Quaternion Thesis CHAPTER 1

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The Problem and Its Background

Upon completing the fundamental mathematics courses such as
Algebra, Trigonometry and Calculus, the students may be now familiar to the
set of real numbers as the union of rational and irrational numbers. In
Algebra and Trigonometry, they will be encountering numbers most with real
numbers and a little part of complex numbers. Likewise in calculus,
concentration mostly in real numbers and introduction to an extended real
number called infinity. So far, complex numbers in the form of x + yi where x
and y are real numbers and infinity (if infinity is considered as extended real
number) would be the last numbers to be learned by the students.
Do you believe that, there are other numbers aside from real or
complex numbers? These are quaternion and octonion, and they are called
hypercomplex numbers. However, this paper will concentrate on quaternion
Quaternions were introduced by William Rowan Hamilton (1805
1865) of Ireland in 1843. Hamiltons greatest contribution to pure
mathematics was his creation of an algebraic system in which the
commutative law of multiplication does not hold. If many mathematicians had

thought of Euclids fifth postulate as a necessary and sacred truth, many
mathematicians before Hamilton also believed that the law of commutativity
for the multiplication of numbers was decreed by heaven. Hamilton
discovered that there are consistent algebraic systems for which this law
does not hold. (Matrix algebra came fourteen years later.)
Hamilton struggled for many years to find rules for multiplication of
imaginary numbers in three dimensions in such a way as to be consistent
with the properties of complex numbers. He could not define multiplication of
triplets in a manner that preserve the properties of ordinary complex
numbers. In particular, division, the inverse operation of multiplication, failed.
Thus his flash of genius was based upon many years of fruitless
investigations of triplets of hypercomplex numbers. He suddenly realized that
by using real number and three different imaginary numbers both the
philosophical and algebraic conflicts could be solved. He called his new
system, a quaternion.
The word quaternion is came from a Latin word quaterni, which
means four at a time. Thus, complex numbers extended to sets of four real
numbers leads to quaternion.
This unusual number system in mathematics, with property of noncommutativity had striken the researcher to investigate the number. The
researcher wants to introduce this breakthrough in number system,
discovered one and a half centuries ago, that many believed to be a new

Conceptual Framework of the Study
The conceptual framework is the main thrust of the study. This serves
as a guide in conducting the investigation. The paradigm as shown below is
a diagrammatic representation of the whole study on quaternion. The
researcher uses Input-Throughput-Output model.



Ideas and concepts

- Hypercomplex
- Properties
of Complex
- Group
- Division Ring
- Matrix
- Determinant
- Metric Space


Properties of
Quaternion Algebra
Basis Quaternion as
multiplicative group
and its subgroup
Matrix form of

Organized and
synthesized results
on Quaternion

Skewfield Quaternion
Metric Space

Figure 1. Paradigm of the Study on Quaternion

Figure 1 shows the whole process on how the investigation of

quaternion is to be done. It contains three boxes categorized as Input,
Throughput and Output. The first box, which is the input includes ideas and
concepts used in the development of quaternion. These are hypercomplex
numbers, properties of complex numbers, definitions of group, division ring,
matrices and metric space. The second box the throughput, contains the

properties of quaternion algebra, formation of basis of quaternion to group,
definition and properties of quaternion in terms of matrices and an example
of division ring, strictly skew field and a metric space. The last box serves as
the output of the study, which is the organized and synthesized results on
Statement of the Problem
The general objective of the study is to investigate the properties of
quaternion in quaternion algebra. Specifically, it sought to answer the
following questions:
1. What are the properties of quaternion algebra and how are they
2. How does the set of basis quaternions form a multiplicative group and
its subgroup?
3. How can quaternion be represented in a matrix form?
4. How is quaternion formed as skew field?
5. How is quaternion formed as metric space?
Significance of the Study
Quaternion imitates the fundamental properties of complex numbers in
many ways because of they are similar. This study will provide a clear
distinction between quaternion and complex numbers. It will serve as a good
example in the study of group and division ring in abstract algebra and metric
space in real analysis. This may also give an insight and encouragement to

math researchers to explore more hypercomplex numbers which may
behave as real, complex number or quaternion.
Scope and Delimitation
The study concentrated on the discussions of quaternion numbers, its
definition and its properties. The properties of quaternions are imitated from
the fundamental properties of complex numbers called quaternion algebra.
The properties of quaternion are stated theorems and whose proofs are
presented. The matrix form of quaternion is defined and properties in matrix
form are also proven. The relationship of quaternions to group and division
ring are included in the form of a theorem.
Definition of Terms
The following terms are defined according to the meanings and
purposes for which they are used in the study.
Complex Number. It refers to the sum of a real number and an
imaginary number. This can be written as x + yi where x and y are real
numbers and i


Determinant. It refers to an nxn square matrix A = a ij denoted by

IAI is defined as
IAI = ( ) a1j1 a 2 j2 a njn ,
where the summation ranges over all the permutation j1 j 2 jn of the set
{1, 2, 3, , n}. The sign if taken as + or according to whether the
permutation j1 j 2 jn is even or odd.

Diagonal Matrix. It refers to a square matrix A = a ij for which every
term of the main diagonal is zero, that is an

a ij =

0 for i j.

Division Ring. It refers to a ring in which every nonzero element of

the ring is a unit.
Group. It is a term used to describe a set closed under a binary
operation which satisfies associativity, existence of unique identity, and each
element has a unique inverse.
Hypercomplex Number. It refers to complex numbers or extension of
complex numbers on which it uses one or more distinct imaginary numbers.
Quaternion and octonion are examples of hypercomplex number.
Matrix. It refers to an m by n rectangular array of mn real or complex
numbers arranged in m horizontal rows and n vertical columns:

a 22



a 2n


a m1 a m2 a mn

The ith row of A is

[aj1 aj2 ain]

(1 i m);

the jth column of A is

(1 j n).


a mj

Metric space. It is denoted as X, and defined as a nonempty set X
of elements together with a real valued function defined on X x X such that,
for all x, y X and satisfies the following properties: (1) (x, y) 0; (2) (x, y)
= 0 iff x = y; (3) (x, y) = (y, x); and (4) (x, y) (x, z) + (z, y). The
function is called a metric.
Permutation. Let S = {1, 2, 3, , n} bet the set of integers from 1 to
n, arranged in ascending order. A rearrangement j 1j2j3jn of the elements of S
is called a permutation of S.
Ring. It is a nonempty set together with two binary operations addition
and multiplication defined on the given set such that the set is an abelian
group under addition, multiplication is associative and left and right
distributive laws hold.
Strictly Skew Field. It is a noncommutative division ring.
Unit. It refers to any element having a multiplicative inverse.
Unity. It refers to multiplicative identity of a ring.

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