The Flame - Summer 2015

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The Flame


SPRING | 2015










by Rev. Shane Bishop

by Jeff Bishop
by Jeff Bishop

by Kevin Siddle

by Shannon Durio
by Becky Olroyd



















by Brenne M Issa

by Matt Rygelski

by Debby Creagh & Kelli Tobin

by Jerry Dortch

by Carrie Gaxiola













by Shannon Peiffer

by Robb Hass

by Matthew J. LaFrance
by Matthew Denny

by Peggy Hutchison

The Flame Magazine is a quarterly magazine published by Christ Church.

2015 Christ Church. Learn more about Christ Church at
EDITOR: Carrie Gaxiola DESIGN: Justin Aymer COVER: Mike Creagh

Rev. Shane Bishop
Rev. Michael Wooton
For a complete listing of the
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Sunday - 9am, 10am,& 6pm
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Wednesday - 6:30pm

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Sunday - 10am

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Sunday - 10am

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Sunday - 10am


Family is not an important thing, its everything. Michael J. Fox
For anyone that knows me, you know
that I place a very high value on my family. My husband, my children and my
grandchildren are my joy and crown! But
just as important as my natural family, so
is my spiritual family; my church family. As Reverend Shane begins a summer
series on the family, I felt like it was important to highlight articles that would
point to the family and church and the
interdependence between the two. I truly believe one cannot survive well without the other. Our first and most vital
relationship should be with Jesus Christ,
but He created us to need each other! We
need other people in our lives to love us,
walk through valleys with us, share our
joys, hold us accountable and give us a
sense of community. That is what I love
about my family and what I love about
the church. Beyond my relationship with
Jesus, family in every sense just makes

Mission Of The Flame

Be inspirational through biblical articles

and devotions. Be informative in the
announcement of future events that
connect people in ministry.

life worth living! These articles each have

a different flavor of life as a part of a family and a part of the family of God.
As you turn these pages, we will bid
farewell to our beloved Benton Family
as God takes them to a new assignment.
We will welcome the Reverend Michael
Wooton family with open arms as part of
our Christ Church family. You will find
heartfelt testimonies and ministry passion. Finally, we will leave you with one
of the most important tools for a Christian as part of His family: prayers to pray
for one another. My prayer is your heart
is secure in knowing that, no matter who
you are, you are loved by Father God, and
He has placed you in an eternal family!
So now faith, hope, and love abide, these
three; but the greatest of these is love.
Apostle Paul
In His service,

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Questions about the Flame?

Contact the Editor, Carrie Gaxiola, at:




I take my four grandchildren to lunch every Friday. They choose the restaurant and I
always have to buy. It is the highlight of my week. When you are a grandparent, its always about the kids.
The Raise the Roof Campaign raised over
$2.9 million dollars in pledges to move
Christ Church forward in our mission of
connecting people to Jesus Christ. For
some, it may have seemed that this campaign was about a building, but for me,
it was always about the kids. Each week,
Christ Church has between 400 and 500
children in our four campuses who dont
make it into worship services. While we
worship, they are engaged with the Gospel in ways appropriate for their age and
stage. Staff and volunteers pour Jesus
into these children each week.
Last year, I asked our Childrens Ministry Team to inform me of the primary
limiting factor concerning our ability
to connect children to Jesus Christ at
Christ Church. I had them sum it up in
one word and we went around the room.
The conversation went like this, Space,
space, space, space, space. I think you
get the point. Many churches dont have
excellent staff and volunteers and many
dont have children; we have both of these
things! All we need is more space and
space is an easily correctable problem! It
just takes vision, planningand money.
As we began to focus upon how to better provide childrens space at all of our
campuses, I began to pray for a clear vision for our children. I wanted to think
beyond the building to what we were actually trying to accomplish in childrens
ministry. What would be our desired
outcomes? In response, this five plank

Rev. Shane Bishop, Senior Pastor


platform began to take shape in my heart:

Five Goals for

Christ Church Kids
1. Each child will receive Jesus
Christ as savior: The most im-

portant thing a church does is introduce children and adults to the

salvation that comes from Christ
and Christ alone. To put it clearly,
we want our children to know Jesus.
Period. If this doesnt happen, little
else really matters.

2. Each child will be Biblically

My spiritual founda-

tion was poured strong and straight

during my childhood. I was taught
the stories of the Bible, memorized
passages of the Bible, was encouraged to read the Bible and was eventually taught to study the Bible. The
Bible cant be a lamp unto our feet
and light unto our path if we dont
know what is in it. I want our children to know the Word of God! I
want their character shaped by the
Word of God! I want their values
and actions informed by the Word of

3. Each child will learn self-respect and the respect of others: The Ten Commandments are
split into four commandments about
loving God and six about loving
neighbor. When Jesus was asked
about the greatest commandment,
he replied, You shall love the Lord
with all your heart, soul and mind

then paused briefly and continued,

And a second is like it, You must
love your neighbor as yourself. The
big idea is that we cannot properly
love our neighbor until we learn to
love God. I believe respect for self
comes from knowing who we are
in Christ and respect for others is a
natural extension of that reality. In a
nation so divided by so many issues,
learning self-respect and mutual respect is more essential than ever!

4. Each child will reach their

full human potential: I believe

the singular goal in life is to become

everything God created us to be. We
want to invest in that development
and surround each child with encouragement to live their best lives!

5. We will develop principled

Christian leaders God can
use to change the world: The

next twenty years will bring more

challenges to our nation and to our
world. Humanity will need leaders with character, empathy, vision,
compassion and resolve like never before. Where better to produce
such leaders than right here? Our
investments of today will impact the
world of tomorrow!

I have four grandchildren immersed in

the ministries of Christ Church. They
are the most important thing in the world
to me. But let me be clear, I am just as
committed to your children and grandchildren as I am my own. As we invest
of our resources into the Raise the Roof
Campaign over the next three years, lets
rememberit is always about the kids!


THE CHURCH: Q and A with Rev. Troy Benton
What do you see as Gods plan
for the Church here locally and in
Im not as gloom on the Methodist
Church and the Church at large as other
people are. He said Ill build this church
upon that rock, and last time I checked,
the rock is still steady. Its Kryptonite.
For me, Im very hopeful. I think the
Kingdom has not seen its best days.

Rev. Troy Benton has been Associate Pastor at Christ Church since July 2011. He
recently was appointed as Senior Pastor
of St. Johns Methodist Church, a growing church in Edwardsville, Illinois. As
he departs for his new commission July 1,
Troy sat with The Flame to reflect on his
tenure at Christ Church and to share his
thoughts on where God is leading him,
his ministry and the Church.

Tell us what you most look forward

to about your next appointment:
Im looking forward to continuing to do
ministry. Im looking forward to going
back to doing what Ive done for some
years, which is setting vision. St. Johns is
a pivotal church that has a great opportunity to be a pretty large church for Gods
kingdom, and so Im looking forward to
winning and making disciples not just
people who go to church, but people who
become fully invested in the destiny God
has called them into.
Emma is interested and very eager to do
some things that she hasnt done here,
and thats because its her season to do
it. Shes already got two classes shes preparing to teach (and) shes going to lead a
ministry there. Shes waited five years to
refuel, and now shes ready to go.

What have been your top lessons

from your time as Associate Pastor
at Christ Church?

First, from God: his teaching of

learning how to trust His timing is a
good lesson to learn. Unlike in my
previous years, (now) just saying
God, its in your will, has been such
a great nurturing tool.
Rev. Shanes been my pastor these
past few years; hes not just been my
colleague. The best thing hes given
me as a gift is to embrace my rhythm
as a leader and to be more keenly
aware of it. Im grateful for him for
giving me the space to work out my
own dance, so I know when to rumba, and when to do my thing.
In terms of our church membership: to expect eagerness. Ive never
seen a church so eager to engage in
life and in ministry as this one. The
scripture talks about with eager expectation, (Romans 8:19), So Im
expecting from this congregation
that Im going to that they will be exceedingly eager to be the Kingdom
of God in that place, because they
are called to greatness, Im clear on
My family has taught me that they
are not only the best gift that Ive
ever been given, but they have taught
me that they are my best advisors.
My kids see a million times more
than anyone else would, and they
have helped me make some critical

But I also think the Kingdom in this season is called to be critically honest, and I
think for about four decades, the Church
has obfuscated its responsibility to tell the
truth in a number of areas. I still think
the No. 1 issue for evangelical Christian
faith, and Christian faith as a whole in
the 21st Century for America, is the issue
of culture and race. I think if we could
ever lead the world to love each other in
the honesty of that, on all spectrums, wed
see a revival that would scare us. People
are waiting for the church to lead around
reconciliation. We are the ones holding
the gates back on revival.

How can people of the Church bring

Kingdom Come?
We have One Ministry. We have all
these ministries, but weve got one ministry; in fact, you dont even own it. Youre
just operating in it; its His ministry. You
didnt die for it, you cant own it. Shed
some blood first, then talk to me, and by
the way, make sure the blood saves somebody! And once you do all that, then you
have a ministry. I just want to encourage
the Church to understand that we have
this one ministry, and weve got to be focused.
What would you like to say to Christ
Church as you depart?
I love my church. And just this: I got the
better end of the deal being here.
Jeff Bishop
Flame Volunteer Writer



church that was added in at one time.

What do you see your role at Christ

Church to be?
I want to serve however I can serve
God, love God, love neighbor, thats
why Im here. One of my gifts, connecting with people, is what I do. Especially outsiders: people whove been hurt by
church; who have been hurt by life. Because part of my story comes from a hurt
life, and God brought healing to me. Part
of my passion is reaching those people
and just telling people about Christ.

Rev. Michael Wooton comes to Christ

Church as its new Associate Pastor from
Marshall, Illinois, a town on I-70 near
the Indiana border. As a 31-year-old senior pastor at two small churches there,
hes seen the Lord bring solid growth in
membership in the two years hes led
their congregations. Rev. Mike sat with
the Flame on the eve of his appointment
to discuss his personal walk with Christ
and how that redeeming presence fuels
his ministry today.

How does it work to lead two

churches especially on Sunday
I go to the first one and preach, and while
thats happening, the second one is doing
Sunday school. And then once Im done
preaching and do a little congregational
care, I go to the next one and its time for
worship service! Theyve been doing it
for a lot of years; in fact, there was a third

Jeff Bishop
Flame Volunteer Writer


How has God prepared you for ministry?

I was a young man who didnt have a father figure, and I didnt know what was
eating at me. My mother got remarried, and he became abusive to me and
my mother. All children need a father;
I needed a father, and it started creating
something within me and I didnt know
what to do.
The summer before I went into high
school, I went to church camp, and there
was this call to give your life to Christ,
and I just felt it. But I felt so unqualified
and unworthy. God was offering me the
hand of mercy, and all I could see was the
hand of judgment.
Right as I entered high school I became
an alcoholic and a drug user. Boom! Just
like that, it just took me. By the time I
was 17, I was headed for destruction.
Little did I know, there was a revival going on in my community at the time in
the United Methodist Church in the
center of town. The pastor came to the
restaurant where I was working, and
he said, Where are you at with Jesus?
Eventually we had a conversation and I
gave my life to Christ. And in the next
couple of months God brought a tremendous amount of healing.

Tell us about your family?

My wife (Valerie) went to the church
where the revival was happening. She
didnt like me at first, I dont know why
(laughs,) but eventually we became
friends and we fell in love. We have a
daughter, Norah, two years old, and we
have a baby on the way, due August 30th.
What do you like to do in your free
time when not active in ministry?
I absolutely love sports Chicago sports!
Chicago Cubs, Chicago Bears, Chicago
Bulls! I think Ill have one friend (in the
Christ Church congregation)!
I love spending time with my daughter
and with my wife. Were semi-foodies; we enjoy just going to a place thats
unique and trying the food and talking
about that with one another; thats how
we enjoy one another.

What is your strongest passion in

I really desire for people to know Christ.
I dont care if Im Ananias or if Im Paul;
if I need to be the door greeter, I dont
mind. I just want to be obedient and see
the world impacted like never before.
Thats why, for me, discipleship is crucial.
We talk about in the United Methodist
Church that we go and make disciples.
For me thats not a tagline; to me, I came
from that. I came from the bottom, I
came from destruction, I came from hurt,
and I saw what the Holy Spirit can do,
what the word of God can do, and being
in close relationship.
A discipler isnt somebody who tells you
what to do; a discipler is someone who
says, How you doing? You alright?
Thats part of my call, and what Ive done


As iron sharpens iron,

so one person sharpens another.
Proverbs 27:17 New International Version

If there is one scripture that defines the

short three years my family has been attending Christ Church, Proverbs 27:17
is it. My family has been honed, forged,
and sharpened by the Lord in ways that
I could have never imagined. But if there
is one way that stands out the most, it is
accountability. I was blessed to join the
church right as they were looking for
mens group leaders. Coincidentally, God
had been pushing and prodding me to
begin an accountability group. So I did
something crazy - I listened.
Accountability, though, is something
that takes time. It takes developing and
investing in others, while also being vulnerable to those same people. It means
knowing what a persons family and work
situations look like and what dreams,
hopes, and struggles they have.
Over time, God has continued to bless
me with men who want to walk through
life together. We hold each other to the
high standard that God has set for us as
men, husbands, and fathers. Through
scripture, prayer, and lots of conversation, we search to unfold what it is that
God has planned for each of our lives.
We strive to sharpen each other as iron
sharpens iron.
Being accountable to these men means
asking and answering hard questions.
When someone asks, How are you doing?, the answer is expected to be a true

thoughtful response. Fine just doesnt

cut it. When you become truly accountable with someone, you will talk about
the rough stuff, those things that youre
not keen to announce from the pews on
Sunday morning. However, when the
road turns bumpy, I know that the men I
trust are only a call or text away.
Being accountable with others is not just
about making sure we screw up less, it
is about joy! You also get to celebrate
and sing praise during those good times.
When you resist temptation, hear Gods
direction clearly, or step out in faith, you
have others that can celebrate with you! It
is a beautiful feeling being able to shout
to the Lord in praise of a friend.
Whats more though, is how these men
have helped my wife and I to become
more accountable with God, with each
other, and with the church. Since Ive
been accountable with Godly men, my
wife has noticed a change in my demeanor and priorities. In her own words, she
says that Im a stronger and purer man
of God, getting closer to what God wants
from my life. My wife can also take comfort in knowing that I have Godly men
with whom I can seek wisdom and advice. One of the things I am most thankful for, though, is how these men have
kept me accountable in my desire to consistently be in prayer with my wife. It was
rare that my wife and I would spend dedicated time in prayer together, but now

it is something we both look forward to

every day.
Finally, being in accountability offers a
perspective that is different from close
friends and family because Gods voice
is profound in the men with whom I am
accountable. When I become challenged
with direction or purpose, in addition to
talking with my wife, I can seek Christian
mens counsel who I know are looking at
my situation from the outside and who
may be able to see a different perspective.
If you are looking for accountability and
deep, Godly fellowship with other men
and women of the church, you dont have
to start a group, although that is one way.
What accountability comes down to is
this: be active. If you take the steps to
become part of a ministry in the church,
you will begin building relationships and
meeting with people who can help you to
become more the person God designed
you to be. Christ Church is blessed to
have ministries and small groups in a
very wide variety of topics and times.
Get to the Sync Center and find out more
about how your special gifts can help
build the beautiful puzzle God is piecing
together at Christ Church.

Kevin Siddle
Flame Volunteer Writer



When my daughter, Faith, was two years

old, her dad and I divorced. That was
something I never dreamed of, or prepared for. My father is a minister, and nobody in my immediate or extended family had been divorced. I believed that God
was sovereign. However, with no family
within 300 miles of me, and a toddler I
was responsible for on my own, the walls
began to cave in.
A good friend of mine invited me to
Christ Church, and I clearly remember
my first Sunday. I cried through worship,
because sometimes when we sing about
His goodness when nothing in our lives
seems good, He finds a way to meet us in
that dark place. Its a scary thing to have
that dark place exposed; especially to the
Light of the World (John 8:12). But the
neat thing about Jesus is that He always
feels like home. For me, being so far from
my family, home felt nice. As Reverend
Shane spoke that morning, I knew I was
surrounded by family.
Divorce is raw, painful, and confusing.
Especially with a little one involved.
Without a doubt, I can see why it was
never Gods intention for His children. I
share custody, so my daughter is with her
dad every other week. For seven days at a
time, I feel like I lose half of myself. I love
that little girl fiercely. But God doesnt
turn away in our most vulnerable moments. Even when we have ended up outside of His original plan.
I have always loved Psalm 139, but I began to read it differently. The part that
stood out to me was in verse 5: You hem
me in behind and before, and You lay
Your hand upon me.

Shannon Durio
Flame Volunteer Writer


I knew I was outside of His original plan.

But all of a sudden, I realized I was not
too far gone. He hemmed me in - now,
Im no sewing expert, but I am fairly certain that means I was enclosed. No loose
ends. In a season when I felt like all of my
ends were frayed, that I was at the end of
every rope...His Word promised me that I
was safe. Cared for. Protected.
Its hard to be a single mom. (Lets face
it, its hard to be a parent, period!) I was
working at a job that required evening
and weekend commitments, and I had no
family around to babysit and no money
to pay a babysitter. Rent was a challenge,
daycare tuition was a challenge, and the
list went on. But I clung to those promises He had given me, and He began to
provide for me in ways I couldnt imagine. I walked into my apartments Leasing
Office one day to pay rent, and she smiled
and said, No worries. Someone already
paid your rent this month. I still have no
idea who that was. But I know that God
whispered my need to someone that day,
and he or she listened.
I began to see the body of Christ as an
extension of my family. I came to Christ
Church every Sunday, humbled by the
chaos of the past week, and He filled
my bucket with worship, teaching and
prayer. Our salvation is not dependent
on whether or not we are in church every
Sunday, but being a part of this community of believers every weekend kept me
encouraged and connected. The overwhelmingly beautiful thing about being
a part of the family of God is that it has
no boundaries. God used people from all
over the globe, across denominations and
state lines, to show me that He is good.
He sees our needs, big or small, and He

uses all of us to carry each others burdens.

By the sheer grace of God, I made it
through that season. Some may choose to
think that overcoming obstacles reflects
independence or self-sufficiency. But I
am much more confident in believing
that there is a God who knows my name
and who loves me enough to carry me
through the storm. I am remarried now
to a man who loves Jesus as deeply as he
loves me. My daughter is strong and happy, and I truly believe that God has the
whole world in His hands, but He holds
the little ones extra close to His heart.
The church was Gods arms for me. I hold
on tight to 2 Corinthians 12:9-10 that
promises me that His grace is sufficient;
and I continue to see that played out
through my church family.
Oh, how He loves us!

His Word
promised me
that I was
Cared for.


My grace is all you need.

My power works best in weakness.
2 Corinthians 12:9

My son, Doug, recently had a kidney

transplant; the generous gift from a dear
friend. Despite a couple of bumps in the
road, the surgery was a success, and both
he and the donor are recovering well at
their homes. This ordeal in our family
gave me pause to reflect on another kidney transplant fourteen years ago this
month performed on my husband, Jim.
Unlike Dougs experience, or my daughter Sarahs transplant surgery in 2012,
(all three have PKD; polycystic kidney
disease), Jims surgery was a disaster. He
flirted with death many times during a
nearly two year span and required countless surgeries and medical interventions
to eventually live a normal post-transplant life.
As I pondered the comparisons of those
three transplants I sought to recapture
Jims experience by re-reading the daily log that I had kept of our fight for his
life in 2001. Time and space preclude my
sharing that log in its entirety; nor would
the average reader want me to do so. I
was immediately struck by an entry that,
at the time, had little meaning or significance to me. As Jim lay near death hours
after his initial surgery he had the great
fortune to be cared for in the ICU by
Nurse Carrie. When he was eventually
out of the woods, and in a normal hospital room, she would visit him often; either literally or in his altered mental state.
He always felt better following Carries

visits. She held his hands, they prayed,

and you could feel peace when she was

one escapes life without pain and sorrow.

How do we go on? How do we conquer
fear, pain, and grief?

Following one such visit I noticed a publication on Jims hospital tray. I picked
it up and settled into my bed for the
night. (I usually spent 24/7 by Jims side.)
It was important to Jim that I read what
Carrie had left, and so I delved into The
Grace of God. I made my way through
each word of the four page essay, allowing the ideas to skim the surface of my
consciousness before settling far outside
of it before I drifted asleep.

When I pulled that transplant log from

my shelves last week I kept asking why
I would want to subject myself to reliving that horrible experience. But God
had His hand in that decision. Jim used
to swear that Nurse Carrie was only a
figment of his imagination; an angel
sent from Heaven. Quite possibly she
was. When I came to that Carrie passage in my log I realized that, where I
paid little mind to that literature she left
behind in 2001, it was crystal clear to
me now. Gods grace was woven into
the fabric of my marriage and the loving relationship that Jim and I shared.
Gods grace is obvious in the unique
challenges and dreams of our children
and grandchildren. Grace has sustained
my family throughout the depths of despair and led us onto a path of faith and
hope. And grace has called me home to
The Church that offers me peace and
strength and insight into a Christ centered life.

Jim and I shared a strong faith but had

abandoned The Church years before.
Oh, I pleaded with God each day to give
me strength and courage to handle the
vicissitudes of Jims recovery; and I even
asked God, on more than one occasion,
to take Jim from his suffering. God listened, as He does. He kept us strong in
ways that defy rational explanation. But
Jim went on to live another eleven years
before ironically dying of cancer nearly
three years ago. Kidney transplants aside,
my family and I have endured more pain
and heartache than it seems any family
should have to bear. We have handled
situations in the last three years that we
never could have imagined to be possible. But everyone has their stories. No

Were it not for grace where would I be?

Where would my family be? Where
would any of us be? It is by the grace of
God that we endure, if not conquer, our
pain and suffering and sorrow. It is by
the grace of God that we live on.

Becky Olroyd
Flame Volunteer Writer




I recently noticed a sign for a Harley

Davidson dealership that invited you
to join the family. There is a lot of that
going on lately - you can join the Sprint
family of cell phone users and get your
current cell phone bill cut in half. Advertisers are quick to tout the myriad of
benefits you can receive just by joining a
family. While there is little doubt that
there can be financial benefits or added
enjoyment to your life through joining
one of these families, I suggest that getting more involved in your church family will benefit your own family more
and would certainly be beneficial to your
If you get involved in a Bible study, connect group, or accountability group,
you will get much needed and valuable
help in your journey to transformation,
to becoming more Christ-like. These
like-minded individuals, who are trying
to achieve the same things as you, can

help teach and guide in doing what is infinitely more difficult to do by yourself.
The love, support, and compassion you
will receive is incomparable. The value of
the knowledge and insight shared is beyond measure. The sheer feeling of realizing the strength that comes in numbers
cannot be matched. No one wants to be,
or needs to be, alone on this journey.
As is so often the case, Paul sums up the
benefits of church family in his short
letter to the church at Philippi. In many
of Pauls letters, we find him correcting
behavior or doctrine or telling the church
what they should or should not be doing.
Matt Chandler says that Philippians is
the best New Testament picture we have
of what a maturing church looks like and
what maturing people do. One of the
important points of the Book of Philippians is how it started. Acts 16 tells us
that it starts with the conversions of the
wealthy Lydia, the demon possessed slave

girl, and the jailer. These three diverse

individuals come together at the beginning of the apostle Pauls latest church
plant. The gospel, Chandler says, defies
race, class, and status. There is much
to learn from the diversity that church
members bring to the family table. It was
true then and it is true now.
Lets face it; we like to do things with people who are similar to us. It is natural to
stay within our regular groups of friends.
The gospel, however, is anything but natural. If we choose to participate in them,
groups of any kind can open the door
to changing our perspective on life, on
church, and on our community. Prayerfully consider making the decision to expand the boundaries of what you know
and begin experiencing the diversity that
your fellow church family members bring
to the table that is fellowship. Expand
your church family by joining a group.

There is much to learn from the diversity

that church members bring to the family
table. It was true then and it is true now.

Jerry Dortch
Adult Education Coordinator

Ministry Spotlight


I recently had the privilege of sitting
down with our Youth and Childrens
leaders, Robb Hass, Brent Alexander,
Mistie Denny, Amanda Cates and Rachel
Frazure. I had some questions for them
regarding the Youth and Childrens Ministries. The words they spoke gave me a
renewed respect for these directors who
are a vital part of connecting our children
and young people to Jesus Christ. Their
passion for their calling and their heart to
serve the Christ Church families in such
a powerful way was evident as we sat and
talked. Heres what they had to say

What are the needs of the Childrens/Student Ministries?

We are constantly praying and looking
for bi-vocational ministers, people that
will give of their time and gifting to be
committed and focused to serve the families of Christ Church in these ministry
areas. These young people and children
are not just something we do to fill our
time, they are a mission for us. What we
all do together has Kingdom impact! Its
an investment where, by Gods grace, we
are changing lives. People often say they
dont have time to volunteer. That is the
biggest concern because they are involved
in coaching sports, music lessons, etc.,
but giving your time for Kingdom work
will make you a more effective leader in
these other areas. Its the seek ye first
principle out of Matthew 6:33. We have
to ask ourselves what breaks our hearts
and what our passion is. All else is secondary when it comes to Gods work.
How are we really helping reinforce
the familys involvement and vice
Well, some kids are broken and dont
have a strong family foundation. This is
the opportunity for the church to stand
in the gap. For those with family involvement, we are here to partner with
the family. For all ages, we have an awesome structure with our large and small
groups. The small groups really take
on a bigger role and are an awesome

tool of ministry. When people desire to

get involved, we are here to help train
and equip. We are all working toward
the same ministry goal of connecting
our children and young people to Jesus
Christ. If they believe in what we are
doing, involvement in this ministry will
prove itself to be fruitful. When people
want to be a part, we as leaders are very
clear upfront that you are going to be
shadowed by leadership. We do not set
someone up to fail, and God has allowed
us to walk in discernment in the ministry each of us is called to do. We want
people who will engage, partner with us
and enjoy the journey. It is awesome for
us to see our bi-vocational ministers using their gifts, and it is our goal to fill you
with encouragement!

What are each of you looking forward to most when we Raise the
For the Youth Leaders: Dedicated space.
Its saying that the kids are important.
They are a priority in the family of God.
For the Childrens Leaders: The 2d and
3rd floors are where they will worship. Its
like the adults having a sanctuaryit is a
place to be safe and be who we are before
God and others. We believe it will allow
us to minister more effectively and meet
more individual needs.
How is volunteering helping the
family and helping the church?
We believe it is really important when
a family volunteers together. It sends a
powerful message to our children and
young people that serving together is
important. It gives such a beautiful picture of different generations working
together for the cause of Christ. It is an
awesome testimony for those children
and youth who dont have a strong family foundation that the family of God can
be a strength and place of acceptance for
them. It really doubles the impact when
young people are involved because it can
help guide them into their gifting and
perhaps a career path or calling. We often

underestimate what our youth can do!

What do you feel is the most critical area in helping families connect
their children and young people to
Jesus Christ?
First, we want to reiterate the partnership we are committed to as ministry
leaders. Sometimes it takes that third
party to help take a child or young person through a difficult spiritual concept.
It is very important that we all convey
that a relationship with Jesus Christ is
the most vital thing in life. Getting past
the head knowledge and knowing the
real and powerful person of Jesus with
heart knowledge is what we are striving
for when we minister to these kids. Hes
not a storybook character and when our
youth see our real, authentic relationship
with God, that will speak to their hearts.
When they see what breaks our hearts for
God, when they see us obey and heed His
voice and follow what He has called us to
do, when we learn with the kids and do
life with them, then we are making progress to point them to Jesus Christ and the
love He has for them.
I walked away from talking with these
five amazing leaders challenged, encouraged and asking myself these questions:
what is breaking my heart for God? Am I
listening to the Holy Spirit and dispelling
all doubts? Am I depending on self too
much and making excuses for what He is
calling me to do? If so, He is calling me to
depend on God and just do what He says
to do!
How about you? As you hear the hearts
of these five leaders, wont you ask yourself these same questions? Is He calling
you to service? Is He calling you to invest
in His Kingdom? Our children are depending on us!
Carrie Gaxiola
Flame Editor



Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old,

he will not depart from it
Proverbs 22:6 (KJV)

Prior to homeschooling, our children

were in public school for a time. At the
beginning of each school year, I would
write a note to my sons teachers saying,
I am here to work with you to help educate my son. This aided in putting our
teachers at ease to let them know, we are
on the same team. I feel the spiritual education of my children is primarily my
responsibility, as I believe the quest of the
great commission should begin at home.
Matthew 28:19, Go then and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them
into the name of the Father and of the
Son and of the Holy Spirit. Bible; AMP.
The church is most definitely our partner
in this pursuit. I believe in the old African proverb, it takes a village to raise a
family. We want our village to be as passionate about our childrens Christianity
as we are.
When my sons were little we began to
realize how important it was to maintain
good influences around them. Even the
kids they played with transformed their
behavior. We knew we needed to keep
them in an environment that was as devoid of negativity as possible and absolutely full of Christ if we were to achieve
the goals we set out for their lives. A firm
foundation would set the course for the
roads they would eventually choose for
their journeys. We ventured out to find
a church with an excellent childrens program, because this would be essential to

Shannon Peiffer
Flame Volunteer Writer


our purpose.
Christ Church was the first place we
landed and our feet stuck like glue. We
knew from the get go, this would be the
place God would use for our boys sacred
expedition. The programs were in depth,
even early on, and introduced more than
mere Bible stories. The kids learned
principles to life, based on scriptures,
and how to worship God. It was just like
big church, brought to their level, so they
could understand. When my husband
and I realized the breadth of their scope,
we were beyond excited. What was even
better was that the adult studies were
equally as thorough. Our development
must also persist, if we expect our children to continue to increase.
Soon, our sons were eager to share what
they had been taught. In our efforts to
support their enthusiasm, we asked questions on the ride home from church, to
probe them on the extent of their learning. We were thrilled to find that they
not only had paid attention, but could
tell us the narratives exhaustively. What
perked our interest the most was that
these were not the typical Bible tales that
all children learned, but ones that are often lost in the crevasses. II Timothy 3:1617, All scripture is breathed out by God,
and profitable for teaching, for reproof,
for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be

complete, equipped for every good work.

Bible; ESV.
We knew from that point that our childrens spiritual basis would be firmly established in this place. However, we never forget that our involvement is crucial.
We, as parents, do not expect to be the
sole influence in our childrens spiritual
upbringing. However, we do not intend
for this to be the churchs sole responsibility. We know it is our conjoint efforts
that will make all the difference. We believe in making deliberate choices in the
friendships and influences of our familys
life. Our church is part of the blessing
that will continue to produce in our future Christian descendants.
What a great responsibility we have in
raising the prospects of our church, but
what a gift as well. Psalm 127: 3-5, Children are a heritage from the Lord, offspring a reward from Him. Bible; NIV.
We should treat them as valuable as the
scriptures require. We know that on our
own, we can only have so much effectiveness, but together we can have great success. As heads of our households, our effectiveness is central to the outlook of our
progeny, but what a greater impact we
can have if we partner with our congregation in allowing our village the privilege
of raising our family.



Everyone!! We have work to do. Yes,

Youth leaders, pastors, Sunday School
teachers and parents need to ratchet up
the importance of creating a sticky faith
within our children. A recent study by
the Fuller Youth Institute, entitled The
College Transition Project, published in
the book Sticky Faith, found that 1 of 2
college age students who were active in
their church youth group drifted from
their faith during college. Did you see
that? - 50%! The study also found that
only 1 of 7 active youth group members
felt prepared and comfortable in their
faith walk prior to entering college. These
are staggering numbers and evidence that
we as a church community have to do
better! While the research has numerous
ideas to help make our childrens faith
stickier, the role of the church family
and the family at home are critical components to the answer.
It seems we have different types of families in which we belong. The primary
is the one were born into and for some,
that can be a challenging situation. The
other family types are the ones we create. At the Youth Group level (aged 7th12th grades), family could result from
a closeness formed on sports teams or
other clubs/activities, within a friend
group, job, and within the church. A big
theme throughout the Junior and Senior
High Youth ministry this past year was
building relationships, specifically, how
a relationship with Christ and not just
practicing religion should be the goal we
all seek. As we worked with the students
to develop their relationship with Jesus,
we also began to see authentic relationships forming among the students, as
well as between the students and Youth
leaders. A Youth Group family began to

take shape, and it became a beautiful experience. A big part of this family growth
came from the sharing of stories; youth
leaders sharing their testimonies, students sharing their faith journeys, and
everyone getting comfortable with opening up to each other. Our large and small
group discussion time delivered many
Holy Spirit moments as we saw students helping students, guiding with insight, and providing wisdom to help certain individuals through difficult times.
This openness brought on familiarity,
which launched us into a more family
type feeling within the group.
In addition to our weekly relationship
building on Wednesday nights and Sunday mornings, the Youth Ministry team
designed and hosted a 2-day conference
for our 7th-12 graders entitled Me2We.
The primary focus was to get our Youth
to stop thinking about themselves so
much (its all about me), and help them
realize they are a part of a community of believers; a family, in essence, that
contains a large number of brothers and
sisters in Christ. This powerful concept
comes out of the second greatest commandment, which is to love neighbor.
And just who is our neighbor? Well, everyone else of course! The students were
challenged to be less apt to be judgemental, to use social media in caring,
neighborly ways, and to seek little mission opportunities throughout the coming weeks in an effort to help the we
instead of the me. It was a very cool two

A national study done by Dr. Christian

Smith of the University of Notre Dame
concluded that most teenagers and their
parents may not realize it, but the most
important social influence shaping young
peoples religious lives is the religious
lives modeled and taught to them by their
parents. Parents, you play an incredibly
important role! Not just with getting your
children to come to Youth Group, but
in modeling Christian behavior in your
household, in having regular faith-driven
dialogue with your kids, with discussing
your own faith journeys, and with being
genuinely interested in what your Youth
Group leaders are doing with your children each week.
As your Youth ministry team, we are excited to help build a church family in
which the students of Christ Church
enjoy being a part. We are driven to do
a better job with informing our Youth
parents of every facet, goal and vision
of the Youth ministry. But developing
a sticky faith within the children of
Christ Church is going to have to be a
team effort. Your Youth leaders are willing to share our stories, demonstrate our
faith, and pour into the students every
chance we get. Parents, we know youll do
the same. Lets all make it our goal to fully equip our students/children with the
tools needed to develop an everlasting relationship with Christ.

Of course, all of these church-specific

events and weekly experiences are just a
part of the successful formula needed to
create a sticky faith within our students.

Robb Hass
Sr. High Student Ministries Coordinator


Im not one to open up too often. By nature, Im a fairly quiet individual who
keeps to himself and doesnt typically
bother people with his day-to-day happenings. If you get to know me well
enough, maybe youll see more of me.
But as a rule, Im usually pretty closed off.
What I mean to say is, Im an introvert.
And thats OK.
Ive always been fine with my reclusive
lifestyle; Ive never thought it was a problem. I still dont. Growing up, I always
had at least one close friend, sometimes
two, and that was about it.
Things have changed, however. So I
thought Id break character for a moment
and be open about something which
means a lot to me - my family.
Im not talking about my immediate
family, however. Dont get me wrong,
I love my family. But this is not about
them. This is about my church family,
that small group of crazies who attend
the Off-Topic Bible Study on Monday
My sister and I dont attend church with
our parents anymore, she and I attend
Christ Church while they go to First
Baptist Maryville. Theres no big story for why we go to different churches
from different denominations, we just do.
And that only bothers me when I hear
the mention of multiple generations of a
family attending church together. I sometimes feel bad for not going to church
with my family, but family is more than
blood. But I do attend church with our
family - the one God slowly began inte-

Matthew Lafrance
Flame Volunteer Writer


grating into our lives when we first started attending Christ Church.
I always grew up in church, and I have
my parents to thank for that. But I always
felt disconnected, like a person going to
church, praying throughout the week,
and returning on Sunday with no interaction with the savior we thought we were
It was frustrating, hearing all these people in my life talk about their relationship
with God and for me it just wasnt there.
It really started eating away at me. I felt
like I was saved, a born again Christian,
but I always felt alone. I took up journaling for a while to try and cope with all
of this frustration, and it actually helped
quite a bit. I felt, during that time, that
my relationship with God was growing.
The question became How long will that
sustain me?
It was around this time the Bible Study
really started to grow. Id say it doubled
in size, but all that means is four more
people showed up. Wae were a group of
six beforehand, and thats if you count
Jonathan and Sara Buetow, who lead the
I dont know what it was about having
those extra four there every Monday, but
everything started to change. I suddenly
didnt have time to journal, I was doing
something every night with someone. To
be honest, I didnt want to journal. The
frustration I felt before was replaced by
joy, and I didnt feel alone.
And then a shocking realization hit me -

I have a social life. A rather active social

life, might I add. And I felt God strengthen me.
See, families grow the church. Without
families, the church would be several
people sitting together with no deeper
connection to one another. But sometimes, the church grows families.
Before the Bible study grew, before every
perfect piece fell into place, I didnt have
too many friends. I didnt have anyone Id
call or text all the time. Whenever something awesome happened, I didnt have
someone I wanted to tell right away. I had
one friend who I tried to cling to while
life began to separate us, and we seldom
But then God stepped in.
Without the time I spent connecting
with God through regular attendance at
church and additional time spent in his
word through the Bible study, I wouldnt
have the supportive friends I have now.
They have all done so much to bring me
closer to God. Were not related by blood,
but through the extension of Jesus blood,
shed for us, we are a family.
Maybe youre like me, an introvert. You
keep to yourself, and you think you dont
need anyone. I get that. But do you feel
like something is missing? Maybe youre
afraid to admit it to yourself, but do you
feel alone, sorrowful, angry, or maybe
sometimes even empty? Maybe its time
to let God lead you to your second family,
your Church Family.


The English language has some curious

phrases. My wife and I spent 7 years in
Georgia, and we are still trying to figure
out about 50% of what our friends used
to say. One curious English idiom is circling the wagons. It refers to a practice
pioneers used when wagon convoys came
under attack. The caravans would create a
large circle with their wagons. The circle
formed a defensive perimeter, protecting
the pioneers and allowing them to fend
off their attackers. In order for this strategy to work, each family had to commit to
halt their individual progress and put the
greater good of the group first.
If your family is like mine, attacks come
regularly. Reverend Shane often reminds
us that Christ-followers have an enemy,
and he is good at his job. Some of my
family members have come under serious attack lately in areas like finances,
health, relationships, and future plans.
The attacks have been difficult and painful, but those family members have not
stood alone. It has been heartening for
me to see parents, siblings, cousins, and
others circle the wagons and rally round
the hurting.
In my life, this concept started with my
parents and grandparents. My grandpa
Clarence was the most generous man I
have ever known, giving of his time, treasure, and love freely to whomever needed
it. If one of us needed something built,
he was there with his tools. If a bill needed to be paid, he had a check in hand.
Grandpa Clarence was quick to aid those
he saw in need. Because of this, he and
his wife were never wealthy. They rarely
took vacations or bought new things for
themselves, but rather left a legacy of care

and sacrifice by the way they consistently

aided those they loved.
I have seen these qualities in my parents
as well. I can think of at least four different people who lived with us through
the 90s because they had no other place
to stay. At times the house felt more like
a hotel, but my parents refused to let
someone suffer when they had the ability to help, no matter how much it inconvenienced them. In my home, every
time something was broken or needed
repair, my dad dropped everything to
help me do whatever job needed doing.
My parents sacrificial spirits were most
strongly displayed by how they cared for
my grandparents in their last days. Mom
and Dad, at tremendous personal sacrifice, spent time in hospitals, built two
guest rooms, drove to numerous doctors appointments, and provided intense
personal care to ensure that their parents were not abandoned as they left this
Mistie and I try to live out these principles and pass them down to our own
kids. Like our parents and grandparents,
we seek to rally around our family when
they are troubled. Circling the wagons is
not easy though; it requires sacrifice. Recently, my wife and I have had to take on
the burdens of some of our family who
have been under attack. I am thankful for
the sacrificial examples we have seen that
have taught us that we cannot let family suffer if there is something we can do
about it. I have received this kind of help
in my life, so I must be willing to give it,
regardless of the cost.

is certainly a Biblical one. James 2:14-16

tells us, What good is it, dear brothers and sisters, if you say you have faith
but dont show it by your actions? Can
that kind of faith save anyone? Suppose
you see a brother or sister who has no
food or clothing, and you say, Goodbye and have a good day; stay warm
and eat wellbut then you dont give
that person any food or clothing. What
good does that do? And 1 Timothy 5:8
reminds us that, . . . those who wont
care for their relatives, especially those
in their own household, have denied the
true faith. Such people are worse than
I do not intend to guilt anyone into action. What I want to share is this: the
testimony of the Word and the experiences of my family show me that family is
there when no one else is. When friends,
co-workers, and acquaintances run, family sticks it out and sees you through.
Family circles the wagons; family rallies

The idea of sacrificially caring for family

Matthew Denny
Scott Campus Worship Leader


Backpack Attack Coming In July

Christ Church is very involved with the

Christian Activity Center (CAC) in East
St. Louis. To put it mildly, the CAC assists many families in East St. Louis with
raising more of Gods remarkable children. One of our most important annual programs is the Backpack Attack,
when we ask members of Christ Church
to donate new or nicely used backpacks
and other school supplies. This article
is meant to raise your awareness of this
wonderful program as well as to prepare
you to become involved.
The Christian Activity Center is a comprehensive after school program engaging 600+ children a year (ages 6-18).
Each child is offered a healthy after
school snack, a hot dinner, individual
learning plan, tutoring, computer training, visual and performing arts, college
access, teen employment training, counseling, Bible study, recreation, and wellness education. The high school graduation rate for CAC youth is 97%, and 74%
of CAC graduates proceed to college or
trade school -- compared with 40% and
13% citywide, respectively. The CAC
takes youth to weeklong summer camps
and on mission trips to teach them the
value of quiet time, scripture study, solitude and prayer. The center is a safe place
for the kids to go from 3:30-8:00 p.m.,
Monday Friday, and buses the kids to
church services on Sunday. Summer
hours are 10:00 a.m.- 6:00 p.m. Most importantly, the kids who attend the Christian Activity Center are offered something they crave: Love and Hope!
We would love to go above and beyond
the number of backpacks and school supplies we collected last year, so even more

Peggy Hutchison
POC Christian Activity Center


of the children will have the supplies they

need to have a successful school year.
First, decide what you can donate (see the
list below). Please remember, the backpacks need to be sturdy so they last the
entire school year.
Then, save the dates! Mark the collection dates on your calendars now, so you
wont forget. The Sunday collection dates
are ALL in July: the 5th, 12th, 19th and
26th. NOTE: July 26th is the last Sunday
you can bring items to the church.
There are mission teams that organize,
sort, and prepare the backpacks for the
students. The youth at Christ Church
will organize and sort what is brought
to scripture hall. When you bring your
backpacks and supplies, you may bring
them in the bags you purchased them in.
The mission teams prepare the backpacks
so they are age-appropriate for the students.
Please bring your donations to the church
and place them in the bins marked
Backpack Attack during the Sundays in


Heres the list of supplies needed:

Pencil sharpeners
Spiral notebooks
Pencils and pens
Glue sticks
Colored pencils

3-ring binders
Loose leaf paper

Uniforms - sizes 6 - adult XL. Shirts:
pale blue & white collared polo
shirts, long and short sleeve. Pants:
navy or black khaki pants (we never
receive enough clothes so we would
like to change that. The uniforms
can be purchased at Wal Mart.)

If you would like to volunteer to deliver

or pack supplies, contact Peggy Hutchison ( We will
need some adult drivers after the supplies
are collected to bring them to the CAC.
Other CAC volunteer possibilities include tutoring in the homework center, helping with recreation or Kids For
Christ from 3:30-8:00 p.m., Mon. - Fri.
If you would like to learn more about the
CAC, go to The CAC
is located at 540 N. 6th Street in East St.
Louis. If you would like a tour of the
CAC, just ask Peggy Hutchison shell
be happy to take you!
Thank you in advance for your backpacks
and school supplies for the kids at the
Christian Activity Center. The kids appreciate you and your donations!

I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of

the least of these brothers
of mine, you did for me.
Matthew 25:40.



In Genesis, Adam cried out to God with

an earnest desire for companionship.
Even with all the lush amenities of paradise, he was lonely. God loved the man
He created so He honored Adams request
and made a woman for him. This was the
beginning of the family. Family was created by God so that we will not be alone
and will experience joy, companionship,
unconditional love, and forgiveness, to
name a few familial benefits. Unfortunately, in families we can also experience
heartbreak, dysfunction, loneliness, conditional love, and unforgiveness that will
sometimes scar us with deep rooted bitterness, resentment and insecurities.
My family is a little different than many
who attend this church. I am virtually
alone. Due to death, emotional estrangement, geographical distance, and age, all
natural occurrences in families, I find
myself alone. But its all good! I am alone
but not lonely. I know that youve heard
that before but its always true when you
have God as the head of your family and
as head of your life. Jesus told us that He
would never leave or forsake us. In my
opinion, that means when everyone else
in the family gets married, goes home
to be with the Lord, betrays you, moves
away or just plain gets consumed in their
own life, God is still there ready to love
you, to be better than a brother or sister
to you! That is good news!
In 2 Corinthians 6:18 God said I will
be a Father to you, and you will be my
sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty. Sounds like family to me! Jesus
left us with the commandment that we
love one another as He loved us. Where
can we find love and acceptance but in a

place where people gather to experience

and exhibit Gods love? It is called the
As a mature divorce, I had a specific wish
list in mind when I first came to Christ
Church. I wanted and needed a church
family that was warm, genuinely friendly, accepting of people as they are and as
God made them. Let me make myself
perfectly clear - although this is a huge
church, I came to Christ Church seeking
From the moment I get out of my car, the
greeters make me feel loved, special and
welcomed to the house of the Lord. What
I hear them saying is Welcome home! I
love seeing couples, young, middle aged
and old, the nucleus of the family. I am
reminded of the commitment they made
to each other and the families they would
and have created. I also enjoy the way we
greet each other. It sparks new life and
agape love when we embrace each other
with handshakes, hugs, smiles, high-fives
and blessings.
My greatest joy at Christ Church is the
new family I have found in my small
group (Disciple I). We are women of all
ages (mostly mature), occupations and
experiences who started out with one
common goal to seek God through
His word. Over time we have become
very candid about our present lives and
challenges as well as our pasts. Through
this journey we pray for each other, our
families, friends, co-workers and extended family and worship together. We have
suffered through spousal illness, work related issues, time management concerns,
responsibilities of child rearing and mar-

riage, interpretation of the scriptures,

and expressions of personal goals and
dreams. We encourage each other and
celebrate each others moments of joy. My
heart is so full!
As our scheduled class comes to an end,
we are already vowing to continue our
friendships and sisterhood beyond the
class. We have bonded as family. That is
what happens when you put God in the
midst of His people. In losing ourselves,
we found ourselves and each other, a real
After Jesus biological family came to see
Him and it was announced to Him that
they were there, He retorted in Mark
3:33, Who are my Mother and brothers? Then He looked at those seated in
a circle around Him and said, Here are
my Mother and brothers! Whoever does
Gods will is my brother and sister and
mother. Therefore, no matter which kind
of family you are a part of, the blessing is
that we can choose to be a part of Gods
family. We are part of something greater
than ourselves.
May God bless you as He extends an
open invitation to His family.

Brenne M Issa
Flame Volunteer Writer



Imagine if you could go back and watch

a tape of your life. You could see yourself change, make mistakes, and grow up.
Wouldnt it be great if there was a way to
know youre in the good ol days before
you left them?
When my wife Kelly and I had our first
child, friends and family would run up
to congratulate us and send prayers and
well wishes. Its doubtful we fully realized
it at the time, but our lives had completely changed. God had entrusted us with a
child and it was time to take him home.
We had a family now, and we were absolutely delighted.
For the first year, he slept most of the
time. Changing diapers and losing a few
hours of our sleep here and there seemed
so easy. But by year two once he started
talking, walking, and wanting to be independent everything changed; whether
we were ready or not. We had a walking,
talking, curious toddler. He also had his
own personality and failed to come with
an instruction manual.
Now Kelly and I are research-oriented
people. From Amazon reviews to Google searches, we try to do our homework
before jumping into any decision. We
follow parenting forums for the advice of
experts on everything from potty training
to college funds and test drive strollers as
if we were at an Audi dealership. Then,
we take all that information and form our
own opinion on what we believe is best
for our child and our family and move on
to the next decision. On the really tough
decisions, we pray.
Recently, I read an article about how

Matt Rygelski
Flame Volunteer Writer


competitive parenting has become

the new religion. One expert called it
scheduled hyperactivity where peer
pressure from other parents insists that
your child participate in every sport and
every extracurricular activity so much
so that their schedule is full every weekday and weekend. Before these children
reach puberty, their life is more chaotic than most CEOs. And yet, out of all
those appointments and activity reminders, the one that should have consistently
been increasing, was absent from every
calendar - attending church.
But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry
about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. Matthew 6:33-34
Time is so filled that the most important
points of building relationships are barely
wedged in between one appointment and
another - if at all! It seems that these parents believe spiritual development can be
postponed until after well, everything
else. Parenting is supposed to be more
than becoming your childs chauffeur.
Parenting is supposed to be more than
catering to every need and want of the
child. Parenting is supposed to be taking
the time to teach them the difference.
Parenting is hard.
And these words that I command you
today shall be on your heart. You shall
teach them diligently to your children,
and shalt talk of them when you sit in
your house, when you walk by the way,
when you lie down, and when you rise.
Deuteronomy 6:6-9

Biblical truth must be the foundation of

our home. As God has blessed us with
our child, it is Kellys and my duty as parents to educate him in the details of our
faith. A childs mind is so easily suggestible to go in the direction of almost any
voice; we must prepare him with the abilities to discern whats right from whats
wrong. That is going to take some serious effort because there is a wide world of
distraction begging for his attention.
Yes, we will always be his parents and
must do parental things like encouraging
him to grow and forgiving the mistakes
hes sure to make, but my first and foremost priority is to give my time to him.
Its important that he be taught what is
valued in our family, and I want to be
there for those good ol days moments
when they actually happen. During
those moments, it will be my example
that he sees how to be a husband, a
father, and a follower of Jesus. Because
when he holds his first son, he wont give
thanks to baseball or jazz band. Hell
thank God, just as I thanked God when I
first held my son.



What you tell your kids to do is like a whisper, but what you actually do is like a scream.
Selena Yeager, CPT and author of Perfectly Fit

Families are finding that when an active

lifestyle is built into the fabric of their
lives the children are more likely to stay
active as adults. Research proves that
those who stay active throughout their
lives are less likely to struggle with many
diseases. It provides benefits such as improved strength, endurance, weight control, emotional well-being and a myriad
of other positive results.
God designed families to be our greatest
support system and the building blocks
of society. Healthy families make healthy
communities, including the church!
Family time can be a crucial part of a
childs understanding of relationships,
handling challenges and failures, developing their faith, and deepening family
bonds. Experts say that adults should
aim for at least 30 minutes of daily physical activity and 60 minutes for children.
But how do we fit all of this into our busy
Now that summer is here, it is a great
time to try new activities to get the entire
family active together! Combining fitness
and family time is a great way to multitask your time together.
So where do we start?
Make a plan. It can be flexible, but
get it on the family calendar!
Decide on an activity that includes
the whole family.
Make a chart to record events and
progress...stickers and all! Set some
goals together that family members
want to reach.
Invite friends to join you!
What are some free or low-cost ideas to
get your family moving?

Kelli Tobin
Athletic Ministries Coordinator

Limit the time spent in front of

screens. Make block-out times for all
screens including cell phones, video
games, computers and television!
Make a new family rule -- no sitting
during commercials! :-) Youre welcome, kids!
Plant a family garden.
Plan vacations around an activity.
Hike, camp, fish, bike, backpack.
Start a family tradition. Take an after
dinner walk or plan a monthly family ball game.
Divide and rotate physically active
chores among all family members.
Participate in community events.
Look for benefit runs/walks, litter
patrol, etc. Check the weekend activities in your local paper.
Keep a container in the car with various sports equipment. How about
that Hula Hoop?
Walk everywhere you can rather
than drive. Use the fitness equipment or trails that many local parks
If you stay inside, play your favorite
song and have a dance party. Do fun
workout videos from YouTube or
make up your own dance moves to
the oldies.
Make fitness a game - use flashcards
and a dice to create a workout routine. Use what you have on hand,
like balloons to play Keep It Up.
Sign up for family fitness classes at
your local gym or YMCA.
Look online - there are many websites like Pinterest where you can
find activities your family would enjoy.
Think outside the box! Maybe your

family isnt into a workout or sports,

but you love being active - play laser
tag or go rock climbing. Whatever it
is, use your collective imaginations
to become a fit and active family!
What are the benefits of family fitness?
Here are just a few:
Its easier to get fit together - encouragement and enjoyment keep you
Everyone gets fit and healthy, and
the accountability will keep you motivated.
You have an in-house personal training squad. Parents get to coach their
kids on handling challenges and
failures, working as a team, meeting
goals and encouraging others.
As your bodies get stronger, your
family gets stronger. You go places
in your hearts and minds that might
not come up otherwise. You have
time to talk about God and what is
happening in each others lives. You
get closer together and support each
Its fun! You get to enjoy those silly
moments and building great memories for your whole family!
Sometimes its hard to meet everyones
needs or interests when it comes to exercise, but the important thing is you are
doing it together. Take time this summer to make a tradition of being active
together. You will make great memories
that will last, while honoring your body
the way God intended.
Come on, Christ Church families, lets get
started! On your mark, get set, GO!

Debbie Creagh
Faith Community Nurse Coordinator


Pamela S. Huff
Job Title
Connections Coordinator
Job Description
Help folks get connected in service and small groups, available at the
Sync Center on Sunday mornings for face-to-face help, organize Connect Point every other month, oversee, train, do follow up with small
group leaders, start new small groups. Update small groups on website.


Do you feel you have a purpose or

calling in life?

My purpose in life is helping the next

generation find Christ. Thats why I
choose to babysit for my grandchildren.
I want to be a positive influence so they
can know they are loved by their parents,
grandparents, and most of all God. I
want them to grow up with a service attitude not a selfish one.

How do you handle stress?

I cry first and then get down to the business of praying and trusting God.

Do you attend a small group? How

has this changed your relationships?

I am a part of two different small groups.

Im a big proponent of small groups
if you couldnt tell. I lead a womens
group and am a participant in a couples
group. They are the place of friendship,
spiritual growth and accountability. I
can be myself, and they still like me. I
have definitely learned how to move head
knowledge to my heart in the small group

What are you best at?

Talking! Voicing my thoughts. I think

I am also a pretty good seamstress and
cook. I love to brainstorm.

What have you learned recently

from another Christian?
Its not all about me!

How did you meet your spouse?

We actually were in 5th grade Sunday

school and in the same 6th grade class

in school. We became high school sweethearts our senior year. David told my
best friend he would be interested in going to the Sweetheart Dance with me.
You know, the dance where the girl asked
the guy. So I wasnt going and decided to
ask him. The rest is history. We will be
celebrating our 36th anniversary in October.

in a doctors office, hospital emergency

room and OB. I have been a librarian and
Kindergarten teacher. I worked at another church doing youth, children, adult
education, and small groups.

What advice do you have for the

young people at church?

Are you a task oriented person or a

people oriented person?

Dont be in a hurry to grow up. Its not all

its cut out to be.

Where are you from?

I was born in Cheyenne, Wyoming. My

dad was in the Air Force but grew up in
Clinton, IL. Its my moms hometown, so
when dad retired we moved to Clinton. I
went to first grade through high school in
the town.

Are you a morning or night person?

I am a night person. I could stay up late

sewing if I didnt have to get up in a timely fashion the next morning.

How many cities have you lived in?

What could you do as a child that

you cant do now?
Do a tripod!

I am task oriented. I always have a To

Do list. I tend to accomplish a lot in a
short amount of time. When I focus on a
task I wont quit until its done.

Name one thing you miss about being a kid.

Spring mornings in my childhood home.

Windows open, crisp air, smell of lilacs
wafting through the window. Not a worry in the world.

What is one food that you would

never give up?


What are your hobbies?


Sewing, cooking, baking, reading, crocheting and gardening.

Does your faith show while driving?

Are you a Cubs or Cardinal fan?

Not often.

What jobs have you done?

I have worked in a nursing home feeding

patients, doing laundry, nurses aide, Recreation Director, and LPN. I was an LPN

Cardinal fan all the way.

What world problem would you

like to see resolved this year?
Economic inequality.


Alyssa Johanna Maltby
Austin Gage Moose
Autumn Caroline Dixon
Cameron Allen Moose
Corynne Paige Bean
DeShawn Phoenix Ware
Devin Mack Rainey
Dylan Michael Gralewski
Dylan Michael Lercher
Emily Jane White
Hayden Kingdon
Isaac Shalom Yuhas
Jaron Rudolph Knobeloch
Jessica Grace Camp
Joseph E. Laidley
Josie Kai Xiwan LeQuatte
Kaleigh Marie Schwertman
Kylah A. Marble
Kyle Steven Conner
Kyndall Braelon Riddle
Landon Conrad Gaskill
Logan Michael Middleton
Madison Marie Middleton
Mark Jacob Corrill
Micah Christian Georgian
Nathaniel Owen Enriquez
Quinn M. Van Horn
Tyler Schwahn
Xander N. Van Horn
Zachary Scott Gebhardt

March Worship Avg = 2,125
March Connection Avg = 462
April Worship Avg = 2,455
April Connection Avg = 308
May Worship Avg = 1,991
May Connection Avg = 267

APRIL 2015
Tammy Conner
Shawn Corrill
Samareia Darling-Riddle
Virginia Maltby
LaTosha Marble
Kelly D. Moose
Cherryl A. Rainey
Scott Stoner
Beth R. Van Horn
Joseph H. Van Horn
Krystal Ware
Jeremy Jones
Gloria Jones
Kelly Dortch
Lance Dortch
Michael J. Caughlin
Rick Curtis
Stacy Hollaway
Katie Johnston
New Members April Cont.
James W. Korba
Jennifer Luna
Steven J. Luna
Roxene McPherson
Noah W. Procko
Tommy Reid
Joshua Schmees
Chuck H. Wilson
Tina R. Wilson
Jessica J. Wise
Lisa B. Minerd
Terry W. Minerd
Nancy Schmees
Darren Wiseman
Julie Wiseman
James Fishbein
Mona J. Fishbein
Karen M. Frentzel
Leah N. Nolden

MARCH 2015
Hadley Grace Braswell
Josie Graumenz
Weston Jay Schmees
Dylan Schmees
Elyse MacKenna Cardin
Alaysia Moore
Dublin Michael Russell
APRIL 2015
Autumn Anderson
Rhenaldo M. Barnard
Nola Barth
Miranda Bergman
Aleah Ann Bevineau
Forrest (Alex) Bevineau, III
Jasmine Brown
Dillinger Tyler Cain
Hannah R. Cline
Kyle Steven Conner
Mark Jacob Corrill
Jacob Tyler DeWitt
James Michael Fickinger
Rylee Alyse Gobble
Dylan Michael Gralewski
Kimberly Haguewood
Lori Hayes
Jake Hofmeister
Christopher M. Jackson
Whitney Eva Alyssa King
Joseph E. Laidley
Baptisms April cont.
Dylan Michael Lercher
Alyssa Johanna Maltby
Cassandra Maltby
Bryce Collin Maly
Jazlyn A. Marble
Kylah A. Marble
LaTosha Marble
Adam Moore
Austin Gage Moose
Cameron Allen Moose
Kelly D. Moose
Raegan Ania Morrison
Reese Ann Morrision
David Parker
Jessica Parker
MacKenzie Parker
Samantha Parker
Kenneth Poser, Jr.
Devin Mack Rainey
Kyndall Braelon Riddle
Laurie Leigh Robertson
Ashton Michael Robinson
Kallin Michael Robinson

Kirsten Renee Robinson

Jaden Alexander Russell
Dominic Russell
Makya Seibel
Tyson Seibel
Andrew Schipke
Carter William Stahl
Spencer Michael Stahl
DeShawn Phoenix Ware
Johnathan Whitaker
Winter Williams
Isaac S. Yuhas
Roxene McPherson

Amy Melissa Cook
Bailey Marie Merritt
Erin Marie Merritt
Janae Gaxiola
Natasha Hashemzadehirani
Ruth Ann Merritt
Susan D. Parker

Guida T. Dilday March 13
Marge Curcuro March 16
Marie Albert April 19
June Cleveland May 3

Robin Alan Watt and Christine Lynn
Deremiah April 8
James Edward Hursey and Carmen Lee
Reed May 9


The Bible tells us in Isaiah 55:11, so is

my word that goes out from my mouth:
It will not return to me empty, but will
accomplish what I desire and achieve the
purpose for which I sent it. Jesus set the
example for us as he often used scripture
to pray. God draws near to us when we
pray scripture back to Him, and God will
bless you when you faithfully pray His
Word over your extended family and our
Christ Church family.
Titus 2:1-8 But as for you, teach what is
consistent with sound doctrine. Tell the
older men to be temperate, serious, prudent, and sound in faith, in love, and in
endurance. Likewise, tell the older women to be reverent in behavior, not to be
slanderers or slaves to drink; they are to
teach what is good, so that they may encourage the young women to love their
husbands, to love their children, to be
self-controlled, chaste, good managers of
the household, kind, being submissive to
their husbands, so that the word of God
may not be discredited. Likewise, urge
the younger men to be self-controlled.
Show yourself in all respects a model of
good works, and in your teaching show
integrity, gravity, and sound speech that
cannot be censured; then any opponent
will be put to shame, having nothing evil
to say of us.


that your children,

family and friends
would seek Gods face
to learn how to walk
with Him.

Proverbs 22:6 Train children in the right

way, and when old, they will not stray.
Pray for discernment and empowerment
for teaching your children Gods Word.
Ephesians 6:1-4 Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. Honor
your father and motherthis is the first
commandment with a promise: so that
it may be well with you and you may live
long on the earth. And, fathers, do not
provoke your children to anger, but bring
them up in the discipline and instruction
of the Lord.

for self-control.

Galatians 6:10 So then, whenever we have

an opportunity, let us work for the good
of all, and especially for those of the family of faith.


for discernment
in recognizing
opportunities to serve.
1 Thessalonians 5:11 Therefore encourage
one another and build up each other, as
indeed you are doing.


that God would fill you

with a desire to be an
Ephesians 6:10-18 Finally, be strong in
the Lord and in the strength of his power. Put on the whole armor of God, so
that you may be able to stand against the
wiles of the devil. For our struggle is not
against enemies of blood and flesh, but
against the rulers, against the authorities,
against the cosmic powers of this present darkness, against the spiritual forces
of evil in the heavenly places. Therefore
take up the whole armor of God, so that
you may be able to withstand on that evil
day, and having done everything, to stand
firm. Stand therefore, and fasten the
belt of truth around your waist, and put
on the breastplate of righteousness. As
shoes for your feet put on whatever will
make you ready to proclaim the gospel of
peace. With all of these, take the shield
of faith, with which you will be able to
quench all the flaming arrows of the evil
one. Take the helmet of salvation, and the
sword of the Spirit, which is the word of
God. Pray in the Spirit at all times in every prayer and supplication. To that end
keep alert and always persevere in supplication for all the saints.


for Gods protection

and empowerment
to stand against the


The highest compliment

I can receive is the referral
of friends, family,
& business partners,

Providing Our Community

and Military/VA with Options

~ Thank You ~

Carie Bradshaw
(618) 593-3258

Steve White
Providing Our Community
and Military/VA with Options

Carie Bradshaw

(618) 593-3258

Mobile: (618) 407-9110


You can help Christ Church produce the Flame magazine by
becoming a sponsor. Call us at 618-277-4659 for details.



Its time to get ready for VBS! All children, starting from 4 years old up to
those entering 6th grade, are invited to attend. This years theme is Move!
and kids will learn about people in the Bible who changed direction after
meeting Jesus. All four campuses will host VBS this summer.


Fairview Heights Campus

July 13-17 | 6PM - 8PM
Millstadt Campus
July 22-24 | 6:30PM - 8PM
Collinsville/Maryville Campus
July 29-31 | 6PM - 8PM
Scott Campus
August 4-6 | 6PM - 8PM
Register Online At
Learn more about Christ Church at 618-2774659. 339 Frank Scott Parkway East, Fairview Heights, IL 62208.

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