just using Zach.

l help out the two. But then I learnt that along
t small hope made me convince myself that with a
nd something along the way. Tori will experience
experience how to accept love.

I was hesitant if I should stil

the way, Tori fell for him. Tha
little push, these two might fi
true love and Zach will finally

As I helped the two, the guilt started to fade away. But along the way, I felt s
omething terrifying.
I'm betraying my best friend again, this time; I'm aware of it. I'm trying to fi
ght it but every time I see Tori cry and in pain, it makes me want to tell her e
verything. To stop this pathetic cupid game and pursue her. But what kind of fri
end would do that? So I'm keeping what I feel and continue to make them happy.
"I got carried away. You were always there for me. You cared for me. I honestly
didn't know that you were at your limit when we were drinking. I thought you sti
ll knew what you're doing." Her words were strained and it sounded more like a c
"It made me lose the biggest opportunity of my life!"
"Whatever your decision was at that time, it's all in the past. It's your choice
why you left! You left everything. You left me! You don't know how it feels to
be left alone!"
"And you don't have any idea how it feels like to be someone you're not! To feel
that you're supposed to be the person she's laughing and smiling with! You don'
t have any idea how much it hurts to be mistaken for someone! It was me who met
Tori first at that stupid library! It was me she liked before! And I have to fac
e the consequence of our one reckless night!"
Chloe was stunned at that moment. I'm heaving, trying to catch my breath. She fr
owned her brows. Confusion is written all over her face. "What are you talking a
After realizing the words that left out of my mouth, I turned around and tried t
o escape but then she held my arms and stopped me. "What are you talking about,
James?" She pushed. This time, her voice is more determined than ever.
I shrugged her arms away. "It's none of your fuckin' business."

"Who is? Oh my... Are you..."

"Save it! I don't want to betray my best friend twice." There was a moment of si
lence. Chloe still stunned with what she heard. Puzzling for answers.
"So, Tori? You've met Tori...before?"
"Think whatever you want to think. I'm out. Yes, we did. We were all in the same
school if you remember." As I walked-out, Chloe spoke up.
"You're the library guy?" I turned around and faced her. How does she know about
that? "Ninth grade? The first time she claimed that she liked Zach." She contin
ued. "So that's why Zach doesn't have any clue about it." She walked closer to
my direction. "But, how did she come up with the conclusion that you're Zach?"
I glanced away. I don't want to open this subject to anyone, especially to her.
It's like we're back to the old days where in we're freely talking about our pro
blems to each other. "I'll say this once and you will forget about this. He mist
ook me as Zach because of a stupid bag tag with his name on it."
Before I left New York, I grabbed the first bag I saw in Zach's house and left.
I only noticed later that it had his name on it, literally. I went to the librar
y, to return the book I borrowed. I decided to leave at that moment, but then I
saw a girl. Somehow she caught my attention. I observed her for a while. I was m
oving in to introduce myself. I saw her trying to reach for a book, and right on
time, as she fell, I caught her. I took that as an opportunity but I was stunne
d by her scent and presence. She was just breathtaking. As I looked at my watch,
I realized I was late for my flight.
At that moment, the last thing I wanted was a reason to stay. I was afraid that
if I got to know her, it would be hard for me to leave. Loose ends, I guess. Any
way, the guilt was still haunting me giving me more reason to leave. And with th
at, I turned away from the greatest opportunity to be happy. I turned away from
Victoria Peige.
"That explains as to why she thought it was Zach. But what were you doing at the
"It's none of your business."
"Hey. Don't you think that there's something here? You have every right because
as you said and clearly the way you're reacting, you're the one that she liked f
irst. If you tell her that..."
"Don't you dare mention anything to Tori about this!" I said each word spitefull

The moment I came back to New York, I've been thinking of finding that girl. But
then I know it's impossible because it's been years. I don't know if she still
comes to our school and I intentionally set my mind to forget her. Because there
's no way that the new me, a player, deserves someone as innocent as her.
I got to know Tori without knowing that she's the girl up until she told me abou
t the library story in ninth grade. At first it felt very peculiar. There was no
way that she's the mystery girl. This isn't some clich romantic movie where in so
mewhere along the story, you'll find the girl you're not even looking for. It's
just too dramatic!

Upon hearing her story, I tried my very best to correct her. To say to her that
it wasn't Zach. It was me who she first met! But then what would I gain? She alr
eady harbors feelings for Zach at that moment, she was so overwhelmed by the way
things turned out for her and who am I destroy it?
Along the way, I tried my very best not to spill the beans. But every time she c
ries or get hurt, I wanted to tell her everything! But if I do that, I would be
betraying two important people in my. This time, my real purpose is to be free f
rom the guilt not to add some more.
"Why James? Don't you want Tori? Don't you think it's the right---"
"I'm not a selfish person, Chloe. I think of other people before me. Try it. Tha
t'll save you some bickering."
"I'm not selfish! You're a hypocrite James! That's what you are!" She accused. I
was trying to ignore her still deep in my thoughts about the possibilities. "Yo
u're just making Zach and Tori hurt over and over again. All this time, you knew
about their lies. But you just kept quiet about it. Don't you think it will be
so much easier if you didn't get yourself involve in all this? You're doing this
not because you want to, but because you want to free yourself from that guilt
that's been living in you for years! The past is done already! Move on for Chris
t's sake!"
For the very first time, Chloe's words seemed right to me. I'm just doing all th
is things so that I can be free from the guilt. It's hard to push the only girl
you like to someone else, especially your best friend.
"They'll continue going in circles, James. I'm not doing this for my own, I'm al
so doing this for them. It'll be better if they'll be separated. They will just
continue to hurt each other with so many lies tied up to their relationship! I w
ill do everything so that Tori will be happy again. I thought about you. You car
ed for her, a lot. Somehow I know you'll make her happy and this is your chance
to take what is rightfully yours. Do it, James. Tell her the truth."
She walked towards my direction. Her eyes were pleading.
"Think about it. You liked her ever since but you helping her will also hurt her
in the process. Man up and do what you really like. Don't let guilt consume you
. The guilt sure is bothering but regret is the worse enemy of all."
I'm speechless. She walked passed me but before she retreated, she called me out
again. "James. Just so you know, you're not hard to love. At that moment, I rea
lly did fall for you. I don't regret anything that night. You can make anyone fa
ll for you, if you can just be yourself. I want to see you happy again. You'll m
ake a great boyfriend to Tori." And she finally left.
I know that she's manipulative and devious. But then why am I entertaining these
thoughts in my head? Why am I considering her offer? Why am I having an unspoke
n agreement with the witch?
* * * * * * *
"There you are!" I saw Tori dashing to my direction. I wanted to hug her at that
moment but then I refrained myself from doing so.
"Hey! How are you?" I asked. Hopefully wishing that everything were fine. She an
d Zach sorted things out so that I will never have to do the most stupid thing i
n my life. I have to keep that thought away from my mind.

"Nathan left and went to Europe for an unexpected business trip. I thought you l
eft me and went back to Paris." She frowned. "By the way... I have to tell you s
omething." We both went to the courtyard and sat on the bench.
She started filling me up with stories as to what happened in a span of a week.
She also mentioned what happened at the lobby of her apartment building. Somehow
that made my heart constrict in pain. But then I took that as a sign to leave t
he two alone. But her next words made me have my second thoughts. "But, as much
as I want to be happy, that moment, I couldn't help but think of Chloe."
"Why? The secret is out and Chloe has nothing to do with this, right?"
She looked at me and she let out a weak smile. "Chloe admitted she likes Zach. S
he likes him a lot and she somehow wants my blessing for her feelings towards hi
That bitch! I knew there was a reason she said those things to me. Cunning and m
anipulative, I should have known. With Nathan out of the picture, no one would d
o her bidding, but me. I should've known. Well played, Loise.
"You should have told her that you still like Zach. So that bit---- girl would b
ack-off." I bit out each word carefully.
"I was going to but I didn't have the guts to do so. And I already decided. I wa
nt to forget Zach. Chloe, she likes him a lot. And I think I can't bear betrayin
g my best friend just for the sake of love."
Tori's words hit me with every might. I'm stuck-up here. I want to help Zach, I
don't want to betray him but then again, I can't help but think of the possibili
ties of being with Tori. How it feels like? I want to take care of her. Help her
be the happiest person in the world.
"What about Zach?" I asked her. Somehow, I wanted Tori to answer in my behalf so
that my conscience will somehow be satisfied.
"Zach and Chloe have history. Maybe there's still something there. I know it can
be painful and the process is hard but I want to do this for her. The main reas
on I dated Zach is to help Chloe be happy. What if I was just an instrument for
them to be finally together? I won't be able to do that unless I forget him. I l
ove him but I have to do this. I have to let go for my best friend."
I'm so messed up. I can't think straight; my ability to think left me. I wanted
to help Tori and Zach. I wanted to cut off Chloe in the picture so that everythi
ng will be all right. But at the same time, I wanted Tori for myself. For the fi
rst time, I felt very selfish and greedy.
I looked at her. I made up my mind. This time, I have to think about myself. "I
have an idea." I told her and I stared at her. "This may sound stupid but I thin
k this is the only way. If you accept or consider this offer, Zach will definite
ly leave you alone and that's the first step in forgetting him. Also this is ano
ther way of showing that you're backing off and telling Chloe to go for it."
She appeared confused and at the same time worried. "What are you suggesting?"
I took a deep breath. This is my first step. This is where I'm going to start. I
'll do everything for her to like me. Hopefully, that witch has a golden tongue.
I can make Tori happy. I've gotta take the leap! No regrets!
"Be my girlfriend."

----- END OF CHAPTER 49 ---Is this chap a trick or a treat? Well #TeamJames will agree that this is a treat
! =)
So maybe all your questions have been answered. The reason why James hated Chloe
and the real guy behind the library scene. =) Ohhhh. What do you think will hap
pen next? Don't forget to mention what country are you from.
I told you that this story is already planned out. This is bound to happen. As f
or the ending, it's coming soon. So any hunch or idea what will the ending be? S
hare your thought!
FACEBOOK FANPAGE: Notjustarandomgirl
TWITTER: @notarandomgirl
<center><h1>Chapter 50 - True Colors</h1></center>
A/N: I send my deepest concern and care for my kababayan who've been victims of
the super typhoon. The news if very heartbreaking and it really saddens me. I'm
always praying for the safety of my countrymen. I hope you're doing well. I know
it's hard but I believe that we'll be better in no time. Filipinos are strong a
nd tough. With the help of God, we will get through this. We're all in this toge
ther. Bayanihan!
OU ALL! And also to the creator of this awesome book trailer lupitaa_ THANK YOU!
SPECIAL MENTION: AbiyaSafrena, MaddieWent, 1forme, ReadingABookADay, addicted2fi
ction, elmothing, NimrahKhan, knweaye, Flying_Orca, MeNutCracker, lilbrownheir,
wingyee13, grecilcar, dprizzy, AniMe143Uu, FiestaMagazine, IfIWereToDie, Boogste
rbear, Flaringheart, ItsGennyMB, letsplayjeckstone, TheAppleWay, TheHungryHeart,
icecreamdarling, MeowsTheWord, GianneTorres8, haleyhi725, guangyi
I really make sure that I read ALL of your comments.Please continue sending me a
nd I'd gladly read them all!
THIS STORY IS ALREADY PLANNED OUT. Everything that is written is part of the pla
n. This is how the story flows. I'm not rushing this. =)
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-----CHAPTER 50 - True Colors
** ZACH's POV **
'What's keeping him so long?'

I'm at one of our hotels in California where he's staying. It took me not long e
nough to know his location all thanks to good old Boris.
With the perks of being an Anderson, I can do whatever I want. I can ride a priv
ate plane anywhere. It saves me a lot of time and time is what I need in this si
tuation. I have to settle this once and for all. It's time to face my father.
I've been thinking a lot. How I hate myself right now. Why didn't I hear Tori's
explanation before? Why did I leave Mexico all of a sudden? Why didn't I ask for
any explanation? And why is it that I waited a week to seek her out?
I hate myself for being such a narrow-minded person. The moment I learnt that To
ri used me, it never occurred to me that I used her as well. I came clean and on
ly thought of myself. I blamed her for everything well in fact we just did the s
ame. We used each other.
If it weren't for Nathan's secret, I wonder if I would have realized this feelin
g of wanting to be with Tori again. And if it weren't for Chloe's little speech
about Tori being with Nathan, I wonder if I'd still be sulking and regretting ab
out the things I did.
But why would Chloe tell me that Nathan and Tori are dating even if they're not?
Well, her words gave me the drive to come to my senses. I have to thank that gi
rl once I got home.
Tori still wants me. I can sense that. She wants to be with me as much as I want
to be with her. But I don't want to rush things. This time, I want to take it s
low. No more secrets, no more lies.
I'm out of my reverie the moment I heard my father's voice. I haven't noticed th
at he already stepped inside the room.
"Father." I acknowledged his presence.
"What are you doing here?"
"Can't a son visit his own father?" I smirked at my own retort.
"I'm surprised hearing those words coming out of your mouth. But let's cut to ch
ase, why are you here?"
"So eager to get rid off me, huh?" I started. I can't find anything that is rela
ted to my father and the Peige's. I don't know what are his plans. He's really g
ood at keeping things a secret, but I won't let that slide.
He walked to a nearby couch and made himself comfortable. "It's just very unusua
l of you to come and visit me. I assume this is something important? Go ahead an
d I'll listen." His voice is calm and that's very tricky. What game is he playin
g at?
"Calm as ever. Aren't you surprised that I found you right away?" I queried.
This time he stood up and walked towards the bar. "I'm not. I always tell Boris
where I am so he can easily find me in case of emergencies. Also so you can come
and see me right away."
What the hell is he talking about?

He poured liquor at his glass and turned to me. "All these years, you never did
come to see me."
"So what? You want me to visit you to have some father and son bonding?" I asked
and laughed sarcastically.
"Why would I tell Boris my location if I didn't want to? Son, I know I've been v
ery busy. I wanted to be with you always. I wanted to see you grow up. I saw you
made a lot of friends. I don't want to deprive you of your freedom just---"
"What are you talking about? What the hell are you saying?" Why, of all the days
, this is where and when my father will tell me his father issues?
"Zachary. I know what you're doing." I furrowed at his remark but then it gained
a laugh from him. "Don't give me that look. I know you've been spying on me aft
er I came to the apartment."
"I assume this has something to do with Victoria Peige?" He continued.
"Do I need to elaborate on more details? I assume you know what I'm talking abou
t." I started.
I saw him chuckle as he poured another shot on his glass. "Honestly, I don't. Bu
t I would like to hear it from you."
I don't know why he's trying to play the innocent card in this situation. He per
fectly knows that my reason for being here is because of Tori.
"Well, I want this conversation to be shorter than ever. Let's not beat around t
he bush and start." I made sure that I looked at him dead in the eyes before con
tinuing. "What are you planning against Peige?"
It earned another laugh from him. "Whatever are you talking about?"
"Please, don't give me that. I..."
"Zachary. Seriously, what kind of thinking does this generation have? Who's livi
ng in the wrong era here? As far as I remember, you're the modern one. What are
you implying?"
I'm getting irritated at this. Of course, he will try everything to get off this
"I know what you're doing. You're okay with me dating Peige to gain something. Y
ou want to destroy your rivals, of course! Just tell me what it is you're up to!
" I rebutted harshly. I want my father to know how serious I am in this.
"And here I thought you're all grown up." He clicked his tongue in disappointmen
"What are you talking about?" I asked irately.
"Fine. I'll tell you the truth." He looked at me and smirked. He put down his gl
ass of whiskey and turned his direction back to me. "I was checking up on you. I
doubt Boris would tell me anything since I know for a fact his loyalty resides
in you. Damn that old man."
"You've got to be kidding me! And here I thought you always wanted my freedom!"
"I did! But after the stunt you pulled off last month, the car accident, what sa

ne father would want his son to be in danger? You're the only Anderson left, Zac
hary, and I have to protect you."
"Yeah right. To be the heir to your oh so precious kingdom." I bit out sarcastic
"No. Because you're all I have left." He said slowly. And again, I was taken aba
ck by this. Who is this person standing in front of me? He's clearly not my fath
I cleared out my throat and tried to change the subject. "That's not the reason
why I'm here."

"Well of course. Victoria Peige." He said. There was a pause at first, as if wai
ting for me to say something but then I remained silent. And then he took that a
s a cue to continue. "Like what I've said, I investigated on you. I learnt that
you're starting to go out with another girl, again. But what really caught my at
tention is that you're dating the daughter of the Prestige Hotel Heiress. I want
ed to warn you about it that you're swimming in the dangerous water..."
"And why is that?" I asked, intrigued.
"Because I know you, Zach. You never stick with one girl for more than a week. I
f you broke that girl's heart, it will appear that we're scheming against them.
We don't play dirty. Your mother and I are standing where we are without a singl
e person being stepped on."
There are so many things that I didn't know about my father and the business. I
never thought that this is what I'd hear from him. All this time, he's just prot
ecting me and of course his company.
I always saw him for the aggressive type. That he'd do everything to be on top.
I have never been so wrong.
Why didn't I see it before? Why didn't I realize that the reason why my father i
s protecting this company because this is the only memory left to him by my moth
er? The empire they built together.
"I never wanted to step into your life. It's for you to discover. I just got wor
ried when I received news that you've been out to dinner with Vanessa, Victoria'
s mother. I don't know what's gotten into you that's why I came home to make thi
ngs clear."
"So what you said to me back then... it's true?" I curiously asked.
"Yes, of course. First, I wanted to see if you were planning something against t
hem. But I was really surprised when you told me that you're really serious with
that girl."
I furrowed my brows. Everything's so confusing.
Who the hell is this person standing in front of me?
"I want you to continue what it is you're doing." He said smiling.
I looked at him in confusion. "What are you talking about?"
He walked towards the table and pulled out something outside the drawer. He then

handed it to me. "That's the first time I saw your real smile since your mother
I looked at the picture. It's Tori and me. In the picture, I was hugging her fro
m behind and we're laughing. I think it's in Brooklyn. This is after the fashion
show where-in Tori and I had a fight and we went there, to sort things out. I s
till remember her scent, how captivating she was. How she felt cold urging me to
hug her from behind.
I was happy back then. Pure joy. Blissful. The picture says it all. I wanted to
get mad at my father for spying on me but then I wanted to be thankful to him fo
r his twisted ways of snooping around me.
That was the night that I could say, I've fallen for her. I can't stop thinking
about her.
"Believe it or not, I always want to see you like this. And if all it takes is b
eing with Victoria Peige, I have nothing against it. I can see that she changed
you, for the better. Remember that you can't find another master to tame a beast
. That's why I never found a replacement to your mother."
I chuckled at this and I gazed at him. For the very first time, I felt like I'm
having a father. Someone I can turn to. Well, it is true. I never saw him with a
nother woman before. He just remained loyal to my Mom all this time. I want what
ever it is both of them had. In my case, I hope it's Victoria Peige.
Tori does make me happy.
Despite all the lies, I guess it
cause without it, we or should I
All I need to do now is to make
her and she wants me as much as

serves as a moral lesson for the both of us. Be

say, I wouldn't come to all these realizations.
her realize that she needs me as much as I need
I want her.

"By the way, Zachary..." My dad stopped me as I walked towards the exit.
"...Remember that in life, you have to be selfless too. You have to think of the
other person's feelings first before your own because you will never gain real
happiness unless the other party is happy as well."
I turned to him and mustered a weak smile. It holds a lot of meaning to it. I kn
ow that this is the first time me and my Dad had this kind of talk. I never real
ized what he's been doing all these years for me. I've been close-minded, only t
hinking of myself. It wouldn't have actually sink-in if it weren't for Tori.
I have decided. I have to make my life better again. Now that everything is clea
red out, I have nothing to worry about. No more Nathan and no dirty plans from m
y Dad. I can finally be myself and let the ego and pride step aside.
I looked at the picture I was holding as I walked out the building. I stopped an
d brushed the thumb of my finger to the image of Tori.
I want to be happy again. I wanted to be with her again.
I have to make Victoria Peige fall in love with me all over again.
---- END OF CHAPTER 50 ---It's short, I know. This is just a filler chapter. Everything is wrapping up! Ar

e you feeling that the end is near?

So what do you think of this chap? What do you think will happen next?
If you're Tori, who will it be? Zach or James? #TEAMZARI or #TEAMJARI?
(Photos of Zach and James) --->
Comment as to who is the better guy and write from which country you're from. I'
m looking forward into reading your opinions. =)
NEXT UPLOAD: SATURDAY. Only few chapters left, just finishing few more touches.
Are you excited?
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<center><h1>Chapter 51 - Being A Friend</h1></center>
A/N: Last week, I told you about what happened at my beloved country. It was hit
by a super typhoon and are in need. After the storm, a lot of help came in. Dif
ferent person from different countries. I was moved. I'm crying while watching t
he news. The eagerness of the others to help one another. It was indeed touching
and it sends 'good' chills through my whole body.
As I read all of your comments, I realized that this story touched thousands of
readers all over the world. I would like to take this opportunity to thank you a
CHAPTER DEDICATION: This chapter is dedicated to the people who never hesitated
to help my country. To our neighboring countries, thank you very much. United Ki
ngdom, Japan, Saudi Arabia, Germany, Britain, Australia, Canada, China, Taiwan,
Belgium, Denmark, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Israel, Italy, Malaysia, Netherland
s, New Zealand, Norway, Russia, UAE, Singapore, Spain, South Korea, Sweden, Swit
zerland, Taiwan, Turkey, Ireland, Vietnam and most of all to The United States o
f America (And I know there are too many more to mention). No word is enough to
describe how grateful we are to have you, to be with us and to aid to our needs.
In behalf of the Filipino community, THANK YOU VERY MUCH. We really are United
as One.
Here's chapter 51. Enjoy.
BTW This is important: Play the music at The Multimedia Section while reading th
is chapter. Thanks a lot!
-------------------CHAPTER 51 - Being A Friend
** ZACH's POV **
In his own odd way, I guess, my dad, don't know how to be normal after all. He's
being a father in his own unique way.
Now that everything's settled, all I have to do is clean up my mess. I won't let

Tori go this time around. I won't let her slide off the palm of my hands unless
she hears me out.
I'm ready to tell her everything she wants to know.
I went to the third floor balcony, expecting James to be there. But to my disapp
ointment, he's not. I've been calling him to ask if Tori said something to him b
ut he's unreachable.
Where in the world could he be?
I've been to the studio, the library, and every possible place I could find both
of them. I'm very certain that Tori's not with Nathan because he left the next
day I learnt about his doings.
Honestly, I didn't want him to leave right away but he insisted that he needed t
his break so that I could have the opportunity to explain everything to Tori. So
mehow, I felt that we're back to being old buddies.
As I remember the things that happened during the past few months, it's kinda fu
nny how things were connected to each other. Who would have thought that having
a relationship with Tori would result to clearing things with Nathan and my rela
tionship with my Dad. The only thing left to do is to win back Tori.
Tori somehow sew the holes in my past. Nathan, James and my Dad were right. This
girl changed me. Big time.
I took another breath and glanced at the courtyard. There I finally saw Tori, w
alking alone. The perfect opportunity to come and explain everything.
I didn't think twice. I immediately ran down the building and headed to the cour
tyard. I didn't have time to catch my breath. All I could think of that moment i
s to fix things up with her.
"Tori." I grabbed her right arm to make her face me. She was clearly surprised w
hen she saw me. It's evident in her features. "No need to say anything, I have t
o tell you something." I didn't let her talk this time. I immediately dragged he
r to the nearby alleyway away from everyone.
Her body was leaning against the wall and I placed both of my hands at each side
of her shoulders, cornering her. "Listen. Don't speak unless I'm done talking."
I started.
"The moment you came to me and asked me to be your boyfriend, I thought that was
completely insane. We had this unspoken hatred from each other and you're just
not my type. I will never like a girl like you. You're boring, a bookworm and a
high-class geek. And then I realized that you're Chloe's best friend. Somehow, i
t made me think twice..."
"...As what you've known from the start, I really did like Chloe back then..." I
'm talking as fast as I can so that she'll not have a chance to interject.
"...Then I saw that as a perfect opportunity to be with her again. I used you so
that I can be close to her and made her fall for me. The original plan is to to
ss you aside if I succeeded but then that plan didn't go. Because along the way,
I never thought that I'll ever feel something like this. You're fun and you're
simply amazing. You just take my breath away. You're so special to me and I neve
r felt it to anyone else. Tori I fell----"
"Please don't go there." She immediately cuts my speech. She's looking at me str

aight into my eyes pleading me to not go on.

I frowned my brows in confusion to ask, "Why? I just want to tell you the truth.
"Just don't say anything." She pushed me hard and distanced herself away from me
. I grabbed her arm, preventing her to go away from me without hearing my explan
I want to tell her everything.
"I know what I did was wrong. And I know that what I did in Mexico was stupid. I
was angry. I was hurt. What do you expect me to do? I thought you really liked
me but then I learnt that you were just using me? I'm confused and puzzled. I do
n't know what's real from not anymore."
I looked at her straight into her eyes. My eyes are beseeching for her to hear t
he rest but she just avoided eye contact with me. She's clearly hurt about somet
hing, and then it hit me, Samantha.
"If you're thinking about Samantha, she's just nothing. I don't know what I was
thinking at that time. I just saw her down the hall and we just walked together
to the cafeteria. I admit I used her to get to you, and I'm regretting it so ple
"Stop it Zach. Just stop this!" She shouted and then she shrugged my hands away.
I looked at her. I don't know what I did wrong. What's wrong with her?
"Tori. I'm sorry." I apologized. "I'm sorry if I hurt you. I'm sorry for being s
o stupid. I just want you to know that I lo-"
"Please don't say it, Zach!" She shrieked.
"What going on with you?"
"I'm already with James now, Zach..."
Her words came out faint and fast that I could barely hear it.
"W-What are you talking about?" I asked slowly.
She immediately looked away. "What are you talking about?" I asked again. But sh
e just remained silent.
Then she looked at me with her sharp eyes. "Me and James. We're dating."
There was silence. I can't process anything anymore. My eyes never leaving hers.
I don't know if what I heard was right. I'm waiting for the moment for her to t
ell me this is all a joke but... she never did.
"It happened so fast. James has always been there for me whenever I needed him a
nd he---"
"Stop." I whispered. I don't want to hear it. There's no way James would do this
to me. And Tori's not like this.
"It's true. In a short period of time, I liked him and we started to hang out an

"I said stop it!" I yelled. I don't know if I'm angry or irritated. I don't know
what I'm feeling. My emotions are messing with me.
"Zach. You have to accept the fact that---"
"If this is your way of torturing me, please stop. Fine! You won! It hurts... a
lot! Please tell me it's just a joke! Please tell me this is just one of your si
lly pranks---"
"I'm not pretending, Zach! I told you we're over! I told you I don't love you an
And with that, my world started to crash down. Her words were like knives pierci
ng my heart.
I walked backwards and learned myself to the wall for support. Why is this happe
ning to me? This is not true. James won't do that to me.
I was silent the whole time. I can't look at Tori in the eyes. Her words are sti
ll killing me. I closed my eyes and trying to refrain myself from showing any si
gn of weakness in front of her. I'm still processing those hurtful words she sai
d a while ago. But no matter what I do, my brain just can't produce any explanat
ion! It's fuckin' messed up!
"Zach." She called me out. But I don't have the will to hear her out. "Zach, I'm
sorry." She whispered and her voice is enough to send another jolting pain in m
"Just leave." I murmured. My eyes still closed.
"Zach. I---"
"Please. Leave." My voice sounds strained and pleading.
I don't want to see her right now. I don't want to hear her voice. I don't want
her to see me like this. I'm wretched. This isn't what I was expecting to happen
Some ending, huh?
My best friend and the only girl I really love.
How could James do this to me?
* * * * * *
I just had to pay him a visit to congratulate him.
The moment James opened the door to the hotel he's staying, I immediately punche
d him and then he stumbled to the floor.
I grabbed his collar and smacked him to the wall. "You fuckin' snake!"
A flurry of punches met with his face but I slowed down when I felt that he wasn
't fighting back. He knew that this was bound to happen. Something inside me is
telling me to stop. As I was building momentum to punch him the hardest I'd ever
punch someone in the face, my fist landed in the wall, denting it.
"You done?" James said trying hard to breathe.

I shoved him away as I walked away from him. Still controlling the anger I'm fee
"Why James!"
"The very reason I predicted you'd do this." He said trying to stand up. He wipe
d the blood dripping from his mouth and then he continued. "You think shoving yo
ur fist to someone's face will solve everything? This is the reason why you shou
ld distance yourself from Tori. You barely listen to her when it's needed. You a
lways put yourself first before other people and---"
"And who are you to preach? If you want me to realize something then fine, lesso
n learned! Enough of this insanity!" I exasperated my hands in the air.
I'm tired and exhausted. I don't want to think anymore. I want answers from him.
If Tori can lie straight to my face, James can't.
"What did I tell you before, Zach? I told you that once you hurt Tori again, I w
on't tolerate it."
"What are you trying to prove, Gregory?" I took threatening steps closer to him.
"Why would I lie to you? What will I gain? I asked her to be my girlfriend and s
he accepted it!"
"I get it already! I learned my fuckin' lesson. I hurt Tori. Used her. I didn't
listened to her. Just tell me this is all a set up! Just stop this crappy bull o
f lies!"
"I wasn't interfering with your relationship when you were together. For fuck's
sake, I was even hell bent in fixing things between the two of you!"
"You betrayed me, you fuckin' bastard!" I shouted to his face.
"Were you together when I made my move? You've been missing for a week, sulking
and thinking about your stupid self! Did you consider how Tori was feeling durin
g that time? Did you ask for any explanation for the lies she made? No! Because
you're so selfish that your feelings are more important! I was there for her whe
n you weren't!" He pushed me away from him.
How in the hell did things get so complicated? I wondered how I could've forgott
en about James. I trusted him damn too much to not think of him as a rival. I gu
ess I'm just too over-confident that James, my comrade, will never betray me. Bu
t my guess was wrong.
"So, that's the reason why you've been missing? You never even bothered to visit
me in the lowest situation of my life! And you say I don't deserve her? You cal
l yourself a friend? Well, let me tell you this..." I walked towards his directi
on towering him. "Show some damn respect, Gregory! Know your boundaries!" I bit
out scornfully.
He avoided eye contact with me and then he walked pass through me. At that momen
t, I want James to back out. To step aside and give me the way just like what Na
than did.
"I know what I did is unforgivable, Zach. But I know that she's worth it."
"Shut it, James. You know that my relationship with Tori can still---"
"None of your words will change the way I feel for her. I will fight for her mor

e than you ever will."

With what he said, I saw everything that happened between me and Tori flashback
in an instant. I never did fight for her. All I did was sulk and blame her for u
p until now. I can't help but feel that he's right. I'm a selfish jerk who doesn
't think about anyone but myself.
"Take this as an opportunity to continue your plan and be with the blonde you've
been in love ever since. Think about it."
His words were mocking me. Who is this guy standing in front of me? Where is the
guy that's always encouraging me, advising me the right things to do? Why is he
driving me to Chloe all of a sudden where in he perfectly know that Tori is all
I want?
He knows how much I love Tori. He knows how much I value her. We've been through
a lot and I never thought that Victoria Peige would be the reason for our frien
dship to end up like this.
Well maybe it's all because of what they called love. It will make you do someth
ing you don't normally do. Love is not just all about happiness or hurt. It's al
so threatening and dangerous. And that's what happening to James. I realized he'
s really into Tori that much to throw away years of friendship.
"Don't get me wrong, Zach. We both know that I've been a friend to you. I just w
ant to feel the same. I want to feel that you're also a friend to me. I never as
ked anything from you. All the games and mischiefs, I didn't turn them down for
your sake. This is the only thing I'm asking from you."
I looked at him. His feature is somehow softened. It's as if he's begging someth
ing from me. "Let go of her."
I wanted to punch him again after hearing those words. I want to knock some sens
e into him so that the real James will resurface again.
"Remember that in life, you have to be selfless too. You have to think of the ot
her person's feelings first before your own because you will never gain real hap
piness unless the other party is happy as well."
Dammit Dad! Seriously? Words of advised from my father popped up my head prevent
ing me from bashing James' face again.
I thought of the times that James wasn't like this. When my mother died, when Ch
loe and I had our gap, and when I was with Tori. He never failed to encourage me
and gave me his all-knowing advices. And with all that, he never asked for anyt
hing in return.
Am I that selfish? Am I really just thinking about myself? I always thought that
I'm the one hurting, that I'm the victim but truth be told, it's me who's hurti
ng them. I'm not considering the feelings and thoughts of people around me
I took a last glance at James.
Am I ready to give up Tori?
What does Tori feel about James?
"James has always been there for me whenever I needed him..."

"In a short period of time, I liked him and we started to hang out..."
Maybe Dad's right.
I have to be selfless.
I have to think of other people's feelings too before my own.
I have to let go.
I have to be a friend.
And with that, I walked out of James' hotel room.
--- END OF CHAPTER FIFTY ONE --Sad chapter? I know. And I'm very much aware that a lot of you are hating me now
. Well, the storyline is already planned out and this is bound to happen. Did yo
u saw it coming? What do you think will happen next?
The song Wrecking Ball By Miley Cyrus (COVER by Chris Salvatore)
How do you feel about this chapter? Especially when you're reading it while list
ening to the song? Share your thoughts.
Only few chapters left. Hang in there readers. Hope you'll be with me till the v
ery end.
NEXT CHAPTER: Saturday next week. See you!
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TWITTER = notarandomgirl
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<center><h1>Chapter 52 - The Offer</h1></center>

Hi guys! Thanks for your undying support and for your love/hate relationship wit
h this story. I can assure you that I read ALL of your comments. I'm sorry that
I can't post SPECIAL MENTION because for me, all of you deserve it! Continue to
send those wonderful comments and I'll read ALL of them. That's a promise. =)
This story is already planned out. I'm not rushing it or dragging it to make it
longer, in fact I'm wrapping it up. Trust me, everything has a reason. If you tr
y to read back the previous chapters, the holes are starting to patch-up. Be pat
ient. We're almost done. =)
This is Chapter 52. ENJOY!

Before that, please play the video in the MULTIMEDIA SECTION while reading this
chapter. Thanks.
------------------------------CHAPTER 52 - THE OFFER
** TORI's POV **
"Please. Leave." Zach's words were pleading and I can feel the pain in his voice
. His eyes were still closed and it's clear that he doesn't want me near him.
I'm somehow thankful that his eyes were shut, because the tears in my eyes were
flowing freely. I'm trying my best to suppress my sobs.
I watched him for about a few more seconds and then I took my retreat. I can't b
ear it anymore. I don't want to see him like that. I ran as fast as I can, away
from him, away from this premise. I ran outside the school and hailed a cab to m
y house. There I started to burst in tears.
I kept picturing Zach. At that moment, I want to come to him. To take back all t
he things I said a while ago. That it's not true that I don't love him anymore b
ecause in reality, I still do. I love him so much that it hurts.
But I can't back out now. I have to do this for Chloe. I once promised that ther
e is nothing coming in between our friendship. I even agreed to be James' preten
d girlfriend. There's no turning back now.
As I remember his face, that's the time I felt that I'm the most despicable pers
on in the world. How could I say the biggest lie I've ever said in front of him
without blinking? I wanted to hear him say those three words, but then I was afr
aid as well. I can't fulfill the promise I have for Chloe. I will never let go o
f Zach if he tells me that he loves me.
Now I'm convinced that he hates me. This time, he clearly wants me out of his li
As I arrived at my building, I stayed at the lobby for a while. I have to finish
crying first before coming to the penthouse. I don't want to be interrogated by
Sonia. That's the last thing I want to happen right now. This story is one roll
er coaster of a full drama. I'm tired of thinking, crying and hurting. When will
this end?
After a few more minutes I decided to come up. I entered the apartment as if not
hing happened. I'm used to this. I'm used to pretending.
I headed straight to my room and jumped to my bed.
I touched the necklace lying on my neck. The key pendant that Zach gave me. I wo
nder if he saw me still wearing this. I wanted to give it back to him but then I
refrained myself from doing so. It's as if I'm going to lose half of me if I ga
ve it back.
I want to keep this. This is the only reminder of my true self. My true feelings
. The only thing that can prove that somewhere in this lifetime, I experienced g
reat love. How I loved and be loved truly.
I closed my eyes and drifted to sleep while holding the pendant. Sleep is all I
need right now because in my dream, I'm honest and I'm not pretending. In my dre
am, Zach and me were together.

* * * * * * *
Few days have passed and it's almost weekend already. It's Friday and everyone i
s excited to spend the weekend free.
I haven't seen James and Zach since. I'm getting kinda worried about them. I can
understand that Zach doesn't want to see me anymore, maybe that's the reason wh
y he's not attending any of his classes.
But then James, I wonder if Zach confronted him after what happened. What's thei
r status? I'm afraid that maybe our pretend to be dating thing somehow jeopardiz
e their friendship as James assured me that he'd think of a way so it won't happ
These past few days have been so exhausting. I kept on picturing and thinking of
what ifs. Well, what if the secrets weren't revealed? What kind of life would I
have right now?
I took a seat at our usual lunch table in the cafeteria. I wonder, what if Zach'
s still sitting beside me like the usual. At that time, I can feel that he reall
y likes me. After we shared that first real kiss, everything was blissful and ca
refree. I'm so overwhelmed by the thought of it.
I still remember the times where he's trying to steal quick kisses from me. I sm
iled at the memory. We were so happy.
The memory continued. We were eating at the same lunch table. Nathan, River and
James throwing double-meaning remarks at each other, Chloe laughing and talking
to Greg over the phone, and Zach, holding my hand under the table. With his simp
le gesture, it always makes me melt.
I smiled at the bittersweet memories. My eyes are starting to form waters again,
but I wiped it swiftly before it escapes my eyes.
Just right in time, Chloe joined me at the table. "Hey!" She greeted.
We've been together almost everyday. I never mentioned anything about my little
incident with Zach at the alleyway in the courtyard. I don't want her to get the
wrong idea. I don't want her to think that I still have feelings for Zach.
"Hey. What's up?" I greeted back as I scoop a spoonful of yogurt and shoved it i
nto my mouth.
"I'm okay." She settled. But then her voice is telling something else.
I held her hands and worried. "What happened?"
Chloe took a deep breath before answering. At first she was hesitant but then sh
e looked at me and decided to talk. "I never told you about this but... I talked
to Zach yesterday."
Upon hearing it, my stomach started to hurl. It's as if the yogurt that I swallo
wed a while ago wanted to escape from my mouth. What does she mean by she talk w
ith Zach? And why isn't she happy about it?
"Oh. It's great, right? So, are you two going out?" I pried.
"About that... I have a favor to ask." She said. I looked at her, confused. I fr
owned my brows then she sighed. She stared at me and then she continued. "Can yo

u tell Zach that it's okay that we're going out?"

"What!" I shrieked. I was surprised at the same time oblivious.
"I knew it. It's a bad idea." She shrugged and avoided eye contact with me. "It'
s just that he doesn't understand. I think the reason he doesn't want to, you kn
ow, go out with me is maybe he's thinking of what will you feel And
maybe he doesn't have any idea that you're fine with it since you don't have any
feelings for him anymore and with what's going on with you and James..."
I'm speechless and I don't know what to say. Clearly she wants me to say somethi
ng but the problem is, I don't have a say to this.
"Hey." She held my hands again. "I'm sorry I even asked for the stupid idea. It'
s just that maybe he wants to hear it from you, you know, that it's totally okay
with you that your friend is dating your ex."
That's not the point, Chloe.
I already confronted Zach that I don't like him anymore and pushing him to date
someone else will just continue to hurt him. He doesn't want to see me right now
and I don't know if he also wants to talk to me. After what I've done to him, I
bet he'll hate me forever if I'll do that.
Is it my real reason or there's something else? Am I against them going out? Am
I being selfish? It pains me to see them together. Just the thought of it is mak
ing my heart break into pieces. I don't understand myself anymore. I thought I w
anted Zach and Chloe to be together but why is it I'm having second thoughts? So
mehow, I wanted to prevent it
I looked at her and it's evident that she's feeling down about it. What am I sup
posed to do? I already caused too much damage but all of this is for Chloe to be
happy. If I back out now, all the pain will be put into waste. I have to go on.
I have to continue.
"Chloe." I looked at her and gave her a smile. "I'll tell him that it's ok." I a
ssured her. Although I don't know how I'll do it but at least I'll try.
"Tori, you don't have to do it. Honestly, it's stupid and---"
"Hey, it's ok. It'll be fine." I said with confidence. This will be the last and
I hope that when they start to go out, Zach will see that it's Chloe that he re
ally wants and I can finally have a reason to forget him, this time, for real.
"Thank you." Chloe's tone is now cheerful compared to before and seeing her like
this makes me smile as well. "Hey. Does Zach know that you and James are dating
I don't know how to answer her question. If I tell her that it's me who tell Zac
h about it, she'll ask for more questions like how did he react and stuff. And t
hat will just result to another lie. I already made up a lot of lies enough for
a year and I don't want to pile up another.
"Yes and I told him to stay away from my girlfriend." My salvation came in the p
resence of James. I was surprised at his retort. Is it true or is this some kind
of show-off again in front of Chloe? As I looked at his face, I could still see
some bruises in his face.
"James Wha-"

He leaned to me as if giving me a kiss. When I'm about to back off, he immediate

ly held me in place and whispered something. "I'm not going to kiss you. This is
just for show. For Chloe and... Zach is watching from behind. We have to make t
his act as real as possible." Then he faced me and smiled. I let out a strained
smiled as well.
"I'll tell you about this later." He whispered. I guess Zach didn't take the new
s lightly. I have to squeeze James about this later.
I wanted to turn around to see Zach. He's here, what am I supposed to do? Of cou
rse I shouldn't turn around because it'll be obvious, so I just looked back to C
"You told Zach? How did he take it? Is he mad or something? Does he still have f
eelings for Tori? Are you two still friends?" Questions that are coming out of C
hloe's mouth kept on coming up. I don't know how James will answer that and I'm
somewhat intrigued to those questions. I also want to know the answers.
James looked at me first. He wrapped his hand around my shoulder and I was stunn
ed. I gathered every nerve in my body to refrain myself from jolting away. I don
't know why he's doing this or what's his purpose, maybe Zach is still watching?
"I told Zach the real story." He started.
Wait? Real story? So he denied that we're really dating?
"I told him that I've been with Tori ever since and I'm here whenever she's in n
eed. I asked her to be my girlfriend and she agreed. Right?" He looked at me, ou
r eyes locked to each other and he waited for my approval which I nodded in agre
I heard something shattered from behind and that made me look back. There I saw
Zach knocked down the lunch trays. He's looking at me and anger is evident in hi
s features. And then I turned my attention back to James and he's just smirking.
What is happening here?
"Zach. He'll come around. He didn't take the news lightly and he's angry at me,
as you can see." He pointed the almost healed bruise in his jaw.
"James... "
"Hey. It's nothing. You know Zach he's temperamental. But like what I said, he'l
l come around." He said full of confidence and assurance. I wanted to ask him mo
re but then I realized Chloe's still here. I don't want her to see that we're ju
st pretending to be dating. So all I could do is wait for her to leave.
"I think so too. You already set your boundaries, James, and I think Zach is man
enough to know his limitations. Good for you, you only got bruises. Knowing him
, he'll send you straight to your own grave." Chloe rationalized.
I felt guilty. This is my entire fault. Things are worse than ever. I only thoug
h about my friendship with Chloe but I never thought about James and Zach's.
"Oh well, I have to go now. I'll leave you two lovebirds alone." Chloe chirped a
nd then she retreated. After she left, I shrugged James' hands away from my shou
"I'm sorry." I apologized to him.
"Hey. No need and I can assure you that I know my limitations."

"That's not it. I somehow feel that I'm responsible for destroying your friendsh
ip with Zach."
James took my hands and made me look at him. "Tori. It's nothing and I can assur
e you, it's worth it."
"James... We're just---"
"Yeah, pretending. I'm sorry." He immediately took his hands away from me. Someh
ow it felt awkward. I don't want things to develop into something else. This is
just a pretend relationship. How long will it last? As long as Chloe and Zach ar
e not together, I guess the charades will continue on.
I wanted to like James, but for some reason I just can't. I don't want my next r
elationship to be based on another lie. I want something real. James is not hard
to love. He's really nice, good looking and always there to protect you and car
e for you. Every girl would die to have him as a boyfriend. But no matter what I
do, I just can't like him more than a friend.
I'm guessing it's all because of Zach. As long as he's not yet with Chloe, these
feelings I harbor for him will never disappear.
"James. I have to go to the library. You go ahead to class and I'll come afterwa
rds." I stood up and hurriedly got out.
I feel bad about lying to James. Of all the people, he should be the last person
I should be lying to. But I don't want to tell him that I'm going to talk to Za
ch. For sure, he'll disapprove it.
I took out my phone and texted Zach. I have to settle things once and for all. I
have to find a reason to stay away from Zach. A valid reason to forget him.
* * * * * * *
"Aren't you just gonna stand there?" Zach asked. Irritation evident in his tone.
I sent Zach a message that I want to talk to him at the empty room on the ground
floor, the very same room where it all began. I guess it's where everything wil
l end as well.
"What do you want? If you don't have anything good to say, I'm out." When he's a
bout to retreat, I immediately grabbed him.
De javu?
"Zach. You should start dating Chloe." I bit out almost painfully.
He then turned towards me, clearly pissed. "Are you serious?" He growled. I step
ped back and he continued to step closer until I felt the wall behind me.
"No Zach, I'm ju---"
"You must think this is all a joke to you! Do you have any idea how hard it is f
or me see you and my best friend together? And now you're telling me to date you
r best friend? For what? Just to satisfy your morale?"

I watch Zach's jaw tighten in anger, sarcasm evident in his tone and I can't rea
lly blame him. I want him to have all the reasons in the world to forget about u
s because whatever we do, it just won't work as if the world's against us.
"Zach." I touched both shoulders to calm him down.
"No matter what I do, I just can't stop thinking about you! I know what you're t
rying to do, but no matter what I do I just can't bring myself to hate you!" He
leaned closer this time, his feature softened.
"Tori... I love you." He whispered.
And with that, tears started to pour down my eyes. It's never ending. It's the f
irst time for me to hear him say those words. I wanted to tell him I love him as
well but all I could do was hug him the tightest like I've never hugged someone
"I love you so much and it pains me a lot." Zach declared in sorrow. I tightened
my embrace and the tears were still pouring.
"But you're dating James now." He murmured on my head. I wanted to tell him the
real deal but I can't.
"And for the first time, I want to be his best friend. So I think it's time for
me to back off." His words shred me to pieces. He continued to speak as he let g
o. "I'm tired of all this. The anger, the pain and the chase, it's exhausting. E
specially if the person you're pursuing doesn't want to be chased."
He turned to me and made me looked at him. "I'll do you this one last favor, I w
ill date Chloe just like what you want and forget you so that you can be happy."
Tears continue to pour down my face. I don't have anything but regrets. How I w
ish I could turn back time and start all over again.
"But do me this last request..." He stared at me with those gray eyes that I've
been longing for. He wiped the tears away and then he continued. "Come with me t
o Mexico tomorrow, just you and me. And after that, I will be with Chloe and you
'll be happy with James."
There is something about his offer that I don't want to accept. First is I don't
trust myself in him, if I agreed to be with him over the weekend, I can't assur
e that I can still let him go. Second is I'm not sure if I want him to be out of
my life forever and if I can bear seeing him with Chloe.
But what makes me think otherwise is, I wanted to be with him.
Something doesn't feel right. I already gave him my word and I'm afraid that I m
ight lose the confidence that I want him out of my life. To wake up to the fear
of realizing that I don't want to forget everything that happened and that I cou
ld be the happiest person alive if I didn't let him go.
But in spite all these fears, I can't help but consider this.
Just for two days, I want to be really happy.
I want to be with the person I love.
Just for two days, I want to be with Zachary Anderson.

---END OF CHAPTER 52--What do you think will happen next chapter? Do you see the ending coming? Any gu
ess on what is the ending of Must Date The PLAYBOY?
Chloe is being a bitch in this chapter. But in reality, it can really happen. Yo
ur friend asking your permission/blessing to date your ex. Some may think that T
ori is being dumb or idiot. But I think she just values friendship more than lov
GREATEST CODE OF FRIENDSHIP: Bros before hoes and Sisters before misters.
The Song for this chapter is: Starts With Goodbye By Carrie Underwood. (What do
you think?)
FACEBOOK FANPAGE = Notjustarandomgirl
TWITTER = notarandomgirl
INSTAGRAM = mustdatetheplayboy (Fan made)
Thank you! <3

<center><h1>Chapter 53 - You And Me</h1></center>

Thank you for your non-stop support in my story.
Thanks for all who commented and voted. I read all of them and I'll make sure to
put a special mention section once I'm done with the last chapter of Must Date
The Playboy. Continue voting, commenting and promoting. Thanks a lot!
The end is near. Hope to you'll read my next story entitled 'She's In Love With
A Geek.'
I love you all! Here's the next chapter! Enjoy!
Please Play: Chasing Cars By Snow Patrol while reading this chapter. (See MULTIM
-----------------CHAPTER 53 - You And Me
** TORI'S POV **
He's here. I heard the bell rang.
I barely slept last night. Aside from the fact that I was busy packing for my su
pposedly vacation, I can't help but think why I even said yes to his offer.
Checked the clock and it's four o' clock.

Right on time.
I can really say that going with Zach to Mexico is really a bad idea. It made me
think twice if it's what I really wanted, and somehow I know I can be happy if
I spend the next forty-eight hours with him. I had to be selfish.
I know it's not going to be as easy as what we thought, saying goodbye and forge
tting everything? What if we can't fulfill the promise we agreed upon? What if i
n the end, I'll keep Zach for myself?
I dismissed the thoughts in my head. Today's the day that we'll have to forget e
verything and act as if nothing happened. We know that we need this. We will for
get the lies, the drama and leave everything in New York. It's just going to be
him and me, the Zach and Tori before the revelations.
I'm ready for this. Psyched as I'll ever be.
I stood up and headed for the stairs, it's a good thing that Sonia's not there t
o stop me. She knows my plan and I trust her. She seemed skeptical when she hear
d the idea, thinking it might make things worse. I convinced her that it's for g
ood and I want to do this not just for Chloe or Zach, but also for my own.
After this, Zach will be out of my life... for good.
I opened the door carrying my baggage and was surprised at who I saw.
"Lovely morning Ms. Peige." He greeted politely.
"What are you doing here? Where's Zach?"

"Mr. Anderson asked me to come pick you up. He already left for Mexico last nigh

"Really now?"
What's he up to? I crossed my arms as I wondered why.
"Not that I'm intruding in his personal affairs but please give him this one las
t chance." I was stunned with what Boris said. I expected Boris to be loyal to h
is employers but hearing him say those words was very surprising. The fact that
I toyed with Zach's feelings, obviously he knows how broken he was during the pa
st few weeks. That gesture was enough to really convince me to go, holding noth
ing back.
I nodded as he led the way.
Here we go again.
Last time I checked, if I remember correctly, trusting Zach was never the best i
dea. I ended up hurting myself. This is not what we agreed upon, but at the same
time, I'm disappointed.
Zachary Anderson, What are you thinking?

As we stepped out of the building, I saw a limo waiting outside. As Boris opened
the door, I was moved when I saw yellow tulips scattered all over the seats lea
ving one space for me to sit.
In flowers, yellow symbolizes a lot of meaning. Some yellow flowers symbolize fr
iendship, jealousy, rejection, disdain, grief, or cruelty. I pick one and smelle
d it. I closed my eyes as I relished its meaning. In yellow tulips, it means hop
elessly in love.
I don't know if Zach is aware of it's meaning or he just like tulips and yellow.
But as for me, this flower symbolizes what I felt for him. I'm hopelessly in lo
ve with that playboy. No matter what I do and whatever he did to me, I just can'
t help but feel the same for him. I don't know if there will be a hope that I'll
forget about him and the feelings I harbor for him.
Maybe this is the reason why Zach wants me to be left alone.
Maybe he wants me to clear out my heads to think things thoroughly. He wants me
to remember what we had before everything went haywire. I don't know anymore.
What is he trying to say?
Is he telling me that he can't love other person aside from me or I can't love a
nybody aside from him?
This feeling is overwhelming. It's full of Zach and at the moment, I want to get
out of the car because I'm afraid of what will happen after this trip. But I kn
ow there is no turning back now.
We finally arrived at the airport where Zach's plane was waiting. I sat near the
window, the same seat where I was during our last trip to Mexico. It wasn't eas
y as I thought of the events that transpired during that trip.
"Good morning Ms. Peige." A girl's voice made me jump out of my reverie.
"Oh, hello..." I replied politely.
"I'm Penelope, if you need anything, just ask. Mr. Anderson wants you to be as c
omfortable as possible."
"I will." I smiled at her and she left.
Penelope's intermission didn't really help at all, I can't help but remember the
time Zach welcomed me to Mexico with excitement and joy written all over his fa
ce. I touched at the key pendant rested in my neck.
I feel awful knowing that the place he cherished the most is the same place wher
e I broke his heart. As I fondled the pendant, I'm declaring that, just for two
days, I'm gonna make things right.
"Excuse me Ms. Peige. Mr. Anderson would like you to have this." Penelope handed
me a familiar pink box. By the look of it, I think I know what's inside.
"You've got to be kidding me." I laughed as I remembered. "Thank you, Penelope."
I opened the box and took out a cookie. I can't help but smile as I chewed the t

He remembered.
It's the same brand of cookie we ate in his car, when he waited for me for hours
to finish my agenda in the library and bribed me into coming to James' party.
I don't have any idea what's running inside Zach's head. Is he trying to be swee
t or he wants to torture me? I wanted to punch him and at the same time I want t
o hug him. I miss him so bad that tears started to fall out my eyes.
I looked outside and wonder, how can a person feel this big to another person? G
uess this is what love means as what my mother explained, painful and overwhelmi
ng at the same time. I closed my eyes and hoped that in the end, I'll be strong
enough to stand up where I should really be.
Then a touch of light made me open my eyes. I've been here once but I will never
forget the day I saw the magnificent sight of Mexico.
We arrived at Las Ventanas. As I stood up I took a deep breath.
This is it. I'm here.
As the plane doors opened with the Mexican sun shining inside the cabin, I saw a
very familiar blonde looking at my direction with that arrogant smirk plastered
on his face.
"Finally. I thought you'd ditch me." He said as I walked toward him.
And with that, upon hearing his voice, my heart started to beat faster than the
I calmed myself as I mustered all the courage I had to speak.
"Of course I'll come. You know how I keep my promises."
I forgot how he could look so damn gorgeous even if not putting much effort to i
t. He's wearing khaki shorts and a white button-down exposing his damn chest. To
top it all, he's wearing that going-for-the-kill smile! I just can't help but m
elt at that moment. Zach has the ability to make every creature in this world dr
ool over him, and I'm no exception.
"Typical Tori, getting all flustered as usual." He teased.
I looked away to hide the blush. I'm feeling the same feeling I had before when
I'm so in love with him. Oh wait, I still am!
'Get a hold of yourself, Peige!' My conscience reminding me this is all part of
the act.
"Hey. We're not---" I tried to warn him but then he cut me off.
"Hey. What did I tell you? We'll leave everything behind in New York. Here in Me
xico... you're my girlfriend. Just like what we've agreed."
I tried to protest but then he stepped closer that made me close my eyes and for
that one moment I thought I'm gonna feel his lips again.
"You thought I was going to kiss you, huh?" He chuckled and then he walked out,
carrying my luggage.

Feeling humiliated, I gnashed my teeth in frustration.

I followed him in a fair distance. I don't want to come near him; he'll just tea
se me again. But then, come to think of it, this is what we really are before. I
'm not really sure what his game is. He's clearly trying to really act as if not
hing happened.
Still, as what we have agreed upon, we'll forget all the drama and leave it all
behind. He's mine. No Chloe and James, it's just gonna be Zach and me. I can see
that Zach is trying his best to keep everything behind and I should do the same
. I want to loosen up and be happy.
As I followed him, I realized that it's different from where we stayed before. W
e headed for the stairs and as we reached the top, I was awed with the view. I c
an see the ocean and it is majestic. I was overwhelmed with what I saw. I didn't
follow Zach inside and I just stayed outside.
I faced the view and feel the breeze. It's cold but it's not too much compared t
o the New York's cold winter air.
"Enjoying the view?" I heard Zach asked me. I was
elt his hands wrapped around my waist. It made me
from holding his hands and feeling the warmth of
his forever. It's like Brooklyn incident all over

about to face him but then I f

smile that I can't stop myself
his embrace. I can stay like t

"How about we start our day with breakfast? According to Penelope, you haven't e
aten anything and that you kept hugging the box of cookies all throughout your s
I pushed him away and defended myself, "Why would I do that? I'm not hungry." I
replied firmly. All I could hear of is his laughter.
I walked out, feeling embarrassed. Zachary Anderson really knows how to ruin the
* * * * * * *
Despite the melodramatic exit, we still ended up eating brunch. We talked about
anything we could think of. No bitterness. No lies, only sweet and precious memo
"So, I made an itinerary. Want to see it?" Zach asked with excitement in his voi
I wiped my mouth as I finished my last scoop of fruit parfait. Let's see what he
"Yeah, guess what, my number one says something to do with horse and ride." He g
rinned excitedly.
"You've got to be kidding me. You don't mean horseback riding do you?" I asked i
n disbelief.
"Mr. Anderson, the cart is ready." An attendant butted in handling Zach a key.
"What's a cart for?" I asked in confusion.
He stood up and extended his arms. "Let's go! The horses are waiting."
We rode the cart, chatting and giggling as we felt the soothing breeze of Mexico

I rolled my eyes but then took his hand. We rode the cart, chatting and giggling
as we felt the soothing breeze of Mexico air. I can see Zach enjoying steering
the wheel, bringing back precious memories that we shared together in his car wh
en we were in New York. How we didn't care about the world and just be happy.
I had to look away and remind myself that this is just all part of the show. Rem
iniscing the past won't do any good, I can't settle for something that's evanesc
ent. This is the last time I'll be sitting beside Zach.
"We're here."
I was astounded with what I saw. There is more to Las Ventanas than the breathta
king view of the ocean. I never liked Biology but I've never appreciated nature
so much that I could barely move.
"Tori, meet Rancho, he's so excited to meet you." I thought Rancho was a person
to my surprise, he's a horse.
"No. There's no way I'm riding a horse. I'll fall down!" I tried to run but then
he chased me down.
"Don't you trust me? I'm here. I'm not gonna let that happen." He asked grinning
. "We're gonna ride together." He added.
"As if that'll change anything."
Zach stepped closer and touched my chin, "I will never let you go." Hearing thos
e words made my heart skip a beat. What is he trying to say? "What I meant was,
I'll hold you so you won't fall down." He cleared out with a wink.
He left me irritated again. And why does he keep on doing that! One thing he's m
aking my heart race or skip it's beat or send shivers to my whole body and then
he'll somehow ruined everything with his conceited remarks! He's unbelievable!
Zach lifted me; mounting me to the horse that made me shriek which he found hila
"That is so not funny!" I told him as I clutched the rope tied to the horse, as
if my life depended on it. My eyes were shut the whole time with the fear of fal
ling down. Then he climbed up the horse as well.
"All set." He whispered and then he grabbed the rope and the horse galloped in a
fast pace making me scream.
As we rode along on a slow pace, Zach asked me to open my eyes. We went to a pla
ce where we could see the whole of Las Ventanas. It was a sight to behold.
"This is my favorite spot. When I was a kid, I'd always bring the horse here."
"Nope. Rancho's mother was the one who'd I take along." He rubbed Rancho's hair
making him lean closer to me.
Upon looking at the surroundings, I'm imagining a little Zach roaming around the
beautiful resort.
"It's beautiful here Zach." I glanced sideways and I realized that our faces wer

e inches from each other.

I wanted to kiss him at that moment. Tempted by his lips I closed the distance b
etween us, but then he backed away and said, "Let's head back before the sun set
s. We still have to experience the beach."
Before I could say anything, we we're already moving.
The trip to the beach was kinda awkward. I can't blame him since I am fake datin
g his best friend and I almost kissed him. His loyalty still resides with James
even in situations like this.

We're back at the beach and he's back to his jolly self again. Talk about being
moody. He'd be very eccentric one time, next thing you know he's all silent, lik
e some introvert. Although I think he's holding back as well.
We swam the whole afternoon and acted as if nothing happened. We stayed there an
d watched the sunset together. The sun going down the horizon taking away all th
e light. It's as if it's indicating that time's ticking.
We're back to our suite all freshened up and headed to The Restaurant, as what w
e had agreed a while ago. As I finished brushing my hair, to my surprise, Zach w
as nowhere to be found.
He didn't leave me again, did he?
"Zach?" I called him out again as I headed to the bedroom looking for him. There
I saw a beautiful fabric lying on the bed.
I read the card beside it.
'Wear this tonight. I'll meet you at the beach. - Z'
I lifted up the bohemian peacock print maxi dress which left me speechless. I we
nt to the nearby mirror and planted it on me marveling at the beauty of the ense
I looked at myself thinking everything that transpired today was like a replay
of what happened to us before.
Well planned, Zachary Anderson... I thought as I smiled at the memories.
I put on the dress and made sure that I wore the necklace Zach gave me. After th
at, I immediately went out of the suite and there a male attendant greeted me.
"Mr. Anderson is waiting for you Ms. Peige. This way please." I followed him as
he led me towards the beach, where I saw a pathway lined with candles leading me
to a canopy with two chairs and a table.
I only read stuff like this in romantic books or seen it in movies. For this to
happen in real life was just amazing.
Amidst the darkness of the horizon, the only thing that's lighting the beach was
candles and lanterns surrounding the canopy. Then as if emerging out of nowhere
, I saw Zach standing behind one of the chairs. My heart fluttered and without k
nowing it, my smile just gave away. I walked in the candlelight isle as Zach wai
ted for me at the end, the smile on his face unfazed.

As I reached the end, he immediately wrapped his arms around my waist and grinne
d. "Stunning as always."
I can't hide the pure joy I felt upon hearing those words from Zach. I'd give hi
m credit for the way he looked but what's the point? You can put anything on him
and he'd still look good.
He led me to the table and offered me the chair which I gladly took. He sat down
as well and the waiter came in with our food prepared in silver platters.
"Now why am I not surprised?" I asked laughing as I looked at the steak and past
a served in front of me.
"Your favorite." He chuckled.
I smiled at him as we gorged through our meal. I can say that this, by far is th
e best night of my life. It's like something out of a book.
We talked all throughout the meal until dessert and then I heard the sound of a
violin playing in the background. As what I can gather, the music sounds like th
e song You And Me by Life house.
I saw Zach stood up and offered his hands. I furrowed at this.
"Mind if I have this dance?" He requested. I took his hands and he immediately w
rapped his arms around my waist and I entwined my hands to his neck.
"I didn't know you danced." I teased.
"I'm can't, but I can sway. Does that count?" I laughed at his charming retort.
Both of us were looking at the each other in the eyes, smiling at the same time.
We didn't care about anything, just the mood of the evening, and the music. It
was just me and Zach.
I never want the music to end and being wrapped around Zach's arms. I hugged him
tighter letting me feel his fast heart beat and he did the same as we danced.
I never want the music to end. Being wrapped around Zach's arms is so relaxing a
nd calming. I'm at peace. I hugged him tighter letting me feel his fast heart be
at and he did the same as we danced. I want this night to last forever. Just Zac
h and I, together like this without thinking about anyone else. Come to think of
it we were like this when we only cared about ourselves.
I want to be with him.
Everything's flashing back to me, from the time I first fell for him, then the f
ear of falling deeper in love with him and finally, the time I was afraid of los
ing him.
Everything is making sense.
My feelings that were deprived are starting to resurface again. I need Zach, I w
ant him and I want to be with him. I know Chloe will understand and so is James.
Us. I have to make a stand.
I have to be honest with myself and be selfish for once.

I leaned back and faced him. "Zach..." I called him out.

"Tori." He whispered. He touched my necklace and continued, "I'm not holding bac
k anymore." Before I could say anything, he already crashed his lips to mine, ma
king me taste his gentle kiss again.
The feeling of sparks all over my body, the swelling of my heart, and the butter
flies in my stomach all came rushing back as our lips met.
This is what Zach do to me. He completes me.
* * * * * * *
We spent another hour at the beach as we continued to dance and kiss. We both un
derstood what was going on with us the moment we kissed. I guess actions do spea
k louder than words.
We cuddled by the shore line as we silently looked at the stars, amazed by the d
etail we could see. Amazing how in the city, you won't see this much stars.
I wanted time to stop but my eyes are slowly giving up. For some reason, I was a
fraid to sleep not knowing what will happen tomorrow. I'm hesitant to ask him, a
fraid of what he might say.
"Tori." He called me.
My eyes were heavy and I'm in the urge to sleep. "Hmmm?" I responded. Eyes shut
as I rest my head on him.
"I love you." He whispered making me smile.
I feel that I can sleep with ease, with him unknowingly answering my question on
what will happen to us tomorrow.
"I love you too, Zach." With that, I drifted to slumber, with a smile plastered
to my face.
A happy morning ahead.
---- END OF CHAPTER 53 ---Hope you like it! =)
Any idea on what will happen next?
MDTP is coming to an end! Please support my next story 'She's In Love With A Gee
k!' First chapter is up. Tell me what you think :)
FACEBOOK FANPAGE = Notjustarandomgirl (Official) Must date The Playboy (Fan Made
TWITTER = notarandomgirl (Official)
INSTAGRAM = mustdatetheplayboy (fan made)
Thank you! <3
<center><h1>The Last Author's Note: Before The Finale</h1></center>

At long last, I can finally put a check mark in this story.
Yes, you heard it right. This is the last chapter of Must Date The PLAYBOY!
But before anything else, I would like to thank each and everyone of you. I wan
t to put all your names here but it's just too many to mention. I want you ALL t
o know that I appreciate every single comment, vote and private messages you sen
t me. I'm so proud to say that I read ALL of them.
Thank you for making me book trailers and banners. Thank you for all your effort
s. I love all of them!
Thank you for being patient with me. I know that I've been through a lot while w
riting this story and I can't thank you enough for always supporting me and bein
g there with me. Your encouraging words gave me inspiration to continue and go o
n. I love you all for that.
This story has been planned out. Some of you might be surprised on how this stor
y turned out. Some of you thought I'm rushing it or I'm dragging too much drama
in this story. Trust me, this is what I always planned and this is how I want th
is to end.
As much as I want to continue on writing this, I kinda felt it would be wrong to
lengthen this. This is the end of the line, this is how Tori and Zach's story h
as to end.
Thank you again. I sure will miss all your comments and suggestions. Your squeal
s and wraths. I hope you'll support and continue reading my other works.
I'm crying while writing this because I know I that in every story, there should
always be an ending. And it's so sad to say goodbye to all of them.
This is it guys! I hope you'll love this!
PS: Please read my other story "She's In Love With A Geek"
FACEBOOK FANPAGE = Notjustarandomgirl
TWITTER = notarandomgirl
Thank you! <3
<center><h1>Chapter 54 - For The Better</h1></center>
STOP! Please play the music in multimedia section while reading this! It's a mus
t! =)
Chapter 54 - For The Better
** TORI's POV **

I woke up with a smile plastered on my face. I stretched my arms to the other si

de of the bed, expecting Zach to be lying beside me, much to my disappointment n
o one was there. As I opened my eyes I'm in a bed, alone. I rubbed my eyes and s
at up glancing at the surroundings thinking that he's sitting somewhere.
I stood up taking a tour around the suite to find him.
I called out trying to ride along with his surprise.
Where are you? Breakfast in bed perhaps?
Pondering at the thought of me and Zach together again made me wonder how we're
going to face everyone. I assumed when he said those three words last night we h
ad an understanding.
He wants me as much as I want him.
As I checked the dining area of the suite, I saw silver platters carefully prepa
red as if a grand feast will take place. One thing I noticed though was a big cu
p of probably hot choco as if it was just prepared seconds ago. It's as if the h
ot choco was to be served as my seat in this feast.
I sat down, took a sip of the beverage and I looked at the beautiful morning bea
ch. While staring at the marvel before me, something caught my attention, a lett
er and a yellow tulip.
You've got to be kidding me.
I picked up the parchment with shaky hands. And then it hit me. Walls started cl
osing down on me.
This can't be happening.
It suddenly felt hard to breathe. I'm holding the letter hesitant on what to do
with it.
What happened? I thought everything was going fine as I assumed that this was so
me sort of goodbye letter or it might be a part of some grand scheme for today.
With all the courage I had in me, I opened the letter, trembling, preparing for
the worst.
Looking at it at first glance, I knew for a fact that Zach wrote this.
This is it. This might be the end.
I'm sorry for leaving so early in the morning. You must be thinking how much of
an asshole I am. Well, I can't blame you.
I am an asshole.
I never thought that damsels like you exist in real life. So spontaneous, so dow
n to earth. Everything about you is just so perfect. And I don't deserve it.
I've done unforgivable things to you, Tori. To think I did a background check on

you, thinking that you're just being friends with Chloe to gain something but t
hen I didn't find anything bad. Well in-fact, you've proven yourself to be a goo
d person and a very good friend. But why is it that you treat me so differently?
We had this unspoken hatred to each other, I'm thinking that maybe it's because
of our family rivalry or you like me but I'm out of your reach. But then I learn
t that you hated me cause I'm a total player. Who wouldn't right?But I do hope I
proved you wrong during the times we were together.
I was really surprised when you asked me to be your boyfriend. I was hesitant at
first thinking that you're just messin' with me. But from what I heard, you are
n't the type of person that takes advantage of people. I said yes, not because I
want you, it's because I knew that it was the only way I could get close to Chl
oe. You know the rest.
I still remember the way I used Samantha to piss you off and make you realize yo
u made a big mistake in asking me to be your boyfriend. At the same time, I hate
d the fact that I fell in love with you despite all my efforts.
I tried everything but then my attempts
fall for my own trap. I did the things
t of you being with another man changed
nt to lose you Tori, I just want you to

failed me, it just backfired and made me

I did for you to hate me. But the though
that. By that I realized that I don't wa
be mine.

Whatever it is that you did, kudos. You're the only person who can make me laugh
so hard and feel that I'm the happiest person alive.
At Brighton Beach, I'm sorry I stole your first kiss. I couldn't help it, the wo
man I want to spend the rest of my life with in front me? Not easy. It felt like
it was my first time. After that night, waking up every morning seems perfect.
The thought of you in my head makes me smile every single day that it freaks Bor
is out.
I was happy, very happy. But then I was woken up from my beautiful dream. That's
when I learnt that everything was nothing but a lie. I felt used and betrayed.
I'm so broken at that moment, Tori, and I've never felt that kind of hurt before
. You're everything to me but it turns out that you just used me.
I only thought of myself. I never seek for your explanation. I've been narrow-mi
nded. I've been such a big hypocrite not knowing I also had a lie on my own.
I also used you.
I'm really sorry for the things I did, Tori. For blaming you for every hurt and
pain I felt. With how things are so messed up right now.
As for me, I have to make a decision. By doing the thing I want the most, I have
to take you again. I needed a clean slate. But it's just not possible. I'm so f
ucked up. It's just that no matter what I do, it's always you and me against the
I remember how you still wanted me to go for Chloe despite everything that happe
ned. It made me realize that you value your friend too much that you can't take
a risk of being with me. That you really wanted me out of your life. And I know
that it was for the better.
When James came into the picture, I wanted to fight for you. But by doing so,
d still be the same selfish jerk that lost everything. You made me understand
at I had to do the same. That sometimes I should stop being selfish and think
others too. I should give James the happiness he deserves. I have to let you


I don't know if you've heard, but he's also the first one you met. How did I kno
w it? Chloe told me few days back. James told her about you two meeting at the l
ibrary but you've mistaken him as me because he's wearing my bag with my nametag
on it. He still remembered the way you narrated the story. How happy you are an
d stuck up with that beautiful fantasy. That's why he told Chloe not to spoil it
. He wants to preserve that fact that it's me who you first fell in love with, n
ot him.
I am flattered though that you thought it was me who you first fell in love with
. But I can't take the credit for that especially from my best friend. That's wh
at makes James remarkable. Instead of spilling everything and claim what is righ
tfully his, he just remained silent for the sake of the girl he likes. I'm nothi
ng compared to him. He sacrificed a lot for your sake and mine. And like what I
said, I want to be a friend to him and give up what is supposed to be his.
You and James have my blessing. He's a good person. I would pick him to be with
you anytime of the day. He deserves you more than I do. I know for a fact that h
e is indeed better than me in taking care of you. With James, I'll be at ease th
at you'll be safe and happy.
But I won't go after Chloe. I can't fulfill my promise as to date her. I just ca
n't do it no matter what. I don't love her anymore. I wouldn't want you to feel
the same way I felt whenever I saw you and James together.
Thanks for the memories, Tori. It's as if we time traveled yesterday back to the
times that everything was so perfect, wherein we were only thinking about us.
I was tempted a couple of times to forget what we agreed on. The mutual feeling
of knowing we still love and have feelings for each other but the universe is ag
ainst it. Painful as it is, it's for the better.
I'm going to be true to my words. I will stay away from you. You will never see
me in school or anywhere. I don't know how long, but long enough for us to forge
t about each other. I know it sounds like I gave up on you but trust me, I'm not
. It's just that I can't bear seeing you with another man.
The yellow tulip says it all, my feelings for you. You're smart, I know you know
what I mean. That's why I fell for you Tori, and it won't change.
I love you so much Victoria Peige, and I know you still feel the same way since
you're still wearing the necklace. And the way you said you love me too, I felt
it. I wish I never heard it because it just makes me want to stay.
It may not be the happy ending we always wanted but I want you to know that I'm
very happy that the time we spent yesterday made me realize that there's still a
possibility for us despite all the odds.
We just have a lot of people to think about. I learned to be selfless from you a
nd that only proves that you are indeed something else. Please stay the same.
Thank you for everything, Victoria Peige.
Thank you for changing me.
Thank you for teaching me what loving someone is all about.
Thank you for loving me.

So this is goodbye.
I love you, Tori.
PS: Thank you for dating a playboy like me.
------I was speechless as I looked over the morning beach, the letter blown away by th
e morning breeze all over the floor. What's odd was the tears just wouldn't fall
no matter how heavy my heart felt.
Well, he does have a point. I didn't know if I was feeling anger, disappointment
or sorrow. It's like a combination of all of them.
I did prepare myself for the worse so there was no point in dwelling over it. Th
e more I thought about it, the more my heart felt heavier. I just want to run aw
ay, far away from this place, trying to look for a way to erase this memory from
my brain.
I packed up my things and called for service. The service master greeted my door
and said, "Mr. Anderson has already made the proper arrangements, Ms. Peige. We
can take you to his private plane at any time you want."
"Thank you. My bags are all packed, please take me back to New York."
I was silent as we head towards the runway. I was pondering with a glimpse of ho
pe that this was one of his schemes. I was staring at nowhere the whole time sti
ll wondering why this happened.
Everything was so perfect.
Then I realized that was the problem. Everything was too perfect. It was scary.
I guess he has the same feeling I have that everything is just too good to be tr
ue. If we stayed, we would be living a lie as we did start our relationship with
I felt happy that for once he sacrificed his own happiness for the sake of anoth
er person. At least he learned a thing or two from being with me. I have to conv
ince myself that it would be for the better good.
Both of us knew that by being together, we would hurt the people we cared about.
We would hinder other people their pursuit for happiness if we continued.
How to value friendship, huh? I let out a big sigh.
At least by coming here, we were able to achieve something. We forgave each othe
r for the lies we did. For what it's worth, we just didn't talk about it anymore
and just came to a mutual understanding that we're okay. Finally, we somehow ha
ve an idea how happy we would be if we only thought of ourselves.
'You knew this would happen, right?' My conscience getting the better of me.
I couldn't argue with my conscience. I knew it from the beginning, the moment I
asked him to be my boyfriend, this is bound to happen. I guess the art of lettin
g go indeed is the greatest gift that you could give to someone you love so much

that you're willing to sacrifice your own happiness.

Love is not about being with the person you love. It's about giving them the fre
edom to choose.
Zach chose to go by himself. And as for me, I want to be with him but it's too l
The time he's chasing me, I'm being stubborn and pushing him away. And now the m
oment I realized that I wanted to give up everything just to be with him, that's
the time he decided to let go. We're just going on circles.
We just can't meet at the same point, huh. It's like the universe is not ready f
or our love story.

As I went up the plane, I stared at the sight of Las Ventanas one last time. All
of our memories together flashed back in an instant. With that, I felt the warm
th flowing down my cheeks.
He's gone. It's over. I said as I started to cry.
"I just love you too damn much, playboy."
That will never change.
I love you, always.

---THE END OF MUST DATE THE PLAYBOY--Background Music: Love's To Blame by Joel & Luke.
Hope I can hear from you soon. Please follow me on twitter and Facebook so that
we can interact. Thank you! =)
FACEBOOK FANPAGE = Notjustarandomgirl
TWITTER = notarandomgirl
Thank you! <3
<center><h1>Is This Really The End?</h1></center>

With so many questions left unanswered, ask yourself...

Is this really the end? I think not! =)
-------------------I hate him, so damn much! I hate him for leaving me alone in Mexico. I hate him
for keeping me hanging and for writing that stupid letter.

He didn't even bother to ask me what the hell I wanted! He just concluded things
so easily.
He simply gave up, lets go and left me with some other guy!
And now that I'm starting to accept the fact that he will never come back to me
and to go on with my life without him, that's the time he decided to show up!
That stupid, idiot, arrogant, good for nothing playboy came back!
Worst part is, the feelings I suppressed were starting to resurface again.
This can't be happening. Is this some kind of a sick joke? I hate it! It can't b
So now, I have to convince myself that that Playboy is nothing but trouble. He w
ill just hurt me and leave me again.
For that I...
--------------------It's true that I have to end the story Must Date The Playboy. I already planned
out everything. It just doesn't feel right to end it the way others want it to b
e, a happy one.
There are so many reasons behind that. So many questions and scenes left hanging
. You too are wondering that MDTP seems incomplete; well it is intentionally end
ed that way to leave room for the upcoming story Must Hate The PLAYBOY.
What happened to Chloe? Does Nathan come back? Is River really an underdog? Does
James and Tori end up together? And where the hell is Zach?
Do you believe in, Love is sweeter the second time around? Do you believe in sec
ond chances? Or do you stand to believe in the saying past is past and learn to
let go?
This SEQUEL is the right type of story for you!
Must Hate The Playboy!
Coming Soon! =)
*** Visit my Facebook Fanpage and Twitter for more updates about the story. I lo
ve you all =))
FACEBOOK FANPAGE = Notjustarandomgirl
TWITTER = notarandomgirl
INSTAGRAM = @mustdatetheplayboy (FanMade)
<center><h1>MUST READ THIS...</h1></center>

Good day lovely readers and followers.

Before anything else, I would like to thank each and everyone of you for making
me the happiest writer alive! Thank you for your undying support and love to my
story Must Date The Playboy. And with that, it really deserves a sequel.
But before I start uploading the next chapter of Tori and Zach's life, Must Hate
The Playboy, I have to take an absence first. Meaning, the uploading of MHTP wi
ll be delayed.
Why is that if you ask?
Well, here's the fun part.
My hopes, dreams and prayers... it finally came true!
Because of your help and your skills in promotion, Must Date The Playboy will be
having its "Big-Break" on 2014! Any idea what would that be? I can't disclose a
ny more info regarding that matter. All we have to do is to wait and see. (Espec
ially to my Kababayan) =)
Fear not my beloved readers, MHTP will be uploaded before this year ends! So, wh
at do you think will happen in MHTP? Any suggestions and idea you have in mind?
Share your thoughts!
See you soon!
xoxo Shorty!
-----For more info and announcements about MDTP and MHTP follow these accounts.
FACEBOOK FANPAGE = Notjustarandomgirl
TWITTER = notarandomgirl
INSTAGRAM = mustdatetheplayboy (fanmade)
Thank you! <3

<center><h1>Must Hate The PLAYBOY!</h1></center>

Merry Merry Christmas!
This is it! The moment you've all been waiting for.
visit my wattpad profie: notjustarandomgirl
and you'll see the New Story, Must Hate The PLAYBOY, is up!


Hope You'll like it. Enjoy!

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