Psych 115: Code of Ethics

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Pysch115: Code of Ethics for Philippine Psychologists

Myrah Mae E. Jumao-as

MW 3:00-4:30 / ASAB 247

BA Psychology IV

American Psychological Association (APA) and

Philippine Psychological Association (PAP):
Its Similarities and Differences

Ethics is a moral philosophy concerning conducts between what is right and what is
wrong. Different organizations and disciplines GOs, NGOs, profited or non-profited,
religious or cults, etc. adopted a set of guidelines known as the Code of Ethics that serves as
a guiding light of its members, people, and other organizations. This code of ethics will be the
backbone of the organization including its principles and vision-mission. Also, the Code of
Ethics will remind every member to be responsible with their behavior and attitudes, and act in
accordance to what is sworn. Deviation and violation of such will be liable to grounds issued by
the Ethics Committee, and may also take lawful actions provided in PAP Standards I-B and APA
Standards 1.02.
However, with the onset of massive competition and rise of technology, it has been an
area of concern for psychologists who for some advertise and present themselves to the public
presenting unwarranted assumptions, lies, exaggeration, and even giving misleading information,
perhaps for their marketing purposes, or for professional and commercial gain. In the United
States of America, psychologists were overseen by the ethics office of the American
Psychological Association which was established in 1862. For over years, APA has been strict
on its code of ethics and conduct for its members teachers, researchers, school, forensic,
assessment, clinical, counseling psychologists, and among others. In its broadest and widest
scope, it can impose sanctions on students and psychologists whether or not they are members of
APA and its affiliated bodies. Unlike APA, PAP however, cannot impose sanctions and as well as
cannot defend on psychologists and students who are not their members, particularly those
clinical psychologists. With PAPs code of ethics focusing on clinical psychologist and its
members, we are likely to have practitioners lacking awareness and may show ignorance in the
field that may result in unethical conducts.
APA has been having ties with the government in providing right information, social
awareness, and in reprimanding offenders. PAP on the other hand is still battling for recognition
and approval of the passing of RA 10029 with the hope of being a body that will set rules and
regulations and in defending Philippine psychologists. Aside from the differences of the two,
APA and PAP still, have a lot of things in common. APA and PAP publishes numerous
researches in its site with different areas of topics in psychology. It is obvious that the two are
careful in overseeing and reviewing advertised works. In matters of public statements recalling
that PAP cannot impose sanctions beyond its jurisdiction PAP can only comment and correct
misleading information while APA can take necessary steps to ensure protection based on its
uphold code of ethics and conduct.

Pysch115: Code of Ethics for Philippine Psychologists

Myrah Mae E. Jumao-as

MW 3:00-4:30 / ASAB 247

BA Psychology IV

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