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Image: Eric Cuvillier

Aldina Duarte-Ramos

Ancient therapy is due a sea change


Sofitel and Thalassa Sea and Spas director of development and wellbeing activities,
Aldina Duarte Ramos, believes the next wave of thalassotherapy is about to begin

ncient and authentic wellness experiences

are predicted to become increasingly in
demand throughout 2013, according to
the most recent SpaFinder Wellness Trends
Forecast. So what better time to consider introducing
a wider spectrum of spa guests to the fundamental
therapeutic benefits of sea water?
While its ripples go back hundreds of years, the
DNA of modern French thalassotherapy is rooted in
the story of the professional cyclist Louison Bobet.
After he was injured in a car crash in 1960, Bobet
experienced the benefits of thalasso during his
recovery, leading to him opening the first modern
dedicated therapy centre in Quiberon, France in 1964.
At Sofitel, we are immensely proud that Quiberon
is still a world leader in the field of thalassotherapy
and we aim to cultivate this heritage, promoting the
healing power of sea water from the Sofitel Quiberon
Thalassa hotel and our 16 existing thalasso properties
around the world.
Thalassotherapy is a gift from nature and its benefits
are scientifically proven. When you experience a
treatment such as an algae wrap, you are giving your
body a great treat and an unforgettable therapy.
I want to make thalasso a beautiful experience and
position this amazing therapy at a global level within
our spas. This will involve tackling misconceptions
about it being old-fashioned and maintaining the
fundamental elements of thalasso while enhancing
them with new spa innovations.

Many of our guests at various locations are already

asking for thalasso and we are able to create a truly
bespoke and comprehensive experience. The thalasso
of the future is about enjoyment, so we aim to
promote the many tremendous healing benefits of sea
water while devising spectacular new treatments that
are fun to experience as well as being beneficial.
For example, our Sea Water Rain Shower and
Algae Wrap treatments are two very popular and
relaxing therapies that are easily combined with other
treatments, such as a four-hand massage.
We will be combining hi-tech programmes such
as Body Age with personal coaches to offer advice on
nutrition and lifestyle in order to further enhance the
thalasso experience.
In Quiberon, our centre for professional athletes
has proven to be so popular that weve opened it out
to a wider audience. With a range of hi-tech machines
incorporating NASA technology, this centre is unique
to France and is proving very popular with the male
market, particularly groups and is greatly helping in
the democratisation of thalasso.
The appeal of thalassotherapy is already incredibly
wide and varied; it provides spa clients with
scientifically-proven results as well as a fantastic guest
experience that appeals to both male and female
clients. At Sofitel, Im proud to be surfing the changing
tide of a spa experience that has both a fantastic
heritage and a very bright future.

european spa |

Clockwise from left: So Spa

Agadir; the home of French
thalassotherapy in Quiberon;
a sea-water massage

Meet the expert

Aldina Duarte Ramos is
responsible for Sofitels 28 So Spa
facilities, part of the Accor Group
which also has 16 thalassotherapy
properties around the world,
including sites in France, Morocco,
Italy and Bahrain. Ramos is also
president of the French Spa
Association (Spa-A).

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