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1. Anaphoric and Cataphoric referencing. Look before or after the target word/phrase to locate the
answer. (I can send u my powerpoint if u like.. just drop me a note in your email)
2. Paraphrasing.
3. Inference.
4. Predicting.
5. Summarising.
1. Eliminate all illogical/impossible answers.
2. Is the word Positive, Negative or Neutral?
3. Identify the root word.
4. Identify prefixes and suffixes.
5. Use anaphoric or cataphoric referencing to extract clues from context.
6. Select the best answer.
Plastic surgery involves the reconstruction of physical aspects of the
human body to make it more aesthetic or symmetrical.
The word reconstruction refers to
A. the study of chemistry
B. building or shaping something again
C. a place where structures are being built
1. Eliminate impossible answers. = A: Not possible, consider options B & C only
2. Positive, Negative or Neutral word? = Positive
3. Identify the root word. Sounds like? = construct : build
4. Identify prefixes and/or suffixes. = re-: repeat something (ie replant plant again)
-tion: a noun (ie information noun)
5. Use Anaphoric or Cataphoric referencing = Anaphoric : refers to plastic surgery
= Cataphoric : refers to phy. aspects of body
6. Select the most likely answer. = B : to build again or reshape body parts

The world today is turning more to electronic communications such as the e-mail,
Facebook and Short message System (SMS). What is your opinion of this growing
trend? Discuss. You should write at least 350 words.
Everywhere we turn today, the world is crowded with people busy typing
SMSes on their Nokias or iPhones or someone is staring unblinkingly at a
Facebook or Yahoo page on the computer screen. Whether you like it or not,
the age of Information Technology is upon us, and we can either learn new
skills and adapt to this new technology, or be forever lost and stuck in
the older generation. In my opinion, I am fully convinced that this growing
trend is the way of the future, and it brings countless benefits to
mankind. In this essay, I will discuss three positive effects of electronic
communication, namely its efficiency, enhances communication and creates a
borderless world community.
First and foremost, more and more people are relying on e-mail, Facebook,
Short Message System (SMS) and other types of electronic communication
tools because of its high efficiency. This is because in today's age of
globalisation, we need information at the tip of our fingers. Moreover,
with the use of these tools, we can increase the speed of getting the
necessary and relevant information within seconds and this will increase
our productivity. For example, gone are the days of using 'snail mail' or
regular letters using stamps and envelopes and many more examples of 'old'
technology because it is simply too slow and inefficient. Therefore, these
e-communication tools increases the access to important information which
is why the new generation is fully accepting this growing trend.
Secondly, this form of technology enhances communication among people
today. This means that when we use SMS, e-mails and websites like Facebook,
we are able to communicate clearly and directly to our target audience.
Furthermore, people today find that the message is more important than the
form it comes in as an e-mail in short but clear sentences is just as good
or even better than a long and formal letter. For instance, an SMS can give
clear instructions in just a few words and this communicates what needs to
be done quickly and directly. Thus, when the intended message can be spread
clearly using short and clear information like in SMSes and emails,
communication can be enhanced and there will be less problems of
Last but not least, e-communication creates a borderless community in the
world we live in today. This is due to the fact that the boundaries that
separate each country becomes less relevant when information is transferred
without limitations. In addition, the world would be a better place because
there is a sense of 1-World commitment, respect and tolerance for the
global community through efficient and clear e-communication. Take for
example, we are able to connect with people on an international basis using
Facebook, Friendster, Tagged, Hotmail, Yahoo and others. Hence, these tools
will enhance global unity and create a more peaceful world.
In a nutshell, this growing trend has many positive effects not just to
individuals but the global society in terms of efficiency, enhancing
communicative skills and shaping a borderless community. In my opinion, I
still firmly believe that this latest trend is the best way forward and if

we do not catch up, we will be left behind by the tide of development. Our
government can encourage the proper usage of electronic communications by
increasing communication amenities and broadband accessibility especially
in rural areas so that they can enjoy the same facilities as city-folks
therefore balancing the development of our country towards achieving Vision

The trend today among youths is to own the latest technological gadgets such as mobile phones and
other devices. Is this a healthy development among young people? Give your opinion. You should
write at least 350 words.

In this modern world of ours, technological devices such as mobile phones and other gadgets are
no longer foreign to us. Most of the young people today are treating these luxuries as a necessity as
they compete to own the latest devices, leading to the adults questioning whether this is a healthy or
an unhealthy development for youths today. In my own humble opinion, this issue will be a neverending argument because it solely depends on the user itself to determine their purpose of using these
devices. Thus in this essay, this issue can be discussed in terms of both healthy and unhealthy
development and some recommendations.
Firstly, with these newest devices, young people can access information wherever there are with
just a touch of their fingers. This can help to expand their knowledge about the current issues of our
world which will be a key role to take their mind to a higher level. They can also use these facilities to
help them in their studies. All of these can help our country to produce more intellectual people which
indeed is a healthy development by contributing to a more productive nation.
In the old days, we had to do a lot of work and research in order to finish our school assignment,
which is time consuming and tiring. Now we can obtain any information we need for our assignment
without having the need to go to the library anymore. This can help the students to save more time for
them to do other things. Furthermore, students can also increase their efficiency of work. The
government also supports this by launching the Wireless Village programme so that both rural and
urban people can access the internet without having to subcribe to any internet packages. Overall,
students can perform better and become more productive in their work, so this is certainly a healthy
Moreover, young people that chase after these latest technological devices can help to strengthen
the countrys commerce through the constant supply and demand of gadgets. This can help the
government to focus more on developing this technology or subsidising companies in this industry as
it can guarantee good profits. Besides, in line with the previous years budgets, the government is
giving out smart phone rebates to citizens above the age of 21. All of this can help to improve our
economic level and lead to a more developed country, therefore another sign that it is a healthy
On the other hand, this trend to own the latest technology devices could lead to a waste of money.
Even though these devices are useful to us, but the fact is that most young people are chasing the
latest devices regardless of cost. Mind the word latest as they only want the latest edition that is being
released in the market almost once per year for different brands such as Samsung and Sony. In order
to keep up with the trend, these young people are willing to waste their money or more accurately
their parents hard-earned money. Instead, they could use the money for better purposes like buying
books or stationery.

Furthermore, as time goes by, they might eventually become ungrateful for what they already
have and keep nagging for new gadgets. This is unhealthy as it breeds materialism. In addition, if one
did not have proper discipline within oneself while using these devices, one will easily become a victim
to various addictions such as social networking and games. This can cause the young users to become
distracted and greatly decrease their work efficiency. As for students, their performance at school
might become affected. To add to the matter, young people can easily access inappropriate content
such as porn and violent materials at a young age, unsupervised. All of this can retard their minds
growth and become influenced by negative things. In the end, these devices become a bane to them
instead of a boon to the development of society.
Hence, for us to fully utilise the advantages of technology, I humble share some of my
recommendations. Firstly, parents play a big role as they spend the most time with their children thus
they should watch strictly over their childrens usage of these devices per day by limiting it. Next, the
government can work on preventing or blocking many harmful websites in our country so that young
people have no access to it.
In conclusion, I believe that in the end, it depends on the user itself whether to abuse or to use
the devices to their disadvantage or advantage. We can draw an analogy from guns used by the
police it enforces the law; by a criminal it abets the crime. It would be illogical to put the gun in jail
instead of the person who pulls the trigger. Similarly, it is we ourselves that click the mouse or swipe
the screen of our gadget so we must use it responsibly to contribute towards a happier and healthier
development in society today.

The rising fuel price has pushed up the price of other consumer products. How will this affect the
society? Give your opinion. You should write at least 350 words.
When tackling this question, one should think in terms of : 1. short term effect, 2. mid term and finally
3. long term. This question gauges a student's level of critical thinking and prediction.
I would like to stress that it is unnecessary to pepper the entire essay with bombastic words. Better to
keep it short and simple.
Note: affect (verb), effect (noun)
Here's a sample answer.
Money is always an issue in today's era of materialism. Most people need it for basic survival while the
lucky few indulge in luxuries without worrying about money. In my opinion, I strongly agree that the
rising fuel price has pushed up the price of other consumer products and this will definitely affect the
society. In this essay, I would like to touch on the effects this price increase has on society today,
namely increasing vice activities, widening the gap between the rich and the poor and affecting the
population trend in the long term.
First and foremost, society will immediately be affected by the rise in fuel prices because consumer
products will be more costly and this leads to an increase of vice activities. This is because basic
necessities such as rice, flour, sugar and so on will be in great demand and some warehouses will store
or hoard the items to further increase the price of the product. Moreover, in the newspapers today,
reports of smuggling of these items prove that this vice activity is on the rise. For example, the recent
sugar price hike caused a furor among the Malaysian society as it costs more fuel to travel to and from
the supermarket and when arriving, most places had run out of stock even though the government had
allocated 2kg of sugar to one person. Therefore, the fuel price increase had definitely caused more
hardships to society today.
Secondly, it is undeniable that the rise in fuel prices leads to the widening of the gap between the rich
and the poor. This is due to the fact that people are greatly affected by the price of basic necessities
such as food and fuel in particular. Furthermore, the rich people will still be able to afford such things
but the poor will face greater challenges as the popular saying goes: "The rich get richer, and the poor
get poorer." For instance, when money is used to purchase consumer products that are necessary for
survival, then less money will be spent on health and dental check-up, educational purposes and
others. Thus, it is clear that the fuel price hike will further stress on the differences between the rich
and the poor which is such a tragedy.
Last but not least, in the long term the population trend or demographics of the society will be greatly
affected. This means that new families will consciously decide not to have too many children in order
to increase their quality of life. In addition, society is now more aware of birth control and family
planning so this will greatly reduce the population as most families will have 1 to 5 children instead of
more. Take for example, new families with less children will surely spend less on basic necessities like
food, clothes, transport and many more. Hence, the demographics of the whole country will be
affected and this in turn will reduce our workforce which will affect our country's productivity and
In short, there are many short term to long term effects of a fuel price increase which includes more
crimes like hoarding and smuggling will occur and this leads to the widening of the gap between the
rich and the poor as well as a change in the society's demographics. I still strongly believe that the
rising fuel price has pushed up the price of other consumer products and this will surely cause a

negative impact to society. The government must find a way to stabilise the fuel price at a reasonable
rate so that it does not affect the productivity of this country towards achieving the aspirations of the
nation for Vision 2020.

The speaking test is divided into two sections: Task A & Task B, groups of 4 usually. Here is the
timeframe breakdown:
Sit down clockwise, A to D. There will be two examiners for each exam. Once seated, they will check
your exam slips and ICs. Handphones, notes, stationery etc not allowed as a pencil, a piece of paper
and the question will be placed on the table for each student.
1st minute - just read the question and make a mental note of the words you would like to ask the
examiner about. (you should ask the examiner EVEN IF YOU UNDERSTAND the terms to get the
right pronunciation and 'borrow' ideas from the examiners. most examiners are very helpful and will
give you some ideas if you ask nicely) (say: Excuse me but what is the meaning of ... DO NOT SAY:
What means of...? which is horrendous grammar!)
2nd minute - examiners ask all candidates (A-D) one by one if they understand the question or not.
(again, make sure you ask about any word/phrases during this time)
2 minutes to write your notes on the blank A4 paper given (tip: divide the paper into 4 sections, label
A, B, C and D, then write only in your section. think of three points and for every point give reasons
and examples, make sure it's in note form only to avoid reading)
2 minutes for each candidate to present Task A - MUST AGREE WITH POINT GIVEN (advantage
for candidate D cos will hv 8 mins to prepare but the point is generally harder to elaborate than
candidate A's point, so there are always pros and cons. MAKE SURE YOU SPEAK FOR THE FULL 2
MINS, and it is ok to just elaborate 1 or 2 points well instead of 3 points but not well explained.)
Speak according to this format:
1. Greetings (Good morning to the examinerS and my fellow candidateS, etc.)
2. Repeat situation (Today we are talking about...etc.)
3. Main Point (The point I would like to discuss is... etc.)
4. 1st point (Firstly,.. , This is because,.., Moreover,..., For example,.. , Therefore,... )
5. 2nd point (Secondly,... , This means that,... , Furthermore,... , For instance,... , Thus,...)
6. 3rd point (Finally,... , This is due to the fact that... , In addition, Take for example..., Hence,... )
7. Conclusion (In a nutshell, etc.)
2 minutes to prepare notes for Task B (now you can write notes for all candidate's points, have a
ranking system 1,2,3 and 4, 1 is for best choice and 4 for the least favourite, this will help you with
your discussion)
10 minutes to discuss. In the quarantine room, pre-decide who will do the introduction, and
someone to do the conclusion (this person MUST PAY ATTENTION TO THE TIME, as some
examiners will NOT ALLOW you to do a conclusion if you go beyond the 10 min timeframe.)
Make sure you train your brain to think of 3 points with supporting reasons and examples. Always
write in point form, not full sentences as 2 mins goes by way too fast!
Use your hands to gesture and explain your points. Marks will be awarded for 3 categories:
1. Task fulfillment - Did you understand the question and give a relevant and mature response?
2. Communicative ability - Did you have good eye-contact, body posture, gestures, cooperation?
3. Language - Do you have good command of the language with extended vocabulary?
Marks are given for Task A and Task B then added and divided to find the average.


1. Good morning to everyone.
2. Good morning I bid to one and all.
3. Good morning to the examiners and all my
fellow candidates.
4. A very good morning I wish to all examiners
and fellow candidates.
5. Today we are talking about
6. The situation I have been given is
7. According to the situation
8. Based on the situation given
9. I have 3 reasons to justify my point.
10. First and foremost,
11. Firstly,
12. Secondly,
13. My second point is
14. Another reason is
15. Finally,
16. Lastly,
17. Last but not least,
18. Moreover,
19. In addition,
20. Furthermore,
21. Therefore,
22. Hence,
23. Thus,
24. However,
25. Other than that,
26. On the other hand,
27. Conversely,
28. Consequently,
29. Subsequently,
30. In contrast,
31. For example,
32. For instance,
33. Take for example,
34. and so on.
35. and many more.
36. and others.
37. In conclusion,
38. As a conclusion,
39. In short,
40. In a nutshell,

1. Lets kickstart this discussion by starting with..
2. Allow me to begin
3. May I begin by saying
4. I agree with you. (NOT:IM agree)
5. Thats a great idea!
6. I see your point!
7. Thats an interesting perspective.
8. I like your suggestion.
9. Indeed!
10. I concur with your point of view.
11. Im sorry but I disagree.
12. Im afraid I have to disagree with your idea.
13. I dont see eye to eye with you.
14. Thats not a good idea/suggestion.
15. I beg to differ.
16. Im sorry for interrupting but
17. Excuse me, may I interrupt please.
18. Pardon me for interrupting but..
19. Id like to add something please.
20. May I say something?
21. Could you please hear me out?
22. So what do you think, Candidate X?
23. How about your point of view?
24. Candidate X, what is your opinion?
25. Does anyone agree with me?
26. Why dont we consider the other points?
27. I dont understand, can you please repeat?
28. Im sorry I dont understand, can you please elaborate again?
29. In conclusion, ALL OF US agree that
30. To conclude, MOST OF US agree that
31. In a nutshell, SOME OF US agree that while the rest prefer
32. As time is running out, it seems that ALL OF US cant seem to agree on a
single point so
33. Thats the end of this discussion, thank you.

Your brother has been given the opportunity to study in England on a government
scholarship. You and your family are very proud of him. Decide on a special gift for him to
prepare for his trip abroad.
Task A: Suggest that they give him cash. Say why.
Task B: Discuss which of the following would be most useful.
i. cash
ii. a computer
iii. some suitable clothing
iv. some Malaysian foodstuff
Candidate A
Task A: Suggest that they give him cash. Say why.
Good morning to the examiners and my fellow friends. Im very happy that my
brother has just received a scholarship to study in England. My relatives and I would like to
give him a special gift. We all think that the best gift is money because it will be very useful
for him.
The first reason is with cash he can buy the things that he needs when he gets there.
There will me a lot of things that he will need like new books, stationery, clothes and food.
He will also need to pay for transportation like taking the bus or train to go to the university
campus. As we know, it is very expensive in England so any money we give him will be very
Secondly, my brother can use the money to buy a mobile phone when he gets
toEngland. I think this is very important in case of emergencies so we can contact him easily.
Furthermore, he can sms us and keep us updated with his progress in his studies there. Hence,
if we really miss him we can just give him a call.
Finally, I also think giving him money is the best choice because it is light and doesnt
take up a lot of space. If we were to give him a computer, books or winter clothes it will be
very heavy and bulky for him to bring to England. Therefore, I think that it is much easier to
bring money and buy those things when he gets there.
In conclusion, these are some of the reasons why I think giving him cash is the best
choice. To me, it is the most useful gift we can give him. Thank you.
Candidate B
Task A: You suggest that they give him a computer. Say why.
A very good morning I bid to one and all. My relatives and I are very proud of my brother. He
has just received a scholarship to study in England and so we would like to give him a special
gift. We believe that the best present for him is a laptop computer.
Firstly, as a university student, my brother will have to do many assignments. If he has a
laptop computer he can bring it everywhere and consequently, do his work anytime and
anywhere. Thus, he will not have to share the computers at the computer room with other
students and he will be able to do his work more quickly and efficiently.

Another point is that when he boards the plane from KLIA to London, he will be able to bring
the laptop with him easily because it is compact and light compared to a desktop computer.
Hence, it will not be too much trouble to transport it to England.
Last but not least, if he has a laptop he will be able to connect to the internet. This has two
main advantages as firstly, he can do a lot of research online. The world wide web is a
fountain of information so it will be very useful for him to make full use of this technology.
Furthermore, he can keep in touch with friends and family here in Malaysiaby e-mail.
In short, a laptop computer will prove to be very useful to my brother. He can do his
assignments, research for information and keep in touch with us using it therefore it will
make the best gift. Thank you for listening.
Candidate C
Task A: You suggest that they give him some suitable clothing. Say why.
To the examiners and my fellow candidates, a wonderful morning I bid you. My brother was
lucky enough to receive a scholarship to study overseas. We want to send him off with a nice
gift so we have decided to buy him some suitable clothing.
The main purpose for buying him some suitable clothing is because the weather inEngland is
very different from the weather in our country. There are four seasons there so he will need to
have different clothes for different situations. For example, we can buy him some sweaters,
cardigans, scarves, snowcaps, thick socks and gloves and many more. These will definitely
keep him warm in winter.
The second reason is we think that he should have clothes that reflect our Malaysian identity.
This is because he will be a young ambassador for our country so if he has a few sets of
traditional clothing like the Baju Melayu or formal Batik shirts, I am sure he will not only
look good but promote our culture overseas.
Lastly, neat clothes make a good impression. For instance, if we buy him some everyday
clothes like jeans and trousers with nice shirts and matching ties, this will give him a good
feeling about himself so he will walk a bit straighter and talk a bit wiser. Moreover, people
will look at him and have a good impression about Malaysian students.
To conclude, I think that the best present to give him is some suitable clothing because it will
be very useful and will reflect positively on him. Thank you very much.
Candidate D
Task A: You suggest that they give him some Malaysian foodstuff. Say why.
I would like to wish everyone here a very good morning. As we all know, my brother has won
a scholarship to study in England. Therefore, some relatives and I have decided to give him
some Malaysian foodstuff as a going away present.
First and foremost, one of the main problems Malaysians face when studying overseas is that
it is hard to find Halal food. We feel it is a good idea to give him some Malaysian foodstuff
because it will take time for him to get used to the place and find out where to buy Halal
food. Thus, in the meantime he can enjoy the Malaysian foodstuff that we have given to him.
The next reason is because some of the foodstuff we are used to having here in Malaysiais
quite hard to find in UK. Most students studying overseas really enjoy eating Maggi Mee
and sambal belacan. For instance, it is also hard to find the right spices
for curryand rendang and so on so if we supply him with enough Malaysian foodstuff, he can
eat it whenever he misses home.

The final point I have is that he can use the Malaysian foodstuff we give him and cook it for
the Westerners there. Sometimes, universities organise events like Malaysian Night and so he
and his friends can cook some Malaysian specialities for them to taste a bit of our way of life.
Hence, the Malaysian foodstuff will be very useful to promote our culture.
In a nutshell, giving my brother Malaysian foodstuff to take with him to England is a good
idea. This is because he will have some familiar food to eat when he misses home and he can
also share it with his new friends. Thank you for listening to my opinion.
Task B: Discuss which of the following would be most useful.
i. Cash
ii. A computer
iii. Some suitable clothing
iv. Some Malaysian foodstuff
* Work together in your respective groups and complete the following discussion.
A: Good morning once again to everyone. We are here to focus on the issue at hand which is
__________________________________________________________. I would like
to invite anyone of you to kickstart this discussion by giving us your point of view.
B: Allow me to begin. First of all, Im happy that our brother has won the scholarship to
study in England. Therefore, we must decide what would be the most useful gift for
him. In my opinion, I strongly believe that _______________
This is because I think he can _________________________________________
C: I see your point but how about getting him ______________________________. In this
way, he can use it to ___________________________________________
D: I dont quite agree with you because ____________________________________
think it would be more useful if we bought _______________________ for him.
Does anyone agree with me?
A: Yes, I agree with you. To add to your point, I feel that ______________________
This is so he will ___________________________________________________.
C: Im afraid I dont see eye to eye with both of you. Buying that as a present for him is not
the most useful gift because __________________________________
Moreover, ________________________________________________________.
Can you all understand what Im trying to say?
B: Indeed, I do see your point of view but I still feel that the most useful gift is
__________________ because it can ___________________________________.
Another reason is ___________________________________________________
_________________________________________________________________. For

D: Thats an interesting perspective and I agree with you that ___________________
However, I think we should consider other points. We should also think about buying
him _______________________________________________________.
If he gets this as a present, he can ______________________________________ and
____________________________________________. Wouldnt you agree?
A: Im not sure I understand what you are saying. Can you explain it again, please.
D: What I mean is we should buy him _____________________________________ because
it will me more useful for him when he is studying in England. This is because
A: Aaah I see. Yes, I think it would be a very useful gift too. This way, he can
C: Thats a good point, but dont you think if we gave him _____________________ it will
be the most useful for him as a student. I still believe that this is the most useful
Remember, we need to think of the best and most useful choice.
B: I agree with you, Candidate C. In addition, he can use this gift to _____________
________________________. So candidates A & D, what do you guys think?
D: Now that youve explained it like that, I also agree that it will be the most useful. In fact,
he could also use it to _________________________________________
A: As for me, I feel that it is also the most useful. When he arrives at his university
inEngland, he will be able to ____________________________________________
C: Thats right. Well, after listening to all the points on the four choices we have, I think it is
time to make a conclusion.
D: Yes, I think so too. Does everyone agree that we should give our brother
_______________________________________ as a special going away present?
All: Yes, I agree.
B: In a nutshell, we all agree that _______________________________ is the best choice
because firstly, he can _________________________________________, secondly,
Thank you.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~The End~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
What to conclude if after 10 minutes of discussion.
Conclusion: To conclude, MOST OF US agree that ______________________
is the best choice because ________________________________.

___________________________________________. Thank you.

Conclusion: In conclusion, we were unable to make a solid decision because
SOME OF US stongly believe that the best choice is __________
whileTHE REST OF US think that giving him _______________ is
the most useful because _________________
___________________________________________. Thank you.
Conclusion: In a nutshell, we were unable to come to an agreement on which of the
four options is the best choice. It seems ALL OF US strongly believe
in our own points so as we have run out of time, we think that we
should each buy him a gift individually. Thank you.


Your brother has been given the opportunity to study in England on a government scholarship. You
and your family are very proud of him. Decide on a special gift for him to prepare for his trip abroad.
Task A: Suggest that they give him cash. Say why.
Task B: Discuss which of the following would be most useful.
i. cash
ii. a computer
iii. some suitable clothing
iv. some Malaysian foodstuff

Candidate A
Task A: Suggest that they give him cash. Say why.
Good morning to the examiners and my fellow friends. Im very happy that my brother has just
received a scholarship to study in England. My relatives and I would like to give him a special gift. We
all think that the best gift is money because it will be very useful for him.
The first reason is with cash he can buy the things that he needs when he gets there. There will me a
lot of things that he will need like new books, stationery, clothes and food. He will also need to pay for
transportation like taking the bus or train to go to the university campus. As we know, it is very
expensive in England so any money we give him will be very useful.
Secondly, my brother can use the money to buy a mobile phone when he gets to England. I think this
is very important in case of emergencies so we can contact him easily. Furthermore, he can sms us and
keep us updated with his progress in his studies there. Hence, if we really miss him we can just give
him a call.
Finally, I also think giving him money is the best choice because it is light and doesnt take up a lot of
space. If we were to give him a computer, books or winter clothes it will be very heavy and bulky for
him to bring to England. Therefore, I think that it is much easier to bring money and buy those things
when he gets there.
In conclusion, these are some of the reasons why I think giving him cash is the best choice. To me, it is
the most useful gift we can give him. Thank you.
Candidate B
Task A: You suggest that they give him a computer. Say why.
A very good morning I bid to one and all. My relatives and I are very proud of my brother. He has just
received a scholarship to study in England and so we would like to give him a special gift. We believe
that the best present for him is a laptop computer.
Firstly, as a university student, my brother will have to do many assignments. If he has a laptop
computer he can bring it everywhere and consequently, do his work anytime and anywhere. Thus, he

will not have to share the computers at the computer room with other students and he will be able to
do his work more quickly and efficiently.
Another point is that when he boards the plane from KLIA to London, he will be able to bring the
laptop with him easily because it is compact and light compared to a desktop computer. Hence, it will
not be too much trouble to transport it to England.
Last but not least, if he has a laptop he will be able to connect to the internet. This has two main
advantages as firstly, he can do a lot of research online. The world wide web is a fountain of
information so it will be very useful for him to make full use of this technology. Furthermore, he can
keep in touch with friends and family here in Malaysia by e-mail.
In short, a laptop computer will prove to be very useful to my brother. He can do his assignments,
research for information and keep in touch with us using it therefore it will make the best gift. Thank
you for listening.
Candidate C
Task A: You suggest that they give him some suitable clothing. Say why.
To the examiners and my fellow candidates, a wonderful morning I bid you. My brother was lucky
enough to receive a scholarship to study overseas. We want to send him off with a nice gift so we have
decided to buy him some suitable clothing.
The main purpose for buying him some suitable clothing is because the weather in England is very
different from the weather in our country. There are four seasons there so he will need to have
different clothes for different situations. For example, we can buy him some sweaters, cardigans,
scarves, snowcaps, thick socks and gloves and many more. These will definitely keep him warm in
The second reason is we think that he should have clothes that reflect our Malaysian identity. This is
because he will be a young ambassador for our country so if he has a few sets of traditional clothing
like the Baju Melayu or formal Batik shirts, I am sure he will not only look good but promote our
culture overseas.
Lastly, neat clothes make a good impression. For instance, if we buy him some everyday clothes like
jeans and trousers with nice shirts and matching ties, this will give him a good feeling about himself so
he will walk a bit straighter and talk a bit wiser. Moreover, people will look at him and have a good
impression about Malaysian students.
To conclude, I think that the best present to give him is some suitable clothing because it will be very
useful and will reflect positively on him. Thank you very much.
Candidate D
Task A: You suggest that they give him some Malaysian foodstuff. Say why.
I would like to wish everyone here a very good morning. As we all know, my brother has won a
scholarship to study in England. Therefore, some relatives and I have decided to give him some
Malaysian foodstuff as a going away present.
First and foremost, one of the main problems Malaysians face when studying overseas is that it is hard
to find Halal food. We feel it is a good idea to give him some Malaysian foodstuff because it will take
time for him to get used to the place and find out where to buy Halal food. Thus, in the meantime he

can enjoy the Malaysian foodstuff that we have given to him.

The next reason is because some of the foodstuff we are used to having here in Malaysia is quite hard
to find in UK. Most students studying overseas really enjoy eating Maggi Mee and sambal belacan. For
instance, it is also hard to find the right spices for curry and rendang and so on so if we supply him
with enough Malaysian foodstuff, he can eat it whenever he misses home.
The final point I have is that he can use the Malaysian foodstuff we give him and cook it for the
Westerners there. Sometimes, universities organise events like Malaysian Night and so he and his
friends can cook some Malaysian specialities for them to taste a bit of our way of life. Hence, the
Malaysian foodstuff will be very useful to promote our culture.
In a nutshell, giving my brother Malaysian foodstuff to take with him to England is a good idea. This is
because he will have some familiar food to eat when he misses home and he can also share it with his
new friends. Thank you for listening to my opinion.

Task B: Discuss which of the following would be most useful.

i. Cash
ii. A computer
iii. Some suitable clothing
iv. Some Malaysian foodstuff
* Work together in your respective groups and complete the following discussion.
A: Good morning once again to everyone. We are here to focus on the issue at hand which is
__________________________________________________________. I would like to
invite anyone of you to kickstart this discussion by giving us your point of view.
B: Allow me to begin. First of all, Im happy that our brother has won the scholarship to study in
England. Therefore, we must decide what would be the most useful gift for him. In my opinion, I
strongly believe that _______________
_________________________________________________________________. This
is because I think he can _________________________________________
For example, ______________________________________________________
C: I see your point but how about getting him ______________________________. In this
way, he can use it to ___________________________________________
D: I dont quite agree with you because ____________________________________
_________________________________________________________________. I
think it would be more useful if we bought _______________________ for him. Does anyone
agree with me?
A: Yes, I agree with you. To add to your point, I feel that ______________________

This is so he will ___________________________________________________.
C: Im afraid I dont see eye to eye with both of you. Buying that as a present for him is not the most
useful gift because __________________________________
Moreover, ________________________________________________________.
Can you all understand what Im trying to say?
B: Indeed, I do see your point of view but I still feel that the most useful gift is
__________________ because it can ___________________________________. Another
reason is ___________________________________________________
_________________________________________________________________. For
instance, _______________________________________________________
D: Thats an interesting perspective and I agree with you that ___________________
However, I think we should consider other points. We should also think about buying him
If he gets this as a present, he can ______________________________________ and
____________________________________________. Wouldnt you agree?
A: Im not sure I understand what you are saying. Can you explain it again, please.
D: What I mean is we should buy him _____________________________________ because
it will me more useful for him when he is studying in England. This is because
A: Aaah I see. Yes, I think it would be a very useful gift too. This way, he can
C: Thats a good point, but dont you think if we gave him _____________________ it will be the
most useful for him as a student. I still believe that this is the most useful because
Remember, we need to think of the best and most useful choice.
B: I agree with you, Candidate C. In addition, he can use this gift to _____________
_______________________. So candidates A & D, what do you guys think?
D: Now that youve explained it like that, I also agree that it will be the most useful. In fact, he could
also use it to _________________________________________
A: As for me, I feel that it is also the most useful. When he arrives at his university in England, he will

be able to ____________________________________________
C: Thats right. Well, after listening to all the points on the four choices we have, I think it is time to
make a conclusion.
D: Yes, I think so too. Does everyone agree that we should give our brother
_______________________________________ as a special going away present?
All: Yes, I agree.
B: In a nutshell, we all agree that _______________________________ is the best choice
because firstly, he can _________________________________________, secondly,
________________________________________________ and finally
Thank you.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~The End~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
What to conclude if after 10 minutes of discussion.
A) Agree = 3, Disagree = 1
Conclusion: To conclude, MOST OF US agree that ______________________
is the best choice because ________________________________.
___________________________________________. Thank you.
B) Agree = 2, Disagree = 2
Conclusion: In conclusion, we were unable to make a solid decision because
SOME OF US stongly believe that the best choice is __________ because
_______________________________________________ while THE REST OF US think
that giving him _______________ is the most useful because _________________
___________________________________________. Thank you.
C) All Disagree
Conclusion: In a nutshell, we were unable to come to an agreement on which of the four options is the
best choice. It seems ALL OF US strongly believe in our own points so as we have run out of time, we
think that we should each buy him a gift individually. Thank you.

Line of Argument:
Basically you can arrange your essay based on my writing template (search my blog for this) which is a
basic 5 paragraph format.
MODEL A (if you completely agree)
1. intro
2. body 1 (pro-argument 1)
3. body 2 (pro-argument 2)
4. body 3 (pro-argument 3)
5. conclusion.
MODEL B (if you completely disagree)
1. intro
2. body 1 (con-argument 1)
3. body 2 (con-argument 2)
4. body 3 (con-argument 3)
5. conclusion.
If you want to score much higher bands (5/6) you need to have a more mature and critical line of
argument. Therefore you must be able to present your counterargument and then a refutationto
steer it back to your stand. What am I talking about? Here goes:
Topic: Smoking is bad for health
Stand: Strongly agree
Pro-agrument: Smoking will endanger our health and may result in death.
Counter-argument: Some people can still have a long life even though they smoke a pack or two a
Refutation: However, these people are not the majority as studies strongly indicate that there
is a direct link between smoking and diseases like lung cancer.
when we are writing because it affects the strength of your opinions. Therefore use the vocab in RED
above to mediate your sentences. Do not use banned terms like ALL, ALWAYS, EVERYONE, NONE,
NEVER, WILL & MUST unless you really have the facts to back you up. Compare to the sentences
Topic: Smoking is bad for health
Stand: Strongly agree
Pro-agrument: Smoking will endanger our health and will result in death.
Counter-argument: All people can still have a long life even though they smoke a pack or two a
Refutation: However, these people are never affected as all studies show that there is a direct
link between smoking and diseases like lung cancer.
The vocab in blue indicates to the examiner that you do not know how to control the strength of your
opinions and have thus made serious assumptions that can be easily disproved by facts. Therefore you
are NOT in the high bands.

Words to refute:

However/Although/Even though/Nevertheless/On the contrary/Conversely/On the

other hand...

Ok.. so coming back to Line of Argument, here are more essay models you can follow to get high
bands. A band 5/6 person will write more than the minimum 5 paragraph format which I have
introduced earlier (which is fine if you just need to get band 3/4).
Which do you prefer?
MODEL C (if you have equal pro & con arguments, 50/50)
1. intro
2. body 1 (pro-argument 1)
3. body 2 (pro-argument 2)
4. body 3 (con-argument 1)
5. body 4 (con-argument 2)
6. conclusion
MODEL D (if you agree, but would like to discuss counterarguments before refuting it
with your final point)
1. intro
2. body 1 (pro-argument 1)
3. body 2 (pro-argument 2)
4. body 3 (counterargument followed immediately by refutation which is your pro-argument 3)
5. conclusion
MODEL E (if you agree, but would like to first address the counterarguments before
refuting it with your first point)
1. intro
2. body 1 (counterargument followed immediately by refutation with is your pro-argument 1)
3. body 2 (pro-argument 2)
4. body 3 (pro-argument 3)
5. conclusion
MODEL F (if you have equal number of counter and pro arguments)
1. intro
2. body 1 (counterargument 1 & pro-argument 1)
3. body 2 (counterargument 2 & pro-argument 2)
4. body 3 (counterargument 3 & pro-argument 3)
5. conclusion

Set 1
Task A:
Discuss ways to ensure the success of a group project.
Candidate A: Choose the right team
Candidate B: Distribute the work equally
Candidate C: Set a realistic plan
Candidate D: Have good teamwork among members.
Task B:
Discuss which of the ways can best ensure the success of a group project.
Set 2
Task A:
Discuss television programmes that are useful in our daily lives.
Candidate A: Television programmes on travelling
Candidate B: Television programmes on cooking
Candidate C: Television programmes on health issues
Candidate D: Television programmes on current issues
Task B:
Discuss which type of television programmes are the most useful in our daily lives.
Set 3
Task A:
Discuss effective resolutions for water shortages.
Candidate A: Water rationing
Candidate B: Other sources
Candidate C: Water bill tariff
Candidate D: Educate people
Task B:
Discuss which of the resolutions for water shortages is the most effective.
Set 4
Task A:
Discuss the best reasons why people should grow their own fruits and vegetables.
Candidate A: Good for the family budget
Candidate B: Good for the environment
Candidate C: Good for health
Candidate D: Good for making use of available land
Task B:
Discuss which is the best reason why people should grow their own fruits and vegetables.
Set 5
Task A:
Discuss characteristics that make people happy.
Candidate A: Be grateful
Candidate B: Have a positive outlook
Candidate C: Have a good relationship with others
Candidate D: Have a goal
Task B:
Discuss which of the characteristics above will most likely make people happy.
Set 6
Task A:
Discuss ways to overcome tiredness.

Candidate A: Have a good sleep and rest

Candidate B: Have a balance between work and play
Candidate C: Have healthy eating habits
Candidate D: Exercise regularly
Task B:
Discuss which is the best way to overcome tiredness.
Set 7
Task A:
Discuss sectors or industries that have the best job scope.
Candidate A: Agriculture sector
Candidate B: Business sector
Candidate C: Manufacturing industry
Candidate D: Entertainment industry
Task B:
Discuss which of the sectors or industries above has the best job scope.


A person's character is often influenced by other people around him/her. Who has the
greatest influence on a person's character?
A) Parents
B) Teachers
C) Friends
D) Famous personalities
Task B) Discuss which of the following has the greatest influence on a person's character.
2) If you were given the opportunity to serve as the Prime Minister of Malaysia for one term,
what would be a great achievement to leave behind?
A) Economic prosperity
B) Excellence in sports
C) World class education
D) Excellent health facilities
Task B) Discuss which of the following would be the greatest achievement that you can leave
behind as a Prime Minister of Malaysia.
3) What do teenagers expect from their parents?
A) Increase their allowance
B) Give them more freedom
C) Be more understanding
D) Spend more time with them
Task B) Which of the following do teenagers expect most from their parents?
4) You and your friends are deciding on the choice of universities and programmes of study
available. You would like to seek the opinion of others before you make your final decision.
A) You think that it is important to seek the opinion of your parents. Why?
B) opinion of your friends
C) opinion of your teachers
D) opinion of your career guidance counsellor
Task B) Whose opinion is most important in deciding where and what to study for your
university degree? Discuss.
5) You are preparing for your first job interview. There are many things that you should do.
What are some of these?
A) Get information about the job
B) Obtain information about the organisation
C) Dress appropriately for the interview
D) Improve on your communication skills
Task B) Discuss which of the following is the most important preparation for a job interview.
6) Everyone has a role to play in making Malaysia a safer place to live in. Suggest what can be
done at different levels to achieve this.
A) Every individual can play a role in maintaining safety. How can this be done?
B) The community
C) The school or college
D) The government
Task B) Which of the following plays the most significant role in making Malaysia a safer
place to live in? Discuss.
7) Electronic media such as the mobile phone, computer and electronic games has an impact
on young people of today. What aspects of their lives are affected?
A) Electronic media can affect the study habits of youths. Elaborate.

B) Daily habits
C) social relationships
D) World view
Task B) Discuss what aspect of a young person's life is most affected by the electronic media.
8) In today's society, more people arre trying to lose weight. What could be the reason?
A) For health reasons
B) To be fashionable
C) Because of their job
D) Because of social pressure
Task B) discuss which of the following is the main reason why people want to lose weight.
9) What are the costs-cutting measures that can be taken by a family to reduce expenditure?
Give some suggestions.
A) Use public transport
A) Spend only on what is needed
C) Carry out their own repair and maintenance work
D) Recycle and reuse household items
Task B) Discuss which of the following is the best way for a family to reduce expenditure.
10) Who do you regard as a successful person? Give your view.
A) Someone who is very rich
B) Someone who is very intelligent
C) Someone who is very powerful
D) Someone who is very famous
Task B) Which of the following do you regard as the most successful person?
11) What factors can influence a student's academic performance?
A) Study habits
B) Sleeping habits
C) Leisure activities
D) Network of friends
Task B) Discuss which of the following has the greatest impact on a student's academic
12) It is important to be a good neighbour. What are some of the qualities needed?
A) Polite and rescpectful
B) Friendly and caring
C) Helpful and responsible
D) Tolerant and understanding
Task B) Discuss which of the following are the most important qualities needed to be a good

Day 1, Session 1
People gives the most meaningful contribution to society
a)garbage collectors
b)toilet cleaners
c)road sweepers
Day 1, Session 2
Challenges of studying abroad
A) homesick
B) language barrier
C) financial problems
D) culture shock
Day 2, Session 1
Welfare club wants to help children in a hospital
a) read to the children regularly
b) organise games and activities
c) assist the children with their studies
d) collect things like toys and books for the children
Day 2, Session 2
Sex education should be taught to the young. Who should impart this knowledge?
A) teachers
B) parents
C) friends
D) the mass media
Day 3,session 1
Which is the most important in life?
Day 4, Session 1
What are the qualities that can strengthen a relationship.

Session 1
Scholarship advertisements list selection criteria wanted by sponsors. Discuss one criterion.
Task A:
Candidate A: Candidates must have excellent academic results
Candidate B: Candidates must be selected for programmes required by sponsors
Candidate C: Candidates must be all-rounders
Candidate D: Candidates must perform well in the interview
Task B:

Discuss which of the following is the most important criterion for awarding scholarships.
Session 2
Task A:
In life, people face many challenges. Discuss one of the challenges.
Candidate A: Preparing for final exams
Candidate B: Handling a death in the family
Candidate C: Deciding on a career
Candidate D: Learning to be independent
Task B:
Discuss which of the following is the greatest challenge in life.
Session 3
Task A:
In the rural areas, local coffee shops are still popular. Discuss the reason for their popularity.
Candidate A: People can easily catch up with local news
Candidate B: The prices of food are affordable
Candidate C: The food suit local tastes
Candidate D: A relaxed and friendly atmosphere
Task B:
Discuss which of the following is the main reason for the popularity of local coffee shops.
Session 4
Task A:
Your friend is going to stay away from home for the first time in a college hostel. Suggest how he can
cope with hostel life.
Candidate A: He should obey the hostel rules
Candidate B: He should take part in hostel activities
Candidate C: He should make friends with others staying at the hostel
Candidate D: He should learn to be independent
Task B:
Discuss which of the following is the best way to cope with hostel life.
Session 5
Task A:
If you were a parent, what would you want your children to have?
Candidate A: A good education
Candidate B: A love for reading
Candidate C: A kind heart
Candidate D: A healthy lifestyle
Task B:
Discuss which of the following is the most important aspect for your children to have.
Session 6
Task A:
There is a new town council in your area. Offer some suggestions for improvement to be carried out in
your area.
Candidate A: You suggest better maintenance of roads
Candidate B: You suggest improving the welfare of senior citizens
Candidate C: You suggest better public facilities
Candidate D: You suggest improving security
Task B:
Discuss which of the following is the best improvement to be carried out.

Session 7
Task A:
There are many memorable moments in life. Offer some examples of memorable moments.
Candidate A: First day at school.
Candidate B: A birthday party
Candidate C: A trip to a special place
Candidate D: Meeting a special person
Task B:
Discuss which of the following is the most memorable moment in life.
Session 8
Task A:
Children should show their appreciation towards their parents. What is the best way for them to do
Candidate A: Send them on holidays
Candidate B: Help them to do household chores
Candidate C: Buy them valuable gifts
Candidate D: Spend quality time with them
Task B:
Discuss which of the following is the best way for children to show appreciation towards their

INTERNET CRIMES SAMPLE ESSAY curtesy of Cheong Qween Ling

Internet crime refers to any crime that involves a computer and a network. It is a criminal exploitation
of the internet. As more people are being cheated by irresponsible parties using it as their scam tool, it
is indeed a serious matter that we should look into. There are many aspects of internet crime but here
I will touch on the three main examples, namely credit card fraud, get rich quick schemes and stalkers
on the internet.
One of the most well known cyber crimes would be the credit card fraud. Credit cards are meant to
make life easier for us as we would not need to carry cash when we do our purchasing. Nevertheless,
easy life can sometimes cause us to be careless. Online purchasing has been made possible using the
credit card. However, people are still not aware that it could be very dangerous. We have been warned
countless times not to reveal our PIN numbers and passwords easily. We have also been advised to
change our passwords regularly to avoid falling prey to these irresponsible parties. We should be
aware that just at the click of the mouse; our savings would be wiped out in seconds if we are not
Another common internet crime that we often read about would be the get rich quick schemes. As our
country is improving in its economical sector, our society seems to see a decline in its moral values.
People are getting greedier as everyone wants to get rich the fastest and easiest way. This is when we
see people becoming victims of these get rich quick schemes. So often we read about victims being
lured into revealing their banking account PIN numbers and passwords or merely banking huge
amount of money into a strangers banking account so that they could claim whatever that has been
promised to be released from the authorities. Reading about these stories in the newspaper really
angers me as by now we should know that there is no such thing as free lunch!
We also read a lot about stalkers and paedophiles who operated in the cyber world and often prey on
young people. Teenagers should be educated on the dangers of posting photographs and videos of
themselves online. What was meant to be a joke had turned out to be something more serious as
private photographs and videos had been known to circulate around. Cyberstalking and sextortion
have been linked to it. Users would face online threats once their identity has been known to the
stalker. This is serious as we have so often read related stories of teenage suicides to cyberstalking. We
should only share photographs, videos and information that we want to make public as there is a good
chance that it will spread beyond our control.
In conclusion, internet crime is very serious and it is something that you and I should ponder about.
Therefore, we should be aware of the negative effects that it could bring. Our government can help
create awareness about internet crimes by doing roadshows and campaigns so that the public will not
be too easily cheated by irresponsible scam artists.

Another good example for the internet crimes essay


In this era where everything is just a click away, the advanced technology available has provided
mankind with loads of convenience and the invention of internet access allows people to do various
kinds of job sitting in front of the computer. In my opinion, I believe that the increasing cases of
internet crime has brought about many disadvantages. In this essay, I will discuss two bad effects of
internet crime which include loss of personal properties and disturbance in personal life as well as a
prevention method which is to increase self-awareness and alertness in the society.
First and foremost, the victims will suffer from loss of personal properties such as a huge amount of
money and some official data. This is because the personal information of the people who have been
cheated such as bank account number is abused by the criminals. Moreover, the number of hackers
who know well how to access to people's personal online account illegally is also on the rise. Take for
example, many opportunist parties send emails to people telling them that they have won cash prizes
and require their bank account number to bank in the money to their bank accounts but the criminals
actually derive all the money from those bank accounts. Therefore, internet crime has caused people
to lose their personal properties.
Next, internet crime threatens the personal life of the victims. This means that their personal security,
safety and privacy are challenged. Furthermore, their family members probably will suffer from deep
depression too. For instance, some irresponsible people spread rumours on the internet that will ruin
the victim's reputation and some even post the personal details and inappropriate photos of the victim
out of hatred or grudge for the victim and many more. Thus, the victims will experience an ordeal
which people around will look down on them or make fun of them over a long period due to internet
In order to prevent the internet crime from escalating, one should avoid giving others their email
addresses and especially their account passwords. People should also sign up for trusted websites
only. Besides that, the crime prevention department can collaborate with schools and government to
teach people how to increase their online account protection such as Facebook account and to report
as spam when they receive junk emails. All in all, all these strategies can help to lower the number of
internet crime cases by increasing the self-awareness and alertness of the society.
In conclusion, the disadvantages of internet crime that I mentioned are loss of personal properties and
disturbance of personal life while increasing the self-awareness and alertness of society is one of the
preventions. I still agree that internet crime brings a lot of bad effects to people and the society. I hope
that the government can impose stricter laws so that less people will become the victim of internet
crime in the future.

Q : The popularity of online education has increased over the years. Many working adults, housewives
and school leavers prefer learning online rather than going to education institutions where they have
to be physically present. The popularity of online education is also because of various other reasons.
Discuss these reasons.
Fazurah's introduction:
There are many working adults wish to pursue post-secondary education for personal growth and
career advancement. The Internet has given many working adults hope for a college diploma or
degree, even futher tertiary education. There are many courses offered online such as diplomas,
degrees and post-graduate degrees. Thus, they can now attend online education programmes. Online
education can be pursued anywhere without formal setting. They are just required a computer or even
a smartphone and Internet connectivity if they want to attend online educations programmes.
*Notice that there is no thesis statement. Therefore, this is a poorly organised essay and I would mark
down for organisation.
My revised introduction:
There are many working adults who wish to pursue post-secondary education for personal growth and
career advancement. The Internet has given many working adults hope for a college diploma or
degree. There are many courses offered online such as diplomas, degrees and post-graduate degrees
for a variety of fields be they business or arts. Thus, they can now attend online education
programmes. Online education is becoming more attractive because it can be pursued anywhere
without a formal setting. Students are just required to have access to a computer or even a
smartphone and Internet connectivity if they want to attend online educations programmes.Therefore
there are many reasons for online learning, namely accessibility, flexibility and cost-effectiveness.
* Basically, a thesis statement (underlined, last sentence in an intro) is the MOST important sentence
in an introduction because it lays out the essay properly and gives the reader a clear roadmap of what
is to be discussed.
Fazurah's 1st Point:
First and foremost, there are many people opt for online learning rather than going to education
institutions because online education can be pursued by many people anywhere and at anytime.
Housewives with children can pursue an education at home without having to leave home
responsibilities to others. Housewives are given opportunities to be educated. Other than that,
working adults can also pursue an education after working hours, during office lunch break or free
time. Thus, many working adults and housewives choose online learning rather than going to
education institutions where they have to be physically present.
* Notice that the topic sentence is lengthy and does not have a tangible keyword to summarise this
point. Also notice that the mini conclusion is a mere repetition of the question. It does not really
concluded the idea in this paragraph.
Edited 1st Point:
First and foremost, there are many people who opt for online learning rather than going to education
institutions because online education is very accessible. This means that it can be accessed by all walks
of people regardless of place and time. Housewives with children can pursue an education at home

without having to leave home responsibilities to others. Other than that, working adults can also
pursue an education after working hours, during office lunch break or at their leisure. Thus, many
working adults and housewives these days choose online learning because of its easy and convenient
accessibility rather than going to education institutions where they have to be physically present.
* Note how much more effective the topic sentence and mini conclusion is here.
Fazurah's 2nd Point:
There are many people prefer online learning rather than going to education institutions because
online education provides focused learning. Online education is comprehensive as any campus based
education. It caters to students with varied learning styles and allows students to follow personal
study routines. The students can study at night or early in the morning, whichever suits them best.
The materials prepared cater to different difficulty level. So, the students can focus more on more
difficult topics and skips easier ones. Therefore, many people opt for online learning rather than going
to education institutions.
* Note again that the mini conclusion is not very effective. There is also a general lack of sequence to
aide the flow of the ideas.
Edited 2nd Point:
Moreover, there are many people who prefer online learning rather than going to education
institutions because online education provides focused learning that is flexible and suitable to each
students needs. Online education is as comprehensive as any campus based education. It caters to
students with varied learning styles and allows students to follow personal study routines. The
students can study at night or early in the morning, whichever suits them best. The materials prepared
cater to different difficulty levels while online tutors participating in online forums to guide students
are also available. Hence, students can focus better because of the flexibility of online learning leading
to more people opting for online learning rather than going to traditional education institutions.
* Note how the flow of the paragraph improves with the right logical connectors (Moreover,
...while...Hence.. etc.)

Fazurah's 3rd Point:

Other than that, online educations reduces study cost and stress which another reason of people
choosing online education than going to education institutions. Online education is a cost-effective
mechanism for non-traditional students and enables millions around the world to continue their
education for betterment. Expensive textbooks are also not required. It is because all the material, for
example lecture notes and assignments, can be obtained online or via the internet. There is no need to
rush or transportation costs to go to college, so it can avoid stress. Thus, people prefer online
education than going to educational institutions.
*Note again the ineffectiveness of the topic sentence and mini conclusion.
Edited 3rd Point:
Other than that, reduced study cost is another reason for choosing online education. Online education
is a cost-effective mechanism for non-traditional students and enables millions around the world to
continue their education without costing an arm and a leg. In addition, expensive textbooks are also
not required with the advent of e-books and online journals. There is no need to rush or pay

transportation costs to go to college, so stress as well as financial factors can be reduced as well. Thus,
online learning is a more cost-efficient option for todays fast paced society.
* Note that being less wordy and using the right terms have a better impact.
Fazurah's Conclusion:
In the nutshell, there are many reason for a working adult, housewives and school leavers to get online
education. This type of learning helps them learn faster, retain more information and earn a degree
which otherwise would not be possible. Therefore, the popularity of online education has increased
over the years because online learning can be pursued by many people anywhere and anytime,
provides focused learning and reduces study costs and stress.
* Note that this conclusion does not 'reveal' much critical thinking skills but merely states the obvious.
To get a higher band, you would need to demonstrate your ability to think beyond the obvious hence
including recommendations is a very succinct idea to gain brownie points.
Edited Conclusion:
In a nutshell, more and more working adults, housewives and school leavers are exploring the option
of online education as a means to self-development. This type of learning helps them learn faster,
retain more information and earn a degree at a fraction of the cost. Therefore, the government has
sanctioned this medium of education by approving institutes like Open University Malaysia where
everyone can learn. It is hoped that more of such universities and learning institutes that offer online
learning will mushroom around the country because education is the key to progress and prosperity.

Report Writing Formula:

I + OV
Here is what i consider to be the 'must know' tips.


(The stimuli present a bar graphs on ... and a pie chart on ... etc.)
(Generally, ... )
(According to the __graph,../Based on the ___ chart,...)
(In conclusion, ... )


BAND 3 - 4:
Profile of Professionals & Main Goals
The stimuli present a table on the profile of professionals and another on their main goals. In general,
the two groups have very different profiles and goals where the younger group aims to make more
money while the other focuses more on health.
According to the first table, most professionals aged 18 to 27 are junior executives and earn an average
of RM3000 with 5 years of work experience. Only 40% of young professionals are married while
almost all senior professionals are married (95%). Senior managers aged between 46 to 55 have an
average of 20 years work experience. They earn more than triple the salary of a junior executive.
Based on the second table, both groups have very different goals for the year ahead. The younger
group ranks making more money as top priority followed by improving technology and
communication skills. Meanwhile, the older group focuses more on health, saving money and
prioritising family time while goals related to money, improving skills and new friends are not as
important to them.
In conclusion, priorities change depending on age group where the younger generation focuses on
making money while the older generation cares more about their health and saving money.
(200 words)

BAND 5 - 6:
Profile of Professionals & Main Goals for the Year Ahead by Age Group
The stimuli present a table on profiles of professionals and another on their main goals for the year
ahead. In general, the youngsters focus on accumulating wealth while the more affluent older group
can afford to concentrate on health.
Based on the information provided, the profile of a professional from the 18 to 27 years age group are
mainly junior executives who have worked an average of 5 years and 40% are married. They only earn
RM3000 so and their main goal is to make more money. Also top on their list is to improve their
technology and communication skills rather than saving money or spending time with family.
The profile of an older professional is completely opposite as these 46 to 55 year olds hold the position
of senior manager with 20 years experience and earn more than triple a junior executives salary. 95%
are married therefore their priorities have changed to focus on being more healthy, saving money and
spending family time rather than on new friendships.
In conclusion, the two groups have very different goals for the year ahead as the juniors prioritise
money and skills while the mostly married seniors concentrate on health, savings and family.
(200 words)

A) Title:
Sales of Three Fast Food Outlets in the First Quarter of 2012
B) Introduction:
The stimuli present a line graph on the sales of three fast food outlets in the first quarter of 2012 and a
table on their promotional activities.
C) Overview/Trend:
In general, the sales of fast food outlets increases in direct relation with the amount of promotional
In general, Ken Burger recorded the highest amount of sales especially when they carried out
promotional acitivities.
D) Key features:
ANALYSIS (within each stimulus)
* According the the line graph, among the three fast food outlets, Ken Burger is the most popular
choice followed by Mario Pizza and Ray's Fish & Chips.
* The highest recorded sales was by Ken Burger in April as it rose sharply from RM3000 to more than
RM4000 in sales.
* Sales for Ken Burger dipped between February and March to an all time low of below RM1900.
* Mario Pizza achieved its highest sales of RM1500 between February and March before dropping to
less than RM500 at the end of April.
* Ray's Fish & Chips was the least popular among the three fast food outlets selling less than RM500
for all four months.
* Ken Burger and Mario Pizza both carried out two promotional activities in the first quarter of 2012.
* Ray's Fish & Chips carried out the least number of promotional activities which was to give a free
drink in March.
SYNTHESIS (Linking between stimuli)
* Ken Burger's sales increased when they carried out promotional activities in January (free drink)
and April (gift voucher) whereas sales dipped when no promotions were carried out.
*Similarly, Maria Pizza's sales also increased in February and March due to the two promo activities
they held during that period.
* Ray's Fish & Chips had poor sales throughout the first quarter as they rarely had promotional
* Furthermore, Ray's Fish & Chips only offered a free drink in March and this resulted in only a slight
increase in sales.
(A friend kindly explained that my synthesis examples are not accurate because it lacks
data so here are the examples given. Thanks a million to helpful people who are willing
to share, otherwise we will keep groping in the dark!)
"As for the Synthesis, just add in the data into the sentence as u hv done for the
Analysis. When u link the visuals u have to do it with the data....For example,
1. (Among the 3 outlets), KB had the highest sales from January to April ranging from
around RM1900 when it offered a 50% discount on (the) next item in March and
RM4200 in April, when it gave away Gift Vouchers.
2. In (the beginning of) January, Free drink by KB raked in the highest sales of RM2500
while RFC saw its lowest sales of RM350 as it had offered nothing

3. The highest sales of MP were in mid-Feb (RM1550) when it gave 50% discount on next
item while its lowest (sales) were towards/at the end of April (RM380/RM400) when no
activities were promoted."

E) Conclusion:
In conclusion, attractive promotional activities organised by fast food outlets can positively affect their
In conclusion, fast food outlets sales are boosted when they carry out promotional activities which are
attractive to customers such as offering gift vouchers or discounts.

A) Title:
Visitation of Youths to the Dentist from 1971-2010
B) Introduction:
The stimuli present a bar graph on the Number of Youths visiting the the dentist over four decades
(1971-2010) and a table listing medical and cosmetic reasons for two periods (1971-1980 and 20012010).
C) Overview/Trend:
In general, visits to the dentist has risen steadily for both genders and girls recorded the highest
visitations mainly for cosmetic reasons.
D) Key features:
ANALYSIS (within each stimulus)
* According the the bar graph, visitations to the dentist by both genders increased steadily.
* The lowest recorded visitations was by the girls in 1971-1980 with only 26,000 visits. This total
almost tripled to 75,000 in 2001-2010 which is also the highest recorded for both genders.
* The lowest recorded visitations by boys was also recorded in 1971-1980 with 30,000 visits which
doubled to 60,000 in 2001-2010.
* 1971-1980 was the only period where the number of boys visiting the dentist was more than girls.
* According to the table, the main reason for visiting the dentist for both genders is for filling cavities.
* Girls showed a drastic increase of reasons for visiting the dentist where they only went for medical
reasons in 1971-1980 to going for both medical and cosmetic reasons in 2001-2010.
* In 1971-1980, boys visited the dentist for more medical reasons than the girls and later in 2001-2010
they clearly visited the dentist only when they had medical reasons rather than cosmetic ones.
* By 2001-2010, girls showed very high concern for cosmetic reasons compared to boys as records
showed that they visited the dentist to fit braces and to whiten or clean their teeth whereas boys only
had braces fitted.
SYNTHESIS (Linking between stimuli)
* The number of visitations for both genders showed a steady increase which is parallel with the
increase of reasons for going to the dentist over the years.
* Girls recorded the lowest visitations to the dentist with only 26,000 in 1971-1980 because they only
went for one medical reason which was to fill cavities.
* In 1971-1980 as well, boys recorded a slightly higher rate of visitations than girls (30,000) because
they went for more medical reasons which was to get their teeth extracted as well as cavities filled.
* The data shows girls recorded the highest visitations (75,000) to the dentist in 2001-2010 when
cosmetic treatments like fitting braces and the whitening and cleaning of teeth were available.
* Boys also recorded the highest visitations to the dentist in 2001-2010 (60,000) which is double the
number in 1971-1980(30,000) but they mainly went for medical reasons rather than cosmetic ones.
E) Conclusion:
In conclusion, visits to the dentist steadily increased for both genders by 2001-2010 whereby boys
showed more concern for medical reasons while girls focused more on cosmetic reasons.

How to make a conclusion

The government through the Ministry of Health should implement an effective campaign to solve the
smoking problem in Malaysia by increasing the tax for all cigarettes and increasing the punishment
for illegal smuggling of cigarettes in our country.
The relevant parties such as Telekom should spearhead a strategic blueprint to overcome this problem
of poor internet connection by reducing the fees for broadband and providing free internet broadband
for all students in Malaysia.
The NGOs such as Womens Organisation should carry out a reliable strategy to solve the issue related
to social ills among girls by providing an emergency hotline to discuss problems and providing
temporary shelter for abused girls.
The authorities such as the Police Department should put into action a strategic action plan to solve
the gangsterism problem by carrying out a special task force and by collaborating with Interpol.
The government through the Ministry of Trade and Commerce should implement a comprehensive
blueprint to provide a solution for this issue by emphasising on price control and removing the Goods
and Services Tax (GST).
The relevant parties such as the Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) should spearhead a strategic
action plan to overcome this problem by providing subsidies to companies that export Malaysian
products overseas and organising nationwide buy local products campaigns.
The government through the Ministry of Education should carry out a comprehensive strategy to

overcome unemployment among the graduates by hiring better quality teachers and lecturers and
providing free English language tuition for graduates who are weak in English.
The government through the Ministry of Youth and Sports should spearhead a foolproof blueprint to
provide a solution for the lack of Olympic gold medals by giving intensive training and incentives for
the athletes and importing professional coaches to improve the quality of our national teams.
The government though the Ministry of Environment should organise an effective action plan to
overcome the issue of environmental pollution by organising more campaigns like zero-plastic bags
and increasing the awareness through various community programs like 3R Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.
The relevant parties such as the district councils should organise an effective action plan to solve the
problem of vandalism in society by setting up CCTVs in public places and imposing stricter and
heavier penalty for those who commit vandalism of public property.
The government though the Ministry of Education should implement a comprehensive campaign to
increase students interest and motivation to enter higher education by providing better university
facilities and conducting career and job opportunities roadshows all over the country.
The authorities such as the Police Department should implement a strategic action plan to solve the
issue of pirated media including pirated movie and music DVDs by tightening the laws against piracy
and conducting impromptu raids especially in night markets.
The relevant parties should carry out an effective gameplan to overcome the poor quality of Malaysian
movies by providing training for directors and producers and granting subsidies to local companies
that want to invest in producing more local movies with better quality.

1. WAR
In terms of world peace, we should never repeat the mistakes of World War I in 1918
where we lost about 5 million people and World War II in 1945 that took the lives of
more than 61 million. These wars are concrete examples of why killing and death are
not acceptable. Instead, we should find a way through the United Nations and other
such organisations to conduct peace talks at all costs because wars give nothing but
negative impact to the human race.
Mankind is doing irreparable damage to mother nature to the extent that more and
more natural disasters have occurred in recent times such as the undersea earthquake
a day after Christmas in 2004 which unleashed multiple tsunamis in 14 countries killing
over 230,000 people. More recent are the earthquakes in New Zealand last year and
this year Japan was hit full force by a tsunami that almost destroyed the Fukushima
nuclear power plant and caused a nuclear meltdown similar to the radioactive disaster
in Chernobyl, Ukriane (1986). Therefore, we must reduce our negative impact to the
environment because it will definitely affect mother nature.
There are many lessons we can learn from our own history including the May 13 1969
racial riots between the Malay and Chinese especially in Kampung Baru, Kuala Lumpur.
Almost 200 people were killed and this really emphasised why we need to be more
understanding, tolerant and respectful of each others cultural differences. Otherwise,
another terrible racial riot will occur and this will destroy the national unity that we
have worked so hard to achieve for the past half century of independence.
World peace is threatened when terrorists launch attacks such as the 9/11/2001
hijacking of two 767 jets into the twin towers of the World Trade Centre in New York
City. This is such a tragedy because it took 2,753 lives but there are uncountable more
lives, maybe millions, that have been shaken by this terrible event. This has led to more
lives lost through the hunting down of Saddam Hussien and Osama bin Laden, both of
whom were influential leaders that commanded troops of terrorists. Hence, the
governments of each country need to work hand in hand to protect its citizens from
further terrorist threat.
In recent times, the world has seen a number of tragedies that are unbelievable and
atrocious such as the bombing in Oslo, Norway where Anders Brevik went on a shooting
rampage and killed at least 77 youths because he was against multiculturalism and
Muslim immigration. Thus, although we should be patriotic at all times, there must be
moderation because the extremism showed by Norweigian Anders Behring Breivik is
very unhealthy and this does not create peace, but instigates world wars.
We should be proud to be living in a peaceful land as there are no wars, enough food
and opportunity to improve our standard of living. On the other hand, places like
Palestine face the uncertainty and horrors of war every day, while there are many crisis
elsewhere such as in Somalia, Afghanistan and even in Thailand which is our direct
neighbour. In short, we need to defend our peace and freedom not just for this
generation but for our children, and our childrens children.

Datuk Michelle Yeoh from Perak is an international actress most famed for her role in
action movies and being the Bond girl in Tomorrow never dies is also known for her
full support of the anti-smuggling of endangered animals campaign. Along with
celebrities such as Jackie Chan, they both support the saying, When the buying stops,
the killing will too. Therefore, we should also support this campaign to stop the buying
of illegal animal products such as ground rhino horn, ornamental elephant tusks and
animal fur and skin to make clothes and accessories.
Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamed is an extremely inspirational man as he was the longest
serving prime minister of Malaysia from 1981 to 2003 during which he was called the
Father of Modernisation. We have a lot to thank him for including our aspiration to
achieve the developed nation status through Vision 2020. He was also behind the
successful programs such as Multimedia Super Corridor, Proton cars, KLCC and KL
towers, Formula 1 Sepang Circuit and many more which have brought prosperity and
countless opportunities to fellow Malaysians. Therefore, to me he is truly inspirational
as even today he has his own website, blog and Facebook page where he shows
eloquence and critical thinking even though he is now 86 years old.
Malaysia has a lot to be proud of in terms of sports as today we have two individuals in
racquet sports that are ranked No. 1 in the world. They are Datuk Lee Chong Wei for
badminton and Datuk Nicol Ann David for squash, both hailing from the island of
Penang. The two are prime examples of a combination of hard work and good
upbringing because they have managed to divide their time to be a successful
sportsperson. Datuk Nicol is 28 years old and been playing squash intensively since
young but she still managed to score flying colours in her SPM where she obtained 7As.
This is evidence that with the right attitude and diligence, anything is possible.
Malaysia is proud to have businessmen who have carved a name for themselves in the
international arena. Tan Sri Anthony Francis Fernandes, CEO of Air Asia, owns the
world best low-cost airline (2009-2011) which has created countless opportunities for
Malaysians to travel around the world for business and leisure. With his amazing
tagline, Now everyone can fly, it is truly wonderful that we can experience
international travel because travelling is now affordable for all. Another famous
Malaysian entrepreneur is Datuk Jimmy Choo, famed for his exquisite handmade heels
which are sought after by all the celebrities in America and the whole world including
the fashionista Sarah Jessica Parker, a famous Hollywood actress. Therefore, we
should always look for opportunities to expand our business not just in the Malaysian
market but penetrate the international market as well.
Health is very important in our lives as we cannot carry out daily activities efficiently without a
healthy body. In Malaysia, mass vaccination is practiced in public schools. The vaccines may be
administered by school nurses or a team of other medical staff from public sectors. For instance,
children may receive the oral polio vaccine in Year One of primary school, the BCG in Year Six and the
MMR (measles, Mumps and Rubella) in Form Three of secondary school. In 2010, the government
will provide all 13-year-old girls three doses of human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine to prevent
cervical cancer. This policy aims to prevent illness, disability and death of Malaysian citizens which

can be triggered by various diseases.

The Higher Education Minister Datuk Seri Mohamed Khaled Nordin said according to PTPTN
(National Higher Education Fund Corporation) about 2000 students qualified for scholarship worth
RM73 million. So far, PTPTN had approved loans amounting to RM38.69 billion for 1.75 million
students and waived loan repayments totaling RM277.99 million for 9545 students with first class
honours last year. This shows that the government is serious in raising the standard of human capital
in Malaysia so we may achieve developed nation status by Vision 2020.
Sports should be integral to a persons life. This is due to the benefits in health that can be derived
from it. In addition, skills such as strategic thinking and teamwork can be emphasised among
Malaysians. The Ministry of Education had introduced the 1 Student 1 Sport policy (1 Murid 1 Sukan)
to encourage students to adopt a healthy lifestyle. Making participation in sports compulsory helps
student develop a more holistic and balanced approach in life while sharpening the skills of talented
individuals in various sports such as badminton, football, athletics and so on. Our government can
improve this program by providing subsidized sporting equipment for each student so that they can
afford racquets, bats, balls, spikes that are essential to the development of the sporting standard of the
Agriculture in Malaysia makes up 12% of the nations gross domestic product (GDP). 16% of the
population of Malaysia is employed through the field of agriculture. The Ministry of Agriculture and
Agro-Based Industry (MOA) serves as an agency for private agriculture businesses in Malaysia to get
advice by experts that specialize in agriculture, fishing and livestock. The statutory body under MOA,
Agrobank also helps farmers and fishermen by offering financing packages and loans so that they can
start their businesses without life-long savings.
The major industries in Malaysia are rubber, textiles, basic metals, food processing, petroleum and
electronic goods. In 2007, Malaysia was the 3rd largest economy in South East Asia. The Malaysia
New Economic Policy (NEP) was created in 1971 with the aim of achieving a 30% Bumiputera share of
the economy of Malaysia while eradicating poverty amongst Bumiputera. After 30 years of program,
the NEP had achieved its goals where Bumiputra ownership increased to 18.9% in 2004 against 2.4%
in 1970, while poverty decreased to 8.3% in 2004 from 64.8% in 1970.
Malaysian Communication and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) had distributed a total of 285332
laptops to secondary school students in Malaysia to help educate and engage poorer students in
information and communication technology (ICT). The aim of the 1Malaysia Computer program was
to benefit 65% of the students in government and government-aided schools. The conditions to
receive free laptops were: only household incomes below RM3,000 in rural areas (below RM5,000 in
urban areas), the family did not own a computer, and the children were in Forms 1 until 5, each family
was limited to one computer. Free laptops would help students improve their learning skills as they
could search for extra information independently by using the internet access. This program can be
improved as the government should provide free internet access through portable broadband
connection so that all students could do self-learning conveniently at home.

P1 - Present tense (+s or -s) [for now, facts or habits]
P2 - Process (+ing) [takes time to complete]
P3 - Past (+ed or spelling change) [for stories that are over]
P4 - Participle (=ed, spelling change or +n) [for perfect tense and passive sentences]
Here are the common words in English according to the table of tenses.
P1 - P2 - P3 - P4
has/have - having - had - had
goes/go - going - went - gone
gives/give - giving - gave - given
chooses/choose - choosing - chose - chosen
buys/buy - buying - bought - bought
flies/fly - flying - flew - flown
sings/sing - singing - sang - sung
cuts/cut - cutting - cut - cut
puts/put - putting - put - put
becomes/become - becoming - became - become
*smiles/smile - smiling - smiled - smiled
*explains/explain - explaining - explained - explained
* if you notice P3 and P4 looks the same in smiled and explained but they are completely different
the 4 columns in Malay actually means:
p1 - sekarang
p2 - sedang (imbuhan me-)
p3 - telah
p4 - imbuhan diso for 'kick'
kicks/kick - kicking - kicked - kicked
is actually in Malay
tendang - menendang - telah tendang - ditendang.
Get it?
Now for the rules:
1. P1: present
1 +s, >1 -s (except for sentences that start with 'You' or 'I')
1 +s
He likes to eat. (Correct)
He like to eat. (Wrong)
>1 -s
They like to eat. (Correct)
They likes to eat. (Wrong)
1 +s
She is a prefect now. (Correct)
She was a prefect last year too. (Correct)
She are a prefect now. (Wrong)
She were a prefect last year too. (Wrong)

>1 -s
They are prefects now. (Correct)
They were prefects last year too. (Correct)
They is prefects now. (Wrong)
They was prefects last year. (Wrong)
Sometimes the verb is quite far away but the rules still apply.
1 +s
The student reading the biology book is the top student.
>1 -s
The students reading the biology book are the top students.

2. P2: Process (+ing) (imbuhan me-)

If you want to use 'ing' it cannot stand alone
It needs one of the Be5 (am/is/are/was/were)
The 5 versions of Be5 are very important words that are always lost when translating directly from
Malay or Chinese as it doesn't exist in these languages.
The baby is sleeping soundly. (Correct)
The baby sleeping soundly. (Wrong)
The babies are sleeping soundly. (Correct)
The babies sleeping soundly. (Wrong)
*notice you need a combination of 2 words to make the process sentences correct!
3. P3: Past (+ed/spelling change)
There is no rule. You have to just memorise all the words in this column.
4. P4: Participle (+ed/spelling change/+n)
This is the trickiest part of English grammar.
There are 2 uses: perfect tenses and passives.
a) Perfect tenses: 3H + P4
if you see the words Has/Have/Had, it MUST be followed by P4.
3H + P4
He has eaten the cake. (Correct)
They have eaten the cake. (Correct)
The boys had eaten the cake yesterday. (Correct)
He has eat the cake. (Wrong)
They have eating the cake. (Wrong)
The boys had ate the cake yesterday. (Wrong)
b) Passive sentences: Be5 + P4 (Imbuhan di-) [kek dimakan, bukannya dia dimakan]
The cake was eaten by him. (Correct)
The cakes were eaten by them. (Correct)
The cake eaten by him. (Wrong)
The cakes eating by them. (Wrong)

Be5 + P4 (don't confuse kicked with P3)

The ball is kicked by him. (Correct)
The balls were kicked by him. (Correct)
The ball kicked by him. (Wrong)
The balls kicking by him. (Wrong)
* Passive sentences are a combination of 2 WORDS: Be5 +P4, not P3. But sometimes if the spelling it
+ed, it looks like P3, but the function is actually P4.

5. Other rules:
a) to + ori
to give (correct)
to gives, to giving, to gave, to given (wrong)
b) to + be + P4
to be taken (correct)
to be take, to be takes, to be taking, to be took (wrong)
c) modals: can/cannot/may/must/mustn't/should/shouldn't/will/would etc
modals + ori
can swim (correct)
can swims, can swimming, can swam, can swum (wrong)
d) modals + be + P4
must be discussed (correct)
must be discuss, must be discusses, must be discussing (wrong)
e) by + ing
by taking the bus (correct)
by takes, by take, by took, by taken (wrong)
f) for + ing
for demonstrating (correct)
for demonstrate, for demonstrates, for demonstrated (wrong)
3H + been + P2
has been taking (correct)
has been take, has been takes, has been took (wrong)
3H + been + P4
has been taken (correct)
* P2 is used if the process takes a long time,
P4 is used if it is a passive sentence.

Women make better leaders than men. Do you agree? Discuss. You should write at least
350 words.
Well the question above seems simplistic but the reality is that most of the students who took this
exam last Nov, failed. Why did they fail when it would seem like a very debatable topic? It's not as if
they had no idea at all as was the case with the 'arranged marriages' question. After some research,
I've come upon the main reason and this, I have to emphasise here, is entirely my own opinion, not
So what is the main reason? Well.. simply put, lack of critical thinking skills. MUET teachers out
there, I implore you to teach your students these 3 key concepts.
1. Argument, counter-argument and refutation.
2. Differentiating fact from opinion.
3. Quantifying overgeneralisation/sweeping statements.
The first two are relatively simple to teach as there are countless resources you can find... I remember
blogging about No. 1 so you may be able to find it here, in fact... just click on the linkHERE.
As for the third item, let me elucidate using this essay question.
Most of the candidates were unable to present mature arguments because they simply ended up with
statements that are not based on fact but opinion. To make matters worse, they did not quantify the
statement with the correct adverb of degree (some, a few, many, most etc) instead they used words
like all, always, never. They also misused other adverbs such as too, very, every etc. Therefore
the validity of the essay is seriously affected. It is therefore better to use modals like may, might and
could to mediate your sentences to make it more acceptable and believable. A MUET examiner is able
to spot a sweeping statement a mile away and you can be sure Bands 5 & 6 have flown out the window!
Let me show you some examples.
Women make better leaders than men.
Samples (a) are over-generalisations and (b) has been mediated to sound more credible.
1a) Women are too emotional so they will always make the wrong decision.
b) Some women are very emotional so they may make wrong decisions.
2a) Men are very intelligent but women always never use their brains and cry all the time.
b) Surveys have shown that men are more intelligent than women and can handle stress better.
3a) Men are better leaders because they invented all the things in the world.
b) Men could make better leaders because they are intelligent enough to create most inventions.
(3a is a poor sentence because it is over-generalised as well as having faulty logic. 3b is better because
it adds 'intelligent enough' thereby linking the two ideas to make it flow more logically.)

Women Make Better Leaders Than Men

The debate between the supremacy of the genders have been in session since time immemorial. In the
past, it would seem that men had the upperhand but these days, women are starting to leave their
mark in many aspects from business to politics rather than just domestic affairs. In my humble

opinion, both men and women have the potential to be great leaders but the question of 'better
leaders' does not lie in a person's gender alone but his or her innate character. In this essay, let us
explore the qualities that make men and women great leaders before focusing on other factors that are
unrelated to gender.
First and foremost, men have some distinctive qualities that make them far better leaders than
women. We can attribute this to the fact that men are generally physically stronger than women.
This is undeniable because a man has clearly more muscle mass than a woman so in terms of
leadership that has to do with physical ability, men win hands down. For example, in the
army,most leaders are men that are buffed up and better able to handle the physical exertions of this
field compared to women who are more delicate in structure. Men are also known to have better
ability to strategise in terms of warfare and they seem to command their armies better. For example,
great leaders have been men such as Napoleon Bonaparte, Genghis Khan, Hitler and so on. Moreover,
men tend to be able to make quick decisions that are not usually based on their emotions but
logical, rational and practical reasons. Women, however, seem to be very emotional creatures so
they may make poor leadership decisions if they simply follow their feelings. Therefore, men
have many qualities like physical strength, ability to strategise well and make snap decisions
which can make them better leaders.
However, women have proven to be better leaders in an increasing number of cases. This can be
seen as more and more countries have entrusted women to be their leaders. These women have
a more 'feminine' approach to leadership which is more sensitive towards the needs of society. For
instance, history is peppered with exemplary female leaders such as Indira Ghandi, Benazir Bhutto,
Eva Peron and present day heroines such as Aung San Suu Kyi. Women tend to be more caring in
nature and quite patient in dealing with problems which makes them better leaders compared to men
who could be less sensitive and impatient. Most women are also known to beperfectionists, and
this is an advantage because they are often very meticulous and detailed in carrying out their duties
as leaders. Thus, with a more open-minded society, an increasing number of women are being
given the onus to take the lead and may even one day supersede men in their traditional leadership
Although I have gone to great lengths to show that both men and women have the ability to be great
leaders, I still completely believe that 'leadership' has little to do with gender and a lot to do with a
person's innate character. This means that to be a great leader does not depend on whether you are
male or female but rather your personal characteristics that drive you to succeed. Men and women
both possess the qualities of confidence, responsibility, time management and delegation skills, public
relations and good communication skills, positive outlook, high commitment, creativity and
innovation, forward-looking visionaries and many other characteristics of a good leader. Hence, the
question of gender should not arise because being male or female does not guarantee the ability to
lead well.
In conclusion, history has shown that men make better leaders but this is a faulty argument because it
does not take into consideration the fact in the old days women were discriminated against and not
allowed to lead. Today, society is more open-minded and more women are taking the helm and
proving that women can be better leaders. Nevertheless, leadership to me is 'genderless' whereby it is
completely dependent on a person's positive characteristics which makes people respect them and
want to follow in their footsteps. Every country needs more leaders regardless of gender so the
government should conduct more self-improvement leadership courses for the younger generation
so they may become better future leaders of our country.

"The imbalance between the number of boys and girls pursuing university education creates social
problems." To what extent is this statement true? Discuss. You should write at least 350 words.
Step 1: Understand keywords and brainstorm
Imbalance: more girls now in uni compared to boys
creates: causes
social problems: problems related to society such as ???
Stand?? Do you agree or disagree as to what extent is this statement true?
THE PROBLEM as usual is that students will immediately jump into describing the advantages or
disadvantages of an imbalanced gender scenario. THE PROBLEM is also that they will describe
If you did any of this WITHOUT LINKING TO SOCIAL PROBLEMS... then you have NOT
FULFILLED THE TASK, ie you have gone out of topic. Boohoohoo.. judging form the comments
below, I can see that most of you have only touched the surface of the issue.
Right, how should this question be tackled.
A simple way would be to totally agree or totally disagree (5 paragraphs minimum).
A high band essay would agree/disagree to a certain extent and try to discuss both pros and cons.
If you were to completely AGREE that the statement is TRUE, here are my suggested stand and
Stand: Completely agree that some social problems can be attributed to the imbalance
of genders in university.
1. gives rise to the LGBT (Lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals, Transsexuals) trend which is a serious social
problem although there seems to be not much concrete evidence to support this stand.
2. minority gender would feel oppressed or discriminated which leads to social problems like
depression, eating disorders, obesity, alcoholism, drug abuse or even suicide.
3. upon graduation, the influx of graduates of a certain gender may create an imbalanced workforce
that may lead to social problems like inequality, unemployment in the short term and poverty in the
long term.
If you were to completely DISAGREE that the statement is TRUE, here are my suggested stand and
Social problems cannot be directly linked to the imbalance of boys and girls pursuing a
university education as there are a number of other external factors.
1. Imbalance cannot be directly linked to social problems like free sex, baby dumping and abortion as
these problems happen in society regardless of the balance or imbalance of gender composition,
therefore, social problems are not gender specific.
2. Rather than create social problems, more female uni students than males leads to the
empowerment of women and recognising them for their abilities therefore breaking stereotypes and
creating more women leaders in entrepreneurial and management positions.
3. Rather than create social problems, more male uni students than females leads to the increase of
skilled manpower, increased opportunity for innovation and creative thinking in a predominantly
patriarchal society.

"Young people are becoming more materialistic because they want a better quality of life. How far do
you agree with this statement? Give your opinion. You should write at least 350 words."
Can you spot the Part A & the Part B?
Part A = more materialistic
Part B = better quality of life
Hence, if the student just focuses on the factors or effects of materialism, they have not answered the
question because they have failed to link to the concept of 'better quality of life'.
Same goes for this actual MUET exam question some years ago which reads:
"In an arranged marriage, the choice of the husband or wife is made by parents or elders. What do you
think of this practice in today's society? Discuss. You should write at least 350 words."
Has your ability to spot Part A & Part B improved?
Part A = choice made by parents or elders
Part B = appropriate practice in today's society?
Thus, to answer the question well, you would need to not simply focus on 3 reasons to agree or
disagree with the practice but LINK CLEARLY to how important is this practice in TODAY'S society.
The line of logic should be clear.
Here are 3 sample points for 100% disagree.
Pt. 1: Education - in the past women stayed at home and did not have access to a good education,
therefore they did not work. These days women have more opportunities to contribute to society and
meet different people. In the old days the elders were a more reliable source to determine who should
be married because women had a lesser role in society due to poor education.
Pt. 2: Technology - in the past women had almost no social interaction because they mostly stayed at
home. With modern technology like handphones, emails and various social networking, youths today
have a larger network and are able to communicate with their peers and choose their own spouse
which is more compatible than a spouse chosen by elders.
Pt. 3 Love vs. Stability - Society today places more emphasis on the concept of love and loving a
person before getting married. In the past, elders assured that love would come later and what was
more important was to find a spouse that could offer stability in marriage. There have been many
cases where arranged marriages ends up in unhappy unions and even divorce so it is better to make a
love match these days to avoid these negative outcomes.
Can you see the LINK between Part A & Part B?
If the student just talked about 3 points but did not compare past and present practices, then it would
be hard to give Band 5 or 6 for task fulfillment, therefore pulling down the overall marks.
Right, my last tip is to show you my ex Form 5 student's (Nazri, tq for your permission to blog your
essay) valiant effort to keep writing essays and coming to visit me in school to get my opinion. Here is
a sample of his writing and later I will show you how to add info & modify sentences to create a LINK
to parts A & B of the question so you may score higher in the writing component.
"People commit crimes for selfish reasons. Discuss. You should write at least 350 words."
FYI, Nazri was trying to use my suggested template of I+A1+D1+A2+D2+C
(Intro + Agree 1 vs Disagree 1 + Agree 2 vs Disagree 2 + Conclusion = 6 paragraph format)
Nazri's Intro:
In this globalization era, murder and kidnap are one of the heavy crimes people most commit. In
addition, according to the articles I have read, these rate of crimes are increasing drastically all over
the world. Women and children are the most common victim of the heartless criminals because they
are weak or they look fragile. Do people commit crimes for selfish reasons? I agree to a certain extent
that people commit crimes for fun and greedy, however, crimes may be committed because of

financial problems and lack of parents' love.

Edited version:
In this globaliSation era, murderS and kidnapPING are SOME of the heavy crimes people MAY
commit. In addition, according the articles I have read, the rate of crimes are increasing drastically all
over the world. Women and children are the most common victimS of the heartless criminals because
they are weak or look fragile. Do people commit crimes for selfish reasons? WE HAVE CERTAINLY
HUMBLE OPINION, I ONLY agree to a certain extent that people commit crimes FOR SELFISH
Editor's notes:
You will lose your ground as a Band 5/6 student if your grammar is inconsistent. Nazri's first sentence
itself is controversial because he uses the word 'most'. Along with 'all', 'never', 'always' and 'everyone',
these words must be avoided at all costs as it draws generalisations and sweeping statements that
make the reader feel that the writer lacks critical thinking and maturity. Instead, use 'some', 'often',
'may', 'might', 'usually' etc.. He could also have improved the introduction by outlining some crimes
that are driven by selfish reasons and some that are not as seen in the edited version. Finally, the
thesis statement must clearly outline that you are going to discuss both sides of the coin.
Nazri's 1st Point:
First and foremost, people commit crimes just for fun that may drag them to a world without
humanity. Why do I say so? One of the reasons is they love to see when people are suffering. They
steal something that is valuable in someone's life to entertain themselves or to get a revenge. For
instance, these heartless criminals especially men like to take women's pride by raping them and
ignoring their tears and some of the unfortunate victims may get killed when they try to escape. Thus,
people who commit crimes are selfish because someone's suffering is the happiness for them.
Edited version:
First and foremost, SOME people MAY commit crimes just for fun SIMPLY BECAUSE THEY
ENJOY OTHER PEOPLE'S SUFFERING that may drag them to a world without humanity. Why do I
say so? One of the reasons is they love MAY HAVE SELFISH REASONS TO MAKE people suffer. They
MAY steal something that is valuable in someone's life to JUST TO entertain themselves or to get
revenge. For instance, THERE ARE CASES OF heartless criminals especially men like WHO HAVE
BEEN ARRESTED FOR TAKING women's pride by raping them and ignoring their tears and some of
the unfortunate victims may HAVE EVEN BEEN killed when they try to escape. Thus, people who
commit crimes are selfish because someone's suffering is the happiness for them.
Editor's notes:
Here you need to be really careful when making sweeping statements so I have modified the sentences
using words that can temper the effect. Using informal sentences are also not advisable such as 'just
for fun' especially when you cannot prove specifically that men rape others 'just for fun' because they
'enjoy' it. At all costs too, avoid sentences that declare 'people love to ...' or 'people like to ...' as these
statements are not well quantified and examiners will usually have a huge frown because you did not
provide concrete proof highlighting your own opinions just doesn't cut it. Try to back up your points
with some evidence of reading such as 'there have been cases that../a local newspaper recently
reported that../from a study done on...', all of which will make your essay more credible rather than
picking out lines from thin air.
Nazri's 2nd point:

On the other hand, crimes may be committed because of financial problems. The high cost of living
makes them desperate to look for money or to feed their family. They do not have enough money to
buy some food or their needs as the prices are increasing. So, they tend to do crimes such as snatch or
robber to earn some money by selling the stolen items back at a higher price. For example, a rich
person's house will be the target of the criminals to break into and steal expensive items such as
jewelleries and handphones. Therefore, poverty or desperation in life can lead people to commit
Editor's version:
THE SUFFERING OF OTHERS BUT because of other issues such as financial problems. The high cost
of living makes them desperate to look for money to feed their family SO INSTEAD OF BEING
SUPPORT THEIR FAMILY. They MAY not have enough money to buy some food or their DAILY
needs as the prices are increasing. So, they tend to do crimes such as snatch THEFT or ROBBERIES
to earn MAKE some money by selling the stolen items at a higher price. For example, SOME PEOPLE
PEOPLE THEY LOVE, can lead people to commit crimes WHICH IS THE OPPOSITE OF
Editor's notes:
His 2nd point seems inconsequential because there is no clear LINK why he is introducing his
opposition point. Basically, to make this clear, you need to write a topic sentence that clearly links to
the first point introduced earlier. This shows the contrast with the opposition point so you may argue
contrary to the first idea introduced. When contrasting ideas, the right vocabulary works best whereby
SELFISHNESS is contrasted to SELFLESSNESS, which makes it clear to the reader that you are still
on track discussing the LINK BETWEEN PART A & PART B. Furthermore, I had to modify the
example to show a high degree of selflessness and sacrifice because the example of a rich man's house
being burgled does not highlight the concept of selflessness. Lastly, the summation sentence needs to
really LINK back to the concept of selfish or unselfish reasons in order to make the argument crystal.
Nazri's 3rd Point:
Apart from that, I do agree that people get involved in crimes because of selfish reasons such as
greed especially. They want to get rich in the easiest way instead of work hard to accomplish their
mission. People receive money as bribe, are hired to do a dirty job. Moreover, this white-color crime is
committed in the whole world. Money is powerful enough to make people lose their sense of humanity
as they can kill a person if they are asked to do so as long as the reward is money.
Editor's version.
Apart from that, I STILL DO agree that people get involved in crimes because of selfish reasons
RELATED TO greed. THEY ARE SELFISH BECAUSE THEY GREEDILY want to get rich in the easiest
way instead of WORKING hard to accomplish their mission. SOME people receive money as bribeS
COMMITTING CRIMES. Moreover, THESE white-color WHITE COLLAR crimeS ARE committed
enough to make SOME people lose their sense of humanity as they can EVEN kill a person as long as
Editor's notes:
When introducing the 2nd point to agree with the statement, you should outline it clearly in the

topic sentence which is the very first sentence in each paragraph. Greed is a factor on its own so the
LINK to selfishness must be made very clear, otherwise you may veer out of topic. The terms used also
should be accurate as seen in white color vs white collar crimes. He also forgot to close the paragraph
with a summation where in the edited version, rounds off the argument clearly that crime is indeed
linked to selfish reasons including greed for profit.
Nazri's 4th Point:
Nevertheless, people also commit crimes because of lack of parents' love and guidance. When the
children is not the priority of parents, moral values will be hardly instilled in their children
themselves. They fail to differentiate what is good and bad for them. As a consequence, they may get
involved in social problems and crimes because of lack of parental guidance.
Editor's version:
Nevertheless, people also commit crimes because of OTHER FACTORS SUCH AS lack of
AND GREED FOR CRIMES COMMITTED. When children ARE not the priority of parents, moral
values will hardly be instilled in their children. THESE CHILDREN MAY EVENTUALLY fail to
differentiate what is good and bad for them. As a consequence, they may get involved in social
because of lack of parental guidance, THE NEED TO GET PARENTS' ATTENTION OR OTHER
Editor's notes:
Again, the topic sentence needs to clearly state that there are other factors that lead to crimes being
committed other than for selfish reasons, especially greed (as stated in the previous paragraph - it is
important to LINK the previous idea to a contrasting new idea so that the flow of logic is not
impeded). Notice the use of the word 'MAY' to indicate probability and avoid generalisations. Adding
'social problems' is not a good idea because the focus is on crimes, but do add examples of crimes that
happen due to other factors such as lack of parental guidance etc. Also, the final sentence should
conclude the point eloquently.
Nazri's Conclusion:
In conclusion, people commit crimes are not only for selfish reasons but also because of other
motivation such as environmental factors. Most of them commit crimes because of narrow minded
and do not have enough money to bear the cost of living. Therefore, our government with the help of
relevant authorities should increase the safety at a place where crimes often occur and help poor
family. Besides that, parents should spend more time for their growing children.
Edited version:
people commit crimes not only for selfish reasons but also because of other FACTORS such as their
ENVIRONMENT AND UPBRINGING. Most SOME of them commit crimes because of NARROWMINDEDNESS OR THEY do not have enough money to bear the cost of living, AMONG OTHER
CONSIDERED. OUR government HAS A ROLE TO PLAY IN ENSURING the relevant authorities
increase the PUBLIC'S safety at placeS where crimes often occur. THE SOCIAL WELFARE


Editor's notes:
A good conclusion should have 3 parts, ie repeat the points in a more creative way, repeat your stand
from the introduction and outline some recommendations for this issue. It is also wise to end on a
high note because the conclusion gives the reader and examiner a lasting impression so you might as
well end with a bang!

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