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Beveridge Family News

Volume 2, Issue 1 Holiday Edition December 2006

Area Youth Named Most Talkative by Classmates

WARMINSTER, PA – The Beveridge cool. Miss Debbie gave me the paper and he’s my brother. Mommy, can I have a
family added to its list of academic I waved to Mommy and Daddy. And I snack?” [Editor’s Note: Comments
achievements this May as its youngest waved to Grandmom and Colin, too. And abridged due to space considerations.]
member, Keenan, was presented with the before, I was dressed like a carpenter, Delighted mother Kathy Beveridge
Most Talkative Classmate Award by his cause I want to be a carpenter when I saw a bright future for her son. “With
pre-kindergarten class. grow up. And my friend Caroline was a such a talent for verbosity, Keenan is sure
Keenan’s achievement has touched off teacher, and I saw my friend CJ, and my to be a success in life. But whatever he
a wave of celebration among his family. friend Matthew, and my friend Brandon. does, we’ll be proud of him and we’ll
“Sure, being class valedictorian is cool, I And he was dressed like a racecar driver. always love him,” she said tearfully.
guess,” said his father, Mike, beaming I can’t drive a car, but I have a scooter, “And we plan to tell him that. As soon as
with pride. “But the valedictorian’s and I like to ride my scooter with Colin— we can get a word in edgewise.”
speech lasts, what, maybe twenty min-
utes? My kid yaps for twenty minutes
before he even gets out of bed in the Local Boy Rides Two-Wheeler—
morning. Tell Mister Smarty-Pants Vale-
dictorian to top that.” Few Casualties Reported
The coveted award is a sign of great
WARMINSTER, PA – Local youth Colin Bike Day at camp with a quiet confi-
success to come, in the opinion of proud
Beveridge took a big first step toward dence—and he was even quieter when he
Pop-Pop Tom Beveridge. “I worked in
independence this summer when he rode got home. “When I asked him how Bike
construction for nearly forty years, and
his two-wheeler without training wheels Day was, he didn’t say anything,” re-
there was one key to my success: On the
for the first time. called Colin’s mother, Kathy. “When I
jobsite or in the boardroom, in the pub or
Beveridge’s adventure began when his asked him again, he got defensive and
on the golf course, the guy who gets the
parents gave him a new “big-boy” bike said ‘It was just a little crash.’ I never did
last word claims the victory. Being loud
for his seventh birthday in March. De- get anyone to tell me what happened. The
also helps. But compared to that kid, I’m
spite his excitement as spring came, camp counselors would get a faraway
a mime.”
Colin felt the pressure of a looming dead- look in their eyes every time they men-
Theresa Beveridge, the winner’s
line: Bike Day at his summer camp was tioned ‘the incident.’”
Grandmom, was also overcome with joy
scheduled for July, and he couldn’t bear However, the family refuses to let the
at the ceremony. “It’s hard to put into
to face his friends with training wheels. mysterious circumstances surrounding
words what this award means,” she said,
Beveridge’s father, Mike, also felt the Bike Day diminish Colin’s triumph, see-
wiping away tears. “Hard for me, I mean.
pressure. “Nobody wants to be the dad of ing it instead as a springboard to bigger
Keenan’s got no problem at all. He has a
the kid who can’t ride a two-wheeler,” he and better things. “This is a big step,”
way with words. Like the Pacific Ocean
noted. The tension mounted when Colin’s noted Kathy. “Every day he learns a new
has a way with water.”
first efforts were less than promising— skill like this is one more day closer to
After the ceremony, the winner himself
although the greatest stress was not on the day he gets a job and moves into his
made a brief statement summarizing what
the boy’s psyche, but on his father’s own place.”
the prize meant to him: “It was really
heart. “I ran behind him holding the seat “That’s the great thing about riding a
to the end of our street and back three bike,” Mike noted. “Once you learn how
times in a row,” Mike recalled, shudder- to do it, you never forget. It’s just like…,
ing. “By the end the bike was the only just like….Well, I don’t know what it’s
thing holding me up.” like, but I know it’s like something.”
Just when all hope (and breath) seemed
lost, inspiration took the place of perspi-
ration. After several failed attempts over
the course of three weeks, Colin and his
dad tried again at a local park built on the
former site of the Naval Air Development
Center. “We had a whole section of the
runway to ourselves,” Mike said proudly,
“Colin had fallen several times already
and was ready to quit, but we decided to
try one last time. I ran down the runway,
Keenan Beveridge (right) with his Grandmom in let go of the seat, and he just took off.”
a rare pause between sentences. Fresh off his triumph, Colin began
Colin Beveridge, easy rider.
Page A2 Beveridge Family News December 2006

Trip to Disney World Captures Local

Family’s Hearts, Disposable Income
ORLANDO, FL – Walt Disney must Track, and Space Mountain—a ride he
have been turning over in his cryogenic enjoyed so much he rode it four times
tank at the thought of the crown jewel of within a half-hour span. “It was awesome
his theme-park empire being desecrated but scary,” Beveridge recalled. “After the
by the most destructive force on earth— fourth ride, they wouldn’t let us back on
the Beveridge family. because of all the screaming. But Daddy
Walt’s nightmare came true in May wouldn’t stop.”
2006 as the Beveridges descended upon Kathy learned that the greatest thrill of Mike Beveridge learns the world is small.
The Happiest Place on Earth for a once-in a Disney visit was leaving at the end of
-a-lifetime vacation. The trip was made the day with money left in her purse. “it's a world of laughter, a world of tears.
possible by family friends Wende Peters “You want to know my favorite ride?” It's a world of hopes, and a world of
and Steve Bonsall, who offered to share she snapped in an interview. “It’s the one fears. There's so much that we share, that
their rented house, and by sister-in-law that doesn’t have a freaking gift shop it's time we're aware, it's a small world
Stephanie Beveridge, who helped score between us and the exit. I swear, they’d after all.” [“He’s been repeating that
discounted park tickets. “I hadn’t been on put a gift shop in the ladies’ room if they since we got home,” said a worried
vacation with Kathy and Mike since we thought people would pay for the soap.” Kathy. “The doctor said the only treat-
graduated college, and it was so much fun Not coincidentally, Keenan learned that ment is to play ‘Hakuna Matata.’ Some-
I always wanted to do it again,” Peters he cannot live without making a gift shop times the cure is worse than the disease.”]
said in recent interview. “Besides, with purchase every three hours. “Must… None the worse for their experience,
their kids teaching my kids, we figured have…Stitch…action figure,” the young- the family returned home with warm
we could do twice as much damage.” est Beveridge stammered recently, clearly memories and a credit card that was still
Of all the terror-inducing rides at the still in withdrawal. The strength of this hot to the touch three months later.
Disney parks, the one that was most attachment nearly caused a riot in the “Well, they say it’s a once-in-a-lifetime
fraught with peril was the airplane ride to Magic Kingdom (inset below). experience,” noted Kathy. “Even if it
Florida—the first-ever trip for seven-year The family agreed that Mike had the takes several lifetimes to pay for it.”
-old Colin and four-year-old Keenan. most disturbing revelation. When asked Mike agreed, noting: “It’s a small,
“We were pretty worried,” admitted what he learned on the trip, the glassy- small world.”
Greatest Mom Ever Kathy Beveridge. “I eyed husband and father pointed out that
mean, we don’t even like going to the
grocery store, because after ten minutes Disney Security Force: Incident Report
in the cart they start terrorizing the other
shoppers. Now imagine the grocery store Transcript of a Disney Security Force report less. Staff dispatched to hallway monitor to
is 20,000 feet in the air, and you can ap- about Keenan Beveridge dated May 26, 2006: put hand over obscene gesture. Event up-
graded to “incident.”
preciate how tense it was.” 7:45 PM. Suspect boards Buzz Lightyear ride.
Nevertheless, the flight ended without 8:37 PM. Action figure not found. Suspect
a major incident, and the family set off on 7:52 PM. Suspect has picture taken by in-ride still wailing. Smart-ass teenager climbs out of
a voyage of self-discovery in the Magic camera for later sale ($9.95). ride. Safety protocols activated. Incident up-
Kingdom, EPCOT Center, MGM Stu- 7:55 PM. Suspect disembarks and sees picture graded to “situation.”
dios, and Disney’s Animal Kingdom. on hallway monitor. Suspect’s father refuses 8:46 PM. Suspect still wailing. Magic King-
Each family member had an important request to purchase photo. dom Parade starting in 15 minutes; guests still
revelation during their stay. Seven-year- trapped on ride.
7:57 PM. Suspect exits through gift shop, sees
old Colin learned that he is an adrenaline Buzz Lightyear Action Figure with Rotating
junkie who is drawn to the most thrilling 8:58 PM. Replacement action figure given to
Lights [TM] ($12.95), and throws whining fit. suspect for free. Suspect leaves to watch pa-
rides, such as the Tower of Terror, Test Father folds like cheap tent. rade. Stormtroopers dispatched to quell upris-
8:14 PM. Suspect re-boards ride with ing of guests still trapped on ride.
Lightyear action figure.
8:16 PM. Lightyear action figure falls out of
car. Suspect wails like banshee.
8:24 PM. Suspect exits ride, still wailing.
Staff reports an “event” and shuts down ride to
find missing action figure.
8:26 PM. Smart-ass German teenager makes
obscene gesture at in-ride camera. Obscene
picture stuck on monitor after ride shutdown. (l to r): Jack Bonsall and Keenan and Colin
Beveridge get the punishment Disney thinks
8:30 PM. Crowd trapped on ride getting rest-
The Brothers Beveridge take on Mickey. they so richly deserve.
December 2006 Beveridge Family News Page A3

Rookie Athlete Takes Soccer World by Storm
WARMINSTER, PA – Area fans are The official start of the season in Au- took advantage of a pre-game birthday
buzzing over the debut of local phenom gust was even less promising, as party in November to make an intimidat-
Keenan Beveridge, whose first season Keenan’s first-ever practice ended in a ing fashion statement.
with the Sharks of the Warminster Soccer crying fit. “He watched every one of “He had a mid-day birthday party be-
Under-6 “Smurf” league ended in mid- Colin’s games for two years, and after fore an afternoon game, and they had face
November. However, despite the impact every game he saw the players get a -painting,” Kathy recalled. “He refused to
he made in his rookie season, snack,” recalled his father, Mike. “So the wash up after the party, so he played the
Beveridge’s spectacular soccer career end of the first practice comes along and entire game with his face painted like a
certainly had humble beginnings. he’s asking the coach for his juice box bengal tiger. ”
After spending two years watching his and bag of Cheetos. When he found out Beveridge’s meteoric rise to soccer
brother play, the phase of the game that there was no junk food involved, he cared glory has impressed observers around the
held Keenan’s interest was not its offense less about practice than Allen Iverson.” league, particularly his father. “Yeah,
or its defense, but rather its fashions. “He However, like all superstar athletes soccer. Great. I can’t wait for him to buy
had an instructional camp back in the with a snack-based aversion to practice, me a new house when he signs his first
spring,” noted proud mother Kathy. Beveridge knew how to turn it on when it big soccer contract. Geez, can’t one of
“Every Saturday he insisted on wearing counted. He was a major contributor to these kids get into baseball or basketball
one of his brother’s old uniforms, right the Sharks’ winning season, the high or win the lottery? What, do they expect
down to the matching knee-high socks. point of which came when he scored five me to work until retirement age or some-
He was the best-looking kid on the field goals in a single game. And while sharing thing?”
every week. He didn’t know how to play, a uniform style and color with 12 team- In spite of all the answers he provided
but he looked fabulous out there.” mates made it difficult to stand out, he in his breakout season, however, one
question continued to plague Keenan
long after the final whistle: “What’s a
Area Youth’s Hoop Dreams Held Smurf?”

Back by Lame Coach

WARMINSTER, PA – Local youth Colin plaining a passing drill and one of the
Beveridge entered the winter athletics kids said ‘I don’t know what you’re talk-
season with a great deal of excitement ing about.’ I thought the second practice
over his first experience playing youth was much better, until the next morning
basketball. That excitement has been when Colin looked at me and said ‘You
dampened, however, by a coach who is don’t know what you’re doing, do you?’
also having his first experience coaching That has to be a record: two practices
youth basketball. over five days, and already the parents,
The young Beveridge was first bitten the team, and my son all know I’m a
by the hoops bug this summer, when fraud.”
neighbors Gene and Nancy Smith gener- Confusion aside, Mike defends his
ously offered his family their old basket- decision to volunteer. “The league sent Keenan Beveridge shows off his trophy.
ball net. Now a permanent fixture in the out an e-mail saying they were desperate
Beveridge’s driveway, the net sparked and that they needed someone to coach
visions of high-flying glory in Colin’s basketball in the worst way. I figured I
mind, and he begged his parents to sign was the perfect person to do that.” When
him up for basketball. Those high-flying asked what qualifications for coaching he
dreams came crashing to earth a few thought he possessed, Beveridge was
weeks later when the Warminster Basket- quick to answer: “Well, I bought a whis-
ball Association put out a call for volun- tle. And Kathy got me a clipboard for my
teer coaches—a call that was inexplicably birthday.”
answered by Colin’s father, Mike. If there is one hope for the eager Colin,
“Our first practice was at 7:00 PM on it is that his father is highly motivated to
December 12, and I went there planning make his coaching effort a success. “I
to teach the kids everything I know about know what’s at stake,” he said grimly. “If
basketball,” Mike recalled. “By 7:15 I he doesn’t get a scholarship in 2017, then
was pretty much done, and I was wishing that’s four more years he’ll be living in Colin Beveridge wishing someone would teach
I had brought a video. I thought I was my house.” him how to play— a father figure, perhaps.
faking it pretty well; then I started ex-
Page A4 Beveridge Family News December 2006

Local Man’s “Healthy Lifestyle” Resolution Comes

as Surprise to Lungs, Muscles
WARMINSTER, PA – Area man Mike The first protests came from weight training into his regimen, pointing
Beveridge entered the new year with an Beveridge’s digestive system. “It was a out that “those things are heavy, man.”
ambitious resolution—to exercise regu- Friday night, and I was ready for pizza,” He stated that he had focused mainly on
larly, pursue a healthy diet, and lose all of his stomach said in a recent interview, his cardiovascular workout. “So my heart
the weight he had gained over the past ten “when all of a sudden it’s raining lettuce. will be pumping away when my body’s a
years. “He spent all of last December I thought I was being punk’d, but the wreck.”
babbling about getting back to his same thing happened the next night and While Beveridge’s heart may have
‘playing weight,’” said Beveridge’s wife, the night after that. I can take a salad appreciated his sudden interest in activity,
Kathy. “I assumed he meant playing beer once in a while, provided he covers it other muscles—such as his gluteals—felt
pong, because it’s not like he ever had an with enough bacon bits to choke a horse. betrayed. “We had a pact,” said a con-
athletic career.” But every day? Gimme a break.” fused left buttock, spokesman for the
Despite Kathy’s doubts, Beveridge Complaints also came from Mike’s pair. “We provide Mike with a broad,
boldly launched his healthy initiative in lungs. “It’s crazy. He gets on that tread- cushy place to sit, and he allows us to
January 2006, joining a local gym, at- mill and starts huffing and puffing us like grow unchecked. Now, between the run-
tending several nights a week, and eating a freight train. You know, there’s only so ning and the salads, we’re wasting away.
a salad with dinner every evening. How- much oxygen in the world. He’s being We’re trying to cut him some slack, but
ever, Beveridge made a critical communi- very wasteful. If he needs to pretend he’s really—how often can we turn the other
cation error—he failed to discuss the in shape, why can’t he lift weights in- cheek?”
resolution with his body, sparking a fire- stead?” Despite the outcry over the past year,
storm of controversy among his constitu- When asked to comment, Beveridge some parties have remained immune to
ent organs. confirmed that he had not incorporated the controversy. When asked to comment
on Beveridge’s efforts to lose weight, his
bathroom scale responded: “Mike has a
Area Woman Survives Back plan to lose weight? Cool! When does he
ABINGTON, PA – Warminster resident tered Abington Memorial to undergo a kitchen, I knew she was back to herself.”
Kathy Beveridge has achieved celebirty microdiscectomy to remove the herniated Her kitchen collapse notwithstanding,
status at Abington Memorial Hospital portion of the disc. The surgeon who Kathy feels as though she has a new lease
after undergoing surgery to remove one performed the procedure, Dr. Guy Lee, on life. “I didn’t realize how bad I felt
of the largest disc herniations on record. turned out to have a Beveridge family until I started feeling better,” she noted.
The herniation affected the disc between connection; he performed a similar suc- “I’ve been sitting, walking, even exercis-
vertebraes L4 and L5, putting pressure on cessful procedure on Mike’s aunt, Ceal ing, and my back, hips, and legs are to-
nerves in the spine and causing pain to Beveridge, and he also directed the surgi- tally pain-free. I still have a big pain in
shoot down her back and into her leg. cal residency of Ceal’s son-in-law, Pat the butt,” Beveridge confessed, “but I
Kathy’s husband Mike recalled his wife’s McDaid. “We asked Aunt Ceal for her can’t complain about that one. After all, I
ordeal in the months prior to the surgery. advice, and she said he did a terrific job,” married him.”
“It was pretty bad. For about four months Mike recalled. “Plus, we figured he must
she could barely get through the work- be genius if he could make a half-decent
day, and every afternoon she had to lie doctor out of that quack McDaid.”
down on the couch. It was hard for me to The procedure was a complete success,
see her suffer like that,” he noted. “Plus, although Kathy’s recovery was not with-
she was totally hogging my spot on the out its rough patches. After spending her
couch.” first post-surgical day on the couch,
Kathy agreed that the pain was unlike Kathy got up and walked into the
any other she had ever experienced. “If I kitchen—and promptly passed out on the
spent more than a few hours in a sitting floor, scaring the bejeezus out of Mike
or standing position, my leg would go and her father, Rick Welsh. “She really
absolutely dead. It was like carrying an had us worried for a minute when she
unbearable weight around all day. I mean, was lying on the kitchen floor,” Rick
I’ve been carrying Mike around for ten recalled. “Then she regained conscious-
years, but this was much worse.” ness and started talking about how cool
After consulting with her doctors, the tile felt and how nice the cabinets Kathy Beveridge basks in the healing power of
Kathy decided that the best chance for looked from that angle. As soon as I her kitchen (dramatic re-creation).
relief was through surgery, and she en- heard her ramble on about that remodeled

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